2012: refocusing the impact welcome what you`ll find inside


2012: refocusing the impact welcome what you`ll find inside
Thanks for picking up (or downloading) this Annual General Meeting “Magazine”. We
encourage you to treat it like you would any other magazine you might have in your
Flip through and read the stories and reports ...
Browse the advertisements for upcoming events and ministry opportunities ...
Enjoy the photos people have submitted to us ...
Be inspired by the impact that God is having …
Then, leave it out on the coffee table for others to read and for you to re-read.
 A Personal Note from Paul Hawkes - “What is Refocusing the Impact?”
 “Refocusing Growth Groups” + Growth Groups 101
 “Refocusing on Caring”
 “Refocusing on our Buildings Impact” + Harvest Committee and the Library
 Decorations Committee and the Alpha Course
 “Refocusing on our Men” + “Refocusing on our Women”
 “Refocusing on Worship” + A Personal Note from Shawn Green
 “Refocusing on Kidz Ministry”
 “Refocusing on Youth”
 “Refocusing on Missions: Across the Street and Around the World”
 “Refocusing on Generosity” + An Overview of the 2012/2013 Budget Proposal
ELDERS - Harvey Burian, Steve Cotton, Barry Wray, Rick Campbell, Ron Sing
DEACONS - Phil Charlebois, Lyla Cornelisse, Rob Gibbs, Rob Jackson, Barbara Judd,
David Karras, Dorothy Phillips, Corinne Ryvers, Ken Taekema, Marilyn Wilson, Frieda
PASTOR / DIRECTORS - Paul Hawkes (Pastor), Shawn Green (Pastor), Dan
King (Pastor), Barbara Judd (Interim Director), Kirstyn Rogers (Interim Director)
imp a c t
We are coming to the end of our five year
vision, begun in 2007 to “Imagine the
Impact” that the Good News of the Kingdom
of God could have in our community if we, the
people of God, intentionally offered our gifts
and resources to God’s Kingdom work.
Well, we have made an impact and as a church body, we continue to see lives changed!
People have been influenced for the Kingdom of God across the street and around the
world. This AGM 2012 booklet summarizes only a few of the ways that lives are being
impacted for the Kingdom of God. It also reveals some of the plans that are being
considered to carry this vision into the coming year. However, I believe there remains a great
opportunity for us, individually and corporately, to make a significantly greater impact. We
have only scratched the surface.
Some of you might be saying, “Imagine the Impact, I’ve never heard of that!” In a nutshell it
summarizes our desire to emphasize a single phrase in our Mission statement, “we desire to
be a people…who choose to impact their world”. While we are nearing the end of our five
year plan I do not believe it is time to consider another direction.
I read somewhere not long ago that “a powerful brand comes from consistency”. I understood that to mean that sometimes the best thing we can do is not rebrand ourselves – to
use an advertising phrase -- but rather, to remain constant and consistent.
Now is not the time to consider a new direction. However, now is the time to refocus. And so,
that is the theme of our annual report: “Refocusing the Impact”
As leadership and ministries, we have already begun to do this, but there is a great deal
more that needs to be talked about and prayed about and lived out.
Where does that refocusing begin? It begins by making sure we are
guided by the Word of God.
The greatest constant in our lives comes from focusing all that we
do on God’s word. I have been thrilled to see the impact that the
Word of God is having through this church: in children and youth
ministries, as the young adults meet and talk and pray, in our
women’s ministries, music ministry, care ministry, in Growth
Groups, and so many other areas and ministries.
Paul Hawkes is
our lead pastor.
He is passionate
about the Lord, his
wife, his family
and fishing!
John Stott once wrote,
“A deaf church is a dead church; that is an unalterable principle. God quickens, feeds, inspires and
guides his people by his Word. For whenever the
Bible is truly and systematically expounded, God
uses it to give his people the vision without which
they perish”.
In early February, I asked our Elders and Deacons to start
preparing for a leadership retreat. I had asked the elders
and deacons to begin praying that God would open the
eyes of our hearts and minds towards ourselves, our
church, and our
community. Then, as we prayed, to
wrestle with the following questions ...
* continued on the last page ...
Refocus (verb) 1. focus once again;
2. focus anew;
3. put again into focus or
focus more sharply.
Spiritual growth happens in life, not a classroom.
We have been prone to follow a discipleship
model that is linear: we take various courses on
various topics such as ‘Biblical Basics’ or
‘Spiritual Disciplines’ for 10 to 13 weeks at a
time. These courses contain lots of information,
to be true, but much of it can seem irrelevant at
the time.
Growth Groups
currently meeting
each week
A need-to-know moment happens when we find ourselves in a predicament where we need
to know God’s viewpoint on an issue we have never dealt with. How do you deal with a
touchy ethical issue at school or work? Someone is involved in something that you are not
sure about and they are asking you to join in with them. You need-to-know if the bible
speaks to this issue and if so what does it say? Maybe it’s a theological discussion that had
come up and you are not quite sure what to think.
All of sudden it matters what the bible says.
Need-to-grow moments are similar, but they’re usually accompanied by a trial or a stretching
experience. It might be a new job with a bad boss, the rough sledding of a financial mess, or
the pain of a broken heart. These situations call us into a deeper relationship with God.
In other words, life happens: it rarely unfolds according to a neat plan. And those who most
often come out the other end in the best shape are those who are stuck to others.
We believe that one significant way you become stuck to another is by connecting yourself
into a Growth Group.
To experience genuine and lasting spiritual growth, most of us will have to find a way to
move beyond the casual and cautious relationships we so easily settle for. Even in PFBC our
services are too large for us to know the names, much less the lives, of the people we
worship with.
It’s imperative that we find a place where our reality speaks louder than our image, where we
can find help when struggling with need-to-know and need-to-grow situations. We need to
place ourselves in situation where we will receive the help we need the moment we need it.
Without the influence of other Christians, growth and God-pleasing spirituality will be hard to
come by.
We want to encourage you to consider joining a Growth Group.
The percentage of
adults at PFBC active
in Growth Groups
Adults connected
into community!
I like the way Larry Osborne puts it:
“Spiritual Growth comes as a result of life putting
us into need-to-know or need-to-grow situations.”
Growth Groups are about life, about Christian living. We want to make fully devoted
followers of Jesus Christ: disciples who live out their faith seven days a week. Here are
some questions that you might be asking …
What is a Growth Group?
A Growth Group is a home fellowship that meets weekly to share, study and
support one another. An average meeting lasts for an hour and a half, followed
by light refreshments.
How Important Are Growth Groups?
Our goal at Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church, is to see Growth Groups
become a cornerstone ministry. They're the place where the real ministry of the
church takes place as we study God's Word, while supporting and sharing our
lives with one another. We believe that meeting together on a regular basis is
time well spent.
When and Where Do They Meet?
Growth Groups meet on various nights of the week in homes throughout
Oceanside. Most groups meet from 7-9 pm.
How Long Do They Last?
Each Growth Group semester lasts 9 to 11 weeks. We have Fall, Winter & Spring
sessions. At the end of each semester, you will have the choice of staying in the
same group, trying a new group or even taking a break. Most groups stay
together throughout the entire year. Growth Groups do not meet mid-June
through August.
What is the Required Commitment?
When joining a Growth Group we ask that you make a 9 to 11 week commitment to attend weekly meetings and do the preparation ahead of time.
Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts and other
special events. This commitment is the key to a strong Growth Group. You have
the first three weeks to attend the group to make sure it's a good fit for you.
Care Ministry
Visitation Team
The Care Ministry begins by ‘helping
our guests feel at home’. Each week
our ‘Hosting Teams’ – Ushers, Greeters, Information Kiosk – interact with
guests, moving them ‘from the street to
a seat’.
It is the privilege of the visitation team to
encourage and support, through regular
visits to people who are shut ins and/or now
live in care facilities. While we leave it up to
individual members of the team to set their
own schedules we do try to meet once a
month to compare notes and make sure no
one is being missed. Those who cannot
make the meetings are encouraged to
submit information via email, telephone etc.
We offer coffee and fellowship between
services because we want everyone to
‘feel at home’ and be touched by the
love of God.
Our name tags help us to remember
each other from week to week and if we
see that you’ve been absent for some
time, we’ll contact you to make sure
everything is OK.
Care continues toward our church family as we pray for one another through
our Prayer Chain; as we take time for
visiting seniors and provide worship
services in care homes; as we rush to
the hospital when needed; as we host
memorial services; and as we provide
rides to appointments or home repair
when necessary.
Christ’s ministry is one of ‘care and
compassion to the community’ – seeking all who are lost and addressing
every need with His peace and
presence. This is the church. This is
how we care. This is your invitation to
join the team.
As we consider our theme, “Refocusing
the Impact”, how will you make a
difference in someone’s life this year?
- Jerrold Paetkau
Sunday Services in
the Care Homes
In a large church it can be challenging to
keep track of those who can no longer make
it out to church due to health and mobility
issues. We rely on the eyes and ear of the
church as a whole to bring to our attention
those who may be encouraged by a visit or a
note. Some of these people have good
support groups through family and friends
and others do not so we try to take this into
consideration as we plan our visits.
It is with great pleasure that I write this
report on the vital and rewarding ministry
of conducting short Sunday afternoon
services in Parksville area Care Homes.
These services are between thirty and
forty-five minutes in duration and incorporate prayer, a lot of hymn singing,
Scripture reading and a short message.
The residents welcome these important
times of worship and particularly enjoy
singing the many fine old hymns.
There are currently twelve people officially
on the visitation team, Keith and Ofelia
Jackson continue to serve as the Visitation
For each service we supply teams of
three people: a worship leader, a pianist
and a message-giver. The following is a
list of people in our church community
who are involved in this very worthwhile
Sometimes this team’s role is simply to give
a hug, say a prayer, read a bit of Scripture
and let people know they are not forgotten.
Other times it is to encourage their caregivers. There is always room for more on the
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do
good to all people, especially to those who
belong to the family of believers.”
- Galatians 6:10
on caring
David and Joan Evans; Bill and Joan
Campbell; Owen and Betty Thomas;
Ken and Thelma Hasper; Jerry Phillips;
Reg Brooks; Frieda Zalinko; Marla Dyson;
Doug Kirsch; Will Chambers; Rod Fraser;
and Jacquie Shipley.
- Bryan Rudgard
Panabode Church
Harvest Committee
Below: our first building
Stellas Café, 1951
If you have been near the kitchen when
the crew is working then you know
where all the laughter is coming from!
We are seeking additional crew for all
the varied jobs in and out of the kitchen.
We are all busy people and can’t be
available for every event. Any amount of
time you can give for any event is appreciated. Please join us for a great time of
fellowship, learning and fun!
on our buildings impact
The Library
This last year has been a great year for your church library!
The custodial/maintenance staff (Mark and Mike and the Maintenance Committee) have been
working hard to make our church building as pleasant and welcoming as possible for those
who come to minister as well as those who are being ministered to.
We purchased 147 new books and 18 DVDs during the last 12
months, plus you (our church community) donated 107 books and
17 DVDs.
This past year we saw some great improvements to our building, including the kitchen, which
had a major renovation done to it (work surfaces made more versatile and easier to sanitize;
the floor is now safer for the crews working; carts for under the counter in Connections will
complete the project.), and also an upgrade in the men’s washroom.
Our Library Volunteer group has remained stable, with one departure and one new addition to our number. This is an amazing
group and they are doing a superb job!
As a new year is upon us, we look forward to continuing to make improvements. This year we
will see a new staff / volunteer lounge and lunch area added, significant storage upgrades,
and we will be purchasing equipment to better maintain and even enhance our old linoleum
1100 45
2625 4500
different groups use
the church building
each week
meals served at
approx 40 events in
the last year
(Harvest Committee)
Below: current building
(photo from 1998)
people access the
each week
The total number of
books and video
material in the Library!
trash bins get
emptied each
and every week!
The estimated number of items
the Harvest Committee washed
last year (not including dishes)!
Please come see us on Sundays or Wednesdays between 10am
and noon, and please support the ‘Library Book and DVD Sale’ to
further add to our collection on Sunday, June 10th.
“We love the library at
Parksville Baptist Church
because it provides a
Christian option for
entertainment and
resources for our family,
without having to be
concerned about
secular alternatives.
Our boys see our weekly
visit to the library as a
regular part of our
Sunday worship routine.
The resources available
are quite impressive and
help us all grow in our
Christian walk together
as a family.”
- Adrian & Rebecca
Chesham and family
Decorating enhances the visual part
of our corporate worship.
Easter and Thanksgiving are prime
decorating times as well as other
occasions that we’re asked to do.
The baptistry has been used for
Jonah and the Whale, the Garden
Tomb (pictured), and the backdrop
for the Christmas crèche.
Christmas is our most ambitious decorating time of the year and we
try to make the church ‘homey’ and welcoming for the many who come through our doors
during this season. It was heartwarming to see people sit around the old fashioned Christmas scene in the Connections room and feel like they were in a friend’s living room.
We are grateful for many who volunteer to help this year and want you to know that we
welcome ideas from the congregation. You don’t have to be a decorating “expert” to be on
this committee as the ideas flow when we get together and share.
Finally, a big “Thank You!” to ‘Fresh and Fabulous Flowers’ who have provided beautiful
bouquets each Sunday at the Traditions service.
Judy Haynes
The Alpha Course
We had twenty-two people attending the Alpha Course this past year. It was a group that
represented a cross section of our entire community.
We met on Monday evenings and the Harvest Committee prepared a hearty meal that
opened the evening with a pleasant social and non-threatening time.
The program began with a 40 minute video presentation on the topic for the evening, then
the group was divided into 4 smaller groups for discussion. A leader and helper facilitated
each, and this year we were blessed with a knowledgeable and enthusiastic team.
Two people put their faith in Christ that we know of, but we also felt that several were
strongly influenced by what they learned about Jesus and the Christian walk.
Jack Vincent
July 16th to 20th
Kidz Ministry
Backyard Bible Clubs!
on our women
Firstly, we would like to thank all the people who have served the men in our church and
especially the Harvest Committee who serves so graciously every time we have a Men’s
Breakfast. Thank you!
This past year we held several events – bowling nights, hiking trips, a day at Saratoga
Speedway, and golf tourney among other things.
Our signature event, the Men’s Breakfast, was held three times last year and was well
attended. In October it featured mission conference speaker Julyan Lidstone and in March
a couple of men from our church community told us their personal stories, encouraging us in
the Lord.
The next year looks to be more of the same and we will also look forward to holding a men’s
retreat this year as well.
Men’s Ministry aspires to bring men deeper in their relationship with God,
through Christ, by encouraging fellowship, bible studies and prayer.
We have several groups of men who meet, informally, on a regular basis to strengthen,
encourage and ‘sharpen’ one another. There is also a group that meets every Thursday
morning praying for our church family. We’d love to see these expand as more men join.
We will continue to work to foster strong, meaningful relationships and we ask to partner with
us in prayer that men will find fellowship that will draw them nearer to God our Father
through Jesus our Lord.
on our men
Women’s Ministry at Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church has the vision statement:
“To encourage women in a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ”.
Our vision statement is what we are aiming to encourage in the women of PFBC.
Our main ministry is the Tuesday Bible studies. There are over 100 women who regularly
participate in the morning, afternoon and evening studies. We believe this is a vital way to
encourage women in their relationship with God.
We also have encouraged some of our young ladies to start “Tumble Time”, a drop-in
fellowship time for moms with young children on Thursday mornings.
We continually try to encourage women whenever we can in our daily lives, and when our
leadership team meets we’ve begun to do this through simple notes that we write and
send out together. God has blessed many and we have been blessed too!!
In the Fall of 2011 we enjoyed a “Prayer and Worship” Saturday with musical guests,
‘Black and White’, and this Spring we hosted the “Voices of Easter” brunch which was a
wonderful success.
Currently, we are planning on finding out what the women of our church would like to see
added to the women’s ministry in our church through a questionnaire. Watch for it soon!
We were sad to see Jean Paetkau step down as one of the Tri-Chairpersons, but glad to
have worked with her over the last few years. Our present chairpersons are Sue Mueller
and Bev Groenewold.
A Note from Shawn
This past year has been a wonderful time in the worship ministry. God has been working and
moving in our midst and it has been a privilege to be used by Him and serve Him and His
on W O R S H I P
It is always a joy to come into our building and gather with the Body of Christ and exalt Jesus
in worship on a weekly basis. Sundays are a great day to reconnect with people and worship
God alongside them. It is always an immense joy for me to serve alongside the numerous
volunteers in the worship ministry as well. Not only is it a joy to strive for excellence in our
music but also to bring the Lord an excellent offering of praise as we turn our whole hearts
towards Him.
I dearly appreciate every person who gives of their time and energy and contributes so much
to the Worship Ministry in a regular basis. A huge THANK YOU to all of you!
- Shawn Green
This past year we celebrated our 2nd Annual “Worship Ministry Volunteer Appreciation Dinner”
and we were able to send out over 80 invitations! That means that a lot of people in our church
are stepping up and serving in this ministry. We plan to hold our Third Annual dinner sometime
in June 2012.
We have also had the privilege of bringing in a few different musical groups this past year.
We had the pleasure of hearing and seeing the music of GMA Covenant Award winning
violinist Trevor Dick, and we hosted Tenore, the three Christian Tenors in early May. Looking
ahead, we are in discussion with Steve Bell and hope to bring him in for a concert in
November 2012.There is a lot of great music coming to Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church!
This year we have had many great things happen in the Worship Ministry that have helped us
continue to strive for excellence in our music. We have made many upgrades to our
equipment which improved the quality of our sound immensely. The addition of top quality
drums and drum microphones has been a great improvement and asset to the church’s
We had the joy of seeing the PFBC Choir & Orchestra (pictured above) finish its first full
season of ministry. It was a thrill to have the Choir & Orchestra as part of our Worship
Encounter services on a regular basis this past year and also to have the chance to sing at
the Women’s Ministry event called, The Voices of Easter.
We are also working to upgrade our current video projector with the hope of improving the
brightness and clarity of the images we project in our services.
Joining the Choir and Orchestra were the Men in Accord, who also had a wonderful season
of ministry this past year, seeing them as far as Victoria and all the way to Campbell River in
addition to performances here in the Oceanside area. The Men are invited to sing at many
events and it seems their popularity is continuing to grow as the invitations for GIGS
(Gentlemen in God’s Service) continue to roll in!
God is doing amazing ministry through our music!
We are excited for what the coming year holds for PFBC and pray God’s continued blessing
on this Worship Ministry. May He continue to be exalted and lifted high on a regular basis
both locally and around the world, to the Glory of God. Praise the LORD!
Re-Focusing the Impact for Kidz this year involved
learning about our own church community people
and how they are serving as missionaries both in
our neighborhood (across the street) and around
the world.
Many came to share their personal stories, including Robin Campbell (MANNA), Mr. and Mrs.
Miller (Hands at Work), and Mrs. Ryvers and her
daughter Sarah (Orphans in China).
The Lord has graciously continued to bless
us with dedicated leaders and helpers.
We are delighted to have several new
workers both in the Nursery and our upstairs programs. We are struggling to get
workers to help out with the Thirsty program at 6:30pm on Sunday evenings both
for 3 year olds to grade 5 and for the
Nursery. Please pray that we will get the
necessary volunteers to help with Thirsty
in the upcoming year.
Our Nursery workers report that the
toddlers and infants seem to really enjoy
the Boz Bear program that we offered this
year and hope to continue it in the fall.
Our infants continued to experience God’s
love through our faithful workers as they
shared songs and stories together.
We are in our second year of the
Generations Of Grace Curriculum upstairs
with children ages 3 to grade 5.
“Thanks for teachi
Testastories of the Old
we bement. As a family
t our
lieve it’s importan
God used
children see how
e stories
the people in thes
to preto glorify Him and
pare the way for
This year our
theme was
‘Fully Reliant
On God’
(or F.R.O.G.).
“When I asked my
which of the weekl
icip ed
activities she part
e she
in was her favorit
replied without he
and with much joy
as her
Sunday School w
absolute favorite!
This year our theme was Fully Reliant On
God (or F.R.O.G.). What a wonderful
example the men and women of the Old
Testament like David, Joshua, Gideon,
Rahab, and Ruth provided us. They were
ordinary people who had to Fully Rely On
God in the challenges presented to them.
We also worshipped and praised God
through new songs, bible verses and the
many applications the teaching presented
each week.
At Christmas we decorated over 100 lunch bags
with pictures and scriptures for the inmates at the
Nanaimo Correctional Center. We received an
email telling us that many of the bags we had sent
last year were still displayed on inmate’s walls.
We are grateful our children can share God’s love
in such a simple way.
We also presented a Christmas play entitled
“Baby Jesus, We Love You!” The children gave
an amazing message through word and music.
We praise God for the way it blessed all of those
Our desire is to be developing hearts that live to
share God’s love through generosity:
 At Christmas the children brought in food
for Manna.
 On Palm Sunday the children shared how
o n our y o u t h
they had raised $580 to send to Compassion Canada.
Summer Bible Club, themed “I Survived
and Thrived,” taught children to out-serve,
out-trust, and out-pray in every situation.
Bringing in bottles for recycling to raise
funds to support the Millers in their work
with Hands At Work in Africa.
on k i d z m i n i s t r y
From a teacher:
ivilege it
“What a joy and pr
has been to be te
r older
and praying with ou
elementary studen
Our God is so grac
It’s been an absolute joy this past year to
once again be involved on the front lines of
evangelism, discipleship, and leadership
development with the 11 to 25 year old youth
and young adults in our church community
and in Oceanside as a whole.
For many teens in our community, the midweek PYM programs are the first contact
that they have ever had with Christian community in their lives. This past year we’ve
seen over 220 teens walk through our doors
(including 20% of the middle school students
in Parksville). Although all do not stay longterm, each has had a chance to hear the
message of the Cross and been invited to
explore Christianity and learn who Christ is.
Small group discipleship was a key area of
focus during the last year, and we had 12
groups meeting on a regular basis for the
youth and young adults. That means that
over 70 people were connected to a caring
and mentoring gathering of fellow believers.
Discipleship also involves exposing students
to opportunities to serve others. During the
last year close to 25 teens and young adults
were involved in short term mission experiences around the world. Many more were
also involved here in Oceanside as they
served their own community in the name of
Leadership Development
There were over 35 people involved in
frontline leadership with PYM during the
past year. Each of them felt the calling of
the Lord to invest in young lives, and each
made an impact. Many were involved in
mid-week programming, several were small
group leaders, and others were simply
available to serve where needed whether it
be administrative tasks, setup and teardown, or providing regular snacks for teens.
A highlight this year was seeing more than
a dozen student leaders step up. Many
were involved in the worship teams, but others engaged in ministry as greeters during
the mid-week programs, and also joined in
on the pre-event prayer meetings.
Coming Soon
In the months ahead, we’ll be taking a
group of students to a leadership training
conference in California, continuing to
enhance our small group focus, building the
leadership team for the Fall months, and
praying that God would continue to move
mightily in Oceanside!
o n our y o u t h
our welcome back weekend
The Missions Committee's focus is to encourage those members who feel called to serve in
part or full time ministry and it has been a blessing to do this during the last year. This year we
continue our focus on missions both Across the Street and Around the World.
Prayer and effort went into encouraging those within our own congregation to get involved in
Missions both locally and abroad. Fascinating results and commitments were made impacting
our community and distant countries.
Across The Street
 Lauren Berg continues his work with Power to Change, establishing contact
with many around the world via the internet.
 Manna Ministries have impacted our community with Spiritual and Physical
needs being met. Over 400 survival bags have been given out so far in 2012.
Robin Campbell and Steve Karras are directing this effective ministry.
 The Clothes Closet and Food Cupboard have clothed and fed many of our
neighbors over the past year.
 The Prison Ministry continues to serve the Nanaimo Correctional Center
inmates through song, God's Word, building relationships and the sharing of
 Dougie Lougheed is working with Young Life in Qualicum and Parksville,
reaching out to the youth in our community.
 Support taken on for Coastal Missions and Catherine Buschhaus.
 Supported the Black’s and Buhler’s Vancouver-based Bible Translation work .
 Camp Qwanoes continues to touch hundreds of campers each summer.
Around the World
 Thomas Elwood and Kevin Gourlay travelled to Poland to aid the Jutras with
the (Project Barnabas) in April ‘12 along with 12 others led by Gord Reeve.
 Stephanie Moore and Stuart McLeod will be leading a team of 11 youth to
Ireland this summer to work with Youth for Christ’s Project 32.
 Through the church’s generosity we have been able to support efforts like:
flood relief in Pakistan ; a student for one year at Calcutta Bible institute;
orphans in Africa through Hands at Work
 $8751.05 raised at the Missions Conference for Julyan Lidstone (OM)
 George and Marj Miller and Stephanie
Moore travelled to Africa in April/May
ministering to orphans through Hands at
 Remaining funds from our past Africa
Project were directed to "Deeds of Love"
in South Africa through the FEBI office.
on M I S S I O N S
The Future Looks Bright
With some of our supported missionaries returning from the field (the Muellers from Copper
Island) or moving location (the Weeks family from Ecuador to Australia; Blacks from Pakistan
to Vancouver) there have been opportunities to adjust support levels and add other vital
ministries from around the globe (Catherine Buschhaus with Coastal Missions and George
and Marj Miller with Hands at Work).
Our Missions Conference will again be happening in October and will include motivational
speakers with workshops that appeal to a wide cross-section of our church community.
We want you to get to know our missionaries and encourage you to see the mission bulletin
board located beside the church library.
As a congregation we support George and Marj Miller (Africa), Terry and Joannie Wiley
(Pakistan), Mark and Katherine Buhler (Canada), Diego and Claudia Cordona (Columbia),
Pierre and Hanna Jutras (Poland), Rod and Donna Black (Canada), David and Dianne Bain
(China), Gary and Tammy Goertzen (Angola), Catherine Buschhaus (Canada), and Brent and
Shelly Weeks (Australia). Please continue to pray for each of them and their ministries.
Finally, please let the office know if you would like to receive update letters from our various
missionaries via e-mail.
For His Kingdom,
Steve Dempster, Missions Committee
Proposed Budget for 2012/2013
on our generosity
Partnership 2016
Office Expenses
April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 Giving Summary
Total General Giving (toward budget)
Additional Giving above General
Camp Fund
(serving church families in need)
Building Fund
Bethlehem Walk
(funds forwarded to the Salvation Army)
(funds and donated food & clothing helping those
less fortunate and homeless in our community)
Salaries & Benefits
Care & Admin.
Children’s Ministry
Youth & Young Adult
Church Leadership/
(funds forwarded to designated missionaries
around the world)
Silent Auction, Jajikistan “All About Children”
A detailed financial report will be available at the AGM.
Total Expenses
… continued from page 3 ...
… the following questions ...
 Why has our numerical growth leveled off over the past 8 years?
 Are there spiritual issues we need to identify?
 Are there points of struggle that we face or impediments to growth:
physical, organizational etc.?
 To read and reflect on the seven churches in Revelation 2 & 3 and ask
which speaks most directly to our situation here are PFBC? Why?
 To read and reflect on the first three petitions of the Lord’s Prayer:
Hallowed be thy name – What does this look like in PFBC?
Thy kingdom come – How will this happen at PFBC?
Thy will be done – What is God’s will for our church?
 To read and reflect on Isaiah 58:1-14 within a PFBC context.
To become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
who choose to impact our world!
Through these reflections and then subsequent discussions we will be able to begin “Refocusing the
Impact” for the days ahead.
But I have something to ask each of you also.
Choosing to impact the world is not only a corporate decision, it is an intensely personal decision. The
church does not change the world … people do. Will you personally commit to being part of God’s story
here in Oceanside? Will you consider how we might be able to give everyone in Oceanside an
opportunity to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? As fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
we want to have an even greater impact across the street and around the world.
By the grace of God, the passionate response of his
people, and with the leading and empowerment of
the Holy Spirit, we desire to impact our world in the
following ways …
Finally, will you begin to pray this prayer with me? It is not original to me but it is biblical and it reflects
my heart.:
"Dear Lord God, You love the people of Oceanside and I want to play a part in what
You are doing in our midst. Show me how I can help bring life and joy to the people I
encounter each day. What I have is Yours. Please show me what You want me to give:
my gifts, my time, and my finances. I want to be part of Your story through Parksville
Fellowship Baptist Church."
And may I say, what a privilege and joy it is to serve alongside you here are PFBC.
Paul Hawkes
Lead Pastor
the last year ...
people took
‘Discover Us’,
as an
to PFBC.
new members
joined our
church family
Through Prayer
Through Evangelism
Through Worship Services
Through Growth Groups
Through Discipleship
Through ‘Joining the Family’
* see www.parksvillebaptist.org for more insight into
each area as we REFOCUS THE IMPACTthis year!