a descriptive analysis of children education in the fatimah az


a descriptive analysis of children education in the fatimah az
Submitted to the Board of Examines as a Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam
(S.Pd.I) in the English Department
By :
NIM. 11306015
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website : www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail : [email protected]
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Hereby the writer fully declares that this paper is made by the writer
herself, and does not contain any materials written or having been published b
other people except information cited from the references.
The writer is capable of accounting this graduating paper if in the future
this is proved of containing other ideas or in fact the writer imitates the other
This declaration is made by the writer and she hopes that can be
Allah will exalt, in degree those of you
Who believe and those who have been granted knowledge
(QS. Al-mujadilah 28:11)
This Graduating Paper would be heartedly dedicated to:
The writer’s beloved parents, Mr Syafi’i and Mrs. Siti Rumiyati thanks for
support, trust, finance, and encouragement.
Her beloved husband; Mas Zainal Arofiq, her small cute daughter; Elsa
Lausiana thanks for their love and affection
Her beloved brother; Muhammad As’adi
Her special English teacher; Mrs. Sri Yuniarsih
Her special friend, Mbak Sumiyati thanks for your help at all
All of her friends in TBI 2006 and 2007, she misses them all
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, The Lord of
The Universe. Because of Him, the writer is able to finish this graduating paper
as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English
Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN)
of Salatiga.
Secondly, peace and solution always be given to our prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from darkness to the brightness.
However, this success would not be achieved without any supports,
guidance, advices, help and encouragement from individuals and institution. The
writer somehow realizes that this is an appropriate moment for her to deepest
gratitude to:
Dr. Imam Sutomo,M. Ag, as the head of State Institute of Islamic Studies
(STAIN) of Salatiga
Maslikhatul Umami M.A, as the chief of English Department,
Hammam, M.Pd as the consultant of this graduating paper, the one who is
always ready to solve problems concerning knowledge, wisdom, attention,
and kindness.
All lectures of TBI ( Mr. Sa’adi, Mr. Hammam, Mr. Ruwandi Mr. Hanung,
Mr. Nurwanto, Mr. Ari, Mr. Faizal, Mrs. Rini, Mrs. Woro, Mrs. Noor
Malikhah, Mrs. Umami and so on) for giving good skills and education
All of students of TBI 2006 who she can not engrave the most beautiful
memories without them. The writer’s beloved parents, Mr Syafi’i and Mrs.
Siti Rumiyati thanks for support, trust, finance, and encouragement.
Her beloved husband; Mas Zainal Arofiq, her small cute daughter; Elsa
Lausiana thanks for their love and affection
Her beloved brother; Muhammad As’adi
10. Her special English teacher; Mrs. Sri Yuniarsih
11. Her special friend, Mbak Sumiyati thanks for your help at all
Finally, the writer expects constructive critics and suggestions from
readers, because this paper is still far from perfect. This paper is expected to be
able to provide useful information to the reader.
Sa’adah, Siti, 2011. “A Descriptive Analysis of Children Education in the
Fatimah Zahra’s Concept Found in Ibrahim Amini’s Book”, Graduating
Paper, STAIN, Tarbiyah, Counselor: Hammam, M.Pd.
This is a descriptive study based on a library research deals with the
Fatimah Az Zahra’s concept of children education. This study aims to know (1)
the significance of Fatimah Az-Zahra’s concepts on children education (2) the
relevance of Fatimah Az Zahra’s concepts on children education, and (3) the
implication of Fatimah Az-Zahra’s concepts on children education
This study is collected by documentation method. Then, the selected
documents is analyzed and compared by using descriptive analysis method. The
writer analyzes the data or information about children education in Islam, a
Fatimah Az-Zahra’s concept of children education then the writer concludes the
significance, relevance and implications from Fatimah Az-Zahra’s concept in
children education
From the analysis, she concludes that there are five concepts of Fatimah
Az Zahra, those are love and affection, growing personality, faith and devotion,
obeying the rules and respect others’ right and sport and play. Those concepts are
suitable to be applied in the past, nowadays and in the future.
Keywords: Children education, Parents, Fatimah A-Zahra’s concept
TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………….
DECLARATION …………………………………………………………...
CERTIFICATION PAGE ………………………………………………….
MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………..
DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………………………
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………...
A. Background of the Study..........................................
B. Limitation of the Study ............................................
C. Statement of the Problem ........................................
D. Objective of the Research ........................................
E. Benefit of the Study .................................................
F. Definition of Key Terms .........................................
G. Previous Research Literatures..................................
H. Research Methodology ...........................................
The Outline of Paper ...............................................
A. Family of Fatimah Az-Zahra ....................................
B. The Marriage ...........................................................
C. The Death .................................................................
A. Love and Affection ..................................................
B. Growing the Personality ..........................................
C. Faith and Devotion ...................................................
D. Obeying the Rules and Respect Other’s Right ........
E. Sport and Play ..........................................................
F. Comment of Ibrahim Amini.....................................
A. The Significance ......................................................
B. The Relevance ..........................................................
C. The Implication ........................................................
Suggestions .............................................................
A. Background of the Study
Education is very important in our life. It means that the process of
learning is started from unknown to be known. Education is identical with
formal education or popular on school. Whereas, it was not only formal
system but also informal one. After the birth of children will spend much time
with their family, and learn much from their parent about everything. Hurlock
said about this as follows:
“The family is the most important part of child‟s socials network,
this is because the members of the family constitute the child first
environment and are the most significant people during early,
formative years. From contacts with family members, children
lay the foundation for attitude toward people, things, and life in
general. They also lay the foundation for patterns of adjustment
and learn to think of themselves as the members of their family
think of them. As a result, they learn to adjust to live on the basis
of the home. As social horizons broaden and children come in
contacts with peers and adult outside the home, these early
foundations, laid in the home, may be changed and modified,
though they are never completely eradicated, instead, they
influence later attitude and behavior patterns”.
It is probably impossible however to isolate the development of the
child from other family. How much influences and what from this influence
will take in the child‟s development will depend upon two conditions: the kind
of family pattern and the different members of the family group (Hardlock,
When mothers work outside home and children are taken cared by
relatives, neighbors, or in a childcare center the relationship of the children
with the mother will be very different from those children who brought up in a
home with a home making oriented mother.
How much influence a children education is generally depend on a
mother in teaching education based on Islamic education as a foundation.
Even though a father normally less influence on children than the mother,
especially during the early years of childhood.
Elkind and Weiner on their investigation, quoted by Sholeh (2005: 143)
also argue for the importance of interaction between child and mother. It
means that mother is the most significant in the child development than other
members of the family. In other word, mother will determine what kind of the
child will be, because children learn what they live. They will follow what
their mother did. Actually, mother is a root or source of a child existential and
a child is as a result of a mother and the reflection from the existential of the
mothers physical and spiritual. The failure or
the success on the child
development of psychological, intellectual, character, courage, braving depend
on their care, but of the course father, grandfather and grandmother also
influence their development, although is not so significant than mother.
In the world of Islam, there is a sample about a figure mother who has
some children that in the future will be shining with their brave and courage.
She is Fatimah Az Zahra, the fourth and youngest daughter of the holy prophet
Muhammad, PBUH. She was a symbol of mother in taking care of her
children. She had five children. They were Hassan, Hussein, Zainab, Ummu
Kultsum (Ibrahim.1997:65). They lived with their mother only a few years.
Fatimah died when Hassan age 7 years old, Hussein aged 6 years old, Zainab
aged 5 years old and Ummu Kultsum aged 3 years old( Amini,1997:65).
The writer chooses Fatimah Az Zahra as the object of this study because
she was the most beloved to prophet Muhammad, PBUH. She is the “Head of
the Ladies in Paradise” and the important figure in the life of Muhammad
PBUH as well as the prophet says, “Fatimah is a part of me, he in fact tortures
me who tortures her” (Al Mishri, 2006:373).
B. Limitation of the Problem
To avoid mistakes in understanding this research the writer will limit the
problems as follows:
1. The view of Fatimah az-Zahra‟s concept in educating her children
2. The significance of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts
3. The relevance of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts
4. The implication of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts.
C. Statement of the Problem
To clarify the problem that is going be analyzed, the statement of the
problem is formulated as follows:
1. What is significance of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts on children
2. What is the relevance of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts on children
3. What is the implication of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts in children
D. Objective of the Research
Based on the statement of the problem above, the objective of the study is
as follows:
1. To know the significance of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts on children
2. To know the relevance of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts on children
3. To know the implication of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts on children
E. Benefit of the Study
1. Theoretically
a. This thesis would be helpful to know the concepts of Fatimah Zahra‟s
in educating children.
b. To develop the knowledge about children education.
2. Practically
a. This study will be useful for STAIN‟s students to develop their
knowledge about children education and Fatimah Zahra‟s concepts of
children education.
b. For the academic activity, this study is possible to be a literature.
c. A clear understanding of children education based on the Fatimah Az
Zahra‟s concept will become an example, motivation and guidance for
the mothers teaching the children.
F. Definition of Key Terms
1. Children
The term „children‟ is plural form from „child‟. It means unborn or
newly born human being.
2. Education
Education means a conscious effort to realize process and condition
of learning in order to produce learners who can develop their potential in
getting spiritual force, self-control, behavior intelligence and skill which is
needed by themselves, society and nation. Education also means a
systematic training and instruction;
Education comes from the word educate that means to give
intellectual and moral training. (Hornby, 1987:276). Education in general
means a conscious effort to realize process and condition of learning in
order to produce learners who can develop their potentials to achieve
spiritual force, self control, moral intelligence, and skill which are needed
by themselves, society and notion. (Permin, 2003:3).
Based on the Dictionary of Psychology, quoted by Muhibbin (2000:
10), education is the institutional procedure which is employed in
accomplishing the development of knowledge, habits, attitudes, etc but
usually the term is allied to formal intuition.
According to Achmad D. Marimba (1962:62), education is the
leading and training done consciously by the educator on the development
of physical and spiritual of the educated towards the main character.
According to John Dewey, education means social continuity of life
(Mansur, 2005:84).
According to Kant, quoted by Mansur (2005:84), education is care,
discipline and instruction, the first element of the definition needs no
explanation, discipline is the eradication of wildness, instruction is the
cultivation of the volitional and cognitive faculties.
While according to H.M. Arifin, M.Ed (1975:14), education is the
human effort to make the nature develop until the maximum point which
can be reached as the aim wanted.
3. Children Education
Children education understanding is a process of activity done
callously to keep and develop the human nature and potency gradually and
continually suitable with the children development towards the forming of
the whole human (insan kamil) (Achmad, 1992:14). By preparing children
physically, intellectually and spiritually, so that they can be the useful
society members both for themselves and for other people. (Ilyas,
From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that the
understanding of children education is the process of educating of
directing to the children, done consciously and gradually, to keep and to
develop the children‟s nature until the maximum point on their physic and
spirit towards the whole human (insan kamil).
4. Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s Concept
Concept is an idea underlying a class of thing for generation. It also
means the idea or definition, which is abstracted based on the concrete
G. Previous Research Literature
Many students of State of Islamic Studies Salatiga has analyzed about
the concept of education. In this research, the writer uses some literatures as
the comparison of the research. The writer finds the other research that work
on some topic of this research. Those are as presented below:
First, the writer found a research on literature, such as Amir Choirudin,
this thesis entitled “Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah‟s Concept of Faith Education,
Its Influence Toward Morality”. This thesis focuses on faith education and
morality. He writes that faith education can influence morality.
Second, in another research the writer found the thesis entitled “The
Concept of Education Based on The Prophet Muhammad History Reforming
And Reconstructing The Future Education” By Siti Nurmarheni. She writes
the concept of education based on the history of prophet Muhammad. Her
thesis focuses on how the ideal teacher to teach the student perfectly like
prophet Muhammad.
The last literature entitled “Abdullah Nashih Ulwan‟s Concept Of Ideal
Father (An Educational Perspective)” by Nur Jadid. He writes the concept of
ideal father from educational perspective. His thesis focuses on father in wife
and children by the father (the theories of family education).
The topic of the thesis is same with the above thesis it is about
education, but the contents of this graduating paper is difference from the
above paper. The differences are as follows:
1. The Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts on children education
2. The significance of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts on children education
3. The relevance of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts on children education
4. The implication of Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts on children education.
H. Research Methodology
1. Type of Research
This research uses the library research. That is scientific method
for the data collection that was received from book (Hadi, 1997:9). In this
case, the data taken from the book that the writer got from the library and
many literature that have deal with the topic of study.
Research Object
The research object in this study is Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concepts of
children education entitled “Fatimah Az-Zahra Wanita Teladan Sepanjang
Masa” by Ibrahim Amini in 1997, published by Lentera
Method of Collecting Data
This research is the library research, the methodology which will
use by the writer is as follows:
Method of collecting data
1) First, the primary data source
The source relates to this research is a book written by Ibrahim
Amini in 1997 entitled Fatimah Az-Zahra Wanita Teladan
Sepanjang Masa, published by Lentera.
2) Second, the secondary data source
There are sources of data, which support and complete the primary
data source. This data are taking from any kinds of literary books
and sources, dealing with underlying theories of literary work and
articles some of the secondary data sources are as follows:
1) Ubiyati, Nur.2009.Long Live Eduation (Pendidikan Anak Sejak
dalam Kandungan Sampai Lansia).Semarang:Walisongo Press.
2) Abdurrahman, Jamal. 2010. Anak Cerdas Anak Berakhlak. Jakarta:
Pustaka Adnan.
3) Jamal Abdu Hadil, dkk. 2005. Menuntun Buah Hati Menuju Surga
(Konsep Pendidikan Anak Dalam Perspektif Islam). Solo: Era
4) Marzuki A, Choiran. 1998. Anak Saleh Dalam Asuhan Ibu
Muslimah. Yogyakarta: Mitra Pustaka.
5) Mahmud Al-Mishri. 2006. 35 Sirah Sahabiyah (35 Sahabat
Wanita Rosulullah Saw). Jakarta: Al-I‟tishom Cahaya Umat.
6) Abdurrahman, Aisyah bin Tusy Syathi‟. 1998. Puteri-Puteri
Rosulullah Saw. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.
7) Dr. Mansur. 2005. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Dalam Islam.
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar .
8) Ulwan Abdullah Nashih. 1992. Pendidikan Anak Menurut Islam.
Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
9) Zainuddin, dkk. 1991. Seluk Beluk Pendidikan Dari Al-Ghozali.
Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
10) Musthofa, Yasin. 2007. EQ
Untuk Anak Usia Dini Dalam
Pendidikan Islam: Sketsa.
11) Syafe‟i, Sahlan.2002. Bagaimana Anda Mendidik Anak (Tuntunan
Praktis Orang Tua Dalam Mendidik Anak. Bogor: Ghalia
Technique of Data Collection
In this research, the technique of Data collection was
documentation. Documentation refers to the process of providing evidence
(to document something or to the communicable material used to provide
such documentation) (www.wikipedia/documentation).
The Procedures of Collecting Data
In this study, the writer uses the documentations as the way to
collect the data. The documentation is taken from a book, concerns with
Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concept about children education. In collecting the
data, the writer uses some steps as follows:
The writer collects that book and other references which relates to the
research and regards them as the first information.
The writer selects and collected information that related to the
The writer reads all of the contents of that book than analysis them.
The writer analyzes the data or information about children education
in Islam an Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concept of children education then the
writer concludes the significance, relevance and implications from
Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concept in children education.
Method of Analysis
The writer used descriptive analysis method to analyze this study.
This method is analyze the truth of the children educational concept of
Fatimah Az-Zahra. The writer also used method of non statistical analysis.
This method is used to overcome the objectives by using one
understanding with another one and then fain or relating between the
former and finally propose the newest understanding.
I. Outline of the Paper
The writer will organize this paper into five chapters as follows:
Chapter I is an introduction, consists of background of the study,
limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, definition of the terms,
previous research literature, research methodology and the outline of paper.
Chapter II is biography of Fatimah Az Zahra. It encompasses her
families, her marriage and her death.
Chapter III is description of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s thought. It consists of
love and affection, growing the personality, faith and devotion, obeying the
rules and respect other‟s right, sport and play and comments of Ibrahim
Chapter IV is discussion. It consists of significances, relevancies and
implications of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts.
Chapter V is the closure. It contains the conclusions and suggestions.
The last part is bibliography and appendix.
In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the families, the marriage and the
death of Fatimah Az-Zahra. Those are presented as follows:
A. Family of Fatimah Az Zahra
Fatimah binte Muhammad or popularly Fatimah az-Zahra was the
daughter of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadijah. She
was born in Mecca on Friday 20th Jumadil Akhir second years of the bi‟tsah,
or in other sources, fifth years after the declaration of Prophethood. (625 AD)
(Amini, 1997:18).
The circumstances of her birth are described by Hadrat Khadijah as
follows: at the time of the birth of Hadrat Fatimah, Khadijah sent for her
neighboring Qurayshite woman to assist her. They flatly refused, saying that
her neighbour had betrayed them by supporting Muhammad. Khadijah was
perturbed for a while, when, to her great surprise, Khadijah sighted four
strange tall woman with halos around them, approaching her. Finding
Khadijah dismayed, one of them addressed her thus, “O Khadijah! I am
Sarah, the mother of Ishaq, and the other three are, marry the mother of
Christ, Aisah the daughter of Mazahim, and Ummu Kulthum the sister of
Moses. We have all been commanded by God to put nursing knowledge at
your disposal.” Saying this, all of them sat around Khadijah and rendered the
services of midwifery until her daughter Fatimah was born. The motherly
blessings and affection received by Hadrat Fatimah were only for five years,
after which Hadrat Khadijah left for her heavenly home. Hereafter the holy
prophet brought her up.
In his childhood the youngest daughter of Muhammad PBUH lived
happily, she got love and affection from her parents, and also from her elder
sister Zaynab, who in many ways acted as if a mother of her (Al
In infancy time, Fatimah was nurtured in the siege of Quraishite on
her family in the Valley of Abu Thalib. Fatimah‟s family live in suffer
because of the economic embargo which was done by Qurayshite. The
Qurayshite had a deal among not to buy anything from Fatimah‟s family and
not to sell anything to them. This economic embargo happened about in two
or three years. In that time Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his family lack of
food that caused hunger (Amini, 1997:28).
When Fatimah was five years old, her Family (Bani Hasyim) was free,
come back to their home, and lived normally. They can enjoy their welfare.
Therefore, they were safe from the hunger. That moment was a new
experience in life of Fatimah (Amini,1997;28).
After Zaynab married Abdul „Ash bin Ar-Rabi, and after Ruqayyah
and Ummu Kulthum married two sons of Abu Lahab, only Fatimah az-Zahra
who stayed with her parents. Since her childhood, Fatimah knew marriage
means the separation daughters from their parents. That idea often disturb
when she was lonely.
Fatimah az-Zahra‟s family as follows:
a. Her father is the best human that created by Allah, as rahmatan lil
„alamin. He is Muhammad PBUH
b. Her mother is the best woman, she is Khadijah, the first woman who
become Moslem
c. Fatimah itself also the best woman in that period
d. Two of her sons, Hasan and Husain is the most beloved to prophet
e. Her husband, Ali bin Abi Thalib is the person who love Allah and his
f. Her uncle is the leader of army of islam and he called “The lion‟s of Allah
and The lion‟s of Rasulullah” he is Hamzah bin Abdul Muthalib
g. Her father‟s uncle is Abbas bin Abdul Muthalib.
B. The marriage
As a daughter of prophet PBUH, Fatimah lived in the manner of
Islamic view and this way of life continued until she comes of age. In that
time, there come forward a number of aspirants to ask for her hand in
marriage. The holy prophet was awaiting the divine order in this respect, until
Imam „Ali approached him and asked for her hand in marriage. The holy
prophet came to Hadrat Fatimah and asked Do Fatimah consent to be wedded
to „Ali, as Prophet Muhammad was so commanded by Allah. Hadrat Fatimah
thereupon bowed her head in modesty. That moment was expressed by Umm
Salamah in her narration That face of Fatimah bloomed with joy and her
silence was so suggestive and conspicuous that the holy prophet then stood
After the normal contract had been made, the prophet insisted on a
wedding feast. A ram was sacrificed and some of the helpers brought
offerings of grain. When the prophet withdrew, as a sign for the guests to
leave the bridal pair alone together, he told „Ali not approach his wife until he
himself returned, which he did shortly after the last guest had departed, Umm
Ayman was still there, helping to set the house in order after the celebrations.
The prophet had many special relationships in his life which were not shared
by any except him and the person is question. One of these was with Umm
Ayman. When prophet asked permission to enter, it was she who now came
to the entrance. He said where was his brother. She said who was thy brother
Abu Thalibs son „Ali, He said that how can be thy brother, She said when
thou hast even now married thy daughter to him. He is what I said to replied
the prophet, and asked Fatimah to bring him some water, which she said,
having taken a mouthful and rinsed his mouth, he spat it back into the vessel.
Then, when „Ali came, he bade him sit in front of him and taking some of the
water in his hand he sprinkled it over his shoulders and breast and arms. Then
he called Fatimah to him and she came, tripping over robe in the awe and
reverence she had for her father. He did same to her as to „Ali, and invoked
blessings upon them both and upon their offspring.
According Jane Dammen McAuliffe, in The Encyclopedia of
Religion, Fatimah‟s marriage to „Ali bin Abi Thalib, the son of prophet
Muhammad‟s uncle and early protector, was evidently a less than felicitous
match. Not only did this couple share the poverty of the community‟s early
years of struggle in Medina, but there was discord between the two of them as
well. Many hadiths (traditions) speak in close and realistic detail of the
Prophet Muhammad‟s intervention on both counts. Offering financial and
emotional support, he acted as arbitrator in disputes between his daughter and
son-in-law (Mircea,1995:298)
However, according the writer the idea of McAuliffe in less than
evident because many reports tell us that the marriage of Fatimah to „Ali bin
Abi Thalib was in good manner, although it is right if one says that they were
poor. One of reports tells us about peaceful relationship between Fatimah and
„Ali is what HMH Al-Hamid Al-Husain wrote in his book Baitun Nubuwwah
Rumah Tangga Nabi Muhammad Saw. The life of Fatimah az-Zahra and her
husband „Ali bin Abi Thalib was so in peace, fair, loving each other and
mutual understanding. Moreover, in fact, Fatimah‟s family had never broken
up even they both could nurture and educated their children so that their
children became great figures in Islamic history.
In Islamic mystic tradition (tasawwuf), it is already known that part of
Moslems, who practice Islamic mystic way, appreciate the descendants of
Prophet Muhammad PBUH via Fatimah and „Ali until now. Some sayid
family as well as in Pakistan and India consider that have bless and purity as
inheritance of Prophet Muhammad. An appreciation to Ahl Al-Bayt
(prophet‟s family) has become important dimension in the popular tasawwuf.
Based on the evident that shows excellent family of Fatimah, writer
thinks that it is unreasonable to say that marriage of Fatimah to „Ali was not
match as what McAuliffe wrote. Moreover if see this idea from Islamic
perspective, that considers Prophet Muhammad as the infallible person. What
the prophet decided was the better way than other person‟s decision. This all
based on the report that shows prophet‟s happiness when Fatimah accepts,
„Ali‟s asking for her hand in marriage.
C. The death
Hadrat Fatimah did not survive more than seventy-five days after the
demise of her father. She breathed her last on the 14th Jumadil Ula 11 AH.
Before her demise, she bequeathed the following as her will to Imam „Ali: “O
„Ali personally performs my funeral rites. Those who have displeased me
should not be allowed to attend my funeral. My corpse should be carried to
the graveyard at night”. Thus Imam „Ali did as she wished. She was buried at
night, and accompanied to the grave by her relatives and sons (Amini, 1997:
Ash Shadiq reported the cause of Fatimah‟s death. Qanfadz, the slave
of Umar, hit her with sheath of his sword that caused her miscarriage and her
dying (Amini, 1997:162). „Ali took care of her, assisted by Asma‟ bin Umais.
Fatimah suffered in her sickness about forty nights. She said to „Al that she
will leave him soon, many times she only thinks that she will follow her
father (Amini, 1997: 167).
The reports told about the last time of Fatimah‟s life showed how
great woman Fatimah was. She said to all members of her house that she was
better, hurt of her ribs and hand was not bad and her fever was lower. Then
the bathed her children, assisted by „Ali and Fizzah. She bathed those
children, clothed them and sent them to her cousin. Then she called Sayyidina
„Ali to come beside her and told him that Ali, her beloved husband that she
was very sad since looked her children suffered during her sickness. She was
happy because his suffering would be ended and she would meet with her
father eventhough she was sad because she would separate from Ali. She also
encouraged Ali to marry Yamamah, her cousin, because she knew that
Yamamah loved her children and Husein was very close to her.
The words those Fatimah said to her husband was reported as follows:
“Ali, I know you really love my children, but be really careful with Husein,
he really love me and he will be very sad to lose me. Be a mother for them.
Till the eve of my sickness he uses to sleep on my chick, now he has lost it.”
„Ali was flattering that broken hand, when his tears drop on Fatimah‟s hand.
Fatimah turned her face and said not to cry. She suggested to Ali in order that
he was be a gentle hard and said good bye to Fatimah.
Cry was heard from „Ali‟s house. People of Medina were crying. The
woman of Bani Hasyim presents in Fatimah‟s house, and they cried. People
come to „Ali‟s house. „Ali was sitting with Hasan and Husein who were
crying in front of him. Then Ummu Kulthum said to all that they would never
see Fatimah anymore in the world (Ibrahim,1997:172).
People came. They sat in noisy. They waited for the corpse to perform
shalat for her. Then Abu Dzar asked the to go away, because the corpse of
the prophet‟s daughter will be brought out in the evening. Then Abu Bakar
and Umar came to say sorry about Fatimah‟s demise. (Amini,1997:173). But
„Ali and Asma‟ performed bathing (ghusl) and clothing (kafan) to late
Fatimah that night. Then he said to Ummu Kulthum, Zainab, Hasan, Husein
to continue their prayer for their mother. This is the time to separate whereas
the meeting will be in Paradise. Soon after that, „Ali turned them from late
Fatimah, and then he perform shalat to her, then accompanied her with
Hasan, Husein, Aqil, Salman, Abu Dzar, Miqdad, Ammar, Buraidah, and
Abbas with his son, Fadhl.
When the people were calm and sleeping in the middle of the night,
Imam „Ali brought out late Fatimah and buried her secretly. Meanwhile the
accompaniers watched around to ladle out people to know it. In that way, they
buried her and let disappear every sign of her grave.
The demise of Fatimah, that happened not a long time after the demise
of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, was the big grieve for Moslem people.
Prophet Muhammad, PBUH and his daughter were two performances where
Moslem people got examples of good deeds those. Losing them both means
losing the living sources those could explain the real meaning of God‟s order
in human life.
In this chapter, the writer would to convey the thought of Fatimah Az
Zahra contains: love and affection, growing the personality, faith and devotion,
obeying the rules and respects others‟ right, sport and play, and the comment of
Ibrahim Amini on Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts.
A. Love and Affection
Some people imagine the time of education of a child begin when
he/she can differentiate between the bad and the good. Education before that
time will not work, because the child has not able to perceive anything from
his/her environment.
That opinion is absolutely not right. The scholars of education insisted
that all events those happened in the environment of a child in his/her early
life, also the manners of his/her parents‟ treatment, including his/her brews
feeding, were really influenced his/her personality growth in the future
(Amini, 1997:69).
Psychologists and education scholars had decided that in the early and
the ending of childhood, a child needs attention and love of others. He/she
needs love and familiarity of his/her parents. After that, it is not important
whereas he/she lives in a palace or in an empty hut, wears good clothes or bad
clothes, and eats nice food or disgusting food, as long as he/she feels comfort
and affected that satisfied his/her feeling.
The heart of a mother that full of affection and good nurture and a
father‟s love and affection, will cause virtue sources in a child, spirit to help
each other, and love and affection to others. This affection will save him/her
from weakness and fear of lonely and will give him/her hope in his/her life.
This right attitude and deeply love and pure will plant virtue germs
and good habits in a child. This love will make him/her has social feeling,
love to help and take care of others. Show him/her a way to happiness, and
saves him/her from the failure of self-adjustment in social life or escaping
from reality (Amini, 1997: 69-70).
On the other hand, a child who does not get love and affection will
grow as a coward, shy, weak, loner, melancholic child. In many cases he/her
grew as a weak, thin, unable child. He/she will try to show that he/she does
not need neighborhood. He/she does crime as well as thieve and murder, to
take revenge to the society that does not give him/her love and affection, so
that the society will understand that he/she has never need their love and
affection, which are they did not give.
So, love and affection are important needs in the children education.
This lesson had been practiced in the home of Fathimah nicely. Prophet
Muhammad PBUH had taught that to his daughter in the real practice.
Reported from Jabir, he said that when Fathimah born Hasan, the messenger
of God ordered them to cover him with white cloth, but they covered him
with yellow cloth. When the prophet came, he took and kissed Hasan and
entered his tongue in Hasan‟s mouth, so that Hasan sucked it. Then he said to
them whether he said not to cover him with yellow cloth. Then the Prophet
asked for white cloth and covered Hasan with that cloth and threw away the
yellow one. When Husein was born, the prophet did the same thing.
It was reported that one day when the prophet was doing prayer
together, the little Husein was close to him, when the prophet was doing sujud
Husein came and sat on the prophet‟s back and moved his feet while saying
„Hush hush‟. When the prophet wanted to stand up, he took Husein and put
him beside the prophet. When he was doing sujud again, Husein did the same
thing, he did it repeatedly until the prophet finished his prayer. Then a Jews
told him that he never saw people do it before him. The Prophet replied that if
anyone believed in Allah and His Messenger, he would love children. The
Jews said that he believed in Allah and His Messenger. He embraced Islam
because of seeing friendliness of the prophet (Amini, 1997:71).
It was reported when the prophet crossed Fathimah‟s house. He heard
Husein‟s cry, then He said whether Fatimah‟s know that Husein‟s crying hurt
It was also reported that the prophet said to Fathimah to call all her
children, then he kissed them both as kissed fragrance flowers and then
hugged them both (Amini, 1997:72).
B. Growing the Personality
Psychologists said that an educator should grow self-confidence,
respect each other and big wish in the children‟s personality. He/she should
respect their personality and existence, so they do not do the bad deeds and
never give up because of felling weakness and poor. On the other hand, if an
educator belittles, gives no respect and destroys their personality, so they will
grow as a coward and shy persons who have no self-confidence. They will
not be brave to do big jobs because they feel weak and unable to do them.
These persons will not have roles in the social life, and they are easy to give
Psychologists have given messages to mother or educators as follows:
Giving love and affection to the children.
Supporting the children to have good attitude by mention it in front of
people (Amini, 1997:72-73).
From Ya‟la al-Amiri reported that he and messenger of Allah came to
invitation for lunch. In fact, Husein was playing with other children, then he
came to the prophet in front of people, then the prophet extended his hands
and Husein jumped from one hand to other hand of the prophet. The prophet
laughed because of it, then he brought him up in to his hug, then he kissed
him and he said that Husein is from him and He is from Husein, Allah loves
one who loves Husein. Husein is grandchild of the grandchildren.
Fathimah and her children came to the messenger of Allah these
children are your children, give over for them something and the prophet said
that he gives over his prestige and position for Hasan. He gives over his
braveness and charity for Husein.
In that way, the Messenger of Allah appreciated and respected the
children. Fathimah and Ali followed that say. Therefore, the goal of their
education to be leaders and great person.
C. Faith and Devotion
The scholars argued difference opinion about match ages when we
should teach and explain the faith and religious understanding to the children.
Some scholars said that the children can understand that teaching after their
balig age. Others argued that an educator can internalize faith by teaching in
the easy language and simple, in order, when they are balig they are
accustomed with it (Amini, 1997:75-76).
The Messenger of Allah internalized religious teachings in the house
of Fathimah since the early childhood. When Hasan was born he sang azan in
the right ear and sang iqomah in the left ear. He did the same way to Husein
when he was born.
And Fathimah az-Zahra was playing with Hasan and dancing while
“Be as your father O Hasan
Free the control that tie the truth
Serve the God who own the bless
Don‟t help who has revenge.”
From this poem, we would found four important teachings what
Fathimah gave to her children:
1. Be as your father, serve Allah and be a brave man.
2. Serve Allah only.
3. Defend the truth.
4. Don‟t help one whom has revenge (Amini, 1997:76-77).
The prophet took big attention in devotion that was related with
property. He always controlled his children and reminded to be careful with
any food that was subhat hesitated.
In the report of Abu Hurairah explained the prophet brought the given
dates and he began sharing them. Finally, a child took them and went away.
In fact in the mouth of Hasan, there were some dates that were chewed, the
prophet reminded him and enters his fingers in Hasan‟s mouth, and then he
threw it away and said that the family of Muhammad is forbidden to eat the
gift (sedekah).
That all, the prophet knew that consume haram food would influence
much to the soul of children. Besides, a child should know there is halal food
and haram food. That was the way of the prophet in educating the children
that was followed by Fathimah.
D. Obeying The Rules And Respect Others’ Right
One thing that should be regarded by mother and educators is
controlling the children carefully so they will not be under controlled when
face others, respect others‟ right, learn to be disciplined in their life, not do
weak to save their right, and not to decrease other‟s property (Amini,
The parent should educate their children with that akhlaq (Islamic
morality). So, they should relate with their children frankly and rightfully.
They should not discriminate some of them, in order not to grow hate and
jealousy in them.
„Ali said that he saw the Messenger of Allah had entered his feet in
the coat, suddenly Hasan asked for drink, soon he went to our cattle, he
milked it and poured it into cup then put it on the hand of Hasan. Husein
jumped in the Hasan‟s position and the Messenger of Allah ladled out him.
Fathimah said to the Messenger of Allah that Prophet looked to love Hasan
more than Husein. Then the messenger of Allah replied that he de did not
love Hasan more than him, but Hasan who asked for drink first, she and these
two children will be in one place in the hereafter (Amini, 1997:79).
In this report writer sees the communication between Fathimah and
her father. This communication was done in front of her children, because she
was educating them. Sometimes she educated her children without talking
directly, but by doing dialogue with the prophet, the beloved grandfather of
her children.
E. Sport and play
Education bachelors had advised us to let the children find their
favorite play, and our duty is to give the safe way for them. Currently, there is
awareness about this. Parents give exciting and safe plays in the time of
nurture, secondly school, junior high school to the children which are match
with the age of them. They also support the children to play in group, because
in that way they get good influence for their physical and psychological
Part of people hopes the children act as the adult. They forbid their
children to play and also hinder their childish attitude. They internalize this as
the education. If a child does much plays and movement, they think is as a
bad habit, if he/she hides and secludes, does not play and move, they admires
him/her. According to them, a good child is a calm and quite child (Amini,
However, psychologists consider that as a big mistake. Calm and quite
child gives a sign that he/she is sick physically and psychologically. Even, the
parent should interest him/her and play with him/her, because the child will
feel love in that action. The Messenger of Allah played with Hasan and
Husein. Reported by Abu Hurairah, the messenger of Allah hold shoulders of
Hasan and Husein, and their feet was on the messenger of Allah‟s feet, then
he said: “Up”, and those children got up until they was on the messenger of
Allah‟s chick. Then he said to them to open their mouth. Then he kissed them
and he prayed in order that Allah loved them because he loved them.
Also reported by Abu Hurairah, he said that Hasan and Husein
wrestled, and the messenger of Allah encouraged him to come on Hasan, but
he is a bigger. The messenger of Allah replied that he come on Hasan and
Gabriel said come on Husein.
Reported by Jabir, he said that he entered the messenger of Allah‟s
place, while Hasan and Husein were on his back, he need for them and said
that the best camel is prophet‟s own, and the best riders are Hasan and
Husein‟s own.
Reported by Imam Ridha, from his grandfather, he said that Hasan
and Husein played in the messenger of Allah‟s place till night, then he said to
them to go home to their mother, then lighting was lighted in the sky and
lighted them until they entered Fathimah‟s place. The Prophet looked in to the
lighting and asked them to praise to Allah who glorifies them, Ahlul Bait.
(Amini, 1997:81).
Based on what Fathimah taught to her children and what she used to
do to her children, playing with the children was the important way to educate
her children. Her children learnt how to show love to others and how to feel
love of others to them. This way was a right step to grow her children became
wise men.
F. Comment of Ibrahim Amini on Fathimah Az-Zahra’s Concepts
The house of Fathimah was madrasah of Islamic education for
Moslem children. The manager of this was the ultimate woman in Islam,
Fathimah. The assistance was „Ali bin Abi Thalib, the second man in Islam.
The controller was Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The methods were what
Unfortunately, the history has not noted the methods of Fathimah
particularly for us. This is because some reasons: first, the Moslem people in
that time had not have awareness and meaning those made them consider
education and its concept. Then, they did not observe the particular deeds of
prophet, Ali and Fathimah, both what they did and said to their children;
hence they could not show them to the next generation. Second, most of
education programs of children happened enclosed in the home. In this
situation, the view of other people was hindered (Amini, 1997:68).
However, generally could be said that the methods of Fathimah in
education of children was the Islamic methods itself, that is in the Holy
Qur‟an and traditions of the prophet. So, a little bit of pearls those reported
make us possible to explore Fathimah‟s methods until such a limitation.
In this chapter, the writer will discuss about three things relate to Fatimah
Az Zahara‟s concepts, those are: the significance, the relevancies, and the
implications of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts. Her concepts are presented in the
A. The Significance
Fathimah Az-Zahra is the great woman is Islam. Her concepts of
education for children are strongly proper to be applied for every parent
especially for every mother in teaching their children using Fathimah AzZahra‟s concept. The concepts will be discussed in detail in the following:
1. Love and Affection
Every parents or teachers, especially mothers will give love and
affections for their children. Love and affection are very important for
children ago since in the past, nowadays until in the future. Love and
affection education give great influences for every children. The growth of
children that get love and affection and who do not get them will be
A research that published in September 1997 shows that adult who
has a good emotional relation with parents will be calmer and not easy to
surrender while have many problems and challenges of live. He or she will
have a certain attitude wiser and safer from many kinds of disease‟s threat
that caused by stress (Marzuki, 1998:67)
In the first life, the young children just accept love and affection
from their mother by kissing, embracing, and caring. This love and
affection will feel in the first life of children while the mother gives suck
for her children. The process of suckling not only giving nutritious water
that useful to physical growth for the children but also there is
psychological interaction between mother and children.
Love and affection are the foundation that found every behavior for
the children. From those, Anas bin Malik a friend of prophet Muhammad
PBUH states that he never seen the people who is better than prophet
Muhammad PBUH in loving their children (Marzuki, 1998:70).
Love and affection are God‟s mercies, so that Prophet Muhammad
PBUH gives more attention especially for this problem. He says that:
“Aqra‟ bin Habis saw Prophet Muhammad was kissing Hasan and
Husein. Then Aqra‟ said: “I have ten children but I kiss none of them.”
Prophet Muhammad said, “Anyone who has not love and affection, so they
will not get them.”
Besides, giving love and affection for the children, mother also has
a duty to develop and inculcate affection and love to them, and takes every
bad side from them. For the explanation above, the writer conclude that
both love and affection education are very important and significant in
applied in the past time, nowadays until in the future.
2. Growing the Personality
One of the ways to develop the children personality is by
supporting the children in order to have a good attitude by mentioning it in
front of people. By supporting them, it will develop their self-confidence.
It is very important to each parents, teachers, especially mothers to
develop the children personality by giving this concept.
The big factor that influences children personality is family
environment. From this case, mother should make a good condition in the
family environment in order to give a good growing process of children.
Family environment has a big role in children themselves not only
in this case but also in broader aspect. Guiding their potency in order that
they can grow as a brave and responsible person to make a good relation
with others wherever, and whenever they are.
One of the ways to grow the children personality is by creating a
self -confidence. For growing childrens personality, parents should take an
example from Prophet Muhammad. He is an uswatun hasanah (a good
model for people all in the world especially moslem people). Once time,
prophet Muhammad went to market with eight dirham in his hand. He
wanted to buy a cloth with it. Suddenly, he met a small girl who is crying
in the midway. She looked very sad and afraid. By seeing this condition,
Prophet Muhammad asked her calmly about what was happening to her.
Then she told that she was asked by her boss to buy daily needs. The boss
had given her two dirham to buy it. Unfortunately, the money was lost.
She was afraid returning to boss‟ house because the boss would be angry
when knowing that his servant did not bring the daily needs.
After hearing the explanation, Prophet Muhammad gave two
dirham immediately for her. After a few moments, he saw her again. She
was still crying, because she is afraid to return to boss‟ house because the
boss would give her a punishment. Therefore, he accompanied her to
return to the boss‟ house. At arrival there, he told what happened with the
servant (small girl) perfectly and clearly. Finally, the boss apologized and
disentangled her (Choiran Marzuki, 1998:136-139).
From the story, it can be taken an a truthfull lesson that parents
should grow the self-confidence for their children in order that not be
afraid when they are doing a mistake but teach them to apologize when
they do it. Therefore, growing the personality education is very important
to be applied in past time, nowadays until in the future in order that they
have a good self-confidence.
3. Faith and Devotion
The third concept is faith and devotion. In this education, parents
should give their children about faith especially about jihad, five pillars of
Islam, and motivated them to doing it well. Jihad is from the word
“jahada” that means outpouring all ability to get something from various
of matter.
Besides, parents should ask their children to pray on time, give
motivation to fasting, give knowledge about pilgrimage, train their
children to give another (sadaqah), and everything which have the relation
with faith (Jamal and Laban, 2005: 95). The children‟s belief to Allah the
God, also in order to try and develop their children‟s responsible.
Especially for pray, Prophet Muhammad said in the hadith as follows:
“Command your children to pray when they are seven years old.
Strike them (while they left it) while they are ten years old, and also
separate their bedroom”.
Faith education should be given to the children since the early years,
even when they were born, parents should sing the adzan as the prophet
Muhammad PBUH, done to his grandchild.
After the child grows up, educators or parents need to plant the
values of faith as possible as children could learn. Beside of that, moral
(akhlak) education is also important for increasing children‟s faith.
Akhlak is from the word “khuluqiyah” that means “moral (Ali
Abdul Halim, 1995: 26). So, the moral education is the education about the
base of moral, performance, habits, which have to be done in the daily
activities from the childhood to the adulthood. Prophet Muhammad PBUH
also teach to our that implanting good moral to the children is more
principal than give aims which can cooled off the God anger (Jamal and
Laban, 2005: 116). Parents should give good behavior, good attitude in
order to get the good children in morality. This education aims to create
good moral and behavior to the children and make them best in their
environment. Faith has no meaning without good moral education (ahlaqul
karimah). Worship is not more than physical ation that has no value.
Prophet Muhammad said:
“A good behavior will melt every mistakes as well as sunlight will
melt ice”
This concept is very important to be applied in the past time,
nowadays until in the future, because it is a foundation in Islamic
education. Every parents, teachers, especially mothers have obligate to
teach their children about faith and devotion. This concept is related to
God. By faith and devotion education, the children will become
great human in Islam.
4. Obeying the rules and Respect other‟s rights
In the family and society life, many roles such as religious rules,
eat ethics, and so on must be obeyed by each member of the family and
society. In teaching their children, parent must guide them in every action
what they do not only obeying the rules but also respecting others in the
right way. Here, there is a respect with other person because self-esteem
feeling has a high position in every individu. This term became purely
human life as the most respect and noble person. Allah said that as
          
      
“We have bestowed blessing on Adam‟s children and carried them by the
land and sea. We have provided them eith good things and exalted them
above many of our creatures” (Al Isra‟: 70)
From this case, every parent should not only keep and save this
pure condition, that is children‟s self-esteem, guide them to straight ways,
but also should give them a fair treatment. In nurturing children, there are
no differences between one and another child. They should get the same
right as in their life. Prophet Muhammad said that:
“Give a fair treatment for your children although in kissing”
Therefore, this concept is very important and significant to be
applied in the past time, nowadays until in the future.
5. Sport and Play
Parents must pay attention to their children in developing thehir
physical ability and physical action before they reach adulthood. They
develop children‟s awareness to do some sports and games which could be
done in the home like lift a load, rope game, and so on. Swimming also be
a good sport for children. Parents are prohibited to prevent their children to
play and have creativity because the ability of their play can develop in
this period. With play, it means that they exerted all the mental power until
their muscle and their hands become strong. Play can also develop the
relationship among their friends and society.
In the prophet Joseph story, it can be proved that playing is pure
motivation and instinc that rise from their selves. That motivation must be
fulled in this age. However, Prophet Joseph has no reason to persuade his
father in order to give him permit to play with his friends. They must say:
        
“Send him with us tomorrow that he may play and enjoy himself” (Joseph:
Finally, his father names Yakob permitted him to play and have
fun with his friends. Because of that, parents must give permittion to their
children for playing and growing their potency and creativity.
In this case, Imam al-Ghazali said that parents should give
permition to their children for play with good game in irder to take a rest
their brain after studying in the school. By prohibiting the children to play
and ask them to study continously will make their feeling off, decrease
their intellegence and make them feel tired with this condition. (Jamal and
Laban, 2005:160).
Playing is being a main necessity for every child. The parents,
teachers, especially mothers should give freedom and accompany them to
play. They should to choose and select the games, toys, sport and so on
that suits on the growing of their children, whereas sport is related to
physical health of children. The children will be health if they do any
sports as frequent as they can. Therefore, sport and play education is very
important and significant to be applied in the past, nowadays until in the
6. Comment of Ibrahim Amini
Amini (1997: 68) said that the history has noted the method of
Fatimah particularly because some of the reasons:
a) Moslem in that time has no awareness and meaning to write and
observe the particular deeds of prophet Ali and fatimah, both what
they did and said to their children.
b) Most of education program of children happened enclosed in the
The writer disagrees with Ibrahim Amini‟s comments. The
people in that period have awareness to observe the prophet, Ali and
Fatimah said and did. It was proved by the rising of Hadith written in
many books. With the limitation of technology, they only use that
method to their self and their families. If in that period has a modern
technology like nowadays, they will record and spread it with that
B. The Relevance
In order to see the relevance of Fatimah‟s concepts, the writer tries to
compare about the Fatimah did in the past and the mothers nowadays related
to Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s concept of children education. By doing it, the writer
will see whether it is relevance or not. Those are presented in the following:
1. Love and affection
The writer sees that in Fatimah Az-Zahra‟s period, love and
affection are carried by on kissing and by giving more attention to the
children. Nowadays, there are many ways to give love and affection to the
children. Those are presented as follows:
a. Suckling (giving mother‟s milk water)
Giving mother‟s milk to the early children is one of the evidence
that a mother give love and affection to her child. From the psychics
view, directly contact between mother and children while suckling is
the love and affection supply that need by the children. Research show
that directly contact between mother and her children will make calm
and have a stable psychic for them.
The content of the mother‟s milk are; 1.6 % of albuminoidal, 0.4%
of grease, and 3.8% of sugar, salt, and several of vitamins.
Those combinations are not available except in the mother‟s milk.
Only the mother‟s breast has the potency to produce the food for guest
who has been already born. Mother‟s milk influences children‟s healthy
physically and spirituality directly and deeply. It gives some potencies,
skills, and healthy to children. It also has deep impact toward the
formulation of the spiritual of the children and the potencies of their
soul. Breastfeeding for the infant will give the base of the growth.
Actually, the perfect growth of the baby is the basic to receive many
educations in the next periods. A baby who has less of breastfeeding
will get some problems on their growth physically and mentally.
b. Giving education
Another way to show love and affection is by giving education
for the children. Education could give for children by the step of the age
of the children.
The children‟s period:
1) Baby‟s period
This period is take place when the children still in suckle on the
breast until two years old.
2) The first childhood (before mumayiz)
This period is take place when the age of child is two years until six
years old.
3) The last childhood (mumayiz period)
This period is take place from the age of the child is seven years
old until nine years old
4) Murahaqoh period
This period is take place from ten years old until fifteen years old
(Jamal, 2005: p.1-3).
Children education phases:
1) The prenatal children education
Prenatal child is the child who still in mother womb Prenatal
children education means education that given to the child in the
womb of mother such as pray action, motivation, etc in order to give.
Influence for the child to get a good behavior (Uhbiyati, 2009: p.7).
The aims of the prenatal children education are:
a) Physical aspect, it is out behavior that seen from outside such as
the way to speak, the way to do, etc.
b) Psychological aspect, it is about non-seen aspect that can not seen
from outside, such as: the way to think, attitude and interest.
c) Spiritual aspect, it is about faith
Prenatal children education material are as follows:
a) Worship practice
Prenatal child is stimulated with practice of worship in order to
become a habitual action after he/she born in the future.
b) Language
Prenatal child can accept well with basic acceptable level about
what the parents say.
c) Al-Qur‟an and Al-Hadits
Prenatal child is responsed to hear surah in the Al-Qur‟an in order
to become Islamic person
d) Good moral
A mother who get pregnance must keep her moral will, because it
can influence the baby in the womb, a mother must have god
behaviour and attitude.
e) Faith (akidah)
While in the womb, a child has a faith from the God.
f) Law (syariah)
The Islamic law, such as fast, tithe, pilgrimage, etc can used as a
material of prenatal children education.
g) History of Islam and other science
Material of education can be read by the mother to the prenatal
child in her womb in order to get more knowledge about islam.
h) Ethics
The parents can more pray to the God, giving anything to someone
who need, etc.
2) Early children education
Early children means the first age from human life development
(Uhbiyati, 2009: 38). Early children also mean a human who have age
zero until six years old (Mansur, 2005: 87). There are two kinds of
childhood, the first is baby hood who have age zero until two years
old, and the second is childhood who have age between two and seven
years old. (Mansur, 2005: 39).
The material of early children education are as follows:
a) Faith education
Faith education is the first and principal education for children
before get education. This education is in order to become a
foundation for behavior and personality.
b) Good moral education (akhlakul karimah)
Moral is the most important in life. Moral is used to relation
between individu, individu and environment, individu and God,
and individu everything who life in the world.
c) Worship education
This education have the important position for children education.
Prophet Muhammad, PBUH said to the parents in order to teach
their children about prayer when their children have seven years
old (Uhbiyati, 2009: 57).
d) Society education
This education is the relation between children and their friends,
children and the elder, children and the younger, children and the
neighbor, and another people as a civil society.
3) Children education of school period
In this case, the children have six until thirteen years old
(Uhbiyati, 2009: 61). Education for this children are affection,
peaceful, freedom, feel success, and feel know (Uhbiyati,2009 : 6465)
The materials of education for school children period are as
The first way that must do by the parents is implanting their
children about Tauhid. In Islam they must say “Laailaaha illa
Allah” (there is no God except Allah), for the first as foundation
of the faith.
b) Worship
Worship is one of the type of faith. Every parents must teach and
ask their children to doing worship like pray, adzan etc.
This education can be realized such as:
- Clean the heart from deceit the other people.
- Look in for patient and pray for her/him.
- Say “salam” when entry to home or met another Moslem.
d) Social responsible
This education can be realize such as:
- Teach the children keep the secret.
- Praying for children kindness.
- Teach fair to the other people.
e) Intellectual education
Islam explains that everyone who believe to Allah and dominate
the science so he/she will get high degree. The parent of the
teacher must guide the children to learn science.
f) Physic education
Physic education includes child development, child activity and
child health. This education is the parents responsible. They must
teach and guide the children development to be good generation in
the future.
c. Giving the knowledge about sexual education
Sexual education means the parents education for their children
that there are differences between of kinds of human sex (Jamal &
Laban, 2004: 168). Parents should give their children about information
and behavior, which have related to these kinds of sex and should give
Al ustad Al-Ghawsi explained the aim of the sexual education
for children. According to Al-Ghawsi, the aim of it is to give the true
knowledge to the children to face the adoption correctly with the sexual
activities at the next period in order to push the children to do
something logically and correctly in the sexual and reproduction
problem. (Madan, 2004: 144).
According to Yusuf Madan, sexual education is started from the
early creation of human, since the human were in womb of their mother
until the end of the life. (Madan, 2004: 151).
One of the lessons of this education is the separating the bed of
the children. It means that the children should be separated from their
parents when they are sleeping. This lesson is started after five years
old. (Madan, 2004: 128).
Growing the Personality
There are similarity between Fatimah‟s period and the phenomenon
in this time in giving children personality. According to Fatimah, it is done
by giving love and affection and giving spirit to the children in order that
they have good aptitudes. Nowadays, there are some aways could be done
by mother to build children‟s personality. Those are as follows:
a. Giving love and affection
A mother should make the best in nurturing her children and
giving them affection, for example by flattering children‟s head as the
realization of her love. This affection is possible to build the
children‟s personality. Mother can realize their affection by kissing
them too.
b. Don‟t ever humiliate and decrease the children‟s right
A mother should not to humiliate their children. Humiliation is
one of the matters that should be avoided in educating children. She
should refrain from doing this, moreover to her a month age of infant.
When she snapes her children, it means that she is insulting their
By insulting children, a mother gives negative impacts to their
personality. Those negative impacts will grow and bloom destroys the
personality. They will change human becames the criminals who have
never cared the sins. The most dangerous of the humiliation is one that
is performed by the mother in front of the other people, friends or
c. Avoiding to express the bad words
There is a part of family whose mother or father laways speaks
to their children rudely. For example a mother prays the bad wishes
for her children and hopes them will be necer succesful, or humiliates
her daughter and compares to others negatively. It is posible to
damage the human nerve system of her daughter and seize the nature
skill to nurture her husband and children at the future. This action will
make the daughter‟s future becomes dark indirectly. She losses the
duty as a good wife.
In this matter, it does not mean that amother should leave her
responsibility to give the instructions for their children. But those
instructions should be given by the smooth words, no snapping or
reaction. This way is the habits of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH.
All of those discussions are only few of roles of mother in
children education, absolutely there are many roles of mother, but the
writer only writes the basic roles of mother in educating her children.
The both of the roles are the most important roles of mother in
education before the children receive the next education.
d. Giving praise and reward
The aim of this concept is to develop the children‟s spirit to do
a good atttitude. Parents give their children praise and reward if they
doing good everything and aspirations. With it, the children have a
strong motivation to reach theiraspirations with a good effort for
example, a child who want to be adoctor. His or her parents have a
duty to give high motivation to their children such as study hard,
buying, his or her needed, in order to realize his or her aspirations
(Mualifah, 2009:172-173).
3. Faith and Devotion
There are many ways to develop the children‟s faith and devotion.
Both of Fatimah‟s concept period and nowadays have similarity. The ways
Giving Adzan
In the first life of the child, one of the ways done by a father is
giving adzan in right ear of a child and iqomah in left ear of a child. It
aims to the first voice heared by a child is adzan‟s voice. It has an
evidence that for the first child become moslem.
Teach the children to do five pillars of Islam
There are five pillars of Islam that every moslem obligates to
do it. The first is syahadat witness that there is no God except Allah.
Parents teach their children to say syahadat because it is a principal
requirement to become a moslem. Secondly is prayer. In the early
childhood, parents have to teach their children to pray and strike them
when they are ten years old in missing it. Thirdly is fasting. Parents
have to teach their children to do fasting if they have an ability to do
it. The function is to train their patiency and to increase their belief to
Allah. Fourthly is tithe (zakat). Parents give knowledges to their
children that tithe aims to purify their body from badness. The fifth is
pilgrimage for the able people.
Ask the children believing six pilars of faith
There are six pillars of faith. There are believe to Allah, angels,
the Holy Quran, Prophets, the Judgments day, and Qadha and Qadar
(predestine). Parents teach their chidren to believe in six pillars of
4. Obeying the rules and Respect other‟s rights
In the Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concept, there is precept that parents
must control their children carefully in order that they will not be under
controlled when face others, respect other‟s right, learn to be disciplined in
their daily lfe, and do not decrease other‟s property.
Parents teach their children to create a good relation with others
and respect other‟s right. On relation with others, children have an
opportunity to express their inspiration (Syafei, 2002: 20). Parents teach
their children to respect their neighbour, family, and everyone arround
them. Neighbour have rights in Islamic roles in order to become strong for
every Moslem society. Children are prevented to do anything that can hurt
their neighbour (Nur: 1997: 184).
All of those can make children be a modest and wise person; they
will become a ood leader in their family, society and in the world of Islam.
Parent teaches their children about social education, the ways are:
Implanting basic principle of noble spirituality
The basic principle of nobly is implanted individually to
maintain socio relation among the people. In this case, Islam gives an
instruction in achieving perfection of morality. Severl basic principles
of noble spirituality are devotion, brotherhood, love, affection, giving
priority to the others and bravery.
Keeping the other‟s right
It is a manifestation of basic spirituality. It is related to each
other. It contains social right, which must be taught by mothers to
their children. Those social rights include parents, relatives, teachers,
friends, and adult‟s right.
Social ethics
A child will be a good person at the future if at early years,
they have been educated by their mother or teacher about social ethics
which based on Islamic principle of education, there are many kinds
of social ethics such as etiquettes of eating, greeting, permitting,
speaking, laughing etc (Abdullah, 1999: 436).
Sport and Play
There are little differences between sport and play in the past and
nowadays. In the past, sport and play are the same like ride a horse,
swimming, archery, and so on. Nowadays, sport is rather different to play.
Sports are like swimming, football, gymnastics and so on. Whereas play or
related to the technology. Now, there are many technologies, which
become alternative game for children, such as hand phone, play station and
so on. In this case, parents should be careful in choosing the appropriate
game for their children and guiding them to play with it.
Children can play a permitted game, which not prohibited. Children
are recommended to play with useful game, for example archery,
swimming, and ride a horse for growing their body and developing their
mind (Abdullah, 2006:70).
Sport and play are useful to increase their power and strength. It
also can help a physical growth, keep healthy, and rise spirit. Ali bin Abi
Thalib suggests to every parent in the world to teach swimming and
archery to their children. Sport not only helps physical growth but also
make them strong and rigid. Rasulullah said that a strong Moslem is
lovelier than a weak people is.
Overall, the concepts of Fatimah AzZahra are relevant to be
applied nowadays. These concepts are possible to be applied by every
parent in the world especially Muslim people in educating their children.
Fatimah is the Prophet Muhammad‟s daughter. What she did is best on
Prophet Education. So, there is no hesitation for parents to teach their
children with the Fatimah‟s concepts.
C. The Implications
A mother or parent is possible to copy the Fathimah Zahra‟s concept
of children education in order to make their children growth up with full
Islamic rules. Although to perform those concepts, mothers or parents will
face some problems because not every family member knows those concepts.
Moreover, generally they will be hard to do. The Fathimah Zahra‟s concepts
of children education are what she got from the messenger Allah. Prophet
Muhammad PBUH. Fathimah was the beloved daughter of him who has
received the perfect samples from her own father.
The writer suggest to the parents to use the method of children
education in teaching their children. Those are:
1. The Education by Giving Exemplary
Showing some examples to educate is a part of some methods in
preparing and creating the children normally, spiritually and socially. A
mother or an educator is the ideal example for the children. Her/ his
actions will be imitated by children, be aware or not, even all of that
examples will cling to the children‟s feeling. Showing an example is the
most factors that determine their growth. If an educator is honest,
believable, noble, courage, they will be possible to grow with those noble
characteristic. Otherwise, if an educator is a liar, betrayer, arbitrarily, mean
and coward, it will be possible for them to grow up with those
objectionable characteristic. (Mustofa, 2007: 99).
2. Education by Customs
If all mothers always try hard to teach and give good custom to the
children, they will be successful to create Islamic soldiers. The society will
be proud with their existence or intellectual and good characters. This way
gives the positive values to make the children have excellent soul, noble
characters, and social attitudes. From these habits, the children will learn
to be a noble, full thinking, and (istiqomah) persons. They will be lovely
and respectful. (Ulwan, 1992: 64)
3. Education by Advices
Advices is the most important to be given to the children. It is all
about the reality and Islamic principles. Because of that, mothers or
educators should understand the reality and the Holy Quran methods. The
understanding is useful when they try to give instructions and advices to
the children who think deeply and have great insight (Ulwan, 1992:72).
In giving the advices to the children, mothers should regard some
aspects such as words, styles, ages; in order to make mothers can find the
best way to give some advices. Mothers should come into children world
and not to press the children to follow mothers‟ world. She should choose
the right words to give advices, by this way children will understand to
learn the material of the advices.
4. Education by Invigilation
It means covering children in building the moral and watching to
prepare them physically and socially, and asking them continually about
themselves, their physic, and their material education. Absolutely this kind
of education works on the most basic awareness of the human, who can do
the obedience in this life. From this condition he will be real Moslem,
who will be the foundation of teaching Islamic roles as the settlement of
the glory of Islam and for the power of Islamic teaching so that the society
will loyal for their culture, their status and their action (Ulwan, 1992: 129).
5. Education by Punishment
Absolutely the rules and universal principles have good goal to
nurture the children who need their right. A mother as a human who keeps
those principles should fulfill it.
There are some Islamic punishments for the children:
Taking care the children with affection. Reported by Bukhori Prophet
Muhammad PBUH said,” you, an educator should behave gently to
children, avoid behave crudely”.
Giving punishment to the child who makes mistake.
Among the children, they have different question and their response.
Some of them are obedient, friendly, and have the crude character.
Taking care step by step, from the lightest till the hardest.
After studying the research the writer concludes that:
1. The significance of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concept of children education
There are five concepts of Fatimah Az Zahra in educating children
with important and significance to be applied in children education. Those
are love and affection, growing personality, faith and devotion, obeying
the rules and respect others‟ right and sport and play.
2. The relevance of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concept of children education
All of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts are relevance both in the past
and nowadays. The sequence of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concept from the
most relevant to the less relevant is love and affection, faith and devotion,
growing personality, obeying the rules and respect others‟ right and sport
and play.
3. The Implication of Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concept of children education
Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concepts are important to be applied for
children. Parents should use the methods of children education, those are:
education with the examples, education by customs, education by advices,
and education by punishment.
Finally, the writer gives some suggestions with are able to be
considered in conformity with Fatimah‟s concepts of children education as
For teacher/ mother
Fatimah Az Zahra‟s concept of children education can be a model
for teacher especially for mother in educating their children. Children are
the parents‟ infestations in the future, but n the world and hereafter. So,
every mother and teacher should teach them perfectly, one of the ways is
by applying the concepts of Fatimah Az Zahra. Every teacher or mother
must be patient in nurturing their children even though they have
problems, stressed, bad mood etc.
For STAIN‟s students
The concepts of Fatimah Az Zahra in educating their children
should be learnt by the students of STAIN Salatiga as a mother to be,
fathers to be, and teachers to be, in educating their children in order to
create them to be a good human and great person in Islam.
For the next researcher
For the next researcher, who will study about Fatimah Az Zahra‟s
concepts, it will be a reference. It will be better if they compare and
combine it with the others‟ concepts, for example Ali bin Abi Thalib‟s
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