2006-07 - Winston-Salem State University


2006-07 - Winston-Salem State University
Th e C h a n c e l l o r’s A n n ua l R e p o r t 2 0 0 6 -2 0 0 7
July 2006
WSSU enters the NCAA Division I level, Mid-Eastern
Athletic Conference (MEAC) after many successful
years in the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association
July 1, 2006
Dr. Merdis J. McCarter named interim dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences, succeeding Dr. Aaron Horne.
July 1, 2006
Dr. Carolynn Berry, assistant provost for Planning,
Assessment, and Research, appointed interim dean of
WSSU ’s new University College, effective July 1, 2006.
The Chancellor’s Annual
Report is published by
Winston-Salem State
Universit y’s office Of
M ar k etin g and
C ommunications
within the Division of
University Advancement.
Chancellor: Donald Julian Reaves, Ph.D
Contributing Writers: Daarel Burnette
and Jonathan Martin
Interim Vice Chancellor for University
Advancement: Terrence Hines
Contributing Editors: Rudy Anderson, Roger
Kirkman, Taylor Shaw, and Aaron Singleton.
Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for
University Advancement/Chief Marketing
Photography: Garrett Garms
and Communications Officer: Sigrid Hall-Pittsley
Design: Zero Gravity Design Associates
Editor: Cortney H. Wilson (’01)
Printing: Hutchinson Allgood Printing Co.
XXXXX copies of this document were printed at a cost of XX,XXX or X.XX per copy.
July 15, 2006
Dr. Jessica M. Bailey, dean of the Sydney Lewis
School of Business at Virginia Union University in
Richmond, VA, appointed dean of WSSU’s School
of Business and Economics effective July 15, 2006.
July 17, 2006
Dr. Michelle Howard-Vital, associate vice
president for academic affairs for the 16-campus
University of North Carolina, named interim
chancellor of Winston-Salem State University by
UNC President Erskine Bowles.
August 2006
For the sixth consecutive year Winston-Salem State
University ranks number one or two among Top
Public Southern Comprehensive Colleges–Bachelor's
category in the America’s Best Colleges issue of U.S.
News and World Report Magazine.
ith the departure of the
was a transition year at Winston-Salem
Martin and Michelle Howard-Vital
State University. When I arrived at the
enabled the university to move
university in mid-August of 2007, the
forward during this period.
difficulties and strain that accompany
This report highlights the university’s
periods of transition and change
formal financial position at June 30,
notwithstanding, the university was
2007, which was very favorable. The
half months of interim
vibrant and ready to move forward.
results are explained at a very high level
The strong leadership that had been
in the pages that follow.
leadership, fiscal year 2006-07
provided by my predecessors, Harold
Also included is the Donor Roll which
permanent chancellor
to General Administration at
Chapel Hill, and 13 and one
August 17, 2006
Dr. Cynthia Jackson-Hammond appointed dean of the
School of Education and Human Performance.
August 30, 2006
Groundbreaking for the new $4.7 million field house
at Bowman Gray Stadium is celebrated by WSSU,
representatives from the city of Winston-Salem, and the
Winston-Salem Speedway.
September 1, 2006
Dr. Amos O. Olagunju, appointed dean of WSSU School of
Graduate Studies and Research.
provides a summary of the support
I want to take this opportunity
forward to meeting and working
that we received from our loyal alumni,
to thank the faculty and staff for
with all of you in support of
friends, students, parents, and other
their contributions to the university’s
Winston-Salem State University.
supporters. During fiscal year 2006-07
success, and to thank all of those
the university received a total of
who supported the university
$3,860,700 in gifts and pledges.
with their generosity.
You should know that your support of
Finally, I want to say how thrilled I
the university is critically important
am to have joined the university as
and appreciated tremendously.
its 12th chancellor and that I look
Donald Julian Reaves, Chancellor
October 2006
WSSU announces its Fall 2007 offering of the Bachelor of Science
degree in Motorsports Management; which positions WSSU to be the first
Historically Black College or University in the country to establish this
October 2006
Enrollment nears 6,000, more than twice the student body size in 2000.
Mr. Nigel D. Alston
Mr. Joseph S. Amado ’78
Mr. F. Scott Bauer
Mrs. Loretta C. Biggs
Mrs. Brooke Burr
Mrs. Lisa J. Caldwell
Mr. Martin Davis ‘85
Dr. James C. Hash, Sr.
Mr. Thomas W. Lambeth
Mrs. Lucille Mauge
Mr. Kevin A. Myatt
Mrs. Gloria Ross Reese ‘76
Mr. Keith W. Vaughan
Mr. Robert T. Stephens
Mr. Steve Martin, Chair
Ms. Beverly McLendon
Ms. Catherine Pettie Hart, ’74, Vice Chair
Ms. Patricia Norris ‘93
Mr. Nigel D. Alston
Mr. B. Thomas Lawson Jr., Secretary
Ms. Cathy Pace
Mr. Daarel Burnette
Mr. Gerald T. Finley, Treasurer
Ms. Stephanie L. Porter ‘81
Mr. Victor L. Bruinton ‘82
Mr. J. Edgar Broyhill
Dr. Donald J. Reaves
Ms. Michelle M. Cook
Dr. Lenora R. Campbell
Mr. Curtis Richardson ‘76
Mr. Gordon Slade
Mr. Richard N. Davis
Mr. Terrence Hines
Mr. Robert Stephens
Mr. Kelvin Farmer ‘86
Mr. Michael Robinson
Ms. Jacque Gattis
Dr. Kenneth M. Sadler
Mr. Harold Kennedy, III
Mr. Dean Swindle
Mr. Charles Love ‘66
Mr. Francisco Velasco
Ms. Florence P. Corpening
Mr. Arthur E. McClearin
Mr. Charles Wallington
Mr. Victor Johnson, Jr. ‘61
October 2006
Faculty expansion reflects this growth. Total faculty now exceeds
200, providing a student-to-faculty ratio of 18:1.
October 6, 2006 (Founder’s Day)
Groundbreaking ceremony for new $18.7 million Foundation
Heights facility held. The new 14,000 sq. ft. residence hall, features
316-bed residency.
Debra Miller ’78 - Chair
Dr. Bill Harris ’58 - Vice-Chair
Coretta Bigelow ’79 - Secretary
Michael Clements
Hon. Ellen Engleman Connors
Cherita Marks ’88
Dr. Johnnie McFadden ’58
James McNeil
Donna Oldham ’83
Jeff Powell
Johnny Sigers ’67
Dr. Glenda Sims ’70
Allston J. Stubbs, M.D.
October 11, 2006
Ribbon-cutting and portrait unveiling held for newly renovated
Albert H. Anderson Center.
Donald Julian Reaves – Chancellor
Pedro L. Martinez – Provost and Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Daarel Burnette – Interim Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration
Melody C. Pierce – Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs and Enrollment Services
Terrence Hines – Interim Vice Chancellor, University Advancement
Beverly Mitchell – General Legal Counsel
Glen Holmes – Associate Provost for Information Resources & CIO
Jonathan Martin – Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
October 19, 2006
Announcement made regarding the nation’s first Bachelor of Science degree
in Motorsport Management at any four-year university or Historically Black
College or University (HBCU). The official announcement came as part of the
university’s 2006 NASCAR College Tour held on this day.
October 27, 2006
Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Secretary of State, recognizes WSSU as the first
university in the nation to serve as a host site for the Ralph Bunche Society
pilot program. The program will serve as a model for other societies.
he university’s financial
As of June 30, 2007, total university
growing student enrollment. The cash
university liabilities totaled $62,750,698.64
position, as a whole,
assets were $183,932,133.71. The
balance related to capital grants and
at June 30, 2007. Bonds payable of
university’s largest asset is the investment
appropriations designated for capital
$11,244,581.53, a short-term bond
in capital assets of $128,164,170.57 at
projects increased $2,738,294.61, and
anticipation note of $7,170,000, and
during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2007. Cash and investments
net realized and unrealized gains on
a capital lease of $34,420,000.00 were
June 30, 2007. Its combined net
increased by $14,444,011.29 primarily
endowments increased $2,688,573.33.
the largest liabilities, representing
due to note proceeds received net of
The $28,868,869.86 in current assets
84.2% of the total university liabilities.
capital expenditures for the Brown Hall
covered the current liabilities of
The university had outstanding bonds
from the previous year,
renovations, and the athletic upgrade
$13,944,093.34, as the current ratio
of $6,075,000.00, $2,419,581.53, and
which is an increase of
for Civitan Park of $6,998,281.94, and
was $2.07 in current assets to every
$2,750,000.00 from 1998, 2002, and
increased revenues of $2,018,861.41
$1 in current liabilities.
2004 bond issues, respectively.
remained relatively stable
assets increased $6,579,798.44
approximately 5.9 percent.
from providing student services to a
October 27, 2006
WSSU signs memorandum of understanding agreement with
Clemson University to promote cooperation and the advancement of
graduate education, academic and educational exchanges.
November 2006
Mrs. D’Walla Burke and her choral ensemble record with
the world-famous Dvorak Symphony in Prague.
November 2006
The Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina
(UNC) designates Winston-Salem State University as a
Master’s Level Institution.
2006 2007
Current Assets
Noncurrent Assets
125,473,793.05 Other
22,454,163.50 Total Assets 26,899,093.28 11.7%
$ 28,868,869.86 15.7% 74.9%
128,164,170.57 26,899,093.28 69.7%
22,454,163.50 13.4%
13,944,093.34 48,806,605.30 22.2%
Current Liabilities
Noncurrent Liabilities
49,379,189.13 10.6%
Total Liabilities
55,258,596.04 100.0%
78,350,067.57 69.8%
75,329,589.04 62.2%
11,423,994.91 14,588,537.23 7,903,801.45 10.2%
12,599,416.53 25,584,961.36 7,667,468.14 10.4%
$112,266,401.16 100.0%
62,750,698.64 100.0%
Net Assets*
Invested in Capital Assets,
Net of Related Debt
Total Net Assets
$ 121,181,435.07 100.0%
December 8, 2006
Portrait unveiling and re-dedication ceremony held for the new
A.H. Ray Student Health Center.
December 13, 2006
North Carolina Lt. Governor Beverly Perdue delivers the
keynote address at Fall 2006 Commencement.
The following table details the university's non-capital grants and contracts revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.
Department of Education
Department of Health and Human Services
National Science Foundation
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice
Department of Transportation
Federal Total
Private, State, and Local Total
Total All Sources
January 2007
For the eighth year in a row, the Division of Finance and Administration
receive a clean audit from the state Controller’s Office.
February 9, 2007
Donald J. Reaves, Ph.D., is elected Chancellor of Winston-Salem
State University, effective Aug.16, 2007.
perating expenses,
Salaries and benefits increased by
The university’s largest source of non-
including depreciation
$11,517,115.23 due to legislative
operating revenue is the State of North
of $4,720,677.65, totaled
salary increases and increases in
$117,718,672.39. Of this total,
staffing due to enrollment growth.
$58,739,653.97 or 49.9 percent
Carolina appropriation. For the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2007, the State
of North Carolina appropriated to the
Supplies, materials, and services
increased by $7,547,171.11 due to
university $65,842,692.35 for operations.
The State of North Carolina provided
was used for instruction
enrollment growth and spending
$5,028,960.83 in capital grants and capital
and student support.
on capital improvement projects.
appropriations during the fiscal year.
April 13, 2007
WSSU establishes the Commission on Campus and
Community Safety, and charges commision to report its findings,
recommendations and implementation timetable by June 30, 2007.
otal net revenues were
$124,298,470.83 for fiscal
year 2006-2007, compared to
$105,496,753.68 for fiscal year
2005-2006, resulting in a net
increase of $18,801,717.15, which is
primarily attributed to the following:
May 5, 2007
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr., senior vice president for academic
affairs of the 16-campus University of North Carolina and
former chancellor of Winston-Salem State University, delivers
keynote address at the 115th Spring Commencement.
n Student tuition and fees reflect a
June 2007
Total giving increased more than 30 percent from the previous
fiscal year, exceeding $3 million.
n Investment income reflects a $1,861,114.50 increase
$2,058,611.36 increase due to increases
due to the increase in realized and unrealized gains
in tuition and fee rates.
on Endowment investments.
n Sales and services reflect a $2,318,197.90
n State capital appropriations reflect a $1,035,953.83
increase due to an increase in housing
increase due to increased funding from the State of
and dining rates.
North Carolina.
n State appropriations reflect a
n Capital grants reflect a $4,342,939.00 decrease due to
$15,268,707.48 increase due to increased
the completion of construction projects funded under
funding from the State of North Carolina.
the University Improvement General Obligation Bonds.
June 14, 2007
WSSU receives approval from the University of North Carolina
Board of Governors for the establishment of the Bachelor of
Science degree program in Motorsport Management, the first such
program in the nation to be established at a Historically Black
College or University (HBCU), or any four-year university.
June 2007
The size of grants awarded to WSSU faculty that assists
with research, public service activities, instruction, and other
scholarly works doubled from fiscal year 2005-2006.
June 15, 2007
Dr. Michelle R. Howard-Vital, interim chancellor of WinstonSalem State University since July 2006, is selected as
president of Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. Howard-Vital
begins her tenure at Cheyney on July 30, 2007.
2006 2007
Operating Revenues:
Student Tuition and Fees, Net
Grants and Contracts
9,172,378.33 26.7%
10,215,958.47 25.6%
Sales and Services, Net
13,129,066.99 32.9%
Other 874,565.26
999,947.43 2.5%
Total Operating Revenues
39,936,506.18 100.0%
Operating Expenses:
Salaries and Benefits
52,588,327.34 57.5%
64,105,442.57 54.5%
Supplies, Materials, and Services
31,792,274.23 29.8%
39,339,445.34 33.4%
Scholarships and Fellowships
5,213,096.08 6.5%
6,902,467.55 5.9%
2,795,242.32 2.5%
2,650,639.28 2.3%
3,958,479.79 3.7%
4,720,677.65 4.0%
Total Operating Expenses
96,347,419.76 100.0%
117,718,672.39 100.0%
Operating Loss
Non-Operating Revenues: State Appropriations
50,573,984.87 71.1%
Capital Grants
6,210,146.00 8.7%
1,867,207.00 2.2%
Capital Appropriations
2,125,800.00 3.0%
Non-Capital Grants
Non-Capital Gifts
378,499.78 0.5%
Additions to Endowments
1,193,504.56 1.7%
Net Non-Operating Revenues 71,106,019.07 100.0%
84,361,964.65 100.0%
Increase in Net Assets
Net Assets:
Beginning of Year
Restatement of Net Assets
End of Year
$121,181,435.07 OPERATING
DONOR ROLL JULY 1, 2006 TO JUNE 30, 2007
Gold Circle
$100,000 - $499,999
Benefactor’s Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Paige (‘84) & Evette Cherry
Mr. Victor Johnson (‘61) and Dr. Constance Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene (‘60) & Viola (‘61) Roseboro
Mr. and Mrs. Brinston & Betty (‘60) Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Willis (‘53) & Thomasina (‘58) Johnson
Dr. Kenneth Sadler
Contract Office Furnishings
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (‘55) & Wanda Jones
Salem Investment Counselors
Forsyth Medical Center Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (‘78) & Deborah Amado
Mr. and Mrs. John and Terrie Davis
Ms. Fannie Jones (‘56)
Mr. Carlton Scales Jr. (‘91)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul & Nelda Fulton
Aramark, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Martin (‘86) & Robin Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey & Billie Jones
Dr. Manderline Scales
R. J. Reynolds Foundation
Bill Hayes Foundation, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis II
Mr. Hobart Jones Jr (‘97)
Scicom Infrastructure Services, Inc.
Wachovia Foundation
Estate of Henry Lee Jones (‘46)
Mrs. Aurelia Eller
Mrs. Jessie Kearney (‘38)
Mr. and Mrs. Otis & Gladys Sellers
Winston-Salem Foundation
GMAC Insurance
Emanuel Baptist Church
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald (‘78) & Annie (‘78) Sherard
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
Ms. Faustina Holman (‘56)
Ervin’s Beauty Services
Mr. Elliott Lemon (‘83)
Mrs. Shirley Sims (‘56)
Pepsi Bottling Ventures, LLC
Estate of Mary Louise Smith (‘46)
Mr. Bobbie Linville (‘94)
Mrs. Ann Lewallen Spencer
Phelps Stokes Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Donald (‘62) & Patsy (‘66) Faison
Mrs. Nellie Lofton (‘57)
State Employees Combined Campaign
R. H. Barringer Distributing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin (‘86) & Tammy Farmer
Lowe’s Companies Inc
Mr. Herbert Stover (‘60)
R. J. Reynolds Matching Grant Program
Ms. Mary Jane Faulcon (‘56)
Mr. and Mrs. Andre (‘74) & Mary (‘75) Mallette
SunGard SCT Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Gloria (‘76) Reese
First Baptist Church Of Winston-Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Errol & Lucille Mauge
Mrs. Adelaid Talbert (‘57)
Mrs. Doretha Stone (‘63)
Ms. Patricia Ford
Dr. Merdis McCarter
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick (‘72) & Betty Terry
United Metropolitan Baptist Church
Mr. Billy Friende Jr
Mrs. Georgiana McCoy (‘56)
The Links-Winston-Salem Chapter
Wal-Mart Stores
Mr. Stuart Fuchsman
Mr. and Mrs. Herman (‘60) & Alice (‘55) McNeil
Thursday Luncheon Group
Winston-Salem Black Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Dino Gaglioti
Union Chapel Baptist Church
Dean’s Circle
$1,000 - $4,999
Ms. Arnette Gambrell (‘56)
Mount Zion Baptist Church Of Winston-Salem
Wachovia Bank of North Carolina
Mr. Clarence Gilliam (‘71)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin & Gail Myatt
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John (‘76) & Vanessa (‘99) Gist
Mrs. Susie Nance (‘67)
A G Edwards & Sons Inc
Ms. Mattie Glenn
National Black College Hall of Fame Foundation Inc
Dr. Niathan Allen
Mrs. Mae Godette (‘84)
Ms. Elizabeth Newton (‘80)
American Honda Motor Company
Ms. Jo Goetz
Ms. Susie Norton
Allegacy Federal Credit Union
Ms. Carolyn Anderson
Mr. Richard Goldberger
Nu Tau Zeta Chapter
Mr. Marshall B. Bass
Ms. Gayle Anderson
Golden State Foods
Ms. Edna Oglesby (‘56)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert & Carolyn Botley
Dr. Jessica Bailey
Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church
Dr. Amos Olagunju
Mr. and Mrs. John & Mary Burress
Dr. L’Tanya Bailey (‘78)
Mrs. Annie Hairston (‘56)
Ms. Donna Oldham (‘83)
Mr. Michael Bailey
Mr. Gregory Hairston (‘83)
Ms. Leslie Oldham-Winbush
Mrs. Ruby Ballard (‘76)
Mr. Peyton Hairston, Sr. (‘54)
Mrs. Gladys Oldham
Mrs. Gloria Banks (‘46)
Mrs. Virginia Hairston (‘56)
Mrs. Vera Palmer (‘73)
Ms. Cynthia Hardy
Mr. Ezekiel Patten Jr (‘66)
Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Troy & Ruby (‘57) Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. William & Helene Patterson
NC GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Big 4 Alumni
Mr. and Mrs. Walter (‘57) & Lillie (‘57) Harris
Mr. Elliot Perry
Outback Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth & Coretta (‘79) Bigelow
Mrs. Catherine Hart (‘74)
Mrs. Verndene Pettiford (‘65)
Mr. Alvin Pierce and Dr. Sophia (‘60) Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore (‘65) & Alice Blunt
Mrs. Milliceson Hayes (‘61)
Mr. and Mrs. Percy (‘78) & Anita Phillips
Ram Hoops
Boulevard Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Charles (‘53) & Verlia (‘54) Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pleasants
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis (‘76) & Earline (‘71) Richardson
Mr. Alphonzo Harrell and Mrs. Mary Bowser-Harrell (‘57)
High Point Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison (‘79) & Stephanie (‘81) Porter
Ms. Bertha Brandon (‘58)
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy (‘73) & Jacqueline (‘72) Hill
Mrs. Wynolia Pulliam (‘44)
Ms. Charlene Brown (‘66)
Mr. Bailey Howard Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (‘65) & Barbara (‘68) Puryear
Mr. and Mrs. Ed & Melanie Broyhill
Dr. Michelle Howard-Vital
Rankin Grading
Mr. Joel Bruggen
Mr. and Mrs. John (‘63) & Selena (‘64) Hunter
Rat Race Management Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Victor (‘82) & Sheree (‘82) Bruinton
Mrs. Polly Jackson (‘57)
Ms. Barbara Reinhardt (‘57)
Mr. and Mrs. Harden (‘73) & Janet Wheeler
Dr. Lenora Campbell
Mr. Ahmez Jasper
Reynolds American
Mr. Edmund Atkins
Dr. Carole A. Winston
Carolina Custom Golf
Ms. Patricia Jasper
Mr. Lee Weaver Richardson
Dr. Funwi Ayuninjam
WSSU National Alumni Association
Mrs. Barbara Carter-Smith (‘64)
Mr. George Johnson
Rev. Cedric Rodney and Dr. Mae Rodney
Back Swamp Church of Christ
Silver Circle
$50,000 - $99,999
Altria Group
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie & Suzanne Baker
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Foundation
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
James G. Hanes Memorial Trust
John W. and Anna H. Hanes Foundation
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John & Peggy Taylor
Chancellor’s Circle
$10,000 - $49,999
Choir Prague Trip Supporters
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall & Claire Christopher, Jr.
Columbia University
Inmar Enterprises
Rock-Tenn Company
Rockefeller Foundation
Southern Community Bank and Trust
Wayland H Cato Jr Foundation Inc
Wal-Mart Store 2472
Mr. Frederick Warren (‘67)
Weaver Cooke Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene & Wilma (‘64) Weeks
Mr. Peter Weissbrod
Mrs. Claudette Weston
Dr. Rachel Wilkinson (‘33)
Mr. Harry Williams (‘73)
Mr. James D. Williams (‘43)
Williams Capital Group
Ms. Annette Wilson
Mrs. Rosa Wilson (‘63)
WombleCarlyleSandridge and Rice
Mrs. Julia Woodard (‘61)
WSSU Class of 1956
WSSU Class of 1986
WSSU D. C. Alumni Chapter
WSSU New Jersey Alumni Chapter
Sustainer’s Circle
$500 - $999
Dr. Virginia Adams (‘67)
Aladdin Travel and Meeting Planners
Mr. Gaurdie Banister
Ms. Veronica Jones (‘71)
Rev. and Mrs. William & Sara (‘64) Robinson
Mr. DuWayne Amen
Mrs. Constance Blount (‘66)
Bank of America NA
Maj. Willie Jordan (‘79)
Rowan Pontiac GMC
American Express Foundation
Mrs. Daisie Blue (‘72)
Mrs. Remona Banner (‘58)
Mrs. Winnie Keaton (‘57)
Mr. Bobby Rowe (‘60)
Mrs. Saundra Amos (‘70)
Ms. Annette Blum (‘80)
Ms. Cheryl Basnight (‘83)
Keiger Printing Company
Mrs. Lillian Ruffin (‘61)
Anastasia Fur
BMW of Sterling
Rev. and Mrs. James (‘68) & Regenia Beatty
Mr. Robert Kimber
Russell Funeral Home
Mrs. Phyllis Anderson (‘66)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Donna (‘92) Bohannon
Ms. Alice Bell
Ms. Linda Knox (‘95)
Saint Peter AME Church
Anderson High School Alumni
Ms. Shirley Borders (‘58)
Dr. Carolynn Berry
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation
Dr. Evelyn Scales Thompson (‘57)
Anonymous Gifts
Mrs. Ruth Bowen (‘55)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred & D’Walla Burke
Ms. Lisa Lambert (‘06)
Mr. James Shaw (‘97)
Ms. Charlene Armstrong (‘92)
Mr. Clifton Bowie (‘63)
Mr. Charles Carrouthers (‘66)
Mr. Daniel Laws
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (‘67) & Edna (‘93) Sigers
Ms. Bettye Arrington Ph. D.
Mr. Norris Boyd (‘70)
Cassell Horned Dorsets
Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Lawson
Dr. Eva Smith (‘59)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Kim (‘95) Asbury
Mrs. Ruth Boyd (‘51)
Mr. and Mrs. Bill & Michelle Cook
Mr. Carlos Lee (‘96)
St. James A.M.E. Church
Ashland Inc. Foundation
Mrs. Tanya Bradford (‘96)
Mrs. Bettie Cooley (‘48)
Mr. Marvin Lee
Mrs. Sandra Summerous (‘68)
AT & T Community Giving Program
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory (‘84) & Pamela Bradsher
Mr. J Covington (‘53)
Lending Industry Diversity Conference
The Chronicle
Atkins Class of 1971
Andrais Brandon (‘69)
Dallas Mavericks
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo & Annie (‘75) Lindsay
Mr. John Tomlinson Jr. (‘93)
Ms. Janet Atkinson (‘98)
Mr. Thomas Brewington Jr, MD, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. James & Bernice (‘47) Davenport
Dr. and Mrs. Charles (‘66) & Barbara (‘67) Love
Twin City Choristers
B and C Associates
Ms. Judy Briggs
Dell Inc
Mr. William Lyles (‘02)
UPS Foundation
Mr. David Baggott
Mrs. Claudia Brinkley (‘46)
Dr. Lozelle DeLuz (‘52)
M Creative Inc
Ve’Atlass Designs
Mr. Goley Bailey (‘85)
Ms. Margaret Brinson
Mr. Ace Drakeford
Mrs. Dorothy Mack (‘60)
Mrs. Rebecca Wall
Mr. Anthony Baker
Mr. Hollis Broadfoot
Hon. and Mrs. Richard & Demerice Erwin
Dr. Francine Madrey
Mr. Kelvin Walton (‘87)
Mrs. O’Nita Baker (‘63)
Mrs. Mattie Brock (‘70)
Mr. Gordon Everett (‘78)
Mrs. Barbara Manning (‘60)
Ms. Claudia Warren (‘63)
Baltimore Alumni Chapter
Mrs. Betty Brockman (‘61)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles & Shirley Farrar
Ms. Vivian Marlowe (‘87)
Ms. Pamela Watts (‘89)
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin (‘79) & Venetia Banks
Ms. Linda Brooks (‘70)
Dr. Sylvia Flack (‘68)
Ms. Joanette McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Arcelia & Ralena Wicker
Mr. and Mrs. Byron & Sonia Barbre
Dr. Michael Brookshaw
Flow Companies
Mrs. Mary McClamb (‘75)
Mr. Donald Williams (‘70)
Mrs. Barbara Barnes (‘58)
Ms. Aquila Brown (‘96)
Follett Higher Education Group-WSSU
Ms. Sherri McCormick (‘01)
Mrs. Ernestine Williams (‘60)
Mr. Robert Barrier Jr (‘77)
Mrs. Cynthia Brown
Forsyth Technical Community College Fdtn
Mr. and Mrs. James & Margiesteen (‘59) McKnight
Mrs. Beatrice Wilson (‘56)
Ms. Antoinette Bartlett (‘06)
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald & Doris Brown
Mrs. Elsie Foy
Mechanics and Farmers Bank
Hon. Larry Womble (‘63)
Mr. Charles Batts (‘56)
Mrs. Geneva Brown (‘53)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles & Irma (‘48) Gadson
Mr. John Medlin Jr
Mr. Mataryun Wright (‘01)
Mr. F. Scott Bauer
Mr. Harold Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Clark & LaVerne (‘67) Gaither
Mr. Bill Miller Jr (‘83)
Ms. Melanie Beatty (‘89)
Mr. Jasper Brown Jr
Mr. Orlandus Gilmore (‘99)
Mr. Carl Miller (‘74)
WSSU Atlanta Alumni Chapter
Ms. Cynthia Bell
Ms. Katy Brown
Mrs. Eunice Gist (‘61)
Ms. Debra Miller (‘78)
WSSU Greater Fayetteville Alumni Chapter
Mr. Edwin Bell
Mrs. Laquines Brown (‘69)
Mrs. Mildred Griffin (‘67)
Ms. Beverly Mitchell
Ms. Emma Bell (‘51)
Mr. and Mrs. James & Lillie (‘57) Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Brian (‘91) & Candace Hairston
Mrs. Lois Moore (‘56)
Mr. Willie Bell Jr
Mrs. Mary Brown (‘63)
Ms. Charlene Hairston (‘91)
NC Inst of Minority Economic Development
BellSouth Corporation
Ms. Vivian Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton & Tanya Hairston
North Carolina Baptist Hospital
BellSouth Telecommunications
Mrs. Mildred Bryant (‘60)
Dr. Mazella Hall (‘82)
Novant Health
Mrs. Susan Bryant (‘54)
Hampton Inn Hickory LLC
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Xerox Corporation
Col. Dimitri Belmont (‘78)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene & Jacqueline (‘78) Belton
Mr. William Bryson (‘65)
Dr. Claudette Hardy (‘74)
Patten Energy Enterprises
Mr. Dalton Berry Jr (‘80)
Bulls Advisory Group LLC
Ms. Cheryl Harrison (‘82)
Paul Schwinn Cycling & Fitness
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby (‘71) & Evoria Bess
Mr. Moise Burgess
Mr. George Heilman
Philip Morris USA
Ram’s Circle
$100 - $499
Mrs. Marion Best (‘39)
Mr. David Burke
Mr. Charles Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard & Diane Picciuto
Ms. Thelma Best (‘38)
Mr. and Mrs. Herman & Adele Burney
Mrs. Hattie Hicks (‘56)
Piedmont Club
Mrs. Vicky Adams (‘61)
Mrs. Ruby Bethel (‘58)
Ms. Maria Butner (‘03)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr.
Plaza Ford Lincoln Mercury
Ms. Connie Ader
Ms. Stephanie Bevill (‘06)
Mr. Fred Bynum and Dr. Shirley Bynum (‘66)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald & Lucia (‘64) Hudson
Point 2 Point Technology Inc
Mr. James Advent Jr
Dr. Sharif Bey
C & D Refrigeration Inc
Hutchison-Allgood Printing
Dr. Colleen Ramsey
Aladdin Travel
Mrs. Julia Bibbs (‘54)
Ms. Monica Cain
IBM International Foundation
Mrs. Novel Ratchford (‘66)
Ms. Annie Alexander
Ms. Venesha Binns (‘97)
Rence Callahan
Dr. Elwanda Ingram
Ms. Terri Reed
Ms. Carolyn Allen (‘83)
Ms. Emmie Birkas
Dr. James Campbell
Mr. Arthur Johnson (‘85)
Mrs. Thelma Reed (‘58)
Mr. Robert Allen
Mr. William Blancato
Dr. and Mrs. John & Alison Card
Mr. Tony Johnson Jr.
Renfro Corporation
Mrs. Dorothy Allison (‘59)
Mrs. Shirley Blanton (‘57)
Mr. Michael Carethers (‘93)
Mrs. Jacqueline Jones (‘67)
Richardson Safety Equipment
Mrs. Shirley Alston (‘62)
Dr. Alvin Blount Jr
Carolina Panthers
WSSU Highpoint Alumni Chapter
WSSU Kuandelea Alumni Chapter
WSSU Raleigh Wake Alumni Chapter
WSSU Rocky Mount Alumni Chapter
Wyndham Championship
Ms. Ritchie Carroll (‘75)
Mr. and Mrs. John (‘74) & Deborah Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Jakay (‘58) & Minnie (‘57) Ervin
Ms. Elnora Gore
Mrs. Dorothy Heath (‘65)
Mr. Roland Carter
Ms. Maxine Curry (‘75)
Mr. Clarence Erwin (‘55)
Mr. Donald Gorham (‘75)
Mrs. Catherine Hemingway (‘49)
Carver High School
Ethical Leadership Group Inc
Ms. Doris Gosier
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby & Lavonia (‘73) Henderson
Carver High School Athletic Booster Club
Curves of Olivers Crossing
Mrs. Beverly Evans (‘70)
Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Gottlieb
Mr. and Mrs. John & Waverly (‘96) Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil (‘79) & Irene Cates
Ms. Nancy Cuthrell
Mrs. Minnie Evans (‘60)
Grace Presbyterian Church
Dr. Robert Herring III
Mrs. Lori Caudle
Ms. Deborah Daniels (‘77)
Mrs. Shirley Evans (‘61)
Mrs. Alice Grady (‘63)
Ms. Loretta Herriott (‘74)
Ms. Karen Cession
Mrs. Helen Daniels (‘44)
Mrs. Tujuanna Evans-Mayo (‘99)
Ms. Jacquelyn Graham-Dickson
Ms. C Herron (‘58)
Mrs. Daisy Chambers (‘58)
Mrs. Sadie Daniels
Dr. Carlton Eversley
Dr. Albert Granger
Ms. Geralene Hill (‘66)
Mr. C Chaplin
Ms. Joanne Davidson
Mr. Julius Reese and Mrs. Kimberly Fair-Reese (‘92)
Mrs. Blondelle Grant (‘54)
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore & Betty Hindsman
Charlie Culbreath Orchestra
Ms. Arcenia Davis
Mr. Eugene Faison Jr
Mr. Robert Grant
Mr. Clifton Hines (‘72)
Charlotte Bobcats
Mr. and Mrs. Lopez & Carol Davis
Mr. Timothy Grant (‘80)
Mr. Terrence Hines
Ms. Moula Cherikh
Mr. Raoul Davis Jr (‘02)
Mr. Dexter Felder (‘88)
Ms. Jannet Gray (‘99)
Mrs. Thelma Hines (‘40)
Mr. Richard Davis
Ms. Nadja Fidelia
Mrs. Gayle Green (‘77)
Mrs. Adeline Hodge (‘42)
Ms. Lauretta Chisolm (‘65)
Ms. Joan Dawson
Ms. Dorothy Fielder
Ms. Alycia Greene (‘83)
Mr. Roderick Hodge (‘78)
Chosen 2 Conquer International Ministries
Mrs. Olivia Day
Fifth Third Bank
Ms. Dianna Greene
Mrs. Martha Holland (‘48)
Iling Chow
Ms. Siobahn Day (‘05)
Mrs. Peggy Fleming (‘62)
Mr. Kenneth Griffin Sr (‘70)
Mr. Calvin Holloway (‘93)
Ms. Nina Christian (‘64)
Mr. William Dean
Mr. Larry Fletcher
Mrs. Decie Gunn (‘63)
Mrs. Betty Hood (‘56)
Mr. Serenus Churn Jr (‘89)
Mr. James Degraphenreid
Ms. Melanie Ford (‘90)
Dr. Thomas Gunnings (‘58)
Tika Hood (‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. Starling (‘92) & Hayneslyn Churn
Dellabrook Presbyterian Church
Ms. Vera Ford (‘61)
Mr. Christopher Gunzenhauser
Mr. Rufus Hoover (‘63)
Mr. Jack Ciancio
Ms. Pamela Deloatch (‘03)
Mr. and Mrs. William (‘71) & Velma Forte
Ms. Dulce Gwyn
Mrs. Hulda Hopewell (‘64)
Mrs. Kay Clark
Mrs. Erline Dennis (‘39)
Mr. Otis Foster Jr
Mrs. Cheryl Haile (‘98)
Ms. Helen Horton (‘73)
Mrs. Tomasue Clark (‘76)
Dr. James Dervin
Mr. Robert Foster Jr
Dr. Beth Day Hairston (‘84)
Mrs. Frances Hoskins
Mr. Morris Clarke
Dixie Sporting Goods
Mr. Samuel Foster Jr (‘61)
Mr. Gerald Hairston (‘86)
Mrs. Lena Howard (‘53)
Mrs. Doris Clawson (‘67)
Mr. Sylvester Dixon (‘51)
Mr. James Franklin Sr (‘70)
Mr. Brian Hamilton (‘70)
Mr. Samuel Howard (‘50)
Mr. Mark Clayton (‘89)
Mr. James Dobbins (‘06)
Mrs. Maxine Freeman (‘71)
Ms. Merna Hampton (‘73)
Ms. H Hudson (‘75)
Dr. Faye Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth & Sharon (‘76) Dobbins
Mr. Clifton Fulton Jr
Hampton House Gallery
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin & Marta (‘77) Hughes
Mr. Herman Cobb Jr (‘55)
Ms. Alice Dodson
G Walker Nominee Trust
Ms. Dawn Hand (‘88)
Mrs. Sara Hughes (‘47)
Cobra Golf
Mrs. Clara Douglas (‘28)
Mr. and Mrs. Leon & Mary (‘73) Gabriel
Ms. Margrett Hanes (‘47)
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson (‘68) & Judi Hunter
Ms. Marguerite Cole (‘67)
Dreamland Park Baptist Church
Mr. Kevin Gainer and Cpt. Sheryce Gainer (‘84)
Mr. and Mrs. Roland (‘55) & Mary Hanes
Mr. William Hunter
Ms. Carrie Collins (‘04)
Ms. Carrie Dublin
Mrs. Clara Gaines
HanesBrands, Inc
Ms. Melva Huston
Mr. and Mrs. John (‘85) & Eleanor (‘85) Collins
Ms. Peggy Dulin (‘69)
Dr. Lester Gaither (‘49)
Ms. Modestine Harding (‘77)
Dr. and Mrs. Simeon & Adebola (‘04) Ilesanmi
Mr. Reginald Combs
Ms. Bertha Duncan (‘72)
Galilee Missionary Baptist Church
Mrs. Helen Harrell (‘56)
Mrs. Madie Ingram (‘42)
Mrs. Veronica Conner
Ms. Elois Duncan (‘57)
Mrs. Andrea Garner (‘67)
Mr. Oscar Harrell and Dr. Sophia (‘59) Harrell
Mr. Willie Ingram
Mr. Willie Conner Jr (‘04)
Mr. Benjamin Dupree (‘60)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl & Patricia (‘03) Garren
Ms. Barbara Harriett (‘78)
Ms. Linda Inman
Mrs. Teresa Conner-Kerr
Ms. Karen Durham (‘96)
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby & Barbara (‘59) Garrett
Mr. Calvin Harris (‘50)
Ms. Latoya Irby (‘05)
Mrs. Helen Durr (‘65)
Mrs. Jane Garrett (‘78)
Mr. and Mrs. Travis & Kimberley (‘96) Harris
Mr. Calvin Irvin
Ms. Sharyn Conrad
Mrs. Marion Durrell (‘51)
Ms. Virginia Garris (‘02)
Mr. Sonny Harris, Jr. (‘75) and Mrs. Martha Lester-Harris
J Foster Phillips Funeral Home Inc
Ms. Marcella Cook (‘71)
Ms. Kelly Dwiggins (‘98)
Ms. Charlena Garrison (‘71)
Dr. and Mrs. William (‘58) & Clara (‘60) Harris
Mr. Kenneth Jackson (‘77)
Ms. Martha Cooper (‘56)
Mr. Eddie Easley
Ms. Jacqueline Gattis
Mrs. Edith Harrison (‘59)
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo (‘74) & Sandra (‘73) Jackson
Mr. Ricky Cooper (‘93)
Ms. Rotunda Eaton
Mr. Indranil Ghosh
Mrs. Ina Hart (‘54)
Mrs. Marilyn Jackson (‘77)
Corn Products International
Mr. Jeffrey Eckmann
Mr. John Gibbs Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Allen (‘66) & Faith Hartie
Mr. Robert Wiggins and Mrs. Priscilla Jackson-Wiggins
Ms. Letitia Cornish
Mr. Donnell Edwards
Mr. Otis Gibson (‘69)
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred (‘75) & Alecia Harvey
Mr. Freddie Couch
Ms. Dorothy Edwards
Ms. Patricia Gibson (‘79)
Dr. Lynn K. Harvey
Mr. James Jarrell (‘63)
Mr. James Covington
Mr. Henry Edwards (‘78)
Dr. Valerie Giddings
Mr. Paul Hassell (‘97)
Mr. Clarence Jeffreys
Ms. Margaret Cowans (‘72)
Ms. Catherine Eilenberger
Ms. Melanie Gilliam
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy (‘68) & Mycki (‘69) Jennings
Mrs. Dorothy Craine (‘60)
Ms. Mahasin El-Amin (‘02)
Dr. Bettie Glenn (‘69)
Hawthorne Gallery Inc
Mrs. Nancy Jernigan (‘73)
Ms. Margie Crawford (‘66)
Mr. and Mrs. Earl (‘80) & Kathy Elkins
Ms. Pamela Glenn (‘90)
Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center
Chn. Alex Johnson (‘71)
Ms. Jacqueline Crawley (‘05)
Mr. Clement Emehel (‘88)
Ms. Wendy Godowitz Rehkope (‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony & Melanie (‘98) Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin & Elva (‘48) Johnson
Mr. John Crews Jr
Mrs. Rebecca English (‘54)
Mrs. Eleanor Golden (‘68)
Hon. and Mrs. Roland (‘52) & Barbara (‘57) Hayes
Mr. Joseph E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ted & Yvonne (‘87) Cromartie
Mr. and Mrs. Foster (‘71) & Beverly Epps
Goler Metropolitan AME Zion Church
Ms. Ann Haynes (‘90)
Mr. and Mrs. Major (‘77) & Marilyn Johnson
Mr. Carter Cue (‘88)
Mr. Harold Epps
Ms. Ethel Goodwin (‘52)
Mrs. Doris Heath (‘56)
Mrs. Maurice Johnson
Hon. and Mrs. Allen & Peggy Joines
Mr. Larry Little (‘79)
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel & Effie (‘62) Merritt
Peak Fitness
Mr. and Mrs. Donald (‘90) & Felicia Sadler
Mrs. Asonia Jones (‘78)
Ms. Vonda Little (‘99)
Mrs. Dorothy Mewborn (‘44)
Mrs. Freddie Pearson (‘58)
Ms. Carolyn Sampson
Mrs. Dorothy Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald (‘64) & Rose (‘61) Livingston
Ms. Lillie Mickle (‘74)
Ms. Alma Peay
Ms. Girlie Sanders
Mr. Emory Jones (‘71) and Dr. Elva Jones (‘70)
Mrs. Rose Lockhart (‘82)
Mr. John Miller Jr
Mrs. Vanessa Peele (‘77)
Mr. Verdell Sanders (‘75)
Ms. Evelyn Jones (‘72)
Ms. Dorothy Lodge (‘76)
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy & Rosa (‘87) Miller
Mr. Aaron Penn (‘65)
Mr. James Hardy and Mrs. Patti Sanders-Smith (‘76)
Ms. Pamela Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert (‘05) & Kay Love
Mr. Randolph Mills Jr (‘71)
Mr. De Valdean Penn (‘74)
Dr. Alvin Schexnider
Mrs. Patricia Jones (‘61)
Mrs. Muriel Lovell (‘58)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter & Bennie (‘72) Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Roland (‘64) & Doris Penn
Mrs. Julia Scott (‘56)
Mrs. Rosalene Jones (‘69)
Mr. James Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth (‘83) & Yvonne Minor
Mrs. Angelia Pennix-Kimber (‘85)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert & Terry (‘77) Scott
Mrs. Sylvia Jones-Caldwell (‘66)
Mrs. Martha Lowe
Ms. Carolyn Mitchell (‘71)
Mr. Joel Perry (‘81)
Ms. Minor Sellars (‘44)
Ms. Mary Jordan (‘85)
Mr. and Mrs. Dorwyn (‘95) & NaTasha Lyles
Ms. Dana Mitchell (‘05)
Ms. Patricia Petree (‘72)
Dr. Subash Shah
Mr. Paul Jordan
Ms. Pamela Lyons (‘79)
Ms. Ellen Monahan
Ms. Patricia Pharr (‘70)
Ms. Patricia Shepard
Mr. John Jowers (‘78)
Macaroni Grill
Dr. Thomas Monteiro (‘61)
Mrs. Frances Phillips (‘42)
Sheraton Greensboro Hotel
Mrs. Jeanie Joyner (‘54)
Mr. James Mack (‘64)
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter (‘78) & Pamela Montgomery
Ms. C Pickens
Mr. and Mrs. Adam & Eldria (‘58) Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Paul (‘74) & Olive Joyner
Ms. Sherrily Magby (‘91)
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo (‘95) & LeeAntoinette (‘95) Moore
Mr. Bert Pickett (‘05)
Mr. Dennis Sherrod
JP & D Financial Inc
Ms. Tameka Mahatha (‘04)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie & Eloise (‘75) Moore
Piedmont Investment Advisors LLC
Mr. John Shields
K & W Cafeterias, Inc
Ms. Sandra Mangum (‘76)
Mrs. Shirley Moore (‘63)
Ms. Janet Pierce (‘89)
Shiloh Baptist Church
Mr. Mohamad Karimi (‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Billy (‘71) & Connie (‘71) Martin
Mrs. Mary Morrison (‘59)
Ms. Calsine Pitt (‘96)
Mr. Robert Shirk
Mr. Albert Keal
Mrs. Creola Martin (‘54)
Mr. Donell Goins and Ltl. Ophelia Munn-Goins (‘80)
Ms. Marion Pittman-Couch (‘71)
Mr. Timothy Shore (‘02)
Mr. Wayne Kearney
Mrs. Rita Martin
Mrs. Madge Murray (‘60)
Mr. Graydon Pleasants and Ms. Margaret Scales
Signs by Blaylock
Mrs. Susie Keele (‘58)
Ms. Shavonda Martin (‘04)
Ms. Sherri Murrell (‘05)
PNC Bank Foundation
Ms. Gwendolyn Simmons
Mrs. Memphis Keen (‘52)
Dr. Pedro Martinez
Ms. Margo Myers
Ms. Margaret Poston
Ms. Allean Sims (‘69)
Mr. Pat Kennedy Esq
Mrs. Edith Massey-Stephens (‘58)
Mrs. Claire Nanton
Rev. Vicki Powell (‘82)
Ms. Charletta Sims (‘92)
Mr. and Mrs. William & Sandria Kerr
Mr. Michael Massoglia
National Association of Securities Professionals
Mrs. Constance Prunty (‘71)
Mr. and Mrs. Hayward (‘65) & Nancy (‘65) Sims
Ms. Adelaide Key
Mrs. Janet Matthews (‘56)
Ms. Kimberly Nesbitt (‘89)
PSEG Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward (‘89) & Edward Singleton
KFC-Luihn Food Services
Ms. Lavonne Matthews (‘78)
Dr. Marc Nesi
Psi Kappa Kappa
Mrs. Bessie Smith (‘70)
Mr. Leslie Kimbrough (‘70)
Mrs. Marie Matthews (‘48)
Mr. David Ness
R. H. Donnelley Corporation
Mr. Hessie Smith Jr (‘64)
Mrs. Barbara Kinder (‘61)
Mr. James Mattocks Jr
New Jerusalem Baptist Church
Mr. George A. Ragland
Dr. Janice Smith (‘81)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles & Susan Kraft
Mrs. Charmin Mauney (‘54)
New Life Christian Community
Mr. and Mrs. Carl & Toni Randolph
Mr. John Smith (‘65)
Mrs. Annie Lassiter (‘74)
Mrs. Gloria Mayfield (‘63)
New York Life Insurance Company
Mr. Ernest Ray
Ms. Kim Smith
Ms. Frances Latimore
Mr. Charles McClennahan
Mrs. Judith Newberry (‘77)
Ms. Jennifer Raye (‘92)
Mr. Wayne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin (‘71) & Helena Lattimore
Mr. and Mrs. Donald & Gloria (‘62) McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Margaret Newman
Ms. Bobbie Reddick
Mr. William Smith (‘72)
Mrs. Mamie Lawrence (‘62)
Mr. Jerry McCollum (‘82)
Mr. Albert Newton (‘70)
Mr. Grady Crosby and Mrs. Cassondra Revel (‘02)
Smith Graham & Co Investment Advisors, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey & Naomi (‘66) Laws
Mr. Michael McCoy Sr (‘74)
Mrs. Emma Nixon-Britt (‘64)
Mr. Gerald Reynolds (‘04)
Ms. Elizabeth Smith-Malik
Mrs. Mildred Leak (‘44)
Ms. Peggy McCoy
Mr. William Norris
Reynolds Park Golf Club
Smith-Phillips Lumber & Building Supply
Mrs. Vermal Leak (‘68)
Ms. Barbara McCracken (‘64)
North Carolina School of The Arts
Ms. Kawanna Rice (‘92)
Mrs. Carolyn Snipes (‘70)
Mrs. Glorious Leaven (‘63)
Ms. Karen McDonald (‘02)
Mr. Ronald O Neal (‘83)
Ms. Helen Rich (‘73)
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent & Pamela Snipes
Mrs. Ruth Ledbetter (‘47)
Mr. Gary McDougald (‘98)
Dr. Erby Oglesby
Mr. Antonio Richardson
Dr. Darlene Sowell-Darby (‘80)
Mr. David Lee III (‘70)
McGHW Foods, LLC
Dr. J Oliver Jr
Ms. Treva Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton (‘80) & Debra Sparrow
Lee Chemical Supply Co Inc
Ms. Tamika McKoy (‘97)
Oracle Corporation
Mr. Willie Richardson (‘62)
Ms. Brenda Spencer (‘04)
Ms. Pamela Leland (‘03)
Mr. George McLendon (‘65)
Mrs. Amelia Osborne (‘45)
Mr. William Roach
Ms. Dietrich Spencer
Suling Lew
Mr. Allen McManus (‘70)
Mr. Bufus Outlaw
Mrs. Tenia Roberson (‘78)
Mr. Donald Spencer (‘61)
Mr. Charles Lewis (‘60)
Mr. James McMillian (‘68)
Mr. Jeremy Overman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh & Dia Roberts
Sports and More
Mr. David Lewis (‘70)
Ms. Emilie McNair (‘94)
Mrs. Rose Palmer (‘58)
Mr. Garfield Robinson (‘61)
Mrs. Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin (‘67)
Mr. Ed Lewis
Mr. James McNeal (‘64)
Paradigm Asset Management Co LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (‘73) & Marie (‘72) Robinson
St Peters AME Church Inc-Womens Progressive Club Ministry
Mrs. Jeanette Lewis (‘53)
Mrs. Sylvia McPherson (‘75)
Mrs. Markethia Parker (‘62)
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin & Ruth (‘65) Robinson
Ms. Cynthia Stanfield (‘75)
Ms. Priscilla Lewis (‘91)
Mrs. Grace McRae
Mr. William Parker (‘71)
Drs. Lewis (‘62) & Joyce (‘61) Roland
Mrs. Ora Staples (‘55)
Mr. Steve Lindsay (‘72)
Mr. David Meadows (‘55)
Mrs. Omega Parraway (‘54)
Mrs. Lillian Rose (‘62)
Statesville Christian Center
Mr. Lawrence Lindsey Jr (‘75)
Mr. Paul Meis
Ms. Mary Ann Parrish
Ms. Glynnis Ross
Mrs. Brenda Stephens (‘74)
Mr. and Mrs. Murray & Susan Linker
Melanin Art Appraisals LLC
Mrs. Barbara Patterson (‘67)
Mr. Fredrick Roundtree (‘96)
Ms. Latricia Stephens
Mrs. Bernadette Lipscomb (‘78)
Mr. Tyrone Melvin Sr (‘63)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles & Robin Paul
Dr. Michael H. Rubin
Mr. Robert Stiles
Ms. Bettie Little (‘71)
Mrs. Valeria Melvin (‘60)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (‘63) & Rosetta Pauling
Mr. Cedric Russell
Stillwater Galleries
Dr. Doria Stitts
Mrs. Minnie Turner (‘68)
Ms. Mona Williams
Mrs. Joyce Allison (‘75)
Ms. Cynthia Belton (‘91)
Stockton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry P.A.
UDI Community Development Corporation
Ms. Rosa Williams (‘65)
Mrs. Vernie Allison (‘54)
Ms. Sylvia Bembry
Ms. Maxine Stokes (‘71)
Mr. Craig Umstead (‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse & Olivia (‘79) Willis
Ms. Carnella Alston
Mr. Marcus Benfield
Mrs. Mudy Stone (‘58)
United Youth Care Services
Ms. Yvonne Willis
Mr. Barry Amburn|
Mrs. Betty Bennett (‘58)
Mrs. Brenda Stoner (‘68)
Dr. Peggy Valentine
Ms. Mia Wilson (‘89)
Mr. and Mrs. Dale & Patricia (‘80) Amos
Lt Col. George Bennett
Mrs. Lillie Stovall (‘56)
Mrs. Lillie VanLandingham (‘54)
Mr. Ricky Wilson (‘74)
Ms. Leanne Anders (‘05)
Mr. Keith Bernarducci (‘05)
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin (‘83) & Candace (‘83) Stowe
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman (‘59) & Cleola Vaughn
Ms. Leslie Winbush
Mr. Albert Anderson
Mr. Ronald Berra
Dr. Allston Stubbs
Mr. William Vaughn
Dr. and Mrs. Robert & Betty (‘71) Wingfield
Mr. James Anderson
Mr. Gerard Berry
Mr. Willie Studevent (‘66)
Mrs. Margaret Venable
Winston-Salem State University Pan Hellenic Council
Ms. Linda Anderson
Mr. James Berry Peron (‘02)
Ms. Tracy Stukes (‘99)
Mr. John Vernon Jr. (‘92)
Winston-Salem Industries for the Blind, Inc
Ms. Darnise Anderson-Davenport
Ms. Lashawnda Berry
Mr. Harrison Sturdivant (‘75)
Village Inn Golf & Conference Center
Mrs. Asha Woodard (‘62)
Ms. Allyson Armstrong
Dr. M Berry
Sturdivant & Co.
Dr. Drewry Vincent
Ms. Nichelle Woodard (‘00)
Mr. Darren Armstrong
Ms. Quanteria Best
Ms. Juanita Summers (‘89)
Vision Focused Consulting, LLC
Ms. Robin Woodard
Ms. Nancy Armstrong (‘87)
Ms. Dorothy Bethea
Dr. and Mrs. Edward (‘82) & Robin Sutton
Wachovia Corporation
Ms. Ruth Woodard (‘05)
Ms. Vertis Armstrong (‘60)
Bethel United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles & Lynn Sweigart
Ms. Wanda Waiters (‘84)
Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus (‘74) & Caserta Woodley
Mr. Gregory Arnold Jr
Ms. Sylvia Bikusa
Mr. Elvis Tabon (‘79)
Mrs. Carolyn Walker
Mrs. Mary Woods (‘57)
Ms. Jeannie Atkins
Ms. Ellen Bishop (‘89)
Talbot’s #114
Dr. Daisy Walker (‘69)
Mr. Todd Woods
Ms. Cherone Austin (‘84)
Ms. Patricia Bitting (‘76)
Mr. Jerome Walker
Worden Brothers Inc
Ms. Anisse Avery
Ms. Veronica Bitting (‘91)
Ms. Gwendoline Ayuninjam
Ms. Jakena Bittle
Mrs. Isolene Taylor (‘43)
Mrs. Rosa Walker (‘56)
Mr. Xavier Wortham (‘84)
Ms. Jennifer Baggett (‘84)
Mrs. Myrtle Black (‘48)
Mr. Rodney Taylor Sr (‘82)
Mrs. Verniece Walkes (‘54)
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy & Betty Wray
Mr. Aaron Bailey
Mrs. Austina Blackmon (‘60)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas & Gaither Terrell
Mrs. Gwendolyn Wallace (‘52)
Ms. Edythe Wright (‘45)
Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort (‘57) & Pollye (‘74) Bailey
Ms. Tonya Blackwelder (‘03)
Mrs. Janet Terry (‘65)
Dr. Frances Waller (‘62)
Dr. James Wright (‘55)
Mr. Jeromy Bailey
Ms. Brittany Blanks
TES Engraving and Sign Company
Wal-Mart Inc - W Wendover Ave
WSSU Charlotte Q C Rams Alumni Chapter
Ms. Victoria Bailey (‘93)
Ms. Sandra Blevins (‘92)
Ms. Phyllis Tettey-Enyo (‘04)
Walt Disney World
WSSU Former Miss Alumni Club
Ms. Stephanie Baine (‘91)
Ms. Teresa Blevins (‘01)
Ms. Erika Thames (‘04)
Mrs. Janie Wanzer (‘62)
Mr.. Trent Balaam (‘89)
Mr. Kermit Blount (‘80)
The Duke Mansion
Ms. Sarah Ward (‘06)
Dr. James Young (‘62)
Mr. Stuart Bamby
Ms. Kristin Blow
The Executive Leadership Foundation Inc
Ms. Susan Warren
Mrs. Janice Young (‘74)
Ms. Keisha Banks (‘97)
Ms. Miriam Blue (‘81)
The Great Frame Up
Mrs. Edna Washington (‘70)
Mr. John Young Jr (‘74)
Ms. Melanie Barber
Ms. Valeria Blue (‘73)
The Marathon Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (‘90) & Denise Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Waltin (‘54) & Clementine (‘54) Young
Ms. Jennifer Barksdale (‘05)
The Ruffin Group
Ms. Susan Washinsky
Young Men’s Christian Association of High Point, Inc
Ms. Samantha Barksdale
Mrs. Margie Bohannon (‘51)
Ms. Alexis Thomas
Mr. Jerome Watson (‘66)
Mrs. Linda Zachary (‘76)
Mr. Darnell Barner
Mr. Rico Bohannon
Ms. Dianne Thomas (‘89)
Ms. Ernestine Watts (‘64)
Zeta Phi Beta Rho Zeta Chapter
Ms. Brittany Barnes
Mr. Javion Bolden
Mr. Josiah Thomas Jr (‘82)
Rep. Roland Watts and Dr. Velma Watts
Zion Baptist Church
Mrs. Nettie Barnes (‘50)
Mr. Thomas Bolden (‘61)
Mrs. Margaret Thomas (‘60)
Mrs. Vivian Weaver (‘49)
Ms. Chanta Barnette
Ms. Jane Boles (‘93)
Mrs. Sondra Thomas (‘75)
Dr. Spurgeon Webber
Ms. Calesha Barrino
Ms. Thelma Boney (‘54)
Ms. Edwina Thompson
Mr. James Webster and Dr. Sadie (‘57) Webster
Mrs. Linda Bass (‘76)
Ms. Marcia Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Harold (‘04) & Latisha (‘06) Thompson
Ms. Tanya Welborn (‘97)
Mr. William Bates (‘78)
Mr. Harvey Boone (‘79)
Mr. Roland Thompson (‘90)
Mr. Leonard Wellington Jr
Ms. Tonya Battle (‘93)
Ms. Ja’Nate Boulware
Ms. Carolyn Bauguess (‘92)
Ms. Ebonie Bowens
Mrs. Sarah Thompson (‘45)
Ms. Joyce Wellman
Ms. Cierra Baxter
Mrs. Essie Bowie (‘65)
Ms. April Thornton (‘04)
Mrs. Betty Werts (‘74)
Mrs. Norma Baynes (‘60)
Mrs. Linda Boyce (‘77)
Mr. Harry Thornton
Mr. Arnold West
Ms. Lisa Bazemore (‘96)
Ms. Monica Boyd
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
Mr. Oliver Wheeler (‘57)
Mr. Lou Tillman (‘90)
Mrs. Beatrice Whitaker (‘58)
Dr. Otis Tillman MD
Mrs. Sadie Wiggins-Bell (‘55)
Mr. Walter Tobe (‘76)
Mr. Daniel Wilkes
Tom Joyner Foundation
Mrs. Marjorie Wilkins (‘71)
Mr. William Trent (‘96)
Lt Col. Smiley Wilkins Sr (‘51)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert (‘57) & Shirby Trotter
Ms. Dorothy Williams (‘75)
True Vine Church
Mr. Jacob Williams (‘70)
Dr. Gerald Truesdale
Mr. Leroy Williams Jr (‘81)
Drs. Xuri & Carolyn Allen
Mr. James Turner (‘65)
Ms. Mary Williams
Ms. Barbara Allison (‘90)
Booster’s Circle
$1 - $99
A Quality Printers
Ms. Andrea Abrams
Mrs. Brenda Adams (‘75)
Ms. Denise Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Earl & Vernita Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Guy & Gail Adams
Aetna Foundation
Mr. Cameron Aikens
Mrs. Margaret Alexander (‘40)
Mr. Robert Alexander
Ms. Sandra Alexander (‘72)
Ms. Jacinta Alford (‘04)
Dr. Harvey Allen Sr
Ms. Denise Beason
Mr. and Mrs. George & Cynthia (‘66) Boykin
Mr. Rontray Beatty
Mrs. Helen Bracey (‘66)
Ms. Lorna Beck
Mr. Ryan Bradley
Becker Automotive
Mrs. Cora Bradshaw (‘54)
Ms. Kalyse Beckett
Mr. James Brailey (‘75)
Mr. Allen Bedingfield
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (‘84) & Gladys Branch
Ms. Jeannette Belfield (‘63)
Mr. and Mrs. Brent & Aleashia (‘99) Brandon
Ms. Camela Bell (‘96)
Ms. Margaret Brandon
Ms. Ltisha Bell
Ms. Thurlia Brandon (‘58)
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene & Paula (‘79) Bell
Ms. Jennifer Brannon
Ms. Kathrine Bellamy
Mr. James Braswell
Mrs. Marthella Briddell (‘81)
Ms. Pamela Carlton
Mr. Douglas Coulter
Ms. Nakia Durham
Ms. Marcia Freed
Ms. Katherine Bridges
Mr. Larry Carman (‘04)
Ms. Kendra Council (‘03)
Mrs. Geraldine Dye (‘61)
Ms. Isabell Freeman
Ms. Maria Briggs (‘99)
Ms. Tamiris Carr
Ms. Jo Covington
Mrs. Adelaide Earp (‘50)
Friends of Charles W Bennett Sr
Ms. La’Shanda Brincefield
Ms. Brenda Carroll (‘91)
Ms. Gail Cox (‘93)
Mr. Michael Eaton
Ms. Tanisha Frost
Mrs. Janet Brinker (‘92)
Mr. Montavius Carson
Mrs. Alpha Crawford (‘45)
Ms. Tusha Eaton (‘00)
Mrs. Claudia Fuller (‘72)
Ms. Kimberly Britt (‘03)
Ms. Britney Carter
Tremonteo Crawford (‘79)
Mrs. Angela Edwards (‘93)
Mr. Darius Fuller
Mr. Ellis Broadie III (‘84)
Mrs. Lurania Carter (‘51)
Mr. Jerome Crews
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson & Lisa (‘04) Edwards
Mrs. Deborah Fuller (‘45)
Ms. Carolyn Brooks (‘68)
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey (‘55) & Ida (‘61) Cathey
Mr. and Mrs. Galvin (‘71) & Joyce (‘71) Crisp
Ms. Tawatha Edwards
Mr. Julius Fulmore
Mrs. Karen Brooks (‘85)
Ms. Deborah Cave (‘95)
Mrs. Anita Cromartie (‘81)
Ms. Chidinma Ekenna
Mr. Grant Fulton Jr
Mr. Mark Brooks
Ms. Shellvia Cearnal
Mrs. Martha Cromartie (‘65)
Ms. Cassaundra El-Amin
Ms. Tonya Fulton
Ms. Trena Brooks (‘91)
Mr. Alex Chandler
Ms. Gayle Cronin (‘88)
Elbow Room
Mrs. Sheryl Funderburk (‘80)
Mrs. Marian Brower (‘45)
Mr. Jerry Chandler
Ms. Carol Crooks (‘91)
Ms. Dorothy Ellerbe (‘63)
Ms. Lashondra Gaines
Ms. Carolyn Brown (‘68)
Ms. Shaugnessy Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond & Lena (‘52) Crowder
Ms. Susan Epperson (‘79)
Ms. Natosha Gaither (‘04)
Ms. Devine Brown
Charlotte Knights
Mr. George Crummel
Mrs. Alma Epps (‘48)
Ms. Sandra Galyear
Mr. Eric Brown
Charlotte Symphony
Ms. Virginia Crump
Mrs. Terri Erickson (‘91)
Mr. Michael Gardner (‘79)
Ms. Frances Brown
Ms. Carnetta Cheek (‘68)
Mrs. Donna Crump-Wilson (‘98)
Mrs. Diana Estes (‘84)
Ms. Carmen Gatewood
Mrs. Gloria Brown
Ms. Brittany Chestnut
Ms. Tiffany Culler (‘96)
Mr. Michael Evans
Mr. Otis Gatewood
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Brown (‘04)
Mr. and Mrs. George & Jean (‘74) Chiddie
Mr. Darius Cureton (‘00)
Mrs. Rosalyn Evans (‘73)
George K. Walker Florist
Ms. Janay Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James & Julia (‘69) Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Donald (‘75) & Jacqueline (‘73) Cureton
Ms. Tempestt Evans
Mrs. Inez Geralds (‘43)
Ms. Jessica Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William & Kathy Cissna
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony (‘03) & Sandra Dalton
Ms. Jazmin Everett (‘04)
Ms. Toshia Gibson (‘94)
Mrs. Jo Ann Brown (‘75)
Ms. Linda Clapp (‘89)
Mrs. Olivia Daniels (‘31)
Ms. Lakenya Faines
Ms. Devyn Gillette
Ms. Josephine Brown
Ms. Elizabeth Clark
Mr. Luqman Daodu (‘05)
Ms. Destiny Faison
Ms. Judith Ginn Nanney (‘93)
Ms. Latonya Brown (‘98)
Mrs. Henrietta Clark (‘38)
Ms. Janis Davenport (‘85)
Ms. Dolores Faison (‘94)
Girl Scout Troop 329
Ms. Rosalind Brown
Ms. Phylicia Clark
Ms. Brenda Davis (‘88)
Faith Trust Irrev Trust
Mr. Dannie Glascoe
Ms. Teonna Brown
Mr. Robert Clark
Mr. Brian Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul & Elveta Fant
Ms. Jeannette Glenn (‘64)
Ms. Cassie Bryant
Ms. Shannon Clarke
Mr. Charles Davis (‘91)
Ms. Ashley Farmer
Ms. Eva Glover (‘69)
Ms. Corrine Bryant
Mrs. Sharon Clawson (‘86)
Mr. Darien Davis
Ms. Dazarae Farmer
Godiva Chocolatier
Mr. and Mrs. Donald & Eleanor (‘70) Bryant
Mrs. Evelena Clayborn
Ms. Demetria Davis
Ms. Chake Faye
Mrs. Barbara Goines (‘63)
Buie Entertainment
Ms. Deirdre Claytor (‘01)
Ms. Felisha Davis (‘04)
Ms. Latisha Feamster (‘99)
Ms. Alyse Goins
Ms. Tracey Bullock (‘93)
Clemmons Discount Sales
Ms. Keima Davis
Mrs. Janess Felton (‘48)
Mrs. Demetrice Golden (‘84)
Mrs. Mazie Bumgarner (‘82)
Mr. Jason Clemons
Mr. Michael Davis Jr
Mr. Brady Ferguson
Ms. Flora Golden (‘37)
Ms. Tammie Bumpass
Ms. Shalisa Clifton
Ms. Sandra Davis (‘82)
Ms. Pamela Ferguson
Ms. Mutsuko Gonokami-Curia (‘03)
Ms. Debra Bundick
Ms. Kimberly Cloud
Ms. Sharonda Davis
Ms. Pauline Ferguson (‘66)
Goode Investment Management Inc
Ms. Angelica Burch
Mr. Marcus Coates
Mr. Timothy Davis
Mr. Richard Ferguson (‘73)
Ms. Shanel Goodson
Mrs. Velma Burden (‘79)
Mr. Thomas Coble Jr
Mrs. Constance Davis Thompson (‘75)
Mrs. Alicia Fields (‘96)
Ms. Cynthia Goodwin (‘85)
Ms. Elizabeth Burns
Ms. Lisa Cockerham (‘05)
Mrs. Gail Dawkins (‘76)
Ms. Mexie Fields
Ms. Marsha Graddy (‘78)
Ms. Nina Burrell (‘92)
Mrs. Lucille Cockerham (‘58)
Mr. Jarrett Dawkins
Mrs. Barbara Finney (‘64)
Ms. Cynthia Grady
Ms. Geraldine Burris (‘04)
Ms. Phyllis Coconis (‘04)
Mr. Hamid Dawson
First Bank
Ms. LaQuanda Graham
Mrs. Mary Burt (‘58)
Mr. and Mrs. John & Marva Coffie
Mr. Delrio Daye
Mr. Robert Fishel
Mr. Michael Graham
Ms. Ruth Burt (‘43)
Ms. Andrea Cole
Ms. Shari Daye
Dr. Stanley Fleming
Ms. Shatoria Graham
Mr.. James Butler (‘89)
Ms. Jeraline Cole
Mr. Frederick Deese
Ms. Christa Flood (‘96)
Ms. Vivian Granger (‘60)
Ms. Susan Butler (‘93)
Ms. Kaneisha Coleman
Ms. Jelissa Deese
Mr. Michael Flowers
Ms. Carolyn Grant (‘74)
Mr. Kevin Byers (‘99)
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney (‘99) & Rolanda (‘03) Coleman
Mr. Joshua Degraffenreaidt
Mr. Vouise Fonville (‘75)
Mr. Donovan Gray
Mr. Nicholas Calcutta
Ms. Bobbie Collins (‘62)
Mrs. Arletha DeVan (‘66)
Food Lion
Mr. John Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Alan & Lisa Caldwell
Ms. Mary Collins
Dewey’s Bakery
Ms. Beverly Ford
Ms. Ashley Green
Ms. Minnie Caldwell (‘54)
Mr. Spencer Colquhoun
Ms. Chelsea Dickerson
Ms. Gwendolyn Ford
Ms. Katrina Green
Ms. Tameeco Caldwell
Ms. Ashley Combs
Mr. Elliot Dixon (‘05)
Mrs. Judith Ford (‘76)
Mr. Kenneth Green Jr
Ms. Tierra Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Willie & Sylvia (‘06) Conner
Ms. Lori Dobbins (‘00)
Ms. Tamara Ford (‘90)
Ms. Priscilla Green
Ms. Crystal Calloway (‘05)
Ms. Lottie Conner-Bailey
Ms. Ashley Dorsey (‘05)
Ms. Audrey Forrest-Carter
Mrs. Arzell Greene (‘59)
Mrs. Peggy Cameron (‘60)
Mr. Peter Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Eric & Charlene (‘84) Douglas
Ms. Evelyn Foster
Ms. Danielle Greene
Mr. Terry Campbell Jr (‘98)
Ms. Ja’Vuana Cook
Mr. Brandon Dow
Ms. Regina Foster (‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. James & Frances (‘65) Greene
Mr. Warren Campbell
Ms. Joy Cooper
Mr. Samuel Dula (‘93)
Ms. Lashanda Foust (‘95)
Ms. Lena Greene (‘06)
Ms. Constance Carlton (‘02)
Mr. Juan Corders
Ms. Tara Dunson (‘03)
Ms. Shauntique Franklin
Mr. Milfred Greene (‘54)
Mr. Jay Carlton Jr (‘80)
Ms. Riena Cornett
Mr. Michael Durant
Mrs. Ethel Frazier (‘62)
Ms. Roneisha Greene
Ms. Marcia Greenlee (‘81)
Ms. Samantha Hayes
Ms. Benita Howell (‘05)
Mrs. Elizabeth Jones (‘49)
Mr. Rodney Leak
Greensboro Grasshoppers
Ms. Shakara Hayes
Ms. Janie Hughes
Mr. James Jones Jr
Ms. Stephanie Leak
Mr. Robert Greenwood
Mr. Kevin Haynie (‘05)
Ms. Tamara Hughes (‘04)
Mr. Kendall Jones Jr.
Mr. Antoine Leath
Mr. John Grenier Jr
Ms. Lillian Haynie
Ms. Clemmietine Hunter
Ms. Krystal Jones
Mr. Wayne Ledbetter
Mr. Harold Grier (‘91)
Mrs. Wilhelmina Headley (‘76)
Mr. Darrell Hunter II
Mrs. Laura Jones (‘70)
Ms. Amanda Lee
Mrs. Rudine Grier (‘63)
Ms. Janell Healy
Mrs. Katherine Hunter (‘53)
Ms. Paris Jones
Ms. Erica Lee
Mr. Allen Griffin (‘78)
Mr. Cornelius Hector
Ms. Sadie Hunter (‘99)
Ms. Patrice Jones
Ret Sgm. John Lee
Ms. Amanda Griffin (‘95)
Ms. Antoinette Helm
Mr. Travest Hunter (‘03)
Ms. Rikeia Jones
Ms. Lekisha Lee
Ms. Joyce Griner
Mr. Jason Hemmingway
Mr. Dennis Huntley (‘87)
Mrs. Veronica Jones (‘81)
Ms. Felicia Leggett (‘89)
Mr. Bert Gronseth
Mr. Benjamin Henderson (‘60)
Ms. Sharon Hush
Ms. Jennifer Jones-Cockerham (‘06)
Ms. Amy Lemly (‘00)
Ms. Debra Guenzi (‘92)
Mr. Kevin Henderson (‘01)
Ms. Jerri Hutchins
JoS A. Bank Clothiers, Inc. -Stratford Rd
Ms. Kendra Lennon
Mr. John Gulley
Ms. Peggy Henderson
Ms. Maisha Hylton
Mr. Juan Joseph
Ms. Gabrielle Leonard
Mr. Elijah Haddock (‘86)
Mrs. Renee Henderson (‘78)
Mr. Donald Hynes
Ms. Roshell Joyner (‘02)
Dr. Monica Lett
Mr. Matthew Hafar
Ms. Mary Henley (‘96)
Mr. Douglas Ildavan
Mr. and Mrs. George & Mary (‘74) Kahl
Mr. Montague Lewis
Ms. Ashley Hairston
Ms. Camille Henrichs (‘01)
Ms. Emma Ingram (‘73)
Mr. Albert Kahler Jr
Ms. Sherry Lindsay (‘04)
Mrs. Carolyn Hairston (‘69)
Ms. Anna Henry (‘69)
Mrs. Ruby Ingram (‘46)
Mr. Krassen Karagiozov
Ms. Justine Linville
Mrs. Mary Hairston (‘79)
Ms. Sarah Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael (‘82) & Cindy (‘81) Isler
Ms. Lauranita Katende
Ms. Brandi Littlejohn
Ms. Stephanie Hairston (‘94)
Ms. Yer Her
Mr. Odell Isom
Mr. Alican Kavas
Ms. Carla Lloyd
Ms. Tyra Haizlip
Ms. Cassandra Herndon (‘82)
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin & Carolyn (‘56) Jackson
Ms. Firdevs Kavas
Mr. Allen Lockhart
Ms. Betty Hall
Ms. Asha Herring
Ms. Carolyn Jackson
Ms. Cassandra Kearney (‘91)
Mr. Joshua Lockhart
Mr. Evrick Hall
Ms. Chanel Hewitt
Mrs. Melcena Jackson (‘51)
Mr. Shawn Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben & Sanada Logan
Ms. Latoria Hall
Mr. Nathaniel Hewitt
Ms. Stephanie Jackson
Ms. Dollie Keaton (‘61)
Ms. Ada Lomax
Ms. Amy Halverson
Mrs. Maritza Hicks (‘75)
Ms. Susanne Jackson
Mr. Matt Kendrick
Ms. Danga Lombadu
Ms. Shantelle Hamilton
Mrs. Sylvia Hicks (‘78)
Ms. Vicki Jackson
Ms. Jennifer Kennedy (‘87)
Longhorn Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. James (‘98) & DeLinda (‘98) Hamlin
Mrs. Velma Hicks (‘65)
Mr. George Jaggers III (‘82)
Ms. Deandra Keys
Mrs. Kenya Lucas (‘96)
Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond (‘61)
Mrs. Bertha Higgins (‘93)
Ms. Amber Jefferson
Ms. Latoya Kilgore
Mrs. Katie Luck (‘64)
Mr. Arthur Hardin
Mrs. Edythe Hill (‘61)
Mrs. Barbara Jenkins
Mrs. Roberta Kincaid (‘99)
Mr. Dashawn Luckey (‘98)
Mr. Stanley Harding (‘85)
Mr. Curtis Hines
Ms. Jacqueline Jenkins
Mrs. Carolyn King (‘63)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald & Mary (‘68) Lumpkin
Ms. Phyllis Hardison (‘79)
Ms. Lori Hines
Ms. Joyce Jenkins
Mr. Stanley King Jr (‘84)
Ms. Shelia MacRae (‘79)
Ms. Elizabeth Hargraves
Ms. Mildred Hines (‘57)
Ms. Shakara Jenkins
Ms. Valerie King (‘95)
Mr. Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi
Ms. Aqueria Hargrove
Ms. Sarah Hinshaw
Jersey City Sport Shop
Mr. Victor Kirk
Ms. Paula Magee
Ms. Sirena Hargrove-Leak
Ms. Beth Hoagland
Ms. Melanie Jessup (‘91)
Mrs. J Kirk-Graham (‘77)
Ms. Tremik Marley
Ms. Stephanie Harmon
Ms. Sherell Hodge
Mr. Harris Jeter
Ms. Chanet Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Walter (‘65) & Paulette (‘69) Marshall
Mr. Jocolby Harrell
Ms. Lesna Holback (‘02)
Ms. Ashley Johnson
Ms. Brenda Kittles
Ms. Shawn Marshmon
Ms. Katy Harriger
Mr. Bryce Holden
Mr. Brandon Johnson
Mr. Omar Kizzie
Ms. Christa Martin
Ms. Alyssa Harris
Mr. Eric Holiday (‘80)
Mrs. Carolyne Johnson (‘60)
Mr. Ernest Knight
Mrs. Clara Martin (‘52)
Mrs. Betsy Harris (‘59)
Mrs. Patricia Holiday (‘74)
Ms. Diedirius Johnson
Mrs. Gladys Knox (‘48)
Ms. Courtney Martin
Mrs. Dora Harris (‘63)
Mr. Kenneth Holley (‘76)
Mrs. Doris Johnson (‘47)
Mr. and Mrs. Vance (‘76) & Pernella Koonce
Mr. Donald Martin Jr
Ms. Edyth Harris
Ms. Tashia Holliday
Dr. Gwendolyn Johnson (‘75)
Ms. Dukor Koroma
Ms. Elizabeth Martin (‘86)
Mr. Eugene Harris (‘01)
Mr. Jordan Holloway
Ms. Jayna Johnson
Ms. Kelcie Krone
Mr. Gerald Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert (‘51) & Jacqueline (‘52) Harris
Mr. Raymond Holman (‘61)
Mr. Jerrod Johnson
Mr. Paul Kuhl
Ms. Cecily Mason
Ms. Kimberly Harris
Ms. Kelli Holmes
Mr. Luther Johnson Jr (‘93)
Ms. Diane Labovitz (‘96)
Massage & Bodyworks Therapist
Ms. Theresa Harris (‘71)
Mr. Lance Holmes
Mr. Marques Johnson (‘04)
Ms. Dennette Laboy (‘02)
Ms. Erica Massey
Harris Teeter
Ms. Lashaunda Holmes
Ms. Nellie Johnson
Mr. Corey Land
Mayberry Ice Cream Restaurant
Ms. Candice Harrison (‘06)
Home Depot
Ms. Sara Johnson (‘99)
Ms. Katherine Lane (‘05)
Ms. Mary McCall (‘80)
Mr. Muhammad Hasan
Mr. and Mrs. Lenward & Barbara (‘63) Hood
Ms. Shenae Johnson
Ms. Colleen Lanier
Ms. Shannon McCallum
Ms. Shari Hasty (‘05)
Ms. Twyna Hook (‘01)
Mr. Thomas Johnson
Ms. Susan Lanier
Mrs. Laura McCarthy (‘04)
Ms. Margaret Hatter (‘97)
Hooper Funeral Home
Mrs. Willette Johnson (‘44)
Ms. Chinita Lassiter
Ms. Patricia McClary
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood (‘80) & Pearl Hawk
Ms. Wanda Hoots (‘85)
Mr. Robert Jolly
Mr. Ronald Lassiter (‘06)
Mr. Craig McCleary (‘95)
Mr. Joe Hawkins
Ms. Stephanie Hopkins
Mr. Andrew Jones
Ms. Maia Lawrence (‘99)
Mrs. Velma McCloud (‘71)
Mr. Christopher Hawley
Ms. Courtney House
Mrs. Angela Jones (‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (‘51) & Geraldine (‘52) Lawson
Mr. Duane McClure (‘94)
Ms. Amy Hayes
Ms. Lisa Howard
Mr. Charles Jones (‘90)
La-Z-Boy Showcase Shoppe
Mr. Stephen McCollum
Ms. Glenda Hayes (‘77)
Ms. Teresa Howard
Mr. Chris Jones III (‘80)
Ms. Joyce Leak (‘94)
Ms. Crystal McCoy (‘03)
Ms. Lakeitha Hayes
Ms. Wilma Howard (‘53)
Mr. Corderro Jones
Ms. Kameelah Leak
Ms. Whitney McCoy
Ms. Helen McCuiston (‘93)
Mrs. Mamie Morris (‘53)
Ms. Nancy Parker
Ms. Kathleen Ramseur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles & Melendia (‘88) Roseboro
Ellenton McCullough (‘76)
Ms. Leah Morrison
Mr. Preston Parker
Ms. Leah Ramseur (‘96)
Ms. Chantel Ross
Mr. Justin Mccullough
Ms. Shannon Morrison
Mrs. Sandra Parker (‘83)
Ms. Beverly Ramsey
Mrs. Iris Roundtree (‘79)
Ms. Laura McDonald
Mr. Leo Morrissey
Mr. Evan Parrish
Ms. Carla Ramsey Glenn (‘85)
Mr. Artis Rucker Jr (‘75)
Mrs. Lillian McDowell (‘53)
Mrs. Carolyn Morton (‘71)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas & Margret Parrish
Mr. Jomo Rankin (‘96)
Mrs. Jamesine Ruff
Mr. Charles McEwan (‘74)
Ms. Drenika Mosby
Parsons Grove Baptist Church
Mrs. Deloris Ransom (‘72)
Ms. Brenda Rumfelt (‘96)
Ms. Debbie McFadden
Ms. Yulonde Mosley (‘70)
Mrs. Brenda Patterson (‘68)
Mr. Jeremy Rascoe
Mr. Wilbourne Rusere
Mrs. Mary McGee (‘81)
Mr. Curtis Moss (‘76)
Ms. Jasmine Patterson
Ms. Quiotti Ratliff
Ms. Brittney Ryans
Mr. Daniel McGill Jr
Mrs. Alma Motley
Ms. Nitika Patton
Ms. Tamara Ratliff (‘94)
S & L Painting And Decorating
Ms. Constance McGrath (‘96)
Mr. Aubrey Mullen III
Mr. Reginald Pauling
Mr. David Ray
Ms. Elsa Sabio (‘05)
Ms. Deni McIntyre
Mr. John Mundt
Mrs. Mary Paylor (‘48)
Dr. Ritz Ray Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Andy & Eulith (‘04) Salandy
Mr. Ralph McKnight (‘85)
Mr. Brandon Murphy
Mr. Tommy Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Collie & Beatrice (‘59) Rayford
Ms. Stephanie Sample (‘85)
Ms. Fayette McLalughlin (‘03)
Ms. Fidericia Murphy
Mrs. Frankie Peace (‘61)
Ms. Katrina Raynor (‘96)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy, (‘95) & Cynthia (‘72) Samuels
Ms. Brittany McLaughlin
Ms. Debra Murray (‘86)
Mrs. Fannie Peeple (‘59)
Ms. Toneisha Raynor (‘05)
Mrs. Eula Sanders (‘48)
Mr. and Mrs. George & Virgie McLean
Mr. Neiman Murrell
Ms. Betty Peoples (‘76)
Mrs. Valderia Raynor (‘81)
Mr. Andrew Sauls (‘79)
Mrs. Janice McLendon (‘67)
My Email Now LLC
Ms. Sabrina Peoples
Red Lobster
Ms. Saidah Saunders (‘04)
Ms. Keira McMillan (‘96)
Mr. Jamerian Myles
Mr. Paul Perkins (‘64)
Ms. Patricia Reich (‘89)
Ms. Jessica Savage
Mrs. Annie McMorris
Ms. Yvonne Myrick
Ms. Latoya Perry
Mr. Camden Reid
Ms. Margaret Savoca
Ms. Dorinda McNeill (‘76)
Ms. Theresa Nabinett
Mr. Malcolm Peterkin
Ms. Myra Reid
Ms. Yolanda Sawyer (‘96)
Mr. Christopher McPherson
Mr. James Nance
Ms. Aijah Peters
Ms. Shakira Reid
Mrs. Phyllis Scales (‘57)
Mr. Richard McQuellon
Ms. Ida Nash
Mrs. Eulalia Peterson (‘50)
Mederia Reinhardt (‘89)
Ms. Twanda Scales (‘89)
Mrs. Bernice McRae (‘35)
Ms. Nancy Navarro (‘00)
Ms. Tia Peterson
Ms. Quenta Reinhardt
Ms. Meyressa Schoonmaker
Ms. Sharday McRae
NC Black Repertory Co.
Mrs. Angela Pettus (‘92)
Mrs. Mollie Renfrow-Mitchell (‘82)
Ms. Shakiah Scott
Ms. Linda McSwain-Randall (‘79)
NC Blumenthal Performing Arts Center
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm (‘83) & Marsha (‘83) Pharr
Mr. and Mrs. Fernado & Lizette (‘04) Retis
Mrs. Paulette Scott Hinton (‘85)
Ms.. Jayne Mebane (‘02)
Ms. Dale Nelson (‘95)
Phi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Mrs. Oletha Rhinehardt (‘87)
Segmented Marketing Services
Men’s Wearhouse
Mr. Avery Nelums
Rolffs Pinkerton
Ms. Easter Rhue
Mrs. Rosa Sellers (‘50)
Mr. Tracey Meredith (‘01)
Ms. Cierra Nesbitt
Mrs. Naomi Pinkney (‘54)
Mr. Bill Rice (‘63)
Mr. Carlton Seward
Ms. Carolyn Mewborn
Mr. Barry Nesmith
Ms. Rica Pinkney
Ms. Katrina Rice
Mr. Leroy Sexton (‘96)
Ms. Temple Michaels (‘06)
Ms. Laquenta Newkirk
Ms. Dorshawn Pinnix-Jones (‘06)
Mr. and Mrs. Otha & Ernestine (‘59) Richardson
Mr. William Shannon
London Mickle (‘06)
Ms. Kelly Newsome
Ms. Christina Placilla
Ms. Evelyn Richardson
Mrs. Flora Sharpe (‘61)
Mr. Roscoe Mickle (‘62)
Mr. Sterling Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald & Deborah (‘75) Platt
Ms. Irma Richardson
Mr. Frankie Shaw Jr
Ms. Aleshia Miles (‘05)
Ms. Candrice Nolan
Mrs. Ronda Plummer
Mr. Lawrence Richardson
Mr. Kendrick Sheats
Mr. and Mrs. James & Ellen (‘68) Miles
Mrs. Marian Norcott-Langley (‘54)
Mr. David Plyler (‘79)
Ms. Javoka Richmond
Mr. Cory Shepard
Ms. Skyler Miles
Ms. Marty Norman (‘94)
Mrs. Margaret Poag (‘40)
Mr. Christopher Ricks
Ms. Candice Sherald
Ms. Andrea Miller
Norman Stockton
Ms. Patricia Polk
Mr. John Riefenberg
Ms. Kimberly Sherrill (‘82)
Mrs. Claree Miller (‘52)
Ms. Nicole Norris
Mrs. Catherine Poole (‘46)
Ms. Deborah Riley
Sherwood Flower Shop
Mr. William Miller
Mr. Richard Norton Jr
Ms. Phyllistine Poole
Mr. Anthony Ritchie
Ms. Maggie Shipman
Mr. Randy Mills
Ms. Jennifer Norwood
Ms. Jamie Porter
Rev. Prince Rivers
Ms. Cathy Shore
Mrs. Shirley Mills (‘73)
Mr. Jimmy Norwood Jr
Ms. Nakita Porter (‘98)
Mr. Charles Roane
Ms. Betty Shuford (‘64)
Mr. A Mitchell
Mr. Willie Nowlin (‘80)
Ms. Nicole Potts
Ms. Dionne Roberts (‘92)
Mr. David Siar
Ms. Amanda Mitchell
Ms. Veola Offer
Ms. Monica Pouncey (‘95)
Ms. Sandra Robertson (‘04)
Mr. John Simpkins
Mr. Jared Mitchell
Olde Homeplace Golf Club
Ms. Haven Powell
Mr. Sandy Robertson (‘76)
Ms. Georganna Simpson
Mr. John Mochnick
Olive Garden
Ms. Anita Priddy (‘05)
Mrs. Annie Robinson (‘39)
Mr. Bennie Sims
Ms. Montricia Monroe (‘05)
Ms. Deborah Opie (‘92)
Mrs. Dolletha Pridgen (‘45)
Ms. Candace Robinson
Ms. Joy Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie & Tomara (‘80) Monroe
Mr. Ladarrell Owens
Promotions Department
Ms. Johniquea Robinson
Ms. Lundon Sims
Mr. Brandon Moore
Ms. Alece Oxendine
Mr. Darryl Pugh (‘86)
Mr. Renaldo Robinson (‘84)
MS. Raquel Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (‘90) & Wanda Moore
Mr. Matthew Pace
Mr. Raymond Puryear (‘91)
Ms. Shanetta Robinson
Ms. Yolanda Singletary (‘06)
Ms. Lamonica Moore
Mr. Claude Page III (‘86)
Mr. John Queen
Ms. Tiona Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron & Lamonica (‘95) Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde & Peggy Moore
Mr. Notis Pagiavlas
Mr. Gregory Quick
Mr. Travis Robinson
Ms. Dekontee Sirleaf (‘06)
Ms. Salome Moore (‘05)
Ms. Bessie Paige
Ms. Shanice Quick
Mrs. Ida Rogers (‘52)
Mrs. Julia Small (‘70)
Ms. Virginia Moore (‘54)
Mrs. Pamela Palmer (‘91)
Ms. De Lois Rader (‘78)
Ms. Deja Rohadfox
Ms. Trudy Smart (‘75)
Ms. Jessica Morasco
Pan African Imagery
Mr.. M. Ragins (‘74)
Ms. Beverly Rose
Ms. Angela Smith (‘95)
Mrs. Olivia Morgan
Mrs. Rhonda Parham (‘80)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary (‘79) & Elanora Raiford
Ms. Miranda Rose
Mr. Brandon Smith
Ms. Quindolyn Morgan
Ms. Brittani Parker
Mrs. Darlene Rainer (‘97)
Ms. Marilyn Roseboro (‘73)
Ms. Brittany Smith
Ms. Georganne Smith (‘02)
Mr. and Mrs. Hershal & Natalie (‘72) Summers
Mrs. Mildred Tyson (‘72)
Ms. Joan White (‘66)
Ms. Akela Yarn
Ms. Gilbertine Smith (‘75)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (‘47) & Delois (‘45) Swain
Mrs. Vera Tyson (‘49)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel & Pearl (‘54) White
Ms. Anita Yates (‘03)
Ms. Janice Smith
Ms. Lynn Swann (‘92)
Mrs. Yolanda Umstead-Tate (‘74)
Mr. Rodney Whiteside (‘01)
Ms. Corinna Young
Ms. Kendra Smith (‘98)
Ms. Velma Symister
Mrs. Elizabeth Upperman (‘57)
Ms. Deidra Young
Ms. Marquie Smith
Ms. Brenda Talbert (‘70)
Ms. Gloria Upson
Mr. Bernard Whitsett
Ms. Mary Smith (‘92)
Tanglewood Park
Mrs. Princetta Vance (‘80)
Mr. Scott Wierman
Mrs. Joretta Young (‘54)
Ms. Mattie Smith
Rev. Juanita Tatum (‘64)
Mr. Tim Vanhoy
Ms. Donna Wiggins
Mr. Lei Zhang
Mrs. Theressa Smith (‘52)
Ms. Annie Taylor (‘63)
Ms. Uchenna Vasser
Ms. Whitney Smith
Mr. Christopher Taylor
Ms. Andrea Veal
Mrs. Maria Smithson (‘80)
Ms. Elisheba Taylor
Ms. Faye Vernon (‘81)
Mrs. Catherine Snipes
Ms. Leatrice Taylor
Mr. Kenneth Vernon
Sonic Drive Inn
Dr. Travis Teague
VFW Dist 11 NC Memorial Honor Guard
Mr. James Sparks
Tennesee State University Old Timers
Village Tavern
Ms. Denise Spaugh (‘74)
Mr. Harold Terry (‘72)
Dr. Cynthia Villagomez
Mr. Demetrius Spencer
Mr. Michael Terry
Ms. Sharon Vinsant
Mrs. Dottie Spencer (‘92)
Mr. Clifton Tew
Ms. Bernice Vinson
Mrs. Esther Spencer (‘73)
Texas Roadhouse
Ms. Johannah Walker
Mr. James Spinks (‘06)
Ms. April Thomas (‘93)
Ms. Frances Springer
Mrs. Tonia Walker
Mrs. Edena Thomas (‘76)
Ms. Isadora Springs (‘65)
Ms. Margaret Thomas (‘95)
Ms. Cynthia Wall (‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest & Patsy (‘80) Squire
Ms. Margaret Thomas (‘06)
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory (‘73) & Deborah Squires
Mrs. Marian Thompkins (‘59)
Ms. Dorothy Stafford
Ms. Andrea Thompson
Ms. Shenna Stancil
Ms. Candice Thompson
Ms. Christina Stanley
Mrs. Cheryl Thompson (‘73)
Ms. Cynthia Stanley
Ms. Cierra Thompson
Ms. Cle Thompson
Starbucks Coffee - Frontis Plaza
Ms. Dorothy Thompson
Ms. Annie Starks
Ms. Ernestine Thompson (‘04)
Ms. Brenda Steele (‘71)
Mr. Jimmie Thompson (‘81)
Mr. Bryan Steele
Mrs. Kennetta Thompson (‘59)
Mrs. Harry Steele
Mr. Maurice Thompson (‘04)
Ms. Regina Watkins Brim
Ms. Sandra Steele
Ms. Nicole Thompson (‘93)
Ms. Miracle Watson
Ms. Sheila Steele (‘86)
Mr. and Mrs. Willie (‘02) & Carla Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Jenifer Watts
Mr. Robert Steelman (‘77)
Mrs. Winona Thompson (‘73)
Ms. Mahogany Watts
Ms. Sally Stelter (‘92)
Ms. Demetria Tillman
Ms. Shermaine Webb (‘93)
Ms. Janet Stephens
Ms. Shalanta Timmons
Mrs. Vivian Webber (‘47)
Ms. Emily Stevens (‘85)
Ms. Renee Tisdal
Mrs. Denise Webb-Shumaker (‘85)
Mr. Kelly Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. James (‘63) & Judith Todd
Mrs. Jewell Stewart (‘93)
Mrs. Georgia Topping (‘43)
Ms. Kya Webster (‘95)
Mr. Richard Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (‘84) & Karen (‘86) Torian
Ms. Rhonda Stikeleather (‘05)
Triad Womens Center PA
Ms. Marion Stoltzfus (‘96)
Ms. Maggie Triplette
Ms. Kristina Stone
Ms. Allyssia Trotter
Mr. Daniel Straka
Mr. Shaun Trotter
Mrs. Hattie Strayhorn (‘55)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert & Faith Tull
Ms. Joretta Strayhorn (‘91)
Mr. Marc Turkaly
Ms. Lakeshia Stroud
Mr. Alonzo Turner
Mrs. Christine Strowbridge (‘63)
Ms. Carolyn Turner (‘85)
Ms. Leigh Studstill-Lopp
Mr. James Turner (‘49)
Ms. Carol Stukes
Mr. Lewis Turner Jr (‘68)
Mr. Leon Sturdivant (‘70)
Ms. Sierra Turner
Ms. Jomea Suiter
Ms. Mary Tyler
Ms. Christine Whitaker
Ms. Brenda Summers (‘70)
Mr. Steven Tysinger (‘03)
Ms. Dorothy White
Ms. Carla Wallace-Bolston
Ms. Barbara Waller (‘84)
Mr. Gregory Waller (‘91) and Mrs. Laveta Davidson (‘90)
Mrs. Vera Walters (‘54)
Mr. Kenneth Ward (‘93)
Ms. Maudelle Ward
Ms. Laura Ware
Mr. Tracy Warren
Ms. Opal Watkins
SGM Ret. Wade Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (‘84) & Sherbydean (‘86) Watkins
Mr. Todd Webster
Ms. Leslie Weisenfeld
Ms. Alice Wellmon (‘54)
Ms. Elizabeth Wells (‘06)
Ms. Sade Wells
Mr. and Mrs. David & Anita Wesson
Western Associates
Ms. Cozetta Weston (‘63)
Mr. Robert Wharton
Ms. Clarissa Whatley (‘02)
Ms. Becky Wheeler
Mr. David Whigham
Ms. Ruby Wilkie (‘76)
Mr. Quether Wilkins (‘72)
Mrs. Ada Willard (‘86)
Ms. Charineeka Williams
Ms. Denisha Williams
Mr. Gregory Williams (‘84)
Mr. Isiah Williams (‘02)
Mr. James Williams (‘53)
Ms. Jasmine Williams
Mr. John Williams
Ms. Latoya Williams
Ms. Lavetta Williams (‘89)
Ms. Simone Williams
Mrs. Teresa Williams (‘88)
Ms. Terri Williams
Ms. Tiffany Williams
Ms. Luketia Williamson (‘96)
Mrs. Annie Wilson (‘56)
Mr. Gregory Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher (‘83) & Gwendolyn (‘83) Wilson
Ms. Keisha Wilson
Mr. Kevin Wilson
Mrs. Lillie Wilson (‘63)
Ms. Sherise Wilson
Mr. Willie Wilson
Ms. Linda Winebarger (‘97)
Mrs. Pauline Winphrie (‘64)
Mr. Carlos Winston (‘01)
Winston-Salem Warthogs
Mr. Kevin Winton (‘94)
Ms. Empress Withers
Mr. Matisse Witherspoon
Mr. Darrell Wonge
Ms. Jocelyn Woods (‘92)
Mr. Nathaniel Woods
Ms. Queyana Woods (‘96)
Ms. Tonya Woods (‘94)
Ms. Erica Worthington (‘93)
Ms. Mary Wright (‘76)
Ms. Nicole Wright
Mr. Timothy Wright
Ms. Tuesday Wright
W-S Convention & Visitors Bureau
WSSU Division of Nursing Staff
WSSU Honors College & IPAR Staff
Winston-Salem State University
Office of Marketing and
310 Blair Hall
Winston-Salem, NC 27110