Pages 201 to 250 - Camden Catholic High School Class of 1976


Pages 201 to 250 - Camden Catholic High School Class of 1976
Junior Ring Day, November 16,
9 5. was especially meaningful for
e members of the class of 1977.
They celebrated this solemn occaion by receiving their school rings
;thin a religious context - that of
e liturg y. Concelebrants for the
. Cass were : Father Rea , Father Fred,
and Father Sullivan.
The class officers, under the diection of Governor Mike Loscalzo,
and assis ted by Sister Lynn, class
moderator , prepared special reading and incorporated a presenta·on of gifts at the Offertory and a
lide presentation after Communion
a represented both symbolically
and Yisually, highlights of events
pas an d present for the entire
· ·or class . Vocalists during the
. fa s w ere: Lisa Nelson, Shirley
B · tle an d Eileen Mills.
''Darling Forever"
":"he Star lite Room of the Cherry Hill Inn provided an
"'legant setting for the junior prom held on the evening
o. February 15 . Handsomely decorated in red and
· :hi e, the room generated an unusually warm, vibrant
osphere conducive to pleasant conversation and
appy moments of shared friendship.
''Darling Forever" was the prom theme chosen by the
of '77 ; "The Reflections" provided the musical accompaniment for dancing dur!ng the evening. One of
- e highlights of the prom was the Grand March in
.- 'ch the members of the Student Government and the
Prom Court were introduced with their escorts. Nancy
P ombo reigned as queen of this year's prom. Her court
consisted of Evie Anastasia, Rose Cana, Linda Coppola,
_-\nnette Lobefalo, Donna Monforto, Denise Pund, Mar·e paracio, and Chris Testa.
Concerted effort was the key to the success of this
year's junior prom. The officers of the class, assisted by
e members of the prom committee and working in
co junction with Sister Lynn, made this event mean} for all who attended.
Us Over
On \ -ed nesday evening , October 22 , Camden
Ca holic held its annual Open House . Each
academic departm ent put its best foot forward displa_ ino materials and demonstrating procedures
e plo_·ed in the t eaching of courses within the cur:rulum. The evening 's activities opened with a
- ·-concert, followed by brief, introductory remar - by Father Rea . Parents and other guests
ira -eled fro m room to room , viewing demonstra-·ons of aud io-vis ual materials and simulated class
a · ities that offered valuabl e insight into daily
clas room life.
··Loo Us Over Night" was a well planned , well
execu eel success. A great number of interested
arents turne d out to experience some of the spirit
o= Co-I and did , in fact , catch a bit of it!
On p ril 1 2 , 13 and 14 , something special occurred at Camden Catholic. The junior, sophomore,
and esh man classes , respectively , gathered infor::nally to part ici pate in a program of spiritual ree ·al centerin g on the topic of world hunger.
Coordinate d b y Rev. Robert McDermott, each
day· acti vities opened with a filmstrip on the
Euchari t , Foll owed by small group simulation
exe cises and a vi ewing of a sensitive religious film.
T e hi oh lig h t of the morning sessions was the
ce ebration of the Eucharist. Father Leo V. Rea ,
· cipal, cl osed each day 's activities by extending
a ish for a Happy Easter to students and their
The Shamrock
- Rose Messina and Donna Leusner thinking up
assig nments Sunday night on the telephone
- handing out assignments Monday morning
- no t receiving assignments when due on
- typ ing articles over the weekend
- layout meetings, proceedings of which can be
heard throughout the upstairs hallway
- Pat Massimini creating headlines to fit the
most minute space imaginable
- typing pages until 1 :00 A.M. Wednesday
- John Tokolish and Mrs. Brown proof-reading
9:00 A.M. Wednesday afternoon
- everyone available running off THE SHAMROCK Wednesday afternoon
- collating and stapling
-selling THE SHAMROCK 7:30 A.M. Thursday
- exhaustion
- pride
- Written by John Tokolish
EWSPAPER STAFF: Left to Right , First Row: Mary Kenny , Alex Benzuk, Kevin Gallagher, Debbie Frattura , Paula Krebs, Margie Krebs ,
ancy Villafane, Lori Guidara , Pat Bellace , Mary Kowal, Maria Landazory, Roseanne Cinelli; Second Row : Nancy McLernan , Lynn Kosek , Betty
McLeod , Sue Schneider, Karen Teufel. Anna DiRocco. Rose \l essina .
Carolyn May . Maria Bastidas , Pat Massimini , i\lrs. Pat Brown:
John Tokolish . Steve Ackerman . Jim Foley. Nancy O'Brie
McLaughlin , Rand y Garcia , Natalie Dellaratta . Rochelle \lc.Leod
Devaney .
~- _·,
·' ···'::,;>J •. ''
The Legacy
YEARBOOK STAFF: Left to Right, First
Row: Rich Murawski, Jim Belz, Ed Watson,
Brian Prendergast; Second Row: Joe Mazzochette, Debbie Mangano, Mr. R. Przybysz,
Layout Advisor; Mr. D. MacDonald, Photog-
YEARBOOK EDITORS: Left to Right: Teresa Ann Smith, Literary Editor;
e Ntiazga , Business Editor; Kathy Brust, Editor-in-Chief; Donna Marrano, Index Editor; Joe Mazzochette, Layout Editor.
raphy Advisor; Third Row: Sister Katherine,
Production Advisor; Donna Mangano, Kathy
Mignogna, Sue Miazga, Linda Gimbrone
Teresa Ann Smith; Fourth .Row: Jim Foley,
Kathy Brust, Maria Ward, Carmen Cucinotta.
YEARBOOK PHOTOGRAPHERS: Left to Right: Ed Watson, Rich
Murawski, Brian Prendergast, Jim Belz.
Freedom of Speech
December , 1925 , marked the first public appearance
of the CCHS debating team when it met Trenton Cathedral High School in the Rutgers Interscholastic Debating
League. By 1930 the club claimed a membership of
' five students. Over the years speech activities
ourished and truly came to the fore when the Forensic
dub was organized in 1950 by Sister M. Dorothea,
_ L and incorporated into the National Forensic
ea we.
This year, under the able direction of faculty modern or. Mr. Tom Coleman and Student Moderator Noeen Rieck , th e Public Speaking And Debate Clubs have
early doubled in membership and have demonstrated
competence in competition with schools from all over
e tate of New Jersey. Several trophies and medals
ave been won by students who have participated in a
vari ety of meets this year - a memorable year for the
speech machine!
Public Speaking and Debate Club: Left to Right , First Row: Wendy Bernard , Noreen Rieck , John Tokolish,Janet Alpiser , Betty McLeod , Mary Pfau;
econd Row: Ann Marie O'Brien , Sue Schneider, Tom Rozinski, Richard Callahan , Maria Ward .
Freedom of Choice
One of th e most important as well as difficult decisions in life is choosing the right career. To help make
this decision a little easier, Camden Catholic, under the
direction of Mr. John Phipps , held its annual Career
Night on October 7, 1975.
Career Night is an activity that enables students ,
mainly juniors and sophomores , to speak with individuals working in the fields that interest them. Talking
with people who are experienced in the career a student
may wish to pursue can give him or her a better understanding of the kind of education needed and what the
duties of the job entail.
Representatives from almost twenty different fields of
interests , including Criminology, Medicine , Business
Administration , and the Armed Forces , were present for
.. Career Night. Those who attended found "Career
Night" an informative , helpful way to spend an evening .
F.ach year College Night, under the
· ection of Father Hart , senior level
counselor, provides a worthwhile serrice for all Camden Catholic college
bound stu dents .
I affords the opportunity for students
and their parents to meet informally
ith representatives of more than 150
colleges over a wide geographical area.
lide presentations give a first hand
oo at the scenic environment of many
campuses and brochures and other
printed material furnish information rela ·,·e to tu ition costs, dorm living , and
academi c programs offered in various
The atmosphere of College Night is
bu y and productive. For many studen , it's the first big step in mature
decisi on making concerning the choice
o a future profession.
Monster Mash
"We May Never Pass
This Way Again"
·· ·e ~fay Never Pass This Way Again" was the theme chosen for
· · year·s seni or prom held on Wednesday evening , May 26 , at th e
• I: Laurel Hilton Hotel ballroom. The room provided an atmosphere
o· eleoance w ith its royal red carpets and crystal chandeliers. The
. oh bouqu ets and pastel gowns of the girls added a touch of
:_ ·notime to th e happiness which filled the grand ballroom as the
co pies dan ced to the music of "The Reflections. " The prom will hold
· Ja pecial m emories for Kathy Klagholz who was chosen as this
_·ear· queen . Everyone who attended the prom will always remember
· e happy times of when they did pass this way.
;-IQR PROM COURT: Front: Prom Queen, Kathy Klagholz; Standing , Left to Right: Donna White , Lori Guidara , Debbie Dunner, Janet Brutschea ,
• · lynch, Peggy Testa , Nancy Ragone.
c; ,
Senior A wards
1975-1976 Senior Awards List
John Tokolish, Frances Bertolino, Carmen Garcia,
Paula Krebs, Michael Deighan , Deborah Frattura, Vincent McLaughlin, Susanne Miazga, Nancy Stilley,
e\'in Iepson , Anne Marie O'Brien , Thomas Ward,
_ largaret Francescone, Anita Cantera, Rosemarie Mesina, Patricia Musick, Kathleen Brennan , Patricia, Haidee Singer , Janet Brutschea, Kim Frank,
oseph McDermott, Anthony Giletto, . Phyllis Loscalzo ,
_·oreen Rieck, Arthur Quaranta, Carol D'Aversa,
heres a Dougherty, Margaret Esola, Marybeth Ettore,
anis Horn , Donna Leusner, Joseph Nardi , Geralyn
B oome, Maria Bastidas, Sandra Intelicato, Kathy
ehm, William Tambussi.
Excellence in Still Photography: Fran Bertolino , Mike
Rosi to.
Service Awards: Tom Badaracco , Steve Fox.
Outstanding Achievement: Noreen Rieck.
Excellence in French: Paula Krebs , Donna Leusner,
Vincent McLaughlin, John Tokolish .
nperior Performance: Frances Bertolino.
Oil Painting Composition: Carol D'Aversa, Pat Massimini. Elisa Tosti.
\ ·ater Color Composition: Eileen Moffett, Paula Paoli.
_fix ed Media: Barry Wilson.
Excellence in German: Anita Cantera , Gerald Davies ,
Michael Deighan , Eric Frisbie, Haidee Singer.
Excellence in Spanish: Maria Bastidas , Kathle en
Brennan, Carmen Garcia, Donna Kelly , Rose Messina ,
Hilaire Pehlert, John Tokolish , Andre Turner, Chris
Vaccaro, Tom Ward , Barry Wilson .
French Club and National Honor Society Service
Awards: Fran Bertolino , Debbie Frattura, Mary Kenney, Donna Leusner, Sue Miazga.
ervice Awards: Steve Fox, Bob Navins .
Excellence in Business Law: Anthony Giletto.
Excellence in Clerical Studies: Joyce Kirk.
Excellence in Secretarial Studies: Karen Hak.
Excellence in Secretarial Typing: Donna Mattia, Sue
orbicki, ancy Villafane.
Excell ence in Stenography and Transcription: Kathy
Gizara. Sandra Intelicato , Karen Kulak , Eileen Vespe.
. ·.J. Civil Service Commission Certificate in Stenography and Typing: Linda August, Kathy Gizara , Karen
H -. Sandra Intelicato , Cynthia Jones, Karen Kulak ,
;Jonna Taormina , Eileen Vespe.
X.J. Civil Service Commission Certificate in Shorthand: Joanne Bonanni.
X.J. Civil Service Commission Certificate in Typing:
andra Borregine, Judith Collepardi, Teresa Devanney ,
_ tary Iapalucci, Jane Kline , Deborah Leach , Kathy
_ [agnin, Maryanne Naddeo , Anna Newell, Georgia
O"Kane, Mary Renz , Michelle Tomasso, Nancy Vilafane, Donna White.
Spanish Club Service Awards: Carmen Garcia, Rose
Delta Epsilon Phi National German Honor Society
Award for Highest Achievement: Michael Deighan.
Certificate of Achievement and Merit in the National
French Contest: Donna Leusner, Vincent McLaughlin ,
John Tokolish.
Certificate of Scholarship for the Study of both
French and Spanish awarded by the Board of Directors of the Northeast Conference - Middlebury: John
Tokolish .
CCHS Music Certificates: Neil Arot, Bill Crean, Steve
Croce, Claude DeShields , Terry Devaney , Debbie Dunner , Joe LaMaina , Earl McGuffin , Cindy Magni, Noreen
Rieck, John Tokolish, Barbara Yeager.
Who's Who Awards: Curt Fischer , Reggie Hilton,
Rudnick Holmes , Angelo Sinesi, John Tokolish , Barbara Yeager .
Drum Major Award: Reggie Hilton .
Contemporary Music Award: Rudnick Holmes.
Track Letters: Reggie Hilton, Jim McDevitt, Denn is
Zannoni, Ed Henderson, Claude DeShields, Jim Jenkins, Julio Perez.
Jazz Award: Joe LaMaina.
MusidBand Award: Angelo Sinesi.
Baseball Letters: Ron Sammeth , Mike Bortnowsk i,
Chris Vaccaro, John Fingerhut, Pat O'Brien , Jim Slattery.
Bausch and Lomb Award: Paula Krebs .
Service Awards: Bill Crean, Bob DiMedio, Debbie
Leach , Terry Lynch, Cindy Magni, Peggy Testa.
Service Awards: Dan Bowler, Mary Kenney, Paula
Krebs, Donna Leusner, Pat Massimini, Rose Messina,
John Tokolish, Nancy Villafane.
Quill and Scroll Society Awards: Donna Leusner,
Rose Messina, John Tokolish.
Golf Letters: Tom Flynn, Joe Maro, Kevin Jepson.
George Parsons .
Cheerleading Letters: Joyce DiBartolomeo , Rochelle
Gizinski , Rosemary Karbach , Mary McCarthy, Jody
McCracken, Nancy Ragone , Roseanne Scicchitano.
Stage Crew Service Awards: Kathy Fogarty, Ste\·e
Fox, Bob Navins , Eric Riley, Mike Rosita .
Football Varsity Letters: Brian Atkisson, Rich
Bilodeau, Pete Castellucci, Dan Colofranson, Jim Coppola, Chuck Cummings , John Curro, Gerry Davies, Bob
DiMedio, Joe DiPietro, Mike Dymond , Dean Fillari,
John Fingerhut, Curtis Fischer, Bart Gambardella, Ed
Henderson, Tim Kelly, Steve Klauder, Joe Maro, Jim
McDevitt, Tony Messina, Pat O'Brien, Dan Petitta,
John Sharp, Mitch Sherman , Jim Slattery, Greg
Stanisce, Bill Tambussi.
Soccer Letters: Len Campbell, Joe Falcone, Rey Guida,
Fran McCall, Vince McLaughlin, Drew McMahon ,
John Martines , Joe Nardi , Bob Navins , Bob Powitsky,
Art Quaranta, Eric Riley, Ron Sammeth , Chris Vaccaro.
Cross Country Letters: Jim Jenkins, Julio Perez.
Field Hockey Letters: Jane Kline , Paula Krebs , Nancy
O'Brien, Dianne Pund , Sue Schneider, Nancy Stilley,
Donna Taomina.
Boys Basketball Letters: Art Quaranta, Jack Mahoney ,
Jim McDevitt, Joe McDermott, Dennis Zannoni, Rick
Girls Basketball Letters: Terry Dougherty, Carlene
E\~§Ch~nl\., Q\.I\~ Q\!ft)'., K~th)' Kl~%lWk1
Softball Letters: Chris Duffy, Kathy Klagholz , Jane
Kline, Paula Krebs , Pat McCann.
!<in.{l KU.n.E:J .,
Stage Painters Service Awards: Fran Bertolino , Janis
Lyle, Carla Magazino, Eileen Moffett, Nancy O' Brien.
Sue Schneider.
Women's Republican Club of Cherry Hill Awards:
Steve Fox, Rose Messina.
Letters of Commendation from the NationaJ Merit
Scholarship Program: Fran Bertolino, Gerald Da\ies.
Mary Kenney, Paula Krebs, Joseph McDermott. Fredrick Picknally , Bernadette Watson .
Certificates of Merit as a National Merit Scholarship
Finalist: John Tokolish, Thomas Ward .
Letter of Commendation from the National Achie\ement Scholarship Program for Outstanding .l\egro
Students: Barry Wilson.
Leadership and Service Awards: Lori Guidara . John
Se.rvke. A.ward~ RQse Messina.
Pat McCann , Dianne Pund , Nancy Stilley.
Wrestling Letters: Jay O'Donnell , Brian Ahern , Mark
Onofrio , Tony Giletto , Joe Mazzochette, Al Hallowell ,
Tom Ward, Gerry Davies, Frank Berckman, Joe Tursi,
Angelo Sinesi , Rich Bilodeau.
Staff Awards: Jim Foley , Kevin Jepson .
Photography Editor Award: Rosemarie Mclnem ey .
Layout Editor Award: Joe Mazzochette.
Bowling Letters : Dean Fillari , George Parsons, Tom
Stamatelos , Barry Wilson .
Business Editor Award: Sue Miazga.
On the evening of June 10, at St. Joseph's Pro-Cathedral ,
Camden, the class of 1976 celebrated their Baccalaureate
. 1ass together. The main celebrant for the liturgy was Rev.
Leo V. Rea , principal , assisted by members of the priest
faculty, Rev. James Barry, Rev. William Hart, Rev. Robert
. fcDermott , Rev . Fred Voltaggio, and Rev. Peter Sullivan.
An introductory statement was given by Terry Lynch.
Cindy Magni read an excerpt from Markings by Dag
Hammerskjold and John Tokolish delivered a reading from
. Paul. Homilist for the Mass was Rev. Peter Sullivan,
whose words centered on the theme of Christian love.
Those who participated in the Prayer of the Faithful
were: Debbie Leach, Lori Guidara, Steve Croce, Noreen
Rieck , Bill Crean and Tony Giletto.
At the offertory of the Mass, Peggy Testa, Pat O'Brien,
Jan e Kline, Rosemarie Mcinerney, Barbara Yeager, Mike
Deighan, Donna Leusner, Rose Messina, Bob DiMedio , Pat
. 1assi mini, Eddie Henderson, Carmen Garcia and Loren
Ryder carried gifts meaningful to the 1976 class as John
chetter ex plained their significance.
\"ocal music for the solemn occasion was rendered by
the Camden Catholic High School Chorus, under the direction of Mr. Leonard Mikolajczak. Mrs. Leonard
Mikolajczak was organist.
The Legacy Continues . . .
Commencement exercises for the class of 1976 took place on Sunday
ernoon , June 13, in the Camden Catholic High School gymnasium.
Rev. Arthur Anderson, pastor of St. Stephen Church, Pennsauken,
elivered the Invocation. The Welcome Address was given by Paula
. and the Senior Address by John Tokolish, both outstanding memof the graduating class.
Rev. Leo V. Rea , principal, presented the graduates of 1976 to The Most
Reverend James L. Schad, Auxiliary Bishop of Camden, who then conerred the diplomas. Assisting the Bishop were: The Rev. Ms_g r. John P.
Fallon , pastor of St. Peter Parish , Merchantville; The Rev. Msgr. Richard J.
Callahan, pastor of St. Cecelia Parish, Pennsauken; The Rev. James R.
racy, Superintendent of Schools , Camden Diocese, and The Rev. Msgr.
Charles J. Giglio, Secretary, Camden Diocesan Office of Pastoral Planning.
~ \
A highlight of the commencement exercises was th e distribution o
tinguished honors. The Bishop Guilfoyle Awards for Acad emic Exceilence were presented to the graduates in the top ten per cent of their class.
The Archbishop Damiano and the Monsignor Ch arl es P. McGarry :\\\<IT'·
for scholarship, leadership , and service were given to Joseph :\anti
Janet Brutschea , respectively.
The Most Rev. James L. Schad made a fe w , brief remarks beta:-e LcL
exercises ended with the singing of the Alma Mater and the formal Recessional. The Camden Catholic High School Band , condu cted by ~fr.
Fallon , provided music for the graduation exercises .
_-\HER ~ . BRIA : 21 1 S. Woods t oc k Dr. ,
G erry Hill.
.J. 0803 4; Wrestli ng 1,2,3,4;
C.'"O Country 2; Intra. Hockey 1,2; Intra. Lac• -se 2.3.
JANET: 915 Murray Ave., Cherry
· · L _-.J. 08002; Dra ma Club 2; Science Club
T_-\ .R.. 2; Chorus 2,3,4; German Club 4;
~ estrian Club 3.4 ; Community Services 2;
?uh ic pea ing Cl ub 4.
-~ JJREACOLA. JA ET: 5905 Browning Rd.,
Pennsa en, N.j. 08 109; Art Festival 1,2,3;
Colo: Guard 2.
:\ROT. '.\CJL: 8272 Eden Lane, Delair , N.J.
08110: Football 2,3; Bowling 2; Intra. Baskethall 2.3.
o:-:. \\'. BRJAN: 7409 Githens Ave.,
Pennsauken. N. J. 08 109; Football 1,2,3,4;
rres in 1,2.3; Intra. Hockey 2; Intra . Baskethall 3.
_-. -ct:
?e::i=a -e n .
Ave .,
:\.J . 08109.
3_-\Q_-\R_-\CCO, TH OMAS: 126 Kitty Hawk
• .. Cherry Hill. N.J. 08034; Track 3,4; Na. anal Honor Society 3,4; Ecology Club V.
Pre ident 3 A ; French Club 1,2 ; Homeroom
Representative 2.
B_-\R.ATTA. JOSE PH: 6 41 5 Browning Rd .,
?errnsau en. N.j. 0810 9; Intra . Hockey 2,3 ,4;
Lacro e 3.4 ; Golf 2,3,4 .
3_-\ TIDA . MAR IA : 7521 Wyndam Rd.,
?e=sa en . N.J. 08109; Color Guard 1,2 ,3,
Cap ~ : . ·ational Honor Society 3,4; Spanish
ociety 3,4; Pla y 3,4; Sophomore Ta!en
how 2: Chorus Co ncerts 2,3; Health
Careers Club 3.4; Future Doctors Club 1; Ecol_y Club 1,2; Co mmu nity Services Club 4;
pani h Club 3,4; Equestrian Club 3,4.
3_-\YL OR . ROBE RT : 5609 P ea body Ave.,
Pennsa en. .). 08 109; Intra. Hockey 2; Intra. e ball 2 ,3; Wrestling 1; Baseball 2.
BERCK\lA , FRANK: 1 Orchid Lane , Cherry
Hill. ~ .J. 0803 4 ; Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3,4 ;
Intra. Hockey 2,3; Intra. Lacrosse 2,3 ,4.
BERTOLINO , FRANCES: 5455 Drexel Ave.,
Pennsau -en, N.J. 08109; Fren ch Club 1,2,3,4;
French Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor
ociety 3,4 ; Yea rbook 3; Soph. Tal ent Show 2;
Com munity Serv ices 1; Wres tling Mgr. 1; Art
Fes· irnl 1,2 ,3 ,4.
BIER CHEN K, CARLEEN: 516 Leeann Rd .,
Cherry Hill, N.j. 08034 ; Basketball 2,3,4;
Com munity Servic es 1; Intra . Volleyball 4.
ORA: 2946 Cramer St .,
Camden, N.J. 08105 .
BORTNOWSKI, MICHAEL : 39 Harding Ave.,
Cherry Hill , N .j. 08034; Baseball 1,2,3 ,4 ; Basketball 2; Intra . Basketball 3 ,4 .
Pennsauken, N.J.
CA R , MICHAEL : 5639 \\ isteria Ave .
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Track 1,2; Cross
Country 2; Karate Club 1,2,3; French Club 2.
CASTELLUCCI , PETER : 6858 Cynwyd Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Football 2,3 ,4 ; Intra.
Hockey 3,4 ; Baseball 2,3 ,4; Intra. Lacrosse 3,4.
BOWLER, DANIEL: 2849 Lincoln Ave ., Camden , N .J. 08105; Newspaper Staff 4 ;
Homeroom Representative 4.
BRADY , ANTHONY : 7715 A . Broad St .,
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Ecology Club 1,2.
BREAUX , ANGELO : 7 Peppermill Dr., Cherry
Hill , N.J. 08002 ; Wrestling 1,2; Track 3; Ecology Club 1,2 ; Marching Band 1,2; Concert
Band 1,2 .
BRENNAN, KATHLEEN : 6307 Rogers Ave.,
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109 ; Ecology Club 1,2,3 ,4;
Spanish Club 2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society
3,4; Art Festival 1,2; Health Careers Club
2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; Intra . Soccer
3; Public Speaking Club 4; Sophomore Talent
Show 2.
BROOME , GERALYN : 4423. Walton Court
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Marching Band 2,3;
Concert Band 2,3; Play Orchestra 3; Woodwind Ensemble 2,3 ; French Club 1,2; French
National Honor Society 3,4; Ecology Club 1;
Intra . Volleyball 3.
BRUNO , LINDA: 1370 Whitman Ave. Camden, N.J. 08104 ; Prop Crew 3; Yearbook Staff
BRUTSCHEA , JANET: 1536 Gross Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Lt. Governor 3; G.l.C.
4; Homeroom Representative 2; Majorettes
1,2 ,3; Feature Twirler 4; National Honor Society 3; Secretary 4; French Club 1,2,3; French
National Honor Society 2,3,4 ; Sophomore Talent Show 2; Pep Club 1; Intra . Volleyball 1,4;
Wrestling Manager 1,2,3,4.
CAMMALLERI , GISELA : 619 N. 36th St.
Camden, N.J. 08105; Latin American Society
1,2,3,4; Homeroom Representative 1; Band
CAMPBELL , LENARD : 6523 Harvey Ave .
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109 ; Soccer 3,4 ; Ecology
Club 1; Chemistry Lab Aid 3.
CANIGLIA , DIANNE: 406 Fireside Lane
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08003 ; French Club 1,2 ; Drill
Team 2,3; Sophomore Talent Show 2; Chemistry Lad Aid 4.
CENTANZO, PETER : 3035 Highland Av e.
Camden, N.J. 08105.
COLLEPARDI , JUDY: 41 73 Garfield Av e.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Drill Team 3.
COLE, HERBERT: 588 Clinton St. Camden ,
N.J. 08103 ; Black Culture Club 1,2,3; Intra.
Basketball 2,3; Track 3.
Ave. Pennsauken, N.J. 08110 ; Football 1,2,4.
COLON , MARISA: 29 N. 24th St. Camden , N.J.
08105 ; Play 1; Latin Ameri can Club 2,3; secretary 4; V. President; Health Careers Club 4;
Spanish Club 4; Make-up 4.
COMFORT , FORREST: 1516 Derousse Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110.
COONEY, JOSEPH : 132 Valley Run Dr. Cherry
Hill , N.J. 08002 ; Sophomore Talent Show 2;
Intra. Hockey 2,3,4.
COOPER, CAROLYN: 1054 Princess Av e.
Camden, N.J. 08103; Black Culture Club 1,2,3;
Chorus 1,2 .
COPPOLA , JAMES : 8416 Eden Lan e
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Football 1,2 ,3 ,4 ;
Baseball 1,2 ,3 ,4 ; Wrestling 1,2 ,3 ,4.
CORNELY , EDWARD : 2 West Walnut Av e.
Merchantville , N .J. 08109; Wrestling 1,2 ,3;
Ecology Club 1; German Club 1,2; Basketball
Club 4; Football Manager 1.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110.
CREAN , WILLIAM : 2932 Carman St. Camden ,
N.J. 08105; Intra. Lacrosse 4; Intra. Hockey 4;
Basketball Club 4; Play 2,3 ,4; Senator 4.
CROCE, STEPHAN: 7520 Wyndam Rd.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Wrestling 1,2; Intra .
Hockey 2; Intra . Softball 1; Play 1 ,3, 4 ;
Homeroom Representative 2,4; Ecology Club
2,3; Basketball Club 4; Football Manager 1,3;
Intra . Basketball 1.
CUCINOTTA, JANET: Rd . #1 Box 262A
Blackwood , N.J. 08012; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Spring
Festival 3,4; Winter Concert 3,4.
BILOD EAU, RICHARD: 2704 Cove Rd .,
Pennsauke n , N.J. 08110; Football 1,2,3,4;
-re !Jing 1,2,3,4; Intra . Ho ckey 2,3,4; Intra .
Lacrosse 3 ,4.
CANTERA, ANITA : 1721 Lexington Ave .
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Homeroom Representative 1; Senator 2; G.l.C. 4; Intra. Soccer 3;
Intra. Volleyball 4; German Club 1,2,3,4; German Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Sophomore Talent Show 2; Art Festivals
1,2; Yearbook 3.
CURRO , JOHN : 9 Webster Ave . Cherry Hill,
N.J. 08002 ; Wrestling 1; Football 1,2,3 ,4 ;
Track 4.
JOANN: 4102 Ba ker Ave .,
Pennsa uken, N.j. 08109; Sophomore Talent
ho w 2; Make-up Crew 3.
CAPONE , EVELYN: 5538 Jefferson Ave .
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Girl 's Basketball 1,2,
J.V. Co-captain 1,2.
D'AVERSA , CAROL: 23 Meryl Lane Cherry
Hill N.). 08002 ; Drill Team 2,3,4; Sophomore
Talent Show 2; Play 1,2,3,4; National Honor
CUMMINGS, CHARLES: 2838 Cleveland Ave .
Camden, N.). 08105; Football 1,3,4; Intra .
Hockey 3; Wrestling 1,2.
Society 3,4; Drama Club 1; Homeroom Representative 3,4; Cabinet 4.
DAVIES, GERALD: 6744 Harvey Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Football 3,4; Wrestling 3,4; German Club 3,4; Intra. Basketball 3;
Intra. Hockey 4.
DEIGHAN, MICHAEL: 5520 Birch Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; German Club 1,2,
V.-President 4; National Honor Society 3,4;
Wrestling 1,2,3,4.
DEELEY, DANIEL: 350 Larch Rd. Rancocas
Woods, N.J. 08060.
DELGADO , MARIA: 436 N. 41st St.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; French Club 1,2,3;
Sophomore Talent Show 2; French Honor
Society 3,4; Ecology Club 1,2,3,4.
DESHIELDS , CLAUDE: 1157 Baring St. Camden, N.J. 08103; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Spring
Track 1,2,3,4; Black Culture Club 1,2 ,3,4; Pep
Band 1,2; Jazz Band 1,4; Concert Band 1,2,3 ,4;
Marching Band 3,4; Wind Ensemble 3,4.
DEVANEY , THERESA: 6132 Amon Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Color Guard 1,2,3 ,4;
Pep Club 1; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Ecology Club
1; Chorus 2,3,4; Play 4; Community Service
1,2 ,4; Sophomore Talent Show 2; Health
Careers Club 1,2, secretary 3, President 4;
Biology Lab Aid 1; Newspaper Staff 4; Intra.
Volleyball 4.
DONATO , BERNADETTE: 124 Tara Terrace
Evesham , N.). 08053; Pep Club 1; Band 2,3,4;
Spring Festival 2,3,4; Winter Concert 2,3; Play
Band 3; Chorus 4; Sophomore Talent Show 2;
Equestrian Club 3,4; Track 3.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intra. Volleyball 1,4; Baseball Manager 2,3,4;
National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor
Society 2,3,4 ; Homeroom Rep. 3; Student Faculty Relations Board 3; Sophomore Talent
Show 2.
DUFFY, CHRISTINE: 211 Lexington Ave.
Merchantville, N.J. 08109; Basketball 1,2,3,4;
Softball 1,2,3,4; Hockey Manager 2; Art Festival 1,2; Intra. Soccer 3; Intra. Volleyball 2,4;
Pep Club 1; Ski Club 2; Soph Talent Show 2;
Intra. Basketball 4.
DUNN, PATRICIA: 127 Dumas Rd. Cherry
Hill, N.). 08003; Soph Talent Show 2; Colorguard 2,3,4; Chemistry Lab Aid 3; Intra. Soccer 3; Health Careers Club 4; Homeroom Rep.
4; Wrestling Manager 3; Equestrian Club 3.
DUNNER, DEBRA: 1133 Heartwood Driv e
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003; Soph. Talent Show 2;
French Club 2,3,4; French Honor Society 3,4;
National Honor Society 3,4 ; Play 3; Health
Careers Club 4; Homeroom Rep. 3; Intra. Soccer 3; Spring & Winter Festivals ; Drill Team
DEVLIEGER , PATRICE:3720 Drexel Ave.
Pennsauken, N .J. 08105; Chorus 1,2,3 ,4;
Wrestling Manager 2,3,4; Sophomore Talent
Show 2; Intra. Volleyball 2,4 ; Drill Team 3,4;
Play 3,4; French Club 1,2; Basketball Club 4.
2226-3 7
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Football 3,4.
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003; Sophomore Talent
Show 2; Drill Team 3.
ELSEY , ACEY: 1234 Empire Ave. Camden ,
N.J. 08103; Track 2,3; Black Cultural Club
DIBARTOLOMEO , JOYCE: 4425 Garden Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Cheerleading 2,3,4;
Homeroom Representative 4.
DICARLO, PHILLIP: 113 N. 24th St. Camden,
N.J. 08105; Track 1; Intra. Hockey 4; Ecology
Club 1.
DICINNO , ANTHONY: 8233 Haines Rd. Delair, N.J. 08110; Lacrosse 3,4; Hockey 4.
DICIURCIO , STEPHEN: 305 Westminster Ave.
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08002; Wrestling 1; Lacrosse
4; Play 4.
DIMEDIO, ROBERT: 1731 Hillcreast Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Football 1,2 ,3,4;
Senator 3; Governor 4.
DINUNZIO , ALLEN: Nob Hill Apts . G-11
Blackwood , N.J. 08012 ; Intramural Ho ckey 3.
DIPIETRO , JOSEPH: 924 North 26th St. Camden , N.J. 08105 ; Football 1,3,4 ; Baseball 1; Intra mural Hockey 4; Intra. Basketball 1,2,3,4.
DIROCCO . ANNA MA RI E: 313 Royden St.
Camden. N.). 08103 ; l\ewspaper Staff 4: Latin
American Society 1.2.3,4.
DISIPIO. CY'.'\TH IA: 191 'i Pierce A\'e. Camden '.'\.) 08105 Pep Oub 1. Ecology Oub 1:
1-ie.ahh Careers Oub 2 3 4 : Equestrian Oub
3 ..; . Ye.c..-noo:;; 5:35 3 WOn!S 1,2,33-
EAGAN , MARGARET: 1542 Tinsman Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110.
ERRIGO , NOREEN: 8937 Wyndam Rd.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110 ; Drill Team 2,3 ; Soph
Talent Show 2; Art Festival 1,2,3.
ESOLA , MARGARET: 6025 Hollinshed Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; French Club 2,3,4;
French Honor Society 4; Soph Talent Show 2;
Drill Team 3,4; Scenery Painting 2.
ETTORE, MARYBETH: 2 Blu e Ridg e Road
Voorhees, N.J. 08043; French Honor Society
2,3,4; French Club 3; National Honor Society
4; Soph Talent Show 2; Concert Band 2,3; Ja zz
Band 3; Play Band 2,3; Marching Band 2,3;
Woodwind Ensemble 3.
FALCONE , JOSEPH: 118 Rhod e Island Ave.
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08002; Wrestling 1,2; Varsity
Soccer 3,4; Intra. Hockey 2,3,4; Intra . Softball
2; Intra . La crosse 3.
FALCONIERO , LINDA : 2236 Holli nshed Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 081 10; Art Festival 1,2.3 ,4.
FAN DETT A. JOHN: 5006 Garfield Ave .
Pen nsauken , N.). 08109; Intra. Hockey 3,4; Intra . Lacrosse 4.
FM.: ELLE . )OHA'.'\:'\A : 20 '.'\ orth 28th St.
Camden . '.'\ .). 08105 .
FILL\RI DE.:\'.'\ : 331 \\'alnut
Camden. '.'\ )
:: Trac..\:: 1 .; Bowling .;
08:03 C'OS.S Coun
lntrc . Hoci.ey 3 .;
FINGERHUT , JOHN: 2526 Finl a w A\·e
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Football 4; Bas eball
FISHER, CURTIS: 240 Morse St. Camden . '.'\ I
08105; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4 : Intra
Basketball 1,2 ,3; Band 1,2,3,4; jazz Band 3 4:
Concert Band 1,2,3 ,4; Black Cult ura l Ou
FLIPPEN , CARLA: 453 South Sixth St. Camden , N.j. 08103; Black Cultural Club 1 2.3
Basketball Club 4.
FLORIO, JOANNE: 5104 Fl ori da Bin:
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; French Oub 1.2
Marching Band 2.
FLYNN, THOMAS: 4 Cobbl es tone Rd . Che~
Hill , N.). 08003 ; Intra. Basketball 2.3.4: F-euG:
Honor Society 2,3 ,4; Basketball Club .; ~
Pennsauken , N.). 0810 5; Drill Team 3 4. S~5e
Crew 2,3 ,4; Equestria n Club 3: Home:oo:;:;
Rep . 2.
FOLEY, JAMES: 220 Lamp Post Lane c;;~
Hill , N.j. 08003; French Club 2: Chemist:)· ~.
Aid 2; Play 2; Soccer 3; Commu nity 5e;v1ce 3:
Newspaper Staff 4 ; Yearbook Staff.;: S;ucie
Faculty Relations Board 4 .
FORADORI , LINDA : 121 Pelham Roac '.'\r.;-.:_
Voorhees , N.J. 0804 3; French Oub '! 2 J . .;
Marching Band 2,3; Concert Band 2.3. F:c
Honor Society 2,3,4; Ski Oub 2: Sopi:: Tal:>:u<
Show 2; Nati onal Honor Societ\· 3 \'ice-?:,:,;
4; News pa per Staff 3; \\'ood ,\ind Ensembli" 3.
FOX , STEPH EN: 129 Kitty Hawk Rri Q:'r.}
Hill , N.j. 08034; Stage Cre,,- 1.2.3 ..;
l.lub 1,2,3,4; Homeroom Rep 1. :\\' u
3,4 .
Pennsauken , N.j. 08110 : Color Guard 2
FRA NCESC ONE. \IARGA RET. 856G 30Mawr Ave. Pennsauken. '.'\.). 08109: So?
lent Sh ow 2; Spanish Oub 3: Spanish Ho
Society 3 .4 : Nationa l Honor Socie~ 3 .; ::1:-:hl
Tea m 3,4 ; Intra. Soccer 3: Intra. \'olle~_:,a.,.;
Hom eroom Rep. 4.
FRA NK. Kli\1 : 11 Oh io Tra il \ledfo:c '.'\
Drill Team 2.3.4: \\'restling \lanag.o; : . 2.3.;
Bas ketball Manager 4 : Intra . \'olleyball 2 .;
Soph Talent Show 2: Drama Oub :
FRA TES. CRAIG: 420 \ 'alley Ori\·e 0,.,,..
Hill , N.j. 08002 .
Cherry Hill.'.'\ .). 08003: French Honor Socie _
3.4; National Ho nor Society 3 4 : Fre;:;G:: Q~,
1 ,2 ,3 ,4 . Treasure r-3. Secretary-.; :-le.of~:=
Careers Club 3 .4 : Community Sernce 3. 4 .
Soph Talent Show 2.
FRISBIE. ERIC : 1215 Githens _·\\-•e
Pennsauken. '.'\.). 08109: German Oub : .2,3 .;
Trad: 2.4 : Studen; Faculty Rela1ions ~r3 .; ; Ecology Club 2 3. ST :\ .R c
Homeroo;n Rep .; Scie:ice Oub ~
G_-\LL\GHER. FR-\_ -o : 1101 Berl i n Rd .
C::terry Hill. _-.J. 0803 4: Bas etball 1; Intra
!-:oc ey 2.3: Intra Lacrosse 3; Intra Basketball
2 3 -l
G_-\~18--\RDELL O ,
BART: 2630 Un ion Ave.
?ennsau en :\'.J. 08109; Football 1,2,3,4; Intra
:-lodey 1.2 .3,4 .
1838 42nd St.
?e:i:isau en r.J. 08110; National Honor Socie:: 3.-l : Span ish Honor Society 3,4; Secretary;
.:: ;:iani h Club 1,2 ,3 ,4; La tin AmericaR Society
: :' 3 .-l : Band 1; Softball 3,4; Health Careers
: :' Homeroom Representative 4.
108 Columbia Blvd . Cherry
C:L .. J. 0800 2.
G li.ETTO. ANTHONY: 203 North 41st Street ,
Camden . .'.\.J . 08105; Footbal l 1,2; Wrestling
: 2 3..1 : Intra. Hockey 2,3,4; National Honor
Society 3..1 ; Stu dent Government 2; Intra. Lac:osse 3 .4 .
c·:...L ES. DAN IEL: 6521 Caroline Av e.
?ennsa en ?\~.]. 08109; Intra. Hockey 1,2,3,4;
G-Oli .; _Intra. Lacrosse 3,4.
GO. GI. LOUIS: 383 1 Myrtle Ave. Camden
_· 1 08105 Intra. Hockey 3,4.
GIZ.-\R.-\ . KATH LEEN : 1024 Union Ave. De-
air. ·.J. 08110; Pep Club 1, Ecology Club 1,2 ;
Commu nity Service 1,2,4; Health Careers 3,4;
Secretary 4; Sop h . Talent Show 2; Equestrian
Oub 3: Biology Lab Assistant 1; Newspaper
_-a· .f . Drill Team 3.
G:ZI.. KL ROCHELLE: 4818 Caroline Ave.
?e;:; ·en :\'. J. 08109; Cheerleading 3,4;
? ay 2.3 A: Frenc h Club 1,2,3,4; National
::o:::or ociety 3,4 ; Fre nch Honor Society 2,3;
::ml Tea m 2: Ski Club 1,2,3; Soph. Talent
-;:;o ,. : Art Festiva l 2.
GO. -Z.-\LEZ. MARIA: 215 Eutaw Ave. Camden. ·.J. 08105; Drill Team 1,2 ,3; Latin Americ;;n Society 1.2 ,3 ,4, treasurer 4; Make-Up crew
3 .; oph. Tale nt Show 2; Intra. Tennis 3.
GCID.-\ . REYN OLD: 4738 Springfield Ave.
?ennsau ken N. J. 08109; Basketball Mgr.
· 2.3 -<: Intra Hockey 4; Intra Basketball 3;
Soccer 3.-1.
GUD_-\RA, LORI: 5 Clinton Ave. Mere: antYil le N.J. 08109; Lt. Governor 1, Gover;:;or 2: Homero om Representative 3; President
.., tu dent Fa culty Relations Board 3,4; Community Service 4; Make-up crew 3, Drill Team
3. oph. Ta lent Show 2; Chorus 1,2,3 ,4.
R-\ '. '. KAREN : 5720 Walnut Ave. Pennsauken ,
. · J. 08109; Winter Concert 1,2,4; Spring Fes· j\·al 2.3; Sop homore Talent Show 2; Intra.
Soccer 3.
K -\LL. CH ARLES: 364 Hillside Ave. Camden,
. · J 0810 5; Black Cultural Club 1,2,3; Intra .
3a . etball 2,3,4; Latin American Society 4.
H.-\LLOWELL, ALBERT: 1771 Hillside Drive ,
Gierry Hill N.J. 08003; Football 2,3; Intra.
:....icrosse 3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4.
H.-\RGR OVE , EVELYN: 1979 Park Blvd. Camden. N.J. 08103; Band 1,2; Black Cultural Club
2 3.
HE. :DER Q_ -. EDDIE: .;55 Atlantic A,·e.
Camden . . ·.J. 081 : Football 1,2,3,4; Intra.
Basketball 1.2.3: Track 1,2 ,3 ,4; Black Cultural
Club 1.2.
HILTON , REGINALD: 789 Line St. Camden ,
N.j. 08103 ; Black Cultural Club 1,2 ,3; Marching Band 2,3,4; Drum Major 4; Jazz Band
2,3,4; Show Band 3,4; Bowling 2,3; Track 4.
HINKLE, RICHARD: 1613 Atlantic Ave.
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08003; German Club 3,4;
Ecology Club 1; Traffic 1.
HOLMES , RUDNICK: 1485 Bradley Ave.
Camden, N.J. 08103 ; Black Cultural Club 1,2;
Jazz Band 2,3,4; Play Band 3 ,4; Concert Band
1,2,3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4.
HOPKINS, MICHAEL: 127 S. 32 St. Camden,
N.J. 08105; Karate 1,2; Ecology 3.
HORN , FRANCIS: 707 Windsor Dr. Cinnaminson, N.J. 08077.
- : - ? omore Talent how 2: Bas
Ou .;
KEHOFFER , JOH:\: 2007 S. \\'hite Horse Pk .
Linden wold , 1.J. 08021; Bowling 3: Intra .
Basketball 2.
KELLY , DONNA: 2564 S. 8th St. Camden , N.J.
08104; Spanish Honor Society 3,4.
KELLY , TIMOTHY: 503 Howard Rd. Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08034; Football 1,3,4; Basketball 1,2;
Track 3; German Club 2; Basketball Club
Pres. 4; Intra. Basketball 3,4; Baseball Mgr. 1 ·
Intra. Hockey 4.
KENNEY, JOSEPH: 120 Springfield Ave. Merchantville, N.J. 08109.
KENNEY, MARY: 120 Springfield Ave. Merchantville , N.J. 08109; Community Services
1,2; Homeroom Rep. 2,3,4; Band, Cologuard ,
Drill Team Mgr. 2,3,4; Softball Mgr. 2,3 ;
Sophomore Talent Show 2; French Club 2
Sec. 3, Pres. 4; French Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Ski Club 1,2; Prop
Crew 2,3, Cap. 4; Newspaper 3,4; Dress Code
Committee 4.
HORN , JANIS: 2638 Cooper Ave. Pennsauken ,
N.J. 08109; Sophomore Talent Show 2; French
Club 1,2 ,3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; Student Govt. 4;
Chorus Concerts 1,2,3; Color Guard 2,3 ,4;
Homeroom Rep. 2,3,4; Intra. Volleyball 4.
KENNY , MICHAEL: 1201 Media Road , Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08002.
HURLEY , MARGARET: 6102 Wayne Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110.
KIMSEY, HENRY : 1401 Overbrook Dr. Cherry
Hill , N.J. 08032; Intra. Basketball 4.
IAPALUCCI , MARY: 200 North Pine Ave.
Maple Shade , N.j. 08052.
KIRK, JOYCE: 5225 Garfield Ave. Pennsauken,
N.J. 08109; Homeroom Rep. 3,4; Student Govt.
Cabinet 4; Colorguard 2,3; Sophomore Talent
Show 2.
JEPSON , KEVIN: 313 Fountain Ave. Camden ,
N.J. 08105; Intra. Hockey 3,4; Golf 4; Intra.
Tennis 3; National Honor Society 4; French
Honor Society 4; French Club 1,2; Ecology
Club 2; Chess Club 1,2; Yearbook Staff 4.
INTELICATO , SANDRA: 4336 43rd St.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109 ; Jerseymen 1;
Homeroom Rep. 1,2; Soph Talent Show 2;
Color Guard 1,2,3,4 , Line Capt. 4.
IRWIN , VIRGINIA: 910 North 24th St. Camden , N.J. 08105; Community Service 2; Soph
Talent Show 2; Color Guard 4.
JENKINS, JAMES: 27 Philmar Ave. Cherry
Hill , N.J. 08003; Track 2,3 ,4; Cross Country
3,4; Intra Basketball 3.
JOHNSON , LISA: 6111 Walnut Ave.
Pennsauken N.J. 08109; Soph. Talent Show 2;
Drill Team 2.
JOHNSON , RAYMOND: 406 South 27th Street
Camden N.J. 08105; Intra Hockey 2,3,4; Intra
Basketball 1,2.
JOHNSTON , TERESA: 129 W. Evesham Ave.
Voorhees N.J. 08043; Marching Band 1,2,3;
Concert Band 1,2,3; Orchestra 2; Ecology Club
3; Community Service 1; Equestrian Club 3;
Art Festival 2.
JONES , CINDY: 229 Drake Road Cherry Hill,
N.J. 08034; Soph. Talent Show 2; Drill Team
KARBACH, ROSEMARY: 223 Mcintosh Rd.
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08003; Drill Team 2; Cheerleading 3,4; Wrestling Manager 1,2; Spanish
KLAGHOLZ, KATHLEEN: 507 Hastings Rd.
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08034; Girls' Basketball
1,2 ,3,4; Girls ' Softball 1,2,3,4; Girls ' Hockey
Mgr. 2,3; Volleyball Intramurals 2,4; Sophomore Talent Show 2.
KLAUDER , STEVE: 212 Transboro Rd. Berlin,
N.J. 08009; Football 1,2 ,3,4; Wrestling 3; Intra.
Hockey 3,4.
KLINE, JANE: 7422 Walnut Ave. Pennsauken ,
N.J. 08109; Hockey 1,2 ,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4;
Softball 1,2,3,4; Intra. Volleyball 4; Soph. Talent Show 2.
KOSTEK, PAUL: 102 S. Poplar Ave. Maple
Shade, N.J. 08052; Baseball 2; Intra. Hockey
KRAJICEK, KRISTINE: 311 Cranford Rd .
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003; Spanish Club 1;
Health Careers Club 2,3; Intra. Soccer 3,4; Intra. Volleyball 4; Concert Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 2,3; Orchestra 3; Sophomore Talent
Show 2 .
KREBS , PAULA: 2509 48th St. Pennsauken,
N.J. 08110; Girls' Hockey 1,2,3,4; Softball
1,2 ,3 ,4; French Club 1,2 ,3 ,4; French Honor
Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Girls'
Basketball 1,2; Newspaper 3,4; Intra. Volleyball 1,4; Student Faculty Relations Board 4.
KULAK, KAREN: 919 Deland Ave. Cherry Hill
N.J. 08034 ; Music Festival 2,3; Pep Club 1;
Soph. Talent Show 2; Ecology Club 1,2,3,4.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109.
LAMAINA, JOSEPH: 5236 Garden Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109.
LANUTTI, DIANE: 5225 Baker Ave.
Pennsauken, N .J. 08109; Cheerleading 3·
Homeroom Representative 1,2,3.
LEACH, DEBORAH: 1904 43rd. St.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Softball 1; Basketball
2; Drill Team 2,3,4; Scenery Painting 3;
French Club 1,2,3; Intra. Volleyball 1; Senator
4; National Honor Society 3,4; Soph. Talent
Show 2; Newspaper 4.
LEUSNER, DONNA: 3515 Highland Ave.
Camden, N.J. 08105; French National Honor
Society 4; Pres . 4; Newspaper , Co-Editor 4;
Circulation Editor 3; French Club 2,3,4;
French National Honor Society 3,4; National
Honor Society 4; Health Careers Club 3; Ecology Club 1,2.
LOSCALZO, PHYLLIS: 1113 Empire Ave.
Camden, N.J. 08103; Prop Crew 1,2,3; French
Club 1,2,3; French National Honor Society
2,3; National Honor Society 4.
LYLE , JANIS: 1000 Copley Place No. Barrington, N.J. 08007; Scenery Painters 2,3,4 ;
Prop Crew 2,3,4; Soph. Talent Show 2; Band
Manager 3,4.
LYNCH, THERESE : 205 Drake Road Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08034; Homeroom Representative
1,2; French Club 1; Sophomore Talent Show
2; Senator 3; Lt. Governor 4; Pep Club 1, Drill
Team 2,3.
MAGAZINO, CARLA : 6012 Highland Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08105; Scenery Painting 4;
Drama Club 1; Community Services 1; Art
Festival 1,2,3,4.
MAGNI, CYNTHIA: 5218 Halpin Ave.,
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Ecology Club 1,2,3,4;
Senator 4; Play 2,3,4; Music Festival 2,3,4;
French Club 2,3 ,4; Treasurer 4; French National Honor Society 3,4; Treasurer 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Newspaper 3,4;
Cross Country Manager 2; Intra. Volleyball 4.
MAGNIN, KATHY: 1504 Linden Ave. Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08002.
MAHONEY , JACK: 819 N. 32nd. St. Camden,
N.J. 08105; Basketball 1,2,3,4 ; Baseball 1,2; Intra. Hockey 2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2; Intra.
Basketball 1,2 ,3,4; Intra . Lacrosse 3,4.
MARO, JOSEPH : 95 Pine Vally Rd. Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08034; Football 3,4; Golf Team 4;
Play 4; Ecology Club 1,2; Intra. Hockey 2,3,4;
Intra . Basketball 3; Basketball Club 4 ;
Homeroom Representative 4.
MARTIN, DENNIS: 6308 Roosevelt Ave .
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Intra . Hockey 2; Intra .
Basketball 2; Wres tling 1; Ecology Club 1,2.
MARTUCCI, ROBERT: 4745 Springfield Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Intra. Hockey 2,3,4;
Basketball 2.
MCGUFFIN , EARL: 440 Trenton Ave. Camden , N.J. 08103 ; Black Cultural Club 1,2,3 : Intra. Basketball 1,2 ; Play 3,4; Chorus 3,4.
MASSIMINI , PA TRICIA: 1 Westwood Ave.
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08002; Drill Team 1,2,3,4 ;
Soph. Talent Show 2; Homeroom Representative 3,4; Scenery Painter 3; Newspaper, Art
Editor 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4.
MCGUIRE, JOSEPH: 404 Pennsylvania .\w
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08002; Intra. Hockey 2,3.
MASSON, KEVIN: 7 Thornhill Rd . Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08003.
MATTIA, DONNA: 1921 Old Cuthbert Rd.
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034; Basketball Manager
MAY, CAROLYN: 26 Strathmore Dr. Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08003; Drill Team 1,2,3,4; Community Service Club 1; French Club 1,2,3,4; Treasurer 4; Equestrian Club 4; Health Careers
Club 3,4; Community Service Committee 4;
Soph. Talent Show 2; Make-up Crew 4; Prop
Crew 4; Scenery Painter 3; Intra. Volleyball 2;
Newspaper 4.
MAZZOCHETTE, JOE: 6022 Jefferson Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Wrestling 1,2,3,4;
Baseball Manager 1; Yearbook, Layout Editor
4; Intra. Hockey 2,3; Cross Country 1.
MCCABE, MARYANN: 35 Pinewood Lane
Alco, N.J. 08004; Senator 1; Colorguard 2.
MCCALL, FRANCIS: 565 N. 36th St. Camden,
N.J. 08110; Chess Club 1; Soccer 3 ,4; Intra.
Basketball 2; Intra. Hockey 3,4 .
MCCANN , PATRICIA: 504 Bancroft Rd .
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034; Basketball 1,2,3,4;
Softball 1,2,3,4; Hockey Manager 2; Intra. Volleyball 2,4 ; Soph. Talent Show 2; Art Festival
1,2; Ski Club 1.
MCCARTHY , MARY: 5615 Plymouth Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Soph. Talent Show 2;
Homeroom Representative 4; Cheerleading
3,4; Track 4; Intra. Volleyball 4; Chorus 2.
MCCOY, JAMES: 5724 Lexington Ave .
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Wrestling 1,2,3 ; Intra .
Hockey 1,2,3; Intra. Lacrosse 2,3.
Rd. Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Drill Tea m 1,2,3;
Soph. Talent Show 2; Intra. Volleyball 4;
Chorus 1,2,3; Cheerleading 4; Track Team 4.
MCDERMOTT, JOSEPH: 121 Ivins Ave . Merchantville, N.J. 08109 ; Cross Country 1,2;
Track 1,2; Basketball 4; Intra. Basketball 3,4 ;
Intra. Hockey 4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4;
National Honor Society 4.
MCDEVITT, JAMES: 836 Cooper Landing Rd.
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08002 ; Football 1,3,4; Basketball 1,2 ,3,4 ; Baseball 1,2; Track 4; Homeroom
Representative 2.
E: 219 Belle Arbar Dr.
Cherry Hil l, N.J. 08034 ; Community Services
1; Soph . Talent Show 2; Yearbook 3; Health
Careers 3 .4 .
\!ARTI:\ES. JOH.'\ : 15 Georgia Ave. Cherry
Hill. .'\.). 08002: Football 1; Intra. Hockey
.3. 4 ; Intra. 3aske ibal.l 3; Socce:r 3 ..; _
\ICGROARTY. BR.\DLEY : 6 Blue Bell Dr.
Cherry Hill .'\.J. 08002: Ecology aub 1.2.3;
\larching Band 1.2; Inrra. Hockey 3
Y!ARTIN, JOSEPH: 5148 Garfield Ave.
Pennsauken . ~.J . 08109; Football 1; Basketball
MCGUIRE, DANA: 414 N. 38th
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Prop Crew 4; Heal:.::
Careers Club 2.
race Cherry Hill, N.J. Dress Code' 2,
Yearbook 2, Layout Editor 3, Photograplly
Editor 4; National Honor Society 4.
MCLAUGHLIN , VINCENT : 4409 Forrest.\
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Soccer 3.-1: Xatin=!
Honor Society 4; Newsp aper 3.-lc: Co.
Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3.-lc ; Lab .-UC:.;
Math Tutor 4; Forensics 2; French Qub 2 3 .;
French National Honor Society 3,4.
.arr i:{C
Pennsauken, N.J. 0810 9; Soccer .;; Ecol
Club 2; Biology Lab Aid 2.
Ave. Camden , N.J. 08110.
MECCA , CHRISTOPHER: 20 Fithian .:\w
Merchantville , N.J.
MESSINA , ANTHONY : 623 Kenilwmrli .\>:...
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08002; Football I:::.:;:,
Hockey 4; Senator 3; Spanish .'\aaona.: :i
Society 3,4 ; National Honor Sode
ing 1.
MESSINA , RO SE: 24 St. \lartins Rd. Ci::.i=y
Hill , N.J. 0800 2; Senator 1; Lt. Go\·ernor 2:
Cabinet 3,4; Newspaper, Editor-in-chief 3A;
Spanish National Honor Society 3.-1: Xatio:::a
Honor Society 3,4; Soph. Talent Show 2: Bc.sketball Club , Program Editor -le : c.oJoc Ge1,2,3,4; Intra. Volleyball 4; Spanish T
Math Tutor 4; Spanish Club 3.4.
MIAZGA , SUSANNE: 23 Fithian :\'\"e Me:chantville , N.J. 08109; Ecology Oub !2.J,.;,
Drill Team 2; Soph. Talent Show 2; F~
Club 2,3, Vice-President .J, : French Xa
Honor Society 2.3.4 ; Secretary 3: :S-.a ·
Honor Society 3, Treasurer 4; Homeroom
resentative 4; Community Senices C
Yearbook Staff 3. Business F.ditor .; ; .-\r.: r:s:ival 1,2; Intra. Soccer 3.
MIGNONE, CATHERit\E: 4 151 Bak
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109.
MOFFETT , EILEEN: 104 Oak Terrace ~!a:­
chantville, N.J. 08109 ; Jerseyman 0
orgua rd 1,2 ,3,4; Art Festival 1.2.3.-1:
lent Show 2; National Honor Sode
Crew 3.4; Scenery Pa inting 1.2 .3.; CoCaptain 3; Health Careers Qub 1..2. \l.cePresident 3,4; Community Senice Cowr'
MOFFETT, THERESA: 819 Beechwooc! -"''~
Cherry Hill, .'\.J. 08002; Health Careers Ocli 3~
Intra . \' olleyball 4.
\101T A. FELICL\ : 6202 Lex i ngton .\n
Pennsauken. :S-.J. 08109: Karate Oub 1..2.
0-00. 2\TLL. ~ rES 5 Farmhous e Lane.
Ch erry Hill.. ·.1. 08002; Wrestl ing 1,2,3, Capt.
4; Intra . Hockey 1,2,3,4; Intra . Lacrosse 3,4;
Cross Cou nt ry 3; Intra . Basketball 2,3 ,4 ;
Homeroom Rep . 3.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110.
Rd .
.:._.,,_,._. 3
RICCIARDI , JOANNE: 201 S . 35th St. Camd en ,
N.J. 08105 .
ONOFRIO , MARK: 60 Chews Landing Rd .
Haddonfield, N.J. 08033; Wrestling 1,2 ,3,4; Intra. Lacrosse 3,4; Intra. Hockey 2.
RICHARD , MARIANNE: 130 Dumas Rd .
Cherry Hill , N.J. 08003 ; French Club 1,2,3;
Drill Team 3,4; Soph. Talent Show 2; Art Festival 2; Intra. Soccer 3; Health Careers Club 4;
French Honor Society 2,3,4.
. !O. ·.\CD. :\.: 2\'E: 213 Garfield .\ ve. Cam:::. . . ·.1. 08105: Health Careers Club 1; Pep
C!t:b 1. opb. Talent Show 2.
. KATHY : 10 13 Cbelt e n Parkway
C::e:Ty Hill. :\.J. 08034; Color Guard 1,2;
.:: ;i:i Talent Sho w 2; Ski Club 1; Make-up
. !O:lRI 0 :\ . DEBORAH : 411 N. 34th St.
Cc:::cen. :\.J. 08105 ; Soph. Talent Show 2; Art
?5·j,·al 1.2.3; Health Careers Club 3,4; Com=..:.:n · en-ices Club 2; Majorettes 3; News;:ie_
- .;
. fO. RI 0 :\ .
?:;;;~sa ·en. N.j. 08109; Football 1,2.
_ !"'"c." I
·. PATRICIA: 3218 Merchantville Ave.
?e;:;.nsau en. ' .J. 08 109; Ecology Club 1,2,3,4 ;
.:: i Oub 1; :'v!arching Band 2; Concert Band 2;
?e:cu ion Ense mbl e 2; Spanish National
:C:o:ior ocie ty 3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; National
r.o:ior ociety 3,4; Health Careers Club 3,4;
Ye.a..-boo Staff 3; Newspaper Staff 3.
. -.\:JDEO. \!AR IANNE: 5 Lantern Lane,
C::::r.y Hill. '.\'.J. 08002 ; Soph. Talent Show 2;
:J. __ Team 3.
. ·.-\RDI. JO EPH: R.D. 1 Evesham Rd. Yoo:::. :: Twp. :\'./. 08053 ; Governor 3; Cross
Country 1.2; Basketball 1,2; Soccer 4; Intra.
3c.s'. etba.11 1,3,4 ; ational Honor Society 3,4;
·;;crush Honor Society 3, Treasurer 4; Ecology
C::b 1: Ba ketball Club Vice. Pres. 4; Play 4;
.:: f·ha.11 Coach 4; Student Faculty Relations
3.:.:;.; . 3.
RO BERT: 1133 Crane Dr. Cherry
. · J. 08003; Soccer 3,4; Football 1; Intra.
ey 2: A. \ ' . Crew 4; Stage Crew 3,4.
. ·.\Y!..ER. GA RY: 5315 Cynwyd Ave.
?::u.nsau en. N.J. 08109 ; Chess Club 1; Winter
:-:ac'· 3: Ecology Club 3.
. =::'
"ELL. AN1 A: 23 N. Chestnut Ave. Maple
.::::.ade. :\.). 0805 2.
• "ORRIS. RO BERT: 5225
?e:rnsau en. N.J. 08109.
. "0\\1...-'.:\ . MICHAEL: 306 Brentwood Ave.
C::erry Hill. N.J. 08034 ; Wrestling 1,2; Intra.
:C:oc'.·ey 2.-l : German Honor Society 1,2,3.
o·3RIE.' \ . A
E MARIE: 125 Fenwick Rd.
C::erry Hill , .J. 08034; National Honor Soci:o;:.· 3.-l; Spa nis h Honor Society 2,3, Vice Pres.
3 Pre . -l: St ud ent Faculty Relations Board 2;
.:: ph Tale nt Show 2; Prop Crew 2,4; Scenery
?a:n er 3; Gi rl s' Hockey 1,2,3 ,4; Indoor Track
~ ?ublic S p eaking and Debate Club 3,4;
.::=mrock Staff 3,4; Pep Club Captain 1; Art
?csiival 1.2; Ba nd Mgr. 2,3,4; Wrestling Mgr.
: ·panish Club 1,2,3,4 ; Ecology Club 1; Intra.
:-enni 3; In tra. Soccer 3.
Mulford Ave. Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Art
Festival 1,2,3,4.
PARRINO , STEPHEN: 4303 Sylvan Terrace ,
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110.
PARSONS , GEORGE: 100 W. Maple Ave .
Merchantville , N.J. 08109; Track 2,3; Cross
Country 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Chess
Club 1; Ecology Club 3; Bowling 4; Intra. Basketball 3; Golf 4.
PEHLERT , HILAIRE: 2204 Browning Rd.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110; Latin American Society 2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 4; Drama
Club 2.
PEREZ, JULIO: 421 N. 32nd St. Camden , N.J.
08105; Latin American Society 1,2,3; Karate
Club 3; Cross Country 4; Track 3,4; Intra. Hockey 4.
PERNO, FRANCIS: 123 Apple Lane , Mt .
Laurel, N.J. 08057; Football 1; Baseball 1,2.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110; Basketball 1,2.
St .
PETITTA, DANIEL: 54 Volan St. Merchantville , N .J. 08109; Football 1,2,3,4;
Wrestling 1,2 ,3 ,4; Baseball 1,2,3 ,4.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Baseball Mgr. 1;
Wrestling 1,2 ,3; Intra. Hockey 4 .
3.-l: S . Oub
. Hea.
Careers Oub 2.3; So ph. Talent Show 2.
RD-:Z . \ !ARY: Box 11 4A RD. #1 Sicklerville ,
.J. 08081; Color Guard 2.
RIECK, NOREEN: 10 Clinton Ave . Merchantville , N.J. 08109; Ecology Club 1,2,3,4;
German Club 1,2,3,4; German National Honor
Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4;
Music Festivals 2,3,4; Bio. Lab Assistant 1;
Public Speaking and Debate Club 2,
Secretary-Executive Council 3, Student Moderator 4; National Catholic Forensic League
2,3,4; National Forensic League 3,4.
REILLY , WILLIAM: 3911 Marl ton Pike Pennasauken, N.J. 08109.
RILEY, ERICK: Rt. 2 Box 449 Berlin, N.J.
08009; Football 1; Black Culture Club 1,2,3,4;
Soccer 3 ,4; Homeroom Representative 1;
Stage Crew 4; Chess Club 1,2; Yearbook Staff
4; Track 4; French Club 1.
ROBEL , PATRICIA: 1036 Haddon Ave. Camden , N.J. 08104.
ROBINSON, THOMAS: 2569 Starr Rd.
Pennsauken N.J. 08109; Football 1; Intra. Basketball 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Senator
ROGERS , EILEEN: 553 Maple Ave. Atco , N.J.
08004 .
ROSITO, MICHAEL: 7 Silvertop Lane Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08002; Spanish Honor Society 3,4;
Stage Crew 1,2,3,4 .
POWITSKY, ROBERT: 6917 Irving Ave .
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Soccer 3,4; Intra.
Hockey 4; Biology Lab Aid 3.
ROURKE , WILLIAM: 58 Ivy Lane Cherry Hill,
N.J. 08002; Football 1; Intra Hockey 2,3,4;
Intra Lacrosse 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4;
Wrestling 1,2,3 .
PRATE , ROBERT: 1704 Maple Ave. Cherry
Hill , N.J. 08002 ; Stage Crew 2,3.
RYDER , LOREN: 15 Harrow Gate Dr. Cherry
Hill, N.J. 08003; Intra. Hockey 4.
PUND , DIANNE: 24 Cooper St. Westmont, N.J.
08108; Girls ' Hockey 1,2 ,3 ,4; Basketball
1,2 ,3,4; Softball 2,3 ,4; Soph. Talent Show 2;
Intra . Volleyball 1,4; Student Govt. 2,4; Intra .
Basketball 4 .
QUARANTA, ARTHUR: 8767 Orchard Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109; Basketball 1,2,3 ,4 ;
Soccer 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 4.
QUERUBIN, A. CECILE: 9 Forge Lane Cherry
Hill , N.J. 08034 ; Majorette 3.
O'BRIE :\ . PATRICK : 2532 Starr Rd.
?ennsau ken , N.J. 08109; Football 1,2,3, Co·
Cap ain 4; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1,2 ,3,4; In·:a Basketba ll 3.
RAGONE, DEAN: 4454 Homestead Ave.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08109; Cross Country 1; Intra. Hockey 2; Basketball 1.
0-00'.\'.NELL, DENNIS: 5618 Mansion Ave.
?ennsau ke n , N.J. 08109; Traffic 1; Homeroom
. ep. 2; Ecology Club 1,2; French Club 1; Intra.
!-!oc ey 3; Intra. Lacrosse 3; Biology Lab Aid
RAGONE, NANCY: 1906 Hillcrest Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08110 ; Hockey 1; Softball 1;
Senator 1,2; Homeroom Representative 3,4;
Cheerleading 2,3,4; Captain 4; Marching Band
1; Play 3,4 ; National Honor Society 4; Spanish
SAMMETH , RON: 5515 Magnolia Ave.
Pennsauken, N .J. 08109; Baseball 1,2,3,4;
Cross Country 2; Basketball 2; National Honor
Society 3,4; Intra. Hockey 3; Intra. Basketball
4; Soccer 3,4.
SCAPPA. LAURENCE: 2004 Bryn Mawr Ave.
Haddon Hts., N.J. 08105 .
SCHETTER, JOHN: 304 W. Marlton Pike
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08002 ; Wrestling 1; Intra.
Hockey 3; Intra. Lacrosse 4; Student Govt.
Vice-President 4.
SCHNEIDER, SUSAN: 2243 N. 41st St.
Pennsauken, N.J. 08110 ; Hockey 1,2,3,4; Intra.
Volleyball 4; Pep Club 1; Soph. Talent Show
2; Spanish Club 1,2,3 ,4; Homeroom Representative 1; Health Careers Club 1,2,3,4; Band
Manager 1,2,3,4; Ecology Club 1,2,3,4; Prop
Crew 2,3,4 , Capt. 4; Scenery Painter 4; News·
paper 3,4.

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