Cosmetic Acu brochure - Eastern Medical Center


Cosmetic Acu brochure - Eastern Medical Center
Looking Good
Everyone wants to look their best. In fact,
each year millions of dollars are spent on
cosmetic injections alone in people’s attempt
to look younger. The price of looking younger
is going up! And we’re not just talking about
financial cost. The emotional and physical
costs are also mounting. We’ve known for a
long time about the power of attractiveness.
Innumerable research articles have been
written about how important attractiveness is
when you’re applying for a job, looking for a
mate, trying to get service, and the list goes
on. Our society worships attractiveness with a
huge emphasis on looking younger.
People have forgotten that beauty and a
youthful appearance comes from within.
Looking young is a part of having a
healthy inside! Most cosmetic procedures
only address the outside and may even be bad
for your health! At any rate, no matter what
procedure you have, the clock keeps ticking.
Your body continues to age.
It makes sense then that the most effective
way to get and maintain a youthful appearance
is to work from the inside out. What’s a
p e r f e c t w a y t o d o t h a t ? Co s m e t i c
A n t i -Ag i n g S k i n Ca r e
Timeless Prescriptions® 3 Step Acne Care
System: Use this simple 3-step system to clear acne
blemishes and allow skin to heal. Acne Care uses a
breakthrough stabilized and time-released Benzoyl
Peroxide that maintains potency over time.
Timeless Prescriptions® Anti-Blemish Lotion:
An excellent overnight pimple spot treatment made
with a blend of active ingredients to calm redness and
inflammation. Timeless Anti-Blemish contains active
ingredients including calamine and alcohol to calm
redness and reduce swelling associated with acne.
Cellular Laboratories™ De-Aging Cream:
A highly concentrated, intensive skin brightening and
anti-wrinkle formula. The exclusive patent-pending
formula is derived from all natural ingredients.
Cellular Laboratories™ Rebirth Serum:
Supplements the body’s natural growth hormone
production that diminishes with age. As the first patentpending synthetic growth hormone to help effectively
reverse skin aging, Rebirth Serum repairs cellular vitality
and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Pentaxyl®: Uses an advanced formula that penetrates
fine layers of the skin for maximum results. Clinical
studies have shown that the ingredients in Pentaxyl®
significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and
wrinkles, increase skin firmness and thickness, improve
skin color, texture, and hydration.
3510 Old Santa Rita Rd., Suite D
Pleasanton, CA 94588
P:(925) 847-8889 F: (925) 847-4180
w w w. e a s t e r n m e d i c a l c e n t e r. c o m
There is a better way to beauty...
Anti-Aging, Safe, Non-Surgical. A Whole Body Revitalization
Q: Will I look younger?
A: 90% of the women reported looking younger with one treatment according to a study published
in The International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture.
Q: What Is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
A: The Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture
System is based solely on the theory and
practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
We believe that it is the perfect antiaging medicine. Your external beauty is
the result of becoming healthier on the
inside. Achieving a more youthful
appearance is accomplished in two ways:
by improving the balance of Qi in your
body and by bringing more Qi to your
Q: What’s the modern scientific
rationale for how Cosmetic
Acupuncture works?
A: Inserting needles into the skin causes
little micro-traumas that stimulate your
body’s wound healing process. This
wound healing process balances out the
dispersal of collagen by encouraging
fibroblasts (cells that form collagen and
elastin fibers) to migrate to the needling
sites and lay down new collagen fibers.
That means that your skin becomes more
collagen- and elastin- rich through the
acupuncture process. New, younger
looking, firmer skin is yours!
Q: What kinds of results could I receive?
A: Results can vary but here is a sample of the reported effects:
-Improvement in facial muscle elasticity.
-Leveling of wrinkle.
-Reduction of sagging jowls.
-Reduction in puffiness.
-Skin becoming more delicate and fair.
-Increased collagen production.
-Fading of age spots.
-Improvement of acne, rosacea and broken capillaries.
Q: Does Cosmetic Acupuncture provide any general health benefits?
A: Yes! Here are some of the potential positive effects you can receive:
-Reduction in hot flashes/night sweats.
-Better sleep.
-Reduction of mild depression & anxiety.
-Improved digestion.
Q: What is the recovery time?
A: Good news—there is no downtime. There is not swelling, scarring or significant bruising. And…it
is very economical.
Q: Is Cosmetic Acupuncture right for me?
A: If you are in your thirties or older and want to look and feel revitalized while maintaining the
essence of who you are, you are a good candidate for Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture!
Call Eastern Medical Center today to set up your
(925) 847-8889