What`s Next PE Certification.key


What`s Next PE Certification.key
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
What’s Next?
6 Strategies
Sally Edwards, MS, MBA
Founder & CEO Heart Zones, Inc
Professional Triathlete
App Developer
Wearable / Heart Rate Monitor Expert
Creator of the Original Heart Rate Training
Programs and Zone Training
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Thank You Video
Joe Gooden Presentation - Appreciation from the
Heart of Heart Zones and Everyone Here
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Strategy #1.
Retrain >100,000 PE Teachers in the USA
Provide ways for current PE teachers to learn how to
use enabling technologies into their practice such as
today’s professional development events, webinars,
Put the Technology word with the word Physical
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Strategy #2.
Role Model Development
Change the culture of the school to be “activity-based”
Help all disciplines of school teachers and
administrators to become role models of physical and
healthy fitness to their students and parents.
Example: Mark Femrite-Westonka School District,
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Strategy #3
Market PE Program to Stakeholders
Provide marketing materials and strategies for PE
teachers to market their programs to other
teachers, administrators, students, and parent/
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Strategy #4.
Launch a New PE Component
There is an increasing number of heart-related deaths and
incidence of other disease-related health risks for students
and teachers today. School wide annual screening for early
detection of health-related issues, health tracking, and
health prevention programs. Wellness coaching can be a
component of the post-screening protocols. With annual
screening of students, it is possible to lower student and
faculty/admin risk and provide PE teachers with new ways
to support student and faculty health.
Example: Susan Lahti - Edmonds School District,
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Strategy #5.
Build a Smart PE Movement
Within the existing organizations like Shape or
statewide PE associations, a concerted strategy to
renew Phys Ed in the school system as a required
course everyday K-12
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Strategy #6
New PE Teacher Training
Introduce advocacy training and skills in new teacher
education programs showing how PE teachers can become
a Phy Ed “activist”.
Heart Zones PE Certification: The Science of Heart Rate and Step Tracking
Thank You
Sally Edwards
Heart Zones, Inc.
The Smart Fitness Technology
and Education Company
2636 Fulton Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821