Nov 6-SW - The Bowling News


Nov 6-SW - The Bowling News
Our 58th Year
Results on pages 10-11
VOL. 58, NO. 44
NOVEMBER 6, 2014
South Point Hotel and Casino Opens Doors Ron Boroff wins annual
to $35 Million South Point Bowling Plaza, SASBA Championship
State-of-the-Art United States Bowling Congress Tournament Facility
LAS VEGAS — South Point
Hotel and Casino’s new $35
million bowling tournament
facility, South Point Bowling
Plaza, rolls into Las Vegas
eight months early with a full
schedule of tournament events
beginning on Saturday, Nov.
1. After signing a 12-year deal
with United States Bowling
Congress (USBC), Las Vegas
Events (LVE) and the Las
Vegas Convention and Visitors
Authority (LVCVA) in April
2013, South Point Bowling
Plaza has scheduled 122 days
in 2015, 210 days in 2016 and
310 days of tournament operations in 2017.
“South Point Bowling
Plaza offers a state-of-the-art,
customized facility that was
Knoblauch wins 2014
ITRC Super Senior Classic
Page 10
PBA League Draft
Page 14
John Harbuck named
president of Strike Ten
Page 16
Publisher’s Column
By Tony Franklin Page 2
Honor Roll Page 3
Looking Back Page 9
Lane Laughter Page 8
Tomorrow’s Stars Page 8
Up Your Average
By Susie Minshew Page 17
Just Paying Attention
By Mark London Page 20
Scan with
smart phone
to visit our
strictly designed with the
needs of a tournament bowler
in mind,” said Ryan Growney,
South Point Hotel, Casino &
Spa general manager. “Having
built five bowling facilities
throughout his career, Michael
Gaughan’s experience in the
bowling industry has allowed
us to create an unparalleled
tournament bowling plaza
that will generate hundreds of
millions of dollars in economic
impact to this city.”
The South Point Bowling Plaza, a spacious
90,000-square-foot facility,
features 60 lanes with two
parallel rows of 30 lanes, a
360-seat viewing area and
a 720-unit locker room. In
addition, the USBC tournament bowling-focused center
includes a 350 seated squad
room equipped with a team
photo booth area, stub lane,
ball check station and bracket
room. For the first time in
history, Brunswick, Daktronics
and USBC partnered to create
two 167-foot state-of-the-art
digital displays with static and
animated advertising capabilities, spanning across the two
30-lane competition floors.
During the design process,
each lane was built on freefloating slabs to ensure the
facility is equipped with
soundproof barriers. Each pair
of lanes has two score boards
for ultimate display throughout
the concourse area. The width
of the flooring between the ball
return and lane spans a larger
length than usual tournament
facilities to offer bowlers with
the maximum angle of attacks.
As a tournament bowling
facility, each pair of lanes
is fitted with ball returns,
undercarriages and round
tables equipped to carry up to
38 balls in order to meet the
average ball-to-athlete ratio.
“Michael Gaughan and
his team have created a
breathtaking arena that is
perfect for our championships
and brings great pride to the
entire bowling industry,” said
Chad Murphy, USBC executive
director. “We are extremely
grateful to have such outstanding support from South Point,
Las Vegas Events and LVCVA
helping create a spectacular
experience for USBC members
as they come and enjoy all Las
Vegas has to offer.”
Over the span of the agreement, South Point Bowling
Plaza will host several annual
USBC events, including the
USBC Women’s Championships
in 2016 and the USBC Open
Championships in 2017. The
partnership will bring more
than 40 additional tournaments, conventions and short
duration events to Las Vegas
including events such as the
USBC Masters, USBC Queens,
USBC Senior Masters and USBC
Team USA Trials.
"We sincerely appreciate the
partnership we have with the
South Point,” said Pat Christenson, president of Las Vegas
Events. "This public/private
partnership allows us to bring
nine major bowling events to
Las Vegas, plus a minimum
of 40 additional events over
the next 10 years. Combined,
these events will bring more
than one million visitors to the
destination. Without the new
facility, none of this would
have been possible."
In 2009, the USBC Open
Continued on Page 7
Ron Boroff (champ), left, and David Rountree (2nd).
By Jim King
With a new format for the
Annual Champion-ship, Ron
Boroff Qualified high, then ran
off five straight victories in the
2-game total pin finals to win
his 3rd SASBA title at Cityview
Lanes in Fort Worth, TX.
Ron received a first round
bye for being one of the top 12
qualifiers. He then proceeded
to beat Phil Bailey 473-397,
Tom Crawford 444-437, Vince
Banks 486-470 and Bill Alex-
ander 480-475 before defeating
David 473-427. 69 years young
David Rountree almost didn’t
get in the tournament, then
made the finals and discovered
the fountain of youth as he
beat Pat Henderson 461-362,
Robert Steed 406-384, Cordell
Wilder 488-430, Phil Prieto
460-405 and Paul McCordic
499-453 before falling to Ron.
Paul and Bill finished 3-4 in
the match play format.
Continued on Page 2
Franklins take the crown at
West Texas Doubles in Amarillo
From left, Tony and Genie Franklin with Mark Scroggins,
tournament director.
The West Texas Doubles
held October 25-26 at Eastridge
Lanes in Amarillo, TX. Results:
1st Genie Franklin/Tony
2nd Sean Corbett/Zack
Continued on Page 6
Page 2 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
Random Thoughts
Tony Franklin, Publisher
Just read an interesting post
from Jeff Richgels. It seems
that while he was out in Las
Vegas covering the World
Series of Bowling last week, he
found out that ESPN is doing a
30 for 30 on the PBA.
30 for 30 is a series of
sports-related documentaries
that are filmed and aired on
the ESPN network. They may
be related to big moments in
sports, small ones, and quiteoften controversial ones, but almost all of them are extremely
well-done and informative.
I am very interested to see
one on professional bowling,
even though we all kind of
know how the story is told.
The question is whether they
will find an avenue that we
haven’t explored before.
No idea when it will air, but
I would guess sometime next
year. More to come.
Genie and I bowled a
doubles tournament in Amarillo two weeks ago, the WT
Doubles, hosted by Mark Scroggins. We had a fantastic time;
got to see lots of people we
haven’t seen in a while, caught
the 4th quarter of a small Texas
High School football game, and
also do a little bowling.
As we were driving along
287, making our way to
Amarillo, Genie noticed that
there was a football stadium up
the road a smidge, and maybe
we should pull in and watch a
little Friday Night Lights. So as
we were driving past I checked
the scoreboard and noticed
it was 20-19, Memphis over
Quanah with about 6 minutes
I did a quick u-turn, parked,
ran up to the fence in just
enough time to see a couple of
1A schools battle it out. The
population of Memphis is only
about 2200 and it felt like all of
them were at the game. Nothing really exciting happened,
Memphis won the game, the
hometown crowd went crazy,
but all in all it was a pretty
cool experience.
On Saturday night we went
to the Big Texan Steakhouse,
you know the place; eat the
72oz steak along with the sides
and it’s free.
Surprisingly I had never
eaten there before, and have
always wanted to do a food
challenge, but I decided that
this time, it wasn’t for me.
Two of the guys in our
group, did however man-up
and take the challenge. The
game is they have 60 minutes
to eat the 72oz steak, baked
potato, salad, shrimp cocktail
and roll. No leaving the table,
no throwing up, no help from
anyone else, but you don’t have
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Tulia, Texas 79088
Call (806) 995-4018
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P.O. Box 801
Tulia, Texas 79088
Call (806) 995-3635
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Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1642, Colleyville, TX 76034-1642
Delivery Address: 4133 Heartstone Dr, Grapevine, TX 76051
Office: 817-267-8686 • Fax: 817-267-1813 • Cell: 817-368-7960
Website: • Email: [email protected]
TONY FRANKLIN ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OWNER/PUBLISHER
GENIE FRANKLIN ([email protected]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OWNER/PUBLISHER
BILL HAZLETT ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MANAGING EDITOR
TYSON BRANAGAN ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STAFF WRITER
KAYLA ENDICOTT ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STAFF WRITER
LANCE RAGLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STAFF WRITER
CLINT DACY ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNIST
MARK LONDON ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNIST
SUSIE MINSHEW ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNIST
LEISHA MURR ([email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNIST
DON WRIGHT ([email protected] ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNIST
BUBBA FLINT (fl[email protected]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARTOONIST
Note: Opinions expressed by our independent columnists and
feature writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views
of The Bowling News.
© 2014
The Bowling News
to eat the fat. If you do all of
that, the meal is free, if you
don’t finish, then it costs $72.
Well Chris Wichers completed the task in 52 minutes,
pretty impressive, AND he
came over to our table and
was picking at our leftovers.
I’m guessing that was just the
adrenalin talking, because I
don’t see how he could have
been hungry after eating that
huge piece of meat!
And then there was the
bowling. Well Genie was an
absolute beast. We got knocked
into the loser’s bracket in the
second match, so that ensured
we would have to bowl every
round if we wanted to win. We
ended bowling in 11 matches,
and I only beat Genie four
matches, and one of those was
by one pin!
We ended up winning the
tournament, which felt great,
but the real joy was getting to
bowl with Genie and having
a good deal of success. That’s
the fun part for me, I just love
watching her bowl and competing at a high level.
When we travel for any
reason, we always tell Tori that
we are going on an adventure,
which helps build her excitement for the journey. In this
case she got to see a football
game, watch a tiny bit of bowling, meet some new friends,
and watch the “crazy boys” eat
all that steak.
And on our way home late
on Sunday night, she says from
the backseat…”you know what
I like best, going on adventures
with my family.”
And to me, that’s what it’s
all about; enjoying the adventure of life with the ones you
love the most. The fact that a
7-yr-old Tori see’s it the same
the way is all I could ever ask
Continued from Page 1
Thanks to Colleen and
Mickey for being gracious
hosts. The center was clean
and machines ran pretty well,
despite one sweep motor going
As always, anytime we have
a match play finals, the competition is compelling. Big comebacks, tight matches and clutch
performances are the norm.
Septuagenarian Phil Prieto beat
two PBA Hall of Famers. David
Anthony lost with a 491 to Phil
Gessner, who had back-to-back
500+ sets. Jeff Janssen had
the only 300 of the tournament.
Pat Stinnett knocked down the
most pins in the qualifying, but
Cliff Barnes led the qualifying
going 14-2 in the matches. Winning matches in the qualifying
was important. If you went 8-8,
you had to average 220 to make
it. If you won 9 or 10, it took a
lot less pins knocked down to
get there.
Next we have a regular
singles event the 8th and 9th
at Del Mar in Houston, TX.
Two weeks after that we have
a 60/50/Guest Trio at Cowtown
Bowling Palace in Fort Worth.
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THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 3
At USA Bowl
conquers 782
“The quickest
and best way to
reach people in
P.O. Box 1642, Colleyville, TX 76034
Phone 817-267-8686
Fax 817-267-1813
Graham 298
Travis Tribolet, Stadium Lanes ........................................ 838
John Blake, Diamond Lanes ........................................... 828
Cory Sharp, Western Bowl .............................................. 826
Donny Davis, Jr., Plano Super Bowl ............................... 824
Josh Herrick, Hallmark Lanes ......................................... 820
Jonathan Bolejack, Brunswick Zone Watauga ............... 811
Aaron Epstein, Tenpins & More....................................... 807
Ryan Boroff, Cowtown Bowling Palace .......................... 806
Elliot Bohuslav, Mel’s Lone Star Lanes .......................... 800
Troy Dix, Forum Bowl ....................................................... 797
Donny Bennight, Killeen Bowlerama .............................. 790
Ken Washington, AMF DeSoto Lanes ............................. 788
Dave Lile, Fiesta Lanes .................................................... 786
Michael Briley, AMF Showplace Garland Lanes ............ 783
Bruce Ellis, Heritage Lanes ............................................. 779
Jeff Curl, AMF Lewisville Lanes ...................................... 771
Rick Irvine, Strikz ............................................................. 769
Eddie Gonzales, Jr., Big Spring Bowl-A-Rama............... 768
Jason Maequez, Terrell Bowl .......................................... 767
Damien Nance, AMF Showplace Euless Lanes ............. 763
Burdette Graham, USA Bowl ........................................... 747
Alan Hewitt, Pin Center Bowl .......................................... 738
Robert Grigsby, Red Bird Lanes ..................................... 716
Ben Brose, Brunswick Westcreek Lanes........................ 715
Matt Lawrence, Ennis All Star Bowl ................................ 667
Dana Miller-Mackie, Tenpins & More ............................. 792
Stefanie Johnson, Cowtown Bowling Palace ................. 770
Diana Jessie, Forum Bowl ............................................... 736
Pam Lawrence, Mel’s Lone Star Lanes........................... 736
Esther Navarro, Hallmark Lanes ..................................... 734
Julie Locke, Plano Super Bowl ....................................... 730
Misty Kaiser, Fiesta Lanes ............................................... 718
Danielle Sharpe, Brunswick Zone Watauga ................... 713
Akeshia King, AMF Showplace Garland Lanes .............. 705
Ramona Smith, AMF Showplace Euless Lanes ............. 703
Toni Price, Diamond Lanes .............................................. 699
Sandi Charles, Killeen Bowlerama.................................. 689
Lauren Cathey, Red Bird Lanes ...................................... 687
Debra Shannon, Western Bowl ....................................... 678
Patty Ellington, Terrell Bowl ............................................ 666
Karen Van Etten, Stadium Lanes..................................... 662
Chiquita Blackwell, AMF DeSoto Lanes ......................... 657
Michelle Montgomery, Heritage Lanes ........................... 644
Jacqui Hicks, AMF Lewisville Lanes............................... 634
Christy Antle, Ennis All Star Bowl................................... 628
Cassandra Norris, Brunswick Westcreek Lanes ............ 608
Cathy Eberly, Strikz .......................................................... 602
Houston Granger, USA Bowl ........................................... 598
Heather Sanderlin, Pin Center Bowl ............................... 597
Janice Gonzales, Big Spring Bowl-A-Rama ................... 565
Scan with smart phone to
visit the SASBA website.
November 8-9
November 22-23
December 6-7
December 13-14
January 3-4
January 10-11
January 17-18
February 7-8
February 14-15
Feb. 28-March 1
March 7-8
March 14-15
March 28-29
April 4-5
April 18-19
April 25-26
* Changed or Added
Del-Mar Lanes, Houston, TX . . . . . . . . . . .
Cowtown Bowling Palace, Fort Worth, TX .
All Star Lanes, Shreveport, LA. . . . . . . . . .
Cowtown Bowling Palace, Fort Worth, TX .
Regular Singles
60/50/Guest trio
Member/Guest Doubles
Annual Christmas Team
Crossroads Bowling Center, Beaumont, TX
Cityview Bowling Center, Fort Worth, TX . .
All Star Lanes, Shreveport, LA. . . . . . . . . .
Armadilla I, Pasadena, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firelake Bowl, Shawnee, OK . . . . . . . . . . .
Cityview Lanes, Fort Worth, TX . . . . . . . . .
All Star Lanes, Kenner, LA . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brunswick Zone, Denton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Astro Super Bowl, San Antonio, TX . . . . . .
Cowtown Bowling Palace, Fort Worth, TX .
Emerald Bowl, Houston, TX. . . . . . . . . . . .
Brunswick Westcreek, Fort Worth, TX . . . .
Age Bracket
Claude Thomas Singles
Age Bracket
Regular Singles
Annual Non-Champs
60/50/Guest Trio
70/60/50/50 Foursome
Member/Guest Doubles
Champion/Non-Champion Dbls
Regular Singles
Gary Pfeil Memorial Singles
D’Ontae Rhone, Youth Bowler,
compiled a top notch 255-265-262
= 782 Youth Doubles league set
to gain the top spot on the honor
roll for the week at USA Bowl.
Houston Granger, from the
Pony Express group, led the ladies
with a highly commendable 224193-181 = 598 series.
Burdette Graham, Senior
bowler, garnered high-game
accolades with a near-perfect
298 solo.
Grace McGuire 173-456, Joyce
Waltrip 153-447, Charles Cole 258-695,
Christine Harding 212-533, Carl Smith
257-667, Sherri Prosek 198-507, David
Brewster 247-692, Jan Laden 200-530.
Kevin Weatherford 236-633, Maria
Williams 182-500, Joe Sustaita 258719, Lori Rougley 203-563, Dennis
Brickman 259-700, Houston Granger
194-558, Dave Belgrade (4 games)
Robert Eideneir (4 games) 215745, Frank Bell 249-659, Kay Mathis
192-558, Ken Hughey 224-644, Judith
Guillory 200-542, Tad Natividad 245702, Jack Soria 248-669, Milli Peterson
Dennis Hastings 221-621, Katrena
Blackerby 180-473, Gary Fremouw
202-510, Nancy Workman 100-268,
Matt Boyd 257-736, Michelle Carr 231558, Fishel Harwell 290-695, Shannon
Carter 193-521.
Dennis Brickman 245-634, Dana
Short 183-479, Jose Hughes-Mendoza
231-596, Lisa Winfield 126-339, Steve
Osterman 190-465, Kaye Cameron
142-411, Earl Davis 165-462, Mary Jo
Wilmoth 146-411.
Gary Gilbert 236-649, Kathy Foote
187-517, Mike Becker 209-605, Rita
Becker 191-513.
Burdette Graham 747, Andrea
Calloway 218-546, Michael Cash 221612, Maria Gonzales 175-473.
Teen Bowlers Circuit
High Five Sweeper
Certification Number:
USA Bowl
27 & 28
Dallas Youth Open
U20 1st place Guaranteed $2000
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DYO Rates $65.00 w/ Breakfast
** Mention the tournament by December 14th to get this rate
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Call for times
Call for rates and
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The “New”
P.O. Box 1642, Colleyville, TX 76034
Phone 817-267-8686
Fax 817-267-1813
817-346-0444 • Fax: 817-346-7208
Page 4 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
At Red Bird Lanes
Grigsby rings up 716,
Cathey crafts 687
Kelly 299
Robert Grigsby headed the
leader boards last week at Red
Bird Lanes by posting a highflying 209-259-248 = 716 Sunday
Night Mix series.
Lauren Cathey led the ladies
with a sterling 226-195-266 =
As of 10/26/14
Dallas Women
687 Career Girls set.
Videll Kelly captured highgame accolades with a nearperfect 299 solo.
Rita Becker 202-561, David Green
227-656, Billy Cathey 255-656, Chester
Pride and Joy Day Care . . . . . . . . . . . . .32.5
AMF Euless Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17.0
Plano Super Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.0
Red Bird Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.0
4H Invest - Bowling Diva’s . . . . . . . . . .27.0
USA Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27.0
Cowtown Bowling Palace . . . . . . . . . .19.0
AMF Garland Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19.0
The Bowling Shop/Richardson. . . . . .23.0
Plano Deuces Wild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23.0
Forum Bowlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19.0
Cityview Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0
AMF Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28.0
Lewisville Travelin’ Trouble. . . . . . . . . .22.0
J and R Bowling Equipment . . . . . . . .18.0
Ah Gee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.0
Tyson 237-632, Shannon Vogel (9 pin,
no tap) 300-1118, Lauren Cathey (9 pin,
no tap) 266-1018, Martha Trees 189-521.
Carolyn Large 224-574, Donald
Crawford 223-629, Deanna Hoffman
215-606, Bruce Myers 267-660, Fred
Downey 244-655, Tim McGlothin
233-637, Denise Chambon 268-593,
John DeCapua 235-695.
Angela Davis-White 211-561, EJ
Sharp 269-635, Cindy Howell 212-591,
Videll Kelly 715, Angela Chalmers
228-612, Pete Silva 244-638, Brenda
Walker 197-502, Tony Bluitt 172-496.
Betty Anderson 183-447, Lauren
Cathey 224-644, Ted Shaffer 216-577,
Carolyn Shaffer 155-426.
At Ennis All Star Bowl
Lawrence hammers 667,
Antle delivers 628
Matt Lawrence won high-set
honors last week at Ennis All Star
Bowl by polishing off robust 215258-194 = 667 marks in Tuesday
Men’s Commercial action.
Christy Antle led the ladies
with a fine 222/628 Pairs &
Spares set.
Greg Bishop 237-656, Clay Robinson
279-639, Kayla Lawrence 226-601, John
Gray 216-604.
At Brunswick Zone Watauga
Lusha’s Ladies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.0
TBC Pro Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23.0
Brunswick Zone Diamond Queens . .16.0
Rowlett Bowl-A-Rama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.0
Dangerous Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.0
DeSoto Candles Make Scents . . . . . . .12.0
Cowtown Bowling Palace Ladies. . . .31.0
Sparetime 2 D Xtreme. . . . . . . . . . . . . .22.0
Kathy’s Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.0
Ennis All Star Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0
The Bowling Shop/Garland . . . . . . . . .24.0
On The Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23.0
University Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.0
Westcreek Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.0
Bolejack on top with 299/811,
Sharpe delivers 713
Cantrell, Hunter, Jewell, Padron and Walker 300’s, Adams 299
Jonathan Bolejack outdistanced the competition last week
at Brunswick Zone Watauga
after pocketing a power-packed
299/811 High Points league
Danielle Sharpe held the
hot hand for the ladies with an
impressive 713 Thursday Mixed
Kody Cantrell, Brad Hunter,
Bill Jewell, Joe Padron and David
Walker shared high-game honors
as each recorded award-winning
Patrick Adams
shared runner-up honors with
Bolejack with a 299 solo.
Billy Lisenbe 750, Erica Frederick
541, David Melman 746, Alex Negrete
781, Carolyn Dorin-Ballard 289-706,
Brad Hunter 769, Alecia Henderson
672, Jay Contreras 481, Elizabeth
Bellman 477.
Dustin Belew 701, Kim Le 525,
James Stierwalt 690, Gena Everett
630, Micheal Radmer (4 games) 901,
Marty Tomlinson 758, Rebecca Odell
588, Kathy Douglas 474, Susan Witt
511, Bill Jewell 749.
Kerry Rusk 578, Shelley Fugitt
647, Lisa Steele 637, Nate Carroll 588,
Amanda Miller 447.
Jimmy Hill 651, Lana LeCroy 569,
Bud Haselden 673, Audrey Martin 535,
Fred Walter 652, Judy Leuty 524.
Southwest Region
Sunday & Monday Nights
9 PM to 2 AM
Noon to 10:30 PM
$1.50 games
$5.00 All You Can Bowl
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THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 5
AMF DeSoto Lanes • 121 Northgate Drive, DeSoto, TX 75115 • Ph: 972-780-8090
AMF Showplace Lanes Euless • 1901 W. Airport Frwy., Euless, TX 76040 • Ph: 817-540-0303
AMF Lewisville Lanes • 1398 West Main St., Lewisville, TX 75067 • Ph: 972-436-6575
AMF Showplace Lanes Garland • 1950 Marketplace Dr., Garland, TX 75041 • Ph: 972-613-8100
AMF Richardson Lanes • 2101 N. Central Expwy., Richardson, TX 75080 • Ph: 972-231-2695
AMF Spare Time Lanes • 3149 S. Cooper St., Arlington, TX 76015 • Ph: 817-465-4997
Page 6 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
Major cities bid for World
Bowling championship events
Clayton Colby with first 800 series; 806 at Strikz
At Forum Bowl
Dix masters 300/797,
Jessie crushes 736
Troy Dix won the high-set
contest last week at Forum Bowl
with a power-packed 222-300-275
= 797 Masters league session.
Diana Jessie’s, Dix’s league
mate, blue-ribbon 202-245-289 =
736 series dominated the ladies
high-set race.
Joyce Johnson 170-471, Roberta
Haffner 201-572, Vicky Dunn 214-609,
Sammie Boles (9 pin) 296-804, Marcella
Mills (9 pin) 230-645, James Simmons
241-685, Marissa Musselman 232-651.
Ron Rogers 264-736, Kara Congi
223-624, Daniel Hughes 246-654,
Carolyn Overton 221-585, Marvin Sitts,
Jr. 219-624, Dana Short 223-508, John
Munson 225-660, Rebecca Herrman
Andrew Lowy (4 games) 257-981,
Diana Jessie (4 games) 224-875, David
James 248-666, Helen Woodley 190508, Bill Holland 249-717, Judy Phillips
187-550, Chuck Pauley 224-604, Nancy
Burden 187-508. Vernon Smith 289-784,
Arlette Washington 288-712, Jack Soria
257-650, Emily Montgomery 191-547,
Kevin Carbo, Jr. 228-648, Bambi Aceves
196-480, James Wilson 223-641, Lisa
Ray 214-564.
Chris Bass 195-468, Michelle
Renteria 170-471, Bud Biffel 211-555,
Luann Mills 183-482.
Kenny Lindsey 234-636, Mary
Edgett 187-529, Kenny Lindsey (9 pin)
290-734, Mary Edgett (9 pin) 238-646
ARLINGTON — Major cities
from across the globe have
put in their bids to host future
World Bowling championship
events, World Bowling CEO and
President Kevin Dornberger
announced Friday.
Earlier this year, World
Bowling put out requests for
bids for the 2017 World Senior
Championships, the 2017 World
Championships (men and
women), the 2018 World Youth
Championships and the 2018
World Men's Championships.
Two cities in the United
States have placed bids with
the South Point Casino and
Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada,
bidding for all four events and
Detroit, Michigan, putting in
bids for the 2018 WYC and
2018 WMC.
Munich, Germany, has bid
for the 2017 World Senior and
the 2018 WYC, Hong Kong put
in a bid for the 2018 WMC and
Kuwait has bid for the 2017
WC. In addition, Tokyo has
put in an early bid for the 2020
World Singles Championships.
"The quality of cities on
this list is a testament to the
progress World Bowling has
made in taking our championship events to the next level,"
Dornberger said. "We appreciate the fact that all of these
cities are showing their support
for the sport of bowling."
The decision on which cities
will host the events will be
made by the World Bowling Executive Board on Dec. 15 and
16 following the 2014 World
Men's Championships in Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
For more information about
World Bowling, visit
At Plano Super Bowl
Davis, Jr. blasts 300/824,
Locke levels 730
Colvin 811, Pritts 805, Airheart, Blasius, Mahre
add 300’s, Carlson 299
Donny Davis, Jr. rocked the
Plano Super Bowl last week with
a dual award-winning 300-245279 = 824 Pepsi Classic series.
Darius Colvin and Ted Pritts
followed close behind Davis, Jr.
with award-winning 811 and
805 Monday Classic Trio sets
Julie Locke led the ladies with
an outstanding 237-231-268 =
730 Sportsman series.
Ricky Airheart, Mike Blasius
and Pete Mahre posted awardwinning 12-baggers to share
high-game honors with Davis,
Jr. Larry Carlson took runnerup honors with a near-perfect
299 solo.
Robert Keiser 266-716, Dawn Klapper 269-647, Patrick Dickson 290-728,
Janet Murphy 216-601, Larry Hoover
278-787, Kathleen Brown 212-554,
Justin Pittsinger (4 games) 223-820.
Yolander Garrett (4 games) 211-723,
Sean Jeans 255-668, Heather Hudson
257-668, Bob Willingham 260-710,
Brenda Helm 189-520, Bill Ferguson
257-725, Trang Nguyen 222-641, Jennifer Hayes 265-691.
Gary Suder 259-748, Diane Wallentine 219-640, Gene Foose 245-614,
Linda Miles 175-473, Larry Carlson 739,
Sue McMullin 198-569, Doug Brown
277-797, Shemeddra Clark 268-705.
Devon Johnson 246-653, Karen
Clevenger 246-619, Matt Kieffer 268753, Lisa Garza 221-620, Cathy Sposito
213-588, Beverly Goff 190-550, Louis
Henley 258-743, Bill Leonhart 269-734.
Joe Davidson 205-528, Lynda
O’Keeffe 201-509, Jake McKewin
277-768, Elaine Barnes 259-671, Jason
Harvey 248-675, Jana Bennett 204-561,
Wes Wade 268*-719, Erin DeGray-Kutz
Cathy Sposito 242-665, Susan Lee
Continued from Page 1
3rd Scott Savant/Duck Savant
4th Tim Crites/Brian Guillen
5th Melissa Waters/Mark
6th Sean Sadat/Christina
7th Mark Scroggins/Eddy
8th Jake McKewin/ Jeff
300 Games--Don Simmons,
Tim Crites, Tony Franklin,
Erin McCarthy (which was
told to me Erin was the first
lady to ever shoot a 300 game
at Eastridge Lanes), Genie
Franklin (so that makes Genie
the 2nd lady to shoot a 300
game at Eastridge).
800 Series--Sean Corbett(805), Erin McCarthy (815
and i will go out on a limb
and say she is probably the
first lady to shoot 800 series at
Eastridge Lanes)
The team of Tyler Albracht/
Jonthan Lawson had the high
set of the tournament(1503).
216-604, Mario Colaluca 288-738,
Dottie Culpon 208-541, Gene Foose 215615, Linda Peterson 196-553, Al Todd
258-726, Karleen Reynolds 225-641.
Sandy Watson 255-683, Diane Wallentine 189-525, Daniel Lilly 243-712,
Jackie Fisher 254-671, Scott Crawford
(4 games) 279-1058, Kiyoko McDonald
(4 games) 279-1002, Scott Buchana,
Sr. 269-748.
Patty Ellington 221-643, Dave Foster
245-670, Pam Garcia 213-599, Alan
Gohike 234-667, Jeanne Whitehead
211-528, Kevin Hiam 257-705, Cindy
Mann 246-630.
Check-in at 6:30 PM
Saturday Nights at 7:30 PM
$20 Entry Fee
Entry includes: King/Queen Ticket, 1st Game Strike Pot, High Scratch &
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160 & under average bowlers need 9 pins
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We draw 10 tickets, you throw 2 balls, and last person
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Brackets: $5.00 (handicap, scratch, ladies, 50 years or over, 185 and under)
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Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
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THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 7
Continued from Page 1
Championships, held at Cashman Center in Las Vegas, ran
for a record 154 consecutive
days with a capacity total of
17,200 teams competing from
Feb. 21 to July 24, 2009. The
total estimated attendance for
bowling participants and their
travel parties was 292,750
with an average room stay of
4.3 nights and a non-gaming
economic impact of more than
$120 million. Las Vegas also
was host city for the USBC
Open Championships in 1986.
The USBC Women’s Championships previously was held in
Las Vegas in 1973 and 1983,
attracting 9,644 and 14,430
teams, respectively.
With participation estimates
for the Championship events
taken into account, South Point
Hotel is able to accommodate
hotel reservations for an
estimated 27 percent of visitors,
while the remaining 73 percent
will occupy rooms throughout
the city during event s held for
the duration of this agreement.
“Las Vegas and the new
world-class bowling plaza at
South Point Hotel and Casino
offer the perfect backdrop
for the United States Bowling
Congress Open Championships
and Women’s Championships,” said Rossi Ralenkotter,
president/CEO for the Las
Vegas Convention and Visitors
Authority. “This is a strong
partnership that leverages the
proud heritage of bowling and
a state-of-the-art, multi-milliondollar tournament facility with
the excitement and energy of
Las Vegas. That’s a winning
It’s always the right time to
sign up for a League
Call your local center now to sign up
At Cowtown Bowling Palace
Boroff turns in 806,
Johnson hammers 770
Magill 300/800, Thomas 300
Mike Donahue shot 300 with
his Columbia ball during the
Fort Worth Classic Trio league at
Cowtown Bowling Palace and
won himself a new Columbia
hybrid ball. Thanks Columbia
and Steve Szabina.
Ryan Boroff earned highseries honors last week at
Cowtown Bowling Palace with a
hard-hitting 280-246-280 = 806
Ft. Worth Classic Trio league
Samuel Magill finished close
behind Boroff with an awardwinning 300/800 Senior Stars
Stefanie Johnson, Boroff’s
league mate, fired a rip-roaring
258-234-278 = 770 set to front
distaff scoring.
Jerimi Thomas shared highgame honors with Magill as
each registered award-winning
Brian Thornburg 289-751, Katie
Tallant 224-588, Steven Sanchez 259,
Stella Evans 215, Ryan Burns 258,
Rebecca Williams 213, Sal Grieco
269-684, Rudy Garcia 255-716, Pat
Currie 242-669.
Adam Loviscek 212-621, Diana
Davis 195-537, Stephen Smithers 210,
At Brunswick Westcreek Lanes
Brose snags 715,
Norris nails 608
Boroff 300
Ben Brose’s first rate 280/715
session ended as the number-one
set of the week at Brunswick
Westcreek Lanes in Wednesday
Mixers league action.
Cassandra Norris headed the
ladies’ leader board with a powerful 268/608 Beat The House
Ryan Boroff garnered highgame accolades with an awardwinning perfecto.
Kevin Leach 224, Chuck Wilcox
222, Randy Sewart 213, Steven Gaudet
233-627, Teresa Tibbs 177-505, Camron
Reed 228-621, Lisa Cryer 168, Danny
Speck 224-606, Susan Tockey 165-471,
Brien Keeler 222. Ron Mills 218-613,
Jesse Sees 614, Jeremy Trubenstein
216-591, Vince Wos 227-580, Roberta
Haffner 248-564, Bill Lane 223-580,
Michelle Martin 222, Doug Massey
221, Shannon Jones 214-538.
Chris Andries 220-601, Cindy
Sterrett 213-536, Ben Brose 589, Sylvia
Mitchell 516, John Teague 217-627,
Stacy Zachary 194, Scotty Sprinkle
215, Virginia Wilson 181-458, Les
Wilson, Sr. 572.
Patti Sprinkle 176-441, Jeff Crenshaw 214-545, Samantha Huffman 414,
Ron Waller 252-708, Dolores Howard
193-487, Richard Monteith 243, Susan
Monteith 501, Larry Powell 620, Margie
Wherry 190-491. Dick Ensminger
235-601, Alecia Bristow 183, Michael
Ramsey 243-644, Carol Atterbury
173-487, Coy Hart 236-633, Dorina Hart
163-460, Tom Clark 213-587, Adrion
Ramsey 158-448, Michelle Hampton
203. Doug Massey 239-633, Cathy
Simmank 197-550, Tony Perrotta 236,
Shannon Jones 538, Cheri Harrison 197,
Nicki Brose 534, Stephen Preston 239,
Fae Hogan 199-487, Alan Cole 268-615,
Terra Johnson 493. Terrence Nurse 219,
Chris Escobedo 177, Bill Rider 589,
Stacie Phillips 191, Charles Brown
210, Kevin Plumlee 232, Debra Coan
169-451, Doug Smith 203-596, Mike
Heer 203.
Jason Magallon 279, Amy Hart
206-603, Ron Nason 268, Linda Kobige
205, Richard Botello 267-771, Tennelle
Milligan 258, Kevin Roberts 276, Onil
Llagas 257, Katie Tallant 265-730.
Jeremy Trubenstein 249, Lina
Choun 211, Billy Gann 246-705, Dawn
Gann 206, Brad Euckert 279-696, Jamie
Smith 195-537, Ryan Degraw 247, Matt
Craviotto 239, Brian Lindsey 216-591.
Katie Tallant 236-626, Randy Cross,
Sr. 213-629, Bryan Liles 210.
Johnny Zaskoda 267-745, Carol
Watson 220-602, Ken Eilert 249, Karen
Holder 216, John Stewart 235, Brenda
Settle 210, Johnny Zaskoda 258-686,
Judy Biel 192, John Stewart 246, Karen
Holder 183.
Ben Griffin 245, Mike Moschella,
Sr. 213, Vicky Martinez 194-537, Ben
Griffin 213-617, Don Key 210.
Alice Rogers 173-466, Nate Griffin 589,
Jesse Negrete 206-495, Shirley Sowers
217-581, William Hill 201-549, Paula
Armstrong 179-485.
Jerry Higgins 154-454, Gwynne
O’Connell 163-456, David Johnson 242619, Paula Davis 179, Ken Bettis 234,
Vicky Kopp 178-480, Charles Covert
233-615, Debbie Gearhart 178-470,
Michelle Kopp 178.
Connye Gurney 163-446, Ella
Whetstone 152-421, Crystal Womack
151, Ron Henderson 264-662, James
Franklin 258-662, Tanya Strickland
180, Austin Laster 242, Erica Duran
David Dewberry 664, Paula
Hernandez 457, Chance Moore 169,
Sonja Nichols 166-460, Lloyd Morris
189-476, Tanaya Luna 109, Carl Jordan
219-546, Cassie Williams 203, Steve
Boyle 246-648.
Jeff Hamlin 234-659, Jess Vasquez,
Jr. 180, Jesse Vasquez, Sr. 135, Randy
Seward 203-485, Mike Gentry 133, Ken
Garber 187-503.
Ron Waller (9 pin, no tap) 278-685,
Kathy Redfield (9 pin, no tap) 240-601,
Dick Ensminger (9 pin, no tap) 277-765,
Cindy Hargrove (9 pin, no tap) 211-570,
Ken Leach (9 pin, no tap) 255-624.
Carol Neubauer (9 pin, no tap) 208586, Diann Clark (9 pin, no tap) 208.
Monday Nights
At 9:45 PM
Entry $15
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$5 High Pot
Added this Year!
Tournament of Champions
Weekly winners will be entered into the end of the
season Tournament of Champions.
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Westcreek Lanes
3025 Altamesa Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Page 8 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
Area USBC Youth Scores
D’Ontae Rhone, USA Bowl .................................... 782
Denver Tollett, Fiesta Lanes .................................. 705
James Schirripa, Hallmark Lanes ........................ 703
Adam Beasley, Cowtown Bowling Palace ............ 701
Jared Valladares, Forum Bowl ............................. 691
Anthony Salinas, AMF Showplace Garland ......... 679
Christian Trinidad, Killeen Bowlerama ................. 676
Matt Lenz, Mel’s Lone Star Lanes ......................... 676
Travis Welnack, Plano Super Bowl ....................... 646
J C Hill, Heritage Lanes ........................................ 641
Cole Poswiatowski, Tenpins & More ..................... 607
Micah McCracken, AMF Showplace Euless ........ 600
Jared Nichols, Brunswick Westcreek Lanes ........ 572
Riley Farrell, Red Bird Lanes ................................ 563
Reed Ashley, Brunswick Zone Watauga .............. 562
Ryan Yablonski, Strikz .......................................... 559
Justin Carolan, AMF Lewisville Lanes .................. 438
Kira Hamman, Mel’s Lone Star Lanes .................. 675
Molly Maxson, Killeen Bowlerama ........................ 660
Kaitlyn Schroyer, Big Spring Bowl-A-Rama.......... 646
Megan Budnik, Forum Bowl .................................. 624
Maelynn Smith, Heritage Lanes .......................... 608
Dakota Stutz, Hallmark Lanes ............................... 606
Brooke Woodard, Brunswick Zone Watauga........ 599
Alexes Burton, Plano Super Bowl ......................... 592
Robin Prioleau, Tenpins & More .......................... 571
Rhanessa Roberts, Fiesta Lanes ......................... 564
Nadia Stone, Cowtown Bowling Palace ............... 534
Sara Taylor, AMF Showplace Garland Lanes ....... 529
Alexis Burton, AMF Showplace Euless Lanes ..... 514
Lauren Bate, Strikz ................................................. 514
Jaden Takayesu, USA Bowl ................................... 478
Cheyenne Hancock, Red Bird Lanes .................... 468
Rachel Garber, Brunswick Westcreek Lanes ...... 449
Lane Laughter
Denver Tollett led the Southwest-area USBC youth bowling
last month with a high-powered
278/705 Generation Gap series at
Fiesta Lanes.
Kira Hamman, from the GCHE
group, paced the girls with a
sparkling 194-257-224 = 675 set
at Mel’s Lone Star Lanes.
At Big Spring Bowl-A-Rama, Big
Spring – Kaitlyn Schroyer 233-646,
Trysten Davis 148, Brandon Rogers 134.
At Fiesta Lanes, New Braunfels –
Noah Hamel 232-525, Julio Rodriguez
202-575, Philip Williams 254-674,
Philip Williams (4 games) 266-930,
Philip Williams (4 games) 245-847, Aiydan Hughes 177-502, Zachery Guerra
177-486, Ryan Mowery 131-248, Josh
Hile 127-323, Cole Valero 98-264, Caeleb
Kerr 94-264, Michael Kimble 133-344,
Colton Krueger 115-304, Abby Salazar
172-487, Delanie Syring 168-469, Fayth
Schumann 226-497, Rhanessa Roberts
193-564, Abby Salazar (4 games) 241769, Abby Salazar (4 games) 225-699,
Lily Pesato 140-360, Sydney Busch
93-218, Lorelye Pesato 89-113, Abigail
Kyle 85-138, Kaitlin Kyle 110-232.
At Hallmark Lanes, Killeen –
James Norris 232-613, Eva Avans 187,
Sammy Kriner 530, Mike Mikell 197496, Suzy Brown 162, Jessica Bearden
413, Charilie Eisenhart 106, Markel
Allgood 192, Hailee Duerre 93, Bailey
Skinner 169, Jermari Rini 128,Bakari
Guinyard 335, Tori Blackman 72-189,
James Schirripa 246, Heath Fletcher
605, Maya Dixon-Dates 232-601,
James Schirripa 196-536, Sammy
Kriner 168-482, Hunter Wood 187-493,
Wendy Dillon 156-395, Ke Pearson 99,
Markel Allgood 190, Bree Zammat 60,
Hailee Duerre 154, Bakari Guinyard
122-301, Mickinzie Lowe 77-191, James
Schirripa 247-703, Summer Salak 209,
Ceasia Saxon 543, Jordan Garza 218,
James Norris 613, Eva Avans 187,
Sammy Kriner 530, Robert Marley 141,
Mike Mikell 513, Suzy Brown 391, Ke
Pearson 97, Quinton Boyde 194, Bree
Zammat 60, Hailee Duerre 134, Jermari
Rini 132, Bakari Guinyard 346, Tori
Blackman 68-177, Michael Dixon-Dates
259-653, Erika Shaffer 190, Maya
Dixon-Dates 529, James Norris 243-575,
Dakota Stutz 212-606, Jordan Garza
225-608, Maya Dixon-Dates 157-440,
Mike Mikell 513, Suzy Brown 391,
Markel Allgood 98, Ke Pearson 198,
Hailee Duerre 106, Bailey Skinner 200,
Damien Swift 102-268, Mickinzie Lowe
72-197, Jordan Cina 221, Jeff Stamp 595,
Sierra Ciesiolka 213-567.
At Heritage Lanes, Oklahoma City,
OK – Ashton Pavao 151-426, Morgan
Nunn 198-474, J C Hill 234-641, Maelynn Smith 211-608.
At Killeen Bowlerama, Killeen
– Remington Smith 227-592, Molly
Maxson 256-660, Christian Trinidad
237-676, Brandon Bennight 179-474,
Alyssa Smith 133-363, Jimmy Ryan III
78-194, Shelby Dewald 63-159, Caitlin
Stone 191-547.
At Mel’s Lone Star Lanes, Georgetown – Robert Hamman 214-605,
Branden Hawk 239-645, Jessi Huth 161461, Christian Vejil 204-576, Katelyn
Chicaiza 101-284, Matt Lenz 254-676,
Rhiannon Wright 201-544, James Bell
97-179, Natalie Decovic 98-167.
At Tenpins & More, Rio Rancho,
NM – Jacob Marquis 217-554, Robin
Prioleau 201-571, Khalen Howard 213555, Bailey Dodson 164-438, Aedyn
May 158-379, Yarelis Alvarez 170-462,
Cole Poswiatowski 213-607, Ashley
Abbott 95-271.
Dallas USBC Youth Scores
D’Ontae Rhone headed the
Dallas-area USBC youth bowling
last week with a power-packed
255-265-262 = 782 Youth Doubles series at USA Bowl.
Alexes Burton, from Plano
Super Bowl, paced the girls with
an outstanding 214-210-168 =
592 Monday Jr. Gold set.
At AMF Lewisville Lanes – Luke
McInis 135-386, Justin Carolan
AMF Showplace Garland Lanes
- Mariah Miller (2 games) 77-152,
Johnnie Arriago 193-569, Sara Taylor
188-529, Anthony Salinas 246-679,
Sara Taylor 197-524.
Teen Bowlers Circuit
Contact: Brad Ellis, at [email protected]
November 9th
AMF Spare Time Lanes, Arlington, TX, Qualifying
squads at 9 AM & 10:30 AM, top 8 to match play
finals. - Sport shot: 44’ London
December 7th
Brunswick Zone, Denton, TX, Qualifying squads
at 9 AM & 10:30 AM, top 8 to match play finals. Sport shot: TBD
Dallas Youth Open
December 26-28th
USA Bowl, Dallas, TX, Dallas Youth Open
If you have upcoming youth
tournaments you would like listed on the
schedule, contact The Bowling News at
817-267-8686, fax: (817-267-1813) or email:
[email protected].
At Plano Super Bowl – Trevor
Woodward-Hall 82-211, Bella Hudson
90-184, Dylan Pittsinger 149-416, Mya
Murray 110-314, Bryce Stephenson
225-629, Moriah Leraas 203-523, Travis
Welnack 234-646, April Kitch 187-473,
Aidan Hudson 171-489, Mya Murray
128-328, Bryce Stephenson 222-636,
Hailey Keister 203-526, Talisen Baron
212-615, Sabrina Inman 201-525, Kaleb
Ball 145-388, Chloe Hilving 105-295,
Victor Munguia 182-505, Taylore Ryan
198-526, Clay Adams 219-577, Christie
Draper 245-578, Caden Witt 151-429,
Victor Munguia 206-506, Kayanna
Klein 162-412, Clay Adams 210-580,
Cooper Findling (2 games) 120-224,
Alyssa Lee (2 games) 86-162.
At Red Bird Lanes – Riley Farrell
220-563, Cheyenne Hancock 171-468,
Koutnei Russell 70-137, Kaelynn
Phillips 120-197, Zackary McGlothin
127-345, Ariana Woodberry 129-346,
Benni Ulibarri 129-256, Lea Robinson
At Strikz – Nathaniel Peny 148-441,
Lauren Bate 181-514, Mark Kramer
179-490, Ryan Yablonski 200-559.
At USA Bowl – Austin Ellis 259-693,
Lanice Holmes 152-362, Matthew Reed
177-461, Lataysia Holmes 93-227, Seth
Hancock 131-334, Ninian Snelgrove
187-506, Josia Sobczak 83-232, D’Ontae
Rhone 207-587, Jaden Takayesu 170478, James Hancock 183-466, Gannon
Takayesu 185-503, Conner Mixson
267-690, Justin Viernes 202-503.
Fort Worth
USBC Youth
Adam Beasley led the Fort
Worth-area USBC youth bowling
last week with a thundering 242701 Strikers series at Cowtown
Bowling Palace.
Megan Budnik paced the girls
with a rollicking 237/624 Stars &
Strikers set at Forum Bowl.
At AMF Showplace Euless Lanes
– Micah McCracken 207-600, Glenn
Higginbotham 185-521, David Hampton
84-209, Derek Money 77-139, Austin
Wright 69-134, Alexis Burton 178-514,
Nicquelle Orr 168-460, Aaliyah Brown
At Brunswick Westcreek Lanes –
Jared Nichols 225-572, Rachel Garber
178-449, Devin Moore 156, Katie
Hamlin 139-355, Landon Smith 123,
Josalynn Robles 73, Dylan Morris
157-435, Colton Probert 164-469,
Daphine Vasquez 96, Andre Kelly
177-388, Brendan Gentry 160, Kevin
Williams 125.
At Brunswick Zone Watauga –
Reed Ashley 562, Brooke Woodard
225-599, William Jewell 384, Isabella
Colbert 393, Hayden Norman 214-463,
Morgan Davis 519, Marshall Fischer
309, Reynalda Contreras 511.
At Cowtown Bowling Palace – David Strand 215, Jake Swift 215, Adam
Beasley 245-629, Dannyella Hochstine
206-505, David Strand 224, Nadia Stone
194-534, Max Brown 217.
At Forum Bowl – Jacob Svinning
89-167, Bella Dunn 88-175, Evan Cooper
90-157, Sanana Joseph 88-163, Patrick
Neville 155-372, Taylor Prim 109-288,
Logan King 123-296, Charisse Graham
106-271, Jared Valladares 257-691,
Anyssa Boles 173-407, Codey Dong
233-559, Alyssa Prim 173-404, Mitchel
Neville 233-665, Jeremy Dunn 259-653,
Victoria Hylton 222-567.
(All times are Central)
Sunday, Dec. 14 – GEICO WSOB VI PBA
Cheetah Championship, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 21 – GEICO WSOB VI PBA
Viper Championship, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 28 – GEICO WSOB VI PBA
Chameleon Championship, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 4 – GEICO WSOB VI PBA
Scorpion Championship, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 11 – GEICO WSOB VI PBA
World Championship, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 18 – GEICO WSOB VI
PBA Challenge (PBA50 Tour Finals,
PBA Women’s Regional Finals, PBA
Regional Finals, Teen Masters Grand
Championship), 2 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 25 (ESPN2) –GEICO WSOB VI
World Bowling Tour Men’s and Women’s
Finals presented by PBA, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 1 – Chris Paul PBA Celebrity
Invitational, 3:30 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 8 – United States Bowling
Congress Masters, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 15 – 50th anniversary
Barbasol PBA Tournament of
Champions, 12 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 22 – PBA Players
Championship, 12 p.m.
Sunday, March 1 –Mark Roth/Marshall
Holman PBA Doubles Championship,
12 p.m.
Sunday, March 29 – PBA League
Quarterfinals, 4:30 p.m.
THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 9
At AMF Showplace Garland
Players making their first
ESPN television debuts will be
Anthony Pepe of Elmhurst, N.Y.
(Cheetah), Connor Pickford
of Charlotte, N.C. (Viper), J.R.
Raymond of Bay City, Mich.
(Chameleon) and Todd Book
of Russells Point, Ohio (World
Briley plasters 783,
King charts 705
Michael Briley fired a hardhitting 278-258-247 = 783 XXXX
Rated league session to end at
the top of the honor roll for the
week at AMF Showplace Garland
Akeshia King headed the
ladies’ high-set race with a robust 256-220-229 = 705 Double
Trouble set.
Richard Elliott 227-673, Bertha
Sanchez 212-574, Larry Green, Jr.
289-730, Darlene Hampton 215-540,
Sean Pierce 258-726, Larissa Bridgman
224-559, John Musial 244-685, Judy
Hinman 225-584.
Robert Wilson 239-672, Bertha
Sanchez 203-563, Thomas Jenkins
233-596, Dana Cantwell 169-491,
Justin Perl 245-684, Ronnie Rhodes
(2 games) 215-383, Mandy Hatfield (2
games) 159-316.
Chris Shipley 270-763, Tonjah Castro
249-679, Freddy Flores 266-643, Donna
Hilgenfeld 180-473, Brandon Davidson
267-742, Ira Taylor, Jr. 261-744, Terri
Tate 221-549, Chris Shipley 280-775.
Wanda Parker 258-703, Keith McRee
269-707, Audrey Wallace 223-638,
Frank Fite 211-607, Sherri Fite 177-498,
James Maston 256-758, Linda Chambers 244-602, Chris Shipley 254-709,
Deneace Johnson 245-671.
At AMF DeSoto Lanes
Washington polishes off
788, Blackwell bags 657
Ken Washington, from the
Pushovers group, pocketed
power-laden 246-267-275 = 788
numbers en route to earning
high-series honors for the week
at AMF DeSoto Lanes.
Chiquita Blackwell, Washington’s league mate, rolled a lofty
202-235-220 = 657 set to lead the
lady bowlers.
Lee Clark 236-669, Arlette Washington 197-544, Donald Chambers, Jr. 257-
660, Penny Jurecko 199-534, Bam Pride
267-737, Jolynn Baird 214-595, Dennis
Williams 253-684, Karen Sykes 191-533.
Bud Price 226-612, Betty Cacciapaglia 168-476, Ray Petry, Sr. 224-572,
Jeanne Ham 172-438, Calvin Bailey
256-701, Penny Jurecko 200-538, Bill
Gast 198-546, Lori Knox 177-474.
Alex Bruton 254-693, Alys Hodges
155-408, Martin Kemp 228-586, Janie
McClain 145-401, Dennis Williams 225610, Lucy Chism 192-527, Ken Hughey
222-594, Debra Williams 186-500.
Jimmy Every led the honor roll with 837
at Expressway…Matt Suarez shot 835 at DC
Cityview…Jamie Engle rolled 834 at Park Central
Recreation…Megan Larson led the ladies with
772 at Western…Sandi Irvine Charles shot 765
at Action World…Dana Mackie with 751 at
Tenpins & More…For the second week in a row,
the Dorin sisters met up against their husbands
in match play in a PBA regional event. At the
PBA Midwest/Southwest Region Barney’s Open,
Carolyn Dorin-Ballard defeated Del Ballard
3-2 in the round of 16 before falling to Mark
Scroggins to finish 5th. At the PBA Wild Turkey
Bourbon Central Region 13th Annual Brunswick
Northwest Ohio Open, Cathy Dorin-Lizzi also
faced her husband, Jeff Lizzi, in the round of
16 but fell 3-2 and finished 9th.
Joel Hunter led the honor roll with 795 at Red
Bird…Curt Dupre with 793 at Don Carter’s Kenner… Larry Reynolds shot 792 at DC West…Jan
Hodges led the ladies with 733 at Hurst…Dianne
Griffin with 730 at DC Kenner…Kathy McBride
shot 726 at Oil Bowl…Jena Hutchings and Mark
Blasius won Junior Players Cup title at Blazer
Bowling Center. It was Hutchins second straight
championship. Maryiedth Sells Malott finished
second followed by Kim Claus, Stacie Higgins
and Jennifer Tedrow Hayes…Norm Duke wraps
up fifth title of the year by defeating Doug Kent
216-190 in the Greater Rochester Open and pushed
his yearly earnings to $252,910…Aleta Sill became
During WSOB VI, 93 different players in the sold-out
field of 240 cashed in one of
the four animal pattern events
or the PBA World championship. That’s just shy of 39%
compared to 2013 when 83
players (almost 35 percent)
earned checks. Including the
special PBA Challenge events
(PBA Regional, PBA50 Tour
and PBA Women’s Regional),
103 different players cashed.
Australia’s Jason Belmonte
is the only player to cash in
all five World Series VI events,
despite not making any PBA
Tour television shows. Ronnie
Russell of Marion, Ind., is the
leader in television finals,
qualifying second in the Viper
and Chameleon Championships, and third in the PBA
World Championship.
Sean Rash of Montgomery,
Ill., qualified for the Chameleon Championship finals,
trying Belmonte for most
WSOB career TV appearances
(14). Rash and Mike Fagan
of Fort Worth, Texas (World
Championship) are the only
players who have made a TV
appearance in all six World
the second player that year to surpass $100,000 in
a single season by defeating Tish Johnson in the
Sam’s Town LPBT $75,000 Columbia 300 Delaware
Open. Sill’s earning were $102,340, second to
Anne Marie Duggan’s $108,401.
• Since the start of WSOB
VI, Xtra Frame has continued
to grow, reaching a record
6,324 subscribers as of Friday.
15 & Over/14 & Under
Youth Doubles
Handicap Tournament
Any Combo - Boy & Girl, Boy & Boy or Girl & Girl
Multiple Entries allowed with multiple partners
Saturday, November 15
Squad times: 12:30 PM or 3:00 PM
SMART Scholarships
Managed by: USBC
USA Bowl
10920 Composite Dr.
Dallas, TX 75220
Handicap base:
90% of 430 team average
1 bowler age 14 or under &
1 bowler age 15 or over
Entry Fee:
$70 per team
Or $80 for walk-in entry
Each bowler bowls 3 games
Walk-in entries accepted or mail entries to:
Teen Bowlers Circuit, 8101 Tierra Del Sol Rd., Arlington, TX 76002
Tournament Director Brad Ellis 214-264-0077,
[email protected] or [email protected]
Email for full rules and entry blank
Teen Bowlers
New Exciting Scratch Tournament For Youth Bowlers
A New Bowling Center Each Month/Scholarships And Awards
Qualifying And Match Play Finals On Sunday
Separate Boys & Girls Divisions • Bowl 3 games across 3 pairs
Entry Fee: $35 per bowler per squad
($15.00 lineage & expenses, $20.00 Awards)
Sunday, November 9
Pattern: 44’ London
Jeff Freeman led the honor roll with 761 at
Jupiter…Joe Eubanks also shot 753 at Red Bird…
Wes Newell with 749 at Allen…Debbie Hughes
led the ladies with 674 at Buckner…Ruby Finney
shot 654 at Bronco…Patsy McCormick with
643 at Big Town…Mike Aulby takes $125,000
Indianapolis Open defeating Mark Baker 214-191
for $18,000…Jane Curlee was inducted into the
TWBA Hall of Fame…Jeanne Maiden Naccarato
wins first pro title by defeating Lisa Rathgeber
in the $25,000 LPBT Pacific Northwest Classic…
During the 1983-1984 season, a record high
12,360 honor scores were shot. 6,447 were perfect
games and 1,234 were 800 series. I wonder how
that compares to today??!
AMF Spare Time
3149 S. Cooper
Arlington, TX 76015
Sunday Qualifying
Squad times:
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
Top 8 Match Play to follow
Both Boys & Girls Divisions
Top 4 Stair Step finals to follow
Next Tourney @ Brunswick Zone, Denton, TX, December 7th
Walk-in entries accepted or mail entries to:
Teen Bowlers Circuit, 8101 Tierra Del Sol Rd., Arlington, TX 76002
Tournament Director Brad Ellis 214-264-0077,
[email protected] or [email protected]
Email for full rules and entry blank
Page 10 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
Ellis and Gray win TBC titles Malott clinches No. 1 berth for
PBA World Championship finals
Austin Ellis and Taryn Gray
Austin Ellis of Arlington
won his second consecutive
Teen Bowlers Circuit event and
fourth overall with his victory at AMF Lewisville Lanes.
Taryn Gray of Greenville won
her third TBC title.
In the championship match
Ellis defeated tournament
leader Micah McCracken of Ft
Worth in a nail-biter, 215-214.
McCracken needed to fill 29 in
the tenth to secure the victory,
but got two strikes then 7 to
finish second and take home
$90 in SMART money. Ellis
won $125.
In the opening match Matt
Orchard of Allen defeated
first-time finalist Levi Ventura,
Euless, 180-146. The semifinals match had Ellis defeating
Orchard 223-183. Orchard
earned $60 and Ventura $35 in
SMART money.
On the girl’s side, the
championship match had
Gray taking down tournament
leader Hope Gramly of Prosper
187-181. Gray earned $70 and
Gramly $50 in SMART money.
In the opening match Gray
defeated Kristin Hilker, Grand
Prarie, 167-153. In the semifinal it was Gray again, taking
down Veronica Prior of Allen,
189-157. Hilker won $40 and
McCracken $35 in SMART
They used the 41’ WTP
Montreal pattern. The tournament format is two 3-game
qualifying squads and then
8 games of match play followed by a top 4 boys & girls
stair-step finals. They had 34
entries, 21 boys and 13 girls.
Qualifying leader for the boys
was Micah McCracken -42 and
Hope Gramly -60 for the girls.
High game for the tournament was Clay Adams with
Other Finalists:
Girls - 5th Alexes Burton,
Rowlett, 6th Jaden Takayesu,
Flower Mound, 7th Jerilyn
Mayhak, Oklahoma City, 8th
Ashley Hathaway, The Colony.
Boys - 5th Jared Nichols,
Ft Worth, 6th Cameron Royes,
Mansfield, 7th Clay Admans,
Plano, 8th Lars Houck,
A special shout out to Micah
McCracken who picked up the
7-10 split during match play!!
Thank you to the Cyndi Ray
and entire staff at AMF Lewisville Lanes for their hospitality.
On November 9th the Teen
Bowlers Circuit will be at AMF
Sparetime Lanes, pattern TBD.
In December, the TBC will be
in Denton, TX at Brunswick
Contact Brad Ellis for more
information. BradEllis8101@
Phil Hughes
Rob Pohlman
Sales rep
Lake Dallas, TX
Retired: Boeing Aircraft
Cedar Park, TX
Age 52. Right handed
SASBA titles 0
18-300s 6-800s
Age 61, Right handed
SASBA titles 0
23-300s 9-800s
Congratulations 1. Wes Malott, 2. Mike Fagan, 3. Ronnie Russell,
4. Todd M. Book and 5. Stuart Williams on advancing to the PBA
World Championship stepladder final. Telecast Jan. 11 on ESPN.
LAS VEGAS (Oct. 30,
2014) — Wes Malott of
Pflugerville, Texas, captured
the top qualifying position for
the PBA World Championship,
the concluding event of the
GEICO PBA World Series of
Bowling VI, by 118 pins over
Mike Fagan of Fort Worth,
Texas, Thursday at South Point
Bowling Center.
Malott, Fagan, Ronnie Russell of Marion, Indiana; Todd
Book of Russells Point, Ohio,
and Stuart Williams of England
will return to South Point’s
new 60-lane Bowling Plaza for
the live ESPN stepladder finals
on Sunday, Jan. 11. The World
Championship is officially the
third and final major championship of the PBA’s 2014
Malott, a 38-year-old
nine-time PBA Tour champion,
averaged 229.44 over 52 games
conducted on five different lane
conditions to pace the World
Championship qualifiers with
a 12,381 pinfall total, 118 pins
ahead of Fagan.
“I never really put anything
together tonight. I just stayed
out of trouble, and got a couple
wins here and there,” Malott
said. “The biggest thing was
in the second game tonight
against Sean Rash. I doubled
in the 10th to shut him out and
that gave me some confidence
and opened the gap a little.
“I was disappointed with my
loss to Fagan in the last match
Wednesday. I had a big lead
and let him catch up, but I was
able to get past that, focus on
the positive and that helped.”
If Malott wins the title in
January, his 10th title will
qualify him for PBA Hall of
Fame consideration at some
point down the road, but
it’s not something Malott is
concerned about.
“We’ll have a couple of
months to prepare and think
about the finals,” he said. “Ten
titles, yeah, maybe it’s in the
back of my mind, but it’s not a
big thing at this point. It’s not
like I’m going for the most PBA
titles or anything. If my career
ended today, I’d be very happy.
I’m very grateful and fortunate
to be where I’m at, and I’m still
living the dream.”
Fagan, 33, chased Malott
throughout the 24-game match
play finals, but could never
quite catch up. Russell, who
qualified for his third World
Series television final, finished
16 pins behind Fagan. Book,
43, will make his second television appearance in eight years
as mostly a part-time touring
Williams, who won his
only PBA Tour title in the 2011
Viper Championship, made the
biggest move, advancing from
seventh to fifth with a 258-194
victory over defending World
Champion and fellow Englishman Dom Barrett in the final
match game.
South Point Bowling Center, Las Vegas,
games, includes match play bonus pins)
1, Wes Malott, Pflugerville, Texas, 15-9, 12,381.
2, Mike Fagan, Ft. Worth, Texas, 14-10, 12,263.
3, Ronnie Russell, Marion, Ind., 13-11, 12,147.
4, Todd Book, Russells Point, Ohio, 15-9, 12,126.
5, Stuart Williams, England, 10-14, 12,091.
6, Sean Rash, Montgomery, Ill., 12-12, 12,078,
7, Scott Norton, Mission Viejo, Calif., 12-12,
12,071, $7,000.
8, Shawn Maldonado, Houston, 15-9, 12,064,
9, Eddie VanDaniker Jr., Chatsworth, Calif.,
13-11, 12,002, $6,000.
10, Dom Barrett, England, 12-12, 11,997, $5,600.
11, Patrick Girard, Canada, 15-9, 11,981, $5,000.
12, Jason Couch, Clermont, Fla., 13-11, 11,932,
13, Jason Belmonte, Australia, 9-15, 11,915,
14, Martin Larsen, Sweden, 14-10, 11,883,
15, Mike DeVaney, Winchester, Calif., 13-11,
11,863, $4,200.
16, Tom Daugherty, Wesley Chapel, Fla., 11-13,
11,832, $4,000.
17, Pete Weber, St. Ann, Mo., 11-13, 11,782,
18, B.J. Moore III, Apex, N.C., 9-15, 11,767,
19, John Szczerbinski, N. Tonawanda, N.Y.,
11-13, 11,728, $3,500.
20, Dick Allen, Columbia, S.C., 10-14, 11,724,
21, E.J. Tackett, Huntington, Ind., 9-15, 11,713,
22, J.R. Raymond, Bay City, Mich., 11-13,
11,700, $3,200.
23, Bryon Smith, Roseburg, Ore., 11-13, 11,695,
24, Shuichi Heki, Japan, 10-14, 11,624, $3,000.
300 Games: Sean Rash.
Knoblauch wins 2014
ITRC Super Senior Classic
Jim Knoblauch
ARLINGTON, Texas - Jim
Knoblauch of Waukesha,
Wisconsin, made a key ball
change that ultimately helped
him win the 2014 International
Training and Research Center
Super Senior Classic with a
224-213 win against defending
champion Kerry Painter of
Henderson, Nevada.
Knoblauch, who earned
$3,000 for the victory Friday,
qualified for the stepladder as
the No. 3 seed and used the
last frame of his first match
to try something different.
Although he stayed around the
pocket and remained clean in
his opening game, he knew
he'd need to strike more as he
climbed the ladder.
While closing out his 194170 win over Howard Partell of
Las Vegas, Knoblauch decided
to try a ball that would save
some energy for down the
lane and give him a stronger
reaction on the backend.
USBC Media Photo
The strategy worked for the
60-year-old right-hander, who
earned his ticket to the title
match with a 218-196 semifinal
victory over Ed Roberts of
Braintree, Massachusetts. Knoblauch started the game with
five consecutive strikes before
a 4-7-10 split ended his run, but
Roberts struggled on the left
lane throughout the game and
was unable to take advantage
of the miscue.
"I watched Howard and Darwin (Wimer) start off throwing
strikes, so I started with the
ball I thought would give me
the most consistent look,"
Knoblauch said. "It looked OK
throughout the game but didn't
finish and was bleeding too
much energy. I had a free shot
in the 10th against Howard,
made the change and it gave
me the look I needed. From
there, I was able to make slight
adjustments and get off to
Continued on Page 19
THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 11
Texan D.J. Archer leads PBA Chameleon
Championship field into ESPN finals
1. D.J. Archer, 2. Ronnie Russell, 3. Sean Rash and
4. J.R. Raymond advance to the ESPN final round at the PBA
Chameleon Championship.
LAS VEGAS (Oct. 27, 2014)
— D.J. Archer of Friendswood,
Texas, stumbled out of the gate,
but righted himself quickly to
take charge of the PBA Chameleon Championship, the third
of four animal pattern events
in GEICO PBA World Series of
Bowling VI, Monday at South
Point Bowling Center.
Archer, a 34-year-old, 12year veteran who is still trying
for his first PBA Tour title,
fought through the emotional
memories of his mother’s death
in September on his way to
the top qualifying position in
the Chameleon Championship
television finals. After rolling
a 175 game to start the day, he
rebounded immediately with a
275 and scored at a blistering
242.29 pace in the morning
round. He only managedPBAto
LLC Photo
take a nine-pin lead over Ronnie Russell of Marion, Indiana,
into Monday night’s final
qualifying round, but finished
with games of 240 and 235 to
retain his top position by 35
pins over Russell.
Archer won the day with
a 14-game total of 3,202 pins.
Russell was second with 3,167
pins. Sean Rash of Montgomery, Illinois, qualified third
with 3,158 pins and J.R. Raymond, who will make his ESPN
debut in the finals on Saturday,
Nov. 1, at the new South Point
Bowling Plaza, qualified fourth
with 3,142 pins.
“What’s crazy is that in practice this morning, I threw about
20 strikes in a row. Normally
when that happens, the first
Michael Haugen Jr. earns top berth
in PBA Scorpion championship
1. Michael Haugen Jr., 2. Scott Newell, 3. Martin
Larsen and 4. Tom Hess advance to the ESPN final round at
the PBA Scorpion Championship
LAS VEGAS (Oct. 28, 2014)
— Three-time Professional
Bowlers Association titlist
Michael Haugen Jr. of Phoenix
jumped from sixth to first in
the final game Tuesday night
to capture the top berth in the
PBA Scorpion Championship in
the GEICO PBA World Series of
Bowling Tuesday at South Point
Bowling Center.
Haugen, who entered the
final qualifying round in 13th
place, fired games of 203, 255,
223, 234, 226, 216 and 247 to
finish the Scorpion event with
a 14-game total of 3,213 pins
and a four-pin lead over Scott
Newell of Daytona, Florida.
Sweden’s Martin Larsen qualified third with 3,206 pins and
Tom Hess of Urbandale, Iowa,
qualified fourth at 3,205 – one
pin ahead of Tommy Jones of
Simpsonville, South Carolina
and four pins ahead of firstround leader B.J. Moore III of
Apex, North Carolina.
Newell and Hess have each
won one PBA Tour title. Larsen
will be trying for his first
when the finals are conducted
Saturday in the new South
Point Bowling Plaza. The finals
will air on Sunday, Jan. 4, at 1
p.m. ET.
“That was a little too exciting, but I don’t do anything
the easy way,” Haugen said. “I
was losing my ball reaction a
bit. I drilled a new ball for the
night round, but it was slipping
game is always bad and I don’t
know why,” Archer said. “I
said to myself, ‘this isn’t good,’
but after that, it was just like it
never happened and I bowled
real well. I bowled 275 the
second game and I just matched
up with the right ball all day.
When you get those things on
the right page, you can throw a
lot of strikes in this facility.”
The Chameleon Championship was the third of four
qualifying events that will
determine the 24-player field
for the PBA World Championship match play competition
Wednesday and Thursday. The
seven-game qualifying rounds
in the Cheetah, Viper, Chameleon and Tuesday’s Scorpion
Championships will be combined to determine the World
Championship finalists.
South Point Bowling Center, Las Vegas, Monday
top four advance to ESPN finals on Nov. 1)
1, D.J. Archer, Friendswood, Texas, 3,202.
2, Ronnie Russell, Marion, Ind., 3,167.
3, Sean Rash, Montgomery, Ill., 3,158, $100.
4, J.R. Raymond, Bay City, Mich., 3,146.
5, Scott Norton, Mission Viejo, Calif., 3,142,
6 (tie), Stuart Williams, England, and Dom
Barrett, England, 3,135, $3,250.
8, Jason Couch, Clermont, Fla., 3,128, $2,500.
9, Mattias Olsson, Sweden, 3,124, $2,200.
10, Harry Sullins, Chesterfield Twp., Mich.,
3,063, $2,000.
11, E.J. Tackett, Huntington, Ind., 3,062, $1,800.
12, Martin Larsen, Sweden, 3,042, $1,700.
13, Richie Teece, England, 3,031, $1,650.
14, Gerald Marrs, Huntley, Ill., 3,026, $1,600.
15, Dave Wodka, Henderson, Nev., 3,003,
16, Daniel Fransson, Sweden, 3,001, $1,500.
17, Kyle Troup, Taylorsville, N.C., 3,000, $1,450.
18, Brian Valenta, Lockport, Ill., 2,975, $1,400.
Continued on Page 18
away. I knew I had to either
make better shots or change
balls, so I changed balls again
and went with it.”
Haugen said an open frame
in the seventh almost ended
his hopes, “but I threw the last
five strikes and the other guys
waited for me. Go figure.”
The first round of the
Scorpion Championship earlier
Tuesday was the fourth and
final qualifying event to
determine the 24 match play
finalists for the PBA World
Championship. The match
play finals include eight-game
rounds Wednesday at 10 a.m.
and 6 p.m., and Thursday at
2 p.m. England’s Dom Barrett was top qualifier for the
World Championship with
a 6,430 pinfall total, three
pins ahead of Ronnie Russell
of Marion, Indiana, and 14
ahead of Moore. Bryon Smith
of Roseburg, Oregon, captured
the 24th spot by two pins over
South Point Bowling Center, Las Vegas, Tuesday
top four advance to ESPN finals Saturday,
Nov. 1)
1, Michael Haugen Jr., Phoenix, 3,213.
2, Scott Newell, Deland, Fla., 3,209.
3, Martin Larsen, Sweden, 3,206.
4, Tom Hess, Urbandale, Iowa, 3,205.
5, Tommy Jones, Simpsonville, S.C., 3,204,
6, B.J. Moore III, Apex, N.C., 3,201, $3,500.
7, Tom Daugherty, Wesley Chapel, Fla., 3,198,
8, Brian Valenta, Lockport, Ill., 3,192, $2,500.
9, Norm Duke, Clermont, Fla., 3,170, $2,200.
Continued on Page 15
Connor Pickford wins No. 1 berth
for PBA Viper championship finals
1. Connor Pickford, 2. Ronnie Russell, 3. Dom Barrett
and 4. Mika Koivuniemi advance to the ESPN final round at the
PBA Viper Championship
LAS VEGAS (Oct. 26, 2014)
— Connor Pickford of Charlotte, North Carolina, who has
never finished higher than 14th
in his abbreviated four-year
Professional Bowlers Association Tour career, will make his
national television debut as the
top qualifier in the GEICO PBA
World Series of Bowling VI’s
Viper Championship.
Pickford, 22, averaged
230.57 for 14 games on the
Viper lane condition at South
Point Bowling Center Sunday,
finishing with a 3,228 pinfall
total to capture the No. 1 berth
in the Viper Championship
ESPN finals by 32 pins over
Ronnie Russell of Marion,
Indiana. England’s Dom Barrett
jumped for fifth to third with
a 223 final game and veteran
Mika Koivuniemi of Hartland,
Michigan, held on to fourth
place with a 3,141 total, six
pins ahead of Australia’s Jason
Belmonte and 11 ahead of
first-round leader B.J. Moore III
of Apex, North Carolina.
The top four players will
bowl for the Viper Championship title on Saturday, Nov. 1,
in the new South Point Bowling
Plaza. The finals will air on
ESPN on Sunday, Dec. 21.
“I had an amazing ball
reaction tonight,” Pickford said.
“I’ve had all of my success
with a MOTIV Venom Shock,
my purple ball. I told my ball
rep when I got into that ball
tonight, it was game on. I
didn’t realize scores were so
low because my ball reaction
was so good.”
Being in position to win
his first national professional
title is a dream Pickford began
chasing at age 14 when he
entered a PBA regional tournaContinued on Page 13
Spoiler Alert
Match play results and winners on page 19
PBA Challenge
PBA50 Tour, PBA Regional, PBA
Women’s Regional representatives
compete in ESPN special event
From left, Missy Parkin, Clara Guerrero, Amleto Monacelli,
Walter Ray Williams, Josh Blanchard and EJ Tackett.
Amleto Monacelli of Venezuela and Walter Ray Williams Jr. of Oxford, Fla., Josh
Blanchard of Gilbert, Ariz., and
EJ Tackett of Huntington, Ind.,
Clara Guerrero of Colombia and
Missy Parkin of Laguna Hills,
Calif., advanced to the finals of
the PBA Challenge, a madefor-ESPN special event, which
was held in conjunction with
the GEICO PBA World Series
of Bowling VI Sunday Nov. 2
at South Point Bowling Plaza.
The ESPN telecast will air on
Sunday, Jan. 19.
Page 12 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
Visit our on-line shop for new products and current specials!
1114 S. Main
Duncanville, Texas
The Bowling Shop Garland
The Bowling Shop Lewisville
Inside AMF Showplace Lanes Garland
Inside AMF Louisville Lanes
Manager, Rene Benavides
Manager, Tyson Branagan
The Bowling Shop Plano
Inside Plano Super Bowl
Phone 972-298-7143
Jeff Cathey, Manager
Manager, Dino Castillo
Owner - Dino Castillo - [email protected]
(inside AMF DeSoto Lanes & AMF Spare Time Lanes)
Andrew Lowy
Russell Corwin
Cody Carlton
AMF Spare Time Lanes
3149 S. Cooper
Arlington, TX 76015
[email protected] 817-465-4997
AMF Desoto Lanes
121 Northgate Dr.
DeSoto, TX 75115
Fastrack Pro Shop
Located Inside Allen Bowl
1011 S. Greenville Ave
Allen, Texas 75002
Kurt Gengelbach, Owner
Member, Professional Bowlers Association
Member, Storm and Turbo Advisory Staffs
Private Instructions Available
“Old School” Service Always Available
Phone: 214-509-9274
E-mail: [email protected]
1901 W. Airport Freeway
Euless, TX 76040
(817) 571-1174
Give the Gift of Bowling
Sharpen Your Skills
Gift Certificates For Your
Bowling Family and Friends!
The Latest Video Analysis and
Instruction for All Skill Levels.
(817) 538-6010
Email: [email protected]
Giving You The
Power To Perform
Working Hard
for Your Success
Lessons available
by appointment
Carolyn Dorin-Ballard & Del Ballard, Owners
Susie Minshew
USOC Bowling
Coach of the Year
(800) 346-3648
FAX 817-783-6010
[email protected]
Greg Foster & Ted Pritts
1212 E. University Drive
Denton, TX 76209
5021 Lakeview Parkway
Rowlett, TX 75088
(972) 475-7080
Hieu Du & Fred Ferraro
(940) 808-1622
Located inside
Brunswick Zone Watauga
7301 Rufe Snow
Watauga, TX 76148
Phone: 817-485-2695
Brunswick Westcreek Lanes
3025 Altamesa Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Phone: 817-294-0501
Cowtown Bowling Palace
4333 River Oaks Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76114
Phone: 817-624-2151
Chad Newman
Rudy Garcia Jr.
Xeno Garcia
THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 13
Continued from Page 11
ment, with parental consent.
His dreams were temporarily
derailed, he said, when he won
$100 in a youth tournament,
which resulted in a year-long
suspension from the national
governing body. After sitting
out a year, he was reinstated
and returned to PBA competition, earning 2011-12 PBA
South Region Player of the Year
“That’s when I decided
this is what I’m supposed to
do with my life,” he said. “It’s
unbelievable to know (making
his first TV final) is what I’ve
worked for. A couple of years
ago, I watched Jason Sterner –
a fellow South Region competitor and a good friend – three
all three strikes in 10th to
make the show and I remember
it was an incredible feeling.
Now I get to bowl for my first
title. I don’t know what to
think, but I’m pretty sure I
won’t get much sleep tonight.”
South Point Bowling Center, Las Vegas, Sunday
top 4 advance to ESPN finals on Saturday,
Nov. 1, at South Point Bowling Plaza)
1, Connor Pickford, Charlotte, N.C., 3,228.
2, Ronnie Russell, Marion, Ind., 3,196.
3, Dom Barrett, England, 3,148, $100.
4, Mika Koivuniemi, Hartland, Mich., 3,141.
5, Jason Belmonte, Australia, 3,135, $4,000.
6, B.J. Moore III, Apex, N.C., 3,130, $3,500.
7, Shawn Maldonado, Houston, 3,116, $3,000.
8, Mike Fagan, Ft. Worth, Texas, 3,101, $2,500.
9, Shuichi Heki, Japan, 3,080, $2,200.
10, Eddie Van Daniker Jr., Chatsworth, Calif.,
29, Josh Blanchard, Mesa, Ariz., 1,541, $730.
30, Brian Kretzer, Dayton, Ohio, 1,540, $720.
31, Tom Daugherty, Wesley Chapel, Fla., 1,538,
32, Jesse Buss, Belvidere, Ill., 1,537, $700.
300 Game: Dom Barrett.
Nance crunches 763,
Smith rocks 703
Fielden 299
Damien Nance racked up a
rollicking 236-279-248 = 763
series in Full House league action
to head the honor roll last week
at AMF Showplace Euless Lanes.
Ramona Smith outdistanced
the ladies with a sky-high 268-
Irvine fields 769,
Eberly rolls 602
211-596, Aaron Rager 216602, Barbara Harkey 187-505, Crandon
Haddock 224-602, Amy Marshall
162-464, Bruce Southerland 237-619.
L isa Ulr ich 186 -519, Steve
Southerland 224-669, Debbie Colby
175-479, John Autry 224-620, Billie
Bennett 222-629, Mark Timm 222-632,
Mike Johnson 215-606, Dave Lemm
Brad Petzel 224-653, Tony Franklin
278-688, Doug Rice 278-677, Scott
Orofino 236-669, David Edwards 278654, Don Levy 225-615.
Billy DeCicco
22, Patrick Allen, Wesley Chapel, Fla., 2,965,
23, Chris Barnes, Double Oak, Texas, 2,913,
24, John Ferraro, Kingston, N.Y., 2,853, $1,200.
Other Cashers (after 7 games):
25 (tie), Giorgio Clinaz Jr., Venezuela; Brett
Spangler, Niles, Ohio, and Bill O'Neill,
Langhorne, Pa., 1,546, $773.
28, D.J. Archer, Friendswood, Texas, 1,542,
At AMF Showplace Euless Lanes
At Strikz
FRISCO – Rick Irvine headed
the leader boards last week at
Strikz by logging laudable 255246-268 = 769 numbers in Lousy
Bowlerz league action.
Cathy Eberly, Irvine’s league
mate, paced the ladies with a tidy
206-192-204 = 602 set.
Tommy Davis 214-617, Jennifer
Blythe 189-504, Gary Lumenti 220-615,
Cathy Eberly 243-572, Chris Marino
214-644, Shelly Brown 187-516, Clayton
Colby 250-683, Debbie Colby 183-509.
Richard Nielsson 227-601, Candy
3,064, $2,000.
11, Parker Bohn III, Jackson, N.J., 3,063, $1,800.
12, Pete Weber, St. Ann, Mo., 3,061, $1,700.
13 (tie), Bryon Smith, Roseburg, Ore., and Chris
Loschetter, Avon, Ohio, 3,060, $1,625.
15, Devin Bidwell, Wichita, Kan., 3,049, $1,550.
16, Sean Rash, Montgomery, Ill., 3,042, $1,500.
17, Mike DeVaney, Winchester, Calif., 3,041,
18, Kurt Pilon, Warren, Mich., 3,037, $1,400.
19, Dino Castillo, Carrollton, Texas, 3,008,
20, John Furey, Freehold, N.J., 3,002, $1,300.
21, Brad Angelo, Lockport, N.Y., 2,995, $1,275.
Kirk Wright
*Back By Popular Demand & Hosted By Rowlett Bowl-A-Rama
213-222 = 703 Monday Mixed
Ed Fielden earned high-game
honors with a near-perfect 299
Ed McKee 279-747, Scott Arnold
279-737, Ed Fielden 734, Elmer Howard
278-716, Herman Campbell 279-707,
Kevin Wynn 245-700, David Sherrill
256-690, John Downing 246-661, Joe
Gray 243-626.
Drew Johnson 210-599, Lawrence
Bryant 189-525, Steven Walker 169465, John Eft 290, Troy Johnson 290,
Trimeya Washington 230-664, Cheryl
Washington 235-648, Shelley Fugitt
Lydia Blazek 265-619, Claudia
Blake 215-613, Dustie Hammond 242587, Sheila Walton 202-565, Amanda
Howard 192-563, Mindy Wynn 193-559,
Miranda Harrington 211-540.
Lauren Black 194-509, Denise
Wheeler 177-497, Crystal Holmes 161464, Jessica Addy 148-387.
(Based on 35 entries) Handicap 80% from 220
(Squad times are 10:30 AM & 2:00 PM)
Lanes will be conditioned for each squad
Per person per squad
We open at 10 AM
5021 Lakeview Parkway
Rowlett, TX 75088
Lewisville Lanes
Curl blasts 771,
Hicks nabs 634
Jeff Curl captured high-series
honors for the week at AMF
Lewisville Lanes with a highpowered 279-258-234 = 771 Monday Nite Men league production.
Jacqui Hicks posted a stately
203-224-207 = 634 Rising Stars
set to lead the ladies.
Lynda Barnes 216-600, Laney Royal
258-664, Amy Ferrera 197-530, Bob
Villarreal 245-668, Sabina DeBord 226603, Joe Lay 246-692, Jo Ann Garcia
197-507, Mike Kyle 275-723.
Karleen Reynolds 204-589, Curt
Hegeman 275-657, Denise FreemanBoone 163-457, Scott Blair 258-708,
Sherri Strongren 211-575, Larry Vargas
229-558, Barbara McKeown 174-471.
Kevin Westdyk 286-740, Larry
Adkins 248-663, Michelle Reising
202-520, Dana Stites 194-520, Cornelius
Cavitt 278-760, Karla Widders 203-497,
Donald Derrick 247-649, Roneshia
Williams 201-590.
Bruce Cotton 235-629, Pat Warnock
C h o o s e Fro m
$ 5 U n l i m i t e d B ow l i n g
$ 5 U n l i m i t e d L a s e r Ta g
$5 Unlimited Billiards
Or $5 Unlimited
Video Games
Valid Sunday-Friday
Open to Close
Activities are $5 per person/per activity/per day. Price does not include bowling shoes or tax. Certain restrictions apply.Valid on Standard Bowling Lanes only. Strikz reserves the right to place up to five people per lane with 15 minute
Increments per person. Bowling is not unlimited if on a waiting list. Bowling lanes will be rotated off
a waiting list to allow all guests to have fair bowling time. Laser Tag & Billiards are first come first serve. Laser Tag
might not be available at all times due to group events. Unlimited Video Games do not include crane, ticket, or prize
games. Not valid with any other offer, coupons, discounts, or promotions. Not Valid during holidays.
Not valid with reservations.
8789 Lebanon Road,
Frisco, TX 75034
Page 14 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
At Hallmark Lanes
Herrick crushes 820,
Navarro nails 734
Stansbury 299
KILLEEN – Josh Herrick
earned high-series honors for the
month at Hallmark Lanes with a
sizeable 277-277-266 = 820 Hit
& Miss Classic league showing.
Esther Navarro, also from the
Hit & Miss Classic group, was
red hot for the ladies with a riproaring 254-213-267 = 734 set.
Lewis Stansbury earned highgame honors with a near-perfect
299 solo.
Joe White, Sr. 237-511, Karin
Ciesiolka 248-704, Andy Layne 255, Dan
Caron 734, Esther Navarro 233-635, Jerry
Kilpatrick 210-523, Christine Goins 201500, Stacey Phillips 183, Eva Dorsey 500.
Will Binder 265-689, Rosie Perez 222,
Rachael Brown 534, Chris Causey 226,
Pete Schirripa, Jr. 605, Carmen Olalde
183, Mitzi Cina 471, Lewis Stansbury
279-712, Emily Berger 258-708.
Lewis Stansbury 200-571, Karin
Ciesiolka 252-671, Bob Billman, Jr. 279,
Pete Schirripa, Jr. 679, Esther Navarro
225-616, Mike Call, Sr. 186, Jerry
Kilpatrick 483, Vivian Mikell 172-491.
Vickie Gill 207-530, Jason Bardales
278-760, Rachael Brown 237-618,
Josh Herrick 255, Pete Schirripa, Jr.
670, Esther Navarro 232-638, Pete
Schirripa,Jr. 277-712, Emily Berger 236,
Patti Wright 509.
Lewis Stansbury 743, Darline
Bryant 226-611, TJ Jones 245, Lewis
Stansbury 571, Julie Armistead 201528, Matthew McMillen 257-664, Esther
Navarro 265-662, Jerry Kilpatrick 587.
Kristina Marley 158, Vivian Mikell
491, Suzie Wollek 213-521, David
Proctor, Sr. 246, Lewis Stansbury
698, Lisa Blackman 246-618, Lewis
Stansbury 255-690, Ashley Wilson 245,
Esther Navarro 642.
Pete Schirripa, Jr. 290-694, Emily
Berger 258-682, Regis Payne 268-691,
Karin Ciesiolka 246-650, John Dixon,
Sr. 190-496, Cindi Ciesiolka 176-467,
Greg Masters 258, Scott Courtright 641.
Sarah Ashe 211-576, Jerry Kilpatrick
587, Kristina Marley 158, Vivian Mikell
491, Suzie Wollek 205-558, Vince
Simmons 278, Lewis Stansbury 714,
Lisa Blackman 246, Rachael Brown 641.
Ron Stuart 258, Bryant Logan 708,
Phyllis Love 217, Ashley Wilson 638,
Drew Kirshner 269-644, Mitzi Cina
198-508, Lewis Stansbury 267-673,
KayKay Duerre 254-628.
Jonathan Berry, Sr. 237, Rullie
Haywood 658, Sako Atkins 194, Effie
Clark 522, Gus Garcia 189, Jonathan
Berry, Sr. 548, Peg Hartley 167,
Christine Kuebler 469, Rullie Haywood,
Jr. 267-647.
Barbara Jones 213-536, Bob Hines,
Jr. 196, Jay Herman 548, Beverly
Williams 151, Peg Hartley 439, Rullie
Haywood, Jr. 266-693, Le Quinn 200,
Nancy Holstine 520, Pete Riendeau,
Sr. 223. Jonathan Berry, Sr. 589, Linda
Strickland 258-594, Bill Henry 200,
Jonathan Berry, Sr. 547, Christine
Kuebler 193, Beverly Haywood 584,
Bill Miller, Jr. 255, Bob McDougal 658,
Bobbie Hicks 180.
Nat Baumbach 490, Lee Price 237,
Harry Hellon 619, Bev Lyons 204-545,
Gene Hampton 183, Jay Herman 583,
Bobbie Hicks 166, Nancy Holstine 506,
John Schuch 256, Harry Hellon 698,
Dixie Heinle 215-572.
Hails & Farewells, Private Parties, Pool, Karaoke
Mini Sports Bar with 4 TV Screens
Week Night Specials - 9 PM to Midnight
Exit Stan Schlueter Loop off U.S. Hwy. 190
Next to Patriot Pontiac-Buick in Killeen
FAX: 254-690-4964
E-mail: [email protected]
Visit our Web Site:
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BROOKLYN STyLES make Sean Rash
first pick in 2015 PBA League Draft
PBA World Championship top qualifier Wes Malott goes No. 2 by Pittsburgh Jack Rabbits
LAS VEGAS (Oct. 31, 2014)
– Sean Rash of Montgomery,
Ill., was the first of 40 players selected in the 2015 PBA
League Draft, held Friday at
South Point Bowling Plaza.
Eight PBA League teams will
compete for the Elias Cup
in two days of competition
at Bayside Bowl in Portland,
Maine, March 28-29.
Draft order was determined
by a random drawing. The
BROOKLYN STyLES are managed by PBA Hall of Famer
Johnny Petraglia, who was
watching the draft along with
a crowd at Bayside Bowl in
Maine. Petraglia was represented at South Point by his
son, John Petraglia Jr., who
lives in Las Vegas.
“It’s an honor to be picked
No. 1,” said Rash, who was
re-united with his Brooklyn
team. “I’m looking forward to a
great PBA League competition.
We have a great team. We’re
excited. We have great chemistry, and now we’ll see what
Wes Malott of Pflugerville,
Texas, who earned the No. 1
berth in the 2014 PBA World
Championship finals a day
earlier at South Point, was the
first pick of the Pittsburgh Jack
Rabbits’ manager Tim Mack.
With the third pick, L.A. X
manager Andrew Cain selected
Australian two-handed star
and leading 2014 PBA Player
of the Year candidate Jason
Belmonte. Belmonte was L.A.
X’s franchise player the previous two years of PBA League
In the No. 4 position, the
defending Elias Cup champion
Silver Lake Atom Splitters’
manager Mark Baker picked
Chris Barnes, keeping his top
player on the Silver Lake roster
for a third year.
Picking fifth, Philadelphia
Hitmen manager Jason Couch
selected 2013 PBA World
Champion Dom Barrett of
In the sixth slot, the Barbasol Motown Muscle’s Del
Ballard Jr. picked 2013 PBA
Rookie of the Year E.J. Tackett
of Huntington, Ind.
Dallas Strikers’ player-manager Norm Duke then selected
Bill O’Neill of Langhorne, Pa.
The final first-round selection was PBA Hall of Famer
Pete Weber of St. Ann, Mo.,
picked by GEICO New York
City WTT KingPins manager
Carolyn Dorin-Ballard. By
picking Weber, Dorin-Ballard
re-united the KingPins with
their top player for the past two
seasons. The KingPins won the
inaugural Elias Cup in 2013.
In the serpentine draft, which
reversed the draft order for
all subsequent rounds, DorinBallard picked Mike Fagan of
Fort Worth, Texas.
The 2015 PBA League competition will feature two days
of Baker format team elimination matches with a combined
championship match featuring
singles, doubles, trio and Baker
team contests to determine the
Elias Cup winner. All rounds
of the PBA League will air on
ESPN on a tape-delayed basis.
A special Maine Event
Shootout, a match play singles
event offering a PBA Tour
title, will be held on Monday,
March 30, at Bayside Bowl and
covered live on PBA’s online
bowling channel, Xtra Frame.
All players who were eligible
for the draft will be invited to
participate in the Maine Event
(Rosters listed in order of player selections)
BROOKLYN STyLES (manager Johnny Petraglia):
Sean Rash, Tom Smallwood, Parker Bohn III,
Jason Sterner, Osku Palermaa.
Pittsburgh Jack Rabbits (manager Tim Mack):
Wes Malott, Dan MacLelland, Ryan Ciminelli,
Walter Ray Williams Jr., Bryon Smith.
L.A. X (manager Andrew Cain): Jason Belmonte,
Stuart Williams, Martin Larsen, Patrick Allen,
Andres Gomez.
Silver Lake Atom Splitters (manager Mark
Baker): Chris Barnes, Mika Koivuniemi, Tom
Continued on Page 15
At Killeen Bowlerama
Bennight blasts 790,
Charles jams 689
KILLEEN – Donny Bennight
was the top bowler last month
at Killeen Bowlerama with a
booming 290/790 Adult/Youth
Sandi Charles led the ladies
with a blue-ribbon 248/689
Commercial set.
Jean Maxson 257-677, Phil Ching
698, Venda Gale 223-577, Rufino Camba
255, Ismael Rubio 705, Nee Wallace
193-539, T J Jones 277, Mark Morgan
748, Donny Bennight 290, Jackie Harris
Emily Berger 662, Joshua Franklin
730, Susan Weaver 267, Billy Fajkus
212-609, Lynda Roberts 188-454, Josh
Maxson 279-721, Jean Maxson 245-657,
Jim Maxson 721, Ed Hellon 279.
Jackie Harris 279-750, Alycia
Blackwell 224-612, Ginger Chapman
Mondays 7 PM–12 AM
Wednesdays 9 PM–12 AM
Thursdays 9 PM–12 AM
$1.00 per person/per game
(tax not included)
Have fun, go bowling!!!
For Friendly Service, A Super-Clean Facility and
922 N. 38th Street
[email protected]
THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 15
Bowling Update
From Ten Pins & More
* Ten professional bowlers
who have played in past New
Mexico Open tournaments at
Tenpins & More have been
drafted to teams in next year’s
PBA Draft League scheduled
in Portland, Maine in March,
Forty bowlers make up the
eight team league that will be
aired internationally on ESPN
in April.
Those who have bowled
in Rio Rancho include this
year’s winner, Craig Nidiffer of
Others to be drafted are
Englishman, Stuart Williams
now living in Phoenix, Dave
Wodka, E J Tackett, Josh
Blanchard, Mike DeVaney,
Michael Haugen Jr, Shawn
Maldonado, Scott Norton and
Mike Fagan.
* Local bowlers start their
quest for national honors in the
14th New Mexico Games Bowling tournament by contesting
Center finals at Tenpins & More
from Thursday November 6
through Sunday November 9.
The top six scorers in each
division move on to state
later this month, after which
the gold, silver and bronze
medalists get to represent New
Mexico at the National State
Games in Lincoln, Nebraska
next summer.
More than 160 bowlers
attempted to qualify for this
week’s roll-offs.
* Local Bowling Center,
Tenpins & More in Rio Rancho,
is in the running to become a
host Center on the re-launched
Professional Women’s Bowling
The PWBA announcement
was made earlier this month
when the United States Bowling Congress and the Bowling
Proprietors Association of
America agreed to co-fund the
abbreviated nine event summer/fall tour for three years,
starting in 2015.
The original PWBA and it’s
pre-decessors folded in 2003,
leaving the growing high
school and collegiate women
bowlers with little to bowl for,
At Tenpins & More
Epstein drills 807, MillerMackie masters 792
Hare 300
Epstein won high-set honors for
the month at Tenpins & More
with a power-packed 269-279-259
= 807 Thursday Doubles league
Dana Miller-Mackie topped
the ladies’ leader board with an
outstanding 237-289-266 = 792
Senior Handicap Trios session.
Adrienne Hare garnered
high-game accolades with awardwinning 12-bagger.
Teresa Hope 200-574, Angel Ortega
244-711, Donna Dowd 252-681, Jeff
Jones 279-721, Donna Dowd 259-686,
Jeff Jones 258-731, Troi Donnachaidh
181-506, John Wheat 266-680, Debi
Padilla 195-512.
Dana Miller-Mackie 247-689,
Demost Quintana (4 games) 232-854,
Brian Hare 279-769, Adrienne Hare
717, Ernie Hazeltine (4 games) 269-967,
Dana Miller-Mackie (4 games) 279-926.
Michael Lee 203-512, Kellie Owens
167-477, Richard Marquis 241-599,
Gloria Gonzakowski 168-472, Randy
Velasquez 225-643, Kathi Rieger 150383, Ronald Smith 252-701, Kathleen
Lee 200-563.
Ron Michel 267-734, Beverly
Gabaldon 215-574, Bo Bolon 268-756,
Bob Thurston 268-685, Cheryle
Costales 210-540.
At Heritage Lanes
Ellis pockets 779,
Montgomery crafts 644
Bruce Ellis’ stalwart 256-277246 = 779 Bowlers R Us league
showing topped the leader boards
for the month at Heritage Lanes.
Michelle Montgomery paced
the ladies with a strong 245/644
Heritage Seniors set.
Jackie Proby 230-657, Allison Beck
243-618, Allison Johnson 267-641, Greg
Fein 258-696, Stephanie Fein 238-630,
Andy Seay 257-675, Max Burchett 224658, Kevin Whitley 230-634, Michelle
Montgomery 214-614.
Dennis Nary 247-673, Gary Berryman 226-640, Jeri Taylor 266-642.
except a few majors or events
on the men’s PBA Tour.
This renewal will provide
competition at the highest level
for nine straight weeks from
July 10 through September
6, with tournaments running
Friday through Sunday across
the country.
The goal is to develop it
as a nation-wide tour with a
minimum $ 60,000 purse at
each event.
Tenpins & More was told
by a BPAA official that it was
“geographically in the mix” as
host Centers are being sought.
The fact that Tenpins &
More has successfully held it’s
own New Mexico Open for the
past eleven years is not lost on
tour organizers.
* Rio Rancho league bowlers, Lance Emerson and Dana
Miller-Mackie scored what
might be a national record in
winning doubles at the 14th
annual “Dick Tanner Invitational” at Fun Connection,
Isleta last Sunday.
Emerson went 278, 257, 276
for 811, his second 800 plus
set in the tournament, whilst
Miller-Mackie shot 216, 258,
246 for 720 and 1,531 to win
the title by 33 pins from Tania
Proctor and John Bailey from
Emerson’s team that included Miller-Mackie, Karen Barcal
and Carl Chavez won teams
and he also won singles with
756 and all-events with 2,294,
at a 254.8 clip per game.
Miller-Mackie’s 2,109 won
women’s all-events from Proctor by two pins.
Other Tenpins’ league bowlers to take top three placings
included Joe Romero, Kassandra Sanchez and Brittany
* Dominic Huerta bowled
his first sanctioned 300 game
in a recent session of the Santa
Fe Mazda Volvo Scratch Classic
League at Tenpins & More.
On the same night, Demost
Quintana threw 299.
30, Jason Couch, Clermont, Fla., 1,545, $720.
31, Martin Paulsson, Sweden, 1,544, $710.
32, Lee Vanderhoef, Canton, Ga., 1,542, $700.
300 Games: Manuel Otalora.
Continued from Page 11
10, John Szczerbinski, N. Tonawanda, N.Y.,
3,168, $2,000.
11, Bryon Smith, Roseburg, Ore., 3,156, $1,800.
12, Wes Malott, Pflugerville, Texas, 3,150,
13, Patrick Girard, Canada, 3,131, $1,650.
14, Jason Belmonte, Australia, 3,124, $1,600.
15, E.J. Tackett, Huntington, Ind., 3,119, $1,550.
16, Andres Gomez, Colombia, 3,092, $1,500.
17, Dino Castillo, Carrollton, Texas, 3,067,
18, David Haynes, Las Vegas, 3,011, $1,400.
19, David Beres, Waukesha, Wis., 3,010, $1,350.
20, Eddie VanDaniker Jr., Chatsworth, Calif.,
2,996, $1,300.
21, Manuel Otalora, Colombia, 2,994, $1,275.
22, Brian Kretzer, Dayton, Ohio, 2,962, $1,250.
23, Mike DeVaney, Winchester, Calif., 2,947,
24, J.R. Raymond, Bay City, Mich., 2,916,
Other Cashers (after 7 games):
25, Santiago Mejia, Colombia, 1,560, $800.
26, Anthony Pepe, Elmhurst, N.Y., 1,558, $770.
27, Dom Barrett, England, 1,555, $750.
28, Ryan Shafer, Horseheads, N.Y., 1,554, $740.
29, Anthony LaCaze, Melrose Park, Ill., 1,552,
Continued from Page 14
Daugherty, Dick Allen, Craig Nidiffer.
Philadelphia Hitmen (manager Jason Couch):
Dom Barrett, Chris Loschetter, Dave Wodka,
Ryan Shafer, Rhino Page.
Barbasol Motown Muscle (manager Del Ballard
Jr.): E.J. Tackett, Ronnie Russell, Josh
Blanchard, John Szczerbinski, Mike DeVaney.
Dallas Strikers (player-manager Norm Duke): Bill
O’Neill, Tommy Jones, Michael Haugen Jr.,
Norm Duke, Shawn Maldonado.
GEICO New York City WTT KingPins (manager
Carolyn Dorin-Ballard): Pete Weber, Mike
Fagan, D.J. Archer, Scott Norton, Amleto
Tenpins & More presents… NEW SEASON
(Leading up to the 12th New Mexico Open in 2015)
$1,000 Guaranteed first prize
(In each event, regardless of the number of entries)
• Bowl each of these events for scratch tournament experience
• NOW 7 events leading up to the 12th NEW MEXICO OPEN!
• Estimated $20,000 total prize-money in these seven events!
August 30 - September 1, 2014
December 26-28, 2014
thes l
March 13-15, 2015
s/Bo !
April 17-19, 2015
May 23-25, 2015
June 26-28, 2015
July 24-26, 2015
August 14-16, 2015 (NMO worth over $60,000)
Rio Rancho Convention & Visitor’s Bureau,
Century Bank, Lo-Mar Bowling Supply, Wayne
Luco/Dental Surgeon in Rio Rancho, Tenpins
& More, Ben E. Keith Foods of NM, Storm
Bowling Products
1416 Deborah Road SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Wednesday Night
6 PM till 11 PM
6 PM til 11 PM
9 PM till Midnight
3 Hours
2 Hours
Of Bowling
$7.99+ tax
per person,
Includes shoe rental
Ladies Bowl
*Just pay for shoes
All You Can
Men $7.99**
**Includes shoe rental
Per Person
includes shoes
Monday thru Friday Open to 5 PM
$2.89 per game
Monday thru Thurs. 5 PM to Close
$3.89 per game
Holidays & 5 PM Friday thru Sunday
$4.69 per game
Shoe Rental $3.29
Rent-A-Lane (Mon. - Fri.) $21.99
Fri. & Sat.
4 PM to 8 PM
$1.09 per game + tax
11 AM - 2 PM
Thursday Thunder
6 PM to Midnight
2 Hours & Shoes
$10.00 per person & tax
All You Can Bowl, Friday Only
Twilite Bowl
$11.99 + tax
10 PM til 2 AM
Glo-Bowling, Light
Show and Music
3 Hours
All You Can Bowl
4 Hours: $15.99 each
Charge per person
Shoes included
All You Can Bowl
Shoes Included. All prices plus tax
11917 N. Pennsylvania
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120
2 til 2
11 AM til 2 PM
Shoes Not Included
Must start before 2 PM
8 PM till 11 PM
All the Glo
You Can Bowl
$9.99 + tax
per person, shoes included
Page 16 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
At Terrell Bowl
Marquez unloads 767,
Ellington uncorks 666
TERRELL – Jason Marquez
headed the leader boards last
month at Terrell Bowling Center
by firing a hard-hitting 253-268246 = 767 Sunday Night Mixed
Patty Ellington, from the
Tuesday Night Mixed group, led
the ladies race with a sky-high
194-226-246 = 666 set.
Herman Butler 243-666, Toy
Callahan 211-558, Richie Rylant
244-686, Kari Nunn 215-562, Josh Orr
257-711, Teresa Conn 231-555, David
Nunnally 244-613, Pat Cooper 194-523,
Michael Price 247-653.
Lisa Massey 245-593, Bubba
Harwell 268-679, Vanessa Barrow
214-596, Rad Quarrington 236-673,
Kathleen Witt 192-534, Don Leech
246-594, Gayle Hatch 186-543, Michael
Price 255-692.
Rita Wilson 187-524, Brandon
Davidson 246-700, Jimmy Shaddox
256-622, J L Morse 245-652, Mark
DeArment, Jr. 290-701, John Johnson
247-691, Bobby Holley 279-700.
Rooster Adams 234-666, Brandon
Wyer 256-668, Doyle Hatcher 248-648.
John Harbuck named president
of Strike Ten Entertainment
ARLINGTON —John Harbuck, who has been involved in
licensing and consumer promotions for nearly three decades,
has been named president
of Strike Ten Entertainment
(STE), the sponsor-activation
arm of the bowling industry
that serves industry sponsors,
Welcome back for our 2014/2015
fall winter league season!
At Big Spring Bowl-A-Rama
It is going to be an amazing season so give
us a call today 817-271-5409 we will find
a space for you in our bowling family!
Rawls 300
Have Fun with old friends
while making new ones!
Have FUN and WIN Money in our High Pots, Brackets
and Mystery Score!
$1 per game on Friday’s
until 5 PM and ALL DAY
on Sunday!
Gonzales, Jr. racks up 299/768
Gonzales, Jr. rolled a rollicking
299/768 Wednesday Nite Trio
series to head the honor roll
for the month at Big Spring
Janice Gonzales was high for
the ladies with a smooth 197/565
Ladies Major set.
James Rawls earned highgame accolades with an awardwinning perfecto.
Julie Bass 196-531, Tammy Newton
190-540, Gwen Smith 222, Kristal
Ashmore 213, Armondo Gutierrez
287-737, Joey Gutierrez 262-685, Wesley
Smith 254-686, Red Dunaway 247-640.
112 Williams Ave.
Cleburne, TX 76033
At Pin Center Bowl
delivers 738
$1.50 Game
Monday thru Thursday
2 PM - 5 PM
Fridays–3 PM - 5 PM
2500 W. MOORE, TERRELL, TX 75160
(972) 524-0820
CLEBURNE – Alan Hewitt’s
first-rate 269/738 session ended
as the number one set for the
month at Pin Center Bowl in the
Casino league outing.
Heather Sanderlin, Hewitt’s
league mate, led the ladies with
a robust 181-196-217 = 597 showing to front the fem scoring.
Stella Bruce 193-470, Vernon Bruce
279-679, Kathy Butler 189-489, Rooster
King 249-666, Shirley Johnson 187-505,
Ronnie Rurak 246-680, Kathy Butler
178-520, Danny Bergman 253-650.
Kathy Butler 175-458, Richard
Sharp 245-705, Kathy McGonagill 192517, Dave Clark 235-615, Stacie Parrish
191-519, Bill Barber 212-606, Kathy
Butler 181-516, Rooster King 212-559.
Heather Sanderlin 212-544, Matt
Lee 708-263, Alan Hewitt 259-717,
Stacie Parrish 201-524, Stacie Parrish
205-532, Matt Lee 256-677.
Stacie Parrish 210-553, Brian Boase
212-584, Nancy Rago 179-510, Brian
Boase 196-541, Ila Reed 185-495, Bill
Barber 199-583.
Eddie Gonzales, Sr. 245-603, Cy
Perry 236-684, John Dodd 247-709,
Sam Gonzales, Sr. 226-621, Michael
Ornelas 226, Eddie Gonzales, Jr.
225-642, Philip Ringener 260-710, Don
Ewing 245-703.
Claud Fryar 220, Anthony Slate
219-613, Quinton Burton 233, Michael
Leuschner 268-682, Ray Gutierrez 257624, Johnathon Young 248-608, Jackie
Lecroy 246-600, Thomas Booth 237.
Brent Newton 229-670, Jerry Holten
255-608, John Jackson 245-624, Mike
Holt 237-647, Aaron Hendricks 225,
Jimmie Wood 202, Cody Holt 201,
Robert Sears 203, James Rawls 690.
Brent Newton 285-644, Charlie
Campbell 265-709, Michael Rowden
254-616, Jackie Lecroy 247-611, Tony
Shankles 245-653, Philip Ringener
239-665, Robert Sears 222-646, Brent
Newton 279-633.
Josh Rochelle 256-668, Tim Yanez
246, John Dodd 236-674, Tony Saldana
John Harbuck
partners and more than 2,100
member bowling centers.
Harbuck joined STE in 2012
as vice president of activation
and fulfillment and was named
STE interim president on July
1. He replaced Frank DeSocio,
who took over as executive
director of the Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America
“We are excited to have
John take on the leadership
role at Strike Ten,” Anthony
Perrone, chairman of the Strike
Ten board of directors, said.
“He has been an integral part
of STE for the last few years
and he has the experience and
passion to keep STE moving
Before joining STE, Harbuck
was co-founder and managing partner for Leading Edge
Promotions, which developed
Continued on Page 18
a Great
3318 E. Interstate 20, Big Spring, TX 79720
John and Diana Dodd, Owners and Certified Coaches
432-267-7484 — Fax: 432-267-1644
Snack Bar 432-267-7485
THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 17
More Many Mini Tips
 Tucking the pinky of
your bowling hand to the first
knuckle can cause the ball to
hook a little more. When you
first try this, it might feel as if
you’re going to drop the ball.
Keep after it. It will give you
alternative ball motion. You
might want to wear protection
across that knuckle for a while
as a callous might develop.
Keep in mind this is an adjustment. If your ball is hooking
too much or too soon, untuck!
You also might want to untuck
it on your spare shots.
One caution here about
tucking the pinky. With most
people, tucking the pinky will
cause the ring finger span
to be shortened. Be sure and
have your fit checked with
your tucked pinky. If a tucked
pinky causes your ring finger
to bend slightly, have your pro
shop professional shorten the
ring finger span very slightly
At Mel’s Lone Star Lanes
Bohuslav produces 800,
Lawrence levels 736
Bohuslav held the hot hand for
the month at Mel’s Lone Star
Lanes with a chart-topping
278-232-290 = 800 Funrollers
Pam Lawrence fronted fem
scoring with a stately 258-246232 = 736 Pot O Gold set.
Wanda Clark 231-680, RJ Little
278-795, Carol O’Brien 242-634, Jacob
Wininger 268-713, Emily Johnson
158-441, Zach Trevino 289-787, Wanda
Clark 234-638, Doug Patton 266-751,
Alex Sumruld 234-659. Chris Craig
267-741, Aimee LaFrance 234-618, Pat
Parker 210-582, Larry Millican 270-731,
Crystal Ganoung 242-648, Kenny Kiehl
258-718, Rachel Masterson 235-613,
Mike Strano 279-791.
Lee Forster 236-694, Carol O’Brien
268-684, John McCormick 267-709,
Dellene Davis 209-601.
At Fiesta Lanes
Lile scorches 786,
Kaiser belts 718
Bueche, Sportsman add 300’s
headed the leader boards last
month at Fiesta Lanes claiming
high series honors with a 289/786
power-laden SwingTime Seniors
Misty Kaiser led the ladies
with a sterling 279/718 Ball &
Chain set.
Alan Bueche and Jerry
Sportsman shared high-game
honors with award-winning
Alan Bueche 279-748, Calvin Howell
279-773, Tom Timm 276-696, Danny
Salazar 246-694, B Wood 214-563, Tyler
Jenke 201-550, Kris Hughes 279-614,
Michael Smith 245-692, Jason Hill
Edward Chavarri 268-767, Jerry
Sportsman 716, David Lile 279-750,
Tom Timm (4 games) 278-894, Charles
Heppes (4 games) 244-853, Sherman
Faulkner 266-662, Matt Heil 257-695.
Joe Maynard 268-695, Lonnie
Eckhart 279-757, Chad Jones 277-705,
Alan Bueche 783, Alan Bueche 269733, Chris Montoya 246-634, Derrick
Thompson 215-603, Alton Schneider
Kenneth Winkleman 169-455, Teri
Perkins 243-658, Sylvia Guerra 222-573,
Jeanette Vacek 220-568, Phyllis Lockett
202-510, Vanessa Martinez 199-569,
Kay Buck 210-443.
Debbie Glasscock 169- 46 4,
Lashonda Mannie 244-668, Bernadette
Friesenhahn 234-604, Rebecca
Starbuck 190-527, Sheri Starbuck
174-509, Anita Bishop 214-536, Paula
Brissenden 199-548.
Jessica Cummins (4 games) 204641, Kayla Pesato 242-594, Jacque
Devine 182-517, Chequita Mannie
231-478, Jeanette Vacek 209-568,
Catherine Wilson 237-653, Catherine
Wilson 216-608.
Mel i ss a Mor r i son 257-591,
Bernadette Friesenhahn 222-597, Sarah
Bellucci 234-590, Michaela Zapata 197546, Jennifer Tibbitts 205-549, Jennifer
Tibbitts 202-564, Birdie Grein 137-363,
Virginia Stevens 135-364.
(for instance, by 16ths until
the pain stops) or stop tucking.
The added hook potential is not
worth an injury.
 Your non-bowling arm is
as important as your bowling
one. It helps provide balance.
Your non-bowling hand comes
off the ball at the apex of the
push and then goes out to the
side to counterbalance the extra weight on the bowling side
of your body. If you don’t use
that arm for balance, you can
more easily fall off the shot.
“Textbook” says not behind
your body. Tell this to WRW
Jr. or to Carolyn Dorin-Ballard,
both of whom, among many
others, have their non-bowling
arm about 90º to their back at
the finish position. Do what
Another very important
component of the non-bowling
arm is the position of the
thumb. If your thumb is up at
delivery, you’ll have a tendency
to roll the shoulder forward.
It is more effective to have the
thumb down. Check which one
you do and then try it the other
way. You will find turning the
thumb up or down can give
you some options you didn’t
know you had!
 If you want to get the
ball into an earlier roll than
normal, target the dots (which
are usually 7 feet out on
the lane although anywhere
between 7 and 8 feet is legal),
rather than the arrows. The
first time you try this you
might feel like these dots are
right in your face by the time
you get to the foul line. They’re
not, of course. It’s just how
you feel. Be careful not to lean
forward at the waist, allowing
your head and torso to go down
when learning to look at the
dots. Your head and shoulders
must still say up. It’s your HIPS
that get lower.
Some people have success
learning this by pretending
they are looking at their target
through the bottom of their
glasses (regardless of whether
or not you wear any although
it might be a bit more dicey
if you really wear bifocals!)
or that they have a glass of
nitroglycerin on their head
they cannot spill.
To get more comfortable
looking at the dots, try looking
a foot or so in front (closer to
you) of the arrows for a few
shots. Then go two more feet
and two more feet until you
are comfortable. Although
these dots are not on the same
boards as the arrows, they are
still great targeting aids and
are generally used when you
need to get the ball rolling
earlier or when you need to
decrease the distance you put
the ball out onto the lane. The
dots are on 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 26,
Continued on Page 18
Hi Game
3 Squads
3 Divisions
5th Annual
Thanksgiving Scholarship Singles
Wednesday, November 26th 1:00 PM
Friday, November 28th 1:00 PM
Saturday, November 29th 1:00 PM
3 Divisions
0-139 Avg. Handicap 90% of 200
140-179 Avg. Handicap 90% of 200
180 & up—Scratch
Entry Fee $25.00
Entries Close 15 minutes prior to squad start time
Average based on highest 2013-2014 yearbook.
1010 N. Austin Ave.
Georgetown, TX 78626
Call Mel or Doug and sign up today!
1202 Huisache,
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Tournament Director:
Joe Mata, Capital City
7th Annual
Turkey Shoot Tournament
1st $2,500, 2nd $1250, 3rd $600, 4th $400, 5th $275 with 28 teams
Saturday, November 22nd
at 1:00 PM
Sunday, November 23rd
at 11:00 AM
Team Fee: $275.00
Brackets: $5.00 - Side Pots: $10.00
1. Tournament is a non sanctioned handicap mixed tournament. Tournament
director has the right to refuse any bowlers or entry. Tournament director has
the right to adjust any bowlers average.
2. No exempt pro bowlers will be allowed to bowl. Violation of this rule will
disqualify the individual and the team members as well. No Money will be
3. Team maximum average is 1000. Team must consist of 3 men and 2 women,
4 men and 1 woman or vice-versa.
4. Total scratch and handicap series will determine where a team places.
5. Bowlers will use one of the following averages in this order: Current ITA
average based on 36 games as of Nov. 1st, 2014 72 game ITA average.
Bowlers not having an ITA average will use their highest 2013-14 USBC book
average or Current average as of Nov 21st 2014 with 30 games. All others will
bowl scratch. (210) Bowlers without an ITA avg. will have a max handicap of
40 for men and 60 for ladies per game.
6. Handicap will be 80% of 210 for both men and women for brackets and side
Page 18 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
At Diamond Lanes
Blake masters 298/828,
Price shines with 699
Pope 826, Tidwell 809, Pope 803, Blake adds
300’s, Pope 299
ODESSA, TX – John Blake
racked up an award-winning
298/828 Monday Night Trio
series to head the leader boards
for the month at Diamond Lanes.
Scotty Pope finished close
behind Blake with a 279/826 Jack
and Jills series and a 279/803
Monday Night Trio set while
Jason Tidwell followed up with
a 277/809 Jack and Jills league
Continued from Page 17
29, 32, 35, and 37. So, if your
target is the 10th board at the
arrows, you might want to look
one right of the fourth dot,
which is the 10th board. That
is, of course, if you are trying
to lay the ball down on 10 and
be at 10 at the arrows. If you’re
trying to swing 10, you might
want to look at the fourth dot.
That would put your laydown
point at the foul line on 11½ or
12. The ball would be on 11 at
the dots and 10 at the arrows,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Christmas is right around the
corner. Give the gift that keeps
on giving….bowling lessons.
You can reach me at 800-3463648 or through strikeability.
Toni Price, from the Fun
Bunch Ladies, logged a sky-high
254/699 set to lead the lady
John Blake earns high-game
accolades with an award-winning
12-bagger in Young at Heart and
Monday Night Trio league play.
Scotty Pope took runner-up
honors with near perfect 299 City
Industrial game.
Jef f Foreman 289-704, Bill
Bartholomae 256-688, John Blake
785, Remona Cherry 192-433, Toni
Price 254-699, Martha Baker 213-546,
Danna Johnston 204-413, Cindy Bright
Scott Pope 258-741, Sherlonda
Owens 249-539, Harry Deter 266-700,
Karen Jordan 247-574, Pat Schulz 267689, David Bellis 247-637, Lee Freeman
279-719, Bobby Sanchez 246-628.
Jeff Foreman 278-712, Shane
Graham 275-691, Scotty Pope 776,
Gilbert Vera Cruz 257-716, Tino
Saucedo 279-671, Johnna Johnson
215-471, Shannon Richardson 202-489,
John Blake 786.
Melisa Tercero 211-641, John
Anderson 266-546, Edward Williams
255-546, Les E Shull 256-647, Ginger
Woods 185-468, Dustin Conklin 265678, Morris Whittle 279-735, Tony
Gonzalez 252-610.
Victor Fierro 210-498, Bueford
Keeton 257-612, Sterling Beadle
Diamond Lanes
Where Family Fun Begins
Come visit The Pink Elephant, our NEW
full-service Bar and Lounge, check out our Snack
Bar and meet our friendly staff.
$1.25 Game - $1.25 Shoes
2208 East 8th Street
Odessa, TX 79761
Former major league
baseball all-star pitched John
Burkett of Southlake, Texas,
picked up his scoring pace
during WSOB VI, a “spring
training” event for his planned
debut on the PBA50 Tour in
2015. Burkett, who announced
his plans to bowl with the PBA
“seniors” after he turns 50 on
Nov. 28, scored at a respectable
205.96 pace in the four WSOB
animal pattern events, improving upon his 201.17 average for
three animal pattern events
(Wolf, Bear and Badger) during
the Grand Casino Resort PBA
Summer Swing in Oklahoma
in May.
At South Point Bowling Center, Burkett averaged 219.43 on
Continued from Page 11
19, Greg Ostrander, Freehold, N.J., 2,973,
20, Wes Malott, Pflugerville, Texas, 2,970,
21, Jason Belmonte, Australia, 2,969, $1,275.
22, Ryan Ciminelli, Cheektowaga, N.Y., 2,961,
23, Tommy Jones, Simpsonville, S.C., 2,906,
24, Perttu Jussila, Finland, 2,883, $1,200.
Other Cashers (after 7 games):
25 (tie), Jesse Buss, Belvidere, Ill., 1,548, and
Robert Andersson, Sweden, 1,548, $785.
27, Scott Newell, Deland, Fla., 1,547, $750.
28, Marshall Kent, Yakima, Wash., 1,546, $740.
29, Ryan Shafer, Horseheads, N.Y., 1,543, $730.
30, Rhino Page, Dade City, Fla., 1,541, $720.
31, Mike Armstrong Jr., Battle Ground, Wash.,
1,535, $710.
32 (tie), Tom Baker, King, N.C., 1,534, and
Lonnie Waliczek, Wichita, Kan., 1,534, $350.
300 Games: Sean Rash, Mike Keily.
the Cheetah pattern (107th in
the field of 240 players), 210.43
on the Viper pattern (tied for
82nd), a disappointing 189.86
on the Chameleon (tied for
180th), and 204.14 on the Scorpion pattern (124th). Overall,
he ranked 136th, but he could
have been substantially higher
on the list had he not dropped
100 pins in the final two games
of the Scorpion Championship
when he was challenging to
make the top 24 cut.
“I’m about a third of the
way to where I need to be,”
Burkett said. “It’s difficult.
These are the best bowlers in
the world. To me it’s disappointing to be 136th, but I’m
getting better.
At Stadium Lanes
Tribolet hammers 300/838,
Van Etten delivers 662
Tribolet 816, Bailey 300
Tribolet won high-set honors
last month at Stadium Lanes
by polishing off dual, awardwinning 300-279-259 = 838
marks in Slaves & Masters league
action. Tribolet followed up with
an additional award-winning
289/816 Petroleum outing.
Karen Van Etten led the ladies
with a fine 216-233-213 = 662
City League set.
Phil Bailey shared high-game
accolades with Tribolet with an
award-winning 12-bagger.
Phil Bailey 745, Rickey McKinney
258-739, Catherine Taylor 219-618, Kim
Hill 178-426, Sarah Williams 269-615,
Skip Klement 276-276, Elaine Jones
222-547, Brad Kinyon 223-606.
Debbie Freeman 211-551, Joshua
Clifford 212-521, Irma Villarreal
217-530, Phillip Buckner 258-722, Jim
Sweat 278-701, Suzanne Torres 192555, Michael Luckett 243-641, Margie
Greene 187-503.
Phil Bailey 269-732, Dibrell Sharp
198-560, Phil Bailey 268-702.
Every Monday & Thursday Night is
College Night
Continued from Page 16
numerous licensed league
promotions such as the NASCAR Bowling League, Disney
Bowling Club and Star Wars
Strike Force to name just a few.
These leagues were credited
with attracting tens of thousands of new league bowlers.
“We have developed some
tremendous programs at Strike
Ten and I am honored that the
STE board is giving me the opportunity to continue to work
with our sponsors, partners
and member centers,” Harbuck
Harbuck earned a bachelor’s
degree in advertising/communication from the University of
“The most important thing
I need to do is learn to read
transition quicker and which
ball to go to. You still have
to make the right decisions. I
need to read ball motions better; I’m learning what I need to
do to strike.”
Burkett said he’s planning
to return home, bowl a couple
of regionals if he has time,
and then get ready for the 2015
PBA50 Tour to get underway.
“That’s what I’m doing this
for,” he said with a smile. “I
believe I can win, but I don’t
think I can win, at least right
away, if that makes any sense.
But it’ll be interesting to get a
read on the senior tour. We’ll
see what happens.”
@ Stadium Lanes
Unlimited Bowling for only $6.50 per person
10 PM to 12 AM
Your ID
$1.75 & $2.00
Longneck Specials
every College Night
Come check out our newly revamped
sound system and light show
2105 Knickerbocker Rd.
San Angelo, Texas 76904
Fax: 325-224-3052
THE BOWLING NEWS | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | Page 19
At Western Bowl
Sharp catches 826,
Shannon scores 678
Continued from Page 10
Davis 299/299/824, Payne 299/806, Albracht 300
AMARILLO – Cory Sharp
captured high-series honors for
the month at Western Bowl with
a high-powered 279-279-268 =
826 Friday Nite Runrnds outing.
Darrel Davis followed close
behind Sharp with a 299/299/824
Texas series and Mark Payne
finished with a 299/806 Swinging
Seniors set.
Debra Shannon’s tip-top 192233-253 = 678 Morning Star set
fronted fem scoring.
Tyler Albracht captured highgame honors with an awardwinning 12-bagger.
Mark Payne 289-784, Dylan Macon
290-782, Brian Collier 287-778, Chris
Fox 279-770, Dylan Macon 263-764,
Marshall Morrison 280-761, Ken
Scheets 270-760, Chris Fox 279-759,
Brian Guillen 256-755. Darrel Davis
276-747, Mark Payne 285-742, Brandon
Williams 254-742, Clayton Parker 255741, Tyler Albracht 741, Mike Gentry
279-738, Patrick Copelin 258-735,
Nathan Herring 279-734.
Mitch Machin 267-733, David
Smiddy 279-732, John Walton 268-731,
Dan Orr 247-729, George Secor 268-728,
Gary Dunn 269-727, Brennan Chaparro
262-725, Marshall Morrison 257-719.
Brennan Chaparro 255-717, Chris
Fox 279-714, Jeff Campbell 266-713,
Mike Scroggins 279-710, Chris Foshee
267-708, Chris Foshee 266-702, Kat
Darlington 266-672, Debra Shannon
Debra Shannon 235-658, Debra
Shannon 222-657, Erica Turner 246646, Debra Shannon 267-637, Bonnie
Cross 256-633, Debra Shannon 244-632,
Valerie VanMarter 234-631, Candra
Chandler 232-630.
Bonnie Cross 236-625, Valerie
VanMarter 221-619, Candis Wilson
238-618, Candra Chandler 255-616,
Connie Moorman 243-615, Cindy Brock
244-614, Debra Shannon 253-614,
Glenda Bouker 232-605.
Debra Shannon 218-604, Brianne
Hansen 245-604, Debra Shannon 233601, Candra Chandler 226-600, Glenda
Bouker 233-600.
Results of the WSOB
Animal Pattern matches
Note: These scores not have not been broadcast
on television yet.
PBA Cheetah Championship Stepladder Finals
PBA Chameleon Championship
- Stepladder Finals
Saturday, Nov. 1; ESPN telecast on Sunday,
Dec. 14.
Championship Round:
1, Anthony Pepe, Elmhurst, N.Y., 519 (2 games),
2, Dick Allen, Columbia, S.C., 206 (1 game),
3, Brad Angelo, Lockport, N.Y., 226 (1 game),
4, Liz Johnson, Cheektowaga, N.Y., 224 (1
game), $6,000
Playoff Results:
Shootout: No. 3 Pete (295) def. No. 2 Angelo
(226) and No. 4 Johnson (224)
Championship: Pepe def. No. 1 Allen, 224-206.
Saturday, Nov. 1; ESPN telecast Dec. 28
Championship Round:
1, D.J. Archer, Friendswood, Texas, 241 (1
game), $20,000
2, Ronnie Russell, Marion, Ind., 515 (2 games),
3, Sean Rash, Montgomery, Ill., 265 (1 game),
4, J.R. Raymond, Bay City, Mich., 186 (1 game),
Playoff Results:
Shootout: No. 2 Russell (300) def. No. 3 Rash
(265) and No. 4 Raymond (186)
Championship: No. 1 Archer def. Russell,
PBA Viper Championship Stepladder Finals
PBA Scorpion Championship Stepladder Finals
Saturday, Nov. 1; ESPN telecast Dec. 21
Championship Round:
1, Mika Koivuniemi, Hartland, Mich., 445 (2
games), $20,000
2, Connor Pickford, Charlotte, N.C., 214 (1
game), $10,000
3, Ronnie Russell, Marion, Ind., 190 (1 game),
4, Dom Barrett, England, 3,148, 126 (1 game),
Playoff Results:
Shootout: No. 4 Koivuniemi (221) def. No. 2
Russell (190) and No. 3 Barrett (126)
Championship: Koivuniemi def. No. 1 Pickford,
Saturday, Nov. 1; ESPN telecast Jan 4
Championship Round:
1, Michael Haugen Jr., Phoenix, 213 (1 game),
2, Martin Larsen, Sweden, 442 (2 games),
3, Scott Newell, Deland, Fla., 213 (1 game),
4, Tom Hess, Urbandale, Iowa, 205 (1 game),
Playoff Results:
Shootout: No. 3 Larsen (236) def. No. 2 Newell
(213) and No. 4 Hess (205)
Championship: No. 1 Haugen def. Larsen,
The Bowling News is now on-line!
some strong starts against my
Painter, who won the inaugural ITRC Super Senior Classic
in 2013 and led wire to wire in
2014, averaged more than 10
pins higher than the secondseeded Roberts over 20 games
to put himself in position for
back-to-back wins.
An 8-10 split on a light hit
in the fifth frame of the finale
proved to be the difference for
Painter. Knoblauch secured the
win with nine pins on his first
shot in the 10th frame. Painter
earned $2,200 for the runnerup finish.
"I had gotten a lesson about
a month before this, and I have
spent every day practicing to
get ready," Knoblauch said. "It's
absolutely awesome to see the
hard work pay off and capture
my first national win. This was
my first time coming down to
the ITRC, and it was great to
get the win against some really
good bowlers."
In the opening game of the
championship round, Partell
struck on seven of his first
eight shots, and he needed
every one of them, as Darwin
Wimer of Mesquite, Nevada,
kept the match close heading
into the final frames. Despite a
split in the ninth frame, Partell
was able to escape with a 234217 victory.
All competitors in the
38-player field bowled 16
games of qualifying over
two days before the field was
narrowed to the top 10 for the
cashers' round. An additional
four games determined the
five finalists for the stepladder
The Super Senior Classic is
open to all USBC members age
60 and older, and every round
of the 2014 event was broadcast
live on's BowlTV.
For more information on the
ITRC Super Senior Classic, visit
2014 PBA
Challenge Finals
South Point Bowling Plaza in Las Vegas (Nov.
2, 2014)
Teen Masters Match: Michael Coffey defeated
Kelly Skalacki 202-156.
PBA50 Championship Match: Amleto Monacelli,
Venezuela, def. Walter Ray Williams Jr.,
Oxford, Florida, 277-219.
PBA Regional Championship Match: Josh
Blanchard, Gilbert, Ariz., def. EJ Tackett,
Huntington, Ind., 258-236.
PBA Women’s Regional Championship Match:
Missy Parkin, Laguna Hills, Calif. def. Clara
Guerrero, Colombia, 266-202.
The show concluded with the One-ball Challenge
for the four winners of the matches.
In the first frame, Monacelli, Parkin and
Blanchard struck and Coffey was eliminated.
In the second frame Blanchard struck and Parkin
survived win an 8-count and Monacelli out
with a 7-count.
Parkin then too the crown with a mixer strike to
Blanchard’s 10-pin.
At International Training and Research Center
Arlington, Texas
Friday's results
1, Jim Knoblauch, Waukesha, Wis., 636 (three
games), $3,000
2, Kerry Painter, Henderson, Nev., 213 (one
game), $2,200
3, Ed Roberts, Braintree, Mass., 196 (one game),
4, Howard Partell, Las Vegas, 404 (two games),
5, Darwin Wimer, Mesquite, Nev., 217 (one
game), $900
Stepladder results
Match One - Partell def. Wimer, 234-217
Match Two - Knoblauch def. Partell, 194-170
Semifinal - Knoblauch def. Roberts, 218-196
Championship - Knoblauch def. Painter, 224-213
Cashers' round standings
(20 games; top five advance to stepladder)
1, Kerry Painter, Henderson, Nev., 4,465
2, Ed Roberts, Braintree, Mass., 4,244
3, Jim Knoblauch, Waukesha, Wis., 4,235
4, Howard Partell, Las Vegas, 4,177
5, Darwin Wimer, Mesquite, Nev., 4,126
Did not advance
6, Paul McCordic, Sugar Land, Texas, 4,106
7, Dick Baker, Henderson, Nev., 4,103 ($600)
8, Pete McCordic, Katy, Texas, 4,085 ($500)
9, Willie Wells, Plano, Texas, 4,038 ($450)
10, Ted Staikoff, Black Hawk, S.D., 4,034 ($400)
5120 Canyon Dr. • Amarillo, TX 79109
60 Lanes • Pro Shop • Restaurant • Bar
$20.00 Non-Refundable
deposit required.
Reserve your lanes today!
Call Kathy or Randy.
2 Hours of Bowling
Use of House Shoes
Large Pizza
Large Coke per person
$10.00 worth of Game
Tokens (for Birthday Honoree)
$15.95 plus tax per person
(minimum of 10 bowlers)
Color Pin Sweeper
Saturday Nights
at 8 PM
Entry fee $15.00
Strikepot & Super Strikepot
Tickets Each Game
5405 Amarillo Blvd. East, Amarillo, Texas 79107
Page 20 | Thursday, November 6, 2014 | THE BOWLING NEWS
Just Paying
By Mark London
[email protected]
The PBA XtraFrame broadcasters (or live streamers, I
really don’t think there is a
specific term yet, give it a another year, someone will come
up with a clever title) offering
an unexpected treat with Bowlers Journal International Senior
Editor Gianmarc Manzione,
and the newest member of the
XF team, Phil Brylow.
Brylow has years of bowling media experience in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin running
tournaments with local cable
TV finals, as well as part of
the trio of hosts on the Sunday
morning Castle Lanes SpareTime Bowling Show on Milwaukee’s SportsRadio105.7FM.
Manzione and Brylow have
had the knack of getting many
pros with particularly great
insights on their morning and
afternoon XtraFrame shifts.
In the opening match play
block of the World Championships, reigning IBMA Kegel
Bowler of the Month, Missy
Parkin, was asked about Scott
Norton’s strategy on slow-
ing his ball speed on the oil
pattern, rather than using the
faster speed he prefers.
The night before, Manzione
was talking with PBA Hall of
Famer Dave Ferraro. Amongst
questions on modern equipment his son was asking about
while competing in the WSOB,
Ferraro disclosed his family
recently sold the last of its
family-held centers in Kingston, New York. Also discussed
at great length, undoubtedly
enjoyed by viewers, was Ferraro corroborating the people
and stories brought up in
Manzione’s upcoming book on
the New York action bowling
scene in the 1960’s, highlighting fellow PBA and USBC Hall
of Famer Ernie Schlegel.
Like I get with my uncle
and fellow Towel wavers speaking Pittsburghese discussing
the Steeler defensive secondary
and why offensive coordinator
Todd Haley still has a job,
Ferraro happily filled in more
details about what that scene
was like after Schlegel left to
bowl the PBA Tour.
My favorite Ferraro anecdote was his story of how he
became the last PBA player
to win a major title using a
plastic ball, the 1990 Firestone
Tournament of Champions. His
Columbia 300 Black U-Dot was
hooking so much, he couldn’t
throw it fast enough to get it to
read the way he wanted. Like
most players, he went to the
PBA Players Services truck to
find a solution, and that, he
did. He found a Columbia 300
Yellow Dot Legend, one of the
last issues of that classic ball.
Ferraro then explained he
got the reaction he was seeking,
jumped into the tournament
lead in match play and then
defeated his tour roommate
Tony Westlake for the title.
Another treat was listening to former color analyst
and bowling legend Marshall
Holman under the headset
with lead announcer Mike
Joining the two in the Xtra
Frame booth during the final
round of match play was fourtime PBA titlist and current
instructor extraordinaire and
author Mark Baker. Mike J.
allowed Holman and Baker to
take viewers into a rare inside
view of professional bowling. If
you have a chance to find this
round on XtraFrame, you will
not be disappointed. During the
seventh game, with the position
round game on the horizon,
Mike J. asked the two to
describe what each were feeling
during the match-play position
round game in their first major
championship. Ironically, both
were in the same building,
Riviera Lanes in Fairlawn,
Ohio, longtime home of the
Tournament of Champions.
For Holman, it was the 1976
tourney. His position round
match was against none other
than Dick Weber in one of
his final chances to make the
television finals and Holman
did win the match, moving
from sixth to second, then
defeating Tim Harahan and
Billy Hardwick on the show to
become the youngest winner in
tournament history, which at
age 21, still stands today.
Baker’s was a decade
later in 1986, when he bowled
Holman in position round. But
his memory was more about
how much he wanted to bowl
Holman in any tourney, not
necessarily on the show the following afternoon. Win or lose,
Baker liked to bowl the best.
Holman easily fell back into
the comfortable announcer
mode. Baker, the never-shy native Californian, also sounded
comfortable either talking
about lane play in today’s game
or when it was his turn in the
PBA’s version of ‘When We
Were Kings.’
I know the WSOB results
are elsewhere in this issue, but
here’s a nugget of brain candy
for the soon-to-be aired WSOB
In the Cheetah Championship presented by PBA Bowling
Challenge Mobile Game finals,
Liz Johnson makes her second
career finals appearance on
the PBA Tour. The first made
my Top 25 TV Moments list,
with her narrow 216-205 loss to
Tommy Jones in the 2005 PBA
Banquet Open in March 2005.
I had the chance to bowl a
sport league with the future
USBC Hall of Famer a few years
ago and was able to see for myself the amazing consistency
of her game. For example, not
only was she hitting a given
board, but she would hit the
right half of a given board,
then after transition, the
other half. And yes, she was
striking hitting both halves.
That was the year she won the
USBC Sport Bowling Women’s
National High Average award.
Next week, a curious look
at one sports talk show host’s
questions and doubts about
the proposed PWBA tour next
summer. Also, more about
Manzione’s book on action
Upcoming NCTUSBC Tournaments
For rules and entry/prize fund breakdown, visit our website at
up to 4
NCTUSBC Wild Turkey
Mixed Team Tournament
November 29-30, 2014
$2,000.00 First Place
Format - Mixed Team - 3 games plus handicap
Mixed Teams MUST include one female
Multi-Entries must change at least one bowler in the line up
USBC Certified
Team Handicap is 90% of 920
Handicap & Scratch Brackets
High Pots EVERY shift
Any team over 920 will be scratch
Prize Fund Returned 100%
Questions? Kevin Roberts – [email protected] – (817) 385-8326
Next event:
NCTUSBC Mixed Doubles
January 24-25, 2015
$2,000 Added Money
Optional Singles – 2 Divisions
Handicap - Scratch
Guaranteed $500 First Place
Prepay Entry Deadline November 25, 2014
Mixed Team Entry Fee:
$30 Per Bowler $120 Per Team
$20 Singles Event
Men and Women Handicap Separate Division
Scratch Division
Late Entries are welcome, however, there will be a $5.00 fee per person and
will be subject to lane availability. Paying for one entry before the deadline will
insure any re-entries without a late fee.
Mail entries to:
North Central Texas USBC
Attn: Kevin Roberts
P.O. Box 200006, Arlington, TX 76006
Phone (817) 385-8326, Fax (817) 385-8237
Email: [email protected]
Make checks/money orders
payable to NCTUSBC
$25.00 Fee on all returned checks
Credit Card Payments can be made by
Name on Card:____________________________
Exp. Date______________ CCV#_____________
Phone in entries must provide USBC #’s for all entrants