Kid City - New Community Covenant Church


Kid City - New Community Covenant Church
Kid City
New Community Covenant Church
Children’s Ministry
Kid City Foundation
Mission: Kid City invites children to connect with
CHRIST, participate in authentic COMMUNITY, and
radically advance the CAUSE of Jesus by learning
what it means to live in relationship with God and
Mission of NC3
We seek to be a “city within a city”* (an
alternate Chicago) that passionately loves
Jesus CHRIST, intentionally engages in authentic
COMMUNITY, radically advances the CAUSE of
What it Means
“[This means] that we are to be an alternate
city in every city…a countercultural, alternate
society of people who model the way life works
in the kingdom of God. The implications are far
reaching! This is more than just gathering for
meetings—to hear a sermon, sing a few songs
and go home. Being an alternate city means
we ask, “What should we look like as a church?”
If we are going to be an alternate city within a
city, the makeup of the church ought to reflect
the makeup of the surrounding city!”
Mission: To see each child know, love, and
follow Jesus Christ—embracing Him as Lord in all of
life. By creating a safe, welcoming, and loving
environment for children, we hope they will
experience, learn, and grow in their understanding
of God.
Values: Our goal is to see each child valued
and each family equipped to raise up their
child(ren) in the life of faith. We exist to see this
vision realized, and every team member plays a
vital role in making this happen.
Christian formation is the
responsibility of the whole church. It
is the continuing journey of being
transformed by the Holy Spirit into
the likeness of Christ, experiencing
and expressing love for God and
–Evangelical Covenant Church
Method: We use a curriculum-based program
incorporating the vehicles of live worship, Bible
stories, creative activities, games, and building
friendships as a pathway to seeing children
connect in meaningful relationship with Christ.
Biblical Basis for Ministry to Children:
Attention, Israel! God, our God! God the one and only! Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's
in you, love him with all you've got!
Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside
your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time
you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder;
inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.
-Deuteronomy 6:4-9, The Message
See also Mark 12:29-31; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4
October 16, 2011 | Pg. 1
Kid City
New Community Covenant Church
Children’s Ministry
Things to know about serving
in Kid City
Kid City Team : Our volunteers (team members)
work side-by-side to make Kid City a great ministry that is
life-giving for families and empowering for our team
members. Each Sunday morning you will work with your
fellow team members to set up the ministry space,
prepare for the day, and provide a welcoming and safe
place for children to learn about God. Following church,
team members ensure children and parents are safely
reunited before helping each other store equipment and
Kid City Tim e: Your time is valuable. We
appreciate the sacrifice you make to serve the families of
our church. Kid City meets on Sundays during the 9:00
a.m. worship service (no Kid City at 11:00 a.m.). Our Kid
City team is asked to arrive at 8:00 a.m. each Sunday to
give time to prepare the ministry space before welcoming
our families for the day. The 9:00 a.m. service is usually
over by approximately 10:30 a.m.
Steps to Serve in Kid City
 Contact Kid City Team Leader and
receive initial information about serving
in children’s ministry.
 Meet with Kid City Team Leader.
 Prayerfully decide if you would like to
join the Kid City team.
 Complete and send in Kid City
application (includes background
check form).
 Observe Kid City in action on a Sunday
 Receive training to serve on Sundays.
 Select class/age group in which you
would like to serve, sign up for the
Sundays you’re available and get
Kid City Scheduling
We ask that each team
member serve two consecutive
Sundays each month. It is
helpful to serve on the same
Sundays each month. We use
the site
to allow volunteers to sign up
for their own service dates.
Kid City Classes: Our Kid City Sunday morning
program is currently divided into three age groups
(classes): Kid City Clubhouse (ages infants-3 years old); Kid
City Junior (ages 3-6 years olds); and Kid City Senior (ages
7-12 years old). When joining the Kid City Team, you will
want to decide which age group you would most like to
serve each week and commit to that group.
Kid City Roles: We have two roles you can choose
from as a Kid City team member: Lead Teachers and
Assistant Teachers. Lead teachers prepare and teach the
lesson for the day, while assistants serve in a supportive
teaching role in the class.
Other Com m itm ents
Occasionally, you will be asked
to attend team meetings or
training sessions. You will be
notified as far in advance of the
meeting dates as possible, and
any meetings will be scheduled
at the most convenient time