View Our 2013 Annual Report


View Our 2013 Annual Report
building our Community
through our
parks and recreation
One of the Rockford Park District’s most
generous supporters is the Blazer Foundation.
The mission of the organization, which was
started by the late Cedric Blazer, is to help
support people with mental and physical
disabilities. Over the years, the Blazer
Foundation has supported a variety of Park
District activities, including the Accessible
Fishing Pier, Buddy Baseball and Therapeutic
Recreation, among many other programs.
Cedric was president of Zenith Cutter, a Loves Park-based manufacturer of industrial knives and
blades, founded by Blazer’s father, Richard, in 1923. A Rockford native, Cedric graduated from
Rockford West High School and Beloit College and was active in many community organizations
throughout his life, such as the YMCA, Rockford Symphony, Midway Village, and United Way.
Through his Foundation, Cedric, who died in 2008, contributed mightily to the local community,
often behind the scenes and without much fanfare. For example, he purchased computers for
the children of strangers who were going off to college, bought prescription medicines for
people whose insurance wouldn’t cover them, and even sent a truckload of shoes to children
in Appalachia. Recently, Fundamentals talked with Cedric’s son, Mark Blazer, a junior at
the University of Iowa, and board members Jay Maddox and Pat Shaw, to discuss the Blazer
Foundation, its mission, and its generosity within the community.
Tell us more about Cedric Blazer?
MARK: My father was a hard-driving
perfectionist. He was going to tell you how
it was, right or wrong. He said it because he
cared and wanted people to be the best they
could be. He would stop at nothing to help
other people. Under that rough exterior was
someone who deeply cared about making the
world a better place for others.
programs. Earlier this year, the Foundation gave
a $3 million grant to the University of Illinois
College of Medicine at Rockford, the largest
donation in the college’s history, to endow
two professorships to support cell regeneration
What makes Rockford such a generous community?
PAT: I think it’s due to the people who settled
in Rockford, who instilled a legacy of giving
within the community. I’ve lived outside of
Rockford, and I’ve never seen the level of
giving in other places like I do here. People in
MARK: My father believed that if you work
Rockford get involved for the sole purpose of
hard, you can do anything or be anything,
helping other people. It’s a testament to how
unless you have a disability. That puts people
good the people of Rockford truly are.
at a disadvantage from the start. People with
disabilities are an underserved part of our
What does the future hold for the Blazer Foundation?
Why is it important for The Blazer Foundation to give
community. The best thing we can do is to
The Blazer Foundation is the result of the hard
back to the community?
invest in these people to help prepare them
work displayed by my father and our family
to become an important part of society. You
that came before him. I plan to grow our
empower them to empower themselves.
foundation beyond a local and state level.
JAY: The mission of the Foundation is to
provide financial support for organizations
that provide services to people with physical
Why is The Blazer Foundation so involved with the
and mental disabilities within Winnebago
Rockford Park District?
and adjoining counties in northern Illinois.
The Foundation supports local initiatives
in research and development, as well as
programs designed to directly support those
individuals with disabilities.
At 22, I have a lot of time to make an impact,
to make change, and to do a lot of good
for society.
MARK: The Park District has such a large role
in our community. It has so many arms, that
it’s hard not to support the
Park District. It’s important to
support, grow, and nurture
Among some of the organizations that have
programs and resources that
received support are: Barbara Olson Center of
help the community, and no
Hope, BraveHearts Therapeutic Riding Center,
one does that better than the
Gigi’s Playhouse, Illinois Growth Enterprises,
Rockford Park District.
Milestone, RAMP, Special Olympics, and
Rockford Park District Therapeutic Recreation
Year in Review
Every year, the Rockford Park District introduces many
programs and renovations that make a tremendous impact
on the local community; last year was no exception. Here is
an update on just a few of the projects made possible by
the generous friends and donors of the Rockford Park
District Foundation.
David F. Johnson Accessible Fishing
Pier Project
The ability to fish requires accessibility, but for
those with physical disabilities, those opportunities
are very limited. Thanks to the generosity of
Washington Park
Center Basketball Court
the Rockford community, however, all that has
changed, thanks to the addition of the David F.
Johnson Accessible Fishing Pier Project, named
after the late David Johnson, a Rockford alderman,
Washington Park Community
avid fisherman, and local disability advocate. The
Center now has a new basketball
new permanent accessible fishing pier is located
court as part of a complete
gymnasium renovation. Thanks to a generous
along the Rock River, just south of the Auburn
Street Bridge. The pier is accessible from the Rock
River Recreation Path, and wheelchair accessible
parking is nearby.
“Dave was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis at the
age of 14. Despite his health, his true passion was
fishing, and he loved teaching others how to fish.
This project honors his many years as a strong
advocate for accessibility to buildings, for public
transportation, and sidewalk curb cuts,” says Valerie
Johnson, Dave’s wife.
Members of the Rockford chapter of AMBUCS
(a service club promoting independent lifestyles
for people with disabilities) and local fishing clubs
approached the Rockford Park District to offer to
help raise funds for pier construction. Johnson’s
of all ages now enjoy activities in a more
pleasing environment.
“The gym is the hub of our center,” says Danielle
Potter, Manager, Community Recreation. “But it was
more than 40 years old and in bad shape. Pieces
of the court were missing, and the free throw and
three-point lines were faded away. Not only was it
an eyesore, but it was a safety issue.”
friend and legendary fisherman, Babe Winkelman,
The new court has many pluses. Mostly, it’s easier
also chipped in to help host a fundraiser for the
to maintain; and it’s more appealing to potential
project. In the end, more than $125,000 was raised
players who join basketball leagues or those who
to construct the pier.
wish to rent out the gym. And it also brings smiles
The Park District unveiled the new fishing pier on
a beautiful fall day last October. “When we started
this project, we never thought it would take this
long,” says John Beck, Events and Recreation
Projects Manager for the Rockford Park District.
“The project became more involved; handrails
and other accessible features are not typical
along the shorelines of local rivers, lakes, and
ponds. This accessible pier means anglers with
disabilities have a safe spot to take part in the sport
they love. This is a huge boost for our community.”
$75,000 gift from the Kiwanis Club, children
to the more than 150 children who play in the gym
on a daily basis.
The new court was unveiled last October during an emotional ceremony
that included residents, local representatives, Kiwanis members, and children
who utilize the center. The ceremony included performances by cheerleaders;
mini-basketballs given to all the kids, and guest speakers who were greeted to a
special introduction.
“It was one of the best celebrations I’ve ever been a part of,” says Potter. “The best
part was when the cheerleaders made a tunnel for the kids and the president of
the Kiwanis to run through. Some of the children spoke about the importance of
having a new court to play on. It was so heartwarming. It brought tears to my eyes.”
Legacy Program
In 2013, the Rockford Park District Foundation board of directors voted to
establish a $500,000 Legacy Youth Endowment for the Park District. An
endowment fund is a long-term investment in which the principal remains
The legacy program has greatly benefited Taylor
untouched and continues to grow, while the interest generated is used for
Hoffman (right), a Rockford resident who first
specific needs. The legacy endowment ensures necessary programs such as
participated in the NFL Cheer program when
swim lessons, summer camp, neighborhood summer playground programs,
she was in eighth grade. NFL Cheer develops,
and golf lessons will be available for generations to come.
organizes, and promotes cheerleading activities
More than 28,000 children currently participate in legacy programs. “We want to
create lasting memories that teach lifelong skills such as honesty, integrity, self
respect, and sportsmanship to future generations of young people,” says Laurie
Anderson, Deputy Director of Recreation. “Many residents in our community
don’t have these opportunities. We want to make sure the playing field is level.”
for young participants. Hoffman, now a senior at
Rockford East High School, eventually moved up
Taylor Hoffman
to become a Park District volunteer and is now a
high school cheer mentor for NFL Cheer, helping teach young people the same
core values she learned at their age.
“I love being able to connect with kids,” says Hoffman, who will attend the
University of Illinois in the fall. “The Park District instilled in me confidence
that I was able to use as a pom dancer for three years in high school. I learned
leadership skills that I can now use to help inspire other young people. I love
working for the Park District. I’ve made so many connections and friendships.
It’s like being part of one big family.”
Welcome new Foundation board members
Vint Buckwalter
UTC Aerospace
Bob Farrell
Joe Scandroli, Jr.
Construction Co.
John Torrence
Laurel Plus
Second Annual Ties & Tennies
Together Event – November 14
Community members will have a chance to act like
kids for a night during the second annual Ties &
Tennies Together, a fundraising event hosted by the
Rockford Park District Foundation.
This year’s fundraiser is Friday, November 14, at
Giovanni’s, starting at 5:30 pm, and is chaired by
Michelle and Joe Scandroli, Jr.
The evening will feature a virtual graffiti wall, giant
District including: summer camps, youth program
opportunity to be involved and to support the Park
pac man battle, super sneaker and tie contest, silent
lessons, and summer playground programs. The
District Foundation,” says Ehren, superintendent of
auction, live program auction, and special guests.
inaugural event raised more than $45,000 last year.
Rockford Public Schools. “In addition to having a
The presenting sponsor is BMO Harris Bank.
“The focus of Ties & Tennies is not only to highlight
wonderful time, we were thrilled to see the
financial impact on the Foundation and important
“Our theme is dress like adults, party like kids,” says
the many youth programs of the Rockford Park
Lisa Alexander, donor relations coordinator for the
District and the impact these programs have on
Rockford Park District Foundation. “The name of the
our youth in the community,” says Lisa, “but to give
Ties & Tennies even garnered recognition at the
event refers to the dress code, which suggests a
our citizens an evening of fun, while helping raise
Illinois Parks & Recreation Association’s annual
decidedly cool-chic blend of class and athleticism,
money for an important cause.”
conference, where the event logo was awarded
involving tie/cocktail attire paired with tennis shoes.”
Last year, Ehren and Christie Jarrett served as
Proceeds will benefit the youth in the community
honorary chairpersons for the first-time event.
who utilize the many programs of the Rockford Park
“Christie and I were honored to have the
legacy programming.”
first place in the Logo Design category of the
design showcase.
The Foundation is looking for additional sponsors
for this year’s event. If your business or organization
For information on tables and sponsorhips, please contact Nicole Engelbart,
Corporate Partnership Manager, at 815-969-4095.
can help, please contact Lisa Alexander at
FACES of the
Every day, staff members from the Rockford Park District have the pleasure of working with some
incredible members of the community. From lesson programs to golf tournaments to summer
camps, it seems that everyone is impacted by or
has a favorite story or memory about the Park
District. Here are a few snapshots of the people we
have the pleasure of working with on a daily basis.
Cody Bitner was born with developmental disabilities, but that hasn’t
stopped the active 14-year-old from pursing his passions.
“Everything came late for Cody, such as walking and talking,” says his
mother, Angela. “Counselors told me years ago that he would never be able
Competitive Spirit
Jack and Diana Berti have lived in various cities over the years, but they’ve
never found the recreational opportunities they discovered when they
to read, but he is. Staying active and being socially involved are his biggest
challenges. But he continues to make great progress.”
moved to Rockford 27 years ago. “Rockford has the best park district we’ve
At age 3, Cody was enrolled in gymnastics through the Rockford Park
ever seen,” says Jack. The couple take part in many activities: they’ve played
District, and that was just the beginning. Over the years, he’s participated in
on the Rockford Adapted Sports Paralympic Boccia team for eight years
swimming, camp, and learned to ride his bicycle; and he’s played basketball
and have also participated in adapted bowling, power soccer, and some of
and baseball through the Park District’s Buddy program. His mom says
the adult social programs. Jack and Diana have won numerous medals and
Cody is now looking forward to playing soccer in the fall. “Children with
awards along the way. This couple doesn’t let their physical disabilities stand
disabilities are like other children – they want to play sports,” says Angela.
in the way of their recreation enjoyment.
“Cody is a sports fanatic.”
“It gives us the ability to compete in sports and be
involved in the community,” Jack says. “We’re very
proud of our accomplishments. Not that winning is
everything, but it makes competing that much more
fun. None of it would be possible without the Park
District and its dedicated staff.”
Cody will be attending high school in the fall, but he’ll
remain active in Park District programs. “I commend
the Park District,” says Angela. “Parents like me are
extremely grateful. The programs are inexpensive, and
the staff is amazing. It would be difficult for these
children without having these opportunities. Here,
the kids are learning and developing skills without
realizing it. They just think they’re having fun.”
Continued on page 9
2014 Rockford Park District
Fundraising Projects
Alpine Hills Adventure Park & Golf Center
Dock at the Riverfront Museum Park
In March 2011, the 52-acre
Construction of a new dock at Riverfront Museum Park will provide both public
site known as Alpine Hills
docking space and docking for the Forest City Queen or other water taxi service.
Golf Course was donated
The dock will be similar in size and construction to the Nicholas Conservatory
to the Rockford Park District
& Gardens dock, allowing for simultaneous docking of public and RPD boats.
Foundation by the Hansberger
“Construction plans are complete, and we continue fundraising efforts to
family. The Park District desires
have that constructed and installed for use by the boating community,” says
to develop the parcel into a
Williamson. “The dock will be used by boating enthusiasts and Forest City
year-round, affordable family
Queen passengers.”
fun center. Initial improvements
include a five-hole training golf
Leathers Playground
course, winter snow tubing,
Four playgrounds of the Rockford Park District built between 1990 and 1992
snowboarding, zip lining, and
became known as the Leathers Playgrounds in reference to the architect who
tobogganing. “The activities
designed the large wooden playground structures used there. All four of the
being planned will provide new
playgrounds have been identified on the District’s replacement priority list
and exciting opportunities for
due to the age of the structures and the need for improved inclusion and
our families to share and participate in,” says Laura Williamson, Deputy Director
site accessibility. The majority of the structures are located at highly-used
of Capital Planning and Management for the Rockford Park District.
recreational sites.
Initial improvements include renovation this spring of the existing ticket
Liberty Park is a large community park that serves a large population in
building to provide concessions and restrooms, available for use this summer.
the District’s southwest quadrant. The first of four sites, Liberty Park, will
The addition of snowmaking equipment will ensure the park can be enjoyed
throughout the winter months. The District has been awarded a $400,000
state grant to assist with park improvements, and a $150,000 grant from the
Wadsworth Foundation for development of the five holes of golf.
“The golf course was completed last fall, and grass is growing with the spring
weather,” says Williamson. “We anticipate play to begin this summer.”
be renovated as funding allows.
Continued from page 7
FACES of the
Sinnissippi Projects
Our first park, Sinnissippi, was purchased with personal loans secured
by Rockford Park District Commissioners in 1909. Proposed improvements
include removal of current plantings and re-landscaping of the slope between
the Sinnissippi Rose Garden and North Second Street. The fragrant sumac has
become overgrown beyond what can be safely pruned back and blocks views
of the Sinnissippi Rose Garden and Floral Clock from North Second Street.
Re-landscaping this slope will prevent erosion, reduce maintenance costs, and
serve as a scenic backdrop for the rose garden when viewed from the Rock River
Recreation Path and the Rock River.
“The plan is to renovate a tired, overgrown slope and replace it with more lowmaintenance plant materials in keeping with the whole transformation that’s
been occurring along the Rock River Recreation Path,” Williamson says. “It’s an
Lending a Hand
extension of the commitment the community has already made in the Nicolas
Christina Barlow is a big believer in the Rockford Park District. All three of
Conservatory and Eclipse Lagoon.”
her children –Jessica, Baylee and Connor – have participated in various
The wedding pagoda at the north end of the Sinnissippi Perennial Garden was
originally constructed in 1925. It’s a popular venue for small, intimate weddings
and wedding vow renewal ceremonies. Proposed improvements include repair
and replacement of the existing wedding pagoda, upgrades to the electrical
system, development of an accessible path to the pagoda, re-landscaping of the
Park District programs over the years, and Christina has always been there
to pitch in. For example, she’s helped at Carlson Ice Arena during past
skating performances. Four years ago, when Baylee signed up to volunteer
at Lockwood Park, Christina decided to pitch in there, too. “The more I was
there, the more I liked it,” she says.
perennial garden area, and irrigation system installation for the perennial garden
It shows–these days, Christina is working as a seasonal employee at
turf and landscaping.
Lockwood Park, helping with special events. She’s gained so much
The Park District Board and the Foundation Board have adopted these projects
as priorities. Staff is now beginning the task of preparing the master plans and
finalizing the budgets for fundraising opportunities. For more information,
contact the Park District Foundation at 815-987-1630.
experience, even learning to drive a tractor.
“I love it,” she says. “I home school my children,
and we’re always looking for things to do in the
community. Lockwood is a wonderful place for kids.
The staff is so committed and dedicated, and the
kids gain so much from being there. I can’t say
enough positive things about the program and the
Park District.”
Rockford Park District
Foundation Unveils Planned
Giving Program
Donors can make either a restrictive or unrestrictive gift to the Foundation. “It
Making a financial gift to the Rockford
Heritage Society Roll of Honor. This society recognizes individuals and families
Park District just got easier, thanks to the
who have placed the Rockford Park District Foundation in their estate plans.
Park District Foundation’s new planned
Membership is by written confirmation of deferred gift arrangements.
giving program.
Suzanne Berger
could be directed to any one of a number of programs, including golf, water,
playgrounds, or Fun for All Kids,” Suzanne says. “Many times, people give to a
program that they’ve had a personal experience with.”
As a way to recognize these important gifts, the Foundation has started a
“It’s a covenant when someone makes a planned gift,” says Suzanne. “That’s a
Planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime
huge trust they place in us. I feel strongly that we owe them so much more than
or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial
we can ever repay them. They should be a focus of our stewardship.” Every donor
and/or estate planning. While some planned
who joins the Heritage Society will be invited to a future induction ceremony. In
gifts provide a lifelong income to the donor,
addition, donors will receive an embossed certificate.
others use estate and tax planning to provide
for charity and other heirs in ways that
maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor’s estate.
As a way to communicate with donors, the Foundation has launched a planned
giving newsletter called Sowing Seeds. This new quarterly publication is packed
with helpful information for donors who are considering a planned gift to the
There are many giving options when donating to the Park District Foundation,
Foundation. For example, there are tips on how to make gifts through your
including a bequest by will, a life income plan, a charitable remainder trust, a
will, as well as testimonies from donors who’ve been greatly impacted by Park
charitable gift annuity, and other planned options such as gifts of land, retained
District programs. The Foundation is also revamping its planned giving web site,
life estate, and retirement assets.
which should be available to the public later this year.
“People often think about their legacy,” says Suzanne Berger, Deputy Director,
“It’s important to stay in touch with our donors,” Suzanne says. “Regardless
Fund Development, for the Rockford Park District. “It gives residents an
of how much they give, they can be assured that their giving truly makes a
opportunity to make an impact with people of all ages who use the
difference with the Park District.”
Park District.”
For more information about joining the Heritage Society of the Rockford Park
District Foundation, please call 815-987-1630.
The Rockford Park District Foundation has received notice that it
has been remembered in the estate plan of E. Jane Lyons, who
passed away March 16, 2014. An estate gift in excess of $1 million
will be received over the next year to endow the girls’ and young
women’s golf program of the Rockford Park District, including
the establishment of the E. Jane Lyons Memorial Scholarship
for female university students of above average golf ability,
performance, and desire. Jane also remembered many local and
national charities as well as medical and educational institutions.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Hazen Tuck, and I am a proud board
member of the Rockford Park District Foundation. My pride stems from the fact
that through the Foundation, I am associated with one of the finest and most
effective organizations in our community – the Rockford Park District.
Hazen Tuck, President
Monica Glenny, Vice President
Bob Farrell, Treasurer
Excell Lewis, Secretary
Patrick Agnew
Bruce Atwood
I was born and raised in
generous individuals and organizations in our community.
Rockford and enjoyed
We celebrated the completion of the renovations to the
Vint Buckwalter
participating in Park District
Sinnissippi Park Eclipse Lagoon, the completion of construction
Julie Elliott
activities while growing up. I spent a 25-year professional
of the David F. Johnson accessible fishing pier along the rec
career with Sundstrand, working in Rockford, Denver, and
path just south of the Auburn Street Bridge, the renovation
Gwyn Gulley
Milwaukee. While my family and I enjoyed living in other
of the Kiwanis gymnasium at Washington Park Community
cities, our thoughts were never far from Rockford; and we
Center, and the beautiful Engen outdoor lighting along the
Russ Johansson
looked forward to the day in 2000, when we returned to our
18th fairway of the Aldeen Golf Club.
Jim Keeling
In addition, we continued to raise funds for other projects we
Kent Kohlbacher
In addition to Sundstrand, I was fortunate to serve as a faculty
expect to be completed, at least in part, during 2014. They
Dan Nicholas
member at Rock Valley College, as well as interim director of
included Alpine Hills Adventure Park and Golf Center, as well as
the Burpee Museum of Natural History. I also volunteered
the Riverfront Museum Park boat dock, which will be accessible
on the boards of the Discovery Center Museum and Riverfront
to both the Forest City Queen and to the boating public. We
Rebecca Olson
Museum Park.
also witnessed the very successful inaugural Ties & Tennies
Norma Polcek
fundraising event, which was held in November. I look forward
Mike Robinson
Hazen Tuck
beloved hometown.
My association with the Park District began in 2006 when I
joined the Foundation board as treasurer. I held that position
to the second annual event later this year.
Karen Harding
Webbs Norman
Joe Scandroli, Jr.
for six years and then served as vice president, before taking
Also in 2013, we established a planned giving advisory council
over the presidency from Jim Keeling last October. Needless to
with the long-term goal of building an endowment to fund far
say, I have huge shoes to fill – not only Jim’s, but also those of
into the future Rockford Park District legacy programs such as
his predecessor, Kent Mallquist.
the summer playground program, golf lessons for youth, swim
Steve Ward
lessons, and summer camp.
Kathy Weber
District by securing philanthropic support on its behalf and by
Looking ahead to 2014, our fundraising efforts will continue
Julia Zimmerman
enhancing awareness of the District’s benefits to the community.
for Alpine Hills and the Riverfront Museum Park boat dock
Efforts to fulfill that mission made 2013 another successful year.
and will commence for renovations to the Sinnissippi rose
Nearly 1,200 donors gave a total of $1.2 million last year. At a
garden, perennial garden, and wedding pagoda, as well as for
time when our resources are increasingly limited and the need
rebuilding the Leathers playground at Liberty Park.
Our heartfelt thanks go to those who’ve contributed to the Park
Tim Dimke;
Exec Director, Rockford Park District
The mission of the Foundation is to assist the Rockford Park
for our services is increasing, monies raised have helped
us provide balanced and diverse programs throughout the
Park District.
The year 2013 started off with a bang, as in January we
welcomed Suzanne Berger as executive director of the
Foundation. Time has proven what a fine addition she has
District Foundation. It truly is a team effort.
Hazen Tuck
President, Rockford Park District Foundation
Rolf Thienemann
John Torrence
David Wiemer
Suzanne Berger;
Director, RPD Foundation
Lisa Alexander;
Donor Relations Coordinator
been. During the year, we celebrated the completion of several
Brenda Smith; Exec Assistant
projects funded with donations to the Foundation by many
Paul Anthony Arco; Freelance Writer
Ben Wiegel; Graphic Designer
For year ending December 31, 2013 (audited)
The Rockford Park District Foundation is operated in conjunction with and primarily for the benefit of the Rockford Park District.
The Foundation receives monetary, land, and various donations on behalf of the Park District, and administers the donations to
ensure the donor’s intent is fulfilled.
More than 97% of the Foundation’s expenses directly benefit Park District programs, facilities, and capital projects.
01 / Pledge Revenue $262,526 22%
01 / Total Program Expenses $1,689,950 46%
02 / Special Events $76,570 6%
02 / Operating Expenses $313,114 8%
03 / Sponsorship Income $16,780 1%
03 / Bad Debt Expense $11,373 1%
04 / Earnings from Investments $136,275 11%
04 / Donated Goods $34,583 1%
05 / Contributions $412,888 34%
05 / Project Expenses $1,584,102 43%
06 / Donated Goods $34,583 3%
06 / Project Expenses-Services $30,063 1%
07 / Donated Revenue: Land/Fixed Assets $7,445 1%
07 / Special Events Expense $29,828 1%
08 / Grants $57,300 5%
09 / In-Kind Donations from RPD $162,771 13%
10 / Lease Income $24,264 2%
11 / Miscellaneous Income $27,368 2%
The mission statement of the
Rockford Park District Foundation is
to assist the Rockford Park District
by securing philanthropic support
on its behalf and enhancing
awareness of the District’s benefits
to the community.
PARK DISTRICT FOUNDATION Thank you to the generous individuals,
corporations, and foundations that provided
gifts and pledges in support of the Rockford
Park District and the thousands of citizens that
Partners in Parks
Eclipse Foundation
Partners in
Atwood Foundation
Blazer Foundation of
Keeling Puri Peace Plaza
Endowment Fund
Kiwanis Club of Rockford
Ab and Nancy Nicholas
Wadsworth Golf Charities
enjoyed our parks and programs in 2013. Their
Partners in Green
support allows the Rockford Park District to
Richard Conner
and Conner Family Trust
John R. Cook Associates
Culver’s on Riverside
Jim and Pam Keeling
Michael J. Delany
Brittany and Thomas
LPGA Foundation
Tim and Debbie Dimke
Ian and Amy Linnabary
OSF Saint Anthony
Medical Center
Steven Doepke
Brian and Karen Johnson
Oliver Emerson
Marcie Oakes
Karl H. and Barbara W.
Erickson, FD
Olson Funeral Chapels,
Field Fastener
Supply Company
Robert Prosser
Patriot’s Gateway
Community Center
Rockford Health System
SwedishAmerican Health
PR Etc., Inc.
Partners in Pools
BMO Harris Bank
Fidelity Charitable Gift
Partners in Gardens
Al Provenzano
Dear donor,
My coach at NFL Flag is
the coolest. I love the NFL
camps and learning new
things! – Jacob
CVS Corporation
Janet Kjellstrom
Red Barn Golf Center, Inc.
Myra Reeves
The Ben Harding Family
Darleen and Roger
Riverside Community
The Ross and Ayres
Charitable Fund
Law Office of Jim Black
David and Judy Roby
John and Kathryn
Rockford Area Convention
& Visitors Bureau
Hazen and Carol Tuck
Engel Electric Company
Timothy Tyson
Frank Vella, Jr. and Barbara
Philip and Leslie Frankfort
Cosmopolitan Charities
Bradley and Georgann
Rockford Orthopedic
Associates, Ltd.
Helm Group, Inc.
Stacie Scott
John and Barbara
Holmstrom, III
Smeja Family Foundation
Ted and Teresa Ingrassia
Southwest Ideas for Today
& Tomorrow
Kelli Ritschel Boehle
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Jarrett, M.D.
Specialty Screw
Edna Capitulo
John Deere Classic
Comcast Foundation
Richard and Grace
e-Cycle LLC
Erik Ipsen
make an impact in the community.
Peggy, Chuck, and James
Partners in Teams
Craig Kuehne
Advanced Machine &
Louise Y. Mokadam and
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B.
Share Our Strength
Alpha Controls & Services,
Winnebago-Boone Farm
Jo Ann Burkholder
Valeri Busby
Paul and Deborah Green
Paul Wixom
Guyer & Enichen, P.C.
Mark and Kristin Hatch
Partners in the Prarie
Allen Heating & Cooling
Hope & Anchor English
Pub, Inc.
Valerie Johnson
Senator David Syverson
ARC Design Resources,
Kent Kohlbocher
Texas Roadhouse
Brett Benning
Jeff and Pam Lindstrom
Suzanne and Don Berger
[Continued on page 14]
David and Cherry Beto
*In Memoriam
[Continued from page 13]
Charlie Fry
Rock River Fly Casters
David and Barbara Dent
William Geske
Rockford Area Arts Council
Elmo and Jenelle Dowd
James and Mary Gesmer
Rockford Housing Authority
Barbara Drollinger
Glenny Farms
Tyler Smith
Joe Eckburg
Phil Hayes
Swedish American Foundation
Judith and Charles Eichman
Mike and Donna Hayes
Kevin Swan and Laurie
Steve Elliott
Benjamin and Marissa
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Howlett
Dr. Ehren and Christie Jarrett
Russ and Virginia Johansson
MS II Graphics Inc./
Dan and Kristin Pecora
James and Lucy Pirages
W. Stephen Minore, M.D.
Rockford Chamber of Commerce
Rockford Garden Club
Rockford School District
Rosecrance Health Network
John Schafman
Stenstrom Companies
Tyler’s Landscaping Service, Inc.
Gregory and Jodey Vass
Wiedner & McAuliffe, Ltd.
*In Memoriam
Williams-Manny Charitable Trust
Partners in Adventure
Phil and Paula Turner
Partners in Rural Life
Ellwyn and Gayle Englof
Scott Ferry
Joan Fieldsend
Nell Frewin-Hays
Fred and Hyat Adamany
Tom and Darlene Furst
Pat and Jenny Agnew
Gaffney Bolt Company
Jeff and Nancy Kaney
Alpine Kiwanis Club
Doug and Debbie Gass
Nancy Kauzlarich
Alpine Bank
James and Marylou Gault
Loyd and Diane Koch
Jack and Joyce Armstrong
Giovanni’s, Inc.
Mary Kroll
Steve* and Dorothy Baits
Ronald and Deborah Gustafson
John B. Lichty
Dr. William Baskin
Hamilton Sundstrand
Patrick W. and Karen L. Liddell
Beef A Roo
Karen Harding
Russell Luchtenburg
Blake Oil Company
Health Conservation, Inc
Brendan and Pam Maher
Beverly Bliss
Robert Holomann
Dr. Mark and Nancy
Loves Park Rotary
Brian L. and Kimberly A. Thiede
Dear donor,
I love the summer playground program at Churchill
Park. I go even when my Mom is home from work
because it’s so much fun! - Trent
Aarvig Group - Morgan Stanley
Marchan Adkins
All Pro Painting Services, LLC.
Rebecca Martin
Gwen Bolster
Paul and Teri Baits
Tom and Sandra McCullough
Jim Bonkoski
Ardyce Howard
Brent Bernardi
Dennis McLaughlin
Doug and Helen Brooks
Roger Christin
Barbara McWilliams
Marva Brown
Thomas and Suzanne
Churchill’s Grove, Inc.
Pat Meinert
Burlington Golf
CMM Calibration & Services
Anne and Norman Meyer
Bradford and Linda Burman
Tim and Sandy Dingus
Greg and Christy Moore
Dr. Ronald Burmeister
Kimberly L. Donoso-Lopez
Neal’s Tax Service, Inc.
Randall Busch
Rick and Lana Engen
Scott and Sue Nicholas
Gary and Barbara Buttikofer
Robert Farrell
Scott and Rebecca Olson
Michael Chimell
Jack Packard
Steven and Penny Christians
Potpourri Garden Club
Angel Contreras
Charles Prorok and Marcia
Dean A. Olson Foundation
JJ Paris, Inc.
Joann Johnson
Jason and Brandi Jones
Timothy Keating
Keeling/Green Fund
Mary Lou Lafler
Judith Larson
Hugh Lippitt
Kathryn Mattison
G. Michael Scheurich
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Adam
Angus and Barbara More, Jr.
Jennifer L. Selchow
April Adams
Courtney Morgan
Jeffrey and Shelley Shinn
Ellyn Ahmer
Scott Neal
Shoe Carnival, Inc.
Alice Alfredson
Michael and Laurie Nelson
Skyward Promotions
David and Rebecca Allen
Nova Painting & Decorating, Inc.
Julie Smith
Marlow and Sheri Anderson
NyCLO Screw Machine Products,
Dion Smith
David and Colleen Anderson
William and Julianne Snively
Elaine Arco
Steven and Maureen Solverson
Raeann Austin
Tasha Squires
Joan H. Azeka
Sundstrand Steak Club
B & B Tool Company
Laura Telling
Alan and Cheryl Bach, Sr.
Rolf and Maggie Thienemann
Duane and Barb Bach
TR Restaurant Group, Inc.
John and Cindy Bacher
Rascher Medical Solutions, Inc.
Geoff and Ashleigh Van Thiel
Walter and Patricia Bainbridge, Jr.
Rock River Valley Blood Center
Greg and Lulu Watt
Mark Banz
Rockford Area Gardeners of
James Wicklund and Georgeann
Jim and Helen Barrett
Rockford Sportsman Golf
David and Wanda Wiemer
Claris Nystrom
Josh Peigh
PNC Bank
Norma Polcek
James Ponds and Mary
Charles and Kristine Barr
William E. Blauert
John Beck and Sandra
Rockford Women’s Golf
Williams & McCarthy
Mary V. Bergstrom
Carole J. Rose
Woodman’s Markets
Stacy and Shirley Bernardi
Marian Broege
David Copp
David and Kohnne Bippus
Bronze Memorial Company
Ron and Lorraine Cosler
David and Deedee Black
Bill and Lorraine Buehler
Council of Rockford Gardeners
Blackhawk Trails Club, Inc.
Gary and Mary Lou Buettner
Carrie Crosby
Keith and Mary Blackwell
Vincent Caiozzo
Samuel and Carol* Darby
Michael F Blessing
Sandi A. Campbell
Joan Davis
Ronald and Nancy Blomquist
Capri Restaurant
Brian K. and Tamara S. Dean
Rev. Kenneth Board
Jeffrey and Linda Carlson
Deborah Demars-Ragsdale
David and Anne Boccignone
Dr. Mark Carlson
Nancy Derksen
Keith Boeke
Wendy Carlson
David and Sara Deutsch
Dorothy Bonne
Casey’s General Stores
Elizabeth Dickinson
John Boomer
Mary Caskey
Ron and Audrey Dierks
Dr. Kendall Boone
Jean Castle
William Dinges
Melesia Boyer
John Chadwick
Aaron F and Jill E Dinges
Charles Brackett
Steven and Diane Clark
Roger and Patrice Breeland
James and Connie Coffey
Diversity Council of Winnebago
Michael and Elizabeth Bridges
Stephen and Lara Compton
S & S Recycling
Raymond and Margo Sachs
Tom and Linda Sandquist
John and E.J. Scheub
Partners in Life Skills
11th Street Express Printing, Inc.
ABC Collision Center
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Ackerman
Mary Conley
Dawn Dott
[Continued on page 16]
*In Memoriam
[Continued from page 15]
Susan Gilbert
Donald Holt
Norris and Marilyn Dougherty
Mark Glasson
Larry and Ruth Hood
Kevin Dowling
Thomas and Kay Glenny
Dr. Daniel Houlihan
Lisa Van Dyke
David and Jennifer L. Gomel
John and Robin Hovis
Dr. C. Lowell Edwards, MD
Dr. William and Susan Gorski
Wray and Suzanne Howard
Donald Edwards
Bill Grady
Edwards Apple Orchard, Inc.
Susan Grans
Michael Manley and Karol
Gordon and Georganne Eggers
Cynthia Grantz
Julie Elliott
David Green
Rebecca Epperson
John and Kaylene Groh
Ellen Erkert
Donn Gustafson
Nancy L. Ester
Erich and Janice Hagenlocher
Fairview Early Childhood Center
Terrie Hall
Brenda Falconer
Portia Hanebuth
Susan Fasciano
Dr. Robert L. Head
Sharon Fisk
Hedge Properties Corp.
Alice Floberg
Kenneth and Diane Held
James and Kay Flodin
Donald Henderson
Priscilla Flynn-Heath
Dr. Daniel Herdeman
Freed Plumbing, Inc.
Rita Highland
Georgalee George
Dr. Roger Hilbert
Laina Gerace
Luther and Janet Hill
Roberta Gianoli
Eugene and Joyce Holmberg
*In Memoriam
Dear donor,
I am trying out for cheerleading at
school. I was in NFL Flag Cheer
and learned a lot about team spirit!
- Katie
Kay Hyson
Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Bobby Klump
Dr. Karl Jacobs
James and Helen Knapp
Steve and Sheri Jefferies
Arthur and Frances Kneller
Jenkins Medical, LLC
Dr. William Kobler
Luther Center Fundraising
Jeffrey and Ann Marie Jinkins
Ken and Kelly Korcek
E. Jane Lyons*
Darrell and Candice Johnson
Patty Kortkamp
David L. and Mary Lee Johnson
Harold and Marjorie Krueger
M & J Tax Service
Georgeann Johnson
Sebastian Krzywicki
M.B.S. Identification, Inc.
William D. Johnson
Charles and Barbara Kullberg
Machesney Elementary PTO
Alicia Jones
Terry Kurzinski
Maureen Mall
Mr. and Mrs. Jun An
LaMonica Beverages, Inc.
Nathaniel and Marjorie Martin
Greg Jury
Michael and Sally LaMonica, Sr.
Sanchia Mazza
K.A. Chapman-Neal and S. W. Neal
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Langejans
Edith McCauley
Gary E. and Tina M. Kaatz
Mike Lantz
Kevin and Catherine McDermott
Marianne and Martin Kaiser
Larson & Darby
Mark S. and Lori A. McEntee
Carolyn Keeling Mackerer
John and Tina Leinbaugh
James and Janet McMahon
Kegel’s Bicycle Store
John and Martha Leonard
MDS Insurance Group
Brien Kelley
Paul and Ann Lewis
Brian and Susan Melcher
Gary L. and Kris L. Kieper
Beth Lewis
Michael Messina
Paul and Molly Klazura
Katherine Linden
Curtis and Laurie Kleckler
Janis Long
Marilyn and David Kloepfer
Loren L. Whitehead Elementary
Roger and Nancy Lundstrom
Robert C. and Laurie S. Miller
Jean Reese
Darrell Snorek
Amy Vaughn
Bradley and Julia Zimmerman
John* and Barbara Mink
John and Dorothy Reis
Mary Spindler
Roberto Vera
Scott and Betsy Zimmerman
Michael Moravick
Robert and Tawny Reitsch
St. Bernadette School
VFW #5149 Ladies Auxiliary
Marc and Karen Zussman
National Business & Industrial
Centre, Inc.
William Richards
Nancy Stanis
Virginia Meyes, Inc.
Donald Ritter
Stepping Stones
James and Shirley Waddell
Helena Ritter
Joan Stonecipher
William Wake
Jean Abruzzo
Rockford Bank and Trust
Thomas and Mary Supel
Waldom Electronics
Vicki L. Adams
Rockford Charitable Games
Association Inc.
James and Cathie Szymanski
Rich and Michelle Walsh
Robert and Marcia Adolph, Jr.
Craig and Barbara Thayer
Butch and Kathy Weber
Kenneth and Cheryl Adolph
William and Catherine Thiede
Karen and John Weedman
William and Donna Apgar
Deborah Thomas
Paul and Karen Weis
Lisa Alexander
Tim Johnson & Associates, LLC
Stanley and Dorothy Wentland
Gary Anderson
Sarah E. White
Robb and Susan Anderson
Mary Nielsen
Deborah Nordeen
Webbs and Mary Norman
North Love Baptist Church
Northwestern Illinois Building
and Construction Trades Council
José and Kellie Olivencia
Olson Ecological Solutions, LLC
Rockford University
Donald and Robert Rockwood
Nora Jean Rollins
Partners in
Community Centers
(Under $100)
Jerry and Connie Paris
Bruce Ross-Shannon and Ruth
Ann Falk
Raymond Parks
Gary Rothwell
Allan and Helen Anglemire
Michael and Barbara Parrott
Lillie Rude
Joyce Aramovich
Raymond and Jo Marie Paul
Sharon Rudy, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Asher
Brenda Paulson
Paul Rupprecht
Janet Branstiter
Ronald and Janet Pauly
Jeff Salisbury
Richard H and Sally Baker
Janette and Charles Pearson
Jesus Sandoval
W. Walter Boothe
Henry W. and Josephine L. Peddle
Robert and Ilona Satterlee
Antonio and Leticia Brambila
Nancy A. Perry
Thomas and Karen
Bloom Elementary School
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Carlo and Josephine Benassi
Suzanne and Michael Pisano
Roger and Pamela
Robert and Anna Bertolasi
Dr. Joseph Pittman
Dr. Milton Schmitt, Jr.
Ron and Kristin Butler
Richard and Judith Pollack
Lee and Charmaine
John and Anna Borchers
Powmet, Inc
Stephen and Donna Benjamin
PR Walker School PTO
Richard and Sandra
Ms. Dawn R. Brown
Peter J. and Heather Anne
Virginia Sharp
Robert Beck
Artemus and Sally Pulford
Aaron J. and Peggy
W. Shiels
Laura Brandner
Erin Rabon
Wiilliam Rainbolt
Nancy Rainwater
Cindy Rathke
Paul and Linda Rawson
Blackhawk Pest Control
Sievert Industries,
Batteries Plus, LLC
Sisters’ Cafe
John Todd and Lynda K. Kennedy
W. Alan Williams
Dave Brown
James Skau
Town Hall Lounge, Inc
Douglas and Diane Wilson
Steve Bailey
Mark V. and Brenda Smith
Michael and Kathlyn Tulley
Martha Woods
Behr Iron and Steel, Inc.
Anne Sneed
Lois Tuneberg
Rita Yerks
Daniel and Lisa Bartholme
Daniel and Kristin Tussing
Vint and Susan Buckwalter
Rodolfo Valdez and Julia ScottValdez
David L. Zierke
Bruce Beling
[Continued on page 18]
*In Memoriam
[Continued from page 17]
Tracy Brookshier
Central Commodities, Ltd.
Barbara Bryant
Marilyn Benson
William and Craig Cutro
Tim Bragg
Theodore M. and Norma L. Bleed
Harry and Barbara Chrisman
Ramona and Charles Batt
Fredrick Bohanon
George A. and Elvira H. Cridland
Richard Baldwin
Juli Bracken
Donna J. Chimino
Glenn and Beth Ann Bolton
Deb Bieschke
Mary Conti
Blackhawk Area Council of the
Boy Scouts of America
Anna Burks
Joel and Judy Cowen
Theodore and Robyn Crissman
Robert Carlson
John Dotzel
Fitzgerald Funeral Home
Harriett Dudley
John and Patricia Freed
Laura Davis-Vanags
Eugene and Barbara Ferry
Robert Derringer
Froberg Elementary School PTO
Russell and Rhonda Dailing
John and Jean Frana
Karen Dean
Leona Frey
Michael and Nancy Dagefoerde
Bradford and Marabel Fowler
Bobbi Dykstra
Bradley Ford
Pamela Day
Faith Walkers Assembly
Carrie Davis
Evelyn Freeman
Kathleen Elliott
Lorraine Falconer
Eric and Elizabeth Eiss
M.L. Fuchs
Evergreen Irrigation Inc.
Michel-Ann Fraser James
Sonya Dowdakin
Stephen and Lynn Ernst
Dealer Alliance Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson
Jacob and Jacolyn Reppen
Patricia Carl
Douglas Dawson
Susan Ekstrom
Keith and Kristine Carey
Chelsie Dockins
L.G. Eklund
Kathleen Cerutti
Peter and Susan Deskovich
Amber Ellis
Robert H. Clark
Donna Davis
Brad and Tamara Erickson
Frank Chieppa
Dan and Denise Delanty
Harold and Shirley Eicher
Frances Dulmage
Na’Imah Esa
Barbara Berman
Edward B. and Elizabeth M.
Bob and Karen Brown
Shaun Carlson
Paul and Cynthia Dennis
Chellis French and
Regina Brenmark-French
Richard and Nancy Blackburn
David and Julie Claeyssens
Adam and Valerie Boomgarden
M. Ingvar Carlson
Julie J. Bosma
Dee Dee Cancelose
Rhonda Barrigas
Dave Costello
Ronald and Lorraine Brey
Jane Murphy Cella
Luis Munoz and Shawn Buehler
Xu Wang and Donghui Cao
Richard and Sue Becker
Frank and Gloria Cudia
Sylvie Charest
Steven and Sharon Cole
Maribel Cano
Felecia Caldwell
James and Susan Cichock
Larry Christman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DuFault
Jim Dooley
Timothy J. and Cheryl L. Durkee
David Dimke
Don’s Appliance Service
DBS Accounting and
Management Services, Inc.
Mildred Bryson
Mark Blaszczyk
Jennifer Bowman
Larry and Karen Burton
Leroy Bach
John Brearley
Frank Contarino
*In Memoriam
Cynthia Durward
Elizabeth Dougherty
Frank and Anne Forte
Donald Featherstone
Ms. Jennifer Fischer
Kathleen Forbes
Laura Jeanne Fromm
Robert and Joanne Frefberg
Angelo and Janice Fiorello
George and Sarah Fletcher
Faithful Worker Circle of Kings
Carol Hammerle
Robert Hess
Don and Elaine Johnson
Rick and Ann Kleinheksel
Rick and Nicole Hobson
Elizabeth Hornick
Elinor Johne-Nelson
Jan Kesler
Charlotte Hackin
Melinda Hagerman
Ronald and Nancy Kuhnau
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Hofeditz
Kimberly Hesano
Paul J. and Kathleen
M. Kulick
Jean McNair Elementary School
Rex and Pat Hanks
Katherine Hotchkiss
Jerry Heinzeroth
Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton
Sharon Holloway
Elizabeth J. Harris
Tara Homan
Dennis and Jean Harezlak
Marian Holmgren
Greg Cellitti Painting
Richard Hathaway and Carol
Angie Hofstetter
Sandra Glasbrenner
Patrick and Robin Hayes
Judith Geissler
Rodney Hardy
Gerrie Gustafson
David J. and Leigh Ann
David Fleury
Robert and Judy Gard
Laura Gibbs-Green
Kerry Glavin
Rory and Mariann Griggs
Dr. Alan and Elizabeth Gibby
Al Guerrera
Douglas and Peggy Groebner
Gwyn Gulley
Maureen Hickey
Jennifer Heaslip
IL State Enforcement
Rich and Joann Infusino
Kishwaukee Elementary School
Bradley and Susan Koch
K’s Cleaners
Gary and Linda Kinnison
Rebecca Klopf
Vickie Klang
David Kinser
Peter Keffer
Jane Kleveland
Jake Kimmes
Mark and Genene Greenwell
James and Emily Gephart
Roberta Gambrel
Jane Kelley
Barbara Kober
Leroy and H. Jane Karlberg
Agnes Kirkpatrick
David and Deborah Kennedy
Nancy L. Kublitz
Kenneth and Lillian Kruger
Craig Kennedy
Roy and Maralyn Kloweit
Marianne Larson
LPGA-USGA Girl’s Golf
Glenn A. Grigoletti
Joe H. Gilmore
Jacqueline Kennedy
Dear donor,
Thank you so much for having Lockwood Park….
this is my second year in horseback riding camp.
I love it! - Samantha
Vicki S. Guler
Laird and Susan Lambert
Lois Lutz
Andy Lane and Stephanie Lane
Logan Chapman, Neal
Jeffrey and Carrie Lee
Rick and Michelle Lyons
Sean Gray
Nilo and Alicia San Gabriel
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois
Donald Gustafson
W.G. Graba
Sandra Goetz
Mary Gaffney
Craig A. Gugliemetti
Larry and Judy Gunderson
Timothy Gaddo
Christina Green
Ann Gauthier
Carmen Garcia
Roger and Kelly Garrie
Colleen Groves
James and Phyllis Gridley
Charlyn Geldmacher
J and S Bradley
Robert and Nadine Hallstrom
Curt Johnsen
Jane Heimer
Tim Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. S. Halsted
Jan Jann
Janette Howard
William and Sue Jackson
Amie Heinzeroth
Gene and Sonja Johnson
Brian and Christine Hawes
J. Carlson Growers, Inc.
Jack E. and Lynn A. Handy
Wayne and Jan* Jones
Candice Hallam
Cynthia Johnson
Maxine Hunt
Shirley M. Johnson
Constance Heden
Cindy Jensen
Michael B. Holmes
Sharon Jones
S. and R. Hackenmiller
Mark D. Johnson
Timothy G. Holdeman
Jennifer Jaeger
Brandon Hilstad
Robert and Rosalie Johnson
Good Search
*In Memoriam
[Continued from page 19]
Eugene E Miller
Bonnie McConnell
Peter and Pamela Lonsway
Claire Macfarlane
Ellen Mann
Janice Lockwood
George and Eleanor Muck
Kristin McMahon
Roger Lindeman
Carl and Catherine Mohns
Andy McCray
Stephen and Adrienne Langley
Jim and Ann McDaniel
Jeff and Martha Nielsen
Hal and Judy Look
Shirley A. Myers
John Nelson
Mark Lattner
James McGowian, Jr.
Daniel and Shana Nicholas
Sharon Lund
Lottie Meier
Ryan Niffenegger
Neil Lind
Michael and Karen Moyer
Jennifer Nielsen
William Lusk
Mary Millett
Richard Lewis
Anne Meshes
Thomas and Shirley
Conrad and Linda Lantz
Rev. Charlene Mills
Thomas and Ruth Little
Kent and Marti Mallquist
Robert and Jeanine Larson
Lance and Marianne Miller
Brian Lindsay
Jack and Susan Martocci
Marilyn Larson
Joseph and Kay Marshall
Pam Larson
Cheryl McVeigh
Linda Lee Loria
Mary Ann Masiulis
Dean and Rachel Loria
Silvio and Karen Massetti
Mathew and Misty Lerner
Delores Myhre
Joseph Maroney
Daniel L. McCullough
Terry and Betty Moore
Jay R. Maddox
N.I.T.E. Equipment, Inc.
Herbert Nelson, Jr.
Denise Noble
Stasica Nazzarini
Alan Nylund
Tom Nero
Andrea Nafranowicz
Robert and Denise Oliver
Jeff Orput
Ms. Jean Olivencia
Earlene and Calvin Parham
Laura Patterson
Scott and Jody Pobjecky
Dorothy Ann Powell
Paul Pelnar
Paul and Mary Panther
W.J. Peck
Delbert and Lois Peterson
James and Sally Ann Roberts
Richard and Sedell Rehfeldt, Jr.
Bill Rohlman
Linda Robertson
William and Loretta Reif
Richard and Joyce Ramer
William and Joyce Russ
Robert and Sharon Reitsch, Sr.
Dear donor,
The accessible fishing pier is a great asset to the Rock River. I feel safe
when I fish now. Thank you Rockford Park District! - Darrell
John Rudie
John and Linda Ruhl
Wayne A. and Miriam R. Ring
Grant and Andrea Rundblade
Nathaniel and Kathleen Routon
Theodore Meyer
Michael Mendoza
Charles W. and Margaret L.
Carol Messer
James Millikin
Bruce and Lerie Mattingly
Kelly Moore
Roberta Mink
Donald and Doris Mosser
Faye Marcus
Christopher Meshes
Amy Martinez
Lucinda Moore
Carol Mansfield
Eleanor Rotello
Myron and Elizabeth Rafferty
Christine Ortwein
Gary A. and Marlene B. Park
Jere and June Ottman
John Peterson
Paul and Donna Olszewski
Richard Pool
Rhonda Ostendorf
Rosemary Prewett
Carl and Jeanne Oddo
Conny Pfeifer
Laura Pigatti-Williamson
Ericka Potter
Robert and Dorien Peterson
Rex and Carol Parker
William Midgett
Angela Miles-Moore and Thomas
William J. Moses
Carolyn McBride
Prestige Building & Remodeling
Kate Pedrotty
Terry Marks
John and Kristin Paulsgrove
Chester Parker
Raymond Paul
Sarah Parker-Scanion
Tiffany Pua
Tommy and Pamela Reidl
Pro-Lite Sports LLC
Leopold Roganowicz
*In Memoriam
Brian Peck
K. Rossmiller
Tracy Robinson
Jody and Mary A. Roberts
Edward and Jeanne Rudnicki
Brad and Lois Riggs
Cindy Rathke
William R. and Jean M. Redig, Jr.
Lynne Rudy
Michael Rathbun
Pattie Rhode
Cynthia Ross
Bradley Streeter
Sara A. Reynolds
David Stuckey
Kevin and Bonfilia Smolenski
Steven Schou
Sinnissippi Audubon Society
Susan Stewart
Jean and David Schollmeier
Eleanor Sword
Spring Creek School
David Sobojinski
Severson Dells Nature Center
Scott and Sara Saunders
Donna Steffey
Shamrock Fire Protection LLC
Kenneth Swanson
Joel and Sharon Sjostrom
Mary Elizabeth Skerkoske
Robert and Maxine Stromdahl
Joan Sage
John and Shirley Schou
Fred Speer
James and Jennifer Sacia
Karl and Jacqueline Sundby
Bruce Samuelson
Herb Sisler
Marilyn Schrom
William and Karen Starr
Paticia Scanlon
Seedling Garden Club
Hosea and Shirley Stanford
Richard Snyder
Ann Sytek
Genevieve Shay
Melissa Sloatman
Phyllis Sandine
John and Joan Schmidt
James and Kathryn Stenberg
David Sparato
Scott Steinke
Linda Saenz
Spee Dee Courier Service, Inc.
Wanda Smith
Lance and Cherie Simpson
Karla and Brian Stringham
Nancy Schleicher
Brian and Kathryn Sewell
Alice Statkey
Janice Swanson
David and Candace Thompson
Julianne Schmidt
Ted’s Appliance Service, Inc.
Gregory Wroblewski
Steve and Kim Schweitzer
Cristie Telfair
Dr. Thomas Warren
Gloria Svanda
Harold Thompson
Fred and Mary Ann Wham, III
Mitchell Sayler
Katherine Taylor
Diana Wiemer
Sarah Schirmer
John T. and Edlyna K. Talla
Phillip and Salley Wessels
Marty E. Stockton
Donald Terasaki
Bette A Woodward
Jeff Snyder
Gregory and Anne Taylor
Steve Williams
Margaret Tyus
Lyndi K. Toohill
Willilam and Mary L. Williams
The Piano Doctor
Rev. Sam E. T-Parham
Shannah Wicklund
Robert and Kristine Thomas
Carrie Temples
Mark West
Joyce Trost
James TerHark
Alberta Jones and Joey Watkins
Helenanne and Douglas Triplett
Hannah Welker
Shirley J. Thurwanger
Sherry Webber
The Testor Corporation
Jane Warner
Irena Tolliver
Adam Wilson
United Way of Rock River Valley
Mark Walradt
Steve and Joy Vee
Daniel Young
Michael and Debbie VanSistine
Debra W. Yandell
Robert A. Voltz
Kyler Young
Nancy R. Vogel
Dani Zerebny
Cynthia Vega
Alan Zais
Angela Vyborny
Gary Zastoupil
Bill Wilhelmi
Katie Zimmerman
John R. and Susan Warren
Donald and Betty Zimmerman
Richard and Sue Walker
*In Memoriam
Donors who continue to give to the Rockford Park
District Foundation over time provide a vital part of
the Rockford Park District’s long-term support. Their
ongoing commitment serves as a tribute to their
belief in the mission of “Helping People Enjoy Life.”
Enjoying Life Partners
Ab and Nancy Nicholas
Roland and Gladys Olson*
Gold Medal Partners
Amcore Bank
Sunil Puri
Tiger Woods Foundation, Inc.
BMO Harris Bank
Wadsworth Golf Charities
Clyde and Marjorie Anderson
Smith Charitable Trust
Richard Nordlof
Elmer Olson*
Carlson Orthopedic Clinic
Dream Builder Partners
U.S. Cellular
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Barbara Mae Atwood*
Janet Kjellstrom
Rockford Health System
LPGA Foundation
Title Underwriters Agency
Saturn of Rockford
Ralph Bunting*
Richard and Joyce Ramer
The Funderburg Foundation
The Beloit Foundation, Inc.
Aqua-Aerobic Systems
Roy Gayle Pony Baseball Softball
Swedish American Health
Dan and Ruth Nicholas
John and Colleen Holmbeck
Roger Reno*
Rockford IceHogs
Bergstrom, Inc. Charitable
JSG Investments, Inc.
PNC Bank
Steve* and Dorothy Baits
Clarcor Foundation
The Ben Harding Family
E. Jane Lyons*
Illinois Department of
Commerce & Community Affairs
Kiwanis Club of Rockford
Carl and Barbara Dargene
Illinois Clean Energy Community
Alpine Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Behr
Woodward Governor Charitable
First Northern Credit Union
Dr. Donald Wedgbury*
Winnebago County
George and Edna May Taylor*
Eclipse Foundation
Illinois Department of Natural
Art Anderson*
Rick and Lana Engen
Illinois Department of Natural
Resources - Wildlife Preservation
Jim and Pam Keeling
Atwood Foundation
Rockford Pro-Am Inc.
Rockford Area Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Aldeen Foundation for Rockford
Foundation Partners
Rockford Area Association of
Midway Village Museum
Martin-Campbell Foundation
Illinois Department of Veterans
Sustainability Partners
City of Rockford
Joe and Sharyn Castrogiovanni
First Rockford Group, Inc.
United States Golf Association
Foundation, Inc.
Riverside Community Bank
Blazer Foundation of Rockford
American Legion Post 904
Lorraine Ipsen Stotler
Indeck - Rockford LLC
*In Memoriam
Ruth Gustafson*
Edward Enichen*
Marlowe Estate
Louis J. D’Agnolo
City of Loves Park
VFW Post 9759
Savant Capital Management, Inc.
Fat Wallet, Inc.
Figure Skating Club of Rockford,
Harry Espenscheid*
Village of Cherry Valley
Kent and Marti Mallquist
Olson Trust
John McCarthy*
Lonnie’s Carpet Connection
LaSalle Bank, N.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Maitzen
Rock River Bank
Lowes Charitable & Educational
Illinois Department of
Commerce and Economic
Adele Ingram*
John* and Roberta Mink
Ranger Partners Management,
William M. Miller Trust
2013 IN-KIND
The Rockford Park District Foundation deeply
appreciates in-kind contributions of goods and
Thomas and Enid
Mrs. Fisher’s Inc.
services from the following generous individuals
Greg Oates
and corporations:
Olympic Tavern
Richard and Judith
Lisa Ann Alexander
Greg Galen
Richard Allen
Alan Garrett
Vince Provenzano
Stuart and Monica
Artemus and Sally
Gerald and Margaret
Andrew Quintanilla
Dan Amesquita
Kay Anderson
Bob and Cris Ballenger
Mindy Banicki
Deron Benson
Bliss Salon
Ray and Mary Jo Brown
Cheryl Carlson
Jon Carlson
Casey’s General Stores
Ciao Bella
Clock Tower Inn &
Convention Center
Michael and Sharon
Gene Gulley
Scandroli Construction
S. and R. Hackenmiller
Joey C’s
Hal King
Diane Koch
Mary Kroll
Greg and Roz Larson
Lasalle Public Strategies
Jon and Tina Leinbaugh
Christopher Manuel
Ed McMahon
Neal Dollinger
John V. McNamara
Katie Drerup
Lloyd and Dorothy
Francine Drew
Ted Faber
Franchesco’s Ristorante
Thomas and Patricia
Lisa Gray
Arthur Metcalf
Bill Schulz
Tammy Schulz
Skyward Promotions
Brenda Smith
Stateline Staffing
Services Inc.
If you would like
to contribute to
any Park District
project, please
Lisa Alexander,
Donor Relations
Coordinator for
the Park District
or online at
Anna Swanson
David and Carol Tanner
Hazen and Carol Tuck
Sue Tuell
Robert A. Voltz
Carl Wasco
Bev Williams
Patrick Young
We strive for accuracy
in recognition of our donors,
and apologize if any errors
occured. We ask that you call
Suzanne Berger, Director of
Fund Development, with any
corrections. She can be
reached at 815-987-1675.
Zenith Cutter
*In Memoriam
Rockford, IL
Permit #1131
news for friends of the Rockford Park District Foundation
401 S Main St STE 112 | Rockford, IL 61101 • online:
JULY 18, 2014
Golf balls drop at 6:13 pm
Aldeen Golf Club
1902 Reid Farm Rd • Rockford, IL
$3,000 Grand Prize
$1000 CASH
2015 Rockford Park District
5-Course Golf Season Permit ($1700 value)
47” Smart Television ($1500 value)
Aldeen Golf Club Foursome
with Carts ($150 value)
All prize values are approximate. Must be age 18 or older to win.
For a complete list of rules, go
C O - S P O N S O R E D BY
Member FDIC
1 ball for $5 • 5 balls for $20
Proceeds benefit Rockford Park District
legacy youth programs
Tickets available online at or at any of the five Rockford Park District golf courses
Friday, July 18, 2014
at Aldeen Golf Club
Proceeds benefit
Rockford Park District youth golf programs
includes green fees and cart, tee gift, lunch,
and light fare following the event
FOR MORE INFO, CALL 815-987-1602