Re-Cycle - Viking Chapter


Re-Cycle - Viking Chapter
Keith Peters 612-825-9219
[email protected]
Vice President Jim Kojola 612-374-8913
[email protected]
John Wright 612-920-3676
[email protected]
Kathi Rimnac 612-825-2550
[email protected]
Paul Meisel 952-472-2097
work 952-746-2361
[email protected]
Graphics and
Greg Claflin 612-529-5812
[email protected]
Newsletter of the Viking Chapter
Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc.
Published Quarterly
March 1st, June 1st, September 1st & December 1st
[email protected]
Tom Jones 763-533-9163
Kerry Rasmussen
Tom Broich
[email protected]
Stan Mewhorter
[email protected]
Deputy Judge
Jerry Richards
[email protected]
Gene Hostetler
[email protected]
Roger Rimnac
(612) 825-2550
[email protected]
Future Club Events
Note: All members are welcome to attend the Board
of Directors meetings, but please call the host so they will
know how many people to expect. Thanks!
December 2005 no BOD Meeting
no General Meeting
January 4, 2006 BOD Meeting (7:00pm)
Betty’s Bikes and Buns
600 E Hennepin Ave, Mpls, MN
(612) 378-4888
January 7, 2006Holiday Party and Genr’l Mtg.
4:15-9:00pm Richfield
Community Ctr.
7000 Nicollet Ave. S. Richfield,
Mn. Ph# (612) 861-9360
February 3-5, 2006 Cycle World Show
Mpls. Convention Center,
Contact: Roger Rimnac or
Tom Broich to show your bike.
February 8, 2006 BOD Meeting (7:00pm)
Stan and Carol Mewhorter
8249 Scott Ave.N.
Brooklyn Park, MN
(763) 561-3922
February 15, 2006 General Meeting (7:00pm)
Leo’s South
16375 Kenrick Ave, Lakeville,Mn
(952) 435-5371
When I asked for volunteers to get out the word about the
Holiday Party in January, I got more than I bargained for.
Heck! some these people aren’t even members of the Club.
Keith’s (last) Kickstand
by Keith Peters
Combing my modified-mullet, we check the sump-pump then hop on the trike-bike. She
calls me her chubby-hubby. I look at the tech spec, but think of myself as cork-dork who
can’t geek-speak.
Now that I have your attention, it’s my pleasure to introduce Dave Moot, the next President
of the Viking Chapter. You may have seen Dave’s beautiful half dozen British bikes at
Farmington. They included two Royal Enfields, two Velocettes, a Matchless and a Triumph.
He’s a life-long Minneapolitan and became aware of the Viking Chapter a couple of years
ago. He and his wife, Diane, live in Bloomington, and have one daughter. Dave’s day job
is reselling medical equipment, probably much more sedate than his previous but related
vocation. He bought busses, loaded them with stuff, drove them down to Central America,
sold the stuff and the busses, then came back to do it again. And he did this 47 times!
This guy has some interesting stories, especially compared to traditional work-a-day wage
slaves. I forgot to ask him if he knew Che Gavara. He and I and Tom Broich finally had
time to get more acquainted at Davenport this year.
Keith’s Last Kickstand (continued)
Please introduce yourself to Dave. And
remember, ask not what the Viking Chapter
can do for you, ask what you can do for Dave
It was great to meet and vacation with these
non-local members and with friends from all
over the country. Daryl Schneider & Joe
Grayden had signed up but Joe’s unplanned
bad back surgery put the screws into that
carpool. Or maybe the screws went into his
back? The favorite sign I saw during the rally
was on a big plastic tub of small white pelts at
Trevino’s Leathers outside Deadwood. It said
“empty rabbits.” Gloria and I hope to take in
one of the national road runs in Death Valley
rides one of these winters after we’re forced
out of our day jobs.
A great development over the last several
years has been having Betty’s Bikes & Buns
as a hang out. I’ve seen up to a dozen Viking
ladies and guys there on Saturday mornings
around 8, riding weather or not. Also, Tom
@ Betty’s is planning Biker Movie Night to
help make the winter go away quickly. They
are planned for the first Wednesdays of the Keep Viking Chapter hero Tim “Duda”
month, December 7, January 4 and February Hungerford and his wife Lisa in your thoughts.
1, at 7 P.M. Check back with Betty’s to He’s battling bad medical stuff down in their
confirm the dates, but bring is a DVD or Video new home in Burlington, Iowa.
to share. Trudi
Lame duck, last
Richards have
a new DVD
to call it, it’s about
time to repeat
Burke racing in
Nixon’s Checker’s
the Black Hills
speech and exit.
back when he
As Gloria and I
was a kid.
ride off into the
Linda & Rick
sunset on our
Schunk have
1974 Harley X-90
DVDs of Honda
“NANO-HOG,” we
factory tours
This picture was taken at Lake Pactola in the look back with
from the 70’s or
Black Hills during the Black Hill Chapter’s Road Run.
Pictured from left to right are: Keith Peters, Gloria Peters, fond memories of
earlier. Please
Rick Schunk, Linda Schunk, Sue Stoehr, Rollie Stoehr, the past two years
help support
Dick Syverson and John Eiden.
as Pres & First
thank them for accommodating the Viking Lady of the Viking Chapter. I especially want
to thank the Viking Chapter for the gifts of two
weeks in Cancun, a small pension, a Gold
For your 2006 plans, I encourage attending Wing, 247 discount coupons for McDonalds
a National Road Run. Just after Davenport and for the RE-CYCLE rump tattoo. If you
and Labor Day, our sibling Chapter in the believe any of this, the Viking Chapter has
Black Hills sponsored the road run out of leadership positions for you. I hear Moot’s
Sturgis. It was a blast. Compared to the rebel troops breaking down the door. Have a
Sturgis Rally, the weather was mostly cooler, great Holiday season and see you at the
the roads didn’t have traffic like shopping January Holiday party in Richfield!
centers at Christmas, and some vehicles Good night, Mrs. Calabash,
even had mufflers. The three days of rides wherever you are.
were 100, then 175 miles, and the third day
was up to Devil’s Tower (and I lost the
For 2006 we will give a trophy or a plaque for
mileage.) The rides aren’t real regimentedfirst and second place on the most points
you leave in small clusters if and when you
instead of free membership. This year (2005)
feel like it. Even though it was after Labor
is free National membership dues for first
Day, it got into the upper 90’s on the ride to
place and free Viking membership dues for
Devil’s Tower. I counted 16 Viking Chapter
second place. So ride your old bike to Vikings
members at the road run including John
meetings and runs in 2006 and you could win
Eiden, Kathy & Dean Hansen, Dave
a nice trophy.
Monahan, Gloria & I, Trudi & Jerry
PS - I could of missed some riders during the
year, so see Stan Mewhorter at meetings and
Richards, Linda & Rick Schunk and Sue
look at the list to see if I missed you.
& Rollie Stoehr. We also got to meet
FOR 2006
members who typically don’t make it into town
yrs or older motocycle
for our monthly meetings, John Lindemann
0000 - 1971
of Golden Valley, ND, Richard Syverson of
3/4 point for ——————
1972 - 1985
Arlington SD (who is a fan of old scooters)
1/2 point for ———————— 1986 - 2006
and Betty & Tom Tapani of Chisago City who
had a couple of beautiful Harleys in the Hills.
Member Spotlight
Jerry Richards
hen club member Jerry Richards was
assigned to sub squadron 10 in New
London, Connecticut, he had a 41-74” Harley
which got wrecked. He went back to
Minnesota on leave
in 1953 and picked up his 49 Hydra-Glide.
He bought a 50 Mercury and brought it back
to Connecticut. Jerry rode the 49 between
the submarine base and special schooling
in Norfolk, Virginia, as well as touring the New
England states.
In 1954, Jerry bought a 52K Model
and rode it in national enduros in the New
England states. Jerry and the ship machine
shop completed a much needed top end on
the 49 Hydra-Glide. Six months prior to
leaving the Navy, Jerry brought the 49 HydraGlide to Minnesota towed behind the 50
Mercury. Upon Jerry’s discharge, he brought
the 52K Model home towed behind the 50
Mercury. Jerry sold the 49 Pan Head and kept
the 52K Model for many years.
Jerry currently owns two 49 Pan Heads.
Evidently, he really likes the 49’s.
Jerry Richard’s 1949 Pan Head in definite
need of a “top end”.
Bringing the Model K home behind
Jerry’s 1950 Mercury.
Jerry’s 1952 Harley K model.
A Rookie Rides to
or the True Confessions of a Victim
By the time I got home I thought, well... I
probably should go through my road gear,
thinking after all, I am going on a Club bike
trip to Davenport in three weeks.
of the “Pa Kettle Syndrome”
By Greg. Claflin
There’s this type of person who likes to
plan trips and vacations days, even
weeks ahead of time and then... on the
said day of departure.... get up early...
hit the road... and stop for breakfast
while everyone else is still getting out
of bed!
Well... let me start by saying, I am not
one of those people.
That said, it would have probably come as
no surprise to a friend of mine, who called
from the First Thursday Meet saying he
ran into Harvey Berquist and he wants to
know if I’m still going to Sturgis?
Thinking of a quick excuse, I told him it was
doubtful, because even though I took the
time off, I hadn’t gone over my bike or gotten
my gear together.
Now I know what you’re saying, “Come on,
we leave on Saturday morning. You’ve
got TWO DAYS to sort this stuff out!”
Yea, I know.. I think this is called the “Pa
Kettle Syndrome”. Put off today anything
that can be done tomorrow and I have a
confession to make.
I’m a chapter member of that club too.
What I was really saying is, “Even though I
want to go, I hate getting up early and
would probably not make it to the Hilltop
Restaurant in Excelsior before everyone
Saturday morning comes and I get up, brew
a cup of expresso and figure I’d better hit
the bank and get some cash
for the weekend.
At that point I really hadn’t
decided to go to Sturgis,
but took out a few
hundred dollars, well..
just in case
c a m e
From there, you pass through the Buffalo
Ridge wind generator farms which line
the hills west of Pipestone. I don’t know
about you, but I found it to be kind of a
surreal experience because for as far as
the eye can see there is nothing but
green hills and windmills and no
After packing for that trip, I wondered, “Gee..
how much more would you need for a one
week trip to say...Sturgis?”
So I packed those extra
Ralph Smith hosted new club members Lea and Garrit
clothes too. Well.. that
Keller from Germany.
doesn’t take up that much
extra space I thought. It
wasn’t until I started
looking up the roads I’d
need to take to get to
Wessington Springs, that I
knew I was going.
Coming to this conclusion,
wasn’t one those blinding
light, Gabriel blowing his
horn on his fiery two wheel
chariot type of moments, it
was just a realization that
on some subconcious level, “Pa Kettle” was
getting off his rocking chair and going on
an adventure.
Loading the bike took all of 5 minutes and
writing a note to the roommate took 1 minute
more. It simply read, “I’m going to Sturgis,
be back in a week.”
Everything went smoothly until I got 10
minutes west of Pipestone, then I start hearing
this flapping sound. I’m sure you’re familiar
with it. You know, it kind of sounds like a
flat tire and it’s REAL LOUD!!
Should have brought a cellphone.....
I pull over and check the bike. Tires look fine,
pack and saddlebags tight and no loose parts,
so I get back on the bike and take off again.
This time cranking it up to 85 MPH to make
up for lost time. Now the flapping sound is
even louder than before, so I pull over again!!
Everything looks fine, so I stand there at the
side of the road and have one of those
“scratch your head moments” and realize,
“I didn’t buckle my helmet.”
“What a dip#$@%.”
Miracullously the flapping sound
disappeared after that.
Many thanks to “Road Dog”
and its owner. You helped me
see the light.This is my
tribute to Teddy. I didn’t
know ya, but know where
you were coming from.
Ever have one of times when you think to yourself, “I either gotta pack less or get a bigger bike”?
You almost half expect a TeleTubbie to
jump out of a hole somewhere.
Pulling into Wessington Springs, I set up
camp and got aquainted with Lea and
Garrit Keller, two of our new Club
members from Berlin Germany. It was
really interesting to get their take on things.
I also finally got a chance to met “Grease”
and Sharon Garin.
I’d been hearing stories about “Grease” for
years from Tom Jones and he didn’t
exaggerate a bit. He is one funny and
interesting character.
The next morning we split up into two
groups. One group going to the KOA
outside of Deadwood and the other to
Eagles Nest campgrounds west of
Sturgis was a blast (kind of a Marti Gras
for bikers) and I plan to go again
next year.
by Tom Jones
If you and your bike are a total of 100
years old and you ride at least 500 miles
within 3 days on a club approved run, you
qualify as a century rider.
This year doing over 1200 miles on the
Sturgis trip, the “old riders” were: Steve
Doeden, - 1948 Chief, Ralph Smith 1941 Harley, Harvey Berquist - 1969
BMW and Tom Jones - 1964 BMW.
Harvey qualified a second time by
riding his 1975 Triumph over 800
miles to Davenport and back.
Trout fishing at the club’s secret place.
Paul Meisel, not shown, caught the
largest fish this year.
Among the 16 plus riders leaving for Sturgis, the five
bikes pictures here are antiques.
Many Vikings turned up at Trudi and Jerry Richards
cabin for Chile and cold beverages.
Jerry and the crew getting things
fired up.
There was an excellent turn out for
the Chicken Bar-B-que this year
and Jerry Richards our Master
Griller and crew made sure no one
went away hungry. We also had a
great turn out of vintage bikes as
well which is easy to see from the
photos taken by Paul Rognlie.
Grease cooked the fish at the club’s Wednesday evening fish fry .
Photos by Paul Meisel and Paul Rognlie
The coals are
fired and
Jerry’s ready to
get down to
The Annual Bike Ride to
by Greg. Claflin
n this year’s bike ride to Davenport
instead of driving through eastern Iowa
on the way down, we took the highway winding
down the western Illinois side. This was a lot
of fun as it gave us a chance to see some of
the small old river towns on that side of the
border including Galena where Ulysses S.
Grant lived and kept a store prior to taking up
another career during the Civil War. We also
stopped at a bar called the
Buffalo River Social Club
on the Main street of
Savanna Illinois that had a
great motorcycle museum in
the back and on the second
floor. The bar itself was built Taking a break on
during the 1800’s and was the Cassville ferry.
On the return ride, we added Jim Kojola and
Deb Riggs to the group taking the Cassville
ferry on the way back and stopped at North
Buena Vista for their annual chicken dinner.
During one of our breaks Deb took a moment
to model her new “Speedo” motorcycle
cap. That was something we all got a
great deal of enjoyment out of.
Part of the display at the Buffalo River
Social Club in Savanna Illinois.
Some of us will
overeat at the
Holiday party.
Mark your
calendar for
January 7th!
Steve and Jim taking a break before
the ride to North Buena Vista.
??? Mystery Biker ???
Can you guess who the mystery biker is sitting on
her 1970 Triumph Bonneville?
This picture was taken in February 1971 and
obviously wasn’t taken around here during that time
of year.
Her name
in pig-latin
is: Oriagla
See page
8 for the
The group checking out the Buffalo River Social
Club. It had something to catch everyone’s interest.
There was an excellent turn out
of vintage bikes this year.
Dave Radamacher and Rick Wyatt
enjoying the cruise on the Cassville
ferry on the ride back from the Davenport
The Viking Swapmeet at the
State Fairgrounds
You can bet they’re talking about
by Kathi Rimnac
just like to report the income made at the Swap Meet
on September 18th. We took in $3,155.00! With the cost
of the fairgrounds at $1,000.00, advertising $200.00 and
portable sanitation $400.00 (approx), this left us with a
profit of approximately $1,555.00. This is good
compared to last year when the profit was
by Stan Mewhorter
ednesday the Sept 21 the
Vikings had their meeting at
Motoprimo “thank you Motoprimo”
I watched the weather channel before
leaving for the meeting and saw the
big storm coming in from St. Cloud. I
chickened out riding my motorcycle,
so I was surprised when I got to
Motoprimo and counted 15
motorcycles and 17 members that
rode their bikes. I felt bad for the
whole meeting that I didn’t ride until I
went home and had to drive through
water up to the door and detour
around down trees and power poles
and park a block away from my house
because of down trees. Tom Jones
is one of the brave riders that live north
and said he had to ride though water
up the his knees to get home. We
elected officers at the meeting ,
Dave Moot as president, Linda
Schunk as treasurer, Sean O’Neil as
director and Gene Hostetler
reelected as director.
Rick Schunk
1948 VIncent Rapide
Dave Benassi
1949 Harley Panhead
Sean O’Neil
1971 Triumph TR6R
Doc Denneson
1971 Moto Guzzi
Paul Benassi
1972 Triumph TR6R
Pete Pupeza
1970s Yamaha 650
JohnSwonger 1975Harley Shovelhead
Linda Schunk
1980 Yamaha
Keith & Gloria Peters 1980 Vespa
Roger Rimnac
1985 Honda Shadow
Gene Hostetler 1988 Honda Gold Wing
Paul & Doris St.John
1990 Harley
Kathi Rimnac
1996 Sportster
Paul Rognlie
1997 Harley
Tom Jones
2003 Sportster
Paul Meisel and Gene Hostetler take a break.
Tom Jones points to one of the items for sale in his vast
toy collection.
Keith Peters taking a spin around
the lot on an excellent Honda 90.
Since the photos came out too dark on our 35X35 article on Dave
Rademacher and his Indian Chief, we thought it was only right to
reprint them. Both Dave and Cheryl have our apologies.
Wedding Annoucement
the restaurant the temperature warmed up.
We took a different route back home and
some of us stopped over Dave
Rademacher’s to see his new garage and
projects. All bikes and riders made it home
under their own power..
Want ADS
The motorcycles and riders who rode
on the Fall Mystery Ride are as follows:
On July 31st Randy Smoyer and Kristen
Schroeder tied the knot. We would like to
congratulate them and wish them the best.
Rick gives some last minute
instructions to the riders before
they head out.
by Stan
Mewhorter /
Photos by
Rick Shunk
embers started to arrive at Rick
Wyatt’s house at 10 am, the temperature
was in the low 40’s.
Rick and Nancy had hot coffee , apple cider
and donuts waiting for us.
We got under way about 11 am with a good turn
out with 20 motorcycles, 23 members and one
support pickup truck with Dave Rademacher
driving. Rick Wyatt lead us to Adventures in
Osceola Wisconsin taking all back roads. Don’t
ask me how we got
to Osceola but it
was a beautiful
ride, we went down
roads I never been
down before.
The food was good
Apparently Harvey was up
at Adventures and
to some mischief.
Guilty as charged your
by the time we left
Tom Jones
1964 BMW
Stan Mewhorter
1966 Triumph TR6SC
1967 Sportster
Sean O’Neil
Dave Moot
1969 Royal Enfield
Mark Cain 1971 Rickman Royal Enfield
Bill Potter
1971 BSA B-50
Harvey Berquist
1975 Triumph Trident
Steve Borden
1978 Triumph Bonneville
Tom Broich
1978 Yamaha SR500
Linda Schunk
1980 Yamaha
Deb Riggs
1981 Yamaha
Bob Zick
1982 Honda CBX
Rick Wyatt
1982 Yamaha
Jim Kojola
1983 Harley Shovelhead
Paul & Doris St.John
1990 Harley
Mike Warren
1998 Moto Guzzi
Rick Schunk
1996 Honda
Mark Raffe
2003 Suzuki Scooter
Trudi & Jerry Richards
2005 Harley
Tom Mathiesen
2005 Harley
Dave Rademacher
chase truck
A Letter to the Editor
Dear Paul, You don’t know me, but my dad
was a long time member of the AMCA Viking
Chapter, he passed away in 1994, his name
is Donald Hagen. Along with many other
bikes, he had a 1937 red Indian Jr.Scout
that he spent several year’s restoring . In fact
it was the very same bike he had owned when
he was a young man. He sold the bike in the
late 80’s the best I can recall. now I would
like to have the bike back for sentimental
reasons. I contacted you because I thought
it would be the logical first step in locating
his bike. Maybe I could put an ad in your
newsletter or in some other publications? If
you have any suggestions on how I can locate
his bike I would greatly appreciate it. Thank
you for your time!
Darin L. Hagen
3757 NW Osage Dr.
Kidder, Mo. 64649
[email protected]
The group having
lunch at Adventures.
PS: I saw the name Rick Wyatt on the
your web page I am sure he was a friend of
my dad, maybe he can help me out? Please
forward this message to him.
Thank’s again;
Darin Hagen.
Free to good home - Motorcycle Work
Bench- Fixed height motorcycle workbench.
Stainless steel frame with 2 x 6 platform
surface. Bench is approximately 4’ X 8’ x
For Sale- Side Car -. Hitch hiker frame with
modern tire. Home built wood/fiberglass tub
with Ural design. Painted gloss black by Mal
Teal. Very roomy inside. Includes tonneau
cover, AM-FM radio, windshield and front
“bra”. A nice looking unit. BMW /2 side car
mounting system but can be changed for
other applications. $800 b/o
For Sale -1974 HD Sprint SX- Rare high pipe
scrambler model. Electric start. Last year of
production. Complete except for gauges.
Additional NOS part. A great project. Reason
for sale, too many projects, too little time.
$800/ bo.
Contact Marc at 763-784-2330 or
[email protected] for additional
Still Wanted - Small, old, (light weight)
Airstream camping trailer to pull behind
our’51 panel truck. 15’ to 20’ long, pre 1960
would be best, any condition is OK. HaveBrit
and Jap bikes to trade. Referrals and leads
appreciated. Phone Keith @ 612-825-9219
or [email protected]
For Sale -1944 HD UL Civilian, Junior 1st
Winner, $20,000.00.......Tom 763-5591796
There were no “Works in Progress” this quarter
as no one had anything to submit. If you have a
project you’d like to have featured in an
upcoming edition of the Newsletter, please
contact Paul Meisel.
Ever have one of those “What were you
thinking of” moments?
By Paul Meisel
By now you should have received
your club dues renewal letter.
Please help the secretary out by
mailing your check in as soon as
We need volunteers for our
booth at the Cycle world show
which will run from February 3rd
thru the 5th. Please take a little
time to help out. Call Roger
Rimnac or Tom Broich.
Newsletter of the Viking Chapter
Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc.
c/o Paul Meisel, P.O. Box 258 Mound, MN 55364
If you have items to donate for
door prizes please bring them
to the Holiday party which is
scheduled to be held Saturday,
January 7th from 4:14p-9:00p at
the Richfield Community
Center, 7000 Nicollet Ave. S.
Richfield, Ph# 612-861-9360
Visit with club members at
Betty’s at 8:00 am every
Got a motorcycle rider on your
list? Give the gift they’ll use every
time they ride: an advanced motorcycle training
course. For less than the price of new cologne
or an itchy sweater, you can help ensure that
the rider in your life will arrive home safely. Buy
a gift certificate for only $55.
Call the Motorcycle Safety Center at:
(800) 407-6677 or
visit to find
a course near you.
NOTE: There is an article about Farmington
in the November issue of Spoke-N-Road
Speaking of Farmington, This is the new pin
design for
the 2006
submitted by
Rick Wyatt.
The answer to our teenaged
“Mystery Rider” in this issue is:
Gloria Peters modeling the previous year’s 1970
Triumph Bonneville back in February of 1971.
The picture was taken in San Francisco and
she still owns the bike.