Nov. - Portland Sentinel


Nov. - Portland Sentinel
PAGE 4, 6, 9, 18 & 19
RESET America!
Internet millionaire Mike Jingozian launches his bid for the
presidency this month. Can he run a campaign on the web that
will change third-party politics in America? Story page 18
‘Is it working?’
Realignment of North Precinct clunky but effective
By Derek Long
“The million dollar question is,
is it working? We don’t live in a
perfect world, but it is working. It
can be clunky, but the community
is still getting the service they were
getting before.”
That’s how Commander Jim
Ferraris describes the North
Portland Police Precinct since
a restructuring went into effect
this July. The highly contentious
issue had stirred community
debate last February among North
Portland residents worried about
the possibility of losing police
coverage. According to Ferraris,
however, the new system has
actually been an improvement on
some levels.
Since July 1, the precinct
has seen changes that removed
the administrative supervisor
position and six sergeants. The
biggest change has been the
loss of the night sergeants, a
supervisory role now filled by
those at Northeast Precinct.
“The community has voiced a
lot of concerns about how they
were going to lose their autonomy,”
said Ferraris, referring to the
new relationship with Northeast
Precinct. He said he’s tried to
ease such fears by keeping a close
Commander Bret Smith, meeting
Robert Horton, block captain, chats with Fletcher Trippe of the University Park
with him on a weekly basis.
Neighborhood Association and officer Steve Jacquot at a recent meeting that briefed
See North Precinct / Page 15 locals on how precinct restructuring was affecting North Portland.
Chavez controversy coast to coast
Street renaming fight reflects national struggles
Vanessa Nix, Will Crow, Cornelius Swart
For those following the
process, the public controversy,
racial tension, breakdown in civil
dialogue and emotional debate
may seem like an extraordinary
exception to Portland’s usually
compromise and consensusbuilding.
But according to
academics interviewed by the
Sentinel, this kind of conflict is
par for the course when cities and
towns rename their streets for
minority leaders.
“What is happening in Portland
is not the exception but sort of
the rule,” said Eastern Carolina
University Associate Professor
Derek Alderman, an authority
in the field of commemorative
renaming. “It [renaming] tends
to attract a very emotional and
politically charged controversy.”
The North Portland dilemma
escalated during October. Two
contentious public meetings to
collect “testimony” on the name
News on the Interstate/Chavez
debate changes rapidly. For up-to-theminute coverage, follow the story on
our blog at
change left the Cesar E. Chavez
North Portland’s name-change
opponents further polarized. At
an Oct. 25 City Council hearing,
Mayor Tom Potter walked out
when three other commissioners
sought to find another solution.
At press time, both the renaming
and the attempt at compromise
were on the council’s November
docket, while the Latino Network
was calling on Portland’s people
of color to thwart attempts at
compromise and support the
renaming of Interstate.
Alderman has seen this type of
hotly contested street renaming
all over America – in Flint, MI;
Zephyrhills, FL; Greenville and
See Chavez / Page 22
Page 2 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
This is what democracy looks like
Why would we come out with a democracy
issue the week after an election? Well, if
voter turnout is as bad as it was projected to
be as we went to press, I would say: to make
a point. No one really cares.
The Sentinel has long been on the record
as being flatly against democracy. We think
the next leader of the American Empire
should be elected through a television talent
show not unlike American Idol.
Democracies mean people need to be
well informed. They have to participate in
the process, go to meetings, write letters
to elected officials, serve on community
boards, and village councils. Democracy is
more like a thankless, unending chore, like
the laundry or ... parenthood. Why bother
when you can live a life that offers the
hassle-free lifestyle of dictatorship with all
the consumer choices of a free society, like
they do inRussia and China?
SydHonda Media, LLC
Cornelius Swart
Will Crow
Laura Hutton
I am writing in response to Jason Howd and
Cornelius Swart’s article “Chavez chasm.”
There is one point in your article that was
not clearly articulated: New Seasons Market
has not completely endorsed changing
Interstate Ave. to Cesar Chavez Blvd. I’ve
read the actual letter sent to the Chavez
Michele Elder
Drew Gemmer
Theresa Rohrer
view on how a new process on the Interstate/
Chavez debate would help to restore
civility to the debate even if it doesn’t make
everyone happy (page 3). Also, there’s a little
resource guide to where and when your local
neighborhood and business associations be
holding their elections (page 21).
Then we also have in-depth local news
coverage for your neighborhood, the type
that informed democratic participants
like you (sneer) always seem to want have.
Wouldn’t you rather know what sort of
underwear-free escapades Britney Spears
and her kids are up to this month …
hmmm? Just sit back, relax, and go to sleep
North Portland … and we’ll take care of
All Hail the Emperor! Huzzah!
Cornelius Swart
Publisher/Managing Editor
For complete letters go to
In regards to Cesar Chavez, Mayor
Potter considers him “more than just a
hero to the Latino community, [but also]
an American hero.”
Most peopale would agree with this, and
that is why I believe Portland should erect a
statue to honor this great man. Statues make
people stop and ask questions. Statues detail
notable accomplishments on their plaques,
and statues employ artists and beautify
Stephen LeBoutilliere
St. Johns
While our point of view is making real
progress here in America and around the
world, alas, Portlanders are so behind the
times. They still engage in “process,” join
civic groups like neighborhood associations
and advocacy groups. They “organize”
around issues and “fight for change.” Give
up Portland! Don’t you know Democracy is
so twentieth century?
But we at the Sentinel will indulge you in
this “twilight of Democracy” while it lasts
(hahahahahaha — sinister laughter). This
month we’ve got a feature story about Mike
Jingozian (page 18) who’s launching his
candidacy for U.S. President from Venue this
month. He believes that the key to “resetting”
America is to lower the barriers to ballot
access and allow more third parties to run
for office. Scattered throughout the paper
are our own evaluations, a la baseball-card
stats, on our local politicians. Then there is a
Committee from the New Seasons CEO
and it says that the New Seasons company
would only support the name change if a
majority of the neighborhood associations
and businesses support it.
Chris Barney
I think an underlying desire of people
who advocate changing Interstate Ave. to
Cesar Chavez Blvd. is for recognition of
discrimination that people of color experience
on a regular basis. ...I think when many people
talk about racism, they are referring to more
subtle forms of discrimination. And, even
as many vehemently denied participating in
racism, it surfaced at the forums.
Changing the name of a major street
would be a way to recognize the racism that
exists here. It would be a new chapter in the
history of Interstate Avenue, which as one
forum participant reminded us, was once
an Indian trail, and later had another name
before it became Interstate.
Molly Franks
North Portland
I love my city and its rich history, the
good, the great, and the shady. It is what
makes Portland such a special place, a place
that we all should love.
I have to say that the committee that is
seeking the name change has been very
gracious in the face of a crowd that felt that
it had been pushed around by City Hall for
the last time.
I do have a solution, one that will honor
Cesar Chavez in a fitting way and place. I
propose that the city name the new Sauvie
Island bridge Cesar Chavez Bridge, with an
appropriate plaque or statue erected.
David A Schleiger
Manager — Copy Pilot LLC
Colleen Froehlich
Lisa Arnold
Last Month: Inner North/Northeast, Greater North
and Far Northwest Portland (whew!) Reviewed
Roger Anthony
Vanessa Nix
Laura Parisi
Todd Anthony
Lorien Bourne
Melissa Larabee
Derek Long
Rebecca Robinson
Anna Walters
Jennifer Gritt
Christian Danielsen
Anna Koehn
Christopher J. Miller
Culled from press releases, rumors,
innuendos, the Sentinel blog and other
untrustworthy sources
Some lowlife punks went around St. Johns
early in October slashing tires around the
community center and luring the local Fox
News affi liate to venture up the Peninsula
looking for Democrats to blame. Arrests?
Haven’t heard of any. Don’t expect to. Any
punk with a rusty tin can lid can become
a street-corner hero these days. Kids. I’m
tellin’ ya.
Jason E. Kaplan
Charlotte Johnson
PO Box  • Portland, Oregon 
[email protected]
TOPOFF was a big hit in the news and in
the neighborhood last month. The TOPOFF4 exercise centered in North Portland (and
Phoenix, and Guam, and an undisclosed
secure location) and even got some resident
activists in the Overlook neighborhood
involved. (See online story and photos for
details Folks got
excited when a bomb-sniffing dog sniffed
something he didn’t like – at Lloyd Center.
Turned out to be debris from the flashbang used earlier at Portland International
Raceway. Presumably K-9 Kop Fido got an
extra helping of kibble that night.
Based on extensive research (read: talking
to people at Pattie’s) from the Sentinel staff,
residents are disagreeing on whether or
not a new Walgreens would be a welcome
presence in St. Johns. The proposed
location is at the old Rose City Chevrolet
Page 2 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
lot, at 8150 N Lombard. Older folks? They’re
excited about having a drug store within
close range. Younger folks? They’re angry
that yet another chain might be coming into
our quirky and independent township of
St. Johns. (Can I Quote You on That, page
4.) What do meth heads think? They’re
wondering if the cough syrup is kept behind
a locked cabinet.
Experienced Portland political observers
(read: “journalists”) about went nuts trying
to make book on the City Council’s wobbly
path toward a decision regarding Cesar E.
Chavez Boulevard (see psge. 1). The mayor
was, and has been, stunned by the lack of
support for the change from some North
Portland residents. His response? Walk it
out! (Alas, no, not like that famous hip-hop
dance.) The Sentinel’s nascent digital newsgathering team was there and got its hands
on a nice piece of video footage that posted
on its blog. The footage ran on KGW and just
about every blog in town linked to it. The
Sentinel blog (which at least one Sentinel
intern has referred as “ghetto-looking”) lit
up like a Christmas tree with a new user. So
welcome to all our new users, we’ve
had some lively online
you’ve joined.
See, t he mayor
can bring people
toget her.
On that note, our new website is going to be
up and running very soon. As of this month
our beta site will be fully operational. The
new site will allow users to post their own
stories, forum topics, calendar events and
free classifieds. In addition, we will empower
organizations such as neighborhood
associations to assign one person “web
editor” privileges. Those editors will be able
to post videos, podcasts, slideshows and
more on behalf of their groups. It’s going to
be really cool … like a super blog … really …
it will actually wear a cape and everything.
If you are interested in being on
the test user group just email us with
your name, phone number, address,
occupation and naked picture of yourself
to [email protected].
For more news that’s unfit to print, go to our
blog at and press the
GIANT button that says BLOG.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 3
837 Words:
A just compromise for Chavez
A new process is needed, but both sides have to be prepared to accept the results
Cesar Chavez fought for social justice.
That’s a noble cause. The word justice means,
“fairness or reasonableness, especially in
the way people are treated or decisions are
made”. Justice is a process, not a result. And
so far the Chavez process has not lived up to
his legacy of justice.
The mayor’s walkout from the Oct. 25
City Council was a high water mark of sorts
for a process characterized by a breakdown
in fairness, reasonableness and concern for
how people are treated. Things are getting
worse, not better.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
The city, North Portland residents, and
the Chavez Committee have all made very
public mistakes. Even the Sentinel should
take heat for endorsing Rosa Parks Way and
perhaps giving some the impression that
Chavez Boulevard would be a cakewalk.
Having broken this story in July, this paper
is positioned right in the middle of the issue.
On the one hand, the Sentinel is published by
an Hispanic American who empathizes with
Latinos who want to see some symbol of their
contribution to the city made concrete. On
the other hand, the business of the Sentinel
is to support the interests of North Portland
— a community that clearly does not like
the proposal or the way residents have been
treated by City Hall.
The way out is to start a new process that
will respect North Portland’s concerns
and still achieve the goals of the Chavez
Committee. In order to do that, the council
must be willing to take over the process.
Moreover, both the Latino community and
North Portland needs to be prepared to
accept the outcome — even if it’s not exactly
what they wanted.
In order to move forward, both Latinos
and North Portlanders need to rise above
hurt feelings. North Portland has always
felt neglected and abused by City Hall.
Residents should not blame Latinos for the
sloppy, unilateral process the mayor has
handed out. Even so, North Portland’s
biggest grievance, that they have been
shunted aside by the city, can and should be
On the other hand, the Latino
community feels abused by everyone, and
understandably so. The national antiimmigrant mood aside, the racist attitudes
that Latinos have encountered here are
inexcusable. But Latinos should appreciate
that North Portland has long been a tolerant
place for them to live and work in. (As one
man who is all too familiar with the unique
face of “racism” of Oregon, I can say that
North Portland is the most tolerant place in
the state that I have ever lived or worked.)
It would be a shame if winning Interstate
Avenue comes at the cost of turning North
Portland into a hostile place for Latinos.
Clearly it is in the interest of both
communities to support a new approach.
Portland is ruled by consent, not decree.
Interstate Avenue is not something that
the mayor can simply “give” to the Latino
community as a gift. All the same, the City
Commisioners have already stated that a
street will be named after Chavez. Taking
a little time to create a process that builds
trust and acceptance is worth the effort.
Remember, it took five years to rename
Union Avenue after Martin Luther King.
This new approach is what will most
likely emerge from a Nov. 14 City Council
meeting. A new process, as first suggested
by Commissioners Randy Leonard and Sam
Adams, should weigh the merits of three to
five potential Chavez Boulevards around the
city, from Airport Way to SW Broadway.
North Portland should support the
process. But there’s a catch. This won’t
take Interstate off the table. If the wagon
comes back around to Interstate, North
Portlanders must summon the courage
to say, “fair is fair,” and accept the name
change. By the same coin, if the process
determines that Airport Way, for example,
is to be renamed for Cesar Chavez, that
too should be embraced by the Chavez
Committee and its supporters.
There will never be an outcome that will
satisfy everyone if both camps insist that the
name Interstate Avenue is theirs to keep or
change. The best we can do is to give both
North Portland and the Chavez supporters
a fair hearing. Though not everyone will
agree with the results, if the process is
reasonable and people are treated well, at
least we can say we did the name Cesar E.
Chavez justice.
Cornelius Swart
Graffiti bridge
Shop takes taggers from vandalism to art
By Todd Anthony
As part of the vision for his apparel
business, North Portland resident Peter
Nathaniel invites local graffiti artists to his
home, providing the space, paint and large
wood panels on which they can perform
their craft.
There’s one condition: they must stop
illegal tagging and graffiti around the city.
But Nathaniel’s brand of graffiti artist
“rehabilitation” has some city officials
scratching their heads.
Jeremy Van Keuren, public advocate for
Mayor Tom Potter, is skeptical. “I don’t
think [Nathaniel’s graffiti rehabilitation] is
a feasible thing that can be done. I feel that
taggers do what they do to get their name
out there. It’s not art.”
Still, Nathaniel is optimistic, citing that
he has transformed “easily 25 lives” from
the troubled, illegal activities of taggers into
artists making money from their works.
Owner of a thriving wholesale apparel
business in Northwest Portland, Hart Mind
Soul, Nathaniel is a former tagger who
previously expressed himself only through
“I’m just some punk kid, not even 25 yet.
I’ve traveled all over the world, seen my
product in all these different countries and
I’m having a blast,” says Nathaniel.
The boards that Hart Mind Soul graffiti
artists paint are commissioned by business
owners and community members who use
Tag this. Graffiti artist Ryan P. expresses himself without vandalism, at Hart Mind Soul. PHOTO BY JASON E. KAPLAN
them as promotional graphics at their shops
or events.
Nathaniel invites those whose talents he
admires to create designs for his apparel, as
long as they maintain a no-graffiti lifestyle.
This is what he calls “graffiti rehab,”
fashioning alternative and constructive
opportunities for those who may otherwise
continue down a destructive path.
Former tagger and current body-piercing
apprentice Ryan P. has worked with
Nathaniel for the last five months and went
through a similar transition just before
meeting him. “I’ve been a graffiti artist in
Portland for the last 10 years. Five years ago
is when I decided I’m getting too old to be
running from cops,” says Ryan P.
Ryan P. was using a free wall in his parents’
backyard to do his graffiti and trying out
other materials such as canvas when he met
and “clicked” with Nathaniel.
“I’ve always had problems with doing
positive things with my art and selling
my art.” Said Ryan. “Peter has helped me
tremendously with finding a positive outlet.”
Portland Police Off. Matt Miller of the
Graffiti Investigations Unit says, “As long
as it keeps people off the streets, I’m happy.
More power to him.”
Hart Mind Soul, 1-800-968-0799
Is ‘process’
the new
By Roger Anthony
Well, thank God that’s over. We’ve closed
the book on the 2007 elections. Oregon’s
farmers can now return to planting
something besides Measure 49 signs.
To voters, this was just a small-but-noisy
referendum on some State Legislature
leftovers. But to political pros, Campaign
’07 was training camp for 2008.
So what’s ahead for the rest of Campaign
’08, which in reality is already about nine
months old? Oddly enough, North Portland
may have been one of the proving grounds
for a slight tactical shift next year.
For the moment, think of politics in
fashion-world terms. In fashion, each fall
begins with one color being designated as
“the new black.” Some years it’s red; some
years it’s brown. Then after a season or two,
the industry goes back to basics, and black
becomes “the new black.”
Over the past six years or so, “values”
have been the campaign manager’s version
of black. Polls have moved, wallets have
opened and elections have been won through
“values”-oriented themes such as “The
Sanctity of Marriage” and hardy perennial
“(Your Issue Here) … For Kids’ Sake.”
But the magic of “values” may be wearing
thin. In 2004, Ballot Measure 36, a “defense
of marriage” amendment to the state
constitution stipulating that the right to
marry be reserved for male/female couples,
passed by a 57-43 percent margin. However,
this spring’s Legislative session approved
HB 2007, which allows civil unions for gay
couples in Oregon beginning next year.
Not only did the sky fail to fall, but in
mid-October, the Secretary of State’s office
announced that neither of two petitions
seeking to overturn the civil union provisions
had gotten enough signatures to qualify for
the ballot.
So if “values” aren’t the key to 2008, what
will be? Judging from the events of this fall,
I’m guessing “process.”
This particular trail was blazed by the
opponents of Ballot Measure 50, the proposal
to increase cigarette taxes in order to fund
healthcare “for the kids” – er, I mean,
for children and low-income adults. In
September, the No on 50 campaign rolled out
a commercial that showed a couple huddled
over a laptop in their kitchen and suddenly
making the discovery that the tax hike levied
by Measure 50 would be included in the state
constitution. “We’ve never done that before,”
the husband/father figure says in the troubled
parental tones Ward Cleaver might use after
the Beaver announced plans for his own car
wash. His wife (one presumes), fingertips
poised on the keyboard, replies simply,
“That’s the way the politicians wrote it.”
It cost millions of dollars, but the kitchen
commercials, repeated over and over again,
changed the dialogue about Measure 50.
The “sanctity of our Constitution” argument
resonated to such an extent that The
Oregonian devoted a Page One centerpiece
to the issue on Oct. 11.
The commercials, which were fi lmed in
Oregon and financed primarily by Philip
Morris and Reynolds American, didn’t
exactly evolve from a deep philosophical
belief. “You can assume every angle was
tested,” says J.L. Wilson, a spokesman with
the No on 50 campaign headquarters in
The campaign started with the
assumption that the normally powerful “no
new taxes” argument wouldn’t work for
See 837 Words / Page 21
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 3
Page 4 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Can I quote
you on that?
By Drew Gemmer
The old site of the Sterling Auto Center
may be the future site of St. Johns’ very own
Walgreens. Fred Bauer, Jr., son of the man
behind Fred Bauer Chevrolet, owns the lot, and
has been contacted several times by Walgreens
with interest in placing a store there. Here is
what people are saying about the possibility of
having “The Pharmacy America Trusts®”at
the entrance to St. Johns.
Your Starting Line of Local Legislators
Term expires: 2008
Term expires: 2010
Height: 5’10” Throws: right
Now 71, she is just
completing her second term serving a
district representing North and Northeast
Portland … Served on the Health Policy
and Ways & Means Committees.
Bats: right
CURRENTLY: Serving his first term on the County Commission, representing
North and Northeast Portland. Chairs the Joint Policy Advisory Committee
on Transportation.
PREVIOUSLY: Florida native … Served as Chief of Staff for City Commis-
PREVIOUSLY: Has been in Salem off and
sioner Dan Saltzman … formerly operated Portland Pretzel Company.
on since 1984, when she was the first
African American woman elected to the
Legislature … Graduated from Portland
State with an education degree.
2007: As the replacement for embittered “Mean Girl” Serena Cruz-Walsh,
Cogen and new chair Ted Wheeler helped bring an air of professionalism
back to the County Commission.
2007: Earned an 87 percent approval rating from the Oregon League of
Conservation Voters … Introduced, for the second time, a bill that would make
women convicted of misdemeanor prostitution charges eligible for teaching
licenses … Willamette Week’s legislative rankings criticized her heavily for
being disengaged.
2008 FORECAST: Well, it’s the legislature … it’ll be a miracle if the building is
still standing long enough to reach the 2009 session. She’s up for reelection
and in the absence of a real challenger with roots in the community or a technocratic background she should coast back in if she wishes.
BATTING AVERAGE:* .267 As the Oregonian noted, Carter is at this point
the only African American member of the Legislature, City Council, County
Commission or Metro Council … That’s well and good. But like another great
African American woman once said, “What have you done for me lately?”
2008 FORECAST: Job One appears to be finalizing the site choice for a new
library in NoPo (his term not ours, honest!)
… With talk once again surfacing about
Swan Island’s Freightliner leaving the
Portland area, Cogen finds himself in an
interesting position, as his brother Mitchell
Cogen is Freightliner’s corporate counsel.
Then there is that other little thing … what
are we forgetting? … oh yeah! ... that giant
abandoned jail in St. Johns he promised
to open.
BATTING AVERAGE:* .311 Cogen comes in
as one of the most promising new elected
officials in the city, county or state. There’s
a lot of expectation out there. Will he live
up to it? That’s the question.
*BATTING AVERAGE: This reflects the Sentinel’s evaluation of the office-holder’s most recent term, with an emphasis on North and Northwest Portland issues and accessibility.
Tanya Cheroni, half a century
No. I don’t want it. I don’t feel they treat
their employees well. I like the fact that there
are small businesses that give better service
in this neighborhood.
Prevention takes two
New anti-crime job brings Northeast native to Kenton
By Lorien Bourne
Kenton’s Community Policing Office
has a new tenant. La Shanda Hurst joined
the Office of Neighborhood Involvement
in mid-August to work alongside Havilah
Ferschweiler as North Portland crimeprevention coordinator.
“La Shanda will be the Crime Prevention
Coordinator for Linnton, Cathedral Park,
St. Johns and Portsmouth neighborhoods,”
Ferschweiler wrote in an introductory
email. “I will remain the CP Coordinator
for Kenton, Arbor Lodge, Overlook and
University Park. We will both be available
to the community to cover in the other’s
absence, but will focus specifically on our
assigned areas.”
Charlie Finger, over 50
Hurst was born and raised in Northeast
She graduated from Grant High
I’m really not that thrilled. I live right on
then went to college at Grambling
that street – just three blocks away. One of
the things I like about St. Johns is that it’s not
packed with all that garbage. You know? It
pisses me off that everywhere you go, things
are always the same. The stores are the same,
from city to city. But, on the other hand, it’s
his property to do with as he pleases. If he
has an oppportunity to bring in a Walgreens,
then that’s his right.
University in Louisiana where she studied
public relations and marketing.
According to Hurst, when she returned to
Portland she was asked to utilize her public
relations skills by talking to youth about
her college experience and how she made
it through, encouraging kids who were
growing up in Portland to go to school.
Hurst said she worked with youth for a
short time helping them to seek gainful
employment, and she also worked with atrisk youth in gangs or those most likely to
join gangs, but eventually she got burned
out with that work.
Hurst tried marketing but said it wasn’t
as fulfilling to her as helping out in
the community.
“I worked for a mortgage company in
their marketing department, but that wasn’t
fulfi lling and it didn’t make my spirit feel
warm. It was just a job,” Hurst said
Hurst said she likes walking in the
community and being around the people
she has helped, knowing that she’s made a
difference in their lives.
Hurst said that she is a good fit for crime
prevention in Portland since she was born
and raised in the area. She knows the
community and its people and she also
knows landmarks.
When she gets calls from businesses that
have a lot of crime and people trespassing,
Hurst will go to the businesses and offer
suggestions such as adding lighting, closing
sheds, and trimming or cutting down bushes.
“It’s special [working here] because I get
to work with young people, adults, [and the]
elderly. I get to work with everyone in the
community and I get to help them make
their area and community more livable,”
Hurst said.
A streetcar named Maybe
Northeast Portland expansion depends on funding
By Jennifer Gritt
Paul Bemis, 73
I wish that we had a Walgreens. Then
I wouldn’t have to go all the way to 82nd
and Burnside to go to Walgreens. It’s my
favorite store – cheaper than Fred Meyer.
It’s where I buy everything, my clothing, my
prescriptions. I hope they bring one into
St. Johns.
A proposed Portland Streetcar Loop
Project is moving forward as Commissioner
Sam Adams works to secure the necessary
tax increment funds (TIF) and federal
monies to pay for the expansion. The project
is seeking to extend streetcar service from
Northwest Portland across the Broadway
Bridge to the Northeast and along the
Martin Luther King Jr. corridor.
As Adams outlined in a presentation to the
Portland City Council in August, “If we can
come up with an additional $18 million in
tax increment funds, we have the potential of
leveraging $128 million in matching federal,
regional, state and local resources to build
Portland’s first eastside streetcar line from
River District to OMSI [Oregon Museum
of Science & Industry].” Adams assured
the council that the “proposed resources
for this eastside streetcar expansion will
not come from funds that could be devoted
to basic street or bridge maintenance,”
Page 4 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
emphasizing that “lottery; tax increment;
MTIP transit funds and FTA resources
by law cannot be used for basic street and
bridge maintenance.”
When asked in a recent interview whether
the raising of the TIF funds would be
problematic, Adams responded that he was
“very confident” explaining that the funding
levels in the River District Urban Renewal
District (the Pearl) were high enough to
contribute to the project without affecting
other capital projects. “There is no question
we can fund it,” Adams stated.
In addition to local TIF monies, Adams
has been working to generate millions
from outside resources which includes $20
million from the state legislature and $75
million from the federal government.
The initial cost estimates of the project are
tentative. Costly project elements include the
laying of new rail tracks over the Broadway
Bridge and the construction of a viaduct
over the Union Pacific railroad tracks from
MLK and Grand to OMSI. As Adams stated
in his City Council presentation: “If the 50
percent preliminary engineering design
work shows that the project cannot be built
with the $146 million in resources on hand,
I will return to the Portland Development
Commission and the Portland City Council
with budget-balancing options to increase
resources or to reduce the project’s scope,
including the possibility of reducing the
length of the alignment.”
While Adams states that the streetcar
expansion will spur new housing and
commercial development and help the city
reach its emission reductions goals, not
everyone is a fan of the proposed project. As
posted on the commissioner’s blog (www., an individual
identified as Terry Parker wrote that the
streetcar project was a “budget busting
proposal” and that “[new development] will
occur with or without the trolley.”
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 5
Posada Preview
Christmas event hopes to bring Latinos
and NPDX closer together
By Todd Anthony
Regardless of the outcome of the recent
dispute over renaming Interstate Avenue to
Cesar Chavez Boulevard, this year’s Posada
offers an opportunity to bridge the cultural
chasm that has breached between the Latino
community and North Portland as a whole.
“The purpose of the Posada is to bring
the traditional residents of North Portland
and its new Latino residents closer together
through a shared event,” says Cornelius
Swart, publisher of the St. Johns Sentinel,
who conceived the event two years ago.
Taking place in downtown St. Johns on
Saturday, December 15, the event is based
on “Las Posadas” (The Inns), which
occurs for nine consecutive evenings
through Christmas Eve, honoring and
depicting the quest of Mary and Joseph
to find shelter in Bethlehem.
As last year, St. Johns’ Posada procession,
lead by the George Middle School Choir,
will be performing a mix of Spanish and
English holiday songs as the procession,
mimicking Mary and Joseph’s journey
requests “shelter” from various St. Johns
businesses. Rebecca Green, of Your Story
Event Planning, calls the occasion “a
family-friendly fiesta, blending North and
Latin American holiday traditions.”
After winding their way through the
streets of St. Johns, the event culminates
at a previously undisclosed location where
a surprise “Inn” finally offers shelter. This
begins the fiesta complete with piñata which
was traditionally fi lled with mandarins,
oranges, peanuts, sugar cane and candy.
In its third year, the St. Johns Posada
shows no signs of slowing down and has
grown from 150 participants the first year
to 250 last year and an anticipated turnout
Last year’s Posada brought together kids and adults
from around North Portland for a night of singing,
music, candy and mariachis. PHOTO BY JASON E. KAPLAN
of 350 this year. “[We] encourage as many
people to come out as possible to celebrate
the diversity of St. Johns,” said Green.
The event is sponsored by the St. Johns
Sentinel, Your Story and NW Family
Services. See the December issue for a
briefing on times and locations.
For more information about the event contact
Rebecca Green at Your Story Event Planning,
(503) 314-4636, [email protected].
Residents make gains on MTIP goals
Traffic light longed for looks likely; chicane collapses
By Christian Danielsen
St. Johns community leaders are
expressing cautious optimism that longawaited neighborhood traffic improvements
may finally be on the way.
After a contentious summer when local
activists complained the city had drafted a
design for an MTIP traffic improvement grant
with little room for negotiation, many say
the process has improved. A new traffic light
at the corner of Richmond and Ivanhoe has
been approved by the Oregon Department of
Transportation residents say, and a process for
public involvement has been outlined.
At a recent strategy session, activist
Barbara Quinn and other neighborhood
leaders hammered out a list of improvements
they want the city’s engineers to prioritize
in a fi nal design. Chief among these are a
traffic light at the intersection of Richmond
and Ivanhoe Streets, pedestrian curb
extensions and crosswalks along Ivanhoe,
and reducing speed limits along the town
center’s trucking corridors.
According to Quinn, a new traffic light at
Richmond and Ivanhoe is almost certain,
as state traffic officials have signaled their
preliminary approval.
Combined with
pedestrian improvements along Ivanhoe,
Quinn hopes that residents and school
children from Cathedral Park will finally
have safer access to downtown and James
John School.
One area of improvement on which the
city remains less willing to compromise,
however, is removing truck traffic from
Fessenden Avenue. City officials and
trucking interests remain strongly opposed
to any truck ban on the popular shortcut,
arguing enforcement would be difficult
and costly. An earlier proposed chicane
that would make entrance to the street
physically awkward appears to have been
scrapped as unworkable.
Instead, Quinn and other members
of the citizen’s advisory committee are
pushing for a barrage of measures that
would hopefully discourage truckers
from using the street, including signage
pointing out the designated truck route,
reduced speed limits, and pedestrian
crossing additions to make the wide street
appear more “visually congested.”
“We need to get trucks off Fessenden,” said
Quinn. “They say it’s still up for discussion,
but we’ve discussed a lot of things during the
plans and I hate to see it get lost.”
Erik Palmer, former land use chair for
the Friends of Cathedral Park, also wants to
keep pressing the city to reducing the impact
of truck traffic on Fessenden to bring some
relief to nearby residents.
“We want to be able to say, ‘Here’s a
concrete benefit for you that we secured
through this process,’” he said.
Although that process has been painfully
slow at times, Palmer said it looks like
progress is finally being made.
“It’s good news,” he said, “but the
struggle continues.”
City transportation officials and the St. Johns
and Friends of Cathedral Park associations
will host an MTIP 101 information session
on Nov. 12 beginning at 7 p.m. in the St.
Johns Community Center, 8427 N Central St.,
(503) 823-3192.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 5
Page 6 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
State cites sprayer
in Linnton investigation
By Cornelius Swart
The Oregon Department of Agriculture
has charged Reforestation Inc. of Salem, OR
with violating the state pesticide control law
in connection with a toxicological event that
occurred at the Linnton Community Center
on April 6 this year.
The charges shed some light on the
mysterious incident last spring that sent
half a dozen children and adults to the
Legacy Emanuel Hospital emergency room
and shut the community center down for
two weeks while the facility was cleaned of
hazardous materials.
On April 6, at approximately noon,
children and care providers at the Linnton
Community Center’s daycare began to
complain of rashes, headaches, irritated eyes
and numbness in the mouth. Adults in the
vicinity also began complaining of similar
symptoms, including shortness of breath
and chronic fatigue. The center was later shut
down by the fire department’s Hazmat Unit
and those complaining of symptoms were
sent to the hospital for further surveillance.
Earlier that day, ammonium dihydrogen
phosphate, a common fertilizer had been
found covering the playground at the
community center. Two hours later, a truck
from Reforestation Services Inc., a contractor
for Portland and Western Railroad, sprayed
for weeds along the tracks that lay just
behind the center.
Laboratory analysis of the community
center property found the presence of
Durion, a chemical found in the pesticide
mix used by Reforestation. The ODA
cited Reforestation Inc. for applying statecontrolled pesticides in a “faulty, careless or
negligent manner.“
The violation is a written warning to
the company. There are no other fines
or punitive actions being considered at
this time.
“They don’t have any other violations
on their record,” stated Dale Mitchell of
the ODA pesticide division. “We are not
planning on any further actions.”
Stan Rogers, CEO of Reforestation
Services maintains that the pesticides were
not the cause of the children’s suffering.
“Nobody is looking to the fertilizer,”
stated Rogers.
However, DOA investigations have looked
into the source of the fertilizer including
tracing it to a passing train. To date those
inquiries have proven inconclusive.
The findings do not state whether or not
the pesticides caused the adverse health
affects. Mitchell, of the state’s Pesticide
Analytical Response Center (PARC), will
do a separate review of the case fi les to
determine the “adverse health affects.”
However, Mitchell stated that in his view
the symptoms displayed by residents were
“consistent with pesticide exposure.”
“The whole thing was a tragedy for
everyone, including Reforestation Services,”
said community center director and
perennial neighborhood activist Pat Wagner.
“I’d like to move on and make sure this
doesn’t happen again.”
However, Wagner said that so far the
center has gotten no reassurances from
either the railroad or Reforestation that
steps will be taken to prevent an incident
like this from reoccurring.
When asked if his company would work
with the center to ensure future safety,
Rogers stated, “No, no, no.” He stressed that
the company would continue to follow its
own safety protocols: “We constantly review
and upgrade safety procedures. We take this
very seriously. And we’ll continue to work
towards safety.”
“Ultimately the railroad is responsible,”
says Wagner. That said, the center has only
had intermittent contact with Portland and
Western so far. “They basically won’t talk to
us unless we go through a lawyer.”
The center is finalizing an arrangement
with legal counsel as this paper went
to press.
“Our goal is to not have what happened
occur again,” stated Wagner. When asked if
a lawsuit was in the offing, she replied that
“That’s a decision for the board of directors.
But I know what my vote will be.”
Portland and Western did not respond to
a request for interview.
Your Starting Lineup of Local Legislators
Running: May, 2008
Height: 6’2” Throws: right Bats: right
CURRENTLY: Holds Portland City Council Seat No. 1. Serves as
Public Utilities Commissioner; oversees Portland Department of
PREVIOUSLY: Served as Chief of Staff for former Mayor Vera Katz
from 1991-2002 … Attended University of Oregon … Resides in
North Portland’s Kenton neighborhood.
2007: The man that calls North Portland his home seemed to be
everywhere this year … Scored points for keeping his promise to Linnton and voting for housing on
their waterfront … Created controversy when his office reopened street setback policies that had been
in place on North Mississippi, thereby fueling the fires of the Mississippi Lofts controversy. Made up
for it in part by urging the neighborhood to establish a streetscape plan later in the year ... Adams
is shepherding the redevelopment of the St. Johns Racquet Center, and came to the rescue of the
neighborhood’s beleaguered MTIP traffic grant … He’s injected himself into the Interstate/Chavez debacle with an attempt to create a new compromise process; he gets points at the very least for trying.
2008 FORECAST: Adams may be unstoppable unless so many mayoral candidates emerge that his
primary victory is reduced to a plurality, creating a November runoff.
BATTING AVERAGE:* .375 What can we say about Sam that hasn’t all ready been said about this
press-hungry, non-stop political whirlwind? He’s personable, process-minded, he gets results knows
what levers to pull and buttons to push and understands Portland’s pride, politics and sense of humor
… phew … no wonder he has no challengers … However, his advocacy on behalf of the Tram and
South Waterfront development could turn into a strike against him.
*BATTING AVERAGE: This reflects the Sentinel’s evaluation of the office-holder’s most recent term, with
an emphasis on North and Northwest Portland issues and accessibility.
Page 6 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 7
Children’s Museum
considers carousel
By Anna Walters
While Baysinger Partners Architecture
immerses itself further in development plans
for the new Jantzen Beach SuperCenter, the
fate of the mall’s historic carousel is still
undecided. According to Tim Heron, senior
city planner and member of the historic
design review, Baysinger has yet to submit
an application to the city for the removal of
a historic landmark.
Nevertheless, the Portland Children’s
Museum, a potential new owner of the 72horse ride, recently decided to conduct a
“feasibility study” in the case of acquisition
of the carousel.
“Having never installed such a large
landmark, we have to work with the city
and with Washington Park to make sure
we have the how established,” said Shannon
Grosswiler, director of communications
and marketing for the Portland Children’s
Museum. “We’re excited. We just need to see
if it is possible.”
The Jantzen Beach SuperCenter’s
considering donating the carousel to the
Children’s Museum.
“Everything is just up in the air,” said
Melissa Freeman, general manager of the
Jantzen Beach SuperCenter. “We don’t
have a time; we don’t have a plan; we’re
still in the beginning development phases.”
The carousel might even stay in the mall,
Freeman said.
The Children’s Museum’s board members
made the decision to conduct the study at a
meeting on Sept. 20.
“All of them have their own memories of
the carousel or of their children being lit up
by it,” Grosswiler said. “There’s something
magical about it, and the Children’s
Museum is a place where magic happens all
the time.”
A main point of concern is the cost of
building a structure to house the 86-yearold antique carousel, which is estimated at
$2 million dollars.
The Children’s Museum, located in
Washington Park, would also have to
work with Portland Parks and Recreation.
The park also is home to the Oregon Zoo,
the World Forestry Center, and the Hoyt
Arboretum Visitor Center, and the addition
of the carousel would put more strain on the
park’s capacity.
“The idea of having another major
attraction up there (would mean) we really
need to consider the parking,” Grosswiler
said. The carousel’s structure is proposed
to be built over an existing driveway, and
traffic would have to be rerouted.
Jerry Baysinger of BPA has offered to help
with the structure’s design.
“He has committed himself personally to
doing all the design work on it and work with
the engineering firms,” said Sarah Orleans,
executive director of the Children’s Museum.
“It’s not just managing a carousel,” Orleans
said. “It’s managing a national landmark and
I’m not sure what’s involved in that.”
The carousel, which was constructed in
1921 by C.W. Parker, houses ornate horses,
some of which were hand-carved by inmates
in Leavenworth, Kan. The ride became a
fi xture at the Jantzen Beach Amusement
Park in 1928 and remained even after the
park closed in 1970. But, with the park
no longer in operation, some think that
the carousel might be better suited at the
Children’s Museum.
“We can give it a place of honor in
Washington Park,” Grosswiler said.
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November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 7
Page 8 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
The Great Resale Route
A guide to North Portland’s recycled retail, part 1 of 2
By Melissa Larabee
Say “resale and antiques shopping” to
someone in Portland, and chances are
they’ll reply with “The Pearl,” “Sellwood,”
or “Hawthorne.”
But when it comes to buying unique stuff
getting its second life on the retail shelf, North
Portland can hold its own — it’s just a little
more spread out. This month and next, we at
the Sentinel will prowl the community of Fifth
Quadrant resale, creating a guided tour of the
diverse shops carrying clothes, furniture and
other items so nice they’re selling them twice.
November focuses on five shops on
Walking into Rancho Deluxe just inside
North Portland at 1 N Killingsworth, the
overwhelming impression is that of stuff.
Lots of it. A cloth doll in a sombrero labeled,
“Miguel, $9.” A birdcage from 1890. Every
available surface is covered in knickknacks
jostling for attention, interspersed with more
imposing fare, such as a two-foot bronze
copy of Michelangelo’s David festooned
with a vintage tie.
It is like wandering into an attic shared by
50 grandmothers.
Jenni Lockwood has owned Rancho
Deluxe for 20 years, and she has made
connections that enable her to get into estate
sales early and then hit them again at the
end for drastically reduced prices. And the
workers, rather than being paid employees,
are other sellers who have brought their own
merchandise to the store. One specializes in
costume jewelry; another, a jazz musician,
in music-related items.
Unlike most antique-mall-type stores
in town, everyone’s merchandise is mixed
in with everyone else’s. They prefer it that
way. And Lockwood makes sure to keep
certain items always available for other
area businesses, such as tool belts for
Habitat for Humanity.
“We really try to support each other’s
businesses in this strip,” Lockwood says.
Rancho Deluxe, 1 N Killingsworth,
(503) 735-2180
My Mother’s Story
Twenty blocks up the street is Lucrecia,
where a door flanked by albino giraffes leads
into a shop that resembles John Edwards’
coiffure in its careful arrangement.
A fresh, herby smell can be traced to a
shelf of candles to your right, but a sense of
something different might be related to the
table of wine, the stacks of chocolate and the
refrigerated case in the corner containing
unusual beers and cheeses.
“I thought I’d mix it up a little bit,” says
owner Debora Doell. After managing a
restaurant for 11 years, she opened Lucrecia
a year ago to be a part of the development of
the neighborhood where she grew up.
A vintage French picture of a Siamese
cat looking at a mouse sits between gilt
columns and a table full of globes.
Nearby, a number of large, ornate
picture frames are
stacked in a
c a re f u l l y
Kay the Light Bulb Lady
Page 8 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
haphazard manner often difficult to duplicate
at home. All in all, the shop has the feel of
coming out of one person’s unified taste.
Which, in fact, it does.
“It’s my style, basically,” Doell says,
Lucrecia, 2150 N Killingsworth, (503) 517-0530
Don’t look now.
Faces and knick-knacks on view at Rearview Mirror.
“There’s no competitive nastiness,” says
Anne Curtiss, who owns Tickled Pink.
“Everyone seems to agree that resale is a
really fun way to recycle.”
Curtiss opened the maternity and
children’s resale shop in July of 2006,
mostly because during her pregnancy
the year before, she had really wished
there were a store like it in her neighborhood
she could utilize.
The idea is that, rather than spending big
bucks on clothing that will really only fit for
a matter of weeks, mothers and mothersto-be can come and purchase everything
from jeans to yoga attire for about onethird of retail prices, then bring it back for
store credit or direct purchase when it no
longer fits. Tickled Pink carries all sizes
of maternity wear and children’s clothing
from preemie sizes up through age six. Also
available are a number of other items that
children outgrow quickly, such as harnesses
and select toys.
More than once in the past year, women
have come in and pointed out clothing that
they themselves had worn when they were
pregnant and then passed on. And that,
Curtiss says, is the beauty of resale.
“These goods aren’t coming from half a
world away,” she says. “They’re coming from
your neighbors.”
Back on the street, a handpainted sign
proclaiming “cool junk” in rainbow colors
leads across the street to Rearview Mirror.
By the entrance sits a wheelbarrow full of
old toys, plastic dinosaurs jumbled perilously
close to tigers and horned African beasts.
Inside, kitsch reigns. Squirrel figurines Tickled Pink, 1920 N Killingsworth, (503) 247-8131
stare at each other with big,
exotic eyes near the brightly
painted concrete floor, and
across the room, a ceramic
armadillo turns out to have
been originally manufactured
to hold whiskey. A rack of
plates commemorates long-ago
vacations to Nebraska and to
Grant’s Farm in St. Louis. The
ceiling is hung with egg beaters
and a vintage bicycle.
Rearview Mirror is the new
kid on the block, having only
been in business for a matter
Kert Wright, owner of Sabi on N. Killingsworth, shows that
of weeks. But owners Linda
Tighe and Theresa Hinchman Sellwood isn’t the only place to find a veritable vault of vintage ...
find that they fi ll a niche for uh ... stuff. PHOTO BY JASON E KAPLAN
funky, eclectic, affordable midcentury decor in the local resale
“I’m confident that there’s an inexhaustible
amount of cool things available,” says Tighe. SABI
Plus, Hinchman points out, it’s a challenge
At Sabi, Kert Wright specializes in
keeping on top of the new kitsch. Five years everything.
ago, for instance, no one cared about owl
“I love this neighborhood. It’s the most
paraphernalia, but now it’s pretty much — diverse neighborhood in all of Portland,”
wait for it — flying off the shelves.
she says, and she’s tried to compile a variety
That’s why she says she wouldn’t hesitate of offerings that reflect that.
to send someone to one of the other shops if
Not everything in the store fits her personal
she thought they might have what the person taste, but she has found it interesting to
was looking for.
acquire a new appreciation for many of her
less preferred styles by “visiting with them”
Be on the look out for escaped
while they’re in the shop.
Jantzen Beach carousel
It would be hard to fit all of these items
horse at an antique
under one stylistic umbrella: an Art Deco
store near you!
clock, a rustic end table, a shining gold
teacup with a f loral interior, a papier
mâché lamp painted with birds and leaves,
an old trombone.
“It surprises me the number of people
who go to IKEA and buy something that
their neighbor might have, when they can
get something one-of-a kind that has stood
the test of time,” Wright says. “Resale is
sustainable. Portland is a great place for
shops like this.”
Sabi, 2064 N Killingsworth (503) 517-7710
Next month, when the prowl continues,
the Sentinel takes the MAX Yellow Line
further north for furniture, jewelry
and a dog named Bastard.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 9
Branching out: Four venues vie for
North Portland library site
By Rebecca Robinson
Bookish community members were on
hand at the North Portland Library branch
on North Killingsworth on Oct. 11 to see
Multnomah County Commissioner Jeff
Cogen and Molly Raphael, the county’s
Director of Libraries, present the site fi nalists
for the quadrant’s new library branch.
The four finalists include three locations
in the Kenton neighborhood and the former
John Ball School where the Hope Meadows
foster care and senior center is to be built.
The new branch will be a welcome addition
to the region, which has lost two libraries
– the University Park branch on North
Hereford Street in 1975 and the Lombard
branch in 1981 – to budget constraints.
The initial campaign to build a new branch
was sidelined in 2003 for similar reasons:
Site of Kenton Commons, a four-story mixed-use building, is one of several potential buildings that could
Multnomah County, facing an economic
house a new North Portland branch library.
downturn, saw its funds for the project dry
up before work on the branch had begun.
At the meeting, Multnomah County must be located at least two miles from both under construction on North Argyle Street
Asset Management Lead Michael Sublett the St. Johns and North Portland branches; across from Kenton Park. It was described
outlined the process of selecting the fi nalist have between 5,000 and 7,500 square feet of at the meeting by developer Mark DeLapp
sites. Initially, Cogen’s office sent out nearly floor space; be close to or on MAX or bus as a four-story, mixed-use property, with
600 requests for information to developers, lines; and be available for construction and/ residences on the top levels and retail
landlords, brokers, and real estate or renovation by the time the levied funds surrounding the library on the bottom.
DeLapp said he was inspired by similar
professionals in the Portland metropolitan become available in January 2009.
The current library levy designates the models already in place at the Hollywood
area. Cogen, Raphael, and Communication
and Projects Manager Karol Collymore county as lessee and not developer, meaning and Sellwood-Moreland branches, and was
also reviewed 18 sites from the unfi nished that the county cannot construct a new “excited about the increased foot traffic a
building for the branch, but instead must library would bring [to the site].”
2003 process.
Cogen had reservations about the Hope
Library spokeswoman June Mikkelson house it in space leased from the site’s
Meadows site on North Willis Avenue and
said the county had budgeted $1.58 million property owner.
Applying these specifications to available Wayland Boulevard. According to Cogen,
for siting, building improvements and
construction, purchase of computers, and commercial properties in North Portland Hope Meadows had struggled to meet the
whittled the list down to the four sites recent deadline for presenting its financial
building of the library’s collection.
All sites had to meet a series of criteria in presented at the meeting. One potential
See Library / Page 19
order to be considered for selection. Sites location would be in a building currently
By Vanessa Nix
On Oct. 9, while the debate about the
Interstate/Chavez renaming raged at
Ockley Green Middle School, on a quiet
street in North Portland’s Portsmouth
neighborhood, local political activist
Richard Ellmyer is singularly focused on
the abandoned Sharff Army Reserve Center
on North Chautauqua Boulevard.
The meeting is small: three concerned
neighbors; Ellmyer’s wife; artist Bonnie
Meltzer; and two local politicos.
Independent candidate for U.S. Senate
John Frohnmayer sits across from Ellmyer,
listening intently to his argument that the
Armory go to the Oregon National Guard.
Former candidate for Oregon State
Representative Mark Kirchmeier arrives
and sits by Ellmyer.
The few neighbors gathered here tonight
are passionate and vocal, shaking their
heads occasionally as they explain what
appears to be the trinity of impediments
to progress: archaic military rules, political
posturing and lack of fiscal prudence by
governing bodies.
The facility might be turned into a
homeless shelter.
Federal regulations
require facilities for the homeless be given
first dibs on surplus property. The idea
seems preposterous to this group. It would
cost taxpayers more to remove the weapons
storage vaults, maintenance facilities and
administrative areas designed for the
military than to just turn the keys over to
the National Guard.
A solution, Ellmyer intimates, is a lone
man who sits in an office at the Pentagon
and can sign his name and make all the
hoops disappear. His name is David M.
Reed, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
Army. But can they get to him?
In the end, Frohnmayer pledges to write
Gov. Ted Kulongoski in support. A few
days later he fi lls the governor in on the
issue and gives him the name of the point
man. By month’s end, Ellmyer reports
two sitting city commissioners and a City
Council candidate also favor the National
Guard option.
It’s still up to the Army.
Your Starting Line of Local Legislators
Term expires: 2008
Height: 5’10” Throws: left Bats: doesn’t bat at all
CURRENTLY: Now 67, he is completing his first
term as mayor of Portland … Has announced he
will not seek a second term in office.
PREVIOUSLY: Born in Bend, Potter moved here
when he was 7, living in Southeast and graduating from Cleveland High … Served as Police Chief
from 1990-93.
2007: A tumultuous year for the mayor that saw
him significantly involved in four North Portland
controversies. Ticked off Linnton royally by voting
against their aspirations to build a lil’ Pearl District
on their waterfront … His intervention halted a
proposed closure of the Police Bureau’s North
Precinct headquarters … Drew fire for his remarks
criticizing the feds on the Fresh Del Monte raids
but probably gained a lot of support from Latinos
… Unfortunately that didn’t help him in nPod at
all, as his early support for renaming Interstate
Avenue helped stoke the fires of a community
relations fiasco that has put a cloud over his office
and legacy.
2008 FORECAST: Potter may seek to implement
some of the projects suggested by “VisionPDX,”
the citywide survey launched by his office in 2005
in a Jimmy Carter sort of way … Plus, somebody’s
going to have to figure out what to do with all those
“Cesar Chavez Avenue” signs.
BATTING AVERAGE:* .251 The question we now
ask is: “Where is the Tom Potter who saved North
Precinct?” As his term winds down, it appears that
Potter may have written his own legacy on Oct.
25, grumbling “I am irrelevant” as he walked out
of Council chambers like a pouting child during
an Interstate/Chavez hearing … Potter came into
office following a grassroots campaign built on a
pledge to “listen to our neighbors.” Ultimately,
he may be
as Portland’s
king of “gesture politics,”
more for
pulling out
from the Joint
Terrorism Task
Force, and
dissing the
Miss America
Pageant than
for tangible
projects. To
Potter’s very admirable credit, he always kept his
promises. The trouble in 2007 lay in the promises
he made: He stuck with his commitments to the
Latino community, the same way he stuck with the
doomed charter reform proposal.
*BATTING AVERAGE: This reflects the Sentinel’s evaluation of the office-holder’s most recent term, with an emphasis on North and Northwest Portland issues and accessibility.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 9
Page 10 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
‘The most racist city’
One man’s quest for an African American historic district
By Laura Parisi
Ask Will Bennett about his website, and
he’ll tell you a story.
It begins in 1989, when a group called
the Friends of the Golden West set about to
build a “comprehensive cultural resource
inventory of African American contributions
to the Pacific Northwest society.” The first
step of the journey was to get a historic
building in Chinatown renamed from the
Broadmoor to its original name, the Golden
West Hotel.
The building, on the corner of Broadway
and Northwest Everett, is now a shelter for
homeless people with mental illness. But
when it was built in 1906, it was the only
hotel in Portland where black railroad
workers were allowed to stay.
The next step on the group’s agenda was
to get the building placed on the National
Register of Historic Places and make it a
more prominent historic symbol. Finally,
the group sought to identify a historically
important location in which to open an
African American history museum and
to define districts that were historically
significant to the black community.
The group successfully changed the
building’s name. To this day, the Golden
West is not yet nationally recognized as a
historic site.
Bennett, who describes himself
as a “community practitioner and
amateur historian,” wants to change
where the group left
off at the Golden
West and eventually
dedicated to teaching
local black history, like
a museum, landmarks
and official historical
He’s taken some first
steps — connecting
and historians and
Will Bennett with at the Golden West Hotel, the inspiration for his website,
Schools. Slowly, the
interest is building.
As for the historical district, Bennett says
He recently presented “Local Color,” a that for now, at least, it’s virtual. “My site —
documentary that chronicles Portland’s that’s the district for right now,” he explains.
history of racism, to a group of Portland He envisions a future district around Union
social studies teachers at Franklin High Station, which he argues was the first African
Development American community in the city, as well as
Day, in an effort to help bring more along North Vancouver and Williams.
local African American history into the
Bennett hopes the move toward
establishing a district and historic
“Portland Public Schools needs to landmarks will happen organically. “I don’t
integrate more Pacific Northwest culture. To want to come to no decisions,” he says. “I
teach African American history, you need to want all the neighborhood involvement. The
teach Portland African American history,” community needs to make the decisions.”
says Bennett. “Portland was [known in the
black community as] the most racist city
this side of the Mississippi.
Green grow the condos
Eritrean-born brothers revitalize Northeast Going
By Todd Anthony
Building Brothers (and business partners) Robel
and Meron Alemseghed stand in front of the condo
they just built using reclaimed woods.
Page 10 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
As daylight hours diminish and falling
leaves turn to falling rain, there is at least one
corner in Northeast Portland that will remain
bright and cheerful. It’s the intersection
of Northeast Going Street and Cleveland
Avenue, where two recently constructed
townhome-style condominiums offer an
abundance of natural window light. Owners
Robel and Meron Alemseghed hope their
achievement in constructing these unique,
environmentally conscious condos will
serve as a beacon of light in the community
inspiring others to make a difference.
The Alemseghed brothers broke ground
on the lot in late December of last year. “We
started scouting for infi ll lots in the summer
of ’06,” Meron explains. “I lived around the
corner from this property on Skidmore and
I use to always walk by this lot going to the
store, and one day it was available and we
pursued it — and this is actually our first
new construction project.”
The Earth Advantage- and Energy Starcertified, 1,550-square-foot condos were
completed in September and have attracted
the attention of several prospective buyers
since the initial open house on Sept. 22.
On completing the project, Meron says,
“The day we finished up we were so proud
of ourselves. You definitely get a sense of
Hailing from Eritrea, Meron and Robel
immigrated to Portland in 1982 when they
were 8 and 10 years old respectively. “I was a
young kid at that time, and we had relatives
here, and based on the conversations my
mom had with them [Portland sounded
like] a great place to live, and it turned out
to be. I never left,” Meron says.
Following in the footsteps of their father,
the brothers started restoring old Portland
homes in the early ‘90s. “I was more involved
in the business end of it,” explains Meron,
“and my brother was more involved in the
See Condos / Page 15
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 11
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 11
Page 12 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
art&community CALENDAR
Nov 7-13
Rockin’ Horse Art Show and Auction
Nov 8—The Lawrence Gallery hosts an art show
and auction to benefit the Children’s Relief Nursery
(8425 N Lombard St.), a St. Johns-based nonprofit
organization which helps Portland families prevent
child abuse and neglect through education and
relief services. The art show and auction features
hand-made and decorated wooden rocking horses
created by local artists.
The Lawrence Gallery, (903 NW Davis St., 503-228-1776, 6-9 pm.
Cuentos: Searching for My Story
Nov 10—A celebration of the cultures of Mexico,
Spain, Native America, and Appalachia through
theatre, song, and dance. Includes a pre-show
workshop for learning song, dance, or crafts
so that workshop participants may join in the
Una presentacion multidisciplinaria de teatro,
musica en vivo y danza para celebrar las culturas
de Mexico, Espana, Norteamerica indigina y Appalachia tanto en ingles como en espanol. Cada
presentacion incluye un taller comuntario antes del
show para aprender canciones, danza, y mas.
St. Johns Library (7510 N Charleston Ave., 503-988-5397, Advanced registration required,
free, 2-4 pm.
civilians who have been killed. According to the
AFSC website, “This traveling exhibit is a memorial
to those who have fallen and a witness to our belief
that no war can justify its human cost.” The exhibit
runs all day, with a reading of the names ceremony
at 7 pm. For more information, visit
or contact Kendi Esary at (503) 978-5781.
Portland Community College Cascade
(705 N Killingsworth St., 503-244-6111,
5128 N Albina Ave., 503-546-3183.
Nov 17—Give: Back a Backline Benefit Show and
Art Opening, featuring the Old Believers, Please Step
Out of the Vehicle, and more.
Tulen Center Auction
In Other Words Books & Resources
Nov 17—Seattle’s Your Heart Breaks, boasting
Clyde Petersen and Karl Blau, team up with New
Jersey’s Hey Tiger and Portland bands Hey Lover
and the New Bloods.
Dec 1—Tulen Center North, St. Johns’ own Indonesian Martial Arts and Wellness center, hosts a
Silent Auction to benefit Tulen Foundation. According to its website, the Tulen Foundation, a nonprofit
organization, works to “provide tools so that people
may live in safety without fear of violence, and
to foster social change through the cooperative
teaching of empowered movement.” Among many
programs, the Tulen Center North focuses on
empowering young, at-risk youth in the community. Donors to the auction include a wide-range of
goods and services from local businesses.
Nov 10—Metal Music Benefit, featuring Stickitin,
The Revenants, Sick Sick Sister, 7 pm. Nov 17—
Your Heart Breaks, Hey Lover, Hey Tiger and New
Bloods, 8 pm. Nov 30—Luna Music Series, featuring
a rotation of local female musicians, 7 pm.
In Other Words Women’s Books and Resources
(8 NE Killingsworth St., 503-232-6003, 8 pm.
Nov 21-27
Nov 27—The 2007 movie, released as a nonprofit
film on Google Films, delves into the original arena
of repression—religion—and examines how the
power of myth over humanity relates to historical
wars, as well as the current administration’s use
of 9/11 as a tool for creating perpetual war and
eroding human and constitutional rights. Followed
by discussion.
Nov 28-29—The University of Portland’s Mago
Hunt Theatre presents a production of Proof, a
2001 Pulitzer and Tony award-winning play about
the issue of trust, mathematics, and mental illness.
Catherine, the daughter of a mathematical genius,
Nov 28-Dec 4
Nov 10—Kate Mann, 8 pm. Nov 17—Aric Riley,
Katey Angel, 9 pm. Nov 30—Kate Mann, 8 pm.
Pop-Punk Night
Eyes Wide Open Oregon
Nov 15—Portland Community College Cascade
hosts the American Friends Service Committee’s
(AFSC) exhibit “Eyes Wide Open,” an exhibition
on the human cost of the Iraq War. The exhibit,
which launched in Chicago in 2004, includes a
pair of boots for every U.S. soldier killed during
the Iraq War, as well as a wall of names of Iraqi
Mago Hunt Theatre at University of Portland (5000 N
Willamette Blvd., 503-943-8000, 7:30 pm.
Albina Green
3535 N Lombard St., 503-283-0885,
Proper Eats Market & Café (8638 N Lombard St.,
503-445-2007, Free, 7 pm.
Nov 14-20
struggles to come to terms with her father’s death
and the legacy of mental illness and mathematical
mystery he leaves behind. For tickets, please call
(503) 943-7287.
Page 12 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Tulen Center North (8641 N Lombard St., 503-283-1313, 6 pm.
Blue Moon Customer Appreciation Show
Dec 1—Blue Moon Camera and Machine celebrates its sixth year in business with its Fifth Annual Customer Appreciation Show, featuring over
1,000 photographs at five venues. Anna Banannas
(8617 N Lombard St), Proper Eats Market & Café
(8638 N Lombard St.), James John Café (8527 N
Lombard St.), Ladybug Coffee (8438 N Lombard
St.), and Legong Gelato (8716 N Lombard St.) host
five years of Blue customer photographs, chosen
by Blue Moon employees.
For more information, (Artical page 20.)
Blue Moon Camera (503-978-0333, Free, 7-9 pm.
8 NE Killingsworth St., 503-232-6003,
Mississippi Studios
Nov 8—Michael Fracasso, Michael Jodell, 8 pm.
Nov 9—John Wesley Harding with Jim Brunberg,
$20, 7 pm. Nov 10—Cosy Sheridan with TR Ritchie,
$13, 7 pm. Sonny Landreth, 10 pm. Nov 13—Antje
Duvekot, $10, 8 pm. Nov 14—ISSA TRIO (formerly
Jane Siberry) with special guest Adrienxne Pierce,
$30, 7 pm & 9:30 pm. Nov 15—Old Friends,
Foghorn Stringband, Dirk Powell, Riley Baugus,
Tim Eriksen, $12, 8 pm. Nov 16—Justin Jude (CD
Release) and Johnny and Pierre (of the Dimes), $10,
7 pm. Nov 17—John Nilsen & Swimfish, $20, 9 pm.
Nov 25—The Liberators, Ed Haynes, $7, 7:30 pm.
Nov 28—Jesse Sykes, Michael Dumovich, $12, 8
pm. Nov 29—Port O’Brien, Weinland, $10, 8 pm.
Nov 30—Mike Doughty, “The Question Jar Show,”
$20, 7 pm & 10 pm. Dec 1—X-Angels, $15, 7 pm.
Chuck Prophet, $12, 10 pm.
3939 N Mississippi Ave., 503-288-3895, All shows 21+, advanced ticket prices unless
otherwise noted.
Proper Eats
Nov 7, 14, 21, 28—Open Mic with Eddie, 7
pm. Nov 8, 15, 22, 29—Live Jazz Jams with the
Portland Jazz Jams, 7 pm. Nov 9—Stumptown Jug
Thumpers, 7 pm. Nov 10—Gene Denardo, 2-5
pm. Eric McEuen, 6-8 pm. Davis Redford, 8 pm.
Bonanza City, 9 pm. Nov 11—Sonny Cohen, 12:302:30 pm. Nov 16—David Evan, 7 pm. Bernie Lahart,
8 pm. Sallo, 9:30 pm. Nov 17—Puppet Show, 3 pm.
Peter Boesen, 4-7 pm. Daniel Noland Trio, 7-10 pm.
Nov 18—Clambak, Noon-4 pm. Peter Boesen, 4-7
pm. Steve Cheeseborough, 6-9 pm. Nov 23—Chris
Beck, Djangovitus, DJ Mom. Nov 24—Steve Cheeseborough, 7-10 pm. Nov 25—Sonny Cohen, 12:302:30 pm. Gene Denardo, 2:30-4:30 pm. Clambake,
7-9 pm. Nov 30—Sean Ongley, 5-7 pm. Hannah’s
Field, 7-10 pm. Dec 1—Triptonic, 8-11 pm. Dec
2— Sonny Cohen, 12:30-2:30 pm.
8638 N Lombard St., 503-445-2007, All
shows all ages, free.
Twilight Room
Nov 9—Forever Growing. Nov 16—Justin Sargueta
and guests. Nov 23—The Bad Fish Band. Nov
30—Julie Dawn.
5242 N Lombard St., 503-289-5091,
thetwilightroom. All shows 21+, free, 9 pm.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 13
art&community CALENDAR
The Waypost
First Amendment Film Screenings
Nov 7, 14, 21, 28—Old-Time Open Jam Session,
7:30 pm. Nov 8—Larry Yes, Rio en Medio, Garland
Ray Project, 8 pm. Nov 30—Elephant Shoe, Saw
Whet, 8 pm.
Nov 13—We Feed the World (2005). Nov 20—The
Business Plot (2007). Nov 27—Zietgeist (2006).
Proper Eats Market and Café (8368 N Lombard St.,
503-445-2007, Free, 7 pm.
3120 N Williams Ave., 503-367-3182,
Made in LA
The Wonder Ballroom
Nov 8—Bob Schneider with AM and MoZella, all
ages, $15, 7 pm. Nov 9—Bassnectar, $15, 8:30pm.
Nov 10—Girl4Girl wild women’s dance party, $9, 9
pm. Nov 17—Junk 2 Funk recycled fashion show.
Nov 27—The Aquabats with Hunter Revenge and
DJ Lance Rock, $16, 7 pm. Nov 30, Dec 1 &
2—Lane Hunter (dance) presents: The Beginning is
Near, $20, 7:30 pm.
128 NE Russell St., 503-284-8686,
All shows 21+, advance ticket prices and door times unless
otherwise noted.
Voice Catcher Book Release Party
Nov 7— Celebrate the release of the second
edition of Voice Catcher, an anthology of Portlandarea women writers. For more information, email
[email protected].
In Other Words Books and Resources (8 NE Killingsworth St.,
Ellen Dudley
Nov 7—University of Portland’s English Readings
& Lectures Series presents Ellen Dudley, author
of two books of poetry, The Geographic Cure, and
Slow Burn. Dudley is also the founding editor and
publisher of the Marlboro Review, based in Marlboro,
Vermont, where she works and lives. Dudley will read
and discuss her works. For more information, contact Herman Asarnow at (503) 943-7224 or email
[email protected].
163 Buckley Center at University of Portland (5000 N
Willamette Blvd., 503-943-8000, 7:30 pm.
Jeff Fisher
Nov 8— Jeff Fisher, author of Identity Crisis: 50
Redesigns that Transformed Stale Identities Into Successful Brands, reads and discusses his new work
with a visual presentation at St. Johns Booksellers.
For more information, visit www.identitycrisisbook.
St. Johns Booksellers (8622 N Lombard St., 503-283-0032)
Free, 7:30 pm.
Nov 9-11—The third annual Wordstock, a celebration of literature, featuring workshops, book fairs,
lectures, readings, and more. Featuring writers
Richard Rhodes, Jane Hamilton, Katha Pollitt, Adrian
Tomine, Charles Baxter, Alexandra Fuller, Melissa
Fay Greene, Lance Williams, Mark Fainaru-Wada
and more. For tickets visit
Oregon Convention Center (777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd.,
Monday Movie Madness
Nov 5—Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal. Nov
12—Fredrico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita. Nov 19—Michael Curtiz’s Casablanca. Nov 26—Jim Jarmusch’s
Dead Man. Dec 3—The Grifters.
Pix Patisserie (3901 N Williams Ave., 503-282-6539, Free, 7 pm.
Kwanzaa: Ujima Celebration and
Nov 29-Dec 31—Adriene Cruz curates an exhibit
featuring local African American artists. The Marketplace opens weekends leading up to the traditional
celebration on Dec. 27. The exhibit opening runs on
Last Thursday from 5:30-7:30 pm.
Nov 15—Made in LA is a film that follows the lives
of three Latina immigrant women as they embark
on a three-year struggle to attain workers’ justice in
the Los Angeles garment industry. The screening
features a silent auction and popcorn for sale.
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (5340 N Interstate Ave.,
Musician’s Union Hall (325 NE 20th Ave) 7 pm.
Girl Movie Night
Nov 16—Girl and girl-identified meeting to watch
and discuss feminist films. This month, meet and
discuss Times Square (1980), the story of two girls
who escape from a mental hospital and find friendship on the punk-rock streets of New York. For more
information, visit
In Other Words Books & Resources (8 NE Killingsworth St.,
503-232-6003, Free, 7 pm.
Susan and Marie
Throughout November In Other Words hosts an
exhibit by Susan and Marie, a mother and daughter
artist collaboration. Marie is a high school sophomore
and both women work with ceramic sculpture. The
reception takes place Nov 10 from 3-5 pm.
In Other Words Books & Resources (8 NE Killingsworth St.,
Craft: Diverse Work
Nov 16-Dec 29—Guestroom Gallery hosts an exhibit
of crafts assembled with cast steel, forged steel, wool
and silk fabrics, precious metals, found objects, clay,
wood, and raised metals. Contributing artists include
Terry Bostwick, David Boyd, Mark Diamon, Rebekah
Diamantopoulos, Cindy Gardner, Robin and John
Gumaelius, Junko Iijima, Arnon Kartmazov, Fergus
Kinnel, Lori Mason, Kicki Masthem, Ben Neubauer,
Thomas Orr, Kristin Mitsu Shiga, Mary Tapogna, and
Greg Wilbur.
Guestroom Gallery (4114 N Vancouver Ave., 503-284-8378, Hours: noon- 5 pm, Wed-Sat.
Seen and Unseen
Through Nov 22—David Inkpen presents Seen and
Unseen: New Paintings From Old Drawings. The
exhibit includes new and previously unviewed work
that focuses on the imbalanced effects humans have
on earth.
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (5340 N Interstate Ave.,
Photographers’ Fanfaire Show
Through Nov 29—Throughout the month of
November, Portland Photographer’s Forum (PPF)
presents its second annual Photographers’ Fanfaire
Show at the University of Portland’s Buckley Center
Gallery. Photographers include Martha Casanave,
Ron Cronin, Kerry Thalmann, John Wimberley, David
Lorenz Winston, and Jerry Wolfe. PPF is a nonprofit
organization that promotes fine art photography and
photographers. To learn more, visit or call (503) 614-0161.
Buckley Center Gallery at the University of Portland (5000 N
Willamette Blvd., 503-943-8000, Gallery Hours:
Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-8 pm, Sat 8:30 am-4 pm.
Intermediate Animal Tracking at Smith
and Bybee
Nov 10—John Halsell leads a group on how to
identify tracks on sand, mud, and the forest floor.
Learn to identify tracks of beaver, deer, coyote, raccoon, and rabbit. Suitable for adults and teens. Free,
advanced registration required, please call
(503) 797-1715.
Smith and Bybee Wetlands (5300 N Marine Dr.)
Free, 9:30 am-noon.
Nov 2-Dec 1— Stumptown Stages presents Godspell, a production of the Broadway hit under the
direction of Kirk Mouser. For more information and
to register for tickets, please visit or call (503) 381-8686.
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (5340 N Interstate Ave.,
503-823-4322, $27 adults, $25 seniors and
students, Thurs-Sat 8 pm, Sun 2 pm (minus holidays).
Choral Union and Community
Orchestra Concert
Nov 11— A performance of Saint Saen’s “Piano
Concerto No. 5,” featuring graduate student Jessica
Reed, and Gabriel Faure’s “Requiem.”
Chapel of Christ the Teacher at University of Portland (5000 N
Willamette Blvd., 503-943-8000, Free, 3 pm.
Little Women
Nov 14-18—The University of Portland’s Mago Hunt
Center Theatre presents a production of Louisa May
Alcott’s Little Women, a story of the strength of sisterhood during times of war. For more information and
for tickets, please call (503) 943-7287.
Mago Hunt Center Theatre at University of Portland (5000 N
Willamette Blvd., Wed-Sat 7:30 pm, Sun 2 pm.
Argyle Clockwise Puppet Show
Nov 17—The Mudeye Puppet Company performs
two shows of The Argyle Clockwise Puppet Show at
Proper Eats in St. Johns. Starring a mole, a gargoyle,
and a cement mixer, and all puppets will be available
to meet the crowd after the show. For more information, contact Bruce Orr at (503) 805-0291 or email
[email protected].
Proper Eats Market & Café (8638 N Lombard St., 503-4452007, All ages,$5, 1 pm & 3 pm.
Autumn and Winter Birds at Smith
and Bybee
Nov 17—Walk the “yellow-brick road” of fallen
cottonwood leaves that line the paths of Smith and
Bybee Wetlands and observe the winter waterfowl
and raptors that have come to rest at Smith and
Bybee. Naturalist James Davis leads groups through
the wetlands. Bring or borrow binoculars. Suitable for
adults and children 10 and older. Advance registration required, please call (503) 797-1715.
Smith and Bybee Wetlands (5300 N Marine Dr.)
Free, 9:30 am-noon.
Smith and Bybee Wetlands Paddle Trip
Nov 24—Bring a kayak, canoe, or personal flotation device and float the Smith and Bybee Wetlands
natural area. Advance registration required, please call
Dale at (503) 285-3084 or email [email protected].
Smith and Bybee Wetlands (5300 N Marine Dr.) noon-4 pm.
Philippine Paper Lanterns
Nov 17—Learn to make Philippine paper lanterns,
which are traditionally made during the holiday season. Space limited on a first-come, first-served basis.
North Portland Library (512 N Killingsworth St., 503-988-5394, Free, 11 am-1 pm.
Accordion Book Making
Nov 29—Colleen Cavin leads a workshop on how to
create accordion-style books with decorative paper.
Perfect gifts for the holiday season. Space limited on
a first-come, first-served basis.
North Portland Library (512 N Killingsworth St., 503-988-5394, Free, 3:45-4:45pm.
The Sounds of Christmas
Dec 2—University of Portland’s Concert Band and
Choral Union perform “The Sounds of Christmas.”
Donations will be collected for St. Vincent de Paul.
For more information, call (503) 943-7228.
Historic Kenton Firehouse
Holiday Art Sale
Buckley Center Auditorium at the University of Portland (5000
N Willamette Blvd., 503-943-8000, 3 pm.
Dec 1— The Historic Kenton Firehouse’s third annual Kenton Firehouse holiday sale, featuring local
artists displaying juried and invitational arts in time
for the holiday season.
Choral Union Festival of Lights
Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon Ave., www. 11 am-6 pm.
Dec 3—The University of Portland’s Choral Union
performs in The Grotto’s chapel with thousands of
Christmas lights.
Columbia Chorus Seeks Female
Choral Singers
University Jazz Ensemble
The Columbia River Chorus of Sweet Adelines
International seeks female choral singers 15+ with
choral experience. For more information, visit www. or call (503) 254-1726.
Dec 4— The University of Portland’s Jazz Ensemble
closes the season with a lively performance.
First Congressional Church of Christ (1220 NE 68 St., Vancouver, WA) Mondays, 7 pm.
The Grotto (NE 18 and Sandy Blvd., 503-254-7371) Admission
charged, 7 pm.
Buckley Center at University of Portland (5000 N Willamette
Blvd., 503-943-8000, Free, 7:30 pm.
Jesus’ love for kids stands out for us.
Sunday School 8:45 am
Worship 10:00 am
St. John Lutheran
4227 N. Lombard St.
Dickies Jeans
Insulated Coveralls
Winter Gloves
Wool Socks
Mud Boots
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 13
Page 14 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Local boy does good … pizza
Chris Penner brings in California Pizza firepower
By Vanessa Nix
(503) 283-2116
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Page 14 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
2104 N. Willis
the roasted garlic and sweet fresh tomatoes
and the bite of red onion was so melodious it
Local boy Chris Penner has returned to made the chicken almost superfluous.
North Portland and the home he once knew
Then came the meatballs ($3.95). These
— the Portsmouth Club. He’s back in charge are Montana’s specialty (his mother’s recipe)
over at his old digs across from the Twilight and they are REAL meatballs—NOT, mind
Room (co-owned by his father Doug Penner you, the mushy, over-sauced and sometimes
and partner Jim McKenna), but things have gritty variety served at countless banquets
changed in this neck of the woods, and and at those restaurants that serve those
Penner is happy to change with them. He gristly Major Sysco’s frozen variety. No, the
has converted the
meatballs here are
fi rm and meaty and
and remodeled it
seasoned so good
to give it a warmer,
you might think
more open and
you’re in Sicily, or
inviting feel. Penner
at least Little Italy.
is hoping to give the
area something it
with the perfect
amount of Penner’s
— CAN BRING THE FAMILY AND mother’s homemade
neighborhood folks
marinara. Delizioso!
— both newcomers
Finally we had to
and old-timers — can
try the hot wings
bring the family and
($4.95). Portsmouth
have a good time.
Pizza doesn’t deepThe décor isn’t the only change. Penner has fat-fry their wings, they bake them, and
brought in former California Pizza Kitchen because they bake them the hot sauce soaks
alum Ross Montana and centered the menu deep into the chicken. These babies are hot
on Italian homestyle and gourmet pizzas, like nobody’s business; I’d wager they use
calzones, lasagna, salads, and an assortment Frank’s Red Hot, but you’ll swear its hotter
of hot Italian subs. Add to that the Italian when you taste ’em baked.
twist on nachos, oven-baked hot wings and
With plenty of room for birthday parties,
a decadent artichoke parmesan dip with a comfy, roomy environment and affordable
freshly made breadsticks, and mama mia, prices, North Portland families should take
it’s a party!
notice. All this and collapsible privacy walls
We started with the pesto pizza ($14.75 for the dining booths so that once the kiddies
medium, chicken breast, roasted garlic, are in bed, the adults can let their hair down
tomatoes, red onion, mozzarella and pesto and the good times can roll with plenty of
sauce). The crust was thin but crisp with a live music. Bellissima!
real homemade doughy flavor — this is handtossed not machined dough. The pesto was Portsmouth Pizza Pub, 5262 N Lombard,
flavorful but not overpowering, mixed with (503) 289-4644.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 15
From page 10
construction end and it just evolved until
we started picking up projects ourselves
around 2004.”
In 2005 the Alemseghed brothers closed
the family-owned Red Sea Restaurant and
Bar (they operated it since 1996 when their
father retired) in an effort to concentrate
more on their restoration work. Then in
2006 they created Bridgecity Group Inc.
with the specific intention of developing
urban in-fi ll projects utilizing green
building techniques.
When Meron and Robel first started using
reclaimed materials it was strictly for the
aesthetic appeal. “We had interest in it and
Adam [Rust], our investor, was real gungho on green rebuilding practices. He said,
“What you guys are doing is better for the
environment,’” explains Meron.
condo units have a spacious and subtly
contemporary feel. They feature 12-foot
vaulted ceilings, high-efficiency appliances,
radiant floor heating systems, reclaimed
hardwoods and stair treads from the
ReBuilding Center and Whitaker Middle
School and many other sustainable and
environment-friendly elements.
As of mid-October the units had not
yet sold, but Meron is already reaping the
benefits of his investment. “It’s a good
driving force for people that we grew up
with in the area,” he explains. “I’ve seen
changes in friends that I’ve known 10-15
years. They’ve seen this project come along
and they see it completed and it gives them
motivation to go do something. They realize
that just because you grew up in this area
and it had a bad name for such a long time,
that you’re not a throwaway, you actually
can do something and have an impact on
the community.”
Although the Alemseghed brothers have
multiple projects under way and on the
horizon, they have not lost sight of affordable
housing concerns in Portland. “We grew up
here. We’ve been here in the North/Northeast
area for 25 years. We want to make sure the
community stays diversified and doesn’t
change to where it’s just a whole bunch of rich
people. We have to counterbalance. If we do
five market-rate projects we have to do at least
one income-restricted housing project. We
want to play both sides of the gentrification
issue,” says Meron.
Referring to the large south-facing
window of the condo, residential designer
David Bonn says, “There’s nothing more
depressing than the gray days of winter in
Oregon, but as the sun goes lower and lower
this whole house is going to stay really bright
and feel great.”
From page 1
“Many residents thought if we merged,
Northeast Precinct would steal resources
from North,” said Smith.
That hasn’t happened, the commanders
Smith points to a recent incident of a traffic
fatality on North Greeley where officers
from both precincts were able to respond
to the call. Other events such as a Lowrider
Magazine show at the Expo Center have also
seen an increased cooperation between both
precincts. Last summer Northeast officers,
including a four-person livability team and
gang enforcement officers, began providing
help in crime reduction at the New Columbia
housing complex.
“This is about more than just boundaries
and streets,” said Smith. “Our service areas
don’t simply stop at Interstate 5.”
The last statistics, reported in October
2006 before the changes, showed a 3 percent
drop in crimes reported. However, the
number of service calls since the July 1
restructuring have gone up by 2 percent.
And there has been an increase of 9 percent
more self-initiated police calls, in which
patrol officers responded without receiving
a 911 call. Ferraris described both as positive
developments. The district has had a slight
increase in response times — less than 30
seconds more — but was still under the fiveminute limit they’ve set as a goal.
Even with the successes of the new program,
many of the recurring issues that have faced
the North and Northeast Precincts are being
faced by the Police Bureau on a citywide level.
The problem of recruiting enough officers to
replace retiring and transferred officers has
plagued all precincts. Ferraris describes it as
an uphill battle, citing a senior officer who
recently left to take a job in Nevada, while
Smith noted the loss of three supervisors.
However, both commanders say that
Assistant Police Chief Lynnae Berg has made
it a priority to keep their precincts staffed
— making sure promoted officers are being
assigned to their areas.
With precinct budgets allocated by the
number of service calls, Ferraris is hopeful
the precinct won’t see further cutbacks in the
near future. And the increased cooperation
between the two precincts appears to be an
ongoing development.
“We’re not losing any sleep on this being
a pilot program,” said Ferraris. “It’s been
a success.”
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November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 15
Page 16 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Curtain goes up at RHS after 10 years
By Anna Koehn
As the new school year begins at Roosevelt
High School, the Arts Communication and
Technology school (ACT) is already busy
planning their spring theatre production of
Oklahoma! They have also just finished their
first production of a one-act comedy, This
Is a Test, and have hosted Westview High
School at an improvisation competition
as a pre-game event before the first home
football game.
Although this may sound like a typical
high school performing arts program,
the success of these events is of great
importance to Roosevelt High — this is the
fi rst time in 10 years that the school has had
a theatre program.
The program was a casualty of the
district’s legendary budget cuts that
devastated arts programming, music, and
increased classroom sizes in the wake of
a statewide voter-approved property tax
cut that bottomed out Portland Public
School coffers.
Ten years later, school funding at Roosevelt
has begun to stabilize due in part to alumni
and community support. Campus principal
Deborah Peterson felt it was time to reinstate
the theatre program.
Enter Jo Lane. Previously an English and
theatre arts teacher at Southeast Portland’s
Winterhaven School, Lane has hit the
ground running as the head of the ACT’s
performing arts program.
As well as Oklahoma!, and This Is a Test,
Lane is also assembling an official Thespian
Troupe and looking forward to the Senior
Shorts in May where select seniors direct
scenes and micro plays.
Lane already has four theatre classes
and says she could easily fi ll another. By
next year, she hopes to divide the classes
Page 16 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Drama Queen, Jo Lane. You gotta hand it to her. The lady’s got a nice proscenium arch.
into intermediate and eventually advanced
levels. She already has quite a few students
that are ready for the next step.
“That’s exactly why I wanted to come to
Roosevelt,” she said, “to build an effective
theatre program that provides students
opportunities for growth through the power
of theatre.”
As the program grows, Lane hopes to
recognize those students who go above and
beyond their requirements by honoring
them in the International Thespian Society,
which honors excellence in school theatre.
Lane’s highest hope is that the arts become
a key part of Roosevelt High School’s
identity and that the school will once again
be recognized as having well-rounded and
enriching art programs.
“It will take time to build this program
and, as a workaholic, I need to realize that
Rome wasn’t built in a day,” said Lane.
“It’ll probably take four years to get the
foundations of the vision in place,” she said.
“At the same time, I expect to be actively
working toward that vision every day.”
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 17
Writers’ Dojo
By Vanessa Nix
Writer Jeff Selin has a dream — he
dreams of a space where Portland writers
can share their knowledge and struggles
and find community, a place where serious
writers meet for writing critique, classes,
resources and, most importantly, a space
they can call their own. Selin’s dreams are
big. He wants to reach out to all members of
the writing community — novelists, shortstory authors, poets, fiction and nonfiction
writers, journalists, and even bloggers.
Selin has found such a space, the aikido
studio in a building in St. Johns where
Selin’s brother teaches the martial art.
Located in an adjacent building on the same
grounds, the former yoga studio, now called
the “Writers’ Dojo,” is airy with hardwood
floors and thick wood beams separating the
room into two halves.
“It’s the ideal space for writers’ groups,
readings, workshops and smaller events,”
says an enthusiastic Selin. “Over time we
hope to develop a community of serious
writers, with a reputation as a center of
excellence where literary professionals work
and hang out.”
Selin, a former copywriter and freelance
journalist, decided he wanted to focus on
writing on his terms. He gave his notice to
the corporate world and began making plans
for the dojo. He set up a blog at writersdojo.
org and started asking Portland area writers
what they wanted in a writing annex.
“Based on the response so far, many
serious writers are looking for a productive
place to write,” said Selin. “The home office
has its distractions and the coffeehouse
scene can be a hassle waiting for silence or
the lone electrical outlet,” says Selin.
Selin says he was inspired by places such
as The Loft in Minneapolis, The New York
Writers Room in Manhattan, and The Grotto
in San Francisco, all famous for nurturing
“I need my space.” How often do we hear that at
the Sentinel? Jeff Selin thinks he’s got the answer at
the Writers’ Dojo. PHOTO BY JASON E. KAPLAN
the talents of those dedicated seriously to
the craft of writing and for encouraging
a fellowship that helps to influence and
motivate one another’s work.
“We have this creative space where a
writer can find a daily or weekly dose of
professional development, inspiration, and
community connection among writing
peers,” says Selin.
Selin’s plans include beta testing a peer-topeer journal website and online magazine,
expanding the Dojo to include a space
downtown within a year and promotion of
his own writing career. “My goal is to see
these works in print, in literary journals and
in the bookstore,” says Selin.
For more information, visit www.WritersDojo.
org. Writers’ Dojo, 7506 N Chicago Ave.,
(503) 784-1449.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 17
Page 18 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
RESETing America
Portland CEO hopes to receive Libertarian nomination in 2008
By Christopher J. Miller, Cornelius Swart
job Congress is doing (24 percent approval
rating in the latest Gallup poll).” This type
of lighthearted, off-kilter approach to the
issues defines Jingozian’s political style.
“Polls show that more than 73 percent
of Americans are dissatisfied with the twoparty system,” Jingozian explains.
So far Jingozian has spent $150,000 of his
own money on his presidential campaign
and his organization to promote third-party
A Portland entrepreneur and businessman
is hoping to use the power of the Internet
and digital videos to add another title to
his resumé next November: President of the
United States of America.
Michael Jingozian, founder and CEO of
Portland’s AngelVision Technologies Inc.,
will kick off his campaign this month at
Venue on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard. Jingozian
used his leadership
Si nc e
Te dd y
what Inc. Magazine
Roosevelt ran on the
considers one of the
ticket in 1912, popular
national third-party
companies.” Now
those skills are
typically been carried
focused on grabbing
by celebrity candidates
with little effect.
party’s nomination
Lef t-wing
for President at the
party’s convention
Green Party candidacy
garnered a scant 2.74
Memorial Day 2008.
percent of the popular vote. Ross Perot’s
Jingozian, known to some as “Jingo,” Reform Party bid drew 19 percent of the vote
operates his Portland company with 73 in 1992. His party has since collapsed.
employees, boasting 1,441.2 percent growth
Jingozian, however, differs from the
in the last three years. Portland Business “vanity candidates” tradition in that
Journal claims it could be the second-fastest Jingozian is building a movement less
growing company in Oregon.
around himself and more about third parties
inexpensive as a whole.
(typically $18,000, but often around $9,800
“There’s no real competition in
for the fi rst-time client) three- to four- national politics,” says Jingozian. “It’s
minute digital videos used in websites, always the lesser of two evils. So things
emails or trade show presentations to always get worse.”
promote a company’s product or service.
For a Libertarian, competition is a panacea
It’s the company’s explosive growth model, for social and economic ills. So Jingozian
mastered over six years, bringing in revenue and his ballot access crusade is a natural fit.
of $3.5 million in the last three, that is
Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party
pushing Jingozian toward the light of a claims to be the nation’s oldest and most
third-party candidate nomination.
successful third party, with 600 elected and
The Boston-born Jingozian hopes to run a appointed officials nationwide.
“viral” Internet campaign modeled more on
“We win 30 percent of the races we enter,”
the way YouTube videos turn into overnight says Shane Cory, Executive Director of the
sensations than on the king-making party National Libertarian Party in Washington,
politics of the past. His message: The two- DC. “But no third party has ever won a
party system is bankrupting the country national election.”
financially, morally and politically.
“The two parties have turned politics
“Thirty percent of Americans believe in into a spectator sport,” says Cory. “The
ghosts,” says Jingozian. “That means more Republicans and Democrats will do anything
people believe in ghosts than approve of the to keep out competition.”
See Reset America / Page 19
Your Starting Lineup of Local Legislators
Term expires: January, 2009
Height: 5’10.5” (1.524 meters)
Bats & Throws: right
CURRENTLY: Serving his second term on the Metro Council, representing North, Northeast and much of Northwest Portland. Chairs
the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation.
PREVIOUSLY: Former high school science teacher … Best known
for founding the nonprofit Bicycle Transportation Alliance … Portland State University grad.
2007: North Portland has a number of Metro facilities: a dump, the
Expo Center, Delta Park, Smith and Bybee Lakes, and a big regional transportation project — the new
I-5 bridge. What do North Portland residents get from all that? Among other things, two yearly grants:
the Metro Central Enhancement grant and the North Portland Enhancement grant that doles out cash
to local groups like neighborhood associations and nonprofits. So in theory, he helps bring home the
bacon every year.
2008 FORECAST: With St. Johns designated a “regional town center” by Metro’s 2040 growth plan, the
challenge to the community is to see if that can be turned into real money for projects on the ground.
For Burkholder, who’s up for reelection in 2009, his biggest challenge to prove his relevancy to voters
in North Portland.
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Page 18 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
BATTING AVERAGE:* .267 Rex seems attentive to neighborhood concerns, but he’d do well to get his
face out in the neighborhoods more and attach his name to some successful and popular projects in
the area.
*BATTING AVERAGE: This reflects the Sentinel’s evaluation of the office-holder’s most recent term, with
an emphasis on North and Northwest Portland issues and accessibility.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 19
From page 18
It comes down to ballot access. Ballot
laws vary from state to state. Oklahoma,
with the tightest
rules, does not
even allow writein
Florida, with the
most liberal ballot
only a filing to be
the state.
“Ballot access is
our number one
issue,” says Cory.
“We literally have to
fight just to get to the
Cory claims the
regularly works with
the Green Party and
other third parties
on issues like ballot
access. Jingozian’s
presidential bid and
his RESET America campaign hope to bring
something to the third-party cause.
“I hope that it’s something that opens
gates to future third-party candidates,” says
Jingozian of his campaign. “And the people
they represent.”
There are currently 13 candidates trying
to grab the party nomination next spring.
Libertarians claim they will get their man or
woman on the ticket in 48 states.
“I expect to receive 5 to 10 percent of
the popular vote,” says Jingozian of his
ambitions in 2008. In Libertarian-friendly
Oregon he expects to win the state. “We
expect to unset the two-party system in five
years’ time.”
From page 9
plan to the county and was experiencing
upheaval due to a recent leadership change.
“Frankly, we’re concerned,” said Cogen.
“If Hope Meadows can’t move forward from
the City of Portland’s perspective, they’re
not a viable candidate for us.”
The other two finalist sites included a
storefront property at 8226 N Denver Ave.
owned by local developer Craig Osbeck and
his family, and the former Triad Mechanical
RESET America hopes to win America’s
vote the same way AngelVision won a spot
on the list of Inc. Magazine’s “Top 500
fastest growing companies” – with Internet
videos. YouTube video, videos on his website
and viral videos that people can email to one
another, if popular and entertaining, could
spread like wildfire
across the virtual
political landscape.
That’s the type of
marketing AngelVision
specializes in. It is
also one that does not
require a huge amount
of money for TV ads.
Jingozian hopes to run
his entire campaign
without TV ads for as
little as $10 million.
“We only need one
or two percent of
the amount Hillary
Clinton has to run
our campaign,” says
don’t need a lot of
money. Spending
is what got our
goal is to convince Americans that we have
a right to choose whomever we want to vote
for,” he explains. “The problem isn’t the
politicians or the media. It’s that we think
we’re the only ones who care.”
Jingozian hopes that third parties and his
campaign can prove otherwise.
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RESET America Campaign launch, 7 p.m. Nov.
24 at Venue, 2808 NE Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd. Call (503) 493-8127. For more information
on Michael Jingozian, RESET America and
AngelVistion Technologies, Inc., visit www. or
site, a two-acre property that runs from North
Brandon Avenue to Denver Avenue that was
acquired by TriMet last year with the savings
from the Interstate MAX project.
Some present at the meeting expressed
disappointment that none of the potential
sites were on North Lombard Street.
Sublett explained that, while sites on North
Lombard were considered, they were all
either too close to existing branches or
didn’t meet size requirements.
Your Starting Lineup of Local Legislators
Seeking re-election: May, 2008
Height: 5’8” Throws: right Bats: right, and was a Little League MVP
when she was 11.
CURRENTLY: Serving on the Health Care and Human Services
committees during the 2007 Interim Session. … Resides in the
Kenton District along with partner Aimee Wilson.
PREVIOUSLY: Native of Pennsylvania; moved to Oregon 20 years ago
… lost a campaign for the legislature in 2004 in Southeast before
moving to North Portland and winning in 2006 … University of
Washington grad with a degree in International Studies … served
as Policy Director for Children First of Oregon.
2007: Kotek played a key role in the passage of two gay-rights measures, both of which were challenged through initiative petitions that failed to gather enough signatures to make this fall’s ballot.
2008 may be a different story … Tina gains a lot of points with the Sentinel for listening hard and
being engaged in St. Johns’ MTIP traffic battle. Her involvement may have helped bring ODOT to the
table, heading off frustrated neighbors before they withdrew support of the project.
2008 FORECAST: Well … our beloved legislature is one of only six state legislatures that don’t have
annual sessions. Next year there will be an experimental “mini” session in Salem, as they try to test
out doing the unthinkable: working every year! The genius of Oregon is that legislatures run every two
years or basically after every session. Tina deserves more time to prove herself and shouldn’t have to
work too hard to get re-elected.
BATTING AVERAGE:* .291 Tina gets points for potential but, like Cogen, she’s still an untried rookie.
*BATTING AVERAGE: This reflects the Sentinel’s evaluation of the office-holder’s most recent term, with
an emphasis on North and Northwest Portland issues and accessibility.
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 19
Page 20 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
“Sometimes, people don’t realize that they’re actually great
photographers,” says Zeb of Blue Moon Camera and Machine.
Thankfully for those unsure of their own artistic abilities, the
Blue Moon Annual customer show gives local photographers a
nudge of encouragement.
Beginning December 1, St. Johns’ own famous camera shop
will showcase its fifth annual customer show. “It gets more and
more well-known each year. And we’re bringing people into St.
Johns to get a look at what we have to offer,” says Zeb.
In this case, what we have to offer is photos, and lots of them.
This year, around 200 photographs per year from the past 5 years
will be displayed, equaling about one thousand prints total.
“We don’t accept submissions. When we work in the lab, if
we happen across a photo that is worthy of recognition, we will
put it aside. If it gets a majority vote of the employees, it’s in
the show.”
The opening reception is from 7-9 p.m. on December 1 at Anna Bannana’s,
Proper Eats, Ladybug Café, Le Gong Gelato, and James John Café.
Page 20 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 21
Arbor Lodge
November 15th, 2007 • 6:30 PM
June 11th, 2008 • 7:00 PM
Chief Joseph School Library
2409 N Saratoga
Kenton Fire House
8105 N Brandon
June 18th, 2008 • 7:00 PM
September 18th, 2007 • 7:00 PM
Columbia High School
716 NE Marine Dr.
Kaiser Town Hall
3704 N Interstate Ave.
May 6th, 2008 • 7:00 PM
November 28th, 2007 • 7:30 PM
New Columbia, The Fountain Room
9118 N Newman
Holy Redeemer School
127 N Portland Blvd, Small Hall
November 12th, 2007 • 7:00 PM
Cathedral Park
Mississippi BA
Albina Youth Opportunity School
3710 N Mississippi Ave. at Beech
November 13th, 2007 • 7:00 PM
January • 12:00 PM
BES Water Lab
6543 N Burlington
Mississippi Pizza
3552 N Mississippi Ave.
Hayden Island
North Portland BA
March 13th, 2008 • 7:00 Pm
January 24th, 2008 • 7:30pm
Former Hayden Island Yacht Club
12050 N Jantzen Ave.
8608 N Lombard St.
Mark the date. Here is a listing of some upcoming (some
sooner than others) neighborhood and business association
board and general elections.
If you don’t vote, you can’t
complain. And if you don’t get
involved, you can’t ... uh ...
complain even more.
November 12th, 2007 • 7:00 PM
Emanuel Hospital
2801 N Gantenbein Ave.
From page 3
Measure 50. “This is a tax that most people
won’t pay,” he explains.
Lisa Gilliam, director of the Stop the
Measure 50 Tax Hike Committee in
Portland, which oversaw production of the
commercials, confirmed that the process
argument came from perspiration rather
than inspiration. “We’re like any other
campaign. We do our research.”
In so doing, they found that concerns
over process could be sharpened into useful
points of attack. “Process is an integral part
of policymaking. You can’t brush it aside
as a means to an end,” says Gilliam, who’s
worked in Oregon politics for 12 years now
and served on the Bob Dole presidential
campaign in 1996. “You’ve got to do these
things right. Measure 50 was an end run
because they couldn’t get this passed in the
That line of thinking should seem familiar
in a community bitterly torn by the dispute
over renaming Interstate Avenue. In the Oct.
9 public hearing at Ockley Green Middle
School, opponents of the name change cited
complaints with the “process” on at least
five occasions. “The process is flawed and
divisive,” said an Interstate Avenue business
owner. A few minutes later, a speaker
concluded his two minutes of mike time by
saying, “Bad process and good intentions
don’t mix.”
The “process” argument was also part
of the Measure 49 subtext, where one of
the subthemes was the notion that “the
politicians” were working to overturn the will
of the voters who had approved Measure 37.
So the lesson from Campaign ’07 is clear:
In the trendy world of campaign messaging,
a flawed “process” can make voters see red.
That’s what makes it the new black.
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November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 21
Page 22 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Chapel Hill, NC – and, most recently, the
recent renaming of Canyon Lakes Drive in
Lubbock, Texas, to honor Cesar E. Chavez.
Other community resistance mirrors
North Portland.
At the Oct. 25 council meeting, Potter
noted the Lubbock case and said that in
Texas people stated the same reasons for
wanting to keep the name of their street.
Potter said the Lubbock nay-sayers lined up
to say Canyon Lakes Drive should not be
renamed “because Canyon Lakes (Drive) is
a canyon with a bunch of lakes in it.”
According to KCBD Television in Lubbock,
opponents said they didn’t oppose the idea
of naming a street after Cesar Chavez, just
renaming Canyon Lakes Drive. They also
observed that no process for renaming
streets had been outlined for the community.
This included claims by residents that the
City Council had violated the Texas Open
Meetings Act, an accusation
that mirrors recent claims that Portland’s
City Council had broken city code by not
following protocols on street renaming.
Even so, a street name change less than
a year after North Portland Boulevard was
changed to Rosa Parks Way makes longtime
residents feel as if the neighborhood is being
pulled out from under their feet.
“It’s a very symbolic political act. It gets
people thinking about public space and
democracy, asking the question: Is my voice
being heard?” says Alderman.
To that extent, emerging minority
residents have found a new power in City
Hall. This year Latinos surpassed African
Americans as the city’s largest minority
group. With that new status, they are
looking to address inequities they see in the
community, one being a lack of memorials
to their cultural history.
Mitch Reyes teaches Politics of Public
Memory as an Assistant Professor at Lewis
and Clark College and helped head “Heroes
of Color Project” at the Spanish-English
International School (SEIS) at Roosevelt High
School. “The importance of public memory
is the public acknowledgement of cultural
heroes for every community. [In America]
those heroes have traditionally been old white
men,” says Reyes.
The Chavez committee was careful not
to select a street that was already named
after someone else. Of the 4,000 streets
in Portland, only three are
named after
Lubbock passed the name change on
Oct. 25, but for some communities that
complain of poor process, changing a street
name doesn’t last.
Some estimate that there are 730 U.S. streets
named after civil rights leader Martin Luther
King Jr. Yet this year in Zephyrhills, FL, a
street was renamed after Martin Luther King
Jr. by City Council, without public process. A
New York Times report claimed, residents had
“said that the council had railroaded the plan
without consulting them.” Now the street is
going back to being called Sixth Avenue.
“Change is difficult … that’s enough
for most people,” says Alderman of these
struggles. “You have changes in power
structures of a neighborhood. People get
very upset about the process — local leaders
making decisions without public input ...
the process has to be inclusionary and as
democratic as possible.”
has led Chavez supporters
to say that the white
history of Portland is
well documented and
“We picked the street
we thought was best,” says
Martha Guembes, co-chair
of the Cesar E. Chavez
Boulevard Committee. “We
didn’t choose a street that
was named after someone
else because we knew that
the people who named that
must have felt as we do.”
From page 1
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Page 22 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
“We identify with the street we live on,”
says Alderman. “Part of the motivation for
street renaming is to educate the community
by making history a very personal and
intimate part of your everyday life.”
The burgeoning Latino community in
North Portland, represented in part by the
Chavez committee, wants to have its history
represented. They are being challenged by
long-term North Portland residents who say
they want to preserve their identity and the
regional history associated with the name
Interstate Avenue.
North Portland, a geographically
isolated part of the city, is diverse but still
overwhelmingly white and working class,
with generations of residents born and
raised in the same area.
The community is now experiencing
both gentrification and diversification at
the same time.
Average household incomes have risen
by an of $1,000 a year for the last several
years. Home prices have appreciated at
approximately 12-14 percent, pushing out
many longtime residents. At the same
time, North Portland’s Latino population
continues to increase, reaching up to 12
percent in areas such as St. Johns. Public
schools like James John Elementary
and Clarendon Portsmouth have Latino
populations of up to 70 percent.
“People don’t like
change, and it’s exacerbated
by the fact that we live in a
world that is changing at an
increasingly fast rate. Folks
look to history as a solid
foundation, because ‘history
doesn’t change, right?’
Wrong — history’s written
by people,” says Reyes.
Reyes hypothesizes that,
ironically, in a liberal city
such as Portland, it may
be this very idea of race
neutrality that makes this
debate so heated. “It’s the
thing we don’t talk about,”
says Reyes.
So what do the experts
suggest for Portland? “This
situation is obviously
creating social conflict.
Sometimes you have to take
a step backwards to move
forward,” says Reyes, “just
to ensure that everyone
feels heard.”
News on the Interstate/Chavez
debate changes rapidly. For
up-to-the-minute coverage,
follow the story on our blog at
November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 23
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November 2007 • St. Johns Sentinel • Page 23
Page 24 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007
Page 24 • St. Johns Sentinel • November 2007