Healing Mass - St. Hedwig Catholic Church


Healing Mass - St. Hedwig Catholic Church
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
A Faith Community of the Catholic Diocese of Orange
S e p t e m b e r 18 , 2 016
11482 Los Alamitos Boulevard
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Phone: (562) 296-9000
Fax: (562) 296-9099
Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m.
Weekdays 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Catechetical Sunday
Blessings for all of our Faith Formation leaders
Holy Days of Obligation as announced.
Rectory Hours
Mon/Weds, 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tues/Thurs/Fri, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sat/Sun, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch Mon - Sun
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Adoration of the Eucharist
Start: 16th of the month, 9:15 a.m.
End: 17th of the month, 8:00 a.m.
Rosary Recitation
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mission Statement
We, the parishioners of St. Hedwig Catholic Church, are servants called by Jesus Christ to grow as the family of God. We are
committed to compassion, integrity, communication, and collaboration. We share our giftedness and faith journeys. We witness to
the presence of the Kingdom.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
Rev. Christopher Heath
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Tuan Nguyen
[email protected]
Deacon Larry Hurst, (562) 296-9000
Deacon Gary Mucho, (562) 296-9000
Deacon Henry Eagar, (562) 296-9000
Robin Joo
[email protected]
Director of Parish Administration
Cecilia Cervantes, (562) 296-9001
[email protected]
Parish School Principal
Erin Rucker, (562) 296-9510
[email protected]
Director of Parish Life
Director of Faith Formation
Jennifer Clark, (562) 296-9007
[email protected]
Office of Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
Lan Dinh, (562) 296-9040
[email protected]
Altar Servers, Cindy Resong ..........................................................................ceb357@aol.com
Autumnfest Chairman, Robert Butler................................................................ (562) 755-5083
Bible Camp, Office of Faith Formation ............................................................... (562) 296-9040
Bible Study, Carol Meckler ................................................................................ (562) 430-3266
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Carol Meckler ................................................ (562) 430-3266
Caregiver Support, Paty Piar ............................................................................ (562) 795-5762
Contemplative Prayer Group, Joanne Walsh ................................................... (562) 443-8605
Eucharistic Adoration, Diane Gilkenson........................................................... (562) 430-1995
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound, Miriam Lindley .............................. (714) 901-7367
Eucharistic Ministers to Sunrise, Katella & Alamitos, Marianne Szpunar.... (562) 430-4784
Eucharistic Ministers, Julianne Bancroft ........................................................... 714) 299-4195
St. Francis, Linda Milligan .............................................................................. (562) 596-5603
Our Lady of Grace, Barbara Jenkins ............................................................. (562) 431-4962
Our Lady of Lourdes, Gordon Mueller .......................................................... (562) 598-2863
Sacred Heart, Sue MacVicar .......................................................................... (714) 345-8946
Health/Bereavement Ministry, Deacon Larry Hurst .......................................... (562) 296-9000
Hospitality (Ushers, Greeters, Welcome Committee), Rolondo Barrientos ....... (818) 326-8947
Knights of Columbus, Miguel Mederos ............................................................ (909) 714-7422
Lector, Monica Wissuchek ................................................................................. (562) 799-0231
Mission Circle, Mary Murray .............................................................................. (714) 867-2511
Parish School: Kindergarten - Grade 8, Bonnie Finn, School Secretary............. (562) 296-9060
Pastoral Council, John Torii, Chair.................................................................... (562) 626-9196
Prayer Network, Ann Getscher .......................................................................... (714) 903-9349
Respect Life, Bill, Kathy & Sandi Terrio ............................................................. (562) 598-8507
Sacristans, Don Ahern ....................................................................................... (562) 594-0121
Safe Environment Training & Fingerprinting, Office of Faith Formation ........ (562) 296-9040
Secular Franciscan Order, Diane Halal ............................................................ (562) 596-3162
St. Vincent De Paul, Carol Sylvia ...................................................................... (562) 296-9000
Sunday School (age 3-5), Office of Faith Formation ......................................... (562) 296-9040
THAT MAN IS YOU, Deacon Henry Eagar ............................................................ (562) 296-9000
Director of Music Ministry
Robert Nafarrete, (562) 296-9050
[email protected]
Administrative Services
Quan Tran, (562) 296-9010
[email protected]
Casa Youth Shelter
Robin Sinclair, (562) 594-6825
Engaged Encounter
Maria & Reynaldo Barcelo
(562) 596-0075
Marriage Encounter
Yvonne & John McGee
(562) 493-3964
Precious Life Shelter
Theresa Murphy, (562) 431-5025
Boy Scouting (Grade 6 & up)
Scott Bomwell, (714) 891-1708
Cub Scouting (grades 1-5)
Nate Morrissey, (714) 308-4892
Infant Baptism (age 6 or younger), Parish Office................................. (562) 296-9000
Children Baptism (age 7 or older), Office of Faith Formation .............. (562) 296-9040
First Holy Communion, Office of Faith Formation............................... (562) 296-9040
Confirmation, Office of Faith Formation ............................................... (562) 296-9040
Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA, Adult Faith Formation
Jennifer Clark ....................................................................................... (562) 296-9007
Holy Matrimony, Parish Office ............................................................. (562) 296-9000
Must provide at least six month advance notice before proposed wedding date
Anointing of the Sick........................................................................... (562) 296-9000
Available on request or by appointments, Parish Office
Funerals, Parish Office ......................................................................... (562) 296-9000
Follow St. Hedwig on Social Media
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
Did you know you were
having an anniversary
today? As a Catholic
member of the Diocese of Orange, this is
our 40th anniversary. The actual date the
Diocese began was June 18, 1976, but for
practical reasons the Diocese is celebrating
it this weekend. Maybe you’ve seen
information about this in the diocesan
newspaper or our bulletin, or on social
media. There are a series of events at the
Christ Cathedral Campus which I
encourage you to attend. I will be at the 5K
run Sunday morning.
Most Catholics experience the Church at
the parish level—Sunday Mass, school or
faith formation, baptisms, weddings,
funerals and the like. And it’s easy to forget
we’re part of a larger Church called a
Diocese, overseen by a Bishop. And even
if you are aware of a diocesan structure,
you may only think of it as some other
Church group asking for your money (the
annual Pastoral Services Appeal, or the
almost completed capital campaign). But a
Diocese is more than just another level of
bureaucracy: it is in fact the way parishes
are organized and coordinated and
governed. The diocese exists to serve
parishes and to help provide services,
training, and oversight.
If you’re old enough to remember 1976,
maybe you remember something about that
Fr. Tuan Nguyen
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Larry Hurst
time when the Diocese of Orange was
created as a new territory, carved off of the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles? My home
parish is Holy Family in Orange, which was
named the Cathedral Church, the seat of
the Bishop. June 18 was a Friday, but I
remember on Sunday morning an
announcement was made by the Pastor,
Monsignor Donald Strange (of happy
memory) and the church erupted in
applause. Msgr. Strange had tears in his
eyes as he announced the first Bishop of
the Diocese was William Johnson (also of
happy memory), who was an Auxiliary
Bishop of Los Angeles.
I was 14 years old then, and I had only a
vague idea why this was so important. I
had applied to the High School Seminary of
Our Lady Queen of Angels in San
Fernando earlier that month, and so I was a
brand-new seminarian for a brand-new
diocese, my pastor was now the rector of
the Cathedral, and when I arrived at the
Minor Seminary in September I was part of
a newly-formed group of seminarians that
were from Orange and no longer part of LA.
The Diocese of Orange commissioned a
book describing some of the history of our
Church. We also have an illustrated book
(otherwise known as a comic book) of the
Diocese! If you are interested, you can
peruse a copy in the rectory office, and for
a recommended donation of $15 you can
take one home to read to your children or
grandchildren! Sadly, I am not featured as
a comic book character, but don’t let this
stop you from owning your own copy!
Father Christopher Heath
Deacon Gary Mucho
Deacon Henry Eagar
We are happy that you have joined us today
and want you to know that you are always
welcome here. We invite you to participate in
any of our parish activities and ministries at
the level you desire. We all have different but
valuable gifts and talents that we can use to
serve God and each other.
Have a story to share? We’d love to
hear it! Please email it to
[email protected]
Children of the Light
Charismatic Prayer
Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:00am
Church Prayer Room
Contemplative Prayer Group
Quiet Reflection and Prayer
Saturday - September 24, 2016
9:15am, Church Prayer Room
September 30 - October 2, 2016
Friday, Sept 30 (6pm - 11pm)
Saturday, Oct 1 (12pm - 11pm)
Sunday, Oct 2 (12pm - 8pm)
Fridays With Deacon Henry
September 16 - December 2, 2016
Food/Social starts at 5:45am
Presentation/Small Group Discussion
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
Jennifer Clark
[email protected]
(562) 296-9007
Lan Dinh
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
(562) 296-9040
School of religious education (sre)
Children’s Faith Formation
•Sunday School •Grades 1-8 •First Communion
SRE Grades 1-5: 1st Day of Class
September 20, 2016
Sunday School: 1st Day of Class
September 18, 2016
Confirmation 1: 1st Day of Class
September 18, 2016 at 6:30pm in Quinn Hall
Confirmation 2: 1st Day of Class
September 25, 2016 at 6:30pm in Quinn Hall
Jennifer Clark
Director of Parish Life
Director of Faith Formation
Everything we are and everything we have
belongs to God. What does this mean?
Well imagine that you lend your car to a
friend in need and out of gratitude they give
it back to you washed and full of more gas
than you gave it to them. Wouldn't that
make you smile? The reality is that EVERYTHING we have
is a gift from God! We are stewards of all that God gives us
and our stewardship is about responding to that generosity
with our time, talent and treasure in accordance with our
means, but striving to give back to God more than He gives
us to start. Practically speaking this could be improving
something in yourself or in the people/things around you,
growing in faith, knowledge, service, humility...these are all
ways we 'return the car clean and gassed up'.
Please contact Jennifer Clark at 562-296-9007 or
[email protected] to discuss ways to share your time and
talent or to connect in the community.
If you or someone you know is interested in finding out about
the Catholic Faith, please contact Jennifer Clark at
(562) 296-9007 or email [email protected].
Robert Nafarrete
[email protected]
Children’s Choir, Wednesdays
3 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Adult Choir, Wednesdays
7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Our choirs are starting back up for the 2016-17 season. All are
welcome to participate. The Adult Choir rehearses Wednesdays at
7 PM and sings at the 10 AM Sunday Mass. The Youth Choir
rehearses Wednesdays at 3 PM and sings on the last Sunday of
the month at the 12 PM Mass. Both will start rehearsal on
September 14. We are also looking for teens, either singers or
instrumentalists, to join the Sunday 5:30 PM Mass.
Please contact Robert Nafarrete if you are interested in being part of our
ministry. 562-296-9050 or [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
(Closed Friday)
Thank you for your generous support!
Alvarez, Olga & Guillermo
Anderson, Bernard
Boyce, Jim
Butcher, Eileen
Foy, Brian & Julie
La Casto, Helen
Mallon, Sally
Manfro, Joe & Vera
Stumpfl, Steve & Mary
PSA 2016*
Families Donated: ............. 375
Families Registered: ....... 1440
Amount Pledged: ..... $193,816
Amount Paid: ........... $168,306
*Updated as of 9/13/2016
If you have not made a pledge, it is not too late! If 51 additional families make a pledge, we will receive an additional $3,000 rebate
or if an additional 86 families make a pledge, we will receive an additional $5,000 rebate. The deadline to qualify for this
additional rebate is September 30, 2016. Please help us attain this extra rebate! Pledges can be made online at http://
orangecatholicfoundation.org/psa/ or via the PSA envelopes found in the church pews. They can be dropped off in the basket or at
the Parish Office. Every pledge, no matter what size, it valued and appreciated.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2016
Pre-Sale Ride Tickets/Game Tokens On Sale NOW!!!
Pre-Sale Ride Tickets and Game Tokens are now on sale after all
Masses this month. You will save significantly by purchasing these
pre-sale tickets; and the parish receives a greater share of the
profits! Each sheet of pre-sale tickets is $35 and contains 20 tickets –
one ticket per ride. If you purchase tickets at the event – it will cost you
$3 to $5 per ride. Pre-Sale Game Tokens provide you with 25 Tokens
for the price of 20. This is a 20% discount if you buy before Autumnfest. Please buy presale – and encourage your soccer, football and
other neighborhood friends to buy presale as well. Presale purchases
also available at the school office weekdays between 8:00-4:00 and
online at http://www.sainthedwigparish.org/autumnfest/orders/2015.html.
Sign up Sundays will begin next weekend. Sign-up in person as a
volunteer at Autumnfest XXXl with the help of your Volunteer
Committee as they will have individuals outside the church during All
Masses to assist you in finding the perfect volunteer positions at
Autumnfest XXXl. Adult and teen volunteers are needed to work in the
food and game booths, help with set-up and clean-up and assist in
many other areas of operation. Bring your calendars and sign up! You
The Four Signs of A Dynamic
Catholic Book Study Group
On Tuesday, October 25th, 2016, we will
be starting a new session of the Book
Discussion Group. This year we will be
reading and discussing Matthew Kelly’s
book: The Four Signs of a Dynamic
Catholic. This group discussion is offered
to everyone — and will held on Tuesdays
once a month at 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM in
the church. The sessions will run through
May 2017. Following the first "Growing in
Faith speaker series" on Tuesday, October
18th, the book and study guide will be
available. You may also pick up the
copies in the Faith Formation Office. For
information please call or email the FFO.
St. Francis Guild
Social: 7:00 PM Meeting: 7:30PM
You are invited to the Welcome Back
Meeting of St. Francis Guild Thursday,
September 22nd at the home of Rosemary
Happoldt. For more information call
562-598-2409. Reminder: Bring a sweater as
the meeting will be outdoors and the weather
is often cool in the evening.
Sacred Heart Guild
Please join us for our Welcome Back
Potluck meeting at the home of Jan Evans,
on Tuesday, Sept. 27th at 6:30pm. Main
dish A - J and Salad K - Z. My address is
12841 Olive St., Garden Grove. For more
information please call 714-895-5519.
also have the option of using our online volunteer scheduling program at
Autumnfest Harvest Raffle tickets continue to be available in the
church lobby literature racks, at the rectory office, and the school office.
Don’t miss your opportunity to win one of 10 different electronic items,
$600.00 in Sprout’s Gift Cards, or one of two all cash prizes that
includes the Grand Prize of $7,500.00! Purchase your sheet of 25
tickets for $50 be eligible to also win $250.00 in our Early Bird Drawing.
Calling ALL Bakers! - The Coffee House and Cake Walk are looking
for donated baked goods for this year’s Autumnfest. You can bring your
homemade or purchased baked goods to Quinn Hall any time after
12PM on the Friday, Sept. 30th , or after 10AM on Saturday and Sunday
that weekend! To get the most up to date information on Autumnfest
XXXl, please visit our website at www.sainthedwigparish.org/autumnfest
or “Like” our Facebook page at
Anyone wishing to assist the Autumnfest Commi ee with
pre-planning ac vi es, please e-mail Robert Butler at
[email protected]
The Bible Study @ St. Hedwig Parish begins on
Thursday, September 22nd: 9:30 AM and
7:00 PM in the Church. Everyone is welcome to
join this Bible Study now beginning our 39th year.
No prior study experience is necessary. This year
our study is from the Catholic Bible Study series
‘Come and See’: Moses and the Torah.
Registration and book order forms are available in
the Vestibule of the Church. The cost of the workbook is $22. For information please call Carol @
[562] 430-3266, or email [email protected]
or call Linda Milligan at [562] 596-5603.
Luke 24:27 “ . . . And beginning with Moses and all the
prophets, He [Jesus] interpreted to them in all the
Scripture the things concerning Himself.” You are invited to ‘Come and See’.
Call us at 562-296-9060 to schedule your
personal tour or email Bonnie Finn at
[email protected]
Visit our website at www.sthedwigk8.org
to learn more about our commitment to
developing the whole child in a nurturing,
Christ-centered environment.
Respect Life Ministry
Are you disturbed by the decreasing respect for human life in our society? Are you concerned that your
children and grandchildren will inherit a world that has little compassion for the unborn, sick, or disabled?
Perhaps you have a calling to Respect Life Ministry. We help build the Culture of Life through prayer
and peaceful action guided by the Holy Spirit. Some of the activities we sponsor are monthly pro-life holy
hours, an annual Respect Life conference, a Los Alamitos walk for life, and a Precious Life Baby Shower
in the spring. Please join by our Respect Life organizational meeting from 2:00-3:30 pm on Sunday,
September 25, in the parish lounge adjacent to Quinn Hall. All ages are welcome, including teens. With
your participation, we can make a difference! Contact Bill Terrio at 562-370-4503 if you have any
St. Vincent de Paul Conference– Lights On
Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference has been able to help the poor and the forgotten because of you.
One of our programs, Lights On Re-entry provides a safe haven in a RV parked outside of the Central
Jail in Santa Ana. Inmates are released at 2 or 3 am with very little, we welcome them in, offer a phone
call, chat and wait for the dawn with them. Adults are needed – of all ages to simply welcome. Consider
teaming up with a friend (maybe on a weekend night). Love Pope Francis? This is what he is talking
about - Compassion in the real world. Please contact Gene Huttner 714-962-4900 for more information.
Mass Intentions
Monday, September 19
8:30 a.m. Theresa Farrell, RIP
Tuesday, September 20
8:30 a.m. Charles Sylvia, RIP
Our Weekly Offering
September 11, 2016
Regular Collec on .................................................................$14,601
St. Vincent de Paul .................................................................... $230
Wednesday, September 21
8:30 a.m. St. Hedwig Parish, INT
Thursday, September 22
8:30 a.m. Paul Hayes, RIP
Friday, September 23
8:30 a.m. Masao Ogawa, RIP
Saturday, September 24
8:30 a.m. Eduardo Crisostomo, RIP
5:30 p.m. Gary Mucho, INT
5:30 p.m. George Sams, RIP
5:30 p.m. Charles Sylvia, RIP
5:30 p.m. Trevison Harding, RIP
5:30 p.m. Grace Marietti, RIP
Sunday, September 25
8:00 a.m. Paul Joseph Molthen, RIP
10:00 a.m. Brian Gallagher, RIP
12:00 p.m. Pro Populo, INT
5:30 p.m. Jim Sartain, RIP
Presider Schedule
Saturday, September 24
5:30pm Father Tuan
Sunday, September 25
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Father Tuan
Father Joe
Father Chris
Father Tuan
Note: Presider schedule may
change without notice
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act), prohibits all
hospitals from informing churches of
a pa ent’s presence unless the
pa ent gives permission for the
hospital to do so. If you are admi ed
to a hospital and would like a
member of the clergy or a Eucharis c
Minister to visit you, please no fy the
hospital or call the Rectory Office at
DEADLINE for articles submitted for the
Sunday bulletin is 9:00 a.m. on Friday, 10
days prior to the desired Sunday.
Please email:
[email protected]
To view the bulletin online,
go to the parish website at
and click on current bulletin.
We invite you to try ParishPay to make your
monthly parish contribuƟon
When you use ParishPay for your
monthly automaƟc contribuƟon you will
know your pledge has been received and
is contribuƟng to the work of our parish.
Please pray for…
Lois Little
Katy Ambrosio
Turdy Ambrosio
Karen Bell
John Koenig
Bill Robinson
Joe Manfro
Enroll Today…A link has been provided
on the St. Hedwig Parish website:
www.sainthedwigparish.org. If you need
help or do not have internet access,
please call ParishPay at 866-727-4741
and they will guide you through the
process or enroll you over the telephone.
Dottie Lane
Victor Halsig
Maria Hong Dinh
Janice Ray Sanborn Levites
Nancy Gray
Don Latham
Marianne Latham
Paul H. Rodriguez
Lisa Roos
Ronald Nerger
Leonard Joseph Fuentes, Jr.
Rudolph A. Fuentes
John Vu
Please note: Names remain on the list for four weeks. Please resubmit after that time.
...and for those who have died in Christ.
Constance Stricklin
Carol Kulok
Desmond Barlow
Ed Chaides
Eric Rodriquez
Roy Worhaye
Helen Salas
Karlene Nerger
Anthony V. Dulcich
Roy Woirhaye
James (Jim) Sartain
Pray for Expectant Families
Angela Gilkenson Stewart
(due in September)
who have been entrusted with a new life to nurture and love. If you are an expectant family,
please let us know so that your parish family can pray for you and your baby. Please contact
the Parish Office at 562-296-9000, to arrange for your names to be listed in our bulletin.
Scripture Readings
Sunday, September 18: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Amos 8:4-7 / Psalm 113:1-2,4-6,7-8 / 1 Timothy 2:1-8 / Luke 16:1-13 or Luke 16:10-13
Monday, September 19:
Proverbs 3:27-34 / Psalm 15:2-3A,3BC-4AB,5 / Luke 8:16-18
Tuesday, September 20: Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, & Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and
Companions, Martyrs
Proverbs 21:1-6,10-13 / Psalm 119:1,27,30,34,35,44 / Luke 8:19-21
Wednesday, September 21: Saint Matthew, Apostle and evangelist
Ephesians 4:1-7,11-13 / Psalm 19:2-3,4-5 / Matthew 9:9-13
Thursday, September 22:
Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 / Psalm 90:3-4,5-6,12-13,14 & 17BC / Luke 9:7-9
Friday, September 23: Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 / Psalm 144:1B & 2ABC,3-4 / Luke 9:18-22
Saturday, September 24:
Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8 / Psalm 90:3-4,5-6,12-13,14&17 / Luke 9:43B-45
Sunday, September 25: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Amos 6:1A,4-7 / Psalm 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 / 1 Timothy 6:11-16 / Luke 16:19-31