PDF - Los Feliz Ledger


PDF - Los Feliz Ledger
Los Feliz Ledger
Vol 11. No. 6
Little Church’s
Large Legal
Battle Looms
Over Los Feliz
Read by 100,000+ Residents and Business Owners in Los Feliz, Silver Lake,
Atwater Village, Echo Park & Hollywood Hills
Weary Gatto Family Marks 2nd Anniversary of Father’s Murder
Crime remains
By Allison B. Cohen
By Allison B. Cohen
LOS FELIZ—A resolution
could come as early as January
in the long, ugly and expensive legal battle over who controls St. Mary’s of the Angels
Church on Finley Avenue.
Founded in 1918 to minister to parishioners working
in the motion picture industry, the tiny church has been
split in two over who officially
controls its denomination, its
members and its rumored rich
financial endowment containing a portfolio of real estate
holdings that includes the
now vacant Citibank building
on Hillhurst Avenue, whose
upstairs community space is
regularly used by local groups.
The Los Feliz Neighborsee ST. MARY’S page 14
Are Local
Schools’ Arts
Making the
By Erin Hickey
Ledger Contributing Writer
When it comes to arts education, Los Angeles Unified
School District (LAUSD) has
a long way to go, according to
a November analysis by the
Los Angeles Times.
Although California has
one of the healthiest arts education policies in the country,
the Times’ analysis revealed
many schools are falling far
short of state requirements.
The Times used data
from surveys conducted by
LAUSD to create an arts education report card, assigning
letter grades to more than
see ARTS page 30
Community News: Advisory
group not so pleased with
Olympic 2024 plans, page 9
December 2015
California State Assemblymember Mike Gatto speaks to reporters at a November 12th vigil honoring the
2nd anniversary of the murder of his father, Joseph, in his Silver Lake home. Pictured with Gatto is his sister
Mariann, holding a police composite of the only suspect in the case, and cousins of the slain arts teacher,
Sylvia Barham, of Glendale and Vita Cortese of Los Angeles. Photo: Allison B. Cohen.
SILVER LAKE—The family of
Joseph Gatto, the 78-year-old
father of California State Assemblymember Mike Gatto
who was murdered in his
home near the Silver Lake
Reservoir November 12, 2013,
said they believe there is still
one witness that has not come
forward with information in
the case despite a $50,000 reward.
Gatto, who represents the
43rd Assembly District—including Los Feliz, Silver Lake
and Atwater Village—said at a
candlelight vigil marking the
second anniversary of his father’s death, that police believe
a woman who was jogging in
the area may have encountered a suspect head-on who
see GATTO page 35
LaBonge Document Inquiry Sought
Police: a Daily Part of School Life
By Allison B. Cohen
By Sheila Lane, Ledger Contributing Writer
LOS FELIZ—A former city
attorney for various municipalities in Southern California
has requested an investigation
into allegations outgoing Los
Angeles City Councilmember
Tom LaBonge may have either
destroyed or taken public documents relative to the district
he served for 14 years, when he
vacated his office last summer
prior to newly elected City
Councilmember David Ryu
taking office July 1st.
Michael H. Miller, of
Amesbury Road, requested
November 2nd that City Attorney Mike Feuer investigate
a report in the Los Feliz Ledger
that when Ryu took office July
1st, no files from LaBonge or
his staff were left behind.
According to Miller, who
served as city attorney for Gardena, Newport Beach and Ar-
Community News:
City zoning changes help stalled
Target, page 14
cadia and
as an assistant city
attorney for
the cities of
A n a he i m,
Hu n t i n g ton Beach
and Fresno, if LaBonge took
such actions, there are possible
illegal implications.
“[Such files],” he said,
“are not personal to the council person and cannot be destroyed or removed without
an entire legal process including governmental approval by
According to Los Angeles
City Attorney spokesperson
Rob Wilcox, the city cannot
pursue a criminal investigation of Miller’s concerns as LaBonge is considered a “former
People nationwide were
disturbed by a video that went
viral in October of a police officer roughly handling a high
school student who wouldn’t
put away her cellphone in
Although the incident
happened in South Carolina,
the questions it raises about
the role of armed police officers in schools is equally pertinent in Los Angeles which,
according to the Los Angeles
School Police Dept. website,
has the largest independent
school police department in
the United States.
At Los Angeles High
School in the Mid-Wilshire
area, there are usually one or
two officers on campus and a
third who patrols the area outside the school’s perimeter.
see LABONGE page 17
‘Tis the Season:
Holiday Out and About,
page 20
Jinoo Choi, the school’s
dean, said he welcomes the officers’ presence. He also said
he is quite clear on their role.
“They are there to enforce
the law, the penal code. And
the school administration enforces the state educational
code,” Choi said.
In reference to the South
Carolina incident, in which an
officer is seen on video picking up a female student with
a chokehold while she is still
sitting at her desk and then
throwing her across the classroom, Choi said he didn’t have
all the facts, but it appeared to
him that the officer used poor
Choi said he does not believe a student’s refusal to relinquish a cell phone would
involve officers at L.A. High
see POLICE page 31
Community News:
Dizzying intersection to get
makeover, page 27
Paris First Person:
Ledger graphic designer’s first
hand account, page 33
Los Feliz Ledger
Our local
issues pale
comparison to
events of
the last few weeks, including the terrorist bombing of a
Russian commercial airplane,
a bombing in Beirut, the horrifying attacks on Paris and
another terrorist takeover of a
hotel in Mali, located in West
The Paris attacks hit close
to home. The Ledger’s graphic
designer was in Paris at the
time, and in one of the neighborhoods attacked just hours
before ISIS started its assault
on restaurants, a soccer stadium and a concert hall. (See
Tiffany Sims’ first person account on page 33).
Last Christmas, I was in
Paris with my two collegeaged sons. Only days after we
departed came the Charlie
Hebdo attacks.
When the latest assault on
Paris occurred, I reached out
to the hotel staff that I had
come to know so well during my time in Paris last year.
Every day, I would wake at 5
a.m., order a couple of pots of
coffee and edit copy for both
this and our sister paper in advance of my children waking
for a day of sight seeing. It was
during these early mornings—
when I would take breaks from
my laptop computer and hang
out in the hotel’s lobby—
that I became friendly with
the staff of Hotel Au Manoir
Saint-Germain de Pres.
After the attacks I reached
them by email telling them:
“Our hearts are breaking for
you and all of Paris.” The hotel manager responded: “Absolutely, it was terrible what
has happened, shocking and
insupportable. I hope we will
not see a similar situation in
the future. We are extremely
moved by your message and
thank you very much for your
Perhaps I watch too much
CNN, but it feels now the
question is not if, but when,
more attacks will occur. As I
write this, Rome, Washington
D.C. and New York City have
all been signaled for possible
new attacks.
Such events, I hope, remind us to keep our families
close and our concerns in perspective.
Delivered the last Thursday of
each month to 34,500 homes and
businesses in the Los Feliz,
Silver Lake, Atwater Village,
Echo Park and Hollywood Hills
1933 Hillhurst Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 741-0019
Allison B. Cohen
Sheila Lane
Erin Hickey
Libby Butler-Gluck
[email protected]
Tiffany Sims
Geeta Badkar
For more stories
and updates:
Christmas Toy Store
The Los Angeles Christian School (LACS) toy store
will open its doors for one day
only Saturday, December 5th
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
The LACS toy store is a
place where struggling parents
from the community can purchase Christmas gifts for their
children at a reduced cost.
All toys are new and priced at
75% below retail value.
The store is run by World
Impact LA, a Christian organization dedicated to empowering lower income members
of the community. According
to their website, by selling toys
at a discount rather than giving them away for free, they
are able to give families the
dignity of selecting and purchasing their own toys with
their own money.
toy store will feature Christmas music, hot chocolate and
cookies for families to enjoy
while they shop, as well as
complimentary childcare—in
a separate room, so parents
can keep their kids’ gifts a surprise—and giftwrapping.
World Impact is seeking
volunteer greeters, servers, gift
wrappers, childcare workers
and setup and cleanup crews.
For those short on time, the
organization is also seeking
donations of new toys between
$5 and $25 in price, giftwrapping supplies, hot chocolate
and cookies. Toy donations
are needed by December 1st.
Contact Julie Deas at
[email protected] to volunteer or donate.
World Impact LA is located at 2001 S. Vermont
Ave., Los Angeles, CA
90007. (323) 735-3400
or find them on the web at
December Community Meetings
Atwater Village Neighborhood
Governing Board
December 10th at 7 p.m.
3852 Edenhurst Avenue
East Hollywood Neighborhood
Governing Board
December 21st at 6:30 p.m.
1559 North Kenmore Avenue
Los Feliz Improvement Association
“Autos” Photo Day
December 5th from 2-4 p.m.
1874 Hillhurst Avenue
Los Feliz Business Improvement
District (BID)
Governing Board
December 9th at 9 a.m.
1965 Hillhurst Avenue
Communication Committee
December 3rd at 9:30 a.m.
1858 North Vermont Avenue
Page 2
Beautification Committee
December 17th at 9:30 a.m.
1858 North Vermont Avenue
Los Feliz Neighborhood Council
Executive Committee
December 15th at 7 p.m.
1965 Hillhurst Avenue
Governing Board
December 15th at 7:30 p.m.
1965 Hillhurst Avenue
Silver Lake Neighborhood Council
Governing Board
December 2nd at 7 p.m.
1511 Micheltorena Street
Silver Lake Meadow Native Garden
December 19th from 9-11 a.m.
1850 West Silverlake Drive
Corrections &
Starting with our September
2015 edition, we erred regarding Los Angeles City Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell’s
claims in an injury lawsuit in
which he is involved. In legal
filings, he and three others
are named as defendants
regarding an accident that occurred in 2013 when the driver
of a van hired by O’Farrell’s
campaign hit a woman on a
scooter. We reported court
documents, filed on O’Farrell’s
behalf, indicated the councilmember disputed the woman
was on a scooter at all and
that she was driving a car with
no seat belt. In fact, O’Farrell
has not made that claim, but
instead, two of the others
named in the lawsuit have.
The litigation amongst the
defendants is not coordinated. However, it should be
noted when we asked the
councilmember’s office to
clarify the discrepancy—was
the injured woman riding a
scooter or driving a car—before we published our first
story, an O’Farrell spokesperson declined to comment on
the issue. The error was then
picked up and repeated in
subsequent editions of the
paper. We regret this error
and apologize profoundly to
Councilmember O’Farrell.
Regarding “Babysitting CoOp Thriving after Nearly 50
Years,” (November 2015), a
“sit” actually costs two points
per child, per hour; Heather
Risinger, who is quoted in the
article, had two children, ages
3 and 1 when she joined the
Co-Op 15 years ago and now
has two more children in the
Co-Op, ages 7 and 2. Finally, we
stated that the Co-Op will not
accept a member who owns a
gun. In fact, a family can own
a gun, it just cannot be in the
home where the children will
be babysat. We regret these
Available at these locations:
Atwater Library
3379 Glendale Blvd.
Bruce Q’s Barbershop & Salon
3013 W. Los Feliz Blvd.
Casita del Campo
1920 Hyperion Ave
1965 Hillhurst Avenue
Courtney + Kurt Real Estate
3167 Glendale Blvd.
Dresden Restaurant
1760 N. Vermont Avenue
House of Pies
1869 N. Vermont
Los Feliz Public Library
1874 Hillhurst Avenue
Los Feliz 3 Theaters
1822 N. Vermont
Muddy Paws Coffee
3320 Sunset Blvd.
Vermont and Melbourne
1858 N. Vermont
Silver Lake Chamber of Commerce
1724 W. Silver Lake Drive
Skylight Books
1818 N. Vermont
The Village Bakery and Café
3119 Los Feliz Blvd.
A S I LV E R L A K E C L A S S I C S I N C E 1 9 6 2
Deliciously Authentic Mexican Cuisine in
a colorful and artistic environment
Happy Hour 3pm-7pm Every Day
Weekend Brunch
“Best Margaritas in Town
with Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice”
Beautiful Patios • Gorgeous Artwork
1920 Hyperion Avenue, Silver Lake
Open Daily from 11 am
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
Locals Comment on Area
By Michael Darling, Ledger Columnist
In the last two years, Los
Angeles’ homeless population has grown by 12% to the
point that city leaders have declared a shelter crisis. Locally,
the East Hollywood Los Feliz
Homeless Coalition has been
working the last year to try
and bring more services to the
area. How do you feel about
the homeless situation in Los
Feliz today?
“I only see occasional homeless guys. When
I’m going to
shops, I see a
couple every so
often asking for money, but
I’ve never seen a Skid Row
type environment.”
— Michael C., outside the
Skylight Theater on
Vermont Avenue
“It’s like other
places. I guess I
don’t think it’s
a local problem,
it’s a citywide
— David W., outside the
Skylight Annex on Vermont
“I feel like the
population has
there was an
enc a mpment
on Hollywood
Boulevard between Vermont
and Hillhurst. I don’t know if
the population growth has to
do with development in
Downtown L.A. or if it’s just
become more apparent.”
— Matt C., outside the 1816
pop-up on Vermont Avenue
night I noticed
a bunch of
homeless people gathering
and it struck
me as odd as this is such a
growing yuppies and families
neighborhood. But it’s such a
complex issue without an easy
solution. Is it a mental health
issue? Is it an employment issue? Is it a housing issue? Is it a
mix? All I know is that this
doesn’t seem like the kind of
neighborhood where this
would be happening.”
— David R., outside the
Skylight Theater on Vermont Avenue
worse in the
whole city in
general. I saw a
encampment under the
overpass on Melrose the other
day. As the class divide gets
bigger, we’re going to see more
homeless people.”
— Octavio R., outside
Skylight Books on Vermont
“I think it’s getting worse. It
has more of an
enc a mpment
feel, like there’s
more of a community forming. On one
hand, it’s great that they have
support, but on the other, it
means it’s getting more entrenched. L. A. has a housing
crisis and I think this is the
physical embodiment of that
— Jessica H., outside Skylight Books on Vermont
Overall Crime Up:
Burglary and Theft from Vehicles
Nearly Doubles
There were 178 reported
crimes in our coverage area
from September 16th to October 15th, a 20% increase over
the previous month.
Of those, there was one
attempted rape in the 2100
block of Clinton Street and
one case of spousal abuse.
There were 60 cases of
burglary or thefts from a vehicle, 29 stolen vehicles, 26
home burglaries, 24 cases of
theft, 16 cases of assault, ten
robberies, ten cases of shoplifting and two stolen bicycles.
The area saw an increase in
December 2015
the total number of crimes for
the reporting period, with cases of burglary or theft from a
vehicle nearly doubling—back
up from last month’s 30% decrease—assaults up 60% and
slight increases in theft and
stolen vehicles. Meanwhile,
instances of spousal abuse,
robbery and home burglary
went down from last month,
according to data compiled
using the Los Angeles Police
Department’s crime mapping
program, COMPSTAT.
To see a full list of crimes,
visit losfelizledger.com
Page 3
Los Feliz Ledger
City Unveils Renovations for
Greek Theatre
By Allison B. Cohen
Some seats in the amphitheater at the Greek will be repaired for structural
soundness. The trees in the background of this photo, which are among approximately 14,000 that have died in Griffith Park and other city parks due to the
now four year drought, are in the process of being removed and the hillside relandscaped.
GRIFFITH PARK—City officials announced in November
plans for renovations to the
Greek Theatre, which are expected to start immediately in
advance of the upcoming 2016
The $15 million makeover, which includes everything from strengthening
some of the structure’s seating
to painting and refreshing the
venue both inside and out, will
be paid for by the city’s Recreation and Parks Dept., which
as of November 1st took control of the venue from longtime manager Nederlander.
Renovations announced
by the city include: stabilizing
the structure underneath some
seating areas of the 5,900-seat
venue, creating a new entrance
with ground level lit signage
in front of the facility, creating an open plaza for preperformance picnicking and
for public use when the theatre is dark, modernizing the
theatre’s dressing rooms, offices and other work areas and
adding drought resistant landscaping. Other renovations
include new way-finding signage, cosmetic paint jobs and
removal of some electronic signage, which city officials said
interfere with the structure’s
historic look and architecture.
At a tour of the facility in
November, city officials and
architects also announced the
venue’s original Greek columns, which framed the edge
of the stage as it was built in
1930, will return—not as
brick and mortar, but instead
as photographs projected on
new curtains surrounding the
stage. The columns were covered decades ago to lengthen
the stage.
The issue of the lack of
upkeep of the Greek became
an often-repeated concern in
many public hearings as the
city weighed whether to keep
Nederlander, who has managed
the theatre since 1975, or to go
in a new direction with Beverly
Hills based Live Nation.
Ultimately, after months
of jam packed public hearings,
Live Nation was selected by
the city’s five-panel Recreation
and Parks Commissioners
board to take over management of the Greek, but ultimately, that recommendation
was rejected by the Los Angeles City Council, due to concerns that community input
from the residential neighborhood near the Greek was not
weighed heavily enough in the
decision making.
Ultimately, a third proposal was accepted by the city:
that its own Dept. of Recreation and Parks should manage the theatre, at least on a
temporary basis.
City’s List of Retrofit Needs
Coming in January
According to a representative from Mayor Eric Garcetti’s office, a list of buildings
citywide that require seismic
retrofits for earthquake safety
will be released to the public
in January.
Some business owners
have expressed concern about
Page 4
the cost of the required repairs, which in some cases
may be extensive.
The mayor’s office has begun to send courtesy notices
to individual business owners
who will be affected by the requirements in advance of the
list’s official release.
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Los Feliz Ledger
LFNC Requests City Improve Local DASH Line
By Ezekiel Hernandez, Ledger Contributing Writer
Additionally, the LFNC
requested in the letter that
LADOT work to ensure the
buses run on 15-minute increments to “create a more reliable and consistent service”
daily; to extend the DASH
line’s current hours of operation past its current stop time
of 7 p.m. and to extend a current weekend only line to the
Griffith Observatory to run
seven days a week.
The council also asked for
the department to simplify
Los Feliz’s current circular
DASH route around Los Feliz
Village, which some say runs
in an inefficient loop, and to
ensure the local DASH line
better connects to longer bus
lines for those traveling out of
the immediate area.
“We’ve been hearing a
lot from folks in Los Feliz and
Silver Lake about [our area not
being] well-served by transit and it’s an area where [locals] want to see more of it,”
said Luke Klipp chair of the
LFNC’s Transportation and
Mobility Committee.
The neighborhood council
voted 12-0 to send the recommendation to the city’s transit
“They’re dealing with a
limited pot of money,” Klipp
said of the LADOT. “My hope
is that they can look at this as
a way to improve the relative
amount of revenue that they’re
getting…by providing a more
useful service. Because right
now it’s not very useful.”
Los Feliz Neighborhood Council member and chair of its Transportation and Mobility committee Luke Klipp pictured here at a hearing earlier this year at Los
Angeles City Hall.
LOS FELIZ—The city’s Dept.
of Transportation (LADOT)
will release a citywide analysis
of its DASH bus line service in
January that could make way
for an expansion of the service
locally and other changes to
the Los Feliz Village DASH
bus line.
DASH lines are bus routes
intended to serve self-contained
neighborhoods as opposed to
other lines that travel the length
and breadth of the city.
In September, the Los
Feliz Neighborhood Council
(LFNC) sent a written recommendation to the LADOT
December 2015
calling for expansion of the Los
Feliz DASH line into Silver
Lake. Specifically, the neighborhood council requested the
DASH line route be expanded
to include stops near Thomas
Starr King Middle School and
John Marshall High School,
along Fountain, Hyperion and
Rowena avenues.
Doing so, the letter states,
would provide service to those
local public schools as well as
Ivanhoe Elementary, “and a
neighborhood business district along Hyperion [Avenue]
that currently [has] no transit
Page 5
Los Feliz Ledger
City Council Declares Shelter Crisis
By Erin Hickey, Ledger Contributing Writer
A homeless man in downtown Los Angeles in this 2013 photo.
Credit: Getty Images.
Angeles City Council voted
November 17th to declare a
crisis—but not a state of emergency as originally requested—regarding homeless shelters, opening both literal and
figurative doors to those seeking to help the city’s homeless
If approved by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti as expected, several new temporary
shelters will now be allowed
to open in various non-profit,
charity and city-owned buildings citywide.
Los Angeles Municipal
Code requires that the council declare a shelter crisis exists
before any new shelters can be
The declaration will also
allow for “Safe Parking” programs for homeless individuals who live in their cars to be
implemented across the city.
This means they will have
overnight access to secure
parking lots and in some cases,
public restrooms.
The vote to adopt the motion, put forth by Council District 1 representative Gilbert
Cedillo and Council District
11’s Mike Bonin, was unanimous among the 14 councilmembers present. Paul Krekorian, who represents CD2,
which spans from Studio City
to Sun Valley, was absent.
According to the motion,
“More than 25,000 people are
homeless in Los Angeles, and
two-thirds of them go without
shelter on any given night.”
Homelessness has been
a hot button issue as of late,
with reports of NCIS actress
Pauley Perrette being attacked
by a homeless man in the Hollywood Hills November 12th,
a growing Los Feliz encampment cleared from Hollywood
Boulevard in August and
two controversial ordinances
passed in July, which allow for
any personal property left on
city grounds to be confiscated.
The council agreed in a
separate vote November 17th
to revise the ordinances to
remove their criminal and financial penalties and to identify more storage facilities for
confiscated items.
Garcetti, who came under fire by homeless advocacy
groups for allowing those same
ordinances to pass, is expected
to release his Homelessness
Strategic Plan in January. He
announced his intent to “declare war on homelessness” at
the grand opening of a mixeduse housing project near Skid
Row last July.
Additionally, City Councilmember David Ryu (CD4)
authored two motions related
to homelessness November
17th, one requesting the Los
Angeles Homeless Services
Agency (LAHSA) report on
the possibility of privately
funding recently de-funded
city-run domestic violence and
homeless veteran shelters, and
another suggesting the implementation of a unified call
number, such as “211” for residents wishing to report issues
related to homelessness.
Ryu also authored two
motions in September requesting increased access to mental
health and substance abuse
services for the homeless.
But amid budget cuts,
some wonder how the city will
fund such initiatives.
Jack Humphreville of the
Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council said in a City
Watch editorial November 3rd
that Garcetti and City Council President Herb Wesson are
seeking to use $100 million of
the city’s $393 million reserve
fund to finance new housing
and services for the homeless.
This is unwise, said Humphreville, as “the [r]eserve [f]
und is not intended to finance
ongoing programs.…Rather,
it is designed to be used in the
case of real emergencies such
as an earthquake or unanticipated budget shortfalls.”
Meanwhile, a November
5th audit by the City Control-
Ballfields in Griffith Park At Legal Juncture
By Allison B. Cohen
two youth baseball fields
should be constructed in the
Crystal Springs area of the
park will be heard December 7 in Los Angeles Superior
The latest legal hearing requests petitioners opposed to
the fields—the Griffith Charitable Trust and the non-profit
group Friends of Griffith
Park—make their case against
the ballfields, or else the matter will be dismissed, according to a spokesperson for the
Los Angeles City Attorney’s
The fields would be funded by voter approved Prop. K
funds, which were approved
in 1996 to create more open
and recreational space within
the city. Additionally, the
Page 6
A schematic what the baseball fields could look like in Griffith Park.
Los Angeles City Council
approved the construction
of the ballfields in August of
Petitioners argue the fields
would displace trees and disrupt the picnic area of Crystal
Recently, Los Angeles
City Councilmember David
Ryu has held meetings with
those representing both sides
on the issue.
However, no city entity
could comment on the project,
citing its ongoing legal status.
ler’s office showed that from
2013-2014, the city failed to
collect between $15 million
and $91 million in fees from
developers designed to reduce
the impact of commercial, industrial and residential developments on the city.
Revenue from such fees
can be used for a variety of
purposes, including building
affordable housing, according
to state law.
The audit also showed
instances of the city not using development fees already
collected—money which may
have to be refunded if it remains unspent.
In the meantime, organizations such as the East Hollywood Los Feliz Homeless
Coalition (EHLFHC)—who
recently partnered with People Assisting the Homeless
(PATH) following an EHLFHC fundraising effort last
year—are working to com-
pensate for funding shortfalls.
According to PATH Regional Director Tescia Uribe,
most homeless organizations
rely on federal or district
But occasionally, she said,
a grassroots community organization will take matters
into their hands as EHLFC
did, raising funds to contract
PATH locally instead of waiting for district funding to
trickle down.
Los Angeles Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell contracted PATH for three years
in March 2013 to provide
services in CD13 two days a
week. Thanks to funding from
EHLFHC, PATH was able to
begin serving CD13 full time
in September.
Additionally, the EHLFHC funding has allowed
PATH to broaden their reach
to other areas, including Hollywood and Los Feliz.
There are answers in this book.
PRICE: $25
4810 W. Sunset Blvd., LA CA 90027
Open daily: 9am - 10pm
Libby Butler-Gluck at [email protected]
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December 2015
– In association with –
Los Feliz Ledger
Newcomers Offer Coffee and Late
Lunch along Sunset Boulevard
By Kathy A. McDonald, Ledger Columnist
the neighborhood,” Shook
said. “It’s a fun room and the
vibe is great.”
menu is evolving he explains,
with menu items changing as
the trio assesses customers’
Breakout hits include the
chicken Milanesa, the doubledecker potato taco and the
poached omelette sandwich
with caramelized onions and
French ham. A French bean
burrito with garlic brown butter is a recent addition.
“People are loving it,” said
In an ode to Allegria,
Trois Familia’s plastic menu
covers and boldly colored
menu pages keep the prior restaurant’s legacy alive.
Beverages include seven
kinds of bottled water, Stumptown coffee, Artisan sodas
and house-made horchata and
chocolate almond milk.
No alcoholic beverages.
Seating is first-come, first
served. Private, after-hours
events can host up to 35. Open
daily from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Trois Familia, 3510 Sunset
Boulevard, (323) 725-7800,
Celebrate the holidays with
A holiday tradition for all ages. Featuring a visit from and photo with
Santa & Mrs. Claus, performance by Bob Baker’s Marionettes, June’s
Balloon Animals, photo booth, holiday crafts, gourmet holiday buffet,
& much more! Don’t miss the Ebell’s #1 children’s event of the year!
Trois Familia finds a home in the former Allegria space.
Two new businesses along
Sunset Boulevard add to the
area’s upgraded coffee shop
and dining options. In Silver
Lake, Alfred Coffee and Trois
Familia—in the former Allegria space—are already popular newcomers. Here’s what’s
behind the buzz.
Alfred Coffee & Kitchen:
In the former Heywood
Grilled Cheese space, this
street side café uses Stumptown coffee beans in a variety
of coffee drinks from brewed
coffee and pour-overs to cold
brewed coffee on tap and cappuccinos.
Also available is a daily selection of Kombucha, popular
for its reputed antioxidant and
probiotic properties.
As with most “third wave”
coffee spots—where coffee is
considered an artisanal item
rather than a commodity—
there are many choices for
milk, including soy, almond
and coconut.
Tea—the white coconut
iced tea is a big seller—Pressed
Juicery juices, Farm Shop pastries and grab-and-go salads
from Café Gratitude are also
The Alfred Coffee &
Kitchen in Silver Lake—it’s
one of four, soon to be five,
Los Angeles locations—has an
interior brightly lit by a custom neon sign favored by Instagrammers. Open daily from
6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily.
Alfred Coffee & Kitchen,
3337½ Sunset Boulevard, 323522-6984, alfredcoffee.com
Trois Familia:
It’s a tough act to follow a wellliked local eatery like Allegria
after 22 years, but Trois Familia opened in mid-October
to a full house, with a waiting
list on weekends.
Serving breakfast and
lunch only from 10 a.m. to
3 p.m., Trois Familia is collaboration between three of
Los Angeles’ most lauded
fine dining chefs, Jon Shook
and Vinny Dotolo of Animal
and Ludo Lefebvre of Trois
Mec and Petit Trois—both
joint ventures with Shook and
The interior is super casual. Allegria’s drink counter
remains and the seating is allwhite picnic benches.
“We always wanted a Silver Lake, Los Feliz or Echo
Park location,” Shook said.
“We’ve been looking forever
for a space.”
The off-street mini-mall
location—the one that’s
home to Baskin Robbins ice
cream—is decidedly low-key.
“We’re psyched to be in
Friday, December 4, 2015
4:30pm to 8:00pm
A magical fancy-dress gala with dinner & dancing in
celebration of the holiday season!
6:00pm Speciality Cocktails and Hors d’Oeuvres
7:15pm Gourmet Dinner in the Dining Room
8:30pm Grand March and dancing in the Lounge to
The Fabulous Esquires Big Band
Saturday, December 12, 2015 - Black Tie and Festive Holiday Dress
Shop until you drop in a festive atmosphere!
10:30am Socializing, spirits, and shopping!
12:00pm Lunch with a musical guest artist and holiday carols
1:30pm to 3:00pm Continue to shop for fabulous finds, art,
jewelry and collectibles
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
743 South Lucerne Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA 90005
For information on tickets or the Ebell, visit www.ebelleventtickets.com
www.ebelloflosangeles.org or call 323-931-1277 x 131
Rockwell’s Annual Toy Drive
December 3rd
LOS FELIZ—Rockwell Table
and Stage will hold its annual
toy drive December 3rd from
7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at its location on 1714 N. Vermont Avenue.
Unwrapped toys will be
accepted and delivered to children at nearby Children’s HosPage 8
pital Los Angeles.
The venue will also have a
“sexy Santa photo-op,” happy
hour food, drink specials and
deejays “The Perry Twins” on
hand to help kick off the holiday season.
Tickets: (323) 669-1550
or Rockwell-la.com
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
Advisory Board Says Bicycling Proposed for
LA 2024 Olympics Bid Illegal
By Allison B. Cohen
[Our Bread and Butter]
Glaze Fire Sparks Creativity in
Los Feliz Village
By Kimberly Gomez, Ledger Columnist
community advisory board is
strongly opposed to its potential use as a venue for bicycle
motocross (BMX) and offroad bicycling events should
Los Angeles be selected to host
the Olympic Games in 2024.
The board, which consists
of 11 local advisors to the city
on issues related to the park,
sent a letter dated November
18th to the committee working to secure the bid for the
summer games detailing a list
of concerns, including incor-
bid document, which incorrectly states the impacts of
building the infrastructures
for BMX and off-road bicycling would be “negligible” as
they would replace an existing
velodrome in Griffith Park.
“There is no velodrome
in Griffith Park, nor has their
ever been one,” the letter
The bid document also indicates that Griffith Park also
“features numerous trails utilized for hiking and biking.”
“Biking on all trails in
bid indicates the new “BMX
venue will be available for
public use as an added attraction to Griffith Park,” after the
games conclude.
Additionally, the bid document reads that a new mountain bike course with seating
for 2,000 spectators would
also be constructed near the
Griffith Park golf courses
and the Los Angeles Zoo
and would be available, post
games, for public use.
The letter is signed by
Griffith Park Advisory Board
chair Susan Swan, vice chair
Don Seligman, secretary Kris
Sullivan and boardmember
Chris Laib.
onto ceramic mugs, boxes, and
frames at Glaze Fire is the latest artistic pursuit taking hold
in Los Feliz.
Glaze Fire is the brainchild of Mary Loveless, a CalArts grad. After months of
designing a business plan with
a mentor, Loveless realized she
needed to be two people make
her dream a reality.
She reached out to her talented cousin Sarah Loveless,
who, after fleeing the public
relations corporate world in Atlanta, founded a professional organizing business in Alabama.
“Mary texted and said,
‘Hey, what are you doing in
Mary Loveless (left) and Sarah Loveless, the two cousins behind Glaze Fire.
February?’” said Sarah. It
didn’t take long to warm to
the offer.
“I could do the organiz-
see GLAZE FIRE page 15
A photo from the Los Angeles 2024 Olympic Bid Book showing a mountain bike
competition in Griffith Park.
rect information in the committee’s current “Los Angeles
2024 Olympic Bid Book.”
Currently proposed by
the committee are both BMX,
which is a competitive bicycle
sport with a track, and offroad bicycling, typically done
on rough terrain or trails, in
Griffith Park. However, the
advisory board has indicated
both activities are illegal in
Griffith Park and all Los Angeles municipal parks.
“The proposed off-road
staging of BMX and OffRoad bicycling violates city
statutes…and will damage
the delicate ecosystem of the
park,” the letter read.
Further, the letter asks
that the committee correct its
Griffith Park is illegal,” the advisory group’s letter read, “so
any suggestion that it routinely occurs is also inaccurate.
The letter urges the committee to seek other locations
for such possible Olympic
activities and to have the bid
document corrected of misinformation.
“[T]he 2024 Los Angeles
Olympic bid is sloppy, possibly fraudulent and beneath
the dignity of our great city,”
the letter read.
In the committee’s bid for
the games, it details building a
4.7-acre venue adjacent to the
park’s Wilson Municipal Golf
Course to accommodate BMX
competitions and for the seating of 6,000 spectators. The
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Page 9
Los Feliz Ledger
Cirque du Soleil Unveils
“KURIOS—Cabinet of Curiosities”
at Dodger Stadium
By Kathy A. McDonald, Ledger Columnist
The aesthetic is a mix of
steampunk and other Victorian-era influences melded with
the latest stagecraft and 426
imaginative props crafted just
for “KURIOS.” Laprise believes
the show appeals to all ages.
“It’s really a child-like
show with a lot of big toys,” he
said. “We challenged ourselves
to be very emotional, authentic and to make it different.”
“KURIOS – Cabinet of
Curiosities” runs through February 7; tickets at cirquedusoleil.
com/kurios or (877) 924-7783.
Step into Los Angeles’
past at the “21st Annual Holiday Lamplight Celebration”
at Heritage Square Museum.
This is an annual interactive
Acrobats perform in the Cirque du Soleil production, “KURIOS--Cabinet of Curiosities.”
10th, the vivid blue-and-yellow
tents of Cirque du Soleil will be
found at Dodger Stadium. The
famed international troupe is
presenting “KURIOS—Cabinet of Curiosities,” a multi-act,
multi-media extravaganza of
acrobatics, gymnastics, dance
and comic relief.
It’s the 35th production
from the Montreal based live
theatre company, which is
now celebrating 30 years under the big top.
More than 45 artists from
15 countries perform in the
program that takes off from
the conceit of a vintage “cabinet of wonder”’ to delve into
the many world-changing inventions seen in the second
half of the 19th Century such
as the steam locomotive and
the gramophone.
“The show is about hu-
man creativity,” said writer/
director Michel Laprise. Rather than resting on past
successes, “KURIOS” is a reinvention, a return to Cirque’s
roots in street theater.
“We went to a very emotional place, said Laprise. “I
wanted to go back to the immediacy of street performances with that intense relationship with an audience.”
The casting process took
more than a year-and-a-half.
“I found the best acts to
express the story,” said Laprise
of “KURIOS’” troupe, which
includes Antanina Satsura,
one of the world’s smallest
“KURIOS” is a celebration of invention and features
original set pieces, including
an oversized mechanical hand
and a floating hot air balloon
that doubles as a digital screen.
celebration of holiday traditions from the Victorian era to
the 1920s.
Costumed guides lead the
evening house tours. Craft activities and a Victorian dance
are included in the festivities.
Eight historic structures
comprise the grounds of the
museum, which explores the
everyday lives of Southern California’s 19th Century citizens.
Not suitable for children
under 6 years old. Walking,
standing and holiday spirit required.
“21st Annual Holiday
Lamplight Celebration,” Saturday Dec. 4 and Sunday Dec. 5
at 4 p.m., reservations essential,
tickets are $30 adults, $15 for
children 6-12. Heritage Square
Museum, 3800 Homer Street
(323) 225-2700, Heritagesquare.org
New Pastor
Right at Home
in Silver Lake
By Deborah Crowe
Ledger Columnist
K.C. Wahe recently celebrated his first anniversary as
pastor of
Silverla ke
Community Church,
Pre sby te rian minister was no
stranger to
the East Hollywood area when
he first arrived at the church on
2930 Hyperion Ave. in Octosee PASTOR page 14
10% off Annual Holiday Sale!
Monday, December 7 to
Saturday, December 12
10% Off All Packages!
One discount per customer, limited time offer,
not to be combined with any other special offers.
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3178 Glendale Boulevard, L os Angeles, CA 90039
Volunteers will complete a supervised 21-day training
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Must be registered by December 31, 2015.
We welcome Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit members.
Curves Silver Lake / Los Feliz
2724 Griffith Park Blvd., At
Hyperion, LA CA 90027
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
[real estate]
Market Slows in October Experts Say
Adventures in the Basement
By Rob Loos, Ledger Columnist
By Allison B. Cohen
Sales in Southern California in October were 14.5% below average, according to Core
Logic, a real estate reporting
“After a relatively strong
summer, Southern California home sales lost steam in
October, dipping more than
usual from September and rising only slightly from a year
earlier,” said research analyst
Andrew LePage in a statement
released by the firm. “Sales
remain constrained by a tight
inventory of homes for sale
and lower affordability.”
Locally, prices for both
homes and condos in Los Feliz
and the Hollywood Hills were
up. In the 90027 zip code, 13
homes sold in October at a
price median of $1.43 million,
a 14.3% increase from 2014.
The Hollywood Hills (zip
code 90068) continues to see
strong activity. In October,
29 homes were sold at a median price of $1.35 million, up
nearly 7% compared to last
Both areas were also
strong when analyzing October condo sales. Los Feliz saw
declines in October for both
homes and condos.
In Silver Lake (90039)
five homes sold at a median of
$745,000, down 6.9% from
last year. That zip code only
had one condo sale in October at a median of $395,000,
down 14% from 2014.
Silver Lake and Echo Park, however,
saw median declines in October for
both homes and condos.
six condos sell at a median of
$588,000 up 22% from 2014.
The Hollywood Hills saw five
condos close escrow in October at a median of $485,000,
up 17% compared to last year.
Silver Lake and Echo
Park, however, saw median
Echo Park was off less
dramatically. Regarding home
sales, the 90026 zip code had
20 homes sell at a median of
$738,000, down a half of a
percent. Four condos sold
in the area at a median of
$494,000, down 2.2%.
Where I grew up in the
Midwest, basements were
huge and called “rec rooms.”
One area had a Ping-Pong table, foosball and a pile of rusty
bar bells, and on the other side
was a “workshop,” a laundry
room and a storage area for
holiday gear.
I fully expected houses in
swanky California to have the
same set-up, but I was sadly
disappointed. I discovered
that a “California basement”
is more like a “wreck room,”
used only to store items that
will squeeze into the small
space around the furnace and
water heater.
So every December, like
an archeologist in search of
buried treasure, I lower myself
into the tiny cave-like California basement underneath our
kitchen to unpack the holiday
Our family loves Christmas. We have decorations
that go back generations and
I proudly hang my giant “C7”
Christmas lights on the tree.
The C7s are those big coneshapes lights that are painted
red, green, white, and blue and
have giant metal clips for the
evergreen branches.
Like Clark Griswold in
Christmas Vacation, I have to
untangle the strands of lights
and carefully place them
around the tree. I use “broken”
strands of lights to help fill in
the burned out bulbs on the
new strands—one damaged
bulb can curse a whole strand
of lights.
This year I was jinxed.
After two hours, I still could
not get any strands to light, so
see HOLMES page 14
Presented by thinkBIGatwater
[email protected]
December 2015
BRE 01812487
Su Casa REAL ESTATE Page 11
5211 Franklin Ave. | LOS FELIZ
Offered at $2,079,000
For the Most Knowledgeable Home Sellers
2126 E Live Oak Dr. | LOS FELIZ
Sold for $2,300,000
1855 Redcliff St. | SILVER LAKE
Sold for $1,850,000
1956 Myra Ave. | LOS FELIZ
Sold for $2,150,000
2008 N Serrano Ave. | LOS FELIZ
Sold for $2,925,000
Boni Bryant
Joe Reichling
Patrick Moya
Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Real estate agents affi liated with Sotheby’s
International Realty, Inc. are independent contractor sales associated and are not employees of
Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Boni Bryant CalBRE 01245334. Joe Reichling CalBRE 01427385.
Sara Reichling
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Field Agent
Courtney Pickard
Office Manager
Sotheby’s International Realty | 323-671-2385 | BryantReichling.com
MT. WASHINGTON | 1042 Olancha Drive | web: 0286364 | $1,099,000 | In Escrow
Restoration of Mid-Century bones with the best practicality that a 4bd/3ba offers. Decks and views.
Michelle St. Clair 213.304.4943 | Joey Kiralla 323.702.7001
LOS FELIZ | 5015 Los Feliz
web: 0286120 | $2,595,000
Timeless colonial circa 1941, light, fresh, and
keeping all the detailed craftsmanship.
Konstantine V. | Rick Yohon 323.270.1725
LOS FELIZ | 5152 Los Hermosos | In Escrow
web: 0286368 | $2,565,000
Approx. 4000 sq.ft. reimagined and restored
single level U-shaped home with pool.
Konstantine V. | Rick Yohon 323.270.1725
LOS FELIZ | 2558 N. Catalina Street | SOLD
Listed at $2,449,000
Wonderfully romantic authentic Mediterranean
villa sited just below Griffith Park Observatory.
Brad Lawrence 323.481.4700
LOS FELIZ | 1932 Talmadge Street | New Listing
web: 0286381 | $1,799,000
1930s 4bd/3.5ba Traditional. Luxe master suite,
redone kitchen, distinct living room. Franklin Elem.
Jovelle Schaffer 213.718.1110
LOS FELIZ | 3167 Rowena Avenue
web: 0286257 | Listed at $1,649,000
Fantastic opportunity to own a trophy investment triplex. Spanish-style up/down duplex in
front. 1bd/1ba guest house.
Matthew Morgus 323.301.3041
SILVER LAKE | 2490 Silver Ridge Ave | In Escrow
web: 0286253 | $1,598,000
Exquiste contemporary 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathrooms with living, family and dining room, 2
master bedrooms with knock-out views.
Rosemary Low 323.660.5885
SILVER LAKE | 1977 Lucile Avenue | In Escrow
web: 0286359 | $1,595,000
True mid-century modern living. Silver Lake
“treehouse” designed by architect Robert A.
Pratt circa 1954. Spectacular 180 degree views.
Rob Kallick 323.775.6305
LOS FELIZ | 2023 Micheltorena Street
web: 0286364 | $1,495,000
Magical 1940s mid-century. This warm and inviting 3 bedrooms, 2 baths home is overflowing
with character all with incredible views.
Rob Kallick 323.775.6305
SILVER LAKE | 921Maltman.com | SOLD
Listed at $1,195,000
Approx. 3,000 sq.ft. open plan 1920’s Mediterranean. 4 bedrooms, and 3 baths with sweeping
views! Terraced gardens plus flat yard area.
Rick Yohon 323.270.1725
MT. WASHINGTON | 4240 Palmero Drive | In Escrow
web: 0286424 | Listed at $995,000
Mid-Century Modern with major views and land.
Rarely does a home with this much usable flat
land become available on the east side.
Rob Kallick 323.775.6305
ECHO PARK | 1833 Preston Avenue | New Listing
web: 0286353 | Listed at $869,000
Commanding and magnificent architectural
sits proudly at the top of the Echo Park Hills.
Enchanted hillside views.
Julie Mollo 323.459.2789
SILVER LAKE | 1423 Coronado Terrace | SOLD
Listed at $799,000
Historic Edendale, down-to-earth home with
timeless charm, 2bd/1ba (can convert to 3bd),
wood floors, original windows, and updated kit.
Joseph Lightfoot 213.700.4438
SILVER LAKE | 840 Robinson Street | New Listing
web: 0286434 | Listed at $759,000
Up-and-Down duplex that’s a great opportunity
for an owner-user or an investor looking for the
right property, the right location, the right price.
Joseph Lightfoot 213.700.4438
DOWNTOWN LA | 267 S. San Pedro Street #617
web: 0286422 | Listed at $379,000
Teramachi is a Senior 55 & over condo complex.
Wonderful top floor view apartment with high
ceilings, Sun filled rooms, fireplace, & balcony.
Judy Dionzon 323.394.2330
SILVER LAKE | 1954 Redesdale Avenue
web: 0286370 | Listed at $11,000/month
The David and Mary Hyun Residence, 1993.
David Hyun, architect. With the form and finish
of classical Japanese and Korean architecture.
Joseph Lightfoot 213.700.4438
LOS FELIZ | 1950 N. Wilton Place | New Listing
web: 0286332 | $8,995/month
Bright spacious authentic c1908 grand craftsman loaded with original details updated beyond
expectations into an exquisite showpiece.
Rick Yohon 323.270.1725
LOS FELIZ BROKERAGE | 323.665.1700
Marc Giroux, Vice President | Brokerage Manager
1801 North Hillhurst Avenue | Los Angeles, CA 90027
Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks
used with permission. Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc.
Los Feliz Ledger
City Recommends
Amending Zoning Height
To Accommodate Target
A photo posted to the Target Husk Facebook page showing the skeleton of the
stopped Target construction at Sunset Boulevard and Western Avenue. A city
commission has recommended zoning changes in the area that would accommodate the big-box store’s height.
panel recommended moving
forward with the construction
of a Target store, which has
stood half-built for the past
year due to legal challenges, by
recommending a series of city
zoning rules changes to better
accommodate the retail project.
In a hearing November
12th, the nine-member City
Planning Commission recommended the zoning height
where the Target would be—
at Sunset Boulevard and Western Avenue—be changed to
allow construction up to 75
feet. Currently, the area in
question has a height limit for
commercial projects of 35 feet.
The store’s height is currently
set for construction at 74 feet,
which opponents have said is
out of character for the area
and would block views.
During the hearing, commissioners said the amendments would result in zoning
rules that are better suited to
“retail superstores.”
A call for comment from
attorney Robert Silverstein,
who is representing some parties opposed to the project,
was not returned.
The amendments advanced by the commission
create a limited area in which
commercial projects no higher
than 75 feet would be the rule,
and not the exception, planning officials said.
Construction of the Target was halted in August 2014
after a judge sided with project
opponents, including the La
Mirada Avenue Neighborhood
The Target project was
originally approved by the Los
Angeles City Council in 2012,
with construction beginning
soon after. By the time the
project’s approval was overturned in court and a judge
had ordered construction to
stop in 2014, much of the Target was already built.
The unfinished skeleton of
the building has drawn notice
and is the subject of the Facebook page, “Target Husk,”
which was set up to poke fun
at what many viewed as an
The planning commission’s recommended zoning
changes will be considered
next by the Los Angeles City
HOLMES from page 11
with LEDs and you will save
big on energy costs. Secondly, you’re lucky because
you have the C7s with fuses.
Check the little housing right
near the plug, open the sliding door and there should be
a spare fuse.”
Sure enough, there were
little glass cylinders with
metal ends—5-amp, 120-volt
fuses. One was blown, which
I replaced with the spare. The
lights of Christmas now shine
Another mystery solved,
thus once again proving my
motto about even the simplest
home improvement issue: “If
I can’t figure it out—and I
know that I can’t—my friend
Dave can.”
I decided to call Dave. Being
a top-notch contractor and designer, I was sure that he had
the perfect solution.
Dave loves Christmas
too. This year he is saluting
the 1960s with a silver tinsel
tree, Dean Martin’s Christmas
album crooning around the
clock and his beautiful female
assistants dressed like elves.
Like Santa, he seemed
to know what I wanted for
Christmas before I even asked.
“Fuses,” he said.
I was confused. “Fuses?”
“You’re calling about
right?” asked Dave. “Okay,
two things—get rid of those
giant bulbs and replace them
Page 14 Su Casa REAL ESTATE
PASTOR from page 10
ber, 2014.
Wahe’s childhood church
was First Presbyterian Church
of Hollywood, where he met
his future wife Debbie when
they both served as youth
He credits an early and
strong church involvement
for sustaining him though a
succession of personal tragedies as a teenager and young
man. His father died from
alcohol-related causes and a
younger brother died after a
drug overdose. His mother
ST. MARY’S from page 1
hood Council (LFNC) found
itself suddenly denied access
for its regular monthly meeting November 17th when their
keys—which they had used to
gain entry a few hours earlier
that day—no longer worked.
The Los Feliz Improvement Assoc. also found itself
locked out of a meeting November 19th.
Over the years, locks have
been changed time and time
again, security guards hired
and at one point, the parish’s
warring factions even operated
from different floors inside the
later was killed in a traffic accident.
“My church family has
been a surrogate parent for
me,” said Wahe, who graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey
and returned to California to
work in a variety of church
and hospital ministries. “It
walked with me in my own
brokenness. I eventually felt
the call to do the same for
When Wahe interviewed
with the elders at Silverlake
Community, he was gratified
to learn that the church opens
its doors five days a week to
“12 Step” groups serving people recovering from alcohol or
other substance abuse, or supporting their families.
Silverlake Community,
which was founded in 1920 as
Ivanhoe Community Church,
also sponsors an active food
bank ministry that draws
many community volunteers
from outside the church’s
membership. For information
about church activities, visit
www.silverlakechurch.com or
call (323) 902-7055.
Father Christopher Kelley—the rector from 2007
until his firing in 2012—and
his supporters took sanctuary
in the basement and celebrated mass, while the anti-Kelley faction used the church’s
regular first floor offices and
held mass in its tiny, but lovely
After three years and
reams of legal documents
filed by both sides with allegations hurled both ways, if
you attended a mass today at
weary St. Mary’s, you would
be among only a dozen or so
parishioners left from its once
healthy congregation.
On a recent Sunday during the church’s 10 a.m. high
mass—complete with incense,
full choir and organist—only
16 people dotted the pews.
That morning, the homily
by the church’s current Anglican Bishop-in-Residence, Rev.
Owen Williams, dealt with
evil on the Sunday following
the recent terrorist attacks in
Williams’ sermon emphasized the Lord’s Prayer’s delivery from evil and the 23rd
Psalm’s fearing none of it, even
in the shadow of death.
“And there are those in
see ST. MARY’S page 17
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
St. Mary’s Legal Woes Displace Community Meetings
By Ezekiel Hernandez, Ledger Contributing Writer
The use by community groups of the now vacated Citibank building on Hillhurst
Avenue is up in the air as St. Mary’s of the Angels Church, seen to the right of
the red brick building, is involved in legal disputes over who has control of the
church and its property. The Citibank building was built in the 1980s on land
owned by the church.
LOS FELIZ—The former Citibank building on Hillhurst
Avenue that has doubled as
the “Los Feliz Civic Center”
for over two decades may remain empty, for now, as control of the property remains
unresolved in a drawn-out and
complex litigation battle.
meetings will be displaced
for an indefinite period of
time according to multiple
sources, although some close
to the issue say the legal is-
sues preventing use of the site
may be concluded by the first
of the year.
Various groups, including
the Los Angeles Police Department’s community outreach
and The Los Feliz Improvement Assoc. have used the
space since the 1980s, along
with the Los Feliz Neighborhood Council (LFNC) when
it formed later.
On November 17th, members of the LFNC board and
the public arrived at the build-
ing for its scheduled governing
board meeting, only to find
the locks had been changed.
The council promptly relocated its meeting to a small
room at Our Mother of Good
Counsel Church on Vermont
“We had anticipated
that there was a probability
that the locks on the building could be changed,” said
LVNC Vice President Mark
Mauceri. “[Earlier in the day]
our keys worked just fine and
we made sure we had all our
materials in the meeting room.
Sometime [from the afternoon
to the evening] the locks were
The red brick building
sits on property owned by St.
Mary of the Angels Church located just behind the Hillhurst
street front on Finley Avenue.
Two groups, each claiming to be the rightful leadership and clergy of the church,
have been in a legal dispute
since 2012 over who has control of the church and the adjacent property.
California Federal Bank
built the building in 1984
before becoming Citibank in
see MEETINGS page 29
GLAZE FIRE from page 9
ing and numbers,” Sarah said,
“and I’d get to be with family
in a new city.”
Since opening in September, their kiln hasn’t had a moment to cool.
To celebrate her daughter
Chole’s seventh birthday, Tiffany Birch and her husband,
Andy, hosted a party at Glaze
Fire for 18 children.
“I wanted an excuse
to come here, so I used my
daughter, said Ms. Birch.
It was an ambitious endeavor and a complete success. Young artists spent the
afternoon keenly engaged
in personalizing cupcakeshaped boxes, a frog-shaped
soap holder and whatever else
caught their fancy.
The Loveless cousins always knew they would count on
birthday parties, baby showers,
and girls-nights-out to be the
core of their clientele, but they
hadn’t anticipated that the store
would become a draw among
Perhaps, it’s Glaze Fire’s
prime location next door to
the Alcove that makes it easy
for this demographic to discover the store.
And maybe this same
group has also discovered
that there’s something satis-
fying about hanging out with
friends and creating a work of
art that that will become a memento of good times.
“We want to help facilitate
someone’s artistic experience by
making it accessible to them,”
said Mary, “We try to be as approachable as possible.”
Guests choose and pay
for each piece they paint, but
a modest $10 supply fee—for
paint, tools, and stencils—is
good for all day.
“A lot of the pieces have
designs suggested on them
and we put out some examples
that show the possibilities,”
said Mary.
Generally, there’s a fourday turnaround time required
for a painted piece to become a
fired and finished product.
But this holiday season, the
Loveless cousins are going to
keep the kiln ready at 1800 degrees through Christmas Eve so
that they can shrink that turnaround time to two days.
You can paint as late as
December 22nd, but give
yourself more time, because
supplies might not last and
you’ll want to make your best
Glaze Fire, 1937 Hillhurst
Avenue, (323) 522-6775,
6491 Rodgerton Drive, Beachwood Canyon
Price: $1,650,000
2411 N Edgemont St, Los Feliz
Price: $2,167,000
2015 SALES:
2534 Park Oak Dr
3321 Lugano Pl
1009 S Curson Ave
745 N Curson Ave
4552 Martson Dr
1919 Cerro Gordo St
630 Woodlawn Ave
4227 Holly Knoll Dr
2418 Argosy Way
341 N Sweetzer Ave
3307 Scadlock Lane
1821 Lake Shore Ave
December 2015
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Su Casa REAL ESTATE Page 15
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Los Feliz Ledger
ST. MARY’S from page 14
this parish,” he told the dwindled flock, “that have endured
so much the last three years…
that know evil when they see it.”
The complex saga to which
Williams was alluding, actually started in 2012, within
a parish that has voted twice
to exit the Anglican Church
and become Roman Catholic
after then Pope Benedict XVI
opened the door in 2009 for
Protestant parishes to do so.
This story also deals with
the legalities of the church as
a corporation, run by rules
and by-laws and whether its
governing body—called a vestry—followed protocols when
it asked for Kelley to resign as
their priest by a 5-4 majority
in 2011.
Complicating matters is
that the timing of these two
important events of the church
coincide. This intersection is
at the heart of the legal issues
facing the church.
The story begins with the
church entering into what’s
called the “Patrimony of the
Primate,” which was created
by the Anglican Church of
America in advance of the Vatican’s creation of what’s called
an “Ordinariate,” a structure
in which to receive transferring Anglican and Episcopal
The Anglican Primate,
often likened to a “holding
tank” was specifically formed
for parishes, priests and parishioners who were considering formally renouncing ties
to Episcopal and Anglican
It is because St. Mary’s
was in this holding tank, a
gray area of sorts, that Kelley
says the Anglican Church of
America had no authority to
fire him, which the body eventually did a few months after
he refused to resign at the request of St. Mary’s vestry.
However, the Anglican
Church of America claims the
holding tank was dissolved
the moment the Vatican did
indeed create, on January 1,
2012, an “Ordinariate,” ready
to receive Episcopal and Anglican parishes, the next step
into being blessed as a Roman
Catholic church.
But in an interview, the
global Anglican leader of the
Primate, retired Archbishop
John Hepworth of Australia,
said that’s just not true.
According to Hepworth,
the door for St. Mary’s to join
the Catholic Church is not
closed and the Patrimony of
the Primate is still in effect.
“This is a process Rome
has put in place,” Hepworth
said. “It’s a 50 year plan.…
The Primate endures as long as
Hepworth added, St.
Mary’s is the only parish left in
the United States that voted to
move to the Catholic Church
but has yet to complete the
St. Mary’s parishioners
voted twice, overwhelmingly,
both in May 2011 and January 2012, to make the move.
The process has not been completed, Hepworth said, only
because of St. Mary’s legal
The Vatican would still
have to formally accept St.
Mary’s, which Hepworth believes it will, but only after the
church stabilizes from three
years of entrenched infighting.
Meanwhile, court documents indicate the vestry
that ultimately orchestrated
Kelley’s ouster was unable to
competently show grounds for
such a dismissal.
It’s still not clear why,
exactly, that vestry asked for
Kelley to go. Was it to prevent
the parish from moving to Catholicism? Or was it just that
they had lost faith in him?
Some have reported that
shortly before the vestry’s directive for Kelley to resign, he
had assumed a God complex,
speaking of mystical religious
see ST. MARY’S page 26
LABONGE from page 1
client” of the city.
According to Wilcox, either the Los Angeles County’s
District Attorney or the state’s
Attorney General would have
to investigate the matter if requested by Miller or others.
“Mr. LaBonge did not
consult with us regarding documents from his office when he
left office,” Wilcox said. “As [LaBonge] is now a former client,
as a councilmember, this is not
something we would address.”
Miller and his wife Stephanie Scher, who also served
as a city attorney for Palos
Verdes Estates, Baldwin Park
and Bellflower, said they aren’t
sure how far they will take the
issue legally, but at the very
least would like the city to
consider corrective measures
including the development of
protocols to ensure public records remain public, no matter who is in office, especially
during an unfriendly transition as was the case between
LaBonge and Ryu. LaBonge’s
former Chief of Staff Carolyn
Ramsay lost the election in
May to Ryu.
“We have seen dozens and
dozens,” of elected offices change
hands, said Scher. “I’ve never
heard of anything like this.”
According to Holly Wolcott, Los Angeles City Clerk,
there is no protocol for the
transfer or storage of documents from an outgoing councilmember to a successor.
Sharon Tso, the city’s chief
legislative analyst, also confirmed that.
“There is no real formal
process,” she said.
Many documents relative
to LaBonge’s district (CD4)
would be available, however,
through the city clerk’s office
if they had been entered into
the record as part of a hearing
before the City Council. Additionally, studies or documents
prepared for LaBonge by other
city departments would be
available from those respective
But it is the other documents—complaints, for example, and proposals under
consideration—that concern
Miller and Scher.
“We have no desire to prosecute Tom LaBonge,” Scher
said. “But if Tom is thwarting
information for his own constituents so that Mr. Ryu cannot get up to speed, that’s not
alright. These records belong to
the public and we need to make
sure the district is run properly
and ethically.”
A request for comment
from LaBonge was not returned. A spokesperson for
Ryu declined to comment.
December 2015
Su Casa REAL ESTATE Page 17
Los Feliz Ledger
‘Tis the Season
Complied by Michael Darling, Ledger Contributing Writer
Magicians Penn and Teller will be the Grand Marshals of this year’s 84th Annual
Hollywood Christmas Parade on Hollywood Boulevard, Sunday, November 29
starting at 5 p.m. Photo: William Kidston.
It’s the most glorious time
of the year. Celebrate it with
any of these holiday related
events around town.
Downtown On Ice Pershing Square’s annual iceskating rink returns. This
year, special events include
DJ spotlight nights, a singles skate night and a New
Year’s Day bathing suit only
polar bear skate. Tickets are
$9 for an hour long session;
skate rentals are $4. Pershing Square, through January
18th, 2016. 532 S Olive St.
Information: holidayicerinkdowntownla.com
L. A. Zoo Lights The
Zoo’s winter light spectacular
returns with LED lights, lasers, 3D projections and water
and light effects synchronized
to music spread around the
zoo. In addition to the lights,
you can see real reindeer, take
your photo with Santa Claus
and enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa. Tickets start at $10. L. A.
Zoo, Fri. November 27th to
Sun. December 3rd. 5337 Zoo
Dr. Information: (323) 6444200, lazoolights.org
Los Angeles Master Chorale Caroling Bus The Master
Chorale kicks of the holiday
season by touring around Los
Angeles in a seasonally decorated double decker bus. The
Chorale will stop at several L.
A. landmarks including the
L. A. Zoo, LACMA and the
Grove for pop-up caroling
concerts. Free. Various venues around Los Angeles, Sat.
November 28th, 1 p.m. to 9
p.m. Information: lamc.org
and (213) 972-7282
Hollywood Christmas
Parade The 84th annual parade marches down Hollywood Boulevard with Grand
Marshalls Penn and Teller
leading the way. Adjacent to
the parade will be two musical stages featuring performances by Clay Aiken, India.
Arie, Natasha Bedingfield and
Daughtry. Free. Hollywood
Christmas Parade, Sun. November 29th, 5 p.m. Hollywood Blvd., between Orange
Dr. and Vine St. and Sunset
Blvd., between Orange Dr.
and Vine St. Information: thehollywoodchristmasparade.
Supper With Santa For
the 13th year in a row, the
Ebell invites you to join Santa
and Mrs. Claus for a gourmet
holiday buffet. This year, the
event will also feature holiday
crafts, a photo booth, balloon
animals and a performance by
the Bob Baker Marionettes.
Tickets are $45 for adults; $20
for children 2 to 12. The Ebell
of Los Angeles, Fri. December 4th. 743 S. Lucerne Blvd.
Information: ebelleventtickets.com
Chanukah Extravaganza-kah Salon Shabbat Celebrate the festival of light’s
sixth night with a special shabbat service featuring a youth
choir performance, Chanukah
stories and a light dinner with
latkes, matzah ball soup and
jelly donuts. Free. Wilshire
Boulevard Temple, Fri. December 11th, 6 p.m. 3663
Wilshire Blvd. Information:
Die Hard If you’re in the
mood for some non-traditional Christmas cheer, how about
a little John McClane in your
stocking? Who says Die Hard
isn’t a holiday film? After all,
it is the story of a man trying
to reunite with his family at
Christmastime; there just happen to be a couple more terrorists than average in this wintertime film. Enjoy holiday
cocktails and a festive DJ set
before the film at L. A.’s oldest
movie palace. Tickets are $18.
The Million Dollar Theater,
Sat. January 12th, 9 p.m. 307
S. Broadway. Information:
The Music Center Holiday Sing-Along Bring the
family downtown for an evening of festive songs. Lyric
sheets will be provided so you
can sing along to live accompaniment in the Music Center’s plaza. Free, but tickets
are required. Tickets will be
distributed at 6 p.m., one per
person in line, first come, first
served. The Music Center,
Page 20 Su Casa REAL ESTATE
Fri. December 18th, 6:30 p.m.
Information: musiccenter.org
White Christmas As part
of their Tuesday Matinees film
series, LACMA presents the
festive 1954 musical starring
Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye,
Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen
and the music of Irving Berlin.
Tickets are $4. LACMA, Tue.
December 22nd, 1 p.m. 5905
Wilshire Blvd. Information:
(323) 857-6010, lacma.org
Gladys Knight The “Empress of Soul” performs her
greatest hits at two intimate
New Year’s Eve concerts.
When else will you get to hear
“Midnight Train to Georgia”
while waiting for the clock
to strike 12? Tickets start at
$74.50. Walt Disney Concert
Hall, Thu. December 31st,
7:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. 111
S. Grand Ave. Information: laphil.com
A Rocky Horror New
Year’s Eve It’s a unique dinner
theater New Year’s Eve party
as a cast of film, TV and theater stars perform songs from
Rocky Horror and other favorites. All tickets include dinner,
dessert buffet and a midnight
champagne toast. Tickets start
at $80. Rockwell Table &
Stage, Thu., December 31st,
7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. 1714
N. Vermont Ave. Information:
New Year’s Eve L. A.
Grand Park hosts its third annual New Year’s Eve celebration. This community festival
will feature multiple stages of
live music, food trucks and
the event’s signature 3-D digital video projections mapped
onto the side of City Hall.
Grand Park, Thu. December
31st, 8:00 p.m., 200 North
Grand Ave. Information:
Cleopatra’s New Year’s
Eve Ball On New Year’s Eve,
Hollywood’s famous Egyptian Theater will be transformed into the hottest club
west of the Nile. The (heated
and tented) courtyard and
theater lobby will feature gogo dancers, DJs spinning Top
40 and hip-hop, an open bar
and VIP cabanas. Midnight
will be marked by a balloon
drop and confetti. Tickets
start at $59. Egyptian Theater, Thu. December 31st, 9
p.m. Entrance at 1625 N. Las
Palmas Ave. Information: californianightlife.com/cleo and
(323) 604-6030.
Prohibition NYE Ring
in 2016 like it’s 1926 with a
special Prohibition themed,
KCRW hosted party at Union
Station. Performers include
electronic musician Le Youth,
jazz singer Jessie Payo and the
Dollhouse burlesque dancers.
Formal attire required. Tickets are $150. Union Station,
Thu. December 31st, 9 p.m.
800 N. Alameda St. Information: prohibitionnye.com
Priced Out of Los Feliz?
1239 Berkeley Drive
Adams Hill - Glendale
re Los Feliz, Silver Lake, Echo Park, and even,
Atwater Village beyond your budget? There
is a solution to your dilemma just minutes to
the east. Consider this opportunity: a classic
1920s Mediterranean-revival home in the hills with a city
view and oodles of character details. From the vintagetiled fireplace to sympathetically-updated kitchen, this
home offers unbeatable livability and value. 2 bedrooms
and 1 bath on the upper, main level; step-down living
room with view balcony and coved ceilings; formal dining
room with raised octagonal ceiling; kitchen with breakfast
and laundry rooms. Under the main level lies a permitted
room and 3/4 bath that could be used for a separate,
outside-entrance office, studio or guest quarters. Off
the lower level is a flat garden; the upper level also has
its own level garden. Double, attached garage and
driveway. Quiet area of Glendale, with its superior city
services. Handy to freeways and shopping. Move-in
condition with many newer upgrades.
YouTube video walk-through: search “1239 Berkeley”
Richard Stanley
Estates Director
Architectural and
Historic Properties Specialist
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December 2015
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personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.
Los Feliz Ledger
ST. MARY’S from page 17
Yakuza Provides Silver Lake
With Its Sushi Fix
connections he was experiencing and creating an uncomfortable environment that
drove some parishioners away.
Entering St. Mary’s now,
the remnants of a once-thriving community are obvious:
there’s evidence of a previously
bustling nursery and Sunday
and books and stuffed animals are scattered about like
discarded artifacts. And then
By Pat Saperstein, Ledger Restaurant Critic
In health-conscious Los
Angeles, sushi is easily as popular as In ‘n Out Burgers. So
why do Silver Lake and Los
Feliz have so few solid Japanese restaurants, other than
the wildly popular Silver Lake
Eight months ago, Yakuza
Sushi took over the old Reservoir and Netty’s space on Silver Lake Boulevard, attempting to fill the neighborhood’s
healthy appetite for raw fish.
The small building now
has a patio screened off from
the sidewalk, a sushi bar and
a woodsy interior decorated
with Japanese posters.
With a menu heavy on
tempura rolls, special rolls and
baked rolls, it’s clear this isn’t
the place for sushi purists.
But for the average neighborhood family or couple on a
date, it fills the bill, especially
at lunchtime when sushi and
combo specials are available as
well as lunchtime-only ramen.
It’s billed as an izakaya (a
Japanese pub offering small
bites that go well with drinks),
though the cooked dishes don’t
seem as tempting as at other local, more authentic izakayas.
We tried delicate Agedashi
fried tofu and miso shitake
mushrooms. Other choices include tofu pancakes, Japanese
fried chicken, miso black cod
and even okonomiyaki, the
Japanese omelette.
If there are vegetarians or
non-fish eaters in your party,
they’ll be able to get by just
fine on “Japanese beef sliders,”
truffle fries, yakitori skewers and sauteed kale, because
what’s a Silver Lake restaurant
without a gratuitous kale dish?
Special rolls are on the
elaborate side, such as the “Sushi Burrito” with a selection of
fish wrapped in soy paper and
Kamakaze with spicy tuna,
avocado, albacore and onion
with karage sauce.
The Yakuza roll was perfectly satisfying, even if tuna,
salmon, yellowtail, avocado
and spicy wasabi yuzu are a lot
of ingredients for one plate.
To prevent cute name
overload, try to resist the Crazy Cali or Hot Night rolls and
instead stick with traditional
sushi and cut rolls, or some of
the sashimi dishes with simple
ponzu or sea salt toppings.
The sauces on the more
baroque rolls tend to be too
sweet, which defeats the point
of trying a cuisine that traditionally emphasizes appreciating subtle, fresh flavors, like
the supple yellowtail and albacore sushi we tried.
There’s nothing really
wrong with Yakuza—though
like most other sushi restaurants, they’re pushing bluefin
tuna as if there were enough to
last forever, which there isn’t.
But the prime location
near excellent restaurants like
Alimento and L&E Oyster Bar
is a reminder that Yakuza is a
missed opportunity to give the
area’s savvy and knowledgeable
diners a Japanese restaurant to
get excited about, whether with
creative dishes, sustainable fish
or unexpected desserts.
there’s the church’s once enviable religious library, which
now consists of dusty shelved
books waiting to be placed
into shipping boxes.
Photographs of a happier and fuller congregation
line the church’s interior office hallways. A stage in the
church’s basement, where one
can imagine children putting on Christmas pageants
or where choirs sang before a
gathering at Easter or Advent
Irish Whiskeys
By Tara de Lis, Ledger Columnist
Whiskey appreciation has
growing over the past decade, first
among spirit world professionals
and other influential enthusiasts, and more recently, expanding to the general public.
Bourbon, rye and Scotch
have certainly had their moments, but now Irish whiskey
is steadily on the rise.
What’s the difference between Irish whiskey and other
whiskeys? For one, all bourbon, rye and Scotch are whiskey, but not all whiskies meet
Yakuza Sushi, 1700 Silver
Lake Blvd., 323-741-8282
those designations.
Also, fun fact: Irish whiskey is spelled with an “e,” like
American whiskeys, whereas the Scots merely mark it
Irish whiskey production
dates back more than 400
years. These days, when most
people think Irish whiskey,
Jameson is the first name that
springs to mind, and it solidly
represents a blended style. But
there’s a huge variety on the
market worthy of exploration.
The Redbreast 12 Year is
a traditional single pot still
feels long abandoned.
But the question remains
as to whether the church’s
leadership followed its own
rules and if they had another
motive in forcing Kelley out.
“The vestry attempted a
revolution when they tried to
fire Kelley,” Hepworth said,
“rather than follow the process
under canon law,” to have him
procedurally removed.
Kelley’s attorneys agree.
see ST. MARY’S page 33
whiskey. On the nose, it’s
nutty and reminiscent of dried
fruits. It can be sipped straight,
but also makes a great base for
classic cocktails like the Old
Strength is a peated single
malt with an ABV—alcohol
by volume—of 57.9 percent.
Bracingly strong, the notes of
grass and smokiness will resonate with Scotch aficionados.
The Knot is an Irish whiskey that appeals to drinkers
who enjoy a bit of sweet in
their spirits. Though it’s 100
proof, the taste is a mix of
honey and brown butter, while
its rich amber color lends
Enjoy entertaining
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Meteor Shower will
Dazzle in December Sky
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By Anthony Cook, Griffith Observatory
The winter solstice, the astronomical term
for the start of winter in the
northern hemisphere, takes
place on December 21st at
8:48 p.m., PST.
The same moment is the
start of summer in the southern hemisphere. In Los Angeles, the day is the shortest of
the year, with only 9 hours
and 53 minutes of daylight.
The absence of moonlight
from late Sunday night, December 13th through dawn
on the 14th, creates excellent
conditions for observing this
year’s annual Geminid meteor
Meteors can be expected
in increasing numbers from
7:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., and
should continue strongly until
dawn interrupts the show at
5:20 a.m.
Geminid meteors get
their name from the constellation Gemini the Twins, from
which the meteors seem to
stream. Gemini rises in the
east-northeast at 7:30 p.m., is
directly overhead at 2:00 a.m.,
and is still high in the west
when dawn starts.
How many meteors you
may see mainly depends on
how dark and clear your sky is.
From a mountaintop or desertwilderness observing site, up
to 120 Geminid meteors per
hour can be seen.
Even in the light polluted
suburbs, however, bright Geminids are numerous enough to
watch for an hour or so before
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
“The Painted Rocks at Revolver Creek” Explores
Racial Tension in South Africa
Dizzying Intersection Possibly
Getting Improvements
By Ezekiel Hernandez, Ledger Contributing Writer
By Marilyn Tower Oliver, Ledger Theater Critic
Philip Solomon and Thomas Silcott in “The Painted Rocks at Revolver Creek,”
Photo credit: Ed Krieger.
The continuing and painful racial tensions in South
Africa are the theme of noted
playwright Athol Fugard’s latest drama, “The Painted Rocks
at Revolver Creek,” currently
on stage at the Fountain Theatre in Hollywood.
Inspired by the true life
story of outsider artist Nukain
Mabuza, the play, ably directed by Simon Levy, tackles the
realities of apartheid in South
As the play, set in 1981,
opens on a stark, sand filled set
dotted with brightly painted
rocks, aging Nukain (Thomas
Silcott) and his young friend
Bokkie (Philip Solomon) arrive with their paints.
Nukain, an elderly black
farm worker, has painted the
rocks in the desert with colorful flowers, but he has yet to
decorate the remaining large
“Tata just sits and stares at
the big one,” complains Bokkie.
Nukain orders Bokkie
to paint eyes on the boulder.
He then paints lines abstractly
symbolizing his life story of
struggle for survival.
In the midst of their work,
Elmarie (Suanne Spoke) the
white owner of the land, arrives with food, speaking of
troubles in Johannesburg.
When she sees the design
on the large rock, so different
from the cheerful flowers on
the other rocks, she orders Nukain to wipe it away and paint
a large flower in its place.
When Bokkie angrily objects, Nukain muses that the
Whites have eyes, but don’t see
the Blacks.
”I am a man!” Nukian declares as he refuses to change
the painting.
When Bokkie expresses
his anger by hitting the paint
cans, Elmarie orders Nukain
to give him a beating.
The second act opens
more than twenty years later
in 2003. Apartheid has ended, but racial tensions still exist. Bokkie, now a man, has
become a teacher known as
Jonathan Sejake,
He has returned to restore
the barely visible painting on
the large rock, which has been
weathered by time, as a testament to his friend who died
soon after painting it. He is
challenged by Elmarie, who
threatens him with a gun.
She speaks of Afrikanners
who have been murdered. In
the ensuing—at times didactic—conversation, she and
Jonathan attempt to understand one another in view of
the continuing issues of racism
in the new South Africa.
This is a story of remembrance and reconciliation. It’s
a tale of a man’s struggle to be
seen and honored for his talent
and humanity.
Simon Levy directs his
gifted cast, who offer seamless
performances. Although the
drama is set in a distant place
and time, its theme is timeless
and pertinent in today’s struggles for racial understanding.
“The Painted Rocks at Revolver Creek” at the Fountain
Theatre, 5060 Fountain Avenue, Fridays at 8 p.m. (Dark
Nov. 27); Saturdays at 8 p.m.;
Sundays at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.;
Mondays at 8 p.m. through
December 14; $27-$34.95;
Seniors 65 + $27; Students
with ID $20; Rush $15 when
available; Pay-What-You-Can
Mondays. On-site parking $5.
(323) 663-1525 or FountainTheatre.com
A rendering of a roundabout, which is one of many ideas to improve traffic flow
and pedestrian safety at the intersection of Hollywood Blvd. and Hillhurst Ave.
in Los Feliz.
LOS FELIZ—The busy six-point
intersection where Hollywood
and Sunset boulevards meet
Hillhurst Avenue has undergone various reviews from Los
Angeles city officials spanning
several years, and a solution
could finally be announced in
the coming months.
The intersection has often
been described as a confusing
“vortex” of traffic and a safety
liability and was singled-out
for improvement in the Los
Angeles Planning Department’s 2010 Hollywood Community Plan.
Still, changes to the intersection, considered one of two
gateways to Los Feliz, have not
Luke Klipp, chair of
the Los Feliz Neighborhood
Council’s (LFNC) Transportation and Mobility committee, said he has been in contact with city officials about
plans for the intersection and
that Los Angeles City Councilmember David Ryu’s office
has been actively looking into
a solution along with various
city departments.
spokesperson for the councilmember’s office, said that
Ryu’s field staff is actively engaging the local community
for ideas on the intersection.
“What our staff has done
is talk to many residents and
take inventory into what’s feasible,” said Montemayor.
According to Klipp,
multiple proposals are being
weighed and any action would
ultimately require a vote by
the Los Angeles City Council.
A roundabout concept,
one of several ideas presented
earlier this year for the intersection, was introduced to the
LFNC by a Los Angeles based
see INTERSECTION page 28
Holiday Giving: Presents
for Your Pooch
By Jennifer Clark, Ledger Columnist
With the
holidays swiftly approaching, a slew of new pet toys
and treats have hit the market. There’s something sure to
please every type of dog.
For the Athletic Dog:
The Dog-Treat Launcher will
send small bites soaring for
your dog to fetch, $10 at the
Container Store.
For the Dog That Loves
to Walk: The McFly Puffer
vest is inspired by the movie
Back to the Future. Fido won’t
be able to time travel in it, but
he will definitely stay snug,
December 2015
$25 at campcloon.com. An
illuminated Dog Leash will
make sure everyone can see
who is at the other end of your
tether, $25 at fancy.com. El
Niño is coming and your dog
can be prepared with her own
slicker, which comes in a host
of vibrant colors, $45 at caninestyles.com.
For the Dapper Dog: A
Silly Buddy bowtie dog collar
will make any day fancy, $45
at etsy.com.
For the Runway Dog: A
GPS dog tracker from Tagg,
$59.95 at amazon.com.
Los Feliz Ledger
INTERSECTION from page 27
The Next Chapter for Los Angeles’ Mobility Plan
By Stephanie Vendig, Ledger Columnist
In last month’s column, I
wrote about the LA Mobility
Plan 2035, approved by the
City Council last August, as
an important step in tackling
one of the major issues facing
Los Angeles and its future.
We have to get a handle on
how we manage our transportation system. We are known to
have the worst traffic congestion in the United States, toxic
air, and a high incidence of accidents affecting pedestrians.
The Plan would provide
official guidelines for policy
makers to consider all modes
of transportation when planning future projects.
On November 11th, I got
out of my car, walked to a bus
stop on Sunset Boulevard and
boarded a bus to ride to the
Metro Station on Vermont Avenue. I bought my TAP card
for $1.75 and boarded the
train for City Hall.
For me, living in LA since
1966 and highly dependent
upon my car, it was a very special experience to move effortlessly and quickly through the
city. And, I didn’t have to worry
about finding a parking space.
At City Hall, I attended
a joint meeting of the City
Council Transportation and
Planning Committees. This
joint committee had to “go
back to the drawing board”
because the original plan approved by the City Council
was legally challenged by organizations objecting to improper amendments.
The committee decided
to remove the offending procedural amendments. Before
voting on re-approval, people
for and against went up to
the podium and spoke for one
minute or less.
I even got the courage to
speak. I said that I supported
the plan because older persons,
a growing demographic in Los
Angeles, need to safely use
modes of transportation other
than a car to move around the
The Committee then reapproved the motion, thereby
sending it on to the full council.
Now, the plan is not perfect. Opponents are concerned
that more bicycle traffic and
reduction of lanes will cause
more congestion and will interfere with emergency vehicles. Plus, there wasn’t enough
community outreach before
the plan was approved.
For most of us—because
of our reliance on the convenience of the car and our ability to use it independently—the
mobility plan has threatened a
lifestyle that is hard to change.
It reminds me of the 1991
movie LA Story featuring comedian Steve Martin. In one scene,
he jumps in his car and drives
to talk to his neighbor down the
block. Local audiences laughed
at this gag because it perfectly
skewered a truth about their
Committee Chairperson, Councilmember Mike Bonin, expressed a less car-centric view
for the future of Los Angeles.
“When the City Council
adopted the Mobility Plan in
August,” Bonin said, “we made
it clear that we wanted to give
people convenient and safe options other than single-passenger cars so we could reduce traffic in our neighborhoods and
protect the environment.”
So, even with the plan’s
imperfections, Los Angeles
should be on its way to a safer
and less congested city.
firm, headed by Ryan Snyder.
That particular plan would
remove traffic lights from the
intersection altogether, in favor of a European-style roundabout with a grassy oval island
in the middle.
According to Snyder, that
solution would require re-
moving several existing lanes
and adding small islands to
separate some lanes. Councilmember Ryu’s office has also
received several of Snyder’s
“Given that there’s so
much delay at that intersection
already, Synder said, “It might
actually flow better.”
see INTERSECTION page 31
Sunset Hall - Curriculum and Advocacy
Thanks to our ad sponsor Sunset Hall. They offer...
Programs for
free-thinking older
adults (323) 660-5277
Spanish at GPACC on
Thursdays at 3:00-4:30
Griffith Park Adult Community Center Calendar
Wednesday, December 16th 12:00 – 2:30 pm,
Lunch, General Meeting at Friendship Auditorium,
Election of GPAC Club Officers, Gourmet Dessert
Potluck, and Entertainment
You can sign up for lunch at GPACC between 10:30 and 11:30 am.
Have you thought of playing the Ukulele?
We have a class on Thursdays, 2:45 to 4:00.
Ukuleles are available.
Contact GPACC at 323-644-5579.
The Lunch Program: Lunch is served 5 days a week at the Center.
$2 donation for those over 60 years. $4 for less than 60 years.
Daily lunch served at 12 pm. Coffee and sign-in at 10:30.
For Information on the Griffith Park Adult Community
Club and getting a newsletter, call Stephanie Vendig at
(323) 667-3043, or e-mail at [email protected]
GPACC is located at 3203 Riverside Dr., just south of Los Feliz Bl.
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Los Feliz Ledger
MEETINGS from page 15
December 2015
Compiled by Michael Darling, Ledger Contributing Writer
nonsensically off-color punchlines
and pointed barbs about his exwife, Hamburger is the textbook
definition of a bad lounge comic.
Hamburger’s shtick isn’t funny,
which makes any performance by
him hilarious. Tickets are $8. The
Satellite, Sun. December 27th,
9:00 p.m. 1717 Silver Lake Blvd.
Information: thesatellitela.com
Fred Tieken Tieken started his
artistic career as a musician and
graphic designer, but eventually
found his passion was painting. His
socially conscious, but humorous,
paintings explode with colors
and call to mind pop graffiti artist
Basquiat and counterculture
cartoonist R. Crumb. Free. Neutra
Institute Museum and Gallery,
through Sun. December 20th,
2379 Glendale Blvd.
Information: neutra.org
Edendale Library Book Club For the
final book club meeting, the focus
is on Annie Proulx’s 2005 short
story collection Bad Dirt: Wyoming
Stories 2. Proulx is best known for
her Pulitzer winning novel The
Shipping News and the short story
“Brokeback Mountain.” Edendale
Library, Thu. December 3rd,
6:30 p.m. 2011 W. Sunset Boulevard.
Information: (213) 207-3000. lapl.org
Man From Music Mountain/The
Cowboy And The Indians Celebrate
Boxing Day with a Gene Autry
double feature. 1938’s Man From
Music Mountain is a film in which
the “Singing Cowboy” faces off
The Edendale Library Book Club will discuss Annie Proulx’s 2005 short story collection Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2. Proulx is best known for her Pulitzer winning novel The Shipping News and the short story Brokeback Mountain. December 3rd, 6:30 p.m. 2011 W. Sunset Boulevard. Photo: Gus Powell.
museum admission. The Autry
Museum of the American West,
Sat., December 26th, 12 p. m.
4700 Western Heritage Way.
Information: theautry.org
!!! Sacramento born dance-punks
!!! (pronounced “chk chk chk”) have
been cutting delicious
grooves for 14 years now
and continue to do so
on their latest record,
As If. Los Angeles based
psychedelic outfit Secret
Circle opens the show.
Tickets start at $14.
Echoplex, Sun. December
2nd, 8:30 p.m. 1154
Glendale Blvd. Info: (213)
413-8200 and theecho.
Miravel Playwright
Jake Broder, whose play
Louis & Keely: Live At
The Sahara was a local
hit seven years ago,
American dance-punk group !!! will perform this returns to the world of
music with an original
month at the Echoplex, Dec. 2.
jazz musical about
a fictional reclusive
against corrupt land developers.
falls for a dancer
1949’s The Cowboy And The Indians
he writes music for. Miravel is
finds Autry coming to the aid of a
described as “A deeply twisted love
Navajo tribe and is the only movie
triangle…with piano.” Tickets are
in which Autry performed his
$25. Sacred Fools Theater, through
signature Christmas tune “Here
December 19th. 660 N. Heliotrope
Comes Santa Claus.” Free with
Dr. Information: sacredfools.org
Cyclum DOMA Theater Company
presents its first ever full-length
dance concert. Cyclum, directed
and choreographed by Angela
Todaro, charts the stages of life
through a fusion of jazz, tap and
contemporary dance styles. Tickets
are $20. DOMA Theater Co @ The
MET Theater, Fri., December 4th to
Sun., December 6th. 1089 N. Oxford
Ave. Information: (323) 802-9181,
Coloring Night For Adults Here’s
a whimsical way to destress:
Coloring! Make a play date with
your inner child and create the kind
of masterpiece your parents will
want to put on the fridge. Pens,
pencils, crayons and coloring pages
will be provided. Free. Silver Lake
Library, Tues. December 1st,
6:30 p.m. and Thurs. December
22nd, 6:30 p.m.
2411 Glendale Blvd.
Info: (323) 913-7451. lapl.org
Play Day Here’s a great way for
your kids to meet their neighbors.
The library will provide the toys
and snacks for a fun filled play
day. Free. Los Feliz Branch Library,
Fri. December 11th, 11 a.m. 1874
Hillhurst Ave. Information: lapl.org
and (323) 913-4710
a 2002 merger and has paid
St. Mary’s a month-to-month
lease for space.
The building’s realtor,
Corey Waite, of Collier’s
International, said that although there is no shortage of
prospective tenants, he can’t
proceed with negotiations for
a lease until all court matters
are settled. Earlier this year,
BevMo! came close to renting
the space, but withdrew from
consideration when officials
learned of the church’s legal
entanglements and the community voiced strong opposition to the retail liquor store
in Los Feliz Village.
“We are in a holding pattern,” said Waite.
In late October, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge
Mary Strobel issued a tentative
ruling in favor of the church’s
rector Father Christopher Kelley, who served as St. Mary’s
priest from March 2007 until
his firing in 2012 by Anglican church authorities. The
latest ruling stated that Kelsee MEETINGS page 31
Sunset Walk And Talk Join a park
ranger and an Observatory guide
at the Observatory’s West Terrace
for a moderate hour-long hike
in Griffith Park. As you take the
Charlie Turner trail into the Berlin
Forest and back you’ll learn about
the history of Griffith Park and
objects visible in the early evening
sky. Free. Griffith Observatory, Tue., December 22nd, 4:35 p.m.
2800 E. Observatory Rd.
Info: (213) 473-0800.
Neil Hamburger For nearly 20
years, comedian and actor Gregg
Turkington has been confusing
and delighting audiences in
character as “America’s funnyman,”
Neil Hamburger. With his wispy
comb-over, ill-fitting tuxedo,
How do we thrive as we age?
How can we avoid memory loss and maintain brain health?
USC researchers seek people from ages 18-100 to participate
in brief (a few hours or less) studies on aging, cognition and emotion.
For more information, see http://healthyminds.usc.edu,
email [email protected],
or call 213-740-9543.
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
[Immaculate Heart]
IH Sports Teams Savor
Championship Titles
By Ashley Conde, Junior
With the end
of the fall season rapidly approaching, Immaculate Heart
congratulates its fall sports
teams for their success. Our
varsity cross country team took
1st in the Sunshine League—
for the third year in a row—
while our junior varsity cross
country team placed 2nd in
the league. Additionally, for
the first time in IH history, the
varsity tennis team clinched
the Sunshine League title!
Now with a new season,
Immaculate Heart cheers on
its winter sports teams in soccer and basketball. Before long,
spring will be here. Conditioning for spring sports, including
track and field, swimming, and
softball, has already begun!
The holidays traditionally bring a season of giving.
Our recent Thanksgiving Food
Drive was a great success. The
drive, organized by the IH
Campus Ministry Leadership
Team (CMLT), collected food
items that helped feed needy
families served by Casa Esperanza in the San Fernando
Valley. Students also funded a
generous monetary donation to
Casa Esperanza. Additionally,
CMLT is hosting a Christmas
“Toys for Tweens” drive. It is
designed to reach out to youths
at Casa Esperanza.
IH students now look forward to the festivities that the
Christmas season brings. On
December 15, IH will host its
Christmas concert, showcasing the talents of the modern dance and choir classes.
Christmas break begins on
December 18th, the day of the
annual Christmas program
and winter formal dance.
Amidst the Christmas season’s busyness, IH graduates
from the classes of 2011-2015
will meet for a holiday social on
campus on Dec. 18. These reunions demonstrate the strong
bonds that IH students form
during their high school years!
Meanwhile, prospective
students and their families can
get a closer look at Immaculate Heart by joining us for
our Open House events. The
high school’s open house will
take place Sunday, Dec. 6, at
1 p.m., followed by the middle
school’s open house on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 1 p.m.
ARTS from page 1
700 LAUSD arts programs,
only 35 of which received “A”
Grades were based on an
83-point system, with points
awarded based on the number of art classes offered, percentage of students served
and availability of equipment,
among other factors.
The Times’ analysis also
revealed a negative correlation
between schools’ percentage of
low-income students and the
quality of their art programming, a correlation which they
attributed to the advantage
that schools in more affluent
areas have when trying to obtain outside funding.
schools ranked higher than
secondary schools, with 27
elementary schools receiving “A”s, compared with only
eight middle or high schools.
Los Feliz’s Franklin Avenue Elementary is one of those
27, ranking 11th out of 507
elementary schools in the district. According to Times data,
they receive supplementary
funding from parent groups.
Meanwhile, nearby Cheremoya Avenue Elementary
earned a “B.”
Principal Stephen Salva
said the school uses a combination of district funding
and supplementary funding
from the Hollywood Arts
Council—an arts advocacy
group—and their school parents group.
According to Salva, the district gives each school an allotment for enrichment education
based on enrollment, economic
hardship of students and other
factors. Based on that funding,
the district allows each school to
choose from a list of art subjects,
for which the district provides
Cheremoya is allotted
three subjects through the district—visual arts, dance and
theater—and they use outside funding to enhance those
classes, rather than to add additional subjects, as some other schools have done.
According to Salva, the
school would like to add an
instrumental music class next
year, but because the district
limits them to three subjects,
they would have to temporarily replace one of the existing
art options to do so.
According to Salva, some
parents have suggested bringing in a paid after school music program, which he said the
school will consider as a last
resort if they are unable to
make music part of the official
“Ultimately, our biggest
goal is that we don’t want it to
be a privilege. We want every
kid to enjoy it,” said Salva.
Silver Lake’s John Marshall High School ranked 9th
among all high schools in the
district with a “B.” They offer
ceramics, visual arts, dance
and a comprehensive music program, which includes
jazz, symphonic orchestra,
rock band and songwriting
classes, as part of their curriculum.
But, according to Brett
Boyd, who teaches guitar and
Theater Design at Marshall,
the program relies heavily on
outside donations.
Boyd said he taught guitar
for four years before the school
had to discontinue the class
for lack of funding. However,
thanks to a fundraiser thrown
by Los Angeles indie rock
band Warpaint, Boyd was able
to resume teaching the class
this year.
According to Boyd, songwriting teacher Mike Finn also
had to secure his own funding
through a foundation out of
“I wouldn’t be available
without [outside funding],”
said Boyd. “Mike Finn as well.
We’re constantly struggling to
get enough supplies and resources.”
see ARTS page 35
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
meetings from page 29
ley should be reinstated at the
But an appeal was filed
November 16th that now puts
the latest court order on hold
and, by extension, any decisions on the now empty Citibank building.
“The building could be
empty for a year,” said Marilyn Bush, a litigant fighting against Kelley and the
church’s current senior warden. “It depends what the
judge does.”
Kathryn Greer, whose law
firm represents Kelley’s group,
expects the tentative ruling to
If Kelley and his supporters “are determined [by the
court] to be the [church’s]
board of directors and have
POLICE from page 1
unless the student became violent.
“Discipline issues are for
deans and assistant principals.
If it’s an illegal act, possession of controlled substances,
knives or fighting on campus,
then it’s an issue for the officers,” he said.
According to Choi, when
crimes do happen on campus,
officers make arrests or issue
citations in a measured way.
“These guys have been
around for a long time. They
are professionally trained police officers. They don’t put
[their] hands on the kids unless they have to. They don’t
approach them unless there’s a
probable cause,” he said.
Whether the students like
having the officers on campus
or not, Choi is convinced they
are needed.
“A campus is like a small
city,” said Choi. “It is reflective of what goes on in the
near community…if there are
illicit acts outside the campus,
they can be brought in here…
I’m not equipped or trained to
handle that.”
Candy Quintanilla, the
assistant principal overseeing
discipline at Thomas Starr
King Middle School in Silver
Lake, said she also believes the
presence of a police officer at
her school is beneficial.
According to Quintanilla,
the school currently has one
officer daily on campus.
Like Choi, Quintanilla
said the officer only gets involved in discipline issues if a
student has violated a law on
campus. She added that he
mostly engages with the students as a trusted adult.
“Our police officer is very
kid friendly, very approachable,” said Quintanilla. “He
takes every opportunity for a
December 2015
control of the church property,
then they will have the authority,” to lease the building, she
Alan Trimpi, who was
the church’s senior warden
when the legal issues began,
and who is an advocate for
Kelley, has previously assured community groups
they could use the space indefinitely, even with a new
On the other hand, Bush
has contended that the church
needs the money and the entire
location—community meeting space and all—should be
available to lease.
“Once the appeal process
is done,” said realtor Waite,
“whatever party prevails, I believe at that point there will be
a clear picture.”
learning moment.”
Suspension from school
for “willful defiance” is no
longer allowed in California, as studies have shown it
only increases the likelihood
of a student dropping out. In
its place is what is known as
“restorative justice,” which
involves a trained counselor
talking through an issue with
a student or students. Parents
may also be included in these
“There are a lot of [students] who know that there are
certain limitations as to what
we can do as far as discipline,”
said Quintanilla, “so we have
to really use our counseling
techniques and de-escalate the
situation by talking to them.”
The officer assigned to
Thomas Starr King uses his
time supervising students at
lunch to support these efforts.
If he sees an argument that
might escalate badly, he will
“He’ll approach the kids,”
said Quintanilla, “and say,
‘How can we work this out?
How can we do this differently?’”
Quintanilla said she feels
that the officer’s presence
makes a positive difference.
She noted that when he left
the campus for a few weeks,
the students missed him.
“The kids were asking for
him and were happy when he
came back,” she said. “Nowadays, the way officers are often
perceived, that’s unusual. It’s
not common.”
Requests for an interview
from administration at John
Marshall High School were
not returned. Additionally, requests for statistics on student
arrests and citations from the
Los Angeles Unified School
District’s Police Department
were not returned.
INTERSECTION from page 28
According to Klipp the
idea of a roundabout was suggested repeatedly in the results
of a LFNC survey earlier this
year on the issue.
But Klipp said a more immediate fix could be changing
the timing of the light signals,
which have been widely reported as being phased very
slowly and causing delays.
Congestion at the intersection could intensify upon
construction and completion
of a mixed-use luxury apartment and retail complex called
City Lights, which is slated to
break ground in 2016. The
planned project is several stories tall and extends about
a block in each direction on
Hillhurst Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard.
According to Klipp, City
Lights developers have been
asked by the LFNC to take
up improving the intersection
themselves, given the size and
complexity of the project.
“As part of the conditional
approval of the development,”
Klipp said, “there were requests that were made of the
developer for improvements to
that intersection.”
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Los Feliz Ledger
[Ivanhoe Elementary]
[Brawerman East]
Ivan-Hoedown and the Season of Dreams
School News
By Sasha Marais Rotko, 5th grade
Hannah Yatman and Eric Vaughn,
4th grade
Saturday, October
24th, Ivanhoe
Elementary had its annual
Ivan-Hoedown, and most of
the students, former or current, returned to Ivanhoe to
experience this fun event.
With cakewalks and its very
own haunted house, Ivanhoe
hosts its annual fundraiser
for the 10th time.
The Ivan-Hoedown has
grown over the years, since
2005. Silver Lake citizens
helped bake cakes for the cakewalk, made food and brought
in drinks for the concession
stand, and donated their own
time to volunteer the morning
of the event.
The Ivan-Hoedown had
games such as basketball,
ring tosses, coin tosses and
spin the wheel, as well as a
haunted house. Other booths
offered things such as face
painting and nail polishing.
Students tried to win tickets
by winning games so they
could trade them for prizes
at the prize stand. Many students wore their Halloween
costumes to the event. You
can join the students of Ivanhoe at this fun event next
On Thursday, December
17th, 2015, Ivanhoe Elementary will be having its annual
Holiday Program. This year,
the theme for the show will
be “A Season of Dreams.”
Each grade, Kindergarten
through 5th, will be singing two different songs. Our
Music teacher, Mr. Randy
Dreyfuss has taught the upper grades each of their songs
and Ms. Porter, our other
music teacher, has taught the
younger grades their songs.
If you choose to come, there
will three performances of
the show. The first show is
at 8:30 a.m., the second is at
10:10 a.m. and the last show
is at 1:00 p.m.
Also on that date, the
Ivanhoe 4th grade will be
holding their annual Holiday
As part of a business unit,
the fourth grade classes of
Ivanhoe have formed business groups, each creating a
temporary “company.” These
“companies” will sell different items at the Boutique to
raise money for their annual
class field trip to Sacramento.
A variety of products from
stuffed animals to nachos
will be available. During the
shows, the Boutique will close
as the 4th graders go to perform their part.
We are finishing Brawerman East’s very first soccer season in the Hollywood-Wilshire
League. Our Grade 4 team
worked really hard, and we had
some close games. It was a good
season. Most of the games have
been played on our new Athletic
Complex on top of the parking
structure. We are looking forward to an end of season party.
We have invited all of the teams
in the League to come to our
school. We will mix schools into
different teams to play soccer
and then have pizza and dessert.
Next we get to start our first
basketball season. It is a great
year for our new sports teams!
In November we celebrat-
ed Veterans Day at school. We
had our Head of Security who
was a Marine come to speak
to our classes. He wore his
uniform and told about all of
the things he had with him.
He told us about Veterans
who are in the hospital, and
we wrote cards to help make
them feel better. After Halloween, everyone brought in
candy, and we filled up large
buckets. We had a “candy buyback” where a dentist came to
school, we weighed the candy,
and she gave us money for 42
pounds to donate to tzedakah
(charity). Then she talked to
us about our teeth. The candy
will be sent to soldiers to enjoy.
[Thomas Starr King]
That Special Time of Year
By Chloe Hoffmann, 7th grade
longs for that
special day where they can
dress up and demand candy
from strangers, and there is
no exception for the students
at Thomas Starr King Middle
School. No matter how cute,
scary or creative the costumes
are, everyone has a great time
on Halloween.
Every year at our school, a
group of students called leadership host a costume contest.
In the contest there are three
categories: cutest, scariest and
most creative.
My two friends and I are
the defending champs. We
won the scariest category with
our weeping angel costume in
6th grade and the most creative category with our half
unicorn half human costume
this year in 7th grade.
We have already begun
planning our next costumes
so that we can win the cutest
category next year. I would
like to give a big thank you to
my mom for helping us create
these beautiful costumes and
making Halloween the best
holiday ever.
Though some may argue
that we are too old for Halloween, I say that we are never
too old for fun, free candy, and
having a great time with our
December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
[first person]
Ledger Graphic Designer’s Close Call in Paris
By Tiffany Sims, Ledger Graphic Designer
In the middle of November, my boyfriend Doug and I
attended a conference in Paris
put on by Airbnb to bring together people from all over the
world who welcome guests into
their homes and to celebrate
the global community. We’ve
been renting our place out occasionally through Airbnb for
the past several months. What
a shocking juxtaposition the
tragic events that were to take
place Friday, November 13th
would be to the spirit of the
Over the first couple of
days of the conference, we met
so many great like-minded
people from places such as
London, New Zealand, Slovenia, Macedonia, Greece, New
York and San Francisco. On
that Friday night, we planned
to attend a meet-up with a
bunch of Los Angeles-based
hosts at a restaurant by Canal
St. Martin in the 10th Arr. By
the time we got there, Doug
and I were both so tired from
walking we decided to skip the
meal and headed back to our
While we were walking,
we started hearing sirens all
around us, and I recall Doug
saying “Sounds like Silver
Lake around here!” We were
unaware, but the horror was
starting to unfold. We got to
our hotel and turned on the
TV to hear the reports on
CNN of gunfire at a local
restaurant. We were shocked
to see that it was right where
we had just been. Then, the re-
ports of explosions at a nearby
soccer stadium and then more
reports of gunfire at the Bataclan nightclub.
Then we learned it was
Southern California based
Eagles of Death Metal who
were playing when the terrorists opened fire on the crowd.
We have many mutual friends
in common with that band and
advise you to “report sketchy
characters,” along with not
talking and silencing cellphones, it’s a sad realization
that now every time I go to a
concert, I won’t be able to help
thinking about what happened
in Paris and worry a little bit if
it could happen again.
On the Saturday after the
attacks, walking around Paris
ST. MARY’S from page 26
Bush and others have previously claimed Kelley’s conduct as St. Mary’s priest was
unbecoming and further accused him of financial misdoings, citing a “breakdown of
open, honest communication”
with the vestry, financial irregularities, lack of transparency
over the church’s budget and
his alienating parishioners,
including newcomers to the
But court documents
show those claims of wrongdoing, the basis for Kelley’s
dismissal, couldn’t competently be proved. And although
Kelley has won the latest legal
battle, he is still banned from
church premises.
His attorneys requested
an emergency hearing the
first week of November so he
could return immediately. But
the same judge denied hearing
the matter, ostensibly want-
ing the legal components and
their corresponding timelines,
which allow objections from
the losing party, to play out.
Bush and those in her
camp have filed such objections, which can either be resolved by the judge through a
court order, heard in another
trial or be dismissed altogether.
In the meantime, Kelley
has stayed away from trying to
reclaim St. Mary’s. A couple of
years ago, in 2012, yet another
judge granted a temporary restraining order against him,
restricting him to the small
one-bedroom bungalow on
the church property where he
once lived with his wife and
two teenage children.
When that restraining order was later lifted, Bush and
the church’s current leadership
changed the locks on all the
ed a place to stay.
By Sunday, people had returned to the streets in droves
and filled the cafes once again.
While every tragedy brings
with it a new sobering reality, it’s heartening to see that
we continue to go on with our
lives, still enjoying our sense
of community and hopefully
even strengthened by it a little
December 2015
On the Saturday after the attacks, walking around Paris was a lot like I remember
the day after 9/11 was—everyone looked
shell-shocked, their faces ashen.
was a lot like I remember the
day after 9/11 was—everyone
looked shell-shocked, their
faces ashen. You could tell everyone was trying to comprehend the same set of circumstances. Airbnb reached out to
all of the 5,000 hosts attending
their conference to make sure
they were safe. Many Parisian
hosts opened their homes free
of charge to anyone who need-
see ST. MARY’S page 34
Christmas Shopping at the St.
Brendan School Boutique
School will host its annual
Christmas boutique Thursday,
Dec. 3rd from 8am-3pm. The event will feature local vendors, including Pickett
Fences, Asbury Adams jewelry, Flicka, Susie Cakes, Olivia
Kazanjian jewelry, Chevaliers
and more. Come shop for anywww.losfelizledger.com
one on your Christmas list,
with 20% of proceeds going to
the school. There will also be sandwiches from Larchmont Wine
and Cheese, homemade soup
and sushi at lunchtime.
The boutique will take
place at the school, 238 S.
Manhattan Place.
They say the church’s bylaws
indicate Kelley could only be
fired by Anglican authorities.
Initially, a Los Angeles Superior Judge ruled the church’s
denominational and pastoral
care issues were religious in nature and could not be resolved
with “neutral principles of the
law” in a civil courtroom, but
an appellate court disagreed,
on Kelley’s petition, and sent
the case back to Los Angeles
Superior Court to be reheard
last September.
During that three-day
trial, most of the testimony
revolved around whether
votes taken by the parish to
join the Catholic Church—
and then a subsequent vote
to change the church’s bylaws accordingly—were conducted properly.
Recently, this past October, that judge ruled the votes
were valid and in favor of Kelley to reassume official stewardship of the church.
But those opposing Kelley,
including Los Feliz resident
and former Los Feliz Improvement Assoc. (LFIA) President,
Marilyn Bush, who has been
at the center of the maelstrom
since the Anglican diocese
appointed her Warden of the
Church when it removed Kelley, have filed objections to the
court’s latest ruling.
Now everything is on
have known them for years. As
if the situation wasn’t already
bad enough, the connection
with a local band in this foreign country really hit home.
I couldn’t help thinking about
how many times I had gone
to see bands play in clubs and
arenas, never thinking that the
sanctity of that experience could
be shattered by such terror.
Just like it is now standard
protocol in movie theaters to
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Los Feliz Ledger
Infertility in the Spotlight
By Rita Mauceri, Ledger Columnist
There are so many different paths to parenthood. For
some, it happens young, but for
others, later in life. For some,
it’s unexpected, but for others,
well-planned and hard-won.
And for some couples, conceiv-
where have a new forum to vocalize and understand a shared
On their syndicated talk
show FABLife, 41-year-old
supermodel Tyra Banks and
29-year-old model Chrissy Teigen both opened up about their
struggles to have children.
“I’ve had some…very
traumatic moments” Banks
said. “It’s difficult as you get
older. It’s not something that
can just happen.”
While Banks expressed
feelings of guilt over waiting
too long to start a family, Teigen is technically still in her
For her and husband John
how anyone gets pregnant.
A huge part of the gray
area with infertility is figuring
out the root cause for a given
couple and then determining
Treatments such as In
Vitro Fertilization (IVF)—
the process of fertilization by
combining an egg and sperm
in a lab and then transferring
the embryo to the uterus— are
emotional, time-consuming,
and often prohibitively expensive, with no guarantees that
they will work.
Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy,
a co-founding editor of the website Jezebel, wrote that the average cost nationally for an IVF
procedure is $12,000, before
medications, which typically
run another $3,000 to $5,000.
In other words, IVF isn’t
even an option for many couples
unless insurance covers it. And
even for the rich-and-famous it’s
not a definitive solution. For now, the fact that
women like Banks and Teigen
are opening up and helping
to shed light on infertility is a
huge step forward. The more it
is shared, the less women everywhere will feel isolated and
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Infertility is one of the toughest challenges a
couple can face and it is startling to discover
that 1 in 8 couples encounter problems getting
pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.
ing never happens the way they
had hoped or imagined.
Infertility is one of the
toughest challenges a couple
can face and it is startling to
discover that 1 in 8 couples
encounter problems getting
pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.
That’s a significant percentage and yet until recently,
infertility wasn’t something
that was typically talked about
openly and publicly. All that is
starting to change.
Over the last month,
two high-profile women have
stepped into the spotlight to
discuss their inability to conceive. Thanks to their candor
and bravery, women every-
Legend, it’s still unclear what’s
keeping them from conceiving
after several years of trying.
“I would say, honestly,
[that] John and I were having trouble,” Teigen said. “We
would have had kids five, six
years ago if [a pregnancy] had
Clearly, age is just one
of the factors that can affect
fertility. Physiology, genetics,
past injuries, stress, or severe
weight loss can also play a role.
According to the National
Women’s Health Resource
Center, even a healthy couple
in their early 30s only has a
20-25% chance of conceiving
in any given month. It almost
makes you begin to wonder
ST. MARY’S from page 33
ant since last summer. One
lucrative lessee—the discount
liquor chain BevMo!—walked
away from a deal at the last
minute, citing the church’s
tenuous legal entanglements,
though others believe Bevmo!
pulled out after facing intense
community disapproval of
such a franchise taking root in
Los Feliz Village.
Yet Bush and the church’s
current leadership still legally
hold the keys to all things St.
Suddenly and unknowingly barred from the location where they’ve conducted
public meetings for over a decade, LFNC quickly relocated, ironically to Our Mother
of Good Counsel Catholic
Church’s conference room and
convened their meeting a half
hour late.
Whether the ongoing
lockout continues is up to the
church’s doors, locking Kelley
And finally, there’s the
church’s Citibank Building.
Kelley and his supporters have vowed that Los Feliz
community groups will regain
access to the space when they
are legally put back in charge.
Bush, meanwhile, has indicated the church’s finances
are in such dire straits, she, as
the church’s most senior laity
leader, can no longer countenance providing the 2nd floor
community space for free and
will lease it out, saying they
have currently amassed about
$2 million in legal fees defending their ousting of Kelley.
The large building now
sits empty as its long time tenant, Citibank, moved down
Hillhurst Avenue to a smaller
location in October.
Bush and her group have
been looking for a new tenPage 34 SCHOOL NEWS
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December 2015
Los Feliz Ledger
GATTO from page 1
is wanted for burglary and
assault with a deadly weapon
in a separate crime that occurred near his father’s home
the night he was murdered.
Police have long speculated the crimes are linked.
During the vigil, Gatto’s
sister, Mariann, clutched the
now two-year-old police sketch
of the suspect sought by police
in both crimes, described as a
white male between the ages
of 18 and 25.
“It’s amazing it has been
two years,” Mariann said during the vigil, which started
at Tesla Avenue and ended at
the intersection of West Silver
Lake Drive and Bright Lane,
yards from where she and her
now-husband discovered her
father slumped over a desk
in his second story bedroom,
dead from a single gun shot
wound to the abdomen.
Police have previously said
there was no forced entry into
Gatto’s home and that they are
uncertain if any valuables were
taken, as it is unclear what the
elder Gatto, an honored arts
teacher and jewelry maker,
had in his home at the time
of his murder, since he is divorced and lived alone.
A public records
request, submitted to
the Los Angeles Police
Dept. by the Los Feliz
Ledger for the police report in the case and to
the county coroner for
the autopsy of the slain
Gatto, were denied in
2014. Both agencies
said they could not
turn over documents related
to the case, as it was still under
In previous interviews,
both Mariann and Mike have
also said they believed the two
crimes were linked.
Mariann, the executive
director of the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles, has speculated the suspect wanted for the burglary
and assault may have slipped
into her father’s home when
his automatic garage door
was briefly open for him
to retrieve a computer printer
that he had purchased earlier
in the day from the trunk of
his car.
But Mike says the possibility their father’s killer gained access to his home
in that fashion is an incredibly “unlucky occurrence…or
else there’s something going
on here much greater than we
Police have previously
ruled out the elder Gatto’s
murder being connected in
any way to his son’s political
During the recent vigil,
about 30 friends, locals and
politicians—including former
California Assemblymember
Dario Frommer, former Los
Angeles City Councilmember
Tom LaBonge and current
City Councilmember Paul Koretz—walked slowly and carried lit candles, singing “Here
I am Lord.” No one from the
Los Angeles Police Dept. was
present. Father James Mott, of
Our Mother of Good Counsel in Los Feliz, said a prayer
for the Gatto family when the
vigil came to rest near their father’s home.
A request for comment
from police detectives on the
investigation was not returned.
The case will be featured
Nov. 28th on Fox’s (channel
11) “Most Wanted.”
ARTS from page 30
The Los Feliz Improvement Assoc. also contributes
to Marshall’s arts programming fund, according to
A few blocks away, Ivanhoe Elementary, who scored a
“C,” also receives supplementary arts funding, according
to Principal Lynda Rescia.
According to Rescia, district funding allows Ivanhoe
to offer two semesters of vocal music for grades kindergarten through 2nd and one
semester of dance for grades
kindergarten through 5th.
The rest of their programming—vocal music for the
upper grades, visual arts, 12
additional weeks of dance
for kindergarteners and 1st
graders, ballroom dancing for 5th graders and six
weeks of international dance
instruction—is funded by
the school’s parent group
“Friends of Ivanhoe.”
Ivanhoe also offers
choir, theater and ceramics
as part of a fee-based after
school program, but scholarships for the extracurricular program are available to
students who need them, according to Rescia.
scored a “D,” ranking 494 out
of 507 elementary schools in
LAUSD. According to Times
data, Atwater offers only one
arts course, provides arts
education to fewer than 25%
of their student body and receives no outside funding.
“The school district’s budget is just beginning to be restored to the level it was at ten
years ago,” said LAUSD Executive Director of Arts Education Rory Pullens.
According to Pullens, it is
the district’s hope to bring all
schools up to standard within
the next five years.
But, he said, the 2008 recession and the expiration of
a 3-year government grant hit
LAUSD’s budget hard. And
the arts are often the first place
budget cuts are made.
“There is a belief that
arts are not considered core
curriculum…they are still
considered by many to be an
elective…that’s why they are
sometimes first on the chopping block,” said Pullens.
“But the arts are so important to development. They
should never be considered
for reduction.”
Requests for comment
from Atwater Elementary
and Franklin Avenue Elementary were not returned
on deadline.
Happy Holidays, Los Feliz!
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December 2015
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refinished hardwd flrs. Appx 1848 sq ft house & 6250 lot. 2 car
garage + extra parking. New AC and heat. Come fall in love.
349 Crane Boulevard
For Sale
Just Listed
Mt. Washington
Silver Lake
Sophisticated Contemporary in a prime location. Living room
with high ceilings, hardwood floors and view’s of city lights.
Master with fireplace. Cook’s kitchen with large center isle,
granite counters. Family room. Wonderful private gated
outdoor areas include a spa with city views and large wood
decks. Two bonus rooms. Great floor plan for entertaining
with appx 3396 sqft. Two car garage. Best value in Silver Lake!
Los Feliz
Stunning 4+4.5 Gated Mediterranean with backyard oasis.
Gracious LR w/fireplace that opens out to yard & pool. Kitchen
w/Wolf range, breakfast bar & area plus a cozy den with 2nd
fireplace. 3+3 are upstairs w/a generous master suite with 2
sitting rooms or nursery. Downstairs is a maids or guest bdrm.
Entertainer’s yard with patios, play yard, swimming pool, spa.
Great gst house w/3/4 bath. You will falll in love w/this home!
$565,000 2602 Griffith Park Boulevard Silver Lake
The first level of this cozy hilltop home features an cozy
kitchen, LR opens out to a deck that looks out to the wonderful
hillside & canyon. Master with en-suite bath. Downstairs is the
2nd bedroom & bath and opens out onto another deck. This
bright, clean, and modern retreat feels completely removed
from the city yet still offers quick access to the Metro Gold
Line, Highland Park and Downtown Los Angeles.
1854 Redcliff Street
Upstairs unit in 1937 duplex with penthouse feel. Appx 1300
SF. Lovely views. Bright and spacious living room and private
view balcony. Eat-in kitchen w/ range, refrigerator, dishwasher.
Washer and dryer in apt. Crown moldings & hardwood floors.
Large shared yard with lower tenant. 1 Car Garage. AC/Heat.
Ideal Silver Lake location. Ivanhoe School. Walking distance to
many wonderful things in the neighborhood! One year lease.
4230 Parva Avenue
Los Feliz
First time on market in 45 years, very special 4 bed + 4.5 bath
lovingly maintained 1939 French Normandy. Living room with
fireplace, wonderful patio with sweeping views. Piano room
leads to wood paneled library w/fireplace. Spacious kitchen &
lovely breakfast area. Dining room. 3 en-suite bedrms up and
maids room and bath downstairs. Appx 3,056 sqft and 14,858
lot size. Circular driveway. Views from downtown to the ocean.