Friday Sessions Friday


Friday Sessions Friday
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Look for (TIPS) to indicate Teaching sessions
7 am to 8 am / 122
Advertising Division
Mass Communication and Society Division
Business Session
New Members’ Meeting and Faculty-Graduate
Student Interaction
Business Session
Editorial Board Meeting
Sela Sar, Illinois
and George Anghelcev, Pennsylvania State
Ran Wei, South Carolina
7 am to 8 am / 123
7 am to 8 am / 119
Minorities and Communication Division
Electronic News Division
Business Session
Outgoing Executive Committee Meeting
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
B. William Silcock, Arizona State
Masudul Biswas, Loyola-Maryland
7 am to 8 am / 124
7 am to 8 am / 120
Public Relations Division
History Division
Business Session
Outgoing Executive Committee Meeting
Business Session
Executive Committee Meeting
Kimberly Voss, Central Florida
7 am to 8 am / 121
Law and Policy Division
Business Session
Executive Committee Meeting
Dan Kozlowski, Saint Louis
Tiffany Gallicano, North Carolina, Charlotte
This committee meeting is for Public Relations committee
7 am to 8 am / 118
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
7 am to 8 am / 125
7 am to 9:45 am / 129
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication
University of Texas at Austin
Business Session
Divisional Editors Meeting
Sandy Utt, Memphis
7 am to 9:45 am / 126
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication
Business Session
Elected Standing Committee on Research
Jisu Huh, Minnesota
7 am to 9:45 am / 127
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication
Business Session
Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
Chris Roush, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
7 am to 8:30 am / 128
Kappa Tau Alpha
Business Session
Chapter Advisors’ Breakfast/Business Meeting
Keith P. Sanders, Missouri
Pre-registration is required.
Alumni Breakfast
R. B. Brenner, Texas at Austin
All alumni of Texas at Austin are invited.
8 am to 9:45 am / 130
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication
Business Session
Elected Standing Committee on Professional
Freedom and Responsibility
Debashis Aikat, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
8 am to 9 am / 131
Public Relations Division
Demystifying the Peer-Review Process: Everything
You’ve Wanted to Ask an Editor But Were Afraid To
Bey-Ling Sha, San Diego State
Bey-Ling Sha, San Diego State, editor, Journal
of Public Relations Research
Chuck Lubbers, South Dakota, editor, Journal
of Public Relations Education
Robert I. Wakefield, Brigham Young, editor,
Public Relations Journal
Ray Hiebert, Maryland, editor, Public Relations
Ken Plowman, Brigham Young, associate editor,
Journal of Communication Management
Pat Curtin, Oregon, AEJMC Publications Committee
Editors will differentiate their journals from each other,
discuss best practices in authoring and reviewing
manuscripts, provide pro tips on getting research accepted
for publication, and explain the myriad factors affecting
editorial decisions.
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 132
Communication Technology
and Newspaper and Online News Divisions
Scholar-to-Scholar Refereed Paper Research Session
Kris Boyle, Brigham Young
Topic II — News Production and Process
5. Journalism, Silicon Valley, and Institutional Values:
Discursive Construction of the Digital Disruption
of News
Frank Michael Russell, Missouri
6. Strangers in the Field: Public Perception
of Professionals, Technology, Audiences, and the
Boundaries of Journalism
Victor Garcia-Perdomo, Texas at Austin/
Univesidad de La Sabana, Colombia;
and Heloisa Aruth Sturm, Texas at Austin
7. Dualities in Journalists’ Engagement With Twitter
Rich Johnson, Creighton
8. Structured Stories: Testing the Technical, Editorial,
and Cultural Feasibility of a Computational
Journalism Project
Frank Michael Russell, Missouri;
David Caswell, Structured Stories;
Maggie Angst, Hellen Tian,
Arthur Cook Bremer, Hui-Hsien Tsai,
and Esther Thorson, Missouri
John Russial, Oregon
Jeremy Lipschultz, Nebraska at Omaha
Topic IV — Media Psychology
13. Senior Citizens’ Interactions on Facebook:
The Effects of Social Networking Affordances
on Psychological Well-Being**
Eun Hwa Jung, National University
of Singapore
and S. Shyam Sundar, Pennsylvania State
14. Quizzical Attraction of Online Personality Quizzes:
A Uses and Gratifications Perspective***
Yee Man Margaret Ng, Gina Masullo Chen
and Ventiva Chen, Texas at Austin
15. How Social Indicators on Discussion Webpages
Influence Interpretations of Conversation Norms
David Silva, Washington State
16. Effects of Music Pacing in a Nutrition Game
on Flow, and Explicit and Implicit Attitudes
José Aviles, Sushma Kumble,
Michael Schmierbach, Erica Bailey,
Frank Waddell, Frank Dardis, Yan Huag,
Stephanie Orme, Kelly Seeber,
and Mu Wu, Pennsylvania State
Bartosz Wojdynski, Georgia
Topic V — Media Psychology II
17. Human Control or Machine Control – Which Do
We Trust? The Role of Control and Machine
Heuristics in Online Information Disclosure
Jinyoung Kim
and S. Shyam Sundar, Pennsylvania State
18. Social Influence on the Net: Majority Effect
on Posters and Minority Effect on Lurkers
Young June Sah and Wei Peng, Michigan State
19. Flow in Virtual Worlds: The Interplay of Community
and Site Features as Predictors of Involvement
Valerie Barker, San Diego State
Communication Technology Division
Topic I — News Consumption
1. Redefining the News Through Social Media:
The Effect of Policy, Organization, and Profession
on Journalistic Impact
Kristen Guth, Christina Hagen
and Kristen Steves, Southern California
2. My News Feed Is Filtered? Awareness of News
Personalization Among College Students
Elia Powers, Towson
3. Challenging Read: How Regulatory Non-Fit Can
Increase Online News Audience Engagement
Yu-Hao Lee, Bruce Getz
and Min Xiao, Florida
4. Context Collapse and Privacy Management:
Diversity in Facebook Friends Increases Online
News Reading and Sharing
Michael Beam and Jeffrey T. Child, Kent State;
Myiah Hutchens
and Jay Hmielowski, Washington State
Topic III — Twitter
9. Twitter Analysis of Tweets That Emerged After
the #Wacoshooting
Mia Moody, David Lin
and Kaitlyn Skinner, Baylor
10. Important Tweets Matter: Predicting Retweets
in the #blacklivesmatter Talk on Twitter
Kate Keib and Itai Himelboim, Georgia
11. #ReclaimMLK: Collective Memory and Collective
Action in the Age of Twitter
Simin Michelle Chen, Minnesota
12. Japanese Love to Tweet: The Effects of Information
Sharing, Relational Mobility and Relational
Commitment on Twitter Use in Japan
Shaojung Sharon Wang, National Sun Yat-sen
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
20. Exploring the Roles of Social Anxiety, Self-Efficacy,
and Job Stress on Chines Workers’ Smartphone
Li Li and Trisha Lin, Nanyang Technological
Mike Schmierbach, Pennsylvania State
Topic VI — Politics and Motivations
21. Emerging Media as Instruments of Political
Liberation and Government Repression in
Autocracies and Democracies from 1995 to 2012
Britt Christensen, Zayed,
and Jacob Groshek, Boston
22. Political Fiction: Campaign Emails During
the 2014 Midterm Election
Bryan McLaughlin, Bailey Thompson
and Amber Krause, Texas Tech
23. Comparing Facebook and Instagram: Motivations
for Use, Social Comparison Process,
and Psychological Outcomes
Seohee Sohn and Namkee Park, Yonsei
24. Uses of Cellphone Texting: An Integration
of Motivations, Usage Patterns,
and Psychological Outcomes
Namkee Park, Yonsei; Seungyoon Lee, Purdue
and Jae Eun Chung, Howard
Tom Johnson, Texas at Austin
25. The Impacts of WeChat Communication and
Parenting Styles on the Quality of the
Parent-Child Relationship
Cheng Chen and Zhuo Chen, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
26. How Do Parents Manage Children’s Social Media
Use? Development and Validation of a Parental
Mediation Scale in the Context of Social Media
Across Child and Parent Samples
Shirley Ho
and Liang Chen, Nanyang Technological
27. The Role of Mobile Phone Use in Bonding
and Bridging Peer Capital Among Singaporean
Estee Goh, Agnes Chuah,
and Shirley Ho, Nanyang Technological
28. Motivations and Uses of Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Snapchat: Which Platform
Wins the Challenge Among College Students?
Mengyan Ma, Victoria Artis, Maggie Bakle,
Florence Uwimbabazi,
and Saleem Alhabash, Michigan State
Pamela Brubaker, Brigham Young
Topic VI — Brand Engagement
29. Understanding the Role of Different Review
Features in Purchase Probability*
Su Jung Kim, Iowa State;
Ewa Maslowska
and Edward Malthouse, Northwestern
30. Assessing the Influence of eWOM and Online
Brand Messages on Consumer Decision-Making
Tai-Yee Wu and Carolyn Lin, Connecticut
31. Using Instagram to Engage With (Potential)
Consumers: A Study of Forbes Most Valuable
Brands’ Use of Instagram
Sherice Gearhart, Oluseyi Adegbola,
and Jacqueline Mitchell, Nebraska at Omaha
32. Perceptions of Online Reviews: Motivation,
Sidedness, and Reviewer Information
Hyunjin Seo, Roseann Pluretti
and Fengjun Li, Kansas
Sally McMillan, Tennessee
33. Time, Space, and Digital Media: Ana Analysis
of Trade Press Depiction of Change in Practice
Sally McMillan, Tennessee
34. Enhancing Writing Quality With Virtual Reality
Technology: 360º Images Give Journalists
Information for Vivid Descriptions
Clyde Bentley, Joy Jenkins
and Bimal Balakrishnan, Missouri
35. Networked Narratives on Humans of New York:
A Content Analysis on Social Media Engagement
Ruoxu Wang, Jinyoung Kim, Anli Xiao,
and YongJu Jung, Pennsylvania State
Hyunjin Seo, Kansas
* First Place Faculty Paper, Gene Burd Award
** Second Place Faculty Paper
*** Third Place Faculty Paper
Newspaper and Online News Division
Topic I — Framing, Agenda Setting and Social Change
36. “We Don’t Cover Suicide … (Except When We
Do Cover Suicide)”
Randal Beam, Sue Lockett John
and Michael Mead Yaqub, Washington
Discussant: Elizabeth Atwood, Hood
37. Intermedia Attribute Agenda Setting in the Context
of Issue-Focused Media Events: The Case
of Caitlyn Jenner and Transgender Reporting
Minjie Li, Louisiana State
Discussant: Brian Steffen, Simpson College
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
38. The Portrayal of Schizophrenia in Legacy
and Digital Native News
Anna Rae Gwarjanski, Scott Parrott,
Brian Roberts
and Elizabeth Elkin, Alabama
Discussant: Bill Cassidy, Northern Illinois
39. Effects of News Framing on Reader’s Opinion
of E-Cigarettes
Lu Wu
and Rhonda Gibson, North Carolina
Discussant: Brian Steffen, Simpson College
Topic II — Business Models for Digital News
40. Should There Be an App for That? An Analysis
of Interactive Applications within Longform
News Stories
Susan Jacobson
and Robert Gutsche, Florida International
and Jacqueline Marino, Kent State
Discussant: Jake Batsell, Southern Methodist
41. The Costs of Risky Business: What Happens When
Newspapers Become the Playthings of Billionaires?
Alex Williams
and Victor Pickard, Pennsylvania
Discussant: Mitch McKenney, Kent State
42. Who Is Willing to Pay? Understanding Readers’
Payment Intention of News
Donghee Wohn
and Mousa Ahmadi, New Jersey Institute
of Technology
Discussant: Jake Batsell, Southern Methodist
Topic III — Global Perspectives
41. Advocacy or Objectivity? Role Perceptions
and Journalistic Culture in Alternative
and Mainstream Media in Brazil
Summer Harlow, Florida State
Discussant: Danny Paskin, California State,
Long Beach
42. Differently Pitiless: Representations of Immigrants
in Episode and Thematic Frames – A Transatlantic
Comparative Analysis
Francesco Somaini, Central Washington
Discussant: Danny Paskin, California State,
Long Beach
43. Can Breaking News Coverage Fix Lack
of Governmental Openness? A Case Study
of Content Strategies at Egypt’s Increasing Popular
Youm7 Online Newspaper
Ahmed Orabi
and Eric Meyer, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Danny Paskin, California State,
Long Beach
44. The Viability of Peace Journalism in Western
Media Environments
Kimberly Foster and Beverly Horvit, Missouri
Discussant: Joseph Treaster, Miami
45. “When India was Indira”: Indian Express’ Coverage
of the Emergency (1975-1977)
Subin Paul, Iowa
Discussant: Joseph Treaster, Miami
46. War of Perception: A Habermasian Discourse
Analysis of Human Shield Newspaper Reporting
During the 2014 Gaza War
Shane Graber, Texas at Austin
Discussant: Joseph Treaster, Miami
47. National Issues and Personal Choices – Agenda
Melding in Iran: A Study of Traditional
Media and Twitter in 2015
Milad Minooie, Texas at Arlington
Discussant: Claudia Kozman, Lebanese American
Topic IV — Practitioner Routines and Values
48. Journalism Transparency: How Journalists
Understand It As a Professional Value,
Ethical Construct and Set of Practices
Peter Gade, Kevin Curran, Shugofa Dastgeer,
Christina DeWalt, Desiree Hill, Seunghyun Kim
and Emmanuel-Lugard Nduka, Oklahoma
Discussant: Carl Sessions Stepp, Maryland
49. “Two Cheers for Doing It All”: Skills
and Reporting Jobs
John Russial, Oregon
Discussant: William Schulte, Winthrop
50. Giving In or Giving Up: What Makes Journalists
Use Audience Feedback in Their News Work
Edson Tandoc, Nanyang Technological
and Patrick Ferrucci, Colorado-Boulder
Discussant: Carl Sessions Stepp, Maryland
51. News of the Future: Journalism Organizations’
Members Look at Content, News Practice, Their
Jobs and Their Organizations
Fred Vultee, Wayne State
Discussant: Mitch McKenney, Kent State
52. Why Editors Use Human Interactive Features:
Individual, Organizational and Community
Level Factors
Deborah Chung and Seungahn Nah, Kentucky
Discussant: Theresa M. de los Santos, Pepperdine
53. Newspaper Front Page Photographs: Effects
of Image Consumption in Digital Versus Print
News Format*
Daniel Morrison, Nicole Dahmen
and David Morris II, Oregon
Discussant: Michael O’Donnell, St. Thomas
*American Copy Editors Society Award
Topic V — Audience Engagement
54. Driving Las Vegas: News Coverage of Uber’s Clash
with Unions in Sin City
Jessalynn Strauss, Elon
and Lauren Bratslavsky, Illinois State
Discussant: Claudia Kozman, Lebanese American
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
**Second Place Student Paper
Topic VI — News Production and the Local Community
60. Local Newspaper Use in Hawaii Fosters
Acculturation to Local Culture, Community Ties
and Involvement
Francis Dalisay, Guam,
Masahiro Yamamoto, Albany–SUNY;
Chamil Rathnayake, Joanne Loos
and Kapiolani Ching, Hawaii at Manoa
Discussant: Michael O’Donnell, St. Thomas
61. How Online News and Informational Media
Position Themselves in the Networked Media
Ecosystem: A Study of Niche
Mohammad Yousuf, Oklahoma
Discussant: William Schulte, Winthrop
62. The Reluctant Prosumer/Producer: Limited User
Interest in Interactivity Offered by a Metropolitan
Jackie Incollingo, Rider
Discussant: Jennifer Brannock Cox, Salisbury
Topic VII — Social Media and Data Analytics
63. #IfTheyGunnedMeDown: An Analysis of
Mainstream and Social Media in the Ferguson,
Missouri Shooting of Michael Brown
Tracy Everbach, Meredith Clark
and Gwendelyn Nisbett, North Texas
Discussant: Elizabeth Atwood, Hood College
64. Tweeting During a News Crisis: How Professional
Norms Influenced Ferguson Coverage
Amber Hinsley and Hyunmin Lee, Saint Louis
Discussant: Brian Steffen, Simpson College
65. 5 Ways that BuzzFeed is Transforming (or
Preserving?) the Journalistic Field
Edson Tandoc, Nanyang Technological
Discussant: Eric Meyer, Illinois Urbana-Champaign
66. Normalizing Online Commenting: Exploring
How Journalists Deal with Incivility on News Sites
Gina Masullo Chen
and Paromita Pain, Texas at Austin
Discussant: Elizabeth Atwood, Hood College
67. Journalists Researching Big Data: A Study of
Research Methods and Processes in Big Data
Soo-Kwang Oh, William Patterson
and Edson Tandoc, Nanyang Technological
Discussant: Eric Meyer, Illinois Urbana-Champaign
68. An Impolite Conversation: The Interaction between
Anonymity and Online Discourse on Political Blogs
Meghan Erkkinen, Minnesota
Discussant: Bill Cassidy, Northern Illinois
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 133
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
High Density Refereed Paper Research Session
Pushing the Boundaries of Selective
Exposure Research
Magdalena Saldaña, Texas Tech
New Directions in Selective Exposure: Measurement
and Mitigation
Benjamin Lyons, Southern Illinois Carbondale
Perusing Pages and Skimming Screens: Selective
Exposure to News Articles in Online vs Offline Contexts
George Pearson
and Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, Ohio State
Selecting Serious or Satirical, Supporting or Stirring
News? Selective Exposure to Traditional versus Mockery
News Online Videos
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick
and Simon Lavis, Ohio State
Testing Intergenerational Transmission of News Content
Preference: A South Korean Case***
Minchul Kim, Indiana
Pat Meirick, Oklahoma
Attention Ecology of the Web
Anegla Xiao Wu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
and Harsh Taneja, Missouri
55. Active Yet Passive: Students Media Habits Begin
with Active Choice, Evolve to Passive Consumption
Hans Meyer and Burton Speakman, Ohio
Discussant: Jennifer Brannock Cox, Salisbury
56. All The News That’s Fit to Post: Millennials’
Definitions of News in the Context of Facebook
Megan Mallicoat, Florida
Discussant: Patrick Walters, Kutztown
57. Exploring the Effects of News Personalization
and User Comments: Third-Person Perception
of the 2013 Target Data Breach**
Boya Xu, Maryland
Discussant: Patrick Walters, Kutztown
58. Carrying Credibility: How News Distribution
Affects Reader Judgment
Holly Cowart, Florida
Discussant: Claudia Kozman, Lebanese American
59. Now You See Me, But You Don’t Know: Consumer
Processing of Native Advertisements in Online
News Sites,
Mengtian Jiang, Brigitte Balogh McKay,
Jef Richards and Wally Snyder, Michigan State
Discussant: Bill Cassidy, Northern Illinois
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Millennials vs. Boomers: Using Behavioral Data to
Compare the Digital News Networks of Two Cohorts
Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern,
Harsh Taneja, Missouri
and Anegla Xiao Wu, Chinese University
of Hong Kong
The Effect of Collaborative Filtering on Online
News Processing
Christina DeVoss
and Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Connecticut
Kjerstin Thorson, Michigan State
*** Third Place Student Paper
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 134
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Culture and Identity in a Time of Shifting
Radhika Parameswaran, Indiana
Mobile Masculinities: An Investigation of Networked
Masculinities in Gay Dating Apps
Nathian Rodriguez, Jennifer Huemmer
and Lindsey Blumell, Texas Tech
Identity, Representation and Travel: Negotiated and
Transactional Communication in Tourism
Meta G. Carstarphen, Oklahoma
Always Already Hailed: Negotiating Memory and
Identity at the Newseum
Lori Amber Roessner, Tennessee, Knoxville
and Carrie Teresa, Niagara
How to Understand a Woman Director? : A Perspective
of Chinese Women Audience Members on Ann Hui’s
The Golden Era (2014)*
Li Chen, Syracuse
Jane Marcellus, Middle Tennessee State
Jeanne Rollberg, Arkansas at Little Rock
Scott Libin, RTDNA Ethics Committee Chairperson,
Angela Kocherga, Southwest Borderlands Initiative
Professor, Arizona State
Mohamad Elmasry, North Alabama
Mira Sotirovic, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
John Shrader, California State, Long Beach
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 136
History Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Tools of the Trade: Storytellers’ Skills, Past
and Present
David Davies, Southern Mississippi
George G. Foster’s Urban Journalism as an Antecedent
to Muckraking*
Denitsa Yotova, Maryland, College Park
Ada Patterson: “The Nellie Bly of the West”
Samantha Peko, Ohio
Witness to War: Newsreel Photographer Arthur Menken
Joe Hayden, Memphis
The Aesthetics of Historiophoty: Ken Burns and the
Origins of Visual Effects in the Historical Documentary
Kyle McDaniel, Oregon
Dean Smith, High Point
* Third Place Student Paper
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 137
International Communication Division
* James W. Carey Memorial Top Student Paper Award
Refereed Paper Research Session
International Communication in China,
Europe, and the Americas
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 135
Ammina Kothari, Rochester Institute of Technology
Electronic News Division
Panel Session
Fatal Attraction: Election 2016 and the
Electronic Media
At a Crossroads or Caught in the Crossfire? Crime
Coverage Concerns for Democracy in Portugal, Spain,
and Italy*
Maggie Patterson, Duquesne;
Romayne Smith Fullerton, Western Ontario
and Jorge Tunon, Carlos III University of Madrid
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Securitization: An approach to the Framing of the
“Western Hostile Force” in Chinese Media**
Kai Xu, Wayne State
A New Sensation? Exploring Sensationalism, Online
Journalism and Social Media Audiences Across the
Danielle Kilgo, Texas at Austin;
Summer Harlow, Florida State
Victor Garcia-Perdomo, Texas at Austin/Univesidad
de La Sabana, Colombia
and Ramón Salaverría, Navarra
Collectivism Appeal and Message Frames in
Environmental Advertising – A Comparison between
China and the U.S.
Fei Xue, Southern Mississippi
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 139
Adina Schneeweis, Oakland
Teaching Panel Session
Inclusivity and Teaching Tech
* Second Place Faculty Paper (Stevenson Competition)
** Second Place Student Paper (Markham Competition)
Rachel Young, Iowa
Magazine Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Top Papers in the Magazine Division
Kevin Lerner, Marist
Magazines and Social Media Platforms: Strategies
for Enhancing User Engagement and Implications for
Parul Jain, Zulfia Zaher and Enakshi Roy, Ohio
The New Yorker’s Lillian Ross: The Literary Journalism
Canon’s Neglected Eavesdropper
Annie Rees, Missouri-Columbia
Towards a Typology of Magazine Digital Longform:
How Is Online Literary Journalism Different from
Aleksandr Gorbachev
and Berkley Hudson, Missouri
Uprising to Proxy War: How Time Inc. and Newsweek
Framed the Syrian Conflict (2011-2016) from War
versus Peace Journalism Perspective
Nisha Garud, Ohio
David Abrahamson, Northwestern
Business Session
Executive Committee Meeting
Jensen Moore, Oklahoma
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 140
Media Ethics and Communicating Science, Health,
Environment and Risk Divisions
Kathleen Bartzen Culver, Wisconsin-Madison
Aileen E. Gallagher, Syracuse
Andrew Mendelson, CUNY
Cindy Royal, Texas State
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 141
Media Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship
Refereed Paper Research Session
The New Face of Newsrooms: New Newsroom
Bozena Mierzejewska, Fordham
Why are News Media on Social Media? Explaining
News Engagement on Tumblr and Digital Traffic to
News Websites *
Dam Hee Kim and Meera Desai, Michigan
Integrating Data Journalism into the Newsroom: Four
Phases of Organizational Restructuring
Jan Lauren Boyles and Eric Meyer, Iowa State
Why Do Journalists Resist Change? **
Dhiman Chattopadhyay, Bowling Green State
Ronen Shay, St. John Fisher
First Place Student Paper
Second Place Student Paper
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 138
Mass Communication and Society Division
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 142
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 144
Scholastic Journalism
and Minorities and Communication Divisions
Teaching Panel Session
J-School Programs Are Speaking a New
Language — Spanish
Laura Castaneda, Southern California
Jessica Retis, California State-Northridge
Raul Reis, Emerson
Toni Albertson, Mt. San Antonio
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 143
Visual Communication Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Visual Media Coverage of Significant Global Events
James Kelly, Indiana
The Islamic State’s Visual War: Spotting the Hi-tech
Narratives Within the Chaos
Shahira Fahmy, Arizona
“Her” Photographer: The Roanoke Live Shot Murders
and Visual Communication’s Place in the Newsroom
Mary Angela Bock, Kyser Lough,
and Deepa Fadnis, Texas at Austin
I AM NOT A Virus: A Comparative Analysis of Liberian
Identity Through the Photographs They Produce
Gabriel Tait and Viet Nguyen, Arkansas State
Politicians, Photographers, and a Pope: How Statecontrolled and Independent Media Covered Francis’s
2015 Cuba Visit
T.J. Thomson, Missouri;
Gregory Perreault, Appalachian State
and Margaret Duffy, Missouri
Julianne Newton, Oregon
Commission on the Status of Women
Refereed Paper Research Session:
Survivors: Mediated Communication Surrounding
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor
Rape, Storytelling and Social Media: How Twitter
Interrupted the News Media’s
Ability to Construct Collective Memory*
Dustin Harp, Texas at Arlington;
Josh Grimm, Louisiana State
and Jaime Loke, Oklahoma
Framing Domestic Violence: How Gender Cues and
News Frames Impact Attitudes
Natalee Seely, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Surviving Silence: The Internalized Communication
of Meaning as an Active Strategy for Surviving
Acquaintance Rape
Jennifer Huemmer, Texas Tech
and Lindsey Blumell, Copenhagen Business School,
Texas Tech
Burning Brides and Baby Killers: A Meta-analysis
of Journalistic Depictions of Violence Against Women
in India
Meenakshi Durham, Iowa
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor
* Second Place Faculty Paper
8:15 am to 9:45 am / 145
Association of Schools of Journalism
and Mass Communication
Panel Session
Journalism and Mass Communication Education
Survey: A 2016 Look at the Stats
R. Glenn Cummins, Texas Tech, principal
Melissa R. Gotlieb, Texas Tech
Bryan McLaughlin, Texas Tech
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
10 am to 11:30 am / 146
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Professional
Freedom and Responsibility
Teaching Panel Session
Innovate. Integrate. Engage: State
of the Media in Our Digital Age
Debashis Aikat, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Inspired by the lively exchanges in Town Hall meetings
and the witty repartee of the Oxford Debates, a panel
of AEJMC Professional Freedom and Responsibility
(PF&R) Committee members will begin this interactive
session with brief remarks and then address or answer
issues suggested by the AEJMC membership and the
conference attendees. Attend this session to participate
in a fast-paced, informed discussion of current topics,
gain insights and share your perspectives about AEJMC’s
PF&R five core areas of Free Expression; Ethics; Media
Criticism and Accountability; Racial, Gender, and
Cultural Inclusiveness; and Public Service, as they relate
to media trends and topics.
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 147
Communicating Science, Health, Environment
and Risk Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Science and Evolving Methods of Information
Sara Yeo, Utah
This Is Not A Test: Investigating The Effects Of Cueing
And Cognitive Load On Severe Weather Alerts
Carie Cunningham, Michigan State
Humor Effects in Advertising on Human Papillomavirus
(HPV): The Role of Information Salience, Humor Level,
and Objective Knowledge
Hye Jin Yoon
and Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Southern Methodist
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 148
Communication Technology
and Communication Theory and Methodology Divisions
Research Panel Session
All Politics Is Social? The Evolution of Social Media
Use in Presidential Campaigns
Daniela Dimitrova, Iowa State
The Evolution of Social Media Use in Political
Campaigns: Facebook in 2008 and 2012
Porismita Borah, Washington State
Populist Presidential Candidates Go Social:
A Comparative Analysis of the @realDonaldTrump
and @BernieSanders Campaigns on Twitter
Jacob Groshek, Boston
Reddit and the 2016 Presidential Election: How
Those on the Front Page of the Internet Participated
in the Election Campaign
Tom Johnson, Texas at Austin
Friending Hillary and Bernie: Hillary Clinton and
Bernie Sanders’ Facebook Campaign in the 2016
Democratic Primary
Kelly Winfrey, Iowa State
Social Media and Political Expression in Modern
Political Campaigns
Homero Gil de Zuniga, Vienna, Austria
Hong Cheng, Virginia Commonwealth
Anthony Fargo, Indiana, Bloomington
Lee Hood, Loyola, Chicago
Amy Reynolds, Kent State
Jane Singer, City University London
Amy Schmitz Weiss, San Diego State
Media Use and Antimicrobial Resistance Misinformation
and Misuse: Survey Evidence of Information Channels
and Fatalism in Augmenting a Global Health Threat
Jacob Groshek, James Katz, Chelsea Cutino,
and Qiankun Zhong, Boston
From Scientific Evidence to Art: Guidelines to Prevent
Digital Manipulation in Cell Biology and Nanoscience
Shiela Reaves
and Steven Nolan, Wisconsin-Madison
“Standing Up for Science”: The Blurring Lines Between
Biotechnology Research, Science Communication, and
Rebecca Harrison, Cornell
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 149
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 151
Cultural and Critical Studies
and International Communication Divisions
History Division
Research Panel Session
Wedding Globalization Theory to Critical Cultural
Media and Journalism Studies: Issues and
Approaches to Research
Jack Lule, Lehigh
Creating Pathways for Merging Globalization
Theory with Critical Cultural Media Studies
Radhika Parameswaran, Indiana
Using Globalization Theory in the Analysis
of Media Coverage about Healthcare
Jae Sik Ha, Illinois-Springfield
Other Others: Invisible Minorities as Global
Adina Schneeweis, Oakland
Forced Migration in the Age of Globalization:
The Similarities and Differences of Representations
of Refugees from Burma in U.S. Media versus
Independent Burmese Media
Emily A. Ehmer, Texas State
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 150
Electronic News Division
and Community College Journalism Association
Teaching Panel Session
Balancing Broadcast: Teaching Video
Storytelling as the Form Evolves
Aaron Chimbel, Texas Christian
Simon Perez, Syracuse
Lynda Kraxberger, Missouri
Toni Albertson, Mount San Antonio
Mary Bock, Texas at Austin
Refereed Paper Research Session
Top Paper Presentations
Kimberly Voss, Central Florida
Is This the Best Philosophy Can Do? Henry R. Luce and
the Commission on Freedom of the Press*
Stephen Bates, Nevada, Las Vegas
Framing Barry Goldwater: The Extreme Reaction to His
1964 “Extremism” Speech**
Rich Shumate, Florida
“They Couldn’t Bring Me Down”: Gender and Agency
in the Careers of Midwestern Women Broadcasters***
Tracy Lucht and Kelsey Batschelet, Iowa State
The Espionage Conviction of Kansas City Editor Jacob
Frohwerk: “A Clear and Present Danger” to the United
Ken Ward and Aimee Edmondson, Ohio
Erika Pribanic-Smith, Texas at Arlington
First Place Faculty Paper
First Place Student Paper
Second Place Faculty Paper
Second Place Student Paper
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 152
Mass Communication and Society Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Media Literacy Socialization
Jared Brinkman, Washington State
“Not Strawberry Shortcake Again!”: Exploring Parental
Mediation of Pre-School Children’s Book Selection and
Book Reading in a Library Setting
Regina Ahn
and Michelle Nelson, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Media Literacy Education and Children’s Unfavorable
Attitudes Towards Gender Stereotypes and Violence
in Advertising in the United States
Laras Sekarasih, Christine Olson,
Gamze Onut, Kylie Lanthorn,
and Erica Scharrer, Massachusetts-Amherst
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
A Message Testing Approach to News Media
Literacy PSAs
Emily Vraga, George Mason
and Melissa Tully, Iowa
Political Inequalities Start at Home: Parents, Children
and the Socialization of Civic Infrastructure Online
Kjerstin Thorson, Michigan State;
Yu Xu, Southern California
and Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern
Kristen Landreville, Wyoming
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 153
Refereed Paper Research Session
Ethics in Strategic Communication and Law
Kathleen Culver, Wisconsin
Analyzing the Intersection of Transparency, Issues
Management and Ethics: The Case of Big Soda*
Kati Berg and Sarah Feldner, Marquette
Moral Exemplars in Advertising: A Rhetorical Criticism
of WPP Websites
Erin Schauster and Tara Walker, Colorado-Boulder
and Margaret Duffy, Missouri
On the Unfortunate Divide Between Media Ethics
and Media Law
Theodore L. Glasser and Morgan Weiland, Stanford
Lee Wilkins, Wayne State
* Top Faculty Paper
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 154
Minorities and Communication Division
and Participatory Journalism Interest Group
Research Panel Session
Native Media and Web 3.0 — Are We
Interactive Yet?
Meta G. Carstarphen, Oklahoma
Virtual Spaces & Representation: Tourism Messages
and Indian Nations in Oklahoma
Meta G. Carstarphen, Oklahoma
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 155
Public Relations Division
Off-site Annual Bill Adams/Edelman Luncheon
Richard Waters, San Francisco
The luncheon will be held at Fogo de Chao, 645
Hennepin Ave. Jay Porter, the president of Edelman’s
Chicago office, will provide an in-depth look at the
evolving media landscape and discuss how authentic
storytelling created by practitioners will be a driving
force in stakeholder communication. The talk will
explore elements that will help students better prepare
for future employment including, factors driving the
relationship between social platforms and content
creators and learning how to master the skill and science
of unearthing creative, social-by-design, human stories
that drive business results through earned attention from
key audiences and media. Pre-registration is required.
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 156
Visual Communication Division
Off-site Annual VisCom Luncheon
Bob Britten, West Virginia
Join the Visual Communication Division for its annual
luncheon. Frenchy Lunning, professor of design, cultural
theory and popular culture at the Minneapolis College of
Art and Design will speak about visual communication
and popular culture; her specialties are anime, manga
Media Ethics Division
Media and the Native Health News Alliance
Teresa Trumbly Lamsam (Osage), executive
editor, Native Health News Alliance;
Nebraska at Omaha
Telling Stories in the Digital Age: Journalism in
Indian Country
Victoria LaPoe (Cherokee), Western Kentucky
Producing for TV & Radio Online for Indian
and Non-Indian Audiences
Ramona Marozas, web producer/producer,
KBJT & KDLH, Duluth, Minnesota
The Cherokee Phoenix story: From Syllabry to
Bryan T. Pollard (Cherokee), director, Tribal
Relations, Arkansas School of Law; former
executive editor, Cherokee Phoenix
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
and cosplay. Luncheon at The News Room (http://, 990 Nicollet Mall.
Pre-registration is required.
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 159
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
and Magazine Division
AEJMC Council of Affiliates
Teaching Panel Session
Letting Lady Gaga and the Kardashians
Do the Teaching: Best Uses of Popular
Culture in the Classroom
Invited Paper Research Session
Women at Work: Perceptions and Aspirations
Jim Sernoe, Midwestern
Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver, Florida International
Naeemah Clark, Elon
Cynthia Nichols, Oklahoma State
Bradford Yates, West Georgia
Sheila Webb, Western Washington
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 157
No Place for a Sensitive Soul: Women’s Press Clubs and
the Rise of the Newswoman
Candi Carter Olson, Utah State
Between You and Me: What Women Tell Women about
Working in Communication
Robert E. Gutsche, Jr., Florida International
The Relationship Between College Women’s Journalistic
Career Aspirations and Their
Perceptions of Female Television News Personalities
Hallie Wenhold, Michigan
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 158
Commission on the Status of Women
and Scholastic Journalism Division
PF&R Panel Session
Girls and Censorship: The Dilemma of High
School Journalism
Tracy Everbach, North Texas
Frank LoMonte, executive director, Student Press
Law Center
Piotr Bobkowski, Kansas
Jeff Browne, Colorado-Boulder
Abby Melton, former editor, Rails Xpress, Spooner
High School in Spooner, WI
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 160
Internships and Careers Interest Group
Refereed Paper Research Session
Top Papers in ICIG
Erica Clarke Tachoir, Pennsylvania State
Greater Allegheny
Help Wanted: Expanding Social Media, Mobile and
Analytics Skills in Journalism Education
Debora Wenger, Mississippi and Lynn Owens,
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Use of LinkedIn as a Recruitment Tool in the UAE:
An Evaluation
Swapna Koshy, Wollongong, Dubai
What Works at Work: An Analysis of Micromanagement
in the Workplace
Christina Jimenez Najera, California State, Fullerton
Michele R. Fogg, Southern Nevada
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 161
Small Programs Interest Group
Off-site Luncheon
2016 Ginger Rudeseal Carter Miller Teacher
of the Year Luncheon
Pam Parry, Eastern Kentucky
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
2016 Recipient
Cindy Simoneau, Southern Connecticut State
Luncheon will be held at News Room Restaurant, 990
Nicollet Mall.
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 162
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Editorial Board Meeting
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 163
Kappa Tau Alpha and Association for Education
in Journalism and Mass Communication
Awards Luncheon
Andrew Mendelson, Temple, KTA President
and Lori Bergen, Colorado-Boulder, AEJMC President
Pre-registration is required.
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 164
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication South Asia Initiative
Business Session
Theorizing Media and Communication
in South Asia
Debashis Aikat, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Are you interested in media and communication issues
relating to South Asia or the South Asian diaspora? The
AEJMC South Asia Initiative will foster cross-disciplinary
conversations and collaborative relationships. The AEJMC
South Asia Initiative was formed at the AEJMC 2015
conference in San Francisco. To facilitate an engaging
interaction among attendees, we will discuss your ideas
about theorizing media and communication in South
Asia during this session. All are welcome.
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass
Communication, Arizona State University
Teaching Panel Session
Teaching Spanish Language TV
Mark Lodato, assistant dean; associate general
manager, AZPBS, Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism and Mass Communication,
Arizona State
Angela Kocherga, Arizona State
Roberto Yanez, general manager, Univision
Juan Villa, news director, Univision Phoenix
The growing number of Spanish-speaking residents in the
United States combined with media career opportunities
has created an interest and need for journalism schools
to produce Spanish language television news. Panelists
will discuss how expanding the opportunities for students
to learn bilingual reporting can lead to partnerships with
media outlets and new recruitment vehicle for schools.
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 166
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication
Scholar-to-Scholar Refereed Paper Research Session
History Division
1. Saving Face: How the University of Georgia
Survived the Integration Crisis and Maintained Its
Image through Stakeholder Management
LaShonda Eaddy, Georgia
2. The Struggle to Describe South Carolina’s Leading
Civil Rights Lawyer
Christopher Frear, South Carolina
3. Who Has Authority? The Construction of Collective
Memory in Hong Kong Protest
Yin Wu, Wisconsin-Madison
4. Tel Ra Productions & TeleSports Digest: The
Unknown Story of American Television’s
Early Chronicler and Archivist of US Sports
Daniel Haygood, Elon
Kate Edenborg, Wisconsin-Stout
Louisa Ha, Bowling Green State, J&MCQ Editor
11:45 am to 1:15 pm / 165
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Mass Communication and Society Division
Topic — Media Portrayals of Health, Policy, and
5. Acknowledging the Silly Alongside the Severe:
Mediated Portrayals of Mental Illness as Trivializing
Versus Stigmatizing
Jessica Myrick
and Rachelle Pavelko, Indiana
6. Drinking at Work: The Portrayal of Alcohol in
Workplace-related TV Dramas
Mira Mayrhofer and Jörg Matthes, Vienna
7. “Dog-Involved Bitings?” Construction of Culpability
in News Stories About “Officer-Involved Shootings”
Chris Etheridge
and Rhonda Gibson, North Carolina
8. Media Framing of the Confederate Flag Debate
in South Carolina
Christopher Frear, Jane O’Boyle
and Sei-Hill Kim, South Carolina
Beth Olson, Houston
Topic — Media and Socialization
9. Social Media for Socialization? The Mediation Role
of Social Media on the Relationship between Sex
and Traditional Gender Values*
Keonyoung Park and Hyejin Kim, Minnesota
10. How Can I Watch What I Eat When I Eat While
I Watch? Examining the Role of Media in Children’s
Eating Behaviors and Food Consumption
Kim Bissell, Sarah Pember,
Kim Baker
and Xueying (Maria) Zhang, Alabama
11. From Immediate Community to Imagined
Community: Social Identity and the Co-viewing
of Media Event
Xi Cui, Dixi State; Jian Rui, Lamar
and Fanbo Su, Guangzhou University
12. The Changing Media Perceptions and Consumption
Habits of College Students: A Media System
Dependency Perspective
Todd Holmes, CUNY at New Paltz
and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, Florida
Jack Karlis, Buffalo State
* Moeller Paper Award Winner
Minorities and Communication Division
13. When Video Becomes Salient: How Ethnic
and Mainstream Newspapers Framed the
Sandra Bland Controversy
Earlesha Butler, Florida
14. Finding the Impact Zone: Testing Health News
for the Native American Audience
Sherice Gearhart, Texas Tech;
Teresa Trumbly-Lamsam
and Casey Riesberg, Nebraska at Omaha
Miglena Sternadori, Texas Tech
Scholastic Journalism Division
Topic I — Students Gathering and Evaluating News
15. An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective
on Student Engagement
Miao Miao, Pei-Shan Hsieh
and Qin-Xia Chen, Shenzhen University
16. Searching in a State of Automaticity: How Students
Access, Filter, and Evaluate Digital News
Elia Powers, Towson
Visual Communication Division
17. Does Image Brightness Matter?: How Image
Brightness Interacts with Food Cues When Viewing
Food Pictures of Healthy and Unhealthy
Jiawei Liu and Rachel Bailey, Washington State
18. Towards an Association Between Expository Motion
Graphics and the Presence of Naïve Realism
Spencer Barnes, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
19. See It in His Eyes: Linking Nonverbal Behavior to
Character Traits in Impression Formation
of Politicians
Danielle Kilgo, Trent Boutler
and Renita Coleman, Texas at Austin
Brian Cannon, Biola
20. Seeing Another Way: The Competitive Spirit,
Innovation, and the Race for the Better Visual
Julian Kilker, Nevada, Las Vegas
21. Picturing Power: How Three International News
Agencies Used Photos of A Chinese Military Parade
Lijie Zhou
and Christopher Campbell, Southern Mississippi
22. Framing the Migration: A Study of News
Photographs of People Fleeing War and Persecution
Keith Greenwood and T.J. Thomson, Missouri
Michael Martínez, Tennessee – Knoxville
23. The Public Relations and Visual Ethics
of Infographics: An Examination of Nonprofit
Organizations’ Transparency, Clarity,
and Stewardship
Diana Sisson, Auburn
and Tara Mortensen, South Carolina
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
24. Framing Gender and Power: A Visual Analysis
of Peng Liyuan and Michelle Obama in Xinhua
and the Associated Press
Li Chen, Stephen Warren, Anqi Peng
and Lizhen Zhao, Syracuse
25. Building-Up and Breaking-Down Metaphoric Walls:
A CDA of Multimodal-metaphors in Front-runner
Super Tuesday Victory Speeches
Marguerite Page, Southern Illinois
26. Machismo and Marianismo Images Revealed
in Outdoor Advertising: Argentina and Chile
Pamela Morris, Loyola-Chicago
Renita Coleman, Texas at Austin
Jessalynn Strauss, Elon (Judge for Carson B Wagner
Award for Top Student Poster)
Sports Communication Interest Group
32. High Power Kick: Framing of the USWNT 2015
World Cup Victory on American Front Pages
Roxane Coche, Memphis
and Travis Bell, South Florida
33. How the West Was Lost: Geographic Bias on Sports
Network Highlight Shows
Rich Johnson, Creighton
and Miles Romney, South Carolina
34. Perceptions of Credibility and Likability in
Broadcast Commentators of Women’s Sports
Angela Pratt, Morgan Tedlock, Lauren Watts,
Taylor Wilson and Bryan Denham, Clemson
35. Toward a Better Understanding of Sport Fanship:
Comparing Objective Sport Knowledge and
Subjective Self-Identification
Dustin Hahn, West Texas A&M
and Glenn Cummins, Texas Tech
John Carvalho, Auburn
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 167
Advertising and Communication Technology Divisions
Teaching Panel Session
Teaching the New Advertising in the
Data-Driven Social Media Era
Ming (Bryan) Wang
and Valerie Jones, Nebraska-Lincoln
Consumer Information Overload: In an Environment
of Distraction You Need a New Form of Advertising
Keith Quesenberry, Messiah
Streaming Video: Anytime, Anywhere
Kelty Logan, Colorado-Boulder
Social Media Awareness, Engagement
and Outcomes
Jeremy Lipschultz, Nebraska – Omaha
The Interaction is the Message
Adam Wagler, Nebraska-Lincoln
The New Advertising: An Industry Perspective
Bob Thacker,
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 168
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
and Political Communication Interest Group
PF&R Panel Session
Ethics Challenges, and Opportunities Working
with External Data Providers
Aaron Veenstra, Southern Illinois, Carbondale
Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Vienna
Matthew Motta, Minnesota-Twin Cities
Dan Schultz, Internet Archive,
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Pennsylvania
Graduate Student Interest Group
27. Uses and Gratifications of Space
Carl Clark, Jeremy Mullins, Qian Yu,
and Colin Woods, Texas State
28. Complexity Theory and State Emergency
Claire Tills, Maryland
29. Where Should We Eat? A Content Analysis Examining
What Factors Yelp Users Perceive Useful When
Picking Restaurants
Mark Tatge and Alex Luchsinger, South Carolina
30. A Case Study Examining How Reporters Deal with
the Challenges of the Economy and Technology
Jenny Dean, Oregon
31. Clarifying the Concept of Journalistic Integrity:
A Concept Explication
Kimberly Foster, Missouri
36. “Crammed in the Locker Room:” Sports Journalists
and Access to Sources
Brian Moritz, Oswego
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 169
International Communication
and Law and Policy Divisions
PF&R Panel Session
Freedom of Information Act 50 Years Later:
The U.S. Law Still Serving as the Touchstone?
Jeannine Relly, Arizona
Toby Mendel, executive director, Centre for Law
and Democracy; author of the leading
UNESCO text on FOI, Freedom of Information:
A Comparative Legal Survey;
Amy Kristin Sanders, Northwestern, Qatar;
co-author of The First Amendment and the
Fourth Estate
David Cuillier, Arizona; former president, Society
of Professional Journalists (SPJ); co-editor
of Transparency 2.0: Access and Privacy in a
Wired World
John P. Gavin, CFA, founder of Probes Reporter, an
independent investment research firm
Information Policy as a Force at the Gate
Matt Bird-Meyer, Missouri
Bias Against Bias: How Fox News Covered Pope
Francis’ Climate Change Stance
Edson Tandoc, Nanyang Technological;
Bruno Takahaski, Michigan State
and Ryan Thomas, Missouri
Wendy Wyatt, St. Thomas
* Top Student Paper
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 172
Community College Journalism Association
and Magazine Division
Teaching Panel Session
Medium as a Publishing Platform
for College Media
Krystal McMorris, Delta
Mass Communication and Society Division
Elizabeth Tobey, Medium
Pamela Nettleton, Marquette
Carrie Brown-Smith, City University of New York
Aileen E. Gallagher, Syracuse
Off-site Tour
Tour of American Public Media
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 173
Kalyani Chadha, Maryland
Commission on the Status of Women
and Minorities and Communication Division
Following the tour, presentations will be made by the
American Public Media staff including the recently
established investigative reporting unit.
Teaching Panel Session
From Trigger Warnings to Testing Tolerance:
Creating Classrooms that Support and Encourage
Student Engagement with Controversial Topics
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 171
Candi Carter Olson, Utah State
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 170
Media Ethics Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Exploring Ethics in Framing, Gatekeeping, and Bias
Erin Schauster, Colorado-Boulder
Framing Ferguson: Duty-Based Ethical Discourse in the
Editorial Pages of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch*
Christina DeWalt, Oklahoma
Chelsea Reynolds, Minnesota
Victoria LaPoe, Western Kentucky
Tracy Everbach, North Texas
Candi Carter Olson, Utah State
Meredith Clark, North Texas
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 174
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
Refereed Paper Research Session
From the Feet Up: Making Public Spheres
in Participatory Digital Spaces
Elizabeth Viall, Colorado State, Pueblo
Melissa Tully, Iowa
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 176
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Research Panel Session
Information Access and Control in an Age
of Big Data
Edward L. Carter, Brigham Young
and Laurie Thomas Lee, Nebraska-Lincoln
Asserting Credibility in a Crisis: How Journalists,
Activists and Police/Government Officials Used Twitter
During Ferguson
Amber Hinsley, Hyunmin Lee,
Christopher Blank, Ricardo Wray,
J.S. Onesimo Sandoval, Keri Jupka,
and Claire Cioni, Saint Louis
News and Local Information on Reddit: An Online
Ethnography of Collective Gatekeeping
Frank Michael Russell, Missouri
To Whom Are They Speaking? The Imagined Audience
of Online News Commenters*
Jisu Kim, Minnesota, Twin Cities
A Hit on American Football: Bottom-up Framing
in Op-ed Reader Comments
Travis R. Bell, South Florida
and Jimmy Sanderson, Clemson
Digital Pitchforks: Latent Publics and Justice-gone-wrong
Nathan Rodriguez, Kansas
strong commitment to freedom of the press or practices
courageous journalism. Delphine Hagland, the United
States Director for Reporters Without Borders, will accept
the award for the organization, which has advocated
for free expression around the world since 1985 and
publishes the influential World Press Freedom Index.
Kyu Ho Youm, Oregon
Elizabeth Stoycheff, Wayne State
Daxton “Chip” Stewart, Texas Christian
Lei Guo, Boston
Saif Shahin, Texas at Austin
Arthur Santana, San Diego State
Hongliang Chen, Texas A&M
Jiyoun Kim, Kentucky
Edward L. Carter, Brigham Young
Laurie Thomas Lee, Nebraska-Lincoln
Louisa Ha, Bowling Green State
* Top Student Paper
This panel will feature four authors of the special issue
articles to present their works and discuss the current
issues of information access and control.
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 175
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 177
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Professional
Freedom and Responsibility
AEJMC Oral Histories Project
Panel Session
AEJMC First Amendment Award Panel
Deb Aikat, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anthony Fargo, Indiana
2016 AEJMC First Amendment Award Recipient
Reporters Without Borders
The First Amendment Award is given annually to an
individual or organization that has demonstrated a
Teaching Panel Session
Teaching Diversity in the Classroom: New
Approaches from the AEJMC Oral History
Diversity Project
June Nicholson, Virginia Commonwealth
June Nicholson, Virginia Commonwealth
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, Texas at Austin
Melita Garza, Texas Christian
George Daniels, Alabama
Mary Bock, Texas at Austin
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
This panel will combine panelists from several AEJMC
divisions to focus on themes that have developed from
the AEJMC Diversity Project, some of that from research
developed from oral histories already completed as part
of the project. We will address how to apply those themes
and the research successfully to teaching diversity in the
classroom and would explore research applications as
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 178
The Google News Lab
Research Session
Google News Lab Training for EDU
How can we help students use powerful digital tools to
make good journalism faster and easier? Google News
Lab offers a host of tools and teaching aids at
newslab. From advanced Search, to data visualization,
publishing, distribution, to Immersive storytelling
verification and more, The Google News Lab provides
training and opportunities for newsrooms and journalists
around the world interested in using digital tools for
storytelling. The Google News Lab is expanding its
work beyond journalists, into journalism programs, and
universities, and would like your help. Join the Google
News Lab’s Media Outreach Manager, Nick Whitaker,
and Innovation Chief at Arizona State, Eric Newton on a
deep dive of the Google News Lab’s existing curriculum,
and provide your input on how it can best serve this
important audience of the next generation of journalists.
1:30 pm to 3 pm / 179
Urban Communication Foundation
Panel Session
Media, Communication and Urban Ethnic Conflict
Gary Gumpert, Urban Communication Foundation
Jaylani Hussein, Council for Islamic-American
Relations (CAIR), Minneapolis
Karen M. Turner, Temple
Steve Macek, North Central College
Federico Subervi, retired, Kent State
This panel will explore the role traditional and digital
media could play, have played and have failed to play in
promoting understanding among diverse cultural groups
in cities and the issues of violence and protest that have
been reported across the globe.
2 pm to 4:45 pm / 180
Communicating Science, Health, Environment
and Risk Division
Off-site Tour
James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History Tour
Sara Yeo, Utah
The Bell Museum was founded in 1872 and its mission
is to collect, preserve, prepare, display, and interpret
Minnesota’s diverse animal and plant life for scholarly
research and teaching, public appreciation, enrichment,
and enjoyment. Its collection hosts nearly 4 million
specimens. If you would like to travel to the Museum with
the group, we will meet in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel
at 2:00 to 2:15 pm. If you choose to make your own way
there, we will meet in the Museum lobby at 3:00 pm. Bus
and train fares should cost no more than $3.00.
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 181
Electronic News Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
The New NORMal? Professional Practices
in the Digital Age
Indira Somani, Howard
Are Traditional Journalism Principles Still Alive and Well
in Today’s Local TV Newsrooms?
Keren Henderson and Michael Cremedas, Syracuse
Out of Bounds? How Gawker’s Outing a Married Man
Fits into the Boundaries of Journalism
Edson Tandoc, Nanyang Technological
and Joy Jenkins, Missouri
Video Goes Vertical: Local News Videographers Discuss
the Problems and the Potential of Vertical Video
Gino Canella, Colorado, Boulder
Even a Celebrity Journalist Can’t Have an Opinion: PostMillenials’ Recognition and Evaluation of Journalists and
News Brands on Twitter
D. Jasun Carr, Idaho State and Mitchell Bard, Iona
Lindsey Conlin, Southern Mississippi
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 182
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 184
International Communication Division
Magazine Division
and Graduate Student Interest Group
Refereed Paper Research Session
Globalization, Interaction, Journalism,
and Social Media
Research Panel Session
Promise and Pitfalls in Magazine Research
Carol Schwalbe, Arizona
The Networks of Global Journalism: Global News
Construction Through the Collaboration of Global News
Startups with Freelancers*
Lea Hellmueller and Sadia Cheema, Texas Tech
and Xu Zhang, Tennessee, Knoxville
Framing and Agenda Interaction of Epidemics Under
the Globalization Era: A Cross-national Study of News
Coverage on Ebola Virus Disease in China, US, Japan,
and UK**
Qian Yu, Washington State
Perspectives of Journalists, Educators, Trainers and
Experts on News Media Reporting of Islam and Muslims
Jacqui Ewart, Mark Pearson
and Guy Healy, Griffith
Social Media as a Marketing Tool: Why Kuwaiti Women
Entrepreneurs Prefer Instagram to Sell Their Fashions,
Food, and Other Products
Shaikhah Alghaith and Kris Kodrich, Colorado State
Ethnographic Research
Kalen Churcher, Wilkes
Visual Analysis
Carol Holstead, Kansas
Communities of Memory
Carolyn Kitch, Temple
Historical and Literary Journalism Research
Kevin Lerner, Marist
Textual Analysis and Experimental Research
Miglena Sternadori, Texas Tech
Ammina Kothari, Rochester Institute of Technology
Topic — Social Media and More: News, Credibility,
and Social Control
See, Click, Control: Predicting the Popularity of Civic
Technology for Social Control
Brendan Watson, Michigan State
Be a “Defensive User”: A Study of Opinion Leaders on
Chinese Weibo
Luwei Rose Luqiu
and Michael Schmierbach, Pennsylvania State
In Twitter We Trust? Testing the Credibility of News
Content from Twitter Sources
Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Connecticut;
Michael Schmierbach, Pennsylvania State;
Alyssa Appelman, Northern Kentucky
and Michael Boyle, West Chester
Who Has (Not) Set Whose Agenda on Social Media? A
Big-Data Analysis of Tweets on Paris Attack
Fan Yang and Tongxin Sun, Pennsylvania State
Media and Anti-Muslim Sentiment in China: A Study
of Chinese News Media and Social Media
Luwei Rose Luqiu
and Fan Yang, Pennsylvania State
Third Place Faculty Paper (Stevenson Competition)
Third Place Student Paper (Markham Competition)
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 183
Law and Policy
and Newspaper and Online News Divisions
PF&R Panel Session
Cohen v. Cowles Media at 25: Its Lasting Legacy
Joseph Russomanno, Arizona State
Elliot Rothenberg, attorney, author, The Taming
of the Press: Cohen v. Cowles Media Company
Paul Hannah, Assistant Hennepin County Attorney
Bill Salisbury, Capitol bureau reporter, St. Paul
Pioneer Press
Susan Keith, Rutgers
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 185
Mass Communication and Society Division
High Density Refereed Paper Research Session
Ben LaPoe, Western Kentucky
Emily Metzgar, Indiana – Bloomington
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Topic — Media Messages, Processing, and Effects
Use of Violent War-Themed First Person Shooters and
Support for Policies of Military Intervention
Toby Hopp, Scott Parrott
and Yuan Wang, Alabama
The Influence of Narrative Messages on Third-Person
Michael Dahlstrom, Iowa State;
and Sonny Rosenthal, Nanyang Technological
The (In)disputable “Power” of Images of Outrage: Public
Acknowledgement, Emotional Reaction, and Image
Nicole Dahmen, Oregon; Natalia Mielczarek, Iowa
and Daniel Morrison, Oregon
The Effects of Media Exposure and Media Attention
on Sustainability Communication
Jinhee Lee and MoonHee Cho, Tennessee
“We Can’t Stop, and We Won’t Stop”: Motivated
Processing of Sex and Violence in Music Media
Tianjiao (Grace) Wang, Washington State
Robert McKeever, South Carolina
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 186
Media Ethics and History Divisions
PF&R Panel Session
The Ethics of Political Cartoons
Ryan Thomas, Missouri
Ed Fischer, political cartoonist
Chris Lamb, Indiana-Purdue Indianapolis
Tom Bivins, Oregon
Jenn Burleson Mackay, Virginia Tech
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 187
Media Management, Economics
and Entrepreneurship Division
PF&R Panel Session
Big Data in the Media Industries
Kelly Kaufhold, Texas State
Bruce Goerlich, Consulting Director of Research,
Consumer Orbit
Cindy Royal, Texas State
Jan Lauren Boyles, Iowa State
Sabine Baumann, Jade University
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 188
Scholastic Journalism Division
Refereed Paper Research Session
Student Journalism: Publication Challenges
Genelle Belmas, Kansas
The Best Medium for the Story: A Case Study of
Integrated Student Media
Patrick Howe, California Polytechnic State,
San Luis Obispo
Teaching with Tech: Supplemental Journalism
Instruction for the Millennial Generation
Alex Luchsinger and Kevin Hull, South Carolina
Shielding Students: Do State Shield Laws Extend to
Student Reporters?
Jonathan Peters and Peter Bobkowski, Kansas
Power and Print: Content Influences
Lindsie Trego
and Chris Etheridge, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 189
Visual Communication and Public Relations Divisions
PF&R/Teaching Panel Session
Seeing the Message: Public Relations
and Visual Communication Strategies
Karen Freberg, Louisville
Ethics of Visual Storytelling for PR
Nicole Dahmen, Oregon
Watch Me Swim in This Flood!: Embracing the
Positives and Counteracting the Negatives of Visuals
on Social Media During Natural Disasters
Julia Daisy Fraustino, West Virginia
Social Media Graphics and Images for
Communication: Strategies for Success
Matt Haught, Memphis
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Visualizing Response and Recovery: The Impact
of Social Media-based Images in a Crisis
Melissa Janoske, Memphis
Visualizing Science: Representing Data Ethically
and Effectively
Nicole Lee, Texas Tech;
Megan Mallicoat, Florida,
and Matthew VanDyke, Texas Tech
The Narrative of Stewardship in the Nonprofit
Geah Pressgrove, West Virginia
Visually Empowered: Best Practices for Health
Erin Willis, Colorado
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 192
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Interest
Group and Cultural and Critical Studies Division
Erica Ciszek, Houston
AEJMC Council of Affiliates
and Commission on the Status of Women
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 193
Dianne Lynch, President, Stephens College
Laura McCallum, deputy news director, Minnesota
Public Radio, Minneapolis
Lynn Casey, CEO, PadillaCRT, PR/branding,
Helene Spivak, executive director, Brandcenter
advertising program, Virginia Commonwealth
Judy VanSlyke Turk, Research Fellow, Kopenhaver
Center for the Advancement of Women in
Communication, Florida International
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 191
Community College Journalism Association
Teaching Panel Session
Building Your College Media as a Brand
Lori Dann, Eastfield
Mitzi Lewis, Midwestern State
Jim Sernoe, Midwestern State
Carrie Brown-Smith, City University of New York
Toni Albertson, Mt. San Antonio
Religion and Media Interest Group
Refereed Paper Research Session
Framing Faith, Morals and Coping in Media
Debra Mason, Missouri
Just a Phone Call (or Facebook Post) Away:
Parents’ Influence at a Distance on Emerging
Adults’ Religious Connections
Andrew Pritchard and Sisi Hu, Iowa State
Media Framing of Muslims: A Research Review
Saifuddin Ahmed, California, Davis
and Jörg Matthes, Vienna
Morality and Minarets: The Moral Framing of Mosque
Construction in the U.S.
Brian J. Bowe, Western Washington
Religion, Coping and Healing in News about School
Michael McCluskey
and Hayden Seay, Tennessee-Chattanooga
Thoughtful, But Angry: Media Narratives of NFL Star
Arian Foster’s “Confession” of Nonbelief
John Haman and Kyle Miller, Iowa
Wafa Unus, Arizona State
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 190
Katie Foss, Middle Tennessee State
Allie Sultan, Middle Tennessee State
Robby Byrd, Southern Mississippi
Nathian Rodriguez, Texas Tech
Joel Geske, Iowa State
PF&R Panel Session
Equity and Equality of the Sexes: How Long Will
it Take Women to Get There?
Teaching Panel Session
Teaching LGBTQ Issues in the Bible Belt
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 194
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication and Kettering Foundation
Presidential Panel Session
Special Research Call on Revitalizing the Bonds
of Journalism, Citizenship and Democracy
Lori Bergen, Colorado-Boulder, AEJMC President
Paula Ellis, Kettering Foundation, Senior Associate
Creating a Unique Learning Environment for
Educating the Global Journalists
James Kelly, Indiana
The Challenge, Privilege and Synergy of Bringing
Our Research to the Classroom
Carolina Acosta-Alzuru, Georgia
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 196
Association for Education in Journalism
and Mass Communication South Asia Initiative
Closing the Professional Gap Between Journalism
and Civic Engagement Using the Culture-Centered
Abigail Borron, Emily Urban
and Emily Cabrera, Georgia
Exploring Public Service Journalism: Digitally
Native News Nonprofits and Engagement
Patrick Ferrucci, Colorado-Boulder
The Impact of 10 Years of Community Journalism
Wilson Lowrey and George Daniels, Alabama
Digital Democracy in America: A Look at Civic
Engagement in an Internet Age
Jacob Nelson, Dan Lewis
and Ryan Lei, Northwestern
Teaching Journalism for Better Community:
A Deweyan Approach
Sue Robinson, Wisconsin-Madison
Panel Session
AEJMC South Asia Initiative
Jack Rosenberry, St. John Fisher
Refereed Paper Research Session
Advertising Division Top Papers
Two top paper awards of $5,000 and three paper awards
of $2,500 will be announced and presented at this
Kelty Logan, Colorado-Boulder
3:15 pm to 4:45 pm / 195
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication and Scripps Howard Foundation
Teaching Panel Session
Teaching Means Breaking Down Walls
Patricia A. Curtin, Oregon
The Future of Learning by Doing
Mike McKean, Missouri
Debashis Aikat, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
AEJMC members are convening the South Asia Initiative to
bring together AEJMC members with interest and expertise
in South Asia and the South Asian diaspora worldwide.
With over one-fourth of the world’s population, South
Asia has emerged as an important region for politics,
international security, health communication, culture,
media and other relevant issues across the repertoire of
our field.
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 197
Advertising Division
Processing Capacity in Visual Search: The Impact
of Visual Salience and Involvement on Attention*
Zijian Gong, Tampa
and Glenn Cummins, Texas Tech
Nudity of Male and Female Characters in Television
Advertising Across the Globe**
Jörg Matthes, Vienna
and Michael Prieler, Hallym University
Understanding Age Segmentation in Persuasion: The
Effects of Experiential and Material Messages***
Jing (Taylor) Wen, Naa Amponsah Dodoo,
Linwan Wu, Il Young Ju
and Sriram Kalyanaraman, Florida
Overcoming Skepticism Toward Cause-Related
Marketing Claims: The Role of Consumers’ Attributions
of Company Motives and Consumers’ Perceptions of
Company Credibility****
Mikyeung Bae, Michigan State
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
John Wirtz, Illinois
and Yoon-Joo Lee, Washington State
* First Place Faculty Paper, Advertising Division
** Second Place Faculty Paper, Advertising Division
*** Third Place Faculty Paper, Advertising Division
**** First Place Student Paper, Advertising Division
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 198
Cultural and Critical Studies, Public Relations
and Communicating Science, Health, Environment
and Risk Divisions
Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk
Topic — Frames, Blames, and Applications of Health
1. Thematic/Episodic and Gain/Loss Framing in Mental
Health News: How Combined Frames Influences
Support for Policy and Civic Engagement Intentions
Lesa Major, Indiana
2. Chronic Pain: Sources’ Framing of Post-traumatic
Stress Disorder in The New York Times
Barbara Barnett and Tien-Tsung Lee, Kansas
3. Talkin’ Smack: An Analysis of News Coverage of
the Heroin Epidemic
Erin Willis and David Morris II, Oregon
4. Obesity News: The Effects of Framing and
Uncertainty on Policy Support and Civic
Engagement Intentions
Lesa Major, Indiana University
5. On the Ever-growing Number of Frames in Health
Communication Research: A Coping Strategy
Viorela Dan
and Juliana Raupp, Free University of Berlin
Amanda Hinnant, Missouri
Topic — Frames, Blames, and Applications of Health
6. Beyond the Worried Well: Emotional States
and Education Levels Predict Online Health
Information Seeking
Jessica Myrick, Indiana
and Jessica Willoughby, Washington State
7. Exploring the Multi-Faceted Interpersonal
Communication Strategies Used By College
Students to Discuss Stress
Sara Champlin
and Gwendelyn Nisbett, North Texas
Effects of Persuasive Health Information on Attitude
Change and Health Behavioral Intentions in Mobile
Social Media
Miao Miao, Qiuxia Yang
and Pei-Shan Hsieh, Shenzhen University
To Entertain or to Scare? A Meta-analytic Review
on the Persuasiveness of Emotional Appeals in
Health Messages
Fan Yang
and Jinyoung Kim, Pennsylvania State
Rachel Young, Iowa
Topic — Frames, Blames, and Applications of Health
10. Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Texts? Investigating
the Influence of Visuals on Text-Based Health
Intervention Content
Zhaomeng Niu, Yujung Nam, Qian Yu,
Jared Brickman
and Shuang Liu, Washington State
11. The Effects of Gain vs. Loss Framed Medical
and Religious Breast Cancer Survivor Testimonies
on Attitudes and Behaviors of African-American
Female Viewers
Jensen Moore, Oklahoma
12. Cultural Representations of Gender and Science:
Portrayals of Female STEM Professionals in Popular
Films 2002-2014
Jocelyn Steinke
and Paola Paniagua Tavarez, Western Michigan
Susan Dun, Northwestern-Qatar
Topic — Frames, Blames, and Applications of Health
13. Exchanging Social Support Online: A Big-data
Analysis of IBS Patients’ Interactions on an Online
Health Forum from 2008 to 2012
Fan Yang and Bu Zhong, Pennsylvania State
14. “Warrior Moms”: Audience Engagement and
Advocacy in Spreading Information About Maternal
Mental Illness Online
Sarah Smith-Frigerio, Missouri
15. The Effect on Young Women of Public Figure
Health Narratives Regarding HPV: An Application
of the Elaboration Likelihood Model
Jo-Yun Queenie Li, South Carolina
Sara Champlin, North Texas
Scholar-to-Scholar Refereed Paper Research Session
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Topic — Frames, Blames, and Applications of Health
16. How Journalists Characterize Health Inequalities
and Redefine Solutions for Native American
Amanda Hinnant, Roma Subramanian
and Rokeshia Ashley, Missouri-Columbia;
Mildred Perreault, Appalachian State;
Rachel Young
and Ryan Thomas, Missouri-Columbia
17. Adolescents’ Perceptions of E-cigarettes and
Marketing Messages: A Focus Group Study
Yvonnes Chen, Chris Tilden
and Dee Vernberg, Kansas
18. Psychological Determinants of College Students’
Adoption of Mobile Health Applications for
Personal Health Management
Chuqing Dong, Lauren Gray
and Hao Xu, Minnesota - Twin Cities
and Dee Vernberg, Kansas
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
Topic I — Addressing Rights and Reforms Through
News Media
23. Destabilizing the Nation-State: News Coverage
of Citizenship in the Immigration Reform
and Control Act of 1986*
Alejandro Morales
and Cristina Mislan, Missouri, Columbia
24. News Media Development in the Afghan Case:
The Enigma of News Media “Capture”
Jeannine Relly and Margaret Zanger, Arizona
25. “You Have No Idea the Feeling of Insult”:
Comparative Newspaper Discourses about
Civil Rights
Christopher Frear, South Carolina
Bryan Denham, Clemson
26. Reproducing the “Imprint of Power:” Framing
the “Creative Class” in Putin’s Russia
Volha Kananovich and Frank Durham, Iowa
27. Journalists’ Normative Discursive Constructions
of Political Viewpoint Diversity
Tim Vos and David Wolfgang, Missouri
28. Constructing a “First” First Lady Through Memory:
The Case of China’s Peng Liyuan
Qi Ling and Dan Berkowitz, Iowa
Topic — Frames, Blames, and Applications of Health
19. Using Visual Metaphors in Health Messages:
A Strategy to Increase Effectiveness for Mental
Illness Communication
Allison Lazard, Benita Bamgbade,
Jennah Sontag
and Carolyn Brown, North Carolina, Chapel Hill
20. Are You Talking to Me? Testing the Value of Asianspecific Messages as Benefits to Donating Healthy
Breast Tissue
Kelly Kaufhold, Texas State;
Yunjuan Luo and Autumn Shafer, Oregon
21. Health Literacy and Health Information Technology
Adoption: The Potential for a New Digital Divide
Michael Mackert
and Amanda Mabry, Texas at Austin;
Sara Champlin, North Texas; Erin Donovan
and Kathrynn Pounders, Texas at Austin
22. Gap in Scientific Knowledge and the Role of
Science Communication in South Korea
Jeong-Heon Chang;
Sei-Hill Kim, South Carolina;
Myung-Hyun Kang,
Jae Chul Shim
and Dong Hoon Ma, Hallyum University
Porismita Borah, Washington State
William Schulte, Winthrop
* Top Faculty Paper, Third Place
Heather McIntosh, Minnesota
Topic II — Examining Race and Culture: Past and
29. Necessary Complexity of Transnational Media
Culture: K-pop in the West
Hyeri Jung, Texas at Austin
30. The Spectacular Mo’Ne Davis: Race, Gender,
and Sexuality in U.S. Belonging
Zachary Vaughn, Indiana
31. A Cowgirl and a Descendant of Slaves: Comparing
Newspaper and News Magazine Coverage of
Sandra Day O’Connor in 1981
and Thurgood Marshall in 1967
Boya Xu, Maryland
Karen Kline, Lock Haven
32. “Multicultural-phobia” in Rumors: Why Rumors
about Jasmine Lee Matter
Jinsook Kim, Texas at Austin
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
33. From Overt to Covert: An Analysis of HIV/AIDS
PSAs from 1989-1994 and 2009-2014
Kellie Stanfield, Missouri
34. A Normative History of Identifying NativeAmericans as Mascots: The Redskins Case Study
Meghan Delsite
and Bob Trumpbour, Pennsylvania State Altoona
Dwight Brooks, Hofstra
Bob Trumpbour, Pennsylvania State Altoona
38. Fan Representations and Corporate Media
Hegemony in The Big Bang Theory
Heather McIntosh, Minnesota State Mankato
39. Please Exit Through the Gift Shop: On the Ethics
of the 9/11 Memorial Museum Store
Miles Sari, Washington State
40. Cognitive Film Theory and the Representation
of Corporate Bureaucracy as the Apotheosis
of the Banality of Evil
Angela Rulffes, Syracuse
Jeanne Criswell, Indiana
Public Relations Division
Topic — Crisis Communication
41. Do Local News Side with a Local Organization?
The Impact of Boosterism and Information Subsidies
on Local and National News about the Crisis
of Ray Rice and the Baltimore Ravens
Eunyoung Kim, Alabama
42. The Roles of Distrust and Media Use on RiskAssociated Affects, Efficacy, and Activism:
The 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS) Outbreak Crisis in South Korea
Minjeong Kang, Indiana;
Jangyul Kim, Colorado State
and Heewon Cha, Ewha Woman’s
Susan Grantham, Hartford
Topic — Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility
45. Defining Publics Through CSR Communication:
Testing an Integrated Theoretical Model for
Examining the Impact of Companies’ Environmental
Responsibility Messaging Strategies
Holly Ott, South Carolina
46. Effects of Organization Sustainability
Communication: The Influence of Interactivity,
Message Framing, and Type of Medium
Jeyoung Oh and Eyun-Jung Ki, Alabama
47. Empowering Consumers Through Participatory CSR
Programs: The Effect of Participatory CSR on
Company Admiration and WOM Communications
Hyojung Park, Louisiana State
and Soo-Yeon Kim, Sogang University
48. The Evidence of Expectancy Violation Induced
by Inconsistent CSR Information
Hyejoon Rim, Minnesota
and Young Eun Park, Indiana
Heidi Hatfield Edwards, Florida Institute
of Technology
Topic — Internal Communication
49. Looking for Motivational Routes for EmployeeGenerated Innovation: The Effect of Individual,
Managerial, and Compensatory System Factors
on Employees’ Work Creativity and Scouting
Yeunjae Lee, Purdue;
Alessandra Mazzei, Universita IULM;
Alessandro Lovari, University of Sassari (Italy)
and Jeong-Nam Kim, Purdue
50. Organizational Authenticity and Stakeholder
Advocacy: Testing the Arthur W. Page Society’s
Building Belief Model
Callie Wilkes and Kathleen Kelly, Florida
51. Crafting Employee Trust: From Authenticity,
Transparency to Engagement
Hua Jiang, Syracuse
and Yi Luo, Montclair State
Topic III — Rethinking Business in a Networked Age
35. The Corporation as Fellow Advocate: Norfolk
and Western Magazine’s Reification of the
Corporate Persona in the Cause of Free Enterprise –
Burton St. John III, Old Dominion
36. NPR, Marketplace, and the Sound of Finance
Diane Cormany, Minnesota
37. Precarious Copycats: The Subaltern Problem
in Shanzhai Culture
Sara Liao, Texas at Austin
43. Volkswagen Mea Culpa: Messages, Media
Coverage, and Audience Responses to the
2015 Emission Scandal
Melody Fisher, Mississippi State;
Leslie Rodriguez Rasmussen, Xavier
and Riva Brown, Central Arkansas
44. Holy Guacamole! A social Network and Framing
Analysis of the Chipotle E. Coli Contamination Issue
John Brummette, Radford
and Hilary Fussell Sisco, Quinnipiac
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Christopher Wilson, Brigham Young
Topic — Public Relations Research and Practice Issues
52. The State of Peer Review in the Public Relations
Division: A Survey
Pat Curtin, John Russial
and Alec Tefertiller, Oregon
53. Public Relations Channel “Repertoires”: Exploring
Patterns of Channel Use in Practice
Erich Sommerfeldt, Maryland;
Aimei Yang, Southern California
and Maureen Taylor, Tennessee, Knoxville
54. Facebook, Instagram, and Message Frames
Michel Haigh
and Kristen Laubscher, Pennsylvania State
Nance McCown, Messiah
Topic — Publics in Crisis Communication
55. Expanding the Integrated Crisis Mapping Model:
Publics’ Emotions, Coping, and Organizational
Engagement Following the 2013 Boston
Marathon Bombing
Sylvia Guo, Maryland
56. The Voice of the Public: Twitter’s Role
in Crisis Communication
Terri Manley
and Mary Norman, Texas Tech
57. The NFL and Its Concussion Crisis: Adapting the
Contingency Theory to Examine Shifts in Publics’
Douglas Wilbur and Danielle Myers, Missouri
58. Understanding Publics’ Post-Crisis Social Media
Xiaochen Zhang, Kansas State
and Jonathan Borden, Syracuse
Melanie Formentin, Towson
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 199
International Communication Division
High Density Refereed Paper Research Session
Lindita Camaj, Houston
Topic I — International Communication in a Hybrid,
Globalized Context
Beyond Hybridity: Intralocal Frictions in Music Video
Production, Distribution, and Reception in Kenya
Brian Ekdale, Iowa
The International News Hole: Still Shrinking and
Linking? 25 Years of New York Times Foreign News
Meghan Sobel, Regis; Seoyeon Kim
and Daniel Riffe, North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The Third-Person Effect of Offensive Advertisements:
An Examination in the Chinese Cultural Context
Xiuqin Zeng, Xia’men University;
Shanshan Lou, Appalachian State
and Hong Cheng, Virginia Commonwealth
Sally Ann Cruikshank, Auburn
Topic II — Social Media, International News, and
Public Diplomacy
Social Media, Public Discourse and Civic Engagement
in Modern China
Yinjiao Ye, Ping Xu
and Mingxin Zhang, Rhode Island
Sourcing International News: A Comparative Study
of Five Western Newspapers’ Reporting on the Diaoyu/
Senkaku Islands Dispute
Guofeng Wang, Zhejiang University
Mediated Public Diplomacy: Foreign Media Coverage
of Sochi Olympics
Yanqin Lu, Indiana
Jatin Srivastava, Ohio
Topic III — US Media, News Framing, and Cultural
Everything’s Negative About Nigeria: A Study of U.S.
Media Reporting on Nigeria
Oluseyi Adegbola, Nebraska, Omaha;
Sherice Gearhart, Texas Tech
and Jacqueline Mitchell, Nebraska, Omaha
Dolphins and Deviants: News Framing and the Birth of
a Global Prohibition Regime
Jay Alabaster, Arizona State
The Journalistic Construction of English as a Global
Lingua Franca of News
John Carpenter, Iowa
Cultural Influences on Product Placement in American
and Chinese TV Situation Comedies
Yiran Zhang, Minnesota, Twin Cities
Lindita Camaj, Houston
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 200
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 202
Law and Policy Division
Media Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship
Refereed Paper Research Session
Top Papers in Law and Policy
Jonathan Peters, Kansas
Daxton Chip Stewart, Texas Christian
Top Student Paper
Top Faculty Paper
Second Place Faculty Paper
Third Place Faculty Paper
Top Debut Faculty Paper
Sabine Baumann, Jade Hochschule
The Labor Market for University Journalism and
Mass Communication Graduates: The Role of Media
Lee Becker, C. Ann Hollifield
and Tudor Vlad, Georgia
Starting Up the News: The Impact of Venture Capital
on the Digital News Media Ecosystem**
Allie Kosterich and Matthew Weber, Rutgers
Innovators or Entrepreneurs? How Students and
Instructors View Entrepreneurial Journalism***
Jane B. Singer, City University London
and Marcel Broersma, University of Groningen
Amy Sindik, Central Michigan
* First Place Faculty Paper
** Second Place Faculty Paper
*** Third Place Faculty Paper
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 203
Visual Communication Division
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 201
Refereed Paper Research Session
Top Paper Panel, Visual Communication Division
Mass Communication and Society
and Communication Technology Divisions
Nicole Dahmen, Oregon
PF&R Panel Session
Clashing Values: Preserving Traditional Values
and Best Practices in the Digital Space
Picture Perfect: How Photographs Influence Emotion,
Attention and Selection in Social Media News Posts*
Kate Keib, Camila Espina, Yen-I Lee,
Bartosz Wojdynski, Dongwon Choi
and Hyejin Bang, Georgia
Fungible Photography: A Content Analysis of
Photographs in the Times Herald-Record Before and
After Layoffs of the Photojournalism Staff**
Tara Mortensen, South Carolina
and Peter Gade, Oklahoma
Evoking Compassion, Empathy, and Information
Seeking: The Human-cost-of-war Frame***
Jennifer Midberry, Temple
Allan Richards, Florida International
Tom Bivins, Oregon
Margaret Duffy, Missouri
Kathy Fitzpatrick, American
Michael Warden, Georgia Institute of Technology
Edward Wasserman, California, Berkeley
Indecency Four Years After Fox Television Stations:
From Big Papi to a Porn Star, an Egregious Mess at the
FCC Continues#
Minch Minchin, Keran Billaud, Kevin Bruckenstein
and Tershone Phillips, Florida
Underinclusivity and the First Amendment: The
Legislative Right to Nibble at Problems After
Clay Calvert, Florida
Not the Publisher, Still the Proprietor: Bypassing
a Website’s Immunity Under Section 230 in Sex
Trafficking Cases^***
Andrew Pritchard and Elaina Conrad, Iowa State
The Right to Record Images of Police in Public
Places: Should Intent, Viewpoint or Journalistic Status
Determine First Amendment Protection?*
Clay Calvert, Florida
Refereed Paper Research Session
Top Faculty Papers, Digital Media Ecosystem:
Shifting Norms in Industry and Education?
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Exploring Relationships Between Selfie Practice and
Cultural Characteristics****
Joon K Kim and Hwalbin Kim, South Carolina
xtine burrough, Texas at Dallas
* First Place Faculty Paper
** Second Place Faculty Paper
*** First Place Student Paper
**** Second Place Student Paper
Andrew Putz, executive editor, MinnPost
Marshall Helmberger, Editor and publisher,
The Ely Timberjay
George Sylvie, Texas at Austin
Amy Schmitz Weiss, San Diego State
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 206
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 204
Refereed Paper Session
Multimedia Platforms and Entertainment
Commission on the Status of Women
and Minorities and Communication Division
Anne Cooper-Chen, Ohio
Panel Session
Transgressive Girls, Mothers, and Feminists:
Transformations Through Social Media
What Happens on Snapchat Stays on Snapchat?
A Content Analysis of Themes in Screenshots
Kaitlyn Skinner, Baylor
The War on Drugs: An Audience Study of The Netflix
Original Series Narcos
Maria Cano, Trinity
Black Panther and Black Agency: Constructing Cultural
Nationalism in Comic Books Featuring Black Panther,
William Schulte
and Nathaniel Frederick, Winthrop
I Vape, Therefore I Am: Construction of Electronic
Cigarette Users’ Identity Through Entertainment Social
Joon K Kim, South Carolina
Lisa Cuklanz, Boston College
History in a Hashtag: Using Social Media to Write
Women into the Historical Record
Candi Carter Olson, Utah State
Communicating, Circulating, and Celebrating
Feminist Ideals through Social Media
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor
Name and Shame: How Indian Feminists are Using
Digital Tools to Shame Perpetrators of Sexual
Kalyani Chadha and Pallavi Guha, Maryland
More than Mthers: Women Bloggers with Children
Stine Eckert, Wayne State
Leave a Comment: Mommyblogs and the Everyday
Struggle to Reclaim Parenthood
Carolyn Bronstein, DePaul
and Linda Steiner, Maryland
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 205
Community Journalism Interest Group
and Newspaper and Online News Division
PF&R Panel Session
Imagining Digital Community: The Importance
of Geography and Niche Focus to Entrepreneurial
and Community Journalists
Marcus Funk, Sam Houston State
Jason Zenor, SUNY-Oswego
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 207
Graduate Student Interest Group
Refereed Paper Research Session
Social Media in the United States
Michelle Honald, Northern Colorado
What is Beneath the Facebook Iceberg? Revealing the
Relationship Between Rational Fatalism and the Online
Privacy Paradox
Amy Fowler-Dawson, Wenjing Xie
and Anita Tvauri, Southern Illinois
Social Media as a Resource in Social Movements:
An Online Resource Mobilization Study of the
Formation of Social Movement Organizations
Samuel Tham, Missouri
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
The Framing of Online Commenting: Commenting
Effects on Audiences’ Perceptions of a Public Health
Issue in the Context of Social Media
Chang Bi, Bowling Green State
The Social Value of Snapchat: An Exploration
of Motivations for Snapchat Use
Taj Makki, Julia DeCook, Travis Kadylak
and Olivia JuYoung Lee, Michigan State
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 210
Steve Urbanski, West Virginia
Gary Gumpert, Urban Communication Foundation
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 208
Teaching Panel Session
Safe Spaces, Drowned Bunnies, and Prior
Review: Facing an Academic Environment
That Just Doesn’t Get It
Jack Zibluk, Tennessee-Chattanoga
Earnest Perry, Missouri
Jack Breslin, Iona
Bob Bergland, Missouri Western and College Media
Peter Bonilla, Foundation for Individual Rights
in Education
Frank LoMonte, Student Press Law Center
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 209
Sports Communication
and Religion and Media Interest Groups
Research Panel Session
Sports, Religion, and Media: Exploring
a Postmodern Belief System
Quint Randle, Brigham Young
Jan Slater, Illinois at Urbana
John Schrader, California State, Long Beach
Daniel Stout, Brigham Young - Hawaii
Ben Burroughs, Nevada, Las Vegas
Award Panel Session:
2016 Gene Burd Urban Journalism Award:
Architectural Journalism: The State of the Field
Robert Campbell, architecture critic,
The Boston Globe
Gary Gumpert, President, Urban Communication
Peter Haratonik, Associate Professor, The New
Charles Self, Professor Emeritus, Oklahoma
Julie Newton, Oregon
2016 Recipient Gene Burd Urban Journalism Award
Robert Campbell, architecture critic,
The Boston Globe
With newspapers and magazines both disappearing
and evolving, what is the current status of architectural
journalism and criticism? What is the contemporary
role of the architecture critic? How does writing about
architecture relate to broader issues in journalism
education today? What role does journalism education
play in promoting and sustaining informed and lively
reporting and criticism of the built and designed
environment? What role do emerging media play in
creating active forums for architecture to be analyzed
and discussed? The 2016 Gene Burd Urban Journalism
Award panel addresses these and other issue. The session
also includes the Urban Communication Foundation
presentation of the Gene Burd Award to Robert Campbell,
Architecture Critic for the The Boston Globe.
5 pm to 6:30 pm / 211
The Foley Foundation, Reporters Without Borders
and the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern
Movie Screening
Reporting in the Midst of Strife: At Home
and Abroad: The James Foley Story
Delphine Halgand, Reporters without Borders,
U.S. Director, Washington, DC
Small Programs Interest Group
and Media Ethics Division
Urban Communication Foundation and Association
for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
This session will feature the HBO documentary
“Jim: The James Foley Story”
A special teaching guide prepared by the Medill School
of Journalism will be available to attendees to facilitate
discussion of these important issues in journalism
classrooms across the country.
6 pm to 8:15 pm / 212
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 215
Mass Communication and Society Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Jensen Moore, Oklahoma
Electronic News Division
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 216
Off-site Social: Electronic News 50th Anniversary
Celebration, Ed Bliss Award Presentation,
Larry Burkum Award Presentation
Minorities and Communication Division
B. William Silcock, Arizona State, Cronkite School
Masudul Biswas, Loyola-Maryland
Social will be held on the rooftop of WCCO, 90 South
11th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55403
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 217
Amelia Santaniello
and Frank Vascellaro, News Anchors, WCCO
The Electronic News Division would like to thank
our generous sponsor, Kent State University School
of Journalism and Mass Communication College of
Communication and Information.
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 213
Advertising Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Sela Sar, Illinois
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 214
Law and Policy Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Dan Kozlowski, Saint Louis
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Newspaper and Online News Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Mitch McKinney, Kent State
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 218
Public Relations Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Tiffany Gallicano, North Carolina, Charlotte
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 219
Scholastic Journalism Division
Refereed Paper Session
Transitioning Student Journalists to Professionals
Genelle Belmas, Kansas
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
Journalists’ and Journalism Students’ Conceptions
of Journalistic Roles: Potential for Change?*
Tim Vos, Marina Hendricks
and David Wolfgang, Missouri
Back to the Future: Vocational Anticipatory
Socialization and High School Journalism**
Marina Hendricks, Missouri
Learning by Doing: Three-phase Study Finds Disconnect
Between Journalism Education and Professional Work
Goran Ghafour, Ren-Whei Harn
and Scott Reinardy, Kansas
Media Entrepreneurship Programs: Emerging Best
Practices (and Challenges)
Amy Sindik, Central Michigan
and Geoffrey Graybeal, Texas Tech
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 223
Genelle Belmas, Kansas
Small Programs Interest Group
Top Faculty Paper
Top Student Paper
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 220
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Jason Zenor, SUNY-Oswego
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 221
Graduate Student Interest Group
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Holly Cowart, Florida
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Daniel A. Stout, Brigham Young-Hawaii
Award for Significant Contributions to the Study of Media
and Religion John Durham Peters
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 224
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Pam Parry, Eastern Kentucky
and Doug Mendenhall, Abilene Christian
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 225
Ohio University, Louisiana State University
and Iowa State University
Robert Stewart, Ohio; Jerry Ceppos, Louisiana State
and Michael Bugeja, Iowa State
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 226
University of Oregon
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 222
Juan-Carlos Molleda, dean, Oregon
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Interest
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 227
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Syracuse University S.I. Newhouse School of Public
Dean Mundy, Oregon
Hubert Brown and Kristen Northrop, Syracuse
Religion and Media Interest Group
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
6:45 pm to 8:15 pm / 228
University of Tennessee, Michigan State University
and Kansas State University
Catherine Luther, Tennessee;
Lucinda Davenport, Michigan State
and Birgit Wassmuth, Kansas State
Social will be held at The News Room (990 Nicollet
Mall). Many thanks to the generous sponsors of our
social: the UNC Center for Media Law and Policy, the
Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law,
the Media School at Indiana University, the Center for
International Media Law and Policy Studies at Indiana,
and Clay Calvert.
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 233
Mass Communication and Society Division
8 pm to 9:30 pm / 229
Off-site Social
University of Florida College of Journalism
and Communications
Jensen Moore, Oklahoma
Off-site Social
Social will be held at The News Room, 990 Nicollet Mall
at 10th Street.
Ellen Nodine, Florida
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 234
8:30 pm to 11:30 pm / 230
Minorities and Communication Division
Advertising Division
Off-site Social
Off-site Social
The Local (in The Choir Room)
Scott Hamula, Ithaca
The social will be located at The Local in Nicollet Mall,
931 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN.
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 231
Masudul Biswas, Loyola-Maryland
Location will be announced at the Members’ Meeting.
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 235
Scholastic Journalism Division
International Communication Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Jeff Browne, Colorado-Boulder
Jeannine Relly, Arizona
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 236
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 232
Law and Policy Division
Off-site Social
Dan Kozlowski, Saint Louis
Visual Communication Division
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Bob Britten, West Virginia
Friday Sessions
Innovate • Integrate • Engage: Minneapolis, MN — August 4-7, 2016
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 237
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 242
AEJMC Council of Affiliates
University of Missouri
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Nancy L. Green, Ivy Tech Community College
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 238
Commission on the Status of Women
Jaime Loke, Oklahoma
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 239
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Elizabeth Viall, Colorado State, Pueblo
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 240
Sports Communication Interest Group
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
Danielle Coombs, Kent State
8:30 pm to 10 pm / 241
Marquette University, Ohio State University, University
of Iowa, University of Minnesota and University
Albert Tims, Minnesota; Ana C. Garner, Marquette;
Hemant Shah, Wisconsin-Madison;
Daniel McDonald, Ohio State
and David Ryfe, Iowa
10:15 pm to 11:45 pm / 243
International Communication Division
Business Session
Executive Committee Meeting
Ammina Kothari, Rochester Institute of Technology
Business Session
Members’ Meeting
David Kurpius, dean, Missouri School of Journalism