19 - Church of the Little Flower


19 - Church of the Little Flower
Rev. Michael W. Davis
Rev. Abel E. Barajas
Rev. Phillip H. Tran
Rev. Fidelis Uko
Deacon Roberto Fleitas
Deacon Miguel Parladé
6:15 am
8:00 am
5:30 pm
8:00 am
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
9:00 am to 1:30 pm
8:30 am to 10:00 am
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
arrying our cross. It’s the emblematic theme of Christian discipleship. Never easy. Always a challenge. Yet certainly
Carrying our cross has to do with faithfulness and follow-through. It has to do with the rugged nature of commitment. Come
what may, we hang in there because the Lord did so ahead of us. Carrying the cross is the weight, the burden, the blood, sweat, and
tears required of something important, particularly as it relates to our holy vocations. It’s the consequence of taking a stand, and the
sacrifice that faithfulness so often requires. The daily sojourn of Christian life is not a predictable computer program. Rather it
requires flexibility, and the willingness to respond to what comes, doing the good that presents itself to be done, in the daily context
of our lives.
It’s not easy for a priest, who is ordained to bring the grace of the sacraments to a community, to have to deal with budgets,
contracts, vendors, repairs, staff management, lawsuits, community complaints (founded or unfounded) and personal imperfection
when trying to remain spiritual in his focus. It’s not easy for a newly married couple, each of whom were used to thinking and living as
individuals, but now have to think and live in partnership, and with the give-and-take and flexibility that love requires. It’s not easy for
mothers and fathers, who are doing their best to provide for their children, yet simultaneously have to adjust their relational lives and
personal comforts in order to deal with, and worry about, their children’s every need, including their safety and welfare. It’s not easy
to journey through mid-life crisis, when those, wrestling with the disappointments and limitations of living, the transient and fleeting
nature of life, and the regrets of wasted time, have to work through the confusion of an emotionally volatile time period with
faith-filled perseverance. It’s not easy for a Catholic businessman or woman, who genuinely cares about his or her faith, to survive in
the web and flow of a dog-eat-dog competitive world, which so often challenges their values and sense of responsibility. Will they
remain true, or succumb to cultural influences? It’s not easy for our church-going teenagers and college students, who have been
given the best formational efforts of parish, school, and family to live responsible lives, yet who are absorbed in the messages and
themes of cyberspace, technology, secular entertainment, and the fast lane, which often lead them away from virtuous living. Will
they do the right thing? Nor is it easy when illness and physical limitations impair a once active lifestyle, yet now have become the
focus of the daily routine, requiring flexibility, and the spiritualizing of one’s life. Can we all journey with Jesus in bearing the Cross?
Carrying our cross means applying our faith in the context of our lives, being courageous in the face of worldly temptations and
adversity, and making an individual decision to NOT turn away from Jesus when the going gets tough. It means doing what is required
to do, and step up. Christianity isn’t a feel good religion, replete with cotton-candy and the make-believe-world of perfection found in
the Magic Kingdom. Carrying our cross means doing what is required to remain faithful in the living out of our holy vocations for our
own good and that of those around us. It’s never easy, it’s always a challenge, but it is certainly essential! Heaven is in the balance.
Be stout-hearted, Take courage. Jesus has already led the way!
levar la cruz. Es el tema emblemático del discipulado de Cristo. Nunca es fácil. Siempre es un reto. ¡Sin embargo, es esencial!
Llevar la cruz tiene que ver con la fidelidad y el seguimiento. Tiene que ver con la naturaleza fuerte del compromiso. Pase lo que
pase, debemos de persistir, porque el Señor lo hizo antes de nosotros. Llevar la cruz es el peso, la carga, la sangre, el sudor, las lágrimas que se
requieren para algo importante, particularmente en lo que se refiere a nuestras vocaciones santas. Es la consecuencia de tomar una posición, y
el sacrificio que la fidelidad requiere casi siempre. La estancia diaria de la vida cristiana no es un programa de ordenador predecible. Más bien
se requiere flexibilidad, y la voluntad de responder a lo que viene, haciendo el bien que se presenta por hacer, en el contexto de nuestra vida
No es fácil para un sacerdote, que se ordena para llevar la gracia de los sacramentos a una comunidad, el tener que lidiar con los
presupuestos, contratos, proveedores, reparaciones, manejo de personal, demandas, quejas de la comunidad (fundadas o infundadas) y la
imperfección personal cuando trata de permanecer espiritual en su enfoque. No es fácil para una pareja de recién casados, cada uno de los
cuales estaban acostumbrados a pensar y vivir como individuos, pero ahora hay que pensar y vivir en sociedad, y con el dar y tomar y la
flexibilidad que requiere el amor. No es fácil para las madres y los padres, que están haciendo todo lo posible por mantener a sus hijos, pero al
mismo tiempo tienen que ajustar sus vidas de relación y comodidades personales con el fin de lidiar con, las preocupaciones, de todas las
necesidades de sus hijos, incluyendo su seguridad y bienestar. No es fácil de pasar a través de la crisis de la mediana edad, cuando aquellos
que, luchando con las desilusiones y las limitaciones de la vida, la naturaleza transitoria y fugaz de la vida, y el pesar de la pérdida de tiempo,
han de trabajar a través de la confusión de un período de tiempo emocionalmente inestable con una perseverancia llena de fe. No es fácil para
un hombre o una mujer de negocios católicos, que realmente se preocupa por su fe, de sobrevivir en la web y el flujo de un mundo
competitivo de supervivencia, que tan a menudo desafía sus valores y sentido de responsabilidad. ¿Van a seguir siendo fiel, o van sucumbir a
las influencias culturales? No es fácil para nuestros adolescentes y estudiantes universitarios que asisten a misa, que se les ha dado los mejores
esfuerzos de formación por la parroquia, la escuela y la familia de vivir una vida responsable, sin embargo, que son envueltos en los mensajes
y los temas del ciberespacio, tecnología, entretenimiento secular, y el carril rápido, que a menudo los llevan lejos de una vida virtuosa. ¿Van a
hacer lo correcto? Tampoco es fácil cuando la enfermedad y las limitaciones físicas perjudican un estilo de vida anteriormente activa, sin
embargo, que ahora se ha convertido en el foco de rutina diaria, lo que requiere flexibilidad y la espiritualización de la vida personal.
¿Podemos todos tomar el camino con Jesús y cargar la Cruz?
Cargando nuestra cruz significa aplicar nuestra fe en el contexto de nuestras vidas, de ser valientes frente a la cara de las tentaciones del
mundo y la adversidad, y haciendo una decisión individual de NO apartarnos de Jesús, cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles. Significa hacer lo
que se requiere hacer, e intensificar. El cristianismo no es una religión de buenas sensaciones, repleta de algodón de azúcar y el de la fantasía
que es un mundo de perfección como el que se encuentra en el Magic Kingdom. Cargando nuestra cruz significa hacer lo que se requiere para
permanecer fieles llevando a cabo nuestras vidas de vocaciones santas para nuestro propio bien y el de los que nos rodean. ¡Nunca es
fácil, siempre es un reto, pero es esencial! El cielo está en el balance.
Sé valiente, Ánimo. Jesús ya ha abierto el camino!
2711 Indian Mound Trail
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Phone: (305) 446-9950
Mrs. Irma Aguilar
Business Manager & Bookkeeper
Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri
Office Manager
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
Mr. Luis Cuza
Associate Director of Liturgical Music
Pastoral Resource Officer
Mr. Juan Del Sol
Wedding Coordinator
Dr. Dawn Fontana
Director of Liturgical Music
Ms. Cecilia Miyar
Administrative Assistant to the DRE
Parish Coordinator of Ministries
Mr. Ernesto Morales
Maintenance Assistant
Ms. Annette Perez
Mr. Jorge Perez
Director of Advancement & Stewardship
Mr. Jorge Santibáñez
Director of Religious Education
& Youth Ministry
Mr. Milton Somarriba
Church Custodian
Mrs. Nubia Vivas
Maintenance Assistant
Ms. Vivian Xiqués
Curator of Records
Virtus Training Coordinator
S .T
Ext. 314
Ext. 306
Ext. 308
Ext. 311
Ext. 305
Ext. 310
Congratulations to our Newly Baptized:
Paolo Vincenzo Agnello, Cypress June Jeffrey
Veccione, Ella Rose Martinez, Costa Jorge Rivero
Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those
Joined in Holy Matrimony:
Javier Leon & Valerie Delgado
Charles Fitz-Aime & Angela Solomon
Rest in Peace. We Pray for Those Who Have
Entered Eternity:
Victoria Penichet, Sara Aguiar, Angela Nodarse
Ext. 309
Ext. 300
Ext. 318
Ext. 307
Ext. 309
Ext. 302
2701 Indian Mound Trail
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Phone: (305) 446-1738
Administered by
The Carmelite Sisters of the
Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal
Saturdays: 8:30 am to 10:00 am
Tuesdays: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Private on Saturdays 10:30 am, 11:15 am., 12:00 pm or
Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm
Arrangements must be made with the
Parish Office two months in advance.
Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office
at least six months in advance.
8:00 am
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
Fr. Uko
Fr. Martin
Fr. Martin
Fr. Martin
Fr. Uko
Fr. Davis
Fr. Uko
Fr. Davis
“Dear sick people, entrust
yourselves to the Spirit who will
not fail you with the consoling
light of his presence.”
“Queridos ancianos, Dios no les abandona,
¡está con ustedes! Con su ayuda, ustedes
son memoria viva para su pueblo.”
- @Pontifex_es
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave
nor free person, there is not male and female; for you
are all one in Christ Jesus.
— Galatians 3:28
As summer quickly approaches, school lets out and our
travels take us to points both near and far from home, Online
Giving is an excellent option to make sure the church we love
so much continues to receive our thoughtful stewardship even
when our physical presence is not possible. Summer has always
been a time for vacationing and spending quality time with
family, let us not forget our Little Flower family. This service is
free, safe and secure, and it is a perfect tool for anyone who will
be going out of town and not able to be physically at Mass. If
you had been thinking of signing up, now is an excellent time
to give it a try!
We currently have over 500 families who already use
online giving, simply go to www.cotlf.org click on the Online
Giving tab and see how convenient it is. If you would like more
information or to schedule an appointment to help set up your
account, please contact Jorge Perez, at 305-446-5950 ext. 318.
El verano se acerca rápidamente, el colegio termina y
nuestros viajes nos llevan a puntos cerca y lejos de casa. Donar a
través de nuestro sitio web es una excelente opción para
asegurarse de que la iglesia que tanto amamos, continúa
recibiendo nuestras contribuciones aun cuando no es posible
estar presente físicamente. El verano siempre ha sido una
temporada de vacaciones y de pasar tiempo con la familia, no nos
olvidemos de nuestra parroquia de Little Flower. Este servicio es
gratuito y seguro y es la herramienta perfecta para todos aquellos
que van a estar fuera de la ciudad. ¡Si había estado pensando en
suscribirse, ahora es el momento propicio para hacerlo!
En este momento tenemos sobre 500 familias que ya utiliza
Online Giving, vaya a www.cotlf.org haga clic en el enlace de
Online Giving y vea de qué se trata. Si desea más información o
necesita ayuda para configurar su cuenta, póngase en contacto
con Jorge Perez, al 305-446-5950 ext. 318 para hacer una cita.
June 12, 2016
Attendance ………………..………..….…….….…….………...…… 2,001
In-church Adult Collection ...….…..…...……..……....... $12,412
Online Giving …………………….……....………………..…...... $5,409
Children’s Collection ……............................................ $423
Devotional Lights …………….…..……..……..….….………....... $951
Total …………………….……………….….…....………….……. $19,195
Ya no existe diferencia entre judíos y no judíos, entre
esclavos y libres, entre varón y mujer, porque todos
ustedes son uno en Cristo Jesús. — Gálatas 3:28
a gran celebración de cincuenta días de la
Pascua ha concluido, al igual que las fiestas en
honor a la Santísima Trinidad y al Cuerpo y la Sangre
de Cristo. La semana pasada comenzamos el largo
tramo del Tiempo Ordinario que nos llevará hasta el
final de noviembre. San Pablo nos dice hoy que los
que han sido bautizados “se han revestido de
Cristo” (Gálatas 3:27). Este mensaje es inspirador y al
mismo tiempo nos alecciona, ya que en el Evangelio
de hoy, vamos al centro de lo que significa estar
revestidos de Cristo. El Señor nos dice, “si alguno
quiere acompañarme, que no se busque a sí mismo,
que tome su cruz de cada día y me siga” (Lucas 9:23).
Durante las veinte y dos semanas que siguen somos
llamados a tomar la cruz y, con san Lucas como guía,
seguir en los pasos a Cristo.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5,
12-13; Mt 7:1-5
2 Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Sal 48:2-4,
10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119:33-37, 40;
Mt 7:15-20
2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29
Viernes: Vigilia: Jer 5:8-10; Sal 71:1-6, 15, 17;
1 Pe 1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17
Día: Is 8 :5-6; Sal 139:1-3, 13-15;
Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80
Sábado: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74:1b-7, 20-21;
Mt 8:15-17
Domingo: 1 Re 19:16b, 19-21; Sal 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lc 9:51-62
Our next international pilgrimage trip to Israel is
scheduled for March 10-19, 2017. Designed by the
nationally renowned Catholic Travel Centre from
California, we will embark upon a ten-day spiritual
journey, entitled, “A Lenten Retreat with Father Davis
in the Holy Land.” A free color brochure is now
available. Capacity of 50 seats on this tour. Bethlehem,
Nazareth, Carmel, Caesaria, Cana, Jerusalem, Jericho,
the River Jordan, and the Dead Sea will be among the
highlights. Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
too! We will even have a private audience with the
Patriarch of Jerusalem. Call the parish office for more information, or contact Father Davis to get your name
on the list, 305-446-9950, ext. 301. An Information evening is scheduled for Tuesday, July 5th at 7:30pm in
Comber Hall. All discerning travelers are welcome.
As part of the special events during the upcoming Fortnight of Prayer, there will be
a liturgy of prayer, adoration, and solemn benediction on Monday, June 27th at
7:00pm. Intercessory prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, as a spiritual assist for
the upcoming national conventions and the elections soon to follow, will be of
particular importance. All are welcome.
Join us in honoring America at our annual Patriotic Prayer
Service on Thursday, June 30th, at 7:30pm in church. As part of
the annual Fortnight of Prayer for Freedom, replete with
hymns that will engender love of nation, sung by our parish
choir, the 45-minute para-liturgical service will include
readings as well as candle-light intercessory prayer. The event
will be followed by a social in Comber Hall. All are welcome.
A heartfelt “Thank You” to all the parishioners of
COTLF and their families who have contributed to
the 2016 ABCD Campaign. The generosity of our
parish is witness to our love for one another.
*This list is not inclusive of donors who requested to remain anonymous or whose
gifts are still being processed by the Archdiocese of Miami, as of our last report.
We thank you for your generosity!
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Abaunza
Mr. Antonio Abella
Ms. Maria Elena Abello
Ms. Cynthia Absher
Mr. and Mrs. MANUEL ABUD
Mrs. Esther Aguiar
Mr. and Mrs. Reinaldo Aguiar
Mrs. Karen Alas Salguero
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alfano
Mr. and Mrs. Jose H. Alfonso
Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio Alfonso
Mr. and Mrs. Danilo Alonso
Ms. Moraima Alonso
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alzati
Ms. Dolores G. Amaro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ambro
Mr. James R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hector E. Andreu
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andreus
Ms. Raquel Anthony
Ms. Teresa D. Arcay
Ms. Margaret Arguelles
Ms. Elizabeth Arias
Ms. Martha Ariosa
Mr. and Ms. Michael Aristondo
Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Armengol
Mr. Calixto M. Chavez and Mrs. Vivian E. Artze
Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Asturias
Mr. and Mrs. Marinaldo Azevedo
Ms. Maria T. Baez
Ms. Nancy Baez
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Y. Balmaseda
Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio Baluja
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baquero-Lima
Mr. Jeffrey Barajas
Mr. Ivan A. Barreto
Mr. Luis E. Barreto
Ms. Nelly Bautista
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Befera
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Benavides
Ms. Louise F. Bennett
Mrs. Diana Bethel
Ms. Clare Bezy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Biggs III
Mr. and Mrs. James Bill
Mr. Paul Biondi
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bisio
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Blanco
Mr. and Mrs. John Bohatch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bone
Mr. Manuel Boz
Mrs. Eileen Brake
Mr. Michael Bremer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Briele
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Brouwer
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bryan
Ms. Alicia Bryans
Mrs. Carmen E. Burgos
Mr. and Mrs. George Busse
Ms. Jacqueline Butler
Mrs. Eleonora Cacchione
Ms. Sandra Caicedo
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Cal
Mr. and Mrs. Florencio Calderon
Ms. Rebecca P. Calvert
Mr. and Mrs. Raoul G. Cantero III
Ms. Yolanda Capo
Mrs. Josefina Carbonel
Mrs. Helen Carpinelli
Mr. Francisco Carrera-Justiz
Mr. Manuel A. Carrillo
Mrs. Ellen M. Casalotti
Mr. Arturo Castellanos
Ms. Sonia Castellanos-Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Castells
Mrs. Cuba Castillo
Ms. Nancy E. Catturini
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Centeno
Ms. Pura Centurion
Ms. Tury Cespedes
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Chandler
Mrs. Vivian Chavez
Ms. Ines Checa
Mr. Aisman Cherta
Mrs. Dominique Chevallier
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Chialastri
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Christensen
Ms. Maria Victoria Cimadevilla
Mr. and Mrs. Giancarlo Ciocca
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Cirillo
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Civantos
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark
Ms. Carmen Clavijo
Ms. Gloria Clementi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Comito
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Concepcion
Mr. Felipe Conill
Mr. Maria Del Carmen Conteras
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Corrada
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cortinas
Mr. Jeffrey Costa
Ms. Maria Costa
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cotarelo
Mr. Manuel Cotilla
Mrs. Aracely S. Crespo
Mr. and Mrs. Andres Crosa
Ms. Carmen Cuenca
Mr. Bernardo Cueto
Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Cueto
Mr. Michael Cummings
Ms. Veronica Curbelo
Mr. Charles Dasney
Mr. Alberto L. De- Armas
Mr. Julio De Castro
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael De Guzman
Deacon and Mrs. Rafael De Los Reyes
Mr. Alvaro De Paulis
Ms. Rebeca Dean
Mrs. Luz Del Rio
Mrs. Martha Delgadillo
Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Delgado
Mr. and Mrs. Juan D. Delgado
Mr. Arthur Denchfield
Ms. Lana K. Desimone
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Diaz
Mr. Ismael Diaz
Mrs. Maria B. Diaz
Mrs. Patricia Diaz
Mr. Dante Disma
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dockerty
Ms. Rosa M. Duboy Ferrer
Mr. Matthew Dunbar
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dunn
Ms. Laura Emiliam
Mr. and Ms. Carlos Enriques
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos D. Espinosa
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Espinoza
Ms. Ana L. Esquivel
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Esteves
Mrs. Rosa Estorino-Hills
Ms. Gloria Estrada
Ms. Katherine Estrada
Ms. Michelle M. Excellent
Ms. Nayda Fabregas
Ms. Priscila Fakhouri
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Fandino
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Farinas
Mr. and Mrs. James Fenton
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso G. Fernandez
Ms. Amelia B. Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Candido Fernandez
Mr. David Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Fernandez
Ms. Maitee Fernandez
Mr. Manuel Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Fernandez
Mr. Manuel Fernandez-Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Norberto Ferradaz
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Ferrer
Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. Ferrer
Ms. Sofia Fillmore-Taylor
Mrs. Graciela Finol
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald
Deacon and Mrs. Roberto Fleitas
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Flexman
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Fonseca
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Fraga
Ms. and Ms. Gloria Franco
Mrs. Guillermina Fuenmayor
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Fuentes
Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Gadda
Ms. Vivien Gali
Mr. and Mrs. Raul G. Galindo
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gallo
Ms. Doris Garcia Montero
Mr. Jose L. Garcia Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Jose I. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Garcia
Dr. and Mrs. Raul Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. William Garrote
Mr. Alexis Gartner
Mr. George Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Gelabert
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier George
Mrs. Elsa G. Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Diego Alvarez
Mr. Antonio Gonzalez
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge B. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Gonzalez
Mr. Orlando G. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Gonzalez
Ms. Emilia Goosmann
Mrs. Jane Gorrigan
Mr. Richard Grant
Dr. and Mrs. Pedro J. Greer, Jr.
Ms. Angela Greiffenstein
Ms. Nancy Griffin-Ameglio
Mr. and Mrs. Erick M. Grunaeur
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Guerra
Mr. Hugo Guilarte
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gutierrez
Mr. Ariel Guzman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hartmann
Ms. Michelle Harvelle
Ms. Josefina Hasegawa
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Hernandez
Mr. Andres Hernandez
Mr. Henry Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben S. Hernandez
Mr. Lincoln Herzeca, Jr.
Mrs. Deborah Hoover
Dr. and Mrs. John Hoover
Ms. Keila Hoover
Ms. Gracie Hucks
Mrs. Verna Hume
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ibarra
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Ibarra
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Interian
Mr. and Mrs. Manvel Jacobs-Fdez
Mr. George Jaile
Mr. and Ms. Beriso O. Jaynes
Mr. Jose A. Jimenez
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jorges
Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Juara
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Jui
Ms. Beatriz Karasik
Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Kates
Mr. and Mrs. Gary King
Mr. Dazel Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Rahul Kothari
Mrs. Elana Lainez
Mr. Percy R. Aguila and Dr. Ana M.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Lapicola
Ms. Mabel Lara
Ms. Lucia Latorre
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Lavina
Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lecours
Ms. Helen M. Lemus
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lian
Mr. and Mrs. Marco A. Liceaga
Mr. Lazaro Lima
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Limia
Ms. Alicia Lines
Little Flower Catholic Church, Coral
Miss Laura Sedano Llaguno
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Llamozas
Ms. Ana M. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Lopez
Mr. Jorge I. Lopez
Mrs. Maria C. Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Lopez-Aguiar
Ms. Beatriz Lopez-Horta
Ms. Sandra Lopez-Mojena
Mr. Ignacio Lorenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Juan P. Loumiet
Ms. Carmela Lozier
Mrs. Josefina Luaces
Mr. Robert Macaulay
Mrs. Francesca Machado
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Macnamara
Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Madiedo
Mr. and Mrs. John Madril
Mr. Kenneth Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Floriano Marchetti
Ms. Maria Marquez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martin
Ms. Griselda Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Hosmith Martinez
Ms. Odalys L. Martinez
Mr. Paul Martinez
Ms. Sylvia Martinez
Ms. Margarita Matamoros
Mr. Armando Matute
Mrs. Madonna R. McCutcheon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. McDermott
Mr. Leonard McGuire and Family
Ms. Elizabeth McNab
Mr. Orestes Mederos
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Mederos
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Medina
Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Mejer
Mr. Frederico Melo
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Mendiola
Ms. Regina Mendoza
Ms. Rosa A. Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Menendez
Mr. Jose Merino
Mrs. Maria Meruelo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Michelena
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Minogue
Mr. Luis Misas
Mr. Rafael Montalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Monteagudo
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Montiel
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Osiel Morales
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Morales II
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus P. Morejon
Mrs. Clara Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Federico Moreno
Dr. and Mrs. Arturo F. Mosquera
Mr. Julio Mostas
Mr. Nelson Muniz
Ms. Ann P. Munley
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Munoz
Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Napoltino
Mr. Salvatore Natoli
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Navarro
Dr. and Mrs. Lorenzo J. Negret
Ms. Maria Nieto
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Nunez
Ms. Orfelina Nunez
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Ochoa
Mr. Tom O'Hara
Ms. Josephine Olaechea
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Olesen
Mrs. Stephen Onuska
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Ordonez
Ms. Teresita Ormaza
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osle
Mr. Antonio Ospina and Mrs. Diana
Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo A. Otero
Mr. Alberto Oucinde
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Pachon
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Padron
Mrs. Clara Paez
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Palenzuela
Mr. and Mrs. Autberto Palma
Ms. Cecilia T. Pantin
Deacon and Mrs. Miguel Parlade
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parrella
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Parrondo
Mrs. Pilar Pastor
Mr. David G. Patridge
Ms. Diana E. Perdomo
Ms. Fanny Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo J. Perez
Ms. Jessica Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon PerezDorrbecker
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Pernas
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Pesant
Ms. Maria Pie
Mr. Giampiero Pierucci
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pietronuto
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Pinera
Ms. Beatriz B. Piniella
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Pis Benitez
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Piscitelli
Mr. Alexander Pis-Dudot
Mr. and Ms. Steven Pita
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Pola
Ms. Mercedes M. Ponce
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Portu
Dr. and Mrs. Jose E. Portuondo
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Portuondo
Ms. Eliana Poveda
Ms. Yolanda Prieto
Ms. Martha E. Puente
Ms. Ingrid Puente-Alzate
Mr. Jose R. Puerto
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Amundsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Puleo
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Pulido
Mrs. Mary H. Pyle
Mr. John Quaranta
Mr. Pat M. Quaranta
Mr. Miguel Quetgues
Mr. and Ms. Alejandro Quijano
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco V. Quintero
Mr. Guillermo Quintero
Ms. Diane Raddatz
Mrs. Gladys Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. David Raskosky
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ravitz
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Reategui
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rebak
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Recio
Ms. Karina Rego
Mr. George Rescigno
Mrs. Lourdes M. Restrepo
Mr. Eduardo Revuelta
Mr. Luis Orfelio Revuelta
Mr. Arthur Reyes
Mr. Maynor Reyes
Mrs. Maria V. Rezola
Mr. Daniel Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Ribas
Mr. Enrique Rios
Ms. Marcia Ritchie
Mr. Nelson Rivas
Mr. and Mrs. Aristides Rivera
Ms. Carmen Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Moises R. Rivera
Mr. Armando Rizo
Dr. and Mrs. Omart Robaina
Mr. Curtis B. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Rodriguez
Mrs. Aurora E. Rodriguez
Mr. and Ms. Francis E. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge H. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Rafael Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rodriguez
Mr. Pedro Rojas
Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. Roque
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rosales
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Rousseau
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Ruiz
Mr. Gary A. Ruse
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Russell
Ms. Angela C. Rust
Mr. and Mrs. Justino Sabando
Mr. Mario A. Sabates and Mrs. Maria
B. Cortinas
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Sacher
Ms. Catherine J. Salazar
Dr. and Mrs. Jose A. Salazar
Ms. Liliana Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Salgado
Mr. and Mrs. Agustin Sampedro
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge San Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Sanchez
Mr. Oswald Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Sanchez
Mr. Ronald Sanchez
Mr. Blake Sando
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Santamaria
Mr. and Mrs. Hely Santeliz
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Santibanez
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sardinas
Mr. Ernie Sardo
Ms. Bridget A. Sarno
Ms. Sally P. Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. James Scarpace
Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schreiber
Mr. and Dr. Jose Selem
Ms. Teresa Sepulveda
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Sequeira
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Serpa
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Serrano
Ms. Susana Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Sierra
Mr. Dino Siervo
Ms. Natalie Sigillito Tremols
Ms. Monica Silva
Mr. and Ms. Eric Smalley
Mr. Kenneth H. Snay
Ms. Maria Snipes
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Solorzano
Ms. Valeria Somarriba
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Sonville
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Sori
Mr. and Mrs. David Sosa
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Soto
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sotto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spina
Dr. Mithun Sreekantan and Dr. Rocio
Romero Pradilla
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stockhausen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Strickroot
Mr. and Ms. Sven Stumbauer
Mrs. Margarita Suarez-Riva
Ms. Ileana M. Suero
Mr. Tobiar Switzer
Lt. Col. Tobias Switzer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sykes
Mr. John Talamas
Ms. Julia Talamas
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto L. Taquechel
Mr. Ramon E. Tello
Ms. Silvia S. Theye
Ms. Maria C. Torreiro
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. Torres
Ms. Yvette Torres
Rev. Phillip Tran
Mr. Omar Travieso
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Uddenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Urrego
Mr. and Mrs. Dorian Valdes
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco A. Valdes
Mr. Jason Valentin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Van Hemert
Ms. Ofelia Varela
Mrs. Mercedes Vargas
Mr. Humberto M. Velasquez
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Ventura
Mrs. and Mr. Silvana Vespoli
Mrs. Mary Viar
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando E. Vilella
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vivolo
Dr. Felipe Vizcarrondo
Mrs. Ivette Weddle
Ms. Patricia S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wirth
Ms. Maria J. Yanez
Mrs. Mary C. Zarzecki
Mrs. Maria V. Zayas
Mr. and Mrs. James Ziesler
Steubenville Conference
Why should my teen attend? The whole vision for the conference is to
lead Teens to Christ and to give them a deeper understanding and love for
their Catholic Faith.
When: Friday, July 22- Sunday, July 24-2016
Where: Rosen Shingle Creek 9939 Universal Blvd., Orlando, FL 32819
Cost: Total cost per person to registered is $179.00 plus hotel lodging
$144 per night. Total = $467
This conference is an awesome experience!
Please visit www.steubenvilleflorida.com to see the promo videos! For questions and to
reserve your spot please contact Siulin Perez-Soto at 305-793-7418 or by email at
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Las clases de ingles como segundo
idioma estan necesitando voluntarios
para asistir al ministerio en funciones
administrativas. Si esta interesado en
asistir a las clases o ser voluntario,
contacte a Karen Fernandez a:
[email protected].
The Transition Ministry will resume
workshops in the Fall. This ministry serves
those unemployed, underemployed, or
those seeking career transitions.
For further information contact
Zunilda Mederos at: [email protected]
El grupo Carismatico le
recuerda a la comunidad
que todos estan bienvenidos
a sus reuniones de Alabanza
en la oficia de la parroquia
todo los viernes desde las
informacion, por favor de contactar a
Daisy Muik al: (305) 498-0026 o ha
Maria De Castro al: (305) 335-4104
COTLF Welcomes a new ministry to it’s
community, Poetry: A Window to Interiority.
The workshops will be held on Tuesdays from
6:30pm-7:30pm at the Parish Office on August 2nd,
16th, 30th, September 13th, 27th and October 11th.
Come enjoy an evening of literature, faith and
soulful journeying.
Contact the Ministries Coordinator for further
information at: (305) 446-9950 ext. 310
Sunday, June 19 - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am
(†) Rosa Rodriguez
9:00 am Father’s Day Novena
10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family
12:30 pm (†) Ricardo Ramirez
5:30 pm (†) Enrique & Elena Echenique
7:00 pm (†) Juan Quintin Redruello
Monday, June 20 - Monday of 12th Week in OT
6:15 am
Father’s Day Novena
8:00 am (†) Cristina Parlade
5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria
Tuesday, June 21 - St. Aloysius Gonzaga
6:15 am
Father’s Day Novena
8:00 am (†) Raul Alvarez
5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria
Wednesday, June 22 - Sts. John Fisher & Thomas More
6:15 am
Father’s Day Novena
8:00 am Fr. Davis
5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria
Thursday, June 23 - Thursday of 12th Week in OT
6:15 am
Father’s Day Novena
8:00 am Gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria
Friday, June 24 - Nativity of St. John the Baptist
6:15 am
Father’s Day Novena
8:00 am Jose Garcia’s Birthday
5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria
Sunday, June 19
Happy Father’s Day!
12:00 pm
Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH
2:00 pm
Baptisms - C
7:00 pm
Monday, June 20
Bible Study - RPC
Tuesday, June 21
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Confessions - C
7:oo pm
Legion of Mary - LH
8:00 pm
Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Wednesday, June 22
Liturgy Session w/ Fr. Davis - RPC
Legion de Maria - LH
Transition Ministry - RPC
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Thursday, June 23
ESL Classes - RPC
Catholic Disciples in the Public Square - RPC
Cursillos de Cristiandad - RPC
Saturday, June 25 - Saturday of 12th Week in OT
8:00 am Father’s Day Novena
5:00 pm
(†) Eduardo Rodriguez-Arias
Sunday, June 26 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am
9:00 am Father’s Day Novena
10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family
12:30 pm (†) Jesus Rosales
5:30 pm (†) Rita Cerda
7:00 pm (†) J.C. Miguelez, Wilfredo Martinez,
y Isabel Cervera
 Cynthia Absher
 Jeremy Aguilera
 Betty Alzola
 Sofia Isabella
 Vasco Gonzalez
 Teresa de Jesus
Diaz Brito
 Blanca Carrillo
 María Centeno
 Enrique Chavarri
 Francisco Corripio
 Andres de Cardenas
 Carolina Nodarse
 Grace Euribe
 Norberto Ferradaz
 Alexander Tristan
6:45 pm
7:30 pm
 Martha Garcia
 Mabel Garcia
 Caridad Garcia
 Linda Genova
 Lucas Giovane
 Christian Godsey
 Zoey Gomez
 Luis Gutierrez
 Luis Heredia
 Ashley Hierrezuelo
 Elsa Ibarra
 Sebastian Javier
 Maria Luisa Lizcano
 Carolina Llerena
 Roberto Naranjo
 Daniel Joseph
 Jorge L. Ortega
 Ricardo Peredo
 Janelle Sofia Perez
 Arthur Perry
 Frankly Pino
 Hector E. Ponce
 Ernest Posey, Jr
 Jose F. Ramirez
 Dr. Mercedes Ricon
 Severo & Dulce
 Eddy Sanchez
 Luis Santana
 Carlos Javier
 Maria Guevara
 Gabriel Sierra
 Lucerno Sierra
 Annjulia Silva
 Lydia Sola
 Shawn Stockhausen
 Angel Daniel Suarez
 Lydia Usategui
 Miriam V.
 Matthew Young
Friday, June 24
Wedding - C
Jose N. Toro III & Paulina Ladowski
Grupo de Oracion Carismatico - RPC
Saturday, June 25
8:3o am - 10:00 am
Confessions - C
10:30 am
Baptisms - C
3:00 pm
Wedding - C
Juan Andres Yanquez & Ana Maria Martinez
4:00 pm
Talleres: Matrimonios - RPC
6:45 pm
Wedding - C
Nicholas Barshel & Daniel Berisiartu
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
Sunday, June 26
Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH
Baptisms - C
Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; CHP - RPC Chapel; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House;
REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School
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