Covenant Courier - Wakefield Evangelical Covenant Church


Covenant Courier - Wakefield Evangelical Covenant Church
Covenant Courier
Inviting all to grow in Christ and serve together in God’s love.
A letter from Pastor Kelly
Covenant Church
802 Winter
Wakefield, NE 68784
Rev. Kelly Johnston
Dawn Reimers
Office Manager
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Office hours:
Mon., Wed., Thur.
8:30 AM —12:30 PM
June 2015
The late Dick Clark is quoted as saying, “Music is the soundtrack of our
lives.” As one of the most famous DJ’s our country has known, Clark is responsible for introducing a lot of music to a lot of lives. Perhaps one of your
favorite songs is one that you first heard watching American Bandstand.
I agree with Clark, that our lives all have a soundtrack. I have always loved
a variety of music, and actually creating my own ‘soundtracks’ has been
something I’ve always loved to do. The first Valentine's Day that Greg and I
celebrated when we were dating in college, I made him a mix CD of some
of my favorite songs. Sharing some of the music that is most important to
me was a significant step in the development of our relationship.
Did you know that the book of Psalms is a collection of songs? We don't
know quite what the music itself sounded like, but we know that Israel's
hymn book was made up of the diverse poetry we find in that book in the
middle of our Bibles. And like a good hymn book, the Psalms reflect a wide
range of personal experience and emotion. There are songs of praise and
joy. There are prayerful songs that reflect confusion and angst. There are
song of lament, shaking a fist at God and asking "why?" There are road trip
songs, repetitive songs, and simple songs.
We are going to spend this summer exploring some of these songs. If the
Psalms were Israel's soundtrack for life, how might God use them to shape
the highs and lows of our lives too?
Just for fun, I'd love for you to share with me one or two songs that have
been important to you over time. If you were to make a soundtrack for your
Worship 10:00 AM life, what tracks would make the list? We have a simple online survey you
can complete to share a favorite song and the story that goes with it. If you
have a favorite Psalm, that would be fun to know about too! Type this link
into your browser to be taken directly to the survey:
Music is the soundtrack for our lives. God has given us a beautiful soundtrack in the songs of the Psalms. I hope you will join us this summer and
find a new favorite song for your life.
For summer we are going retro. To help cut down on costs we will be
printing as much as possible in black and white during June and July.
Let the fond memories of yester year begin!
Starting June 7
Remember to take the online survey
mentioned in Pastor Kelly’s letter.
Enter this link on your browser:
Confirmation Sunday May 3, 2015
Giving Report
Year to date Giving:
Percent of Budget:
We will continue to pray for, encourage and walk with our
confirmands. We are proud of you Jamie, Katelyn, Breanna,
Devaney, and Jessica.
April Giving:
April Expenses:
Average Attendance
Morning Worship: 107
Jamie Dolph was
baptized on
May 3, 2015.
For Madison, Hayden,
and Callaway McAfee
On June 28th
May God’s
blessings be always
present in your life.
Will give an updated
report in July Courier.
Prayer Email 
To be added to the prayer
email list, subscribe at
Worship in the Park
July 12, 2015 @ 10:00 AM
Graves Park, Wakefield
“Music is heaven's
Mark your calendars today!
language of worship.
National touring musician and Music has the power to
recording artist Jeff Rohlwing break our chains and let
us fly to God's side.”
will be in concert at Graves
Park on July 12 at 10 am .
Charley Lehardy
With an unforgettable voice
and playing exceptional guitar
Jeff is considered to be one of the top Christian
Visit to learn
artists on the circuit today.
more about his music and ministry.
Worship Time Change
Morning Worship at 10:00 AM
All Year
Please pray the Holy Spirit
prepares the hearts and minds
of these students to meet God
in a profound and life changing
way. And may God also prepare
our sponsors to help guide, support, and love these youth during
this event.
Attending CHIC:
Thank you to each of you for
your support of the CHIC youth.
You have helped to raise money
to send 12 youth and 3 sponsors
to the CHIC youth conference
being held this year in Tennessee.
Hannah Borg
Payton Rusk
Heidi Borg
Julio Sanchez
Megan Borg
Joyce Sherer
Noah Lamprecht
Megan Muller
Levi Nelson
Savannah Nelson
Zach Pommer
Emily Puls
Mark & Dawn Reimers
Hilda Pearson
2015 Summer Camp Dates
Pathfinder (June 20-21)
Sr. High (June 21-26)
Jr. High (June 28 - July 3)
Trailblazer (July 5-8)
Explorer (July 12- 17)
Niobrara Journey (July 19-22)
Last Chance (August 5-7)
Camp Committee:
Bree Brown,
Anita Muller
& Sue Vander Veen
Camper List:
Pathfinder: Boston Brown, Kirstee Metzler, Quinton Beaty, Jacob Borg, Ross Anderson
Sr. High: Devaney Brown, Jessica Borg, Jamie Dolph, Breanna Chase, Emma Pommer,
Joyce Sherer, Megan Muller Alejandra Oraa
Jr. High: Katie Vander Veen, Maddie Mogus, Karla Ladely, Lindsey Al-Khafaji, Jeremiah Chase,
Blake Brown, Dillon Borg
Trail Blazers: Katey Anderson, Deveigh Munter-McAfee, Mikki Mogus, Michaela Beaty, Katie Borg,
Jordan Metzler, Brynn Ladley, Jamila Al-Khafaji, Samuel Chase, Jack Pommer
Explorers: Matthew Ladley, Drew Fertig, Gabe Lamprecht, Ryan Anderson, Caleb Chase
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. Who is that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is
the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5 ESV
Registration forms on the bulletin board.
Sign Up Today!
Mission :
Pursuing Christ ’s Priorities in the World
Nepal–relief now and preparation for monsoon rain
Written on May 13th, 2015
Filed under: Disaster Relief
Tags: Nepal
In Nepal and India, urgent relief is still needed. We continue to provide the most
urgent needed relief–medical care, shelter, household items. But, the rainy season is coming and
those who have been devastated by the earthquake will be in desperate need again.
With World Relief, we are sending tarps, rope, jerry cans and water purification to
protect about 7,000 families (more than 30,000 people) against the monsoon rain
and the diseases that inevitably follow. It is a struggle against time to provide protection to all those who are living in the open, either because they do not dare return to their homes fearing they will collapse, or simply because their homes are not
there anymore. When rain starts to pour over the collapsed buildings, it will mix with
sewer water, rats, and dead livestock and become mud, and there is risk of epidemic outbreaks.
As always, our relief efforts focus special attention on the most vulnerable groups–including children, women, the elderly, people with disabilities, and marginalized people groups. Uijali, at right, is 84 and is one
Congo Clinic
widow in the community who has received relief supplies and assisInitiative
tance from the community.
In preparation for the rains, we will continue to distribute appropriate
and safe temporary shelter, non-food items like pots and pans for cooking, and basic hygiene and sanitation supplies. We will continue to work
with partners on clean water solutions that are appropriate for postearthquake conditions.
Continue to pray for and give to CWR’s relief efforts in Nepal and India.
Copied from:
Give to Nepal earthquake response at:
Your gifts to CWR Nepal relief are providing life-saving assistance
including shelter, water and sanitation, non-food items like pots and pans
for cooking, soap and hygiene items, and blankets. Join Covenant World
Relief and our partners as we respond to the devastation in Nepal following the earthquake.
At this rate
we will soon
exceed our
Are we
willing to
test God to
“throw open
the floodgates”?
June Meetings
Trustee Board:
June 14 at 5:00 PM
Executive Board:
June 14 at 5:45 PM
C.E. Board:
June 14 at 7:00 PM
June 22 at 6:00 PM
Morning Worship
10:00 AM
Strategic Ministry Planning Team: TBA
Mike Muller
Vicki Foote
Adult Bible Study
at 7:00 pm
Lee Brudigam
At Salem Lutheran
3 – Ruby DenHerder
4 – Delores Felt
4 – Mark Borg
June 7-11
1—Rachel Borg
4 – Janelle Eaton
Community VBS
Joshua Dolph
1 – Jean Simpson
5 – Callaway McAfee
11 – Kim Barge
12 – Katie Borg
Sunday June 21
16 – Denise Simpson
20 – Vicki Foote
Meet & Eat
June 7
@ Sidelines
After Worship
Lyle Borg
Mark Borg
21 – Lisa Johnson
21 – Jamie Barge
22 – Dwight VanderVeen
24 – Debbie Borg
25 – Beverly Rusk
26 – Jeremiah Reimers
Volunteers needed
for June
Volunteers needed
for June
Please see sign-up
sheet on bulletin
Please see sign-up
sheet on bulletin
6 – Pam & Dwight
11 – Jim & Estelle
28 – Doug & Elizabeth
30 – Dan & Kelly
Wakefield, NE 68784
Phone (402) 287-2692
Permit No 34
Wakefield, NE 68784
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802 Winter Street
Non Profit Org.
Evangelical Covenant Church
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