

all the l
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won’t m
me feel
Are you regularly suffering
from feminine odour,
itching or irritation?
Treat your infections and
prevent them from returning!
To treat BV you may be prescribed a dose
of antibiotics or recommended RepHresh,
a vaginal gel which can be purchased without
prescription from pharmacies. RepHresh can
clear the BV infection and also prevent it
from returning.
Yeast infections are usually treated with
antifungal creams, pessaries or pills.
These can be obtained on prescription
from your GP or from pharmacies.
If you suffer regularly from unpleasant
feminine symptoms or, after completing a
course of treatment your symptoms return,
the following may be possible:
You may need to repeat treatment
You may need to treat your partner in
case they are causing the re-infection
You may have a different infection to
the one you have treated
(You may have learned over the years to
recognise your symptoms but remember the
only way to get a true diagnosis is by visiting
your GP, practice nurse or GUM clinic for a test).
A visit to a GP or GUM clinic could also rule
out any sexually transmitted infection and
put your mind at ease. It may be that that
re-occurring symptoms of itching, odour
and irritation are caused by BV which can
be treated and prevented by using a pH
balancing gel like RepHresh.
Finally, the truth about
our vaginal health.
Truthfully, honestly...
Almost every woman at some time
in her life suffers from some sort of
feminine health issue. You may get
an itchy, scratchy sensation at times.
Or you may sometimes detect an
unpleasant odour that seems so
obvious you feel everyone must also
be noticing!
Then, there are the days when you feel
compromised by uncomfortable vaginal
dryness and irritation. The good news
is, you’re not the only woman who
feels like this! At times we all do.
Your symptoms are very common.
If you, like most women, simply want
to know how to maintain your feminine
health to prevent these irritations,
you’ve come to the right place.
pH matters
Its time we learn the issues. Like the fact that vaginal
pH (the level of acidity or alkalinity within the vagina)
plays a large role in our vaginal health, as unbalanced
pH can be associated with odour, discomfort and
sometimes even infections.
Many factors can cause imbalanced pH:
Sex without a condom
Douching (washing inside the vagina)
A normal vaginal pH of around 4.5 is
important for maintaining good vaginal
health. At this optimum level, your
vagina contains a specific balance of
necessary bacteria and some yeast cells.
This delicate balance can easily be
disturbed, and when this happens,
vaginal problems, like odour, irritation,
discomfort and infections, are more
likely to occur.
Feminine products such as sprays, scented
panty liners
Toiletries like soaps, shower gels and bath oils
Hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy
and menopause
Common vaginal infections
The two most common types of vaginal
infections are bacterial vaginosis and yeast
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common
form of vaginal infection. Nearly half of all
vaginal infections are classified as BV, while
about 29% are classified as yeast infections.
It is common for women to mistake one for
the other. Only your doctor can properly
diagnose which infection you have. BV is
generally caused by unbalanced pH.
In this environment odour-causing micro
organisms can flourish.
Bacterial vaginosis generally results in a
greyish white vaginal discharge and a
bothersome ‘fishy odour’ which can be
worse after sexual intercourse.
Many people describe the discharge
as yoghurt-like or pasty.
Sometimes your body might naturally
fight off the infection so that you only
experience the symptoms for a few days
and then begin to feel normal again.
can I
I do
However if symptoms persist, it is advisable to seek
treatment. This is especially important during pregnancy
as BV is considered an important risk factor so visit your
health professional for advice.
Yeast infections can be very uncomfortable. We have
some yeast cells living within our bodies causing us no
problems at all, but sometimes conditions change and the
yeast increases rapidly. Symptoms generally include itching
and burning in the vagina and around the vulva, a white
vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese, pain
during sexual intercourse and swelling of the vulva.
What is RepHresh
RepHresh is an over-the-counter vaginal gel
clinically proven to maintain healthy vaginal pH to
help reduce the risk of infections like BV and thrush.
RepHresh is a colourless, odourless, long lasting
vaginal gel. Just one application lasts for 3 full
days to help eliminate vaginal odour, relieve
itching and irritation and treat and prevent BV.
The gel is supplied in hygienic, pre-filled
applicators for easy application into the vagina.
So use RepHresh when unbalanced
pH can occur:
After your period
Before or after sex
When symptoms occur
To maintain natural freshness anytime
Available from pharmacies
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Futher information is available on our website at
Otherwise you can write to us at:
Anglian Pharma Sales and Marketing Ltd.,
Units 3 & 4, Quidhampton Business Units,
Polhampton Lane, Overton, Hampshire RG25 3ED
RepHresh advisory service: 01256 772742
Distributed in the UK by:
RepHresh is a registered trademark of
Lil Drug Store Products Inc, USA