Directory of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows 1960 – 2002


Directory of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows 1960 – 2002
Directory of Commonwealth
Scholars and Fellows
1960 – 2002
Association of Commonwealth Universities
London 2003
Supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Commonwealth
Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom and the Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Canada.
Published by
Association of Commonwealth Universities
John Foster House
36 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PF
Tel: +44 20 7380 6700
Fax: +44 20 7387 2655
Email: [email protected]
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 0 85143 186 0
First edition published 2003
© Association of Commonwealth Universities
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2003.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Copyright
Copies available from Association of Commonwealth Universities
Price £15 (£20 by airmail)
Printed in Great Britain by William Clowes, Beccles and London
Photographs on back cover: (Top) Pictured at the CSFP Alumni launch in Ghana, April 2000, Dr Mariama Awumbila (Senior
Lecturer, Department of Geography and Rural Development, University of Ghana), Professor Leslie Gunawardana (ViceChancellor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and Minister of Science, Sri Lanka), Professor Ponnudurai Balasundarampillai
(Vice-Chancellor, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka), Dr Graeme Fogelberg (Vice-Chancellor, University of Otago, New Zealand);
(Second) Former award holders at a CSFP alumni re-union, Trinidad and Tobago, July 2002; (Third) Former Commonwealth
Scholar Dr Isla Grundy with early graduates from her new Community Forestry degree at the University of Stellenbosch, South
Africa; (Bottom) Australian Commonwealth Scholars Stacey Bartsch (front right) and Zoe Greenwood (back, third right), at a fund
raising concert which they organised in support of CARE International, London, March 2001.
Foreword from the Commonwealth Secretary-General
Notes on the data
Profiles of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows
Register of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows
Foreword from the Commonwealth Secretary-General
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan has been reviewed by Education Ministers at regular
intervals since its inception in 1959. Ministers have frequently commented on both the extent of support, and
its impact in their own countries. Over time, the Plan has become established as a model of Commonwealth
Much of the analysis has been quantitative. As a result, it is easy to forget that the real beneficiaries of the
Plan are individuals – real people who have gone on to make a real impact in their chosen careers. This
Directory provides a welcome, and often inspiring, reminder of that fact.
The 1,800 or so profiles that appear on the following pages are a remarkable testament to what can be
achieved, in practice, by collaboration between member states. Moreover, as the preface that follows reminds
us, they represent the tip of the iceberg. I very much hope that, as more and more of the 22,000 individuals
who have benefited under the Plan are traced, we will be able to build a unique instrument of Commonwealth
collaboration at individual level.
In the meantime, congratulations are due to the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom for their
foresight in supporting this publication, and to the staff who have brought it to fruition. I hope that, at the
2003 Education Ministers Conference and afterwards, the Directory will receive the attention that their efforts
Don McKinnon
Commonwealth Secretary-General
Background to the CSFP
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) has been one of the most enduring outcomes of
Commonwealth collaboration in education. Since its establishment, at the first Conference of Commonwealth
Education Ministers in 1959, some 22,000 individuals have received awards under the Plan. Approximately 500
more benefit each year. The Plan has developed into one of the best known and prestigious award schemes in the
In retrospect, the CSFP founders showed great foresight, both in their decision to establish the Plan, and in the
precise terms of reference given to it. In an age when, perhaps more than now, scholarship was valued for its own
sake, the Plan objectives stressed the need for awards to be of practical benefit to the home country of the
recipient. They stressed the need for flexibility, so that awards could include both short-term visits and high level
academic study. Above all, they recognised that needs would change over time, and that the precise form of
awards should evolve to reflect this.
What follows is the first published Directory of individual award holders. Its production is particularly timely for
several reasons. First, it coincides with the 15th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, and the first
to take place in the United Kingdom since the Oxford Conference of 1959. We hope that, when Ministers come
to debate the progress made by the Plan (which they have done at each of the intervening meetings), it will
provide a uniquely rich source of data and inspiration.
Second, it is fitting that the publication results from collaboration between Canada and the United Kingdom.
Although the Plan was formally established at Oxford, it owed much of its origins to Canada. It was at the 1958
Conference of Commonwealth Trade Ministers – the first of its type to be held in Canada – that the concept first won
recognition. Prior to that it was Canadian universities that had been responsible for raising the concept with their
national authorities. Since that time, the two countries have consistently been the most generous supporters of awards.
Third, publication is timely because in recent years governments have taken a welcome interest in the extent to
which scholarships can be measured against their objectives, and to which their impact can be enhanced by
follow-up activity. To justify investment in scholarship schemes by ‘anecdote’ – in other words reciting details of
alumni who have risen to particular prominence – is no longer sufficient. We need both to know more about the
career progression of much wider numbers of award holders, and find ways of engaging with them on a more
regular basis. A directory of this type has a vital role to play in this process.
Nature of the Directory
Before discussing what the contents of this Directory tell us about the CSFP, it is worth pausing to recognise some
of its limitations. The pages that follow are not intended to give an accurate quantitative analysis of the
subsequent careers of award holders. Nor, given the size of the task in tracing such a large and diverse sample,
are they comprehensive.
The Directory is divided into two sections. The first contains brief profiles of some 1,800 former award holders.
This is not intended to be a ‘Who’s Who’ type of publication, which concentrates on the better-known and
prestigious alumni. Rather, we have included as many as possible of those who gave permission by the closing
date of July 31st 2003.
We cannot say with certainty whether the examples here represent an accurate ‘sample’ of all CSFP award
holders. It might be argued that some categories are easier to trace than others, and that this could lead to a bias.
Those working in particular professions, such as academic life, might have their careers more fully documented
than others, as might those working in particular geographical regions. Those who have reached the very top of
their profession might also be more in the public eye than others, although this does not necessarily mean, of
course, that such categories are more likely to participate!
One ‘bias’, which is easy to detect, is towards those who have received their awards in the relatively recent past.
Over half of those included received their awards in the past fifteen years, whilst only a quarter did so in the first
twenty years of the Plan. This feature is likely to underplay, rather than exaggerate, the impact of alumni, since it
is fair to assume that award holders obtain their most prominent roles towards the end of their career. Thus,
although the record presented in the profiles is impressive, it is not likely to be untypically so.
Although the Directory has been published jointly by the authorities in Canada and the United Kingdom, this
collaboration developed only after the respective surveys of the two countries had taken place. The questionnaires
on which our data is based were designed to extract different information. Most notably, the UK survey sought
more details of past career history and non-paid positions than the Canadian one. Thus, although much of the UK
information (such as main publications) has been left out on the grounds of space, entries from UK based award
holders tend to be longer than those of the Canadian counterparts. This should not be taken to suggest that
Canadian alumni play fewer roles, for example, in public or voluntary activity. It is much more likely to reflect
the nature of the information available to us. Canadian entries were also disproportionately affected by the ‘time
bias’ referred to above – 89% of those whose profiles were included received their awards after 1980.
Since the authorities in Canada and the United Kingdom have compiled the Directory, the overwhelming majority
of profiles inevitably involve those who have studied in these two countries. We have, however, been able to
include a small number of profiles of UK based students who have held their awards in developing countries, and it
is worth drawing particular attention to these. The opportunity for British students to hold Commonwealth awards
in India or Jamaica, or, for that matter, for Canadians to go to Malaysia, Nigerians to Trinidad or New Zealand,
Tanzanians to Mauritius or Sierra Leoneans to Brunei Darussalam, all in the name of Commonwealth Scholarships,
represents one of the distinctive features of the Plan. Although a start has been made here in recording these
individuals, in general we know too little about their experiences and achievements. It is to be hoped that such
award holders will play a full part in the wider alumni activity, which we hope this Directory will stimulate.
Before discussing the results of the questionnaire in more detail, two further reservations should be stated. First,
as investment managers are prone to point out, past records are not necessarily a guide to future performance.
The founding fathers of the CSFP recognised that needs would change over time, and that the precise nature of
awards would change to reflect this. At no time has this been more prevalent than in the past few years. In the
late 1990s, the Canadians led the way by introducing a new category of Commonwealth Scholarship by distance
learning – a model which has since been followed by the United Kingdom. Other UK innovations in recent years
have included the introduction of short-term professional fellowships and split-site doctorates. Each of these
developments has been intended to increase impact, relevance and accessibility. It will be some years before we
can say with certainty whether these aims will be met. For now, it is sufficient to note that the alumni presented
here reflect the selection methods of their respective periods as award holders.
Finally, a more general reservation. The compiling of this Directory has been undertaken largely by the core
teams which administer the CSFP in the United Kingdom and Canada, supplemented by a small number of shortterm staff. Although checks have taken place, where possible, to ensure the accuracy of information presented
against those records already held, we have inevitably relied to a considerable extent on the accuracy of
information provided by survey recipients, supplemented in places by our own knowledge and assumptions. It is
possible that these factors will have led to some inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the final data presented. If so,
we hope that readers will accept our apologies and receive the Directory in the spirit in which it is intended. As
we state below, our intention is to maintain the information electronically in future, and any corrections or further
information to be included in this exercise will be welcome.
Emerging Trends
In spite of these reservations, the evidence from award holders to date makes impressive reading. As stated
above, our intention is to move beyond ‘justification by anecdote’. Nevertheless, Commonwealth Scholarships
would do well under such an analysis. Taking the three careers of politics, the civil service and academia as
examples, our traces have already revealed over a hundred alumni who have held the position of Cabinet Minister,
Permanent Secretary or Vice-Chancellor.
Governments offer scholarships for a variety of reasons. Typically, however, they represent a balance between
enlightened self-interest and a genuine desire to help others. One motive might be to ‘win friends’ in other parts
of the world, who, if favourably impressed, will in turn influence policy or public opinion towards their former
hosts in later life. Another might be to provide key skills to the next generation of leaders and practitioners,
particularly in developing countries, as part of strategies to improve living standards there. In the case of the
CSFP there is the additional hope that, by undertaking these activities in the name of the Commonwealth, we will
strengthen support for that institution.
Sometimes, these aims are thought to conflict. In general, there is more overlap between them than is commonly
recognised. Whether the aim is to influence others or to help them, scholarships need to attract individuals who
will rise to the highest levels of their professions – where they can influence both policy and have a catalytic
effect on others. This embraces senior figures in health, education and other key services, as much as it does for
central government and the private sector.
One area where the interests of development policy and self-interest overlap is the general desire to ensure that
award holders return to make an impact on their home country. This is not to say that scholarship holders who
remain with their hosts represent a wasted investment for that country. Far from it – in an economic sense, they
typically repay the investment of their award several times over during their careers, often in key shortage areas.
In reality, however, that is not the main purpose of Commonwealth Scholarships, and the terms of award issued
by individual countries reflect this. Typically, award holders are required to return to their home countries as a
condition of their scholarship or fellowship. Many home countries reinforce this with a ‘bond’ system, through
which award holders are required to return for a specific period.
The effects of this are clear from the following profiles, which show that the vast majority of award holders do
return to their home countries. In the United Kingdom, an interim survey published at the time of the last
Education Ministers conference produced a figure of over 90%, whilst suggesting that this might have been
slightly exaggerated by the method of tracing respondents. A subsequent survey of home country nominating
agencies put the figure at 85-90%. The Canadian figure is lower – perhaps due to the proximity of the United
States – but still comfortably over two-thirds.
Moreover, these figures relate to numbers of individuals currently working in their home country. Often the real
situation is much more complex. Our profiles reveal several examples of alumni who have worked abroad for some
years before returning to their country of origin, and others who have only moved from their country of origin
several years after their CSFP award. Many of those working overseas are clearly undertaking work of relevance to
their home country – for example in international organisations, NGOs or embassies. Of those pursuing academic
careers abroad, several have relevant research or teaching interests, and maintain collaborations with universities in
their homeland. All of these would claim that their current location does not imply a lack of concern for, or
willingness to contribute to, the country from which they were nominated.
It is also interesting to note that the highest prevalence of award holders not returning home comes not from
developing country students, but those from developed Commonwealth countries, who study in other developed
countries. In some ways, this is not surprising. Such students tend to be slightly younger, on average, than those
from developing countries, and less likely to have employment or family obligations. Some may consciously plan
to work overseas during the early part of their career, others are likely to form personal attachments – a feature of
awards over which the Plan administrators have little control! Movement does, however, appear to be two-way,
with for example Canadians remaining in the United Kingdom and vice-versa, so can probably be attributed more
to the aspirations of individuals than the relative attractions of the countries concerned generally.
In analysing the occupations of alumni, it is interesting to note the high proportion working in the public sector
and, in particular, academic life. Again, this is not surprising. Some of the nominating agencies that propose
candidates for the scheme actively seek those likely to contribute to the public service on their return. In the
United Kingdom, significant numbers of awards are reserved for staff who are already employed in higher
education. Historically, a high proportion of awards has been at doctoral level; for their recipients academic life is
an obvious career path. In these circumstances, the results suggest that the Plan has met its aims.
In developing future policy, participating governments might wish to consider the extent to which alumni working
in universities meet their wider objectives in supporting the Plan. Here the profiles provide interesting evidence.
It is clear that those working in the sector have an excellent record in reaching the highest level of their
profession. It is also reasonable to assume that most meet the criteria of having a catalytic effect – through
contact with future generations or disseminating their views and ideas through publications. What is perhaps
most interesting, however, is the extent to which the academics sampled were involved in a wider range of
activities. In many cases, academics had been involved in other sectors also, through extensive voluntary work or
wider professional networks. They were also called upon widely by domestic governments or international
agencies to advise on policy or technical matters, thereby contributing both to the ‘influence’ and ‘development’
aims of scholarships described above.
Developing the Network
Governments have become more ambitious – and demanding – in their policy towards scholarships. For both the
Canadian and UK authorities, it is important both that the impact of their investment can be evaluated, and that
contact with award holders does not end upon graduation. We are keen to ensure that this Directory should serve
to stimulate further activity.
First and foremost, we hope that the final section, which lists the names and year of some 20,000 award holders,
will enable us to trace further alumni. Readers are encouraged to study the list for their particular years and
countries, and let us know details of any individuals, whose profiles are not featured here, that they recognize.
Once we have contacted these and obtained their consent, they will be added to the electronic version of the
Directory, which will appear on the CSFP web site ( and the Canadian CSFP scholarships
website at Corrections and additions to existing entries are also welcome.
Traditionally, alumni activity for scholarship schemes has centred around newsletters, occasional receptions and
events and, in some regions, local chapters. Once established electronically, the Directory offers the potential to
move beyond this. It will allow direct contact between scholars across national boundaries. A project being
considered by the UK authorities at present is the creation of subject and interest groups, which will allow alumni
to both network and keep up to date with current developments in their field. Initiatives such as this can not only
contribute to the development and ‘friend raising’ impact of scholarships referred to above, but also offer a major
opportunity to promote the ideals of the Commonwealth. We believe that the Commonwealth Education
Ministers, whose foresight established the Plan in 1959, would have approved, and hope that their successors, in
Edinburgh forty-four years later, will share this enthusiasm.
John Kirkland
Commonwealth Scholarship
Commission in the United Kingdom
London, September 2003
The collection of data for this directory, and its organisation into the format produced here, has been a
substantial exercise, spread over several months. Thanks are due to many individuals for contributing, in
many cases fitting in the time to do so alongside their other duties.
Within the UK, production was coordinated by Julie Stackhouse and Irene Costello. It was, however, a
genuine team effort involving, at various stages, Liz Walden, Prithi Kanakamedala, Adrian Flaherty, Nital
Jethalal, Lisa Voyce and the ACU support team. Sue Kirkland, Paul Turner, Helen Elmes, Andrew Aitken
and Matthew Grange of the ACU Yearbook team provided essential expertise on production issues, as well
as editorial assistance. Mike Brodbelt, Iain Tatch, Arvinder Sansoa and Katherine Spice provided critical
technical support, whilst the ACU Librarian Nick Mulhern was a valuable source of information in several
areas. William Sandeford was responsible for design issues. Jonathan Jenkins, Jay Kubler and colleagues
in the Awards department also made important contributions at various stages in the process, whilst the
collection of data benefited greatly from previous studies organised by Mary Denyer and Tony Wildsmith.
Mary Searle-Chaterjee, a former UK scholar in India, also contributed important information regarding
other British scholars who studied in South Asia.
The Canadian survey was coordinated by Marc L’Ecuyer, Luc Asselin and colleagues at the International
Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS). Nancy Hector of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade (DFAIT) was responsible for instigating the work and subsequent coordination. Invaluable
asssistance was also provided by Piers Stainforth of DFAIT. DFAIT also made a valuable financial
contribution to the final production, as did the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Commonwealth
Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom.
Thanks are due to all of the above, but perhaps our greatest gratitude should be reserved for the hundreds of
individuals throughout the world who have taken the time to return their questionnaires, or provide
information regarding other scholars. It is their enthusiasm, most of all, which has made the project
Notes on the data
This publication has two main sections. The first gives profiles of around 1,800 award holders who returned this
information, listed alphabetically. The second is a register of names of some 20,000 award holders, listed by host
country and then by country of nomination.
This data has been compiled from questionnaires returned to the Commonwealth Scholarship agencies in the UK and
Canada. Existing information on the award held has also been used. Although reasonable care has been taken to check
information given in questionnaires against our records it has frequently been necessary to rely on the accuracy of the
information provided.
Country. The country, given in brackets after an individual’s name, refers to their country of nomination, which is not
always the same as their country of origin.
Scheme. Commonwealth Scholar refers to all studies at undergraduate, master's or doctoral level, and includes early
postdoctoral research awards; Commonwealth Fellow refers to awards at postdoctoral level made to University staff
and other mid-career professionals. Both categories contain other award types such as Medical Scholarships and
Medical Fellowships.
Course of study. For studies in the UK, degree, subject, institution and dates of award are taken from existing data
and reflect our records of the course studied while on the Commonwealth award. This does not necessarily reflect
qualifications gained, and may not be the highest qualification of the individual. For studies in Canada, in addition to
existing data, supplementary information has been taken from questionnaires returned by scholars. For entries for
award holders studying in other countries we have taken information on studies only from the questionnaires.
Institution. Institutions are generally referred to by their current names, which may have changed since the period of
Dates of study. For studies in the UK, dates reflect the period of the award rather than the dates that the award holder
was in the country. For awards prior to 1988 the end date reflects the date on which studies were completed. Where an
award holder has held two awards and only one set of dates is shown this includes both awards.
Currently/ Previously. These sections contain information on employment, other offices and certain memberships.
Positions which appeared to be ongoing into 2003 are listed as current. Unless otherwise stated, posts and awards
were held in the country that nominated the individual for his or her award.
Awards. Respondents were not asked specifically to provide information on other awards, therefore the majority of
entries do not have this section. However, where this information was volunteered, we have included it.
This data has been compiled from: the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s records of awards taken up in the
UK and of outbound UK students; Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan reports up to 1992 and
information provided by certain country agencies for studies post-1992. The list is not complete as we do not yet have
data on all scholars going to all countries post-1992. Names marked with an asterisk indicate that the individual has a
profile in this publication.
Country. Award holders are listed by host country followed by country of nomination. Countries are referred to by
their present names. However, in some cases it was not possible to determine the corresponding individual present-day
location. For example, in some cases the Plan reports listed a region, or two countries combined. In the case of pre1971 award holders listed as nominated by Pakistan it was not possible to determine whether these were from what is
now Bangladesh. Hong Kong was part of the Commonwealth until 1997. Some former protectorates are included in
the Plan reports that are not part of the present-day Commonwealth.
Names. Names were presented in various formats in the Plan report and in some cases no forename was given. We
have incorporated changes of name where this is known.
Year. This refers to the year in which the award was taken-up.
Publication of this Directory forms part of a continuing process to encourage contact between former CSFP award holders. Details
of current activities will be posted on the alumni section of the CSFP international web site, at
The site also includes a form on which alumni details can be completed and submitted electronically. Alternatively, information
and comments can be sent to:
CSFP Alumni Project
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom
c/o Association of Commonwealth Universities
36 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PF
Fax: 44 (0) 207 387 2655
E-mail: [email protected]
Former award holders in Canada should contact:
Alumni Relations Officer
International Council for Canadian Studies
75 Albert, S-908
Ottawa, K1P 5E7
E-mail: [email protected]
The directory is published for information purposes only. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information
contained is correct at the time of compilation it has been necessary to rely on information obtained from a range of sources. The
publishers can not accept any liability for the accuracy of the contents, and readers should check with the appropriate source
regarding the current position on any question of fact.
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Profiles of Commonwealth
Scholars and Fellows
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ABAH, Oga Steve (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Drama
Development), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Professor, Department of English and Drama, Ahmadu
Bello University (from 1996).
Previously: Head, Department of English and Drama, Ahmadu Bello
University (1994–1996); Executive Director, Nigerian Popular Theatre
Alliance (1989).
Email: [email protected]
ABAITEY, Alfred Kwabena (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmacology), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (1972–
Currently: Head of Pharmacology, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology (from 2002); Associate Professor,
Department of Pharmacology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science
and Technology (from 1994).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kwame Nkrumah University
of Science and Technology (2000–2002).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Fellow (Biostatistics/Statistical Genetics), Imperial
College London School of Medicine at St Mary’s, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Student Biodata/Transcript Centre, Lagos State
University (from 2001); Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Lagos State
University (from 1998).
Previously: Consultant (1993–1998); Adjunct Lecturer, Department of
Animal Science, University of Ibadan (1990–1995); Youth Core,
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Directorate of Foods, Roads
and Rural Infrastructures (1987–1988); Coordinator, Community
Support Services, Anwar Ul Islam College (1983–1987).
Email: [email protected]
ABBEY, Ruth (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Political Science), McGill University, Canada; PhD (Political
Science), McGill University, Canada (1987–1993).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Political Theory, University of Kent at
Canterbury, UK (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
ABDOOL, Afzal (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Tourism Planning and Development), Bournemouth University,
United Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Council Member, Tourism Concern, UK (from 2001);
Manager of Tourism, Tobago House of Assembly (from 1990).
Previously: Council Member, Development Education in Dorset, UK
Email: [email protected]
ABDULLAH, Mohd Zaid (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Instrumentation and Tomography), University of Lancaster, United
Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Deputy Dean, School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, University of Science Malaysia (from 2002).
Previously: Programme Chairman, School of Industrial Technology,
University of Science Malaysia (1997–2002); Lecturer, School of
Industrial Technology, University of Science Malaysia (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
ABDULLAHI, Nuruddeen Abba (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Finance), University of Exeter, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Executive Director/CEO, Kano State Computer Centre
(from 2001); Member, Kano State Technical Committee on
Privatisation (from 1999).
Previously: General Manager, Kano State Investment and Properties
Ltd (2000–2001); Council Member, Council of the Nigerian Stock
Exchange (1999–2000); Chairman, VAL Insurance Ltd (1998–1999);
Assistant General Manager, Kano State Investment and Properties Ltd
Email: [email protected]
ABEDIN, Kazi Monowar (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Laser Physics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of
Dhaka (from 2000).
Previously: STA Fellow, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Japan
(1996–1997); Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University
of Dhaka (1994–2000).
Email: [email protected]
ABEDIN, Md Zainul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering (Agricultural)), University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Professor, Department of Farm Structure, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (from 2002); Editor, Progressive Agriculture
Journal, Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 2002); Life Fellow,
Institution of Engineers.
Previously: Associate Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1997–2002); Principal Investigator, Project to determine the Cone
Index of Agricultural Soils from the State Parameter, Bangladesh
Secretariat, Ministry of Education (1997–2001); Assistant Professor,
Department of Farm Structure, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1991–1997); Lecturer, Department of Farm Structure, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1988–1991); National Science and
Technology Fellow, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh Secretariat
Awards: Institution of Engineers Bangladesh Award for the Best Paper
(2001); Chancellor’s Award (first degree studies) (1987).
Email: [email protected]
ABEYSURIYA, Gamini Kirthi D Amangilihewa (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Transport Planning and Engineering),
University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1975–1979); Commonwealth
Fellow (Transport Engineering), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1989–1990).
Currently: Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Open University of
Sri Lanka (from 1987).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Open
University of Sri Lanka (1995–1998); Member, Technical and
Vocational Education Commission of Sri Lanka (1994–1998);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, University of
Peradeniya (1972–1986).
Email: [email protected]
ABRAHAM, Sunita (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Development Economics), School of Oriental and African Studies,
United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Field Assistant (from 2001).
Previously: Head, Department of Economics, Hebron School (1999–
Email: [email protected]
ABRAMS, Lesley Jane (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1973–1976).
Currently: Tutorial Fellow, Balliol College, University of Oxford, UK
(from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK (1996–
2000); Lecturer, Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic,
University of Cambridge, UK (1991–1995).
ACHARYA, Ashok (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Political
Science), University of Toronto, Canada (1994–2000).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Delhi (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, North-Eastern Hill University; Lecturer, Utkal
Email: [email protected]
ACHEAMPONG, Susanna (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Entomology), University of Alberta, Canada (1991–1994).
Currently: PhD Student, Washington State University, US (from
Previously: Junior Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science
and Technology, Kumasi.
Email: [email protected]
ACHESON, Arthur (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Architecture), McGill University, Canada (1972–1973).
Currently: Architect Partner, The Boyd Partnership (from 1985).
Previously: Assistant/Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada;
Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast.
Email: [email protected]
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ACHINEWHU, Simeon Chituru (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Nutrition), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1984–1985).
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, Rivers State University of Science and
Technology (from 2000).
Previously: Dean, Postgraduate School, Rivers State University of
Science and Technology (1998–2000); Head, Department of Food
Science and Technology, Rivers State University of Science and
Technology (1996–1998); Resident Electoral Commissioner,
Government of Nigeria (1993–1994); Dean, Faculty of Agriculture,
Rivers State University of Science and Technology (1989–1994);
Director, Rivers State Institute of Agricultural Research and Training
Email: [email protected]
ACHOKA, Judith Serah (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Educational Administration), McGill University, Canada (1989–
Currently: Lecturer, Moi University.
Previously: Deputy Headmistress, Ministry of Education; Lecturer,
Ministry of Education.
Email: [email protected]
ADALLAH, Sylvester Ochieng (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar,
Certificate in Public Health (Health Sciences), University of Toronto,
Canada (1987–1988).
Currently: Provincial Tuberculosis and Leprosy Coordinator - Western
Province, National Leprosy and Tuberculosis Programme (from 1989).
Previously: Medical Superintendent, Alupe Leprosy Hospital; Senior
Medical Officer, Alupe Leprosy Hospital.
Email: [email protected]
ADAMS, Peter Vaughan (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MMus (Music Theory and Analysis), King’s College London, United
Kingdom (1981–1985).
Currently: Lecturer in Music, University of Otago (from 1993–2003).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer in Music, University of Otago, (1990–
1992); Musical Director, City of Dunedin Choir (1988–1997); Itinerant
Music Teacher in secondary schools, Otago Education Board (1988–
Email: [email protected]
ADDO-ABEDI, Frederick Yaw (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada; PhD
(Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1976–1981).
Currently: Consultant Transport Engineer (S/TERM), African
Development Bank (from 2003).
Previously: Deputy Chief Executive, Development, Ghana Highway
Authority; Director, Materials, Ghana Highway Authority.
Email: [email protected]
ADDO-QUAYE, Albert Ayikwei (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agronomy), University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom
(1982–1985); Commonwealth Fellow (Agriculture), University of
Reading, United Kingdom (1992).
Currently: Head and Vice-Dean, Department of Crop Science, School
of Agriculture, University of Cape Coast (from 2002).
Previously: Dean, School of Business Management and
Administration, Central University College (1999–2002); Head,
Department of Agribusiness Management, Central University College
(1999–2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, University
of Cape Coast (1991–1999).
Email: [email protected]
ADEBAYO, Kolawole (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Agricultural Extension and Rural Development),
University of Reading, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (from 1995).
Previously: Village Extension Agent, Ogun State Agricultural
Development Programme of Nigeria (1986–1989).
Email: [email protected]
ADEDEJI, Oluwole Olanrewaju (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Clinical Biochemistry), Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, United
Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Senior Consultant and Chief of Pathology, Prince Abdullah
Bin Abdul Aziz Hospital, Saudi Arabia (from 2000).
Previously: Member, Faculty Board of Pathology, National
Postgraduate Medical College (1997–2000); Vice-President,
Association of Pathologists of Nigeria (1996–2000); Consultant and
Head of Pathology, National Orthopaedic Hospital (1995–2000);
Visiting Pathologist, Trent Regional Health Authority, UK (1991–
1995); Lecturer and Consultant, Lagos University Teaching Hospital
(1989–1991); Vice-President, National Executive Council, The
Nigerian Association of Pathologists.
Email: [email protected]
ADEEB, Nafisah Haji Nik Moh (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Medical Education), South Cleveland
Hospital, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom (1993–1994).
Currently: Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Universiti Kebanasaan Hospital (from 1983).
Previously: Adviser, Permata (1997–2001); Dean, Medical Faculty,
Universiti Kebanasaan Hospital (1997–2000); Chairman, Women’s
Health Committee (1996–1998); Deputy Dean, Postgraduate Faculty,
Universiti Kebanasaan Hospital (1990–1996); Head, Department of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Universiti Kebanasaan Hospital (1976–
Email: [email protected]
ADELUSOLA, Kayode Adebowale (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Fellow (Transforming Growth Factor B in Hypertensive Nephrology),
University of Manchester, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Consultant Histopathologist and Senior Lecturer, Obafemi
Awolowo University Teaching Hospital (from 1992).
Previously: Acting Head, Department of Morbid Anatomy and
Forensic Medicine, Obafemi Awolowo University (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
ADENE, Daniel Folorunso (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MVSc
(Avian Medicine), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1974);
Commonwealth Fellow (Veterinary Medicine), Houghton Poultry
Research Station, United Kingdom (1981).
Currently: Professor and Head of Department, Avian Medical Unit,
University of Ibadan (from 1986).
Previously: Country Consultant and Project Team Leader, World Bank
Research Project (1997–2000); Vice-President, Nigerian Veterinary
Medical Association (1994–1996); Professor and Head, Department
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan (1990–1993);
Consultant, USA Feed Grains Council (1985–2001); FoundationDirector, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Ibadan (1982–
1984); Senior Lecturer/Lecturer/Reader, Department of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Ibadan (1972–1985).
Email: [email protected]
ADESINA, Adesoji (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow (Chemical
Engineering), University of Waterloo, Canada (1989–1990).
Currently: Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia (from
Previously: Associate Professor, University of New South Wales,
Australia; Assistant Professor, University of New South Wales,
Email: [email protected]
ADESINA, Jimi Olalekan Tosin (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Industrial and Business Studies), University of Warwick, United
Kingdom (1984–1988).
Currently: Professor, Department of Sociology and Industrial
Sociology, Rhodes University, South Africa (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Sociology, University
of Ibadan (1982–2000); Administrative Officer, Ogun State Civil
Service (1980–1981).
Email: [email protected]
ADU-POKU, Samuel (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Art Education), University of New Brunswick, Canada (1992–1995).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Art Education, Youngstown State
University, US.
Previously: Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi.
Email: [email protected]
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AFONJA, Ademola Adeniyi (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), Aston University, United Kingdom (1967–
Currently: Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Obafemi
Awolowo University (from 1981).
Previously: Senior Fulbright Fellow, University of Wisconsin, US
(1997); Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Obafemi Awolowo
University (1994–1998); ACU/Carnegie Senior Fellow, University of
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (1993); Dean, Faculty of Technology,
Obafemi Awolowo University (1985–1989); Visiting Professor,
Federal University of Technology, Akure (1983–1985); Dean, Faculty
of Earth and Mineral Science, Federal University of Technology,
Akure (1983–1985); Research Fellow, Energy Research Laboratories,
Canada (1977); Visiting Fulbright Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, US (1976); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Department of
Materials Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University (1969–1981).
Email: [email protected]
AFREH-NUAMAH, Kwame (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pure and Applied Biology), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Chairman, Board of Directors, Unique Vision Aid Local
NGO (from 2002); Associate Professor, Agricultural Research Station,
University of Ghana (from 1995).
Previously: National Project Director, Food and Agricultural
Organisation (1998–2001); Integrated Pest Management Consultant,
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (1996–1997); Member-Secretary,
National Integrated Crop Protection Advisory Committee (1995–
1999); Senior Research Officer, University of Ghana (1988–1995);
Research Officer, ARS Kade, University of Ghana (1980–1988).
Email: [email protected]
AGARD, Helen Barbara (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines).
Commonwealth Scholar, Postgraduate Certificate (Education), Institute
of Education, United Kingdom (1977–1978).
Previously: Head of English Department, Girls’ High School (1992–
2001); Lecturer, Saint Vincent Teachers’ College (1978–1979).
Email: [email protected]
AGARWALA, Basant Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Entomology), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom (1989–
Currently: Professor of Zoology, Department of Life Science, Tripura
University (from 1999).
Previously: Reader in Life Science, Tripura University (1996–1999);
Lecturer in Life Science, Tripura University (1981–1996).
Email: [email protected]
AGBETOYE, Leo Ayodeji S (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering (Agricultural)), Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Currently: Registered Engineer, Council for the Regulation of
Engineering in Nigeria (from 2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure
(from 2001).
Previously: Acting Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Federal University of Technology, Akure (2001–2002); Assistant
Technical Secretary, Nigerian Society of Engineers (2000–2001);
Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University
of Technology, Akure (1997–2001); Assistant Lecturer, Department
of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure
Email: [email protected]
AGBLEVOR, Foster (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Engineering), University of Toronto, Canada (1982–1984).
Currently: Associate Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, US (from 1997).
Previously: Senior Chemical Engineer, National Renewable Energy
Laboratory; Process Control Engineer, Volta Aluminium Corporation.
Email: [email protected]
(Experimental Physics), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University
(from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer in Physics, Mukand Lal National College
(Kurukshetra University) (1996–1998); Research Associate,
Kurukshetra University (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]
AGRAWAL, Anuja (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Social Anthropology), London School of Economics
and Political Science, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lady Shri Ram
College for Women (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lady Shri Ram
College for Women (1994–1999).
Email: [email protected]
AGUS, Mohd Razali (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Housing
Studies), Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Consultancy Unit, University of Malaya (from
2002); Adviser, Housing and Real Estate Board (from 2002).
Previously: Principal Consultant, University of Malaya (2000–2002);
Master, 10th Residential College, University of Malaya (1999–2002);
Adviser, 10th College, University of Malaya (1997–2000); Head,
Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya
Email: [email protected]
AH FAT, Pitt Fong (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Librarianship), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom
Currently: Head, National Research Centre, Mauritius College of the
Air (from 1994).
Previously: Librarian, Mauritius Institute of Education (1990–1994);
Assistant Librarian, Mauritius Institiute of Education (1979–1990).
AH-YU, Jean Andre (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, ARIC
(Chemistry), University of Lincoln, United Kingdom (1962–1964).
Previously: Senior Racing Chemist, Mauritius Turf Club (1986–1997);
Principal Forensic Science Officer, Police Department, Mauritius
Govenment Service (1973–1984); Government Chemist, Ministry of
Health (1965–1973).
AHADJIE, Philip Ericson Ophoe (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MBA (Business Administration), University of Lancaster, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Deputy Financial Controller, Futura Management Ltd, UK.
Previously: Tutor, Department of Business Education, University of
Education Winneba; Portfolio Synergy Project Director, Alchemy
Partners, UK; Academic Counsellor/Hall Counsellor, Department of
Business Education, University of Education Winneba; School
Attachment Programme Co-ordinator, Department of Business
Education, University of Education Winneba; Internal Auditor,
Financial Statements, University of Cape Coast Branch, Volta Region
Students Association.
Email: [email protected]
AHIRE, Philip Terdoo (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Criminology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Director, Presidential Advisory Council, The Presidency
(from 2000).
Previously: Professor, Benue State University (1996–2000); Technical
Consultant, Nigeria’s Vision 2010 Programme (1996–1997); Member,
Nigerian National Commission for UNESCO (1994–1998); Dean,
Faculty of Arts, Ahmadu Bello University (1992–1993); Lecturer,
Ahmadu Bello University (1978–1996).
AHMAD, Akhlaq (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Metallurgy and
Materials), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology,
Previously: Treasurer, Pakistan Institute of Metallurgical Engineers
(1996–1999); Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology,
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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AHMAD, Faujan Bin H (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Organic Chemistry), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science and Environmental Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Universiti Putra
Malaysia (1976–1994).
Email: [email protected]
AHMAD, Javaid (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Chemical and
Extractive Metallurgy), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Professor of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore (from
1995); Head, Metallurgy and Materials Science Division, University
of the Punjab, Lahore (from 1995); Member, Academic Council,
University of the Punjab, Lahore (from 1995); Member, Senate,
University of the Punjab, Lahore (from 1995).
Previously: Assistant Professor of Materials Science, University of the
Punjab, Lahore (1993–1995); Vice-President, Pakistan Institute of
Metallurgical Engineers (1990–1992); Associate Professor of
Metallurgy, University of the Punjab, Lahore (1989–1993).
Email: [email protected]
AHMAD, Roslan Bin (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Engineering), University of Toronto, Canada (1989–1991).
Currently: General Manager, Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd (from
Previously: Chief Engineer, Selangor State Development Corporation
Malaysia; Senior Project Manager, Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd.
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, Iftikhar (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Geology),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Professor, Department of Geology, University of Peshawar
(from 1982).
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, Kazi Matin Uddin (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Hydrogeology), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Publication and International Secretary, Bangladesh
Geological Society (from 2001); Associate Professor, Department of
Geology, University of Dhaka (from 1999).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University
of Dhaka (1994–1999); Lecturer, Department of Geology, University
of Dhaka (1987–1994).
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, Khaliq (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Chemical Engineer, Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd,
Australia (from 1994).
Previously: Development Scientist, F H Faulding & Co. Ltd, Australia
(1992–1993); Research Associate, Imperial College London, UK
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, M Feroze (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Civil Engineering), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Currently: Board Member, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewage
Authority (from 1997); Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (from 1986).
Previously: Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (1977–1986);
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (1974–1977); Lecturer,
Civil Engineering Department, Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology (1969–1974).
Awards: Dr Rashid Gold Medal.
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, Mushfique (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Earth Sciences and Civil Engineering), University of
Manitoba, Canada; PhD (Civil Engineering), University of Manitoba,
Canada (1983–1990).
Currently: Professor, Department of Geology and Mining, University
of Rajshahi (from 2002).
Previously: Director, Institute of Environmental Science, University
of Rajshahi; Chairman, Department of Geology and Mining,
University of Rajshahi.
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, S M Zabed (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Library and Information Science), Loughborough University, United
Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science
and Library Management, Dhaka University (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Information Science and Library
Management, Dhaka University (1995–1999); Student Adviser, Dhaka
University (1995–1999).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
AHMED, Shaikh (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Accounting and Finance), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1995–1999).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking,
University of Dhaka (from 2003).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Banking,
University of Dhaka (2000–2003); Lecturer, Department of Finance
and Banking, University of Dhaka (1992–1995).
Email: [email protected]
AHMED, Sultan (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow (Commercial
Banking in Bangladesh), Sheffield Hallam University, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Professor of Accounting, University of Chittagong (from
Previously: Associate Professor of Accounting, University of
Chittagong (1993–1997); Assistant Professor of Accounting,
University of Chittagong (1987–1993); Lecturer in Accounting,
University of Chittagong (1982–1987).
Email: [email protected]
AHUJA, Paramuir Singh (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Botany), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1980–1983).
Currently: Director, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
(from 1998).
Previously: Scientist F and Head, Division of Biotechnology, Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research Complex (now Institute of
Himalayan Bioresource Technology) (1993–1998); Member, Expert
Committee on the Conservation of Setting Up Genetic Enhancement
Centres, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (1991–
1994); Scientist EII, Division of Biotechnology, Central Institute of
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (1991–1993); Scientist EI, Division of
Biotechnology, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
(1988–1991); Scientist C and Head, Division of Plant Tissue Culture,
Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (1983–1988);
Scientist S-1, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (1978–1980);
Scientist S-1, Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and
Training Institute (1977–1978).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
AIRE, Victor Osobase (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(French Literature), McMaster University, Canada (1992–1993).
Currently: Professor, Department of Languages and Linguistics,
University of Jos (from 1990).
Previously: Head, Department of Languages and Linguistics,
University of Jos; Chairman, Finance Sub-Committee, Jos-McMaster
Drought Research Project, Canadian International Development
Agency, University of Jos.
Email: [email protected]
AJELE, Oladele (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), Technical University of Nova Scotia,
Canada (1990–1995).
Currently: Heat Transfer Engineer, Dura-Lite Heat Transfer Products
Ltd (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer, University of Ilorin; Special Lecturer,
Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
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AKBAR, Md Mostofa (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Computer Science), University of Victoria, Canada (1999–2002).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology;
Systems Analyst, Cabinet Division, Bangladesh Secretariat.
Email: [email protected]
AKBAR, Muktar Ali (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Animal
Nutrition), Scottish Agricultural College, United Kingdom (2000–
Currently: Registered Nutritionist, Nutrition Society, UK (from 2001);
Chartered Member, Institute of Biology, UK (from 2001); Associate
Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, Chaudhary Charan Singh
Haryana Agricultural University (from 1998); Life Member, Indian
Diary Assocation (from 1990).
Previously: Elected Executive Member, Animal Nutrition Society of
India (1999–2000); Assistant Professor, Department of Animal
Nutrition, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University
Email: [email protected]
AKOL, Doris (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Law and
Governance), McGill University, Canada (1999–2001).
Currently: Legal Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultants Ltd
(from 2002).
Previously: Senior Revenue Officer, Uganda Revenue Authority.
Email: [email protected]
AKPAVIE, Stephen Owarioro (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Veterinary Medicine), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Pathology, University
of Ibadan (from 1979).
Previously: Visiting Professor, Atlantic Veterinary College, The
University of Prince Edward Island, Canada (2001); Head, Department
of Veterinary Pathology, University of Ibadan (1996–2002); Acting
Head, Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Ibadan
(1992–1996); Consultant Research Scientist, National Livestock
Department, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and
Rural Development (1990–1993); Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University
Email: [email protected]
AKUAMOAH, Christian (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Development Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada (1990–
Currently: Manager, Finance and Investments, Home Finance
Company Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: Manager, Treasury Department, Domestic Debt Office,
(Central) Bank of Ghana; Manager, Research Department, Economic
Analysis Office, (Central) Bank of Ghana.
Email: [email protected]
AKWESI, Christian Kofi (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow
(Education), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1990–1991).
Currently: Consultant, Teacher Education Division, Ghana Education
Service, Ministry of Education (from 2002); Member, Sub-Committee
on Teacher Education, Ghana Education Service Council (from 1996);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Coast (from 1979).
Previously: Director, Institute of Education, University of Cape Coast
Email: [email protected]
AKYEAMPONG, Daniel Afedzi (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow
(High Energy Physics), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, West African Examinations Council (from 1996);
Chairman (Accrediting), National Accreditation Board (from 1994);
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Ghana (from
Previously: Vice-President, International Council for Science,
Headquarters in Paris, France (1996–1999); Pro-Vice-Chancellor,
University of Ghana (1988–1992); Dean, Faculty of Science, Rivers
State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria (1984–1985);
Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Ghana (1976–1999);
Associate Professor, Rivers State University of Science and
Technology, Nigeria (1976–1982); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Mathematics, University of Ghana (1971–1976).
Awards: Fellow, Third World Academy of Art and Sciences (1991);
Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science (1989); Fellow, Ghana
Academy of Arts and Sciences (1969).
Email: [email protected]
ALADE, Raphael Bolanle (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postgraduate Training (Surgery), University of Glasgow, United
Kingdom (1962–1964).
Currently: Medical Director, St Raphael’s Medical Clinic (from 1977–
Previously: Chief Consultant Surgeon, Medical Director, Ondo State
Civil Service, Government of Nigeria (1976–1977); Chief Consultant
Surgeon, Western State of Nigeria (1968–1976); Consultant Surgeon,
Ijebu-Ode State Hospital, Western Nigerian Government (1964–1968);
Medical Officer, Western State of Nigeria (1960–1962).
ALAM, M Mahbubul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Investigator, Wind Energy Resource Mapping
Project, Local Government Engineering Department (from 2000);
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (from 1999).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(1996–1999); Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(1987–1996); Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (1983–1987).
Email: [email protected]
ALAM, Mohd Shamsul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of Durham, United Kingdom (1984–1987);
Commonwealth Fellow (Multiple Remote Sensing Data), University
of Durham, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Professor of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar
University (from 1983).
Previously: Director, Institute of Remote Sensing, Jahangirnagar
University (1988–1991); Assistant Professor, Jahangirnagar University
(1987–1988); Associate Professor of Geography and Environment,
Jahangirnagar University.
Email: [email protected]
ALAM, Nazmul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Metallurgical Engineering), Technical University of Nova Scotia,
Canada (1995–2000).
Currently: Senior Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology
Australia (from 2000).
Previously: Research Fellow, University of Wollongong, Australia;
Project Engineer, AMEC, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
ALDERDICE, David Scott (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemistry), University College London, United Kingdom (1960–
Currently: Honorary Visiting Fellow, School of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science, University of New South Wales (from 1998); Founding
Director, Museum of the History of Science, University of New South
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales
(1965–1998); Executive Assistant to Head of School of Chemistry/
Director of Chemical Research, University of New South Wales.
Email: [email protected]
ALEXIS, Francis Raphael (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1977–1980).
Currently: Leader, People’s Labour Movement of Grenada (from
2002); President, Richard Daniel Memorial Foundation (from 2002);
President, Foster Gittens Memorial Foundation (from 2002); Founder,
K I M Smith Memorial Scholarship (from 2002); Managing Partner,
Francis Alexis & Co. Barristers-at-Law (from 1999).
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Previously: Leader, Democratic Labour Party of Grenada (1995–
2002); Sole Legal Practitioner, Francis Alexis & Co. Barristers-atLaw (1995–1999); Attorney-General and Cabinet Minister,
Government of Grenada (1990–1995); Acting Prime Minister (various
times) (1990–1995); Member, House of Representatives (1984–1999);
Cabinet Minister, Government of Grenada (1984–1987); Senior
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies (1980–1984);
Vice-President, Grenada Bar Association (1977).
Email: [email protected]
ALFONSO, Leonard (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (French Language and Literature), Université Laval, Canada
Previously: French Teacher, Queen’s College, Barbados; Priest,
Roman Catholic Church, Barbados.
Email: [email protected]
ALI, Irshad (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Natural Products
Chemistry), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Gomal
University (from 1987).
Previously: Researcher, H E J Research Insitute of Chemistry,
University of Karachi (1981–1987); Lecturer, Department of
Chemistry, Gomal University (1976–1980).
ALI, Shakir (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Molecular Biology),
University of Southampton, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Reader, Jamia Hamdard University (from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer, Jamia Hamdard University (1994–2000).
Email: [email protected]
ALLEN, Beatrice Rosalind (Montserrat). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Library and Information Science), University of Western
Ontario, Canada (1987–1988).
Currently: Librarian, Montserrat Public Library (from 1981).
Previously: Assistant Principal, Government Primary School; Lecturer,
Montserrat Technical College.
Email: [email protected]
ALLGROVE, Maurice A L John (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Structural Engineering), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (1970–1971).
Currently: Managing Director, Wallace Evans J A Ltd (from 1991).
Previously: Board Member, Jamaican Family Planning Board (1979–
1989); Chairman, Board of Directors, Jamaican Railway Corporation
(1979–1988); Chief Engineer and Chief Technical Director, Urban
Development Corporation (1968–1991); Vice-Chairman/Member,
Jamaican Railway Corporation (1966–1979); Engineer, Public Works
Department, Ministry of Works (1962–1968).
ALLON, Mark William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Buddhist Studies), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1991–
Currently: Australian Research Council Research Fellow, Department
of Archaeology, University of Sydney (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, University of Washington, US
(1997–2001); Visiting Lecturer/Research Assistant (part-time), School
of Oriental and African Studies and King’s College London, UK
Email: [email protected]
ALVAREZ, Yvette Carole (Belize). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Economics), McMaster University, Canada (1988–1989).
Currently: Deputy Governor, Operations, Central Bank of Belize
(from 1999).
Previously: Deputy Governor, Economic Intelligence, Central Bank
of Belize; Under Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of
Email: [email protected]
AMARAPURKAR, Anjali Deepak (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Liver Transplant Pathology), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Schools
of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, BYL Nair Hospital, Topiwala National
Medical College (from 1998).
Commonwealth Fellow (Forest Products Utilisation), University of
Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Member, National Steering Committee for Wooden
Products, Ministry of Enterprise Development (from 2003); Member,
Forestry Department, National Forestry Research Committee (from
1995); Senior Lecturer, Department of Forestry and Environmental
Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka (from 1986).
Previously: President, Institute of Biology (1996–1997).
Email: [email protected]
AMARASINGHE, Upali Sarath (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Fisheries Biology), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor of Zoology, University
of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (from 1992).
Previously: Honorary Secretary, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources (1996–2000); Research Officer, Ministry of
Fisheries and National Aquatic Resources, Research and Development
Agency (1980–1992); Scientific Officer, National Science Council
Email: [email protected]
AMARATUNGA, Eluwana A Prasad D (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Fellow (Oral Pathology), Guy’s, King’s and St
Thomas’ Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences,
United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Consultant/Head, Department of Oral
Pathology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Sri
Lanka (from 1989).
Previously: Proctor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (1997–2000);
Manager, Sri Lanka National Table Tennis Team, Ministry of Sports
(1994–1997); Senior House Officer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Eastman Dental Hospital, University of London, UK (1986–1988);
Dental Surgeon, Department of Health Services (1982–1985).
Email: [email protected]
AMBROSE, Peter John (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Geography), McGill University, Canada (1964–1965).
Currently: Visiting Professor, Department of Housing Studies,
University of Brighton (from 1998).
Previously: Director, Housing Advisory Programme to Bulgaria,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (1992–1994); Lecturer/Reader in
Urban Studies, Arts Building, University of Sussex (1966–1998).
Email: [email protected]
AMEH, Danladi Amodu (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Biochemistry), University of Alberta, Canada (1986–1991).
Currently: Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University.
Previously: Head of Department, Ahmadu Bello University; Zonal
Co-ordinator, Nigeria Food Consumption and Nutrition Survey.
Email: [email protected]
AMERASINGHE, Desha-Priya C (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLB (Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Visiting Lecturer, Department of Finance, Ceylon Law
College (from 2002); Director, Gamini Cord Foundation (from 2002);
Director, Bandaranyike Center for International Studies (from 2002);
Trustee, Weeramantry International Centre for Peace Education (from
2001); Attorney-at-Law/International Legal Consultant (private
practice) (from 2000).
Previously: Director, North American Regional Office, Asian
Development Bank (ADB) , US (1997–1999); Secretary of the Bank,
ADB, Philippines (1994–1997); Deputy General Counsel, ADB,
Philippines (1990–1994); Assistant General Counsel, ADB,
Philippines (1986–1989); Senior Counsel, ADB, Philippines (1979–
Email: [email protected]
AMERASINGHE, Surendra Nimal (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Electrical Engineering), University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1964–1967).
Previously: EDP Director/Consultant, People’s Bank (1986–1995);
Sales and Systems Manager/Technical Executive, ICL (Ceylon) Ltd
(1980–1984); Manager, Data Processing/Computer Systems and
Planning, State Engineering Corporation or Sri Lanka (1969–1979);
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Electrical Engineer, Department
Undertakings (1967–1968).
AMIN, Sonia Nishat (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Women’s Cultural History), School of Oriental and African Studies,
United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Professor, Department of History, University of Dhaka
(from 2001); Part-time Faculty, Department of Women’s Studies,
University of Dhaka (from 2001); Secretary, Bangladesh Chapter of
International Federation for Research in Women’s History (from
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of History, University of
Dhaka (1996–2001).
Email: [email protected]
AMOAKO-WIMAKO, George (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Urban Land Appraisal), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Head (Deputy Chief Manager), Estates and Mortgages
Department, State Insurance Co. Ltd of Ghana (from 2002); Council
Member, Ghana Institution of Surveyors (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Manager, Estates, State Insurance Co. Ltd of Ghana
(1996–2000); Manager, Estates, State Insurance Co. Ltd of Ghana
Email: [email protected]
AMUZU, Josef K A (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow (Chemical
Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1982–
Currently: Professor of Physics, University of Ghana (from 2002).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana (1998–2002);
Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Ghana (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ANAMUAH-MENSAH, Jophus (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow
(Science Education), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1989–
Currently: Chairman, Board of Directors, Gratis Foundation (from
2002); Vice-Chancellor, University of Education, Winneba (from
1998); Trustee, Kenneth Dadzie Trust Fund, Standard Chartered Bank
(from 1996).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Coast (1996–
1998); Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Cape Coast (1993–
1996); Chairman, Publication Board, Ghana Association of Science
Teachers (1986–1994).
Email: [email protected]
ANAND, Anil Chandra (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Management Liver Transplantation), Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Birmingham, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Gastroenterology,
Army Hospital Research and Referral (from 2001).
Previously: Classified Specialist in Gastroenterology (1998–2000);
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Armed Forces Medical
College (1995–1998).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Fellow (Cardiology), Institute of Cardiology, United
Kingdom (1968–1969).
Currently: Senior Consultant in Medicine, Apollo Hospitals (from
Previously: Director, Institute of Internal Medicine (1989–1990);
Chief of Cardiology, Voluntary Heath Services Medical Centre (1969).
Email: [email protected]
ANAO, Richard Abhulimen (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Accounting and Business Finance), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1968–1970).
Currently: Chairman, Nigerian Accounting Standards Board (from
2001); Vice-Chancellor, University of Benin (from 1999); Senior
Lecturer/Professor, University of Benin (from 1976).
Previously: Chairman, Research Foundation Advisory Committee,
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (1988–1996); Chairman,
Electricity Meter Company of Nigeria Ltd (1987–1990); Chairman,
Guinea Properties Ltd (1975–1977); Consultant and Training Manager,
Nigerian Economic Welfare Services Ltd (1973–1976); Assistant
Controller, Investment Banking Nigerian Industrial Development Bank
(NIDB) (1972–1973); Senior Accountant, Shell Petroleum
Development Company (1970–1972).
Email: [email protected]
ANDAM, Kwesi Akwansah (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow (Civil
Engineering), University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Chairman, Governing Council, Africa Network of Scientific
and Technological Institutions (from 2001); Chairman of the
Governing Council, Africa Network of Scientific and Technological
Institutions, UNESCO (from 2001); Lecturer, Department of Civil
Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Kumasi (from 1998); President, Ghana Institution of Engineers (from
Previously: Dean, School of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University
of Science and Technology, Kumasi (2000–2002); Head, Department
of Civil Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi (1998–2000); Chairman of Management Board,
Building and Road Research Institute, Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
ANDERSON, Atholl John (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Archaeology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific and
Asian Studies, Australian National University, Australia (from 1993).
Previously: Lecturer-Professor of Anthropology, University of Otago
(1978–1993); Senior Tutor, University of Auckland (1977).
Awards: Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand; Fellow, Academy of
Humanities, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
ANDERSON-JOHNSON, Pauline (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Epidemiology), London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Biostatistician/Epidemiologist, Caribbean Food and
Nutrition Institute, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus (from
Previously: Research Assistant (1992–1994); Research Technician,
Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona
Campus (1983–1990).
Email: [email protected]
ANDRÉ, David François Marc (Seychelles). Commonwealth
Scholar, BA (Music Education), Acadia University, Canada (1986–
Currently: Director, Choral and Music Society (from 1997).
Previously: Director, Conservatoire of Music.
ANDREWS, Mark (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematical Physics), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Previously: Senior Lecturer and Acting Head (1992), Department of
Physics and Theoretical Physics, Australian National University
(1984–1997); Head, Department of Physics and Theoretical Physics,
Australian National University (1979–1983); Sub-Dean, Faculty of
Science, Australian National University (1976–1977); Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer, Department of Physics and Theoretical Physics, Australian
National University (1965–1983).
Email: [email protected]
ANG, Eu-Jin (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Digital
Communications), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1994–
Currently: Head of Foreign Exchange Analytics, Citigroup, UK (from
Previously: Quantitative Analyst (1998–2001); Associate, Boston
Consulting Group (1994).
Email: [email protected]
ANJUM, Faqir Muhammad (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow
(Cereal Science), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Professor and Chairman, Department of Food Technology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (from 1991); Director, Institute
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of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture,
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Food Technology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Email: [email protected]
ANKRAH, Emmanuel Nii (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Agricultural Economics), University of Saskatchewan,
Canada (1989–1992).
Currently: Manager, Merchant Bank Ghana Ltd.
Previously: Assistant Banking Manager, Standard Chartered Bank;
Manager, Treasury, Standard Chartered Bank.
Email: [email protected]
ANNABLE, Rosemary Diane (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postgraduate Diploma (Museum Studies), University of Sydney,
Australia (1978).
Currently: Honorary Archivist, St James Anglican Church, Australia
(from 1987); Consultant Archaeologist and Historian (self-employed),
Australia (from 1981).
Previously: Elected Fellow, Royal Australian Historical Society,
Australia (2000); Elected Fellow, Royal Australian Historical Society,
Australia (1998); President, Royal Australian Historical Society,
Australia (1993–1998); Archivist (part-time), The Women’s College,
University of Sydney, Australia (1990–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ANTHONY, Kenny Davis (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Law), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Prime Minister/Minister of Finance, Labour Party
headquarters (from 1997); Leader, St Lucia Labour Party (from 1996).
Previously: General Counsel, Caricom Secretariat (1995–1996); Head,
Teaching Department, Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies
(1990–1995); Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies
(1988–1990); Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of the
West Indies (1983–1988).
Email: [email protected]
ANYURU, Max Alfred (Uganda). Commonwealth Fellow
(Governance), Joint Reviews of Local Authority Social Services,
United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Project Manager/Independent Monitor, InterAid Uganda
(from 2000).
Previously: Community Services and Outreach Programme Officer,
InterAid Uganda (1999–2000); General Secretary, National
Association of Social Workers of Uganda (1994–2001); Programme
Administrator, United Nations Development Programme, Ministry of
Finance, Planning and Economic Development (1994–1999);
Administrator, Friends of Children Association (1991–1993).
Email: [email protected]
APPADOO, Bala Kistamah (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (Librarianship and French), University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom (1978–1982).
Currently: General Manager, Editions de l’Ocean Indien (from 2002);
Information Management Consultant, Libitech Company Ltd (from
1995); President, Phoenix Spurs Sports Club (from 1993); Senior
Lecturer (part-time), Information and Library Studies, University of
Mauritius (from 1990).
Previously: Head of Department, Resource Centre, Industrial and
Vocational Training Board (1993–2002); President, Mauritius Library
Association (1993–1995); Municipal Councillor, Municipality of
Vacoas Phoenix (1993–1995); President, Library Committee,
Municipality of Vacoas Phoenix (1993–1995); Librarian, The British
Council (1988–1993); Librarian, National Youth Service, Government
of the Seychelles, Seychelles (1982–1986).
Email: [email protected]
ARAIN, Ataur (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Electrical Engineering), University of New Brunswick, Canada
Currently: Chief Executive, Amber Capacitors Ltd (from 1989).
Previously: Executive Engineer, Siemens Pakistan Engineering Co.
Ltd; Chief Executive, Amber Engineering Company (Pvt) Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
ARCHER, Beverley Patricia (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
MScEcon (Library and Information Management), University of
Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Librarian, Barbados Public Library (from 1999).
ARIADURAI, Samuel Anbahan (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Textile Technology), University of Manchester Institute
of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Open University of Sri Lanka (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer, Open University of Sri Lanka (1988); Quality
Control Manager, Sascon Knitting Co. Ltd (1987–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ARMSTRONG, Enid (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Law), McGill University, Canada (1988–1989).
Currently: Partner, Martineau Johnson (from 1999).
Previously: Associate Solicitor, Martineau Johnson.
Email: [email protected]
ARNOLD, David John (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, (History),
University of Madras, India (1968–1970).
Currently: Professor, South Asian History, School of Oriental and
African Studies (from 1988).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of History, University of Lancaster
(1979–1988); Research Fellow, Flinders University, Australia (1975–
1977); Lecturer, Department of History, University of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania (1972–1975).
ARORA, Shyam Sunder (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Biomechanics), University of Surrey, United Kingdom (1974–1975).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Biophysics,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (from
Previously: Scientist (1970–1981).
AROWOLO, Toyin Ayodele (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Soil Chemistry), University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (1989–
Currently: Visiting Associate, Third World Academy of Science,
University of the West Indies (from 2003); Reader in Environmental
Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (from 2000).
Previously: Deputy Dean, College of Environmental Resources
Management, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (1999–2001);
Head, Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology,
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (1995–1998); Senior Lecturer in
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta (1992–2000); Lecturer in Analytical and Environmental
Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
ARROWSMITH, Susan Louise (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Law), York University, Canada (1984–1987).
Currently: Professor, Law, University of Nottingham (from 1998).
Previously: Professor, Law, University of Wales.
Email: [email protected]
ASARE, Eric (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Agronomy),
Imperial College London at Wye, United Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Senior Tutor, Department of Crop Science,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi
(from 2002); Consultant, Agribusiness in Sustainable National African
Plant Products (from 2001).
Previously: Member, National Best Farmer Selection Team (1999);
Senior Lecturer and Head, Plantation Section, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (1995–2002).
Email: [email protected]
ASTHIR, Bavita (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Control
Mechanisms of Grain Filling in Barley), Scottish Agricultural College,
United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Biochemist, Punjab Agricultural University (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Biochemist, Punjab Agricultural University
Email: [email protected]
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ASUMADU, Johnson Akom (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Electrical Engineering), Aston University, United Kingdom (1976–
Currently: Fellow, National Research Council/United States Airforce
Office of Scientific Research, US (from 2003); Associate Professor,
Western Michigan University, US (from 2002); Communications
Director, IEEE, US (from 1998).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Western Michigan University, US
(1996–2002); Assistant Professor, Tuskegee University, US (1994–
Email: [email protected]
ASUZU, Isaac Uzoma (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Phytopharmacology), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Nigeria (from 2002); Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology
and Pharmacology, University of Nigeria (from 1992).
Previously: Associate Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Nigeria (2001–2002); Head, Department of Veterinary
Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Nigeria (2000–2001);
Senior Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Physiology and
Pharmacology, University of Nigeria (1987–1992); Lecturer I,
Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, University
of Nigeria (1985–1987); Lecturer II, University of Nigeria (1981–
Email: [email protected]
ATHAUDA, Thamara (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow (Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry), Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College
London, United Kingdom (1996).
Currently: Consultant/Co-Trainer, National Child Protection Authority
(from 2002); Consultant/Adviser, Training Programmes, Department
of Probation and Child Care (from 1999); Senior Lecturer in
Community Medicine, University of Colombo (from 1995).
Previously: Lecturer in Community Medicine, University of Colombo
(1989–1995); Surgical House Officer, Children’s Hospital (1988–
Email: [email protected]
ATKINS, Paul William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Applied Psychology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Director of Research, National Graduate School of
Management (from 2002).
Previously: Director, Systems Research, (1999–2002); Lecturer,
School of Psychology, University of New South Wales (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
ATUN, Hakki M (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma (Town
and Country Planning), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, Centre for Strategic Studies Eastern
Mediterranean University (from 1999); Lecturer in Architecture and
Urban Design, Near Eastern University and International University
of Cyprus (from 1998); Member, Chamber of Architects, Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus (from 1960).
Previously: Speaker, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (1996–
1998); Prime Minister, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (1994–
1996); Speaker, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (1985–1993);
Minister of Planning and Housing, Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus (1983–1985); Minister of Education and Culture, Turkish
Federated State of Cyprus (1981–1982); Minister of Economy (1978–
1981); Member of Parliament, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
(1976–1998); Minister of Housing, Turkish Federated State of Cyprus
(1976–1978); Permanent Undersecretary of Planning and Housing,
Ministry of Planning and Housing, Turkish Federated State of Cyprus
(1975–1976); Director, Planning and Public Works Department,
Turkish Cypriot Administration (1968–1975); Architect-Planner,
Turkish Cypriot Administration (1963–1975).
Email: [email protected]
AUBURN, Jonathan Walter (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
BCL (Civil Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Barrister, Chambers of Elizabeth Appleby QC, UK (from
1999 ).
AUSTIN, Donald St Clair (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
MBA (Business Administration), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1984–1986).
Currently: President, Cable and Wireless (from 2002).
Previously: General Manager, Cable and Wireless, Saint Lucia (2000–
2002); Chairperson and Community Service Director, Rotary Club of
Saint Vincent, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (1999–2000);
General Manager, Cable and Wireless, Saint Vincent and The
Grenadines (1998–2000).
Email: [email protected]
AWINI, Elizabeth Akolpoka (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Medical Statistics), London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Data Manager and Statistician, Ghana Health Service,
Navrongo Health Research Centre (from 2002).
Previously: Data Manager, Navrongo Health Research Centre (1997–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected];
AZAM, Khairul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Food
Science), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (1986–1989);
Commonwealth Fellow (Fisheries), University of Hull, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Professor and Dean, Life Science School, Khulna
University (from 2001).
Previously: Associate Professor (1997–2001); Assistant Professor,
Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna
University (1994–1997); Research Fellow, Faculty of Food Science
and Biotechnology, University Pertanian Malaysia, Malaysia (1993–
1994); Scientific Officer, Institute of Food Science and Technology,
Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (1985–1993).
Email: [email protected]
AZIM, Mohammed Tahlil (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (International Business), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Assistant Professor, School of Business, Independent
University (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Management,
University of Chittagong (1999–2000); Lecturer, Department of
Management, University of Chittagong (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
AZZOPARDI, Paul (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Concentration in Finance), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Managing Director, Azzopardi Financial Services (from
Previously: Administration Officer, Malta Development Corporation.
Email: [email protected]
BAAS, Susan Catherine (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Construction Law), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Solicitor/Lawyer, Buddle Findlay (from 2002).
Previously: Law clerk, Buddle Findlay.
Email: [email protected]
BABA, Ahmad Salihin (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Dairy
Goat Nutrition), Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen (SOAEFD),
United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Coordinator, Biochemistry Division, Institute of Biological
Sciences, University of Malaya (from 2000); Lecturer, Institute of
Biological Sciences, University of Malaya (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
BACHA, Bhinod (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (English),
University of Durham, United Kingdom (1963–1966).
Currently: Honorary Consul, Republic of Rwanda; Director and
Consulting Partner, Grant Thornton (Mauritius); Chairman and
Managing Director, SBhB Ltd (offshore company).
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Previously: Chairman, State Bank International Ltd (1992–1994);
Director, Development Bank of Mauritius (1991–1994); Director, Air
Mauritius (1984–1994); Director, State Bank of Mauritius (1984–
1994); Senior Official, Administrative Cadre, Prime Minister’s Office,
Government of Mauritius (1969–1996); Education Officer,
Government of Mauritius (1966–1968).
Email: [email protected]
BACHAN, Mado (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Industrial Engineering), University of Windsor, Canada
Currently: Crude Purchasing and Processing Manager, Petrotrin Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: Executive Assistant to Divisional Manager, Marketing,
Petrotrin; Director, Lake Asphalt of Trinidad and Tobago (1978) Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
BADAKERE, Suresh Shanker (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Fellow (Immunology), St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Queen Mary and
Westfield College), United Kingdom (1980–1981).
Currently: Deputy Director (SG), Institute of Immunohaematology
(from 1999); Teacher of MSc and PhD, University of Mumbai (from
Previously: President, Mumbai Haematology Group (2000–2001);
President, Credit Cooperative Society (1999–2001); President, Dr H
M Bhatia Memorial Trust (1999–2000); Deputy Director of Institute
and Head of Department of Autoimmunity, Institute of
Immunohaematology (1994–1999); Assistant Director, Institute of
Immunohaematology (1989–1994).
Email: [email protected]
BADAT, Mohamed Saleem (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Southern African Studies), University of York, United
Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Trustee/Executive Committee Member, Harold Wolfe
Memorial Trust (from 2002); Executive Committee Member,
Committee of Heads of Research and Technology Organisations (from
2001); Chief Executive Officer, Council on Higher Education (from
Previously: Director, Education Policy Unit, University of Western
Cape (1998–1999); Academic, Faculty of Education, University of
Western Cape (1989–1998); Editor, Grassroots Publications (1983–
Email: [email protected]
BADDELEY, Adrian John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematical Statistics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Statistics, University of Western Australia
(from 1994).
Previously: Research Group Leader (1988–1994); Senior Research
Scientist, CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics (1985–1988).
Awards: Australian Centenary Medal (2003); Hannan Medal (2001);
Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (2000); Australian
Mathematical Society Medal (1995).
Email: [email protected]
BADENHORST, Nadene Louw (South Africa). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLM (International Human Rights Law), University of Essex,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Candidate Attorney, Sonnenberg Hoffmann Galombik
Attorneys (from 2003).
Email: [email protected]
BAGH, Somanath (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Probability
Theory), University of Ulster, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Previously: Head of Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University
(1999–2001); Reader, Postgraduate Department of Physics, Sambalpur
University (1992–2001); Lecturer in Statistics, Sambalpur University
Email: [email protected]
BAGSTER, David Francis (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Previously: Chairman, Secretary and Member, I Chem E New South
Wales Group (1978–1988); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate
Professor, University of Sydney (1970–1999); Advisory Committee
Member, Meals on Wheels (1970–1975); Chemical Engineer, CSR
Co. Ltd (1959–1970).
Email: [email protected]
BAILEY, Corin (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Geography), Queen Mary, University of London, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Previously: Tutor, Laboratory Demonstrator and Student, University
of the West Indies (1999–2001).
Email: [email protected]
BAIN, George Sayers (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1963–1965).
Currently: President, Involvement and Participation Association, UK
(from 2002); Governor and Chairman, Pensions Policy Institute, UK
(from 2002); Director, Northern Ireland Science Park Foundation
(from 1999); President and Vice-Chancellor, Queen’s University
Belfast, UK (from 1998).
Previously: Chairman, Association of Commonwealth Universities
(2002–2003); Chairman, Work and Parents Taskforce, Department of
Trade and Industry, UK (2001); Chairman, Northern Ireland Memorial
Fund, UK (1998–2002); Chairman, Low Pay Commission, UK (1997–
2002); Deputy Chairman, Cooperation Ireland GB, UK (1996–1997);
Chairman, Commission on Public Policy and British Business, UK
(1995–1997); Board Member, Foundation for Canadian Studies in the
UK, UK (1993–2001); Executive Vice-President, European
Foundation for Management Development, UK (1991–1995);
Member, International Affairs Committee and Board of Directors,
American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, UK (1990–
1994); Principal, London Business School, UK (1989–1994);
Chairman, Council of University Management Schools, UK (1987–
1990); Chairman, School of Industrial and Business Studies,
University of Warwick, UK (1983–1989); Member, Committee of
Inquiry on Industrial Democracy, Department of Trade, UK (1975–
1976); Professor, Industrial Relations Department, University of
Warwick, UK (1974–1989); Director, Industrial Relations Research
Unit, University of Warwick, UK (1974–1981); Deputy Director,
University of Warwick, UK (1970–1974); Frank Thomas Professor of
Industrial Relations, University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology, UK (1969–1970); Research Fellow, Nuffield College,
University of Oxford, UK (1966–1969); Lecturer, Economics
Department, University of Manitoba (1962–1963).
Email: [email protected]
BAJANTRI, Maleraj (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Computing and Information Science), Queen’s University at
Kingston, Canada (1984–1986).
Currently: Vice-President, Spectrum Infotech Private Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: Deputy Manager, Development and Engineering, Bharat
Electronics Ltd; Senior Research Scientist, Central Research
Email: [email protected]
BAKANE, Bhaurao Champatrao (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Microvascular Reconstruction in Head and Neck Cancer), Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom (2002).
Currently: Professor, SRMMT’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
(from 2003).
Previously: Associate Professor, SRMMT’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical
College (1996–2001); Associate Professor, ACPM Medical College
(1996); Lecturer, ACPM Medical College (1992–1995); Registrar,
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (1991–1992).
Email: [email protected]
BALA, Bilash Kanti (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Engineering), University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
United Kingdom (1980–1984).
Currently: Professor, Department of Farm Power and Machinery,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1986).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1990–1992); Associate Professor, Department
of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1977–1986); Assistant Professor, Department of Farm Power and
Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1970–1977).
Email: [email protected]
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BALA, Poonam (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Sociology),
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1983–1988).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of History, Case Western Reserve
University, US (from 2001).
Previously: Course Director of Sociology, York University, Canada
(1997–1998); Programme Officer, Danish International Development
Assistance (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
BALAMI, Dahiru Hassan (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1987–
Currently: Coordinator, Affiliated Colleges, University of Maiduguri
(from 2003); Coordinator, Postgraduate Studies in Economics,
University of Maiduguri (from 1999); Chairman, Transport Committee
(from 1992).
Previously: Member, Borno Economic Submit Planning Committee,
Borno State Government (2001); Coordinator, Borno Constitution
Review Committee, National Assembly (2000); Acting Dean,
Department of Economics, University of Maiduguri (1999–2000);
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of
Maiduguri (1997–2002); Head, Department of Economics, University
of Maiduguri (1992–2000); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Economics, University of Maiduguri (1991–1997); Lecturer I,
Department of Economics, University of Maiduguri (1990–1991);
Lecturer II, Department of Economics, University of Maiduguri
(1989–1990); Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics,
University of Maiduguri (1987–1989); Graduate Assistant, University
of Maiduguri (1983–1987).
Email: [email protected]
BALLARD, Roger (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Sociology),
University of Delhi, India (1966–1969).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Religions and Theology,
Centre of Applied South Asian Studies, University of Manchester
(from 1989).
Previously: Lecturer in Race Relations, University of Leeds (1974–
1989); Research Associate, Research Unit of Ethnic Relations,
University of Bristol (1970–1974); Supervisor (part-time), University
of Cambridge (1969–1970).
Email: [email protected]
BALLOO, Madev (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Agricultural Economics), University of Guelph, Canada (1998–2000).
Currently: Technical Officer, Irrigation Authority (from 1998).
Previously: Technical Officer, Irrigation Authority; Part-time Lecturer,
University of Mauritius.
Email: [email protected]
BANAVALIKER, Jayant Nagesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Thoracic Medicine), Sully Hospital, Penarth, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Vice-President, National College of Chest Physicians of
India (from 2000); Head, Department of TB and Chest Diseases,
Municipal Corporation of Delhi (from 1996); Honorary Reader in TB,
Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute and University of Delhi (from
Previously: Member Secretary and STBCO, Delhi Tapedik Unmulan
Singh (1996–2002); Medical Superintendent/Senior Consultant, RBTB
Hospital (1989–1995); Secretary-Treasurer, North India Chapter,
American College of Chest Physicians (1988–1995); Honorary
Lecturer in TB, Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute and University of
Delhi (1981–1991); Senior Chest Physician, Kingsway Camp under
Municipal Corporation of Delhi, RBTB Hospital (1980–1989).
Email: [email protected]
BANDA, Greata P (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Population Geography), University of Manitoba, Canada (1987–
Currently: Head and Lecturer, University of Zambia.
Previously: Assistant Dean, Sciences and Head, Department of
Geography, University of Zambia; Chairperson, Pilot Environmental
Functional Committee and Member, Poverty Monitoring Analysis
Committee, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and
World Bank.
Email: [email protected]
BANERJEE, Ashru Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Neuropathology), Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Histopathology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (1994–
2001); Chairman, Department of Pathology, Salmaniya Medical
Centre, Bahrain (1989–1994); Professor of Neuropathology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (1986–
Awards: Fellow, National Academy of Medical Sciences; Fellow,
Royal College of Pathologists, UK; Fellow, Royal Society of
Medicine, UK.
Email: [email protected]
(Biotechnology), University of Durham, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Reader, Department of Bioscience, Barkatullah University
(from 1997).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Bioscience, Barkatullah
University (1994–1997); Lecturer, Department of Bioscience,
Barkatullah University (1989–1994).
Awards: Journal of Environmental Biology Young Scientist of the
Year Award, Academy of Environment Biology; Scientist of the Year,
International Board of Awards, National Environmental Science
Academy (2003).
Email: [email protected]
BANERJEE, Sudhendu (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Electrical Engineering), McGill University, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Senior Manager, Instrumentation Ltd (from 1997).
Previously: Project Manager, Instrumentation Ltd; Deputy Manager,
Instrumentation Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
BANGA, Margaret (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Quantitive Development Economics), University of Warwick, United
Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Consultant, Economic Policy Research Centre (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics,
Makerere University (1997–2002); Assistant Lecturer in Statistical
Methods, Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Makerere
University (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
BANNEHEKA, Sarath Gamini (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Statistics), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1989–1991).
Currently: Senior Lecturer I, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer II, University of Sri Jayewardenepura;
Coordinator, Postgraduate Program in Applied Statistics, University
of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Email: [email protected]
BANTING, Keith Gordon (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Political Science), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Professor, Queen’s University at Kingston (from 1986).
Previously: Visiting Fellow, Harvard University, US (1997–1998);
Director, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University at Kingston
(1992–2003); Vice-Chairman, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada (1990–1992); Professor, University of
British Columbia (1973–1986).
Email: [email protected]
BAPTISTE, Isaac (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Urban and Rural Planning), Technical University of Nova Scotia,
Canada (1984–1986).
Currently: Managing Director, Baptiste and Associates Ltd.
Previously: Senior Physical Planner, Baptiste and Associates Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
BAPTISTE, Larry (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Electrical and Computer Engineering), University of
Toronto, Canada (1996–1998).
Previously: Lecturer, University of the West Indies.
Email: [email protected]
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BARBEAU, Edward Joseph (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pure Mathematics), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1961–
Currently: Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of
Toronto (from 1979).
Previously: President, Canadian Society for History and Philosophy
of Mathematics (1983–1985); Associate Professor, University of
Toronto (1969–1979); Assistant Professor, University of Western
Ontario (1967–1969).
Email: [email protected]
BARKER, Ewan James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Mathematics), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Lecturer, University of Ballarat (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
BARNETT, Carla (Belize). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1984–1985).
Currently: Deputy Secretary-General, Caribbean Community
Secretariat (from 1997).
Previously: Deputy Governor/Acting Governor, Central Bank of
Belize; Economist, Caribbean Development Bank.
Email: [email protected]
BARTON, Arthur John (Falkland Islands). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Marine Biology and Oceanography), University of Wales,
Bangor, United Kingdom (1978–1982).
Currently: Director of Fisheries, Fisheries Department, Falkland
Islands Government (from 1989).
Awards: Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) (1999).
Email: [email protected]
BARUA, Purna Kanta (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Seed
Genetics), National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), United
Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Plant Breeding and
Genetics, Assam Agricultural University (from 1994).
Previously: Secretary, Agricultural Science Society of Northeast India
(1994–2001); Secretary, Faculty of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural
University Teachers’ Association (1992–1994); Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Assam Agricultural
University (1984–1994); Agricultural Extension Officer, Department
of Agriculture, Government of Assam (1982–1984).
Email: [email protected]
BARWICK, Susan Gay (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematics), Royal Holloway, University of London, United
Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of
Adelaide (from 1994).
Email: [email protected]
BASHIR, Tariq (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow Research towards
PhD (Governance), Institute of Policy Research in Engineering,
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Assistant Chief of Science, Pakistan Council for Science
and Technology (from 2001).
Previously: Scientific Officer, Pakistan Council for Science and
Technology (2001); Assistant Chief of Entomology, National Fertilizer
Development Centre (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
BASHIR, Zahra Firdous (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geochemistry), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, National Review Committee (Science), Higher
Education Commission (from 2001); Senior Lecturer in Chemistry,
Federal College of Education (from 1995).
Previously: Visiting Lecturer in Geochemistry, Department of Earth
Sciences, Baheria University (2002); Consultant, Petroleum
Exploration, Currentage Petroleum Exploration Ltd (1999–2002);
Lecturer in Chemistry (1990–1995); Lecturer in Chemistry, Federal
Government Postgraduate College for Women (1987–1990).
Email: [email protected]
BASU, Partha Sarathi (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Medical
Training (Gynaecological Oncology), Imperial College London School
of Medicine at Hammersmith, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Head, Department of Gynaecological Oncology,
Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (from 1996).
Previously: Head, School for Cervical Cancer Prevention (2001);
Head, Calcutta Cervical Cancer Early Detection Study Project (1999–
2001); Resident Surgeon (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
BATRA, Satish Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Virology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College
of Veterinary Sciences (from 2001).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary
Microbiology, College of Veterinary Sciences (1992–2000).
BAY, Boon Huat (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow (Molecular
Biology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1993–1994).
Currently: Chairman, Salem Welfare Services (from 1995).
Previously: President, Microscopy Society (1998–2002); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, National University of Singapore
(1996–1999); Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, National University
of Singapore (1992–1996).
Email: [email protected]
BEAN, Jolene Dagmar (formerly LAVELA) (Bermuda).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (History), Queen’s University at
Kingston, Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Bermuda College (from 1996).
Previously: Lecturer, Bermuda College.
Email: [email protected]
BEAUMONT, Joan Errington (formerly MAJOR) (Australia).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (War Studies), King’s College London,
United Kingdom (1971–1974).
Currently: Member, Advisory Board of Australian Defence College
(from 2000); Member, National International Humanitarian Law
Committee, Australian Red Cross (from 1996); Member, Army
Military History Advisory Committee, Department of Defence (from
Previously: Historical Consultant, Carlton Television, UK (2000);
Vice-President, Commission for the History of International Relations
(2000); Department Head, School of Australian and International
Studies, Deakin University (1993–1998); Board Member, Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade (1993–1998); Member, Editorial Board
Documents on Australian Foreign Policy, Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade (1992–1998); President, Australian Institute of
International Affairs (Victorian branch) (1990–1994).
Email: [email protected]
BEEDASY-RAMLOLL, Jaishree (formerly BEEDASY) (Mauritius).
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Information Processing), University of
York, United Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Mauritius (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer (1990–1997); Research Assistant, International
Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (1990).
Email: [email protected]
BEER, Donald Robert (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(History), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1961–1964).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of History, University of
New England; Member of University Senate, University of New
Email: [email protected]
BEKKERS, John MacDonald (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Structure and Organization of Science), University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (1979–1981).
Currently: Research Fellow, John Curtin School of Medical Research,
Australian National University (from 1994).
Previously: Councillor, Australian Neuroscience Society (1998–2002);
Queen Elizabeth II Research Fellow, Australian National University
(1991–1994); Associate Research Scientist, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, US (1986–1991).
Email: [email protected]
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BELL, Ross Wesley (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Geotechnical Engineering), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Awards: Ernst Schering Prize, Germany (1999); Massry Prize in
Nephrology, Physiology and Related Fields, US (1996); Wolf
Foundation Prize in Medicine, Israel (1995).
Email: [email protected]
BENDER, Renaude (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Ecological Economics), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: Policy Analyst, Environment Canada (from 2003).
Email: [email protected]
BERRY, Andrew John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Chemistry), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Research Fellow, Australian National University (from
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oxford, UK (1995–
Email: [email protected]
BENDERA, Stella (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Sociology of Education), University of Toronto, Canada (1987–1991).
Currently: Coordinator/Research Fellow, Ministry of Education and
Culture (from 1998).
Previously: Research Fellow, University of Dar es Salaam; Senior
Education Officer, Ministry of Science, Higher Education.
Email: [email protected]
BENGER, Simon Nicholas (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Geography), University of Toronto, Canada (1991–1993).
Currently: Lecturer, Spacial Information Systems, University of
Canberra (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, Earth Observation Systems, Agrecon Ltd; Policy
Analyst, Department of Transport.
Email: [email protected]
BENN, Neil Jefferson Lavere (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Software Engineering), University of York, United Kingdom
Previously: Teacher, Combermere School (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
BENNETT, Winston Harrison (Belize). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration), McGill University, Canada
Currently: Director, Water and Wastewater Sector, Public Utilities
Commission (from 2002).
Previously: Executive Director, Social Investment Fund; Project
Development Specialist/Senior Economist, USAID/Belize.
Email: [email protected]
BERNARD, Margaret Ann (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Fellow (Computer Science), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1997).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science, University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus (from
Email: [email protected]
BERNARDO, Joseph Antonio (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Politics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1983–1985).
Currently: Senior Enforcement Counsel, British Columbia Securities
Commission (from 2000).
Previously: Crown Counsel, Ministry of Attorney-General (1994–
2000); Associate Counsel, Lawson, Lundell, Lansing and McIntosh
Email: [email protected]
BERNSTEIN, Micheal Andre (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
BLitt (Comparative Literature), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of English and Comparative Literature,
University of California, US (from 1975).
Email: [email protected]
BERRIDGE, Michael John (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Entomology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1961–
Currently: Head of Signalling, Babraham Institute, Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council, UK (from 1969).
Previously: Scientific Adviser, Friedrich Miescher Institute , Germany
(1993–1998); Trustee, Isaac Newton Trust, UK (1991–1998);
Governor, Strangeways Institute, UK (1987–1988); Research
Associate, Case Western Reserve University, US (1966–1969);
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia, US (1964–1966).
BETHEL, Cecil W M (Bahamas). Commonwealth Scholar,
(Medicine), University College London, United Kingdom (1962–
Previously: Member of the Board, Public Hospital Authority (1999–
2001); Charter President, Medical Association of the Bahamas (1970–
1971); Trustee, Sir Victor Sassoon Heart Foundation (1968–2003);
Senior Consultant Physician, Princess Margaret Hospital, Ministry of
Health (1968–1988); Medical Chief of Staff and Head, Department of
Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital (1968–1972); Consultant
Physician, Princess Margaret Hospital (1965–1968).
BHALA, Maclean M J (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Rubber Technology), Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences, National University of
Science and Technology, Bulawayo (from 2000); Lecturer in Polymer
Science, National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo
(from 1991).
Previously: Lecturer in Polymer Science, University of Zimbabwe
(1988–1990); Technical Assistant, Dunlop Zimbabwe Ltd (1985–
Email: [email protected]
BHARGAVA, Suresh Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemistry (Inorganic)), University of Exeter, United Kingdom (1979–
Currently: Professor and Chair of Inorganic Chemistry, Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia (from 1999); Director,
Vibrational and X-Ray Facility, Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology, Australia (from 1999); Scientific and Technical Adviser
to the Government of India, sponsored by United Nations
Development Programme (from 1998).
Previously: Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department
of Applied Chemistry, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
Australia (1997–1998); Senior Lecturer of Chemistry, Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia (1994–1997); Executive
Committee Member, Hindi Niketan of Victoria, Australia (1992–
Email: [email protected]
BHAT, J Ishwara (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Kinetics and
Reaction Mechanism), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Governing Council Member, Sri Bharathi Institute of
Applied Sciences (from 2000); Scientific Adviser, Association of
Small Scale Industrialists (from 2000); Founding Secretary, Bharathi
Education Trust (from 1999); Reader, Department of Chemistry,
Mangalore University (from 1993).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Mangalore University (1989–1993);
Senior Lecturer, Regional Engineering College (1989); Senior
Lecturer, Govinda Dasa College (1988–1989); Lecturer, Govinda Dasa
College (1980–1988).
Email: [email protected]
BHATIA, Vishmu Bhagwan (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Mathematics), Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
Previously: Professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics,
University of Delhi (1985–2002); Reader, Department of Physics and
Astrophysics, University of Delhi (1972–1985); Lecturer, University
of New Delhi (1969–1972).
Email: [email protected]
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BHATNAGAR, Veereshwar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Paediatric Surgery), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Additional Professor, Department of Paediatric Surgery,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (from 1995).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Paediatric Surgery,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (1991–1995); Assistant
Professor, Department of Paediatric Surgery, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (1984–1991).
Email: [email protected]
BLOM, Joost (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL (Law),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1970–1972).
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia
(from 1997); Queen’s Counsel (from 1985); Professor, Faculty of
Law, University of British Columbia (from 1981); Barrister and
Solicitor, Law Society of British Columbia (from 1978).
Previously: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of British
Columbia (1976–1981).
Email: [email protected]
BHATTACHARYA, Uma (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Broadband Communication in Computer Science), Sheffield Hallam
University, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Bengal Engineering College (from
Previously: Lecturer (1987–1995); Senior Research Fellow, Jadavpur
University (1985–1987).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
BOATENG, Peter Yaw (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Horticulture), Imperial College London at Wye, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology, Kumasi (1993–2002); National Consultant,
International Trade Centre and UNCTAD (1990–1993).
Email: [email protected]
BHATTACHARYYA, Madan (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Plant Sciences), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1983–1987).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, US (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, US; Associate
Scientist, Noble Foundation.
Email: [email protected]
BOER, Roland (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Biblical
Studies), McGill University, Canada (1988–1991).
Currently: Research Fellow, Monash University (from 2000).
Previously: Foundation Lecturer, Religion, University of New
England; Lecturer, Hebrew Bible, United Theological College.
Email: [email protected]
BHUIYAN, Fazlul Haque A K (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Animal Breeding), Imperial College London at Wye,
United Kingdom (1986–1989).
Currently: Professor, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1997).
Previously: Consultant Livestock Biotechnologist, Food and
Agriculture Organization, United Nations (2002–2003); Associate
Professor, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1992–1997); Assistant Professor, Department
of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1986–1992); Lecturer, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (1983–1986).
Email: [email protected]
BOJUWOYE, Olaniyi (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow (Guidance
and Counselling), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Professor of Educational Psychology, University of
Durban-Westville, South Africa (from 2003).
Previously: Professor of Educational Psychology, Qwa-Qwa Campus,
University of the North, South Africa (1998–2002); Lecturer-Professor
in Guidance and Counselling, University of Ilorin (1979–1988).
Email: [email protected]
BILLINGSLEY, Peter (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biology), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1981–1985).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen (from 1995).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Aberdeen; Royal Society
University Research Fellow, Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine.
Email: [email protected]
BILLS, Kym Maynard (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Development Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Executive Director, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
(from 1999).
Previously: Director, ANL Ltd (1995–1998); First Assistant Secretary,
Department of Transport (1994–1999); Deputy Chairman, Task Force
on Asset Sales (1993–1994); Senior Adviser, Leader of the Opposition
(1988–1992); Director, Department of Immigration (1987–1988);
Senior Analyst, Office of National Assessments (1986–1987);
Lecturer, Department of Economics, Deakin University (1985–1986).
Email: [email protected]
BINCH, Russell (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Law),
University of British Columbia, Canada (2000–2001).
Currently: Legal Officer, Boston Borough Council (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
BISSON, Donald (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM (Law),
King’s College London, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Barrister and Solicitor, McCarthy Tetrault (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
BLENDIS, Simon (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Music),
University of Toronto, Canada (1992–1993).
Currently: Concert Violinist, Schubert Ensemble (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
BOKHARI, Syed Habib Ali (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1999–
Previously: Assistant Professor, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology (2000–2002); Demonstrator (part-time) (2000–2002);
Lecturer/Researcher, Government Saddiq-Egerton College (1996–
Email: [email protected]
BONAPARTE, Basil Vincent (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (Spanish Language and Literature), Carleton University, Canada;
MA (Spanish Language and Literature), Carleton University, Canada
Currently: Member/Secretary/Vice-President, Writers’ Association of
Grenada (from 1995); Examiner, Oral Spanish in Advanced Level
Examination, Cambridge University, UK (from 1978).
Previously: Senior Education Officer/Head of Curriculum
Development, Ministry of Education (1998–1999); Member, Modern
Language Panel, Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) (1989–1993);
Education Officer (Secondary), Ministry of Education (1986–1987);
Examiner of Oral Spanish in CXC Examinations, Ministry of
Education (1980–1988); President, Spanish Teachers’ Association of
Grenada (1974–1978); Examiner of Oral Spanish in School Leaving
Examinations, Ministry of Education (1973–1990); Teacher/Head/
Acting Vice-Principal/Co-principal, Modern Languages Department,
Grenada Boys’ Secondary School (1973–1986).
Email: [email protected]
BONELLO, Marc Antony (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Structural Steel Design), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Board Member, Experts Group, Malta Standards Authority
(from 2002); Board Member, San Andrea School (from 2002);
Member, Trans-European Transport Networks, European Commission
(from 2002); Chairman, Malta Maritime Authority (from 1999); Senior
Partner, TBA Periti (from 1992); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Building and Civil Engineering, University of Malta (from 1990).
Previously: Board Member, Fire Safety Group, Malta Building
Regulations (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
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BONTHUYS, Elsje (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1998).
Currently: Associate Professor, School of Law, University of the
Witwatersrand (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of the
Witwatersrand (1999–2002).
Email: [email protected]
BOODOO, Shaheen Banu (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Computer Science), McGill University, Canada (1998–
Currently: Analyst Programmer, Department of Information
Technology, Mauritius Telecom (from 2000).
Previously: Programmer, IT Department, Mauritius Telecom; Analyst
Programmer, Mauritius Telecom.
Email: [email protected]
BORG BONELLO, Benny (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Industrial Relations), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Deputy Registrar, University of Malta (from 2002); Board
Member, Malta Statistics Authority (from 2001); President, Malta
Consumer Association (from 2000); Research Officer, General
Workers’ Union (from 2000); Member, Malta Consumer Affairs
Council (from 1998).
Previously: Campaigns Manager, Malta Labour Party (1995–1998).
Email: [email protected]
BORPUJARI, Jitendra Gopal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1965–1968).
Currently: Executive Director’s Adviser and Alternate, International
Monetary Fund, US (from 1996).
Previously: Principal Economist, World Bank, US (1991–1996);
Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund, US (1969–1989);
Director, Evermay Community Association, US; Adviser, Assam
Founadtion of North America, US.
Email: [email protected]
BOSHOFF, Anina (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law of Sustainable Economic Development), University College
London, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Associate, Hofmeyr Herbstein and Gihwala.
Previously: Candidate Attorney, Hofmeyr Herbstein and Gihwala
(1999–2001); Board Member, National Association of Broadcasters
(1997–1998); Professional Assistant.
Email: [email protected]
BOSTON, Anthony Mark (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Social Work), University of Toronto, Canada (1985–1986).
Currently: Community Development Consultant (from 1996).
Previously: Director, Law Reform, Metro Tenants Legal Services,
Canada; Director, Community Development, Sherbourne Health
Centre, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
BOSTON, Jonathon George (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Government Studies), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1980–1983).
Currently: Professor of Public Policy, School of Government, Victoria
University of Wellington (from 1997); Investigating Officer, the
Treasury (from 1984); Research Fellow, Institute of Policy Studies,
Victoria University of Wellington (from 1984).
Previously: Member, Tertiary Education Advisory Commission
(2000–2001); Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Public Policy
Group, Victoria University of Wellington (1988–1997); Lecturer/
Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of
Canterbury (1985–1988).
Email: [email protected]
BOSWORTH, Richard J B (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1966–
Currently: Professor of History, University of Western Australia (from
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, University
of Sydney (1969–1986).
Email: [email protected]
BOTHRA, Vinaya Chandra (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Paediatric Surgery and Urology), University College London, United
Kingdom (1970–1971).
Currently: Senior Consultant Surgeon, Amar Jain Medical Relief
Society Hospital (from 1995).
BOUCHER, Carlston Belfield (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
MA (Development Economics), University of Sussex, United
Kingdom (1968–1970).
Previously: Chairman, Credentials Committee, United Nations, US
(1997–1998); Vice-Chairman, Alliance of Small Island States, United
Nations, US (1996–1999); Ambassador to Barbados, United Nations,
US (1995–1999); Special Representative to the United Nations,
Government of Barbados (1993–1995); Various economic positions,
World Bank, US (1972–1993); Deputy Government Statistician,
National Statistics Department (1970–1972).
Email: [email protected]
BOURGET, Edwin (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Marine
Biology), University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom (1971–1974).
Currently: Vice-Recteur à la recherche, Université de Sherbrooke
(from 2001).
Previously: Vice-Dean, Research, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Université Laval (1998–2001).
BOWDEN, Peta Lyn (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Philosophy), McGill University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Murdoch University (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Philosophy, Murdoch University;
Librarian, Public Works Department.
Email: [email protected]
BOWE, Michael (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Economics),
Athabasca University, Canada (1980–1984).
Currently: Professor of International Finance, University of
Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (from 1993).
Previously: Director, Degree Programmes, Institute of Financial
BOWIE, John Hamilton (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Organic Chemistry), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Chemistry, University of Adelaide (from 1995).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide (1991–1994);
Professor, Chemistry, University of Adelaide (1983–1991); Reader,
Chemistry, University of Adelaide (1971–1983); Senior Lecturer,
Chemistry, University of Adelaide (1969–1971); Lecturer, Chemistry,
University of Adelaide (1966–1969); Postdoctoral Fellow, University
of Cambridge, UK (1964–1965).
Email: [email protected]
BOYCE, Victor Winston (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Econometrics and Finance), University of York, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Manager, Bank of Nova Scotia (from 2002).
Previously: President, African Caribbean Society, University of York,
UK (2001–2002); Systems Operator, Bank of Nova Scotia (1999–
2000); Credit Risk Officer, Bank of Nova Scotia (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected]
BRADFORD, Nicholas Jack (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Anthropology), Karnatak University, India (1968–1970).
Currently: Wine Grower (self-employed), France (from 1989).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of
Aberdeen (1977–1988); Research Fellow, IDR, Denmark (1974–
1976); Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropolgy, University of
Sussex (1973–1974); Doctoral SSRC Studentship, University of
Sussex (1970–1973).
Email: [email protected]
BRAMMALL, Brendan Owen (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Politics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2000–2002).
Email: [email protected]
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BRANDAY, Joseph Michael (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Education (Medical)), University of Wales College of Medicine,
United Kingdom (1993–1995).
Currently: Deputy Dean, Student Affairs, University of the West
Indies (from 2002); Professor of Surgery, University of the West
Indies (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of the
West Indies (1988–2001); Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University
of the West Indies (1986–1988).
Email: [email protected]
BRATHWAITE, Samuel (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Geology), University of Windsor, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Senior Project Manager, Environmental Forensic
Investigations Inc. (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Hydrogeologist, CH2M HILL; Project
Hydrogeologist, Emcon Associates.
Email: [email protected]
BRAUN, Virginia (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Psychology), Loughborough University, United Kingdom (1997–
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of
Auckland (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
BRAY, Richard C L (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University College London, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Principal, Carl Bray & Associates (from 1999); Adjunct
Professor, Queen’s University at Kingston (from 1999).
Previously: Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto (1994–2000);
Senior Planner, Commonwealth Heritage Consultants (1993–1999);
Senior Planner, Ministry of Municipal Affairs (1992–1993); Senior
Planner, Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd (1988–1992).
Email: [email protected]
BREITHAUPT, Robert Winter (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Electrical Engineering), University College London, United
Kingdom (1962–1965).
Currently: Engineering and Management Consultant (self-employed)
(from 2000).
Previously: Vice-President, Technology and Programs, Vistar
Telecommunications Incorporated (1993–1999); Interim President,
Federal Communications Research Centre (1992–1993); DirectorGeneral, Space Programs and MSAT (1988–1992); Executive
management positions, Communications Research Centre, Federal
Government (1975–1987); Research Officer and Manager, NRC
Antenna Research and Development (1965–1975).
Email: [email protected]
BRERETON, Michael Louis (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Data Communications), University College London,
United Kingdom (1993–1994).
Currently: Consultant/Software Engineer (self-employed) (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus (1995–1998); Assistant
Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of the West
Indies, St Augustine Campus (1991–1993).
Email: [email protected]
BREW HAMMOND, John (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Mechanical Engineering), McGill University, Canada
Currently: Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kwame
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (from 2002).
Previously: Director, Kumasi Institute of Technology and
Environment; Managing Director, Kumasi Energy Company Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
BREWARD, Ian (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Ecclesiastical History), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Archivist, Uniting Church in Australia, Australia (from
2000); Thatcher Lecturer, United Theological College (from 1989);
Board Member, World Vision Australia (from 1983); Chair, Editor
and President, Uniting Church Historical Society (from 1982).
Previously: Council Member, Ormond College (1984–1999);
Professor of Church History, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
(1982–2000); Co-Chair, Roman Catholic/Uniting Church in Australia
Joint Working Committee (1982–1991); Moderator of General
Assembly, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand (1975–1976); Board
Member and Deputy Chairman, Radio New Zealand (1973–1977);
Dean, Faculty of Theology, University of Otago (1969–1972);
Professor of Church History, Knox College, Australia (1965–1981).
BRIGGS, Nimi Dimka (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCOG
(Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Chester City Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, University of Port Harcourt (from 1995).
Previously: Chairman and Treasurer, Faculty of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
(1996); Member, Federal Government Advisory Committee on the
Formation of a National Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(1983); Secretary-General, Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of
Nigeria; Field Captain and Medical Officer, 3 Division, Nigerian
Army; Provost (and twice Acting Vice-Chancellor), College of Health
Sciences, University of Port Harcourt.
Awards: Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists;
Fellow, Royal Society; Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering;
Fellow, Institute of Physics.
Email: [email protected]
BRIGUGLIO, Pascal Lino (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Exeter, United Kingdom (1979–1982).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Economics, University
of Malta (from 1997); Member, National Commission of Sustainable
Development; Member, Commission for Fair Trading.
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University
of Malta (1992–1997); Lecturer, Department of Economics, University
of Malta (1976–1992).
Email: [email protected]
BROADHURST, Karen (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Anglo-Norman Literature), Birkbeck, University of London, United
Kingdom (1987–1991).
Previously: Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of French,
University of Toronto (1993–1996); Postdoctoral Fellow, Department
of French, University of Toronto (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]
BROWN, Deryck Richard (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Public Policy), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: Director, Technical Cooperation and Partnerships,
Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery (from 2002).
Previously: Project Officer (Technical Cooperation), Caribbean
Development Bank, Barbados (1999–2002); Research Fellow, Institute
of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, Cave
Hill Campus (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
BROWN, Kathy-Ann (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(International Law), York University, Canada (1984–1990).
Currently: Trade Consultant, ACP Secretariat.
Previously: Trade Consultant, ACP Secretariat; Senior Technical
Adviser, Legal - International Trade, Caribbean Regional Negotiating
Email: [email protected]
BROWN, Vaughn Deon (Antigua and Barbuda). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Advanced Electronic Engineering), University of
Warwick, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Operations Engineer, APUA Telephones (from 2002).
Previously: Data Communications Engineer (1998–2001).
Email: [email protected]
BRYANT, Mary Ellen (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (PostWar Recovery Studies), University of York, United Kingdom (2001–
Currently: Teacher, Blanca Jeanette Kawas Escuela, Honduras (from
Previously: Food Industries Relations Specialist, Metro Food Bank
Society (2000–2001); Food Chemistry Laboratory Technician,
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2000); Sustainable Farm
Researcher, National Science and Engineering Reseach Council Grant,
Cuba (1999); Humanitarian and Volunteer, Angola (1997).
Email: [email protected]
BRYCE, Jane (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (English
Literature), Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria (1983–1988).
Currently: Co-director, Barbados Festival of African and Caribbean
Film, Barbados (from 2002); Committee member, Fran Collymore
Literary Endowment Fund (from 1998); Senior Lecturer, Faculty of
Humanities, University of the West Indies (from 1992).
Previously: Part-time Lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies
Email: jbryce@[email protected]
BUCKINGHAM, Donald Eric (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postgraduate Diploma (International Law), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1989–1990).
Currently: Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa (from
2000); International Trade and Agricultural Consultant (selfemployed) (from 1999).
Previously: Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Saskatchewan
(1995–2000); Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of
Ottawa (1990–1995).
Email: [email protected]
BUCKNOR, Michael A. (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Postcolonial Literatures), University of Western Ontario,
Canada; PhD (Postcolonial Literatures), University of Western
Ontario, Canada (1992–1998).
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Professor, Centre for
Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan, US (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Literatures in English, University
of the West Indies, Mona Campus; Chief Examiner CAPE Literatures,
English, Caribbean Examinations Council.
Email: [email protected]
BUGAJE, Idris Md (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Energy
Engineering), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Currently: Rector, Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa (from 2000).
Previously: Chairman, Science and Technology Forum (2002);
Reader, Chemical Engineering Department, Ahmadu Bello University
(1999–2000); Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Department, University
of Malaysia, Malaysia (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
BUGYEI, Kwasi Agyei (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Toxicology/Pharmacology), University of Guelph, Canada; PhD
(Pharmacology), University of Guelph, Canada (1989–1995).
Currently: Lecturer, Medical School, University of Ghana.
BULLE, Ahmed Shariff (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Rural Resource Management), University of Wales, Bangor, United
Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Principal, Griftu Pastoral Training Centre, Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development (from 2000); Chairman, Griftu
Secondary School, Board of Governance; Member, District
Development Committee.
Previously: Provincial Animal Production Officer, NEP (1999);
District Agriculture and Livestock Extension Officer, Wajir (1998).
Email: [email protected]
BULLSMITH, Christofer (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Philosophy), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Product Development Director, Reallyenglish (KK) (from
Email: [email protected]
BUNYAN, Alexandra Gerarda (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (English Literature), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
BUNYAN, Libby (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM (Law),
School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Legal Officer, United Nations Mission in Kosovo,
Yugoslavia (from 2003); Principal Legal Officer (acting), Native Title
Division, Attorney-General’s Department (from 2002).
Previously: Departmental Adviser to the Federal Attorney-General,
Attorney-General’s Department (2000–2001); Principal Legal Officer
(acting), Office of International Law, Attorney-General’s Department
Email: [email protected]
BURGE, Richard David Arthur (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research (Zoology), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Representative), Workrama Project, Guyana (from 2002); Chief
Executive, Countryside Alliance (from 1999).
Previously: Executive Board Member, Association of Chief
Executives (1996–2001); Trustee, Television Trust for the
Environment (1996–2001); Director-General, Zoological Society of
London (1995–1999); Head, Africa and Middle East Development
Operations, British Council (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]
BURKE, Terry William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSocSc (Urban and Regional Studies), University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom (1974–1976).
Currently: Professor, Swinburne University of Technology (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology
(1982–1990); Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology (1977–
Email: [email protected]
BURROWES, Toni J K (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Social Work), Athabasca University, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Independant Consultant (from 1995).
Previously: Consultant, Bureau of Women’s Affairs; Consultant,
various international donor agencies: UNDP, IDB, UNICEF, NCH.
Email: [email protected]
BURROWS, John Frederick (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Law), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1964–1967).
Currently: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor, Faculty of Law,
University of Canterbury (from 1967).
Previously: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Canterbury (1999–
2001); Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Canterbury (1992–1998);
Member, Committee on University Academic Programmes, University
of Canterbury (1992–1998); Head of Department of Law/Dean,
Faculty of Law, University of Canterbury (1980–1986).
Email: [email protected]
BURTON, John Fitzgerald (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Prosthetic Dentistry), Royal Dental Hospital of London, United
Kingdom (1976).
Currently: Dental Adviser, Otago District Health Board (from 2002);
Council Member and Chair, Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
(from 1981).
Previously: Dental Adviser, Health Funding Authority (1996–2001);
Senior Lecturer in Dentistry, University of Otago (1969–1995).
Email: [email protected]
BUSE, Adolf (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSocSc
(Economics), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1962–
Currently: Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University
of Alberta (from 1997).
Previously: Professor, Department of Economics, University of
Alberta (1973–1997).
Awards: Rutherford Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of
Alberta (1987).
Email: [email protected]
BUSE, Kent Dieter (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Public
Health Policy), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
United Kingdom (1995–1998).
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Currently: Senior Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, UK (from 2003); Country Director, Fogarty AIDS
International Training and Research (India Program), Yale University,
US (from 2001); Consultant, World Health Organization, Switzerland
(from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Yale University, US (1999–2003);
Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
UK (1998–1999); Scientist, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on
AIDS, Yale University.
Email: [email protected]
CAIRNS, David John Adams (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Law), University of Toronto, Canada (1985–1986).
Currently: Associate, B. Cremades y Associados, Spain (from 1999).
Previously: Partner, Chen & Palmer; Senior Associate, Buddle
Email: [email protected]
CAMERON, David Bruce (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Development Manager, Fantoft Process Technologies AS,
Norway (from 2001).
Previously: Technology Manager, Process Optimization, Fantoft
Process Technologies, Norway (2000–2001); Principal Engineer,
Norsk Hydro ASA Research Centre, Norway (1999–2000); Senior
Engineer, Norsk Hydro ASA Research Centre, Norway (1993–1999);
Research Engineer, BHP Research (1992–1993); Engineer, BHP
Research (1986–1988); Trainee, BHP Steel (1982–1986).
Email: [email protected]
CAMILLE, Doreen (formerly BRADBURN) (Seychelles).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Business Administration), Brock
University, Canada (1987–1991).
Currently: Corporate Manager, Seychelles Petroleum Company Ltd
(from 2002).
Previously: Finance Manager, Seychelles Petroleum Company Ltd;
Corporate Manager, Seychelles Petroleum Company Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
CAMILLERI, Jennifer (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Counselling Psychology), Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada;
PhD (Counselling Psychology), Ontario College of Art and Design,
Canada (1990–1995).
Currently: Publishing Coordinator, Compuware (from 2000).
Previously: Publisher, Compuware.
Email: [email protected]
CAMPBELL, Douglas Atchison (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Religious Studies), University of Toronto, Canada;
PhD (Religious Studies), University of Toronto, Canada (1984–1989).
Currently: Lecturer, New Testament, King’s College London, UK
(from 1996).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Otago.
Email: [email protected]
CAMPBELL, Richard James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1966–
Currently: Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, School of Humanities,
Australian National University (from 2003).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Chair, Board of Trustees,
Australian National University (1994–1998); Professor of Philosophy,
Australian National University (1993–2003); Reader in Philosophy,
Australian National University (1980–1993); Chairman, ACT Schools
Authority (1979–1985); Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Australian
National University (1972–1979); Lecturer in Philosophy, Australian
National University (1967–1972).
Email: [email protected]
CAPON, Debra Ann (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Cultural Studies and Physical Education), University of Alberta,
Canada (2000–2002).
Currently: Team Leader, Prince’s Trust at Milton Keynes College.
Previously: Health and Fitness Manager, Bladerunner Corporate
Management; Display Co-ordinator, Laura Ashley.
Email: [email protected]
CAPTAIN, Fidel A (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, BEng
(Computer Systems Engineering), University of Manchester Institute
of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Lecturer, H Lavity Stoutt Community College, Virgin
Islands (British) (from 2001).
Previously: Systems Analyst/Engineer (1995–2000).
Email: [email protected]
CAREY, Alan Lawrence (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Mathematical Physics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: President, Australian Mathematical Sciences Council (from
2003); Dean, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National
University (from 2002).
Previously: Dean, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
University of Adelaide (1997–2001); Panel Member, Australian
Research Council (1994–1996); Professor of Pure Mathematics,
University of Adelaide (1992–1996).
Email: [email protected]
CARNEY, Gerard Francis (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
LLM (Law), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Professor of Law, School of Law, Bond University (from
2001); Member, Council of Australian Association of Constitutional
Law (from 2000).
Previously: Associate Professor of Law, Bond University (1990–
Email: [email protected]
CARNEY, Mark Joseph (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Canada (from 1994).
Email: [email protected]
CARO, John Augustine (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Film and Video Production), York University, Canada (1999–2001).
Currently: Video Production Lecturer, University of Portsmouth (from
Previously: Media Technician, Natural History Museum; Small
Projects Manager, Unitspark Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
CARSWELL, Fiona Eleanor (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Ecophysiology/Botany), University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom (1994–1998).
Currently: Researcher, Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd (from
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Associate (1998–1999).
Email: [email protected]
CARTER, Bristol Barrington (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Agricultural), Cranfield University, United Kingdom (1982–
Currently: Chairman Pastor, Elim Pentecostal Churches of Guyana
(from 1997).
Previously: Manager, Seed Production, Livestock Industry
Development Company (1993–1995); Agriculturist, Vinelli Industries
Ltd. (1992–1993); Research Scientist, National Agricultural Research
Institute (1990–1992); Manager, Agricultural Development (1985–
1990); Chief Agriculturist, Mahaica/Mahaicony/Abary-Agricultural
Development Authority (1984–1985).
CARTER, Patricia Elizabeth (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Arts/Social Sciences), University of Alberta, Canada (1995–
Currently: Teacher, Ministry of Education (from 1979).
Previously: Acting Tutor, Erdiston Teachers’ Training College.
Email: [email protected]
CARTER, Patrick Roy Neale (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1991–
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Currently: Teacher, Social Sciences Department, Appleby College
(from 2001).
CARTER, Robert Merlin (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Geology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1965–
Currently: Vice-President, Federation of Australian Scientific and
Technical Societies, Australia (from 1998); Director, Marine
Geophysical Laboratory, James Cook University, Australia (from
Previously: Director, Australian ODP Secretariat, Australia (1995–
1997); Chairman, Australian National Committee on Geology,
Australia (1991); Chairman, ARC Engineering, Australia (1989);
Chairman, Australian Marine Science and Technologies Grant
Scheme, Australia (1989); President, Australian Council of Chairmen
of Earth Science Departments, Australia (1986–1990); Member,
Crown of Thorns Advisory Committee, Australia (1985–1987);
Councillor, Australian Mineral Foundation (1984–1988); Professor
and Head, Department of Geology, James Cook University, Australia
(1981–1988); Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of
Otago (1972–1980); Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of
Otago (1968–1971); Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geology,
University of Otago (1963–1964).
Email: [email protected]
CARTER, William Nical (Cayman Islands). Commonwealth Scholar,
MEd (International Management and Policy), University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Director of Operations and Development, International
College of the Cayman Islands (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Education (1996–
2002); Local Registrar, Cayman Islands Department, Caribbean
Examinations Council (1996–2002); Teacher and Deputy Principal,
George Hicks High School (1990–1996); Chairperson, Cayman Islands
Adoption Board (1987–1988).
Awards: Cayman Islands’ Civil Service Award (for 20 years’
distinguished service) (2001).
Email: [email protected]
CASSAR, Joseph (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Medicine),
Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1967–1970).
Currently: Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist, Endocrinology
Department, West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, UK;
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Imperial College London, UK.
Email: [email protected]
CASSINGENA HARPER, Jennifer (Malta). Commonwealth Fellow
(Governance), Institute of Policy Research in Engineering, Science
and Technology, United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Director, Policy Development Unit, Malta Council for
Science and Technology (from 2001); Member, UNESCO
Commission Malta (from 2000); Member, European Union Euro-Med
Monitoring Committee for RTD (from 1995).
Previously: Member, Chevening Alumni Malta (2001–2002); Member,
European Union High Level Group on Regional Foresight (2001–
2002); International Relations Coordinator, Malta Council for Science
and Technology (1993–2000); Correspondent, Commonwealth Science
Council (1991–1993); Administrative Secretary, Malta Council for
Science and Technology (1989–1999).
Email: [email protected]
CATTON, Philip Ellery (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Philosophy), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1984–
Currently: Lecturer, Philosophy, University of Canterbury (from
Email: philip.catton@
Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (History), University of Sussex, United
Kingdom (1969–1972).
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Arts, Charles Sturt University (from
Previously: Head, School of Humanities and Social Science, Charles
Sturt University (1999–2002); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, History and
Politics, Charles Sturt University (1991–1999); Freelance Editor,
various publishers (1983–1991); Administrator, University of Sussex,
Institute of Development Studies, UK (1973–1983); External Tutor
Assessor and Consultant, Deakin University.
Email: [email protected]
CHAKANIZA, Lusubilo Mwagomba (Malawi). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Renewable Energy and Architecture), University of
Nottingham, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Plant Supervisor (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Malawi (1997–2002).
Email: [email protected]
CHAKRABARTI, Dilip Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Oriental Studies), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1973–1974).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Cambridge, UK (from 1990).
Previously: Visiting Professor, UK (1988–1990).
Email: [email protected]
CHALLAY, Saidu (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Applied Linguistics), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Chief Examiner, National Council for Technical Vocation
(from 2002); Lecturer, University of Sierra Leone (from 2000).
Previously: Temporary Teaching Assistant, University of Sierra Leone
(1996–1999); Teacher, Sierra Leone Grammar School (1996–1997).
Email: [email protected]
CHAM, Tao Soon (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Fluid
Mechanics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1965–1968).
Currently: Professor, Nanyang Technological University (from 2003).
Previously: President, Nanyang Technological University (1981–
2002); Chairman, Natsteel Ltd; Chairman, Singapore Symphonia Co.
Ltd; Chairman, Management Committee, Nanyang Academy of Fine
Awards: FREng, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (1998); IVA,
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Sweden (1984);
Chevalier des Palmes Academiques, France (1979).
Email: [email protected]
CHAMBERS, Donald (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Theology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1966–1972).
Currently: Freelance Historian (from 1981).
Previously: Lecturer of History, La Trobe University (1978–1980);
Senior Teaching Fellow/Lecturer, Monash University (1972–1977).
CHAMBERS, Robert Stanley (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1975–
Currently: Member, Legislation Advisory Committee (from 2001);
Judge, High Court of New Zealand (from 1999).
Previously: Vice-President, New Zealand Law Society (1998–1999);
President and Council Member, Auckland District Law Society (1997–
1999); Vice-President, Auckland District Law Society (1995–1997);
Queen’s Counsel, William Martin Chambers (1992–1999); Chair,
Health Research Council (1991–1997); Member and Chair, Health
Research Council (1991–1997); Barrister (1981–1992).
Email: [email protected]
CHAN, Heng Huat (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow
(Mathematics (Number Theory)), University of Sussex, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, National
University of Singapore (from 1997).
Previously: Associate Professor, National Chung Cheng University,
Taiwan (Republic of China) (1996–1997); Research Scholar, Institute
for Advanced Study, US (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]
CHAN, Kam Wing (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of Toronto, Canada (1983–1988).
Previously: Professor, University of Washington, US; Lecturer,
University of Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
CHAN, Siu Ling (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Development Education), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1985–1986).
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Currently: Teacher-in-Charge, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit,
Queen Mary Hospital Red Cross School (from 1991).
Email: [email protected]
CHAN, Tsang-Fai (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Sociology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Director, Hong Kong Social Policy Research Centre (from
Previously: Committee Member, Innovation and Technology Fund
(1999–2001); Member (part-time), Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong
Government (1999–2001); Committee Member, Hong Kong
Federation of Youth Groups (1994); Senior Research Officer and
Head, Yen Chung Education Foundation (1991–1995); Research
Coordinator/Research Fellow, Law Department, City University of
Hong Kong (1988–1991).
Email: [email protected]
CHAN, Tze C G (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCPath
(Haematology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1983–1984).
Currently: Consultant Haematologist, Haematology Service, Labplus,
Auckland District Health Board, New Zealand (from 1988).
Previously: Senior Clinical Pathologist and Head, Department of
Pathology, University of Hong Kong (1985–1988); Clinical
Pathologist, University of Hong Kong (1978–1985).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
CHAN, Wing Wah (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Music Composition), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (Music
Composition), University of Toronto, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Chairman and Professor, Music, Chinese University of
Hong Kong (from 1992).
Previously: Member, Arts Development Council; Director,
Composers’ and Authors’ Society of Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
CHAN CHIM YUK, Andre (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Civil Engineering), University of New Brunswick, Canada
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Mauritius (from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, Postdoctoral (Organic Chemistry), University
of Salford, United Kingdom (1973–1976).
Currently: Scientist F and Deputy Director, National Chemical
Laboratory (NCL) (from 1999).
Previously: Scientist E-II, OCT Division, NCL (1994–1999); Scientist
E-I, NCL (1989–1994); Scientist C, Organic Division, NCL (1984–
1989); Scientist B, NCL (1979–1984); Pool Officer, NCL (1978–
1979); Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Delhi (1971–1973).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
CHANDRA, Kirtunia Juran (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Zoology), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1988–1989).
Currently: Professor, Department of Agriculture, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (from 1992).
Previously: Convener, Council of Deans (1996–1997); Dean, Faculty
of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1995–1997); Head,
Department of Fisheries Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1990–1992); Associate/Assistant Professor,
Department of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1982–
1992); Lecturer, Department of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural
University (1977–1982).
CHANDRA, Rajesh (Fiji). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada (1981–1985).
Currently: Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Professor, Geography,
University of the South Pacific (from 1997).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic), University of the South
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Marine Ecology), University of
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of
Kelaniya (from 1997); Presenter, Educational Programmes, National
Television Corporation (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya
(1991–1997); Assistant Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University
of Kelaniya (1990–1991).
Email: [email protected]
CHARALAMBIDES, Stelios (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Mathematics), University of Winnipeg, Canada (1990–1993).
Currently: Lecturer, Higher Technical Institute (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, PA College; Secondary School Teacher,
Thekleion Gymnasium.
Email: [email protected]
CHARLES, Emelda (Saint Kitts and Nevis). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Language and Literacy Education), Mount Saint Vincent
University, Canada (1991–1993).
Currently: Curriculum Officer, Curriculum Development Unit (from
Previously: Lecturer, College of Further Education; Curriculum
Officer, Curriculum Development Unit.
Email: [email protected]
CHASE, Carlene (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Horticultural Science), University of Guelph, Canada (1987–
Currently: Assistant Professor, Horticultural Sciences Department,
University of Florida, US (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Horticultural Sciences Department,
University of Florida, US; Postdoctoral Research Associate, US
Department of Agriculture, US.
Email: [email protected]
CHATEUKA, Morgen (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Manufacturing Systems Design), Loughborough University, United
Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Member of Senate, University of Zimbabwe (from 1999);
Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Zimbabwe, (from 1991); Representative of Mechanical Department,
Standard Association of Zimbabwe (from 1989); Senior Technical
Adviser/Consultant, UNIDO.
Email: [email protected]
CHATTERJEE, Shreyasi (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Modernism and Postmodernism in Visual Arts), Goldsmiths College,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Reader in History of Art, Rabindra Bharati University
(from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
CHATTERJI, Prashanto Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Modern History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: National Fellow, Indian Council of Historical Research
(from 2003).
Previously: Project Fellow, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of
Asian Studies (1999–2002); Member, Indian Historical Records
Commission (1988–1990); Professor and Head, Department of
History, University of Burdwan (1976–1996); Reader, Department of
History, University of Burdwan (1969–1976); Lecturer, Department
of History, University of Burdwan (1961–1969); Assistant Professor,
Houghley Mohsin College (1959–1961); Assistant Professor,
Presidency College (1959–1961).
Awards: National Fellow, Indian Council of Historical Research
(2003); Fellow, Institute of Historical Studies (1990); Nominated
Member, Society of Eminent Persons, Government of India (1998–
CHATTOPADHYAY, Somnath (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Industrial Chemistry), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Currently: Vice-President/Chief, Exide Research Centre, Exide
Industries Ltd (from 2000); Life Member, India Science Congress
Previously: General Manager/Chief, Applications Research Centre,
Government of India Enterprise (1996–2000); Member, Technical
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Committees, Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1988–
1996); General Manager and Divisional Head (Energy), IBP-BL,
Government of India Enterprise (1987–1996); D General Manager
(Technical Development), IBP-BL, Government of India Enterprise
(1987–1996); Member, Technical Committees, Bureau of Indian
Standards (1982–1986); Projects Manager, Senior Technologist,
Dunlop Research Centres, Dunlop India Ltd (1977–1987).
Awards: Fellow, Colombo Plan; Fellow, Institute of Chemists (1983).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
CHATURANI, Purshotam (formerly ROJOPAKSHA) (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Soil Microbiology), University of
Saskatchewan, Canada (1994–1997).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Grade II, University of Peradeniya (from
CHAUBEY, Bal Swarup (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCP
(Medicine), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1964–1965).
Currently: Honorary Physician, Central India Institute of Medical
Sciences (from 1993).
Previously: Dean, Government Medical College, Nagpur (1982–1992);
Member, Governing Body, Association of Physicians of India (1980–
1986); Member, Medical Council of India (1980–1983); Senator,
Government Medical College, Nagpur (1978–1984); Professor and
Head, Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur
(1972–1982); Associate Professor, Department of Medicine,
Government Medical College, Nagpur (1965–1972).
CHEE, Mark Stephen Chern W (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Molecular Biology), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1986–1989).
Currently: Research Fellow, Illumina Inc., US (from 2002).
Previously: Founder, VP Genomics, Illumina Inc., US (1998–2002);
Various positions, Affymetrix Inc., US (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
CHENG, Lanna (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Zoology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1965–1968).
Currently: Research Biologist, University of California, US (from
Previously: Technical Adviser, UNDP, China (1988–1990); President,
Western Society of Naturalists, US (1985–1986); Associate Research
Biologist, University of California, US (1977–1997); Assistant
Research Biologist, University of California, US (1972–1977);
Research Associate, University of California, US (1970–1972).
Awards: Fellow, Royal Entomological Society, UK.
Email: [email protected]
CHEONG, Sok Ching (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (DNA Repair), St George’s Hospital Medical School,
United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Cancer Research Initiatives
Foundation (from 2002); Committee Member, Malaysian Women
Graduates’ Association (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
CHAVA, Bhaskar Rao (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Maxillofacial Surgery), Charles Clifford Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: International Adviser, Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons at Glasgow, UK (from 2003); Member, Senate and Research
Committee, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (from 2003);
Convener, Education Committee, Dental Council of India (from 1998);
Vice-President, Dental Council of India (from 1996); Professor and
Principal/Head, SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital (from
Previously: President, Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
of India (1990–1991); Dean, Dental Faculty, SDM College of Dental
Sciences and Hospital (1980–1986); Professor, Department of
Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dental Surgery (1976–1980).
Email: [email protected]
CHIA, Hock Thye (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), Aston University, United Kingdom (1971–
Currently: Education Director, Chartered Management Institute,
Singapore Branch (from 2002); Consultant, Singapore Technologies
Dynamics Pte Ltd.
Awards: Public Service Medal.
Email: [email protected]
CHAWLA, Livter Singh (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Gastroenterology), Central Middlesex Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: National President, Affiliate of International Physicians for
Prevention of Nuclear War, Indian Doctors for Peace and
Development (from 1998).
Previously: Chairman, Postgraduate Committee, Medical Council of
India (2000–2002); Founder and Vice-Chancellor, Baba Farid
University of Health Sciences (1998–1999); Member, Executive
Committee, Medical Council of India (1994–1999); Member,
Advisory Body, Punjab Government Health Department (1993–1994);
Chief Medical Adviser, Suzi Guru Tezeh Bahadur Sahib (C) Hospital
(1975–1995); Senator/Syndicate Dean, Medical Faculty, Panjab
University (1975–1994); Professor and Principal, Dayanand Medical
College and Hospital (1970–1994).
Email: [email protected]
CHILIMA, Dorothy Madalo (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Human Nutrition), London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, United Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Deputy Dean, Bunda College of Agriculture, University of
Malawi (from 2003); Trustee, Every Child (from 2003); Head,
Department of Home Economics and Human Nutrition, University of
Malawi (from 2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of Home
Economics and Human Nutrition, University of Malawi (from 2001);
Lecturer, Department of Home Economics and Human Nutrition,
University of Malawi (from 1990).
Previously: Staff Associate, Department of Home Economics and
Human Nutrition, University of Malawi (1987–1989).
Email: [email protected]
CHE OMAR, Ibrahim (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Bioscience and Biotechnology), University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom (1994).
Currently: Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia (from 2000);
Consultant, ASEAN Technology, UNESCO (from 1991); Member,
National Biotechnology Programme, Ministry of Agriculture (from
1991); Member, National Committee for Importation, Ministry of
Science, Technology and Environment (from 1991); Member, Expert
Science and Engineering Panel, Ministry of Education (from 1991).
Previously: Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia (1994–2000); Lecturer, Institute of
Postgraduate Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia (1989–1994).
Email: [email protected]
CHIAVAROLI, Neville Gabriel (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Medieval and Renaissance Literature), University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Research Fellow, Australian Council for Educational
Research (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
CHIPALO-MUTATI, Grace Misumbi (formerly CHIPALO)
(Ophthalmology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Chairperson, Speciality Clinic Committee, University
Teaching Hospital (from 2002); Treasurer, Medical Women’s
Association (from 2001); Member, Prevention of Blindness Committee
(from 2001); Consultant Ophthalmologist and Head of Department,
Ministry of Health (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Registrar, University Teaching Hospital,
Department of Ophthalmology, Ministry of Health (1997–2000);
Registrar, Alexandra Royal Infirmary, UK (1996–1997); Honorary
Registrar, Tennents Institute of Ophthalmology/Glasgow Eye
Infirmary/Gartnauel Institute of Neurological Sciences, UK (1994–
1996); Publicity Secretary, Medical Women’s Association (1992–
1993); Registrar, University Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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CHOKOTHO, Norris Charles (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Chemical Education), University of East Anglia, United
Kingdom (1974–1975); PhD (Chemical Engineering), University of
East Anglia, United Kingdom (1980–1984).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of
Malawi (1986–2002); Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University
of Malawi (1973–1986).
Email: [email protected]
CHONG, Chan Yau (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Analysis/Design/Management of Information Systems), London
School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Executive Director, Oxfam Hong Kong (from 2001);
Member, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, Hong Kong SAR
Government (from 2000); Member, Committee on Research and
Publication, Equal Opportunity Commission (from 2000); Member,
Executive Committee, Hong Kong Council of Social Service (from
Previously: Director of Fundraising, Oxfam Hong Kong (1993–2000);
Administrative Officer, Home Affairs Branch, Hong Kong
Government (1992–1993).
Awards: Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE), UK
(1995); Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award (1991).
Email: [email protected]
CHONG, Chon Sing (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1968–1971).
Currently: Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia (from 1975).
Email: [email protected]
CHONG SENG, Philippe (Seychelles). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Electrical Engineering), École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Currently: Managing Director, Epsilon Electrical Consultancy (from
Previously: Managing Director, Electricity, Public Utilities
Corporation; General Manager, United Concrete (Seychelles) Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
CHOO, Poh Sze (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Nutritional Sciences), University of Guelph, Canada (1986–1990).
Currently: Science and Policy Specialist, WorldFish Center (from
Previously: Head, Aquatic Ecology Branch, Fisheries Research
Institute; Head, Aquaculture Branch.
Email: [email protected]
CHOW, Kam Tong (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Business Administration), York University, Canada (1990–1991).
Currently: Manager, Prestige International Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Financial Controller, Acceptor Group; Accounting
Manager and Office Manager, International Restaurants Division,
Email: [email protected]
CHOW, King (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biochemistry), University of Toronto, Canada (1982–1988).
Currently: Managing Director, Hong Kong Agritech Ltd (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and
Email: [email protected]
CHOWDHURY, Md Abdul Mannan (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Fellow (Climatology), University of Durham, United Kingdom (2002–
Currently: Professor, Jahangirnagar University (from 1999).
Previously: University Proctor, Jahangirnagar University (1997–1999);
University Senate Member, Jahangirnagar University.
Email: [email protected]
CHOWDHURY, Md Bazlur Rashid (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Fellow (Fish Disease), University of Stirling, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Professor, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1995).
Previously: Head, Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1996–1998); Head, Department of Fisheries
Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1996);
Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries Biology and Limnology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (1989–1995); Assistant Professor,
Department of Fisheries Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1983–1989); Lecturer, Department of
Fisheries Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1979–1983); Teaching Fellow, Department of Fisheries Biology and
Limnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1978–1979).
Email: [email protected]
CHOWDHURY, Mohammad Jahangir Al (Bangladesh).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Banking and Finance), University of
Stirling, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking,
University of Dhaka (from 2003); Executive Director, Center for
Monitoring Poverty and Development (from 1997).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Banking,
University of Dhaka (1997–2003); Lecturer, Department of Finance
and Banking, University of Dhaka (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
CHRISTIAN, Ijahnya (Anguilla). Commonwealth Scholar, MEd
(Adult Education), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, National Council for Adult Education (from
2001); Member, Board of Directors, Caribbean Conservation
Association (from 1999); Executive Director, Anguilla National Trust
(from 1998); Local Coordinator, Leeward Islands Network of
Development Agencies (from 1990).
Previously: Associate Executive Director, Anguilla National Trust
(1996–1998); Coordinator, Adult and Continuing Education,
Government of Anguilla (1991–1996); Graduate Teacher and
Guidance Counsellor, Government of Anguilla (1984–1990).
Email: [email protected]
CHRISTIE, Pauline Grace (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Language), University of York, United Kingdom (1966–1969).
Currently: Educational Consultant, Jamaican Association for the Deaf
(from 2002); Honorary Member, Society for Caribbean Linguistics
(from 1998); External Examiner, Linguistics Department, University
of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Joint Board for Teacher Education
(from 1997).
Previously: Dean of Faculty of Arts and General Studies, University
of the West Indies (1991–1995); President, Society for Caribbean
Linguistics (1988–1990); Senior Lecturer, Department of Language,
Linguistics and Philosophy, University of the West Indies (1980–
1997); Member, Examining Council for English Language, Caribbean
Examining Council (1977–1991); Lecturer, Department of Language,
Linguistics and Philosophy, University of the West Indies (1972–
1980); Temporary Lecturer, Department of Language, University of
York, UK (1971–1972); Research Fellow, Department of Language,
University of York, UK (1969–1971).
Email: [email protected]
CHRISTOFFERSEN, Margaret Ruth (formerly KERSHAW) (New
Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Chemistry), University of
Reading, United Kingdom (1963–1966).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark (from 1972–2004).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark (1968–1972).
Email: [email protected]
CHUA, Joon Eng (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Business Administration), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Managing Director/Principal Consultant, The Training
Company Pte Ltd (from 1997).
Previously: Vice-Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, National
University of Singapore; Chairman, Executive Development Program,
Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore.
Email: [email protected]
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CHUNG, Hung Wan (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Civil Engineering), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1963–
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, University
of Technology, Sydney, Australia (1989–1999); Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer/Reader in Civil Engineering, University of Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
CHUNG, Patrick Shuao Fong (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Environmental Change and Management), University of Oxford,
United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: JD/MBA Candidate, Harvard Law School, Harvard
Business School, US (from 2000).
Previously: Principal, Zefer Corp, UK (1999–2001); Business Analyst,
McKinsey and Co., UK (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
CHUNGA, John Abel (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Civil Engineering), Concordia University, Canada (1988–1991).
Currently: General Manager, Shonga Steel Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Zambia; Executive Engineer,
Ministry of Works and Supply.
CILIA, George (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Urban
and Regional Planning), University of Waterloo, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Director, Business Development, Quality Project
Management Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Director Forward Planning, Malta Environment
and Planning Authority; Development Control Unit Manager, Malta
Environment and Planning Authority.
Email: [email protected]
CLARKSON, Margot P (formerly COWEN) (Australia).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Legal Studies), University of
Cambridge, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Solicitor, Allens Arthur Robinson (from 2003).
Previously: Solicitor (2002–2003); Tutor in Jurisprudence, T. C.
Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
CLARKSON, Robin Macarthur (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Law), York University, Canada (1984–1986).
Currently: Corporate Partner, Paull & Williamsons (from 1994).
Email: [email protected]
CLAYBOURNE, Anna (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(English Literature), University of Toronto, Canada (1996–1997).
Currently: Freelance Writer (from 1996).
Previously: Editor/Writer, Usborne Publishing.
Email: [email protected]
CLEUGH, Helen (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Atmospheric Science), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Land and Water,
Australia (from 1994).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
CODALI, Joseph (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1987–1990).
Currently: Codali Funeral Services.
Email: [email protected]
CODDINGTON, Paul David (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Theoretical Physics), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1983–1987).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science,
University of Adelaide (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, University of Adelaide (1997–
2000); Research Assistant, University of Southampton, UK (1997–
1998); Senior Research Scientist, Syracuse University (1992–1997);
Research Associate, Syracuse University (1990–1992); Research
Fellow, California Institute of Technology, US (1988–1990).
Email: [email protected]
COHEN, Raymond James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Radio Astronomy), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Reader in Radio Astronomy, Jodrell Bank Observatory,
University of Manchester, UK (from 1974).
Previously: Chairman, ESF Committee on Radio Astronomy
Frequencies, UK (1995–2000); Member, Inter-Union Commission on
Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science, UK
(1993–2003); Lecturer in Radio Astronomy, Nuffield Radio
Astronomy Laboratories, UK.
Email: [email protected]
COLEMAN, Timothy Edward (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Applied Japanese Linguistics), School of Oriental and
African Studies, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
COLLINS, Lindley Simeon (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Food Science), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Director, Grenada Bureau of Standards (from 1998).
Previously: Chairman, Board of Directors, Grenada Food and
Nutrition Council; Chairman, Board of Directors, Grenada
Commercial Fisheries Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
COLVIN, Phyllis Irene (Jenkin) (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Liberal Studies), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Policy Division, Health Canada (from 1998).
Previously: Director(A), Health Policy Division, Health Canada
(1992–1998); Chairperson, Board, Ottawa Public Library (1988–
1990); Various Positions, Regulatory Analysis, Policy Branch (1981–
CONDUIT, Allen James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electronics), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1977–
Currently: Chief Executive Officer, Redfern Optical Components
(from 2000).
Previously: Director, Engineering and Technology, Australian Amp
(Tyco) (1997–1999); Managing Director, Fibernet (1983–1996).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, BEng (Electronic and Communication
Engineering), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, School of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
CONYBEARE, Catherine (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Medieval Studies), University of Toronto, Canada (1990–1996).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College (from 2002).
Previously: British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University of
Email: [email protected]
COOKE, Aston (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Hospitality
and Tourism), Ryerson Polytechnic University, Canada (1989–1993).
Currently: Marketing Manager, McDonald’s Jamaica (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Media Relations Manager, Jamaica Tourist Board;
Brand Communication and Public Affairs Manager, The Shell
Company (West Indies) Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
COOKSON, John Ernest (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Modern British History), University of St Andrews, United
Kingdom (1965–1968).
Currently: President, New Zealand Historical Association (from
2000); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor in History,
Department of History, University of Canterbury (from 1968).
Email: [email protected]
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CORBALLIS, Richard Patrick (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (English), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, School of English and Media Studies, Massey
University (from 2002); Member, Executive Committee , International
Association of University Professors of English (from 2001); Director,
Semper Opera Tours Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Professor and Head, School of English and Media Studies,
Massey University (1990–2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of
English, University of Canterbury (1971–1990).
Email: [email protected]
CORMODE, Liisa Janet Margaret (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Human Geography), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1991–1995).
Currently: Consultant, L Cormode and Associates Research Services
(from 2000).
Previously: Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University
of Saskatchewan (2000–2003); Instructor, Department of Geography,
University of Calgary (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
CORNELISSEN, Scarlett (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Urban Studies), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of
Stellenbosch (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
CORNISH, William Rodolph (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
BCL (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1960–1962).
Currently: Herchel Smich Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Law
Faculty, University of Cambridge, UK (from 1995).
Previously: Professor, University of Cambridge, UK (1990–1995);
Professor of English Law, London School of Economics and Political
Science, UK (1970–1990).
Email: [email protected]
COULL, Matthew James Chesney (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLM (Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Solicitor, White and Case, UK (from 2002).
Previously: Solicitor, Minter Ellisson Rudd Watts and Stone (1999–
Email: [email protected]
COUSLEY, Melody Joy (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Educational Psychology), McGill University, Canada (1995–
Currently: Lecturer, Mico Teachers’ College (from 1999).
Previously: International Commissioner (volunteer), Girl Guides
Association of Jamaica.
Email: [email protected]
COX, Marlene Frances (Guyana). Commonwealth Fellow
(Pharmacological Test of Plants), University of Bradford, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Guyana (from
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Guyana
(1995–1998); Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University
of Guyana (1990–1998); Head, Department of Chemistry, University
of Guyana (1990–1995).
Email: [email protected]
CRAIG, Roger William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biophysics), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1971–1975).
Currently: Professor of Cell Biology, Department of Anatomy,
University of Massachusetts Medical School, US (from 1995).
Previously: Associate Professor of Cell Biology, University of
Massachusetts Medical School, US (1988–1995); Assistant Professor
of Cell Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, US
Email: [email protected]
CRANSTON, Ross Frederick (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1973–1975).
Currently: Queen’s Counsel (from 1998); Member of Parliament, UK
(from 1997); Barrister, Gray’s Inn, UK (from 1976).
Previously: Solicitor-General for England and Wales (1998–2001);
Deputy Chair/Chair, Public Concern of Work, UK (1992–1997); Sir
John Lubbock Professor of Banking Law/Cassel Professor of
Commercial Law, University of London, UK (1986–1997);
Consultant, Inquiry into Public Duty and Private Interest, Government
of Australia (1979); Chief Judge, Federal Government of Australia
(1979); Various posts, Australian National University (1978–1986);
Lecturer, University of Warwick, UK (1975–1977).
CROWELL, Michelle Dawn (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography (Environmental Protection)), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Senior Technical Support Officer, Department of
Conservation, New Zealand (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Royal Roads University (1998–1999).
Email: [email protected]
CULLEN, Michael John (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (History), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1968–
Currently: Deputy Prime Minister, New Zealand Government (from
Previously: Treasurer/Minister, Finance and Revenue and Leader of
the House, New Zealand Government (1999–2002); Deputy Leader of
the Opposition/Member of Parliament, New Zealand Government
(1996–1999); Minister of Social Welfare, New Zealand Government
(1987–1990); Senior Government Whip, New Zealand Government
(1984–1987); Member of Parliament for St Kilda, New Zealand
Government (1981–1996); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in History, Otago
University (1971–1981).
CULLEN, Richard William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Law), York University, Canada (1985–1986).
Currently: Professor, Biodata Sheet (from 1999).
Previously: Professor, Monash University; Professor and Head,
Business Law and Taxation, Monash University.
Email: [email protected]
DA SILVA, Kenneth Gilbert (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines).
Commonwealth Scholar, MLE (Land Economy/Management),
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Chief Property Manager, Ministry of Housing and Lands,
Barbados (from 2002).
Previously: Chief Surveyor, Ministry of Agriculture and Land (2002);
Land Management Officer, Lands and Surveys Department, Ministry
of Agriculture and Land (1995–2002).
Email: [email protected]
DACHS, Anthony Joseph (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(African History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1965–
Previously: Headmaster, St Benedict’s School, UK (1976–2001);
Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University College of
Zimbabwe (1968–1976).
DAKA, Phillip James (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MEd
(Adult Education), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1971–
Previously: Permanent Secretary, Office of the Vice President (1991–
1998); Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Social Development
and Culture (1989–1990); Deputy Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office
(1987–1989); Director, Department for Continuing Education,
Ministry of General Education (1975–1987); Chief Education Officer,
Adult Education, Ministry of General Education (1973–1975);
Executive Secretary, Adult Education Advisory Board, Ministry of
General Education (1972–1973).
DAKSHANAMOORTHY, Arivuoli (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Materials Science), University of Lancaster, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Assistant Professor, Anna University (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
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DALEY, John Christopher (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Head of Strategy, Group Strategic Development, ANZ
Bank (from 2002).
Previously: Associate, McKinsey and Co. (1999–2002).
Email: [email protected]
DALLEY, Jeffrey Wayne (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Pharmacology), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Experimental
Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK (from 2002).
Previously: Research Fellow, Department of Experimental
Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK (1996–2002); Research
Fellow, Psychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Sciences,
University of Bristol, UK (1995–1996); Research Fellow, Department
of Pharmacology, University College London, UK (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]
DANQUAH, Eric Yirenkyi (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Genetics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1989–1993);
Commonwealth Fellow (Molecular Genetics), IACR - Long Ashton
(BBSRC), United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Senior Tutor, Legon Hall, University of Ghana (from
2002); Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana (from 2001).
Previously: Visiting Scientist, Institute of Arable Crops Research,
Long Ashton, UK (2000–2001); Lecturer, University of Ghana (1994–
Email: [email protected]
DARHAM, Dion (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(International Securities, Investment and Banking), University of
Reading, United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: European Banks Analyst, Natexis-Bleichroeder, UK (from
Previously: European Banks Analyst, Arnhold & S Bleichroder Inc.,
US (2000–2003); European Banks Analyst, Williams De Broe Plc,
UK (1998–2000); European Banks Analyst, Nikko Europe Plc, UK
Email: [email protected]
DARMANIN, Daniel (Malta). Commonwealth Fellow (International
Accounting), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1984–1985).
Currently: Director, Malta Com Plc (from 2000); Member,
International Audit and Investigations Board, Office of the Prime
Minister (from 2000); Member, Accountancy Board (from 1986);
Dean of Economics, Management and Accountancy, University of
Previously: Director, Mid-Med Bank (1987–1991); Director, Lombard
Bank (1985–1987); Professor and Head of Department, University of
Malta; Chairman, Faculty of Management Studies, University of
DAS, Amita (formerly MAJUMDAR) (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Modern History), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1961–1962).
Currently: Founder Trustee and Vice-President, Chetana Foundation
for Social Awareness, Research and Development (from 1993).
Previously: Honorary Treasurer, Oxford Society (1981–1986); Senior
Research Officer and Coordinator, Nehru Centre, Discovery of India
(1978–1997); Lecturer in Modern History, Sophia College (1977–
1978); Honorary General Secretary, Fundraising Committee, National
Association for the Blind (1974–1997); Honorary Secretary, Vaitalik
(association for music, dance and art) (1974–1990); Lecturer in
Modern History, Women’s Christian College (1970–1971); University
Grants Commission Senior Research Fellow/Lecturer, Postgraduate
Department of Modern History, University of Calcutta (1963–1967).
Email: [email protected]
DAS, Arundhati (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma (Actuarial
Science), City University, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Assistant Administrative Officer, Life Insurance
Corporation of India (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
DAS, Subhasis (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Lasers and Nonlinear
Optics), University of St Andrews, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Burdwan (from 1999).
Email: dgp_buphygcb@sancharnet; [email protected]
DASH, Debiprasad (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Management Studies/Systems Thinking), University of Lincoln,
United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Associate Professor, Xavier Institute of Management (from
Previously: Assistant Professor, Xavier Institute of Management
(1993–2002); Management Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services
Email: [email protected]
DASOG, Ghulappa (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Soil
Science/Agriculture), University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1983–
Currently: Professor, Soil Science, University of Agricultural Sciences
(from 2000).
Previously: Professor of Soil Science, University of Agricultural
Sciences; Chief Scientist, Water Management, University of
Agricultural Sciences.
Email: [email protected]
DASTAGIR, Md Golam (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of Hull, United Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: Professor, Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar
University (from 2003).
Previously: Chairman, Jahangirnagar University (2001); Associate
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar University (1999–
2003); Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar
University (1994–1999); Lecturer, Department of Philosophy,
Jahangirnagar University (1991–1994).
Email: [email protected]
DATE, Peter Adrian (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Engineering), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1968–
Currently: Director/Principal Engineer, David Lashley and Partners
Inc., Barbados (from 2002); Member/Chairman, Engineers
Registration Board, Barbados (from 2002).
Previously: Director/Principal Engineer, David Lashley and Partners
Inc., Barbados (1989–2001); Senior Engineer, David Lashley and
Partners Inc., Barbados (1985–1988); Resident Engineer, TER Ltd,
Trinidad and Tobago (1977–1984); Engineer, Wallace Evans and
Partners, UK (1972–1974).
Email: [email protected]
DATTA, Rajat (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Bengali
Economic and Social History), King’s College London, United
Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Professor, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru
University (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
DATTA, Subash Chander (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Chemistry), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer/Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, Delhi
University (from 1967).
Email: [email protected]
DATTA, Subrata (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematical Physics), University of London, United Kingdom
Previously: Chairman, Calcutta Chapter, Indian Physics Association
(1998–2002); External Member, Board of Studies in Physics, Jadaupur
University (1992–2003); Professor and Head, Department of Physics,
Presidency College (1988–2001); Principal, Krishnager Government
College (1985–1987); Assistant Professor and Head of Department,
Darjeeling Government College (1974–1978); Assistant Professor,
Bengal Engineering College (1970–1974).
Email: [email protected]
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DAUDA, Bukar Emmanuel Narok (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Chemistry), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Federal University of
Technology Minna (from 1984).
Previously: Provost, College of Education, Federal University of
Technology (1993–2001); Principal, FCT Secondary School, Kwali
and Bivari (1981–1984).
DAVEY, Helen (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology and Genetics), University of Guelph, Canada
Currently: Senior Scientist, AgResearch Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Scientist, AgResearch Ltd; Scientist, AgResearch
Email: [email protected]
DAVIDSON, Lawrence Robert (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Geology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1962–
Currently: Associate Professor of Mineral Science, Murdoch
University (from 1999).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), Murdoch University
(1996–1998); Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Murdoch University
Email: [email protected]
DAVIES, Margaret Jane (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(English Literature), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1988–
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Law, Flinders
University (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Flinders University
(1995–1999); Lecturer, Department of Law, Flinders University
Email: [email protected]
DAVIES, Paul Andrew (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Business Administration), York University, Canada (1990–1992).
Currently: Marketing Director, Europe, Australian Tourist
Commission, Australia (from 2002).
Previously: Manager, Domestic Brand, Qantas Airways.
Email: [email protected]
DAVIS, Linda (Bahamas). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Education), University of Ottawa, Canada (1980–1981); PhD
(Education), University of British Columbia, Canada (1989–1992).
Currently: Vice-President, Academic Affairs, College of the Bahamas
(from 2001).
Previously: Dean, Professional Studies, College of the Bahamas;
Assistant Chairperson, Teacher Education Division, College of the
Email: [email protected]
DAWES, Kwame (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (English
Literature), University of New Brunswick, Canada (1987–1992).
Currently: Associate Professor and Director, Master of Fine Arts
Program, Department of English, University of South Carolina, US
(from 2001).
Previously: Chair, Division of Arts and Letters, University of South
Carolina, US; Director, Master of Fine Arts and Creative Writing
Program, English Department, University of South Carolina,
Columbia, US.
Email: [email protected]
DAYAWANSA, Nandani Dhammika Kumari (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Environmental Engineering),
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom (1998–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
DE BELLEVAL, Denis (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Politics), London School of Economics and Political Science, United
Kingdom (1964–2006).
Currently: Chief Executive Officer, City of Quebec (from 2001).
Previously: Consultant, Public Affairs and International Relations
(1999–2001); Delegate General, Government of Quebec (1996–1999);
President/Chief Executive Officer, Via Rail Canada Inc. (1987–1989);
President/Chief Executive Officer, Canada Ports Corporation (1985–
Email: [email protected]
DE GAETANO, Vincent Anthony (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Diploma (Criminology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Malta (from 2003);
Chief Justice (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Malta (1994–2003); Judge,
Superior Courts (1994–2002); Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law,
University of Malta (1991–1994); Deputy Attorney General, Attorney
General’s Office (1989–1994); Assistant Attorney General, Attorney
General’s Office (1988–1989); Senior Counsel for the Republic,
Attorney General’s Office (1979–1988).
Email: [email protected]
DE LA GORGENDIERE, Louise Jeanine (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Social Anthropology), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
Carleton University (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer/Consultant, Department of Anthropology and
Sociology, Edinburgh University, UK (1993–2000); Social
Development Adviser, DFID, UK (1993–2000).
Email: [email protected]
DE SILVA, Nilanthi Renuka (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Parasitology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Associate Professor and Head, Department of Parasitology,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya (from 2000); Head,
Department of Parasitology, University of Kelaniya (from 1997);
Director, Medical Education Centre, University of Kelaniya (from
1997); Member, Expert Advisory Panel on Parasitic Diseases, WHO;
Consultant, Intersectoral Study of Education and Health in Sri Lanka;
Life Member, Sri Lanka Medical Association; Principal Investigator
(genetic composition of Plasmodium falciparum in relation to drug
resistance and disease transmission), National Science Foundation.
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Parasitology, University of
Kelaniya (1996–2000); Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (1993–
Awards: Fellow, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Email: [email protected]
DE SOUZA, Simone Maria (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Computer Science), McMaster University, Canada
Currently: Assistant General Manager, Project Management, Royal
Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd (from 2002).
Previously: Manager, Business Transformation, Royal Bank of
Trinidad and Tobago Ltd; Manager, Business Enabling Services,
Electronic Banking, Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
DE VILLIERS, Johannes Jozua Rian (South Africa).
Commonwealth Fellow (Science in Education), King’s College
London, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Pretoria (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Pretoria (1993–2000).
Email: [email protected]
DEBNATH, Chittaranjan (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Textile Technology), University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology, United Kingdom (1975–1978).
Currently: Member, Bureau of Indian Standards (from 1980).
Previously: Director, National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied
Fibre Technology (1995); Principal Scientist, National Institute of
Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology (1985–2002); Member,
India Member Body of Non-Woven Technology, European Disposable
and Non-Woven Association, Belgium (1980–1987); Member, British
Standard Organisation, UK (1980–1987); Member, Non-Woven
Technology, International Standard Organisation, Belgium (1980–
1987); Head of Division, Non-Woven Technology Department,
National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibres Technology,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (1979–1988).
Email: [email protected]
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DÉCARY, Robert (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM (Laws),
University College London, United Kingdom (1967–1969).
Currently: Judge, Federal Court of Appeal of Canada, Government of
Canada (from 1990).
Previously: Senior Researcher, Task Force on Canadian Unity (1979);
Member, Board of Directors, Montreal Arts Council (1977–1979);
Lawyer, De Grandpré, Colas, Noël, Décary (1973–1980); Member,
Board of Directors, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens (1970–1973);
Special Assistant, The Secretary of State for External Affairs,
Government of Canada (1969–1972).
Email: [email protected]
DEDANIA, Hareshkumar Vallabhbhai (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Pure Mathematics), University of Leeds, United
Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Lecturer, Postgraduate Department, Sardar Patel University
(from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
DEETH, Robert James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemistry), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1982–1985).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of
Warwick, UK (from 2001).
Previously: Research Fellow, University of Warwick, UK (1995–
2000); Lecturer, School of Chemistry, University of Bath, UK (1988–
1995); Postdoctoral Fellow, University Chemical Laboratories, UK
(1987–1988); Australian National Research Fellow, Department of
Chemistry, University of Western Australia (1985–1987).
Email: [email protected]
DEGBOTSE, Emmanuel Kobla (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Bridge Engineering), University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Currently: Technical Manager, ACP Ltd (from 2000–2003).
Previously: Senior Engineer, Ghana Highway Authority (1994–2000).
Email: [email protected]
DEIGH, Gladys (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Education (Distance)), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Principal Lecturer and Head, Science Department,
Freetown Teachers’ Training College (from 1997).
DEKA, Phanindra Mohan (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Urology), Royal Liverpool Hospital, United Kingdom (1993–1994).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Urology, Gauhati
Medical College (from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
DELIA, Emanuel Paul (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MLitt
(Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1977–1979).
Currently: Board Member, Malta Statistics Authority (from 2001);
Chairman, APS Bank Ltd (from 1999); Member, National Commission
on Welfare Reform (from 1999).
Previously: Chairman, Mid-Med Bank (HSBC) (1998–1999);
Member, Public Service Reform Commission (1980–1990).
Email: [email protected]
DEMETRIOU, Erika (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies), University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999).
Previously: Teacher, Secondary School, Ministry of Education and
Email: [email protected]
DENNIS, Joylyn Ann (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Economics), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1989–1991).
Currently: Technical Adviser, Statvet Project, Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (from 2002);
Executive Member, Sector Advisory Boards on Tourism and
Hospitality Services, Agriculture and Construction, Saint Vincent and
The Grenadines (from 2002); Executive Member/Technical Adviser,
St Vincent and the Grenadines Construction Association, Saint Vincent
and The Grenadines (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer, School of Continuing Studies, University of the
West Indies (1997–2001); Project Economist, Ministry of Finance,
Government of St Vincent, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (1997–
1999); Senior Desk Officer, Economic Affairs Department,
Government of Guyana (1993–1996); Senior Desk Officer and Head,
Department of International Economic Co-operation Office of the
President, Government of Guyana (1987–1993).
Email: [email protected]
DENOV, Myriam (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Criminology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, University
of Ottawa (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
DEODAT, Rovin (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Communication), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1989–1994).
Currently: Director, Department of Education, Information and
Training, Environmental Protection Agency (from 1998).
Previously: Public Relations Adviser to the President, Office of the
President of Guyana; Communication Adviser, Office of the President
of Guyana.
Email: [email protected]
DEVENDRA, Canagasaby (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Nutrition), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Previously: Adviser in Animal Science, IFS, Sweden (1996–2003);
Senior Associate, International Livestock Research Institute (1995–
2002); Senior Programme Officer, International Development
Research Centre (1984–1994); Member, Sub-Committee on Animal
Nutrition, NRC, US (1976–1981); Vice-President, International Goat
Association (1971–1999); Principal Research Officer, Animal
Production Division, Malaysian Agricultural Research and
Development Institute (1971–1983); Lecturer in Animal Nutrition,
University of the West Indies (1968–1971); Lecturer in Animal
Science, College of Agriculture (1964–1966).
Email: [email protected]
DEVERSON, Anthony John (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (English), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of English, University of
Canterbury (1997–2001); Senior Lecturer, Department of English,
University of Canterbury (1976–1996); Lecturer, Department of
English, University of Canterbury (1966–1975).
Email: [email protected]
DHANARAJAN, Gajaraj (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Entomology), Aston University, United Kingdom (1971–1974).
Currently: President/Chief Executive Officer, Commonwealth of
Learning, Canada (from 1995).
Previously: Secretary General, Asian Association of Open
Universities, Hong Kong (1993); Professor and Director, Open
Learning Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1991–1995); Acting
Director, Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1991);
Executive Committee Member, International Council for Distance
Education, Norway (1987–1992); Member, Editorial Board, Journal
of Distance Education, Hong Kong (1982–1986).
Awards: Order of Chivalry, State of Penang (1994); Meritorious
Service Award, Asian Association of Open Universities, Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
DHARBHAMULLA, Anuradh (formerly MURTY) (India).
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Clinical Cytopathology), Imperial
College London School of Medicine at St Mary’s, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology,
University of Pittsburgh Medical College, US (from 2000).
Previously: Fellowship in Cytopathology, Magee Women’s Hospital,
University of Pittsburgh, US (1999–2000); Resident in Pathology,
Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, US (1996–2000).
Email: [email protected]
DHARMADASA, Banda I M (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Solid State Electronics), University of Durham, United Kingdom
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Currently: Reader, Applied Physics Division, Sheffield Hallam
University, UK (from 1990).
Previously: Semiconductor Device Physicist, UK (1988–1990); Senior
Research Fellow, University College Cardiff, UK (1984–1988); Key
Initiator/Scientific Adviser, International Renewable Energy
Promotional Programme.
Email: [email protected]
DHASMANA, Paul Dave (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MMus (Advanced Performance Studies), Royal College of Music,
United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Casual Chamber Music Tutor, Sydney Conservatorium
High School (from 2003); Flute Teacher, Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy
College (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
DHAWAN, Atam (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Electrical
Engineering), University of Manitoba, Canada (1983–1985).
Currently: Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
New Jersey Institute of Technology (from 2000).
Previously: Chair, Early Childhood Education Department, University
of Texas at Arlington, US; Associate Dean, College of Engineering,
University of Toledo, US.
Email: [email protected]
DI DOMENICO, Catherine (formerly NUTTNEY) (UK).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Social Sciences), University of Ibadan,
Nigeria (1968–1973).
Currently: Division Leader, Sociology, University of Abertay Dundee
(from 1993).
Previously: Civil Servant, Home Office, London (1992–1993);
Consultant, Resource Inventory Management, Environmental Research
Group of Oxford (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
DICK-FORDE, Emily Gaynor (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Accounting), University of Dundee, United Kingdom (1996–
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Management, University of the
West Indies (from 1991).
Previously: Operations Manager (1990–1991); Management Trainee,
Workers Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (1986–1988).
Email: [email protected]
DIHWA, Stephen (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Electrical Power Engineering), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1990–1991).
Currently: System Planning Manager, Zimbabwe Electricity Supply
Authority (from 2000).
Previously: Chairman, Institution of Electrical Engineers (1996–1999);
Transmission Planning Engineer, Zimbabwe Electricity Supply
Authority (1994–2000).
Email: [email protected]
DIXON, Cheryl A I (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Environmental Planning), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Project Officer, Environment, Caribbean Development
Bank, Barbados (from 1992).
Previously: Member, Board of Directors, Natural Resources
Conservation Authority (1991–1992); Member, Board of Directors,
Rural Agricultural Development Authority (1990–1992); Head,
Regional Planning Unit, Planning Institute of Jamaica (1986–1992).
Email: [email protected]
DJANGMAH, Jerome Siau (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Marine Biology), University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom
(1965–1968); Commonwealth Fellow (Marine Biology), University of
Wales, United Kingdom (1976–1977).
Currently: Director, IT Associates Ghana Ltd (from 2001); Presiding
Member, Dangme West District Assembly (from 2001); Resident
Scholar/Deputy Executive Director, Institute of Economic Affairs
(from 1998–2001).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, University
of Ghana (1988–1996); Chairman, Council, University College of
Winnebe Council (1988); Director General, Ghana Education Service
(1986–1988); Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Coast (1982–
1984); Head, Department of Zoology, University of Cape Coast
Email: [email protected]
DLAKWA, Haruna Dantaro (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Social Science Administration), London School of Economics and
Political Science, United Kingdom (1990–1991).
Previously: Reader, University of Maiduguri (1992–2002); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Maiduguri
(1989–1992); Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of
Maiduguri (1981–1986).
Email: [email protected]
DLAMINI, Musa Person (Swaziland). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Government), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1986–
Currently: Senior Lecturer in Public Administration, University of
Swaziland (from 1997–2003).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Social Science, University of Swaziland
(1998–2000); Counsellor, Manzini City Council (1997–1998);
Regional Director, Institute of Development Management (1992–
DOLOVICH, Sharon (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Feminism, Marxism and Morality), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1990–1992).
Currently: Acting Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law , US (from
Email: [email protected]
DOMANTI, Annette Therese Joce (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Chemical Engineering), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Manager, Quantitative Risk, The Australian Gas Light
Company (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
DONAGHUE, Stephen Paul (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Barrister (from 2001).
Previously: Associate to Hayne J, High Court of Australia (2000–
Email: [email protected]
DONOVAN, Brian John (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Politics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1982–1985).
Currently: Student-at-law, Bosden, Ladner, Gurvais (from 2002).
Previously: Barrister, Goodman and Carr (1992–1999); Law Clerk to
the Chief Justice of Canada, Supreme Court of Canada (1991–1992).
Email: [email protected]
DOUGLAS, Jessica (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(International Political Economy), Athabasca University, Canada
Currently: Director, European Business Development, IBM Business
Consulting Services (from 2002).
Previously: CIP Global Programme Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Email: [email protected]
DOYLE, Shane Lawrence (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1984–1985).
Currently: Senior Counsel (from 1995).
Previously: Barrister (1987–1995); Solicitor, Clayton Utz (1985–
Email: [email protected]
DREWETT, Michael David (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Sociology), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Rhodes University
(from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
DRISCOLL, Angie (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Marketing), University of Calgary, Canada (1990–1994).
Currently: President, AMD Research Group (from 1999).
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Previously: Senior Research Manager, Ipsos-Reid; Manager, Research
and Public Environment, Western Economic Diversification.
Email: [email protected]
DROTSKY, Lian-Marie (South Africa). Commonwealth Fellow
(Public Health), Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Chairperson, Rehabilitation Forum, Southern Cape (from
1998); Programme Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Department of
Health, Western Cape (from 1995).
Previously: Occupational Therapist, Patricia Neal Rehabilitation
Centre, US (1994–1995); Occupational Therapist, Johnson City Rehab
Centre, US (1994); Occupational Therapist, Brewelskloof Hospital
Email: [email protected]
DU TOIT, Jaqueline Susann (South Africa). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Jewish Studies), McGill University, Canada (1997–
Currently: Lecturer, University of South Africa (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
DU TOIT, Roscar (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Law), McGill University, Canada (1997–1999).
Currently: Associate, Clifford Chance LLP (from 2000).
Previously: Associate, Clifford Chance LLP.
Email: [email protected]
DUBEY, Vimal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Engineering),
McMaster University, Canada (1982–1986).
Currently: Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
(from 1998).
Previously: Assistant Director, Defence Electronics Applications
Email: [email protected]
DUHS, Leslie Ann (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Development Economics), University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Currently: Co-editor, Economic Analysis and Policy (from 2003); Coeditor, Australian Journal of Economics Education (from 2003); Senior
Lecturer in Economics, University of Queensland (from 1989).
Previously: Lecturer in Economics, University of Queensland (1970–
Email: [email protected]
DUNCAN, David John (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(History), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada; PhD (History),
Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1986–1990).
Currently: Secretary of the University, University of Dundee.
Previously: Secretary of the University, University of Dundee;
Assistant Chief Executive, Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Email: [email protected]
DUNKRAH, Umaru Ali (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology), University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology, United Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Coordinator/Director, Chevron Biotechnology Centre,
Federal University of Technology (from 2002).
Previously: Head, Department of Biochemistry and Applied Molecular
Biology, National Veterinary Research Institute (1989–2002).
Email: [email protected]
DUNLOP, C R B (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM, London
School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom (1960–
Currently: Emeritus Professor, University of Alberta (from 2001).
Previously: Professor in Law, University of Alberta (1974–2001);
Professor in Law, University of British Columbia (1970–1974).
Email: [email protected]
DUNNINGHAM, Jacob Andrew (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Atomic and Laser Physics), University of Oxford,
United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Junior Research Fellow, Merton College, University of
Oxford, UK (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
DURAIRAJ, Michael (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Microbiology), University of Alberta, Canada (1988–1995).
Currently: Chief Research Scientist, Orchid Chemicals and
Pharmaceutical (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
DURANT, Claire Bernadette (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Plant Pathology), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Chief Examiner, Cape CXC (from 2000); Head
Research Associate, Department of Biology, Tanaud Research Unit
(from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
DUROSINMI, Muheez Alani (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Medical Oncology and Cytogenetics), Royal Marsden Hospital,
United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Obafemi
Awolowo University (from 2001–2003); Consultant Haematologist,
Obafemi Awolowo University (from 1986).
Previously: Head, Department of Haematology, Obafemi Awolowo
University Teaching Hospital (1986–1994).
Email: [email protected]
DUTIA, Bernadette Mary (formerly MCGRATH) (New Zealand).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Biochemistry), University of Glasgow,
United Kingdom (1975–1978).
Currently: Research Fellow, Department of Veterinary Pathology,
University of Edinburgh, UK (from 1985).
Previously: Scientist (1980–1985); Research Fellow, Department of
Biochemistry, University of Otago (1979–1985).
Email: [email protected]
DUTTA, Achintya Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (History
of Public Health), School of Oriental and African Studies, United
Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Reader of History, University of Burdwan (from 1998).
Previously: Senior Lecturer of History, University of Burdwan (1997–
1998); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer of History, Kalna College, University
of Burdwan (1987–1996).
Email: [email protected]
DUTTA, Karanjit Singh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Clinical
Child Psychiatry), Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London,
United Kingdom (1978–1979).
Currently: Honorary Consultant, Composite Regional Centre for
Disabled Children (from 2000–2003); Professor of Psychiatry, SKIMS
Medical College Bemina Srinagar (from 2000).
Previously: Principal/Professor of Psychiatry, SKIMS Medical College
(1997–2000); Honorary Principal, Prime Medical and Dental College
(1997–2000); Principal of Psychiatry, Jehlum Valley College of
Medical Science Srinagar (1995–1997); Professor of Psychiatry,
Government Medical College Srinagar (1981–1995).
DUTTA, Shanta (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (English
Literature), University of Leicester, United Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: Reader, Department of English, Jadavpur University (from
1999); Vice-President/Honorary Life Member, Thomas Hardy
Association, US (from 1997).
Previously: Senior Lecturer in English, Rabindra Bharati University
(1993–1999); Guest Lecturer, Department of English, University of
Calcutta (1992–1993); Lecturer in English, Rabindra Bharati
University (1986–1993); Lecturer, Department of English, Loreto
College (1986).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
EARL JAMES, Sylvester Ohweuwo (formerly UKERUN) (Nigeria).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Medicinal Chemistry), University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Correspondent, BBC Worldservice, UK (from 2003);
Professor/Ambassador, Centre for Theology and the Natural Sciences,
US (from 2000); Diplomat, Department of State, US (from 1998).
Previously: Senior Lecturer/Head, Department of Chemistry, Delta
State University (1995–1997); Visiting Lecturer, University of Ghana,
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Ghana (1993–1994); Lecturer, Federal University of Technology
(1985–1992); Ambassador, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Alternative and
Christian Dialogue in Senegal, United States of America Government,
US; Resource Person, Raw Materials and Chemicals Development
Email: [email protected]
EDENS, Marion (formerly EWEN) (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Biological Sciences), Aston University, United
Kingdom (1977–1980).
Currently: Chair, Beaver Creak Watershed Alliance, US (from 2002);
Associate Professor, Biology, Virginia Intermont College, US (from
Previously: Lecturer, US (1994–1995); Principal Soprano, Vogtland
Theatre Plauen, Germany (1991–1993); Dominion Councillor,
National Party of New Zealand (1982–1983).
Email: [email protected]
EDOKA, Benson Eziukwu (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Library Studies), Loughborough University, United Kingdom (1978–
Currently: Professor, Department of Library and Information Science,
University of Nigeria (from 1993).
Previously: Co-ordinator, Education Enlightenment Programme for
Nnewi Community (1998); President, Nigerian Association of Library
and Information Science Educators (1992–1994); Head, Department
of Library and Information Science, University of Nigeria (1990–
1994); Senior Lecturer, University of Nigeria (1987–1993).
Email: [email protected]
EDWARD, Marietta (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Curriculum Studies), Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada
Currently: Curriculum Specialist, Language Arts, Ministry of
Education (from 1991).
Previously: Head, English Department, Leon Hess Comprehensive
Secondary School; Curriculum Specialist, Language Arts, Ministry of
Email: [email protected]
EDWARDS, Stephen John (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Earth Sciences, Geology), Memorial University of Newfoundland,
Canada (1987–1991).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Greenwich, UK (from 1996).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Memorial University of
Newfoundland, Canada; Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Manchester
Metropolitan University.
Email: [email protected]
EFTHYMIOU, Venizelos (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Electrical Engineering), University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology, United Kingdom (1972–1979).
Currently: Secretary, Foreign Affairs, EEM (from 2002–2003);
Member, Networks Committee, Eurelectric (from 2001–2003);
Member, General Council, Technical Chamber of Cyprus (from 1999–
2003); Assistant Manager, Transmission/Distribution, Electricity
Authority of Cyprus (from 1979).
Email: [email protected]
EKANAYAKE, E M P (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Mathematical Modelling), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Wayamba University (from 1996).
Previously: Senior Lecturer/Head, Department of Mathematical
Sciences, University of Ruhuna (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
EKANAYAKE, Janaka Bandara (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Engineering (Electrical)), University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Council Member, Institute of Engineers (from 2002);
Senior Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Peradeniya (from 1995).
Previously: Member, Board of Directors, Ceylon Electricity Board
(2001–2002); Head of Department, Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya (1998–2001);
Probationary Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, University of Peradeniya (1990–1992).
Email: [email protected]
EKPE, Udofot Jack (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Extraction Metallurgy), Cardiff University, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Member, Governing Council, University of Calabar (from
1999); Professor, University of Calabar (from 1995).
Previously: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Calabar (2000–
2002); Acting Head of Department, University of Calabar (1995–
1997); Chairman, Chapel Council, University of Calabar (1990–1993).
Email: [email protected]
EKPO, Comfort Memfin (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Educational Technology), Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Institute of Education, University of Uyo (from
2000); Associate Professor, University of Uyo (from 1998).
Previously: University Council Member, Ahmadu Bello University
(1993–1998); Chairman, Education Board, Goodnews Community
International (1991–1999); Assistant Lecturer, University of Cross
River State (1984–1987); Editor, Journal of Education and Training.
Email: [email protected]
ELDERSHAW, Craig (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Computing (Programming Research)), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1997–2001).
Currently: Research Staff, Palo Alto Research Center, US (from 2001–
Email: [email protected]
EGBOCHUKU, Elizabeth Omotunde (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Fellow (Counselling and Psychotherapy), Birkbeck, University of
London, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Benin (from 1998); Member,
Association for Promoting Quality Education in Nigeria (from 1998);
Member, Counselling Association of Nigeria (from 1996).
ELEMO, Gloria Nwakaego (formerly EGUN) (Nigeria).
Commonwealth Fellow (Food Science), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1991).
Currently: Academic Adviser/Editor, Third World Academy of
Women in Science, Abuja Branch (from 2000); Deputy Chairman,
Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Abuja Chapter
(from 1998); Deputy Director, Research, Evaluation and Monitoring
Division, Raw Material Research and Development Council (from
Previously: Chief Scientific Officer, Raw Material Research and
Development Council (1993–1995); Senior Lecturer of Biological and
Chemical Sciences, Lagos State University (1991–1993); National
Secretary, Nutrition Society of Nigeria (1985–1988); Lecturer,
Department of Biochemistry, Lagos State University (1984–1991).
Email: [email protected]
EJEZIE, Gabriel (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Parasitology), McGill University, Canada (1972–1976).
Currently: Teacher, University of Calabar (from 1985).
Previously: Chief Research Fellow, National Institute of Medical
Research; Consultant Parasitologist, University of Calabar Teaching
Email: [email protected]
ELLISON, Melanie (Bermuda). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Medicine), University of Guelph, Canada (1983–1987).
Currently: Veterinarian, Carling Animal Hospital Professional
Corporation, Canada (from 1998).
Previously: Hospital Director, Northview Pet Hospital, Canada;
Managing Veterinarian, Downtown Animal Hospital, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
ELZINGA, Aant Henry (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(History and Philosophy of Science), University College London,
United Kingdom (1960–1963).
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Previously: Professor Emeritus, Department of History of Ideas and
Theory of Science, Göteborg University, Sweden (1985–2002); Full
Professor/Chair, Department of Theory of Science, Göteborg
University, Sweden (1985–2002); Science Adviser, Science Council
of Canada (1983–1984); Associate Professor, Department of Theory
of Science, Göteborg University, Sweden (1971–1983).
Email: [email protected]
EMMERSON, Stephen Bryan (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Music), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1981–1985).
Currently: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Queensland Conservatorium,
Griffith University (from 1987–2003).
Email: [email protected]
ER, Meng Joo (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow (Advanced
Control Theory and Application), University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom (2000).
Currently: Chairman, Organizing Committee, 8th International
Conference on Control, Robotics, Automation and Computer vision
(from 2003); Chairman, IEE Singapore Branch (from 2002); Editor,
Journal of Institution of Engineers (from 1995); Associate Professor,
Nanyang Technological University (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
ETA, Jerome Obi (Cameroon). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Civil
Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1961–1965).
Currently: Engineer, Private Consultant.
Previously: Minister, Ministry of Public Works, Government of
Cameroon; Inspector General, Ministry of Public Works, Government
of Cameroon.
Email: [email protected]
EVERY, Mark Robert (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Music Technology), University of York, United Kingdom (2000–
Previously: Administrator, Abbey National Plc, UK (2002); Freelance
Sound Engineer, UK (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
EYESON, Kodwo Ndzibah (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Zoology), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1965–1968);
Commonwealth Fellow (Fish Biology), University of Liverpool,
United Kingdom (1974–1975).
Currently: Professor, Zoology, University of Cape Coast (from 2001).
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Cape Coast, Botswana (1997–1999); External Examiner,
University of Namibia, Namibia (1997–1999); Dean of Graduate
Studies, University of Cape Coast (1992–1994); Member,
Accreditation Committee, Ministry of Education (1992–1994); ProVice-Chancellor, University of Cape Coast (1986–1990); Member,
Governing Council, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) (1981–1983); Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Cape
Coast (1978–1982); President, Ghana Science Association (1975–
1977); Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Zoology, University
of Cape Coast (1972–1978).
Email: [email protected]
FAIRBROTHER, Wayne John (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Chemistry), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Scientist, Genentech Inc., US (from 1992).
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
FALZON, Joseph M (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MEd,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1968–1969).
Currently: Consultant, Matriculation and Secondary Education
Certificate Examination Board (MATSEC Board), University of Malta
(from 2002).
Previously: Chairman, MATSEC Board, University of Malta (1997–
2002); Head, Department of Psychology, University of Malta (1988–
1990); Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology,
University of Malta (1977–1997); Lecturer, College of Education
(1972–1978); Education Officer, Education Department (1970–1972).
Email: [email protected]
FARRUGIA, Charles (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Education), Concordia University, Canada (1969–1972).
Currently: Professor and Pro-Rector, University of Malta (from 1996).
Previously: Foundation Dean, Faculty of Education, University of
Malta; Chairman, Maltese National Commission for UNESCO.
Email: [email protected]
FARRUGIA, Marisa (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Arabic and Middle East Studies), University of Toronto, Canada
Currently: Assistant Lecturer, University of Malta (from 1993).
Previously: Teacher, Department of Education; Desk Officer, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs.
Email: [email protected]
FARRUGIA, Raymond (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Construction Engineering), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Building and Engineering Department Works
Division, Ministry for the Environment (from 1995).
Previously: Director, Districts Department, Ministry for the
Infrastructure (1992–1995); Civil Engineer, Works Division, Ministry
for the Infrastructure (1987–1992).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
FEDOROWICZ, Jan Christopher (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Principal, Lanark Network Associates (from 2001).
Previously: Director, The Prospectus Group.
Email: [email protected]
FERGUSON, Keith Lamont (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Electronic Engineering), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Technical Director, Video and Image Coding Specialists
(from 2000).
Previously: Senior Hardware Design Engineer (1992–1997).
Email: [email protected]
FIELDING, Mark (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Parasitology), McGill University, Canada (1987–1994).
Currently: Clinical Regulatory Submissions Scientist, Pfizer Global
Research and Development (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
FINE, Jeffrey Craig (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Economics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1968–1970).
Currently: President, Jeffrey C Fine Consulting (from 1994).
Previously: Executive Director (1988–1994); Senior Program Officer,
International Development Research Centre of Canada (1979–1988).
Email: [email protected]
FINNEY, Malcolm (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Linguistics), University of Ottawa, Canada (1985–1988).
Currently: Assistant Professor, California State University Long
Beach, US (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
FISHER, Stephen Frederick (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Sociology), Carleton University, Canada (1975–1979).
Currently: Deputy Secretary, Home Affairs, Special Administrative
Region, Government of Hong Kong (from 2002).
Previously: Deputy Secretary, Planning and Lands, Government of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Deputy Director,
Administration, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Email: [email protected]
FITZGERALD, Brian Francis (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
BCL (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
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Currently: Professor and Head, School of Law, Queensland University
of Technology (from 2002).
Previously: Associate Professor and Head, School of Law and Justice,
Southern Cross University (1998–2002).
Email: [email protected]
FITZPATRICK, David (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Microbiology), University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Currently: Research Scientist, Amgen Inc. (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Research Officer, Queensland Institute of Medical
Research; Healy Research Fellow, University of Western Australia.
Email: [email protected]
FLETCHER-PAUL, Lystra (formerly FLETCHER) (Trinidad and
Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Biometrics and Plant
Sciences), University of British Columbia, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Integrated Natural Resources Management Officer, Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (from 1995).
Previously: Lecturer, University of the West Indies; National
Professional Officer, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on
Email: [email protected]
FLUMERFELT, Brian Allan (Canada). Commonwealth Fellow
(Histochemistry), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Professor and Chair, Department of Anatomy and Cell
Biology, University of Western Ontario (from 1995–2005).
Previously: Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, UK (2000); Visiting
Scientist, Neurochemical Pharmacology Unit, MRC Laboratory of
Molecular Biology, UK (1984–1985).
Email: [email protected]
FOGELBERG, Graeme (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MBA (Business Administration), University of Western Ontario,
Canada; PhD (Business Administration), University of Western
Ontario, Canada (1964–1969).
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, University of Otago (from 1994).
Previously: Chair, Association of Commonwealth Universities (2001–
2002); Chair, New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee (1999–
2001); Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Victoria University of Wellington
(1986–1991); Professor and Dean, Faculty of Commerce and
Administration, Victoria University of Wellington (1977–1982).
Email: [email protected]
FOLEY, Michael (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Physical Chemistry), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Meteorologist, Australian Bureau of Meteorology (from
Email: [email protected]
FOLI, Anthony Kofi (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow (Medical
Education), Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Medicine (part-time), Medical School,
University of Ghana (from 1999).
Previously: Professor, College of Medicine, King Saud University,
Saudi Arabia (1985–1999); Professor, Medical School, University of
Ghana (1979–1985); Senior Lecturer, Medical School, University of
Ghana (1969–1974); Lecturer, Medical School, University of Ghana
(1967–1969); Medical Officer, Ministry of Health (1957–1967); House
Officer, St Luke’s Hospital, UK (1956–1957).
FONSECA-GALVEZ, Carol Lynn Ann (formerly GALVEZ)
(Belize). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (English Literature), University
of Leeds, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: PhD Student, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Campus, Barbados.
Previously: Political Campaign Manager, Freetown Division, People’s
United Party (2003); Lecturer, English Literature, University of the
West Indies, Cave Hill Campus (2002); Human Development
Coordinator, Women’s Department, Ministry of Human Development,
Women and Children and Civil Society (2002); Acting Academic
Dean, St John’s Junior College (1999–2001); Lecturer, English
Literature, St John’s Junior College (1990–2001); Human
Development Coordinator, Women’s Department, Ministry of Human
Awards: Winner, National Poetry Contest (2000).
Email: [email protected]
FORREST, John Alexander (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Fluid Mechanics), University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Whip, National Party (from 1998); Federal Member
of Parliament for Malee, National Party of Australia (from 1993).
Previously: Consulting Engineer, Private Practice (1983–1993); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of
Ballarat (1980–1983).
Email: [email protected]
FORTE, John Stephen (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Biopharmacy), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Quality Assurance, Pharmamed Ltd (from 2002); Member,
Technical Committee on Medicinal and Cosmetic Products, Malta
Standards Authority (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Pharmacist, Medicines Regulatory Affairs Unit,
Governmental Pharmaceutical Services (1992–2002).
Email: [email protected]
FOSU, Mathias (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Soil
Science), University of Guelph, Canada (1988–1991).
Currently: Research Scientist, Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research - Savanna Agricultural Research Institute.
Previously: Vice-Principal, Nyankpala Agricultural College; Board
Member, Mile Seven Agricultural Project.
Email: [email protected]
FOURIE, Nadine (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Public Law), University of Essex, United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Previously: Intern, Doughtey Street Chambers, Chevening Scholarship
(Funding), UK (2003); Law Clerk, Justice Johann Kreigler (2002);
Junior Associate and Candidate Attorney, Cheadle Thomson and
Haysom Inc. Attorneys (2000–2002); Intern, Northern Ireland Human
Rights Commission, UK (1999).
Email: [email protected]
FOWLER, Jonathan (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Landscape Archaeology), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Currently: Teacher, Social Studies, Ambrae Academy (from 2000);
Professor of Anthropology and History (part-time), Saint Mary’s
University (from 1999); Owner, North-East Archaeological Research
(from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
FOX, Colin (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Physics),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1983–1988).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of
Auckland (from 1991).
Previously: Research Fellow, Cambridge University, UK (1999);
Research Fellow, University of Otago (1997); Visiting Scientist,
Clarkson University, US (1993); Postdoctoral Fellow, University of
Otago (1989–1990).
Email: [email protected]
FRANCIS, Claudius (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Public Administration), Athabasca University, Canada (1989–1991).
Currently: Programme Manager, The Empowerment Group Ltd.
Previously: Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Community
Development; Regional Training Coordinator, Caribbean Basin Water
Management Programme.
Email: [email protected]
FRANKLIN, David Gordon (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History of Art), University of London, United Kingdom (1985–1991).
Currently: Deputy Director/Chief Curator, Prints and Drawings,
National Gallery of Canada (from 1998).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, All Souls College,
University of Oxford, UK (1994–1998); Fellow, Lincoln College,
University of Oxford, UK (1991–1994).
Email: [email protected]
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FRASER, David Martin Alberga (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Biotechnological Law and Ethics), University of
Sheffield, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the
Director of Public Prosecutions (from 2003).
Previously: Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the
Director of Public Prosecutions (1999–2003); President, Jamaican
Government Service, Legal Officers’ Staff Association (1997–2000);
Crown Counsel, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (1995–
Email: [email protected]
Currently: Acting Director, Department of Environment and Coastal
Resources (from 2002).
Previously: Founding Member and President, Cleanup TCI; President,
West Road Community Group.
Email: [email protected]
FRASER, Doreen Lynn (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BPhil
(Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–2000).
Currently: PhD Student, University of Pittsburgh, US (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
FUNG, Tung (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of Waterloo, Canada (1984–1988).
Currently: Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
FRAWLEY, Mark Peter (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1971–1973).
Currently: Director/Chief Executive Officer, Niagara Escarpment
Commission (from 2000).
Previously: Various management positions, Government of Ontario
(1988–2000); Barrister (1979–1988); Law Clerk to Justice Martland,
Supreme Court of Canada (1978–1979).
Email: [email protected]
FRIGGIERI, Joe (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1980–1983).
Currently: Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Malta (from
1996); Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Malta
(from 1992).
Previously: Chairman, National Theatre of Malta (1990–1993).
Awards: Gold Medal for Literature (1998); Gold Medal for Literature
Email: [email protected]
FRIMPONG, Ernest Boye (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Botany), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United
Kingdom (1981–1985).
Currently: Patron, United Nations Volunteers Association of Ghana
(from 1998); Head, Physiology and Biochemistry Division, Cocoa
Research Institute of Ghana (from 1986).
Email: [email protected]
FRITZ, Ronald Edward (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), London School of Economics and Political Science, United
Kingdom (1971–1972).
Currently: Associate Dean, College of Law, University of
Saskatchewan (from 1999–2004); Professor of Law, College of Law,
University of Saskatchewan (from 1974).
Previously: Deputy Chairperson, Electoral Boundaries Commission
for Saskatchewan, Parliament of Canada (1994–1995); Assistant Dean,
College of Law, University of Saskatchewan (1982–1986).
Email: [email protected]
FUATAI, Lafitai Iupati (Western Samoa). Commonwealth Fellow
(Agricultural Extension/Education), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (2000).
Previously: Team Member, Institutional Strengthening Program,
Samoa Department of Education (2001); Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor,
School of Agriculture, University of the South Pacific (1997–1999);
Senior Lecturer, University of the South Pacific (1994–1997); Senior
Lecturer and Head, School of Agriculture, University of the South
Pacific (1984–1993); Lecturer, School of Agriculture, University of
the South Pacific (1984–1993); Board Member, YMCA Samoa (1979–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
FUDGE, Judith Ann (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1984–1986).
Currently: Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
(from 1987).
Email: [email protected]
FULFORD-GARDINER, Michelle (formerly FULFORD) (Turks and
Caicos Islands). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Geography), Saint
Mary’s University, Canada (1991–1995).
FUNG, Ka-Yiu Michael (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1985–1990).
Currently: Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong (from 1991).
Previously: Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
GABBA, David (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Civil
Engineering), Concordia University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Managing Director, Gemini Contractors Ltd (from 1987).
Previously: Project Manager, Mwananchi Engineering and
Construction Company Ltd; Site Engineer, Mecco.
Email: sgabba@
GADKARI, Deepak Anant (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Virology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1975–1979).
Currently: Emeritus Medical Scientist, Indian Council of Medical
Research, National Institute of Virology (from 2001).
Previously: Officer-in-Charge, National AIDS Research Institute
Email: [email protected]
GALARNEAU, Serge (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1961–1965).
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Engineering Physics,
École Polytechnique de Montréal (1965–1998).
Email: [email protected]
GALBRAITH, Steven Douglas (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Mathematics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Royal Holloway
University of London, UK (from 2001–2003).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Bristol, UK (2000–2001);
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Mathematics Department, Royal
Holloway University of London, UK (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
GALE, Stephen John (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Theoretical Physics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Economist, New Zealand Institute of
Economic Research (from 1986).
Previously: Scientist, Ministry of Energy, New Zealand Government
Email: [email protected]
GALEA-SALOMONE, Arthur (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (International Business Law), University of Toronto, Canada
Currently: Managing Partner, Galea Salomone and Associates.
Previously: Deputy Chairman, Malta Stock Exchange; Lecturer,
University of Malta.
Email: [email protected]
GAMBRAH, Anthony (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Urban Planning), University of British Columbia, Canada (1992–
Currently: Principal Consultant, Valuation and Estate Services (from
Previously: Estate Manager, State Insurance Company; Lecturer/
Professor, University of Science and Technology.
Email: [email protected]
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GARDNER, John Robert (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Philosophy Politics and Economics), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1960–1961).
Currently: Member, Board of Directors, Workplace Safety and
Insurance Board of Ontario (from 1997); Chair, Fields Institute for
Research in the Mathematical Sciences (from 1997); Treasurer,
International Insurance Society (from 1997).
Previously: Director/Chair, Consumer Protection Corporation (1990–
1995); Member, Governing Council, University of Toronto (1987–
Email: [email protected]
GARG, Dinesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Ophthalmology),
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1999).
Currently: Consultant Ophthalmologist, Dayanand Medical College
and Hospital (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
GARIKAYI, Alford (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Agricultural Engineering), Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Currently: Country Representative, Veco Zimbabwe (from 2003).
Previously: Programme Officer, Water Development, Veco Zimbabwe
(1996–2002); Programme Development Manager, Africare (1992–
1996); Irrigation Engineer, Hippo Valley Estates (1989–1992); Senior
Soil Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture (1987–1989).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
GAUR, Atul (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Cardiothoracic
Anaesthesia), Glenfield Hospital (Leicester), United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Consultant Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia, University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, UK (from 2003).
Previously: Secretary, Education Foundation Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (2001–2003); Associate
Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (1994–
Email: [email protected]
GELOWITZ, Mark Adam (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1987–1989).
Currently: Partner, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP (from 1991).
Previously: Law Clerk, to Justice Sopinka (1989–1990); Law Clerk,
Court of Appeal (1986–1987).
Email: [email protected]
GENDREAU, Paul-Arthur (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM,
London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Previously: Judge, Court of Appeal, Province of Quebec (1986);
Partner, Drouin & Associates, merged with Clarkson, Tetrault (1983–
1986); Partner, Langlois, Drouin (1982–1983); Associate Deputy
Minister of Justice, Government of the Province of Quebec (1980–
1982); Counsel, Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Exercise of the
Trade Unions Freedoms in the Construction Industry (1974–1975);
Partner, Gendreau, Pelletier & Associés (1965–1980).
Email: [email protected]
GENITTY, Alan Frederick (Belize). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Educational Administration), University of Ottawa, Canada
Currently: Project Coordinator, Ministry of Education (from 2001).
Previously: Principal, Edward P Yorke High School; Chairperson,
CXC National Committee of Belize.
Email: [email protected]
GEORGE, Keith (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Exercise
Physiology), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Reader, Liverpool John Moores University (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University;
Senior Lecturer, Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Education.
Email: [email protected]
GERIN, Annie (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Fine Art),
University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts, University
of Regina (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
GAUR, Pooran Mal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Plant
Sciences), University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1986–1990).
Currently: Senior Scientist (Chickpea Breeding), International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (from 2002).
Previously: Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University;
Senior Scientist, Chickpea Breeding, International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
Email: [email protected]
GERVAIS, Simon (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, Postgraduate
Diploma (Econometrics), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1990–1991).
Currently: Associate Professor, Finance Department, Fuqua School of
Business, Duke University, US (from 2003).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Finance Department, Haas School of
Business, US (1996–2003).
Email: [email protected]
GAVIN, John Bevan (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Pathology), Cardiff University, United Kingdom (1993).
Currently: Executive Director, New Zealand Cancer Control Trust
(from 2001).
Previously: Head, Division of Pathology, University of Auckland
(1997–2001); Vice-President, New Zealand Deafness Research
Foundation (1996–1999); Member, World Council, International
Society for Heart Research (1994–1998); Australasian President,
International Society for Heart Research (1994–1998); Assistant ViceChancellor, University of Auckland (1990–1996); Board Chairman,
New Zealand Dental Research Foundation (1986–1994); President,
Australian and New Zealand Microcirculation Society (1980–2000);
Professor of Pathology, University of Auckland (1976–2001); Auditor,
New Zealand Universities Academic Audit Unit; Auditor, Australian
Universities Quality Agency.
Awards: Honorary Life Member, Cancer Society of New Zealand;
Honorary Life Member, New Zealand Dental Association.
Email: [email protected]
GHOSH, Raja (India). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Engineering),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Assistant Professor, McMaster University, Canada (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Engineering Science, University
of Oxford, UK (1998–2002).
Email: [email protected]
GELINAS, Fabien (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Legal
Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Associate Professor, Law Department, McGill University
(from 2002).
Previously: General Counsel, International Court of Arbitration (1997–
2000); Lecturer, Institute of Comparative Law, University of Paris,
France (1996–1997).
Email: [email protected]
GIBBENS, Robert Dewart (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Barrister/Lawyer, Laxton and Company (from 1987).
Email: [email protected]
GIBBS, Craig Stafford (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Senior Director Biology, Gilead Sciences Inc, US (from
Email: [email protected]
GIBSON, Lorna Jane (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1978–
Currently: Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US (from
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Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of British Columbia (1982–1984); Senior Engineer, Arctec
Canada (1981–1982).
Email: [email protected]
Previously: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communication and
Works, Nevis Island Administration (1998–2002); Lecturer, Nevis
Sixth Form College, Nevis Island Administration (1991–1998).
Email: [email protected]
GILCHRIST, Curlan Joseph (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Economics (Development)), University of Warwick, United
Kingdom (1992–1994).
Currently: Finance Manager, W E Julien & Co. Ltd (from 2002).
Previously: General Manager, Grenada Bottling Company Ltd (1999–
2002); Director, Trade and Statistics, Ministry of Finance (1994–
Email: [email protected]
GODDARD, Rosalyn Ann (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Gas Engineering and Management), University of Salford, United
Kingdom (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]
GILL, Nasib Singh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Computer
Science (Software Engineering)), Brunel University, United Kingdom
Previously: Reader/Associate Professor (1990); Programmer, ERDC
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
GILL, Saran Kaur (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(English), Institute of Education, United Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Professor of International Communication, Faculty of
Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Language Studies and
Linguistics (from 2002).
Previously: Head, Academic Training Division, Centre for Academic
Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1999–2001);
Associate Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1993–1999);
Deputy Dean, Language Centre, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(1990–1992); Lecturer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1980–1993).
Email: saran@[email protected]
GILL, Stewart (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (History),
University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (History), University of Guelph,
Canada (1978–1983).
Currently: Dean and Deputy Warden, Trinity College, University of
Melbourne, Australia (from 2000).
Previously: Warden, Ridley College, University of Melbourne,
Australia; Lecturer, Church History and Secretary of Faculty,
Presbyterian Theological College, Australia.
Email: [email protected].
GILLIES, Malcolm G W (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MMus (Music), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1978–
Currently: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University
(from 2002).
Previously: Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Adelaide (1999–2001); President, Australian
Academy of the Humanities (1998–2001); President, Musicological
Society of Australia (1993–1995); Professor, Department of Music,
University of Queensland (1992–1999); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer,
University of Melbourne (1986–1992); Lecturer, School of Music,
Victorian College of the Arts (1983–1985).
Email: [email protected]
GIRADDI, Rudrappa Somappa (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Earth Toxicology), University of York, United Kingdom (1997–
Currently: Facilitator/Evaluator, Council for Advancement of People’s
Action and Rural Technology, Government of India (from 2002–
2005); Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, University of
Agricultural Sciences (from 1995).
Previously: Assistant Entomologist, University of Agricultural
Sciences (1987–1995); Instructor, University of Agricultural Sciences
Email: [email protected]
GLASGOW, Telbert Roger (Saint Kitts and Nevis). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Electronic Engineering), University of Southampton,
United Kingdom (1988–1991).
Currently: Coordinator University of the West Indies Distance
Education Programme, Nevis Island Administration (from 2002).
GOETZ, Anne Marie Michelle (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Social Sciences), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Board of Governors, Institute of Development Studies,
University of Sussex, UK (from 2002); Fellow, Institute of
Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK (from 1991).
Previously: Adviser, ActionAid Research Programme on REFLECT
in Uganda, ActionAid (1997–2001); Adviser, Overseas Project Board,
Womankind (1994–1998); Junior Professional Officer, UNDP (1985–
GOH, Khean Jin (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Clinical
Neurophysiology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: President, Malaysian Society of Neurosciences (from
2002); Member, International Advisory Council, ASEAN Neurological
Association (from 2002); Associate Professor, Neurology, University
of Malaya (from 1999).
Previously: Honorary Secretary, Malaysian Society of Neurosciences
(2000–2002); Lecturer, Department of Neurology, University of
Malaysia (1995–1999); Specialist Registrar, Department of Neurology,
Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
GOH, Kim Chuan (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Hydrometeorology), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1972–
Currently: Associate Professor /Head and Associate Dean, Department
of Geography, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore (from 1991).
Previously: Associate Professor and Head, Department of Geography,
University of Brunei Darussalam (1986–1991); Lecturer/Associate
Professor and Head of Department, Universiti Sains Malaysia (1975–
Email: [email protected]
GOH, Mark Keng Hock (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow
(Logistics/Supply Mangement), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1998).
Currently: Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
(from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
GOLDSTICK, Daniel J (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BPhil
(Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1962–1965).
Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto (from 1968).
GOSINE, Andil (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Development Studies), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1996–
Currently: Consultant, Gender, World Bank (from 2003).
Previously: Course Director (1999–2002).
Email: [email protected]
GOVINDEN-SOULANGE, Therese Suzy Joyce (Mauritius).
Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Biology), University of Bath, United
Kingdom (1989–1991).
Currently: Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius
(from 1992).
Previously: Research Assistant, School of Administration, University
of Mauritius (1989).
Email: [email protected]
GOWDA, Shobha Mahalinge (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (English), McGill University, Canada (2000–
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Previously: Temporary Lecturer, Maharaja’s First Grade College,
Mysore; Temporary Lecturer, Vidyavardhaka Law College.
Email: [email protected]
GOYAL, Mohan L (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Computer Science), University of Toronto, Canada (1975–1977).
Currently: Additional General Manager, CMC Ltd (from 1997).
Previously: President, Computer Society of India; Adviser, Central
Informatics Bureau, Government of Mauritius.
Email: [email protected]
GRANT, Koryn Dean (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematics), University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Scientist, Ag Research Ltd (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Research Scientist, Open Cloud Ltd (2000–2002);
Assistant Lecturer, Massey University (2000).
GRAVES, Andrea Elizabeth (formerly LORD) (New Zealand).
Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Zoology), University of Oxford,
United Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Communications Manager, Liggins Institute, University of
Auckland (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
GRAY, Henry Scott (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Medical Education), Royal College of Surgeons, United Kingdom
Previously: Associate Professor, University of Otago (1989–1991);
Director of Clinics, School of Dentistry, University of Otago (1982–
1986); President, Otago Branch of New Zealand Dental Association
GREEN, Mark Finkle (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1987–
Currently: Professor of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University at
Kingston (from 1993).
Previously: Board of Directors, First Nations Technical Institute
(2002–2003); Board of Directors, ISIS Canada Research Network
(2000–2003); NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (1991–1992).
Awards: Premier’s Research Excellence Award (2000).
Email: [email protected]
GREER, Germaine (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1964–1967).
Currently: Professor of English and Comparative Studies, University
of Warwick, UK (from 1998); Director, Stump Cross Books , UK
(from 1988); Writer and Broadcaster.
Previously: Special Lecturer and Unofficial Fellow, Newnham
College, University of Cambridge, UK (1989–1998); Founder-Editor,
Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, US (from 1981); Professor of
Modern Letters, University of Tulsa, US (1980–1983); Lecturer,
American Program Bureau, US (1973–1978); Lecturer, Assistant
Lecturer, Warwick University, UK (1967–1972).
GRELL, Gerald A C (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCP
(Medicine), University of Westminster, United Kingdom (1971).
Currently: Professor of Medicine and Dean, Ross University School
of Medicine (from 2000).
Previously: Professor of Medicine and Medical Director, Princess
Margaret Hospital (1993–2000); Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of
the West Indies (1991–1993).
Email: [email protected]
GRIFFIN, Fabian Renair (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Economics), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Economist, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
(from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
GRIFFITH, Yulu (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines).
Commonwealth Fellow (Education), UK Data Archive, United
Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Secretary, CARBICA (from 2001); Archivist, National
Archives (from 1996).
Previously: Library Assistant, National Archives (1992–1996).
Email: [email protected]
GRIGGS, Julian (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Natural
Resources Management), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Principal, Dovetail Consulting Inc. (from 2001).
Previously: Director, Hollyhock Leadership Institute.
Email: [email protected]
GRIMA, A P Lino (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Environmental Management), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD
(Environmental Management), University of Toronto, Canada (1966–
Previously: Lecturer, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology,
Canada; Professor, University of Toronto, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
GROENEWEGEN, Peter Diderik (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Economics), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1963–1965).
Currently: Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University
of Sydney (from 2002); Correspondent, Royal Dutch Academy of
Sciences (from 1993).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, Australian Research Council
(1991–1995); Director, Centre for the Study of the History of
Economic Thought (1989–2002); Professor, Department of
Economics, University of Sydney (1980–2002) (Associate Professor
(1973–1980); Senior Lecturer (1968–1972); Lecturer (1965–1967)).
Awards: Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (1983).
Email: [email protected]
GROVER, Indu (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Education),
Institute of Education, United Kingdom (1981–1985); Commonwealth
Fellow (Agricultural Extension), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor, Department of Extension Education, Chaudhary
Charan Singh University/Haryana Agricultural University (from 2002).
Previously: Deputy Director, Extension Systems and Management
(1995–1996); Associate Professor, Department of Extension
Education, Haryana Agricultural University (1987–1995); Assistant
Professor, Department of Extension Education, Chaudhary Charan
Singh University/Haryana Agricultural University (1973–1987).
Email: [email protected]
GRUNDY, Isla Mary (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Forestry), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Forest Science, University
of Stellenbosch, South Africa (from 1998).
Previously: Member, Regional Agroforestry Training Team (RAFT),
Secretariat for Southern Africa, African Network for Agroforestry
Education, South Africa (2001–2003); South African Representative,
RAFT, South Africa (1998–2003); Team Leader, Rural Development
Forestry Program, South Africa; Technical Services Unit Coordinator,
Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources.
Email: [email protected]
GRUZELIER, Claire Evelynne (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Classics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Classics Teacher, King Edward High School for Girls, UK
(from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
GUERIN, Bruce (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Classics),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1965–1967).
Currently: Director, Flinders Institute of Public Policy and
Management, Flinders University of South Australia (from 1993).
Previously: Chair, Government Management Board, Government of
South Australia (1985–1993); Councillor, Institute of Public
Administration of Australia.
Email: [email protected]
GUMA, Xolile Pallo (Swaziland). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1986–
Currently: Deputy Governor, South African Reserve Bank, South
Africa (from 2001); Chairman, Commission into Fraud of Cheques,
Central Bank of Swaziland (from 1990).
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Previously: Governor’s Adviser, South African Reserve Bank, South
Africa (1999–2001); Deputy Head, Research Department, South
African Reserve Bank, South Africa (1997–1999); Member, Steyn
Commission, Central Bank of Swaziland (1993); Director, Social
Science Research Unit, University of Swaziland (1990–1994).
Email: [email protected]
GUNAWARDANA, Ranaweera A Leslie H (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Fellow (History of Ceylon), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1972–1973).
Currently: Emeritus Professor of History, Department of History,
University of Peradeniya (from 2001).
Previously: Cabinet Minister for Science and Technology,
Government of Sri Lanka (2000–2001); Chairman, Association of
University of Peradeniya (1997–2000); Senior Professor of History,
University of Peradeniya (1992–2000); Professor, Department of
History, University of Peradeniya (1982–1992).
Email: [email protected]
GUNBY, David Charles (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1964–
Currently: Professor/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, Department of English,
University of Canterbury (from 1967).
Email: [email protected]
GUNEMBA, Gunesys W (Papua New Guinea). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Organisation Planning/Management), University of
Reading, United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Bursar, Papua New Guinea University of Technology (from
Previously: Fund Manager, National Staff Superannuation Fund
(1999–2002); Director of Planning, Office of the Vice-Chancellor,
Papua New Guinea University of Technology (1997–2000).
Email: [email protected]
GUNN, John A W (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Modern
History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1963–1965).
Previously: Sir Edward Peacock Professor (endowed chair), Political
Studies Department, Queen’s University at Kingston (1995–2002);
Professor, Queen’s University at Kingston (1970–1995); Associate
Professor, Queen’s University at Kingston (1967–1970).
Email: [email protected]
GUNNING, Yvonne Cynthia (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Agricultural Management), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1980–1981).
Currently: Assistant Treasurer, Board of Jamaica Society for the Blind
(from 2002); Manager, National Commercial Bank (from 1982).
Previously: Recoveries Manager, National Commercial Bank (1999–
2003); Manager/Crop Specialist/Acting Project Manager, Clarendon
Park Orchards (1992–1997); Senior Agricultural Officer, National
Commercial Bank (1982–1992); Vegetable Agronomist, Ministry of
Agriculture (1976–1982); Officer-in-Charge, Top Mountain Research
Station, Ministry of Agriculture (1976–1982); Vegetable Commodity
Marketing Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture (1976–1982).
Email: [email protected]
GUOBADIA, Ima Sogie (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Water Resources Engineering), University of Guelph, Canada (1987–
Currently: President and Chief Executive Officer, Envirobate Global
Inc. (from 1996).
Previously: Senior Project Manager, The Harris Group; President,
Global Engineering Services.
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Anil (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Engineering),
University of Ottawa, Canada (1988–1992).
Currently: Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
(from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University;
Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Anil Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Primary
Health Care), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Medical Superintendent and Professor, Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research (from 2003); Honorary
Consultant, World Bank Project, Punjab Health Systems Corporation
(from 1997); Member and Chairman, Speciality Board and
Examinations, National Academy of Medical Sciences; Organising
Secretary/Executive Member, Academy of Hospital Administration.
Previously: WHO Consultant, Faculty of Public Health, University of
Indonesia (1999–2000); WHO Consultant, Hospital Administration,
SEARO (1997–1998); Medical Superintendent and Additional
Professor, Department of Hospital Administration, Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research (1996–2003); Executive
Member, Academy of Hospital Administration (1996–1997);
Associate Professor, Department of Hospital Administration, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (1992–1996); Assistant Professor,
Department of Hospital Administration, All India Institue of Medical
Sciences (1988–1992); Assistant Surgeon, Government Medical
College, SMGS Hospital (1987–1988); Resident Administrator, All
India Institute of Medical Sciences (1985–1987); Registrar,
Government Medical College, Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis
Hospital (1985).
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Atul Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Primate
Behavioural Ecology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor and Head, Faculty of Wildlife Science, Wildlife
Institute of India (from 1999).
Previously: General Secretary, Indian Forest Service Association
(2000–2003); Conservator of Forests (1997–1999); Deputy Director,
Wildlife, Ministry of Environment and Forests (1990–1992).
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Charu (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (History),
School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Previously: Reader, History, University of Delhi (1992–2002);
Lecturer, University of Delhi (1988–1992).
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Deepak (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Haematology/Oncology), Imperial College London School of
Medicine at Charing Cross and Westminster, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Internal Medicine Resident PGY1, Worcester Medical
Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital, US (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, Dana Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School, US (1999–2002); Registrar in Haematology,
Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Trust, UK (1998–
1999); Registrar in Haematology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS
Trust, UK (1997–1998); Senior Resident, Immunology, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (1991–1994).
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Pradeep Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom (1979–1981).
Currently: Scientist H and Head, Biomedical Applications Section,
Centre for Advanced Technology (from 1990).
Previously: General Secretary, Indian Laser Association (1993–1994);
Convener and Member, Editorial Board, Newsletter for CAT (1990–
1995); Scientist C-F, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (1974–1979).
Awards: Homi Bhabha Science and Technology Award, Department
of Atomic Energy, Government of Grenada (1992); N S Satyamurthy
Memorial Award, Indian Physics Association (1988).
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Prem Prakesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Clinical
Pharmacology), St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Queen Mary and
Westfield College), United Kingdom (1976–1977).
Currently: Fellow, Indian College of Applied Immunology, Allergy
and Asthma (from 2002); Deputy Director, Division of Pharmacology,
Central Drug Research Institute (from 1999).
Previously: Member, Executive Clinical Pharcology Committee,
Indian Pharmacological Society (2001–2002); Member, Executive
Committee, Indian Pharmacological Society (1999–2000); Panel of
Referees, Indian Journal of Pharmacology (1998–2000); Senior
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Assistant Director, Division of Pharmacology, Central Drug Research
Institute (1993–1998).
GUPTA, Pushpendra (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Wheat
Cytogenetics), University of Manitoba, Canada (1964–1967).
Currently: UGC Emeritus Fellow, Ch. Charan Singh University (from
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Meerut University;
Professor, Agricultural Botany, Meerut University.
Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Sunita (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Dentistry), King’s
College London, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Maulana Azad Medical College (from
Previously: Lecturer (1995–1998); Assistant Editor, Indian Journal of
Dental Research (1992–1994); Lecturer, Government Dental College.
Email: [email protected]
GURNURKAR, Sham Sunder (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
FRCSEd (Surgeon (Urology)), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom (1966–1967); Commonwealth Fellow (Urology), University
of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1975–1976).
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, NTR University of Health Sciences (from
Previously: Director of Medical Education, Government of Andhra
Pradesh (1993–1994); Dean/Chair and Professor, Department of
Surgery, Gandhi Medical College (1991–1993); Professor of Surgery,
Osmania Medical College/Osmania General Hospital (1983–1991);
Assistant Professor, Osmania Medical College (1977–1983); Assistant
Professor of Urology, Osmania Medical College/Osmania General
Hospital (1977–1983); Research Assistant Professor, Osmania Medical
College/Osmania General Hospital (1968–1975); Assistant Professor
of Surgery, Osmania Medical College/Osmania General Hospital
(1962–1966); Member, Medical Council of India.
Awards: Member, Indian Medical Association; Fellow, American
College of Surgeons; Fellow, Association of Indian Surgeons.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
HABIB, Muhammad (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmaceutical Sciences), University of Alberta, Canada (1982–
Currently: Professor and Chairman, School of Pharmacy, Howard
University, US (from 2002).
Previously: Professor and Chairman, Kuwait University, Kuwait;
Associate Professor, Howard University, US.
Email: [email protected]
HACKER, John Bryan (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Cytogenetics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1961–
Currently: Chairman, Moggill Creek Catchment Group, Australia
(from 2000).
Previously: Senior Principal Research Scientist/Project Leader, CSIRO
Tropical Agriculture, Australia (1994–2000); Senior Research
Scientist, CSIRO Tropical Agriculture, Australia (1965–1994).
Email: [email protected]
HADJIMARCOU, Michalis (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Molecular Biology), University of Alberta, Canada (1996–
Currently: Secondary School Teacher, Biology, Ministry of Education
(from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
HADJIYANNIS, Elias (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Electrical Engineering), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, Telecom Companies Association (from 1997);
General Manager, Hellenic Technical Ltd (from 1985).
Email: [email protected]
HAGEMBE, Bilhah Ommbango (formerly NYIKULI) (Kenya).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Community Medecine), University
of British Columbia, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Executive Director, Centre for Adolescent and Geriatric
Outreach Services (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Deputy Director, Medical Services, Ministry of
Health, Government of Kenya; Medical Advisor, National Agency for
Campaign Against Drug Abuse.
Email: [email protected]
HAINS, Gaetan J D R (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Mathematics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1986–1988).
Currently: Professor and Director, LIFO, Université d’Orléans, France
(from 1995).
Previously: Visiting Scientist, Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan (1994–
1995); Visiting Professor, Ècole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
(1994); Assistant/Associate Professor, University of Montreal (1989–
Email: [email protected]
HAKEEM, Rubina (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Nutrition), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: General Secretary, Nutrition and Dietetic Society of
Pakistan (from 2003); Professor, Education Department, Government
of Sindh (from 2002); Chairperson, Food and Nutrition Society (from
Previously: Honorary Research Consultant, Baqai Institute of Diabetes
and Endocrinology, Baqai Medical University (2001); Honorary
Research Consultant, Development of Women Health Professionals
Programme, Canadian International Development Agency (1999);
Nutritionist Research Consultant, WHO (1998–1999); Assistant
Professor, Government of Sindh (1996–2002); Lecturer, Government
of Sindh (1983–1996).
Email: [email protected]
HAKIM, Md Abdul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Comparative Electoral Politics), University of Hull, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
Chittagong (from 1992).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Social Science, University of Chittagong
(1992–1997); Chairman, Department of Political Science, University
of Chittagong (1989–1990); Associate Professor, University of
Chittagong (1982–1992); Assistant Professor, University of Chittagong
Email: [email protected]
HALES, Alwin Livingstone (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Water Management), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, National Watershed Management Council (from
2001); Director, Maritime Authority of Jamaica (from 2001);
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Works (from 1998);
Director, Airport Authority of Jamaica (from 1998); Member,
Jamaican Institute of Engineers (from 1984).
Previously: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government and
Works (1996–1998); Chief Technical Director, National Irrigation
Commission (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
HALL, Julie (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Botany
Science), University of Manitoba, Canada (1982–1986).
Currently: Sea and Learn Programme Director, National Insitute of
Water and Atmosphere (from 1991).
Previously: Manager, Aquatic Ecology and Laboratory Services,
National Institute of Water and Atmosphere; Project Director, National
Institute of Water and Atmosphere.
Email: [email protected]
HALL, Susan (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Law),
University of Toronto, Canada (1984–1985).
Currently: Partner, Cobbetts Solicitors (from 2000).
Previously: Partner, Taylors Solicitors.
Email: [email protected]
HALL, Wendy Anne (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Nursing), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
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Currently: Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of
British Columbia (from 1996).
Previously: Chair, Finance Committee, Xi Eta Chapter Theta Tau
International (Nursing Honour Society) (2000–2002); Assistant
Professor, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia (1989–
Email: [email protected]
HALTON, Rosalind Joan (formerly PARSONSON) (New Zealand).
Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Music), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1973–1976).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle, Australia (from
1999); Founder, Chacona, Australia (from 1997).
Previously: Program Convenor, Australia (2002); Senior Lecturer,
University of New England (1990–1999); Lecturer, University of New
England (1986–1990).
Email: [email protected]
HAMBIRA, Maria (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Paper Technology), McGill University, Canada (1984–1985).
Currently: Managing Director, Africa Resources Projects Services
(from 2001).
Previously: General Manager, Turnall Fibre Cement; Paper Mill
Manager, Hunyani Paper and Packaging Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
HAMILTON, David Howard (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Mathematics), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of
Maryland, US (from 1982).
Previously: Fellow, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, US
(1995); Fellow, Imperial College London, UK (1990); Fellow,
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, US (1986); Warschhowski
Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of California, US
Awards: J Berwick Prize, London Mathematical Society, UK (1983).
Email: [email protected]
HAMILTON, Dionne (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Translation), Université de Montréal, Canada (1991–1994).
Previously: Executive Director, Myrtle Tree Music; Account
Executive, Public Relations Practitioners Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
HAMILTON, Patrick Gordon (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Business Computing), City University, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Systems Analyst and Head, Computer Services Department,
West African Examinations Council (from 1999).
Previously: Technical Support Staff, IFES and National Electoral
Commission (2002); Programmer, West African Examinations Council
(1992–1998); Subject Officer (Mathematics and Science), West
African Examinations Council (1985–1991); Teacher of Physics and
Mathematics, Sierra Leone Grammar School (1982–1985).
Email: [email protected]
HANDA, Sanjeev (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Medical Training
(Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology), Guy’s, King’s and St
Thomas’ Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences,
United Kingdom (1999–2001).
Currently: Senate Member, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Panjab
University (from 2002); Member, Research Committee, Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research (from 2001); Member,
National Academy of Medical Sciences (from 2001); Assistant
Professor, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
(from 1994).
Previously: Senior Resident, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research (1991–1994).
Awards: Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology (2003).
Email: [email protected]
HANEEF, Mohamed Aslam (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Religion/Culture in Economic Development Policy), University of
Oxford, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Economics,
International Islamic University, Malaysia (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, International Islamic University
Email: [email protected]
HANNETT, Sarah Ruth (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Human Rights Law), McGill University, Canada (1998–1999).
Currently: Lecturer, King’s College London (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
HAQUE, Md Ahsanul (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(English), University of Bristol, United Kingdom (1963–1965).
Currently: Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts, People’s University
of Bangladesh, Bangladesh (from 1991).
Previously: Professor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (1986–2001);
Associate Professor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (1972–1986).
Email: [email protected]
HAQUE, Shamsul S M (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Psychology (Long Term Memory)), University of Bristol, United
Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Assistant Professor (sabbatical), International Islamic
University, Malaysia (from 2003); Assistant Professor, Department of
Psychology, University of Dhaka (from 1994).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Dhaka (1994–2000).
Email: [email protected]
HARAKUWE, Anthony Hekore (Papua New Guinea).
Commonwealth Fellow (Analytical Chemistry), Loughborough
University, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Coordinator/Chairman, Asaro Primary School, Fundraising
Committee (from 2003); Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied
Sciences, Papua New Guinea University of Technology (from 2001);
Editor, Research Nius, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
(from 1996); Coordinator/Facilitator, Community Projects (from
Previously: Board Member, Supervisory Committee, Savings and
Loan Society, Papua New Guinea University of Technology (1996–
2002); Lecturer, Papua New Guinea University of Technology (1996–
2000); Assistant Lecturer, Papua New Guinea University of
Technology (1985–1995); Member, Community Development
Committee, Papua New Guinea University of Technology (1985).
Email: [email protected]
HARDIN-RAMANAN, Sarita (formerly HARDIN) (Mauritius).
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Computer Science), Imperial College
London, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Lecturer of Information Technology, De Chazal Du Mee
Business School (from 2000).
Previously: Technical Sales Engineer (1998–1999).
Email: [email protected]
HARDY, Eric (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM, Queen Mary,
University of London, United Kingdom (1988–1989).
Currently: Lawyer, Ogilvy Renault (from 1992).
Previously: Lawyer, Phillips and Vineberg (1990–1992).
Email: [email protected]
HARRIGAN, Aidan Augustine (Anguilla). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Development Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada
Currently: Director, Economic Planning, Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Statistical Officer, Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development; Director, Economic Planning, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development.
HARRISON, Margaret Ann (formerly FRIEND) (South Africa).
Commonwealth Scholar, BA (English), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1960–1962).
Previously: Cataloguer, Wartenweiler Library, University of
Witwatersrand (1985–1998); Teaching Assistant, Department of
English, University of Washington, US (1965–1966); Lecturer,
University of Witwatersrand (1962–1965).
Email: [email protected]
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HARTMANN, Peter Edwin (Australia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Lactation Research), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Head, LRC, Australian Feeding Association (from 2003);
ILCA Advisory Panel Member, ILCA, US (from 1999); Professor,
University of Western Australia (from 1996); Visiting Professor,
Kagawa Nutrition University, Japan (from 1995).
Previously: Associate Professor, University of Western Australia
(1984–1995); Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Western Australia (1975–1983).
Email: [email protected]
HASAN, Md Rezaul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Aquaculture), University of Stirling, United Kingdom (1982–1986).
Currently: Research Specialist (Inland Aquatic Biodiversity),
Department of Fisheries, Dhaka, Aquatic Resources Development,
Management and Conservation Studies of the Fourth Fisheries Project
(from 2003).
Previously: Professor, Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1999–2002); Associate Professor, Department
of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1997–1999);
Training and Extension Coordinator, Danida Technical Assistance,
Oxbow Lakes Small Scale Fisherman project (1994–1997); Associate
Professor, Department of Fisheries Biology and Limnology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (1991–1994); Assistant Professor,
Department Fisheries Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1986–1991); Lecturer, Department Fisheries
Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1980–
Email: [email protected]
HASHIM, Bin Yaacob (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Oral
Pathology and Medicine), Glasgow Dental Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, University of Malaya (from 2003);
Fellow, Academy of Sciences (from 2000); Council Member,
University of Malaya (from 1994); Chairman, Committee for the
Fellowship in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England
(from 1994); Professor, Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine, University
of Malaya (from 1987).
Previously: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Malaya (2001–
Awards: Dato, Sultan of Kelantan (1997).
Email: [email protected]
HASHIM, Mirza Abul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Surgery), University of Bristol, United Kingdom (1988–
Currently: Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1999).
Previously: Associate Professor , Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1995–1999); Assistant Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1988–1995); Lecturer, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1985–
HASSAN, Riaz (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, MLitt (English),
University of Durham, United Kingdom (1963–1965).
Currently: Visiting Professor, Department of English, National
University of Modern Languages (from 2000).
Previously: Professor and Head of Department, Allama Iqbal Open
University (1980–1982); Associate Professor and Head, Department
of English, Allama Iqbal Open University (1976–1980); Chairman,
National University of Modern Languages (1974–1976).
Email: [email protected]
HATFIELD-MOORE, Deborah Louise (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (English), Queen’s University of Belfast, United
Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, Victoria University (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
HAULE, Damian Daniel (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Electrical Engineering), McGill University, Canada (1987–
Currently: Lecturer, University of Dar Es Salaam (from 1998).
Previously: Modelling Engineer, CAE Electronics, Canada; Assistant
Director, Information and Communications Technologies Firm.
Email: [email protected]
HAWKE, Gary Richard (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Economic History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Head, School of Government, Victoria University of
Wellington (from 2003); Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand (from
1997); Member-Chair, Education Review Office, Advisory Council on
Quality in Education (from 1992); Member, New Zealand Committee
for Pacific Economic Cooperation (from 1987); Professor of
Economics, Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University of
Wellington (from 1968).
Previously: Chairman, New Zealand Planning Council (1986–1991);
Member-Convener, New Zealand Planning Council (1980–1991);
Visiting Fellow, All Souls’ College, University of Oxford, UK (1977–
1978); Visiting Fellowship in American Studies, American Council of
Learned Societies, Stanford University, US (1972–1973); Reader,
Victoria University of Wellington (1971–1973); Lecturer of Economic
History, Victoria University of Wellington (1968–1970).
Email: [email protected]
HAWKE, Richard (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of Toronto, Canada (1991–1996).
Currently: Lecturer, School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of
Wellington (from 1998).
Previously: University Lecturer, School of Earth Sciences, Victoria
University of Wellington.
Email: [email protected]
HAZEL, Dorothea Lenore (Montserrat). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Epidemiology), University of Ottawa, Canada (1999–2001).
Currently: Medical Technologist, Glendon Hospital (from 1991).
Previously: Medical Technologist, Glendon Hospital Laboratory.
Email: [email protected]
HEATHCOTE, Andrew (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Psychology), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1986–1989).
Currently: Associate Professor, School of Behavioural Sciences,
University of Newcastle (from 2001).
Previously: Deputy Head, School of Behavioural Sciences, University
of Newcastle; Head of the Discipline of Aviation, University of
Email: [email protected]
HEBERT, Paul D N (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1969–1972).
Currently: Acting Director, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario (from
2002); Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (from 1992).
Previously: Canada Research Chair, Department of Molecular
Biodiversity, University of Guelph (2001–2003); Director, Cyber
National Software (1999–2003); Chairman of the Board, Huntsman
Marine Science Centre (1999–2003); Professor and Chairman,
Department of Zoology, University of Guelph (1990–2000); Director,
Great Lakes Institute (1987–1990); Professor, Department of
Biological Science, University of Windsor (1981–1990).
Email: [email protected]
HECTOR, Alison (Saint Kitts and Nevis). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Journalism), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1987–
Currently: Senior Editor, Organization of American States, US (from
Previously: Press and Public Relations Secretary, Government of St
Kitts and Nevis.
Email: [email protected]
HEERAH, Marjorie (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), University of British Columbia, Canada (1996–1997).
Currently: Assistant Director, Bank of Mauritius.
Previously: Research Officer, Bank of Mauritius; Research Officer,
Mauritius Institute of Health.
Email: [email protected]
HEGDE, Belle Monappa (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Cardiology), Middlesex Hospital, London, United Kingdom (1972–
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
(from 1999); President, Aurobindo Society (from 1969); Chairman,
Bharathiya Vidya Bhawau (Indian Institute of Culture) (from 1966).
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Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher
Education (1998–1999); Dean, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
(1989–1998); Professor of Medicine, Kasturba Medical College,
Mangalore (1974–1998).
Email: [email protected]
HENCHMAN, Richard Humfry (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Theoretical Chemistry), University of Southampton,
United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Associate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of
California, US (from 2002).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry, University of California, US (2000–2002).
Email: [email protected]
HENDERSON, Norman (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Sensitive Lands Management), University of East Anglia, United
Kingdom (1988–1991).
Currently: Director, Climate Change Research and Adaption Network,
University of Regina (from 2003).
Previously: Senior Policy Adviser, Government of Saskatchewan
(1998–2002); Lecturer, Environmental Sciences, University of East
Anglia, UK (1991–1998).
Email: [email protected]
HENDY, Shaun (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), University of Alberta, Canada (1995–1997).
Currently: Research Scientist, Industrial Research Ltd (from 2000).
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, Industrial Research Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
HENNESSY, Kate (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Anthropology of Media), School of Oriental and African Studies,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Visual Anthropologist/Project Assistant, Department of
Anthropology, San Francisco State University, US (from 2003);
Associate Producer, Documentary Film, US (from 2003).
Previously: Oral Historian/Anthropologist, the Galiano Archive
Project, Galiano Island, British Columbia (1999–2001); Chairperson,
University of British Columbia, World University Service of Canada
Email: [email protected]
HERBERT, William Valentine (Saint Kitts and Nevis).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Constitutional Laws), University
College London, United Kingdom (1960–1962).
Previously: Chairman, National Committee on Closer Union of
Organisation of Caribbean States (1987); Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary, Government of St Kitts and Nevis (1983–1994);
Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Government of St
Kitts and Nevis (1983–1994); Ambassador to the Organisation of
American States, Government of St Kitts and Nevis (1983–1994);
Ambassador to the United Nations, Government of St Kitts and Nevis
(1983–1994); Ambassador to the United States of America,
Government of St Kitts and Nevis (1983–1987); Legal Practitioner
(1959–1994); Chairman, Caribbean Commercial Bank (Anguilla) Ltd;
Former Managing Director, Anguilla Trust Company Ltd;
Constitutional Adviser, Government of Turks & Caicos; Member,
Council of Legal Education; Foundation Member and First President,
People’s Action Movement; Constitutional Adviser, Government of
Anguilla; Constitutional Adviser, Government of St Kitts and Nevis.
Awards: Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael
and St George (CMG) (1986).
[Deceased 1995. Dr Herbert’s profile has been included in accordance
with the wishes of his family.]
HERBERT-BROWN, Geraldine Edith (formerly HERBERT)
(Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Ancient History),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1985–1987).
Previously: Research Fellow, Department of Ancient History, Division
of Humanities, Macquarie University (1991–1997).
Email: [email protected]
HERNANDEZ, Lennox Julian (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Housing for Developing Countries), University of Newcastle
upon Tyne, United Kingdom (1980–1982); Commonwealth Fellow
(Architecture), University of York, United Kingdom (1990–1991).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture and Quantity
Surveying, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
(from 2000).
Previously: Member, National Trust Board (1998–2000); Member,
National Committee for Housing and Urban Development (1996–
1998); Chairman, National Trust Board (1992–1995); Senior Lecturer,
Department of Architecture, University of Guyana (1972–2000).
Email: [email protected]
HETTIARACHCHI, Samantha S L (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Coastal Engineering and Management), Imperial College
London, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of
Previously: Senior Lecturer II and Head, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1997–2000).
Email: [email protected]
HEWAMANNA, Rohini (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Radiation Biology), University of London, United Kingdom (1977–
1980); Commonwealth Fellow (Radiation Biology), Imperial College
London, United Kingdom (1989–1990).
Currently: Head, Department of Nuclear Science, University of
Colombo (from 2001); Professor, Department of Nuclear Science,
University of Colombo (from 1998).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Radioisotope Centre, University of
Colombo (1981–1998).
Email: [email protected]
HEWSON, Caroline (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Applied
Ethology), University of Guelph, Canada (1993–1997).
Currently: Assistant Professor and Research Chair in Animal Welfare,
Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island,
Canada (from 2000).
Previously: Clinical Researcher, Pfizer Animal Health; Consultant,
Email: [email protected]
HICKEY, Barry Peter (Australia). Commonwealth Fellow (Thoracic
Medicine), Royal Brompton Hospital, United Kingdom (1973–1974).
Currently: Visiting Respiratory Physician, Private Practice (from
1995); Honorary Tutor, Department of Medicine, University of
Queensland (from 1976).
Previously: Director of Respiratory Medicine, Green Slopes Hospital
(1976–1995); Associate Professor of Medicine, University of North
Carolina, US (1974–1976); President, Thoracic Society of Queensland.
Email: [email protected]
HICKS, Katrina Marie (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Pure Mathematics (Algebra)), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Officer, Australia Bureau of Statistics
(from 1996).
HIGGINS, Ian Kevin (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English Literature), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1982–
Currently: Senior Lecturer in English Literature, School of
Humanities, Australian National University (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer in English, School of Humanities, Australian
National University (1991–1997); Senior Tutor in English Literature,
La Trobe University (1985–1991).
HILL, Cordella Uleta Kelly (Antigua and Barbuda). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Biomedical Sciences), University of Bradford, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Science Teacher, Ministry of Education (from 1990).
Email: [email protected]
HINDS, Denise Sharon (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Money, Banking and Finance), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Senior Bank Examiner, Tom Adams Financial Centre,
Central Bank of Barbados (from 2001).
Previously: First Secretary (1999–2000).
Email: [email protected]
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HINDS, Richard R DeCourcey (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
FRCSEd (Surgery), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1977–
Currently: General Practitioner, Welches (from 1980).
Previously: Resident (1978–1979).
Email: [email protected]
HIREMATH, Subhash C (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Pure and
Applied Biology), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Vice-President, Society of Cytologists and Genetics (from
2000); Professor, Department of Botany, Karnatak University (from
Previously: Head of Department, Karnatak University (1997–1999);
NSERC Visiting Scientist, University of Calgary, Canada (1995);
Lecturer, Karnatak University (1975–1983).
Email: [email protected]
HO, Derek (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Business Administration), McGill University, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Lead Software Engineer, SPL WorldGroup (from 2001).
Previously: Systems Administrator, Trinmar; Systems Administrator,
Email: [email protected]
HO, Nai Choon (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Mechanical Engineering), McMaster University, Canada (1979–
Currently: President, IDS Gintic Pte Ltd (from 1997).
Previously: Deputy Director, Gintic; Director, Gintic.
Email: [email protected]
HO, Wai Lun William (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Colour Chemistry), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1972–
Currently: Business Partner, Human Resouces Department, Ciba
Speciality Chemicals, Switzerland (from 2001).
Previously: Head, Human Resources Department, Colours Division,
Ciba Speciality Chemicals Plc, UK (1998–2001); Chairperson,
Chinese Health Force, UK (1998–2001); Sales/Research and
Development/Marketing/General Management, Pigments Division,
Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
HODGETTS, Lisa Maye (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Environmental Archaeology), University of Durham, United
Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Memorial University of
Newfoundland (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
HODGKINSON, Kathleen (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Genetics), McGill University, Canada (1989–1991).
Currently: Researcher, Memorial University (from 1995).
Previously: Research Coordinator, Schizophrenia Research Program;
Genetic Counsellor, Churchill Hospital.
Email: [email protected]
HODGSON, Elaine Luetta Bernic (Bermuda). Commonwealth
Scholar, MB ChB (Medicine), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1988–1991).
Currently: Resident Doctor, King Edward Memorial Hospital (from
Email: [email protected]
HOEPPNER, Vernon H (Canada). Commonwealth Fellow
(Epidemiology of Tuberculosis), Imperial College London School of
Medicine at Hammersmith, United Kingdom (1985).
Currently: Chair, Canadian Tuberculosis Committee, Advisory Body
to Health Canada (from 2002); Head, Division of TB Control,
University of Saskatchewan (from 1995); Professor of Respiratory
Medicine, University of Saskatchewan (from 1988); Director, TB
Control, Province of Saskatchewan (from 1986).
Previously: Chair, National Tuberculosis Notification, Federal
Provincial Territory Directors’ TB Control Advisory (1995–1997);
President, Saskatchewan Thoracic Society, Advisory Body to Health
Canada (1992–1993); Chair, Saskatchewan Health, Advisory
Committee on Home Oxygen Therapy (1991–1996); Associate
Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
(1986–1988); Chair, Saskatchewan College of Physicians, Advisory
Committee on Guidelines of Practice (1986).
Email: [email protected]
HOLBOROW, Leslie Charles (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, BPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: President, Australasian Association of Philosophy (from
Previously: Chair, New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee (1990–
1991); National President, New Zealand Institute of International
Affairs (1987–1990); Vice-Chancellor/Chief Executive, Victoria
University of Wellington (1985–1998); Professor of Philosophy,
University of Queensland, Australia (1974–1985); Pro-ViceChancellor of Humanities, University of Queensland, Australia (1974–
1985); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Dundee,
UK (1965–1974).
Email: [email protected]
HOLLAND, David (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Law),
University of Toronto, Canada (1984–1985).
Currently: Barrister, Landmark Chambers (from 1986).
Email: [email protected]
HOOKER, Sascha Kate (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biology), Dalhousie University, Canada (1994–1999).
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Sea Mammal Research Unit,
University of St Andrews (from 2001).
Previously: Postdoctoral Researcher, British Antarctic Survey.
Email: [email protected]
HOR, Tzi Sum Andy (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow (Inorganic
Chemistry), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Board Member, Singapore Science Centre (from 2000);
Lecturer/Professor, National University of Singapore (from 1984).
Previously: Postdoctorate Associate, University of Yale, US (1983–
Awards: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Achievement Award (Sciences) (1996–2000); National Young
Scientist of the Year Award , National Science and Technology Board
(NSTB) (1991).
Email: [email protected]
HORNER, Bridget Marian (formerly MACLACHLAN) (South
Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Architecture), University
College London, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Architect/Urban Designer, Krugar Ross Architects (urban
designers) (from 2002).
Previously: Project Consultant, Space Syntax (2000–2001); Lecturer
in Design, University of Port Elizabeth (1998–1999).
Email: [email protected]
HORNER, Graham (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada (1998–2000).
Currently: Marketing Consultant, Dunnhumby (from 2000).
Previously: Marketing Consultant, Dunnhumby.
Email: [email protected]
HOSEIN, Sharaaz (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Energy and Environmental Technology), Cranfield University,
United Kingdom (1997–2001).
Currently: Mechanical Engineer, Ministry of Energy and Energy
Industries (from 2002).
Previously: Energy Engineer, Ministry of Energy and Energy
Industries (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
HOSSAIN, Ijaz (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Gas Transmission Company Ltd (from 2003);
Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Bangladesh University
of Engineering and Technology (from 2001).
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Previously: Associate Professor, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (1993–2001); Assistant Professor,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (1983–1993).
Email: [email protected]
HOSSAIN, Ismail (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (Economics),
University of Toronto, Canada (1976–1985).
Currently: Professor, Jahangirnagar University (from 1994).
Previously: Dean, School of Social Sciences, Shahjalal University of
Science and Technology; Chairman, Department of Economics,
Jahangirnagar University.
Email: [email protected]
HOSSAIN, Md Ayub (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Solar Drying), University of Newcastle upon
Tyne, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute (from 1990).
Email: [email protected]
HOSSAIN, Md Monowar (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Water Resource Engineering), University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom (1981–1985).
Currently: Convener, Bangladesh National Committee, American
Institute of Hydrology (from 2001); Professor, Department of Water
Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology (from 1992).
Previously: Chief Editor, Journal of National Oceanography and
Maritime Institution (1993–1999); Honorary Chairman, Centre for
Environmental Studies and Research (1988–1996); Associate
Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(1987–1992); Assistant Professor, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (1979–1987).
Email: [email protected]
HOSSAIN, Mohammed Kamal (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Forestry (Silviculture)), University of Aberdeen, United
Kingdom (1989–1992); Commonwealth Fellow (Silviculture),
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Professor, University of Chittagong (from 2001); Director,
Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of
Chittagong (from 2001).
Previously: Warden, Forestry Hostel (2000–2001); Warden, Forestry
Hostel (1997–1998); Associate Professor, University of Chittagong
(1996–2001); Plantation Coordinator, University of Chittagong (1993–
2000); Assistant Professor, University of Chittagong (1993–1996);
Research Officer, University of Chittagong (1984–1993).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
HOSSAIN, Shahid Akhtar (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Soil and Water Management), University of Aberdeen, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Professor, Department of Soil, Water and Environment,
University of Dhaka (from 2000); Senator, University of Dhaka Senate
(from 1997).
Previously: Associate Professor, University of Dhaka (1997–2000);
Research Officer, Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]
HOVIUS, Berend (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM (Law),
London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Western
Ontario (from 1999).
Previously: Professor of Law, University of Western Ontario (1984–
Email: [email protected]
HOWES, Tony (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Chemical
Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Queensland (from 1993).
Email: [email protected]
HOWLADER, Mosked Ali (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Entomology), University of Manitoba, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Professor, University of Dhaka.
Previously: House Tutor, Faziul Hague Hall, University of Dhaka;
Senior Teacher, Biology , Scholastica School.
Email: [email protected]
HUGHES, Graham Owen (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Geophysics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1991–
Currently: Research Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences,
Australian National University, Australia (from 2000).
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, Australia (1997–2000); Postdoctoral
Fellow, University of Sydney, Australia (1995–1997).
Email: [email protected]
HUMPHRIES, Anthony John (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Theatre Arts), University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1973–1975).
Currently: Deputy Head, Commonwealth Coordination Department,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (from 1999).
Previously: Deputy Head, Protocol Department, Foreign and
Commonwealth Office (1995–1999); Head, Research Unit Overseas
Visitors Section Information Department, Foreign and Commonwealth
Office (1990–1995).
Email: [email protected]
HUNT, David Christopher (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pure Mathematics), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1967–
Currently: Head, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of New
South Wales (from 2000).
Previously: Director of Training/Team Leader, International
Mathematical Olympiad, Australian Mathematics Trust (1995–2000);
Deputy Head, School of Mathematics, University of New South Wales
(1995–1998); Director of First Year Studies, University of New South
Wales (1989–1995); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics,
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of New South Wales
Email: [email protected]
HUNTER, Adolph (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Materials Engineering), McMaster University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Director, Strategic Partnerships, ASML (from 2000).
Previously: Product Marketing Manager, Applied Materials; Manager
Special Projects, Allenwest Brentford.
Email: [email protected]
HUNTLEY, Martin Adrian (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Indian Philosophy and Religion), Banaras Hindu University, India
Currently: Director of Technology, The Education Alliance, Brown
University, US (from 1997).
Previously: Senior Scientist, Educational Technologies, BBN Systems
and Technologies, US (1993–1997); Director, Computer Technology
Centre, South Coast Educational Collaborative, US (1985–1993);
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Brown
University, US (1979–1984); Assistant Professor, Department of
Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US (1972–1979).
Email: [email protected]
HUQ, Naznin Afrose (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Transport Geography), University of Salford, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Geography and Environment,
University of Dhaka (from 2000).
Previously: Joint Secretary, Bangladesh Geographical Society (1996–
2000); Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Geography and
the Environment, University of Dhaka (1993–2000); Lecturer,
Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Dhaka
Email: [email protected]
HURLEY, Siobhan Therese (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(South Asian History), School of Oriental and African Studies, United
Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Modern History,
Nottingham Trent University, UK (from 2002).
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Previously: Assistant Professor in History, University of Guelph
(2000–2002); Replacement Lecturer, School of Oriental and African
Studies, University of London, UK (1998–2000).
Email: [email protected]
HUSSAIN, Monirul (India). Commonwealth Fellow (South Asian
Studies), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1999).
Currently: Head/Chairman, Postgraduate Department of Political
Science, Gauhati University (from 2000); Professor, Postgraduate
Department of Political Science, Gauhati University (from 1998).
Previously: Reader, Postgraduate Department of Political Science,
Gauhati University (1991–1998); Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate
Department of Political Science, Gauhati University (1986–1991);
Lecturer, Postgraduate Department of Political Science, Gauhati
University (1978–1985).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
HUTCHINSON, Alexander Beattie (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Physics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Research Associate, Laboratory for Physical Sciences,
University of Maryland, US (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
HUTT, Marten Hendrik (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Social History of Medicine), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Policy Adviser, Ministry of Research, Science and
Technology (from 2000); Spokesman, Iraq Sanctions Medical Alert
Group (from 1998).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington (1998–2000); Researcher/
Writer, Department of Public Health, Wellington School of Medicine,
University of Otago (1996–1997).
Email: [email protected]
HWARNG, Hsing Liang Brian (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow
(Simulation Modelling Logistics and Supply Chain Management),
University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences,
National University of Singapore (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
(1998–2001); Senior Lecturer, National University of Singapore
(1997–1998); Board Director, Institute of Industrial Engineers (1996–
Email: [email protected]
HYDE, Thomas Miles (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Technology and Development Manager, Beca Carter
Hollings & Ferner Ltd, Australia (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Process Engineer, Beca Simons Ltd, Australia
Email: [email protected]
IANNOU, Frixos Andreou (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Economics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1971–1974).
Currently: Interim Partner, K Kourouklides Partnership, Professional
Accountants (from 2003).
Previously: Finance and Administration Manager, Cyprus Airways
Ltd (1996–1999); Finance Director Designate, Trafalgar House Group
Plc (1992–1994); Senior Accountant, Trafalgar House Group Plc
(1984–1992); Operations Analyst, BICC (1982–1984); Financial
Analyst, Stone Platt Industries Ltd (1980–1982); Management
Accountant, Trafalgar House Group Services Ltd (1978–1980);
Trainer Accountant/ Audit Senior, Tansley Witt Chartered
Accountants (1974–1978).
IBRAHIM, Ismail (Maldives). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Engineering), University of Prince Edward Island, Canada; BA
(Engineering), Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada (1985–
Email: [email protected]
IJIR, Timothy Aondona (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering (Civil)), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Board Member, Corvallis-Benton County Economic
Development Partnership Inc. (from 2000); Engineer, Hewlett
Packard, US (from 1996).
Previously: Secretary General, The Mutual Union of the Tiv in
America Inc. (2000–2002); Member, The Gideons International, US
(1990); Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal
University of Agriculture (1989–1996).
Email: [email protected]
ILAHI, Md Fazli (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, Islamic University of Technology (from
2003); Member of Board, Accreditation of Engineering and Technical
Previously: Senior Vice-Chairman, Anjuman Hedayatul Ummat
(1997–2003); Professor, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering,
Islamic Institute of Technology (1986–2002); Acting Chairman,
Anjuman Hedayatul Ummat (1986–1996); Professor/Associate
Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(1983–1986); Assistant Professor, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (1977–1983).
Email: [email protected]
ILAMPARUTHI, K (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Geotechnical
Engineering), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Anna University.
Previously: Secretary, Indian Geotechnical Society (1994–1999);
Professor and Head, Division of Soil Mechanics and Foundation,
College of Engineering, Anna University; Member, Foundation
Committee, Bureau of Indian Standards; Chairman, Indian
Geotechnical Society.
Email: [email protected]
IMANDEH, Godwin Nyiutaha (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Environmental Biology), University of Wales Swansea, United
Kingdom (1995–1999).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Jos (from
Previously: Volunteer Information Officer, National Association of
Deafened People, UK (1998–1999).
Email: [email protected]
INDRARATNE, Srimathie Priyanthika (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Soil Science), University of Manitoba, Canada (1993–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (from 1998).
Previously: Coordinator, Workshop for Site-Specific Fertilizer
Recommendations, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of
Sri Lanka; Committee Member, Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka.
Email: [email protected]
IOANNOU, Ioannis Michael (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Construction Management), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Research Assistant, University of Edinburgh (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
IP, David (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Sociology),
University of British Columbia, Canada (1974–1979).
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia
(from 1980).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
IRERI, Salome Kathomi (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Paediatric Dentistry), Eastman Dental Institute (University College
London), United Kingdom (1997–1999).
Currently: Deputy Head, Department of Dentistry, Kenyatta National
Hospital (from 2002); Honorary Secretary, Kenya Dental Association
(from 2002); Honorary Lecturer, Faculty of Dental Sciences,
University of Nairobi (from 2000); Dental Specialist (Paediatric
Dentistry), Kenyatta National Hospital (from 1998).
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Previously: Chairman, Division of Dentistry, Kenyatta National
Hospital (2002); Assistant Secretary, Kenya Dental Association
Email: [email protected]
ISLAM, A K M S (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Fluid
Mechanics), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1984–1988).
Currently: Trustee, Ibn Sina Trust (from 2003); Member, Asian Fluid
Mechanics Committee (from 1999); Professor, Bangladesh University
of Engineering and Technology (from 1994).
Previously: Secretary General, Bangladesh Society of Mechanical
Engineers (1999–2003); Associate/Assistant Professor, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (1981–1994).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
ISLAM, Md Saiful (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow (Zoology),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi
(from 1998).
Previously: Research Associate, University of Oxford, UK (2002–
2003); Associate and Assistant Professor/Lecturer, University of
Rajshahi (1983–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ITYOKUMBUL, Mku (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering Science), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1981–
Currently: Professor, Pennsylvania State University, US (from 1992).
Previously: Visiting Research Fellow, CANMET, Western Research
Centre, Energy Mines and Resources, Canada; Senior Lecturer,
Ahmadu Bello University.
Email: [email protected]
IULIANO, Susanna (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(History), McGill University, Canada; PhD (History), McGill
University, Canada (1992–1997).
Currently: Research Officer, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Commission (from 2001).
Previously: Project Officer, Australian Research Council; Research
Officer, Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.
Email: [email protected]
IWUCHUKWU, Mathew (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(French), Université de Sherbrooke, Canada (1984–1989).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Nigeria (from 1997).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Abia State University; Postdoctoral
Fellow, Université Laval, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
IYOHA, Friday Ebose (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Public Administration), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Ambrose Alli University (from 2002); Professor,
Department of Public Administration, Ambrose Alli University (from
2000); Member, Governing Council, Ambrose Alli University (from
Previously: Member of Board of Directors, John Jay College, The
City University of New York, UK (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
JACKSON, Ronald James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Sustainable
Ecosystems (from 1988).
Email: [email protected]
JACOBS, Rowena (formerly VAN DER MERWE) (South Africa).
Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Economics), University of York,
United Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Research Fellow, Centre for Health and Economics,
University of York, UK.
Email: [email protected]
JAGO, Charles J (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (History),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1965–1969).
Currently: President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Northern
British Columbia (from 1995).
Previously: Principal, Huron College, University of Western Ontario
(1987–1995); Professor, Department of History, McMaster University
(1970–1987); Lecturer, Georgian College (1969–1970).
Email: [email protected]
JAHIRUDDIN, Md (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Soil Science), University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (1983–1986);
Commonwealth Fellow (Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition), University
of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Associate Director, Central Laboratory, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (from 2002); Professor, Department of Soil
Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1993).
Previously: Head, Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
JAIN, Prakash C. (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Sociology),
Athabasca University, Canada (1978–1985).
Currently: Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University (from
Previously: Lecturer, Sociology, Banaras Hindu University.
Email: [email protected]
JAIN, Ramesh Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Animal
Husbandry), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana
Agricultural University (from 1992).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Anatomy
and Histology, College of Veterinary Sciences, Chaudhary Charan
Singh Haryana Agricultural University (1981–1992).
Email: [email protected]
JAIN, Roop (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Engineering),
University of Alberta, Canada (1983–1988).
Currently: Professor, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (from
Previously: Dean, Faculty Division - II, Birla Institute of Technology
and Science; Research Professor, Kwangju Institute of Science and
Technology, Republic of Korea.
Email: [email protected]
JALIHAL, Santosh A (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Transport Studies), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1997–
Currently: Adviser, Delhi Traffic Police (from 2001); Senior Scientist,
Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Central Road Research
Organisation (from 1992).
Previously: Transport Planner, Central Road Research Organisation
(1991–1992); Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, SDM
College of Engineering and Technology (1988–1999).
Email: [email protected]
JALIL, Altaf (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Development Administration), Athabasca University, Canada (1985–
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies,
University of Dhaka (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
JALLOW, Hassan Bubacar (The Gambia). Commonwealth Scholar,
LLM (Law), University College London, United Kingdom (1978–
Currently: Judge, Appeals Chamber, Special Court for Sierra Leone,
United Nations (from 2002).
Previously: Judge, Justice of the Supreme Court (1998–2002); Private
Legal Practitioner (1994–1998); Attorney General and Minister of
Justice, Government of Gambia (1984–1994).
Email: [email protected]
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JALLOW, Yaya Sireh (The Gambia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Public Administration), Athabasca University, Canada
Currently: Permanent Secretary, Office of the President, Personnel
Management Office (from 2000).
Previously: Acting Permanent Secretary, Office of the President,
Personnel Management Office; Deputy Permanent Secretary, Office of
the President, Personnel Management Office.
Email: [email protected]
JAYATILAKA, Ayal De Silva (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Materials Science), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Glen Carriers Ltd, UK (from 1989).
Previously: Professor, University of Moratuwa (1978–1989); Lecturer,
University of Sussex, UK (1975–1978).
Email: [email protected]
JAMALL, Siddiqua (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biochemistry), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Schools of Medicine,
Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United Kingdom (1995–1999).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Karachi, (from 2000).
Previously: Cooperative Teacher, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Karachi (1993).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
JAYATILAKA, Santhi Ramanie Des (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Sociology), University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Currently: Council Member, National Institute of Social Development
(from 2002); Board Member, Sri Lanka Centre for Development
Facilitation (from 2002); Coordinator Women’s Studies Programme,
University of Colombo (from 2001); Head of Department, University
of Colombo (from 2000); Associate Professor, Department of
Sociology, University of Colombo (from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
JAMALUDDIN, Abul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Chemical Engineering), University of Calgary, Canada; PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Calgary, Canada (1985–1990).
Currently: Fluids Business Development Manager, Middle East and
Asia, Schlumberger (from 1999).
Previously: Director Technical Services, Hycal Energy Research
Laboratories; Program Leader, Noranda Technology Center.
Email: [email protected]
DANGOLLE) (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Chemistry
(Analytical)), Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (from
Previously: Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (1991–1997).
Email: [email protected]
JAMES, Kevin Joseph (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Social History), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1997–
Currently: Vice-Chair, Scottish Studies Foundation (from 2002);
Assistant Professor, University of Guelph (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
JEETAH, Rajesh (Mauritius). Commonwealth Fellow (Civil and
Environmental Engineering Applications), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Mauritius (from 1994–2003).
Previously: Editor, University of Mauritius Research Journal (2001–
2002); Director of Studies, Professor Basdeo Bissoondoyal College/
Manchester Metropolitan University (2000–2003); Director, Professor
Basdeo Bissoondoyal College (1994–2003); Production Manager
(1993–1994); Research Fellow, University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology(UMIST), UK (1992–1993).
Email: [email protected]
JAMIL, Hasan (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Computer Science), Concordia University, Canada (1988–1993).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Mississippi State University, US (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer/Programmer, University of Dhaka; Lecturer,
Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
JARVIS, Peter David (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1973–1976).
Previously: Reader, School of Mathematics and Physics, University
of Tasmania.
Email: [email protected]
JAYARATNE, Andra H Padman (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Microbiology), University of Guelph, Canada (1985–
Currently: Microbiologist, Hamilton Regional Laboratory Medicine
Program (from 1994).
Email: [email protected]
JAYASUNDARA, Chaminda Chiran (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Information Management), University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Senior Assistant Librarian, Technical Services, The Central
Library, University of Colombo (from 2003); Visiting Lecturer,
University of Colombo (from 2003).
Previously: Assistant Librarian, University of Colombo (1998–2003);
Assistant Lecturer, University of Ruhuna (1997–1998); Secretary,
Students’ Statistics Association, University of Ruhuna (1994–1995).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
JAYASURIYA, Jayantha P (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar,
FRCA (Anaesthetics), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Currently: Consultant Anaesthetist, Department of Anaesthesia,
Chorely and South Ribble District General Hospital, UK (from 1995).
Previously: Senior Medical Officer, Department of Anaesthesia, Tuen
Mun Hospital, Hong Kong (1990–1995); General Secretary, College
of Anaesthesiologists (1987–1989); Consultant Anaesthetist, Sri lanka,
Department of Health (1978–1990).
Email: [email protected]
JEFFERS, Judith (Montserrat). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Management), Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Currently: Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Education, Health and
Community Services (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health; Assistant
Secretary, Ministry of Communication & Works.
Email: zinia27106
JEFFERY, Alexander Keith (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Orthopaedic Surgery), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1976–
Previously: Emeritus Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of
Otago (2000–2003); Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
University of Otago (1982–2000); Consultant, Orthopaedic surgery,
Dunedin Public Hospital (1968–2000); Senior Lecturer/ Associate
Professor, University of Otago (1968–1982).
Email: [email protected]
JENKIN, Michael John (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Government), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1973–
Currently: Director General, Office of Consumer Affairs (from 1999).
Previously: Director General, Strategic Planning and Corporate
Development, Industry Canada (1995–1998); Director General,
Strategic Policy and Consultations, Industry Canada (1990–1995);
Director, Economic Development Policy, Department of Industry
Science and Technology (1986–1990); Assistant Director, Regional
Policy, Ministry of State for Economic & Regional Development
(1984–1986); Strategic Policy Adviser, Federal-Provincial Relations
Office (1983–1984); Science Adviser, Science Council of Canada
Email: [email protected]
JENKIN, Phyllis Irene (see COLVIN).
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JENKINS, Olivia (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Research Coordinator, Tourism Task Force (from 2001).
Previously: Project Officer, Powerhouse Museum.
Email: [email protected]
JENNINGS, Paul George (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agriculture), Imperial College London at Wye, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Executive Officer, Jamaica Dairy Development
Board (from 1999); Member of the Board, Jamaican Dairy Farmers’
Federation (from 1999).
Previously: Director, Research and Development (1996–1999);
President, Jamaican Society for Agricultural Sciences (1994–1995);
General Manager, Serge Island Farms Ltd (1993–1995); President,
Jamaican Alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture (1991–1992); Deputy
Director, Research and Development (1990–1993); Principal Research
Officer, Ministry of Agriculture (1986–1990).
Email: [email protected]
Currently: Associate Professor, Punjab Agricultural University (from
Previously: Associate Professor, Punjab Agricultural University;
Assistant Professor, Punjab Agricultural University.
Email: [email protected]
JOHN, Lennox Lancelot (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines).
Commonwealth Scholar, Postgraduate Certificate (Education),
University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1968–1969).
Currently: Honorary Consul for France, French Embassy for
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States , Saint Lucia (from 1999);
CEO, Windward Islands Cricket Board (from 1997); Director, West
Indies Cricket Board (from 1983).
Previously: Principal, Saint Vincent Grammar School (1989–1997);
Principal, Bishops College (1976–1989); President, Alliance
Awards: Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).
Email: [email protected]
JENNINGS, Raymond Earl (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of London, United Kingdom (1966–1967).
Currently: Chair, Interim Board, Oakdale Community Learning Centre
(from 2003); Corresponding Secretary, Oakdale Heritage Society
(from 1999–2003); Professor of Philosophy, Simon Fraser University
(from 1967–2003).
Email: [email protected]
JOHNSON, Catherine (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Management Sciences), University of Waterloo, Canada
Currently: Assistant Manager, Business Analysis, Cable & Wireless
Dominica (from 2003).
Previously: Coordinator Health Information Unit, Government of
Dominica; Assistant Engineer, Operations, Cable & Wireless
Email: [email protected]
JENNINGS-CLARK, Sarah Niamh (formerly GEORGE) (Saint
Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Biology), Dalhousie
University, Canada (1996–1998).
Currently: Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer, Department of Fisheries
(from 2000).
Previously: Senior Fisheries Biologist, Department of Fisheries.
Email: [email protected]
JOHNSON, Daniel Mackey (Bahamas). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Podiatric Medicine), The London Foot Hospital and School of
Podiatric Medicine, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: President, The Foot and Ankle Institute (from 1985); Chief
of Podiatric Medicine & Surgery, Princess Margaret Hospital (from
Email: [email protected]
JESSEMAN, Christine Miranda (South Africa). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLM (Human Rights and Civil Liberties), University of
Leicester, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge,
UK (from 2001–2004).
Email: [email protected]
JOHNSON, Hakeem Kayode (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada; PhD
(Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1985–1990).
Currently: Senior Engineer, DHI Water & Environment (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
JEYANATHAN, Loganathapillai (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Solid State Physics), King’s College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of
Jaffna (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
JIDEANI, Israel Afam O (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Food Science), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Associate Editor, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and
Technology (from 2002); Professor, Biological Sciences Programme,
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (from 1999).
Previously: Associate Professor, Abubakar Tafawa Baleva University
of Technology University (1996–1999); Senior Lecturer, Accreditation
Committee of Food Science and Technology, Abubakar Tafawa
Baleva University (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
JIGGINS, Janice Lesley Sneath (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History), University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Currently: Researcher in Development and Policy/Freelance
Consultant, Netherlands (from 2003).
Previously: Professor, Agricultural Sciences, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Sweden (1996–2002); Developmental Research
and Training, Freelance Consultant, Netherlands (1981–1996);
Programme Officer, Ford Foundation, Kenya (1973); Head of Rural
Research Team, Overseas Development Institute, Zambia (1973).
Email: [email protected]
JINDAL, Rajesh (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Animal
Physiology), University of Alberta, Canada (1992–1996).
JONES WILLIAMS, Margaret Alison J (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Environmental Management/Biological Oceanography),
University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: President, Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals
(from 2002); Board Member, Jamaica Conservation and Development
Trust (from 2002); Vice-Chair, CITES Scientific Authority (from
2002); Environmental Consultant, Environmental Solutions Ltd/
United Nations Environment Programme/ National Environment and
Planning Agency (from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
JOOD, Sudesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Food Science),
University of Reading, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition,
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Scientist, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana
Agricultural University (1993–2002); Research Associate, Chaudhary
Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (1990–1992).
Email: [email protected]
JORDAN, Winston Da Costa (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MA (Economics), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1983–
Currently: Budget Adviser, Ministry of Finance (from 1995).
Previously: Deputy Director, Caribbean Engineering and Management
Consultants (CEMCO) (1994–1995); Member, Presidential Committee
on Economic Matters (1990–2002); Director, Bauxite Industry
Development Company (1987–2002); Director, Guyana Agricultural
and Industrial Development Bank (1987–1992); Alternate Director,
Caribbean Development Bank (1986–1992); Budget Director, Ministry
of Finance (1985–1994).
Email: [email protected]
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JOSE, Ann Jasmine (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Polymer
Science and Technology), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
JOSEPH, Merlyn Cecilia (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Medical
Training (Paediatric Surgery), University of London, United Kingdom
Previously: Paediatric Cardiologist/Professor of Paediatrics and Head
of Department, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (2002–
2003); Visiting Paediatric Cardiologist, K.K. Child Trust Hospital
(1996–2002); Director and Superintendent, Madras Medical College,
Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children (1995–1996);
Professor and Head of Paediatric Cardiology Department, Madras
Medical College, Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children
(1982–1995); Lecturer, Paediatric Cardiology, Institute of Child Health
and Hospital for Children (1978–1981); Tutor in Cardiology,
Government General Hospital (1974–1978); Assistant Professor in
Paediatrics, Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children (1968–
1974); Tutor in Paediatrics, Institute of Child Health (1966–1968);
Assistant Surgeon (temporary), Government Kasthurba Gandhi
Hospital for Women and Children (1963–1964).
(Biotechnology), Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
Currently: Scientist - D, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra
Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (from 2001).
Previously: Scientist - C, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra
Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (1995–1998);
Scientist - B, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal
Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (1991–1995).
Email: [email protected]
JOSEPH, Thangam (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Neurochemical
Pharmacology), Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Currently: Emeritus Professor, Pharmacology, St John’s Medical
College (from 1999).
Previously: Vice-Principal, St Johns Medical College (1985–1989);
Member, Selection Commitee, Union Public Service Commisar,
Government of India (1982–1983); Professor and Head, Department
of Pharmacology, St John’s Medical College (1977–1999).
Email: [email protected]
JOSHI, Madhuri Arunkumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Electronic Engineering and Industrial Design), University of
Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Electronics Department, Government College of
Engineering (from 1999); Trustee, Professor MV Deshpande
Foundation (from 1987).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Electronics Department, Government
College of Engineering (1991–1999); Lecturer, Electronics and Radio,
Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology (1977–1991); Design Engineer,
Technikraft Instruments (1976–1977).
Email: [email protected]
JOSHI-PARKIN, Vibha (formerly JOSHI) (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Social Anthropology), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1994–1999).
Currently: Undergraduate Tutor, Institute of Social and Cultural
Anthropology, UK (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
KABAGHE, Chuma Miriam (formerly CHISELA) (Zambia).
Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Development Economics), University
of Sussex, United Kingdom (1989–1991).
Currently: Manager, Special Projects, Mopani Copper Mines Plc (from
Previously: Registrar, Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (1999–2001);
Senior Projects Officer, Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (1991–1998).
Email: [email protected]
KABAMBE, Singano Dalitso (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Economics of Rural Change), Imperial College London at Wye,
United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Principal Economist, Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Security (from 2001); Permanent Member, Trade Negotiating Team
for Malawi.
Previously: Economist, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Food
Security (1998–2001).
Email: [email protected]
KABOEAMODIMO, Mogomotsi (Botswana). Commonwealth
Scholar, BA (Journalism), Ryerson Polytechnic University, Canada
Currently: Public Relations Manager, Botswana Telecommunications
Corporation (from 1996).
Previously: Senior Radio Broadcaster, Radio Botswana; Public
Relations Officer, Botswana Confederation of Commerce Industry and
Email: [email protected]
KADIYALA, Venkateswarlu (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Agricultural Microbiology), University of Dundee, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Microbiology, Sri Krishnadevaraya University
(from 1989).
Previously: Reader, Department of Microbiology, Sri Krishnadevaraya
University (1985–1989); Lecturer in Botany, Nagarjuna University
Email: [email protected]
KAETHNER, Timothy Mark (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Animal Physiology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Operating Officer, Raustech Pty Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: State Chair, Ausbiotech Ltd (2002–2003); Director,
Premier’s Biotechnology Task Force (1998–2000); Industry
Development Manager, Health and Biotechnology, Department of
Industry and Trade (1997–2001); Director, Biotechnology Business
Consulting (1994–1997).
Email: [email protected]
KAGGWA, Apollo (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Pharmacology), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1982–
Currently: Director, Medical Department, Bank of Uganda (from
Previously: Treasurer, Uganda Branch, Association of Physicians of
East and Central Africa (1988–1990); Special Grade Physician,
Mulago Hospital (1979–1987); Senior House Officer, Uganda Ministry
of Health (1975–1979); Medical Officer, Lira Hospital, Uganda
Ministry of Health (1974–1975).
Email: [email protected]
KAH, Jainaba (formerly SAHO) (The Gambia). Commonwealth
Scholar, BA (Commerce/Accounting), Saint Mary’s University,
Canada (1998–1992).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey, US (from 2001).
Previously: Urban and Transport Specialist, World Bank, US;
Consultant, Walker & Company.
Email: [email protected]
KAJIYANIKE, Meg Debra (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Development Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada
Currently: Manager, Domestic Debt, Reserve Bank of Malawi (from
Email: [email protected]
KALEBAILA, Kennedy (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Chemistry), University of Guelph, Canada (1999–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Zambia.
Email: [email protected]
KALKULI, Shankar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
(Microbiology), University of Alberta, Canada (1986–1991).
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Currently: Associate Professor, College of Fisheries, University of
Agricultural Sciences (from 1991).
Email: [email protected]
KALLOURIS, George (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Engineering), University of New Brunswick, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Project Manager, Cyprus Development Bank (from 1997).
Previously: Area Project Manager, Joannou & Paraskevaides Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
KALRA, Mukesh Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Spinal
Surgery), Imperial College London School of Medicine at
Hammersmith, United Kingdom (2001).
Currently: Medical Doctor, Ministry of Health, Bahrain (from 2002–
Previously: Associate Professor of Orthopaedics (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
KANOWSKI, Sarah Louise (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (English Studies), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: English Language Instructor (from 2002); Broadcaster and
Producer, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
KANTAWALA, Sureshachandra Govindlal (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, Research Training (Sanskrit), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1963).
Previously: Member, Central Sanskrit Board, Government of India
(1999–2001); Professor of Sanskrit, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Maharaja
Sayajirao University of Baroda (1988–1990); National Lecturer,
Government of India (1985–1986); Director, Oriental Institute,
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (1982–1987); Professor of
Sanskrit and Head of Department, Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda (1981–1988); Tutor/Lecturer/Researcher, Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda (1951–1980).
KANTHARIA, Chetan Vinod (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery), Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
Birmingham, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of General Surgery, Seth G S Medical
College and K E M Hospital.
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Seth
G S Medical College and K E M Hospital.
Email: [email protected]
KANU, Yatta (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Curriculum, Secondary Education), University of Alberta, Canada
Currently: Associate Professor, Education, University of Manitoba,
Canada (from 1998).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University, Pakistan;
Associate Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
KANUNGO, Rabindra Nath (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Psychology), McGill University, Canada (1960–1962).
Currently: Professor Emeritus, McGill University, Canada (from
Previously: Professor holding a Faculty Chair, Faculty of
Management, McGill University, Canada; Full Professor, McGill
University, Canada.
KANVINDE, Sunil Manik (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Histopathology), Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, United
Kingdom (1978–1979).
Currently: Consultant Histopathologist and Cytologist, Green Cross
Histopathology and Cytology Centre (from 2000).
Previously: Member, Board of Management, Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai
General Hospital and K M School of Postgraduate Medicine and
Research (2000–2003); Member, High-Power Committee, Faculty of
Medicine, Gujarat University (1988–1992); Medical Superintendent
and Professor, Pathology, Sheth Lallubhai, Gordhandas Municipal
General Hospital (1985–2000); Medical Superintendent and Professor,
Pathology, SCL Hospital (1983–1985); Professor, Pathology, SCL
Hospital (1979–1983).
Email: [email protected]
KANYEIHAMBA, George Wilson (Uganda). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Law), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1971–
Currently: Justice of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Uganda
(from 1997).
Previously: Senior Presidential Adviser, Government of the Republic
of Trinidad and Tobago (1992–1997); Minister of Justice and Attorney
General, Government of the Republic of Uganda (1989–1991);
Minister of Commerce, Government of the Republic of Uganda (1986–
1989); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Wales,
UK (1977–1986); Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Makerere
University (1971–1972).
Email: [email protected]
KAPERE, Nathan Burgess (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, BEng
(Engineering (Electronic)), University of Wales Swansea, United
Kingdom (1993–1995).
Currently: Affiliate Member, Institute of Electrical Engineers (from
2002); Principal Electrical Engineer, Uganda Railways Corporation
(from 1998).
Previously: Senior Electrical Engineer, Uganda Railways Corporation
(1997–1998); Electrical Engineer and Personal Assistant to Chief
Executive, Uganda Railways Corporation (1995–1997).
Email: [email protected]
KAPINGA, Maternus Kalistus (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Education), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1987–
Currently: Chairman, Board of Education, The Anglican Church of
Tanzania (from 2002); Vice-Chairman, International Bishops
Conference on Faith and Order (from 2000); Diocese Bishop, Diocese
of Ruvuma, Anglican Church of Tanzania (from 1999).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam; Lecturer,
Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of Dar
es Salaam.
KAPLAN, Greg Warren (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Economics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Research Economist, Institute for Fiscal Studies UK (from
Previously: Actuarial Analyst (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
KAPOOR, Aditya (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Medical Training
(Electrophysiology), St George’s Hospital Medical School, United
Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Cardiology, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Cardiology, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science (1996–2002); Senior
Research Associate, Cardiology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Science (1996).
Email: [email protected]
KAPOOR, Vinay Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Cancer
Epidemiology), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Secretary, Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology
(IASG) (from 2003); Professor, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Science (from 2000).
Previously: Additional/Associate/Assistant Professor, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science (1989–2000); Assistant
Professor, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (1987–1988).
Email: [email protected]
KAPUR, Manmohan (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Medical
Education), Imperial College London School of Medicine at
Hammersmith, United Kingdom (1968–1969).
Currently: Consultant Surgeon, Servants of India Society (from 2002);
Consultant Surgeon, B-43 Defence Colony (from 1993).
Previously: Regional Adviser, Medical Research Department, World
Health Organisation Regional Office South East Asia (1989–1992);
Team Leader, Family Planning Clinical Supervisor, Bangladesh
(1986–1989); Professor of Surgery, All Hisolia Institute of Medical
Sciences (1962–1986).
Email: [email protected]
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KAPUYA, Juma Athmani (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Plant Physiology), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United
Kingdom (1972–1976).
Currently: Minister of Labour, Youth and Sports Development,
Government of United Republic of Tanzania (from 2000); Member of
the National Executive Committee, Government of Tanzania (from
2000); Member of Parliament, National Executive Committee of
Ruling Party (from 1995).
Previously: Minister of Education and Culture, Government of United
Republic of Tanzania (1995–2000); Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor, Department of Botany,
University of Dar es Salaam (1971–1995); Youth Adviser, University
of Dar es Salaam (1971–1995).
Email: kaxi@[email protected]
KARGBO, Dennis Borboh (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar,
MEd (Education), University of British Columbia, Canada; DPhil
(Education), University of British Columbia, Canada (1977–1980).
Currently: Member, National Focal Point Teacher College Capacity
Building Project, UNESCO (from 2002); Member, Senate and Court,
University of Sierra Leone (from 1996); Member, National Executive
Committee Member, UNESCO (from 1995).
Previously: Principal, Milton Margai College of Education Freetown
(1993); Principal, Freetown Teacher’s College (1982–1992); Principal
Lecturer, Makeni Teachers’ College (1980–1981).
Email: [email protected]
KARIM, Abdul (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (History),
School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom (1960–1962).
Currently: Professor Emeritus, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
(from 2001).
Previously: Vice-Chancellor, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
(1975–1981); Professor of History, University of Chittagong,
Bangladesh (1969–1975).
KARIM, Wazir Jahan (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Anthropology), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1975–1977).
Currently: Council Member, Toda Institute for Global Peace and
Policy Research (from 2003); Director, Women’s Development
Research Centre, University Sains Malaysia (from 1996); Director
General, Academy of Social Sciences (from 1996); Council Member,
Penang State Museum (from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
KARIYAWASAM, K P Anula P (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Cardiovascular Physiology), University of Toronto,
Canada (1996–2001).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (from 1993).
Email: [email protected]
KARMAKAR, Ganga Prasad (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Petroleum Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, Materials Research Society of India (from 1995);
Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration (from 1993);
Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer of Petroleum Engineering, Indian
School of Mines.
Previously: Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (1989);
Faculty Sponsor, Society of Petroleum Engineers (1987); Chemist,
KDM Institute of Petroleum Exploration.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
KARNIK, Ajit (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Robotics/
Adaptive Control), McMaster University, Canada (1981–1985).
Currently: Senior Systems Architect, C-SAM Inc. (from 2001).
Previously: Director, Ministry of Information Technology; Director,
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing.
Email: [email protected]
KARUNARATHNE, Vickramabahu Bandara (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Maths), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1967–1970).
Currently: Member, Provincial Council, Western Provincial Council
(from 1999); General Secretary, Nava Sama Samaja Party (from 1977).
Previously: Member, Municipal Council, Colombo Municipal Council
(1996–1999); Senior Consultant, Engineering and Technology, The
Open University of Sri Lanka (1984–2002); Patron, United Federation
of Labour (1977–2003); Patron, Government United Federation of
Labour (1977–2003); Senior Lecturer of Engineering, University of
Peradeniya (1970–1982).
Email: [email protected]
KARUNARATNE, B Samarakoon Bandara (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Physics), University of Warwick,
United Kingdom (1976–1980); Commonwealth Fellow (Ceramic
Materials), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Physics, University of
Peradeniya (from 2000); Member, Physics and Mathematics National
Science Foundation (from 1997).
Previously: President, Physics Alumni Association (1997–1999);
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Peradeniya
(1994–2000); Visiting Research Fellow, University of Warwick, UK
(1994–1996); Vice-President, Section E, Sri Lanka Association for the
Advancement of Science (1993–1994); President, Sri Lanka
Association for the Advancement of Science (1992–1993); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Peradeniya (1980–
Email: [email protected]
KASEKE, Evans (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Civil Engineering), University of British Columbia, Canada (1985–
Currently: Programme Manager, Water Resources and Environmental
Management, University of Zimbabwe (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Programme Officer, World Bank; Senior Water
Engineer, Agricultural and Rural Development Authority.
Email: [email protected]
KASEKENDE, Louis Austin (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
Diploma (Economic and Social Statistics), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (1981–1986).
Previously: Member, Board of Governors, Nsambya Hospital (2001–
2002); Part-time Lecturer, Department of Economics, Makerere
University (1988–1994); Executive Director of Research and Policy/
Director of Research Department and Deputy Governor, Bank of
Uganda (1986–2002).
Email: [email protected]
KASHEM, Md Abul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Extension), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1993).
Previously: Manager of Administration and Personnel, Bangladesh
Rural Development Board (1996–1997); Senior Socio-Economist,
Bangladesh Water Development Board (1993–1994); Associate
Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1988–1993); Assistant
Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (1981–1988); Plant Protection
Inspector, Directorate of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture (1977–
Email: [email protected]
KASIM, Mohd Yusof (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Development Studies), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Currently: President, Malaysian Regional Science Council (from
2002–2005); Director, Centre for Corporate and International
Relations, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (from 2001); Professor of
Economics, School of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaysia
Sabah (from 2001); Treasurer, Commonwealth Association of Local
Action and Economic Development (from 1999–2004).
Previously: Deputy Director, Research Management Centre, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (1999–2001); Associate Professor, Institute of
Malaysia and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(1995–2001); Member, Inter-Agency Planning Group of Malaysia,
Prime Minister’s Department; Member, Malaysian National Economic
Action Council on Globalisation.
Email: [email protected]
KASONDE, Peter (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Computer Science), University of Dundee, United Kingdom (1985–
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Currently: Member, School Governing Board, Lake Road PTA School
(from 2003); Consultancy and Training Manager, Consultancy and
Training Unit, University of Zambia (from 1996).
Previously: Senior Systems Analyst (1980–1995); Computer
Programmer/Analyst, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (1976–
Email: [email protected]
KASSAPIS, Herodotos (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Business Accounting and Economics), University of Southampton,
United Kingdom (1986–1989).
Currently: Group Financial Controller, CLR Financial Services Group
(from 2000–2003).
Previously: Accounts Head (1994–2000); Trainee Chartered
Accountant, Blick Rothenberg (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
KATHE, Archana Anani (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Economics), University of York, United Kingdom (1997–1999).
Currently: Research Associate, Economic and Political Weekly
Research Foundation (from 2002).
Previously: Research Officer, Economic and Political Weekly
Research Foundation (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
KATHIRESAN, R M (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Weed
Science), University of Bristol, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Professor, Annamalai University (from 2003); Editor,
Indian Journal of Weed Science (from 2002).
Previously: Joint Secretary, Indian Society of Weed Science (2000–
2002); Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University
Email: [email protected]
KAUNGA-NYIRENDA, Simeon Newton (Malawi). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Engineering), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lecturer in Electronics and Physics, University of Malawi
(from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer in Electronics and Physics, University
of Malawi (2000–2002); Junior Maintenance Engineer, Celtel Malawi
Ltd (1999–2000).
Email: [email protected]
KAUR, Jagdish (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Applied
Linguistics), University of Durham, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Head, Department of Asian and European Languages,
University of Malaya.
Previously: English Language Teacher, Faculty of Languages and
Linguistics, University of Malaya; Lecturer, Faculty of Languages and
Linguistics, University of Malaya.
Email: [email protected]
(Neuropsychological Rehabilitation), University of Surrey, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Professor, University of the Punjab (from 2002).
Previously: Associate Professor, University of the Punjab (2001–
2002); Consultant, Punjab Antinorctic Force (2001–2002); Assistant
Professor, University of the Punjab (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
KAUSHIK, Satyendra Prakesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Gastroenterology), Middlesex Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Currently: President, Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology;
Member, Governing Council, Indian Association of Surgeons;
Member, Governing Council, Indian Society of Gastroenterology.
Previously: Professor/Head, Department of Surgery, Government
Medical College and Hospital (1998–2001); Head, Department of
Gastrointestinal Surgery and Laparoscopy, Pushpawati Singhania
Research Institute (1998); Professor and Chairman, Department of
Surgical Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of
Medical Sciences (1990–1998); Professor, Chandigarh, PGI (1986–
1990); Associate Professor, PGI (1983–1985); Assistant Professor,
PGI (1972–1982); Lecturer, JIMPMER (1970–1972); Registrar, PGI
Email: [email protected]
KAVALIKU, Senipisi Langi (Tonga). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Anthropology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1962–
Currently: Pro-Chancellor/Chair of Council, University of the South
Pacific (from 2000); Member, Board of Directors, Pacific International
Centre for High Technology Research, US (from 1988).
Previously: Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Education and Civil
Aviation, Government of Tonga (1991–2001).
Awards: Honorary Fellow, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada
Email: [email protected]
KAWUMA, Medi Ally (Uganda). Commonwealth Fellow
(Ophthalmology), Bristol Eye Hospital, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Patron, Makerere University Medical Students Journal
(from 2001); Senior Lecturer, Makerere University (from 1988).
Previously: Member, Faculty of Medicine Research Commission
(2000–2003); Chairman, Bioethics Committee of Uganda Medical and
Dental Practitioners Council (UMDPC) (1997–2001); Member,
UMDPC (1997–2001); Chairman, Medical School of Ethics (1993–
1995); Treasurer, Ophthalmology Society of East Africa (1989–1992);
Member, Senate, Makerere University (1988–1995); President,
Association of Ugandian Ophthalmologists (1988–1995); Head,
Department of Ophthalmology, Makerere University (1988–1995);
Lecturer, Medical School, Makerere University (1985–1988);
Consultant Ophthalmologist, University Teaching Hospital, Zambia
Email: [email protected]
KEARNS, Robin (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), McMaster University, Canada (1983–1987).
Currently: Associate Professor, Geography, University of Auckland
(from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
KEE, Bee Kheng (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Construction Management), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Council Member, Quality Surveying Division, Singapore
Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (from 2000); Principal Consultant/
Director, KBK Consultants PTE Ltd (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
KEERTHISENA, Hewa Henipelle J (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Irrigation and Enviroment Management), University of
Southampton, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Senate Member, University of Peradeniya (from 1998);
Chartered Engineer and Fellow, Institution of Engineers (from 1995);
Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Peradeniya (from 1984).
Previously: Coordinator/Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Ruhuna (1998–2002); Head, Civil Engineering, University of
Peradeniya (1987–1994); Director, Student Welfare, University of
Peradeniya (1984–1987); Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (1968–
Email: [email protected]
KEIZER, Clare (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Computer Science), University of Western Ontario,
Canada (1992–1994).
Currently: Information Technology Manager, Omnidox St Vincent
(from 2000).
Previously: Graduate Assistant Teacher, Government of St Vincent
and the Grenadines; Project Coordinator, Organization of American
States/Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Email: [email protected]
KELLY, Robert (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Meteorology), McGill University, Canada (1990–1992).
Currently: Engineer, Webb McKeown & Associates (from 2002).
Previously: Forecaster, Met Office Service (UK and New Zealand);
Financial Analyst, Inland Revenue Department, New Zealand.
Email: [email protected]
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KENDIE, Stephen Bugu (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow
(Development Planning), University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Centre for Development Studies, University of
Cape Coast (from 2000); Advocate, Planning and Reproductive
Health, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (from 1996);
Advocate and Patron, Green Earth Organization (from 1994).
Previously: Vice-Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Cape
Coast (2000–2002); Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Development
Studies, University of Cape Coast (1995–2000).
Email: [email protected]
KENNEDY, Peter (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada; PhD
(Economics), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1986–1989).
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Victoria Canada (from
Previously: Assistant Professor, University of Victoria Canada;
Lecturer, University of New South Wales.
Email: [email protected]
KERALI, Anthony Geoffrey (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Engineering (Natural Resource Development)), University of
Warwick, United Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Lecturer/Consultant, Department of Civil Engineering,
Makerere University (from 2002); Director-General, Pan Africa
Consulting Engineers/Inter-Continental Consultants (from 2002);
President, Warwick Graduates Association (Uganda) (from 2002).
Previously: Director, Estate and Works Department, Makerere
University (1985–2002); Assistant Lecturer, Uganda Technical
College (1984–1985); President, National Union of Youth
Organisations of Uganda (1983–1985); Secretary-General, National
Union of Students of Uganda (1982–1983).
Email: [email protected]
KERR, Latoya (formerly MAYHEW) (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Mathematical Finance), University of Alberta,
Canada (1996–1998).
Currently: Senior Pension Administrator, Life of Jamaica Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
KGOMOTSO, Pelaelo Chorosi (Botswana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Electrical Power Engineering), University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Divisional Engineer (distribution of Planning and Technical
Services), Botswana Power Corporation (from 2002).
Previously: Distribution Engineer (Metering), Botswana Power
(Maintenance), Botswana Power Corporation (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
KHALEQUZZAMAN, M (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Crop Protection), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Vice-President, Bangladesh Zoological Society (from
2002); Professor, Rajshahi University (from 2002); Senator, Rajshahi
University (from 1999).
Previously: Project Director, Rangpur University of Science and
Technology (1999–2002); Chairman, Rajshahi Lions Eye Hospital
(1998–2002); Chairman, Department of Zoology, Rajshahi University
(1995–1998); Professor, Rajshahi University (1991–1999); Associate
Professor, Rajshahi University (1986–1991).
Email: [email protected]
KHALID, Mahmood-ul-Hasan (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Electronic Engineering), University of Bradford, United
Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Engineering and Technology (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Professor, University of Engineering and
Technology (1992–2001); Lecturer, University of Engineering and
Technology (1987–1992).
Email: [email protected]
KHALIL, Samina (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Economics of Developing Countries), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Associate Professor/Senior Research Economist, Applied
Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Professor/Research Economist, Applied
Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi (1995–2000);
Lecturer/Staff Economist, University of Karachi (1990–1994).
Email: [email protected]
KHAN, Abdul Salam (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Geology
(Sedimentology)), University of Keele, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Professor, Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy, University
of Balochistan (from 2002).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Geology, University
of Balochistan (1998–2002); Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Department
of Geology, University of Balochistan (1983–1997).
Email: [email protected]
KHAN, Muhammad Zakaullah (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Functional Analysis), University of Dundee, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Sindh (from 1987).
Previously: Associate Professor, Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Sindh (1979–1987); Assistant
Professor, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University
of Sindh (1970–1979); Lecturer, Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Sindh (1968–1970); Author/Editor/
Translator, Sindh Text Book Board.
Email: [email protected]
KHAN, Muhammad Tahir Javed (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow
(Pharmaceutical Chemistry), University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
the Punjab (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
the Punjab (1997–2002); Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, University
of the Punjab (1984–1997); Part-time Demonstrator, Faculty of
Pharmacy, University of the Punjab (1981–1984); Head of Quality
Control, Harmann Pharmaceutical Laboratory (1980–1981).
KHAN, Niaz Ahmed (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Development Studies), University of Wales Swansea, United
Kingdom (1992–1996).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration,
University of Chittagong (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Public
Administration, University of Chittagong (1992–1999); Operations
Manager, Palli Karma Shahayak Foundation (1990–1992); Asia
Fellow, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; National Adviser,
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development,
Bangladesh Research Team; Bangladesh Country Study Coordinator,
Asian Development Bank, Philippines; Anthropologist, United Nations
Development Program, Philippines.
Email: [email protected]
KHAN, Paula Michele (formerly DAY) (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, Diploma (Social Administration), London School of
Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom (1965–1966).
Currently: Social Work, Children’s Aid Society.
KHANUM, Sultana Mustafa (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Sociology), University of Keele, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Rajshahi
(from 1999).
Previously: Associate Professor, University of Rajshahi (1995–1999);
Assistant Professor, University of Rajshahi (1990–1995); Lecturer,
University of Rajshahi (1987–1990).
Email: [email protected]
KHATLELI, ‘Matemoho Pholoho (Lesotho). Commonwealth
Scholar, MEd (Management of Special Education in Developing
Countries), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Inspector, Special Education, Ministry of Education (from
Email: [email protected]
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KHOJA, Shakeel Ahmed (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Multimedia Databases), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Board Member, Grants and Review Board, Aga Khan
Development Network (from 2002); Assistant Professor, Karachi
Institute of Information Technology (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
KHONDKAR, Mubina (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Business), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1994–1998).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, University
of Dhaka (from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing,
University of Dhaka (1991–1999).
Email: [email protected]
KHONGA, Elenimo Billiat (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Plant Pathology), University of Guelph, Canada (1984–1987).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Plant Pathology, Botswana College of
Agriculture, Botswana (from 1996).
Previously: Head, Department of Crop Science and Production,
University of Botswana, Botswana; Head, Biology Department,
Chancellor College, University of Malawi.
Email: [email protected]
KHOO, Hong (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Zoology),
University of British Columbia, Canada (1967–1971).
Currently: Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
(from 1971).
Previously: Acting Director, Institute of Molecular Agrobiology; ViceDean, Science, National University of Singapore.
Email: [email protected]
KHOO, Khay Huat (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Zoology), University of British Columbia, Canada (1969–1974).
Currently: Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Awards: Fellow, Malaysian Scientific Association.
Email: [email protected]
KHOR, Tong Hong (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Radiotherapy), St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Queen Mary and
Westfield College), United Kingdom (1969–1970).
Currently: Chairman, Trustees of Singapore Radiological Society
Trust Fund (from 1998); Medical Director/Senior Consultant,
Oncology Centre, Mount Elizabeth Hospital (from 1989).
Previously: Member, Specialist Training Committee for Therapeutic
Radiology (1999–2002); Chairman, Chapter of Radiologists, Academy
of Medicine (1991–1993); Senior Radiologist, Singapore General
Hospital (1980–1989); Consultant Radiologist, Singapore General
Hospital (1975–1980).
Email: [email protected]
KHOSLA, Prem Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Forestry), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1972–
Currently: Senior Scientific Adviser, Biotechnology, Himachal
Pradesh Government (from 2001); Vice-Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh
Agricultural University (from 1998–2001); Secretary General, Indian
Society of Tree Scientists (from 1998); Director, University of
Horticulture and Forestry (from 1989–1998).
Email: [email protected]
KICHAWEN, Pongie (Papua New Guinea). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Physics Education), University of Reading, United Kingdom
(1993–1994); PhD (Science Education), King’s College London,
United Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, Institute of Distance and Continuing Education,
University of Papua New Guinea (from 1995–2003).
Previously: Teaching Fellow (1991–1995).
Email: [email protected]
KIMWELE, Charles Nguli (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Biology), University of St Andrews, United Kingdom (1996–
Previously: Assistant/Senior Lecturer, Department of Animal
Physiology, University of Nairobi (1988–2003); Veterinary Officer,
Government of Kenya (1987–1988).
Email: [email protected]
KING, David Winston (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MLitt (Ancient History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Manager, Telecommunications Policy, Ministry of
Economic Development (from 1998).
Previously: Senior Consultant, Sue Wood and Associates (1996–
1997); Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance (1994–1995); Policy
Adviser, Treasury, Ministry of Finance (1993–1994); Member,
Community Board, Christchurch City Council (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
KING-JOSEPH, Alison (formerly KING) (Saint Lucia).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Environmental Engineering),
University of Toronto, Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Consultant (from 2002).
Previously: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Planning, Development,
Environment and Housing; General Manager/Project Manager, St
Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority/OECS Solid and Ship
Generated Waste Management Project.
Email: [email protected]
KIRBY, William J T (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Modern History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Associate Professor, McGill University (from 1997–2003).
Previously: Fellow, Centre of Theological Inquiry, Princeton
University, US (1996–1997); Tutor, St John’s College (1989–1996).
Email: [email protected]
KIRKPATRICK, Robert Duncan (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Chemical Engineering), University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1972–1975).
Currently: Director of Technology, Methanex New Zealand Ltd (from
1998); Chairman, Board of Trustees, Auckland Grammer School (from
Previously: Director, Manufacturing, Methanex New Zealand (1992–
1998); Member, Board of Trustees, Auckland Grammar School (1992–
1997); Operations Manager, Mobil Oil, Singapore (1989–1991);
Technical Manager, Mobil Oil, Singapore (1987–1989); Chief Process
Engineer, New Zealand Synthetic Petrol Fuels Ltd (1980–1987);
Section Engineer, Union Carbide Corporation, US (1975–1980).
Email: [email protected]
KIRNON, George E. (Montserrat). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Law), Dalhousie University, Canada (1991–1992).
Currently: Legal Counsel, Caribbean Development Bank (from 1997).
Previously: Parliamentary Counsel, Government of Montserrat;
Principal, Phoenix Chambers.
Email: [email protected]
KISTAMAH, Naraindra (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Textile Dyeing), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Member, International Affairs Committee, University of
Mauritius (from 2003); Member, Technical Sub Committee, Mauritius
Standards Bureau (from 2003); Member, Working Group on
Hazardous Waste, Ministry of the Environment and University of
Mauritius (from 2002); Member, Board of the Faculty of Engineering,
University of Mauritius (from 2001); Member, Management Board,
Visual Centre for Interactive Learning and Teaching (from 2001).
Previously: Fabric Technologist and Wash Plant Manager, New Island
Clothing Ltd (1991–1994).
Email: [email protected]
KISUMBI, Bernina Kyale (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Dentistry (Biomaterials Science)), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1996–1998).
Currently: Chairman, Division of Dentistry, Kenyatta National
Hospital, University of Nairobi (from 2002); Senior Lecturer,
University of Nairobi (from 2001).
Previously: Executive Council Member, Kenya Dental Association
(2000–2002); Dental Biomaterials Specialist/Lecturer, Dental School
Hospital, University of Nairobi (1999–2001); Councillor, Kenyan
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Chaptel, International Association of Dental Research (1999–2001);
Dental Officer, Kenyatta National Hospital (1989–1993).
Email: [email protected]
KITINE, Hassy H B (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), Lakehead University, Canada; PhD (Economics), Simon
Fraser University, Canada (1984–1986).
Currently: Member of Parliament, Parliament (from 1997).
Previously: Regional Commissioner, Government of Tanzania;
Minister, Government of Tanzania.
Email: [email protected]
KLUFIO, George Oko (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow (Urology),
City Hospital (Edinburgh), United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Head, Urology Unit, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (from
2000); Senior Lecturer, Urology, University of Ghana Medical School
(from 1993).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Ghana Medical School (1985–
1992); Urologic Registrar, Princess Royal Hospital, UK (1982–1984).
Email: [email protected]
KO, Kam Ming (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmacology), University of British Columbia, Canada (1986–
Currently: Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
KODERO, Hezborn M Nelly (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Educational Psychology), University of Alberta, Canada
(1988–1991); PhD (Educational Psychology), University of Alberta,
Canada (1997–2000).
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Education, Moi University (from 2003).
Previously: Head, Department of Education and Psychology, Moi
Email: [email protected]
KODIKARA, Ruvini (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Library Science), University of British Columbia, Canada (1985–
Currently: Librarian, University of Moratuwa (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Assistant Librarian - Grade I, University of
Moratuwa; Senior Assistant Librarian - Grade II, University of
Email: [email protected]
KOFITSE, Alexander (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), McMaster University, Canada (1991–1993).
Telecommunications and Energy, US (from 2001).
Previously: Visiting Assistant Professor, Georgetown University, US;
Economic Planning Officer, Ministry of Finance and Economic
Email: [email protected]
KOH, Francis (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Finance), University of British Columbia, Canada (1977–1978).
Currently: Associate Professor, Finance, Singapore Management
University (from 2002).
Previously: Vice-Dean, National University of Singapore; Deputy
Director, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation.
Email: [email protected]
KOK-KHIANG, Peh (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Pharmacy
Technology (Drug Delivery)), School of Pharmacy, United Kingdom
Currently: Secretary, Quality and Reliability Society of Penang (from
2002–2004); Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia (from
2002); Deputy Chairman, Malaysian Society of Pharmaceutical
Technology (from 2002); Chairman, Ponang Sungai Pinang Welfare
Club (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti
Sains Malaysia (1996–2002); Senior Research Pharmacist, Hovid Son
Bho (1996).
Email: [email protected]
KOLO, Jerry (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Urban and
Regional Planning), University of Waterloo, Canada (1982–1986).
Currently: Professor and Director, Florida Atlantic University, US
(from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
KOLO, Musa Gimba Matthew (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Botany (Agricultural)), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Production, Federal
University of Technology (from 1988).
Previously: Lecturer and Researcher, College of Education (1984–
1988); Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture (1983–1984).
Email: [email protected]
KONANA, Lois (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Education), McGill University, Canada; PhD (Education), McGill
University, Canada (1987–1992).
Currently: Lecturer, Moi University (from 1992).
Previously: Head, Science Education, Moi University; Coordinator,
UNESCO Chair, Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,
Moi University.
Email: [email protected]
KONG, Albert (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Artificial Neural Networks), Imperial College
London, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Council Member, The University School (from 2003);
Lecturer, University of the West Indies (from 1995).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer, University of the West Indies (1992–
1995); Graduate Assistant, University of the West Indies (1988–1992).
Email: [email protected]
KONG WIN CHANG, Kong L K F (Mauritius). Commonwealth
Scholar, BSc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), University of
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom (1973–1974).
Currently: General Manager, Mon Tresor Milling Ltd (from 1999).
Previously: Factory Manager, Kilombero Sugar Factories, Tanzania
(1998); Board Member, Electricity Board (1996–1998); Committee
Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (Mauritius) (1996);
Committee Member, Council of Registered Professional Engineers
(1994–1997); Factory Manager, Britannia Sugar Estate (Lonrho Sugar
Corporation Ltd) (1978–1997); Chief Maintenance Engineer, David
Whitehead and Sons Ltd (1976–1978).
Email: [email protected]
KORIMBOCUS, Jehanara (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Plant Biology), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1997–
Previously: Postdoctorate, bioMerieux, France (2001–2003).
Email: [email protected]
KORVE, Nyinongo (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Operational Research), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Project Officer, UNICEF (from 2003).
Previously: Director, The Carter Center (2001–2002); Assistant
National Director, Global 2000 (1997–2001); Technical Coordinator,
The Carter Center (1996–1997); Epidemiology/Training Officer, River
Blindness Foundation (1994–1996); Lecturer I, University of Jos
Email: [email protected]
KOTATI, Ngosa (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MEd
(Mathematics Education), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Provincial Coordinator, Programme for the Advancement
of Girls’ Education, Ministry of Education (from 2003); Senior
Inspector of Schools - Mathematics, Ministry of Education (from
Previously: Secondary School Teacher, Ministry of Education (2000–
2001); Provincial Resource Centre Coordinator - Mathematics,
Ministry of Education (1997–2000).
KOTOH-MORTTY, Raphael Koku (Ghana). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Pharmacology), University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom (1973–1976).
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Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Kwame
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (1989–2002);
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Kwame Nkrumah University
of Science and Technology (1969–1989).
KOUMIDOU - ANDREOU, Ero (formerly KOUMIDOU) (Cyprus).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Civil Engineering), University of
New Brunswick, Canada (1985–1990).
Currently: Executive Engineer, Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage Board
(from 2001).
Previously: Project Engineer, Metito Engineering Ltd; Site Engineer,
Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage Board.
Email: [email protected]
KRANZ, Brenda Dawn (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biology), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1997).
Currently: Scientific Officer, Department of Human Services (from
Previously: Postdoctoral Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science.
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Social Work), Wilfrid Laurier
University, Canada (1984–1986).
Currently: Consultant/Counsellor, Ceridian Life Works (from 2003).
Previously: Social Worker, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care.
Email: [email protected]
KUDLA, Caroline Jessica (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Information Security), Royal Holloway, University of London,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: PhD Student, Cryptography, Royal Holloway, University
of London.
Email: [email protected]
KUK, Ronald (Papua New Guinea). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Economics), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Project Manager, National Fisheries Authority (from 2000).
Previously: Chief Fisheries Economist, Department of Fisheries and
Marine Resource.
Email: [email protected]
KUKU, Sonny Folorunso (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Clinical Endocrinology), University of London, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, Governing Board, Obafemi Awolowo University
(from 2000); Trustee, West African College of Physicians (from
1993); Joint Chief Medical Director, The Eko Hospitals (from 1978).
Previously: President, Teaching Hospital, West African College of
Physicians (1997–1998); Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Ogun State
University (1993–1999); Senior Lecturer, College of Medicine,
University of Lagos (1976–1978); Senior Fellow, Department of
Medicine, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, US
Email: [email protected]
KULASENA, Vidana Gamage (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Philosophy and Buddhism), University of Hull, United Kingdom
Currently: Academic Coordinator, External Examinations Department,
University of Kelaniya (from 2000); Associate Professor, Department
of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya (from 1996).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya
(1993–1996); Senior Lecturer, University of Kelaniya (1981–1996);
Lecturer, University of Kelaniya (1973–1981).
Email: [email protected]
KULKARNI, Anil (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Science), McGill University, Canada (1983–1986).
Currently: Principal Investigator, Glaciology Program, Indian Space
Research Organisation (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
KUMAR, G Suresh (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Parasitology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Vice-President, Sathya Sai Central Council of Malaysia
(from 1999); Lecturer, University of Malaya (from 1995).
Previously: President, Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical
Medicine (2002–2003); National Youth Coordinator, Sathya Sai
Central Council of Malaysia (1985–1999).
Email: [email protected]
KUMAR, Mathummal Satish (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Urban
Historical Geography), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, I Factor Infotech Ltd, UK (from 2002); Member,
Institute of Learning and Teaching, UK (from 2002); Lecturer in
Human Geography, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK (from 2000).
Previously: Associate Professor in Human Geography, School of
Geography, Queens University Belfast, UK (2000–2003); Visiting
Fellow, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK (1998–
1999); Affiliated Lecturer in Geography, Department of Geography,
University of Cambridge, UK (1998–1999); Assistant Professor,
Centre for the Study of Regional, Jahwarharlal Nehru University
Awards: European Union Global Peace and Friendship Award (2001).
Email: [email protected]
KUMAR, Mohan (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Plant
Science/Horticulture), University of Alberta, Canada (1987–1993).
Currently: Assistant Professor/Scientist, Department of Horticulture
and Landscape Architecture, Washington State University, US (from
Previously: Assistant Professor, University of Agricultural Sciences;
Assistant Professor/Scientist, Department of Horticulture and
Landscape Architecture, Washington State University, US.
Email: [email protected]
KUMAR, Shaleen (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Radiation
Oncology), Institute of Cancer Research, United Kingdom (2002–
Currently: Associate Professor, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Sciences (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Sciences (1996–2000); Senior Research Associate, Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
KUMAR, Surinder (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering), Athabasca University, Canada (1976–1978).
Currently: President and Chief Executive Officer (Founder), Wavecom
Electronics (from 1988).
Previously: Vice-President, Research, Calian, formerly SED Systems;
Sid Buckwold Chair Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
KUNABULI, Paula Saraniogo (Fiji). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Educational History), University of British Columbia,
Canada (1983–1986).
Currently: Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External
Previously: Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education; Director,
Youth and Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports.
KUNARATNAM, Kanthia (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Geophysical Anomalies), University of Durham, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Physics, University of Jaffna (from 2000).
Previously: Vice-Chancellor, University of Jaffna (1994–1996); Head,
Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna (1991–1994);
Senior Professor, Department of Physics, University of Jaffna (1985–
2000); Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna (1977–1988);
Professor/Head, Department of Physics, University of Jaffna (1975–
1985); Lecturer in Physics, University of Colombo (1958–1975).
KURUKULASURIYA, Arundathie Priyanjala (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Fellow (Clinical Haematology), Imperial College
London School of Medicine at St Mary’s, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Member, Board of Pathology, Postgraduate Institute of
Medicine (from 2000); Senior Lecturer, Pathology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo (from 1995).
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Previously: Council Member, Sri Lanka College of Pathologists
(2001–2002); Council Member, Sri Lanka College of Haematologists
(2001–2002); Council Member, Ceylon College of Physicians (2000–
2001); Chairperson, Haematology Module, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Colombo (1998–2001); Lecturer, University of Colombo
(1986–1995); Probationary Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Colombo (1984–1986).
Email: [email protected]
KWAGA, Jacob Kwada (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Microbiology), University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Currently: Doctor, Adamawa State University Mubi.
Previously: Head of Department, Ahmadu Bello University;
Coordinator of Biotechnology, Ahmadu Bello University.
Email: [email protected]
KWONG, Luke (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (World
History), University of Toronto, Canada (1970–1972).
Currently: Professor, History Department, University of Lethbridge,
Canada (from 1989).
Previously: Lecturer, History, Chung Chi College, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong; Associate Professor, History Department,
University of Lethbridge, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
KWONG, Sunny Kai-Sun (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Economics), University of British Columbia, Canada (1980–
Currently: Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong
Email: [email protected]
KYAMBADDE, Andrew Paul (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
MScEcon (Health Planning and Development), University of Wales
Swansea, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Development Assistance Specialist, US Agency for
International Development, US (from 2001).
Previously: Futures Group, International Area Coordinator, Future
Group International (1996–1999); Area Sales Representative, Uganda
Breweries Ltd (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
KYMLICKA, William Thomas (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
BPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Professor of Philosophy, Queens University (from 1998).
Previously: Visiting Professor of Nationalism Studies, Central
European University, Hungary (1997); Visiting Professor of
Philosophy, University of Ottawa (1992–1998).
Email: [email protected]
KYROU, Michael (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Commerce), Brock University, Canada (1985–1988).
Currently: Manager, Interest Rate Risk, Bank of Cyprus (from 2001).
Previously: Board of Directors, Association of Dealers; Member of
the Board, Chartered Financial Analysts.
Email: [email protected]
LADHA, Jagdish Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Botany), University of Dundee, United Kingdom (1977–
Currently: Soil Nutritionist/Project Coordinator, International Rice
Research Institute, Philippines (from 1999).
Previously: Associate Soil Microbiologist, International Rice Research
Institute, Philippines (1983–1989); Soil Microbiologist, International
Rice Research Institute.
Email: [email protected]
LAIKIND, Lawrence Alan (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
BCL (Civil Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Legal Member, Queensland Department of Health, Mental
Health Review Tribunal (from 2002); Legal Member, Justice and
Attorney General Guardianship and Administrative Tribunal (from
2000); Solicitor, Disability Discrimination Legal Advocacy Service
(from 1994).
LAKE, Philip Spencer (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Zoology), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1964–1967).
Currently: Chief Ecologist, Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology
(from 1999); Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Monash
University (from 1997).
Previously: Reader, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Monash
University (1989–1997); Vice-President, Ecological Society of
Australia (1988–1993); Scientific Advisory Committee, World
Wildlife Fund (1984–1988); President, Australian Society for
Limnology (1980–1981); Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology,
Monash University (1976–1989); Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer, University
of Tasmania (1967–1976).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Radiation Physics), University of
Aberdeen, United Kingdom (1971–1975).
Currently: Chairman, Professor of Physical Sciences and Director
(Administration), Cancer Institute (from 1997); Visiting Professor,
Medical Physics, Anna University (from 1981).
Previously: Associate Director, Cancer Institute (1989–1997);
Assistant Director, Scientific Director, Cancer Institute (1979–1989);
Chief Physicist, Cancer Institute (1962–1996); Second Physicist,
Cancer Institute (1958–1962).
Email: [email protected]
LALITHA BAI, Edathadan Kumaran (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, Postdoctoral (Agronomy), Imperial College London at Wye,
United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Associate Professor, College of Horticulture, Kerala
Agricultural University (from 1992).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Kerala Agricultural University (1987–
1992); Junior Agricultural Officer, Department of Agriculture,
Government of India (1981–1982).
Email: [email protected]
LALL, Bhagirath Kent (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Transportation and Environmental Planning), University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom (1966–1969).
Currently: Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Portland State University, US (from 1977).
Previously: President, Intelligent Transportation Society of America
(Oregon Chapter), US (1999–2000); Chair, Urban Transportation
Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, US (1994–1995);
Chair, Transportation Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers,
US (1993–1995); Associate Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
(1975–1977); Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Department of Civil
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (1964–1975).
Awards: Frank M Masters Award in Transportation Engineering,
American Society of Civil Engineers (1999).
Email: [email protected]
LALLOO, Ratilal (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Dental Public Health), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Reviewer, South African Dental Journal (from 2003);
Reviewer, National Research Foundation (from 2003); Senior
Specialist/Lecturer, Department of Community Dentistry, University
of the Western Cape (from 1999).
Previously: Registrar (1990–1995); Public Health Dentist, Department
of Health and Welfare Services (1987–1990).
Email: [email protected]
LALONDE, Suzanne Nicole (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Public International Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal (from
Previously: Junior Lecturer, University of Montreal (1997–1998).
Email: [email protected]
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LAMBROU, Paris G (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, MEng
(Engineering (Electronic)), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Head of Mutual Funds, Alpha Bank (from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
LAMPTEY, Eugenia (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, FFARSCI
(Anaesthesia), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Vice-President, Ghana Anaesthetists Society (from 2001);
Lecturer/Consultant, University of Ghana, Department of Anaesthesia
(from 1994).
Previously: Honorary Treasurer, Ghana Anaesthetists Society (1996–
2000); Secretary, West African Society of Anaesthetists (1996–1999).
LAND, Stephen Colin (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Comparative Physiology), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Lecturer, University of Dundee (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
LAPOINTE, Sandra (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Invited Associated Scholar, Centre National de Recherche
Scientifique, France (from 2003–2004); Postdoctoral fellow, Centre
Universitaire de Luxembourg, Luxembourg (from 2003).
Previously: Lecturer, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department de Philosophie,
Université du Québec à Montréal (2000–2003).
Email: [email protected]
LARNER, Wendy (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Sociology), Athabasca University, Canada (1992–1997).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
LASHLEY, Horace Wingrove (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
MBA (Information Technology and Management), City University,
United Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Information Technology Officer, United Nations Children’s
Fund, (from 1998).
Previously: Manager, Management Information Systems (1990–1998);
Actuarial Trainee, Life of Barbados Ltd (1989–1990).
Email: [email protected]
LASHLEY, Phillip (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Industrial Engineering), Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada
Currently: Senior Consultant and Chairman, Knowledge Consultants
(from 2000).
Previously: Operations Manager, Turret Technologies (Barbados) Ltd;
Chairman, Knowledge Consultants.
Email: [email protected]
LAST, David Murray (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(International Relations), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1982–1984).
Currently: Associate Professor in Politics and Economics, Royal
Military College of Canada (from 1999).
Previously: Staff Officer, (Counter Terrorism and Special Operations),
Canadian Forces National Defence Headquarters (1998–1999);
Research and Course Development, Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
(1996–1998); Civil Affairs Officer, NATO/IFOR, Bosnia and
Herzegovina (1996); Military Assistant to Deputy Force Commander,
United Nations Peacekeeping Force (1995–1996); International
Student, US Army Command and General Staff College, US (1994–
1995); Researcher/Speechwriter for Commander, Land Force
Command, Canadian Forces (1993–1994); Battery Commander, Royal
Canadian Horse Artillery (1991–1993); Base Personnel Services
Officer, Canadian Forces Base Shilo (1990–1991); Arms Control
Policy Officer, National Defence Headquarters (1989–1990);
Directorate of Land Requirements, National Defence Headquarters
(1987–1989); Regimental Officer, 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian
Horse Artillery (1984–1987).
Email: [email protected]
LAWRENCE, Milton Felix (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar,
MBA (Business Administration), Cranfield University, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Chairman, National Commercial Bank of Dominica (from
2000); Chairman and CEO, Excel International Ltd (from 1995).
Previously: Alternate Director, Bank of St Lucia Ltd (2001–2002);
Chairman, Dominica Unit Trust Corporation (2000–2002); Member,
Advisory Board of OECS Micro Credit Project (2000–2002); Director/
Treasurer, National Development Foundation of Dominica Ltd (1996–
2001); Chairman, Dominica Social Security Fund Investment
Committee (1993–1994); Director/Chairman, Dominica National
Development Corporation (1992–1993); Regional Director, East
Caribbean Organisation of Development Foundations (1991–1994);
Director/Vice-President, Dominica Association of Industry and
Commerce (1990–1991); Member Supervisory Committee/Director,
Roseau Cooperative Credit Union (1987–1993); Executive Director/
Senior Projects Officer, National Development Foundation of
Dominica Ltd (1987–1991).
Email: [email protected]
LAXMI, Vijay (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Computer
Science), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (2000–2003).
Currently: Academic Staff, Malaviya National Institute of Technology
(from 1995).
Previously: Assistant Manager (Systems) (1994–1995); Assistant
Executive Engineer (Research and Development), Indian Telephone
Industries (1993–1994).
Email: [email protected]
LAZARO, Ezra Lyimo (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Engineering), University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Sokoine University of Agriculture, (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Sokoine University of Agriculture (1991–2001); Assistant Lecturer,
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Sokoine University of
Agriculture (1986–1991).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
LE ROUX, Cecile (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Linguistics), McGill University, Canada (1997).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Stellenbosch.
Email: [email protected]
LEE, Adrian (Australia). Commonwealth Fellow (Microbiology),
Northwick Park Hospital, London, United Kingdom (1975–1976).
Currently: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), The University of New
South Wales (from 2000).
Previously: Professor, Medical Microbiology (1991–2000); Associate
Professor, University of New South Wales (1979–1990); Senior
Lecturer, University of New South Wales (1973–1978); Lecturer,
University of New South Wales (1968–1973).
Email: [email protected]
LEE, Chai Peng (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Palaeontology/Stratigraphy), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Deputy Chairman, National Evangelical Christian
Fellowship Research Commission (from 2002); Associate Professor,
Department of Geology, University of Malaya (from 1992); President,
Graduates Christian Fellowship (from 1991); Honorary Treasurer,
Geological Society of Malaysia (from 1989).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Malaya
(1981–1992); Tutor, Department of Geology, University of Malaya
Email: [email protected]
LEE, Dik Lun (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Computer Science), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (Computer
Science), University of Toronto, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology (from 2000).
Previously: Associate Professor, Ohio State University US.
Email: [email protected]
LEE, Michael Soon Yoong (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Zoology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1991–1994).
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Currently: Senior Research Scientist, Department of Palaeontology,
The South Australian Museum (from 2001); ARC Professorial
Research Fellow, University of Adelaide (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, University of Queenland (1998–
2001); Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sydney (1995–1998).
Email: [email protected]
LEFEBVRE, Pierre (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Economics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1971–1973).
Currently: Professor, Department of Economics, Université de Québec
à Montréal (from 1976).
Email: [email protected]
LEGGATT, Alexander M (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1962–1965).
Currently: Professor of English, University College, University of
Toronto (from 1975).
LEGGE, Elizabeth M M (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History of Art), Courtauld Institute of Art, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Toronto (from 1996–
Previously: University Art Curator (1988–1996); Assistant Professor,
Department of History, University of Winnipeg (1985–1988).
Email: [email protected]
LEMA, Leonard E K (Tanzania). Commonwealth Fellow (Thoracic
Surgery), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Schools of Medicine,
Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Professor of Surgery and Consultant Surgeon, University
of Dar es Salaam (from 1997).
Previously: President, Tanzania Surgical Association (1996–198);
Vice-President, Tanzania Surgical Association (1994–1996); Associate
Professor of Surgery and Consultant Surgeon, University of Dar es
Salaam (1993–1997); Senior Lecturer in Surgery, University of Dar
es Salaam (1988–1993); Founder Fellow, College of Surgeons of East,
Central and Southern Africa; Chairman Faculty of Medicine
Curriculum Review Committee.
Email: [email protected]
LEMIRE, Beverly Janet (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Professor, History, University of New Brunswick (from
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of
Lethbridge (1986–1987); Sessional Lecturer, Department of History,
University of Guelph (1985).
Email: [email protected]
LEONCE, Helena (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Archives and Records Management), University of Toronto,
Canada (1998–2000).
Currently: Government Archivist, National Archives of Trinidad and
Previously: Manager, Records Centre; Government Archivist, National
Email: [email protected]
LEONG, Wing Kean (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Dental Public Health), Eastman Dental Institute (University College
London), United Kingdom (1974–1975).
Previously: Dental Director, Ministry of Health (1990–1998);
Chairman (Northern Zone), Malaysian Dental Association (1988–
1989); Honorary Secretary (Northern Zone), Malaysian Dental
Association (1985–1987); Senior Dental Officer, Ministry of Health
(1978–1990); Dental Officer, Ministry of Health (1968–1978).
Email: [email protected]
LETCH, David John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Geography), University of Toronto, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Mistletopia (from 2002).
Previously: Course Coordinator, University of South Australia;
Education Coordinator, National Key Centre for Geographic
Information Systems.
Email: [email protected]
LETCHFORD, Christopher William (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Wind Engineering), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Research Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Texas Tech University, US (from 1999).
Previously: Chairman, Australian Wind Engineering Society (1995–
1999); Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland (1987–
1998); Reader, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Queensland; Professor, Texas Technological University, US.
Email: [email protected]
LEWIN, Thandi (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Education and International Development), Institute of Education,
United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Programme Officer, Carnegie-South Africa Undergraduate
Women’s Scholarship Programme, National Department of Education/
Centre for Education Policy Development (from 2002); Trustee,
Charitable Family Foundation (from 2002).
Previously: Transformation Officer, University of Cape Town (1998–
2000); Secretariat Coordinator, Forum for African Women
Educationalists South Africa (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
LEWIS, Cynthia Elaine (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Production), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Nutritionist, Best Dressed Chicken Feed Mill (from 1996).
Previously: Director/Nutritionist, Enerplan Ltd (1986–1996); Director/
Biochemist, Enerplan Ltd (1981–1982); Scientific Officer, Scientific
Research Council (1980–1981).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
LEWIT, Tamara (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Archaeology), Institute of Archaeology, University College London,
United Kingdom (1985–1989).
Currently: Director of Special Academic Projects and Lecturer-inCharge, Trinity College, University of Melbourne (from 2003).
Previously: Lecturer-in-Charge, Trinity College, University of
Melbourne (1992–2003); Tutor, University of Melbourne (1991).
Email: [email protected]
LI YUNG LUNG, Li Fat Leung (Mauritius). Commonwealth
Scholar, BSc (Electronic and Electrical Engineering), Loughborough
University, United Kingdom (1975–1978).
Currently: Senior Engineer, Central Electricity Board, (from 1995).
Previously: Engineer, Central Electricity Board (1989–1995); Chief
Electrician, Mon Tresor Mon Desert Sugar Estate (1984–1989).
Email: [email protected]
LIEW-LEE, Sai Cheng (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Concrete Structures), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
(from 1983).
Email: [email protected]
LIGHT, Colin (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Biomedical
Engineering), University of New Brunswick, Canada (1998–1999).
Currently: Principal Technology Strategist, Hutchison 3G (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Financial Analyst, Hutchison 3G.
Email: [email protected]
LIM, Cheng Hong (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow (Medical
Education), Imperial College London School of Medicine at St Mary’s,
United Kingdom (1968–1969).
Currently: Emeritus Consultant (Retired), Singapore General Hospital
(from 1996); Chairman, Planning Committee for National Heart and
Cancer Centre, Ministry of Health (from 1991); Chairman, Expert
Panel on Drug Allergy and Other Critical Data , Ministry of Health
(from 1988); Chairman, Advisory Committee on Kidney Dialysis and
Transplant, Ministry of Health (from 1987); Member, Health Quality
Assurance Committee, Ministry of Health (from 1985).
Previously: Chairman, Division of Medicine, Singapore General
Hospital (1989–1996); Council Member, Asian Pacific Society of
Nephrology (1987–1995); Chairman, Organising Committee, 3rd
Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (1986); Chairman, Medical
subcommittee for Trainees in Medicine, Ministry of Health (1984–
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1991); President, Singapore Society of Nephrology (1972–1987);
Governor, Specialist Subcommittee for Renal Medicine, Academy of
Previously: Lawyer, Blake Dawson Waldron. (1999–2002); Research
Officer, High Court of Australia (1998–1999).
Email: [email protected]
LIM, Hsin Loh (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Psychiatry), Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, United
Kingdom (1971–1973).
Currently: Psychiatrist, Private Consultant, Psychiatric Clinic Lim
Hsin Loh (from 1981).
Email: [email protected]
LOPEZ, Hazel (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Technology Management), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Senior Business Analyst, Orange PCS, UK (from 2001).
Previously: Business Analyst, Gamma Projects Ltd, UK (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
LIM, Liat (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Industrial
Engineering), University of Alberta, Canada (1974–1976).
Currently: Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Computer
Systems Ltd.
Previously: EVP Technology, Singapore Computer Systems.
Email: [email protected]
LOUISY, Calliopa Pearlette (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Linguistics), Université Laval, Canada (1972–1975).
Currently: Governor General, Government of Saint Lucia (from 1997).
Previously: Principal, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College; VicePrincipal, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College.
Email: [email protected]
LINEHAM, Peter James (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (History), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1975–1978).
Currently: Associate Professor, School of Social and Cultural Studies,
Massey University (from 1998); Board Member, TEAR Fund (from
1998); Board Member, Academic Advisory Board, Bible College of
New Zealand (from 1986); Council Member, Scripture Union in New
Zealand (from 1982); Vice-President, Tertiary Student Fellowship
(from 1981); Editor, Reviews Editing Department, New Zealand
Journal of History.
Previously: Senior Lecturer, School of History, Philosophy and
Politics, Massey University (1979–1997).
Email: [email protected]
LOWE, Henry Isaac (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmaceutical Chemistry), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1974–1976).
Currently: Vice-Chairman, Blue Cross of Jamaica (from 2003); Senior
Research Fellow, University of the West Indies (from 2002);
Chairman, Bureau of Standards (from 2002); Executive Chairman,
Environmental Foundation (from 2002).
Previously: President and CEO, Blue Cross Jamaica (1990–2002);
Permanent Secretary/Executive Director, Ministry of Health,
Government of Jamaica (1979–1990); Vice-Principal, College of Arts
Sciences and Technology, University of Technology (1967–1979).
Email: [email protected]
LISLE, Ian Geoffrey (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematics), University of British Columbia, Canada (1986–1992).
Currently: Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Canberra (from
Previously: Research Associate, Griffith University.
Email: [email protected]
LOXTON, John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Maths),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1970–1973).
Currently: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Macquarie University (from
Previously: Vice-President, Academic Senate, Macquarie University
(1992–1995); Head, School of Mathematics, Physics, Computing and
Electronics, Macquarie University (1989–1991); Professor,
Mathematics, Macquarie University (1988–1995); Associate Professor/
Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics, University of New South
Wales (1972–1987).
Email: [email protected]
LITTLE, Benjamin Richard (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (International Relations), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1995–1997).
Currently: Lawyer, Blake, Cassels & Graydon, LLP (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
LITTLE, Matthew Henderson (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Human Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Director, Creative Partnerships (The Arts Council of
England) (from 2002).
Previously: Policy Adviser, Department for Environment, United
Kingdom Government.
Email: [email protected]
LLOYD, Rosemary Helen (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(French), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1975–1978).
Currently: Professor, French, Indiana University, US (from 1990).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Cambridge, UK (1979–1990);
Fellow, New Hall (1978–1990).
Email: [email protected]
LOEWENSON, Rene Heather (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Community Health), London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom (1983–1984).
Currently: Coordinator, South African Regional Network on Equity
in Health (from 1998); Chairperson, Public Health Advisory Board
(from 1997); Director, Training and Research Support Centre (from
Previously: Technical Adviser, Health Programmes, Zimbabwe
Congress of Trade Unions (1995–2000); Chairperson, Zimbabwe
Occupational Health and Safety Council (1993–1998); Board Member,
National Social Security Authority (1993–1998).
Email: [email protected]
LOFTUS, Paul Kieran (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), King’s College London, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lawyer, Clifford Chance, UK (from 2002).
LU, Therese Ti Li (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, FRCSEd
(Obstetrical and Gynaecological Pathology), University of Liverpool,
United Kingdom (1961–1964).
Currently: Gynaecologist, Dr Therese Lu & Associates (from 1980);
Honorary Consultant, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital (from
Previously: Honorary Lecturer, University of Hong Kong (1980–
1987); Associate Professor/Attending Gynaecologist/Attending
Gynaecologic Oncologist, University of New York - Downstate
Medical Center Kings County Hospital Center, US (1976–1980);
Assistant Professor/Attending Gynaecologist, State University of New
York - Downstate Medical Center Kings County Hospital Center, US
(1969–1976); Fellow, Gynaecologic Oncology, State University of
New York - Downstate Medical Center Kings County Hospital Center,
US (1967–1969); Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology/
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, University of Hong Kong/Queen
Mary and Tsan Yuk Hospital, (1964–1967).
LUANGALA, John Rodrick (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Linguistics), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1992–1996).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Zambia (from 1987).
Previously: Lecturer - NIPA, Public Service Commission (1985–
1987); Teacher, Ministry of Education (1981–1985).
LUK, Keith D K (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Fellow
(Orthopaedics), Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore,
United Kingdom (1984–1985).
Currently: Member, Education and Accreditation Committee, Medical
Council of Hong Kong (from 2003); Member, Social Welfare
Department, Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation
Boards, The Government of HKSAR (from 2001); Chair Professor,
University of Hong Kong (from 2000); Member, Internship
Subcommittee of Licentiate Committee, Medical Council of Hong
Kong (from 1997); Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
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University of Hong Kong (from 1996); Member, Governing
Committee, Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
LULUAKI, John Yavavu (Papua New Guinea). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Family Law), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1988–1991); Commonwealth Fellow (Comparative Family
Law), School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Associate Professor of Law, University of Papua New
Guinea (from 2001).
Previously: Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea
(2000); Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea (1997–
Email: [email protected]
LUPANKWA, Mlindelwa (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Remote Sensing), University of Southampton,
United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Lecturer in Remote Sensing and GIS, University of
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Witwatersrand, South
Email: [email protected]
LYIMO, Abel (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Economics
and Library Studies), Concordia University, Canada (1985–1988).
Currently: Business Adviser, TechnoServe Tanzania (from 1998).
Previously: Economist, Ministry of Finance; Executive Officer,
Chamber of Commerce.
Email: [email protected]
MAAH, Mohd Jamil (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Chemistry), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1999).
Currently: Professor of Chemistry, University of Malaya (from 2001);
Chairman, Royal Society of Chemistry (from 1998).
Previously: Chairman, Technical Committee, National Chemistry Quiz
Committee, Institute of Chemistry (2002–2003); Treasurer, University
of Malaya Cooperative Bookshop (2000–2003); Head of Department,
Faculty of Science, University of Malaya (2000–2002); Deputy Dean,
Faculty of Science (1999–2000); Member, National Chemistry Quiz
Committee, Academy of Sciences (1991–2003).
Email: [email protected]
MABBETT, Margaret Anne (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, MMus (Musicology), King’s College London, United
Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Associate Director, Corporate Finance, KPMG (from
Previously: Accountant/Executive Consultant, KPMG, UK (1989–
Email: [email protected]
MABVURIRA, Danaza (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Forestry), University of New Brunswick, Canada (1981–
Currently: Deputy General Manager, Forestry Commission (from
Previously: Silviculturist, Forestry Commission; Estate Manager,
Forestry Commission.
Email: [email protected]
MCALLISTER, James William (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Philosophy), University of Toronto, Canada (1986–1987).
Currently: Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Leiden (from
Previously: Visiting Professor, Faculty of Technology, Policy and
Management, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Visiting
Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh,
Email: [email protected]
MCCONNACHY, Justin John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
LLM (Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Assistant Director, Infrastructure Capital, ABN Amro Bank
NV, UK (from 2001).
Previously: Solicitor, Lovells, UK (1999–2001).
Email: [email protected]
MCDONALD, Fiona Jean (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Molecular Science), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Otago (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, Victoria
University of Wellington (1996–2001); Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Iowa, US (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
MACDONALD, Iain (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of Essex, United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Université de Montréal
(from 2001).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Lecturer, McGill University
MACDUFF, David (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(International Relations), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Writer/Special Adviser to the President and CEO,
The Conference Board of Canada (from 2003).
Previously: Research Analyst, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Email: [email protected]
MCGINN, Joseph Patrick (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1983–1985).
Currently: Associate Professor of Philosophy, Lock Haven University
of Pennsylvania, US (from 1999).
Previously: Member, Executive Committee, Pennsylvania Canadian
Studies Consortium, US (2000–2003); President/Secretary,
Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies,
State System of Higher Education, US (1999–2002); Assistant
Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Pennsylvania State
University, US (1991–1999); Associate Professor of Philosophy,
Pennsylvania State University, US (1990–1991).
Email: [email protected]
MCGRATH-CHAMP, Susan (formerly MCGRATH) (Australia).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Community and Regional
Planning), University of British Columbia, Canada (1983–1985).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney (from 1995).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney; Senior Research
Officer, New South Wales Coal Association.
Email: [email protected]
MACHANGU, Robert S. (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Microbiology), University of Guelph, Canada (1986–
Currently: Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Sokoine University of Agriculture (from 1998).
Previously: Director, Pest Management Centre, Sokoine University of
Agriculture; Secretary, Tanzania Public Health Association.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MCINDOE, Graeme Robert (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Urban Design), Oxford Brookes University, United
Kingdom (1985–1987).
Currently: Senior Lecturer (from 1992); Consultant Architect and
Urban Designer (self-employed) (from 1992).
Previously: Member, Special Certificate and Qualifications
Committees, Architects’ Education and Registration Board (2002–
2003); Board Member, Wellington Civic Trust (1998–2000);
Architect, Structon Group Ltd (1987–1991).
Email: [email protected]
MCINNES, Mitchell Patrick (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1991–1993).
Currently: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Western
Ontario (from 1996).
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Previously: Lecturer, Australia (1996); Clerk, Supreme Court of
Canada (1993–1994).
Email: [email protected]
MACKIE, Quentin (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Prehistoric Archaeology), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology,
University of Victoria (from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
MCKINNON, Frances Christine (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
BPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1977–
Currently: Acting Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Trent
University (from 2002); Assistant Associate Professor, Faculty of
Philosophy, Trent University (from 1989).
Previously: Chair, Faculty of Philosophy, Trent University (1999–
2002); President, Board of Directors, Trent Child Care University
Email: [email protected]
MACKLEM, Timothy Street (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Reader in Law, King’s College London, UK (from 2003).
Previously: Lecturer, School of Law, King’s College London, UK
(1996–2003); Crown Counsel, Attorney-General of Ontario (1988–
Email: [email protected]
MCLAREN, Shirley Anne (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Marine Geology), Dalhousie University, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Project Manager, Triathlon Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: President, Black Pine Ltd; President, Highlander
Exploration Services Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
MCLAUGHLIN, Marjorie Elizabeth (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Business Administration), York University, Canada
Previously: Accounts Executive, Citybank NA.
MCLEAN, Claude Eli (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Piano Teaching), Royal College of Music, United Kingdom (1980–
Currently: Performing Arts Coordinator and Music Instructor,
Mulgrave Independent School (from 1996).
Previously: Kodaly Music Instructor, Vancouver Academy of Music
(1996–1999); Assistant Music Director, Vancouver Children’s Choir
(1988–1993); Director of Junior Music, Collingwood School (1986–
1996); Piano Instructor, Trinity Western University (1983–1987);
Piano and Theory Instructor, Langley Community Music School
(1982–1989); Administrator and Instructor, Duncan Conservatory of
Music (1982–1986).
Email: [email protected]
MCLEOD, Sandra Anthea Ann (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postgraduate Diploma (Dermatology), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’
Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United
Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Senior Registrar and Head, Department of Dermatology,
Kingston Public Hospital (from 1996).
Previously: Senior House Officer, Department of Medicine, Genetics
and Dermatology, Wrexham Maelo Hospital, UK (1994–1995); Senior
House Officer, Skin Hospital, UK (1993–1994).
Email: [email protected]
MCMANUS, Philip Arthur (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Environmental Studies), York University, Canada (1988–
Currently: Lecturer, Geography and Director, Environmental Science,
University of Sydney (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Geography and Environmental Science,
University of Newcastle; National Councillor (Elected, voluntary
position), Australian Conservation Foundation.
Email: [email protected]
MCMASTER, Carolyn Kilburn (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (International Relations), London School of Economics and
Political Science, United Kingdom (1969–1971).
Currently: Deputy Director, Commonwealth Affairs, Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) (from 2000).
Previously: Deputy High Commissioner, Pretoria, Canadian High
Commission, DFAIT (1995–2000); Deputy Chairperson, Southern
Africa Task Force, DFAIT (1990–1995); Development Counsellor
(Nairobi, Kenya), Canadian International Development Agency (1986–
Email: [email protected]
MACMILLAN, William Pattie (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Chemical Engineering), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1960–1962).
Previously: Director, North Australian Bauxite and Alumina Company
(1985–1989); Technical Manager, CSR Ltd (1962–1998); Chairman,
Working Party on Industry/Academic Interactions, Australian
Industrial Research Group; Member, Joint Committee on Forest
Industries, Australian Forestry Council.
Email: [email protected]
MACPHEE, Katriona Elizabeth (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Computer Science), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Technical Director, Break-Step Productions Ltd, UK (from
Email: [email protected]
MAGAMBO, Japhet Kithinji (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Immunoparasitology), University of New Brunswick, Canada (1988–
Currently: Professor, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Email: [email protected]
MAGEE, Gary Bryan (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Economic History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1991–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of
Melbourne (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, Queen Mary, University of London, UK (1998–
2001); Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian
National University (1994–1998).
Email: [email protected]
MAGRATH, Robert David (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Zoology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Scientific Editor, Journal of Avian Biology (from 2000);
Senior Lecturer, Division of Botany and Zoology, Australian National
University (from 1991).
Previously: Demonstrator (1989–1991); British Editor, British
Ornithologists’ Union (1989–1991).
Email: [email protected]
MAHADEO, Nalini (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Data Communications Networks), University College London,
United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Senior Analyst, Ministry of Public Administration and
Information (from 2003).
Previously: Research Fellow, Computer Science Department,
University College of London, UK (2001–2002); Field Engineer,
Wireline and Testing Department, Schlumberger Ltd (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
MAHALIYANAARACHCHI, Rohana Pandukabhaya (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Fellow (Agricultural Extension and Rural
Development), University of Reading, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Senior Lecturer I, Sabaragamuwa University (from 1997).
Previously: Assistant Regional Manager, Tea Small Holdings
Development Authority (1987–1996).
Email: [email protected]
MAHARAJ, Rajendra Prakash (Trinidad and Tobago).
Commonwealth Scholar, FRCSEd (Surgery), University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom (1978–1980).
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Currently: International Affilate Member, American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons, US (from 1998); Head, Department of
Orthopaedics, San Fernando General Hospital (from 1995); Executive
Member, Sri Sathya Sai Organization of Trinidad and Tobago (from
Previously: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, San Fernando General
Hospital (1984–1995); Senior Orthopaedic Registrar, San Fernando
General Hospital (1980–1984).
Email: [email protected]
MAHENDRAN, Thevaki (formerly NAGALINGAM) (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Food Technology), University of
Reading, United Kingdom (1989–1992).
Currently: Research Consultant, National Science Foundation
Palmyrah Board (from 2001); Senior Lecturer and Head, Department
of Agronomy, Eastern University Chenkalady (E.P) (from 1993).
Previously: Public Relations Officer, Seva Lanka Ltd (1999–2000);
Project Coordinator, CARE Organisation (1998–1999); Visiting
Lecturer, University of Jaffna (1994–1997); Assistant Lecturer in
Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University Chenkalady
(E.P) (1985–1992); Assistant Lecturer in Agricultural Chemistry,
University of Peradeniya (1984–1985).
MAHMOOD, A’isha Usman (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biotechnology), University of the West of England, Bristol, United
Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Assistant Director, Federal Ministry of Environment (from
Previously: Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Women’s Affairs
and Social Development (1999–2002); Honourable Commissioner,
Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (1998–1999); Director
General, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (1997–1998);
Lecturer, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi (1982–1997).
Email: [email protected]
MAHMOOD, Rizwan (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmacy), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Manager, Quality Assurance, Glaxosmithkline (from 1977).
Previously: Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of the Punjab (1987–1997); Junior Production Officer, May
& Baker (Rhone Poulenc) (1985–1987).
MAIAVA, Susan Louise (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MA (Rural Social Development), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1987–1988).
Currently: Lecturer in Development Studies, Massey University (from
Previously: Manager, Overseas Development Assistance, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade (2000–2001); Lecturer in Rural
Development and Agricultural Education, University of the South
Pacific (1989).
Email: [email protected]
MAIR, David John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Engineering), University of Waterloo, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Principal Mechanical Engineer, Worley Ltd (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Mechanical Engineer, Orica Engineering; Senior
Development Officer, Integrated Energy Services Pty Ltd (part of ICI).
Email: [email protected]
MAITEKI, George (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Entomology Agriculture), University of Manitoba, Canada (1980–
Currently: Manager, Ngetta Agricultural Research and Development
Centre (from 2002).
Previously: Research Officer, Namulonge Agricultural Research
Institute; Senior Research Officer, National Agricultural Research
MAJID, Zuraina A (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Chinese Studies), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1969–
Currently: Founding Director, Centre for Archaeological Research,
Universiti Sains Malaysia (from 1995); Professor, Universiti Sains
Malaysia (from 1990).
Previously: Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia (1985–
Email: [email protected]
MAJOZI, Thokozani (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Process Integration), University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology, United Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Technology Leader, Sasol Technology (from 2002).
Previously: Treasurer, Black Engineering Forum, University of Natal
(1997–1998); Process Engineer (1996–1999); Management Trainee,
Unilever (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
MAJURY, Niall (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Leeds.
Email: [email protected]
MAKINSON, David Clement (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1962–
Currently: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science,
King’s College London, UK (from 2002).
Previously: Co-Editor, World Social Science Report, UNESCO
(1999); Editor-in-Chief, International Social Science Journal (1990–
2000); Programme Specialist (P4) and (P5), Division of Philosophy
and Human Sciences, UNESCO, France (1980–2001); Associate
Professor/Professor, American University of Beirut, Lebanon (1965–
1980); Visiting Professor, Argentina; Visiting Professor, Brazil.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MAKKAR, Harinder P S (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Biochemistry), University of Nottingham, United
Kingdom (1982–1985).
Currently: Technical Officer, Animal Production and Health Section,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Scientist, University of Hohenheim, Germany
(1991–1998); Senior Scientist, Indian Veterinary Research Institute
Email: [email protected]
MAKOJU, Joseph Oyeyani (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mech. Eng.), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1974).
Currently: Managing Director/ Chief Executive, National Power
Authority (from 2000).
Previously: Vice-President, Nigeria’s Employers Consultative
Association (1998–2000); Chairman, Cement Manufacturers
Association of Nigeria (1992–2000); Managing Director/Chief
Executive, West African Portland Cement Co. (1991–2000); General
Works Manager, Ewekoro Cement Works, West African Portland
Cement Co. (1987–1989); General Works Manager, Shagamu Cement
Works, West African Portland Cement Co. (1984–1987); Deputy
General Works Manager, West African Portland Cement Co. (1982–
1984); Production Manager, Ewekoro Cement Works, West African
Portland Cement Co. (1979–1982); Process Engineer, West African
Portland Cement Co. (1977–1979); Process Engineer, Blue Circles
Industries Limited UK, West African Portland Cement Co. (1974–
1976); Petroleum Engineer, Port Harcourt, Shell- BP (1972–1974);
Member, Vision 2010 Committee.
Awards: National Merit Award, Officer of the Order of Niger (2000).
MALINGA, Richard George (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Transport Engineering and Operations), University of Newcastle
upon Tyne, United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Assistant Road Engineer, Gauff Ingenieur Consulting
Engineers (from 2000).
Previously: Supervisor Engineer, Gauff Ingenieur Consulting
Engineers (1995–1998); Civil Engineer, Ministry of Works, Transport
and Communications (1994–1995).
Email: [email protected]
MALLICK, Sushanta Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Research Fellow, International Economics Programme,
Royal Institute of International Affairs, UK.
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Previously: Research Assistant, Quantitative Analysis Unit, Institute
for Social and Economic Change; Associate Economist.
Email: [email protected]
MALLYA, Ernest Theobald (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Public Policy and Administration), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science,
University of Dar es Salaam (from 1998).
Previously: Consultant, Capacity Building for Rwanda Civil Service,
Rwanda Institute of Administration and Maastricht School of
Management (2002–2003); Secretary, Tanzania Election Monitoring
Committee, TEMCO Tanzania (1995–2000); Lecturer, University of
Dar es Salaam (1994–1998).
Email: [email protected]
MALVEY, Dhiranjan (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Education),
Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Deputy Director (Commercial), Doordarshan (from 1997).
Previously: Vice-President, Programme Staff Association, All India
Radio (2002); Executive Vice-President/General Secretary, All India
Radio (1995–2000); Assistant Controller of Progammes, Doordarshan
(1991–1997); Producer, BBC World Service, UK (1988–1991);
Programme Executive, All India Radio (1977–1988); Transmission
Executive, All India Radio (1975–1977).
Email: [email protected]
MAN, Li Xing (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Environmental Epidemiology), London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Medical Student, School of Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, US (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
MANDAL, Amalesh Chandra (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Wind Engineering), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (from 1989).
Previously: Associate Professor, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (1986–1989); Assistant Professor,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (1978–1986).
Email: [email protected]
MANDAL, Mrinal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Electrical
and Computer Engineering), University of Ottawa, Canada (1993–
Currently: Professor, University of Alberta, Canada (from 1999).
Previously: Scientist/Engineer, Indian Space Research Organization.
Email: [email protected]
MANIAM, Thambu (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Psychiatry),
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of
Psychiatry, National University of Malaysia (from 2002); VicePresident, Malaysian Psychiatric Association (from 2002).
Previously: Council Member, Ministry of Welfare and Social
Development, National Counsellors’ Board (1998–2000); Associate
Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist, National University of Malaysia
(1994–2002); Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, National University
of Malaysia (1985–1994).
Email: [email protected]
MANIAN, Sellamuthu (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Microbial
Biotechnology), Hortitech, Horticultural Research International
Wellesbourne, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Professor of Botany, Bharathiar University (from 1995).
Previously: Reader, Department of Botany, Bharathiar University
(1989–1995); Lecturer in Botany, Directorate of Collegiate Education,
Tamil Nadu (1982–1989).
Email: [email protected]
MANINS, Peter Charles (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Oceanography), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Deputy Chief, Atmospheric Research, Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (from 2003).
Previously: Senior Researcher/Chief Research Scientist, Atmospheric
Research, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organization (1988–2002); Director, La Trobe Valley Airshed Study,
Environment Protection Authority (1985–1988); Research Scientist,
Meteorological Physics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organization (1973–1985).
Awards: Centenary Medal, for service to Australian Society in
Meteorology (2003); Public Service Medal (1997).
Email: [email protected]
MANION, Melanie F (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Area
Studies), School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor in Political Science and Public Affairs,
University of Wisconsin, US (from 2000).
Previously: Associate Professor in Political Science, University of
Rochester, US (1989–2000).
MANNA, Ujjwal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Process
Control), University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Research Manager (from 1993).
Previously: Chemical Engineer, Indian Oil Corporation (1986–1990).
Email: [email protected]
MANSOR, Mohd Noor Azudin (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Building Engineering), Concordia University, Canada
Currently: Senior Executive Engineer, Public Works Department
Malaysia (from 2000).
Previously: Deputy Project Manager, Public Works Department
Malaysia; Assistant Director, Public Works Department.
Email: [email protected]
MAPHOSA, Mmatalenta (Botswana). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Toxicology), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Pharmacist/Consultant, Application Software Specialist,
Informatix Industry Services (from 2003).
Previously: Hospital Pharmacist (1995–2003).
Email: [email protected]
MARDAY, Egbert (Seychelles). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Fine
Arts), University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1984–1988).
Currently: Artist/Biologist/Consultant.
Previously: Specialist (Grade 4), Natural History Museum, Ministry
of Information and Culture; Manager, Quality Awareness Division
(Crafts and Small Businesses), Seychelles Industrial Development
Email: [email protected]
(Environmental Science), York University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: African Specialist, International Center for Democratic
Governance (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer and Head of Department, Kenyatta University;
Associate, African Center for Technology Studies.
Email: [email protected]
MARSHALL, Woodville Kemble (Barbados). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Emeritus Professor, University of the West Indies, Cave
Hill Campus (from 2000).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of the West Indies, Cave
Hill Campus (1999–2000); Vice-President, Association of Caribbean
Universities and Research Institutes (1998–2000); President,
Association of Caribbean Historians (1992–1994); Editor, Journal of
Caribbean History (1981–1990); Reporter, Editorial Committee for
UNESCO General History of the Caribbean (1981–1990); Professor
of History, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus (1977–
2000); Founding President, Association of Caribbean Historians
Email: [email protected]
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MARTIN, Sarah (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Musicology), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Academic Administrator and Lecturer, Australian
International Conservatorium of Music (from 2003); Lecturer in Music
History (part-time), Australian Institute of Music (from 2003).
Previously: Lecturer (part-time), Department of Music, University of
Sydney (1999–2000); Tutor for Harmony Courses, Sydney
Conservatorium of Music (1997–1998).
Email: [email protected]
MARUTHAKUTTI, R (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Sociology
(Care for the Aged)), University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
(from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University (1995–
1999); Researcher and Team Leader, UNDP Project on Democratic
Change in Tamil Nadu (1994–1995).
Email: [email protected]
MARWAHA, Satwinder Singh (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Chemistry), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Punjab Biotechnology Park Ltd (from 2003);
Director, Prathista Industries Ltd (from 2001); Director, Cherry
Biotech Ltd (from 2001); Chairman, All India Biotech Association
Northern Chapter (from 2001); Director (Biotechnology), Punjab State
Council for Science and Technology (from 1997).
Previously: Director, Prathista Biotech Industries Ltd (2000–2003);
Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Punjabi University (1994–
1997); Chairman, Department of Biotechnology, Punjabi University
(1991–1997); Associate Professor (1987–1994); Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, Punjab Agricultural University (1983–
Email: [email protected]
MASCITTI, Paul (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1991–1993).
Currently: Manager, Technology and Innovation, CommTel (from
Previously: Manager, Capital Planning, Vodafone Australia; Manager,
Technology and Innovation, CommTel.
Email: [email protected]
MASON, Andrew James (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
(Operational Research), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
MAT YUNUS, W Mahmood (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Physics (Thin Films and Interface)), University of Exeter, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor of Physics, Universiti Putra Malaysia (from
2002); Editor, Journal Pertanika (from 1997).
Previously: Head, Department of Physics, Universiti Putra Malaysia
(1997–2002); Editor, Bulletin, Malaysian Solid State Society (1991–
Email: [email protected]
MATARISE, Florance (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Statistics), McMaster University, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe (from 1994).
Previously: Principal Executive Officer, Telecommunications, Posts
and Telecommunications Corporation.
Email: [email protected]
MATHUR, Praveen (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Paediatric
Laparoscopy), Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, United
Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Assistant Professor of Paediatric Surgery, R N T Medical
College (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
MATHURIN, Guy Anthony Adrian (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Crop Protection), University of Bath, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Officer/Entomologist, Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (from 2001); Secretary, Pesticides
Control Board (from 1994); Lecturer in Crop Protection, Sir Arthur
Lewis Community College (from 1994); Member, Plant Protection
Board (from 1994).
Previously: Crop Protection Officer/Entomologist, Ministry of
Agriculture (1993–2001); Crop Protection Officer/Entomologist,
Windward Islands Banana Growers Association (1990–1992).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MATOTO, ‘Otenifi Afu’alo (Tonga). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Population Studies), University of Durham, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Managing Director, Tonga Development Bank (from 1999).
Previously: Manager of Credit, Bank of Tonga (1996–1998); Manager
of Lending and Marketing, Bank of Tonga (1991–1997); Manager of
Branch Administration, Bank of Tonga (1985–1987); Manager of
Planning and Development, Bank of Tonga (1983–1985); Permanent
Secretary, Ministry of Finance (1977–1983); President, Tonga Rugby
Football Referees Association (1976–1982); Treasurer, Tonga Rugby
Football Union (1973–1983); Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Finance
(1971–1977); Assistant Teacher, Tonga High School (1968–1970).
Email: [email protected]
MATTHEW, Albert N J (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), London School of Economics and Political Science, United
Kingdom (1966–1967).
Currently: Chairman, Education Appeal Tribunal, Government of
Dominica (from 2002).
Previously: Retired (2001); Justice of Appeal, Eastern Caribbean
Supreme Court, Saint Lucia (1997–2001); Director, Eastern Caribbean
Judicial Education Institute (1997–2001).
Email: [email protected]
MATTHEW, Cyril Thomas (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Rural Science), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United
Kingdom (1961–1964).
Currently: Member, Pubblic Service Appeal Board (from 1999);
Director, St Lucia Co-operative Bank (from 1998); General Manager,
St Lucia Civil Service Cooperation Credit Union Ltd (from 1993).
Previously: Deputy Chairman, St Lucia Development Bank (2000–
2002); Chairman, St Lucia Association for the Prevention of AIDS
(1999–2002); Managing Director, Windward Islands Banana Growers’
Association (1983–1993); Permanent Secretary, Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry, Lands and Cooperatives (1979–1982); Chief
Agricultural/Technical Officer, Ministry of Agriculture (1970–1979);
General Manager, St Lucia Banana Growers’ Association (1968–
1970); Operations Manager, St Lucia Banana Growers’ Association
(1964–1967); Agricultural Officer, Government of Saint Lucia (1959–
Email: [email protected]
MATTHEW, Gina (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration), McMaster University, Canada
Currently: Manager, Real Estate Advisory, Ernst & Young (from
Previously: Senior Auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Email: [email protected]
MAU, Timothy A (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Politics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: Senior Manager of Development/Adjunct Professor of
Political Science, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences,
University of Guelph (from 1999).
Previously: General Manager, Ontario Summer Games (1998); Chair,
Fund Distribution Committee, United Way Community Services of
Guelph and Wellington; Member, Board of Directors, United Way
Community Services of Guelph and Wellington.
Email: [email protected]
MAUNDY, Brent (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Engineering), Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada
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Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Canada (from
Previously: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Louisville, US;
Lecturer, University of the West Indies.
Email: [email protected]
MAY, Kaaren Lonna (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electrical Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Engineer, Snell and Wilcox, UK (from
Previously: Research Associate, UK (1999–2000).
Email: [email protected]
MAYERS, Steven Bernard (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration, Finance/Marketing), University of
Ottawa, Canada (1992–1994).
Currently: Chief Executive Officer, Dominica Social Security (from
Previously: Manager, Corporate Finance, Eastern Caribbean Home
Mortgage Bank; Internal Auditor, National Commercial Bank of
Email: [email protected]
MAYO, Peter (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Sociology
of Education), University of Alberta, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Malta (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Malta; Education Assistant, Adult
Education, Ministry of Education.
Email: [email protected]
MAYUNGA, John Kulola (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Municipal Director (CEO), local government (from 1990).
Previously: Municipal Economist, local government.
MBAJIORGU, Constantine C (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Applied Hydrology), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
University of Nigeria (from 1995).
Previously: Lecturer (1987–1995); Lecturer, National Water Resources
Institute (1981–1986).
Email: [email protected]
MBELU, Thomas Vulindlela (Swaziland). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (Political Studies and Sociology), University of Hull, United
Kingdom (1967–1970).
Currently: Councillor, City Council of City of Mbabane (from 2001–
Previously: Chairman, Swaziland Association for Crime Prevention
and Rehabilitation of Offenders (2000–2003); Chairman, Swaziland
Sugar Association (1999–2003); Commissioner of Taxes, Government
of Swaziland (1991–1999); Deputy Auditor General, Government of
Swaziland (1985–1991); Various positions, Auditor-General
Swaziland (1971–1985).
MBEZA, Henry Frank (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Agricultural Engineering), Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Bunda College of Agriculture (from
2002); Head, Agricultural Engineering Department, Bunda College of
Agriculture (from 2000); Board Member, Malawi Industrial Research
and Technology Development Centre (from 2000); Volunteer, ACDI/
VOCA, US (from 1998); Member, Plant and Vehicle Advisory Board,
Ministry of Works (from 1998).
Previously: Member, Executive Committee, African Potato
Association (1997–2000); Senior Lecturer, Bunda College of
Agriculture (1996–2000).
Email: [email protected]
MBONSHI, Modeste (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Translation), Université de Montréal, Canada (1985–1988).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Alliance Française.
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Ministry of Education; Senior Inspector
of Schools, Ministry of Education.
MEEHAN, Eugene (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Law),
McGill University, Canada (1975–1977).
Currently: Litigation Partner, Lang Michener (from 1992).
Previously: Executive Legal Officer, Supreme Court of Canada,
Canada; National President, Canadian Bar Association, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
MEEKISHO, Lemmy (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), Athabasca University, Canada (1981–
Currently: Associate Professor, Portland State University, US (from
Previously: Associate Professor, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science
and Technology, US; Assistant Professor, Oregon Graduate Institute
of Science and Technology, US.
Email: [email protected]
MEGGITT, Justin James (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Theological Studies), University of Waterloo, Canada (1990–1991).
Currently: College Lecturer and Tutor, Corpus Christi College,
University of Cambridge (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant University Lecturer, Faculty of Divinity,
University of Cambridge; British Academy Postdoctoral Research
Fellowship, British Academy, Faculty of Divinity, University of
Email: [email protected]
MEHROTRA, Vinay (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Food
Sciences), University of Manitoba, Canada (1971–1974).
Currently: Director, Al Rashed Food Company (from 1991).
Previously: General Manager, Saudi Oberoi Company.
Email: [email protected]
MEHTA, Jagdish Mal (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Surgical
Gastroenterology), Glasgow Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom (1983–
Currently: President, Association of Surgeons of India, Rajasthan
Chapter (from 2004–2005); Executive Member, Hepatobiliary
Pancreat Surgeons, Indian Chapter (from 2002–2004); Professor of
Surgery, SMS Medical College and Hospital (from 1994).
Previously: Executive Member, Indian Society of Surgical
Gastroenterology (1994–1998); Associate Professor of Surgery, SMS
Medical College and Hospital (1985–1994); Assistant Professor of
Surgery, SMS Medical College and Hospital (1976–1985).
Email: [email protected]
MEHTA, V S (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Neurosurgery),
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1994).
Currently: Associate Editor, Acta Neurochirurgica (from 2003);
Editor, Journal of Neurology (from 2001); Editor, Progress in Clinical
Neurosciences (from 1999–2002); Professor and Chief/Head,
Neurosciences Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (from
Previously: Additional Professor, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences (1989–1992).
MEHTA, Versha (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Information
Systems Management), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: Reader, University of Jammu (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Jammu (1995–2001);
Lecturer, University of Jammu (1987–1995).
Email: [email protected]
MEI LIN, Teoh (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, MEd (Language
Teaching), University of Exeter, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Malaya (from 1987).
Email: [email protected]
MELCHERS, Robert Erich (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Civil Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Previously: Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Newcastle
Email: [email protected]
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MEMON, Muhammed Iqbal (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow
(Anaesthesia), Bristol Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom (1992–1994).
Currently: Anaesthetist, Children’s Hospital, Pakistan Institute of
Medical Sciences (from 2000); Member, Executive Board, Asian
Society of Paediatric Anaesthetists (from 2000); Member, Editorial
Board, The Journal of Surgery (from 2000); Finance Secretary,
Pakistan Society for Study of Pain (from 1998).
Previously: Associate Anaesthetist, Children’s Hospital, Pakistan
Institute of Medical Sciences (1988–2000); Medical Officer
(Anasthesia), District (Civil) Hospital (1987–1988); General Medical
Officer, Ministry of Health (1987).
Email: [email protected]
MENKES, David Benjamin (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Psychological Medicine), Royal Edinburgh Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, University Department of Psychiatry, Gwenfro
Academic Unit, UK (from 2001); Member, National Health Services
District, National Advisory Forum, UK (from 2001).
Previously: Member, North Wales Prescribing Forum, UK (2001–
2003); Member, Quality Advancement Committee, University of
Otago (1999–2001); Consultant, Therapeutics Section, Ministry of
Health (1996–2001); Liaison Psychiatrist and Senior Lecturer,
Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Otago (1989–
2001); New Zealand Representaive, Electronic Health Records, ISO,
Email: [email protected]
MENSAH, Abraham Yeboah (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmaceutical Technology), King’s College London, United
Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Pharmacognosy, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (from 2000).
Previously: Councillor/Assemblyman, Ejisu-Juaben District Assembly,
Ashanti Region (2001–2002); Member, Regional Lands Commission,
Ashanti Region (2001); Pharmacist-in-Charge (1993–1995); Member,
Facilitator on Sexual Health and Family Planning Education, District
Health Management Team (1993–1995); Pharmacist, Komfo Anokye
Teaching Hospital (1991–1992).
Email: [email protected]
MENYEH, Aboagye (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Physics), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
(1984–1986); PhD (Geophysics), University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: National President, Ghana Science Association (from
2001); Member, Working Group on Science and Technology
Management, Ministry of Environment and Science (from 2001);
Member, Executive Committee, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology, Kumasi (from 2001); Dean, Faculty of
Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Kumasi (from 2001); Associate Professor, Department of Physics,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi
(from 1999); Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Ghana Science
Association (from 1998).
Previously: National Secretary, Ghana Science Association (1996–
1997); Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (1991–1999);
Lecturer, Department of Physics, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology, Kumasi (1984–1991); Assistant Lecturer,
Department of Physics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi (1982–1984); Teaching Assistant, Department of
Physics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Kumasi (1981–1982).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MENZIES, Gordon Douglas (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Research Affiliate/Senior Lecturer in Economics,
Australian National University (from 2003).
Previously: Research Economist, Reserve Bank of Australia (1986–
Email: [email protected]
MERCIECA, Christopher J. (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Chemical Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston,
Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Senior Consultant, Management Efficiency Unit (from
Previously: Chief Executive Officer, Director, Forum Malta Fund
Management; Area Manager, Europe and Middle East, Uniroyal
Email: [email protected]
MERCIER, Monique (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Politics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1979–1982).
Currently: Member, Executive Committee, Quebec Chapter, Institute
of Corporate Directors (from 2002); Member, Advisory Board, Faculty
of Law, University of Montreal (from 2001); Executive VicePresident, Law and Corporate Secretary, BCE Emergis Inc., (from
Previously: General Counsel, Bell Canada International Inc. (1997–
1999); Corporate Secretary, Alouette Telecommunications Inc. (1992–
1994); Assistant General Counsel, Corporate, BCE Inc. (1989–1997);
Lawyer, Stikeman Elliott (1984–1989).
Email: [email protected]
MERICAN, Amir Feisal (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Molecular Microbial Ecology), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom (2001).
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Malaya (from 2003).
Previously: Lecturer, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of
Malaya (1995–2003).
Email: [email protected]
MGWATU, Mussa Iddi (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Mechanical Engineering), University of Ottawa, Canada
Currently: Assistant Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam (from
Previously: Visiting Researcher, Royal Institute of Technology,
Sweden; Assistant Coordinator, Lake University of Mwanza Project.
Email: [email protected]
MHEHE, Edith George (formerly RINGO) (Tanzania).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Educational Administration),
University of Alberta, Canada (1996–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, Open University of Tanzania (from 2002).
Previously: Founding Dean, Faculty of Education, Open University of
Tanzania; Senior Curriculum Developer, Institute of Education.
Email: [email protected]
MIAN, Md Shahjahan (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Science Education), Institute of Education, United Kingdom (1988–
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Instructor Training
and General Studies, Islamic University of Technology (2002–2003);
Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka
(1988–2002); Associate Professor, Institute of Education and
Research, University of Dhaka (1985–1988); Assistant Professor,
Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka (1980–
1985); Lecturer, Institute of Education and Research, University of
Dhaka (1974–1980).
Awards: Best Science Writer, Agrani Bank Award (1997); Best
Science Writer, Scholaris Gold Medal (1997); Best Science Writer
Award, Childrens Academy (1990).
Email: [email protected]
MICALLEF, Alfred (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physiology and Environmental Science), University of Nottingham,
United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Head, Department of Physics, University of Malta (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Malta
(1998–2003); Assistant Lecturer, Department of Physics, University
of Malta (1990–1995); National Expert/Consultant, Malta’s first
National Communication to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, United Nations Development
Programme-Global Environment Facility Project.
Email: [email protected]
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MICHAELIDES, Aristodemos (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Economics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1975–1978).
Currently: Founder/Managing Director, Performa Consulting (from
Previously: General Manager/Chief Executive Officer, Laiki Cyprialife
(1999); Executive Vice-Chairman/Chief Executive Officer,
Interamerican Insurance (Cyprus) Ltd (1997–1999); Deputy Director
of Development, Council of Europe Development Bank, France
(1995–1996); Business Manager, SOPRA (subsidiary of ICI/ZENECA
Agrochemicals), France (1992–1994); Marketing Manager, SOPRA,
France (1989–1992); Investment Officer, Young Professionals
Program, World Bank/The International Finance Corporation, US
(1984–1989); Product Manager, SOPRA, France (1981–1984).
Email: [email protected]
MICHAELIDES, Michalakis A (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (Accounting and Economics), University of Kent at Canterbury,
United Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Senior Officer, Public Debt Management, Central Bank of
Cyprus (from 2003).
Previously: Officer A, External Debt Management, Central Bank of
Cyprus (1996–2003); Officer B, Reserves Management, Central Bank
of Cyprus (1991–1996).
Email: [email protected]
MILES, Thomas Geoffrey (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1980–1983).
Currently: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington
(from 1989).
MILLER, Helen Margaret (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Nutrition), University of Alberta, Canada (1991–1996).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK (from 1996).
Previously: Senior Tutor, University of Melbourne.
Email: [email protected]
MILLINGTON, Janice Anita (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
GRSM (Pianoforte), Royal Academy of Music, United Kingdom
Currently: Board Member, Barbados National Youth Orchestra (from
2002–2004); Lecturer and Examiner (part-time) (from 1990); Head,
Department of Music, Harrison College Secondary Boys’ School (from
1970); Coordinator/Manager, M&M Music Centre Ltd (from 1970).
Previously: Liaison Officer for Barbados, International Council for
Traditional Music (1985); Member, Board of Directors, National
Cultural Foundation of Barbados (1984–1988).
Awards: Barbados Silver Crown of Merit.
Email: [email protected]
MILLS, Duncan Laurence (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Social Psychology), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Analyst, New Zealand Treasury (from 2002).
Previously: Marketing and Information Manager, The Visa Service,
UK (1998–2000).
Email: [email protected]
MILLS, Rebecca May (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–1999).
Currently: English Instructor, Hillsborough Community College, US
(from 2003).
Previously: English Teacher, US (2001).
Email: [email protected]
MILOJEVIC, Paul Michael (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History and Theory of Architecture), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1982–1988).
Currently: Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Auckland,
New Zealand (from 1991–2003).
Previously: Instructor, University of British Columbia (1988–1991).
Email: [email protected]
MINWALLA, Naomi (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Social Anthropology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Barrister and Solicitor, (Refugee, Immigration, Criminal
and Extradition Litigation) (from 2001).
Previously: Chair, Canadian Bar Association Refugee Lawyers’
Committee (2002–2003); Chair, Canadian Bar Association
Enforcement Committee (2002–2003); Secretary, Canadian Bar
Association Refugee Lawyers’ Committee (2001–2002); Barrister and
Solicitor, (Associate Counsel), Dohm, Jaffer & Jeraj (2000–2001);
Barrister and Solicitor (Crown Counsel), British Columbia Ministry
of Attorney-General (1999–2000); Law Articled Student, British
Columbia Ministry of Attorney-General (1998–1999); Refugee Field
Administration Officer, Walda Refugee Camp, International Rescue
Committee, Kenya (1992); Volunteer, Self Reliance Programme,
International Rescue Committee, Pakistan (1989–1991); Volunteer
Teacher to Afghan Refugee Women, International Rescue Committee,
Pakistan (1982–1988).
Email: [email protected]
MIREKU-GYIMAH, Daniel (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mining Design and Planning), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Member, National Disaster Management Committee (from
2002); Chairman, Board of Tarkwa Hospital Endowment Fund (from
2001); Professor, Western University College, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology (KNUST) (from 1999).
Previously: Provost, Western University College, KNUST (1999);
Associate Professor, Western University College, KNUST (1995–
1999); Senior Lecturer, Western University College, KNUST (1990–
1995); Lecturer, Western University College, KNUST (1981–1990);
Technical Mining Engineer, Prestea Goldfields Ltd (1980–1981).
Email: [email protected]
MIRJAT, Muhammad Saffar (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow
(Irrigation and Drainage), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Professor, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Sindh
Agriculture University (from 1998–2003).
Previously: Associate/Assistant Professor, Department of Irrigation
and Drainage, Sindh Agriculture University (1990–1998).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MISBAHUZZAMAN, Khaled (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Forestry), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Institute of Forestry and
Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology
Discipline, Khulna University (1997–2002); Lecturer, Forestry and
Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University (1994–1997);
Assistant Conservator of Forests, Bangladesh Forest Department
Email: [email protected]
MISHRA, Prabhu Narayan (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Management), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1996–
Currently: Professor and Director, Institute of Management Studies,
Ahilya University (from 1997); President, Krishna Foundation (from
1995); President, Utkasha (from 1992).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Management, Devi Ahilya University
(2001–2003); Dean, Faculty of Management, Devi Ahilya University
Email: [email protected]
MISHRA, Rabindra Kishore (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Electronic Science), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Berhampur University (from 1991).
Awards: Sir J. C. Bose Award for Best Engineering Paper Published
in 1998 (2000).
Email: [email protected]
MISKARAM, Norlie (Papua New Guinea). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Geography), School of Oriental and African Studies, United
Kingdom (1975–1976).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of
Papua New Guinea (from 1995); Head/Chairman, National Committee,
International Geographical Union (from 1995).
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Previously: Academic Representative, University Council (1995–
1996); Head, Department of Geography, University of Papua New
Guinea (1994–1996); Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea
(1987–1994); Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea (1977–1983);
Teaching Fellow/Tutor, University of Papua New Guinea (1974–
1975); Supervisor, Printery, University of Papua New Guinea (1973).
Email: [email protected]
MISRA, Kamal Kanta (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Social
Anthropology), University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of
Hyderabad (from 1998).
Previously: Reader, University of Hyderabad (1989–1998); Lecturer,
Uktal University (1978–1989).
Email: [email protected]
MISRA, Rama Chandra (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Haematology), Imperial College London School of Medicine at
Hammersmith, United Kingdom (1967–1968).
Currently: Director, Cuttack Centre, Beauty Without Cruelty
(International Trust) (from 2002).
Previously: Consultant of Pathology and Haematology, private
hospital (1991–1996); Visiting Professor of Pathology, Royal
Postgraduate Medical School, UK (1991); Professor of Pathology,
Government of Orissa (1976–1990).
Email: [email protected]
MITCHELL, Robert Scott (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Computer Science), Queen Mary, University of London, United
Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Senior Software Engineer (from 2000–2003).
Previously: Research Associate, Laboratory for Communications
Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK (1999–2000).
Email: [email protected]
MITCHINER, John Edward (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
(Philosophy), Visva-Bharati, India.
Currently: British High Commissioner, Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, Sierra Leone (from 2003).
Previously: British Deputy High Commissioner, Foreign and
Commonwealth Office, India (2000–2003); HM Ambassador, Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, India (1997–1999); First Secretary
(Political), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Switzerland (1991–
1995); Second Secretary (Development), Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, India (1987–1991); Second Secretary (Information), Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, Turkey (1982–1985).
MITHA, Alnoor (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Fine Arts),
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India (1984–1986).
Currently: Director, International Agency of Contemporary South
Asian Visual Arts and Crafts (from 1999–2003).
Previously: Research and Development Officer (international projects),
North West Arts Board (1998–2001); Exhibition Outreach Officer,
Oldham MBC (1997–2001); Trustee, Axis (1992–1997); Adviser,
Yorkshire and Humberside Accounts Board (1992–1996);
Multicultural Curator and Manager, Multicultural Unit, Kirklees
Cultural Services (1991–1997).
Email: [email protected]
MITTAL, Neeraj (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MBA
(Management Studies), Cranfield University, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Doctoral Student, Fisher School of Business, Ohio State
University, US (from 2000–2003).
Email: [email protected]
MIZZI, Leonard Anthony (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics (Agricultural)), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Malta Business Bureau, Malta Federation of
Industry and Malta Chamber of Commerce, Belgium (from 1996);
Business Manager , Brussels Operations, Eurochoices, Belgium;
Lecturer, Open University, Belgium.
Previously: Administrator, Ministry for Economic Services (1989–
Email: [email protected]
MKOMWA, Saidi S (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Engineering), University of Guelph, Canada (1985–1988).
Currently: Head, Agricultural Engineering Research, Uyole
Agricultural Research Institute (from 2001).
Previously: Head, Agricultural Engineering Research Programme,
Uyole Agricultural Research Institute; Managing Director, SEAZ
Agricultural Equipment Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Animal Breeding and Genetics),
University of Guelph, Canada (1988–1992).
Currently: Managing Director, ZaBelo Livestock Consultancy (from
Previously: Consultant, International Livestock Research Institute;
Senior Lecturer, University of Namibia.
Email: [email protected]
MNYITAFU, George Israel N (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Public Administration, Development Stream), Athabasca
University, Canada (1990–1992).
Currently: Senior Principal Collector, Technical Services, Tanzania
Revenue Authority (from 1998).
Previously: Head of Technical Services, Tanzania Revenue Authority.
Email: [email protected]
MOHAMED, Md Zain bin (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Management), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1989–
Currently: Associate Professor, College of Business and Economics,
United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates (from 2002).
Previously: Deputy Dean and Director, MS and PhD Programmes,
Putra University, Malaysia (1997–2001); Professor/Associate
Professor, Malaysian Graduate School of Management, Putra
University, Malaysia (1994–2002); Lecturer, Putra University,
Malaysia (1980–1994); Computer Consultant, Management
Information Consulting Division, Arthur Andersen and Co (1979–
1980); Assistant Research Officer, Malaysian Agricultural Research
and Development Institute (1973–1974).
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
MOHAPATRA, Prafulla Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Philosophy), University of Keele, United Kingdom (1973–1977).
Currently: Senior Fellow, Utkal University, Indian Council of
Philosophical Research (from 2002); President, Orissa Philosophy
Association (from 1998); General Editor, Utkal Studies in Philosophy
(from 1994); Coordinator, Special Assistance Program, Utkal
University (from 1994).
Previously: Visiting Scholar, Ohio State University, US (1999);
Coordinator, Special Assistance in Philosophy Programmme,
University Grants Commission (1994–2002); Vice-Chairman, Indian
Philosophy Congress (1994–1997); Member, Philosophy Panel,
University Grants Commission (1993–1996); Professor of Philosophy,
Utkal University (1990–2002); Fulbright Visiting Professor, Temple
University, US (1989); Reader in Philosophy, Utkal University (1984–
Email: [email protected]
MOKHZANI, Bin A R (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Social Anthropology), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1960–1962).
Currently: Chairman, Metal Reclamation Berhad (from 2000);
Chairman, Arus Intelek SDN BHD (from 2000); Chairman, Human
Resources Development Council (from 1992); Vice-President,
Malaysia-Japan Economic Association (from 1989).
Previously: Chairman, Powertek Berhad (1993–1998); Employers’
Deputy Member, Governing Body of the International Labour
Organisation (1993–1996); Chairman, Malaysia-Norway Business
Council (1992–1999); Executive Chairman, KFC Holdings Berhad
(1986–1993); Executive Chairman, Innovest Berhad (1984–1993);
President, Malaysian Employers’ Federation (1983–2000); Chairman,
Malaysian National News Agency (1983–1987); President, ASEAN
Confederation of Employers (1983); Group Managing Director, UMW
Holdings Berhad (1979–1984); Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of
Malaya (1975–1979); President, Malaysian Economic Association
(1972–1988); Professor and Dean, Faculty of Economics and
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Administration, University of Malaya (1962–1975); Professor,
Department of Economics, University of Malaya.
Email: [email protected]
MOKOPAKGOSI, Brian Tukana (Botswana). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (African History), School of Oriental and African
Studies, United Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs, University of
Botswana (from 1999).
Previously: Member, Presidential Task Group on Development of
National Issues (1997); Board Member, Botswana National Youth
Council (1995–1998); Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of
Botswana (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
MONAGAN, Michael Burnett (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Computer Science), University of Waterloo, Canada
Currently: Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada
(from 1995).
Previously: Oberassistant, ETH Zentrum, Switzerland; Visiting
Scientist, IBM Research.
Email: [email protected]
MONDE, Sahr Sama (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Plant Breeding), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom
Currently: Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security,
Government of Sierra Leone (from 2002).
Previously: Director, Rice Research Station (1988–2002); Deputy
Director, Rice Research Station (1988); Research Officer, Rice
Research Station (1986–1988); Lecturer, Department of Plant
Breeding and Genetics, Njala University (1971–1985); French
Teacher, Kono Secondary School (1966–1967).
Email: [email protected]
MONNEY, Kweku Ansah (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow
(Economic Malacology), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of
Cape Coast (from 1999).
Previously: National Secretary, Ghana Science Association (1995–
2000); Teacher, Ghana Education Service, Adisadel College (1980–
Email: [email protected]
MOODIE, Erica Eleanor Margret (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Epidemiology), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Teaching Assistant, University of Washington US (from
Previously: Research Assistant, Institute for Biodiagnostics (1999–
2000); President, University of Winnipeg’s Amnesty International
(1998–2000); Teaching Assistant, University of Winnipeg (1998).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Town Planning), Cardiff University,
United Kingdom (1976–1979).
Currently: Member, Advisory Board, Ministry of Community
Development (from 2002); Member, Advisory Committee, Ministry
of Central Region Development (from 2002); Member, Advisory
Board, Task Force of the Kandyan Peasantry Commission (from
2002); Vice-Chancellor, Eastern University (from 2000); Member,
Steering Committee, Tamilnet Conference (from 1999).
Previously: Professor, Department of Geography, University of
Peradeniya (1996–2000); Director, Affiliated University College
(1994–1996); Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (1985–1996);
Lecturer, University of Colombo (1970–1985); Justice of Peace,
Ministry of Justice.
Email: [email protected]
MOORE, Beverley Joyce (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Seismology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1978–
Currently: Lay Vice-President, Baptist Union of New South Wales
(from 2002–2005); Member, Board of Directors, Baptist Business
College Ltd (from 2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Mathematical Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Technology, Sydney (1982–1987).
Email: [email protected]
MOORE, Ian (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Chemical
Engineering), McMaster University, Canada (1986–1987).
Currently: Senior Adviser, AspenTech UK Ltd (from 1997).
Previously: Deputy Operations Manager, Linnhoff March Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
MOOTOO, Thackoor (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Coastal Engineering), Queen’s University at
Kingston, Canada (1983–1984).
Currently: Assistant Town Engineeer, Southampton (from 2003).
Previously: Principal Engineer, Department of Environment, Australia;
District Engineer, Ministry of Works.
Email: [email protected]
MORAKINYO, Jimoh Akindele (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Water Resources), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (1995–1998).
Email: [email protected]
MORAMORO, Moseley Anthony (Papua New Guinea).
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Management), University of Bath,
United Kingdom (1982–1983).
Currently: Director, Independent Public Business Corporation (from
2003); Councillor, Divine Word University (from 2000).
Previously: President, Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and
Petroleum (1997–2002); Chairman, Commission for Higher Education
(1997–1998); Chairman, Library Council of Papua New Guinea
(1995); Chairman, Order of St John in Papua New Guinea (1993–
1994); President, Papua New Guinea Institute of Management (1992–
1994); President, Papua New Guinea-Australia Business Council
(1991–1992); Managing Director, Rio Tinto Minerals Ltd (1990–
1997); Chairman, National Research Institute (1989–1990); ViceChancellor, Papua New Guinea University of Technology (1983–
1990); Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Papua New Guinea University of
Technology (1980–1983); President, National Council of YMCAs of
Papua New Guinea (1977–1985).
Awards: 10th Independence Day Anniversary Medal; 25th
Independence Day Anniversary Medal; Officer of the Order of the
British Empire (OBE), for services to higher education and the
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MORISON, Kenneth Robert (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Chemical Engineering), Imperial College London,
United Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical and Process
Engineering, University of Canterbury (from 1993).
Previously: Senior Technical Officer, Anchor Products (1991–1993);
Senior Research Engineer, New Zealand Dairy Research Institute
Email: [email protected]
MORRIS, Maxwell Clarke (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Paediatric Nephrology), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Schools of
Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United Kingdom
Currently: Trustee, Harold Thomas Rotary Trust (from 1985); Senior
Lecturer in Paediatrics, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences,
University of Auckland (from 1980).
Previously: Examiner, NZREX, Medical Council of New Zealand
(1989–1998); Member, South Pacific Committee, Health Research
Council of New Zealand (1983–1991); Lecturer in Paediatrics, Faculty
of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland (1976–1978).
MORRIS, Peter John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, MI Associates Pty Ltd (from 2001).
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Previously: General Manager (Project Management), Sydney
Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (1998–2000); Chief
Executive Officer, One Australia America’s Cup Pty Ltd (1993–1996);
Managing Director, Bovis Australia (now Bovis Lend Lease) (1988–
1998); Chairman, Project Management Task Force, Construction
Industry Reform Commission (1985–1986).
Email: [email protected]
MORRIS, Stephen Arthur (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemistry), McGill University, Canada (1984–1988).
Currently: Automotive Industry Manager, BASF Australia Ltd,
Australia (from 1995).
Previously: Manager, South Australia, BASF Australia Ltd, Australia;
Engineer, BP Chemicals SA, Switzerland.
Email: [email protected]
MORRISON, David Glenn (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (International Relations), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1986–1988).
Currently: President, NETAID, US (from 2000).
Previously: Adviser to the Administration, United Nations
Development Programme, US (1999–2000); Director and Member of
Executive Board, World Economic Forum, Switzerland (1995–1999);
Foreign Service Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade (1989–1995); Junior Professional Officer, United
Nations Development Programme (1988–1989).
Email: [email protected]
MORRISON, George Rodney (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Modern History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Alumni Advancement, McMaster University
(from 2002).
Previously: Executive Director, Huntington Society of Canada (1997–
2001); Assistant Executive Director, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation (1996–1997); Director, Policy Development and Medical/
Scientific Programmes, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (1990–
Email: [email protected]
MOSS, Elikam George (Bahamas). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Electronics), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1967–
1968); MBA (Business Administration), Cranfield University, United
Kingdom (1975–1976).
Currently: Executive Director, Public Utilities Commission (from
Previously: General Manager, Water and Sewage Corporation,
Ministry of Works and Utilities (1977–2000); Assistant General
Manager, Bahamas Telecommunication Corporation (1966–1977).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MOSTOFA, Mahbub (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Pharmacology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
(1986–1989); Commonwealth Fellow (Molecular Biology), University
of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: President, Greater Barisal District Association (from 2003);
Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Bangladesh Agricultural
University (from 1997).
Previously: Associate Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1991–1997); Assistant Professor, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1986–1997); Lecturer, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1983–
MSISKA, Fred Wanyavinkhumbo (Malawi). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Education), University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairperson, Academic Committee, Domasi College of
Education (from 2001–2004); Chairperson, Certification Management
Board, Centre for Educational Research and Training (from 2001–
2004); Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Malawi (from 2001).
Previously: Academic Registrar, Sapest Trust, Zimbabwe (1998–
2000); Head, Educational Foundations Department, University of
Malawi (1994–1997).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MSUMALI, Gottfried Paul (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Soil Science), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1980–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture (from
Previously: Leader, Soil Fertility Project, European Union (1995–
1998); Leader, Soil Fertility Projects, IDRC of Canada, Canada (1988–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MUBUUKE, Frankie Xavier (formerly MUBUUKE-KISAALITA)
(Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Industrial Relations),
University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1984–1985).
Currently: Executive Secretary, Uganda National Association of
Building and Civil Engineering Contractors (from 2003).
Previously: Human Resources Manager (1999–2003); Member, Board
of Trustees, Kafuegorge Hydro Electrical Training Centre, Zambia
(1995–1998); Chief Personnel Manager, Uganda Electricity Board
(1992–1998); Member, Uganda Industrial Court (1989–2002).
Email: [email protected]
MUGARA, Richard Kombezgani (Zambia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Atmospheric Physics), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1993–1996).
Previously: Member, Air Pollution Information Network of Africa
(1999–2003); Chief Meteorologist, Zambia Meteorological
Department (1991–2002); Meteorologist, Zambia Meteorological
Department (1984–1991); Mathematics Teacher, Ministry of
Education (1981–1984).
Email: [email protected]
MUGO, Mechtilda (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Deputy Director, Governor’s Office, Bank of Tanzania
(from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
MUGUMYA, Levis (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Education and International Development), Institute of Education,
United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Assistant Lecturer (part-time), Makerere University.
Previously: Secondary School Teacher (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
MUKHERJEE, Deba Prasad (formerly MUKHOPADHYAY)
(India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Genetics), University College
London, United Kingdom (1964–1968).
Currently: President, S S Sarkar Society for Research in Human
Sciences (from 2001); Visiting Professor and Director, several Indian
universities (from 1996); Expert Committee Member in Human
Genetics, WHO, Switzerland (from 1971).
Previously: President, Anthropology and Archaeology Section, India
Science Congress Association (1996–1997); Member, Technical
Advisory Committee, Indian Statistical Institute (1984–1996);
Professor of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics, University
of Calcutta (1981–1996); Deputy Director/Director, School of
Anthropology (1975–1981); Reader and Founder Head, Department
of Anthropology and Sociology (1971–1975); Founder Head,
Population Genetics and Human Development Division, Government
of India (1969–1971); Pool Scientist, University College of Medicine
(1968–1969); MRC Fellow, Kennedy-Galton Centre for Mental
Deficiency, UK (1967–1968); Adviser/Executive Committee Member,
Familly Planning Association of India.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MUKUPA, George Chansa (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MPH
(Public Health (International)), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Community Services, Rotary Club of Mufulira
(from 2003); Kamuchanga District Hospital Medical Superintendent,
Mufulira District, Health Management Board (from 2001); VicePresident, Diabetes Association.
Previously: Member, Rotary Club of Mufulira (2000–2003); Acting
District Director of Health, Mufulira District, Health Management
Board (2000–2001); District Hospital Medical Superintendent,
Ministry of Health (1999–2001).
Email: [email protected]
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MULAKO-WANGOTA, Joseph (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Computer Science), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
(1991–1992); PhD (Computer Science), University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1998–2002).
Previously: Information Technology Manager, Uganda Telecom
(1997–1999); Analyst, Makerere University (1996–1997); Lecturer,
Makerere University (1987–1996).
Email: [email protected]
MUNAVVAR, Mohamed (Maldives). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Law), Dalhousie University, Canada (1990–1993).
Currently: Attorney-General, Government of Maldives (from 1993).
Previously: Director, Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Member of Parliament, Government of Maldives.
Email: [email protected]
MUNBODH, Suresh (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Chemical Education), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, National Computer Board (from 2000);
International Consultant, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and
UNESCO (from 1997).
Previously: Director, Industrial and Vocational Training Board (1989–
1996); Chief Education Officer, Technical, Ministry of Education,
Arts and Culture (1988–1989); Chief Education Officer, Development
and Planning, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (1985–1988);
Officer-in-Charge, Central Training Office (1984–1985); Principal
Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (1979–
Email: [email protected]
MUNNINGS, Harold Alexander Jr, (Bahamas). Commonwealth
Scholar, MRCP (Gastroenterology), University of Bristol, United
Kingdom (1988–1990).
Currently: Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of the West
Indies (from 2000); Medical Director, Grosvenor Medical Centre
(from 1997); Director, The Centre for Digestive Health (from 1997);
Consultant in Medicine and Gastroenterology, Princess Margaret
Hospital (from 1995); Consultant in Medicine and Gastroenterology,
Doctors Hospital (from 1992).
Previously: President, Association of Medical Specialists and Subspecialists (2002); Senior Registrar in Medicine and Gastroenterology,
Princess Margaret Hospital (1991–1994); Registrar and Senior
Registrar in Medicine, Bristol Royal Infirmary (1988–1991); Senior
House Officer, Department of Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital
Email: [email protected]
MUNRO, Peter Aaron (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biochemical Engineering), University College London, United
Kingdom (1973–1976).
Currently: Options Manager, Fonterra Cooperative Group (from
Previously: General Manager, Process Technology, New Zealand
Dairy Research Institute (1993–2003); Distinguished Research
Technologist, New Zealand Dairy Research Institute (1993–1998);
Professor of Food Engineering, Massey University (1984–1993);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland (1977–1984).
Awards: Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand.
Email: [email protected]
MUNROE, Milton Marlborough (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Electronics), University of Bradford, United Kingdom (1974–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Multimedia, Chilterns University College,
UK (from 1990).
Previously: Senior Lecturer in Industrial Physics, Federal University
of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria (1981–1989); Lecturer, Department
of Physics, University of Guyana (1972–1974).
Email: [email protected]
MURRAY, Simone Elizabeth (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (English), University College London, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of English, Media
Studies and Art History, University of Queensland (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Editor, Academic Journals, University of Sidney
Email: [email protected]
MURRAY, Thomas John (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
Medical Training (Neurology), University of London, United
Kingdom (1967–1968).
Currently: Member, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (from 2003);
Professor of Medical Humanities, Dalhousie University (from 1992);
Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Dalhousie University (from 1974);
President, Canadian Society for History of Medicine; President and
Founder, Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centres; Director,
Dalhousie Multiple Sclerosis Research Unit; Chairman, Association
of Canadian Medical Colleges .
Previously: Member, Board of Governors, St Francis Xavier
University (1996–2002); Chairman Emeritus, American College of
Physicians, US (1995–1997); Chairman, Board of Regents, American
College of Physicians (1995–1997); Dean of Medicine, Dalhousie
University (1985–1992).
Awards: Officer of Order of Canada (OC).
Email: [email protected]
MURTAGH, Bruce Albert (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Chemical Engineering), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1966–1969).
Currently: Emeritus Professor, Macquarie University, Australia (from
Previously: Professor of Management, Graduate School of
Management, Macquarie University, Australia (1991–2003); Professor
of Operations Management, Bond University, Australia (1989–2001);
Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia (1981–
Email: [email protected]
MURTHY, Srinivsa (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Horticulture), University of Guelph, Canada (1992–1998).
Currently: Senior Scientist, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
(from 1986).
Previously: Scientist, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research;
Scientist, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research.
Email: [email protected]
MUSA, Ahmed Alhaji (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geodesy), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Surveying, Ahmadu Bello
University (from 1998).
Previously: Secretary, Forum for Geoinformatics (2002–2003); Head,
Department of Surveying, Ahmadu Bello University (2000–2002).
Email: [email protected]
MUSHI, Modester Michael (Tanzania). Commonwealth Fellow
(Public Health), Environment Agency, United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Water Quality Control Manager, Dar es Salaam Water and
Sewage Authority (from 2001); Founder Member, ENVIPRO (from
Previously: Executive Engineer, Dar es Salaam Water and Sewage
Authority (1998–2001); Member, Engineers’ Registration Board
Email: [email protected]
MUSINGUZI, Polycarp (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1988–
Currently: Economic Adviser to the Governor, Central Bank of
Uganda (from 2002); Board Member, Economic Policy Research
Centre, Makerere University (from 1999); Board Member, Uganda
Investment Authority (from 1998).
Previously: Executive Director of Research, Bank of Uganda (1999–
2002); Director, Research Department, Bank of Uganda (1994–1999).
Email: [email protected]
MUSTAFA, Zubeida (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(International Relations), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1970).
Currently: Member, Governing Board, Institute of Behavioural
Sciences (from 2002); Member, Governing Board, Feroze Ahmad
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Institute for Mass Communications (from 2002); Member, Governing
Board, Pakistan Montessori Training Centre (from 1999); Assistant
Editor, ‘Dawn’ magazine, Pakistan Herald Publications (from 1975).
Previously: Research Officer, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Currently: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(from 2002).
Previously: Chairman, Cambridge Society of Zambia (1996–1997);
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs (1993–2002);
Member, Senate, University of Zambia (1992–1993); Tutor/Lecturer,
University of Zambia (1979–1993).
MUTHUMARY, J Kalaivani (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Botany (Electron Microscopy)), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1988–1989).
Currently: Professor, University of Madras (from 1996).
Previously: Reader, University of Madras (1990–1996); Lecturer,
Department of Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MWANSOKO, Hermas J M (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Linguistics and Swahili), University of York, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, University of Dar es Salaam Academic Staff
Assembly (from 2000); Chairman/Deputy Chairman, National
Kiswahili Council of Tanzania (from 1993).
Previously: Associate Research Professor, Institute of Kiswahili
Research, University of Dar es Salaam (1993–1987).
Email: [email protected]
MUWANGA-ZAKE, Elijah S K (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agricultural Statistics), University of East Anglia, United
Kingdom (1983–1987).
Currently: National Consultant, Uganda Bureau of Statistics (from
2002); Chairman, Sub-country Water Development Committee (from
Previously: Director, Department of Trade of External Debt, Bank of
Uganda (2002); Deputy Director, Trade and External Debt Department
(1998–2001); Commissioner for Statistics, Central Statistics Office
(1994–1998); Secretary, LC II Committee (1990–1995); Assistant
Director, Agricultural Secretariat (1988–1994); Secretary, Uganda
Statistical Society (1983–1988).
Email: [email protected]
MUYA, Mundia (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Construction Management), Loughborough University, United
Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Zambia (from 2002); Chairperson, Editorial Board,
Engineering Institution of Zambia (from 2001); Editor, Journal of
Engineering Institution of Zambia (from 2001); Lecturer, Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Zambia (from
Previously: Chairman, Lusaka Branch, Engineering Institution of
Zambia (2000–2001); Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Zambia (1991–1996).
Email: [email protected]
MWAKALI, Jackson Araali (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Structural Engineering), University of Surrey, United Kingdom;
PhD (Structural Engineering), University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Currently: Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Makerere
University (from 1999); Senior Lecturer, Makerere University (from
1998); Member, Technical Committee on Environmental Impact
Assessment, National Environment Management Authority (from
1998); Member, Technical Committee on Building and Construction
Materials, Uganda National Bureau of Standards (from 1994).
Previously: Chairman, Bagungu Community Association (1997–
1999); Vice-Chairman, Civil Engineering Division, Uganda Institution
of Professional Engineers (1994–1997); Lecturer, Makerere University
(1992–1998); Teaching Assistant, Makerere University (1983–1985).
Email: [email protected]
MWANG’OMBE, Agnes Wakesho (Kenya). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Plant Pathology), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1984–1988).
Currently: Vice-President, African Crop Science Society, Uganda
(from 2001); Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, University of
Nairobi (from 1997); Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Previously: Board Director, Kenya Commercial Banks (1997–2000);
Chairperson, Kenya Professional Organization of Women in
Agriculture and Environment (1993–2000); Advisory Committee
Member, CTA, Netherlands; Advisory Panel Member, Farm Africa.
Email: [email protected]
MWENDIA, Kiriinya (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Management and Business Studies), University of Warwick, United
Kingdom (1978–1979).
Currently: Executive Chairman, Twin Travel and Tours Ltd (from
Previously: Director, Finance and Corporate Planning, Kenya
Commercial Bank (2000–2002); Senior Deputy Director, Kenya
Wildlife Service (1996–1998); Board Director, Kenya Revenue
Authority (1995–1997); Chairman and Treasurer, Parklands Sports
Club (1992–1998); Financial Director and Company Secretary,
Express Kenya Ltd (Lonrho) (1988–1995); Chief Accountant, BAT
Kenya Ltd (1980–1988); Chief Accountant, Longman Kenya Ltd
Email: [email protected]
MWILA, Stanley Chungu (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural and Rural Development), University of Bradford, United
Kingdom (1981–1986).
Currently: Director, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
(COMESA) (from 1999).
Previously: Principal Economist, Southern Africa Development
Community (SADC) (1998–1999); Senior Economist, SADC (1991–
1998); National Economist, UNDP (1988–1991); Research Fellow/
Lecturer, University of Zambia (1985–1988).
Email: [email protected]
MYBURG, Henrietta (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Molecular Plant Pathology), University of
Oxford, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: PhD Student, University of Pretoria (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
MYERS, Allan James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1971–1972).
Currently: Barrister, Queen’s Counsel (self-employed).
Awards: Queen’s Counsel (QC).
Email: [email protected]
MZIZI, Joshua Bhekinkosi (Swaziland). Commonwealth Fellow
(Theology and Religious Studies), School of Oriental and African
Studies, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Swaziland (from 2002);
Secretary, Board of Trustees, Swaziland National Association of
Teachers (from 2001); Board Member, Open Society Initiative of
Southern Africa (from 2001).
Previously: Secretary-General, Human Rights Association of
Swaziland/ Human Rights and Democracy Institute of Swaziland
(1996–2003); Founder Secretary-General, Human Rights Association
of Swaziland (1990–1991); Tutor, Faculty of Humanities, University
of Swaziland (1988–1991); Lecturer, University of Swaziland (1987–
2002); Secretary, Headmasters’ Association of Swaziland (1983–
1987); Headmaster, Mankayane and Velebantfu High Schools (1982–
Email: [email protected]
MWANSA, Kalombo Thomson (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Law), School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom
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NABUGOOMU, Fabian (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Statistics), University of Guelph, Canada (1987–1988).
Currently: Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Mathematics,
Makerere University (from 1998).
Previously: Chairman, Uganda Mathematical Society; Chairman,
National Council, FOCUS Uganda.
Email: [email protected]
NAGRANI, Suresh Harkishindas (Gibraltar). Commonwealth
Scholar, MBA (Business Administration), University of Warwick,
United Kingdom (1982–1985).
Currently: Managing Director, Pan Trade and Investment Co. Ltd
(from 1987).
NAIDU, Vijay (Fiji). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Sociology),
University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1981–1985).
Currently: Professor of Development Studies, School of Earth
Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (from
Previously: Member, Legal Aid Commission (1999–2003); Professor/
Director, Centre for Development Studies, University of the South
Pacific (1999–2002); Chair, Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (1999–
2002); Team Leader, Fiji National Poverty Alleviation Strategies Team
(1998–1999); Commissioner, Constitutional Boundaries Commission
(1998); Head, School of Social and Economic Development,
University of the South Pacific (1997–1999); Acting Vice-Chancellor,
University of the South Pacific (1994–1995); Pro-Vice-Chancellor,
University of the South Pacific (1993–1996); Associate Professor/
Reader, School of Social and Economic Development, University of
the South Pacific (1991–1993).
Email: [email protected]
NAIR, K Vinayachandran (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Gastroentology), Edinburgh Western General Hospital, United
Kingdom (1979–1980).
Currently: Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist, Department of
Gastroenterology, National Hospital (from 1997).
Previously: Professor and Head, National Hospital (1986–1997);
Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, National Hospital Medical
College (1980–1986).
NAKHONE, Lenah Alala Naliak (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Soil Chemistry), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Treasurer, St Augustine’s Chaplaincy, Egerton University
(from 2001); Vice-Chairperson, Resources Conflict Institute (from
2000); Director, Poverty Alleviation Research and Development
Institute (from 1999); Senior Lecturer, Egerton University (from
Previously: Lecturer, Egerton University (1984–1994); Research
Officer, Kenya Marine Research Institute (1983–1984).
Email: [email protected]
NALLAINAYAGAM, UmaMaheswari Minakshi (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Trade and Development), McGill
University, Canada (1976–1978).
Currently: Land Consultant, Oil and Gas Industry.
Previously: Senior Civil Servant, The Public Service of Sri Lanka;
Land Analyst/Administrator, various oil and gas companies, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
NAMDEO, Anil Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Environmental Science), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Research Fellow, School of Geography, University of
Leeds, UK (from 1998).
Previously: Research Assistant, University of Leeds, UK (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected]
NANAYAKKARA, Liyanege Julian D F (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Production Management), University
of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (1979–1983).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Industrial Management,
University of Kelaniya (2001–2002); Senior Lecturer, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1983–2001); Lecturer, Faculty
of Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1974–1983).
Email: [email protected]
NANDAN, Satendra Pratap (Fiji). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(English Literature), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Chairman, Literature Committee, ACT Cultural Council,
Australia (from 1996); President, PEN, Australia (from 1992);
Professor/Director, Centre for Writing, University of Canberra,
Australia (from 1988); Regional Vice-President, Asian Association for
the Study of Australia, Australia; Director, Canberra Centre of Writing
and Culture Studies, University of Canberra, Australia.
Previously: International Chair, Association for Commonwealth
Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS), Australia (1998–2001);
Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University,
Australia (1987); Minister, Labour NFP Coalition, Government of Fiji
(1982–1987); Cabinet Minister, Fiji Parliament (1982–1987); Chair,
University Research Committee, University of the South Pacific
(1978–1987); Lecturer, Department of English, University of the South
Pacific (1969–1970); Director/International Chairperson, ACLALS,
Communication and Culture Studies, University of Canberra,
Email: [email protected]
NANNONO, Mary Lubowa (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Public/Social Administration), Brunel University, United Kingdom
Currently: Secretary, Education Service Commission, Uganda
Government (from 2000); Member/Chair, Board of Directors,
Community Development Network (NGO) (from 1994–2003).
Previously: Member, National Advisory Council, Hunger Project
Uganda (1998–2003); Principal Private Secretary, Office of the VicePresident, Uganda Government (1995–1999); Public Sector
Management Specialist, Public Enterprise Reform and Divesture
Secretariat (1993–1994).
Email: [email protected]
NARANG, Anil (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Neonatology),
Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, United Kingdom (1979–1980).
Currently: Professor, Department of Paediatrics/Neonatology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (from
Previously: President, National Neonatology Forum (1996–1998);
Associate Professor, Paediatrics, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research (1985); Assistant Professor, Paediatrics,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (1980–
1985); Lecturer, Paediatrics, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research (1974–1980); Registrar, Paediatrics,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (1973–
1974); Chairman, Accreditation of Neonatal Case Units in India,
National Neonatology Forum.
Email: [email protected]
NARAYANA, Balakrishna (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Statistics
(Time Series)), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Researcher, Institute of Fundamentals of Electronic
Engineering and Electronics, Technical University, Germany (from
2003); Associate Professor, Cochin University of Science and
Technology (from 2000).
Previously: Senate Member, Cochin University of Science and
Technology (1999–2003); Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Cochin
University of Science and Technology (1992–2000).
Email: [email protected]
NARAYANA, Yerol (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Environmental
Radioactivity), British Geological Survey, United Kingdom (2000–
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Studies in Physics, Mangalore
University (from 1995).
Previously: Member, Executive Committee, Mangalore University
Teachers’ Association (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
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NARAYANASWAMY, Papanna (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Horticulture), Imperial College London at Wye, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Division of Horticulture, University
of Agricultural Sciences (from 1994).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Division of Horticulture, University
of Agricultural Sciences (1987–1994).
Email: [email protected]
NASINYAMA, George William (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Epidemiology), University of Guelph, Canada (1992–1996).
Currently: Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Veterinary Public
Health and Preventive Medicine, Makerere University (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Makerere University.
Email: [email protected]
NAVARATNA BANDARA, Abeysinghe M. (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Political Science), University of York,
United Kingdom (1988–1991).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science,
University of Peradeniya (from 1977).
Previously: Director, National Integration Programme Unit, Ministry
of Ethnic Affairs and National Integration (2001); Chairman,
Committee on National Youth Policy, Ministry of Youth Affairs
(1999–2001); Member, Official Languages Commission of Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
NDLOVU, Hebron Luhlanya (Swaziland). Commonwealth Fellow
(Doctrine of Divine Kingship in African Society), School of Oriental
and African Studies, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Swaziland
(from 2002); Chairperson, Association of Theological Institutions in
Southern and Central Africa (ATISCA) (from 2001); Senior Lecturer,
Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of
Swaziland (from 1999); Executive Committee Member, ATISCA
(from 1998); Executive Member, Swaziland Religious Knowledge
National Panel, Ministry of Education,Government of Swaziland (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Theology and Religious Studies,
University of Swaziland (1984–1999).
Email: [email protected]
NDLOVU, Lindela Rowland (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Animal Nutrition), University of Guelph, Canada (1981–1985).
Currently: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, National University of Science and
Technology (from 2002).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe;
Head, Department of Animal Production, University of the North,
South Africa.
Email: [email protected]
NDOMAHINA, Ernest Tom (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Marine Biology), University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom
Currently: Consultant, National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan,
GOSL/UNDP (from 2002); Consultant, International Maritime
Organisation (from 2002); President, Freetown Teachers’ College
Council, Ministry of Education, Government of Sierra Leone (from
2001); Member, Steering Committee, Industrial Standards Bureau
(from 2001); Consultant, Harmful Algae Bloom, UNESCO (from
2001); Fisheries Specialist, Natural Resources International (from
2000); Director, Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography,
University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College (from 1999); Fisheries
Consultant, State House GOSL, National Policy Advisory Committee
(from 1999); Member, Civil Society Movement (from 1999);
Committee Member, Scientific and Technical Committee, Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Resources (from 1994); Commission Member,
UNESCO, Ministry of Education, Government of Sierra Leone (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Marine Biology,
University of Sierra Leone (1999–2003); Secretary of State for Marine
Resources, Government of Sierra Leone (1995–1996); Lecturer,
University of Sierra Leone (1978–1999); Research and Teaching
Assistant, University of Sierra Leone (1975–1977).
Email: [email protected]
NDUNG’U, Ruth Wangeci (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Applied Linguistics), University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of English, Kenyatta University (from
Previously: Lecturer and Head, Department of English, Christ the
Teacher Institute for Education (1997–2003); Tutorial Fellow,
Kenyatta University (1992–2003); Graduate Assistant, Kenyatta
University (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
NEEDHAM, Robert L (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Politics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Tutor in Politics, Programme for Undergraduate Studies,
University of Oxford, UK (from 2003).
Previously: Tutor in Politics, University of Oxford, UK (1995–1996);
Freelance Speech Writer, Cabinet Ministers and Departments of the
Government of Canada (1990–1991); Research Officer, Public Service
Alliance of Canada (1990); Teaching Assistant, Waterloo County
Board of Education (1986); Legal Assistant, Ministry of the Attorney
General (1985); Board Director, University of Toronto Students’
Administrative Council (1984–1985); Administrative Assistant,
Canada Post Corporation (1984).
Email: [email protected]
NEGI, Subhash Chander (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Urology),
Nottingham City Hospital, United Kingdom (1986–1987).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Indira Gandhi
Government Medical College (IGMC) (from 2002).
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Government
Dr R P M C Tanda (HP) (2002); Professor of Surgery, IGMC (2000–
2002); Professor and Head, Government Dr R P G M C Tanda (HP)
(1999–2000); Associate Professor of Surgery, IGMC (1991–1998);
Commonwealth Registrar in Urology , Nottingham City Hospital, UK
(1986–1987); Honorary Member, Advisory Board, Life Insurance
Corporation of India (1984–1985); Assistant Professor, IGMC (1980–
NEIL, Tracey Lauren (formerly RATTRAY) (Jamaica).
Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma (Clinical Communication), City
University, United Kingdom (1985–1987).
Currently: Speech and Language Therapist, Speech and Language
Therapy Ltd (from 1987).
Previously: President, Jamaica Speech, Language and Hearing
Association (1989); Assistant Lecturer, Linguistics Department,
University of the West Indies (1987–1990); Tutor, University of the
West Indies (1984–1985).
Email: [email protected]
NEOPHYTOU, Ares Ioanni (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1986–
Currently: Founder/Director, Neodesy Ltd (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Project Manager, Monitor Company Management
Consultants (1996–1999); Associate, A T Kearney Management
Consultants (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
NEVILLE, Jennifer Lynne (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Anglo-Saxon Literature), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Department of English, Royal Holloway,
University of London, UK (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
NEWTON-SMITH, William Herbert (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Fairfax Fellow in Philosophy, Balliol College, University
of Oxford, UK.
Previously: Chair, Education Sub-Board, Open Society Institute,
Email: [email protected]
NG, Edward Yan Yung (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Architecture), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1987–
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Currently: Visiting Professor, Xian Jiatong University (from 2002);
Consultant and Adviser, Building Department, Hong Kong
Government (from 2000); Professor, Chinese University of Hong
Kong (from 1999); Committee Member, Hong Kong Institute of
Architects (from 1999).
Previously: Consultant/Principal, NG Design (1994–1999); Lecturer,
Sheffield University, UK (1991–1994).
Email: [email protected]
NG, Wing Chung (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History), University of British Columbia, Canada (1988–1993).
Currently: Department Chair, University of Texas at San Antonio, US
(from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
NG CHEONG, Laval Ronald (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Soil Science), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1983–
Currently: Scientific Officer, Mauritius Sugar Industry Research
Institute (from 1987).
Email: [email protected]
NGAIZA, Anthony (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Journalism), Athabasca University, Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Executive Director, Media Council of Tanzania (from
Previously: Director, Studies, Tanzania School of Journalism; Chief
Editor, Business Times.
Email: [email protected]
NG’ANDWE, Christopher Chilungu Bernard (Zambia).
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Human Reproductive Biology),
Imperial College London, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Registrar, Ministry of Health (from 2001).
Previously: Senior House Officer, Ministry of Health (1997–2000);
Junior House Officer, Ministry of Health (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]
NGIAM, Tong Lan (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmaceutical Chemistry), University of London, United Kingdom
Previously: Head, Department of Pharmacy, National University of
Singapore (1994–1996); Associate Professor, National University of
Singapore (1986–2002); Vice-President, Pharmaceutical Society of
Singapore (1977–1980); Senior Lecturer, National University of
Singapore (1976–1986); Lecturer, National University of Singapore
Email: [email protected]
NIAZI, Shahida Begum (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow
(Chemistry), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (1992).
Currently: Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bahauddin Zakariya
University (from 1996).
Bahauddin Zakariya University (1976–1996).
Email: [email protected]
NIGAM, Dinesh Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Gastroenterology), Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1973–1974).
Previously: Member-State Nominee, Medical Council of India (1994–
1999); President, Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India
(1994–1995); President, Indian Society of Gastroenterology (1994–
1995); Organising Chairman, International CME in Gastroenterology,
MCI and American Association of Physicians of India (1994);
Director/Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Moti Lal Nehru
Medical College (1986–2001); Vice-President, Association of
Physicians (1984–1986); Professor of Medicine, Moti Lal Nehru
Medical College (1983–1986); Reader of Medicine, Moti Lal Nehru
Medical College (1973–1983); Lecturer in Cardiology, S N Medical
College (1968–1969); Lecturer of Medicine, Moti Lal Nehru Medical
College (1963–1973).
Email: [email protected]
NINKOV, Zoran (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geophysics and Astronomy), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology, US (from
Previously: Research Scientist, Information Strategy and Technology
Services; Research Associate, University of Rochester, US.
Email: [email protected]
NISSANKA, Sarath (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Environmental Physiology), University of Guelph, Canada; PhD
(Environmental Physiology), University of Guelph, Canada (1990–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (from 1996).
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
NIZAM, Asad Mohd (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Education (Distance)), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Producer/Editor, Electronic Media Production
Centre, Indira Gandhi National Open University (from 1988).
Previously: Member, Indira Gandhi National Open University
Research Council (1999–2002); Member, Indira Gandhi National
Open University Academic Council (1997–1999); Video Consultant,
IMD, ONGC (1987–1988); Manager/Production Controller/Editor of
TV Serials, Multi Broadcast Media M/S Prime Channel (1986–1987).
Email: [email protected]
NJOKU, Henry Obiyo (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Applied Microbiology), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, University
of Port Harcourt (from 1993).
Previously: Honourable Commissioner for Finance and Economic
Development, State Government (1992–1993); Commissioner, Imo
State Government (1992–1993).
Email: [email protected]
NJUE, Wilson Mbiti (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Organic
Chemistry), University of Alberta, Canada (1981–1997).
Currently: Associate Professor, Kenyatta University.
Previously: Senior Lecturer and Chairman, Chemistry Department,
Kenyatta University; Associate Professor and Dean, Faculty of
Science, Kenyatta University.
Email: [email protected]
NOLAN, Marguerite Rose (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English), University of Stirling, United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Lecturer, Australian Catholic University (from 2002).
Previously: Casual Tutor, School of English, Media Studies and Art
History, University of Queensland (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
NOOR, Iqbal (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Engineering), McGill University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Project Management Consultant, PMOLink, Inc. (from
Previously: Risk Manager, US Department of Defence, US; Risk
Management Consultant, BP Amoco.
Email: [email protected]
NOOR, Noraini M (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow (Social/Health
Psychology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Professor in Psychology, International Islamic University
(from 2001); Executive Member, Malaysian Psychological Association
(from 2001).
Previously: Head of Department, International Islamic University
(2001–2002); Member, Intensive Research in Priority Areas Steering
Committee on Social Education Research, Ministry of Science,
Technology and the Environment (1995–1999); Lecturer in
Psychology, International Islamic University (1990–2001); Lecturer in
Psychology, University of Malaya (1990); Lecturer in Psychology,
Universiti Sains Malaysia (1984–1990).
Email: [email protected]
NOORUDDIN, Muhammad (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postgraduate Training (Veterinary Medicine), University of Glasgow,
United Kingdom (1979–1980).
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Currently: Director, Veterinary Clinic, Bangladesh Agricultural
University (from 2002); Professor, Department of Veterinary
Medicine, Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1992).
Previously: Head, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1990–1991); House Tutor, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1987–1989); Associate Professor, Department
of Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1986–
1992); Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (1978–1986); Lecturer,
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh Agricultural
University (1975–1978).
Email: [email protected]
NORMAN, Neville Robert (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1970–1973).
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Reader/Associate Professor of Economics,
University of Melbourne (from 1979); Foundation Member, Australian
Advisory Council, General Motors (from 1979); Patron, Vision
Australia (from 1979).
Previously: Senior Investment Adviser, Transport Accident
Commission of Victoria (1988–1998); Project Leader, Commonwealth
of Australia (1983–1986); Executive Director, Australian Industries
Development Association (1977–1978); Official Economic Adviser,
Commonwealth Government of Australia (1974–1983); Lecturer,
Economics Department, University of Melbourne (1973–1976).
Email: [email protected]
NORRIS, Cecily Angela (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines).
Commonwealth Scholar, Postgraduate Certificate (Education), Institute
of Education, United Kingdom (1974–1975).
Currently: Director, Office of the OAS General Secretariat,
Organization of American States, Antigua and Barbuda (from 2000).
Previously: Deputy Chief, Mission Embassy, Government of St
Vincent and the Grenadines (1992–2000); General Secretary, St
Vincent Amateur Athletic Association (1975–1986); Assistant
Graduate Teacher, Girls’ High School.
Awards: National Award for Contribution to Sports Administration
Email: [email protected]
NSHAMA, William Manyere Enock (Tanzania). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Mechanical Engineering), Queen’s University at
Kingston, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam (from 1997).
Previously: Head, Promotions and Services Department, Institute of
Production Innovation, University of Dar es Salaam; Head, Production
Engineering Section, Department of Design and Production
Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam.
Email: [email protected]
NSONZI, Frances (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Food
Science), McGill University, Canada (1995–1997).
Currently: Senior Technical Consultant, Deregulation Project,
Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (from
Previously: Associate Consultant, Uganda Manufacturers Association
Consultancy and Information Services Ltd; Consultant, Deloitte &
Email: [email protected]
Representative, International Society for Burn Injuries (1984–1989);
Consultant Plastic Surgeon/Chief Consultant Plastic, University of
Nigeria Teaching Hospital (1975–1991).
Email: [email protected]
NYAZEMA, Norman Zimunda (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Pharmacology), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom; PhD (Pharmacology), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom (1978–1981).
Currently: Professor, University of the North, South Africa (from
2003); Vice-Chairman, Renaissance Merchant Bank (from 2001);
Chairman, Econet Wireless Holdings Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: Vice-Chairman, Medicines Control Authority of
Zimbabwe (1997–2002); Chairman, L’Arche Charity Organization
(1997–2002); Director, Postgraduate Studies, College of Health
Sciences, University of Zimbabwe (1981–2002).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
NYIRENDA, Kelvin Little (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Accounting), University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1996–
Currently: Principal Lecturer and Marketing Officer, Staff
Development Institute.
Previously: Accountant (services), Postmaster General.
Email: [email protected]
NZERIBE, Grace Nnenna (formerly WILLIAMS-UGAH) (Nigeria).
Commonwealth Scholar, Postgraduate Certificate (Nursing Studies),
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1960–1963).
Currently: Director/Proprietor, Grandell Model Nursery/Primary
School (from 1984).
Previously: Foundation Fellow and Honorary Secretary, Nigeria
Chapter, West African College of Nursing (1981–1984); Short Term
Consultant, Women in Health Development in Africa Project, World
Health Organization (1980–1981); Principal/Deputy Chief/Chief
Nursing Officer, Education and Research Department, Ministry of
Health (1976–1984); Project Manager, Basic Health Services Scheme,
Ministry of Health, Imo State Government (1976–1980); Member,
Examiner and Inspector, Nursing Council of Nigeria (1965–1980);
Nursing Sister/Senior Nurse Tutor, Government of East Central State
of Nigeria (1959–1976).
NZIBO, Yusuf Abdulrahman (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Latin American Studies), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Currently: Ambassador to United States, Mexico and Colombia,
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya, US (from 2000).
Previously: Ambassador to the Netherlands, Czech and Slovak
Republics, Embassy of the Republic of Kenya (1998–2000);
Commissioner General, Kenya Revenue Authority (1996–1998);
Member, Aga Khan Foundation (1994–1999); Managing Director,
Industrial Development Bank (1994–1996); Deputy Managing
Director, Industrial Development Bank (1989–1994); Lecturer,
University of Nairobi (1979–1989).
Awards: Moran of the Burning Spear (MBS) (2000); Order of the
Grand Warrior (OGW) (1995).
Email: [email protected]
NWAFOR, Onwuzurigbo Martin I (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Mechanical Engineering), University of Reading,
United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Federal University of Technology, Owerri (from 1998–2003).
Previously: Senior Lecturer and Managing Director, Futo Consult Ltd,
Federal University of Technology, Owerri (2000–2002).
Email: [email protected]
OBONDO, Anne Atieno (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Psychiatric Social Work), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer/Psychiatric Social Worker, Department of
Psychiatry, College of Health Sciences (from 1990).
Previously: Tutorial Fellow, University of Nairobi (1983–1990);
Social Scientist Researcher, World Health Organisation (1982–1983).
NWOZO, James Chinyelu (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, FRCS
(Surgery), Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon,
Royal Hospital (from 1998); First President, Nigerian Burns
Association (from 1984).
Previously: Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon/Acting Head of
Surgery, Royal Hospital (1991–1998); Nigerian National
ODELOLA, Herbert Akinlolu (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Virology), Central Public Health Laboratory, Colindale, United
Kingdom (1980–1981).
Currently: Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan (from
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan Award in Nigeria (-
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2001–2002); Member, Visitation Panel, National University
Commission (1990–1991); Reader, Pharmaceutical Microbiology,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan (1988–1991); Senior
Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan (1978–1988);
Honorary Consultant Virologist, University College Hospital (1977–
1984); Research Fellow/Lecturer I, University of Ibadan (1976–1978);
Research Fellow/Lecturer II, University of Ibadan (1972–1976); Junior
Research Fellow, University of Ibadan (1970–1972); Medical
Representative, Pharco Ltd (1969–1970).
Awards: Fellow, East Africa Postgraduate College of
Pharmaceuticalists (2001); Fellow, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria
Email: [email protected]
ODOI, Frederick Nii Ako (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agriculture), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Vice-President, Ghana Society of Animal Production (from
1999); Senior Lecturer, Department of Animal Science, University of
Cape Coast (from 1993).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Animal Science, University of
Cape Coast (1985–1993); Animal Husbandry Officer, Ministry of
Agriculture (1977–1985).
Email: [email protected]
ODONGO, Leo Odiwuor (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Statistics), University of Manitoba, Canada; PhD (Statistics),
University of Manitoba, Canada (1988–1993).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Kenyatta University (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, Kenyatta University; Senior Lecturer, Kenyatta
Email: [email protected]
ODUGBEMI, Olumakinde O (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Geography (Planning)), University of Salford, United Kingdom
Currently: Dean, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Olabisi Onabanjo
University (from 2001); Consultant, Urban Master Plans/Poverty
Reduction Projects/Property Reduction Projects, Ogun State
Government and Private Organisation (from 1988); Consultant, Rural/
Local/Community Developments, Ogun State Government (from
1984); Lecturer/Researcher/Professor, Olabisi Onabanjo University
(from 1983).
Previously: Director, Centre for Part-time Programmes, Olabisi
Onabanjo University (1996–1999); Visiting Professor, University of
Hamburg, Germany (1995); Visiting Research Fellow, University of
Salford, UK (1989–1990); Head, Department of Geography and
Regional Planning, Olabisi Onabanjo University (1984–1995).
Email: [email protected]
OFORI-ATTA, Angela (formerly LAMENSDORF) (Ghana).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Clinical Psychology), University
of British Columbia, Canada; PhD (Clinical Psychology), University
of British Columbia, Canada (1986–1992).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Ghana Medical School (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
OGBO, Anthony (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Business
Administration), Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Currently: Consultant, Michael Stevens Consulting (from 2003).
Previously: Head, Strategic Management and IT, First Atlantic Bank
PLC (2002–2003); Head, Telecommunications and Technology, First
Atlantic Bank PLC (2001); Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity
International, Canada (1995–1996); Volunteer, Legion of Mary
Society (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]
OGILVIE, Bridget Margaret (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Animal Nutrition), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, Association of Medical Research Charities (from
2002); Trustee, Cancer Research UK, UK (from 2001); High Steward,
University of Cambridge, UK (from 2000); Chairman, Medicines for
Malaria Venture, UK (from 1999); Non-Executive Director,
AstraZeneca (from 1997); Chairman, Governing Body of Institute of
Animal Health, UK (from 1997).
Previously: Trustee, National Endowment for Science, Technology
and the Arts , UK (1998–2002); Chairman, Copus, UK (1998–2002);
Non-Executive Director, Lloyds TSB Plc, UK (1995–2000);
Commissioner, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK (1993–
1999); Trustee, National Museum of Science and Industry, UK (1992–
2003); Director, Wellcome Trust, UK (1991–1998); Various positions,
Wellcome Trust, UK (1981–1991); Research Scientist, Medical
Research Council, UK (1963–1980).
Email: [email protected]
OGUNBIYI, Peter Oluwole (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Pharmacology/Toxicology), University of Guelph, Canada (1981–
Currently: Program Director, National Cancer Institute and National
Institutes of Health (from 2002).
Previously: Professor, Tuskegee University, US; President, TWT
Services Inc.
Email: [email protected]
OGUNREMI, Oladele (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Medicine), University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1988–
Currently: Research Scientist, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
(from 1996).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Ibadan; Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Ibadan.
Email: dogunremi@inspection.
OGWANG, Tomson (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada (1985–1990).
Currently: Associate Professor, Economics, University of Northern
British Columbia, Canada (from 1996).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Northern
British Columbia, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
O’HARE, Daniel John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Urban Design), Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom; PhD
(Urban Design), Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Founding Committee Member, Urban Design Alliance,
Queensland (from 2000); Founding Committee Member, The Local
Push (Planning Advocacy Group) (from 1999); Senior Lecturer,
Department of Urban Design, Queensland University of Technology
(from 1993).
Email: [email protected]
OKAE-ANTI, Daniel Akwa (Ghana). Commonwealth Fellow (Soil
Science), University of Reading, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, School of Agriculture, University of Cape Coast
(from 1994).
Previously: Member/Secretary, 1998 National Best Farmer Selection
Team (1998); Leader, Feasibility Studies, South Western Ghana Rice
Development Project (1997–1998); Chair, School of Agriculture
Welfare Association (1995–2000); Music Director, Western
Presbytery Church Choirs’ Union (1984–1988); National Service
Personnel, School of Agriculture, University of Cape Coast (1982–
OKANTAH, Samuel Asiedu (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Breeding), Imperial College London at Wye, United Kingdom
Currently: Principal Research Scientist, Animal Research Institute,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (from 2002);
Member, Ghana Association of Consultants (from 1994).
Previously: National Ruminant Research Programme Coordinator
(2001); Acting Director, CSIR (1995–1996); Deputy Director, CSIR
(1993–1996); Visiting Scientist, International Livestock Centre for
Africa (1989–1990); Assistant Secretary, Ghana Society of Animal
Production (1988–1989).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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OKEAHIALAM, Theodore Chukunyere (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Scholar, MRCP (Child Health), University of London, United
Kingdom (1961–1962).
Currently: Chief Consultant Paediatrician (part-time), Federal Medical
Centre (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Consultant Paediatrician, Ministry of Health, Saudi
Arabia (1989–1999); National Coordinator and Consultant, National
Oral Rehydration Programme, UNICEF (1984–1986); Professor of
University of Nigeria (1974–1989); Consultant Paediatrician/Senior
Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1970–1974);
Paediatrician, Centre for Biafran Children, World Council of
Churches/Biafran Government, Gabon (1966–1970); Specialist
Paediatrician, Massey Street Children’s Hospital (1964–1966);
Medical Officer, Ministry of Health (Federal) (1960–1961).
Email: [email protected]
OKEREKE, Okoronkwo Udensi (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postgraduate Training (Weed Science), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1979–1980).
Previously: Acting Head, Department of Crop Science, University of
Nigeria (1995–1998); Secretary, Weed Science Society of Nigeria
(1986); Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, University of
Nigeria (1975–2003); Research Associate, International Institute for
Tropical Agriculture (1971–1975); Scientist, Department of
Agriculture, Seed Industry, New Zealand (1970–1971).
Email: [email protected]
OKINE, Laud Kenneth N (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biochemistry), University of Surrey, United Kingdom (1977–1981).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, University
of Ghana (from 1997).
Previously: Consultant (1987–1997); Research Fellow, National
Cancer Institute, US (1983–1986).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
OKOH, Patience Ebehiremen (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Control Systems), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer II, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department, University of Benin (from 2002).
Previously: Graduate Assistant, University of Benin (2000–2002).
Email: [email protected]
OKOLO, Angela Anene (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCP
(Paediatrics), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1975–1977).
Currently: Professor/Consultant, Department of Paediatrics, University
of Benin School of Medicine (from 1997).
Previously: Project Officer, Maternal and Child Care Relations,
UNICEF (1994–1996); Professor of Paediatrics, University of Jos
(1991–1994); Senior Lecturer of Paediatrics, University of Benin
Teaching Hospital (1982–1991); Consultant Paediatrician, University
of Benin School of Medicine (1980–1991); Lecturer I of Paediatrics,
University of Benin School of Medicine (1979–1982); Senior Registrar
of Paediatrics, University of Benin Teaching Hospital (1977–1979).
Email: [email protected]
OKOTH, Michael Wandayi (Kenya). Commonwealth Fellow (Food
Process Engineering), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1994–
Currently: Assistant Secretary, Kenya Society of Argicultural
Engineers (from 2003); Technical Editor, Journal of Engineering in
Agriculture and the Environment (from 2003); Senior Lecturer,
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, University of Nairobi
(from 1997).
Previously: Secretary, Kenya Institute of Food Science and
Technology (1992–1994); Assistant Lecturer, Department of Food
Technology and Nutrition, University of Nairobi (1985–1989);
Chemical Engineer, Kenya Flurospar Co. Ltd (1978–1980).
Email: [email protected]
OKUNS, Heather Ann (formerly MCLEAN) (Trinidad and Tobago).
Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Combustion Science and Pollution),
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (1973–1974).
Currently: Laboratory Manager, Unit Leader, Caribbean Industrial
Research Institute (from 1982).
Previously: Senior Research Scientist, British Gas Corporation (1978–
1982); Research Scientist, British Food Manufacturing Industries
Research Association (1974–1975); Teacher, St Benedicts’ College,
Ministry of Education, Jamaica (1972–1973).
Email: [email protected]
OKWUJIAKO, Ikechukwu A (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Applied Mycology), Hortitech, Horticultural Research International
Wellesbourne, United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Calabar (from 1990); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture (from 1990).
Previously: Acting Head, Department of Biological Sciences, Michael
Okpara University of Agriculture (1997–2000); Acting Dean, Michael
Okpara University of Agriculture (1997–2000); Member, University
Governing Council and Senate, Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture (1994–2000); Member, University Senate, Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture (1994–2000).
OLAOFE, Olorunfemi (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Bath, United Kingdom (1979–
1982); Commonwealth Fellow (Chemical Engineering), University of
Bath, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Associate Professor/Professor, Department of Chemistry,
University of Ado (from 1993); Life Member, Catalysis, India.
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Ilorin (1986–1993);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Federal Polytechnic (1982–1986); Graduate
Assistant/Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University (1975–1979); Teacher,
Mada Hills Secondary School (1974–1975).
OLAOYE, Surajudeen Olaide (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Engineering Production), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Managing Director, ASC Enterprise, UK (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
OLDHAM, Timothy Charles (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Chemistry), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Director, Business Development and Strategic Marketing,
Mayne Pharma PLC, UK (from 2003).
Previously: Global Project Manager, Mayne Pharma PTY Ltd, UK
(2002–2003); Consultant, McKinsey and Company (1997–2001).
Email: [email protected]
OLEMBO, Norman (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Certificate
(Community and Public Health), University of Toronto, Canada
Currently: Chief Medical Officer, Cirio-Del Monte (K) Ltd.
Previously: Medical Officer of Health, Municipal Council of Nakuru;
Area Development Programme Manager, World Vision International.
Email: [email protected]
OLOMI, Donath Raphael (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Marketing/Entrepreneurship), Saint Mary’s University,
Canada (1992–1994).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Dar Es Salaam.
Previously: Director, Entrepreneurship Centre, University of Dar Es
Salaam; Lecturer, University of Dar Es Salaam.
OLUBAYO, Florence M’mogi (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agricultural Entomology), University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Protection, University
of Nairobi (from 2002); Member, Rural Farmer Link Programme
(from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Crop Protection, University of
Nairobi (1990–2002); Assistant Lecturer, Department of Crop
Protection, University of Nairobi (1988–1990).
Email: [email protected]
OLUBIYO, Solomon Olorunfemi (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agricultural Economics), Imperial College London at Wye,
United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Agriculture, University of Ilorin
(from 1992); Member, Ibadan Social-Economic Study Group,
University of Ibadan (from 1990).
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Previously: Council Member, Insurance Institute of Folkestone
Canterbury and East Kent, UK (1999–2000); Planning Officer,
Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (1990–1992);
Commercial Manager, Ajiboye and Company (1988–1990).
Email: [email protected]
OLUKOYA, Daniel Kolawole (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Microbiology), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Chairman, Danifold Biotechnology Consultants (from
Previously: Assistant Director, Nigerian Institute for Medical Research
(1996–1998); Chief Research Fellow, Nigerian Institute for Medical
Research (1994–1996); Senior Research Fellow, Nigerian Institute for
Medical Research (1994–1996).
Email: [email protected]
OLYMPIO, Nana Sakyiwah (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biological Sciences), University of Bath, United Kingdom (1977–
Currently: Research Coordinator, Vegetable Crops Programme,
Agricultural Subsector Services Investment Project of Ghana (from
2001); Senior Lecturer, University of Science and Technology (from
Previously: Head, Department of Horticulture, University of Science
and Technology (2001–2002); Research Coordinator, Vegetable Crops
Programme, National Agricultural Reseach Project of Ghana (1996–
1999); Lecturer, University of Science and Technology (1974–1982);
National Service Personnel, University of Science and Technology
Email: [email protected]
OMARI, Abillah Harrid (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Political Science), Dalhousie University, Canada (1987–1991).
Currently: Professor and Director, Centre for Foreign Relations,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from 1993).
Previously: Senior Political Analyst, Government of Tanzania;
Director, Studies and Programmes, Centre for Foreign Relations.
Email: [email protected]
OMONDI, James Gordon (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Fish Physiology), Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of
Nairobi (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Nairobi
(1995–1999); Tutorial Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of
Nairobi (1989–1995).
Email: [email protected]
OMOTO, Edgar Eric (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Business Administration), Dalhousie University, Canada (1992–
Currently: Commercial Manager, Shell Kenya Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Member, Board of Directors, Chemelil Sugar Company
Ltd; Lubricants Manager, Shell Kenya Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
ONADEKO, Babatunde Owolabi (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
MRCP (Medicine), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Director of Clinical Services and Training, University
College Hospital (from 1996); Chairman, Medical Advisory
Committee, University College Hospital (from 1996); Chairman,
National Tuberculosis Programme Control Committee.
Previously: Professor of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait (1996–
2003); President, Nigerian Thoracic Society (1995–2000); Chairman,
Faculty of Internal Medicine, West African College of Physicians
(1992–1996); Member, Governing Council, Nigerian Institute of
Medical Research (1992–1996); Professor of Medicine, King Faisal
University, Saudi Arabia (1987–1990); Professor of Medicine,
University of Ibadan (1979–1987).
Email: [email protected]
ONAOLAPO, Josiah Ademola (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Pharmaceutical Microbiology), Aston University, United
Kingdom (1983–1986).
Currently: President, Senior Pastor, Bethel Global Outreach Ministries
(from 2002).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello
University (1995–1997); Head, Department of Pharmaceutics,
Ahmadu Bello University (1993–1997); Professor, Ahmadu Bello
University (1993–1996); Reader, Ahmadu Bello University (1993–
1996); Founding Pastor, Evangelical Church International (1991–
2002); Senior Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University (1990–1993).
Email: [email protected]
ONG, Chit Chung (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History), London School of Economics and Political Science, United
Kingdom (1981–1985).
Currently: Chairman, TEE International Ltd (from 2000); Chairman,
Paragon Incorporated Holdings Pte Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: President, China Development Corporation Ltd and Sum
Cheong Group of Companies (1996–1998); Deputy Group Managing
Director, QAF Ltd (1993–1996); Parlimentary Secretary, Ministry of
Home Affairs and Ministry of Labour (1991–1993); Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer, History Department, National University of Singapore
Email: [email protected]
ONG, Eng-Lye (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL (Civil
Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–2000).
Currently: Solicitor, Freehills (from 2000).
Previously: Judge’s Associate (1997–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ONG, Say Leong (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MESc
(Chemical Engineering), University of Western Ontario, Canada
(1979–1980); PhD (Chemical Engineering), University of Toronto,
Canada (1980–1983).
Currently: Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National
University of Singapore (from 2003); Board of Editors, Advances in
Asian Environmental Engineering, Japan (from 2001); Editor, Water
Environment Research (USA), US (from 2000–2005); Governing
Board Member, International Water Association (UK), UK (from
1998); Director, Biotreat International (from 1996); Head,
Environmental and Hydraulic Engineering Group, Department of Civil
Engineering, National University of Singapore; Director, Centre for
Water Research, National University of Singapore.
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
National University of Singapore (1997–2002); President,
Environmental Engineering Society of Singapore (1997–2002); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, National University of
Singapore (1988–1997); Honorary Secretary, Environmental
Engineering Society of Singapore (1987–1996); Lecturer, Department
of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore (1983–1988).
Email: [email protected]
ONUMAH, Joseph Mensah (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Accountancy), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1991–
Currently: Society Steward, Calvery Methodist Church (from 2003);
Lecturer, School of Administration, University of Ghana (from 1996).
Previously: Member, Hall Flats, Property and Contracts Committee,
University of Ghana (2001); Honorary National Treasurer, Scripture
Mission of Ghana (1996–2003); Chief Accountant/Acting General
Manager, Challenge Enterprises of Ghana (1989–1991); Lecturer,
Institute of Professional Studies (1987–1989).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
ONWUKAEME, Doris Nkem (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Pharmacognosy), University of Bath, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Reader, Teaching Hospital, University of
Benin (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer I/Senior Lecturer, University of Jos (1990–1996);
Assistant Lecturer, University of Benin (1988–1989); Hospital
Pharmacist, University of Benin (1978–1983).
Email: [email protected]
OOI, Beng Yeow Vincent (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Linguistics and Modern English Language), University of Lancaster,
United Kingdom (1989–1992).
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Currently: Assistant Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
National University of Singapore (from 2003); Senior Lecturer,
Department of English Language and Literature, National University
of Singapore (from 1999).
Previously: Honorary Treasurer, Singapore Association of Applied
Linguistics (1994–1995); Lecturer, Department of English Language
and Literature, National University of Singapore (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]
OPOKU, George K. (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Crop
Science), University of Guelph, Canada (1991–1996).
Currently: Deputy Technical Manager, Cocoa Services Division (from
Email: [email protected]
OPPONG, Francis Kofi (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Plant Biology), University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Head/Principal Research Scientist, Cocoa Research Institute
of Ghana, Substation Afosu, Intensive Research in Priority Areas
(from 2003).
Previously: Acting Head, Scientific Information Division, Cocoa
Research Institute of Ghana (2002–2003); Senior Research Scientist,
Agronomy/Soil Science Division, Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana
(1997–2002); Research Scientist, Cocoa Research Institute (1988–
Email: [email protected]
O’REILLY, Mark (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(English), Concordia University, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Teaching Fellow, University of Dundee (from 2001).
Previously: Teaching Fellow, University of Essex.
Email: [email protected]
ORMSBY, Maurice James (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Director, Waihere Bike Hire Ltd (from 2002); Member,
Health Research Council, HRC Ethics Committee (from 2001).
Previously: Coordinator, Glenmore Valley Presentation and
Enhancement Group (1995–2000); Proprietor, M J Ormsby Consulting
(1990–2002); Trustee, TE AO Whakairo Trust (1984–1987);
Counsellor, New Zealand Embassy, New Zealand Ministry of Affairs
Email: [email protected]
OSBORNE, Peter John (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Environmental Chemistry), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Web Designer (self-employed), UK (from 1999);
Consultant (part-time), Fujita Research, US (from 1996).
Previously: Research Editor, Science Department, New Dictionary of
National Biography, UK (1996–1999).
Email: [email protected]
OSHIKOYA, Temitope W. (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Economics), McMaster University, Canada; PhD
(Economics), McMaster University, Canada (1984–1989).
Currently: Country Manager, African Development Bank.
Previously: Manager, Research Division, African Development Bank;
Economic Consultant, World Bank.
Email: [email protected]
OSHISANWO, Abimbola Olugbenga (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Engineering), University of Waterloo, Canada (1984–
Currently: Head, BT Transact, British Telecommunications Plc, UK
(from 2001).
Previously: Product Manager, Ignite Marketplace, British
Telecommunications Plc, UK; Product Engineering Manager, Internet
and Multi-media Applications, British Telecommunications Plc, UK.
Email: [email protected]
OSMAN, Ferdous Arfina (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Public Administration), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Associate Professor, University of Chittagong (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Professor, University of Chittagong (1997–
2002); Lecturer, University of Chittagong (1994–1997).
Email: [email protected]
OSORO, Bathsheba (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Counselling Psychology), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Provincial AIDS Control Coordinator, National AIDS
Control Council (from 1998).
Previously: Senior Schools Inspector Guidance and Counselling,
Ministry of Education; Provincial AIDS Control Coordinator, National
AIDS Control Council.
Email: [email protected]
OTERI, Bernard Itsemofe (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mechanical Engineering), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Previously: Director General, Defence Industries Corporation of
Nigeria (1993–1999); Member of Board, Defence Industries
Corporation of Nigeria (1993–1999); Member of Board, Union
Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria Salt Plc (1993–1999); Dean,
Faculty of Engineering, Defence Academy Kaduna (1989–1993);
Director of Defence Research and Development, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Headquarters (1986–1988); Member, Governing Council, Standards
Organization of Nigeria (1986–1987); Commandant, Nigeria Army
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Ministry of Defence
(1985–1986); Member, Governing Council, Bendel State University
(1985–1986); Director of Research, Development, Tests and
Evaluation, Nigeria Army School of Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering Training and Doctrine Command (1984–1985);
Commandant, Technical Groups (Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering), Nigeria Army (1982–1984); Various Training, Staff and
Command positions in Units, Nigerian Army (1965–1982).
OTHIENO, Herick (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Applied
Physics), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (1979–1983).
Currently: Deputy Director, Kenyatta University (from 1991).
Previously: Board Secretary, OSIENALA (Friends of Lake Victoria)
(1992); Professor of Physics, Maseno University (1990–1991);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Kenyatta University (1983–1990); Board
Secretary, Kenya Energy and Environment Organization (1983–1990).
Email: [email protected]
OWOLABI, Karim (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Surveying Engineering), University of New Brunswick, Canada
Currently: Surveyor General, Ministry of Lands (from 1995).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Lagos; Sub-Dean,
Engineering, University of Lagos.
Email: [email protected]
OWOMUGASHO, Daisy (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Development Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada
Currently: Lecturer, Makerere University (from 1998).
Previously: Project Officer, Uganda Human Rights Commission;
Investment Officer, Uganda Investment.
Email: [email protected]
OWUSU, George Kwabena (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Plant Virology), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1971–
Currently: Chairman, Management Committee, Seed Production Unit,
Ghana Cocoa Board (from 2002).
Previously: Member, Task Force on Cocoa Sector Development
Strategy, Ministry of Finance (1998–1999); Executive Director, Cocoa
Research Institute of Ghana (1997–2001); Assistant Professor,
Garyounis University, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1987–1990); Principal
Research Officer, Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (1982–1997);
Member, Management Committee, Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana
Email: [email protected]
OWUSU, Stephen Emmanuel (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Housing For Developing Countries), University of Newcastle
upon Tyne, United Kingdom (1978–1980).
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Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Housing and Planning
Research, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
(from 1995).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Housing and
Planning Research, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology (1987–1995); Volunteer/Physical Planner, United Nations
Volunteers, Switzerland (1985–1987); Research Fellow, Department
of Housing and Planning Research, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology (1975–1987).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Fellow (Social Pharmacy/Pharmacy Practice), School
of Pharmacy, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Coordinator, DFID’s Higher Education Link, Award for
School of Pharmacy (London) and Faculty of Pharmacy (Kwame
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) (from 2003);
President, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (from 2002);
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Kwame
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (from 1996);
Regional Coordinator, Lady Pharmaceuticalists Association,
Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH) (from 1996).
Previously: Standing Executive, Committee Member, PSGH (1999–
2001); Senior Tutor, Africa Hall, Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology (1994–1999); Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology (1983–1996).
Awards: Fellow, West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists
Email: [email protected]
OYEGADE, Ibilola Dotun (formerly POPOOLA) (Nigeria).
Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma (Brewing), Heriot-Watt University,
United Kingdom (1980–1981).
Currently: Director of Quality Control, Water Corporation of Oyo
State (from 1994).
PACK, Angela R C (New Zealand). Commonwealth Fellow
(Periodontal Health), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Schools of
Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United Kingdom
Currently: President, International Academy of Periodontology (from
Previously: President, New Zealand Division, International
Association for Dental Research (1997–1999); Head of
Periodontology, University of Otago (1993–2002); President, Otago
Branch, New Zealand Dental Association (1991–1992); President,
New Zealand Society of Periodontology (1990–1992); Associate
Professor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, University of Otago
(1985–2002); Senior Lecturer, University of Otago (1972–1985);
Lecturer, School of Dental Surgery, Royal Dental Hospital, UK (1968–
1972); HS/SHO/Registrar, School of Dental Surgery, Royal Dental
Hospital, UK (1965–1968).
Email: [email protected]
PADMAN, Rachael (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Radio-Astronomy), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
UK (from 1993).
Previously: Chair, Panel for the Allocation of Telescope Time, UK
(1995–1998); Member, Panel for the Allocation of Telescope Time,
UK (1990–1998); Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of
Cambridge, UK (1984–1993); Miller Research Fellow, University of
California, US (1983–1984); Research Fellow, Cavendish Laboratory,
University of Cambridge, UK (1981–1983).
Email: [email protected]
PADMORE, Keith Edward (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
Diploma (Statistics), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1974–1975).
Currently: Individual Statistical Consultant (from 1999).
Previously: Permanent Secretary (1997–1998); Alternate Director,
Board of Directors, Caribbean Development Bank (1995–1997);
Deputy Director, Statistical Service Department, Ministry of Finance
and Economic Affairs (1972–1991).
Email: [email protected]
PAGE, Michael Anthony (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Maths), University College London, United Kingdom (1978–1981).
Currently: Associate Dean, Faculty of Science, Monash University
(from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, School of
Mathematical Sciences, Monash University (1998–2003); Postdoctoral
Research Assistant, University of East Anglia, UK (1981–1983).
Email: [email protected]
PAI, B Chandrasekhar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Metallurgy), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (1978–1981).
Currently: Scientist and Director, Regional Research Laboratory,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (from 1983).
Previously: Scientist, National Aeronautical Laboratory, Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (1981–1983); Scientist, National
Aeronautical Laboratory, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(1974–1978); Project Associate, Indian Institute of Science (1972–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
(Environmental Analytical Chemistry), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Reader, Department of Chemistry, Bangalore University
(from 2003).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Bangalore University
(1998–2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, National
Institute of Technology (1994–1998); Lecturer, Department of
Chemistry, National Institute of Technology (1987–1994); Lecturer,
Department of Chemistry, Government College (1986–1987).
Email: [email protected]
PANDYA, Kirankumar Manubhai (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Economics), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Reader in Economics, Department of Economics, South
Gujarat University (from 1988).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
PANG, King Fai (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Electrical Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Vice-President, Digital Video Engineering, VSI Logic
Corporation, US (from 1986).
Email: [email protected]
PANG, Yang Hoong (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Management, Accounting), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada
Currently: Dean, School of Accountancy, Singapore Management
University (from 2000).
Previously: Director, PhD Programme and Head, Audit and Taxation,
Nanyang Technological University; Dean, School of Accountancy,
Singapore Management University.
Email: [email protected]
PAPADOPOULOS, Andreas Micheal (Cyprus). Commonwealth
Scholar, BSc (Mechanical Engineering), University of Leeds, United
Kingdom (1969–1972).
Currently: Generation Manager, Electricity Authority of Cyprus (from
Previously: Assistant Generation Manager, Electricity Authority of
Cyprus (1994–2000); Engineer/Senior Engineer, Electricity Authority
of Cyprus (1972–1994).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, BSc (Civil Engineering), Queen Mary,
University of London, United Kingdom (1966–1969).
Currently: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence (from 2000).
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Previously: Director of Control, Ministry of Communications and
Works (1981–1999); Engineer, Public Works Department (1973–
Email: [email protected]
PAPADOPOULOS, Nicos Micheal (Cyprus). Commonwealth
Scholar, BSc (Electrical Engineering), University of Leeds, United
Kingdom (1969–1972).
Previously: Area Manager, Electricity Authority of Cyprus (1972–
Email: [email protected]
PARKER, Roy A. (UK). Commonwealth Fellow (Canadian Social
Policy), Athabasca University, Canada (1993–1994).
Currently: Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol.
Previously: Head, Department of Social Policy, University of Bristol;
Director, School of Applied Social Studies, University of Bristol.
Email: [email protected]
PARSONS, Simon (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Chemistry),
University of New Brunswick, Canada (1987–1991).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Edinburgh (from 1998).
Previously: Research Associate, University of Edinburgh; Postdoctoral
Fellow, University of Edinburgh.
Email: [email protected]
PARTASSIDES, Christakis Phylacti (Cyprus). Commonwealth
Scholar, BSc (Electrical Engineering), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (1973–1976).
Currently: Managing Director, P H Partassides and Co. Ltd (from
Previously: General Manager, Alpha Shoe Company Ltd (1982–1986);
General Manager, Modulus Furniture Manufacturers Ltd (1981–1982);
Projects Analyst, Cyprus Development Bank (1978–1981).
Email: [email protected]
PATERSON, John Leonard (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Lecturer, University of Waikato (from 1987).
Previously: Director, Social Science Research Programme, University
of Waikato; Lecturer, University of Waikato.
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Fellow (Methods of Genetic Modification), Institute
of Arable Crops Research, Rothamsted Biotechnology and Biosciences
Research Council, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Agricultural Sciences (from 1987).
Previously: Agricultural Extension Officer, Government of India
Email: [email protected]
PATNAM, Hanumantha Rao (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electronics), Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Scientific Officer, Centre for Electromagnetics, Ministry of
Communication (from 1990).
Previously: President, South Asian Students’ Society, Queen’s
University Belfast, UK (1999–2000); Scientist/Engineer (1987–1990).
Email: [email protected]
PATRA, Dharanidhar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Postdoctoral
(Soil Science), Institute of Arable Crops Research, Rothamsted
Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council, United Kingdom
Currently: Director/Scientist, CIMAP (from 2002).
Previously: Principal Soil Scientist, Division of Soil Science and
Water Technology, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromative
(CIMAP) Plants (1997–2002); Executive Member, Indian Society of
Soil Science (1996–1998).
Awards: Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (1999).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
PATRA, Sarat Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering, National Institute of Technology (from
Email: [email protected]
PATTON, John M S (Bermuda). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Physiology), Middlesex Hospital, London, United Kingdom (1968–
1970); Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil, University of London, United
Kingdom (1968–1971).
Previously: Chief of Staff, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital ,
Bermuda Hospital Board (1998–2001); Chief of Medicine, Bermuda
Hospital Board (1995–1998); Chairman, Warwick Academy Board of
Governors (1987–1992); President, Bermuda Medical Society (1984–
1986); Chairman, Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine
(1976–1978); Consultant Physician, King Edward VII Memorial
Hospital (1973–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PATWARI, Satinder Aneja (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Paediatric Neurology), Royal Children’s Hospital Manchester, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor, Lady Hardinge Medical College and SMT, S K
Hospital, New Delhi (from 1994).
Previously: Secretary, Association of Child Neurology (2002–2003);
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (1985–1998).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
PAULIN, Katherine Joy (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Atmospheric Physics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Marketing Information Analyst, National Bank (from
Previously: Research Scientist, National Institute of Water and
Atmosphere Research (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
PAYET, Rolph Antoine (Seychelles). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Biochemistry), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom (1989–
Currently: Director General, Ministry of Environment and Transport
(from 1999); Interim Regional Coordinator, Nairobi Convention
Regional Coordinating Unit (from 1999); Co-Chair, International
Coral Reef Initiative; Chairman, Seychelles National Environment
Advisory Council; Chairman, Seychelles Centre for Marine Research
and Technology.
Previously: Director, Industrial Management and Planning, Ministry
of Industry (1996–1999); Assistant Director, Division of Environment
(Pollution Control) (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
PAYET, Ryan Neil (Seychelles). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Computer Science), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Software Engineer, Victoria Computer Services (VCS)
(from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
PAYNE, Robert Luxmore (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Control Systems), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Self-employed (from 1978).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of New South Wales (1977–1978).
Email: [email protected]
PEERALLY, Muhammad Abed (Mauritius). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Plant Pathology), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (1965–1968).
Currently: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Mauritius (from 1996).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Science (1994–1996).
PENG, Kah Poh (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Environmental Technology), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1996–1997).
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Currently: Assistant Director, Public Utilities Board (from 2001).
Previously: Deputy Chief Engineer, Ministry of the Environment
Email: [email protected]
PEPALL, Lynne Marie (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1976–1979).
Currently: Professor, Department of Economics, Tufts University, US
(from 2003).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Tufts
University, US (1987–2003); Assistant Professor, Concordia
University (1982–1987); Research Fellow, European University
Institute, Italy (1981–1982).
Email: [email protected]
PERCY, Carol Elaine (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(English Language), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1986–
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of English, University of
Toronto (from 1990).
Email: [email protected]
PERERA, Aurelia Jennifer (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Sexually Transmitted Diseases), United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of
Colombo (from 2001); Vice-President, Allergy Immunology Society
of Sri Lanka (from 2000).
Previously: President, Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists (2001–
2002); Associate Professor/Head, Department of Microbiology,
University of Colombo (1995–2001); Senior Lecturer, University of
Colombo (1986–1995).
Email: [email protected]
PERERA, Lalith (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Genome
Science), University of Dundee, United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Senior Research Officer, Coconut Research Institute (from
Previously: Research Officer, Coconut Research Institute (1991–
Email: [email protected]
PERERA, Manomi (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Metallurgical Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada;
PhD (Metallurgical Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston,
Canada (1986–1992).
Currently: Director General, National Institute of Technical Education
(from 2002).
Previously: Head, Department of Materials Engineering, University of
Moratuwa; Senior Lecturer, University of Moratuwa.
Email: [email protected]
PERI, Elizabeth (formerly WILLIS) (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
MA (Fine Art), University of Nigeria, Nigeria (1985).
Currently: Private Secretary, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
Department for International Development (from 2003).
Previously: Administrator, Health and Population Department, DFID
(2001–2003); Administrator, Environment Policy Department, DFID
(1999–2001); Screening Officer, Parliamentary Ombudsman’s Office
International Criminal Policy
Department/Environmental Policy Department, Home Office (1991–
PERKINS, Amanda Jane (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Lecturer (from 2000).
Previously: Articled Clerk, Clayton Utz Solicitors (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected]
PERSIANIS, Glafkos (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Marketing Director, Frito Lay Benelux (from 2002–2003).
Previously: Managing Director, Frito Lay Cyprus (1997–2001);
Management Consultant, LEK Consulting, UK (1995–1997); Brand
Manager, Procter & Gamble, Greece (1990–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PERVAR, Padmavathi (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Urban
and Regional Planning), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Treasurer, Institute of Town Planners, India (from 2003);
Professor, School of Planning and Architecture, Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University (from 2000).
Previously: Associate/Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture,
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (1985–2000).
Email: [email protected]
PETTER, Andrew John (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLB
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1981–1982).
Currently: Dean and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University
of Victoria (from 2001).
Previously: Attorney-General, Government of British Columbia
(2000); Minister of Advanced Education, Training and Technology,
Government of British Columbia (1998–2000); Minister of Finance,
Government of British Columbia (1996–1998); Minister of Forests,
Government of British Columbia (1993–1996); Minister of Aboriginal
Affairs, Government of British Columbia (1991–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PETTIGREW, Joyce Jane Marshall (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Sociology), University of Delhi, India (1965–1967).
Previously: Reader in Social Anthropology, Queens University,
Belfast (1991–1997); Senior Lecturer, Department of Social
Anthropology, Queens University, Belfast (1981–1991); Lecturer,
Department of Social Anthropology, Queens University, Belfast
(1971–1981); Research Associate, School of African and Oriental
Studies, University of London (1968–1971).
Email: [email protected]
PETTMAN, Ralph Harold (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(International Relations), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1969–1971).
Currently: Foundation Chair of International Relations, School of
History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations,
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (from 1994).
Previously: Professor, International Relations, Seinan Gakun
University, Japan (1992–1993); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Government and Public Administration, University of Sydney (1989–
1991); Director, United Nations and Commonwealth Section,
Australian Development Assistance Bureau (1987–1988); Senior
Research Officer, Legal and Projects Branch, Australian Human Rights
Commission (1981–1986); Assistant Director, Promotion and
Information Branch, Australian Human Rights Commission (1981–
1986); Director, National Schools’ Programme, Australian Human
Rights Commission (1981–1986); Associate Professor, Department of
Politics and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs, Princeton University, US (1980–1981); Research Fellow and
Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Relations,
Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University
(1975–1980); Lecturer, Department of Political Theory and
Institutions, Flinders University (1972–1974); Visiting Fellow,
Department of International Relations, Research School of Pacific
Studies, Australian National University; Visiting Fellow, Department
of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political
Science, UK; Consultant, Centre for Human Rights, United Nations,
US; Manager, Moscow Office, Australian Broadcasting Commission,
Russian Federation; Senior Research Officer, Australian Parliamentary
Library, Foreign Affairs Research Group; National Education
Coordinator, Australian Freedom From Hunger Campaign; Member,
Editorial Board of Advisers, Pacifica Review.
Email: [email protected]
PHILLIPS, Kim Marie (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Mediaeval History), University of York, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of
Auckland, New Zealand (from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of History, University of Auckland,
New Zealand (1997–2001).
Email: [email protected]
PHILLIPS, Perdita Stephanie (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MA (Fine Art), Goldsmiths College, United Kingdom (1997–1999).
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Currently: AFWA Basel Exchange Artist (from 2002).
Previously: Artist (1990–2002).
Email: [email protected]
Centre for HIV/AIDS Research, University of West Indies (from
Previously: Consultant Paediatrician (1993).
PHILLIPS, Richard (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada (1989–1994).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Salford (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
PIKIRAYI, Innocent (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Fellow
(Archaeology), Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, United Kingdom (2000–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of
Zimbabwe (from 2001); Head of Department, University of Zimbabwe
(from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of
Zimbabwe (1994–2000); Staff Development Fellow in Archaeology,
University of Zimbabwe (1988–2000).
Email: [email protected]
PHILOGENE, Bernard JR (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Zoology), Université de Montréal, Canada (1961–1964).
Currently: Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,
University of Ottawa, Canada (from 1974).
Previously: Chair/Vice-President, Academic Committee, Ontario
Universities, Canada (1992–1995); President, Canadian Consortium of
Scientific Societies, Canada (1992–1994); Vice-Rector, Academic,
University of Ottawa, Canada (1990–1997); Member, Ontario
Pesticide Advisory Committee, Canada (1987–1990); Dean, Faculty
of Science, University of Ottawa, Canada (1985–1990).
Awards: Fellow, Entomological Society of Canada, Canada;
Commandeur de l’Ordre des Palmes d’Academiques, France (2003);
Gold Medal, Entomological Society of Canada, Canada (2000).
Email: [email protected]
PHILPOTT, Andrew Bryan (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Control Engineering), University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom (1979–1982).
Currently: Professor, Faculty/School of Engineering, University of
Auckland (from 1986).
Previously: President, Operational Research Society of New Zealand
(1995–2001); Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK (1984–
1985); Visiting Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, US (1983).
Email: [email protected]
PHIRI, Bizeck Jube (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (African
History), Dalhousie University, Canada (1987–1991).
Currently: Dean, Humanities, University of Zambia (from 2001).
Previously: Head, History Department, University of Zambia; Dean,
Student Affairs, University of Zambia.
Email: [email protected]
PHIRI, Shamba (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Education
and Development), Institute of Education, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: External Relations and Resource Mobilisation Officer,
UNDP, Sierra Leone (from 2002); Member, Editors’ Forum (from
Previously: Monitoring and Reporting Officer, World Food
Programme, Malawi (2000–2001); Head of Programmes, Zambia Red
Cross Society (1998–2000); Survey/Cultural Officer, UNTAES Peace
Keeping Mission (1996–1998); Treasurer, ULIE African Society,
Sierra Leone (1992–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PHOON, Wai-On (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCP
(Child Care), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1960–1962).
Currently: Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney, Australia (from
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Occupational Health,
University of Sydney, Australia (1987–1996); Founding Editor, AsiaPacific Journal of Public Health, Asia-Pacific Consortium of Public
Health (1985–1991); Chairman, Joint ILO/WHO Expert Committee,
Switzerland (1983–1984); Vice-Dean, Faculty of Medicine, National
University of Singapore (1971–1974); Professor and Head,
Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, National University
of Singapore (1970–1987); President, Singapore Medical Association
(1969–1974); Medical Officer, Shell International (1963–1970);
President, Singapore Paediatric Society (1963–1964); Lecturer,
Paediatric Department, University of Singapore (1962–1963).
PIERRE, Russell B (Jamaica). Commonwealth Fellow (Critical Care
Paediatric Medicine), Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Member, Board of Directors, HOPE Worldwide Jamaica
(from 1999); Lecturer (from 1995); Consultant for Children’s Services,
PILLAI, Stefanie Shamila (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Speech Disfluencies), University of Newcastle
upon Tyne, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of English Language, Faculty of
Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya (from 1999).
Previously: Committee Member, Organising Committee of the 8th
English in South East Asia Conference (2002–2003); Member,
International Speech Communication Association (2002–2003); Peer
Reviewer, 4th International Symposium of Bilingualism, US (2002–
2003); Language Teacher (1993–1999); Secondary School Teacher,
Senior Methodist Girls’ School, Kuala Lumpur (1990–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PISCOPO, Suzanne Maria (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Human Ecology), Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada
Currently: Associate Lecturer, University of Malta (from 1995).
Previously: Associate Lecturer, Economics, University of Malta;
Trainer, International Training Centre for Women, Netherlands.
Email: [email protected]
PITEL, Stephen George Alexander (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLM (Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Western
Ontario (from 2000).
Previously: Associate Lawyer, Lerner & Associates (1997–2000).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Oral Medicine and Pathology),
University of Bristol, United Kingdom (1984–1988); Commonwealth
Fellow (Genetic Profile of Oral Cells), University of Bristol, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Peradeniya (from
Previously: Head of Department, University of Peradeniya (1999–
2000); General Secretary, Federation of University Teachers
Associations of Sri Lanka (1995–1997); Head of Department,
University of Peradeniya (1994–1998).
Email: [email protected]
POLIDANO, Charles (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Public Administration), Dalhousie University, Canada (1992–1994).
Currently: Director, Strategy and Planning, Office of the Prime
Minister (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Principal, Office of the Prime Minister; Lecturer,
Public Sector Management, University of Manchester, UK.
Email: [email protected]
POLYDOROU, Paraskevas (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Engineering), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1988–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PONGWENI, Alec Joshua (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Phonetics), School of Oriental and African Studies, United
Kingdom (1972–1975).
Currently: Professor, Department of English, University of Botswana,
Botswana (from 2001).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of English, University of
Botswana, Botswana (1994–2000); Senior Lecturer, Department of
English, University of Botswana, Botswana (1990–1993); Associate
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Professor, Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe (1989–1990); Deputy
Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Zimbabwe (1988–1989);
Chairman, Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe (1986–
1989); Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of
Zimbabwe (1985–1988); Lecturer, Department of English, University
of Zimbabwe (1978–1984).
Email: [email protected]
PORTER, Julie M (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Zoology), University of Durham, United Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Scientific Editor, International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (from 2002).
Previously: Research Scientist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,
Government of Canada (1989–2002).
Email: [email protected]
POSE, Kevin Sol (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL (Law),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1971–1973).
Currently: Member, Law Faculty Board, Monash University (from
1996); Partner, Allens Arthur Robinson (from 1987).
Previously: Chairman, Tax Committee, Law Council of Australia
(1991–1994); Member, National Tax Liaison Committee, Australian
Tax Office (1991–1994); Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University
of Melbourne (1977–1987); Barrister (1976–1987); Lecturer, Monash
University (1974–1977).
(Geoenvironmental Engineering), McGill University, Canada (1993–
Currently: Senior Contaminant Hydrogeologist, National Groundwater
and Contaminated Land Centre, Environment Agency (from 2001).
Previously: Contaminant Hydrogeologist, Environment Agency.
Email: [email protected]
POWELL, Avril Ann (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Aligarh
Muslim University, India.
Currently: Trustee, Charles Wallace (Pakistan) Trust (from 2000);
Senior Lecturer, Department of History, School of Oriental and
African Studies, University of London (from 1988).
Previously: Lecturer in History, Loughborough College of Education/
Loughborough University (1974–1988); Lecturer in History, Kinnaird
College for Women/GVSO, Pakistan (1966–1968).
Email: [email protected]
POWELL, Harley Robert (Australia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Nephrology), Birmingham Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Nephrologist, Renal Unit, Royal Children’s Hospital
(from 1994).
Previously: Director, Department of Nephrology, Royal Children’s
Hospital (1979–1994).
Email: [email protected]
PRAEGER, Cheryl Elisabeth (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Mathematics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of
Western Australia (from 1983).
Previously: Dean, Postgraduate Research Studies, University of
Western Australia (1996–1998); Senior Lecturer, University of
Western Australia (1976–1983); Research Fellow, Australian National
University (1973–1995).
Email: [email protected]
PRAKASH, Jai (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Nephrology/Renal
Transplant), St James’ University Hospital (Leeds), United Kingdom
Currently: Professor and Head of Department, Banaras Hindu
University (from 2001).
Previously: Professor of Nephrology, Institute of Medical Sciences
(1997–2001); Head, Department of Nephrology, Banaras Hindu
University (1993–1995); Reader in Nephrology, Department of
Medicine, Banaras Hindu University (1990–1997).
Email: [email protected]
PRATAP, Dinesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Geography),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Honorary Coordinator, Centre for Technology and
Development (from 1992); Reader and Head, Department of
Geography, D A V Postgraduate College (from 1981).
Previously: Secretary, Doon Science Forum (1991–1993).
Email: [email protected]
PRATAP, Vir Brajendra (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Paediatric
Ophthalmology), Leeds General Infirmary, United Kingdom (1978–
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology,
Lucknow Medical College (from 2003); President, Combat Blindness
Foundation, India Branch (from 2000); President, National Association
for the Blind, Lucknow Branch (from 2000); President, Kalyanam
Karoti (NGO) (from 1999).
Previously: President, Uttar Pradesh State Ophthalmic Society (2002–
Email: [email protected]
PRICE, Stephen Jeremy (Cayman Islands). Commonwealth Scholar,
MBA (Business Administration), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Investment Adviser, Royal Bank of Canada Dominion
Securities, Canada (from 2001).
Previously: Managing Director, Eurotrade Securities (2000–2001);
Financial Analyst, Goldman Sachs (1995–1998).
Email: [email protected]
PRINCE, Rosette (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar, BA (Natural
Sciences), St Francis Xavier University, Canada (1969–1973).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Science Education, Dominica State
College (from 2002).
Previously: Tutor, Teachers’ Training College; Head of Department,
Dominica Grammar School.
Email: [email protected]
PRIOR, Graham Clifton (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1961–1963).
Currently: Chairman, South Australia, Electoral Districts Boundries
Commission (from 2002); Justice, Courts Administration Authority,
Supreme Court of Southern Australia (from 1984).
Previously: Crown Solicitor, Courts Administration Authority- South
Australia (1976–1984); Deputy Crown Solicitor, Courts
Administration Authority (1971–1976).
Email: [email protected]
PRITCHARD, Colin Leonard (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Currently: Sustainability Working Group, Institution of Chemical
Engineers (from 1998); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of Edinburgh (from 1978).
Previously: Board Member, Programme Group, Trustee, Engineers
Against Poverty (1999–2002); Director, Centre for the Study of
Environmental Change and Sustainability, University of Edinburgh
(1997–2000); Vice-Chair of Scottish Branch, Institution of Chemical
Engineers (1996–2000); International Committee, Institution of
Chemical Engineers (1995–1998); Secondment to SL, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1979–1981);
National Committee Member, World Development Movement (1978–
1980); Director, Society, Religion and Technology Project, Church of
Scotland (1975–1978); Chemical Engineer, Courtaulds Ltd (1967–
Email: [email protected]
PUCKRIDGE, Donald William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agricultural Botany), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Previously: Programme Leader, International Rice Research Institute,
Thailand (1981–1996); Lecturer (1965–1981).
Email: [email protected]
QUADIR, Raushan Ara (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Applied Mathematics), University of Western Ontario,
Canada; PhD (Applied Mathematics), University of Western Ontario,
Canada (1985–1993).
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Currently: Lecturer, University of Durban-Westville, South Africa
(from 1996).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Medical University of Southern Africa.
Email: [email protected]
Lecturer, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
RAHMAN, Ahmad (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Civil Engineering), Athabasca University, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Research Officer, National Research Council Canada,
Canada (from 1989).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology; Staff Engineer, Suter
Keller and Associates.
Email: [email protected]
RABAH, Kefa V O (Kenya). Commonwealth Fellow (Physics),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Eastern
Mediterranean University, Turkey (from 1999); Chief Executive, Head
Office, Green Africa Network (NGO) (from 1996).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey
Email: [email protected]
RADIX, Wayne Joseph (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Human Resource Management), University of Manchester, United
Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Head, Change Management Unit, Public Service
Management Improvement Project, Government of Grenada (from
2003); Committee Coordinator, Human Resource Management
Association of Grenada (from 2003).
Previously: Head, Human Resource Management, Department of
Human Resources, Government of Grenada (2001–2003); Human
Resource Management Officer, Government of Grenada, (1999–2001).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
RAE, Patricia Marion (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1977–1981).
Currently: Head, Department of English, Queen’s University at
Kingston (from 2002).
Previously: Associate Professor of English, Queen’s University at
Kingston (1997–2002); Assistant Professor of English, Queen’s
University at Kingston (1992–1997).
Email: [email protected]
RAGOONADEN, Sachooda (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Meteorology), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1969–
Previously: Deputy Director, Department of Meteorological Services,
Government of Mauritius (2000–2001); Divisional Meteorologist,
Department of Meteorological Services, Government of Mauritius
(1988–2000); Meteorologist, Government of Mauritius (1972–1988).
Awards: Distinguished Service Medal, President (2002); Outstanding
Services Certificate, World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva
Email: [email protected]
RAHIM, Md Abdur (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Horticulture), Imperial College London at Wye, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Horticulture, Department of Horticulture,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1982).
Email: [email protected]
RAHMAN, A K M Shamsur (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Philosophy), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Head of Department, University of Chittagong (from 2003);
Professor of Philosophy, University of Chittagong (from 2003);
Member, Academic Council, University of Chittagong (from 1998);
Member, Executive Committee, Bangladesh Philosophical Association
(from 1982).
Email: [email protected]
RAHMAN, Abdul Rashid (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Clinical Pharmacology and Vascular Research), University of
Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Director, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti
Sains Malaysia (from 2002); Member, Malaysian Medical Council
(from 1999); President, Malaysian Society of Hypertension (from
Previously: Vice-Chairman, Kelantan Branch, Malaysian Medical
Association (1998–1999); Deputy Dean and Associate Professor,
School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (1996–2002);
RAHMAN, Atiur (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Board of Directors, Bishway Shahitya Kendro
(from 2002); Chairman, Board of Directors, Unnayan Shamunnay
(from 1995); Senior Research Fellow, Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies (from 1988).
Previously: Chairman, Board of Directors, Janata Bank (2000–2001);
Member, Board of Trustees, Bangladesh Institute of Development
Studies (1999–2001); Director, Board of Directors, Sonali Bank
(1996–2000); Research Fellow (1988–1990); Staff Economist,
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (1977–1980).
Email: [email protected]
RAITER, Isaac (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, FRCS
(Ophthalmology), University of London, United Kingdom (1963–
Currently: Ophthalmic Surgeon, King Edward Memorial Hospital for
Women (from 1968).
Previously: Member, Electoral Committee, Princess Margaret Hospital
for Children (1984–1988); President, Hale School Parents and Friends
(1970–1977); Ophthalmic Surgeon, Princess Margaret Hospital for
Children (1966–1988); Ophthalmic Surgeon, Perth Teaching Hospitals
Email: [email protected]
RAJAGOPAL, Subbaram (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Orthopaedics), Princess Margaret Rose Hospital (Edinburgh), United
Kingdom (1976–1978).
Currently: Dean, A M S College of Paramedical Sciences (from 1998);
Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery, Madras Medical College (from 1993);
Additional Professor/Project Officer, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery and Paraplegia, Madras Medical College (from 1989);
Professor, Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital (from 1978);
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sahidan University Hospital, Islamic Republic
of Iran (from 1975).
Previously: Director/Professor/Principal, Maharaji College of
Paramedical Sciences and Santosh Hospital (1995–1997); Additional
Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Madras Medical
College/Institute of Child Health/Hospital for Children (1978–1987).
Email: [email protected]
RAJAPAKSE, Rohan Harshalal S (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Crop Protection), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Agricultural Biology, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Ruhuna (from 1997); Deputy ViceChancellor, University of Ruhuna (from 1997).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Biology,
University of Ruhuna (1992–1997); Senior Lecturer/Dean, University
of Ruhuna (1985–1992); Assistant Lecturer, University of Ruhuna
Email: rohanr@[email protected]
RAJI, Abdulmajeed Ifedapo (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Microbiology), King’s College London, United Kingdom (2001–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Ilorin (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Federal University of Technology, Yola
(1996–1999); Sergeant-at-Arms, Rotary International (1995–1996);
Lecturer I, Ahmadu Bello University (1987–1996).
Email: [email protected]
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RAJU, Krishna N (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Civil
Engineering), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1965–1969).
Previously: Professor, Civil Engineering Department, M S Ramaiah
Institute of Technology, Bangalore (1982–1994); Visiting Professor,
Civil Engineering Department, University of Basrah, Iraq (1979–
1982); Secretary, Indian Society of Technical Education (1974–1976).
RAKA, Madhu (formerly GUPTA) (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Pure Mathematics), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1979–1980).
Currently: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Panjab University
(from 1998).
Previously: Reader/Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Panjab University (1986–1998); Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
Panjab University (1980–1986).
Awards: Young Scientist Award, Indian National Science Academy
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
RAMA MURTHY, Kolluri Janaki (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Respiratory Diseases), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (1973–1974).
Currently: Member, PhD Board of Studies, University of Health
Sciences (from 2002); Member, Scientific Advisory Expert Group,
Institute of Genetics, Osmania University (from 2000); Member, State
and District TB Control Society (from 2000); Honorary Consultant
Chest Physician, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (from 2000);
Honorary Consultant Chest Physician, Yoga Research Institute,
Govenment of Andhra Pradesh (from 2000); Member, Academic
Council, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (from 1995); Research
Coordinator, Bhagran Mahavir Medical Research Centre (from 1980).
Previously: Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Physician,
Hospital for Diseases of the Chest and Tuberculosis, Osmania Medical
College (1975–1983).
Email: [email protected]
RAMAKRISHNA, Medahalli (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Computer Science), University of Waterloo, Canada; PhD
(Computer Science), University of Waterloo, Canada (1981–1986).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Australia (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, US;
Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
RAMANUJAM, Nandini (India). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Interim President, Canadian Human Rights Foundation
(CHRF), Canada (from 2003); Special Assistant to the President of
Bard College, Canada (from 2002); Fellow, Levy Institute of
Economics, Bard College, Canada (from 2002); Consultant, Canada
(from 2001); Board Member and Executive, Canadian Human Rights
Foundation (CHRF), Canada (from 2001).
Previously: Director, Higher Education Support Programme, Open
Society Institute, Canada (1998–2000); Director, Baltic and Eurasian
Programs, Civic Education Project, Canada (1995–1998); Visiting
Lecturer, Civic Education Project, Canada (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]
RAMARAJAN, Sourirajan (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electronics), University of Southampton, United Kingdom (1978–
Previously: Professor, Mohammad Sathak Engineering College
(1995); Professor, Mookambigai Engineering College (1988–1994);
Assistant Professor, Dayananda Sagar Engineering College (1981–
1988); Lecturer, Annamalai University (1980–1981).
RAMESSUR, Roshan Teewary (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
BSc (Marine Chemistry), University of Wales, Bangor, United
Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Senior Lecturer in Coastal Sciences, University of
Mauritius (from 1988).
Email: [email protected]
RAMIAH, Saraswathi (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Materials
Science), University of Leicester, United Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Reader and Head, Department of Materials Science,
Madurai-Kamaraj University (from 1988).
Email: [email protected]
RAMMEA, Lisema Victor (Lesotho). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Pure Mathematics), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Lecturer, National University of Lesotho (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
RAMRATTAN, Dave Vinol (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSci (Concrete Structures), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1977–1978).
Currently: Senior Structural Engineer, Entech-TRG, Bermuda (from
Previously: Director, Ashtec Ltd (1995–1999); Construction Manager,
Design Group, Bermuda (1989–1992); Director, Project Control
Association (1980–1989); Acting Chief Designs Engineer, Ministry of
Work (1979–1980); Civil Engineer, Ministry of Work (1975–1979).
Email: [email protected]
RANA, Jogender Singh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Host Plant
Resistance Against Insect Pests), University of East Anglia, United
Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Entomology,
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (from
Previously: Senior Assistant Professor, Chaudhary Charan Singh
Haryana Agricultural University (1995–2000); Assistant Professor,
Department of Entomology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana
Agricultural University (1991–1995).
Email: [email protected]
RANASINGHE, Kulatilleke (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Civil Engineering), University of British Columbia, Canada;
PhD (Civil Engineering), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Professor and Dean, University of Moratuwa (from 2000).
Previously: Head, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Moratuwa; Associate Professor, University of Moratuwa.
Email: [email protected]
RANDLE, Ian Lucein (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(International Studies), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Founder/President/Publisher, Ian Randle Publishers Ltd
(from 1990).
Previously: First President, Caribbean Publishers’ Network (2000–
2002); Managing Director, Heineman Publishers Caribbean Ltd
Awards: Order of Distinction, contribution to the development of
publishing (2001).
Email: [email protected]
RAO, Govindaraju S K (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geographic Information Systems), University of Manitoba, Canada
Currently: Assistant General Manager, Larsen and Toubro Infotech
Ltd (from 1995).
Previously: Secretary, Indian Society of Geomatics, Mumbai Chapter.
Email: [email protected]
RASUL, Elmy Samsun (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Medical
Microbiology), Imperial College London School of Medicine at
Hammersmith, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Associate Professor of Microbiology, Gauhati Medical
College (from 1998).
Previously: Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Gauhati Medical
College (1993–1998); Demonstrator of Microbiology, Gauhati
Medical College (1986–1993).
Email: [email protected]
RATH, Aswini Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Physics),
University of Surrey, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Sambalpur
University (from 1994); Life Member, Indian Physics Association
(from 1984).
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Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, Sambalpur University (1991–1993);
Secretary, Alumni Association, Institute of Physics (1989–1990);
Research Scholar, Institute of Physics (1983–1991).
Email: [email protected]
RATNOO, Himmat Singh (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University College London, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Secretary, Maharshi Dayanand University Teachers’
Association (from 2001); Member, National Executive Committee, All
India Federation of University and College Teachers Organization
(from 2001); Lecturer, Department of Economics, Maharshi Dayanand
University (from 1988).
Previously: Member, Executive Committee, Maharshi Dayanand
University Teachers’ Association (1994–2001).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Applied Entomology), Imperial College
London, United Kingdom (1983–1987); Commonwealth Fellow
(Applied Entomology), University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University (from
Previously: National Coordinator, Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural
Research Policy (2002); Member, Ministry of Agriculture (2001–
2002); Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University (1993–1994);
Head, Department of Agronomy, Eastern University (1990–1993);
Head, Department of Agronomy, Eastern University (1988–1989);
Research Officer, Department of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
Awards: National Award for Best Communicator in Science, Sri Lanka
Association for Advancement of Science (1998).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
RAVINDRA, Moogina (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electronic Engineering), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: Head, Components Division, ISRO Satellite Centre (from
Email: [email protected]
RAVIRAJ, A (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Research towards PhD
(Soil and Water Conservation Engineering), University of Newcastle
upon Tyne, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University (from 2003).
Previously: PhD Student, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK (1999–2002); Assistant
Professor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (1995–1999).
Email: [email protected]
RAYNERIUS, Andrew Muhiri (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Digital Communications), University of Bath, United Kingdom
Previously: Revenue Protection Engineer/System Control Engineer,
Tanesco Ltd (2001–2002); System Control Engineer, Tanesco Ltd
(2000–2001); Maintenance and Electrical Engineer, Tanesco Ltd
Email: [email protected]
RAZZAQUE, Mohammad Abdur (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Economics), University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer of Economics, University of Dhaka (from 1997).
Previously: Research Associate, Centre for Policy Dialogue (1995–
1997); Research Fellow.
Email: [email protected]
READ, Rebecca Louise (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Biochemistry (Molecular Oncology)), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Tutor, St Andrew’s College, University of Sydney (from
2003); Medical Student (from 2003).
Previously: Scientist, Cell Cycle Group, Institute for Molecular
Medicine, University of Oxford, UK (1999–2002).
Email: [email protected]
REDDY, Eadala Saibaba (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Civil Engineering), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Engineering), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (2002–
Currently: Professor of Civil Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University College of Engineering.
Email: [email protected]
REDDY, Mopuri Narasimha (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Plant
Pathology), University College London, United Kingdom (1988–
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Applied Microbiology,
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (from 1993); Chairperson,
Board of Studies, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (from 1993).
Previously: Reader, Department of Botany, Sri Venkateswara
University (1989–1993); Lecturer, Department of Botany, Sri
Venkateswara University (1979–1989); Pool Officer, Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (1976–1979).
Email: [email protected]
REDDY, Shakila (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (HIV/AIDS Education), University of Sussex, United
Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Director, Thintana Mathematics, Science and Technology
Education Project, University of Durban-Westville (from 2003);
Lecturer II, Department of Applied Curriculum Studies, School of
Education Studies, University of Durban-Westville (from 1999).
Previously: Member, Council Committee on HIV/AIDS, University
of Durban-Westville (2000).
Email: [email protected]
REHMAN, Aali Areefur (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Shakespeare Studies), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of English, University of Rajshahi (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
REVIERE, Ruth (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s,
Dalhousie University, Canada; PhD (Education), Dalhousie University,
Canada (1991–1996).
Currently: Curriculum Developer, University of the West Indies (from
Email: [email protected]
REYNOLDS, Philip (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Religion),
University of Toronto, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Aquinas Associate Professor, Historical Theology, Emory
University (from 1992).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Bristol.
Email: [email protected]
RHODES-ROBINSON, Philip Frederick (New Zealand).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Applied Mathematics), University of
Manchester, United Kingdom (1963–1967).
Currently: Associate Professor of Mathematics, Victoria University of
Wellington (from 1985).
Previously: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, Victoria University of
Wellington (1974–1984); Lecturer in Mathematics, Victoria University
of Wellington (1968–1973).
Email: [email protected]
RIALAS, Kyriakos Chrysanthou (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1983–
Currently: General Manager, Commercial Bank of Greece IBU (from
Previously: Chartered Accountant, KPMG Chartered Accountants
Email: [email protected]
RICHARDS, Lundie Rae (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences), University of Bristol,
United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Director, National Blood Transfusion Service (from 2002).
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Previously: Deputy Director, National Blood Transfusion Service
(2001–2002); Consultant Clinical Haematologist-Oncologist, National
Public Health Laboratory (1999–2001).
Email: [email protected]
RICKERD, Christopher Robert J (Canada). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (European Politics and Society), University of Oxford,
United Kingdom (1995–1997).
Previously: Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Canada (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]
RINDANI, Saurabh Dilsukhrai (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Theoretical Physics), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1976–1977).
Currently: Professor, Physical Research Laboratory (from 1997).
Previously: Associate Professor (1989–1997); Reader, Institute of
Mathematical Sciences (1985–1989).
Email: [email protected]
RISELEY, Andrew Stuart P (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Regulation), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Solicitor, Mallesons Stephen Jaques (from 1998).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer (1997–1998).
Email: [email protected]
RIVERS, Bronwyn Anne (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of New South Wales (from
Email: [email protected]
RIX, Leonard Bridle (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1963–1965).
Currently: Editor, Two-Tone Poetry magazine (from 2003); Head of
Careers, Manchester Grammar School, UK (from 1977).
Previously: Lecturer, English Department, University of Zimbabwe
(1972–1977); Assistant English Teacher, Slough Education
Committee, Langley Grammar School, UK (1965–1971).
Email: [email protected]
ROBERT, Andre (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Geography, York
University (from 1994).
Previously: Assistant Professor, York University (1990–1994);
Postdoctoral Fellow, Université de Montréal (1988–1990).
Email: [email protected]
ROBERTS, Anthony John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Applied Mathematics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Electronic Editor, Australian Mathematical Society (from
1997); Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Southern
Queensland (from 1993).
Previously: Council, Australian Mathematical Society (1993–1996);
Executive, Division of Applied Mathematics, Australian Mathematical
Society (1989–1990); Lecturer, University of Adelaide (1983–1992).
Email: [email protected]
ROBERTSON, Neil Graham (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1986–
Currently: Assistant/Associate Professor of Social Science and
Humanities, University of King’s College (from 1995).
Previously: Junior Fellow, Foundation Year Programme, University
of King’s College (1989–1995).
Email: [email protected]
ROBINSON, Michael Frederick (Australia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Immunology), Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, United Kingdom (1979–
Currently: Director, Sonic Healthcare Ltd (from 2000); Chairman,
Medical Practice Committee, Sonic Healthcare Ltd (from 2000);
Chairman of the Board, Northern Pathology Pty Ltd (from 1998);
CEO, Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology (from 1997); Partner/Director,
Department of Immunology, Sullivan Nicolaides Pty Ltd (from 1984);
Consultant Clinical Immunologist, Private Practice (from 1980).
Previously: Member, Sonic Executive Committee, Sonic Healthcare
Ltd (2000–2002); Member, Queensland State Committee, Royal
College of Pathology (1998–2000); Queensland Councillor, Australian
Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (1991–1993); Partner/
Director, Information Services, Sullivan Nicolaides Pty Ltd (1984–
1999); VMO (Clinical Immunology), Department of Medicine,
University of Queensland (1984–1990); Member, Specialist Advisory
Committee, Royal Australian College of Physicians (1982–1984);
Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland (1980–1984).
Email: [email protected]
RODGER, Christopher Andrew (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Mathematics), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Board Member/Treasurer, East Alabama Food Bank, US
(from 1999); Professor, Auburn University, US (from 1982).
RODRIGO, Ginige Dushmanthi Ishani (formerly DE SILVA) (Sri
Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Clinical Medicine
(Paediatrics)), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–2002).
Currently: Editor, Perinatal Society of Sri Lanka (from 2002); Senior
Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, University of Colombo (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, University of
Colombo (1994–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ROSALIE, William Clency (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Classics), University of Durham, United Kingdom (1966–1969).
Currently: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Industry and International
Trade (from 2000); Member, Board of Directors, Mauritius Freeport
Authority (from 2000); Member, Board of Directors, Board of
Investment (from 2000); Member, Board of Directors, Mauritius
Industrial Development Authority (from 2000).
Previously: Chairman, Regional Tourism Organisation of South Africa
(RETOSA) (1996–1999); Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism
(1992–2000); Principal Assistant Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office,
External Communications Division (1985–1992); Member, Board of
Directors, Mauritius Marine Authority (1985–1992); Member, Board
of Directors, Air Mauritius Ltd (1985–1992); Member, Board of
Directors, Overseas Telecomunications Co Ltd (1985–1992); Principal
Assistant Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, Home Affairs Division
(1978–1984); Assistant Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, Home
Affairs Division (1972–1978); Administrative Assistant, Tourism and
Immigration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1970–1972).
Email: [email protected]
ROSE, Andrew Kenan (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Economics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1982–1983).
Currently: Professor, Haas School of Business, University of
California, Berkeley, US (from 1986).
Email: [email protected]
ROSE, James Godwin (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1989–1992).
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, University of Guyana (from 2000);
Chairman, National Advisory Committee, National Archives of
Guyana (from 1999); Chairman, Board of Directors, National Trust
of Guyana (from 1998).
Previously: Founder, The Berbice Campus, University of Guyana
(2000); Founder, The Sheddi Jagan Research Centre (1999);
Reestablished The National Trust of Guyana (1998); Dean, Faculty of
Arts, University of Guyana (1995–1999); Chairman, National Library
Advisory Committee (1994–2001); Lecturer, Department of History,
University of Guyana (1982–1995).
ROSS, Colin (Cayman Islands). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Education), Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada (1992–1993).
Currently: Permanent Secretary, Cayman Islands Government (from
Previously: Senior Assistant Secretary, Cayman Islands Government;
School Principal, Cayman Islands Government.
Email: [email protected]
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ROSS, David James (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Mathematics), University of Guelph, Canada (1996–1998).
Currently: Financial Engineer, Mako Global Derivatives (from 1998).
Previously: Financial Engineer, Mako Global Derivatives.
Email: [email protected]
ROTHNIE, Warwick Alan (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Law), Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom (1987–
Currently: Barrister (from 2002); Senior Associate, Mallesons Stephen
Jacques (from 2002); Visiting Fellow, University of Melbourne (from
1993); Member, Law Council, Australia’s Intellectual Property
Previously: Committee Member, Copyright Law Review Committee
(1999–2002); Partner, Mallesons Stephen Jacques (1997–2001).
Email: [email protected]
ROY, Darbeshwar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biometrical Genetics), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Genetics and Plant
Breeding, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and
Technology (from 1998).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Govind Ballabh Pant University of
Agriculture and Technology (1985–1998).
Email: [email protected]
RUCKLIDGE, Alastair Michael (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Physics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1988–
Currently: Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
RUSSELL, Andrea Faith (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(International Relations), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Litigation Associate, White and Case LLP, US (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
SADIQ, Sultan Ali (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Orthopaedic
Surgery), Princess Margaret Rose Hospital (Edinburgh), United
Kingdom (1976–1977).
Currently: Director/Principal/Dean/Chief Medical Superintendent,
Era’s Lucknow Medical College (from 2002).
Previously: Principal/Chief Medical Superintendent, Jawaharlal Nehru
Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University (2000–2002); Professor
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Aligarh Muslim University (1967–2000).
Awards: Udyog Excellence Award, International Institute of
Education; Jewel of India Award, The International Institute of
Education and Management (2001); Life Time Achievement Award,
National and International Compendium (2001).
Email: [email protected]
SADOMBA, Clara Petronella (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Metallurgical Engineering), McGill University, Canada
Currently: Raw Materials Manager, Zimasco (Pvt) Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Process Metallurgist, Union Carbide Ltd; Laboratory
Manager, Zimasco (Pvt) Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
SAEED, Sarah (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Economics
for Development), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Commercial Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Netherlands
(from 2002).
Previously: Section Officer (WTO), Ministry of Commerce (2000–
2002); Assistant Commissioner, Revenue Division, Ministry of
Commerce (1999–2000).
Email: [email protected]
SAGE, Michael Radford (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCP
(Radiology), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1972–1974).
Currently: Member, Committee on International Relations and
Education (from 2000); Vice-Patron, Neurosurgical Research
Foundation (from 1998); Member, DHFS/DVA Health Advisory Panel
(from 1998); Member, Scientific Committee, Neurosurgical Research
Foundation (from 1995); Member, Professional Services Review Panel
(from 1995); Member, State Advisory Committee for the South
Australia Mammography Screening Program (from 1992); Member,
Radiation Protection Committee, Government of South Australia (from
1985); Professor and Head, Department of Medical Imaging, Flinders
Medical Centre (from 1984); Divisional Director, Division of Medical
Imaging, Flinders Medical Centre (from 1984); Chairman, Division of
Radiology, Repatriation General Hospital.
Previously: Secretary-General, World Federation of Neuroradiological
Societies (1994–1999); Foundation President, Australian and New
Zealand Society of Neuroradiology (1992–1996); Member, Advisory
Group to Minister of Health on General Medical Matters (1986–1989);
Member, Advisory Committee on Radiological Technology (1982–
1990); Associate Professor of Radiology, Flinders University of South
Australia (1982–1984); Acting Chairman, Department of Radiology,
Flinders University of South Australia and Flinders Medical Centre
(1982–1984); Visiting Professor, Duke University Medical Center, US
(1980); Senior Visiting Radiologist, Repatriation General Hospital
(1976–1990); Director of Radiology, Flinders Medical Centre (1976–
1984); Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiology, Flinders University
of South Australia (1976–1982); Assistant Director of Radiology, The
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (1974–1976); Lecturer in Radiology, South
Australian Institute of Technology (1974–1976).
Awards: Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of London (1996);
Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (1982); Fellow ,
Royal College of Radiologists of London (1973).
Email: [email protected]
SAHO, Bah F M (The Gambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Renewable Energy and Environment), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: Director of Energy, Office of the President (from 2001);
Chairman, Renewable Energy Agency (NGO) (from 1998).
Previously: Acting Director of Energy, Department of State for Trade,
Industry and Employment (2000–2001); Principal Energy Officer,
Department of State for Trade, Industry and Employment (1995–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SAILI, Arvind (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Neonatology),
Imperial Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Paediatrics, Lady Harding Medical College,
Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital (from 1994); National Convenor,
District Newton Care Programme, National Neonatology Forum.
Previously: Secretary, National Neonatology Forum of India (1999–
2000); Joint Secretary, National Neonatology Forum of India (1997–
1998); Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Lady Harding Medical
College (1989–1994); Assistant Professor of Paediatrics, Lady Harding
Medical College (1986–1989).
Email: [email protected]
SAINE, Pa Cheboh (The Gambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MBA
(Personnel/Strategic/Financial Resources Management), University of
Lancaster, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Engineering and Maintenance Manager, Gambia Civil
Aviation Authority (from 1991).
Previously: Senior Engineer, Gambia Civil Aviation Authority (1989–
1991); Aeronautical Electronic Engineer, Gambia Civil Aviation
Authority (1988–1989).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
ST. CLAIR, Merle (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Information Studies), University of Toronto, Canada (1998–2000).
Currently: College Librarian, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College
(from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Librarian, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College.
Email: [email protected]
ST. CYR, Eric Baldwin Anderson (Trinidad and Tobago).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Economics), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (1963–1966).
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Currently: Pastor/Administrator, Faith Revival Ministries, World
Outreach Inc. (from 1991).
Previously: Independent Senator, Government of Republic of Trinidad
and Tobago (1995–2000); Economic Affairs Officer, Port of Spain
Office, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
(1982–1983); Member, Board of Directors, Central Bank of Trinidad
and Tobago (1973–1986); Visiting Professor of Economics, Southern
Illinois University, US (1970); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, University of
the West Indies (1966–1992).
Email: [email protected]
Previously: Minister, Government of Trinidad and Tobago (1986–
1991); Senator, Government of Trinidad and Tobago (1981–1986).
Email: [email protected]
SALAWU, Raifu Isola (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electronics), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos
(from 1983).
Secretary, Nigeria Academy of Engineering (1998–2001); Registrar,
Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) (1991–
1997); Chairman, Committee on New Renewable and Solar Energies,
OAU/STRC (1989–2001); Vice-President/Secretary General, Nigerian
Society of Engineers (1984–1996); Associate Professor, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Lagos (1982–1983).
Email: [email protected]
SAMAT, Narimah (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (GIS
(Modelling Sustainable Land Use Development)), University of Leeds,
United Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Assistant Secretary, Malaysia National Geographic
Association (from 2003); Lecturer, School of Humanities, Universiti
Sains Malaysia (from 1995).
Previously: Tutor, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia
(1991–1995); Research Specialist, Hays County Mapping Project
Email: [email protected]
SALIBA, Michael Angelo (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Robotics Engineering), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Lecturer, University of Malta (from 1998).
Previously: EU FP5 Growth National Contact Point, Malta Council
for Science and Technology; Planning and Development Engineer,
Airmalta Co. Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
SALIM, A F M (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Paediatric Gastroenterology), St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Queen
Mary and Westfield College), United Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Deputy Academic Director, Institute of Child Health and
Shishu Hospital (from 2002); Adviser, Shishu Shasthya Foundation
(from 2002).
Previously: Paediatrician, Brunei Darussalam (1992–2002); Associate
Professor of Paediatrics, Bangladesh Institute of Child Health (1990–
Email: [email protected]
SALIM, Muslima Imam (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Occupational Medicine), London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, United Kingdom (1989–1990).
Previously: Medical Programme Officer, Brunei Darussalam (1993–
2002); Head, Occupational and Environmental Health Unit, Public
Health Services, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam (1990–1992);
Lecturer of Occupational and Environmental Health, National Institute
of Social and Preventive Medicine (1987–1989).
Email: [email protected]
SALMON, Rhan Anya (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Atmosphere Chemistry), York University, Canada (1997–1998).
Currently: Tropospheric Chemist, British Antarctic Survey (from
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Engineering (Coastal Lagoon
Dynamics)), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Moratuwa (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Moratuwa (1992–1999).
Email: [email protected]
SAMAROO, Brinsley (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (History), Birkbeck, University of London, United
Kingdom (1967–1969).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, History Department, University of West
Indies (from 1991).
SAMAROO, Mahendra (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Earth Sciences), University of Waterloo, Canada (1997–1999).
Currently: Country Representative, TRX Earth Sciences (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Environmental Officer, Guyana Geology and Mines
Commission; Operations Manager, Triple C Mining (Guyana) Inc.
Email: [email protected]
SAMATEH, Lamin (The Gambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Demography), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1980–1981).
Currently: Permanent Secretary/Administrative Officer, World Health
Organisation, Zimbabwe (from 1996).
Previously: Secretary, District Community Development Efforts,
Zimbabwe (1984–1994); Commissioner, Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, Zimbabwe.
Email: [email protected]
SAMBILI, Hellen Jepkemboi (Kenya). Commonwealth Fellow
(Curriculum Reform), University of Lancaster, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, International Linkages and Study, Egerton
University (from 2001); Project Manager, Global-Ite Project, Egerton
University (from 2001); Chairman, Board of Governors, Noiwet
Boarding Primary School (from 2000).
Previously: Member, Board of Governors, Tabagon Girls’ Secondary
School (1999–2002); Chairman, Curriculum and Instruction
Department, Egerton University (1994–2001); Lecturer, Science
Department, Egerton University (1993–1994).
Email: [email protected]
SAMIAN, Mohammed Razip (Malaysia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Plant Molecular Genetics), University of East Anglia, United
Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: President, Jamaah Islah Malaysia (from 2001); Chairman
of Microbiology Programme, School of Biological Sciences, Universiti
Sains Malaysia (from 1990); Lecturer-Associate Professor, School of
Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (from 1990).
Awards: Gold Medal, Geneva Invention Exhibition, Switzerland
Email: [email protected]
SAMMUT, Michael (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Analytical Chemistry), University of Bristol, United Kingdom (1974–
Currently: Board Member, Institute for Forensic Studies, University
of Malta (from 2001); Member of the Medical Committee (Drug
Abuse), Malta Football Association (from 1997); Court Expert in
Forensic Toxicology, Local Law Courts (from 1985); Chief Scientific
Officer-Toxicologist, Toxicology Unit, Pathology Department, St
Luke’s Hospital, Department of Health (from 1980); Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta (from
Previously: Member of the Commonwealth Scholarships Board,
Department of Education (1996–1998); Adviser, Government
Departments/UN Agencies eg.UNEP, IAEA, Government Dental
Email: [email protected]
SAMMUT, Nazareno (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Business Administration), University of Bath, United Kingdom
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Currently: Managing Director, Management Development Studies,
Henley Management College/MDS Co. Ltd (from 1997).
Previously: Head, Department of Management, University of Malta
(1975–1997); Lecturer, Department of Management, University of
Malta (1967–1998).
SAMPFORD, Charles J G (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1979–1983).
Currently: President, International Institute for Public Ethics (from
2001); Member/Major Author, Council on Foreign Relations Task
Force on Threats to Democracy (from 2001); Foundation Director,
Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Griffith
University (from 1999); Chairman, Sampord and Stalt Ply Ltd (from
Previously: Vice-President, International Institute for Public Ethics
(1998–2001); Senior Legal Adviser, Scrutiny of Legislation
Committee, Queensland Parliament (1995–2002); Director, National
Institute for Law (1991–1998); Foundation Dean of Law, Griffith
University (1991–1994); Deputy Director and Principal Research
Fellow, Centre for Philosophy and Public Issues, Melbourne
University (1990–1991); Senior Lecturer, Law School, Melbourne
University (1987–1990); Lecturer, Law School, Melbourne University
Email: [email protected]
SAN ROQUE, Mehera (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Law), University of British Columbia, Canada (1997–1998).
Currently: Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales
(from 2002).
Previously: Research Assistant and Lecturer, University of Sydney.
Email: [email protected]
SANDERSON, Penelope (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Engineering Psychology), University of Toronto, Canada;
PhD (Engineering Psychology), University of Toronto, Canada (1980–
Currently: Professor, Cognitive Engineering and Human Factors,
University of Queensland (from 2001).
Previously: Professor, Human Computer Interaction, and Director,
SCHIL, Swinburne University of Technology, US; Associate
Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Psychology, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US.
Email: [email protected]
SANDRASEGARAN, Kumbesan (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Electrical Engineering), McGill University, Canada
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney,
Australia (from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Durban-Westville, South Africa;
Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe.
Email: [email protected]
SANGA, Kabini (Solomon Islands). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Educational Administration), University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, New
Zealand (from 2000).
Previously: Director and CEO, Solomon Islands College of Higher
Education; Deputy Director, Solomon Islands College of Higher
Email: [email protected]
SARAN, Ravindra Kumar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Neuropathology - Muscle Disease), Imperial College London School
of Medicine at Hammersmith, United Kingdom (2003).
Currently: Associate Professor of Pathology, Ministry of Health and
Welfare, Government of India, G B Pant Hospital (from 2000);
Assistant/Associate Professor of Public Organisation, GB Pant
Previously: Assistant Professor of Pathology, G B Pant Hospital;
Assistant Professor, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and
Research (PGIMER); Senior Resident, PGIMER; Lecturer/Assistant
Pathology, Tata Memorial Hospital; Senior Lecturer, Government
Medical College.
Email: [email protected]
SARAO, Karam Tej S (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Oriental Studies), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Visiting Professor, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist
Studies, Taiwan (Republic of China) (from 2002); Member, Governing
Body, Shyam Lai College, University of Delhi (from 2002); President,
Buddhist Education and Research Society (from 2002); Professor and
Head, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi (from
1993); Member, Court of Delhi University (from 1993).
Previously: Member, Academic Council, University of Delhi (1993–
1996); Senior Lecturer, University of Delhi (1981–1993).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SARKER, Ruhul (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering), Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada (1986–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia
(from 1998).
Previously: Associate Professor, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology; Senior Lecturer, University of New
South Wales, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
SARKODITE-ADDO, Joseph (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Agriculture), University of Guelph, Canada (1988–1991).
Currently: Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi.
Email: [email protected]
SARMA, Ramendra Nath (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Regional Agricultural Research
Station, Assam Agricultural University (from 1999).
Previously: Junior Scientist, Regional Agricultural Research Station,
Assam Agricultural University (1990–1998).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SASTRY, Rambhatla Gourisankar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Geophysics), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1989).
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee (from 1996).
Previously: Reader, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee (1986–1996); Lecturer, Department of Earth
Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (1981–1986).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma (Economic Development),
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1971–1973).
Currently: Associate Professor in Economics, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura (from 1995).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
(1981–1995); Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (1970–
Email: [email protected]
SATZEWICH, Victor Nicholas (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Sociology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: President, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology
Association (from 2002); Professor, Department of Sociology,
McMaster University (from 1995).
Previously: Associate Professor of Sociology, University of
Lethbridge (1992–1994); Assistant Professor of Sociology, University
of Saskatchewan (1988–1992).
Email: [email protected]
SAVVA, Maria Georghiou (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Economics and Accountancy), City University, United Kingdom
Currently: Officer in Charge of Collective Investment Schemes,
Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (from 2000).
Previously: Auditor (1991–2000).
Email: [email protected]
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SAWH, Lal Ramnath (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, FRCSEd (Surgery), University of Edinburgh, United
Kingdom (1977–1979).
Currently: Personal Urologist to President of Trinidad and Tobago
(from 2000); Consultant Urologic Surgeon, Ministry of Health (from
1988); Treasurer, Society of Surgeons of Trinidad and Tobago (from
Previously: Senior Registrar of Urology, San Fernando General
Hospital (1980–1988); Associate Lecturer in Urology, University of
West Indies.
SAXENA, Rajesh Chandra (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Problems of Glaucoma), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Practising Ophthalmologist, Private Clinic (from 1994).
Previously: Organiser, Free Eye Relief Camps, Combat Blindness
Foundation (1989–1995); Chief Supervisor, Combat Blindness
Foundation (1989–1995); Professor and Head, Department of
Ophthalmology, KG’s Medical College (1989–1994).
SCHEMBRI, Patrick Joseph (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Zoology), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (1977–1980).
Currently: Elected Fellow, Institute of Biology (from 1999);
Chairman, Board of the International Environment Institute,
Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta (from 1990);
Professor of Biology, University of Malta (from 1989).
Previously: Council Member, Malta Council for Science and
Technology (1997–1998); Lecturer in Biology, University of Malta
Email: [email protected]
SCHULL, Christopher Robert (Australia). Commonwealth Fellow
(Respiratory Medicine), City Hospital (Edinburgh), United Kingdom
Currently: Visiting Thoracic Physician, Department of Medicine,
Greenslopes Hospital, University of Queensland (from 1995); Senior
Lecturer (Honorary), Greenslopes Hospital, University of Queensland
(from 1980).
Previously: Senior Specialist Medical Officer, Greenslopes Hospital,
University of Queensland (1983–1995).
SCHWARTZ, Gregory (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Sociology), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1999–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
(from 2002).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Warwick, UK (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
SCICLUNA, Edward (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (Economics),
University of Toronto, Canada (1975–1981).
Currently: Chairman, Malta Council for Economic and Social
Development (from 1999).
Previously: Dean, Faculty of Economics, Management and
Accountancy, University of Malta; Chairman, Malta Financial Services
Email: [email protected]
SCICLUNA CALLEJA, Sandra (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Psychology), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Head, Psychology Department, University of Malta (from
Previously: Head of Department, University of Malta; Psychotherapist
and Professional Supervisor (private practice).
Email: [email protected]
SCIRIHA, Lydia (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Linguistics), University of Victoria, Canada; PhD (Linguistics),
University of Victoria, Canada (1982–1986).
Currently: Professor, University of Malta (from 1998).
Previously: Visiting Associate Professor, University of Cyprus,
Australia; Professorial Fellow, Victoria University of Technology,
Email: [email protected]
SCOBLE, Robert Michael (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Politics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1973–1975).
Currently: Managing Director, Spice Trade Corporation, Thailand
(from 1999).
Previously: Vice-President, WCS, Thailand (1996–1999); Chairman,
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity, Thailand (1992–1996); Various senior
management positions, Telestra (1986–1995); Deputy Ambassador to
Vietnam, Australian Foreign Service (1976–1985).
Email: [email protected]
SCOTFORD, Glenn Leigh (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Petroleum Geology), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Geologist, Santos Ltd (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
SCOTT, Janette Rose (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, MBA
(Business Administration), University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Currently: Business Manager, Radiology Department, University
Hospital of the West Indies (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Store Manager (2000–2002); Financial Analyst,
ICD Group (Mechala Group) (1994–2000); Secretary/Treasurer,
Geological Society of Jamaica (1986–1992).
Email: [email protected]
SEAH, Chee Meow (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Political Science), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1969–
Currently: Managing Director, Dennis Austin Education Centre (from
Previously: Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
(1971–2003); Lecturer.
Email: [email protected]
SEAH, Yang Hee (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Sociology), University of Toronto, Canada (1999–2001).
Currently: Assistant Director, Policy and Development, Rehabilitation
and Protection Division, Ministry of Community Development and
Sports (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Indian Philosophy and Religion),
Banaras Hindu University, India (1963–1965).
Currently: Lecturer in South Asian Studies, Department of Religions,
University of Manchester (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Lecturer in Ethnicity and Racism, Manchester
Metropolitan University (1980–2000); Lecturer in Sociology,
Department of Sociology, Banaras Hindu University, India (1974–
Email: [email protected]
SEBER, George Arthur Frederick (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Statistics), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Emeritus Professor of Statistics, Department of
Mathematics, University of Auckland (from 1999).
Previously: Chairman of Mathematics Department, University of
Auckland (1975–1981); Professor of Statistics, Mathematics
Department, University of Auckland (1973–1998).
Awards: Distinguished Statistical Ecologist Award, International
Association of Ecology (1998).
Email: [email protected]
SECKEL, Allan Paul (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Deputy Attorney General, Ministry of Attorney General,
Government of British Columbia (from 2003).
Previously: Barrister and Solicitor, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Email: [email protected]
SEDRA, Paul Douglas (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Modern Middle Eastern Studies), University of Oxford, United
Kingdom (1997–1999).
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Currently: Instructor, Near and Middle Eastern Civilisations,
University of Toronto (from 2003); PhD Candidate, History and
Middle Eastern Studies, New York University, US (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
SEELY, Robert A G (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Pure
Mathematics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1972–
Currently: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, McGill
University (from 1989); Professor, Department of Mathematics, John
Abbott College (from 1979).
Email: [email protected]
SEENEEVASSEN, Caroonanaden (Mauritius). Commonwealth
Scholar, BSc (Electronic Engineering), City University, United
Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Head, Network Strategy Division, Mauritius Telecom (from
Previously: Production Supervisor, Mauritius Telecom (1984–1986).
Email: [email protected]
SEGAL, Alexander Philip Mavi (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer in English, School of Humanities and Social
Science, Charles Sturt University (from 1993).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Western
Australia (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
SEISAY, Mohamed Batu Duraman (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Fisheries Science), University of Wales, Bangor, United
Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Principal Fisheries Officer, Government of Sierra Leone,
Ministry of Fisheries (from 1983); Head, Statistics Unit, Ministry of
Fisheries (from 1983).
Previously: Fisheries Management Expert, GTZ Nigerian Fisheries
Promotion Project, Nigeria (1997–1998); Fisheries Biologist (United
Nations Volunteer), Food and Agriculture Organisation /United
Nations Development Programme Chambo Fisheries Research Project,
Malawi (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
SEKWAO, Nesta Verian (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Education), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1988–1991).
Currently: Assistant to Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education
and Culture (from 2001); Chairperson/Executive Committee Member,
Education Committee, Forum for Women Educationalists (from 2001);
Gender Adviser/Coordinator for Curriculum Issues and UNESCO
activities, Ministry of Education and Culture (from 1992).
Previously: Assistant Head of School; Project Coordinator; Head of
Secondary School.
Email: [email protected]
SELEMA, Miabiye Dateme (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Analytical Chemistry), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Rivers State
University of Science and Technology (from 1980).
Previously: Visiting Research Scholar, Wichita State University, US
(1992–1993); Dean, Faculty of Science, Rivers State University of
Science and Technology (1989–1991); Elected Member, Constituent
Assembly (1988–1989); Dean, Faculty of Technology and Education,
Rivers State University of Science and Technology (1985–1988);
Head, Department of Chemistry, Rivers State College of Science and
Technology (1978–1985); Visiting Academic, Dyson Perrins
Laboratory, Oxford University, UK (1977–1978); Lecturer, Rivers
State College of Science and Technology (1972–1976); Lecturer,
Obafemi Awolowo University (1971–1972).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Economics), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (1966–1967).
Currently: Chairman/Chief Executive Officer, National Trading
Corporation (from 1979); Member, Board of Governors (various high
schools) (from 1968); Member, Board of Directors, National Water
and Electricity Corporation (from 1968); Member, Board of Directors,
Social Security Finacial and Housing Corporation (from 1968);
Member, Board of Directors, Gambia Ports Authority (from 1968);
Member, Board of Directors, Gambia/Arab International Bank (from
Previously: Managing Director, National Trading Corporation (1973–
1979); Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education (1970–1971);
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance (1969–1970);
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Words and Communication (1968–
1974); Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Development (1968–1974).
Email: [email protected]
SEN, Goutam (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Cardiothoracic
Surgery), Leeds General Infirmary, United Kingdom (1981–1982).
Currently: Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Santokba Durlaibhji Memorial
Hospital (from 1991).
Previously: Professor, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular
Surgery, Santokba Durlaibhji Memorial Hospital (1978–1991);
Lecturer in Surgery, SMS Medical College and Hospital (1968–1978).
Email: [email protected]
SENARATNE, Chrysantha Piyasiri (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Mining Engineering), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Director of Quality Management and Accreditation,
Emergency Training Centre, Canada (from 1991).
Previously: Head, Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering,
Ceylon Steel Corporation, Canada (1975–1991); Production Engineer,
Ceylon Steel Corporation (1972–1975).
Email: [email protected]
SENEVIRATNA, Anuradha (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Social Anthropology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1988–
Currently: Chairman, Arts Council of Sri Lanka (from 2002); Member,
UNESCO Commissions of Sri Lanka (from 2002); Senior Professor,
Department of Sinhala, University of Peradeniya (from 1994);
Member, Advisory Board, Archaeological Survey Department (from
Previously: Professor, University of Peradeniya (1989–1994);
Associate Professor, University of Peradeniya (1982–1989); Director,
Institute of Aesthetic Studies, University of Sri Lanka (1975–1976);
Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (1972–1982); Lecturer,
University of Colombo (1968–1972).
Awards: National Honours (twice), Ministry of Cultural Affairs,
Government of Sri Lanka State Literacy Award.
SEOW, Liang Lin (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Conservative Dentistry), University of Manchester,
United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry, University
of Malaya (from 1997).
Previously: Senior House Officer, York District Hospital, UK (1995–
1997); House Officer, Newcastle Dental Hospital, UK (1994–1995).
Email: [email protected]
SERAJ, Toufiq Mohammad (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Town and Regional Planning), University of Liverpool, United
Kingdom (1983–1987).
Currently: President, Bangladesh Tennis Federation (from 2003);
President, Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (from
2000); Member, Governing Council, Housing and Building Research
(from 1996); Managing Director, Sheltech (PVT) Ltd (from 1988).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional
Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Email: [email protected]
SESAY, Alfred Bobson (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Education Administration), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Minister, Ministry of Lands (from 2003); Minister, Ministry
of Lands (from 2001); Chief Education Officer/Director General,
Ministry of Education (from 1994).
Previously: Teacher, Ministry of Education.
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SESHADRI, Venkatadri (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Chemistry), University of Toronto, Canada (1964–1966).
Previously: Education Officer, Department of Education; Head,
Science Department, Sabah College.
SESHIA, Shaila (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Development Studies (South Asia and India)), University of Sussex,
United Kingdom (1999–2001).
Currently: Research Assistant, Development Research Centre for the
Future State, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex,
UK (from 2002).
Previously: Research Assistant, Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern
Africa, University of Sussex, UK (2001–2002); Research Assistant,
Biotechnology Policy Process in Developing Countries, University of
Sussex, UK (2001).
Email: [email protected]
SEW-HEE, Danielle (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Commerce/Accounting), McGill University, Canada (1984–1987).
Currently: Auditor/Accountant.
Previously: Supervisor, Panell Ker Foster; Semi Senior, Kidson Impey,
SHAFIQ, Muhammad (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), University College London, United Kingdom (1969–1975).
Previously: Associate Member, International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Italy (1989–1997); Professor of Physics, University of
Engineering and Technology, Lahore (1982–1999); Adviser,
Academics Selection Board, Payale Public Service Commission
(1979–1999); Chairman, Department of Physics, University of
Engineering and Technology, Lahore (1979–1999); Associate
Professor in Physics, University of Engineering and Technology,
Lahore (1978–1982); Assistant Professor in Physics, University of
Engineering and Technology, Lahore (1970–1982); Lecturer in
Physics, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (1963–
SHAGHUDE, Yohanna Wilson (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Oceanography), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Research Fellow, Institute of Marine Sciences, University
of Dar es Salaam (from 2001); Tanzania Representative, Editorial
Board, International Bathymetric Charting of the Western Indian
Ocean (from 1994).
Previously: Tutorial Assistant, Institute of Marine Sciences, University
of Dar es Salaam (1988–2001); Assistant Research Fellow, University
of Dar es Salaam (1986–1988).
Email: [email protected]
SHAH, Bela (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Medical Training
(Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Statistics), University College
London, United Kingdom (1987–1988).
Currently: Chief/Senior Deputy Director General, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases, Indian Council of Medical Research (from
Previously: Acting Chief, Indian Council of Medical Research (1996–
1997); Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research
(1994–1996); Assistant Director General, Indian Council of Medical
Research (1989–1994); Senior Research Officer, Indian Council of
Medical Research (1982–1989); Tutor and Senior Resident, Indian
Council of Medical Research (1981–1982).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SHAH, Jai (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (International
Health Policy), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Research Officer to the President, Canadian Institute of
Health Research (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Staff Member/Academic Director, Seminar on the
United Nations and International Affairs (1996–2000).
Email: [email protected]
SHAH, Mohammad (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(South Asian History), School of Oriental and African Studies, United
Kingdom (1987–1990); Commonwealth Fellow (Social History of
Bengal), Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Currently: Provost, Alaol Hall, University of Chittagong (from 2001);
Professor, Department of History, University of Chittagong (from
Previously: Chairman, Department of History, University of
Chittagong (1997–2001); Associate Professor, University of
Chittagong (1991–1994); Assistant Professor, University of Chittagong
(1982–1991); Lecturer, University of Chittagong (1978–1982).
Email: [email protected]
SHAH, Mohammad Tahir (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow
(Economic Geology), University of Leicester, United Kingdom (2001–
Currently: Professor, National Centre of Excellence in Geology,
University of Peshawar (from 2002).
Previously: Associate Professor, University of Peshawar (1995–2000);
Assistant Professor, University of Peshawar (1992–1995); Research
Associate, University of Peshawar (1982–1992).
Awards: Presidential Award, Izaz-e-fazeclat (2001–2002); Earth
Scientist of the Year, National Book Foundation of Pakistan (1994–
Email: [email protected]
SHAH, Zahir (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Soil Microbiology),
University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom (1995).
Currently: Professor, Department of Soil Science, North-West Frontier
Province Agricultural University (from 2001).
Previously: Associate Professor, North-West Frontier Province
Agricultural University (1998–2001); Assistant Professor, North-West
Frontier Province Agricultural University (1990–1998).
Email: [email protected]
SHAHABUDDIN, Mohammed (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Superconductivity), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Reader, Department of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia
University (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Jamia Millia
Islamia University (1995–2000).
Email: [email protected]
SHAHJAHAN, Reza M D (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Zoology), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Principal Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission (from 2001).
Previously: Visiting Associate Professor, Yamaguchi University,
Japan (2001); Member, Executive Council, Bangladesh Entomological
Society (1998–1999); Editor, Annesa (scientific journal) (1991–1993);
Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (1988–
2001); Senior Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission (1984–1988).
Email: [email protected]
SHANBHAG, Bhagyashri Achut (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Avian Reproduction/Endocrinology), Roslin Institute, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor, Karnatak University (from 2000).
Previously: Reader in Zoology, Karnatak University (1992–2000);
Lecturer, Karnatak University (1981–1992).
Email: [email protected]
SHANMUGAM, Sanjeevi (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Remote Sensing), University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Professor, Centre for Geoscience and
Engineering, Anna University (from 1990).
Previously: Research Associate, Anna University (1989–1990);
Scientist (Remote Sensing), Birla Institute of Scientific Research
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SHAPIRO, Aruni (formerly SAMARASINGHE) (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Philosophy), University of British
Columbia, Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Writer (from 1995).
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Previously: Graduate Teacher, University of Tennessee, US; Part-Time
Teacher and Adjunct Professor, California State University, US.
Email: [email protected]
SHARIFF, Shahilla (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Social
Anthropology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Senior Legal Adviser, Jardine Matheson Ltd, Hong Kong
(from 1994).
Email: [email protected]
SHARMA, Om Parkash (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Biochemistry), Brunel University, United Kingdom
Currently: Principal Scientist, Indian Veterinary Research Institute
(from 1998); Member, Executive Committee, Society of Biological
Chemists (from 1988).
Previously: Senior Scientist, Biochemistry Laboratory, Indian
Veterinary Research Institute (1986–1998).
Email: [email protected]
SHARMA, Ram Parkash (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Algebra),
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Himachal Pradesh
University (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
SHARMA, Satish Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
Postdoctoral (Physics), University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Currently: Financial Adviser and Director, Central Reserve Police
Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (from 1998).
Email: [email protected]
SHARMA, Vindu Kishore (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physics), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1977–1980).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Physics, Institute of
Advanced Studies, Chaudhary Charan Singh University (from 1992).
Previously: Reader in Physics, Chaudhary Charan Singh University
(1982–1992); Lecturer in Physics, D S College, Acharya N G Ranga
Agricultural University (1970–1982).
SHARP, Ronald Andrew (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1964–
Currently: Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of
Auckland (from 1994).
Previously: Associate Professor, University of Auckland (1991–1993);
Chairman, Northern Regional Arts Council (1981–1984); Senior
Lecturer, University of Auckland (1971–1990); Lecturer, Department
of Political Science, University of Canterbury (1968–1970).
Email: [email protected]
SHARRIF, Zainul A M S (formerly ABIDIN) (Malaysia).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Electronics), Loughborough University,
United Kingdom (1977–1980).
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (from 2000).
Previously: Dean and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, College of
Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (1997–2000); Professor and
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan (1991–1997);
Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan (1988–
Awards: Fellow, Academy of Science (2000).
Email: [email protected]
SHASHIDHARA, G M (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Polymer
Science and Technology), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering
(from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
SHEIKH, Usman (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(International Relations), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Law and
International Relations (from 2001).
Previously: Research Assistant, International Relations, London
School of Economics and Political Science, UK (2001–2002);
Member, Board of Directors, United Nations Association (2001);
Secretary General, World Congress of Youth (1998–2001); President,
Golden Key International Honour Society (1998–2000).
Email: [email protected]
SHEKWOLO, Philip Dagba (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow
(Hydrogeology), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Head, Remediation Team, Shell Petroleum Development
Co. Ltd (from 2003); Project Engineer, Environmental Remediation
and Shell Petroleum Development Co. Ltd (from 1999); Member,
Special Committee on Groundwater Pollution (from 1992).
Previously: Senior Lecturer in Geology, Federal University of
Technology, Minna (1992–1999); Vice-President, National Christian
Youth Association of Nigeria (1992–1999); Chairman, National
Christian Youth Association of Nigeria (1987–1992).
Email: [email protected]
SHERLOCK, Peter David (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Modern History), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer in History, University of Melbourne (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
SHEWCHUK, Cecil Fred (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Product Officer, Aspen Technology (from 2002);
Director, London Information Technology Council (from 2002);
Director, Tech Alliance London (from 2002); Adjunct Professor,
University of Western Ontario (from 1977).
Previously: President, London Technology Group Inc. (1997–2001);
Director, London Venture Group (1995–2002); Vice-President,
Product Development, Honeywell Inc. (1995–1996); President, Salda
Inc. (1985–1995); Director, Systems Analysis Control and Design
Activity Department, University of Western Ontario (1974–1985).
Email: [email protected]
SHIELDS, Robert MacArthur (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Urban and Regional Studies), University of Sussex, United
Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
Carleton University (from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Culture and Communication in
Society, University of Lancaster, UK (1995–1997); Associate
Professor, Carleton University (1994–2000).
Email: [email protected]
SHILA, William Elias (formerly ELIAS) (Tanzania). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Construction Management), University of Toronto,
Canada (1988–1991).
Currently: Director, Tanzania National Roads Agency (from 2000).
Previously: Project Coordinator for Integrated Road Project, Ministry
of Works; Trunk Roads Engineer, Regional Engineer, Mwanza
Email: [email protected]
SHIVHARE, Uma (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Engineering), McGill University, Canada (1986–1990).
Currently: Professor, Panjab University (from 2001).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Govind Ballabh Pant University of
Agriculture and Technology; Reader, Guru Nanak Dev University,
Email: [email protected]
SHODE, Olufemi Olukayode (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Chemistry), University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Currently: Research Consultant, UK (from 2001).
Previously: Director, Oostrad Cosmetics Ltd (1993–2001);
Postdoctoral Demonstrator, University of Exeter, UK (1985–1987).
Email: [email protected]
SHOUGEE, Mahamood (Maldives). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Education), University of Manitoba, Canada (1986–1990).
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Currently: Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education (from 2002).
Previously: Chief Educational Supervisor, Ministry of Education;
Assistant Director General, Ministry of Education.
Email: [email protected]
SHREERAM, Sathya (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Molecular Biology), University of Dundee, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Dundee, UK
(from 2003).
Previously: Senior Biochemist, Dr. Reddy’s Research Foundation
Email: [email protected]
SHUKRI, Mohamed Ali (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Arabic), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1973–1976).
Currently: Member, Board of Management, Postgraduate Institute of
Archaeology (from 1993); Director, Jamiah Naleemiah (from 1981);
Elected Member, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, UK
(from 1968); Elected Fellow, Linnean Society, UK (from 1967);
Elected Fellow, Royal Horticultural Society, UK (from 1967); Elected
Member, Agricultural Institute of Canada, Canada (from 1966).
Previously: Editor-in-Chief, Naleemiah Institute of Research and
Publications (1981); Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Arabic,
University of Peradeniya (1980–1981); Member, Sri Lanka
Commission of UNESCO (1978–1992); Senior Lecturer and Head,
Department of Arabic and Islamic Civilization, University of Kelaniya
(1976–1980); Lecturer, Department of Arabic Language and Islamic
Studies, University of Ceylon (1965–1973).
Awards: Chancellor/Governor of Sindh Award (1998); Al-Kharzami
International Award, President, Islamic Republic of Iran (1995);
Norman Borlag Award (1986).
Email: [email protected]
SICHINGA, John (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Forest Management), University of Toronto, Canada (1986–1987).
Currently: Managing Director, Copperbelt Forestry Co. (from 2001).
Previously: Managing Director, Zaffico; Director of Operations,
Zaffico Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
SIDDIQUI, Khushnood Ahmed (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agricultural Botany), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief Research Coordinator, PhD and Postdoctorate
Research Professor, International Association for Promotion of New
Genetical Approaches to Crop Improvement (from 1997).
Previously: Chief Scientist, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
(1996–1997); Research Professor and Director, Tandojam, Atomic
Energy Agricultural Research Centre (AEARC) (1992–1996); Chief
Scientific Officer and Head, AEARC (1986–1992); Principal Scientific
Officer and Head, AEARC (1973–1986); Senior Scientific Officer,
AEARC (1967–1972); Senior Research Scientist, AEARC (1964–
1966); Lecturer in Botany, Agriculture College (1956–1961).
SILVA, Weerasinghe Hilary Elmo (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Accounting and Finance), University of Lancaster,
United Kingdom (1990–1992).
Currently: Dean, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura (from 2003).
Previously: Head, Department of Accounting, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura (2001–2002); Senior Lecturer, Department of
Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (1985–2001).
Email: [email protected]
SIMESTER, Andrew Perry (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Legal Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor of Legal Philosophy, School of Law, University
of Nottingham, UK (from 2000).
SIMMONS, Rochelle (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English), University of Toronto, Canada (1986–1991).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Otago (from 1993).
Email: [email protected]
SIMONS, Carlos Wilbert (Turks and Caicos Islands).
Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Area Studies), University of London,
United Kingdom (1978–1979); Diploma (Law), City University,
United Kingdom (1981–1982).
Currently: Appointed Member, Legislative Council, Turks and Caicos
Islands Government (from 2003); Senior Partner, Miller Simons
O’Sullivan (from 1999).
Previously: Chairman, Public Service Commission, Turks and Caicos
Islands Government (2001–2003); Trustee, Rizzoli Educational
Foundation (1996–2000); Chairman, Board of Governors, Turks and
Caicos Islands Community College (1994–1998); Partner, Miller
Simons O’Sullivan (1987–1999); President, Turks and Caicos Islands
Bar Association (1987–1988); Elected Member, Legislative Council,
Turks and Caicos Islands Government (1986–1988); Member,
Executive Council, Turks and Caicos Islands Government (1986–
1987); Associate Attorney, Miller Simons O’Sullivan (1984–1987).
Email: [email protected]
SIN FAILAM, Denis Michel (Mauritius). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (Computer Science), Concordia University, Canada (1989–1992).
Currently: Principal Consutant, Oracle Canada, Canada (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Consultant, Arthur Andersen; Senior Consultant,
De Chazal du Mee.
Email: [email protected]
SINCLAIR, Anthony Charles (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLM (Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: PhD Student, University of Cambridge, UK (from 2000).
Previously: Legal Intern, Fountain Court Chambers, UK (2002);
Pegasus Scholar, Fountain Court Chambers, UK (2000).
Email: [email protected]
SINEBARE, Musawe (Papua New Guinea). Commonwealth Scholar,
MEd (Computers in Education), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1986–1987).
Currently: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Administration, University of Goroka
(from 2000); Member, International Federation for Information
Processing (from 1992).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Goroka (1992–1999);
Council Member, CASTME (1990–2000); Lecturer, University of
Goroka (1987–1991).
Email: [email protected]
SINGH, Bijay (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Postdoctoral (Soil
Science), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Professor and Senior Soil Chemist, Punjab Agricultural
University (from 1994).
Previously: Associate Professor and Soil Chemist, Punjab Agricultural
University (1984–1994); Assistant Professor and Assistant Soil
Chemist, Punjab Agricultural University (1976–1984).
Email: [email protected]
SINGH, Guriqbal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agriculture), University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom (1995–
Currently: Agronomist (Pulses), Department of Plant Breeding, Punjab
Agricultural University (from 1999).
Previously: Assistant Agronomist (Pulses), Punjab Agricultural
University (1990–1999); Research Fellow, Department of Agronomy,
Punjab Agricultural University (1989–1990).
Email: [email protected]
SINGH, Jagtar (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Information
Technology), Loughborough University, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Council Member, Indian Librarian Association (from
2003); Council Member, Indian Association of Special Libraries and
Information Centres (from 2003); Head, Department of Library and
Information Science, Punjab University (from 2002).
Previously: General Secretary, Punjab Library Association (2002–
2003); Reader, Punjab University (1998–2002); Personal Affiliate,
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and
American Library Association (1998–1999); Senior Lecturer, Punjab
University (1990–1998).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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SINGH, Krishna Murai (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Urology),
Leeds General Infirmary, United Kingdom (1978–1979).
Currently: Vice-Chancellor, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical
University (from 2002); Honorary Patron, Sangram Singh Inter
College (from 1999); Honorary President, Lakham Ji Inter College
(from 1995); Professor and Head, Department of Urology, King
George’s Medical College (from 1990); Honorary President, K K
Hospital (from 1987); Trainer (no scalpel vasectomy), Uttar Oradesh
Centre of Excellence of Male Contraception, Government of India.
Previously: President, North Zone, Urology Society of India (1996–
SINGH, Lalji (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Postdoctoral
(Molecular Biology), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: President, Association for the Promotion of DNA
Fingerprinting and other DNA Technologies (ADNAT) (from 2003);
President, Indian Society of Human Genetics (from 2003); Director/
Head of the Institute, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
(CCMB) (from 1998).
Previously: President, Indian Society of Cell Biology (2000–2002);
President, CCMB, P M Bhargava Foundation (1996–2002); Secretary,
ADNAT (1996–2002); Officer on Special Duty/Head of the Institute,
Centre for DNA, Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (1995–1999);
Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate, University of Edinburgh
Email: [email protected]
SINGH, Madhu (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Postdoctoral
(Sociology of Education), Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Specialist, United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization, Institute for Education, Germany
(from 1998).
Previously: Associate Professor, Unit for Third World Studies,
Technical University, Germany (1990–1997); Lecturer, Indian Institute
of Education (1980–1983).
Email: [email protected]
SINGH, Mahi Pal (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Postgraduate
Diploma (Veterinary Studies), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1970–1971).
Previously: General Manager, Shri Dwarkadhish Ji Temple (2001–
2002); Dean, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and
Technology (1998–1999); Virologist (Foot and Mouth Disease),
Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology
(1998–1999); President, Indian Association for the Advancement of
Veterinary Research (1991–1996); Professor and Head, Chandra
Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology (1981–1998);
Senior Research Officer, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of
Agriculture and Technology (1969–1974); Assistant Professor,
Department of Bacteriology, Government of Uttar Pradesh (1967–
1969); Lecturer, Department of Virology, Government of Uttar
Pradesh (1963–1967); Demonstrator, Veterinary College (1961–1963).
SINGH, Ngangkham Nimai (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Theoretical High Energy Physics), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Regular Associate, International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Italy (from 2003); Reader, Department of Physics, Gauhati
University (from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Physics, Gauhati University
Email: [email protected]
SINGH, Rajkumar (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Environmental Engineering), University of Guelph, Canada (1993–
Currently: Geographic Information Systems Specialist, Environmental
Protection Agency (from 2002).
Environmental Protection Agency; Environmental Officer 2,
Environmental Protection Agency.
Email: [email protected]
Currently: Senior Scientific Officer, Cwdye Laser Group, Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre (BARC) (from 1999).
Previously: Scientific Officer, Laser and Plasma Technical Division,
BARC (1973–1979); Trainee, BARC Training School (1972–1973).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SINGH, Yadvinder (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agriculture/Soil Science), University of Guelph, Canada (1981–
Currently: Senior Soil Chemist, Punjab Agricultural University (from
Previously: Senior Soil Chemist, Punjab Agricultural University; Soil
Chemist, Punjab Agricultural University.
Email: [email protected]
SINHA, Devendra Nath (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Organ
Culture Study), University of Leicester, United Kingdom (1982–1983).
Currently: Member, Executive Council, University of Gorakhpur
(from 1998); President, Uttar Pradesh Chapter of Anatomical Society
of India (from 1989); Vice-President, Anatomical Society of India
(from 1989); Professor and Head of Anatomy, B R D Medical College
(from 1985).
Previously: Principal and Dean, Faculty of Medicine, B R D Medical
College (1997–1998); Reader, M L B Medical College (1976–1985);
Lecturer, Anatomy Department, M L B Medical College (1973–1976).
SINHA, Nakul (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Cardiovascular
Medicine), Walsgrave Hospital (Coventry), United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Professor and Head of Cardiology, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (from 1999).
Previously: Additional Professor of Cardiology, Sanjay Gandhi
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (1995–1999); Associate
Professor of Cardiology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of
Medical Sciences (1990–1995).
Email: [email protected]
SIVALINGAM, Ponniah (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Colorectal
Surgery), Leeds General Infirmary, United Kingdom (1981–1982).
Currently: President, Ostomates India Madurai Chapter (from 1994).
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Madurai
Medical College (1997); Professor, Department of Principles and
Practice of Surgery, Tamil Nadu Medical Service (1995–1997);
Additional Professor, Tamil Nadu Medical Service (1990–1995); VicePresident, Southern Chapter of Ostomy Association of India (1986–
1988); Colorectal Surgeon, Tamil Nadu Medical Service (1982–1997);
Assistant Professor, Tamil Nadu Medical Service (1970–1990).
SKEGG, Peter Donald Graham (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1969–
Currently: Professor in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Otago
(from 1984).
Previously: Dean, University of Otago (1990–1992); Chair, Faculty
of Law, University of Oxford, UK (1980–1984); Lecturer in Law,
Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, UK (1972–1984); Official
Fellow, New College Oxford, UK (1971–1984).
Email: [email protected]
SLEDGE, Rachael (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Geography), University of British Columbia, Canada (1999–2000).
Currently: Analyst, UBS Warburg (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
SLETCHER, Michael Alan (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1998–2000).
Currently: Historian/Editor, Yale University, US (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
SLOAN, Pamela Jane (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1975–1976).
Currently: Partner, Hill Sloan Associates Inc. (from 1985).
Previously: Director, Treasury Board Secretariat, Government of
Canada, Crown Corporations Directorate (1984–1985); Vice-President,
Economics and Public Affairs, the Toronto Stock Exchange (1980–
SINGH, Sunita (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil (Laser
Optics), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1979–1983).
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1984); Policy Analyst, Department of Industry, Government of Ontario
(1978–1980); Economist, Royal Bank of Canada (1976–1978).
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Alan Nigel (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, MBA
(Finance), City University, United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Head of International Finance, Corporate, Investment
Banking and Marketing Division, HSBC Group, UK (from 2002).
Previously: Chairman, Talawa Theatre Company, UK (2000–2003);
Head of Capital Management and Market Risk Control, HSBC Group,
UK (2000–2002); Treasury Controller, Saudi British Bank, Saudi
Arabia (1997–2000); Honorary Treasurer, London Cricket College,
UK (1996–1997).
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Barry Roger (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Politics), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1978–1979).
Currently: Regional Director, The Synergos Institute, South Africa
(from 2002).
Previously: Director of Development and Public Affairs, World
Alliance for Citizen Participation, UK (2001–2002); Independent
Development Consultant, UK (2000–2001); Director, Interfund, UK
(1987–2000); Field Liaison Officer, Interfund, South Africa (1986–
1987); Field Director, World University Service of Canada, Botswana
(1980–1986); Teaching Assistant, Political Science Department,
King’s College London, UK (1977–1978).
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Brian William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Electrical Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Previously: Chairman, UniSuper (1994); Vice-Chancellor, University
of Western Sydney (1989–1994); Member, Hong Kong University
Grants Committee, Hong Kong (1980–1998); Director, Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology (1979–1989).
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, David James (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Banaras Hindu
University, India.
Currently: Reader in Religious Studies, University of Lancaster (from
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Esmond (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Political Science), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1964–
Previously: Hospital and Zone Director, Medical Services, Health
Canada, Canada; Senior Project Manager, Health Canada, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Gerald Erle (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Theoretical Mechanics), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Engineer, Sherritt International Corporation (from
Previously: President, 340253 Alberta Ltd Engineering Consultants;
Senior Engineer, McDaniel and Associates; Senior Engineer, Nova
Corporation; Senior Staff Engineer, Husky Oil Operations; Assistant
Professor, University of Calgary.
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, James Matthew Bannerman (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, LLM (Asian Law), School of Oriental and African Studies,
United Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Legal Adviser, HSBC Bank Australia Ltd (from 2002).
Previously: Business Operations Executive (2001–2002); Graduate/
Trainee Solicitor, Blake Dawson Waldron Lawyers (2000–2001).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SMITH, Paul Edward (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Mechanical Engineering), University of New Brunswick, Canada
Currently: Project Coordinator, ABB Inc. (from 1999).
Previously: Lead Manufacturing Engineer, Babcock & Wilcox;
Engineering Project Manager, GMA Cover Corp.
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Robert Francis (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(International Relations), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Policy Analyst, Strategy, Plans and Constitutional Affairs,
Government of Canada (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
SMITH, Stewart Desales (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Health Administration), University of Ottawa,
Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Executive Director, Victoria Hospital.
Previously: Chief Executive Officer, South West Regional Health
Authority; Hospital Administrator, San Fernando General Hospital,
Email: [email protected]
SOBERS, Philip Theodore (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Concrete Structures), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Consulting Engineers Partnership ‘Concept’ (from
Previously: President, Barbados Association of Professional Engineers
(1986–1987); Engineer, Consulting Engineers Partnership (1973–
Email: [email protected]
SOCRATOUS, Marios (Cyprus). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Library and Information Studies), University of Alberta, Canada
Currently: Librarian, The Philips College (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
SOLER, Norman Griscti (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Medicine), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1967–1970).
Currently: Professor of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, US
(from 1977).
Previously: Senior Registrar, United Birmingham Hospital, UK (1970–
1977); Internship and Registrar, Royal University of Malta (1964–
SOLER, Paul (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Medical Training
(Paediatric/Neonatal Intensive Care), Imperial College London School
of Medicine at St Mary’s, United Kingdom (1996–1997).
Currently: Honorary President, Malta Paediatric Association (from
2000); Consultant Paediatrician, Department of Paediatrics, St Luke’s
Hospital (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Paediatric Registrar, St Mary’s Hospital,
Paddington, UK (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected]
SOLLARS, Valerie (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Educational Psychology), McGill University, Canada (1988–1990).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Malta
(from 2001).
Previously: Project Coordinator, European Centre for Modern
Languages; Chair, National Working Group on Early Childhood
Education, Steering Committee for the Implementation of the New
Curriculum in Maltese Schools.
Email: [email protected]
SOLOWAY, Louise Joanne (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Painting), Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India (1984–
Currently: Recording Construction of New Headquarters of the Royal
Bank of Scotland (from 2003); Artist in Residence, Smith Kline
Beecham Pharmaceuticals (from 1996).
Previously: Commissioned Artist in Residence, Glaxo Smith Kline
(2000–2001); Lecturer, Museum of Art Hong Kong, Hong Kong
(1995); Artist Commissioned at Hong Kong Airport, Airport
Contractors (1994–1995); Lecturer, Hackney 6th Form Centre (1990–
Email: [email protected]
SOMANI, Arun (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Computer Engineering), McGill University, Canada; PhD (Computer
Engineering), McGill University, Canada (1982–1985).
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Currently: Jerry R. Junkins Chair Professor, Iowa State University,
US (from 2002).
Previously: Professor, University of Washington, US; Nicholas
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State
University, US.
Email: [email protected]
SONG, Keang Peng (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow
(Pathogenesis of Periodontal Disease), Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’
Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, United
Kingdom (2002).
Currently: Secretary, Singapore Society for Microbiology and
Biotechnology (from 2003); Assistant Professor, Department of
Microbiology, National University of Singapore (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
SONGORWA, Alexander Nyangero (Tanzania). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Rural Planning and Development), University of
Guelph, Canada (1992–1994).
Currently: Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture.
Previously: Lecturer and Head of Department, Sokoine University of
Agriculture; Desk Officer, CBC Section, Wildlife Division.
Email: [email protected]
SONSON, Jean-Francois (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration, Finance), Athabasca University,
Canada (1998–1999).
Currently: Manager, Investment Banking Department, Bank of Saint
Lucia (from 1999).
Previously: Manager, Loans Administration, Saint Lucia Development
Bank; Senior Recoveries Officer, Saint Lucia Development Bank.
Email: [email protected]
SOONG, Boon-Hee (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow (Mobile
Communications), Imperial College London, United Kingdom (1999–
Currently: Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
(from 1999).
Previously: Finance Co-Chair, International Conference on
Information, Communication and Signal Processing (1999–2001);
Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological College (1998); Finance CoChair, International Conference on Information, Communication and
Signal Processing (1997–1999); Finance Co-Chair, International
Conference on Information, Communication and Signal Processing
(1996–1997); Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University (1989–
Email: [email protected]
SOORIYARACHCHI, Marina Roshini (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Statistics), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer (I), Department of Statistics and Computer
Science, University of Colombo (from 2000).
Previously: Senior Lecturer (II), Department of Statistics and
Computer Science, University of Colombo (1994–2000); Lecturer,
Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo (1990–1994).
Awards: Presidential Award for International Research (1999); Award
for Outstanding Research, University of Colombo (1999).
Email: [email protected]
SPEED, Diane Priscilla (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1967–1970).
Currently: Member, Academic Standards Committee, Sydney College
of Divinity (from 2003); Member, Research Awards Board, Australian
College of Theology (from 2001); Governor, The King’s School
Council (from 2001); Member, Board of Studies/Coursework Awards
Board, Australian College of Theology (from 1994); Member, Ethics
Committee, Royal Children’s Hospital (from 1991); Senior Lecturer,
Department of English, University of Sydney (from 1978).
Previously: Member, Kambala School Council (1999–2003); Lecturer,
University of Sydney (1970–1977).
Email: [email protected]
SPENCE, Michael James (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1988–1992).
Currently: Fellow and Tutor in Law, St Catherine’s College,
University of Oxford, UK (from 1992); Consultant, Olswang
Solicitors, UK (from 1992); Director, Boston University Oxford
Programme, UK (from 1992).
Previously: Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, UK (1992);
Stipendiary Lecturer in Law, St Catherine’s College, University of
Oxford, UK (1990–1992); Lecturer in Law, University of Sydney
(1988–1989); Legal Officer, Australian Copyright Council (1987–
Email: [email protected]
SPITERI, Edward J (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, BSc
(Economics), University of Hull, United Kingdom (1963–1966).
Currently: PhD Student, Economic Planning Between 1959 and 1988,
University of Malta (from 1997).
Previously: MA Student in Economic History, University of Malta
(1991–1996); Chairman, Local Board of Special Commissioners of
Income Tax (1987–1999); Economist, Ministry of Agriculture,
Maltese Government (1975–1977); Economist, The Maltese Treasury,
Malta Civil Service (1971–1977); Government Economist, Office of
the Prime Minister, Maltese Government (1966–1971); Lecturer,
Economics Department, University of Malta (1966–1968);
Administration Officer, Education Office (1961–1963); Higher
Executive Officer, Office of Statistics (1955–1961); Executive Officer,
Inland Revenue Department (1947–1955); Primary School Teacher,
Education Department (1940–1947).
SPITERI, Joseph (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Landscape Architecture), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (1962–1963).
Currently: Member, Appeals Board, Ministry of Environment (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of
Malta (1983–1999); Designer, Malta Consultancy Ltd (1976–1979);
Member, Planning (Town and Country), Public Works Department
(1966–1992); Engineer, Public Works Department (1956–1976).
Email: [email protected]
SPURRETT, David Jon (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
Research towards PhD (Philosophy), King’s College London, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of
Natal (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Natal
Email: [email protected]
SREENIVASAN, Ravi (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Statistics),
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Studies in Statistics, University of
Mysore (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer in Statistics (1994–1997).
Email: [email protected]
SRINIVASA RAO, P N (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Medical
Education), University College London, United Kingdom (1968–
Currently: Private Practitioner, Mithra Hospital (from 1990).
Previously: Professor Emeritus, Kasturba Medical College, Operation
Eyesight Universal (OEU) Institute of Ophthalmology (1990–1991);
Associate Professor/Professor/Director of Postgraduate Studies,
Kasturba Medical College, OEU Institute of Ophthalmology (1968–
1990); President, Indian Medical Association; President, Karnataka
State Ophthalmological Association; Secretary, All India
Ophthalmological Society.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SRINIVASAN, Amrit (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Social
Anthropology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Member, Executive Board, Gene Campaign (from 2003);
Member, Centre for Rural Social Research, Charles Sturt University,
Australia (from 2002); Convenor, Research Committee, Indian
Sociological Society (from 2000); Associate Professor, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
(from 1992).
Previously: Reader in Sociology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Email: [email protected]
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SRIVASTAVA, Rajendra Prasad (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Periodontology), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1983–
Currently: Honorary Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
(from 2003); Professor and Head of Dental Surgery, Maharani Laxbi
Bai Medical College (from 1986).
Email: [email protected]
SRIVASTAVA, Sachi (India). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Mathematics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Lady Shiram
College, University of Delhi (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
SRIVASTAVA, Vinay Kumar (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Social Anthropology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor in Social Anthropology, University of Delhi
(from 1997).
Previously: Reader in Social Anthropology, University of Delhi
(1986–1997); Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Delhi
(1985–1986); Lecturer in Sociology, Hindu College, University of
Delhi (1976–1985).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
SRIVASTAVA, Vishnu (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering), University of Lancaster, United Kingdom (1984–1987).
Currently: Chairman, Colony Welfare Committee (from 2003);
Honorary Secretary, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications
Engineers (from 2002); Scientist, Microwave Tubes Area (from 1976).
Email: [email protected]
SSALI, Edward B M (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Electronics), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1971–1972).
Previously: General Manager of Planning and Development, Uganda
Telecom Ltd (1998–2001); Chief of International Services, Uganda
Telecom Ltd (1998); Chief of Planning, Uganda P&T Corporation
(UPTC) (1995–1998); Chief of Corporate Planning and Marketing,
(UPTC) (1993–1995); Telecom Engineer, Regional Telecom Project,
Kagera Basin Organisation (1986–1992); Principal Executive Engineer
of Planning, UPTC (1983–1986).
Email: [email protected]
SSEKABEMBE, Charles K (Uganda). Commonwealth Fellow
(Agricultural Ecology), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, Makerere
University (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, Makerere
University (1986–1997).
Email: [email protected]
SSESANGA, Nasser Abdool Karim (Uganda). Commonwealth
Scholar, EdD (Education Management), University of Bristol, United
Kingdom (1998–2001).
Currently: Lecturer and Director, Islamic University in Uganda (from
Previously: Lecturer, Islamic University in Uganda (1992–1998);
Assistant Lecturer, Islamic University in Uganda (1988–1992).
Email: [email protected]
STAGOLL, Clifford Scott (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1995–1998).
Currently: General Manager of Operations, State Warehousing and
Distribution Services (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Manager of Distribution and Logistics, Customer
Service and Logistics, Qantas Airways Ltd (1999–2002); Consultant,
Boston Consulting Group (1998–1999); Logistics Officer, Australian
Air Force (1983–1993).
Email: [email protected]
STALEY, Elizabeth Mariana (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (1962–1965).
Previously: Senior Outreach Worker, Malvern Third World Centre
(1986–1998); Volunteer Worker, Malvern Third World Centre (1983–
1986); Coordinator and Fundraiser, Informal Indian Schools, India (-
1975–1981); Member, Executive Committee, SEARCH, India (1975–
Email: [email protected]
STALEY, John Frank (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Currently: Honorary Research, Ministry of Agriculture and University
of Kabul, Afghanistan (from 1966).
Previously: Senior Lecturer of Development Studies, Selly Oak
Colleges, University of Birmingham (1982–1999); Founding Member/
Director, SEARCH (1974–1982); Research Director, South India
Department, Oxfam UK (1974–1980); Field Director, South India and
Sri Lanka Department, Oxfam UK (1967–1974).
Awards: Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for
drought relief work in India (1974).
Email: [email protected]
STANHOPE, Kelly Jean (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Experimental Physics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Previously: Principal Scientist, Vernalis Group Plc, UK (1996–2000);
Psychopharmacology Group Leader, Wyeth Research UK Ltd, UK
Email: [email protected]
STEELE, Ian Kenneth (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1961–1964).
Currently: Professor, Department of History, University of Western
Ontario (from 1975).
Previously: Senior Killam Fellow (1980–1981); Associate Professor,
Department of History, University of Western Ontario (1969–1975);
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Western
Ontario (1965–1969); Lecturer, Department of History, University of
Western Ontario (1964–1965).
Awards: Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (1998); Hellmuth Prize
Email: [email protected]
STEENKAMP, Christina Johanna (South Africa). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Political Science/International Relations), Queen’s
University Belfast, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: PhD Student (full-time), Department of Politics, University
of York, UK (from 2002); Teaching Assistant, University of York,
UK (from 2002).
Previously: Research Assistant, Transformation Research Initiative,
University of Stellenbosch (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
STEERS, Helen (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Business
Administration), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Managing Director, Private Equity Europe, Frank Russell
Company (from 2000).
Previously: Director, Europe, Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec,
Canada; Director, Venture Capital Division, Business Development
Bank of Canada, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
STEPHEN, Joshua (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Postdoctoral
(Cancer Cytology), University of London, United Kingdom (1973–
Currently: Consultant Geneticist, Ittyavirah Genetical Reseach Centre
(from 2001).
Previously: Professor of Cytogenetics, Department of Botany,
University of Kerala (1997–2000); Head, Division of
Ethnopharmacology and Cellular Chemotherapy, Regional Cancer
Centre (1993–1997); Member, International Union Against Cancer
(1991); Member, Review Committee, Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India (1990).
Email: [email protected]
STEPHENS, Adrienne Alana (formerly THOMAS) (Saint Vincent
and The Grenadines). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Guidance
and Counselling), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1988–
Currently: Teacher, Henrico County Public Schools (from 1999).
Previously: Graduate teacher, Girls’ High School; Guidance
Counsellor, Girls’ High School.
Email: [email protected]
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STEPHENS, Sonya Clare (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Études françaises), Université de Montréal, Canada (1986–1987).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Royal Holloway (from 1991).
Previously: Editor, Dix-neuf, Journal of the Society of DixNeuviémistes.
Email: [email protected]
STEPHENSON, Jacqueline H (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration), University of Lethbridge, Canada
Currently: Senior Accountant, Barbados Community College (from
Previously: Accountant, Community Legal Services.
Email: [email protected]
STEYN, Elizabeth Fredricka-Elanie (South Africa). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Communications Policy), City University, United
Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Lecturer, School of Communication Studies, Potchefstroom
University for Christian Higher Education (from 2003); Member,
Potchefstroom Economic Advisory Council (from 2001); Director,
Scribe Communications North West (from 2000).
Previously: Manager of Research and Information, Small Business
Advisory Bureau (1997–2000); Researcher, Institute for
Communication Research, Potchefstroom University for Christian
Higher Education (1993–1997).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
STJEPOVIC, Ivana (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM (Law),
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1991–1992).
Currently: Senior Associate, Freshfields, Bruckhaus, Deringer, Italy
(from 1996).
Previously: Board Member, Canadia Women’s Association, Italy
(1995–1996); Associate, Pavia and Ansaldo, Italy (1992–1996);
Articling Student, Russell and Du Moulin, Italy (1990–1991); Legal
Advice Programme Volunteer, University of British Columbia, Law
Students’ Legal Advice Association (1987–1988).
Email: [email protected]
STOCK, Brian Charles (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1963–1966).
Currently: Professor, Central European University, Hungary (from
2001); Professor of History and Literature, Centre for Comparative
Literature, University of Toronto (from 1967).
Previously: Sather Professor of Classical Literature, University of
California, US (2001); Chair Internationale, Collège de France, France
(1997–1998); Resident Fellow, Bellagio Study and Conference Center,
Rockefeller Foundation, US (1996); Distinguished Professor of
Mediaeval Studies, Berkeley, University of California, US (1990).
Awards: Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies, US (1969–
STONE, Barbara Mackay (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (French Literature), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Department of French, University of Otago (from
Previously: Teaching Fellow, Department of French, University of
Otago (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
STONEY, Christopher (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Public Administration), Athabasca University, Canada (1987–1989).
Currently: Professor, Imperial College, University of London, UK
(from 1996).
Previously: Industrial Relations Officer, City of London Corporation,
UK; Local Government Office, Local Government Management
Email: [email protected]
STORR, Elkin Renal (Bahamas). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Engineering Mathematics), Loughborough University, United
Kingdom (1979–1983).
Previously: Interim Registrar/Acting President, Community College,
Bahamas National Baptist Missionary and Education Convention
(2000–2002); Member, Executive Committee, Association of Tertiary
Institutions in the Bahamas (2000–2002); Vice-President, Zion United
Baptist Convention (1996–2001); Chairman of Council, Bahamas
Baptist Community College (1995–2002); First Assistant Secretary (to
Prime Minister), Parliamentary Registration Department (1986–1999);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Mathematics and Mathematics Education,
College of the Bahamas (1975–1986).
STRACHAN, Ann Margaret (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Community Planning), University of British Columbia,
Canada (1960–1962).
Previously: Programme Coordinator, Northwest Territories Housing
Corporation, Canada; Lecturer, Ryerson Polytechnic University,
Email: [email protected]
STUBBS, Julie (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Criminology), University of Toronto, Canada (1990–1991).
Currently: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney
(from 1991).
Previously: Director, Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney;
Rapporteur, Expert Panel on Violence Against Women, International
Centre for Criminal Law Reform.
Email: [email protected]
SUBHANI, Mohammad Sadiq (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Radiation Chemistry), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam
University (from 2001).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-iAzam University (1993–2001); Assistant Professor, Department of
Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University (1987–1993); Associate
Professor, Garyounis University, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1984–
1987); Assistant Professor, Garyounis University, Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya (1976–1984); Assistant Professor, Islamabad University
Email: [email protected]
SUDHAKAR, Chinta (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Molecular
Plant Physiology), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Additional Coordinator, Department of Biotechnology, Sri
Krishnadevaraya University (from 1999); Associate Professor,
Department of Chemistry, Sri Krishnadevaraya University (from
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Sri Krishnadevaraya
University (1987–1996).
Email: [email protected]
SUE, Hoylen (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Computer
Science), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Senior Research Scientist, DSTC Pty Ltd (from 1998).
Previously: Software Engineer, CiTR Pty Ltd (1995–1998).
Email: [email protected]
SUEN, Wilma Wai Man (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(International Relations), London School of Economics and Political
Science, United Kingdom (1992–1993).
Currently: Consultant, Star Alliance Services, Germany (from 2002).
Previously: Consultant, Marengo Research, US (2002); Consultant,
JSA Partners, US (1998–1999); Honorary Local Representative,
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
Email: [email protected]
SULTANA, Niloufar (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Linguistics), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1993–1994).
Currently: Professor of English Literature and Linguistics, University
of Chittagong (from 1990).
Previously: Associate Professor, Department of English, University of
Chittagong (1981–1990); President/General Secretary, Bangladesh
Federation of University Women (Chittagong) (1980–1986); Lecturer/
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Chittagong
Email: [email protected]
SULTANA, Ronald George (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Diploma (Counselling and Guidance), University of Reading, United
Kingdom (1982–1983).
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Currently: Lecturer-Professor, Ministry of Education (from 1988).
Previously: Founding Member, National Association of School
Councils (1994–1998); Founding Member, Movement for Humanistic
Education (1990–1994); Adviser/Consultant, Ministry of Education
(1988–2002); Teacher, Ministry of Education (1980–1985).
Email: [email protected]
SUM, Shuk Man Lily (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Psychiatric Social Work), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Assistant Director, Breakthrough Counselling Centre (from
Previously: Service Coordinator, Counselling Services, Breakthrough
Counselling Centre (1999–2002); Psychological Counsellor,
Breakthrough Counselling Centre (1995–1999).
Email: [email protected]
SUNDBERG, Ross Alan (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1967–1969).
Currently: Chairman of Council, Haileybury College (from 1998);
Judge, Federal Court of Australia (from 1995).
Previously: Practising Barrister/Queen’s Council, self-employed
Email: [email protected]
SURYAVANSHI, Arvind Krishnajirao (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Engineering (Corrosion)), University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Senior Engineer, Setsco Services Ltd, Singapore (from
Previously: Teaching Fellow, Singapore (2001–2003); Senior
Engineer, Poh Cheong Concrete Products Ltd, Singapore (1999–2001).
Email: [email protected]
SUTCLIFFE, William Dean (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Music), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, St Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge,
UK (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
SZABO, Susanne Eva (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1986–1991).
Currently: Assistant Director, Strategic Policy, Human Resources
Development Canada (from 2001).
Previously: Sessional Lecturer (2001–2002); Director, Research and
Learning, Aga Khan Foundation Canada (1998–2001).
Email: [email protected]
SZMIDT, Carolyn Corinne (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Archaeology), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
(1995–1996); PhD (Archaeology), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
TADE, Moses Oludayo (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Curtin University of Technology, Australia (from 2002).
Previously: Professor and Chair, Process Systems Engineering, Curtin
University of Technology, Australia; Principal Engineer, Tade, White
& Associates, Australia.
Email: [email protected]
TAELE, Benedict Molibeli (Lesotho). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Applied/Condensed Matter Physics), University of Lancaster, United
Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: National Chairperson, Network of Users of Scientific
Equipment in Eastern and Southern Africa (from 2002); Lecturer in
Electronic Devices, Department of Physics and Electronics, National
University of Lesotho (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
TALOIKWAI, Gabriel (Solomon Islands). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Educational Administration), University of Ottawa, Canada
Currently: Director, Higher Education (from 1993).
Previously: Director, Planning-Implementation, Ministry of Education
(Federal); Under Secretary, Ministry of Education (Federal).
Email: [email protected]
TALUKDER, Farid Ahmmed (Bangladesh). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Entomology), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (from
Previously: Research Officer, School of Agriculture and Horticulture,
University of Queensland, Australia (2000–2002); Lecturer and
Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1987–1999).
Email: [email protected]
TALWAR, Manjit (India). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Gerodontology), Queen Mary, University of London, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Registrar, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and
Previously: Assistant Professor, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research (1998); Senior Lecturer, Government Medical
Email: [email protected]
TAM, Sheung-wai (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD,
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1961–1964).
Currently: Council Chairman, St Paul’s Co-Educational College (from
2002); Patron, China Literacy Foundation (from 2000); Member,
Statistics Advisory Board, HKSAR Government (from 1999);
President, Open University of Hong Kong (from 1995).
Previously: Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
(1990–1995); Chairman, Supplementary Medical Professions Council,
HKSAR Government (1989–1998); Head, Chinese University of Hong
Kong (1988–1990); Council Member, Hong Kong Polytechnic
University (1985–1997); Member, Croucher Foundation Scholarship/
Fellowship Selection Board (1982–2000); Professor of Chemistry,
Chinese University of Hong Kong (1981–1995); Dean, Graduate
School, Chinese University of Hong Kong (1981–1993); Member,
Hong Kong Examinations Authority, HKSAR Government (1979–
1993); Chairman, Hong Kong Sino-British Trust Fellowship Scholars
Association (1978–1984); Reader of Chemistry, Chinese University of
Hong Kong (1978–1981); Head, Chung Chi College, Chinese
University of Hong Kong (1976–1981); Member/Chairman,
Commonwealth Scholarship Selection Committee (1974–1979);
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Chinese University of Hong
Kong (1965–1978).
Email: [email protected]
TAMUNGANG, Simon Awafor (Cameroon). Commonwealth Fellow
(Use of IT in Wildlife Management), University of Nottingham,
United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Dschang (from 2003);
Founder and National Coordinator, Environment Cameroon (from
2000); Founder and Facilitator, Pinyin Area Bee Conservation Union
(from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Dschang (1997–2003).
Email: [email protected]
TAN, Chee Hong (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Zoology), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (Biochemistry),
University of Toronto, Canada (1966–1969).
Currently: Associate Professor, National University of Singapore.
Previously: Lecturer, University of Singapore; Senior Lecturer,
National University of Singapore.
Email: [email protected]
TAN, Khye Chong (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematical Statistics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore (from 1991).
Email: [email protected]
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TAN, Wee Hock (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Environmental Pollution Control), University of Leeds, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Chief Engineer, National Environment Agency (from
Previously: Engineer (1985–2000).
Email: [email protected]
TANDON, Radhika (India). Commonwealth Fellow (KeratoProsthesis Surgery and Eyebank Techniques), The Sussex Eye
Hospital, United Kingdom (2002–2003).
Currently: Additional Professor of Ophthalmology, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences
(from 2003); Officer-in-Charge, National Eyebank, Rajendra Prasad
Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences (from 1999).
Previously: Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences (1998–2003); Treasurer, Strabismological Society
of India (1994–1998); Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (1993–1998).
Email: [email protected]
TATE, Michael Carter (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BA
(Theology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1968–1971).
Currently: Parish Priest, Catholic Archdiocese of Hobart (from 2000);
Honorary Professor of Law, University of Tasmania (from 2000);
Member, International Humanitarian Law Committee (from 2000).
Previously: Ambassador to The Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands
(1993–1996); Federal Minister for Justice (1987–1993); Senator for
Tasmania, Australian Parliament (1978–1973); Lecturer, University of
Tasmania (1971–1978).
Email: [email protected]
TAWETTE, Felix Kamillus (Tanzania). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Library Science), University of Alberta, Canada (1986–
Currently: Senior Librarian, University of Botswana, Botswana (from
Previously: Chief Librarian, Institute of Development Management;
National Libraries Coordinator, Ministry of Education.
Email: [email protected]
TAYLOR, Barry Marshall (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Philosophy), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor and Reader,
Department of Philosophy, University of Melbourne (from 1974).
Previously: Fellow, Australian Academy of Humanities.
Email: [email protected]
TAYLOR, Donald Robert (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Physics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1963–1967).
Currently: Professor of Physics, Queen’s University (from 1970).
Previously: Head, Department of Physics, Queen’s University (1988–
1993); Research Scientist, Bell Telephone Labs, US (1967–1970).
Email: [email protected]
TAYLOR, Marcellus Charles (Bahamas). Commonwealth Scholar,
MEd (Management and Policy Studies), University of Bristol, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Educational Planner, Ministry of Education (from 1999).
Previously: Teacher (1989–1998).
Email: [email protected]
TEAGLE, Damon A H (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Earth Science), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: United Kingdom Representative, Science Steering
Evaluation Panel, Ocean Drilling Program (from 2001); Panel
Member, Natural Environment Research Council for United Kingdom
Ocean Drilling Program (from 2001); Lecturer, University of
Southampton, UK (from 1999).
Previously: Assistant Research Scientist (1997–1999); Postdoctoral
Research Fellow, University of Michigan, US (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, MRCP (Endocrinology), University of
Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1987–1989).
Currently: Head, Department of Clinical Medical Sciences, University
of West Indies (from 2002); Senior Lecturer in Medicine, University
of the West Indies (from 1998).
Previously: Lecturer in Medicine, University of the West Indies
(1992–1998); Registrar in Medicine, University of the West Indies
Email: [email protected]
TENNEKOON, Kamani Hamamala (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Medical Sciences), University of Sheffield, United
Kingdom (1982–1985).
Currently: Associate Professor in Physiology, University of Colombo
(from 1995).
Previously: Senior Lecturer in Physiology, University of Colombo
(1986–1995); Lecturer in Physiology, University of Colombo (1981–
Email: [email protected]
TEO, Boon Khee (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Development Administration), Athabasca University, Canada (1990–
Currently: Senior Manager, Technology Park Malaysia (from 2001).
Previously: Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry Of Science;
Manager, Human Resources and Administration, Technology Park
Email: [email protected]
TEO, Wah Liang (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Education), Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada (1996–1997).
Currently: Head, Department of Mathematics, Pioneer Junior College
(from 2000).
Previously: Curriculum Specialist, Ministry of Education; Teacher,
Raffles Junior College.
Email: [email protected]
TEOH, Boon Ping (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Metallic and Ceramic Materials), University of Manchester Institute
of Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Senior Executive, Product Development, Megasteel Sdn
(from 2002).
Previously: Product Development Executive, Megasteel Sdn (2001–
Email: [email protected]
TEOH, Seng Beng (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Botany), University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United
Kingdom (1972–1976); Commonwealth Fellow (Species Related To
Wheat), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1982).
Currently: Associate Professor, Division of Genetics and Molecular
Biology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya (from
Email: [email protected]
THAMBANDA, Poonacha Vijay (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Modern History of Coorg), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Reader in History, Kannada University (from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
THISTLEWOOD, Howard (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Pest Management), Simon Fraser University, Canada (1977–1979).
Currently: Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Canada (from 1986).
Previously: Director, Sterile Insect Release Program, Canada; Visiting
Scientist/Adjunct Professor, Queens University and University of
Montpellier ENSAM, INRA, Canada/France.
Email: [email protected]
THOMAS, David Jacques (Seychelles). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration), Université de Moncton, Canada
Currently: Project Manager, Water Corporation of Western Australia,
Australia (from 1995).
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Previously: Executive Chairman, Public Utilities Corporation;
Permanent Secretary to the President of Seychelles, Government of
Email: [email protected]
THOMAS, Jonathan (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1986–1990).
Currently: Senior Economist, Bank of England (from 2001).
Previously: Official Fellow, Economics, Emmanuel College,
University of Cambridge; University Lecturer, University College
THOMAS, Leonard (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Forestry),
University of British Columbia, Canada (1992–1997).
Currently: Senior Research Fellow, University of St Andrews (from
Previously: Research Fellow, University of St Andrews.
Email: [email protected]
THOMSON, David William (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Previously: Lecturer-Professor and Head of School, Massey University
(1985–2002); Research Officer, Victoria University of Wellington
(1983–1984); Postdoctorate Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington
Email: [email protected]
TINKER-SACHS, Gertrude (formerly TINKER) (Bahamas).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Education), Ontario College of Art and
Design, Canada (1982–1988).
Currently: Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong (from 1995).
Email: [email protected]
TINLINE, Rowland Robert (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Geography), University of Bristol, United Kingdom (1967–1970).
Currently: Director and President, Victorian Order of Nurses (Eastern
Lake Ontario Branch) (from 1999); Professor and Director, Queen’s
Geographic Information Systems Laboratory, Queen’s University at
Kingston (from 1990).
Previously: Board Member, District Health Council (1987–1992);
Director, Victorian Order of Nurses (Eastern Lake Ontario Branch)
(1987–1990); Director, Victorian Order of Nurses (Eastern Lake
Ontario Branch) (1981–1993); President, BERRN Research
Corporation (1980–1985); Lecturer-Professor, Queen’s University at
Kingston (1970–1990).
Email: [email protected]
TOBIAS, Kervyn (Saint Lucia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Information Systems), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Systems Administrator, Inland Revenue Department (from
Previously: Systems Administrator, Inland Revenue Department
(1999–2000); Assistant Systems Administrator, Inland Revenue
Department (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
TOBIAS, Murray Herbert (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1961–1963).
Currently: Judge of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales
(from 2003).
Previously: Senior Vice-President, Australian Bar Association (1994–
1995); President, New South Wales Bar Association (1993–1995);
Senior Vice-President, New South Wales Bar Association (1991–
1993); Junior Vice-President, New South Wales Bar Association
(1989–1991); Barrister (Queen’s Counsel), self-employed (1964–
Awards: Member, Order of Australia (AM) (1998); Queen’s Counsel
(QC) (1978).
Email: [email protected]
TODD, Lisa (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MA (Modern
European History), Royal Holloway, University of London, United
Kingdom (1997–1998).
Currently: PhD Candidate, Modern German History, University of
Toronto (from 1999).
Email: [email protected]
TOMLINSON, Maurice (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Business Administration), University of Calgary, Canada
Currently: Student, University of the West Indies (from 1999).
Previously: Business Office Executive, Cable & Wireless Jamaica;
Branch Manager, National Housing Trust.
Email: [email protected]
TOMLINSON, Michael Anthony (Australia). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: University Secretary, Swinburne University of Technology
(from 2003); President, Australian Homeopathic Association (from
Previously: Executive Director, Chancellery (2001–2002); President,
Australian Register of Homeopaths (1997–1998); Executive Officer to
the Vice-Chancellor, Swinburne University of Technology (1994–
Email: [email protected]
TOMLINSON, Pat (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Computer Science), Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada
Currently: Advisory Sales Specialist, IBM World Trade Corporation
(from 2000).
Previously: Advisory Client Representative, IBM World Trade
Corporation; Systems and Application Programming, Cable &
Wireless Jamaica.
Email: [email protected]
TONG, Irene (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Political Science), University of Toronto, Canada (1989–1992).
Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
TOOPE, Stephen John (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1983–1985).
Currently: Member, United Nations Working Group on Enforced and
Involuntary Disappearances (from 2003); President, Trudeau
Foundation (from 2002); Member, Worldwide Anglican Consultative
Council (from 1998).
Previously: Co-Director, Institute for European Studies, McGill
University and Université de Montréal (2000–2002); President,
Canadian Council on International Law (2000–2001); Expert,
Commonwealth Consultation on the Constitution of Sri Lanka (1997–
1998); Dean, Faculty of Law, McGill University (1994–1999);
National Chairperson, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
(Anglican Church of Canada) (1993–1995); Associate Dean of
Graduate Studies, Faculty of Law, McGill University (1991–1994);
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University
Awards: Francis Déak Publication Award (shared), American Society
of International Law (1998).
Email: [email protected]
TOUFIQUE, Kazi Ali (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1989–1993).
Currently: Research Fellow, Bangladesh Institute of Development
Studies (from 1989).
Email: [email protected]
TRIPATHI, Fanish Mani (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Plastic
Surgery), Stoke Mandeville Hospital, United Kingdom (1982–1983).
Currently: Honorary Member, World Society for Reconstructive
Microsurgery (from 2000); Corresponding Member, Association of
the Surgery of Poland, Poland (from 1998); Founder President, Indian
National Society of Lymphology and Indian Association for Peripheral
Neurosurgery (from 1995); Professor and Head, Department of Plastic
Surgery, Division of the Hand, Microsurgery and Lymphology,
Banaras Hindu University (from 1989).
Previously: Honorary Visiting Professor, Nangalia Hospital (2001–
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TRIPATHI, Gouri Sankar (India). Commonwealth Fellow
(Condensed Matter Physics), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Professor, Department of Physics, Berhampur University
(from 2000).
Previously: Head, Department of Physics, Berhampur University
(1998–2000); Reader in Physics, Department of Physics, Berhampur
University (1992).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
TUNG, Peter Chi-sun (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Educational Linguistics), University of Toronto, Canada
Currently: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of English and
Communication, City University of Hong Kong (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Secretary, Research, Standing Committee on
Language Education and Research; Associate Director, Language
Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
TRIVEDI, Harsha (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Medical
Microbiology), University of Manitoba, Canada (1994–1998).
Previously: Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute and National
Institutes of Health, US; Postdoctoral fellow, Advanced Biosciences
Laboratory, US.
Email: [email protected]
TUQA, Salimoni (Fiji). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc (Mother and
Child Health), University of London, United Kingdom (1983–1984).
Currently: Director, Central Eastern Health Service (from 2002).
Previously: Medical Superintendent, Colonial War Memorial Hospital
(2000–2002); Director, Health Planning, Ministry of Health (1996–
2000); Consultant Paediatrician, Colonial War Memorial Hospital
Email: [email protected]
TSANG, Kai Man Andy (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Fellow
(Mathematics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1989–1990).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of
Hong Kong (from 1995).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Hong Kong (1985–1995).
Email: [email protected]
TSEKPO, Anthony K (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Development Economics), University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Currently: Vice-Chairman, School Management Committee, Holy
Child Roman Catholic Basic School (from 2001); Member, InterInstitutional Advisory Committee on Trade, Ministry of Trade and
Industry (from 2000); Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Social
and Economic Research, University of Ghana (from 1993).
Email: [email protected]
TSIM, Wah K K (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biochemistry), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1984–
Currently: Associate Professor (from 1992).
Previously: Research Associate, School of Medicine, Stanford
University, US (1988–1992).
Email: [email protected]
TSUI, Amy Bik-May (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Linguistics), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (1985–
Currently: Member, Curriculum Development Council (from 1999);
Member, Person Rights Tribunal (from 1999); Member, Hong Kong
Institute of Education Council (from 1998); Professor and Chair,
University of Hong Kong (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader, University of Hong
Kong (1990–1997); Lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
TSUI, Hing Fung (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Educational Psychology and Special Education), University of
Alberta, Canada (1981–1988).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education (from
Previously: Lecturer, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
TUKAHEBWA, Geoffrey (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Public Administration), University of Manitoba, Canada
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Makerere University (from 1992).
Email: [email protected]
TUMBLETY, Joan Lorna (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(History of Ideas), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Lecturer, Department of History, University of
Southampton, UK (from 1996).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of History and French Studies,
Lancaster University, UK (1995–1996).
Email: [email protected]
TURAY, Samuel Kindo (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Agricultural Engineering), Cranfield University, United
Kingdom (1990–1991).
Currently: Lecturer (part-time), Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone (from
Previously: Agricultural Engineer, Department of Agriculture,
Forestry and Marine Resources, University of Sierra Leone (1987–
1988); Agricultural Engineer, FAO Project (1987–1988); Veterinary
Technician, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Marine
Resources, University of Sierra Leone (1974–1978).
TURCOTTE, Fernand Wilfred (Canada). Commonwealth Fellow
(Epidemiology), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Professor of Public Health, Université Laval (from 1971).
Previously: Associate Scientific Editor, Canadian Journal of Public
Health (1983–2001).
Email: [email protected]
TURCOTTE, Josiane (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), London School of Economics and Political Science, United
Kingdom (1998–1999).
Currently: Legal Counsel, Alcan Inc. (from 2003).
Previously: Commercial/Corporate Lawyer, International Commercial
Law Firm (1998–2003).
Email: [email protected]
TURNBULL, Eion (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: General Manager, Refining, Kurnell Refineries (from
Previously: Manager, Lytton Refinery, Caltex Australia (2000–2002);
Group General Manager, Adelaide Brighton Cement (1998–2000).
TURNER, Simon (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Music),
McGill University, Canada (1997–1998).
Currently: Freelance Classical Musician (from 1998).
TURNER, Stephen (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Visual
Arts), University of Regina, Canada (1977–1979).
Currently: Artist (from 1979).
Previously: Member of Council, Arts Council of England; Arts and
Events Officer, Common Ground.
Email: [email protected]
TUSUBIRA, Francis Frederick (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Microwave Engineering), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Director, Directorate for ICG Support, Makerere University
(from 2001); Trustee, Uganda Society for Disabled Children (from
2000); Member, Board of Governors, Busoga College (from 2000);
Chairman, Board of Education, Busoga Diocese, Church of Uganda
(from 1999); Commissioner, Uganda Communications Commission
(from 1998).
Previously: Associate Dean, Faculty of Technology, Makerere
University (1997–1999); District Treasurer, Rotary District 9200
(Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Ethiopia) (1997–1998); President,
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Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (1995–1996); Head,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Makerere University (1990–
Email: [email protected]
Manchester University, Hillel Foundation (1971–1973); Editorial
Staff, Encyclopedia Judaica, Israel (1969–1971).
Email: [email protected]
USHA, Areekkara Poduvattil (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Animal Husbandry), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
(1992–1995); Commonwealth Fellow (Animal Husbandry), Roslin
Institute, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Associate Professor, Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Kerala Agricultural University (from 1995).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Kerala Agricultural University (1988–
1995); Junior Assistant Professor, Kerala Agricultural University
Email: [email protected]
UCHE, Peter Ikechukwu (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Statistics), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (1972–1975).
Currently: Director of Academic Planning, University of Nigeria (from
1993); Professor of Statistics, University of Nigeria (from 1989).
Previously: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader, University of Nigeria
(1975–1988); Chairman, Committee of Directors, Academic Planning
of Nigerian Universities; Vice-President/Council Member, Nigerian
Statistical Association; Chairman, Panel to Accredit Science
Programmes of Nigerian Universities.
UDOKA, Arnold Benjamiin (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Choregraphy), University of London, United Kingdom (1985–1988).
Currently: Chairman, Advisory Council, Guild of Nigerian Dancers
(from 1997); Assistant Director of Dance and National Choreographer,
Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism, National Troupe of Nigeria
(from 1991).
Previously: Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer II, Department of Theatre Arts,
University of Calabar (1988–1991); Graduate Assistant, University of
Calabar (1984–1987).
Email: [email protected]
UTA, Joseph Jabulani (Malawi). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Librarianship), Loughborough University, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Librarian, Mzuzu University (from 1998).
Previously: College Librarian, Various Colleges, University of Malawi
(1970–1999); Chair, National Steering Committee, Sustainable
Development Network Programme; President, Commonwealth Library
Association; Member, Government of Malawi, National Information
Email: [email protected]
UGBOLUE, Samuel Chuks Okafor (Nigeria). Commonwealth
Fellow (Textile Manufacture), University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, United Kingdom (1988–1989).
Currently: Professor, Department of Textile Sciences, University of
Massachusetts, US (from 1998).
Previously: Professor/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of
Technology, Owerri (1993–1997); Chairman, Standards Organization
of Nigeria (1992–1997); Member, Governing Board, Federal
University of Technology, Owerri (1990–1997); Member, Governing
Council, Textile Institute International Manchester, UK (1988–1996);
Chairman of the Professional Council, Polymer Institute of Nigeria
(1988–1996); Professor/Dean, Federal University of Technology,
Owerri (1985–1992); Board Member, Joint Admissions and
Matriculation Board (1984–1988).
Email: [email protected]
VAIDYANATHAN, Pandur Viswanatha (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Mechanical Engineering), University of Leeds, United
Kingdom (1969–1972).
Previously: Vice-Chancellor, Annamalai University (1999–2002);
Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (1992–1998).
UMAR, Aliyu Dikko (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Reproductive Endocrinology), University of Southampton, United
Kingdom (1994–1997).
Currently: Head, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Bayero University (from 1998); Deputy Dean, Bayero University
(from 1998); Senior Lecturer, Bayero University (from 1995).
VALLADARES, Terry Martin (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar,
BA (Agricultural/Environmental Sciences), McGill University, Canada
Currently: Project Manager, Federal Management Systems Inc. (from
Previously: Assistant Commissioner of Forests, Silviculture, Guyana
Forestry Commission.
Email: [email protected]
UMEH, Beatrice Udezuo (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, FRCA
(Anaesthetics), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1975–
1977); Commonwealth Fellow (Relief Of Intractable Pain), Walton
Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Currently: Provost, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University (from 2002); Member, Teaching Hospital Management
Board (from 2002); Professor and Consultant, Anaesthesia, Nnamdi
Azikiwe University (from 1996).
Previously: Reader, Anaesthesiology, King Faisal University, Saudi
Arabia (1988–1995); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer and Consultant,
University of Nigeria (1978–1988).
Email: [email protected]
UNTERMAN, Alan (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Philosophy), University of Delhi, India (1966–1968).
Currently: Minister of Religion, Yeshurun Synagogue (from 1981);
Lecturer (part-time), Comparative Religion, University of Manchester.
Previously: Lecturer in Comparative Religion, University of
Manchester (1979–1981); Senior Jewish Chaplain, Hillel Foundation
(1976–1978); Lecturer, Jewish Studies, Jerusalem Academy of Jewish
Studies, Israel (1973–1975); Part-time Lecturer, Indian Philosophy,
Tel Aviv University, Israel (1973–1975); Lecturer, Comparative
Religion, University of Manchester (1972–1973); Jewish Chaplain
VALARINO, Maurice (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Occupational Health and Safety), Aston University, United Kingdom
Currently: Director, Environmental Agency Limited (from 1995).
Previously: CEO, Gibraltar Disability Society (1995–2001); General
Secretary, Gibraltar Association of Environmental Health Officers
(1993–1995); Senior Environmental Health Officer, Government of
Gibraltar (1983–1995).
Email: [email protected]
VAN ACKER, Rene Chris (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Weed Science), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1992–
Currently: Assistant/Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
(from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
VAN DE VEN, Justin William (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Economics (Social Welfare and Income Inequality)), University
of Oxford, United Kingdom (1999–2001).
Currently: Research Officer, UK (from 2002); Doctoral, Student,
University of Oxford, UK (from 1999–2003).
Previously: Analyst, Merrill Lynch Investment Bank (2001–2002).
Email: [email protected]
VAN ROOY, Gert (Namibia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Development Studies), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1996–
Currently: Head, Social Sciences Division, University of Namibia
(from 2001).
Previously: Researcher, Social Sciences Division, University of
Namibia (1997–2000).
Email: [email protected]
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VAN TOORN, Penelope (formerly CAIRNS) (Australia).
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (English), University of British
Columbia, Canada (1984–1987).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of English, University of Sydney
(from 2000).
Previously: Australian Research Council (ARC) Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Sydney; ARC Research Fellow, University of Sydney.
Email: [email protected]
VAN ZYL, Jakobus Ernst (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Engineering), University of Exeter, United Kingdom (1998–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Rand Afrikaans University (from 2001);
Secretary, South African Institution of Civil Engineering (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, Rand Afrikaans University (1996–2001);
Engineer, GFJ Consulting Engineers (1993–1995).
Email: [email protected]
VANN, Richard John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, BCL
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1975–1976).
Currently: Member, Goods and Services Tax Rulings Panel,
Australian Taxation Office (from 1999); Member, International Tax
Rulings Panel, Australian Taxation Office (from 1995); Challis
Professor of Law, University of Sydney (from 1976).
Previously: Special Adviser, Board of Taxation, Department of the
Treasury (2002–2003); Special Adviser, Review of Business Taxation,
Department of the Treasury (1998–1999); Head of Unit, Central and
Eastern European and NIS Program, Fiscal Affairs Division,
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (1992–
1995); Counsel Taxation (1990–1991).
Email: [email protected]
VARMA, Dhirendra Nath (India). Commonwealth Fellow (NeuroRadiology), National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery,
United Kingdom (1978–1979).
Currently: Head of Department, Division of Neuro-Radiology and
Imaging, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University
(from 1980).
Previously: Professor and Head, Department of Radiology, Institute
of Medical Sciences (1988–2001); Deputy Medical Superintendent,
University Hospital (1986); Administrative Warden, Medical Hostels
of the University (1974–1981).
Email: [email protected]
VARMA, Mahesh (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Anatomy),
Cardiff University, United Kingdom (1976–1977).
Currently: Honorary Secretary, Rajasthan Cancer Society (from 1992).
Previously: Professor/Senior Professor in Anatomy, SMS Medical
College (1970–1991); Reader in Anatomy, SMS Medical College
(1965–1970); Demonstrator/Senior Demonstrator in Anatomy, SMS
Medical College (1959–1963); House Surgeon in General Surgery,
SMS Hospital Jaipur (1958–1959).
VARMA, Shashi Kanta (India). Commonwealth Fellow (Extension
Education), University of Reading, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Professor, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural
University Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University.
Previously: Assistant/Associate Professor, Chaudhary Charan Singh
Haryana Agricultural University.
Email: [email protected]
VASANTHA, Malladi (India). Commonwealth Scholar, Research
towards PhD (Microbiology and Immunology), University of
Leicester, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Senior Research Fellow and Student (from 2002).
Previously: Junior Research Fellow and Student, Anna University
Email: [email protected]
VEERARAGHAVAIAH, Ravuri (India). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Crop Science), University of Guelph, Canada (1988–1992).
Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural
College (from 2001).
Email: [email protected]
VELLA-BONNICI, Joseph (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Public Policy), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Currently: Euro-Med Industrial Cooperation Expert, EU Commission
(from 2002); Director, Foundation for HR Development (from 2001);
CEO, Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise (from 1998);
Lecturer of International Business, Faculty of Economics,
Management and Accountancy, University of Malta.
Previously: Chairman, Restructuring Taskforce, Public Broadcasting
(2001–2002); Director, Sea Malta Corporation (1997–1999); Director,
Malta Freeport Corporation (1997–1998); General Manager, Simonds
Farsons Cisk Plc (1993–1998); Manager, Malta Development
Corporation (1977–1990).
Email: [email protected]
VENKATESWARLU, Kanamarlapudi (India). Commonwealth
Scholar, MPhil (Biology (Molecular)), University of Sheffield, United
Kingdom (1993–1996).
Currently: Lecturer, University of Bristol, UK (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
VERMA, Madan Mohan (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Food Science), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1981–
Currently: Director, Directorate of Vegetable Oils and Fats,
Government of India (from 2002).
Previously: Deputy Director, Directorate of Vegetable Oils and Fats,
Government of India (1986–2002); Director, Marketing and
Inspection, Government of India (1978–1986).
VERMA, Rajiva (India). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (English
Literature), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1969–1972).
Currently: Professor, Department of English, University of Delhi
(from 1991).
Previously: President, Shakespeare Society of India (1991–1997);
Reader (1986–1991); Lecturer (1985–1986).
Email: [email protected]
VERTESI, Janet Amelia (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(History and Philosophy of Science), University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Graduate Student, Faculty of Forestry, University of British
Columbia (from 2003); Fellow, Action Canada (from 2003).
Previously: Associate Director, International Programs, History of
Experimental Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Canadian
Mathematical Society (2002–2003).
Email: [email protected]
VICE, Samantha Wynne (South Africa). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Moral Philosophy), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Rhodes University (from
Previously: Junior Lecturer in Philosophy, Rhodes University (1999).
Email: [email protected]
VIEIRA, Rickford (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Mineral Processing), University of British Columbia, Canada (1996–
Currently: Senior Mineral Processing Engineer, Guyana Geology and
Mines (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
VIGNESWARAN, Ratnam (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow
(Numerical Analysis), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (2000–
Currently: Senior Lecturer (Grade I), Eastern University (from 1998).
Previously: Senior Lecturer and Head, Mathematics Unit, Eastern
University (1992–1998); Lecturer, Eastern University (1987–1992).
Email: [email protected]
VINCENT, George (Grenada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Tourism studies), McGill University, Canada (1990–1995).
Currently: Senior Tourism Specialist, Organization of American
States, US (from 1995).
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Previously: Director, Grenada National Post Service; Manager,
Grenada Development Bank.
Email: [email protected]
VON MALTZAHN, Nicholas (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (English), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1984–1986).
Currently: Professor, Department of English, University of Ottawa
(from 1998).
Previously: Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of English,
University of Ottawa (1987–1998).
Email: [email protected]
VORO, Tevita Nauluca (Fiji). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Chemical Sciences), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom;
PhD (Chemical Sciences), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of the South
Pacific (from 1992).
WAANA, Charles (Uganda). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Physics), University of Toronto, Canada; PhD (Physics), University
of Toronto, Canada (1984–1986).
Currently: Research and Development Coordinator, Department of
Works and Transportation, City of Brampton, Canada (from 2002).
Previously: Software Implementation Advisor, Information
Technology, City of Brampton; United Nations Development Program
Tomken Consultant, Uganda National Council of Science and
Email: [email protected]
WAISTER, Peter Douglas (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Agriculture), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (1961–
Previously: Head, Crop Science Division, Scottish Crop Research
Institute, UK (1965–1988).
WAITE, Jeffrey (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Linguistique), Université de Montréal, Canada (1982–1986).
Currently: Spécialiste confirmé de l’éducation, Banque mondiale /
World Bank (from 1997).
Email: [email protected]
WAKERLY, Elizabeth (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), Athabasca University, Canada; PhD (Economics),
University of British Columbia, Canada (1987–1993).
Currently: Lecturer, University of East Anglia (from 1997).
Previously: Economic Analyst, National Economic Research
Email: [email protected]
WAKHLU, Omkar Nath (India). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Fluid Mechanics), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, Indian National Congress (from 2001); Member,
Managing Committee, National School (from 2001); Member,
Technical Advisory Committee, Tehri Hydel Development
Corporation (from 1995).
Previously: Director, S S M College of Engineering (1999–2002);
Member, Awami National Conference Press Enclave (1995–2001);
Founder and Chairman, Pragati Foundation (1992–1995); Senior
Consultant, Pragati Foundation (1987–1999); Honorary Director,
National Buildings Organization, Government of India (1978–1986);
Principal, Regional Engineering College (1977–1986); Chairman,
Institute of Engineers (1976–1978); General Secretary, Gandhi
Memorial College of the Hindu Educational Society (1971–1975);
Member, Executive Committee, Institution of Engineers (1971–1975);
Secretary, Institution of Engineers (1970–1974); Professor of Civil
Engineering, Regional Engineering College (1965–1977).
WALLER, Gary Fredric (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (English), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1966–
Currently: Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Purchase
College, State University of New York, US (from 1995).
Previously: Dean of Arts and Sciences, University of Hartford, US
(1992–1995); Professor and Head, Department of English, Carnegie
Mellon University, US (1983–1992); Lecturer, Department of English,
University of Auckland (1969–1972).
Email: [email protected]
WALSH, Kerry (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Biology),
Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1985–1988).
Currently: Assistant Professor, Central Queensland University (from
Previously: Associate Professor, Central Queensland University.
Email: [email protected]
WALSHAM, Alexandra Marie (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (History), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1990–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of
Exeter, UK (from 2000).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of History, University of Exeter, UK
(1996–2000); Research Fellow, Emmanuel College, University of
Cambridge, UK (1993–1996); Supervisor and Lecturer (part-time),
Faculty of History, University of Cambridge, UK (1993–1996);
Academic and Residential Tutor, School of History, University of
Melbourne (1989–1990); Sessional Tutor, School of History,
University of Melbourne (1989).
Email: [email protected]
WALTER, Paula Constance (formerly WEST) (South Africa).
Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Linguistics (Phonetics)), University
of Oxford, United Kingdom (1997–2000).
Currently: Programme Analyst, Goldman Sachs, UK (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
WALTERS, Mark David (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1990–1993).
Currently: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University
at Kingston (from 2002).
Previously: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University
at Kingston (1999–2002); Fellow/Tutor in Law, New College,
University of Oxford, UK (1997–1999); Lecturer in Law, Merton
College, University of Oxford, UK (1996–1997).
Email: [email protected]
WALUCHOW, Wilfrid Joseph (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Philosophy of Law), University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Currently: Professor, Department of Philosophy, McMaster University
(from 1984–2003).
Email: [email protected]
WAMBUA, Paul Mwanzia (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Textile Science and Engineering), University of Leeds, United
Kingdom (1993–1995).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Textile Technology, Moi
University (from 1996).
Previously: Graduate Assistant in Textile Engineering, Moi University
(1992–1995); Assistant Engineer, Ministry of Industry (1989–1992).
Email: [email protected]
WAMBUGU, Nicholas Waweru (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Mechanical Engineering), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (1970–1973).
Currently: Managing Director, Dr Wambugu and Sons, Engineering
and Investments Co. Ltd, Sitatunga Scheme (from 1989).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Production Technology,
Moi University (1986–1988); Technical Education Adviser, Ministry
of Education (1986–1987); Chairman, Research and Development
Committee, Kenya Polytechnic (1984–1985); Chairman, Kenya
Branch, International Association for the Exchange of Students for
Technical Experience (1982–1990); Head, Mechanical Engineering
Department, Kenya Polytechnic (1980–1985); Senior Technical
Education Officer, Civil Service Technical Administration (1979);
Research Engineer, UK (1970–1972); Assistant Lecturer in Production
Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kenya
Polytechnic (1969–1970).
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WANG, Ann Lee (Malaysia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Statistics), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Currently: National Correspondent, International Statistical Institute
Committee on Women in Statistics (from 1997); National
Correspondent, International Association for Statistical Education
(from 1993); Associate Professor, Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Malaya (from 1990).
Previously: Founding Member, Arthritis Foundation (1995–1997);
Secretary, Malaysian Institute of Statistics (1986–1987); Lecturer,
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (1973–
1990); Tutor, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya
Email: [email protected]
WANNIARACHCHI, Sudas D. (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Soil Science), University of Guelph, Canada; PhD
(Soil Science), University of Guelph, Canada (1991–1997).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Soil Science, University of Ruhuna (from
Previously: Manager, Aquaculture project, Unilever (Ceylon) Ltd;
Management Trainee, Sampath Bank Ltd of Sri Lanka.
Email: [email protected]
WARD, Christopher (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, MSc (Knowledge-Based Systems), University of Sussex,
United Kingdom (1987–1988); PhD (Computer Science), University
of Essex, United Kingdom (1992–1995).
Currently: Lecturer, Computer Science Department, University of the
West Indies, St Augustine Campus (from 1996).
Email: [email protected]
WARRINGTON, Edward (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Public Administration), University of Toronto, Canada
(1984–1985); DPhil (Public Administration), University of Oxford,
United Kingdom (1991–1994).
Currently: Director, Institute of Public Administration and
Management, University of Malta (from 1999); Co-Editor, Southern
Europe, Mediterranean and Middle East Department, Public
Administration and Development (journal) (from 1998).
Previously: Director, International Study Group on Small State
Administration (1994–2000); Commissioner, Public Service
Commission (1994–1996); Member and Leader of Task Forces,
Diocesan Administration/University of Malta/Vocational Education
(1991–2000); Lecturer, Department of Public Policy, University of
Malta (1990–1999); Founder, Malta Public Service, Staff Development
Organization (1990–1991); Secretary, Malta Government, Public
Service Reform Commission (1988–1990).
Email: [email protected]
WARRINGTON, Richard Bruce (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, DPhil (Physics), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO National Measurement
Laboratory, Australia (from 1998).
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, US (1996–1998); Junior Research
Fellowship, Trinity College Oxford, UK (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
WARUI, Charles Nderitu (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Veterinary Anatomy), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University
of Nairobi (from 2001); Senior Lecturer, Department of Veterinary
Anatomy, University of Nairobi (from 1990).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University
of Nairobi (1986–1990); Tutorial Fellow, University of Nairobi (1980–
Email: [email protected]
WATTLEY, Bernard B. (Anguilla). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Administration and Policy Studies), McGill University,
Canada (1997–1998).
Currently: Deputy Director, Employment, Government of Anguilla.
Previously: Graduate Teacher, Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive
Email: [email protected]
WATTS, Peter George (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
LLB (Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1981–1982).
Currently: Professor, Department of Law, University of Auckland
(from 1985).
Email: [email protected]
WATTS, Ronald Stafford (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Theoretical Chemistry), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Chairman, Energy Action Pty Ltd (from 2000).
Email: [email protected]
WEATHERALL, Ann Elizabeth (UK). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Food Science), University of Alberta, Canada (1980–1985).
Currently: Consumer and Sensory Science Manager, United Biscuits
(from 2000).
Previously: Technology Manager, United Biscuits; Coordinator, MSc
Programme in Food Technology, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan,
Email: [email protected]
WEE, Andrew Thye Shen (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow
(Surface Science), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1997–
Currently: Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Lecturer, Department
of Physics, National University of Singapore (from 1990).
Email: [email protected]
WEE, Richard Kian-Hock W (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar,
Diploma (Bacteriology), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Previously: Research Scientist, University of British Columbia,
Canada (2001–2002); Tissue Culturist, Vera Genics Ltd, Canada
(1998–2000); Clinical Trial Evaluator, Pure New Zealand Ltd, New
Zealand (1997); Rector’s Warden, St Martin’s Church, Canada (1983–
1988); Laboratory Scientist, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Canada
Email: [email protected]
WEE KIAT, Sim (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, Diploma
(Orthodontics), University of London, United Kingdom (1976–1977).
Currently: Visiting Orthodontic Consultant, Shenton Dental Surgery
(from 1998).
Previously: Consultant, Orthodontic Department, National Dental
Centre (1977–1997); Orthodontist, Singapore General Hospital,
Ministry of Health, Government of Singapore (1964–1977).
Email: [email protected]
WEERAHEWA, Jeevika (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Economics), University of Guelph, Canada (1991–1997).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (from 1997).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Peradeniya.
Email: [email protected]
WEERASINGHE, Vajira Senaka (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Neurophysiology), University of Southampton, United
Neurophysiology), King’s College London, United Kingdom (2002–
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology, University of
Peradeniya (from 1986).
Email: [email protected]
WEI, William Ignace (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Fellow (Head
and Neck Surgery), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Chief of Service, Queen Mary Hospital, Department of
ENT, University of Hong Kong (from 1997); Professor, Surgery
Department, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong (from
Previously: President, Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists
Email: [email protected]
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WELCH, Pedro L V (Barbados). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Development Studies), University of Bath, United Kingdom (1983–
Currently: Student Support Services Coordinator, Distance Education
Centre, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus (from 2002);
Member, Governing Board, Caribbean Union College (from 1999).
Previously: Assistant Registrar (Examinations), University of the West
Indies, Cave Hill Campus (1999–2002); Lecturer, Department of
History, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus (1998–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
WELDS, Audrey Cecille (Jamaica). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), King’s University College, Canada.
Currently: Partner, Commercial Department, DunnCox (from 1994).
Previously: Assistant Manager (legal department of financial
institution) (1990–1994); Assistant Director, Corporate Secretary,
Bank of Jamaica (1985–1989).
Email: [email protected]
WHITE, Edward Thomas (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Chemical Engineering), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Queensland (from 1999); Member, Molasses Rheology
Committee, International Committee on Uniform Methods of Sugar
Analysis (from 1978).
Previously: Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Queensland (1989–1998); Member, Queensland
Executive Committee, Clean Air Society of Australia (1975–1979);
Reader, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
Queensland (1970–1989); Committee Member/Secretary, Institution
of Chemical Engineers (1970–1973); Lecturer/Senior Lecturer,
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland
(1965–1970); Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of
Queensland (1956–1965).
Email: [email protected]
WHITE, John Douglas (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Civil Engineering), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Managing Director, Global Renewables Ltd (from 2000).
Previously: Managing Director, Siddons Ramset (1999–2000); Chief
Executive, Visy Industries (1996–1999); Chief Executive, Transfield
Defense Systems Pty Ltd (1988–1996); General Manager, Eglo
Engineering (1983–1988); Senior Engineer, Woodside Offshore
Petroleum (1978–1983).
Email: [email protected]
WHITE, William Roy (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Economics), University of Manchester, United Kingdom (1965–
Currently: Economic Adviser and Head, Monetary and Economic
Department, Bank for International Settlements (from 1994).
Previously: Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada (1985–1994); Adviser
to the Governor, Bank of Canada (1981–1984).
Email: [email protected]
WHITELAW, Emma (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil
(Zoology), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1974–1977).
Currently: Board Member, Cancer Council of New South Wales (from
2002); Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University
of Sydney (from 1997).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, University
of Sydney (1992–1997); Research Scientist, Sir William Dunn School
of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK (1985–1991).
Email: [email protected]
WHITEWAY, Donald Lorne (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar,
DPhil (Maths), University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1981–1984).
Currently: Quantitative Analyst, UK (from 1998).
Previously: Executive Director, Union Bank of Switzerland, UK
(1994–1998); Chief Dealer, Toronto Dominion Bank, UK (1988–
WHITTEN, Stuart Max (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Economics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1994–1995).
Currently: Institutional Analyst/Economist (from 2002).
Previously: PhD Student, School of Economics and Management,
University of New South Wales (1997–2002).
Email: [email protected]
WICKRAMASINGHE, Anoja (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Forest Ecology), University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Currently: Consultant, Uppey Watershed Management Project (from
2002); Member, National Committee on Man and Biosphere, National
Science Foundation (from 2002); Member, National Committee on
Forestry, National Science Foundation (from 2002); Coordinator,
National Network on Gender and Energy (from 2002); Adviser,
Central Region Development Ministry (from 2001); Senior Professor
and Head, Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya (from
2000); Chair, Postgraduate Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of
Peradeniya (from 2000); Advisory Committee Member, International
Network on Forest and Communities (from 1998); Technical Adviser,
Asia Forestry Network (from 1996); Coordinator, Collaborative
Regional Research Network in South Asia (from 1993).
Previously: Professor, Department of Geography, University of
Peradeniya (1995–2000); Associate Professor, Department of
Geography, University of Peradeniya (1990–1995).
Email: [email protected]
WIJESEKERA, Ramanee Devika (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Environmental Chemistry), University of Birmingham, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Senior Lecturer (I), Department of Chemistry, University
of Colombo (from 1996).
Previously: Executive Committee Member, World University Services
(Colombo Branch) (1998–1999; 1996–1997); Committee Member, Sri
Lankan Association for the Advancement of Science (1995–1997);
Senior Treasurer, Colombo Branch, World University Services (1993–
1999); Executive Committee Member, University of Colombo
Teachers’ Association, University of Colombo (1992–1993); Senior
Lecturer (II), Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo (1990–
1996); Permanent Assistant Lecturer, Department of Chemistry,
University of Colombo (1984–1990); Temporary Assistant Lecturer,
Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo (1983–1984).
Email: [email protected]
WIJESINGHE, Nagita (formerly KADURUGAMUWE) (Sri Lanka).
Commonwealth Fellow (Linguistics), University of Edinburgh, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Kelaniya (from 1989).
Previously: Head, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
(1996–1999); Assistant Lecturer, University of Kelaniya (1984–1987).
Email: [email protected]
WIJESUNDERA, Manel Kalyani de S (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1993).
Currently: Chairman, Board of Study of Microbiology, Postgraduate
Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo (from 1998).
Previously: President, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka
College of Microbiologists (1999–2000); Senior Professor and Head,
Department of Parasitology, University of Peradeniya (1996–2002);
Local Secretary, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
(1995–1999); Member, Standing Committee for Medical and Dental
Sciences, University Grants Commission, Ministry of Higher
Education (1993–1999); Professor, Department of Parasitology,
University of Peradeniya (1990–1996); Medical Officer, Department
of Health, Ministry of Health (1968–1974).
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Commonwealth Fellow (Reproductive Endocrinology and Medicine),
Leeds General Infirmary, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Senior Lecturer in Reproductive Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Colombo (from 1993).
Previously: Secretary, Ceylon College of Physicians (1997–1999);
Secretary, Endocrine Society of Sri Lanka (1994–1999); Convenor,
National Coordinating Committee on Research in Human Repoduction
(1994–1999); Secretary, Diabetic Association of Sri Lanka (1994–
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1996); Clinical Research Fellow, Academic Department of Diabetes
and Endocrinology, Whittington Hospital, UK (1989–1991);
Postgraduate Trainee in General Medicine (1985–1989).
Email: [email protected]
WIKRAMANAYAKE, Eugene R (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Fellow (Medical Genetics), University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Academic Consultant, Gampaha Wikramarachchi
Ayurvedic Institute, University of Kelaniya (from 1999); Professor
Emeritus, University of Peradeniya (from 1999).
Previously: Senior Professor of Anatomy, University of Peradeniya
(1988–1999); Professor of Anatomy, University of Peradeniya (1982–
Email: [email protected]
WILD, Peter Reginald (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematics), Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Royal Holloway,
University of London, UK (from 1996); Lecturer, Department of
Mathematics, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK (from
Previously: Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Mathematics and
Statistics, CSIRO (1983–1985); Postdoctoral Fellow, Rothmaus
Fellow, University of Adelaide (1980–1983); Lecturer, Ohio State
University, US (1979–1980).
Email: [email protected]
WILKINS, Peter Arnold (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Sound Vibration), University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Currently: Director of Policy, Office of the Auditor-General of
Western Australia (from 1999).
Previously: President, Mr Lawley Senior High Parents’ and Citizens’
Association (1996–1998).
Email: [email protected]
WILLEY, Hayden Bruce (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Architecture), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1974–
Currently: Associate Professor, School of Architecture, University of
Auckland (from 1999); New Zealand Representative, Division 3
Committee, Commission International Eclairage (CIE) (from 1997).
Previously: Secretary, National Committee of the CIE (1997–2000);
National Councillor, Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia
and New Zealand (1989–1992); President, Australian and New
Zealand Architectural Science Association (1988–1989); Lecturer/
Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Auckland
Email: [email protected]
WILLIAMS, Alison George (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Transportation Engineering), University of New
Brunswick, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Chief Executive Officer, Independent Engineering
Consultants Ltd (from 2001).
Previously: Technical Adviser, Tobago House of Assembly; Project
Manager, Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago.
Email: [email protected]
WILLIAMS, Andrea Mary Louise (formerly DAVID) (Australia).
Commonwealth Scholar, DPhil (Medieval French Literature),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1987–1990).
Currently: Lecturer, Department of French, University of Exeter, UK
(from 1992).
Previously: Treasurer, British Branch, International Arthurian Society,
UK (1999–2003).
Email: [email protected]
WILLIAMS, David John (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Soil Mechanics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1976–
Currently: Reader, University of Queensland (from 1994).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland (1990–1993);
Lecturer, University of Queensland (1983–1989); Geotechnical
Engineer, Golder Associated Pty Ltd (1980–1983); Engineer, Country
Roads Board of Victoria (1975–1980).
Email: [email protected]
WILLIAMS, Geneta Rosilia (Dominica). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (Health Services Administration), Dalhousie University,
Canada (1999–2001).
Currently: Senior Project Officer, Ministry of Tourism.
Previously: Senior Executive Officer, Accounts, Ministry of Health;
Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health.
Email: [email protected]
WILLIAMS, John Leonard (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MSc (Mechanical Engineering), Imperial College London, United
Kingdom (1974–1975).
Currently: General Manager, Infrastructure Department, South
Australian Water Corporation (from 2000).
Previously: General Manager, Bulk Water Department, South
Australian Water Corporation (1999–2000); Chief Engineer, South
Australian Water Corporation (1997–1999); General Manager,
Technology Department, South Australian Water Corporation (1995–
1997); Group Manager, Manufacturing and Supply Department, South
Australian Water Corporation (1992–1995).
Email: [email protected]
WILLIAMS-BROOMES, Sonia (formerly WILLIAMS) (Barbados).
Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Special Education), Ontario
College of Art and Design, Canada (1993–1995).
Currently: Teacher, Garrison Secondary School (from 1980).
Email: [email protected]
WILSON, John Baptist (Ghana). Commonwealth Scholar, MRCOG
(Obstetrics and Gynaecology), University of Glasgow, United
Kingdom (1971–1974).
Currently: Senior Lecturer and Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ghana
Medical School (from 1996); Consultant, Department of Health,
National Catholic Secretariat (from 1988).
Previously: Vice-Dean, University of Ghana Medical School (1987–
1988); Head of Department, University of Ghana Medical School
WILSON, Louise Katherine (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Open Media), Concordia University, Canada (1993–1996).
Currently: Artist and Lecturer, University of Westminster (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer, Dartington College of Arts.
Email: [email protected]
WILSON, Pitiyage (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth Fellow (Manpower
Planning), University of Warwick, United Kingdom (1988–1989).
Currently: Associate Professor of Economics, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura (from 1991).
Previously: Consultant, University Grants Commission (1999–2000);
Vice-Chancellor, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (1995–1999);
Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (1991–
1993); Head, Department of Economics, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura (1984–1988).
Email: [email protected]
WILSON MWANIKI, Ngecu (Kenya). Commonwealth Fellow
(Natural Hazard Studies), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Geology, University of
Nairobi (from 2002); Chairman, Department of Geology, University
of Nairobi (from 2001).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of
Nairobi (1998–2001); Secretary, Geological Society of Kenya (1995–
1997); Chairman, Kenya Daad Scholars’ Association (1992–1994);
Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Nairobi (1991–1997).
Email: [email protected]
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WOBCKE, Wayne Raymond (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Computer Science), University of Essex, United Kingdom
Currently: Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Syndey (from 2002).
Previously: Senior Research Fellow, British Telecommunications Plc,
UK (1998–2000); Lecturer, Basser Department of Computer Science,
University of Sydney (1989–1998).
Email: [email protected]
WOLHUTER, Caroline Hilary (South Africa). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Social Policy), University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Currently: Volunteer Social Adviser, Amersfoorts Immigrant and
Refugee Centre, Netherlands (from 2002).
Email: [email protected]
WOLKOWSKI, Monica (formerly SANDY) (Saint Vincent and The
Grenadines). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Psychology and
Education), University of Saskatchewan, Canada (1965–1967).
Previously: Psycho-educational Consultant, Toronto District School
Board, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
WONG, Heung Sang (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Sports Science), Loughborough University, United Kingdom (1993–
Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Sports Science and
Physical Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong (from 2001);
Council Member, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and
Sports Science (from 2001); Vice-Chairman, Hong Kong Physical
Fitness Association (from 2000); Supervisor, Christian Alliance S C
Chan Memorial College (from 1999).
Previously: Assistant Professor (1996–2001).
Email: [email protected]
WONG, Rosanna Y M (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Social Policy and Planning), London School of Economics and
Political Science, United Kingdom (1982–1983).
Currently: Non-Executive Director, Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd (from
2001); Chairman, Educational Commission of the HKSAR (from
2001); Member, High Level Panel of the United Nations on Youth
Employment (from 2001); Chairman, World Vision Hong Kong (from
2000); Trustee, Hong Kong Council of Social Service (from 1998);
President, Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association (from
1997); Non-executive Director, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Ltd (from 1996); Executive Director, Hong Kong
Federation of Youth Groups (from 1975).
Previously: Member, Executive Council, HKSAR Government (1997–
2002); Chairman, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Hong Kong
Government/HKSAR Government (1993–2000); Member, Executive
Council, Hong Kong Government (1988–1997).
Email: [email protected]
WONG, Samuel (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Physics), University of British Columbia, Canada; PhD (Physics),
University of British Columbia, Canada (1965–1969).
Currently: Senior Analyst, Software Development, University of
Victoria, Canada (from 1976).
Email: [email protected]
WONG, Toh Jui (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Radiological Health and Safety), University of Salford, United
Kingdom (1972–1973).
Currently: Chief Physicist, Department of Therapeutic Radiology,
National Cancer Centre (from 1994).
Previously: President, Society of Medical Physicists (1998–2002).
Awards: Commendation Medal, National Day Awards (2000).
Email: [email protected]
WOOD, Emma Ruth (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Neuroscience), University of British Columbia, Canada (1987–1992).
Currently: Lecturer, Division of Neuroscience, University of
Edinburgh (from 1999).
Previously: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Boston University, US;
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Oregon, US.
Email: [email protected]
WOOD, Sarah Frances (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(International Politics), School of Oriental and African Studies, United
Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Consultant, Control Risks Group (from 2003).
Previously: Research Consultant, Australian National Training
Authority (2000–2001); Project Officer, Australian National Training
Authority (1998–2000).
Email: [email protected]
WOODEN, Mark Peter (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, MSc
(Economics), London School of Economics and Political Science,
United Kingdom (1985–1986).
Currently: Professional Fellow, Institute of Applied Economic Social
Research, University of Melbourne (from 2000); Director, Hilda
Survey Project (from 2000).
Previously: Deputy/Acting Director, National Institute of Labour
Studies, Flinders University of South Australia (1992–2000); Senior
Research Fellow, National Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders
University of South Australia (1986–1991).
Email: [email protected]
WOODWARD, Lianne Jane (New Zealand). Commonwealth
Scholar, PhD (Psychology), University of London, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury (from 2001).
Previously: Research Fellow, Christchurch Health and Development
Study, Christchurch School of Medicine (1997–2001); HRC
Repatriation Fellow and Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine and
Health Sciences, University of Auckland (1992–1997).
Email: [email protected]
WOOLF, Tahnee Joanna (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar,
MPhil (Private International Law/Comparative Law), University of
Oxford, United Kingdom (1999–2001).
Currently: Freelance Screenwriter (from 2003).
Previously: Lawyer (2002); Solicitor, Mallesons Stephen Jaques
Solicitors (1997–1999).
Email: [email protected]
WOOLFORD, Hazel Maria (Guyana). Commonwealth Scholar,
Diploma (Librarianship), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Member of the Executive, Caribbean Association for
Feminist Research and Action (from 2000); Director, Guyana Institute
of Historical Research (from 1993).
Previously: Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, Department of History,
University of Guyana (1990–1997); Head, Caribbean Research Library
WOOLHOUSE, Mark (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Biology), Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada (1981–1984).
Currently: Professor, Veterinary Epidemiology, University of
Edinburgh (from 1997).
Previously: Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of
Email: [email protected]
Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Medical Sciences), McMaster
University, Canada (1989–1993).
Communications (from 2000).
Previously: Clinical Research Manager, Pharmacia; Clinical Research
Manager, Janssen-Cilag (Johnson & Johnson).
Email: [email protected]
WOON, Walter C M (Singapore). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM
(Law), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (1982–1983).
Currently: Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Singapore,
Germany (from 1998).
Previously: Nominated Member of Parliament, Republic of Singapore
(1992–1996); Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, National University
of Singapore (1981–1995).
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WORRELL, Frank Clayton (Trinidad and Tobago). Commonwealth
Scholar, BA (Psychology), University of Western Ontario, Canada
Currently: Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University, US
(from 2000).
Previously: Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University, US;
Principal, Daniell Educational Community.
Email: [email protected]
WORTHERN, Jeremy (UK). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Medieval Studies), University of Toronto, Canada (1988–1992).
Currently: Vice Principal and Director of Studies, South East Institute
for Theological Education (from 2000).
Previously: Assistant Curate, Church of England.
Email: [email protected]
WRIGHT, Handel Kashope (Sierra Leone). Commonwealth Scholar,
Master’s (English), University of Windsor, Canada (1985–1987).
Currently: Associate Professor, Cultural Studies in Education,
University of Tennessee, US (from 1995).
Previously: Assistant Director, Centre for Research into the Education
of Secondary Teachers; Associate Professor, University of Tennessee,
Email: [email protected]
WRIGHT, Laurence Stuart (Zimbabwe). Commonwealth Scholar,
MA (English Literature), University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Currently: Honorary Life President, Shakespeare Society of Southern
Africa, South Africa (from 2002); Council, Grahamstown Foundation,
South Africa (from 1997); Director, Institute for the Study of English
in Africa, Rhodes University, South Africa (from 1990); Council,
English Academy of Southern Africa (from 1990).
Previously: Area Secretary, Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee
(1989–1998); Senior Lecturer in English, Rhodes University, South
Africa (1984–1989).
Email: [email protected]
WRIGHT, Susan Grace (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, MPhil
(Town and Regional Planning), University of Glasgow, United
Kingdom (1978–1980).
Currently: Partner, Randolph Group Management Consultants Inc.
(from 1991).
Previously: Consultant (1983–1991).
Email: [email protected]
WRIGHT-PASCOE, Rosemarie Angela (Jamaica). Commonwealth
Fellow (Endocrinology and Metabolism), University of Edinburgh,
United Kingdom (1995–1996).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine, University of
the West Indies, Mona Campus (from 2002); Chairman of the Board,
Mannings Hill All Age School (from 2001).
Previously: Lecturer and Consultant Physician, Department of
Medicine, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus (1992–2002);
Consultant Physician, Kingston Public Hospital, Ministry of Health
(1990–1992); Spokesperson and Consultant Physician, Diabetes
Association of Jamaica (1990).
Email: [email protected]
YAKANDAWALA, Deepthi D M (formerly DISSANAYAKE) (Sri
Lanka). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD (Botany), University of
Reading, United Kingdom (1996–1999).
Currently: Board Member, Postgraduate Institute of Science,
University of Peradeniya (from 2002); Senior Student Counsellor,
University of Peradeniya (from 2002); Senior Lecturer, University of
Peradeniya (from 1999).
Previously: Lecturer, University of Peradeniya (1993–1999).
Email: [email protected]
YAKUBU, Alphonsus Fawap (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Special Education), University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Special Education, Jos,
University of Jos (from 1982).
Previously: Chairman, Social Democrat Party, Federal Government of
Nigeria (1992–1993); Special Education Teacher/ Hall Master, Church
of Christ, University of Jos (1980–1981).
Email: [email protected]
YAKUBU, John Ademola (Nigeria). Commonwealth Fellow (Private
International Law), King’s College London, United Kingdom (1994–
Currently: Reader, University of Ibadan (from 1997).
Previously: Honourable Attorney General and Commissioner for
Justice, Oyo State Government (1997–1999); Senior Lecturer,
Department of Jurisprudence and Private Law, Obafemi Awolowo
University (1993–1996).
Email: [email protected]
YATAWARA, Nihal Dayaratne (Sri Lanka). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Statistics), McMaster University, Canada; PhD
(Statistics), University of Waterloo, Canada (1981–1986).
Currently: Lecturer, Curtin University of Technology, Australia (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya, Canada;
Visiting Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada.
Email: [email protected]
YATIM, Abdul Halim Bin Mohamed (Malaysia). Commonwealth
Fellow (Power Electronics), Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
Currently: Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (from 1999).
Previously: Executive Committee Member, IEEE Malaysia Section
(1999–2001); Associate Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(1993–1999); Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (1984–1993).
Email: [email protected]
YEO, Kah Loke Brian Andrew (Singapore). Commonwealth
Scholar, Postgraduate Diploma (Child & Adolescent Psychiatry),
Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, Board of Visitors, Ministry of Community
Development and Sports (from 2002); Consultant Psychiatrist, Mount
Elizabeth Medical Centre, Brian Yeo Clinic (from 2000); Chairman,
Social Work Standing Committee, Singapore Childrens’ Society (from
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Psychological Medicine, National
University of Singapore (1996–2000); Lecturer, National University
of Singapore (1992–1996).
Email: [email protected]
YEUNG, Ching-Hei (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Physiology & Biochemistry), University of Reading, United Kingdom
Currently: Research scientist, Institute of Reproductive Medicine,
University of Muenster, Germany (from 1989).
Previously: Research Fellow, Max Planck Society, Clinical Research
Unit for Reproductive Medicine, Germany (1985–1988); Research
Assistant, Physiology Department, Bristol University, UK (1981–
Email: [email protected]
YEUNG, Henry Wai Chung (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow
(Economic Geography), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Editor, Economic Geography, UK (from 2001); Co-Editor,
Environment and Planning, UK (from 2001); Associate Professor,
National University of Singapore (from 2000); Research Associate,
East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore (from 2000);
Board Member, Editorial Review Board, Asia Pacific Journal of
Management (from 1999); Business Manager, Singapore Journal of
Tropical Geography (from 1996).
Previously: Lecturer, Department of Geography, National University
of Singapore (1995–1998); Senior Tutor, National University of
Singapore (1992–1995).
Email: [email protected]
YEUNG, Kai-sum (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Library Science), University of Western Ontario, Canada (1975–
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Currently: Head, Access Services, Library, City University of Hong
Kong (from 1996).
Previously: Assistant Librarian, Library, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
YEUNG LAMKO, Louis Kong Chen (Mauritius). Commonwealth
Scholar, MA (Economics), University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia (from
Previously: Associate Lecturer, School of Economics, University of
New South Wales, Australia (1990–2001); Portfolio Administrator,
State Street (Australia) Ltd, Australia (1990); Senior Lecturer,
University of Mauritius (1986–1989); Lecturer, University of
Mauritius (1976–1986); Assistant Lecturer, University of Mauritius
Email: [email protected]
YILJEP, Yohanna (Nigeria). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Agricultural Engineering), University of Guelph, Canada (1987–
Currently: Associate Professor, The National Agricultural Extension
and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University.
Previously: Vice-Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural
Engineers; Vice-President, Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Email: [email protected]
YIU, Mei Mei (Hong Kong). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Counselling Psychology), University of British Columbia, Canada
Currently: Director, Canadian Education Centre, Canada (from 1999).
Previously: Manager, Hong Kong Student Selection Office.
Email: [email protected]
YONAH, Zaipuna (formerly OBEDI) (Tanzania). Commonwealth
Scholar, Master’s (Electrical Engineering), University of
Saskatchewan, Canada (1986–1988).
Currently: Director Data Networks/General Manager Simunet,
Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd (from 2000).
Previously: Director and Personal Assistant to Managing Director,
Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd; Managing Director and
Founder/Owner, Applied Engineering & ByteWorks (T) Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
YOUNG, Kenneth Robert (Australia). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Social Anthropology), University College London, United Kingdom
Currently: Visiting Research Fellow, La Trobe University (from
2003); Professional Fellow, University of Wollongong (from 2003).
Previously: Professor/ Director, CAPSTRANS (Centre for Asia Pacific
Social Transformation Studies), University of Wollongong (2001–
2002); Postdoctoral Fellow, Research School of Pacific and Asian
Studies, Australian National University (1984–1987); Lecturer,
Politics Department, Monash University (1982–1983).
Email: [email protected]
YULE, Kenneth John (Canada). Commonwealth Scholar, LLM,
London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Counsel, Department of Justice (from 1993).
Previously: Counsel, Department of Justice (1980–1993); Director,
Pacific Ballet Theatre Co. (1976–1981); Legal Assessor, Diocese of
New Westminster (1972–1981); Partner, Guild Yale and Company
(1970–1980); Associate, Guild Yale and Company (1966–1971).
YUSSUF, Maryam Abdullahi (Kenya). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Education and Development), Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Currently: Senior Examination Officer, Kenya National Examination
Council (from 1994).
Previously: Head Teacher, Ministry of Education, Kenyan
Government (1984–1993); Teacher, Ministry of Education, Kenyan
Government (1974–1984).
Commonwealth Scholar, Research towards PhD (Human Genetics),
University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2001–2002).
Currently: Technical Officer and Student, University of Stellenbosch
(from 2003).
Previously: Research Assistant and Student, University of
Stellenbosch (1999–2002); Cytogeneticist, University of Stellenbosch
Email: [email protected]
ZAHIDI, Tabassum Shahid (Pakistan). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Environmental Science), University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Currently: Member, Executive Committee, Margalla Hill Society
(from 2001); Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, FG
College for Women (from 2000); Head, Environmental Society, FG
College for Women (from 2000); Member, Committee of Courses for
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education.
Previously: Visiting Faculty, Department of International Relations,
Quaid-e-Azam University (2002); Instructor/Thesis Adviser,
Department of Environmental Sciences, Fatima Jinnah Women’s
University (2000–2002); Consultant, Sustainable Development Policy,
Institute of Islamabad (1998–1999); Lecturer, FG College for Women
(1988–2000); Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam
University (1976–1979).
Email: [email protected]
ZAMMIT-MANGION, Louis J (Malta). Commonwealth Scholar,
PhD (Physics), University of Bath, United Kingdom (1979–1982).
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of
Malta (from 1993).
Previously: Quality Manager, Malta Plant, S T Microelectronics
(1989–1993); Quality Engineer, Malta Plant, S T Microelectronics
Email: [email protected]
ZAMMITT, Leslie John (Gibraltar). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Organic Chemistry), University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1970–
Currently: Member, Gibraltar Parole Board (from 2000); Member,
Gibraltar Advisory Council for the Arts (from 1985).
Previously: Headteacher, Bayside Comprehensive School (1994–
2000); Deputy Headteacher, Bayside Boys School (1989–1994);
Deputy Headteacher, Westside Girls School (1981–1989).
Email: [email protected]
ZEB, Alam (Pakistan). Commonwealth Fellow (Food Additives),
University of Leeds, United Kingdom (1999–2000).
Currently: Professor, NWFP Agricultural University (from 2003).
Previously: Assistant, Associate professor, NWFP Agricultural
University (1993–2002); Lecturer, Department of Food Science and
Technology, NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar (1985–1993).
ZETINA, Eduardo (Belize). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s (Crop
Production and Management), University of Guelph, Canada (1987–
Currently: Manager, Research and Cane Farmer Relations, Belize
Sugar Industries Ltd (from 1992).
Previously: Agronomist, Belize Agri-business Company; Research
Officer, Belize Sugar Industries Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
ZHAO, Gongyun (Singapore). Commonwealth Fellow (Operations
Research), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (2000–2001).
Currently: Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
(from 2000).
Previously: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,, National
University of Singapore (1998–2000); Lecturer (1992–1998).
Email: [email protected]
ZIAUDDIN, Abutaher Md (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Fellow
(Agriculture Engineering), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom (1996).
Currently: Professor, Department of Farm Power and Machinery,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (from 1992).
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Previously: Chairman, National Committee for Standardization and
Testing of Agricultural Machinery (2001–2003); Research
Coordinator, REFPI Project of DFID- UK, Bangladesh Agricultural
University (2000–2003); Chairman, Computer Advisory Committee,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (1995–2003); Executive Member,
ICDDR, B, Bangladesh Environment Society (1994–1996); Associate
Professor, Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh
Agricultural University (1986–1992); Assistant Professor, Department
of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University
(1979–1986); Lecturer, Bangladesh Agricultural University (1977–
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
ZIEDINS, Ilze Brigita (New Zealand). Commonwealth Scholar, PhD
(Mathematical Statistics), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Currently: Lectuer-Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland (from
Previously: Lecturer (1987–1992).
Email: [email protected]
ZIWA, Judith Lubasi Ilubal (Zambia). Commonwealth Scholar, MA
(Theology & Religious Studies), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Currently: Lecturer, Department of Languages and Social Sciences
Education, University of Zambia (from 2001).
Previously: Deputy Headteacher, Lotus Basic School, Ministry of
Education (2000–2001); Teacher, Ministry of Education (1978–1999).
Email: [email protected]
ZOHIR, Sajjad (Bangladesh). Commonwealth Scholar, Master’s
(Economics), Dalhousie University, Canada (1981–1982); PhD
(Economics), University of Toronto, Canada (1982–1988).
Currently: Senior Research Fellow and Division Chief, Agriculture
and Rural Development Division, Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies (from 1998).
Previously: Division Chief, Agriculture and Rural Development
Division, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies; Adviser to the
Finance Minister, Government of Bangladesh.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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Register of Commonwealth
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pg 120 # 2
Antigua and Barbuda
WALTER, C J (1967)
ROACH, M (1985)
ARA, I (1988)
BANU, N (1986)
CHULAM, M (1976)
HADI, D M M A (1976)
HAI, M A (1976)
HAQUE, R (1987)
HASHEM, M D A (1976)
HOSSAIN, M S A (1986)
HUSSAIN, M (1973)
IBRAHIM, M (1985)
KARIM, A K M R (1976)
KHAN, M A (1983)
MANDAL, A (1987)
MIAH, A H (1973)
PASHA, N A (1977)
RASHID, M A (1974)
RUSHDI, A A A A (1981)
SHAMS, U D K I N (1983)
TALKUDER, R K (1984)
ZIAUR, R M D (1976)
ARTHUR, Ronald (1990)
CALLENDER, Evonda (1990)
CLARKE, B A (1977)
CLEMENT, Trevor (1990)
HERBERT, A (1986)
ISAACS, E N (1977)
MASON, G A (1977)
MOSELEY, P A (1968)
O’NEAL, M (1974)
DE SHIELD, M W (1983)
LEIVA, Armando Manuel (1990)
MCCORD, D (1984)
MENCIAS, John Leo (1990)
MOSWELA, Bernard (1990)
ACKERMAN, C (1983)
ALLAN, R (1970)
ARNOLD, P W (1974)
ARUNDELL, E M (1975)
BARBER, J P (1967)
BEDWELL, W T (1961)
BEND, J R (1967)
BLACK, Sam (1963)
BRAUNBERGER, Peter Graham (1990)
BRILLON, Nathalie (1992)
BROWN, Roy (1980)
BRYANT, E A (1972)
BRYDEN, D L (1973)
CAMERON, W J (1966)
CATTLEY, R R deM (1963)
CHRISTIE, N (1982)
CHRISTIE, Nancy J (1981)
CLARK, R (1978)
CLARKE, J N (1969)
CLARKE, S C M (1970)
COATES, D F (1977)
CURTIS, G F (1965)
DE FREITAS, C R (1972)
DWARKIN, J (1978)
EDLER, J O (1960)
ELLENOR, D W (1966)
FACEY, Ellen E (1976)
FARMER, David (1990)
FERGUSON, H B (1967)
FERNANDO, C H (1981)
FORSYTHE, P A (1975)
GALAY, V J (1961)
GARRITY, G W (1966)
GLASSCO, D K (1966)
GOUSSEAU, H D (1979)
GROVUM, W L (1966)
HADLEY, D J (1970)
HARRIS, I J (1960)
HARTMAN, M D (1987)
HARVEY, W R C (1963)
HAYWICK, D W (1984)
HILLARY, F G E (1962)
HIRUKI, C (1984)
HNATIUK, R J (1969)
HOCKING, B (1972)
HODGSON, R J W (1963)
HOUDE, E (1965)
HOUDE, F (1964)
IRVINE, A D (1981)
JACKSON, P (1984)
JENNER, G (1977)
JENNER, G A (1976)
JESSOP, D (1978)
JONES, S R (1980)
JULL, R K (1961)
KARR, C J (1966)
KATZ, J (1973)
KAVIC, C G (1962)
KEEN, M R (1986)
KERSELL, J E (1965)
KETTER, T A (1973)
KINCAID, P J (1968)
KINNEAR, J E (1961)
KIRSCHNER, David (1980)
KLEMES, V (1978)
KOEHLER, J A R (1961)
LAWSON, P R (1989)
LEARNING, W J (1962)
LEAVENS, B R (1970)
LEITHNER, A C (1986)
LORIMER, W C (1969)
LUMSDEN, J H (1986)
MCCONNLE, M (1985)
MCDONALD, J (1988)
MCGREGOR, R G (1967)
MCKENZIE, A R (1962)
MADIGAN, P Q (1984)
MARTIN, G M (1974)
MASON, J B (1968)
MASON, W M A (1982)
MASS, H (1986)
MILBURN, D (1984)
MOFFAT, J (1978)
MOLLOY, F M (1970)
* See also profiles
MONDOR, C (1984)
MONNETTE, J P (1975)
MORGAN, Robert (1980)
MORIN, L (1989)
MORRISON, I N (1972)
MUDIE, P (1983)
MUNN, R E (1989)
NESBITT, B H (1964)
OLSEN, D (1987)
O’NEAIL, M E (1982)
O’NEAIL, Mary (1981)
ONGLEY, E D (1965)
PAGE, P L (1965)
PITE, H D (1968)
POULIOT, N (1991)
PULLEN, C H (1969)
PULLEN, S (1977)
RAMSAY, B A (1963)
REEVES, A W (1962)
REEVES, A W (1963)
RORY, H (1991)
SACKETT, D (1989)
ST JOHN, B E (1967)
ST PIERRE, P M (1976)
SCARFE, N V (1968)
SHAVER, P A (1965)
SHAW, E A (1960)
SMITH, D C (1979)
SOLTYS, M A (1973)
STINSON, L F (1984)
TAYLOR, Lynda (1992)
TAYLOR, W (1977)
THAIR, B W (1968)
THOMPSON, W R (1968)
THORNTON, Neil (1980)
TURCOTTE, G (1985)
TURNER, S J (1964)
URQUHART, J M (1969)
VERNER, C (1973)
WARD, P (1974)
WENGER, L (1974)
WHALEN, T A (1965)
WIEBE, P H (1969)
WILLARD, J R A (1964)
WOODS, L (1985)
WORTH, W (1978)
YEOMANS, D (1985)
ZIMMER, B E (1968)
Cook Islands
RAIRI, Miipapa (1990)
TIXIER, T (1985)
COSTA, T M (1974)
HADJIRAFTIS, Andreas (1990)
KYRIAGOU, A (1984)
PANTIS, M (1983)
PATALLOU, Eleni A (1985)
PATSIAS, Andreas (1981)
SOLOMOU, Charalmbos (1980)
STAVROU, P (1983)
TALIOTIS, C (1982)
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AKARIVA, T R (1975)
BABA, T L (1968)
BABA, T L (1973)
BHARTU, S K (1979)
BINDI, D B (1971)
BUCKNER, R O (1964)
CAVALEVU, J D V (1963)
CHAN, T (1972)
CHAND, K (1973)
CHAND, Rakesh (1981)
CHANDRA, M (1977)
CLUNIE, N M U (1970)
DEVIA, D (1965)
FATIAKI, J O (1976)
FIGGESS, N M (1962)
GONELEVU, V (1960)
GOPAL, U (1965)
INOKE, R F (1975)
INOKE, S S (1972)
JAMNADAD, J (1977)
JAMNADAS, J (1974)
JOGIA, M (1967)
KEVAT, S G (1969)
KUMAR, Heman (1981)
KUMAR, V (1967)
KUMAR, V (1971)
LEE, P G K (1975)
LOMALOMA, P R (1976)
LOW, K M K (1965)
LOW, M M H (1967)
MALA, A (1976)
MISHRA, V C (1969)
MOHAMMED, Y (1961)
NAIDU, P C (1974)
NAIR, V (1963)
NARAYAN, D (1963)
NARAYAN, R (1964)
NAULUVULA, Poasa (1980)
ODHAVJI, V (1968)
PADARATH, A (1962)
PILLAI, C M (1961)
PRASAD, R (1970)
RABUKAWAQA, Jope (1981)
RAM, A (1975)
RAM, R N (1975)
RAMZAN, N K (1975)
RATNAM, D A (1973)
RATNUM, V R (1972)
ROKOBARO, S R (1960)
SEIYA, A (1972)
SHARMA, D P (1985)
SHARMA, S R (1974)
SIMMONS, J (1978)
SINGH, K (1971)
TAOI, I M (1978)
TAWAKE, Eparama (1979)
TUKANA, S (1974)
TUKUNIA, P Q (1964)
VANMALI, A K (1970)
VARMA, B S (1977)
WARADI, Moala N (1980)
WONG, J A (1960)
YEE, J J (1963)
YUEN, J P S (1975)
The Gambia
CAMPBELL, T (1983)
CEESAY, M A (1973)
DRAMMEH, I M L (1972)
JAGNE, M M (1968)
ABORHEY, Sens (1973)
ADAMAFIO, N A A A (1978)
ADEI, S (1976)
ADJETEY, J A (1986)
ADOM, E K (1984)
AMOABIN, S (1979)
ANKRAH, P (1979)
ASA-AWUKU, A K (1983)
ASANTE, R D (1972)
ASARE, B A (1978)
ATSU, S Y (1961)
BAFFOUR-AWUAH, Opoku (1980)
BERDIE, E K (1980)
DAKORA, F D (1978)
DAKORA, F D (1985)
DAVIS, A (1972)
DOKU, E V (1970)
EDUAYAN, A V (1977)
ESHUN, Araba F (1981)
ESHUN, Araba F (1982)
ESSREN, J W (1976)
HINU, B (1974)
HUDSON, K N (1961)
KLOBORTU, D K K (1983)
KWABENA, D (1982)
KWAKU, S F T (1976)
LAGUDAH, E S (1981)
LARBI, S O (1970)
MANU, C A (1972)
MENSAH, R A (1965)
MIREKU, E (1984)
MUTIGA, E R (1978)
NKETIA, J H (1969)
NYAMEKE, G A (1986)
NYANU, D (1988)
OFORI, Francis (1981)
OFORI, W A (1965)
OSEI, E K (1967)
OWUSU, G K (1964)
SECKLEY, F K (1970)
SEGBEDZI, P K (1962)
ZAKARIA, A (1974)
CUMMINGS, L P (1971)
HOPE, W W (1983)
JOHNSON, J (1970)
MCKENZIE, L P (1977)
POLLARD, E (1983)
ROSE, H (1988)
STEWART, C (1983)
Hong Kong
CHAN, G K H (1967)
CHENG, Suet H A (1978)
CHEUNG, W K W (1969)
FAN, W M H (1963)
FUNG, D T H (1969)
FUNG, E S K (1968)
FUNG, H (1964)
FUNG, M I (1980)
HO HON WAI (1980)
* See also profiles
HUEY, M C H (1976)
KWAN SAI HO, John (1979)
LAM, K C (1974)
LEE, A K Y (1968)
LEE, Y T (1966)
LO, R Sik-Cheung (1982)
MAK, Y I M Fong (1982)
MAK HON TAK (1978)
SO KEE-LONG, Billy (1978)
TANG, K H (1962)
WAI CHOR, S O (1982)
WANG, C C (1971)
WONG, K E E -L A M (1982)
WONG, K Y (1961)
YAN, W T V (1970)
AGRAWAL, R P (1966)
ALAM, M (1974)
BARUAH, T C (1986)
BENBI, D K (1985)
BHANDARI, R K M (1967)
DALAL, R C (1969)
DANG, Y P (1987)
DHINGRA, R C (1969)
DIKSHIT, R D (1968)
GARG, S K (1985)
GIREESH (1987)
GUPTA, L C (1967)
GUPTA, M L (1981)
KAUL, D (1962)
KUMAR, A (1973)
KUMAR, V (1987)
MANN, S (1987)
MATHUR, M K (1966)
MISHRA, Hrushikesh (1981)
MISRA, Aruakumar (1981)
MISRA, P K (1982)
MITRA, Shib K (1969)
MUDAPPA, S B (1961)
NAYAK, U S (1969)
PAREKH, J V (1976)
PATHAK, J P (1972)
PATIL, R N (1964)
PATORIA, N K (1965)
PHOGAT, V K (1985)
POTALIA, B S (1985)
PRASAD, Hsis (1966)
PURI, P P (1975)
PUROHIT, A P (1961)
RAHMAN, S A (1972)
RAI, S L (1962)
RAO, H V (1970)
RAO, S N (1960)
RAO, T R (1966)
REDDY, K (1988)
SALOOJA, M K (1983)
SAPPAL, K K (1961)
SATHE, B S (1961)
SHYAM, R (1976)
SINGH, A (1988)
SINGH, B (1984)
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SINGH, C B (1971)
SINGH, R (1984)
SINGH, S M (1962)
SOMANI, L L (1974)
SUBBA, G S R (1986)
TEWARI, H C (1965)
VARMA, A K (1967)
VERMA, S K (1974)
VERMA, S K (1975)
ABEL, D (1988)
AMAIR, E R (1984)
AMIEL, K K (1968)
BANHAN, J A (1982)
BAUGH, E (1989)
BRAND, Jennifer (1978)
BROWN, B E (1982)
CAMERON, A (1975)
CAMPBELL, K P (1984)
COWANS, G E (1976)
CRAWFORD, C M (1982)
DALLEY, C M (1982)
DILWORTH, Hope G (1980)
DIXON, P A (1982)
FORBES, C (1982)
FORREST, D A M (1986)
HENRY, G M (1983)
HUNTER, E G (1984)
ISAACS, C A (1984)
JACKSON, C C (1984)
JAMES, A M (1985)
LEE, A G (1962)
LOWE, H J C (1966)
LUE, G A (1970)
MCKENZIE, F W (1976)
MORGAN, L A (1982)
NICHOLAS, A J (1983)
REID, C R (1983)
THOMPSON, C L (1982)
USHER, P G (1984)
WAUGH, E E (1978)
WHYLIE, P A (1982)
WOODHAM, G R (1980)
ADAN, K S (1984)
ANGAINE, J M (1977)
BETTS, R D W (1961)
GICHORA, M (1988)
ICHANGAI, A N N (1990)
IKOMBO, B M (1983)
KARUIRU, J N (1978)
MAITHULIA, Munenewa (1979)
MAKINDA, S M (1981)
MANKU, M S (1965)
MBUGWA, Gathimbu (1978)
MBURATHI, G K (1969)
MURUNGI, J R (1980)
MWANZA, E J M (1983)
NDALUT, P K (1973)
NDUATI, Beth W (1981)
NGAIRA, Alice M (1981)
NJERU, A M (1967)
NJERU, Rose (1990)
ONYANGO, J D O (1961)
OSIR, C O (1976)
OUMA, Jpbm (1963)
PATEL, Rashmikant (1979)
PEPELA, C N (1964)
TWOLI, W N (1983)
WACHIRA, D (1976)
GUM, H M C (1975)
TIMITI, Uriam (1990)
TATIRETA, P (1966)
MOQHALI, A (1972)
NKUNYANE, R S (1985)
PUTSOANE, T (1982)
SENATLA, S A (1985)
LINO, P (1988)
LUNGU, Victor (1990)
MJOJO, C C (1971)
MTAWALI, K M (1973)
NYIRENDA, P B (1985)
SAMBO, E Y (1972)
ZOANI, A J (1986)
BHATHAL, R S (1964)
BIN, Z (1972)
BIN CHAN, H (1972)
BIN YAHAYA, M (1974)
CHEAM, A H (1974)
CHYE, Mee Len (1981)
ISAHAK, B H (1969)
ISMAIL, N (1983)
JAYANATH, A (1986)
LAI, L Y C (1960)
LAM, K S (1962)
LIM, T G (1968)
LIM, W C (1964)
LIM, W C (1965)
MAULUD, Abal (1981)
PURCAL, J H (1960)
RAHMAN, A W (1983)
SIM, W K (1961)
TUNG, H F (1967)
VIAS, A (1976)
VOHRA, F C (1961)
YOBE, S E (1976)
YONG, W K (1972)
AHMED, I (1986)
LATHEEF, A G (1985)
NAEEM, I (1984)
BALZAN, A (1987)
BORG, S (1970)
CASSAR, F (1985)
FABRI, N (1984)
FENECH, Michael (1981)
GRECH, Marguerat M (1980)
GREECH, J (1991)
MALLIA, L V (1980)
MELI, A J (1979)
PETTETT, M G (1975)
ROLE, A (1976)
* See also profiles
ROLE, A (1991)
VANHEAR, A (1972)
ZAMMIT, R F (1984)
BOODHOO, K (1986)
BUNWAREE, S (1987)
CHEONG, F S M (1966)
CHOW, K Y (1987)
CHUNG, Y U E Shun L (1972)
CONG LEUNG, Ratf (1973)
GUNESEE, M (1971)
GYA, D (1972)
LAM-PO-TANG, P R L (1960)
LUCHMAN, T (1975)
MONTY, M J L (1965)
PADRUTH, D N (1984)
PILLAY, A R (1963)
RAJKOMAR, F (1967)
ROSUNEE, Geet (1990)
SOOBEN, M C (1976)
SOOKRAM, M (1987)
TIN-LOI, F S K (1969)
New Zealand
ALLISON, A J (1967)
ANDREW, N L (1984)
BATES, Emma (1978)
BLONG, R J (1967)
BRADFORD, C M (1972)
CAMERON, R J (1962)
CARTER, S (1988)
COUCH, W J (1976)
DORDAEFF, B D (1989)
FORBES, E A (1969)
FREETH, A (1983)
FROUDE, D O (1982)
FROUDE, Derek (1981)
GUY, Graeme (1980)
HARFORD, M N (1962)
HARRISON, P M (1976)
HENWOOD, M J (1984)
HILLARY, N (1967)
INGLIS, G J (1987)
JACKSON, D I (1961)
JENNINGS, J M (1965)
JENSEN, S (1985)
JOE, S (1982)
JOHNSTON, D L (1986)
JOHNSTON, L C (1960)
KING, D W (1986)
LANGER, R H M (1982)
LINTS, T (1988)
LOWTHER, W L (1967)
MCLEHY, L M (1968)
MARTIN, R B (1970)
MILNER, R K (1967)
MOLTSCHANIWSKYJ, Natalie Ann (1990)
MURTAGH, R W (1962)
PALMER, E R (1965)
PARK, G N (1971)
PARSONS, M J (1966)
PEARCE, C E M (1962)
PINDER, B M (1969)
PORTER, C M (1979)
PRESLAND, Richard (1981)
REYNOLDS, G W (1976)
RIFFKIN, G G (1971)
SCOTT, P R (1960)
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SMITH, A L (1973)
SMITH, C (1985)
STENING, B (1974)
STOWE, S (1974)
THOMSON, P J (1968)
WAN, G (1991)
WARD, F D (1965)
WHITE, J G H (1961)
WILLIAMS, C (1979)
WILSON, A G (1969)
WRIGHT, I W (1965)
ABAKADA, A O (1984)
ADEKOJE, A (1987)
ADEKOLA, A C (1973)
ADETUNJI, J (1987)
AJAYI, M O (1972)
AKINYEMI, I (1965)
ALADE, I P (1980)
AMEH, C O (1983)
ATTAHIRU, S A (1975)
BELLO, A L (1975)
BELLO, G (1987)
DARAMOLA, M A (1985)
DIKE, K O (1965)
EHIOBU, Ninduwezour (1981)
EJINDU, F C (1976)
ETIM, E E (1982)
FALAYE, B A (1976)
FALODUN, A B (1963)
FANIRAN, A (1965)
INYANG, B J (1982)
KUMAPAYI, R A A (1968)
LADAN, A (1987)
LAFE, E O (1976)
LAJIDE, Labunmi (1980)
LONGE, O (1962)
MBA, H C (1974)
MUSTAPHA, G A (1970)
NKANG, A E (1980)
NSOFOR, C (1987)
NWANA, O C (1960)
NWANKWO, C F (1983)
NWOKOLO, E I M (1965)
ODEH, I O A (1985)
ODELEYE, O A (1967)
ODEZUGO, L (1987)
OKORO, E (1988)
OKOYE, A F (1982)
OLATUNJI, J A (1972)
OLOKO, O A (1974)
OMANJI, P (1987)
OMOLAYO, A S (1984)
ONAKADE, D A (1982)
ORE, T O (1982)
OSAZUWA, J E (1974)
OSENI, R A (1980)
OSINOWO, O A (1973)
OSUNKOYA, O (1987)
SALAN, M (1987)
SAMPOH, M (1985)
SOLANKE, T F (1986)
TUKUR, Mallam M (1972)
UMEH, U O (1960)
YANUSA, I A R (1986)
ZWINGINA, J S (1983)
HIPA, F T L (1983)
PULU, A I (1983)
AHMAD, I (1965)
ALI, M A (1968)
ASGHAR, A (1964)
HAYAT, M A (1960)
HUQ, A (1965)
KHALID, M (1968)
KHAN, M A (1991)
MOGHAL, S M (1970)
RAHMAN, M (1960)
RAHMAN, M M (1962)
SULTANA, M (1962)
YUSUF, F (1962)
Papua New Guinea
KULWAUM, G (1991)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
DASENT, C O (1984)
PHILLIP, K (1984)
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
CAIN, Randolph Ashley (1990)
MORGAN, A J (1983)
STEWART, H N (1972)
CHETTY, G (1985)
GOPAL, P R S (1982)
JEAN-LOUIS, A O (1982)
MORIN, M E L (1976)
SELBY, D (1976)
SOUFFE, Alex (1990)
STRAVENS, A B (1982)
Sierra Leone
BUNDU, A C (1965)
DABOR, I S (1972)
GBANI, A B (1977)
PARKER, S J (1965)
SESAY, S H (1973)
THOMAS, V M (1961)
TUCKER, E S (1984)
TUCKER, T J (1962)
TUNIS, Z E A (1984)
WRIGHT, D A V (1975)
CHAN, J K C (1968)
CHUA, K H (1964)
CHUA, Y H (1966)
FONG, S K (1967)
GAN, H T (1970)
GOH, S T (1960)
LAM, C F (1975)
LAW, P L R (1974)
LEE, W S (1975)
LIM, E H T (1960)
* See also profiles
LIM, P K (1977)
LOH LYE CHYE, A (1986)
SEET, S H (1962)
YONG, C F (1961)
Solomon Islands
BARILE, William (1981)
KERAPUKE, T (1983)
KINIKA, B (1960)
NOUATA, P (1963)
QUAN, Paul (1980)
RONI, J (1963)
RUA, J (1983)
South Africa
DE BEER, J F (1961)
MARSHALL, C G A (1960)
MEIRING, E (1960)
MYBURGH, D W (1961)
WESSELS, J P (1960)
Sri Lanka
DE SILVA, Klts (1965)
DE SILVA, P A (1965)
FERNANDO, C E (1960)
FERNANDO, H M T D (1961)
JALATGE, E F A (1962)
LOKUGE, A L C (1986)
PEIRIS, L C L (1982)
PERERA, P S S (1971)
RAMBUKPOTA, Asmhb (1964)
SENEVIRATNE, Herath (1980)
SETUNGE, S (1987)
SILVA, K T (1977)
SIRISENA, W M (1966)
SRIYANI, Neunhellege A I D (1982)
TALDEN, D L (1970)
WEERASINGHE, Mallika M (1981)
DLAMINI, P M (1983)
DLAMNI, N L (1986)
KHUMALO, T (1988)
MAGAGULA, A (1987)
MAGONGO, C (1987)
MLANGENI, T M (1984)
RUSSON, R A (1986)
TSELA, N S (1985)
VILAKAZI, D M (1984)
BISHARA, T S (1987)
CHAGULA, A M (1961)
D’SILVA, A F V G (1960)
JEROME, L A (1976)
KIGODA, M J (1965)
KOMBO, C L (1960)
KYULULE, V (1987)
MACHAGGE, I C (1976)
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MAGANGA, F (1984)
MARANDU, T (1991)
MAREALLE, S W C (1960)
MELLA, P N P (1970)
MHOMA, J R L (1986)
MOHAMMED, B O (1984)
MUNNA, Godfrey (1990)
MWOMBEKI, V L M (1984)
NABURI, M R (1961)
NAMPANDA, P P (1962)
SANGA, E (1991)
SHAO, F M (1968)
TARIMO, A J P (1986)
WOISSO, Ephygenia (1990)
ATIOLA, Alifeleti (1982)
COCKER, J A (1983)
FINAU, S (1974)
FINAU, S A (1969)
FUSITU’A, S E (1967)
HAANGANA, S T (1980)
HAKOLAKO, T A (1980)
HOLANI, T K (1980)
KAMI, S (1977)
KELCKELE, T A (1964)
KIOA, N S (1986)
KITE, S (1965)
LATU, L I A (1980)
LATUKEFU, S (1962)
MALOLO, M L (1971)
MANGISI, S T (1980)
NAITOKO, I (1969)
PAONGO, K (1985)
PIFELETI, T T (1963)
PULOKA, K M (1972)
TATAFU, Makafalani (1979)
TUAILEVA, P (1984)
TUKIA, I M (1977)
VETE, S C (1965)
Trinidad and Tobago
DAVIS, F E (1973)
ELLIOTT, D M (1966)
GILL, A D (1968)
HOWARD, F A (1967)
JOHNSON, A P (1961)
MACKAY, N A M (1964)
OUDIT, D D (1970)
RAJKUMAR, D (1972)
SOSA, E L (1962)
LEVI, Paul (1990)
TUAGA, Pasuna (1990)
ADU, E A A D r (1969)
ARUO, S (1961)
EBUKALI, W (1970)
GOSWAMI, R C (1964)
KAGODA, S P (1974)
KIBIRA, D (1987)
MUGWANYA, A M (1965)
MURUMBA, S K (1976)
ODONGO, J (1971)
OJUKA, E O (1981)
OKWINY, C M (1973)
OLANGO, P O (1981)
OPIRA, C A (1964)
OTENG, A K (1961)
OYAMO, I (1963)
ZAKE, S J L (1968)
United Kingdom
ALDERSON, J (1987)
ARNETT, R R (1966)
ASKEW, A J (1965)
BAILEY, S W (1980)
BAKER, E I (1963)
BALDWIN, Peter (1980)
BANTON, M P (1981)
BARKER, P R (1966)
BASTIN, J (1975)
BAWDEN, P J (1961)
BAYNES, K (1981)
BEAZLEY, H L (1994)
BEER, J M (1972)
BEESLEY, M E (1979)
BELL, Arthur (1980)
BELLAMY, N F (1978)
BENZIE, J A H (1978)
BEST, P R (1971)
BETHEL, D P (1979)
BETHELL, I S (1965)
BIRD, Caroline F M (1978)
BLAKE, S G (1987)
BLISSETT, E F (1994)
BOLTON, Eric (1990)
BOWDEN, K F (1980)
BOYD, R (1967)
BOYLE, C (1977)
BRADLEY, K G (1960)
BRADY, J M (1967)
BRIERLY, J K (1978)
BRODRICK, R (1983)
BROWN, A (1972)
BROWN, A D (1978)
BROWN, J G (1963)
BROWN, M (1991)
BROWN, M J (1986)
BROWN, Ruth Miranda (1990)
BROWNING, H W (1967)
BRYCESON, Kim P (1978)
BURGESS, T (1977)
CAHN, R W (1976)
CALDWELL, K M (1979)
CARNEVALE, Francesca (1977)
CHANT, D C (1970)
CHILVERS, M (1991)
CHISHOLM, J (1983)
CLARK, J G D (1964)
CLARK, J L (1966)
COLLINS, S C (1970)
COPPOCK, J T (1980)
CRAVEN, I P (1981)
CRAVEN, I P (1982)
CROOK, A C (1994)
CROSS, R T (1966)
CURL, D A (1986)
DART, J J (1997)
DAVIDSON, J F (1966)
DAVIES, P G (1987)
* See also profiles
DAVIES, P M (1965)
DAY, W G (1967)
DES ROCHES, J (1988)
DICKMAN, C R (1977)
DIXON, J N (1962)
DORIN, K M F (1996)
DOWSON, D (1974)
DRAKE, B (1983)
DRUMMOND, Michael (1990)
DUNN, M E (1971)
EDWARDS, P S C (1996)
ELLIOT, W (1982)
ELVIN, H L (1968)
EVANS, D (1981)
EVANS, G (1974)
FEACHEM, R G A (1969)
FIELD, P L (1998)
FIRN, D R (1966)
FISKE, D (1974)
FLOATER, G F (1993)
FORD, C A V (1971)
FRANCIS, H (1985)
GAIT, M (1982)
GALASKO, C S B (1981)
GARDENER, Susan (1989)
GATHERER, W A (1982)
GIBSON, R E (1969)
GITTINS, A (1960)
GLASS, K E (1996)
GODWIN, H (1965)
GOODE, R M (1975)
GREEN, R (1986)
GROVE, S J (1997)
HAGAN, T N (1963)
HAILS, J R (1962)
HAMBLIN, J (1966)
HAMILL, I (1972)
HARKER, B M (1973)
HARLEN, W (1978)
HARRISON, G M A (1972)
HARRISON, M (1982)
HARRISON, S P (1976)
HEARLEY, M J G (1964)
HEINSON, G S (1987)
HEMPSALL, K A Y M (1977)
HILL, H A O (1972)
HINDLEY, J P R (1968)
HOBLEY, M E (1984)
HODGSON, D (1991)
HOLDEN, S J (1993)
HOPPER, A W L (1967)
HORNBY, F R (1971)
HOSKIN, M (1991)
HOUSE, A P M (1982)
HOUSE, A P N (1981)
HOWARD, M E (1971)
HOYLES, C (1987)
HUDSON, N W (1981)
HUGHES, J (1983)
HUNTLEY, J (1963)
HURLEY, R E (1964)
IRWIN, N R (1998)
IRWIN, P J (1984)
JEFFREY, D W (1961)
JENKINS, Clive (1988)
JENKINS, G N (1976)
JOHNSON, A (1985)
JOHNSON, Clifford (1988)
KENEDI, R M (1974)
KHAN, J (1985)
KING, Edmund (1980)
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KOWAL, E A B (1972)
LAW, H (1986)
LEIGH, C H (1964)
LEONARD, P T (1976)
LEWIS, T (1973)
LUCAS, J G (1967)
LUCKING, S P (1984)
LUTLEY, W M (1972)
LYALL, S (1985)
MACAULAY, C G (1972)
MCHENRY, C R (1994)
MCKAY, D M (1971)
MACKIE, F M B (1965)
MCLEOD, C I (1969)
MCMANUS, M (1965)
MCNEE, J C (1976)
MALLON, Karl Joseph (1990)
MARKS, F M (1982)
MARKS, Frances M (1981)
MARSHALL, A T (1962)
MARSHALL, C (1969)
MARTIN, P J (1973)
MEEK, Susan D (1976)
MERCER, A J (1967)
MERRITT, John (1977)
MITCHE, J A (1976)
MORGAN, A S (1996)
MORGAN, N G (1961)
MORLEY, C D (1962)
MORRIS, J G (1979)
MORRIS, P J (1980)
MORTON, K M (1997)
MUNKS, S A (1984)
MURRAY, D A (1978)
NAPIER, J (1998)
NEWELL, B R (1998)
NEWMAN, M H A (1964)
NEWSOME, B E (1971)
NUTTGENS, P J (1981)
NYE, P H (1978)
OAKLEY, C L (1965)
O’BRIEN, D P (1984)
O’FLAHERTY, A C (1973)
OLIVER, Rosalind J H (1980)
O’LOUGHLIN, A M (1997)
ORTON, R (1971)
OSBORNE, Susan (1978)
PARFETT, R (1974)
PARRY, K M (1979)
PAYNE, S (1991)
PEAKALL, A J (1986)
PERRY, V E A (1982)
PERRY, Vivienne E A (1981)
PETRE, B F J (1993)
PHILLIPS, D J H (1973)
PHILLIPS, J G (1983)
PHILP, R P (1968)
PICKARD, J E (1984)
PICKFORD, M L (1976)
PICKUP, G (1969)
PIGDEN, C R (1979)
PORTER, J F (1977)
PRESTON, N P (1980)
PRIME, S (1974)
RADFORD, A D (1975)
REID, J (1991)
REID, Janice Lilly (1990)
RENDELL, A P (1984)
RHODES, F M (1991)
RIDGE, Janet (1979)
RITCHIE, W R (1971)
ROBERTSON, Alan (1977)
RODDLE, I C (1983)
ROTTER, J M (1970)
SACKETT, M A (1973)
SALLIS, J (1982)
SANSOM, G C (1969)
SAUNDERS, A J (1980)
SAWBRIDGE, Phillida (1990)
SCOTT, I M L (1960)
SEABROOK, W (1988)
SEAGER, J (1985)
SHAND, J (1988)
SHEASBY, J (1960)
SHELLEY, C C (1984)
SIGNAL, A I (1984)
SKINNER, D G (1980)
SMITH, Alex (1975)
SMITH, J P (1986)
SMITH, L A (1976)
SNELLING, R C (1969)
STOBART, Ben (1990)
SUTER, K D (1972)
SUTTON, B (1985)
SUTTON, J (1989)
TAYLOR, W (1975)
THOMPSON, G B (1986)
THOMPSON, H S (1971)
TRACE, K (1962)
TREGENZA, P R (1963)
TURNER, Andrew (1976)
TURNER, N C (1962)
ULLMANN, S (1974)
VAN PRAAGH, G (1968)
VENABLES, P F R (1960)
WADE, H W R (1972)
WADE, N J (1965)
WALKER, M (1984)
WALKER, R M (1971)
WALSH, F (1967)
WALSH, W (1969)
WEBSTER, B C (1962)
WELFORD, A T (1964)
WELFORD, W (1984)
WHEELER, S J (1971)
WILKINS, R J (1963)
WILKS, Y (1983)
WILSON, P (1962)
WOOTTON, T J (1989)
WRIGHT, C (1966)
YEATMAN, J (1989)
GWERO, A (1985)
LEONG, J O (1972)
TOKA, M (1967)
TOR, Roselyne (1990)
* See also profiles
West Indies
CAMPBELL, C Mc I (1960)
Western Pacific
SIAPU, G (1965)
TIRA, T I (1965)
Western Samoa
ALOALII, I (1986)
CARTER, J C (1968)
IOANE, F (1985)
LEMISIO, I M (1972)
MANUTAI, U (1975)
MEREDITH, E (1963)
NUSI, M M (1975)
SA’AGA, I (1966)
STOWERS, P F R (1973)
TAGO, I T (1972)
TAGO, I T (1975)
TAVITA, L (1975)
VA’A, L (1991)
WALLWORK, P J (1967)
CHAKWE, K M P (1973)
HANAMWINGA, Milimo (1979)
HIMOONDE, D M (1982)
MAPANI, Benjamin S E (1990)
MTONGA, L H (1982)
MULENGA, H (1986)
MUPUNDA, M M (1974)
MUSANYA, J C (1986)
PATEL, B K (1978)
SITALI, A (1987)
WAKATAMA, A M (1971)
FARMER, H C (1982)
FLETCHER, S (1982)
GORDON, Grant (1990)
HOVE, B M (1972)
MANGENA, Lucius (1990)
MOYA, Fortune (1990)
SHAVA, J R (1982)
SIBANDA, T (1991)
STEWART, A G R (1964)
GADIEL, D L (1961)
JOHNSON, P T C (1961)
MELLOY, J P B (1962)
NGONO, G S (1962)
BRYAN, Tina (1992)
HARRIGAN, Aidan Augustine (1993) *
WATTLEY, Bernard B. (1997) *
Antigua and Barbuda
ASHE, J (1982)
CENAC, Sean Vivian Francis (1997)
FIEULLETEAU, Carol J (1992)
GEORGE, G (1986)
HAMPSON, J W (1966)
HARRIS, W M (1961)
HECTOR, L C (1964)
HUGHES, Gretta AB (2002)
JOESPH, C (1978)
JOSEPH, Cuthbert (1981)
MAXIME, J (1986)
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QUINN-LEANDRO, Jacqui Clarrissa (1999)
RICHARDS, S H (1974)
ROBERTS, L P (1969)
SAMPSON, M (1970)
SIMON, Catherine (1993)
WALKER, Florence Seri (2000)
WALLING, Marylyn (1993)
WALLING, Vernon (1998)
WILLIAMS, K (1967)
WILLIAMS, K D (1964)
ZACHARIAH, Jose-Ann Leslie (1999)
ABBEY, Ruth (1987) *
ALLEN, E N (1969)
ANDERSON, Gregory (1981)
ANDERSON, Kay J (1980)
ANDERSON, R (1962)
APPLEBE, W (1974)
ARTHUR, Anthony (1995)
ATKIN, H (1991)
BALDWIN, J (1967)
BARKER, J (1988)
BASSETT, G W (1965)
BATES, Teresa Gay (1993)
BEER, Donald Robert (1961) *
BENGER, Simon Nicholas (1991) *
BENNETT, Venessa (1998)
BLANEY, P B (1966)
BLOOD, D C (1987)
BOER, Roland (1988) *
BOWDEN, Peta Lyn (1985) *
BRITTON, N R (1991)
BROOKS, D (1975)
BROWN, D (1987)
BUCKLEY, V (1972)
BURKE, J (1974)
BUSBY, J (1973)
BYRNE, J (1977)
BYTH, Donal E (1973)
CAHALAN, P (1971)
CAIRNS, Grant (1995)
CANNY, M (1985)
CLOWES, G (1961)
CLOWES, M (1973)
CONNOLLY, D (1966)
COOK, P (1982)
COOK, P G (1980)
COPEMAN, Maxine (1980)
CORBOULD, M (1983)
CORNISH, Neil (1992)
COWAN, J (1987)
CRASKE, Michelle (1981)
CRAWFORD, G F (1969)
CRAZE, D J (1967)
CROSS, K (1976)
CULLEN, Richard William (1985) *
DAVEY, D (1971)
DILENA, Michael (1983)
DILLON, J F (1964)
DOWLING, R (1991)
DREW, J (1983)
DUNCAN, A K (1962)
DWYER, L (1974)
DYSTER, B D (1965)
EDGE, J F (1969)
EXNER, R (1977)
FABB, Wesley (1978)
FELMINGHAM, Kim (1992)
FERRALL, C (1986)
FINN, F (1971)
FITZPATRICK, David (1985) *
FOWLER, B H (1966)
FRANCOIS, Patrick (1990)
FRANK, Smith (1971)
GALEA, R (1987)
GEELEN, James F (1992)
GIBBARD, M J (1965)
GILLETT, A (1988)
GILLETT, A (1989)
GILLIES, C B (1967)
GOOD, K A (1965)
GOODWIN, K L (1985)
GORDON, R (1979)
GREEN, A (1974)
GREEN, D (1973)
GREEN, M (1971)
HEATH, R A (1970)
HEATHCOTE, Andrew (1986) *
HENRI, P S (1967)
HENSEL, A (1986)
HERIOT, D (1986)
HOUGH, R (1970)
HUKINS, A (1960)
INGRAM, J (1968)
IULIANO, Susanna (1992) *
JAY, Colin (1981)
JENKINS, Olivia (1997) *
JESSUP, B (1977)
JOLLEY, M (1986)
JONES, T (1988)
JORNA, S (1960)
KEANE, J (1973)
KELLY, M N (1960)
KENNEDY, Peter (1986) *
KENNETT, M (1991)
KING, E (1986)
KING, N (1976)
KING, Preston (1980)
KRANZ, Brenda Dawn (1997) *
LAWRENCE, J (1989)
LAWSON, R (1965)
LEAHY, T (1971)
LETCH, David John (1988) *
LEWIS, D J (1968)
LIBESMAN, Heidi (1996)
LIEBICH, M (1984)
LISLE, Ian Geoffrey (1986) *
MCALEER, M (1979)
MCANDREW, Colin (1980)
MCCALLUM, R C (1972)
MCCOLL, C (1973)
MCDONELL, K J (1974)
MCGINES, K (1987)
MCGRATH-CHAMP, Susan (formerly
MCGRATH) (1983) *
MCKAY, L E (1973)
MCKENNA, T (1963)
MCMANUS, Philip Arthur (1988) *
MCNAMARA, Timothy F (1994)
MAIR, David John (1985) *
MALLICK, S (1989)
MANDERSON, Desmond (1990)
MARKS, S R (1960)
MARTIN, E (1984)
MASCITTI, Paul (1991) *
MATHESON, W S (1967)
MENZ, O (1978)
MILLER, Helen Margaret (1991) *
* See also profiles
MILLER, John B (1969)
MITCHELL, William (1981)
MORTON, Hilary A (1979)
MUNRO, D (1972)
MURPHET, R D (1968)
NEW, J (1960)
NEWELL, R B (1967)
NEWNHAM, Glenn Jonathan (1998)
NINKOV, Zoran (1980) *
NIXON, Philip Mark (1994)
O’DONNELL, Thomas A (1969)
O’GRADY, H (1991)
OH, X (1985)
O’LEARY, Damian Francis (1994)
OWENS, S H (1973)
PECHEY, A (1968)
PECK, G M (1960)
PIERCE, M (1973)
PITTMAN, George A (1981)
POLACK, G (1983)
POTTER, Ian (1980)
POWER, Anthony (1981)
PRICE, Graham (1983)
PRYOR, J H (1969)
PUNCH, K F (1965)
PYKE, Francis S (1980)
PYKE, G H (1991)
PYKE, Graham H (1990)
QUAGLIO, Grace (1992)
RAMADGE, P (1978)
RANGAN, Vijava B (1977)
RIEDEL, H P (1969)
ROBOTTOM, Ian M (1990)
ROFF, D A (1972)
ROUTLEY, Richard (1980)
ROY, Brewer (1971)
RUNGIE, C M (1970)
SAN ROQUE, Mehera (1997) *
SANDERSON, Penelope (1980) *
SCARLETT, B (1971)
SCHOTT, K (1971)
SHEAFFER, Geraldine (1981)
SLEE, A (1970)
SMITH, A (1976)
SMITH, J M (1965)
SMITH, M E (1962)
SMITH, R (1983)
STAATS, S (1973)
STUBBS, Julie (1990) *
SUMMERS, F (1983)
TAFT, R (1984)
TAYLOR, J M (1964)
THEOBALD, M R (1987)
THOMAS, Alexander R (1973)
THORNE, W (1962)
THWAITES, J (1971)
TIFFIN, H (1989)
TOOHEY, P (1974)
TRONC, K E (1967)
UHR, John (1974)
VAN TOORN, Penelope (formerly CAIRNS)
(1984) *
VICKERY, P J (1965)
WADSLEY, James W (1992)
WALKER, E (1960)
WALLIS, W (1984)
WALSH, Kerry (1985) *
WARD, J O (1963)
WATSON, C J (1965)
WATSON, Pamela (1980)
WEBB, Kathie (1992)
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WHATLEY, P (1971)
WHITLOCK, Gillian (1981)
WILLIAMS, W D (1966)
WILSON, Paul Francis (1996)
WILSON, S (1988)
WOOLLEY, Karen (formerly MOONIE) (1989) *
WYNDHAM, H S (1966)
YATES, Aubrey J (1973)
YEATMAN, E (1974)
YOUNG, A M (1962)
ANTOINE, Lynette (1992)
BELGRAVE, C (1966)
BLAIR, J (1978)
BOWLEG, E (1971)
BOWLES, E (1977)
BROWN, Roger (1974)
DAHL, G (1971)
DARVILLE, J (1969)
DAVIS, Linda (1980) *
DAVIS, Linda (1989) *
FERGUSON, V M (1991)
FORBES, Z (1986)
FOUNTAIN, Terrance (1990)
JOHNSON, Angela (2000)
JOHNSON, Marlon (1993)
KEMP, G (1986)
KNOWLES, S (1978)
KRETT, Susan Erika (formerly SANDS) (1984) *
LEVARITY, M (1988)
MINNIS, J (1982)
PEARSON-BOWLER, Dorcas (1998)
ROBERTS, R A (1971)
RUSSELL, S E (1968)
SMITH, P (1975)
STEVENSON, Michael T (2000)
SUMER, L (1982)
SUMNER, Ruth Louise (1995)
TINKER-SACHS, Gertrude (formerly TINKER)
(1982) *
TREMAINE, Tracey L (1998)
ABID, M R (1991)
AHMAD, S (1978)
AHMAD ROUF, Sabina (1993)
AHMED, I (1985)
AHMED, M (1985)
AHMED, Mushfique (1983) *
AHMED, S (1988)
AHMED, Shamsuddin (1981)
AKBAR, Md Mostofa (1999) *
AKHTER, Nasima (1995)
AL-FARUQUE, M (1985)
ALAM, M (1974)
ALAM, M (1985)
ALAM, Nazmul (1995) *
ALAM, Rafat (1999)
ANAM, M (1991)
ANWAR, A J (1989)
ANWAR, S M (1973)
ASHRAFUZZAMAN, Mohammad (1994)
BAKAR, S (1973)
BAKSHI, Pradip (1990)
BEGUM, J (1991)
BEGUM, R (1985)
BHUIYAN, AJMS Alam (2000)
CHOUDHRY, S A (1980)
ELAHI, K H Qudrat-I (1980)
FAROOQUE, M D (1972)
FERDOUSY, Shamin (1980)
GANI, Mahmudul (1993)
GHOSH, S N (1972)
HABIB, Muhammad (1982) *
HALIM, A (1977)
HALIM, S (1989)
HAQ, A (1987)
HAQ, N (1978)
HAQUE, A (1977)
HAQUE, E (1985)
HAQUE, Y (1973)
HASAN, A (1988)
HASAN, R (1973)
HASSAN, M (1983)
HOSSAIN, A (1979)
HOSSAIN, H (1985)
HOSSAIN, Ismail (1976) *
HOSSAIN, S (1987)
HOWLADER, Mosked Ali (1980) *
HUSAIN, Muin (1990)
HUSSAIN, D (1985)
HUSSAIN, S (1975)
IQBAL, M K (1977)
ISLAM, A (1991)
ISLAM, Anisul (1996)
ISLAM, K M S (1989)
ISLAM, M (1977)
ISLAM, N (1976)
ISLAM, N (1985)
ISLAM, Nahid (1992)
ISLAM, Sadiqul (1989)
ISLAM, Shaheen (1989)
ISLAM, Tamanna (1998)
ISLAM, Zahirul (1990)
ISRAIL, A (1983)
JAHAN, R (1982)
JAHAN, S (1977)
JALIL, Altaf (1985) *
JAMALUDDIN, Abul (1985) *
JAMIL, Hasan (1988) *
JOARDER, A (1986)
KAHN, Saira (1990)
KHAN, A (1975)
KHAN, A A (1973)
KHAN, E (1986)
KHAN, H R (1975)
KHAN, Mohammad Mahbubul Alam (1999)
KHAN, Shahadatullah (1992)
KHATUN, Hafiza (1981)
KIBRIA, G (1991)
MAHMOOD, M (1983)
MAHMUD, Shohel (2000)
MAJID, A (1973)
MAMUN, Mohammad Arif Hasan (1999)
MOLLA, Md Nuruddin (1998)
MORSHED, Bashir Iqbal (2002)
MOSTAFA, G (1987)
MUHIT, A (1986)
MUJERI, M (1973)
NABI, N (1985)
NAG, A B (1973)
NASER, Md Niamul (1993)
NASIM, M (1977)
NESSAR, S (1988)
QUADIR, Raushan Ara (1985) *
RAHIM, C (1974)
RAHMAN, A (1982)
RAHMAN, Ahmad (1980) *
RAHMAN, Atiqur (1990)
RAHMAN, Azizur (1996)
RAHMAN, L (1987)
RAHMAN, M (1986)
RAHMAN, Mahbubur (1992)
* See also profiles
RAHMAN, Mizanur (1996)
RAHMAN, Mohammad Z (2000)
RAHMAN, Quazi M (1996)
SALAHUDDIN, Masud Md (1994)
SARKER, Md Maksudur Rahman (1997)
SARKER, R (1984)
SARKER, Ruhul (1986) *
SELIM, M (1985)
SEN, D (1986)
SHAREEF, Shawkat (1995)
SHARMIN, Rumana (1999)
SHIRIN, S (1984)
SIDDIQ, F (1991)
SIDDIQ, Fazley (1980)
TALUKDER, Osmand (1981)
TARAFDER, T (1978)
TAZIN, M (1991)
UDDIN, Jashim (1998)
UDDIN, Mohammad Nasir (1997)
WADUD, Nasreen (1990)
YASMIN, Anisa (1992)
YASMIN, Kakoli (1999)
ZAMAN, N (1989)
ZOHIR, Sajjad (1981) *
ZOHIR, Sajjad (1982) *
ALLEYNE, A (1983)
APPLEWHAITE, Tyrone (1998)
ATHERLEY, L G (1967)
BARROW, Brenda (1981)
BECKLES, W W (1964)
BELGRAVE, Michelle (1992)
BELGRAVE, R (1973)
BELLAMY, O S (1965)
BOYCE, D (1977)
BOYCE, T (1985)
BREWSTER, F (1962)
BURROWES, Toni J K (1988) *
CAMPBELL, A O (1965)
CARTER, Patricia Elizabeth (1995) *
CHANDLER, M (1991)
CLARKE, R (1988)
COLLINS, Trudi (1989)
CORBIN, S C (1960)
CRICHLOW, B (1984)
CRICHLOW, Shawna (1997)
CRONEY, C R (1966)
DOUGLAS, M (1985)
DOWNES, A (1978)
ELMS, Aaron (1996)
GILL, Patrick (1981)
GOODARE, J (1976)
GRANNUM, P (1962)
GREAVES, Nicola Marguerita (1999)
HARRISON, S (1991)
HAYNES, C (1982)
HERBERT, Monique Bernadette (2002)
HINDS, J (1977)
HOLDER, V (1989)
HUNTE, K D (1961)
INNISS, V (1985)
KUNAR, J (1972)
LASHLEY, Phillip (1992) *
LORDE, Troy D (2000)
MASCOLL, C (1987)
MYLES, P (1987)
NICHOLLS, Cheryl (1995)
NURSE, Leonard (1980)
ODLE, D (1986)
PAYNE, J (1970)
ROCK, L (1983)
ST. JOHN, B (1986)
ST. JOHN, B C (1962)
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ST JOHN, M (1975)
SEALE, N N (1961)
SEALY, H (1961)
SELMAN, Dana Monique (1999)
SHOREY, L L (1966)
SIMMONS, T (1989)
SOBERS, A (1973)
STEPHENSON, Jacqueline H (2000) *
TAITT, E G (1963)
THOMAS, R (1985)
THOMAS, R (1991)
THORPE, Kim (1990)
WARD, A (1987)
WEBSTER, P W D (1968)
WILLIAMS-BROOMES, Sonia (formerly
WILLIAMS) (1993) *
YEARWOOD, G (1982)
ALVAREZ, Yvette Carole (1988) *
ARZU, N J (1966)
BARNETT, Carla (1984) *
BENNETT, Winston Harrison (1986) *
BRADLEY, Cynthia (1981)
FLOWERS, H C (1962)
FONESCA, W F (1965)
GENITTY, Alan Frederick (1988) *
GLADDEN, Charles (1996)
GORDON, M (1976)
GRANT, L L A (1960)
LEACOCK, C (1983)
LEWIS, C V (1969)
LINK, Jeanne E (2000)
MAHLER, D A (1961)
MAHUNG, S (1974)
MORRISON, O (1962)
PECH, Auro Erlindo (1997)
PERDOMO, C (1977)
PERRIOTT, Leopold (1981)
PETZOLD, Devin (1999)
QUAN, G R (1972)
SIVA, B M (1966)
SOLIS, Lorne (1998)
VERNON, D (1986)
WOODYE, Edgar (1980)
YOUNG, L R (1989)
ZETINA, Eduardo (1987) *
ALLEN, S (1989)
BEAN, Jolene Dagmar (formerly LAVELA)
(1987) *
ELLISON, Melanie (1983) *
FRITH, A J (1966)
GRANT, J (1960)
LANG, Robin James (1999)
MAYALL, K (1991)
MAYALL, Kevin (1995)
MONIZ, T (1977)
MUSSON, C T (1971)
MUTCH, David (1997)
SIMMONS, C (1985)
SIMMONS, Danny (1993)
SIMONS, S A (1965)
TALBOT, L (1988)
TROTT, Lisa Ruthann (2000)
EGNER, E B (1962)
JOSEPH, Ishmael (1993)
KABOEAMODIMO, Mogomotsi (1989) *
KANAIMBA, E (1987)
KEAKILE, K (1982)
MAKHEMA, V (1985)
MAROBA, Miriam (1997)
MASOGO, K (1975)
MBONGWE, Bontle (1998)
MMAPATSI, Selebaleng (2001)
MOLATLHEGI, Baatlhodi (1996)
MOLEFE, B (1985)
MOLEFE, T (1975)
MOLOMO, R S (1962)
MOTSOELA, Tsietsi (1993)
NAREETSILE, Steffen Mothibedi (1996)
TSHEKO, Botswiri Oupa (1997)
Brunei Darussalam
CHIENG, L (1963)
GHANI, Z (1963)
JUMAT, A B (1971)
ONG, H (1967)
RAZALI, Yussof (1981)
ABETY, Charles (1998)
AKWAR, Holy Teneg (1997)
AMBERETU, Mathew Atekwana (1999)
BATOKO, E (1961)
ETA, Jerome Obi (1961) *
GOBINA, Euphrates (1998)
NDIKUM, Fon (2002)
NEBANE, L Doreen (2000)
NGOUHOUO, Ibrahim (2002)
NJIKANG, Gabriel N (2000)
NKONGCHU, Kenneth (1999)
Cayman Islands
DONALDS, Patrice (1999)
GOULDEN, Alexander K (2000)
RIVERS, Tara (2001)
ROSS, Colin (1992) *
SMITH, Anola Kay (2002)
TATUM, Luci Jean (1996)
ANASASSIADES, Charalambos (1980)
ANASTASIOU, Tasos (1999)
ANDREWS, A (1978)
BAHCHELI, T S (1963)
CHARALAMBIDES, Stelios (1990) *
CHARALAMBOUS, Nicolaos (1982)
DILAVER, M (1964)
HADJIMARCOU, Michalis (1996) *
HASSABIS, K (1962)
IONIDES, R (1962)
IORDANOU, H (1987)
IORDANOU, N (1966)
KALLOURIS, George (1986) *
KOUMIDOU - ANDREOU, Ero (formerly
KOUMIDOU) (1985) *
KYROU, Michael (1985) *
LEVENTIS, Panayiotis D (2000)
LOIZIDES, Neophytos (1998)
LYSSIOTOU, Aspasia (1992)
MANOLI, Christos (1999)
MEHMET, O (1964)
PAPACOSTANTINOU, Constantinos (1992)
PARPERIS, Marios (1993)
PAVLIDES, P (1989)
PETROU, P C (1970)
* See also profiles
POLYDOROU, Paraskevas (1988) *
PSARAS, Kyriakos (1981)
ROUSHAS, Georgios (2000)
SOCRATOUS, Marios (1997) *
STAVROU, S (1985)
STYLIANOU, Marinos (1980)
TOUMAZOU, Olympios (1981)
BAPTISTE, Isaac (1984) *
BRADE, Phillip (2000)
CHARLES, Nicholas (2000)
DASILVA, G (1960)
GRELL, H (1967)
HAMBLIN, Sonia (1992)
HARRIS, F (1985)
HARRIS-GEORGE, Janet (1981)
JOHNSON, Catherine (1996) *
LANDER, Ronald (1993)
LEWIS, Anne J (1998)
MAGLOIRE, S (1986)
MAYERS, Steven Bernard (1992) *
MURPHY, J M (1966)
PASCAL, M (1986)
PRINCE, R (1969)
PRINCE, Rosette (1969) *
ROBERTS, L A (1971)
SERAPHIN, Laurel Ann (1999)
SHILLINGFORD, Juliette (1990)
WATTY, W R (1965)
WILLIAMS, Geneta Rosilia (1999) *
ANGANU, M R (1961)
BHINDI, Ratnavali (2001)
CHANDRA, Rajesh (1981) *
DEOKI, P V (1966)
KUNABULI, Paula Saraniogo (1983) *
NAIDU, S (1987)
NARAYAN, J (1972)
PRASAD, G (1965)
SAHIB, M (1960)
SAVU, A (1970)
SINGH, Ajit (1980)
SINGH, J (1984)
SINGH, U (1986)
TADULALA, M (1982)
The Gambia
DARBOE, A (1977)
DRAMMEH, H (1982)
FAAL, E (1986)
FATTY, M (1968)
FOSTER, Lydia (1980)
GOOD, I J (1970)
JAH, O (1967)
JAH, O (1969)
JALLOW, M (1987)
JALLOW, S (1985)
JALLOW, Yaya (1990)
JALLOW, Yaya Sireh (1991) *
JAWARA, Alieu (1992)
JOBE, A (1987)
JOBE, Abdoulie (1996)
JOBE, Bboucarr (2000)
JOHN, E (1985)
JONES, S H M (1968)
JOOF, M B (1973)
KAH, Jainaba (formerly SAHO) (1998) *
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KAH, M M (1991)
LEIGH, M (1987)
MARONG, Alhagi (1999)
MBYE, Baboucarr (1990)
M’BYE, Joanna M (1973)
MENDY, Augustine E (2000)
NG, T (1976)
NJIE, C (1976)
OLDFIELD, F S (1961)
SABALLY, Kebba (2001)
SAHO, J (1988)
SAINE, Pa Cheboh (1996)
SANNEH, F (1985)
SILLA, M (1984)
SISE, A L I (1981)
SOHNA, Fatou (1999)
SOWE, M (1983)
ABU, Ibrahim I (2000)
ACHEAMPONG, Frederick (1992)
ACHEAMPONG, Susanna (1991) *
ADADE, S (1977)
ADAM, M (1973)
ADDO-ABEDI, Frederick Yaw (1976) *
ADDY, H A (1986)
ADU-POKU, Samuel (1992) *
AGAMA, G K (1961)
AGBETI, M (1985)
AGBLEVOR, Foster (1982) *
AGUDOAWU, S (1987)
AGYARE-TABBI, Akwasi (1993)
AGYEI, O (1977)
AIDOO, A (1960)
AKITA, E (1985)
AKORDOR, F (1982)
AKUAMOAH, Christian (1990) *
ALHASSAN, W (1971)
ALHASSAN-ABU, Abdul-Rahyman (1998)
ALLOTEY, J (1974)
AMEGBEY, Godwin Yao (1999)
AMISIGO, B (1987)
ANKRAH, Emmanuel Nii (1989) *
ANKRAH, N I I (1990)
ANLEU-MWINE, Daniel (1990)
ANSAH, J A (1970)
ANTHONIO, Stephen Leo (2000)
APAMBIRE, Wilbert Braimah (1993)
APPEADU, C (1987)
APPOH, Francis E (2001)
ARYEE, A F (1968)
ASAMOAH, Solomon (1980)
ASAMOAH, Stephen A (1999)
ASANTEY, Solomon B A (1997)
ASIAMAH, Patience A (2002)
ASIEDU, A A (1965)
ATTUQUAYEFIO, Daniel (1990)
ATUAHENE-AMANKWA, Godfried (1992)
AWUKU, Frederick A (1996)
AWUMAH, K (1985)
AYIKU, R (1991)
AYISIS, M Y (1989)
BADOE, D (1986)
BANSON, J K A (1963)
BENNUAH, Sampson Yaw (1996)
BIMPONG, C E (1969)
BLANKSON, J (1985)
BOAKYE, K (1985)
BOAKYE, P (1989)
BOATENG, K (1987)
BOATENG, P E K (1966)
BREW, T (1975)
BREW HAMMOND, John (1982) *
BUGYEI, Kwasi Agyei (1989) *
COLEMAN, A (1984)
CUBAGEE, D (1975)
DANIELS, F (1982)
DANKWA, J B (1961)
DANKWA, Rita Sharon (1996)
DANKYI, Daniel (1992)
DAPAAH, S (1977)
DIAWUO, K (1984)
DIIWU, J (1991)
DJOKOTO, I K (1968)
DOGBEY, F (1982)
DOMPREH, C (1966)
DONKOR, Noble Thomas (1996)
DZAKPASU, A (1974)
ENGMANN, J (1971)
ESSAH, S (1991)
ETSIBAH, C (1985)
FOSU, Mathias (1988) *
FOSU, Philip (1981)
FREMPONG, Eric Moses (2000)
GAMBRAH, Anthony (1992) *
GANA, Bertha Kweley (1993)
GBORDZOE, A (1977)
GRAHAM, C K (1969)
HAGAN, D (1985)
HAIZEL, W (1987)
HANSEN, C (1977)
HODASI, J K (1961)
HOLDBROOK, Frederick (1990)
HOTSONYAME, Godfried (1990)
IDDRISU, Mohammed Nurudeen (1999)
JAMPOH, Edmund L (2000)
JOPPA, F A (1968)
KOBIA, K (1983)
KOFITSE, Alexander (1991) *
KOTEY, Eugene Mikoi (1993)
KPO, Samuel S (1993)
KWAKU, S F (1962)
KWARKO, G (1985)
LAING, W N (1961)
LARBI, S O (1965)
LARSEN, R E (1969)
LARTEY, E (1991)
LARWEH, Patience Mateko (2002)
LETSA, G (1978)
MENSAH, Solomon Ato (1997)
MICHAEL, Senoo (1971)
MODEY, B (1985)
MONNEY, B (1978)
MOSI, A K (1965)
NAAZIE, A (1986)
NIPAH, G (1987)
NSIAH, D K (1971)
NYARKO, D (1968)
NYARKO, D (1986)
OBENG, K (1975)
OBIRI, C (1971)
ODAMTTEN, S (1968)
OFORI, Atta J (1962)
OFORI, I (1982)
OFORI-ATTA, Angela (formerly
LAMENSDORF) (1986) *
OKAI, D B (1972)
OKINE, E (1985)
* See also profiles
OPOKU, George K. (1991) *
PEASAH, J (1960)
PIANIM, A (1960)
QUAGRAINIE, Kwamena (1992)
SACKEY, D (1988)
SAFO, E Y (1968)
SALLAH, Alex (1980)
SARKODITE-ADDO, Joseph (1988) *
SARPONG, Osei (1981)
SETSOFIA, Kwasi (1980)
SIMPSON, Robert (1992)
SOWAH, M (1983)
TANDOH, S E (1963)
TEKPETEY, A (1967)
TUMBULTO, J (1985)
WOOD, J (1976)
YANKSON, E (1974)
CODALI, Joseph (1987) *
FALQUERO, E A (1964)
FELIPES, E (1982)
GORMLEY, Anne (1981)
LLAMBIAS, H J (1962)
MANETTO, L (1974)
SMITH, Paul Edward (1976) *
STONEY, Christopher (1987) *
ANTOINE, Patricia (1998)
ARCHER, M (1966)
BOWEN, Gregory (1981)
BRATHWAITE, Samuel (1986) *
CHURCH, Michael (1990)
COLLINS, Lindley Simeon (1987) *
CUMMINGS, T (1989)
CYPRUS, C (1977)
DATE, J C (1966)
DAVID, R (1975)
EMMONS, C (1983)
FELIX, Carlyle (1995)
FRANCOIS, B (1982)
GLEAN, C (1987)
GRENADE, Kari Hester (2002)
HURLEY, J A (1972)
LASHLEY, J (1976)
MCGUIRE, C J (1965)
MCINTYRE, A (1988)
MAITLAND, B A (1966)
MILLER, N A (1962)
MURRAY, N (1988)
NEDD, Regan (1980)
PALMER, G (1963)
PANCHOO, Lloyd (1996)
PETERS, E (1985)
PURCELL, J (1985)
ROBERTS, Michael (1999)
ROBINSON, C (1986)
SILVESTER, Anthony DM (1999)
TAYLOR, R (1986)
THOMAS, Anthony O (2000)
TOUSSAINT, Margaret (1992)
VINCENT, George (1990) *
ANDRADE, R (1989)
BALRAM, Shivanand (1998)
BARRY, Thomas AL (1994)
BIRKETT, H M (1961)
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BOWEN, B (1986)
BULLEN, C (1978)
BYNOE, J G (1963)
CAMPAYNE, S R H A (1972)
CHAN, M (1966)
CHARLES, Julian L (1996)
COATES, Basil L (1998)
DEODAT, Rovin (1989) *
FLORENDO, Elisa (1998)
GILL, C (1989)
GRANNUM, C (1973)
HOLDER, Fiona N (2002)
HOLDER, L (1975)
HOLDER, Y (1991)
JOHN, M (1987)
JORDAN, Kenneth Michael (1993)
KADIR, Sheik Felito (1999)
KHAN, S (1989)
KING, I (1975)
KUNAR, L (1966)
LALL, R M (1960)
LANGEVINE, Robert E (1999)
LEE, G A (1986)
MITCHELL, M (1978)
MOHAMED, N (1974)
MOSES, B (1984)
NARAYAN, O (1960)
PERSAUD, S (1991)
RAHEEM, Abdool (1990)
RAMSAMMY, J R (1965)
ST PIERRA, M A (1966)
SAMAROO, Mahendra (1997) *
SAMPSON, G A (1968)
SEETRAM, A (1983)
SINGH, J (1971)
SINGH, Rajkumar (1993) *
SMITH, E O (1964)
SMITH, Esmond (1964) *
SOMAROO, B H (1962)
TROTZ, U O (1966)
TROYER, L (1983)
TULSI, H (1984)
VALLADARES, Terry Martin (1988) *
VIEIRA, Rickford (1996) *
WALROND, G (1975)
WILLIAMS, C (1978)
WILSON, E M (1971)
Hong Kong
CHAN, E (1976)
CHAN, Hoi -Man (1980)
CHAN, K A Y A N (1990)
CHAN, Kam Wing (1983) *
CHAN, R (1986)
CHAN, Wing Wah (1980) *
CHENG, K F (1965)
CHEUNG, K H (1971)
CHEUNG, W (1984)
CHEUNG, Y W (1977)
CHIU, Y L (1962)
CHOI, H P (1973)
CHOW, K (1975)
CHOW, Kam Tong (1990) *
CHOW, King (1982) *
CHU, H (1989)
CHU, J (1976)
CHUI, E (1977)
CHUN, K -C (1989)
CHUNG, Alex Po Lun (1993)
CHUNG, P C (1975)
FISHER, Stephen Frederick (1975) *
FUNG, Ka-Yiu Michael (1985) *
FUNG, Lucille (1981)
FUNG, Tung (1984) *
HO, Edward (1981)
HO, H H (1963)
HO, K L (1967)
HO, K T (1971)
HOYAN, Carole (1992)
HUNG, C L (1972)
IP, David (1974) *
IP, P O Keung (1978)
KO, Kam Ming (1986) *
KWONG, Luke (1970) *
KWONG, Sunny Kai-Sun (1980) *
LAM, Miu - Yee (1987)
LAM, T H (1967)
LAU, Chi-Lai (1993)
LEE, Dik Lun (1980) *
LEE, R (1975)
LEUNG, A (1961)
LEUNG, K (1975)
LIN, M Y (1991)
LO, K H (1962)
LO, Man Keung (1981)
LO, W K (1991)
LUI, P (1985)
LUK, Ch-Keung (1993)
LUK, H S (1971)
LUK, Y L M (1971)
MA, Y W (1972)
MA KING SUN (1986)
MAK, Sai-Chak (1982)
MOK, M H (1965)
NG, Wing Chung (1988) *
PAK, A (1988)
SO, V (1984)
SO MING CHO, R (1964)
TAM, S W (1971)
TONG, Irene (1989) *
TSANG, W S (1963)
TSE, M L (1973)
TSOI, H K (1973)
TSUI, C (1971)
TSUI, Hing Fung (1981) *
TUNG, Peter Chi-sun (1982) *
WONG, C Y M (1991)
WONG, K K P (1970)
WONG, K P S (1965)
WONG, Kam-Yeung (1974)
WONG, S K L (1969)
WONG, S M (1965)
WONG, Samuel (1965) *
WOO, S C J (1968)
WU, S K (1972)
WU, S S (1974)
YAU, S S Margaret (1981)
YEUNG, Chi-Ling (1990)
YEUNG, Kai-sum (1975) *
YEUNG, V M (1964)
YIU, Mei Mei (1987) *
YU SHUK (1983)
ACHARYA, Ashok (1994) *
ADHIKARI, Sumit (2000)
AGARWAL, A (1986)
AGARWAL, M C (1965)
AGGARWI, Y P (1969)
AGRAWAL, A (1973)
AGRAWAL, K (1962)
AGRAWAL, K M (1963)
AHMAD, A (1960)
AHSAN, S N (1961)
ANAGOL, S M (1964)
ANANT, Arpita (2001)
* See also profiles
ANGADI, Sangamesh (1992)
ANSARI, J H (1970)
ASHOK, T (1986)
ASOTRA, Kamlesh (1981)
AULAKH, M (1979)
BABU, N (1985)
BAHADUR, K (1968)
BAHADUR, Nisheeth Prakash (1992)
BAJANTRI, Maleraj (1984) *
BAKSI, Soham (1999)
BALAJI, Uma (1992)
BANERJEE, A (1961)
BANERJEE, Pranop (1990)
BANERJEE, S K (1962)
BANERJEE, Sudhendu (1988) *
BANO, S (1976)
BANSAL, A (1986)
BASU, A (1985)
BASU, J (1964)
BAWA, A (1978)
BEDI, D S (1966)
BEGUM, A J (1969)
BEHERA, A (1982)
BEHERA, Nikil (1981)
BEHERA, Pradeep K (1996)
BHADURI, I (1969)
BHANOT, K L (1965)
BHARDWAJ, Anupama (1981)
BHARGAVA, J P (1962)
BHARGAVA, S (1976)
BHAT, M K (1972)
BHAT, Shaker S (1992)
BHATIA, A P (1961)
BHATIA, K L (1965)
BHATTACHARYYA, Madan (1983) *
BHATTACHARYYA, Nalinaksha (1994)
BHOJVAID, P P (1991)
BHUSHAN, B (1984)
BHUTANI, K (1978)
BINING, A (1985)
BISWAS, Prasenjit (1980)
BOKIL, S D (1968)
BONTU, Chadra Sekhar (1992)
CASSHYAP, S M (1963)
CELLY, C S (1991)
CHAKRABARTI, Bhaskar (1999)
CHAND, M (1973)
CHANDRA, H (1974)
CHATTERJEE, Papia (2002)
CHAWLA, M A (1966)
CHAWLA, M D (1963)
CHERVU, L R (1960)
CHILLARIGE, Venkata (1990)
CHOPRA, Alka (1992)
CHOWDHORY, Nasreen (1999)
DANGE, V (1988)
DAS, B P (1969)
DAS, K (1991)
DAS, P (1969)
DAS, S K (1972)
DAS GUPTA, P (1968)
DASGUPTA, A (1979)
DASGUPTA, S (1973)
DASH, A (1974)
DASH, B (1988)
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DASOG, Ghulappa (1983) *
DATTA, Manjula (1995)
DAVE, N K (1968)
DE, M (1965)
DEKA, G (1982)
DEVI, M (1977)
DHAWAN, Atam (1983) *
DONGRE, S P (1964)
D’SOUZA, N (1967)
DUBEY, Vimal (1982) *
DURAIRAJ, Michael (1988) *
DUTTA, L K (1963)
DWIBEDI, K (1963)
EDWARDS, B (1982)
FAROOQUI, Kazi (1990)
GAMBHIR, M (1974)
GAUR, Pooran Mal (1986) *
GHANDI, M (1974)
GHOSH, A K (1974)
GHOSH, J (1971)
GILL, Rishi Indra Singh (1998)
GOEL, V K (1972)
GON, M (1966)
GOPAL, Ganapathiraju SR (1992)
GOSWAMI, S B (1966)
GOSWAMI, S R (1960)
GOWDA, Shobha Mahalinge (2000) *
GOYAL, Mohan L (1975) *
GROVER, P (1985)
GUDI, Muhandiramge (1990)
GUHA, Sohini (2000)
GUNE, Nandakumar (1981)
GUPTA, Anil (1988) *
GUPTA, J (1974)
GUPTA, K L (1963)
GUPTA, N K (1968)
GUPTA, P K (1964)
GUPTA, Pushpendra (1964) *
GUPTA, R (1988)
GUPTA, R D (1970)
GUPTA, R N (1961)
GUPTA, R S (1963)
GUPTA, S K (1972)
GUPTA, Santosh (1970)
GUPTA, Satish (1970)
GUPTA, V K (1973)
GURURUJA, J (1966)
HAMEED, A (1985)
HANDA, S C (1971)
HERUR, A (1983)
HUSAIN, Asim (1978)
HUSAIN, T (1975)
INGLE, R N (1964)
JACOB, Binnu George (1994)
JAGOTA, S (1982)
JAIN, A (1986)
JAIN, Prakash C. (1978) *
JAIN, R B (1987)
JAIN, Roop (1983) *
JAIN, S C (1967)
JAYANTHI, R (1989)
JAYARAM, M (1986)
JENA, A K (1986)
JHA, K M (1962)
JHA, R (1975)
JINDAL, Rajesh (1992) *
JOARDAR, S (1973)
JOHNSON, P (1968)
JOIA, B (1978)
JOSHI, G C (1964)
JOSHI, V (1975)
KAHLON, S (1977)
KAHMAT, V N (1991)
KALKULI, Shankar (1986) *
KALRA, S P (1967)
KAMAL, S (1989)
KAMBO, N S (1964)
KANT, K (1970)
KANT, S (1991)
KANUNGO, Rabindra Nath (1960) *
KANWAR, J (1977)
KAPUR, A D (1962)
KAPUR, R (1986)
KARNIK, Ajit (1981) *
KASHI, K P (1970)
KASHYAP, Vijay (1990)
KATEY, P R (1963)
KAUSHIK, Radhey Shyam (1993)
KAWAWA, R (1978)
KEKRE, H B (1963)
KESHAVA, Murthy T L (1974)
KHAN, S A (1963)
KHANDURI, A C (1991)
KHANNA, J (1960)
KHATRI, S R (1969)
KHATTAR, Sunil K (1992)
KISHORE, S (1986)
KISHORE, S (1987)
KOCHBAR, N (1976)
KOCHHAR, Harpreet Singh (1995)
KRISHMAN, R (1978)
KRISHNAN, R (1985)
KRISHNAN, S K (1960)
KULKARNI, Anil (1983) *
KUMAR, A (1986)
KUMAR, J M (1965)
KUMAR, Lakshmi (1981)
KUMAR, Mohan (1987) *
KUMAR, Pradeep (1994)
KUMAR, R (1983)
KUMAR, R C (1970)
KUMAR, S (1964)
KUMAR, Surinder (1976) *
KURIAN, N J (1973)
KURUVINASHETTI, Mahalingappa (1981)
LAL, I (1968)
LAL, K C (1962)
LAL, R (1963)
LAL, R K (1962)
LALITA, K (1962)
LAM, H C (1962)
LAMBA, S S (1964)
LODHA, G S (1972)
LOHTIA, R P (1966)
MADAN, Sanjay (1992)
MAHAJAN, S K (1965)
MAITI, R (1977)
MAKHAN, D S (1967)
MALHOTRA, P (1987)
MALHOTRA, V (1960)
MALICK, J (1987)
MALIK, A (1968)
MALIK, P (1983)
MANDAL, Mrinal (1993) *
MANE, S E (1961)
* See also profiles
MAROTHIA, D (1977)
MARWAHA, Alka (1992)
MATHAI, A M (1961)
MATHAI, T (1987)
MATHEW, A V (1969)
MATHEWS, C K (1961)
MATHEWS, R (1988)
MATHUR, A (1983)
MATHUR, K (1985)
MATHUR, R (1977)
MATIN, Abdul (1982)
MEHROTRA, B L (1966)
MEHROTRA, R C (1967)
MEHROTRA, V K (1971)
MEHROTRA, Vinay (1971) *
MEHTA, Puja (2002)
MEHTA, S L (1966)
MENDU, K R (1982)
MENON, Vineetha (1990)
MISHRA, D (1961)
MISHRA, J P (1973)
MISHRA, K P (1963)
MISHRA, P (1961)
MISHRA, P (1989)
MISHRA, V (1986)
MISRA, D (1983)
MISRA, S (1966)
MITTAL, K R (1966)
MITTRA, S S (1966)
MOHAN, K (1976)
MOHANRAJ, P (1986)
MOHSIN, Mohammed (1996)
MUJAMDAR, S (1973)
MUKERJEE, M R (1961)
MULIMANI, B (1972)
MULLICK, P C (1962)
MURALIDHARAN, Vijay (2002)
MURTHY, C (1988)
MURTHY, Srinivsa (1992) *
NAGARAJA, R (1966)
NAIDU, J P (1991)
NAIK, K (1986)
NAIK, M K (1985)
NAIR, A S (1982)
NAND, S (1977)
NANDA, S (1966)
NANDY, B (1987)
NARALE, A P (1965)
NARIMAN, R (1966)
NAUTIYAL, J C (1964)
NEHRA, N (1985)
NIRMALAN, G (1969)
OMANWAR, P K (1966)
PACHKHEDE, Narendra (1999)
PAL, S (1985)
PANDE, B B (1972)
PANDE, Harshad (1993)
PANDE, S K (1969)
PANDEY, Anupam (2000)
PANDEY, V (1975)
PANDIT, G S (1962)
PANICKER, John (1990)
PASSEY, A D (1966)
PASSI, B K (1989)
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PATHAK, Virendra (1998)
PATNAIK, J (1989)
PENTYALA, V B (1986)
PHILLIP, G (1982)
PILLAI, M K K (1961)
PILLAI, S U (1964)
PINHERO, Reena (1992)
POTDAR, Madhukar (1981)
PRABHU, M (1975)
PRABHU, S S (1966)
PRADHAM, R (1973)
PRAKASH, B (1970)
PRASAD, Chaitanya (1990)
PURI, Deepika (1992)
RADDI, A G (1964)
RAGHUNATH, Govindachari (1992)
RAHEJA, K (1982)
RAI, K P (1970)
RAI, S N (1986)
RAJ, Aditya (2002)
RAJAMANI, V (1960)
RAJORA, Prakash (1981)
RAJUGOPAL, Gubbi (1993)
RAM, A (1972)
RAMACHANDRA, Rangappa (1985)
RAMAKRISHNA, Medahalli (1981) *
RAMAKRISHNAPPA, Nagaraja (1998)
RAMAN, B (1977)
RAMESAN, V (1964)
RAMESH, R (1985)
RANJAN, G (1967)
RAO, A S (1963)
RAO, B S (1967)
RAO, D L N (1970)
RAO, Govindaraju S K (1986) *
RAO, M (1977)
RAO, Maddi (1992)
RAO, P J (1970)
RAO, T S (1970)
RAO, V J (1970)
RATHINAVELU, Chengalva (1990)
RAVINDRAN, Govindan (1992)
RAWAT, G (1977)
REDDY, Jayagopala (1993)
REDDY, M (1962)
RODGE, Ashok (1990)
ROONWALL, Gunpat (1994)
SAGAR, S K (1971)
SAGGAR, S (1977)
SAHA, A (1986)
SAINI, Surinder Singh (1994)
SAMAL, K (1960)
SAMUEL, T J (1961)
SANDHU, Kulbir (1992)
SANDU, Kulbir S (1992)
SANE, P V (1964)
SANKAR, H M (1972)
SAO, F (1976)
SARANGI, J (1962)
SAREEN, B K (1974)
SARMA, Sisira K (1998)
SARNA, A C (1971)
SASTRI, M V (1965)
SASTRY, V V R N (1973)
SATPATHY, D (1965)
SATSANGI, P S (1966)
SATTAR, A (1985)
SAXENA, Ashok K (1992)
SEKHAR, Bontu (1992)
SETH, P K (1978)
SETH, Rajesh (1992)
SHANKER, S (1961)
SHARAN, S (1973)
SHARMA, C S (1964)
SHARMA, G N (1960)
SHARMA, H R (1980)
SHARMA, M (1983)
SHARMA, M (1989)
SHARMA, N K (1971)
SHARMA, R K (1967)
SHARMA, S K (1986)
SHARMA, T (1973)
SHIVHARE, Uma (1986) *
SIKDAR, P (1977)
SINGH, B (1977)
SINGH, B (1985)
SINGH, D (1966)
SINGH, G (1986)
SINGH, Harmanjit (1992)
SINGH, J P (1982)
SINGH, Jaswant (1992)
SINGH, M (1979)
SINGH, M (1987)
SINGH, N (1991)
SINGH, Navsharan G (1992)
SINGH, P (1963)
SINGH, R (1985)
SINGH, Rajkumar (1993)
SINGH, S P (1981)
SINGH, Surendra (1993)
SINGH, Tejinder (1981)
SINGH, U (1972)
SINGH, V R (1974)
SINGH, Yadvinder (1981) *
SINGH BANGA, Harmanjit (1992)
SINHA, Jayati (1999)
SINHA, N K (1962)
SINHA, S (1973)
SINHA, V (1978)
SIVARAM, S (1961)
SIVASANKAR, Sobhana (1990)
SOMANI, Arun (1982) *
SREEDHAR, Lekha (1990)
SRINIVAS, R A (1963)
SRIRAM, P (1989)
SRIVASTAVA, Rajesh (1990)
SUBRMANIAN, Kizhaeral (1992)
SUDHAKAR, G (1988)
SUNDARAM, E V (1962)
* See also profiles
SUNDER, J (1986)
SWARAM, J (1978)
TALUKDAR, N (1987)
TANKHA, V (1986)
THAKUR, B (1970)
THAKUR, B R (1991)
TIKOO, S (1986)
TIWARI, A (1988)
TIWARI, A P (1974)
TIWARI, G (1985)
TIWARI, Kailash (1981)
TRIPATHI, Chandrashekhar (1992)
TRIPATHI, L (1960)
TRIPATHY, N K (1973)
TRIVEDI, Harsha (1994) *
UBEROI, R (1988)
VACHAANI, H A (1964)
VEERARAGHAVAIAH, Ravuri (1988) *
VERMA, A (1986)
VERMA, R K (1971)
VERMA, Sanjeev (1992)
YADAV, B (1982)
YADAV, G (1989)
YADAV, Mahesh (1981)
YASHROY, R (1976)
AMITIRIGALA, Nimal (1998)
ASHMEADE, B C (1963)
BANDARA, Janaki H (1997)
BARNES, Corinne (1990)
BARRETT, M (1985)
BECKFORD, M L (1961)
BEDASSE, Dwight S (2002)
BELLAMY, L (1985)
BENNETT, I (1989)
BERNARD, B (1977)
BRADY, Cherry D (1980)
BROWN, Kathy-Ann (1984) *
BROWN, Lisa (1998)
BROWN, M L (1965)
BRYAN, Dwight (1990)
BRYAN, N (1973)
BUCKNOR, Michael A. (1992) *
CAREW, K (1984)
CHAN, J (1985)
CHANDON, Kenrick A (2000)
CHANG, M E (1972)
COOKE, Aston (1989) *
COOKE, Jason (1992)
COOPER, P (1984)
COUSLEY, Melody Joy (1995) *
COWELL, Noel Mayhew (1994)
DA COSTA, N C (1969)
DALE, Andrew A (1999)
DAVIS, A (1989)
DAVIS, A (1991)
DAWES, Kwame (1987) *
DEANE, Megan (1981)
DONALDSON, Sandra (1990)
DOUGLAS, F (1986)
DUNCAN, G (1960)
ECCLES, E (1985)
EDWARDS, N (1985)
FAIRMAN, D (1991)
FERGUSON, W (1987)
FLETCHER, F L (1972)
FRANCIS, H (1978)
GATCHAIR, Sonia (1982)
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GAYLE, B C (1972)
GAYLE, G (1973)
GORDON, A (1987)
GORDON, K A (1966)
GREGORY, V (1983)
HALL, Haide (1998)
HALL, M (1982)
HALL, W (1988)
HAMILTON, Dionne (1991) *
HAMILTON, Vernal (1992)
HAYMAN, Alicia A (1998)
HEMMINGS, B R (1967)
HIGGINS, Huntley G (1999)
HILL, K G (1964)
HORSMAN, O (1967)
HOWELL, J (1985)
INGLEDEW, A (1987)
JOHNSON, K (1991)
JOHNSON, T (1985)
KERR, Latoya (formerly MAYHEW) (1996) *
KNIGHT, S G (1962)
LEWIS, Rohan A (1999)
MCCONNELL, Brian (1994)
MCINTOSH, Karl R (2000)
MCKENZIE, S T Hope E (1978)
MCLAUGHLIN, Marjorie Elizabeth (1983) *
MAGNUS, M T (1974)
MAHON, R C (1974)
MAIRS-INGRAM, Diane (1999)
MARSTON, C J (1974)
MILLER, L (1987)
MILLER, R (1976)
MILLS, C (1973)
MORANT, L (1977)
MORGAN, K (1975)
MORGAN, Telroy A (2000)
MULLINGS, E (1989)
O’SULLIVAN, Christopher (1998)
PANDOHIE, Richard (1992)
PENA, P R (1963)
POWELL, R (1983)
PRYCE-ROBINSON, Andrea (1993)
RATTRAY, C (1986)
REID, D (1988)
REID, N (1984)
REID, Randall (1993)
REYNOLDS, M M (1972)
ROACHE, K L (1962)
ROBB, R (1975)
ROBOTHAM, H A (1963)
RUSSELL, R (1986)
SIMPSON, Hyacinth Mayemie (1993)
SITTOL, Jascinth (1980)
SOARES, J (1989)
STEWART, E (1987)
THEOBALDS, Dawn Michelle (1995)
THOMPSON, H H (1964)
THOMPSON, M W (1962)
TITUS, R (1975)
TOMLINSON, Maurice (1996) *
TOMLINSON, Pat (1987) *
WALCOTT, G (1971)
WALKER, J (1960)
WALTERS, Dave L (1996)
WALTERS, N (1964)
WARD, C L (1972)
WARD, J (1965)
WILLIAMS, H B (1965)
WILLIAMS, Norman (1980)
WILLIAMS, Suzanne (1981)
WILSON, S E (1968)
WRIGHT, G (1967)
WRIGHT, K P (1969)
YOUNG, R E (1988)
ABDULLAH, H H (1971)
ACHOKA, Judith Serah (1989) *
ADAGALA, E (1975)
ADALLAH, Sylvester Ochieng (1987) *
AMISI, J L (1965)
BALI, S (1971)
BHOGAL, B S (1960)
BOGONKO, S M (1969)
BUKHALA, P (1988)
CHACHA, J (1983)
CHEBOSE, K (1988)
CHEGE, S (1986)
CHEMINING’WA, George (1997)
CHERUIYOT, Linnus (1990)
CHESERAM, S (1983)
DAMJI, S W (1971)
DONNELLY, C (1966)
FARAJ, Abdul K (1999)
GACIL, P (1961)
GATERE, M (1976)
GATHENYA, Teresiah W (1997)
GITHAE, M (1969)
GITHIRA, Peter (1990)
GREWAL, B S (1962)
HAGEMBE, Bilhah Ommbango (formerly
NYIKULI) (1985) *
HINGA, S N (1964)
IRINA, J (1966)
ISLAM, A (1982)
ISMAIL, I (1982)
ISMAIL, Issa (1992)
IWORETE, Stephen O (2002)
JAIRU, D (1985)
KABACHIA, U K (1965)
KAGIO, N (1976)
KAMAU, Margaret (1990)
KANDIE, Egla J (1992)
KANGETHE, R (1986)
KARIRU, J (1973)
KARIUKI, P (1977)
KARIUKI, S (1985)
KARIUKI, W (1986)
KHAMALAH, Joseph (1990)
KIETI, E (1991)
KIRINA, Beatrice (1980)
KISOVI, L (1987)
KITHYO, Isaac (1995)
KODERO, Hezborn M. Nelly (1988) *
KODERO, Hezborn M Nelly (1997) *
KOECH, Alice C (1999)
KONANA, Lois (1987) *
KURIA, K (1986)
LAVUSA, Nifredah I (2000)
LIGAGA, M (1988)
LOBO, K J (1962)
MAGAMBO, Japhet Kithinji (1988) *
MAINA, S (1985)
MAKOKHA, E (1988)
(formerly MAREKIA) (1985) *
MBOGAH, S (1977)
MBOGO, E (1986)
MBOGUA, J P (1960)
MIGUI, Samuel (1992)
MOHAMUD, Habiba D (2000)
MUGWE, W (1973)
MUIGA, Raphael (1980)
MUITO, G (1969)
MULI, Samuel (1998)
MUNAVI, K M (1966)
MURIKO, J (1988)
MURITHI, N (1967)
MUSANI, Solomon K (1999)
* See also profiles
MUTHARIA, L (1982)
MWANGI, P F N (1974)
MWANIKI, L (1967)
MWATHI, P G (1972)
MWAWASI, G (1989)
NANDWA, J (1985)
NASSIUMA, D (1988)
NDALO, J (1973)
NGENO, Rorogu Chjeruiyot (1992)
NGENY, E J A (1969)
NGOO, Livingstone (1990)
NJAGE, J (1977)
NJAGE, J (1982)
NJOROGE, Lawrence (1981)
NJOROGE, Norman (1992)
NJUE, C (1991)
NJUE, Wilson Mbiti (1981) *
NYAMBOK, O (1973)
OBIMBO, Charlie Fredrick (1993)
OCHOLA, J P (1974)
ODONDI, M (1989)
ODONGO, L (1988)
ODONGO, Leo Odiwuor (1988) *
ODUOR, Saulo O (1992)
OKINDA, S (1977)
OKUMU, C (1962)
OLEMBO, Norman (1986) *
OLOO, P C (1969)
OMMBANGO, N (1985)
OMONDI, P (1989)
OMOTO, Edgar Eric (1992) *
OMUMBO, B W (1964)
ONDIELKI, J J (1963)
ONGIRO, A (1991)
ONUNGA, J (1985)
ONYANGO, A (1982)
ONYANGO, S (1983)
OPINYAH, J O (1969)
OSORO, Bathsheba (1996) *
OWUOR, D (1961)
PALA, F O (1962)
PATEL, R P (1960)
REGO, A B (1968)
SABWE, D (1984)
SEQUIERA, M C (1967)
SOITA, Henry W (1996)
SOOD, K (1973)
SPEARS, J (1961)
TALLAM, Steven (1990)
TUITOEK, D (1989)
WACHIRA, M (1976)
WAITHAKA, J (1961)
WAIYAKI, N (1977)
WAMATHI, T (1988)
WANGA, P (1978)
WANGIA, C (1978)
WANJA, Elizabeth (1998)
WANJAU, Frederick (1993)
YASINDI, Andrew W (1997)
HANRAHAN, N (1971)
HOLLIS, C (1971)
TIRA, T (1985)
LEKHESA, K (1986)
LEPATI, M (1989)
LETELE, S (1986)
MAHASA, N (1978)
MAKHAKHE, S (1988)
MALIE, M (1975)
MALIE, Mpho (1982)
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MATSOSO, L (1988)
MOLAPO, David (1993)
MOLAPO, L (1982)
MOLUMELI, J (1986)
MOROKOKE, H (1978)
NKHOBOTI, Michael R (1998)
NTABENI, M N (1991)
NTSINYI, C (1960)
PETLANE, T (1988)
PHAKISI, Stphen (1995)
PHEKO, Lieketseng G (1996)
TAOLE, S (1975)
THABANE, Lehana (1993)
THOBEA, L Peter (1999)
TITHELI, M M (1962)
TSEPA, Mathabo T (2000)
CHAIMA, K (1986)
CHIPETA, O’Bryne (1981)
CHIRWA, W (1987)
DOLOZI, M (1982)
KACHAPILA, Hendrina (1993)
KAJIYANIKE, Meg Debra (1989) *
KALUA, Fabian Kadongo (1992)
KAMANGA, Anthony (1981)
KANJO, Grace Chimwemwe (1990)
KANYUKA, M (1985)
KAONGA, L (1986)
KHONGA, Elenimo Billiat (1984) *
KISHINDO, Emma (1998)
LAMBA, C (1987)
LAMBA, I C (1972)
LIPENGA, K (1982)
MALEKANO, Lawrence LB (1993)
MALIWICHI, Harry E (2002)
MATAYE, C (1986)
MBENDERA, Ida (1999)
MBISA, P M (1967)
MHANGO, David HZ (1993)
MISI, T (1987)
MSISHA, R (1977)
MSOLOMBA, J (1971)
MWALE, J (1982)
MWALE, J (1989)
MZUMARA, H (1989)
NAJIRA, A (1984)
NGWIRA, T (1974)
NKANA, R (1975)
NYASULU, Peter (1993)
NYIRENDA, Kelvin Little (1996) *
PHIRI, A G (1985)
SAGAWA, J (1985)
SAGAWA, Jessie (1993)
ULEDI-KAMANGA, Brighton (1980)
AGN, K J (1968)
AHMAD, Roslan Bin (1989) *
AHOOD, A (1976)
ALI, A B (1971)
ALI, K (1986)
APPANA, M (1973)
AWANG, K A (1972)
AZIZ, Fikry (1981)
CHAI, M (1973)
CHAN, S L (1963)
CHANG, E (1961)
CHANG, T Y (1988)
CHEOW, J (1960)
CHEW, P (1975)
CHONG, C S (1968)
CHONG, Chon Sing (1968) *
CHONG, K (1961)
CHONG, K M (1969)
CHOO, Poh Sze (1986) *
EMBONG, M S (1971)
FIAH, S (1983)
GHAZALI, B (1972)
GOH, H (1976)
HAIRI, B A (1971)
HASSAN, T (1976)
HSU, W C N (1967)
HUSSIN, S (1984)
KAM, Y K (1969)
KAMARUZAMAN, Jusoff (1981)
KANDIAH, P (1974)
KEMAL, A (1977)
KHOO, K H (1970)
KHOO, Khay Huat (1969) *
KOH, Kim Hong (1998)
LATIFF, M (1984)
LEE, S L (1971)
LEE, Y S (1965)
LEONG, K O (1961)
LIM, E H (1972)
LIM, H E (1989)
LIM, S C (1963)
LUM, Y F (1960)
MADEWAN, M (1976)
MAHBUD, Rohana (1998)
MAHFOZ, N (1978)
MANAFF, F (1977)
MANSOR, Mohd Noor Azudin (1989) *
MASHUDI, B H (1971)
MENG, E A A H (1982)
MYDIN, Y (1984)
NOOR, Mohd (1978)
OGLE, N A (1980)
ONG, D (1968)
PAKIAM, J E (1962)
PAN, N (1961)
PANG, K M (1962)
PATRICK, George (2000)
PEREIRA, W W (1982)
RAMAIAH, A L (1974)
RAMAIAH, Alagappan (1980)
SEAH, H (1975)
SESHADRI, V (1964)
SESHADRI, Venkatadri (1964) *
SINGH, N (1975)
SINGH, Nirmal (1974)
SURATMAN, Mohd Nazip (1998)
TAN, Lih Yeen (2002)
TAN, W S (1968)
TAN KENG (1978)
TAY, R Y C (1967)
TENG, Chee Hua (1990)
TENG, L (1984)
TEO, Boon Khee (1990) *
THIEN, T K (1963)
WONG, F C (1972)
WONG, Fong Yee (1988)
WONG, I (1966)
WONG, Kim -Fah (1974)
WONG, N L (1968)
WOO, O T (1965)
ZAKARIA, H (1977)
IBRAHIM, Ismail (1985) *
IBRAHIM-DIDI, Khadeeja (2000)
MOHAMED, Isaam (1999)
MUNAVVAR, Mohamed (1990) *
NASEER, Abdulla (1998)
NASHEED, M (1991)
SAEED, Sheema (1999)
* See also profiles
SHAFEEGA, Fathmath (2002)
SHAFIA, Aminath (1998)
SHAMEEM, Aly (1993)
SHOUGEE, Mahamood (1986) *
ABELA, J J (1964)
ABELA, John (1992)
AZZOPARDI, Paul (1983) *
BAILEY, A (1983)
BARTOLO, P (1982)
BEZZINA, A (1985)
BONELLO, R R (1966)
BORG, C (1988)
BORG, C (1991)
BORG, E (1988)
BORG, G (1973)
BORG, Jonathan (1998)
BORG, L (1983)
BORG, R (1979)
BUHAGIAR, S (1985)
CALLEJA, C (1970)
CAMILLERI, Jennifer (1990) *
CAMILLIERI, Jennifer (1992)
CARUSO, C J (1960)
CHETCUTI, Deborah (1990)
CHIRCOP, A (1983)
CILIA, George (1988) *
CUTAJAR, Josephine Ann (1997)
DELIA, R (1962)
ELLUL, J P (1972)
FARRUGIA, Alastair (1999)
FARRUGIA, C (1969)
FARRUGIA, Charles (1969) *
FARRUGIA, Marisa (1990) *
GALEA CURMI, Edgar (1993)
GALEA-SALOMONE, Arthur (1988) *
GALOEA, S A (1988)
GATT, C (1975)
GAUCI, P (1978)
GRIMA, A P (1966)
GRIMA, A P Lino (1966) *
MALLIA, Joseph (1992)
MAYO, Peter (1986) *
MERCIECA, Christopher J. (1986) *
MICALLEF, P (1974)
MIFSUD, Anabel (1998)
PACE, J (1978)
PISCOPO, Suzanne Maria (1992) *
POLIDANO, Charles (1992) *
PORTELLI, J (1977)
PSAILA, Claudia (1995)
RIZZO, Yvette (1999)
ROSSI, L (1960)
SALIBA, Michael Angelo (1989) *
SCICLUNA, Edward (1975) *
SCICLUNA CALLEJA, Sandra (1989) *
SCIRIHA, Lydia (1982) *
SOLLARS, Valerie (1988) *
SULTANA, Joseph (2000)
VASSALLO, C (1969)
VELLA, P J (1970)
WARRINGTON, Edward (1984) *
XUEREB, Monica (2001)
ZAHRA, E (1976)
AMMANTOOLA, Bilkiss (1993)
AUKLE, D E V (1981)
BAGUANT, M (1963)
BALLOO, Madev (1998) *
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BOODOO, Shaheen Banu (1998) *
CHAN CHIM YUK, Andre (1973) *
CHINNIAH, Yuvin A (1999)
CHUNG WING, T (1964)
COLLET, S P (1960)
DAVID, P G (1970)
GANESHAN, S (1991)
GANGARAM, D (1982)
GOVINDEN, J (1975)
HEERAH, Imtehaze (2000)
HEERAH, Marjorie (1996) *
HEEROO, Hemchand (1981)
HEIN, P L (1966)
HORREE, Swarajsingh (1990)
HUNG SIN YIN, M J (1965)
JAMEER, Ejaz (1999)
JHUNDU, K (1985)
KMING, L C (1968)
KURMALLY, S M (1963)
LI, P I Shan L (1961)
LOUIS, S C (1967)
MANNA, Prakash (1980)
MUNAWAR, Mohammad Ahmad (2002)
NG PAK LEUNG, J (1974)
NORUTTUN, D (1991)
OLLITE, Faradally A (2000)
PHILOGENE, Bernard JR (1961) *
POON YOW TSE, Jing Kwang (1996)
RAE, N F (1962)
RAHMAN, R (1985)
RAJKOMAR, I (1976)
RIVET, M (1968)
ROUGET, A J (1966)
SANG, F N Y (1960)
SEEYAVE, P (1985)
SEW-HEE, Danielle (1984) *
SIN FAILAM, Denis Michel (1989) *
WONG, N G S F (1962)
WONG SUN-WAI, Wan Tay Von (1993)
YEE KIN TET, L (1988)
YUEN, Y I N Shin (1970)
ALLEN, Beatrice Rosalind (1987) *
BRAMBLE, D (1965)
BRAMBLE, D E (1972)
BUFFONGE, V L R (1964)
CASSELL, G (1963)
CASSELL, Janine (1996)
EDGECOMBE, David (1980)
FERRANCE, E W (1966)
HAZEL, Dorothea Lenore (1999) *
HOWES, O (1982)
JEFFERS, Judith (1998) *
KIRNON, George E. (1991) *
LEE, K W (1968)
MEADE, R (1978)
TAYLOR, Maunelva D (2002)
THOMAS, Brenda (1990)
MIRANDA, Helena (2001)
MUSHAANDJA, Marja Ndeyapo (1997)
NIIPARE, Andreas (1999)
New Zealand
ADDIS, Donna (2001)
ALLIS, R (1973)
BAAS, Susan Catherine (2000) *
BARBER, B (1976)
BARR, H (1964)
BARTLETT, R (1985)
BHANA, P (1961)
BLACK, J (1962)
BOOTH, R S (1962)
BOURN, D (1982)
BOYD, B D (1974)
BRUCE, Kelly (1973)
BURNS, C (1963)
BURNS, J A (1965)
BURRELL, M (1969)
BUXTON, Jackie (1992)
BYROM, A (1991)
CAIRNS, David John Adams (1985) *
CALDWELL, Tanya M (1992)
CAMPBELL, C (1988)
CAMPBELL, Douglas Atchison (1984) *
CAREY, B (1978)
CARR, S (1976)
CARRODUS, Mark (1992)
CARSWELL, R F (1963)
CATTON, Philip Ellery (1984) *
CLEUGH, Helen (1982) *
CLOUD, J (1969)
COOPER, A (1985)
CRAW, D (1975)
CRAWFORD, T (1965)
CRIGLINGTON, Meredith A (2000)
CROWE, M A (1969)
CURRIE, D (1983)
DAKIN, S R (1969)
DALY, G T (1962)
D’ARCY, P D (1968)
DAVEY, Helen (1988) *
DAVIES, L (1978)
DAWKINS, B P (1962)
DAWSON, J (1960)
DEARDEN, Christopher (1983)
DIXON, C W (1967)
DO, T P T (1991)
DOUGHTY, N A (1962)
DOW, B (1973)
DOWLING, D H (1972)
DRISCOLL, Angie (1990) *
EARLE, M D (1989)
EDWARDS, W (1975)
ELLIS, S (1988)
FINIGAN, Theo J (2000)
FOGELBERG, G (1964)*
FOX, A C (1971)
FRUSIN, A (1991)
GLENNY, Alison (1992)
GLYNN, E L (1967)
GOODWIN, R E (1960)
GREEN, Q Q (1968)
GRIFFIN, M (1961)
HALL, Julie (1982) *
HAMPTON, P (1961)
HANDCOCK, K (1960)
HART, A L (1970)
HAWKE, Richard (1991) *
HENDY, Shaun (1995) *
HESSELL, Nicola A (2000)
HOARE, M E (1977)
HOLLINGS, P E (1966)
HORNBLOW, H (1982)
HUGHES, P W (1969)
HUNT, K (1984)
* See also profiles
JACKSON, P (1982)
JENNINGS, Sarah (1980)
JOHNSON, D L (1969)
JONES, L (1979)
KEARNS, Robin (1983) *
KELLY, J (1986)
KNIGHT, Robert D (2002)
KOFOED, P (1976)
LAIRD, S R (1967)
LARNER, Wendy (1992) *
LARSEN, J (1969)
LAU, Lawrence (1992)
LAWN, Jennifer (1990)
LEGGOTT, Michele (1980)
LORIMER, P (1961)
MCDONALD, N (1961)
MCINTOSH, E (1964)
MCKEAN, C (1979)
MACKIE, K (1973)
MCLAY, C L (1966)
MCLEOD, W (1982)
MCLOED, W H (1986)
MANNING, M R (1965)
MARSHALL, Y (1987)
MEAD, Sidney (1972)
MEEK, K (1971)
MONAGAN, Michael Burnett (1981) *
MORRELL, W P (1968)
MORRISON, P (1973)
MORROW, J (1977)
MOUAT, M (1960)
MUIRHEAD, J (1972)
O’CONNOR, P (1973)
OLIVER, William H (1973)
PATERSON, John Leonard (1982) *
PENMAN, David Ross (1990)
PETERSON, A J (1969)
RALPH, R (1974)
RICHARDS, J C (1968)
RIDDEL, Anne (1981)
RIMMER, J F (1967)
ROBERTS, H (1986)
SIGNAL, L (1988)
SIMMONS, Rochelle (1986) *
SMILLIE, J (1984)
SMITH, Shane (1996)
SPEARS, K (1987)
STACE, M (1978)
STONE, P (1982)
STRINGER, Ian (1969)
TEIRNEY, L (1972)
THAWLEY, D (1971)
THIRKELL, P (1977)
THOMAS, C (1982)
TINDLE, C T (1967)
TWEEDALE, M M (1985)
TYNDALL, Joanne (1981)
VOWLES, J (1974)
WAITE, Jeffrey (1982) *
WALL, K (1977)
WARDLE, D (1986)
WEBB, G R (1969)
WELLS, A R (1969)
WHYTE, F R (1966)
WILD, C (1976)
WILLIAMS, C (1978)
WILLIAMS, L (1989)
WILSON, J D (1974)
WRIGHT, D G (1974)
YOUND, Jennifer (1977)
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ABIODUN, R O (1966)
ACHUGBUE, J (1975)
ADEBISI, O M (1973)
ADELEKE, A (1991)
ADELEKE, B (1972)
ADELEYE, I O (1967)
ADEOLA, O (1984)
ADESHE, L (1977)
ADESINA, Adesoji (1989) *
ADETIFA, O A (1971)
ADETORO, J E (1964)
ADI, R (1965)
ADUBI, F A (1969)
AFOLABI, M O (1974)
AFOLAYAN, S S (1991)
AGBOOLA, S (1991)
AGHEYISI, R (1982)
AGI, B (1991)
AGU, G (1986)
AINA, E O (1968)
AINA, V (1987)
AIRE, Victor Osobase (1992) *
AITOKHUEHI, Emmanuel (1993)
AJAYI, J (1977)
AJELE, Oladele (1990) *
AKANDE, S (1979)
AKIBA, O (1983)
AKINBODE, I A (1967)
AKINDAYOMI, Akinloye (2002)
AKPAN, Unyime O (1992)
ALUKO, R (1991)
AMEH, A (1991)
AMEH, Danladi Amodu (1986) *
ANANA, Raymond D (1990)
ANETOR, L (1989)
ANOZIE, A (1976)
ANYAHURU, E (1971)
ANYANWU, O R (1991)
AROWOLO, E A (1960)
ATTEH, J O B (1980)
AUDI, Johnson Dama (1990)
AYINLA, Rashidat O (2002)
AZI, F A (1971)
BALOGUN, I H (1967)
BAMIRO, I A (1972)
BAYO, Adekanye J (1990)
BEREDUGO, Y O (1969)
BOBBO, B (1989)
DARODA, M (1985)
DARODA, M (1987)
DAWODU, O (1986)
DUNCAN, J W (1962)
EBONG, E (1985)
EFFIONG, A (1987)
EGBOSIMBA, Emmanuel Edozie (1993)
EGBUNIWE, E (1961)
EHIGIATOR, Humphrey N (1992)
EHIKIOYA, Sylvanus A (1992)
EJEZIE, G C (1972)
EJEZIE, Gabriel (1972) *
EKPE, E D (1991)
EKPUNOBI, E J (1963)
ERADIRI, O (1983)
ESAN, B O (1965)
EZEMA, chioma A (2000)
EZI, F (1974)
FAKALADE, A (1975)
FAMOYE, F (1983)
FASHAKIN, J (1961)
FASINA, Oladiran O (1990)
FAWUSI, M (1970)
GALA, Monday Gang (1990)
GBADEYAN, J (1978)
GUOBADIA, Ima Sogie (1987) *
HARRISON, B A (1964)
HARUNA, Zainab Kidang (1992)
IBIRONKE, E (1961)
IDEM, Raphael Oyom (1990)
IGBASAN, Francis (1992)
IGWE, C (1978)
IKOKU, S A (1973)
IKPA, N (1991)
IKPONG, Anthony (1992)
ITYOKUMBUL, Mku (1981) *
IWUAGWU, E (1986)
IWUCHUKWU, Mathew (1984) *
IYO, A (1991)
JIBRIN, S (1991)
JIMOH, Abdul-Ganiyu (1981)
JOHN, T M (1970)
JOHNSON, Hakeem Kayode (1985) *
KIDANG, Zainab (1992)
KOLO, Jerry (1982) *
KRAGHA, M O (1968)
KWAGA, Jacob Kwada (1987) *
MALOMO, Timothy (1992)
MALOMO, Timothy (1992)
MIADONYE, Adango (1995)
MICHAEL, S (1987)
MUDIARE, O J (1979)
MWULU, C (1979)
NNORUKA, M (1975)
NNYAMAH, J (1973)
NWAKANMA, Chukwuemeka Dean (2000)
NWOKOLO, E (1973)
NWOSU, D (1987)
NZEKWU, N (1978)
OBIAGA, T I (1967)
OBINYAN, J E (1967)
ODELEYE, O A (1964)
ODI, A (1975)
ODIAH, A (1982)
ODIMUKO, C L (1971)
ODUAH, O (1977)
OFOEGBU, G (1979)
OGAN, M T (1971)
OGBANG, P M (1968)
OGUNBIYI, Peter Oluwole (1981) *
OGUNDARE, J (1988)
OGUNREMI, Oladele (1988) *
OGUNSOLA, I (1968)
OGUNSUA, A O (1966)
OGUOCHA, I (1991)
OHANOMAH, O (1978)
OJILE, E (1986)
OJO, J (1967)
OKARO, Patrick (1995)
OKORIE, S A (1960)
OKOTORE, R O (1966)
OKOYE, J C (1974)
OKUBANIO, A O (1967)
OLADIPO, E (1975)
OLAGOKE, A (1988)
OLAIYA, Kolawole P (2000)
OLALEYE, J (1987)
OLAOGUN, M (1985)
OLAYEMI, J K (1968)
OLOMU, M O (1968)
* See also profiles
OLORUNJU, Phindile (1985)
OLUMU, M J (1970)
OLUNLOYO, O A (1968)
OMENUKER, S C E (1964)
OMOREGIE, O (1977)
ONAYINKA, O (1974)
ONU, P E (1971)
OPADEYI, J (1986)
OSAKUE, Edward E (1992)
OSHIKOYA, Temitope W. (1984) *
OSHISANWO, Abimbola Olugbenga (1984) *
OTU, E (1985)
OWOLABI, J (1982)
OWOLABI, Karim (1984) *
OWOMERO, Basil (1981)
OYELESE, J O (1962)
PETERS, E J (1973)
SADIKU, S (1983)
SALAWU, Ademola (1980)
SANWO, J O (1969)
SIMPSON, G (1968)
SMITH, O (1973)
SOGUNRO, Olusegun (1990)
SOKOTO, A (1988)
TADE, Moses Oludayo (1981) *
TAIWO, Olurunke (1995)
UKO, D (1973)
UMOH, J (1986)
YILJEP, Yohanna (1987) *
ZASHA, J (1978)
ZUBAIR, A K A (1989)
ABDI, Syed Tahir Abbas (1994)
AHAMMAD, A (1961)
AHMAD, A S (1961)
AHMAD, M (1960)
AHMAD, N (1962)
AHMAD, R (1962)
AHMED, Aftab (1992)
AHMED, J (1969)
AHMED, Mohammad (1992)
AHMED, Nazir (1992)
AHMED, S H (1963)
AHMED, S U (1966)
AHMED, Z U (1968)
AHMEDALI, T (1963)
AKHLAQ, S M (1966)
AKHTAR, M A (1964)
AKHTAR, S A (1963)
ALAM, S (1960)
ARAIN, A R (1964)
ARAIN, Ataur (1964) *
ASLAM, Ibrahim (1999)
ASLAM, Malik (1992)
ASLAM, Mohammad (1992)
ASLAM, T (1970)
AZAD, A A (1970)
AZIZ, K A (1969)
BAQI, A (1960)
BAQUI, A (1970)
BASHIR, Shaheena (1999)
BEG, M M (1965)
BOHIO, Najeeb Nawaz (1994)
BUTT, N A (1964)
CHAUDHRY, M N (1968)
CHAUDHRY, Muhammad Arshad Saeed (1998)
CHAUDHRY, N N (1961)
CHAUDRY, G H (1962)
CHEEMA, M A (1963)
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DURRABI, Altaf (1992)
EUSUF, M (1961)
FAROOQ, Muhammad (1993)
HAMEED, Abdul B (1996)
HAMEED, S (1963)
HAMEED, S S (1963)
HAQ, A U (1969)
HAQ, M S (1963)
HAQ, Z S M (1969)
HAQUE, K E (1962)
HOQUE, A Z M (1966)
HOQUE, M (1964)
HOSAIN, M (1961)
HOSSAIN, A (1970)
HUSSAIN, A B S (1968)
HUSSAIN, I (1968)
HUSSAIN, R (1969)
HUSSAIN, S (1960)
IQBAL, Javed (2001)
IQBAL, M M (1968)
IQBAL, Romaina (2000)
ISHAQ, A F (1968)
ISLAM, M N (1966)
ISLAM, M S (1967)
ISLAM, N I (1964)
ISLAM, S (1964)
KABIR, A F (1968)
KARIM, Ajaz (1992)
KAUSAR, Shabana (1994)
KHALID, A B M (1966)
KHAN, A H (1964)
KHAN, A S (1991)
KHAN, Kashif H (1996)
KHAN, M F (1961)
KHATOON, H (1967)
KHAWAR, A M (1971)
MABOOD, Fazli (1999)
MAHATAB, U (1962)
MALLICK, K A (1964)
MANDAL, S (1963)
MATIN, A (1965)
MAZUMDER, S (1971)
MEHMOOD, Arif (1999)
MEMON, Khalida P (1992)
MIRAJ, Neelum (1996)
MOHSEN, M F (1971)
MUHAMMAD, M J (1969)
MUSTAFA, T (1968)
NASREEN, S T (1966)
NOOR, Mohammad (1992)
PATHAN, A N (1968)
PERVEEN, Khalida (1992)
QAYYUM, Muhammad Asim (1999)
QURESHI, A A (1966)
QURESHI, Faisal Zubair (1997)
QURESHI, H A (1964)
QURESHI, S U (1968)
QURESHI, Suhail Ahmed (1993)
RAFAI, F (1966)
RAHIM, A H (1968)
RAHIM, Abdul Ahmad (1999)
RAHMAN, A (1964)
RAHMAN, A K (1963)
RAHMAN, H U (1968)
RAHMAN, M (1965)
RAHMAN, M (1971)
RAHMAN, M M (1966)
RAJA, Usman (1999)
RANA, M (1961)
RASHID, Muhammad Tahir (1994)
RASUL, S I (1967)
RAZA, A (1962)
RAZA, Muhammad (1996)
REHMAN, A (1964)
REHMAN, M A (1968)
SAEED, M (1960)
SAHA, S K (1968)
SAMAD, A (1960)
SATTAR, A (1960)
SATTAR, A (1963)
SATTAR, A (1971)
SHAH, A A (1966)
SHEIKH, Amil (1963)
SIDDIQUE, K (1970)
SIDDIQUE, Naila (1998)
SIDDIQUI, S K (1991)
SOOMRO, B A (1969)
SOOMRO, M P (1969)
SUBHANI, M I (1961)
SUFI, Q (1966)
TARIQ, M N (1963)
TASADDUQ, Imram Ali (1998)
ULLAH, Bashir (1992)
USMAN, Khalid (1997)
YASMEEN, D (1971)
YOUNAS, M (1971)
ZAMAN, M J (1965)
Papua New Guinea
AIAU, Sammy (1994)
ANERE, D (1982)
DAUR, P (1984)
DEKLIN, A (1973)
GAUDI, H (1985)
HOIRE, Agi (2002)
ISANA, M S (1974)
KIRUHIA, J (1989)
KRAMER, F (1971)
KUK, Ronald (1987) *
KULA, A R (1974)
KULUAH, A (1975)
MAHA, A (1987)
MAHA, Api C (1993)
MAKIS, E (1976)
MARTIN, N (1984)
MUNAGUN, Catherine (1996)
NAMALIU, R L (1970)
PARKER, H A (1969)
POKAWIN, S (1976)
POLUME, S (1978)
SAULEI, S (1978)
TAGIS, W (1988)
Saint Helena
YON, D (1989)
YON, D (1991)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
ABBOTT, Pamela (1992)
BROOKES, H A (1972)
BROOKS, H (1976)
CHARLES, Emelda (1991) *
CORNELIUS, Vernon (1997)
DANIEL, Morven IA (1999)
EDWARDS, L M (1971)
HAZEL, Ellis Alastair (1999)
HECTOR, Alison (1987) *
HOBSON, Alexis (1993)
LIBURD, M (1988)
MILL, F L (1970)
MILLS, F L (1967)
PALMER CRAWFORD, Jennifer (2002)
PETTY, Eugene (1980)
PETTY, O (1982)
RICHARDSON, Elvis (1995)
* See also profiles
Saint Lucia
ALFONSO, L (1964)
ALFONSO, Leonard (1964) *
BOXILL, H F A (1960)
BURT, J (1991)
CARASCO, B (1975)
CHARLEMAGNE, Lydia (2000)
DARIUS, Anthony (2002)
DOLOR, Urban (1990)
EDWARD, Marietta (1989) *
EUGENE, Caroline (2002)
FRANCIS, Claudius (1989) *
FRANCOIS, W (1985)
HINKSON, T F (1970)
INNOCENT, Vincent (1992)
ISAAC, K (1974)
JENNINGS-CLARK, Sarah Niamh (formerly
GEORGE) (1996) *
KING-JOSEPH, Alison (formerly KING)
(1987) *
LOUIS, Claudia A (2000)
LOUISY, Calliopa Pearlette (1972) *
LOUISY, P (1972)
MATHURIN, D C (1963)
MILLAR, K (1988)
PLUMMER-FEVRIETTE, Agnes Cheryl (1999)
POLIUS, J (1984)
REVIERE, Ruth (1991) *
ROBINSON, C L (1966)
ROMULLUS, Giles (1992)
ST. CLAIR, Merle (1998) *
ST HILL, Roycelyn J (1997)
ST ROSE, A S (1964)
SEVERIN, S (1985)
SONSON, Jean-Francois (1998) *
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
CAMPBELL, R (1989)
DANIEL, G A (1973)
DEAR, F W (1967)
ELLIS, Randolph (1975)
GEORGE, S (1988)
GLYNN, Kenrick (1990)
JAMES, Godwin E (2000)
JOHNSON, Kenroy B (1999)
KEIZER, Clare (1992) *
MARKS, V (1986)
MARTIN-JACK, Kay (2002)
MYERS, Thornely (1993)
PAYNE, R (1991)
PETERS, Amos Carl (1997)
REVERIE, R (1991)
RICHARDS, Esther V (1999)
SANDY, M (1965)
STEPHENS, Adrienne Alana (formerly
THOMAS) (1988) *
THOMAS, A (1978)
WILLIAMS, M (1983)
WOLKOWSKI, Monica (formerly SANDY)
(1965) *
ANDRÉ, David François Marc (1986) *
AH-THEW, G (1988)
AH-THEW, George (1992)
ALBERT, Ian GJ (1993)
BARBE, P D (1968)
BIANCHI, David (1990)
BIBI, J P (1967)
CAMILLE, Doreen (formerly BRADBURN)
(1987) *
CHARLETTE, Gerard Ian Juan (2002)
CHARLETTE, Patricia D (1999)
CHETTY, G L (1966)
CHONG SENG, P (1970)
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CHONG SENG, Philippe (1970) *
DURUP, J (1977)
HODOUL, J (1965)
JOUBERT, Flavien (2001)
MARDAY, Egbert (1984) *
MOULINIE, R M (1968)
RATH, Joseph (1998)
THOMAS, David Jacques (1983) *
Sierra Leone
ADJIVON, Daniel (1972)
BANGURA, A (1985)
BASSEY, M W (1966)
BESERVE, C (1961)
BOCKARIE, A (1987)
BOCKARIE, A (1989)
CAMPBELL, M (1984)
CAREW, F P (1971)
CLINE, Edith I (1993)
CLINE, J (1989)
COLLIER, R (1984)
CONTEH, A M (1964)
CONTEH, Abu Bakarr (2000)
CONTEH, Juliana (1990)
CONTEH, Patrick (1980)
COOMBER, M E (1962)
CORNEH, Lucy (1981)
COX, G O (1960)
DABO, H (1979)
DAVIES, Julian Jonathan A (1992)
DIAN-TURAY, A S (1969)
DUMBUYA, M B (1962)
FASHU-KANU, Samuel (1997)
FINNEY, Malcolm (1985) *
IBRAHIM, A (1986)
JALLOH, Mohamed B (1997)
JALLOH, Nafisatu K (2002)
JOHNSON, N (1983)
JONES, Eldred (1973)
JONES, Taoc (1966)
KAMARA, K (1977)
KANU, Yatta (1989) *
KARGBO, M S (1970)
KROMA, S (1978)
LAGAWO, R E S (1966)
LAVALY, A K (1966)
LUSENI, Anthony Bamoh (1992)
MAKANNAH, T (1971)
MANYEH, M (1987)
MARGAI, M (1987)
NORMAN, E (1961)
PABAI, F (1991)
SAMUELS, G E (1974)
SANKOH, F (1982)
SHARKAH, J (1979)
SHERIFF, Mohamed I (1996)
SHORUNKEH-SAWYERR, Christiana (1996)
TERRY, E R (1964)
TURAY, S (1983)
TURAY, Thomas Mark (1994)
WRIGHT, Handel Kashope (1985) *
WURIE, A R (1991)
YILLAH, Dauda Shefiff (1990)
YOUNG, S (1967)
YOUNG, S (1970)
ADNAN, N (1971)
ANSARI, M (1982)
CHAN, S C (1960)
CHEN SEOW, P (1978)
CHIA, S J (1988)
CHONG, S (1973)
CHOW, K C (1974)
CHUA, Joon Eng (1969) *
DEGANI, A H (1960)
ER, BH Kenneth (2000)
FOO, K K (1965)
GOPAL, S (1982)
HO, Nai Choon (1979) *
HUI, J K S (1980)
JONG, C K (1974)
KAN, S P (1964)
KEONG, G C (1984)
KHOO, Hong (1967) *
KHOO, W H (1966)
KOH, Francis (1977) *
KUOK, Y L (1972)
LAM, S L (1963)
LEE, K P (1966)
LEE, L S (1991)
LEE, Y N (1974)
LIM, Liat (1974) *
LIM, Y S (1965)
LING, C (1984)
LOW HONG, T (1978)
MOON, M L (1976)
NG, G C (1965)
ONG, C F (1971)
ONG, K T (1970)
ONG, Say Leong (1979) *
ONG, Say Leong (1980) *
PANG, Yang Hoong (1988) *
PHUA, S L (1973)
SEAH, K A R H (1978)
SEAH, Yang Hee (1999) *
TAN, C H (1966)
TAN, Chee Hong (1966) *
TAN, E H (1972)
TAN, G E (1969)
TAN, S Y (1961)
TEO, K G (1967)
TEO, L H (1963)
TEO, Wah Liang (1996) *
THONG, T (1982)
WANG, L H (1972)
WONG, K P (1964)
WONG, L W (1971)
YEE, Lai Meng (1977)
YEO, Tai Wai (2000)
YIK, W F (1971)
Solomon Islands
SANGA, K F (1989)
SANGA, Kabini (1994) *
TALOIKWAI, Gabriel (1988) *
NOEL, T (1960)
South Africa
BECKER, Larraine (2000)
CONRADIE, Simone (2000)
DIMAIO, Simon Peter (1996)
DODD, Alexandra (2000)
DU TOIT, Jaqueline Susann (1997) *
DU TOIT, Roscar (1997) *
EDINBURGH, Melanie (1998)
FOURIE, Morné (1997)
FRIIS, Jens J (2000)
HATTINGH, W M (1960)
HOFFMANN, Willem Abraham (2002)
HUNT, Emma K (1999)
* See also profiles
LE ROUX, Cecile (1997) *
MOSTERT, C E (1961)
OELOFSEN, P D (1961)
OLIVIER, M C (1961)
REINACH, S (1961)
ROODE, C D (1960)
ROSSOUW, S (1960)
SELIKOW, Terry-Ann (1999)
SWANEPOEL, Lourette (1999)
SWART, J A (1961)
TALJAARD, Monica (1999)
Sri Lanka
ABEYRATHNE, Priyanka (1996)
ABEYSEKARA, WA Saman (2000)
ALEXANDER, PA Basil D (2000)
ARIYAWARDENA, Tilaka (1990)
BALACHANDRAN, Arumugavadivel (1981)
BANNEHEKA, Sarath Gamini (1989) *
BONSO, T A (1972)
BORALUGODA, Sanath K (1992)
CHATURANI, Purshotam (formerly
ROJOPAKSHA) (1994) *
DAVWOOD, F (1984)
DE SILVA, G L Priyantha (2000)
DE SILVA, M (1982)
DESILVA, C W (1973)
DESILVA, G L (1970)
DESILVA, I (1979)
DESILVA, L (1960)
DESILVA, P (1961)
DIAS, Dayakanthie (1981)
EKANYAKE, S (1984)
ESSELE, K (1985)
FERNANDO, Niru (1980)
FERNANDO, W J (1970)
FRANKS-LIBURD, Willa (1981)
GAMIKA, Prathapasinghe A (2002)
GODAGE, D (1967)
GUNADASA, A (1991)
GUNAPALA, N -K (1974)
HEMACHANDRA, K Siril (1999)
HERATH, Deepananda (1996)
HERATH, S M K (1991)
ILLANKO, K (1987)
INDRARATNE, Srimathie Priyanthika (1993) *
ISMAIL, M M (1963)
JANSZ, E R (1969)
JAYARATNE, Andra H Padman (1985) *
JAYASINGHE, Jayakody (1990)
JAYASINGHE, J M Udith K (1999)
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JOSEPH, I (1985)
KALPAGE, K S P (1964)
KANAGANAYAKAM, Chelvanayakam (1981)
KARIYAWASAM, K P Anula P (1996) *
KARIYAWASAM, Subhashinie (1998)
KODIKARA, Ruvini (1985) *
KUMANAN, T (1967)
LEBBE, I (1977)
LELWALA, M (1989)
LIYANAGAMA, Menel (1981)
MALLAWA ARACHCHI, Don Kumudu (1997)
MANAGE, Dammika P (1992)
MARKAR, A (1985)
NALLAINAYAGAM, Uma Maheswari Minakshi
(1976) *
NAZIR, Mohamed (1993)
NISSANKA, Sarath (1990) *
PEIRIS, G S (1961)
PEIRIS, H (1985)
PERERA, A (1977)
PERERA, B (1978)
PERERA, K K (1966)
PERERA, M (1987)
PERERA, Manomi (1986) *
PERERA, Nirmala (1981)
PERERA, S (1985)
PERERA, Withanage (1990)
PONRAJAH, R (1982)
PREMALAL, Wachchi (1992)
RAJAPAKSHA, RM Chandani (1993)
RAJENDRAN, Selvendran (1981)
RANASINGHE, Kulatilleke (1985) *
SAHAYAN, Soosaipillai (1990)
SAREM, P A S (1967)
(1987) *
SILVA, L (1983)
SILVA, P (1960)
SIRISENA, D T (1964)
THAVARAJAH, Pushparajah (1997)
THEVATHASAN, Naresh V (1990)
UDITHA DHAMMA, Gangema (1977)
VAN DER POORTEN, George (1977)
VITHANA, Dammika (1992)
WALGAMA, S (1983)
WANNIARACHCHI, Sudas D. (1991) *
WEEBADDA, Wineeta K (1996)
WEERAHEWA, Jeevika (1991) *
WIJEKOON, Manel (1983)
WILLIAMS, D S (1973)
YATAWARA, Nihal Dayaratne (1981) *
YATIGAMMANA, Sudharma K (1999)
JELE, David (2001)
KHUMALO, Melusi (1993)
KHUMALO, W (1986)
MABASO, Ernest B (1997)
MAGAGULA, C (1987)
MAKHUBU, L (1963)
MDLADLA, P (1984)
MDLULI, Funekile (1993)
SIMELANE, V (1976)
SUKUMANE, J (1984)
ABDULLAH, Kassim A (1990)
ABDULLAH, Kassim A (1992)
AHUNGU, M (1984)
ALI, Ali Alawi (1994)
ALI, F (1982)
ALI, Hassan Omar (1990)
ALMASI, O (1988)
ALMEIDA, F A (1961)
AYAMBA, A M (1969)
BAGHDELLAH, Zaytun (1990)
BENDERA, Stella (1987) *
BUNDALA, R (1963)
CHAMWALI, A (1972)
CHIWANGA, M (1983)
DIWANI, Mozza A (1990)
ELISANTE, E (1987)
FARAJI, S (1985)
GABBA, David (1985) *
HAJI, Ahmed Makame (1992)
HAMAD, A S (1969)
HAULE, Damian Daniel (1987) *
HOKORORO, A M (1962)
HOKORORO, J (1985)
IBRAHIM, A K (1988)
ISHANI, Z (1977)
ISHEKE, M (1983)
JETHI, N G (1962)
JUMBANI, A (1988)
KAKUYU, Emmanuel (1994)
KANDURU, Abdullah (1990)
KANIA, C J (1960)
* See also profiles
KAVURA, R M (1972)
KIJAZI, Martin Herbert (2000)
KILEO, Arnold (1981)
KITINE, Hassy H B (1984) *
KIVANDA, Lena (1990)
KOKA, E (1985)
KOSHORO, E (1977)
KUYULULE, P L (1966)
KUZIWA, F (1967)
KYARUZI, John Joel (1990)
KYEJO, D (1985)
LAISER, N (1968)
LAMECK, D (1987)
LAZIMAH, John E (1996)
LEMA, A (1983)
LUGOE, Furaha (1981)
LUSHIKU, E (1977)
LYIMO, Abel (1985) *
MACHANGU, Robert S. (1986) *
MAGANGA, S (1985)
MALISA, Ruth E E (1990)
MALLYA, D R (1966)
MANANG, M (1987)
MAYUNGA, John Kulola (1985) *
MAYUNGA, Selassie David (2001)
MBAGA, Msafiri Daudi (1990)
MBAGA, Msafiri Daudi (1995)
MEEKISHO, Lemmy (1981) *
MFUTAKAMBA, Thumani (1981)
MGAYA, Y (1987)
MGOMBELO, Joyce (1990)
MGWATU, Mussa Iddi (1994) *
MHEHE, Edith George (formerly RINGO)
(1996) *
MHINA, Christine Hellen (1995)
MINJA, Justin (1981)
MJEMA, E (1988)
MKAMWU, J (1984)
MKOMWA, Saidi S (1985) *
MKWIZU, E (1988)
MLONJA, Chiku (1992)
MNYITAFU, George Israel N (1990) *
MORI, Joyce (1990)
MRAWIRA, E (1991)
MREMA, E (1976)
MSANGI, C (1987)
MSHANA, G (1985)
MSHANA, S (1987)
MSHORO, H (1975)
MTEI, N (1985)
MTUI, Peter Lucas (1992)
MUGO, Mechtilda (1985) *
MUGUNDA, C (1985)
MUKANIKA, H (1985)
MUKURASI, P (1988)
MUOMBWA, Yusuf Idris (1992)
MUSHI, Selina (1990)
MUSIBA, D (1985)
MUSSA, Dinna M (1992)
MUTASA, S L (1987)
MUTASINGWA, Primus (1992)
MUYENGE, J (1988)
MWANRI, Ernest (1998)
MWANSASU, A (1988)
MWASUMBI, Agnes (1999)
MWENESI, Leonard Charles (1992)
MZEE, Abbulhamid (1992)
NANG’OMA, Godfrey White (1994)
NDOSI, K (1988)
NGABO, T (1976)
NGAIZA, Anthony (1987) *
NGOYE, G M (1972)
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NGUNI, S (1985)
NHWANI, L B (1970)
NSHAMA, William Manyere Enock (1985) *
OLOMI, Donath Raphael (1992) *
OMARI, Abillah Harrid (1987) *
PEREIRA, J (1985)
PURAM, C R (1963)
RUTAGEMWA, Humphrey (2000)
SANGA, O (1973)
SANG’ANYA, H (1985)
SEIF, Bishara (1981)
SHAH, S B (1962)
SHEKILANGO, Sophia (1992)
SHETTO, E (1973)
SHILA, William Elias (formerly ELIAS) (1988) *
SONGORWA, Alexander Nyangero (1992) *
SWILLA, Imani (1981)
TANGO, Martin Safari (1993)
TAWETTE, Felix Kamillus (1986) *
TILYA, Nicodem (1990)
VYAS, J (1961)
WARYOBA, D (1988)
YONAH, Zaipuna (formerly OBEDI) (1986) *
HAU’OFA, E T (1965)
HAVEA, S K (1966)
JOHANSSON-FUA, Seu’ula F (1999)
LOTO’ANIU, T (1971)
MANGISI, S (1970)
MANGISI, S (1973)
MANU, Sitaniselao (1999)
PALEFAU, Tevita H (2000)
POLUTELE, O (1976)
PUNIANI, Evaloni T (1998)
TU’ITAHI, S (1988)
Trinidad and Tobago
ALLEYNE, E P (1966)
ARAUJO, L J (1968)
ARAUJO, T (1971)
ARMORER, P (1991)
BACHAN, Mado (1984) *
BAILEY, K (1979)
BAIN, M (1975)
BAKSH, I J (1965)
BAPTISTE, Larry (1996) *
BARNES, K J (1961)
BEDDOE, I (1968)
BRADSHAW, D (1987)
BRADSHAW, Dexter (1990)
CASSAR, G (1989)
CHADEE, T A (1988)
CHANG, Gary (1993)
CHASE, Carlene (1987) *
CHEESMAN, Deborah (1981)
CLEGHORN, C (1985)
COLE, S A (1962)
COOPER, V (1985)
DE PEIZA, R (1982)
DE SOUZA, Simone Maria (1990) *
DINANATH, H (1986)
DYER, P B (1964)
EXTAVOUR, Vermaran (1998)
FLETCHER-PAUL, Lystra (formerly
FLETCHER) (1980) *
FRANKLIN, M (1973)
FRONTIN, Gerard (1980)
GAJRAI, Colin (1992)
GIBSON, W (1975)
GRANT-FRASER, Elia M (2001)
HAWKINS, S (1976)
HAYES, J (1961)
HENRY, R M (1969)
HEZEKIAH, R T (1964)
HO, Derek (1988) *
ITON, E (1960)
JAMES, Jennylynd (1992)
JOB, C H (1962)
JOEL, Brian (1978)
JONES, M A (1968)
JULES, V (1971)
JULIEN, Rhonda (1999)
JUTLAH, C B (1965)
LEONCE, Helena (1998) *
LOUISON, K (1987)
MAHABIR, G (1979)
MAPP, G (1983)
MATTHEW, Gina (1999) *
MAUNDY, Brent (1988) *
MEJIAS, Sue-Jaan (1997)
MELVILLE, G (1985)
MITCHELL, Alison (1996)
MOHAMMED, C (1991)
MOHAMMED, Imtiaz (1990)
MOHEN, P (1989)
MOORE, O (1977)
MOOTOO, Thackoor (1983) *
MORRIS, N (1960)
MOSE, K E (1961)
NOOR, Iqbal (1985) *
OU YOUNG, I (1973)
OVID, A (1984)
PERMELL, A -M (1987)
PHELPS, R H (1961)
PHILLIPS, W (1985)
RAMDATH, A (1984)
RAMKHELAWAN, Subhas (1981)
RAMLAL, H (1971)
REID, S (1982)
RICHARDS, G M (1968)
ROACH, K (1986)
ROGERS, Cassandra (1980)
ROUSSEAU, S (1982)
RUDDER, Damian (1990)
SAITH, L K (1966)
SAM, Chee M (1988)
SEERIRAM, J T (1970)
SEUNARINE, Davika (1992)
SIMON, I (1987)
SINGH, Patricia (1992)
SMALL, W (1991)
SMITH, Stewart Desales (1987) *
TAM, C A (1971)
THOMAS, S (1972)
WATTY, M (1977)
WEBB, G L (1964)
WILLIAMS, Alison George (1986) *
WILSON, Ayles-Anne C (2002)
WILSON, C L (1976)
WILSON, Wayne (1999)
WORRELL, Frank Clayton (1983) *
YOUNG, A (1988)
Turks and Caicos Islands
ANDERSON, Barbara (2001)
FULFORD, H (1983)
* See also profiles
FULFORD-GARDINER, Michelle (formerly
FULFORD) (1991) *
GARLAND, J (1989)
TAUSI, Manuila (1997)
AKOL, Doris (1999) *
ALIGA, E (1983)
ALIWA, Ndiwa (1985)
AMEDA, J (1973)
AMENY, P (1977)
ARIDRU, G (1989)
ARIDRU, Gabriel (1992)
ARINAITWE, James (1993)
ASABA, B (1987)
AYO, Henry (1998)
BAGOORA, F (1983)
BAGOORA, F (1986)
BAGUMA, S (1985)
BERAHO, E K (1972)
BULUMA, M (1960)
BYENSI, L (1983)
DESAI, H (1960)
EKOLU, Stephen O (1999)
EMONJONG, A (1985)
ISABIRYE, David (1981)
ISINGOMA, L (1991)
ITAAGA, Nicholas (1996)
JAGWE, Wadda (1992)
JUSSA, R (1960)
KAAHWA, Y (1971)
KABAGAJU-OKELLO, Dorothy (1998)
KAKEMBO, P (1985)
KAKONGE, S A K (1968)
KAMUKAMA, D (1986)
KA’NYARUBONA, John (1981)
KAPADIA, K (1960)
KATENDE, Edward (1990)
KATUNGUKA, Samwiri (1993)
KIGGUNDU, Lawrence (1980)
KIREMIRE, E (1971)
KISAKA, J (1967)
KISIRA, E Y (1965)
KITYO, Tom (1974)
LUBEGA, G (1986)
LUBOOBI, L S (1971)
LUBWAMA, Christopher (1981)
MAITEKI, George (1980) *
MARUHE, J (1975)
MAYEGA, J (1972)
MBABAZI, Anania (2000)
MUGASHA, W (1986)
MUGISHA, A (1974)
MUGISHA, R (1976)
MUHAIRWE, C (1988)
MUNOBWA, S (1971)
MUSANA, Apollo K (1997)
MUSAZI, G (1968)
NABUGOOMU, Fabian (1987) *
NAKAYI, A (1988)
NAKIGOZI, Dorothy (1990)
NAKYEJWE, C (1987)
NAMIREMBE, Sara (1992)
NAMUKASA, Immanculate (1999)
NANGENDO, Aidah (2002)
NASINYAMA, George William (1992) *
NSONZI, Frances (1995) *
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NTALE, Henry (1996)
NYAKAANA, L (1961)
OCHOKO, R (1969)
ODEDRA, D A (1965)
OGWANG, Tomson (1985) *
OJAMBO, Henry (2000)
OKELLO, Peter J (2000)
OKIA, Y (1991)
OMARA, F (1987)
OWOMUGASHO, Daisy (1989) *
OWOR, R (1987)
RUMBEIHA, K (1986)
RUTAKUMWA, William (1997)
SEMAKULA, S (1961)
SERWAWUDDE, Luzinda (1990)
SSESANGA, Patrick B (2001)
TAMALE, Eric (1992)
TUKAHEBWA, Geoffrey (1989) *
TUSUBIRA, F (1976)
WAANA, Charles (1984) *
WAJJA, Anne (2000)
WANYAMA, Tom (2002)
WATUWA, R (1991)
ZIWA-MUSOKE, George (1990)
United Kingdom
ABBOTT, Rebecca J (1978)
ABRAM, J (1984)
ACHESON, A L (1971)
ACHESON, Arthur (1972) *
ALLEN, Peter (1982)
AMBROSE, Peter John (1964) *
ANDERSON, J E (1987)
ANDERSON, L (1965)
ANDERSON, R (1982)
ARMITAGE, G N (1970)
ARMSTRONG, Enid (1988) *
ARROWSMITH, Susan Louise (1984) *
ARTHUR, H (1991)
ASHBY, David Ian (2000)
ASKEW, A J (1964)
BACON, Julie (1999)
BALL, A (1987)
BALL, Tom (1995)
BARKER, S A (1966)
BARRETT, A A (1964)
BARRETT, Wendy (1990)
BARTLE, S H (1961)
BAUMBER, J (1960)
BAXTER, Alexandra Kirsten (1995)
BEAUMONT, P R (1981)
BEAZLEY, M (1987)
BEER, Jennifer A (1978)
BEESLEY, M E (1968)
BELL, A W (1977)
BELT, S (1991)
BENNETT, R A (1965)
BENTON, M G (1960)
BIGNALL, D C (1971)
BILLINGSLEY, Peter (1981) *
BINCH, Russell (2000) *
BINNS, R G (1974)
BLACK, H J (1973)
BLACK, R (1968)
BLANCHON, P (1988)
BLENDIS, Simon (1992) *
BLITZ, N M (1967)
BOER, R (1988)
BONE, Katherine E (1999)
BOSTOCK, D (1971)
BOSTON, Anthony Mark (1985) *
BOTTOMS, Anthony E (1981)
BOWE, Michael (1980) *
BOYD, D C (1974)
BRADBURY, N (1973)
BRAY, G M (1969)
BRENNAND, T (1987)
BREWER, Charlotte D (1978)
BRIDEN, James (1979)
BRIGGS, R M (1965)
BRIGNALL, Claire L (1999)
BROCK, A (1988)
BROOK, John (1966)
BROOKES, B C (1975)
BROWN, G (1986)
BROWN, R T (1961)
BUCHANAN, K M (1976)
BUGG, David V (1975)
BUNTING, E (1978)
BURN, C R (1981)
BUTLER, M J A (1964)
CAMPBELL, C M (1970)
CAMPBELL, Catherine (1992)
CAMPBELL, Julie-Marie (1995)
CAMPBELL, M A (1978)
CANHAM, R P (1964)
CAPON, Debra Ann (2000) *
CARGAN, Mary Emily (1999)
CARO, John Augustine (1999) *
CARTER, B (1969)
CARTER, Peter B (1969)
CAYTON, H (1982)
CHISMAN, A (1969)
CHRISTAL, Jenny (1996)
CLARK, R M (1969)
CLARKE, Lucy (1997)
CLARKSON, Robin Macarthur (1984) *
CLAYBOURNE, Anna (1996) *
CLEGG, Alec (1966)
COATES, B (1973)
COCKAYNE, E J (1961)
COE, R N (1976)
COHN, J E M (1973)
COHN, Norman (1983)
COLE, C R (1963)
COLLINS, D (1982)
COLLINS, Richard (1995)
COLLINS, Teres (1989)
COMPTON, P A (1961)
CONNELLY, A (1971)
CONYBEARE, Catherine (1990) *
CONYBEARE, Catherine M (1992)
COOK, G M W (1977)
COOKE, David (1990)
COOLE, D (1975)
COTTON, Laura (2000)
COUSENS, R D (1978)
COWAN, J C (1979)
COX, P A (1970)
CRIBB, J (1971)
CRICK, B R (1979)
CULLUM, J (1982)
CUTFORTH, John (1972)
CUTHBERT, J D (1960)
CUTT, J (1960)
DALY, Gillian (1998)
DAVIES, B (1975)
DAVIES, B (1986)
* See also profiles
DAVIES, Paul Andrew (1990) *
DAWSON, G (1989)
DENNIS, G (1983)
DENTON, J D (1961)
DESCOMBES, Abigail (1996)
DESIMONE, R (1983)
DESMITH, M V (1973)
DEWEY, John (1973)
DICKINSON, Luci Melinda (1993)
DILLON, P J (1961)
DIX, Michael (1980)
DOBAI, Sarah Caroline (1993)
DODD, R (1971)
DOUBLE, E H (1986)
DOUGLAS, Jessica (1988) *
DRIVER, J C (1974)
DUFF, Julie (1992)
DUNCAN, David John (1986) *
DUNCAN, I H (1968)
DUNNING, A (1975)
DYER, Simon (1997)
EABORN, C (1976)
EDMONDS, O (1974)
EDWARDS, D (1987)
EDWARDS, M (1988)
EDWARDS, Stephen John (1987) *
EVANS, M (1991)
EVANS, Martin (1993)
EVANS, S G (1969)
FAIRLEY, J (1967)
FARAGO, Peter S (1973)
FARQUARSON, Colin (1990)
FARRELL, Ross (1999)
FERNS, H J (1964)
FIELDING, Mark (1987) *
FLECKNELL, Paul A (1992)
FLOATER, Graham (1992)
FOLEY, Christine (1977)
FOLKARD, N (1987)
FOULDS, G A (1968)
FOWLER, Vernon R (1977)
FRASER, Ian A (1975)
FRASER, Joy (1999)
FRAY, L A (1973)
FREUND, Vivien K (1981)
FUNGE, John D (1992)
FURNER, I (1976)
GARNER, P A (1969)
GASIOREK, A (1984)
GASIOREK, B (1986)
GEORGE, Keith (1988) *
GILL, J D (1967)
GILL, Stewart (1978) *
GLASS, A M (1961)
GOODMAN, J F B (1985)
GORDON, G (1974)
GORE, Sally (2002)
GOWLING, D (1962)
GRAHAM, J R (1963)
GRAY, R J (1967)
GREEN, Z (1985)
GREGORY, D J (1985)
GREGORY, Stanley (1969)
GRIGGS, Julian (1988) *
GROVE, Jason A (2002)
HACKETT, N R (1978)
HALL, Susan (1984) *
HAMPSON, R G (1970)
HANNETT, Sarah Ruth (1998) *
HANSON, Phillip (1973)
HARDMAN, I (1985)
HARPUR, T (1983)
HARRIS, Nicola (1990)
HARRISON, C (1976)
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HAYNES, F J (1981)
HAZEL, David (1990)
HEANEY, J B (1970)
HEATH, M C (1978)
HEISER, Sarah L (1981)
HENSHALL, J (1963)
HENTON, J E (1964)
HEWITT, R L (1968)
HEWSON, Caroline (1993) *
HEYES, Cressida J (1993)
HICKMAN, R M (1967)
HILES, D R (1970)
HILL, Malcolm R (1980)
HODGKINSON, Kathleen (1989) *
HODGSON, B J (1968)
HOGGART, Keith (1974)
HOLDEN, Susanna (1992)
HOLLAND, David (1984) *
HOLMES, J (1965)
HOLT, R (1991)
HOOKER, Sascha Kate (1994) *
HOPKINS, M J (1967)
HORNER, Graham (1998) *
HORNSBY, S J (1979)
HORSNELL, Claire M (2000)
HOUSE, W J (1963)
HOWARD, A (1969)
HUGGAN, G (1985)
HUGHES, Amanda (1992)
HUMBERSTON, John W (1981)
HUNT, J (1986)
HUNTER, Adolph (1985) *
HUNTER, H R (1978)
IRELAND, M P (1964)
IRVINE, Andrew F (2000)
JACKSON, William (1974)
JAGGER, D (1976)
JAGGER, K (1991)
JAMES, D L (1965)
JOHNSON, R (1960)
JOLLY, S (1987)
JONES, G (1978)
JONES, M A (1978)
KAN, Steven KJ (1999)
KAY, Harry (1973)
KELLEY, L (1963)
KELLY, Philip (1993)
KELLY, Robert (1990) *
KENNEDY, B (1965)
KIRKLAND, J (1983)
KLINGER, Shulamit (1998)
KNIBB, Helen R (1981)
KURPITA, B (1988)
KYLES, I E (1969)
LAMIERE, A P (1966)
LAMPERT, Benjamin EN (2002)
LAND, S K (1967)
LAND, Stephen Colin (1988) *
LANE, N (1973)
LANE, Richard (1990)
LEE, Catherine (1977)
LEIPER, R N (1973)
LEVERAGE, Paula Elizabeth (1993)
LEVIN, Estelle A (2002)
LIGHT, Colin (1998) *
LININGTON, Roger (1998)
LISTER, David (1983)
LITTLE, Matthew Henderson (1992) *
LOMAS, J (1973)
LOURIE, Sara A (2000)
MCALISTER, John (1986)
MCALLISTER, James William (1986) *
MCCARTHY, Claire N (2001)
MCCOLL, G F (1970)
MCCOMBIE, J S (1973)
MCEWAN, Steven FA (1998)
MCGLADE, Jacqueline (1977)
MCKIM, A (1975)
MCKINNON, A (1975)
MACKINSON, Steven (1995)
MCLAREN, Shirley Anne (1986) *
MCLAUGHLIN, Susan E (1981)
MCLAY, K (1989)
MACLEAN, A W (1965)
MCMANUS, I C (1991)
MCPHEE, E C (1972)
MCVEIGH, Clare (1995)
MAGEE, Alistair (1990)
MAJURY, Niall (1988) *
MALVERN, S B (1991)
MANSON, M (1987)
MARKS, L (1983)
MARSHALL, John C (1983)
MASSEY, D (1985)
MATTHEW, Anthony (1995)
MAYS, J C (1963)
MEEHAN, Eugene (1975) *
MEGGITT, Justin James (1990) *
MEREDITH, P (1986)
MERZ, Barbara A (1974)
MICHELL, R J (1963)
MIERS, D R (1971)
MOLYNEUX, Joseph (1992)
MONTEITH, J L (1979)
MOORE, Carl (1998)
MOORE, Ian (1986) *
MORE, G (1988)
MORGAN, Elizabeth M (1978)
MORRIS, Stephen Arthur (1984) *
MORROD, P (1971)
MORSE, M (1960)
MULGAN, F (1984)
MULLIN, J W (1967)
MULLINGS, Beverley (1992)
MURRAY, Siobhain (1995)
NASIRUDDIN, Sofia M (2000)
NAYLOR, D A (1974)
NEIL, A (1976)
NEUSS, P (1965)
NEVILL, S (1986)
NEWMAN, William (1998)
NEWTON-SMITH, William H (1981)
NWOKAH, D (1971)
OLIVER, Hazel D (2000)
OLIVER, W A (1963)
O’REILLY, Mark (1985) *
PARISH, Nicholas DA (1999)
PARKER, Roy A. (1993) *
PARSONS, Simon (1987) *
PAUL, N J (1967)
PEAT, Alexandra P (1999)
PEBERDY, Sally (1990)
PEBERDY, Sally (1992)
PELHAM, R O (1960)
PERRY, F G (1964)
PETRE, Benedict (1992)
PHILLIPS, Richard (1989) *
PHILLIPS, V R (1967)
* See also profiles
PIKE, W S (1979)
PILGRIM, H M (1974)
PLANT, C M (1978)
PODMORE, C J (1967)
POOLE, R C (1976)
POTTER, Hugh (1993) *
POWELL, Lucy (1997)
POWYS, R (1984)
PRATT, G (1960)
PRATTIS, I J (1968)
PRESTON, J (1989)
PROPPER, C (1982)
PURBRICK, J (1973)
RADICE, Martha Kate (1997)
RADO, Richard (1971)
RAMSAY, Gordon (1992)
RAPER, D J (1964)
RAYNOR, G (1978)
REEVE, J N (1968)
REEVES, C M (1971)
RENDELL, Luke (1998)
REVELL, K J (1966)
REYNOLDS, D W (1966)
REYNOLDS, Philip (1980) *
RICE, Stephen (1990)
RICHMAN, N (1987)
ROBERTS, J (1987)
ROBINSON, D W (1981)
ROBINSON, Pamela (1978)
ROLLS, Edmund T (1980)
ROMAINE, S (1987)
ROSE, Natalie (1996)
ROSS, David James (1996) *
ROWLANDS, Tracey (1996)
ROWNEY, M J (1960)
ROWSON, Juliet (1993)
RUFFELL, Simon (2000)
SALMON, J (1982)
SALMON, Rhan Anya (1997) *
SALMOND, Jennifer (1996)
SANDERS, Carol (1992)
SANDERSON, Charles (1992)
SEAGRAVE, Jayne (1992)
SHEAHAN, Eleanor (2001)
SHERIDAN, L A (1976)
SHORROCKS, Anthony F (1980)
SILCOX, P (1961)
SIMS, C (1985)
SLADDEN, T R (1972)
SLEDGE, Rachael (1999) *
SLOANE, P (1978)
SMART, J (1967)
SMITH, Hugh (1980)
SMITH, Lesley J (1981)
SMITH, Mary K (2000)
SMITH, Nigel (1980)
SMITH, P (1988)
SMOUT, M (1985)
SOGGETT, M (1985)
SOSKICE, Janet (1994)
SOUCH, C (1982)
SOUTHERN, Jennifer (1993)
SOUTHWELL-SANDER, Victoria (1990)
SPECHTER, H H (1968)
STABLES, Fraser TR (1996)
STARK, G (1982)
STEERS, Helen (1986) *
STEPHENS, M D (1980)
STEPHENS, Sonya Clare (1986) *
STONE, M (1984)
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STOW, D A V (1974)
STRACHAN, Ann Margaret (1960) *
STRIBLEY, G (1961)
STUBBS, Jonathan G (2000)
SUMMERS, R M (1971)
SWIRE, Catherine (1992)
SYKES, Catherine A (1996)
TANNER, M (1974)
TAYLOR, I D (1969)
TAYLOR, J B (1962)
TAYLOR, Janet (1974)
TAYLOR, Sarah Lesley (2001)
TEMPERLEY, Howard (1975)
TERRY, Antonia K (2000)
THACKER, Robert John (1994)
THISTLEWOOD, Howard (1977) *
THOMAS, Jonathan (1986) *
THOMAS, Leonard (1992) *
THOMAS, Peter (1980)
THORNES, J B (1962)
THORNLEY, Leo J (2000)
THORPE, Jane Marie (1993)
TIMPSON, A M (1979)
TIPPETT, R (1960)
TODD, S (1991)
TOPPING, M (1991)
TRIBBLE, Nicholas D (2002)
TURK, J N (1968)
TURNBULL, S (1972)
TURNER, Simon (1997) *
TURNER, Stephen (1977) *
TURTON, P (1967)
TYERMAN, M (1982)
VALLS, H (1991)
VASEY, J (1970)
VICTOR, P A (1967)
WAKERLY, Elizabeth (1987) *
WALDRON, David (1980)
WALKER, John (1969)
WALSH, Colin (1979)
WALSH, M (1971)
WARD, Kim M (1999)
WARD, R (1984)
WATKINS, Adrian (1977)
WATSON, Joseph (1983)
WATT, J (1976)
WEATHERALL, Ann Elizabeth (1980) *
WEAVER, D R (1969)
WEBB, A J (1981)
WELCH, R (1962)
WERNICK, A L (1967)
WHARTON, D (1968)
WIGFIELD, D C (1964)
WILKINSON, Heather S (1974)
WILLATS, J (1986)
WILLIAMS, D (1976)
WILLIAMS, Elwyn J (1981)
WILLIAMS, K S (1962)
WILLIAMS, Susan M (1974)
WILSON, F G (1966)
WILSON, Jennifer (1998)
WILSON, Julie (1990)
WILSON, K (1963)
WILSON, Louise Katherine (1993) *
WILTON, Brian (1981)
WISE, M (1986)
WITTEN, I H (1969)
WOOD, Emma Ruth (1987) *
WOODALL, Douglas R (1979)
WOOLHOUSE, Mark (1981) *
WOOTON, R J (1965)
WORTHERN, Jeremy (1988) *
WRIGHTSON, Keith (1983)
WYLLIE, J H (1988)
WYNN, G C (1968)
YOUNG, A (1983)
ZIOLO, Michael (1980)
NASSUAI, Nicolas (1997)
SALONG, J (1987)
Virgin Islands (British)
ABEDNEGO, David (1993)
FAHIE, Derry (1980)
FARARA, M (1986)
FAULKNER, C (1988)
FLAX, M E (1972)
GEORGES, M E (1961)
GEORGES, Noni M (2000)
GLASGOW, Ayana (1992)
GORDON, J (1974)
HODGE, K (1987)
LETTSOME, B (1984)
O’NEAL, R S (1970)
RHYMER, E R (1968)
RHYMER, J V (1969)
SAMUEL, Jerry (1998)
SMITH, E E (1970)
SMITH, I (1967)
SMITH, P (1969)
STOUTT, M (1968)
TITLEY, C (1991)
TURNBULL, Maruita (1981)
TURNBULL, Patricia (1998)
WHEATLEY, C H (1966)
WHEATLEY, S J (1966)
Western Samoa
LAMETA, S (1988)
MOALA, T (1978)
SALELE, Wood U (1998)
TIELU, A (1984)
TIELU, A (1986)
TUILAEPA, Faletoi S (2000)
TUISUGA, S (1977)
YOUNG, Angela Li (2002)
ALWAN, M A (1966)
BANDA, Greata P (1987) *
BOWA, B (1976)
CHABWELA, H (1977)
CHANDA, M (1977)
CHIKOWA, P (1982)
CHIMUKA, S L (1967)
CHINYOKA, S V T (1974)
CHUNGA, John Abel (1988) *
DAKA, Justice (2002)
DEBEER, M (1973)
HASSAN, M I (1965)
HAYUMBU, Patrick (1980)
INAMBWAE, A (1984)
KAABWE, S (1978)
KALASA, Yost (1981)
KALEBAILA, Kennedy (1999) *
KAMLEWE, P (1991)
KASUMU, D (1986)
KAUNGA, E (1971)
LUMBWE, C (1982)
LUTATO, K (1971)
MCHARDY, J D (1965)
MAIMBO, F (1973)
* See also profiles
MALUMO, S (1975)
MASHAMBE, J M (1973)
MBONSHI, Modeste (1985) *
MOMBA, J (1976)
MONZE, George (1980)
MSIMUKO, K (1973)
MUBITA, Muletambo (1969)
MULENGA, M (1985)
MULENGA, M (1987)
MULENGA, Morgan Chanda (1992)
MULONGO, A (1985)
MUNROE, J (1985)
MUNSAKA, M (1989)
MUSOKOTWANE, India (1980)
MUTALE, S (1988)
MWALE, Davison (2000)
MWANGALA, F (1986)
MWANSA, Mwape (1999)
MWEMBELA, A (1991)
NAIK, D (1974)
NASILELE, M F (1991)
NAWA, Victor M (2000)
NG’ANDWE, A (1987)
NGOI-MULENGA, Esther (1999)
NJOLOMBA, J (1982)
NSOFU, Susan H (1996)
NYAMBE, I (1987)
NYAMBOSE, Reuben D (1997)
NYUMBU, I L (1974)
PHIRI, Bizeck Jube (1987) *
REED, J (1972)
SCOTT, I (1965)
SICHINGA, John (1986) *
SIMAMBA, H (1984)
SIMEZA, Lameck (1983)
SINKALA, S (1984)
SINKAMBA, A (1975)
SITALI, D (1978)
SITHOLE, V (1985)
SIWALE, G (1982)
SOHATI, P (1985)
ZULU, Lyson (1992)
ACAVALOS, A (1963)
AGHDASI, F (1989)
AGHDASI, Farzin (1990)
BACON, C J (1964)
BHALA, M (1986)
CHIRIVA, C (1986)
CHITEPO, T (1983)
CHITEPO, T (1986)
CORKE, Harold (1981)
DANDO, Maxwell (1992)
DOKORA, Lazarus (1999)
DONDO, Maxwell G (1992)
DUBE, A (1989)
DUBE, C (1986)
DZEKA, Fafadzwa N (1996)
GURURE, R (1991)
HAMBIRA, Maria (1984) *
HAMLIN, C R (1964)
HOVE, M (1986)
JONES, G A (1960)
KASEKE, Evans (1985) *
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KASEKE, T (1989)
LAXMAN, Y (1991)
LEYELL, A P M (1960)
MABALEKA, G (1991)
MABVURIRA, Danaza (1981) *
MADAKADZE, Ignacio C (1992)
MAKONI, N (1986)
MAKONI, N (1988)
MANDISODZA, Robson (1992)
MASANGO, Sylvia Janet (1996)
MATARISE, Florance (1986) *
MATONDO, Tapuwa Doreen (1997)
MAZARURA, Upenyu (1992)
MLILO, Ntombizakhe (formerly MPOFU)
(1988) *
MOYO, Ngonidazashe (1990)
MOYO, Theresa (1990)
MPOFU, N (1988)
MPOFU, Simangaliphi Irene (1993)
MTETWA, Celani (1990)
MTETWA, Daniel (1990)
MUCHAYI, M (1991)
MUKASA, S (1985)
MUNDANGEFUPFU, Rosemary (1981)
MUPAKATI, F (1985)
MUSAKA, Mike (1990)
MUTANDI, Robson (1993)
MUTSVANGWA, Timothy (1992)
MUYAMBO, E (1986)
NDLOVU, A (1984)
NDLOVU, Lindela Rowland (1981) *
NEWHAM, W (1960)
NGWENYA, Brian (1993)
NHUNDA, G (1985)
NHUNDU, G (1991)
NYAROTA, S (1987)
NYATI, J (1985)
NYAWERA, Martin (1981)
SAANYUDE, S (1986)
SADOMBA, Clara Petronella (1993) *
SANDRASEGARAN, Kumbesan (1990) *
SEKERAMAYI, Floyd (1999)
SIKWILA, M (1983)
SOUTHEY, C (1964)
TANEKA, Dannford (1992)
TAPELA, T (1983)
TAZIBONA, Sithenjiwe (1990)
TEBBS-DUBE, E (1988)
TONDERAYI, Desideria (1997)
TSOMONDO, C (1991)
TUPIRI, S (1986)
WALKER, B H (1964)
WILSON, D (1983)
ZENGEYA, Miles N (2000)
ZHANDE, R (1987)
ZINDI, Christopher (1994)
DRIVER, H (1961)
KIRKMAN, K (1961)
LEWIS, D R (1962)
GILLAM, M (1969)
ANTONSEN, F H (1967)
LOVE, C J (1961)
EMECHEBE, A M (1966)
United Kingdom
MILLMAN, R N (1966)
PARKIN, D J (1962)
SWEETING, R L (1964)
MORRIS, T J C (1975)
STAATS, S J (1973)
ASRILEN, A (1969)
BEER, J M (1975)
CHABOT, C (1976)
CHABOT, Clement (1979)
LOIS, K (1976)
MCKENNA, Joan Suzanne (1990)
SCHRAM, J R (1965)
STEWART, Alan (1990)
TAYLOR, Deborah (1973)
THOMPSON, E A (1975)
JAMES, S L (1966)
LE GUEN, Jean M M (1965)
OYENOLE, M S (1973)
MUMTAZ, B K (1966)
Sri Lanka
DE MEL, A M (1966)
United Kingdom
BANFIELD, R (1967)
CHURCH, K V (1975)
CHURCH, Katharine V (1974)
FORD, K C (1968)
GORE, C G (1973)
GRAHAM, R W (1975)
NIVEN, A N R (1966)
STANLEY, Jane M (1973)
THURNHAM, A T (1973)
BYAINO, C (1965)
SEMBAJJA, S (1965)
CAMPBELL, W R (1984)
COLDREY, R G (1965)
ELLIS, D H (1975)
EVANS, A D (1969)
HUANG, Chiu Yee (1987)
* See also profiles
HUANG, L C (1986)
HUGHSON, P R (1962)
LEWIS, W G (1960)
LYONS, G M (1989)
MILNER, J V (1960)
WESLEY SMITH, Peter (1971)
COMTOIS, C (1982)
COMTOIS, Claude (1980)
FIELDING, D A (1964)
FONG, J T (1979)
GASTON, A M S (1971)
HENDERS, S (1989)
HUGHES, M M (1963)
LIPMAN, Y J (1982)
LIPMAN, Yohana J (1981)
MAUDSLEY, C (1982)
NIPP, D A (1983)
PETERSON, G D (1984)
PRESTON, L W (1971)
SIBLEY, Jean E (1979)
SOKOLOFF, L D (1976)
SOULARD, Francois (1990)
VEILLEUX, Louis (1971)
VIELLEUX, L (1969)
WILSON, P I (1966)
WISE, A S (1972)
SINGH, M (1982)
THAKUR, S C (1971)
NJOKA, G Z (1971)
BANDA, G A (1981)
BANDA, G A (1982)
JOYPAUL, T (1971)
ROY, M B (1971)
New Zealand
ACHIKE, F (1987)
AKPENYI, M S (1971)
BAKARE, C (1988)
MOHAMMED, S N (1991)
ONUZO, R O C (1971)
PAUL, E O (1971)
UCHENDU, C (1988)
USMAN, D (1971)
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
AMBROSE, R (1988)
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CHEW, W K (1984)
KEONG, T O W Yung (1963)
LEONG, K S (1977)
TANG SO LING, Winnie (1975)
YAP, Sook-Lan (1990)
YEO SOO KAY (1968)
GLEESON, C E (1974)
GRAHAM, J C (1972)
MCLEAN, Heather (1992)
MASEELES, J C (1961)
PEARSON, G O (1973)
PLUMMER, P S (1978)
QUINELL, M C (1966)
RAWOON, H M (1970)
RIDGWAY, J W (1976)
ROBERTS, A J (1963)
SCHEAFER, P (1984)
SINCLAIR, J A L (1984)
SMYTH, K J (1968)
TAIT, M E (1962)
THOMSON, R M (1978)
WOLTER, N F (1985)
Sri Lanka
ABEYRUWAN, Helarisi (1980)
DE SILVA, W C A (1966)
KURUPPU, M D (1978)
HOSSAIN, Deluar (1992)
NAHAR, S L (1989)
RAHMAN, M D M (1987)
RAHMAN, M M (1986)
YASMEEN, A (1986)
MSUAY, W (1987)
MSUYA, W F (1985)
Trinidad and Tobago
MYCOO, M (1986)
MYCOO, M (1987)
DAMBISYA, Y M (1989)
ISABIRYE, D A (1974)
WALUBU, A (1988)
United Kingdom
ANCRUM, E M (1982)
CHAITOW, M P H (1971)
DUGGAN, R T (1972)
ELLIS, J A (1971)
GRIFFIN, J J (1981)
HUDSON, B J (1965)
KENNEDY, R P (1971)
NONES, Lindsay A (1979)
PALMER, Susan M (1973)
READER, J (1993)
ROSE, F C (1991)
ROSE, P J (1976)
ROWLING, C (1971)
TATE, J (1969)
WILLIAMS, A T (1968)
WRIGHT, Timothy (1971)
LUNAT, M H (1971)
BURRIDGE, L (1967)
CROUGH, H A (1963)
DAVIDSON, J H C (1965)
DOXFORD, C F (1964)
BELLE, L (1961)
CADDLE, R B (1968)
CHANDOOL, D E (1961)
GIBSON, E C (1966)
GIBSON, E C (1969)
RANDALL, E D H (1990)
ROACHE, E L (1962)
SULEMAN, Y B (1970)
THOMAS, C (1989)
BOREHAM, G F (1966)
CARROL, T (1962)
CHURCH, F E (1968)
CLAE, D C (1965)
CLARK, M (1987)
DOMASKI, A (1986)
DOUGAN, J L (1975)
FRASER, H P G (1965)
GROOKS, H A (1967)
HALL, Peter D (1974)
HAMILTON, J S (1980)
HUBEL, T D (1985)
JONES, L M (1973)
KRAUSE, D L (1964)
LEVERTY, R (1982)
MILLER, A M (1961)
MISHRA, S (1977)
NAGAI, E H (1969)
NESBIT, W C (1986)
PAGE, K D (1961)
PARTECUS, S L (1984)
PATEL, R J (1961)
PEASANT, M B (1969)
REES, R E (1963)
RENSHAW, R (1965)
ROCKWELL, J A (1973)
SAHADAT, J (1967)
SCHWAB, R G (1967)
SPOEREL, C (1978)
SPRUNG, G M C (1964)
VINCENT, M (1985)
WARD, Philip T (1990)
* See also profiles
WIRTH, F P (1972)
YABLO, Steve (1979)
KONIS, Konstandious (1974)
PREZAS, A I (1968)
ALI, I (1969)
AMPUTCH, C I M (1965)
CHAND, D E O (1981)
CHAND, L (1986)
GAUNDER, R K (1980)
GOUNDER, A (1987)
GOUNDER, R K (1979)
GOVIND, V P (1970)
JAMNADAS, G (1977)
KAPADIA, V P (1973)
KESHWAN (1972)
KUMAR, Ashok (1981)
KUMAR, N (1961)
MATAAFE, F (1972)
NARAYAN, A K (1983)
NARAYANA, P K (1983)
NATALY, Y K (1984)
PALLAI, G (1969)
PATEL, H (1979)
PRAKASH, K S (1987)
PRAKASH, Satya (1970)
PRASAD, M D (1985)
PRASAD, N (1976)
RAKESH, R C (1977)
RAO, M (1986)
REDDY, K (1980)
REDDY, S (1969)
SHANDIL, P C (1983)
SHANDIL, P U (1968)
SHARMA, N (1977)
SHARMA, S (1985)
SHARMA, S D (1975)
SINGH, B (1968)
SINGH, S K (1976)
SINGH, S R (1966)
SUMARAU, A S N (1973)
THAKUR, S C (1969)
TUNIDAN, V S (1980)
TUNIDAU, V S M (1970)
The Gambia
JAWARA, L K (1975)
ABREFAH, P K (1973)
ABREFAH, P K (1974)
ADEUI, D Y (1986)
ADEVU, M M K (1985)
AKONOR, O H (1988)
AMOH, B A (1984)
AMPADU, F O (1985)
ANTWI, E B O (1968)
BAAH, S S (1968)
BAISEL, F T (1983)
BEMPONG, I A (1981)
BOAMAH, B K (1980)
BOAMAH, R A (1982)
COLEMAN, H (1987)
DICKSON, K B (1984)
DUAH, F B (1976)
DUAH, P B (1977)
KANSENYA, Kafui P (1990)
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KONADU, K O (1986)
KYEI, F P (1968)
MENSAH, Godwin (1992)
OFORI, Joseph (1992)
OKINE, A K (1968)
QUANSAH, J E B (1981)
TSIKATA, K W K (1991)
YAO, A (1989)
YEBOAH, B K (1973)
YEBOAH, B K (1974)
ABRAMS, E R (1985)
ALI, M (1964)
ALLY, M Y (1973)
ARJOON, P C R (1963)
DYANAND, S (1972)
FRANCES, L R (1988)
JUGDEO, W (1962)
KENRICK, G B (1986)
MANGRO, B (1972)
RAWANA, R P (1974)
ROYSINGH, Y C (1976)
SINGH, F M H (1962)
SINGH, N C S (1977)
TIWARI, G K M (1976)
YUSUF, S M H (1987)
ALLEYNE, M C (1984)
ATHIANY, David (1973)
BEMPONG, I A (1977)
GEDA, Z O (1973)
JELAGAT, T I M (1990)
KAIMENY, J T M (1980)
KAMAMIAN, E K (1982)
KARIUKU, C W (1976)
KATUMBI, M B (1991)
KERE, P A (1979)
KIARAHO, P G (1986)
KOECH, Arap G K (1986)
KOTECHA, M M (1965)
MATHENGE, P W (1977)
MEGETO, J A (1986)
MOHAMED, I M (1981)
MOINDE, M M (1962)
MONDOH, Helen (1992)
MUGAI, Onesmus (1990)
MUSALIA, L M (1991)
MUSEMBI, J M (1973)
MWACHITO, E C (1989)
MWAURA, P N (1976)
NAGANGA, J N (1978)
NCHARO, E S (1978)
NDOMBI, L (1986)
NOTARI, Nehemiah (1974)
OGETA, N (1987)
OGOL, S A (1975)
OIRA, R M (1972)
OITOGEDA, Z (1972)
OLEMBO, S A H (1975)
ONGAYO, W C (1983)
ONGUT, M N (1980)
OWINO, A (1991)
PETER, K K (1990)
RATEMO, A I (1976)
RINTAUGU, J G (1968)
RITHAA, M K M (1991)
RONO, Benjamin (1992)
SINGH, D (1966)
SOLAMAN, M (1986)
WACHANGA, S (1987)
ALEX, K (1988)
CHAYA, N L B (1978)
CHITEDZE, P (1984)
GODWIN, Y M (1973)
MANDOWA, W R G (1978)
ANTHONY, F (1982)
KAUR, Balbir (1979)
KAUR, G (1983)
KAUR, N (1974)
KAUR, P (1976)
KAUR, R (1982)
KAUR, R J (1974)
KECHIT, Z A (1977)
LENG, S A W Chee (1969)
NAGAPPAN, S (1974)
NATHAN, C (1977)
SELVARAJ, J (1975)
SINGH, B (1976)
SINGH, Daljit (1973)
SINGH, H (1975)
SINGH, H (1976)
SINGH, Harcharan (1973)
SINGH, Inderjeet (1974)
SINGH, J (1975)
SINGH, Prem (1974)
SURIYA, K R (1982)
THOMAS, C J (1968)
PISCOPE, V (1985)
SCHEMBRI, G A (1973)
ALLKEN, Velsamy (1974)
AMIDE, H S (1961)
AMIGAN, N (1985)
ANCHARUG, L (1982)
BABOO, R B (1984)
BACHONEE, B (1976)
BAGUWANT, M (1977)
BALLOO, D A (1972)
BAUREEK, Ali Reza (1992)
BHANDARI, A (1981)
BHOYROO, Rajesh (1992)
BHUNNO, M (1965)
CADERSA, M (1977)
CHANDER, S H (1987)
CHITAMUN, Preeuduth (1973)
COOSHNA, B (1977)
DAMRY, B M (1978)
DESHA, B V (1965)
DHUB, D V B (1979)
DOSIEAH, M (1976)
DUTT, B S (1986)
GAYA, Y (1979)
GENDOO, O (1963)
GHANTY, M A E (1966)
GOORAH, Karamchand (1992)
GUJADHUR, B R (1980)
* See also profiles
GUNGAH, K (1973)
HEERAMAN, Dahari (1981)
HING, Lknt (1962)
HURRY, S D (1974)
JAYARAJ, B (1986)
JOOMAYE, Abdullah (1973)
JOYPAUL, S K (1965)
JOYPAUL, V C (1963)
JUGDUTH, H K (1985)
KAMIL, R (1987)
KARIM, H M F (1979)
KHADAROO, H (1967)
KUMAR, C A (1986)
KUMAR, S S (1988)
LALLBEEHARRY, Jaychand (1981)
LALLJEE, B (1977)
LUCHMAN, T R (1970)
LUTCHMEE, B (1987)
MADAN, M (1978)
MADHURI, C (1987)
MAHERCHAND, Yogetta (1992)
MAN MICHEL, J E (1964)
MANNICK, Randhir (1992)
MATADEEN, R (1964)
MATADEEN, R (1976)
MOUTIA, R J S (1963)
NARSIAH, S (1989)
NAZROO, M I H (1972)
OARIS, D (1979)
PANPIAH, S A (1974)
PEDARUTH, I (1983)
PEERTHY, Shankar (1992)
PREETAM, D (1987)
PUCHOA, D (1967)
PUCHOOA, D (1964)
PUCHOOA, Daneelall (1974)
PURAHOO, H L (1977)
RAGHOONBUR, Prabhakar (1992)
RAGOOBAR, P (1982)
RAJKOMAR, T (1978)
RAMASAMY, S (1986)
RAMCHURN, R (1968)
RAMDENEE, A R (1978)
RAMDEWAR, J (1976)
RAMGULAM, P (1966)
RAMNOHUR, Mahadeo (1980)
RAMPHUL, C (1979)
RASHID, J A (1962)
ROSALIE, J R (1965)
SALEJEE, A B (1961)
SANJEET, S (1987)
SEEJORE, O P (1970)
SEETALOA, V (1982)
SHARMA, S (1991)
SHARMA, S K (1981)
SINGH, J (1961)
SINGH, T H (1987)
SOBAGRAH, R (1977)
SONAH, R (1979)
SONIASAY, S (1962)
SOOBRAH, J (1963)
SOOBRATTY, Mahamood (1973)
SOOKHRAJ, Sanjay (1990)
SOONDRON, Rajgopal (1981)
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SUNITI, N (1988)
SUOKANYA, B (1987)
SWCE, S J (1991)
TAAZIM, M (1991)
TOOLSEE, H (1989)
UNNTH, T (1988)
VERMA, M N (1974)
YEN, King Nkkg (1961)
NGANJONE, Ephraim (1992)
TAAPOPI, Leonard (1992)
New Zealand
ALLISON, E B (1965)
ALLISON, E B (1966)
DUNCAN, I R (1965)
HAWKER, R A (1980)
MCDONALD, J P (1980)
MCLEOD, W H (1985)
NEWMAN, R K (1966)
PEARSON, M N (1968)
PERRETT, R W (1977)
WILSON, J G (1963)
EKISAO, E (1989)
IBITOLA, Gilbert (1992)
IFABIYI, Philip (1992)
ILO, G C (1973)
LYANDA, O (1985)
RAMZEN, M (1961)
Papua New Guinea
SIMIHA, B A (1980)
Sierra Leone
ARUNA, I M B (1972)
KEBBIE, E F (1979)
RAHAMAN, N Z M (1976)
BIN BAGOO, A K (1964)
CHRISTIE, J T (1969)
MENON, M M (1969)
Sri Lanka
ABAYAKARE, Awadg (1962)
ARIYANSA, H S (1979)
BANDARA, A J T (1980)
BANDARA, Ganepalla (1992)
DISSANAYAKE, Bhanu (1992)
FERNANDO, P D R (1984)
GAFOOR, Alma (1973)
HECTOR, A B D B (1965)
JAYASENA, Y (1984)
KAJENDRA, K (1986)
KAMAL, Vidanage (1990)
MAHADEVA, S (1976)
NCHOLAS, M S (1967)
PALAPITIYA, Whmu (1967)
PERERA, K C (1990)
PIYASENA, R W G (1973)
RAMESH, R R (1986)
RANWALA, R C (1977)
SEKERA, K (1968)
SUBADRA, N (1986)
THERO, H R (1964)
THERO, K D D (1980)
TISSERA, M H A (1985)
VASANN, V M (1986)
ACCARE, L P (1985)
ALIBHAI, M A (1965)
ALISON, George (1992)
AMUR, A A (1974)
BELLEKO, A (1982)
CRUZ, R V D (1962)
DIDA, F A (1969)
HALFANI, R (1976)
KARAMJEE, N A (1963)
KYELULA, H S (1983)
LUANDA, P L (1965)
MAJHAIL, H S (1961)
MAKISHE, A D (1976)
MARTINS, J J (1962)
MBONDE, S S (1978)
MKOLA, L J (1972)
MSINDE, V (1979)
MTUNGUJA, O (1976)
MUSE, Stephen (1992)
MWITTA, L (1967)
NGOWI, J S (1974)
PANDU, Y N (1979)
PERRIRA, I J (1962)
SALIM, A L I A (1977)
SAQWE, W C (1967)
SEIF, S A (1961)
* See also profiles
VIRJEE, M A (1963)
FIFTA, L P (1983)
KAUTAI, S (1975)
NIUSINI, S (1985)
NIUSINI, Solomone (1973)
TEAUPA, P K (1973)
Trinidad and Tobago
ALI, F H (1986)
BOODHOO, I J (1987)
BYNOE, P C A (1964)
CYRIL, Anthony H (1990)
DEOKIE, S S (1962)
FLETCHER, S G (1986)
FURLONGE, R J (1989)
GANGA, Prasad M (1970)
KHAN, Leah M (1990)
KOWLESSAR, Lalman (1970)
LEAVY, A C (1965)
MAHARAH, Gourinarain (1981)
MAHARAJ, S M (1962)
MAHARAJ, S M (1963)
MARAJ, K (1982)
PARASRAM, R S (1970)
PARASRAM, Samsundar (1973)
RAMDASS, S (1991)
SANT, R (1986)
SINGH, Chanardath (1970)
SOOKHOO, S (1989)
ADOME, R E (1978)
ASSAUD, B A (1991)
BUKNEYA, N (1975)
CHATRATH, V (1966)
CYPRIAN, O M (1982)
DDUMBA, G (1964)
ERISA, Mugali (1979)
GERALD, Kikambi (1992)
JAMAA, G U (1988)
KADDU, C S (1986)
KAMUGISA, Godfrey (1992)
KIBERGE, D (1965)
KUNKUNKA, J M (1977)
KYEYUNE, G W (1986)
LULE, J S (1965)
LULE, J S (1968)
LUMYIMA, C C (1983)
MASA, J B (1966)
MASINDE, C O (1978)
MBABAZI, G J (1989)
MEDAD, R A (1986)
MPUNGU, J D (1977)
MPUNGU, J D (1979)
MUGERWA, B (1989)
MUGYIMBA, E (1986)
MUKUBIRA, D (1975)
MYANGUA, E K (1976)
NAGJI, B V (1966)
NDENYE, P (1969)
OKELLO, P O (1991)
OMONYA, Chrispine (1980)
OMORUTU, F (1984)
OTHIENO, P (1987)
PATRICK, M (1984)
RAWAL, L D (1965)
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RUHAKANA, F (1984)
SAMUEL, Wanume (1981)
WAKHULA, M (1982)
WAMALA, E (1982)
WILSON, S S (1980)
United Kingdom
ADAMS, N (1969)
ALISON, M R (1988)
ANDERSON, J (1968)
ANDERSON, K E (1982)
ANDERSON, Michael (1980)
ARNOLD, David John (1968) *
ARSCOT, R L (1962)
AUSTIN, P W (1965)
BAINES, G (1982)
BALLARD, Roger (1966) *
BARNES, L J (1985)
BEECHER, D R (1963)
BHALLA, P (1976)
BLAIR, J A S (1964)
BOSHIER, D W (1962)
BRADFORD, Nicholas Jack (1968) *
CAZALET, M J (1988)
CHOWDHURY, S Jjm Nee Pettigrew (1965)
CLARK, R E C (1963)
CLARKE, J M (1963)
CLEGHORN, B E (1969)
COOPER, A M (1975)
COX, A R W (1995)
DALWOOD, J N D (1985)
DAY, G A (1989)
DEB, P D (1995)
DHALIWAL, S (1996)
DONOVAN, J L (1962)
DREW, N J (1963)
DUNANT, V (1986)
FERGUSON, I R (1970)
FRAZER, C M (1968)
FRIEND, A M (1963)
FULLER, R C C (1975)
GASTON, A J (1977)
GEORGE, P W (1993)
GREEN, D L (1973)
GURNEY, J D (1965)
HARPER, A C (1993)
HARVEY, B P (1973)
HAWKES, Susan J (1979)
HAWTHORNE, Pauleen E (1973)
HEWER, M C R (1973)
HILL, Paul (1970)
HOURIGAN, Barbara M (1978)
HUNTLEY, Martin Adrian (1966) *
JACKSON, A J (1975)
JOHNSON, P G O (1965)
KNIGHT, F R (1972)
LAZARO, D (1991)
MACE, S (1976)
MARCHANT, P B (1974)
MAY, N P (1986)
MORRIS, B A (1970)
O’BRIEN, A G (1975)
OLIVANT, D M (1985)
ORR, W M (1977)
PAGE, J M (1972)
PAYNE, G K (1970)
PETTIGREW, Joyce Jane Marshall (1965) *
PILLAR, M R (1968)
PRITCHARD, Colin Leonard (1964) *
QUARRELL, R P (1969)
REZA BEN, Ishak Gajra (1989)
SCOTT, M D (1979)
SHAW, R A (1968)
SIME, C A (1969)
SIMMONS, V R (1970)
SIMPSON, K L (1988)
SUTTON, D (1997)
TOWNHILL, G (1964)
UNTERMAN, Alan (1966) *
VICKERS, S A C (1973)
WARREN, M E (1976)
WILSON, J M (1970)
Western Samoa
TUITAMA, T S (1973)
CHITUNDU, W (1986)
KALALUKA, P (1987)
KALALUKA, W (1987)
KALALUKA, Webby (1990)
KANYEMBO, J J J (1984)
MASHEKE, L M (1991)
MUBIANA, Mobita (1981)
NJOBVU, M C A (1985)
RODRICK, M (1983)
SINKALA, Saddock (1979)
ARCHFORD, M (1988)
MILNER, A C (1969)
MISSEN, G J (1962)
MISSEN, G J (1964)
MOY, T J (1973)
PRYOR, R J (1968)
THOMAS, J (1960)
HAMID, Abdul (2001)
HAQUE, Muhammed Shahrir (2000)
SARKAR, A R (1981)
WILLIAMS, D (1969)
Brunei Darussalam
BESAR, Haji Mail Awang (2002)
MOHAMADOU, Clay (2000)
BISHOP, J E (1968)
PRESTON, Trevor Wade Chueh Hui (2002)
The Gambia
KAH, E D (1981)
MARENAH, Sarjo (2002)
ANANG, Daniel Mensah (2001)
LOOKNAUTH, Vedyawattie (2002)
HAMMOND, L (1975)
HIGMAN, B (1967)
CLAYPOLE, William (1969)
HARTY, C (1987)
New Zealand
DOUGLAS, E M (1966)
EGBE, Patrick (1973)
Papua New Guinea
GORU, Hane (1977)
Sri Lanka
RATNAYAKA, Ranitha L P (1980)
LAKER, H A (1981)
United Kingdom
AHMED, R A (1998)
BAXTER, Anne (1971)
MURRAY, R A (1996)
RANKIN, A (1965)
SULLIVAN, V (2000)
* See also profiles
Hong Kong
KHAN, S (1964)
KHAN, S (1965)
GOVINDASAMY, Ganeson (2000)
KUMAR, V R (1963)
KUMAR, V R (1965)
ALLEN, J D E V (1964)
ALLEN, J de V (1962)
KIGEN, Arap (1973)
MBOGO, L E M (1970)
OBURA, S O (1971)
COSTA, Ivan (2002)
UMRIF, Gunshiam (1981)
New Zealand
BUCHANAN, D I (1965)
CANT, R G (1962)
CANT, R G (1964)
STENSON, M R (1965)
UPU, Strickland (2001)
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IBIKUNLE, J A (1967)
OLOFFIN, E A (1970)
PATRICK, Okechukwu Nwabueze (2000)
AHMAD, I (1963)
AHMAD, I (1965)
HUSSAIN, Ahmad (2002)
TAHIR, Samina (2000)
VALENTIN, Justin Davis (2001)
Sierra Leone
FUNNAN, S M (1976)
Sri Lanka
OSSEN, Dilshan Remaz (2001)
SIRIWARDENA, Susantha (2000)
DLAMINI, George Mlungsi (2002)
TUAVUO, Siosi Lolohea (2002)
OKWI, W E (1977)
United Kingdom
CHIVERS, D J (1968)
CLEAR, I D (1964)
DAVIDSON, J P (1976)
DAVIDSON, J P (1977)
DAVISON, G W H (1974)
DRUM, D F (1971)
LENTON, G M (1976)
NEWMAN, Helen E (1980)
WELLS, D R (1963)
Western Samoa
FOUVAA, Moeimanono (2001)
MWANZA, Jason (2002)
DRAPER, D A (1976)
HALL, I (1976)
MCINTOSH, T T (1976)
Hong Kong
PANDA, P K (1976)
PANDEY, O P (1976)
SAHA, G P (1976)
MORRISON, E (1966)
Sri Lanka
KARUWITA, V Y (1976)
ZINYANDU, T M (1976)
Antigua and Barbuda
GREGG, Peaches Rennet (1998)
ALLEN, R N (1970)
BALL, A J (1991)
BALL, Alexander James (1992)
BIBBY, David Charles (1995)
BRADSHAW, B E (1988)
CARR, M J (1966)
COUTTS, P J F (1968)
CROSDALE, P (1987)
CROWLEY, K M (1986)
ECCLES, John (1964)
GANLEY, Marcus George Tyler (1996)
GUNN, D M (1965)
HACKNEY, Ronald (1993)
HOSKINS, Rachael (1996)
LAVERY, P B (1984)
MCNALLY, J M (1961)
MURPHY, M S J (1983)
NEILSON, D (1982)
OORSCHOT, Dorothy E (1983)
OTTAWAY, J R (1971)
PETROULIAS, Nikytas Nicholas (1994)
PHILLIPS, B C (1980)
PICKETT, Susan Gabrielle (1990)
RAE, J C (1972)
RANKINE, S M (1991)
SHARKEY, M F (1973)
SIVESTER, D (1975)
SPATE, O H K (1965)
SPENCER, B (1986)
SUREN, A M (1985)
WARK, I (1962)
WARK, Ian (1963)
GARDINER, D (1978)
PENEDOS, Erika (1995)
ROLLE, Charice Abigail (1997)
RUSSELL, Christopher Craig (1994)
ALAM, M R (1980)
ALI, M I (1971)
ANWAR, Khurshid (1998)
BEGUM, Ashrafi (1995)
BEGUM, Mahbuba (1990)
HAIDAR, A (1979)
HOSSAIN, M D (1991)
ISLAM, K A (1981)
ISLAM, Nazrul (1998)
KHAN, R I (1983)
MAHBUB, A Q M (1979)
NUR NABI, M (1974)
RASHID, Harun (1992)
RASHID, Mohamed Harun (1993)
SALIM, M A (1974)
SARKAR, N I (1988)
SULTANA, Tamanna (1999)
* See also profiles
ALLEYNE, Gayle (2000)
ALLEYNE, Yolanda Beatrice (1994)
GASKIN, Kellyanne (2002)
GOODRIDE, M J (1991)
GOODRIDGE, Megan Jaqueline (1992)
LASHLEY, Marva (1995)
ODERSON, Derrick F P (1990)
ROWE, P A (1988)
PARHAM, Wendel Dorian Joile (1994)
PENADOS, Filiberto (1995)
MOREMONG, M (1988)
NSOSO, S J (1991)
NSOSO, Shalaulani James (1992)
Brunei Darussalam
OTHMAN, M (1975)
ANDERSON, M (1987)
ANDREW, G (1983)
ANIDO, D G H (1969)
ARSENAULT, Daniel J (1997)
BARKER, J H (1977)
BEGIN, J C (1978)
BERG, Lawrence (1992)
BETTS, G M (1963)
BIDDLE, R L (1980)
BIRSS, I V (1974)
BISSELL (1983)
BURGHAM, Catherine A W (1973)
CHOWN, R M (1962)
CONRAD, Laura Ann (1996)
COURT, G (1987)
CURTIS, G F Dean (1965)
DAHMS, F A (1963)
DEACON, K P G (1975)
DENZ, S B (1986)
EAYRES, J (1987)
EDWARDS, J L J (1976)
FRYE, H N (1978)
GARDNER, Julia A (1979)
GASKIN, Susan (1992)
GILLIE, R D (1974)
HAMPTON, W F (1966)
HARE, F K (1976)
HAWKINS, B J (1986)
HERZER, R H (1970)
JAMIESON, I (1982)
JOHNSON, S E (1984)
JOHNSTON, M E (1984)
KING, L J (1986)
KING, M Rosemary (1973)
KOOYMAN, B P (1981)
LEDWELL, Jane (1995)
LONG, S (1987)
MAHER, Patrick (2001)
MANNING, E W (1969)
MILLER, E W (1970)
MILLER, G D (1965)
MIRANDA, Charmaine (1994)
MOORE, R D (1980)
MUIR, James (1994)
MURRAY, A C (1988)
NAISMITH, Georgina Mary (1990)
NORTH, Jessica (1999)
PETERSSON, Sandra (1995)
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PINSENT, Chanda (1992)
PINSENT, Chanda Kathleen (1993)
PROWSE, T D (1978)
RAYMONT, A (1988)
REID, A (1965)
ROBINSON, J B (1960)
ROBY KIDD, J (1966)
RODENBERG, Linda (2001)
RUSHBY, R J (1972)
SCHMIDT, Nathan (1992)
SCHMIDT, Nathan Philip (1993)
SCOTT, H A (1984)
SHEP, Sydney Jocelyn (1990)
SMITH, I D (1968)
STEEL, M (1982)
SWIFT, Donna (1992)
TENNANT, D (1972)
THOMPSON, A R (1967)
UUNILA, Laani (2000)
VILLARD, Paul Victor (1996)
WAAS, J R (1983)
WATSON, Susan Lesley (1990)
WEDLAKE, B F (1975)
WHELIHAN, J O Anne (1975)
YAKIMETS, W W (1961)
AKHNIOTIS, Eraclis (1997)
CHRISTOFOROU, Eftychios (1996)
DEMETRIADES, Panicos (1983)
EVANGELI, E (1986)
IONNIDES, C G (1973)
KYRIAKOU, Anastasia (1979)
MENELAOU, Hara (1995)
TOUMAZOS, P G (1978)
TSOPANI, Sandy (1999)
BEDIAKO, M K B (1973)
BROWN, E M (1961)
DEBRAH, C K (1986)
DONKOH, A (1987)
ODOI, F N A (1981)
OPPONG, Samuel Kingsley (1994)
YAMOAH, Emmanuel (1997)
DE ALLIE, C A (1991)
DE ALLIE, Claude Adrian (1992)
DRAGON, Oliver (1995)
JAMES, A L (1967)
PETERS, Everson (1992)
PETERS, Everson James (1993)
GOMER, M F A (1988)
HARVEY, Clarence Loftus (1990)
KING, Dawn (2000)
WILLIAMS, Malcolm (2002)
Hong Kong
CHO, Shiu Yin (1995)
KHAN, L (1964)
KUNG, J K S (1984)
WONG PAT SHUN, Patsy (1975)
The Gambia
CEESAY, M A (1978)
CEESAY, Mariama (1979)
FORSTER, Thomas (1992)
FORSTER, Thomas Hamilton (1993)
NJAI, Saikou Bai Momodou (1997)
TAAL, A B S (1977)
TOURAY, M N (1986)
TRAWALLY, B (1982)
ABSAR, A (1982)
AIYAR, K R (1966)
BHANDRAL, Rita (2002)
BHATTACHARIA, Bhabani (1962)
CHILUKURI, Veera Satyanarayana (1994)
CHOPRA, S C (1975)
DAS, Shantanu (2001)
DINAKER, Panyam (1990)
DUDANI, J C (1962)
GIRISHA, G K (1998)
GREWAL, K (1987)
IYER, M (1981)
JAIN, M P (1964)
KAW, Anil (1992)
KAW, Anil Kumar (1993)
KUMAR, Kuldip (1994)
MAJUMDER, R (1981)
MIDHA, R K (1974)
MURTY, K V V S (1977)
PAMIDI, Jamuna (1995)
PRASAD, T S (1979)
RAJA, P K S (1960)
RAMADASS, P (1978)
RAMKUMAR, Chikkana (1992)
RAMKUMAR, Chikkana (1993)
RANDHAWA, Parmjit Singh (2000)
RAO, M N (1969)
SARMA, P (1972)
SINGH, Dhanwinder (1992)
SINGH, Dhanwinder (1993)
SINGH, Gurpal (1999)
SIVAJI, K (1978)
TAHER, M (1962)
VEGAD, J L (1964)
AMPOMAH, Charles (1995)
ANNOR, Serekye Yaw (1994)
BARNES, P B (1985)
AMIEL, M A (1963)
BAILEY, Rohan (1999)
BREAKENRIDGE, Norma (1979)
ALI, M (1972)
ALI, S (1981)
BHINDI, D B (1979)
DEO, S (1982)
LASAQA (1962)
MCCAIG, Eddie (1983)
MORARJI, H L (1974)
RAJ, U (1969)
REDDY, S S (1982)
SAMALIA, K P (1984)
SHARMA, D K (1963)
SINGH, A (1966)
SINGH, K P (1985)
SINGH, P C (1977)
* See also profiles
HARRIOTT, C (1970)
HAY, P A (1986)
MILLER, R A (1974)
MILLS, Annette (1992)
MILLS, Annette (1993)
PRENDERGAST, Doreen Milicent (1997)
REID, Shirley Anne Patricia (1994)
SHAW, Natalie Anoushi (1996)
SIMONS, P E (1963)
SOARES, Franz Luke Ciano (1990)
WILLIAMS, Wendy (2000)
GITAU, Michael Njoroge (1990)
KIPKEMBOI, Pius Keroni (1990)
MARETE, G N (1985)
MIGUE, M R (1960)
OGUGE, N (1987)
ONYONI, K (1961)
OTIENO, C (1973)
WAIYAKE, J N (1963)
WANJIKU, Josephine (1994)
CHIOZEKA, B J B (1981)
JONAZI, Joseph Blessings (1994)
LUPWAYI, N Z (1986)
SALLEH, N (1978)
TAN AH GOH (1981)
MOHAMED, Abdul Muhsin (1992)
MUSHIN, A M (1991)
SHAMEEM, Aly (2001)
ZUBAIR, Shafea (1992)
ZUBAIR, Shafeea (1993)
BEZZINA, C (1984)
BORG, Grace (1996)
BUHAGIAR, George (1993)
BUHAGIAR, George (1997)
FAVA, P (1981)
GRIMA, G (1991)
GRIMA, Grace (1992)
JAMES, Christopher (1994)
MUSCAT, Joanne (1999)
SCHEMBRI, J S (1963)
SULTANA, R G (1984)
XUEREB, Peter (1997)
BUCHA, J (1968)
CHUTOO, Mohamad Afzal (1994)
FINETTE, L R (1964)
GUJADHUR, A (1966)
HO JIRD, E H P (1967)
JOHNSON, Marie Christine Jennifer (1994)
KOLEEJAN, M R (1982)
LAM HUNG, Y F (1967)
LARCH, N (1966)
MAUREE, P P (1985)
OODALLY, A W (1965)
RAJKOMAR, B (1984)
RAMSAMY, Sunasee (2002)
SIN, Y T (1977)
TANG, F C (1968)
TOOLSY, Bhoomitra (2001)
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WILLIAMS, Nuovella (2001)
ATAJA, A M (1986)
CLIFFORD, S D (1981)
KADAMS, A M (1985)
MOMODU, A B (1972)
OKONKWO, N C (1981)
UKPONG, E M (1984)
AYAZ, Shaukat (1998)
HAIDER, Aun (2000)
ISLAM, S (1968)
KHATRI, M I (1960)
NAQVI, M A (1963)
Papua New Guinea
AHAI, N G (1980)
MALIABE, V (1980)
MARAT, A S M (1979)
Saint Lucia
DOLCY, A (1985)
ISIDORE, Lucian (1994)
LEWIS, Robert (2002)
PLUMMER, Maria Marcella (1994)
WILLIAMS, B B (1984)
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
FRANCE, R B (1985)
MARKS, Veronica (1992)
MARKS, Veronica Carmina (1993)
TROTMAN, Sandra (1995)
LAPORTE, Veronique (2001)
Sierra Leone
BAIMBA, A A (1986)
LAPPIA, A K (1986)
CHEE, K H (1962)
CHEW, K L (1960)
CHIA PAN ENG, L (1967)
GEH, S Y (1968)
HSIEH, J T (1964)
LEONG, K S (1977)
LIOW, T M (1960)
SHEE, S C (1961)
Solomon Islands
HIELE, G A (1966)
TUTUA, Shane (1999)
South Africa
CLIFF, Alan Frank (1996)
HOBBS, Bernice (1997)
STEINKE, J D (1960)
Sri Lanka
ABEYNAYAKE, Preeni (1979)
ARIYAWARDANA, Anoma (1998)
ATAPATTU, D D (1983)
ATAPATTU, Mahinda (1999)
DE SILVA, H N (1977)
HASSON, P M (1962)
KARUNASEKERA, Kollure (1992)
MADAWALA, U (1987)
MAHENTHIRAN, Pushpalatha (1997)
PADMINI, R A (1967)
PEIRIS, T S G (1981)
ROHITHA, B H (1973)
TAMBY RAJA, R L (1965)
THAMBIPILLAI, Sivaneswary (1994)
THAYALINI, Shanmuganathan (2001)
ALPHONCE, Ndibelema (1995)
DAU, R (1987)
GANDYE, P P (1975)
KILUA, M N (1985)
MADABIDA, Z S (1984)
MAGOHA, Happy (2002)
MBUYA, Paul (2001)
MGINA, M B (1975)
MSUYA, J M (1986)
MUGANDA, Cornelia Koku (1995)
MUHAMMED, Sebtu (1979)
RUSIMBI, Mary J (1981)
TAMU, M J (1988)
FONUA, Siosiana Ungatea (2000)
KAVALIKU, S L (1963)
MATOTO, O A (1965)
SEVELE, F V (1969)
SISIFA, I (1963)
TAUSINGA, E P (1988)
Trinidad and Tobago
ALLEYNE-PILGRIM, Vernella (1999)
ATTAI, J E C (1963)
COLLETTE, Vern (1999)
DEFOUR-BABB, Joyanne (1999)
JORDAN, Leslie-Ann (1999)
PARAG, Rajindra (1990)
RAMLOGAN, P (1988)
RAMPAUL, E (1984)
RAMROOP, Steve (1998)
RAMSINGH, A (1991)
RAMSINGH, Anand (1992)
TAAFAKI, Tauaasa (1996)
OTIM, S J B (1981)
United Kingdom
ARMOUR, Katharine Elizabeth (1995)
ASHBY, J W (1966)
ATKINSON, Katherine (2001)
BAINBRIDGE, David (1993)
BEAZLEY, John (1964)
BISHOP, D J (1988)
BOISSEAU, Oliver (2000)
BOWMAN, Vanessa Clare (1996)
BOYLE, P R (1964)
BULMAN, O M B (1967)
CALVERT, Julia (1999)
CAMPBELL, A R (1980)
CAWKWELL, G L (1984)
CHANDLER, G E (1983)
CLARE, Frances E A (1975)
CLOUT, M N (1973)
COLE, J W (1962)
COOK, M (1986)
* See also profiles
COPPOCK, J T (1971)
COULSON, Michelle (2001)
CRAGG, J B (1963)
CRAIG, Vanessa Jane (1996)
CROOK, P (1970)
CROXALL, J P (1968)
CRUICKSHANK, Fiona (1983)
CRUMP, R G (1965)
CUTHBERT, Richard James (1996)
DARLING, C D (1971)
DAUBE, David (1969)
DAVIES, M (1965)
DAVISON, M C (1965)
DEW, J G (1964)
DIXON, Katheryn (2001)
DOUGAN, M C R (1988)
EDWARDS, V M (1986)
EELLS, J (1974)
ELLIS, Jane (1977)
ELTON, G R (1985)
FOX, M R (1974)
FREEMAN, Michael (1980)
GALE, E F (1964)
GELLATLY, Anne F (1979)
GIBBS, R J (1982)
GILL, Evelyn M (1972)
GOLDMAN, R J (1965)
GREEN, Sarah (1990)
GUNN, J (1974)
HADDON, Malcolm (1978)
HARLEY, J L (1973)
HAYES, W (1971)
HEINE, Volker (1967)
HERBERT, Neill (1999)
HILLIARD, J C (1974)
HOEY, T B (1985)
HOGGART, R (1977)
HORROCKS, Joanna Louise (1996)
HOUGH, G G (1977)
HOUGHTON, K N (1981)
HUNT, L A (1960)
HYDEN, G (1972)
INGLE, S J (1964)
JACKMAN, R (1967)
JENNINGS, Richard (1999)
JOHNSON, H G (1975)
JONES, R V (1972)
LEE, D R (1971)
LIHOU, Joanne Claire (1990)
LONSDALE, Kathleen (1965)
MCIVOR, T J (1981)
MARSH, E J (1988)
MITCHELL, Robin (2002)
NASON, Sarah (1973)
NEILD, P G (1968)
NEUMANN, P (1987)
NEWCOMB, E (1985)
OWENS, Catherine Elizabeth Ray (1994)
PALMER, R A (1977)
PECK, David (1995)
PRIDE, S A (1986)
QUIRK, Randolph (1975)
RAMSAY, R (1962)
RAYBOULD, S G (1963)
RAYBOULD, S G (1966)
REGAN, O E (1961)
RICKWOOD, P C (1963)
RIMMER, P J (1961)
ROBERTS, Ann (2001)
ROGERS, Howard (1991)
SAMUEL, Lesley (1999)
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SHARMA, Parvan (2002)
SHOTTION, F W (1967)
SIMKISS, K (1986)
SISSON, R (1987)
SLATER, J (1974)
SOLLY, Lionel David (1994)
SPEDDING, C R W (1977)
STEVENS, J E (1985)
STEWART, Emma (1995)
STEWART, W A C (1968)
STREET, J (1970)
SUTHERLAND, Rupert (1992)
SWIFT, D F (1981)
SYERS, J K (1964)
SYME, Ronald (1966)
TAYLOR, W (1977)
THOMAS, R C (1982)
THOMPSON, D (1981)
THORNLEY, Richard Stephen Wilshaw (1993)
THORNLEY, Stephen (1992)
THORNTON, P K (1980)
TINDALL, J (1987)
TOMSKY, Teresa (2001)
WAIN, R L (1973)
WILLIAMS, J D H (1961)
WILLIAMS, James (2000)
WOODWARD, L A (1966)
WRIGHT, A C (1982)
WRIGHT, Heather C (1978)
Western Samoa
LEE HANG, Nickel (1995)
MTONGA, R S (1980)
SIBALE, G Z (1981)
DEWE, M B (1963)
GOHZO, George (1992)
GOZHO, Nhamo George (1993)
KATSUMBE, Boniface Munyaradzi (1990)
MASAMBA, Tendai (1999)
TSONGORERA, Biggie (1999)
BALDOCK, F W (1960)
NYONI, M M (1961)
SHULTZ, L F (1965)
STAATS, S J (1971)
ZABLE, H (1972)
BLADE, S F (1986)
DEAN, J W (1963)
DREW, C F (1971)
DYER, N (1974)
KERU, A (1971)
MASON, M D (1966)
MORRISON, J H (1969)
SAGENT (1976)
STERKEN, J (1973)
VENEBURY, E A (1975)
WOLFSON (1972)
CHRISTOS, T A (1976)
The Gambia
KING, A B U B (1988)
AGYEMAN, Victor K (1990)
ATOKPLE, I D (1985)
COLEMANE, A (1975)
DIIWU, J Y (1982)
DUNCAN, Magunus E B O (1990)
DZOMEKU, I (1991)
EWUSI (1982)
KOMBIOK, J M (1989)
MINNOW, J D (1979)
NELSON, S F (1980)
OSEI, B (1987)
AHMED, Jamal K (1990)
ANIMASHA, Shukla (1990)
SINGH, R J (1965)
SINGH, R J (1969)
SONDHA, D S (1968)
VARMA, A (1969)
ALI, Douglas Owen (1990)
DURRANT, N D S F (1975)
FRIDAY, M (1982)
NEWELL, J M (1974)
RILEY, E (1965)
SEGEANT, C V (1974)
AYUO, J A K (1974)
MUHIA, S M (1974)
MUTUKU, B K (1989)
ODUNDO, P A (1991)
ONYAMBO, O (1988)
KOW, L H (1963)
MARIAPPEN, Sadayan (1975)
NAIR, K P K (1964)
PANAYAN, R N (1975)
TAN, Tong H I N (1970)
New Zealand
GOODMAN, A A (1965)
MAXWELL, T A (1986)
WATSON, Elizabeth E (1990)
MALIA, Z U R (1964)
MASHOOD, M (1964)
YOUSUFI, M A K (1967)
Sierra Leone
SANOH, W O (1974)
* See also profiles
South Africa
MATJIE, J N (1961)
Sri Lanka
ASOKA, K (1976)
EDWIN, J A (1989)
PALMER, E (1989)
RANGODA, M (1982)
RUDRAN, V (1966)
SALEEM, M A (1969)
MAKUNDI, D (1988)
MFANGAVO, Flat Y K (1991)
YONAZI, R P (1974)
Trinidad and Tobago
ASHBY, F H (1974)
BOYCE, C E (1974)
LEWIS, Y C (1964)
TAYLOR, V A (1989)
ALIWA, J A N (1977)
KITAKA, Masiki (1970)
OTTO-ABOK, Dickson (1973)
United Kingdom
ALLEN, C A (1971)
BARBER, Karin J (1973)
BARRETT, J H (1972)
BEER, C E F (1967)
BENNETT, J (1974)
BRITAIN, A K (1977)
COHEN, R (1967)
COX, Rosalind R (1983)
DI DOMENICO, Catherine (formerly
NUTTNEY) (1968) *
HAY, A (1963)
HEAP, S (1990)
HOPKINS, A G (1961)
HOPKINS, E A (1963)
HUGHES, A (1962)
JEROME, D M (1971)
LAST, D M (1963)
LE MOIGNAN, C (1965)
LEISHMAN, J M (1972)
LIYA, S M (1986)
NORGROVE, L A (1992)
NUTTNEY, C M (1968)
QUINTON, D L (1963)
RICHARDS, G A (1979)
ROGERS, N E (1965)
SALMONS, Jill R (1973)
SHERIDAN, F R (1984)
TREVOR, J (1968)
VANNER, G S J (1991)
WHITE, J J (1967)
WILLIAMS, J F (1968)
WRIGHT, R D (1965)
ZIETMAN, A L (1979)
ONELE, N (1991)
SEDA, O (1989)
TAVIRINGANA, Silas (1990)
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BEDFORD, I G (1961)
HUME, E M J (1969)
DU TEMPLE, B G (1964)
Hong Kong
KHATANA, I H (1964)
SUBARAN, I M (1964)
JAVAID, I A (1968)
JOSEPH, M M (1968)
KIHATO, P K (1966)
MULANDA, A O (1964)
CHEONG, P T K (1965)
SODNAC, D M M (1982)
Sri Lanka
AZFAA, J (1976)
United Kingdom
ALLEN, C H (1966)
EDLEY, C (1963)
WALDIE, K J (1983)
POEITUM, A (1984)
ELSWORTH, J F (1960)
NODVI, C R (1964)
FEROZ, D (1969)
ISSABHAY, N B (1968)
ONG, Seng L M (1965)
OSMAN, A C I I (1968)
THOMPSON, E (1968)
OGUNTONA, T (1967)
Sri Lanka
JAYASIRI, S M S (1963)
KHUL, A H (1967)
Trinidad and Tobago
HUSSAIN, A N (1964)
KATO, A H (1963)
United Kingdom
KARN, V A (1961)
STALEY, Elizabeth Mariana (1962) *
WILLIAMS, A M C (1989)
The Gambia
COLLIER, C A O (1964)
SARKAR, S K (1966)
MARGOCHE, M V B (1963)
BENDLE, N K (1980)
DAVIS, S A (1976)
MATTHEWS, V B (1970)
NELSON, N G (1969)
SOKALSKI, R J (1986)
NICHOLAS, H L (1969)
The Gambia
JOBARTEH, L N (1979)
JOBARTHE, L N (1975)
JAIN, B (1963)
JHA, U C (1961)
PRASAD, C (1972)
PRASAD, C (1973)
SINGH, B (1972)
SINGH, B (1973)
UPADHYAY, K N (1961)
VERMA, U N (1979)
KARANJA, M F (1973)
MUDIDA, F P Z (1973)
MURUNGI, E M (1979)
MURUNGI, E M (1980)
ODENY, E A (1969)
OKONGE, J D (1972)
RURIGI, C N (1980)
MAKUMANE, L G (1968)
MALOPO, J T (1968)
WAHEED, I (1986)
EL-BAYATI, S (1972)
HAZZAREE, Singh L (1976)
* See also profiles
United Kingdom
BAMFORD, G M (1970)
CALTON, D (1996)
CROSBY, K (1992)
JIGGINS, Janice Lesley Sneath (1969) *
KIRK, C M (1979)
KIRK, C M (1980)
KNAPPER, J R (1979)
KNAPPER, J Rosalie (1980)
LEWIS, D G (1973)
PETERS, M E (1963)
RUSSEL, J E D (1972)
STUART, K P (1984)
BANDA, J W (1982)
BANDA, J W (1985)
FAKIR, S A (1991)
FRANKLIN, O (1978)
LUGO, Alshia (2000)
The Gambia
JELLOW, Amedou (1983)
ANDREWS, Lennox (1990)
LA MOTHE, Devonson (2000)
AYUBE, Mustaq (2000)
MURALI, T P (1989)
PATIL, N (1988)
GRAHAM, E (1986)
JEREMIAH, Atancha (1992)
OTTARO, G M (1973)
ROJOA, H (1977)
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ADIGUN, Ebenezer (1970)
IMOH, V (1977)
OKEY, E N (1991)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
MORRIS, Sheila (2000)
Saint Lucia
JAMES, G (1987)
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
BROWN, G (1986)
Sierra Leone
SANKOH, Samuel (1983)
Sri Lanka
UMAHARAN, P (1985)
SHONGWE, V D (1991)
NYANGRD, Z E (1991)
SWAI, Adnard (1990)
POLE, F S (1989)
MOLAGWE, C (1987)
TUGME, Beatrice (1983)
Western Samoa
POUONO, Kirifi (1984)
United Kingdom
AGHDASI, Farhad (1990)
BORLAND, Colin Hugh (1971)
CHRISTIAN, Ijahnya (1990) *
HARRIGAN, Aidan Augustine (1997)
HORSFORD, Lana Andromeda (1998)
HUGHES, Velma Lornette (1992)
MLAMBO, Shadrack Sariri (1972)
ROGERS, Carlyle Kevin (1995)
WEBB, David Robert (1968)
Antigua and Barbuda
BENJAMIN, Ernest Sylvester (1968)
BLAIR, Marion Agnes Naomi (1990)
BLAIR, Marion Agnes Naomi (1993)
BROWN, Vaughn Deon (2001) *
CHARLES, Samuel Emanuel (1969)
CLARKE, Franklyn Algernon (1961)
DERRICK, Sandra Donna Michele (2000)
FORDE, Kathleen Marguerite (1997)
FRANCIS, Franklin Lennox (1971)
HILL, Cordella Uleta Kelly (1998) *
LAKE, Rupert E H (1966)
LEWIS, Alvan Lotan (1993)
LOVELL, Harold Earl Edmund (1990)
MARGETSON, Franklin A L (1960)
QUINNLEANDRO, Jacqui Clarissa (1995)
ROBERTS, Sandra Patricia (1990)
SAMUEL, Eudene Rosalind (1999)
SAMUEL, Eumel H C (1985)
SCOTLAND, Jasper Alexander (1975)
SCOTLAND, Sandra Louise (1988)
SOUTHWELL, Jacqueline Irene (1991)
THOMAS-PARKER, Carolyn Constancia (1998)
THORNLEY, Edelweisse Pauline (formerly
GILKES) (1981)
ADAMS, James Noel (1967)
AITKEN, Lee J W (1980)
ALDERDICE, David Scott (1960) *
ALEXANDER, Amanda Elana (2002)
ALEXANDER, Andrew (1984)
ALEXANDER, Isabella Jean (2002)
ALEXANDER, Ralph Bernard (1967)
ALLAN, Andrew Stuart (1989)
ALLARS, Margaret Nita (1981)
ALLON, Mark William (1991) *
ALSOP, Nicholas James (1993)
AMITI, Mynyre (1991)
ANDREW, Paul Anthony (1968)
ANDREW, William Seabrone (1965)
ANDREWS, Mark (1961) *
ANDREWS, Penelope Jean (1987)
ANDREWS, Robyn Patricia (1977)
ANG, Eu-Jin (1994) *
ANLEZARK, Daniel Charles (1994)
ANTONUCCIO, Francesco (1992)
APPS, Antonia Marie (1991)
ARCHER, Robert Michael (1985)
ARNOLD, Denise Veronica (1972)
ARNOT, Margaret Louise (1986)
ARONSON, Mark Issac (1970)
ARRIENS, Pieter Albert (1960)
ARTHUR, Evan Philip (1972)
ATKINS, Paul William (1992) *
AUBIN, Kim Josephine (1984)
AUBURN, Jonathan Walter (1995) *
AUST, Robert John (1970)
BADDELEY, Adrian John (1977) *
BAGSTER, David Francis (1965) *
BAJADA, Serge (1978)
BAKER, Robert John (1963)
BAKER, Steven Edgar (1998)
BALDING, David Joseph (1985)
BALLEINE, Bernard Walter (1989)
BANKSSMITH, Katrina Frances (1992)
BARDSLEY, Kenneth Leon (1962)
BARDSLEY, Peter Joseph (1975)
BARING, Matthew Geoffrey (1984)
BARKER, Ewan James (1984) *
BARNES, Thomas Michael (1987)
BARRETT, Kate Helen (1992)
BARRIE, Andrew (1974)
BARRY, Aislinn Mary (1997)
BARS, Jennifer Ann (1987)
BARTOS, Thomas Garry (1998)
BARTSCH, Stacey Lynne (2000)
BARWICK, Susan Gay (1991) *
BASEDOW, David John (1974)
BASTEN, John (1970)
BATSTONE, Aislinn Marie Rose (2001)
BEAUMONT, Joan Errington (formerly MAJOR)
(1971) *
BEAUMONT, Keith Stanley (1966)
BECKWITH, Paul L M (1979)
BEECHAM, Rodney Gerald (1983)
BEHRENBRUCH, Christian Peter (1998)
BEHRNDT, Thomas Richard (1975)
BEKKERS, John MacDonald (1979) *
BELL, Geoffrey Laurence (1996)
BELL, Ross Wesley (1990) *
BELLEMORE, Jane (1982)
BENNETT, Frances Anne (1978)
* See also profiles
BENVENISTE, Glen Leon (1988)
BERGMAN, Neil William (1981)
BERRY, Andrew John (1991) *
BESEMERES, John Frank (1964)
BETROS, Gemma Maree (2001)
BEUERMANN, Christine Annette (1998)
BEVERIDGE, Bruce Robert (1961)
BIANCHI, Geoffrey Neale (1971)
BIGGINS, David Robert (1967)
BILLS, Kym Maynard (1981) *
BISHOP, Michael Mark (1975)
BISHOP, James Arthur (1965)
BIZIOREK, Andrew Roman (2002)
BLACK, Andrew Barham (1970)
BLACKBURN, Elizabeth Helen (1973)
BLAND, Sonya Louise (1997)
BLIGH, Roderick Kemp (1988)
BLOOD, Louise Ann (1966)
BOANAS, Guy A D (1979)
BOLGER, Jeremy Adam (1989)
BOREHAM, Priscilla Claire (1990)
BORLAND, Helen Elizabeth (1978)
BORSODY, Agnes Susan (1983)
BORTHWICK, Sally Marjory (1967)
BOSWORTH, Richard J B (1966) *
BOULTON, Charles Brian (1979)
BOURKE, Stephen James (1983)
BOWIE, John Hamilton (1961) *
BOYD, Anne Elizabeth (1969)
BRADFORD, Wylie Douglas (1992)
BRADY, Ross Thomas (1967)
BRANDER, David (1997)
BRANDIS, George Henry (1981)
BRANFORD, Alan John (1980)
BRANSON, Christopher Charles (1967)
BRASINGTON, Jeremy Andrew (1986)
BRATTON, Mary Louise (1992)
BREHAUT, Caroline Jane (2001)
BRENNAN, Peter Maurice (1966)
BRIDGE, Benjamin Mark (2001)
BRISTOW, Keir Tate (2001)
BRITTON, John N H (1963)
BROMWICH, Pamela Norma (1972)
BROTHERS, Caroline Ann (1987)
BROWN, Douglas James (1977)
BROWN, John Paul (1975)
BROWN, Maxwell Charles (1961)
BROWN, William Alexander (1961)
BRUCE, Sheila Mary (1964)
BRYAN, Alan Douglas (1975)
BULTITUDE, Karen Mary (1999)
BUNDELL, Gary Alan (1982)
BUNYAN, Libby (1991) *
BURBURY, Stewart Anthony (1965)
BURDEN, Micheal John (1984)
BURGESS, John Marshall (1971)
BURKE, John Robert (1976)
BURKE, Terry William (1974) *
BURNET, Ian Graham (1966)
BURRIDGE, Kathryn (1980)
BUZACOTT, Martin Charles (1984)
BYRNES, Stephen George (1973)
CALVERT, Guy (1992)
CAM, Philip Arthur (1977)
CAMERON, David Bruce (1988) *
CAMERON, Donald J S (1977)
CAMERON, Warrington Ewan (1969)
CAMPBELL, Alison Chalmers (1962)
CAMPBELL, Neil Thomas (1973)
CAMPBELL, Richard James (1966) *
CANFELL, Micheal John (1966)
CANN, Melvyn Roy (1966)
CAREY, Alan Lawrence (1972) *
CAREY, Hilary Mary (1980)
CAREY, Michelle Jocelyn (1991)
CARNEY, Gerard Francis (1985) *
CARRACHER, Craig Allan (1992)
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CARROL, Robyn Olive (1984)
CARROLL, Margaret Gay (1964)
CARTER, Rodney Frederick (1971)
CARTMILL, Ian David (1995)
CARTMILL, Jennifer Claire (1985)
CARTON, Adrian Oliver (1992)
CARVER, Robert Henry (1985)
CATALDI, A (1964)
CATFORD, Wilton Neil (1977)
CAUCHI, Maurice Nicholas (1974)
CAVEDON, Lawrence (1991)
CAVENAGH, Nicholas John (1998)
CHAMBERS, Donald (1966) *
CHAN, Terence (1986)
CHANTLER, Vivian Helen (1966)
CHAPMAN, David Ross (1966)
CHAPPELL, Duncan (1962)
CHAPPELL, Geoffrey John (1983)
CHARLESWORTH, Esther Ruth (2001)
CHARLESWORTH, John Alfred (1972)
CHEE, Mark Stephen Chern W (1986) *
CHESTERMAN, Colin Nicholson (1981)
CHESTERMAN, Micheal Rainsford (1965)
CHIAVAROLI, Neville Gabriel (1997) *
CHIPMAN, John Lauchlan C (1965)
CHRISTIE, David G S (1968)
CHRISTOS, George Arthur (1978)
CLAIDEN, Rosemary Joan (2001)
CLARE, Angela Catherine (1990)
CLARK, Jane E L (1980)
CLARK, Ronald Colin (1981)
CLARKE, Robert John (1966)
CLARKSON, Margot P (formerly COWEN)
(1997) *
CLAYTON, Ronald Wallace (1967)
CLEMENT, Mark Scott (1992)
CLIFFORD, Katrina Louise (2002)
CLIFTON-BLIGH, Phillip B (1973)
CLIFTONBLIGH, Roderick John Deli (1995)
CLUNIES, Ross B A (1964)
COCKAYNE, David J H (1966)
CODDINGTON, Paul David (1983) *
COHEN, Raymond James (1970) *
COLEBATCH, Hal Kempley (1971)
COLEMAN, Nicholas Glynn (1985)
COLEMAN, William Oliver (1984)
COLES, Robert Lloyd (1985)
COLLINGS, Sandra (1974)
COLMAN, Frances Elizabeth (1974)
CONDON, Julianne (1992)
CONDUIT, Allen James (1977) *
CONNELL, William Raymond (1991)
COOK, Jeanette Deindre (1963)
COOKE, Andrew Anthony (2001)
COOKE, Nola Jean (1972)
COONEY, Mary Rose (1996)
COOPER, Richard Paul (1987)
COPEMAN, Michael Charles (1985)
COPLAND, Ian F S (1966)
CORDEROY, David J H (1960)
CORNELIUS, Risman Robin (1994)
CORNISH, William Rodolph (1960) *
CORONEOS, Nicholas John (1971)
COTTON, James Stephen (1972)
COWAN, Judith Lorraine (1972)
COWLE, Gregory John (1988)
CRAIG, Philip Ian (1990)
CRAIG, Roger William (1971) *
CRANSTON, Ross Frederick (1973) *
CRAWLEY, Stephen Christopher (1981)
CRAWSHAW, Steven (1977)
CRESP, John David (1972)
CROOK, Norman Andrew (1981)
CULLY, Mark Robert (1992)
CUMMING, Toby Borland (2001)
CUMMINS, Adrain Gerard (1984)
CURRAN, James Richard (2000)
CUTHBERT, Graeme Lachlan (2002)
CUTHBERTSON, Beryl Ailsa (1963)
CUTLER, David John (1970)
CYSTER, Jason George (1989)
DALEY, John Christopher (1995) *
DALGLEISH, Ross Alan (1982)
DALLIMORE, Peter John (1964)
DANCE, Ian Gordon (1963)
DANIELS, Christopher Sydney (1992)
DARBY, Phillip G C (1965)
DARVENIZA, Paul (1975)
DAVENPORT, Romola Jane (1995)
DAVEY, Micheal Keith (1974)
DAVIDSON, Lawrence Robert (1962) *
DAVIE, Bruce Stewart (1985)
DAVIES, David John (1974)
DAVIES, John Dowell (1988)
DAVIES, Margaret Jane (1988) *
DAVIES, Martin Kinsy (1973)
DAVIS, Lisa Marie (1988)
DAWBORN, John Kingsley (1962)
DAY, Robert Andrew (1986)
DE BEYER, Bentley Christian (1998)
DEACON, Andrew Nicholas (1961)
DEBINSKI, Henry Samuel (1992)
DEETH, Robert James (1982) *
DEGELING, Simone Ellen (1995)
DEN ELZEN, Nicole Rachel (1997)
DEN-HARTOG, Pieter Dirk (1971)
DENNEY, Peter Stephen (2001)
DESBROW, Darrell (1961)
DEWS, Nigel James (1988)
DHASMANA, Paul Dave (1996) *
DIBBS, Elizabeth Jane (1990)
DICKER, Matthew C L (1988)
DINHAM, Richard John (1973)
DOBBIN, Christine Elizabeth (1962)
DODD, Ian Charles (1992)
DOLBY, Robyn Mary (1973)
DOMANTI, Annette Therese Joce (1994) *
DONAGHEY, Brian Samuel (1967)
DONAGHUE, Stephen Paul (1997) *
DONNELLY, Vanessa Jane (1997)
DONNER, Erica Nicole Stuart (2002)
DONOVAN, Peter Windeyer (1965)
DORE, Shaun David (1990)
DOWE, David Leonard (1985)
DOWSLEY, William Hamilton (1978)
DOYLE, Benjamin Joseph (2002)
DOYLE, Brian John (1961)
DOYLE, John (1983)
DOYLE, Samuel John (1996)
DOYLE, Shane Lawrence (1984) *
DREW, Majella Brigid (1991)
DRINKWATER, Michael John (1984)
DUBLER, Robert Edward (1993)
DUGGAN, Christopher John (1990)
DUHS, Leslie Ann (1975) *
DUNCAN, Jenepher Emilie (1982)
DUNCAN, Sarah Ellen (1992)
DUNCOMBE, Victor Marsh (1978)
DUNGAVELL, Ian Robert (1994)
DUNNE, Gerald Vincent (1985)
DUTHIE, Adam Lindsay (1986)
EASTON, Graham Rush (1971)
EDDY, John Jude (1964)
EDWARDS, Scott Andrew (2001)
EGGAR, Michael Hugh (1967)
EISENBRUCH, Isaac Maurice (1981)
ELDERSHAW, Craig (1997) *
ELIAS, David Peter (1995)
ELLIOTT, Stuart William (1970)
ELLWOOD, John Rupert (1969)
ELTON, Daniel Mark (1993)
EMERSON, Natacha Helene (2002)
EMMERSON, Stephen Bryan (1981) *
EMMETT, Laurence Arthur Henn (1997)
* See also profiles
ERBACHER, Sharon Lee (1993)
ESLER, Philip Francis (1981)
EVANS, Ross Stewart (1998)
EVANS, Steven Neil (1983)
EVANS, William Anwyl (1966)
EVANS, William Henry (1974)
EYERS, John Street (1974)
FARMER, Elizabeth Mary (1990)
FARMER, Stephen James (1987)
FARO, Clive Daniel (1984)
FARR, Graham Ernest (1982)
FARROW, John Alexander (1978)
FELTON, Kay (1966)
FENTON, Peter Curtis (1971)
FERGUSON, Barry John (1972)
FERGUSON, Mary A (1985)
FEWINGS, John David (1973)
FINDLAY, Scott Cameron (1991)
FISHER, Christopher Harold (1976)
FISHER, Elizabeth Charlotte (1995)
FITZGERALD, Brian Francis (1990) *
FITZPATRICK, David P B (1971)
FITZPATRICK, Peter Henry (1968)
FLEMING, Lorette Louise (1986)
FOLEY, Michael (1992) *
FORBES, Roger John (1986)
FORDE, Gareth Michael (2001)
FORM, Paula (formerly COHEN) (1980)
FORREST, John Alexander (1978) *
FOSTER, John Harvey (1967)
FOWLER, John Cottrell (1968)
FOX, John Rhs (1966)
FOX, Richard Alan (1966)
FRAENKEL, David John (1992)
FRANKS, Sarah Jane Louise (1998)
FRANZEN, William Neil (1983)
FRASER, David Ross (1964)
FRASER, Robert Alexander (1969)
FREARSON, Michael Colin (1989)
FREE, Stephen John (1999)
FREEMAN, Kenneth Charles (1962)
FRYDENBERG, Joshua Anthony (1996)
FUREDY, Christine P M (1964)
GABY, Miss Rosemary (1986)
GAGE, John Patrick (1983)
GAIN, David Bruce (1968)
GAL, Daniel (1999)
GALLAGHER, Elizabeth Joan (1977)
GALVIN, Kevin Patrick (1987)
GARDINER, James Morison (1971)
GARNETT, Helen Margaret (1969)
GARRIOCH, David Terence (1979)
GASCOIGNE, Robert (1976)
GAUNTLETT, Jerome Peter (1986)
GAY, Margaret (1995)
GELDER, Kenneth Douglas (1982)
GELLING, Keith Peter (1986)
GELSKI, Richard Arthur (1972)
GETZLER, Joshua Simon (1991)
GIBBARD, Paul Richard (1992)
GIBBONS, John Adrian (1969)
GIBSON, Diana Jane Hunter (1986)
GIBSON, Kenneth William (1985)
GIDDY, Lisa Lesley (1976)
GIESEKAM, Gregory John (1973)
GILBERT, Janet Tara Elspeth (1984)
GILES, Roger David (1966)
GILL, Nicholas Paul (2001)
GILL, Rosemary Howard (1980)
GILLIES, John David (1971)
GILLIES, Malcolm G W (1978) *
GIRAUD, Andrew Simon (1983)
GLEN, Heather Joan (1969)
GLICK, Leslie (1972)
GLOVER, James Neil (1989)
GOLDWORTHY, David John (1960)
GOOT, Edward Murray (1969)
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GORDON, Richard Alexander (1968)
GORMAN, Lyn (formerly CHAFFEY) (1969)
GOUGH, Austin George (1962)
GRAHAM, Suzanne (1975)
GRAINGER, Keith (1971)
GRAY, Ronald Henry (1970)
GREEN, Christina Joy (1993)
GREENHALGH, Winsome Jill (1966)
GREENWOOD, Catherine Sarah (1984)
GREENWOOD, Zoe Kathryn (2000)
GREER, Germaine (1964) *
GREGORY, Christopher Alan (1976)
GREGORY, Heather Jean (1976)
GREGORY, Robert George (1963)
GREVLING, Katherine Deborah (1982)
GRIBBLE, Jennifer Maud (1963)
GRIMLEY, Vikki Rae (1988)
GROENEWEGEN, Peter Diderik (1963) *
GROVES, Daniel Peter (1997)
GRUNDY, Paul (1960)
GRUTER, Beniot Joseph (1981)
GUERIN, Bruce (1965) *
GUNN, Colin John (1982)
GUNN, Ian Farquhar (1971)
HAINES, Simon Nicolas (1976)
HAIR, Graham Barry (1967)
HAJEK, John Tony (1986)
HAL, Lesley Christine (1971)
HALES, Trevor Francis (1976)
HALL, Robert John (1967)
HALL, Stephen John (1993)
HALL, Thomas Richard (1996)
HALLINAN, Terence Patrick (1961)
HAMBLY, Benjamin Michael (1987)
HAMBLY, Benjamin Michael (1987)
HAMILTON, Christina Mary (1976)
HAMILTON, Clive Charles (1981)
HAMILTON, David Howard (1977) *
HANLY, Stephen Vaughan (1989)
HANNA, Marshall J D (1971)
HANNAFORD, Thomas James (1994)
HANSEN, Ian Alfred (1970)
HARDING, Ann Margaret (1987)
HARDING, Geoffrey Lester (1970)
HARDING, Phillip Ernest (1971)
HARDY, Adelaide Heather (1960)
HARLAND, James Anthony (1986)
HAROLD, Micheal Francis (1976)
HARRINGTON, Lesley J (1964)
HARRIS, Claire Michelle (1998)
HARRIS, Margaret Ann (1966)
HARRISON, Catherine (1971)
HARROP, Clifford J F (1966)
HARTLEY, David Ronald (1990)
HARTMANN, Peter Edwin (1978) *
HARVEY, John Masson (1974)
HARVEY, Steven Brian (1995)
HARWOOD, John Francis (1970)
HATHERELL, William (1987)
HAWKINS, Jennifer (formerly LIONS) (1967)
HAWKINS, John Robert (1985)
HAYHOE, Mary Myleen (1970)
HAYNES, Roslynn Doris (1970)
HEALES, Robyn Suzanne (1976)
HEALY, Christopher Leo (1985)
HEATH, Sophie Muriel W (2001)
HELLIER, Kevin Phillip (1993)
HENCHMAN, Richard Humfry (1996) *
HENNING, Paul Harvey (1984)
HERBERT, Caroline Mary (1985)
HERBERT-BROWN, Geraldine Edith (formerly
HERBERT) (1985) *
HICKEY, Barry Peter (1973) *
HICKS, Katrina Marie (1991) *
HIGGINS, Ian Kevin (1982) *
HILL, Catherine Maire (1974)
HILL, Jennifer (formerly HILL) (1977)
HILL, Peter Robert (1985)
HINTON, Kerry James (1981)
HIRSCHFELD, James P W (1963)
HIRSCHHORN, Michael David (1969)
HIRST, Catherine Jane (1994)
HIRST, Megan Nicole (2001)
HJORTH, Robert John (1971)
HOCKING, Catherine (1990)
HODGART, Alan William (1973)
HOFFMAN, Desmond Charles (1969)
HOGG, William (1985)
HOLGATE, Robert William (1974)
HORDERN, James Hugh (1995)
HORSEY, Richard Samuel (1999)
HOSKINS, Bernard Foster (1962)
HOUEN, Alexander (1995)
HOUGHTON, Helen Sherwood (1969)
HOUSE, Kenneth Everard (1977)
HOUSEMAN, Gregory Austin (1978)
HOWARD, Christopher John (1966)
HOWE, Arthur Trevor (1967)
HOWES, Stephen Richard (1989)
HOWES, Tony (1984) *
HOWIE, Alison Anne (1966)
HOWIE, Robert P L (1966)
HUNT, Catherine Joy (1997)
HUNT, David Christopher (1967) *
HUNT, Hugh E M (1984)
HURST, Peter Edwin (1960)
HYNES, Ross Alexander (1972)
IOANNOU, Anastasios (1988)
JACK, Trevor Bernard (1987)
JACKSON, Geoffrey Bruce (1993)
JACKSON, Ronald James (1982) *
JACKSON, Wen Ai (1986)
JACOBS, Jane Margaret (1987)
JAMES, David Edward (1966)
JAMES, John Peter (1964)
JARVIS, Anthony Paul (1986)
JARVIS, Peter David (1973) *
JEFFERS, Jason Adam (1997)
JENKINS, David Ronald (1982)
JENKINS, Helen Elizabeth (1991)
JENNINGS, Barbara Helen (1992)
JENNINGS, Michael John (1991)
JENSEN, Peter Rolf (1964)
JESSUP, Christopher Neil (1972)
JEWSBURY, Dianne Jennifer (1971)
JOHNSON, Edward Robert (1973)
JOHNSON, Micheal Robert (1982)
JOHNSTON, David Keith (1992)
JOHNSTON, Emma Jane (1991)
JOHNSTON, Mark Edward (1994)
JOHNSTON, Nadine Marie (1998)
JOHNSTON, Robyn Margaret (1980)
JOHNSTONE, David James (1985)
JOHNSTONE, Syren (1988)
JOHNSTONE, Syren (1988)
JONES, Deborah Lee (1985)
JONES, Emlyn O P (1976)
JONES, Janet Elizabeth (1967)
JONES, Kingsley R W (1986)
JONES, Lindsay Lewis (1960)
JONES, Paul Kelvin (1981)
JONES, Ross Peter (1992)
JONES, Stephen (1973)
JORDAN, Timothy Paul (2002)
JORDAN, Timothy Roy (1988)
JORM, Louisa Ruth (1987)
JOZSA, Richard Ottmar (1975)
JUST, Francis P R (1973)
KAETHNER, Timothy Mark (1973) *
KAGI, Douglas Alan (1970)
KALOTAS, Thomas Micheal (1965)
KANOWSKI, Sarah Louise (2000) *
KAPLAN, Greg Warren (2001) *
KATEKAR, Gerard Frederick (1961)
* See also profiles
KATELARIS, Peter Harry (1991)
KAYE, Nigel Gregory (1994)
KEATING, Christopher John (1990)
KELLY, Adrian David St Lege (1998)
KELLY, Graham Stanley (1976)
KELSO, Ian McNaughton (1976)
KEMP, Elizabeth Marchant (1963)
KEMP, Nenagh Meredith (1997)
KEMPTON, Amanda Jane (2001)
KENNARD, Janelle Louise (1997)
KENT, Francis William (1967)
KERR, Heather Bevis (1981)
KERR, John F R (1962)
KERTESZ, Margaret Anne (1987)
KIEU, Tien Dung (1985)
KILBORN, Michael John (1989)
KING, Noel (1983)
KING, Stephen Anthony (1979)
KIRK, Linda Jean (1992)
KIRSCH, Bernard Harold (1986)
KIRXZENOW, George (1971)
KLINEBERG, Iven John (1969)
KLOMP, Nicholas Ignatius (1988)
KRAMER, Jocelyn Anne (1995)
KRATZMANN, Gregory Charles (1973)
KREMER, Benjamin Raymond (1997)
KUKATHAS, Chandran (1982)
KURZEMNIEKS, Mark (1995)
KUZMINSKY, Irene (1983)
LACEY, Christine Joy (1995)
LAIDLAW, Zoe (1997)
LAIKIND, Lawrence Alan (1995) *
LAING, Jacqueline Anne (1988)
LAKE, Philip Spencer (1964) *
LAKER, John Francis (1973)
LAMB, Julian Mark Cho Lim (2002)
LAMB, Trevor David (1971)
LAMBECK, Kurt (1965)
LAMOND, Grant Ian (1992)
LAMONT, Phillipa Joy (1995)
LANG, William J A (1984)
LANGDON, Jeremy Sebastian (1980)
LANGSTON, Emily Rose (2002)
LAVERTY, Colin R A (1970)
LAWRENCE, Glenda Lee (1988)
LAWSON, Robin A S (1967)
LAWSON-KERR, Carolyn (1978)
LE STRANGE, Kirsten Angel (1998)
LEACH, David Rhys (2002)
LEASK, David Matthew (1996)
LEE, Aaron Mark (1992)
LEE, Adrian (1975) *
LEE, Alan Douglas (1983)
LEE, Michael Soon Yoong (1991) *
LEE, Newton L T (1979)
LEE, Robert Bruce (1971)
LEEMON, Howard Irvingq (1974)
LEHRER, Gustav Isaac (1968)
LEIBOFF, Andrew Brett (1995)
LEIBOFF, Jonathan Scott Warwi (1991)
LEIBOFF, Jonathan Scott Warwick (1995)
LENNOX, Thomas Mark (1986)
LETCHFORD, Christopher William (1984) *
LETTICE, Margaret Neilands (1963)
LEVICK, Mark Philip (1994)
LEWINCAMP, Walter Frank (1980)
LEWIT, Tamara (1985) *
LIGHTFOOT, Betsy Blythe (1967)
LILEY, Kathryn Madge (1969)
LIM, Ashley Khey Keat (2002)
LIONS, John (1961)
LIPTON, Jacqueline Deborah (1997)
LITTLEJOHN, Tonya Rachel (2002)
LLOYD, Rosemary Helen (1975) *
LOFTUS, Paul Kieran (2001) *
LOGAN, David Murray (1985)
LOMAS, David Colin (1988)
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LOXTON, John (1970) *
LUCAS, Francis Kay (1966)
LUCAS, Keith Graham (1964)
LUCK, Janice Margaret (1971)
LUMLEY, Thomas Simon (1992)
LYLE, Jeremy Martin (1978)
MACAULEY, Catherine Ruth (1978)
MCCANN, Peter Robert (1974)
MCCARTHY, Jane Francis (1984)
MCCONNACHY, Justin John (1997) *
MCCORMACK, Gavan Patrick (1964)
MCCULLAGH, Roslyn Elizabeth (1979)
MCDONALD, Jennifer Anne (1985)
MACDONALD, Kate Anna (2002)
MCDONALD, Peter (1978)
MCDONALD, Suzanne (1994)
MCDONNELL, Matthew John (1999)
MCEVOY, John D S (1970)
MACFARLANE, Ingereth Ann Sinclair (1995)
MACGIBBON, Jane Helena (1983)
MCGIVEN, Alexander Roy (1968)
MCINTOSH, Ian Robert (1985)
MCINTYRE, Lisa Margaret (1988)
MCKAY, Robert Ian (1972)
MCKENZIE, Fiona Mary (1991)
MCKENZIE, Judith Sheila (1986)
MACKINNON, Alistair Malcolm (1971)
MCLAREN, David Ian (1967)
MCLEAN, Graeme Ronald (1980)
MACLEOD, Allan Malcolm (1970)
MCLEOD, Peter James (1984)
MCLEOD, Stephen Douglas (1983)
MCLEOD, Virginia Jean (1998)
MCMAHON, Anthony Graham (1969)
MCMAHON, Lawrence Paul (1992)
MACMILLAN, William Pattie (1960) *
MACNAB, Kenneth Keith (1962)
MCORIST, Steven (1985)
MACPHEE, Iain Mackenzie (1982)
MACPHEE, Katriona Elizabeth (1995) *
MCRAE, Andrew Donald (1989)
MCRUVIE, David John (1973)
MAGEE, Gary Bryan (1991) *
MAGENDANZ, Douglas (1997)
MAGRATH, Robert David (1984) *
MAHER, Felicity Joy (2001)
MAHONEY, Dennis Micheal (1972)
MAIR, Alexander Andrew (2002)
MAKINSON, David Clement (1962) *
MANETTA, Nicholas Anthony (1988)
MANINS, Peter Charles (1970) *
MANN, Peter Richard (1967)
MANNING, Sturt Wesly (1988)
MARCH, Lynette Margaret (1989)
MARNELL, Geoffrey Robert (1979)
MARSHALL, Villis Raymond (1972)
MARTIN, Sarah (1993) *
MASLEN, Paul (1988)
MATTHEWS, Paul Geoffrey (1997)
MATTHEWS, Sonya Michelle Teich (1994)
MAYRHOFER, Colin Max (1962)
MEASDAY, Helen Mary (1972)
MEE, David Harold (1966)
MEEHAN, Micheal Francis (1973)
MELCHERS, Robert Erich (1969) *
MELLEFONT, David John (1974)
MELLOR, David James (1966)
MENADUE, Peter John (1990)
MENZIES, Gordon Douglas (1998) *
MICHEAL, Kenneth Comninos (1964)
MICHIE, Roger (1964)
MILLER, Anthony James (2001)
MILLER, Judith Anne (1990)
MILLER, Paul Richard (2001)
MILLS, Jaenell Ann (1964)
MILNER, Henry Robert (1963)
MILWAY, David Russell (1982)
MINASIAN, Robert Aram (1975)
MITCHELL, John Douglas (1972)
MITCHELL, Lynette Gail (1991)
MITCHELL, William Francis (1984)
MOFFATT, Marjorie Ann (1967)
MOK, Henry Y I (1972)
MOLINARI, Brian Patrick (1966)
MOORE, Anthony Robert (1972)
MOORE, Antony (1988)
MOORE, Beverley Joyce (1978) *
MOORE, Jonathon Peter (1994)
MOORE, Jonathon Peter (1998)
MOORHEAD, John Anthony (1971)
MORAHAN, Ronald Joseph (1970)
MORGAN, David Raymond (1972)
MORGAN, Edward Charles (2001)
MORRIS, Lawrence Edward (1971)
MORRIS, Peter John (1964) *
MORRIS, Roger James (1972)
MORRISON, Carolyn Rose (1966)
MOSES, Eleanor Ruth (1976)
MOSS, Robert John (1969)
MOTBEY, Stephen James (1978)
MOXHAM, Kenneth Ewing (1966)
MULLANY, Nicholas Jay (1992)
MULLER, Hans Konrad (1972)
MUNDY, Warren Leslie (1991)
MUNRO, Peter Robert Thomas (2002)
MURDOCH, Brian Phillip (1977)
MURPHEY, Thomas Alan (1974)
MURRAY, Michael Kevin (1980)
MURRAY, Simone Elizabeth (1995) *
MYERS, Allan James (1971) *
NATHAN, David John (1987)
NEIL, Bronwen (1997)
NEILL, Bruce Graham (1969)
NETTLE, Geoffrey A A (1977)
NEWMAN, Henry (1982)
NEWTON, Michael Frank (1989)
NEYLAN, Catherine Mary (1989)
NGUYEN, Nathalie H C (1988)
NICHOLAS, Hannah Rosemary (2000)
NIEMANN, Stewart Harding (1975)
NIMON, Amanda Julie (1991)
NIMON, Amanda Julie (1992)
NIX, Linda Kythe (1991)
NOBLE, Jason Ashley (1995)
NOGA, Jacek Leszek (1994)
NOLAN, Marguerite Rose (1996) *
NOONE, Michael John (1983)
NORMAN, Neville Robert (1970) *
NORTH, J B (1972)
NORTON, William Edwin (1964)
OAKLEY, Ian Timothy (1964)
O’BRIAN, Desmond Michael (1970)
O’BRIAN, Richard Wyndham (1973)
O’BRIEN, Gerard Joseph (1987)
O’CALLAGHAN, Michelle Frances (1988)
O’CONNER, Sean David (1968)
O’FLYNN, Michael James (1986)
OGILVIE, Bridget Margaret (1960) *
O’HARE, Daniel John (1990) *
O’HEA, Margaret Jean (1984)
OLDERMAN, Kenneth Scot (1971)
OLDHAM, Timothy Charles (1993) *
OLEY, Christine Anne (1985)
ONG, Eng-Lye (1998) *
O’SHAUGNHESSY, Terence Joseph (1983)
O’SULLIVAN, Dominic Bernard (1997)
OVER, Raymond Frederick (1960)
OVINGTON, Karen Sylvia (1981)
OWENS, Robyn Anne (1975)
OZANNE, Kenneth William (1965)
PACKER, Lindsay Arthur (1973)
PACKER, Suzanne Mary (1973)
PADMAN, Rachael (1977) *
PAGE, Michael Anthony (1978) *
* See also profiles
PAGE, Stephen Dowland (1983)
PAINE, Peter Maxwell (1979)
PANEGYRES, Peter Konstantine (1992)
PANNELL, John Richard (1992)
PAPAJCSIK, Ilona Anne (1968)
PARBERRY, Ian (1981)
PARISH, Meera Marjorie (2001)
PARKER, Alison (1998)
PARNHAM, David George (1983)
PARRY, Bronwyn Catherine (1994)
PATERSON, Maura Beth (2002)
PATERSON, Stephen John (1980)
PATRICK, Katherine Anne (1970)
PATTENDEN, Rosemary Diana (1976)
PAUL, Catherine Elizabeth (1995)
PAYNE, Helen Margaret (1996)
PAYNE, Robert Luxmore (1970) *
PEACOCK, John Douglas (1963)
PEAKE, Michael Robert (1989)
PEAKE, Murray John (1974)
PENMAN, Christopher Bruce (1974)
PENTILLA, Timothy John (1982)
PENWILL, John Leonard (1967)
PERKINS, Amanda Jane (1998) *
PERKINS, Frances Christine (1976)
PETRIE, Helen Louise (1981)
PETTMAN, Jeanette (1969)
PETTMAN, Ralph Harold (1969) *
PHILIPPIDES, Anthe Ioanna (1984)
PHILLIMORE, Anthony John (1987)
PHILLIPS, Kim Marie (1993) *
PHILLIPS, Paddy Andrew (1980)
PHILLIPS, Perdita Stephanie (1997) *
PHILLIPS, Scott Kershaw (1980)
PICKHAVER, John Anthony (2001)
PICTON-WARLOW, Charles Grenville (1968)
PIKOULAS, Elise Eleni (1997)
PITKETHLY, Jane Georgina (1997)
PITMAN, James William (1971)
PITMAN, Joanne Leigh (1983)
POLIZZOTTO, Carolyn Mary (1971)
POLIZZOTTO, Lorenzo (1972)
POLKINGHORNE, Michael Aughey (1985)
PONT, Kenneth Graham (1963)
POOLE, Ross Gregory (1967)
POON, Ellen (1999)
PORTER, William Norman (1977)
POSE, Kevin Sol (1971) *
POTTS, Timothy Faulkner (1981)
POUND, Alistair David (2002)
POWELL, Harley Robert (1974) *
PRAEGER, Cheryl Elisabeth (1970) *
PRICE, Daniel James (2001)
PRIDER, Rodney R I (1963)
PRIOR, Graham Clifton (1961) *
PRIOR, Katherine Helen (1986)
PROTHERO, Barry Graeme (1977)
PUCKRIDGE, Donald William (1962) *
PURDIE, Grant Hartnell (1978)
PURKISS, Diane Maree (1984)
QUARTEL, John Conrad (1995)
QUINEY, Harry Morris (1984)
RAITER, Isaac (1963) *
RAPABORT, Dennis Chaim (1969)
RAVELLI, Louise Jane (1987)
RAYNER, Philip James (1972)
READ, Rebecca Louise (1999) *
REES, Nicholas Peter (1985)
REILLY, Peter Lawrence (1974)
REYNOLDS, Mark Alexander (1984)
RICE, John Peter (1966)
RICHARDS, Donald Arthur (1971)
RICHARDS, Morgan (2002)
RICHARDSON, James Stephen (1973)
RICHER, Duncan Christopher (1997)
RIDGE, Pauline Ann (1987)
RIDING, Allison Louise (1995)
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RING, Jennifer Majell (1989)
RISELEY, Andrew Stuart P (2001) *
RITZ, Adam (1995)
RIVERS, Bronwyn Anne (1997) *
ROACH, Eliot Jay (1993)
ROBERTS, Anthony John (1979) *
ROBERTSON, John Andrew (1964)
ROBERTSON, Margaret Anne (1969)
ROBERTSON, Sue Lynette (1978)
ROBINSON, Michael Frederick (1979) *
RODGER, Christopher Andrew (1979) *
ROHL, Andrew Lloyd (1988)
ROHL, Jeffrey Soden (1960)
RONALDS, Craig Sinclair (1992)
ROONEY, John Clement (1974)
ROPER, Lyndal A (1981)
ROPER, Michael Sefton (1985)
ROSENBURG, Justin Michael (1982)
ROTHNIE, Warwick Alan (1987) *
ROW, Graham Peter (1973)
ROWE, Alistair C H (1997)
ROWE, Clare Hilary (2001)
ROWLAND, Tracey Anne Patrice (1996)
ROWLANDS, Timothy William (1985)
SADDLER, Hugh D W (1966)
SAG, Thomas William (1963)
SAGE, Michael Radford (1972) *
ST JOHN, Richard Arthur (1964)
SAMPFORD, Charles J G (1979) *
SAMPSON, Margaret Veronica (1978)
SANDERS, John Wilbur (1962)
SANDS, Duncan James (1990)
SAUL, Benjamin Wade (2001)
SAWARD, Michael John (1985)
SAWFORD, Brian Lewis (1970)
SCHULL, Christopher Robert (1982) *
SCHULTZ, Andrew Noel (1985)
SCOBLE, Robert Michael (1973) *
SCOTFORD, Glenn Leigh (1987) *
SCOTT, Belinda Elizabeth (2000)
SCOTT, Katherine Sarah (1999)
SCRIVENER, Richard James (1992)
SCUTT, Philip Buckley (1967)
SEGAL, Alexander Philip Mavi (1983) *
SEGAL, Graeme Bryce (1962)
SEMMLER, Neil Alan (1981)
SEVERN, Peta Claire (1995)
SHEEHAN, Paul Gordon (1995)
SHELDON, Donald Mervyn (1967)
SHELDON, Sally Anne (1997)
SHERLOCK, Peter David (1997) *
SHERSON, Noel Desmond (1968)
SIDEROV, Yavor Dimitrov (2002)
SIM, David Campbell (1987)
SINGER, Albert (1970)
SLUGA, Glenda Anna (1988)
SMALL, Genevieve Mary (1964)
SMART, Nigal Copeland (1970)
SMITH, Arnold Lawrence (1975)
SMITH, Brian William (1961) *
SMITH, Cameron James (1992)
SMITH, Edgar Roderick (1967)
SMITH, Francis Barrymore (1961)
SMITH, James Matthew Bannerman (1998) *
SMITH, Michael Andrew (1981)
SMITH, Michael John (1963)
SMITH, Penelope F M (1979)
SMITH, Victoria (1988)
SMYTH, Christopher James (1969)
SNAPE, Margaret M (1981)
SNOWDON, Kenneth James (1976)
SOBOSLAY, Alexander Paul (1980)
SOONG, Wen Liang (1990)
SPEED, Diane Priscilla (1967) *
SPENCE, Michael James (1988) *
SPICER, William John (1974)
SPITZER, John Jacob (1969)
SPURLING, Florence Daphne (1975)
STACEY, Kaye Christine (1970)
STAGOLL, Clifford Scott (1995) *
STAINES, Lynden Estelle (1970)
STANWAY, Graeme Scott (1986)
STAPLETON, Barbara J (1981)
STEINBERG, David Morris (1972)
STENDERS, Andris Vilis (1965)
STENING, George F H (1968)
STEPHENS, Geoffrey Keith (1965)
STEVENS, Alexander David (1999)
STIERMAN, Ineke Saskia (1978)
STIRLING, Leslie Fiona (1982)
STOKES, Gilbert Begbie (1981)
STONE, Alan Mardin (1963)
STONE, John O H (1983)
STONYK, Margaret Georgina (formerly GENT)
STORY, Michael John (1964)
STRAZDINS, Peter Edward (1984)
STRETTON, Timothy (1988)
STUBBS, Gerald James (1969)
STUDDERT, Joanne (1977)
STUDDY, Louise Helene (1980)
SUBOCZ, Victor (1964)
SUE, Hoylen (1991) *
SULLIVAN, Noel John (1967)
SULLIVAN, Simon Phillip (2002)
SUNDBERG, Ross Alan (1967) *
SYME, Donald Robert (1994)
SZEKERS, Peter (1961)
SZWARC, Josef (1974)
TAN, Rachel Swee Hua Tan (1990)
TATE, Michael Carter (1968) *
TAYLOR, Andrew John (2001)
TAYLOR, Barry Marshall (1970) *
TAYLOR, Charles J B (1982)
TEALE, Graeme Lindsay (1968)
TENNANT, Lynne Susanna (1976)
THOM, Paul (1965)
THOMSON, Alister Scott (1983)
THOMSON, Graham Noel (1989)
THORPE, Karen Jean (1984)
TILBY, Penelope Jean (1967)
TISCH, John William George (1990)
TOBIAS, Murray Herbert (1961) *
TOH, Ban-Hock (1978)
TOMLINSON, Michael Anthony (1981) *
TONKISS, Francine Maree (1991)
TOPOR, Rodney William (1971)
TRENGOVE, Christopher David (1978)
TUCKEY, Philip Andrew (1984)
TULLOCH, Graham John (1969)
TUMBLETY, Joan Lorna (1992) *
TURK, Catherine (2001)
TURNBULL, Eion (1980) *
TURNBULL, Martin Peter (1986)
TURTLE, Alison Margaret (1962)
UNDERWOOD, Peter James (1982)
URYGA, Jaroslaw (1998)
VAN DE VEN, Justin William (1999) *
VANN, Richard John (1975) *
VASEY, Ruth (Ms) (1986)
VAUGHAN, Gerard Ronald (1981)
VAUGHAN, Janet Isobel Eleanor (1990)
VEITCH, Darryl Neil (1986)
VELJANOVSKI, Cento Gavril (1976)
VERTIGAN, Dirk Llewellyn (1988)
VOLPATO, Richard (1977)
VON DER BORCH, Sandra Marie (1962)
WADSLEY, Andrew Wellard (1971)
WAIT, Michael Jonathan (2002)
WALDIE, Robert Walter (1980)
WALKER, Catherine Ann (1992)
WALKER, Suzanne Mary (1966)
* See also profiles
WALL, Alfred John (1967)
WALLACE, Joy Elaine (1979)
WALLACE, Miranda Jane (1995)
WALSH, John Alfred (1974)
WALSHAM, Alexandra Marie (1990) *
WALTERS, Jane Louise (1997)
WARNER, Joanne Kathleen (1988)
WARNOCK, Jeffrey Neville (1968)
WARR, Kevin John (1994)
WARRELL, Phillip R J (1986)
WARREN, Bruce Albert (1962)
WATSON, Megan Virginia (2002)
WATSON, Ruth Isabella (1996)
WATT, Helen Patricia (1988)
WATT, Paul Michael (1987)
WATTERSON, Peter Andrew (1981)
WATTS, Ronald Stafford (1969) *
WEBB, Barbara Helen (1989)
WEBB, Ryan Stuart (2001)
WEIR, Elizabeth Anne (1966)
WEISE, Daniel Alfred (1984)
WEISS, Linda M (1981)
WELLS, Gregory Samuel (1960)
WENDELL-SMITH, Colin Peter (1967)
WESLEY-SMITH, Martin (1971)
WESTE, John Langdon (1991)
WHEELER, Victoria Parkes Mackaness (2001)
WHITE, Christropher James (1988)
WHITE, Edward Thomas (1961) *
WHITE, John Douglas (1974) *
WHITE, John Peter (1961)
WHITELAW, Emma (1974) *
WHITTEN, Stuart Max (1994) *
WIGAN, Barbara (1970)
WILD, Peter Reginald (1976) *
WILD, Stanley Bruce (1965)
WILINSON, Russell George (1963)
WILKES, Joanne Claire (1989)
WILKINS, Peter Arnold (1974) *
WILLIAMS, Andrea Mary Louise (formerly
DAVID) (1987) *
WILLIAMS, David John (1976) *
WILLIAMS, John Leonard (1974) *
WILLIAMS, Marnie Kaye (1993)
WILLIAMS, Rachel Diana (1988)
WILLIAMS, Samuel Rufus (1995)
WILLIAMSON, Peter Kenneth (1985)
WILLSTEED, Elizabeth Mary (1990)
WILSON, Dale Louise (1995)
WILSON, Page Louise (2002)
WILSON, Sandra Sue (1983)
WIXCHIK, Claude Michel (1981)
WOBCKE, Wayne Raymond (1985) *
WOLFE, Patrick Hastings (1983)
WONG, Daniel Jang (1981)
WOOD, Sarah Frances (2001) *
WOODEN, Mark Peter (1985) *
WOODFIELD, Robert Leon (1984)
WOODFORDE, John Marcus (1971)
WOOLCOCK, William Stewart (1960)
WOOLF, Tahnee Joanna (1999) *
WRIGHT, Christine Elizabeth (1962)
WRIGHT, Julie (1977)
WRIGTH, Jill Diane (1975)
WYBURN, Mary Elizabeth (1984)
YARDLEY, Ronald Harley (1966)
YOST, David Thomas (1977)
YOUNG, Kenneth Robert (1978) *
YOUNG, Margaret Anne (2002)
ZWICKY, Anna Beatrice (1990)
ALBURY, Tangela Nicole (1998)
BETHEL, Cecil W M (1962) *
BOWLING, Hugh Montague (1978)
COOPER, Havard Thomas (1989)
COX, Desiree Cheryl Thelm (1989)
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DAVIS, Donella Margarita (1994)
GLOVER, Douglas Dwight (1974)
JOHNSON, Daniel Mackey (1990) *
JOHNSON, Earle McClain (1994)
JOHNSON, James Stafford (1991)
LAWLOR, Florence L A (formerly ALBURY)
MAYNARD, Peter Desmond (1977)
MOSS, Elikam George (1967) *
MOSS, Elikam George (1975) *
MUNNINGS, Harold Alexander Jr, (1988) *
PICKSTOCK, Joyous Coleen (1993)
SEARS, Bertram Emery (1992)
SEYMOUR, Antoinette Clarice (1994)
SMITH, Ross (1989)
STORR, Elkin Renal (1979) *
TAYLOR, Marcellus Charles (1998) *
TYNES, Harvey Oscar (1972)
WARD, Anthone Errol (2000)
ABDULLAH, Shahnaz Tarannum (1999)
ABDULLAH, Umme Salma (1989)
ABEDIN, Kazi Monowar (2001) *
ABEDIN, Md Zainul (1992) *
ABEDIN, Md Zoynul (1983)
ABEDIN, Mohamed Zainal (1995)
ABRAR, Chowdhury Rafiqul (1980)
ADITYA, Dipak Kumar (1982)
AFREEN, Fawzia (1993)
AFRIN, Fahmida (2002)
AFROZE, Shaheen (1988)
AHAMAD, A K M U (1973)
AHAMED, Farid Uddin (1997)
AHEMD, Aftab Uddin (1978)
AHMAD, Masum (1992)
AHMAD, Mesbahuddin (1974)
AHMAD, Mokbul Morshed (1996)
AHMAD, Nazim (1989)
AHMAD, Saadia (1990)
AHMAD, Saeedah (1989)
AHMAD, Sohrabuddin (1976)
AHMED, A K S (1974)
AHMED, Alauddin (1973)
AHMED, Ali (1988)
AHMED, Anisuddin (1978)
AHMED, Ashfaque Uddin (1977)
AHMED, Bashir (1994)
AHMED, Ekhlasuddin (1977)
AHMED, Farooque (1984)
AHMED, Faruk (1985)
AHMED, Hossain (1994)
AHMED, Ikhtiar (1980)
AHMED, Ishtiaque (1989)
AHMED, Jamaluddin (1992)
AHMED, Jan-E-Alam (1985)
AHMED, Kazi Matin Uddin (1990) *
AHMED, Kazi Mohiuddin (1993)
AHMED, Kazi Saleh (1982)
AHMED, Khaliq (1983) *
AHMED, Khondkar Iftekhar (1995)
AHMED, M Feroze (1980) *
AHMED, Md. Jamaluddin (2000)
AHMED, Mesbah Uddin (1987)
AHMED, Mesbahuddin (1985)
AHMED, Mesbauddin (1984)
AHMED, Mesbauddin (1997)
AHMED, Mojib Uddin (1985)
AHMED, Monir (1974)
AHMED, Naim (1993)
AHMED, Nizam Uddin (1996)
AHMED, Nizamuddin (1984)
AHMED, Nizamuddin (1997)
AHMED, S M Zabed (1999) *
AHMED, S Shahnawaz (1985)
AHMED, Sadruddin (1975)
AHMED, Shafiuddin (1983)
AHMED, Shaikh (1995) *
AHMED, Shams Uddin (1974)
AHMED, Shamsun N (2001)
AHMED, Sultan (2001) *
AHMED, Syed Razzaqul Mushta (1995)
AHMED, Wakil (1982)
AHMED, Zahir Uddin (2001)
AHSAN, Ali (1983)
AHSAN, Chowdhury Hafizul (1988)
AHSAN, Md Farid (1987)
AHSAN, Monira (1990)
AHSAN, Monira (1999)
AHSAN, Qumrul (1993)
AKANDA, Safar Ali (1976)
AKBAR, Md. Ali (1977)
AKHANDA, Md A R (1980)
AKHTAR, Q I M B (1972)
AKHTER, Humaira (1992)
AKHTER, Marufa Zerin (2000)
AKHTER, Salma (1996)
AKHTER, Shajeda (1991)
AKHTER, Shakil (1997)
AKHTERUZZAMAN, Muhammad (1985)
AKTER, Parvis (1998)
AKTER, Shaheen (1986)
AKTER, Shaheen (1997)
AL NUR, Maglub (2000)
ALAM, A M Q (1981)
ALAM, M Mahbubul (1990) *
ALAM, Mahaboob (1987)
ALAM, Md A S (1982)
ALAM, Md Fashiul (1991)
ALAM, Md. Ferdous (1998)
ALAM, Md Jafar (1976)
ALAM, Md Monjurul (1986)
ALAM, Md Nurul (1984)
ALAM, Md Samsul (1991)
ALAM, Mohammad (1977)
ALAM, Mohd Shamsul (1984) *
ALAM, Mohd Shamsul (1995) *
ALAM, Rezwan Ul (1992)
ALAM, Shaif Ul (1996)
ALAM, Syed Munir (1988)
ALAM, Syed Shamsul (1999)
ALI, Abu T M M (1975)
ALI, Ahadazzuman Mohammad (1986)
ALI, Amin Muhammad (1982)
ALI, Anwar (1975)
ALI, Ibne Karim Md. (2001)
ALI, Md. Almech (2001)
ALI, Md Ferdows (1976)
ALI, Md Ganjer (1993)
ALI, Md Hossain (1981)
ALI, Md Kowsar (1977)
ALI, Md Montaz (1989)
ALI, Md Mozahar (1989)
ALI, Mir Tareque (1995)
ALI, Mohammad (1975)
ALI, Mohammad (1988)
ALI, Muhammad Akbar (1981)
ALI, Shah M K (1975)
ALI, Sk Sekender (1998)
AMANULLAH, Md (1989)
AMEEN, Mohammad Shahidul (1983)
AMEEN, Syed Fakhrul (1986)
AMIN, Iqbal Ibn (1989)
AMIN, Md Ruhul (1987)
AMIN, Mohammad Ahsanul (1998)
AMIN, Sonia Nishat (1999) *
ANSARY, Habibur Rahman (1978)
ANWAR, A K M N (1977)
ANWAR, Farhat (1990)
ANWAR, Zaki Rezwana (1995)
* See also profiles
ASGAR, Mohammad Ali (1982)
ASHRAF, Mahmud (2003)
ATIQUZZAMAN, Mohammad (1983)
AWWAL, A.Z.MIftikhar ul (1988)
AZAD, Kishwar (1984)
AZAD, Md Abul Kalam (1988)
AZAD, Md. Noor Ahmed Ruhul (2002)
AZADKM, A.K.M. (1988)
AZAM, Kazi Ali (1974)
AZAM, Kazi Ali (1988)
AZAM, Khairul (1986) *
AZAM, Khairul (1998) *
AZHAR, M.A. Hannan Bin (2001)
AZIM, Farhana (1998)
AZIM, Farrouque Anwarul (1972)
AZIM, Firdous (1981)
AZIM, Firdous (1998)
AZIM, Mohammed Tahlil (1997) *
AZIZ, Fazlul Majid (1985)
AZIZ, Sultana Dulruba (1974)
AZIZ, Syed Mahfuzul (1989)
BALA, Bilash Kanti (1980) *
BANO, Asghari (1980)
BANOO, Rebecca (1977)
BANU, Ayesha (1993)
BANU, Nashida (1973)
BAQUI, Md Abdul (1985)
BAQUI, Md Abdullahel (1996)
BAQUI, Mohammad Abdullahel (1982)
BAREE, Md Sadiqul (1981)
BARI, A K M (1982)
BARI, Abdullahel (1979)
BARI, M Ershadul (1993)
BARI, Mahfuzul A S (1986)
BARI, Md Ershadul (1982)
BARI, Md Shariul (1984)
BARI, Rehana (1992)
BARI, Rehana (2002)
BARI, Saiful (1988)
BASAK, Arun Kumar (1972)
BASAK, Shibesh Chandra (1990)
BASHAR, Khairul (1993)
BASU, Subhash Chandra (1985)
BEDUM, Syeda Rasheda (1982)
BEGG, Md Rezaul Karim (1987)
BEGUM, Anwara (1991)
BEGUM, Dil Afroze (1985)
BEGUM, Jasmin Ara (1989)
BEGUM, Nurun Nahar (1974)
BEGUM, Qamrun Nessa (1972)
BEGUM, Romiza (1992)
BEGUM, Selina (1988)
BEPARI, Mohar Ali (1977)
BHADRA, Satyajit Kumar (1988)
BHATTACHARJEE, Dilip Kumar (1974)
BHATTACHARJEE, Partha Sarathi (1991)
BHATTACHARJEE, Sushanta Kumar (1983)
BHUIYA, Md A H (1975)
BHUIYAN, Fazlul Haque A K (1984)
BHUIYAN, Fazlul Haque A K (1986) *
BHUIYAN, Golam Mohammed (1990)
BHUIYAN, Mashiur Rahman (1990)
BHUIYAN, Md A (1986)
BHUIYAN, Md A R (1978)
BHUIYAN, Md Abu Hashan (1997)
BHUIYAN, Md Shelim (1979)
BHUIYAN, Sharif Mohammad Nur Ullah (2000)
BHUYYAN, Lutful Bari (1974)
BIDISHA, Sayema Haque (2002)
BILLAH, Md Motasim (1974)
BISWAS, Ranjit Kumar (1989)
CHAKDER, Sushanta Kumar (1985)
CHAKRABORTY, Khirud Behari (1974)
CHAKRABORTY, Rabinder Kumar (1976)
CHAKRABORTY, Subhash Chandra (2000)
CHAKRABORTY, Subhash Chandra (1988)
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CHANDRA, Kirtunia Juran (1988) *
CHAUDHURY, Shirin Sharmin (1996)
CHAWDHURY, Sadruddin Ahmed (1973)
CHEAH, Sor T E (1977)
CHOUDHURY, Emad Uddin (1976)
CHOUDHURY, Faisal Ahmed (1976)
CHOUDHURY, Iftekharuddin Md (1974)
CHOUDHURY, Jamilur Reza (1974)
CHOUDHURY, Md G M (1983)
CHOUDHURY, Subhagata (1981)
CHOWDHURY, Abdul Monim (1975)
CHOWDHURY, Abul K A (1984)
CHOWDHURY, Ahad Newas (1974)
CHOWDHURY, A K M Dilder Hossain (1988)
CHOWDHURY, Ashraful Islam (1989)
CHOWDHURY, Dhiman Kumar (1990)
CHOWDHURY, Khabirul Haque (1981)
CHOWDHURY, Majeedul Hasan (1983)
CHOWDHURY, Masrur Ahmad (1984)
CHOWDHURY, Md A I (1978)
CHOWDHURY, Md A M (1975)
CHOWDHURY, Md A U (1984)
CHOWDHURY, Md Abdul Mannan (2002) *
CHOWDHURY, Md. Bazlur Rashid (1998)
CHOWDHURY, Md Bazlur Rashid (1998) *
CHOWDHURY, Md K U (1981)
CHOWDHURY, Md Khaldquzzaman A (1989)
CHOWDHURY, Md Zahurul Alam (1991)
CHOWDHURY, Mohammad Jahangir Al
(1997) *
CHOWDHURY, Mohiuddin Anmed (1975)
CHOWDHURY, Munibur Rahman (1974)
CHOWDHURY, Najma (1967)
CHOWDHURY, Naseem Akhtar (1985)
CHOWDHURY, Nishat Shahid (1999)
CHOWDHURY, Riazur Rahman (1993)
CHOWDHURY, Sachchidananda Das (1984)
CHOWDHURY, Showkat Jahan (1999)
CHOWDHURY, Sifatul Quader (1982)
CHOWDHURY, Soheli Akhter (1983)
CHOWDHURY, T I M Fazlay Rabbi (1973)
CHOWDHURY, Zahurul Alam (1980)
DAD, Md Monayam (1982)
DAS, Ashim Kumar (1986)
DAS, Ashoke Kumar (1990)
DAS, Bhabesh Chandra (1975)
DAS, Monoranjan (1991)
DAS, Pratir Kumar (1976)
DASTAGIR, Md Golam (1993) *
DATTA, Pran Gopal (1992)
DEWAN, Manik Lal (1977)
DEWAN, Somen (1982)
DEY, Swapan Kumar (1986)
DIDAR-UL-ALAM, Md Ul (1987)
DUTTA, Sunil ChDUTTA (1986)
EHSAN, Ahmad (1992)
EHSAN, Md (1993)
ELAHI, Khandakar Qudrat I (1994)
ELAHI, Khondkar Maudood (1979)
EUNUS, Ali Mohammad (1975)
FARHANA, Biswas Karabi (2001)
FAROOQUE, A M (1976)
FARUQUE, Abdullah Al (2002)
FARUQUE, Abu H M (1975)
FARUQUE, Shah Mohammad (1985)
FATIMA, Kaniz (1990)
FEEROZ, Md Mostafa (1995)
FERDAUS, Shamim (1974)
FERDOUS, Abu Jamil (1985)
FERDOUS, Nasima (1990)
FERDOUS, Nazneen (1999)
GHAFUR, Shayer (1992)
GHEYAS, Almas Ara (2002)
GULSHAN, Sima (1987)
HAKIM, Md Abdul (1997) *
HAKIM, Muhammad Obaidul (1991)
HALIM, Md Abdul (1978)
HAMID, Md. Abdul (2000)
HANNAN, Md Ashraful (1988)
HAQ, Kaiser M H (1978)
HAQ, Md Zahurul (1995)
HAQ, MohdKaisarul (1986)
HAQ, Sheikh Manirul (1972)
HAQUE, A A M R (1980)
HAQUE, A A Md. Rezaul (1999)
HAQUE, Faizul (2000)
HAQUE, Khawaja Mostaq Gausu (1992)
HAQUE, Khorshed Banu (1982)
HAQUE, Masudul A K M (1987)
HAQUE, Md Azizul (1988)
HAQUE, Md Enamul (1990)
HAQUE, Md Fazlul (1990)
HAQUE, Md Mahbubul (1989)
HAQUE, Md Mohafizul (1978)
HAQUE, Md Mohafizul (1991)
HAQUE, Md Narsul (1981)
HAQUE, Mohammad Emranul (1998)
HAQUE, Mohammad Sayeedul (1987)
HAQUE, Nayeema (1989)
HAQUE, Rebecca (1985)
HAQUE, Sabera (1999)
HAQUE, Shamsul S M (1996) *
HAQUE, Tanzina (1991)
HAQUEA, A A Md Rezaul (1999)
HASAN, Abu Hena Reza (1993)
HASAN, Choudhury Mahmood (1978)
HASAN, Choudhury Mahmood (1990)
HASAN, Mahmudul (1993)
HASAN, Mahumd (1977)
HASAN, Md Kamrul (1995)
HASAN, Md Rezaul (1982) *
HASAN, Md Shaheed (1997)
HASAN, Muhammad Quamrul (1987)
HASAN, Reazul Gafur Mahmud (1986)
HASHEM, Abul (1973)
HASHEM, Md Abul (1985)
HASHEM, Md. Abul (1998)
HASHEMI, Syed Mesbahuddin (1989)
HASHIM, Mirza Abul (1988) *
HASIN, Farah (1996)
HASNAT, Abul (1999)
HASSAN, Ahmad Ali (1987)
HASSAN, Anwar (1977)
HASSAN, Lutful (1986)
HASSAN, Md Mahbubul (1996)
HOQUE, A K M Zahirul (1989)
HOQUE, Alamgir Mojibul (1977)
HOQUE, Asraul (1985)
HOQUE, Bilquis (1978)
HOQUE, Mahbubul (1980)
HOQUE, Md Abdul (1990)
HOQUE, Md Mozzammel (1977)
HOQUE, Md Nurul (1988)
HOQUE, Md Sanaul (1997)
HOQUE, Md Shamsul (1990)
HOQUE, Mohammed Mazharul (1996)
HOQUE, Shamsul Alam Mohammad Aminul
HOQUE, Sirajul (1984)
HOQUE, Syed Tozammel (1983)
HOSSAIN, A K M Akther (1995)
HOSSAIN, Ashfaque (1985)
HOSSAIN, Delwar (1996)
HOSSAIN, Fersaus (1984)
HOSSAIN, Ijaz (1983) *
HOSSAIN, Khandaker Md Anwar (1992)
HOSSAIN, M. Alamgir (2000)
HOSSAIN, Mamdud (1996)
HOSSAIN, Md Abul (1982)
* See also profiles
HOSSAIN, Md Abul (1999)
HOSSAIN, Md Akhtar (1981)
HOSSAIN, Md Akram (1994)
HOSSAIN, Md Al Amin (1988)
HOSSAIN, Md Alamgir (1991)
HOSSAIN, Md Anwar (1974)
HOSSAIN, Md Ayub (2001) *
HOSSAIN, Md Delowar (2002)
HOSSAIN, Md Delwar (2000)
HOSSAIN, Md Delwar (1987)
HOSSAIN, Md Ismail (1985)
HOSSAIN, Md Mahboob (1979)
HOSSAIN, Md Monowar (1981) *
HOSSAIN, Md Monzur (2002)
HOSSAIN, Md Mujaffar (1988)
HOSSAIN, Md Zakir (1988)
HOSSAIN, Mia M A (1973)
HOSSAIN, Moazzem (1993)
HOSSAIN, Mohammed Imtiaz (1983)
HOSSAIN, Mohammed Kamal (1989) *
HOSSAIN, Mohammed Kamal (2002) *
HOSSAIN, Monirul Alam (1992)
HOSSAIN, Nasreen (1996)
HOSSAIN, Shahid Akhtar (2001) *
HOSSAIN, Shakhawat A T M (1991)
HOSSAIN, Shakhawat A T M (1997)
HOSSAIN, Tahsin Reza (1994)
HOSSEIN, Muhammed Akram (1973)
HOWLADER, Abdul Jabber (1998)
HOWLADER, Nepal Chandra (1974)
HOWLIDER, Md A R (1985)
HUDA, Khondaker Mohammod Shariful (2000)
HUDA, Md Quamrul (1993)
HUQ, Afreen (1994)
HUQ, Afreen Husain (1985)
HUQ, Md Mizanul (1977)
HUQ, Naznin Afrose (1990) *
HUQ, Sayeda Farzeen (1983)
HUQ, Syed Ejazul (1984)
HUQ, Syed Sufderul (1965)
HUQUE, Md Azizul (1980)
HUQUE, Mohammad Aminul (2002)
HUQUE, Taufiqul (1975)
HUSAIN, Abul H M (1973)
HUSAIN, Akhtar (1974)
HUSAIN, Delawar (1974)
HUSAIN, Syed Anwar (1973)
HUSAIN, Syed Sakhawat (1981)
HUSAIN, Syed Sakhawat (2001)
HUSSAIN, Abu A M (1975)
HUSSAIN, Farah Imrana (1995)
HUSSAIN, Md Amzad (1977)
HUSSAIN, Md Ashraf (1975)
HUSSAIN, Md Daulat (1989)
HUSSAIN, Muhammad Kamal (1973)
HUSSAIN, Nazia (1974)
ILAHI, Md Fazli (1974) *
ILIAS, Mohammad (2000)
ILIAS, Muhammad (1981)
IMAM, Md Badrul (1978)
IMAM, Shahed (2000)
IMON, Rahmatullah A H M (1993)
IRFANULLAH, Haseeb Muhammad (2001)
ISLAM, A K M S (1984) *
ISLAM, Azizun Nahar (1990)
ISLAM, Farzana (1983)
ISLAM, Khandakar Shariful (1989)
ISLAM, Laila Noor (1983)
ISLAM, Md Amirul (1983)
ISLAM, Md Anwar Ul (2000)
ISLAM, Md Anwarul (1986)
ISLAM, Md Azizul (1977)
ISLAM, Md Fakhrul (1977)
ISLAM, Md Fakhrul (1990)
ISLAM, Md Nural (1985)
ISLAM, Md Nurul (1990)
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ISLAM, Md Nurul (1995)
ISLAM, Md Rabiul (1989)
ISLAM, Md Rafiqul (1985)
ISLAM, Md Rafiqul (1986)
ISLAM, Md Rafiqul (1994)
ISLAM, Md Rezaul (1984)
ISLAM, Md Saiful (2001) *
ISLAM, Md Shahidul (1973)
ISLAM, Md Shahidul (1992)
ISLAM, Mir Rabiul (1988)
ISLAM, Mohamed Nural (1979)
ISLAM, Mohammad Anwarul (1992)
ISLAM, Mohammad Shahidul (2002)
ISLAM, Mohammed Nazrul (1986)
ISLAM, Muhammed Sirajul (1975)
ISLAM, Nazrul A N M (1978)
ISLAM, Obaidul (1975)
ISLAM, Rizwanul (1973)
ISLAM, S M A (1983)
ISLAM, Sardar Aminul (1973)
ISLAM, Shafiqul M (1990)
ISLAM, Shafiul A T M (1991)
ISLAM, Shahidul A B M (1991)
ISLAM, Sheikh Tawhidul (2002)
ISLAM, Tajmeri S A (1974)
ISLAM, Tajul (1990)
ISLAM, Towhidul (1992)
ISLAM, Wasiul H M (1990)
ISLAM, Yousuf Mehboobul (1981)
ISLMA, Najrul (1984)
JABBAR, Md Abdul (1972)
JABIR, Abusaleh Muhammad (1997)
JAHAN, Ferdouse (1983)
JAHAN, Husne (1988)
JAHAN, Nasim (1982)
JAHAN, Nilufa Akhter (1983)
JAHAN, Shaukat (1978)
JAHIRUDDIN, Md (1983) *
JAHIRUDDIN, Md (1996) *
JAIM, Waeza Md H (1978)
JOARDER, Md Mahbub ul Haque (1985)
JOARDER, Md O I (1984)
KABIR, Abul K M S (1984)
KABIR, Abul Kashem Mohd Sha (1994)
KABIR, Ahsanul (1982)
KABIR, Golam (1996)
KABIR, Humayun (1973)
KABIR, Lutful S M (1986)
KABIR, Md Zahangir (1995)
KABIR, Mohammad (1986)
KABIR, Mohammad Humayun (1988)
KABIR, Mohammed Ahsan (1983)
KABIR, Shariff Enamul (1983)
KALAM, Abul A K M (1987)
KALAM, Abul A K M (1996)
KALAM, Md Abul (1985)
KALIMULLAH, Nazmul Ahsan (1984)
KALIMULLAH, Nazmul Ahsan (1996)
KAMAL, Mostafa A K M (1990)
KAMALUDDIN, Abul F M (1974)
KAMALUDDIN, Mohammed (1989)
KARIM, A K M Waresul (1991)
KARIM, Md Fazlul (1985)
KARIM, Md Manzurul (1986)
KARIM, S.MRezaul (1989)
KARIM, Zahurul (1974)
KASHEM, Md Abul (1983) *
KAZI, Abul Bashar (1981)
KHAIR, Abul (1985)
KHALEQUE, Md Absul (1983)

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