St. Mary Catholic Church


St. Mary Catholic Church
EL SACRAMENTO DE LA UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS es disponible no solamente para ellos en peligro de muerte. De hecho, los que
están enfermos del cuerpo, mente, o alma, es decir, físicamente, psicológicamente, o espiritualmente, los que tienen la delicadeza de edad,
los que van a tener cirugía pronto, los con adicciones a drogas, alcohol,
pornografía, juegos, brujería, comida, etc.) pueden recibirlo. Según el
catecismo de nuestra iglesia el sacramento de la unción de los enfermos
sirve para dar fortaleza, paz, y valor para sobrepasar dificultades que
van con una enfermedad grave o de edad avanzada, inclusive contra la tentación de desaliento. Esta asistencia del Señor quiere conducir al enfermo a la curación del alma, sino también del cuerpo, si tal es la
voluntad de Dios". Además, según la escritura del mismo texto del rito “¿Está enfermo alguno de vosotros? Llame a los presbíteros de la Iglesia, y que recen sobre él, después de ungirlo con óleo, en nombre
del Señor.” Por lo tanto, es el enfermo o la enferma (o si no es posible su familiar) que toma la iniciativa
a llamar el párroco Padre Paco (229-380-0757). Es posible recibir este sacramento no solamente en un
hospital o una casa, sino también en la iglesia después la misa (domingo o durante la semana).
¿Las Próximas Pláticas Pre-Bautismales? Para el sacramento de bautismo de su niño/a, se requiere que los padres y padrinos asistan en una clase pre bautismal. La fecha y la
hora de la próximas plática dependen de los que quieren tener bautizados sus niños. Por eso,
favor llame la oficina parroquial y dejar con el párroco (o con la maquina si no está) su nombre indicando su interés en tener bautizado su hijo(a). Después de inscribirse un número suficiente de interesados, se les avisarán la fecha de la próxima pláticas pre-bautismales.
Sala disponible para niños intranquilos: La
sala en el frente de la iglesia, la misma que se usa
para confesiones, también sierva como una sala por
niñitos que se porten a veces intranquilos durante la
Misa. Hay ahora un
sistema de sonido en
esta sala así que los padres de estos niños intranquilos pueden ver y
oír la Misa de allí. El
uso de esta sala por los
padres para tales niñitos ayuda con la celebración correcta de la Misa, especialmente durante la liturgia de la palabra cuando
los lectores proclamen las escrituras y el padre da su
homilía. Gracias por su colaboración.
Corresponsabilidad Pensamiento por el 3ra. domingo. La carta pastoral de los
obispos estadounidenses sobre
la Administración de los Bienes de Dios respalda la lectura
de hoy de la 1 de Corintios:
“Puesto que sus miembros individuales constituyen
colectivamente el Cuerpo de Cristo, la salud y bienestar de ese cuerpo son la responsabilidad de sus
miembros – la responsabilidad personal de cada uno
de nosotros. Somos todos Administradores de los
Bienes de la Iglesia.”
VIRTUS TALLER EN ESPAÑOL: ha sido programada para el día
sábado, el 23 de enero en
la Iglesia St. Teresa en la
ciudad de Albany de
2:00pm – 5:00pm. Este
entrenamiento es obligatorio para estar en conformidad con los requisitos
del "Programa de Entorno Seguro" que debe seguir todo adulto que está en contacto con niños y
jóvenes como parte de su ministerio, y debe ser
completado antes de iniciar su trabajo en este ministerio. Se sirve también para padres de familia
para informarse como tomar pasos a proteger sus
niños en nuestra sociedad. Espacio para esta clase
es limitado y usted debe pre-registrarse para asegurar su puesto. Para registrarse, o irse a la pagina
web de Diócesis y haga clic en
el calendario de “Upcoming Events” o llame a la
oficina parroquial de Santa Teresa y pídele que
quisiera registrarse por Virtus. (229-439-2302).
La Comunión a un enfermo/a. Si alguien está
enfermo y no puede ir
a la Misa a comulgarse, favor llame el
párroco y él o un ministro de Comunión,
por ejemplo, Sra. Leecha, le traerá Comu-
St. Mary Catholic Church
332 S. Lee St., Americus, GA 31709
Parish Web Page:
Tel: (229) 924-3495
Office email: [email protected]
Pastor: Father Fran (Padre Paco) Gillespie SJ
email: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 P.M.
January 24, 2016 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit,
He taught in their synagogues and was praised by all.
He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up,
and went according to his custom into the synagogue
on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read and was handed
a scroll of the prophet Isaiah.” (Luke 1)
Nuestra Misión: Nosotros, los feligreses de la
Iglesia Católica Santa María en Americus, Georgia,
compartimos nuestra diversidad mientras abarcando
nuestro Bautismo común adorando a Dios, celebrando la Eucaristía, honorando María, difundiendo la
Palabra, y sirviendo a los demás.
Preparación para los Sacramentos
Mission: We, the parishioners of St. Mary Catholic Church in Americus, Georgia, share our diversity while embracing our common Baptism by worshiping God, celebrating the Eucharist, honoring
Mary, spreading the Word, and serving others.
Sacramental Preparation
Clases de Preparación Bautismal - Por favor llame
la oficina parroquial para registrarse por las platicas
pre-bautismales a menos un mes antes del Bautismo.
Baptismal Preparation Class - Please call the
church office to register for the pre-Baptism class at
least a month ahead of the requested Baptismal date.
Clases de Preparación de Matrimonio - Las parejas
necesitan comunicarse con el Padre por lo menos seis
meses antes de la fecha de la boda.
Marriage Preparation - Couples must contact Father at least 6 months before planned wedding date.
Sacramento de la Unción de un Enfermo - Si alguien está enfermo, llame el párroco para recibir este
sacramento (favor, no esperar al ultimo momento).
Confesión/Reconciliación - Sábado 4:00 pm a 4:30 pm o
por llamar el párroco por una cita particular por confesión.
Salado en la tarde—5 PM Ingles
Domingo—Sunday: 8:30 am (Español)
Martes a Viernes a las 12:00 pm (ingles) en la capilla
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick - Those quite
ill, hospitalized, or facing surgery and wish to receive the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, contact the pastor by phone/email (do not wait until it might be too late).
Confession/Reconciliation - Saturday 4:00 pm to
4:30 pm or call Fr. Fran for an appointment.
Saturday: 5:00 pm - English
Sunday: 8:30 (Spanish) 10:30 am (English)
Tuesday thru Friday, 12 Noon, in chapel, English
Our Parish Council Of Catholic
Women (PCCW) will hold its February meeting on Monday, the 1st
of February at 6:30 pm in Sherlock
Hall. All women parishioners are
cordially invited even if one has
not attended meetings previously.
For additional information, please
call PCCW president, Carole Wilkinson 229-928-9886.
THE SOUTHERN CROSS, our diocesan newspaper, provides a voice
of Catholic insight. Read the Southern Cross and put “faith” in your
opinions. Your use of an envelope,
or check to St. Mary parish marked for the Southern
Cross, supports its distribution. We are grateful to those,
about 1/3 of our parish, who have remitted payment thus
saving the parish from reaching into its operating budget
to pay the diocesan assessment for it. Parishioners who
have yet to do so are asked to please remit a payment if
not of the subscription fee ($30) then of an amount as
their means permit. Southern Cross envelopes can be
found on the table in the back of the church. Thank you.
Mass Intention Requests: Please call the parish office to
arrange a Mass intention, either for a weekend or weekday.
Pedida Para Una Misa: Si quisiera pedir una intención
por una Misa, favor de llamar la oficina parroquial.
Jan. 23-29
Mass Intention
+ For Parishioners
+ Hilberto Lepiz
+ Fritz Selder
+ Val Szczepaniak
+ Leonard Washington
Su hijo Hector
Betty Shenk
Betty Shenk
The Bosses
WEEKLY CALENDAR: January 25 to January 29
Jovenes Junta 7 PM
Youth Meeting 6 PM
Faith Formation
El liderazgo Hispano
Dec 31/Jan 1 $ 520
January 3
January 10
Janauary 17
Sherlock Hall
Sherlock Hall
Sherlock Hall
Quiet Space For Children During Mass It is THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF SICK
FAQs About Jubilee Year of Mercy
What Are Holy Doors?
One of the central components of the Jubilee of
Mercy is the designated
Holy Doors in dioceses and
other locales throughout the
world. Their opening at the
outset of this Jubilee Year,
signifies a Door of Mercy
through which anyone who
enters will experience the love of God who
consoles, pardons, and instils hope. All
members of the faithful will have opportunity to make a pilgrimage to their local Holy
Door during the Jubilee. This pilgrimage is
to be a journey of walking closer with God
and discovering moments of grace and spiritual renewal. The designated Holy Door in
our diocese is at the cathedral in Savannah
and our diocesan pilgrimage is Saturday
February 20th (for more information please
call the parish office or email our pastor ).
This Jubilee Year of
Mercy: How might we
live it out daily? Among
the many ways, recite the
prayer of Pope Francis for
this year of Mercy. It can be
found on the yellow sheets found on a table
in the back of our church; take a sheet and
pray it frequently, even daily. Also, pray
over the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy
listed below then select one or more to practice throughout this year.
1. To counsel the doubtful
2. To instruct the ignorant
3. To admonish the sinner
4. To comfort the sorrowful
5. To forgive all injuries
6. To bear wrongs patiently
7. To pray for the living and the dead
Budget/Presupuesto Surplus/(Sobre);Deficit/(Falta)
2nd Collection
$362 Missions
The catechism of the
Church reminds us that
the first grace of the
Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick is
to give strength, peace
and courage to help
overcome difficulties that go with the condition of
serious illness or the frailty of old age. “This grace
is a gift of the Holy Spirit, who renews trust and
faith in God and strengthens against the temptation
to discouragement. This assistance from the Lord
by the power of his Spirit is meant to lead the sick
person to healing of the soul, but also of the body if
such is God's will.” The scriptural text of the brief
rite states that “if there is anyone sick among you
let them send for the priests of the church”. Thus it
is the sick person or “caregiver” who is expected to
initiate the call upon the church for this Sacrament.
Those who are ill of body, mind, or soul, whether
physically, psychologically or spiritually, including
addictions (drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling,
food, etc.) or facing surgery or ailing due to the
frailty of age, and who desire to receive this Sacrament are expected to contact our pastor, Fr. Gillespie, so he can arrange its administering. This sacraThe Benedictine Abbey in Jerusalem was
ment may be administered in a hospital, to a homeonce again targeted last week by vandals who debound person, or can be
faced its walls and doors. The graffiti, written in
administered in the midst
Hebrew, used such hateful wording as “Death to
of fellow parishioners after
heathen Christians, the heretical enemies of Israel,“
one of the Masses during
and “let his [Jesus’] name and memory be obliterthe week or the weekend.
ated,.” The perpetrators are believed to be extremist
This sacrament is seldom
Jews who support the settlement movement. For
called now “extreme uncyears now, Christian churches and establishments
tion” so don’t wait til it
have come under attack by Jewish extremists. The
might be too late for a priest to come in time.
community of monks reacted with dismay but
added: “we are praying for those who hate us,”
Stewardship Sign Up Forms,
said Father Nikodemus Schnabel, sub-prior of the
which list the sundry ministries and
monastery.” ( 1/20/16)
activities of our parish where you
can share your time and talent, can
The oldest Christian monastery in Iraq has
be found on a table in the vestibule
been reduced to a field of rubble, yet another victim
of our church. If you wish to update
of ISIS’s relentless destruction of heritage sites it
your Stewardship Profile filed in our office, to roconsiders heretical. St. Elijah's Monastery stood as
tate off a ministry/activity to rotate on to another, or
a place of worship for 1,400 years, including most
if you have yet to fill out a Stewardship Form,
recently for U.S. troops. Rev. Paul Thabit Habib,
please pick one up, fill it out, and either drop it in
said. "Our Christian history in Mosul is being barthe offertory basket next weekend or drop it in the
barically leveled... it as an attempt to expel us from
mailbox outside the parish office. All are encourIraq, eliminating and finishing our existence in this
aged to prayerfully consider at least once a year
land." 1/20/16)
how the Holy Spirit is calling them to share this
year their time, talent and treasure with our parish .
to be expected
our littlest parishioners will
act their age at
times during
Mass by becoming restless or
vocal. When this
occurs, especially during the
Liturgy of the Word when parishioners are to listen
attentively to the Scripture readings and homily,
parents will be pleased to know that our Confessional Room has a revamped sound system where
Mass can be heard as well as viewed. There children under proper supervision can enjoy space for
crawling, for coloring in books parents might bring,
even for praying as they attend Mass. Please note
the Quiet Room always remains a reserved space
for Mass and is not to become a play room.