NESAv3- Day2.pptx


NESAv3- Day2.pptx
4/1/11 How Do I Bring Skills 21st Century Skills Into My Classroom: Day 2 Ilena D Key [email protected] NESA Spring Educators Conference Bangkok, Thailand April 2‐5 , 2011 Resources For This Workshop Here are list of my Resources: •  Bookmarks: hEp:// •  Wiki‐ hEp:// 1 4/1/11 DisClling All the 21 Century Skills Info •  Preparing students to interact in a global economy. •  Preparing students to navigate and siK through an excess of informaMon. •  Preparing students to contribute to and consume in a media rich market •  Preparing students to tackle new innovaMons. •  Preparing students to think creaMvely, take risks and come up with new ideas. •  Preparing students for digital ciMzenship (Davis, 2008) THE 21ST Century Learner •  Todays’ students, commonly referred to as the N generaMon, millenials, or digital naMves, were born into social and educaMonal environments where digital technologies are pervasive. •  The emergence of this first technologically savvy generaMon creates new challenges for parents (e.g., monitoring Mme devoted todigital interacMons and appropriate content) as well as for educators. •  Digitally naMve students bring different skills, interests, and needs to the classroom aneducators are grappling to understand these unique aEributes in order to design instrucMon accordingly. The 21st‐Century Teacher 2 4/1/11 Epor]olios How do you Create a Por]olio Assignment? 1. Purpose: What is the purpose(s) of the por]olio? 2. Audience: For what audience(s) will the por]olio be created? 3. Content: What samples of student work will be included? 4. Process: What processes (e.g., selecMon of work to be included, reflecMon on work, conferencing) will be engaged in during the development of the por]olio? 5. Management: How will Mme and materials be managed in the development of the por]olio? 6. CommunicaMon: How and when will the por]olio be shared with perMnent audiences? 7. EvaluaMon: If the por]olio is to be used for evaluaMon, when and how should it be evaluated? (Mueller 3 4/1/11 Mahara‐ EporGolio System Web Conferencing Tools Web Conferencing Tools •  Elluminate Live •  Skype •  Big Blue BuEon 4 4/1/11 Task •  Go to Elluminate live link on hEp:// •  This will launch a java applicaMon. How Do We Leverage Devices that Students Are Already Bringing To Class? Mobile Devices 5 4/1/11 iSchool – StarMng With Students Mobile Technologies •  Hardware: Itouch/ipad, Netbooks, GPS & Tablets •  Ebooks •  ApplicaMons QR Codes • What are QR codes? • How might they be used in educaMon? • How do I create my own QR codes? 6 4/1/11 If it were possible to define the mission of educa;on, it could be said that its fundamental purpose is to ensure that all students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to par;cipate fully in public,community, and economic life (New London Group, 2000, p. 9). IntegraMng Audio Into Your Classrooms Audacity‐ free cross pla]orm audio recorder. Using Audacity •  Download and Install Audacity on your computer or work with a partner that has a laptop in which they can download the applicaMon and install it. •  Record a 60 sec recording that tells us about yourself. 7 4/1/11 IntegraMng Video Into Your Lessons •  Using Video that has already been creatd: Youtube, Teachertube, Google Video etc. You Tube •  A very popular Web video sharing site that lets anyone store short videos for private or public viewing. •  Founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, it was acquired by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion. •  YouTube is another amazing Internet phenomenon with meteoric growth like, Yahoo, Google and MySpace. Within a couple years, more than 25 quadrillion bytes (petabytes) of videos were being streamed from the site each month. •  Videos are converted to Flash It all comes down to one quesMon…. What are you doing? 8 4/1/11 TwiEer.. A Case Study TwiLer‐ The Basics •  TwiEer is an online service that enables you to broadcast short messages to your friends or "followers.” •  It also lets you specify which TwiEer users you want to follow, so you can read their messages in one place. •  TwiEer is useful for close‐knit groups (although there also are some fairly large mobs on TwiEer). If you follow your friends, and they follow each other, you can quickly communicate group‐related items, such as "I'm going to catch the concert in the park, come along” •  Condensed to the simple aim of tracking and direcCng aLenCon. TwiEer allows you to monitor how influencers think or feel, you can also get into their aEenMon zone via acMve networking. Task Create an Account on TwiEer if you don’t have one already hEp:// If you have phone with texMng capability‐ text the answer to the quesMon below to 40404 Make sure #nesakey is the the beginning of the text. What instrucMonal technology tool do use the most in your classroom? 9 4/1/11 EducaMonal Gaming •  SimulaMons •  Virtual Words •  AnimaMons NMC‐ Technologies to Watch • 
Mobile compuMng Open content Electronic books Visual data analysis Simple augmented reality (NMC, 2010) • 
New Media ConsorCum Trends The abundance of resources and relaMonships made easily accessible via the Internet is increasingly challenging us to revisit our roles as educators in sense‐making, coaching, and credenMaling. •  People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever they want to. •  The technologies we use are increasingly cloud‐based, and our noMons of IT support are decentralized. •  The work of students is increasingly seen as collaboraMve by nature, and there is more cross campus collaboraMon between departments •  New scholarly forms of authoring, publishing, and researching conMnue to emerge but appropriate metrics for evaluaMng them increasingly and far too oKen lag behind •  Digital media literacy conMnues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession. •  InsMtuMons increasingly focus more narrowly on key goals, as a result of shrinking budgets in the present economic climate ( NMC, 2010) 10 4/1/11 QuesCons? Work Cited Couros, Alec (2008) Networked Teacher Diagram – Update. . Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp:// Flatley, Steve (2010) Fishing Boat nr Olhão, Portugal. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp:// Head, A. & EisenBerg, M (2010). Truth Be Told: How College Students Evaluate and Use Informa;on in the Digital Age. The Informa;on School, University of Washington InternaMonal Society for Technology in EducaMon. (2000). Na;onal educa;onal technology standards for students: Connec;ng curriculum and technology. Eugene, OR: Author. Retrieved April 11, 2003, from hEp:// InternaMonal Society for Technology in EducaMon (2007). Maximizing the Impact The pivotal role of technology in a 21st century educaMon system. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from Google. Johnson, L., Smith, R., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2010). 2010 Horizon Report: K‐12 EdiMon. AusMn, Texas: The New Media ConsorMum. . Work Cited Narkunas, Julius (2009) Light Bulb. . Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr hEp:// North Central Regional EducaMonal Laboratory (2003) enGuage, enGauge21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age. Silva, Elena, Measuring Skills for 21st Century Learning, Phi Delta Kappan, Vol 90, No. 09, May 2009, pp. 630‐634 Partnership for 21st Century Skills Image‐ hEp:// Townsend, Paul (2009) Warmley Historical Timeline 1086 – 1899. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp:// Vintage Globe, Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp:// Voogt, J. & Pareja Roblin, N. (2010). 21st Century Skills: Discussion Paper 11