July 16, 1885 - Buchanan District Library


July 16, 1885 - Buchanan District Library
B u c h a n a n R ecord .
Buchanan R ecord.
G r . H H O X jN d lH lS .
T E R M S, S 1 .5 0 PER YEAR,
pa y a b le
First-Class and in A ll Styles !
A nd overy tiling p ertaining to the Photograph I
Second door east o f Post-Office.
O . $3. K E H i t .
OFFIC E —In Recoril Building, Oak Street.
by further intimacy, to put John to the kind of a letter to move me. I
the test.
made my way into Italy; got a place
Business Directory.
A w o m a n enters a d ry g o od s store,
“Come, sweet Barbara, you must al­ in an artist’s studio, and finally gained
jl.VRMERS & MANUFACTURERS BANK, BuStops to the clerk ■who stands n ear tlie d oor,
low me to love you,” said the youth, a knowledge of the art myself. When
| chanan, Mich. A ll business entrusted to this
A sk s h im to sh ow h e r tlio la test style,
Hank will receive prom pt and personal attention.
upon his knees.
I had become able to gain my own
A nd she p u lls o v e r the g o o d s m eanw h ile.
W m . Pears, P res.; Geo. H. Richards, Vice P re s .;
“And wliy should I do that
she livelihood I set about it; and, as soon
A . F . Ross, Cashier.
0 . 0 . 1'1.—Buchanan L odge X o . 73 holds its
as I had laid up money enough to defray
W ill y o u p lea se to show m o the u n d er p ie ce ?
. regular meeting, at Odd Fellows lla ll, on
“Because I would have you for a the expenses, I started for home. At
each Tuesday evening.
Oh l I d id n 't see 'tarns a pollca sp ot,
and Headstones o f alt designs and kinds o f
wife,” was the response.
Mainhardt, where my father used to
B eistle B ros., Proprietors.
T hat is to o near lik e the o n e she's got.
T71 & A . JL—Buchanan Lodge X o . 6S holds a
“Yon are plain,” replied Barbara, live, I first learned that lie was dead;
t v t 0 . HAMILTON, M ilk Dairy. Delivers M ilk
Jtj . regular meeting Friday evening on orhefore
“and I will be equally so. Before I and there, too, I learned that lie had
It's j*ust as p r e t t y as i t ca n b e ;
VV . in all parts of the corporation daily. R esi­
the fu ll m oon in encli month.
dence, head o f Front street.
can give you an answer you must sad­ left his whole property to an adopted
But she wants a b e tte r cov ered g rou n d ,
OF H.—Buchanan Orange N o 40 meets on
dle Von Hunderman’s black mare, and daughter, who was not only very beau­
W ith a s o rt o f v in o ru n n in g a ll 'rou n d .
MONTGOMERY, Grainer and Decorator.
■ the second and fourth Saturday o f each
ride her up to the top of the hill and tiful, but who remained single, after a
, May be found at Straw’s Paper Store.
She d o n 't w an t t o o dark, n o r y e t t o o light,
month, at a o 'clo c k r . M.
back again. I promised Karl that I hundred proposals for her hand. It
Or a strip ed p ic c o , n o r y e t to o b rig h t;
O, O. T -—Buchanan Lodge X o S3G holds its
I think sh e'd lik e w h at y o u show ed m o last,
would not marry a man who could not was not _tlie wish for my father’s
. regular m eeting o n each Monday evening.
B u t d o y o u th in k the c olors are Jast?
wealth tliat drew me here—I only
do this.”
‘•Tlie old man was wise,” cried John, wished to see and know the being who
A . K .-W m . Fevrott Post X o . 22. Regular
. meeting on the llrst and third Wednesday
I 'll tako tlio p ie c e h o m e a n d bavC it tried .
rapturously. “ He would have a man had been liis to love, and who had tak­
evening o f each month. Visiting comrades al­
I h a d a d ress lik e that last fa ll,
of nerve for your husband. And yet en my place; for, as I grew up, I loved
ways welcome.
A nd the c o lo r s d id n o t wash a t all,
how simple a job that must be, for my father more. I came, and I was
P ia no Organ Guitar Clarinet
I lik e th ose patterns h ere on the end,
you ride the beast at will.”
not long in loving you. So now you
I ’ ll tako a few sam p les fo r a frien d .
Saxophone, Cornet Violin,
“And mind,” added the maiden, “ you know all.”
N o w o n e o f this, i f y o u ’ll b o s o lan d,
can make but one trial."
T fA X R IPER * W 0R TH IXU TO X, Attorneys
Viola and Double B ass.
On tlie next day they were married,
A n d a b it o f that i f y o u 'll n o t m in d .
V and Counselors at Law, and Solicitors in Chan­
“ Very proper,” returned Jolm. “Tlie and then Barbara told Karl about the
Harmony, and Iuptrununitatiou
T h ey 're the n ic e s t styles I 'v e seen this y ear,
cery. Collections made and proceeds promptly
man who could not handle so kind a letter.
taught in a thorough and systematic maimer.
remitted. Office over Rough Bros'. Store.
I m ost alw ays d o m y tra din g h ere.
Bras* and Military Bauds organized and per­
beast would not he worthy of so kind
So they went and got it, and, upon
I have g o t a p ie c e that cam e fr o m here,
AVID E. H IX M A X . Attorney and Counselor
a wife.”
Music arrauged to order for any instrument or
I forg ot the p r ic e —’twas p re tty dear.
it, they found it read as fol­
at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Collec­
combination of instrument*.
So the black saddle-mare was le d , lows :
It's a sort o f d ark a lp aca stuff,
tions made and proceeds prom ptly remitted. Agents for Pianos, Organs and General Musical
Office in Rongh's Block.
I want to m atch it, I'v e n ot enou gh.
“To B arbara . My B eroved Ch il d :
“Dear Barbara," cried Bostern, “la m
D o y o u think y o u have it in the store?
■V. E . D A V I D .
Once I had a son. He left me when
HORXXOX IIALL, Attorney and Counsellor
the happiest of men.
To the top of
This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity
Ary dress is sp oiled i f 1 ca n ’ t g e t m ore.
at Law and S olicitorin Chaueery, Btu'hanau,
Box 2 4 1.
only twelve years old, and it was my
strength and n holesomeness, More economical
the hill and hack, you say?”
W ill y o u p ut these sam ples in a b ill?
than: the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
own harshness that drove him away.
I'll k n o w wheve I g o t them i f you will.
competition with the multitude or low test, short
Should lie ever come back, it would be
EMERY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in
I ’ll take them h o m e ; i f sh e thinks tlioy’ll d o,
and Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancing
my holiest wish that he might become
cans, Royai. B aking Vowmnt T o ., JOD 'Wull-st.,
Y ou’ll sec m e b a ck in a d ay o r two.
prom ptly and correctly done. Office in Bank
Now here’s up!”
N. Y.
building, Biu-hanan, Mich.
As he spoke he vaulted into the sad­ your husband. But 1 can hardly hope
dle, and commenced to draw the rein; so much. Yet, ere 1 die, if lie comes
------A N D -----not back before, I shall leave you with
but------“ 0 ! Ah! What’s the— AVhoa!”
But neither force nor entreaty could a restriction toward this end. But I
t e «a : E i £
@ .
S. DODD, M. D., Physician and Surgeon.
the black mare go ahead. She will not lbave it so that any unprinci­
. Office in E. s. Dodd A Son s drug store.
Karl Van Dunderman lived near the only reared and plunged furiously, and pled man can step in and claim to be
Residence on Day's Avenue.
H avin g re ce n tly erected an
town of GreHelbaeh, on a small stream finally, by springing erect on her hind my son, as some might do in hope of
T v R . LEW IS W . BAKER, Physician and Suremptying into the Koclier, in Lho de­ legs, managed to throw her would be thereby gaining some of the property
JL * geon. X iglit calls prom ptly attended to.
of Jagst, in Wirlemburg. ’ rider. Barbara was sorry, and she I leave. I think my son is the only
Office in Kinyon's block.
Karl owned a mill there, that lie had said so—but she could not help it. So man, beside Martin, who can vide the
I a m n o w p re p a re d to fu rn ish th e
RS. E . F. A X D E R S O X .M .D ., Physician and
bought since lie had become an old John Bostem went away professing black saddle-mare; therefore I shall
Surgeon. In addition to mv general practice
use that test. Y e t i would not leave
man. It was an old mill, but a good to be very miserable.
I make diseases ot women and children aspecialty.
:5l « JU s.:
Xo. IS Portage street, Bnehanan, Jlich.
one, and Karl had as much grain as lie
Lovers kept coming—some for the this to you so that it might prevent
could possibly grind brought to his pretty girl herself, and some for the you from gaining a husband, for were
th e m a rk et affords. A ls o
W. SLOCUM, Homeopathic Physician and
place. He ran the mill two years money and the mill. Among, the form­ you to know of my wish, you might
. Surgeon. Office, corner o f Third and Main
Streets. Office hours, 11 to 12,1 to -t, li to S.
alone, and then, as he found lie was er at length came Peter RoLhendorf. put off honest lovers without use or
growing blind and weak, he hired a He was a well-looking young man, of benefit. And if my wish kept you
h e o d o r e f . h . s p r e x g , m . d „ may be
Barbara had from a husband longer than you desire,
consulted at his office until 9 A. M. and from
stout man to come and take charge. respectable family.
ranging in size from t\vo to eight inches.
1 to 3 and alter 7 P. M. Office on Main street, first
and she knew tlie knowledge that it was my earnest
doorsontli o f Rough Bros'. Wagon W orks.
Hoffman, a poor deformed man, with him to he a good, kind man. She felt prayer will surely remove all-unpleas­
such a hump on his back as made him sure she should love him if he contin­ ant feelings. I f you do ever see my
R. R. HEXDERSOX, Physician and Surgeon.
This m edicine, com bining Iron with pure
Office over J. Iv. W ood’s store. Residence,
frightful to beliold. Karl’s ued his addresses, for she respected son tell him liis father loved him well,
vegetable tonics, quickly and completely
corner o f Portage and Sixth streets.
Cures D yspepsia, Indigestion * W eakness*
family was a small one, there being him now, and even felt happy when and in his last hours of life blamed
V o x D tjxermax.”
Im p u re B lo o d , M a la ria ,C h ills an d F ev ers,
only himself and Barbara Luben, who she saw him coming. But she forgot him not.
and N eu ra lg ia .
“And how could you ride the black
was only fifteen years old, and yet not her promise to her protector, and
It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases ofth o
K id n ey s an d In v e r .
Karl declared she was the best cook in she told Peter the conditions on which saddle-mare when no others could do
T M. W ILSON, Dentist. Office, first door north
It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
it?" asked Barbara, as they both wiped
the country. lie had taken her when he could continue his visits.
W o m e n , and aU who lend sedentary lives.
a o f the Bank. Charges reasonable and satis­
It does not injure the teeth, cause headache,or
faction guaranteed.
she was eight years old, her parents
“But that is too easy a task for so away their tears.
produce constipation—olh^r Iron medicines do.
“Ali, it was very simple,” returned
having died. A t that time Karl had rich a prize,” the young man cried. “I
It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates
O. M AXSFIELD, Operative Dentist. A ll
the appetite, aids the assimilation o f food, re­
lost liis wife, and having no children am an experienced horseman, and may Karl with a smile. “It was I who
a w ork done at the lowest living prices ttnd
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength­
warranted to give satisfaction. R oom s in Kin­
broke the mare when she was a colt,
about him to love, he took little Bar­ as well call tlie work done.”
H a v in g ' purchased th e s to c k o f
ens the muscles and nerves.
y o n 's building.
“ But you must do it,” said Barbara. and to prevent the neighbors’ boys,
F or Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
bara, and she was so comely and good
Energy, &c., it has no equal.
OHX W. BEISTLE, Dentist, Rooms over
he loved her as if she had been of his
“ Of course—and it shall be done at any others, from riding her clandes­
-03* The genuine has above trade mark and
Orange Store. A ll w ork warranted. Also
too. ‘Hail, happy day, that sees tinely, and also to be rid of the pest of
agent fo r W hite, Household and American sewing
borrowers, I taught her to allow no
none of her comeliness as she grew up, my love my own.’ ”
m achines. Xeedles, o il and parts fo r a ll machines
And with this scrap upon his lips. one to ride her who mounted on the
but rather grew more handsome.
C L O C K S ,
There was one oilier thing on the Peter Rothendorf went out. Martin near side. By perseverance I got
premises that Karl loved, and that was led the black mare from the stable, her so she would even throw me off if
R . E . S. DODD & SOX. Practical Druggists.
the black saddle-mare he had owned and as soon as the saddle and bridle I mounted on the side which is always
A large stock o f pnre and fresh Drugs con­
for thirteen years. She was a good were on, the young man mounted. He customary to use for that purpose. I f
W as the name form erly given to Scrofula
stantly o n hand. Fine Perfumes and useful T oil­
O f H. H. K IXYO N , T can again be found at my
et A rticles. Prescriptions a Specialty.
beast, but would not work in harness; waved his hat to Barbara, and then you will notice that it is made “ wrong
because o f a superstition Umt it could bo
old stand where I shall be glad to ■welcome m y
yet she would carry enormous loads whistled to the mare. The animal’s side to,” as others would call it; and
cured b y a king’ s touch. The w orld is
old friends and,customers and many new ones.
W E S T O X , Practical Druggist,dealeriuDrngs,
on her hack. But Karl only wanted first movement was a sudden spring, Martin, I find, knew the secret.
• Medi cines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, School
wiser n ow , and knows that
kooks,Stationery * c .,s o n th side o f Frontstreet. Close Attention paid to Bine W atch
her for a saddle beast for since he had sideways to the left—then, so sudden­ course, no man, not in this secret,
grown old and fat he found it difficult ly, to the right— then three lightning would think of mounting on. the off
W ork, aiul to R epairin g C locks.
to walk much. This mare was jet like leaps forward, and then, in an in­ side; so my father knew that if I did
J ew elry, &c.
can only be cured b y a thorough purifica­
black in color, and as handsome in stant, a rearing straight upon the hind return, I, and I alone, could ride the
tion of" the blood. I f this is neglected,
T. H . E O E .
form as any horse in Jagst. Karl had feet. Poor Peter Rothendorf went over beast. A re you sorry the mare threw
IT T A . P A LM E R , Xotary Public, F ireaud L iie
the disease perpetuates its taint through
VV . Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Repre­
owned her from a little colt, and he the mare’s head, and lighted in the off so many lovers for you ?”
generation after generation. A m ong its
sents ten o f the oldest and best Companies In the
“O, no, Karl,” murmured the maiden,
would sooner [have sold his mill than great water-butt by tlie fence. Bar­
United States. Office with D. E .Hinraan.
earlier symptomatic developments are
bara went sadly into the house, and with happy tears in her eyes, “I am
Eczdina," C u ta n e o u s E r u p t io n s , T u ­
his black saddle-mare.
very glad, for I have the right one. If
m o r s , B o lls , C a r b tm c le s , E r y s ip e la s ,
ARM ERS’ MUTUAL F IR E IXSU RAXOE A S But Karl Von Dunderman had seen Peter went sadly home.
P u r u le n t U lc e r s , N e r v o u s a n ti P h y ­
SOCIATIOX o f Berrien County. Only farm
you had been thrown off I should nev­
sk s taken .
War. II aslett , S ec'y, Buchanan.
s ic a l C o lla p se , etc. I f allowed to con­
last time had he ridden his black mare. was Rodolf Silthofed. lie also passed er have tried again.”
tinue, R h e u m a t is m , S c r o f u lo u s Ca­
“ Why so, dearest?”
Heath had come to call him away. through the ordeal, and instead of
t a r r h , K id n e y and I n v e r D ise a se s,
T u b e r c u la r C o n s u m p tio n , and vari­
“ Because my heart would have been
He called Barbara to his side and reaching the top of the hill upon the
ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are
black mare’s back found himself in the thrown off too, and broke in iLs tall.”
orun BROS'. W AOOX WORKS, Manufact­
Of course Karl Von Dunderman was
“Barbara, you see I am dying. There mill brook upon his own back.
urers o f the Btielianan Farm,Freight and Lum­
ber W agons, also L og Trucks, Wide tired wjieeis
is no use in your crying, for I must go
Poor Barbara began to fear she satisfied, and so was Barbara, and more
a specialty. Send fo r printed price lists.
—a n l I am old enough too. H o w l should never get a husband, for these than all, so was the black saddle-mare.
have given all my property’ to you save repealed failures rather tended to
Manufacturers o f cheap and medium grades
fifty ducats which I have given to make her want a companion. 'Within
Is the on ly pow erfu l and always reliable
Of Chamber Furniture. Capital 350,00 '.
Common Soap.
blood-purifying m edicine. I t is so effect­
Martin. The mill is yours, and you the next year five young lovers tried
ual an alterative that it eradicates from
must hire Martin to work; and besides the task, and they all failed. Tlie
Manufacturers doing a large busi­
Manufacturers o f Hat Racks.
the mill, I leave you two thousand black mare seemed bewitched.
ness have kettles holding several thou­
the kindred poisons o f contagious diseases
ducats. Thus you see you are very
By-and-by Barbara was twenty-one sand pounds. The ingredients of ordi­
and mercury. A t the same time it en­
IX O COLLAR PAD CO., sole proprietors and
riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring,
Manufacturers o f C ord s' Patent Zinc Collar
rich, for the mill will not only support years old, and when she looked into nary family soap are, primarily, grease
healthful action to the vital organs anil
you, but pay you something handsome her mirror she knew she was beauti­ or tallow, rosin, soda ash, and salt.
rejuvenating the entire system. This great
beside. Now, o f course, many’ young ful. Eleven lovers—good young men They are boiled for a couple of days,
U C H A X AX W INDMILL CO.. Windmills,
men w ill try to get you for a wife. —had confessed her charms, hut they and then allowed to cool for about
Tanks, Pumps, Pipe, Brass Goods, Ac. Fac­
tory and office with Rough Bros’ . Wagon Works,
And now I must have a solemn prom­ had been driven off b> the strange fa­ three days. ‘ The soap is then pumped
Buchanan. Mich.
Is composed o f the genuine H onduras
ise from you. You shall never marry tality attached to the black saddle- from near the bottom of the kettle—
Sarsaparilla, w ith leilo x o D ock , St ti­
a man until you have seen him ride mare.
H . TALBOT, Machinist. Engines, Threshthis is because the soap in the bottom
ling ia. the Iodides o f Potassium and
. in g and Agricultural Machines repaired,
One day a new lover came to the cools more quickly than at tlie top—
the black saddle-mare.
Iron , and other ingredients o f great po­
r m ill Screws, Saw Arbors, Ac., made to
When a man comes whom you do not mill. He said his name was Karl and into a cruteller, nearly like a milk
o ld e r. Shop on Chicago street.
Its form ula is generally known
want, just send him oil at once; hut Tlianhauser. He was not far from churn, where it is mixed thoroughly.
T h e H ask in s E n g in e, pounded.
to the medical profession, and the best
T . M ORLEY, Star Foundry and Agricultural
should one come whom yron would be seven-and-twenty, with a bold, frank In this crutcher most of the adultera­
physicians constantly prescribe A y e r ’ s
. Implements.
Headquarters fo r binding
willing to have for a husband you lace, a line, dark eye, glossy hair, that tion commonly used in soap is intro­
S a r s a p a r i l l a as an
twine. Corner F ront and Portage sts.
G ardner G o v e rn o r,
must tell him the conditions on which hung in nut-brown curls, and stout duced. Among the materials put in­
Absolute Cureyou will accept him. He must saddle and strong oF frame. His voice was to tlie soap are marble dust, glucose,
E N R Y BLODGETT, ,Uannfactnrer o f Bund­
ing, WeU and Pavement Brick. Yard in
the black mare, and ride her up the like music, and his smiles like the
F or all diseases caused b y the vitiation of
soda, which is not used so much
.Mansfield A d dition ..
TJtica S tea m G a u g e . the blood. I t is concentrated to the high­ hill and back again. I f he does this, summer’s sun. Tie had little money, sal
to cheapen the soap as to improve its
then take him; hut if he does not, then but a great deal of genius. He came appearance, flour, and starch. Brom
O H X W E ISG E R B E R , Manufacturer o f Lum­
est practicable degree, fa r beyond any
Engines, Threshing Machines,
ber. Custom sawing done to order. MiU o n
send him away. And mind y’ou, no up first to paint ihe old mill—not to the crutcher the soap is run into boxes
other preparation f o r w hich like effects
Sonth Oak street.
mao can try hut once. I f he fail the cover the fabric itself with paint, but called frames, and is cut into bars when
W ood Sawing Machines, Horse
are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest,
first time, he must give it up.”
to paint its counter-part on canvas; it becomes hard. It takes about two
O. CHURCHILL, Dealer in Lnmber, Lath,
“But,” said Barbara, “ then I shall and while doing this he worked in the weeks from the time the material is
, Lim e and General Building Material. Powers, Mowing, Heaping
Monlding, ScroU Sawing and Carpenter Job W ork
surely marry the first man who tries, house, and took his meals there. A f ­ put in the kettle to the time the bars
other Machines repaired.
a specialty. Factory on Alexander st.
for there cannot he a kinder beast.”
ter the mill was done, lie painted some are placed in boxes ready for the mar­
Cider M ill Screws, Saw Arbors,
“I know how kind she is. But al­ more pictures of scenery thereabouts; ket. One-third of the weight of a bar
lowing it happens as you say, you can­ and then lie said he must paint Bar­ of soap wen boxed is water.
& c., &c., made to order.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass
not object, for you ave not to let them bara’s likeness. To this the maiden
This will dry out in course of time,
Shafting, P u lleys, Hangers,
O H X FEN DER, Practical T ailor. W o rk exe­
try unless you like them. But this readily consented, for she liked the leaving a three pound bar weighing
cuted in the latest styles, and warranted to fit.
[ A n a l y t i c a l C h e m is ts .]
Shop in Day’s block, over Barmore & Richards Couplings and mill supplies fur­
shall not always last, you know, for ' young artist’s companionship. Before only two pounds. Rosin is used in
Sold by all Druggists; Price $1;
store. Furnishing goods by samples.
the black mare cannot live till you are the portrait was done she wished he almost all soap, hut is absolutely with­
nished on short notice.
S ix bottles for $5,
very old. Y ou are now only’ fifteen, so would ask her to be his wife, so she out use except to make the cost less to
TR EXBETH , Merchant Tailor. T he latest
Shop on Chicago street, near
by the time you are thirty, the black could put him to the test. A nd finally the manufacturers. This.Is also true as
■ styles in Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings
mare will he pretty well worn out. the question was proposed.
always on hand. A ll w ork warranted.
m ill race.
to all the ingredients in soap, except the
But you shall keep her as well as you
Karl asked her plainly to love him, fatty substance and the ash. Y et the
can, and he very careful she does not and he his wife. Bor an instant she wastefulness of the persons who do
get injured. H ow to all this will you thought o f accepting him without run­ washing make it an absolute saving to
gLve me your solemn promise ?”
ning the fearful risk of losing him, fo r " the consumer to have three-quarters of
P . FOX, P roprietor o f Bnehanan and Rural
. M ills. Custom and Merchant grinding o f
And Barbara promised very sol­ her heart would break were she to it adulteration.—Laundry Gazette.
a ll kinds. Bnehanan, Mich.
lose him now. But her truth triumph­
Ladies, call and. see our fine stock of emnly.
A nd Karl made Barbara give one ed, and slie told the artist that he must
1 / IX G E R Y & M ARBLE, Proprietors o f Indian
-------A T ------N ew Goods. W e Lave all the latest
Tlie H ew Postmaster.
JV . Reserve M ill. Cnstom grinding a specialty.
more promise, and that was, always ride the black saddle mare to the top
styles in
Satisfaction guaranteed. Portage st.
to use the same saddle she now owned; o f the hill and back again ere she
“So you’re the new postmaster at
and she gave this promise more readi­ could give liim au answer.
Corner’s Crossroads, eh ?” inquired tlie
ly because her saddle was very beauti­
“And why is this ?” Karl asked.
ful as well as a strong and durable one.
. “Because my old foster-father, Karl
“I be.”
A ll parties wishing the services o f a
After this Karl V on -Dunderman V on Dunderman, made me promise
“A nd the former incumbent has
K -W O O D S, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, and
first-class auctioneer would do well to
died, and after he was buried, Barbara never to marry a man until he had skipped with the funds ?”
, Rubber G oods. Gentlemen's and Ladies’ fine
call on
Shoes a specialty.
&c. Prices so low as to be sure to went home and was sad and lon'esome. done it.”
“H e are.”
Martin Hoffman came to live with her,
“A nd have any tried it ye t?”
please each and every one. Also,
“ Is the amount of your predecessor’s
E A V E R & CO., Dealers in Clothing, Hats,
and though he was cheerful and kind,
“Y es; eleven have tiied, and failed.” defalcation known?”
Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods and valises.
Latest styles o f goods always selected. F ron t st.,
yet it was a long time before she could
“Sweet Barbara,” cried the young
“It am.”
Bnehanan Mich
become reconciled to the loss o f her man, clasping the maiden to his bosom
“Are his sureties good for the
Satisfaction guaranteed. Rates as
old protector; hut when the spring and kissing her, “I shall not lose. amount?”
EORGE W -M O B LE , general dealer in Boots*
low as any other good salesman. Res­
Shoes, Men’ s, Boys’ and Youths’ Clothingbirds came, and the pretty flowers be­ Thou art mine.”
“They is.”
idence, B uchanan, Michigan.
Central B lock , F ron t st.
Again Martin put saddle and bridle
gan too.bloom, she laughed once more,
The inspector asked several other
and her soul came hack to its joyous­ upon the black mare and led her forth. questions, hut the new postmaster
ness. One day, while overhauling the Karl gathered the rein in his hand, and didn’t have enough grammar left to
papers Karl had left in his old desk, then put his foot in the stirrup. Then, answer any more. A little learning is
P . & C. C. H IGH , D ry G oods. R oe’ s B lock,
she found a note directed to her. The with a cheerful whistle, he brought tlie a dangerous thing in these Civil Ser­
» 50 F ron t st.
superscription was in Karl’s hand,'and beast a gentle cut with his whip, and vice days.—Robert J. Burdette.
C le a n se s t h e H e a d
the the note was strongly sealed. She —she put her nose forward and trotted
was just going to open the missive, off. Away to the top of the hill she
A lla y s In fla m m a ­
In d e lib le Stam ping In k .
when she saw some writing beneath went, and then came back again, and
t io n . H e a l i t lx e
R E A T & REDDEN , Dealers in Staple and.
tlie superscription, and it read as fol­ then lie alighted.
Bor an indelible stamping ink^frl, E.
F ancy G roceries,'C rockery, Stoneware and
“Now what say you?” the youth Johnson, of St. Petersburg, gives the
lows: “Barbara must not open this
S o r e s . R estores
Elegant Hanging Lam ps. F ine Teas a specialty.
until she is married, nor must she al­ cried, as he clasped tlie maiden once following for marking textile material
F ron t st
tlie S en ses o f T a s te
low any one else to do so. I know she more to his bosom.
by a stamp; 22 parts of carbonate of
H A R L E S Ba SHOP, dealer i n Groceries,
She only laid her head on his shoul­ soda are dissolved in S5 parts of gly­
will not disobey.”
a n d s m e il. A q u ir k
■Crockery,G l Bware andBakery Goods. Day’ s
Eor a while Barbara wished to know der, and said she was very happy. It cerine, and triturated with 20 parts
B lo c k F ro n tstre e t.
a n d p o s it iv e C u r e .
what was inside this letter, hut she re­ was arranged that they should be’mar- gum arabic; in a small flask are dis­
membered she had never disobeyed ried in one week.
solved 11 parts of nitrate of silver in
E C K & BEISTLE, dealers in Groceries, P ro­
H A J y ™ E E V E E L 50 cents at Druggists.
Op the very evening before tlie mar­ 30 parts of officinal water of ammonia,
Regularly during the season. Call at her foster father while l\e lived, and
visions, Crockery, Glassware, &c. Opera Honse
b lo c k Buchanan M ich. Free delivery.
GOcente by m ail registered. Send fo r circular.
she would not now darken her remem­ riage was'to take place, the lovers sat The two solutions are then mixed and
the wagon for terms.
Sample by m a il 10 cents.
brance of him by doing it; and so she together upon the door-stone.
heated to boiling. A fter the liquid
ELY BROS., Druggists Owcgo, X . Y.
“Barbara,” the youth said, “it is me has acquired a dark color, 10 parts of
placed it again in the desk.
Time passed on, and when Barbara you love and not my name, eh!” .
Venetian turpentine are stirred into it.
“Certainly, But why do you ask The quantity of glycerine may be
was seventeen she was one of tlie
S*TODBJE, P roprietor Tremont Market.
more money than at anything: else by tak­
. Cash p a id fo r a ll kinds o f fat Btock.
such a question ?”
varied to suit the size of the letters.
ing an agency ror the best selling book handsomest girls in the neighborhood.
chew takes
out. Beginners succeed, grandly. None
“Because mv name is not Tlianhaus- A fter stamping expose to the fire, or
She and Martin lived pleasantly to­
D . CROXON, p roprietor o f Central Meat
gether, for she had become used to his er. My true name is Karl V on Dun­ apply a hot iron.
Portland, Maine.
' .
" ' 2y4
. Market. Cash paid fo r all kinds o f live
deformity, and he absolutely worship­ derman.”
s to c k and Prodnce. South side F ron t st.
“ W hat! tlie same name my fosterped her. The miU kept working away
C ooked P eed,
all the while, its great wheel groaning father bore ?”
1 11 r A s k y0UT
o f pork has learned
■ La w L a * Dealer for it.
was up, and often by candle light, for
“H e? My father?”
by experimenting, that a bushel of raw
ETH E . STRA W , L argest Stock o f W all Paper
“Y es; I was his own son.”
» corn, fed on the cob, will produce nine
Martin was faithful.
other business in the TF. S- Patent Office attended
and Ceiling D ecorations ever brought In B er­
to for moderate fees.
Bor a while Barbara' looked incredu­ pounds of pork, while an equal quan­
Buring this time several men had
r ie n County- Ceiling Decorating andPapering a
Our office is opposite the TL S. Patent Office,
(Specialty. Redden’ s new block, fo o t o f Day’s ave
sought the maiden’s hand, but she had lous.
tity, if ground and the meal fed raw,
and wo can obtain Patents in less time than those
remote from'Washington.
turned them off without a question.
“ When I was only twelve years old,” will yield 12 pounds: A bushel o f com
topatentf i EORGE CHURCHILL, Contractor and B nildA t length, there came a young man explained Karl, “I ran away, My fatlr- boiled, made 13 and a half pounds of
ability free o f charge; and we make no charge
I j or, and dealer ill L um ber,L ath and Shingles'.
whom she did not dislike.
H is name er whipped me very severley, and as I pork, and a bushel o f meal cooked made
nhlesscwc obtain a patent.
F ron tstre e t.
W oreler, here, to. the Postmaster, 'the Supt. of
was John Eostern, tlie son o f an inn thought without cause. I got one let- about 1Cyi pounds. Some experiment­
iSfoney,‘ Order Div., and to officials o f the. u . S.
But Barbara ter from1him,- in which lie.threatened ers report better results from feeding
Patent Office. Forcircular, advice^ terms and ref­ keeper. in GrefEelbacli.
T T A B JtY BDTNS, N ews Dealer and Stationer.
erences to actual clients m your own State or. was discreet, and resolved, ere she al­
to seud an - officer, after nie i f I didn’t uncooked meal. — Caiman’s Rural
H Stationery and aU the leading News and
County,write to
C. A . S N O W .& C O .,.
S tory P ap ers, and periodicals constantly on hand.
lowed her affections to become fixed come home. Of course this was not World.
L ocated ini P ost Office.
T IIK L A D Y S H O IT E k !
Business Directory.
(Kinyon’s Hall.)
Absolutely Pure.
Jewelry, Spectacles, &e,
W . H. T A LB O T ,
A ye rs Sarsaparilla
Regenerative Medicine
Ayeris Sarsaparilla^
A U C T IO N !
Hats, onnets, Trimmings,
Special Sales Friday and Saturday
Ca t a r r h
“ UL
X G E !
LORILLARD’S G'ant r„ct
Plowshare^ 1 ^
H o w to h e U nhappy.
Think that everybody is against you,
and that they dislike you.
Imagine you are the only one that
has much trouble.
Be iu constant dread o f doing the
work which lies before you.
Envy those in authority, and wish
you had their place.
"Whenever you feel bilious and gloomy
give way to your feelings.
Kever let a day pass hut that you
find fault with something or somebody.
Bret about everything you do, and
watch for a chance to become vUry an­
gry"Walk about, talk about, lie about,
lounge about, having nothing to do.
Having all the prejudice you can
possibly get into your soul.
Despise everybody who succeeds in
Run after every little piece of town
and country gossip you happen to hear
about yourself.
Take umbrage at every article you
see in the papers which fits your case,
and put on the cap whether it’s you or
Sit down and do lioLhiug and then
berate everybody who works.
Meddle with other folk’s business
and leave yours undone.
Show every one you see how to work,
what to work and-when to work, hut
do none yourself.
Have all practice and no theory, and
then all theory and no practice.
Convey gossip from house to house,
from store to store, street to street, ear
to ear, and heart to heart.
To know how others ought to suc­
ceed and not know how to succeed
Give way to feelings of despondence
and weakness.
Telling a lie to make contusion
among friends, to banish confidence
between individuals.
Drawing a heavy load called “guilty
Passing on the other side of the way
of life without helping the needy when
in our power to do so.
■Without love, confidence, sympathy
and natural affection for each other.
Never help bear any of the burdens
of life; nor help any public enterprise
on to success.
Have little or no politeness to those
you meet on the great highway of life.
Be very proud and ivise in your own
Use as much obscene and profane
language in the presence of refined peo­
ple as you can think up.
Stand in the coward’s den and slan­
der your neighbor, and prowl in the
midnight time to draw the deadly
Never speak kindly of nor to any
Breathe ont threatening at all times,
on all occasions upon your" enemies;
hate them with all the hatred that a
soul can have.
Oppose every enterprise which has
the general good for its aim.
Be partial in your dealings with your
Always be too late in attending to
any business.
Leave undone what you commence
and begin something new.
Sleep away the morning o f life, in
order to have an old age of sleepless
regret.—N orfolk, Va., News.
A tramp sneaked up to the window
of Colonel MeiriH’s kitchen, and taking
off his remnant o f a hat, said to Matil­
da Snowball, who is blacker than the
ace of spades: “Bair lady, can’t you
give a poor hut respectable man some­
thing to stay his stomach ? Have you
no pie, for instance?” Matilda had
both compassion and pie, and cutting
the latter in halves, gave one of them
to the polite visitor, remarking that
he was a gentleman even if he was
White. “Thanks,” he responded, “may
you retain your present beauty for a
thousand years.” “Dat’s twice toomuch,” said Matilda, blushing. “ Well,
if it’s twice too much, fair lady-give
me the other half of tlio pie-t'Yinake
ns even.” H e got it.-^ V ’~.v. ,fs-» \vys.
_____ ______ _ H I G H S ’>
T o R estore Color.
It is customary to use ammonia for
the purpose of neutralizing acids that
have accidentally or otherwise destroy­
ed the color of fabrics. This must be
applied immediately, or the color is
usually imperfectly restored. A fter
careful use, ail application of chloro­
form will bring out the colors as bright
as ever. Plush goods and all articles
dyed with aniline colors, faded from
exposure to light, w ill look as bright
as ever after sponging with chloroform.
The commercial chloroform will an­
swer the purpose very well, and is less
expensive than the purified.
V c r s c liie d e n lie it.
Impermeable floors are now regarded
as indispensable features in houses
constructed on hygienic principles.
They must be so treated that the wood
cannot absorb moisture; rough places
must be made smooth, and such cracks
or depressions as give rise to the small­
est accumulations of dust are not per­
A Brenchman has patented a pro­
cess of making butter-by passing a cur­
rent of electricity through milk, thus
rendering the operation of churning
unnecessary. A similar method is to
be used for cheese making, and to re­
store ancient butter to its original
sweetness o f flavor.
The pueumatic postal-service in Par­
is, lately completed, cost over $200,000,
and the length of the pipes is over
thirty-four miles. The charge for
transmitting a letter to anyplace with­
in the fortifications is three cents. The
service covers extreme points about
seven miles apart.
Ireland is still greatly' superior to
other countries in its capacity for man­
ufacturing linen. Her spindles num­
ber 874,7SS. Prance comes next-with
500,000; then Austria and Hungary,
3S4,90S; Germany, 318,467; Belgium,
310,040; Scotland, 205,203; England
and Wales, 190,808; and Russia, 100,000.
The German Government has dis­
charged all women who were employ­
ed in its postal, telegraph and railway
service as clerks and in other capaci­
ties. A s during the last twenty years
they have nearly monopolized such ser­
vice in some towns, much suffering
has ensued among the discharged. The
motive alleged is that woman is unfit
for such public service.
The perfume manufacturers of Nice
and Cannes crush 154,000 pounds of
orange blossoms, 13,200 pounds of aca­
cia flowers, 154,000 pounds o f rose
leaves, 35,200 pounds ot jasmine blos­
soms, 22,000 pounds of violets, 8,800
pounds of tuberoses, and a relatively
large amount of Spanish lilac, ^rose­
mary, mint, lime, and lempn blossoms
every year.
A Connecticut photographer is re­
ported to have posted this notice on his
door: “ On account of the anniversary
o f the death o f my mother-in-law, I
will take pictures at half price to-day.”
The Physicians’ Investigator has
watched for a number o f years the ef­
fect of oat meal on children, and thinks
it makes them weak, mentally and
physically. A s an exclusive diet it
impoverishes the blood. The Scotch,
though strong, are a dyspeptic race,
and, at all events, what may be good
for them is not necessarily so for ns
in this climate.
The use of natural gas has become
so universal in the foundries, factories,
breweries, &c., of Pittsburgh, Pa., that
a saving o f nearly 40,000,000 bushels of
coal annually will he effected. In fact
a great industrial change has been
wrought, by which thousands o f men
engaged in coal mining will he thrown
out o f work and compelled to seek oth­
er employment.
A cloudburst in the Mohawk Yalley,
on Ihe. 28th ultimo, swelled the streams
and carried away a dam at Canajoharie. In some of the houses in the neigh­
borhood the water rose breast-high.
A s the members of a family were mak­
ing their -escape to a place o f safety,
some one was sent back after the par­
rot, which had been forgotten. 'When
they were in the middle of the stream,
the parrot exclaimed, "Good for gar­
A n agent o f the Department of A g­
riculture has been authorized to pro­
cure in Russia such seeds o f timber
trees, hardy ornamental trees, plants
and fruit tiees, as in his opinion may
he acclimated and made to thrive in
the exposed regions of our Northwest­
ern States and Territories. Cherries,
plums, apples, and other fruits o f ex­
cellent quality, and in many varieties
and many kinds o f wood, flourish upon,
the steppes of Russia under conditions
of exposure which prove disastrous to
the indigenous fruit and forest growths
of America.
A farmer o f Orange county, N. Y .,
accustomed to carrying a small quanti­
ty of money in the bottom o f his tobac­
co box, lately placed a two-dollar hill
in the box and filled the remaining
space with tobacco. A day or two af­
terward he noticed that his quid did
not yield to the grinding process as
readily as usual, and. removing it from
his mouth and examining it, saw that,
instead of chewing tobacco, he had
been trying to masticate his two-dollar
bill, in which he had so far succeeded
as to render it valueless.
A western man who has lived among
tornadoes all his life, who was raised
w ith them, as it were, says that it is
easy to distinguish a tornado from an
ordinary blow . A cyclone or tornado
north o f -the equator always comes
from the southwest. Its first appear­
ance is that o f a local cloud. I t always
comes when the temperature is low .
I t is nothing m ore than an electric
storm. T he earth refuses to receive
the electricity that is constantly being
generated, and it accumulates in a
mass. W hen tlie cloud extends from
one side o f the horizon to the other,
there is no danger o f a cyclone.
The largest diamond iu the w’orld,
found in South Africa, and weighing
475 carats, or 195 carats more than the
Shah of Persia’s “Grand Mogul,” long
the biggest diamond known, Is about
to be cut at Amsterdam, where a spe­
cial workshop is being constructed for
the purpose. The Dutch diamondcutters are famously careful artisans,
but it is probable that they will par­
ticularly look to it that the door of
that shop is securely fastened nights.
“ Papa, do chickens always go to the
country to spend the summer?” in­
quired a precocious Cass farm er lad o f
six, when the house was filled with
guests at a dinner party the other day“ Bless me, no! W hat pu t such an odd
fan cy in to your little head. Georgie?”
“W hy, I was out in the kitchen this
m orning when you kissed onr girl,
Jane, and when she turned red in the
face and pretended to he mad I heard
you tell her she should h ave a n ew silk
dress when the ‘old hen’ went to the
country fo r the summer.”
A philosopher and inquirer in A r­
kansas has started the question wheth­
er or not a man inevitably has at his
birth “ the physical ailment, perhaps in
an infinitesimal degree,” which eventu­
ally carries him off. Undoubtedly that
depends. The man who comes to he
hanged very likely had no trace o f his
final trouble at the time of liis birth,
whereas the ailment o f a person who
dies o f old age may be said to have
been with him at the time o f his birth
to an infinitesimal degree.—H arper’s
The pipes by w hich petroleum is
transported from the o il regions to the
seaboard are cleaned b y means o f a
stem 2 f eet long, having at its fron t
end a diaphragm made o f wings which
can fold on each other, and thus enable
it to pass an obstruction it cannot re­
move. This machine carries a set o f
steel scrapers somewhat like those used
in cleaning boilers. I t is put in to the
pipes and propelled b y the pressure
transmitted from the pumps from one
station to another. Relays o f men fol­
low the scraper by tlie noise it makes
in its progress, one party taking up the
pursuit as the other is exhausted. They
must not let it get out o f their hearing,
for i f it stops unnoticed its location
can only be established by cutting the
Turkish ingenuity has circumvented
the terrible month Ramadan, the M o
hammedan fast. B or thirty days, be­
tween sunrise and sunset, no good M us­
sulman allows a mouthful o f food or
drink to pass liis lips. But, then, says
a Constantinople letter, it does not dis­
comm ode the Turk at all, fo r during'
that tim e he is asleep. H e simply re­
verses the order o f things, and sleeps
daytimes instead o f nights. There is
no law against his eating at night. H e
rises from liis couch at sunset, and
takes his breakfast before going to the
mosque to pray. A t midnight he has
dinner, and partakes o f supper just b e­
fore sunrise in the morning, when be
again retires to bed. The night not
being good fo r work, b e gives liis wak­
ing'hours to pleasure, and the month,
from sunrise to sunset, becomes a vast
carnival in all countries under Moham­
medan rule.
The spectacle o f ex-Presidenfc Bisli,
ex-President and wrecker o f the Ma­
rine Bank o f N ew Y o r k City, serving
the State in the garb Of a con vict in
the A uburn Penitentiary, is an objectlesson which all officials charged with
financial trusts may study w ith almost
infinite profit. A little w h ile ago this
man ranked among the successful finan­
ciers o f the Metropolis, handling m il­
lions o f m oney belonging to other peo­
ple, w ithout a suspicion on their part
that he was all the while a scoundrel
through and through. B u t his sin
fou n d M m out, as v ice and crim e al­
ways discover themselves to the world,
and his nam e henceforth will stand
only as a synonym fo r dishonesty and
infidelity to every obligation o f friend­
ship and business honor. L e t us hope
that liis partner in rascality w ill speed­
ily be sent to keep him company among
.the convicts at -Auburn. -F rn n h Les­
m um
the heels of the unsuspecting old man; don’t like our representatives in Con­ are the iron mountains of Missouri.
B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . lovers will sit on balconies to view the gress we can change them; and so with And all the States and territories west
Michigan Central It. R .
ered the decomposed body of a man
fire works; everybody will have a good all other officers.
of the R ocky mountains yield an abun­
time, go home tired, dusty and worn
One greater power I wish the people dance of silver and gold for money and near Big Rapids yesterday. The skull
T im e T a b le ta lcin g e ffe ct S ta y 3 4 , 1S 8 5 .
out, though patriotic still, glad that had in their own hands. I wish they jewels. Railroads girt the continent; was crushed; the pants pockets turned
Mail. D.Ex. lecom 1SOE x.
the Fourth o f July comes hut once a could elect their President by direct numerous systems, 110,000 miles in inside out, and the body had evidently
vote. I believe the present system to length; joining the mineral and agri­ been dragged to the place of conceal­ 3 I iic n g o .....D e p . 7 20 a 9 00a 4 00 p 9 30 p
Kensington............ 8 10
9 50
4 50 1
T H U R S D A Y , JU LY 16, 1SS5.
A t one time in: our country’s history be fraught with injustice, evil and dan­ cultural regions of the north, with the ment by the coat collar. H o clue to L a k e ..? .................. 9 20 0 27 5 38 101 20
Michigan City........ 1 0 15
1 11
0 30
1 43
there were but thirteen states, and ger. And I know o f no better oppor­ cotton and tobacco fields of the south,
New Buffalo.......... 0 -10 LI 30
Three Oakfi.........]
0 57
7 (U
Spain lias thus fav liad over 30,000 these not states, hut colonial subjects member, I am not speaking o f the pol­ cific seaboards. Telegraph lines are
cause of the man’s death.
Avery’s ................... 1 oit
to the tyranny of Great Britain. But
......... 1-7 09
cases and 13,000 deaths by cholera.
7 17
the nerves o f the Man Republic, lead­
’twas not destined to he always thus.
Dayton.................... ]LI 18
The Saginaws and Bay City have B u ch a n a n ............ ] LI 2S 203+p 7 32 •i240a
Our forefathers were Whole-souled the.people. A nd the interests o f the ing hither and thither and everywhere.
people w e ought all to know. By the With tlie improved facilities for trav­
Niles........ , .............
12 15
2 55
The South Bend Creamery made and cherished freedom. They revolted electoral system Presidents have been el and communication, places fa t apart been disturbed hy a strike among the Dowagiac................ LI 45 a 12 38 78 45
10 n 22
from their .'■■objection and asserted
12 57
5.0S5 pounds of butter in six days, last their independent rights. To main­ elected who lacked more than a quar­ are brought near and join hands; dis­
L aw ton.......... *___
8 45 1-1 58
ley, aud a force of Stale troops and Kalamazoo_______
1 42
9 15 p 2 32
tain these cost years of bloody war ter of a million o f having a majority tance and time are almost lost to view.
Galcsbnrgh............ . 3
1 58
12 49
2 07
and desperate efforts, which seemed at o f the popular vote. I know it is So rapid has- bcSome the transmission detectives are on the grounds to pre­ Augusta.... . . .........
t2 58
Having purchased the well-known Bannore & Richards stock, Ho. 54 Front
Battle Creek..........
strongly advocated that the interests of intelligence, that almost "before the serve peace.
2 23
3 17
street, I would inform the public that the stock will at ail times he kept full
M a rsh a ll....,.........
3 07
The thermometer is being complain­
3 40
paragement to onr colonies: children
A lbion....... .............
3 32
and fresh, and will consist of
4 03
ed o f as an offensive partisan, and arrayed against a common parent; pig­ idential elections. But “ the rule of died away, his thoughts are transmit­
3 48
the majority is the fundamental prin­ ted to nations across the mighty deep. Buchanan Prices
Current. Grass L a k e . . . . . . . . 4 r>3
should be put down.
mies against a giant.
5 12
The inventions of the United States
Chelsea...... ........... 5 17
5 33
The result o f the Revolution could ciple o f popular government, because
Corrected every W ednesday by T r e a t &
Dexter....... ..
5 38
5 48
Ann A rb or,............ 5 m
5*30* *
Iow a Democratic clubs are begin­ not have been due to that old saying, the equality of men; a postulate upon Hative American genius, when turned p aid by dealers,unless otherwise specified
G 07
YnsilanU............... <; io
5 45 . . . . . . . ft 21
so subversive o f peace, that “ might is
ning to call for a repeal of the prohi­
Wayne J a n e ......... C 35
0 05
G 45
Wheat, per bu sh el.........— ..... ...
right” ; for on one side there was little
00 D etroit............Arr. 7 20
C 45
7 30
bition law, and ask for a license law might, but, thank God, a great deal o f ceeds.” It is said that the electoral stranger things than were ever dream­ Flour, patent, per barrel, selling..
5 40
Mail. D. Ex. E. Ex.
Flour,. rctl,. .per barrel,selling
. . .
4 40
with restrictive measures and a uniform right. Hor could it have come from system preserves the influence of the ed of. in anybody’s philosophy. Sup­ Clover Seed, per bushel............................ ■! 75@5 50
D etroit.......... Dcp*
35 a 9 05 a 7 00 u
1 50
superior skill. The colonists, save small States. Let us see. In the late pose, in the midst of this assembly, Timothy Seed, per bushel.........................
tax o f $300.
Wayne June....... .. 8 23
9 53
7 42
’ ‘ new,.
. 0
their forced interference in the French Presidential election, suppose one thou­ with the diversity o f men’s thoughts C»rii,pcrhushel
Oats, per bushel.........................
30 Ypsilauti................. S 52 10 13
8 07
and Indian wars, had had no experi­
8 04
Complaint is being made by the scru­ ence in war. They were not favored
Chelsea................... 0 57
all been Republicans; and suppose that changes would greet liis eyes! I doubt Fork, mess, per pound, selling................
Grass L ake............ 10 27
9 25
pulous because President Cleveland w*th military schools. Hor, yet. was
Corn ilea l, bolted, pcrhnndred, selling..
0 58 ..........
went fishing last Sunday. H e is doubt­ preparation the cause. "With few guns they would have lost hut three elector­ glios^-laiid would be as strange to us Plaster, per barrel,selling.........................
+12 02p 10 22
1 50
and fewer ships, what could they do?
A lbion....................
12 22 10 38
10 00
Hay, tamo, per toil........ ...........................
less so pleased to be relieved o f the
1 03 10 53
5 00
But. armed with the sword of free­ al votes, while they would have gained as our every day life would he to him. Hay, marsh, per ton ..............................1 31 11 23
1 00 Battle Creek....... , .
lino, per barrel,soiling......................
bore o f office seekers that he forgot dom and the shield of strict adherence thirty-six. A direct vote would not Why, when he departed from this earth, Salt,
1 00 Augusta............. ..... • ,U -i-l 48 11 oot Knl A c
A nd in fact everything usually found in a first-class Grocery
1 58
to principles of right, boldly they went rob the smaller States of their influ­ men were using a crescent-shaped Beaus, per bushel......................................
1 30
the day.
2 18 18 OS t 4.45 a
knife to cut their grain with. After a W ood, 18 inch, per cord.
„ 1 50@1 75
and Bakery.
forth to dare and to die. And on their ence; it would restore it to them.
Law ton...................
2 43 12 05
5 18
.3 50@4 00
The second essential of a good gov­ while some genius invented a cradle, a W ood ,4 root,per oortl....
own field of battle they met and de­
per pound......................................
Attorney General Garland has in­ feated the enemy with his armor of ernment, wisdom, is vested nor only groat improvement, only that facility Butter,
8 20
1 22
5 53
Eggs, per dozen..........................................
s N iles” .................... 'I 00t 3 45 1 48 G 40
per p ou n d ..........................................
formed Secretary "Whitney that inas­ oppression and tyranny. And the God in the whole people, hut particularly was at the expense of labor. Then, Lard,
1 35
3 57 12 05
0 53
.. .
.1 25
7 03
u Dayton............... .
much as John Roach & Co. have fol­ o f battles, who sittetli in judgment in the Senate of the United States. some more made a reaper, on which Honey, per pound.......................................
Gnllcil.................... *1 33 .... r 12 22
7 08
17 10
lowed the government’s specifications,
Chickens, per pound................................ .
ed the guns of our men in the first he the wisest and best; to he so far re­ The dignity of the former maintained! Brick,
+2 fir*
7 2J
7 00 Three Oalcs............ 4 15
per thousand, selling......................
in the construction of the dispatch skirmish at Lexington, and “sustained moved from the people at large, that Then, after the various improvements Hides,green, per pound............................
New Buffalo........... r, 02
4 U
2 57
7 85
on the reaper, of self-drop, self-rake,
boat Dolphin, it is his duty to accept and soothed” the soldiers under Wash­
5 28
4 15
8 Ml
5 4 . 3 T K O N T
S T R E E T .
e lts ............................................................
i5©r*3 Lake...................... b 25
yet so conscious o f the common source ” etc., the self-hinder was invented— PMackerel,
N o l , p e r pou n d, sol 1lu g ........
the boat.
Chicago'.................. 8 20
7 10
(i 00 10 3.7
sey and at Valley Forge. Again, it is of all power that they dare not legis­ seeming perfection indeed. When White Fish,per pound, selling................
1-Stop only on signal.
a part o f the philosophy of history, late against the interests of the people.^ these hinders were first used in the Potatoes,
Prominent physicians are noting the that a spirit o f civil liberty is develop­
O. W . R uoot.e s , G(*n. P . & T . A fit.
The pow er of this government is great wheat fields of the north, the la­ Wool
Wool (washed)..........................................
A . F . P eacock , A re hi, Bitclinnoii.
remarkable scarcity o f flies in this ed in its fullness in colonies. Placed vested in Congress and the President; boring men said they were thrown out
country this season. This has always upon their own resources, forced at they to give, and lie to execute. Ho of employment, and sometimes they E s ta te o f J a m e s W . G ra y , D ooea sod .
absolute authority attends the Presi­ burned them in the field. But after a
First publication July 1C, 1885.
been deemed a premonition o f an ap­ times to govern themselves, often suf­ dent, as in an unlimited monarchy. while they found out that labor was
fering from unprincipled governors, so
MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien.—ss
proaching plague. Can that be the far away that the government could His powers are so circumscribed that only turned into a different channel,
A t a session o f the Probate Court for said Coun­
On and after Monday, Mnv 25, 1885, train* will
with higher wages; that now so many ty,bold at the Probate OHicc,in Hie village o f Berrien run
meaning o f the present very comforta­ not know the interests of its subjects, he cannot go very far wrong.
on the St. Joseph Valley TL11. an follow s:
Springs, on the fifteenth day o f June, in the year
Leave Buchanan.....................7.10 a.m ., 4.20p m.
ble absence of the usual summer vis­ the mother country being actuated
ot onr Lord oue thousand, eight hundred and
e r r ie n S p rin g s ..............10.30am. (>.00 p. m.
largely by a desire for gain, the colon­
Vresent, D a v id E. TItnma'N", Judge ofProhalc
Applications for special trains must be made to
ists knew what it was to have and en­ rounds this government, each man is a them. They learned, also, that inven­
In the matter o f the estate o f James IV. Gray,
B. Hclinick, General Manager, Buchanan, Mich.
joy a free government of their own. It brick. The people arc the only sover­ tions are Democratic, and that labor- deceased.
B. I I e u iic k , Gen. Man.
Ou reading and filing the petition, duly verified,
eign before whom the great must un­ saving machines aro a gospel o f good
f Nancy Gray, widow o f said deceased, praying
The man who is posing as candidate
cover their heads and bow themselves. news to the laboring man. Well, where othat
long remained in subjection.
a certain instrument now on file in this Court,
for Governor for the Democratic aid
to he the last will and testament oi said
When they could brook oppression They are the jury.of society, pronounc­ it used to take ten men and two boys purporting
may he admitted to prohate, and that
society, commonly called Prohibition­ no longer they resolved, in Congress ing sentence on their own members in the harvest field, it now takes only deceased,
administration o f said estate may lie granted to
Chauncey Miller, the executor named in sail will,
ists, in Ohio,says in his speeches that assembled, to be free anil independent and investigating each man’s claims to two men and one b oy; certainly a great or
to some other suitable persou.
good citizenship.
saving o f men and boys. Harvest is
Thereupon it Is ordered that"Tuesday, tlie eleventh
the first and most important thing to
But I do not believe that all is per­ no longer dreaded by our women. Tru­ day
ought to be. They resolved to trans­
ol August next, at ten o’ clock in tlie forenoon,
do is to defeat the Republican party. mit to their children the richest politi­ fection. "While w e boast of our popu­ ly, the burden of labor is getting light­ he assigned for the hearing o f said petition, and
heirs at law or said deceased, and all
This is good Democratic principles, and cal boon to mortals ever given, that of lar electoral franchise we withhold er and its yoke is growing easier. How, otherthe
persons interested in said estate, are re­
appear at a session o l said court, theu
he may he able to pull the wool over
only three other classes o f people in tachments called shocking machines. to be hoi den in tlie Probate Office, in the village o f
the eyes o f a few people by the tem­ orators, patriots, statesmen, soldiers this country over twenty-one years of Out in California they just cut off the Berrien Springs, in said conuty, and show cause if
any there he why theprayer ofthe petitioner should
and generals, from home and abroad,
perance string.
he granted. And it is further ordered that said
were not wanting. Revolutionary age who can’t vote: paupers, idiots and heads o f the wheat and thresh it as not
petitioner give notice to tlie persons interested
times are starred with the illustrious lunatics. My dear men, you would they go along. I won’ t he surprised in said estate, oi tlie pendency o f said petition,
and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy o f this
names o f Washington, Jefferson, Adams, shoot the person on the spot, who would if, some day, I hear that a flour mill order
to be published iu the Buchanan Record, a
Ilenry, Franklin, Richard Henry Lee, dare traduce the fair names and virtu­ and a cook stove have been attached newspaper printed and circulated in said county,
W e carry a full aiul carefully assort­
ous characters of your wives hy asso­ to these machines. This one line of three successive weeks previous lo said day of
The following is the address o f Prof. Prescott, Warren and Lafayette.
and closely "bought stock from Lhe
O. E. Aleshire, delivered at the celebra­
Washington: the defender o f his
[L .b .]
best manufacturers iu the East.
(A true copy.)
Judge of Probate
country, the founder o f liberty, the And yet that’s just what you’re doing ers. From dropping corn by hand and
tion in this place, July 4 ,1SS5:
Last publication Aug. G.18S5.
friend of man. Magnanimous in youth, hy your sanction o f this custom. Aren’t covering it with a hoe, we have come
“ The expectation o f so large and in­
you ashamed of it? I am. Women to use the planter and clieck-sower
telligent an audience, and a comprehen­
own property, pay taxes, hold some of­ combined, with which one man not
sion o f the significance o f this occasion his highest ambition, the happiness of fices. instruct your children in the ele­ only does everything, hut lie plants two
fiR me with a deep sense o f responsibil­ mankind; liis noblest victory, the con­ ments of good citizenship, have brains, rows at once and drops it precisely as
ity to my hearers and of fidelity to my quest of himself. Twice invested with lecture and write hooks; yet you say straight one way as the other. W e no
country. I regard this as a great and supreme magistracy by the unanimous they ought not to vote. I f women had longer strike fire with pieces of flint,
K A L A M A Z O O , M IC H .
L a d ies’ Shoes from § 1 .2 5 to §5.
voice of a free people, presented with
important day, because civil liberty
the right to vote they would make men but buy matches for a cent a box. On Mount. Holyoke plan. Locatiou delightful.
Also, a Full Line of
Tuition, $175 per School year. ' Fine
T h e y are Avortli $5 to § 1 .2 5 .
purchased with, life I do not count
Library, Cabinet; Telescope and Musical instru­
lightly gained. Therefore, of my coun­
temperance higher than Gilderov’s kite. the thirty and forty cent postage to ments. Fall term'begins Sept. 0th, 1S35. For cat­ M isses’ Shoes from §1 to §3 .5 0 .
alogues address Principal.
try I am proud; proud to do her service, best, he surpassed in the cabinet the I have ten times .more confidence in two cents for a whole ounce.
T h e y are Avortli 3 .5 0 to 1.00.
proud to enjoy her protection.
I f we meet to celebrate the birthday signing the sceptre and the sword, re­ give one hundred and twenty-five advantages, improvements and inven­
Shoes from 5 0 c to 1.00.
o f Washington and do honor to the tired to the shades of private life. A pounds of women for a ton of men. tions, we have guaranteed to every cit­
C on den sed I nto On e V olume .
T h e y are Avortli 1.00 to 50c.
sacred memories o f Jefferson, Frank­
There is no reason why men should izen free thought, free speech, free
DARING M en’s Shoes from 1.00 to 5.00.
lin, Henry. Webster, Lin coin and Grant, contemplated with the profoundest ad­ vote, that doesn’t apply equally to press, free religion, free politics, free PIONEER
wliat feelings o f gratitude and loyalty
education, free everything that tends
T h e y are w o r t h 5.00 to 1.00.
shall swell our bosoms while we meet adding new lustre to humanity, re­
Oil, no! women must not vote, hut to elevate society and liberate the hu­ The thrilliug adventures of all the hero explorers
to-day to celebrate the anniversary of sounded to the remotest regions of the we extend that privilege to every man, man mind.
and frontier fighters with Indians, outlaws aud
from 1.00 to 3.00.
wild beasts, over our whole country, from the earli­
a nation’s birth? Though Washington earth. Bequeathing to posterity the even though he can’t read or write his
In education we are fast coming to est times to the present. Lives and famous exinheritance
are Avortli 3.00 to 1.00.
is the deserved “ Father of his country,”
own name. I believe in placing an the front. Only three countries of
Cures Dizziness, Loss o f Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspep-1
verily the child is greater than its less, that his country might call him educational restriction on the right of Europe surpass us. Here any child
isses’ W alk in g - Shoes
sia,Jaundice, Affections o f the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples and Face I
father. May she never sully his hon­ father, and building his monument in suffrage by having a compulsory edu­ who runs may read. Free schools are Miles and Crook, great Indian Chiefs and scores of
Grubs, Blotches, Boils, Humors, S alt Bheum, Scrofula & Erysipelas. |
fro m 7 5 c to 2.00.
the hearts of his countrymen, he lived
S p le n d id ly Illu stra ted , with 175 fine
ored. name.
cation law and by its unqualified en­ the foundation of the superstructures others.
engravings. AG1SNXS W A N T E D . Low-priced
W hile I believe in social enjoyment the ornament of the eighteenth centu
forcement. I am not so constituted of society and government. In them and beats anything to sell.
and a good time on this day, 1 do not ry, he died regretted by a mourning as to believe that the vote c f a Wash­ lies the hope of the country. ‘-Educa­
203 Pine St., ST. LOTUS, Mo.
POSTER, ’BfluVRuiilT & CO., Proprietors, Rnflalo, Hew York.
believe in counting lightly the causes
A B ig’ L in e o f L ad ies’ and M isses’
ington or a Webster should he neutral­ tion,” says an English statesman, “is
which call us together. Of all national
T oe S lip p ers a t a n y pi’iee y o n a sk
holidays this is the greatest and the doth attend his memory!
These are some o f the causes which a single line in any of the languages ern men we must have either soldiers
best. It is no trivial affair for a hand­
ful o f undisciplined men, poor and in­ brought the American Revolution to a men. The ballot in the hands of igno­ paigns, or schools and churches; the IN B U S IN E S S
experienced, to free themselves and successful end. Operating with them rant voters is like a razor in an infant’s cartridge box or the ballot box.” Edu­
A N D S O C IE T Y .
their country, and transmit freedom to was the reflex influence o f the spirit of hands, or dynamite in the hands of a cation is the insurance that insures all
The most universally useful b ook ever published.
their posterity against the combined
fiend. Surely, the safeguard of the other insurances. Besides the common in the best way. How
to be Your -Own Lawyer;
opposition of experience, wealth and and a desire on the part o f the people nation is in its schools and libraries.
Correctly and Successfully;
power. But the side on which are en­ there to exercise tlieir natural, GodHow to A ct in Society aud everywhere. A gold
varied information to all classes for con­
listed God and entire devotion to prin­ given rights.
tection and subjection are reciprocal.” laid, we have colleges and universities miuc of
reference. A G E N T S W A N T E D for all or
And the . termination was a success. Laws for the benefit o f society ought for higher education. Of these we stant
ciple must always win. Remoteness
spare time. To know why this b ook o f REAL val­
o f posterity and lapse o f time are too I t was no chimera o f victory, which willingly to he obeyed by its members. have about 000, of which more than ue aud attractions sells better than any other, aoapt to blunt our sense of gratitude. hurst again into revolution as the Civil government needs to he studied, 200 are exclusively for women. Just pty for terms toH. B . SCAMMEL & CO.,
Each succeeding year witnesses the smoldering coal bursts again into that men may find out in what kind of thinly of that!
operation o f American inventive flame. I t was no mirage o f the desert a country they are living; that they
The growth o f onr country in extent,
genius, the improvement o f the country which disappeared as the traveler ap­ may not only expect protection from population, government, wealth and
General Agents W anted.
and the development o f its resources; proached it. I t was a living reality, that government under which they progress, has not yet been reached. It
Of extra ability and experience, to take general
so that it ought to increase our thank­ whose influence has grown greater and live, hut that they may, in turn, pro­ is no longer confined to the Atlantic appointing
agencies, to find and start other can­
fulness fo r our country’s existence. greater as the years o f the century tect it. In such a government as ours, coast, hut already reaches from sea to vassers on lust-selling books. Extraordinary in­
ducements. Applicants must show they mean
How, let us all who have assembled have gone by.
every man is his own king; hut he sea; it extends far to the north and business by stating by letter (no postal cards) in
here to give ear to the exercises of tins
notwithstanding the divine injunc­ ouglit, also, to he a good citizen and a far to the south. On the great plateau f u l l their experience, etc.
hour, pledge anew our devotion to our tion to. love our enemies, it is natural loyal subject o f the supreme power of of the west the deer and the buffalo
201N . Second St., ST. LOUIS, Mo.
country and onr country’s flag, and for men to hate their enemies. Hence, the land in peace or in war,
and the wild man of the forest still
ponder seriously the grave responsibil­ as might have been expected, there
I want to see drunkenness banished roam. In the south, tropical fruits
Having recently newly fitted up the Pleasure
ities which rest upon us American citi­ grew,up among the people o f this coun­ from the land forever. I want to in- abound. Its area is more than three
try a, feeling inimical to England. As sist.again that I am not making a po­ millions and a half o f square miles.
I f no particular gravity or hallowed the eolonies were a source of immense litical speech. These are matters of Multi-handed and nili-hearted, what
N E T T I E -J U N E ,
recollections attend these exercises,
ioJSaqland, it was likewise nat- public interest, which I feel it my priv­ may our country not do? The rapidi­
She will be kept in readiness for
this would still he a grand and glorious
^ t ie should envy their suc- ilege and duty here, briefly, to discuss. ty o f its increase in population knows
day. F or it is eminently proper that
itl prosperity. But as water Intemperance Is a public evil, a crime no parallel in history. In one hundred
the people o f a free country should lay ntfWlrs away stone, so time wears away against respectable society, and ought years it has grown from 3,000,000 to
The Father o f Them A ll.
aside the turmoils and strifes of life, ill feeling. The fostering care of Eng­ to be the concern o f the whole people. more than 50,000,000. And why not?
wrap up the cares of business, meet land for a time made the existence of Why, a man dares not beat his own We need men of wisdom and strength;
The only remedy known that will positively euro
with their wives and children occasion­ the colonies possible. A fter the revolt horse cruelly; and I am informed that not to loiter, hut to toil. And they B iugut
Regular excursions o f seven miles will he made
’ s D is e a s e . Its merits are positive. Its
ally in patriotic intercourse, and talk of the colonies and England’s failure one is not allowed to shoot a turkey will come, for the attraction is great. way to popularity has been secured on its intrinsic each Sunday afternoon, leaving her dock each
us a reliable remedy in all the prevalent
together o f their country’s grandeur, to bring them back under the shadow buzzard at any time of the year. I f While Belgium has a population of 485 worth
diseases o f the L iyf.r , Kidneys and Uiunawt
advantages and honor beneath the of her wing, she manfully acknowl­ the protection of the law is extended to the square mile, the United States O rgan s . We guarantee it to cure 80 per cent, o f
' T ic ke ts 15 C ents.
l such diseases if directions, are strictly followed.
shadows of her stars and stripes and edged their independence. But the to animals, Why in the name o f "a liv­ has only about 10. There need be no al
Testimonials o f its wonderful curative powers will
Tlie Nettie-June and her tow will safely accom­
free institutions.
war was over more than a century ago, ing God, not extend the same protec­ fear of an over-crowded country. His­ be furnished on application.
modate one hundred persons.
There is marked contrast between and whatever feeling of enmity may tion to the boys o f our land? In this tory is unanimous in her proof, that
A . J. CAROTHERS, Prop’ r.
this: day and that other, the anniver­ have been engendered by England we triangular struggle for protection the progress of a country is greater
C ra ig’s Laxative Pill
sary o f the day on which our country ought somewhat to extenuate because among the horse, buzzard and hoy, I with a dense than with a sparse popu­
should be taken in connection with the K id n e y
well nigh shook hands with death. she was onr mother. The reciprocal am for the hoy.
C ure whenever constipation exists.
remedies are lor sale by S. A . WOOD and
Let there he joy to day, and let us weep duties of parent and child cannot beThere is one more question o f public
W ith such resources and such peo­ D .These
WESTON, aud druggists generally.
when mourning calls. On this occa­ eradicated. It would be both wrong concern about which I desire to say a ple we cannot help but progress. We
sion it w ill be proper to tell,briefly,..the and impolitic for national envy and few words, ana that is wliat we call cross the ocean in eight days and go
A ro I n d ig e s tio n and C o n s tip a tio n .
“ old, old story,” yet ever new, o f our hate to exist between the greatest em­ our navy. Most people in.this country in our palace railway cars from Hew
Tlieir primary symptoms are among the
country’s oppression and freedom, and pire and the greatest republic on the believe our standing army is large York to San Francisco in seven days.
most distressing o f minor human ailments,
to recount her imperfections, benefits face o f the earth. Both have the same- enough ("almost large enough to whip a W e stand at the head of representative
and a host o f diseases, speedily resultant
and resources.
from thorn, mutually aggravate each other
destiny, speak the same language and few unorganized, undisciplined In­ governments. Y et our progress is in
it a l iz e d
z o n e aud assail at ouee the ivkolo machinery
The thought which is uppermost in acknowledge the same God. Both to­ dians); but not many men o f under­ an infant state. "With virtuq for her
o f life. N a u se a , F o u l B r e a t h , S p ur
your minds, and in mine is one. o f na­ gether can do more than both alone. standing believe we have enough ships. talisman and wisdom for her guiding
S tom a ch ,
D iz z in e s s ,
H ead aches,
tional importance today, as well as United, they can fathom the ocean rind W e haven’ t enough to defend success­ star, what not may you and I live to
The wonder of tlie nineteenth century! The
ilio u s F e v e r , J a u n d ic e , D y s p e p s ia ,
one hundred and nine years ago. It is explore the land, and send Christianity fully the port of Hew York against the see our country he? I expect her pop­ puzzle o f scientists and the delight o f investiga­
I t id n e y D ise a se s, F ile s , R h e u m a t is m ,
tors.1 They have got; something to work and study
one o f national breadth and national and civilization ta the ends o f the attack o f an enemy. There are three ulation some day to number 100,600- and
N e u r a lg ia , D r o p s y , and various S k in
ponder over. Its power amazes them. Its
D is o r d e r s , are among the symptoms
depth. When we isolate ourselves eai tli. “ God save the Queen” o f Eng­ corner stones upon which the prosper­ 000. Ages are but a day in the life of silent and mysterious and unaccountable action
the most learned. I t s t a n d s a l o n e as
and maladies caused hy derangement o f
from the busy cares o f life and medi­ land and let the Republic o f theUnited ity of every country must be built: a nation. F or aught i know, the mystifies
the greatest enemy to suffering, and the most po
the stom ach and bowels.
tate upon the impressive fact, that, in States never die!
agriculture, manufacture and com­ world’s to-morrow may unfold to us tent remedy in aid of nature's efforts to correct the
population, our land numbers about
The spirit of liberty which Incited merce. To insure any nation’s perpe­ improvements and solutions of ques­ disorders o f the human system ever discovered.
A Thorough Purgative
53,000,000; when we remember the sol­ our forefathers and brought this des­ tuity all must be proportionally devel­ tions to-day unthought of. I want to C ures C a t a r r h ,I n fla m m a t o r y R h e u m a tis m ,
medicine is the first necessity fo r cure.
emn truth, that all men are created perate struggle to a successful close oped. "While the first tw o are on the live to see the day when wliat-is now
a ll U lce ra tio n s, I f a y F e v e r ,
Then the cathartic effect must be main­
equal; when we do not forget that the has not since been lost. It can never highway to human perfection, the com­ a hope, a promise, a purpose of the
tained, ill a mild degree, just sufficient
aud every other complaint which is accompanied
to prevent a recurrence o f costiveness,
United States is legally and morally he lost. Freedom is immortal. Its mercial part of our country is yet un­ American people, shall have lipened by
inflammation. How can it be otherwise? It is
and at the same time the liver, kidneys
bound to protect and indemnify all her body may die and its very life be tram­ developed.
itself! N ot an atom of poison in its compo­
into immortal history and truth. The lnirity
and stomach must be stimulated and
For sale by a. A . WOOD aud druggists
citizens; when we try to conceive of pled beneath hostile feet, as in France
But, notwithstanding these few United States is not like unto a house sition.
her untold mineral resources, her nat­ during the Massacre o f St. Bartholo­ things which I have taken upon my­ built upon the- sand. I believe it is
ural wonders, her navigable waters, mew and the Reign o f Terror, hut Its self to call imperfections, I repeat that here to stay; prosperous and at peace
and her mountains that kiss the skies; spirit lives on through eternity. It 1 am proud o f my country; glad that I with all the world. A ll its advantages
Accom plish this restorative w ork better
W e invito your attention to onr new, clean and
when we think o f the freedom we en­ lives to-day embodied in the sister re­ am an American citizen. I would not "and industries are ours. Let us cher­
application o f the principle o f c o u n ­
than any other medicine. They aro
joy, the blood and life it cost, and how publics of thelTnitedStates andFrance. exchange that birthright for citizen­ ish and protect them ever with a tconvenient
e r -ir r it a t io n as shown hy our
searching and thorough, vet m ild ,in their
our destiny hung upon a slender thread; We see it in our personal rights at ship in any other country beneath the watchful eye and a strong hand, as
purgative action. They "do not gripe the
Highly indorsed by prominent members c l tlio
when we call to mind that, in improve­ home, in our Declaration of Indepen­ sun. I attach as much importance to good and upright citizens o f a great profession,
and do not induce a costive re­
lor the CDUE of D y sp e p s ia , R h e u ­
action, as is the effect o f oth er cathartics.
ments, discoveries and inventions, we dence and our Constitution. Although it as did any Roman, when it was one and free republic.
m a tis m , P a in f u l im dD itH cult M e n stru a tio n ,
AVithal, they possess special properties,
XM eurisy, P a in s In tlio Side, B a d e , B o w e ls ,
lead the'van o f nations; when we con­ crimes may be committed in its name, of the chief distinctions in the world
diuretic, hepatic and tonic, o f the highest
and K id n e y s . Excellent for C h o le r a in all forms,
template all this and all these, then it liberty is heaven-born.
Co-existent to be able to say, “ I am a Roman citi­
warming the bowels andoheoking discharges. Sup­
medicinal value and
i n c i n n a t i , O ., July 5. —William
plied to yon or your patients through Drug Stores,
Is that we begin to realize the incom­ with religion, connate with happiness zen.”
hy mull on receipt of $1. Soud for circulars and
parable grandeur, sublimity and im­ and at the foundation o f our govern­
Behold the resources and advantages Caldwell was appointed hy President or
testimonials from physicians and patients. Agents
mensity o f this national holiday.
ment, it is the arsenal o f peace and pro­ of the United States! A s I think of
wauted X K 1V Y O R K . H E A L T H A G E N C Y ,
During the one hundred nine years tection, behind which American citi­ ■them, they fill me with wonder and awe. cinnati. He now holds that position, 385 Broadway, N. Y .
A ll diseases proceeding from disorder
o f the digestive and assimilatory organs.
o f our country's independence just zens delight in refuge.
“Its vast coal fields, its iron widely dis­ and as such officer is the custodian of
The prompt use o f A y e r ’ s T i l l s to
The requisites o f a good government tributed, its copper and lead, and the the splendid government building in
closed, great changes have been
the first indications o f costive­
wrought. During the one hundred are virtue, wisdom and power.
W A N T E D —Live Canvassers in every county
rich deposits o f gold and silver in its this city. He is the first Democrat
averts the serious illnesses ivkich
nine years yet to come I know not
The predominance o f the Democrat­ mountain regions, make the United
neglect o f that condition Avould inevitably
VERSIBLE SAD IRON, which combines two Sad
induce." A il irregularities in the action o f
what greater things may he accom­ ic element gives us.more national vir­ States a treasurv o f mineral wealth.” years, and yesterday, July-4,- 1§S5, was Irons, Polisher, Flutcr, &c., one iron doing the
the bowels — looseness as Avell (is consti­
work o f an entire Sot of ordinary irons. Is selfts parks and falls are among the nat­
plished. One hundred nine years lienee tue than can be found in any other
pation— aro beneficially controlled b y
heating by gas or alcohol lamp. D O E S A W A Y
the celebration, no doubt, will be simi­ government. The people are pure, ural wonders o f the world. It com­
A y e r ’ s T i l l s , and fo r the stimulation
W I T H H O T K IT C H E N S . Price moderate. A
lar to that o f this day. Hew states brave and strong. Everybody knows mands the navigation o f the “Father displayed on the Government building. large and lasting Income insured to good canvass­
o f digestive organs AYeakened b y longThe
continued dyspepsia, one or" tw o o f
will have been admitted and will be more than anybody. Since onrs is a o f Waters.” Its mountains kiss the
A y e r ’ s T i l l s daily, after dinner, Avill do
represented in street processions; the government “of the people, for the peo­ skies and hold perpetual snows. The staffs that adorned the towers of the
more good than anything else,
goddess o f liberty will still smile, and ple and by the people,” in all its opera­ indentations along the Atlantic coast structure, but our flag was not there.
sometimes frow n ; our country will tions the people have a voice. "Wliat furnish excellent harbors which aid in
Leading Physicians Concede
-o i k have found out and developed more of the people want they always g et; and foreign commerce. The rivers of the
A Kalamazoo telegram to the Chi­
That A ater’ s P i l l s are the best o f all
her natural resources; in extent and it’s nearly always right. I f the voice United States, opening into the interi­ cago Times gives the following hit of
C H IC A G O .
cathartic medicines, and many practition­
C or. V a n H u r o n St, a n d P a c ific A v e .
population, she will have increased ; o f the people Is not the voice o f God, or and connecting its markets with district gossip:
ers, o f the highest standing, customarily
new discoveries and inventions will then divine wisdom is communicated the coast, are its arteries, carrying its
prescribe them.
“It has just leaked out here that
O P £ N JU N E 1st, 1 8 8 5 .
have been made to facilitate travel and to us now through no other source. very life blood," pure and strong. The Hon. George L. Yaple, ex-member of.
A Y E R ’S P IL L S ,
labor; the farmer w ill stop liis plow Evidently we can’ t trust individual mountains are its backbones, studded congress from this district, refers all Sl.OO. Reduction by tlio Week.
and let the golden grain wave o n ; the politicians to carry news from the with gems o f useful- and precious min­ applications for postoflices to Don M.
T O J I A . D E A F , P r o p r ie t o r .
business man will close his shop then great Creator; for each would have an erals and metals. It is estimated that Dickinson. He says the administra­
Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
as n o w ; "calathumpums” will parade inspiration at the same time to kick we have enough coal to run the ma­ tion prefers to recognize him, and that
O f every description, at the
[Analytical Chemists.]
the streets, bands play, cannons roar the other out and put himself in. The chinery of the world for ten thousand Dickinson has taken upon himself the
IN G HOUSE. Warranted
F o r sale b v a l l D ru a slsts.
and drums beat; boys will come to constitution .which holds us together years;"and by that time man’s genius task o f running the Fourth district,
to {five satisfaction.
town with their girls, husbands with is not an agreement among States, will have provided something else. and lias recommended several appli­
a week at home. $5.00 outfit free* P ayab.
their wives and mothers with their statesmen or demagogues, but a com­ W hile here in our own Michigan we cants without consulting him. Don
Tpny ho roun d oil
w O O solutely sure. N o risk. Capital notreqniredfile at G eo . p .
Hoader, if you want business at w hich’persons of
prattling babes; our children’s children pact of the people, hy them ratified and stand in the shadow of the richest cop­ has recommended but one* applicant
R o w e ll & C o’s
either sox, yottue or old, can make groat pay all
will grow patriotic over what their adopted. Frequent State elections en­ per fields known. Where Wisconsin, for Michigan postoffices, and refers the N ew spaper A d vertisin g Bureau. (10 Spruce the
time they w ork,w ith absolute certainty. Avrite
w h ere advor- ■■■■■■■ l i n m i
great great grandfathers did; the small able us to replace unsatisfactory offi­ Illinois and Iowa meet, there is an un­ numerous applicants in this district uStreet),
for particulars to BC. H aelett & C o., Portland,
s in g con tra cts m a y N C U f V I I R I k
43hoy will shoot hik fire crackers under cers with satisfactory ones. - I f we told bed o f lead. A little farther west back to Yaple.
h e m a d e fo r it in I l k T V I U l l l V a
JOHN 0. HOLMES. Editor.
Crockery, Glassware,
C H A R L E S B IS H O P ,
F A R M E R S , C A L L ON
Fourth of July Address.
Our Prices Always Right!
W e keep the Genuine Oliver.
A car load of Steel Nails just received.
Builders should get prices.
inERffl UBIll
Drugs, Medicines,
Books, Stationery,
School Supplies,
Dr. Craig’s
Kidney Cure.
Pleasure Excursions !
., &c., &c.
A first-class Pharmacist to
fill Prescriptions.
Tw in Foes to Life
A y e r ’s P ills
Absolutely Cure
Important to Canvassers!
Dean’s European Hotel,
H E A T H & M IL L IG A N ’S
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The V isitors.
Miss J ennie B r y a n t o f Tiles visit­
ed over Sunday in this place.
Miss M a y Sanders .of Tiles visited
it this place Sunday.
E. M. PLntrxoN, of Benton Harbor,
was in town over night, Tuesday.
M rs. 0. G. T homas is visiting with
friends in Laporte this week.
M rs. H akger returned to Buchanan
on Monday, from Kentucky.
Miss R oberts of Three Rivers is
visiting in this place, the guest of Miss
Ida Pears.
M rs. L izzie M onroe, nee Cook, o f
Jackson, is visiting which her parents
in Galien.
B u c h a n a n R ecord .
T H U R SD A Y , J U L Y 1C, 1885.
E n teieilat th e Post-Office,atBuclum an^Iicli.,as
Second-Claas Matter.
M rs. H orace Strong is visiting her
husband in St. Louis, where he is clerk­
ing for his brother.
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots,
M rs. D. W eston lias returned to
Illinois to be with her daughter Min­
nie, whose health is quite poor.
M r . D wight W arren o f Three
Oaks was In this place Tuesday. He
has turned hook agent.
Miss J ennie K ennedy , of Concor­
dia, Kan., is in Buchanan, a guest of
Mrs. Geo. Churchill. Miss K. was
formerly a resident o f this place.
Miss A lm ira B vrrcs , one o f the
officers in the Reform School for girls
at Adrian is making her annual visit
with relatives in this county.
Miss F ranc A lvord , who has for
the past few months been employed in
the Asylum for the Insane at Kalama­
zoo, is home for a visit.
Ch a r le y Carr oll has gone to New
Troy for a business and pleasure trip.
He will rusticate during a portion of
the huckleberry season.
T he Misses Anna and (lassie Tay­
lor, of Petersberg, Mich., Addie and
Julia Graham, o f Berrien Springs, Miss
Minnie Smith, o f Chicago, are spend­
ing the week in this place, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Graham and family.
G eo. II. M urdoch, Jr., was in Bu­
chanan Sunday and Monday. There
appears to be some strong attraction
here for George, but he is an editor,
and they are liable to be found a’ most
Shoes, Hats and Caps, are to he had
very cheap for cash for the next 30
days, as we soon go east for fall stock.
D o not fail to get our prices hefoie.
you buy.
M r . J. I miiof ’s building is fast ap­
proaching its full height.
T h e next social o f the Advent church
will he held at the residence o f Jas. K.
"Woods, on Thursday, July 30.
T w e n t y - o n e converts were received
to full membership in the M .E. Church
in this place, last Sunday,
T ekonsiia wool buyers hauled thenwool to Homer because Michigan Cen­
tral freights were too high to suit
is now a Justice
o f the Peace, ready to attend to busi­
ness in that line. That’s the reason lie
wears a white plug hat.
'I 3O R n t o n
A n ice cream social was given by
the ladies o f the M. E. Church last
evening, in Bums’ building, which was
well attended.
T here will probably be more large
potatoes on exhibition in this vicinity
this fall than ever before. The growth
thus fa r has been remarkable.
M r . S e t h S t r a w is papering the M .
E. Church at Edwardshurg. His fame
as paper hanger appears to be quite
M r . S. H. M artin , o f Three Oaks
had the misfortune to have his store
burglarized Sunday morning.
booty was light.
Dowagiac theatrical talent lias been
doing a few neighboring towns in
good shape with Jofima Whitcomb.
They gave Berrien Springs a visit.
A substantial stone culvert has just
been completed at the road-crossing
over the outlet o f Egbert’s lake, Ber­
trand township.
A t St. Joseph the Marshal and Street
Commissioner are elected monthly by
the Common Council. Can’t trust a
man for a year, we suppose.
S o l d T w i c e .—Mr.
Henry Storm has
sold liis farm of forty acres, in Niles
township, to Henry G. Mead for §3*000,
and in exchange takes Mr. Mead’s
house, and lot on Detroit street, at $1,100. One Henry goes to be a Granger
and the other moves to town.
P eter Simpson, a drunk and disordeily, was locked in the village cage in
St. Joseph last Thursday and during
the night hung himself by a handker­
chief tied to his bunk, which was so
low that lie had to hold up bis feet to
prevent touching the floor and insure
a good job. He was a harness maker,
and 33 years old.
Owing to the unwillingness on tlie
part o f the Recorder to furnish copy
gratis, and on the part of the Council
to pay him for It, and on the part of
tlie editors to write it up in official
form and publish it at the price they
receive, the doings of the Common
Council do not go before the people.
JonN Strauser was arrested by
constable Jordan, near Bristol, Ind.,
and brought before Esquire Dick Fri­
day, charged with stealing a horse
from John Heinzelman a few days be­
fore. He was held for trial at the
next term of court, and in default o f
8500 bail went to jiul
T h e saloons o f St. josepli were all
open on the 4th and did a thriving bus­
iness, if the Republican is to be believ­
ed. Where is your “Law and Order
T he heavy storm that visited this
vicinity July S, assumed the form o f a
cyclone in Allegan county doing about
S6.000 damages to property. Ho one
was injured.
T h e St. Joseph Talley Railroad
Company met Tuesday and officially
decapitated Mr. W. D. Crane, and the
office o f T ice President is now a va­
T iles D istrict M. E. Camp Meet­
ing will commence August 4 and con­
tinue ten days. The elegant [?] posters
announcing the meeting are from the
press o f the Edwardshurg Argus.
L ist o f letters remaining uncalled
fo r in the post-office at Buehanan,
Mich., fo r the week ending July 16 :
Silas Cole, Japhet Godfrey, J. E . Liter,
Fred Marsh, Franklin Pierce,’ Postal
Cards—Aim on Branch, John Stlnover.
L . P . A lexan der , P . M.
Christian church society, o f
South Bend, w ill run an excursion to
Benton Harbor next month. It might
be proper to remark that the excursion
will not go over the St. Joseph Talley
, The
W ork has been commenced on the
horse railway between St. Joseph and
Benton Harbor and will be pushed for­
ward to completion. During the sail­
ing season the new road will find a
formidable opposition in the ferry boats
on the canal.
T he farmers in this vicinity will
have the greater part o f their harvest­
in g done this week. The crop is far
above the average both in quality and
quantity. It is seldom that a finer,
■plumper berry is harvested in Michi­
gan than is produced this year:
One o f the; employes on the Michi­
gan Central construction train under
Conductor Russell, had a good share
o f the fleshy part o f the middle finger
o f his right band amputated, while
handling a frog a t Dayton, Monday
O s c a r G o b l i n s was brought before
Esquire D ick Saturday by Constable
Evans, charged with burglarizing Har­
r y Servis’ house in Galien township,
July a. H is partner in iniquity, Lon.
James, was sent to jail by Esquire
Hess, o f Three Oaks, to await trial In
the circuit court on the same charge.
These are the fellows who were recent
ly fined fo r chicken; thieving from a
Mr. Smith in Galien. H e was dis­
Y esterday afternoon, while work­
ing in the harvest field, Wm. Conradt
thought his reel chain was not work­
ing right, ami run his hand between
the chain and sprocket wheel without
stopping the machine. He came to
town to have the doctor patcli up the
stub of Ins middle finger and the bruis­
es on those on either side of it, before
he did any more harvesting.
B ishop W e a v e r , of the United
Brethren Church, spent last Sabbath,
July 12, in North Manchester. Ind.,
dedicating the new U. B. Church in
that city.
Although quite out of
health, the Bishop preached with won­
derful power, after which he succeeded
in raising oyer three thousand dollars,
and the beautiful temple was given to
B enton H arbor has voted to raise
§5,000 for public improvements, the
money to be employed toward building
a bridge across the St. Joseph river be­
tween Eoyalton and Benton for rail­
road and highway purposes. This is
one more step toward tlie extension of
the St. Joseph Talley Railroad to Ben­
ton Harbor.
Some o f the oak woods in this vicin­
ity are quite well colored with dead
twigs, th e work o f the seventeen-year
locust. A n examination o f these dead­
ened twigs w ill reveal the eggs o f the
locust, planted nearly to the heart o f
the twig by the borer in the solid wood,
and compactly stored in the diminutive
M aster Glint Crandall was try­
ing to make a circus of himself ^Ionday afternoon, and in throwing a som­
ersault from a-sprlng board, and jump­
ing over sixteen elephants and a scotch
terrier pony, alighted wrong end up
find broke his right arm. Since that
time Dr. Spreng has been doing the
performing, and Clint is simply ringmaster.
M rs . J ohn Gillespie , of Berrien
township, died quite suddenly of heart
disease Friday forenoon. She was tak­
en quite ill while In the garden picking
peas, and in about two hours expired,
She was about 53 years old, widow o f
John Gillespie, whose death occured
about tw o years, since. The funeral
which was held Sunday is said to have
been one o f the largest gatherings of
the kind ever held in the county. Rev.
H . Y . VVarren o f this place officiated.
T h e famous “frozen sweat o f labor”
orator is in Washington doing yeoman
service for the appointment o f Foster
Pratt as postmaster at Kalamazoo,
against A . J. Shakespeare. Some o f
th e candidates here will be pleased to
learn that he has at last concluded to
interfere with the Fourth district ap­
pointments, and should he putting In
their letters and recommendations
while he is on the battlefield. *
Demorest’s Blustrated Monthly Mag­
temperance movements extending
through many years : in them the peo­ azine for August cannot fail to give
ple cultivated every form of persuasive pleasure to its numerous readers. It
influence, and at last produced a public opens with an excellent story by Elea­
sentiment practically unanimous in nor Kirk, and, in addition, there are
favor of total abstinence. They had other admirable stories. The article
hut little need of a prohibitory law. on Heraldry, which is profusely illusA ll that had beeu gained for temper­ tr&ted, is both instructive and enter­
ance in these localities was through taining, and among other good articles
influence brought to bear on the drink­ are “Memories of Napoleon” and “ The
ers and not by holding legal clubs over Grave o f Rob Roy.” The valuable pa­
the sellers whom the drinkers patron­ pers, “From Pencil to Brush,” are con­
ized. Each man was his own prohibi­ tinued, and ‘•’Woman’s Indebtedness to
tionist, and temperance reform a mat­ the Animal Creation” will he read with
ter of persuasion, not of coercion. In interest, Tlie various departments are,
such places prohibition prevailed be­ as usual, well filled, and the oil picture,
cause it represented public sentiment “Music,” by Leloir, is a charming pro­
and accorded with the will of the ma­ duction.
Frank Leslie’s Sunday Magazine
Coercive teetotalism necessarily fail­
ed to gain in the larger towns the same For August is a bright and sparkling
results that persuasive methods bad Summer number. The leading article is
reached in the smaller. Temperance “American Missionaries in Mexico,”
reform became at once a matter of anent whom some hard tilings
factional brawl. The appeal was made are put down.
I f llie writer,
to force and coercion, but that proved Emily Pierce, is sure of her facts,
to be a game two could play at. In the it is not a creditable record. An­
cities it was found that the physical other of the series of Christ’s Para­
power, tlie voting force, the weight of bles, and two more of the sacred Musi­
public sertiment, were all ou the other cians, appear in this number. “ The
side. The display of the red rag of First Missions in California,” with its
coercive teetotalism brought all their illustrations, is a very interesting arti­
forces out in such strength that the
cle ; and “From Canterbury to Dover,”
Prohibitionists were only an intimi­ by G-. A. Davis, a delightful bit of de­
dated and helpless minority. They ap­ scription. Dr. Talmage’s sermon is ou
pealed to coercion and went under. In “Left-handed Men.” There are three
many of the towns the saloons have pages of music devoted to a setting of
increased in number, and the drinkers tlie Te Deuin, by J). E. Harvey. A
and sellers fairly run riot in celebrat­ readable article on Lowell is accom­
ing their victory in the struggle of panied with his portrait and copious
force. Meanwhile the methods of per­ extracts from his poems. There is also
suasive temperance reform have been an article on John Buskin, with a por­
practically abandoned, and the princi­ trait. The “Glances at Bible History”
ple towns of Iowa know what it is to is devoted to King Solomon, and brings
have the liquor traffic set free from all the subject to the end of his reign. The
[Benton Harbor W edge.]
A n excursion party o f 5S7 people control. In every locality the question eccentric Georgia evangelist the Rev.
came over from Chicago to St. Joseph o f liquor-selling depends simply on the Sam. Jones, is given a portrait and
biographical sketch; and there are
on the steamer Lora on the 4tli of J uly, will of the majority.
There is only one law that can meet also portraits o f Dean Smith, of Can­
to celebrate....... Joseph Richards un­
fortunately met with quite a serious the pecular situation in Iowa. Since terbury, and Bishop Ellicott. both of
accident on Friday afternoon last. He total abstinence is the practice through­ tlie Bible Revision Companies. The
was splitting wood near his residence, out the rural parts of tlie State, pro­ two serial stories—“ Love’s Harvest,”
and when about to strike a blow, the hibition may continue as the general by B. L. Farjeon, and “ What She Made
uplifted ax unexpectedly caught in a rule and declarative of public senti­ of Her Life, by Lydia Hoyt Farmer—
clothesline and descended on the. top ment. Local option should be provid­ are continued, and tlie shorter articles
o f liis head, cutting a deep gash. It is ed so that license taxation may be en­ are abundant and attractive. Publish­
lucky for Mr. Richards that he. escaped forced in localities where prohibition ed by M ils. F r a n k L e s l i e , 53, 55 and
with his life, for if tlie ax had neen a is impossible. Tlie law then would be 57 Park Place, New York City, at 25
sharp oi e the blow would have killed fully abreast with public sentiment in cents a number, or §2 .5 0 a year.
every portion of the State. "Willi a
him dead on the spot.
Godey’s Lady’s Book for August is a
provision for a restrictive tax of not
1Benton Harbor Palladium.]
less than §1,000 and as much more as delightful number, handsomer in ap­
Tlie strawberry season which is just the municipality might see lit to im­ pearance, and more generally satisfac­
now at its close lias been a remarkably pose, the traffic would be put under tory than any o f its predecessors.
successful one in respect to the large strict regulation and control in the Every month seems to mark a stride
quantity and line quality of the fruit, cities, while prohibition could still be in the progress o f this popular maga­
but an ignominious failure towards en­ enforced in every place where it is zine. The present issue opens with a
riching the pocket-books of the pro­ possible. Prohibition has succeeded in beautiful chiaro-oscuro cut of “My
ducer. "We learn that a prominent Iowa in places where there is the least Pets,” a fine study o f animal life-as
fruit grower south of this place, has need for it and failed everywhere else. contrasted with graceful girlhood, and
shipped 1000 cases and while some A prohibitory law with the option of grouped against a strong back-ground
were sold at fair prices, yet in tlie ag­ heavy regulative taxation in everyplace of nature. The illustrations this month
gregate they netted him so little that where prohibition is impossible would are capital. A series o f letters describ­
lie will have less than fifty dollars for restrict the evils of the liquor traffic ing the trials o f one pressed into ser­
his pains'... .Mr, John II. Earle and in the greatest possible degree in every vice to write another’s love letters, un­
wife, who have been visiting their rel­ section of tlie State and yield large der the title of “ A Postscript,” are par­
atives Rev. Mr. Earle and family for revenue in support of the municipal ticularly good. An entertaining con­
the past two weeks, returned yesterday governments, thereby lightening the versation on chicken-cnllure, incubat­
heavy burdens of the taxpayers. A t ing, etc,, forms a feature of the hook,
to their homo at Buchanan.
present there is neither prohibition and introduces a series of projected
[St. Joseph Republican.]
nor taxation of the liquor traffic in tlie articles on the useful and ornamental
An old log house near Benton Har­ cities of Iowa.
occupations o f women.
bor lias been taken tb pieces and ship­
Pocket-Money” will furnish some val­
ped to Chicago, where it will be put
uable suggestions to" women who are
together again and form a part of the
State Items.
longing for some way to turn a profit­
panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg.
Tlie Ionia house of correction has able penny. That all may be convinc­
___ The only bad accident occuring on
ed of its merits, the Publisher offers to
the Fourth that we have heard o f Miss 400 inmates.
send tlie book for the remainder of the
Zelia Sweet was tlie unfortunate vic­
Membership fee to Grand Rapids year for 75 cents.
tim. While walking on Front street
J. H. H aulenbeek ,
Association, §3.
m company with her cousin, C. O.
Pi O. Box, n II, Phila.
Sweet, some one near them fired a
A Kalamazoo firm has shipped a
pistol and the bullet from the weapon large consignment o f velocipedes to
struck her in the left arm, producing a
bad but not dangerous wound.
Tlie elite o f New Troy society had a
picnic at the lake Sunday. It is to be
presumed tbattliey enjoyed themselves.
Harvesting in tlie woods this year is
The ninth annual meeting o f the
Y oung People’s Picnic Association of a matter of but small importance, as it
Berrien County will he held at Bar­ is nearly all done with self-binders.
nard Grove, Berrien Springs, On Wed­
This seems to be ehangable weather,
nesday, Aug. 5 ,1SS5.
Hon. A , N. Woodruff of Watervliet, and"as a result it keens the weather
Prof. O .E . Aleshiro o f Buchanan, and and social wiseacres busy to foretell
Thomas O’Hara o f Berrien Springs, coming events with any accuracy at
will be present and address the Asso­
The officers of the school board for
Music will he supplied by the Niles
Silver Comet Baud, the Berrien Springs the ensuing school year are, H. L. Pot­
Band and Glee Clubs. Amusements ter, Moderator; J. S. Pardee, D irector;
in variety will be provided, The Com­
mittee will spare no effort to insure an C J. Smith, Treasurer.
Sawdust .
enjoyable day to the people.
By order of Business Committee.
F remont D. N ichols, Pres.
|Niles Mirror.]
W a lt e r K epi ra rt , Sec.
Geo.Tl. Murdoch, o f the Journal, is
making an effort for an Indian agency
TnE Berrien Centre correspondent and we hope he will be successful, for
in the Niles Democrat has the follow­ we do nob believe lie could be induced
ing item concerning one of our good to swindle them as many have done
heretofore....... 0. W. Hallo way was
surprised on Friday morning last at
John F. Peek has sold his farm to 'finding 14 young chickens hatched
Jacob Cmil’s brother from Ohio. Con­ from 13 eggs.
sideration §0,500—§95 an acre— and
[Benton Harbor Expositor.]
Mr. Peck has all the crops on the place.
the lies put into circulation
It is a good price and a good farm, and
we regret to see him sell out for lie by a few cranks living outside o f the
will be missed by many friends and village, who never did wish Benton
neighbors.. Although being away from Harbor any good, the proposed new
the farm, in business in Buchanan his railroad to this village is an assured
family were all here and were always fact together with the highway bridge
found to be upright, kind and obliging, between Boyalton and Benton.......
and it will be with many regrets o f old Dank Brant, one of the oldest residents
neighbors and friends that they leave. of this end o f the county, known to
They will take with them to their new every one far and near, died suddenly
at his home on Monday.
home the best wishes o f all.
Ninth Annual Meeting
O f tlie Y o u n g P eople’s P icnic Association
o f Berrien County.
[Official N otice.]
Farmers about Buchanan have form­
ed tlie “Lakeside horse thief associa­
tion,” with Alonzo Sherwood president.
This is not an association o f liorsetheives, but a sort o f a vigilance com­
mittee which is to he ever ready to
pursue and arrest horse thieves. Reg­
ular meetings are held in February and
August, but horse thieves have the
privilege o f calling irregular ones as
often as they see fit. Jacob J. Van
Riper’s name appears on the member­
ship list.—Evening Netvs.
Right again. That association was
formed ten years ago and has been in
a flourishing condition ever since. One
of tl;e members had a horse stolen in
the early life o f tlie association and
the thief was brought to justice so sud­
denly that no member has been molest­
ed since.
L evi L ister was arrested Friday
evening charged with beating liis wife,
complaint being made by her father,
Mr. H . N. Mowrey. His hearing was
Saturday forenoon.when lie plead guilty
and was charged by Justice Dick, 8-10
fine and §8 costs. The law in this stale
provides tliatiu such cases that the punIsement shall ba a fine not to exceed
§200, or imprisonment in the county
ail not to exceed one year, or both
such fine and imprisonment in tlie dis­
cretion of the court. There was con­
siderable comment on tlie exceed­
ing low price the court placed on this
species of assault and battery. The
case brought about the strongest odor
of tar that has floated over the quiet vil­
lage of Buehanan in many a day, and
with it a wish for a Maryland wife
beater’s law. It is one of the miscar­
riages of nature that such brutes
should he placed on the face of the
earth with only tiro legs.
T H R E E O A K S IT E M S .
July 15,1SS3.
The farmers are all very busy in tlieir
harvest and haying, and a good many
are inquiring for help. The wheat crop
in this vicinity is very good.
The new whip factory is progressing
T h a t is wanted now is a few men
of capital to build houses to rent.
There are a great many calls every day
for a place to live, but have to go away
without finding i t
J. M. K. Hilton is in New Y ork
State on a visit.
Dr. F . F. Sovereign has bought him
a nice lot and is going to put up a fine
house. He has already commenced a
Prof. A lva Sherwood and Mr. Coddington were in town Tuesday.
Mr. Stephenson, from Illinois, is tlie
guest of M. n. Olmstead.
J. B. Pomeroy has sold his farm just
south of ton n, and is going to build
bim a very nice house in town.
George Steek is also building a fine
The machinery for the whip factory
is mostly here.
The hum of Pomeroy’s new planer is
heard most of the time during the day.
He does No. 1 work.
There is a man here from Chicago
looking up tlie creamery business.
A . B. "Wright lias jast bought a very
nice new hearse—one of the latest pat­
There are several strangers in town
this morning looking around among
our business men.
Henry Chamberlain has returned
from Washington.
There are a good many new barns
being built all around here in the
The physicians of Berrien county of
tlie regular practice met in Niles on
Wednesday and organized a Berrien
County Medical association. A ll parts
of the county were well represented.
The society will hold its meetings here­
after on the first Wednesdays o f May
and October. Dr. W. F. Mason, of
tills place, was elected president, with
Dr. John Bell, of Benton Harbor, as
vice-president; Dr. F. F . Sovereign, o f
Three Oaks, secretary; Dr. JohnEghert,
of Niles, treasurer. The next meeting
will be held in Benton Harbor. Octo­
ber I .—Berrien Springs Journal.
An example of the work o f whisky is
that of "Wm. Drummond, of Chicago,at
one time Chief Justice of Utah, who
was convicted in the Chicago Police
Court, o f stealing stamps from a pack­
age of papers in the street mail boxes,
and was fined §5. IIe is old, ragged
and infirm, and confessed that lie stole
the stamps in order to get a drink—Bu­
chanan Record.
Y et the material and traffic that does
this kind of work is what the Record is
so strenuously opposed to prohibiting.
—Buchanan Independent.
The R ecord is “strenuously oppos­
ed” to the passage o f any law that is
to stand upon our statute books a dead
letter. That auy attempt to legally
prohibit the sale and drinking of whis­
ky bylaw would be such a case is plain­
ly proven by the experience of those
States where this means of suppressing
the liquor traffic lias been tried. Tlie
attention of the Independent is called
to the review of the first year of “pro­
hibition” in Iowa, as gathered from
the Mayors and chief officers of tlie
leading cities and towns of the State,
in the Chicago Tribune for July 10.
Up to July 4 ,1SS4 Iowa had a law pro­
viding for the taxation o f the liquor
traffic by local authorities, and since
that date has had prohibition pure and
simple. Under the tax law Keokuk,
with 12,000 inhabitants, had 20 saloons,
under prohibition, 37: Davenport, 21,000, had 130, now has 150. Ottumwa
has 9,004 inhabitants. Before prohi­
bition was the law she taxed saloons
§1,000 and had 22 saloons, and now
that it is positively a violation of law
J. Avery, a Jeweler fromEau Claire, to sell or buy intoxicating liquor, or to
has located in Galien.
tax its sale, Ottumwa lias 116 saloons,
Married, by Justice W m. A . Robe, and instead of receiving from the sa­
Sunday, July 12, Fred D.ivis and Jen­ loons §22,000 to help bear tiie burdens
the 22 saloons brought upon the com­
nie Spicer.
The famous .Dr. Gray, of Michigan munity, they have nothing to bear the
City, visited this place Saturday, to burdens brought on them by the 116
heal the sick and extract teeth with­ saloons, excepting an increased taxa­
out pain. He extracted some teeth tion on the taxable property of tlie
for Mrs. S. Wheaton, and in so doing town. The R ecord is decidedly op
broke an artery which bled.profusely. posed to this kind of business..
The following Tribune editorial com­
He exhausted all his skill, hut could
not stop it. Dr. Bulhand was called ment on the review mentioned above
and soon stopped the flow o f blood, very nearly describes the situation:
After a year’s trial of paper prohibi­
and thereupon tlie women of that
vicinity turned in wrath upon Dr. tion in Iow a the evils of liquor-drink­
ing are no less than ever before, as
Gray, and he took his departure on the as shown by a careful canvass of the
afternoon train. The doctor appears to State reported in the Tribune yesterday.
be meeting with decided opposition on It is conceded that in the smaller
all sides. Tough business on a travel­ towns and in the rural sections of the
State little change is to be noted, since
ing doctor when the women get down in these localities the strict teetotalers
on him.
are in a great majority, and public sen­
A t the school meeting on Monday timent had restricted the liquor traffic
night it was voted to havh ten months to narrow limits long before the law
sought to prohibit it. Before the stat­
school the coming year, instead of nine. ute was enacted the people in these com­
One day last week a well-known cit­ munities had practically prohibited
izen o f Weesaw attempted suicide by the liquor traffic by refusing to drink,
hanging, hut was prevented by the and hence there was as little need for
a law on the matter as there would be
timely arrival of his wife.
J umbo .
fo r an enactment against blasphemy
in a Quaker settlement, I n the larger
N E W T R O Y IT E M S .
towns o f the State, where the popula­
tion is o f a mixed character, the peo­
July 13,1885.
Mr. Charles Evans and wife were in ple who drank before the time’ o f pro­
hibition drink harder now, and the
town Sunday, visiting with their for­ liquor traffic is set free from all con­
mer neighbor, ’Squire Ballengee.
trol or regulation. It is very easy to
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford, o f Buchanan, explain why coercive teetotalism
should have just these effects.
are-visiting relatives here.
The communities in Iowa that are
Mr. Albert Morley returned to Chica­ free from the liquor traffic owe their
go to-day.
fortunate situation to “ moral suasion,”
Mr. Joseph Rogers paid us a short not to legal coercion. In these sections
the people led industrious, frugal lives,
visit last week.
and they were temperate, not through
Mr. W m. Pierce and Sherman Pen­ fear of the constable, but on the ground
nell expect to commence threshing o f , personal conviction. These com­
munities show the results of voluntary
wheat the last o f this week.
T o u u g L ad y a t Boarding School.
New line o f Curtain Poles at
A t some o f the French hoarding
schools in Paris, the girls are fed on
weak soup, tw o or three degrees strong­
er than hot water; meat, from which
nearly all the nourishment is extract­
ed by boiling; coarse veal, watery car­
rots and gray, sour bread. The young
lady who comes home after a few
terms of this sort of diet may be very
learned, but is pale and poor looking,
lacking vigor and health. Give her
Brown’s Iron Bitters—the best tonic
in flie world for young ladies with im­
poverished blood—and bring the roses
Into lier .cheeks.
Come and Examine,
m ,
It is announced that the new City
Directory of Chicago shows an increase
in the population of that city of 40,000
during the past year, bringing tlie total
population “not far from” 700,000.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the mest
effective blood purifier ever devised.
It is recommended by the best physi­
Mixed Paint and
| at S T R A W ’S . ^
Roberts’ Knives and Shears are sold
only at
Mason Jars, pints, quarts and two
quarts, at
TREAT & REDDEN’S. 2 A ll kinds of Dye Stuffs, at
§500 will buy a good lot and small
bouse, on Lake street, now rented for
§5 per month. A good investment.
Call at this office.
A good new house and good lot on
Oak street, suitable for two small and
peaceable families, can be bought at
this office for §700, worth §1,000,
Finest Letter Paper,Envelopes, Pens,
Pencils, & c, at
Farmers, "L. T. E astman wants you
to call at his place, opposite the grist
mill office, and examine the Walter A.
Wood Harvesting Machines, Bissell
Plows, and Pumps of all kinds.
Reniuants of 2 to 6 rolls of Wall
Paper below cost, at
A 75 cent Corset for sale at 50 cents,
n iG H b ’ >
W A L L PAPER sold at COST, tq,
close out, at
A fresh invoice o f the Celebrated
Buck Cigars better than ever, to be
had only at
New stock of Wall Paper just in at
A nice and fashionable all-wool cassnnere Suit for men, at §S.
W E A V E R & CO.
May Slater, a “sweet sixteen” year
P i a n o T u n i n g .— W ill U. Martin
old of Grand Haven, picked 172 quarts
will he in Buchanan this week and at­
o f Strawberries, July 7.
tend to any tiling in the line of piano
Lansing is ahead of the rest .of tlie lor organ tuning and repairing. Orders
world in posessing a young lady’s base may be left as usual at Morris’ restau­
hall nine.
rant, or address by mail.
A silver watcii was found in a wa­
New "Wide Laces cheaper than ever,
termelon bought by a telegraph boy at at
Battle Creek Saturday.
A C a r d .—Those sufferingfrom Piles
Romeo is said to have §1,297,985 should know that they can consult me
worth of taxable property, real and free o f charge, and be positively and
permanently cured, without pay until
The Chicago Times estimates that such cure is effected.
1,300,000 bushels o f last yeai’s wheat
Major nouse, Tuesdays.
crop in Michigan is still in the hands
of the farmers.
Colored Glass Sets, at
"Willie Hopkins was found drowned
at Cooper, Kalamizoi comity, yester­
Just received b y J . K . W o o d s , a new
day, in a water trough. His father is stoek o f Men’s all Calf Shoes, Button
an American express messenger.— and Congress, Im itation Lace and Balls
Evening News.
fo r §2.50. Come and see them.
Gov. Algerhas presented to the town
D r . G r a y will be in Bridgman July
of Alger an entire hloelc of ground, on 16, and in Buchanan July IS.
which the school board will erect a
C a t c h O n .—Some merchants make
building for school purposes.
a very large noise in advertising a few
The asylum for feeble-minded chil­ Cheap Prints, which amounts to noth­
dren. started at Kalamazoo a year ago ing to tlie consumer, and at the same
at a cost o f §50,000, has just closed a time charge full prices or more for all
successful year.
oilier goods. B uy their Prints, but
The agricultural college will gradu­ come where you can get all oilier goods
ate thirty-two members this year. This away down. I will give you some
is the largest class that ever graduated prices that will benefit you, at
there with the exception o f the class of
’81, which numbered thirty-three.
The Best Line of Coffees in town, at
A Lapeer wool buyer found some­
thing strange in sheep’s chothing lie
Prints, Shitting, Muslin, and all
purchased last week, and it wasn’t a kinds o f Summer Goods, very cheap,
w olf either.. It was a five-pound chunk at
HIGHS’, 4-i
of lead.
Parasols worth §3.50 fo r §2,50; same,
Thenext annual meeting of the State worth, 75 cents for 50 cents; same,
Press Association will be held in Cold- worth §1.50 for §1.00. This is not your
water, and the program will include own price, but cheaper than the man
an excursion to Put-in-Bay. Editors that says it is.
beat the world on excursions.
_ Plenty of all sizes o f Mason Fruit
A little bird has built a nest and Jars, at M o r g a n & Co’s, Cheap, tj
reared its young in the mouth of the
Our Price oil Parasols is very cheap
eagle surmounting the court house at
Charlotte. None but an English spar­
Parasols and White Goods away
row would take sucli risks.
down, at
GRAH AM ’S.* 1
B. F . Green, a farmer living near
cheap at yr.
Charlotte, is the owner of triplet steers,
broken to work in tlie same yoke,
marked nearly alike and well-mated in
be at the Major House every Tuesday
all other respects.—Evening News.
An evaporating machine agent, who A ll afflicted with Piles are invited to
worked Gratiot county for contracts call and consult him free of charge.
which turned up as notes in course of
time, has been arrested at Ithaca in
connection with one of liis schemes in
which he swindled a farmer out of
Attorney George H, Lothrop, o f De­
troit, writes to the Branch comity su­
pervisors that the cells in tlieir county
jail are an infringement on the patent
of the late Edwin May, and the county
must pay a royalty Of §400 or have
trouble.—Evening News.
While grading Oak street at Flint
the workmen came upon a skeleton
two feet below the surface, which bore
evidence o f having lain there at least
seventy-five years. I t is supposed to
be tlie remains o f a,n Indian.
George Watts, o f Ionia, dropped a
match into an-empty whisky barrel in
W m. Mead’s saloon yesterday. The
barrel exploded, threw Watts across
the room, badly injuring him, blew the
glass front out o f the building and set
the saloon on fire. The blaze was extintinguished.
“ Uncle John,” said Annabelle, “ you
must congratulate me. I am graduat­
ed.” “ H’ m!” grunted Uncle John; “ so
is our old thermometer outin the barn,
but what is it good for ?”
S T R A W ’S.
New style shelf paper at the
Bargains in Ginghams now at
T renbeth has changed liis mind
and will take all orders lie can get.
M o r g a n & Co. sell Mason Cans,
pints, §1.15 ; quarts, §1.30; 2 quarts,
W e have just received a fine assort­
ment of Box Paper, Memoranda, etc^
Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer never fails in restoring gray
hair to its youthful color, lustre, and
vitality. Dr. A. A . Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, endorses it,
and all who give it a fair trial unite
in grateful testimony in its many vir­
A street in Brooklyn has been nam­
ed Bartholdi, in honor of the artist.
Cure for Croup .—Use Dr. Thom­
as’ Eclectric Oil. It is the best reme­
dy for all sudden attacks o f colds, pain
and inflammation, aiid injuries.
A weak back, with a weary, aching
lameness over the hips is a sign o f dis­
eased kidneys. Use the best kidney
curative, which is Burdock Blood Bit­
Iowa farmers are offered seven cents
a pound for tlieir butter, provided it is
o f extra quality.
There is nothing like Dr. Thomas’
Eclectric Oil to quickly cure a cold or
relieve hoarseness. AVlit ten by Mrs.
M. J. Fellows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph
Co., Mich.
A party of over 500 Moimon immi­
grants arrived at New York last week,
the majority being Scandinavians.
Clipped from Canada Presbyterian,
under signature o f C. Blackett Robin­
son, Propr.: I wa3 cured of bilious
headaches by Burdock Blood Bitters. 2
TnE R ev . Geo . H. T jlayer, o f Bour­
bon, Ind., says: “Both myself and
w ife owe our lives to Shiloh ’ s Con­
sumption Cure .” For sale by E. S.
Dodd & Son
A re Y ou Made miserable by Indi­
gestion, Conslipation, Dizziness, Loss
of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s
AUtalizer is a positive cure. For sale
by E. S. Dodd & Son.
AVnY AADl l Y o u cough when Shiloh’s
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts.. 00 cts., and §1. For sale by E.
8. Dodd & Son.
Sihloh ’s Cata r r h R emedy —a pos­
The highest price paid for produce
itive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, and
Canker Mouth. F or sale by E.S. Dodd
Highest cash price paid for all kinds & Son.
o f Produce, at
“H ackmetacic”, a lasting and fra­
U ioiis sell more ladies’. Hose than grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
For sale by E. S. Dodd & Son.
ever, because ours is the cheapest and.
SmLon’s Cure will immediately re­
best assortment.
t ** lieve Croup, A\rhooping Cough and
Photograph, Autograph and Scrap Bronchitis. F or sale by E. S. Dodd &
Albums, at
F or D yspepsia and Liver Com­
Down they go. Parasols are cheap plaint, you have a printed guarantee
at our store. AATe are bound to close on every bottle o f Shiloh’s Vitalizer.
them out.
REDDEN & BQYLE.^y It never fails to cure. - F or sale by E.
S. Dodd & Son.
Glass and Queens ware, cheap, at
Snow fell in Tazewell county, V a ,
one night last iveek, and in AYythe
Look at the price on our Ladies]. county, in the same State, ice formed
on the 30th ultimo.
Muslin Underwear. Very cheap, at
A. N asal I njector free with each
bottle Of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy.
Rock bottom prices for all kinds pf Price 50 cents. F or sale by E. S. Dodd
Groceries, at PEGK & BEISTLE’S.6
& Son.
I f you are ready to dye, call at AYesfor Diamond and other Dyes.
Domestic recipes filled with the best
B ishop sells Stoneware at Sc a
The census o f the city o f Buffalo,
jast taken by the police-force, shows
the total population to be 202,818. The
tenth United States Census, taken in
1S80, gavea total population o f 155,134.
I have been a sufferer two years from
catarrh or cold in the head, having dis­
Y ou «in bay Hammocks at our store tressing pains over the eyes. Gradual­
ly the disease worked down upon my
the cheapest. Look at them.
lungs, my left ear was almost deaf, my
voice was failing me. 1 procured one
Paris Green, Insect Powder, and bottle of Ely’ s Cream Balm and with­
in five days my hearing was restored,
White Hellebore, for potato bugs, and the pain ceased over my eyes, and
worms, flies and insects, at
I am now enjoying good health. I rec­
ommended it to some o f my friends.
One o f them sent for a bottle. He
Call and see that New Glassware,.. , told me that half o f it cured him. My
advice is to those suffering with ca­
Warm AYeather Gauze Shirts for tarrh or cold in the head not to delay
hut try Ely’s Cream Calm, as it is a
men and vests for ladies, at from 25c positive cure.—John H . Yansant, San­
up, at
HIGHS’. - 4 dy Hook, Elliott Co., Ky.
Remember, B ishop keeps a full line
First-class railway carriages are not
of Groceries, Crockery Glassware and in favor in Germany. One o f the best
lines reports a yearly average o f only
Bakery Goods, at bottom prices.
three first-class tickets sold fo r every
thousand passengers.
F i t s .—A ll fits stopped free by Dr.
KJine’s Great Nerve Restorer. N o (its
after first day’s use. Marvelous cures.
Treatise and §2 trial bottle free to F it
cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St.,
Phila., Pa.
ton ’s
Condition Powders,
Wlien Baby was sick, wo gave-lier CASTORIA
When slie was a Cliild, she cried for CASTORIA
When she became Mias, she clung to CASTORIA
When shehad Children, she gave them CAST’A
25_Ccnts Per Pound,
------- AT-------
Dodd’s Drug Store.
They Give Satisfaction in Every
OR. E. $, DODD &
E x t r a copies of the R e c o r d may
always be found at the news depot m
the post office-room.
Smoke tlie “Buck” Cigar, at ^ j
AVe s t o n ’ s P
io n e e r
D r u g St o r e .
Hale’s Iloncy the great cou gh cure,25c.,B0c.k $1
Glenn’s Sulphur Soap heals & beau tines, 25C.
GerinanComKcmover hills corns A Bunions
Hill’s Hair and Whisker Dye—Black and B row s, 60s.
Pike’s Toothache Drops cure In1 Utnute.SSa
Dean’s Bhcumatle Pills ore a sure Gars. 60S;
“ R o u g h on Hats.’ *
Clears ont r its, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bedbugs,
H eart Pains.
Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness, In(ligcstionylIeadachc,Slecp1essness cured by “ Wells’
Health Renewer.’ 1
“ Jlougli on Corns.”
Ask for W ells’ “ Ronsli on Corns,’ * 15c. Quick
complete enre. Hard or soft corn's, ^varte, bunions.
“ B u c liu -P a n ia .”
Qnlck, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, Stone, Grav­
el, Catarrh o f the Bladder. $1, Druggists.
B e d -lin g s , P lie s.
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rate, mice, gopher
chipmunks, cleared out by “ Hough on Hats. ’ 15c.
Thin People.
•“Wells* Health Hencwer” restores health ard
vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debili­
ty. SI
“ R ough on Pain.”
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches,
pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism.
20c. Hough o a Paiu Piasters, 15c.
M others,
IT you arc failing, broken, worn out and nervous,
use “ Wells’ Health Hencwer.” $1. Druggists.
L ife Preserver.
i f yon are losing your grip on life, try “ Wells*
Health Hencwer.
Goes direct to weak spots.
“ Itoafrli on P iles.”
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protrud­
ing, Bleeding, internal or other. Internal and ex­
ternal Remedy in each package. Sure cure, 50c.
P re tty 'W oman.
Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity,
don’ t fail to try “ Wells’ Health Renewcr.”
“ Rough, on. Itch.**
“ Rough o n Itch” cures hnmors, eruptions, ring­
worm, tetter, salt rheiun, frosted feet, chilblains.
•“R ou gh on Catarrh-.*9*
Corrects oflensivc odors at once. Complete cure
o f worst chronic coses, also unequalled as gargle
lor Diptheria, Sore Threat, Foul Breath. 50c.
T he H o p e o f tlie station.
Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny
and delicate, use ^Wells’ Health Renewcr.”
Catarrh o f the B lad d er.
Slinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney
and Urinary complaints, cured by “ Bnchu-Palba.”
M organ delivers goods promptly to
P. Q. NEWS DEPOT. S all parts o f the city.
N ow buy Hammocks. We sell them
New designs in "Wall Papers, at
cheaper than any one. See HIGHS’. f t
Look out for low prices on all Sum­
Hammocks are sold the cheapest at
mer Gooods.
G BAH AM .t^ H ighs ’. Look there before you buy.'§f
Try M o r g a n ’s 5-cent Cigar Lakesida
See M o r g a n & Co’s stock of Flower
A ll persons who in the last few years Pots. Cheap.
have taken concrete brick from the
See the neatest Carpet Sweeper In.
foot of Niles hill, are notified to call on the world, at
John C. D ick and pay for the same and
25 pounds o f Jack Frost Flour for
save cost. The reason no action has 00 cents, equal to Buchanan patent, at
been taken sooner is because th’e title
TR E A T & REDDEN’S ^ A tramp made a raid on Wm. Jones’ to the brick has been in controversy,
Celebrated Starch Com­
bouse, near N ovi, Oakland Co., Satur­ but It lias lately been decided that they
day night, driving the women from “the belong to me- I want and will liaye pound and Bleaching Blue for sale by
G. W . Fox. Full directions will be
house and smashing up the furniture. pay for the brick.
in each package of Compound
William, who was at a neighbor’s, heard
for making and using starch on scien­
“ W ater-B u gs, Roaches.”
the racket, and appearing..on the scene
Bargains in all Summer Goods now_ tific principles, and tlie plan o f doing
“ Rough on Hals” clears them out. also Beetles,
with a gun shot the tramp, killing him
on sale at
HIGH ’S, f t it twenty times easier than the old
instantly. The Prosecuting Attorney
HIGH’S,;*! way, and equal to any laundry work.
refuses to prosecute Jones, as lie con­
Michigan Salt, §1 per bbl; Jugs,
siders him justified in the shooting.
26 ACRES, with buildings, two
A handsome braided Jersey for §1.75 miles north o f village o f Buchanan.
This Is thekind o f news we want" to Crocks anct Jars, 8c per gallon.
G. W. FOX.
Call at this office.,
at our sfore. REDDEN ■&BOYLE.
-read more of.
For Sale.
was commenced. Mrs. Higglesworth
was the first picture printed.
“ Let me see it, Reuben,” said; Mrs.
H., reaching for the print, which her
[X H* “Williams in ITew Y o rk Weekly-.]
husband was gazing at in ‘ open-eyed
The man -who conceived the brilliant
idea o f introducing the amateur photo­ astonishment. “ Is it a professional
graphic outfit should, not be permitted
“ Goodness gracious, Sary Ann!” lie
to go down to his grave unhouored and
nnhu—that is, unsung. He has dis­ c'aeulated, still keeping bis eyes fixed
the photograph. “ Was— was there
pelled clouds of carldng gloom and dis­ on
a di» e museum freak looking over your
sipated chunks of depressing monotony
from thousands of homes—including shoulder when I shot off the muzzle of
the contrivance;”
the rural domicile o f Reuben Higgles“ Why, no,” returned Mi's. Higgles­
worth, taking the picture from her hus­
"While Hr. Higglesworth was in th v band's hand. “ What a foolish ques—
city during the holiday season, a small
Heavens, l eubon! What in the world
boy thrust into his hand a printed Cir­ is it, anyway?”
cular, headed, “‘Every Man his Own Pho­
“ Well, if it isn’t a ‘what is it,’ I give
tographer.” Following this announce­
it up,” he replied, perplexedly. “ The
ment was; a lucid description of an ama­ lens must have slipped an eccentric, or
teur photographic outfit, whereby any something. You are endowed with con­
person, without previous instruction or siderable chin, Sary Ann, but not quite
experience, might take artistic photo­ such a profusion as is exhibited in this
graphs o f all the animate and inanimate photograph; and I ’ admit that you
things in his .neighborhood, deriving haven’t four eyes, and one of thorn don't
both pleasure and profit from the oper­
slant around to your left ear. And
look at that right car! You didn’t hold
“How I call that a mighty 'cute ar­
a palm-leaf fan alongside your head,
rangement,” said Mr. Higglesworth,
did. ye? And one of your hands is not
putting the circular in his pocket.
as corpulent as a sugar-cured ham.”
“ Guess I'll invest a few dollars in the
“ And that's the way you have made
amachoor machine and take it homo to
me look pret.ier than a professional
amuse fc’ary Ann and the children. ”
beauty, is*it? Reubcu Higglesworth, if
When he arrived home with his pur­
1 thought this was one of your jokes,
chase, ijary Ann Higglesworth and the
ra _ I-d —”
four juvenile Higg esworth, examined
And she placed her handkerchief to
the contrivance curiously, finally Mrs.
her eyes.
H.’s pent-up enriosity exploded in the
“ How, mother,” said Reuben, sooth­
ingly, "don't cry about it. A amachoor
“ “‘What in the world is it, Reuben?—a
photographer is liable to make a blunder
patent oil-stove or a new kind of churn?”
at first. I must bare aimed the ma­
“ Well, yourguess is away off. It is a chine too high, and brought down one
machine for making pictures. The man
of l“arnmil’s euriosit’es which happened
who sold it to me, Pary Ann, showed to be passing at the time. Well now
ipe the photographs of some likely young look at the children’s group. -That 11 he
women one of these machines made,
a beauty.”
and they was pretty enough to make a
The print was taken from the nega­
man yearn to live his courting days over
tive, and Higglesworth ga- ed upon it
again. A man can operate it by read­ with an expression of horror.
ing the instructions, in this little book,
“ Is it all right, I’ euben?” asked his
and when I’ve mastered them, Sary
wife, cran'ng her head over his
Ann, I'll just load np the photographic shoulder, while the children stood
box and take your picture first.”
around with pleasurable expectancy
Mrs. UiggleswQrth's preconceived no­ depicted upon their faces.
tion o f having a photograph taken was
“ Sary Ann, it is not all right. It ap­
something akin to having a tooth ex­
pears to be something like a puzzle de­
tracted. She had experienced the lat­ partment, and might answer for a map
ter torture, but was thus far exempt of the war in Egypt. Some fiend has
from the former.
tampered with the machine. There are
‘ W ill it hurt, Reuben?" she asked,
four figures here, hut they don't like
backing away from the camera.
human beings. Here’s one got
“ To be sure it won't hurt. The thing civilized
a bead as big as a water bucket, ap­
won’t explode—not before it is loaded,
parently, while another's is no larger
any way,” he added, facetiously. “ You
thau a hickory nut; and the feet look
must slick up a little, and make yourself like snow shovels, and here are three
look pretty, and I’ll make your photo­ heads melted together, and—. Well, 1
graph look handsomer than a profes­ swow if I ever saw such a group since f
sional beauty.”
was horn?”
In a very brief space of period—for a
'Terhaps,” suggested his wife, “ the
woman—Mrs. Higglesworth announced lens slipped another eccentric; or maybe
that she was ready.
\on aimed it too high and hit a band of
“ How take a seat in this cheer, Sary savages in the street?’ ’
Ann, and look pleasant and natural­
“ Pop,” broke in the four youngsters,
like. I'm not going to wedge your
“ let me see it!"
head in. a pair of tongs and twist you
“ Gceroosalum!” vociferated Tom, “ if
into a position that'll make you look as that doesn’ t look worse than a comic
lifeless and wooden as a cigar-store In­
valentine. Which one’s me and which
dian. 1 hotographers who follow the is Sue?”
business for a living always screw your
“ Children,” said Higglesworth, “ we’ll
head into a pair of diabolical iron
clamps, and make you set as you never put this away for future inspection;
and now let us behold the counterfeit
sot before in all your born days—and
of your father, the ama­
never will again, nnless you get your presentment
choor photographer.”
photograph taken by one of the profes
And what he beheld nearly paralyzed
sional chaps. How, get ready to look him.
natural, and easy.”
“ Wha—what's this?” he gasped.
Then Higglesworth looked through
“ This picture looks more like one of the
the camera at his wife, who was vainly
monsters in a panto­
trying to assume several different posi­ big-headed
mime than it
tions at one time.
Sary Ann.
The 'eyes
“ Throw up your chin a trille, Sary bulge out like a pair of pearl door­
Ann.—not quite so high. Twist your knobs, and the head appears to have
head a trifle to the right, There— been driven down betwen the shoulders
that’s better. You can' wink all you
with a pile-driver. And that nose
want to. How look pleasant, ivud seems to meander all over the face.
smile a little atthe corners of your mouth Sary A n n ,. ye didn’t bust anything
— Great kingdom, Mrs. Higglesworth!
when you removed the cloth, did ye?”
Don't open your mouth that'way! D’ye
“ I—I don’t know,” she replied. “ I
want to bust the plate and spoil the didn’t
hear anything crack.”
picture? Think of something cheerful,
“ AYell, I'll put this away with yours
and keep your mouth shut. Think of
and the group for future consideration,
the sleigh ride we took before we were
and examine the photographs of the cat
married, when the horse ran away and
and dog.”
dumped us out in a demoralized heap,
He gazed curiously at the pictures
and we had to walk three miles through
for nearly a minute, and then broke out
snowdrifts, "When I pull the cloth off
the nozzle of the machine, the perform­
“ Heavens and eaTth! what have we
ance begins. Howl”
here? I never saw more curious beasts in
The four children stood near the
a menagerie! Sary Ann, you’ve read of
camera, two on each side of the sitter,
the frightful animals that lived be­
and Mrs. Higglesworth made a heroic
fore the flood—that paleotheriums and
effort to keep her eyes on the entire
plesiosauruses, and such? Well, here’s
quartette, and once raised a finger
a pair of ’em;” and he handed her the
warningly and gave a thundergustie
pictures. She gave them a hurried
glance at Tom, the eldest, who was act­ look and let them drop, with a little
ing an original pantomime for the de­
lectation of his brother and sisters.
“ Reuben, sell that machine—or give
“ There—it's all over!”, said Higgles­
it away! I wouldn't have the hateful
worth, throwing the cloth over the noz­
thing about the house!”
zle of the camera.
“ I’ll tell you what I’ll do, Sary Ann.
“ Sakes alive!” exclaimed Mrs Hig­
I’ll get Tom to write to a Boy’s Weekly,
glesworth, bouncing out of her chair,
offering a first-class photographic outfit
and giving Tom a smart box on the ear,
“ how quick that was done, and I was in exchange for a hoTse and eart or a
bushel of turnips, or something that
waiting all the time to hear it go o-L
Do let me see it, Reuben.”
way. I’ll give some other man a chance
to be his own photographer. But I
“ Can't yon wait till I develop the neg­
have an idea about the pictures I have
ative?” cried her husband, impatiently'.
already taken. They are not going to be
“ I’ll let you see it in a minute!” and he
rushed into his “ dark room,” according wasted.”
to the dire.tions, and soon returned and
A few days later Mr. Higglesworth
held the plate up to the light. “ There took his wonderful photographs to the
you are, iSary Ann!”
o'liee of the local paper, ana divulged
his little scheme to the editor. And
“ Do you call that me?” said his wife,
the next issue of The Howelltown Ban­
gazing at the picture with her eyes
ner contained the following notice:
bristling with astonishment. “ Why,
“ r e m a r k a b l e p ic t u r e s .
whatever it is, it looks as black as
a n—”
“ We have been shown photographs of
several members of a new race of people
“ Yes, I know,” Reuben interrupted;
recently discovered by explorers in the
“ but it will come all right when it is
wilds of Boraxicnm in central Africa.
printed. The black will then be light,
These pictures show two adults, appar­
and the light dark. How, since I’ve
got my hand in, I’ll take a group of the
ently male and female, and a group of four
children. When every man becomes
children, whose sex is difficult to deter­
mine. They are probably the most
his own photographer, Sary Ann—and
every woman, too—the business of the frightful looking ob ects wearing the
professional will be paralyzed, and he
semblance of human beings. While
will either have to skirmish around for
some of them have heads as large as
some other kind of employment, or *go
half-bushel measures, the heads of
over the hill to the poor-house. It will
others are as diminutive as acorns, in
be pretty rough on him, but ’every man comparison. There are also photographs
for himself is the motto in these davs.
of two animals, which are frightfulHow tidy up the children, wash their looking monsters, and answer the de­
faces, and comb their hair, and we’ll scription of the ‘beasts’ described in the
soon have an artistic group of ’em.”
hook of Rev lations. These marvelous
Mr. Higglesworth prepared a plate,
pictures can he purchased for the small
and when the children were pro­
sum of §50, and we hope they may be
nounced ready, he arranged them in a added to the Antiquarian society of our
group, threw a cloth over the back of
the camera and his head and prepared
P. S.—And they were.
to “ focus" them.
“ Humph! you are all there, but there
seems to be too much promiseuousness
H o w It Affects the Heart and the M ind—
about the group. Joe, place your right
Swift and Johnson for Examples.
hand on Susan's shoulder, and stop
[The Caterer.]
your confounded snickering. Caroline,
The influence of food on the mind,
stop scratching your nose; and
Tom, don’t twist your head off and its power—according to its pro­
priety or impropriety—to corrupt or
trying to look around at youi
purify the heart, has been asserted time
Sary Ann, stand farther
and again; and the assertion is too well
to the left, so they can't see you. How
sustained by every day observa­
children, keep right still, and look
tion to be attributed to the out­
cheerful and pleased, as if you had 10
flow o f mere metaphysical speculation.
cents to buy taffy, or 111 skiu you—d’ye
The world contains, according to
bear? Great universe! just look a t’em!’’
Hannah Moore but two evils: Sin and
and he abandoned bis camera, _rushed
bile; and the conclusion is logical, that
up to the children, bumped their beads
if good cookery—which means, as a con­
together two or three times, and posed
sequence, good and proper food—were
them again.
universal, it would have neither evil;
“ How remain in that position!” ho
for bad food is the prolific source of
-commanded, peering through the lens.
bile; and bile, if we are to believe the
“ Don t move, or I’ll thrash you all. How theory of certain savants, is the founda­
the thing has commenced.”
tion o f all sin.
He removed the cloth, and gazed at
And, indeed, there is no reason why
his watc-h.
we should not adopt the above theory
“ There—that’U do,” he said, replacing
as sound. In the administration of jus­
the cloth, and withdrawing the slide.
tice in our criminal courts, juries are
“ How, let's see!” examining the plate
becoming more and more satisfied, from
after the negative had been, developed.
the evidence of medical witnesses and
“ One—two—three—four, you are all
experts, to treat it as a fact that crime
here, anyway. How, Tom, bring in
may owe its origin as much to a diseased
Topsy, the cat, and we’ll have her pho­ body as a disordered mind; esteeming
tographed in a jiffy.”
the connection between the mind and
Topsy was placed on a chair, and “ had
body to he so close, that if the latter is
her picture tooken,” as Tom explained.
shackled with disease, it is hardly pos­
Then, Carlo, the dog, was introduced
sible for the former to be free and there­
and submitted to a similar torture.
fore responsible for the acts of its
“ Sary Ann,” said Higglesworth “ we’ll
finish the day's operations by taking my
I f food, then, is so double in its effect,
own photograph. I’ll get the machine
in other words, controlling the action
Teady, put in the plate, and take a seat both of body and mind, it is rather tafe
in front of the camera. When I say to say that the brains can’t escape, and
“ ready,” remove the cloth, count, fifty,
therefore, that the effusions of writers
and then replace it.”
derive their quality from‘ the character
Mrs. Higglesworth followed the in­
of that which may be habitually selected
structions, but not without manifesting for nourishment, whether this be in
considerable trepidation.
eating or drinking. “ He who drinks
“ Well, there appears to be something beer, thinks beer,” is a homely proverb,
but one, nevertheless, whose force and
on the plate,” Observed Higglesworth,
examining the negative; “ and I guess it truth will become plain, even to the cur­
is your husband, Sary Ann. How we sory reader of current and past litera­
have taken pictures of the entire family,
ture. The coarseness, pungency and
without any fuss, at very trifling cost.
sensuality—not unmixea with vigor—
The amachoor photographic outfit is a wh'ch characterize Elizabethan litera­
' great- boon, and I wouldn’t part-, with it ture, indicate the manner of life in that
for ten times; its cost, if I couldn't get beer drinking age, and show a strong con­
another. We’ll print the pictures to­ trast^with the polished emanations of later
morrow,- if the day proves clear.
day brains, when wine had superceded
Next day the sunshoneresplendently,
bear as an accustomed drink, smoothing
and the process of _jnaking the prints the coarseness without injuring the
vigor of thought and expression. AYe
make no allusion here to Shakespoare.
Ho is an anomaly wo leave to the Impu­
dent and impotent criticism of bolder
pens than ours.
Good, solid food, then, and nutritions
fluids are essential to him who would
give force to the labois of his brain.
Tea may appear, in tlio eyes of some, a
more harmless drink than beer; yet the
tea drinker’s thoughts might not outlive
the timo they took to write them. Dean
Swift, it is true, was fond of his cup of
tea; but it was not owing to that fact
that his writings still livo. He did not
confine himself to “ the cup that dicers
and not inebriates,” but was a lover oE
the other one that knows so well how
to do both. Dr. Johnson was also a
passionato lover of tea, hut, liko Swift,
lie divided his affections, lie made the
pleasures of the table a study, and
seated before a well-spread dinner, ho
would jilt the tea pot, and a bottle or
port*would then become solo mistress of
his hoart._________________
veti 3^w'.
B r a n d s a d v e r tis e d o s a b s o lu te ly p u re
A r t O J O r f f l A ..
P la c e a ca n to p do w n o n a h o t s to v e u n til h e a t e d , th e n
r e m o v e t h e c o v e r a n d s m e ll. A c lie m h G w ill n o t b o r o q u ir e d t o d e te c t tlio p rc s o u c o o £ a in m o u ia .
Cor. B a y ’ s A ve., and Front
St., Buchanan.
B a so B u ll in n H otel.
A Philadelphia hotel clerk is responsi­
ble for the following: “ In many of the
hotels the base ball players are not al­
lowed to go into tbe dining-rooms with
their spiked shoos on.
They always
dress for a match before dinner am}
have a way of tramping about on the
carpet aud over the painted floors of
the dining-rooms. The spikes in tlieir
shoes ruin the carpets and leave the
dining-room floors full of holes. How
at some of the hotels they leave their
shoes m the hallways and go into the
dining-rooms in their stocking feet.
Guests object to it, and so there arc
very few hotels who care to accommo­
date ball players. The average ball
player knows very little about hotel life,
or how to conduct himself in a dining­
room. They ask for mince pie in mid­
summer and want buckwheat cakes for
dinner and apple dumplings for supper.
“ I've seen them play catch at table
with hard-boiled eggs and salt-cellars,
and they invariably let the whole dining­
room know how the game was played or
how they are going to play,” went on
the clerk “ and only the other night at
our hotel two of them were playing ball
with the ottomans in the parlor.”
jL u n jn s
Tlio strongest,m ost delicious nnd oalurn l flavor known, nud
Price’s LupuEls Yeast Gems
F o r L ig h t , H e a lt h y B r o a d , T h e B e s t D r y H o p
Y e a s t I n th e W o r ld .
larly request those w ho have
been paying s5 or $6 fo r their
i swucb to
ii'iiaw w*y on h pair
\of tliesc before bn yin ganew
pail-. It costs nothing
to try them on.
J . MEANS & CO.,
M axo t a c tu k e r s ,
None genuine unless stamped as follow s,
caused such an enor­
mous increase in the
demand fo r them that
w e can n ow furnish
p ro o f that o u r cele­
b ra ted fa c to r y p r o ­
duces Q larger quan­
tity o f shoes o f this
grade than any
other factory in
the w o r ld .
■\Vc particu-
W H O IS u n a c q u a i n t e d w i t h t h e g e o g r a p h y o f t h i s c o u n t r y , w i l l
arc made o f F in e s t T a n n er y
j Calf-SJcin, stitched with large
\Silk Machine Twist, and aro
Ximcqualled in D u r a b i l i t y ,
C o m fo rt, a n d A p p e a r ­
ance.. They are made in
various widths, to lit any
foot, and with ci­
ther broad o r nar­
r o w toes. T hcm erits o f these
shoes have
T h e m ea n eleva tion o f th is co u n try is
estim a ted a t 2 ,‘ ittO fe e t a b ov e sea level,
a n d th e a vera ge ra in fa ll a t tw en ty -n in e
S 3 SThese
H Shoes
O Efo.r gentlemen
In a million homes for a quarter of a century It lias
stood the consumers’ reliable test,
‘ Purestand strongest Natural Fruit Flavors.
Vanilla, lem on, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc.,
flavor as delicately andnaturally as thelruit.
B v r e a s o n o f i t s c e n t r a l p o s it io n a n d c l o s e r e la t io n t o a ll p r in c ip a l lin e s B a s t a n d
W e s t , a t in it ia l a n d t e r m in a l p o in t s , c o n s t it u t e s t b e m o s t i m p o r t a n t m id -c o n t i­
n e n t a l lin k i n t lia t s y s t e m o f t b r o u s k t r a n s p o r t a t io n w b i c l i i n v it e s a n d fa c ili­
t a t e s t r a v e l a n d t r a ffic b e t w e e n c it ie s o f t b e A t l a n t i c a n d P a c ific C o a s ts . I t
Is a l s o t h e f a v o r i t e a n d b e s t r o u t e t o a n d f r o m p o in t s H a st, N o r t h e a s t a n d
S o u t h e a s t, a n d c o r r e s p o n d in g - p o in t s W e st, N o r t h w e s t a n d S o u t h w e s t .
T h e B o o k I s la n d s y s t e m in c lu d e s in it s m a in lin e a n d b r a n c h e s , C h ic a g o ,
J o lie t , O t ta w a , L a S a lle, P e o r ia , G e n e s e o , M o lin e a n d B o c k Is la n d , i n I llin o is ;
D a v e n p o r t , M u s c a t in e , W a s h in g t o n , B ail-field, O t tu m w a , O s k a lo o s a , W e s t
L ib e r t y , I o w a C ity , D e s M o in e s , I n d ia n o la , W in t e r s e t , A t la n t ic , K n o x v ille ,
A u d u b o n , H a r la n , G u th r ie C e n t r e a n d C o u n c il B lu ffs , i n I o w a ; G a lla tin ,
T r e n t o n , C a m e r o n a n d K a n s a s C ity , i n M is s o u r i; L e a v e n w o r t h a n d A t c h is o n ,
i n K a n s a s ; A l b e r t L e a ,M in n e a p o lis a n d S t. P a u l, in M in n e s o t a ; W a t e r t o w n in
D a k o t a , a n d h u n d r e d s o f in t e r m e d ia t e c itie s , t o w n s , v illa g e s a n d s t a t io n s .
C H IC A G O .
ST . L O U IS .
G u a r a n t e e s it s p a t r o n s t h a t s e n s e o f p e r s o n a l s e c u r it y a f fo r d e d b y a s o lid ,
t h o r o u g h l y b a lla s t e d r o a d - b e d ; s m o o t h t r a c k s o f c o n t in u o u s s t e e l r a il; s u b ­
s t a n t ia lly b u ilt c u lv e r t s a n d b r i d g e s ; r o llin g s t o c k a s n e a r p e r f e c t io n a s
h u m a n s k ill c a n m a k e i t ; t h e s a f e t y a p p lia n c e s o f p a t e n t b u ffe r s , p la t f o r m s
.a n d a ir -b r a k e s : a n d t h a t e x a c t in g d is c ip lin e w h ic h g o v e r n s t h e p r a c t ic a l
o p e r a t io n o f a ll it s tr a in s . O t h e r s p e c ia lt ie s o f t h is r o u t e a r e T r a n s fe r s a t
a fi c o n n e c t in g p o in t s in U n io n D e p o ts , a n d t h e u n s u r p a s s e d c o m f o r t s a n d
lu x u r ie s o f it s P a s s e n g e r B e
T h e B a s t E x p r e s s T ra in s b e t w e e n C h ic a g o a n d t h e M is s o u r i B iv e r a r e c o m ­
p o s e d o f w e l l v e n t ila t e d , fin e ly u p h o ls t e r e d D a y C o a c h e s , M a g n ific e n t P u llm a n
P a la c e S le e p e r s o f t h e la t e s t d e s ig n , a n d s u m p t u o u s D in in g C ars, in w h ic h
e la b o r a t e ly c o o k e d m e a ls a r e le is u r e ly e a t e n , “ g o o d D ig e s t io n w a it in g o n
A p p e t it e , a n d H e a lth o n b o t h .”
B e t w e e n C h ic a g o a n d K a n s a s C it y a n d
A t c h is o n , a r e a ls o r u n t h e C e le b r a t e d B e c lin in g C h a ir C ars.
I s t h e d ir e c t a n d f a v o r i t e lin e b e t w e e n C h ic a g o a n d M in n e a p o lis a n d St. P a u l,
w h e r e c o n n e c t io n s a r e m a d e in U n io n D e p o t s f o r a ll p o in t s i n t h e T e r r it o r ie s
a n d B r itis h P r o v in c e s . O v e r t h is r o u t e , B a s t E x p r e s s T r a in s a r e r u n t o t h e
w a t e r in g p la c e s , s u m m e r r e s o r t s , p ic t u r e s q u e lo c a litie s , a n d h u n t in g a n d fis h ­
in g g r o u n d s o f I o w a a n d M in n e s o ta . I t is a ls o t h e m o s t d e s ir a b le r o u t e t o t h e
r i c h w h e a t fie ld s a n d p a s t o r a l la n d s o f in t e r io r D a k o t a .
S till a n o t h e r D IR E C T L IN E , v i a S e n e c a a n d K a n k a k e e , h a s b e e n o p e n e d
b e t w e e n N e w p o r t N e w s , R ic h m o n d , C in cin n a ti, I n d ia n a p o lis , a n d L a fa y e t t e a n d
C o u n c il B lu ffs, K a n s a s C ity , M in n e a p o lis a n d S t. P a u l a n d in t e r m e d ia t e p o in t s .
F o r d e t a ile d in f o r m a t io n s e e M a p s a n d P o ld e r s , o b t a in a b le , a s w e l l a s
T ic k e t s , a t a ll p r in c ip a l T ic k e t O ffice s in t h e U n it e d S ta te s a n d C a n a d a ; o r
b y a d d r e s s in g
R . R. C AB L E ,
E. S T . JOf-US,
President and General Manager, Chicago,
General Ticket and Fassenger Agent, Chicago.
JA S. K. W O O D S ,
Buchanan, Mich.
for i n f a n t e and ©hSS«
“ C o sto ria isso wclladaptedtochildreri'ii.at
Lrecommend Ifcas superior to any proscription
known to mo.”
H. A. Ancimn, II. D „
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y .
J Established 1851 1 Merrill
UstaBstttr! 1 DETROIT, MICH, f B lock .
I The regu lar o ld established
Physician, and Surgeon DR.
| CastorSa euros Colic, Constipation,
| Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
| K a is W w n s , f d " * sL-cp, and promotes dtjj
injurious medication.
Tins Ci^TAL-n Cg-i - any , 1S2 Fulton Street, X Y.
CLARKE, at the old number
continues to treat with his usual
great sk ill air p r i v a t e ,
chronic, nervous and speoial
diseases. D R . CLARKE is the
_____ nlrlest Advertising Physician, as
files o f Papers show and all old Residents know.
Age and experience Im porta n t.
4S*ITerv0US D iseases (with or without dreams,)
or d e b ility and loss o f nerve p o w e r treated scien­
tifically by new methods with never failing success.
It makes no difference wliat yOU have taken or
Who has failed to cure you.
J2ST*Yonng men and m iddle-aged men and all
who suffer should consult the celebrated Dr*
Clarke at once, .os* The terrible poisons of all
bad blood and skin diseases ol every kind
name and nature completely eradicated. Remem­
ber, that one horrible disease, if neglected or
improperly treated, curses the present and coming
Diseased discharges cured
promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes
consult confidentially. I f in trouble, call or
write. Delays are dangerous. “ Procrastination
is the th ief o f time.” A w ritten warranty
of cure given in every case undertaken.
Send two stamps for celebrated W Clhs on
Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseasrs. Y au
have an. ex h a u stive symptom atology by which
to study your own Cases. Consultation, person­
ally or by letter, free* Consult the old DoctorThousands cured. Offices and parlors private.
You see no one but the Doctor. Before confiding
your case consult Dr. C LARKE, A friendly letter
or call may save future suffering and shame, and
add golden years to life. Medicines sent everywhere
secure from expOSUTB- Hours, 8 to 8 ;. Sunday,
9 to 22 . Address letters: F* £>• CEjA R K K *
M errill Block, Cor. Woodward and
Jefferson Aves. DETROIT, MICH.
Sene' six cent? for postage, and re
coivc free, n co^ilv 'box’of good?
which will help you to more money
right away than anything else in
this world. All of cither sex, succeed from the first
hour. The hroad road to fori line opens before the
workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tucn-:
& Co., Augusta. Maine.
insane Persons Restored
cure f o r JVerve Affections, Fits, Epilepsy, etc.
a I n f a l l i b l e i f taken a s directed. N o F its after
[firs t day's use. T rea tise an d
trial b o ttle free to
1 F it patients, th ey p a y in g express charges on b o x when
, received . S en d nam es. P . O . and express address o f
__ J afflicted to D R .K L IN li.9 1 1 A rch S L .i’ hiladclpliia.Pa.
S e e D ru g g ists. S E IF A R B O F IM IT A T IN G FRAUDS.
. ______
EFAULT having been made iii the paymen
of a curtain indenture ol m o rtg a g e b o r v .d a t
the del day ! January, 1S75, and executed by John
It is the only line with its own track from
V@ D E N V E R ,
Either by way of Omaha, Facific June., St. Joseph,
Atchison or Kansas City.
It connects in Union Depots with through trains from
and all Eastern points. It is the principal line to
NerveR estorer
If o r a ll B r a i n & N e r v e D i s e a s e s . Only sure
Mortgage Sale.
In Minnesota. North Dakota, Monj tana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
F r o m l a k e S u p e r io r t o P a g e t S on n tf,
At prices ranging chiefly from §2 to ?6 per acre,
on 5 to 10 years’ lime. This is the Best Country
for securing Good Homes now open for settlement.
BP3 K851 3 3 0 a cre s o f G o v e r n m e n t
K® fss?' Baa k*3 i a n d F r e e under the Homestead
a c a . f c ! e r a undTimbcrt’uUureLnws. F O M S
—1 0 .8 1 8 .4 3 3 A c r e s
SI A'ILF of all the Fulfil? Lands disposed ot in lSStt,
were in the Northern Pacific country. ISoolcs an«
M a p s sent F R E E , describing tlic K o r t lie r n
Ssi « ‘Elle C oun try,the Kaiiroud Lands for Sale and
the FKUK Government Lands. Address, CHAS.»
LAMLOltN, Laud Com’ r, F . P. R. it., St. Paul,
Rose Leaf, FineOal,
Navy Clippings
end Snuffs
r H A S NO E Q U A L ” ]
For all points in Northwest, West and Southwest.
Its equipment is complete and first class In every
particular, and at all important points Interlocking
Switches and Signals arc used, thus insuring com­
fort and safety.
For Tickets, Rates, General information, etc.,
regarding the Burlington Route, call on any Ticket
Agent in the United States or Canada, or address
T . J. POTTER Isr V.P. & G en . M o b ,, C hicago .
HENRY B. STONE, A s s t . G en . M gr . , C h icago .
PERCEVAL LOWELL, G en . P a s s . A g t -, C hicaoo .
P® S0Sl
Bin g h am to n !
Zum Ijuverfi. Steel llentiugB. Brass
Tore Beam and Beam Box,
C h ic a g o a n d D en ver,
C h ic a g o a n d O m a h a ,
C h ic a g o a n d C o u n c il B lu ffs,
C h ic a g o a n d S t. J o s e p h ,
C h ic a g o a n d A t c h is o n ,
C h ic a g o a n d K a n s a s C ity,
C h ic a g o a n d T o p e k a ,
C h ic a g o a n d C ed a r R a p id s ,
C h ic a g o a n d S io u x City,
P e o r ia a n d C o u n c il B lu ffs,
P e o r ia a n d K a n s a s C ity,
S t. L o u is a n d O m a h a ,
K a n s a s City a n d S t. P a u l,
K a n s a s City a n d O m a h a ,
It traverses all of the six great States of ILLINOIS,
with branch lines to all their important cities and
From CHICAGO, PEORIA or ST. LOUIS, it'runs
every day in the year from one to three elegantly
equipped through trains over Its own tracks between
S t. L o u is a n d S t. P a u l,
K a n s a s C it y a n d D e n v e r ,
JONES Repays the freight— for free
Price L is t mention this paper and
B i u s h o m t o n . IK*
----- IN TH E-----
U, 6. SOAP.
The Great 5c. Cake.
~ -= *
f o r
SALE B Y t= ^
lor working people. Soiul 10 cents
postage, and we will mail you fr e e a
royal, valuable sample box of goods that
will put you in tbe way o f making more
money in a few days than you over thought possi­
ble at any business. Capital not required. Von
call live at home and work in spare timo only, or
all the time. A il o f both sexes, o f all ages, grand­
ly enccessfnl. 50 cents to $5 easily earned every
evening. That all who want work may tost the
business, we make this nuparalled offer: To all
who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay
lor the trouble o f waiting ns. Tull particulars, di­
rections, etc., sent free.. Immense pay absolutely
sure for all who start at once, Don’ t delay. Address
Stinson & Co. Portland,Maine.
li-or Sale I>y a l l E ii-st-class G ro ce rs.
The Most Delightful
II. Kingciy and aralindn Kfngery, his wife, o f Bu
chanan, Berrien County, Michigan, to Snrali K.
Van Sauut, o f the same County and Slate, which
Mortgage was recorded in the oflicc ol the Kegister o f lleeils, o f the County o f Berrien, State o f
Michigan,on the fuh day o f January, 1S75, 111 Liber
12 of Mortgages on page £5. which Mortgage was,
on the 27th day o f March, 18S5, duly assigned hy
the said Sarah K. Van Saunt to Henry F. Kiugery,
o f Buchanan, in said County of Berrien, which as­
signment was, on the 2Sth day of March, 1SS5, dnly
recorded in the office o f Register o f Heeds, afore­
said, in Liber 37 o f Mortgages, on page 19, aud no
proceeding either at law or in equity having been
instituted to recover said Mortgage debt or any
part thereof, which at this date amounts to-the
sum ol one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
dollars and thirteen-cents. Notice is hereby giv­
en that hy virtue o f the power o f sale contained in
said Mortgage, I will sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder, on the
ISfch B a y o f J u ly , 1S S 5,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, at Hie front door
o f the Court House, in the Village o f Berrien
Springs, the premises described in said Mort­
gage to satisfy the said Mortgage debt, with
cost and expenses allowed by law, which
premises arc described as follows: Commenc­
ing forty rods south o f the south-east corner
o f the old burying ground, in Lhe Village o f Bu­
chanan, rimniug thence west fifteen rods along
the north line o f David Beardsley’s lot to west cor­
ner o f said lot, thence north nine (9) rods, thcuce
east fifteen (15) rods, thence south nine (9) rods to
place o l beginning, situated in the County oi Ber­
rien and State o f Michigan.
Assignee o f said Mortgage.
H. E . IIuniAN, Attorney lor Assignee.
Hated April 23 1885.
TO U R !
Chancery Sale.
Friday, the Slst clay o f July, 1SS5,
at ten o’clock iu the forenoon o f said day, the fol­
lowing described premises, situate in tnc County
o f Berrien and State o f Michigan, to-wit; The
south half o f the west half of-thc south-east quar­
ter o f section number ten (10) in town eight (8)
south, o f range eighteen (IS) west, containing forty
acres o f land more or less.
Dated June 10,1885.
Circuit Conrt Commissioner, Berrien Co., Mich.
D .E Hu ou n , Solicitor for Complainant.
\in presents given away. Send
us 5 cents postage, nnd hy mail
[you will got fr e e a package of
5 u u u goods of large vnluCj that will
start yon in work, that will at once bring you in
money faster than anything else in America. A ll
about the $200,000 iii presents with each box.
Agents wanted everywhere, of cither sex, o f all
agents, for all the time, or spare time only, to work
for us at tlieir awn homes. Fortunes for all work­
ers absolutely assured. Don’ t delay. H . H aixett
& C o„ Portland, Maine.
JO H N F. ST R A T T O N ,
4 9 M a id e n B a n e ,
And Every Week Day Between
Ts the B E S T C H E W , tile G R E A T E S T S E T T ­
E R , end more need than any other Pine in tlio
State. It is always in trood ordor; N E V E R TOO
H A R D A N D N E V E R S W E E T S ; G IV E S
W rite'for o n r '“ Picturesque Mackinac,’ ’ Illus­ G O O D S A T IS F A C T IO N , and not a hox o f it is
trated. Contains full particulars, -Mailed Prcc.
over returned. NIMROD is T H E C H O IC E OE
T H E C H E W E R ; never sticks on the dealer's
Detroit anil Cleveland Steam Navigation Co, hands.
This cannot bo said o f any other brand pf
_To!mcco. Eor sale by all jobbers and retailors.
C. D. WIIITCOMB, Gon. Pass. Agt.,
e t r o it ,
ig ii.
A . P. PEACOCK, A gent, Bucliannii, M ic k
N ew Y ork .
Importer, Manufacturer and‘Wholesale Dealer in
o f -------
S. W . V E N A B L E & C O .,
, 51yl
“ Saloop—loop—loop!” was formerly a
well-known cry in London. The decoc­
tion sold under this name seems, how­
ever, to have been superseded by coffee
when that article became cheap. Saloop
seems to have been sold down to mod­
ern times
at street stalls, from
a late hour at night to early
morning, just as
coffee is sold
now. Charles Lamb says of it: “ There
is a composition, the groundwork of
which I have understood to be sweet
wood yeelpt sassafras. This wood boiled
down to a kind-, of tea, and tempered
with an infusion of milk and sugar,
hath to some tastes a delicacy beyond
the China luxury. This is Saloop, the
precious herb-woman’s darling; the de­
light of the early gardener; the delight,
aiid oh! I fear, too often the envy of the
uupennied sweep.” He goes on to speak
of those “ who from stalls and under
open sky dispense the same savory mess
to humble customers, at the dead time
of dawn, when (as extremes meet) the
rake reeling home from his ividnight
enps, and the hard handed artisan
leaving his bed to resume the prema­
ture labors of the day, jostle one an­
K om e-3jado Mucilage and Gum Drops.
(Samuel Miller, in Rural “World.]
As the war in Egypt has already made
gum arabic scarce and high in price,
those who have peach or plum trees can
make their own mucilage. Lumps of
gum will be found on every tree, whieh,
when dissolved in water, makes a most
excellent substitute. I have been using
it all summer, and find it to answer the
purpose first-rate. If this same juice
were clarified, and while in the soft
state sweetened with pure sugar and a
little spice, it would he muclTbetter to
eat than the pernicious stuffs that are
sold hy confectioners as gum drops, and
whieh are, no doubt, made of some .ani­
mal offal, and doctored up with chem­
icals, aud which should have gone to the
glue-pot at the start. There have been
times here, after rainy weather, that
pounds conld have been numbered.
Fooling wltli tlie Germs*
[Chicago Times.]
A German chemist advertises that he
will furnish Koch’s comma bacillus—the
supposed infective germ of cholera—
“ready mounted on slides for popular
use in mu-roscopes,” As there seems to
he some foundation for Professor Koch’s
statement that these germs, though
harmless when dry, recover their ac­
tivity when moistened, the “ popular”
mieroscopist will do well .not to fool
with these slides during this summer at
least: he might accidentally drop one of
thorn into a pitcher of drinking water.
M u s ic a l M e rc h a n d ise , M u s ic B oxes*
B a n d In stru m en ts, S tra tto n ’s C e l­
e b r a te d R u ss ia n G u t V i o lin S trin g s.
Palace Steamers.
Low Rates.
Four Trips per Week Between
The devotion of the Indians to the
memory of their king who was Strangled
330 years ago is very touching. When
“ the last of the Incas” fell ho left his
people in perpetual mourning, and the
women wear nothing but black to-day.
It is a pathetic custom of the race uot to
show upon their costumes the slightest
hint of color. Over a short black skirt
they wear a sort of mantle, which re­
sembles in its appearance, as well as in
its use. the “ manta” that is worn by the
ladies of Peru, and the “ mantilla” of
Spain. It is drawn over their fore­
heads and across
the chin and
pinned between the shoulders. The
somber costume gives them a nun-like
appearance, which is heightened by tbe
stealthy, silent way in which they dart
through the streets. The cloth is woven
on their own native looms of the wool
of the llama and the vicunas, and is a
soft, fine texture.
While the Indians are under the des­
potic rule of the priests and have ac­
cepted the Catholic relion, 350 years of
submission has not entirely divorced
them from the ancient rites they prac­
ticed under their original civilization.
Several times a year they have feasts or
celebrations to commemorate some
event in the Inca history, and, like the
Azte.s in Mexico, they still cling to a
hope that future ages may restore the
dynasty under which their fathers
lived, and destroy the hated Spaniards.
Y virtue o f a decree made in the Circuit Conrt
for the County o f Berrien. Michigan, in Chanccryj on the 8th day o f May, 1SS5, in a suit wherein
John C. Marble is complainant, and Michael Cur­
W lio Discovers a Substitute for Shoe
ran is defendant, I shall sell at public auction, to
Leather—3Tcw Horse-Shoe Wanted*
the highest bidder, at the front door o f the Court
House, in the village o f Berrien Springs, in said
[Baltimore Herald.]
County, on
The m emory o f the Incas.
[Quito Cor. Inter Ocean.]
“ Humanity is I writ large!” says tne
incisive Fitz-James Stephen.
B u ffalo, N ew Y ork. _
m everr respect, and its price refunded by seller* M a d e
in a variety ot styles and prices. Sold b y first-class
dealers everywhere. ^Beware o f worthless im it a tio n s .
it has Ball’s name o n th e b o x .
CHICAGO C ORSET C O .* C h io a e o . III.
[R, Ha L A T O S 1
H i l l PlCIfij
Marvelous success.
The ONLY COHSET made that can be returned by
its purchaser after three weeks wear, i f n o t f o u n d
“ I have been growing these vines
eight years,” said a gardener who ac­
quired his knowledge 6f growing exotic
fruits and flowers in the service o f one
of the’ wealthiest English lords, as he
stood in the middle of one of his gra­
peries south of the city, and looked
proudly up at the heavy clusters oi
“ 1 consider the perfect condition oi
these vines and the prolific yield as a
genuine triumph over the vigors of cli­
mate,” continued the gardener in atone
of satisfaction. “ I brought the orig­
inal slips, snugly packed in cotton,
from England, and have, from them,
propagated all the vigorous climbers
you see in hoth of the hot houses, be­
sides supplying shoots to several of the
few gentlemen hereabouts who like to
- experiment a little withhot-house grape
“ How long will these vines live and
continue to beaT?”
“ I could have them healthy and laden
with fruits every season for 100 years
to come if I could live so long. Grape­
vines are possessed of a far longer lease
of life than man. Hot-house vines, in­
telligently cared for, cannot fail to be
iong-lived, for they are brought to the
most perfect development possible.
"Work? Well, I’ should say so. Ko one
who is unacquainted with the details of
raising grapes under glass can have the
least idea of it.
In this bleak
climate it is an especially difficult mat­
ter. The firing up of the house
must begin by the 1st or October,
anyway, and usually by the middle
of September, and continue, at least,
until the middle of June. Unless all
indications fail we shall not let our fires
out this year till close on to the 1st of
July. Everything is just three weeks
later this spring than last. The tem­
perature must be closely watched every
hour. From the time the plants flower
not a drop of water should be allowed
to fall on them. Before that, during
the resting period, they may besprinkled.
The remainder of the time mois­
ture must be supplied by vats of water
placed at intervals through the houses,
and hy keeping the ground thoroughly
Aii Old London Street Cry.
[AU the Y ear Round.]
B eet in the World.
G ro w in g GrapES U n d er Glass.
[Chicago News.]
SufTorora from this pernicious Imbit w ill do w ell to w rite to A I L
S1AUS1I, o f qulney, n irh ., vvlio has Avrorld w ifie reputation for
the cures ho has made during th e past tw elve years. The m ain
points to be communicated are tlio present stale o f health, length
o f tim o used, and presentam oun tof drug used .per week* Sani­
tarium Treatm ent w hen desired. Send fur testimonials from
Lading physicians aud representative men an d women cured. ,
A gentleman prominently identified
With the developement of paying inventions said the other day: “ A fortune
awa'ts the man who can make, Invent,
or discover ar substitute, for leather for
shoes. There has been several attempts
in this direction by scientists, hut they
have all failed.
The experiment
that results successfully will have
to be ’in the sphere of chemis­
try, hy combining certain substances.
The nearest thing yet approaching a
substitute is a material called vulcanized
fiber, made in 'Wilmington, Del., by a
company of Hew York capitalists. It is
made out of wood fiber, and possesses
the necessary pliability and wearing
quality," by which I mean toughness—
but the effect of heat and water can not
be overcome. The importance of this
discovery is great, for leather shoes,
compared with other articles of wearing
apparel, cost too much money, espec­
ially to the manufacturer. There are
two radical defects in leather shoes that
must be overcome before any substitute
therefor can be mado popular, and they
are: Kunning over or wearing away of
the heel and sole and ripping of the up­
per from the sole. The uppers Of ninetenths of the shoes that become ‘worn
out’ are good, and the shoo of the fu­
ture must have alight, pliable, elastic,
impervious sole that will practically not
•wear away and will be united to the
upper in a way to prevent its being
“ Another large fortune will drop into
the pocket of the person who succeeds
in devising a horse-shoe out of some
material other than metal. The objec­
tions to the met.al shoe are serious. In
no sense and in no locality is it of
, sufficient advantage as regards protecting the-hoof or increasing the ‘purchase’
power, to afford a reasonable excuse for
its being used, were there anything else
to take its place. The horse-shoe un­
questionably shortens the life of the
horse. It does not help, by its weight,
in traveling, and from its shape much
power is lost in getting a hold on the
ground- This is particularly the ease
in cities where the streets are paved
with rounded cobblestones in a barbar­
ous fashion.
“ The Belgian blocks are even worse,
where the horse is compelled to poll a
load up-hill. The shape of the present
shoe has a good deal to do with its
disadvantages. A horse does not natural­
ly take hold with the front of thehoof nor
with the heel, the blacksmith and horse
doctors to the contrary notwithstand­
It is true that the toe of
the hoof touches the ground first
as a rule, although this is not al­
ways the ease with the forelegs in walk­
ing, and many Normandy stallions step
flat, but the instant the strain of pulling
begins the natural points of purchase
move to either side of tho hoof and at a
point slightly nearer the hceL Hero it
would be impracticable to spur the shoes
at those places, because that would cause
the horse to slip constantly on any sort
of a cobble-stone or Belgian block bed­
way, and might, probably, were one of
the spurs to break, cause a fracture of
the leg from its being thrown sideways.
As for the spurs at the heels of the
shoes, their position is such that the
horse can put forth his greatest strength
except on hard, springy ground. This is
why so many shoes are thrown, and ex­
plains the torn or ragged hoofs which
one sees on almost every animal.
“ The perfect shoe, for running and
pulling, must have many properties of
the natural hoof. The latter, you will
notice, slips on nothing except ice, and
even on that it is much better than the
metal shoe, nnless it be roughed. The
perfect shoe must be light, springy and
tenacious, and cannot be nailed under,
but should in some way clasp the hoof
without impeding the action of the
foot. Neither cork nor rubber will do.”
Three Kinds of Dude*.
IJfew York letter.]
The New York dudes are divided, in
theatrical parlance, into “ slreeters,”
“ boxers,” and “ officers.” “ Streeters'’
loaf around the stage doors to escort
pretty actresses; the “ boxers” take pri­
vate Loxes and pay for immense bou­
quets, and tbe "officers” wait in the
manager's room, and send billets doux
through the box office.
Hon. Edwards Pierrepont: Never
talk about your expenses or your money,
and never* be ashamed to live with
economy; on the contrary, be proud
of it.
la k e
Gone Dry.
[Chicago Herald ]
One o f Dr. Livingston's early discov­
eries was Lake Ngami, in South Africa,
and it was then a favorite resort of ele­
phants and other large animals. A
recent explorer has found in place of
the lake an arid spot devoid o f both
game and vegetation.
Tlie R est Kice.
The best rice is raised in South Car­
olina, where the rice is sown intrenches,
which are eighteen inches apart, and
flooded to a depth o f several inches.
W hen Spurgeon W as Ruffled.
[London Letter.]
A n English lady had occasion, some
time since, to travel without escort
from Suffolk to London, and she was
forced tc take a train on whieh there
were no carriages reserved for ladies.
“ There is a compartment occupied
only by the Bcv. Mr. SpuTgeon,” tho
guard said in answer to her expression
of disappointment, “ perhaps yon do
not object to riding’ with him.”
The lady acquiesced, and accordingly
was so placed.
A n inquiry on the part o f the rever­
end gentleman in relation to the win­
dow opened the conversation, and pres­
ently the two travelers were discours­
ing amicably upon general topics. A t
length they reached Mr. Spurgeon's na­
tive village, where the train paused a
few moments.
“ I presume, madame,” the gentleman
observed with genuine enthusiasm,
“ that you have heard o f Spurgeon, tho
great preacher. This village has the
honor o f being his birthplace.”
He went on from this text, drawn out
somewhat, it is true, by the lady, aud
praised himself most unsparingly, de­
claring Spurgeon to be the greatest
divine in all England. When London
was reached, he politely assisted the
lady into a cab, and was bidding her
good-bye, when slie said:
“ 1 thank you very much for your
kindness, Mr. Spurgeon.”
Surprise, chagrin and anger all
painted themselves upon the face o f the
other, but he apparently struggled tc
maintain his countenance and his tem­
Striking himself melo-dramatically upon the chest, he exclaimed:
“ Down, temper!
Down temper,
And turning upon his heel he left her
A ir aud Sun-ltine.
EHul’s Journal t f Health.]
Light and life are inseparable; that is,
such was the generally received opinion
many years ago, and in accordance
with it, houses were built, liberally sup­
plied with windows, and as liberally
now—but go along any o f tbe fashiona­
ble streets o f New York, and yon
will find not less than three, and
often six, distinct contrivances to
keep out the sunshine and gladness.
First, the Venetian shutter on the out­
side; second, the close shutter on the
inside; third, the blind which is moved
hy rollers; then, fourthly, there are the
lace curtains; fifth, the damask or other
materiaL In the same train come the
exclusion o f external air by means o f
double sash and a variety o f patent
contrivances to keep any little stray
whiff o f air from entering at the bot­
tom, sides and tops o f doors and win­
dows. A t this rate, we will, in due
time, dwindle into Lilliputs, i f indeed
we do not die off sooner, with all sci•cnce and art, and leave the world to be­
gin anew, from the few sons o f the for­
est who persisted in eschewing civiliza­
tion. We lay it down as a health axiom
—the more out-door air and cheery
sunshine a man can use, the longer he
will live. __________________
Expected to Sec H er In Itoyal Robes*
[Edinburgh Scotchman.]
One day, when the queen was stand­
ing on the public road near Balmoral,
sketching the castle from a particular
point, a flock o f sheep approached. Tho
queen, being intent on her work, took
little notice of the flock, and merely
moved a little nearer the side o f tho
road. A boy in charge o f the sheep
shouted, at the top o f a stentorian voice,
“ Stan’ oot o’ tho road ’owman, an’ let
the sheep gae by!” The queen, not mov­
ing quite so fast as the shepherd wished,
he again shouted, “ Eat are ye standin’
there for? Gang oot o’ that, an’ let the
sheep pass!” One o f the queen's at­
tendants, who had been at a distance,
cried out to the boy, “ Don’t you know
who that is?” “ No; I neither ken nor
care; but, bo sbe fa’ she likes, she
shuda be i’ the sbeep’s road.” “ That's
the queen,” said the official. The boy
looked astonished, and, after recovering
his senses, said, with great simplicity,
“ The queen! Od, fat way disna she pit on
court does that foulk can know her?”
A n Im provised Venice.
[New Orleans Times-Democrat.]
A citizen of Jacksonville, Ela., has hit
upon a wonderful idea upon very slight
provocation. The correspondent o f ono
o f the newspapers chanced to remark
that traffic in Bay street, Jacksonville,
was well nigh as noiseless on account of
the sand as are the picturesque water­
ways of Venice; and straightway it
flashed into the quick and ingenious
brain of a reader o f this remark that it
would be very easy fo r Jacksonville to
bave streets not only as quiet as those
of Venice, but as watery. The sand is
easily digged; why not excavate the
streets to the depth of a dozen feet, and
let the river into these improvised
canals, thus establishing waterways
through the city? The current would
keep these st?eets clean, h e argues, while
the novelty o f the plan o f this improvised
Venice could not fail to draw to Jackson­
ville many o f those winter travelers who
are the delight o f the enterprise o f the