Vol15No1 Jan 1989 - Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club


Vol15No1 Jan 1989 - Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
'WJldio c§J.ge
January 1989
Vol. 15, No. 1
SCR 68/68A: World War I Aircraft Transceiver
Flying in a World War I pursuit plane
must have been quite a breeze. You had a
leather cap for protection from the wind,
you had rocks and other small hand held
explosives to throw at ground targets and
you had pistols (later synchronized guns)
By Don Patterson
to shoot at other pilots. But best of all
you had cranky radios to communicate
with other airplanes.
One such device was the SCR-68 and
SCR-68A (Figure 1 & 2) used by squad-
Figure 1 SCR-68
ron commanders to talk with other
squadron commanders or to carry on two
way communication with ground stations.
Other planes in the squadron normally
would be equipped with the SCR59
Continued on next page
Figure 2
receiving set only. The airwaves were
alive with this system somewhere in the
range of215 to 450 meters.
The label inside the SCR68 (Fig. 3)
shows the block diagram with a constant
voltage generator GNI which furnishes
the high voltages for the plates of the
tubes as well as for their filaments . In
addition there is a filter box, a BCIOA
Interphone box for permitting telephone
communication between the pilot and the
observer, two headsets and telephone
transmitters and the connecting cords.
Note ballast tube at right.
A complete circuit diagram of the
whole apparatus is shown in Figure 4 and
an actual wiring diagram is shown in
Figure 5. Figure 6 shows the schematic of
the transmitting circuit where you can see
a VT2 connected up as an oscillator to
generate undamped waves or high
frequency oscillations in the antenna
circuit. Plate voltages of 275 are provided
by the wind driven generator and TB I
regulator circuit. Modulation is accomplished by another VT2. Both tubes are
enclosed inside the tank circuit coil for
convenience and maximum utilization of
The fan generator type FA7 is
mounted on the lariding gear strut (see
Radio Age Jan. 1988). The FA7 has a
metal propeller with a variable pitch
blade so that when wind velocity increases the pitch increases thereby
maintaining a constant speed of 4000
rpm. A wood fan type FA3 could be used
but speed would not be regulated.
An additional means of keeping
voltages constant was through use of a
TBl diode regulator. Another precaution
to maintain constant current in the
filament circuit was taken by use of a
ballast lamp mounted to the right of the
two VT2 tubes and .is connected in series
with the filaments. It has an iron filament
and is filled with hydrogen. Resistance is
function of the current flowing through it
As current increases the resistance also
increases thereby lowering the filament
The receiving circuit is somewhat
conventional for the time and is shown in
Figures 2 and 4. It is comprised of a VTl
detector followed by two audio frequency
amplifiers coupled by means of iron core
chokes. Plate circuit of the receiver is
energized by a dry battery type BA-2 of
25 volts. Amplifier tube plates are
operated by two BA-2 batteries in series.
Wavelength, coupling and input switches
are located in the small covered panel.
As you can see from Figure 7 the set
is mounted in the rear cockpit with
antenna reel to left The filter box was
screwed to the fuselage floor, under the
forward seat or placed in the cockpit
under the dash. The pilot's interphone set
box was mounted where the operator
could reach it best In Figure 7 it's to the
right under the key.
A single trailing antenna type A-21
which is used for straight away flying
comprises a 4 foot length of cord made
fast to the reel at one end and tied at the
other end to a 290 foot length of antenna
wire. For airplanes flying in squadron
formation it is necessary to use a double
trailing antenna A23 as in Figure 8.
I like the folowing excerpt from
Signal Corps Pamphlet #29 where it says
"type SCR68 presents no special difficulties when simple rules are remembered:
1. Do not forget to inspect the set before
each flight (Rather elementary wouldn't
you say?)
2. Do not forget to plug in the telephone
transmitter and receiver plugs.
3. Do not forget to throw the "receivetransmit switch."
4. Do not talk rapidly. (You had to talk
slow because it was difficult to understand.)
5. Do not have the telephone transmitter
away from your mouth.
6. Do not cup the hands over the telphone
7. Do not shout into the telephone
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E1~_·,.~~-~- ---- - -· -- ------ .. - - -- - --·
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Figure 4
8. Do not become impatient if you do not
hear signals immediately. (Wait and do
the coup de grace later when you are
thoroughly disgusted.)
9. Do not expect satisfactory operation
over more than five miles.
10. Do not touch any uninsulated parts
while the switch is on transmit. (You'll
be sorry if you do.)
11. Do not tinker with the set." (That' s a
kind way of saying do not kick it or hit
The SCR68 is the early version and
was superseded by the SCR68A. The
main differences were that the FA3
wooden propeller was used with the early
version and the plate blocking condenser
shown in the diagrams was not included
in the former. Telephone transmitter type
T-1 was used with the early version while
a T-3 was used in the SCR68A set. A
total list of equipment is as follows.
1 Equipment Type PE-1
2 Airfans Type FA-3; 1inuse,1 spare
1 Generator Type GN-1 or Type GN-2
5 Tubes Type TB-1; 1 in use, 4 spare
1 Cord Type CD-19
1 Filter Type FL-1
1 Equipment Type RE-1
1 Set Box Type BC-11
8 Tubes Type VT-2; 2 in use, 6 spare
8 Tubes Type VT-1; 3 in use, 5 spare
3 Lamps Type LM-1; 1 in use, 2 spare
12 Batteries Type BA-2; 3 in use, 9
1 Cord Type CD-10
1 Cord Type CD-11
1 Cord Type CD-17
1 Cord Type CD-9
1 Cord Type CD-18
1 Set Box Type BC-10
2 Head Sets Type HS -1
2 Transmitters Type T-1
1 Cord Type CD-6
1 Cord Type CD-7
20 Batteries Type BA-3; 2 in use, 18
1 Equipment Type A-21
1 Reel Type RL-2
2 Drums Type DR-2
3000 ft. Wire Type W-5
10 Weights Type WT-1; 1 in use, 9
2 Fairheads Type F-1; Type F-2 when
Type F-1 is not available. 1 in use, 1
20 ft. Twine Type TW-2; approx. 2 ft. in
312-370) (ISSN 8926360) is published
monthly at a subscription
rate of $15.00 a year,
Second Class Postage,
and is $17.00, First
Class. Second Class
Postage is paid at
Augusta, Georgia.
Donald 0. Patterson,
Norma W . Patterson,
Managing Editor
Copyright 1988,
Donald 0 . Patterson
Postmaster. please send
address changes to:
636 Cambridge Road
Augusta, Georgia 30909
1 Equipment Type PE-1-A
2 Airfans Type FA-7; if not available,
Airfan Type FA-3
1 Generator Type GN-1-A or Type
5 Tubes Type TB-1
1 Cord Type CD-19
1 Filter Type FL-1-A
1 Equipment Type RE-1-A
1 Set Box Type BC-11-A
8 Tubes Type VT-2; 2 in use, 6 spare
8 Tubes Type VT-1; 3 in use, 5 spare
3 Lamps Type LM-1; 1 in use, 2 spare
12 Batteries Type BA-2; 3 in use, 9
1 Cord Type CD-10
1 Cord Type CD-11
1 Cord Type CD-17
1 Cord Type CD-9
1 Cord Type CD-18
1 Set Box Type BC-10-A
2 Head Sets Type HS-2
2 Transmitters Type T-3
1 Cord Type CD-6
1 Cord Type CD-62
1 Cord Type CD-7
20 Batteries Type BA-3; 2 in use, 18
1 Equipment Type A-23
1 Antenna Type AN-6
780 ft Wire Type W-16; in six 130-ft.
lengths, wound on 6 spools, spare
4 Insulators Type IN-8
40 ft Cord Type RP-6; in two 20-ft.
1/4 lb. Tape Type TL-83
l o - - -- - l}o
ft.S oft Co~f>e r W•~
•14 et ~
('W .re Type W- lb j
ln.$u l.oto r-!\
Double Trail i"g
Tyre A-23
s:TuBloc.l.•ng Of
Modula Ior
(H id
(;,,.ou nd
By Walt Sanders
In January, 1920, eight years after the
invention of the electrodynamic speaker
(the Telemegafone), Magnavox introduced the Radio Magnavox -- an assembly of the Telemegafone with tin horn,
induction coil, and binding posts on a
base board. By March, 1921, two
versions of this assembly were the
standard; the Type R-2 for large crowds
and the R-3 for home use. The last
version of the R-3 was Model D, introduced in May, 1924 and the last version
of the R-2 was Model C, introduced in
August, 1925. The R-2 price dropped
from $93.00 to $50.00 and the R-3 from
$45.00 to $35.00.
Patents on the Telemegafone unit
gave Magnavox exclusive rights on the
manufacture and sale of electrodynamic
speakers. Or did it? Figures 6-1and6-2,
Figure 6-2. Electric Tone-A-Phone, from the files of Magnavox.
from Magnavox company files, show an
Electric Tone-A-Phone horn, remarkably
similar to the Type R-38 horn, introduced
in December, 1921. The identification
plate for this unit (see the drawing of this
plate in Figure 6-3) indicates it was
manufactured by Vitalis Rimmer, 203205 Sixth Avenue, New York.
An ad from the August, 1922 issue of
Radio News (Figure 6-4) shows a
Vitalitone horn speaker, the same unit as
in Figure 6-1 but with a production horn,
manufacured by Vitalis Rimmer, 205
Sixth Avenue, New York! Furthermore,
the ad states that the horn had been on the
market for three years. That is, by late
1919 or early 1920. Recall that January,
1920 was the date Magnavox introduced
the Radio Magnavox.
And there is more. In the same
August, 1922 Radio News is another ad
(Figure 6-5) showing the identical horn,
·&~ /Ctk11A11Ve
Ne.w YoRK.
Figure 6-1. Electric Tone-A-Phone,
prototype elector-dynamic horn speaker,
from the files of Magnavox.
· Figure 6-3. Information tag on Electric Tone-A-Phone.
this time called the Vitali-Phone, but sold
by The Radio Shop of Newark, New
Jersey. (There is no mention of Vitalis
Rimmer.) One notes that this ad claims
the Vitali-Phone is "the only floating coil
Loud Speaker on the Market that is free
of distortion." Figure 6-6 shows yet
another ad {from Popular Radio, December, 1923) for an "R-3" type horn, sold
by the Walter Lytton Co. of Chicago.
One can only speculate what may
have been the connection between the
Magnavox Company and Vitalis Rimmer. Figure 6-1 clearly shows a prototype
For Immediate Delivery
1,000 MILE
Electr o
1\laa nd ic
! •.oiuJ. ·•J:Hakn
Li &t . Price
The only
floating Coil
Loud Speaker
on the market
that is free of
F. 0. B. Newark, N. J.
horn rather than a production model. Was
Rimmer engaged to engineer the Radio
Magnavox, and given right of limited
manufacture and sales as a part of an
agreement? It is unlikely that Magnavox
would have photographs of a prototype in
their files if they were contemplating a
law suit for patent infringement.
Trivia question: What were the
Radiotikes? How many tikes were there?
The Lytt on liue ot t adio m!ll'lter pi eces is now being
d c m onstr atf'ld by n numbe r of unsri lici ted denie rs.
Ma r k us! \Vhe n ou r b ro t1.<I cam paign ~ an nou nr:ed
in a short t.ime, it will dl a r t a new rm in radio.
Writ• f or catalog . SJHt:i/v which • cl intcr e•t• uou .
~ t-f;9:nrl$,.-a.LlioJ
DEALERS- No waiting. Immediate
deliveries . Write fo r discounts.
Figure 6-5. Vitali-Phone ad from the
August, 192~ Radio News.
Imm e diat e
D e li very
205 S I X TM AV E .
Th ~ 11rn t cr iol c.:o n t:ti nc<l cus ts t ho usands of d!l ll ar s to ass e m bl e . You can ge t a copy of bo u n d
volume No. 2 o f Rad io N ews fu( o nl y $2 .50 plu s pos tage.
Exµcrim.en(er P ult lis hing C o mp.m y , I n ..:. .
59 P a r k Place, N e w Yo rk C ity
Figure 8-4. Vitalitone horn speaker advertisement in the August, 1922 Radio
Our Readers Write . •
Dear Don:
C. Douglas Houston's interesting
article about the Philco 'Beam of Light'
phono pi.c kup of the 40's reminded me of
the story at RCA about this rather
spectacular Philco promotion. According
to rumor the top brass at RCA attended
the seasonal radio trade show and were
astounded by Philco's 'Beam of Light'
feature which was a spectacular hit
RCA, the leader in records being scooped
in their field was unforgiveable. They
immediately called a meeting with the
receiver engineering department heads
and demanded to know why they had
overlooked this tremendous innovation.
The reply was simple, an engineer at
RCA had appropriated this principle from
Oep.t. V , 41 S. Oran ge A ve ., Ne w a rk , N. J.
Loop aet with the L y tto n
4-tube " Dupl e x " ci r c uit
$} }2
Figure 6-6. Lytton Radio ad showing "R-3"
type horn, from the December, 1923 Popular
the RCA variable area sound on film
patents and had demonstrated it to the
receiver sales department and the idea
had been turned down flat. The engineer
was angered and took his idea across the
river to Philco who saw its marketing
value and hired him. The result was a
significant boost for Philco, but fortunately for RCA the problems with the
Philco 'Beam of Light' pickup design
were so great and the fidelity so poor it
was soon discarded. Also, as I recall it
was claimed to infringe some valid RCA
sound on film reproduction patents.
From this fiasco we were told that
RCA and Philco worked out an agreement not to pirate each others engineers.
The above is from my recollections of
working at RCA in the 30's and 40's.
Don, I certainly enjoy the articles in
your publication. They often bring back
memories of the past years of my
association with radio and electronics.
The years with RCA were most interesting.
Serge L. Krauss
141 Homan Ave.
Elkhart, Ind.
Recent Reproductions
One of our local department stores ran
this recently advertising a Crosley which
closely resembles a FADA Bullet It
comes complete with brass tags. Another
one of their Crosley sets is an exact copy
of a 1946 Belmont (P-69 Radios, The
Golden Age) and finally their last
Crosley is an exact copy of a Zenith
bakelite shown on P-71 of Radios, The
Golden Age. I wonder how Zenith likes
the last one. All of the above are produced by Thomas of Taiwan and sold for
NEW FOR 1989!
• DECALS - Emerson, Zenith, Atwater Kent, and
Stewart Warner
• ELECTRONIC BALLAST- Replace resistance
cords, tubes, etc.
• SOLID STATE VIBRATORS - 6-12 volt, 3 and
4 pin for auto radios
• WOOD KNOBS - Late 20's style repro knobs
with metal insert and set-screw
knobs for 30's-40's radios
• CLOTH COVERED WI RE- Custom manufactured 20 AWG hookup wire in 5 colors
• BOOKS - 65 titles available, including
all the latest
Write or call for new 24 page wholesale catalog.
688 W. First Street, Tempe, AZ 85281, Phone (602) 894-9503, FAX (602) 894-0124
Club Information
Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Inc.
(PARS). David W. Kraeuter, Secretary,
506 E. Wheeling St., Washington, PA
15301. Pub: The Pittsburgh Oscillator,
quarterly, Dues: $10.00. Quarterly meetings.
Antique Radio Club of America
(ARCA). William Denk, 81 Steeplechase
Rd., Devon, PA 19333. Pub: The Antique
Radio Gazette, quarterly. Dues: $12.00.
National and regional conventions.
Regional chapters.
Northland Antique Radio Club
(NARC). P. 0. Box 18362, Minneapolis,
MN 55418. Pub: NARC Newsletter, six/
year. Dues: $10.00. About six meets/year.
Puget Sound Antique Radio Association (PSARA). Info: Max A. Kaplan,
14902 84th Ave. Ct. N.W., Gig Harbor,
WA 98335.
Northwest Vintage Radio Society
(NVRS). Info: Dan Howard, 2940 S.E.
118th Ave., Portland, OR 97266-1602.
Southern California Antique Radio
Society (SCARS). Edward Sheldon, 656
Gravilla Place, La Jolla, CA 92037. Pub:
California Antique Radio Gazette,
quarterly. Dues: $10.00. Four meets per
Vintage Radio and Phonograph
Society (VRPS). Larry Lamia, P. 0. Box
165345, Irving, TX 75016. Pub: The
Sound Wave, quarterly. Dues: $13.50.
Monthly meetings, Spring Auction,
Annual Convention.
Houston Vintage Radio Association
(HVRA). David Moore, Pres., 3213
Regal Oaks, Pearland, TX 77581. Pub:
Grid Leak, quarterly. Dues: $15.00.
Annual Meet.
The Southern Vintage Wireless Association (SVW A) has been formed in
northern Alabama to promote antique
radio preservation and related activities in
the southeast. Meetings will be held
quarterly in conjunction with flea mkts/
swap meets. Anyone interested in joining
should contact Bill Moore, 1005 Fieldstone Ct., Hsv, AL 35803. 205-880-1207.
Antique Wireless Association (AW A).
Joyce Peckham, P. 0. Box E, Breesport,
NY 14816. Pub: The Old Timers Bulletin, quarterly. Dues: $10.00. National and
regional conventions. Museum.
Let "RADIO A GE" ads
work for you!
Editor's Comment
With this issue we begin our fifteenth year. We are proud of our accomplishments and we promise to continue
with more informative articles and lots of
ads. Please stay tuned.
Our index has been a tremendous
success. Therefore we will update the
index and have it available in February.
New subscribers may note adjusted
expiration dates. That's because we have
received everything from $11.00 to
$13.50 for First Class.
The renewal date on the back of each
issue applies to those who receive it by
Second Class. If you see "Renew Now"
above your label it's time to send us
$15.00. You will see it the month before
and the month of expiration.
Restoration Hint
Dear Mr. Patterson:
Please find enclosed sheet for your
Want Ads. Also enclosed please find a
SASE for the new 1988 index.
I also have a restoration tip you may
be interested in. I make up my own
cotton covered wire harnesses using
cotton bicycle handlebar tape. This
usually comes in a herringbone type
pattern and looks quite good. Just wrap
the harness like you would using electrical tape.
Steven B. Hilty
OF $ .10 PER WORD. Same ad run
additional months will be at the rate of$
.10 per word (no 100 word exclusion). ·
LIMITED TO 25 WORDS.Extra words
are $ .10 each. Same ad run additional
issues are $ .10 per word times number of
issues (no 25 word exclusion). Name
counts as one word, address one word,
city state and zip code one word, phone
number one word.
You should include name, complete
address and telephone numbers.
THE MONTH. If you have an ad to
include at the last minute, you can call
(404) 738-7227. Not responsible for
errors on call-in ads. Not responsible for
any transaction between buyer and seller.
Add $6.00 for any photos to be used
with any ads.
Display ads for camera ready copy as
Full Page (layout size 7-1/2" wide x 10"
high) $50 I month
Half Page (layout size 7-1/2" wide x 5"
high) $25 I month
One Fourth Page (layout size 7-1/2" x
2-1/2" high) $12.50 I month
One Column (layout size 2-3/8" x 10"
high) $16.50 I month
Please ad $10 for layout charge for
artwork submitted but not camera ready.
Type setting is additional and will be
billed to you.
Discounts negotiated on display ads
run more than three months.
FOR SALE: Federal 58DX, $450;
National Sterling R-41, Bremer Tulley, B
Eliminators, $25 each; General Radio
667A Inductance Bridge, $20; Radiola
RC, $100; Edison 50th anniversary light
bulb, $50; Electric Specialty motor/
generator, $120; Radiola AR1300/
AA1400, restored, $300; early QST;
Gloritone 27, $150; double button
microphone with ring, $150; DeForest
Singer Audion; VT-1 and VT-2, open,
$10 each; Zenith Transoceanic, $30;
Thordarson spark transformer, $150;
Dubilier CD-158 condensors, $10 each;
Riders Vol. 1, $40, Vol. 2, $30, Vol. 3,
$15; SASE for new list. Jim Collins,
12005 Victoria Pl., Oklahoma City, OK
73120. (405) 755-4139.
WANTED: Motorola Ranger 1000
transistor portable, (or good tuning
capacitor from same); Philco fibre tuning
wrench; servivce manuel for Sony TC161 cassette recorder; original Majestic
290 speaker; 78 rpm record: "My Radio
Man" by Carol Chapelle - Party Record#
12-D. FOR SALE: Ballast tubes, $5
each: Type A, B, C, D, lEl, 2-14, 3-14,
7H10, 23-55-1, 23-55A, 40Al, 40B2,
K55B, 46Al, 60R30G, L55BG, 100-77,
165R8, 185R5, 340; nuvistors, $5 each:
6CW4, 6D54, 8056; 868 (RCA photocell- looks like a UX199) $5; Photomultipliers: 4429, 931A, $5 each; 2E5 (eye)
6AL7, (Zenith Eye) 22, 52, 59, 32L7, 485
(used, ok), 6463 (Telefunken), $5 each;
Greenlee chassis punches, NIB, 5/8", 3/
4", 1", 1-1/8'', $40 all; NIB Walbent
filament lock switches, $2 each; H.B.
All-triode stereo amp. , $10; 4-lug NOS
filters for most Zenith Transoceanics, $3
each; small 4UF/600V, $3 each; Spraque
20UF/400V, $2 each; Meissner How To
Build Instruction Manual, 1943, $10; FM
Rider, 1940, $4; Heath U7A VTVM
Manual, $1; Simpson 305 tube tester
manual and set up book, $4; AN/USM31
(1952) tube tester shcematics and set up
book, $10; Paco S-55 o'scope book, $2;
GR 916-A RF Bridge book, $5; GR
1803-A VTVM book, $4; GR 1302A osc.
book, $4; RCA W0/56A book, $5; AR19
thru 208, $3 each/$2 each in lots of 50 or
more. Tubes $4 each:1D8, 1SA6, 1SB6,
3A8, 5Y4, 5X4, 12A5G, 12A7G, 12Z3,
32, 34, 46, 81, 1V; NIB one inch crt:
lDPl, $10 each, 3/$25; 5 CPI, $5; 8YP4,
17QP4, 20CP4, $10 each; SECO Model
500 crystal oscillator/tester, $15; S-series
keys to fit Seeburg Walboxes, $4 each,
ppd.; Mallory 6 volt vibrator tester, $30;
NIB Vibrators (replaces Philco 38-5036),
$5 each; large collection 78 RPM records
(pick up only, $400 takes all); acoustical
78 records, $50, pick up take all; moderri,
light-weight 2,000 ohm headset, $3;
crystal headphone (NOS) for "Rocket"
crystal sets, $3; Philco 700 car radio
(parts), $5; 2-1930's Philco car radio
speakers, $10 each; power transformer
from German Cathedral, $20; NIB
Philmore cartridges (fit many 40's - 50's
33-78 phonos), $7.50 each; NIB Astatic
cutting head, $25 (firm). All items
returnable. Jim and Nadiene Farago,
P. 0. Box 6313, Mpls, MN 55406.
(612) 722-0708.
FOR SALE: Hallicrafters Littlefone
Model CB-34; largerube-type CB (brand
unknown); Citi-Fone Transceiver Model
CD-5; all rube-type, $40 for the three.
Fleet Courier Model 30-B, $30; Muzak
Amplifier Model 908-B, 80 Watts Tuber,
$20; Hallicrafters S-38-U, $15; Lafayette
Communications Receiver Model HE-80,
dial needs restrung, $25; H. H . Scott AMFM tuner type 330 and amplifier type 99D in hand made cabinet, $50; Operadio
P.A. system, very nice, $00. Most items
untested; please add shipping. Kenneth
Miller, 10027 Calvin St., Pittsburgh, PA
15235. (412) 242-4701.
FOR SALE: Early Hi Fi equipment: Bell
2200B int. amp.; Scott LTll 1 tuner and
Scott 200B int. amp.; Knight KB35 and
Knight chrome amp.; Scott Stereomaster
342 tran~istor receiver (70's). Radio
stuff: Polyflex battery set chassis;
Packard Bell Phonocord Model 1052
home recorder (see Sept. 88 Radio Age similar units). AK 35, $35; Simpson 200
meter with new probes, $25; RCA
Voltohrnist VTVM, $20; '40 Philco
yearbook, $10; Beitmans '49, '51 TV, $9
each; '40, '47 radio, $9 each; 47 issues of
wartime Popular Mechanics, some radio
articles, fair to excellent condition, $25;
Riders set 1 - 19, GC, $255. Remember I
offer replacement volume controls, see
pg. 16 Oct. 88 Radio Age ad or send
SASE or call (313) 455-4160, 6 - 10 pm
wkdys, noon - 10 pm weekends. Mark
Oppat, 167 Caster, Plymouth, MI 48170.
WANTED: "Service" magazine Dec.
1933; AK 559 10" speaker (part #36500),
instructions; chart for Hickock 6000 tube
tester. Mark Oppat, 167 Caster, Plymouth, MI 48170.
FOR SALE: John F. Rider, Perpetual
Trouble Shooters Manual, Abridged,
volume 1 - 5 (going back to 1930). This
is one book, measuring approx. 8-1(2 by
11 inches and 4-1!2 inches thick, solid
bound (not loose leaf) and in very good
condition. If interested, please make an
offer. I also have a large number of
Seeburg Juke Box schematics and service
manuals from the 1900's and 70's; also
some Wurlitzer and Rockola. Jack
Naimann, 365 Bronx River Rd., Yonkers,
NY 10704. (914) 237-4650.
6th of the Month!
WANTED: Early Model 2 and 3
transistor reflex receivers, any condition;
early crystal sets. Send description and
price. Bob Snow, 6 Anglin Crescent,
Saint John, N.B., Canada E2K-3R3.
stone, mint, $100; 4 German table radios:
Emud Record Senior, Emud Junior,
Telefunken Jubilate and Grundig. Harald
Herp, 6615 Michele Ct, Huntington, MD
20639. (301) 855-7071.
WANTED: Hallicrafters HT-6 coils,
schematics, manual. Kennedy 110
variable grid-leak condensor. Larry
Rosine, WDG, 13719 Alhambra, Leawood, KS 66224. (913) 897-4015.
FOR SALE: Send $1.50 (stamps OK)
for my current monthly Sales List
including IOO's of radios, speakers,
magazines, etc. Find out what you have
been missing! Jim Clark Enterprises,
Dept. RA, 1292 Starboard, Okemos, MI
FOR SALE: Mallory Inductuners 54 216 mHz 3-gang variable inductor, only
$12; Mallory Inductuner used w/o rubes,
no dial scales, $12; Stromberg-Carlson
RF-473 co-axial diffuser; 12" Hi Fi
speaker, perfect condition, 1950's
vintage, $25; Heathkit FM3-A FM tuner
w/manual, $12. All items shipping
prepaid. A happy and prosperous 1989 to
all! R. J. Eastwick, N2AWC, 224
Chestnut St, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
((i()9) 429-2477.
WANTED: Transmitting rubes. Ye Olde
Transmitting Tube Museum, 150 Tanbark
Ln. , P. 0. Box 97, Crescent City, CA
95531. (707) 464-6470.
FOR SALE: GE 17 transistor 5 band
portable world monitor radio,. Have
original operator manual, working great,
$25; Philco slant front, push button,
wooden, all knobs, Model 41-250, works,
$35; Philco portable, nice portable, ACDC Model 42-842, has loud hum, $27.50.
All plus UPS. Tom Burnside, 4838 S.
Westhaven Dr., Jackson, MS 3920'J.
(001) 922-2235.
WANTED: Pre-WWII amateur radio
transmitters and receivers. Parker,
WI YG, 87 Cove Rd., Lyme, CT 06371.
(203) 434-7783 or (813) 262-2568.
FOR SALE: Zenith Transoceanic
R7000, exc. cond., $195; Zenith Interoceanic Royal 94, vg cond, $65; many
interesting novelty transistor radios. Send
SASE for list; Crosley 25-AW TombW ANTED: AWA Review Vol. 1 and 2,
RADA parts and information to restore
one; HP 200A audio oscillator and
Breadboard parts. Dave McClellan, 1086
Trailridge Rd., Atlanta, GA 30338.
(404) 399-6704.
FOR SALE: AK 40, cabinet fair, with or
without rubes, as is; Philco radio chassis
Model 76, no tubes, appears complete,
untested. Make offers (include UPS).
WANTED: Still looking for information
on the Farm-Lite Radio Corporation of
Knoxville, IA and also the Excello
Products Corporation of Cicero, IL.
Thank you. Dennis Hilberg, 804 Ravine
St., Decorah, IA 52101.
FOR SALE: Selling off a small (8
radios) collection all in very good to
excellent condition. Bendix Aviation
Corp Green Cat 526-C, body perfect,
hums; Hallicrafters "Continental" green
white bakelite, tiny chips, plays great
Also the following wood models:
Croydon, Firestone "Airchief', Zenith
60628, Emerson AR173, and a Sparton
Junior Cabinet with knobs and perfect
grill, no guts. Most woods play great
Also Manning-Bowman Art Deco
Empire State chrome (with cat or
celluloid inserts) table clock. Interested in
offer on all pieces, but will sell Bendix
separately to highest bidder, photos
available to serious bidders. Call Don
May at (203) 644-0258 (home) after 6 pm
or write: 16 Gulley Dr., South Windsor,
CT 06(i()74.
WANTED: Radios made by the Scott
Transformer Co. of Chicago and Scott
News publications. Also need "pointers"
for Scott Philharmonic radio, and power
supply for Scott AW23 Imperial. Contact
me first if you have ANYTHING Scott
for sale. Jim Clark, 1292 Starboard,
Okemos, MI 48864. (517) 349-2249.
FOR SALE: New arrivals! Brown
bakelite Farnsworth with light plastic
grill, $45; brown bakelite Zenith, black
dial, Omega grill design, $55; wood
Aircastle, two band, large black dial, $50;
Philco Cathedral 84B, $125; stubby
Tombstone Philco, $50; ivory Westinghouse "Refrigerator'', $35; WR-209
Westinghouse, page 183 FOS, $50.
WANTED: Green 1947 Emerson
"World"s Smallest AC/DC Superhet",
page 83 FOS. SASE. Ripley, Box 9374,
N. St. Paul, MN 55109.
Wanted: New or very good interstage
transformer with dual primary of approx.
100 Ohms each section and secondary of
8 Ohms - see Rider 13 - 78 RCA Model
21 lK Trans. No. 2 for Hi Freq. speaker.
L.A. Mann, 3130 N. Druid Hills Rd.,
Decatur, GA 30033.
WANTED: WWII German communication radio equipment and any other
WWII German electronic equipment,
optics, mine detectors, movie cameras, or
German or U.S. microphones. FOR
SALE: 1947 Philco Projection TV, $450;
opaque, black, acrylic sheets 12 x 16 x 1/
8", meets the following requirements:
AS4, 5, 6, 7 of ANSI Z26.l, great for
small front panels on radios, shiny on
both sides, $4 per sheet plus $3 UPS
charge. Steve Puntillo, 1911 Rowley,
Madison, WI 53705. (608) 233-1569.
FOR SALE: Arvin 532A, yellow
Catalin, tortoise grill and knobs (p. 294,
Blast From The Past), $585. WANTED:
Majestic 463; 411; RCA Mexican scene
40X-53; Climax Ruby; FADA blue/
orange Bullet. Barry Friedman, 22725
Garzota Dr., Valencia, CA 91355.
(805) 296-2318.
WANTED: Photos, sketches, schematic,
info on a SCR 60 Direct Reading
Wavemeter (Signal Corps order
40733SC), made by General Radio. Will
reimburse any costs. Thanks. Rick
Ferranti, 254 Florence Ave., Arlinaton,
Mass. 02174.
WANTED: Lid for AK 52 (53 - 56 - 57)
Pooley cabinet. J. Wasiewicz, 229 Sarles
Ln., Pleasantville, NY 10570.
WANTED: Brass base duds for show
and blue Arcturus tubes. Jim Sherbahn,
137 Farmington Dr.~ Woodstock, GA
WANTED: Sam's Folder's No's 55-5,
60-1, 61-16, 80-4, 81-3, 82-1and104-2.
Fred Emerson, 627 Illinois Ave., Elgin,
Illinois 60120.
WANTED: 1939 5 tube GE radio
cabinet only or will buy complete set.
Want copy of The Home Radio. John W.
Weyer, RR Box 175C, Sperry, Iowa
WANTED: Old transmitting tubes,
amateur and commercial. Help us
preserve the old bottles. Please send us a
list of what you have and terms. Ye Olde
Transmitting Tube Museum, P. 0. Box
97, Crescent City, CA 95531.
FOR SALE: Books: New Television,
Yates, 1948, $15; Principles of Radio,
Henney, Third Edition 1938, $10;
Applied Practical Ra<lio 1947, Vol. 1 and
2, $10; Ra<lio for the Millions, Popular
Science Publishing Co., 1945, $15; Plus
UPS. Warren Burdine, 1606 Idylwild Dr.,
Prescott, AZ 86301. (602) 778-1608.
WANTED: AK vacuum tube unit with
binding posts, D-10 DeForest Loop.
Information - Johnson and Phillips Mark
III Tuner. Larry DiBarry, 212 North 6th
St., Chambersburg, PA 17201.
(717) 263-3804.
FOR SALE: Gonset 6 meter CD fixed
station Communicator G-50 Model 3221,
like new, $50; Gonset 2 meter CD RecTx Communicator, painted yellow with
red, white and blue logos VGC, $50;
Stancor Isolation trans. P6160 100 V.A.,
like new, $20; P6161, 250 watt, like new,
$30; UT C trans. 220/110 new R44, $25;
Kenyon Mod. trans. KKP-2A3 cast alum.
G.C., $20; Paramount JR (1922) Regen
Rec., w/2 stage amp., 2 cabinets, see pg.
9 Dec. 1985 (A.R.C.), $950; Amrad
Tuner 3500-1 mounted top of 3475, 2
stage amp. V.G.C., $900. J. Wasiewicz,
229 Sarles Ln., Pleasantville, NY 10570.
FOR SALE: Truetone Model D2021
brown bakelite radio (mint), lights up, bul
no sound, $30; Kolster K-60 Tombstone,
cabinet near mint, untested, $75; (2)
Philco knobs (triangle type), $5; (2) AK
Model 37 knobs, $8; Stromberg Carlson
Model 68 console power supply, $15;
Philco Model 42-PT94 chassis, works,
$15; Crosley 616 dial glass, $5; Mantola
dial glass, $5; Zenith 615 G grey plastic
radio, $8; (2) Female Victrola cranks,
$30; (4) Victrola speed regulator controls, $30; (8) nickel Victrola needle
cups, $35; box of Victrola hardware, $25;
UPS extra. Jeff Gentry, 708 Locust Ave.,
Charlottesville, VA 22901.
(804) 295-1841.
FOR SALE: Dewald B612 wireless FM
tuner (vg. condition) in original box, $65;
1939 Yaxely Radio Service Encyclopedia, fair condition, $8; 1948 Sam's
replacement parts "Red Book" (vg.
condition), $8; Brandes ''Table Talker"
horn speaker with good driver, $45;
Silvertone 8003 metal cabinet radio in
mint condition with instruction sheet and
original box, $75; 1946 Crosley 63T
Victory Model radio with red, white and
blue dial, $50; Pilot T601 FM tuner with
FM station numbers and frequency
numbers on the dial, $45; add postage to
order. Doug Heimstead, 1349 Hillcrest
Dr., Fridley, MN 55432. (612) 571-1387.
FOR SALE: Grill cloth: New, custommade material in diamond pattern. Good
match for 1930's radios. $6 for 10" x 12"
piece, postpaid. Send SASE for sample.
Michael Katz, 200 East 30th St., Apt. 8E,
New York, NY 10016. (212) 725-0736.
FOR SALE: Riders Radio Service
Manuals Vol's 7 to 14, $18 each; Howard
Sams, RCA, GE, Philco service data.
Tubes for early radios from 1920 to 1960.
Knobs, coils, audio and power transformers, dial belts, volume controls. lOOO's of
parts. Meissner (1949) How To Build,
$9; Drakes Radio-TV Elect Dictionary,
$5; Audels Radio Mans Book 1940,
1944, 1948, 1952, per copy, $8 each;
Radio Theory Simplified (1926) Merle
Duston, $8; Radio Simplified (1922)
Kendall and Koehler, $9; Pop Mechanics
1948 to 1956, 16 copies, all for $15. G-R
Variac 5 amps, $12; RCA Variac 220V120V, 4 amp, $22; Tube tester RCP
Model 308 w/ins. book, works, $25.
Precision E200 Signal Gen., works, $25;
Radio Craft 1946 to 1948, 10 copies for
$15; Radio Electronics 1951to1955, per
copy $1; Spark gaps from a quack
machine pair air cooled, $10; Ford "T"
type spark coils, $8; Jefferson Elect spark
coil, untest, $10; Spark transformer and
condensors (25 lbs.), $30; Spark coil and
condensors {17 lbs), $15. This is a nice
item to add to your Cathedral radios
(new) AM-FM radio 7-3/4" x 7", less
batts., $19. All items plus ship. and
handling. Minimum orders $7.50. Krantz,
100 Osage Ave., Somerdale, NJ 08083.
FOR SALE: Sixty 16" E.T.transcriptions of old radio programs; novelty
transistor radios AM/FM Baseball,
Basketball, Tennis, Golf, and Soccer
Balls; six transistor Globe, Abbotsware
Horse Radio, microphone AM/FM with
"On the Air" light on top; Blabber
Mouse, Pound Puppy, Juke box, candlestick telephone. WANTED: Dial glass
for Philco Model 42-350; gang tuner for
Model 17 or Model 18 Radiola; cabinet
and speaker for Philco chassis type 16,
code 122; chassis for '.Zenith Super Vl 11.
George E. Brehm, 13402 Leibacher Ave.,
Norwalk, CA 90650-3524. (213) 8648857. (answer machine) Inquiries
welcome, LSASE please for prompt
reply. (Shipping and handling charges
extra, thank you).
WANTED: Majestic Model 7C40 or
7CU40 table model, 1940, any condition;
Rider 13 - 7; GE A82 for R.F. + 1.F. parts
1936. Ray Larson, 12241-1/2 Gorham,
W. Los Angeles, CA 90049.
FOR SALE: Victor Lumiere #1 speaker,
awful condition, $25; EICO HF-20 mono
amp., exc., $35; Hallicrafters: S-53A, vg,
works, $35; S-38EB, exc., works, $75;
SX-43 vg, works, $85; R-44 speaker,
$55; SX-42, have two, prefer local pick
up, $45/$75; SX-101 MKIII, good,
works, $45 local; Is there any interest in
early magnetic tape recording? Have two
Brush "Soundmirrors" BK 401 AND BK
403, best offers; Spraque T0-3 cap tester,
vg, wks, manual, $35; Military RlOO/
VRR troop entertainment receiver, exc,
$45; AN/SRR-13 Navy receiver, good,
$35; TS-535 AIU Navy by HewlettPackard VLF sig. gen., 7-160 KC, built in
scope, exc, working, $75 local only; Pilot
Pilotuner FM, fair, $10; Still have
thousands of dipped Mylar capacitors,
10¢ each, SASE for list All plus UPS.
Craig Smith, 1035 1st Ave. South, St
Petersburg, FL 33712. (813) 822-7592
FOR SALE: 1939 Canadian RCA Victor
Globetrotter, Model #A20, 5 tube AC
AM/SW walnut cased table radio, very
good condition, $75 or interesting trade;
Motorola Quasar shop caddy, $20; RCA
tube caddy, $15. (US funds). WANTED:
Exhibition or No. 2 reproducer or later
model Orthophonic type for Victor
Victrola. Ernest D. M. Yeaw, RR#3,
Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, Canada
BOK IVO. (902) 657-2554.
WANTED: Information, photos and/or
parts to restore a RADA; HewlettPackard HP200A audio oscillator and
Breadboard parts. Dave McClellan, 1086
Trailridge Ln., Atlanta, GA 30338. (404)
WANTED: Paying cash for Clarion
Model 70 and Ozarka Model 93. Philip
Collins, 10965 Rochester Ave., #201,
Los Angeles, CA 90024. (213) 479-0167.
WANTED: SCR-536, SCR-511 and BC15. Minoru Wakasugi, 1-16-11 Tokiwadai, Toyonocho Osaka 563-01 Japan.
WANTED: Remote Control box for
1935 Philco 116. Takes 1 tube type 30.
Gene Claus, 2305 West Rice, Sioux Falls,
SD 57104. (005) 332-3747.
6th of the Month!
FOR SALE: Rare Kennedy console
Model 826B {has Model 26 BC tuner and
separate Model 34 shortwave tuner in
console cabinet), $300. WANTED: I
desperately need a pattern for the centet
grill on an AK 165 round top. Also
wanted a Grebe Synchrophase junk
chassis for parts. Walt Sanders, 15 Todd
Place, Terre Haute, IN 47803.
FOR SALE: Large Wilcox Gay portable
Recordio, like new with mike, 43 lbs. of
quality. Small compact metal box with 4
prong power receptacle in rear, ant and
phones recpt.; Setchell Carlson 512 with
Rl6/ARR13 white paint on front, 200400 KC, 2 controls, 3 lbs; Little Giant
soldering machine; 4 x 4 x 6 inch metal
box with large carbon in holder on end, 4
heats, twisted wire to wooden foot
control and power. antique AC plug,
factory unit for chassis? Works, 5 lbs.
Each of above best offer plus UPS. Gene
Claus, 2305 West Rice, Sioux Falls, SD
57104. (005) 332-3747.
FOR SALE: Western Electric 4B no
cabinet, tubes or name plate, good
condition, $195; Magnavox AC3C
amplifier, missing tube sockets, 1
rheostat and some wiring, $95; Mengel
crystal set case, no chassis or case
hardware, label OK, $28; GE bakelite set
H-520, has thumbwheel tuning dial in
center of cabinet, untested, $40; Kennedy
110 chassis, some coils need rewinding,
needs complete restoration, missing
binding post nuts, $225. Shipping extra
on all items. WANTED: Cabinet with
speakers for Philco 37-690. Power supply
and service manual for Stoddart NM-40A
ELF receiver. Allen Jochem, 2205
Broadway, Qunicey, IL 62301. (217)
FOR SALE: Philco Projection Television year model 48, Model #48-2500 TV only has 8 channels, $450; Atwater
Kent #60 radio, offer; Simpson
Genescope, short in B+ offer; portable
oscilloscope #08-8C-U, works, offer;
'.Zenith 21" color TV (round pix. tube),
chassis Model #25MC33, works, offer;
Operadio speaker # 1, offer; 2 pairs
earphones #1 Trimm Feather weight
#MX-41-AR, good condition, offer; #2
Brush, no number, good condition, offer.
Michael Pettyjohn, 742 Blvd., Athens,
GA 30601. (404) 543-0627.
FOR SALE: 1929 Spartan 931 AC,
small High Boy console, excel. condx.
except top needs refinishing, with tubes,
not wkg., pick-up only, $95. WANTED:
Inx. or service manuals for V-M V-9022
rec. changer; Sams #112 for Westinghouse Model 2152-16 TV; Stromberg
Carlson RBS-1 U.S.N. type CCT 46217
RCVR. Repos OK. 1NX. Bill Ross, 1124
Tower Rd., Winnetica, IL 60o<J3. (312)
FOR SALE: A very special collectable
for RCA "Nipper" fans. It's a commemorative china plate, one of only 1,000
made. It depicts the stained glass Nipper
in the RCA Headquarters at Camden,
New Jersey. New in box, issued in the
late 1970's. A truly rare item! Charles
Harper, 2081 Harmony Court, Lexington,
KY 40502. (606) 268-8549.
FOR SALE: RCA 74DX microphone;
RCA 3 inch Image Orthicon tube;
Crosley 51 radio; Crosley "Musical
Chef' radio. WANTED: RCA "Stratoworld" Model I-MBT-6; Admiral
"Allworld" Model 909. Charles Harper,
2081 Harmony Court, Lexington, KY
40502. (606) 268-8549.
FOR SALE: Good WD-11 with cracked
brass base (tipped) and perfect looking
brass base/tipped WD-11 but open
filament - both $50; Monarch XTAL set,
$175; Magnavox 22" dia. bell (only),
$100. A few Service and Radio Doings
magazines. Send SASE. Floyd A. Paul,
1545 Raymond Ave., Glendale, CA
91201. (818) 242-8961.
WANTED: Grebe CR-9 tube socket;
Hallicrafters All-Band portable (S-72?)
like Transoceanic; Crosley PUP, 52, 4-29
portable; Clapp-Eastham HZ amp; early
battery super bets, kits ok, especially
using screen grid 222. FOR SALE: WD11 replacements. NOS WE 215 A (VT-5)
on WD-11 base, $15 plus postage.
Charles Rhodes, 64 South River Road,
Edgewater, MD 21037. (301) 266-3691.
WANTED: Riders 1, 2, 11 - 20; '.Zenith
1BH571 chassis; Scott Philharmonic.
Gary Glazier, 3031 El Caminita, La
Crescenta, CA 91214. (818) 248-1693.
6th of the Month!
FOR SALE: Philco 41-230 (p133FOS),
$50; Philco 48-460 (Same as 46-420
p135FOS), $30; RCA 551 (p161FOS),
$40; RCA 66BX (p157FOS Globetrotter), $40; GE 203 (p93FOS), $30; all plus
shipping. Philco 50-1420 (pl41FOS),
$100 OBO. Pick up only this item. Also
Philco similar to 37-690 except light
wood cabinet w/inlay in doors. Has
original 78/33 turntable but tone arm is
missing. Prefer to trade this for much
smaller radio of equal value. Send SASE
for picture and complete description. Pick
up only. Victor Marett, 3201 N. W. 18
Street, Miami, FL 33125.
305) 634-9569.
WANTED: Assorted flexible resistors 1/4 to 1(2 watt sizes; Amperite assorted
ballast tubes and delay relays; ballast
tube manuals and/or data sheets; new (old
stock) screw-base electrolytic-can
capacitors; dial scale for Philco radio
Model 38-12 (1938); EICO tube testers
Models 625 and 667 K (V.G.C. only); old
P.A. amplifiers, tube type, 20 - 50 watts,
1940's and 50's,. FOR SALE: Assorted
Ponular Electronic magazines 1959 1974, 75¢ each; assorted Awful magazines 1987 - 88, 50¢ each; Midwest radio
chassis (18 tube), not working, $20;
Assorted RCA tube manuals $2.50 each,
in fair condition. All items plus UPS
shipping. Ralph S. Williams, 1150 N. W.
12th Lane, Ocala, FL 32675.
(904) 237-3725.
WANTED: :zenith parts chassis #5634
with good coils for 6S152. Dial and
transformer optional. Alexandria Nelson,
9225 Evangeline N. E., Albuquerque,
NM 87111. (505) 291-9468.
FOR SALFlTRADE; Kennedy 110,
Kennedy 525 Amp, Crosley V, Crosley
50, Crosley Ace V, Crosley Super
Trirdyn Regular, Crosley 169 Cathedral.
SASE for info. Crocker, 6 Old Farm Rd.,
Duxbury, MA 02332. (617) 585-5650.
(before 10 pm)
Wanted: WWII or older Japanese radio
equipment, accessories, manuals, tubes.
Japanese electronics or audio magazines
up to 1988, any quantity. Buy or swap.
Alan Douglas, Box 225, Pocasset, MA
FOR SALE: Dynaco Stereo SCA 35,
$45; Dynaquad SCA - 80Q, $125; Heath
Kit Tuner AJ - 31, $15; Pioneer receiver
Stereo Master SM - R151, $250; Presto
Promenade Turntable, $30; Hallicrafters
S 38A, $25; N.R.I. service manuals, Vol.
1 and 2 in large hard binder, execellent
condition, $50. Add for UPS. Warren
Burdine, 1606 Idylwild Dr., Prescott, AZ
86301. (602) 778-1608.
WANTED: AK Rectifier tube, cabinet
for AK - 165. Bob Nicholson, 3423 S.
Long, Topeka, KS 66605.
WANTED: To find anyone who may
also own 1936 to 1938 A82, E91, or
E155 sets, or other series A - E series.
Phil Jaque, 908 Ruhland, Redondo, CA
FOR SALE: Antique phonographs and
juke boxes. 10,000 78 and 45 RPM
records. 1100 new tubes. SASE, Tony's
Trading Post, 209 East Park St., Butte,
MT 59701.
FOR SALE: Admiral radios, Models
5R10N, 5Xl 1N, and 5R33N (bakelite
and plastic); Philco radios, Models 0655-123, 46-429, and 46-200 (bakelite
and leatherette); Jewel clock radios,
Models 935 and 9187-J (unique);
Westinghouse radios, Models 157 and
H-130 (wooden table radios); Motorola
Radios, Models C4P and 5P23PN;
Silvertone catalog number 2001 metal
table radio. I have more radios, early
parts and literature for sale. Please send
SASE to: Neil O'Donnell, 1809 Sampson
St., Butte, MT 59701. (406) 494-8162.
WANTED: Lamp globe for cast iron
four leg antenna lamp to fit an Atwater
Kent table leg female plug for antenna
and ground. Ken Armstrong, Box 216,
Storm Lake, Iowa 50588. (712) 7323012.
WANTED: Premium price paid for Gobe
radio, WE 216A tubes. Need manual for
RCA Rider Chanalyst Model 162-C; Info
as to chassis used in Pooley Model 1620
cabinet Gordon Wilson, 1108 50th Ave.,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6HOH9.
WANTED: ARJ-13 power cable from
Dynamotor to Unit, HC-30 headset and J17 mike. J. W. Nicholas, P. 0. Box
37094, Phoenix, AZ 85069.
Catalin, A-K 206 cathedral, Silvertone
3551 (Beetle Plastic) in the original box.
WANTED: Addison SF, Sparton
(Bluebird) 506, A-K 5. Jim Thompson,
4238 15th Avenue, So. Mpls., MN
55407. (612) 822-4000.
WANTED: Good chassis for 1934
Philco 39 or 39A Cathedral (battery set),
including knobs and dial escutcheon. (I
have good cabinet). Carl Reinke, 2724 N.
27th St., Sheboygan, WI 53083.
FOR SALE: 1938 Vintage Weston
Model 776 signal generator, $80;
Hallicrafter R-42 speaker, $40; Operating
manual for Precision Model 10-54 tube
tester, $9; National Model 46 receiver,
mint, $85; BC-348-J receiver, $48;
Hickock Model 177 signal generator,
$37.50; Supreme V.O. Amp tester Model
1-176, $30; EICO Model 222 VTVM
with manual and probe, $27; Sola
Constant Voltage D.C. power supply
#281503 170 VDC @ 2 amps - input 100
to 130 VAC, new, $32; Stoner SSB
Model 100 transceiver, 2 to 15 MC, 70
watts per with factory manual, $125.
Ward Becht, 625 Tufts Ave., Burbank,
CA 91504. (818) 842-3444.
FOR SALE: Tubes - 50 centers (New)
1S5, 3A4, 4BZ7; $1 for new 6AQ5,
6211, 12AT7, 6SH7; $2 for new 5Y3,
6SJ7, 6SK7, 6Z4, 12SQ7; $3 fornew 35,
41, 5U4G, 5R4GY; one new 816 $5; the
quantities are limited, $2.50 minimum
shipping. Have novelties, parts, test
equipment, radios (no Catalins) and a
bunch of miscellaneous plus free advice!
Send for Stan's Surplus Stuff (only radio/
TV associated) - SASE appreciated to
Stan Lopes, 1201-74 Monument Blvd.,
Concord, CA 94520. (415) 825-6865.
WANTED: Instruction book, other info
on Ultradyne kit superhet. Photocopies
OK; need info to restore early Ultradyne.
Tod Prowell, 1073-15 Lancaster Blvd.,
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. (717) 6975227.
WANTED: Old radios made for bicycles. Also need accessories or paperwork. Michael Payne, 609 N. Fairview
Cr., Alvin, TX 77511. (713) 331-9217.
FOR SALE: Over 850 radio magazines
and books. Also some tubes, misc. parts
and other goodies. Send 2 stamps, large
SASE for 7 page list. Gary B. Schneider,
9511 Sunrise Blvd., #J-23, North
Royalton, Ohio 44133.
WANTED: Record changer with
RecorderArm for#l4H697 Zenith
Combo Radio/Phono/Recorder. Jay
Flesher, 100 Cornfield Rd., Milford,
Conn. 064(J(). (203) 877-9162.
FOR SALE: Riders 12, 13, $8 each,
seedy covers, good pages; Two Majestic
90 chassis w/most tubes, $10 each. Items
plus UPS. WANTED: 3-BandPhilco
dial glass #27-5508 for 39-38 or similar
set; Coyne Electrical and Radio Troubleshooting Manual; RCA Victor Service
~(Red Books) for 1923-28, 31-32,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. Will pay most any
price. Dennis Osborne, P. 0. Box 5064,
Raleigh, NC 27650. (919) 828-1074.
Recorder on.
WANTED: One each AK tube shield,
#29355 w/cap, and #27631, for Model
184. J. G. Collins, 8200 Haenszel Rd.,
Grove City, Ohio 43123-9753.
e ANT. RF, OSC &
FOR SALE: Pre-war European sets,
early black bakelite Emerson, $20;
Western Electric 7 A amp Trade/BO; Nazi
black bakelite Tombstone, $285; AK 627
and 558 Cathedrals, BO Telefunken
"Opus", Canadian Philco (J(), very nice,
$150. Misc. Cathedrals. Telefunken
Allegro, excellent, $75. WANTED: Pilot
Radios, shortwave Cathedrals and
Tombstones, European Radios. Bill
Moore, 1005 Fieldstone Ct., Huntsville,
AL 35803.
FOR SALE: Arvin #722@ $35.99;
Setchel-Carlson #416@ $9.50; Philco
37-610 cabinet@ $8.70; Zenith #K725
@ $30; Zenith #G724 @ $28.50;
Nordmende Elektra 57 with "Beacon
Eye"@ $55; Chassis for Setchel-Carlson
#427@ $7; Crosley "Travo" #166@
$31; Thomas Edison Self Portrait 1934
storage battery calendar@ $19.50; Tube
#45, late, $5; Floor Model Clearance:
Philco #41@ $30; Grunow #1191 with
"Beacon Eye"@ $25; Zenith #8A02@
$110; Philco#?@ $55; Philco #41-280
@ $25 or take all for $199.95. All table
top radios free shipping. WANTED:
Speaker or replacement cone for Philco
50 or 70, and grill cloth; front plastic
pushbutton cover for Philco Floor Model
#41-280. Trade 5 #45's for 1 #50. Joseph
M. Nocera, 1222 Finch St., New Cstle,
PA 16101-4840. (412) 658-7805.
FOR SALE: Zenith Transoceanic Model
H-500 portable with airplane-type dial.
Wavemagnet included. $25 plus shipping. Edward Ostrenga, 19 Pond St., #3
side, Pawtucket, RI 028(J(). (401) 7281202.
Also can provide reprints of the following OLDE TYME RADIO publications:
D. H. Moore's Vintage Identification Sketchbooks (see flyer for detaJ!s).
Atwater Kent Instructors Manual
Atwater Kent Equipment Catalog
Radiola III - A Owners Manual
Vintage Radio
Flick of the Switch
Radios - Philip Collins
and much. much more. Also we are the sole distributor east of the Mississippi
of D.H. Moore·s fabulous set of Vintage Radio Identification Sketchbooks.
We also offer complete data packages for most vintage radios of the l 920's to
1950's era.
For free flyer. send 2 stamp SASE to: OLDE TYME RADIO COMPANY. 2445
Wish to reach us by phone: Call 301-585-8776 between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00
p.m. local time.
FOR SALE: Delco Model 1115, AC
table model, wood cabinet, round dial,
exc., $50; FADA 260-C, ivory, exc.,
$125. Add UPS. Bryan Laughlin, 3450
Chili Ave., Rochester, NY 14624.
(716) 889-2341.
FOR SALE: RCA 3" oscilloscope
Model W033, works, $40; RCA Victor
45 player Model 7EY1DJ with carrying
case, $40. Send large SASE for sale list
of radios and tubes. Add UPS charges.
Clark Trissell, 3530 Pawnee, Lincoln, NE
68506. (402) 488-5263.
WANTED: 1 Circuit tested 216A
WECO vacuum tube; socket for WECO
215A vacuum tube. Tad Drogoski, 507
Coal Valley Rd., Jefferson Bow,_PA
GIVE AWAY! Midwest 18-37 cabinet
You pick up. Michael Feldt, 12035
Somerset Way, Carmel, IN 46032.
(317) 844-0635.
WANTED: Ozarka portable as pictured
above, complete or junker. Don Patterson, 636 Cambridge Rd., Augusta, GA
30909. (404) 738-7227.
FOR SALE: Philco 41-255, $40; Philco
42-355, $40; Western Electric R-T
transmission measuring set, $45; Philco
#70 cathedral, cabinet only, $50; Zenith
Tombstone 6-S-229, $35; Coin-0-Matic
by Hotel Radio Co. of Detroit, cabinet
only, $20; Box lot of 1950's meters, $20;
Hawkins Electric Guide, #1, 2, 7, 8;
Radio Give Away Premium: "RADIO"
Flour Sifter, $10; Many Radio Boys
books; RCA #66Xl, 66X3 AM-SW, $60
pair. P. Currie, P. 0. Box 738, Chuluota,
FL 32766-0738.
FOR SALE: Signal Corp TV-7/U tube
tester, metal case, works fine, with 80
page tube man~al. $50; 500 new GE
tubes in original cartons, also have
transmitting tubes, 45¢, stamp for list;
Sams Auto Radio Manuals 1962 - 1973,
14 total, like new, $45 for all; Sams Tape
Recorder Manuals, have four, $10 for all;
Sams Hi-Fi Manuals, #57, #87, $3 each;
Estate Sale Teletype Equipment Two
like new Model 28's converters with
scope, rack mounted; R390A/URR with
four mechanical filters. SASE list Russ
Olmsted, 608 W. Thompson Ln.,
Murfreesboro, TN 37129.
WANTED: 1, 2, 3 dial Homebrew
battery sets, send description and price;
37-60 Philco chassis; Audel's
Radioman's guide; Photo of a VictorLumiere Loudspeaker #1 for restoration.
P. Currie, P. 0. Box 738, Chuluota, FL
Second Class Subscribers
If you see RENEW NOW!
above your label it's time to
send us $15.00.
FOR SALE: Send large SASE for list of
current books about radios. If you wish
list about phonographs and records, let us
know. The Sound Box, Box 226, Ettrick,
WI 54627.
WANTED: Tube Hi Fi & Sound
equipment, W .E. speakers, related
literature. Joe Roberts, Box 19302,
Alexandria, VA 22320. Day 1-800-8431/89
8253 Home (703) 683-2955.
FOR SALE: Midwest (20-38) 20 tube
console; Philco 38-116 15 tube (resonating speakers) console. Jay Flesher, 100
Cornfield Rd., Milford, Conn. 06460.
(203) 877-9162.
WANTED: Pre-1942 TVs, TV magazines, TV service literature. FOR SALE:
AK21, Zenith 52, Catalins, TVs, transistors, more. LSASE for list #2. Don Hauff,
9988 107th Ave. N., Maple Grove, MN
FOR SALE: New and used tubes,
electrolytic capacitors, cone speakers,
send SASE for lists. C. Elmer Nelson, 11
S. Church St., Princeton, IL 61356. 1/89
WANTED: Hallicrafters S53 receiver,
HT-6 transmitter, Harvey Wells transmitter and VFO. Manual for Hickock 288X;
manual for Eldico transmitter. Receiver
looks like Collins S-Line. R. Olmsted,
608 W. Thompson Ln., Murfreesboro,
TN 37129. (615) 893-5344.
WANTED: I pay cash for new and used
vintage, transmitting and other special
purpose tubes. I especially need 50/150/
250/350/450, W .E. 252A, W.E. 274
(A, B), W.E. 300 (A, B), W.E. 350B.
WA6GJA, Randy Nachtrieb, 6392 Park
Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92645, (714)
WANTED: I pay cash for vintage audio
gear by W estem Electric, Mcintosh,
Marantz, Altec, etc., W A6GJA, Randy
Nachtrieb, 6392 Park Ave., Garden
Grove, CA 92645, (714) 897-9351. 1/89
receivers 1919-1970's, auto radios,
phonos 30's-70's, tv's 40's-70's. Send
brandname, model number, and SASE to
Scaramella, P. 0. Box 1, Woonsocket, RI
6th of the Month
Radio Age
636 Cambridge Road
Augusta, Georgia 30909
at Augusta, GA