
Official Publication of the Slovene National Benefit Society
USPS: 448-080
ISSN: 1080-0263
Welcome, Miss SNPJ 2013
Slovenefest XXXI
opens the reign of
a new Miss SNPJ
SNPJ Fraternal Director
IMPERIAL, Pa. — Greetings from the Fraternal Department. I hope everybody had a great
time this year during the Miss SNPJ Pageant
and Slovenefest.
The weekend activity started early Friday
afternoon with the Miss SNPJ Pageant talent
competition beginning at noon in the Alpine
Room. The audience was treated to a wonderful
display of talent, beauty and showmanship. It
was an event that you surely didn’t want to miss.
Many special guests attended Slovenefest on
Saturday. The Miss SNPJ Pageant contestants
and committee member attended a special
meet-and-greet Session with the SNPJ National
Board. These young ladies were also introduced
on all of the Slovenefest performance stages.
The Sunday afternoon program, featuring
the introduction of the Miss SNPJ contestants
and Miss SNPJ 2012 Danielle Brand, began at
noon in the Alpine Room. Danielle opened the
program by singing the Star-Spangled Banner.
Thank you, Danielle, for sharing your talent
with us. I also want to thank Monika Mavek
from the group Murski Val for performing the
Slovenian national anthem.
The mayor of the Borough of SNPJ, Pa., Bro.
Gerald Sankovich (770), presented a proclamation recognizing both Slovenefest and the Miss
SNPJ Pageant, after which all former Miss
SNPJs were invited to the stage by Miss SNPJ
2012 Danielle Brand. It’s great to see these ladies
return year after year to support the Miss SNPJ
program and crowning.
Miss SNPJ Danielle Brand delivered her
In This Issue
Up-and-Coming Calendar of Events.......... 2
SNPJ National Board Minutes............... 3-10
Slovenska Stran....................................... 12
PROSVETA Crossword Puzzle................ 13
SNPJ Recommender Coupon.................. 14
SNPJ Fraternal Sympathies..................... 15
brief ly
Westmoreland Fed has
July 27 meeting planned
HERMINIE, Pa. — The Westmoreland
County (Pa.) Federation of SNPJ Lodges
will hold its quarterly meeting on Friday,
July 27, at the Federation Picnic Grove at
6:30 p.m. All Lodges are welcome.
Federation President
Lodge 31 schedules its
regular August meeting
SHARON, Pa. — The next Lodge 31
meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 9,
at 6:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Hall, 1037
Baldwin Ave. in Sharon. After parking
in the lot, walk up the handicap ramp.
Lodge activities, honoring members and
our holiday dinner will be discussed. For
information contact Barb Bogolin at (724)
347-1197 before 10 p.m.
Lodge 31 Secretary
August monthly meeting
canceled for Lodge 225
[Above] Miss SNPJ 2013 KRISTEN CUSHMAN (138) receives her tiara from Miss SNPJ 2012
[Below] The 2013 Miss SNPJ Pageant Court: [left to right] Miss Talent EMILY HOGAN (6),
Miss Activity AMY VOGRIG (138), Miss SNPJ 2013 KRISTEN CUSHMAN, and Miss
Fraternalism AMANDA COUCH (715).
Heritage Center
hosts “Polka! The
Movie” screening
SNPJ Heritage Center Committee
BOROUGH OF SNPJ, Pa. — The SNPJ Heritage Center is proud to announce the showing
of “Polka! The Movie” with a wine and cheese
reception Friday, Aug. 17, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
in the Roger C. Evanish Gift Shop and Resource
Center. This will be a wonderful kick-off to
Fraternal Weekend Aug. 17-18.
Joe Valencic (5) will emcee the evening.
A filmmaker and historian from Cleveland,
Joe co-wrote the documentary with Slovenian
director Dušan Moravec for TV Slovenia. Joe
is also the president of the National ClevelandStyle Polka Hall of Fame.
Joe narrates the film with stories about how
popular the Cleveland-style sound was across
America. The 90-minute documentary is presented in Slovenian and English with subtitles
in both languages. Vintage film clips and photos
bring the polka past to life.
The Aug. 17 screening will be the first showing of “Polka! The Movie” in our area. It will
bring back a lot of memories of polka festivals
and events attended by many SNPJ members
over the years.
Lakeside Pavilion a deserved dedication
GIRARD, Kan. — Lodge 225 will not
hold its monthly meeting Aug. 12 due to
the Arma Homecoming and Crawford
County Fair.
Lodge 225 Secretary
Summer picnic meeting
is slated for Lodge 371
CLE ELUM, Wash. — Lodge 371 will
host its annual summer picnic meeting
on Sunday, Aug. 26, beginning at noon.
A potluck lunch will follow the meeting.
The picnic meeting will be held at 111
Kricket Lane in Ronald, Wash. For directions or additional information, contact
Ken Kladnik at 1711 E. Canterbury Dr.,
Ellensburg, WA 98926; or phone (509)
Lodge 371 President
The next two PROSVETA issue dates
are Aug. 8 and Aug. 22. All material must
be received by Monday, July 30, for the
Aug. 8 issue, and by Friday, Aug. 10,
for the Aug. 22 issue. If you are running
short on time and concerned about
making the deadline, send an e-mail
to [email protected] or submit your
material via the publications area of our
web site, www.snpj.org.
• Cassidy G. Nekic
SNPJ National President
Born Sept. 7, 2011
Cleveland Lodge 142
IMPERIAL, Pa. — Naprej, “move forward,” was Joe
Cvetas’ mantra. The SNPJ certainly did just that with the
beautiful addition of the Lakeside Pavilion, which was
officially dedicated on June 30, 2012, in honor of “Big
Joe” and Bea Cvetas’ passion, love and dedication to the
SNPJ Recreation Center.
The Cvetas family very generously donated the construction of the Lakeside Pavilion. Joe Cvetas always
dreamed of a facility like this by the lake, and his family
made it a reality. And it is more beautiful than any of us
could have envisioned.
Joe passed away last year on June 11. He served as a
member of the SNPJ National Board for 32 years. His
passion for the SNPJ Recreation Center ran deep, having been involved with it since its inception. Joe and his
Lodge 142 welcomes Cassidy Grace
Nekic as their newest member. Cassidy is
the daughter of Dave Nekic and Miss SNPJ
1995 Jennifer (Skrajner) Nekic (142), sister
of Nick and Carson Nekic (142), and granddaughter of Dave and Kathy Skrajner (142)
and John and Virginia Nekic. We welcome
Cassidy to the Society and extend our best
wishes to her entire family.
The Cvetas family at the Lakeside Pavilion dedication: [left to right] WARREN,
Cvetas; Jennifer, Joe, Jessica and Jared Cvetas; and Keegan,
Sarah and Tony McLendon.
SNPJ has a blog
now, and we’re
doing a lot of
talking there.
Scan the code
to see what we
have to say.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
(USPS 448-080)
(ISSN 1080-0263)
The Official Publication of the
Slovene National
Benefit Society
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Phone: (724) 695-1100
1-800-843-7675 (THE SNPJ)
Fax: (724) 695-1555
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.snpj.org
Jay Sedmak
Associate Editor:
Kimberly Gonzalez
Subscription rate is $8 per year for non-SNPJ
members in the United States (Fla. subscribers,
please add 6 percent sales tax). Canadian and
foreign subscriptions, $50 per year. Advertising information available by writing our office.
Material concerning the official workings of
the Slovene National Benefit Society is given
publication priority. Unsolicited manuscripts
returned only if a self-addressed, stamped
envelope is enclosed.
Pageant an
to bond
Lodge 113
PRICE, Utah — This past weekend
during Slovenefest, I had the opportunity to proudly represent my Lodge,
Lodge 113, in a 56-year-old tradition,
the Miss SNPJ Pageant. It was the
experience of a lifetime, and I strongly
encourage any young lady who has the
chance to participate in the pageant. It
is definitely a weekend that you will
never forget.
Going into the weekend, I had no
idea what I was getting myself into.
I had never attended Slovenefest, nor
did I know any of the girls I would
be spending my next four days with.
I had no clue whether they would
All Aboard!
The 2012 Miss
SNPJ Pageant
contestants had
a little free time
to spend with the
children during
be snobby, competitive, or keep to
themselves. Luckily, that wasn’t the
case. These girls turned out to be the
most amazing girls I have ever come
in contact with.
First off, I would like to thank Miss
SNPJ 2012 Danielle Brand for putting
up with us throughout the weekend,
even after we forgot her at the hotel
and called her by the wrong name a
few times. Thanks as well to Miss
SNPJ 2004 Courtney Pabian, who
worked miracles with our hair over
the weekend, while Fraternal Director
Kevin Richards was thinking of jokes
to tell during our van rides. Last, but
certainly not least, Dave’s cheesecake;
not quite sure what we would have
done without it!
I speak on behalf of all the contestants when I say that it was an
honor to be there and be united with
such loving girls. I am already very
excited about next year. We had the
times of our lives.
That being said, I hope to see you
all again next year, and hopefully
some new faces. Keep in mind that
this is not only a great opportunity
for a scholarship, it’s also an amazing
way to reach out and meet new people.
Congratulations to all of this year’s
winners, and thank you to everyone
who made this weekend happen.
Postmaster: Send all address changes to:
PROSVETA, 247 W. Allegheny Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
(Issued biweekly on Wednesday)
(Periodical postage paid at Imperial, Pa.,
and additional mailing office.)
SNPJ National Board
Executive Committee:
National President
Joseph C. Evanish
National Secretary
Karen A. Pintar
National Treasurer
Robert J. Lawrence
Correspondence received at:
247 West Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Office hours are Monday -Thursday, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; Fridays 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Finance Committee:
Chrm.: Roger C. Clifford – 568 Lang
Road, Sewickley, PA 15143
Robert Lawrence, Secretary
Joseph C. Evanish
Kenneth Anderson – 2400 Derby Road,
Birmingham, MI 48009
Richard Hervol – 183 Wylie Ave.,
Strabane, PA 15363
Supervisory Committee:
Chrm.: Phyllis Wood – 9519 Evergreen
Lane, Fontana, CA 92335
Vincent Baselj – 1001 Grandview Ave.,
Apt. 903, Bridgeville, PA 15017
Louis J. Novak – 6308 Highland Rd.,
Highland Heights, OH 44143
Stan Repos – 1255 McCaslin Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126
Joseph M. Grkman Jr. – P.O. Box 584,
South Park, PA 15129
Regional Vice Presidents:
Frank Bregar, Region 1 – 25 Willow
Crossing Rd., Greensburg, PA 15601
James L. Curl, Region 2 – 503 Orchard
St., Carnegie, PA 15106
Nancy Koutoulakis, Region 3 – 4321
Beverly Dr., Aliquippa, PA 15001
Linda Gorjup, Region 4 – 712 Fiddlers
Way, Painesville, OH 44077
Tracey Anderson, Region 5 – 1014
Edgewood Dr., Royal Oak, MI 48067
Justina Rigler, Region 6 – 1116 Berkley
Lane, Lemont, IL 60439
John Zibert, Region 7 – 284 N. 200 St.,
Arma, KS 66712
Fred Mlakar, Region 8 – 13592
Onkayha Cir., Irvine, CA 92620
SNPJ Recreation Center
270 Martin Road
Enon Valley, PA 16120
(724) 336-5180 • fax (724) 336-6716
Toll-free: 1-877-767-5732
web site: www.snpjrec.com
e-mail: [email protected]
Have something for
Type of Event
Photo submitted by Bro. Ken Kladnik (371).
Recognizing 80
Years of SNPJ Loyalty
Lodge 371 member Frank Moskon
celebrated 80 years of SNPJ
membership in January. Frank was
born Dec. 26, 1915, and currently
lives in Ellensburg, Wash. Lodge 371
President Ken Kladnik presented
Bro. Moskon with an SNPJ blanket in
honor of his 80 SNPJ years.
family were among the original eight
trailer court residents at the opening of
the SNPJ Recreation Center in 1965.
This is something he would enjoy
for the rest of his life. Most summer
weekends, family vacations and entire
summers after retirement were spent
at the SNPJ Recreation Center.
Bro. Cvetas contributed greatly
to the Recreation Center, spending
over 25 years on the SNPJ Recreation
Center Committee. He also served as
Director from 1989-1992. When the
Borough of SNPJ was incorporated,
Bro. Cvetas became the first council
president. He later served as the borough’s second mayor. For nearly 25
years he was a leader of our annual
Slovenefest, which has been SNPJ’s
biggest annual endeavor for the past
30 years.
Son Joe spoke at the dedication on
behalf of his brother Dave, mother Bea
and family members attending from
California, Florida and Canada. He
spoke of how his father envisioned
people enjoying the Lakeside Pavilion, having a good time eating,
drinking and laughing while listening
to Slovenian music. On that note, he
thanked Ivan and Theresa Frankjo and
their help for providing the delicious
dedication dinner, and Bob Turcola
and Slavko Strasser for performing
some of Joe’s favorite Slovenian songs.
He also thanked those who helped
with the construction, including nephew Clayton McGath, Josh Randolph,
SNPJ Recreation Center Director Tim
Jergel, Maintenance Manger Jeff Wisneski and project supervisor Rayne
Randolph. Gratitude was extended
to SNPJ for providing the walkway
and additional parking.
There have already been some
wedding ceremonies that have taken
• JULY 28......... Sygan, Pa., Lodge 6 dance at
the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough
of SNPJ, Pa. Music by the Ted Zalac
Orchestra from 2-6 p.m.
• JULY 29......... Badger Lodge 584 picnic at Root
River Parkway, picnic area #1; 11 a.m.4 p.m. Admission is $6 for Lodge 584
members, $9 for guests. Reservations
are required, and admission must be
paid by July 22. For details contact Tim
or Mary Donovan at (414) 817-0192.
• JULY 29......... Westmoreland County (Pa.) Federation presents American Slovene Day
at the Evanstown Picnic Grove, Evanstown, Pa.; noon-7 p.m. Music by Frank
Stanger and more. For details contact
Sharon Ujcich at (412) 822-7742.
• JULY 29-AUG. 4... Second Family Week at the
SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of
SNPJ, Pa. For details phone the SNPJ
Recreation Center at 1-877-767-5732.
Phone (
Complete and return to:
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
e-mail: [email protected]
place at the Lakeside Pavilion, and
there will certainly be many more
ceremonies at this beautiful setting.
This wonderful addition will go a long
way in helping SNPJ promote our
Slovenian heritage, and we will enjoy
future gatherings of SNPJ friends to
enjoy the Lakeside Pavilion just as
Joe would have liked.
On behalf of the Slovene National
Benefit Society, I extend sincere appreciation to the Cvetas family for
their fraternal generosity and forward
vision. Naprej!
The Lakeside Pavilion at the SNPJ Recreation Center was dedicated June
30 in honor of “Big Joe” and Bea Cvetas.
A look at events planned by the Slovene National Benefit Society
If a concert or dance, who is
Who to contact
Come one, come all to the SNPJ
Recreation Center and share in
Family Weeks July 22-28 and July
29-Aug. 4.
This year’s program promises a
week of sheer enjoyment, laughter
and memories that last a lifetime!
Director Tim, our most pleasant
“Sues,” and David and his kitchen
crew all make us feel so welcome
while adding smiles to our faces
and warmth in our hearts. They
are such an outstanding bunch!
It’s worth the week just to spend
time with them.
This year we are traveling to
Slovenia, but you only have to go
as far as the Recreation Center
to join us! We have a plethora of
activities planned, including the
opportunity to tour our beautiful
SNPJ Heritage Center museum and
some true Slovenian traditions to
participate in.
For more information, please
contact Fraternal Director Kevin
Richards at the SNPJ Home Office.
He will give you all the details for
this little getaway week.
We look forward to seeing our
former attending families as well
as some new ones this year. Come
one, come all and see what everyone means when they say Family
Week is fun!
Lodge 33 Secretary/Treasurer
Lakeside Pavilion dedication honors Cvetas family contributions
• JULY 29......... Loyalites Lodge 158 “Christmas in
July” picnic at the SNPJ Farm, Kirtland,
Ohio; 3-7 p.m. Music by the Don Wojtila
Band and The Hobos. For details contact
Pat Nevar at (216) 789-9746.
Travel to
via Family
Week fun
• JULY 30......... Former Region 4 Vice President
Dorothy Gorjup hosts Slovene Heritage
Night at the Lake County Captains; 7
p.m. game time. For tickets, contact your
Lodge secretary or Sis. Gorjup.
• AUG. 4-10...... Detroit Week at the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa.
For details phone the SNPJ Recreation
Center at 1-877-767-5732.
• AUG. 5.......... Farm Board picnic at the SNPJ
Farm, Kirtland, Ohio. Dinner service
starts at 2 p.m. with music by Frank
Moravcik from 3-7 p.m. For details contact Joseph Blatnik at (440) 943-1191.
• AUG. 5.......... Utah Slovenian Day Picnic sponsored by Lodges 113, 689 and 757 at
Price City Park, noon-5 p.m. Everyone
is welcome. For details contact Gene or
Joanne Lessar at (435) 637-6925.
• AUG. 10-12.... SNPJ TEL Workshop at the SNPJ
Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa.
For registration details contact Fraternal
Director Kevin Richards at 1-800-8437675 or [email protected].
• AUG. 12......... Westmoreland County (Pa.) Federation presents Matt and Stephan’s
Polka Picnic at the Evanstown Picnic
Grove, Evanstown, Pa.; 1-7 p.m. Music
by the Frank Stanger Orchestra, Western
Pa. Button Box Club and more. For more
information contact Mary Ann Bebar at
(724) 668-7394.
• AUG. 12......... Cleveland Lodge 614 picnic at
the SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio. Dinner
service starts at 2 p.m. with music by
Bob Kravos from 3-7 p.m. For additional
information contact Joseph Blatnik at
(440) 943-1191.
• AUG. 12......... Lou Progar Scholarship bean bag
toss tournament fund-raiser at Strabane,
Pa., Lodge 138 beginning at 1 p.m. For
more information contact Don Progar at
(724) 747-6429.
• AUG. 19......... Chicago District Federation dinner
dance at the Slovenian Catholic Center,
Lemont, Ill.; noon-3 p.m. For details
contact Vince Rigler at (630) 257-5051.
• AUG. 19......... V Boj Lodge 53 picnic at the SNPJ
Farm, Kirtland, Ohio; 3-7 p.m. Music by
the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. For additional
information contact Martha Meglich at
(440) 884-5043.
• AUG. 19-25.... Senior Week at the SNPJ Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ, Pa. For
information phone the SNPJ Recreation
Center toll-free at 1-877-767-5732.
• AUG. 26......... Westmoreland County (Pa.)
Federation presents Mikey Dee’s Polka
Picnic at the Evanstown Picnic Grove,
Evanstown, Pa.; 1-7 p.m. Music by
Mikey Dee and Polka Quads. For more
information contact Mary Ann Bebar at
(724) 668-7394.
• SEPT. 2.......... Farm Board picnic at the SNPJ
Farm, Kirtland, Ohio; 3-7 p.m. Music by
Al Battistelli. For details contact Joseph
Blatnik at (440) 943-1191.
• SEPT. 3.......... Val’s Polka Radio Show Benefit
Dance at the SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio;
1:30-7:30 p.m. Music by Frank Stanger
and Don Wojtila. For additional information contact Val Pawlowski at (330)
• SEPT. 8.......... Strabane, Pa., Lodge 138 hosts the
Eddie Rodick Orchestra in the outdoor
pavilion; 6-10 p.m.
• SEPT. 9.......... Youngstown, Ohio, Lodge 153
dance in the Alpine Room at the SNPJ
Recreation Center, Borough of SNPJ,
Pa.; 3-7 p.m. Music by the John Lapinski
Orchestra. For more information contact
Diane Chermely at (330) 629-8882.
• SEPT. 16........ Friends of the Farm picnic at the
SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio; 3-7 p.m.
Music by Wayne Tomsic. For details
contact Joseph Blatnik at (440) 943-1191.
• SEPT. 16........ Westmoreland County (Pa.) Federation Grape Festival at the Evanstown
Picnic Grove, Evanstown, Pa.; noon-7
p.m. Music by Frank Stanger, Silver
Sky Duo, Mikey Dee and Tamburica
All-Stars. For details contact Mary Ann
Bebar at (724) 668-7394.
• SEPT. 23........ Slovenian Grape Festival and
Parade at the SNPJ Farm, Kirtland,
Ohio; 3-7 p.m. Music by Joey Tomsick.
For details contact Joseph Blatnik at
(440) 943-1191.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Slovene National Benefit Society National Board Minutes
Meeting held March 30, 2012, at the SNPJ Home Office, Imperial, Pa.
The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by President Joseph C.
EVANISH. There were 17 National Board members in attendance.
National Board members absent with an excuse were Bro. Johnnie
ZIBERT and Sis. Tracey ANDERSON. There was no Young Adult
Representative present.
President EVANISH appointed Bro. Fredrick MLAKAR and Sis. Tina
RIGLER as vice chairpersons with no objections.
President EVANISH noted that there is one guest present, Bro. David
Cushman (138), a member of the SNPJ Recreation Center Committee.
President EVANISH asked the board to rise for a moment of silence
in memory of those SNPJ members deceased since the last National
Board meeting.
The timing of sessions, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch from 12:15
p.m. to 1 p.m., was approved on a motion made by Sis. Dorothy
GORJUP, second by Sis. Nancy KOUTOULAKIS.
The Order of Business was approved on a motion made by Bro.
Richard HERVOL, seconded by Bro. Roger CLIFFORD.
National Secretary Sis. Karen A. PINTAR read correspondence
received from Region 4 Vice President Sis. Dorothy Gorjup indicating
that she would be retiring on April 1, 2012.
A motion was made by Bro. Ken ANDERSON, second by Bro. James
CURL, to formally approve the minutes from the September 2011
National Board meeting. These minutes were previously approved
by mail.
Sis. PINTAR read the minutes from the Dec. 5, 2011, National Board
conference call meeting as follows:
Minutes of the Conference Call Meeting of the
Slovene National Benefit Society National Board
December 5, 2011
The meeting was called to order via conference call at 1 p.m. by
President Joseph C. EVANISH. There were 16 National Board
members on the call with three absent with reason – Brothers Louis
Novak and Fredrick Mlakar, and Sis. Dorothy Gorjup.
President EVANISH explains that the purpose of the call is to discuss
and decide on an asset manager for the SNPJ.
Finance Committee Chairman Bro. Roger CLIFFORD explains that
the Finance Committee has done some research and is recommending a change of asset management firms to Wellington Management
Company, LLP. The change will save the Society approximately
$50,000 per year. The reason for this savings is that the firm we
are considering has a program designed for the fraternal industry
which helps achieve economies of scale in order to afford a better
rate and a savings to all fraternals involved.
President EVANISH remarks that they have talked with the fraternals
that are currently working with this asset manager, and that the
other fraternals are very pleased with the firm and state that they
still receive individualized service.
Bro. Robert J. LAWRENCE remarks that he is very pleased with the
fee they will charge and that from his research he felt that the firm
we are considering managed the global crisis very well as reported
by their clients; they have their own in-house resources and do their
own analysis. He feels that this will be very beneficial and a great
opportunity for the SNPJ.
There are questions and comments by Bro. Stan REPOS.
President EVANISH states that he will have the contract from Wellington reviewed by our legal counsel. We have been advised that
it would be best to wait until year-end work for 2011 is completed
prior to changing asset managers. The change will then be effective
on or about April 1, 2012.
Questions and comments by Sis. Phyllis WOOD, and Brothers
Motion to approve the change of asset manager to Wellington
Management Company, LLP, with the effective date to be at Bro.
Lawrence’s discretion by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by Sis. WOOD.
A roll call vote is taken, as this is a telephone conference call, with
the following result:
Joseph Evanish................................ Yes
Karen Pintar..................................... Yes
Robert Lawrence.............................. Yes
Roger Clifford................................... Yes
Ken Anderson................................... Yes
Richard Hervol.................................. Yes
Phyllis Wood..................................... Yes
Vincent Baselj................................... Yes
Louis J. Novak.................................. Absent
Stan Repos....................................... Yes
Joseph Grkman Jr............................ Yes
Frank Bregar.................................... Yes
James Curl....................................... Yes
Nancy Koutoulakis............................ Yes
Dorothy Gorjup................................. Absent
Tracey Anderson.............................. Yes
Justina Rigler.................................... Yes
Johnnie Zibert................................... Yes
Fredrick Mlakar................................. Absent
The roll call vote is unanimous.
President EVANISH thanks everyone for their participation. He also
states that we are pursuing the property issue with the former Lodge
778, and our attorneys will be requesting documents and deposing
individuals in the near future.
Motion to adjourn at 1:43 p.m. by Bro. Ken ANDERSON, second by
Bro. CURL. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
For the year 2011, the Society issued 774 policies with a face amount
of $6,756,000. The total life insurance in force is $239,100,910. There
were 510 new members enrolled during the year.
The Star Lodge Bonus Program provides incentives to Lodges for
new member enrollment and Lodge activities. Each year, Lodges
are given a new member goal based on the size of their Lodge. For
2011, there were a total of 17 Lodges who reached or exceeded
their new member goal. Congratulations to those Lodges, which are
as follows: Lodges 6, 106, 107, 117, 165, 355, 449, 459, 475, 577,
584, 626, 677, 745, 781, 782 and 786.
There are three levels of achievement for the Star Lodge Bonus
Program, the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. A Superstar Lodge status
can be achieved by a Lodge going above and beyond, surpassing
the Gold level with the additional achievement of enrolling new
members in all 12 months of the year. One Lodge, for the second
year in a row, achieved this status. Congratulations to SNPJ Lodge
6, Sygan, Pa., for their great achievement in becoming a Superstar
Lodge once again.
The Recommender Program continues to provide a $10 incentive
for members to refer people for SNPJ membership. There is also a
chance for recommenders to win $100 in a quarterly drawing and
$500 in the annual drawing. There were 139 recommenders received
in 2011 with 92 becoming members.
We appreciate the production from all of our producers and would
like to especially recognize our top 10 for 2011 who are:
Top 10 Exclusive and PPGA Producers
Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2011
by Annualized Premium
Lodge Name
Jamie Evanish
Donald Pidanich
John Perry
Douglas Burdick
Jennifer Tessanne
Robert Lawrence*
Edward Brzuski
Robert Smole*
Regis Mahady
Suzanne Kresser
by New Members
Lodge Name
New Members
Jamie Evanish
Robert Lawrence*
Douglas Burdick
John Perry
Jim Curl*
Linda Gorjup*
Robert Smole*
John Mark Hunter
Jennifer Tessanne
Lewis Lilly
* Indicates Exclusive Producer
Top 10 Fraternal Producers
Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2011
by New Members
Stan Repos
Frank Wright
Jean Koci
John Micko
Marion Volpe
Donna Naugle
Johnnie Zibert
Karen Tomsic
Jill Yingling
Justina Rigler
New Members
Slovenefest XXX took place July 8-10, 2011, at the SNPJ Recreation
Center. We thank everybody who assisted the Fraternal Department
in hosting the children’s entertainment during the weekend. It was
very well received.
The 2011 Miss SNPJ Pageant was held during Slovenefest weekend
with 10 contestants participating. Sis. Danielle Brand, a member
of SNPJ Lodge 6 in Sygan, Pa., was crowned Miss SNPJ 2012.
Runner-up to Miss SNPJ 2012 is Sis. Julie Rockwell (138). Miss
SNPJ Activity 2012 is Sis. Nicole Wright (6). Runner-up to Miss
Activity 2012 is Sis. Julie Rockwell (138). Miss SNPJ Talent 2012
is Sis. Molly Kohler (153). Runner-up to Miss Talent 2012 is Sis.
Danielle Brand (6). Sis. Olivia Kamicker (721) was selected Miss
SNPJ Fraternalism 2012. All 17- to 25-year-old female members will
receive a brochure in three separate mailings inviting them to enter
the 2012 Miss SNPJ Pageant.
The Fraternal Department completed its fifth year of sponsoring local
fraternal activities in the various SNPJ regions. During the last six
months of 2011, two Regional Fraternal Activities were held. Region
4 Vice President Sis. Dorothy Gorjup served as hostess during
Slovene Heritage Night at the Lake County Captains baseball game
on Monday, July 25. Region 5 Vice President Sis. Tracey Anderson
served as hostess during the SNPJ Night at the Detroit Tigers on
Saturday, Aug. 20.
Slovene Day at Kennywood was held Monday, July 25, 2011. We
thank all SNPJ members who came out to enjoy all of the fun activities at this amusement park.
Bro. Richards served on the planning committee of four Western
Pennsylvania area Lodges that sponsored the first Fraternal Weekend
at the SNPJ Recreation Center Aug. 12-13, complete with balina,
horseshoes and beanbag tournaments, and a free dance featuring
the oldies group Mansfield 5, and Slovenefest favorites the Eddie
Rodick and Don Wojtila orchestras. Plans are underway to host this
weekend again in 2012.
National SNPJ Days were held at the SNPJ Recreation Center during
Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-4, 2011. Everyone who participated in the
tournaments and all of the activities during the weekend contributed
to this being a successful weekend.
The Home Office once again served as a drop-off location for the
Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots program during the holiday
season, donating several boxes of toys for children in the Ohio and
Pennsylvania areas.
We appreciate the commitment of all our youth directors. Listed
below are the eight SNPJ Youth Circles, the Lodge or Federation
sponsor, and the name of the current Circle Director:
Circle 2: sponsored by the Cleveland Federation of Lodges.
Circle 7: sponsored by Lodge 643, Girard, Ohio. The director is
Sis. Brittney Zemko.
Circle 19: sponsored by Lodge 138, Strabane, Pa. The director is
Sis. Karen Brumbaugh.
Circle 29: sponsored by the Detroit Federation of Lodges. The
director is Sis. Shelly Volpe.
Circle 36: sponsored by Lodge 6, Sygan, Pa. The director is Sis.
Bridget Grejda.
Circle 57: sponsored by Lodge 603, Samsula, Fla. The director is
Sis. Debbie Benedict.
Circle 104:sponsored by Lodge 786, Orange County, Calif. The
director is Sis. Teresa Koci.
Circle 106: sponsored by Lodge 106, Imperial, Pa.
March 2012
Fraternal greetings, Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to our semiannual
National Board meeting as we report and discuss the operation of
our fraternal organization. We look forward to a positive and informative meeting with a valuable exchange of ideas for the benefit
of the Society.
Fraternal Department
Fraternal Director Bro. Kevin Richards oversees the Fraternal
Department which encompasses our fraternal, youth and athletic
programs. The Fraternal Department had many activities take place
during the last six months of 2011. The promotion of our programs
is done through our publications, websites, Facebook, periodic
mailings and e-mails.
The Star Lodge Bonus Program continued in 2011. This Lodge
incentive program rewards new member enrollment and/or activities
within Lodges. As noted earlier in this report, there was one Lodge
that earned the Superstar designation, which was Lodge 6 in Sygan,
Pa. From the activity perspective, Lodge 6 hosted five or more activities in 2011 and will receive a $500 bonus and a Superstar banner.
Six Lodges earned the designation of Gold Star Lodge: Lodge 106
in Imperial, Pa.; Lodge 355 in Fairport Harbor, Ohio; Lodge 449 in
Cicero, Ill.; Lodge 745 in Grass Valley, Calif.; Lodge 781 in Avon,
Ohio; and Lodge 786, Orange County, Calif; receiving a $300 award.
The following Lodges earned the designation as a Silver Star Lodge,
earning a $150 award: Lodges 1, 2, 8, 53, 89, 107, 113, 117, 138,
158, 165, 218, 223, 459, 559, 564, 576, 577, 584, 603, 604, 626,
677, 715, 719, 723, 776, 782 and A01. Lodge 721 earned the designation of a Bronze Star and a $100 award. We appreciate all of
these Lodges for taking part in these incentives thereby promoting
activity and new member enrollment for the Society.
The TEL (Teens Experience Leadership) Workshop took place Aug.
5-7, 2011, at the SNPJ Recreation Center. The theme this past
year was the SNPJ Game of Life. The participants were arranged
into “families” and presented with challenges. We thank the Adult
Team Leaders for helping in the planning and implementation of this
successful program. There were 37 delegates and five Adult Team
Leaders participating in this weekend-long program. The Team
Leader Planning Committee will begin meeting with Bro. Richards in
early spring via e-mail and phone conferencing to plan the 2012 TEL
Workshop, scheduled Aug. 10-12 at the SNPJ Recreation Center.
The SNPJ National Athletic Board met on the Friday evening of
National SNPJ Days weekend. We thank all of the athletic directors
for not only helping with all of the tournaments during National SNPJ
Days, but during Fraternal Weekend at the SNPJ Recreation Center
as well. The National Athletic Board directors are up for election at
this National Board meeting.
The 2011 National Golf Tournament was played during National
SNPJ Days at the SNPJ Recreation Center. This event was held at
Bedford Trails Golf Course and featured a shotgun start. There were
14 men’s teams, 65 individual men, and seven individual women
competing, resulting in a Society remuneration of $896.
The 2011 National Balina Tournament was played during National
SNPJ Days at the SNPJ Recreation Center. There were six men’s
teams and 10 women’s teams competing, resulting in a Society
remuneration of $448.
The 2011 National Horseshoes Tournament was played during National SNPJ Days at the SNPJ Recreation Center. There were five
two-man teams competing, resulting in a Society remuneration of $70.
The 2011 National Beanbag Toss Tournament was also played during
National SNPJ Days at the SNPJ Recreation Center. There were
35 two-person teams competing, resulting in a Society remuneration of $490.
The Remezo/Kumer Golf Tournament was played Sept. 24 with 14
men and one woman participating, resulting in a Society remuneration of $90.
The 2011 SNPJ Fall Classic Bowling Tournament was rolled at
The Orleans Bowling Center in Las Vegas, Nev., Oct. 3-4. There
were 14 mixed doubles teams and seven mixed four-person teams
participating, resulting in a Society remuneration of $336. The 2013
SNPJ Fall Classic Bowling Tournament will be held Oct. 7-8, 2013,
at The Orleans Bowling Center.
The 2011 Family Twosome Bowling Tournament was held during the
month of November with the results completed in December. There
were 96 doubles teams submitting entries this year. All champions
received a gift and a certificate from the Fraternal Department.
All of these fraternal and athletic programs, along with local Lodge and
Federation events, help to keep our members active and interested
in the SNPJ. Most importantly, this helps to maintain the fraternal
nature and spirit of our organization. This is all part of our fraternal
package. Gratitude goes to everyone, including our participating
members, who help make all of our fraternal programs possible
and successful.
Karen A. Pintar, FLMI, CCP, AIAA
National Secretary
Motion to approve the minutes by Bro. HERVOL, second by Bro.
ANDERSON. Motion approved.
Sis. GORJUP motions to receive all reports, second by Sis. KOUTOULAKIS. Motion approved.
National President’s Report
The incentive campaign for unrestricted producers runs through
February of 2012. This also includes monthly incentives. The fraternal
producers take part in the monthly sales drawing.
The Marketing Department continues to provide frequent production
updates to producers and new member goal updates to Lodges. This
department provides support to producers and responds to members’
calls and contacts with the Home Office regarding life insurance
and annuity inquiries. Marketing Assistant Denise Herron has been
doing a great job writing the “We’ve Got You Covered” column in
PROSVETA, as well as providing important support to our producers.
The PPGA recruiting efforts have been very successful in 2011.
There were 87 new independent producers added to the sales
force during the year. SNPJ Sales Director Bud Paladino has been
very successful with this effort. He has been very busy meeting and
training new producers, as well as communicating with our current
field force. Bro. Paladino promoted our products at several Lodge
meetings. He has met with numerous producers and conducted five
seminars during the year.
As a result of the continued low interest rate environment, the three
percent minimum guarantee annuity products are no longer offered,
effective at year-end 2011. At the beginning of 2012, we began offering the annuity products at a 1.25 percent minimum guarantee
which has been approved for sale in most of the states that the
Society is licensed in.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Editor Jay Sedmak manages our SNPJ publications, PROSVETA and
The Voice of Youth magazine. Working with him are Associate Editor
Kim Gonzalez and Slovene Language Editor Vida Kosir. Sis. Kosir is
responsible for the Slovenian language page and assists with cultural
programming. They work hard to produce quality member publications. The efforts of our scribes are greatly appreciated in making
our publications successful, as well as promoting SNPJ activities.
Bro. Sedmak does most of the layout and design work for newsletters, advertisements, the Miss SNPJ calendar, press releases and
other communications. He also leads the production of the quarterly
“Lifelines” Lodge newsletter. He continues to oversee our four websites, which include the SNPJ site, the SNPJ Recreation Center, the
SNPJ Slovenian Heritage Center, and the Alpine Room website.
On July 1, 2011, our newly redesigned websites were launched. We
have worked with a company called NetEffect Services to complete
this project. The websites are based on Content Management System
(CMS) architecture which allows for content to be more easily updated
and maintained. They also incorporate search engine optimization
best practices. Our web team includes Jay Sedmak, Kim Gonzalez,
Kevin Richards and me. We appreciate their successful efforts and
the cooperation of all departments in getting the websites launched.
The web team continues to meet with NetEffect Services. Analytics reporting is reviewed on a monthly basis, resulting in potential
adjustments and improvements with our web presence to enhance
our online effectiveness. The Lodge web page template needed
some additional adjustments before a buildout for each Lodge can
be accomplished in 2012.
In December, SNPJ was invited by the American Fraternal Alliance
to be a presenter in a webinar that the Alliance was hosting titled
“Working It On the Web.” The Alliance was impressed with our website
and asked if we could share our website redesign experience with
American Fraternal Alliance member organizations. Jay Sedmak
and I took part in the webinar.
During this period we began working on a social media strategy.
Our social media consultant, Bill Seaver of MicroExplosion Media,
conducted a social media training session for our staff in September
which included Recreation Center staff members. This training gave
us a better understanding of how to properly manage and implement
a social media strategy.
In recent years, social media has really exploded as a way to communicate online interactively. The number of people using social
media today is really astounding. According to Forrester Research
2010, about 82 percent of Americans are using social media. This
includes 97 percent of young adults ages 18-24, which shows that
virtually every child is growing up with social media – but it also
includes 70 percent of those age 55 and older.
Working with Bill Seaver, a social media marketing plan for SNPJ
was created. This involved the development of a social media policy,
the implementation of a blog and Facebook strategy which included
other social media tools. The plan includes utilizing best practices
for our current SNPJ Facebook page, the introduction of a SNPJ
Recreation Center Facebook page, and the SNPJ blog. The goal is
to utilize social media to bring more people and potential members
to SNPJ. A blog would also create more searchable content online
for SNPJ.
The year 2011 marked the 20th anniversary of Slovenia’s independence. Slovenia’s Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency
Roman Kirn, has planted a number of linden (lipa) trees across the
country to celebrate Slovenia’s anniversary. On July 10, during
Slovenefest, he planted a tree by the lake at the SNPJ Recreation
Center near what will be the Joe Cvetas Memorial Pavilion.
Slovenian Consul General Dr. Jure Žmauc, based in Cleveland,
continues to do good work for Slovenia and the Slovenian-American
community. He maintains contact with SNPJ.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia’s independence,
SNPJ hosted a trip to Slovenia. Kollander World Travel and their parent
company in Slovenia, Kompas, made all of the arrangements for the
tour which took place in July 2011. The tour was very successful.
Prior to the tour, I was invited to a symposium in honor of longtime
SNPJ Supreme President Vincent Cainkar which took place in Kog,
Slovenia, on July 28, 2011. I was honored to present a history of
Vincent Cainkar’s SNPJ years during the symposium. Cainkar was
being honored as an important Slovenian who was born near Kog
in the village of Jastrebci. James Cainkar, the grandson of Vincent,
and his wife Donna joined me for the day for this important event
as they were also part of our Slovenia tour. We were chaperoned
by the Minister of the Office for Slovenians Abroad Dr. Boštjan Žekš
and State Secretary Dr. Boris Jesih. We appreciated the hospitality of Anton Luskovic, president of the local historical society, who
organized the event and presented a history of Vincent’s early years
in Slovenia. The people of Kog and the surrounding villages were
especially hospitable. Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič also gave a presentation
about Vincent. The event was highlighted with the dedication of a
plaque on the birth home of Vincent Cainkar, where James Cainkar
had the opportunity to meet some of his Slovenian relatives.
Vincent Cainkar served as the Society’s Supreme President from
1918 until his death on Sept. 24, 1948. No other SNPJ executive
officer has served longer. Vincent Cainkar and the SNPJ founders
promoted the ideals of the common working-class people with
adamantly strong support of the labor movement.
In the early years of SNPJ’s existence, the Society experienced much
internal strife. This weakened the SNPJ. There were philosophical
differences and struggles for power and control. Vincent Cainkar’s
involvement in the SNPJ came at a critical time. It was Vincent
Cainkar who brought stability to the organization at a time when it
was most needed. His sincere desire was to do what was best for
the SNPJ and not his own self interest. He instilled this spirit in those
around him and the Society’s membership.
In the years to follow, Vincent Cainkar steered the SNPJ through
challenging economic and political times with a calm and steady
hand. He diplomatically dealt with some of the most intelligent and
strong-willed individuals in the Society, Slovenia, the SlovenianAmerican community, the political arena, and the labor movement.
In 1994, during the Society’s 90th anniversary celebration and grand
opening of the new SNPJ Headquarters in Imperial, Pa., the Society
proudly dedicated its boardroom in honor of Vincent Cainkar for his
outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the SNPJ.
Fraternal Industry
SNPJ maintains its involvement in the fraternal industry through affiliations and memberships in fraternal congresses on the national,
state and local levels. The opportunity to network with other fraternal
organizations is important, as is the opportunity to keep updated with
changes in the industry.
The American Fraternal Alliance (AFA) continues to work to protect
and defend the fraternal benefit society tax exemption. This is an
ongoing battle, and they have done a good job with the help of all
societies in winning this battle thus far. SNPJ has maintained its
membership with the AFA (formerly the NFCA) since 1914. In the
last year, AFA member societies invested more than 92.5 million
hours in community works and contributed $414 million to charitable
programs supporting community service projects.
The AFA annual meeting took place in the fall with a very good attendance. Reports of officers and committees were received, and
board selections were made. Speakers and workshops dealt with
good governance, advocacy for the fraternal system, collaboration
among fraternals, regulatory impact on fraternals, and a presentation
of the results of consumer focus groups’ thoughts of “fraternalism.”
I was one of 60-plus AFA volunteers who helped clean up a Salvation Army facility as the annual meeting community service project.
Part of the purpose of the AFA is to provide educational opportunities
as well as advocacy. The AFA continues to offer a number of webinars, some of which we have taken advantage of. We will continue
to provide our board members with the AFA Board Institute modules
during National Board meetings. These are valuable tools to help
educate fraternal boards, which is a good governance practice.
The SNPJ executive officers continue to be active with the Fraternal
Societies of Greater Pittsburgh (FSGP). National Secretary Sis. Karen
Pintar serves as secretary of the FSGP. SNPJ Fraternal Director
Bro. Kevin Richards is now serving as FSGP first vice president.
Sis. Pintar and Brothers Lawrence and Richards also serve on the
FSGP Kidz Bowling 4 Kidz committee which hosted their event
benefiting Children’s Hospital in November 2011.
At the state level in Pennsylvania, National Treasurer Bro. Robert
Lawrence is serving as president of the Pennsylvania Fraternal
Alliance (PFA). I was happy to conduct the installation of officers
at the PFA annual meeting held in October. This meeting included
a presentation by Deputy Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner
Steve Johnson and the introduction of some new staff members.
Mr. Johnson’s focus was his concern with the low interest rate environment’s affect on the annuity business, the need for fraternals to
modernize their governance models, and risk-based capital issues.
I greatly appreciate the hard work and loyalty of executive officers
National Secretary Karen A. Pintar and National Treasurer Robert J.
Lawrence. They have several years of experience as SNPJ executive officers, and have exceptional knowledge and experience in the
management of a fraternal benefit society. They are of the highest
caliber in the fraternal industry, with our Society as the beneficiary of
their service and commitment. I am proud to work with these officers
and truly proud and honored to lead this Society.
Executive Assistant Kathy Brown has done an excellent job for the
officers and the Society. She has efficiently accomplished all tasks
involved with the position. We are very happy that she is part of our
SNPJ team.
Our SNPJ management and Home Office staff continue to show that
they are dedicated to the Society and committed to providing good
service to our membership. As a fraternal benefit society, our office
operation includes not only the insurance and sales departments,
but publications and fraternal operations as well. Additionally, our
Lodge officers are key to the Society’s success, and we appreciate
their dedication.
As a fraternal benefit society, we must continue to promote and
maintain our Society’s positive image and strive to provide the best
possible service to our membership. The fraternal and professional
approach is important and crucial in maintaining the integrity of the
SNPJ. The dedication and support of our National Board is invaluable
and greatly appreciated in this regard. May our decisions strengthen
our fraternal fiber and positive atmosphere for the betterment of
our SNPJ.
Joseph C. Evanish, FLMI
National President
National President’s Report
President EVANISH highlights some areas of his report regarding
new members, the Star Lodge Bonus Program. He presents the
updated marketing plan and remarks that good recruiting efforts
are being made; updates on the annuity program, social media, the
blogs that are now appearing, and Facebook presence.
Motion by Bro. ANDERSON, second by Bro. HERVOL, to approve
the report. Motion approved.
National Secretary’s Report
For the period ended Dec. 31, 2011
Fraternal greetings, Brothers and Sisters, and welcome to the semiannual meeting of the SNPJ National Board.
The following report relates to the activities and business conducted
through the office of the National Secretary for the period of July
1 through Dec. 31, 2011. Additional information is included, where
appropriate, concerning the period of Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2011.
SNPJ Home Office
At the end of 2011 we employ 16 full-time employees, including the
Executive Committee, and three part-time employees. During the
summer months we also employed an additional part-time employee
in Insurance Administration.
There are four full-time employees in Insurance Administration along
with one, and sometimes two, part-time employees; two full-time in
the IT Department; two full-time in Marketing; one full-time and one
part-time in Accounting; two full-time and one part-time in Publications;
one full-time in the Fraternal Department; and the three Executives
and one full-time Executive Assistant.
Our managers and staff continue to provide quality and efficient
service to our members and our Lodge secretaries, and we thank
them for the great jobs that they do.
The management and staff participate in webinars throughout the year
to keep up with changing regulations and update their skills relating
to their specific jobs, and to keep abreast of changing technology.
With the ability to participate in webinars, when available, at the
Home Office, we have been able to eliminate some of the expense
and time loss associated with employees having to be off-site for
classes, seminars, etc.
Insurance Administration
With four full-time employees and one or two part-time employees
in Insurance Administration, including the Office Manager, they are
each responsible for a multitude of processes and duties that are the
function of insurance administration. These individuals are responsible
for policy issue, policy loans, dividends, billing, collections, cash
surrenders, premium deposit funds, privacy notices, policy imaging,
filing correspondence, policy service questions from our members
and secretaries, 1099 preparation, and a variety of other processes
that occur in the normal operations of an insurance company.
As this department has decreased in size over the years, the
employees have become well cross-trained on all aspects of insurance administration. They are a great group of employees who
are dedicated to producing quality work and quality service to our
members and secretaries.
The National Secretary continues to meet biweekly with the Insurance
Administration and IT Departments to review any problem areas, ask
questions, prioritize projects, and present updates on the changes
in regulatory law and procedures. These meetings are beneficial to
both me and the staff and managers to provide a forum for open
communication and discussions that are relevant to the various
positions represented.
Policy Form Filings
It has been an interesting year working toward getting our new
minimum guarantee rate annuity forms filed in the states in which we
are licensed. As insurance is state regulated, each state is permitted
to have its own regulations and requirements for policy forms. As
a result, there are a number of different policy forms for the same
policy, and working through reading lots of regulations in each state
and filing the appropriate supplemental forms takes a great deal of
time. Our Society actuary, Joe Steimla, was a great resource for me
and a great deal of help as some of the requirements are actuarial
calculations and formulas which he is able to provide.
I use a system provided by the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Counselors) named Serff (System for Electronic Rate and
Form Filing) that allows the filing of policy forms in each state and
assists with the documentation requirements. This system requires
electronic filing of all the forms and eliminates the duplication and
postage costs associated with previous filings. There are a few states
that do not allow the use of this system; however, only one of them
is a state in which we are licensed.
I am happy to report that by the end of the year I have received approval to use the new forms in almost all of the states in which we do
business. I am still awaiting approval from the California Insurance
Department; however, I am optimistic that we will receive approval
in the first quarter of 2012.
Information Technology (IT)
The IT Department has two employees: our IT Manager, Bro. Terry
Champ, and his assistant. They are responsible for all of the daily
functions and processes of the computer hardware and software at
the SNPJ Home Office and the SNPJ Recreation Center.
Bro. Champ is also responsible for all of the programming that is
needed at the Home Office to produce reports for our staff and our
secretaries, reconcile balances, produce the various forms that we
use, and provide reports to our actuary and our independent auditor.
The IA and IT departments work very closely to monitor information
and to ensure its accuracy. These two departments will continue to
work together to ensure a smooth and efficient conversion of our
computer system.
As I have been reporting for a while now, we are working toward the
conversion of our current computer software, which is programmed
in RPG, to one that is in JAVA. Bro. Champ has been working on
learning this new language and has written some of our current
programs in this new language to prepare for the transition. We
anticipate that we will be converting during the first six months
of 2013. We anticipate absolutely no disruption in our services or
processes during this conversion.
Both Bro. Champ and his assistant are valuable members of our team,
and we appreciate the hard work and dedication that they display.
Lodges & Lodge Secretaries
As of Dec. 31, 2011, we have 96 Lodges with one merger completed
at year end: Lodge 679 in St. Louis merged with Lodge 107, also
of St. Louis. I thank the officers and members of both Lodges for
their assistance with this merger and for acting in the true fraternal
spirit of the SNPJ.
Thanks as well to Lodge 679 who donated the remaining monies in
their Lodge treasury to the SNPJ Scholarship Fund in the amount of
$1,138.28. As I have stated in the past, all monies from a Lodge that
is merging, disbanding, etc., must be used for a fraternal purpose
and not to directly benefit any Lodge members.
We continue to pursue the SNPJ property that is located in Spring
Hill, Fla., through the legal system since the officers of the former
Lodge 778 have refused to comply with the directives of the SNPJ
Quadrennial Convention and the SNPJ National Board.
Lodge and Secretary Awards
The Lodge and Secretary Awards paid for the period Jan. 1 through
Dec. 31, 2011, were as follows:
Lodge Awards..................................$34,596
Lodge Secretary Awards................ $65,743
Total Awards...................................$100,339
The monies paid to Lodges is equal to 2½ percent of the renewal
premium received for the Lodge, excluding premium for Accident
& Health plans, while the secretaries receive five percent of these
renewal premiums. No amounts under $5 are paid out.
The other Lodge/Secretary award program available is the $1 per
member to the Lodge and 50 cents to the Lodge secretary for each
adult and youth member of the Lodge if the required reports are
submitted by the deadlines. The reports required are the Election of
Officers and Lodge Meeting Verification and Certification Form due
by March 1, and the Audit Report and Report of Local Unit Activity
Forms due by April 1. For the 2011 year, there were 83 Lodges that
submitted their reports by the required deadlines and qualified for
these awards. The rewards paid were as follows:
Lodge Awards..................................$31,098
Secretary Awards.............................$15,549
Total Awards.....................................$46,647
Membership Count
The active adult membership of our Society is 32,662, while the
active youth membership is 3,721.
Dec. 31, 2010..............32,052Adult
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
June 30, 2011.............32,902Adult
Dec. 31, 2011..............32,662Adult
There were 1,049 individuals previously classified as inactive members who were reactivated on Jan. 1, 2011, as a result of the Bylaw
change made at the Quadrennial Convention, which now allows
those members on Extended Term Insurance to be recognized as
active members.
At year end, there are 439 more members than the previous year;
however, this actually represents a loss of 610 members for the year.
Membership Statistics
Members as of Jan. 1, 2011..........................................35,944
Increase by:
Reactivated Extended Term Members.........................1,049
New Members.................................................................510
Reinstated Members.........................................................23
Total Increase..............................................................1,582
Decrease by:
Cash Surrenders.............................................................224
Expired .............................................................................84
Suspended pending death claim........................................7
Suspended pending maturity.........................................10
Total Decrease..........................................................1,143
Total Membership as of Dec. 31, 2011......................36,383
There are no longer any inactive members of the Society.
Insurance In Force
Life Insurance
As of Dec. 31, 2011, we have 40,310 policies in force representing
$239,100,910 of insurance in force. As of Dec. 31, 2010, we had
41,265 policies in force representing $241,395,322 of insurance
in force. This represents a decrease of 955 policies representing
$2,294,412 of insurance in force.
Policies as of Dec. 31, 2010......................................41,265
Issued and Paid...........................................................441
Total Increase..............................................................478
Cancel after issue........................................................129
Lapse........................................................................... 39
Total Decrease..........................................................1,433
Policies as of Dec. 31, 2011......................................40,310
As of Dec. 31, 2011, we have 4,108 annuities with a fund balance
of $132,050,917. During the year we issued 333 annuities, while 73
were lost to surrenders and 82 as a result of death.
Accident & Health
As of Dec. 31, 2011, we have 7,081 accident and health policies. This
represents a decrease for the year of 582 policies with 140 due to
cancellation, 160 that expired, and 282 that were lost due to death.
Death Claims
During the year the Society lost 830 policies due to death, representing $1,678,921 of insurance in force and 655 members.
Cash Withdrawals
During the year the Society lost 281 policies due to withdrawals
representing $2,043,938 of insurance in force and 224 members.
During the year the Society lost 62 policies due to endowing or maturing, representing $75,230 of insurance in force and 24 members.
Fraternal Activities
Slovene National Benefit Society
During the last six months of the year I was happy to be able to
participate in a number of fraternal activities. In July 2011, I attended
our Miss SNPJ Pageant and Slovenefest. The Executive Committee
was in attendance for the talent portion of the pageant on Friday.
Immediately following the talent program, the Executive Committee interviewed the contestants for input on their SNPJ activities.
Following our interviews, we were able to host a dinner with the
contestants and Pageant Committee.
On Saturday we enjoyed the music of the various bands, and then
on Saturday evening we hosted a Meet and Greet with the pageant
contestants and Pageant Committee for our National Board members
who were in attendance. This gives the contestants an opportunity
to meet our board and share with us their views of Slovenefest and
the Miss SNPJ Pageant. The young ladies were all talented and
personable, and we thank them for participating in the weekend.
Congratulations to Miss SNPJ 2012 Danielle Brand of SNPJ Lodge
6 in Sygan, Pa.
Slovenefest is a big undertaking for our SNPJ Recreation Center and
requires a lot of work by many individuals, including the Recreation
Center staff and our many volunteers. Sisters Susan Krispinsky, Sue
Harding and Judy Germani are commended for the great job they
did keeping things running smoothly both in the office and on the
grounds. Thanks to Brothers Tim Jergel and Jeff Wisnewski for all of
the work they did before, during and after the weekend. Of course, a
big thanks to our wonderful caterer, Bro. David Jones, and his crew
who are invaluable during our pageant and during our dinners and
social events. We thank the many, many volunteers who gave of
their time and energy during the weekend working admissions, beer
trucks, bartending, and helping to make Slovenefest a huge success.
In August I participated in the first-ever Fraternal Weekend held at
the SNPJ Recreation Center sponsored by Lodges 6, 106, 138 and
715. It was a fun-filled weekend of fraternalism with good participation in the balina tournament and bean bag tournament. There were
large crowds at the musical entertainment events both on Friday and
Saturday evenings. We thank those who volunteered their time to
make this weekend a big success.
September brought our National Days over Labor Day weekend
July 25, 2012
at the Recreation Center. There was good participation in the golf,
balina, horseshoes and bean bag tournaments. My husband and I
were able to participate in several of these, as well as the Reverse
Raffle and Sunday picnic. Thanks to all who devoted their time to
help make it a successful weekend.
In October, my husband and I – along with National Board member
Bro. Roger Clifford and his wife Robin, Society actuary Bro. Joe
Steimla, his wife Pam and their daughters, and Fraternal Director
Kevin Richards – participated in the Las Vegas Invitational Bowling Tournament sanctioned by the SNPJ National Athletic Board.
There was a nice mix of members from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and
California who I hadn’t had the opportunity to see in several years,
as well as members from Pennsylvania who made the trip. It was a
good weekend with lots of fraternalism. We hope that the 2013 Las
Vegas tournament will have an even bigger attendance.
In November I had the pleasure of meeting a busload of members
and friends from Lodge 576 as they made their way to Lodge 138 in
Strabane, Pa. This fun-loving group was on a bus trip that had visited
the nearby casino and stopped for dinner and drinks at the Lodge
138 Hall. It was a nice evening visiting with members on the trip.
Fraternal Societies of Greater Pittsburgh
I continue to serve as secretary of the Fraternal Societies of Greater
Pittsburgh (FSGP), and Bro. Kevin Richards served the past year
as second vice president.
We participate in six monthly luncheons, a Bruce & DePersis/FSGP
seminar each May, a golf outing and a Christmas party. We have
speakers at the luncheons on a variety of subjects that are of interest
to fraternal groups, covering everything from genealogy to insurance
regulation and new ideas for insurance administration departments.
I also continue to serve on the committee for our annual Kidz Bowling
4 Kidz, along with Bro. Robert Lawrence, Bro. Kevin Richards and a
number of individuals from other fraternal organizations. This event
brings children from the various fraternal organizations and their
friends together for a day of fun and bowling to raise money for sick
children who are in need of the Free Care Fund of the Children’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh. This was the fifth annual event and was once
again successful with $10,000 raised for the Free Care Fund.
National Secretary’s Report
Sis. PINTAR remarks on the progress of the annuity filings and the
work to convert the life insurance administration computer programs.
Motion by Bro. MLAKAR, second by Sis. RIGLER, to approve the
report. Motion approved.
Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance (PFA)
The three executive officers attended the PFA annual meeting held
in Harrisburg, Pa., at the end of October 2011. At this meeting, Bro.
Robert Lawrence was installed as president of the Pennsylvania
Fraternal Alliance.
The meeting hosted a number of speakers on various topics relevant to the fraternal and insurance industries. We had a session
hosted by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department which was very
informative for all involved.
I continue to serve on a couple of the committees of the Alliance
and participate in board meetings when possible.
American Fraternal Alliance
The SNPJ Executive Committee traveled to Denver in September
to attend the annual meeting of the American Fraternal Alliance.
Our Society actuary, Bro. Joe Steimla, was also in attendance at
this meeting.
There were workshops held on a variety of topics presented, including
“Overcoming Obstacles to Good Governance” and “What Consumers
Really Think of Fraternalism,” in addition to some very interesting
keynote speakers at the general sessions.
The American Fraternal Alliance continues to work toward preserving the tax-exempt status of fraternal organizations. We hope to be
able to provide our Lodge secretaries some tools to better track the
status of our members’ humanitarian and charitable works during
the next year. We also wish to encourage our Lodges to be actively
involved in community service projects.
There isn’t much to report on the 2014 convention as we have
already secured the site and will not have any activity to discuss
until our delegates are elected in March or April of 2014. In March,
when I attend Florida SNPJ Days in Samsula, Fla., I will be taking
our National Board members in attendance, the Lodge 603 hosts and
some guests to The Plaza Resort & Spa, the site of the convention,
for a breakfast and a tour of the facility.
As always, many thanks to the SNPJ Home Office managers and
staff for the excellent job that they do for our members, secretaries
and agents. We have had the majority of these employees for more
than 10 years, and we are grateful for their dedication and loyalty.
A special thank you to Executive Assistant Sis. Kathy Brown for doing
a great job for our Executive Committee, our members, secretaries
and National Board. She has been with us over a year now, and is
an excellent addition to our Home Office team.
I am privileged to work with executive officers Bro. Evanish and Bro.
Lawrence. They are dedicated to their positions and to our members,
and I appreciate the hard work and support they provide.
Welcome, SNPJ National Board members, to our semiannual meeting. I hope that our discussions are fruitful and productive, and that
we continue to serve our members to the best of our abilities. Best
wishes for safe travels to Imperial, Pa.
Karen A. Pintar, FLMI, CCP, AIAA
National Secretary
National Treasurer’s Report
March 2012
Fraternal greetings, Brothers and Sisters.
The economy saw treasury rates decline to some of the lowest
yields in many years during the second half of 2011. Talk in the
marketplace has indicated the possibility of low returns for the foreseeable future. This is not good news to those who count on interest
income from savings accounts to help support paying for everyday
living expenses. This also presents a challenge to the life insurance
industry as investment returns help life insurance companies match
promises made for life and annuity contracts. As rates trend lower,
adjustments are being made to crediting rates and expenses are
continuing to be trimmed in order to address slimmer margins in this
low investment environment.
While the Society experienced asset growth for 2011, gains from
operations decreased compared to 2010 results due primarily to
increased death benefit claims, advertising expenses, state insurance
department examination costs, EDP expenses, and the absence of
income from a one-time lease payment received in 2010.
The Society’s assets increased $11 million, or 6.2 percent, from yearend 2010 to total $189,238,854. Fixed income securities (bonds) and
cash totaling $182,734,032 represent 97.6 percent of the Society’s
total invested assets. The Society continues to conservatively invest
only in high-quality, fixed-income securities. The remaining 2.4 percent
of invested assets is comprised of perpetual preferred stocks and
common stocks representing 0.3 percent of invested assets; real
estate holdings, including the Home Office and the SNPJ Recreation
Center, representing 1.5 percent of invested assets; and certificate
loans, mortgages and other invested assets making up the remaining
0.6 percent of invested assets of the Society as of Dec. 31, 2011.
Net income from operations before refunds and before realized capital
gains and losses was a gain of $295,466 in 2011. Gross income
for the year decreased $2,056,565, or 7.68 percent, from 2010 to
$24,736,542. The decrease in gross income was due primarily to a
decrease in annuity considerations. Annuity considerations totaled
$13,607,281, a $1,416,361 decrease from annuity considerations in
2010. Due to the very low investment yield environment, restrictions
were instituted on annuity deposits in 2011 that constrained annuity
income. Net life premiums decreased slightly, 0.45 percent, from 2010
totaling $1,472,346. First-year life premium increased 10 percent
over 2010. Gross investment income decreased $559,821, or 5.2
percent, to $10,188,433 due to the absence of the one-time income
payment received from a property gas lease entered into in 2010.
Overall benefit claims increased $1,671,282, or 19 percent, from
2010 to 2011. The increase was due to both an increase in annuity
benefit payments, which increased $1,417,532, or 21.0 percent, and
an increase in life insurance death benefit payments which increased
$290,327, or 20.2 percent, from 2010. General and investment
expenses increased $106,428, or 4.1 percent, from the prior year.
Net income from operations after refunds and before realized capital
gains and losses was a gain of $153,046. The non-agency residential
mortgage-backed securities in the Society’s portfolio continue to come
under pressure. Due to this, the Society had realized losses in the
amount of $325,801 resulting in a net loss for the year of $172,755.
Surplus decreased $311,672, or 5.2 percent, to $5,678,912 at
year-end 2011. The Society continues to reserve for life and annuity
liabilities in a manner which exceeds the statutory reserves required
by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. Also, additional reserves,
including the Interest Maintenance Reserve ($834,621) and Asset
Valuation Reserve ($588,438), are set up to provide added protection
to the financial stability of our Society.
Following are the financial statements and investment transactions
for the period.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert J. Lawrence
National Treasurer
The following investments were purchased from July 1 through Dec. 31, 2011:
Attachment “A”
Business In Force
Lodge No.
Number of Certificates
Ins. In Force
Name & Description
Texas State
5.016% $700,000
Kinder Morgan Ener Part 4.150 439,622
Coca-Cola Co
3.300 521,085
Illinois Tool Works Inc
4.875 256,201 GNR 2011-110 E
3.996 712,250 PSEG Power LLC
4.150 499,555 Bank of New York Mellon 3.550 609,591 GNR 2011-121 C
3.450 1,465,313 District of Columbia Inc Tax Rev 5.282 582,310 Virginia St Pub Bldg Auth Pub 5.900 692,730 Tennessee State
4.182 978,167 Boston Properties LP
3.700 628,532 CIGNA Corp
4.000 297,126 GNR 2011-147 D
3.550 985,625 Home Depot Inc.
5.875 934,536 GNR 2011-6 C
4.000 1,044,688 GNR 2011-86 C
4.000 1,048,438 AT&T Inc
6.550 373,737 GNR 2011-119 D
3.507 1,186,844 Houston, TX
6.290 966,056 General Motors Co Stock - 45 Shares XXX
General Motors Co Stock - 42 Shares XXX
General Motors Co Stock - 42 Shares XXX
Mortgages Granted
2,500 Par Purchase
$700,000 07/26/2011 10/1/1930
440,000 08/03/2011 3/1/2022
500,000 08/19/2011 9/1/2021
260,000 08/24/2011 9/15/1941
700,000 09/08/2011 2/16/1952
500,000 09/14/2011 9/15/2021
610,000 09/16/2011 9/23/2021
1,500,000 09/27/2011 1/16/1946
500,000 09/29/2011 12/1/2026
600,000 10/20/2011 8/1/1930
970,000 10/21/2011 8/1/1931
630,000 11/03/2011 11/15/2018
300,000 11/03/2011 2/15/2022
1,000,000 11/15/2011 10/16/1944
800,000 11/18/2011 12/16/1936
1,000,000 12/06/2011 2/16/1952
1,000,000 12/06/2011 9/15/2029
300,000 12/06/2011 2/15/2039
1,200,000 12/16/2011 4/16/1945
800,000 12/20/2011 3/1/1932
2011 XXX
2011 XXX
2011 XXX
2,500 2011 Total new purchases 7-1-11 through 12-31-11 $14,924,905 $14,312,500 NATIONAL TREASURER’S REPORT
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
The following investments were disposed of from July 1 through Dec. 31, 2011:
Coupon Cinsider-
Name & Description
Bank of New York
5.270% $750,000 Bankers Trust NY
7.250 600,000 Barclays Bank PJC
5.200 310,110 Chubb Corp
6.000 500,000 Cingular Wireless
6.500 505,875 Coca Cola Enterprises
8.500 758,730 CVS Drug
8.353 3,842 Dresdner Bank
7.250 97,000 FHR 2666 OD
5.500 1,745,688 FHR 2931 BK
5.000 757,422 FNMA Pool 986216
4.500 68,334 General Motors Co Stock - 45 Shares XXX
989 General Motors Co Stock - 42 Shares XXX
513 General Motors Co Stock - 42 Shares XXX
361 Goldman Sachs Group Inc 5.450 721,994 Lehman Brothers Hldg Corp 144,625 Morgan Stanley
4.750 487,905 Noble Drilling Corp
7.375 339,270 Old Dominion Elec
5.676 11,459 Santander Financial
7.250 275,000 Wells Fargo MBS 2007-1 A9 5.750 430,000 Mortgage/Asset Backed Principal PaydownsVarious 2,139,265 Gov’t Agency Principal Paydowns
Various 768,026 Mortgage Payments
13,714 Total disposed of 7-1-11 through 12-31-11
$750,000 600,000 300,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,842 100,000 1,550,000 700,000 68,334 XXX
700,000 650,000 500,000 300,000 11,459 275,000 2,000,000 1,066,281 884,990 13,714 Book
$743,719 09/15/2011
600,000 10/15/2011
299,798 10/20/2011
500,000 11/15/2011
500,821 10/07/2011
601,430 08/19/2011
3,842 12/10/2011
104,320 11/17/2011
1,544,550 11/18/2011
697,891 12/15/2011
68,334 06/25/2011
0 12/7/2011
0 12/8/2011
0 12/8/2011
700,069 09/27/2011
65,000 10/12/2011
490,086 10/20/2011
299,532 09/28/2011
11,459 12/01/2011
274,289 11/01/2011
1,034,020 10/11/2011
1,044,103 2011
884,990 2011
13,714 2011
$11,430,121 $11,973,620 $10,481,967
National Treasurer’s Report
Bro. Robert J. LAWRENCE highlighted his report by commenting that
the assets have increased by $11 million and surplus has decreased
by approximately $112,000. We have put in place restrictions on annuity deposits and lowered the total amount of annuity money that
we will take in; death claims have increased, and this all reflects on
the surplus number.
Motion to approve the report by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by Sis.
Phyllis WOOD. Motion approved.
Finance Committee Report
July 1 through Dec. 31, 2011
Fraternal greetings and welcome to the semiannual National Board
meeting, Brothers and Sisters of the Slovene National Benefit Society.
The Finance Committee continues to follow the Rules of Procedure
approved by this board to promote an efficient investment and monitoring of our Society’s funds. Our bond maturity distribution at Dec.
31, 2011, compared to Dec. 31, 2010, was as follows, along with a
listing of the SNPJ portfolio by investment category:
Dec. 31, 2011
Dec. 31, 2010
Less than 1 Year..............$9,877,053 5.5%$11,394,9586.8%
1 to 10 years................$116,143,641 64.3%$113,638,50667.4%
11 to 20 years................$49,668,472 27.5% $39,362,64723.3%
Over 20 years..................$4,961,837 2.7% $4,261,7132.5%
Total Bonds..................$180,651,003 100.0% $168,657,824100.0%
U.S. Agency
MBS Passthrough
Commercial MBS
Agency CMBS
Asset Backed Securities
Corporate Bonds
Private Placement
Taxable Municipal
Total Bonds
Statement of Total
$643,494 0.34% 5.87%
4,947,115 2.64% 4.03%
32,599,294 17.41%5.39%
9,103,297 4.86% 5.43%
30,482,991 16.28% 4.46%
2,589,322 1.38% 6.04%
76,537,918 40.88% 6.07%
3,983,349 2.13% 5.76%
19,764,222 10.56% 5.05%
Preferred Stock
Common Stock
Other Assets
Real Estate
Cash & Certificate Loans
Total Invested Assets
0.11% 7.07%
0.15% 1.50%
0.09% 5.79%
1.52% 2.90%
1.56% 1.16%
$201,120,209 $187,220,226 100.00% 5.36%
Any difference in totals is due to rounding.
Portfolio Risk Analysis:
Dec. 04
Dec. 05
Dec. 06
Dec. 07
Dec. 08
Dec. 09
Dec. 10
Dec. 11
Avg. Life
6.72 6.30 5.98 5.89 5.24 5.63
Avg. Rating
Book Yield
The U.S. economy continues to struggle in its efforts to gain traction
as the effects of the great recession from 2007 and 2008 remain
very difficult to overcome. Limited employment and a devastated
housing market continue to make the recovery a very slow process.
Treasury yields decreased in the second half of 2011 to near-record
lows, with the benchmark 10-year Treasury averaging around 2.0
percent during the second half of the year. In this low rate environment, the Finance Committee acted accordingly and decreased the
crediting rates on the annuity products to address the low investment
yields on high-quality securities. Our investments in the second half
of 2011 had a 15.2 year average life, an average credit quality of
AA and a yield of 4.0 percent – significantly higher than Treasuries.
Purchases were concentrated in corporate bonds, Agency CMBS
and Taxable Municipal Bonds.
The market value of the portfolio increased $8 million to $195 million
during the second half of 2011. The duration of the portfolio remained
at 5.8, with the average credit quality remaining constant at A+. The
weighted average book yield fell from 5.59 percent at June 30 to
5.44 percent due to lower reinvestment yields. Cash flow from the
portfolio is well positioned to meet projected operating cash flow
needs in a rising rate environment.
Primary credit concerns within the portfolio continue to be within
the non-agency RMBS exposure. Although in general the pace of
increase for new delinquencies has leveled off, we still have some
bonds experiencing rising delinquencies.
During the second half of 2011, an opportunity was presented to this
committee concerning the asset management of our portfolio. Upon a
review of the opportunity and after contacting several fraternal references, the Finance Committee approved to recommend a change
in asset management firms for approval of the National Board. This
recommendation was discussed during a teleconference call with
the National Board. As a result of that meeting, and with the approval
of the full National Board, the Finance Committee has engaged the
services of Wellington Management Company, LLP, to begin effective
April 1, 2012. Wellington’s resources are extensive, and they have
been involved with managing insurance portfolios for over 30 years
and managing fraternal life insurance portfolios for over 10 years.
Attached is a record of transactions for the period of July 1 to Dec.
31, 2011.
Roger C. Clifford, Chairman
Joseph C. Evanish, Committee Member
Ken Anderson, Committee Member
Richard Hervol, Committee Member
Robert J. Lawrence, Committee Member
The following is a record of the transactions for the second half of 2011:
Name & Description
$700,000 Texas State
5.016% 5.016%
439,622 Kinder Morgan Ener Part
521,085 Coca-Cola Co
256,201 Illinois Tool Works Inc
712,250 GNR 2011-110 E
499,555 PSEG Power LLC
609,591 Bank of New York Mellon
1,465,313 GNR 2011-121 C
582,310 District of Columbia Inc Tax Rev 3.763
692,730 Virginia St Pub Bldg Auth Pub
978,167 Tennessee State
628,532 Boston Properties LP
297,126 CIGNA Corp
985,625 GNR 2011-147 D
934,536 Home Depot Inc
1,044,688 GNR 2011-6 C
1,048,438 GNR 2011-86 C
373,737 AT&T Inc
1,186,844 GNR 2011-119 D
966,056 Houston, TX
General Motors Co - 45 Shares
General Motors Co - 42 Shares
General Motors Co - 42 Shares
14,922,405 Total Securities Purchased
2,500 New Mortgages Granted
$14,924,905 Total Purchases
Gain / Coupon
Consideration Name & Description
$750,000 Bank of New York
$6,281 5.270%
600,000 Bankers Trust NY
310,110 Barclays Bank PJC
10,312 5.200
500,000 Chubb Corp
505,875 Cingular Wireless
5,054 6.500
758,730 Coca Cola Enterprises
157,300 8.500
3,842 CVS Drug
97,000 Dresdner Bank
1,745,688 FHR 2666 OD
201,137 5.500
757,422 FHR 2931 BK
59,531 5.000
68,334 FNMA Pool 986216
989 General Motors Co - 45 Shares
989 513 General Motors Co - 42 Shares
513 361 General Motors Co - 42 Shares
361 721,994 Goldman Sachs Group Inc
21,925 5.450
144,625 Lehman Brothers Hldg Corp
79,625 0.000
487,905 Morgan Stanley
339,270 Noble Drilling Corp
39,739 7.375
11,459 Old Dominion Elec
275,000 Santander Financial
711 7.250
430,000 Wells Fargo MBS 2007-1 A9
(604,020) 5.750
CWL 2006-S5 A3
2,139,265 Mortgage/Asset Backed Principal Paydowns 6,049 Various
768,026 Gov’t Agency Principal Paydowns
11,416,407 Total Securities Redeemed
13,714 Principal Payments on Mortgages
$11,430,121 Total Redemptions
Finance Committee Report
Bro. CLIFFORD, chairman of the Finance Committee, presents
the report. He calls on Bro. Lawrence to explain the Statement of
Investment Policy. Bro. LAWRENCE explains that it is substantially
similar to the current policy except for Page 3 – Attachment A,
Paragraph 5, as follows:
5. The following are maximum exposures, measured at cost at
the time of purchase, to any individual issuer. For structured
securities (MBS, ABS & CMBS), the limits shall apply on a
deal-by-deal basis and not on an issuer basis:
e) AAA rated 1.00%
f) AA rated 0.75%
g) A rated
h) BBB rated 0.40%
In addition, there was some clarification of language and language
inserted regarding only buying rated securities. Questions by Sis.
Motion to approve the changes and adopt the Statement of Investment
Policy by Sis. WOOD, second by Sis. GORJUP. Motion approved.
Supervisory Committee Report
July-December 2011
Fraternal greetings, SNPJ Executive Committee, SNPJ National
Board and SNPJ members. The Supervisory Committee met March
27-29, 2012, for their regular semiannual meeting with all committee
members present.
The semiannual review consisted of routine documentation reviews,
the annual audit report, interviews with the Executive Committee and
select management staff.
Routine Oversight Report Reviews
The following were reviewed for the period July through December
2011 and found to meet the committee’s expectations:
• Receipts
• Randomly selected checks over $20,000 requiring three signatures
• Newly appointed agent files to current date.
A new procedure for TEL/Youth Roundup counselor background
evaluations has been implemented for 2012 to assure that no
further inconsistencies in this process are identified. TEL/Youth
Roundup counselor files will be reviewed at the September 2012
and September 2013 Supervisory Committee meetings to assure
this policy is implemented.
National Board Member
Lodge Meeting Attendance Reports
The Supervisory Committee reviewed the reports provided by Lodges
indicating the number of Lodge meetings each National Board member
attended in 2011. It was found that all National Board members met
their Lodge meeting attendance requirement.
by the Supervisory Committee.
The grievance brought forth at the National Convention in 2010
regarding the Lodge 778 property in Florida continues to be an
unresolved issue. President Evanish provided an update to the
Supervisory Committee on the issue and the steps going forward.
SNPJ Annual Audit
Leo Hannah from the auditing firm of Horovitz, Rudoy & Roteman
presented the findings from the 2011 audit to the Supervisory Committee with the Executive Committee present, and it was found that
there were no material weaknesses in the financial statements and
processes of the organization.
The audit team identified an issue related to loans against policies
wherein the loan exceeded the cash surrender value of the policy
and the policy was not cancelled 30 days following the time when
this occurs as per SNPJ procedure. As a result, a new process has
been implemented to assure this does not reoccur. The Supervisory
Committee will evaluate the effectiveness of this new process at the
September 2012 meeting.
A second issue was identified related to the bond accounting process
which is done through a commonly used data management program
amongst fraternal societies, Sungard. This issue is not related to
any practice of the SNPJ, but rather to the software program. As
a result of this issue, National Treasurer Bro. Robert Lawrence is
required to make manual changes in reports to accommodate the
inaccuracy of the software program, and this has been brought forth
to the software company. At this time the current software program
meets all of the other needs of the SNPJ, and Bro. Lawrence will
continue to make manual entries.
The audit team was very complimentary of the SNPJ Home Office
staff and the executives in terms of the work they do which reduces
risk exposure and provides sound procedures for management of
our financials and insurance policies.
SNPJ State Insurance Audit
During the first several months of 2011, the SNPJ underwent a statemandated, routine, five-year audit by the Pennsylvania Insurance
Department. At the time of the Supervisory Committee meeting in
September 2011, a written report had not been received. Since
that time the report has been received, and there were no material
weaknesses identified. The Supervisory Committee once again attributes this to the solid procedures of the SNPJ and the leadership
of the executives.
The Supervisory Committee would like to take this opportunity to
thank the executives and their staff for a job well done as evidenced
through the annual audit and the five-year state insurance audit.
Individual Executive Meetings
Highlights of the Executive Committee National Board reports were
reviewed with all questions answered adequately.
National President Joseph Evanish
President Evanish reviewed his report and provided updates as
requested by the Supervisory Committee. The Supervisory Committee is satisfied with President Evanish’s report, and all of our
questions were met to our satisfaction. The Supervisory Committee
acknowledges the hard work of President Evanish and his staff.
A lengthy discussion was held with President Evanish regarding
funding of the Scholarship Program. Although donations are made
to the program, the current dollar amount awarded is partially funded
by the General Fund. The Supervisory Committee recommends that
an emphasis be placed on estate planning by SNPJ members to
include donations to the SNPJ Scholarship Program.
The Star Lodge Bonus Program was another topic of discussion due
to the high number of Lodges who do not meet their membership
goals and have a limited market from which to recruit new members,
which results in a failed attempt to reach Gold Level status. Several
suggestions were generated during the discussion for President
Evanish to take under consideration to make this a more positive
program for our Lodges.
Publications/Social Media Strategy
Bro. Jay Sedmak joined President Evanish and the Supervisory
Committee, and collaboratively updated the Supervisory Committee on the website design with a demonstration of the various
components of the website. Currently, the social media strategy is
in full implementation. As part of the web redesign, each Lodge has
a web page which has been populated with the Lodge information
from the Lodge roster book. During the year 2012, refinement of
these Lodge websites will be completed and information will be
provided to Lodges interested in expanding the information on the
website or linking it to their current sites. Lodges are encouraged to
take advantage of the opportunity to have a Lodge website when it
becomes available, as information is now primarily accessed via the
Internet. The group of SNPJ staff who have worked on this strategy
are to be complimented for their hard work in implementing the
updated website and the social media strategy.
Sales Director Bud Paladino joined the Supervisory Committee and
President Evanish for a brief update. Bro. Paladino has recruited
87 new Personal Producing General Agents (PPGAs) in 2011, and
review of product sales demonstrates that this strategy has increased
our sales. The Marketing Plan was reviewed and sets excellent and
realistic goals for this year. The Supervisory Committee congratulates
the top 10 PPGAs, exclusive and fraternal agents for their commitment to increasing membership and insurance in force.
SNPJ Recreation Center
President Evanish and SNPJ Recreation Center Director Bro. Tim
Jergel discussed upcoming seasonal changes with the Supervisory
Committee. In 2011, the negative bottom line continuous to improve.
The budget for 2012 is a bit less aggressive as some major improvements need to be made at the SNPJ Recreation Center this year.
The SNPJ Recreation Center Committee completed a review of the
internal procedures and found that they have been implemented. As
well, the SNPJ Recreation Center Committee completed an audit of
receipts as previously recommended by the Supervisory Committee
and found all to be in order.
During this period, there were no complaints or grievances received
Fraternal Activities
Fraternal Director Kevin Richards joined President Evanish and the
Supervisory Committee, and provided a report on upcoming 2012
fraternal activities. Bro. Richards shared with the Supervisory Committee plans for regional events, Young Adult Conference activities,
and Youth Roundup and TEL activities. The Young Adult Conference
in 2012 is a work weekend; however, additional activities will include
community service projects. Bro. Richards will be working with all
Regional Vice Presidents to schedule events in their regions.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
National Board Governance Education
National Board member governance education will continue throughout the year 2012. Following the education, an assessment of the
current SNPJ governance processes will be completed and any
additional changes will be suggested.
SNPJ Young Adults
The Executive Committee has fully implemented recommendations
from the last National Board meeting regarding the Young Adult
Conference and the age issue. It is unfortunate that there will not
be a Young Adult representative at the upcoming National Board
meeting due to failure of a response from the elected individual until
this week and the inability of the alternates to make arrangements
to attend the board meeting on such short notice.
National Secretary Karen Pintar
Sis. Pintar reviewed her semiannual report with the Supervisory
Committee. Through Sis. Pintar’s diligent efforts, she has accomplished the implementation of SNPJ annuities in all of our states of
sale despite many obstacles.
All Lodges have submitted their annual reports to date. All members
of Lodge 800 have been transferred to other Lodges. At this time
there is one merger pending. Sis. Pintar reported that although
she does notify all Lodges in the region of the Lodge requesting
or requiring a merger as per the bylaws, she has never received a
response from any Lodge other than the Lodge initially requested
by the merging Lodge.
Sis. Pintar shared with the Supervisory Committee that she took several National Board members who attended SNPJ Days in Samsula,
Fla., to the Plaza Resort & Spa, the location of the next National
Convention, to review the location. The National Board members
were very happy with the selection of this hotel. Sis. Pintar will provide the next update closer to the date of the National Convention.
The Supervisory Committee was satisfied with Sis. Pintar’s report,
and thanks her and her staff for their good work.
Home Office Management
Office Manager Ruth Wright joined Sis. Pintar and the Supervisory
Committee, and shared the successes of the Insurance Administration
Department. She also reported that she has been working closely
with IT Manager Terry Champ in developing test environments for
the new programming. This will provide insurance staff with the opportunity to practice in the test environment prior to the go-live date.
Information Technology
Information Technology Manager Terry Champ joined Sis. Pintar and
the Supervisory Committee, and provided an update on the progress
of the JAVA language implementation. Bro. Champ shared with the
Supervisory Committee that he has already successfully converted
some programs into JAVA language. Currently, he is meeting the
timelines previously set forth to meet the implementation deadline
in 2013.
National Treasurer Robert Lawrence
Bro. Lawrence reviewed the financial statements with the Supervisory Committee, further explaining some of the points made by
the auditor. A discussion was held regarding the current challenges
of the financial market and our strategy to these challenges. The
Supervisory Committee acknowledges the excellent work of the
Finance Committee, to include Bro. Lawrence and Bro. Evanish.
The Supervisory Committee thanks the Executive Committee, management staff and SNPJ Home Office staff for their assistance in
obtaining requested documents for our review and providing overall
support and hospitality. Their efficiency allowed us to complete our
work and written report in a timely manner.
SNPJ Supervisory Committee
Phyllis Wood, Chairperson
Vincent Baselj
Joseph Grkman
Louis Novak
Stan Repos
Supervisory Committee Report
Sis. WOOD introduces independent auditor Leo Hannah of Horowitz,
Rudoy & Roteman to speak. Mr. Hannah comments that his firm
issued a clean opinion on the financial statements and found no
deficiencies in internal controls. He remarked that a big expense for
the Society this year was the examination by the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania which cost approximately $113,000.
Sis. WOOD continues on with the reading of the Supervisory Committee report.
Motion by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by Bro. ANDERSON, to approve
the report. Motion approved.
Society Asset Manager and Actuary
Finance Committee Chairman Bro. Roger CLIFFORD introduces
representatives from Wellington Management Company who, as of
April 1, 2012, is the Society’s new asset manager. The representatives are Andrew Paone, Vice President and Relationship Manager
of our account, and Eric Troutman, an actuary from Wellington who
is with him.
Mr. Paone does a presentation on Wellington, and Mr. Troutman
explains the assistance he will be giving on cash flow testing to our
Society actuary, Joe Steimla.
Questions and comments by Sis. WOOD.
Bro. CLIFFORD next introduces Joe Steimla, Society actuary, who
discusses our annuity block of business, the effect of the interest
rate changes on annuities, and annuity deposits.
Scholarship Committee Report
March 2012
The following report covers the period of July 1 through Dec. 31,
2011. Payment for the second installment of the 2010-2011 academic
year included 59 awards. This group encompassed 46 Academic,
seven Regular and six Joseph C. Umeck Jr. Activity Scholarships.
Listed below are the names of the students who received awards
during the last six months of 2011:
Amanda Starlein
Kristen Starlein
Amanda Just
Darcy Brand
Hannah Biondi
Andrew Biggerstaff
John Adamic
Rose Denning
Kara Maruszak
Mark Maruszak
Brandon Blake
Megan Matich
Alysse Kelly
Leah Comis
Louis Comis
Madison Andreini
Aaron Pounds
Anna Hofrichter
Jason Banish
John Hofrichter
Kristen Rheam
Stephen Rossero
Colleen Frank
Cecilia Slifko
Megan Reynolds
Brittni Lynn Naugle
Kylie Boyer
Makayla Sral
Cheryl Guyer
Matthew Yuko
Andrew Loudon
Danielle Lanham
Logan Knoppers
Kaitlyn Chiappetta
Michelle Adamic
Nicole Adamic
Paul Schroeder
Jacob Young
Katherine Haic
Tyler Bizzak
Bryan Donovan
Connor Grant
Courtney Grant
Brittney Zemko
Eric Demshar
Mack Morris
Brent Meyers
David O’Connor
Jeremy Ferlic
Joseph Kumer
Kevin Kapraly
Olivia Kamicker
Victoria Kamicker
Julianne Wood
Kaelyn Wood
Kelly Pezzuolo
Hannah Petcovic
Erik Lundgren
Natalie Bernhardt
Scholarship Fund Financial Report
Total 2011 Donations...................... $28,427.80
Total 2011 Awards.......................... $51,200.00
We continue to receive donations from our members as honors and
memorials to their loved ones. During the last six-month period of 2011,
we received five significant contributions. Those contributions were
$1,200 from SNPJ Lodge 88, Moon Run, Pa.; $1,000 from Rodney
and Katharine Michalka, Belton, Mo.; $675.52 from the Estate of
Frank J. Polensek Jr., Macedonia, Ohio; $500 from the Slovenian
American Heritage Foundation, Cleveland; and $500 from S.I.D.
“Slovensko Izobrazevalno Drustvo” VIHAR Society, Windber, Pa.
For all contributions and the generous donations mentioned, we
are most appreciative. We extend our sincere thanks to all who
contributed to this most worthy cause which benefits so many of
our young adults.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph C. Evanish, Chairman
Karen A. Pintar
Robert J. Lawrence
Scholarship Committee Report
President EVANISH presents the Scholarship Committee report. Motion to accept the report by Bro. HERVOL, second by Sis. RIGLER.
Motion approved.
SNPJ Heritage Center Report
March 2012
The SNPJ Heritage Center continues to host events during the course
of the year to encourage the youth and adult membership of SNPJ
to keep aware of the cultural heritage of our Society. We have a
very fine committee of dedicated volunteers who seek to spread the
word about our museum and library, and many items on display that
provide a good look at the history and culture of Slovenia and SNPJ.
With the untimely death of our longtime chairman, Roger J. Evanish
Sr., the committee was left with a big void. This year has been a
transition year, and we are learning just how much Roger contributed
to making the Heritage Center what it is today.
Our kickoff event for the season was our “Spring Fling” dinner dance
on April 17, 2011, in the Alpine Room. The Pittsburgh Jitterbug Club
was on hand for about a half-hour demonstration on various dance
styles and basic instructions on swing, polka, waltz and jazz. The
Polka Pirates from Cleveland played big band music along with
polkas, waltzes, etc.
Committee members Kathy Paulenich and Sarah Loudon gave tours
of the Heritage Center for the Youth Roundup participants. Each
participant received a T-shirt donated by the Heritage Center. We
hope to encourage our youth members to visit the Heritage Center
and take the audio tour to learn about all the outstanding items on
display and their background.
We had a very successful Slovenefest. This year we made available
two new T-shirt designs for purchase. They were both designed by
committee member Sarah Loudon. One shirt commemorated the
30th anniversary of the Heritage Center, and the other was inspired
by the famous Ljubljana dragon. A few new items were available to
purchase which added to the success of Slovenefest.
The Heritage Center and Gift Shop were open during the Family
Weeks for our guests to explore and purchase souvenirs.
The Heritage Center hosted its second art show which took place
in August coinciding with the free fraternal picnic and dance. Our
feature artist was Carmen White, a longtime SNPJ member and
button box player. Many pieces of art were displayed and available
for purchase. Carmen and the committee members were on hand
to meet and greet over 150 guests to the Heritage Center.
We continue to generate a lot of mail order sales, and during the
season when we are open on Sundays our gift shop also generates
a lot of cookbook sales, along with the grocery items and T-shirts
that are available.
The Heritage Center was the nominated for the Cleveland-Style
Polka Hall of Fame Award for Heritage.
The Heritage Center Committee should be commended for their
work and effort in the success of the center. The Heritage Center
Committee tries to develop events that encourage participation by
both our youth and adult membership.
We invite the National Board members to join us Saturday, May 5,
2012, at 5 p.m. in the Heritage Center. We will be honoring Roger
Evanish by dedicating the refreshed gift shop and resource center
in his name.
Respectfully submitted,
Heritage Center Committee Report
President EVANISH presents the report of the Heritage Center Committee. Motion to approve the report by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by
Bro. ANDERSON. Motion approved.
Region 1 Vice President’s Report
Greetings to the Executive Committee and National Board members.
This is my report as Region 1 Vice President for the months of July
through December 2011.
The Westmoreland County Federation continues to have a full schedule at the picnic ground. Their largest affair is the Grape Festival,
which was held Sept. 18, 2011, and was well attended. Thanks to
the officers and members who worked the event. Currently, I hold the
office of second vice president for the Westmoreland County Federation of SNPJ Lodges. I worked Sundays, June through September.
On Sunday, July 10, 2011, I attended Slovenefest and worked at
the admission gate.
I attended the National Board meeting Sept. 16, 2011, at the SNPJ
Home Office. We had a very productive and positive meeting.
It was a honor to represent SNPJ at the annual dinner dance of
the Conemaugh Valley Federation of SNPJ Lodges honoring their
members with 50, 60, 70 and 80 years of membership in the Society.
I participated via phone conference at 1 p.m. on Dec. 5, 2011, for
approval of new asset management firm.
The Lodge 87 Christmas party was held Dec. 11, 2011. It was very
well attended. I also worked the New Year’s party at the Slovenian
Club Room. I also attended the Yukon, Pa., Lodge 729 annual
Christmas party held Dec. 3, 2011.
Currently, I am selling annuities and life insurance as an agent for SNPJ.
I also serve as the secretary/treasurer for Lodge 87 in Herminie, Pa.
This concludes my report for this period. May we have a beneficial and
productive meeting March 30, 2012, for the Society and its members.
Frank Bregar
Region 1 Vice President
Region 1 Vice President’s Report: Bro. Frank Bregar
Motion made by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by Bro. MLAKAR, to approve the report. Motion approved.
Region 2 Vice President’s Report
July 1 through Dec. 31, 2011
Fraternal greetings, Brothers and Sisters of the SNPJ National Board.
In addition to my service these past six months as Region 2 Vice
President, I continue to serve as a member of the SNPJ Recreation
Center Committee and as secretary/treasurer for SNPJ Lodge 6.
I served on the Slovenefest Committee for the 30th annual Slovenefest held in July at the SNPJ Recreation Center. Once again, this
year I handled the scheduling and arrangement of bands for this
wonderful weekend. It was another successful weekend with very
good attendance.
At the annual Miss SNPJ Pageant held during Slovenefest, there
were 11 contestants participating. There were four from Region 2
who included Lodge 6 members Danielle Brand and Nicole Wright,
Lodge 138 member Julie Rockwell, and Lodge 89 member Erika
Beccard. Congratulations to Miss SNPJ 2012 Danielle Brand from
Lodge 6 and Region 2, to Miss SNPJ Activity 2012 Nicole Wright
from Lodge 6 and Region 2, and to all of the girls who participated
and did such a good job representing their Lodges.
The annual Duck Race sponsored by SNPJ Lodge 138 in Strabane
was also held in July, and the crowd was large as always. The following day I attended the SNPJ Lodge 6 picnic held at the SNPJ
Recreation Center.
This past August the first Fraternal Weekend was held at the SNPJ
Recreation Center, and I worked along with Bro. Repos to schedule
the music for the weekend. This weekend was co-sponsored by
SNPJ Lodges 6, 106, 138 and 715, and was a very successful
event. There were balina tournaments and bean bag tournaments,
and lots of good food and music for everyone. This has the potential
to be an annual event.
September brought National Days, and my wife Betty and I continue
to work on the Reverse Raffle Committee for the Saturday evening
event. The event is successful and sells out each year. The Sunday
picnic and the various athletic tournaments held over the weekend
were all very successful.
A number of Lodges in Region 2 continue to stay very active with a
variety of events that are sponsored over the summer months. SNPJ
Lodge 138 in Strabane has summer bowling and balina leagues.
SNPJ Lodge 6 in Sygan held bean bag tournaments every other
week and had a weekly summer dart league. In addition to summer
events, several Lodges (Lodges 6, 89, 138 and 265) sponsor holiday
parties for their youth members.
Region 2 is also fortunate to have two active Youth Circles – Circle
19 sponsored by SNPJ Lodge 138, and Circle 36 sponsored by SNPJ
Lodge 6. Both Circles host holiday parties and regularly scheduled
bowling for their youth members.
At year end, there are 14 Lodges in Region 2 representing 6,358
members. There were three Lodges, Lodges 6, 165 and 475, that
met their membership goals for 2011. Congratulations to SNPJ Lodge
6 in Sygan, Pa.; the only Lodge to obtain the Super Star status for
2011 by meeting all of the requirements of the Gold Star status,
sponsoring and reporting on five or more activities, reaching their
new member goal, and adding at least one new member in every
month during the year.
I continue to sell life insurance and annuities, and to recruit new
members as an SNPJ Exclusive Producer.
I look forward to a productive meeting, and this concludes my report.
James L. Curl
Region 2 Vice President
Region 2 Vice President’s Report: Bro. James Curl
Motion is made by Bro. MLAKAR to approve the report, second by
Bro. Vincent BASELJ. Motion approved.
Region 3 Vice President’s Report
SNPJ Heritage Center Committee
Maurice Sinan, Chairman
Joan Gaspersic, Secretary
Kathy Paulenich, Treasurer
Ann Evanish
Sarah Loudon
Kathy Loudon
Patty Candela
Mark Petcovic
Seph Kumer
Fraternal greetings, Brothers and Sisters of the Executive Committee
and National Board. This report will encompass the period of July
1 to Dec. 31, 2011.
My activities began in July with Slovenefest as I assisted at the admissions gate, attended the National Board/Miss SNPJ reception and
had the privilege of acting as a presenter at the Miss SNPJ Pageant,
in addition to the overall enjoyment of the weekend. August brought
the Fraternal Weekend at the Recreation Center and attendance at
the first pig roast picnic sponsored by Ambridge, Pa., Lodge 33. All
of these activities were delightful and filled with SNPJ fraternalism.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Slovene National Benefit Society
Summary of Operations for the year ending Dec. 31, 2011
Slovene National Benefit Society
Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2011
$1,472,346 13,607,281 36,327 15,115,954 10,188,433 (836,314)
9,352,119 226,202 42,267 24,736,542 $1,479,021 15,023,642 38,981 16,541,644 10,748,254 (785,005)
9,963,249 252,106 36,109 26,793,108 ($6,675)
Death Benefits
1,727,574 Matured Endowments
85,470 Annuity Benefits
8,165,673 Operation, Accident & Health Benefits
50,200 Surrender
Interest on Certificate Fund
14,681 Reserve for Life & Annuity
$166,548,899 $10,999,621
Payments on Suppl Contracts w/Life Contingency
285 Reserve for Sick & Operation
Increase in Life Reserves
406,991 Liability for Deposit-type Contracts
Increase in Annuity Reserves
10,451,389 Life Claims
Accident & Health Claims
234,762 Refund Payable
General & Fraternal Expenses
2,718,819 Premiums Received in Advance
Insurance Taxes, Licenses & Fees
193,959 Interest Maintenance Reserve (IMR)
Increase in Loading on Uncollected Premium
2,608 Expenses Due & Accrued
Unearned Investment Income
Total Expenses
24,441,076 Total Remittances & Items Not Allocated
Net Gain from Operations Before Refunds
295,466 Asset Valuation Reserve (AVR)
142,421 Write-In for Liabilities
Net Gain Beofre Realized Capital Gain/(Loss)
153,046 Total Liabilities
5,990,583 (311,672)
Total Liabilities & Surplus
$178,251,763 $10,987,091
Net Income
1,437,247 83,770 6,748,141 56,408 459,923 22,702 285 419,679 13,059,017 (60,717)
226,249 2,612,392 119,548 1,225 25,185,869 1,607,238 138,062 1,469,177 (1,002,934)
$466,242 290,327
Preferred Stocks
Common Stocks
Mortgage Loans
Home Office - Imperial
Recreation Center
Certificate Loans
Cash and Short Term Investments
Other Invested Assets
Investment Income Due & Accrued
Premiums Due
Amounts Recoverable From Reinsurer
EDP Equipment and Software
Total Admitted Assets
Life Premium
Annuity Considerations
Accident & Health Premiums
Total Premium & Annuity Considerations
Gross Investment Income
Investment Expense
Net Investment Income
Amortization of Interest Maintenance Reserve
Aggregate Write-In for Misc. Income
Total Income
Cash Flow:
Surplus Account:
Cash in transit and in banks 12-31-10
Premiums Collected Net of Reinsurance............................................15,106,077
Surplus, Dec. 31, previous year
Net Investment Income.........................................................................9,385,027
Proceeds from Investments Sold, Matured or Repaid........................18,810,782
Net Income From Operations
Miscellaneous Income & Other Cash Applied..........................................513,088 ....... 43,814,974
Change in Net Unrealized Gains (Loss)
Total Receipts and in Bank........................................................................................... 46,854,209
Change in Non-Admitted Assets
Benefit Payments................................................................................10,440,040
Change in Asset Valuation Reserve
Commissions & Expenses Paid............................................................ 3,095,111
Cumulative Effect of Changes in Acctg Princ.
Cost of Investments Acquired.............................................................31,066,883
Reclass of Prior Year’s Expense
Refunds Paid...........................................................................................137,442
Net Change in Surplus for the Year
Net Other Cash Provided...........................................................................31,703 ....... 44,771,179
Surplus as of Statement Date
Cash in transit and in banks 12-31-11.......................................................................... $2,083,030
Slovene National Benefit Society
Life Premiums
First Year Premium
$86,090 $78,284 Renewal Premium
1,285,959 1,293,569 Single Premium
152,156 165,889 Refunds Applied to Paid-Up Additions
107,949 99,428 Less: Reinsurance Premiums Paid
Net Life Premiums
1,472,346 1,479,021 Increase/
A & H Premiums
Sick Benefit Premium
17,295 18,833 Operation and Hospital & Recup Premium
19,032 20,148 Total A & H Premiums
36,327 38,981 (1,538)
Annuity Considerations
Annuity - First Year
9,766,731 9,592,605 Annuity - Renewal
3,690,550 5,281,037 Deposit Administration Contract
150,000 150,000 Total Annuity Considerations
13,607,281 15,023,642 174,126
Total Premiums & Annuity Considerations
16,541,644 (1,425,690)
Gross Investment Income
Interest on Bonds
10,039,635 9,631,425 Dividends: Preferred Stock
14,838 14,838 Dividends: Common Stock
5,970 5,333 Interest on Mortgage Loans
4,636 6,835 Interest on Bank Balance
14 127 Rent: Home Office
90,000 90,000 Income on Real Estate
966,140 Interest on Certificate Loans
33,339 33,558 Total Gross Investment Income
10,188,433 10,748,254 408,210
Less Investment Expense
Finance Committee
9,620 7,492 Home Office: Deprec., Insur., Tax, Utility & Other 126,537 127,958 Recreation Center: Disbursements & Depreciation311,447 303,423 Management, Custodial, Banking & Other Fees 270,130 229,983 Salaries & Benefits - Investment
118,579 116,149 Total Investment Expense
836,314 785,005 Net Investment Income
9,352,119 9,963,249 Amortization of IMR
226,202 252,106 2,128
Aggregate Write-Ins for Miscellaneous Income
Scholarship Contributions
28,428 22,369 Miscellaneous Receipts
13,839 13,740 Total Aggregate Write-In for Misc. Income
42,267 36,109 Total Income
24,736,542 26,793,108 6,059
Death Benefits
Death Claims
1,778,817 1,462,247 Reinsurance Recovered
Total Death Benefits
1,727,574 1,437,247 Total Matured Endowments
85,470 83,770 316,570
Annuity and Pension Benefits
Pensions Paid
177,507 177,534 (27)
$5,287,370 (172,755)
194,728 (41,978)
466,242 32,513 203,447 1,011 0
703,213 $5,678,912 $5,990,583
Detailed Financial Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 2011
$5,990,583 Annuity Benefits
Total Annuity and Pension Benefits
7,988,166 8,165,673 Increase/
6,570,608 6,748,141 1,417,559
Operation, Accident & Health
Sick Benefit Claims
24,370 27,529 Operation Claims
26,354 28,403 Waiver of Assessment 476 476 Total Operation, Accident & Health
50,200 56,408 Total Surrender Benefits
435,875 459,923 Interest on Certificate or Contract Fund
14,681 22,702 Payments on Suppl Contracts w/Life Contgy
285 285 (3,159)
Increase in Reserve for Life, A&H & Annuities
Change in Reserves - Life
406,991 419,679 Change in Reserves - Annuities
10,451,389 13,059,017 Change in Reserves - Accident & Health
Total Increase (Decrease) in Reserves
10,811,170 13,417,979 (12,688)
Life & Annuity Commissions
230,930 219,464 Campaign Awards
3,832 6,785 Total Commissions
234,762 226,249 11,466
General Insurance & Fraternal Expenses
90,000 90,000 Salaries & Wages
741,598 739,438 Director/National Board Fees
28,440 26,520 Employee Benefits
136,717 131,204 Pension Plan Deposit
150,000 150,000 Employee Education Expenses
2,888 8,299 Legal Fees and Expenses
37,088 18,720 Medical Examinations/Underwriting
11,831 10,269 Actuarial and Auditing Fees
125,618 121,692 Travel Expenses
66,867 60,277 Advertising/Promotional Items
54,529 19,062 Postage and Express
73,881 86,323 Telephone
20,799 21,651 Office Supplies, Printing & Stationery
48,323 35,020 Computer Supplies, Equipment & Depreciation 322,350 280,123 Machine Service, Repairs & Rentals
12,302 11,817 Books and Periodicals
8,574 12,082 Bureau and Association Dues
3,836 8,279 Insurance and Surety Bonds
19,027 20,401 Sundry General
11,299 12,468 Donations - Charitable
7,720 5,210 Sales Department
4,107 3,141 Quadrennial Convention
100,000 107,965 Prosveta: Subscription, Ads & Donation Income (6,372)
Prosveta: Printing & Postage
125,928 137,907 Prosveta: Salary & Wages
103,361 99,965 Voice of Youth: Printing & Postage
19,691 16,129 Scholarships
51,500 50,000 Athletics
22,739 26,352 Miss SNPJ Pageant and Travel
25,036 24,480 Youth/Young Adult Programs
40,712 41,810 Lodge and Secretary Awards
146,927 147,417 Medicare & Newborn Benefits
8,650 9,215 Member Anniversary Awards
43,045 2,810 Fraternal Expense - Other
59,808 81,467 Total General and Fraternal Expenses
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Insurance Taxes, Licenses & Fees
State Insurance Department Licenses and Fees 115,058 40,266 Unemployment Tax
8,572 9,386 Social Security Tax
70,329 69,895 Total Insurance Taxes, Licenses and Fees
193,959 119,548 Increase in Loading on Uncollected Premium
Total Expenses
2,608 1,225 1,382
24,441,076 25,185,869 (743,794)
1,607,238 (1,312,772)
Net Gain from Operations Before Refunds
In September, the National Days weekend was one to celebrate
sports activities, good music and the reverse raffle banquet which
proved to be a rewarding evening. I was honored to be the speaker
at the annual awards luncheon hosted in October by Universal, Pa.,
Lodge 715 and to have the opportunity to become more acquainted
with their members.
To date, there are 19 Lodges in Region 3 with a total of 7,472 active
members. Of this total, 6,650 are adult members and 822 are youth
members. In 2011, Region 3 enrolled 113 new members to the SNPJ,
which represented 50 percent of the total designated membership goal
for the year. Imperial Lodge 106 and Glenshaw Lodge 782 achieved
100 percent of their new member goals. Universal Lodge 715 and
Borough of SNPJ Lodge 776 reached the 99 percent plateau. Three
Lodges attained the 50 percent level, and six others enrolled at least
one member. Unfortunately, six Lodges had no new member activity
during the year. All Region 3 Lodges are encouraged to make an
attempt to increase their new member totals.
Two Region 3 insurance producers are to be congratulated for their
achievements in 2011. Jamie Evanish of Universal Lodge 715 has
been recognized as the overall number one agent of the Society.
He ranked first as a Personal Producing General Agent in the “New
Members” and “Life Insurance Production” categories, and Stan
Repos of Imperial Lodge 106 led the way as number one in the
same categories as a Fraternal Producer. These gentlemen deserve
compliments for their diligent endeavors.
The SNPJ Star Lodge Reward Program is becoming more successful each year. Region 3 Lodges are among the 2011 recognized
qualifiers. Imperial Lodge 106 was designated a Gold Star achiever;
Universal Lodge 715, Borough of SNPJ Lodge 776 and Sewickley
Lodge A01 were awarded Silver Star designations; and Aliquippa
Lodge 721 received the Bronze Star award. The financial awards
associated with these “star” designations should be the incentive
for all Lodges to try to participate in this program.
I was re-elected to the position of secretary for Aliquippa Lodge 721
and also will be maintaining the position as auditor of the Western
Pennsylvania Federation in 2012. Our Lodge was honored to have
the chairperson of our audit committee, Olivia Kamicker, selected as
Miss Fraternalism in the 2011 Miss SNPJ Pageant. This honor was
also bestowed upon her mother, Andrea Zupancic Kamicker, in 1981.
Lodge 721 joined with Ambridge Lodge 33 for our annual Christmas
party, honored our 60-year and 80-year members for 2011, and
conducted a successful food drive for the Aliquippa Salvation Army.
May the National Board continue its tradition of making productive
decisions for the future.
Nancy K. Koutoulakis
Region 3 Vice President
Region 3 Vice President’s Report: Sis. Nancy Koutoulakis
Motion is made by Sis. RIGLER, second by Bro. HERVOL, to approve the report. Motion approved.
Region 4 Vice President’s Report
July - December 2011
Fraternal greetings, Brothers and Sisters of the National Board.
The second half of the year is a very busy time in the Cleveland area.
The SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio, continues to host picnics every
Sunday until the end of September. The following Lodges held their
picnics beginning in July: the Cleveland Federation; Lodges 158, 5,
604 and 614; the Ladies Auxiliary of the Farm; and the Farm Board.
Lodge 5 held a Polka Mass at their picnic and also paid tribute to Tony
Petkovsek. The Grape Festival is the last picnic of the summer and
is usually well attended. Being a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of
the Farm finds me most Sundays in Kirtland helping in the kitchen.
This is a fine group of people who volunteer their time and efforts
to keep the picnics a success. Many thanks to all the volunteers
who give of their time.
I was in attendance at Slovenfest and could be found at the insurance
booth on occasion. The National Board was also invited to a special
reception on Saturday night to meet and greet the contestants running
for Miss SNPJ. The girls were quite lovely and carried themselves
well. The Cleveland area had several girls in the running for the title.
In July, Kevin Richards and I hosted Slovenian Heritage Night at
Classic Ball Park in Eastlake, Ohio, home of the Class A Lake County
Captains. There were approximately 85 Slovenians in attendance.
Brochures and momentos were handed out, strudel slices were
sold to the hungry masses, and all SNPJ members received a food
voucher to enjoy a hot dog and pivo. My granddaughter, Lauren
Sebusch (158), and great-granddaughter, Rachel Stevenson (158),
threw out the first pitches.
The Cleveland Athletic League held their annual Appreciation Night
at Debonne Winery in August. All representatives and volunteers are
invited to sample the wine or beer, and enjoy some appetizers and a
sandwich. The winery supplied the music, and we got the crowd up
and dancing. Tony Petkovsek’s 50/70 Party was also held in August.
This was attended by close to 400 people. It was a wonderful welldeserved tribute to Tony.
I attended National SNPJ Days at the Recreation Center over Labor
Day weekend and enjoyed watching the festivities: golf, horseshoes
and balina. The Collinwood Home held a dinner to honor their Man
of the Year, Bill Zabukovek, and the Farm hosted its annual Sausage
Festival which saw over 800 people in attendance. I attended the
National Board meeting in September. The Slovenian Society Home
(aka Recher Hall) held their Polka Tour dance Sept. 24.
With the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland closing its doors at the end of
September, the Slovenian Workman's Home on Waterloo begins
Refunds to Members
Refunds Paid in Cash
33,391 36,302 Refunds Left to Accumulate at Interest
6,822 7,692 Refunds Applied to Paid-Up Additions
102,208 94,068 Total Refund to Members
142,421 138,062 Net Gain Before Realized Capital Gain/(Loss)
153,046 1,469,177 (2,911)
Net Realized Capital Gains or (Losses)
Gain on Disposal of Investment
767,641 263,203 Loss on Disposal of Investment
Amortization of IMR (Transfer to IMR)
13,307 (262,415)
Total Net Realized Capital Gain or (Loss)
Net Income
$466,242 504,438
its weekly Sunday dances on the first Sunday in October. These
continue throughout the fall and winter, and into the spring. The last
dance is usually held right before Memorial Day. As a member of
the board of trustees, I can be found working in the kitchen serving
sandwiches to the hungry dancers.
On Oct. 8, Loyalites Lodge 158 held its 100th anniversary dinner/
dance at Recher Hall. We had several dignitaries in attendance and
many speeches were given in the Lodge’s honor. Also in October,
the Collinwood Home on Holmes Ave. held its Polka Tour dance.
The month continued with an Oct. 17 dinner at Waterloo Hall to
honor Man of the Year Joe Bradac, and finally Cleveland Lodge 576
helped at the Cleveland Food Bank. I attended the Ohio Fraternal
Congress meeting which was held in Strongsville, Ohio. The informational sessions were very helpful, and it was nice to see so many
representatives from other fraternals in attendance.
SNPJ Sales Director Bud Paladino held an insurance seminar at
Waterloo Hall for any interested Lodges secretaries. This was an
important meeting to discuss the new insurance applications and
annuity paperwork. It appears that the State of Ohio has added
several new forms that need to be completed with our applications.
Thanksgiving weekend is a highlight in the Cleveland area due to
the annual Tony Petkovsek Thanksgiving Dance(s). This was Tony's
last year chairing this event. All future Thanksgiving Dances will be
chaired by the Polka Hall of Fame and their board of directors. This
year’s awards show was over the top. Great job to all who volunteer
their time to produce such a fine event. Also in November, Waterloo
Hall held a spaghetti dinner fund-raiser.
Loyalites Lodge 158 had a Mystery Bus Trip on Dec. 3. We travelled
to Pittsburgh, and then to look at Christmas lights. Many of our
Lodges held Christmas parties for their adult and youth members in
appreciation for all their help during the year. Of course, a visit from
Santa was a highlight for the youth. One last event for the year was
the Waterloo Hall New Year’s Eve party. The board prepared and
served a wonderful dinner. Bobby Kravos and his band provided the
music for the evening. At midnight we toasted the New Year with
champagne. A light snack was provided afterward.
Many thanks to the Region 4 Lodges who received awards in the
Star Lodge Bonus program. Congratulations go out to all.
As you all know, this will be my last National Board meeting as I
have decided to tender my resignation effective April 1, 2012. I have
met many wonderful people throughout my tenure as Region 4 Vice
President and can say that I call them all friends who will always
remain in my heart. I still remain very active in SNPJ activities and
will continue to spread the word about SNPJ to whoever will listen.
I thank you, and with a heavy heart I am...
Dorothy Gorjup
Region 4 Vice President
Region 4 Vice President’s Report: Sis. Dorothy Gorjup
Motion is made by Sis. KOUTOULAKIS, second by Bro. HERVOL,
to approve the report. Motion approved.
Region 5 Vice President’s Report
July 1 through Dec. 31, 2011
Fraternal greetings. This report covers the period from July 1 through
Dec. 31, 2011.
Congratulations to Flint, Mich., Lodge 459 and Wolverine Lodge
677 for surpassing their 2011 new member goals! Overall, 38 new
members joined our seven Region 5 Lodges, which allowed us to
achieve over 50 percent of our goal. These numbers are roughly
two to three times higher than those reported in recent years. I hope
that this positive trend continues into 2012!
I hosted the third annual Region 5 Detroit Tigers baseball game
outing in August. It was a nice surprise to be joined by Ed Klancnik
and his girlfriend who were visiting from Tennessee.
In October, Ken and Dorothy Anderson represented us at the Michigan Fraternal Congress meeting held at the Shanty Creek Resort in
Bellaire, Mich. The theme of this year’s conference was “Unfurling
the Spirit of Fraternalism.” This was exemplified by many monetary
donations to the scholarship fund and generous support of food
pantries and soup kitchens. Gregg A. Grange, keynote speaker and
author of “Sailing Faith: The Long Way Home,” discussed his family’s
experiences traveling abroad for four and a half years.
Keeping with tradition, Young American Lodge 564 hosted their annual Grape Dance and tribute to their 50-, 60- and 70-year members.
In December, the Family Twosome tournament was held in conjunction
with the Circle 29 family Christmas party. The afternoon of bowling
was followed by pizza for everyone and gifts for the children. This
year, the scores were high and several of our bowlers claimed first
place in their divisions and classes. Congratulations to our winners:
Ken and Jack Anderson, Ken and Erik Anderson, Karen Jurkowski
and Lucas Bosek, Karen Jurkowski and Chase Bosek, Ermando
and Jacob Volpe, Barth and Olivia Bucciarelli, and Beth and Olivia
Best wishes for a productive meeting.
I attended Chicago District Federation meetings and all scheduled
Lodge meetings.
On Sept. 16, 2011, I attended the National Board meeting that was
held at the SNPJ Home Office.
I chaperoned four youth members from Lodge 449 in the Chicago
area to the SNPJ TEL Conference held at the Recreation Center
Aug. 5-7, 2011. There were also youth members in attendance from
the Milwaukee area.
Many SNPJ members from several area Lodges gathered at the
annual Slovenian Cultural Center picnic held in Lemont, Ill., on
Aug. 14, 2011.
On Aug. 21, 2011, the Chicago District Federation hosted its second
annual dinner dance. This event was held to promote the gathering
of members from the area Lodges. Members were in attendance
from Lodges 1, 8, 449 and 559. Also in attendance was Miss SNPJ
Danielle Brand (6). Danielle put a smile on everyone’s face when
she sang “When You’re Smiling.”
The Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont celebrated its 16th anniversary on Nov. 13, 2011. There were many SNPJ members
present for this celebration. The program featured the children from
the Slomšek Slovenian School.
The Chicago District Federation of SNPJ Lodges held its annual
children’s Christmas party on Dec. 3, 2011, at the Slovenian Catholic
Center in Lemont. I was the emcee and helped to organize the program, as well as had the children enter The Voice of Youth coloring
contest, play a few games for prizes and take photos with Santa.
Congratulations to Lodge 449 who received the Gold Star award,
and to Lodges 1, 2, 8, 559 and 584 who received Silver Star awards
in the 2011 Star Lodge Bonus Program. I enjoy seeing all the many
pictures and articles in PROSVETA informing us of the many different
types of activities that are being hosted by the Lodges.
In Region 6, we had a total of 48 new members for the year 2011,
which was an increase from last year. Congratulations to Lodges
1, 2, 8, 449, 584, 686 and 764 for attaining new members, and to
Lodges 449 and 584 for reaching and exceeding their new member
goals. I hope that all Lodges will continue to increase membership
even more this year.
We are fortunate in Region 6 to have consistent contributors to
PROSVETA to keep our area members apprised of all area happenings and events. In Wisconsin, Bob Smole (584) keeps us all
informed with his “Badger Jabber” column, while Grace Doerk (559)
updates us in “News from Here & There” and Delores Spelich (2)
shares Lodge 2 news with us.
This concludes my report for the past six months. May we continue
to work productively to make decisions in the best interest of the
Society and that of its members.
Justina M. Rigler
Region 6 Vice President
Region 6 Vice President’s Report: Sis. Tina Rigler
Motion is made by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by Sis. GORJUP, to
approve the report. Motion approved.
Region 7 Vice President’s Report
Fraternal greetings, Brothers, Sisters, Executive Committee and the
National Board. This is my report for the last six months of year 2011.
I continue to serve as president of Lodge 225 in Girard, Kan., and
make myself available to help all officers and members of Region 7.
The Lodges in Region 7 continue to hold meetings, and most Lodges
celebrated Christmas and related activities. Lodge 225 recognized
their youth members with cash and gifts. Members residing in local
rest homes or assisted living areas were presented with a poinsettia
flower arrangement.
Our Slovenian singing group is still active in a diminished activity.
Practices are held each month, along with dinners, as we learn new
Slovenian songs.
This concludes my report. I hope for a productive and successful
Johnnie E. Zibert
Region 7 Vice President
Region 7 Vice President’s Report: Bro. Johnnie Zibert
Motion is made by Sis. GORJUP, second by Bro. CURL, to approve
the report. Motion approved.
Region 8 Vice President’s Report
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Executive Committee and National
Board, fraternal greetings! This is my report for the period of July 1
through Dec. 31, 2011.
for July - December 2011
Region 8 now has 10 Lodges and 2,008 active members. This report
summarizes Region 8 activities for the last half of 2011.
Golden Valley Lodge 745 again achieved Gold Star Lodge status.
In October, Lodge 745 members donated a day of service to the
homeless by helping to prepare a noontime meal for several hundred
at the Loaves & Fishes charity in Sacramento. The year’s activities
ended with a gala Christmas party.
San Francisco Lodge 304 held a Christmas party and began planning the following year’s activities, including the annual Pust dinner.
Lodge 786 was again ranked a Gold Star Lodge. Activities included
a summer picnic in July, participation in the Irvine Global Village
Festival in September, and Family Twosome bowling in November.
Also in November, Lodge 786 members gathered and donated some
250 books to a home for abused children. The Christmas party was
the last event of the year.
Monthly activities at the Fontana Slovene Hall increased in 2011 with
Tracey L. Anderson
Region 5 Vice President
Region 5 Vice President’s Report: Sis. Tracey Anderson
Motion is made by Bro. ANDERSON, second by Sis GORJUP, to
approve the report. Motion approved.
Region 6 Vice President’s Report
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
monthly polka dances and polka jam sessions. Lodge 723 made a
significant cash contribution to the Ronald McDonald House at Loma
Linda University Medical Center Hospital which provides temporary
homes for children requiring long-term care. Admissions from the
December holiday open house supported the U.S. Marine Corps
Toys for Tots charity.
In November, the California Federation held its 11th annual Slovenian
Grape Harvest Festival in Fontana, which I again directed. The day
was highlighted with the appearance of Danielle Brand, our pretty
and talented Miss SNPJ 2012.
Under the directorship of Teresa Koci, Youth Circle 104 enjoyed a
summer poolside picnic, Family Twosome bowling, and participation
in the Lodge 786 Christmas party with youth members performing
music instrumentals and vocals.
In September I represented SNPJ at a retrospective of Slovenian
films, “Slovenia Begs to Differ,” held at the Armand Hammer Museum
in Los Angeles. The event was co-presented in association with the
South East European Film Festival (SEE FEST) and the Slovenian
Film Center. I wrote the attached a letter at the request of SEE FEST
to be used in proposals seeking funding for future film projects.
Lodge 207 Secretary Jeanette Wright reported that local musicians
again provided music for their October semiannual polka event that
again drew a good crowd of dancers from Helena, Butte, Great Falls
and Missoula. The next dance will be held April 29, 2012.
On the afternoon of Sunday, Aug. 7, I attended the Slovenian Day
Picnic in Price Utah, organized by Utah Lodges 113, 757 and 689.
The event again produced generous cash contributions to the SNPJ
Scholarship Fund, their local Slovenian Home, local food bank and
for dinners for the homeless. With true fraternal spirit and respect
for our departed Brothers and Sisters, Lodge 689 President Grant
Babcock and Secretary Lorraine Babcock continue to maintain the
SNPJ monument at a local cemetery.
Max Manowski reported that Enumclaw Lodge 738 continues to hold
bimonthly meetings followed by social gatherings often featuring local button accordion players. The annual summer picnic was again
held in August, and a Christmas party was held in December. Cle
Elum Lodge 371 Secretary Shirley Petrich reported that their Lodge
continues to hold regular meetings.
I look forward to meeting again with the National Board later this month.
Fredrick J. Mlakar
Region 8 Vice President
The Recreation Center continues to host a limited number of dances
during the season, with Lodges, Federations and promoters hosting additional dances. The Friday night polka entertainment in the
Gostilna continued throughout the season and is well received. Bro.
Jim Curl takes care of booking this entertainment, as well as the
bands for Slovenefest.
Bingo in the Gostilna on Saturday nights, which helped to increase
food and beverage sales for the season, has been a great success.
Also contributing to increased sales was the addition of the popular
Tiki Bar in August of 2011 at a cost of $4,529. Director Jergel and
staff continue to do a good job with our in-house food operation.
Operations Manager Sue Krispinsky does an exceptional job administering the wedding function. This area consistently does very
well. Jones Catering continues to be our exclusive caterer, which
has proven successful, and also provides the food service for our
group weeks and weekends.
The pool operation had a reasonably good year. The management
and staff continue to do a commendable job keeping costs under
control and being diligent with admissions.
This year we saw some significant improvements in some of our
structures. These included the new roof and painting of the upper
pavilion, and the new siding installed on the nine lower cabin buildings. In September, a security camera system was installed at the
Recreation Center by Protec at a cost of $7,400.
In September, Director Jergel, Operations Manager Sue Krispinsky
and staff member Sue Harding participated in the social media training
hosted at the Home Office. The Home Office web team continues
to meet with the Recreation Center staff as part of our social media
strategy, which includes the Recreation Center.
The committee conducted its review of all the internal control procedures to ensure that all were being followed. The committee will
conduct these reviews as a normal business practice to ensure that
proper procedures are being followed and that everything is in order.
The following is a summary of the year-end financial report for the
year 2011:
Total Revenue................................ $875,873
Total Expenditures...................... $1,075,273
Net Loss......................................($199,400)
A detailed financial report is attached. The 2012 budget is also
included as an attachment.
This year surpassed last year as the best financial performance for
the SNPJ Recreation Center in a decade. This is the lowest net loss
since the year 2000. Congratulations to Director Tim Jergel, Managers
Sue Krispinsky and Jeff Wisneski, Sue Harding and the staff for this
accomplishment. We are very pleased with how well the facility and
grounds look and will continue to work toward improving its operation.
Respectfully submitted,
SNPJ Recreation Center Committee
Joseph C. Evanish, Committee Chairman
Vincent Baselj
Jim Curl
David Cushman
Jerry R. Hlebak
Cathy Kalenits
John Volpe
Tony Bole, Honorary Member
Joseph Juricich, Honorary Member
Region 8 Vice President’s Report: Bro. Fred Mlakar
Motion is made by Bro. CURL, second by Sis. WOOD, to approve
the report. Sis. RIGLER asked questions concerning the Slovenian
film festival, and Bro. MLAKAR provided her with some information.
Motion approved.
SNPJ Recreation Center Report
March 2012
This report covers the last six months of 2011. Director Tim Jergel
leads our management and staff who have all done a good job
running the facility. This is the third consecutive year that we have
experienced an improvement in the financial performance of the
Recreation Center. Bro. Jergel and the staff have done a commendable job in this respect. Key members of the full-time staff include
Operations Manager Sue Krispinsky, Maintenance Manager Jeff
Wisneski, and Susan Harding.
The 30th annual Slovenefest was a success both culturally and
financially once again. Admissions continue to remain good. The
Slovenefest sponsor donations increased to a new high of $9,500,
with many of our vendors and Lodges participating. The committee,
volunteers and staff work hard to make this a successful weekend
for everyone to enjoy.
This summer we lost our biggest volunteer for Slovenefest for the
past 25 years, Bro. Joe Cvetas, who passed away June 11. He
was a leader of Slovenefest, and a great manager, organizer and
fraternalist. Thus, we were proud to dedicate the 30th Slovenefest
in his memory. We also thank the Cvetas family for their donation of
the construction of a new gazebo by the lake which will be dedicated
to Joe’s memory. The committee recommended additional parking,
electric service and a walkway to the gazebo with Executive Committee approval in the amount of $12,418.
National SNPJ Days held during Labor Day weekend were another
great success. This is a very active weekend with many of the
Society’s national athletic events taking place. The Sunday picnic
had a large attendance. The reverse raffle Saturday evening went
very well, with thanks going to Brothers Vincent Baselj and Jim Curl
along with their volunteer help.
as of Dec. 31, 2011
UNIVERSAL, Pa. — It’s great to get
away to Florida to escape the cold during winter. This year was no exception
as I headed south on the AutoTrain
compliments of my children, Seph
and Holly, and their spouses, Rhonda
and Greg, as a Christmas gift.
I spent the first week of February
in a timeshare in Titusville, just relaxing and enjoying the warm Florida
weather before heading to Fort Myers
Beach where I have three consecutive
weeks at a timeshare in the Tropical
Sands resort. While there I attended
a reunion dinner with my longtime
friends from Myrtle Beach, S.C.,
and another couple who live nearby
and were my work mates years ago
during my first job out of Penn State
at Pomeroy’s Department Store in
Recreation Center Committee Report
Motion by Bro. ANDERSON, second by Sis. GORJUP, to recess as
the National Board and convene as the Recreation Center Committee. Motion approved.
President EVANISH presents the Recreation Center Committee report
and reviews the budget and the income and expenses. Questions
Lodge 715 President
$93,073 $28,115$64,958
$32,119 $47,158($15,039)
Dining Room
$89,641 $62,578$27,063
$22,631 $27,011($4,380)
$82,608 $45,528$37,080
Trailer Court
Wedding/Banquet $372,661 $234,729$137,932
Misc. Revenue
Overhead Expenses
Salary & Wages
Real Estate Taxes
Office & Administration
Major Maintenance Projects
Total Overhead Expenses ($560,679)
Totals $875,873 $1,075,273 ($199,400)
A tribute to
Grace Doerk
Harrisburg, Pa.
My brother Max and his wife Evie
visited me for a week while I was at
Tropical Sands. My son Seph came
down from Erie, Pa., and spent eight
days with me, three of which were
while Max and Evie were visiting.
We had dinner with cousins Mary and
Charlotte and their husbands at the
Captain’s Table in Punta Gorda. On
Friday we traveled to Engelwood to
visit the Remezo sisters, Natalie and
Georgette, and their husbands. Natalie
and Georgette are the daughters of
the legendary Gish Remezo, a former
secretary of Lodge 715.
I headed for Ormond Beach after
Fort Myers Beach during the first week
of March. To my delight, Samsula
Lodge 603 was hosting Florida SNPJ
Days that weekend. Samsula was just
a half-hour from Ormond Beach, and
I went there Sunday afternoon with
great anticipation since I had never
attended Florida SNPJ Days before.
Sitting at the bar and looking for
someone I knew, I spotted Kathy
Paulenich. My son Seph told me he
had seen Kathy the previous week at
Young Adult Representative Report
President EVANISH states that there was no report received from
the Young Adult Representative, and since there is no Young Adult
Representative present, we will move on.
New Business
President EVANISH announces that we will now hold the election of
Region 4 Vice President as we received correspondence from Sis.
Dorothy Gorjup that she would be retiring effective April 1, 2012.
The notice of an election to be held at the National Board meeting
and a call for candidates was run in Prosveta.
We received one candidate who wishes to run for the Region 4 Vice
President position, Sis. Linda Gorjup.
Motion by Bro. ANDERSON, second by Sis. RIGLER, that the
National Board elect Sis. Linda Gorjup by unanimous consent.
Motion approved, and the National Secretary will cast one vote for
Sis. Linda Gorjup.
President EVANISH announces that we will now hold the election
of the SNPJ National Athletic Board. The following candidates
were nominated by a Lodge and/or Federation for a position on the
National Athletic Board:
District One: John Wagner (138)
District Two: John Baselj (6)
District Three: John Pierog (776)
District Four: Rick Gorjup (158)
District Five: Ken Anderson (677)
District Six: Mary Donovan (584)
Motion to elect all candidates to the SNPJ National Athletic Board
by Sis. WOOD, second by Bro. CURL. Motion approved, and the
National Secretary will cast one vote for each of these candidates.
President EVANISH comments on the ongoing situation with the
former Lodge 778 in regard to the property dispute in Florida and
updates the board on the status of the legal actions. The board will
continue to uphold the decision of the National Legislative Body
(the convention) and protect and preserve SNPJ’s assets in order
to ensure that they are retained and used in a manner consistent
with our mission as a tax-exempt fraternal benefit society.
Motion made by Bro. HERVOL, second by Bro. ANDERSON, that the
Society will continue to prevent any attempt to convert these assets
for any other purpose, including for the personal benefit of any other
individuals or organizations outside SNPJ, and that SNPJ will vigorously pursue the lawsuit through its conclusion. Motion approved.
Motion is made by Bro. CLIFFORD, second by Bro. BASELJ, to
declare the same dividends for the life insurance policies that are
currently in effect for the next 12-month period. Motion approved.
SNPJ Recreation Center Financial Report
and comments on financial statements and capital improvements
by Brothers ANDERSON, CURL and BASELJ.
Motion to recess as the Recreation Center Committee and reconvene as the National Board by Bro. ANDERSON, second by Bro.
HERVOL. Motion approved.
Motion by Sis. WOOD, second by Bro. NOVAK, to approve the
Recreation Center Committee report. Motion approved.
Sis. PINTAR brought up the changes to the Slovene National Benefit
Society Employees Pension Plan that were required due to changes
in the IRS Code. Motion to ratify the changes by Sis. WOOD, second
by Bro. NOVAK. Motion approved.
Miscellaneous Business
Bro. CURL states that the Second Annual Winter Classic Bowling
Tournament was held at the SNPJ Lodge 6 and SNPJ Lodge 138
bowling centers this past February and was, once again, a huge
success. Bro. CURL indicates that this tournament has become
very large in two short years and rivals or exceeds the entries for
the National Bowling Tournament.
Bro. CURL motions that the grant given to the future Winter Classic
Tournaments be $1,000, second by Sis. WOOD. Motion approved.
The Code of Ethics for the National Board was reviewed by President
EVANISH and signed by the individual National Board members.
President EVANISH suggests that the next meeting of the SNPJ
National Board be held Sept. 21, 2012. Motion by Bro. ANDERSON,
second by Bro. NOVAK, to hold the meeting on this date. Motion
President EVANISH states that the National Board thanks Sis. Dorothy
Gorjup for her many years of service to the Society both as a Lodge
secretary and as a member of the National Board.
Motion to adjourn the meeting and watch another video on “Board
Governance – Interpreting Fraternal Financial Statements” by Bro.
NOVAK, second by Sis. GORJUP, at 2:08 p.m. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen A. Pintar, FLMI, CCP, AIAA
National Secretary
a polka jam at Junkanoo on Fort Myers Beach; I’ll remember to go there
next February.
Returning to the bar, I discovered
that the pretty bartender, Sheryl, was
the wife of Ruth Benedict’s son, who
is president of Lodge 603. Ruth and
I exchanged pleasantries as we had
worked together on a committee during the past convention.
Listening to the Slovenian polkas
and waltzes brought a slight tear to my
eye, as it often does. On the dance floor
I noticed an attractive young lady that
I had seen years before at the SNPJ
Recreation Center. She came to the
bar to get a drink and I discovered
that she was indeed the lady that I
had met. Her name was Daria Perse,
a Slovenia native who immigrated to
Florida, accent and all.
More people began to arrive. Looking at the crowd, I spotted Grace and
Otto Doerk. I went over to say hello,
and Grace seemed genuinely happy to
see me. Grace, Otto and I had worked
many years together as volunteers at
the gate for Slovenefest. I used to read
her articles in prosveta when she
was on the Executive Board at the
Chicago Home Office.
I told Grace how much I appreciated her articles, her fraternalism and
her service to SNPJ. Grace said she
was thrilled to have a member of the
Kumer family have such high regard
for her since she has much respect and
admiration for my late father Max,
uncle Mike and aunt Ann, and their
contributions to the SNPJ. Ain’t it wonderful what a few kind words can do?
Meanwhile, Daria Perse, a friend of
Grace, came over as I was promising
Grace that I would write an article for
PROSVETA about our encounter and
my opinion of her many years of dedication to SNPJ. Doing a little research
on Grace, I found that, in addition to
her many decades of articles in every
PROSVETA issue (during which she
never had a complaint or an unkind
word about anybody), she served as
an SNPJ Executive Officer for 11
years — as National Assistant Secretary from 1983-1990 and as National
Secretary from 1991-1993 — and as a
member of the Supervisory Committee of the SNPJ National Board from
1995-2006, totaling 23 years on the
National Board. Grace also served
as Convention General Secretary a
number of times. She volunteered
countless hours at Slovenefests, picnics and dances as well, being a true
fraternal ambassador.
People should be honored while
they are still living, and I believe
Grace Doerk deserves it. So, here’s
to you, Grace, in my opinion one of
the great ladies in SNPJ history in my
time, like Franca Sylvester, Olga “O”
Valencic, Dorothy Gorjup, Ann Evanish, Gerri Trebets, Sharon Ujcich,
Karen Pintar, Evelyn Dimpfl and my
own dear aunt, Ann Kumer. There
are many more, a lot of widows, and
I shouldn’t mention names because
there are so many others who should
be on the list, Kathy Paulenich and
Cathy Kalenits among them.
Yes, there are many that deserve
recognition, but this article is about
Grace Doerk. Keep the articles coming, Grace. Best wishes and good
health to you and your husband Otto.
The SNPJ needs more members in the
mold of Grace Doerk.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Kopitar brings the
Stanley Cup to Slovenia
SNPJ Marketing Department
Be a competitor
he Summer Olympics will be starting soon, and the
best competitors of the sports world will be meeting
in London to do what they do best — compete. The
athletes will most likely have quite a few personality traits
in common, such as highly competitive, driven, organized,
aggressive and ambitious. In order to rise above the others, they must be able to push themselves... sometimes
to extremes.
Picture the runner who has pushed his body to its
ultimate ability, but finds one last push to stretch himself
over the finish line milliseconds before his opponents. That
requires a driven person. It requires a person who is willing to train and to sacrifice for years in order to reach his
goal of participating in the Olympics. Even if no medals
are won, just making it to the Olympics proves that goals
were set and met through years of hard work.
Seeing so many highly-competitive and driven personalities in one place makes you wonder how that determination
and ambition affects other areas of their lives. When that
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Contact your Lodge secretary, local agent or the Home
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• Thought for the Week — The most
important thing is not winning, but taking
Pierre de Coubertin,
Founder of the Olympics
SNPJ Recreation Center
Jesenice (STA) — One of the most
prestigious sports trophies in the world,
the NHL’s Stanley Cup, arrived in Slo­
venia July 6 as Los Angeles Kings member Anže Kopitar brought the trophy to
his hometown of Hrušica to display to
thousands of fans.
Just like every member of the Stanley
Cup-winning L.A. Kings, Kopitar had
the honor of “owning” the trophy for a
day. “I was a little nervous when I picked
it up at the airport Thursday evening, but
when you take it into your hands, it is
truly something special and you forget
about everything,” he told reporters.
Like his fellow players before him,
Kopitar also ate breakfast from the cup;
the photo was probably the most frequently shared image among Slovenian
social networks on July 6.
Slovenian government
selling buildings and land
Ljubljana (STA) — The Slovenian
government is planning to sell 924 buildings, or parts thereof, and 680 parcels of
land, property that it believes the state no
longer needs. The government has estimated the total value of the property at
$155 million, according to media reports.
Plans for the sales were confirmed by
parliament in May, but received little attention since they were overshadowed by
the adoption of a supplementary budget.
According to reports, the list of
property for sale includes Villa Bled,
the former residence of Yugoslav leader
Josip Broz Tito in Bled. The government
wants to lease the property for $8,600
per month or sell it for $3.7 million. Borl
Castle, near Ptuj in eastern Slovenia, is
also for sale for just under $2.45 million
($2.7 million including the surrounding
The Defense Ministry alone has a
number of apartments, estimated at $25
million in total, slated for sale, according
to the report.
Slovenia sending 64
athletes to the Olympics
2012 Dance Schedule
July 28
Lodge 6 Annual Dance
Ted Zalac Orchestra
12 to 6
Aug. 4
Aug. 11
Lodge 643 Annual Dance
Al-Ray Combo
12 to 6
Lodge 715 Annual Dance
Ron Likovic Orchestra
12 to 6
Aug. 18
SNPJ Fraternal Weekend*3 p.m. to midnight
Mansfield 5, Don Wojtila Orchestra
and Eddie Rodick Band
Aug. 25
Lodge 770 Annual Dance
Eddie Vallus Orchestra
Sept. 2
SNPJ National Days*
2 to 8
Bob Turcola & Joe Grkman orchestras
(lower pavilion)
Sept. 9
Lodge 153 Annual Dance
John Lapinski Orchestra
(Alpine Room)
12 to 6
3 to 7
*Denotes free dance
Admission is $5. Dances offer wood-fired barbecue, a
farmers market, blind draw bean bag tournament and
free polka lessons in the dancing booth. Dances are held
in the upper pavilion unless otherwise noted. Schedule
is subject to change. For information phone the SNPJ
Recreation Center at 1-877-767-5732.
in the making
Proud of your SNPJ membership? Then you
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history through the pages of An Inspired Journey
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history compiled and written by SNPJ Publications Editor Jay Sedmak is now available
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$15.00 each — plus $2.50 s/h
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247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126-9774
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Payment in full must accompany all orders. Make checks payable to SNPJ.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Ljubljana (STA) — On July 3, the
Slovenian Olympic Committee (OKS)
announced that 64 Slovenian athletes
would travel to London for the Olympic
Games which open July 27.
The athletes (28 men and 36 women)
will be accompanied by a team of
54 coaches, six doctors, five physio­
therapists and two sports psychologists, OKS President Janez Kocijančič
announced during a press conference.
The selection of the Olympics lineup
took over two years to complete. Bogdan
Gabrovec, OKS vice president and leader
of the Slovenian team, was upbeat about
the success of the Slovenian Olympic
team. “Half jokingly, I predicted a
result better than that at the Beijing
Olympics where we took five medals...
I think seven is realistic; a result we can
achieve,” he said.
The team includes several Olympic
medalists, including hammer thrower
Primož Kozmus, rowers Iztok Čop and
Luka Špik, swimmer Sara Isakovič, judokas Urška Žolnir and Lucija Polavder,
and veteran shooter Raj­mond Debevec.
Idrija mercury mine
makes the UNESCO list
Saint Petersburg, Russia (STA)
— The UNESCO World Heritage Committee has formally announced that it will
include the Idrija mercury mine, along
with the mine in Almaden, Spain, on its
world heritage list. Slovenian Education,
Science, Culture and Sport Minister
Žiga Turk labeled the listing “a great
ac­complishment for Slovenia.”
Turk said inclusion of Slovenia’s bid
for the UNESCO list was “an important
recognition that would contribute to the
protection and recognition of a unique
example of industrial archaeology, and
preservation of the memory of an activity that for centuries marked Idrija and
its surroundings.” Turk noted that “In
Idrija, technology has developed based
on cooperation between science and economics which paved the way to numerous
inven­tions in the field of mining.”
Turk sees this as an encouragement for
Slovenia to continue to have its cultural
heritage assessed at the international
level. He announced that the next task
of his ministry would be to gain interna-
from the
tional recognition for Slovenian architect
Jože Plečnik.
The session of the UNESCO World
Heritage Committee in Saint Petersburg
was also attended by Slovenian Ambassador to Russia Ada Filip Slivnik, who
thanked the committee for making this
important decision. Slivnik said that
“this extremely rich technical heritage
that we are including on the list today
is very important for the international
com­munity.” Idrija Mayor Bojan Sever
and deputy Mayor Bojan Rezun, who
also took part in the session, see the
listing as an “extraordinary achievement” of the expert community and a
promotion of Slovenia’s cultural and
tech­nical heritage.
The Slovenia-Spain joint bid focused
on the technical history connecting the
mines in Idrija and Almaden, where two
of the world’s biggest and most representative mercury mines were active until
only recently.
The bid to include Idrija’s technical
heritage – which has also been proclaimed a monument of national importance in Slovenia – on the UNESCO
list of world heritage was initiated by
the Idrija municipality in 2006 and
formally coordinated by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage at the former
Culture Ministry.
Idrija’s mercury mine is one of the
biggest defunct mercury mines in the
world: roughly 13 percent of all the
mercury ever produced worldwide came
from Idrija, where mining was the main
industry for five centuries. The production of mercury in Idrija ended in 1994.
When the process of closing the mine
began in 1977, the main reasons were
low mercury prices and partial depletion; environmental concerns surfaced
in ensuing years.
A new documentary
about Slovenia planned
Ptuj (STA) — Ashley Colburn, an
award-winning U.S. producer of travel
shows, will be staying in Slovenia over the
summer to shoot a documentary series
titled “Wonders of Slovenia.” Colburn
is currently in Ptuj filming footage for
the first episode which will focus on
the northeastern portion of the country.
“I discovered Slovenia while I was
filming in Croatia. Because it is a place
that a lot of Americans aren’t famil­iar
with, I decided to put a mark on the map,”
Colburn said. She remarked that she met
some wonderful people who were helping
her film the series. “We’ve decided that
this show we’re filming here is going to
win us a third Emmy for the series,” said
Colburn, the winner of 2010 Emmy for
documentary “WOW Croatia.” Colburn,
who has filmed similar series in over
25 countries worldwide, recently won
an Emmy for her documentary series
on Peru.
Colburn will film the series in three
one-hour episodes. The first episode,
which focuses on Maribor and Ptuj, will
be followed by the second episode on
Kras and the Slovenian coast featuring
the famous Postojnska jama cave and
the Lipizzaner stud farm in Lipica. The
third episode will focus on Ljubljana
and the central portion of the country,
along with Bled.
Colburn, who has been staying in
Slovenia for several weeks, noted that
she was “extremely impressed with the
country, from the variety of landscapes
to the food, to the hospitality”.
The show will be finished by September and aired in more than 100 million
homes in the United States and Europe.
Damage to WWI
monument now repaired
Kranjska Gora (STA) — Repairs
have been completed on the Russian
Chapel WWI memorial site on the Vrsic
mountain pass which was damaged by
copper thieves last year, the Ministry of
Education, Science, Culture and Sport
announced in early July.
One of the most important WWI
monuments in Slovenia has been repaired
in time for the summer remembrance
ceremony featuring Slovenian and Russian dignitaries. The $12,000 repair bill
was financed by the ministry.
The wooden chapel, built by Russian
prisoners of war in 1917 in remembrance
of their colleagues killed by an avalanche
while building the Vrsic pass, was dam-
aged late last year by thieves looking for
copper. The thieves severely damaged the
chapel roof when they stripped the copper
lining from underneath the roofing. According to local police, the perpetrators
have not yet been identified. As part of the
renovation, the copper plating has been
replaced with galvanized sheet metal to
avoid attracting the attention of thieves.
Over the years, the monument has
evolved into a symbol of SlovenianRussian friendship, serving as the site
of annual ceremonies that attract highranking officials from both countries.
This year’s ceremony is scheduled for
July 29 and is due to feature Slovenian
Prime Minister Janez Janša as a speaker,
the Association of Slovenian-Russian
Friendship announced.
Painter Jakac honored
at Ljubljana University
Ljubljana (STA) — A bust of
Božidar Jakac (1899-1989), the illustrious Slovenian painter and first rec­tor of
the Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts, was
recently unveiled in front of Ljubljana
University. The ceremony also served to
inaugurate the Ljubljana University Gallery, the goal of which will be to foster
dialogue between the arts and sciences.
According to Dean of the Academy of
Fine Arts Bojan Gorenec, as he described
the crucial stages of Jakac’s life, “Jakac
developed into a young man burning
with a poetic and revolutionary zeal as
student at the academy in Prague, formed
himself into a serious man with a goal
during his spell in the United States,
and after joining the Partisan resis­tance
in WWII, went on to become a figure
who contributed importantly to society.”
Gorenec also noted that Jakac was one of
the founders of the International Biennial
of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana.
Jakac also played an important role
in the foundation and organization of
the Slovenian Academy of Fine Arts,
which despite earlier initiatives wasn’t
established until 1945, after World War
II, due to political ob­stacles. The academy joined Ljubljana University three
decades later.
The ceremony was also attended
by President Danilo Türk, who noted
symbolism in the relationship between
culture, the university and future development. “Everyone gathered here knows
that culture is the oldest his­tory of every
nation, and that art is the finest element
of every culture,” the president said.
Opening the University Gallery,
chairman of the gallery board Jožef
Muhovič said one of the gallery’s goals
was to offer a room for meetings with
the works that “afford pure joy at the
existence of what is excellent.” Another
aim is to sys­tematically form a collection of the best works of art based on the
university’s stock. The third goal is to
encourage internal dialogue between the
university’s science and art departments.
Weddings up, divorces
down in Slovenia
Ljubljana (STA) — According to
the Slovenian Statistics Office, 6,671
couples were married in Slovenia in 2011,
an increase of 2.2 percent in comparison to 2010. Over the same period, the
number of divorces dropped 5.4 percent,
totaling 2,298.
Last year, 89.4 percent of grooms
(5,966) were married for the first time.
The number of first-time brides was
recorded at 6,029 (90.4 percent). The
average age of brides and grooms is also
rising, reaching 34 for grooms and just
over 31 for brides.
Statistics also show that most couples
wed in the spring and summer months.
The most popular month for weddings
was May, when 984 (or 14.8 percent)
weddings took place that month.
The couples were Slovenian citizens
in 78.2 percent of all weddings. In 2011,
Slovenian grooms married brides who
came from 64 different countries, of
which roughly 63 percent were former
Yugoslav countries. Slovenian brides
married grooms from 74 different countries, of which two-thirds were from
ex-Yugoslav countries.
According to the Statistics Office,
most divorces were usually preceded
by a long-term marriage. On average,
divorcing couples were married for 13.4
years before their divorce. In almost 50
percent of divorces, the marriage lasted
more than 15 years. Only one percent of
couples were divorced in their first year
of marriage.
The articles comprising this feature have
been reprinted with permission from the
Slovenian Press Agency (STA).
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
25. Julija 2012
Ureja Vida Kosir
Kitajščina kot
izbirni predmet v šolah
language as a selected subject
in schools
TOPIC: Due to changing
political and economic conditions, the Chinese language is
becoming a more and more
important factor in international relations, and for this
reason some countries have
held serious discussions on
how to introduce Chinese as
a foreign language in elementary and secondary schools.
Last year, the Swedish Minister for Education
expressed hope that Sweden would become the first
European country to teach
Chinese on the elementary
and secondary school levels.
Slovenia has recently been
considering how they would
systematically arrange teaching the Chinese language.
Kitajski jezik zaradi spremenjenih političnih in ekonomskih razmerij postaja vse
bolj pomemben dejavnik v
mednarodnih odnosih, zato
v nekaterih državah že potekajo resne razprave o uvedbi
kitajščine kot tujega jezika v
osnovne in srednje šole. Že
lani je švedski minister za
izobraževanje izrazil namero,
da bi Švedska postala prva evropska država, kjer bi lahko na
ravni osnovnega in srednjega
šolstva poučevali kitajski jezik.
Ocenil je, da bi s tem povečali
konkurenčnost države.
Tudi v Sloveniji v zadnjem
obdobju teče premislek, kako
učenje kitajščine sistemsko
urediti. Na dveh osnovnih šolah
in gimnaziji v Ljubljani namreč
poučujejo kitajščino v okviru
interesnih dejavnosti. To je
bil tudi povod za poslansko
vprašanje, ki ga je poslanec
Samo Bevk naslovil na ministra za izobraževanje, znanost,
kulturo in šport dr. Žigo Turka.
Ministra med drugim sprašuje,
katere aktivnosti načrtuje
ministrstvo za večjo dostopnost kitajščine v programih
izobraževanja pri nas, kako
bo zmanjševanje sredstev za
izobraževanje (na vseh ravneh)
vplivalo na izvedbo programa
kitajščine kot izbirnega predmeta v šolskem letu 2013/14 in
kako bodo zagotovili zadostno
število ustrezno usposobljenega pedagoškega kadra.
Samo Bevk pozdravlja vpis Idrije na listo UNESCA
HEADLINE: Samo Bevk is saluting the registration of Idrija on the
TOPIC: Samo Bevk, a former mayor,
member of Parliament and member of
the Slovenian National Commission for
UNESCO, prepared a special statement
for the public regarding the news that
UNESCO has registered Idrija and
Almaden on its world heritage list. Bevk
stated that registration of Idrija on this
prestigious list represents an achievement for Slovenia’s cultural policy and
monument protection branch.
This success also means that our
country and the local community should
realize the obligation of the Slovenian
government when they decided that it
was necessary to preserve the cultural
history of the Idrija mercury mine and
designed a program for managing
Idrija’s cultural and natural history.
Nekdanji župan, poslanec in član
Slovenske nacionalne komisije za Unesco
Samo Bevk je ob novici, da je Unesco
vpisal Idrijo in Almaden na listo svetovne
dediščine, javnosti namenil posebno izjavo. V njej ugotavlja, da »vpis Idrije na ta
prestižni seznam pomeni izjemen dosežek
spomeniško varstvene stroke ter kulturne
politike pri promociji naše kulturne in
naravoslovne dediščine. Prav tako pa ta
uspeh še toliko bolj zavezuje tudi našo
državo in lokalno skupnost, da uresničita
vse zaveze Vlade Republike Slovenije z
dne 24. decembra 2009, ko je sklenila, da
je potrebno ohraniti kulturno dediščino in
blagovno znamko Rudnika živega srebra
Japonska soja na ptujskih njivah
HEADLINE: Japanese
soya beans in Ptuj’s fields
TOPIC: In the fields of
the Biotechnical School in
Ptuj, three original varieties
of Japanese soya beans were
planted as an experiment to
determine if the Slovenian
soil and climate is suitable for
these plants. During a recent
inspection of the crop, all
involved in this experiment
were very pleased with the
The experiment was suggested by a Japanese family
who can’t get soya cheese or
tofu in Slovenia that hasn’t
been genetically engineered.
The family said that growing
these varieties of soya beans
and making tofu from them
could be an excellent business
The Ptuj Biotechnical
School has its own property
in Turnišče near Ptuj. Their
agricultural education program includes trial tests of
various field produce from
wheat to barley, and they also
accepted with pleasure the
opportunity to sow three different varieties of soya beans.
Na posestvu Biotehnične
šole Ptuj so poskusno posejali
tri originalne japonske sorte
soje, da bi preverili, ali jim ustrezata slovensko podnebje in
zemlja. Pri ogledu posevka so
bili zadovoljni vsi člani posebnega konzorcija za spremljanje
tega poskusa.
Pobuda je prišla iz ene od
japonskih družin, ki v Sloveniji
ne dobi sojinega sira ali tofuja
iz gensko nespremenjene soje,
poleg tega so ugotovili, da bi
pridelave takšne soje iz izdelava takšnega tofuja lahko bila
odlična poslovna priložnost.
Ptujska biotehnična šola ima
svoje šolsko posestvo na
Turnišču pri Ptuju, v neposredni bližini tamkajšnjega gradu.
Na njivah že okviru rednega izobraževanja poljedelstva s poskusi preiskušajo
različne poljščine od pšenice
do ječmena, zato so z veseljem
V lov za morskimi kristali
HEADLINE: In the hunt for sea
TOPIC: The first salt collection
was made this year at the Sečovlje Salt
Works Regional Park. Despite the nice
sunny days, Production Manager Dario
Sau said that collecting salt is always
like the lottery: you never know when
a summer storm will destroy all of the
Workers collected 4,300 tons of
salt last year in the Sečovlje salt pond,
registering the best salt season in the
last decade.
V Krajinskem parku Sečoveljske soline
so opravili prvo letošnjo slano bero. Čeprav
gre sončno vreme solinarjem na roko,
pa vodja pridelave Dario Sau izkušeno
doda, da je pobiranje soli vselej loterija,
Idrija ter izdelati program celovitega upravljanja kulturne in naravne dediščine v
Idriji in ustanoviti Center za upravljanje
z dediščino živega srebra Idrija. V vrsti
čaka kar nekaj predlogov od Krasa, opusa
arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika do Partizanske
bolnišnice Franje. Na področju nesnovne
dediščine pa Škofjeloški pasijon, cerkljanska laufarija, orači iz Okiča, idrijska čipka
in drugi.« Samo Bevk se je zavzel za to, da
bi nove nominacije brez odlašanja začeli
pripravljati takoj. Po njegovem mnenju bi
se moral Urad za Unesco v okviru Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo
in šport kadrovsko okrepiti in dobiti status
osrednjega organa, ki naj koordinira in
izvaja Unescovo Konvencijo o varstvu
svetovne kulturne in naravne dediščine.
saj nikoli ne veš, kdaj bo kak poletni naliv
uničil vloženi trud.
Dario Sau potrjuje, da se je solni cvet,
ki velja za najbolj žlahten in v kulinariki
izjemno cenjen morski kristal, že pojavil
na površju solnih bazenov.
Lani so v Sečoveljskih solinah nagrabili
4300 ton soli in tako ustvarili najboljšo
sezono v zadnjem desetletju.
Predvideva, da ga bodo solinarji začeli
grabiti prav te dni, saj do zdaj pogoji za
njegovo pobiranje niso bili dovolj stabilni.
“Zdaj smo v fazi začetka kristalizacije, kar
je dober znak, le potrpežljivi moramo biti
in počakati na pravi trenutek,” je zadovoljen Sau. Pravi, da se sicer soočajo z
enomesečno zamudo pri zagonu pridelave
soli (lani je prva sol kristalizirala že 25.
maja), kar pa dolgoročno menda ne bo
vplivalo na njihovo delo in uspešnost
solinarske sezone. Sau pričakuje, da bodo
v nekaj dneh prešli v polno proizvodnjo,
ko bodo na vseh 30 poljih pograbili po
več kot sto ton soli na dan.
Največ težav so imeli z utrjevanjem
podlage v bazenih, saj so jim deževni
dnevi, ki jih prejšnji mesec ni manjkalo,
večkrat prekinjali delovni vsakdan. “Smo
pa k sreči v tem času uspeli nakopičiti
dobro zalogo skoraj nasičenih slanic, kar
bo precej skrajšalo potek kristalizacijskega
postopka,” še napoveduje Sau.
Gospa Zajčeva sosedi: “Moj sin je
zdaj na univerzi.” - “A tako? Kaj pa
študira?” - “ Ne študira, popravlja
sprejeli tudi poskusni posevek
treh sort soje.
Po poldrugem mesecu ji
dobro kaže, pravi profesor
ptujske šole Janez Fakin
in z zadovoljstvom pokaže
krepke rastline. Če bo jesenko
pospravljanje stročnic dalo
dobre rezultate, bi sojo lahko
začeli pridelovati na večjih
površinah. Projektni konzorcij
vodi dr. Aleš Kuhar z ljubljanske biotehnične fakultete,
sodelujejo pa še ptujsko znanstveno raziskovalno središče
Bistra in Kmetijsko gozdarski
zavod Maribor; celotem konzorcij pa deluje s strokovnjaki
z Japonske, še posebno zaradi
tega, ker bi sojo v Sloveniji
pridelovali po vseh pravilih
biološke pridelave. Samo
takšna je namreč cenjena na
Japonskem in pri Japoncih po
svetu. Na Madžarskem in v
Italiji so takšno sojo že začeli
pridelovati in vso izvozijo na
daljni vzhod, za lastne potrebe
pa državi uvažata gensko
spremenjeno sojo iz Združenih
držav Amerike ali Argentine,
ki sta največji pridelovalki
takšne soje. V Sloveniji zdaj na
kakšnih sto hektarih pridelamo
od 200 do 300 ton soje, ki
jo porabimo predvsem za
živinsko krmo.
Tradicija opekarstva
ne gre v pozabo
HEADLINE: The tradition of brick making will not
fall into oblivion
TOPIC: So that the art
and tradition of tilery will
never be forgotten, the Zarja
Cultural-Tourist Association
arranged the Tilery Days in
Bilje. Many visitors walked
along the abandoned clay
surfaces, and in the temporary clay museum in Bilje
they were able to see how
bricks were made in the
past. Under the guidance of
local ceramics association
members, children were
able to make products from
clay. In connection with this
multi-day arrangement, the
“Tilery in Goriško” exhibition opened at the Gorica
Z opekarskimi dnevi, ki
jih je pripravilo Kulturnoturistično društvo Zarja, se v
Biljah trudijo, da opekarska
tradicija ne bo pozabljena.
Mnogi so se sprehodili
po opuščenih glinokopih, v
začasnem opekarskem muzeju
in v živo v frnaži v Biljah so
spoznavali, kako so včasih
izdelovali zidake, otroci so
pod vodstvom domačega
društva keramikov ustvarjali
izdelke iz gline, društvi žena
in upokojencev sta pripravili
frnažarsko malico, mogoče je
bilo poskusiti tudi frnažarski
krompir. V okviru večdnevne
prireditve so med drugim v
Goriški knjižnici odprli razstavo Opekarsko na Goriškem
skozi fotografski objektiv in
likovno oblikovanje, v TIC
Temnica predstavili knjigo
Revalorizacija frnaže v Biljah,
v domu krajanov Bilje pa so
pripravili predavanje Ptice iz
Vipavske doline in na ogled
postavili dela slikark iz Bilj
in okolice.
Opojna sivka navdušuje v več različicah
HEADLINE: Ravishing
lavender is inspiring in numerous varieties
TOPIC: Even though
these are hard times for agriculture, the organizers of
this year’s Lavender Festival
proved that more and more
people from the Karst see
a business challenge in this
plant. Additionally, there is
a more and more colorful
pallet of lavender products
available, as well as greater
demand from customers.
Recently, the Ivanji Grad
village again smelled and
glowed of the azure colors
of lavender. This traditional
lavender festival attracted
more than a thousand visitors from near and far to this
small village in the Karst.
Visitors were able to see the
harvest of this ravishingly
fragrant plant, to participate
in a variety of workshops
(use of lavender in cooking,
aromatic lavender therapy,
soap making and others), to
enjoy a youth music festival,
to stroll along local walking
paths, or simply to visit the
Foreign visitors were
particularly pleased with
the event. “Friends from
Slovenia who participated
in these events in previous
years inspired me to visit the
Karst. We don’t have events
like this, but I use lavender
in cosmetics and to soothe
minor health problems. For
this reason, a lavender soap
souvenir will go home with
me,” said Bryce Maynard
from the United States.
From modest beginnings,
there are now more than
60,000 lavender bushes growing in the Karst.
Težkim časom navkljub, ki
botrujejo kmetijstvu, so nosilci
letošnjega festivala sivke dokazali, da v tej rastlini vse več
Kraševcev vidi poslovni izziv.
Dodatno ga bogati čedalje
bolj pestra paleta izdelkov iz
sivke in predvsem vse večje
povpraševanje kupcev.
Pred tedni je ves Ivanji Grad
spet dišal in utripal v sinjih
barvah sivke. Tradicionalni
festival sivke je v ta mali kraj na
Krasu od blizu in daleč privabil
več kot tisoč obiskovalcev. V
živo so si ogledali žetev te opojno dišeče rastline, njeno destilacijo, se udeležili delavnic
(o sivki v kulinariki, aromaterapiji s sivko, izdelovanju
mila in druge) in masaže,
fotografskega natečaja, mladinskega glasbenega festivala,
rekreacije po okoliških poteh
ali pa zgolj ogleda tržnice.
“Pred leti sem bila v Provansi
in tokratni vtisi s kraško sivko
so podobni tamkajšnjim. Kot
farmacevtka opažam, da gredo
sivkini izdelki tudi pri nas vse
bolj v prodajo,” je povedala ena
od obiskovalk, Jasna Majdič
iz Kranja. Zadovoljni so bili
tudi obiskovalci iz tujine “Za
obisk Krasa so me navdušili
prijatelji iz Slovenije, ki so se
teh dogodkov udeleževali že
prejšnja leta. Česa podobnega
pri nas nimamo, sam pa sivko
uporabljam v kozmetiki in za
blažitev manjših zdravstvenih
težav. Zato bo z mano odšel
spomin v obliki sivkinega
mila,” je dodal Bryce Maynard
iz ZDA.
“Iz skromnih začetkov sedaj
beležimo že več kot 60.000
sivkinih grmičkov na Krasu.
Ker je interes po zasaditvi te
dišavnice tudi od drugod, je
nujno, da se še bolj povezujemo
in si izmenjujemo izkušnje,” je
vlogo povezovalca “sivkarjev”
predstavil Bogdan Križman.
Letos sta pri pripravi festivala združila moči zlasti Križman
in Tanja Arandjelović, promotorka te nove kmetijske
kulture na Krasu.“Čeprav v
naših vrstah pogrešamo tudi
strokovnjake, smo zadovoljni,
da se zanimanje za sivko na
Krasu širi tako med študenti,
ki o njej že pišejo diplome, kot
tudi med domačini. Najnovejša
taka izkušnja je s sosedom
kmetom. Za steljo živini je
namreč uporabil tudi sivko, ki
ostane po destilaciji, kar mu
je omililo smrad in pregnalo
muhe iz hleva,” o novosti pove
Žetev sivke na Krasu
je bila prvič že leta 2008,
leto prej pa sta Križman in
Arandjelovićeva zasadila prvi
sivkin nasad na Krasu.
KOPIRNI STROJ - Direktor stoji pred uničevalcem
dokumentov s šopom papirjev v rokah. Mimo pride
uslužbenka in vpraša: “Lahko kaj pomagam?” Direktor:
“Moja tajnica je na bolniški, pa ne vem, kako to deluje?”
- “Preprosto”, pravi uslužbenka, “vtaknite papirje režo
in poženete stroj”. Ko je stroj končal, direktor reče: “
Pa je res preprosto. In kje so zdaj kopije?”
Policisti si bodo pomagali z mobilno policijsko postajo
HEADLINE: Policemen will get
help from a mobile police station
TOPIC: During the summer
months when Koper police have the
most work because of tourism and
a large number of visitors, a new
mobile police station will lighten
their load. The mobile police station, which for now is the only one
in Slovenia, will remain in Koper
until the end of October. The mobile
station was recently introduced at
the police station in Moretini near
This mobile police station, which
arrived to Koper from Kranj, will
make it possible for greater police
presence and visibility in tourist
areas, and in those surroundings
where fewer police officers are
present because of a limited staff.
The mobile police station will assure the policemen more mobility,
as it will be used at mass sporting,
musical and cultural events. Besides
a computer and telephone, the
station is equipped with a radio
connection, and depending on the
situation there will be one, two or
even more police officers traveling
with this mobile station.
Policistom koprske policijske
uprave bo v poletnih mesecih, ko so
zaradi turizma in večjega števila obiskovalcev najbolj obremenjeni, delo
olajšala mobilna policijska postaja.
Postajo, ki je za zdaj edina v Sloveniji,
v Kopru pa bo do konca oktobra, so
predstavili danes na policijski postaji
v Moretinih pri Ankaranu.
Mobilna policijska postaja, ki
je v Koper pripotovala iz Kranja, bo
koprskim policistom omogočila večjo
prisotnost in vidnost v turističnih
krajih in v tistih okoljih, kjer so
zaradi omejenega števila kadra manj
prisotni, je pojasnil vodja sektorja
uniformirane policije Danimir Rebec.
Na to, da si želijo večje prisotnosti
policistov, jih po njegovih besedah v
določenih okoljih pogosto opomnijo
kar krajani sami.
Potreba po drugačni obliki dela se
je po besedah direktorja Policijske
uprave Koper Božidarja Štembergerja
pokazala že pred časom, ko so na
območju koprske policijske uprave
ukinili nekaj policijskih postaj in
nadomestili s pisarnami. Povedal
je, da želijo ohraniti čim boljši stik
z občani in jim omogočiti čim bolj
dostopne storitve, pri čemer jim bo
postaja v pomoč. “Naša želja je, da
smo čim več na terenu in ne sedimo
v pisarnah. Če sedimo v policijski
pisarni, nismo neposredno med ljudmi
in tu se učinek mobilne pisarne kompenzira,” je poudaril.
Postaja bo policistom zagotovila
večjo mobilnost, uporabljali jo bodo
tudi na množičnih športnih, glasbenih
ali kulturnih prireditvah. Če bo pri-
hajalo do kršitev, bodo postopke s
kršitelji in administrativne naloge
izvedli neposredno na terenu. Prav
tako bodo kazensko ovadbo lahko
neposredno na terenu podale morebitne žrtve kaznivih dejanj. Poleg
mobilnega računalnika in telefona
je postaja opremljena še z radijsko
zvezo, odvisno od namena uporabe
pa bodo v posadki eden, dva ali več
BUČKO - Bučko piše domov:
“Dragi starši! Že dolgo nimam
nobenih vesti od doma, prosim
pošljite mi dvesto evrov, tako da
bom vedel, da vam gre dobro...”
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Enjoy the annual Slovenian Picnic with Lodge 738 Help a longtime
Lodge 738 President
ENUMCLAW, Wash. — This
year’s annual Slovenian Picnic,
hosted by Mt. Rainier Lodge 738,
will again be held at the private and
well­-equipped Mountain Crest Memorial Park on Sunday, Aug. 12. The
park is located near Cumberland at
36424-312th Ave. S.E., on the way
to Lake Walker. Most activity will
occur between noon and 4 p.m., but
we have reserved the area for the
entire day. Come as early as you
like and stay as late as you want to
help us celebrate our rich Slovenian
Everyone with an interest in
Slovenia is welcome to attend, es-
pecially members of SNPJ Lodge
371 and Slovenian Women’s Union
Branch 79. Join us for Slovenian
klobase, wine, potica, live music,
dancing, great conversation and
many new friends in a beautiful
outdoor setting! Bring whichever
potluck dish you enjoy most, and
maybe a lawn chair for comfort.
BYOB if you’d like; there’s no problem imbibing, just have a designated
driver for everyone’s safety.
There is plenty of parking, easy
level access, shelter from any inclement weather, clean restrooms
and electrical outlets. Maps and
directions are available on our
Lodge website, www.angelfire.com/
from the
Reveliers Lodge
Lodge 33 Secretary/Treasurer
AMBRIDGE, Pa. — I just returned from
another wonderful Slovenefest and, once
again, it has been added to my list of favorite
The camaraderie, ethnic pride, friendship,
music and fun are witness as to why folks
return each year. It’s always a pleasure to
meet up with friends from the past, and it
serves as an opportunity to reconnect to our
roots while making new friends along the
way. You can’t help but be happy when those
polkas are echoing throughout the grounds
and the summer sun is kissing your cheeks.
Slovenefest is the place to be in July for sure!
I am always thrilled when a former Youth
Roundup camper or counselor takes the time
to acknowledge me, and then sings a camp
Badger Jabber
by Bob Smole
Lodge 584
Milwaukee — The Badger
Lodge 584 meeting for the month of
July was held July 11. The meeting
was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
Lodge President Bro. Tim Donovan.
A moment of silence was observed for
deceased member Sis. Mary Remic
who passed away July 8 at Woodland
Village Nursing Home at the age of 97.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Recording Secretary
Sis. Mary Donovan and accepted as
read. Financial Secretary/Treasurer
Bro. Jeff Mlaker did not attend this
meeting since he was on a family
vacation in Florida; hence, there was
no treasurer’s report.
A written report from Young Adult
delegate Bro. Jeremy Gorgas was read
by President Donovan. Bro. Gorgas
expressed his gratitude to the Badger
Lodge for nominating him and giving
him the opportunity to attend the 2012
conference at the SNPJ Recreation
Center. Bro. Gorgas also detailed his
member mark a
milestone birthday
Lodge 53
Live music, good food and the opportunity to socialize are
all part of the annual Slovenian Picnic hosted by Mt. Rainier
Lodge 738, scheduled Aug. 12 this year.
song from long ago! It was great seeing so
many of these adults who were once my
SNPJ “kids.” You all have a special place in
my heart. Thanks for sharing that Slovenian
love. I admire all of you.
The Recreation Center is “home” to many.
Generations of families become addicted
to its beautiful surroundings, as well as the
tranquility of its soul.
Warmest congratulations to our newest Miss SNPJ, who was crowned over
Slovenefest weekend. Kristen Cushman,
a member of Lodge 138, is the next young
lady to represent our Society while wearing the queen’s crown. Best wishes to her
throughout her reign.
Miss SNPJ 2012 Danielle Brand (6)
made us swell with fraternal pride as she
presented her farewell speech. She did a
splendid job and wore her crown with the
utmost excitement.
Both of these fine young ladies are passionate about their heritage and it shows.
We are thrilled to have them as SNPJ representatives. All of the girls did a great job
in the pageant, and it brings joy to many of
us who watch it each year.
We hope to see many members at the upcoming Fraternal Weekend Aug. 17-18. It sure
participation in various activities, one
being the completion of about 100
Hero Packages that were sent to our
armed forces.
A discussion and report on the
upcoming Badger Lodge annual
picnic, scheduled Sunday, July 29, at
Root River Park, followed. Bro. Tim
and Sis. Mary Donovan indicated that
there were 29 members registered to
attend, and they where hoping for
more to register in the near future.
Slovenian sausages were to be ordered
for this event.
A report regarding the progress of
Sis. Bernice Poklar was read by Sis.
Donovan as submitted by Bernice’s
daughter, Sis. Sue Mouthey. Sis.
Poklar (584) continues her rehab as
an inpatient at Heritage Square, 5404
W. Loomis Road, Greendale, WI
53129, following her surgery. She is
doing well and is accepting calls and
visitors. Things seem to get better
when you have caring friends and
family around. I’m sure she would
appreciate a card or a call to assist in
her long road to recovery.
The traditional birthday song was
song to guest attendee Sue Lesar, wife
of Bro. Don Lesar. Two attendance
looks like a weekend chock-full of fun, and
Fraternal Director Kevin Richards always
makes sure everyone has a great time. He has
an inviting agenda planned. The weekend is
an opportunity to get together with new and
old friends for enjoyment at the Recreation
Center. Our “little Slovenian paradise” has
so much to offer, and we need to partake in
these events to show our appreciation and
support of this home away from home.
Please mark your calendar for the upcoming Reveliers meeting on Aug. 13 at 6 p.m.
This meeting will be held at the home of
President Dave Pendel. If you need directions
or information, please call Lodge Secretary
Chris Petukauskas at (724) 869-0530. We
welcome any potential new members to join
us and help plan the next events for Lodge 33.
Speaking of next events, look for more
information on our second annual Pig Roast
coming up in October. We will keep you posted as the date draws closer so you know what
to look forward to from our Lodge. We can
promise two things for sure: good food and
great music! Stay tuned for more information.
Summer is moving along quickly, so savor
each moment. Until we meet again, stay
happy and healthy, and keep those polkas
in your heart.
awards were drawn prior to adjournment, the winners of which were Bro.
Tom Gehm and Sis. Fanny Smole.
The meeting was adjourned, and
Kitchen Committee member Sis. Toni
Needham and coffee brewer Bro. Bob
Alpner sprang into action preparing
the evening’s dessert offerings.
The Badger Lodge will hold its annual ice cream social during the next
regular meeting that will take place
on the second Thursday of August,
Aug. 9, at Mary Queen of Heaven
Church Hall, 2360 S. 106 St. in West
Allis. The meeting will start at 7:30
p.m. with “all members screaming
for ice cream” to follow the regular
order of business.
Come out and join the social. This
one is pretty well attended because of
the talent it takes to put together your
favorite special sundae and show it
off. What you make is yours to eat!
Ice cream and all the toppings, plus
more, will be provided by the Lodge.
Partake! We’ll see you all there.
As I mentioned previously, longtime SNPJ Badger Lodge member
Sis. Mary “Mim” Remic (nee Starich)
passed away Sunday, July 8, at the
Woodland Village Nursing Home in
1. Substitute for currency
6. Sound meant to scare
9. 3rd behind Bonds and Aaron
13.1836 Texas battle
14.Romanian monetary unit
15.Knight’s breastplate
16.Most famous Bolshevik?
17.Food morsel
18.Turns sharply
19.*Small application
21.______ toward or aimed at
23.Poetic even
24.Thunderstorm sight
25.Beaver’s creation
28.“Never” without n
35.“Without further ____”, pl.
37.Miners’ bounty, pl.
39.Make happy
40.Domestic animal shelter
41.Writer Asimov
43.Russian governmental agency
44.One way to get to top
47.Poor neighborhood
48.Declare as true
50.Unoffensive manner
52.“But I heard him exclaim, ___
he drove out of sight, Merry Christmas to all...”
(#1512) by StatePoint Media
53.Under this in court
55.One from Laos
57.Native American tradition
60.*It’s often used in verb form
63.Pepsi and Coke
64.___ of Aquarius
66.Relating to the ilium
68.Skirt shape
69.Overnight stop
70.Vigorous fight
71.*Way to be heard
72.Pecan, e.g.
73.Lock of hair
1. Salt in Spanish
2. Ball of yarn
3. Raja’s wife
4. Polyimide or carbodiimide, e.g.
5. Type of silk cloth
6. Pat dry
7. Poetic over
8. Money paid out
9. Samuel Adams, e.g.
10.“A Death in the Family” author,
James ____
11.Charlie “____” Parker
12.It turns host into hostess
15.*Virtual you
20.Short stanza at end of poem
25.Capital of Bangladesh
26.Infamous Nazi
27.Paisley, e.g.
31.Directed, produced, written by
Warren Beatty
32.Immature ovum
33.Longest human bone
34.*Express outrage
38.John Galsworthy’s Forsyte
42._____-cross bicycling
49.Communist Zedong
51.Tao follower
54.Writer Clemens’ nom de plume
57.Gallup’s inquiry
59.Designer Vera
60.Belgian port
63.Metered ride
The solution to puzzle #1512 will
run in the Aug. 8 issue.
Lodge 153 members
have much to celebrate
Lodge 153
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — The Lodge 153 May
meeting was held at Shepherd of the Valley in Poland,
Ohio. The call to order was followed by a roll call of
officers and a reading of the minutes from the previous meeting.
April and May birthday wishes went out to Chris
Crnic, Stephen Pavlich and Morgan Soroka. Morgan
attends DePaul University in Chicago where she is
majoring in business administration.
Congratulations to Daniel Soroka on his graduation
from high school in June. Daniel plans to attend Ohio
State University in Columbus, Ohio, to pursue a degree
in Engineering. Morgan and Daniel are the children
of Joyce and Rob Soroka, and the grandchildren of
Sophie Pavlich.
Christopher Smallwood recently competed in a
piano recital. Christopher is the son of Bob and Jennifer
Smallwood, and the great-grandson of Sophie Pavlich.
Congratulations to Ed and Antoinette Steinke, Andy
and Jean Kohler, and Joe and Dee Mackos on celebrating anniversaries in the months of May and June.
Please be sure to mark your calendar for our upcoming meetings, scheduled Aug. 21 and Nov. 20.
Crivitz, Wis., at the age of 97. Sis.
Remic was the wife of the late Walter
John Remic, and together they operated Remic’s Alleys in Milwaukee
until 1949. They moved to Crooked
Lake and opened Remic’s Diamond
Resort which they ran for 45 years.
Mary was active in the Crooked
Lake Rescue Squad and the Crooked
Lake Fire Department, and as a
member of SNPJ Badger Lodge
584. She was preceded in death by
her husband, Walter; four brothers,
Tony (Mary), Frank (Tinie), Edward
(Angie) and Stanley (Mary); and a
sister, Steff (Louie) Bashel. She is
survived by three daughters, Marilyn
(Ed) Kastelic, Rosalie (Bill) Flynn and
Janet (Terry) Kazik; one son, Wally
(Terry) Remic Jr.; 12 grandchildren
and 23 great-grandchildren. Farewell,
Sis. Mary Remic.
The UWM Slovene Arts Program
will be sponsoring a summer concert
Saturday, Aug. 18, featuring Mi Smo
Mi, a men’s a capella singing group
from Cleveland. The concert will be
performed at the UWM Zelazo Center,
2419 E. Kenwood Blvd. in Milwaukee, starting at 7:30 p.m. The cost is
$10 for general admission, which will
PROSVETA Crossword
The Internet
SHARON, Pa. — Sis. Fran Nespor, a member of
SNPJ Lodge 31 and former Youth Circle 19 director,
will be celebrating her 100th birthday at the Sharon
Slovenian Home. Sis. Nespor has been an active SNPJ
member for many years and has developed friendships
throughout the Society. Please help Fran celebrate
this milestone birthday by sending a card to Cimperman Photography, Attn: Fran Nespor, 33 Vine Ave.,
Sharon, PA 16146.
© StatePoint Media
include a reception social following
the concert.
A bus has been arranged for those
who prefer not to drive, departing from
the St. John’s Church parking lot on
84th and Cold Spring. Pick up time is
6:30 p.m., and the bus will return to
St. John’s at about 10:30. Tickets can
be purchased from any Arts Council
member. For additional information,
the bus schedule and registration,
please contact Dolores Ivanchich at
(414) 529-2918.
Other dates to mark on you calendars include the first four Mondays in
October (Oct. 1, 8, 15 and 22) when
the UWM Slovene Arts Program will
host free (yes, that’s free!) Slovenian
language classes. These classes will be
held at the West Allis Public Library
on 75th and W. National Ave.
Millie Mursec, who has handled
Slovenian language classes in the past,
will be the instructor. With her expert
knowledge of the Slovenian language,
she is most certainly very qualified
for the task. For more information
regarding these classes and registration, please contact Sis. MaryCay
Freiberg at (414) 778-1464. It’s not
too early to sign up for these classes.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Wedding memories relived
at Samsula Lodge 603
Lodge 603
Lodge 603 was the setting for
another milestone celebration
on July 1 when members Pauline and Robert “Bob” Jontes
Sr. celebrated their 65-year
wedding anniversary with
relatives and friends. They observed their actual anniversary
date on June 13 at the Lodge
hall when Samsula Woman’s
Club President Ruth E. McCormack surprised Pauline
with a floral arrangement to
commemorate the occasion.
Pauline and Bob were married
at our Lodge hall June 13, 1947.
The 65th anniversary decorations carried out the original
wedding theme. The celebration could not be held on the
original wedding date because
their daughter and son-in-law,
Carol and Fred Strack, reside
in California and needed to
make arrangements at their job
sites. They were present for the
celebration, along with Carol’s
brothers, Robert Jr. “Bobby”
and Steve, who live in Samsula.
Pauline is the daughter of
Jessie and John Klun. The
family lived in DeLand, Fla.,
until moving to Samsula in
1942. Pauline was in the 11th
grade at New Smyrna Beach
High School when she met Bob.
The two became inseparable
and have remained together
ever since.
Bob is the son of Martin
and Christine Jontes, who
moved from McKeesport, Pa.,
to Samsula in 1926. Christine
was a charter member and officer of our Lodge; she enrolled
Bob in the Lodge when he was
a year old.
The Jontes’ grandchildren
and great-grandchildren were
in attendance, along with
nearly a hundred guests. The
celebration was catered by
Pauline Lockwood of Pauline’s
Cakes and Catering, Samsula.
Bob talked about the night
he and Pauline were married
and how they loved to dance.
I was thrilled that he gave my
father, Joe Tomazin Jr., so
much credit. Bob said, “Your
dad played the concertina all
night for us and never took a
break. He just kept on playing.” Ted Klun was Bob’s best
man at the wedding and Elsie
Galbreath was matron of honor
for Pauline.
Jontes Farm became a
household name in this area of
Slovenian farming. Customers
would line up at the farm each
News from
Here & There
by Grace Doerk
Lodge 559
CHICAGO — Here we go again, more
90-degree temperatures are predicted. It
isn’t bad enough that it’s hard to keep the
house cool, but then our air conditioning
went out and we really felt the heat. They
say when it rains it pours; well, the next
day two of our televisions went out of
service. What’s next, we ask?
It is kind of out of the ordinary to celebrate the Fourth of July in the middle of
the week, but still many families gathered.
The holiday was the first time that the water
in our lake was ideal for swimming, and
the temperature here topped 102 degrees.
There weren’t as many fireworks this year
because of the dry conditions, but our
division had plenty. It was so nice to sit
outside and view the fireworks displays
put on by our neighbors.
We are sorry to report that Conrad Ladstatter (559) passed away after a long, hard
struggle. He joined SNPJ in May 1944,
and his departure leaves a void at Lodge
559. Conrad’s daughter, Anita Vitous,
has served as Lodge 559 secretary since
January 2006. Our sincerest sympathy to
his family and friends.
Christmas arriving early
for Loyalites Lodge 158
Lodge 158
Lodge 603 members ROBERT and PAULINE JONTES
celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary July 1 at the Lodge
603 Hall, the site of their wedding.
day after the sweet corn crop
was picked. Demand was so
high that people would often be
disappointed when there wasn’t
enough corn to go around, but
they would return the next day
to make their purchase. Jontes
Farm also sold a variety of vegetables including onions, kale,
collard greens and black-eyed
peas. Many years ago, the Jonteses also owned and operated
greenhouses of hydroponic
tomatoes and cucumbers. In
addition to their store, they
delivered their crops to local
and out-of-town locations.
Now retired, Bob and Pauline enjoy time with family
and friends. An avid musi-
Slovene Pensioners Club members
enjoyed an indoor picnic July 11. Many
members were absent, mostly due to illness, and there was so much food that many
were able to take some home. We hope that
our sunshine girl, Florence Rogel, will be
feeling better soon. The next meeting will
be held Aug. 8 at the American Legion
Hall starting at noon. It’s never too late
to join this club.
The Joliet Pensioners Club typically
has about 250 in attendance. This month’s
meeting also featured an indoor picnic.
Lodge 559 members held their monthly
meeting July 13. We were very happy to
see Kaitlin Chiappetta and her mother,
Melanie Matiasek, in attendance. Kaitlin,
who was our representative to the Young
Adult Conference, gave a nice report of the
conference and said she had a good time.
After the reading of minutes and the
financial report, Secretary Anita Vitous
gave a report on a letter sent to her by SNPJ
National Secretary Karen Pintar. About 10
Lodges have raised funds that were given
to various organizations. Sis. Pintar urged
everyone attending Slovenefest to visit the
SNPJ Heritage Center. Our semiannual
audit will take place in August.
It was reported that Anthony J. Ferrero,
son-in-law of the late Wilma Scordato;
Conrad Ladstatter; and Joan Marie Crotty
of Joliet, Ill.; passed away during the
month. Our sincerest sympathy to their
families. John Vrchota from Villa Park,
Ill., was recognized as a 50-year member,
cian, Bob continues to play
the accordion, violin, button
box and harmonica. Pauline
spends her time reading, bird
watching and participating
as a longtime member of the
Samsula Woman’s Club.
Don’t forget, the Jennie and
John Luznar and Mary and
Frank Luznar family reunion
is planned the first Saturday in
August starting at 11 a.m. Barbecued chicken will be served
at the Lodge hall. All attending
are asked to bring photographs
and memorabilia to share, and
don’t forget a covered dish or
two. Bill Tomazin is serving
as the chairman of this Aug.
4 reunion.
and Myra Andres Fisher from Woodland,
Calif., as a 60-year member.
The Slovene Cultural Center acknowledged our $50 donation. Otto Doerk, our
Lodge delegate to the Chicago Federation,
announced that the Federation’s next
meeting was scheduled July 27, and urged
everyone to attend the Aug. 19 dinner
dance at the Slovene Cultural Center.
Lodge President Jean Cherway announced the following dates to remember:
Aug. 12 for the Slovene Cultural Center
annual picnic, Aug. 19 for the Chicago
Federation dinner dance, and Dec. 14
for the Lodge 559 Christmas party at the
Plaza Restaurant.
President Cherway also announced
a Lodge 559 outing to see the Maxwell
Band at Silver Lake Country Club on Oct.
24. The cost of this activity is $35; money
will be collected at the August meeting.
We are sorry to report that member
Chester Matiasek is in the hospital. We
hope he is released soon.
Otto and I attended our first picnic of
the season at the Slovene Cultural Center,
an activity hosted by Slovene Women’s
Union Branch #2. The day was hot and
humid, which I think stopped a lot of
people from venturing out. Vince Rigler
(449) entertained that afternoon, and we
were happy to see Justina Dabrowski
and her son Edward Dabrowski (449) in
attendance, as well as Conrad Novak (1).
Well, that’s about it for this issue. Until
next time, enjoy your summer!
SNPJ Recommender Program
I would like to introduce
for SNPJ membership
Please contact:___________________________________________
The SNPJ Recommender Program provides an opportunity for adult members
to encourage family, friends, children and
acquaintances to join the Slovene National
Benefit Society and take advantage of SNPJ’s
competitive products and numerous fraternal benefits. Not only will you be helping a
friend and strengthening our Society, you’ll
also be receiving benefits yourself.
Recommender Benefits
• Receive $10 for each valid referral submitted.
• Every valid referral earns the recommender
one chance in the Quarterly Drawing for an
opportunity to win $100.
• Every valid referral also earns the recommender
one chance in the Year-end Drawing for an
opportunity to win $500 cash.
By submitting one valid referral,
you have the opportunity to earn
a total of $610 in cash prizes!
(Parent or guardian if under age 18)
EUCLID, Ohio — The Lodge
158 July meeting was pretty
quiet. The main discussion
focused on our July 29 picnic
at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland,
Ohio. Once again, this will
be “Christmas in July.” Santa
will be riding in on his summer sleigh around 4 p.m. The
kitchen will open at 2 p.m., and
the Don Wojtila Orchestra and
The Hobos will perform from
3 to 7 p.m.
Kelly and Kirk Abraham
recently celebrated their 14th
anniversary. Happy 16th anniversary to Stephen and Karen
Godec. Karen also celebrated
her birthday. They are the son
and daughter-in-law of Eileen
Markusic and reside in Houston, Texas.
Congratulations to Jenna
Wojtila and Cory Smith who
were recently engaged. The
Wojtila family is very excited
to welcome Cory to the family.
We wish Janet Tordolino
a happy 61st birthday. Ruth
Prelock’s grandsons, members
Brendon and Sean Cogan, will
be celebrating their birthdays
in August. Pat Nevar, Chris
Heinz and John Vasilko will
have birthday cake in August
as well.
Ashley Nicole Rideout,
g r a nd aug ht er of JoA n n
Jamison, graduated summa
cum laude from Perry High
School with the Award of Merit, an honors diploma, and as a
member of the National Honor
Society. She also attended
Lakeland Community College under the post-secondary
enrollment option. With these
credentials, she has accepted
three scholarships and will be
attending Ursulin College in
the fall for nursing. Her parents,
Mary Ann and Rick, must be
very proud of their daughter’s
accomplishments at such a
young age.
Greg and John Vasilko,
along with Eileen Markusic, attended the Beaverdale Reunion
held recently at the SNPJ Farm.
Several other Loyalites were
also in attendance and enjoyed
the afternoon.
Sympathies are offered to
the families of Josephine Emser and Raymond Barbish who
passed away recently.
Please remember that if
you wish to have the Loyalites
banner hanging at the funeral
home when a member passes,
Secretary Linda Gorjup must
be contacted at (216) 650-1279.
It is impossible for us to read
all the obituaries in two newspapers every day.
As a friendly reminder
from our “media man” Brian
Pestotnic, please check out
the updates on the Loyalites
website, www.snpj158.com.
Question for the month:
What does SNPJ stand for?
Official Proceedings
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
February 27, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by President Evanish
with Sis. Pintar and Bro. Lawrence in attendance.
The minutes from the Feb. 7, 2012, meeting were read and
Discussed marketing ideas and strategy, recruiting agents and
production goals.
Reviewed scholarship requirements and clarified that applications
will be accepted by Aug. 1 of each year and by Feb. 1 of each
year for first-time scholarship applicants. Those submitted for
the Feb. 1 deadline will forfeit the first semester.
Discussed the upcoming National Board meeting and topics
for discussion.
Approved payment of $120 to Polish Falcons of America for a
full-page ad in the FSGP Fraternalist of the Year program book.
Cash Withdrawals:
Feb. 8 – There were three Outlived Policies and 12 Adult Cash
Withdrawals, none of which were conversions. Cash value,
$15,777.87; insurance, $30,209.
Feb. 15 – There was one Outlived Policy and three Adult Cash
Withdrawals, none of which were conversions. Cash value,
$7,558.63; insurance, $11,031.
Feb. 22 – There were five Adult Cash Withdrawals, none of which
were conversions. Cash value, $5,263.70; insurance, $15,785.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
National President
National Secretary
The SNPJ Farm
2012 Dance Schedule
SNPJ Farm, 10946 Heath Road, Kirtland, Ohio
off Chardon Road (Route 6), three miles east of Route 306
For information phone (440) 256-3423 or (440) 943-1191
July 29
Loyalites Lodge 158 Picnic
Don Wojtila Orchestra
3 to 7
Aug. 5
SNPJ Farm Board Picnic
Frank Moravcik Band
3 to 7
Strugglers Lodge 614 Picnic
Bob Kravos Band
3 to 7
Indicate Preferred Agent____________________________________
Aug. 12
Aug. 19
V Boj Lodge 53 Picnic
Jeff Pecon Orchestra
3 to 7
My Name:_______________________________________________
Aug. 26
Naprej Lodge 5 Picnic
Stan Mejac
3 to 7
My Lodge Number:________________________________________
Aug. 29
Cleveland Pensioners Picnic 1 to 5:30
Wayne Tomsic Orchestra
Sept. 2
SNPJ Farm Board Picnic
Al Battistelli
Sept. 3
Val’s Polka Radio Show Benefit1:30 to 7:30
Frank Stanger and Don Wojtila
Phone: (
Sept. 9
Ladies Auxiliary Picnic
Bob Kravos Band
Phone: (
Each individual must be informed that an agent will contact him/her and the referral
must have some interest in SNPJ in order for the recommender to be considered valid.
Complete this coupon and return to
Slovene National Benefit Society
Att’n: Marketing Department
247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126
3 to 7
3 to 7
Dancers enjoy the finest in Cleveland-style polkas and
waltzes at the SNPJ Farm. The Farm features the bestknown names in polka music, plus down-home dining.
Gates open at noon. Dinners served Sundays starting at
2 p.m. with music and dancing from 3 to 7 p.m. The bar
opens at 1 p.m. Sunday picnic admission is $6. Rent the
SNPJ Farm for your special functions! For more information phone (440) 256-3423 or (440) 943-1191.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
SNPJ fraternal sympathies
Sis. Delphine Naleway
• Lodge 2 •
LA SALLE, Ill. — The members of Lodge 2 sadly announce
the June 17, 2012, passing of
Sis. Delphine Naleway, 82, of
Oglesby, Ill., in Manor Court
of Peru, Ill.
Sis. Naleway was born Nov.
14, 1929, in Oglesby to Joe
and Frances (Jerse) Kozel Sr.
She married Henry Naleway
Oct. 27, 1956, in Holy Family
Church, Oglesby.
Delphine worked as an
operat­ing room nurse at Illinois
Valley Community Hospital,
Peru, for more than 35 years.
She was a member of Holy Family Church and SNPJ Lodge 2.
Surviving are her husband
of Oglesby; two daughters,
Sarah (Rob) Biddle of Belle
Vernon, Pa., and Mary (Jeff)
Fenwick of Owensboro, Ky.;
one brother, Cyril (Lata)
Kozel of Simpsonville, S.C.;
six grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren. She was
preceded in death by her parents and four broth­ers.
Cremation rites were accorded, and services for Sis.
Naleway will be celebrated at
a later date.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 2 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
extend our condolences to Sis.
Naleway’s family, relatives
and friends on their loss.
Sis. Mary J. Schmoeger
• Lodge 2 •
LA SALLE, Ill. — With sadness, the members of Lodge
2 report a second loss with
the June 23, 2012, passing of
Sis. Mary J. Schmoeger, 91,
of Oglesby, Ill., in St. Francis
Medical Center, Peoria, Ill.
Mary was born June 18,
1921, in Oglesby to John and
Angela (Simenc) Rancingay.
She was a graduate of La
Salle-Peru Township High
School. She married Robert
A. Schmoeger June 5, 1948,
in St. Roch’s Church, La Salle.
Mary and Robert co­-owned
Bo-Mar’s Men’s Clothing
Store in Streator, Ill. Mary
was a member of Holy Family
Church and SNPJ Lodge 2.
Sis. Schmoeger is survived
by two daughters, Jeanne (Jeff)
Hayden of Peru, Ill., and Mary
Jane Sadnick of La Salle; five
grandchildren, Jeff (Rachel)
Haydep, Julie (Eric) Arkins,
and Adam, Austin and Jared
Sadnick; and five great-grand­
children, Hayden, Maggie and
James Arkins, and Natalie and
Allison Hayden.
She was preceded in death
by her husband on April 20,
1969; one son, Robert John
Schmoeger; one sister, Angela
Walgenbach; and one brother,
John Rancingay.
Services were celebrated
June 25 in Prey Mueller Funeral Home, Oglesby, followed
by a Mass of Christian Burial in
Holy Family Church, Oglesby.
The Rev. Gary Blake, pastor,
On behalf of the members of
Lodge 2 and the Slovene National Benefit Society, sincere
sympathies are offered to Sis.
Schmoeger’s family, relatives
and friends on their loss.
Sis. Frances M. Koklich
• Lodge 138 •
STRABANE, Pa. — The members of Lodge 138 sadly announce the June 29, 2012, passing of Sis. Frances M. Koklich,
93, of McMurray, Pa., in
Chapel Grove Inn, Heath, Ohio.
Sis. Koklich was born May
6, 1919, in Oakdale, Pa., a
daughter of Jacob and Mary
(Gregoric) Martincic. She was
a homemaker who had formerly been employed by Continental Can Co. in Canonsburg,
Pa., and was in distribution for
Outdoor Magazine.
In addition to 75 years of
membership with SNPJ Lodge
138, Frances was also a member of KSKJ St. Jerome Lodge
53 in Strabane, and St. Benedict
the Abbot Roman Catholic
Church, Peters Township, Pa.,
where she was a member of the
Women’s Guild.
Sis. Koklich enjoyed spending time in cottages in Forest
County, Pa., and spoiling her
children. On May 12, 1946, she
married Frank T. Koklich; he
preceded her in death on Oct.
10, 1988.
Surviving are two sons,
Albert (Sheray) Koklich of
Granville, Ohio, and Kenneth
(Patricia Wieliczko) Koklich
of Thornton, Colo.; two grandchildren, Justin (Heather)
Koklich and Kelly (Joseph)
Forester; two great-grand­
children, Catelyn and Jack; and
several nieces and nephews.
Deceased, in addition to
her husband and parents, are a
son, Edmond F. Koklich, who
died in 1960; two broth­
Albert Martincic, who was
killed in World War II, and
Jacob Martincic; and a sister,
Mary “Mitzi” Gabrowsek. She
was the last of her immediate
A blessing service for Sis.
Koklich was held July 6 at
Salandra Funeral Service,
Inc., Canonsburg, followed
by a Mass of Christian Burial
celebrated at St. Benedict
the Abbot Roman Catholic
Church. Interment followed
in Queen of Heaven Cemetery,
Peters Township.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 138 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
extend our condolences to Sis.
Koklich’s family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
Bro. Conrad F. Ladstatter
• Lodge 559 •
CHICAGO — With sadness,
the members of Lodge 559 report the June 30, 2012, passing
of Bro. Conrad F. Ladstatter,
86, of Yorkville, Ill., formerly
of Darien and Western Springs,
Ill. He courageously battled
multiple myeloma cancer for
five years and was a 22-year
survivor of a liver transplant.
Bro. Ladstatter was born
May 30, 1926, in Domžale,
Slovenia, to Konrad and Ivanka
(Tic) Ladstatter.
Conrad served his country
with the United States Navy
during World War II from
1944-1946. He proudly served
as an electrician’s mate on a
destroyer tender and was later
transferred to a heavy hull
repair ship.
Bro. Ladstatter was honorably discharged from the Navy
in July 1946. That summer he
met the love of his life, Gloria
Bohinc, at a Slovenian picnic.
Conrad graduated from Chicago Technical College (now
Illinois Institute of Technology) in December 1950 with a
B.S. in Electrical Engineering.
After graduation, Conrad married Gloria on Jan. 13, 1951, in
Riverside, Ill. They were married for 53 years when Gloria
passed away in 2004.
An electrical engineer,
Conrad worked for AmphenolBunker Ramo for over 26 years.
In a very short time he became
Vice President of Engineering, Director of Patents and
Technical Liaison. He was also
Chief Delegate to the International and National Standards
Committee of EIA (Electronic
Industry Association) and SAE
(Society of Automotive Engineers). While serving as an
officer in these organizations,
Conrad and Gloria traveled
to many countries in Europe,
as well as the Canary Islands
and Africa.
Bro. Ladstatter was proud
of his Slovenian heritage, and
was a member of SNPJ for
more than 60 years. He and
his daughter attended monthly
Lodge 559 meetings together,
which further reinforced his
Slovenian pride. With his wife,
Conrad traveled back to see his
birth home, which now has a
historical marker due to its
significant involvement during
World War II.
Conrad enjoyed going to
Cubs games with his family,
had pride and passion in the
three homes he designed for
his family, and watching old
westerns and the classics on
television. He had an extremely
keen memory and loved to
share stories and details on just
about anything.
Bro. Ladstatter is survived
by his daughter and son-inlaw, Anita and Alan Vitous of
Yorkville. Anita is secretary
of Pioneer Lodge 559. He was
preceded in death by his wife
Gloria; a brother, Ivan Ladstatter; his parents; and numerous
aunts, uncles and cousins.
A service with military
honors was celebrated July 7
at Hallowell and James Funeral
Home, Downers Grove, Ill.
Private interment was held at
Woodlawn Cemetery in Forest Park.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 559 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, sincere sympathies are offered to
Bro. Ladstatter’s family, relatives and friends on their loss.
class of 1960. While in high
school, he was a great athlete having played football,
basketball and baseball. He
later received a full football
scholarship to North Carolina
State University. He enjoyed
Notre Dame football, Pittsburgh Steelers football, playing
softball and bowling.
Larry was a longtime
plumber. He started in the
plumbing industry while he
was in his mid-20’s and belonged to plumber’s locals #27
March 11 meeting of the
American Slovenian Polka
Foundation, the Board of
Trustees unanimously voted
for Joe Valencic (5) to take
over as president of the organization. Joe replaces Cecilia
Dolgan (576) who has led
the organization since 2000.
Cecilia will continue on the
Board of Trustees. Founding
Chairman Tony Petkovsek (5)
is now chairman emeritus and
will advise the organization
when needed.
Last year, Cecilia, Tony and
longtime Recording Secretary
Alice Kuhar (142) announced
their intentions to retire from
their positions. New to the
Board is bandleader and radio
host Ray Zalokar, who was
elected by Polka Hall of Fame
members in March. Joe Burya
was appointed to take over
Tony’s remaining year on the
Board. The Foundation is the
parent organization of the National Cleveland-Style Polka
Hall of Fame and Museum.
Bro. Valencic is a founding
trustee of the Polka Hall of
Fame and has served on the
Board of the American Slovenian Polka Foundation since
its inception in 1987. He has
been responsible for organizing
museum exhibitions, including
shows on the Vadnal family
musicians, radio host Tony
Petkovsek, button box clubs
and Slovenian marching bands
in America. He publicizes Hall
of Fame events and, with sister
Cecilia Dolgan, created the
Slovenian Sausage Festival,
now in its ninth year.
Joe is fluent in Slovenian,
and he has obtained grants from
Slovenia and developed partnerships with cultural institutions in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy
and Austria. Joe is active in the
Cleveland Slovenian community as longtime president of
the Cleveland Federation. He
is a marketing professional who
also writes TV documentaries,
such as “Polka! The Movie,”
the story of Slovenian music
in America. Joe co-hosts
the Slovenian hour of Tony
Petkovsek’s Saturday radio
show on WELW AM 1330.
Bandleader and accordionist Wayne Tomsic (576) now
serves as vice president with
Joe Burya as treasurer. Recording secretary is musician
Duffy O’Neill, Rita Mihelich
is corresponding secretary and
Rosemary Koss is membership
Musicians and leaders of
Slovenian and ethnic organi-
Nov. 6, 1911
June 8, 2012
wife • mother • grandmother • great-grandmother • friend
Sadly missed by children Dolores and Frank,
grandchildren Eric, Mark and Kevin,
and great-grandchildren Heather and Christopher
SNPJ Crossword
THE EIGHTIES (#1412) solution
Bro. Joseph L. Verchek
• Lodge 138 •
members of Lodge 138 sadly
report a second loss with the
July 7, 2012, passing of Bro.
Joseph L. “Larry” Verchek, 70,
of St. Michael, Minn.
Bro. Verchek was born June
13, 1942, in Canonsburg, Pa., a
son of Joseph R. and Katherine
(Yonack) Verchek, and spent
his childhood in Strabane.
Larry was a graduate of
Canon-McMillan High School,
68th SNPJ National Golf Tournament
at Bedford Trails Golf Course
713 Bedford Road, Lowellville, OH 44436
Phone: (330) 536-2234
Polka Hall of Fame welcomes a new president
Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame
and #5. He was also a lifelong
member of SNPJ Lodge 138 in
Strabane and was recognized
as a 50-year member in 2012.
Bro. Verchek is survived
by his loving wife, Ruth;
a son, Dan (Allison) Sicchitano; a grandson, Xavier;
a brother, Robert A. “Bob”
(Grace) Verchek; a niece,
Tamara Verchek Ervin; a
grandnephew, Will Ervin; a
grandniece, Kate Ervin; and
numerous relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by
his parents.
A memorial service for Bro.
Verchek was celebrated July
12 in The Peterson Chapel, St.
Michael-Albertville, Minn.,
officiated by Pastor and friend
Brad Dewing. Following the
services, a reception was held
at the Rogers, Minn., Muni to
celebrate his life.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 138 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
extend our condolences to Bro.
Verchek’s family, relatives and
friends on their loss.
Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012
9 a.m. Shotgun Start
Individual Event
Lodge No.
Team Event
Lodge No.
Radio host Tony Petkovsek (604), chairman emeritus of
the Polka Hall of Fame, welcomes Joe Valencic (5) as the
new president following the retirement of Cecilia Dolgan (576).
zations founded the National
Cleveland-Style Polka Hall
of Fame and Museum in 1987.
Each year, the organization’s
1,500 members vote for top
musicians and best album. The
museum presents the story of
the city’s home-grown sound
from its roots in the Slovenian
neighborhoods a century ago,
to its nationwide popularity in
the decades after World War II.
Displays include audio exhibits, historic photographs and
original instruments, including an accordion belonging to
Frank Yankovic, America’s
Polka King. The museum archive preserves 3,000 vintage
recordings, some dating back
to the World War I era.
The Polka Hall of Fame is
located at 605 East 222nd St.,
Euclid. Museum and gift shop
hours are Tuesday through
Friday, noon to 5 p.m., and
Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. Admission is free. For
more information, call (216)
261-FAME, toll-free at (866)
66-POLKA or check the website, www.polkafame.com.
Entry fees for team and individual events are $56 per member.
For individual event only, entry fee is $51 per member.
Entry fee includes greens fees, golf cart, prize fund, lunch
at the turn, on-course beverages, a golfer’s meal in the dining room
at the SNPJ Recreation Center, and a drawing ticket for give-aways.
Return this form, along with entry fees, to:
Slovene National Benefit Society
247 West Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA 15126
Phone: 1-800-843-7675
Make checks payable to SNPJ
The Home Office will verify all memberships. Complete tournament
rules are available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department,
247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126.
www.snpj.org • [email protected]
July 25, 2012
Miss SNPJ Kristen Cushman (138)
with SNPJ National President Joseph C. Evanish
SNPJ Miss Activity 2013 AMY VOGRIG (138)
with SNPJ National Secretary Karen A. Pintar
SNPJ Miss Talent 2013 EMILY HOGAN (6)
with SNPJ National Treasurer Robert J. Lawrence
SNPJ Miss Fraternalism 2013 AMANDA COUCH (715)
with SNPJ Fraternal Director Kevin Richards
Miss Activity Amy Vogrig (138)
Miss Talent Emily Hogan (6)
Miss Fraternalism Amanda Couch (715)
The new Miss SNPJ 2013 welcomed during Slovenefest XXXI weekend
farewell address at this time. Danielle,
you have represented the SNPJ with
honor and grace this past year. You
did a wonderful job.
I want to personally thank two
young ladies, who just happen to be
former Miss SNPJs, for serving on
this year’s Pageant Committee: Miss
SNPJ 2001 Sis. Kandace Kocjan (643)
and Miss SNPJ 2004 Sis. Courtney
Year NameLodge
Marlynn Turki
Janet Snyder
Marie Tome
Nancy Sleber
Sandra Ogrin
Gail Nachtigal
Ruth Butkovich
Karen Solomon
Elaine Kvartich
Nancy Skiba
Linda Serro
1968 Barbara Turkovich
Jane Gregorin
Patricia Hlebak
Carol Bokal
Denise Lamm
Linda Roginski
Michelle Volk
Judy Pintar
Joyce Braddock
Cheri Gottke
Kathy Hlad
Carol Morvetz
1980 Valerie Stodolsky
1981 Justina Dabrowski
1982 Tracey Anderson
Karen Kovach
Toni Trontel
Jackie Morvetz
Kathy Roginski
Mary Ann Racic
Gretchen Buday
Teresa Mlakar
Lisa Vidergar
1991 Melissa Lawrence 138
1992 Anna Marie Klepec
1993 Stacey Apanaites
Deirdre Kocjan
1995 Jennifer Skrajner
Allison Engel
1997 Elizabeth Buchner
Kelli Blair
Christine Wojtila
Kandace Kocjan
Carissa Pabian
2003 Amanda Fordyce
2004 Courtney Pabian
Caralynn Fejka
Shannon Fetcko
Darcy Brand
Kristy Zivkovich
Brittney Zemko
Kara Maruszak
Selina Progar
Danielle Brand
2013 Kristen Cushman
Pabian (138). Please know that all of
your efforts are greatly appreciated.
SNPJ National President Joseph
C. Evanish addressed the audience,
touching on the many benefits of
SNPJ membership. We had a special
guest in attendance, Consul General
of Slovenia Dr. Jure Žmauc from
Cleveland, who helped us introduce
our new Miss SNPJ and her court during the crowning ceremonies.
The moment we had all been
Miss Activity
Year NameLodge
1957 Marianne Swiderski
1958 Genevieve Masser 564
Joyce Bence
Patricia Urana
Judith Rebich
1962 Janet Pollock
Janet Prevec
1964 Elizabeth Highberger 87
Joanne Janiga
Linda Kozick
Linda Serro
1968 Barbara Turkovich
Susan Sohacki
1970 Rosemarie Roginski
Carol Bokal
Denise Lamm
Donna Wolf
Michelle Volk
Karen Klobucar
1976 Maryann Morvetz 87
1977 Justina Dabrowski
1978 Kathy Hlad
Carol Morvetz
Donna Kravanja
1981 Andrea Zupancic
1982 Tracey Anderson
Laura Vercheck
Beth Ann Prost
Joan Grabner
1986 Julie Ann Podboy
Mary Ann Racic
Jeanette Marie Hiti
Kelly Vavrek
Teresa Mlakar
Lisa Vidergar
1991 Melissa Lawrence
Lisa M. Streck 5
1992 Anna Marie Klepec
1993 Stacey Apanaites
Deirdre Kocjan
1995 Jennifer Skrajner
Allison Engel
Ann Dolgan
Carissa Pabian
Christine Wojtila
Kandace Kocjan
Veronica Vana
2003 Amanda Fordyce
Courtney Pabian
Katherine Matas
Ashley Paul
Shannon Fetcko
2007 Kristen Cushman
Kristy Zivkovich
Danielle Brand
Colleen Frank
Kara Maruszak
Ashley Russ
Samantha Volpe
Nicole Wright
Amy Vogrig
waiting for the entire weekend had
finally arrived: the announcement of
our award winners. I had the honor
of announcing that Amanda Couch
from Lodge 715 in Universal, Pa.,
was selected Miss SNPJ Fraternalism 2013.
Region 6 Vice President Sis. Tina
Rigler announced that the Runner-up
to Miss SNPJ Talent 2013 is Lauren Krzisnik (518). SNPJ National
Treasurer Bro. Robert Lawrence an-
Miss Talent
Year NameLodge
Valare Gorss
1958 Anne Marie Galardy 715
Marlene Lustik
Sandra Ozonich
1961 Margaret Peterlin
Patricia Schlarb
Peggy Peterlin
Lois Svoboda
Charlotte Bokal
1966 Judy Ann Rebarich
Karen Turkovich
Paula Evans
1969 Margaret Laurash
Pat Hlebak
Paula Kertis
Linnette Lesko
Susan Stritar
Kathy Tokarcik
Kathy Hillman
Sharon Krofina
1977 Annette Gadusek
Elaine Soldo
1979 Ann Renée Koval
1980 Valerie Stodolsky
1981 Justina Dabrowski
1982 Ann Marie Sternot
1983 LynnMarie Hrovat
1984 Suzanne Chuberko
Jackie Morvetz
Kathy Roginski
Dawn Meyer
Gretchen Buday 153
1989 Joni Marie Crotty
Irene Schulman
Lisa M. Streck
1992 Anna Marie Klepec
1993 Stacey Apanaites
Amy Powers
1995 Amy Lynn Kobert
Stephanie Fall
Angela Garzarelli
1997 Stephanie Topolovec 689
Caralynn Fejka
2000 Melanie Jo Smartnick 729
Kandace Kocjan
Veronica Vana
Jessi Fields
Danica Kane
Faith Sadar
Rebecca Ehalt
2007 Jacqueline Denning
Kristy Zivkovich
Brittney Zemko
Cynthia Bober
Kara Maruszak
Selina Progar
Molly Kohler
Emily Hogan
nounced that Miss SNPJ Talent 2013
is Emily Hogan, a member of Lodge
6 in Sygan, Pa.
Sis. Phyllis Wood, chairperson of
the SNPJ Supervisory Committee,
announced that the Runner-up to Miss
SNPJ Activity 2013 is Sydney Battersby (603). SNPJ National Secretary
Sis. Karen Pintar opened her envelope
and announced that Miss SNPJ Activity 2013 is Amy Vogrig from Lodge
138, Strabane, Pa.
Region 2 Vice President Bro. Jim
Curl announced that the Runner-up to
Miss SNPJ 2013 is Amy Vogrig (138),
and SNPJ National President Bro.
Joseph C. Evanish opened the final
envelope to reveal that Miss SNPJ
2013 is Kristen Cushman, a member
of Lodge 138 in Strabane, Pa.
I thank all of our members who
came out to support the 56th Miss
SNPJ Pageant. I’ll see you at a fraternal event soon!
Miss Fraternalism
Year NameLodge
Jane Gregorin
Kathy Kovacic
Margaret Rosko
Margaret Rosko
Susan Stritar
1974 Mary Sierputowski
Kathy Hillman
Susan Marisa
1977 Lisa Standkowski
Kathleen Hlad
Patricia Derner
1980 Laurie Belvedere
1981 Andrea Zupancic
1982 Ann Marie Sternot
1983 Christine Ebelacker 782
1984 Suzanne Chuberko
Susan R. Caroll
Dawn Tatters
Mary Ann Racic
Kathy Jo Lajevic
Alicia Franchi
Lisa Vidergar
Irene Schulman
Marsha McVay
Renae Eorio
Michelle Smidl
Kelli Blair
Dierdre Kocjan
1995 Melissa Ann Snyder 776
Shelby Tonti
1997 Stephanie Topolovec 689
Kelly Lampel
Jacqueline Elk
Kandace Kocjan
Erika Marline
Caralynn Fejka
Lindsay Snak
Jacqueline Elk
Tandy Krajec
Monika Vidmar
2008 Megan Reynolds
Danielle Brand
Danielle Brand
Selina Progar
Olivia Kamicker
2013 Amanda Couch
Miss SNPJ 2013
CUSHMAN is a member of Strabane,
Pa., Lodge 138. She is the daughter
of David and Peggy Cushman, and
the granddaughter of Edward Cushman, the late Dorothy Cushman, Jane
Verno and the late Robert Verno.
Kristen is a 2006 graduate of
Chartiers-Houston High School, a
2010 graduate of Allegheny College with a bachelor’s degree in
psychology, and a 2012 graduate of
Western Kentucky University with
a master’s degree in experimental
psychology. She was awarded the
Guy Emerson Buckingham Prize for
showing the greatest promise for a
distinguished career in psychology.
Kristen has participated in both
Youth Circle 19 and Lodge 138
bowling leagues and tournaments.
She has volunteered for and participated in Lodge-sponsored golf
tournaments, spaghetti dinners and
various banquets. She has also
participated in the Lodge 138 annual
Duck Race, National SNPJ Bowling
Tournaments and Lodge meetings.
Kristen attended Youth Roundup as
a camper for seven years and as a
counselor for six years. She represented Circle 19 at TEL Workshops
and served as an adult team leader
for five years. She has attended the
Young Adult Conference for the past
seven years, and was honored to earn
the title of SNPJ Miss Activity in 2007.