Raising Up a Standard


Raising Up a Standard
Raising Up a Standard
Vision must be maintained over time and needs to
adhere to core values and standards.
Nehemiah 9 and 10
In our study of Hebrews we were warned that life is
like being on a body of water and drifting is always a
And a few weeks back in Nehemiah we learned that
visions thrive in unity yet die in division.
Today we will examine how important it is to set core
values and standards so that we don’t drift, and so that
we all stay focused on the same goal- unified in
Maintaining the Momentum
• Last week, at the end of chapter 8 the people were
observing the Feast of Booths… there was spiritual
momentum, but they recognized they needed to be sure not
to drift away from the renewed vision.
• The leaders recognized that the leading problem was not
military strength, but spiritual disobedience to the Law.
• The people developed a written code vowing to pay
attention to the Law and the Temple. Everyone agreed.
(9:38 and 10:28-29)
Maintaining Vision Requires Adherence to
a Certain Set of Standards- Core Values
• “I believe that any organization, in order to survive and
achieve success, must have a sound set of beliefs on
which it premises all its policies and actions. I believe
that the most important single factor in the corporate
success is Faithful adherence to those beliefs…”
Thomas J. Watson, quoted in Visioneering pg. 253
Choosing Your Core Values
• If you want God’s blessing on your family, business,
marriage, ministry or other vision you must choose the
values that you know God will bless!
• There are general and specific values: general values are
things like honesty, purity and integrity. Specific values are
particular to the situation like being closed on Sunday, or
how to treat your siblings. The Shoreline has a specific
value where all giving is anonymous. We also do not allow
members of the opposite sex to meet alone.
Choosing Your Core Values
• Andy Stanley gives 2 questions to ask of any vision
(marriage, family, business, organization or ministry etc.)
1.  What could we do that, if done consistently, would provide
the greatest potential for our success? “We must always
2.  What could we do that (negatively) would guarantee we
never see our vision materialize? “We must never do…”
Maintaining Your Vision
• “Visions, by nature, are exciting in their initial stages. But it
takes more than excitement and determination to
successfully complete what God has birthed in your heart to
do. What could be and should be will not be apart from
clear moral and behavioral guidelines. Maintaining your
vision requires uncompromising commitment to a set of
core beliefs and behaviors!” Assembling these is no easy
task and consequently, few people take the time…” Andy
Stanley, Visioneering pg. 258