Elementary School Menus 2016-17


Elementary School Menus 2016-17
Boyle County Elementary Schools
2016-2017 Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Breakfast Special
French Toast Sticks
Cereal & Toast
Fresh Grapes
Lunch Menu
Breakfast Special
Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu
Chicken & Roll
Snowy Gems
Cereal & Cinnamon Pop-Tart Cereal & Chocolate Muffin
Orange Slices
Pear Slices
Favorite Pizza Wedge
Chicken Noodle Soup &
Yogurt Cup & Annies Bunnies
Grilled Cheese
Golden Corn
Hammy Sammy & Sun Chips
Super Greens
Raw Pickles
Sliced Pears
Fruitable Juice Box
Juicy Watermelon
Awesome Applesauce
Assorted Juice Cup
Orange Slices
Breakfast Special
Mini Pancakes & Syrup
Cereal & Toast
Fresh Grapes
Lunch Menu
Oven Baked Chicken
Tenders & Warm Roll
Mini Corndogs
Yummy Sweet Potatoes
Seasoned Green Beans
Pineapple Chunks
Fresh Banana
Assorted Juice Cup
Breakfast Special
Mini Waffles & Syrup
Cereal & Pop-Tart
Sliced Peaches
Lunch Menu
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Special
Sausage & Roll
Cereal & Fudge Pop-Tart
Lunch Menu
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Pizza
Cereal & Pop-Tart
Lunch Menu
Funnel Cake Friday
Cereal & Toast
Lunch Menu
Lunch Mate: Pizza
Hot French Fries
Pinto Beans
Pineapple Chunks
Fresh Apple Slices/
Assorted Juice Cup
Crispy Chicken Smackers
Scrumptious Spaghetti
Garlic Toast
Glazed Carrots
Seasonal Salad
Sliced Peaches
Slushie Cup
Jumpin Jack Turkey Wrap
“Home Run” Hot Dog
Green Beans & Potatoes
Crunchy Celery Sticks
Mandarin Oranges
Fresh Grapes
Assorted Juice Cup
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Special
Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu
Breakfast Bun
“New” Cheesy Breadstick
Cereal & Blueberry Muffin Cereal & Cinnamon Pop-Tart
Awesome Applesauce
Sliced Peaches
Lunch Menu
Fresh Baked Donut
Cereal & Toast
Apple Slices
Scrambled Eggs & Bacon
with Chocolate Muffin
Yogurt Cup & Chocolate
Potato Smiles
Warm Cinnamon Apples
Grape Juice Cup
Broccoli/Tomato Dippers
4x6 Pizza
Sliced Deli Turkey on Bun
Goldfish Crackers
Steamy Broccoli
Golden Corn
Sliced Peaches
Frozen Strawberry Cup
Assorted Juice Cup
Sloppy Joe on Bun
Crispy Chicken Nuggets
Warm Roll
Red Roasted Potatoes
Crunchy Carrots
White Grape Juice Box
Fresh Whole Apple
Taco Wrap
Lunch Mate: Ham &
Refried Beans
Fruitables Juice Box
Mandarin Oranges
Fresh Watermelon
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Special
Breakfast Special
Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu
Scrambled Eggs & Toast
Cereal & Toast
Tropical Fruit
Lunch Menu
Favorite Fajita Wrap
Festive Nachos/Scoops
Golden Chicken Patty & Bun
Queso Sauce
Crispy Cubes
Yogurt & Graham Crackers
Baked Beans
Steamy Rice
Tropical Fruit
Seasoned Green Beans
Fresh Banana
Red Cherry Tomatoes
Assorted Juice Cup
Slushie Cup
Fresh Orange Slices
Cocoa Gems
Breakfast Pizza
Cereal & Blueberry Muffin Cereal & Cinnamon Pop-Tart
Orange Slices
Awesome Applesauce
Cheesy Breadsticks &
Dipping Sauce
Chef’s Chicken
Golden Corn
Garden Fresh Salad
Pineapple Chunks
Awesome Applesauce
Assorted Juice Cup
• Menu subject to change without notice due to availability or weather.
Elementary Menu 2016-2017.indd 1
Breakfast Special
*Ham Slice
**Roasted Turkey
Crispy Chicken Smackers
Warm Roll
Creamy Mashed Potatoes
Green Peas
Mandarin Oranges
Fresh Apple Slices
Assorted Juice Cup
Funnel Cake Friday
Cereal & Toast
Mandarin Oranges
Lunch Menu
Yummy Calzones
Lunch Mate: Yogurt Parfait
& Grahams
Crunchy Carrots
Sliced Peaches
Fresh Grapes
Fruitables Juice Box
Ice Cream
• Milk assortment provided with each meal.
• Juice choices offered for breakfast
Dates of Menu
cycle 1
Aug. 10-12
Aug. 29-Sept. 2
Sept. 19-23
Oct. 31-Nov. 4
Nov. 21-22
Dec. 12-16
Jan. 3-6
Jan. 23-27
Feb. 13-17
Mar. 6-10
Mar. 27-31
Apr. 17-21
May 8-12
Aug. 15-19
Sept. 6-9
Sept. 26-30
Oct. 17-21
Nov. 9-11
Nov. 28-Dec. 2
Jan. 9-13
Jan. 30-Feb. 3
Feb. 21-24
Mar. 13-16
Apr. 24-28
May 15-19
cycle 3
Aug. 22-26
Sept. 12-16
Oct. 3-7
Oct. 24-28
Nov. 14-18
Dec. 5-9
Jan. 17-20
Feb. 6-10
Feb. 27-Mar. 3
Mar. 20-24
Apr. 10-14
May 1-5
*Denotes Fall/Spring Menu Cycle
**Denotes Winter Menu Cycle
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Free / Reduced Meal Benefits may be available to
Download the FREE MOBILE MyPaymentsPlus App
Create a free, secured account to manage your child’s meal
Check your child’s account balance
Create settings to receive email notification when the account
reaches a low balance.
For a small program fee, make payments into your child’s
meal account
your child. Applications are located on our website
or request one from the Food Service Office at 859236-6634 ext. 3046. If your child qualifies, you will
be able to receive both breakfast and lunch meals
at little or no charge. Complete one today!
School Meal Prices
Elementary Breakfast: $1.25
Elementary Lunch:
Elementary Reduced Breakfast: 30 cents
Elementary Reduced Lunch:
40 cents
Easily view menus, see nutritional content, all at the touch of your fingertips. Download the “School Lunch by Nutrislice” app and
have readily access to that information. Menus on the go, whenever and wherever you need.
HELP WANTED – Substitutes Needed!!!! Please contact the Food Service Office
at 859-236-6634, extension 3021 for further information. Flexible Schedules,
Earn Extra Cash.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA
programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the Agency (State or local) where they
applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in
languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:
(http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html), and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call
(866) 632-9992.
Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
email: [email protected].
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Boyle County Elementary Schools
2016-2017 Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Elementary Menu 2016-2017.indd 2
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