Mother`s Day Novena - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church


Mother`s Day Novena - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church
St. Patrick R.C. Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, New York 11787
“Christ with us. Christ before us. Christ behind us.”
May 10, 2015 - The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Bishop Robert Brennan confirmed 188 of our young people on Thursday, April 30th. Congratulations to all our
newly confirmed and their families!
First Holy
First Holy Communions took place at the 5 PM Saturday Mass and the 10:30 AM and 12 PM Sunday Masses last
weekend. Congratulations to all!
It’s a Win-Win
If you purchase a chance to win our All-Cash Raffle, you could
walk away with our $10,000 Grand Prize or one of five $1,000
prizes. Our parish also benefits in the form of a much needed
income boost. Please take a few minutes today to enter on your
own or join forces with family, friends, co-workers, etc.
How to enter our Raffle—It’s easy. You can enter online through our parish website— Just go to the Cash Raffle tab, click “ More
Information” and you will be guided to our online raffle page. OR just fill out the form at
the bottom of page 7 in this bulletin and drop it off or send in to the rectory along with a
check made out to St. Patrick Church. OR Smartphone users can use the QR Code to
the right. Please help us make our Cash Raffle a success!!
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. Thank you for
the gift of your life, love, and goodness. As you
continue to carry us in your hearts know that we are
so grateful to you for your countless acts of love and
sacrifice. It is a joy to acknowledge you today and to
continue to ask God’s blessing upon you. I used to
visit an elderly Italian lady in a nursing home for
about ten years until she died at the age of 101. Each
time I would see her in her heavy accent she would
ask, “How’s your mother?” And then she would reply
to my answer by saying, “Nobody loves you like your
mother.” How true that is. Mothers are a beautiful
image of God’s love.
We know that our mothers love us, no matter how
old we are. But do we really believe that God loves
us? Years ago when I studied the catechism in
religious education we learned that, “God made me
to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this world
and to be happy forever with Him in the world to
come.” We know that God loves us, but do we take
that reality to heart and allow it to influence all we
say, do, and think? So often we look at the negative
side of who we are - our faults, failures, bad habits,
and unhealthy thoughts. In doing so we put ourselves
in a state of confusion and anxiety as we transfer our
dissatisfaction and disappointment in ourselves to
what we perceive as God’s vision or opinion of us.
Yes, God knows us better than we know ourselves.
But He is not the eternal critic waiting to call us to
task for our faults, insincerity, or sinfulness. God
created us in His own image and likeness to be loved
by Him for all eternity and to begin to experience that
love here and now. As St. Paul says in Romans 5:8,
“While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” We
find it very hard at times to forgive those who have
hurt or disappointed us. That is a negative human
failing that undermines our trust in God’s love and
deprives us of peace, hope, and the ability to enrich
others and ourselves with our power and desire to
love .
In the book, Eager to Love by Richard Rohr where
he seeks to illumine our life with God through the
lives of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Claire, he says,
“If your only goal is to love, then there is no such
thing as failure.” From a merely human point of view
the love Jesus expressed by giving His life on the
cross was rejected and showed the presence of evil
in human hearts to be very powerful. But we do not
need to be limited to an ignorant, fatalistic human
point of view. That is why we celebrate, and need to
celebrate, Easter for fifty days and every time we
come to Mass. Jesus has risen from the dead. All the
life-draining people with their false and misguided
understanding of who He really is and what He is
truly capable of in terms of love and goodness
have missed His message completely. Sin and evil
cause great distress, suffering, and injustice in our
world today, just as they did when through human
agents they crucified the one we need to be fully
When the priest holds up the host and invites
us to receive Jesus in the Eucharist at mass we
respond by saying: “Lord I am not worthy that you
should enter under my roof, but only say the word
and my soul will be healed.” No, we are not worthy
of God’s love, but love is not a payment or reward
for good behavior, but a pure gift. Pure love is a
pure gift. Not only do we need to be humble in the
face of such love, we must also be conscious and
courageous enough to accept it. Each time we
accept love we are filled with gratitude and
joy. That gratitude and joy are so powerful and life
giving that we feel the urgency and desire to love
the other in return. One of the inspiring
experiences I have is reflecting on the love I
received from my parents and how I was blessed
to care for them as they came to the end of their
lives. The simple everyday tasks they performed
for me as a child I was blessed to do for them in
their weakened and dying state. A sad experience
has become a great source of joy, inspiration,
encouragement, and gratitude.
In the beautiful passage from 1 Corinthians 13
we have St. Paul’s great reflection on love. He
says: “Love never ends. As for prophecies, they
will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as
for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in
part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect
comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a
child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I
reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I
gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror
dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully
known. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these
three; but the greatest of these is love.” If we never
experienced love we would find it impossible to
have faith and trust in someone else. Our lives
would simply be a quest for survival and self
preservation. Without love we would find it
impossible to hope for more than survival and self
preservation. The gift of life coupled with the gifts
of love and the presence of God make us fully
alive and give us the assurance of eternal life.
Masses for the Week
Saturday, May 9th:
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Rita Walshe
Sandra & Jack O’Connor
Sunday, May 10th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Charles Becker
Maureen Newman
Richard Tiedmann
Mother’s Day Novena
People of the Parish
Monday, May 11th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Mother’s Day Novena
Anne Randisi
Josephine Corbo
Michael Constantine
Tuesday, May 12th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Donald M. Barletta
Mother’s Day Novena
Linda Marino
Wednesday, May 13th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Anne Gonzales
Richard Schweizer
Mother’s Day Novena
The Grund Family
Thursday, May 14th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Mother’s Day Novena
Linda Marino
Edward J. Sperzel
Dorothy Vanek
Friday, May 15th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Jeanne M. Serafini
Mother’s Day Novena
R.J. Martinelli
Saturday, May 16th:
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
*Multiple Intentions
Charles & Julia Burns
Diane Cassiano
Sunday, May 17th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
People of the Parish
Aloysius & Margaret Rienzo
Dorothy Thompson
Mother’s Day Novena
Chuck Wagner, Joan Edlind & Maureen
*Edna Charrette, Joseph Beirne, Thomas McGuire,
Grace Sabatino, Marina Walker, Elizabeth Trii
Communal Offering for May 2, 2015: $25,927.97.00.
Offering for Corresponding Sunday, 2014: $26,310.99.
Thank you for your generosity.
Our Pastoral Team
Rev. Msgr. Ellsworth R. Walden, Pastor
Rev. David Regan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Harold Noviello, Associate Pastor
Rev. Shibi Pappan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Fred Hill, In Residence
Rev. Xavier Lakra, In Residence
Rev. Cornelius Dery, In Residence
Deacon Richard Janiec
Mr. Joseph Menge, Business Manager
Mrs. Linda Pymm, School Principal
Mrs. Elaina Kedjierski, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 1-4
Mrs. Peggy Soviero, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 5-8
Ms. Dianne Williams, Parish Social Minister
Ms. Cindy Marsh, Youth Administrator
Mr. Tony Bellizzi, Youth Minister
Contact Us
Rectory - 265-2271
Rectory Fax - 863-1586
Parish Website:
Outreach - 265-2668
Religious Forma on - 724-7454
St. Patrick School - 724-0285
School Website -
Youth Community - 360-0185
Fr. Walden’s Email - [email protected]
Fr. Regan’s Email - [email protected]
Parish Email - [email protected]
Parish Website:
Office Hours: Rectory 9 AM to 7 PM, Mon. - Fri.
9 AM to 5 PM Sat., 10 AM to 1 PM Sun.
Parish Outreach:9:15 AM to 3:00 PM, Mon.—Fri.
Youth Community: 9 AM to 3 PM, Mon. - Fri.
Religious Forma on: 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Mon. - Thurs.
St. Patrick’s Pastoral Council Email:
[email protected]
Parish Organiza ons
Bereavement Support: Mon., 7 PM Outreach Ctr.
Blue Lancers Drum, Bell & Bugle Corps., 979-8578
Catholic Daughters: 3rd Mon., 8 PM
Choir: Thurs. evening, 8 PM
Columbie es: 2nd Mon., 8 PM
Jus ce & Peace: Once a month, 7:00 PM Outreach Ctr.
Knights of Columbus: 2nd & 4th Tues., 8 PM
Legion of Mary: Tues. mornings at 9:30 AM
Nocturnal Adora on Society: 3rd Sat. from 9 PM-7AM
Pro Life Family: Last Tues., 7:30 PM in school
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults); 265-2271
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: Tues., 7:30 PM, Emmaus Room
Something for Seniors; 2nd & 4th Wed., 1 PM, 265-0034
An Easy Way to Donate—Forget
your envelopes? Not carrying cash or
checks? If you are a smartphone
user, there is quick and easy way to
donate to our parish. Simply scan our
QR code at right and you will go
directly to a St. Patrick donation page.
Wedding Banns
Second Time:
Katie Meehan, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Keith Normant, St. Bartholomew, MA
Masses for
Ascension Thursday
(A Holy Day of Obligation)
Wednesday, May 13th
Religious Formation
7:30 PM Vigil
Registration for our
2015-16 session has begun
Thursday, May 14th
If you would like to re-register online please go to our
website, click onto the
registration link and follow the prompts. Please note the
changes in our procedures. We will not accept
registrations after June 30th. Children who will be
attending first grade in September or families who are
new to our program will need to call our office to set up
an appointment to register for classes (724-7454).
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Mother’s Day
Yarn Needed
Do you have yarn tucked away in a closet or drawer
that you are not planning to use? If so, donate it to Fr.
Fred at the rectory. The yarn will be used to make lap
blankets for residents of St. Catherine’s Nursing Home.
A Novena of Masses will be offered for all
mothers, living and deceased, beginning on
Mother’s Day, May 10th. All names returned will
be placed on the altar during the Novena.
Mother’s Day envelopes will be included in this
month’s envelope packet. Envelopes are also
available at the back of the church.
Attention All Parishioners
Our First Holy Communions are underway. They will
be taking place during many of our regular weekend
Masses. Our remaining First Communion Masses are
as follows:
Saturday, May16th—5:00 PM
Sunday, May 17th—10:30 AM & 12:00 PM
Saturday, May 23rd—5:00 PM
Sunday, May 24th—12:00 PM
Saturday, May 30th—9:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Sunday, May 31st—10:30 AM & 12:00 PM
Pro-Life Rose
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family invites
you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for
any intention by contacting Lisa by
email at [email protected] or
call 656-6343.
Your participation helps bring a greater awareness of
the sacredness of all human life, especially the
unborn. The cost is $10.
Bread & Wine
The Altar Bread and Wine
were donated for the week
in loving memory of
Edward J. Sperzel.
To arrange a memorial for
Altar Bread and Wine, please
call Diane Sperzel at 2653307. Donation for the week
is $50. Cards will be sent to
the family.
Summer Sign Ups!
The summer months can be challenging when you have children.
If you are looking for a great place for your child/children to
spend time this summer, consider Camp St. Patrick! The camp
offers three divisions: Kiddie Camp (ages 3 to 5), Main Camp
(ages 6 to 12), and Teen Travel Camp (ages 13 to 15).
Camp St. Patrick features a mix of on-site activities and trips to
local attractions. The camp is New York State certified. Each
group is assigned a counselor who is RTE (Responding to
Emergencies) and CPR certified. Counselors who are certified
lifeguards are used on all water trips.
The camp also offers flexible scheduling. Kiddie Campers are
offered half-day and full-day options and campers of all ages may
choose which days they attend camp, with a minimum of two per
weekly session. For our older “Teen Travel” campers, trips
include further destinations, including occasional overnight trips.
Vacation Bible School
For boys and girls ages 3 to 8. VBS will run
from August 3rd to 7th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM
Please register by June 30th.
Summer Basketball League
Team registrations are now being taken for our
21st annual Summer Basketball League, Girls’ Division
4th grade through 9th grade, season begins end of June.
Registrations due by May 1st. (Late registrations
put on a waiting list.) Fee is $1,200 per team.
(Boys’ Division has begun with more than 90 teams.)
Summer Baseball
For ages 5 to 17.
Summer Softball
For girls entering grades 2 to 12 .
Summer Deck Hockey
Registration begins in May for Summer Deck Hockey
for boys and girls ages 4 to 16.
Camps and Clinics
Our camps and clinics will include:
Basketball, Dance and Lacrosse.
For information visit or call 360-0185.
St. Patrick Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787
631-265-2271, [email protected]
Mass Times
Weekdays: 6:45 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12:10 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM, 5 and 8 PM
Novena Mass (Miraculous Medal): Monday, 7:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, 5 PM
Saturday: from 3:45 to 4:45 PM
Sunday: from 8:15 to 8:45 AM
Monday: 6:45 to 7:15 P.M. before the Novena Mass
Anytime by appointment in the Rectory
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Couples should make arrangements at the Rectory
at least six months before the desired wedding date.
Thursdays for one hour following 12:10 PM Mass
First Fridays after 12:10 Mass until 3:00 PM*
Nocturnal Adoration, third Saturday of the month
from 9 PM to 7 AM Sunday
Pro-Life Holy Hour, third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM
Sundays at 1:30 P.M. Parents must make
arrangements at the Rectory.
(*Watch bulletin for possible changes in concluding time)
New Evangelization
A course taught by Fr. David Regan
What has Evangelization looked like since the apostles?
What are the principles of Evangelization?
What does it look like . . . in church . . in our families. . . . in workplaces . . in the world?
What have Vatican II, Popes Paul VI, St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis said?
How can understanding New Evangelization revitalize, engage, incorporate and include all Christians?
Who should attend?
Catechists, choir members, liturgical ministers, any volunteer,
and any member of our Christian family.
Join us on Monday, May 18th and June 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd
Starting at 7:30 PM in the Emmaus Room
This course may be used for personal faith enrichment or for credit toward the
Advanced Theology Certificate offered by the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Courses
are free for St. Patrick parishioners. For non-parishioners there is a $10 fee for a
Basic Course and $15 for an advanced course. To register, call Becky at the rectory,
265-2271 or register the first night of the class.
Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters
Our nation’s child nutrition programs touch the lives of
30 million low-income children – that’s more than one
out of three children in the United States. School
breakfasts and lunches enable children to pay
attention and learn in the classroom. Summer feeding
and other nutrition programs are lifelines to the
children who live in families that struggle to make
ends meet. In 2015, Congress must reauthorize the
child nutrition programs from funding cuts and harmful
policy changes. We ask Congress to: Continue strong
investments in child nutrition programs, Improve
children’s access to feeding programs and Ensure
improvements to child nutrition programs are not
paid for by cuts to other vital safety-net programs,
such as SNAP.
As a parish, let us join Bread for the World in urging
our nation’s decision makers to protect child nutrition
programs from cuts and harmful policy changes and
improve children’s access to these programs. Next
weekend, May 16 & 17, St. Patrick’s Justice and
Peace Committee will be in the lobby of the church.
Please stop and take a minute to
sign the letters that will be sent to
Congress and our Representative
requesting their support of this vital
issue. We have provided a copy of
the letter to the right so that you
have time to read it prior to the
event. Thank you for your support!
Dear Senators and Representative,
As you consider the 2016 budget and renewing
child nutrition programs this year, I urge you to
make sure children at risk of hunger can get the
nutritious meals and health care they need to
learn and grow.
Specifically, I urge you to protect child nutrition
programs from cuts and harmful policy changes
and improve children’s access to these programs
while not cutting other safety-net programs.
SNAP (formerly food stamps), serves nearly 21
million children.
Medicaid provides health
coverage for 28 million low-income children.
Hungry children can’t learn, and unhealthy
children won’t reach their full potential. I urge
you to protect SNAP and other anti-poverty
programs from harmful budget and funding cuts.
Nutrition programs serve as a lifeline for
America’s vulnerable children and their families.
As your constituent, I urge you to protect and
improve child nutrition programs.
First Holy Communions
Congratulations to all our First Communicants!
Let the little children come to me for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
- Luke 18:16
Catholic Daughters’
Mother’s Day Flower Sale
After All Masses This Weekend
May 9th & 10th
Flowers are always a great way to say
thank you to mom on Mother’s Day.
Be sure to stop by the
tables in the church lobby
after Masses on May 9th &
10th, buy some flowers for
Mom and support the many
good works of our Catholic
Defensive Driving Course
Saturday, May 30th
from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
in St. Patrick School, Room 103
Fee: $48
Please bring a pen
and your driver’s license
To register or for more
information, please call
Bill Owens at Safety
Education, 845-756-2481.
Mark your calendar for our
Thank you to Fr. Regan Party!
Sunday, June 7th at the 12 Noon Mas
Reception to follow in Canning Hall
Good-byes are never easy and this one certainly won’t be. Fr. David Regan, who was
assigned to our parish after being ordained five years ago, will be leaving us at the end of
June. It’s not really “good-bye” as he will only be moving to Nassau County to become
associate pastor at Sacred Heart Parish in Merrick. Still, we will miss the day-to-day
interactions—the dry sense of humor, the concern for our everyday needs and the deep
theological wisdom. Everyone will have a chance to say thank you to Fr. Regan on Sunday,
June 7th following the 12 Noon Mass in Canning Hall. St. Patrick parishioners were blessed
to have Fr. Regan spend the first years of his priesthood with us and we wish him all the
best as he moves on to another assignment. Come and show your gratitude to Fr. Regan!
May Crowning of our
Blessed Mother
Friday, May 22nd at 7:30 PM
in our church
All First Communion children are invited to come in their Communion dresses and suits and lead the procession as
we crown the Blessed Mother. Please arrive by 7:15 PM. Questions? Email [email protected]
or call 631-374-1116.
Join us on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM
in the new Youth Center (old convent) for
Youth Group
with our Youth Minister, Tony Bellizzi
Next at Youth Group …..
Sunday, May 10th—No Youth Group—Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 17th Meet at Laser Tag, 54 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway in Commack, 7 to 9 PM. $20
fee and signed permission form needed.
Friday, May 22nd to Sunday May 24th—Retreat Weekend
Sunday, May 31st—Nursing Home Service Project
Sunday, June 7th—Barbecue
Brennan Abrahall
Kyle Abruzzo
Christopher Albano
Michael Alessio
Logan Almberg
Marisa Ambrosio
Julianna Amitrano
Julianne Anderson
Theresa Arato
Danielle Badillo
Brandon Bailey
Alyssa Barker
Rebecca Barrella
Christopher Barricelle
Lucia Berry
Shannon Best
Amanda Birley
Ethan Boehm
Kristen Bongiovi
Paul Boody
Madison Bracco
Tristan Bravo
Nicolette Brennan
Thomas Brennan
Josephine Brucculeri
David Cabello
Matthew Caddigan
Shannon Cain
Isabella Calabrese
Casey Caldwell
Alexander Camastra
Jennifer Cappock
Chase Carey
Michael Cassella
Kristina Castellano
Kevin Catizone/Casciano
Tallon Coane
Alexander Connelly
Megan Cooke
Amanda Cordova
Laura Cotter
Francesca Cutolo
Nikolas Daly
John DeFrancisco
Marissa Degni
Anthony DeMayo
Jack DeSousa
Robert DeVivio
Matthew DiBlasio
Santino DiCostanzo
Brendan Donovan
Thomas Donovan
Julia Dovi
Emily Doyle
Ryan Doyle
Sophia Emma
James Errante
Kevin Every
Carlie Fasano
Alexa Fauvell
Marc Fisch
Sean Fitzgerald
Alexandra Fortino
Venice Fortunato
Hector Fuentes/Figueroa
Megan Gagnon
Lauren Gallagher
Christine Gannon
Jon Carlo Gargano
Kenneth Garner
Sarah Giancola
Brendan Giordano
Kevin Giordano
Stephen Godas
Patrick Godek
Thomas Gordon
Alexandra Gurovich
Meredith Haberfield
Austin Harilall
Jacob Harrison
Alexander Haskin
Justin Havemeyer
Kristen Hayle
Anne Henderson
Justin Hildebrandt
John Hoffman
Brooke Horowitz
Jacqueline Horowitz
Matthew Hulle
Michelle Husslein
Vincent Iannuzzi
Gabriella Iorizzo
Gavan Israel
Carissa Junz
Kenneth Kearns
Caroline Kelley
Carissa Kellman
Christopher Kelly
Madison Kennedy
Maeve Kennedy
Patrick Kinane
Connor Kirschbaum
James Klee
Matthew Kral
Nicholas Lautande
Jenna Lee
Matthew Livreri
Marianne Lopez
Gabrianna Lorifice
Rebecca Lusak
Mia Macaluso
Emily Mahoney
Robert Maina
Lauren Makely
Steven Mansbart
Charlotte Maracina
Taylor Mariani
Anthony Marotta
Gabriela Martins
Joseph Mattioli
Kylie McCormick
Owen McCrave
Erin McCrossen
Emma McDermott
James McDermott
Jason McDonnell
Lorenzo Meir
Elena Metcalf
Kaitlyn Moleti
Aidan Morin
Kaitlyn Musmacher
Brianna Musso
Chloe Needham
Julia Oliveri
Dante Otonoga
Michael Papparlardo
Madison Paulson
Jose Pena
Jesse Perine
Nancy Piraino
Jillian Pirozzi
Alyssa Pisano
William Popielaski
Amber Pszolkowski
Ava Quick
Mikayla Quinn
Jacqueline Rall
Connor Reardon
Ronald Riccari
Kaitlyn Rodriquez
James Rogers
Alexandra Rosenberg
Michael Russo
Ariana Saccone
Alexandia Santoro
James Santoro
Jessica Saraniero
Dante Sasso
Corinne Schaller
Matthew Schepis
Katheryn Schneider
Christopher Scotto DiMaso
Richard Silva
Kylie Simone
Tiffany Speicher
Matthew Spiro
Daniel Steier
Catherine Stumpf
Griffin Sweeney
Nell Telang
Matthew Tempone
Angelo Teodoro
Timothy Terlaga
Rebecca Torres
Robbie Tracy
Taylor Trebing
Zachary Trompeter
Juliana Valenti
Robert Verdu
Charlotte Verhulst
Matthew Verrelli
Hunter Vierling
Rachel Watson
Matthew Webber
Connor White
Kaitlin Winslow
Timothy Wolff
Thomas Yarrobino
Anna Young
Congratulations to All Our Young People Confirmed on April 30th!
St. Patrick’s Singles Fellowship
invites all 45-60+ Singles
(widowed, separated, divorced, never married) to
Coffee, Conversation & Event Planning
Sunday, May 17th at 10:00 AM
(after the 9:00 AM Mass)
in the Youth Enrichment Center
(located behind the school, between the east and west wing)
$5 Donation at entrance
For information, call 631-265-2668 weekdays between 10 AM & 2 PM
Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
Do you need to complete the Sacraments of
Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation?)
Do you need to be baptized?
Do you have a child who has passed his/her
seventh birthday without being baptized?
Do you have a child who has passed
confirmation age without being confirmed?
If any of these situations apply to you, give us a call!
Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and our RCIA for Young People programs begin in the
fall. To learn more, call the rectory at 631-265-2271 or email [email protected].
Mark your calendar for the Knights of Columbus
Golf Outing
Monday, September 14th
at Smithtown Landing Country Club
“Shot Gun” 10:00 AM - $150 per person
18 Hole Green with Cart, Full Breakfast,
Buffet Dinner & Open Bar—Raffles—Prizes—50/50
Secure your spot now by sending a check for $150 made payable to
Holy Mother Mary Knights of Columbus #3958,
P.O. Box 241, Smithtown, NY 11787
(Give the names for your foursome or
individual golfers will be placed on a foursome.)
For information, call Frank Nealon PGK at 631-863-1805 or 631-807-3603
In the Neighborhood . . . .
A Day of Prayer in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima—
Wednesday, May 13th at the Shrine of Our Lady of the
Island, 258 Eastport Manor Road in Manorville. 10 AM
Outdoor Rosary Walk, 11:30 AM Mass, 12:30 PM Lunch
Break, 1:30 PM Conference, 3:00 PM Holy Hour. Free to
attend. Donations appreciated. For information, visit or call 631-325-0661.
Board “Walk” Your Way to Wellness—Health
professionals from St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center
will be at the Sunken Meadow Park boardwalk in Kings
Park to promote walking and provide screenings and
health information. Join us at the main boardwalk entrance
from 5:00 to 7:00 PM on the following Tuesdays: May 12th,
June 9th, July 14th, August 11th and September 15th. Free
giveaways available. Call 631-870-3444 for information.
Complimentary Seminar—Preserving Your Assets from
the Costs of Long Term Care with the Use of Trust—This
complimentary seminar will educate you on the distinctions
between Irrevocable Trusts and Revocable Trusts as they
relate to long term health care and estate planning.
Seminar will be held at Gurwin Jewish Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, 68 Hauppauge Road in Commack
on Tuesday, May 19th from 7 to 8:30 PM. Admission is
free but seating is limited. For information or to reserve
your spot, call 631-686-6500.
Do You Know Someone Who is Hurting from an
Abortion? - The Life Center of Long Island invites you
to attend our next Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat on
the weekend of June 12th to 14th. It begins Friday evening
and concludes Sunday afternoon. For more information,
contact Deacon Joe McNicholas at 516-445-3927 or email
[email protected]. Communications is strictly confidential.
To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard look online at or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME.
Eucharistic Retreat Days hosted by Missionaries of the
Most Holy Eucharist are held at the Seminary of the
Immaculate Conception in Huntington. The next retreat day
[email protected]. Preached retreats for
prayer groups and other associations may also be
scheduled as well as Silent Retreats. For information, go to
Frozen and Avengers Character Breakfast Show—The
Long Island Catholic Men’s Ministry is hosting an exciting
The Magic of Live Theater at
Holy Cross in Nesconset
Come and see
Man of La Mancha
Sunday, May 31st at 7:00 PM
No set price for tickets, but a free will
offering is requested. Performance is in
the worship center. Seating is limited,
so purchase your tickets as soon as
possible. For tickets, call Phyllis
Kaminsky at 631-724-0285.
morning of princesses and super heroes on Saturday,
May 30th from 10 AM to 2 PM at Our Lady of Lourdes
Church in Massapequa Park. Ticket prices of $25 per
adult and $15 per child (3-17, under 3 free) include a
Broadway quality show, meet and greet photo
opportunities (bring your camera), a hot buffet breakfast,
drinks and raffles. Seating is limited. For tickets, call 516857-0058 or go to
Graduate Level Courses in Theology are open to
those seeking a Master’s Degree, or those not looking to
pursue a degree, but who have an undergraduate degree
(or equivalent). Workshops are open to anyone seeking to
enrich his/her faith. Summer semester runs from May 18th
to June 30th. Day and evening classes available at the
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington
and St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers. For information on
the courses and tuition, call 631-423-0483, ext. 147 or
Ladies Tea—Saturday, June 6th from 1 to 3 PM at the
Materdomini Thrift Shop next to St. Gerard Majella
Church, 316 Terryville Road in Port Jefferson Station.
Tickets are $15 and include a delicious lunch, desserts,
assortment of fine teas, wine, and free prizes. For tickets,
call Fay at 631-473-2900.
New Support Group for Caregivers or a Chronically ill
or Disabled Spouse or Partner—Receive emotional
support, learn how others cope and share your own
experiences of living or caring for someone with a chronic
disease. The group meets the fourth Wednesday of each
month from 7 to 8 PM at St. Catherine of Siena Medical
Center, 50 Route 25A, Smithtown, in the St. Stephen
Conference Room (2 & 3) in the Medical Office Building.
For information or to register, call Chaplain Mark
Applewhite at 610-628-1429.
The Voice of Catholic Women: Reflecting on “The Joy
of the Gospel”—with Elizabeth McCaul and Gail F.
Sullivan, Saturday, May 30th at the Seminary of the
Immaculate Conception in Huntington. Registration at
8:30 AM. Offering: $25. Lunch included. For more
information, visit
Next week you will have the opportunity to
participate in the Collection for the Catholic
Communication Campaign. Collection proceeds
support a wide variety of media projects that spread
the gospel message and connect communities and
individuals to their faith and to the Church. Please
contribute generously in the Collection. Remember,
half of the collected funds stay right here to support
diocesan media projects.
For more information, visit:
13th Annual Donald J. Burns
Assistant Fire Chief Donald J. Burns was among the fallen heroes of the F.D.N.Y. who were lost
at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In honor of Chief Donald J. Burns, Past
Grand Knight of Holy Mother Mary Knights of Columbus Council, the Burns family has
generously granted our council permission to award four $500 academic scholarships in his honor. This
scholarship competition is open to the children and grandchildren of members of Holy Mother Mary Council
Knights and Columbiettes. Four scholarships will be awarded; two to students attending Catholic high school this
fall and two to students attending Catholic or public university.
Applicants are required to submit an essay of 400 words on the following topic:
The Challenges of Being a Young Catholic in Today’s Culture
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knights of Columbus Essay Application
All applications and essays must be
received by June 1st. The essay
competition winners will be selected by
the scholarship committee. Please attach
the application form below along with
your essay and mail it to:
Tom Keane
19 Estate Road
Smithtown, NY 11787
For information,
call Tom at 631-882-7755
or Dan Burns at 631-291-5648
Student Name _________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________
HMMC Member Name ______________ Relationship___________
Academic Year _____ College/High School __________________
College Major __________________________________________
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal—Serving God by Serving Others
children this week. Morethan percentofthe
eachyeararechildrenundertheageof18.Please consider supporting the work of the Catholic Ministries
Appeal so that we can continue to care for God’s children and their families through our Parish
No gift is too small and all gifts make a difference in the lives of others!
Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal
Parish _____________________________________________________________ Pledge:$_______
Name ______________________________________________________Down payment: $_______
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
Reflections on the Sunday Scriptures
May 17, 2015
The Seventh Sunday of Easter
Readings: Acts 1: 15-17, 20A, 20C-26;
1 John 4: 11-16; John 17: 11B-19
Lifting up his eyes to heaven, Jesus prayed saying:
“Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have
given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.
When I was with them I protected them in your name
that you gave me, and I guarded them, and none of
them was lost except the son of destruction, in order
that the Scripture might be fulfilled. But now I am
coming to you. I speak this in the world so that they
may share my joy completely. I gave them your word,
and the world hated them, because they do not
belong to the world any more than I belong to the
world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world
but that you keep them from the evil one. They do not
belong to the world any more than I belong to the
world. Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is
truth. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them
into the world. And I consecrate myself for them, so
that they also may be consecrated in truth.”
Focus Questions:
1. Describe the way love affects the way you live.
2. Relate a time when you experienced unity. How
did that unity inspire the group to be more creative
and powerful?
3. Relate a time when you shared openly with
someone of another faith and they were open to you.
Children and Family Reflections:
Please continue to say the following
prayers each day as we seek God’s
guidance, strength and courage
Gracious God, we are your people embraced by your
love. We thank you for your presence with us
throughout all time. Create us anew. Liberate us from
that which keeps us from you. Enable us to recreate
our world and restore justice. Heal us from every form
of sin and violence. Transform us to live your Word
more profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies become
friends. Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our
relationships; enliven our parishes; reunite our families.
Fill us with joy to celebrate the fullness of life.
Empower us to be a community of love growing in your
likeness. Amen.
Thank you Father for the gift of life. Thank you for the
gift of your Son, Jesus. May my gratitude inspire and
sustain me in doing everything I can to respect the
lives of all people and to do all in my power to end
abortion and everything else that harms, abuses, or
threatens human life. Give me the courage and
strength to live in your image each day. Amen.
Please pray the following prayer for our
brothers and sisters in the Middle East who
are suffering terrible persecution for their faith:
Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep and
the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening.
Therefore, we ask you Lord to spare their lives to grant
them patience and courage to continue their witness of
Christian values with trust and hope. Lord, peace is the
foundation of life; Grant us the peace and stability that
will enable us to live with each other without fear and
anxiety, and with dignity and joy. Glory be to you
The symbol to the right (the Arabic letter “N”
for Nazarene) is being used to mark
Christians in Iraq for persecution.
Talk about the ways different people in your life
show their love for you.
Pray for our Priests
Please remember to keep our priests in your prayers. This week we ask that
you pray especially for the following priests from our diocese:
May 10th—Bishop Andrezej Zglejszewski
May 11th—Rev. Cornelius Dery & Rev. Azubuike Igwegbe
May 12th—Rev. Freddy Lozano & Rev. Patrick Woods CSsR
May 13th—Rev. James Isabakaki & Msgr. Kenneth Boccafola
May 14th—Our Holy Father
May 15th—Rev. Robert Kuznik & Rev. Paul Butler
May 16th—Rev. Francis Agyeman & Rev. Peter DeSanctis
“To become a priest or a religious is not primarily our choice; it is our answer to a calling, a calling of love.”
- Pope Francis
St. Patrick Youth
CPR Training Course for coaches will be offered
throughout the year, call the Youth Office if interested.
Exercise Classes on-going. $5 fee. All welcome. Call
Cindy at 360-0185 for class times.
Body, Mind & Soul, a program to promote a healthy
lifestyle of nutrition & exercise. Call Cindy at 360-0185
for information.
Enrichment/Extended Day Program – Monday
through Friday, 2:30 to 6 PM. Homework help, arts/
crafts, indoor/outdoor gym activities, snacks, games
and more for 3 to 13 year-olds. Three year-old, Pre K
extended hours, 8 AM to 2:30 PM. Before/Aftercare
also offered. Children must be pre-registered to
attend. Call 863-2029. Limited space available.
Music Ministry – Folk Group (grades 6-12), and
Children’s Choir (grades 1-5). Children’s choir
practice 6:15 to 7 PM and Folk Group from 7:15 to 8:30
PM, both in Keegan Hall. New members welcome!
Call 360-0185 for information.
Youth Ministry – Attention High School students.
Please join us for Youth Ministry on Sunday nights at
6:30 PM in the Emmaus Room. Call the Youth Office
for details.
Junior Catholic Daughters - JCDA is a young
woman’s service organization. Young women grades
6th -11th are welcome. Call the Youth Office for details.
JCDA will meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month in
our Modular Classroom. 6:30 to 8 PM.
Playtime with Mommy/Caregiver – Children ages 18
months through 2½ years-old. Call Miss Patty for
details 863-2029.
St. Patrick Learning Center – Tutors for all areas of
study, Pre-K–HS, SAT Prep, etc. NY certified teachers
available Monday to Friday. Call 724-1261 for
information. Catholic Entrance Exam Prep is available.
Contact the Youth Office.
Spring/Summer Basketball League –
Registrations for our Girls spring/summer hoops
program is now due. Team Registration flyer and team
roster form may be found on our website. Boys division
registration has ended.
Camp St. Patrick—We are now taking registrations for
our upcoming Summer Camp. Camp runs June 29th
through August 14th. Kiddie Camp for 3 to 5 yearolds, Main Camp for 6 to 12 year-olds, and Teen
Travel Camp for 13 to 15 year-olds. Our Camp
Calendar as well as all camp forms may be found on
our website. Call the Youth Office with any questions.
Vacation Bible School – We are currently taking
registrations for boys and girls ages 3-8 yrs old for
VBS. Session runs August 3rd – August 7th. 10 AM12:30 PM. $60 per child. Go to flyers and forms for
registration form. Our health form, also found on
website, must be submitted as well.
David Shouler Basketball Camp – We are now taking
registrations for girls and boys ages 5 to 13 years of
age. $150 per child. Camp runs August 3rd – 7th.
Session I: 9 AM to12 PM for 5 to 8 year-olds. Session
II: 12:30 to 3:30 for 9 to 13 year-olds. Go to flyers and
forms for registration form & health form.
Summer Baseball – We are now taking registrations
for summer baseball. Season runs end of June –
August. T-ball: girls & boys 5 & 6 years-old; Baseball
For boys 7 to 13 years old. See flyer online for details. Online
registration available.
Summer Softball – We are now taking registrations for summer girls
softball. Season runs end of June – August. Girls 2nd grade – 7th
grade. (Sept 2015 grade determines division) See flyer online for
details. Online registration is available.
Summer Deck Hockey – We are now taking registrations for our
summer deck hockey league. Boys and girls prek – 12th grade. 8
game season begins July. Games played weeknights under the lights
on our outside court. See flyers and forms on website. Online
registration is available.
GIRLS CYO BASKETBALL TRYOUTS – We are holding tryouts for
our upcoming Girls CYO Basketball program June 8th – 10th.. Grades
4th-8th. CYO Basketball is a competitive league for the skilled player.
All girls interested in trying out MUST PRE-REGISTER ONLINE
ALLOWED. Girls CYO season begins early September. Go to our
website for specific grade level tryout dates and times, and to preregister.
VIRTUS– All volunteers/coaches are required to attend a VIRTUS
class if they have not done so. On-line registration must be
completed before you attend. See for information and
VOB/St. Pat’s Soccer - Visit for information.
Email inquiries for 4 7 5 –year-olds to [email protected] or
[email protected] for 6 to 9 year-olds.
St. Pat’s Youth web address is
All program information & registration forms
may be found on the website.
The Youth Office can be reached by email at
[email protected]
Pray for the Sick
Helen Ackerman
Maureen Alagna
Will Allen
Rita Apollaro
Tom Beirne
Betty Cappa-Clemenz
Michael Carbuccia
Moses Carbuccia
Sam Cioffi
Mary Beth Condon
Frank Cone
Stephen Costello
Alex Cozzo
Lois Crowley
Jimmy Demato
Joseph DeMott
John Michael Dellova
Jean Doski
Shirley Dunn
Joseph Dwyer
Joan Every
Fred Facompre
Raymond Facompre
Brooke Failla
Grace Fragala
Claudio Ghattas
Mario Gesimondo
Ruth Gipp
Michael Kelly
Joseph Lantini
Br. John Lawrence, OSF
Matthew Lowney
Megan Madden
Danny Meyer
Theresa O. Moebes
Terrance Martin
Sheryl Minter
Eric Mendola
Ron Moran
Anna Morreale
Jean Noschese
Melissa Ording
Connie Rinaldi
Michael Romano
Joanna Scheidel
Suzanne Schmidt
Teresa Smith
Thomas Smith
Maryanne Sparque
Catherine Tamburino
Alejandro V.
Eva Zalak
Pray for the Dead
John Angelo Pasquale
Richard C. Wilson
A Great Place to Advertise
Did you know that the St. Patrick’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our
parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising
commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our
If your business could use a shot in the arm, consider advertising in the
bulletin. Each weekend, approximately 3,800 people attend Mass at St.
Patrick’s, most of whom live and shop in the Smithtown area. It’s an easy way
to reach thousands of area families with information about your business. For
more information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank Capanzano at