
Cnr. Moxhams & Kleins Rds
Ph: 9630 3133
Fax: 9890 1796
Email: [email protected]
Website: [email protected]
12 May 2015
Dear Students, staff, parents and carers,
12-14/5 NAPLAN
16-17/5 Band Camp
18/5 School Leaders
Morning Tea
19/5 ICAS Digital Tech
20/5 Maths Olympiad
20/5 Pulse Rehearsal
22/5 Walk Safely to
School Day
25/5 Zone Cross
26/5 Yr 3 Parramatta
Term 1 – 27/1/15-2/4/15
(SDD 27/1/15)
Term 2 – 20/4/15-26/6/15
(SDD 20/4/15)
Term 3 – 13/7/15-18-9-15
(SDD – 13/7/15)
Term 4 – 6/10/15-18/12/15
(SDD – 17, 18/12/15)
Kindergarten Enrolments 2016: Parents with Kindergarten students commencing
next year are urged to register names with the office.
Australian Early Development Census:- What is the AEDC?
In early 2015, our school, along with thousands of others across the country will
begin preparations for the third Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).
The AEDC measures five key areas of development in children during their first
year of full-time school (Kindergarten) to build a national picture of health and
Since 2009, the census results have helped communities, schools and
governments plan services and target support for children and families. Teachers
are trained to assess each child and answer questions. Children don’t need to be
present so no class time is missed, and parents/carers don’t need to supply
schools with any new information for the census.
Teachers’ individual assessments are then analysed by the AEDC and reported as
anonymous groups of children in the final report. In other communities across the
country, census results have helped communities to plan new playgrounds and
parental services; schools are seeing improved student performance through new
literacy programmes; and governments are using the results as evidence to
develop better policies for children. Teachers have also noticed practical benefits
in the classroom. Some said in previous years that completing the assessments
made them more aware of the needs of individual children and the class as a
whole. Others reported that the census results are useful in planning for
transitions to school and for developing class programmes.
Participation in the AEDC is voluntary.
Parents/carers don’t need to take any action unless they choose not to include
their children in the census. To find out more about the census and how
communities are using the data to help children and families visit the AEDC
The AEDC needs to be completed by 31st July, 2015.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disabilities: From 2015, all government
and non-government schools in Australia are required to participate in the annual Nationally Consistent
Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (the national data collection). Northmead Public was
involved in program last year. The aim of the collection is to provide data to the Australian Government in
regards to provisions that are made within schools for students with disabilities. There is currently no
nationally consistent data collected on students with disability. The implementation of a Nationally
Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability means that information about students with
disability across Australia will be available in a consistent, reliable and systematic way.
The census date is Friday 7th August, 2015.
The Cross Country Carnival was a wonderful occasion for the students and staff, warmly supported by many
family members who cheered and encouraged the competitors. What an exciting day was shared at school
last Tuesday. I was so proud of the students who were in attendance and I cannot fault their behaviour. A
day such as this cannot happen without the commitment and dedication of such a talented staff and I know
the parent body join me in extending a hearty congratulation to every member of staff, who each did so
much to make the day so special for our students. Thank you also to the parents who worked tirelessly to
make our day a success. I wish to publicly acknowledge the outstanding leadership, energy and hard work of
Ms Hovarth and Mr Gorrie. I wish our cross country team all the very best at the Zone Carnival.
Walk Safely to School Day The annual National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) – when all primary
children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to and from school – will be held throughout Australia
on Friday 22nd May 2015. Walk Safely to School Day seeks to encourage parents and carers to:
• Promote the benefits of walking and help create regular walking habits at an early age
• Ensure children up to 10 years old hold hands when crossing the road
• Help children develop the vital road-crossing skills they need to become mature pedestrians
• Reduce the car dependency habits that are being created at an early age and which will be difficult
to change as children become adults
• Promote the use of public transport
• Reduce to level of air pollution created by motor vehicles
• Reduce the level of traffic congestion
I hope that our Year 3 and Year 5 students especially, had a restful weekend as they take on the challenge of
NAPLAN this week. Whilst it is great to see students achieve their full potential in this assessment task it is
also important to remember that it is one test on one day and that results are not always indicative of a
student’s true ability.
It should be noted that the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) states that:
No test is able to perfectly measure a student’s level of achievement and all tests are subject to a certain
amount of measurement error. The margin of error for a group of this size ranges from 12 points above to 12
points below the school’s score. The person in the best position to comment on just what your child can and
can’t do at this stage of their development is the classroom teacher and I would encourage parents to
contact their child’s teacher should they have any concerns with the NAPLAN testing results.
Our Stage 2 and Stage 3 teachers have done everything in their power to prepare your child for this
assessment by exposing them to what the tests will look like and building their confidence in their own
ability. During the NAPLAN testing period we ask that disruptions are kept to a minimum across the entire
school to allow these students the best possible opportunity. If you have any questions please make time to
see your classroom teacher. I am sure that each and every student will do their very best and this is the most
important thing!
Student Reports
Over the next few editions of the school newsletter I wish to provide parents with more information about
understanding report cards. Student report cards were introduced to provide parents with clearer and more
consistent information about their student’s progress against state-wide standards. The report card is a
concise, common sense report of student progress and achievement that all parents can easily understand.
The final mark is gained from the range of formal and informal assessment tasks and activities undertaken
over the semester, an overall, balanced judgement is made about which standard or progression point the
evidence best matches. The introduction of the A-E scale means that all Government schools (with the
exception of some specialist setting schools) use the same approach to reporting student progress. The A-E
ratings have the same meaning from school to school, and they are used to report student progress against
the same state-wide standards. The use of a five-point scale was also one of the conditions set by the
Commonwealth Government for the provision of funding to schools.
In every school:
a ‘C’ rating means that a student is at the standard expected at the time of reporting and that
their learning is on track. A ‘C’ does not mean achievement is ‘just adequate’. It indicates that a
student has met the state-wide standard expected of students of their age at the time of
reporting and their learning is firmly on track. Most students will receive this grade.
a ‘B’ rating means that a student is above the standard expected for their year level at the time
of reporting
an ‘A’ rating means a student is well above the standard expected for their year level at the
time of reporting
a ‘D’ rating means a student is below the standard expected
an ‘E’ rating well below the standard expected for their year level at the time of reporting.
Mother’s Day Stall Thank you A huge thank you to Linda Holmes, Joanne Kelly, Janelle Lyons, Jarita
Rettiganti Shetty, Pauline Brescia, Stacey Kerr, Tess Hotham, Katrina Urquhart, Jo Wright, Mell Brown, Kathy
Upton, Sarah Lloyd and special mention to Dana Brown for a wonderful Mother’s Day stall. I hope that all of
our mothers were spoilt on Sunday. Our Mother’s Day stall was a big hit and takes many hours of
preparation behind the scenes. It has become a wonderful tradition at our school and one that I hope
recognises the efforts of our hard working mothers in our wider school community.
SCHOOL DISCO – Thank you to everyone that joined us for the disco. The students had a fantastic night. We
would like to thank all our wonderful teachers who supervised the children and helped make sure the night
ran smoothly. The students love seeing their teachers outside of a classroom environment and enjoying
themselves. Thanks to Mr Gorman and the SRC who took on the organisation of this night. Once inside the
excitement was contagious. Our DJ kept them all entertained with games and dancing. Their energy was
endless and a quiet sit under the COLA with a cold drink was needed to give the kids time to settle down
afterwards. And lastly, our Year 3-6 group. They danced and socialized in the hall in an extremely mature
manor and it was a nice way to end the night. I would like to say a big thank you to all the teachers who
helped throughout the night, who gave up their own family evenings, to the students themselves who were
polite and well behaved and made the night enjoyable for all, and to the DJ for keeping us all entertained
with his lights, music and endless energy.
Two gentle reminders:
Application for Year 5 opportunity class placement in 2016 opens on Monday 27 April 2015 and closes on
Friday 15 May 2015. Late applications will not be accepted. Parents must complete their applications
online. There are no paper applications. All students seeking Year 5 opportunity class placement in 2016 will
be required to take the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Wednesday 22 July 2015.
Our car park can be a dangerous place, with delivery and staff vehicles coming and going throughout the
day. Please ensure that, if you walk your child to their classroom, you use the pedestrian gate and do not use
the car park entrance at any time. Cars may not enter the car park to drop off or pick up students – we have
to ensure our students’ safety at all times.
School does not ‘open’ until 8.30 each day – no supervision is provided until then. Please ensure your child’s
arrival at school is not before this time.
J. Mularczyk
Cross Country Carnival
On Tuesday 5th May we held our School Cross Country Carnival at school. Congratulations to all students
from Year 2 to 6 for their effort and enthusiasm. A big thank you to the parents who helped out on the day.
It was greatly appreciated.
A special congratulations to the following age winners:
8/9 year boys
1. Rory C
8/9 year girls
1. Maggie G
10 year boys
1. Rory G
10 year girls
1. Melissa B
2. Theo R
2. Molly M
2. Joshua T
2. Alana B
3. Lliam N
3. Lillian L
3. Alannah B
4. Matin S
4. Cassidy J
4. Jack B
4. Zoe P
5. Mateaki S
5. Niamh N
5. Sergio S
5. Rhema C
6. Adam H
6. Marissa V
6. Jeffrey L
6. Tia H
11 year boys
1. Rory M
11 year girls
1. Lindsey K
12/13 year boys
1. Ryan S
Luke S
12/13 year girls
1. Aimee H
2. Peter C
2. Grace P
2. Liam C
2. Jennifer C
3. Noah M
3. Addison C
3. Joshua B
3. Mabel B
4. Toby W
4. Ella B
4. Riley F
4. Corinne K
5. Ryan W
5. Ciara L
5. Liam B
5. Renee V
6. Lucas B
6. Sarah-Rose W
6. Kasey S
6. Carla G
And the winner is…
Dunnenah came 4th on 84 points, Yarrabin 3rd on 96 points, Brigalow 2nd on 106 points and Minore 1st on 154
The first six students in each age group will represent Northmead Public School at the Zone Cross Country
Carnival to be held at Masonic Oval in Baulkham Hills on Monday 25th May.
Ms Horvath
2015 Donation Drive
Donation envelopes have been sent home with every student for the Stewart House 2015 Donation Drive.
Each year 1,800 public school children in need come to Stewart House from many parts of NSW and the ACT.
During their stay, children are provided with optometric, dental and medical treatment as well as emotional
support. Your donation helps make these programs possible. Stewart House only receive donations from
staff and families in NSW Public Education and this is their charity of choice.
Donations of $2 are eligible to enter the competition to win a $4000 holiday to the destination of your
choice. Simply place a donation inside the envelope and return it with your details on the back by 'Stewart
House Day' on Wednesday 20th May.
Thank you for your support,
Charities Committee
 OLMC Parramatta Open Morning. Please see noticeboard for further information.
 Penrith Observatory. Please see noticeboard for further information.
 Northmead Scouts. Please see noticeboard for further information.
Your P&C News Northmead Public School Parents & Citizens Association Don’t forget to come along to the next P&C Meeting, which will be on Wednesday 20th May at 7:15pm in the school staff room! If you can’t make a meeting but have ideas to share, pop them into the P&C box at the office, or send an email to [email protected] We hope that all the NPS mums and grandma’s loved their spoiling and gifts on Mothers Day! A huge thankyou to Dana Brown for spending months of planning each year to choose such special gifts and for coordinating the P&C mother’s day stall with a great bunch of mum’s who gave up their time to help the kiddies of our school choose such wonderful gifts for the deserving super mummies and nans in their lives! Environmental reminder: if the paper bags your gifts came in are heading to the bin, why not drop them into the canteen for re-­‐use!! “Sunday 13th September 2015” th
Next Spring Fair Meeting – Tuesday 19 May at Northmead Bowling Club from 7:30pm. Please come along, especially if you were involved previously – we’d love to pick your brains! Congratulations to Tracey Williams – winner of the Poster Design Competition! The Sports Mufti Day raised $440 to help with the costs of the Fair and a massive head start with soft drinks and lollies, so thanks to all that participated! We need to finalise the major raffle in coming weeks so any corporate contacts would be awesome. For up to date information on Spring Fair planning, join the Facebook Group. Search for Northmead Spring Fair 2015 on Facebook. The next Spring Fair Newsletter will come out in week 6 Voting for the proposed new uniform has closed. The results are now being sent to Mr Mularczyk for final consideration and discussion at the next P&C meeting. We will then have an answer for everyone as to whether the uniform will be changing, and if so, which uniform it will be changing to! Stay Tuned! CANTEEN NEWS! Our school canteen is run by our P&C. The Canteen Committee was set up as a sub-­‐committee of the P&C to provide specific help, suggestions, input and support to the canteen manager. Thank you and welcome to the new members of the Canteen Committee, elected at the March AGM. In addition to the P&C President, Kylie Feather, current members now are: Joanne Kelly Linda Holmes Bec Bellew Sally Bonner Paul Hinchcliffe You do not need to be on the canteen committee to help our canteen run. There are many ways you can help. Obviously you can volunteer some of your time, but you can also help by utilising our services. Even if you only order lunches occasionally, or order our BIRTHDAY SERVICE you still contribute to our success. If you have any suggestions for how we can improve our services, questions, issues or concerns please feel free to let us know. We ask that you approach us directly in the canteen, email ([email protected]) or drop a letter in the canteen drop box on the wall in the corridor outside the office. As the weather cools, our menu hots up! Our winter menu offers lots of winter warmer meals like BEEF HOT POT, CHILLI CON CARNE (tasty but not spicy), PUMPKIN SOUP and COTTAGE PIE. Recess sees the kids accessing warm milo, pizza muffins, garlic bread and toasted sandwiches … all homemade. You should have received a lovely colour copy of the menu at the start of this term (Thanks Office Ladies). If not, the menu can be accessed via the school website or there are a few hard copies in the wall trays outside the office. REMINDERS: Please send your child to school having eaten breakfast, with a bag packed with fresh fruit or vegetables for CRUNCH n’ SIP, morning tea and lunch. If you cannot provide these, please provide money so that your child may purchase them. Crunch n’ Sip, morning tea and lunch can all be purchased at the canteen for as little as $4. This would buy an apple or cut orange, 2 wholemeal pikelets with jam, small vanilla yoghurt and a vegemite sandwich. This is called a “FOOD PACK” and is now available for purchase from the canteen every morning before school only. THE CANTEEN CANNOT GIVE CREDIT TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON. Swing past the canteen for your morning coffee… The quality has increased but the price hasn’t! Still only $3. YOU’RE INVITED to take advantage of the new ‘Birthday Service’ the school’s canteen is offering.
Many parents send their child to school with cupcakes or lolly bags etc. in order to celebrate their birthday with their classmates. We are now offering to provide this service. Your selected item will be made to order in our food safe kitchen, with fresh ingredients, and delivered to the classroom, in individual portions, with all required utensils i.e. forks, serviettes etc. CUPCAKES FLAVOURS: chocolate or vanilla COST: 80c each for first 20 ICING: chocolate, vanilla, pink or blue 70c each for 21 -­‐25 TOPPING: freckle or smartie 60c each for 26 -­‐35 Example 35 cupcakes = $25.50 FLAVOURS: lime, strawberry, pineapple, COST: 60c each for first 20 orange, blueberry (a mixed selection of 50c each additional each flavour is available) JELLY Example 35 jellies = $19.50 FRESH FRUIT SALAD COST: 80c each for first 20 70c each 21 – 25 50c each 26 – 35 Example 35 fruit salads = $24.50 COST: 50c each FRUITY ICE POPS (a water ice block) FLAVOURS: a selection of flavours is on offer, including strawberry, lime, orange, lemonade. All orders must be received at least 3 school days prior to being needed, and payment must be received before any order will be filled. CHILD’S NAME: PARENT’S NAME: DATE ORDER REQUIRED: ITEM: AMOUNT PAID: CLASS: CONTACT NUMBER: NUMBER REQUIRED: For cupcakes only: CAKE – CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA ICING – CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA OR PINK OR BLUE TOPPING – FRECKLE OR SMARTIE (Please Circle) For jelly only: LIME OR STRAWBERRY OR PINEAPPLE OR ORANGE OR BLUEBERRY OR MIXED FLAVOURS (Please Circle) NB: It is not compulsory that anyone utilise this service. Nor is it compulsory for anyone to send treats to school in celebration of their child’s birthday. Any questions, please approach Kylie (the canteen manager) in the canteen or contact her via the school office on 9630 3133. EDIBLE OUTDOOR CLASSROOM
Lots of fun things have been going on in the garden in the past couple of weeks.
Planting has been going ahead full steam with lots of wonderful goodies having now
been planted by the Children.
The children’s Snow Peas and Beans (which they started from seed, many planted into the
toilet rolls donated) are growing in huge leaps and bounds. We have put trellises up for them
to climb upon (the plants not the children) and produce their yummy bounty, which the
Children will get to taste.
A couple of trellises have now been erected for the Broad Beans that were started by
Grade 4 class as part of their class teachings and curriculum. Portion of the students
took their seedlings home and others planted in their school garden to watch and eat
when they come to fruition.
We are very lucky to have been donated a wonderful shelving unit in the garden Shade
House where we can now shelve the larger watering cans and other items. This will
make it much easier for the children to retrieve and water the garden themselves and
this also now makes room for the children to be able to put their seedlings they are
growing to be houses inside the green house.
for making this wonderful addition to the children’s garden area.
Thanks to Mrs. Sanda Salter for organising this wonderful surprise 
I have now set aside an area in the garden for produce to be grown to be used in our School
I will be asking a group of children (yet to be selected) who will take responsibility (along with
our assistance) of the Canteen Garden – keep an eye out for future produce to go in and
which will be coming to your Canteen in the near future....
A lot of our herbs in the Herb Spirals will also be incorporated into some of the dishes to be
and are already being served in the School Canteen.
After discussions with Mrs. Kylie Delaney, our school Canteen Manager, the children and
volunteers will be growing items that can be used in the wonderful homemade meals and also
to sell direct to the children as tasty healthy treats/snacks.
On the weekend I planted Baby Beetroots and Radishes to start the ball rolling.
Last Thursday the Environmental Group planted 2 x Rosemary bushes and about a half a
dozen smaller rosemary seedlings outside Mrs. Taylor’s classroom.
The smaller rosemary seedlings were grown by the children from cuttings we took a
couple of months ago from the School’s rosemary plants.
They cut 5cm strips and then they dipped into hormone powder and planted into pots.
We also used plastic 2 litre bottles cut in half to make little hot houses for them to hopefully
grow roots. Their little experiment worked a treat; they were very excited when they saw last
week that quite a few had made lovely new roots.
They now have a lovely new home to grow in and we will be expanding the Remembrance
Garden and hopefully will be in full bloom for next year’s Anzac Day Ceremony.
** If you have a spare Rosemary plant you do not want, the Children would b e very
happy to take them off your hands to plant in their Remembrance Garden **
** At the moment we do not need any more Toilet Rolls, Plastic Bags or Plastic Milk/Juice Bottles. –
THANK YOU to everyone that contributed, it has been very much appreciated by myself and all the
Linda Holmes
[email protected]
Edible Outdoor Classroom/Bush Tucker Garden
Kids Garden Club