IV Pl@y`s magic farm project - Iv-play


IV Pl@y`s magic farm project - Iv-play
sum free
200 mer
7edit 2008
IV Pl@y’s magic
farm project
Green ARMY
ready to
march on
La nouvelle star
does IV Pl@y
event page 4
Topey Fairmirack
The sight of this farm was
altogether mind blowing
The harvested collection
is very fresh, with blissful
colours and great cuts
Colour palettes are wild
and bold
Rumours about the existence of
this farm have been spreading
around like a wild fire for quite
a while. There has even been
hot hearsay of alien sightings
around the place where this top
secret farm was supposed to be
We have the facts. The IV Pl@y
Gazette has it all: we are
publishing some never released
photos of the high security
secret farm where the Jeans
@rchitecture team has been
breeding its special organic
collection. The sight of this farm
was altogether mind blowing and
out of this world. Join us for a
unique peek at this one of a kind
concept that is really unique and
No worries though: no aliens
were found. Only passionate
homo sapiens.
More on page 18...
@partay with
Valerie L’Eveillé
Lagh Hairverr
IV Pl@y Uniforms (UFM)
division has been chosen to
design the gear for the Green
Force which is mobilized for
the safeguard of our planet.
With the launching of their
new collection, the UFM team
has again taken the world by
storm, coming up with some
inspiring and original gear
to fit the full powered Green
Force. Marco La Rock, UFM
special operations specialist,
declares that “UFM is setting
the trend by changing the very
meaning of the word war”.
More on the UFM Green
Army agenda on page 9.
Vaye Zahfair
The love story between Ashley
Prude and actress Pary Silton
is well over. We have some
scandalous pictures of the star
frolicking with the hottest babes
in town. More on page 42 with
also shots of a sizzling hot video
filmed by Ashley of the two girls
getting it on in front of him.
interview page 32
The roman photo
is back
culture page 38
Green Guru
environment page 40
IV Pl@y Gazette
“Que IV Pl@y soit”
OU OR O!!!
Ayau Mopapaho
This is a one off. We had two beauties
to show and had to choose one. It was
tough, too tough, we had white nights,
serious nail gnawing sessions, cold
sweats on choosing the right one.
We finally did the best choice: we gave
you two page three girls for this issue.
Cherry Pie and Noemi Crumble are the
raving queens of the night scene. They
have been seen lately with gorgeous
Ashley Prude who had found no
better to play with. More pics of those
gorgeous twins page… What’s your
In the beginning there was the
almighty who created a world of
beauty, a world of perfection: the
greatest designer of all. He made
no mistakes, everything works and
looks perfect in his amazing world.
It has been ticking like clockwork
for millions of years. How could
we contemplate nature and want
to change it…? How could we
mess with perfection? God made
no mistakes, or perhaps just one;
giving us the power to decide, the
power to make those mistakes he
skilfully avoided.
Our earth is very sick, we all
know it by now, it’s in the papers,
on the news. Someone must be
responsible; if it is not our fault . . . it
must be someone else. So you say
that it is too big an issue for you
to have contributed personally to
this mess. It’s not yours to fix; it
must be the government’s lack of
legislation, it’s the fault of greedy
America, it sure is because of
irresponsible China…
Let’s change our mindset, it’s
time to look at the man (or lady)
in the mirror and take action. This
second edition of the “IV PL@Y
GAZETTE” tries, in its own off
beat tone, to present IV PL@Y’s
new and vibrant summer range
while addressing the green issue.
Talking about it is a start even if
we do not pretend to have any
solution or sustainable agenda.
Come on, let’s change our ways,
after all we all want to still
for a long time, don’t we?
IV Pl@y
Play Gazette
Miss Citroën
pl@ys to win
Deu Chevo
he friendship of IV Pl@y with Citroën starts right back to
2001 with the launch of the customized Citroen Saxo
IV Pl@y car. It was a gorgeous limited edition available
for the very special client known as the “CitroPl@y”.
Since then, the IV Pl@y team has been proud to dress up the winning
Citroen rally tandem Ramdenee/Newaj. The boys at the showroom
also proudly wear their gear. So this year, the two brands have again
decided to do another great bash again and have another reason to
The rally
The rally is organized by the Club Auto Sport of Mauritius. The Club
Citroën Sport Mauritius participates annually with IV Pl@y as one of
their sponsors since its launch in 2002. This year the crowd could gork
and envy champion pilot coming from Reunion such as Michel Tadeus.
Miss Citroën
As part of the carousing, this year has seen the first time the election
of the Miss Citroen Sport: Miss Reshma Sowdagur. She was gorgeous
and very sparkly. All the ladies at the super friendly contest were of
course wearing their favourite gear.
Photo of the event: courtesy of Jean Francois Mootoosamy.
Les nouvelles stars
découvrent IV Pl@y
Amizay Papa
Les cinq finalistes de la Nouvelle
Star: Julien Doré, l’heureux
gagnant de la cinquième
saison, Tigane, Gaétane Abrial,
Pierre Darmon et Julie Mazi
ont littéralement conquis et
ensorcelé les fans mauriciens au
Swami Vivekananda le dimanche
30 septembre, 2007.
Ce concert est la dernière étape
de la tournée lancée le 24 juillet
à Ouistreham en Normandie.
Nos nouvelles stars ont ensuite
fait le tour de toute la France
pour terminer à Maurice après
une escale à La Réunion.
Ce fut aussi l’occasion pour
IV Pl@y de faire goûter aux stars
la saveur locale et de ramener un
souvenir de chez IV Pl@y.
Après avoir tout donné sur
scène, ils méritaient bien tous
une bonne dose de IV Pl@y.
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Green @rmy gets read
Lagh Hairverr
The Uniforms (UFM) Green
Force strategy is clear and
straightforward. It wants to
use the energies of a classic
mobilization found in warfare
and to re-channel these into a
force that will drive people to
first dress up fine and ultimately
to become more aware of the
green issues concerning the
world that we all live in. Marco
La Rock, UFM special operations
specialist, says that “if we do not
concentrate our energies on this
planetary issue and make it our
priority, our planet, as we know
it, will disappear. We won’t have
any parks or forests left to walk
around and show off our latest
UFM gear.” He looked very
affected by this gloomy thought.
But here came along another key
player of the Green Force to perk
things up a bit. “It is not our duty
to be square and dull about this
Green issue,” says UFM green
adviser, Colonel G. RocheScout, “that would certainly not
be IV Pl@y at all. We want to
help and to make that mindset
change in a fun and happy
attitude. No preaching here!”
The Green Force was aware
that there is surely a serious
need to become conscious of
the environmental challenges
facing us all and of the battle
ahead to preserve our planet. It is
committed to do its bit so there
will be a better and greener world
for the next generation to come.
As pointed out by Colonel RocheScout, Al Gore mentions in his
must see inspiring documentary
movie, The Inconvenient Truth
that we have to change our
mindset: “Humans are almost
engaging into a war against our
very own planet.”. And that is not
cool at all…
The UFM team
has no
pretension to being a green case
and to preaching the Green Good
News. “Oh God! we have such
a long way to go to even start
Team getting ready to shoot at target
trying to pretend that we have
a sustainable agenda,” says IV
Pl@y designer Ma®io Guillot.
But one can see that even
though its means are modest,
the IV Pl@y team understands
well the challenges facing our
world and is ready to contribute
and help make people aware of
this serious issue. To mobilize
the world to see more Green!
It is with that aim in mind that
the UFM team is engaging in
a mass propaganda campaign
lead by the one and only
Captain Midea, IV Pl@y’s
communications director. “It is
about small little things that all
of us can do,” says the captain
“those everyday deeds can
make a difference. This is why
we came up with the Green 10
Commandments.” (see below).
It is armed with this mission
that the UFM Green Army is
expected to get on its brand new
gear and go on the front. Join up!
UFM wants you!!!
10 green commmandments
Below are our work in progress for 10 green UFM
commandments to be greener. Check it out.
1.Breathe out less (that will reduce carbon dioxide emission in our
atmosphere). Only kidding!!!
2.Stop smoking … we are not kidding about that. Not only are you
polluting the air around you, you are also polluting your lungs and
catching bad breath.
3.Stop throwing your rubbish from the car windows! ...Our island
is not a giant rubbish bin!!!
4. Switch the lights off when you leave a room. No need to make
your house glow in the dark!
5. Turn the TV off when you are not watching. Simple, but so
many of us let the TV well, watch TV.
6. Tune your car regularly, specially if you run on diesel, so that
those fumes are kept to a minimum. Many of the Mauritian public
buses are real killers!
7. Go jogging or walking often. Leave your car behind and enjoy
the fresh air.
8.Use solar energy and always try to utilize recyclable and
biodegradable materials.
9. Support any party that has a Green agenda.
The tenth `essential` commandment:
10. Wear UFM gear as a sign of your protest against a polluted
world.(That was just blatant propaganda for the UFM team!!!)
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Univers Bamba
IV Pl@y Gazette
Leza Fair-Reprenne
photographe. Dans le
monde de la photographie
et de l'univers du luxe, les
images de Bamba sont une référence.
Ces photos sont empreintes d’une
grande sensibilité, d’émotion profonde
et d’une osmose avec la lumière.
Nous avons rencontré ce fin gourmet
autour d`une bonne table à Grand
Baie. Nous lui avons posé la question
suivante : c’est quoi la photographie
pour vous ?
Entre deux bouffées de cigare, cet
épicurien nous a ouvert la porte de
sa passion. Ce qui suit est une série
d'instants, de bribes de conversation,
de photos-écrites de notre rencontre.
Bienvenue dans l'univers Bamba…
Pour moi, ce n'est pas l'argent qui fait
bouger le monde, c'est la création.
Au départ, il y a une idée, une vision…
C'est une expérience
des lieux, des moments
; la
photo est
témoignage de l'histoire
de l’humain… Il faut qu'il
y ait toujours de l’humilité
chez le photographe,
qu’il laisse l’image
prendre le premier
plan. Les valeurs fortes
d'une bonne photo pour
moi sont : l’amour, le
respect et la recherche
du beau.
Il faut que je vibre avant
de faire vibrer. Un
photographe doit être une
éponge, pour restituer ce
qu'on a vécu : c`est un
La photographie pour moi est une
manière de décrire, de ré-inventer
nos vies. De revisiter la manière de
voir les choses. C’est un moyen de
focaliser l`attention des gens sur le
monde, sur la vie ; de surprendre…
Au-delà de la démonstration,
la photo est un outil qui exprime
des valeurs, des sentiments.
Qui dénonce aussi… C’est
de l’écriture et de la poésie,
qui portent un regard sur la
souffrance humaine et sur le
Être photographe, c'est un mode de vie :
ce n’est pas un métier. Ma richesse,
c’est ma sensibilité.
La photo est un moyen de partage,
l'envie de faire partager un instant,
une révélation, une dénonciation.
On le fait par sa sensibilité pour
toucher les gens, attirer leur
attention, susciter une émotion :
et tout cela dans l’espace d’un
moment, le temps d’un regard,
d’une goutte d’eau qui tombe,
d`une lumière qui caresse… C'est
la création des univers.
Ce qui m'est le plus cher
dans mon métier c'est
cet accès à la liberté,
la liberté de faire des
rencontres. Prenons par
exemple, ma rencontre
avec Ma®io : je retrouve
en lui des valeurs d'artiste.
En réalité, il n e c r é e
pas des vêtements
: il invente une manière
de vivre, il ré-invente la
sensation d'un vêtement.
Il est artiste jonglant avec
des formes, des lignes et
des couleurs.
Je pense sincèrement que le
beau peut sauver le monde.
C'est vrai que confronté à
des épreuves, on a souvent
l’ envie de renoncer : mais
au final, on s’accroche. Le
photographe essaye de
redonner de la dignité, il est
l’amplificateur du beau. Pour
que le beau soit plus grand
que la laideur.
la beauté de la vie
et aussi de dénoncer
parfois ses injustices.
IV Pl@y
Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Jeans @rchitecture
dream farm
the future is green
Topey Fairmirack
The organic Jeans @rchitecture
team were overwhelmed by
the very high yield of their
experimental farm. It took
a lot of imagination, love,
thought and nurturing for this
2007 and 2008 summer grand
cru to grow into one of its best
season ever.
The harvested collection
is very fresh, with blissful
colours and great cuts that
will make you glow and
shine. Colour palettes are wild
and bold. Below are some
exclusive pictures from the
secret location of the Jeans
@rchitecture farm.
1. Go Skinny dipping is
highly recommended.
2. Take all your clothes
off and run around your
3. Contribute to your community: organise a mud
contest competition.
4. Go on a camping party:
bring a comfy mattress if
you don’t want to end up
with a sore back.
5. Look after a little veggie patch. Any growing of
illegal substances is not
recommended as it could
lead you to the isolation
of a prison hole: far from
6. Go for a walk or a jog
every morning.
7. Cook you own food: it
makes you enjoy it better
and be more conscious of
its nutritional content.
ur jaws dropped
when the doors
to this unique
farm opened. As
we were chauffeur driven
there in a heavily tinted glass
Hummer, we had no idea of its
whereabouts. But that detail is
altogether insignificant to what
was to be a unique experience.
We were welcomed by a
chilled and cool IV Pl@y
crew. We felt at home. After a
very thirst quenching glass of
juice, we were made to see the
At first, all looks very normal:
a peaceful farm with some
very happy folks doing their
job. But when we got closer,
we realised that what they
were doing was quite amazing.
Here we were in this huge
green field of lush vegetables
and fruits that was interlaced
with an amazing harvest of
gorgeous jeans, shirts, tops
and accessories. The IV Pl@y
team had succeeded in making
their design so organic and
close to the beauty and purity
of nature that now it was just a
matter of sowing the concept
and Mother Nature did the rest.
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Take a walk
on the
wild side
Kassen Bonpoze
obile phones,
internet, SMS,
satellite TV, blue
tooth…. All those fashionable
buzz words are witnesses of
that ultra potent modern world
that we live in. They are the
fun and handy innovations of
our ever evolving world that
make us have more fun and
help us communicate better.
Unfortunately, they tend to
keep us indoors and in a virtual
“impersonal” mode: real and
physical experiences seem to
become very scarce…Are we
losing touch?
Isn’t it time to switch it all
off and go back to the basics,
at least for a while? Try and
enjoy the earth, the water and
the air that we breathe. We
took a walk on the wild side…
let us take your hand and bring
you there for a glimpse….
I mean let us just switch it all
off and chill out: close your
eyes and imagine this summer,
the sun is toasting your skin
(with protection of course):
Let us play it Zen. Play in the
dirt, do some mud wrestling,
go fishing, climb a mountain,
enjoy the free fresh air around
you. Sow and cultivate what
you eat. Ride a bicycle…
Watch a butterfly. If you get
bored, a good old wet T-shirt
competition will surely perk
you up.
When I was writing this article
from my urban concrete
apartment, I dreamt and
longed for that green, lush
and free experience… Thank
God, it came knocking at my
door from an invitation to
experience the IV Pl@y
secret hideaway…
The funky architects from
the Jeans @rchitecture
team are fully aware
of the green
T h e y
chose to
loosen up, to be inspired and
to relax with Mother Nature.
They decided to switch it off
and to be lit only by the rays
of the sun and to dream by
the glow of the Moon.
“Nature is such a beautiful
and colossal setting for
inspiration,” claims head
architect of Jeans @
rchitecture, Ma®io Guillot.
“We took the team out to
stroll around green pastures,
visit farm lands, sow seeds
and harvest organic fruits and
veggies... What is great when
you live close to the pulse
and rhythm of nature is
that you start to appreciate
the moment more, to pay
attention to the buzz of
a bee flying by that then
delicately lands on a
gorgeous flower… It is
an immense sensation to
be close to nature.”
The creative outcome for
being in harmony with
nature was remarkable.
We were amazed by
what came out of the
drawing boards, the
outcome was bright,
natural, organic and
We left the farm inspired
and wanted to share this
great green feeling with
you. Here we go…This
summer take a trip to the
green and taste the wild
side. It is time for some
parties, swinging freely,
enjoying life and running
around butt naked…
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Pl@y more with
your hands
Mein Dev
There is no denying that we all
have an innate urge to create, to
do things, even if they are not
masterpieces most of the times...
Doubtful? Well, remember the
days when you were a kid, of that
constant need to build something,
to make a paper plane, a doll
house, a fishing rod or a kite…
I believe that we all do have an
urge to craft something with our
hands. Fortunately for some,
these skills are the very base of
their careers. Unfortunately for
others, they get further away
from this creative tactile energy
and worst of all sometimes stop
appreciating the beauty of the
handmade. Do not fear…Let me
take you on the adventure of the
magical hands…
Handmade items and products
are often taken for granted. Our
modern superlative generation
does not sometimes cultivate
the beauty of craftmanship.
It seems that nowadays with
products invading the market by
the minute, we are losing touch
with what we used to cherish in
the past.
Remember the days when you
would come home for freshly
baked cookies, when your
grandmother would knit a jumper
for your birthday or your dress
would be sown by the seamstress
down the road! We are losing the
ability to appreciate the things
that loving hands have patiently
carved, crafted or painted.
The handmade quilt, the old
wooden clock ticking on the
wall or the iron wrought chairs
sitting under the verandah bring
indeniably warmth, comfort and
beauty to your abode.
We met with Ma®io Guillot,
IV Pl@y designer and a fan of
handmade. He said: “I remember
when I was growing up, my
mother used to sow a lot. She
used to make our clothes, our
bedspreads and curtains. It’s
from her that I got this passion
for fashion and craftmanship.”
Even now, Ma®io is proud to
add that “fait à la main” touch
to his collection. “Tailored Jeans
was inspired from the ‘tailleur
du coin’. I wanted to bring back
some of that authenticity, some
of that imperfection in the cut.
This collection has such a vintage
feel to it. It carries the weight
of the history of tailoring in its
handstitching, its structured lines
and old styled graphics.”
We tried their latest jeans and
were totally mesmerised. It does
have that good ol’ feel to it!
So what is so great about
handmade? The uniqueness of
a handcrafted object is, what
I consider to be their greatest
appeal. Even though a potter
may make a thousand mugs,
each will be unique. The fact
that there are imperfections and
slight differences between the
objects are the reasons why they
are valued. Like humans, they
are not perfect but beautifully
unique in their own way.
When you buy a handmade object,
you are also getting a piece of the
artist’s or craftsman’s soul. Those
who appreciate handmade are
usually eager to know about the
creator that made the pieces and
they value the skill and passion
that went into their creation. I
think of handmade pieces as
having a life, unlike ‘stuff’ that is
mass-produced by machines and
basically untouched by human
hands during the creation process.
They are often lovingly passed
from one generation to another
and only get better with age!
You will look differently next
time at the ferblantier bent over
his tin boxes in his workshop or
the Tailored jeans sitting in your
wardrobe. I know handmade is
not important to everyone, but
then again… so what!
Viva la mano!
(selected source: internet)
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
L’Eveillé de IV Pl@y
Gordon Sweet
Derrière chaque belle réussite, nous dit-on, se cache toujours une femme. Cette
juste réflexion est encore plus vraie chez IV Pl@y. Beaucoup de femmes sont mises à
contribution dans cette entreprise. Malgré un emploi du temps chargé, l’égérie de IV Pl@y,
Valérie L’Eveillé, a pu nous consacrer un moment pour cette entrevue. Présente aux
côtés de Ma®io Guillot depuis les premières ébauches de IV Pl@y, son parcours nous
inspire ; d’autant plus qu’elle gère en même temps le rôle de collaborateur et celui de
partenaire dans la vie.
Votre parcours avant de rejoindre l'équipe de IV Pl@y.
2. Le mot que vous détestez ? Insipide
3. Votre drogue favorite ? La bouffe
4. Le son, le bruit que vous aimez ? Le son
du moteur de ma nouvelle Mini.
5. Le son, le bruit que vous détestez ? Quand
Ma®io gueule « Valériiie !» Je plaisante…
Le son de mon portable qui sonne.
Dites-nous un peu plus sur votre rôle chez IV Play…
Votre êtes une Superwoman…
Être femme, n'est-ce pas cela : pouvoir tout faire en
même temps. Et j'ai aussi mes cinq chiens à cajoler et
nourrir (réflexions…) Mon Dieu!
Bon les choses ne sont pas restées à cela bien sûr.
Nous avons évolué, j'étais devenue la responsable des
ventes en boutique et maintenant j'ai un super titre très
pompeux : “Image Director”. Je suis en charge de toute
la communication externe de la marque.
Est-ce que c'est un métier difficile d'être dans la mode?
Oui et non… Tout ce qui touche à la production est en
effet, très complexe et c’est un métier très prenant qui
devient plus compliqué avec les mille et un détails des
designs de Ma®io. Mais c'est un niveau d'exigence qui
conduit à des résultats magnifiques. Heureusement que
je ne fais pas partie de l’équipe qui gère la production,
donc, je ne vois pas de près ces difficultés mais nous
ressentons à tous les niveaux les obstacles auxquels se
heurtent la production. Ce métier est passionnant, tous
les jours il y a du nouveau et on ne s’ennuie jamais chez
IV Pl@y. J'adore la mode, donc ce n'est pas difficile
pour moi d'y évoluer… Pour tout vous dire, je ne trouve
pas ce que je pourrais faire d'autre...
Comme vous êtes en charge de l'image de IV Pl@y,
qu'est-ce que vous valorisez dans votre stratégie ?
Mon Dieu, vous me faites vraiment peur là. Stratégie ?
Un bien grand mot qui ne me va pas trop bien… Moi,
et c'est un peu la IV Pl@y attitude, c'est au feeling. Un
Nous avons aussi rapidement soumis Valérie
aux questions de Bernard Pivot, de son
émission culte « Bouillon de Culture » :
1. Votre mot préféré ? Oui
Il me semble qu'il n'y avait pas de parcours avant IV Pl@y
(rires…). Cette aventure a commencé depuis maintenant
plus de 15 ans. Avec Ma®io, nous avons commencé nos
carrières en Australie, moi dans un différent domaine et,
avec le recul, je pense que cette période restera comme la
période de gestation subconsciente de IV Pl@y. Le déclic,
ce fut des vacances à Maurice et le coup foudre mutuel
que Ma®io et moi eurent en sentant l'air mauricien : ce
parfum de liberté et ce sentiment d’être rentrés au bercail
nous avaient accaparés. Nous étions conquis par les
possibilités qui s’ouvraient à nous. IV Pl@y trouva
sa maison.
J'ai commencé, comme dans toute petite entreprise qui se
bâtit sur une passion et avec de petits moyens, comme
la femme à tout faire. Alors là vraiment à tout faire :
vendeuse, assistante du directeur (il n’y avait que Ma®io
et moi au début), collaboratrice à l'essayage, assistantecomptable, et bien sûr, mon poste préféré, celui de
livreuse! J`ai eu à soulever des boîtes de vêtements,
beaucoup de boîtes, trop de boîtes … (rires). Et en plus
(et cela reste mon job à ce jour), être la femme qui fait
de bons petits plats pour monsieur et qui s’occupe du
quotidien de notre cher designer…
6. Votre juron, gros mot ou blasphème
favori ? Espèce de « Tounne ».
7. Homme ou femme pour illustrer un
nouveau billet de banque ? Kaya ou Keya
(ma tante) !
projet me fait vibrer. J’en discute avec Ma®io et on le
fait. Nous sommes très artisanaux de ce côté-là, tout
se fait au feeling : si une proposition nous touche, un
événement nous parle, un courant passe et hop…on y
va. Et je ne vous dis pas les erreurs qu'on a faites : des
tonnes ; mais on apprend de nos erreurs, avec toujours
cette envie de mieux faire la prochaine fois. C'est peutêtre cela notre stratégie…
Est-ce qu’il est vraiment difficile de travailler avec
Ma®io ?
8. Le métier que vous n'auriez pas aimé faire ?
Gardien de nuit.
9. La plante, l'arbre ou l'animal dans lequel
vous aimeriez être réincarnée ? Un de mes
chiens, avec moi comme maîtresse.
10. Si Dieu existe, qu’aimeriez-vous, après
votre mort, l’entendre dire ? Enfin te voilà...
Mais Maurice est aussi un pays de contradiction. Dans
ce développement, il y a malheureusement des laisséspour-compte : ceux qui ne sont pas les bénéficiaires de
cette croissance économique, notre culture qui se perd
lentement, notre nature qui se dégrade. Cela dit, je ne
pourrais pas vivre ailleurs qu’à l’île Maurice !!!
Vous voulez dire ici ou au lit ? (rires…). Oui parce qu’il
est très exigeant et impatient au boulot, il pense qu’on
peut tous fonctionner à 100 kilomètres à l’heure comme
lui ! Il s'emporte parfois, mais il n’y a pas de méchanceté
dans ses excès de colère. Avec Ma®io, nous essayons de
bien séparer notre vie amoureuse et notre vie de travail…
quoique j’ai tendance à mélanger mes pinceaux… mais la Vos ambitions ?
plupart du temps, cela donne encore plus d'épices à la chose.
Prendre ma retraite très vite (rires)… Enjoy life more.
Quelle est votre perception du design à Maurice ?
Les choses vont certainement dans la bonne direction.
Les métiers du design, de la décoration intérieure ou de
l'architecture prennent de l’ampleur à Maurice. Cette
appréciation accrue du beau et de l'esthétisme ne peut
qu’être positive mais il y a du chemin à faire encore.
Vos passions ?
Vivre est une passion. Ma famille, mon boulot, mes
amis, le sport, etc… tout cela me passionne. Je n'ai pas
de grande formule philosophique sur ce sujet. Voilà en
une phrase : vivre bien est ma grande passion.
Et notre île Maurice, comment va-t-elle ?
Ce que vous détestez ?
Il y a beaucoup de bonnes et mauvaises choses qui se
passent à Maurice : nous avons dans certains secteurs
un développement accéléré comme dans l’informatique
par exemple. Le label Made in Mauritius prend de l’essor
; prenons le cas de IV Pl@y, nous n’avons jamais été
aussi sollicités qu’en ce moment, nous recevons des
demandes de franchises de différentes parties du monde.
Je déteste cette question…
Votre dernier mot…
On n’a jamais le dernier mot avec moi ! Restez donc,
finalement cela me plaît bien cette entrevue (rires)…
Longue vie à IV Pl@y.
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Brand new skin
for IV Pl@y
Decaux Rassion
IV Pl@y welcomes you to its
new revamped friendly stores.
They are undergoing some
far-reaching changes to make
your shopping experience even
better. Their new collection can
now be spotted at many brand
new stores. Jumbo Riche-Terre
store is already very proud
to show off its new style to
make you even happier. New
furnishings and outfits for the
store have given a new depth
and energy to the place.Visit to
see how grandma’s floor looks
great, mixed with a touch of
modernity and those exclusive
vintage bits and bobs. And
while you’re there, indulge
yourself with our new summer
Grand-Baie and Caudan’s
stores have also been revamped.
Below is an exclusive look at
the new set up for the Caudan’s
store. Have a feel.
All measurements to be checked on site.
Graw Morso
Fareed is the Executive Director of IV Pl@y.
We asked him a few questions about his job and what it
is like working in the IV Pl@y farm.
What is your typical day like?
First when I arrive to the office, I have my cuppa tea…
then meeting with all the managers and team leaders: see
what is going on and what is not working. The next step
is my emails: any thought of dealing with that later on in
the day is pure fiction.
That done, I go for a stroll around the place: just a matter
of seeing that the IV Pl@y farm is all doing well. There
are also meetings with suppliers, solving problems or
dealing with clients. Of course I spend also lots of time
speaking to Ma®io on the phone. He creates the design
and I make sure that it comes to life.
What are your responsibilities?
To make sure that all is smooth. If a manager cannot find
a solution at his level: I expect him or her to come to me
and we then solve the problem together. I administer the
daily running of IV Pl@y and its staff.
How do you lead your team?
By encouraging them to follow and respect the basic
procedures in their work. I have a bird’s eye point of
view of the whole thing and always try to do better...
Better service, better product.
Your strengths?
I feel that I am a passe partout. I can adapt to every
situations and I am easily accepted by anyone at different
levels. I am blessed with the ability to find solutions!
Otherwise… I could not survive in this job.
Your weaknesses?
I want to do it all by myself. I sometimes get (less now)
very worried when something is not in my control. I
also have to communicate better. Well for starters, I am
speaking to you… that’s a great step already, don’t you
What do you love the most about IV Pl@y?
My boss and well, my salary… (laughs)…I love the
relaxed and easy going feel of the office. No stringent
hierarchy here: sometimes Ma®io and I are still
unloading boxes!
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
Les télénovelas
de nos parents
Pah Labb
Après la découverte du légendaire
Project 65 et de ces magnifiques
T-Shirts vintage, l'équipe de IV
Pl@y nous surprend une fois de
plus avec la révélation d`une pièce
de collection de 1965 : un roman
photo d`époque avec le beau
le rôle de Clévio et ORNELLA
FRUTTI comme la pétillante
Bonita. Cette perle rare de 1965
a été vendue à plus d'un million
de copies. Faisons ensemble
un petit saut dans l’histoire et
découvrons le précurseur des
“soapies” et des télénovelas…
A ses débuts dans les années 30,
le ciné-roman (roman-photo)
est un résumé des films à succès
composé d'images extraites de
séquences cinéma sous lesquelles
figure une légende. Le public
était très friand de ce genre de
récit, surtout dans les régions
retirées où les salles de cinéma
étaient rares. Le ciné-roman
connaît son heure de gloire dans
les années 30 et 40.
1965 was a year of many happenings… here are some
highlights to remember:
‘The Sound of Music' premieres. An instant hit, the film was
one of the top-grossing movies of 1965 and remains one of
cinema`s most popular musicals.
Canada adopts the red and white maple leaf flag.
En 1947, la revue italienne
Il Mio Sogno
(Mon Rêve)
commercialise le premier romanphoto. Réalisé par Stefano REDA
et Giampaolo CALLEGARI, il
porte le titre Nel fondo del cuore
(Au fond du cœur). Dans l'un des
rôles principaux, on reconnaît
Giana LORIS qui deviendra
En 1948, un an à peine après la
parution du premier roman-photo
italien, des Français s'inspirent
de l'idée et créent la revue Nous
deux, qui se vend d'emblée à
250 000 exemplaires. Deux ans
plus tard, en 1950, Nous deux
a triplé ses ventes et se vend à
725 000 exemplaires ! Le succès
ne se dément pas : en 1952, les
ventes atteignent 1 200 000
exemplaires, cinq ans plus tard
en 1957 la barre des 1 500 000
est passée.
Dès sa création, le romanphoto constitue un genre en
soi et présentes toutes les
caractéristiques qu'on lui connaît
aujourd'hui : découpage en cases,
dialogues en surimpression sur la
photo, texte mis dans des bulles, …
Des vedettes de toutes les époques
l'utilisent pour parvenir à la
Brooke Shields is born.
The Rolling Stones fined £5 for urinating against a wall.
Health warnings on cigarette packs required in the USA.
Design Lab "Project 1965" started and mysteriously vanished
in thin air. 42 years later, IV Pl@y makes a chance landing
on a huge trunk full of great vintage T- Shirts. Limited issue
for the connoisseur only is available from the IV Pl@y stores
since then. Their second collection has just been unveiled.
March 20 – "Poupée de cire, poupée de son" by France Gall
(music and text by Serge Gainsbourg) wins the Eurovision
Song Contest 1965 for Luxembourg.
notoriété. Apparaissent les jeunes
Sophia Loren, Ornella Mutti…
En France dans les années 1960
et 1970, de nombreux chanteurs
passent par le roman-photo :
Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Vartan,
Dalida, Mireille Mathieu et
même Alain Souchon, pour n'en
citer que quelques-uns.
Au fil des décennies, les
romans-photos vont évoluer
avec les progrès techniques de
l'imprimerie, comme par exemple
le tirage en couleur, d'abord
réservé à la couverture…
Le succès est phénoménal et
entraîne de vives oppositions. Les
détracteurs du genre l'accusent
d'être à la fois mièvre et obscène.
Après l'opium du peuple, voici
donc, selon certains, l'opium
des femmes, qui fait rêver à
un modèle de vie simplifié et
totalement irréaliste.
En 1959, le Pape Jean XXIII
condamne la presse du cœur, du
sexe et du crime.
Aujourd'hui, le roman-photo est
encore associé à la presse du
Nous Deux existe toujours et se
vend à 380 000 exemplaires par
(source: internet)
March 21 - Martin Luther King, Jr. leads 3,200 civil rights
activists in the third march from Selma, Alabama to the
capitol in Montgomery.
June 30 - A very strange looking alien lands on the island of
Mauritius. Last time sightings in 2007 on the West Coast in
a red TT convertible.
August 1 - Cigarette advertising is banned on British
August 30 - Rock musician Bob Dylan releases his influential
album "Highway 61 Revisited" featuring the song "Like a
Rolling Stone".
October 16 - Anti-Vietnam war protests draw 100,000 in
80 U.S cities and around the world.
"Perversion for Profit" is released: it is an anti-pornography
educational film produced by the "Citizens for Decent
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y once
a day in Africa
Notice is hereby given to the people of the world
that if they want to have a great life, be happy,
make loads of friends, be funky and be the cool
girl or guy everyone wants to be around, they
should stop wearing pirated items. Original
stuff is much better and sexier than copies. It
is hereby declared that IV Pl@y’s original gear
is only available at our authorized stores and
friendly distributors. Any pirate of the brand
will get his ass sued.
Pei Mandela
V Pl@y has been available
Madagascar, France and
Australia for quite a while.
The team has now spread its love
to Johannesburg, South Africa.
It is located in beautiful Cedar
Square shopping centre in the
heart of Joburg. IV Pl@y hopes
that this will only mean a first
step to have Africa IV Pl@yed.
Shop owner and manager, Haydon
Dunn, tells us more about his new
IV Pl@y adventure below.
While on holiday in Mauritius with my family in December
2006, I came across a IV Pl@y store. My immediate reaction
was "Wow". We had never seen such a unique store. The store’s
design, the clothing, it was all so exciting. My teenage son and
daughter went crazy I just thought "IV Pl@y in Africa". I had to
do it.
We were fortunate that we knew Ranier and Anna Goetze of
Passion jewellery, Mauritius. The minute we mentioned IV Pl@y
to them it all started taking shape. They knew Ma®io personally
and set up an appointment. That was the start of IV Pl@y in
Africa."IV Pl@y once a day" became a way of life for me. I wish
I could have used that phrase differently for other things. Ha Ha
It was hard work and frustration between the mall builders and
shop fitters. My patience reached new limits. Amidst all that, my
dreams of IV Pl@y in Africa were becoming a reality. Ma®io's
designing inspired the entire project. Our whole aim was to bring
Mauritius to South Africa.
Our concept store was born on 27 July 2007. Since opening,
we have had nothing but compliments and excitement from the
South African public. Many of which travel to Mauritius and
are aware of the IV Pl@y brand. Valerie’s creativity and input
created a whole new trend for merchandising. Her ideas are
starting to grow on our staff as well as competitors stores who
only wish that they could have "IV Pl@y
once a day".
One of my most satisfying projects by far
- IV Pl@y, Cedar Square, Johannesburg,
South Africa. I can honestly say I have
"IV Pl@y all day long".
Haydon Dunn
It is hereby declared that all the cool dudes and sexy
chicks on this planet and beyond must all make an effort
to contribute to the Mother Earth’s health. She has been
banged about, smoked out and treated as a rubbish bin for
too long. Our strong Mother, being so caring and loving,
has been keeping quiet about this abuse for so long. But
the mistreatment cannot go on: it is now leading to some
serious illness. Mother Earth is not doing too well. We
need to give her some fresh air and help her get back on
her feet.
The IV Pl@y team
Head of the AntiParacy team
Marco LaRock
Summer 2007-2008
Guru Green
Pier Lafousse
V Pl@y’s environmental
adviser, grand greenmaster
Gilbert Rochescoute was
on a visit to motherland
Mauritius from Australia. That
was the occasion for a chat and
a bit of catching up. Lots of
green talk and some reminiscing
about good ol’ times were to be
overheard . The man is on a green
mission: you can see this in his
bright eyes (surprisingly, they are
not green!). There are passion
and dedication in his voice when
he talks about looking after
Mother Nature. Some lucky few
had the chance to spot him at his
unique talk at the Octave Wiehe
auditorium at the University
of Mauritius. They were green
struck! So were we!
“The challenge now is about reimagining our world… a world
that is more aware of recycling
and of sustainable development,”
says Mr. Rochescoute “The world
is facing major changes that will
not happen in a faraway future...
but it is happening now!” The IV
Pl@y team is counting a lot on
the advice that Mr. Rochescoute
can bring about to make the
brand green-aware.
When we met him, he was wearing
a home-grown biodegradable
straw hat, a tweed jacket made
of 100% organic cotton with that
all so flashy pink shirt made, of
course, of chemical free textile.
The man is on a green and
sustainable crusade and being
a disciple of environment guru
Gore, he wants to help spread
the Good Green News that we
all have to take better care of our
What is so refreshing about the
man is that he does not merely
paint a dark and gloomy picture
of our future. He knows that the
issue at hand is very serious but
his message is a positive one.
He is a firm believer in that we
all want to do good and that
with aminimum of effort from
everyone, things can get better.
What is also so fresh in his
approach is that he has come up
with a secret elixir to make this
green change fun, which is all a
very IV Pl@y attitude.
Check him out on his website at
The love story is well over! The
rumours surrounding the sudden
breaking up of heart throb Ashley
Prude with Pary Silton have reached
new heights. After three months of
an intense and highly public love
affair, the two lovebirds could not
handle the fast lane anymore. Gone
are the days of the toasting sessions
on the Croisette.
Pah Labb
A few days after Ashley had
officially announced his break up
with Pary Silton, two notorious
clubbing bimbos nicknamed
“Ebony and Ivory” have been
seen cavorting with the wellknown “PrototYpe Prince”. We
captured the very steamy show
for your eyes only.
Heart throb Ashley Prude has
again made a scandal by being
seen in a secret hideaway with
the hot duo. Worst, the blond
babe, Cherry Pie is (or should
we say was) the close friend
of now ex-girlfriend Parry
Silton. Our exclusive stolen
photos were taken from the very
exclusive villa where the trio
were staying.
We have indeed seen our
gorgeous hunk being lusted after
by the black and white duo…
Ashley’s severe
Pah Labb
Ashley is known to be very close to
a top secret designer and will wear
nothing else but PrototYpe. He has
tried several desintoxication cure
in Aspen, but he seems to have
finally given into his PrototYpe
craving. We asked him about
his obsession. He replied: “Why
change when something works.”
And then he said: “I look good in
them… don’t I!!!”.
Oh yes he does!!!
We have gathered from a serious source and of course, with
the photos to prove, that after a week together, Ashley has
developed a preference for the taste of Ebony; is black chocolate
the flavour of the month and is the blonde Cherry Pie not on the
menu anymore???
Is that the next episode? Check out our next issue: the PrototYpe
man saga continues.
on fire
Our Hobollywood star has not only
indulged in a full-on romp with the
two sex bombs. We have also seen him
make his directing debut by filming the
two ladies. Unbelievable!
He was watching them playing around
like two beautiful kittens on heat
playing it up right in front of him.
What an eyeful!!!
Lucky bastard!!! (greetings from our
design team)
IV Pl@y Gazette
IV Pl@y Gazette
3582 Pub Ruisseau Creole
Page 1
Zey Toile
The 11th hour
Laissez-vous bercer par une douce mélodie et
lancez-vous dans le karaoké...à condition bien
sur d`avoir une belle voix!!! Autrement votre
entourage va en souffrir !
Essayez donc,
chantez avec votre coeur, vos tripes et sans
inhibitions... Il y a le ciel, le soleil et la mer…
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Change, change, change… well
actually, stay the same and only change
your wardrobe this summer. Go for
Jeans @rchitecture first, then change
to Uniforms, then may be finally try
the 1965 gear… Catch my drift: do it
your way !!!.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)
Are there any more virgins in this day
and age??? Well stop this obsession
with work and remedy to that. Stop
looking at your bank balance. Go
out there and splash it out, be wild.
Be IV Pl@yed…
François Deguelt
"Le ciel, le soleil et la mer"
Paroles et Musique : François Deguelt
1965(c) Editions Arpège
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 23)
Did romance really get you
somewhere? Have a real read through
this issue of the Gazette. This summer
make it short, sweet and be hot. 2008
is looking great.
Allongés sur la plage
Les cheveux dans les yeux
Et le nez dans le sable
On est bien tous les deux
C'est l'été, les vacances
Oh, mon Dieu, quelle chance!
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21)
Ok: I get worried about writing bad
things about those deep, vengeful,
fierce Scorpions. Only joking!!! You
are lovely people and we love you (no
bites purleeze).
Il y a le ciel, le soleil et la mer
Il y a le ciel, le soleil et la mer
Ma cabane est en planches
Et le lit n'est pas grand
Tous les jours c'est dimanche
Et nous dormons longtemps
A midi sur la plage
Les amis de notre âge
Chantent tous: le ciel, le soleil et la mer
Chantent tous: le ciel, le soleil et la mer.
Et le soir, tous ensemble
Quand nous allons danser
Un air qui te ressemble
Viens toujours te chercher
Il parle de vacances
Et d'amour et de chance
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
This is really a sign that puzzles me:
no stereotype to exploit except the
fact that they are so hot in bed. This
summer, keep this good habit going.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Now, now… interesting dudes.
Really guys, you are sometimes too
practical: this summer, run around the
neighbourhood naked, go topless at the
beach or wear your jeans inside out.
En chantant: le ciel, le soleil et la mer
En chantant: le ciel, le soleil et la mer.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Water sign… well water is a vital
source of life, keep it flowing and make
us happy by being such great people.
1. L’arbre est plus grand. 2. Il n’y a pas de roche dans la rivière 3. La ceinture
de la fille à droite est jaune. 4. La montagne entre le groupe et la fille est plus
haute. 5. Il y a plus de pierres à droite. 6. Le tuyau à côté de la jambe du garçon
à droite a disparu. 7. Il y a un logo de Jeans @rchitecture sur la botte blanche
de la fille aux yeux bandés.
Quelque part en septembre
Nous nous retrouverons
Et le soir dans ta chambre
Nous le rechanterons
Malgré le vent d'automne
Et les pluies monotones
Nous aurons: le ciel, le soleil et la mer
Nous aurons: le ciel, le soleil et la mer
Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
Oh…The big kahunas. Love them!
Dominate them all out there!!!. This
summer, try to be even flashier and
beef up your attention seeker skills:
this is what we love about you. You
big heart you.
Le ciel, le soleil et la mer
Art Direction:
Christian Comarmond (Capital Media)
Ma®io Guillot
Valérie L’Eveillé
Capital Media
Copy writing:
Christian Comarmond
Layout and Design:
Capital Media
Ma®io Guillot
Bamba Sourang
Jean-Daniel Villiers
Contributing writers:
Ma®io Guillot
Valérie L’Eveillé
Heat Models Agency:
Laura, Yasmin, Kelly, Deborah,
Kathy, Ludovic, Emmanuel and Prat
David, Deborah, Aurelie, Jeannot,
Gaël, Anne-lise, Alyssa and Alain
Make up:
Linley Laverdure (Mahé Model Agency)
Sales & Advertising:
Anne Pascal (Capital Media)
Valérie L`Eveillé
Michael Sevathian (Glam)
Anne Pascal (Capital Media)
Heat Models Agency
Amrinder Singh Deol
Le Mauricien Ltd.
Special thanks to:
Mélodie, Cédric, Natalia, Israël Lamoureux,
Didier, Satyam Odoye, Clency Dugdug,
Marie Mimine Labelle (1965 models)
Seven Sevathien (ferblantier)
Raj (IV Pl@y farm)
Serge Cabon
Christine Rungasamy
Daniel Thomas (Bel Ombre Sugar Estate)
Winnie, David, Emilie (interns)
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
No more bossing around please. If you
get that urge anyway, plant a tree, go
shopping, and check out the new IV
Pl@y collection.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
It is really not a disease to have your
sign. You are really great people to
have around, love your home and your
friends: this summer though, try new
things, be active and please get off
your arse.
Team IV Pl@y Gazette
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Well, well… as usual, they will be
loud and very boastful but Arians can
be caring and loving as well. For this
summer and 2008: chill out and enjoy
Aret Farcinayma
Following the steps of Al Gore’s The Inconvenient Truth, the 11th Hour examines a planet
under siege from the effects of man-made pollution and implores viewers to "turn mankind's
darkest hour into its finest". It features more than 50 leading scientists, leaders and thinkers,
including Stephen Hawking and former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev.
The 11th Hour is produced, co-written and narrated by DiCaprio, who became committed to
the green cause after a meeting with former US Vice President Al Gore.
"[He] sat me down for an hour and drew out a map of what exactly global warming was,
and how he felt it was the greatest challenge
of the next millennium. Since then - that was
the late 1990s - I've become an activist," said
the gorgeous actor .
The film is directed by sisters Leila Conners
Petersen and Nadia Conners. The 11th Hour
made its screen dé but at Cannes Film Festival
in May and has hit the widescreen worldwide.
Check it out!
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20)
Try to boost up your energy this
summer and grab opportunities that
will shower down on you. Pisceans are
gorgeous and will shine in 2008… if
they can get out of bed…
Sur la route de l’île Maurice authentique, entre côte ouest et sud sauvage, le Ruisseau Créole
est votre incontournable escale plaisirs. Une escale qui reflète l’air du temps et qui vous ressemble,
avec plus de 50 boutiques, les plus belles enseignes et les plus belles marques de vêtements, de déco,
le meilleur des tendances et des styles de vie, pour un plaisir shopping sans cesse renouvelé !
Au plaisir du shopping se rajoute celui de la découverte des saveurs du monde et de délicieux moments
en famille ou entre amis autour d’un verre ou d’un délicieux repas dans l’un de nos 6 restaurants et bars.
Et c’est dans un cadre enchanteur, inspirant la sérénité et la flânerie, offrant plus de 150 places de parking
et surveillé 24/24, 7jrs/7jrs que nous vous invitons sur la route de vos plaisirs. Bienvenue…
Mode adultes & enfants � Beauté � Santé � Déco � Bijoux � Joaillerie �
Accessoires � Antiquaire � Plaisirs de la table � Artisanat � Sport � Galerie d’art �
Labo photos � Restaurants et bars � Agence immobilière � Service bancaire � Office du tourisme
Ruisseau Créole Shopping Centre � Black River � Mauritius
Tél : (230) 483 8000 � Fax : (230) 483 6642 � www.ruisseaucreole.com
Heures d’ouverture des boutiques - lundi au samedi : 9h30 à 18h30