Fast From--Feast On - Sacred Heart


Fast From--Feast On - Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart-Griffin
March 2016
A word from the principal…
Dear Parents and Students:
Rather than composing a letter this month, I am sharing a reflection for Lent. It’s a real
everyday challenge to each of us as we try to be
Christian in our thoughts, words and actions.
Let us pray for one another as we sincerely try to keep
a Holy Lent.
Sr. Margaret Joanne Grueter, O.P.
Fast From--Feast On
The Feast of the great celebration of Easter
when all is made new is the comfort that allows us strength during the great 40
day Fast.
Fast from judging others; Feast on the Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; Feast on the unity of life.
Fast from apparent darkness; Feast on the reality of light.
Fast from thoughts of illness; Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute; Feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent; Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger; Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; Feast on optimism.
Fast from worry; Feast on divine order.
Fast from complaining; Feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives; Feast on affirmatives.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; Feast on unceasing prayer.
Fast from hostility; Feast on non-resistance.
Fast from bitterness; Feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; Feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety; Feast on eternal truth.
Fast from discouragements; Feast on hope.
Fast from facts that depress; Feast on verities that uplift.
Fast from lethargy; Feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; Feast on promises that inspire.
Fast from shadows of sorrow; Feast on the sunlight of serenity.
Fast from idle gossip; Feast on purposeful silence.
Fast from problems that overwhelm; Feast on prayer that [strengthens].
-William Arthur Ward (American author, teacher and pastor, 1921-1994.)
From the desk of Sr. Katherine O’Connor….
Thank you to all the families who have purchased their packet of tickets/chances for
Mostaccioli. If you haven’t already returned your money, please do so by
Wednesday, March 2. Mostaccioli is a long standing tradition of Griffin High School and
now Sacred Heart-Griffin. From its inception the purpose was to help with the operating
budget of the school. The $80,000 plus raised through Mostaccioli helps every
student. Please be generous in volunteering to help with the dinner on March 6 or with setup on March 5. I look forward to seeing you at this wonderful SHG friend and fund raiser.
“Why SHG”
We need your continued support to spread the word about why you have chosen to send
your student(s) to SHG. Registration for next year is still open and we are eager to accept
families who support our values and want “Academic Excellence in a Community of Faith”
for their students. Please invite your relatives, friends and neighbors interested in
knowing more about SHG to one of our spring Sneak Peeks on March 10 or April 13. Guests
may arrive at 8:30 or 12:30 to participate in a tour of the school while classes are in
session. I think they will be very impressed with how our students are engaged in learning
and the spirit of community among them. Thank you for your efforts in promoting
SHG. You are our best sales persons.
Lent and Easter
This is a very special season of the year for Christians. During Lent, we focus on Jesus’ deep
and unconditional love for us, you and me. It has been called the springtime of the church,
when we look at those things in our life that need rebirth—particularly our relationship
with God and/or others. This Year of Mercy makes this Lent of 2016 even more
exciting. Pope Francis is constantly reminding us of God’s mercy toward each of us, which
is so evident during this time. As I’ve mentioned before, we have Mass in our chapel on
Tuesday and Friday mornings at 7:10 a.m. Rosary is prayed together in the chapel on
Wednesdays at 7:20 a.m. Making an effort to attend Mass an extra day besides Sunday
would be an awesome way to deepen our relationship with Jesus. It is the most powerful
prayer we can pray since it is the prayer of Jesus in which we participate.
The Easter Triduum, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, is a very holy time of
the year when we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and the death and burial of
Jesus as we prepare for that Glorious Day of Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the
Resurrection of Jesus. In the busyness of our daily life we can easily ignore the importance
of these days. Plan ahead so that you will have some time to reflect on this tremendous gift
that God has given us in the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Check your parish
bulletin for the times of services or just set aside time each day to reflect on the gift the
Risen Christ is in your life.
Know that you will have a special place in my prayers during this holy time. May the Risen
Christ fill us all with a realization of his constant loving presence with us.
Around the school….
Varsity W.Y.S.E. (Left)
Front (L-R) Catherine Adam, Nancy Bae,
Janaya Brown, Julia Clark, Louis Connelly,
Charlie Costa and Tim Deckard. Back (L-R)
Andrew Gonzalez, Tommy Johnston, Tori
Londrigan, Jack Murphy, Hannah Roberts,
Theresa Shaff and John Stegeman.
Junior Varsity W.Y.S.E. (Right)
Front row L-R; Caleb Berberet; Lauren
Briney, Katie Cutler, Killian Davis,
Olivia Doll, Zach Hoyle, and Jackie
Johnson. Back row L-R, Matthew
Melocoton, Michael Oh, Hunter Ridley
and Tom Tang
The W.Y.S.E team placed 2nd overall at the SIUE competition with the following
individuals: Biology – John Stegeman 2nd; Chemistry – Theresa Shaff 3rd & Tory Londrigan
1st; English – Julia Clark 3rd & John Stegeman 1st; Math –Tory Londrigan 2nd & Louis Connelly
The three Science Olympiad teams competed at the SIUE Regional Saturday,
February 6th. The two JV teams combined for 12 first place and 16 2nd place medals. The
varsity team received medals in 19 out of 23 events with 4 first place, 5 second place, 4
third place, 3 fourth place, 2 fifth place and 1 sixth place. The Varsity team finished 1st out
of 13 high schools and advances to the state meet on Saturday, April 16, at the U of I
campus in Champaign.
Congratulations Coach Ken Leonard!!
Coach Leonard and his son, Derek Leonard, were invited to attend the 2016
Nike High School Coaches Summit in Beaverton, Oregon, in January. Nike
invited fifty of the top coaches from the most successful Nike football programs
across the nation to be a part of the Nike High School Advisory Committee.
Coaches from California to New Jersey and Florida to Texas attended the event.
Each coach received an all-expense paid trip to Beaverton where they spent 3
days visiting with nationally known professional coaches as well as learned
about Nike designs, equipment-making process, and marketing strategies in
which they were able to give their input on Nike products.
Lincoln Land
High School
Jack Healy, Evan
Wellman, Jared
Viele, Sean Dunbar
and Kyle Ballweg for
being named for the
all-star team for
Lincoln Land High
School Hockey.
68 Registered Donors
58 Units Collected
26 NEW Donors!
The German III honor students who were inducted into the German National Honor
Society after mass February 19th. Congratulations to Scott Adams, Leah Arisman, Holly
Bussone, Michael Dodson, Lauren Freiburg, Ryan Kipping, Colleen O'Brien and John
Twenty-four German students took the National German Exam. This year we received 2
gold medals (Killian Davis, John Stegeman), 3 silver medals (Evan Wellman, Jacqueline
Johnson, Hannah Roberts), 1 bronze (Ryan Kipping) and several achievement awards (Cole
Taylor, Scott Adams, Lauren Freiburg, Leah Arisman, Colleen O'Brien, Andrei Tarter, Janaya
Brown, Bailey Manuel, Clara Young, Catherine Adam and Clare Lansden). Way to go
German students!
For Your Information…
After School Pick Up –
When picking up students in the back lot after school, parents are NOT allowed to park in
the drive off Monroe Street. The drive needs to be open for two-way traffic. Please pull up,
out of the drive, and find a parking space. Acceptable parking spaces are along the outside
edge or in one of the parking places in the lot. Please be courteous to others and do NOT
block the drive. If you do not like dealing with the congestion in the back lot, have your
students walk down one of the numerous side streets and pick them up there. Also, the
front circle drive is NOT to be used for after school pickup. The circle is Off Limits even if
you do not see the cones out. We do this for the safety of the students leaving school.
Please visit the school's website for instructions. Information is located under the students’
life tab in the student form section. If you have any questions, please call Mr. “C” at 7871595 extension 108.
Winter Weather Advisory –
Sacred Heart Griffin independently decides whether to hold classes or to close. We do not
follow District 186. We are not included in Springfield Catholic Grade Schools. IF SHG
information is on the WICS website under SCHOOL CLOSINGS. When possible, a RenWeb
Parent Alert (mass phone call system) will also be sent. We realize that parents have their
own family challenges, circumstances, and hardships which may be magnified by weather
conditions. Parents must make the best decision for their children.
2016-2017 Tuition/Financial Grants –
The 2016-2017 Tuition Packet and Tuition Grant information are now available on the SHG
website's Admissions page. The deadline for registration and financial assistance
is Tuesday, March 15. Please remember even if you received financial assistance this
school year, you must reapply if you need financial assistance for next school year. If you
have any questions regarding tuition and grants, please contact Mrs. Becky Jones at 7871595 ext. 156.
Father Thomas Pisors Scholarship –
The Father Thomas Pisors Scholarship for the 2016-2017 school year will be awarded to
two current Juniors who are in good standing at Sacred Heart-Griffin High School and who
are registered for the 2016-2017 school year. Each recipient will receive a $500
scholarship toward next year’s tuition. The SHG Science Department will select the
recipients. Applications are now available in the Main Office or on the SHG website on the
Admissions page. Completed applications must be returned to Sr. Katherine O’Connor, OP,
President, Sacred Heart-Griffin, 1200 West Washington Street, Springfield, IL, 62702 by
March 15, 2016.
The Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey and Fr. Robert Erickson Scholarship –
The Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey and Fr. Robert Erickson Scholarship for the 2016-2017
school year will be awarded to an incoming senior who has demonstrated leadership,
vision, and courage during her/his three years at SHG. The recipient of this scholarship will
receive $1000 to be applied towards the 2016-2017 tuition. Applications are now available
in the Main Office or on the SHG website on the Admissions page.
Completed applications must be returned to Sr. Katherine O’Connor, OP, President, Sacred
Heart-Griffin, 1200 West Washington Street, Springfield, IL, 62702 by March 15, 2016.
SHG Alumni Scholarship and SHG Hall of Fame –
For information about the SHG Alumni Scholarship for Incoming Freshmen please go to
our website at and click on the Admissions Tab. To download an application,
please click on the link below. Applications are due by March 15, 2016
For information about the SHG Hall of Fame, please go to our website at and
click on the Alumni Tab. If you have someone that you would like to nominate, click on the
link below to download a nomination form. All forms are due by April 15, 2016.
If you have any questions regarding either of these, please contact Michele Reavy
at [email protected].
Pease’s Easter Candy –
The Sacred Heart–Griffin and Springfield Catholic Elementary Schools Bands are kicking off
the 46th Annual Pease’s Candy Sale! Please support the band program by sweetening your
Easter with some delicious Pease’s to be enjoyed by family and friends. Prices (no tax will
be charged) are found on the order form and checks should be made out to Pease’s
Candy. Payment should be submitted when the order is placed by March 16. Included in
this newsletter is an order form for your convenience. For orders being placed long
distance, your order will be placed as soon as payment is received. (Payment should be
mailed to Melissa Blankestyn; 1200 W. Washington St.; Springfield, IL 62702.) Orders can
be taken by any band member, by contacting Krista Arisman at
[email protected] or 217-793-3334 or
at [email protected] or 217-787-1595, ext. 120. Thank you for your sweet support of
the Band program!
Journeys Of Service Helping Upper Appalachia –
J.O.S.H.U.A. or Journey's of Service Helping Upper Appalachia. SHG students will, for the
16th year provide assistance to the residents in and around Steubenville, Ohio. This is an
economically depressed old mining area of upper Appalachia along the Ohio River that
borders Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The students clean, scrape, and repaint
homes; rebuild structures such as roofs and porches; stock food pantries; and serve on a
food line. Each day the students are presented with the opportunity to attend Mass and
have quiet reflection time at the end of the work day. This summer’s trip is scheduled
for June 5-10. The students work very hard at raising the $20-25,000 to be able to go. We
welcome anyone who would like to help monetarily, with painting supplies or other
tools. Please contact Sr. Linda Mary at 787-1595 extension 150 or [email protected] if
you would be willing to support this powerful mission trip.
Summer School –
Summer school registration is now open. Please see the form attached at the end of the
newsletter for additional details. Registration forms and fees are due to the main office
by May 1, 2016. Since students are placed in preferred class times based upon the order in
which registration forms are received, please return the forms as soon as possible. If you
have any questions please contact Kara Rapacz or Amy McElfresh.
Guidance Department Update...
2016-2017 School Year Registration
Registration for next year’s classes began in February with the students in the current
junior class. Each student will meet with his/her guidance counselor to select classes for
the upcoming academic year. A copy of selected courses will be mailed to the parents in
late April for approval before the schedule is finalized.
Reminder: The 2016-2017 Tuition Packet and Tuition Grant information are now available
on the SHG website's Admissions page. The deadline for registration and financial
assistance is Tuesday, March 15. Please remember even if you received financial
assistance this school year, you must reapply if you need financial assistance for next
school year. If you have any questions regarding tuition and grants, please contact Mrs.
Becky Jones at 787-1595 ext. 156.
Families with INCOMING FRESHMEN must complete the online student application and
return the course registration worksheet and $300 registration fee by March 15. Please
refer to the Freshman Registration Checklist (found in black folder) for all items needed by
the beginning of the school year.
If your student is registering to take English I (Honors Level), an essay is also required
before they are accepted into this class. The essay component will be done at SHG on
Wednesday, March 16 at 3:20 p.m. An email will be sent with more information.
ACT/SAT Test Registration
Many juniors are taking the ACT preparation class at SHG or various other locations. The ACT test
will be offered at SHG on April 9 and June 11. The regular registration deadline for the ACT test
given on April 9 is March 4 but late registration is available until March 18 (includes late
registration fees). The test will be given again on June 11. The deadline for regular registration is
May 6. Please refer to our website for registration deadlines for both the ACT and SAT. You can
register online at for the ACT exam or for the SAT exam.
College Scholarships
The seniors have applied to colleges, received admission decisions in many cases, and are
narrowing their choices down. In addition, they are looking for ways to pay for college. On
the SHG website, we have listed the scholarships that we have received information on in
due date order. There are many university scholarships that are not listed here but can be
found at the university’s website. We encourage you to check our website at
Click on Academics>Guidance Office>College Counseling>College Scholarships. In addition
to the scholarship name and due date, we have included a brief description of the criteria
for each scholarship. We encourage you to read these to see if the scholarship might fit
your student. Applications can either be downloaded or sometimes be obtained in the
Guidance Department.
In addition, a national scholarship search can be found on
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
6:00 p.m.
SHG East Campus- Choral Room
Topics Include:
How to select a college
How a college selects a student
Scholarships and financial aid
The process of applying to colleges
Using Naviance as a tool
*For any SHG student or parent
Upcoming Events…
See you at the Mostaccioli Dinner, Sunday, March 6........
57 years and counting!
Thank you all for keeping the tradition of the Mostaccioli Dinner alive and
well! We anticipate a large crowd of over 7,000 again this year and will need
everyone's support. Here are several ways you can help us make this Dinner a
1. The last two collection days are Wednesday, March 2 and Friday, March 4. Please make sure
your student(s) have their dinner ticket money and raffle money with ticket stubs turned in on
one of these collections days.
2. We are still in need of volunteers for the following shifts: Wednesday March 2 from 5:30 p.m.
- 7:30 is pot and pan washing night at West Campus in preparation for the dinner.; Sunday,
March 6 from 2:30 - 7 p.m. (be there at 2 p.m.) DOUBLE SERVICE HOURS GIVEN ON
from 6:30 p.m. - ? CLEAN UP --- NEED MOSTLY ADULTS
Please consider a shift and e-mail Mary at [email protected] or call Mary's cell
phone at 899-2575.
3. Do you make pizzelles? Please call, text or e-mail Jeris Creasey at
[email protected] or 217-891-0441
4. HOMEMADE baked goods (pies, cookies, breads, etc.) needed for the Country Cupboard Please
package to sell: Clear wrap (no foil) or disposable container. Label contents. Students Can
Earn Service Hours!! Baking for a bake sale is considered service – so be sure to sign the sheet
when you drop off items! Examples: 3 doz. Cookies = 1 hour of service (3 hr. limit); Pie = 2
hours; Bread = 1 hour
TIMES TO DROP OFF ITEMS: Friday, March 4 before school in the cafeteria; Saturday,
March 5 during set up in the morning at West Campus; and this year, students who drop
off items at the Mostaccioli Dinner after 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 6 (when we start
running out of items) get DOUBLE SERVICE HOURS!
BEST SELLERS - Rice Krispie treats, angel food cake, pies, brownies, and cinnamon
Cyclone Sneak Peek Cyclone Sneak Peek Days are back! Do you know someone who may be interested in SHG?
Invite them to see SHG in action during our Cyclone Sneak Peek Day on Thursday, March
10 and Wednesday April 13. There will be tours at 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. so you can see
SHG in action! No reservation needed. Call 787-9732 for more information.
March Madness Meets Math –
Mr. Cragoe’s Probability and Statistics class challenges students to try their luck at
predicting the winning teams in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. From March 1416, SHG students and faculty can fill out and enter a bracket into the 4th annual school-wide
challenge in the hopes of winning prizes including SHG apparel, basketballs, and the
beloved cafeteria cookies. The excitement drawn from March Madness provides a unique
opportunity for Mr. Cragoe’s students to apply mathematical techniques towards better
understanding the likelihood of certain seed combinations advancing in each round of the
tournament. The math class applies methodologies derived from research efforts
conducted at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign within a five day course on
mathematical predictability and sports analysis. Looking to gain an edge above the
competition? Enroll in Mr. Cragoe’s elective courses to find out how!
Spring Musical –
“EVERYBODY CUT FOOTLOOSE” - Tickets for the spring
musical, "Footloose", go on sale March 1! Tickets may be
purchased online at or by calling 787-1595, ext. 153. Show dates are March
17-20, with the Children's Dance Party March 20 at noon.
Eighth Grade Dance Attention all 8th graders –You are invited to an 8th Grade ONLY Dance on Friday, April 8,
7-9 p.m. at SHG's East Campus. Mark your calendars to dance the night away-- you won't
want to miss this night of fun!
The SHG On-Line Auction is Back Again –
The on-line auction has been such a success over the last three years that we are going to
hold it again this year beginning at 8 a.m. on Wed., April 6 and closing at 3 p.m. on Fri.,
April 15. You can bid on some great items: Prime graduation seats, prime parking spots,
GREAT TRIPS (TBA), Cyclones signage, beautiful custom jewelry, copper art pieces by Terri
Rossi and much more! Best of all, you can bid on these items from the comfort of your own
home or office! The proceeds of the on-line auction will go towards the operating budget.
Jr Parent College
3rd Qtr Service
Cards Due
Last Mostaccioli
No School
Girls Kairos
Girls Kairos
Girls Kairos
Girls Kairos
Music Recital
Daylight SavingsTime Begins
Spring Musical
No School
Palm Sunday
Good Friday
Spring Musical
St. Patrick’s Day
Music Contest
End of 3rd Qtr
Spring Musical Spring Musical
No School
No School
No School
No School