

St. Bartholomew Catholic
Church and School
8005 Miramar Parkway • Miramar, FL 33025
Rectory: (954) 431-3600 • School: (954) 431-5253
Web site: www.StBartholomew.com
Twenty-fifth Week - Year A (Gather 1052)
September 21, 2014
The mission of St Bartholomew Catholic Church
is to reflect God’s love to all whom we meet, to
strengthen our faith community through worship,
education, fellowship, stewardship, and acts of
love and charity, so that we may lead people
from all backgrounds to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Collection of Baby Items for Respect Life
Each October, St. Bartholomew parishioners collect
baby items for families who seek help from the local
Respect Life office. Please bring NEW items to
church on October 5th and place them in the play
pan near the Baptismal Font. Needed items include:
• diapers of varying sizes
• onesies and socks
• receiving blankets and washcloths
• teething items and crib toys
As part of the Safe Environment
Program, all ushers, lectors,
Eucharistic Ministers, volunteers
must be fingerprinted through
the Archdiocese every 5 years.
Help a struggling family with little ones.
For your convenience, we have
arranged to have a mobile unit
come to us here on Thursday,
Why Catholic?
Meeting tomorrow
Monday, September 22nd
at 7:30 pm in the school
Group coordinators will have a special meeting
tomorrow night, Monday September 22nd at
7:30 pm in the school.
Sign up Sunday for those who will be participating
in the groups will be next Sunday, September
28th, after all the Masses.
We are excited about this faith sharing program.
Let us not miss an opportunity to celebrate the
joy we have in living our Catholic faith.
October 2 between 3 and 6 in the afternoon
for a fingerprinting session in the parish hall.
If you would like to make an appointment, please go
online to www.fieldprintflorida.com, follow the prompts
to “schedule an appointment” as a “new user”, use
fieldprint code: FPAOMParishVolMobile (the code is
case sensitive, please enter it as you see it here), the
location is “Archdiocese of Miami” then call the rectory
to find out which time slots are available.
If you have any questions, please call the rectory
at 954-431-3600
Celebrating God’s Love as a Community.
Rev. Andrew Chan-A-Sue
Rev. Jean Jadotte
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Paul Karenga
Priest in Residence
Deacon David Smith
Deacon Michel DuChaussée
Deacon Montas Onelien
Religious Education
Mrs. Mercedes Brown
School Principal
Mrs. Christine Gonzalez
Youth Minister/Licensed
Clinical Social Worker
Mr. Gerard John, LCSW
Music Ministry
Mrs. Betty Bunnell
Mrs. Monique Abraham
Mr. Ernesto Busigó
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM
12:30, 7:00 PM
French/Créole - 3:00 PM
Spanish - 5:00 PM
First Friday:
French/Créole - 8:00 PM
Please contact the Rectory at least six
months prior to the proposed date.
7:00, 8:30 AM
(7 PM - during Lent only)
8:30 AM
11:00 - 11:30 AM
4:30 - 5:00 PM
When priests are available.
Anytime by appointment
Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Church
Friday, 7:30 PM, School Rm B
Wednesday, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center
Please contact the Rectory at least three
months ­before ­anticipated date to make
­arrangements. Baptisms in English are
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
8:10 AM Weekdays
Monday, 6:30 PM, School
Pastoral Hispana
Misa en Español - Los Domingos - 5:00 PM
El Santo Rosario los Domingos a las 4:30 PM
Confesiones - Los Sábados, 11-11:30 AM; 4:30-5 PM
Bautismos - Para el curso pre-bautismal, llame con TRES MESES
de anticipación a la Rectoría. Los Bautismos en Español son los
4° Domingos del mes a las 1:30 PM
Matrimonio - Llame a la Rectoría lo menos seis meses antes de
la fecha p­ ropuesta.
Divina Misericordia - Los Viernes - 6:00 PM en la escuela.
Madeline Flores 954-805-1701
Circulo de Oración Carismática – Los M
­ iércoles, 7:30 PM,
Sacred Heart Center
We welcome new parishioners to our parish
family. Pick up a­ registration form at the
rectory or print one from the website; later
you will be invited to a r­ egistration p­ rogram
to learn more about our parish and our many
(In the Rectory Chapel)
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday:
9 AM to 7:30 PM
Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 7:30 PM
Saturday and Sunday - 9 AM to 7 PM
AVIS pour les Membres de la Communauté Haitienne
Messe en Créole / Français
3:00 PM chaque dimanche
8:00 PM chaque 1er vendredi du mois
avec Bénédiction du Très Saint
Confession: Samedi 11-11:30 AM, 4:30-5 PM
Visite des malades: Appelez le Père Jean au
Baptême: Chaque 2e dimanche du mois à 1:30
PM. Contactez le Père Jean Jadotte au 954-431-3600 trois mois
avant la date prévue.
Mariage: Contactez le Père J­ ean, six mois avant la date prévue.
Prière Charismatique: Chaque Vendredi, de 7:30 à 10:00 PM (salle
B de l’école)
Cursillistas - Los Viernes, a las 8:00 PM en s­ alon “A” de la
escuela; Anibal Perez 786-300-9415
Légion De Marie: Chaque Jeudi, de 7:30 à 8:30 PM (à l’école)
Chaque Samedi à partir de 4:00 PM (à l’école)
Legión De María - Se reunen en Salón B en
la escuela los sábados a las 2:30 PM.
Anibal Perez 786-300-9415
Etude Biblique: Chaque Mercredi de 7:00 à 9:00 PM (salle B de l’école)
Coro Hispano - Ensayo los Domingos a las
4:00 PM en la escuela (salón de música)con
el Director Mr. Ernesto Busigó
Chorale: Répétition: Mardi de 8:00 à 9:30 PM et Samedi de 5:30
à 7:00PM (salle B de l’école)
Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes (MEJ): Chaque Samedi de
5:30 à 8:00 PM (à l’école)
La Sainte Famille: Chaque Lundi à 7:00 PM (à l’école)
Sunday, September 21
5:30 PM ✝ Emma Vanterpool
✝ Jose M. Pena Jr.
Sunday 9/21: Is 55:6-9; Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18; Phil 1:20c-24, 27a;
7:30 AM Candy Larsen (L)
Mt 20:1-16a
9:00 AM ✝ Therese Rampel
Prv 3:27-34; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 8:16-18
✝ Timoleon Bustamante
11:00 AM ✝ Rose-Laure Mathieu
Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lk 8:19-21
✝ Michelle Lyn
Wednesday: Prv 30:5-9; Ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lk 9:1-6
12:30 PM ✝ Alfred Pierre Jean
Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lk 9:7-9
✝ William & Justine Decatus
Eccl 3:1-11; Ps 144:1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lk 9:18-22
3:00 PM ✝ Mme Albert Thezan
Eccl 11:9 — 12:8; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Lk 9:43b-45
✝ Odette Delbeau
✝ Odette Richmond
Sunday 9/28: Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25:4-9; Phil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32
5:00 PM Delfin & Edwin Tavera (T)
✝ Miriam Acevedo & Toña Flores
7:00 PM Frederick Ogodo (T)
Marie Adrien & Family (T)
Saturday, September 27
Monday, September 22 - Weekday
7:00 AM Rene Ripert (T)
✝ Fleurise & Cremen St Fort
8:30 AM ✝ Anne Verdieu
✝ Concepcion Ostroski
Tuesday, September 23
Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest
7:00 AM Jeanine Remy (T)
8:30 AM ✝ Lulu Decastro
✝ Gilbert Lizardo
Wednesday, September 24 - Weekday
7:00 AM Jocelyne Florival (T)
8:30 AM Mompremier Family (T)
François Family (T)
Thursday, September 25 - Weekday
7:00 AM Demelvar Family (T)
Michel Family (T)
8:30 AM Gerard & Marie Obin (T)
Paulette Rouzeau & Family (T)
Friday, September 26 - Weekday
7:00 AM Severe Family (T)
Abel Family (T)
8:30 AM ✝ André Dubreuil
Pray for the Sick
Felisa Limos
Derek Wade
Brian Chan-A-Sue
Brian Bouquio
Judith Vasquez
Agnes Lissandrillo
Judy Leacock
Marito Maddatu
Eunice Everett
Candy Larsen
Jacinta Stirrup
Josephine Pascucci
Jane Morra
Danielle Jeanty Curry
Glenda McCumber
Emmanuel Alexander
Josette Paul
Edouard Simonise
Guirlene Gordon
Eric Herr
Christie Owens
Veemala Klous
Jill Louise Norton
Olga Duplessy
Esther Sharpe
Johnny Cadet
Angela Espy
Elena Miranda
Kelly Tymecki
Serge St Eloi
André Grégoire
Saint Vincent De Paul, Priest
8:30 AM ✝ Fr. Laforest
✝ Alex Champagne
Sunday, September 28
5:30 PM Fr. P Tommy & Vickie Gilbert (T)
Deacon David Smith (T)
✝ Mercedes Villalta
7:30 AM Fr. A ✝ Carlos Santos
9:00 AM Fr. J Judy Leacock (L)
11:00 AM Fr. A ✝ Robert Murphy
✝ Fritz Cassagnol
✝ Simms Ragoonan
12:30 PM Fr. P Desmond Harris (T)
✝ William Harris
3:00 PM Fr. J ✝ Antoinette Abellard
✝ Gabrielle Romain
5:00 PM Fr. A ✝ Guillelmo Najar Angeles
✝ Elodia Urbina De Cisneros
7:00 PM Fr. A Etna Eyma (T)
Michael St. Berrette (T)
of events
Parochial School Registration
(on going)
Religious Education Registration
9:15 AM - 12:30 PM
You can still register on Sundays in
the parish hall
Why Catholic Meeting
Monday, September 22 @ 7:30 pm
Soccer Challenge
Saturday, September 27 @ 10 AM
Let us celebrate the
Independence of Nigeria
together on October 5th at
the 11 O’clock Mass with
Nigerian Fr. Cletus Omode.
Please invite your friends to
this special Mass.
ABCD 2014
Collection Goal
Pledges Goal
* Denotes Celebrant for that Mass:
Fr. A = Fr. Andrew; Fr. J = Fr. Jean;
Fr. P = Fr. Paul
(T)= In Thanksgiving (L)= Living ✝= Deceased
Howard Lee
Sylvie Casale
Carl Junior Jeanty
Kaitlin Warf
Jean Claude Laborde
Everett Buckridge
Demetrio Davis
Sheila Stone
Yvrose Pierre-Pierre
Marina Reyes
Trammel Family
George Harris
Marguerite Edouard
Esperanza Tavarez
Myrna Jeanniton
Joseph Michel
Accilien Elsie
Jeanniton Archer
Jean Theus
Nicole Miles
Patricia Carstons
Conrado Maguddatu
Harry & Mary Bishop
Rosa & Rafael
Velasquez Flor Elis
Names will only stay on the sick list for 2 months at a time. Please
contact the Parish Office if you would like to add or remove a name.
Remember the Departed
Damontas Cenatus
Rose Marie Dorvil
Victims of natural disasters
Victims of war and terrorism
Please use your envelopes. They are the principal source of parish support.
at St. B artholomew
Sunday, September 21
9 AM-12:30 PM Religious Education Registration - Parish Hall
10:15 AM Religious Education (CCD) - School
11:45 AM Junior Youth Group - Sacred Heart Center
8:00 PM Youth Meeting for teens - Sacred Heart Center
Monday, September 22
6:30 PM English Legion of Mary - School
8:00 PM Al Anon-Spanish - School
Tuesday, September 23
9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel
7:00 PM Religious Education - School
Wednesday, September 24
9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel
7:30 PM Fr/Cr Bible Study - School
7:30 PM Prayer Meeting English - Church
7:30 PM Prayer Meeting Spanish - SHC
8:00 PM AA - School Room A
Thursday, September 25
9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel
7:30 PM Women’s Club - SHC
7:30 PM Nueva Vida - Library
7:30 PM
English Choir Rehearsal - Church
Friday, September 26
9 AM-7:30 PM Adoration in Rectory Chapel
6:00 PM Divina Misericordia - School
7:30 PM Fr/Cr Charismatic Prayer - School
8:00 PM English Cursillo - School
8:00 PM Spanish Cursillo - School
Saturday, September 27
10:30 AM NA - School
3:00 PM Spanish Legion of Mary - School
4:00 PM Fr/Cr Legion of Mary - School
6:00 PM Haitian Choir - School
5:30 PM MEJ - Haitian Youth Group - School
7:30 PM NA - School
Sunday, September 28
9 AM-12:30 PM Religious Education Registration - Parish Hall
10:15 AM Religious Education (CCD) - School
11:45 AM Junior Youth Group - Sacred Heart Center
8:00 PM
Youth Meeting for teens - Sacred Heart Center
Happy Feast of St Vincent de Paul
It would be impossible to
enumerate all the works of this
servant of God. Charity was his
predominant virtue. It extended
to all classes of persons, from
forsaken childhood to old age.
Though honored by the great
ones of the world, he remained
deeply rooted in humility and
always intimately united with God. The Apostle of
Charity, the immortal Vincent de Paul, was born in a
small village in France and breathed his last in Paris
at the age of eighty. His feast day is September 27th.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish
St Vincent de Paul Society.
Are you scratching our heads in confusion? What would
possess any boss to pay the same wages to a person who
worked only a few minutes as someone who worked a full day?
This parable calls us to dig deeper into the reality to which the
story points. Consider the actions of the landowner. He goes
out in search of laborers a total of five times during the day: at
dawn, at nine, at twelve, at three, and at five. In this parable,
Jesus summons us to consider the landowner’s actions as the
kind of actions our God performs. In our lives we each have
moments of standing idle, like the people in today’s parable.
God is always on the prowl for us, inviting us into the vineyard.
God’s persistence is immeasurable. Whether we respond at the
dawn of life or at the “five o’clock” of our lives, God’s love and
mercy are still showered upon us. Today’s Gospel also reminds
us that even when we stray, when we become complacent about
God’s tremendous action in our lives, God still calls us back
into a loving relationship. Perhaps it is at those times when
we stand idle that God hounds us all the more, summoning
us into the vineyard of new life, new possibilities, and renewed
hope. Copyright © 2007, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Today’s Readings
First Reading — Turn to the LORD who is generous in forgiving
(Isaiah 55:6-9).
Psalm — The Lord is near to all who call upon him (Psalm 145).
Second Reading — Live your lives in a way worthy of the gospel of
Christ (Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a).
Gospel — The last will be first, and the first will be last (Matthew
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Please USE YOUR ENVELOPES or write
your envelope n
­ umber on your check
YOUR DONATION or use one of our
new temporary donation envelopes Collection for:
available in front of the Church.
Exaltation of the Cross - Ordinary Time
If you are new or visiting...
Sat. 5:30 PM
Stop by the Rectory Office to fill
out a registration form, if you
want to register or use one of our
blue temporary donation
envelopes available
in front of the
Church or if you
just want to let us
know who you are.
Sun. 7:30 AM
Sun. 9:00 AM
Sun. 11:00 AM
Sun. 12:30 PM
Sun. 3:00 PM
Sun. 5:00 PM
Sun. 7:00 PM
PLEASE NOTIFY the Rectory Office
of any changes in your address or
phone number. Use envelopes or
put your envelope number on your
check to ensure proper recording
of your donation.
** “Office” includes electronic payments and
those envelopes dropped off at the Rectory.
Loose Coins
St Bartholomew Mass
Sr Catherine
Long Sleeve Shirt Drive
Our parish and school are organizing a
month long drive starting September 21
to collect long sleeve shirts for the farm
workers assisted by St Ann’s Mission in
Homestead. We encourage flannel, they
are thicker and hold up better against the
pesticides used in the fields.
Please drop the shirts in the box at the
main entrance of church for the next few weeks until
the collection drive ends on Sunday October 26.
Archdiocese of Miami
Development Corporation Planned
You want your heirs to have an estate,
not a tax bill. Consider a Charitable
Lead Trust. It’s a way to pass on your
Catholic heritage by benefitting our parish while
you reduce the taxes on your estate. Contact the
Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110 for
more information.
Public Square
Rosary Crusade
October 11, 2014
On Miramar Parkway
(South side of church)
Gathering 11:50 AM
Rosary begins
promptly at 12:00
Please bring your Rosary
Please join the 2014 Public Square Rosary Crusade in
praying for our Nation. The United States is in great
need of public prayer, repentance and conversion.
We must ask God to save America through the
Rosary of His Most Holy Mother.
This will be simultaneous with all rallies throughout
the United States. Our Blessed Mother invites all
to join her Rosary Rally Crusade in the Public
Square, in participation with 7,000 cities throughout
the United States.
Soccer Challenge
Knights of Columbus Holy Spirit Council is
sponsoring a Soccer Challenge for all boys & girls
ages 10-11 & 12-14
Saturday September 27th 10 am at Forcina Field
(Just west of Church, by the parish hall)
Participants must bring their Birth Certificate
to the competition. Parent or guardian must be
Participants receive a Council Certificate of
Participation. Winners receive a Certificate and
Plaque. Winners also advance to the next level of
For more information contact:
Javier Ortega @ 954-643-1820
(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Do You Wish
To Become Catholic?
Have You Received All
Your Sacraments?
Have you been thinking about becoming a
catholic for some time but never got around to
doing anything about it because you didn’t know
Married To A Catholic, but not yet made a
religious commitment of your own?
Involved In The Parish here at St. Bartholomew
but have never taken the step towards becoming a
member in full communion with the Church?
Do You Need To Be Confirmed?
BAPTIZED, but not active in church, or find
yourself wanting more?
Meetings started last Tuesday, please contact Steve
Lee for details about joining at 305-915-5048
Grow i n
the Fait h
Growin ends!
CCD Registration
Sunday mornings
Parish Hall
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
1 Child
2 Children
3 Children
4 - 20
4 or more $290
Registra s Educatio
Hall on ion in the Pari
9:30 AMSundays from h
- 12:30
CCD Classes Began
Grades Pre-K4 through 8
(in session)
10:15-11:30 AM in the school
Pre K-4 must be at least 4 years old
High School Pre-Confirmation and
Confirmation Class
(in session)
7:00-8:30 PM in the school
Non-baptized children are welcome to register. Children already baptized will not be admitted unless they
have a baptismal certificate on file with their registration.
What is Religious Education (aka CCD)?
Classes for students - mainly public school children-who wish to deepen their faith through
understanding and appreciation of Catholicism and the Sacraments. Religious Education strengthens
the child’s relationship with Christ.
The Religious Education Program here at St. Bartholomew Parish counts with an enrollment of
approximately 300 students on a yearly bases ranging from Pk 4 through 12th grade. This program
also serves adults through the RCIA programs in the diverse languages. In addition, we have a
volunteer staff of 45 adults and teens working as catechists and assistants in the classrooms. We will
train and assist those who would like to help in this ministry. Please call Mercedes Brown at the rectory.
Classes are on Sundays from 10:15 AM to 11:30 AM; and Tuesdays 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Children’s Sunday Liturgy is offered at the Parish Hall at 9:00 AM
Our Sacramental Programs are a two to three year process, beginning as early as First Grade.
Besides instruction in the Catholic faith, spiritual growth it is nurtured through: The Sacrament of
Reconciliation, Mass, Respect Life Drive, Advent and Lenten Food Drives for St Vincent de Paul,
Christmas Children’s Mass and Toy drive as well as many other activities. VBS (Vacation Bible School)
is our annual week-long camp in June.
Our program and the teachers do their best with the help of Our Lord’s grace
to make your child a well-rounded individual in all aspects of life.
For those interested in being Altar
Servers, please fill out a registration form
available at the Rectory (Church Office).
Junior Youth Group for 5th
through 7th graders meets
every Sunday at 11:45 AM in
the Sacred Heart Center
The requirements for those
who wish to be altar servers
are the following:
1. Attending 4th Grade or above this coming Fall
2. Enrolled in a Catholic School or Religious Education Program
3. Completed First Communion
8th through 12th graders
We need your help to make our church beautiful this Holiday
Please call the rectory and let us know that you would
like to help.
Sundays 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Sacred Heart Center
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Cemetery
The seventh Corporal Work of Mercy
teaches us to bury the deceased with
dignity. The Church has consecrated
our Catholic Cemeteries to ensure
that we have the appropriate place
to fulfill this teaching. We have
invited representatives from Catholic
Cemeteries Family Service program to
visit our parish on October 11 and 12 of 2014. The counselors will
have information available to help you make your own decisions. We
encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about
advance planning in a Catholic Cemetery.
We invite you to visit Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Cemetery online at
their website www.catholiccemeteriesmiami.org and view their new
video. For more information, and to learn about advance planning
in a Catholic cemetery please call (800)988-9996.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity today.
Got Problems?
Life can seem overwhelming
Get help from a Catholic counselor
Don’t suffer any longer.
Catholic Charities offers
affordable, confidential
counseling with a Catholic
perspective to help you
cope with life’s challenges.
• Child/Adolescent
Counseling or Teen Issues
• Marriage Counseling, Trust, or Empty Nest
Grief, Sickness, or Major Life Changes Financial
• Depression, Trauma, or Abuse Caregiving for
disabled child or aging parents
Sessions are available on a sliding fee scale
ranging from $10-$50. Call (954)332-7070
for a telephone consultation or to make an
appointment with a Licensed Therapist.
St. Bartholomew Catholic School
8003 Miramar Parkway
Miramar, Florida 33025
back kids
“Sharing, Learning and Growing in Christ”
We have gotten off to a great start! We are looking forward to great success with some of our new programs.
This year we are putting an emphasis on “Radiating His love through faith, academics and service.”
We have almost completed STAR Diagnostics in Reading and Mathematics for our students in grades K-8.
Our new Science lab has hosted students building bridges using only uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows.
Below you will see our students engaged in the Bricks 4 Kids afterschool Lego Robotics enrichment class.
Students learned about the laws of motion by building a Ferris Wheel. They learned the terms: axle, engineer and Newton’s three laws.
Where quality Catholic Education can make a difference:
Regular Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Now accepting VPK partially funded by the state
for 3-5 year olds
Religious and moral formation
Florida Catholic Conference (FCC) re-accredited in 2013
Dedicated, caring faculty certified by State of Florida
“Accelerated Reader”
“Accelerated Math”
Technology integrated curriculum
Creative Arts and Music
A variety of extra curricular clubs and activities
Competing Sports Teams (5th-8th grade)
Before and after school care programs
Accepting “Step Up for Students” Scholarships
Refer a
new stud
and earn
s not in
, paid t
ion req
For information about admission
and tuition, please visit:
for students
Please note: If you contribute $800 or more to the church in a calendar year,
your child will be eligible for a tuition discount at our school and any Catholic High School.
21 Septembre 2014 - 25ème Dimanche du temps ordinaire - Année A
Kanpe la sou plas
Èske ou grate tèt ou lè ou tande levanjil jodia? Ki sa ki ta
posede nenpòt bòs nan travay yo pou yo peye yon moun ki te
travay sèlman kèk minit menm kantite kòm ak yon moun ki
te travay yon jounen konplè?
Parabòl sa a mande nou pou nou fouye pi fon nan istwa
a. Konsidere aksyon sa mèt jaden an poze. Li soti al chèche
travayè senk fwa pandan jounen an: nan dimanch maten byen
bonè, a nèf è, a midi, a twa zè, li soti ankò a senk è.
Nan parabòl sa a, Jezi envite nou pou nou konsidere aksyon
mèt jaden an kòm kalite aksyon Bondye nou an ta poze. Nan
lavi nou, nou chak gen moman nou kanpe san fè anyen, tankou
moun yo nan parabòl la jodi a. Bondye toujou ap chèche pou li
envite nou vin travay nan jaden rezen l lan. Perseverans Bondye
a pa janm fini. Si nou reponn li byen bonè nan lavi nou oswa a
“senk è”, byen ta nan lavi nou, lanmou Bondye ak mizèrikòd
li ap toujou konble nou.
Levanjil jodi a fè nou sonje tou ke menm lè nou pèdi, lè nou
pa menm reyalize bèl bagay Bondye ap fè nan lavi nou, Bondye
toujou rele nou pou nou tounen nan yon relasyon renmen avèk
li. Petèt se nan moman sa a yo, lè nou kanpe san fè anyen, se
lè sa ke Bondye pouswiv nou plis, li voye envite nou nan jaden
rezen ki bay lavi tou nèf, posiblite, ak espwa.
1ère Lecture — « Mes pensées ne sont pas vos pensées »
(Is 55, 6-9)
Psaume — Proche est le Seigneur de ceux qui l’invoquent.
Psaume : 144, 2-3, 8-9, 17-18
2ème Lecture — Quant à vous, menez une vie digne de
l’Évangile du Christ. (Ph 1, 20c-24.27a)
Evangile — Les derniers seront premiers, et les
premiers seront derniers. (Mt 20, 1-16)
Reyinyon demen Lendi 22
septanm a 7:30 pm nan
lekòl la pou Koòdonatè
gwoup “Katolik Poukisa?”
Tout Koòdonatè Gwoup yo envite nan yon
reyinyon espesyal demen swa, Lendi 22 septanm
a 7:30 pm nan lekòl la.
Enskripsyon pou moun ki pral patisipe nan gwoup
yo ap fèt Dimanch pwochen, 28 Septanm aprè
tout Mès yo.
Se pou nou pa manke opòtinite sa a pou nou
selebre kè kontan nou nan lafwa Katolik nou an.
Les derniers seront premiers, et les
premiers seront derniers. (Mt 20, 1-16)
Lundi: Pro 3:27-34; Ps 15 (14):2-5; Lc 8:16-18
Mardi: Pro 21:1-6, 10-13; Ps 119 (118):1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44;
Lc 8:19-21
Mercredi: Pro 30:5-9; Ps119 (118):29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lc 9:1-6
Ec 1:2-11; Ps 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lc 9:7-9
Vendredi: Ec 3:1-11; Ps 144 (143):1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lc 9:18-22
Samedi: Ec 11:9 — 12:8; Ps 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; Lc 9:43b-45
Dimanche: Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25 (24):4-9; Fil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32
Six belles citations du Pape François
• Dieu nous aime, n’ayons pas peur de
• Nous ne pouvons pas être chrétiens à
temps partiel !
• Quand on ne marche pas, on s’arrête.
• Quand on ne confesse pas Jésus-Christ, on
confesse la mondanité du diable.
• Le Seigneur ne se fatigue jamais de pardonner
... jamais ! C’est nous qui nous fatiguons de lui
demander pardon.
• N’oublions jamais que le vrai pouvoir est le
Père Patrice Guerre - Site Bonnenouvelle.fr
21 de Septiembre de 2014 - Vigésimo quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
En la primera lectura de hoy, Isaías nos insta a “buscar
al Señor” que está “cerca” y puede “encontrarse” (Isaías 55:6).
Entonces Isaías dice que los caminos de Dios se elevan por
encima de nuestros caminos, “así como el cielo está muy alto
por encima de la tierra” (Isaías 55:9). Buscamos, no porque
Dios está escondido, sino porque nuestras tendencias son
tan diferentes a los caminos de Dios que nos perdemos.
¿Cómo es que los caminos de Dios están por encima
de nuestros caminos? El ejemplo que Isaías nos da es que el
camino de Dios es ser “generoso en perdonar” (Isaías 55:7). ¿Y
cómo es nuestro camino? Nosotros tratamos de ser “justos”.
Tú me ofendes, entonces yo te ofendo también. Entonces,
por supuesto, tú. . . Y así sucesivamente.
En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos dice que Dios no es
“justo” de esa manera. Al contrario, Dios es tan generoso que
no podemos ni siquiera entenderlo. ¿Pagar el mismo salario
por una hora que por todo un día? ¡No es justo! “Busca al
Señor” y encontrarás a un Dios que me llama a ser, no justo,
sino más generoso de lo que nos podemos imaginar.
Las caminos del Señor están
por encima de los nuestros.
Copyright © 2007, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Lunes: Pro 3:27-34; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Lc 8:16-18
Martes: Pro 21:1-6, 10-13; Sal 119 (118):1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44;
Lc 8:19-21
Miércoles: Pro 30:5-9; Sal 119 (118):29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lc 9:1-6
Jueves: Ec 1:2-11; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lc 9:7-9
Viernes: Ec 3:1-11; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lc 9:18-22
Sábado: Ec 11:9 — 12:8; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; Lc 9:43b-45
Domingo: Ez 18:25-28; Sal 25 (24):4-9; Fil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32
Valor Espiritual de la Santa Misa
Como Cristianos debemos saber, que la Santa Misa es
el más Sagrado acto de religión: No se puede hacer
nanda más glorioso para Dios, nada más favorecedor
para nuestra Alma, que el piadoso Acto de asistir a la
Santa Misa lo más frecuente que podamos.
Tenemos fechas disponibles para la Misa de las 5 pm
para Usted y sus seres queridos vivos o difuntos.
“La misión en la Iglesia Católica de San
Bartolomé es reflejar el amor de Dios a
todos quienes nos reunimos, para fortalecer
nuestra comunidad de fe a través de la
adoración, educación, compañerismo,
corresponsabilidad y actos de amor y
caridad, de modo que podamos dirigir
a personas de todas las procedencias
a nuestro Señor Jesucristo”.
Nuestra Parroquia de San
Bartolomé ofrece clases de
RICA a los adultos que
les falte un Sacramento
de Iniciación Cristiana
(Bautismo, Confirmación
Primera Comunión).
Las clases comenzaron
el martes pasado.
Unirse a la barca de Pedro!

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