December 19, 2002 - North Dallas Gazette


December 19, 2002 - North Dallas Gazette
Trent Lott's
The Black
A New Agenda
The Antone
Fisher Story
Page 3
Page 11
Page 3
A D i v i s i o n of
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _
vSimiyiJ^^pportunity News, lac.
j ^ H
Dec 19th
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Volume XI, N u m b e r XXXXXl
D e c e m b e r 19 - J a n u a r y 1
Mt. Hebron's Annual Winter Ball
G)^^6of(^€m -
Pastor Leonard Leach and wife (Sharon)
^ )l/ifi Q^of^H f (^of/C^ffjff'er
On the Homefront:
Santa's Village 3002, at
Richardson Ci\-ic Center, on ihe
Qt>-Hall Lawn, Deccmbcrl9 - 22,
from 6 p.m. - 9 p m . 18 dwdlings
make up Santa's Village, eadi sponsored by a business or group in
Ridiardwn. Fun activities and fun
for all ttiio belie\-c in Santa! Free,
but small fee fcir s l e ^ and pwN
rides. \'isit \vw\v,' for more
information, and Ridiaidson's holida\' web site.
Tuzer Ballet, with T h e
Richardson Syn:^:hcan'. presents its
18th Annual Production of the
Nulcradcer, December 20, at the
Eisiemann Center Theatre, Hilt
I^rformaiKe Hall, at 8:00 p.rrL
972.744.4650, or \Tsit the w ^ site
ac www.tuzeiballeLcom
Ha\"e 'Lunch ^^ith Santa',
December 20, from noon to 1:30
p.ra., at Joe Farmer Recreation
Center, 1201 E. Belhanj-, Allen.
SS/Acmitv- t(>r ages 2 to 5. Parents
can bring cameras to a ^ t u r u all ihe
972.727.0152 for more information. Adwuici.- iij^suauuii icquircil
Santa Shop and Drop (KidFree Shopping), December 21, 9
a.m. - 2 p.m., at Joe Farmer
Recreation Center, 1201 E.
Betfiany, Allen. S15'Ages 3 to 8
years old- I T K Xtreme Teois and
recreation staff" will entertain the
children «iih movies, games and
lunch while you finish up the shopping list. Register now as space is
Umited. For more infiMmation call
'Hope for the Holidays',
December 21, at the Hano Centre,
Spring Creek & Jupiter Roads from
1:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. This is a COTIfeience dedicated to those who arc
copir^ with loss. Widi in^nratJOTi,
heanfck stories and h c ^ for die
fijture, our speakers will help you
t h r o u ^ tliLs holiday season. You
will also leam what resources are
available in the communit>'.
Admission Charge: SI5.00 at the
door. 88.00 group rate for 10 or
more people. Contact Mike
Domingos at 214.536.1063 or byemail at ^^ike(y
December 30, SBC Cotton
Bowl Music Fesli\-al Annual Battle
of the Bands, at ITano Centre,
Spring Creek & Jupiter Roads.
Schools will peifonn at the SBC
Conon BtAvl l*re-Game and Halftime. Various schools will be pa-liMtnir^ fium 8:00am to 2:00 p m
m both Concert Band And Jazz
Band. AdmLssitin is free- For more
information call 801.598.8820.
Around the Town
Car Review
Art & Entertainment lO&ll
Church directory
T h e Young A d u l t M i n i s t r y o f M t H e b r o n B a p t i s t C h u r c h , i n G a r l a n d T X c e l e b r a t e d t h e h o l i d a y
with t h e i r s e c o n d a n n u a l W i n t e r B a l l . T h e e v e n t w a s h e l d at t h e R e n a i s s a n c e D a l l a s N o r t h H o t e l
last S u n d a y . T h e n i g h t w a s filled w i t h d i n n e r , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , a n d f e l l o w s h i p p i n g . G u e s t s e n j o y e d t h e
relaxing s o u n d s of jazz from t r u m p e t player F r e d d i e Jones, a n d b a n d . See M t H e b r o n page 6
Three Celebrations in One For Downtown Piano
DART Liglit Rail, Interurban Centennial and
Christmas are Greeted by Thousands
By: .Monica Thornton
A Dickens uf a time
w a s h a d b y all w h o c a m e t o
Piano's downtown Christinas
festiv-ities D e c e m b e r 6 a n d 7 ,
P i a n o h a d m u c h t o celebrate with t h e annual tree
l i g h t i n g , its a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s
parade, the centennial of the
r a i l r o a d ' s first j o u r n e y t o P i a n o ,
a n d t h e arrival o f t h e D a l l a s
A r e a R a p i d T r a n s i t light rail
r o d e t h e fire t r u c k float, w i t h
of t h e H e r i t a g e
C o m m i s s i o n of P i a n o dressed in
Victorian, costumes, walking
Although the much
a n t i c i p a t e d t r e e l i g h t i n g g o t off
to a shaky start, that d i d n ' t stop
t h e e x c i t e m e n t for h u n d r e d s o f
people Friday evening. i 5 t h
Street at Avenue K was closed
off t o traffic for t h e e v e n i n g t o
allow local s h o p a n d cafe o w n ers t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o b r i n g
their services t o the streets. T h e
a r o m a o f fresh b r e w e d coffee
a n d t h e s o u n d s of caroling
w a r m e d u p t h e cold evening.
A n d for s o m e , a c a r r i a g e ride
t h r o u g h t h e p a r k t o p p e d off t h e
fun. b u t cold."
After t h e p a r a d e w o u n d
d o w n , t h o u s a n d s of people
to the Interurban
M u s e u m o n 15th Street t o kick
off c e l e b r a t i o n s m a r k i n g t h e
1 0 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e rail
r o a d first c o m i n g i n t o P i a n o ,
a n d D A R T ' s official a r r i v a l i n
P i a n o D e c e m b e r 9. T h e r a i l r o a d
e n d e d its journey into Piano in
1 9 4 8 , d u e i n p a r t t o t h e rise i n
the n u m b e r people owning cars.
B u t n o w with t h e hea\'y b u r d e n
o f c o m m u t e r traffic, t h o u s a n d s
of P i a n o r e s i d e n t s a r e e x p e c t e d
to take advantage of returning
t o t h e rails.
"We've waited a long
t i m e for t h i s d a y , " s a i d R o b e r t
Pope, C h a i r m a n of d i e D A R T
b o a r d . " I t ' s b e e n 2 0 y e a r s in t h e
S i n c e o p e n i n g t h e first
2 0 m i l e s o f rail i n D a l l a s i n
1996, t h e expansion in P i a n o
gives D A R T m o r e t h a n 4 4 m i l e s
a n d 3 4 stations.
i{(,hri-i Pope, chair, DART
Board of Directors
"We were busy," said
L i s e t t e Briley, C h a i r o f t h e
Heritage Commission. "It was
" W e ' v e e x c e e d e d all o f
our expectations since t h e start
of t h e s y s t e m , " P o p e s a i d . " T h e
n e x t b i g c h a l l e n g e is t o e x t e n d
t h e line t o M c K i n n e y a n d
a n s w e r y o u r e c e i v e , i t will
always line u p with t h e W o r d o f
G o d , a n d H e always w a n t s t h e
b e s t for y o u . G o d will n e v e r
•Yes. Y o u c a n h a v e i t . I t is t a k e y o u w h e r e H e c a n ' t k e e p
g o o d for you a n d you desire it. you. H e w a n t s you to b e a p a r t
of w h a t H e is doing a n d w h a t
H e will d o i n y o u r life. H e
wants you to become depende n t u p o n H i m , a n d H e will
mold, build a n d strengthen
you according to H i s purpose.
Even though you may n o t
understand what's going o n ,
t r u s t a n d k n o w t h a t H e is G o d .
H e will c l e a r t h e p a t h f o r y o u ,
b u t y o u m u s t b e willing t o w a l k
d o w n t h e road while H e clears
y o u r p a t h . H e will c l e a n u p t h e
trash as y o u continue to place
o n e foot i n front o f t h e o t h e r
•No. It's n o t in your best
without watching, questioning
i n t e r e s t . H e will n o t give s o m e a n d d o u b t i n g every s t e p b e f o r e
t h i n g t h a t will h a r m
y o u t a k e it. L o o k u p w h e n y o u
y o u ; H e will only give y o u
walk d o w n ¥hc p s t l i , a n d t h e
something to help you and take
L o r d will o r d e r ever>' f o o t s t e p .
y o u t o t h e n e x t level, a n d G o d
Excerpts from
will n o t c h a n g e H i s d i v i n e p u r 911:
T h e Hidden
p o s e f o r y o u r life. W h e n H i s
a n s w e r is n o , it is a b l e s s i n g i n
itself, b u t f o r c i n g t h i n g s t o
happen that are n o t according
Cktpyright © 2002 by Ruby fleurcna
t o H i s will, will b r i n g a b o u t
» m . i w j w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hclat,cW<;h.pgi!ii
turmoil a n d confusion.
T h e Hidden N'esscl Within
• W a i t . T h e t i m e is n o t
,\iOrv-'rh4: OoTTOt;
right. S o m e d m e s y o u m a y n o t
n / 2 8 / U f c About Rclatiomhips
b e r e a d y t o r e c e i v e it y e t o r y o u
m a y n o t b e a b l e t o h a n d l e it.
T h e r e a r e d m e s in t h e waiting
p r o c e s s t h a t w e give u p , lose
d e s i r e , lose faith a n d give i n t o
temptations. That
is w h y
p a t i e n c e is s o i m p o r t a n t ; y o u
National P a r k Service's New
Site Goes 'Live' Just P r i o r to
Emancipation Proclamation
G o v e r n o r , R o n K i r k as S e n a t o r
and John Sharp as Lieutenant
great appeal as a n accomplished
b u s i n e s s m a n of great wealth.
T h e fact t h a t h e is L a t i n o o f
w o r k i n g class b a c k g r o u n d m a d e
t h e A m e r i c a n d r e a m of s u c c e s s
m o r e i n s p i r i n g t o his s u p p o r t e r s .
T h e Latino voter turnout
was as follows: S a n c h e z for
G o v e r n o r 8 7 % , K i r k for S e n a t e
and John
S h a r p for
L i e u t e n a n t G o v e r n o r with 8 5 % .
Perhaps in a n o t h e r election o n
another day—this show of voting p o w e r w o u l d have indicated
a s u r e w i n for t h e p a r t y , b u t n o t
this t i m e . T h e d r e a m w a s s h o r t lived a n d t h e vision d i s s i p a t e d .
After a h i g h - d o l l a r c a m p a i g n ,
Tony Sanchez went h o m e per-
anniversary, the U.S. National
P a r k S e r v i c e — in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h i t s official n o n - p r o f it p a r t n e r , t h e N a t i o n a l P a r k
Foundation — has unveiled
an updated "National U n d e r
ground Railroad Network to
F r e e d o m " W e b site, devoted
to p r e s e r v i n g t h e f a m e d n e t work of escape sites, shelters,
a n d destination sites used b y
while also serving as t h e
national aggregator of local,
regional, a n d national historical i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e t o p i c .
— with
extensive professional expertise i n i n c o r p o r a t i n g t e c h n o l o -
T h e 2000 Census reported
a p o p u l a t i o n of 3 5 million
Latinos in t h e U S A . A s t h e
fastest g r o w i n g g r o u p , t h e
i m p o r t a n t v o t e is also g r o w i n g
numbers. An
increase in b u y i n g power a n d
political i n f l u e n c e o p e n s a d o o r
rich w i t h o p p o r t u n i t i e s .
have a strong
Democratic voting pattern that
is s u r e t o m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e i n
Republican a n d back toward
D e m o c r a t i c Political b a s e . T h e
team ticket" consisted of o n e
Hispanic, o n e Black a n d o n e
Anglo. D e m o c r a t leaders visu-
Phone: 972,516^2992
See DART page 7
h a p s t o r e v i e w h i s financial p i c t u r e w h e r e a s R o n K i r k will
r e t u r n t o h i s l a w firm p o s i t i o n
w i t h t i m e t o reflect o n m a n y
years of pohucal service.
Civil R i g h t s for T e x a n s c a r ries a h i s t o r y o f v i o l e n c e o n
a n d g r o u p s of
minorities. Mexican Americans
have dealt with t h e struggle for
political equality since 1 8 3 6
w h e n Anglos began to dominate
Texas. E m a n c i p a t i o n of t h e
slaves i n 1 8 6 5 b e g a n t h e official
fight of A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n f r e e d m e n to gain equal rights a n d
d i g n i t y t o live w i t h o u t t h r e a t o f
harm. Although the campaign
for r i g h t s d i d n o t b e c o m e
6100 Ave K, Suite 105 (@Springcreek
pax: 972,509,9058
\^lKit L'. IA-ITC?
I2f\2 / Faitli is m\-ci1li]
12 1':^
VC'liy dtvcsnt Gt-v.1
Ans-',\-cr I^>"eT^?
Twr tnon: infiynnation,
iLKvw..i\;}atJonsIiip 9}J.tiifit
National Underground Railroad
Network to Freedom' Web Site
Designed, Supported and Powered
by College Central Network
N E W YORK, January 1
marks t h e 140th anniversary
of L i n c o l n ' s
Proclamation, the landmark
1863 d o c u m e n t that led to
the e n d of slavery in t h e
United States.
By Belinda G. Alexander
On the Homefront
d o n ' t w a n t a q u i c k fix b u t a
p e r m a n e n t fix.
H a v e you ever asked yourself, " w h y d o e s n ' t G o d a n s w e r
m y prayer?" G o d answers every
prayer. H e r e s p o n d s i n o n e of
three ways:
Saturday morning Piano's 30th
annual Christmas Parade took
to t h e s t r e e t s , w i t h a r e a m i d d l e
and high school
b a n d s a n d d o z e n s o f floats.
Piano City Council m e m b e r s
Area News
By Ruby Fleurcius
See Ibters page 4
gy into educational e n v i r o n ments — created the W e b
site, provided seed funding,
and n o w powers a n d maint a i n s it.
"We welcomed the opportunity
to work
with the
National Park Service in collecting, organizing) a n d preserving additional pieces of
this story from across t h e
country, and then broadly
disseminating the evolving
base of i n f o r m a t i o n , " says
M a r k Mancini, president of
College Central, t h e nation's
leading application
provider of Web-based career
office m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m s t o
small, mid-sized, a n d c o m m u n i t y colleges.
R a i l r o a d is a n i n s p i r i n g c h a p ter in America's history, a n d
it's a privilege for C o l l e g e
Central N e t w o r k to b e able to
help preserve its m e m o r y , as
well as p r o v i d e t h e t e c h n o l o gy t o t e l l t h e s t o r y i n a n
organized, attractive, a n d easily a c c e s s i b l e f o r m a t . "
see Railroad page 4
Piano, Texas
[email protected]
Around The Town
N a t u r e Stories at H e a r d
Natural Science M u s e u m and
Saturday at 11:00 am., and 2:00
p.m. Stories are hosted by the
Heard Nature Store staff, and
incorporate music, nature crafts
a n d nature walks. F r e e with general admission. For topics and
more details call 972.562.5566.
C o m e and see the Belgian
draft horses, the mascot hitch
Sausage and the farming m u s e u m in Richardson. Petting zoo
featuring pygmy goats, lambs,
turkeys and pot-bellied pigs. 401
E, L o o k o u t Drive, off Piano
Road, Richardson. Open daily, 9
Central Expwy, at Parker Road,
next 10 Hoffbrau. Country activities with a Western theme for
kids. Visit the petting zoo, take a
hayride or pony ride. Picnic
tables on site. Available for birthday parties. Call 972.633.9779.
Open 7 days a week.
Workshop-Learn how it would
feel to be free of all credit card
Avenue H , P i a n o , T X .
attend, please call 2 1 4 - 4 9 5 9756. Cost is S29.95. Tuesdays
from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Through Dtcember 31
T h e International Library
of Poetry is inviting poets from
the Piano area to submit their
entries to try and win their share
of over 250 prizes. Deadline for
the contest is December 3 1 , and
is free. To enter, send O N E original poem, any subject and any
style to: T h e
IJbrary of Poetry, Suite 19915, 1
Poetry Plaza, Owings Mills, M D
21117. T h e poem should be 20
lines or less, and the poet's name
and address should appear on
the top of the page. Entries must
be postmarked or sent via the
Internet by December 3 1 , 2002.
You may also enter online at
(111.11 i
1 1 . ; . i i . J i . ; , f'i -
. j>...
www. poetry, com.
Throu^ January 5. 2003
Secrets of Aging at the Fort
Worth M u s e u m of Science and
History. Featuring four major
t h e m e s : Body, M i n d , Society
a n d Longevity'. S7 adults, S6 seniors, S5 children 3-12. For more
hours, call 817.255.9300, or visit
Through January 6,2003
Masters of the Night: T h e
T r u e Story of Bats, at the Heard
N a t u r a l Science M u s e u m &
Wildlife Sanctuary. A 2,500 sq.ft
exhibit, to dispel popular misconceptions about bats. One
Nature Place, McKinnev. Call
Mesquite Public Library, 300
West G r u b b Drive at 4:00 p.m.
For all ages.
972.548.6900 or visit
Natural mahogany or dyed ranch mink
jackets trimmed with lamb leather
Orig $3,000
Sale $1,299
Ranch dyed full length mink coats
Orig $5,000
Sale $1999
December 20
Ethics Class for CPA's at
Piano Centre, Spring Creek &
Jupiter Roads from 9 a . m . to
11a.m. Basic 2 - h o u r b o a r d approved ethics course, required
every three years. Contact Values
Based M a n a g e m e n t , Inc. at
Assorted full length fur lined
all weather coats
Orig $6,000
Sale $2,499
American Legend natural
fem.ale mink strollers
Orig $10,000
Sale $3,999
Priday, December 20, 5:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p m at Chestnut Square
on the corner of C h e s m u t &
Anthony Streets. This is a weekly opportunity join in a volunteer
project and enjoy dinner on the
porch of the Dulaney H o u s e .
full length female mink coats
Orig $15,000
Sale $6,999
Orchestra presents 'Music of the
S e a s o n ' at 8 p . m . , at the
Mesquite Arts Center. Call the
box office at 972.216.8127 for
Dallas Asian
Youth Orchestra presents a
Christmas Concert, 8:00 p.m. to
9:45 p.m. at U T D University
Theater. Featuring Yellow River
Piano Concerto, Mozart, and
Joy of Sunrise, a Chinese Folk
Song. For more information email
rebelugysl (a h o t m a i l . c o m ,
Throu^ January 12
T h e new Roger M o o r e
P h o t o g r a p h y Exhibit at the
Heard Natural Science M u s e u m
a n d Wildlife
McKinney unveils the. richness
and beauty of nature through
photographic a n .
scenes from Big Bend National
Park. Free with regular admission to the Heard M u s e u m .
December 31
Five By Design, " C l u b
Swing" Concert and New Year's
Eve Party, p r e s e n t e d by the
Performance Hall & Lobby.
Concert at 8:30 p.m. Party at
10:30 p . m . T i c k e t are: S27-S52 /
Loge 8 6 5 . Post C o n c e r t S50
w/ticket or S75 without ticket.
Call 9 7 2 . 7 4 4 . 4 6 5 0 , or visit:
w%vw. fivebydesign. com/index.
Black or brown lamb leather
with dyed fox detachable collars
Orig $1800
Sale $629
December 19 - 22
T h e Repertory Company
Theatre presents 'Peter P a n ' at
the Eisemann Center Theatre.
D e c e m b e r 19 and 20 at 7:30
p.m., D e c e m b e r 21 at 2:00 p . m .
and 7:30 p.m., and D e c e m b e r
22 at 2:00 p.m. For ticket information
Ticket Prices: S 1 0 - S I 5 . Web
Just a
December 19 and 22
Piano S>'mphony Orchestra
Holiday Pops, at two locations.
A u d i t o r i u m , 7:30 p . m . , a n d
D e c e m b e r 22 at Fellowship
Bible C h u r c h N o r t h at 4:30
p . m . , including a visit from
Santa. T h e P S O celebrates the
season with everything from
Jingle Bells to the Hallelujah
C h o r u s , with soprano Jacquelyn
Lengfelder's. For tickets, contact
the Sj-mphony at 972.473.7262.
or www.planos>'
December 22
T h e Turtle Creek Chorale
presents 'Fa La La Follies' at
Richardson's Eisemann Center
Theatre, Hill Performance Hall,
p.m. For
1.800.494.8497, or visit the web
site at:
thefinest inftir & leather
9850 North Central Expressway @ Walnut Hill Lane Suite #106
"Final Days!"
w/a6 Qi'eeMu ^Yf/Jer o,
Email: opportunity
2 • December
Holiday Fur Sale
50% to 65% Off The Entire
December 19 ami 20
M c K i n n e y Dinner Theatre
at McKinney Square Meal present, "All Scrooged U p , " Friday
a n d Saturday evening. D o o r s
open at 7:00 p.m. Show begins
at 8:00 p.m. 213 E. Louisiana
St., downtown. Admission: S I 2
adults and SIO senior citizens
and children u n d e r 12 years. For
Through January 6
Santa vs. T h e Snowman, the
first-ever I M A X animated holiday feature film, at the Fort
Worth M u s e u m of Science and
Street, Fort Worth. A h e a r t
warming story of a lonely snowm a n swept away by the wonders
of Santa's Village, then becomes
jealous and wages war on Santa,
but after a high spirited and
wacky feud- friendship reigns.
For show times and information
call 8 1 7 . 2 5 5 . 9 3 0 0 , or go to
19 -January
I, 2002
• The
The Black Churches: A New Agenda
By Lawrence N . Jones
Trent Lett's Unforgettable Message
ered the storm or left the Senate.
Will Blacks have benefited in either
case? Will the major issues impacting Blacks be any closer to a solution? VC^en is the spodight going to
b e placed on health care, poverty,
education, economic disparity or
double digit unemployment? T h e
silence of black leaders on these
issues is deafening.
heart and core of Senator Lott's
upbringing. Even after experiencing the changing race consciousness of the nation as an adult, he
still made the choice to remain an
advocate for racism and segregation.
Democrats were surprised with
an early C h r i s t m a s visit from
Santa Claus even though they were
not invited to the December 5th
centermial birthday part\' honoring S e n a t o r S t r o m T h u r m o n d .
Somehow the shocking message
sent by Senator T r e n t Lott of
Mississippi did not arrive at the
capitol until five days later. T h e n
all heil broke loose.
H e skillhilly used segregation to
move his political career forward. In
1968, Mr. Lott became the top
assistant to Rep. William Colmer, a
champion of white supremacists
who used his position as head of the
H o u s e Rules Committee to bottle
up civil rights legislation. As a 30
year m e m b e r of the house and senate Lott's actions against such
issues such as the Voring Rights Act
Extension, M L K holiday, a n d
denying federal funds to Bob Jones
Universit\" indicts him no matter
the public mask he tries to display.
His racial d e m o n s of the past are
deeply imbedded in the heart and
come forth sometimes cloaked in
what is purported to be harmless
jest. If his remarks last week were
an isolated incident his apoIog>'
should be accepted but his record
speaks far more loudly than his
At the heart of the polidcal
is the testimonial of
Senator Lott. "I want to say this
a b o u t my state: W h e n S t r o m
T h u r m o n d ran for president
(1948), we voted for him. We're
p r o u d of it. And if the rest of the
country had followed our lead, we
wouldn't have h a d all these p r o b lems over all these years."
TTie mainstream media, possibly overloaded with the Paul
O'Neill firing, the Iraq war preparations, and the Louisiana Senate
runoff, did not pick up on the
story or the few that did passed it
off as a minor embarrassment,
political jest> or a simple gaffe.
But outrage did develop and
caught many politicians off balance. VCherc they unaware or was
Lott's code word reference to the
segregated 1948 era confusing? It
took five days for Senator T o m
Daschle, the Democratic leader, to
denounce Lott's c o m m e n t s , and a
full week for President Bush to
jump on the repudiation bandwag-
Senaior Lott can categorically
deny any racist sentiment. In fact,
his political well being d e m a n d s
such statements. But the reality is
he was born, bred, raised, mentored, and influenced by segregationists. Segregation was at the
S e n a t o r Lott has m a d e four
apologies trying to right his misstep. H e has asked for forgiveness.
Forgiveness is in order but being
forgiven d o e s not certify his
r e m a i n i n g as Senate
leader. Political strategists predict
that keeping Lott in the job will
Democrats in the 2004 elections, by
showing that the Republican party
is still exclusionary, racist and segregationist. N o t one Republican
m e m b e r in the next Congress is
A f r i c a n - A m e r i c a n .
Notwithstanding the inclusion rhetoric, the m o d e r n G O P is built on a
legacy of racism. F r o m T h u r m o n d ' s
white s u p r e m a c i s t c a m p a i g n of
1948 as refined by Richard Nixon's
" S o u t h e r n Strategy'" Republican
c a n d i d a t e s c o n t i n u e to exploit
racial fears for political gain.
Black organizations and leaders
such as the Congressional Black
Caucus, N A A C P , Jesse Jackson and
Al Sharpton joined the growing
chorus criticizing Lott's remarks. It
seems in the days after the story
broke they were e\'er>-where deli\ering sound bites, making statements,
and holding press conferences. This
raises a serious question.
But now that the L o n issue is on
the table, h e must give up the leadership role as a matter of principle.
Bush's strateg>' to reach minority
voters was beginning to blossom
Republican showing at the polls.
Black leaders must show the
President that they understand that
political shenanigans are part of the
game but for any leader to tear at
the f u n d a m e n t a l fabric of this
nation's founding ideals, emphasized in his repudiation statement,
is inviolable
Even in the face of Lott's utterly
stupid dalliance in racist nostalgia
can Blacks afford to c o n t i n u e
spending a disproportionate share
of valuable resources on recurring
incidents that fall in the category of
"Nigger Baiting"? ^ ^ e n the dust
settles down Lott will have weath-
James W. Breedlove
Around the Corner
by : Henson Towne
A r o u n d t h e c o i t i e r l - y e t niiles aw;iy,
"Here's a telegram sir-"
" j a n e died today." *
A n d t h a t ' s w h a t w e g e t a n d d e s e r v e in t h e e n d .
A r o u n d t h e c o r n e r I h a v e a friend
I n this g r e a t city* t h a t h a s n o e n d ,
Yet t h e d a y s g o b y a n d w e e k s r u s h o n ,
A n d b e f o r e I k n o w it, a y e a r is g o n e
A r o u n d the c o r n e r , a vanished friend.
A n d I n e v e r see m y old f r i e n d s f a c e .
F o r life is a swift a n d t e r r i b l e r a c e .
S h e k n o w s I like h e r just a s well
A s in t h e daj-s w h e n I r a n g h e r b e l l .
A n d she rang mine.
We were younger then,
A n d n o w w e a r e b u s y , tired m e n .
If y o u love s o m e o n e , tell t h e m .
R e m e m b e r always to say " w h a t y o u m e a n " .
N e v e r b e afraid t o e x p r e s s yourself.
T a k e this o p p o r t u n i t y t o tell s o m e o n e w h a t
t h e y m e a n to y o u .
Seize the d a y a n d have n o regrets.
T i r e d of p l a y i n g a foolish g a m e .
" T o m o r r o w " I say " I will call o n J a n e "
" J u s t t o s h o w t h a t I ' m t h i n k i n g of h e r "
M o s t i m p o r t a n d y , stay c l o s e t o y o u r friends
a n d family,
T h e y have helped to m a k e you the person you
are today,
W h a t it's all a b o u t a m a v a y . P a s s t h i s a l o n g t o
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
your friends.
L e t it m a k e a difference in y o u r d a y a n d t h e i r s
T i r e d of tr>-ing to m a k e a n a m e .
I f o u n d e t l 1801:
• I I I ,
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M ' r .• •, i •/
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mcHAHusON aAittAnu. »ittN.
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McmnNi v ANO
h t EaMtanor In Jounwim
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Deborah Kellogg
Frank Lm
Editorial Depaytpiyum:
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Fax: (972)516-1197
Advisorv Board:
John Dudley
John Highiower
Coty RodriguezMynle HigkiovxT
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UON-ne Gazette assumes no rwpowibHrty fof unsolicited material and reserves the right to edit and make appropriate revisions.
Is the sky clearest on the day It is most blue?
W h i l e you ponder that thought we would like to announce that Minoiily Opportunity N e w s , Inc ,
formerly a Dallas based renaissance community tabloid, founded in 1991. has relocated to Piano, Texas
and changed our name to M O N - T h c Gazette. In addition to mov^
ing our offices to Piano, out editorial coverage has also shifted to
e n c o m p a s s D a l l a s ' Northern Corridor. T h e Northern Corridor is
clearly the fastest growing region in T t x a s , if not in America.
M O N - T h c Gazette believes thai the engine to continue this
growth is the airport expansion in McKinncy, which is the largest
^ |
and most visible of many area opportunities. A s always, and true S 5 =
.. - _ ^ = , = ^ ^
to tradition, M O N - T h c Gazette will be there carving a world of opportunity for those seeking to
provide quality services. Should you dare to expand your quest for economic parody outside the
southern region or just want to know what is going on up north-
Think of MON-The Gazette as your paper of opportunity!
UON-The Guette formally Uirtority Opportunity News, was founded July, 1991 ,by Jim Bochum and Thurman R. Jones
As Bishop John Hurst Adams
of the Afiican Methodist Episcopal
C h u r c h observed recentiy, black
churches are operating essentially o n
the agenda given to them by their
founders. T h e first agenda of early
black American congregations and
then of emergent denominations
included (1) the proclamation of the
gospel, (2) benevolences, (3) education and, by the mid-19th century,
(4) foreign missions. (Of course, in
the antebellum period a concern for
the eradication of slavery was also
central.) T h a t these items continue
to dominate the churches' mission
priorities and steu'ardship planning
may b e attributed in p a n to the continuing marginalit>' a n d relative
poweriessness of blacks in American
society. It is d u e also in p a n to the
fact that religious institutions in
black communities have not been
sufficiently cognizant of the radical
implications which the changing
political, economic a n d social realities have for their life. Bishop
Adams's antidote for this institutional inertia is "zero-based" mission planning — an imaginative and
valid suggestion.
S o m e eariy black congregations
began as benevolent societies, and
all of them were concerned for the
welfare of the sick, the widowed and
the orphaned. M o s t congregations
continue to maintain benevolent
fVinds, but they are n o longer
accorded higji priorit>-. It is obvious
in the light of massive need that the
churches' i m p a a in this area can be
only palliative. T h e social welfare
programs spronsored by the government and by communit>- and private agencies are far
resourced and programmatically
more comprehensive than those that
individual churches can sustain.The
churches' task in the area of benevolence has become that of ensuring
that persons gain access to the benefits for which they, are eligible.
T h e churches' historic concern
for education initially focused o n
efforts to compensate ror the exclusion of blacks from m^ess to elementary c d u c a u o a A&ttiB^ancipauon, the most pressing concern
became that of establishing and supporting secondary schools and colleges. By 1900 T h e churches had
compiled an impressive record:
black Baptist associations were supporting some 80 elementar>' schools
and 18 academies and colleges; the
churches were underwriting 32 secondary and collegiate institutions;
and the smaller A M E Zion denomination was supporting e i ^ t . T h e
d e n o m i n a t i o n n o w n a m e d the
Christian M e t h o d i s t
Church, only 30 years old in 1900,
had established five schools. Blacks
now have broad access to public secondary and higher education, and
the need for church-related instimtions to fill an educational vacuum
has lessened considerably. T h e question as to whether there is a qualitative difference in the education
being offered in church-sponsored
colleges as o\'er against state-supported institutions is a matter that
has to be debated in the zero-based
mission planning that Bishop
Adams suggests.
Blacks have oaditionally directed their modest foreign mission
efforts to the Caribbean islands and
to Africa. 'Vhc institutional forms of
these missions have not differed significantiy fixim those of the majorit>'
churches; they have focused on
church development, health-care
institutions and education. (It may
be observed that black churches
have established hospitals in Africa
but none in America.) T h e need for
such missionary services is diminishing a n d will doubtiess decline
m o r e rapidly as i n d e p e n d e n t
African and Caribbean nations preempt these areas of responsibility for
the state.
If the traditional concerns for
education, bene\'otences and foreign
missions need to be carefully scrutinized and their priority status ev-aluated, the first priorit>'. in the life of
the churches does not require such
retiiinking. Tlie raison d'etre of
black churches has not differed from
that of churches in any age. T h e y
have been the bearers of the good
news that G o d cares about, affirms,
forgives and redeems h u m a n beings
to w h o m he has given life, and diat
he acts in their history-. This message
of divine concern has enabled black
believers to survive humanely in
inhumane circumstances. T h e communities of faith have been the
social matrixes within which individual significance and worth have
been given concrete embodiment
and a sense of belonging has been
conferred. T h e form in which this
message is com-eyed m a y change,
but its essentia] content will remain
the same.
Thougji not a part of the format
agenda of the churches, c h u r c h
buildings have been crucial c o m m u nity- assets. F r o m the eariiest times
the>' were the only assembly halls to
which the black community had
access. T h e y housed schools, dramatic productions, cultural ev'ents,
social welfare prc^rams, rallies and
benefits of all sorts, a n d ci\Tl a n d
h u m a n ri^ts activities. T h e requirements in these areas are less critical
today. But if the need for meeting
space has declined, the claims placed
on church members by mo\'ements
for social, political a n d economic justice ha\« not diminished. W. E. B.
D u B o i s once remarked that the
N A A C P could not have sur\'ived
without the s u p p o n of black churches and their members.This is still the
case. T h o u g h m a n y social organizations and unions give s u p p o n to
such movements, chiurh members
form an indispensable segment of
their consrimencies, as the recent
financial crisis inv'olving the N A A C P
in Mississippi m a d e clear. T h e
churches continue to have access to
the largest audience that can b e gathered in black communities.
It is important to perceive clear-
ly that there is n o "black church" in
the com^entional understanding of
that term. T h e r e are denominations,
composed of congregations of black
persons and under their control, a n d
there are countless
congregations, but there is n o one
entity isthat can be called the black
church. There are also numerous
black congregations in predominantly white denominations; though
these are properly covered by the
rubric "black churches," it is not with
such congregations that this article is
Several caveats should b e
entered. It is virtually impossible to
make generalizations to which significant exceptions cannot be cited. Yet
there is a sense in which all black
congregations and denominations
respond to identical external circumstances and share c o m m o n internal
strengths, pressures and tensions.
Unlike their white coimterparts,
black churches have not developed
effective centralized bureaucracies.
This lack may be counted as an
advantage by some, but historically it
has had a negative effect. R i r example, it is impossible to obtain accurate
statistical data on such matters as
membership, budgets, numbers of
pastors, value of church assets, a n d
the level of training achieved by the
clerg>'. Not only d o black churches
lack fully developed administrative
stiTictures; mission structures widiin
a given denomination often d o not
engage in joint strategv' and program
planning designed to ensure maxim u m effective use of all available
resources. C h u r c h unitv- is expressed
primarily in annual or quadrennial
meetings rather than in integrated
mission p l a n n i i ^ and cooperation.
Failure to develop strong centralized structimis can be attributed
to polity' (particularly among the
Baptists), accidents of history, patterns of church growth, migration to
the cities by rural blacks and, most
critically, lack of money. Religious
btxlies among Afro-Americans have
not devised the means for generating
financial surpluses sufficient to
enable them to maintain national
h e a d q u a r t e r s staffs. As a consequence, the mission activity of the
churdics is, with limited exceptions,
carried out by regional or local judicatories. Denominational lo>"alty has
rarely been fervent a m o n g black
Christians. Except a m o n g black
Methodists in earlier times, churches
owe their origins not to the initiative
of h o m e missions boards but to concerned laypersons or c l e r ^ who
undertook "to the flag of Zion."
In recent years the national bodies of
predominantly white denominations
have been experiencing diminishing
support from congregations a n d
regional judicatories. A m o n g blacks,
local support for denominational
programs has rarely been d i r e a e d to
• December
concerns other than f o r e ^ missions,
theological education, and a college
here and there. Local or regional proprietorship and s u p p o n of church
institutions has been the rule.
In addition to inhibiting the
growth of national church structures,
the generalized economic deprivation
of blacks in America has contributed
to the continued fragmentation of the
Afiti-American religious community.
It has meant that irrespective of polity, each congregation, with fev^'
exceptions, is a " t u b resting o n its
own bottom." N o black denontination has significant building or salarysupport funds. Similariy, there are n o
means other than denominational
journals, most of which have limited
distn"bution, t h r o u ^ which a consensus may b e developed with
r e s p e a to important moral, religious,
social, political and economic questions.
"Hie absence of a "sense of the
church" deprives many congregations and their leaders of the information and guidance that are foundational to effective Christian witness. This need is critical in a religious
community where an estimated 70
per cent of tfic clergy lack formal theological education. Black church
people receive limited guidance fix)m
their national judicatories on such
issues as abortion, homosexuality,
capital punishment, women's rights,
and the like. T h e A M E C h i u r h has
recently drafted "working papers" on
some of these subjects. T h e absence
of consensus on important public
issues means that the power of the
churches to influence public policy
tends to be proportional to the
charisma and prestige of individual
church leaders.
church structures and limited financial resounds have also inhibited the
growth of clergy retirement iiinds.
Several denominations hav^- m a d e
modest beginnings with pension programs, but most black pastors cannot
afford to retire. Consequently, pastorates tend to b e marked by long
tenure, and access is restriaed for
younger m e n and women. T h e difficulty in finding good placements has
diminished the attractiveness of the
ministn,' as a vocation for m a n y
promising young persons.
Counterbalancing these observations about the weaknesses of the
churches corporatcly is the f a a that
m a n y local congregations
vibrandy involved in mission in their
communities a n d are growing in
membership as a result. C h u r c h sponsored housing projects, some of
them congrcgationally funded, arc
commonplace in major urban centers. Church buildings house H e a d
S t a n schools, day-care facilities, senior citizens' centers, tutorial programs, "Meals onVCheels," and similar publicly funded projects. F u n d s
are raised to amortize building m o r t gages — a c o m m o n obligation of
most black churches. Mission ftinds
are sent to national headquarters or
conventions, and church m e m b e r
assessments are paid. M e m b e r s continue to participate in the quest for
social justice through commurtity
organizations and form these groups'
stable center.
T h e net growth of black c h u r d i es has not exceeded the rate of
growth in the general population. In
general, long-established congregations appear to hold their own or to
slip a litde in terms of total membership, while Pentecostal and charismatic churches seem to have an
increasing appeal, particulariy for
youth. Young people appear to be
attraaed to churches in which worship is frw-form and spontaneous,
and in which gospel music has supplanted the hvmns of Watts and
Like their wWte counterparts,
black churches arc c o m m u t e r
churches. They tend to be homogeneous with r e s p e a to social class —
except for I^mtecostal or charismatic
churches, which are n o l o r ^ - r the
exclusive havens of the disinherited.
As has been suggested above, n o
one knows the e x a a membership of
the black churches. It is estimated
that the total n u m b e r s of black
Baptists are in excess of 8 million,
Convention, Inc., having approximately 6.3. million members; the
Convention, 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 ; a n d the
Unincorporated, 1 million. T h e total
m e m b e r s h i p of black Methodist
bodies is around 2.8 million. T h e
largest Pentecostal body, the C h u r c h
of G o d in Christ estimates its total
membership at 3 million, and there
are uncounted numbers of persons
See Agenda page 9
19 -January
J, 2003
• Page
Getting Wet and Wild in Garland
The City of Garland and
Horizon Family, Inc., a northern
California Water park developer,
have entered into a long-term agreement allowing for the construction
and operation of Hawaiian Falls
Adventure Park, a family water park
at the 129-acre W. Cecil Winters
Park in Garland.
TTie park is scheduled to
open by Memorial Day Weekend,
2003, and a groundbreaking ceremony at Winters Park is scheduled
for December of this year.
Garland Mayor Bob Day
said he is pleased "that our community was selected for the location of
the water park. Hawaiian Falls will
provide affordable, convenient fami-
Ibtera from page 1
ly entertainment for Garland residents, while having a positive economic impact on our community."
City Councilman Michael
Holden was instrumental in bringing the park to Garland.
"As the park is located in
the Council District that I represent, I took an active interest in the
process," he said. "After numerous
staff discussions, meetings with
community groups and several
public forums, it was concluded
this project would
Since 1972, Horizon
Family, Inc. and its affiliates have
developed and managed 13 water
and amusement parks nadonatly
and internationally, including facilities in Missouri, California,
Arizona, Hawaii, Mississippi and
According to David
Busch, President of Horizon
Family, the Garland site was chosen
due to the density of the populadon, easy access and available land.
"In addition to being a
premier location, we chose to build
the water park in Garland because
of the courteous and business-like
treatment we received from the
City staff and elected officials,"
Busch said.
Details information on the
rides and attractions will be available soon.
The Black vote is very
important, but it would be a mistake for Democrats to take that
vote for granted. Analysis of the
Democratic runoff in April show
Ron Kirk received two-thirds of
the minority vote with the great
part ofthat support by blacks. 97
percent of blacks and 33 percent
of Hispanics voted for Kirk.
Today, more than ever, the
African American is less likely to
claim membership to the
Democratic Party. An opinion
poll by the Joint Center for
Political Economic Studies finding supports a changing political
Kirk was viewed by many as
the best-equipped and more
capable to win on November 5,
2002. Many beUeved that he
would take the seat and serve as a
great Senator for Texas, however,
the final counts left his camp and
much of the Democratic P a r t y short of a victory.
Ron Kirk ran a 'middle-ofthe-road' campaign. This looked
like pretty good strategj', but it
must not have been good enough.
Some voters feel like issues concerning communities for minorities have been avoided, overlooked and lost in the political
'race' while down-playing the
As the 2003 New Year brings importance of a communit)''s
a numerical change in how we race. Whether the issues deal with
look at the time, it also brings a the Middle East, military,
change in the numbers in the Medicaid, money market or
house on Capitol Hill. Election means for making a living —the
2002 is 'history' and along with it minority voter groups can no
will go important political posi- longer be taken for granted.
tions once held by the
The minority voter is crucial
Democratic Party. Questions are to the success and critical balance
still being asked as Democratic of this process. The Party and
desks in Washington are being candidates who ignore this imporpacked up and Republicans pre- tant fact is destined to ask 'postpare to move in to those seats.
election' questions like — VCTiat
Texas Senate hopeful, Ron happened? Who did vote? Who
Kirk, was one of those left behind did not vote? Why?
after the Republican campaign
Election Results Sources:
train raced through on it's way
The William C. Velasquez
back to Washington. The celebra- Institute, the Joint Center for
tion took a different turn and the Political Economic Studies,
winning team in the 2002 Census 2000
Election Parade is the Republican
By Belinda G. Alexander d 2002
organized until the early 1900's,
the struggle has been ongoing for
Afiricans and Mexicans as
Questions remain as to how
many Anglos in the Democratic
camp may have changed their
vote to avoid electing Black or
Hispanic candidates. This trend
was reflected early in runoffs.
Some say this was not a significant issue, however, such a
deflection in votes is possible and
would influence the outcome of a
close race.
aSecting commimity and education. In 2000, 74% of the black
vote was Democrat and 4% was
Republican, whereas 63% of
today's black vote is Democratic
and 10% is Republican.
This shift in black attitudes
mean some of the votes
Democrats counted on as minority support went elsewhere.
Whether the choice goes for
another camp or the not to vote at
all—someone ends up loosing.
Neither a vote nor voter gains
from ignorance.
Email; belindawrile&'uhotmail.coin"
The Texas Lottery Commission offers a variety of contracting opportunities, from advertising
to web frosting. If you are minority-owned or a Historically Undemtilized Business (HUB)
and can provide any of the following goods or services, please contact us:
Contract Opportunities
Audio-Visual Equipment, Computer Technical Services, Make-Up Artists & Stylists,
Personnel Services, Photographers, Printing Services. Professional Translators
Please respond in writing to:
Minority Development Services
The King Group, inc. • 3131 McKlnney Ave. Suite 450 • Dallas, TX 75204
Page 4 • December
19 -January
1, 2003 • The
Railroad from page I
Railroad site Chttp://www serves as
the central online location
Service's efforts to coordinate preservation and educational efforts related to the
In addition, it is a venue
for verification of buildings
and other facilities, offering
visitors a wealth of background information.
Network's ongoing contributions
Network to Freedom education and preservation initiative have been invaluable,"
says Diane Miller, national
coordinator for the National
Network to Freedom program. "They're deeply committed to helping us achieve
our goals, and
issues with their technological know-how."
Via a comprehensive
online submission system,
participants from around the
United States can submit
photographs online, which are
gathered and reviewed by
their respective National
Park Service regional coordinators. The information then
is carefully woven into the
overall historical fabric of
what will become the largest
collection ever of information
movement in the United
Early in the process of
developing the Underground
Railroad site - in February
Network was honored for its
efforts during a formal
Washington, D . C . T h e recognition came from the African
American Experience Fund,
a National Park Foundation
fund created specifically to
help secure resources for historic places that
African American history to
life through sites in the care
of the National Park Service.
In addition to its efforts
Underground Railroad project, College Central Network
has also established partnerships
Historically Black Colleges
and Universities.
These schools, the
online central job boards of
are powered
College Central, are Central
Slate University in Ohio,
— the
Historically Black Institution
of Higher Learning — and
University. College Central
Network also provides its
Career Services Central ASP
About College C e n t r a l
Network, I n c .
New York
College Central Network,
Inc. C, established in
1997, is the nation's leading
application service provider
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W a t c h N i g h t : 10 p m
Cochran Chapel U M C
9 0 2 7 M i d w a y Rd.
C h r i s t m a s Eve: 5 p m
Watch Night: 7 p m
Glen Oaks U M C
4 6 0 6 S. Polk
C h r i s t m a s Eve: 6 p m
W a t c h N i g h t : 11 p m
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W a t c h N i g h t : 10 p m
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W a t c h N i g h t : 10:30 p m
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The Gazette * December
19 -January
1, 2003 • Page 5
Ml Hebron front page 1
'Singles: "Standing
on His Promise'
The Singles Ministry of
Keller Springs Baptist Church
in CarroUton, TX celebrated
the Christmas season with a
"Holiday Extravaganza" banquet held a the Renaissance
Dallas North Hotel. The
j t ^ M a n w i t h guests minanoTX scrumptious (3m="
ner, while listening to the
sounds of the Golden Bells of
Joy of First United Methodist
Church of Hamilton Park.
Guests were also entertainment by the outstanding voices of Angela Gray-Blair & Co.,
and The Fred Leonard Trio.
The elegant affair also included Radio Personality Rudy V,
of 105.7 KRNB. Rudy V,
touched the audience with
encouraging words
selected scriptures, the importance of waiting on the right
mate, and the evening's theme
"Singles: Standing on His
Promise", Proverbs 3:5-6.
"We had a wonderful time;
this was an elegant occasion
filled with wonderful singing,
music, and dancing", said
Lisa Bryant, Invocation
wnH NKFiwaa CAW
WllH PUltlWtD tMD
Glory r o o d s '
C u l & \Vu.vhcd
1(1.1/. H^i;
Kim Collier, Altheia Jones-Bee,
Page 6 • The Gazette * December
19 -January
1, 2003
DART from page 1
Piano Mayor Pat Evans
said DART's arrival in Piano
marks a return to the past, when
Piano residents traveled to
downtown Dallas on the Texas
Electric Railway.
"DART'S opening in
Piano is a marriage of history
and technology," Mayor Evans
said. "DART's new rail line parallels our history again by following almost the same right of
way used by the Interurban system."
butter and bread were slapped
together on one plate to see who
could come up with the best (or
worst) combination. There were
also giveaways at the stand.
Mary Lilly of Mesquite, who
said she had never won anything, won a skateboard helmet,
which she promptly gave to her
eight year old daughter.
Lilly, who has been in
Texas only six months, said she
came to the celebrations
because her daughter had never
• been on a train.
"This is great," Lilly
Maggie Sprague President of Piano Conservancy
Out of the dust of
DART's arrival, businesses in
downtown Piano have risen and
grown. Eastside Village, a retail
and residential complex, cafes,
coffee houses and the new
Amicus Transit Village, are now
all competing for the increased
patronage of residents and visitors to downtown.
Helping people find",
their way around the antique
and craft stores, art galleries and
many specialty shops were
members of the Heritage
"We walked through
downtown and tried to direct
people into shops," said Briley.
"We heard a lot of comments
from people that didn't know
we had so much in downtown
Other businesses supported the celebrations by
showcasing their products and
ser\'ices at booths set up in the
park. The weather was bright
and sunny, and thousands of
people stayed in the park to
sample food, soft drinks, music
and family fun.
Piano's Junior Girl
Scout Troop 2237 provided face
painting for hundreds of kids,
big and small alike. DART had
a bouncy castle set up, manned
by DART employee volunteers.
Coordinator, Twyla Cochran,
said she has volunteered at all
the DART openings since the
train began.
"I always like to see the
new additions, and it's just fun
to get out," Cochran said.
There was plenty to do
at the Radio Disney stand,
where making your own concoction of food was vogue.
Pickles, candy worms, peanut
said of the day's activities. "I
wanted to see the train, but
there is so much more here
And of all places to
meet someone from her hometown in Florida, Lilly was greeted by Dawn Watson, a former
Floridian now living in Oak
Cliff. Although they didn't
know..earh ayll in Flnrida>.ihey
Parker Road Station.
Ten year-old Jasmine
Winn of Piano went on the
DART train with her father and
7 year-old sister.
"I went on the train,
and it was cool," she said.
They also went on the
restored Interurban railway car
at the Interurban museum.
Jasmine said that was pretty
cool, "but it was funny that they
had a small bathroom."
Jasmine's father, Jerry
Winn, also bought two special
cachets designed for the rail
road's centennial celebration by
the Interurban museum and
DART. Commemorative cachets
were available all day, along with
a special cancellation stamp.
Maggie Sprague, co-founder
with Russ Kissick of the Piano
Preservation, said there are a few
cachets still available, but they
have a limited supply.
The museum was busy
from start to finish on Saturday,
with visitors getting their cancellation stamps and looking at the
history of the railroad.
Sprague said everyone
was elated with the day's events.
"I'm very pleased with
the number of people here
today," Sprague said. "We've
gained more visibility."
Conservancy initiated the idea
for the cachet and commemorative stamp cancellation, and had
to go through the U.S. Postal
Service to complete the project.
"In the process we realized that this could be a great
interest to DART," Sprague continued.
She said DART put
together the final cachet, with
the Conservancy letting them
know how they wanted it.
"We saw this as mutually beneficial. DART has a whole
page in the folder for then and
now - to help point out the similarities and differences of the
trains and rail stations," said
Conservancy's purpose was to
Piano City Council
%' in^^^^K^^^^^^H-''
'^^m I^^^^^^Lj^
Dixie Style Cloggers (left) Satalie
Gore from Wisdom Dance Co. performing
Mr. & Mrs. Santa
a piece from the Nutcracker
Jerry Long, I\>stinaslcr, Piano, Texas
said they knew each other to say
hello to. Watson said she loved
the day's festivities, and is considering mo\ing to Piano for her
daughter's education.
No DART celebration
would be complete without free
rides on the train. Sounds of
train horns and the warning
rings of the rail, road crossing
were heard all day as the trains
sped back and forth to the
promote awareness of the historic significance of the railroad
and historic preservation in general,
"The communities that
didn't have the rail didn't survive, and those that did have rail
survived," Sprague said of early
settlements. "Piano not only
had the Interurban, but had two
rails, the Cottonbelt and the
Houston & Texas Central, with
one running northysouth and
the other running east/west.
Tliis gave them access to cities
across America."
Piano will also provide people
with access to cities across
America, as the train also goes
to D/FW airport.
Piano Parade Celebrating
Dart Light Rail Completion
Piano Mayor Pat Evans
The fu'si train runs at 5:10 a.m.,
and the last train arrives in
Piano at 1:01 a.m.
Trains run every 5-10 minutes
peak time, 15-20 minutes offpeak time.
And remember to look and listen for the trains at crossings,
and to exercise caution when
crossing the tracks at the stations.
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The Gazette • December
19 -January
1,2003 • Page 7
Area News
Richardson and North Dallas Residents Voice
Their Concerns to the Mayor
Dallas Mayor Laura Miller
reantly addressed residents and Dallas
dry emplo>i"es at a meeting of die
Richardson and North D a ^ CcoHtian
(RNDQ, hdd alltK RISD Acadeni>'.
Concerns over crime, traffic and code enforcement were
raised by the RNDC, a group
formed in the 1980's to tackle quality of life issues.
Mayor Miller discussed
the issue of retiring city employees
receiving cash payments for sick
days they didn't take, and she spent
a large portion of her time defend-
ing her budget policies. With a
heavy property tax increase recently passed for Dallas, Mayor Miller
said her aim is to bring a modest
bond package next year that will
eliminate the need for another tax
increase, but will provide fiinding
for improvements to parks, roads
and alleys.
Most frequently commented on was the issue of code
enforcement efforts. Some residents commended the city for
improvements made, and other said
more needs to be done.
Edith Tyloch, President of
the coalition, has lobbied Dallas to
put more pressure on apartment
owners to maintain their properties
to standard. She said slumlords are
getting rich at everyone's exf>ense,
and it's lime to stop.
Dallas resident, Walter
Horton, who lives in the Park
Central neighborhood near Coit
Road and LBJ Freeway, said his
neighborhood has come a long way,
simply because the code enforcement inspector worked so well with
area residents.
Technology to
the Rescue
Tiffani Price
Piano City Council Discuss Public Art
A proposal to help pay for
public art by setting aside 2 percent
of the funding for selected capital
improvement projects is being met
with different reviews by the Piano
City Council.
"We are behind as a city,
and we're not used to being
behind," said coimcil member Steve
Stovall, who is a council liaison on a
task force revising details of the
public art master plan recommended in June by consultant Jessica
Dallas diverts 1.5 percent
of its budgets for municipal projects
to art, and Fort Worth and Frisco
have adopted ordinances allocating
two percent. Jim Wear, Piano's
Performing Arts Manager, said that
once a community embraces that
philosophy, it turns out to be an
efficient way to fund public arts.
But when the funding
proposal was discussed recently,
council member, Shep Stahel, said
that with budget constraints and
falling sales tax revenue, Piano is
not ready to get into new programs
right now.
According to the plan, artistic
enhancements diould be integrated into
newfirestations, parking stations, recreation facilities aixi other city owned facilities.
The two percent allocation would total approximately
5283,212 of the roughly S14 million in potential 2002-03 projects,
according to the art plan. At one
time, Piano considered a recommendation to require private developers to integrate art into large
projects, but that idea is no longer
being considered. Instead, city officials would like to encourage initiatives like the new downtown murals
funded by developer Robert Shaw.
Apart from the funding
issue, the council is working toward
reconciling differing opinions to the
overall approach to public an in
Piano. The plan put forward recommends the incorporation of art into
municipal structures throughout
the city, but Mr. Stahel is concerned
that if the art is scattered it won't
act as a tourist attraction. One suggestion put forward was to ha\'e a
central location to showcase artwork, which he prefers.
However, city council
member, SaUy Magnuson, it is
important to spread the art
throughout the city, to reach a
broader spectrum of people.
In these difficult
economic times, Texas
needs dramatic
investments in
For more Information on
this and oth«r tolecommunications issues, visit
Crime Busting is Big Business in Balch Springs
Doing crime has just gotten harder with time in Balch
Springs, as a group called Citizens
on Patrol (COP) have taken to the
streets to be an extra pair of eyes for
the police department.
One member of the patrol,
Jim Lockeit, helps keep an eye out
for youths loitering near cars and
other suspicious activity. He said
he's yet to see anything, but believe
the visibility of COP does deter
The patrol began in
August with almost a dozen volunteers, all graduates of the Citizen
Police Academy. It is modeled after
a program in Fort Worth, where
crime fell an estimated 55 percent
during its first six years. According
to Fort Worth's Lt. Daniel
Humphries, residential burglaries
fell the most of any crime.
Mr. David Haas, former
Balch Springs Mayor and initiator
of the program, said he doesn't
attribute of the improvements in
Fort Worth to the COP patrols, he is
hopeful that Balch Springs will have
positive results.
Mr. Lockett said the night
patrols have opened his eyes about
crime, and he has found out that
there are a lot of things going on •
that he had no idea about. He,,
added that he jeined GOl* to help
the police.
COP volunteers participate in Citizen Police Academy
classes, and take two courses in
observation and radio operations.
While on duty they wear blue shirts,
caps and windbreakers with the
COP logo. Patrol members are to
observe and report suspicious,
criminal or potentially dangerous
activity to police, and document
code violations for follow-up by city
Volunteers patrol in two's
and do not approach suspects. They
are trained to stay back a half block
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Tiffani Price
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Page 8 • The Gazette • December
19 -January 1, 2003
Is There Another Boycott Afoot?
By. James Clingman
I was recently interviewed on
"Florida Speaks Out," a radio
show in F t . Lauderdale,
(Mystik Radio 1580 A M ) .
T h e show is hosted by
Brother Jean Jabouin and Ms.
Ivy, natives of Haiti and
Jamaica, respectively. M y
interview centered on t h e
Cincinnati boycott and the
primary cause for it: police
brutality and the lack of disciplinary sanctions
police officers that kill Blacks.
T h e possibilit\' of a boycott of
some kind was raised by several frustrated callers to bring
awareness and equit>' to Black
folks in that cit>' vis-a-vis the
recent tragedy in which two
young Black m e n were killed
by an ex-FBI agent who was
driving d r u n k . T h e agent,
after standing trial and after
the Florida Highway Patrol
testi-lied about who was driving the wrong way, beat the
charges with what was tantam o u n t to the proverbial and
traditional slap on the wrist.
Maurice Williams, 2 3 , and
Craig C h a m b e r s , 19, were
killed in a head-on collision
with DaWd Farrall, an e.x-FBI
agent w h o was eventually
found not guilt>' of causing
the deaths of the two brothers, even though he was driving on the wrong side of the
expressway and had twice the
legal level of alcohol in his
system. It seems that injustice
prevails all over this country
especially as it relates to taking the Hves of Black people.
Even as I write this article
(Dec. 9, 2002), I just received
an e-mail from folks in
Louisville, Ky., informing me
that a Black m a n , James
Taylor, who had his hands
cuffed behind his back was
shot in the head and killed on
Dec. 5, 2002. T h e police officers that killed him said the
brother was trying to get a
knife out of his back pocket to
stab them. Yeah, right.
T h e day after I spoke on
"Florida Speaks Out," I was
privileged to listen to Brother
Jabouin's guest, Brother H . T
Smith, the prominent attorney
who led the highly successful
boycott of Miami after city officials snubbed Nelson Mandela.
Smith discussed the genesis of
the boycott that led to the
building of the Black-owned
Royal Palm Crowne Plaza Hotel
in Miami, as well as SIO million
to enhance the opportunities for
Black-owned businesses to participate in M i a m i ' s t o u r i s m
More importantly. Brother
Smith discussed what it takes to
run a successful boycott and
how to maintain focus on your
goals, keep the reason for the
boycott out front, establish concrete and measurable results,
and how important it is for boycotters to understand that there
will always be someone on the
inside who will d o the sellout
It was a pleasure to hear
H.T. Smith, a m a n I have been
proud of since 1992, when I
heard about the Miami boycott.
I invite you to listen to "Florida
Speaks O u t " on the Internet
( and keep u p
on what is happening regarding
one of the latest incidents of
gross injustice in this country.
Add that incident to Louisville,
N e w York City (Central Park
jogger case), Seattle, San
Francisco and Cincinnati, and
you can see how far we have to
go and how much work we have
to do.
So what can we do? Most of
us will admit that only two
things count in this society to
those who would maintain control: votes and dollars, and not
in that order. And more and
more we can see that votes
don't mean as much as they
used to, in light of the last two
elections. So, realizing that
truth, what's left?
are those in
Cincinnati who desperately
want the boycott to end. W h e n
those same persons are asked
what else they would suggest we
Agenda from page 1
do to bring about significant
and meaningful change to benefit Black people, they have very
little to say. Oh yes, they tell the
boycotters to "let the system
work;" b u t the system is unfair.
T h e y tell them to "seek redress
through the courts;" b u t the
courts are unfair.They say, " P u t
new candidates on the city
council;" but the politicians are
corrupt. They never advise the
use of the most potent weapon
we have at our disposal (pardon
the p u n ) : money. That's the last
thing they want us to do.
But if we continue to be mistreated, abused, and even killed,
and if we continue to be the
ones who get the crumbs from
the economic
table, what are we to do to
effect positive change for ourselves? T h e folks in Ft.
Lauderdale are taking the bull
by the horns by considering
economic sanctions to gain the
concessions they must have in
order to change a system that
allows someone to walk free
after killing two Black m e n .
We should understand what the
deal is when we see a Winona
Ryder, so publicized in her
shoplifting trial, receive not one
day of jail time for stealing
thousands of dollars in merchandise, knowing all along that
if it h a d been s o m e o n e of
"lower" status, that person
would be sitting in jail right
now. T h e deal is money. If you
want change, use your dollars.
E c o n o m i c sanctions are the
answer, whether we want to
admit it or not.
James E. CUngman, an adjunct professor
the University
Smdics department, is former editor
of the Cincinnati Herald Newspaper
and founder
of the Greater
Chamber of Commerce. He hosts the
radio program, "Blackonomics," and
is the author of the book, "Economic
Enslavement-We have a Choice." He
can be reached at (513) 489-413^, or
affiliated with less well-known
church groupings and thousands of
According to the conventional wisdom, approximately 61 per cent of
blacks are members of Christian
churches, Catholic and Protestant.
By this standard, a total of 3.4 million Afro-Americans are carried on
church rosters, though the active
membership must be well below this
figure. But if these figures are reasonably accurate, they are an index
to the potential of the churches to
influence public policy if their
strengths can be marshaled.
As we look toward the future,
the agenda for black churches is a
complex one. The existence of the
churches is not in jeopardy; the>' are
and will continue to be for large
numbers of persons the only accessible irtstitutions that will meet their
need to be affirmed in their identity
and sense of belonging in both a
human and a divine dimension.
>X'hat is in jeopardy is the capacity of
the churches to attract urban
dwellers in large numbers while
church programs are geared to a
19ih cennir>' rural ethos.
The most significant phenomenon to impaa black churches in this
century has been migration to the
cities. Urban churches grew and
prospered as a result of that population movement; but the rural ethos
continued to be reflected in worship,
organization and mission priorities.
There are now persons in the pews
who were bom in the city, who are
secular in their outlook, who are
keenly aware of the ways in which
their lives are shaped by structures
which they do not control and who
are concerned that their religious
institutions should be active agents
of social change. This new constituency requires programs of
Christian nurture that address the
consciousness, realities and urgencies of contemporary urban life. In
this connection the church must
become bilingual: it must understand the language of the world and
translate the gospel into the idioms
and symbols of that language.
Christian nurture must also be bifocal. It must keep its e>'e on heaven,
but it must not fail to see the world
at hand and seek to enable persons
» i « E C ' ' F v ' " •-•^.
to wrest meaning and significance church boards face an important
fiTom their lives in it.
period of self-examination. They
Perhaps the central agenda of must ask themselves what tlie
the black churches in the years ahead increasing, sense of self-identit\^ in
is accuratel>' to assess their corporate the Third World has to say to mispotential for impacting the quality of sionary structures. What does the
life available to their constituencies. indigenization of churches mean for
This task will require, as a matter of black missionaries in black counfirst priorit>', careful determination of tries? Black church missions eariy
mission priorities and the mobiliza- reflected the "redemption of Afiica"
tion of resources for their implemen- tlieme.What does that term connote
tation. These acti\ities must be car- at a time when cultural Christianity is
ried out in recognition of the fact undergoing rigorous scrutiny? What
that many of the problems affecting does it mean to affinn indigenous
the lives of individuals in negative religion while proclaiming the gospel
wa>'s are systemic, and can be dealt of Jesus Christ? In the lig^t of Third
with only at that level.This eflbrt will World realities, have the terms "misinevitably invoh'e individual congre- sions" and "missionary" become
gations in difficult decisions con- anachronistic?
cerning the allocation of resources
Another entry that must be
formerly- committed to the tradition- prominent on the agenda of black
al mission agenda. Local autonomy- churches is the nature of worship. Is
will have to yield to frmctional ecu- the "old-time religion" good enou^i
menism for the sake of faithfulness in for contemporary urbanites? How
pursuing God's v\ill and purpose can churches respond to the desire of
that justice and peace shall prevail individuals for spontaneitj' in woramong human beings.
ship so that form is not mistaken for
Historically, black churches substance? Can churches devise
have been clergy-dominated. This means for accommodating a genuine
situation must change if religious desire to abandon outmoded forms
instimtions are to continue to attract without derogating from the claims
gifted persons to tlieir compan\'. It is of the gospel and the truth that worimperative that the talents of church ship is the service of God?The abilimembers be increasii^y utilized on ty to sing a gospel, song with feeling
behalf of the mission of the church. is not to be equated with transformaAn important by-produa of the tion of one's life nor with continued
involvement of laity in mission is that commitment to the One who is
better-trained lay and clergy leader- Loid.
ship will be required. Warm evangelBlack churches must begin to
icalism will not compensate for naiw examine the economic realities of
understanding of the powx;rs and their existence, not in the ligjit of
principalities of the world.
their individual or denominational
It has frequently been observed budgets alone, but in view of their
that the quality of life in inner-city tremendous possibilities to effect
communities is deteriorating at social change by utilizing the considalarming rates, and that part of this erable resources that pass througii
deterioration is attributable to the tlieir hands. In a city with 300
erosion of moral and humane values. churches, it is fair to assume conserChurches must not ignore these vatively that the average Sunday
phenomena. They must be con- oflerir^ would amount to 5300 per
cerned that large numbers of young church or nearly S 100,000 for all
people never come within the sphere churches. If this sum were put in a
of their teaching or influence. While single bank, considerable leverage
it is widely agreed that the causes for policy in r^ard to urban nei^borthe morbidity of communities in hoods. Churches need to consider
urban centers are traceable to diverse what cxxjperative buving of goods
faaors, churches cannot be quies- and services might mean in savings,
cent in the face of them. Family influence on the employment pracstructures must be reinforced, and tices of \'endors, and overall economchurches must be active agents and ic impaa.
participants in organizations seeking
h will be noted that an agenda
to help communities improve them- has been suggested for black churchselves.
es irrespective of their denominationMissionaryi convention^tdnd... . , ^ , affiliation. I wffer i«j apology for
Season's Greetings
ERA Harold Carter, REALTORS® Inc.
Harold Carter, GRI. CFS
Charles a Cynthia Adams
The AtJams Group
Jonquil G. White
REALTOR' I Associaie
Rodell Jelfersoii
Ruby Jones
REALTOR- / Associate
REALTOR' / tesociaie
Kathryn Brown
Bill Knighton
J.A.(Antii) Carter
Dorothy Pterco
Sales fcsociale
Jeff Carter. ABR, CFS
REALTOR' / Associate
Pat Shepherd
Robert Shepherd
REALTOR' / Associate
John Guidry
REALTOR /Associaie
Sandy Turner
REALTOR 'Associate
Pam Johnson
REALTOR' / Associaie
Photo not available
Happy NewYeari \ I
Tom BoyeHe
Ptioto noi avaitatite
Piano Office
South Dallas Office
1901 W, Parker Rd.. Suite #113
Piano, TX 75023
Phone: 972-985-1020
5787 S. Hampton., Ste #230
Dallas, TX 75232
Phone: 214-333-3377
ERA" i
The Gazette
• December
19 -January
• Page 9
Arts and Entertainment
Black Cinematheque Dallas
Legal Notices
Fax or Email copy for quote. Fax 972-509-9058
opportunity^ m o n t h e g a z e t t e . c o m
Presents a Evening of Films by
African American Female Filmmakers
Black Cinematheque Dallas
will hold it's monthly screening
Friday, N o v e m b e r 15, 2002
8:00 P M , at the South Dallas
Fitzhugh Streetj South Dallas,
Texas. Admission is S5.00 at
the door. T h e public should call
By Dream H a m p t o n
17 minutes A razor sharp
and wrenching portrayal of a
deep and unshakable romantic
relationship thrown into crisis
by schizophrenia and misplaced
idolatry. Although the spectacu-
lar character in I Am Ali is a
young schizophrenic m a n who
believes that h e is M u h a m m a d
Ali, the film's core dilemma is
that of his girlfriend who is torn
between her feelings of loyalty
and love and her need for selfpreservation. T h e film stars
Ishmael Bulter of Digable
Planets, a n d Aunjanue Ellis of
Undercover Brother.
word artist and actor M u m s
(HBO's OZ) and actress Sarah
Jones (Bamboozled) round out
this off the hook film. T h e film
was photographed digitally by
Arthur Jafa, award winning cinematographer of Julie Dash's
D a u g h t e r s of t h e Dust a n d
Spike Lee's Crooklyn.
After leaving Detroit in
1990, Dream H a m p t o n attended N Y U Film School and then
became first female editor for
the fledgling hip-hop bible. T h e
Source, which placed her at the
center of a defining cultural and
music m o v e m e n t . She is hard at
work o n h e r next series of
scripts which include a science
fiction fantasy set in the antebellum south, a romance that
takes o n t h e private prison
industrialization complex, and a
murder mystery set among the
community in Detroit of which
she was once an active member
The 2003 Lincoln Navigator
Ultimate: The Feel of Luxury
T h e redesign of the 2003
Lincoln Navigator Ultimate
gives the convenience of a truck
with the feel of a car while setting a new standard for the large
luxury SUV class.
For those
who appreciate the power and
luxury of the 2003 Navigator, it
doesn't get any better than the
Navigator Ultimate. Standard
Ultimate features are exceptional. T h e standard power rear liftgate makes it easy to load and
unload items, even with your
hands full. T h e Ultimate model
also offers t h e luxury of a
power-folding third row split
bench seat with controls located
in the second row a n d rear
cargo area. New High Intensity
Discharge ( H I D ) h e a d l a m p s
provide brighter, whiter light,
have a longer hfe, and require
less maintenance.
Safety is b e c o m i n g an
increasing concern among SUV
owners. Whatever the case, the
new Navigator Ultimate is
loaded with features such as the
rollover canopy airbag system.
It inflates in a heartbeat if the
control system senses t h e SUV
is ready to tip over. There's also
a new low-pressure tire warning
system. That's especially useful
Business Services Directory
Fax or Email copy for quote.
Fax 972-509-9058
"INTEREST RATES are at an all time LOW"
in such a tall vehicle, which is
more prone to losing control
than a sedan should a tire fail.
T h e safet>' features of this
luxury SUV includes childproof
of rear door locks, Power 4 wheel disk breaks with a b s ,
remote keyless entry with keypad on driver's door, security
lock/anti-theft, side impact door
b e a m s , a n d driver/passenger
front air bags.
N o t only d o you get the
look and feel of luxury, but you
get the functionality of a large
SUV. It uses a new variable
ratio, speed sensitive rack-andpinion system that is tight,
responsive and precise, making
the big rig steer like a much
smaller vehicle, with the same
basirf charactetiStW^ " o f ^ t h e
Lincoln L S sport sedan.
T h e exterior includes power
fold heated/signal mirrors with
memory, integrated r u n n i n g
boards, and garage door opener.
Lincoln designers and engineers
have managed to transform
what has been little more than a
truck with a fancy nameplate
into a true luxury offering, complete with an unheard-of
optional power folding third
seat that flips flat with the touch
of a button. T h e interior also
includes wood leather trim
steering wheel, and white interior lighting.
This 4x4 Ultimate has a
vehicle price of
By Jeanine Rogers
85 min.
T h i s riveting, unblinking
drama offers us a n inside view
of a Black policewoman batding
corruption within t h e police
force. \XTiat should she do about
a rogue cop within the dept.?
Should she become part of the
police culture of 'going alone to
get alone' or stand o n the principles of courage and truthfulness? While the job of being a
policewoman is full time plus,
the film brings us u p close and
personal with the realities of a
Black female police ofEicer raising a rebellion teenage daughter
who is skipping school and acting out sexually with a popular
boy in the neighborhood.
" T h i s is t h e real drama
many parents deal with daily.
What does it mean to be a good
public servant? A caring parent?
A self actualizing
Jeanine Rogers has
made a great film and we are
p r o u d to s u p p o r t
American female filmmakers
especially Dallas based filmmakers like Jeanine Rogers,"
states Marilyn Clark, Curator
Cinematheque Dallas.
filmmaker Jeanine Rogers will
be in attendance.
Sealed proposals for highway improvement contracts will be
received by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) until the
date(s) shown below, and then publicly read.
Disurict: FORT WORTH
Contract 0013-10-064 for TRAFFIC SIGNAL in TARRANT
Countj' will be opened on January 08, 2003 at 1:00 pm at the State
Contract 0902-48-305 for INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT in
TARRANT County will be opened on January 07, 2003 at 1:00 pm at
the State Office.
Plans and specifications are available for inspection, along with
bidding proposals, and applications for the TxDOT Prequalified
Contractor's list, at die applicable State and'or District Offices listed
below. Bidders must submit prequalification information to TxDOT at
least 10 days prior to the bid date to be eligible to bid on a project.
Prequalification materials may be requested from the Slate Office listed
below. Plans for the above contraa(s) are available from TxDOTs
website at w^^' and from repioduction companies at the
expense of the contractor. NPO: 8487
State Office
Construcrion Di\'ision
200 E. E^verside Dr.
Austin, Texas 78704
District Office(s)
2501 Southwest LP 820
FtWordi.Tx 76133
Phone: 817-370-6500
Minimum wage rates are set out in bidding documents and the
rates will bepart of the contract. TXDOT ensures that bidders will not
be discriminatedagainst on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national
X ^ l
1 t . J t t l V - t <b>
T h e Housing Authority of the City of Dallas, Texas ("DHA") is accepting Proposals firom
responsible and responsive businesses for two (2), two (2) year contracts with the possibility of
two (2) one-year extensions for Temporar>' Services - Maintenance Laborer and/or Office
Personnel. Interested vendors have the option of submitting a proposal o n Maintenance
Laborers or Office Personnel or both.
Proposals will b e accepted until 3:00 p.m. C.S.T., Monday, December 30, 2002 at 3939 N .
H a m p t o n Rd. Sie. 250 Dallas,Texas 75212. A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be
held on Monday, December 30, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. C.S.T. at D H A ' s Central Office Ste. 250,
3939 N . H a m p t o n Rd. Dallas, Texas 75212.
Proposals package may b e obtained from D H A ' s H u m a n Resources Department at 3939 N .
H a m p t o n Rd. Ste. 250, Dallas, Texas 75212 or by calling 214/951-8323.
Now is the lime to BUY and SELL or RE-FINANCE
Call, C O F F E Y C A E S A R , l h e Real Estate Agent with a
real s o l u t i o n t o y o u r R e a l E s t a t e n e e d s .
/ also buy, lease or take over
of your unwanted distress
Coffey Caesar
H o f f m a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cell: 972-768-7521
Aliza's Cookies!!!
C h r i s t m a s Gift B o x (12) 2 o z .
B a g s of G o u r m e t C o o k i e s - $21.95
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Chip (without nuts),
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Oatmeal Ftaisins
To place and order or for fundrai>iing information, contact:
Cookies & More, LLC, Authorized Distributor for Aliza's
Phone: 972-644-0454
Fax: 972-699-7152
E-Mail :aswcookies'a;
Carreer Opportunities
Fax or Email copy for quote.
Fax 972-509-9058
oppor t unity («
For a listing of
Current Business
Opportunities with the
City of Allen go to
or call 9 7 2 - 7 2 7 - 0 1 8 5
Page 10 • The Gazette
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Michael Baisden's "The
Maintenance Man" Comes to Dallas
Michael currently resides in
Houston, T X and is working on
several projects for 2002. H e is
holding down his responsibilities
as C E O of Legacy Publishing.
His best-selling hot novel " T h e
M a i n t e n a n c e M a n " is being
optioned for a feature movie
deal. And m o s t recently the
highly anticipated national stage
play, " M e n Cry In T h e Dark"
began touring in January 2002.
Success did not come easy
for this 38-year-old Chicago
native. In 1993 he was driving
trains for the Chicago Transit
Authority and struggling to keep
a small business from going
under. In 1995 he released his
first book, Never Satisfied:
How and Why M e n Cheat,
a controversial book of short
stories about unfaithful men and
the women who support their
irresponsible behavior. T h e large
New York publishing companies
rejected his work, saying it wasn't marketable -which basically
meant, it wasn't good enough.
Not wiUing to concede defeat,
Michael decided to self-publish.
H e borrowed m o n e y
friends and family, charged his
credit cards to the limit, and
sold his automobile.
eight months, he sold more than
50,000 books and was on
Essence and Emerge magazines
Maintenance M a n " the stage
play comes to the metroplex Jan.
7 - 12 at the Dallas convention
C e n t e r theater, p r o d u c e d by
Win a S-lype
and Potential
Beyonce Knowles, the lead singer
of the multi-platinum selling trio
Destiny's Child and big-screen
star of "Austin Powers in
G o l d m e m b e r " has joined the
Pepsi family. T h e new agreement
includes the development of a
national ad campaign and potential concert tour sponsorship.
Knowles' new relationship
with Pepsi calls for creative collaboration on two new TV commercials. Pepsi also will have the
option to sponsor a solo concert
tour, which Knowles is considering for 2003.
"Beyonce is a multitalented
entertainer who has achieved
tremendous success and popularity in both music and movies," said
Dave Burwick, senior vice president and chief marketing officer of
Airlines Center
December 2002
January 2003
Guns N ' Roses
Dec. 19, 2002, 7:30 p.m.
Jan. 14, 2003,6:30pm
TDD SOO-755-6244
TDD 214-665-4702 Group Sales
r!4-f(. <--;:(.'»
Upliftingf Inspirational Musla.,..
O n Stage at
Next Stage
Throu^ December 31
Jaguar for the
by Millennium
Dallas Museum of
Natural History
O c t . - D e c . 2002 E v e n t s
"I've been a fan of Pepsi's T \ '
ads for as long as I can remember," said Knowles. "I'm thrilled
to be joining so many talented
entertainers who have created
memorable Pepsi moments over
the years. Many of them have
inspired me, and Pd love to do the
same for the next generation of
artists out there."
T h e relationship between
Knowles and Pepsi will go
beyond T V to include radio and
Internet ads, point-of-purchase
materials and consumer promotions.
"Beyonce's popularit>' resonates with a remarkably broad
audience," said Randy Melville,
vice president-multiculturahsm
and strategic initiatives for Pepsi-
Performance Hall
D e c e m b e r 2002 Events
The Nutcracker
Thursday December 1?, 2002 -7:00 pm
Fridjy December 20,2002 -B;00 pm
Saturday December 21, 2003 -2:00 4 8:00 pm
Sund»y December 32, 2002 -2:00 pm
M k h a t t Martin Murphey's
"Cottbov ChriiEmas"
Monday December 16, 2002 -7:00 & 9:30 j r .
100th Anniversary
of the
Teddy Bear
Nov. 12-Dec. 22
A ScDttiib Cbritimai
Tuesday December 17, 2002 - 8:00 pm
Each child who brings in a new,
unwrapped teddy bear will receive
FREE admission! All bcar& will be
donated to Park South YMCA
Contact: 214-421-DINO
Wayne Newton Holiday Tour
^'cdnesday December 18, 2002 -B:00 pm
Tickets: 817-665-6000
Thursday, December 26,2002 S:00pra
Friday, December 27,2002 8:00pm
Saturday, December 28 2:00 & 8:00 pm
SuDtliy, Decembei 29 2:00 & 7:30 pm
Cola North America. "We look
forward to doing extraordinary
work with Beyonce, reaching out
to a diverse range of consumers
and communities across the
The Antwone
Fisher Story
T h i s is the story of a
sailor (Derek Luke) who,
prone to violent outbursts, is
sent to a naval psychiatrist
(Denzel Washington) for help.
Feel Better Now.
Fort Worth Dallas
Ballm's 200:-O3 Season • Dec. 23 - 27
Trans-Sibeian Orchestra
Rodoc)' Carrington
Jan. 18
Lnt in CoDcert
Jan. 31
"We're excited to be working with
Be>'once to capture her unique
style in a special Pepsi way."
Fair Pari; Music Hall
Dec. 2002
"The Maintenance
Man" is available in
paperback and published by Simon &
Schuster Trade. You can
order it through
Amazon or Barnes and
Nezv Pact
Creative Ad
Target S t a r s on Ice
Jan. 26, 2003, 7:30 p m
2003 State F a r m US
Figure Skating
American Music and Film Sensation
Beyonce Knowles Joins the Pepsi Family
Refusing at first to open up, the young man eventually breaks
down and reveals a horrific childhood,Through the guidance
of his new doctor, he confronts his painful past and begins a
quest to find the family he never knew.
Starts December 19, 2002
- Tells the dark story of
suspended undercover narcotics officer Nick Tellis
(Jason Patric), who is reluctantly drawn back onto the
the truthjbehind
the murder of a young police officer killed in the line of duty.
H e is teamed with Henry Oak (Ray Liotta), the slain officer's
partner, a rogue cop who will stop at nothing to avenge his
friend's death. As Tellis and Oak unravel the case, the dark
underbelly of the narcotics world reveals itself in surprising
Starts December 20, 2002
^ HA E
B A 1 S-e^SUsI
Stephanie Ward Gallery
Merry Christinas
Get the ones you love something special.
Give a gift from your heart, give the gift of art.
RSVP N O W [email protected]
T h e Ultimate Upscale Media Melt Down
2 events in one night!!!
6-9pm n e t u o r k and 9-2am after party.
Kempi's and the La Gala r o o m inside
the Intercontinental Hotel
15201 D a U a s P a r k w a y , A d d i s o n , T X .
(Near Belt Line Road & N o r t h Dallas ToUroad)
T h e Networking event is inside the Intercontinental Hotel in
the La Gala Room on the first floor
No cost to network!!!.'
6:00 pni " ^-00 P"i Network with some of Dallas finest
Professionals and visit numerous vendors where you can shop
and pick up information.
Help lisl'^ **P ° child's life by bringing an
/o doriff*-' the Dallas County Foster Parent
Bring this ad and get 40% ojf all framed art and
prints through Dec 22, 2002. Then go to our
website and pull
dozon a coupon for an additional 10% off
2546 E l m St. D a l l a s , T x 75226
(214) 752-5588
[email protected]
Tues Jan 7 - sun Jan 12, 2003
Dallas Convention Center
For Tickets call: 214-373-8003
for more informatin visit
The Gazette
• December
19 -January
1,200, • Page 11
C Ix u
A d C o p y
9 7 2 - 5 0 9 - 9 0 5 8
f o r
" Q u o t e
Church Happenings
For more information, call
Sunday, December 29, 9 a.m.
Friday, December 20, 8:00 972-625-8186.
and 11 a.m. and Tuesday, p.m.
December 31,8 p.m.
the Friendship Baptist Church
Join us as we welcome Prophet Community"-Comedy
Toy & C. Paul iMcBride, Pastor
4396 Main St.
Charles Dixon of Nigeria, Africa. Clothing Drive benefiting the One
The Colony, TX 75056
These high-energy services will Church, One School Ministry, feachallenge you and increase your turing nationally know comedian MT. H E B R O N BAPTIST
faith to release prosperity and Dwight Scruggs, performances C H U R C H
wealth into your life.
from local artists and ministries
Saturday, December 21,7:45 a.m.
For more information, call includingGenesis Mime Ministry
Might>' Men of the Mount will
817-557-5811 or visit website at
For more information, call have a brotherhood breakfast which
includes a guest speaker. Please
bring a son, nephew, or a male that
Agape Christian Fellowship
Christian Chapel Temple of
you are mentoring. Free
Bishop Terry and Pastor Renee
Friday-Saturday, December
Dr. Jerome E. McNeil, Pastor
2350 Mayfield Rd.
14120 Noel Rd.
Lock-In for grades 6-12,
Arlington, TX
Dallas,TX 75240
"Christmas Around Garland"ALL NATIONS UNITED
Youth will enjoy skating at Texas
Skatium, then visit Celebration
Sign up for a four-week Advent
Tuesday, December 24
Station for fun and games. Pizza,
study, entitled, "Won't You Let Him
Celebrate the true meaning of dessert, and drinks will be served
while enjoying an Evangelism Rally
Classes will be offered on
5:00 p.m.- Especially for fami- & dancing by a Christian dance
Thursdays 11 a.m.-12 Noon or 7 lies with children
group. Breakfast will be from 7:45
p.m.-8 p.m.
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.- 11:00 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. Events are chaperTuesday, December 24, 7:00- p.m.- Worship with candles and oned.
8:00 p.m.
Cost- S20
Celebrate Christmas Eve with
For more information, call
Sunday, December 22, 8:00 am
us! We will share the Christmas 972-423-4506 or visit www.firsl- & 11:15 a.m.
story through readings, songs, & methodistplano. org
Birthday Party for Jesus! T h e
church will celebrate during both
Sunday services.
For more information, call First United Methodist Church
Gary E. Mueller, Senior Pastor
Tuesday, December 31,10:00 p.m.
3160 East Spring Creek Pkwy.
Night Watch service, followed by
Piano, TX 75074
New Year's Cafe on the Mount
All Nations United Methodist
Ce!ebration-12:15 a.m. -3:00 a.m.,
live jazz band, guest comeDr. Clara Reed, Pastor
3415 E. 14th St.
Wednesday, December 2 5, dian, Unity Voices, Y.E.A.H.
Dancers, and Open Mic casual
Piano, TX 75074
7:00 a.m.
atmosphere, door prizes, and buffet!
Join us for Christmas Day
with congregational pwlity arc finding themselves to be governed by
this lack of differentiation since the constitutions and by-laws in direct
situation of one black church is, in contrast to the monarchical clergy
large measure, the situation of all styles of a passing generation.
black churches. All are addressing Laypeople are also exerting pressure
themselves to the needs of an on their churches to demonstrate an
oppressed people. One migjit even authentic sense of social responsibilsuggest that the agenda is appropri- ity.
ate for all churches that wish to take
Another favorable index is the
seriously the ministry of Christ in the broadening effort to provide basicwotld.
training for church leaders who are
not formally qualified to pursue
While the challenges facing graduate theological education. This
black churches are difficult ones, theological training which is both
iherc are Iriiiwrtant harblngcR that theoretical and ptactical will have a
bode well for the tliture. Modestly significant impact on the churches
increasing nimibers of b r i ^ t yoimg and their ministries.
people from all denominations are
But the most significant develseeking theological training.They are opment in recent years has been an
exerting increasing pressure on edu- increasing awareness among blacks
cational institutions to equip them to not affiliated with the churches that
be resources to the communities in
religious institutions are as critical to
which they will serve, as well as com- the survival of Afro-Americans in the
petent leaders of religious institu- present as they have been in the past.
tions. There are also evidences that Thus there is pressure from all quarthe denominational leadership of the ters for the churches to actualize
church is becoming more aware of their potential as agents of social
the changed context within which change without derogation of tiieir
mission must be implemented. traditional role as communities of
Another imponant sign is that faith. Black churches need not abanchurch membership has been hold- don their historic mission agendas
ing steady and that middle-class but rather should consider them in
defections have not been as numer- the l i ^ t of new realities in the world
ous as some had predicted.
where mission must be implementAt the local level laypersons are ed.Dr. Jones is dean of Howard
increasingly asserting their right to University's school of religion. This
participate in the go\'emance of the article first appeared in the Christian
churches. Clergy serving churches Century April 1979
*ChiIdcare provided.
If you are interested in Open
Mic, please send an email to
[email protected]
For more information, call
972-276-5218. Admission-S5
Mt. Hebron Baptist Church
Leonard Leach, Pastor
901 Dairy Rd.
Garland, TX 75040
December 31, 8:30 p.m. to
12:30 a.m.
Celebrate the New Year with
feilowshipping and dinner.
Please call 972-985-1364, for
more informauon.
Mt. Olive Church of Piano
S a m Fenceroy, Pastor
740 Ave. F
Piano, TX 75075
Tuesday, December 31, 10:00
p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Jazz and Gospel Concert
Performing artists include
Grammy-winning artists Kirk
Whalum and Fred Hammond and
Gospel recording artists The Kurt
Carr Singers
Event is free. There is preferred seating available to purchase
at the door for $25 or call
Ticketmaster at 214-373-8000
For more information about
the concert, visit www.the potter- or call 214-331-0954.
Sunday, December 22, 6:00
Christmas Program
Tuesday, December 31, 9:00
p.m. to Midnight
For more information, call
Shiloh Missionary Baptist
Isaih Joshua, Jr., Pastor
1310 Ave. I
Piano,TX 75074
Sunday, December 22, 2:00
Join us for a mouth-watering
Christmas diimer while fellowshipping and remembering the birth of
Please call 972-562-413, formore information.
ShUoh C.O.G.I.C.
Elder Paul Jackson
600 Lindsey St.
McKinney.TX 75069
Sunday, December 22, 10:45
a.m. (4th Sunday of Advent- JOY)
6:30 p.m.- Candlehght Service
Advent-A season of preparation for Christmas, which includes
4 Sundaj's.
Sunday, December 29, 10:45
a.m. - KWANZAA Observance
(*Please wear African Attire)
Tuesday, December 31, 10:00
p.m.-Watch-Night Service
For more information, call
St. Mark Baptist Church
Rev. R.A. Griffin, Pastor
601 Rowlett Rd.
Garland,TX 75043
Wednesday, December 25,
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Annual Christmas DinnerFree & open to the public!
Tuesday, December 31, 10:00
New Year's Eve Watch Night
For more information, call
972-542-6178 or visit
St. Mark Missionary Baptist
Charles S.Wattley, Senior
1308 Wilcox
McKinney,TX 75069
Send Annoucements to:
Please send your church
announcemenls via email or fax
to: (Please send in care of
Church Directory)
Fax: 972-516-4197, E-mail
[email protected]
Agenda from page 9
Saint Mark Missionary
Baptist Churcli
Building lastmg rebtionships
He^ng people (wfttfieir
Godgfven potentiat
Fountain of Life International Church is a multi-cultural family of
Christians dedicated to building an intimate relationship with
God and cultivating lasting relationships with each other. Out of
such quality relationships, we are committed to ertcouraging
every member td'discover their unique God-given potential, and
through the co-operative support of the whole body and training
from Godly leadership, equip and release God's people into
whatever realm of service God has for them.
. -
Mwiinf l i m n
\Aab/irSl U/mrcli
1701 VV. Iclfcrson SI., Grand Prairie, Texas 71051
2110:") Market Loop, Suite 300, Soulhlake, Texas 70092
Denny D. Davis, Servant
Each Sunday
9:30 a m
Prayer Meeting
10:00 am
Worship Service
2nd / 4ih Sundays
Evening Worship
2nd / 4th Wednesdays
Couples Fellowship
Each Thursday
four Morning Worship Seaicfs
» T « t - m m i n n f t r w l r f c u r r ^ l rrwH
C u m - n l l i mt-tting al Plunu ('entre
IM A.M. .9:00 A.M.. 10:00 A.M. and 11:13 A.M.
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Stnicir Patlun
Ker. Rucind;! Itarnur
Dr. Kichiird Ruruur
Mt. Olive Church of Piano
920 E. 14th Street Piano, TX
A Church Called to Unite the Body of Christ
740 Ave. F #303
Piano, TX 75074
1308 Wilcox Street. Mckinney TX
Pastor Charles S. Wattley
A Non-denominational Church for all Nations
Pastor Sam l-jiiccmy
Education Ministries 9:30 a m
Worship Celebration -.11;00 a.m.
-Nursery Facilities Avartabte-
Sunday Woiship Soivices^ M
Famity Ministries. .700p.m.
Friendly Fellowship with A Family Focut
For More Information Call
• December
19 -January
7PM Youth, Brother hood, Mission
& Young Adult Ministrtes
7PM Bible Study & Wen's Choir
7PM Mid-Week Ser\ ice
7PM Mass Choir
Standard Announcements
Sunday School
Worship Service
M e n & Women Ministry 1st & 3rd Mondays 7:30-8:30
Leadership Meeting
2nd Mondays 7:30-8:30
Marriage Enrichment & Singles Ministry
4th Monda>-s 7:30-8:30
Deliverance from Issues
Tuesdays 7:30-8:30
Mid-Week Ser\'ice
Wednesdays 7:15-8:30
Youdi Bible Study
Wednesdays 7:15-8:30
1, 2003
Ave Ky Suite 105 ((^Springcreek
Fax: 972.509,9058
Radio Broadcast Station 1 0 4 0 A M - K G G R
M - F 10:25-10:30 A M
For M o r e Information: (972) 633-5511 or E-Mail
slfenceroy^ojaol. com
For more Information call <972) 423-6695
www. saintmarkbc. com
Page 12 • The Gazette
& 11 AM
Minister Gloria Fenceroy
Piano, Texas
Page 12 • December
19 -January
1, 2003 • The