Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary Spring


Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary Spring
Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary
Spring-Summer 2014
The Sanctuary is manned by volunteers—no employees. Your donations are used to care
for the many animals that need a helping hand, or a permanent home at the sanctuary.
Together we can make a difference!
The Winter that Wouldn’t Go Away
At least it seemed that way—cold, snow, wind. We lost several animals through the course of the
winder. It was very sad and really hard on our volunteers. Everything was late—getting the birds and
animals out of the clinic into their more spacious summer cages. By the time June came, so did the
heat and that horrible humidity. We took in several fawns that were so run-down by dehydration we
couldn’t save them. It was even too hot in the clinic for them. Our air conditioner broke. We had to
set up a nursery in my office in my home for the babies. With several baby playpens set up, they
seemed to do fine.
Help us keep food in their bellies! We are desperately low on funds.
Together We Can Make A Difference!
Dusk at DWS
In the evening, after closing and all the other volunteers are gone, I feed the horses and burros. As soon as my
car is in park outside the back pasture, there is a chorus of burros with a few whinnies thrown in. When I open
the car door, Tiger Lily (resident cat) is waiting, knowing that she is first on my list for dinner. She gives Tank,
my border collie, an enthusiastic greeting rub – she has always adored Tank; he plays it cool. Within a few
minutes, Woofer, the black buzzard shows up for a snack, snatching bits of cat food from my hand. Rodney,
the elderly Arab mare, rubs her face against the fence in anticipation. Roxy, the other gray mare, perks her
ears, knowing there is an apple in my pocket just for her. As well as horses and burros, sheep and goats and
Llamas and emus do their “feed me dance” beyond the fence. They are like family: sometimes grumbling,
sometimes pushy, always loved.
Horses fed, hay thrown, water troughs filled, chickens safely locked in their coop, gate latches checked;
now it is time to walk Tank. Tiger Lily walks with us unless I bring my yappy little dogs. We frequently pass
deer who flag their white tails in alarm, then relax when they recognize Tank. They know that he is not a threat.
He ignores deer and other wildlife. A couple of the deer know that I sometimes carry vanilla wafers and come
close in hopes of a treat. Sometimes we cross paths with fox or ground hogs. Canada geese, hawks and other
birds occasionally catch our attention as they pass overhead. For almost twenty years, it has been an honor to
share this magical time when many animals are out and about. —Debbie R.
Letter from the Director
The sanctuary has been struggling lately—way too many
birds and animals—and not enough donations to keep us
going. We had several cases of storm damage to the fences and
run-in sheds from torrential rains and severe winds. If you can
find a way to help us out—please try. If you have made any
calls to Anne Arundel County Animal Control, you will be given
our number. The same with DNR, yet we receive no monetary help from either the county
or the state for the services we provide (or try to provide). We are so overwhelmed with
wildlife calls we can’t keep up. We survive totally on your generous donations. For this,
we thank you and God bless…
fVisit us on Facebook site! We have a PayPal button for anyone who wishes to donate online.
You can also visit us at:
Web Site Design by: KoolStuf
Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary
Yes, I would like to help the birds and animals
Please Make Checks Payable to Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary
And Mail to 3156 Beards Point Road, Davidsonville, Maryland 21035 (410) 798-0193
All Donations Are Tax Deductible!
If you receive a duplicate newsletter, please pass it on to a friend or relative... Thanks!
My fears are over... now I am home,
And so my story ends.
Thru these woods & fields I’ll roam,
And live with my new friends.
DWS now accepts donations online via PayPal at www.wildlifesanctuary.us/dws