Newspaper 4 2012-13


Newspaper 4 2012-13
Science OlympiadBy: Amber B. 5th Grader
Many fourth and fifth graders
participated in Science Olympiad. We
practiced for about six weeks. The
results of each event were given in the
cafeteria. Everyone did a great job!
Bridge Building-Building a strong bridge from straws and pins
Anatomy-Learning and memorizing the human bones
Leaf and Tree-Learning and memorizing leaves and bark
Aerodynamics-Making an airplane from paper for speed/distance
Egg Drop-Making a low cost item to protect an egg
Bugs-Memorizing and learning bug types and species
Write It, Do It (Legos)- One person writes in code, the other builds
Catapult-Building a catapult with given materials and shooting it far
Weather-Learning and memorizing weather.
Inside This Issue
Author Visit
Let It Go Day
Independent Study
5th Grade Field Trip
Teacher Inter views
Book Reviews
Hallway Talk
Student Sur veys
Science Olympiad
By: Logan K.
I was in Science Olympiad this year. At first, I was in
Bridge Building but then I changed my event to Aerodynamics.
This event is when you make paper airplanes for distance and
gliding. I was on a team with George K.. He made a paper
airplane for gliding and I made a paper airplane for distance.
We won the 1st place trophy for Aerodynamics. I had a lot of
fun in Science Olympiad and I know I am going to do it again
next year and I hope you decide to join too!
By: Colin C.
Do you play basketball, baseball, football,
bowling, soccer and golf? Well, you probably
thought of these sports while you watched
the 4th and 5th grade students perform the
school play called, “Get in the Game.” It’s
about kids that always flunk at sports. Then they learned no matter
what happens there is a special champion inside. We performed the
play on April 4th for students and parents. I hope you felt like a
champion when you watched our play!
Author Shelley Pearsall Visits 5th Graders
By: Marissa Gazer
Shelley Pearsall, an author, came to visit our school in March. She
visited with all 5th grade classes and talked about how she became a
writer. She told us that when she writes a new book, she has to write
many different drafts and send her book around to different publishers.
She then will get an acceptance letter stating the publisher wants to
publish one of her books. She also will have an illustrator design a cover
for the book and she will choose a title.
Shelley Pearsall also talked about books that she wrote. She talked about her book,
Trouble Don’t Last which all of the 5th graders read. First, she talked about how she
decided to write the setting for, Trouble Don’t Last. She decides on the book’s setting and
gets full details by going to the actual place. For example, she actually went to the Ohio
River and sat in a cornfield to describe them in great detail in the story. Next, she talked
about finding some ideas for the characters in historical books and documents. She got the
name Samuel by reading a document about an escaped slave. The book had many changes
and drafts but she finally got it right! The book was finally published!
Let It Go Day!
By: Sarah L.
Let It Go Day was Friday, March 8th. It was about letting go of your problems and
wearing green. I asked Mr. Tabar a question:
Why green? It means go GO as in Let It Go!
The whole reason for Let It Go Day is if someone has a problem to put it behind
them. For next year, it would be better if we got a speaker to come in and talk about Let
It Go Day. Mr. Tabar said that would be awesome!
Finally, there was a competition between the classes about which class wore the most
green and every class won that day! Each class will get an extra recess in May! Let It Go
Day was a fun day with a lot of green!
Resource Room Independent Study Projects
By: Keeley P.
In Resource Room with Mrs. Morris, we completed an Independent Study Project.
Everyone picked a subject to work on.
Justin-Charles Schulz
Ryan-Cleveland Indians
Nick-Harry Houdini
Alex-Cleveland Browns
Danielle-Crystals Richie-The Mayans
Nathan-Tornadoes Connor-Submarines
Wisam-Deep Sea Creatures
William-Niagara Falls
Jordan-Milton Chocolate Sam-Scotland
Ainsley-Olympic Gymnastics
Amber-Ice Skating
When we got to the synthesis step of the project, we all made something new like a
game, a movie, a recipe and a PowerPoint. Most of us made games. Colleen made a cooking
show and she invented three different kinds of pizzas! They are Chicken Booyah, Gilbride Style,
and Mindcraft Style. Wisam did a PowerPoint about Deep Sea Creatures and he used the
microphone to record his voice into it.
After we finished the Synthesis stage, we worked on our display boards to get ready for
the fair which was on April 11th at the Middle School.
Here is an interview of Marissa Gazer about what she thinks about Independent Study.
Did you like doing Independent Study?
What was your favorite part about it?
“Learning about snow.”
What was your least favorite part about it?
“Going in for recess.”
How did you choose a topic?
“It was snowing outside.”
If you ever got the chance, would you like to more about snow?
“Why not?”
Hale Farm
By: Marissa G.
Hale Farm has an exciting way to teach people about the Underground Railroad and the 5th
grade classes went in March. At Hale Farm, students get to see what it was like to be a slave on
their journey to freedom. Each class gets to be a part of an interactive play and move along a
path of the Underground Railroad. Students met some people along the way that helped slaves
escape slavery. They hid in a church and in people’s houses. The trip to Hale Farm made students
realize how hard life was for the slaves. I think Hale Farm was one of the best field trips ever!
Meet Mr. Vormelker!
By: Luke T.
I decided to interview my Science teacher, Mr. Vormelker. Here is what he had
to say!
Why did you start teaching?
“ I like to work with kids.”
If you could be in a movie, what movie would you choose?
“Toy Story, I would want to be Buzz Lightyear.”
How long have you been teaching?
“16 years”
Where did you work before you became a teacher?
“Ohio Pool Supplies and Uncle John’s Plant Farm”
What is your hobby?
“I collect football autographs.”
What do you like to do on the weekends?
“I like to spend time with my family.”
Meet Mrs. Caso!
By: Hannah P.
I chose to interview Mrs. Caso. Her favorite
thing to teach is Language arts. Something
interesting is Mrs. Caso started thinking about being
a teacher when she was in 5th grade. She has 2 older
siblings an older brother named Frank and an older
sister named Amy. She has two children, Ryan, age 6, and Sofia, age 2. Her
favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.
Something that I liked is Mrs. Caso loves to shop on Michigan Ave. in
downtown Chicago. Her favorite kind of ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip. Her
favorite kind of dessert is a peanut butter cup cupcake. Something cool is Mrs.
Caso’s favorite ice cream topping is hot fudge. Mrs. Caso has a cute little chocolate
labradoodle named Boomer. Finally, Mrs. Caso’s favorite day of the week is Friday.
I loved interviewing Mrs. Caso!
Found-By: Margaret Peterson-Haddix-A Book Review
By: Kelly B.
Found is all about these two kids Jonah and Chip who are best friends.
Jonah is adopted and has a sister named Katherine. One ordinary day, Jonah
and Chip receive a letter that says “You are one of the missing.” They are all
very curious about what this letter means. Jonah infers that it may mean that
they are missing from someone and that they are adopted. The only problem
with that idea is Chip isn’t adopted or he is he? If you want to find the answer
to this question and many more, read Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense
and anyone who likes adventure. On a scale of 1-10 I rate this book a 10. I rate this book a 10
because it’s exciting, it has a cliffhanger at the end of every chapter, and it has a weird twist at the
end. This book is the first book of the Missing Children series. The second book is called Sent. The
third book is called Sabotaged. The fourth book is called Torn. Lastly, the fifth book is called
Caught. If you liked the first book, you will definitely like the next four. Read the Missing Children
series by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
Phantom Tollbooth By: Norton Justler -A Book Review
By: Rachel K.
Phantom Tollbooth is about a boy named Milo who is always bored.
Then one day he finds a box in his room and in that box is a tollbooth, coins,
and a map. On the map Milo picks to go to Dictionopolis the land of letters.
There Milo meets a lot of people. Some of these people cause problems. Two
people, the spelling bee and the humbug cause a problem that makes Milo
drop a bucket of letters. That makes Milo go to jail. There he meets a Which
who tells you which way to go. The Which is in jail for a million years and
she can only come out of jail if Rhyme and Reason return which is
impossible. Then Milo goes to return Rhyme and Reason. It takes along time.
Do you think Milo can do it?
Phantom Tollbooth is my favorite book. It’s a sixth grade reading level. Sometimes it can be a
little confusing but it’s worth reading. Phantom Tollbooth in my opinion never gets boring and there’s
always a surprise in the book. I think you should read Phantom Tollbooth!
Smile by: Raina Telgemeier-A Book Review
By: Taizie O.
I read the book, Smile. I enjoyed it. The book is about a girl
named Raina and she had to get braces. She doesn’t want to get
them. Her mom says that she has an overbite and if she doesn’t get
the braces it will cause problems later. I would recommend this book
to other students because there are a lot of comics.
What’s Your Favorite Kind of Food?
By: Katie G.
Mrs. Judson-”Anything to do with Thanksgiving.”
Mrs. Pilko-”Ice Cream”
Mrs. Venecek-”White Pizza”
Mr. Tabar-”Cheeseburgers”
Mr. Svec-”Chicken Wings and Pizza”
What Sports Do You Play?
By: Laney
Nicole-”Gymnastics and Dance”
Colin-”Basketball, Football, Baseball and Soccer”
Brandon-”Fishing, Wrestling, Swimming, Football and Baseball”
Laney (Me)-”Basketball, Volleyball, Dance and Swimming”
What’s Your Favorite Drink?
By: Eden S.
What’s Your Favorite Type of Music?
By: Justin A.
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