Table of Contents - Asbury House ​Child Enrichment Center


Table of Contents - Asbury House ​Child Enrichment Center
Table of Contents
Parent Qualifications……………………………………………………………………………………….3
Happy Beginnings……………………………………………………………………………………………3
Hours of Operation………………………………………………………………………………….………3
Arrival and Departure……………………………………………………………………………………..4
Attendance and Tardy Policy…………………………………………………………….…………….4
Tuition and Fees……………………………………………………………………………………..………5
A Prepared Environment………………………………………………………………………………...5
Communication between Home and School………………………………………..………….6
Health Information………………………………………………………………………..……………….7
Illness and Injury Procedures.........................................................................…...7
Field Trips……………………………………………………………………………..……………………….9
Special Activities…………………………………………………………….……………………………..9
Nap Time……………………….……………………………………….…………………………………...10
School Closings……………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Gang Free Zone Information…………………………………………………………………………11
Emergency Plan……………………………………………………….…………..…………………..….12
Chemical Spill…………………………………………………………………………………...13
Medical Emergency………………………………………………………………………….13
Communicable Disease…………………………………………………………………….13
List of Longview Methodist Churches-Evacuation Sites………….….………15
Diagram of School Emergency Exits………………………………………………….16
Prevention for Child Abuse and Neglect Training and Policy…………………….……17
Notification to the Parents…………………………………………………………………………...18
The Asbury House Child Enrichment Center is sponsored by the United Methodist Churches in the Longview area.
Our goal is to provide a warm, loving Christian environment for children three to five years of age. The number of
children in a classroom is kept to a minimum so that our teachers can provide the children with the attention and
care they need and deserve.
Asbury House provides the children with a learning environment of varied experiences that help them develop
socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally. Regardless of cultural background or special needs, every child
is offered a variety of learning experiences. Our program gives children the preparation they will need to cope
with traditional schooling.
In order for a child to be enrolled at Asbury House, the parent must meet certain qualifications. Parents are
asked to complete an enrollment application to determine if they qualify for our program. Parents must be
working or attending school a minimum of 25 hours a week. Parents must also meet the financial guidelines set
by the Asbury House Board of Directors. Childcare fees will be based on the family’s income and size. Asbury
house will verify the family’s income and benefits no less than twice a year.
Parents are required to notify the Director should they become unemployed, change jobs, or withdraw from
school. The Director should be notified of any change of address, phone number, place of employment, marital
status, salary or assistance such as child support, TANF, or food stamps. Information update cards are available to
be filled out. They are located by the sign-in sheets.
Parents will be notified in writing of any changes in policies and procedures.
Everyone likes a happy beginning! To facilitate this, please be positive when
talking to your children about school. If your child will be coming to Asbury
House for the first time, make a special effort to drive by the school several
times. Talking about meeting new friends, learning new things, and having
lots of fun will also help. We suggest you bring your child by the school
before his first day so he/she can meet the teacher and see the school.
Remember, if you are anxious or unsure about school, your child will sense
these feelings, so please be positive!
Asbury House is open Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. January through December except for the
following days: two weeks at Christmas; one week at Fourth of July; one week for Spring Break; 3 days for
teacher training in August; one day for teacher training in November, and also major holidays. A school calendar
will be given to the parents at the time of enrollment indicating the dates we will be closed. Parents will also be
reminded in advance of our closing.
Should the Longview schools cancel classes due to inclement weather, Asbury House will also be closed.
Announcements to that effect will be made over the local radio and television stations as well as our school
website and Facebook page. Childcare fees are due even if we have to close for weather.
Please enter our driveway on College Street and park as far forward as you can along the font sidewalk. Parents
must escort their child inside the building and sign them in each day. It is important that you make
contact with one of our staff before leaving your child. If someone other than the parent is bringing or picking up
the child from school, they must be 18 years of age or older, and they will be responsible for singing the child in
and out from school.
Children will only be released to a parent or other person (18 years of age or older) authorized by the parent to
pick up the child. Photo identification, such as a driver’s license, will be required of
all persons sent to pick up students. Please notify the school of any changes in
normal pick-up procedures.
Children will be received as early as 7:30 a.m. but not prior to that tim e. All
children must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. or before.
Late fees will be assessed at $6.00 every 5 minutes after 5:30 p.m. It is our option after 6:00 p.m.
to take a child to the police station and call Department of Family Protective Services. Asbury House has the
option to dismiss a child after the second incidence of being late.
Please be reminded that our staff has worked a full day and is ready to go home to their families. It is the parent’s
responsibility to ensure his/her child is picked up on time, even in the event of an emergency. If you know you
are going to be late, please notify the school.
State law now requires all children be in a child safety seat. We ask that you exit onto Center Street, when
leaving our parking lot.
Regular attendance in school is very important if your child is to benefit from the program at Asbury House. It is
equally important that he/she be on time for morning classes. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 a.m., and classes
begin at 8:30 a.m. Your child must arrive at school by 8:30 a.m. If your child arrives to school after 8:30 a.m.,
your child’s attendance will be marked as either an excused or an unexcused tardy. An excused tardy must be
accompanied by a note from the child’s doctor, dentist, WIC office or DFPS agency stating they were at an
appointment. All other tardiness will be marked as unexcused. After five, and again at eight tardy attendances, a
written notice will be placed in the parent’s mailbox as well as a copy in the child’s file. After ten tardy
attendances, the child can be dismissed from Asbury House.
If a child misses five consecutive school days without prior warning from the parent, the child can be dismissed. If
a child misses ten consecutive school days, regardless of notice, the child can be dismissed. After 45 total
absences in a 12-month period starting from the child’s date of enrollment, the child can be dismissed.
Tuition is based on the family’s income and size of family. Parents are required to inform the Director of any
changes in their income, including their salary, child support, food stamps, etc. Verification of income and
benefits is required and will be reviewed a minimum of twice a year.
Tuition is based on a five day week. Parents will not be charged for the two weeks the school is closed at
Christmas and the week the school is closed in the summer. Parents will be charged for all other weeks.
Parents must pay for the full week regardless of the child’s attendance.
Tuition is payable on M onday mornings or before the week of service rendered. Prompt payment
is necessary! Parents are only asked to pay a small portion of the actual monthly expenses of the school. The
majority of our funds come from the Methodist Churches, individual families in the church, and community
donations. Advanced payments may be refunded when a child is withdrawn if a two week notice is given.
Comfortable clothes the child can manage independently should be worn at all times. Please
consider safety as a factor in determining suitable clothes. Certain shoes can be dangerous on
climbing equipment. Children will have an outdoor playtime each day as the weather permits, so
please consider this when selecting clothes and secure shoes for each day. Tennis shoes are
preferred, and rubber soles are required. Running and climbing is dangerous in flipflops, boots, and shoes with slippery soles, and may cause accidents. All outer garments such as
sweaters, jackets, caps, and gloves should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
All children should have a complete change of clothes at school, appropriate for the weather. Occasionally a child
will get sick or spill something on their clothing, and we need clothes on hand to change them. We will need
underwear, socks, pants/shorts, and a shirt.
Much thought and preparation has gone into the equipping of each classroom. Each has been
designed to contain the tools your child will need for a complete, well-rounded preschool
education. Please do not allow your child to bring a toy from hom e unless it
serves as a “security blanket” and is needed during naptime. We welcome items of
educational value to be shared with the class. Whenever your child brings something from
home to share, please send the item in a sack labeled with your child’s name. If you want to
share a video, please make sure it is rated “G”. Screen time is limited to 30 minutes at
time and no more than two hours total in a day.
While your children are enrolled with us, they will be provided a warm, loving environment in which they can feel
confident and secure. They will receive a quality education program designed to stimulate and enrich their
physical, social, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual development. Activity plans will be posted in each of the
Our curriculum features a variety of enriching experiences to match your child’s developmental needs. The
teacher will create an “active learning” environment within the classroom. Activities are based upon child
development principles as well as the interests and abilities of the children. Children rotate among the various
learning centers, such as blocks, art, reading, science, home and family life, manipulative, and computer. Children
will be taken outside to enrich their physical development once in the morning and once in the afternoon if
weather permits.
Each teacher at Asbury House receives ongoing annual training in a variety of applied topics including but not
limited to: curriculum implementation, appropriate positive guidance techniques, age appropriate activities,
communication, transportation safety, and child abuse awareness.
Parents will receive monthly newsletters or calendars informing you of activities and events involving the school.
It is important that you read this information. We will have notices of school closings and
field trips on the school message board. Asbury House has a website as well as a
Facebook page to communicate important information such as, the newest calendar, the
curriculum, and helpful information about activities coming up. You can access our
webpage at In the entry hall of the school, we have information
regarding various social service agencies that may be of interest to you. Please help
yourself to this information. A suggestion box is located by the parent mail boxes.
Conferences with the child’s teacher or Director may be arranged at any time you feel
there is a need. If you have something you would like to discuss with the teacher, we ask
that you set a time that is convenient for both of you and when the teacher is not
responsible for supervising her class. Teachers are very busy early in the mornings and in
the late evenings when children are being dropped off or picked up from school. This
would not be a good time to discuss problems.
Please let your child’s teacher or the Director know of any problems or changes at home that may affect your
child’s behavior at school. Open communication between home and school is very important.
Our aim is for each child to become a citizen of the classroom. To accomplish this, the children are guided by the
teacher to determine their own ground rules. This enables them to understand the need and the fairness of the
rules. The children are encouraged to arbitrate their own disagreements by talking out their problems, under the
guidance of the teacher. This same technique is used in solving differences between the child and the teacher, so
that there is an example for them to follow. Children will not be spanked at Asbury House. We stress the
fact that “We will not hurt them and they may not hurt others”. If a child is having a bad day and cannot work, he
is invited to sit by the teacher and watch. In this way, he is not taken out of the learning environment.
Teachers and parents will follow the following discipline/guidance procedures while on the property of Asbury
Discipline and guidance of children must be consistent and based on an individual needs and
Positive methods which encourage self-esteem, self-control, and self-direction must be used.
There must be no harsh, cruel, unusual treatment.
Corporal punishment is prohibited.
Children will not be humiliated, yelled at, or rejected.
Children will not be subjected to abusive or profane language.
Punishment will not be associated with food, naps or toilet training
Teachers are encouraged to use brief, supervised time away from the group, if necessary. Children will
never be left unattended.
Whenever you are with your child at school, you will be responsible for his/her discipline and you must comply
with the above standards. Failure to heed the above procedure will be terms to terminate enrollment.
Asbury House reserves the right to refuse service to children whose behavior is consistently
disruptive, and to parents who fail to keep phone and address information current, who are
abusive to staff members, who fail to follow guidelines set out in the Parent Handbook, and
who intentionally falsify information on the application.
Asbury House is required to have the following information in our files for every child before they can start our
• A written statement from a healthcare professional who has examined the child within the last year,
indicating the child is physically able to take part in the child care program.
• A copy of the child’s immunization record indicating all immunizations required by the Texas Dept. of
Health is up to date. The record should include the child’s name birth date, number of doses and vaccine
types and the month, date, and year the child received each vaccine. The local health authority may
require a TB screening.
• All four and five year old children are required to have a vision and hearing screening performed by a
licensed or certified screener or health-care professional, within 120 days from the date of enrollment.
The screening results will need to be provided in your child’s file.
A teacher will greet your child every morning. During this greeting the teacher will look for any signs that your
little one is not feeling up to par. Should signs of illness be detected, your child will need to return home with
you. W henever your child is sick, please keep him /her at hom e. Your child needs to be kept away
from school if they have the following:
• The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in the activities including outdoor play .
• The illness results in a greater need for care than our staff can provide without compromising the health,
safety, and supervision of the other children.
• The child has an oral temperature of 101 degrees or greater
• Severe sore throat.
• Uncontrolled diarrhea
• Two or more vomiting episodes in 24 hours
• Abnormal breathing
Mouth sores with drooling
Any communicable disease
Children need to be sym ptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
If your child becomes ill while at the center, we will isolate them from the group and notify you to pick them up
immediately. If a parent cannot be located, an authorized adult, listed on the enrollment agreement, will be
notified. Asbury House does not have a nurse on staff to care for ill children.
Please notify the school if your child has a communicable disease and we will notify you if your child has been
exposed to a communicable disease while at school.
In an effort to maintain your child’s health, an antibacterial soap is used at the center for hand washing and
children are taught to wash their hands throughout the day. Teachers use a diluted bleach spray daily to disinfect
For the safety of the entire group we must say that if your children are “well enough” to come to school,
they are “well enough” to go outdoors with their class . We cannot send a group outside with
inadequate staff while a needed teacher is left in the room with one child.
All staff members are trained in First Aid and CPR. The teacher or director in case of a minor injury will administer
simple first aid. An accident report will be completed and given to the parent. In case of more serious injury,
parents will be contacted immediately. If we are unable to reach you, the physician designated on the enrollment
agreement will be contacted. If necessary, 911 will be called. Both the teachers and the parents will sign an
Incident and Injury Report.
Asbury House will only administer therapeutic prescriptions or antibiotics that need to be given three or more
times a day. The antibiotic will only be administered once at Asbury House; all other doses must be given at
Should your child require one of these types of medication while in our care, we ask that you abide by the
following procedure:
Parents must sign an authorization form and include the times for our teachers to administer each
medication according to the label directions.
The medication must be in the original container labeled with the child’s full name and the date brought
to the child-care center.
Do not send medication that has expired.
Medication should be taken home when the child no longer requires it. We are not able to keep
medication for an extended period, and those left at school beyond their need will be disposed of.
The teacher responsible for giving the medication will sign the medication form.
Records will be kept for 3 months.
The medication will be stored out of reach of the children and will be refrigerated if necessary.
A well-balanced breakfast will be served each morning at 8:00 a.m. W e will not serve
breakfast after 8:15. Juice will be given to the children mid-morning and lunch is served
between 11:00-11:30 a.m., depending on your child’s class. A nutritious afternoon snack will
be served at 2:45. We will ensure that your child receives the required daily food needs as
suggested in our licensing standards including their intake of water and milk. Hot foods kept
warmer than 110 degrees are kept out of children’s reach. We are inspected annually by the
City Food Inspector. Our daily menus will be posted in the kitchen.
Please inform the Director if your child is allergic to any foods. If your child cannot have milk,
we must have a letter signed by the physician. The parent will be expected to provide the special milk.
We ask that parents not send food or drink to school since this creates problems for the staff.
Because of Minimum Standard Rules for Licensed Child-Care Centers as well as regulations from the Department
of Public Safety, Asbury House cannot transport children on field trips at this time. However, we will take a
walking field trip to the Fire Department each year.
Asbury House offers weekly chapel services conducted by one of the Methodist ministers. The children enjoy
Bible stories and songs.
Twice a week, the children participate in a music and motor class conducted by a degreed music teacher. The
children also sing for various civic and church groups throughout the year. An end of school year program is
presented for family and friends each May.
Once a week, the children enjoy gymnastics, taught by a trained instructor. The boys and girls will stretch and
learn how to do back bends, forward rolls, cartwheels, etc. Parents are invited to stop by and observe.
During the summer months, the children play in wading pools. The teachers closely supervises the activity,
meeting the child/teacher ratio. Permission to participate in the water activities must be signed on the
agreement form. Parents will be notified in advance.
Birthdays are a special time for us at Asbury House, and we like to make each child feel special. A
volunteer will provide a birthday cake for your child on their special day. Parents are invited to
join us for lunch and cake. Please let the Director know if you will be eating with us so we prepare
enough for your lunch. The parents can bring or send favors. Please discuss your plans with the
Holidays are also a special time at Asbury House, and we often celebrate with a special party.
Parents can be involved by providing refreshments or favors. We need parent volunteers to help
with the parties so let the Director know if you can help.
The children will take a nap or rest between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. each day. Asbury House provides cots,
sheets, blankets and pillows. Our linens are washed weekly or as soiled. Our teachers will supervise naptime.
The lighting will be lowered so please let us know if your child is fearful of the dark so we can place him/her near
a window. Boys and girls who are awake before the other children will be asked to lie quietly on their cot. Books
will be provided for the child to enjoy until 2:30 p.m.
Parents will be notified in writing if animals will be on the premises. We will ensure the animals create no unsafe
or unsanitary conditions. Children will wash their hands after handling any animals. Children may not come in
contact with chickens, ducks, and reptiles such as snakes, turtles, lizards, iguanas and amphibians, such as frogs
and toads due to the possibility of spreading salmonellosis. We will keep the playground free of unfamiliar
Asbury House is closed for two weeks at Christmas, one week for Spring Break, and for two weeks in the summer.
Parents will not be charged for these weeks. Parents are responsible for paying for all other weeks, regardless of
the holiday or bad weather. Asbury House is closed for the following holidays and events.
Labor Day
The first Friday in November for Staff
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for
Two weeks at Christmas
Good Friday
Spring Break (same as LISD)
Memorial Day
The week of Fourth of July
Three days in August Prior to the start of the
school year for Staff Development
Please read the school calendar for the exact
In the event of bad weather, Asbury
House may close due to icy, dangerous
roads. If the Longview Independent
School District closes, we will also close.
As a result of House Bill 2086 that passed during the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, Chapter 42 of the
Human Resource Code has been amended to include Section§42.064 requiring that information about
gang-free zones be distributed to parents and guardians of children in care at licensed child care centers.
What is a gang-free zone?
A gang-free zone is a designated area around a specific location where certain gang related activity is
prohibited and is subject to increased penalty under Texas law. Specific locations where certain gang
related criminal activity is now prohibited include, but are not limited to day care centers. The area that
falls within a gang-free zone can vary depending on the type of location. For example, certain gangrelated criminal activity that occurs within 300 feet of a video arcade facility is a violation of the new law,
whereas certain gang-related criminal activity that occurs within 1000 feet of a day care center is a
violation of the law.
How do parents know where the gang-free zone ends?
The gang-free zone is within 1000 feet of Asbury House. One Thousand feet is approximately beyond
Cotton Street North of Asbury House, beyond 5th Street South of Asbury House, beyond High Street West
of Asbury House and beyond Green Street East of Asbury House.
Why are the gang-free zones needed?
Similar to the motivation behind establishing drug-free zones, the goal of gang-free zones is to deter
certain types of criminal activity in areas where children gather by enforcing tougher penalties.
What does this mean for Asbury House?
Asbury House is required to inform parents or guardians of children attending our center about the new
gang-free zone designation. This means parents or guardians need to be informed that certain gangrelated criminal activity or engaging in organized criminal activity witnin1000 feet of Asbury House is a
violation of this law and is therefore subject to INCREASED PENALTY.
In the event of an emergency, such as a tornado, fire, explosion or chemical spill, the Asbury House staff
will make your child’s safety our number one concern.
If the emergency situation requires us to evacuate our building, we will move the children
to one of the Methodist churches. (See attachment with lists of the United Methodist
Churches in Longview on page 16). We will seek the guidance of the city officials who are
in charge of the evacuation and follow their suggestions. The church we select will be
based on the safest location for the children.
To transport the children, if time allows, the director will obtain the church vans and the
staff will transport the children to the designated location/church. If time does not allow, we will use
staff vehicles to transport the children. Equipment including but not limited to wheelchairs, prosthetic
limbs, or crutches for special needs children will be taken with the children on the same vehicle as the
Before transporting, the teachers will count all the children in her class to make sure they are all
accounted for. The teacher will also be responsible for taking her packet of information, which includes
the child’s emergency authorization form and necessary phone numbers. The director will take the daily
sign in sheet, first aid supplies, children’s medications and the nebulizer machine.
The cook and teacher assistants will gather bags of snacks and some toys to take to the new location.
When we arrive at the new location, the teachers will count to make sure all their students are present.
As soon as we are settled in the new location, every attempt to contact the parents will be taken. If
possible, we will notify television station KLTV 7 and the radio station 102.7/106.9 THE BLAZE of our new
location to help parents know where to go.
Our staff will remain at the location until all the children have been picked up.
In the event of a fire, our staff will evacuate the children quickly. Each month our children practice a
fire drill and the children are trained to evacuate and gather near the slides in our playground.
Depending on where the fire is located, we will evacuate the children to one central location
and if possible, we will gather at the slides. The Director will take the daily attendance sheet
and call roll. The teachers will also be counting their class to make sure all the children are out
of the building. The teachers are trained to take a packet of information with them, which
includes the emergency authorization forms and the parent’s phone numbers. The teachers
are also trained to take a phone with them, so that we can call 911 and each of the parents.
The children will not return inside the building until the fire marshal informs us that it is safe
to do so.
We also practice tornado drills every 3 months. Our boys and girls are trained to get down on their knees
and protect their face. The children gather in our hallways and the children’s bathrooms, which have
inside walls. The teachers take books with them in case we should have to take cover for an extended
period of time. Each teacher will count to make sure all their children are accounted for. We have
flashlights that we can use, if needed. Our school receives weather alerts, should the weather become
dangerous and we will take cover if they inform us we are in a tornado warning. Our city also sounds
sirens that we listen for. We have radios that we can listen to for updates on the weather. Should a
tornado hit our building, we will do whatever is needed to provide for the safety and health of your child.
Chemical Spill
In the event of a chemical spill in our area, we will take instruction from the city officials as
to where we can relocate the children in the city. There are Methodist churches in
various parts of Longview and we will transport the children to the closest, safest church
available. (See attached list of churches page 16). If the city officials instruct us to go
somewhere else, we will follow their instructions. We will do our best to contact the
parents as soon as the children are settled in their new location. We will take the emergency
authorization forms which include the parent’s address and phone information with us and if possible, we
will notify the media of our new location. We will try to transport the children in church vans but if time
does not allow, we will use staff vehicles to transport the children.
Medical Emergency
911 will be called if there is any medical emergency. We are just down the street from the central fire
station and an ambulance location. The parents will be notified as soon as possible of the emergency. If
we cannot locate the parent, we will contact someone on the emergency authorization list, which the
parent has provided. Should the child need to go in an ambulance, one of the Asbury House staff will go
with the child to the hospital and stay until the parent/guardian arrives.
Communicable Disease
Should a communicable disease outbreak occur, the director will contact the local
health department by phone for instruction. Every attempt will be made to keep the
children who are sick away from the healthy children so that the disease does not
spread. When we have a child who becomes ill at school and is considered
contagious, our plan is to call the parent and notify them that they must pick up their
child from school and keep them out of the school until the child is no longer
considered contagious. The child is taken to the office, away from the other children
until the parent arrives. We keep first aid supplies at the school at all times. 911 will
be called if necessary. We ask the parent to provide us a statement from the doctor,
informing us that the child is able to return to school.
The entrance to Asbury House is secured with a vestibule equipped with special security glass. The door
to the vestibule is unlocked to allow visitors to come into the vestibule only. The magnetic door from the
vestibule to the building will remain locked at all times. No one will be able to enter the building without
a staff member deactivating the magnetic door allowing the visitor the ability to open the door. Cameras
are on the property recording who is in the building as well as activities around the buildings perimeter.
We are cautious as to who we allow in our building. Should someone enter our building who has a
weapon, the staff dealing with the intruder, will take all precautions necessary to try to keep the person
away from the children and the classrooms and alert the other classrooms to the presence of an intruder.
The building is equipped with means to contact law enforcement directly as well as calling 911. Law
enforcement will be notified as quickly as staff is capable through which ever means is necessary or both.
When the teachers are aware of the emergency situation, the teachers will try to remain calm while using
good judgment in deciding the best course of action to take to keep the children safe. Each classroom has
a door that will lock one way to help prevent intruders from entering a classroom. Each classroom is
equipped with windows overlooking our playground. If necessary, the teacher will help the children
escape from the window and walk them to the First Baptist ROC building for safety. The Roc is located on
the corner of Fredonia and South Streets (one block behind our school). They have a gym area where our
children can play until the parents arrive. The teachers will be responsible for counting the children to
make sure everyone is accounted for. Parents will be notified also, as soon as we are settled in the new
Flood or Hurricane
In the event of a possible flood or hurricane, the school will contact parents to pick up
their child as soon as possible. The staff will stay at the school until all children are
picked up. Our staff listens to the radio and TV when we are experiencing bad
weather. Hopefully we can take precautions before the flood or hurricane arrives.
If not, we will evacuate to the closest, safest place possible. We will use staff
vehicles to transport the children. The parents will be called as soon as the children
are settled in their new location. If we can’t evacuate, we will take all precautions to keep your child as
safe as possible as we shelter in-place.
List of Longview Methodist Churches
(Evacuation Sites)
First Methodist Church (Downtown, close to the Court House)
400 N. Fredonia
Longview, TX 75601
Greggton Methodist Church (In Pine Tree, on Pine Tree Rd. close to Jordan’s Country Day School)
1101 Pine Tree Road
Longview, TX 75604
Winterfield Methodist Church (Exit East off Eastman onto Tryon)
2616 Tryon Road
Longview, TX 75605
(903) 753-4825
Grace Crossings Methodist Church (On Hawkins, between McCann and Bill Owens)
1001 W. Hawkins Pkwy
Longview, TX 75605
(903) 663-0053
Wesley McCabe Methodist Church
1115 S. Moberly Avenue
Longview, TX 75602
(903) 758-8091
(Close to South Ward Elementary School)
Summerfield Methodist church (Exit off of Judson Rd. onto Tryon Rd, North of the Loop)
7078 Tryon Road
Longview, TX 75605
(903) 663-0116
Trinity Methodist Church (On Gilmer, north of the Gilmer/Hawkins intersection)
3470 Gilmer Road
Longview, TX 75604
Diagram of Emergency Exits
Each staff member at Asbury House is required to receive a minimum of one hour of annual training
concerning physical and sexual child abuse awareness, issues regarding different types of abuse and
neglect, and warning signs that a child may be a victim of physical or sexual abuse or neglect.
Information is available by the sign in sheet at the front of the school to help increase parent awareness
of child abuse prevention techniques, as well as community organizations that have training programs
available to staff and parents. For further information on how to prevent, identify warning signs, and
report physical or sexual abuses or neglect, parents are encouraged to go online to:
Parents are always welcome to speak privately with staff members about concerns or questions they
might have about guidance and discipline with children. Staff members are willing and able to provide a
variety of positive guidance examples and techniques that parents can use.
If any staff member suspects child abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect, that same staff member is required
by Texas law to report their suspicions to the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.
Failure of any staff member to report suspected abuse to TDPRS or law enforcement is a crime.
If a parent or staff member wishes to obtain assistance,
intervention or to report possible abuses or neglect they
can call 1- 800- 252- 5400. The calls/reports can remain
Asbury House is licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. We will ensure that
we meet the minimum standards set by the childcare licensing division. A copy of our license and latest
inspection report will be displayed in the front entry, near the sign-in table. Copies of the latest fire,
health and gas inspections are available for the parents to view. Please ask the director to see these
inspections. The weekly menu will be posted in the kitchen and each classroom will post a copy of the
activity schedule and evacuation plan.
Parents are welcome to visit Asbury House at any time during our hours of operation to observe your
child, the center’s operation and program activities. If parents want to volunteer on a regular bases you
will need to speak to the director regarding the requirements, such as references, a background check
including an FBI fingerprint check, and possible TB test, which is required for all volunteers. Parents are
welcome to join their child for lunch or to help with school activities.
You may contact the local licensing office at (903) 233-5232 or go by 2130 Alpine Road in Longview, Texas
between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. You may go on-line to the TDPRS website at .
The policies and procedures of Asbury House are set by the state licensing standards and the Board of
Directors of Asbury House. If you have any questions regarding the policies and procedures of Asbury
House, you may discuss them with the director.

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