Ministries of the Alumni Board


Ministries of the Alumni Board
Winter ’07
of the
Alumni Board
Praying for the
school we love
View from the 9th floor
Michael Easley
One of the delightful aspects of
learning about Moody is how so
many of the alumni love the
Institute. I am not speaking of a
“fond appreciation” of your alma
mater; I am speaking of a rabid,
eager, almost fanatical love for
“the school that D.L. Moody
When I meet alumni I am
often asked, “How can we
help?” or “How can we pray?”
Consequently, I thought it
would be good to provide a list
of items that you might cut out
and place on your prayer list.
Personnel—As positions open,
we need to find the best people
possible. Many people want a
“job.” We need people who want
a “ministry.” Serving at Moody is
not merely a way to make a living; it’s a way to serve Christ
and His church. Pray also for
our employees to be encouraged
as they directly serve others on
campus and indirectly serve
around the world.
Stewardship—Moody has been
through difficult financial struggles. We are glad to report that
we ended our past year in the
“black,” but we urgently need
new friends to help support this
ministry. Pray that God will
move in the hearts of many new
friends to faithfully, consistently
and generously give to Moody.
Students—We have choice students in our undergraduate,
graduate, distance learning, and
aviation programs. Pray for their
singleness of focus as they prepare to serve Christ after graduation. Pray for their discipline,
integrity, and joy while they are
Trustees—Moody’s trustees are
the guardians of the Institute.
Thank the Lord for their generous support and helpful counsel.
Pray that the Lord will lead us to
new trustees who will have a
heart and passion to help Moody.
Professors—Pray for our undergraduate, graduate, and distancelearning professors. They are the
front line of the school. These
men and women need encouragement in their crucial role. (In
fact, why don’t you drop a note
of encouragement to one of your
“old” professors?)
Listeners—Over one million
people listen to Moody Broadcasting each week. Pray that
lives will be changed, that men
and women will come to Christ,
that believers will grow in their
Readers—As Moody Publishers
refines its excellent ministry, ask
the Lord to use these resources
far beyond our expectations.
And last, pray that we will
honor Christ, the one true King,
in all that we do. At the end of
the day, all glory, honor, and
attention is due the King.
Ps. 116:1-2 MA
Ministries of the
Alumni Board
View from the 9th floor:
Alumni of Moody Bible
Institute love their
school, and they are
ready to help and pray.
members. The ministries
are as varied as the individual members.
For your information:
Music groups from the
past and present firm up
plans; Dr. Joe Henriques
forms teams that look to
the future of Moody
Graduate School; Dr. Gary
Chapman on the bestseller
list with Five Love
Perspective: It is within
our various communities—the campus, the city
of Chicago, the world—
that we are obliged to
exemplify the love and
acceptance of Christ.
Ministries of the Alumni
Board: Read about the
various ministries the
members of the Alumni
Board are involved in
besides volunteering
their time as board
12 . . . Class News
18 . . . Marriages
20 . . . Births
22 . . . Present with the Lord
25 . . . Calendar
26 . . . Spring Music Tours
34 . . . Echoes
Winter 2007. Vol. 57 No. 1. Circulated to 22,000 Moody Bible Institute alumni. The purpose of the Moody Bible Institute Alumni Association is to facilitate
mutually beneficial relationships based on common Moody experiences and to serve as a vehicle for relevant ministry to alumni around the world. Published
quarterly by the Moody Bible Institute Alumni Association of Chicago at 820 North LaSalle Boulevard, Chicago IL 60610 and edited by the office of the Alumni
Association. Phone: 312-329-4412 or 1-800-DL MOODY (356-6639) ext. 4412. Fax: 312•329•8976.
Website address:
[email protected]. The MOODYAlumni magazine and the Moody Bible Institute Alumni Association reserve the right, in their sole and absolute discretion,
to reject and to accept and edit all solicited or unsolicited manuscripts. ©Copyright 2006 by the Moody Bible Institute, which reserves all rights. Reproduction,
in whole or part, in print or by electronic means, without permission, is prohibited.
2007 Alumni Board of Directors: president, Kathy (Winebrenner ’70) Russell; first vice-president, Hugo Pérez BA ’92; second vice-president, Gene Getz
’52; treasurer, Dariusz Brycko BA ’99; secretary, Judy (Marr ’78) Stewart; Deborah (Bergstrom ’81) Borland; E. Martene Craig ’56; Georgeann (Smart ’78)
Hiebert; Bonnie Ho MABS ’04; Ian B. Leitch ’69; Ricardo Peoples BSBS ’04; Clarence Shuler ’72-’75; George Verwer ’60.
Staff: executive director, Walter White, Jr. ’78; managing editor/website coordinator, Byron S. Fujii ’79 BA ’80; office coordinator, Millie (Swanson ’64)
Benson; project coordinator, Nancy (Andersen ’80) Hastings; class news editor, Charlie Mooney,
current MDiv student; Web associate, Eric Gauvin, current sophomore.
Address communication regarding editorial matters to Moody Alumni Office, 820 North LaSalle
Blvd., Chicago IL 60610. Managing Editor: Byron S. Fujii ’79 BA ’80; Design Concept: Dietsch
Associates; Design: Korzenowski Design; Editing and Production: Graphic and Editorial Services.
Ministries of the
Alumni Board
by Byron S. Fujii ’79 BA ’80,
managing editor
As you may or may not know, the Moody Alumni
Association celebrated its 90th anniversary last year.
The Moody Alumni Association was founded in
1916, when A.F. Gaylord, H.W. Pope, and
Dr. P.B. Fitzwater organized the Association.
The Alumni Association is a dynamic relationship
consisting of former students who share a common
spiritual heritage of biblical training through the Moody
Bible Institute. Our purpose is to facilitate mutually
beneficial relationships based upon those common MBI
experiences and to serve as a vehicle for relevant ministry
around the world.
We are honored to be able to serve our constituents,
making “intentional connections.” We praise God for
our students, alumni, and His work among them.
Following are some short descriptions of the diverse
ways that those working for you, through the
Alumni Association’s Board of Directors, are
impacting the Kingdom of Christ.
Right: Couples at a Romanian conference
where Ian Leitch was the speaker.
Below: Ian Leitch, teacher and evangelist
with The Heralds Trust in Scotland.
Internationally, Ian Leitch ’69,
Alumni Board member since 2002,
lives in Scotland and at heart is an
evangelist. He is involved in a
teaching and training ministry.
His ministry with The Heralds
Trust grew out of a gospel band
that started in the ’50s and ended
in the ’70s!
Ian holds weeklong Each One
Bring One outreaches with local
churches. All the events are based
around meals, breakfasts, coffee
mornings, lunches, barbeques, and
dinners. As the title indicates, the
Christians cannot attend an event
if they do not bring a nonChristian with them.
This results in Ian speaking to
a 50% non-Christian audience.
Response cards are filled out at the
end of each event offering a book
that will explain more about the
Christian life, a “just looking”
course for those who want to
go further, and a discipleship
course for those who prayed to
accept Christ.
One man who requested a book
wrote on his card, “I was not
looking forward to tonight but I
have had a good evening and
thanks for making me think.”
While a lady wrote, “I need
answers and I need them now.”
She signed up for the Just
Looking course.
On the “other side of the coin,”
Ian teaches a traveling Bible
school called New Life Seminars.
The classes run Monday through
Friday and consist of one subject
each evening and three lessons for
each subject. These have been
translated in Romanian, Albanian,
and Telugu (an Indian language).
Ian teaches these classes on a
regular basis through a translator.
He also teaches a school of
evangelism called Prepare 2 Share
over three weekends and three
levels for fifteen to thirty yearolds. The aim of these courses
is to produce Christians that
are “alive!”
Ian travels much of the year
and the various outreaches and
seminars give him unique
opportunities to reach out and
touch people. He is able to
encourage those brothers and
sisters in Christ, while sharing
the “Good News” with those
who are searching.
Left: A New Life
Seminar class in India,
taught by Ian Leitch.
Below: Teens bring a
friend to hear Ian Leitch
speak at an Each One
Bring One meeting.
Left: Ian Leitch addresses
a women’s Each One
Bring One.
Left: Mountain view of Antigua,
Guatemala, where the Stewarts
serve. Below: Judy, Glenn and Gary
Stewart, CAM missionaries.
Pastoral care
In another part of the world, Judy
(Marr ’78) Stewart, Alumni Board
member since 2003, and her
husband, Glenn BSMT ’78, are
involved with the member
(pastoral) care ministry of CAM
International in Guatemala,
Central America.
Besides touching base with their
own CAM missionaries, several
national missionaries, and
pastors, the Stewarts have
extended friendships with the
English speaking missionary
community in Guatemala.
In July, a veteran missionary,
Wilfred, had gone to the
Guatemala International airport to
pick up a colleague and was
assaulted two times on his way
back to the seminary. A bullet
hole in the passenger side door
was evidence of this evil act.
Within a few hours of this
incident, the
Stewarts were at
the seminary to
“debrief” him
and encourage him to tell his
story. They followed-up in the
next several days with phone calls
and visits, making sure Wilfred
was processing this event in a
positive way.
Chicken soup
Cammie, a long time friend of the
Stewart family, volunteers at an
orphanage for one month out of
the year. The Stewarts drive
across town to see her ministry,
visit, and encourage her.
Stephanie, a 25 year-old
missionary teacher, works in a
crime and gang infested
community outside of
Guatemala City. They have
befriended her and ministered
to her in various ways. They
Cammie VanRooy (right), orphanage
volunteer, with national co-corker.
have connected, by e-mail, with
her parents in Ohio and strive to
help Stephanie by being her
“parents away from home.”
Judy likens their ministry to a
“bowl of chicken soup,” “bandaid,” “Kleenex box,” or even an
“accomplishment certificate”
where they come along side of the
missionary community and lend
them a hand. They are there to
give missionaries encouragement
in their everyday experiences,
“holding up those pom-poms”
rooting for them to the finish line.
Human behavior
In 1999, when Alumni Board
first vice president Kathy
(Winebrenner ’70) Russell’s last
child went to college, God
prompted her to go back to
school and get her Masters in
mental health counseling. Since
that time she has begun her own
private counseling practice and
God has blessed her with many
ministry opportunities.
She has the privilege of
ministering to people with many
kinds of needs. The judge in her
county often tells a troubled
adolescent, during court, that
he will not set up another court
date until the individual has had
a number of sessions with Kathy.
She says, “It is challenging,
but rewarding, to work with
these teens.”
The judge often asks her to
appear in court or write her
opinions about child custody
cases and what should be done
with juvenile repeat offenders.
She also deals with sexual,
spousal, and drug abuses, as well
as out of control anger,
depression, eating disorders, and
death of a family member.
God ministering
The days when it is all worthwhile are when a depressed
client tells her that, on a scale
of 1 to 10, his sense of emotional
well-being has gone from a “2” to
an “8.” Or when a client comes
in and reports that her marriage
is “so good now.” The client
speaks of her husband in
admiring terms, as opposed to
the negative terms from earlier
counseling. Or when Kathy
shares the gospel and she knows
that the client has heard and
is impacted by
the truth.
Some days
Kathy comes
home very tired,
carrying with her
the horrendous
stories of people’s
Top: Kathy Russell, mental health
counselor. Bottom: Clients often tell
her they sense God’s presence in
Kathy Russell’s office.
suffering. But she knows that
God has gifted her to do this job,
and when she counsels, Kathy
knows that God’s Spirit is
ministering through her.
It is an awesome thing to
experience, and her clients
often tell her that they know
that God is in her office. “To
Him be the glory!!”
While dealing with the needs of her clients, Kathy
Russell often is able to share the gospel.
Walking to church on Sunday morning
to preach, Dariusz is struck by God’s
beautiful landscape on the Central
Plateau in Haiti.
and domestic
Dariusz Brycko BA ’99, Alumni
Board treasurer and Polish
national, feels that there are
many responsibilities in the
Body of Christ. “However, the
one I feel called to do is
teaching,” he says. “I have
dedicated many years of my life
to education so that I can be
well prepared to train the new
generation of evangelical pastors
and leaders.”
While working on his
doctorate, he has had many
occasions to be involved in
various church ministries and
short-term missions trips. He is
very thankful for them because
they have helped him to stay
connected to the life of the
Church despite the long
hours dedicated to research
and writing.
Over the last few years, he
has been able to preach as well
as teach adult Sunday school
in Grand Rapids. He has also
traveled to Haiti to work in local
missionary schools.
university students and deliver
some academic papers in major
Polish universities. In May, he
traveled to Eastern Ukraine
where he taught an intensive
course in church history at the
Baptist Seminary. The students
consisted of Ukrainian and
Russian men of varying ages.
They were all part-time students
who gather every few weeks for
an intensive seminary course,
usually taught by an American
instructor. They were very
excited to have a Polish
instructor, a fellow European
(and Slav).
The highlight of this last
summer was putting together
a short-term mission team to
Poland with his Michigan pastor.
Dariusz is in the final year
of his Ph.D. studies at Calvin
Theological Seminary (MI). He
is looking forward to the tasks
and teaching opportunities that
lay ahead of him.
No place like home
Last year, his dissertation
research took him back to
Poland where he was able to
lead theology workshops for
Dariusz Brycko (right) and students listen
to a presentation by a class member.
Serving the community
The filing deadline for
candidates was about two
weeks away. For a year and a
half, Brad Meeder ’79, on the
Board since 1991, had been
considering a run for his local
public school board. He
believed a fresh perspective,
focused on academic excellence
and fiscal integrity, was needed.
His enthusiasm had greatly
waned. The previous six
months had been tense in the
airline industry, and specifically
at American Airlines, the
company for which he works.
Two American Airlines aircraft
had been used in the
September 11th attacks. Within
months of that tragic day, the
‘shoe bomber’, Richard Reid,
attempted to take down
another American flight over
the Atlantic, and an American
Airbus 300 crashed shortly
Brad Meeder, president of
his local school board.
after takeoff from Kennedy airport
on Long Island.
to a five-person board. On July 1,
2002, they were sworn in and for
the next four years, Brad served as
president of the board.
Their board meetings were
always opened with the pledge
of allegiance followed by prayer.
Following his third meeting, a
gentleman approached the board
attorney and said, “Please tell
your board president I was greatly
offended. I’m Jewish and I don’t
appreciate hearing a prayer in
a public place in the name
of Christ.”
You talkin’ to me?
Brad sat in the Moody Church
auditorium that evening in
February 2002, looking forward to
the next few days of Founder’s
Week. Then MBI President Joseph
Stowell was scheduled to deliver
the keynote address on the theme,
“Light the Night.” The next day
would be ‘Alumni Day’, and his
Alumni Board responsibilities
would have him interacting with
new and old friends. Thoughts of
running for school board were
fading fast.
He doesn’t remember anything
of the music from that evening.
Joe Stowell spoke on the theme of
salt and light, “It seems to me if
you and I are salt in our world
then we slow down the decay and
spoilage where we are. We just
kind of preserve the environment.
We run for school boards, for city
councils, for state senates and
United States Congress so that
we can bring the preserving reality
of the truth of God back into a
culture that has long ago
discarded the truth of God.”
High road
About the same time, their
superintendent was recommending they send a number of
administrators to a conference
which Brad discovered would
have pressed for lifestyle
curriculum running quite counter
to Christianity. His mind began
racing with images of every
possible radical group picketing
their meetings protesting his
prayers and positions.
He was able to garner board
opposition to the conference and
prayed in the name of Christ to
the end.
Two weeks later, his paperwork
was in, and Brad was in the
running. May 7th he was elected
along with two other newcomers
Rough road
He’d like to report it was four
years of great accomplishments
and smooth sailing. In reality,
while he believes many significant
improvements were put in place, it
was not without frustration. They
encountered great resistance to
change from many administrators
and teachers. Brad brought in the
State Board of Accounts for a
special audit and they confirmed
their discovery of illegal vouchers
and receipting.
Anonymous letters arrived at
his home, some threatening and
mostly full of lies.
Be ye faithful…
At a time like that, it’s easy to
question the value of the effort.
Fellow Alumni Board member,
Dave Rodriquez ’78, reminded
him that implementing justice on
Earth is a task God has for us.
During one particularly difficult
stretch, Wes Taber ’76-’76, an
MBI alum and elder at Brad’s
church, pointed him to Psalm 77.
David was in distress, but then
remembered the faithfulness of
God in the past, and was assured
of His faithfulness in the future.
God remained faithful to Brad
and his family. He gave Brad the
opportunity to demonstrate grace
in a sometimes hostile
environment and to be salt and
light to his community.
Dr. Gene Getz hosts the
radio program Renewal.
Since Dr. Gene A. Getz ’52,
second year Board member,
passed the leadership baton as
senior pastor to his successor at
Fellowship Bible Church North,
he now devotes himself full-time
to serving as president of the
Center for Church Renewal.
This includes a ministry of
writing and broadcasting.
One of his main priorities is a
15-minute daily radio program
Refocusing local body
For more than 52 years,
Redwood Chapel Community
Church in Castro Valley CA held
a Sunday evening service. Yet, in
recent years, with changes in
senior pastoral leadership and a
great increase in other ministry
meetings and small group
options, the church prayerfully
questioned whether to continue
the Sunday night service. In June
of this year they decided to take a
two-month hiatus from any
Sunday night meetings to
prayerfully re-evaluate how they
should use this “prime real
estate,” if at all.
God blessed their focused
prayer and led them to launch a
new “school of life and ministry”
that they call EQUIP. Alumni
called Renewal. He features
people who have unusual
stories that demonstrate
God’s grace.
For example, recently Dr. Getz
interviewed Leslie Haskin, a highpowered executive with the
Kemper Insurance Company.
Leslie survived 9/11. She was on
the 36th floor of the first tower
of the World Trade Center. As a
result of severe post-traumatic
stress that almost incapacitated
her, she became a believer and is
now serving the homeless in New
York City.
His other priority is completing a
Bible project using the Holman
Christian Standard Bible. He’s
writing “Principles to Live By”
from Genesis to Revelation that
will be imbedded in the Biblical
text. He’s also teaching these
principles as he writes.
One can go to, click on
“Principles to Live By” and
download his notes each week.
His radio program, Renewal, can
be heard daily. He hopes Moody
alumni will join him.
Board president Doug Tegner ’76
BA ’78 was the church elder that
lead the process and design of
EQUIP. Each quarter they now
offer 6-10 courses that simultaneously run 6 or 12 weeks
long, and are designed for
training and preparation for
ministry within the family,
church, community, or around
the world.
Music Reading Introduction.
Doug notes, “The participation
is awesome! People who have
never attended a Sunday evening
service are joining in with
enthusiasm and with purpose.”
Doug also is the interim
Oversight Pastor for Youth and
College working directly with
the church’s high school and
college age young people on a
weekly basis.
Admin and teaching
Doug teaches one of the
EQUIP courses that
include Intro to Church
History, Life Lessons from
Narnia (for children and
their parents), Friendship
Evangelism, Spiritual Gifts
Assessment, Lifetime
Financial Wisdom, and
Doug Tegner is very active in his church’s ministry to young people.
Hugo Pérez (right) has been mentoring
Ben Rosado (from Hugo’s Chicago
church) for many, many years. This
past summer, Ben came to live with
Hugo to intern at Hugo’s workplace,
Astrazeneca. Ben still works there.
Church involvement
For years Hugo Pérez BA ’92,
second vice president of the
Alumni Board, had been involved
with many critical ministries at
his church in Chicago.
Over the years, he has been
honored to serve the Lord as the
worship producer, small groups
director, young adults director,
VBS director, high school coordinator, drama team director and
anything else the pastor at Good
News Bible Church needed. In
addition, he served for years as a
deacon and even spent two years
as church chairman.
But that all changed last year.
Unexpectedly, and in what seems
like a whirlwind, Hugo switched
jobs and, for the first time in
his life, moved away from
Chicago. He never thought
that would happen.
New setting
In his new home in Philadelphia (which he still considers
temporary…still praying to
get back to Chicago), life has
been much different.
Because of his heavy travel
schedule for work, Hugo has not
been able to be a part of any
church on a very consistent
basis. Actually, he finds himself
attending services in different
cities or parts of the country all
of the time. He enjoys his new
job but misses his ministry and
connection to his home church.
New ministry
But God has opened a new way
for Hugo to use his gifting and
skills. He has become quite a
mentor and consultant in the
last year. And that has been
very fulfilling.
Since he is away from his
home in Chicago, and not really
able to join another church,
many opportunities have popped
up for him to assist people
back at Good News with
their ministries.
Hugo has been offering
advice and counsel, mentoring
a couple of the new leaders,
and providing guidance and
ideas. Those opportunities have
been a lot of fun for him. It’s a
different way for him to be
involved in ministry, but one
that, nonetheless, he prays, still
glorifies the Lord.
Big brother
And it hasn’t been just in
ministry roles. It seems that
absence has made “the heart
grow fonder” for many of the
young people at his home
church. He has found himself
being a “big brother” over the
Internet and via phone to many
of Good News’ new college kids.
He has been able to provide
advice and counsel to several of
the young guys at the church
from a distance.
So, even though he doesn’t
technically have an “official”
ministry during this season in
his life, God has been good to
give Hugo many opportunities to
serve Him over a great distance.
Reaching Out
The gifts, talents, and skills of the members of the Alumni Board are as
varied as the people themselves. They reach out to God’s people whether
internationally, domestically, at work, or at church. The common bond,
other than being graduates of “the school that D.L. Moody founded,” is
that each one is being used of God in a unique and distinctive way
for His honor and glory and for the edification of the saints. MA
Kevin Paszalek MABS ’98
and his wife, Linda, will be
moving from a 23-year ministry at Southway
Community Church in
Houston TX to the mission
field in Kijabe, Kenya with
They will be training
Kenyan pastors at Moffat
College of Bible.
5, 2004, in Holland.
Alumni in the wedding
were Becca Pettinger BA
’04 and Aaron Nelson Cope
BA ’03. Alumni who
attended the wedding were
Emily (Murphy BA ’04)
Cope, Ashley Gore BA ’04,
Hanna (Diedrich BA ’05)
Miller, Stephanie Clark
(current senior), and Dave
Clark BA ’03.
Brian Keith Roberts ES ’86’90 is an elder at St. John’s
Church of God in Christ at
Newport News VA.
He also owns a music
company, called
Professional Sound.
Andrew Duane Wright BA
’02 is the senior pastor and
church planter of River
Community Church in Dell
Rapids SD.
He and his wife, Megan,
were married in August
Elizabeth,Scott and Gabe Nelson
Scott and Elizabeth (Carter
MABS ’97) Nelson are small
group leaders at Harvest
Bible Church in
Schaumburg IL.
Following the birth of
their first child, Gabe John,
in February 2006, Elizabeth
resigned her position as the
director of strategic services
at AWANA Clubs International.
Scott is a video game programmer for Midway
Young-Eun Kim MAIS ’05
serves at Gloria Korean
Presbyterian Church.
Elizabeth Leigh (Pennington
BS ’00) Golic and her husband, Mathew, have adopted a son, Benjamin Min Ho.
They were married in
2001 and have two other
children, Jack (4) and
Henry (3). Elizabeth is a
Matt Satorious BA ’04 is the
owner of a web-support
company, as well being the
NextGen audio director at
Willow Creek Community
Matt has also been a parttime announcer for WMBI
since 2002.
Laura Elizabeth (Dixon BMus
’04) Strickling has just graduated with a master’s degree
from the Peabody Institute
of Johns Hopkins
She and her husband,
Taylor, moved to the Washington DC area, where
Laura has started a new job
with the National
Association of Schools of
Music. Taylor is in law
school at Georgetown
Shannon Mary Miller BA ’03
works as an account representative for Yellow Book.
Kenneth D. Hurne BA ’05 is
studying at Grace Theological Seminary toward his
Daniel Jack Ransom BA ’03
is a graduate student at
Theological Seminary.
Daniel and Erin (Sturley
BA ’04) were married in
June 2004.
Matthew Neal BA ’02 is the
spiritual formation director
and 8th-11th grade Bible
teacher at Calvary Schools
of Holland MI.
His wife, Rachael
Suzanne (Bartlett BA ’04), is
a development assistant at
Holland Rescue Mission.
They were married June
Amanda Beth Owens BA ’05
is a development delay
teacher for the Estill County
Board of Education.
“Making intentional connections”
Matthew J. Roop BA ’05 is
the first assistant golf professional at Eagle Creek
Golf and Country Club in
Naples FL.
Brian Lee Writebol BA ’05 is
a maintenance specialist for
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Brian married Esther
Chapple in June 2004.
Susan “Sue” Cole BA ’90
serves as a missionary with
Children’s Haven, an afterschool program for children
and teens.
She has been with Children’s Haven since 1990.
Jennifer (Thomson ’91-’92)
Wagner is the human
resources manager for
Fresh, Inc.
She and her husband,
Gary, were married in
August 2003.
Alumni in the wedding
were Amanda (Sheldrake
’90-’92) Groat and Dana
(Williams ’91-’92)
Maranatha reunion: Jonathan and Beth Eckstein, Paul Johnson,
Brooke Kent-Nolen, and Stephanie Wilson.
Nolen, Stephanie Wilson BA
’97, and John BA ’97 and
Bethany (Jaworski BA ’98)
Eckstein all met Moody
board member, Paul
The Ecksteins are missionaries with SEND International; Stephanie is now a
counselor; and Brooke
works in publicity for a
Christian book publishing
Sheri Felty
Sheri Felty BA ’91 is a
physical education teacher
for missionary “kids”
(MKs) for TEAM at the
Evangelical Christian
Kenneth BSMT ’93 and Lori
(Baker ’88-’91) Smoll
returned to the U.S. in
2005 after living in
Nairobi, Kenya, for three
They have worked with
Samaritan’s Purse and AIM,
and Ken now works for
Cessna Aircraft’s single
engine plant in Independence KS.
They have three children:
Anna (7), Collin (5), and
Elise (2).
Amanda Hoadley ’92-’94 is a
division secretary for
Indiana University East in
Richmond IN.
A few alumni met at the
Moody Week at Maranatha
in July 2006.
Brooke (Kent BA ’97)
Jarod and Jennifer Ebenhack family
Phyllis (Smith ’95-’95)
Asinyanbi is a medical
Jarod BA ’98 and
Jennifer (Jordan BA ’00)
Ebenhack work with
Kids Alive International
in Cap Haitien, Haiti,
establishing children’s
homes for orphaned and
abandoned children.
“Making intentional connections”
They have five children,
three of whom they are
adopting from Haiti. Their
biological children are Dora
(2) and Brendan (1). Their
adoptive children are Justin
(8), Jaden (8), and Daphne
Sean BA ’98 MDiv ’03 and
Kimberly (Goppert BA ’96)
Doyle are serving short-term
with TEAM in Zimbabwe,
Africa until summer.
Sean is lecturing at Harare
Theological College and
helping to plant a church.
Kim serves in the mission’s
main office.
They have a three year old
son, Ethan.
Jonathan also works
part- time in real estate,
and Amy practices photography.
They have three children: Evan (5), Macy (3),
and Nathan (1).
Craig Hollander BSMT ’99
is a pilot and mechanic for
He and his wife, Christa
(Waterman BA ’96), have
two children, Faith (3)
and Sean (1).
Mark and Wendy Correll family
Mark and Wendy (Norton
’84) Correll attend a
Mennonite church in
West Virginia.
Mark works in treatment planning at a radiation therapy department,
and Wendy homeschools
six of their seven children.
Anna Ruth Scott ’98-’00 is
a contract technician for
Jonathan BA ’99 and Amy
Noel (Elrod BA ’00) Fulmer
live in Elizabethton TN,
where Jonathan is a fulltime fire fighter.
Darryl E. Harris ’80 is
pursuing a Doctor of
Musical Arts at the
University of Southern
He received a master’s
of music in orchestra
conducting from the
Cleveland Institute of
Music and a bachelor’s
from Case Western
Reserve University.
Jon and Amy Fulmer family
Nancy and Jerry Smith
Gerald “Jerry” ’85 and
Nancy K. (Rinker ’85) Smith
both serve at InterVarsity’s
Cedar Campus on Lake
Huron in Cedarville MI.
Nancy works in food service, and Jerry works on
the facilities team.
David L. BA ’86 and Lauri
(Watts ’86-’87) Bateman are
planting Vineyard Community Church in
Charleston SC.
“Making intentional connections”
Leslie Schuster BA ’06 ,
Don Eenigenburg ’78 , Kristi
Robinson BA ’06, Sue
(Downey ’78) Eenigenburg,
Carolyn Kraft MABS ’95,
and, Moody faculty member,
Dr. Kyeong-Sook Park ’82 .
Mark and Lisa Roder family
Rob Styler
Rob Styler ’86 has been
appointed director of missions for CJFM (The Jewish
Christian Fellowship
Rob and his wife Sharon
have been involved in
Jewish ministry since he
graduated from Moody.
He is also continuing his
drama ministry, 2nd Adam.
Ed Lowe ’73 received a
DMin degree from Trinity
Episcopal School for
Ministry in Pittsburgh in
May of 2006.
He is married to Cathy
(Cionca ’72).
Seth (6), and Scott (9).
Lisa and Mark were married June 25, 1994.
Deborah Jean (Fish BA ’88)
Sweetland is the secretarytreasurer for Sweetland
A number of alumni from
several decades were
together at the Christar
New Personnel Banquet in
June 2006.
They are (LtoR) Jim
March BA ’99, Ken Hoffman
Thomas E. Zinn ’87-’88 is the
director of business development for Compucat USA,
He and his wife, Syddia,
formerly served with MAF,
but left due to health reaJames ’70-’71 and Jan
(Haag ’84) Mulvihill are on
a one-year furlough from
the mission field of Belize,
Central America. They
serve with Child
Evangelism Fellowship.
Their children are James
Lisa Jane (Greco ’89-’90)
II (14) and Janelle (11).
Roder and her husband
Mark have four children:
Shayna Faith (2), Sarah (4),
Christar banquet
Oliver and Linda (Snyder ASP
’75) Williams will be going to
the U.S. Sending Center for
Christar in Reading PA.
They spent the last 121/2
years in Leicester, England,
working with a church planting ministry among the
Indian community.
Barb Lefebvre, Joy Gardner and
Ann Henderson
Barb (Snyder ’74-’75, ’77)
Lefebvre, Joy (Lindquist ’77)
“Making intentional connections”
Gardner, and Ann (Bathke
’77) Henderson had a
reunion in Milwaukee WI
in August 2006 after 31
Barb lives in Muskego
WI, Joy in White Bear Lake
MN, and Ann in Bentonville AR.
Charles B. Hewlett ’61
was honored recently for
40 years of faithful service
at Pine Creek Mission
Baptist Church in
Independence IA.
The church closed its
doors in 2005, and
Charles is now the associate pastor of First Baptist
Church, also in
Daniel and Gloria Suttles
with Hannah
Daniel Suttles ’75 is the
associate music minister at
Tate Springs Baptist
Church in Arlington TX.
He graduated from
Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary with
a doctorate in music in
May 2006.
He is married to Gloria
and has one daughter,
Hannah (7).
Paul and Carolyn Brooks family
retired elementary school
Paul worked with the
Muscatine Community
School District for over
30 years and is now on
the school board.
His wife, Carolyn (Beth
’63), has recently retired
after 25 years in the
offices at Calvary Church.
They have six grandchildren with one on the
In July 2006, several
alumni met in Kijabe,
Kenya, at the Rift Valley
(LtoR) Jean (Pontier
’77) Morse, Charlotte
(Bisset ’61) Abendroth,
Virginia “Ginger”
(Schwepker ’61) Luber,
John Barnett ’61, Paul
Barnett ’61, Ellen (Smith
’61) Cook, and Herb
Bernard Cook ’60.
Paul Brooks ’63 is a
their 40th wedding
anniversary in June 2006.
Hank practices full-time
mental health counseling.
Jeanette is a homemaker.
Renee and Arthur Killey
Hank and Jeannette Winters
Henry “Hank” ’64 and
Jeannette (Kniffen ’64’65) Winters celebrated
Alumni at Rift Valley
Arthur V. Killey ’66 has
retired from a career in
broadcast television and
satellite network operation
with Allstate Insurance Co.
Following his graduation
from Moody, he and his
wife, Beverly “Renee”
Killey guild ’62-’65, joined
the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and served
in that ministry for five
For the next 25 years,
Arthur helped with the
“Making intentional connections”
ministry of Dr. Henry
Brandt, eventually also
seeking outside employment. His television experience started with a
remote television production truck, followed by a
UHF broadcast station. He
moved to corporate television in the telemedia facilities of Arthur Anderson &
Co., then in 1990 began
working with Allstate.
Arthur and Renee recently celebrated their 45th
wedding anniversary.
In the summer of 2006,
Leland ’66 and Marcia
(Baker ’67) Hovingh hosted
a visit in Kenya by Doug
’67 and Michal Ann (Bates
’67) Swank.
The Hovinghs have
served with AIM in Kenya
for 30 years while the
Swanks have ministered in
several churches, mostly in
Phoenix, AZ.
Frank and Lois (Lundgren
’54) Payne celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary
with a luau on July 3, 2006,
at Golden Hills Community
Church in Brentwood CA.
Their three daughters and
families and Millicent
Liccardi ’53 joined other
relatives and guests at the
Frank and Lois are very
active in Gideon International, Child Evangelism
Fellowship, and their
Hugh McCraw, the husband
of Margaret (Roberts ’57)
McCraw, passed away.
Quay Reiser
Quay F. Reiser, Jr. ’66 is
with the Fellowship of
Christian Firefighters
He has served in chaplaincy ministry in both
hospitals and fire departments and has produced
a gospel tract for firemen, entitled My Life for
He is also currently the
tennis coach for a high
He and his wife, Camilla
(Schut ’57), have four children and eight grandchildren.
Sylvia Scholz
Sylvia (Zick ’32) Scholz celebrated her 100th birthday
on June 18, 2006.
Sylvia lives with her
daughter, Marge. MA
Dirk and Camilla Van Dam
Dirk Van Dam ’54 has been
awarded the Wright
Brothers Master Pilot award
by the FAA for 50+ years of
safe flying.
Dirk left the position
as the director of Moody
Aviation in 1983 and
became owner of an air
charter company. He
has since retired to Dixon
Swanks and Hovinghs
Alumni in the wedding
party were Anthony
“Tony” Livigni BA ’03 and
Jeff Bayne BA ’03 MASF
David Spruill and Rebecca
“Becky” Schafer BA ’98,
June 17, 2006, Pewaukee
Alumni at the wedding
were Aaron BA ’01 and Jodi
(McReynolds BA ’96 MGS
’02-’03) Bauer.
Carlen and Kathryn Busenitz
Carlen Dale Busenitz BA ’03
and Kathryn “Katie” Sarah
Shumaker BA ’04, May 29,
2004, Delta OH.
Alumni in the wedding
were Sarah (Wiersma BA
’05) Starnes, Rachel
Busenitz BA ’04, Jonathan
Byler BA ’04, Russell
Shumaker (current junior),
Daniel Bair BA ’05, Angela
Busenitz BA ’06, Amber
Allan BA ’04, Allister Blake
BA ’05, Sharon “Debbie”
Blake BA ’05, Brady Jo Gott
BA ’05, Shireen Orr BA ’04,
Eric Johnson BA ’01, Alan
Busenitz BA ’98, Melvin
Busenitz (current junior),
Cheryl Busenitz BA ’03,
Matt Beery BA ’02, Amber
(Busenitz BA ’02) Beery,
Marcus Busenitz BA ’04,
and Sarah (Shults BA ’04)
Carlen and Katie have
settled in rural Kansas,
where Carlen farms. They
both serve and teach in
their local church.
Julie and Elias Madiera
Elias Madiera and Julie
Kacena BA ’99, May 2006.
Elias and Julie are serving God by working with
the poor in São Paulo,
Luke Flintoff and Michele
Karin Chakalis BA ’01,
January 14, 2006,
Columbus OH.
Alumni in the wedding
were Larissa Boland BA ’01
and Brent Johnson BA ’03.
Joel Mark Gentz BA ’03 and
Helen Ono, June 3, 2006,
Woodburn IL.
Evan Daniel Burns BA ’04
and Kristie Lea Kleinow
BA ’05, January 14, 2006,
Peoria IL.
Alumni in the wedding
party were Mike Wagner
BA ’06, Scott Thoutenhoff
BA ’04, Nick Rendelman
BA ’04, Sarah Jean Bainbridge BA ’04, Kristen
Pope BA ’06, and Sarah
Goldstein BA ’05.
Christopher and Lisa
Christopher Cashman BA
’04 and Lisa Larson, April
8, 2006, Chicago IL.
Lisa is a current
employee of Moody.
Alumni in the wedding
were Corey Fifield BA ’06,
Kevin Walker BA ’05, Tim
Wisner (current MDiv), Ron
Hunt ’82, Serene Velasco
BA ’00 MAIS ’01, Troy
“Making intentional connections”
’04) Newell, Paula
Hendricks ’05, and Sara
(Mortenson BA ’03) Collins.
John and Karen Olson
John Olson BA ’06 and
Karen Hardy BA ’06, June
17, 2006, Damascus OR.
Alumni present at the
wedding were Donald ’52
and Nancy (Hamilton ’52)
Aubrey, Steven BA ’79 and
Beth (Aubrey ’79) Hardy,
Paul Aubrey ’83-’84, Ben
BA ’99 and Amy (Olson BA
’00) Merchant, Sara Olson
BA ’02, Jennifer (Ruyle BA
’05) Tierney, and Thomas
Desmond (current senior).
John currently works for
WMBI, and Karen works
for MBI Public Relations. MA
Kara and Georg Freitag
Georg Freitag BA ’04 and
Kara Moody, June 17, 2006,
Riverside CA.
Alumni in the wedding
party were Joshua Moody
’01-’04, Benjamin Wilson
BA ’05, Kailoni (Moody BA
’04) Rhodea, and Natalie
Nyquist BSBS ’05.
Georg is teaching Bible
classes at a Christian
school in Redlands CA.
Timothy Robert Sheppard
BA ’06 and Emily Grace
Mogler ’04-’06, July 22,
2006, Bedford IA.
Timothy is a fifth grade
teacher at a Christian
Career Development
has resources
for YOU.
The Moody Career Development Center serves students,
graduates, and alumni by connecting them with prospective ministry opportunities
and employers. How do we do
this? We offer you a variety of
Billow BA ’90 MAMin ’93,
Keith Hoste BA ’05,
Christine (Davis BA ’04)
Malan, Rosendo Valdéz
’86-’86, Barrett Marcantel
BA ’04, and Christopher
Yuan BA ’05.
Alumni who attended
the wedding were Alicia
(VanHuysteen) Marcantel
(current senior), Heidi L.
(Hoste BA ’06) Marquez,
Christina Billow BA ’92,
Heidi (Vang BA ’03) Hoste,
Ben Malan BA ’05, Debra
Ann (Bara ’76 BA ’78)
Ekerholm, Dick Epps ’64,
Joseph James Hendrickson
BA ’04, Eric BA ’02 and
Isabel (Zeng ’00-’05)
Hodges, Brian Hodges BA
’04,Chris Cundiff BA ’02,
and Daniel Down BA ’02.
Faculty member, Dr.
Elizabeth Lightbody, was
also present.
• The Referral Service
• The Job Bulletin
• Career Counseling
• Self-Assessment Testing
• Research Tools
• Network of Support
The Resource People
Amy and Daniel Yoder
Amy Lynne Zastempa BA
’03 and Daniel Yoder, May
6, 2006, Hudson OH.
Alumni in the wedding
were Sarah (Swanson BA
[email protected]
website: http://
at Michigan State
University’s College of
Human Medicine.
To Harold BA ’88 and
Celeste (DeWeerd ’88)
Cochran, a daughter,
Jubilee Caroline, June 13,
She joins her siblings,
Ben (16), Nathan (14),
Josiah (12), Charis (9),
Davita (7), and Gabriel (4).
Harold is a reverse mortgage consultant and
Celeste homeschools their
younger children.
To Steven ’94-’94 and Lori
Kirst, a daughter, Sarah
Grace, December 6, 2005.
Anna Margaret McCready
Chara and Nathan Roy Walters
To Matt and Lauri Ann
(Peterson ’95) Walters, a
son, Nathan Roy Garrett,
July 31, 2006.
Nathan joins his sister,
Chara Norbertha Leigh (3).
Matt is an electrician,
and Lauri stays home with
Nathan and Chara.
Elaine Frances Daniels
To Darren ’90-’91 and Alice
(Nichols BA ’91) Daniels, a
daughter, Elaine Frances,
December 12, 2005.
Elaine joins her sister,
Lucy (3).
She is the granddaughter
of Charles ’53 and Lois
(Huesbscher ’55) Nichols.
To Chris BA ’97 and Christina Holmes, a daughter,
Lillian Kahler, May 30,
Chris is an assistant professor of systematic theology and ethics at Providence
Theological Seminary in
Manitoba CAN.
To Dean BA ’93 and Sally
(McFarlane ’89) McFarlaneParrott, a son, Joshua John
Fredrick, July 6, 2006.
Joshua joins his sister,
Clara Catherine.
Both Dean and Sally are
completing medical degrees
To Mark and Wendy
(Emmons BA ’99)
McCready, a daughter,
Anna Margaret McCready,
September 11, 2005.
Mark is the pastor of
Bancroft Bible Chapel.
To Mark and Kendra
(Brainard BA ’00) Debowski,
a son, Thatcher Luke, May
16, 2006.
After attending GordonConwell Theological
Seminary and graduating
with an MA in counseling,
Kendra and her husband of
seven years, Mark, moved
to Naples FL, where Mark
is the associate pastor of
Center Point Community
Kendra works as a parttime mental health therapist.
“Making intentional connections”
To Marshall Ollie BA ’02
and Amberley Joy (Arpke
BA ’02) Almarode, a son,
Marshall Scott, October
26, 2004.
Heidi Hemilich
To Timo BA ’01 and
Manuela (Kopte BA ’01)
Heimlich, a daughter,
She joins her brother,
Robert and sister, Emily.
To Byron BA ’02 and Sarah
(Hamrick BA ’02) Dickey, a
son, Silas Kaden, June 6,
Byron is a youth pastor
at Calvary Baptist Church
in Turlock CA.
Savannah Millheim
Millheim, a daughter,
Savannah, March 14, 2005.
They also have one son,
Michael (4).
To Mike and Christy Ann
(Ryan BA ’02) Peterson, a
son, Jacob Michael, April
20, 2006.
Mike and Christy were
married July 5, 2005.
To Neal and Johanna Joy
(Streed ’00-’02) Wildgen, a
daughter, Elya Josie.
She joins her brother,
Owen (2).
To Daniel BA ’01 and
Melissa (Martin BA ’00)
M ake plans now to attend
one of these MBI conferences!
For more information visit
A growing
Walk Worthy
Living Hope
Founder’s Week
with Dr. Gary Chapman
Marriage Retreat
Men’s Conference
Women’s Conference
February 16-17, 2007
February 24, 2007
April 21, 2007
February 5-10, 2007
May 21-24, 2007
2007 Season
Lincolnshire, IL
Lincolnshire Marriott Resort
Chagrin Falls, OH
Parkside Church
Chagrin Falls, OH
Parkside Church
Chicago, IL
The Moody Church
Chicago, IL
Moody Bible Institute
Gary & Barbara Rosberg
Dennis Swanberg
Bruce Carroll
Michael Easley
Patrick Morley
Daren Streblow
Harry Swayne
George Waddles
Liz Curtis Higgs
Anita Lustrea
Jennifer Rothschild
Melinda Schmidt
Lisa Whelchel
Alicia Williamson
Mark Bailey
Alistair Begg
Michael Easley
James Ford
Gene Getz
David Gibbs
Stanley Toussaint
March 3, 2007
April 28, 2007
St. Charles, IL
Christ Community Church
St. Charles, IL
Christ Community Church
Bruce Carroll
Michael Easley
Jack Graham
Daren Streblow
Harry Swayne
George Waddles
Lois Evans
Liz Curtis Higgs
Anita Lustrea
Melinda Schmidt
Eva Self
Alicia Williamson
John Ankerberg
Louis Barbieri
Alistair Begg
Michael Easley
Tom Fortson
Bob Fu
John Hannah
Joe Henriques
John Koessler
Ian Leitch
John MacArthur
Samuel Naaman
Marvin Newell
Luis Palau
Haddon Robinson
Jan. 20
Jan. 27
Feb. 3
Feb. 17
Feb. 24
Mar. 3
Mar. 10
Mar. 17
Mar. 31
Apr. 14
Sept. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Nov. 3
Nov. 10
Aiken, SC
Kansas City, MO
Bloomington, IN
Joplin, MO
Wichita Falls, TX
Panama City, FL
Vancouver, B.C.
Slidell, LA
Madison, WI
Louisville, KY
Clarksville, TN
Richland Hills, TX
Jonesboro, AR
Wichita, KS
Yorktown, VA
Lancaster, OH
“Making intentional connections”
Kenneth A. Nelson ’23,
January 20, 2005.
He is survived by his
wife, Audrey.
Robert Boyd Munger ’33,
Februrary 16, 2001, age
90, Pasadena CA.
Gavin Roberts Karsies
To Joel and Kristin R.
(Sigmon BA ’03) Karsies, a
son, Gavin Roberts, June
28, 2006.
To Joseph and Sarah
(Porch ’00-’03) Dixon, a
son, David, April 25, 2006.
Joseph and Sarah have
two other children, Narvie
“Michael” and Emilee
Anna Routh.
ed others. At the age of 75,
they moved to Grand
Haven MI, where they
taught and preached in
churches as needed.
He is survived by his
wife; four children, including Linda (Opitz ’73)
Bever; nine grandchildren;
and four great-grandchildren.
Florence Rose (Chamberlain ’39) Rudduck, Mesa
Daniel and Liam Thomas
To Daniel BA ‘04 and
Laurie Hawley, a son,
Liam Thomas Hawley,
April 24, 2006.
Daniel is a teacher at
Burlingame Intermediate
School. MA
Stella Mary Taylor
Stella Mary Taylor ’37,
September 2, 2006, age
Stella married William
’37 on September 3, 1934,
and they left Atlanta GA
on that day for Chicago in
order to attend Moody.
Following Moody, they
both studied at Wheaton.
Stella and William went
on to serve as lifetime
missionaries (1938-1997)
with CAM International in
Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
Guatemala, Spain, and the
Stella was preceded
death by William.
Charles Irving Opitz ’39,
May 21, 2006, age 90,
Grand Haven MI.
In the 65 years that
Charles and his wife,
Gladys, were married, he
pastored a number of
churches, and they plant22
Cecile E. (Hess ’41)
Lindsey, October 22, 2006,
age 88, Plymouth MN.
She was preceded in
death by her husband,
Chester Ray ’41.
Frances Lucille (Kongable
’41) Wilhite, October 4,
2006, age 89, Iowa City
Frances was a supporter
of foreign missions and
taught child evangelism
classes. She was also active
in her church in Deep
River IA and in the East
Iowa Bible Camp.
She was preceded in
death by her husband of
53 years, Ellis.
She is survived by one
daughter and four grandchildren.
Burton Charles Reed ’42,
February 15, 2006, age 89.
Burton had a ministry of
visitation for 30 years until
retiring due to illness in
He was preceded in
death by his wife, Meryl L.
(Grieve ’38), in February of
Present with the Lord
secretary for Sterling
Insurance Co. in Chicago
for seven years. She then
worked for another firm
in North Manchester IN
for 35 years. She also
served as the secretary
for her church for 10
Elsie Burkholder guild ’48’49, March 5, 2005.
She was preceded in
death by her husband,
Thomas ’49.
James Rader Hawkins
James Rader Hawkins ’42’43, December 20, 2005.
He and his wife, Anna
Rose (Delia ’43), served as
missionaries in Brazil from
the late ’40s until Anna
passed away in 2004.
James Finley Burks ’41’42, February 26, 2006,
age 85.
Clifford Tingley Jones ’44,
December 26, 2003, age
85, Montrose PA.
“Clif” is survived by his
wife, Emma Adell (Jodry
’44); four daughters,
including Yvonne (Jones
’69) Kester and Karin
(Jones ’68-’69) Chapman;
12 grandchildren and four
Over the years, they also
took in five foster children. The oldest is Don
Irwin Dailey ’55-’58.
Betty Viola (Freese ’45)
Clifton, September 26,
2006, age 81.
Lucy Mae Orr ’46, July 26,
2006, N. Manchester IN.
After graduating from
Moody, Lucy became a
Frank Hooper
Frank Hooper ’48, August
12, 2006, age 83,
Waterville OH.
Frank served in WWII,
where he met his wife of
60 years, Eloise Sherard.
After the war, he attended
MBI and later the University of Minnesota to
receive his BA in history.
Frank and Eloise then
served as missionaries to
Puerto Rico for 31 years,
founding a servicemen’s
center and Grace Bible
Church. He also served as
a pastor of a number of
churches in the United
He is survived by his
wife; four daughters,
including Kathleen
“Kathy” (Hooper ’67)
Smith and Rebecca
(Hooper ’71) Willi; nine
grandchildren; and five
Frank was the 1971
Alumnus of the Year.
Dale Henry Hendrickson
Dale Henry Hendrickson
’47-’47, December 2,
2005, age 81.
Dale and his wife, Sue,
served for 15 years as missionaries in Quito, Ecuador, with HCJB World
Radio, as well as in hospitals in other parts of Central and South America.
After retiring in 1972,
they moved to the San
Diego CA area.
He is survived by his
wife, two daughters, a
son, nine grandchildren,
and four great-grandchildren.
Kurt Alvin Klingbeil ’47,
July 25, 2006, age 79.
Frederick Douglas
Sundloff ’47, April 19,
2006, age 78.
“Making intentional connections”
John Willard Peterson ’47’48, September 20, 2006,
age 84, Scottsdale AZ.
John co-founded Good
Life Productions and the
John W. Peterson Music
Company. In his lifetime,
he penned more than
1,000 hymns.
He was inducted into
the Gospel Music Hall of
Fame in 1986. In 1996, he
received the Ray DeVries
Church Music Award.
Zondervan Publishing
printed his biography, The
Miracle Goes On.
Evert Philippus Kleynhans
’49, June 10, 2005, age
79, Pretoria, South Africa.
Evert was born and
raised in Congo and spent
his entire life as a missionary to Africa.
From 1974 to 1991, he
and his wife, Edith (Kleinschmidt ’50) served with
Trans World Radio.
He is survived by his
wife and four children.
Arman Franklin Wright ’49,
February 10, 2006, age
79, Kitchener, Ontario
Arman pastored churches in Kentucky and
Canada and was instrumental in establishing
ministries to delinquent
and dispossessed young
He is survived by his
wife, Ruth (Jordan ’49).
sionary with Baptist
International Missions,
Inc. since 1969. He was
in Brazil for 15 years.
He is survived by his
wife of 50 years, Marilyn
Jeanne (Sweetman ’56’57); two sons, Robert,
Jr. ’79 and Rodney; two
daughters, Terri ’79-’82
and Tracey; and seven
Paul Stewart Wolf ’50-’51,
August 29, 2006.
Paul was a suit salesman and had been active
in the youth ministries of
several churches that the
family attended.
He is survived by his
wife of 51 years, Joan,
one son, and two daughters.
Sherman McGee Harding
Sherman McGee Harding
’55, March 16, 2006, age
Sherman became a
Christian after serving in
WWII and attending a couple years of college.
He soon attended optical
school in Chicago, as well
as Northwestern Bible
School in Minneapolis,
where he met his wife,
Betty J. (Wisen ’55). They
married ten days after
graduating from Moody.
Frances Marie (Kellenburger) Beach ’50, age 84,
Angola IN.
Frances was married to
Sylvester ’51 for 66 years.
Henry Reinhold Norman
’53, September 4, 2006,
age 86, Jamestown NY.
Merlin Wayne Inniger ’53,
April 2006, age 78.
Merlin married Gloria
(Meyer ’51) in January
1953. Together they
served as missionaries in
Pakistan in church planting and village evangelism.
He retired in 1993.
He is survived by his
wife and two of his three
Earl Clayton Bachert ’58,
July 4, 2006, age 79,
Bloomfield NM.
Earl served in the U.S.
Army from 1946-1952 as
a medic.
In 1952, he married
Dorothe ’56-’57, whom
he met in the army.
Earl accepted Christ as
his Savior in 1952, after
he had been discharged
from the army. Shortly
thereafter, he felt the
Lord calling him to mission work, so he attended Moody.
He ministered to the
Navajo Indians in New
He is survived by his
wife and 11 children.
Robert Frank Kiteley ’59’61, April 8, 2006, age
65, Lebanon TN.
Theda Regina Collins ’64,
October 2006, age 63.
Dale B. Owen ’54, June 5,
2006, age 83.
Dale was a former
employee of MBI.
He is survived by his
wife, Virginia.
Robert J. Brennan
Robert Joseph Brennan Sr.
’57, October 31, 2006, age
78, McDonough GA.
Robert served as a mis-
Vivian Faye (Jacob ’54)
Stauffer, Lombard IL.
John Lewis Taylor ’70,
September 11, 2006, age
75, Newmanstown PA.
John served as the pastor for churches in New
York, Illinois, Maryland,
and Pennsylvania.
He is survived by his
“Making intentional connections”
by MMS in his honor.
He is survived by his wife
Dana (Harmsen BA ’93)
Abernathy and three children: Caleb (12), Lydia (9),
and JoAnna (5).
Address: PO Box 284,
Warsaw OH 43844-0284.
Johnnie Massinnie (Cross
BA ’91) Weiland, March 8,
2006, age 73, Baker LA.
John Lewis Taylor
wife, Jane (Saville ’69), and
five children.
Dean Lawrence Costlow
’73, July17, 2006, age 55.
Dean was a data analyst
for Parkview Health
He is survived by his parents and three children.
His mother is Nora
(Pressentin ’73) Costlow.
Christopher Jon Abernathy
BSMT ’96, October 20,
2006, age 36, Warsaw OH.
Christopher was diagnosed with a brain tumor
in September. He died
after aggressive regrowth
of the tumor following
Christopher was a missionary with MMS
Aviation in Ohio. He
served as an A & P
mechanic and as an MMS
staff member. He taught
plane mechanics to a
number of other men.
Just before his death, he
had almost completed the
restoration of a Cessna
185 that had crashed in
the ocean off the coast of
Denmark. It was finished
Briggs Alan Haugh ’00-’01,
July 27, 2006, age 24.
Briggs was a private corporate pilot and was killed
in a plane crash in
He is survived by his wife
of one year and his parents.
He was a graduate of
Letourneau University in
Longview TX.
Todd Michael Kennemer
Todd Michael Kennemer
’98-’99, ’02, November 17,
2005, age 25, San Diego
Todd was a musician
and worked with Church
Former faculty member,
Rev. Dr. Benjamin Wilbur
Johnson, Sr., August 17,
2006, age 82.
He taught full time from
1973-1991. MA
Resource Ministries
InnerChange, which served
the homeless in San
Spring Semester 2007
Undergraduate classes begin
Graduate classes begin
Martin Luther King Day holiday
Founder’s Week Conference
Classes resume
Urban Emphasis Week
Christian Organization Job &
Internship Fair
Good Friday holiday
Junior/Senior Banquet (JSB)
Last day of classes
Study/Reading Day
Final exams
MBI Day of Prayer
Spring Break
Daylight Savings Time begins
Undergraduate classes resume
Graduate classes resume
Graduate School - Service in the
Music Tours—Spring
Spring Tour dates are March 1123, 2007. For updated information check MBI’s Web site
( and use this
path progression: undergraduate
school; sacred music; and attend
our concerts. Then select the
music group you are interested in.
Or call the music desk at (312)
If you would be interested in
having one of the music groups
visit your church during winter or
spring tour, or if you are in the
Chicagoland area, send an e-mail
to [email protected]
Men’s Collegiate Choir
– Pennsylvania, New
York, Massachusetts,
Maine, New Brunswick
(Canada), Nova Scotia
(Canada), Connecticut,
Pennsylvania, and Ohio
Dr. H.E. Singley III ’71, Conductor
Saegertown PA — Christ Evangelical Free Church, 19682 Hill
Rd, (814) 763-2934, Sunday,
March 11, 10:30 a.m.
Williamsville NY — Randall
Memorial Baptist Church, 6301
Main St, (716) 634-9800, Sunday,
March 11, 6:00 p.m.
Oneonta NY — Main Street Baptist
Church, 333 Main St, (607) 4325712, Monday, March 12, 7:00
Westfield MA — Westfield
Evangelical Free Church, 568
Southwick Rd, (413) 562-1054,
Tuesday, March 13, 7:00 p.m.
Boston MA — Tremont Temple
Baptist Church, 88 Tremont St,
(617) 523-7320, Wednesday,
March 14, 7:00 p.m.
St. Albans ME — St. Albans
Union Church, 15 Main St, (207)
938-4484, Thursday, March 15,
7:00 p.m.
Saint John NB — Main Street
Baptist Church, 211 Main St,
(506) 642-8060, Friday, March
16, 7:00 p.m.
Lower Sackville NS — Temple
Baptist Church, 1000 Sackville
Dr, (902) 865-3814, Saturday,
March 17, 6:30 p.m. & Sunday,
March 18, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
Halifax NS — Grace Chapel, 20
Landsdowne Dr, (902) 445-2711,
Sunday, March 18, 6:30 p.m.
Fredericton NB — Brunswick
Street Baptist Church, 161 York
St, (506) 458-8348, Monday,
March 19, 7:00 p.m.
Freeport ME — First Baptist
Church, 185 Main St, (207) 8654404, Tuesday, March 20, 7:00
Branford CT — Branford
Evangelical Free Church, 231
Leetes Island Rd, (203) 4881885, Wednesday, March 21, 7:00
Sunbury PA — First Baptist
Church, 115 S 4th St, (570) 28626
0731, Thursday, March 22, 7:30
Fremont OH — Grace Community
Church, 900 Smith Rd, (419) 3322623, Friday, March 23, 7:00 p.m.
Women’s Concert Choir
and Bell Ensemble —
Missouri, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, Texas, and
Xiangtang Hong, Conductor
Joplin MO — Fellowship Baptist
Church, 2827 E 32nd St, (417)
781-5174, Sunday, March 11, 8:00
& 10:30 a.m.
Fayetteville AR — First Baptist
Church, 20 E Dickson St, (479)
442-2387, Sunday, March 11, 6:00
Park Hill OK — Park Hill Baptist
Church, 22432 S Hwy 82, (918)
456-4075, Monday, March 12, 7:00
Dallas TX — Redeemer Bible
Church, 721 Easton Rd, (214) 3403633, Tuesday, March 13, 7:00 p.m.
Wimberley TX — First Baptist
Church, 501 Old Kyle Rd, (512)
847-9035, Wednesday, March 14,
6:30 p.m.
New Braunfels TX — First Baptist
Church, 733 Cross St, (830) 6259124, Thur., March 15, 7:00 p.m.
Boerne TX — St Mark Presbyterian
Church, 208 W Bandera St, (830)
816-3000, Friday, March 16, 7:00
March 11, 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00
Houston TX — Bethel Independent
Presbyterian Church, 825 Bering
Dr, (713) 782-8948, Sunday,
March 18, 11:00 a.m.
Bellevue WA — Westminster
Chapel, 13646 NE 24th St, (425)
747-1461, Sunday, March 11,
7:00 p.m.
Houston TX — Tallowood Baptist
Church, 555 Tallowood Dr, (713)
468-8241, Sunday, March 18, 7:00
Tacoma WA — Faith
Presbyterian Church, 620 S
Shirley St, (253) 752-7601,
Monday, March 12, 7:00 p.m.
Huntsville TX — Fellowship of
Huntsville, 3895 Hwy 30 W, (936)
291-2570, Monday, March 19,
7:00 p.m.
Portland OR — Central Bible
Church, 8815 NE Glisan St,
(503) 252-1424, Tuesday, March
13, 7:00 p.m.
Mount Pleasant TX — First Baptist
Church, 301 N Madison Ave,
(903) 572-3605, Tuesday, March
20, 7:00 p.m.
Kennewick WA — First Baptist
Church, 3700 W 27th Ave, (509)
586-6101, Wednesday, March 14,
7:00 p.m.
Little Rock AR — The Bible
Church of Little Rock, 19111
Cantrell Rd, (501) 227-4980,
Wednesday, March 21, 6:30 p.m.
Lewiston ID — Emmanuel
Baptist Church, 2200 11th Ave,
(208) 746-1211, Thursday,
March 15, 7:00 p.m.
Cape Girardeau MO — Lynwood
Baptist Church, 2935 Lynwood
Hills Dr, (573) 334-4600,
Thursday, March 22, 7:00 p.m.
Liberty Lake WA — Journey
Fellowship, 22820 E Appleway
Ave, (509) 869-3822, Friday,
March 16, 7:30 p.m.
Princeton IL — Princeton Bible
Church, 21890 US Hwy 34, (815)
872-3751, Friday, March 23, 7:00
Spokane WA — First
Presbyterian Church, 318 S
Cedar St, (509) 747-1058,
Sunday, March 18, 8:30 & 11:00
Gerald Edmonds ’58, Conductor
Kellogg ID — United Church of
Kellogg, 525 W Cameron Ave,
(208) 786-8801, Sunday, March
18, 6:00 p.m.
Auburn WA — Community of
Christ at St. Luke’s, 515 S 312th
St, (253) 941-3000, Sunday,
Spokane WA — Fourth Memorial
Church, 2000 N Standard St,
(509) 487-2786, Monday, March
19, 7:00 p.m.
Chorale – Washington,
Oregon and Idaho
Ephrata WA — First Baptist
Church, 372 C St SW, (509) 7543351, Tuesday, March 20, 7:00
Wenatchee WA — First Baptist
Church, 1301 Maple St, (509) 6637266, Wednesday, March 21, 7:00
Yakima WA — First Presbyterian
Church, 9 S 8th Ave, (509) 2487940, Thursday, March 22, 7:00
Lakewood WA — Lake City
Community Church, 8810
Lawndale Ave SW, (253) 582-8040,
Friday, March 23, 7:00 p.m.
Symphonic Band –
Kentucky, West
Virginia, Virginia,
North Carolina, South
Carolina, Florida,
Georgia, Alabama, and
David Gauger, Conductor
Ashland KY — Rose Hill Baptist
Church, 1001 Winslow Rd, (606)
329-2821, Sunday, March 11, 8:30
& 10:45 a.m.
Beckley WV — First Baptist
Church, 422 Neville St, (304) 2534252, Sunday, March 11, 6:00 p.m.
Portsmouth VA — Calvary Baptist
Church, 2117 London Blvd, (757)
399-1050, Monday, March 12, 7:00
Fayetteville NC — Village Baptist
Church, 906 McPherson Church Rd,
(910) 678-7178, Tuesday, March 13,
7:00 p.m.
Last reminder
Beaufort SC — Community Bible
Church, 638 Parris Island Gateway,
(843) 525-0089, Wednesday, March
14, 6:30 p.m.
Jacksonville FL — First Coast
Baptist Church, 7587 Blanding Blvd,
(904) 777-3040, Thursday, March
15, 7:00 p.m.
Clearwater FL — Lakeside
Community Chapel, 1893 Sunset
Point Rd, (727) 441-1714, Friday,
March 16, 7:00 p.m.
Spring Hill FL — Northcliffe Baptist
Church, 10515 Northcliffe Blvd,
(352) 683-5882, Sunday, March 18,
9:00 & 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
(morning and evening services)
Bainbridge GA — First Baptist
Church, 200 N Clay St, (229) 2461563, Monday, March 19, 7:00 p.m.
Monroeville AL — First Baptist
Church, 389 Pineville Rd, (251)
575-2091, Tuesday, March 20, 7:00
Huntsville AL — First Baptist
Church, 600 Governors Dr, (256)
428-9400, Wednesday, March 21,
6:00 p.m.
Madisonville KY — First Baptist
Church, 246 N Main St, (270) 8213611, Thursday, March 22, 7:00
Warsaw IN — Pleasant View Bible
Church, 2782 W 200 N, (574) 2691562, Friday, March 23, 7:00 p.m. MA
The 1980 Men’s Glee
Don’t forget, the 50th Anniversary Reunion of the
Moody Men’s Glee Club/
Moody Men’s Collegiate
Choir will be held during
Founder’s Week 2007, with
the hope that many men’s
choir alumni will be in
Chicago on Monday,
February 5, 2007, for this
historic and momentous
As of this writing, all of the
living former conductors
have indicated that they will
be there: Robert Carbaugh
(1957-1959), Dr. Kerchal F.
Armstrong ’52 (1959-1962),
John Wilson (1962-1964), Van
O. Trapp ’57, (1964-1974),
Dr. Terry Strand (1989-1992)
and Timothy Newton (19921996).
Alumni will be singing
some songs with the current
Moody Men’s Collegiate
Choir on opening night of
Founder’s Week.
Tentative plans are to meet
at Moody Church on that
Monday at 2:30 p.m. (until
about 4:30 p.m.) to rehearse.
After a break for dinner, the
group will meet back at Moody
Church at 6:00 p.m. for a final
rehearsal and sound check.
After the evening session, there
will be an MMGC/MMCC
reception at Moody Church.
If you are a member of the
classes of 1957, 1967, 1982, or
1997, there are special dinners
on Monday night just for your
classes. If you are participating
in the choir reunion, you can
still attend your dinner. You
MUST purchase your meal ticket in advance, and let the alumni
office know that you will be practicing with the men’s choir
reunion and, therefore, will be
late. We will make sure that we
hold a plate of food for you.
As a lasting result of the 50th
anniversary, the Robert L. Iler
Moody Men’s Choir Scholarship has been established to
honor this great teacher. Many
who have had connection with
MMGC/MMCC and the Sacred
Music Department remember
him with great fondness and
respect, and in order to adequately endow this scholarship,
each MMGC/MMCC alumnus
is asked to contribute $25.00
(or more) toward the scholarship, whether or not you are
able to come to the reunion.
Pertinent information was
included in a recent mailing.
For your information
If you are coming and haven’t
already done so, please register
now, online at www. If you
have already registered on-line
and your name is not among
the list of those who are coming, please re-register. (There
seems to have been at least a
few registrations that were not
captured. If your registration
“worked,” you should have
received an e-mail confirmation and your name should be
listed on the “Who’s Coming”
page on the Web site.)
There is no cost. However,
donations to the scholarship
fund or to help defray costs
will be gladly accepted.
The current choir is still
looking for any photos or
memorabilia from glee/choir
that you might have. So, look
through your closets and shoeboxes for those MMGC/MMCC
pictures and memories. Send
an e-mail to menschoir and attach your
electronic photos, or indicate
in the e-mail that you will
bring a photo or some other
For more information on the
reunion, visit www.
Remember to spread the word
and encourage others to
attend. Check the Web site to
see who has already registered.
We need everyone to tell
everyone else, at the very least,
to make sure they know about
this significant anniversary.
Honoring the past
and securing the
by Dr. Joe Henriques, vice
president and dean of the
Moody Graduate School
Joe Henriques in Singapore
Rooted in historical traditions,
Moody Graduate School has a
strong foundation that is to be
honored. At the same time, it is
embarking on creating new traditions that will secure its
future. Towards this end, I have
formed two teams of people
who represent different stakeholders of Moody Graduate
School: The Council for
Strategic Initiatives and The
Doctor of Ministry Committee.
The following is a description
of each.
The Council for Strategic
Initiatives (CSI) is a think-tank,
composed of MGS faculty, staff
and friends. It exists to secure
the future of Moody Graduate
School by developing a series of
defensive and offensive initiatives. The defensive initiatives
will identify and protect MGS
theological distinctions, financial
viability, and reputation…and,
identify any threats and defuse
them. The offensive initiatives
will identify strategic future
opportunities and facilitate the
realization of those opportunities…and, identify challenges to
overcome. Thus, the goal is to
advance with sound ideas and
initiatives while protecting the
MGS attributes most precious to
In light of the importance of
CSI, I thought it interesting that
I recently received this information from the National Guard
Bureau Chaplains Office that
demonstrates the importance of
planning for the future:
“Do you know the acronym
‘VUCA’? We plan for the
future—but operate in a Volatile,
Uncertain, Complex, and
Ambiguous world. We plan
knowing that in a few months
(or a few days) our planning will
be obsolete. I am more and more
convinced of the importance of
senior chaplains and assistants
managing the careers of those
entrusted to their care. We need
to help our people plan for their
military education, their assignments, and their future mobilizations or rotations. We need to be
thinking not only of the next
year, but the next six years.”
The Doctor of Ministry Committee has also been meeting during the fall semester. The committee charter includes the following
possibilities to explore:
• Satisfy accreditation requirements for a DMin program
• Prepare key campus departments for full participation
• Develop the necessary plans in
time for the Focus visit of 2009
• Inaugurate the Doctor of
Ministry program by our silver
anniversary in 2010
Providing education and training for ministry practitioners who
will take the truths of the gospel
to multicultural settings worldwide is a serious undertaking for
us! But, we gladly embrace this
responsibility as a great privilege
Alumnus in
Peter Munro MABS ’05 with Dr. Charlie
Dyer, MBI provost, in Durham, England in
November 2006.
because of our motivation, that
the world may know!
Please earnestly pray for the
Lord’s direction for both the
Council For Strategic Initiatives
and the Doctor of Ministry
Looking for
alumni stories
It’s no secret that Moody alumni are engaged in exciting ministry opportunities around the
globe. Your testimonies of faithful service and God’s work are
moving and encouraging. Now,
an online tool has been developed to help alumni and others
touched by Moody share their
stories with the larger Moody
A story-gathering Web page,
launched last fall, allows Web
site visitors to submit stories
about the ways in which
Moody alumni, students, and
employees are serving the Lord,
and the ways that Moody Bible
Institute’s ministries are changing lives around the world.
The idea is simple. At www., a short form
asks for a brief description of
your story and contact information for the people mentioned
in your story. Moody’s corporate communications team
then follows up on the lead and
makes the story available to
other MBI departments:
Broadcasting, Marketing,
Stewardship, Public Relations,
and others. These departments
rely on these stories to communicate Moody’s impact and
needs. There is also a link from
the alumni Web site.
By sharing your stories, you
can encourage others with the
way God is working through
Moody’s people and ministries.
CPO award
Ron Hunt receives his award from Mike
On Wednesday, November 15,
2006, Ron Hunt ’82 accepted a
Mail Center of the Year award
by the Mail Systems Management Association (MSMA) on
behalf of his staff and the
Moody Bible Institute.
This event coincided with the
tenth anniversary of the Illinois
Chapter of the MSMA, and
brought national officers of the
organization to Arlington
Heights IL for this luncheon
event. Mike Lathrop ABSC ’84,
who is with Hewitt &
Associates as well as president
of the Illinois chapter and a
national officer of MSMA, honored Hunt with the award in
the midst of his peers.
Dr. Tom Shaw ’81 BA ’89, vice
president of Student Services
for Moody, attended the luncheon and noted, “The impetus
behind Moody receiving this
award was the dramatic improvements in customer service
that have taken place in recent
years in MBI’s Mail Services
department—as indicated
through student satisfaction
Ron Hunt is quick to note
this award was the result of a
team effort and that little of
this would have been possible
without the input and involvement of his staff.
Founder’s Week can be found at
Men’s Choir in the
British Isles
The Moody Men’s Collegiate
Choir is planning a tour of music
ministry in Ireland and the
British Isles in May and June of
2007. Specific locations are in the
process of being confirmed as we
go to press.
What we do know is that the
men will depart Chicago right
after Commencement 2007, on
May 12, for Belfast, Northern
They will sing and minister in
Ireland from Sunday, May 13,
through Friday, May 18.
On Saturday, they will travel
from Belfast to Scotland and
will minister musically
throughout Scotland until
Sunday morning, May 27.
At that time, MMCC heads
into England for one week of
ministry there, concluding in
the London area on Sunday,
June 3.
Alumni in Guatemala
Founder’s Week
Founder’s Week will be here
before you know it. The dates
are February 5-10, 2007, and
the theme is “Legacies of
Grace.” Therefore, prepare your
minds for action, keep sober in
spirit, fix your hope completely
on the grace to be brought to you
at the revelation of Jesus Christ, I
Peter 1:3.
Details were given in the fall
magazine. They can also be
found on the alumni Web site, Click
on “Events” and then
“Founder’s Week 2007.”
General information about
During October 14-21, 40 WMBI listeners participated in the Buckner Orphan Care
International “Shoes for Orphan Souls” and the “Undie 500” in Guatemala. On the final
evening, alumni gathered together for a photo opportunity.
Left to right: Ellen Stewart BA ’04, Bertie Kirchhofer ’72, Judy (Marr ’78) Stewart,
Barbara McDavid ’96, Glenn Stewart BSMT ’78, Roger Basick BA ’95, Dorothy (Kirchhofer
’74) Hartzler, Mike Fletcher ’77-’78, Julene (Henreckson ’78) Fletcher, Gerson Garcia BA
The men would love to meet
MBI alumni anywhere along the
way, and you can learn details
about the various places the
men will be singing at either of
the following Web sites, www. or
MP bestseller
Moody Publishers celebrated the
posting of their perennial best
selling title, The Five Love
Languages, on the New York
Times Bestsellers Paperback
Advice list for two Sundays in
The list is comprised of 15
titles each week on the online
edition. Only the top five titles
are published in the print edi-
tion of the Sunday paper. On
October 8, The Five Love
Languages was listed at #4 and
the following Sunday it was listed at #5. The book has been on
the online Paperback Advice list
continually since March 2005,
but has now reached new
heights by moving up the chart
and appearing in the Sunday
paper that has a circulation of
1.7 million, and a readership of
6 million.
To date Moody Publishers has
sold 3,430,000 copies of the book
written by Dr. Gary Chapman ’58,
with an anticipated 500,000
copies being sold in 2006.
“We are overjoyed to see The
Five Love Languages finally break
into the top five on the New
York Times Paperback Advice
bestseller list. Considering the
book’s history this is not surprising,” says John Hinkley, director
of marketing
for Moody
published in
1992, this is
true to form
for this publishing anomaly. Almost 15 years after it was
introduced to the market, it is
performing better than ever.”
Hinkley went on to say, “we
anticipated a similar trend with
the September 2006 release of
The Five Languages of Apology
(co-authored by Drs. Gary
Chapman and Jennifer
Chapman to speak
at the UN
Alumni in Greece
On November 7, Dr. Tom Shaw ’81 BA ’89 was at the Greek Bible Institute, in Athens,
Greece. He met with the following alumni:
Left to Right: Jenny (Baldwin ’84-’85) Macris, Neil Macris BA ’91, Jeff Baldwin ’86 BA
’87, Dr. Shaw, Mark Doebler ’87 BA ’90.
Gary D. Chapman ’58, 2006
Moody Alumnus of the Year, has
been speaking to members of the
military for many years. He
speaks at military bases, often
presenting marriage conferences.
Other opportunities for ministry are also frequent.
Every year, the military holds
training sessions for their chaplains. In January of last year, Dr.
Chapman spoke to individuals
who train these chaplains. He
presented The Five Love
Languages, Understanding and
Gary Chapman
Processing Anger, Five Signs of a
Healthy Family, and The Five
Languages of Apology.
One of the individuals in attendance was the chaplain to the
Pentagon, and he thought it
would be a good idea to have Dr.
Chapman speak there.
On August 23, 2006, Dr.
Chapman was the speaker at a
chaplains’ prayer breakfast.
Typically, these prayer breakfasts
average around 60 people. This
time, about 250 people were in
attendance, and some had to be
turned away due to space limitations.
He spoke on The Five Love
Languages and transitioned into
dealing with failure. This is an
integral part of his latest book,
The Five Languages of Apology.
The interest in Apology was so
great that Moody Publishers
printed 10,000 paperback copies
for chaplains to distribute to
Pentagon military and civilian
Campus Crusade for Christ’s
Christian Embassy forges
friendships with diplomatic,
business and government leaders. Their ministry also facilitates opportunities to share the
love of God through dinners,
ambassador tours, and trips
abroad. Christian Embassy has
ministries in the Pentagon and
the United Nations.
The deputy director of
Christian Embassy at the
United Nations heard what had
been done at the Pentagon. He
set about working to see if a
similar event could be done at
the UN for the delegates that
represent 192 difference countries.
As a result, in March of 2007,
at one of Christian Embassy’s
UN dinners, Dr. Chapman will
have an opportunity to speak at
the United Nations. Please pray
for this upcoming speaking
engagement for Dr. Chapman
to address this international
An attitude of
The Women Student’s Development (WSD) of the Moody
Graduate School kicked off its
first WSD monthly meeting on
Saturday, September 23. The
theme was “An Attitude of
Mrs. Bonnie Henriques, the
guest speaker, talked about finding the “sweet spot.” Athletes are
familiar with the term. It refers to
the one spot on the bat or racquet where the ball will hit and
go exactly where you want it to
Mrs. Henriques posed two
questions, “Where is your ‘sweet
spot’ in life and ministry?” and
“Are you working in it, right
As a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator trainer, she helped those in
attendance to understand that
knowing their areas of gifting
helps them to answer those questions. God has created each of us
to fill certain areas of ministry,
our “sweet spot.” Once we
understand how God has created
and gifted us, we can live in and
be more effective at our calling.
—from MGS Women’s Newsletter, Volume 2
Number 1, October 6, 2006
The listings of faculty and staff
speaking engagements around the
country, and the world, used to
be found in MoodyAlumni magazine.
That listing is now found on
the alumni Web site (www. That will
be its new home and itineraries
will no longer be found in
The Coffee Cove
Israel 2007
The Moody Alumni
Association is planning a fall
tour of Israel. The dates are
November 6-17, 2007. Join
Walter White ’78, executive
director of the Moody Alumni
Association, and others on
this fascinating tour of the
Holy Lands. Details are still
being negotiated. They will be
conveyed when available.
Final chapter
closes in
In a meeting held with city officials early in November, an
agreement was reached to sell
the vacated Moody Aviation
property and its facilities to the
city of Elizabethton TN for continued and expanded use of the
local airport.
The property, which was purchased for fair market value in
1962, served as the training
facility for our Moody Aviation
for more than 35 years. The
final class of students graduated from the Elizabethton facility in June 2005. The Moody
Aviation program was relocated in Spokane WA in 2003.
—theDaily (MBI employee news e-mail)
U R Part of the Whole
A few weeks ago, the Alumni
Association held our fall event
known as GNIMOCEMOH. This
week-long event is a time of promoting school spirit through fun
activities and spiritual enrichment
for our current students. It also provides a wonderful time for the alumni staff and board members to cultivate new relationships with the current student body.
Our theme this year was “U R Part
of the Whole: Living in Community.” The intention was to underscore the privilege and responsibility
that we have as members “one of
another.” It is within our various
communities—the campus, the city
of Chicago, the world—that we are
obliged to exemplify the love and
acceptance of Christ to one another,
especially those of the household of
faith. Moreover, each of us as members of the body of Christ, must be
committed to encouraging and emulating mutual respect, appreciation
and celebration of our uniqueness as
we live, learn, grow and serve with
other members of the body. It is this
unity, which brings glory to God,
authenticates our witness, and verifies the claims of Christ and the love
God has for His people, declared our
chapel speaker, Pastor Mark Jobe ’84
MAMin ’88.
In this vein of community, it is our
ongoing passion to glorify God.
Thus, the Moody Alumni Association and the Institute, in general,
invite the partnership of you—our
alumni. We recognized that you are
the product of God’s handiwork in
part through the ministries of MBI.
We value you, and we are privileged
to serve you. It is for this reason
that we solicit your prayers, ideas,
and suggestions—even your constructive criticism—so that we
might be more effective and relevant in the days ahead.
Also in the context of community, a few changes are being introduced in an effort to better communicate the story of God’s impact
through the ministries of MBI.
First, a formal campaign has been
launched by the Institute’s Corporate Communications team to
gather stories and testimonies of
those whose lives have been transformed by Moody Bible Institute. A
website has
been designed specifically for this
purpose. Alums may also submit
their information through email to
[email protected] as you have
in the past.
Another significant change has
been initiated in Moody Radio. A
new “content driven” format is
being introduced. For example,
Prime Time America has moved
from a 1.5-hour daily program to a
2-hour program, with 12 shorter
segments instead of six each day.
Music will be more closely tied to
the topics.
In education, the increasing
needs and growth of Moody Northwest in Spokane has required the
adding of a full-time faculty member and a full-time Student Services
employee. Serving in the Student
Services role is Daniel Ward MABS
’99, who formerly oversaw the
financial aid office on the main
Direct oversight of Moody
We invite you to share in this ministry with your prayer and
financial support. Thank you in advance for your gifts.
Walter White, Jr. ’78
Executive Director
Northwest has moved from our
Distance Learning Center division to the undergraduate dean.
The chief benefit of this change is
that it will allow for a smoother
integration between Moody
Northwest and Moody Aviation
students who participate in the
program. Please pray that God
will provide adequate space for
student housing and for a suitable facility for a more permanent
campus location.
Finally, a committe has been
formed to strengthen communication and trust between MBI
administration and employees.
In Phil 2:1-3, the apostle Paul
challenges the Philippian believers to make his joy complete “by
being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in
spirit, intent on one purpose…do
nothing from selfishness or
empty conceit, but with humility
of mind, let each regard one
another as more important than
himself;” It is in this environment
that authentic relationships are
forged, transformation occurs,
effectiveness is enhanced—Christ
is truly seen and God is most
glorified. Community really happens. Please pray and partner
with us to this end. MA
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