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Ouro Preto [ 1 dia ]
There are some attractions in Ouro Preto that descubraminas.com considers to
be essential. The person with time for just one full day in Ouro Preto will have
to choose and prioritize, since it is impossible to visit and appreciate them all in
one day. It is ideal to spend two days in the city in order to see everything in a
more relaxed and calm manner.
The Tiradentes Square is the central point of the city; it is as if it were a divider.
From that point, one can programme visits. Ouro Preto possesses steep slopes
and you can take a considerable amount of time to traverse them. Walking is,
however, the best way to get to know the city, which is an open-air museum,
and to best observe it from different angles.
Right side
(facing the Museu da Inconfidência
(Conspiracy Museum) – known as the
Paróquia do Pilar (Pillar Parish)
Left side – facing the Museu da
Inconfidência (Conspiracy Museum) –
known as the Paróquia do Pilar (Pillar
• Igreja Nossa Senhora do Carmo –
Church of Our Lady of the Carmo
• Teatro Municipal – Municipal Theatre
• Museu Guignard – Guignard Museum
• Casa dos Contos – House of Tales
• Chafariz dos Contos – Fountain of Tales
• Matriz do Pilar / Museu de Arte Sacra –
Museum of Sacred Art
• Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário –
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
• Igreja São Francisco de Paula – Church
of Saint Francis of Paula
• Igreja de São José – Saint Joseph Church
• Igreja Nossa Senhora das Mercês –
Church of Our Lady of Mercy
• Igreja de São Miguel e Almas – Church
of Saint Michael and Souls
• Igreja de São Francisco de Assis – Church
of Saint Francis of Assisi
• Feira de Artesanato (Handicraft Fair)
• Residência de Thomaz Antônio Gonzaga
• Residência Cláudio Manoel da Costa
• Matriz Nossa Senhora da Conceição /
Museu do Aleijadinho (Aleijadinho
• Capela Nossa Senhora das Dores
• Igreja de Santa Ifigênia – Church of Saint
• Igreja do Rosário – Church of the Rosary
A day in Ouro Preto
Start your visit in the Tiradentes Square and do not forget to keep an eye on the
open hours of the attractions to best take advantage of them.
During your visit, pay attention to the fountains, bridges, chapels and
oratories along the way. Along with the great constructions these items
make up part of the city’s rich architectural collection.
Praça Tiradentes - Tiradentes Square
The location of the present-day Tiradentes Square was, in the 18th Century,
known as Morro de Santa Quitéria, and during almost the entire 19th Century,
it was called Praça da Independência (Independence Square). In 1894, with the
inauguration of the monument in honour of Tiradentes, it became known as
Praça Tiradentes (Tiradentes Square).
In the Tiradentes Square, one can visit the:
Museu de Ciência e Técnica
Musuem of Science and Technique
The imposing building, which houses the museum, served as the Governor’s
Palace during the colonial, imperial and republican periods.
Address: Tiradentes Square, 20 – (31) 3551-5231
Open Hours: Mineralogy, Natural History, Mining, Metallurgy, Physics and
Interactive Science sections – Tuesdays – Sundays, from 12:00 to 17:00
Astronomy, Topography, Design and Astronomic Observatory section –Saturdays,
from 20:00 to 22:00.
Museu da Inconfidência
Conspiracy Musuem
Installed in the former Vila Rica House of Chambers and Jailhouse, the Conspiracy Museum
is one of the most important historic museums in Brazil.
Address: Tiradentes Square, 139 – (31) 3551-1121 / 3551-5233
Open Hours: Tuesdays – Sundays, from 12:00 to 18:00
Things to observe in the Square
Monumento a Tiradentes
Tiradentes Monument
In the centre of Tiradentes Square, the monument in honour of the independence martyr
marks the Ouro Preto landscape. It was erected in the location where Joaquim José da Silva
Xavier’s head was put on display to the population of Vila Rica. The cornerstone was
revealed on the day of the centenary of Tiradentes’ death – 21st of April 1892.
Conjunto Alpoim
Alpoim Complex
The houses with the numbers 52 to 70 were probably projected by Brigadier José
Fernandes Pinto Alpoim. Among them is the house of Dom Manoel de Portugal e Castro,
the last governor of the Captaincy of Minas Gerais in the colonial period. The three metal
railings on the balconies contain a peculiarity: inscribed on them is the phrase “para
memória do benefício imortal teu nome fica gravado neste metal” (“to the memory of the
immortal benefit, your name is engraved in this metal”). It is said that the governor’s lover
was who ordered that the inscription be made on the house’s balcony.
Chafariz da Praça Tiradentes
Tiradentes Square Fountain
Installed along with the staircase wall of the Conspiracy Museum, it has the particularity of
having been inaugurated on the birthday of Dom Pedro II. On its inscription is written:
“Inaugurated on the 2nd of December 1846, 21st birthday of His Imperial Majesty Dom
Pedro II, by order of the President of the Province Quintiliano José da Silva”.
Museu da Inconfidência - Foto: Robson Oliveira
Chafariz da Praça – Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas
Monumento a Tiradentes – Foto: Maria
Lucia Dornas
Monumento à Tiradentes - Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas
After visiting the attractions at the Tiradentes Square, it’s time to walk around
and get acquainted with the city. We have elaborated a section-by-section
itinerary, firstly the Pillar Parish, followed by the Antônio Dias Parish. There is
nothing, however, preventing you from inverting this order.
In the Pillar Parish
Located very near to the Conspiracy Museum is the Municipal Theatre, former
Opera House. Enter Brigadeiro Musqueira Street, in front of the Conspiracy
Museum’s staircase (right side)
Teatro Municipal
Municipal Theatre
The Ouro Preto Theatre, known in the 18th and 19th Centuries as the Opera
House, is considered by many to be the oldest in South America. It is the oldest
functioning theatre in Brazil, to be sure. It also possesses a differential in that it
was the first theatre where women stepped on stage in Brazil. It is one of the
most charming attractions of Ouro Preto.
Address: Brigadeiro Musqueira Street – (31) 3559-3224
Open Hours: from 12:00 to 17:30
Go back to the Tiradentes Square and go down the Conde de Bobadela Street;
at the end of the street, turn right, pass in front of the Courthouse and the
Vila Rica Cinema-Theatre. The Fountain of Tales and the House of Tales are
located a bit further ahead, to the right.
Chafariz dos Contos
Fountain of Tales
This is, without doubt, the most beautiful and robust fountain in Ouro Preto. It
was given this name for being located next to the magnificent House of Tales.
Address: Reinaldo Alves de Brito Square
Teatro – Foto: Henry Yu
Chafariz dos Contos – Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas
Casa dos Contos
House of Tales
Lofty and imposing, the House of Tales presents itself among the Ouro
Preto landscape as the most beautiful example of civil colonial architecture
of the 18th Century, leaving many a wonderful impression on its visitors.
Address: São José Street, nº 12 – (31) 3551-1444
Open Hours: Mondays – from 14:00 to 18:00; Tuesdays – Saturdays – from
10:00 to 18:00; Sundays and Holidays – from 10:00 to 16:00
Casa dos Contos – Foto: Divanildo Marques
Casa dos Contos – Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas
Continue down the street São José and down the street Randolpho Bretas, street of escadinhas.
Matriz Nossa Senhora do Pilar
Church of Our Lady of the Pillar
One of the most exuberant temples of Minas Gerais. It originates in
the apogee of Baroque decoration, providing a dramatic effect for the
senses. A visit to this church truly becomes a lesson in Art History.
Address: Monsenhor João Castilho Barbosa Square – (31) 3551-4736
Open Hours: Tuesdays – Sundays, from 9:00 to 10:45 and from 12:00
to 16:45
Matriz do Pilar – Fotos: Sérgio Freitas
Return to Tiradentes Square, down the street Claudio Manoel,
opposite to street Conde Bobadela.
Igreja São Francisco de Assis
Church of Saint Francis of Assisi
An art masterpiece from the Brazilian colonial period, the Church of Saint
Francis of Assisi is a not-to-miss attraction. It was here that the great mineiro
masters, Antônio Francisco Lisboa and Manoel da Costa Ataíde, left behind
exuberant examples of their work.
Address: Coimbra Square – (31) 3551-3282
Open Hours: Tuesdays - Sundays, from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00
Igreja São Francisco de Assis – Foto: maria Lucia Dornas
To finish off the day, distract yourself at the Handicraft Fair in front of the
São Francisco Church.
Forro da nave da Ig. S. Francisco de Assis - mestre Ataíde – Foto: Sérgio Freitas
Take care!
Few attractions open on Mondays. In the months of January and July,
however, some churches open on this day of the week.
Wear comfortable shoes, since these places often have very steep streets
and irregular sidewalks.
In almost all the attractions you will be required to store your belongings
and it is not permitted to take photographs.
Entrance fees are charged.
For complete information about the monuments and travel services
consult: descubraminas.com
Essential for the colonial populations, the fountains were
spread around towns, in strategic points, due to the lack of
piped water to the residences. Construction was the
responsibility of the Municipal Chambers. The “fountains
gave way to meetings among slaves and the inevitable
gossip about what was happening in the households”
(Históra da Vida Privada no Brasil). Uproars and arguments
were frequent, so much so that, in some towns, it became
prohibited for slaves to gather at the fountains.
It is common to see crosses on bridges. The very
superstitious people of the 18th Century were very afraid
of crossing bridges at night; for them, the spaces of any of
them were places for demons and lost souls to gather.
Thus the motive of placing crosses at the bridges, since
people felt safer when they were present.
How to get to the region:
From Belo Horizonte to Ouro Preto: 98 km
There are two options:
BR-040 (Federal Highway) – in the direction of Rio de Janeiro until the interchange
with the BR-356
BR-356 – Rodovia dos Inconfidentes until Ouro Preto
From Belo Horizonte to Mariana: 128 km
Option 1
BR-040 – in the direction of Rio de Janeiro until the interchange with the BR-356
BR-356 – Rodovia dos Inconfidentes until the entrance of Mariana
Option 2
BR-040 – in the direction of Rio de Janeiro until the interchange with the BR-356
BR-356 – Rodovia dos Inconfidentes until Ouro Preto
In Ouro Preto, continue along the Conselheiro Quintiliano Street
From Rio de Janeiro – 475 km
There are two options:
Option 1
BR-040 – in the direction of Belo Horizonte until the interchange with the BR-356
BR-356 – Rodovia dos Inconfidentes until Ouro Preto
Option 2
BR-040 – in the direction of Belo Horizonte until the interchange with the city of
Ouro Branco
Continue along the “Estrada Real” until Ouro Preto
From São Paulo – 675 km
BR-381 – Fernão Dias
BR-040 – in the direction of Rio de Janeiro until the interchange with the BR-356
BR-356 – Rodovia dos Inconfidentes until Ouro Preto
BR 356 - Rodovia dos Inconfidentes - até Ouro Preto
In this region, the visitor can appreciate the most famous and delicious
dishes of the mineira culinary.
Beans mixed with cassava flour and bacon. It is accompanied by sausage
and/or pork and egg. It is served with rice and strung kale.
Tutu de feijão
Blended beans thickened with cassava flour. It is accompanied by sausage
and/or pork and boiled eggs. It is served with rice and strung kale.
Frango com quiabo
Stewed chicken with diced okra. Served with rice and polenta.
Frango ao molho pardo
Chicken in a sauce prepared with the chicken’s own blood. It is served with
rice and polenta.
Bambá de couve
A seasoned corn broth with small pieces of pork and/or bacon with strung
Goiabada cascão
This dessert made of guava is produced in the district of São Bartolomeu. It is
known in some English-speaking countries as guava cheese or guava paste.
This particular kind contains pieces of actual guava fruit in the
Doce de leite
Cream-like or in chopped pieces. In the region, one can try this wonderful
caramel-coloured candy that is milk-based.
de leite.
The best options for those who wish to purchase regional products
Soap Stone handicraft.
Sisal Carpets
Precious stones, especially imperial topaz. Ouro Preto is currently
the only producer in the world of imperial topaz.
Paintings, made by excellent artists can be bought in many
Cachaça: this region is the most famous for producing and
commercializing cachaças of the finest quality
Principal events:
Carnaval – dates vary
Semana Santa – dates vary
Festa da Goiabada (District of S. Bartolomeu) – March
Entrega da Medalha da Inconfidência – 21st of April
Cineop – Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto – June
Festival de Inverno (Winter Festival) – Julho
Festival Internacional Tudo é Jazz – August
Aniversário da Escola de Minas – October
Fórum das Letras – October
General Information
Secretaria de Cultura e Turismo (Secretary of Culture and Tourism)
Rua Cláudio Manoel, 61
Tel.: (31) 3559-3341
Associação dos Guias de Turismo (Tour Guide Association)
Rua Padre Rolim, s/nº
Tel.: (31) 3551-2655
Bus Station
Rua Padre Rolim, s/nº
Tel.: (31) 3559-3252
Map: Edison Vilela

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