1985 Ingersoll newspaper birth, death and


1985 Ingersoll newspaper birth, death and
lllU11 I VV '--'1 ! I U ! I U l v 2 )
in highway accident
It was II slid Christmas {or a Pulnam
family this year, (ollowing the death of
. !\1l!!:Lj~!1.r.ls1).!\e eage!
22, of R . R, I,
Putnam . She was killed Friday, December
22 whell/he 1982 Chevy pi ckup truck she was
driving struck a concrete bridge abutment
on Oxford County Road 10 (Culloden Road),
a few kilometers south of Highway 401.
According to Tillsonburg Opp ConsLable
ilelga Sparks, Mrs. PageL Dnd her passen·
ger, Daniel Hobblee, 18, of R.R . I, Salford,
were (hrown Irom the .truck inla a drainage
dilch . The truck (lipped onLo its side but
rcmained on the road.
The accident occurred during a heavy
rainstorm, at around 8 p.m., when drilling
conditions were poor , said Canst. Sparks.
The vehicle WilS souUlbound at the time of
Ule accident. Mrs. Paget WilS driving Mr.
Hobblee to a party.
OPP officials suggested that a seatbelt
may have saved the victim's life, or reduced
Mr. Hobblee was laken to Alexandra
Hospital then Irans{erred to London's
Victoria HospiiaL Thursday afternoon he
was reported to be in good condition.
Mrs. Pagel is survived by her husbana
Mark, and her daughter Cassandra Lee .
Also survIving arc her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. [kv Appleton o( H.I{. 3, Ingersoll: her
brolher William DouglDs Appleton of H.n. 3,
Ingersoll: her grllildpal'cnls Mr. Bnd Mrs.
George PIaU oC Woodstock, and Mrs. Annie
Appleton of Ingersoll: her parel\ts,in,law,
Mr . a nd Mrs. John Pagel 01 Spri ngfield; her
brother·in·law Philip Paget of Springlicld,
and her sisler·in-law, Mrs, John <Glenda)
Turner of Ingersoll .
The nev. Harry Brydon officialed the
Monday, December 2~. 1984 funeral service
al McBeath Funeral Home. lntarmcnt SI.
John's Anglican Ccmetery, Thamesfnrit.
1\)<:::' ~ ~ S,C)L'I_
\~ '6""S
~rar.t:On(Ton. on Wednes'
d ay January 2, 19B5. Adriana
(Stevensl Vermeeren In her
1\61i'1 ye~r, loved wile 01 Ihe
Garard Vermee,en
(1982). of Q,dor() Re{llonal
lI(lfs,lng Home, IngersoH. OeM
'nelMr 01 Mrs' Ben Mayerlnw
I IUlrll\al, Tillsonburg. MIS. Plel
.'Jh Ellen. (LUcie). Hona"d:
Hubert. Ing9r80ll, Mrs.
Thymen Beereoool (;orrie).
Holland, Mrs. Merlin van
Bo,,~el pean). Ingersoll. MIS.
8en WeUlnk (elllhy). A R 7
Tills<)nbUlg. Peler. A A
llrownsv~le . Jerly. fI A I
;'jrOIVnsv,lle. MIS Joe Schem'
t ,1 (Lenlel. Oercheslel . Also
$IOIvlved by
,,,elldcllil(),en and Iwenly· lou'
~1 : ('al · gr8l1dChlldren .
rocelved AI Ihe
I.~cee,,'h Fune-al Heme. 246
~ Io.l/TlOS Slreol SO\llh. IngerSOll
u,'lti Salu'd~y J3I\uaJy 5 al
1');45 811\ .. Ihen 10 Ihe
(."urch 01 (he Sac,ed Hearl lor
" '~elnl Moss· QI I 1:00 !I.m ..
. r/llhe,
,JOHNSTON - At Alexandra
Hospital on December 19,
1984, to Mr . lihd Mrs. P.o t
Johnston, 152 l<illg· SI. Ens!,
Ingersoll, R di\Ughlcr,Sarah
' ..
C . Campnell
. <:lIlebrallng. Tempo,e'y en·
lembmenl InQ.",soll
' MaulKlleum. Inlelmenl laler.
:o;ecred Hearl Cemetery.
: I 'a/ls" prayers Frlo3Y 8 :00
, /I.m. 'n liOY of flowe, ... r~rnelTl·
()rances lc IhG l-1elnrded
Ch,ld,,,"'s Assocl.lIon or the
cna,ily 01 you' choice may be
a.ranged for 81 Ihe luneral
KITTLE· David and Solvey
(nee Bunch) of Ottawa arc
hAPPY 10 ann<llmce the [lr'
rivel of a son, Peter Canslell
Dallid, 9 lbs. 3 OZS, on
December 20. 1984 . Pleased
grandparents are Shirley
and Carl Bunch, Ingersoll
and Eve and Russell KiUle,
Cornwall and greal grand,
molher Thelma TeHer, Ing·
~~~\.'1-\\,) r~ L
~ );.0"1- ~'-..\.)
S c..~\...)..a..."'~ '~\ \~ 8, 'S
Harris, 68, I B Boles St..
Ingersoll, formerly o{ St.
Thomas, died Thursday,
January 10, J985 at his
fAr. Harris Is survived by
his wife .. thc {ormer La vina
Lang; his sons, Garry
HI! rris of 1ngersol! and
Larry Harris of rngersoU;
grandchildren . Tammy,
Garry, Brad, .Shane, Chad
Justin end Tricia. along
with several '. nieces and
nephews. Also surviving is
his sister, Mrs: Ted (Edna)
Nunn, of Jngersoll.
The Rev. George Wall
officiated the January t~,
1985 funeral service at McBeath FUneraJ Home.
Y EI\I(Y j,Corinne Veary, 79,
Il resident of the Oxford
Regional Nursing Home
(tied January 3. 1985 at th~
home .
Mrs. Veery was prede·
ceased by her husband
George, In 1975.
She is survived by her
(Joyce) Monlgomery of
Ingersoll; her slslers·in·law
Dorothy Gulline; her grand·
Susall Montgomery, :lnd her
. sister and .brolher, Phyllis
HAncox and Leonard Han·
cox. She was the aunl o{
Dorothy Asctl.
The Rev . Roger W.
McCornbe o{(iclated the
January 5, 1985 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral
OA!LJE : James Bailie 79
781\ Thames st. S., In'ger:
soli, died December 31, 1984
ae Alexondra Hospital.
He is survived by hiS wifc,
Ca lherille
Lewis: his sons Archie o(
London. James of London
and Jack of Victoria, B.C. ;
daughter Belly Bailie o(
Ingersoll , and granchildrell
James, David, Travis, Alison and Susan Bailie.
The Rev . Tom Griffin
officiated the January 3,
1985 funeral service at McBeath Funeral Home. Intermcnt
Mr . Dailie was born in
Belfast. Ireland.
A Royal Canadian Legion
memorial service was held
In his honor. under the
auspices o( Branch 119,
In memory o( Mr. Bailie,
donations may be made Lo
Lhe Oxford County Lung
Association .
rOD!): Bertha M. Oodd, 84.
ormerly o{ 92 George SI.,
Ingersoll , die<! at the Valley·
vicw Home (or the Aged, St.
Thom~s, Friday. December
28. 1984.
She wos predeceased by
her husoanrl, the late Walter
E. Dodd, ill 1975 .
She is survived by her son
R... llph of Tenllessee; daugh.
rers Mrs . Warrell (J~dnl
Mrs . -Don (Joanl Edmiston
01 SI. Thomas; 15 grand.
children and 19 great grandchildren.
Mrs . Dodd was predecCc1sed by her son Prank, In
The Rev. George Walt
officiated. the December 31 .
1984 funeral service /l.I McBeath Funeral Home. Tern·
porary entombment in
Ingersoll Mausoleum with
interment later in the Harris Street Cemetery.
Mrs . Dodd was born In
Dcreham Township.
..J.SAAI;$.E: Joseph Adam
Kaake, 43 Princess Park
Drive. Ingersoll, died in his
83rd year on January 3,
1985, at Alexandra Hospital.
He Is sUJ'lIi ved by his
sisters Mrs. E.M. (Harel)
Brien of Windsor and Mrs.
Ann HIli of Ingersoll, along
wilh a number o{ nieces
(\ no lIephews.
The Rcv. John JenJ\lngs
oHicinted the January 5,
1965 (ullcr,,1 service at Me·
Bealh Funcral Home. Inler·
ment service at Victoria
Melnorial Gardens, Wind·
sor, Jnnuary 7, 1985.
Mr. I(aake was born in
Spring Creek, North West
Territories. He WlIS a mem o .
' ber of Ihe OnlMio I.odge 521
AJl' and AM. Windsor, and a
member 01 the Royal Canadilln Legion, Branch 147,
na rrie. He was formerly of
Bnrrie (\nd Windsor.
MIICIlf:M,.; ,,,,Mildred E.
Milchell. 77.
n.R. I, Salford, diet!
Friday, DeeemhC'r 28, 1934
nt Alexandra HC\~pital.
She is survived by her
husband, Roy D. Mitchell;
lind by her d:Hlghters, Mrs.
WIHord (M:lrilyn) Waglll'r
of R.R.I, Sa]{ord, and Mrs.
Ronald melenl Matthews
of London. Also surviving
ilrc six grandchildren, and
her Sisler, Mrs. Roy '( Elhel)
BarneU of R.R.I, Salford.
Audl'ey Whitney oHicia!ed the (unern! service at
McOearh Funeral HOlne
December 31, 1984. Temporary entombment in Inger.
soli Mausoleum with Intet.
ment later in the Harris
Street Cemetery.
Mrs. Mitchell was a memIx!r of the Salford United
Chllrch .
~~~~ """
(;:,Ievens erm eeren a" '"
siden! of the Oxford R'esi~i, .
A! Nursln~ Home, Ingersoll. I
dlcd at Victorill HOSpiLaI
London on Wednesday :
January 2, 1985 In ol'r 86th
She was predeceased by
her husband, the, late
Gerard Vermceren.
survived by her children
~rs . Ben (BertlUlJ Meyer:
Ink of Tillsonburg, Mrs. Plet
(Lucie) Van Etten of 1101.
land. Mrs . Marfin (Jean)
Vnn Boekel of Ingersoll
Mrs. Ben (Ca/hy) Wellink o{
n ,R.7, Tillsonbun~, SOll~
Pefer and Jerry o{ R.R. I,
Brownsvill.c, and her dAUgh.
ter, Mrs. Joe (Lenie)
Schembri of Dorchester.
She is also survived by 37
grandchildren and 24 greal
grandehi ldren.
The funeral mass was
Charles Campbell in Sacred
Church, 011 January 5. 1985.
Temporary entombment in
Ingersoll Mauso!eum with
Interment later in Sacred
lleArl Cern etery.
Pa llbea rers were Ben
WeUink. Peler Van Boekel
Paul Ve.rmeeren, Dennl~
Boekel and John Vermcereno
Mrs . Vermecren was born
in Mode Drimmelen, Hoi .
55 Deaths
At Alexandra
Hospital, Inoersoll on Tues'
d,'y J~nll3ry 29, 1965, Greg
Sm ith , age 36 . Beloved 1\\.16'
band of Greis (V&ldhul&1
Smith of A R 2 InocrGOiI. Desr
lather of She,,1 Marie end
Tracy Lynne . DeBr brolhe, 01
David . Deihl, Mrs. Maurice
Cole (Janel. logor601l.
Predeceased by his parenls
Mr. and Mrs. Oeoros Smilh.
Friends WIll be ,ecelved allho
McBealh Fuoe,all-1ome, 246
Thames Sleel . Soulh, (ngsr~oll, on Wedl\96dav Janua,y
30 (rom 7 . I) p m. Prlvale
lam~y service on lhurSday
January 3 I . Aev . Dan Me/n'
'us 01li031 1ng, In lieu of
!lowers, remembrances to
Aonata Me Donald House or
W(!or Memo'lal Children 's
Hospital. london, mey be ar·
ra"ged lor al lIIe lunorsl
home .
S)~\\.)\Y.. N~ L
-e,\.) 'L~ u...\
~, Randy
and Lori
Smith, I~ Charles Street
East, Ingersoll, are thrilled
to announce the birlh of
their son, &oll William. He
WDS born nt Alexandra Hos·
pital on J alluary n. 198!i.
i E LORE: At Alexandra
~ ospital 011 January 12.
1985, to Bob and Yvonne
Bclore, a nine pound 13
ounce boy, Phillip Patric.
STEW/\RJ; Gavin and Jo·
alme (nee: Vim Asseldonk)
, Are proud 10 announce the
birth of their first child,
. Joshua
Charles, seven
pounds II ounces, at Sl.
Marys Memorial Hospital
on January 19, 1965. Proud
grandparents nre Harry
and Nancy Van Asseldonk
from Salford and Donald
Siewarl from Thamesford.
IIALL: Allan James Hall,
~ rngcrsoll, died at
London's Victoria H'lspital
January Z'I, 19S~.
He is survived by his
parenls, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
G, Hnll, 116 Holcron Str~l.
Ingersoll, alld by his
nephew, James Graham
(Barney) Hall oC London ,
' . He was predeceased by
his brother, the late Dr .
Gr3ham Hall, in 19~2 .
Falher Charles Camp~1I
will officiate nt the funeral
mASS today at 11 a.m . at
Sacred Heart Roman Calho·
lie Church .
Mr. Hall was born in
Portage La Prairie, Manilo·
ba. He was 3 schoolteacher
alld a member of the Roman
Catholic faith.
011 SUnday,
fViinogue, the three-year~ld
daughler of Tim and Carol
Minogue, J38 Bond Street.
rngersoll. died Friday,
Jllnuilry 2~, 19{)5 .
She is survil/ed by her
parents; her sisters Mary
and Allgela; and her grandparents,
Minogue, R .R.2, rngersoll,
and Mr . and Mrs Henry
Ddniel of Ingersoll . ~so
surViving is her great
grandmother, Mrs . Wirl1li·
fred Slew!'lrt of Kltchener,
Along with several aunts
and uncles .
Bruno Suhr of (he
Jehovah'S Witnesses. con·
. ducled the funernl service
at McBealh Funeral Home
on Monday, January 28,1985
at 1:30 p.m. Temporary
entombment with inlerment
later in Dehner Cemetery.
1't110TTO: Maddalena <Pedron ) Mlollo, M, formerly of
Bc.achvillc. died Sunday,
January 20, 1985 at Wood·
sloek Gellerlll Hospital.
Mrs . MiolLo \Vas pr '<ic·
ceased by hcr husband . the
lale Joseph MioHo, in \%4.
She is survived uy her
sons Zelindo and TUilJlo,
\)r)lh of Bcachville; her
(Clara) Gaetan of Beach·
ville, and Mrs, . Velma
Saccrardo of Italy; 11
grandchildren nnd eight
great grandchildren.
F'uneral moss was cele·
brated by Father ChArles
Campbell on January 23 at
It a,m. at Sacred Heart
Church . Temporary en·
tombment with interment
later in Sacred Heart Ceme·
Pall~nrers were Brian
Gael.8n, ·
David Miotlo, Mike Wilkes,
Sylvanio Battiston and
Enrico Caretta.
Pllrlsh proyers were said
Tuesday, January 22, and
League Rosary was Tues '
day, January 22,
Mrs , Mlotto was born In
Riese, Holy.
Bospl aror:"'Sunday Febru~Iy
3 . 1985. Hanl (Lew,s)
Wiseman age 85. 01 R fI 5 In·
gelsolL Wile or the ISIs Frenk
Wiseman . She Is survived by
Ihlce s/slers. MIs. Allhur,
Clerk (Eva) . A R 1 Salfo rd.
Mrs Ula Laal 2. Ingersoll.
MIS. Alb8f1 MQ/kham (Albel '
la). TlIlSOl\burg . one broillel
Russell Lewis. Fhnl Michigan
and a numbel of nieces Md
KNOX: Don IHld Linda
Arrival of their daughter,
Sarah Oelll, all January 21,
19115 at 8:47 a.m" weighing
nine pounds, two OUIlCes . A
. sisler lor Michllel and
GI'egory .
nephews. Predece<)sed by
ono slslel NOla Tacor. Iwo
blolnels Ernie and Del Lawis.
FriendS w,1I be leceived althe
McBealh Funeral Home. 246
Thames Slteel SOuth. Inget·
sollallel 2 :30 pm. on Tues·
day where complete lunetal
scrvic e will 'be held on
Wednesdey F ebluary 8 al
1 :30 p.rn .. Audrey Whllney
ofliclatlng . Temporary en ·
lombment. Interment laler In
Hailis Sitael Ceme l ery .
Aemembr3f'\te S 10 Ihe Hearl
Foundalion 01 Cance r Socln·
ty m:ly be 3f1ang ed 101 al 1M
luner.~1 home .
POfiHSMi)j Casey and Sue
(nee : Huntley) are proud 10
announce the birlh of their
daughter, Lisa Suzanne, al
Alexandra Hospital on Jan·
uary 30, 1985. A IitUc sister
for Derek and Michael.
'!:. ~c:, t:.~ ~Cy\_~
} :>£{\)\ :C\\J~ L
. ~ ..
\':t. \\\ c..~
~"u\ \...)...G.. \~ ~ \"'\'
He is survived by his wife, R.R .2, Thorndale ; her
David Thomas
Mrs .
udge, 66, 139 Allen Streel, the rormer Helen Hossack ; daughler
. Thamesford, died February his son and daughler-in-Iaw (Joanne) Irwin of R. R.l,
Dale and Sue of London' .Dorchesler, and six grand·
10,1985 at Victoria Hospital,
South Street Campus, Lon· grandchildren Wesley and children. Mrs. Jones is also
Drew; brothers Robert of survived by her sisler Mrs .
. Kinlore and Owen of Reg (Edna) Murrell 01
'Mr . Judge is survived by Kemptville, and his sisler- n. .H.2, 'Thorndale
and ·
his sislers , Hazel Knox of in·Jaw, Belly Hoel of SI. broUler Nelson of Olierville. '
London, Mrs . Jack (Kalh- Calharines.
She was predeceased by
leen) Allan of Tre.nlon, Mrs.
The Rev D S Wa ~
her sisler, Mrs . Walter
Pele (Mabel) Cheele of
. .
IT n (Mabel) Jones in 1980 .
London, and Mrs , George conducted the F~bruary 9,
The Re .... Roger Rice con.
(Alice) Pounds of Embro; 1985 funeral service at the . dueled Ihe F'ebruary 7 1985
his brolher Gordon ot Carrolhers·Belzner Funeral . 'funeral service a l Tho .
Thorndale ; ard several Home, Thamesford. Temp- d a l '
orary entombment will be
e Unlled Church. Funernieces and nephews .
followed by bur ial later in AI arrang~menls were made
He was predeceased by Klntore Cemeter .
by the Carrolhers.·13ctzner
Funeral Home, Thames,
his si~ler, Mrs . Len (Winll['
Pallbearers were Bill ' ford .
fred) Beadle, in 1978 .
McConnell, Gord McDowell.
Interment In Zion 7th' Line
The Rev . Tom Gri[(in George Leitch, Bill Mar· Cemetery.
officiated Ihe February 12., shall, Terry Moran and Ken, Pallbearers were Cecil
1985 funeral service a t the Wilson.
Arms Ir()l\g , Elmer Dullon,
carrothers· Belzner Funera I
Dr. Ross Greene, Max BiIHome, Thamesford . Inler·
Mr. Irvine was bc.rn in yea, Bill Jones and 'John
menl later in Dorchester East Nissollri Township. In Wicker.
Union Cemetery .
memory of him, donations
Mrs. Jones was born in
Mr. Judge was born In. may be made to Lhe Cana· West Nissol.\ri Township.
She worked 8S a receptionWesl Nissouri Township. ' rtian Cancer Society .
isl for a medical oHice {or
In his memory, donlllions ..JJl.tll~ Ethel
Ame!'a some years . She WllS a
~ay be made to. the Cana·
(Gleason), 71, R.R.~, member of Thorndale Unitdian Cancer Society.
. 'Thorndale, diedF'ebruary '5, ed Church.
In memory 01 Mrs. Jones,
1Jl8 lNE i Thomas F . 'Bide' 1965 ~lSI. Marys Memorial
donatiOnS may be made 10
Irv ine 67 1358 Erindale Hospital.
Cres., London, died at Park.
She Is survived by her the Canadian Cancer Sociewood Hospital
London husband Howard ; her sons ty or Thorndale United
' Rea and Hugh, both of Church building fund .
February 6, 1985.
, ~lIDGE :
J tUNDh f<;: Boband Heather
(nee: ' ordon) are pleased
U) announce the birth of
Uleir (irst 'chilll, a son
Brandon Michael Gordon,
born January 24, 1985. 10
pounds, I) ounces, at Victor·
ia Hospital, London .
J y DG E: On February 7,
1985, a son to Mr. and Mrs .
Arnold Judge (nee : Brenda
Smith), Andre~ Berlram, a
Grandson ior Jack and
Noreen Smith and Celina'
WALE : At Alexandra Hos·
pltal , on February 7, 1985, '
11 p.m. to Mike and Rani
Wale, 211 Wonham SI. S.,
Ingersoll, a son Michael
Ronald William .
~ C; ~~
S CJ \-"-
\:=- e.'-v'
'V-C, ~
~At lhe Oxlold
Regiooal Nursing Home. In·
gersoll on Wedn~sday
Fab,uary 20, 1985. Mrs.
Sarah (Oobsolll Brent ,
lo,melly 01 Woodslock and
Beaellville, ;n he, 961h 'lie.,.
WidoVi 01 Jo~n Hell'y Branl
(1952). Dear mol her 01 Tom
or Beachville . Jack 01
Goda,;eh , Mr$. Edna Brown
alld Mr s Bonnie lElia)
Cousineau. bolh 01 Elmora ,
Gr andmolhe r 01 16(\ . gran d·
cnildren, twenly·nlne o,eal·
grandChildren and len oreal '
greal.grandchildren. Sisler 01
Frank Dobson 01 Teeswaler ,
Predeceased 'by eleven
brolher8 and siste,s. F, iends
w',n be received 2 . 4:30 and
7 · 9 p ,m . F"day. allhe M.D .
(Mac) Smilh FUrle,al Home.
69 Weltlf\glon Sireel Norlh.
Woodslock. ' where Ihe com ·
p ie hl rUIle/al service WIll be
held al 1.30 p.m. Saturday
Fehru!'y 23 wllh Rev . AuS\ln .
Snyder off iciating , Internoenl
laler In the Elmira Union
Cemelery. Those plannino an
e ~presslon 01 sympalhy 81e
asked \0 consider (he AolalY
Cr ippled Chlrdlel\'s Fund .
S 'F-.\\)\I.\"J E L
She is ~urviv e d by her
brolher Arch ie MUn!·op. n(
R.R .2. jngersoll, by several
nieces and nephew~ -"Ind by
greal niccI\!\ and nt·phew." .
62nd year .
The fUrlrral sel'vi<'e wa!'.
h('ld ilt Mcnealh Funeral
Mrs .
(Ferne Marjorie) Norman
of H. R.5, Langton, passed
aWAY at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday,
February \9. 1985 , in her
Rorn ill Ncw England,
Ontario, April 4, 1923, she
was a daughter of the late
lIorry M.a((hews and the
lormer Ella Davis.
Surviving, besides her
husband. are one daughter,
Mrs. Dan !Darline) F'rish·
cite of PorI Dover: three
Norman or
Port Burwell , Richard NormAn of Cultus alld narry
Norman of Fair Ground;
sons, 'wayne
seven grandchildren ; one
sister, Mrs. Dorothy Moore
of Illgcrsoll : and three
brolhers Merrill Mallhews
of Slraffordvi lie, Archie
Mallhcws llnd Gordon Ma lUICWS,
both o{
She was predeceased by a
grandson, Michael Friso·
elle, in 1981; by a s\sler,
Ooris ; and by'two brolhers
(;erald IlI\d. Hllrvey ..
The funeral service was
hC'ld at Ihe Ostrallder's
l"uneI'Ollllome, Tillsonburg,
on ~'cbruary 23, conducled
by Rcv . Kenneth McLaughlin of StraHordville Uniled
111termetlt in Kinglake
Memorial donations io the
C.. nadian Cancer Sociely or
l.o Ule'charily of your choice
would ~ appreciated by the
.,tl'l'ZG EItALI> :
YERES: Frank and Marg
announce the safe arrival
01 their daughter, Lindsay
Anne . Shc was born on
Friday, February 8, 1985 at
SI. Joseph's Hospital , London and weighed s ix pounds
10 ounces .
(Munroe) Fil7.gerald. 88,
died at AleXAndra Hospital
Wednesday, February '1lJ,
t98S .
She was predeceased by
her husband, [he late
Joseph Fitzgerald: in 1942.
Temporary entombment ill
Ingersoll Mausoleum wirh
interment laler III Ingersoll
Rural Cemetery .
],X 5ll~ ts. Hen ricus (II a Ilk)
'I'yssen, 60, J 10 King .solo·
mon St., Inger~oll, dicd
Fl'iday, F'ehruary IS, 19115 ai,
Victoria lIospital, Lnndon .
He is Sllrvivecl by his wifl',
the former Np.llic Coonen :
his sons Eric o( r:alg;try,
Joseph of Kenora anc! Pp.(er
McGregor :
grat)rj .
daughlers Sha ron Ann Allll
Amy Marie ; sislers Mr.~ .
WilhemiM Quillian I'll London alld Mrs . IlelClla VAn
dp.r Uw-g of Waterlno: lind
hi5 brothers Herbert lind
John 01 Londnn, And I'cf.~r
nf Ml. Albprl..
Mr. Tyssen WllS P)'crJ('I'IV two hrolher·
iII-laws, the lale Arlllllr
the late
Quinlan and
William v<ln cler Rurg_
MllSS W'llS c~ lebfatE'd
Father Chai'lr:!> GA mpbell al
Sacred Hear! l;hurch. IlIler·
meHI ill All &li!\t~ C~nletery
Pallbearers were 'loh
Plalltinga , IJ a rr y S(rybosch, John Vlerllmix, .I oe
Lenders, Mike J(ooyflkkcr.~
f)el(llell .
llonorary pallbeArers were
NeW)l13 n, 1.1'5 Charlton ;11111
Wicl Coonell.
Mr. Tyssen was born ill
Il ~.
worked as a statiOllary
engine:e.r jn milk proces~ing .
.JJI1t)ux i p.
hiA da\1ghler, Mrs noy
(Carol) Zinn of l"ondon ;
alollg wilh his grandchild·
reno t-'tich('lIe I.lrady. Alyson
l\r?ocly . Carlr.r Zinn and
r-.lcga II Zilln . Mr. flrady i5
also survive<! by his sisl('r
Mrs . Bill (II~lpn) Thompson
Strathroy ; a nd his
brothers Howard of Missis$:luga, Dwight of New ZellIMld. find Robert of Van~. ouver.
Ill'; wa s predeceased by
his hrother Russell in I%~
ancl hy his sisler Jean in
I'h(" r: ev . Paul Field or
oHiriah·tl the funeral ser\·;t·c FC\hrullry 20 111 Mc!J ~ ath Funeral Home . Inter·
Illent on .')acrcd
{'eme.lfry .
1\1r. 11rndy \\'as hQro in
PMt ()urwrll , I Ie wllrkert :IS
all of(\ce ma\l:lgr.r in lIlltO'
motiv(' p .les ,
-- .. --- - - --<'OI. E : GJE'IIColc, 70, H. I!.2 .
· ~F.Igin. died Werllw.s·
Febrllarv 20.
at hi~
I'le is sqrvjllE'd by his wife,
the fOI'lIl,' r i:I:rnA Hobmsoll;
alld by h's children, Mrs .
Hon (Myrtia I Schmurr 1)1
Mildrn<lY . Mrs . .Inck
O' Brien' or Niagara Falls,
Mrs . Dill (Hrenda) Givlin of
Burlington, and Rruce of
ILR.2, Moullt £Igin , Also
survivillg lire hi ~ brothers
JlI\C of Kelown a , B,C., lind
I Jon of ErlmonlOll, AIbcrla,
and his sister Mrs . ·rack
IAudrey) f.o;mpnngham of
Agincollrl ,
r.<1nducled lhe
Rev ,
At McBeaLh
F\lneral HOllie. Interment
ill Ebene1.er Cemcl~ry .
Grtwt Orfldy,
Cathcarl Street ,
lngersoil, oied .Sunday ,
February )7, 1985 at Alexandra HO$pi1.11.
Mr. Calc W:lS a school bus
driver {or J5 years . He was
also an elder of Vp:rschoyle
United Church and th~ duk
of s ~sslon, !\ member o(
lie is survi vp.d by his wife
Ingersoll L~wn Bowling
Club, anLl a me(1\ber 01
Dereham I ,odf(e 624 At>' ~nd
Dorothy (C,lil'ler) Bmcly ;
his sons Lorne Dr Norlh llay
and narry o( RrAmpt(\n , i\nd
,IH All II N.: . At Alexa ndra
Hospila.I, on March 5, 1985,
to Jerry and Debbie (nee·
\ Brownscombe> MOlrtin, 285
' Thames Street North,
Ingersoll. a daughter.
Danielle Dawn, weighing
six pounds 13'h ounces , A
sister for Shannon and
\' 1:..(\,
PfOOlIN Al Ale~andra
Hospilal on Salu,day March
16. 1985. Gladys (Willo/u)
(Wagne,) Pedoln. age 82 ,
W ile 01 Ihe I~le Percy Pedolin
(1965) and lesfie Wagr\er
.(1956) 01 261 Welling Ion
SI16el. Ingerso1{ , O'ear molher
01 Wollord Wagner. R A 1
Salto/d, M,s , Ken Johnsione
(L;wlnal. Palmerslon . Dear
sislel 01 Mrs Joe Barnell
(Annie). Ingar soil', Deilr
glandmolher 01 seven IIra"d·
children. and one r1real ·
Q/andsOI\, FriendS will be
received al Ille MeOealh
Funeral Home. 246 Thames
Sireel Soulh , Inge'$01l .
where comple{e service w,1I
be held T uesaay Mal eh 19 III
1,30 p.m . . Rev , filUI Field 01 ·
iiciallng . aSSisted by Audrey
Whilney. Temporary enlomb·
ment. intermenl latc r in Ihe
E ben e 1. ere e .n e I e r y .
I'lememhrances 10 Trmily
Uniled Church F OUlldal;on
may be afltlOged (or al 1M
(unerfll hOme.
~ E:. (\)\' -:t. \\) '?~ ~
\\' \ C:,. \ -
'R. ~ '-.) ~_ r:_~\
\~ S"S
-.Jemor,ai ilfdten"s HosCllal.
Aospllal. Inge,soll on Salur'
jay March 9 . 1985. Erma
(Ma,kham) Wu,ker In \'lei
7 Sih veal . Belove-d wile 01
Fred Wurker 01 27.3 TllamoS
Siroe l Soulh . Ingersoll. Oeal
molher 01 Dale. Ingersoll
Oear Sisler 01 TV Ma1kham.
~Blon Onlar;o. Also SUMvell
by Iwo grandchildren . Allison
ar>d Stephen. Predeceased
I)V ono brolhe. Derwood al\d
Olle sisler Lela Wabstel . No
lu~o.el lIeme ~;SIIal ion
orivale lamMv service w,lI be
Mid al \ho MeSesl" Funeral
Home. 246 Thames Sileel
SoUlh. Illgersoll on Monday
I \ . Tempor8ry en ·
k>mbmenl Il'Ilarmenl 1&Ier 11'1
Ingersoll Aural Cemotery.
Remembrances 10 Iho Park"'·
son foundation 01 Canada
may be ,Hanged (01 81 Ihe
lunClai home .
London. on Mond"v Mnrch
1B. 1965. Shawn Br earloy.
in \'lis 2nd yea< _Lo v'' ''9 son 01
Flcd ilnO Genie Blea/lcv 0
150 F.ances Slice!. Inger
SOIl . DeJI brolher 01 Tammy
Jason end Ayan . all al home
Dear orandson 01 Clarence
aM Thelma Siovel . Spr ·
Ing/ield. Ralph Moyer _
SlIalhloy. and Ihe lale Man
Mayel ( 19131 . Also survived
by a lIumber 01 aunls. uncles
and cousins Fliends will be
received al Ihe McBealh.
Funeral Home. ~~6 lnames
Slreel SOulh . Ingersoll aller \
7 :00 p m . Wednesday . !
wnere comp~lo service will
be hold on Friday MatCIl 22 .
al 1.30 D.m . Re\l . Paul Field '
ollil:oo\I'no. Tempolerv en · .
lombmcnl Inle,menl laler In
~ -
AI Ale ~ aod l s
Ingorsoll . 0 '"
Wed oesday March 13 .
1985. Louisa (JohnSlo n )
Smlll, . age 92 . W,!e 01 Ihe
lale William Smilh f 196 7). '
Dear mOlher 01 Mr~ . Alb erl
C.aoe (Win!. IngersoK . Also
survi ved by IWO (,)r3110 cllildrSIl ",,,d Ihres greal'
gtandcMdrM. PretJeceased
by one son Bob (196 ~ I. Sa"
nia. A privalo luneral service
was held 31 Ihe McBealh
~I .
I'Ufleral Homo . 1/I(Jelsoll. on
Frida.y March 15 Revclend
Joh<> Jennings ollicialed. In·
lermo,,1 O~'ord MemOllal
Park C ~ meler¥. _ _
SEN \, I.,(\,)'E
£\.) l:. ~\_0
\~ \
\<\ ~ ~
S l::. (\J '\ T
\c." «5"~
Cj)~1P ~fiLL ; Tne family of
Midlan Police Constable
William Hugh Campbell
wish to announce hIs passing at the Women's College
Hospital, Toronlo on Thursday, Marcn 7, 1985, at the
age of 5'2.
Beloved husband of Elva
Laarz, Dear Father of
James at home. Predeceased by son Jelfery in 196'7.
Loving .son of Lyla (Mrs.
Vic. Harrison)'of Ingersoll,
and the late John A. Campbell, 1937 .
Dear brother of Kenneth
and John of Ingersoll, and
(Mrs _ William
Pillock) of London, Lovingly remembered by anum·
ber of nieces and nephews.
Mr. Campbe.J1 spent four
years with the Ingersoll
Police Department, lhen
two years wilh Ihe COl mpbell ford Police Departmenl
and the past 19 ye<lrs wilh
lhe Midland Police Deparl·
He aclually spent2S years
as a police olficer .
Me Campbell rcsted at
Comele,y .
R~\J .r:)~~
nenlembrances 10 Ihe Waf
Memollal Childlen 's HOSpital
01 Hearl Found81101l may be
~".-nged lor 81 Ihe lun er al
~ ~ \_
.; ;, f\ )~\..~:L ~ W
\\\<.'.....~" G\
the N\chol1s Funeral Home
Midland, then 10 St.
Paul 's United Church for
Intermenllaler iri Harris
St. Cemelery, Ingersoll.
TIIlJllLUX ; Basil l'hurlby,
60,456 Haines Street, Inger·
soli, died Sunday, March 3,
1985 at Victoria HospiLal,
London .
He is survjved by hIs wire,
the former Grace McAllister ; his children Mrs. Mark
(Connie> Pearson of Texas,.
Debbie Hurding of Ingersoll, W:-.yne of Ingersoll, and
Basil Eugene Jr., also of
Ingersoll. Also surviving
are his grandchildren
Dennis, Danlelle and Derek,
and his sister, Uta Aileen
Kocins of Pt. Bruce.
He was predeceased by a
brolher, Vern Thurlby, and
a sister, Velma Kocher .
The Rev . Leonard Fex
conducted the March 6, 1985
funeral service at McBeath'
Funeral Home. Inlerment
Pallbearers were Jay
Curtis, George Clemenls,
Ray Falkins, Ralph Dar·
Innd, Don Horley. and Bill
\yURKER: Erma (Mar\(·
ham) Wurker. 273 ThAmes
SL S., Ingersoll, died Satur·
day, March 9, 1985 at
Alexandra Hospital in her
751h year .
She is survived by her
husband Fred, her son Dale
of Ingersoll, and her grandchildren
Stephen. Also surviving is
her brolher, Ty Marknam of
Mrs . Wurker was predeceased by her brother, Derwood Markham, and by her
!>isler, Lela Webster .
A private family service
was held at McBeath Funeral Horne Monday, March 11,
1985, with the Rev. Tom
Griffin officialing.
MrS. Wurker was born In
T - \\\'\'::. S
\ C; ~'2>
,<;', \c\~-S
I'~:~: I ,'~
~ _ 'l"
.. ,
5S Deaths
AI Od()(1 Regional
Cenlre on Sunday MarCh 24.
1985 .
Ouinn In his S3rd yetlJ. Son 01'
Mr . TIlO'mas Quinn 01
Engelharl and Ihe late Mariorie Ovinn . erolhe' of William
of Oshawa. lho IUMrat ser·
vl~ w;U bo held al Ihe
McOon~ld·RoweU Funeral
Home, 50 Finkle Slreel.
Woodslock (please nole new
IOCAliOrt) WedMsday Match
27 ar 10 :00 2.m InlermMI al
Me morlal Perk
y '1'1
loron lo on Sunday
March 24 , 1985. Hom. 01
Robert Sireel. To,onlO. in hiS
Vlh year. Ho Is suNlvM by
· hiS falher, Ihree brolhers. and
IWO sisters in Laos. one Sisler
Mrs . KI1am PhelhSaralh (pok)
of IngerSOll. Predeceased by
hiS molhel . FriendS will be
received by Ihe lam,1y 81 Ihe
McBeath Fune,al Home, 246
Thames Slicel Soulh . Inger·
soli on Wednasday 2 . 4:30
and 7 . 9 p.m., where com·
plote hmeral saNiee will be
held o,\. Thursday MarCh 28
al I :30 p.m .. Rev. George
Wall olllclating. T ernpOiory
enlombment. rnle"nenl lalel
in HarriS Streel Cemelety
~C ~~
At Alexondra
osP,ta, ngerSOIl. on Tues ·
day Match 26. 1965. Isabel
· Pearl (Wilson) Jackson. age
63. 01 40 WIlly Avenue. In·
gers011. \MIa of Iho lale
Geroge Jackson 1\976).
Dear molhel 01 Mrs. James
1.."lIor 1001'1113). Ing~tSO\l. Lov ·
ed by lwo grandchildren.
Jack SCali. Ingersoll. and
Wanda LOISbetg. Edmonlon:
Also sUlVlved by one broiller
Charles Wilson 01 Chatham,
, and a number 01 oleces and
nephews. Predeceased by
OlIO gtanddaughler Moty AM
Scali 11969). and one sonin·law Jack SCOIl (1974).
FriendS will be received at Ihe
McBealh Funet&1 Home. 2~B
Thames Slteel Soulh. Inget·
· soil altor ~ : OO p .m. Wednes·
day. unlil Fridav Mvch 29 al
1.4 S p.m .. Ihon 10 SLJames
AOQlitan Church lor luneral
uNice al 2;00 pm .. Aev
10m G,illi" olt,ciahng. T(>m '
por3ty etllombmenl. inler'
menl lale< in Ingetsoll Aural
S£:; ru'Lru2 L
R. 'i:: \~ :t. EUj
~I\LDWELL: Mary Helen
71; I~ Byron
Ave , Thamesford, died at
Alexandra Hospital. Ingersoll, March 22, 1985.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late T.S.
<Spike) Caldwell, in 1975.
She Is survived by her
daughter Mrs. Murray Mackay (Marilyn) of RR.l.
Embro, and her son, W.H.
(Diil) of Iligersoli. Also surviving are her grandchild·
ren, Adam, Mitchell. and
Kimberley Caldwell, and
Heather, Scolt. Karen and
James Mackay; her sister
Mrs . James (P"lorence)
Dent of Windsor, and her
brothers Russell, Robert
and Arnold, ail of London.
The Rev. K. DAvid Mack
conducted lhe March 25,
funeral service al the
Ca rrothers- Belzller Funer II 1
Home, Thamesford, Inlermenl in the Forest Lawn
Memorial Gardens, London.
Pallbearers were Bob
DenL, David Rush. Brian
Dent, Jan Rush, Tom Rush
and Rob Caldwell.
Mrs. Caldwell was born in
CARROLL; Craig and Kelly
(MacGregor) are pleased to
announce the blrLh of their
firsL child, a boy. Zachary
James was born on March
18, 1985 weighing eighl
pounds 12 ounces , Proud
firsllime grandparents are
Nelson and Ruth MacGrc·
. gor of Putnam, Mrs ,
Yvonne Carroll of London
and Mr. Ron Carroil of
Peterborough. Proud great
grandparents are Mr.
William Finlayson and Mr.
and Mrs. Finlay Carroll,
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur
Thompson .. Great great
grandmother is Mrs. Clara
Munger. Special thanks Lo
Dr. Maynard, Dr. Shaw,
Lou and third noor nurSing
sLa(( at Sl. Joseph's Hospi·
Georgetown, Ontario, She
worked as a nurse and was a
member of Westm i nstcr
U niled Church, Thames'
ford. Donations may be
made in her memory to lhe
Canadian cancer Society.
Mrs , Caldwell was pre·
deceased by her brothers
Edgar, Murray and Marlin,
borough of London, Mrs.
Eva Miller of Me Brydges,
/lnt! brother llow:lrd of Sault
Sl". Marie_
Mr. Henshaw was predeceased by his brother fred.
The Rev. 1<. David Mack
conducted Ihe March t9
funeral service al the
Carrothers·Betzner Funeral
Home. Int~rmen( in Zion 7th
Uf4fi§ IIAW j Ralph Hen·
Line Cemetery.
shaw, 75, H.R.4, ThamesPallbearers were Mr.
ford, died March 17. 1985 at . Henshaw's sons, Jim, RJllph
Memoria I Hospila \. Sl.
E., Tom, Clare, Ken and
He is survived by his wife,
Mr. Henshaw was born in
the former Edilh Miller; his
Wesl Nissouri Township. lie
daughters Mrs. William
was B farmer.
Stowman <Freida Mae) of
Marmora, New Jersey,
JY.~kA~ii Rupert James
Wa ace led at Dagenham,
Mrs. 'Jack Honc (Faith) of
Essex, England, on March
Waterloo, and Mrs . Gaston
Drapeau (Helena) or Lon·
Loving husband 01 Carrie,
don; his sons Jim of Dorfather of Tony, David and
chesler, Ralph E. of Port
Carling, Tom and Clare of
Beloved brOlher 01 John
R.R.4, Thames(ord, Ken W.
Wallace, Mrs . A. MacMilof London, and Burl of
lan. Mrs. W. Messenger,
lLR,Z, Thorndale.
Mrs. M, Jackson of Inger·
Also surviving are 21
soil and Mrs. G. Croker of
grandchildren and three
,great grandchildren: his
On March 15, 1985 to
Doug and Doreen (Cl1J"rie)
of Campbell ville, Onl., a
daughler, Janine Marie. A
sisler for Brett and Jon,
grandda ughter for Mrs.
Dorothy Currie and t...1r. and
Mrs. William Nash, and
great granddaughter for
Mrs. M. M. Nash,
At Alexandra
Hospital on February 28,
1985, to Richard and Jennifer Dorie, 68 Witty Ave.,
Ingersoll, a son Justin
JIIlD: Pat and Pete are
plc'-Ised to announce . the
birth o( their firsl child 'S ara
Nicole, born March 18. 1985 .
Proud grandparents are
Harley and Lydia. Quinn of
Salford and Tonv and
Laurene Jibb of ~l1don .
!=ir~r.ial thanks to Dr .
Hickey and Dr. Patrick of
51. Joseph's HospitaL
lU;>t:llfASfl~ : Al AJexandra
Hospital, on March 19, 1985,
Lo Roger and Elinor Bonl (ace, 236 Ossian Terrace,
Ingersoll, a daughter,
Angela Miriam June,
grandparents are EU3 and
Miriam Kuepfcr, Newton
and Jim and Gwen Boniface, Ingersoll .
Street Norui.
Ingersoll, died Wcdne~d; IY.
March 27, HIBS at AJe)(~I\(h ~
JACKSON: Isabel Pearl
( Wilson) Jackson, 53, 40
Witty Ave., Ingersoll, died
Tuesday, March 26, 19B5 at
AJexandra Hospital.
She was pred~cased by
her husband, the late
George Jackson, in 1976 .
She is survived by her
daughter, Mrs. James Miller (Donna) oflngerso][, her
grandchildre(l Jack Scolt of
Ingersoll and' Wanda Lotsberg of Edmonton; her
brother Charles Wilson of
Chatham, and a number of
nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by
her granddaughter. the late
Mary Ann Scott in 1969, by
her son-in-law Jack Scolt in
1974, and by her sister, Mrs.
· Mabel Elson.
The Rev. Tom Griffin conducted the March 29 {uneral
service at McBeath Funeral
I Home. Interment in Ingersoll Rw-al Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ron
Walker, Ray Walker, Mike
Miller, Shawn Heald, Dale
Wilks, and Jack Scotl.
Mrs . Jackson was bom in
Russell Lane, 63,
'29:l"Wnitlng Street, Ingersoll, died Wednesday,
March 27, 1985 al Victoria
Hospital, London.
He is survived by his wife,
Downey, and his daughlers
Mrs. Parry Landon (Dar·
)ene) of Ingersoll, and
Janice, at horne, and his
'granddaughter, Tracey
CRAIG: At Alexandra Hospllal, on March 23, J9ns t.o
Bruce and Suunne Craig,
378 Oxford Ave., Ingersoll, 11
daughter Heather Suzanne.
Landon . Also surviving is
his sister, Mrs. John Watson
(Veda) or Gall .
TIle Rev. George Wall'
conducted the April I, 19B5
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
in Dorchester Uoion Cemetery.
were Floyd
Richard Scoll, Lloyd Phillips, Mac Landon and Jim
Mr. Lane was born In
Mossley. He worked 8S a
custodian at Ingersoll
District Collegiate Inslitute.
He was a member or Ingersoll First Baptist Church .
~earley, the son of Fred
and Genie Brearley, 150
Francis Street, Ingersoll,
died in his second year at
Wnr Memorlal Children's
Hospital, London, Monday,
March 16, 1985.
He is survived by his
parents; his brothers and
sister, Tammy, Jason and
Ryan, all at home, and his
grandparents. Clarence and
Thelma Stover of Spring·
field, and Ralph Moyer o{
Slrathroy. He was predel
ceased by hIs grandmother,
the late Marlon Moyer, in
Also sUrvivng are anum·
ber of aunts, uncles and
The R~v . Paul Field conducted the Friday, March
22, \935 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home. In·
terment in Ingersoll Rural
F unnell) Boniface, 66,
R.RA, Jngersoll, died tuesday, Ma~ch 19, 1985 at Alex-
andra Hospital.
She was predeceased by
her husband, Hie late Wil·
lIam Boniface in 19'18.
Surviving are her sons
Robert William Boni{ace of
R.RA, Ingersoll and Albert
E. Boniface, R.R.4, Ingersoll, eight grandChildren,
eight great grandChildren,
and one greal great grandchlld.
Mrs. BonLlace is also sur" vived by her brother, Leslie
· Thompselt of Hove Sussex,
· England.
· She was predecased by several brothers and sisters.
The Rev. Paul Field con·
ducted the March 22 fWleral
service at McBeath'Funeral
Home. Interment in the
Harris Street Cemetery.
Mrs . BoniCace was born in
Have Sussex, England.
'1:1, of Robert
Street, Toronto, dJed Sunday, March 24, 1985.
He is survived by hIs
(ather, three brothers and
two sisters (n Laos, and by
hIs sisler, Mrs. !{ham (Pok)
Phethsarath o{ Ingersoll.
He was predeceBsed by
his mother .
The Rev. George Watt
conducted lhe March 28
funeral servIce at McBealh
· Funeral Home. Inlerment
in 'he Harris Street Ceme·
tery .
DAWES ; Donald and Sher-
rill are pleased to announce
the birth of their first child,
a daughter Valerie Jane,
born March 25, 1985, fit
Alexandra Hospital, weigh·
illg five poullds 15 1A ounces.
Proud grandparents are
Mrs. Patricia Clare of
Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs .
· aary Hoekstra of Ingersoll
and great grandmother'
· Mrs. Agnes M(kttish 0(
Woodstock .
- W Howard
(irSo'ul'l\field. Moc/'ligan 00
Sund?oY Marcll?4 1985. in
II'S 58\t> year . He is sUlviveCl
by hiS wire Belly Nalll'en.
dauohler La ..... ", . ~"d siMer
Audrey ChamDers 01 \nger~
sa.!!. 1 hc lu~elal was IICkl
Mar ell 21. lollowed oy
s ~ {D T l:. (\) '2 \~ '£ '-.)!.. '\:.W
~~')~\\ .~, \~<ist;
She was pred~ccased h.v
h('.r husband, the latc Bill
Grattoll, in 1!l52.
Surviving lire her child·
ren, Mrs. Charle<; Wilson
(Lois) of IlIgcr~oll, Mrs.
Hon Hoare (Pat) of Klineburg, Mrs . Gary Mattson
(Karen) of Beachvitle, and
Mrs. Elaine Kitr.p~trick or
IngersoJl. Also tiurvivlng
are her grandchildren.
Charles and Bill Wilson,
Derrick and Lesley· Hoare.
Brent and Kevin Mattson,
Kim Kirkpatrick and Cheryl
Mrs. Gratton was prede'
l'eas~d by her granddaugh·
ter Christine In J~7.
A private family service
was held at McBeath Funer-
al Home on Friday, March
29 with the Rev . Tom GriHin
oHiclali ng. Intcrm enl in
Resthaven Memorial
Gardens. Toronto.
Mrs. Grallon was born in
East Nissouri Township.
FINUCAN: Joseph A. Finu-
261. Jura Lane,
Ingersoll, died ·Sunday,
March 24, 1985 at his home.
He was the son of Mary
Finucan (McMahon) and
the late J(lhn Finucan, 1963.
He is survived by his
brothers and sislers, .Jack
F .• of Branlford, Bartley,
Thomas and Michael Finucan, all of Ingersoll, Sister
Msry James (Helen) of
Ingersoll, Larne F. of Sudbury, Mrs. Thomas Tonks
<Rita) oC Dartmouth, N.S.,
and Sisler Sl. Jude
(Florence) of Mt. Sl.
Joseph, London . He is also
survived by several nieces
llnd nephews .
He was predeceased by
his brother James F'inucan
in 196£.
Mass was celebrated by
Father Charles Campbell at
Sacred Heart Church on
March 27. Interment in
Sacred Heart Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Hubert
Dustin, Marlin Kirwin, Ron
F'inuClln, Ken Finucan, Edward F'inllcan and Don
rO NIN - $uddMly 31 Alex'
Oildfa'1!!osp il al. Ing e' soli. on
Monday Ap,,1 I 5. 1985. At·
Illio 10nio. In his 77111 yea'.
belolled husband 01 Te,es~
IGardin) Tonln o( 5"2 Lynn
Crescel"ll. Beachville. Dea~
1311\1'1 01 GUido. Milton, Lulg r
and Joe. 8eachv,la. M,s.
John La, 6bi e I Mar I~ I.
Seachvrlle, Jim. Innerk'Q.
Dear brolher 01 Mrs. Romano
Menegahalh IAssunla). lIaly.
M,s. Ml'I,ia Gardin,
8eachville. Mfs. Angelo Ban·
d'era (R,na). Torcnlo and Fer.
piNndo. lIaly. Also survived
by len gtandchlldren. iOticnds
wHi be received al McB1'alh
Fun~,al Home, 246 Tnames
Sireol Soulh. Ingersoll. un III
Thursday April 18 al 10:45
a m then 10 the Church 01
Iha &'cred Heal! 10' (UMr 61
Mass 61 I I :00 a.m. Inle,·
menl .in SI.Mary's AomM
. Calholic Cem1'lery. Par,sh
p,ayers Wednesday al 8:(10
COTTltEI.L: Victor G. A.
Cottrell of R.R.l, Brownsville, passed away at Vic·
toria Hospital, l...<mdon, on
Thursday, April e, 1985, In
his nrd year.
Born in wndonde'rry, Ireland, December 31,1912, he
was a son at the late Benjamin Cottrell and the lormer Annie Wilson. He came
to Canada In 1919 and was a
asp ta .
Survjving are his wIfe, the
former Mary Macdonald;
two daughters, Mrs'. Ann
Mason and Mrs. Danny
(Reta) Meloche, both of
£t.R.I, Brownsville; two
sons, James Q){trell of Tillsonburg and Robert Q)ttreU
of Port Rowan; 13 grandchildren; and four sisters,
Mrs. Earl (Ruby) Hearn of
Byron, Mrs. Kenneth (VioleO Scanlan of R.R.l,
Brownsville, Mrs. Earl
(Jean) Woolley of Spring'
field a nd Mrs. Dorothy
Hammond of lngersoll.
He was predeceased by
onc sister, Rose Dowds and
by one brother, Sidney
Resting at the Ostrander's Funeral Home, TIllsonburg, where service was
held Friday, April 12, at 1:30
p.rn., conducted by Canon
Sidney Lupton of Sl. John's
Anglican Church, Tillson-
Ingersoll on
Wednesd(\y April I 7. 1985.
.Liduina (Albanese) Gazzola,
age 60. Ville of Ihe late
Bruno Gazzola (1983) 013 I 1
WellinglOl\ Sireet. Ing1'fsoll.
Deaf molher 01 Cecilia
Donaldson. London. and
Angolo. SLCalharines. Pelef,
M,ssissauga. John, KII·
chelle' . An~a Malia. Inger·
I soli
Dear g,andmolher 01
Chfistino· and David
DonaldSon. Cathy. 881h Ann.
Amy, Pal'l and Barl Uauola.
Nina and Julie Gauola.
. Michael. Lisa. Matthew and
Gregory Gazzola. Dea, sisle'
of luigi AlbanMe. Ingelsoll.
Mrs. Antiroa Albanese and
Mrs Te,osa Tessari, Ilaly
Predeceased by two
b mine rs Anionio A1bene se
and Ouiseplo Albanese, Iwo
sislerS Marill Mal'Z8c<tlo and
Luiga Albanese. Friends
be ,ecelved 81 the Mc8ealh
Funeral HomEl. 246 Thames
Sireel South, Vlgersoll all Sf
2.00 p.m. Tnu,sdilY unln
Saturday April 20 at 10:45
a m IhM 10 Iho Church of
the ·Sacred Heatl 10' (une,at
Mass al I I :00 a m. InI6'·
men t ;n Soc,ed H aar I
C~melery. Parish p,ayers on
Frld~y &1 8'.00 p.rn C.W.L
rose'y on Friday &1 3:00 p.m
Remebre.ncas 10 Ihe Hearl
Foundallon 0' Ihe Olabet ees
Soclely m~y be arranged fo'
al the (uneral home.
Interment in Delmer
Memorial donations to the
Canadian . Cancer Soclety
would be appreciated by the
.s t:: \\y, l
\« ~ \..) "1. };=. \..U
cn ~lS DA IcL: Mark and
She cy (n ee: Duchall8n)
Ihank Ihe Lord for the safe
arriVAl of their daughter
Tiffany Elise. Born Mllrch
26, t985, weighing 8 Ibs. )2
o'zs. Proud grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buchanan, Ingersoll and Mr. and
Mrs. Pa.ul Geilen, Beach·
y ille. Grea t grand pa rents
arc Mr. and Mrs. Alberl
Duvall, rngersoll and Mrs.
Gwen Brown, Embro.
Special thanks \0 Dr. Dalton
and Maternity Starr of Alex·
andra Hospital.
~GSi INNI ~:
Jerry and
onna MeGin.nis announce
the birth of their son, Justin
Sleven on April 3, 1985 .
Grandparcnls are Ralph
and nULh Adam and Aiel(
and Thelma McGinnis.
Greal grandmothers, Mrs.
Ethel Adam and Mrs. Alva
VYSE: Peler and Linda
(nee: Spratt), n.R.5, Ingersoil. are pleased to
announce the birth of their
first child, a dAughter Lindsay Jean, horn April 9, 1935,
at Woodslock General Hospilal, weighing 7 lbs. 3 OIS.
Special Ihanks 10 (he Doc·
tors and O.B. staff.
1Ii\INF.S: At Victoria Has·.
pita!. 011 April 3, 1985. 10
r\ la 1\ and Linda Haines
(nee: Brown), l59 .Thames
SI. North i Ingersoll, a son
Justin flyan. Proud grand·
parents are Kathleen and
Paul Brown, Ingersoll and
Laurel lind non Haines,
"\ x... \\"\)::. 'S
\\) 'F-. L.
KIHWIN: Lisa find Michelle
KirWin - are happy to
annOUl\C~ the birU, 01 their
new.sisler Robyn Maria,
born on March 21, 1985, at
Vicloria HospitaL' She
weighed 7 'Il I bs. Proud
parents of these girl.S Are
Bob and HenrieLLa KIrWin,
of R.R.2, Ml. Elgin.
\ ~ '2,:;
Mass was celebrated by
TONIN: Attilio Tonin, 52
'Lyji'ii"t!rescenl, .BeachviUe, . Father Charles CampbeU at
died in his 77th year Mon- Sacred Heart Church . Intermenl in St. Mary's Cemeday, April 15, 19a5 at Alextery .
andra Hospital. lngersoll.
Pallbearers were Claudio
TOll in , Michael Thnin , John
He is surVived by his wile,
Larabie, Danny Michelon,
the former Teresa GardiD;
his chi.ldren Mrs. Maria Alex Anderson and Giovanni FraDchetto.
(John) Larabie of Beach·
Parisb prayers were said
ville. Guido of Milton, Luigi
Wednesday, April 17.
and Joe of BeachviJ.le, and
Mr. Tonin was born in
Jim of lnnerkip. Also sur·
Valla Oi Riese, Italy.
viving are 10 grandchildren .
Mr. Tonin is survived by
his sisters, Mrs. RDmano
(Assunla) Meneghetti of
Haly, Mrs . Maria Gardin of
Beachville. Mrs . Angelo
(Rina) Bandiera of Toronto
and by his brother Ferdinando of Italv.
'", /
TODD : Alta Gladys (Marlatt) Todd . of Woodstock.
died at Woodstock General
Hospiial Friday, April 1.2,
1985 in her 86th year.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late Clarence Todd .
Mrs. Todd is survived by
her children, Mrs. Velma
(John) Lake of Clarksburg,
Alvin and Eveline o( Owen
Sound. and Harold and
Lorraine of Woodstock.
Also ~urvivi.ng are five
grandchildren, eight great
grandchildren, and her older sister, Ethel Schramm of
The Rev. George Watt
conducted the April 15
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home.
Mrs. Todd was a member
of First ' Baptist Church,
Ingersoll, the Keystone
Rebekah Lodge 69, and the
Golden Age Group.
She was born in Vienna,
A memorial :iecvice was
r.eld under the auspicies of
the Keystone Rebekah
LOOge. 69, OD Sunday, April
was 100-veacs~ld .
She was predeceased. by
STAPLES: Frank Staples,
~, 294 Tunis Street, Inger·
soli, died Monday, April 8,
1985 at Alexandra Hospital,
Ingerson .
He is survived by his wile,
U1e former Mary Schram,
and by his children, Karen
of Ingersoll, Rick of Ingersoil, Doug of Brownsville,
Danny and David, both oC
BODWELL: Ruby (Smith)
Bodwell, formerly oC Salford, died at the People
Care Centre, Tavistock,
April 3, 1985. Mrs, Bodwell
Oswald Bodwell, in 1966.
Mrs. Bodwell is survived
by her children, Mrs. Jean
Garrison of Latham, N,Y.,
Mrs . Margaret Armstrong
of ArUngton. Virginia, Mrs,
Mary Koester of Dearborn,
Michigan, Mrs. Jessie
Flowers of Portland., Oregon, Mrs. Goldie Sheehan of
OregoD City, Oregon,
Graham of Metamara,
Schenictady, N.Y., and Jim
of Amsterdam, N.Y.
Also surviving are 21
grandc.h.ildren, a number of
great grandchildren, and
Mrs. Bodwell's sist£r, Mrs.
Josephine Clark of RR.2,
Mount Elgin.
Rev .
Ramirez conducted the
April S funeral service' at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Interment in the Harris
Street Cemetery.
Mrs. Bodwell was born in
Dereharn Township. She
was married in 1906 and
spent most of ber liCe in
Salford and Michigan.
She was a member of
Salford United Church and
ot Salford Women's lnsti·
Also 5 W"V"i ving are his
sisters, Mrs. Lena (Gordon)
Baird of Redlands, ca.Iilorcia, Mrs . Grace Peanon of
Woodstock, and Mrs. Helen
Dickie of Truro. Nova
Mr. Staples was predec~~ by his father, the
late Richard Staples, and
hls mother, the late Esther
Pearson, and by his
nephew, Lance Pearson, in
sister, Mrs. Kale (J.) Morrow of Perlhshire, Scot.Iand
and by Waller and Gloria
Austin and fam;1y.
The Rev. Tom Griffin conducted the April 10, 1965
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
in the Harris Street Cem'etery.
Pallbearers were Freeman Austin, Bill Austin.
Dick Scott, Gordon Hollingshead, Robert Bourassa
and Waller Austin.
Mr. Patton was born in
Dunblane, Perthsire, Scotland .
Pallbearers were Angus
McGuire. Gary Rickerd,
Ian Riddle. Bud Jobnstone,
Gord Bruce and Perry Maynard.
PIRIE: Florence Isabel
Pirie, R.N., died at Tillsonburg District Memorial
Hospital on Sunday. April
14, 1985 in her 78th year.
She is survived by her
sisters and brothers, Mrs.
Gladys Lowrie of Tillsonburg, Francis Pirie of
Ingersoll. Mrs. Nellie Brichko of R.R.1, Londesboro,
Mrs. Ruth McLarinan of
TillsOn burg , Mrs. Margaret
Shewan of Ingersoll and
Jack Pirie of London .
She was predeceased by
her parents, the late James
and Ada Pirie, and by her
sisler, Lucie, in 191L
PATION; (S<:otly) Adam
Patton, 81. formerly of 312
Tbames Street North,
Ingersoll, died at his residents in Eireau on Saturday. April 6, lSBS.
He is survived b~ his
The Rev. John Jennings
conducted the April 17, 1985
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
in Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
Miss Pirie was born in
North Oxford Township.
The Rev . George Watt
conducted the April 11
(uneral servIce at McBeJlUl
Funeral Home. interment
in Ingersoll Rural Cemetery,
GAZZOLA :-'-ti<lui1l~
,l:ianesel Gazzola. 80, :
Wellington Street, Ingers.
died Wednesday, April
1985 at Alexan~pil
She was predeceased
her husband, the late 8n:
~, Gazzola is survi\
by her children Ceci
Donaldson of LondoD, Ani
10 oC SL Catherines, Peter
Kitchener, and Anna Ma
of IogersoU. She is a
survived by her grandchi
ren, Christina and Oa'
Donaldson , C.athy, B~
Ann. Amy, Paul and B;
Gazzola, Nina and Ju
Gazzola, Mich'ael, Li!
Matthew and Gregory G;
Mrs. Gazzola is sw-viv
by her sisters, Mrs Anti
Albanese. Mrs . Tere
Tessari and Mrs. Gi
flora. aU of Italy. aod
her brother, Luigi Albanf
of Ingersoll .
She was predeceased
two brothers, the I.:
Antonio Albanese and I
lale Guiseppe Albanese, a
by lwo sisters, the 1;
Maria Mazzacato and t
late Luiga Albanese.
The funeral mass II'
celebrated by Fath
Charles Campbell at Sacr
Heart Catholic Church
April 20, 1985.
Parish prayers were s<
Friday, April 19 and I
Catholic Women's Le.ag
~ry was April 19.
Interment was at l
Sacred Heart Cemetery.
John Baptist Society of Sacred Heart
Aarts, 65, R.R.4, Thames- parish In Ingersoll, or to the
ford, died April 19, 1%5 at Sal va lion Army. in his
. memory.
his residence.
Mr. Aarts is sw-vived by
his wife, the former Maria
Woestenberg, and by his ~MITII' Albert James
children and children-in· Smith, 84, 146 Rallway St.,
law, Ben and Wilma Aans, Thorndale. died April 15,
Catherine and Dennis 1985 al Victoria Hospital,
Pardy, Matthew and Ann London.
He Is survived by his wife,
Aarts, all of Thorndale, Bill
and Heather Aarts, John the former Esther B. Wiland Rika Aerts, Frank and son; by his sons A. James
MaryAnn Aarts, all of Lake- Smith of Bridgewat~r, Nova
side, Harriet and Bert SCQtia and E. Rex Smith of
Sanders o( Watford, Joe and Niaga ra Falls; by hIs
Annie Aarts, Barbara and grandchildren ue, Gonion,
John Hendriksen, all of Jack, Laura and Bruce, and
Thameslord, MaryAnne by four sisters.
Pastor Earl Lelska can·
nd Daniel Denys of Parkill, Jacqueline and Peter ducted the April 17, 1985
tvlin ten
St rathroy,
Moniquc and Harry Van Carrothers· Bet zner Fun era I
Lieshout of Glencoe and Home, Thamesford. Interment in Norwich Cemetery.
ack Aarls, at home.
Pallbearers were Bob
Also surviving are 4.0
randch i Idren and his Risdon, Bruce Smilh, GoriSler-in·law,
Theresa don Smith, Jim Smith, Rex
DcG root of Zurich Clnd three Smilh and Ed HodgIns.
Mr. Smith was born In
isters, all living In the
Stratford on the Avon,
Mr. Aarts was prede- England. He was the pump house
ceased by his son John in
manager at London Airport.
fi'ather Charles Campbell
celebrated the funeral mass
at Sacred Hcart Catholic
Church on April 22. Interment in Sacred Heart
Pallbearers were Ben
Aarts, Matthew Aerts, Bill
Aerts, John Aarts, Frank
Aarts and Joe Aarts.
Mr. Aarts was born in
Gilze, Netherlands. He
worked as a farmer and was
a member of Sacred Heart
Donations may be made
SI. Vincent de Paul
DAWSON: Alma (Brooks)
Dawson, 83, formerly o(
R.R.2, Embro, died Tuesday, April 23, 1985 at Caressanl Care Nursing Home in
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late Clarence Dawson, in 1963.
Surviving are her sonS
Raymond and Kenneth,
both or R.R.2. Embro; six
grandchildren, three great
grandchildren,. and her
sister, Mrs. Lottie Miller of
Founlain Hills, Arizona.
Mrs. Dawson was also
predeceased by her sister,
the late Grace Clemmons,
in 1984.
The Rev. A.G. Pease con·
ducted the April 26 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral
Home. Interment In the
Harris Streel Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Glen
Dawson, Kelvin Benbow,
Alec MacGregor, AdrJan
Benbow, ScoLl McUod and
Gary Abbott.
Mrs. Dawson was born In
Lapeer, Michigan. She was
a member of Knox United
SMITH: George Smith, &3,
178 BarJ Street, Ingersoll,
died at Victoria 'Hospltal,
London,' Monday, April 22,
Mr. Smllh is survived by
his friend, Elsie Atkinson.
The Rev. Tom GrWin can·
ducted the April 25, 1985
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
In the Field of Honour,
Ingersoll Rw-al Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jack
Smith. Kory Share, Delbert
Maier, Paul Slike, Dwaine
Shafe and Mike Colbert.
A fulyal Canadian legion
memorial service was held
Wedrtesday, April 24 UIldcr
the ausplcles of Branch 55,
Mr. Smith served In
World War II with the Hoyal
Canadian Corps of Signals
and was a member oC
Branch fl5, &yal Canadian
Legion, Woodstock.
He was the son of
Frederick F. Smith 0(
He Is survived by his
former wife, Ann Eliwbeth,
and by his children Graham
of Ingersoll, and Carol Ann
Shafe of Westland, Michigan, and their half·brother,
Grant Wesley Dent of Elmwood.
AIso survivi ng is his
brother Jack of Ingersoll
and sisters Mrs. Delbert
Maier (Pauline) of Inger·
soli, Mrs. Harold Parker
(Marjorie) or Ingersoll,
Mrs. Allan Poster (LIllian)
of Dorchester and Mrs.
Woodstock; grandchildren
Tonnya Colbert, Dwaine
Shafe, Kory Shale, Guy
Smith, Carey Smith, Mandi
Smith and Allan Ashton;
and great grandsons Blake
Matthew Colbert and
Dwaine Kenneth Robert
Share Jr.
QI.TSIIER: Margaret Jane
(Werner) Oltsher, 20 Kirwin
Drive, Ingersoll, formerly
of Sebriligvllle, died Monday, April 22, 1985 at Alexandra Hospital. She was In
her 68th year.
She is survived by her
husband, Walter William
Oltsher, her daughters
Nancy Mulholland of London, and Susan of Toronto,
and by her son Douglas of
Also surviving are three
grandchildren and her
sister, Evelyn Seipel of N.J.
Mrs. Gltsher was prede·
ceased by her brother, the
late Wilfred Werner. .
The Rev. Tom Griffin can·
ducted the April 25 (uneral
service at McBeath Funeral
Mrs. GUsher was born In
Sebringville. She was a
member oC SI. James'
Anglican Church, Ingersoll.
WILDEnSPIN: John and
Debra -tee (nee: Corles)
are happy to announce the
birth o{ their first child. a
daughter Amy Randell, on
April 29, 1985, weighing 10
Ibs. 2 O'lS . Amy is a {i r5t
grandchild (or Alma and
Walter Cortes of Thames·
ford and Drs. Kenneth and
Rosemarie Wilderspln, of
Hamillon .
MCKINLEY: Jean'and Pete
McKinley are pleased Lo
announce the birth. of their
grandson Kyle Lynn on May
I at Norfolk General Hospi·
tal, Simcoe. The happy and
proud parents are Amy and
Lynn Van Paemel. R,R.l.
VitLoria, Ontario.
...1.l.6..Ila;. Jim and Judy (nee:
Grass) thank God lor the
safe arrival of [heir firsl
chtld Sarah Lynn. She
arrived April 22, 1985 weighing 7 Ibs. 9 OIS . Proud
grandparents are Bruce and
Phyllis Grass of Ingersoll
and Jim and Grace Haas, oC
Woodstock . Proud greatgrandparents are John and
Dina OosLerink of Woodstock, Roy and Gladys
Gough of lngersoll and John
and Ethel Grass of Springfield. Special thanks to Dr.
Chris Smith, Dr . DalLon. Dr.
Ian BrOlvn and third floor
nurSing sLaff a[ Woodstock
General Hospital.
MOCELLIN: Marco and
Julie MoceHin, 285 Thames
Street North, Ingersoll, are
pleased Lo announce the
birth of their first child, a
daughter, KaLrina Anne .
She was born May 4, 1%5 at
Alexandra Hospital.
CONWAY: Mrs . Grace Doris (Caverhill) Conway,
n .R.I , Emhro, passed away
in the RECU of the General
Hospital, Stratford. Ont., on
Thursday , May 2, 1985.
She was born in Ingersoll
77 years ago, the daughter
of the late Charles Caverhill
and the former Eleanor
Fewster . She was a member
of the Broadview United
Church, HarrlngLon, and an
active worker in Ihe church
and II life member of the
Women's l(1sti(ute .
She was predeceased by
her husband 1l.obert A. Con ·
way in .19,76, and survived by
twei sons, John nnd his wife
Helen of Thorndale, Keith
and his wife Dianne of London and four grandchildren
Brent. Jane, Bob and Brian .
Predeceased by two
sisters, Elhel Caverhill and
Mildred (Caverhil[) Doyd.
The family received
friends at the Heinbuck
Funeral Home. 1S6 Albert
Street, Stratford, and the
funeral service was held at
Broadway United
Church . lIarrington on
Saturday , May 4. Interment
was in the United Church
Those wishing to make a
memorial contribution ~re
asked to consider the
Ontario Heart and Stroke
Mrs. Mayne C.
~, formerly of Tavistock passed away at Woodingford Lodge. Woodstock
on Wednesday, May I, 1985.
The former Grace Eliza·
beth MacDonald she was
born in Ingersoll on May 14,
1004 a daughter o( the lale
Roberl Angus MacDonald
and the former l!:mlly ~Iea·
nor Andrews.
Grace married Mayne
Charles Klein at Sebastopol
on April 30, 1927. He prede'
ceased her in September 7,
JOUNSQN ' Edward (Scot·
ty} Johnson, 72, 178 Earl
Street, Ingersoll, died April
2:8, 19B5 !)t Woodstock Gen·
eral HospitaL
He is survived by his sons
campbell 01 Burlington and
George of Etobicoke, along
with six grandchildrcn.
Also surviving are his
sisters Daisy Slone of Bal·
loch. ')enlland, Jean Lach·
Ian of Gourock, Scotland
and his brother Allan or
Helensburgh, Scolland.
He was predeceased by
his wife, Ihe late Nan Reid
Johnson, in 1960.
The Rev. John Jennings
conduded the May I, 1985
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
in Ingersoll Rural Ceme· '
Pallbearers were David
';ohnson, Chris Johl13on,
Gail MacKay, Stewart
Thurtell, Bill Garratt and.
Ivan Smith.
A specia I !'IJnsonic memorial service was held April
30 under the auspicies of
King Hiram Lodge 31 AF
and AM.
Mr. Johnson was born in
Dumbarlon, Scotland. He
worked as a t')Ol maker.
He was a member of Sl.
Presby teri an
Church, a member of Kill·
wirming Masonic. Lodge,
Dumbarlon, Scotland; past
masler of King Hiram
Lodge YI At<' and AM, past
firs I principal of Harris
Chapter 41, R.A.M.; Scot·
tish rWe, and a past Worthy
Patron of the Avalon Chapter 220 O.E.S.
He also played lenor
drum in Ingersoll Pipe
. CAlutlEHEj David Car·
riere, 54 , 11)7 Thames Street
IM t ASSI : John Brassi, 75, 91
l' Jam es Slreel South, Inger.
5011 , died al his home May 7,
He was the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brassl.
He is survived by his
sisters, Mrs. Josie Kish of
Ingersoll and Mrs. Robert
(Theresa) HaHock of Am·
Rather Charles Campbell
conducted the May 9 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral
\lome, Pallbearers were
Jim MacMillan, Jack Mac·
_illan, Tom Comiskey,
Leo Kirwin, .elll Dempsey
and Jack Empey.
Mr. Brassi was born in
Woodstock. He worked at
Ingersoll Machine and Tool.
He was a member of Sacred
lIeart Church.
Norlh, Ingersoll, died at
Alexandra Hospital Tuesday, May 7. 19&5.
He is survived I,)y his wife,
the former fluby Dann, his
<Deni se)
Oe liquelle
North Bay, Mrs. John
(Jeannette} Ransom of :'0ronto, Mrs. Dan (Helen)
Ransom of Toronto, Aline,
also 01 Toronto, Anne Price
of Guelph and Andre of
Toronto, and by his sons,
Jean Paul and Donald, both
of Guelph, and Danny of
Also surviving are his
stcpchildren, Wayne Martin
of Ingersoll, and .Mrs. Dan
(Debra) Bl)urgeois, also of
Ingersoll, along wHh sev·
eral brothers and sisters.
Father Charles Campbell
conducted the May 10 fu·
neral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
VI Sacred Hearl Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Guenler
Rosenbohm, Ralph Rosen·
bohm, Paul Shank, Milch
Shank, Laurence YOllden
and Scolt Lawton.
Mr. Carriere was born in
Ca Hendel', Ontario. He
worked as a roofer and was
a member of Sacred Hearl
She had bCl!n a resident ot
Tavistock from the time of
her marriage llJItil movi.llg
to Woodstock In JWle of
1983. She was a member of
Grace United Church In
Surviving are daughters
Audrey and husband Jack
Stares of Ingersoll, Bernice
and husband Co lin Forbes of
Edmonton, Albcrta and
Betty and husband Bruce
Schmidt of R.R.2, Tavi·
slock; sons Robert and wife
Elaine Klein of Th(1mesville
and Gilbert and wife Gloria
daughter·in·Jaw Mary Ann
Klein of Tavistock: twenty
grandchildren and 21 greal
gr andchl lelren.
She had been predeceased
by one son, James Klein on
May 17, 1982 and by one
brother Frilnk MacDollald.
Friends were received in
the Francis Funeral Home,
n Woodstock Street North,
Ta vistock where a (uneral
service was held on Salur··
day, May 4, 19&5 al 1 p.m.
TIle Rev. Norman Morton
oUiciated. Interment was in .
McTavish Cemetery.
Casket bearers were
William Forbes of Sault Ste
Marie, Douglas Klein of
Ingersoll, Jack Klein of
T~vislo{'k, John Klein of
StraJ{ord, Robert Klein Jr.
of Chatham and Dr. William
Klein of Woodstock.
5S Deaths
SuOdenly al
'is rEsIdence on Sunday May
191h. 1 985. John Breukers '
or CommisSioners Road
WesJ. . Embro 1(1 hi5 J2nd
year. Belooed hvsbdnd 01 Ihe
lale Joy Hildrelh. Dear 1~lhel
01 1M lalo Kenny 3f\d KllIla.
Oo&r son 01 Anna and Leo
BIQuI<ers . A A 3 WoOdSlock.
Bloiller 01 MIS. Daryl (Ann)
Leberl or Sweaburu. Mrs
Micnael (Marla) Enul. Nor·
wlch. Mrs . John (Teresa)
801'1in 01 Chal"am. Mrs. Brian
(Grace) Dempsey ollngelsoll
and Roberl 8reukers. RAJ
. Woodstock . FriGflds will be
, received 7 . 9 p .m.-Tuesday
even;"g al lhe M . D. (MaC)
. Smith f'uoetal Home. 69
Wellington SIree( Norlh .
WOOOS\oCk where (ha prayer
sel\lice will bo hold TucsdllY
al 8:00 p .m . The Iunellli
Mass will be held 11 :00 S.m .
Wednesday. May 22nd 8tlhe
Sacred Heall Church. Ingel '
wll with Inlarmenl in (he
Sacled Hearl Cemelery .
BREUK5RS • - Suddenly al
her ros dence on Sunday
May I 91h, 1985. MIS. Joy
(Hildrelh) areu~(s 01 Com·
missioners Road Wesl.
blo in hel 30lh year . Wile a
Ihe ble John Brevkors end
molher 01 Ihe lale Kenny and
Kalla. Oaugl1l¢/ 01 Karl and
. Llillan Hildlelh. AR ~ Embro.
SI51el 01 Christophel (and his
wile M3like) 01 Guelph and
Jane Hildlelh 01 K,Ic.hener .
Fri8(\ds w,l be received 7 · 9
p .m Tuesday evenong al Ihe
M. O. (Mac) Smllh Funeral
Home. 69 Weill(\glon Sireel
NOllh, Woodslock whela Ihe
prayel sOlvlce ""II be "elO
TueSday al 8.00 p .m. The
luneral Mass "",II be "eld
11 :00 1I.rn. WedneSday. May
22nd at the SlIcred Heall
Cnureh. Ingelsoll wirh "'Hlr·
menl ,,, Ihe SaC/ed Hearl
CemelelY .
BREIlKE8S. - Sudde"'y ~I
Ihe~ residence on Su"day
May 1 91h. 1985. K311a (age
5) and KeMY ' (age 7) .
Breu!<ers 01 CommissionerS.
Aoad Wesl. Embro . eholdlen
01 Ihe lale JoM ~nd Iho lale
Joy 6reukels . and orand·
Children 01 Ken and L,U"",
Hlldrelh. A A 2 Embro. and
leo 8r1d Anna Breukers . A A
3 Woodstock Friends wm be
received 7 . 9 p.m. TueSday
al Ihe M. D. (M~c) Sm ,Ih
Fune/a! Home. 69 Welr."glon
SlIeet Norlh. Woodslock
' whele Ihe playe< ,<,clltica will
be held lue::.day ill 6 :00 p .m.
Tho luneral Mass will be held
I 1.00 a m. Wednesday. May
22nd al tho Sacrod Hc~(I
Church. IngOlsoll wllh in161'
menl in Ihe Sactcd Hear I
Cemelory .
FR F FtM~NI ~ As U'e
8" 8ulombllo neei·
dc'" on Highway 2 on Mon·'
day May 20. 198!>. Gary
Fleemanlle age 33 . Beloved
htlsband 01 SandIa (WailS)
Fleemanlfe 01 , I \ arock
SIr~el. Thameslord . De.r son
01 Jack and Helen Flee"'an'
110. Ingersoll. Denr brothCI pi
Mrs. Scali Na isbell (Glendol .
Mrs. Clive Egan (Michelle) .
'''oersoll . De~r grandson . ol ·
MIS. Millie Parllo . In9Qrsoil
Predeceased by one s'slel
. JaNsa (1968) . Friend.~ woll
be leceived al Iho McSealh
Funeral Home, 246 Thames
SUOGI Soulh. Ingersoll <Iller
2:00 p .m. on Tuesday.
where service wm be hp.IO on
Thuf'SOay May 23 81 1.30
: p.m. Rev . GeOige Wall 01·
IIcieling assisted by Rev .
. James Taylor Inlermant in I,,·
gelsOll Aural CcmelofY.
Aemen,blances 10 Fllst 3.lp.
I II~I Church Momo,ial Fund or
. O,Oeo" 81bles may be aflang'
ed 10/ al Ille lunelal home.
J3.OY£S-. ~I.
AI Ale~andla
Ingersoll . on
May n . 1985.
r'£Jn"-AII (BiIIl Boyes. <>0<1 M.
beloved flusbnnd 01 Sht(ley
(Spence) eoycs 01 189 Ox·
lord Slree!. IngNsoll. Dear
lalher or M,s. /-lonald Tucker
(F rances) . Lontlon. Dcar
0' end/8lher 01 Eliz abo Ih
Holden Brosseau. SI.John.
Qvebec . JaM Tucker and
Sllllley Tucke/. London. Ollar
g/eal'{jrandla'her or Daniel
Brosseau Predeceascd by
one dlluonl CI Yvonne Holdon
(1960). one) brolher James.
one sisler I:!hel Hvlcheson
F/londs will b8 received allhe
Mceeath Funer'" Home. 216
1 Mones Sheel Soulh. Inocr '
Soli. wt\ero SOlvrce w,lI be
"eld on Frid,1y May 2~ 81
1:30 p.m . Rev. Paul Fle la 01hciallng. Inlelmenl in Pulfl<.m
MQ8~ At AlQxandr&
HosP; ~ Ingersoll. on Sun·
day May 26. 1985. Roy Mor· .
rig . &Q& 80 . Husband 01 the
lal'" Gra~ Fleming Morris 1
(May 12. 1965) 01 55
calherlne Sileet Ingersoll.
Dellr farhar 0' Lloyd.
Chatham . Mrs. Ross Jerfery
(Lauren&). lnQerSOIi. Mrs. Elle :
WaellarlnQ jMarilyn). S\rat··
lord. Also sUl'lllved by six
grandchildren and (our greal'
grandchildren. Predaceased
by 0116 sliler Adelia Sangsler
(\964) . Friends will be
received at Ih& McBeath
Funeral HomB. 246 Thames
Slrael Soulh. Ingersoll.
where servIce woll be held
Tuesday May 28 . el 2 :30
p .m.. Rev. p.,u\ Aeld 01liclallog. Interment. Harris
Street Camelery. Remem·
brances 10 tho Hearl Founda·
lion or Cancer Society may .
hI) alr&tlged lor al Ihe funGral .
Q£Ur: )~1....'0
\\\(}...~ ~....,\
\ ~~\-'';:)
fRANKLIN ; At Alexandra
Hospital on May 18, 1985, to
Jack anti DOMa Franklin,
R.R.2, Ingersoll, a daughter
Maygan Marie.
BOHLAND : John and Cathy
"Irorl and are plea.sed 10,
announce the sDfe arriva! of
Matthew Edward, II brother
for Jonathon . Proud grandparenls are Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Lewis of Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Borland
of Ingersoll .
~lf I.t LfGSHEADi At
exan a Hospital on Monday, May 20,1985, at 4 B.m .,
to Jack and Kathy Hollingshead, 204 Charles Sl. East,
Ingersoll , 8 daugllLer Tanya
TyJene, weighing 7 Ibs ., 10
BREWER: William Brewer, 69, 120 Charles Sl. E.,
Ingersoll, died at Alexandra
Hospital on May 24, 1985. .
He \s sllI'Vived by his wire,
the former Lorraine Mof(ffiBni his daughter Mrs.
Dan (Ruth) Stewart of
R.R.3, Ingersoll, and his,
grandchildren seoH, Elaine
and Michael. Also surviving
Bre his stepchildren, Ronald
Hoffman of DebArry, Florida, Gary Hoffman of
Belhleham, Penn., and Mrs.
. Edward marlene) Fix of
Catasauqua, Penn.
Mr . Brewer was predeceased by his first wife, the
late Pearl Ingham, In 1981,
and by his brother Jim in
Canon Tom Griffin con·
ducted the . funeral service
at McBeath Funeral Home
on May ']:J. [nterment in the
Harris Street Cemetery.
Pallbearer:> were Russell
Clifford, Tom Pavey, Ken
Graydon, Tom Brown, Ted
Ingham and Dean Ingham .
Mr . Brewer was bom In
Huron County . He was a
member of the Anglican
Church .
Donations may be made '
to the charily of your choice
in Mr . Brewer's memory.
BOYES; Franklin (Bill)
Boyes ,84 , 189 Oxiord Street,
Ingersoll, dIed at AJexandra
Hospital, on May 22, 1985.
Mr . Boyes is survived by
his wife, the former Shirley
Spence and his daughter,
Mr~. Ronald (Frances)
Tucker of London . Also surviving are his grand·
children, Elizabeth Holden,
John Tucker and Shirley
Tucker, all of London, a.nd
his great·grandson, Daniel
Mr. Boyes was predeceased by his daughter,
the !ate Yvonne Holden, In
1960, by his sister Ethel
Hutchison and by his
brother James.
The Rev . Paul Field conducted the May 24, 1985
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home . Interment
in PUlnam Cemetery.
Pallbearers were John
Johnson, Russell Archer,
WIlfred Pigram. Leo Peach,
Harold Riddotls and Willard
Mr. Boyes was born in
North Dorchester Town·
ship . He WIIS a member 0/
the Unil.ed Church and the
Mr . Boyes was a cheese
quaker by profession . He .
. operated a cheese factory at
Cramplon and also worked
as a ca r salesman at
Flei~cher and Jewel! Ltd .
(Waugh) Johnstone, 82,
R.R .3, Norwich and (ormer·
Iy of Ingersoll, dJed at
Hospital May 22, 1985.
. She was predeceased by
her husband, the late Win·
sor Johnstone, In J970.
Mrs. Johnstone is survived by her children, Mrs.
LUa Sackrider, R.R.3, NorMyrtle
Wauthier 01 Stratford, Roy
of WOOdstock, Kenneth of
Pllimerston, Linn of R.R .I,
Putnam and Lloyd of IngersoU.
Also surviving are 26
grandchildren, 3S great ·
graTidchildren, and one
great·great grandchild.
Mrs. Johnstone was pre ·
deceased by her SOn Winsor,
by her grandson Michael
Johnstone 0S78), and by
one sister and five brothers.
Canon Tom GTiffin conducted the May 25 funeral
service at McBeAth Funeral
IIome . Interment in the
Harris Street Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Doug
Book, Bill Johnstone, Greg
Johnstone, Stephen John·
stone, Gerald SlIckridcr and
Jim fletcher.
Mrs. JohnsUtnt'o was bam
in Bruce County . She \VIIS 8
member of the Anglican
Church of Canada .
Donations may be made
in her memory to the Diabe·
tes Foundation, Gldeons o'r
Arthritis Societies . .
~RIG~1T - Kon ;It\d OJfler:e
Fangon) Me thrilled (0 an·,
nounce I~e birth 01 (he;, se·
co n ~ child. & daughter
Da n ielle MJ ri e. born J una
lsI. 1965. weighing '8
Ibs.4'1. oz. al A1exandla
Hosp,I~L A wee SiS tel lor
NIC<)le. PIQud grandparents
MI. and Mrs. Lawlcnce
langdon. and glaat·
9' ~ tid 'nol her Mrs A S I. CI all .
Ihan~s 10 (he as 51.1.11 and
Of. Shelley Rechnsr !lnd Dr.
So £:: \\J \" :.c <;\j
~ 'L
R,Eu I. t=1..\)
::. 3""" (.)..\\~
57 Births
~- )(en '\nd Darlene
~ are Ihlilled 10 an·
nOul\ce Ihe blllh 01 their se.
cond child. a daughlar
O~lelle Marje. born June
151. 1965. welghlog 8
Ibs." 'h 02. al Ale~andra
Kospital. A wee slSlel lor
Nicole. Proud grandparents
Mr. and M,s. Lawrence
Langdon. and gleel.
grMdmolhel M,s. A. SI.Clall.
9l eol'1'llsndperenls MI. and
Mrs. William Langdon.
Th"l1l<s 10 Ihe 08 sia/l and
01. Shelley Rechner and Or.
GAY; The Rev. Austin
184 Delatre
Street, Th(lmesford, died at
Alexandra Hospital In
Ingersoll on June 5, 1985.
He is survived by his wife,
the former Isabel Kirk, by
his Son Grant of Ollawa, and
by his granddaughter
SharQn of Ottawa, Nso sur·
vivin~ are his sisters, Mrs.
Nora Cummins,s of B.C...
Mrs. Ada McMullen of
Belleville, Mrs. George.
(Grace) Campbell 01 Scar·
borough. and Mrs Irene
Read of Goderich,
Mr. Gay was born in
Belleville. Ontario. He WrIS
El retired minisler of the
United Church of Canada.
Mr. Gay rested at the
Ca rrolhers· Bel 2ner Funera I
Home before lhe June 7
fUTIeral service at Weslminster
Various members 01 the
UniCCd Church clergy and
friends assisted in the funer·
al service, including the
Rev, Bruce Suiler, the Rev.
Earl Moore, the Rev. K.
David Mack, the Rev. Cecil
Jardine, Dr. Heber DtckinSOli, and Mr. Gay's longtime
friend, the Rev. John Cooke.
Pallbearers were I) Oil
Mu rray. Hobert Lindsa y.
Dob Irvine, John Milligan,
David Kirk and Ilussell
intennent ill Pond Mills
Cemetery, Lendon.
Donations may be made
to World Development and
Relief, In care of Westmin·
Ufaiit Gay, sa,
"I..\'VG E ~ :SC2! \...\_
T·I..\\\l::.. S
57 Births
55 Deaths
PYE - M,chael and lommy
3rO'"i:)leased 10 Mnovnce Iha
salo arrival 01 Iheir new baby
braille, David AllaI'I , born May
'25 . 1985. wel9hlng 7
Ibs .3 . }S oz. Proud parenls
are LawrenCO &lid Sherry
tne e
Anderson) .
- AI Sl. Joseph S
Hospital, LOI'don. Onlalio on
June 1.3 . I 985 . Joseph A,
Eggell . ona day old son o(
She((y Dod Flank EUI/Cll 01
n.n 2 I"perso ll Brolher 01
Rebecca Lynn. g.andson 01
Mrs . Shc~a Blackwood and
Kellh ReadJng s. RR 21"08r"
soH. MIS. SeHy I:ggOI/ 01 In·
gersoll. Ihe lale Gary
Blackwood end lhe lal~
William Eggell Sr Gle~1
Q'andson 01 MIS . Myflle
Blackwood 01 Woodslock
and lhe IlIle William
I3lackwood. Fliends w ill De
rece;ved al Ihe M .D.(Macl
SmHh f"unNal Home . 69
Wellinolon SIl"'~1 Nolfh.
Woo!S3IOCk alter 10:00 a.m.
Monday. whelo Ihe IUMlal
service will bo held al 11 :00
a .m . with Llevlenaol Mark
Cummings 01 Ingelsoll OU,Ct}
olliclali/lg . Inlelmenl In 0. ·
Ilord M&morl&1 Palk
~.!.l .
grandparenls 8r$ Mr . and
Mrs. Lawrence PyG Sf. and
Mrs , Helen AndersOI\, proud
greal.grandparenlS 8re Mis.
Mary Anderson and Mr. Ed·
w<'1d Loughrey , a\\ 01 IlIgersoU , Special lhanks 10 Dr.
Tom Mayberry. ADce lind 08
(\UlSe9 on second lioor. Alexandr8 HOS..::.o_llel=--. _ _ _ _-,
Terry 91'\0 Ch elyl
pleaSa11 to 3n"OU(\CO Iha
billh 01 Ihelr daughter Tonya
Cheryl , born May 29 ,
weighing 6 Ib~ 7 025. A wee
$isle' lor JaSon and Marcoe
proud gr3ndp310nls are
Wallace and Florence Bragg
01 R R. 5 Ingersoll and
GeOlO& and Nedra Melanson
o~er~~I1 .
\ al o
~Ceme leIY.
S£\\)\L\\»)= L
3 \..,-",e..
1\1 her residence
on Monday June 1 7, 1985.
Mrs . A, P earl Corey 01 Ihs
Oxlold Regional Nursing
Home. "na lormerly 01 Calloll
SI(eel. IngerSOll Widow 01
I~e ~Ie Wellinglon Carey
(19S8) Dea. mOlher 01 Ken ·
nem. K,lchener . OOflald oJ
Belmant. Mrs , G~lle'l tHelent
While 01 Woods lock , and Ihe
lal& M Jldled UUla (19B I).
Lollin!l grMdmollle, oJ aix ICCII grandChildren , 23 gronl '
g'"ntlchlldren . Also
r>redeceasea by Ihlee
brolheis 30d live s ,sleIS.
Friends w ill be r~cern.d 2 .
4 .30 . 7 · 9 p.m. Wedneway
81 th.e M , D, tMac) Smilh
Funeral Home. 69 Wellin()lon
Sileel Norlh. Woodstock .
wile r e Ih e I uner~1 SCI v,ce W1 ~
be held 1:.30 pm lhu(way
June 20 Vllih Rev . Jolln J
Jennings oJ IngerSOll 01 lidallng Inlelmenl in Ule
A n g I I can C e mel e r "
~ 'C\) 1:. '1::.- \0
S 1...I..",e,
~ \ \'\'6'S
PYE: Michael and Tommy
are pleased to announce the
safe arrival of their new
baby brother, David Allan,
born May 25, )985, weighing
? lbs. 3% 01.5 . Proud parents
arc Lawrence and Sherry
(Nee: Anderson) . Proud
grandparents are Mr . and
Mrs. Lawrence Pye Sr. and
Mrs .
Anderson .
Proud great-grandparents
arc Mrs. Mary Anderson
and Mr Edward Loughrey
all of Ingersoll. Special
thanks to Dr. Tom Mayberry, Alice, and O.B.
nurses on second floor,
Alexandra HospitaL
1:..\\) C
G:..'N S(:) ~' "\ "\.,\\, ":::" '::?::,
\~, \~'2:,'S
el~ UC AN
, les: cl\ce. ~fi! Jura Lane. I,,·
on rou<day June 27.
\ 985. Mnry IMcMahon)
Fil\tJG.)n . ~ge 90. wIle 01 Ihe
lale John F,nuCiln (1963).
D6~r molher 01 Jac~: Ella'll·
lord, Bar lIey . Tllomas.
Michael and SiSler M31y
James IHelen). IngerSoll.
Lorne 01 Sudbury . MIs
Tl'lomas Tonks (Rila) Darl·
moult!, !>Iova Scolia. Sisle,
SI.Jude 1F'lo/ence). Mounl
· SI.Josepo. London. Dear
slsle/ 01 Joseph McMahoo.
, K,lchene/. Dear gr~nc1molher
01 Iwel\lY'ono grandcI'I'ldren
: anO several greal·
· grandchildr"". Predeceased
, by Iwo sons. J1Imes (\ 9(16)
· and Joseph (March (985).
friends IV,II be received al (he
· McSealh Fuoe/al Home. 246
Thames Sl/cel South . Inge/'
5011 unlll $.)Iurday Juno 29 al
10 '45 a,m . Ihefl 10 Ihe
:' ChurCh 01 Ihe Sac/ed Hearl
! /0/ /<lneral Mass a l i i ' 00
a,m , Inlerment In Sacred
Heat! Cemele/y. Pari~h
Dr 1lye/& on Fllday al 8:00
O.m C,w L. Rosary on Fllday
81 3:00 p.m. Remembr80ccs
10 the Cancer SI>c<ely may be
~/(oYIged lor 31 Ihe lune/s1
~.)-;(\)\ r:~~
Q. \=- \J
MAZEN: Doug and Liz are
. p eased to announce the
birth of their second child,
Lindsey Marie, born June 2,
19B5, weighing seven
pounds, four ounces. A litLle
sister (or Craig . Proud
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Van OpsLal of
Salford, and Mr. and Mrs .
Doug Hazen Sr., of Ingersoll.
l)!E\X~.-11:i: Doug and Deb-
ewman, 2a9 Whiting
, Street, Ingersoll. are thrill·.
ed to announce the birth 01
their son, Jordan Chris-,
lopher. He was bom JW1e
15, 1985 at Alexandra Hos·
1: L '-0
Q.~MM - AI his .csldonce.
:rn1Tmfrlh Town Lloe, Inoe,·
soli on Salurdny June 29.
1965. Clillo,d Comm ~Oo 57
Beloved I1uSb..1od 01 F/allci,
(Landon) Camm. D,,~, 1~lhe/
01 Greg al horne. de~1 Ololhel
o( M,s , Lo,na Aa'''''$ ~nd nAy;
Camm. loge/soli, The lune, ..I .
se,vlca was held 81 liI<)
McBealh Fune/sl Home. In· ,
gelsoll 00 Tuesday JUly 2nd
31 1,30, CanDo Tom Grillin
oO,clalcd Inl8rme-nl In PQliS
SII\!(>I C~moleIV.
PEn'lT: Bruce H. Pelti!,
78, RH . 4, 'rh:.meslord, died
June 21. 1985 at his resi·
dence. . '
He is survived by his
brotliers Thomas of inger'
soli. and Glenn of London,
and by his sislet'", Mrs.
Lewis (Vera) Shaw of Lon·
don. Also surviving are several nieces and neph~ws
The Rc .... K. David Mack
conducted the June 24 fun·
eral service at the Carrolh·
ers-BeLzner Funeral Home
in Thamesford. Cremation
with interment of cremated
remains in the Seventh Line
D!metery, followed .
.... ' " . .
Mr, Pettit
; .. " ,
born in
East Nissouri Township. He
worked as a farmer.
~ .:....' AI Ihe C ... ess.afll
~ o/slno
WoodSIOCk. on S':lIl1rday July
13. (985, Miss I~elen War .
ing In her 92no yeal. ot t 14
Ou~e SUQ'H. IOl,lersol1.
Dauohier 01 )he 1,,18 M~. and
MIS Jame$ Waring. Cear
slsle/ 01 Ch3rle~ Waring,
lhameslo/d. Also 5v,v,vcd by
several ne'ces and neohews ..
Predeceased bV I b/o\hel
Or Af\hur Warino (19101 ¥Ie)
'l sislelS Louise Sa/l,ndale ·
t \ 9621 and M.s Aev H aimon
(CIa/a) ·Miliol ( \ 9601 F(iendS
will he (ec elvad nl 'he
McBeath Fu~elal Honle. 2~6
Tho'nos Slreet SOUlh. lAge.·
SOli allel 7 p,n Sunday we/o
se" 'ce will bE: held on 1 ue5 '
dily July 16 alII am . Rev .
Je,I,n Jenninos olficiat\ng. In·
1~I"'enl ,n InQe(soll AUla!
,. ;
[tu{tI Lawson, doughier. of Mr. ilnd Mrs .. '
A .J Lawson of Ingersoll, was inarriedtQ
Kennelh Chivers, son of Mr. and Mrs. M ..
Chiv'ers of Ingersoll on June 1 al Sl. James
Anglican Ch.urch jn IngersolL
Ilev. Tom Griffin '- 0(' and ru((les i'll lhe back ..
(ieialed al /lic ceremony . They C:lrried dusty rose
Tht! bl ide wns give,) III blo~so'ns iWei roses.
i;1ge h)' lIe,' L,ther,'
Th~ bcsllllan was Oour;
'1'\\'0 P;lSSiI!(CS '(1'0111 Ihe ChIvers of (nger~o)l ~nd
·l3ible \Vue r(!:.d ~l the the . ushers were Jonile
wedding ceremony by Alexander of .lle(lehvllle
Christine l~lwson, n sister Slid John ·'rolh 01 Inger. '
of the .hrit!c.
soli . They \Vore lighl grey
Sh~ wor6 U gUIVIl i~'Slil)' lails ' w(lh <.iu~ty rose
per sntin with Chillllil y . accell(s. .
11I<;e alld " l(Jng lrJin. Il(\r'
A r~cepl,.on wa~ /oc(d til
I'cil was (iool'·lcOIgth ill. th~ P'pe Itll'(] Hal/III' In·
I;lC\oc<.ilo it wreath on her llersoH . C.IICS1.~ lVere pre·
head . She cHrricd white sen.' from I':ngland'
roses with'duSly rose Ilrltlsh COlllnl~iS\,
hltls~ol"s. She ~lso car. Gucll~h, LO/ldon, Sl.
ried a silv~r IJOOlic which Mary s. W;jl)accburc, '
rcpl'e~elltcd gootlluck (01 ' ~oocls(ock M,t! Ingersoll .
. the (ulure !;cnll>y nn !\lmt lOll) Siocklllllnn of lllr,cr·
ill i::nl(land.
1;oll IV.'S .(he t1l;lSlcr or
ccrClIIOIIICS ;\ nt! !leg
Tile nl(li<l o( hillior Wil~ ))cl ;,nlloy of itri(ish Col.
Shcila Clliv('rs of h'ger· IImbia matle Ille tonst Lo
soli a'lIl Ihe hl'ldesntnicls lhe bride.
were S;orllh L:II\,son BOlli ! Alter n IVcclrling Iril> 10 "
Ch l'islillc Law~on, holi! of lhe Hnliburlo" Ilighionds
IIlgcrsolL They wore the couple lo()k up
clt-csses o( dUS1Y "050 sa,lil\ residence at 78 Alma 51.
'wilh swcNhcarl necklines in IngC!rsoU .' . .
Eo \"U ''\ :::t (\) )~ ,_
)-=. \.j -r.":"'W
~EbE -
At Ale.ancira
(;SP,tal. IngOt 5011 on Sunday
July 1 4. '\ 965. edilh May
(Powell) P"ddle of R,n. 4 In·
.gessoll. &ge 74 Wile 01 Ihe
·Iale' HuOh Pridele (\ 979) .
:Loving moth", 01 Mrs. Pal
\Johnston. Ingelsoll. Hugh .
;WOOdSlock. Mrs
:Doogson (Joanne) Oell\;.
JOhn. Harry and G<\ry all 01 III'
ge<$OIi , Deal SISler 01 Jame<;
Powell. Ingersoll. Mrs. Ken '
nelll M,lIson (Maoo) tnge/soll,
MIS. Kelly MInogue (Gracie)
Ingersoll, Mrs. JacJ< Puddle
(Dorolhyl logersoll, Also Sur ·
vived by 10 grandchildren ,
atlU 1\ gre~I'Qranachoidren ,
Predeceased by one son
James Froderick. one
daughlel Alice, Louise (Prid·
dle) Carlar. 2 llIolhers. Ike
Powell and Albert Powell and
3 slslels. Alice Algby .
, Kal herin a McLean and
FI()I(!"ce Sav~ge , Friends will
be leceived a\ Ihe McBealh
'Funeral Home , 246 Thames
Sheet South. tngersoll wherB .
service will be held on
wednesday July 17tll al
1'30 pm, Canon Tom Grillin
0111cial109. Inlermant Ingersoll
Aemem ·
br:>.nces 10 Ille charily 01 our
Choice may be &lrMge<llor at
Ihe Funer:>.1 Home
S'i::. i\.\ '11:: f\~ 'EL
~ '£\j 'S::'G.. '-\...\
16\ \~<aS
HaTty and Karen
are ease& 10 &noounca 11'0&
arrival 01 Carla Ali/abel" on
July 1011> al Ale){ander
HMpliallnoersoli. A sisler lor
Je"",lcr eod granddaughter
(or Mrs Edith Allsop and Mr ,
and Mrs, Herman Scheele
bOltl of ,f'oldens, Special
Ihanks 10 Dr, T. Maybe~ry._
:-:J t= N 'T ~ 'i.'D E L '
~ \:::::.I.. ~ X \':.. \.;., ~
r E L ; The late Dora
eaceT 31 Port Burwell
formerly of Ingersoll was
laid to rest July 9, 1935, at
\.he Oxford Memorial Park
, Cemetery. Alter Services at
McBeath F'uneral Home.
Rev. KeTUleth McLaughlin
Pallbearers were her
nephews Norman , Willie
and fundy Snell, Kitchener,
~rald Mac1.ary. TngersoH.
along with Robert Sivyer of
Sa Hord
McBeth of Ingersoll.
Special thanks to the
ladies of Beachville Legion
for refreshments.
R S~L\_
'\ .L,\"\ ~ '::.0.
\1 \
Dale and
v mgwClIl
pleased 10 announce the
birth of their daugh(er '
Andrea [.ee at Victoria lIospital in London.
was born on June 28 and
weighed 6lbs. ) 02 . Andrea's
gr::lndparenls are Dr . and
Mrs. John Dingwall of
Lakeside Ontllrio and Mr. &
Mrs, George D, Brown of
R.n 4 Embro , .
. WILSQ..I'L..- Suddenly io lon·
'~~d~yJuly 19 , 1985.
Geo<ge H, Wilson 01 265
K'~(J Stleel E:>.S1 IngerSOll.
" ~gn. 52. LOVIng hUSband 01
: Will/lie (EllIS) W~son . Dear
lamel 01 Doug Dnd daughter·
in·IAw Pal. Inger soll. De,,,
brother 01 Elhs London , Alch
A.A. 3 Ourham , Mrs, Gordon
Payne (Halel) Thamesrord .
Mrs Uoyd We;r IFtor ence\
lhameslord. Also slIIv,veo by
2 grendchildr en . Ne,1 """
Bryce . Predeceased by nos
S'~I",r Pe~tI We'" alld j
Nolhel S HarOld i hOOlas and
Danny Fnencls . w,ll be receiv·
ed al Ihe Mc6ealh Funeral
Home, 246 lhal\lcs Slreel
$(lulh Ingel soil, all ~( 7 P M
Sunday wllerc sel~lce will be
held on luesoav. July 23
1985 at I jO wI11'\ Rev . John
Jennin~ ollicmting InlO/menl
Ebeneler Cemelely nemem.
b/al1ces 10 'he ellal;ly 01 yow
choice may be all allg c<I lor at
, Ihe Illoer.,1 ho",,!.
'G. '~.l
":L ~W
Randy and
(nee·Pelt it)
pleased to announce the
birth of their first child,
Jeffrey Dankl, Bibs , 1 02.
born on July 9, 1985, at Sl.
Joseph's IIos.pital, London .
Hnppy grandparenl.S are
Halph McCurdy, Vienna
lUId Jack and Nora Peltit,
Jugcrsoll. Special thanks 10
Dr. Fellows, Dr. Connors,
Dr . O'Sullivan and third
noor staff of Sl. Joseph's
Roll and
MacDonald (nee:
lICltnmOl\d< of 39 Deborah
pi e<lscd to cmnounce .the
bir(h oC their second child
3" u..\'-1:s,
1:.~C> 1=
DE n
Jllti~Wi\LL :
' ~:;Gfu\-:\:~~
Alexandra Hospital, on July
3,1985, to Oliver and Nancy
Van der Wolf, 46 Park Ave.,
lngersoll, a daughter Beckr
Jean, weighing 7 lbs. 102. A
siSler for Danny, Keith and
C;.rrie. Proud grAndparents.
arc Mr. and Mrs. William
Armslrong, Verschoyle and
Mr. and Mrs . J .K. Van der
Wot!. R.R.3 , Ingersoll.
\C; %S
Joshua Eric
weighing 7 lbs 2 02S. at the I
\{jllcardine and Di~( riel
General Hospital on July S,
\985. A baby brother for '
NlrOJl ,
,Proud Grandp;!fcnts are Mr, & Mrs .
Doui?- I III Ilimond of Il1gcrsoll
iIJld Mr, & Mrs. Lconnrd
1\1:tcDonald of Lucknow .
STEW An!: Greg . Annclle
and Kyle welcome with love
a new addition 10 their
farnlly. Kevin Donald was
born at 9: [5 p.m. on July 5,
1935 at Sl. Joseph's Hospital
aod weighed in at 8 Ibs. 9
0'lS. Proulj grandparents
are Ray and Mary Hend.l'ik·
I sen Rod Donald Stewart all
,of Thamesford . Special
lha Ilks go to Dr . II enry
Ucndheim and 3rd . floor
nursing slaff at Sl. Joseph's
''"''"' ...
James (Jim) Hartnelt, 71,
of Mount Elgin, died July 12,
1985 at TU I son burg District
Memorial H(}SpiLaI.
He is survived by his wife,
lhe fo'rmer Vera Downing , ~
HEMING: At Alexandra
and by his sons, Larry of
Hospil.&\ on July 7, 1985 to
Sarnia, Brian of )nuvlk,
Ron and Helen (nee Boers- ' N.W.T., Leigh of TtUsonrna) Heming, R.R. z,-Ingerburg, and Ron of Manitoulin
soli, Ontario, a son Daniel ' Island . Also surviving are
Joseph, weighJng? 100 . 12~
his sisters, Mrs. Fred
oz . Grandparents are Mrs. . (Leola) Freeman of Mouot
T . B~rsma of Woodstock
Elgin, and Mrs. Dei (Mar,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hemgaret) Cressman ~ndon ,
ing, Thorndale.
and his brother, Douglas
HartneU· oC'Grimsby .
BREKELMANS : At AlexHe' was predeceased by
andra Hospital on Ju,ly 10,
his sisler, the late Eva
1985, to Mike and Julie (nee
Innes) Brekelmans, R ,R. 4,
The Rev. LorenZQ fuml ·
Embro, Ont., a son John
rez conducted the July 12
Michael. Proud grandparCuneral servi~ at McBeath
ents are William and Joan
Funeral Home. Interment
Brekelmans and Doug and
in Mt. Elgin Cemetery ,
Innes bolh of
PaUbearers were Mr.
Hartnell's four sons, Leigh, .
ilrian, Larry and fum HartMlJlRHEAQi At St. Jonetl.
seph's HospItal, London on
Mr. Hartnell was born in
July 19, 1985, to Robert and
Dereham Township, He lYas
Wendy Muirhead, IO? Hara member of the United
ris St., Ingersoll, a daugh · , OJurch, Mount Elgin.
ler Jodie Irene Calherlne
Donations may be made
weighing 5 Ibs, 13 oz.
in his memory to the Canadian Cancer Soeiety or to
Harry and
Tillsonburg and District
Raren SCheele are pleased
Memorial Hospilal.
to announce lhe arrival of
Carla Elizabeth on Juty 10,
1985 at Alexandra Hospital,
lngersoll . A sisler ror Jenni·
Bob Psrsoi1S,5l'72s Glenn
fer and granddaughter (or
Ave., Ingersoll, died July 8,
Mrs. Edith Allsop and Mr .
1985 at his home .
and Mrs . Herman Scheele,
He is survived by his wife,
both of Foldens . A speeia!
the former Frances Cowey,
thanks to Dr. T. Mayberry.
and by his children, Tim
and Tracey, both at home.
DUNLQP ; John and Lorraine Dunlop of R.R. 4,
Also surviving is his
Thamesford, are pleased 10
mother, Orma Parsons of
announce the sale arrival of
Ingersoll; hi.!i.sislerS, Mrs .
lheir dau6hter Jennifer
Robert (Nona) Kerr of R.R.
Grace arriving July 17,1985,
2, Lakeside, Mrs . Glen
at &:50 a.m. weighing SIbs.,
(Evelyn) Conkey of R.R.
9'11. oz. New sister to Sarah
7, Woodstock, and . Mrs.
and Scott Thanks to Dr.
William (Harriett) Sambel1
Ross Green , Thorndale, and
of l.A)ndon ; a nd by his
the O.B, staff at SI. Marys
brother, John Parsons of
R.R. 4, Ingersoll.
Edilh May <Powei1> Priddie, 74, R.R. 4, Ingersoll,
died at Alexandra Hospilal
on July 14, 1985,
She was predeceased by
her husband, the lale Hugh
PriddJe, in 1979.
Surv iving are her daugh ·
ters, Mrs, Pat -Johnston of
Ingersoll and Mr-s ,' ~ames
' (.jo~nnel Dodil~on of DeIhl ;
and her sons,I.Hugh, John,
Harr:Y and <r,ry, aU . of
Ingersoll. She is a.tso surI' vived b'y.: i9 ~randchildren
and six great grand·
Mrs. PriddJe is survived
by her brcilher James
Powell of Ingersoll, and by
her sisters, ¥Is. Kenneth
(Made) MllIison, Mrs. Kelly
tGracle) MIIl~glle and Mrs .
Jo.ck <Dorotn.v) Priddle, all
, of Ingersoll. i ,
She was pr~eceased by
her son Jam¥ Frederick,
her da ughter , A Uce Louise
(Priddle) Catter, her sisters Katherine Mclean and'
Florence Savage and Alice
'Rigby, and by her brothers,
-!be ' Pow.ell ' and Albert
Canon Tom Griffin conducted the JWy 17 Cuneral
service at McBeath Funeral
'Home. Intermenl in IngersoU Rural Cqmelerv .
Pallbearers were Randy
Priddle, Jim, PriddJe, Steve
Johnston, Tim Dodgson,
MJke Dodgsbn and Danny
Dodgson .. I
MIss Helen Waring, 9t, '
1\4 Duke Street, Ingersoll,
died July 13, t9as at Cares·
sant Care Nursing Home ,
Woodstock .
She was Ihe daughter of
Mr . and Mrs, James Waring
and was born in Oxford
County .
Miss Waring ls survived
by her brother Charles 01
Thames(ord, Diong with
several ni~es and nephews.
She was predeceased by
two sisters and one brother ,
\.be late l.()uise Dartindale
~~Mrs . Rev , Harmon
(Clarar -Mitl,e.r (l980) and
Dr. Arthur Ws·ring.
The Rev . John Jenning
conducted the July 13, 19a5 .
funeral service al McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
In Ingersoll Rural Cern ·
etery .
Pallbearer was Gordon
Miss Waring was a memo
ber of the United Church .
Donations In her memory,
may be made to the charily
of your ch ,i ceo
Mrs. Priddle was born in
Norwich, England ..she-was
a member of Ihe AnglicM
Donations may be made
t.o the cha ri by of your choice
in memory of Mrs . Priddie.
f-,lr , Parsons was bom in
Burks Falls , Ontario . He
workcd as an auto mechanic.
The burial of crem ated
~hes in Ingersoll Rural
J \-\- \
l\acD ~"LD
CIITl'or J() ~ MC1Jonald,
Ge, RR. 2. Ingersoll, died at
London's Victoria Hospital
on July 2l, 1985. .
Mr. McDonald is survived
by his wile, the former
Marjorie Gowan_
Also survivipg are his
cllildren. son steve and his
wife 'feresa of Ingersoll, son'
Fred and his wile Wendy of
John W. r::io61e. 92, 320
lJlgersoJl, son Bill and his
wife Adele of Norwich, 1Unls Street, Ingersoll, died
David or IngersoU, Ted and at his home on July 20, 1985.
his wife Susan of SpringHe is survived by·his wife,
field. Jerry. al home;
the former.Hazel Innes; by
daughters Mrs. Ron (Ellen)
Funn~n of Cramplon. Mrs.' . hi!; daugJ,lers, Mrs. Donald
Gearge (Linda) Lewicki of (Kathl~n) McTavish of
. Ingersoll. Kathy of Central Dullon, Patricia Green of
Ottawa. and Nancy of TenAmerica and Cindy of lA:>nnessee; by his sons Freddon,
erick of OLlawa and Bill
Mr. McDonald Is also Armstrong. also of Ottawa,
survived by 15 grandchild· and by his grandson,
re.n; by his sisters, Mrs. William Noble of. Calgary.
Ruby Parker or Embro,
Mr. Noble was preMrs.- William
(Sylvia) dece&sed by his second
EsselLine ' of Burgesvi!le, wiCe, Grace, in 1%0.
and by his brothers Murray
The Rev. John Jennings
01 Abbotsford, B.C .. Ross of conductcd the July 23, 19a5
ToronLo, and Gordon of funeral service at McBealh
Monkton. Ont.
Funeral Home, Interment
The Rev. Uoyd Shivrat· in the Harris Street 'CemLon conducted the July 24, etery .
1985 funeral service at McPallbearers were Alex
Beath Funeral Home. Inter- Noble, Nell Noble. Jim!
menl in rngerson Rural Innes. Bob Innes, John i
Inn~ and David innes .
Mr . Noble worked as a
PaUbearers were Jim 'nursery opera Lor.
Caddey, Jim Morden. Mcrle
H.e was a member of I
Harvey, Gary Bracewell,
Trinity Uniled Church.
Ron Walker and Griln~
Mr. McDonald worked at
Ingersoll Cheese Company.
He servcd in the Royal
Canadinn Service Corp.
aLLached to the Perth Regiment in HaJy, "'rance,
~rmany and Holland in
World War II:
H"e was also a member oC
the Hi-Way PenUcostal
FWlel'a! services for the
late Mrs. Edilh May <Pow·.
ell) prj ddle, was conducted
by Canon Tom GriHin on
Wednesday, July 17, 1985 al
Wife or the late Hugh
Wrl9):· loving
mo!.her ot Mrs. Pal Johnston, lhgcrsoll, Hugh Priddie. WOpdslock, Mrs. James
Dodgson (Joanne), Delhi,
John. Harry and Gary Prlddle, all of Ingersoll; dear
sister of James Powell,
Mrs .
Mill son(Maude>. Mrs. Kelly Minogue (Gracie), Mrs . Jilek
?riddle (Dorolhy), all oC
lngersoll. I\\so survived by
19 grandchildren and six
great grandchildren. Pre·
deceased by one son, James
Frederich Priddle, and one
Alice Louise
(Priddle) Carter, and three
Kathcrine McI.~lIn. and
Florence Savage, and two
brothers, Ike and Albert
Interment was al the
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
grandsons of Mrs. Edith
Priddle, Tim Dodgson, Mike
Dodgson, Dan Dodgson,
Randy Prlddle, Jim PriqdJe
and Steve Joh~"
Mydini' Priddle was
..honl In Norwich, England,
and moved 'to Ingersoll with
her parents. She was a
member of S1. James'
Anglican Church. Ingersoll.
WARING: At. Caressant
Care Nursing IIrtne, Woodstock on Saturday, JuJy 13,
1985, Miss Helen Waring In
hc.r 92nd year, of 114 Duke
Street, Ingersoll. Daughter
of Ihe late Mr. and Mrs ..
James Waring. Dear sister
of Charles Waring, Thames· :
ford. A!so survived by sev·
eral nieces and nephews.
Predeceased by one brother, Dr. Arthur Waring
(l969) and two sigters, Lou·
i.~e Dartindale (962) and
Mrs . Rev . Harmon (Clara)
lVUlier (1980). Friends were
received at McBeath Funeral Home, 246 Thames St.
where service was held 011
Tuesday. July 16 with nev.
John Jennings officiating.
tntermented Ingersoll Rural Cemetcry .
George Wilson, 62, 265
Klng Street East, Ingersoll,
died Jul}! 19,198511'1 London.
He IS-survived by his wife,
!.he former Winnie Hoyland;
his SOh Doug and wife Pat of
l/lgersoll, and his grandsons. Neil and Bryce.
Also suriving are his si~­
ters, Mrs. Gordon (Hazel)
Payne and Mrs. Lloyd (Florence) Weir, bolh 01
Thames(ord, and, his broUlers, Ellis of London, Arch
I of R.R. 3, Burford, and Bill
, of n.R, 4, Durham.
decellsed by his sisler Peart
Wer lind by his brothers
Ilarold, Thomas and Usnny.
The nev. John Jennings
c¢nducted the July 23, 1985
Cuneral service at McBeath
F'uneral ilome. (nterment
in Ebenezer Cemetery.
PaUbearers were Joe
Martell, Fred Crane. Jerry
Tl.Iphohne, John McIntyre,
Mr. Wilson was a member
o( Trinity United Church .
"\ "1.. \\'\ r=..S
The bride is Ihe
dnughtcr o( Elmer and
SheilJ Tc~ Ie of Illgersoll
HIIII 1Ill' groom is I he son
of Nancy Sukriclcr i-,r
Norwich ilnd [he - late
Hlliph S~chldrr ,
rte\' , Charles Campbell
orfici ~ led ill I he doul>le
, ring ceremony_ The bride
was given in marriage hy
lIer 'a(lwr. The or~<Jllisl
(juri,,!: the ceremony \Vas
Ted W inl(>fS and (he
She' wore a 1I0or-lcngl h
sle]lh~lloris .
satin wedding gowll which
reaturerl " high lace col·
1,11' _ a filled I)ndi,'(' ann a
liI~·-/)f-Ih~·v""('_\ '. pillk ap·
pie blo~son\s ~nd lrialing
8l1glish ivy wilh I~(:e ~lIcI
salin I·ibllons.
Flowergirl )':1;7.alll'(h
Sackrider or Norwich,
si~lcr of the groom, wore
;'l mid· length' ro."al blue
la(l,,(;, (/rc~s anti n (,0'
~hi!lllll yoke
": '
adorned "'ilh
;Iud ~eed
penrls, Salin ribhon~
galhered the IlIcctrimmed pll({Y sleeves ;II
Ihe "Ilia\\' ancl l:lce "Isc
IriulInccl lhe c:ll hedral
Irain ilIa I flowed rn~l\I iI
full ~kir!. The rll"l'~~ was
(!c,;i~nerl ;llId lI)ilcle hy the
bride. She also worc a dia·
mond tleckl;lce, pe~1'I e;lr·
rings given to her by Ihe
m;lid of honor . iln
heirloom pin belonging to
ann II hill' Illte glove!> willi
s;llill Ili\\\'$ _
A ",real h o{
whi Ie
110""'1-'; alld habv 's brc~lh
Michelle Frances Teale and William Edward Sackrider were uniled in marriage
on M:'IY 25, 1985 at Sacred Hearl Church ill
ll.-it1csllli'liris " 'ere llon!lic l'clliber 0) III{:cll>oll
itlld I!:li~.ilbc(h rrOSI of
Princetnn. bOlh rrieads 01
the hride. Tiley \Vore
dre~<!g idenliClll 10 Ihe
maid of hOllor's,
The ~ llencla nls also
wore Juliel caps ;lnd
"'hil!! gloves lJt:('cr\(cd
wilh I'lly~1 blue I'ibhon~
and Ihey carried while
bee lans OecoralcOwilh;'l
c1\sc;>.dc IIcuquel of !I-Ink
5weelhc;;rl roses ,
willi :\ tloubic
wilh llllP1illllCS ;Iud seed
I)('arl, I"IlillplinHmleu Ihe
TIw hriuL' Cllnicd a
('aSt'a,1e houquel c[ ~ol\j::t
lea roses, while
sweelheart roses. "'hill'
Ir('csin . blue iris. pink
mini carnations. lilv of
, h /.' \" II c \ , " ' Ii i I C
sll'pllallll(I~, hille slalus
1\lId Ir,1il\lIg I-:lIgli~h iv_v .
lIer hou<1uel ;lll!llhc werllIing flowcrs werc lIcsign·
cd Ily her siSI(!r, M;lry _
Th(' ilia irl o[ hOllcr was
("[""y 'i"os1:1I1(1 III Ingersoll, ~isll'J' 01 lilt' Iwirle
Sill' \\'111"(' a lull-skilled,
ropl blue
feilllll"ing " ~w['elhcnrt
neck linc . filled bodice
;1I111 cllJolV ,!cnglh pul{e(1
"lecv('~ ,
(lnlinalin\,! willIe
"froll. She wort a wrealh
o 110\\,('1, in hCf h;, i r ~ lid
en.-ril'(/ a
flowers silllil~r 10 those or
Ihe bridesmaids '.
WiIli:lI)] Seheunnan 01
I)nlhrno\( ,,";IS Ille besl
m a II aurJ lhe 1I.~I'crs were
Mi('h;lct Tc~l(!
Ingersoll. brolhcr 01 Ihe l)riM
al\d John 1'o~I;\IId nf 111gE'rsoll. hfOI her-in. law of
I h~ hrirle _ The. ~ \\,oi'c Ox '
fonl grey H/xc(\ocs wilh
It \- ('.I" h 0 \\." Ii,· S II II d
"he groom wnre Uxlord
gl"ey I~il_~ nntl " m;>.lching
grey lic. Ilis llccr.ssorics
Included:l gold 1\'.11<:11 and
gil'en 10 him hy his
eh~in _
gr.1lul lXlrcnls
A I 'I'(TI'I ion \\"a~ held if I
Ikll(I('r~oll 11;,11 in Inger,
soil. "'here Ilila (;, ev~'rs.
sislr.r of Ihe grOOlll , c i r·
CilIated Ihe gllcsl book _
Gllesls a Llcnllcd (rom
Nova Scol ia. Sask(ll·
~llrhigan .
\VoOllstol'k .
Nnrwich . :-;Jl\ilh's' Falls .
T! 11-"01111111'1:, '1'0'-1'11110.
I'almerslnn , I'clrolii!"
Mr. ,111<1 I\1I 'S , Sa('krirler
hOIl{')"IIIOOllcd in quebec
;I!\d a rr' no\\' resini ng a I
U It I I."S:d<'1I c
Megan is t lfI fe d to announce the safe arrival of
her baby hrother, Cody
William, born July IS, HISS
in London. He weighed six
pounds, nine and a half
ounces . Proue! par~nts are
Bill and Nellie.
grllndparenls are Adrian
Vanderpas and Audrey Jor·
Joe and Mary Ann Kuczko
of Ingersoll . are pleased to
announce the safe arrival of
their son. Eric Joesph. He
was born July -'ll. 1985.
Cal and Donna Houlston of
S4 Victoria Sl.. Ingersoll,
proudly announce lhe saCe
arrival of their son. Jeremy
Joseph George Roulston.
July 22, 1085 at Alexandra
Hospital, Ingersoll.
TIln and Terry (nce: Pit·
key) are pleased to an·
nounce the birth of their
son , George Scott. born July
4. 1985. Weighing ' nine
pounds. two ounces. he is a
little brothel," for Aimee.
Proud grandpa renls are
Morris ;lnd Dorothy Pilkey
of Durgcssvillc, Mrs . Mary·
8tla Sherman of Ingersoll,
and great grandmother is
Eva Sims of Ingersoll .
Cli((ord John McDonald,
66. R.R. 2, Ingersoll, die<! at
London's Victoria Hospital
on July 21, 1985.
Mr. McDonald is survived
by his wife, the former
Marjorie Gowan.
Also surviving are his
childIen: Bob 01 London,
Fred and his wife Wendy of
Ingersoll. Mrs. &In (Ellen)
Funnell of Granton, Bill end
his wife Adele of Norwich,
Mrs . George (Linda) Lewicki of Ingersoll, David of
Ingersoll. Ted and his wife
Susan of Springfield, Steve
and his wife Teresa of
l.ngersoll, Jerry. at home,
Kathy of Central America
and Cindy oC London .
Mr. McDonald is also
survived by 15 grandchildren; by his sislers, Mrs.
Ruby Parker of Embro,
Mrs. Wilham (Sylvia)
Esseltine of Burgesville,
and by his brothers Murray
of AbbotSford, B.C., Ross of
Toronto, and Gordon of
Monkton, On\.
The Rev. Uoyd Shivral·
lDn conducted the JuJv 2J\
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Interment
Pallbearers were Jim
Cdddcy, Jim Morden, Merle
Harvey, Gary Bracewell,
Ron Walker and Grant
Es~elline .
Mr. McDonald worked at
Ingersoll Cheese Company.
He served in lhe Royal
Canadian Service Corps
attached to the Perth Regi·
ment in Iialy, France, Germany and HoUMd, in World
War II .
Mrs. Eliza Daines, 90, 263
Wonham Street, Ingersoll,
died Friday, August 2, 1985
at Alexandra Hospital.
She is survived by h~
husband Ben and by her
(Cora) Cartmale of Ingersoll, Mrs. OliveMe Cham·
bers of Woodstock, Mrs.
· Jim (Viola) Adllms of
Ingersoll, nnd Hen Daines or
· Point·Ali·Barrel.
Also surviving
are 20
grallctchildrcn. 45 great·
61'<1 mlchitdren nnd 11 greal:
'. gl·ca[·gr"ndchildrcn.
Mrs. Daines Is survi ved
by her sisters. Mrs. Charlotte Williams of Clio,
Michigan, Mrs. Nora Sldebolham of London, Mrs.
Anni~ Sidebotham of L¢ndon. and Mrs. Alma Ruth
Pearson of Tillson burg.
The Rev. George Brad·
ford conducted the Monday,
August 5 funeral service al
McBealh Funeral Home.
RUral Cemetery.
Pallbearers • were Bob
Marriage, Wilburn Daines.
Perry Cartmale, Dennis
Roberts, Reg Canmale and
George Lubick.
Mrs. Daines was born in
Norfolk Counly.
Orma E rickson, 75, 176
£arl Street, Ingersoll, died
at Woodstock Gcneral Hospital August 5, 19115.
She is survived by her
husband Ruben: by her sons
Fred of Ingcrsoll a lid
Eric of SpaNJood, B.C., and
· by her grandchildren, Fred
l lITClllSON
Hutchison, 56, 350 Oxlorc
Ave .. Ingeri'o]1. and form·
erly or tU"!. 2, Thlll11cs(ord
died :11 Vidori:l IJospital:
South Slree! Cnmpus. Lon·
dOli. August G, 1985.
, She is survived by her
hU51):llId. Morley "Mike"
Hutchison; by her daugh·
· (ers, Mrs. Terry (Nancy)
.' 'l\lurdock of I3rockvllle, Mrs.
· Jim (Linda) Holden of
. Thamesford, and Debbie at
· ho~e: and by four gra~d.
'. cI)llorcn. Also surviving is
· her broth!!r, Keith McLeod
.'. of Ingersoll.
. The Rev. K. David Mack
. conducted (he Thursday,
Angusl 6 fUlIcr(l1 service at
(he C<lrrothers-Betzner
I"uncrnl Horne. Interment
· ill Zion Seventh Line Cem·
Pallbearers were Frank
, l)isbeC'. Ken Legacy, Russ
Cooper, Doug McKenzie,
Lloyd Hutchison and Bob
· I<err.
Mrs. Hutchison was born
· in London, OntariO. She
lVorked as a homemaker.
Donations mAy be madc
in her memory to the Onta ri 0
H C(I rt
c~- AI oxfo;;i n~gionai
NurSIng HomG. I"gelsoll. 00
Wednesday AuguSI 14.
1985. Lida (F orOeS) CI~'~.
age 85. Wile 01 Ihe lal& Slit!·
log CI~rk t196:21
molller 01 e,'I. InQerSOIi. Mrs
Walle! Rurion (Maroery).
Tlils.o"bu'g. Nora Thomoson,
A A 4 Ingersoll Dellr sislel 01
M,s. Alma He/see.
WoodSlock Also survivp.o ny
g,eal·g, ... ndchiltJ,e/\
win be no ~si'alion_ Pllvale
service will be held on FudllY
AuguSI t 6 Inlermenl ,1\ Hal'
,is Sireel Cemelery Remem·
brances 10
Memo,,~1 Fund
01 Alcx.,ndl3 Hospil~1 may he
arranged 10' al lhe McBealh
Funeral Home
SEAL AI Ale><andr3
"'I=io"S'p, lal Inge,soil. on
W ed nesdoy Augusl I ~.
1985. Marga,el IBloCk) Be~1
age 58. Beloved wile 01
HI!/(y Seal 01 262 Wh,lillg
SI,eel. IngerSOll. Dea, molh,,/
01 L,nda Vank: London. OMitJ
and his wile &,b: Londo" .
Cathy and her husba"d Aill
Tholpe: Ingersoll
Qrandmolhel oj .Iames
JacIlson. Mich~el lJeal Md
. RObDi~ Thorpe. Dear SISI", 01
ROOMtJ Black: M~Y"i!ld.
Scoiland. A'cJ';b"ld COj)IM
Middlolon. SCotland F/i()n(J~
will be received al McBeall'
Funer.1 H£)me. 248 rh~mes
St/eel Soulh. IngersoJ1 ~IIGr
2'00 pm £In F"d~y wllete
service will be oeld 00 S~lur·
day Augusl t 711 aI2'OO p.n) ..
Rov. Lorenzo Ramirez 01·
I,Ciallng Inle,menl In Inger·
sojl Rural Cemelery Remcm·
b/~nces 10 Ihe Cance, Soop-·
Iy may be allilng"d 10' ~I Ihe
Ftlnernl Home.
\-\ \J..%U- ~T-
. and Cheri. Also surviving
. <Ire Iwo grea l-grandchildTim, Thomas and Roberl.
Canon Tom Griffin con·
dueted the Allgust 7 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral
Mrs. Erickson \Vas born in
Finland. She was a home·
She IV~S <l member of St.
James' Auglic:.n Church.
Donations may be made
in her memory to !.he Heart
\ ~ ~5
u . . o\...et
ul·umpton. med l>rid<ll
dallghLel' o( Mr , and Mrs. Roger Hcnha\Vke
of Ingersoll was manied Lo Keith Miller.
son of Mr, and· Mrs. JalTJes Miller of
BI'amploll, on July 20 in Ingersoll.
The ceremony w~s held
ill Ihc gMden of Ihe
bride's p,1renls' home al
Jl Chisholm Dr., Inger·
soli. Paslor Dwighl Lewis
officiated. Tht: bride was
given in marriage by her
falher ..
The bride was tradi·
tionally dressed in a while
silk ehICfon and lace
gown. Tile high neck ;lnd
sheer yolk featured reo
emhroidered alencon lace
on Ihc sheer bod ice . The
leg of mullon sleeves con·
lained guiperc lace and
the shoftly [ullskirt had a
chapel train hemmed
with Chantilly lace .
The bride wore a brim·
hnt of chilfoll Miller of Ortln>plfln,
with seed )lCilr/S and brot her 01 I he bride The
elbow· length vei ling. She usher "'''5 Jay Nixon of
carried a cascade of Ingersoll, assisted hy
burgundy roses, pink !lnd nog~r and Barry
while minialure cama· Hcnhawke, hrothers of
\ions and baby's brealh.
lhe bride.
The milicl of honor was
The groom wore a steel
Joanne Stewart of grey single·breas(ed tliX '
Aylmcr , sisler of Ihe edo will! matching lie and
bride and the bridesmaid cummerhund. The best
W!lS Jennifer Marel1;m! of m~n end ushers wore
Ingersoll . They wore (wo heaher grey single ·
piece dresses o( dUSly . breasted Iw(edoes wilh
rose which f ea I u red dusty rose lies and
spaghetti straps and cummhcrbunds .
jackets WiUl long sleeves
A reception was held o1t
in chiffon . The jackets Ihe I ngersoll Pipe On nd
had lace inserts and ru(· Hall. Cuesls were present
lies lit Ihe necklioe and from Woodstock , London.
wrists. They carried silk Norwich, Otterville. Cam ·
noseg~ys of cranberry
bridge, Oa~ville,
sod pink mini carnalions HJmilton, Oramplon and
(IJ1d baby's brcaU\ wilh Toronlo.
while rihbons. They wore
Alter a wedding trip to
baby's brea th in their norlhern O/Jtario Ihe cou·
pIe took up residcnce in
,The besl nl:\n WIlS Sieve I.Iramplon .
It",· ,\ .0
Petls(' of·
li6,ded ill Ihe double rillg
ceremony . The hride was
given in m"fI'iag~ by hr.r
p:lrellts The soloist w:os
Hobert Millie of F:mbro
<lnd !h~ orgl\lIi~t W:lS JO;ln
WiUslc o( Woodstock . The
~ollgs were 'That is Love'
£lilabeth Garlnt, junior
b r j cI e S 111 aid, (r 0
Wootlslock . The
bridesmaids were
similarly adorned as the
maid of honor.
The junior bridesnl:lid's
gown had Il solid color of
p;1le pink with a sllIali ruffle Mound the neckline
(lod 'The Hose.'
. TIle l>ride wore :l floor· ~nd pu(Ccd s)C1:vcs . She
Icng\h gflwn of silk organ · cnrried a white boskcl
{illed with whitc nno
7.11 over ("fCcl;; which IYtlS
scal)opeliin revctll l~ycrs l>urgunrly flclcl lillcs,
01 lace . It IIMI 10llg lace smclhy!>t freesi~ 11110
sleeves wilh ruHic" I~cc white seventh hC<lveli .
'fhe best m!lTl \VIIS Atall
;It thc wrlsls . a Inee
neckline and bodice IIC · Thomson of Embro, the
(en\ed wi III seen pearls. ushers werc Doog
She .....orc 1\ derbv hal of Clcndenrling of Ingersoll ,
white chiffon ;dornecl La rry Gn rf at of I "ger~oll
with whi lc flowers on Olle and Ihc jUliior ushcr.;
sidp nnd carrlcc1 it were J:lson Garfst of In·
c.~~cilcl c bouquet of pink gersoll and Tommy
Ii I ie~ , burgundy I'Oses. Thomson of Emhro.
The groom dl\lI his at ·
while alld pink char·
midas , ol'chi(ls :\fld while lendants wore sla.le grey
seventh hClIvcn . Pellrl Ili xedocs . ThC gr oom
loops :\cccnlcd tho'! bou· wore a sat in grey cu m·
mer l>und and lJowtie :l nd
qlld design .
his allendanls wore satitl
ihc maid of IlollOr was clus!y rose cunlm her·
PlIlricin CI endenning of bUilds and howties.
Ingersoll who WOfC a dus A reception was held at
ty r<'se and burgundy tal· SWC Aburg United Church
felll gO\\,ll with a \Vai~t to with Kem Shermall , ullcic
floor· length unc1erskirt of the bride, as moster of
cover{'d with cocklAil CCl'cmOIi iI'S . 1\ da nee
lcoglh bo·peep skirt and (ollowed 1\( Ihe Colombo
Ilccl'nled with two-lone Club In lJeachvilie .
rill/led necklille. She e~r' Guests were present from
rled a c;)scadc bouquet Wisconsin, Burlington, SI.
wilh white and burf(uncly C.Jlhnrines, Georgetown,
(ield lilies , amelhy~1 London, Thunder Hay,
(reesi;; ilnd while ~evcllth Ni agara, Ingersoll aod
Gve RF AT -TH 9.~ S 9.tJ..
Sandra Garfat, daughter of Joseph and
Hazel Garfilt of rrR 5, Ingersoll, was mal"
ried to Angus Thomson, son of Thomas and
Margaret Thomson of Embro on June 29 at
$weaburg UniLed Church .
Woodstock .
The llrirte.~l\\lIids were
l\1t1ureen 'Mtllleck of Lon ·
don , Carol Miller of
Thlloder nll\' nlln
Aller a werlding Irip to
KingSlon ;'\ nd Ollaw3 Ihe
cOlll'le look lip re.~idence
!It I! 11 S, 1l\1:e.r~(lIl .
:::, );; ~~ -T L \'\) '- \\-\ \"\"<':'0\,). ~'t
Wt:U III IUt!Xllnura nospHllI,
Wednesday, August 14,1965.
Mrs . Beal is survived by
her husband Harry; her
daughters Linda Yank or
London, and Cathy and her
husband Bill Thorpe of
Ingersoll; and by her son,
David Beal and his wife
Barb, of London.
Also surviving are her
gTandchildren, James Jackson, Michael Beal and Robbie Thorpe.
Mrs. Seal Is survived by
her two brothers, ' Ronald.
Black of Mayfield , Scotland,
and Archibald Conlan of
Middleton, ScoUand.
The Rev . Lorenzo Ramirez conducted the August
17, 1985 funeral service at
Mdleath Funeral Horne.
Interment in Ingersoll Ru·
ral Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Bill·
Armstrong, James Matthews, Robert Connors,
Randy Forsythe, Harold
Willlams lind Joe Van-
Ryswyk .
Mrs. Beal .was born In
Newl.c.n Grange, Scotland.
She was a member of the
Uniled Church of Canada.
Donations may be made
in her memory lo the Canadian Cancer Society .
Harriet Elizabeth Budden, 68, R.R. 2, Thorndale,
died at SI. Joseph's Hospital, London, August ~, 19S5.
She was prede<:eased by
her husba nd, the late Ernest
Budden, in 1973.
She is survived by her
chUdren, Mrs. Isabel Goodhue of Misslssauga, Walter
of London, Leonard of
Peterborough. Allen of R.R .
4, Thame.sford,and Don~ld
of Glanworth. Also SurVIV,
ing are 16 grandchildren.
Mrs. Budden Is survived
by her brolhers Waller of
B.C., and Bill of [,cndon,
and by her sister, Mrs.
Clarence ([sabel) Whaley of
She was predeceased by
two brothers, Harold, In
19'15, and Dick in 19T.l, &.nd
by one sisler, Mrs. Dorothy
Scragg n 1978.
Pastor Ross Hargreaves
conducted the August 26,
1985 fWleral service at the
Carrothers- Betwer Funera I
Home. Interment · In . ZIon
Seventh Line Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Dick
Hart, Glen Budden, AI Gabler, Bernard O'Neil, George
Thylor and Jack BaU .
Mrs. Budden :was born in
london TownShip. She was
a homemaker.
Uda (For bes) Clark, 85,263
Wonham Street, Ingersoll,
rued August 14, 1985.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late Sterling Clark, In \962.
She is survived by her
son, Bill Clark of Ingersoll;
Mrs .
(Margery) Burian of Tillsonburg, and Nora Thompson of R. R. 4, Ingersoll; six
grandchildren and five
great grandChildren .
Also surviving is her sister, Mrs. Alma Hersee of
The Rev . Paul Field conducted the Friday, August
16 funeral
service at
McBealh Funeral Home.
In~rment in the Harris
Street Cemelery.
Mrs. Clark was born In
Donations may be made
in her memory to the mem-
orial fund 01 Alexandra
Mnrgarel rnreuwenhui1.e.n)
DeWil, 83, RR. 1, Beach·
ville, died at Woodstock
(kneral Hospital on August
14. 1985.
. She Is survived by her
husba nd John ; her daughter
Mrs. Joe (Marie) Nance·
!dveU of Sweaburg; and by
her sons Hugo and John,
bolh of fo)dens.
Also surviving Are 12
grandchildren and four
great grandchildren, one
brother end one sister, both
in Holland.
-..... :~ ..:;r .• : ,• . .~
She was predeceased by
her grandson, the late Ron-
ald NonC'ekivell, In 1~1.
The Rev. David Smith
• ,.? ."""
,. ~ .
Miss Lena Cl cndi lllling,
286 Thames St. S., Ingersoll.
died Thursday. August 22,
\965 at Alexandra Hospital. .
She is survivcd by her
sisler, Mrs. Grace Waring
of Ingersoll, Q nd a Iso
survived by a number of
nieces and nephews.
Miss Clendinning was pre·
deceased by hcr parents,
Ihe lale Mr. and Mrs . James
Clendinning, and by six
Tom GriHin
conducted the August 2&
Ifuneral service at McBeath
Funeral Home, 11Iterlllt!nl
in 51. John's Cemetery,
Pallbearers were Donald
Clendinning, Eugene
Clendinning, Alan WMing,
Rae Waring and Paul
Miss Clendinning was
born in North Oxford Town·
ship. She was a member of
St .
conducted the August 17
funeral service 81 McBejith
Funeral Home. lntermenl
in the Oxford Memorial
Park Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jeff
DeWit, John DeWit, David
DeWit, Dan DeWit, Frank
Pesloor and Dan Fields.
Mrs. DeWit was born in
Donations may be made
In her memory, to the
Canadian Cancer Society or
the Hearl and Stroke :-OUlldation.
I.\\.)GE t:<S(:» )_L.
, ::c..~\\)~
55 Deaths
Elgin Genel~1
AI StThomas
Hospital. Tues·
day evening September J .
1965. Mrs. Elilabelh (Hul ' .
ellison) BOlli/ace. J 7 Coyne
Siteel. 51. Thomas. end
/O! m~tly 01 Ingelsoll. in her
891h year. Widow 0/
Flederick W. Bonilace .
Molhel 01 Mrs . James (Jeanl .
Gowling. 13 Sllluce Sireet.
SI Thomas. and ~randmOlher
0/ M,ss Selh Cowling.
SI Thomas . MIS& Oonl),e
Gowling 01 TOlonlo. Mrs.
Wilham (Healher) Manlara.
Kilchenar. ~nd Curl Gowllng.
St. T/'Om;)s. Also sU/vived by
Me IJleal·grandcl\lld Gull o
M;ln,Ma 01 Kllchener .
Resllng al Ihe LB. Sillon
funelal Home. \ \£1 Well·
'nl)lon Sltee!. SLThomas.
commencing 'l'hursday aher ·
noon al , :00 p .m ..· and
where lIIe IUl\ctOl and com·
mUlal selvice will be con·
dueled Fn(lay allernoon al
\ '30 p m. Inldmenlln SI.An ·
drew's Cernelery .
1hi\n'~slord. Onlo/io. al a
/aIel <We .
DANIEL - V(!r6 Marie. in 111 '
ge rsoll on TuoSdoy
Sepl omber 3. 1985 . 01 ,I 78
Eat! Silset. Ingersoll.
d,ughler 01 Ihe lale George
anO Evalyn Oanlel Loved an(l
sadly missed by Shilley 01
SIloud. Isabel of InQersoli.
Cad 01 London. and lam,lies .
No vis1Ialion. No luneral.
Crem~lIon . Remembrances
10 Ihe Hear I 3110 Stroke Foun·
d~"on may bo arranged lor al
Iht MCR"~lh FlllleraJ Home.
'~6 lhilmes Sireet. Soulh.
~ .~
ffi '\ rl\.) £. \_
Q."£ \)1:.
MIss Jean Borland, form·
erly of 222 Earl Strect,
Ingersoll, died Monday,
August 26, HISS at VictorIa
Hospital, London.
She is, survIved by her
At Alexandra Hospital on
Augusl 18. 1935, lo Les lind
Kelly Daniel, 285 Thames
SL. North, Ingersoll, a
d.."Iughtcr, Elisha LeIgh.
Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daniel,
Ingersoll, and Mr . and Mrs.
Doll McCague; R.R. 4, Moss1ey. Proud great . grand~ '
molher (s Mrs . Dorothy
Wilmott of London.
Wallace a lii) j anet ~ygen·
Street , Ingersoll, ore pleas·
ed to announce (he birlh of
their son. D;J.vid Ryan. He
was born August 20, t965 at
I\lexandra Ibspital.
~ J:iO~
AI Alexa n
a Hospital on
August 2. 1965, to Tom and
Vicki (nee: Edwards) Wil·
S()n, 459 Lelnster Street.
Woodstock, Onlario, a son,
Dilvid Hobert.
Proufl grandparents are
Oilve and Garb Edwards of
13cachville. lind Lloyd and
MDrg Wilson of Embro.
Proud great grandparents
arc Clifford and F'rancis
l3enjamln of R.n, 2, IngersoU, Ilnd LenA Podet" Gobles, and Ethel Wilson of
Ottawa. We would like to
UHlnk Dr . Pariser and
cveryone on the maternily
ward .
brother, Harold Borland of
Burlington, and by her par·
ents, Mr. and Mrs . John
Borland , Also slIrvlvlng is
her niece Andrea Borland of
Vancouver, B.C., and her
nephew RObert Oorland of
The Rev. Paul Field conducted the Thursday, August 29th funeral service at
Mc~(h Funeral Home.
lntennent In Oakwood
Cemetery, Simcoe.
Miss Borland was born in
Oxford County. She was a
teacher lind spent her entire
teaching career at Princess
EIi1Abcth School, formerly
the Ward School. She was
also a member of u..e Nors·
worthy Chapter, WOE.
Miss Borland was a memo
ber of St. Paul's Presbytedan Church.
Kenneth G. Van Knrnpcll,
21, died al Park wood Hos·
pital, August 25, 1985.
He Is survIved by his
parents, Tony and Jane Van
Kampen, his grandmother
Mrs. Neeltje De Kam of
Holland, and his sisters,
Marjorie, Nancy, Shawn
and Jennifer, all at home.
ThC! Rev. DennIs l1cyel1
conduded lhe August 28
funeral seryice at lhe
Church. Interment ill Ingl!r'
soli Rural Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Kevin
Antonidcs, Homer Vander
Vccht, Chris Klingenberg,
Steve Zwart, Tom Vandyk
and Waynt'! HMgsma .
Donations may be mad~
in memory of the deceased.
to the PoJ\intive Cllre Unit,
Park wood Hospilal.
)"\ ,
Newlon, Sy Glover. !loss
McCorquoda Ie, Lallrence
Moore, Murray Alderson
ilnd George McCaul.
A Masollic memorial service was held under Ihe
<1uspiccs 01 King Solomon
Lodge 394, Thameslord, and
Corinthian Lodge 700. )(in·
lore. Monday, September 2,
Mrs . Elizabeth <HutchIson) Boniface. 37 Coyne
Slreet, Sl. Thomas, and
formerly of 134 Bond Street,
Ingersoll, Onl. . . passed
'away- Tuesday, S~plemb~r
3, 19B5 at St. Thomas ·Elgln
General Hospital. She was
.: . ,
Born in Alva. 'sMtland. on
MaTch 4, 1897. the da iJghlel'
o( Ihe lale John and Jessie.
(Riddock) Hutchison, Mrs.
130niface moved 10 Sl.
Thomas from Ingersoll in
1977. She enjoyed a variety
of hOI ndicra fls a lid hoblJ i(!S
!lnd was ~clive in SI . Paul's
Presbyterian Church, Ing·
ersoll, for many years.
Her husband, the late
fi'retlerick W. Boniface, died
in 19li9. She W!lS also predeceased by fi ve brothers
and two sisters.
Surviving are daughter
Mrs. James (Jean) Cowling
of 13 Spruce Streel, SI.
Thomas; grandchildren
Miss [leth Gowling or 37
Coyne Street, Sl. fhomas,
Miss Bonnie Gowling of Tor·
Mrs .
Weather) Manzara of Kit·
chener, ·Curl Gowling of J3
Sprucel Street; one great
gra n.dchild, Gulio Man1.era
of Kitchener.
The' funeral service was
held Seplemb~ · Ii with thc
Rev . Dr. B.S. Rodney of
Knol( Presbyterian Church,
S1. Thomas, ofJiciating. In
le(nment in the family plot
of Sl. Andrew's Cemetery,
Tlu'lm(!Sford, Onl.
Miss Jean Borland, form·
erly of '2'l2 Earl Sireet,
I ngersoll, died Monday .
Allgust 26, 1985 at Virtoria
Hospital, ~pndoll .
She is survived by her
brother, 11 nrold Borla lid of
[lurlingtoll. hE!r niece An·
dren Borland of Vancouver,
B.C" and her nephew, Rob·
crt Borland of Burlington.
She was predeceased by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John norland.
The Rev . Paul Field conducted Ihe Thursday, Aug·
list 29 funeral service at
t...lcDealh Funeral Home . In ·
lel'liinenl' of cremated re o
lnfli~: .~KOak,:,,:o.od CefY"
elery. SImcoe.
MisS BOrl'lIlo was born In
Oxford County . She \NDS a.
teacher lind spent her enllre
leaching career al Princess
EIi1.:.belh School . formerly
the Ward School. She was
also ll'member of Ihe Norsworthy chapter lODE .
Miss Borland was a member of SI. Paul's Presby ·
terian Church.
162 McCarty
Street, Tha mesford, died ot
London's St. Joseph's Hos·
pital August 3L, \985.
Mr . Mills is survIved by .
his wife, the former Made·
line Cucksey~ hIs daughters
I'Ms . Helen Huston of Mel ·
bPl-lnlc: Mrs . John (BelLy)
Nadalin of Thamesford,
Mrs. Dove mulh) Taylor of
SI. Albert, Alberla, Kalh·
leen 'of Mississauga, ~nd
Norma of Tavislock; and by
his sons, Albert of Haden,
Druce or 51. Marys, <1nd
Gerald of [(.R . 3, Lakcside.
AIso surviving arc his
urothers Harvey and Har·
old . both of Lakeside, ?is
sisler Mrs . Lloyd (Annie)
Fraser 01 Embro, and his
OTolher.in-law, Henry Pur·
vis o( llelle River .
Mr. Mills was predeceas·
ed by his sisler, the lote
Jea 11 Purv is, in t983, a lid by
his grandson, the late
James Hulson, in J977.
P;'Istor \1oss HOlrgreDlics
of Kintore, conducted ~he
September 3 funeral servIce
at (he C<lrrolhers ·Bcl zner
Funeral Home, Tn,lIneslord . Inlerment in Chrisl
. Anglic~n Church Cemetery,
74 .
1\1r. Mills was a retired
farmer . He was a member
of Chalmers United Church,
Kintore, and attended West·
minster United Church,
Thamesford . He was a
member of the Woodstock
lA>dgc of Perfection 33, A
and ASR, a member of King
Solomon Lodge 39i, Afi' and
AM, Thamesford, and a
past master of Corinlthliln
Lodge 700 At<' and AM,
1)0Jlalions may be made
in hls memory to the Canadian Cancer Society or lhe
COllildian Red Cross Sociely.
Milton Earl Taylor, 79,349
Wharncliffe Road North,
London, formerly of R.R. ~,
Thorndale, died III his resIdence Seplember 4, 1905 .
lie was predece.llsed by
his wife, the late Mary G.
Taylor, in 1981.
Surviving are his daughters, Mrs. Sara Carter of
London, and Mrs. Al
(Sharon) Bourgeois of R.n,
'2 Thorndale; his grand·
~ughters Tammy, CharlotIe Sandra and Jackie, and
hi~ sister, Mrs. Edna
lDouglas of London .
.. Mr. Taylor was predecea·
Sed by his brolher William .
and by his sister, Mrs.
Emma McFarlan .
Pastor Earl Leiska conducted the September :
funeral service al the Car-'
!lome in Tham(!Sford. Inler·
ment in Clipperton CemeLcry .
PaUbearers were Don McFlIrlan, Fred Feuerstein,
Bill Hudson, George Taylor,
Jim Hill and Max Douglas .
Mr. Toylor was born In
Thorndale and was a retired
farmer .
"L<'0 C. 'E A, Sa)_ L.
:::, e...\~~ c:-_\ '"\.) c:o-.\-
G1 f Qy Elt : Dayid James
Glover, n.n. 2. ThorndAle.
died at Ills r~ldence Se.,.
lember 5, IgaS,
Johnaild Ma rla 01 edDeer.
AlherLA, arC pleased to an .
nounce lhe &ale arrival or
their second born, ~ dauj!h.
ter, I<rlslln Mcghdn, She
weighed 8 Ibs., 4 Ot., and
\VAS born A uguSI 26, 1985 A
lillie sister lor NIcole.
PrOud grandparenls are
ROM and Don.! Beacom o(
Ingersoll and John and Joan
McFarlane 01 Slaney
Creek .
a nd by Iwo brolhers, Eari
a nd Roy Uslle.
Monsignor V H. Crespan
oonduCled th. rUneral mes!
at C. nolher. Belrner Funeral lIome.
lie I~ survived by his wl(e.
Ihe former Marion lVelr,
lntermenl In 51. Marys
aod by his SOIl Jonnat han, al ' Cemetery .
home Also surviving are
Pallbearers were Dennis
his pll;enls, John and Doro>- l(Io,gdon, Dave Kingdon,
thy Glover or n.n. 2, Thorn·
na\\dy Parkinson, Terry
d,'~, and Mrs. Marjorie
Bailey, nlc .... rd Kingdon
McKay 01 London.
Bnd Tommy Alcken.
Loluren Is liappy to an.
nounce Ihe arrival 01 h'er
brothe r, . K yly
Rlehard. (lorn a l SI. Joseph's HospllBl, London ,
AuC~sl 19. 1985, Proud are
parents Julie and nick HIIIner. Grandpa renls, Marg
and Howard noblnson 01
Il\gorsoll, tolD rle Gnd Mike
Hillner o( Copenhagen ..
lie WAS U,e denr brolher
01 't~ITY, Lynda, JuUe and
Steve, aU of t..ondon, And
Tim o( n.n. 2. Tllornd3lc;
end dear grandson of
William and Grac~ We~­
moulh 01 Porl SLanley.
Mrs. Kingdon W8.1 born In
East NlssoUJi T'~w~hlp.
McKAY: Donald Sutherland McRay, 14-1 George
Sireel, Thn mcslord, died al
the age o( 8J Al V!clor le
Hospital, London, on Se~
tembcr 9. 19a5.
The nev. Lewl~ S';o,"" 01
Crutr\lIn Unlled Church conducted the Seplember 9 run·
He Is survived by his wile,
H31 sHvice at Ihe Carro>thers· Bellner Funer a I ' Ole 101 mer Mar Jorie Malheson,
' and by his daughter,
lIome In Thamtslord. In.
Mrs, 'Thomas ICnrlsllne)
t~rmenl In Zion Seventh
CUSSOM o( tngusoll,
Uno CemeleC)'.
Pallbeorers were Bob
IlctJgood, Jim Dullln, Grny
K,"I.~lkowskl, DOR Kipp,
Jolon 1':1~lc, Poul glliQll and
Terry Glover.
Also sur vlvlng ore lour
grandchildren Bnd rour
cr~1 grandchildren. ond
his sisler, M"/ Dr. Glcn
(AgnC:!) Vine 0 S\rolhloy.
I'eslor non lIargruves
Oorn in London, Mr .'
conducled Ihe Seplember 12
Glover worked as ~ Iru(Her .
service ~t lhe Carlie wns R cOIII,cillor 01 Wesl lunerol
rDlher&' Behner Funer al
N,-~souri Township council
Home, Thamesrord. Inler• rrom 1980 10 19115 and a
ment In North ..Embro
mcmber or Ihe Wesl Nis- CCmelery.
$Ollrl lug 01 war learn. lie
WhS also ~ director of the
Pallbearers were Sieve
Thorndale Fair.
rearson, Roger BlAke,
DavId Cussons-, Wayne
Don.lions mny be mode M~thes;'n, Lorne Matheson
In his In emory 10 Ihe Crllon· ond Dan C\.IS$ons.
lin Ulliled Chllrch memorial
IUlld or (0 Ihe Elhloplan
Mr. McKay ",as born In
nellel Fund.
Easl Nissourl 'fownslJlp and
worked RI general larmlng.
I(lNGDON: Flortnce Eve·
Iyn «Ingllon. S1, 329 Jones
At VictorIa 110'SI. W., 51. Marys and (or· p ta South Sirect ratnpWl
merly 01 Ingersoll, died at on Saturday, Seplem~r H,
SI. Marys M~monat Hospit- t9B5, M~'y Pelhes 01 Lon ·
al September 9, 1905.
don and (orm~rly ~I R.R.2,
Mo.uley. Beloved wl(e 01
She 1$ !urvlved by her lhe lole Joseph Pelhe5
husband noy, an1 by her (19181 . Dear motMr 01 Mrs.
daughters, Mrs. Doug John (Violet) Lodlch of
(Shirley I
01 London and step,,"n
Thames/ord, end Na ncy Joseph; IhTC't grondchlld·
5hec~ .
ren Mary /Delh) Elltabelh,
.,: . Also' surviving He ' n'er J .mes Edward and hts wHe
Brenda end Joseph John.
grandchildren, Dcnl~ .. and
f'unuAt •• rvlta WDI held al
Bradley Ndrl~I'" '. ~d !Tac- L.· Lalrrl l.I\g~n F1ln~ral
ey and Rogu Clork; and
her slslers, Mrs. Bill l1ome. Dorchesler In Ihe
chaJ)<11 On Tuesday, Scplem·
(Cladys) f'lanol~.n of Lonber .,. al 2 p.m. conducled
don, .nd Allison L~lie or 51.
by Rev. Chules J . &011.
Marys ..
Inlermenl Dorchester
Mory May
TI\TOriiiii} Oaloc, 82')' MetcaH Slr~t, WoodstOCk, died
Seplell\ber 6, Igas ~l t..on- ,
don's Victoria Hospital.
She Is survived by ~cr
husband Charles ; by ller
sons R(chard Campbell 01
London Ilnd Doug CQmpbell
0( Woodslock, Illd by her
s(eQ<:hllliTen, Mrs . Ellr.a·
beth Schlupler, M15_ C4C)'
(Julie) Porchak, end />tri o
Douglas (Debblel Camp.
IH"II, all 01 Woodslo<>k .
Also survivIng Is her
mol her, Mrs. Mary Morgan
o( Woodstock; her .ISlttS
Mrg. Megan Kdnncngle.sger
01 Woodstock, MIS. ll.oss
(OOrolhyl Ferneyhough,
WOOdstOCk, Mt"9. Murray
'IShlrleyl PU~, lind Mis!
I.y"da Morgon, all ~r lng~r·
soli . Mri , l>31oe Is survived
by her brolher, David Mor·
gnn, also 01 I ngenoll.
She was predeceased by
hcr lalher, Ihe laic 'Daniel
MOIg~n, In 1m.
'the l1ev , Clen OUlhouse
conduCled Ihe Seplem\>tr 9,
I ~&S luncral servic~ 91 Me·
Bc.:Ilh F"uneral Iloll1e. Il\ler·
Rlcnl In ElH"nclCr Cen.elery.
Pnllben rer! were Ilronn
SIn itlt,
fl. ick
BeD ch .. n,
Charles BancroH, Mike
Pill, D~nI\y F"erneyhough
and Clint Hamilton.
Mrs. Da(oe was bom In
Ingersoll, She was 3 mem o
ber 01 (he Chllrcb 01 Ihe :
N,'l~rlnc, and worhd as a
homem~ker .
Donn\Jons mny be l\Iad~
In her memory 10 the Cana·
dian Cancer Sociely.
Klo\gdon w~s predeceased by her grandson, Ih_
lale Brian Peddnn, in 1964.
Union Ctmelery. Donallons
to the Hearl & Slroke Foundation would be apprecla·
"\ ,1:\\"\ "ES
D~dr.)m ... ~~tfft'm Cnf'l.
1). Ilg Me-ulll SttN'1. Ingt(·
ool\. died Seplembe. 17, I~I
al Alexan.dra. ltosplt"l.
Ing ...... I\.
Ilel. ,u1'lve<iby hh "'''e.
Ibe lorm .. Evc\yn M,S,
SIr,,!:;I.r. ud w .. 9«doceJOs.>d hy hi. Ii ..."
~I. ACnes H. P"rSon, In
noy lf~ R.R, I
S.lIord. died al his hom.
S.pltmbtr 16, 191$.
lIc1uvTvived by ~Is wUe,
thr I•• m., Elhel W.rrM;
by hI> broth" J~ 01 Inge,,0U. Dod by Ml <1'1"., Mrs,
Hugh IPu,.1I JI"~h<r 01
I':.r",icl\, et>d' Mrs , O,ville
ICIA..,) No,«klvtU 01 5.1.
Mr, Bnmell brmed on
Ibe u<ond .~Ion 0{
D«~h.m TOI>'".hlp ,
emll.. t>I Sol/o.d
Uniled Dlu •• h. aod of Drre·
h.m I,qOKe 621 Ar ••d M4 .
The nev. Aud.ey Whll~tY
• nd Ihe
A E, Menll ..
~u"ed Ih.s.:pI,mbct I"
""'S , ....
ne •.
(1J1H'rAI ~,..-vl(t At bfl!nultl
F"Ullual Ilomt. (I1ttcmef\it
In r,,&rrSOJi RurAl Cemelery.
J.l~~II' JQ N
~\ .. , 'u gh.". IDol)
lI.mlllon. 9-\ I{lnR Sir ""I
!':."l, IngoNoli. dit(! S<p-Icm~r )3. 19M at "Iuan·
dr, lI.spil.l. In,.",.11.
Sh. wa' Ih •• unl .1 h'k
~1 •• II~ell .1 Londo •• Oob
MATlin<1\ 01 thor)","""n.
P.E,I, R6Y MuUnon .1
Ollow,. DIll M.'~ncll 01
Bu.linglon , nob H"nlllon
01 lAndon, 4ud Cfr.~dine
ll.mlllon 01 WI""I~g.
The R.... Jon" Jon"I.&<
roodud.d lh' Seplember "
lunnal u:ryl4:~ 1.1 Mt8u(k
f'uJlenl Home. Inlffmtlll
I. Ingersoll Rural Com ..
M,. C;>Ir I. al •• ,uNivod
b)ll,ls "'"~hl", M.. Gltn
llO" .. y Ellubclh) lIynt<,
hb !Oft JllnU pursot'l
CII •. hI. hiolhor, DOUII'$
01 Ing.".U, E:d~' ard .~
lI ... ord. boll, 01 To •• nl •.
.nd hiS .utt,. Edllb BOI\'
£t ... I, 01 To,.~I •.
Mr, C,IT could bcl,,"'ed
• pili, •• r T.lnlly UnUod
C~urch which h •• ~ved In .
Gordoa t uHit."\A. 11S
SI, .. t,
all 01 lu vo,ieus dlmen· . W.,hlnI IO~
,10,"" 1'0. ","y yu ... ho ' ThAmesl.,d, diN! 01 SL
GI the CO(l1'
"'I(!~ oI.lewordJ. unUi til,
10.m,llon 01 tM church
<'Ovn,\I, AI 1l1.a1 Hme h.
J"".ph', noopll.l. U>ndo •.
S.~I.m"'" II, I~ .
"'-'U Iht husb.&nd o( lhe
C)US. In 5 .S. g'oup uncle.
1.le 00" Cuckllty and Ma ·
1><) \loul,IO.,
Mr. Rtnn It:-ll ,urvh"1J(1 by
hIt ~nl\ I b.!'bld 01 11'I1tt.uoll,
doughltr Mr< . nobell
lOorolJlyl POlk 01 lA\ndcn.
lind son CI(:n D( Tham~­
lor6 Alto £urvivl"g .are hts
Ihe )tad."hlp .1 ~Ir . W.L
sIJ\('fsr Mu.
BrAnll.,d. Me< , RVlh
D." .. 01 Woodsloclr •• ~
MI< ,
Ktnl\cO)' oJ OorcheJ.tl'f, and
bt:urnt· M Ir\l.ile~ . II po:s.lUon
he held "nlillwo ye>n .~o
",he" iii hesO\ lore'" hl!
He W,U .a mcm'b<r 4' tho
Me. ·s
On JAnua.y 16. I~. M• .
e.rr ~... pte<.nltd "'lIh a
ploque by Ih~ cOIl2,<"lIon
01 'J"rlnlly United C/lwch In
honor 01 hi, U yeo.... of
conllnuOllS StJ'llke 10 thai
In IholtlO' •• M" C.., "nd
, Ih. 131. lIobe.1 McJ)oug.ll
10,",N! Ihr 10Ih C,nlury
Club 01 Orfo,d Counly,
,~·hld'l willi.'
I!IcUW young
Llbe •• ls· dub.
Mr. Carr took an atllvc
lnler ...1 In oil lo~' n oellvl·
lie.. lie WD! 0 ch."e,
member 01 Iho V's M.. ·,
club. lo.m,d In 19l6, ud
fo><1 p't$ldenl <>Ilh,l
ovcr Ihc (.asl(,
lie was I p.>.1 p,csld<nl 01
the Oun\bcr of Comrnerct
and ..,oed on lhe
dr. 1I00plL,llruil Ibr s<'tr·
.1 y~.... lie M,d hIs wll.
Evelyn, .. III long b< rem,,,, ·
b«ed 10' novb'g Inl.odueN
• "umber 01 Inge"oll ,,,,,I.
denlS 10 01. I;I~ ollh. s~ ...
Theatre ~I Nlag:u,,-<)n-IheI.>k<. lotl"dlnK • Iou. o(
Inl«..lIo& • ..d hlslo,lc.1
~rn .. , Mr. CM' o,~.nh«l
bUl Irlps Ihe •• 10' ",ony
A1 ... 11 .. hIs community
work. Mr. Carr
~r\Own I" hgcnoll as Ihe
optr:.161 01 CI"'$ 80Qft and
Chll\l 511op, Th,m .. SIr .. 1
South. Ing.. ~I),
The R••. P~"l Field ood
th. n... Stanto,d Lu<yk
<>ICltl,I«I Ihe S.pl."'~r 10.
)9iS (\lOerA' 1.tfwl(t A.I Trin·
lIyUnlltciDlureh, Enloml>-
Ole"l In ).8e ... 011 M.Ul"
(c:.um . •
nOI1 Of n (y pn tlbct\. reorS
wrre Ournle ?urbrlss. J:IotW
(Jonnell. J.(\, Conll'ld.
Lo""'m Ju~d, non SkIn·
n". Jolin L«l<hul, Dr. S.S.
mond ond Jim Revolt.
Pnllb • ."rs lMer.
Htonr)' .
Jolm Mcll,ld., 1\1t~ .. d
Thueltll, A' l«Jc:hllrl And
Cu rr it Wi Itnt\.,
n~rne:mh( .. ncr.{ w~rc
m.)dC' 10 th.e: A ItheimU'l
loT' ft:tt-UU. .
A1r('O of
hi. b,olbo" Rcs or Iloute.He. Pcin!. N ,So
Thlrl •• n grandchlld,en
'nd I;\" g, .. I·grond(hll·
dun Also turvlljt,
Thc n... C('O.~. 1V.1l
I"" Seplembe. 16
funtnl s("I"\re .1101 Mc-DuUl
f une-n. \ lIome. rnl Cf rru~ 1\(
10 OorC"t\ •."ttr Cp.mfleJY
rliUb.<',arers \,l"er~ \\IAynt
OrivOt. John nfnnl., Chli.
nennle , Kevin nonnle, C"I
noul<lo" And J.II Itoul,(o •.
"'.s •
club. He ~. A..S A dite-dbl on
Ih. "Y" board. whtn It w>s
I"~ orgon.(~li()r\ fn (h;tt,'KCl
.1 n:c.ullon (or Ihe com·
munlty. belo,. Iho lown's
Mil. ~ut61
ib Site Olave)
V.,d.~bu .. <h. 01
51 .. 1·
a\Vol)' ,1
Tillsonbu'g DIUri t l Mtm·
0.1,1 ""'plto. on WedJI",·
day, Seplembtt. 1&. (9SS. I"
~" 611~ YU' ,
eorn In DN~harn Ctnlre.
Ap,lI 22. I~I§ ••
" 'as •
d, u ghl e< <>I the 1.1. Th~m OJ
Ci)dnlDI\ of\d the forma
/'larA KIIIg, $h~ h.d ""rd In
SlrnIrOtd.ill. 10. Ihe r,,>1 ~
ye,, ,". Mrs. Vuw.ltnbunch~
WQ! ~ Liembtr of KI"sdoln
11111 JcI,oooh Wllne .. ,
SU/o •• ln~ . buld., M.
hn.b ..d. arc • d,vgh\.e1 ,
LI'urfnl (archdl'
Dou,..,. ~I R 11 . I. All..
C.. lg: 1"", .1$le... Mrs ,
EI,le M,Klbbln 61 Blind
NellIe MOtTL,
and Mr<. Velm. \::1I.,y.
both of 1"&<.-.011 .nd Mrs.
Thorn., I e;dll h) Rvlo 01
n n.. " TIIl.onhu'R; ont
e.~"'lio 01·
n, R, --r. Tillsollbv.g; •• d
1Il0l0 g"odcMldren. K.,.
Mich.ele 80urAuIi and
IIdrl •• o Cry.1<I1 Sou, .....
RUlcd 01 Iho II,D. V.t·
h..,v. l"un".1 )lomo, nil,
Ur.bUIR, \rhcrc: s.ervtC'c Vr'M
held I. lhe ,~ • .,.I on rd·
d.y . S<Dlem"",'" oIl r,m,
c.""ucled by Mr. V,I ...e
OeJne<'SlfI 01 51. Thorn .. .
Illltlm~nl I", SlIa(ord
:rho., ..
Vmf' CtmtU:I)'.
Mfmori~1 f1onAUr:.r\J \0 lht
cho, rfly 01 YO\lr d'lOlce ~c4Jld
oppr"ec1a.ll/:d by Iht
Ch.;IIUU~Ill, l'a
Wo"lu,. Si rul, I ugNsoll ,
dlOA Sel'leftllltr 10. 1!)aS ,I
In«tu.olrt. Altll,..".';!, 110-"1 pi~'l.
IId< ..".I,'<dby lib wile,
tht 10' m~r May 8o\lilmi"~
by hI, .. n Ch1 flu .1 London 9n,1 by ~I' 6>v~bW"
Mr~, Robert lP.ull .. 1
~hll('J 01 RnlHmort. lind
Mrs _ John
Holm .. oj "Igenol!.
Also ,,".Iyln~ l< hl< 1,<"
I~or. Cn",~Dn .f , •• nbd·
d8 e : II ~'Mdeh;ld(cn. And
live ,re.,1 «rMlllchUrhtl\.
Me . l)'tu'U\;:\u wn! I>JC,<le .
(~(tjl by two brolhtrt :.nd
(""0 sIsters .
Cll\On ~ om G(Hlin <01\'
dI>CltcI lhe Scplemhrr I).
198'i lurot .. 1 .. ,vlco at SI.
J('Iom~' /l.O,.llt l1 l\ Church.
Durl,\ In O,lord ~1~m.II.1
A Incmo••.,\1 H,~ke ""M
lIeld by Ih. UlOlh<thW oJ
~ngnt.nn5 0" Thu"day.
Sc~\<mbc' tl-
(lonOJl( Y pA nb~" rtrs
",cr~ Torn Johnslon. John
lhompion and W"ynf \'.':;1,
den, rnl(b('~'NJ ",,'rr!! Dr Ad
lIolmes , John Holm ...
D.wld Dykem, •. Corman
Moll , Jol\l\ Moll ond John
h"Sb~nd 01 Iv~ (Gleool~) 511
Iflllel 01 \ 05 Mc.C;\1IIoV
sil ~cl . In<Jr.r ~oll OC,1/
brolhcr 01 MI5
Chl/Slr.llse": N':,qr., 1';)11, .
M,s Donald O'~<l"lcy /Jet"I) :
Ollervilie Deal unC le! 01 Dt
nobel! B~gulev : Monlr!?al
'lO() LoulY OJgulpy Whilby :
FlIl\c.;)1 was hr.ltl al Ihe
McOPilih l'urlNal HOIl'e 2<\6
1I\~lY\es Sireel Soulh Inger ·
soli Oil MOII()~Y OClohel 71h
al 2 00 D rTI • Rev P;\ul >,el<.l
OIl,ci<lleO h,le,menl IlIgclsoll
fluIl't cem el er y
10 TII",ly Unilp.O
Cloor ell F o,,,\d.~lion ot C~"CI' I
$oc'ely m<lV bc arranoed 10'
at Ihe lunerill home. A
MasolllC ·oncmo"~1 sc,,,ice
waS I ,eld On SUI\(jJy <II 7 30
P III AUSllic&S 01 St Joh,, ·S
Lodge No 68 A F and A M .
57 Births
~~~EY, - Onvid is hnilPY 10
<llInounce Ille sal ~ 0)/1 iv~1 of
h,s new playmale. John
Aoberl. MIn OelohN 5.
1905 (II Ale.al1d.~ Hospilal
weighl'lg 8 pounds 12
ounces . I>loud p~rel\lS 3fe
Andy i\lId A>i<l"CV. A"olhel
lor Bell and
Thelma iRi lay . Anolhel
nephew lor OonllY ~"o Oeb·
bie Pembleloro and a gteal ·
nephew 10' Be~"e erown all
01 Ingcrson 1hMk$ 10 Or.
Dallon (\I\d siall on 2nd 1I00r
:5 F-~ T'.J C- <'
t-Q 1,,, ("
JiY:; v·l;
¥, J;> J' ~
55 Deaths
~ - 01. I~ . Gley Nursc .
form erly 01 PI~lIsVlne ~nd In·
g er soli pass ed alVay ill
Oelro,I OCloher 2. 1965.
ServiCe was held al
Velheydi\n Funeral Hoe,
Gras Po'nle Palk On S~lulday
Oclober 5 . lovinq l y
relllembel ed by 1.401';00 (Pil ·
lOCk) . son Jim. daughlels
OorOlh'l' Md Kathy. lour
grandchildren. lOOny
relatives . friends ," Onl3110
MSi\.l1. Q.N,. AI Woodmg!Old
Loilge. W oodslock 0(1 Mon.
day OclOMr 7. 1985,
Harvey Moulton. age I 00.
Formedy 01 7 1 Nodh Town
line . IngelSOIl. Oe,lI orolher
of Mrs . Charl ie Gan.lghe.
(Rulh) . Bullalo. New York
Oear uncle 01 Mrs . TOllY
OeFaco IBelly). AMaheirn .
Calilornia. Mrs . No.m
Ladouccur (Morga,ell W,nd ·
sor . Bill Mou!lon. ·
M'ssiss;\uga , NOlnl MOUllon.
Inoelsoll . Also wrvivcd ·by
. sever31 Olcal nieces And
'Icphews - P'cOceased by his
sisler Eh2nbclh LIIC<ls and
brolhers Clem. WAlle •. E~'I
·"d Frank . Frie<>ds will be
cceived 31 Ihe MeRe .. lI)
F,,,,er~1 Home. 246 lh~nles
Sir e t.'1 Soulh. InqClsolllrOln 7 y N r , N f: L
. 9 p .m . Wednesday wilero
ik f .
selvice ""II be held Of) ThUI s.
v. IAI
cJi\y Oclobel 10. 1985 &1 -:'kt... I, ~ .- ~'
1·30 wjlh nell. George WOII
oUlCo~lj"g Il\lellne,'1 Inger 5011
Rural Cernelery
' I·
S'fH.lNG g:J ~
C. flussC1T § ringer, 74, 105
McCarllty Street, Ingersoll, died at
Victoria Hospital, London, on Sat·
w·day, October 5, 1985.
He is· survived by his wife, Iva
(Gregory) Stringer.
Also surviving are his sislers,
Mrs. Helen Christensen of Niagara
Fa lis, and Mrs. Donald (Jean)
Baguley of Otlerville, and his
nephew, Dr. Hobert Baguley of
Montreal, alld Larry 8aguley of
. Whitby .
At Alexandra Hospital, on September ZB, t9!\5 to Brian and Diane
l3ergsma, Mt. Elgin, Ontario,· a
daughter Breallne Marie.
Melissa is very-p
leased10 announce
the safe <ll'rival of her new baby
brother Nicholas Bradley on Oclober 2, t985 weighing 11 Ibs. 11\.-1 ozs.
Proud parents are Brad and Debbie
Heibeill of Salford alld proud grand,
parents are !loss and Huth Brady of
111gersolJ and Clayton and Donelda
Heibein of Thamesford .
Mr. Strillger worked as a foreman at Ingersoll Machine Co.
He was active in the community
hilving been a member and Past
Master of St. John's Lodge 6B, <llld
served as treasurer of the Lodge,
lie wns Past Grand Sleward of
Wilson District; a member o.lId
Past Firsl Principal of Harris
Cllaplcr 4 t n .A.M., e llleli1berall(~
Past Worthy Pa.lron of Ihe Order of
iJle Eastern Star, Avalon Chapter,
220; and he was II (ormer member
of Ingersoll flural Cemetery 1J0ard.
Mr. Stringer was a member of
'l'rinity United Church alld of the
church council.
A MilSOllic lIIclllori:l\ service \\':lS
held in his memory 01) Sunday, Oct.
6 at 7: 30 p.m ., IInder 111c auspices of
St. John's Lodge 68 . AP find AM.
The nev. Paul Field conducled
the October 7 fUneral service al
McBeath Funers\ Home.
Intermenl in lngersoJl Rural
Cemetery .
Stephanie is preasea \0 announce
the safe arrival of her brother
Oloke Cailleron Donald bOrll Saturday, October 5, 1995 at 3:27 a.m.,
wcigiling6lbs. 4 ozs. proud parents
are Dan and lIelen (l!olden) .
Speci!'!l (hallks to Dr. T. Mayberry
DHd all the 211d floor nursing staff .at
Alexandra Hospital.
~"'~""'","J (JI :.)( 7-.
P[lul is p leasea to announce Ule
s<lfe arrival of his baby sister,
'Yvonne Maric. She \V(l3 born on
October I, I!.I05 at Alexandra Hospilal and weighed 8 Ibs . 12 ozs.
Proud parents are Piel and Joanne
SchoclIl1\aker. Special (hanks to
Dr. Mayberry and the 2nd floor
nursing slaff.
·7:'">'I £ S ·
/ 9,f' ;;'
SuddCl"\ly al
i'I. ClCunder hospilalln Ingelsoll
on F"day Oclober 18. 1985.
Anna (Slm,onalo) Cecchin
age 62 01 27 I Thames_
Siresl NOllh Ingelsoll WUe 01
Ihe lale Villorio Cecchln
(19691 . . Dear mollier ot
Carlo. Woodslock . and Mrs.
Ken Smilh (Joaonellngersoll.
Friends will De receilled at Ihe
Mc8Qalh Fune/Ol~ Home. 246
Thames Sir eel Sovth. Inger·
. soli. 1I1Iei 7 pm Il"1is ellening
unlll Monday Oclol:ler 21 SI at
10 :" 5 am IMn 10 Ihe Church
01 the Sacred Heart tor
tuneral mass al \I em. Inler.
menl In S(lcred Hearl
cemelary , Palish prayers
Sunday al B pm and The CWL
!lOS3ry on Sunday al J pm.
Randy and Helen Anderson of
Beachville are pleased to announce
the birth of their daughter Nicole
Lynn, on September 26, 1985 at
Victoria Hospilal, London, weighing 6 Ibs. I oz. Grandparents are
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Anderson,
Beachville and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Overholt, Ingersoll. A
grea t·gra ndda ughter for Sarah
Anderson, Norwich.
Mark and Brenda (nee Dinner) are
pleased to announce the safe
arrival o{ their daughter Lisa
Diane, on October I, 1985, 8 lb~. 9
02S . at Sl. Jospeh's Hospital,
London. Proud gral"'dparents al G
Jack and Helen Dinner of Thames·
ford and Bal Carnahan of Palmerstan. Greal-grandparents· are
Murray and Nellie Johnson of
Thamesford and Victoria Dinner o(
Thames[ord, Special thanks to Dr.
Harding, the nurses o( NICU and
third floor.
Or j.~/., ... ,.
55 Deaths
~~li8P - Suddenly al his
reSi dence . 179. Whiling
Sireei. Ingersoll on Salurday
October 19111. James Gordon
Polla/o age 6 ..... eeks. Beloved
iManl son 01 Susan and Neal
Pollard . Dear Orolher 01 Jen'
niler Lynn Deal grandson 01
Mr and Mrs Gordon Pollald:
IIderion Olno Mr and Mrs. Jim
MacMillan: Ingersoll. Dear
greal'grandson 01 Mrs. AM
MacMillan: Ingersoll. Mrs.
Alice Bennell in SI. lhomas.
A cornplele pflvale lamily ser·
vice ..... as held al Ihe McBeath
Funer(ll Home. Ingersoll on
Monday OClober 2 lSI. Inler·
menl in Ingersoll Aural
Cemelery Remembrances 10
Ihe charily ot your chOice
may be arr;;nged tor al Ihe
luner!!1 home
Neal and Susan P ollard, Ingersoll
are happy 10 announce the birth of
lheir son, James Gordon, on September?, 1965, at Victoria Hospital,
London, weighing 7 lbs . 14 OZS . A
brother for Jennifer . Grandparents
are Jim and Nancy MacMillan,
Ingersoll and Gordon and Sheila
Pollard, lIderlon.
I I I'"
Al Alexandra Hospilal, on octobe-r 17, 19B5, to Tom and Cindy
Bennett '1.67 Wellington Street,
Ingersoil, a daughter Kimberly
Lyn , A brolher for Zohnny.
Larry, Anne ( nee )3'arnetl) and
Kvle welcome wilh love the safe
a;rival of Eric DaviJ, October 8,
1985, weighing 7 Ibs. Illh OIS. at
Victoria Hospital, London. Proud
grandparents are Mrs. David
Barnetl of Ingersoll and Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Gledhill of Thamesford.
are Mrs . Reg Gledhill o( Denfleld
arid Mrs . Carl Hume of Kirkton.
L n
The Rev. lC:If es Elmer Taylor,
9t, of London, died at Parkwood
Hospila I, London, October 12, 1985.
He was predeceased by his wire,
Ihe late Mae R. Dickson in 1980.
He is survived by his son Dickson
and wife Marie of Scarborough;
daughters Noreen of Toronto, Marie
and husband John Smeaton of
Ottawa. I.,avoynne and husband
Gordol) Jackson or London. Also
surviving are eight gra ndchlldrcn,
and two grea l-gra ndch1!dren.
Marinus ~ Sulkers, 64,
105 Harrison Ave., Thorndale, died
at Victoria Hospital, South Street
Campus, London, October 7, 1985.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Susa n Scha alsma; his
daughters Theresa oC London and
Linda, at home; sons Harvey and
Roy Wirtdover of London, and
Jacob "Jack" Su\kers of London.
Also survi Vllig are eight grand·
children, along with one brother
and two sisters in Holland.
The Rev. Charles Graham conducted the October 10 funeral
service at the Carrothers-Bellner
Funeral Home. Interment in
R.obin's Hill Cemetery.
Mr. Sulkers was born in Holland .
He worked as a painter and interior
DOl1ations may be made in his
memory to the Canadian Cancer
I,.J (;<,,(!~ ·() 'l.. ~"""r:.c
O cj.., {., ~ ,-
_ Suddenly on
October 21. 1985
Florence (Hew) Simpson.
Beloved ""i(e 01 Rell. James .
Simpson 01 220A King Siree:
East, Ingersoll. Dear molne t
01 Bob and hiS wife Caron Q
Pickering. Donna and her
husband 8111 BurnS 01
GreenSllllle . Kett>le ShnpSOO·.
Mississsuga. Cear \lrandmother 01 Scoll. lisa . UnJrll ,
flod Krista and Ina lale Valerie
(19 7 <1\. Predeceased bY one
brother AldM Haw {19B9\ .
frle(\d~ will be received allh~
McBealh Funeral Home. 24
Thames Sireet SOIJII"1 In~er .
soli Tuesday 7 :00 . 9 ,00
p . ~ .. Wadnesday 2 :00 .
4:30 and 7:00 : ~ : OO pm,
wMere se(llice Will be Mid on
Th\Jrs<iay October 2 ~ Ih &1
1:30 p .m .. Rell George Wat~
ot Flisl Baplisl Church. Ingar
soli 01 Hc.laling, Interment ,n In·
gerso ll Rural Camele/y ,
Remembrances 10 Ihe CaM'
diM 8apllsl Ollerseas M,S'
s'lon Board, 217 51. George
S\reel Toronto may be ar·
r al Ihe l\Jnerel
range d lo
OdJ.-, u
He is survived by his sisler,
Verna Cooke of Belgrave. Mr .
Taylor was predeceased by three
brothers ,
The Rev . K. David Mack and the
Rev. Slanley Johnston conducted
the October lS, 1985 funeral service
at the Carrothers·Belmer Funeral
Home, Thamesford, Interment in
Mount Osborne Cemetery, Beamsville, Onlario.
Mr. Taylor was born in Wawanasha Township, Ontario. He was
ordained as a United Church minister in t921 and served nine congregaU"ons in Southwestern Ontario in
the London conference.
He was the minister in the
Thamesford pastoral charge (rom
1941 to 1947.
He was also a World War I
/ ;.) 6<:
OL ~o6 ' r
StrighJ -Sing ~r
LindA Lou Slrighl. dAughtu of
Laurie aDd Joyce Slright, 01 Inger·
soil, and Aathocy Joseph' Singer.
son o( Joscph ~nd rlou Singer o(
WOO<Ulocl< . were married on SCI)lern~r 2:8. 1985 at Holy CT~ Polis)!.
Misslon Cbl>l'Ch,
Falllcr Mucha of(ic~t.ed and
Janel Slr i&bt, sisl~r of 'llIe brid~.
and Annie Singer, ~Istl!r of ' U1e
groom, read special suiplW"es .
The bride lookt<;l lovely in ~
southern belle st)lle wedding gown
leatunng a high neckline wIth 3
sheer yol<e edged willi ruI(Jed l3ee
and seed pearls. The Uered slcJTt
w~ caught in deep s.caUop$ with
applique<! Lace (lowe~ . The two
(OwS of lace ruines benealll feU
gracefully in the b>.ek to form a
cathedral lraio. Antique ucc also
vows said
adorned llIe deep culled bishop
sleeves. A matduDg hud pi~
wi th seed pe3rls and Ooor length·
train com pie led hu ~rnbl". She
cal'Tied a bOuquet of burgundy rOSoeS
whh small white tll5e bu(j5, white
carn3tions, "'hite stephanotis,
b>.by·s bre.lth and ~ purls . It
w~s adorned witll seVen smaU "'lUte
The maid 01 honor wu Janel
Stright of Ingersoll. sister o{ ·the
bride. and bridesmaid.! wete Anne
Strlght. s1ster of th<: bride, ~rb,
McNutt. lritnd 01 the bride. Annie
Singer. s ister of the groom and
Doruu Singer. sls1tr·iJ\·law o( the
groom. Their gowns "H'e souU>em
beU~ style in burgundy with dusl)'
rose U'im . They ~arrie<llace edged
ne.art shaped bOUQuets of dllSty rose '
roses. blU'gundy rose buds, whlU
carnations. baby's breath and
pearls , They were adorned wllh
burgundy ribbons and ""rute Laet.
The nower girl was Tamyra
Slrighl. nleoce o( the blide. Her gown
was dusty rose with burgundy trim ,
Ider.lical 10 Ole maid 01 hbnor, and
she camed " bask8! of nowe ....
identic.a/ to the 4uendants .
The ring bearer was Derek
Slrighl. nephew of the bride. He
wore a tuxedo mat.chlng'tJle W>he.rs,
Best mao was Steve F'oster.
(riend of llIe UOOtn. and when;
were Harvey SUigJIt. brotJler ofllle
bnd .. Leo Singer, brother of ·the
gfOOm. Ed Oo.kowski. lriend of'the
groom and Jell ZuleH. lri~Dd orlhe
groom. The gJ'OQm lIIore m idnight
hh.", uil.~
lhP ,.n"M:)I'\t~ Oorf'r.a
mldnlght blue ruxe<los with dusl)'
lose cummerbunds.
/)J&c~j0 ('
(J ~ b ' r
5 .1'5
A recep110D was ' held at ' U>e
lnge('$oU arer.:J for approxiJn<lt.ely
200 ",esLS. Masc.er 01 Cerell'lorues
was Doug SU'\ght. brother of the
brioe .
GUe$ts ,Handed (rom lng~lI.
WOO<!stock and sWTOWIding areas.
3$ lIIeU as Sa~lN1Ue . N.B.. Port
Elgin . N. B . . Caicary. Alberta.
Carleton Place. Godeckh. 1"Ol'<lnlo.
London, Hamilton and 9raaCfot<l .
Special guest was llIe brldc 's grand·
mother from New Brunswick ,
Soloisl was Mrs . Lois Bradlicld.
friend of the bride . Aller a honey·
moon llil> \0 Ole Poccno MOW1~~ .
Pennsylvania . the couple :l(C oOw
residing in Woodsl<)(;k.
~ar IngerSOll on Frid~y
Oclober 11. 196S. Glovanna
(Del Biancol Nadalin 01
8eachville. ago 63. ~ovin9
· wile 0/ John Nadalln. OM'
" moltlel 01 Silverio and WIle
· Elaine. Kilchener. Renalo and
wile Kalhy, Inge(soll. Dear
Slliler 01 Giov~nnl Del 81anco
Ceo1f611111e: Fosca Doret. lia:
Iy. Angelo Del Blanco
· France_ Linda · Papais:
, F(a~C6 . luigia BacciJi. Italy.
Iialy. Delfina Zan·
co . lIaly. Also survived by her
grandchildren Sheona
Jessica. Ashley. and Dominic
, Nadalin, Predeceased by 11er
br~lher Guisepll6 PapaiS.
FllanOs WIll be received al Iha
McBeath Fune/al Home, 246
Thames Streel South. Inger·
5011 from Sunday 7 . 9. Moo·
day 2 . 4:30 and 7 . 9 p m,
The Funerel Mass wil be held
at Sacred Hearl Church. III'
gersoll on Tuesday Oelober
1S. time to be IlI\nounced. tn·
termenl Sacred Heart
On July 27, 1985 at I.he School of
Horticulture Gardens in Niagara
Fa lis, PaLricia Lrn tl.tw.1.1,e~ and
Todd .Joseph p ll~ ~~. were united in
marriage wit h I ev . Gillespie of
Niagara·on·Lhe-Lake oHiciating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs . Stan Hughes of Ingersoll
and Ihe groom is the son·of Mr. and
Mrs . Carl Dupuis of Windsor.
Margaret Hughes of Mississauga
WllS maLron ot honor and the best
man was Phillip Dupuis of Windsor.
Melissa and Michael Peacock of
London carried Lhe bride's train.
The reception was held at Brannigan's Dining Lounge after which
guests gathered at Oaks Inn.
The happy couple are residing'in
/N Ge-e $.
L (..
( ) ( '1\:;Q <'1
7/"" , ':;'
YI ,'if'5
Randy and
i'R!len ar e ploud to announce
lhe arrival 01 Ihelr lirsl child.
Nicole LyMI. welQfllnQ 6 Ibs
I oz al ViCIOlia Hospilal Oil
Seplember 26. 1985 ,
Grandparenls are MI. and
Mrs, Andrew Anderson.
Beachville and Mr, and Mrs
ThOmas Ovemoll 01 Ingersoll
and iI greal ·granddaughler
lor $arall Anderson 01
No I wiCh_.:....-_ _ _ _ __
5 ~:.,r:IN " (. ££1 ,,). ~- {JJ
Od"I,,~,~ 'J 1) ' 5
- - ---~Gv' e L·J
S~~ ~ jJ J ut L
0, I"
I ~, O J'S'
I..!.!!J1l;If.Y -
AI Alexandra
Kospital, Ingersoll 'o n Salurday October 12. 1965. Olive
IChulel Furlney age 89 . Wrle
01 Ihe lale Charles FUflney
11966), Loving mother 01
Mrs. George Ingham (Jean);
Inge($oll. Mac Furlney A.A. 2
IngersoU. Mrs. Beulah Cody:
R.A ..I Beachville. Dear sisler
of Mrs. Berlha Underhill'
Tllisonburg. Allred Chule:
Calr/olfllil . Mrs, F,ed Rooke
(Flessie] : Tillsonburg. MISS
Vera Chule: Lambalh, Also
survived by 4 grandsons. Ted
Ingham. Ken end Bob Furlney. John Cody end S great·
grandchildren . Predeceased
by a sisler Mrs . lela Carlwligl'll (SepL 1985). one '
brother Cldrence Chule and a
grandson Billingham tI968).
The luneral was held Ihis
allernoon al McBealh Funeral
Home IngerSOll. Rev. George
Wall ollicialed. Inlelmenl
was ilJ Harris Streel
:iJ:' I-' r/ " ~t: L
J{/')(.s J '
e v.J
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gary
' were married at Sacred lI earl
Church, Ingersol" Ontario , Oil
August 10, 19B5. Rev. Father C.
Campbell officiated. The groom is
the son of Mr. an.d Mrs . Gary
SmUh, Skye Street, Ingersoll,
Ontario. The bride, the f()rmer
Margaret Ring
it!<. Is Ihe
dallghter of Mr . and i\1rs. Albert E.
Boniface. Ingersoll, Ontario .
7/", I! S
Od-ul, <..- 16 fIrS
li.J{;'Gf(Sc>l.. (
SS Deaths
AI V ictoria
~ WeSlm.nsle' Cam·
J)VS . on T ucsd,y S~plem\)e,
24 . 1985. Cyrd N FOOl e 01
: '21 Wo"lI~m Sireet Soulh .
tnoersoll . age] I Lo.inQ hus '
baM 01 L~li "" L. (Folcls)
FOOle. Qea, lalhe r 01 M, s.
George M e lllr\Son (Ned,a). 11'1 ·
gcrsoll. Mrs. Ronald Mundy
(Janice\. Oakv,lIe , Aulh Scol! .
R A ;} Stayner , Dear brOlher
01 a,M FoolE!. Uka Valley .
AlSo surviVal! by
glandchildren and
~ .t 6eo great'granclchddlen ,
Pr9d~tea$ed by his sisters
Mrs Gereld (OoIlS) LeFalv()
(1983). and Mrs. Robel!
IH eIMe) raylor (1981)
F rien<ls wintle recelve<l all he
McBealh Fune/3J Home , 246
Thames Succi SOulh . loge"
soli . I,om '2 • 4 :JO and 7 . 9
Wednesday. where se,vOce
1.\1,11 be held on Thursday
Sepleolber 26 ill I :JO p.m .
willI Rev Robett Williams 01 ·
l,e,a1ioo . Inlermenl Inge,soll
Rur~1 Cemelery. Aemem ·
10 the Canadian
Cancer Sociely may be 8"
ranged lor al Ihe IUM/al
The family of the late Barbara
ThlJrlell are pleased 10 announce
the arrival of Barbara's first
gra ndehi ld ren. [win brothers
Gerald and mehard Butler on
SlJnday, September 29, 1985 in
Canberra, Australia. Borll to David
and Mary (Thomson) Buller of
GOWRrr.:., A.C.T., Auslralia .
Molher and babies all well and
healthy. Rejoicing arc ~rea[-grand .
mother Mrs. Grace Stilples, aunl
Isobel Thomson and slep·grantJad
SlelY Thurlell.
~ WLUUIS§&i~
1'heo and dary welcome with love
their first born, a SOil , Christopher
Joseph was born al 7 : 15 p.m. on
September 18, 1985 and weighed in
at 7 Ibs . )4 oz. Proud grandplIrents
arc )larry and Nancy VanAssel·
donk of Salford and Ray and Mary
Hendriksen of Thamesford . Special
thanks go to Dr. Henry Bendlteim,
Dr. Natale, Dr. O'Connor, Dr.
F'arrell and 3rd !loor nursing starr
al SI. Joseph's MospiLaI.
At Alexandra Hospital 011 Septem·
ber 19, 1985, to David and Patricia
Woneh , 108 King Solomon Street,
Ingersoll, a son Kevin MacKenzie.
Joan winsome Chisholm, daughter
of the late Mr . and Mrs . }<~ abian
Chisholm and step-daughter of
Mrs . Constance Chisholm, South
Orange, New Jersey, and Ge rald
Pirie Oliver, son of Mrs. J .W.
Oliver and the late J .W, Oliver,
Tham~sfOl'd, On(()rio, are happy 10
announce (heir marriage ill Vails·
burg Church, South Orange, New
Jersey, Saturday, September 21,
1985 .
55 Deaths
Peacelullv al Afe~ ·
and,a Hospilal. Inge,soll on
Tuesday SeDlembel \ 71h.
8e,l,am WiU\ilm Carr In his
1200 yea, . Beloved husband
01 Evelyn M.S. Slmi:;!e' and
me lale Agnvs H. Pearson
(196~) . Oear lalher 01 Nancy
Elilabelh. M,s. Glen R.
Hynes and James Pea, son
Car' . Oea, brolhe. 01
Oovglas : Inge(soll. EdWald.
M,S. E dilt> BonSlael 8/\d
Howard: T()IonIO . F(iends w,1
be fecei~ed al I~e lesldence .
\ 19 Melflll SI.. InoelSo~ 0(\
Thu,sday 110m 1.30 . 4·30
aIId 7:00·9 :00 P m. and 011
Friday /'0", 10.00 am . .
12 : 00 noon. The lune,al ser '
lIice will bo hOld M lrinily
Unlled CnurCh. Ir\ge,~OI\ 011
F,iday Seplember 2011\ al
3 ' 30 p .m .. Re~ . Pavl Field
and Rev . Sian Lucyk 01·
liGi;lling. £nlombmenl in In·
ge,soll Mausoleum. Please
omilliowers Remembrances
10 Altheimer Assoc,ahor\ 0'
l"",ly Un,led Chu,Ch Foun
dahon would be spp' ecialed
Christopher and Dianne
(nee Gerrard) Multon of
CAlgary, are pleased to
announce the arrival of
(heir first child, a son Chris·
loph,,), Andrew, weighting 7
Ibs . 2 oz., on Augusl24, 191\5.
Third grandchild for Gloria
'Mutton ef I ngersoll a nd first
grandchild for Joan and
Andrew Gerrard' of Cal·
gary. First greal.grand .
child for Pred and Daisy
Brodoagen 01 SlraHord.
by lhe lamoly .
Ken and Jan are happy to
announce the birth of lheir
5011 Ryan Charles born Aug·
ust 8, 19B5 weighing 5
pou:1ds at 51. Joseph's Hos·
pital, London . \1yan is the
12th grandchild of Mr . and
Mrs. Albert Anslee of Sal·
·ford and the 24th grandchild
of Mr . and Mrs. Ralph
Collins of Putnam.
It's a Doy.- l)avtll and Kerri
are pl.eased 10 announce the
birth of their first child
nysil Davin on September
16, t985, weighing 8 Ibs . 7'1.
Grandchild of Mrs .
Patricia Clare and Mr. and
Mrs. 11. D. McWebb. Great
grandchild of Mrs. Agnes
Mikilish, Mr. and Mrs . Alec
Harkness, Mrs . Beat rice
Jaques and Mr. and Mrs .
elif( McWebb.
At Alexandra h ospital on
September 10, 1985 to
Dwayne and Carol Crane,
RR. J, Woodstock, a son
Christopher Dwaync.
brother for Derick. Grand·
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
George Porte of Ml. Bry·
dges, Mr . and Mrs. Jim
Saunders of Ingersoll and
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crane 01
Slrathroy .
Rejoice! Jo na tha n and
Nancy (nee Tomlinson) are
thankful for the girt of their
first born son, Caleb Auh·
rey, Friday. Seplember 13,
t985, at Atexnndra Hospital,
Bibs. lO'h OU . A new
grandson of Mrs . Aubrey
Tomlillsoll. from Midland
first gril1H.lson of Gord<?Ji.
and Margaret Paterson
(roln Il\gersoll. First great·
grandson of Mrs. Merele
\1idcleJl from Montreal and
Mrs. CIa rence P;ilcrsOl1
from Ingersoll.
thanks (0 Dr. ann Mrs. Tom
foIlayberry for their sincere
counsel and attending care
and Alexandra Hospital
0 .13. sla£{ for a comfortable
and memorable Slay ..
Debbie and l5aveare thrll·
led '10 announce the safe
arrival of their daughter,
Rebecca Nicole, at 10 :55
a .m., Seplember 1I. 1965,
weighing 8 Ibs. A sister for
Ryan. Proud grandparents
are Gord and Muriel Todd of
Ingersoll and Ralph and
Belly McLeod of Thames·
ford . Geal grandparents
are. Mr. and Mrs. Rheal
Perron o( Garson and Mrs .
Mabel Cook of Ingersoll.
Special thanks to Dr. Mun·
noch and the third floor
nursing sta££ of Woodstock
Genera I Hospita I.
\" X \\"'\f:. (~
~'5\ ISS'S
Richard and Brenda Mc.
Lelland, 135 Bond Street,
IngersoU, are thrl Ued to
announce the birth o( theIr
<idughler, Jez:.'lr Lynn. She
was bOl" ')rAJexandra Hos.
pital,. fngersoll, on Thurs.
daf; August 29, 198~. She is a
new baby sisler for Sherry
nnd Tracy.
Jim and Naney are pleased
to announce the birth of
their third daughter, Jes.
sica Kathleen, born Septemoo,' I, 1985, at AJexa ncira
!"'ospital, Ingersoll, weigh.
mg 6 pounds, 10 OUIlCes.· A
new Iitl\e sister for Jenifer
and Alison. Proud grand.
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
C.A. JIm Robins of lllgersoU, and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas. Special thanks 10
Dr. James Kirk end second
floor nursing sia If (or their
exceptional care.
wedding vovvs
011 S~lurdny, JUIIC 22,
Weir, daughter of Hoberl
I,ois Allnc
Tharncsfol'd, and H. ThoIlH'S ~U ' ~1>l1
of lIc1cn and W. Thomas Fer gll~oll . Ingt'I"
soli, wcre uniled in lni.l fl'inw~ ill Wcstlllill'
sler United Church, Tiln mesfonl.
111\11 Vel"lill
Given ill n\ilrriagc b,v her 1,lllIer, Ihe
hride \Vore n white
accenlcd by il pC<Jri
illltl <I
scallopedskirl which feU OV~I' all ulI(\~rl:'y
01 ruHlcd lace. A huge while 01 chid Wl\S her
The bride's o.tlcnu;mls were Jenni(er
Keith. Hence Snn(l~l'S, Nnllcy IIftlles :In(1
Jonl) F'ergusol\. All \l'ol'e royal 1J1ut' (l()Or·
length gowns with I"il{ching h.. 15, <llld
carried sprays 01 long'l'lCllIl11ctl pink roses,
lied wi Ih while l'ibbOtI.
The groom wore a lighl grey tl))({,do
complimellle{\ by a bilby rose bontolliliere,
Mrs . Tom Ferguson
The groomsmen were KCIi Lindhl'l'g, Tim
F'ergllson, Greg Weil' nnli I'nlll T<Jhuelii, nil
nHiI'cd in Iwo ·lnned IV"Y l\lx('tllI~. 1'h('il'
bllle·linged while C<1I'II:1 lioll houlollnieres
1\laleheti Ihc
hritles!llai"~ ' (Ircss~s.
Hichnrd Wcir, )'oulIgrr hrolher of Ihc
tride, ushered ill the bride's lTlolher illld IiI
the ClIndles
Ihc c\'eninR CCI'CIt1OIlY,
which was conducted hv Illc lIev . David
Mack. Hull! Ca Iller \,:;lS orgnlli~[ :llId
bridesmaid HCllee Sandcl's lVas soloisl .
After" l'eceplillll :II Thalll('siord n('c '
realion Hall, the courlc tr<lvclle([lo JiI/1li\i·
Cil . They IIOW re~idc In Tomnl" .
CLARK AI Viclorla
Riisp'lal. London On«"io . on
SuM~y Seplelllber 6. 1965.
W.llaar" F Cr.,k ~ge 56 01 3d
Glen Avcnue. i"90rsoll. ~Ius·
band 01 lhe lAic Peuline
(O'Neilil Cli\lk (\ 981 f. dei\l
brolher of Mrs. Waller Bullon
(M~rgerv): Tillsonburg. Mrs .
John Thompso" (NOlah) : In·
gersoll . AlSO survived by
sovera' niecas and nephews.
Preaeeeased by h.s pMen's
Uda {f'orbes} Clark IAug. I " .
, 985) and Slerllng Clark
(\ 9621. Friends will be
received al Ihe Mc8ealh
Funeral Hom&. 246 Thames
Siroel Soulh . Ingel~ 1. Tuos·
day 2 :00 . 4 :30 and 7 '00 .
9 :00 p .m where se'IfIce w>ll
be held on lhence day
Sepla",bElr , I 1985 al 1 :30
p .m . Wllh Rev. John Jennlng~
olloc;ial inQ AemembranCp.s 10
Ale.andra Hospilal Memorial
FUf\d rMy b~ arranoed tor 011
lhe rUlleli)) home
," ' ..'-',
f' ..
· '1
oS 'E \\)"\ ·S_~) ~L
IX E lJ ::r. E. L0
~-\-"~\<:::~ \J~_~
l{alhrYIl An n Gooch of 180 ThatllCS SL
SOULh, rngcrso!I, daughter of B.oberl Gooch
ano Helen Marcolle of Ingersoll wns married lo Joseph l"rederick Mullan of l80
Thames SL Soulh of Ingersoll. SOil of Mrs.
H . Stokes of Lambelh , on Aug . 17 .
The ceremony was heir!
;II rhe Salvnllon A1'111)'
Cor)l~ il\ )ugccsnll Lieut .
5011. John J);\i,' of Inger-
i ngs
{he MJ~f)l1ic Hall i,1 IllgersolI. Guesls were present
(rom Ulind R i ver.
r k C II
n'I "'
olfi c inled .
"h~ bride was given in
ml\l"ringc by her falher .
The maid (II hOnor WIIS
Well!ly Ponsford of Ingersoll and {he best man was
lDavid Ponsford of Inger·
soH w~s Ihe lI~he( .
A ,-cc<-pHon
held III
Lilmbelh. Windsor and
er~')l<llea .
The cOLlple look a wed ding lrip 10 Goderich. OnL
~ ~ \)"i "E. \J.J
55 Deaths
DYKEMAN - AI Ale.anOla
Hosj)lla(TrigcrSOIi on Tues·
day September 10. 1985,
Cnorles Dy\<eMaf\ age 83 of
246 Wol"Iham Shoe !. Inrlcr·
soil. Beloved huSh~nd' 01
Mary (Bowman) Dykeman
DeQr 1~lhcr 01 Chnrles: LOf\don. Mrs. Aob~HI Miller
(Pauline) . Balilmorc
Marylel'd. Mrs. John Holme!>
(Dorolhy) : Ingcrsoll. Oeal
brOlher 01 Camoron : Cam·
bndge . dear o,andfalher 01
I 1 grandchildren and 5
9' e a 1- 91 an de hlldr en .
Predeceased by 2 br011le1 S
and 2 SlSlers . FliMds will be
MeBealh funeral
Home . 246 Thamss SlIeel
Soulh . Ingerwll un lol F/lday
Seplember ,31n at 10.45
sm. . then 10 51 James
Allor-can Church 101 luneral
seNice ~I , I :00 a In .. e ,mOIl
Tom G,II(in oIl1eialino. Inler ·
menl,o Oxford Memorial Park
Cemelery . Brolherhood 01
An91i can ehvr eh Moo
memorial seNies On Thurs ·
day. al 7 ' 30 D m, Remem ·
\)/MCeS \0 Ihe Hear' and
Stroke Foundation Il\aV be Ill ·
ranged lor at Ihe funeral
home .
s ~N
\"'\:. \\) E 1_
day, August 13, 1965 .
.lUflSi\ X,
,.Sylvia (Simmons) Hicks, as,
263 Wonham Street, Ingersoll, formerly of Mount
Elgin, died SWlday, August
11, t9BS at Alexandra Hospital. -
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late Frank
Hicks, in 1972.
She is survived by several
nieces, nephews and cousins.
The Rev. Lorenzo RamIrez conducted the complete
service at McBeath Funeral
Home. Inlerment in E:benezer (Grove) Cemetery.
Mrs . Hicks was born In
Dcreham Township. She
was a housewife.
Donations may be made
in her memory to E~nezer
!Grovel Cemetery .
He was predeceased by
his wife, the late Regina
Huitema, in 1982.
He is survived by his
broUler-in-law, Steve Huitema of Ingersoll, and by
Father Charles Campbell
conducted the funeral mass
a\ Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church on August
Pallbearers were Jan
Buitema, Bill HuHema, ~oe
Em ie
David Hunl and Stan Shannon.
Parish prayE'!rs were said
Thursday, August 15.
Mr. Meyers was born in
Chicago, Ill . He worked as a
cheese maker_
Robert M. McKay, n. Ag.,
of Unionville, Ont., died
August 18, 1985 at Alexandra Hospit.al in his fifty third yE'!ar.
He is survived by his wHe,
the former Barbara Warren; by his daughter Jeanie
McKay of Unionville, and
by his son Warren McKay,
'-also of Unionville , 'Al~6 'surviving is his mother, Mrs.
Annie McKay of West
Zorra .
tie was predeceased by
his father, Ihe lale Alvin
McKay, in 1964.
The Rev. Grant Muir
Earl H. Mowers, 69, 47
conducted a private family
Carnegle St., TngerSQJ1, died
service on August 20, ISSS at
McBeath Funeral Home. A • Wedn~~.ay, AUllust 21, 1965
at Alexandra Hospital.
memorial service was held
Mr. Mowers is survived
by his wife, the former
Church, Embro, on TuesHelen Gee ; his daughters
day, August 20 at 7:30 'p.m.
Mrs. Glen (Anll) Powers of
Mr. McKay's family had
Bracebridge, and Ms. Susan
been engaged in farming
(Art) BUnnell of B('.Heville:
and agricultw-al develop-ment since establishing
his sons Norman of Belle"Homestead Farm" in Oxvillc, Carl of Oshawa, Lyle
(or COwlty in 1832. He ~as
of Delleville, and Dale of
a director of (arm products
Also surviving are his
marketing branch .with Ule
Onlario Ministry of Agriculgrandchildren, Dave, Rick,
Cilrrine, Barl, GlyniS, Jim,
ture and Food. Toronlo, and
John, Allen, Michael, Lori,
vice-<:hairman of the Farm
Products Marketing Board .
Butch alld Deubie: lind
He was also 8. member of
three great grandChildren,
the Mit1c Commission of
Michael. Steve and Sleven
Mr. McKay was a former
Mr. Mowers is survived
by his sisters, Mrs , Bessie
dlrector of the international
division of Macdonald ToPratt of Dloomfield, Mrs .
Clayton (Florence) Hawley
bacco Inc., Montreal. Pre · ·
of Pielon, Mrs . Jim (Pearll
vious to that, he worked in
York 01 Picton, Mrs. Bill
Ottawa with the Depart(£va) Ulucks of Belleville,
ment of Industry, Trade and
. Mrs. Lawrence (Pegl Pro·
<Ammerce, the Canadian
vins of Fort Erie : and
Horticultural Council and
brothers, Ernie of Belleville
the Canadian Farm Loan
and Bill of Toronto .
Board .
Mr. Mowers was predeMr. McKay was born In
ceased by his first wife, the
West Zorta .
late Jean £va Easton, in
Donations may be made
1965, and by his sister, Mrs.
In his memory to the CanBill Bowens, and by his
aman Cancer Society or to
. grandson, Darren.
Knox Presbyterian Church,
TIle Rev . Paul Field 'c'elnEmbro.
ducted the funeral service
at McBeath Funeral Home .
August 24 . Interment In the
Harris Street Cemetery .
Pallbearer-s were David
Mowers, Rick Mowers, Jim ,
Mowers, John Mowers, AlIen Mowers and Butch
Mr. Mowers was born in
Kathl een Phil!ips , 75, 2
Cedar St, Ingersoll, died
Sunday, Augusl IB, 1985 al
Alexandra Hospital.
She WdS predeascd by hcr
husband, the late Arthur
Phillips, in May, 1965.
Surviving is her daughter,
Mrs. Kenneth (KBthleenl
West of London; her sons
William and his wife Edith
of Ingersoll, and Gera Id and
his wife Dev of Tnger-soll ;
10 grandch;ldren and seven
greal grandchildren .
Mrs . Phillips is also sur vived by her sisters, Mrs.
R.T . (Ethel) Taylor of
Ingersoll, and Mrs . Harry
(Jane) Phillips o{ Ridgelown, and by her brothers,
Ernie Stacey of In{!t:.rSoll ,
and Frank Stacey of Ponty
Pool, Ont.
Canon Tom Griffin condUcted Ihe August 2() (Wleral
service at SI. James' Anglican Church . Interment in
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
Mrs _Phillips was born In
England . She was a member of 51. James' Anglican
Church .
Isa (Wilson) Riddick, 96, of
Dearness "orne, London
dled August 13, !985.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the lale Samuel Riddick, in 1965.
Surviving is h(>or daughter,
Mrs. John (Sadie) Wilson of
London, 13 grllndchildren
alld four great grandchildren. Also surviving are hcr
brothers, Alex o{ Sault St.
Marie, Jack or Owen SoUlld ,
Sam of Windsor and James
of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Mrs. Riddick was predeceased by three children,
Nelson in 1910, Martha iD
1959, and Sam in 1972.
The Rev . Paul Field conducted the August IS, 1965
funeral service al McBeath
Funeral Home. interment
in the Herris Street ~me­
Pallbearers were Jack
Wilson, Peter Wilson, Alex
Wilson, . BiU Fuller,' Sam
Riddick and Dave Rldclick.
Mrs . Riddick was born In
Dumfries, Scolland.
~tl K~~ eS ~
·arl\wooosPlf3.' Lonllon
on Sunday ),uQuSI 26. 1985.
Kenne\h V3nKampen 2Ige 2 I . .
Beloved son of rony and
Jane VanKampen Of R.R. :1.
Thamesfold. Dear bro\her 01
Marjorie. Nancy. Sharon end
Je~nller ~I home. OGal grand·
son 01 Mrs. Neellie OBKem :
Holland , Friends will bo
leco,lIed 31 McBeath Fune,ru
Homll , 246 ThamBs Slteet
South. Inoersoll after 2:00
p ,)I on Wedll8sday AuguSI
28111 al 12:00 noOl) , lhen 10
the Chrislian Reiorm ChurCh .
Hamillon !load. Ingersoll lor
so;J\Ilce al 2 :00 p.rn .. flell. '
Dennis Royall ollicialing. In·
lermenl in l/\ge r sell Ao~ :
Cemetery _ Please omil '
ilowers, Remembrances \0 '
Ihe Pallalille Care Unl1.
P~rkwood HOspital may be
ranged for al the Fune/al
Home _
'):= (\)
'T 1: \\) E. L
~;=. u 1:. i:. u.J
\ '-12~
d. b,
5S Death5
l'a;kWood Hospilal. London, :
on Sunday. Augusl 25.
\985. KCMQlh VanKampen .
8g6 2 I . BelOved son 01 Tony
and Jane vanKampen 01 A R
2 Tl'I&meSlor~. Dear \l(othcr
01 Marjorie. NilJ'CV. Snaroo
an<! Jennifer al home. D(la(
grandson 01 Mrs. Nsellie
OeKem. Holland. Foel'lds ""II
be received 81 McBeaH\
Fullersl Home. 246 Thames
Street South . Ingersotl until
Wednesday AuguSI 28 ~t I 2
noon, Inen to lha CI\riSli2n
Relormed Church, Hamilton
- Road, IngerSOll. Ie< sel\lico 8t
2:00 p.m, Rev. Oennl~ RoyaU
olliCiatln(j , 1I1lelmenlln Inger.
5011 Rural Cemetery . Please
omll liowers. RemomDrances
to Ihe Palhali.e Care Unll .
Parkwood Hospilal may be 8r· '
,anged lor at the (uneral
f1'ospllaT London 011 Monday
August 26. 1985, Miss Jean
Borland . D2ughler 01 lhe late
Mr. And MIS . Jah" Bortand
Formerly 01 222 Earle Streel.
InGelsoU Do~r sister of
Hatold. Burting'on. dear aunt
01 Andrea BorllVld: VanCOtlVer B.C.. ,ar,d Robert
Borland : 8urlill9ton . Friends
be received al Ihe
McBealh Funeral Home. 246
Thames Sireet SoulI\. '''ge,'
soli on Wednosday August
28tl\ Irom 2:00 . 4:30 and
1 :00 . 9 :00 O,m" where ser·
vice will be held on Thulsday
August 291h. 8\ \ '00 p.m ..
Rell. Paul Fletd orlici8ling ,
Cremation . Intermenl In
Oakwood Cemelery. Slmoee .
1:.N '~L
"'- \J.-.Q~~'~ "T
\~ 'k::
u 1- ~'-V
~I\ ISS~
Johh and Wencly lovingly
welcome the sare arrival of
Amy Jane at Alexandra
Hospi ta I, I ngersoll, on
Sunday. August II. 1985.
weighing 8lbs . 8 oz. Proud
grandparents are nac and
. Jean Bowen, 13ellvil\e and
Vern and DalVn Green of
Simcoe. Special Ihanks 10
Dr. Pariser and Mrs.
Pariser for their profes·
sionalism and friendliness
i\nd to all starr members at
Ihe hospila l [or Ihclr kind·
ness and pallence.
IlliAL.. Margaret. 58. 262
Whiling Street, Ingersoll.
died August 14. l'Jas.
DUODj;SN. Harriet ElizaGeih, 68. R.R . 2, Thorndale,
died August 22. 1965 .
CLARK. Lids (Forbes), 85,
~onham St,. Ingersoll,
died August 14, 1\)65.
. fl'E ND!NNING.
nft, 286 Thames SI. S.,
Ingersoll, died Thursday,
August 22, 1985.
~u. ' Margaret (Nieuwenhuizenl. 83. R.R. 1,
Beachville, died Augusl 14,
Beverley (nee-Wooas ) and
HICKS, Sylvia (Simmons).
as, 263 Wonham St.. Inger·
soli formerly of MOW1.t Elgin, died August 11. 1965.
McKAY, Robert McLeod,
5i,'"1frii'onv iIle, Ont., died
August 18, 1985,
~t1)' ER S. Daniel. 80, cikd
at Alexandra Hospital,
Ingersoll, August 13, 1985.
MOWERS •. Earl H" 69, 47
Cmnegie St., Ingcr:>oll, dieu
Wednesday, August 21, 19M.
PHILLIPS. Kathleen, 75, 2
~a r St., Ingersoll. died
Ro\)erL H. Mayberry, R.R.
4, Ingersoll wish 10
announce the birth of Iheir
Elitabeth (Katey>, on
August 2, 1985 al st.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
A sister [or Glen.
Rick anJ Suzanne are
pleased 10 announce Ihe
arrival or a new daughter,
Drill.any Diane, on August
23, 1985.
A sisler [or
Rebeceah, and a grand·
daughter for Gordon and
Doris Travis. Ingersoll. and
Everett and Shirley Wilson,
Salford . Thanks to Dr. Tom
and Sylvia Mayberry and
O.B. staff o( Alcxandra
Sunday, August lB, 1985.
ISll (Wilson). 96,
Dearness Home" London.
died August 13, 1985.
~ AI ' Ale~a"dJa
Hospilal. IngetSOIl Ot\ Sunday
AugUSI 18. 1985. Roberl
McLeoo McKay age S2 0 1
Unionville. Ontario Lovlno
husband 0\ &lrbara (Warren)
McKay. Son 01 M~ Annie
McKay: Wesl 20lra and Ihe
lale Alvll' /oJocK"y "964) .
Dcar lalher o( Jeani& af\d
Warren McKay: Uniot'lvllle.
No lIisll8lioo. AuangemenlS
incomplele . Mc8ealll Funeral
Home. h'genoll in charge 01
a"angemenl~ Floral '"bules
kindly declined. Remem.
brance~ 10 lhe Chaloly 01 your
\ choice 01 Kno. Presbylerian
. Church, Embro may be ar·
~rat'lgca lor a\ Ihe · ' Funerol
IrILUPS AI Alc~andra .
oSPjlal, Ingerson on Sunday
August 18, 1985 Kalhleet'l
Doris (Slacay) PhIllipS age
75 . Wilo 01 lI,e lale Arlhur
Phillips (May 1965) Dear
molher 01 Wllhdm and his wile
Edjlh : Ingersoll. Gerald and
his wria Bev. In(lersol!. Mrs .
Kennelh W€'$I (Kall"o1een).
Lond[)(\. OSaJ SiSler 01 Mrs .
R. T. TaylOr If Ihel): Ingersoll,
Mrs . Hwy Pl\illi~S IJane) ;
Ridgelowt'l. Ernie Stacey . In·
gersoll , lOr 303< Slacey ; Ponly
Pool. Also survwed by 10
grandch1ldren ilnd 7 greal '
O'at'ldChildren. Friends will be
received al Ihe Mc6ealh
Funeral Home, 246 Thames
Slleel Soulh. Inoel·soll . l.Aon·
d.,y 2 .00 . 4 : 50 p .m. and
7 :00 . 9.00
Then 10 SI.
James An~Ucaf\ Cilurch lor
service on TuesdilV AlJguSI
20 . '985 al 2 :00 p ,m ",II,
Canon Tom Grill ... olllcJaling .
Inlermenl Inge,soll Rural
Cemelery, In lieu 01 llowers .
rememl)tMces [0 51. James
AesIO,aIOO(\ ~und may be .r·
fanged 10/ al Ihe Fune'21
oS'S (\)'\ 1:.. \\j "P-:. L
.,- 1::. i:.,\..,lJ
Randy and Kathy (nee:
Weston) are ·thrilled to an.
nounce the arrlv~1 of
Chaotel Nikole Oil August
12, 1985, weighing eight
pounds, one ounce, at Alexandra HosDilal. Fourth
grandchild for Freida Weston, Ingersoll, second
grandchild [or Gloria Mut.
(on, Ingersoll. Special
thanks to Dr, Rechner Dr
Mervant and Dr. Pa~iser:
and (0 all the nurses on O.l~ .
for th~ir' help and professionalism.
. J,W.u;W;WiL
Bnan and Karen are happy
to announce the birth of
Rebecca Ashley on August
12, 1985. A sister for Stephen
and Erin. Proud grand.
parents are Vernon and
Shirley Cuthbert of Ingersoll, and Bob and Dorothy
I'or))es or Thamesford. A
nineth great grandchjld (or
Mr. and Mrs: George
Forbes of Thamesford . .
Steve ana Lrsa sat1ierland
113 Wonham Streel North'
Ingersoll, are tickled pink t~
announce the birth of ·their
Mithelle. Proud grand.
parents are Robert and
Mary Wilson, Ingersoll, and
Carl and Beryl Sutherland,
Clay and Denise (nee: Haycock) are happy 10 an nounce the sare arrival of
Cody James Oril'on, August
16th, 1985, weighIng clght
pounds, Il~~ Ounces, at
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll. Proud grandparents
arc Irwin and Norma Haycock, Ingersoll, and Claro
ence lllld 1\1ary Watling o(
Woodstock. Great grandpilrents ore Mrs . Mury Gel·
cncher o[ Woodstock , Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Wis~on o(
"'Iigersoll, and Mrs. ' Mallie
or 1\veed:
55 Deaths
i?ENDINNIN~ - AI Ale~an .
ra Hospl ial. on Thursday
AuguSI 22. 1985 Lena CI&o.
dinning 01 286 Thames
Sireel SOUlh. 'ngersou. Dear
SISler 01 Mrs. Grace Warifl!)
'ngersoll. Also survived Oy ~
number 01 nloces 3fld
nephews. Predeceased by 6
brothers . Friends will be
received BI (ho MeSedlh
I F.unerSl Home. 246 Thames
Sir eel SOUlh. IngerSOll aller
7:00 P.'" . on Salu'day where
seTVIce w,1I be held 00 Mon.
day AlI9USI 2~1I) 81 11 ' 00
a.m., Canon Tom G,illin 01.
l"lernlenl In Sf
John ' s Cemelery '
Tllameslord Remembrance~
10 Ille cllarily 01 your choice
my be arranged lor al Ihe
~~.~e . .
1'11!~ Ingersoll.
Augusl 21 .
1985. E811 H . MowefS, age
69 01 47 Car"eO i9 $1.. Inger ·
SOli : Beloved husband 01
Helen (Gee) Mowers and Ihll
lale Jeen Eva EaSlon I I 9(5).
Dear leiller 01 Norman;
Be:llev;lIe , Carl: Oshawa, Lyle;
Bellev,lIe, M,s . Glen Powe,s
(Ann): e,acebridge . Dale:
BeUcvlne, Ms. Susan Bunnell:
Belleville. Dear brother 01
Mrs . 9c$sie P'IIU : 8\oo/1lheld.
Mr6 . Claylon Hawley
(Florence): Pielon. Mrs. Ji,n
YOlk (Pearll. Pjclon , Ernie:
8ellevine, Bill : TOlonlo. 1.4'6.
Bill Louck.s (Ella) : Belle\l\1le.
Mrs . Lawrence Provins
(Peg) : For. Erl~ . Doar (lrano·
lalhe' 01 Dave , Rick, Corrine,
Ba,I, Glyn\~ . JIm. John. Allen.
Mich~el,lo(, . Bulch al\d Deb ·
bie and 3 grs ·a l .
grandChilOren. Michael ,.
Sieve and Sleven John
Predeceased by 1 sisler.
Mrs. Bill Bowen (Lu) and \
grandson Dalleo Friends w.U
be received 31 Ihe Mc8ealh
Funeral Home. 246 Thames
Sircel $Qulh, Inge/soll alier
7:00 " .m ThuISd3Y where
service will be ~eld on Sa\ur·
day Augusl 24 . 31 1.00 p .m ..
F\ev. Paul f'ield ollicialiog. In·
lermenl In HarriS Slloel
Cemelcry .
~"t::..\..\ 'I.. \=-W
\\~\.). '~\
~.'2> \
~ -
liOsplial. IngGIS('lU on S\:Inday
August 1 t . 1986. SyMa
(SOlOmons) Hocks . age 85 01
263 Wanham Slleel. Inger·
soil Formetlv or MI. Elgin .
lhe lale Frank Hicks
(1972l . She Is survived by
se~aral 0Ie<:e3. neohews and
cousins . Fllends wW be
'eceived al the McBealh
Funaral Home . 246 Thames
Slrllel Soulh, 'n9lHsolI,
whe'e complete seNicG will
lie held on Tuesday , AugVSI
131h al 1.30 p .rn.. Rev ..
LOIenzo Raml/e1 offlclallng .
Inlerment In Ebenezer
Cemalory. Remomb,anc es 10
I Ihe Ebenele, Cemelely may
be ~"anoed 101 al the Funerat
Home ,
'. ~
R ~~ \...I
'C_ ~)
Jon and Cindy (nee: West)
are proud to announce the
safe arrival or their second
child, a beautiful girl,
Rebecca·Lee Laura, born
July 29, 1985 at l : l4 p.m .,
weighing seven pounds,
eight and a half ounces, al
Victoria Hospilal. London .
Proud second·time grand·
parents are Mr. and Mrs .
Donald R . Cussons, and
fH~eenlh for Mr. and Mrs.
George M . West. Special
lhanks to our families and
Dr . Rechoer and Dr. Woods
for their professionalism
and friendliness.
55 Deaths
AI Alaxandla
Ing6'soll on Tues·
. day August 13. 1985. Cantel
Meyels age 88. Setol/ed hus'
band 01 lila lale (Regina)
Huilema (198~) He is Wlvll/·
ed by C()usll\S . Fr;ends will be
Ie<:eivod al McBealh Fune'at
Home , 246 Thamas Slteel
South. t"oe,soN on Thulsoay
Augus t 1 51h. 110m 2 :00 .
4:30 p .m . and 7 :00 . 9 :00
p m. The luner aI Masa W~I be
held al Sacred Hearl Church .
Inge'soll on Friday AUQU51
, I I III al I 1.00 a m. CI~ma.
lion. Pa.lsh Players on1hu.s·
d~y al 8 :00 p .m.
S 'E<\~\ 'i. \\) ~ \\-\u~I..." (:::;\
Michael and DIane (nee :
Mills) and daughlcr Sherry
McCarl , are proud as punch
10 announce the safe arrival
of Paul· Arthur Hussell at
Grace Hospital, Calgary.
Atherta, at 11 : 50 p.m.,
August 6, 198), weighing
nine pounds, 14 ounces .
Proud I'(randparents are
Arthur and Shirley McCarl,
Illgersoll, ~nd HUl'Sell and
Audrey Mills, Prince Ed·
ward Island .
\\:I~ " w.<;;~
Mark and N;';ci lovingly
welcome Ihe arrivRI 01 Sea;l
Alexander Dale al Ale-x ·
!lIIdra IIospilal, Ingcrsoll,
on Wednesday, August 7,
1'.1BS, weighing nine pounds,
four ounces. Brother 10
Reagan, Brennan and
Mallhew . Anoth'!r grandson
for Mr. lind Mrs. Alex
Jeffrey, n.R.4. Denfield,
and Mr. and Mrs, Dale
C"hill oC DundilS . He is lhe
tenih great grandchild for
Mrs. Gertrude Giles of Lon·
don .
Al the Pa ma tl ve Care Unil
of Park wood lIospital, Lon·
don on Fr idD.Y, August 9,
1985, Dorolhy E. HOIVe of 79
Edward Streel in her 76th
year. Beloved daughter of
the late Isaac and Rosa·
mond Howe: dear sisler of
Miss Marjorie E.. Howe of
London; a Iso loveLl by sev'
eral cousins . There was
no funeral home visitation.
A complete funeral service
was conducled In the Ch&pel
of the A. Millard George
Funeral Home, 60 Ridout
Street South, Landon, on
Saturday, August lOth al 10
AM wilh Rev . Dr . Donald H,
Laullstein of Wodley Road
Baptist Church and Rev.
Fred Elliott Officiating. In·
tennent in Woodland Cern·
etery. Memorial donations
may be made 10 lhe Gideon
Bible Society or lhe Canad·
ian Q>.nccr Society, 401 Nel·
son Sireet, London, Onlario,
Mrs . I3crnicc Younr,. 91,
formerly oC 134 Carroll
Slreet, Ingersoll, died "llhe
Oxlord Regional Nursing
Home, Ingersoll) Monday,
August 5, 1985 .
She was predecea~ed by
her husband, Ihe lale AIl:1I1
Young. io 19&4.
Mrs . Youllg is survived ny
her d!wghler, Mrs . Kennelh
(Ruth) Carter of Perth; her
grandson Paul Carler of
Perth' and her sisters and
brOlh~rs, Mrs. Tillie Gellner
of Kitchener, Mrs . Alice
Ha nslord of Flint. Michi gan, Grant Bollis 01 Waler·
loa, llnd Wlllter Dollis of
Milson. Mlchignn.
The Rev. George Wall
conducled the Augllsl 7 (un·
eral service at McBeath
P\lIlcral Itome . Intermenl
in Ingersoll Hurat Ceme·
tery .
Pallbcarers were John
Woolco)(, Jim Ranger, Jack
Rachel' , lIill Liln\bcrl, Ross
Edwards tlnd Ilill Suther·
""irs . Young was born in
Def(~ha 10 TownshIp . She
WilS a member of the Un i led .
Church .
Donations may be made
in her memory to the Shri·
ners' Ho!>pilal (or Crippled
Children or to the liearl
Mark and Nancl
oVlng!y welcome Ihe 8r1jval
01 Sean Ale xander Dale, 61
Alexandra Hospilal, Ingersoll.
on Wednesday AuguSI 7.
1985, weighing 9 Ibs.4 01.
Blolher 10 Aeagan, Srennan ,
and Mallhew. Anolher arMd·
son lor Mr. and MIS . Aiel( Jel·
Irey, A R <I Denlleld, and Mr.
end Mrs. Dale Cahill 01 Dun·
das, He Is Ihe tenlh greel·
grandchild lor Mrs. Gerlrude
Giles 01 London.
R r_ u
1'. ' ::. '-1-'
\S 'is "T~
f!DYbSI~ - J~$()n is Ih,m·
ell 10 annui\ce (h~ ar,ival 01
his b~by brolh.r Jeremy
, Joseoh George 0010 July 22.
; I gas. 9 Ib~ 2 Ol Son 10' Cal
lind Donna . A very &pedel
lIunks 10 Or. j(,rk a"ll 2nd
1100' nurs"'9 slall al Alex '
a"der ~~jlilal
I"\JT r.ru E L
Q. 'S:.\..\ l:..F-UJ
\c.., <6 'S
~I~ K SQ N -
S5 Deaths
~N ~§ - .
050,lal IngelSQlI, on Friday
Augu sl 2 . 198t>. Elil8 (8ion '
Clow) Daines ape 90 . Beloved
wile 01 Ben Daines of 263
Sireei. Ingelsoil.
Dear mOl her 01 Ben. Polnl ·
Au ·Ba,rel. Mrs. Ronald Carl·
male ICor8) logerSOIi. I.Ms .
Olivenne Cllambe(s ,
Woods lock , MI s Jim Adams
(Viola) Ingersoll. Dear slsle,
01 M,s. Cllallolle Wiliams 01
Cleo MIchigan. Mr~ . Nora
Sideboillam and Mrs. Annie
Sidebolham. london. M16 ,
Alma Rulh Pearson, Tillson·
bUlg Deal gra"dmOlhel 01
20 grandchildren. 45 greal ·
glandchildren and 11 greM '
greal ' rJ r 3ndchlldrsn , .
Predece"sed by one son
William (1931) , Friends will
be Iccelved al Ihe McB&alh
FUtler~1 Home 246 Thames
Slteel Sourh, Ingersoll all ar
7: DO p .m. on Salll,day
AuguSI Jrd wnele service w ill
De held on Monday AuguSJ
51h a l i i :00 am.. Fle\l .
Geo,ge B,ac:UOId o!lici3\ing ,
Intermenl In' Ir,gersoll Aural·
Cemelery. In lieu 01 1I0wers,
Jcmembfances 10 the cllari ly
01 YOUI chO,ee may be 8Ir8nO'
ed lor al Ihe Funeral Home.
: 00 and Mary Ann W'e hapoy
10 31'1nounCe \he arrIval 01
their lirsl child, /:rie JOS<lph
born July 2 I , 1985 wei(jning
7 pounds 9 ounces , Happy
, IIISI lime Ol;,ndpalents ere
' Waller and MS/Y Lou
'Velhoeven 8M Rozsa Mq
Tony Szucs , SpeCial Ihanks
10 Or , Kirk, 01 , Warma . Dr ,
Reid Md nUl sing s.tetl at Ale~ ·
arlder 1-10$01101.
ROGERS - ' Passed oway al
hilr home on Thur8day. Augusl
I, 1965. BoalllcG L(lola
(Cole) Rogsrs 'of R , R. \,
Burgessvllla In her 7 61h year,
wile 01 Ihe late William Rogers
(1964) , MotMr 01 Mrs , Fran
(Jean) PellY 01 Woodstock,
Mrs. Oan (Ruth) 1{0vQCS of
Harley. MIS , Pa19y FOQrd 01
Woodslock end Douglas 01
Burgassyille, SiSler of M,s,
Selena Swance 01 Sellord ,
MIS , Aulh Patry 01 Couiliand .
Edward Cole 01 IngOr80n end
Gordon Cole 01 Royal 08k.
Michigan . 10 grandcMdron
and 2 oreal grandcnildlen also
su,,"I/e , Frie"ll$ may call allhe
Arn Bnd Son Funeral Res·
Idenco, NorwiCh, Salurday anet
Sunday 2 :00·4 :30 end 7 :00 ·
9 :00 P.M. '1 toe funeral seNlce
w'n be held M()(lday at 2 :00
P.M , Rev, Oavid Houglliand
will otllci~le . Inlermenl in Ille
Norwich cemelery , OQnalions
,may be made 10 Ihe Onl8110
Hearl and SHoke Foon(!~1I0n
o!..!, ehalily 01 your choIce.
.s'C.ru "\ 1. \\) <c. L
R £. l.\ 'I. ~ t,l)
r\\.)..%u..~"\ 3, \L;~~
00 slock Genel~1 HosPltar
on M onday Augusl 5 , 1985,
Anna EriCkSon age 75. Beloy ·
ed w\le 01 Ruben Etickson 01
178 Earl Sireet, Ingersoll.
Dey molhrll 0' Fred , fnger SOU , Elle. Spar WOOd B,iliSh
COlumbla . dear grandmolher
01 Fred and Cheri end 2
greal 'grandchlldren , Ttoomas
and Robell. Friends will De
'recer"ed 01 1M Mc8eMh
funeral Ho,ne, 246 Thame&
Slleot S<>ulh, Inger~oll alief
2 ' 00 p .m . On Wednesday
Augu sl 71h , wher" comolele
seNice WIll ba held ot 7 , ~O
p ,m- , CanOn Tom Gr,Wn 01·
f'eiating . Clemal ion. In liau of
lIowelS, rem~mbl<lnc"s 10
the Heall Fo""dalion may be
arranged lur .11 Ihe (-unaral
~ ~.a...
AI Oxlord
eg 0 arl'lursjng Homo , In·
ge rs oll on Monday AuguSI 5 ,
1985 , Be/nice (80Ilis/
Young , a{jD 91 , Wile 01 1M
lale Allan Young (1964)
lormerly 01 \ 34 Ca/lou SI In·
gerso" , Oe8r mol her 01 Mrs.
Kennllih Carler IRulh}; Perth ,
ocar grandmolhor 01 Ps,ul
alSo 01 Perlh . Dear slSIOI 01
MrS . llUio Gellner: \'(,Icheoel.
MIS , Allca HanSford:. Flint
M,r.hlgan , Grsnl Bollls :
WalorlOO. Wallol Bollia :
Mawn Mich 'o;nl . Friands WI!
be I eceived al McBealh
Funeral Heme. 248 ll\ames
SIr601 Soulh, Ingereoll whel6
urI/Ice will be held on
Wednesday, Augusl 7th at
1:30 p ,m " Rov. Geollle Wall
ollieialing. Inlermenlln InQ8"
SOH Aural Cemotery , Aemom·
blances 10 11\6 Shrfner ' s
HoSpilal for Crippled Child,en
or The Heall Fund may be ar·
langed lor al IhO Funeral
S E (\)'\' l:: (\) }..,; \.
R ~\J .,.... ~\.v
CO ULSON, Earl J., 12 Willy
Ave., ingersoll.
DANIELS, Asaph, 6lA King
Street East, Ingersoll.
Pearl E.,
Tho. \\lesf ord.
IIELMUTIl, Dorothy, R.R.
2; IngersolL
McDONALD, Clifford John,
R.R . 2, Ingersoll.
~OBL E , John W., 320 Tunis
(reet, IngersolL
\ PRIDDLE, Mrs. Edith
May, Il1gersoll.
WILSON. George, 2&5 King
Street east, Ingersoll.
.s .
P ANJ.t',/..
Asaph DanielS, 82, 63A'~
King Street Ellst, IngersoU. '
· died al Alexandra Hospital
July 27, 1985.
He is survived by his wife,
the former Grace Robar,
end by his children: sons
Robie and wife Carol of
London, WiUis and wife
!\1arj of Paris. Paul and wife
Avora of SI. Calharine5,
Ileneforth of Paris, Murray
and wife Hughena of TiD·
sonburg, John and wife Una
of Ingers<>li; daughters,
Mrs. Sid (Iris) Knibbs of
Paris, MfS. Ora Humphreys
of Ingersoll, Mrs. Bob
(Mary) P'airbanks of Inger· soli, Mrs. Don (Carolyn).
Martin of Paris, Mrs. Paul
: (Shirley) Quigley of Barrie,
Mrs. David (Sylvia) Ficht
of Woodstock, and Mrs. I
Garry (Diane) Dawdry of
· Woodstock.
Kevin and Lmda (nee:
Earl J . CoUlson, 4.2. 12
Hodgson) are proud to an·
Witty Ave., IngersoU, died
nOW"lce the birth of thetr
July 26, 1985 at Alexandra
second daughter, Samantha
Nicole. A sister for Natasha.
He Is survived by his wife,
Samantha was born July IB,
the former Dianne Upshaw,
1985 at Victoria Hospital
and by his children, Kjmand weighed in at six
bcrly, Rosemarie and Tim·
pounds, 13 ounces. Proud
I othy, all at horne.
grandparents are Mr: and
He is 8.150 survived by his
Thamesford, Les Dowling,
. falher, Earl 8. Coulson of
Kitchener, and Gladys
Burlington; his sister, Mrs.
Dowling, Ingersoll. Great
Amardo (Suzanne) Lucas ol
grandmother Is Mrs. May
Burlington, and his bro·
Also surviving are 36
Barber, ingersoll.
thers, Gary of Sudbury and
,Brian of Burlington.
· grea t gra.ndchildren Bnd
John nnd Lorraine Dunlop, ~'
Mr. CouJs~~ was pre·
great great grandchildren.
R R 4 Thamesford are' . deceased by hIS mother, the
Mr. Daniels was pre·
pl~a'$ed' to announc~ the.' ,late Elizabeth Coulson, in
deceased by his grandsafe arrival of lheir daugb·
. 19?1.
daughler, Michelle Fichl, in
Ler, Jennifer Grace, arr\v-'
. ing July 15, 1985 at 6:50
Father Charles Campbell
a.m .. weighing Hve pow\ds,
conduCled (he funeral ser·
The Rev. Glen Outhouse
nine and a half ounces. A·
vice at. McBeath Funeral
of the Churcl".~( Nazarene,
new sister to Sarah and
Home July 29 at 1: 3() p.m.
Woodstock, conducted the
Scott. Thanks to Dr. Ross
lnterment in
July 29 funeral service at
Green, Thorndale, and the
Rural Cemetery.
McDeath FWle'ral Home.
O.B. starr at St. Marys
. Hospital.
Pallbearers were Dennis
RW'al Cemetery.
Bowen,. Glen Baker, Don
Pallbearers were Sid
Goyette, J\l Pease, Hon K.
Knibbs, Dob Fairbanks,
Megan is thrilled ·to anDon Martin, Paul Quigley, .
Honorary pallbearer was
nounce the safe arrival of
David Ficht and Garry
her baby brother, Cody
Dawdry ..
\ ·Wi lliam , born July 16, 19B5
Mr. Daniels was born In
Mr. Coulson was born in
in London. He weighed six
Lunenburg Q)unty, Nova
Brighton, England.
,pounds, nine and 8 half
worked at BeachvWe Lime
ounces. Proud parents are
!-Ie worked at CILand was
Bill and Nettie. Proud
a' member of the lndep·
grandparents are Adrian
endent Order of Odd FelVanderpas and Audrey J or·
lows, and a member of the
O1urch of the Na'Z.8rene,
Dorothy}TeTiiWili, &5,
R.n. 2, Ingersoll, dIed at her
home July 21, 1985.
She is survived by her
husband Clifford, lind her
son Wesley, at home.
Also surviving is her sis·
ter. Audrey Strome of.
The Rev. Elinor Gillam
conducted the fUnera.1 ser·
vice July 24, 1985 at Me·
Benth Funeral Home. Inlermerit in ingersoll Rural
Mrs. Helmuth was it
member of the Peoples
Revival Centre.
Pellrl E. (Oaher) Gilbert,
78, formerly of 1'hamcsford,
died at Alexandra Hospital,
Ingersoll, July 20, 1985.
She is ..survived by' her
husband, T. Leighton GiJ·
berl; her daughters Mrs.
Bob (Gwen) Greenawsy of
Thamesford ~nd Mrs.
Henry (Sharon) Wozniak of
Barrie; and by her sons,
Wayne of Thamesford and
Hobert of London.
AIso surviving a re
gra "dc hUdren, h"er brother
William of New BrunswiCk.
and her sls(el', Mrs. Eugene
(Minerva) Smith of North
Tonawanda, New York.
The ll.ev. K. David Mack
conducted the Tuesday,
July 23, 19115 funeral service
a l the Carrothers-Setlner
F'unera I "orne. Thames·
lord. Interment in Ingersoll
Ru ra I Cerrl etery.
Pallbearers were Wayne
Gilbert, Robert Gilbert, Bob
Wozniak, Erin Wozniak and
Kelly Gitbert.
Mrs. Gilbert was born in
Waterloo County. She was 3
homemaker alld )T1ember
of Westminster United
Church, Thamcsford. She
was also a life member of .
Westminster United Church
. Women.
.":" :", ":'!'
'- '.AI: he
~ resl enca. ,!!t.- 2, Ingersoll ,
'on Sunday. July 21 . I 985. '.
,: DOlolny
(S/~ome) H&lmUlh,\ ,
, age 65: Beloved wile 01 Cli(- .'
: lord Helmulh, d~ar molher 01 •
rWesley &1 home, hal/·sister of
Avdrey Strome , WoodSlock ' 1
wk Ftiends w'llI be received €It Ihe ,
i! McBealh Funeral Home , 246 ~
Themes' Sireet Soulll, ' Inger " i
: soli where tUMrSI service will·
· be held on ' Wednesday July~
24th ' at <l :OO p.m,· Sisler I
: Elinor Gnlam '0IhcI8ting, Inler" II,
'mel'\l in.. Ingersoll AUlal'i
.- Ce/fletery. Remembrances to)
· Ihe Hearl Foynd&lioo,mey be ~
'airang~d ' /OI ,81; III.e. Funelal~
l:' Home."
~ -~ AI hls- resloence -,
Sarurday July 20. 1985:':~
;John W. Noble 01 3aO Tunis , :
ISIre61. Ingersofl. ege 86 ...
' Loving husband 01 Hazel (In".!
!nes] ,Noble., Pred8ceased bY.l
his ' ~nd " wife , Grace NOblel
!,j 1990] .. Dear ' le.lher '. of,
;Fredericll. Ollaw,a Mrs.
'Donald .MoTavls\> (Kalhleen)
~u/.to.n', :'Patrlcla ': preen, ': Ot':,
, lawa, Nancy. Tenr.essee, 810 1
JArmSlrong, Onawa, Also sur: I
Ivived by his gr~dson WIlliam ,!
' Noble of CalgalY. predeceas'l
;ed QY his 3 children,. Alchard:"
.Margery; , an,d ' Ada: FnandS
' Will be receIved at the 'J
McBpalh Funsrf\! Homl!i, 246 ,
I Thames Street,S.:' Ingersoll 1>'\
efler' 2 ;00 p m. Monday and '
Friday ' 10:00 a.m. '" \1 '00·'
j a.m,', on ,Tuesday. July 23rd, ::
\ Aeverand John Jenni:'lgs 0.'" j :
:,rlcia!fng: .. lntelmenl In Hams '/
fStreal . ,Camelery, . Aemem· ..
'. brsoces 10 the cnarlty 01 your'
::cholce may be arl~nged fOI 81 , I
i lhe Funelal Home. ,
- At Vlclorla
; o.sPII~1. L<\(l(lon on .$unday \
\July ··· 21 . 1986. John,
: McDol\8ld aga 66 . Beloved
husbanq 01 Marjorie (Gowan) ' l
(McDonald of FI,R. 2lngar90n. "
I.,Deer lalher of Robert (Bob) /1
llondon: :'Fred and his ' wife '~
:, Wendy , Ingelsol', Mrs. Ron 'J
~ Funnell (Ellen) Grenlon, Bill ~
j and his wits Adele, I\IOIWICh:"'1
Mr;l , George Lewlck( (Unda] ~~
~ Ingersoll:. Davld of Ingersoll, ,
· Fred and his wife Susan, Spr' .
fr,lng'Jald, iSleye' and hl.s wife
', Teresa,\!lngerSOIl,: ~elry et ,
'I~ home.; Kathy: ,Central ',
America ,' Cindy, London.
,·Doar ,brolher '01 Ruby Parksf S
(Biace~~II) EmblO: MI$ ,
,\W)lIfam~,EaseHine '. (Sylvia) "j
. 9urg688)1ll1e . Muaay ' Ab .. \
.. bois ford} "1 British , Columbia,
: Rosa i
TOlonlo:, Gordon,
~Moncton: Onla(io . Also "sur· .
'vlved by: 1 6 grandchildren ..'
! Predeceased by 1 daughter·
. In,law: S~an (1984) ilnd I
l·brolher. '\ Ramsay (1985) .
1'Friends wIll be lece.lved at Ihe
) McBea11l Funelal Home, 246 I
Thames ' Streel South, Il'\ger·, ,
: soll,6I1er ..7 :00 p .m. Monday, ~
! 'whete the service will be held ,
on WedneSday July 24111 81,\
: 1 :30 . Rev . Uoyd Schlwallon (
\ olficallng. )nlerment In tnger ' .
,'soli Aural Cemetery. Rememlibrances to the Cancer Soclrr
h' Iy may De arranged lOt at Ihe
!, Funeral Home ,
' '
62,;, Loving
htlsband of~ I
{Hoyland} "Wilson,",
Dear father of DouO' ·and..~' daughler" I~ :law ' ·Pe!; '. Ingor-: I'
,. soi l. " Dear blolher ' of ElhS, •.
London. Arch A.R . 3 ,Bufford,)'
~ Bill, R.A. ,4 DUlhsrn. Mrs Gor,;,'
': don Pay 'os,,(H82el): :
(, Thamesford. Mra , UOy4Welr:1
" (Flo/,ellce) Thamesford,' Also ; .
" survived by 2 grandol')lIdren .;
Neil and Bryce. Prodeceased
i by his elalel Pearl Weir and 3 !
:' brolhere Harold, Thomas and:, I
.- Danny: Friends will .be recel"'~,:
. ed el the McBeetn 'F'Ur)eral. 1
i ·I-/oma:,. 246· Th~me9. S'~eel :
Souln ,' lnger6011 aller ,.7 "p"l
' SUn~8Y whels sef\/lc~ will bl
hetir, Or) Tuesday JUly ·23
, 1963 8,' 1 :30 with Re .. , JOh!
.I Jennlngll ··. officiating. I"'e'l
~ menl ' Ebeneze/ ' cemels!)!
: 'Ramemblances 10 lhe ChSlilY)'
;. 01 your'-cholce may be ar'Bn~' :i
t ed (~i., al 1.II.e lunaral home: '"
:s\. . \~
.s~%\ i.~ 'S. L
R.. - \.) 1:i::.:. '-V
;:s- \.>.\~
lQ '1:.1....1 :t. Eo W
f Winnie
S ~ \\.) ~ i. C'\) ~ L
~. George ' H .. ' .yvllso~'· of .265,.'/
King " Sireel : Eaat· Ingersoll, I
"I·· ·'· ""· . . . -"·~;" J '~. il. '·· '... ;:;.·.'~ ' IJ t
,,, 'rcl!of! §Q~;Suddenly !n Lon"j
on ridFlY J.,jy",1, ~ . 1985, '
AI Ale ~a~del"'!
,HosPllal, ,Ingersoll on Friday I
' July 26 , 1985 Earl J ' l
'Coulson age 42 , Lovlng ' hus· ;
' band of · Dianne (Upshaw)
' Coulson 01 1 2 Wilty A"e,. In· :
,gSI$OII. ' D.ear fathsr' 01,'
I Kimberly , Rosmaila' arid.
Timolhy at home. De~( $on 01 '
\ Earl S, Goulson. 8il(llnglon. ;
,. Ihe lale ·Eli;labeth ~ouls~n , :
(1 e 71} , Dear brOlhel QI.!)~'y ,' ,
I'Sudbury: Mrs, AmalCl)'~~s:'
, (Suunne) , BU/in~lorr~ -SrI~1l :
: BU/llnglon ,. Frlen~,,: ,\1~ be
:' recelved ai ' Ihe MtBe&)h ~
Fun~l,aJ I-jpme. '. 2~E} ,Thames ;1
, Street ' South. 'Ingets~1 onl'l
-$unday '/rom 2:4:30 8niFT)~:
lli/here 'service will
held on
,'Monday July 29 al 't :30 pm.
:Fatller A, ' Carlwltghl 01 . .
~llclaling. Int8rmenl In Inge/.
' ~o II R u r a ICe m a I G r y
:Remembarances '10 Ihe
;Cailadlen Canoar" Soclely';
'may be arlanged lor\,~1 Ihe:
Iluneral home, i ' , , .. -+. '
, iCOlJl SQIJI -
\S, <6~
"}':' ,
"tQiDA~:"'" Megan Is 1/HIlled ,
o nno ce Ihe ~Ie 1IIIIV.iiI .
j of I tier baby ,brOlher ' CodYj
: Wrillam> bOIO" July I 61h In1
london: weighing ' S· lbs : 9'10
Proud Palenls are Bill ~
{ ano ,Nellie and grandparents ..
'.8re . Adl'¥' "Vandarpas . !"nd
Audrey ' ,J ,O f,de.n ,,; ell.,.ol}
Ingersoll.": " : " , . " ."
I.Ola ,
~ "E.\\)\"i.-~ \=:..~
~ :\:::.\J Y
J~\~:;)~ \SS'S
AI Alexander,
OOSPI'aC Illgeisoll . on SajUI ' (I
'day July 27 .. 1985. Asaph
! Daniefs age 82 , Beloved hus"
,band o{' a/a c e (Robar)
; Daniels 01 6,)' A KIng Sireel'
Easl Ingersoll Dear lalher 01,
MIS, Sid Knibbs (IriSI.· Paris. ,
Roble and his Wile Carol. lon.;
.dor), Willis and hIS wile Mary. \
paris. Renelorlh, Pa/is, Mrs i
bra Humphries, IngBrsoll.·
Paul and his wile Avola, 51
Calhalioes , MvullY Bnd nis ~
wifs . Hughena, Tillsonburg.'
Mrs. Bob Fairbanks (Mar.y) 10- ,
- ·g elsoll . MIS Don Mallin'
, (Carolyn), Palis. MI&. Paul .
.~ Ouiolay (Shirley) . Batrie ,;
• Jonn and hiS Wile Ana . Ingel' l
j soli. Mrs, David Fico, (Sylvia) I
\. WoodsloCk.· MIS . Ga/Y '
Oewdley' (Diane) WoodSlock. :
: Dear brolher of Ha/old.' Mid·.
, dleloll No.. a Scolia_ Also SUI":
viI/ad by 36 grandchildren
, ar)d a numbjir of grelll and
. greal ' greal gral'\dchlldren
: Friends will be leceived al 1)\11'
:, McBeath Funslal Home, 246 '
Thames Slleel Sculh . Inger,;
soli whale service Will bO held
onMondayJuly29al.1 (1m ,'
· ReJ , Gfen OUlhouse 01 ,.
'.. ficlallng, Inlelmenl in Ingal.:
" soll AUIBf Cemetery ,·
· Rememberences to the chari-'
· ty of your choIce may be al·
) langed lor al tne IUr)erai
S ·~:.'\\S\"l. ~ t. L
\ \SCC:S
'l'\ '
~o~~f Jack Rober : :
Halton Drive,
Aneasler, formerly of ingersoll, died July 2, 1985 at
Kilchener Waterloo Hospital.
He is survived b9 his wife,
the former Bealriee Morgan; by his dau'ghter Mrs.
Bob (Joan) Lewis of Kitchener, a nd by his son, Jon,
of Kingston.
Also surviving is Mr. Rob. erts' sisler, Mrs. Joseph
(Beatrice) Pigeon of london, his brollier Russell of
, Winnipeg, and' his grand·
' children Jon·Paul Lewis
and Daniel Ro~rts.
Mr. Roberts was pre, deceased by his mother. the
late Mrs . Elizabeth Gibson,
, in 1983; by Is father' James
Roberts in 1936, and by his
brOlher Gordon in 1968.
The funeral service was
held at SI. James' Anglican
Church, Ingersoll. on Thurs·
day, July 4 at 3: 3() p,m .
Visilation at McBealh Funeral Homo.
The Rev. Harry Janke o(
Kitchener officiated , Interment in the Harris Street
Mr. Roberts was a superintendent in the Ministry of
Hamilton oHice .
A Masonic memorial service was held Wednessday.
July 3 at 7: 30 p,m., under
the auspices of Merrill
Lodge 344 A.F . and A.M.,
Pallbearers were Jim
Roberts, Bob Cunnin"gham.
Ken Cunnin'gham, Seolt
Cunningh-am. Bob Hartow
and Don Cal(.
CAMM' Clifford Camm,
57, 399 North Town Line,
Ingersoll, died June 29, 19B5
at his home.
He is survived by his wiCe,
the former Frances Landon,
and by his Son Greg, at
home. Also surviving is his
sisler, Mrs. Lorna Barnes of
Ingersoll, and his brother,
Ray Camm, also of inger-
Canon Tom Griffin conducted the July 2 {U11eral
service at McBeath Funeral
Home. Interment In ·the
Harris Street Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jim
Camm, David Barnes. Gary
Barnes, Randy Ponling.
Perry Landon and Davis
Mr. Camm was born In
Ingersoll. He was a mem ber
of St. James' Anglican
NOBLE : Timothy Daniel, a
dear ba6y brolher for Lacey
'Betty Anne, born June 17,
1985 at Victoria Hospilal al
5:25 p.m ., weighing 7 Ibs. 5
025. Very proud parents
Dan and Kathy.
Jac Ie (Sexsmith)
pleased to announce the
birth of their son Derek,
Justin Edward, welgh'lOg 8
lbs. 902., on Tuesday, June
25, 1985. Proud grandpar·
enls are Cathleen and lhe
late Walter McLeod and
Marna and Edward Sex·
smith , Great-grandparenls
are Mr. and ]VIrs. Elmer
McLeod. Thanks to Dr. Kirk
and the nursing sial{ on
second floor.
BARKER; At Alexandra
Hospltal, on Sunday, JWle ,
30, \985, to Paul and Joanne
(nee-Winlaw) Barker, 62
Tennyson Street, Woodstock, ant., a son Marshall
Simon PauL First grandson
lor Ruth & Bill Bark!!r and
second grandson (or Dorthea Winlaw.
At Alexandra
Hospital, on July 5, 1985, to
Ken nnd Sandy Willett, 1138
Mohawk St., Woodstotk, a
daughter Ginny Michelle, 7
Ibs. Il 02. SpecIal Ihanks to
Dr. Tom and Sylvia May·
berry lIOd the ~8 staff al,
Ajexandra l:/oSPIHll.
:c \\\ "t::. S
\c...l '6 :>
FLING : Eva ["ling, 81, liD
Thames Street S., Ingersoll,
died at Westminster HospiL.'II , London, June 22, 198f>.
Mrs. Piing was predeceased by her husband, the
late George Fling, in 1982.
She is survived by her
sisters, Mrs. Ethel Hammond of Sarnin, and Mrs .
Coza Easby of 51. Catharines, and by her brothers,
Lloyd Marr of Slra/hroy,
and Wallace and Emerson
Marr, both of Ingersoll.
Mrs . Fling was predeceased by four sisters, the
late Isabelle Garta!, Muriel
Service, Gladys Beckell and
Mabel Pearce, and by one,
brother, the late William
Marr .
Canon Tom Griffin conducted Ihe June 25 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral
Home. Interment in Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Bob
Marr. Jim Marr, David
Schlueter, Bob Schlueter,
John Kulmalycky Sr., and
John Rulmalycky Jr.
" JACKSON : Elsie Jack·
son , 91 , 230 Victoria St..
London, formerly of Inger5011, died June 21, 1985 a t her
home .
Mrs. Jackson was predeceased by her husband, the
late Thomas E. Jackson, in
She is survived by her
d<lughters, Mrs. SI:lOley
(Jean) Davies of London,
and Mrs Norine MellonBorris of Mississauga . Also
surviving are eight grand·
children and 13 great
grandchildren. and Mrs.
Jackson's sister, Mrs. Con·
stance Smith of Kendal,
The Rev . Dr. R. Maurice
lloyd conducted Ihe June 24
runeral service at McBel\lh
Funeral lIome. Interment
in the Harris Street Cemetery.
Pallbearers 'were Larry
Humphrey, John Perkins,
Charles Mellon, George
Jackson, David Jackson
and Keirh Campbell.
Mrs . JackSOI) was born in
l3ourncmouth. England. She
was a member of Trinity
United Church, Ingersoll,
and a member of the Avalon
Chapter NO . 220, Order of
Ule Easlern Star.
AI Ihe SI. Thom~s ;
Elgin GenCI al . Hospilal on
Sunday July 1. t 98S
Theodora (Doral (Wilk,e)
Neabel age 82 . Beloved wile
01 Felgus Neabel 01 Gleen
Acres T",,'er Park. POrI
Burwoll Dear SISler 01 Mts
All Hollman (lvella) Dullon .
U~Il-I\~C~ "ff
S\lsanee c
Ian fiobb from Walerlord
are proud to announce. the
birth of their son Jamie
Christopher at SI. Joseph's
HospiUlI London, June '1:1,
1985 -7 Ibs. l~. oz. Proud
Grandparents are Scolly &
Nora Robb Bloomsburg, Ar·
thur and Shirley McCart.
: ln~ersoll .
Mrs Douglas Sne~ (Ellen) Kil ·
chenel. Mrs . Gordon Gu,.,n
(Audley) eyron Also suryiv·
ed by a number 0/ nieces ""d
Fr'ends will be
received 31 Ihe McBeath
t=unelal Home . 2~6 Thames
Sir eel Soulh. Ingersoll where
service w,1I be held on TllU '
day July Q al t .30 p .m . Rev
Kennelh McLuughl,n 0/'
/Icialing Inlermenl in O~lord
Memorial PSlk Comet ely.
Aememb&ranc..,; 10 Ihl' Hearl
~oundal ion may b() aflanged
101 81 Ihe Funeral Home.
55 Deaths
~ -
Suddenly. ~t
iSieSIcnce . 28 GleM
Avenue. Ingersoll on Monday
July 8. 1985. Bob ("alSO"S
age 51. Beloved husband 01
F'ilnces (Coway) P;,rsons .
Deer 'Dlher 0/ Kim Dod TI8CY
al /'lome. De'" son 0/ Mr8. Ot ·
.ma Paisons. logelgoll. Oear
blolhCI ot Mrs. Robell Keft
(No"",) . R.n . 2 lakeSIde .
Olen Conkey (IOvelyn)
7 Woodsloc~. Mrs.
Wil!iJm Sambell (H~lIiel) lon·
don. JaM . R n. 4 Ingol soli .
No tuneral . clematlon .
Rememlllances 10 lhe
Oiel>ales Sociely "'ay be ~r ·
1~"ged lor at
Fu"e~1 Home. 2-16 Thames
SI SovllI. IngerSOll,
57 Births
Sara" is thrilled
wil" the arrovel 01 her new
baby Sister GInny Michenl'.
born July SIn 1985. al Alex'
andra Hot,Ollal. Ingelson.
weighing 7 Ibs I I 02S. Ploud
palenls are Ken ~nd SAndy
(nee Mui.). Ploud grana·
palenls 3tO John Wi/Ie II ~nd
Dill end Vern MuIr. all 01
N'agala Falls. Greal 9rand ·
'molher's Elhel Wilson and
Caflie Galdner . Many Ihanll.$
10 Or . lom Jnd Sylvia
MaybellY ana Ihe kino and
consldel31e nUlses in
OI)Slellics ~I Ale~andra
HMpilal. Ilnsured)
~~\.)\ '-~';~. L
R E;\J"X. Eo W
3v-\~ <6, \~~'S.
'ES\j\"X..~ E.. L
Q \"'=..'0 "":""\.. ~\ U
\CJ \
\C\'6 'S
lt0CKEY: On Tuesday,
. June n, 1985, at Sl. Marys
Hosplt..al Cam rose Alberta,
Derek 'R()nald
Lockey in his 57th year,
formerly of lnger~oll .
Deloved husband of ShIrley
(Bnrr) Lockey . Dear father .
0( Christopher Lockey, of '
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan,
Mrs. Kenneth (Chery))
Doubt, Whitehorse BC, Mrs.
Glenn (Sandra) SmIth, of
~ndon . Dear brolher of
Audrey D'entremonl, ?f
Ingersoll. Loved by htS
grandchIldren Dylan Doubt,
Jeremy Smith, Terry
Smith, Michael Lockey,
Kelly Lockey . Predeceased
by a brother GQrdon and a
sister Joyce Jensen.
Funeral Service was held
at L. Laird Logan F.W\eral
Home, Dorchester, In the
chapel on rriday, June 14 at
2 p .m. Rev. Michael Perry '
Pallbearers were David
Baratta, John Barall.a, Bob
Barr, Donald Barr, Ronald
Barr CInd Doug Wenrol.
. Interment Dorchester
GOARLEY: Anne Jane
(Mahon) Goarley, 76, R.R.3,
Thorndale, died JW\e 9, 1~65
at ~l. Marys' Memonal
Hospital, Sl. Marys, Ont.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late
Joseph Goadey, in 1972.
Surviving are her daughters Mrs. Nelson (Lucy)
Elliott of R.R.3, Thorndale,
and Mrs. Jim (Joanne)
Myers M Port Carling; her
son Mack o( Ingersoll; eight .
grandchIldren and 16 great
grandchildren .
Mrs. Goarley Is survived
by her sisters Mrs. William
(Florence) Taylor of R.R.2,
(Jessie) Hill of Thomdele,
Gower of
London, and her brother
Edgar of London.
She was predeceased by
her brother Roger and
James, and her sisLer
Pastor Earl Leiska condueted the June 12 (W\eral
service at Carrot hers-Behner
Thameslord . Interment in
'Clipperton Cemetery.
PlaHbearers were George
Taylor, Spencer GoArley ;
Ron Jones, Bill Elliotl, Bill
Sharpe and John Brown .
Mrs. GQarley was born in
Porl Carling, Ontario. She
was an active member of
Institule and a member of
SL Ge~rge's Anglican
Church. Thorndale.
Jack Craig, 79, 28S
, lames Street North,
Ingersoll, died Friday, May
31, 1965 at Alexandra
Mr. Craig was prede·
ceased by his wire, the late
LlUian Casler, in 1962, and
by his daughter Marie, In
He is survived by his
sisters, Mrs. Ralph (Reta)
McConnell of London, and
Mrs. Marjorie Brock of '
He was also predeceased
by two brolhers, Jim, in
19'71, and Ro"S in 1%9, and
by one sister, Ruth
McConnell in 19S5 . .
The Rev. Paul Field con·
ducted the June 3 funeral
ser.oice at McBeath F'Wleral
Home. Interment in Ingersoll Hural Cemetery.
Mr. Craig was bom in
Ingersoll . He was a member
of the United Church, and
formerly worked al Ingersoll Paper Box Company.
He was also a member of
Ingersoll CBers.
Gasparotto, 64, 30 Marlin
Street, Beachville, died
JW\e 12, 19B~, at Alexandra
He is survived by his wife,
the former Elena Silves·
trini; by his sislers Maria
Marlin of rrance, and Neice
Fernanda, also of France,
and by his cousins, Euaristo
Gasparotto of Detroit, and
Giudill8 Perosa of Saull Ste.
Father Charles campbell
conducled Ihe June H (W\eral mass at Sacred Heart
Church . Interment In
Sacred Heart Cemetel')'.
Pallbearers were Cecil
Nildalin, Joe Dam Iuzz\,
Ross Clark, Oscar ManiAS,
Euaristo Gasparotto and
Ellgio Manias . .
Mr. Gasparotto was born
in Italy . He was 8 member
o( Sacred Hcart Catholic
churr.h . He worked at lhe
§IIARPEj Florence Sharpe,
85, 21 Ka ren Slreet, St.
Thomas. formerly of In~er­
soli, died at . Sl. Thomas
General Hospital, Elgin,
Tuesday, June 4. 1985.
She was predeceased by
her husband, \ he late
Thomos A_Sharpe, In 1%2.
She Is survived by her
daughters, Mrs . Theo
(Edlth) Webber of Sl.
Thomas, Mrs . WiIIil\m
(&sina) Herbert of SI.
Thomas, and Mrs. Ronald
(Beatrice) O'Connor of
R .R.3, Paris, and her son
James Sharpe of Ingersoll.
Also surviving are hcr
sisters Mrs . Rose Titus of
Centreville, Mrs . Ernie
(Nell) Hammond of Inger ·
soil, and her brother, James
Gibbs of Ingersoll.
She was predeccased by
two sons, David in una, and
William in 1977, and by two
sisters. Elizabeth Titus in
1994, and Anne Armslrong
in 1961.
The fiev . M. Rust con!lucted the June 6, 1965
fWlersl service a\ Mcneath
Funeral Home. Interment
in the Harris Street
Pallbearers were Ken
Riley, Bill Sharpe, Marcel
De l3uck, Mark Herhert,
David Sharpe and Jerry
Flowe~ bearers were Lee
Shnrpe, Doug Sharpe, Mike
Herbert, Jimmy Sharpe,
Terry Stere, Wayne Jollymore and Bob Pepper.
Mrs . Sharpe was born in
Cynamld quarry .
\' 1:. (\\ ~.s,.
\'\ \
\C\ S"S
Dale and
Wendy arc pleased to
announce the birth of their
daughter Lindsey Ann. June
I. at. Woodstock ~neral
Hospital. Proud grandparents are Bill and Maryann Griffin, Ingersoll,
Howard and Eva Atkinson,
Woodstock, and great· ·
grandparents Stan end
Anne Hammond. Ingersoll,
Helen Gri\!in, Windsor,
Albert and Ethel Atkinson,
. 55 Deaths
D'ACI.ENNAN: Doug and
Nancy of 76 Baxter Street,
Wallaceburg, . Ontario are
proud to announce the birth
of their third child, Jillian
Nancy, born June 3, 1985.
Weighing 10 lbs, Ih OI , A
baby sisler for Johnalhon
and Meghan . Proud grand·
parents are Mr, and Mrs.
Gknn Christo of Tillsonburg
and Mr . and Mrs, Murray
MacLennan o( Mt. Etgin .
Proud great·grandmother is
Mrs . Agnes MacLennan of
ancira Hospital, on May 30,
1985, to Robert and Martha
Van Schepen, n.R4, )nger-
soli, a son Denjamin Joel.
Blessed grandparents,
Henry and Tilly Van
Schepen, Woodstock, and
Fred and Swann}, Eringa,
,..!!!cl..X..i. Gary and Joan Blay
• otWeston are thrilled to
announce the birth of their
son, Jan Scott. a brother {or
AlYCia and Christopher, on
Tuesday, May 2.8, 1985, at
5~16 a.m., weighing 9 lbs'i
7 ozs., at Humber Memorial
Hospital. Proud grand·
parents are Mr. and Mrs'
Charles Nancckivell, R.R.4,
Ingersoll, and Mr and Mrs.
Charles Blay, W~ton, Ont
Today Is th~ /lay they gave babies aw!\y. Hoo·ray! I
havc a hahy urolher.
I wOllld like 10 w('\come JAHEO ROSS
r O i'lPI!E1 U' hurn :It I\lc)(!\n<lra lIospitlll on JUlie S, 19115
:lol It :26 11.111. \Yd~hlllg In at G Ibs .
Monllll}, Kelly is doillg line, Oadtly Saudy Is back
winlling hascball ganles. Gamnl9 & Gampa Canlpbcll &
Galllllla & uampa Shearer are vcry happy! I have 10 go
1I0W, it's Fiesta lime .
JrnnHe" Campbell
~QC Klif On Tuesday
June 1 \ 1985, at SI. Mary'$
HosPllal. Camrose, Alberla .
DOlole Ro~ald [Olck) Lockoy
In his S 71h yeal. lormstly 0;
Ingelsoll. Beloved husband of
Shirley IBwl LOCkey. Dear
lalher 01 ChtiSlopher Lockey
01 Moose Jaw, SeSkal '
. chewsn, Mrs. Kennelh
(Chery~ Doubl , Whilehorse
B.C .. Mrs. Glenn (Satldrs)
Smllh of London. Oear
blother 01 Audrey O·Enlre·
mOnl 01 In<le.'SO~. Lolled by
hIS IlrandChildrll~ , Dyla~
Doubt, Jeremy Smith, Terry
Smilh. M1chaellockey. Kelly
Lockey. Predeceased by a
brOlhai Gorllon. aM a slslel
JOyco Jensen. Aesl,ng al Ihe
L lDo/d logan Funeral Homs.
Do/cheSler. w~ore friends
will be received on Thursday
7 . 9 p.m . Funeral serllice In
Ihe chapel on friday June
141h al 2:00 p.m.. Aell.
Michael PC"Y 0Ilici~lIn9. In·
IO/men! Dorche&ler U~;on
Cemelery . Donatiotls 10 the
CaMd'M Cancer Soclely or
Ihe Kidney FOundalion would
be epplecialed.
~~§lf Bq nQ
AI Alexan·
raOSP,taJ, IngOlsoll. on
Wednesday June t '2, 1985 .
Peler Gasparotto. ape 84 .
Relolled husband 01 Ele.-.a
(Silllasl,,1\I1 Gasparotio of 30
Milnin Sireoi. ae~ch.ville .
Oel)( brolhel 01 Marla M3rti~.
France, and desr uncle 01
. fetnan<la in f/3n(e. Doal
cousin oj Evatisla G:iSPiliOI'
10, O()/(oil , Guldilla Perosa,
Soull SI& Marie. Predeceas.
ed by o/"la cousin Gutlno
Gasparotlo, Wll1dsol. Frlonds
will be recelyad al Ihe
McBealh Funeral Horn... 246
Thamos Slreel Soul/). Inoer·
soli, unlll Friday June 14 III
10.45 8.m. , Ihen to the
Chuleh of the S6¢red Hearl
lor lunerel Mess alIt :00
a.m. Inlslmenl In Sac,ed
H a art Cern e I e ry. PariSh
(j(ayer! ThIJf4day el
p .m.
SE.\\)\ --:t:.\\J ~ L
\j..' "
\ '2'> \ \ ~ ~ 'S
~. -
Hospllal loger9011 on Friday
May, 3 I . I 985 Jack Crelg
ag6 79 01 2BS Th~mas
SUeel NOllh logorsol l. Hus·
baod 01 Ih& lal6 lillian Casler
(19621 Brolhel ot M(s . Mal.
Jorle l'!rock. london .
produced by I daught<>t
Matle (198 \) 2 brOlhOIS Jim
(1971) . Ross 119691. 1
slater AUlh MCCOMOII
(leSSI . Fllends will De
received al the McBeath
FUIlGlal home 246 Thames
SHeet South all Sunday
2 ·4:30. 7·9 p .m. Whele
complete service wUI be held
on Monday Juoa 3,d At 3 <l()
p.m. Rev . Paul Fiold 01 ·
IIcaling. Illlelment in IngersoU
RUlal cemelery
SE.\\)'\" ~\\.) E L
, ~ RE.I.J!:.E.Uj
';~.:J \j.\\<:::
~ ~ '"S
~ETCA lF~ - Pat end Tina
nee cou t I are pleased 10
announce the arlillal 01 th611
daughlet Cryslal Matla 00
May 24 . 1985 . 81 :3 :00 p.m ..
weighing 7 Ibe 1:3 oz " 81
Alexandra Hospital. Sister lor
· Samanalha . Ploud gland·
pal enlS ale Helen Melcalle.
Bev and Jim Mellon and Wilf
· Cculch.
S E:.~ ,1:. \\)~)_
R to. \J 1: I==' '-.lJ
~u.'\\.~ '-I-,
~HAR Pt -
\s.~ S
At St.ThOmas ·
lmelal HoSpilal on '
T u8sday June 4. I 985 .
Florence (Gibbs) Sha,pe . age .
8S. or 2 I Kareo $I'eol.
51. Thomas. lormerly 01 In\)e'·
sOIl . Wi/a 01 Ihe lale Thomas
A. Sharpe (\ 9621. Dear
molhel 01 Mrs . Theo Webber
(Edilh). SI .Ttlomas. James.
Ingersoll. Mrs
He,bed (AO$lna). SI.Thomas .
MIs . AOllald O ' ChMlor
(Beal,ice). A A 3 P~'ls Deal
s.sler or M,s. Rosa TiluS.
CenUe",lle. James GibbS. III'
gersoll. Mrs. E,nie Hammond
(Nell) . In981$01I. Also survived
· by sevel,,1 9,elldchitd'an a"d
Oleal grandchildren.
Predeceased by 1\\/0 sons
David (1978) . W,lIlam
(1977). Iwo sislels Eh~~belh
Titus 11984). Anrle A,m ·
~I'o"g (1961) . Friends wiJl
1)0 recnivecJ Oil Ihe Mc8ealh
Funsral Home. 246 lMmes
Sileet Soulh . Illgelsoli.
· where serv,ce VI,II be held on
Thlllsddy June 6 al 1;;)0
p m .. Rev. M. Rust ort,c1nl,ng.
In(erme"l in H~"'S 51, eel
S, 1::.\\Y, 1.. (\) t
~ ~\.) Y.. 'E..u j
At Alexandra
Hospital, on May 18, 1985, to
Kellin and Pal Millson. W
King Hiram Street. ingersoll. a son, Nicholas Craig,
\! eighing 9 Ibs ., 4 07.5 .
DIETCALFE: At Alexandra
F-~.ospital on May 24, 1'J85, to
Fal and Tina Metcalfe, 32
'·ueen St. East, Beachville,
a daughter, Crystal Merrie .
I;RAGG : . At Alexandra
Ilosplla1. on May 29, l!}85,lo
Cheryl and Terry Bragg. 44
l:ing Sl. East. Ingersoll. a
(8ughter. Tanya Cheryl .
HURDlNG j Albert Hurding, 68, 300 Haines Street,
Ingersoll, died May 26, 1985
at his home.
Mr. Hurding Is survived
by his wife, the former
Wanda Sutherland; his
daughters Mrs Roger
(Mary) Baberge of Monc ·
ton, Mrs. William (Marg)
Adshade of Galt and Mrs .
John (Rena) Alkowicz of
Bra'm pton; and his sons,
William of Kingston, Bert of
Edmonton and Dan of
He is also survilled by his
Mrs .
Hurding of Scarborough; by
18 grandchildren. and by his
Mrs .
<Doreen) Peters of Scarborough.
The funeral mass was
celebrated at Sacred Hearl
Catholic Church May JO,
1985, at 11 a .m. Interment in
Sacred Heart Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Bill
Hurding, Dan Neil, Roger
Roberge . John OJkowicz,
Shannon Adshade and Rob
.MQRRlS: l!cJy Morris, 50,
SS Catherfne Street. Inger-
soll. died at Alexandra Hospital, May 26, 1985.
He was predeceased by
his wife, the late Grace
(Fleming) Morris. May 12,
He is survived by his son
Lloyd of Chatham, and by
hIs daughters, Mrs. Ross
(Laurene) Jeffery of lrrgersoli, and Mrs . Eric
(Mari Iyo) Waellering of
Stratford. Also survivIng
are six grandchildren and
[our great grandchildren.
The Rev. Paul Field con·
ducted Ihe May 2Q funeral
service at McBeath Funeral
Home. Interment In the
Harris Street Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Doug
Jeffery, Roy Jeffery, Paul
Waellering, Ivan Hibert,
Leo Brett and Elizabeth
Mr. Morris was born In
Dertham Townsh.ip. He was
a member of the United
Church and worked as a
machinist at Ingersoll
Machine Company .
- - --
Woodstock. General HospJial
Wednesday May 22 ,
1985, Bornice (Wau{Jh)
Johnsione. ~ge 82. Wife 01
lIle lale Winsor Johnslone
11970) of A R J NorwiCh.
lorme.ly of Ingersoll. Dear
molhel 01 Mrs. Ula Sackn<1er.
A R 3 Norwich. Myrlio Ca,rle
Waulhlal, SlrolforCl. Roy.
WoOdSlock. Konn!)lh ,
PalmarSlon. linn. Ii A 1 Pul ·
nam. lloyd. Ingerson, ' Also
survived by Iwanly·slw grand·
children, Ihlrly·rive greal ·
grandchUdlen and ona 9,eet ·
gre&t'grandchlld. Predeceas '
od by ooe son Wlosor. 0 ne
granClSon M>chael JohnSlone
/197 al. one sisle, Md lilla
b/olhers. Ftteods will be
IDceived al Ihe MBealh
Funeral Home. 216 Thames
Sireet SOulh. Ingersoll aile,
7 :00 p.m . on llWIsday.
wherB se""ic~ will be held on
Salurday Mey 25 &t 1: 30
p.m .. eMOn Tom Grillin 01·
licoal;oQ. assisled by nOli ,
Cytil Dyko. Inle/ment In Ha,'
ris Streel Cometary. Remem ·
brances 10 the Dlabeles
SOcieIY. G,deon Bibles 01 AI '
Ihrllis Society may be arrang'
ed 101 a] Ihe luneral home .
DE JONGj Howard and
Tine (nee: opde Weegh).
are plensed to annOWlce Ihe
birLh o{ their daughter Kristen Martina, born on Sunday, May 12, 1985 at Alexan·
dra Hospi ts I, Ingersoll.
Third grandda ughter (or
Mr , and Mrs . Art De Jong
and Mr. and Mrs . Andy
ope Weegh . Thanks to Dr.
Mayberry and nursing staff
at Alexandra Hospital.
)lOIGT: Lou and Marilyn
(nee: Bulterworth) are
pleased to tlnnOllnCe the
arriyal of Jo~hua Ryan, on
May 6, 1985, weighing 8
Ibs., 71; ' 025 , at Victoria
Hospital, London. Proud
grandparents are Mr . and
Mrs . Lloyd Butterworth,
Mrs . Ferne Voigt and the
late Ray Voigt. Special
thanks to the Victoria
Hospital staff alld to Tom
and Sylyia Mayberry.
Wolal) and Ms. Lou Anne
Tessier, 154 Whiling Street,
Ingersoll, on May 10, 1985, a
boy, Mallhew Aaron Tessier
Wolen. Special thank you to
Dr. Hechner <lnd the O.D.
staff of Alexandra Hospital.
giLL ; Brian and Sandy Gill
Thomes SL N., Ingersoll,
are pleased to announce the
arriyal of their second son,
flyan Todd, born Monday,
May 13 at 5:30 p.m. Weighing 9 lbs., 8 OZS. A new Ii tOe
brother for Kerrie, Amy and
Craig. GrandparenLs are
Mr . and Mrs . Tom Sampson, Kirkland Lake, Mr. and
Mrs . Grant Gill, Embro,
great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Gill of Inger·
soIl. Special thanks to O.B ,
nursing staff and Dr. Rile.
~~ \JT)=-~
~REWER AI Alexan<lra
osp'lal. Ingc/soll on F/iday
May 2~. 1985. Willl~on
Brewer. agc 69. beiovcU
1\ usband 01 l orr aine ,H 011·
mMI 8lewer ~nd Ihe 1;\le
P ,-.,ac e Ingh an BI e wOI
11981) .
1 20
Sl/cel !Oilsl. Ingcrsoll. DOl\!
lalhel 01 MIS Dan Slew~11
IRuth). R R :I I/lgel soll . De a,
(llandlalhel 01 Scali . Elaine ,
and Mlchaol Dear ~Ieplalhe(
01 Ronnld Hoffman . DelJaJ/Y
floti(j;\. Gar V Hollon all .
Bethlehem "enl,syillania .
Mrs, Edward F,~ lDarlene).
Calalauqua PennsylllQnia .
Predeceased by Orle blolher
. Jim ,\ 9701, Fliends will I)e
racellle() at Ihe Mc8eMh
, Funeral Home. 246 Thames
Sireel Soulh. loger$OX. allel
3 :00 p .m. on Salu/d"y .
where serlllce will be held on
Monday May 27 at t :30 p .nl .
Canon Tom Glil(io ofliclntino .
Inle/monl I" HalJos Siroet
CemelefY. Remembrances 10
the cha/ily 01 your choice
may be auanged 10' al Ihe
/uner31 home.
P. -::. \J 1:. 'E.'\.'0
\' 'I.~\\'f-_ S
. ~ ..
oS ~ \\.)'\1:. 0J £. L
I(\)G 't:::,RSCJ}-\_
cl d..
\~ <t)'l~
Edith Isa bel
Marlill, 71 , III Brock Street,
iham esrord, died at Alex·
andra Hospilal, Ingersoll,
May 'I, J9B5.
She is survived by her
husband Ernest, her children Gordon of Grimsby,
Leonard , Harry , Donald
and Bev, all of Thamesford,
15 grandchildren and two
grea t grandchildren. She is
also survived by her sisters,
Mrs. Gertrude Kew and
Mrs. Reg (Evelyn) Frances , both of Bayfield .
Mrs . Marlin was predeceased by her son Wayne in
IMl and by her brother,
The Rev . Ron Walker of
St. John's Anglican Church,
conducted the May 7 funeral
service at the CarrothersBe(zner Funeral Home. InI.crment in SI. John's Anglican Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Tim
Marlin, Rob Marlin, Oave
Marlin, Andy Marlin, Brad
Coventry and Shawn Kubas .
A memorial service under
the auspices oC Springtime
Rebekah Lodge 375 was held ·
Monday evening.
Mrs . Martin was born in
East Nissouri township.
(M ote) Nolin, 84, Marhn
Street, Beachville, died Fri·
day, April 19, 1985 at AJexandre Hospit.al.
She is survived by her
sons Ed 01 Barrie, Cecil, Bill
and Ken, all of Beachville,
Jim of Woodstock, Alvin of
Sweaburg and Norman of
Also surviving are \5
grandchildren, 22 greal
grandchildren, end her
niece, Mrs. Alf (Marjorie)
SolEl(ls o~ Stalen Island, New
York .
She was prede<:e.ased by
her husband Tony in 1929,
and ,by her son John In 1975 .
Lorne Thrower, assisled
by lhe Rev . Lawrence
Squirt'S, conducted the Aprll
22 funeral service at Mc·
Beall) fi'ullcral Home. Int erment in the Beachvi.lle Cem·
Pallbearers were Bob
Nada lin Steve Nada lin , Blll
Nadali/l : Jimmy Nadalin,
Tony Nadalin and Gavin
Wilk ins .
Mrs . Nadalin was born In
Caradoc Township. She was
a member of Beachville
Uniled Cl)urch', the church's
UCW, and the U.K. club.
SlOVE H: Mrs. Clarence
A. (Thelma Pearl) Stover of
Main St ., Springford,
passed away al Tillsonburg
District Memorial Hospital
on Wednesday, May 8, 1985,
in her 77th year .
Survivillg, besides hel
husband, are lwo sons, Ron
Brearley and Fred Brear·
ley, both of Ingersoll; a
step-daughter, Mrs_ Harry
(Irene) Welch of Houghton
Gentr"- a step-son, Frederick P. ~tover 01 Thorndale;
several grandchildren and
greal grandchildren; (our
sisters, Mrs. L<>rne (Anna)
Tre/fry of Otterville, Mrs:
David (Evelyn) Chambers
and Mrs . Ken <Olive) SCOlt,
both of 'l'illsonburg and Miss
Myrtle Maunder of Strathroy; and B half·brother,
Fairman McQueen of Courtland .
Born at Springford, July
a daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Maunder. Mrs .
Stover was a member of .
Spri ngford U.C.W . and of
Cornell Women's lnsUtute.
She was a forrner church
orgllnisl lor Spring ford
Uniled Church. Her first
husband , Horton Brearley,
predeceased her .
S, 1908, she was
She WI\S predeceased by a
grandson, Shawn Brearley
in 1985 and by a brother,
Brancial Maunder in 1916.
Rested at the Ostrander'S
Funernl Home, Tillsonburg,
where service was held Friday, May 10 at 2 p.m.
conducted by Rev . Earl
Moore and Rev . Charles
Seed .
Interment in Norwich
1'101t~~ i
Grace Morris, 77,
55 Ca ertne Street, Ingersoll, died May 12, 1985.
She Is survived by her
husband Ray, her daughters
Mrs. Ross (Laurenel Jef.
fery of Ingersoll and Mrs.
Eric (Marilyn) Wallen ng
of Stratford, and her son
Lloyd of Chatham
Also surviving are six
grandChildren , (OUI great
grandchildren and her sjster, Mrs. Shirley Perry of
The He .... P;\ul t"ield conducted the May 14, 1985
funeral service at McBeath
F'uneral Home. Inlerment
in (he Harris Slreel Cemetery.
Mrs. Morris was born in
North Oxford. She worked
as a housewife and was a
member of Trinity United
DOl1ations may be made
In her memory to the Hearl
and Stroke Foundation or 10
Ule Canadian Cancer Sociely.
55' Deaths
WoodslocrGene,al Ho~p1181
on Sunday May t 2, \ 965,
Grace (Fleming) Morris 8ge
77. Beloved wile 01 noy Mor ..
liS. 55 Cal"eline SI/eel In·
<,Jersoll. Dear molhe, 01 UOyd
ehetharn. Mrs, Ross Jellery
(LeurSM)lnge,soll, M,s. Eric
Weellering (Merllyn) S"~I'
lord. Deal' sisler 01 MIS,
Sni,lsy Peay Ingersoll, Atso
SU(\llved by 6 Qrandchildren
and 4 great grandchildren.
~riend$ wl'i be lecelved 31 the
McBseth Fune'lIl Home 246
lhames Streel South Inger·
soli where complele se(\llce
will bo held 00 Tuesdny May
14 at t :30 p.m. flev. Paul
Field ofllclatlng, Inlermenl In
Harris Streel cemelsry.
Resmembersncesto the
Heall loundaUon 01 Ihe
Car>eer SOCiety may be ar·
ranged lor al 1M funeral
RIDDICK: Bill, Shelley 'and
k a tie arc pleased Lo fln.
nounce the safe arrival of!
Matthew James on May 10 .
1985 weighing 5 Ibs., 14~
OZS. at Ale.xandra HospitDI. .
Proud grandparents arc
~. and Mrs, James Rid.
dick of Deachville, Gladys
Dowling, Ingersoll and Les
Dowling, Kitchener. A
great-grandson for Mrs
Louise Piltock and Mrs:
May Barber. Spcciallhanks
to Dr. Hechner alld the
seCOhd floor stafl.
\I""'~ 'S
PIIILLlPS: Arthur Phillips,
78 ,2 Cedar Street, Ingersoll,
died Thursday, May 9, 198:>
al his home,
He is survi ved by his wi fe,
Stacey; by his daughter
Mrs. Kenneth (Kalhleen)
Wesl of London, and by his
'sons William Phillips and
'Gerald PhILlips, both of
Also surviving are 10
grandchildren, six great
grandchildren, and his sis·
ters, Mrs, Dora Minshall of
Putnam and Mrs, Ken
(Mabel) McConkey of
Mr, Phillips was predeceased by five brothers
and four sisters,
The Rev. Tom Griffin
conducted the May 13 funer·
al service at McBeath Funeral Home. Interment in
Ingersoll Rural Cemelery.
Mr, Phillips was a memo
ber of 51. James' Anglican
Church, Ingersoll. He a Iso
served on the Brotherhood
of Anglican Churchmen.
In his memory, donations
may be made Lo SI. James'
Angli\:an Church's res\ora·
tlon [undo
\S8 '"S
~A!3~!~Bfr -
AI AleKandra
OsP I ,ngersoll . on Tuos·
day May 7 . \985, Oavld eRr.
rlo/o. ape 54. Beloved huS'
band 01 Ruby (OaOr'l) CllI/lore
of 187 Themos Slreot Norlh
Ingorso~ Oe31 falher 01 Jean
PaUl. Guelph. Mrll. Joe Vali·
Quelle (Denise), North Bay,
Mrs. JOl\1I A8n~m (Jean·
nelle). Mrs. Oan Ransom
(Helen). Aline. and Andre,
10ronlO, Donald. Gvelph,
Oanny. Kilchener. Also sur ·
\/II/ed by savart.! blolhers and
sislors. Oe&r slepfalher 01
Wayne Mall,n IVld Mrs. Dan
Bougeols (Dfobral. IngQrsoli
and LIsa Mar lin . London .
Friends will bo recell/ed ~llhe
McBealh Funeral Home. 248
TI1ames Streel South, IngBr·
soli, aller 7 :00 p ,m. Ihls
evening. whore service will
be held on Friday May \ 0 al
, 1:00 s, m" Falher C, Camp ·
bell officialing. Inlermenl In
Sacred Hea/t Cemele/Y .
Parish prayer:! on Thursday
8:00 p .m.
a AASj "l Jim lind Judy (noe
ross hank God fOI llIe salo
atrival, of Il'\ell fjr&t eNId,
Sarah Lynn. She srrivod on
April 220d, 1985, weighing
7 103.9 OL Proud glQl1dpatOnl s ate S/lJCo 31\0 Phyllis
Gr3$S of IlIoel$OiI . and Jim
end Glace Haas 01
Woodstock, Proud grealg/andpatenls rue Jo\'ln and
Dina Ooslerink 01
Woodslock, Roy and Gladys
Gough 01 Ingersoll and John
and Elhel Gress 01 Spr·
11'I91io16. Special Ihanka 10 Or.
Chris Smith, 0/ . Ian Blown,
Or. oallon . 31\d Ihe Ihlrd RoOI
nursing slali al the
Woodsloc\( GefloraJ Hospital.
BIOW'1L Brad /lnd Kim are
please to Mnounce Ihe blrlh
of their lirsl chUd, Jamie
nlOm~. Monday Aptll \5.
1985 . wei{Jhino 7 Ib9.4 oz.
, AI S I or and eIIi Id lor Jeuy and
"Janel Bidwell, and Ron and
earb Mooro. Special Ihanks
to Dr. Copeland ano Dr.
Covel)s 01 Sl.Joseph · s
Hospital. and all the e_celeni
nursing sl~tf.
2 Ced:ll
AI his resioence
Thursday May 9. 1985 Ar ·
Ihur. ag& 78 . Beloveo 'lIu$'
band o( Kal II lie n I SI~c e vI
Phillips Dear telher of Wil~om
WId his wife Edllh, Ingorsoll,
Gerald l\IId Nil wilo Sov In·
gersoll. M,s. Kenneth wesl
(Kathleen), London. Dear
brolher of Mrs, Dola M,mihall
Putnam . Mrs. Ken McConkey
(Mabol) , IngersoN. Ais<:I sur·
v)ved bV len grandchild/on
Ilnd six Ql'eat-grandchltdren
Predeceased hy INe brO\he.~
and four $191"'5. Fllonds will
be received al Ihe McBe3!h
Fune.aJ Home, 246 Thames
SIJeel Soulh, Ingersoll. aller
7:00 p /ro . Salulday, where
complele seNjce wj~ !)e held
on Mondav May 13 al I f :00
am . R8\I , Tom Grill... ot/rcial"l9. loleu"enl in lI1ge/ SOli Rural Cemelery. In lieu or
ilowers, remembraoc{;s to
St.James Resloration Fund
may be ol/enood lor ill Ihe
luneral lIome.
S£NI 1:.\\\ I=- L
a.f\j\~ ' AI hl9 residence.
!IT'iTilIme5 Sireel Soulh. In·
gersoH. on luosday May 7.
19S!>. Johl\ Brassi age 75.
Son 01 Iho lale Mr , ~nd MrS,
A Sressl. Oee.r brolher 01
Mrs. Josle K.sh.· Ingerso~.
Mrs. Roborl Hallock
(Theresa). Amherslburq . Also
SUNII/ed by soverai nieceS
and nephOWS. Fllends win be
received 3\ Iho McBealh
Funeral Heme, 2-46 Thames
Sireel Soulh, Ingor$oll.
wllere funeral $ervice w'oil be
Mkl 0(\ .HIlllseiay 31 \ 1:00
a.m .. FelhOr C. Cempbell of ·
flClaling . Inl61menl In Sacred
Hearl Cemelery , ParISh
preyers on Wad~esd8Y 8 :00
p.m .
SS Deaths
AI WoodSlock
d oncral ospi tal on Sunday
April 28. 1985. Edward
(SCOlly) Johnson. DOO 72. 01
'76 Earl Sireel . IngS/soli.
Husband 01 the lals Nan
fReid) Johnson (1960). Dear
(alho/ 01 Campbell. Burl·
ington. George. Etoblcol<e.
Also survived by six 9/l1f1d ·
ch.ldren . Dear brOlher 01
Oalsy Sioa ne . Salloeh
Scolland. Jean Melaehl"n.
Gourock Scolland, 8nd AI~ .
Helonsbltrg Scolland .
Friends will be received allhe )
McBealh rune/al Home. 246
Thames SI,eel Sculh. Inger·
soli altel 7.00 p.m . Monday.
whore se,viee will Ile held on
Wednesday May 1 sl al 1:30
p.rn. Rev John Jennings 01<·
ticialln{) . Inlormenl In Ingt":.:
SOli RUlal Cemetery. Masonic .
memorial servIce W1U be held
Oil TUGsday 31 7 :30 p.m..
~uspices o( King
LOdge No.37. A.F find A .M
ONDRQYCIK: at Alexandra Hospital on AprilS, 1985,
to Jim and Susan Ondrovcik, 126 King Sl. W., Ingersoll, a Son Dar iel Joseph
gW,\i'l<.H,: Brad and Kim
are pleased to 3JJnounce the
birth of theIr first child,
JamIe Thomas, on Monday,
April 15, 1985, weight 7 Ibs.,
~~\- ' \\
4 OUi . A fi rsl grandchi ld for
Jerry and Janel Bidwell and
Ron Ilnd Barb Moore.
Special thanks to Dr. Copeland and Dr. Covens of Sl.
Joseph's and all the excel-
lent nursing staff.
'I. \\:) ~ \-==. ~ sa \-\-
\\\Q.~ \ \ \ S, ss'S
NAOAUN AI Ale xolld/a
HosPliai. Ingetsoll. on FridlY.
April 19, 1985. Bctlirlce
IMole) Nadahn ago 84 Wile
01 Ihe lale Tony Nadllhn.
(19291 01 M~"in Sireet.
BeJchvllie. Dear moliler 01 Ed
01 Barrie. Cecil. aill and Ken.
Bcachv~le, Jim. Woodstock.
Alvin. SweabuI9 and NOIman.
Toronlo. AlSO survived by 15
grandchildrer. and :1 2 great·
glDndchMren De~r aunl 01
Mrs. All Sola as (Maljolle)
Sialon ISland. New Yorl< .
Ptedeceased by one son.
JolvI (19751. F/oends Will be
receivewd al McBeelh
Funeral Home, 246 TlI6moS
Sireel. Soulh, Inllel$oll
where service Will be held on
Mond.))'. April
1985 al
1. 00 p.m. Rev. Lorn'"
ThrOWCI oificlilling assisled
by Rev. Lawrence SQulles
Inlermenl in Beachville
CcmelelY. Aemembranc(;s 10
Ih~ CMcer Sociely may bc
311angcd lor al the tuneral
h ()me_ __
_ __
55 Deaths
Peacelully al
Alexandra l-iospll~l. tl'lg~r!.011
on Monday Ap,11 22. t985 .
Margerol Jane (Werner!
Olls/'ler In hel 68th year .
10lmelly 01 Sehringvllle. 01 20
Kir"",n Olive, Ingersoll. Loved
wile 01 Wallet Williorn. Oo;)r
molher 01 Nancy Mulholland,
London, Susa~, Toron 10.
Douglas, Ingerson. Also SU!·
vived by one siSler Evelyn
Seipel. New Jersey .
Predeceased by one brother
Will/ed . Loved by three
grandchildren. RaslinG al the _
McBeath funeral HorM. 2~6
Themes SIre81 Soulh. Inger·
SOil. wllOre Ihe (Ul'leral ser ·
vice wnt be hold on 1 hUt sday
April 25 al 1:30 p .rn .. Rev .
Tom Grlllln 01 $I.Jamas'
Anglican Church ofliciallng .
Remembrances 10 S\.J~mes
Church 01 Ihe Canadian
Cancer Soclely may ~ at ·
langed lor 31 Ihe lunerol
~ ,"~.\JLE_\..'0
_~I.I.!:i;- AI Viclolia Hospital,
-ronaon. 01\ Monday Apr~ 22.
. 1985. George Smilh. age
63, 01 178 Earl Streel. InGer· I
soli . Dear son 01 Flederick F.
Smilh. Ingersoll. Surv,lIed by ,
hiS lo,mer wile Ann E~zabelh .
Dear lather of Graham. lo~er­
soli . Carll An" Shale,
. WS3Ua"d, Michigan end Iheir
haf/·brOlher Grenl Wesley
Oenl . Elmwood,' Onlario .
Oea( bro(~er 01 Jack, InO",r.
SOli . Mrs. Delbell Mal""
(Pauline). IngerSOll, MIS
Harold Parkor (Marlorie). !I\gs/soll. Mrs. Allan FoSler
(Lilli!>nl Oo,chester. Mrs.
Gladys Dvncar" Woodslock.
Dear orandlather 01 Tonnya
CotDer!. Owajne Shale. Kory
Shale'. Guy Smith, Caley
Smith. Mandi Smith &nd Allan
Ashion . Deat gleal '
I)randlalher 01 Blake Mallhew
Colben, Jnd Dwa,ne KenOBlh
Robell Shale Jr. F,iMd ot
. Elsie Allkinson . Friends witt '
be received al the McBealh
Funeral Home. 246 Thames
Slreel SOUlh, l"gelsoll where
seNjce wm be ~etd on ThuIS'
day Apr~ 25 al 3'00 D m
RSII . 'forr, Grill,,, ol!icleling.
Inlermenl ,n Ihe Field ot
Honour. I"gelsoll Rural
Cemelery. Royal Canadian
Legion memonel service
Wedn esday 7 : 30 p.m .
auspIces 01 Brand,' 55.
Woodstock. RememblatlC69
10 O,sab4ed Velelans may be
8" ~ nged for al Ihe lunerel
hOme .
5S Deaths
C a re
u rslng Home,
Woodslock, on Tuesday AplIl
23 . 1985. Alma (Arooks)
Dawson. age 83. Willi 01 Ihe
lale Clarence Dawson
(19631. formerly 01 A A 2
Embro Deer mother 01 Ray·
mond and Kennelh. Dolh at R
A. 2 EmOro. Dear $islet 01
MIS. Lallie Mlllor. F ounlain
Hills, Arlxone . HowlIfd
Srooks. CleArwater. Florida.
AlSo svrvivod by six grand ·
cl'ljldren and Ihree !ireal .
grandCl'lildren . Predece3sed
by one slstel Grace Clem·
mons (t964). Fliends wm be
u:!(;tI',ved al Ihe MCBealh
Funelal Home. 241) Thames
Slleel Soulh. Ingersoll whele
service will be held on Fflday
Apr.I ~6 81 1'30 p.m. Rev
A.G ,Pease oll,cll'lllf'lg. I"tel'
-ma,,1 in Hal/Is Sileel
Cemelery. Rememblances 10
Ihe charily 01 your choice
may be arranged 'or 31 Ihe
lunelal homo .
IlELORE:' Dan and Judy
(nee: Purdy) of Thames SL
North are pleased to announce the birth of their
first child, Derek Daniel
Belore, born April 12, 198~,
weighing 6 tbs., 7.S OIS .
Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs . Jim Belore of
SaHord and Mr, and Mrs.
Wlliiam Purdy, of Ingersoll .
Special thanks to Dr. Rechner and Dr. Mervart and the
maternity staff of Alexandra Hospital.
TIIORNTON' At Alexandra
Hospital on March 20, 1985
to Roger and Elizabeth
Thornton. 177 Wonham SI.
South. Ingersoll, a son
Kane, weighing 7 lbs., 10
oZS. A brother for Ryan.'
COYLE : Jack and Michelle
(nee : aRose) of Petawawa
are happy to anOOWlce the
birth of their first child, a
daughter, Vanessa Paige,
on April 17, 1985 at Pem·
broke General Hospita I,
weighing 7Jbs. Proud grand[)Brents are Mr. and Mrs .
WaJ(er La Rose, of Salford
and Mr, and Mrs . Joe Coyle
of CnarlotletoWfl, P.E-I.,
Great grandparents are Mr .
Slid Mrs. Howard LaRose of
Ingersoll and Mrs. Mary
Ostrom. of Toronto. Great·
Greal ~ralldfa lher Mr.
Norman Baker, Toronto.
Terry and
Dia ne of TIUsonbvrg, welcome with love the safe
Ilrrival of their second child,
S son, Nathan Michael, born
Aprii 10, 1985 at '}0:35 8_m.,
weighing 7 Ibs , 6 MS. A
brother and playmate for
Jennifer. Proud grandparellts are Mr. and Mrs.
nay O'Neil of Springford
and Mr. and 1'rlrs. Dick
Peacock of Tjllsonburg .
Special thanks to Dr. G.
Rowland and Lhe third (Ioor
nursing sta(f of T.n .M.H.
Y.~\c:' £Q.
T':\..\\'\ '£.S
I 98S. Adem (ScOlly) Pall on.
lormarly of ::I 12
Thame~ Shsel NOlin. Ingor.
soli. Dear brother 01 MJ"lI. J
MoHO"'" (Kate), Pe,lhshlro.
Sc.otlood. Also aUlViv,;-d by
Irl&nds Woller 6t'\d Gloria
Auslin an-:l (amity, lormarly 01
3 I 2 Thames Sir eel NOIlh. In·
gersoll. Friends will be r,;-celv·
ed ~l Ihe McBealh Fune,al
Hom,;-, 2<16 Thames Streol
Soulh. InOer6011 eUer 2:00
p.m. 011 Tuesday where service will be held on Wednes'
day Ap,II-1O al 1:30 p,m ..'
Aev. To,n Gll/1l/1 ortlclalihg.·
Inlermer·1 In Hauls Sireel
Cemele'v Remembrances to
Ihe Hen, I Foundation may be
arranged 10' 81 Ihe (uneral
ege 81,
.~JAPI ' ? -
Al A1eJ<3ndra
~SPitDI. Ingar soli. on Mon'
day April e. 1985. Fren~
Siapies. 8ge 54, loved hus'
band 01 Ma,y ISchram)
Siaples 01 294 lunls Sireel.
Ing"rsoll 0e3l lalh&r 01 fliCk.
ing&rsoll, OouO. Brownsville.
Danny. David and Karen. In·
9ar~tI, Oear brOlher 01 Mrs,
Gordor; Baird (Lena),
Redlands Calilornia, Mrs,
Grace Pearson. W()OdSIOC~.
Mrs. Helen Olcklo. Truro.
Nova SCalia. Also su",ived by
e'ghl grandchild/en and a
number 01 nieCeS and
nephews. Predeceasod Oy
his lalher Richard Slaples. his
mOlher. Eslher Pearson. one
nephew Lar;ce Pearson
(1984). Frlar,ds will be
receNed al McBeath Funeral
Home. 246 Thames Sireel
SOUlh. I(lgersall. aHer 7 :00
p.m. on Tuesday. where Il<!rvice w"1 be held on Tnursday
Apt'l 11 al 1 :30 p,m. Rev.
Oeorge Walt oHicleltng. Inle,·
menl In Ingersoli Rural
Cemetery. Remembrances 10 '
Iho Hearl and Siroke Founda·
lion may be at,anged 101 at
Iho 'unoral home.
s ~ (,\)",1:.. \\H::.:. . \.-t,
.:~;. ~::~:~_ \) \ . . E W
Brad and
Terry lnee Marlin) welcome with love their daughter Shannon Elaine born at
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll Mllfch 30,1985 weIghing
Sibs. 12 OIS. a lillIe sisler (or
Amy Katharine. Proud and
happy grandparents are
Mr, &. Mrs. Bob Coventry,
Salford and Mr. &. Mrs,
H.arry Martin, ThslnesJord,
Special thanks to Dr. M,
Menlarl, Dr. O. Simpson,
Dr_ M. Pariser, Dr. T.
Mayberry and all O.R. and
O.B. nurses (or their excellent skill and care:
Southfield, Michigan (for .
merly of Ingersoll) passed
away Sunday, March 25,
1985. He is survived by his
wire the former Betty
NO-plhan and a daughter,
Laura and a sister Audrey
Chambers, Ingersoll. Also
survived by several nieces
and nephews. Predeceased
by parents Clark and
Florence Webb. F'unera'l
service was held March ui
1965. Cremation followed. '
Cr.!!.g and Wanda Hutchison
or-n i12'/'l1a meSloraarC;
pleased to announce the
arrival of their son Jonathon Mar~ Wesley born
March 2S at Woodslock
General ,Hospi(al. Proud
grnndparenl~ arc Jack and
Gwen HutchIson oJ HI12
Thamesford and Hev. and
Mrs. Wesley Ball of Scarborough.
greatgrandparents are Arthur
and Estelle Hutchison of
RR3 Ingersoll and Mrs.
Gladys Ball of Delson, Quebec and Mrs, Blanche Hendershot
Special thanks to Dr. Paul
Whilloughby and maternity
staff .
~ I Ng:
Nina and Peter
delighled 10 an·
nounce the birth of Kather-
Ing are
ine Elizabeth. 81bs 10
on' March 27, 1985, at Alex- ,
IIndra Hospital, (ngersoll. A
beautiful sister (or Michael
and Andrew, Thank you to
'nurses Barbara and Karen
and Dr. 0(111011, (or Iheir
encouragement and sup'
porI, and a speCial thanks
(rom Dad to Mom for all her
I;;'-"~; At Vicloria
Lal, on March 25, 1985, at
1:20 p.m. to Rick anll Kathy
Ellis, 230 WOllham SI. South,
Ingersoll, a son Kevin Richard, weighing 7 lbs. 10 ozs:
First grandchild (or Marion
and Dave Ellis, Ingersoll.
Tenlh grandchild for Jim
and Belly Huntley, Sal(ord.
KIRWIN: Lisa and Michelle
£{lrwlIl a re ha ppy to a nnounce the birth of their
new sisler Robyn Maria,
born on March 21, 19B5, at
weigh~d 7'n
grandparents o( these girls
are Bob lind Hcnrieltll Kirwin, of RR2, Mt. Elgin.
John and
life proud to
announce the birlh 01 their
daughter Lindsey Lillian
Diane, weighing 7 lbs., 4
025 .. al Victoria Hospital 011
Mflrch 28, 1985. A sister {or
Robin, Trevor and Kyle.
Proud grandpa rents are
George and Nedra Melanson, Ingersoll and George
and I\ta ry Anne Bea We of
Thames(ord, Speclallhanks
to Dr. M. L. Robinson and
nursing staff of Victoria
Ma f ci a
. ~~Nl t e. ¥ t;,
l'1008r ano
. 10nor
ot Ing6rsoll 8/9 proud
announce Ihe blrlh 01 Ihelr
lirsl ch~d. 0 glt!. Angela
Miriam June. weighing 6
Ib5.3 02. on MatCh 19 al
AI""andra Hospllal. Proud
grandparenls ar& E1I8 and
Miriam Kuellar ot N&wlon.
end Jim and GW8n BonWec!!
01 Ingersoll.
55 Deaths
Rooor and
' :;')or a n gOr6011 oro proud
10 ~nnol!nce Ihe birth 01 Ikelr
.' IIr&\ child, .. gill, Angela ,
Mirlem JuliO, weighing
Ibs'3 01 : on March 19 01
fJ6xandro Hospllal, Proud
Ora'''dparenl~ e'& Ello lII\el ,
Mlilam . t<uopler 01 Newlon,
Jim and G~el\ Bonlloce .
,'1 01 In09rsoll.
.1JlMf...= At VlctOrle Hospital.
11:Oil(iOn. on WOdnesday
Match 27. I 9a 5. Russell
La"e . aoe 63. 9010\led hus ·
· band 01 Oorolhy (Oowney)
Lane 01 293 wt>iilng Slr691.
Ingersoll. Dear telher 01 Mrs.
· Porry Landon (Oorlonol, In·
, gerSoll . Jenice 01 homa. Deer
brolher 01 Mrs. JOhn Welson
veoal: Gall . Oe;v grand·
alher 01 Tlacey Landon.
· FrJonds will be recel\led al Ihe
· McBealh Funoral HOOle. 246
Thames Slleel Saulh, Inger·
· soilieller 2 ;00 p .m . on Salurday Mbrctl 30, where asrvlce
wil! be held on Mondey April
1 st 01 3 :00 p .m., Re\l .
GeOlgs Willi ollicialing. Inlor·
me,nl 0010h8Sl01 Union
, Bnb
S'E:.\\)'\ 'Y_N~ L
\\\~, C-~ d..u.. \ct.. b 'S
JACKSON - AI Alexandra
HosP,'al. lngersoll. on Tuss:
day March 28. 1985. Isabel
Pearl (Wrlson) Jackson. ego
&3. 01 40 Willy A\lenu<l . In;
g9rsoll. Wile 01 . Ihe lall)
Geroge Jackson (1976).:
Ooar nnolher 01 Mrs. janne~
Miller (Dl)nn~) . Ingersoll. Lov.
cd by Iwo granCichildron:
Jack Scott. tngerSOIl. and
· Wanda LOI£borg, Edmonton :
· Also survived by one blolher
,Charfes W,I$OI\ 01 ChalhM1 ;
'and a number 01 nieces and
napl)aws. ' Predeceased b~
one !}rMddaughlar Ma'y An'1
$coli (1969) . and onc son.
In·law Jack Scoll (t9 7 4):
Frionds will be rece,ved 81 Iho
McBeath Funeral Home. 2 4 ~
( Thames Slleel .S9utl). Ing8r;
, _sol! alie! 2:00 p .r)l, Wl\dne.s\
i .day, un\il F'll<Jay Mereh ;29 at
1; 4 5 p .m .• then 10 SLJames"
Anglican Church lor Ivnerel
se"tlc& at 2:00 p ,nn .. fle\l ;
· 10m GriHin omc:laUng . Tern ·
porary enlombment. Inler'
men.1 laler .in Ing el<;011 Rural
,:r. N
55 Deaths
~ 'L.
\\\.<J..\ c\\
. e 'cal Cenlle. Chelsey .
~'1 \ \ ~ '65
M'chig an. on Salurday MarCh
30 . 1986. Bonjamln GarliE""
McKolle,\. 72 , 01 OexlH.
MiChigM . n ,,:'}\/od husband
01 Kalnryn ROLr):, r~lher (.1
Michael. Jerller and PalriC~.
Me Killen. all 0 Oe~\er . amr
M,S , Tom Mi,.,icl< (Pollyl or
Ann Arbour . and l autie
McKlllo" , Dewier . Grond ·
ra ther of Jim , JeU and John
M if\iek , ond Mack, J3S0n ,
I<~lie. Pallick, Kris and Kelly
McKilien. Bioll\8( 01 Ralph
McKollen , TorOlllo, Robert
McKe~en , .lnQe!~~~. Donald
McK,lIen , Wood~Iock al\d
Mrs . Lloyd PhIllips
(Malgarel) , R n -I ~"gersoll
Preoeceased by kiS parents
Ben aM Rackel McKillen ,
t>iolhel Jinlmmy, and sislerS
'Ita ?renlice . Edilh Pugh end
Grace GrAAI. Funeral al '
langemenls by Hosmer
FUl\eral Homo . Oo,te r
Michigan. wolh services lues·
day April 2. 1985. 81 t 0 :00..
a.m. lit St.Josoph ·s nOman
Catholic Churcn . and burlal al
Ponckey. Michigan.
Q. r:=.. \J \:. 'E.. W
nQSE: Betty Rose, River
oad , Ingersoll died Satur·
day, March 16, 1985 at Sl.
Joseph's Hospital, London .
She was Ihe daughter of
the lale Mr . and Mrs . A1.ex
Miss Rose is survived by
her brother Donald of River
Road, Ingersoll, and her
and Brenda (nee
~ ) are happy to an·
·nounce the birth of their
:{jrsl child, William James
.:seven pounds, 10'12 ounces:
:-aorn March 13 1985 at
;AJexandra Hospital. proud
:grandparenls <Ire Mrs. Iva
Oroom, Ingersoll and Mr.
.and Mrs. Allan Sims, Kin·
. ,lore,
iYI\LLACE ;.. A boy, Jeremy
John Wallace Lo Gary and
Cindy Wallace of R.R.2,
Thamesford, on March /2,
)985. Brother {or Melliss8 . .
Joe and Ellen Wallace of'
Tharnesford and John and
Doreen Clark of Ingersoll ~
a re the proud gr andpa rents. ~
sisters Dorothy Sutherland
and Camilla Sutherland of ,
R.R.2, IngersolL She was
predeceased by her brother
Roy in 1972.
A private fam ily service
was held at McBeath
I"uneral Home Monday,
March 18, with Ihe Rev.
John Jennings o{hciating.
Interment in Ingersoll
Rural Cemetery.
Miss Rose was born and
raised in , lhe Township of
Norlh Oxford and was a life
long m ember of SI. Paul's
Presbyterian Church ,
Ingersoll . She . was past
regent and a member 01 the
Admiral McDougall chapter
of the lODE . past president
of the North Oxford Liberal
association, and was always
very involved in her home
community affairs.
F ISq l F,R j Doug and Chris
(Pittock ) are very pleased
to announce the safe arrival .
H( their first born, a daugh . .
ler, ueAnne Maric. Born
!"cbruary 25, at th~ County:
. .. f.. Bruce Genera I Hospital. ;
Walkerton and weighed
eight . pounds 14 ounces.
Proud grandparents are
: Ted and GIVen Pittock of
, lngersoll, Almer and Ruth
... I<enncdy of Tara, Herb Fis·
ci1er of Chesley.
S5 Deaths
A I hl ~
residence . 26 1 Jura Lane.ln ·
gersoll. on Sunday Malch 24
1965. Joseoh A. F,nucan '
age <18 . Son 01 Ihe lale Joh~
Finucan (19631 , Loving son
01 Mory Finucan (McMahon) .
Deal brolher
Jack Finucan
' Blanl/ord, Ballley. , Thoma~
MlcI1ael Flnucan and
S,sle, Mary James (Helen) . all
01 Inge/soll. LOlrle Finucan.
Sudbury , MIS. Thoma s Tooks
(R ila) 01 Dal lmoulh N ,S .. and
Sislel SI.Jud& (Flo/eoce) .
Mounl Sl.Joseph. London .
Also sUlvived by seve/al
nieces and nephews .
Pledeceased by blolher
James F,nucan (1960) .
Frlel'\C!s will be leceived allhe
Mc8 ealh Funeral Home. 2d6
Tt'8mes Sireel ~ull'l. IOQer ·
£.011 ~iler 7 :00 p .m. MoMav
unl~ W~neSday Malch 27
10: 45 a.m , Then 10 Ihe
Church 01 Iha Sacred Heer I
101 luneral ~ 31 I 1 :00
3.m TemporaryenlOinbmel'lt
In lellnenl lalOI In Sacred
Hearl Cemolery . ParIsh
p,ayels 1 uesday 8 :00 p m.
Rernembtances 101M CenEld,an Cancer Sociely may be
aJr3nQed 10/ nl Ih& (uM,al
l'Iol1le .
J:\\,)c L
rELlO" IN: Gladys (Wil·
fo rd) (Wagner) Pedolin, 82,
261 Wellington SI., (nger·
soll, died Saturday, March
16, 1985 at Alexandra Hospl·
Born In Dereham Town·
ship, she was the wife of the
late Percy Pedolin (965),
and the late Leslie Wagner
She Is survived by her
children, Wilford WSgJler,
R.R.I, Salford, and Mrs.
Ken (Lavina) Johnstone of
Palmerston; her sisler Mrs.
Joe (Annie) Barnett of
Ingersoll, seven grand·
children and one great
grandson .
The Rev , Paul Field
Whitney, conducted the
Tuesday, March 19 funeral
service at McBeath rlmeral
Home .
. Ebenezer Cemetery.
55 Deaths
Hospital, London. on Sunday
March 3. 1985, Basil
Thur1by. age 80 01 <\ 56
Haines SI reel. Inge/501l,
Beloved hUSband 01 Grace
(McAIliSI6/) Thu.lby, Dear
lalher 01 Mrs M3tk Pea/sO"
(COnf)le). Te~as. Oebble Hur·
ding. WeY"e and 605'1. In!}er.
soli. Dear grand/alhe/ 01 De,,:
nl$, Oa",lIo end Derek Belov.
eO brolher 01 Lela AJleen
Kaclns. !?orl Bruce
Predeceased by one brolhel
Vern. ooe sisler Velma
KaChe, Friends will be recei,,·
ed al McBealh Funeral
Home. 246 Tl\ames S(reel
SoUlh. IngerSOll a/ler 7.00
p,m. on Mor.day, where com·
plole Service will be held on
Wednesday March 6 al t :30
p.m" Rev. leonard Fe. 0/.
I,coaling 7emporary Mlomb.
menl. Inlermenllaler In Inge/soU AUI'llI Cemele/y. Re'nem'
brances to Ihe' Hearl Founda' '
lion' may ba 3rran!}ed lOf al
Ihe lunCrf'1 h,!I~'"''
'flosp,laf."tngersoll on SUrlday
March 3 . t 985. Charl<lS
Cnros(ie. 8gc 89 01 165 Car.
roll Slree\. In~ersoll. Husband
01 Ihe lale Jearl IMcNlven)
Christie (1973). Ho Is surviv··
. cd by a. numDM 01 nieces and
nephews. P,ed&eased by
several brolhers aod siSle/$,
Friends Will be rBCelved al
McBeath Funeral Home, 246
lhame~ SI/cel Soulh. Inger·
SOli aller 7 :00 p,m, MMday,
where complele lunera.1 se/·
vice wm bEl held on Wednes·
day March 6 al 3'30 p.m,
Aev. Joh" Je"n'ngs 01.
tlc-allng Tempor3/y enlo,nO·
me"\. 1~lermenl later in Inger.
soli Rural Cemelery, Masonic
memorj~1 service 011 f uesday
al 7:30 p,m auspices 01
SI,John's lodge No. 68 A,F,
ami A.M
Jocelyn and Pat
(lrc pleased 10 announce the
new arrival of (heir son
Logatl George Holden, born
. l"ebruary 18, 1985 al SL
Joseph's Hospilal. London,
weighing seven pounds two
55 Deaths
. i-1 g0~
/<t War Memorial
CNidren's Hospital, Londo",
0(. Monday MarCh 4, 1985.
CalM(,ne ELiz>belh Angela.
Brown, ag& ooe week, Belov~d InlMI daughler 01 Thomas
IISId Pamela Brown 01 R R 2
, Ingersoll. Doat siSIel 01 Con'
nle al home. A ptiv61e tam',ly
. McSeeth
6 \ \S'6'S
C~'~ENCI~! Ann and John
are appy 10 announce the
birlh of Michael Craig, a
brother for Emily and
Matthew" at Tompkins
County Hospital, Ilhaca,
New York, on February 22.
1985. Grandparents <Ire Mr.
and Mrs. Gbrdon German,
Mt. Sl. Hilaire Quebec and
Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn
Patience, n,R.2, Thames·
WARTON: Gary and Mary
(nee: Schreurs) sisler Amy
~nd brother James are de·
lighted to announce the safe
arrival of Glenn Frederick,
on February 20, 1985, at
Victoria Hospital, weighing
in at eight pounds, three
ounces. Proud gra ndp8 ren ts
Garton, ingersoll and Frank
and Nellie Van Alphen,
I\IEflTICK: Eli Merliek, 5R,
died Thursday. Februlil'y
28, 1985 at Vlcloria Hospital,
, U)lIdOII" He h~d I'eSi<.le<.l at " .
R.H,J. Lakeside.
Mr. Mer[ick is survived
by his wile, the former
children, Brad anrt Darrell
01 Duncan, B,C'r Mark alld'
daughter-in· law JaJ\~ and
. Kincardil\e, and daughter
Wanda, al home, He is also
survived hy his parents,
~orge and Mary Merliek
of Regina, !:<lskalchewan.
Merlick arc his brothers
Ca)gary, Mrs Bill (Elaine)
Andrews of SI. Thomas.
Dan of SL Thomas, Mrs.
Ken (MoI'Y) Williams of
North OaHlelord, Saskalchewilll, Jerry of R.n.?,
(Vivian) Doetd of Columbia,
Gross of Regina, Sask.,
Mrs. J)Oll (Florence) Roils
of flegilta, arid Beckie
Merlick oj Ollawa.
Mr. Mertiek was predeceased by his brolher Stan
'{'he Hev. A.G. Pease con·
ducled Ihe Monday, March
4, 1985 funeral service at
McBeath Fllneral Home.
lntermen[ laler ill Putnam
were Ross Bonn, Jim
McCu{'(ly, Harry Morton,
MIlT Iin Kirwin, Bruce Gordon. A'rl Pepper, Sam Phillips and Herb Collman.
CIIHlSTJE: Charles Chrislie, 89, Carroll Street,
Ingersoll, died SUllday,
March 3, 1985 !II Alexandra
He was predeceased by
hls wife, the lale Jean
(McNiven) Christie, in 1973. ,
He is sun'ived by anum·
ber of nieces and nephews.
Thc r~cv. John Jennings
wilt conctuct the funeral
service today, Mflreh 6, at
MelJeallt Funeral !lome.
Tnterment in 1l1ger!ioll l1urnl Cemc(ery.
1\'lr. Chrislie WllS Po memo
ber of SL John's Lodge 66
AF and AM. He had operated an eleclrie and appliance
on Friday
February IS , 1985 ,
Henrieus (Han",) Tyssen , Doe
60 . Beloved husband or Nel·
lie (Coonenl TY3sen or 1 10
King Solomon Sireei. Inger.
soli . Dear lalher 01 Eric .
Calo~ry, Joseph. Kenora . ·
. and Peler , McGregor. Dear
brolner 01 MIS. Wilhelmi""
Quinlan. London . Mrs .
Helena van dor 801g .
W&terloo, Hubert and Jot", .
London, Poler. MLAIbell
Oear grand/alher 01 SharOIl
Ann and Amy Marie.
Predeceased by Iwo
brolhers·i,,·law . Art h ul
Quinlan end William van der
Berg . Friellds will be rCCOIl/cd
61 Ihe McBealh Funeral
Hortle, 246 Thames 51,eel
SOUl"', Ingersoll. commeme '
inO 2:00 p.m. Sunday , until
Tuesday Febluary 19 al
10: -15 am ., Ihen to Ihe
Church 01 Ihe Sacred Hearl
IIv lunerat Mass alII :00
8.m .TemPO/ary Giliombmenl,
Inlermanl laler In . Sacred
Hearl Cemelery. Parish
, Pfilyers MOllday al 8 :00 p,m .
Rememblances 10 Ihe JOhn
P. RobarlS tnslilule. London .
may be arranged lor al the
lunersl home.
l1oSPiiiii. London,
lU.!I~lU S,o N: ELh~I'Ber­
_-- -----
lIAMMOND : Al Alexandra
Hospital I on February 11,
1985, lo Belly and Steve
Elgin, a sO.n Je(frey James
Lee. A brother to Melissa,
Proud grandparents are
June and Gordon Bruce and
Vern and Audrey Hammond .
nice' Hutchison, 88, Oxfcrrd
Regimlal Nursing Home,
Ingersoll, died al her resIdence February 17, 1985.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the late Walter
Hutchison, in 1978.
Surviving are her SClIlS,
Morley 'Mike' of Ingersoll .
and Donald of Mitchell;
(Setty> Lawson of R.R. 8,
IAndon; six grandchildr.en
nnd six great grand.
She was predeceased by
her brother', the late Harold
Quinn, In 1984.
The Rev, K. David Mack
conducted the February 19,
1985 funeral service al the
Carrothers·Belzncr Funeral
Home, Thames[ord. Inler·
ment in Zion Seventh Line
. Cemetery .
. Pallbearers were Lloyd
Hutchison, Tom Lawson ,
Jim Patience and Jim Hoi·
Mrs . Hutchison was ba-rn
in Easl Nissouri Township.
She was a home·maker and
a member of Westminster
Uniled Church. She was also
a life member of Westminster Uniled Church Women.
In her memory donations
may be made 1.0 the Weslmins~r
United Church
Memorial Fund ,
wedding'i'. "vs
exchanf>~d a'i,
,Sf-. James Church
Red CnrnatioJls and while mums decorH'
ed the aller at Sl. Jamcs' Anglican Churl':'"
Tngersoll, on Saturday, October 13, 1984, fL!
the a{tcrnoon wedding of ,-!!l)ic;.~.1!1ari~
Hutchiso~ and 'T~~~L-!~}~~S Messepger.
The 6noe is trlc daughter of DOll and
Shr.':'on Hutchison, 20 Cedar Stred, Tnger·
5011, and the groom is the SOIl of Edward a!)d
Doris Messenger, 164 George Streel, ingersoll.
Given in marriage by her parents, the
hride \Vore .!I floor length traditional white
gown of chiffon, wilh lily of the valley lace.
The gown (catured a drop bodice, long sheer
sleeves, a high neck and a chapel train.
She wore a silk illusion ringer-tip veil, held
in place by a Juliel cap which was lace and
pearl encrusted. Her veil also had lace and
pearl appliques.
The bride's bouquet was made up of rell
and while roses, my of the valley, apple
blossoms and b:Jby's breath.
The Rcv. Tom GriHin conducted the
w~ddillg ceremony. Soloists Jal)e Paulen o(
Torollto, (llId SUS.!lIl Kohler of Waterloo, the
bride's cousins, sang, "The Wtdding SOllg" .
Maid of honor was Cindy Cussons . She
. wore a Cloor length royal blue taffeta gown
lhnt featured elbow length puff sleeves . She
wore a circlet of flowers and ribbons in her
hair and carried a bouquet of cornflower,
apple blossoms and gipson.
Bridesmaids were Margaret Messenger of
Woodstock. the groom's sisler, and Tammy
'Paulen of Toronto, the bride's cOllSin.
They wore gowns identical 10 lhe maid of
honor'S, and their bouquets were also the
, some.
Flower girls were Patti Miller of Paris,
Ontario, and Julie Dill of Niagara Falls,
cOllSin of the bride. They wore white chiffon,
{loor length gowns and carried bouqurts
similar to the bridesmaids, in wh;le baskets.
Best mall was Rob Messenger of Woodslock, Ihc groom's brother. Ushers were Jon
CU5sons of Tngersoll, cousin of the groom,
Jim Hutchison of Ingersoll, brother of the
bride, lind Pat. Kenny of Sarnia ..
John Oil! of Niagara Falls, cOllsin of Ihe"
Mr. lind l\1,.s. Thnmas J.
bride, W.!lS the ring bearer.
Whlle the groom Wore (] Il:\VY blue tuxedo
IIl\d !\ boutonniere of red roses, 2nd bilby's
brcalll, the ushers wore navy blue luxedoes
with royAl blue CUIYl)nerbWld aud bow ties .
A reception (or 110 people was held al
Hcnden~on Hnll. The hall was decorated
will\ pink {\Od white slrc:lmers and bells.
The I>ridallOlblc held a Ihree Iier wedding
c;'lkr., which was tiecor.!lted wilh rl)yal blue
silk, nOWel'S, nnd the guests' tables held
centerpieces of silk flower arrangemenls
arollnd condles.
Prior to the recl'ption the bride's mother
.!!:rcelerl guests wearing a burgandy street
length dress of chiffon. She wore grey
Accessories ilnd a corS<lge 01 red anu cream
colored roses . The groom's !nother Wore a
roy~l blue slreet length dress of georgette,
olso with grey :ltccssorie.!O. She wore e
peach colored rose corsage,
During the wedding reception , the best
mall gave a toast to the bride. Master of
ceremonies WOlS the brIde's uncle Keith Dill.
~'or a wedding Irip to Mryllc Beach, South
CarOlina, Ihe bride \Yore a red and blACk
street Icngth dres~ with black accessories,
:lIId :a whilE: carnation corsage.
Olll·of·lown guests were from Sarnia,
London, Stratford, Toronto, Niagar'a Falls,
Woodstock alln Windsor ,
The newlyweds are now I'esiding at 123
COIIC'ession SireN. Illgersoll.
Stephen Miller, Carleton:
Place, are happy
LO '
announce Ihe arrival ' 01
A.llyson Patricia on January
2, 1985. Grandparents are
Mrs. James Miller, Ottawa
and Mr. and Mrs. John
. Matthews, Ingersoll.
DUNN: At his home 54~'.'
IngcrsoU Avenue, Wood·
stock on FridDY, January
!8, 1985, Matthew PeuJ
Mark Dunn. Infant son of
Paul and Vicki Dunn. Beloved grandson of William
and Hazel Dunn. of Wood·
,lock. Sheila IHld Gordon
Dan, Christine and
Heather are pleas'ed Lo announce an addil ion to the
family, Stephanie Lauren
was born on December 18,
1984, at 6:59 a.m. weighing 9
\bs . one ounce, at Wood·
stock General Hospital. .
Proud grandparents are
Mr . and Mrs. F. Pember
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
PUI dy of Ingersoll. Greal
grandparents are Mrs. William Pember of Woodslock,
Mr. and Mrs. McNulty of
Ingersoll and Mr. and Mrs.
Meinzlnger· of
Cah\bridge. GreaL greal
Mrs .
Mcinzinger of Kitchener.
?o1!ard of Ingersoll. Great. ~randson of Mrs. Alice Ben·
ne!t o( St. Thomas . A (uner·
al service was 'held at the:
Rowell Funeral 'Home, !34
Riddell Street, Woodstock
at 2 p.m. Saturday, January
19, Rev. Austin Snyder (}ffieiated. Interment lster in
the Anglican Cemetery; As
an c)(presslvn .of sympathy
Memorial contributions to a
charily o( your choice would
~ apprecinted.
I \\.)G E R. So () \.... \...
'!:. \\\ £
reSidence . 138 90ntl Slteel.
IngerSOll. on Fr.day January
2 S. 1985. MonlC~ M,nogue
age 3 . l)elO"'Ja daughter 01
T~m and C~rol Minogue. De,ar
slSle. 01 Mary ~I\d Angela al
home. Dear granddaughler 01
Mr9. Velna Minogue. R n 2'
10gersoll. Mr. and Mrs Hellry
Dan.el. Ingersoll. Dear gre~l.
granadaughler ot Mrs Win.
n;r,od SI&warL K.IChener.
Also survived by sevelal
aun: s en d unci e s FI ,ends wl/l
be received el Iho McBeath
FUfl(jrsl Henle. ~46 ThalTles
Slreel SOu/h. logersoU aller
2:00 p .m. on Sunday. where
luneral sefllice will be held
Monday. Janualy 28 al I :30
pm. . 9runo Suhr ot Ihe
JehOvah's Wilnessess 01 .
. llcia/lnO TemOOIary enlomb·
menl. in,ermenl later In
Delmer Cemelerv .
S Eo \\YT 1: \\) 'E. 'Q 'l:.1....lT. E'0j
:~ G."'0..C.l.~~ d.. 'S \ \ '\ ~ S
HALL - AI Vlclo(ia Hospital,
London, on Sunday January
27. \ 98S. Allan JamoS Hall.
1100 51. Beloved Mn 01 Mf.
aod MIS. Allan G . Hall 01 t t 6
HolC/oll Sireel West. In08r·
soli. Dear uncle 01 James
Graham lea/neyl Hall. Lon·
aon. Predeceasea by ono
brothel 01 . Graham l1all
It ge2). FriendS will be
recellied 8t Ihe McBealh
Funeral Homo. 246 Thames
Sl,eel Soulh, Ingersoll on
Tuesday January 29 Irom 7 .
9 p .m . where tho lune/al ser·
vice will be held on Wednes,
day January 30 11\ 1 1:00
am. Felhe( C . CampbOlI 01·
nclaUoo In lieu 01 IlowelS,
lemambrances to Ihe Cana ·
, dian C3ncel Sociely may be
arranged lor al thO lunerol
""IUS ItlSlaBn~
1 t::J
..El<Jles Slf O~I. InOU/soli. on
Thursday Janu3lY 10. 1985 ,
Russell C . Hams. age 68 ,
: lormefly 'ol SI. Thomas, LlWing
husband 01 Lavina (Lat1g) H~r·
: ris, OOG! failler 01 Ga lry Hatr'19
'. at\d La"y Hams : bolh olll\gel '
S()n. De~r brOlher of Mrs . Ted
Nuno (Edna). InoofSOll AiS()
svrvn,ed by his grandchildren
, Tammy. Gaily, Brad. Silane.
Chad , JuSlln. 3Ild Tlic i~ Harris,
and saveral n,eces and
I nephews . F,lendS wilt be
Icce,ved al Ihe McBealh
Funeral Home. 24B Thames
Sireet South. Ingersoll. aller .
7;00 pm. Saturday, where
comple'e service will be held
on Mooday January \ "'. 1985,
al r :30 p.m. wilh Rev. Ge01go
Wall o({idaling. Cremallol\,
Remembrances 10 Ille Oniarlo
Hearl Foundation may be ar ,
fanged for al the runcl&! home.
3'<:.\\I....I..~~ \\
Statler wed
. . .~
.!:->'~Q~ J&ig)! Fraser and Matk. P.D.uglas
Sta ller were united ih marriage on September 15, 1984 by the Rev. George Wall at the
First Baptist Church In Ingersoll.
The bTloe is the daughter of Hadden and
Irene I"rascr of l!:mbro. She is a graduate 0(
the University of Western Ontario's Nursing
progrCltn and is currently employed in
obstelrics at the University of Texas
Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. The
groom is the son of Ray and BeLty S41ller of
San Antonio, Texas . He gradusted from. ,
Medicsl School at the University of Texas
Medical BI'anch lind is · completing a
pediatric residency program'd
Given In marriage by her father, the brlcte
wore a southern · belle gown, featuring a
cathedral lenglll veil and a crystal tiera.
the bride, acting DS master of ceremonies .
Guests were present from Texas, Ohio,
Virginia, Wllshinglon D.C., Toronto,
London, Ingersoll, Alliston and Embro. The
bride and groof(l left on a wedding trip to
C::mcun, Mexico before returning home to
Galveston, Texas .
The maid of honor Slid soloisl was Mary
Ann Vlemmix of Toronto and bridesmaids
were Nancy Gates of Toronto and Jill
Fraser of Embro, Mary Ann and Nancy are
long time friends of Lynda's and Jill is her
only sisler.
The bridal allendal1ls were gowned alike
in dusty rose chiHon over laHela'noor length
Rcsl mlln lYas Bruce SlaUer, brother of
the ~room of San Antonio. The Groomsmen
were Don Carbin of Ohio , and Dr. Henry
Saechllng of Texas. The groom and his
party wore silver grey tuxedos .
ronowing the ceremony, a dinner and
dllnce were held III Henderson lIall in
hl~crson, wilh Granl Fraser, only brother of
Mr. Dlld Mrs. Mark
BASKE TIF.: At Alexandra
Hospital on Januar'y 2, 1985,
to George and Michelle
Baskette, 285 Thames Sl. '
North, Apt. 50', Jngersoll, a .
son, Byron Andrew.
-wedding vows
. BI~!I.~.:'-~~!t.ty of Wodstoek, daughlel' of
Ken Ilnd BeHy Witty of Ingersoll, was
nlllrrlecl to Robert Reeves, the son of Uob
and Pearl
Woodstock, on October
26, t984 at Central United Church.
The Rev. Auslln' Snyder officiated the
ceremony. The bride was given in marriage
by her lalher and molher.
Soloist was Cindy Chiurko of Woodstock.
The bride wore a Victorian style gowll
with B matching hat. She carried a cascade
bouquet of piuk ro~es, \lilies and baby's
'The maid of honor Mary Allard of
London . She wore a .Iress III royal hille and
cn.-ricd n bouquet of pink roses. cnrnallOlls
. and bRby's brc;tt)I.
~. - . -
- ...,..:."
. Urldcsmalds were Cathy JollYlliore or
Woodstock and Suzanne Shipp 01 Mlsslg·
They also wore royal blue dresses and
carried bouquets of pink roses, carnations
and bOlby's breath. The flower glrl was
Tabilha Moulton of Woodstock. who wore a
white organza dress with royal blue trim
and carrIed a basket of pink roses and
baby'S breath ,
. Molher of the bride wore a deep rose
colored dress wllh a matching hat and grey
accessorle~, she wore an orchid corsage ,
The groom's mottier, wore a sort grey dress,
red rose cors age and matching accessorle8 .
The best man was ITlm Reeves or
Woodstock. Ushers were Terry Reeves and
JeH Dickert or Woodstock.
The men wore charcoa I grey tuxedoe8
with striped trousers, 8scot tle& SlId vests .
A reception was held at the U.A.W, Hallin
Wo()(Islock. Glen Shipp of Mississauga was
master of ceremonies.
Guests aUended Irom Woodstock, Inger·
soil, Tillsonburg. ~ndon, Port Hope,
Otlawll. Michigan, FlorIda. 8lenhelm.
Stoney Pt., MtsslsS&uga and PllI'ry Sound.
The couple will reside In Wo~stoek where
both arc employed at the Oxford Regional
Anna Cecchin, 62, 271 Thames Sl.
North, Ingersoll, died OClober IS,
(985 at Ingersoll's Alexandra Hos·
She was predeceased by her
husband, the lale Villar;" Cecchin,
in 19G9, and by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Simionato .
Mrs. Cecchin is survived by her
son Carlo o( Woodstock, and her
daughter Mrs . Ken (Joanne) Smith
of Ingersoll.
Father Charles Campbell and
Father Bob Cartwr;~ht conducted
the funeral mass at Sacred Heart
Catholic Church. Interment in
Sacred Heart Cemetery,
Pall bea rers
Ma rio
Innocente, Richard MeAr thur,
'chuck Cecchin, Orelio AntonelIo,
Peter Beghin and Joe Cecchln .
Mrs. Cecchln was born in Italv.
She worked at Pa~uette Hosiery,
Woodstotk. She was a member of
the Catholic Women's League,
John Robert Cook, 207 George
Street, Ingersoll, died at Victoria
Hospital, London, Monday, October
21, 1985.
Mr. Cook is survived by his wife,
the former Lola M. Herd, and his
children J aruce and Phillip, both of
He is also survived by his aunts,
Mrs . J .W. <Helen) McManus of
Goderich, and Mrs. Richard
(Beatrice) Allen of Kingston.
The funeral service will be held at
2 p.m. today, Wednesday, October
23, at SI. James"Anglican Church,
with Ihe Rev. Canon Tom Griffin
of/;ciating. Interment in the Harris
Street Cemelery.
Mr . Cook taught for many years .
James GOl:- on Po lard, the infant
son of Susan and Neal Pollard, died
in his sixth week at his Ingersoll
home, Sa turday, October 19, 1985.
He is survived by his parents and
by his sister, Jennifer Lynn; his
grandparents Jim and Nancy
MacMillan of Ingersoll, and Mr .
and Mrs. Gordon pt)lIard of I1derton; end by his great-grandparents,
Mrs. Ann MacMillan of Ingersoll,
and Mrs. Alice Bennett of Sl.
The Rev. Paul field conducted
the October 2l funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home. Interment
in Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
The child was born in London,
55 Deaths
55 Deaths
ON. - Suddenly on
Monday Oclober 21. 198">
Florence (Haw) S,mpson
6eloved wile 01 Rev . James
Simpson 01 220A King Sireel
Ease. IngerSoll. Dear mOlher
01 Sob and his wile ClUon 01
PIcketing. Donna and her
~usbancl 8111 Burns 01
Greensville, Kalh le Simpson'
Dear grand·
molhel 01 ScolI. LIS<!. Laura
and Krisla "I'd the 181e Valene
(1974), Predeceased by one
brolher Alden Haw (1969) .
Friends will be received a\ Ihe
McBeath Funerel Home. 246
Thames Sireet South 'nger·
soli. unl~ 12:00 noon 1t1l1ls,
day OClober 241h lhen 10
FirSI 8aplisl Chuleh '!>r
luneral selvice al 1 30 p .m ..
Rev Georg~ Wall ol/,cialing
Inlermenl in Ingersoll Aural
Cemelt:ry Remembrances 10
ltoe Canadl3r1 Baplisi
Overseas Mission Board .
217 SI. George Sireel '
Toronto may be arr 3nged lor
nl I"e lunelal home Please .
,)ole change ol place 01
TU RNER - AI WoodSloCk
G'eii'C1iiI" Hosp,lal on Tuesday
Oclober 22. 19B5 . WiUred
Tu'rnar age 7 I 01 83 1hames .
Sireelingersoll Dear unde 01
Ilene Tanner . woods lOck ,
Joyce Galling: Georgelown.
Shirley MaSlerS: Lemlnglon.
Arrhvr Turner , Cambridge. Bill
Turner : ingersoll . Brolher ·in·
lawol Mrs Pheobe Turner.
Woodslock . Also surv;ved by
a numbel 01 greal ·nieces and
nep"ews. Predeceilsed by 6
brothelS and I s,sler. Friends
will be received at Ihe
McBeath funeral Home . 246Thames Siloel Soult'l. Inget·
soli aUer 2 :00 p m. Thurs ·
day. where servIce Will be
held on Fllday October 25(h
al 1:30 pm. Rev a .c . SUfly
oUicialing. Inlermenl in Inger ·
soli Aural Cemelery. Aemem·
brances 10 Ihe charily 01 youl
cho,ce may 00 alfanged lor al
Ihe lunelal homo.
s: "",oJ r
v tI l.
')cJ",~~ .,
fi: & ->, E: W
, ,!,I-'
BARNE,iS Al Ale~andra
~[a\ Ingersoll. on Thurs'
day OCIOMr 24. 1985,
Margalel (Quance) Baines
age 82 . Beloved wile of Nor·
m3f\ Barnes lormerly ot 2 \ 8
Hall Streel. Ingersoll. Dear
molher 01 Mrs. Malcolm
Campbell (Jean) Newbury:
England . Mrs .. Norma
Nickason; Ingersoll, Mrs.
Judith LarOCQue: London.
Dea( siSler 01 George
Quance: TOrOl1tO , Daisy Lil'
lIer: Walerloo, Fred Quance :
Tillsonburg . Dear gr3l'1d '
molher 01 T&ra Md Neil
Campbell, Michael. Paul end
Cindy Balcher . Ad~;enne
LarOCQue and Jennller
Nlckason . Also survived by 2
'predeceased by one
daughter: Mrs . John Selcher
(Dorothy 1982) , threo
blotherS : R'chard, Frank and
Tom and one sisler Belly.
Friends wUl be rece ived 61
The McBeath Fvneral Home.
246 <hames Sireel South.
Ingersoll aller 7:00 p.rn on
Sa(urday. where complete
service will be held on Mon·
day Oclober 261h al 1 :00
p.m.. Rev . Paul Field 01 ·
Itclaling. Inlerment in Oethl
Cemelery. Remembrances 10
Trinlly Unlled Church Foun·
dalion or Ihe charily 01 your
choice mey be arranged for al
the lunerel home .
-~ r.. ~-rl .ue
Ck i..t-,':' r
,(!l.i UI t! W
~5_ r')cf5
~f..MaN Al Alexandro
8OSPilru Tngersoil on Sunday
Oclober '27, 1985. May
(Bowman( Dykeman age 64
Wile ot Iha lale Charles
Oyl<.eman (Seplember 1985)
01 248 Wonham Sueel. In·
gersoll Dear mOlher oi
Charles: London , Mrs
Robert Miller (Pauline):
Baltimore Maryland , Mrs
JoM HolmeS lDorolhyl . In·
gersoll. Dear SISler 01 Tom
Bowman: ' WoodSIOCK . Ted
Bowman : Inger soll. Deal
glandmolher 01 I I !Jrand ·
children and 5 or eal·
grandchildren Friends will be
rece,ved al the Mcee~lh
Funeral Home. 246 Thames
Slreel South. Ingersoll aUcr
7.00 p.m . Ihis evening ul1111
Wednesday October 30lh al
I 1 :00 a.m.. then 10 Sl .
James Anghcan Church lor
serv'ce a( 1 1: 15. ClInon Tom
G,il/,n oliicialin9 tnlelment in
Oxlord Memorial Park
Cemelery Remembrances 10
Ihe Alzhe;mer Society or Sl
James AeSloralion Fund may
01.' erranged lot al the h,')er81
S~"J rl ,"EL
/ '(i()le /.,J
OL~L, u
48 Marriages
' BONLF CE-SMIll:\ Mr.
\!flk~rs .· Mic~ I Gary Smllh
. wele mallied August 10.
1985 al Sacr8d Hearl
ChurCh. Ingersoll. Rel/ .
Falhe" C. Campbell 01·
liCialed. The hlide. the lormer
Malgarel (Pe9) Bonilace Is
the daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs .
Alberl Boniface and groom's
palen IS 3re Mr .. and Mrs.
Gary Smith ell or Ingersoll.
,;>J" ,;;J'j-
.. ..........
I ;'
John Wilham Colbert, 75, 6<l
Genevive Cr., Apt. 2, London, died
at Memorial Hospital, Sl. Mary's,
Ontario, October 19, 1985.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Harriet Row: his son Bill of
R.R. I, Thorndale; daughters Mrs.
Bob (Lynn) Riddell of R.R. I,
Thorndale, and Mrs . Ken (Mary)
McRae of London: stepchildren Bill
Shrubb of Peterborough; Mrs .
Charlie (Edna) Lummiss of Lihd·
say, Mrs. Bill (Shirley) Colbert of
R.R . 7, Thorndale, Mrs . Doug
(Linda) Fitzpatrick of Alberta.
Mr. Colbert is alsosurvjved by his
brother Harry of R.R. l. Thorndale,
and sister Edna Quait of London; 19
grandchildren and one great·granddaughter.
He was predeceased by his first
wife, the late Doris MCMurray, in
1973, and by his second wife, the late
Gladys Stevenson, in 198!.
The Rev . H.E.. Moorhouse con.
ducted Ihe October 21 funeral service at the Carrothers · Bet-mer
Funeral Home . Interment in
Robin's Hill Cemetery.
Pa!lbearers were Rea Jones
Ross McGuffin, Wilf Kemp, Ji~
Gumb. Clare Orchard and Jeff
Honorary pallbearers were
Howard Jones and Ivan McGuffin .
Mr. Colbert was born in West
Nissouri TownShip. He was a (ar·
mer and a member o( Centennial
United Church, London .
Wesley ·c of 93 Alma St., Inger.
soil passed away at Alexandria
Hospital, Ingersoll on Tuesday, Oct.
2.2, 1985, in his 82nd year.
Born in Sl. Thomas, Sept. 14, 1904,
he was a son of the late William Fick
and. the former Loucinda Sharpe.
Surviving are his wife, the former
Marjorie Mills; four sons, . Wilham
Fick of Coldale, Alta., Roger Fick
and Harold Fick, both of Ingersoll
and Gary Fick of Toronto; IS grandChildren ; one great·grandson; and
one brother, George Fick of RR 5,.
He was predeceasd by a sister
Mrs. Laurnilha Lucas and by foul'
"'1 ....
Funeral Home, Tillsonburg, where
service will be held Friday, OcL 2~i
at 3 p.m. conducted by Rev . Jam~;
McGee of First i3aptist Church,
Interment in Aylmer Cemetery .
Memorial donations to the charity
of your choice would be appreCiated .
Finucan, J~ lis resid~nce on
Saturday, October 26, 1985 in his
69th year .
Beloved husband of Jennie. Lov,
ing father of Ronald and his wife
Cheri, Dennis and his wife Victoria,
Robin aJl(i his wife Joanne, Patrick
and his wife Kathy and Mrs . Donald
(Sylvia) Rive, all of Brantford, and
Dorothy Labron of Kitchener.
Dear brother of Bart, Tom, and
Mike a1\ of Ingersoll, Lorne of
Sudbury, Sister st. Jude of London,
Sister Mary James of Arnprior and
formerly of London, Mrs . Thomas
(Rita) Tonks of Dartmouth, N.S.,
tlnd the late James and Joseph . Also
loved by his IS grandChildren and 9
gre<'lt-gra ndchildren.
Mr. F'inucan worked for the
County of Branl for 31 years.
Funera I service was held at the
McCleister Funeral Home, Brant·
ford on Tuesday, October 29, 1985 .
Inlerment in Ml. Hope Cemetery,
BranUord .
At Alexanora ospltal, Ingersoll,
on Saturday, October 12, 1985 . Olive
(Chute) Furtney age 89. Wife of the
late Charles Furtney (966),
Loving mother of Mrs . George
Ingham (Jean), Ingersoll, Mac
Furtney, R. R. 2, Ingersoll and Mrs .
Beulah Cody, R.R. 1, Beachville.
Dear sister of Mrs. Bertha Underhill, Tillsonburg, Alfred Chule, Cali fornia, Mrs. Fred Rooke, Tillson·
burg, and Miss Vera Chute of
Lambeth . Also survived by four
grandsons; Ted Ingham of GOOer·
ich, Ken Furtney of R .R 2, Inger·
soli, Bob Furtney of Barrie and
John Cody of Woodstock, and eight
grea t·gra ndehil dren .
Predeceased hy 11 sister Mrs. Lela
Cartwright of Toronto (1985), a
brother Clarence Chute (1963) and a
grandson Bill Ingham (1968).
The funera I service was held at
McBeath Funeral Home on Tuesday, October 15, 1985 at 2 p.m. with
Rev. George Watt· o(ficialing and
interment in Harris Street Cemetery .
The pallbearers we(e Ted ·
Ingham, Ken and Bob F'urtney,
John Cody, make Underhill and
Fred Kimberley.
W~~d~lock (Oxford Centre) in his
821\<1 yeo r.
Dcar husband of the former
Dorothy Hampsoll "nd Ihe late
l3ernice Travers <January 198)) .
Dear father of 1\1 rs. Aubrey
(June) Parking, Woodstock ; Mrs .
Ron (NiLa) Hogg, Thamesford :
lIoward (and his wife Eve), Lon ·
don; Mrs . Joyce Stewart (prede·
ceased 1983). Mrs . Dennis (Wilma)
Ewa ld of Kilchener and step·father
o( Mrs . George (Margaret) Alyea,
R.R. 8, Woodstock; Bitl (and his
wife l3eUyl Hampson, R.R. 4,
Woodstock and Joe (and his wife
Susan) Hampson, R.R. 4, ~ood ·
stock. Loving grandfather of 26
grandchildren and 19 greal.grand·
children .
Brother of Mrs . Ruth Doxtater,
Woodslock and brother-in ·law of
Miss Vi . Travers, Woodstock.
Funeral arrangements were
made by M.D. (Mac) Smith
Funeral Home, 69 Wellington Street
North, Woodstock. The funeral
service was held at 2 :00 p.m.,
Tuesday, October 29, 1965 .at ~hrisl
Church, Oxford Centre WIth lntermenl in the church cemetery.
Those planning an expression of
sympathy are asked to consider The
East Oxford Branch of the Cana·
d·lan Bible Society.
Wilfred Turner, 1,8 3 Thames Sl.
Soulh, Ingersoll, died at Woodstock
General Hospi~l, 'l'uesday, October
22, 1985 .
He is survi ved by his nieces and
nephews , Irene Tanner of Wood·
stock JoyceCatiingo( Georgetown,
Shirl~Y Masters of Leamington,
Arthur Turner 01 Cambridge, snd
Bill Turner of lngersoll. He is also
survived by his sister-in·law, Mrs.
Phoebe Turner of Woodstock, and
by great nieces snd nephews .
Mr. Turner was predeceased by
six brothers and one sister.
The Rev. B.C. Burry conducted
the October 25 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home . Interment
In Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
Pallbearers were Ron Sharpe,
Morris Bruce, Rod Louis, Rick
Dawdrey, Hitch Chapple and Ted
Mr. Turner was born in Brant·
lord .
/;J G cA'J·o a
O e/ ~e,-
Ingersoll man killed in truck-train crash
.'WI .OW f'lISlON
oC ll.R i.crrtil'llel·t,eW'i ••
. SALfORD - An Ingersoll man was killed weSl or here lale
Thursd3.y ahtrnoon when lhe dump IrucK he was driving hll a CP
Ra il freIght Irain at a ra ilwa y CTGSsing .
II lbOk ~lmosl .. n hOLtr' bc(~ Me
E.lf!,:in nrcm~
tilt Jl"WIS of lilt
:.MI ("\'I:IH~Uy ,. (:atm lr.I(~r lD pull
- us,"e
rOW~(~I~ o~~ :d~_~:,e J~n~~
Modg." . lll. oJ III O" lorO Sl .• ~II.
WI w,,~ pro~ du.d Jol r h t~l"Ie' .
ebov. OM lr.iklmt:LU west o( the V'IlJ.te'
M ~ i Qn I ' ~ [ 1'1 SouUt-WI.$I. Odord
cOi'i(l!..-et" and bnktmAn
ud(~riod "'ioor eut.s. ilncS bru~ _ ""tWC
ll'lt- conduC'\Dr ana a.aCl\h~ brnhmfloJ') in.
Il'lt e.boo5t ",-ut: uMUfl.
~ $~rid.a.rd Opf'u w.g ~ of CP
\.r:\iru In tN, U'dl0n u JO.lS mph Tht
\1111'0<1 01 Ih< «>Ui<'oo dcniltd ill,
)ocomot\v-e ~nd lbre<- loadOCl bo.J:ct.(S..
Ind torr l.ij)abotlt 2~ I~l o(U](!
whoe4rIVlng" hcrof \1\ tU.s t.r1iItlor.
·· 1 so .. hi", ,tho 1nIdr., Rylnc 0""'"
!.he t'tIad , ~nd I UIII)ouehl 10 m)'kll 'Oh
my Cod. 2:lC 'S Celre: to hlf U\ll tr.IItr'l:
Jh<I Lhc nel t l.I\~ \ SAW IS A mot.Gt
U'l,g u~~"'1 U.e ~ I r ant;" ""hile- puff oj
"t'bt (lo't> Df IJ'I.t undrm lJv<:k . OtmlN
oy Cold Spl'\ng ~fms or Thlme:dor-d.
\aiM C'1\.I:Sh(!o(l by
C.bumt.l'\ .
tnd.J.A~ u~
und.rnellh 1./1. fully I.. dod """ 01 <1\.
ltuck . Turlce:y rft'd was -'C')[le-rcd
t"trywht:ft'. !t.nd lhe In.ll:k 'l ~i~ ~as
16 leel :. ....... y tram tlte ( .ao.
.51\" . '7
JOHN SCOrf ~~C..EJll:' of Ing~rsoll was killed wesl of
SaICord lale Th~rn()()n when the dump truck ~~ was
drIving hit ~
ltaU (reighl lra i!, ala railway crossing on Con·
cession 1·21n Soulh-West Odord "Cownsrup. He was pronounc·
ed d~d 81 Ole scene.
ISla" pholo by Rick Hugh ... ) ,
rO>l')(; ·
,iroemt11 3t lcmpt cd (0 II"'N' Hod,::t1'1
USIl'lg Ifrr- JAW'S 01 hft. bu l ,,,'\o1l1y
U:sorlf:'d lD pull itl! IIh:- cab OUI from
\IIIdemaOt lhlt btnc ..,ilh ecrlJn\:;·5 /:tm.
UOI(l o r,
The- MDJ..LJ1<rrnP' Y Ira." '.,:1\5 hollol lln.g
p.r(' · lbrm~ UT !K',)I.~
'rom 1\lls:onburg
Woo4.s.(O(~ T,...,., ... ('CIlduclor Jt:fry
MrG(~mttt' ~"aS In U\~ aboo:J.t w!'w",
Lbr :lOC"lck'N o«urr't'd.
" I I,d\al it CClITUft~ . boi.Il tJ(' IW"OI.$. 01.11 o( v. ,
S;o(\ ""h.{o be' hit .
Tl\n'l art ~ h~b or boIr.Tnfn al !'ht
('f"OIS$il'lt. 10001leO Al LJ\t bollotn or :J
' M~
Sloplnl:.tun, C~II. II \ ~.tJ
~ (f"OrS.S '
"'£ CAli
be i d.n~rtm:fi OM' , kh , J o:v.
Pv!t ith. who h;n l IVed bes.c:ll i( lor 11
~' P:'Z~ .
:If:rt'15 .
""Tf.;r.t!\S C'Omt- <hrouth 10000f III"~ ..
d.lto,)' . Dl'IO ~ ntvn (3t1lrU \I, 'l\c-n, Fo..Jr
pr-etry ~r11 pi m, In: ~
I '
John c.a.lt" I'UbJH' ,.~~~ 1l\~1\O,e-r
ID,. CP R.I.;r. ~H;t tJ\iS rna",i", . (rjJlCS
lrom To ronlo iilQ4 ..... . OC" O( w. 1I bt- used
, 0 ~~ I lilt' de-ra~led can. wc1c 01'\ lM
lrat'u He t." 1(pt't't$ ~p.:.I ( t~ (rom
Londooo '*" 111 ~"'t' lhe Ita~ op"t~l i or.a\
I 'H~ tod .. y.
I ;? S
5S Deaths
I/!. - Suddenly. al 51.
s ospilal In Kilcllener.
Lelia Rosella Ballram 01 322
Robinson Streel Woodstock
on her 82 nd ye:". Beloved
wIle 01 Thomas H. Ballram
~nd deaf molher 01 Mrs.
J.,mes IShirteYI ·Milrlin ot
West Montrose. Onl3rio. Bill
Bal.ham 01 $1. Calherines .
. Roherl Allhur 01 Modesto
Callforma. steD mother of
Thomas A. Ballram 01
Woodstock . She is atso sur·
vived by nine grandchIldren
and six greal·i1ranckhildren.
~nd a sister
Mrs. Pearl
Workman of Woodslock .
Friends w,lI be received althe
A O . Longwor(h Funeral
Home. 134 Riddell SI. .
Woodslock all friday trom
2.00· 4 :.30 and Itom 7 '00 .
9:00 p .m. where Ihe funeral
servIce will be held Oil Satur·
clay November 91h al I :30
p.m.. with Pastor George
&adlord of tic rating . assisled
by Pastor T. Watson . Inter·
mellt 10 follow in the Oxford
Memorial Park Cemelery.
M~ ry
LO.VlS - Suddenly on Thurs ·
diY- November 7 . 1985.
Jerry L. Louis 01 4 Oxford
Lane. Ingersoll in his 23/d
VeaL Lovin!:) son 01 Rod and
Shirley Louis . Ingersoll . Lov .
IRg falner of Sheena
. Henh<lwke. eramalea . loVing
brolher 01 Jack Louis. Inger.
5011. Also SUfi/wed by several
aunls. uncles alld cousins
Crandson of Ihc lale Mr and
Mrs J~mes Hutson. FriendS
will be rec(!ived at Ihe
McBeath Funeral Home. 2-16
Thalnes Sireet South. Inger·
SOli. S1\turday 7 . 9. Sunday 2
.4 :30 and 7·9. where ser'
vice will be held all Monday
November I, al 1:30 p .m .
Wllh Rev John Jenllmgs of·
('c(~hng . 'nlermenl Ingersoll
Auto'll Cemele'y. Aemem·
branr;es 10 the Canadian
C:mcer Sociely may be ar·
r~"~etl fot al Ihe funeral.
A){),·~", .s '!r
I ?f" ~
Ingersoll man dies
in single-car crash
PUTNAM - Gerald t.&..W.:i. 22. of 4.
Oxford LflIIC, Ingersol1-:- was pr~'
nounced dead at AlexandrD lIosp'tH\ in Ingersoll Thursduy after a
single.ca r crash ncar P\ltll~lII .
opp al LonuOlI Said LOlliS was
fatally injured after the car he \ViiS
driving wellt ont of conlrol .. UIlU
rolled inlo a ditch beside l\(i{ld\cscx
County Road 29. elUOl1t five kilometres west of PutmJll1. at auou( 11
J) (.- )
N o -'
Ii.? E.5 .s
_." .L .. r ?
'j ' t>
.. '
55 Deaths
Al SI. Joseph's
ROsPiTiir. london on Thurs ·
day Seplember 12 . 1965.
GOrdon Rennie age 78.
Beloved I\usband 01 Ihe lale
Dora Cucksey Md Mal)el
Roulslon , Dear lalher 01
Hafol(J: IngeIS()IJ, Mrs. Aoberl
Park (DorOlhy) . LORdon.
Glen: Thameslord . Dedi
b'olher 01 Mrs Eva Allen'
8,anllo,cl. M,s Aulh Oowes:
WoodSloc~ . MIS . Halley Ken,
nedy (Jean) ; OOlcheSler,
Reg: Boulliers Polnl , Nova
Scolia Also survive(J by 13
grandchildren and 5 9real.
grandchildren, P/sdeceased
\\.\ ~ \.....
Woods lock
Se.~\ ~~\~~\~
5011 Beloved husl>~n<l 01
MIld/cd (Mo/(Isl Budd D~;u
'~II,el 01 MIS 1M M~cKeMie
lOollO~I : R A ,I Bcachv.le .
'"Iowa,(J and h.s w.lo Marlene :
n.n 5 Ingorson . Don~1<J 311(j
hIS wile Julie , ("( R 5 1"{ler.
soil, Dear b,olher or Allhur :
R,A . 5 Inge/soli
Dorolhy CUII;e: 1(\l)elsoli and
MISS GeraldIne Budd : A R. 5
10gelsoll . Also su,vived by 13
g,>ouchiidren: pr"dece~scd
l>y one ~;sler Mrs Stuce HUI ·
cheson (Kalhleen) (1953) ,
F /lends WIll be received allhe
McBcalh Funelal Home . 246
Thames Sireel SOulh, 1"!Wr '
5011 Oil 1uesd ,w NOvQn>bet
191h 1'0"" 2.00 ' ~ . 30 31,<1
7 '00 · 9 ·00p",. u"III 12.00
"oon WednesdilY Ihen ~I
Folden's Unlled Churd, lor
se,vice al 2 , 00 (l m
ncver~"d Audrey Wh.lney 01,
hCI.aling. 'nleHnenl \n H~,.js
Slr .. ,,1 CenltOly , ncnlen\·
b,ances 10 Folden's United
Church McmOliN Fun<l 0' Ihc
challly Of yoU! choice
"'''atloed 101 al Inc lun~r~1
home .
by I son Kenoelh and I
blolher Harvey Friends will
be received al McBeall,
Funeral Home. 2~6 Tl\ames
SI S. InQerSOIl allsr 7:00
p ,m on Salurday whels se/ '
vice wW be held on Monday
Seplember 16111 81 1: 30
pm .. Rev. George Wall of·
flciallng. Interment in Oor·
chesler Cemelery , Remem '
brances 10 ' Ihe Dlabeles
Society or He~1 Foundaiion
n'ay be 3franQeu lor al Ihe
lun .. rill home
~ )":'=\\) T 1.
Goner~1 Hosp'tal on Salurd"y
Novembe' 10. 1965. MU/,ay
Budd age 660/ R 1'\. Singer ·
J:il!Atil - AI Weslfield
1VliiSs3CTiuseIlS, November
12. 1985 , O~lIe (MUlloy)
0ML age 6a , 01 29 eullel '
nlll Ilon<J. Wesllield 0 1085
N.,"ve 01 Four COlne/s,. In
g(!r!'.01I Molher 01 Muttay E
~nd George A. S,Slc; 01 GIani
Mu((ay Jl\d Gordon A Mu, ·
ray. eOllal w8S ;1\ Woodlawn
Cemetery . DellOll MICI>igan
Novernher 18
S£(\)"t ·.f I\)'l:-L
\~ i::::.U:S_
~ - JIm and Linda
IMC£Wefij sle pleased 10 M·
nounce I"., atrival 0/ IhOIl
son. James alake on
No"embo, 2 I . 1985 al 6 ,00
o "!. ,al Aloxandra HOIl,Dilal
weIghIng 7 Ibs I I 018 FlrSI
Q(andchil(j lor Mr. and MIS
James She'1)8: Ingersoll and
anolher g, ao(/child lor Mr
ao(J Mr3. OlJlle McEwen; In:
gelsoll, Special th;:.~~.s to 0,
/leOMa'. Or . Mervarl and
• siall 01 Alexandra Hosoilal,
T. \\) \::.. ~
Q E \..J '1:. ,=--'~0
~()0 <.:::. \\"""\::) ~ ,-.
NOvember 18 1965 . AI.ee
, Evely" MCOorrg..,1I 01 \ 7 ~
, Cl\."lcS Streel East. Ingersoll
.n I\e' 551h year Lov",!) wile
01 J.'\Ck McDougall 8eloved
I\IOlhel or Roher I MeOou{l~n
01 IngerSOll , Sand,~
MeDougnll : R,anilor/'j. O,,~,
~ i sl(" '01 MrS Aulh POle"~" ,
M,s. RoMtI (DoIis) McK.llen ,
hOlh 01 Ingerson ~.\d W~II."ce
G,.Uu\. Ham,UOI\ A.so SU(V4V
C'd hy I grn,It1S0" JNellly
itlltJ S(!vCf.l1 t'll~cas lind
P,edeceased I)y
lIer parents William 11967)
and Eva Gro/hn (1974), lIel
brolller ReQi(\ald (! 969). "el
sj~IClt s Ma'll.arel la(\dlck
( 196~) ;u'd Pau),IlC G,ill,n
(19~9) alld by nn InlMI son
Mu,,:Oy (1961) F "el\d~ w.1I
be receIved .01 Ihe McBe,,'h
FJllrt~1 Home :?~6 TI\M\cs
SI(eel SOulh Inge,soll 110m
2'00 ·
J() ~f\d 7.00 · 9 CO
om Wedl"2S(ji\Y whelc SCt ·
.. cc WIll l1e "eld On TnurSday
NOVClllbp.1 2 1 ~I \ .30 p nl,
wilh Aev , John JellllingS 0/.
Cici~""g. 10,1 e' men I In gel soli
AUI~\ Cemelery
R~mem .
b,noccs 10 IIll'! C;m.1dial,
CM(;er Sociely Inay Ue .11 ,
';1I'!JCd '01 :u u,(t hU\P/:l'
s ~ \\S\' ':i. '\\) E
Q f.:.. '-J ·':c'i:. 1. .4..,)
\\)() .\,) <::::. '''' ~
\ C;
~ '\
Wedding vows
Brenda Leigtr ~~1.u , daughler
of Wjlf and Linaa- Sabollrin of
Ingersoll, was wed to Jeffrey Albert
SStmour, son of Al and Barbara
Seymour of London, on August 24,
Vicki and Jim Weic'Ome wIth love, a
son Joshua Daniel. born November
5, 1985, at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, weighing7lbs. 4 OZS. Proud
grandparenLs are Mrs. M. Dodd of
Ingersoll and Mr . and Mrs. L. Hunt
of Thamesford.
The wedding was officiated by the
Rev. Paul Field at the Trinity
United ChIJrch, Ingersoll. The bride
was given in marriage by her fgther
and mother.
The bride wore a full length gown
:>f taffeta and Jace with a cathMral
train. She wore a matching hat and
three-quarter length vei I and
carried a bouquet of red and white
roses and baby's-breath.
Maid of Honor was Sally VOigt of
London. She wOre a long burgundy
dress wlth 'short puffy sleeves and a
matching hat. Bridesmaids were
Shelley Seymour of Toronto, sister
of the groom, Brenda McMahon of
Ingersoll, and Tammy Bradfield of
Ingersoll. They wore long pink
dresses wlth'short puffy sleeves and
matching hats. They all carried
pink and burgundy and white carnations wIth baby's·breath·.
The groom wore a white tuxedo
with a while cummerbund and tie
and a red rose boutonniere. The
best man was Drew SeIher of
London. He wore a silver grey
lw<edo with' a burgundy clnnmer- .
bund and tie. The ushers were Steve
Sabourin of Ingersoll, brother of the
bride, Jerome <Butch) Voisin of
Kitchener , cousin of the groom,
and John Sadler of London. They
wore silver grey tuxedos with pink
cummerbunds and lies . They all
wore white boutonnieres.
Mr . and Mrs. l.A . Seymour
(Photo by Nelson's Photography>
The reception was held at the
U.A.W. Hall in Woodstock. The
master of ceremonies was Bob
White of Toronto. Guests were from
London, Ingersoll, Woodstock,
TOl'onto, Brockville, Prescott,
SmIth Falls, Carleton Place, Winni·
peg, Edmonton and Iroquois .
The photographer was Nelson
Simard of Nelson's Ph'otography,
The couple honeymooned in
Niagara Falls . They are now residing in Woodstock.
~ Ingersoll and. area."deaths.
Floyd lEu;,) 8d ... o of lUI. I,
SI"".n Collins. S«'e lIom<l. PhIl.
rorcy. \lon C.III .... ond 8111 Sadl".
C,rry L. LoUli:12:T(lxr.t~ L,,"c.
Mr . CI,,~ Is .Iso s"",I'ed by ·hl.
Mf1 . C.lh~ " .•• bot n In 110,,101£· 10g.....II. diM 61
"drJ )100; '
. /loop".1 November l~. 196.1.
porMI3. hlr .• nd ~Irs. AlII,ur CllUk
,IU •. Slle "". . . men,btr or "'e pl ... 1 November 7 . 1~8$ ••
HI!' 1."1 suc\lj"cd by \'\1 ""ifl!, 'II\C
01 n It 1. SaUord.
Bi·W.e.y Peo'It1:6tlJ\1 Churth.·
01 :a CAr tNldel\t.
r. fij(nltr ~hldrtd MDrrls; Ml .sOns.
Th~ He-y . Audrey Whlln~ cOon' .
Dl)lliilliorls Il'Iay ,bo madf' 16 Lhe
rtr ~ ,urvh.'ed by hh d:lug,hlc r ,
t now ..d ,tid ""Ie M"'ltnc or n.ll S. dueled the Nov<mber 1\ lu.erol C,.,dinn Col ..... ~I.(y 10 ' htr SI'otn, ""nlUwhol 8r.m.I •• ; by
f In~.rs.lI. .nd Do".ld Dnd w~o &orvl« 01 ~1<1lc>1I> Fun<,.1 110m.. momory. :
. his p.l'<" 13 lIod hnd Shlrl~y '-""u 0/
' . Juli • • n.n . 5. I"gol'<o)); by his
Inlermt.1 In ' \he fl.,rris · SLretI.
InR,,,oll: hi' brotlltl Joc~ U>.ulcr
• doughltr. ~Irs. I.n (Oon.al
1l 9\\~ ING
• oi InR<r,oU.
~ . M,<l(onlle. n .n,l. B•• ohviUo; ar>d
P.llbu..,. lYert EVAn S"'.~.
M.. ~l nlg.iO bo",nlng. D~"
1I.~·.sprMtc ... stdbyhhg.. nd·
{ by ,I. gr>t>dcMldron.
. Lie'" Rob.r .... Jtl( Dc Druyo. Ted
lormerlyol lnIdon, dltd SAlurday. p.1rOnl3. Ihc "Ic Mr. Md Mil
~Iso ,urolyiog U hi. brOlher ' Th.ma<.nd Dob lIuglll. 1I0 .. rory
No.,mbcr 9. ' lJ'3.S .1 ~Ie>.ndr. Jome< lIullon.
_ Arlhur . Rn s... Il1g('rsatl. Ol\ol,l hI.,
p:.U~DrerJ wNO l>6ugw DUILCI"
The nt". J6hr\ JtrlUilI8s (on ·
~ 1i,I lltrJ Mn;., OorO(hy C\I(rlt-, ln~tr.
nnd nobel I Du,,~I\4'Old ,
SIIC' \.t.' 6S predtcClt.OO b, h('( dl.ltlc4J nl< NOIlt'mbrr II h.,.('(lIl
~ lori, nnd Ml.u: Gunldiru::: Dudd, n.n.
Mr. Cl.!r~ \II.i bar" In jngcrull. '. hU~~lnd. Un: h(~ Fred Downi"8. i.n . 1(" \ljc~.n.t .\lcU('&lh F" .. f\trolUouu:: . I
~ So. rnltrs.oH
lit WolS_ 'armtr And Q member 01 I, )~1,
JnlHtncnt Irtlngel1oIlHUt4\Ceme::.
Mr. Budd IIoU predec<Ased by III.
~1I ... d Churoh.
She iS$ur.lyedbyiler&onBill.nd \try.
~ ,lSi". Ihe 1."
M". Brute . A C.n.,di.n Order of F'oroslers . 'Id.< iloilo l"tI 01 Cl\Jalh.' m. .. •
Pollbe;tr,ro Were Rob Hulsn n .
~ (K.>lhl«nI lIutdolson. In "!>.1.
."<rno,I.I,.,,l/k. "'0, htld N.... m. . A\!6 lurv lylng are her gron6· . Don I\'flg~l. Pol, f'0<1<r. lion
Th, Rev. Audtty Whllney .' ber "underlh •• U.pici.UII Z<:/Idl
children. MrS . Jim lKo,.n> M.y Cluke. Dennis SenJ,mln ,lid
I <",wIIICI'" Ih< No'e'"b<r '~h"'<1 1\1
Courl Sale", 3tO.
. . •. ,.'
n>to of ChoU.,m. M,.. pred Oo.>nl C,II/ill Child.. 1I0n.,,"I ""lIbe,,,,
~ Icr~lct: bl Foldeo'" U,\ittd ChurCh.
~ .: . ,'
Crero . 01 (;1""U 1,.'" m: hu IJe.J;( - \\,A~ Scot! ''It'urwlN.
S. InlNmml ~n' Lhe IhNl! St.r~t ': .
. 8,,,t.dchl'4.hrn Oelh. MIc"rlic And
Mr, I.ouis 'W.o..! bern In fl\~tn.oll.
( Cemeltl"
. JenNler Moy,\<>,d; hu o;,l<r.ln. . lIe wo,kexl 01 Inge"oll Moch\M
r.llb,.",". "' .. e 0111 8udd. :
M.rg".II,~b<-lIoClllllns . 19.0cU " Ia .. Mrs. hlOty (P.AI.II? ..... ~' 01 · sndTool.·
. 114"Y 11.,,1$. R<>NIld Dudd. Jim
Sleee\. Ingenoll. died 01 AI,~.nd(& .' Inge .. oll: her broth,r·ln·low C. n
Donnllol\l moy ~ ",ad. In hi' ,
CUrrie. Doug ~h .. ne .lId Tony
"",plio I Nowmlx-r 13. 19&.
PoUt.h,&hO'M 01 Coldw,lor: .00 •. mornOt')' ""11\0 C• ...,o1J.n Canctr (
M<C~rdl. 1I0nor,ry p.Il"".,.... . She I. ,u"iI.cd by ~r tlllldron •• nl«<. ~l.rlor\ KIIC\lp 0' Ingtr..lI . ". SO(lo(y.
woe Vnnon Culhbcrl. Ib.tty · nick CoIHnJ' .tnd Mr.: Alvlo, .'. The' ne. vJ - JDn" Jtnnlngj eon· • .
.Si"~oa. Jim Pllkinglon. DOli PI"'"
INnne)'1 ThornIOll. · b<llI 01 Ingo" .! dueled the No.omb.. 12 lun<ral ..
• Inglon . Doug Brown. JAck lI>sktll. · .. II: nlld by h~ "'~Ih ... And '• . ,.,vlre 01 M,l)rnlh r"ncr.lllo",o. . 1>11« E"ely" MdJ3ugn ll. !.I. 17\
D()(\ Co",I,v ud J>ek Coope,.
"sl., •. Mr,. John nlHlonl ')nl<rmtollnlngersoll Ru .. l~m .. ehalluS .. WHI.lngorsol!. died AI .
hlr . GI)dd " '0' born hI tdmonloo. . uan.,d.1 Inget'S. I!. MI1I .· PAul
ltey. ...•
Viel.lI. lIospiL>l. I.oOOon. NOytm · ~
" AIl",rl • . Hew . . . I,,,n.r.
ILoui,ol P"'Y. 01 lAndon. aUI . . Mrs. Downlllg wu bo'nln U.llOD ' ,' bcr IS. "II.\..
Oon,lIon< m.y be m~d. In' hi'
Collins. Browns vi lit. M... · 0,,<
Counly..:. '. ' ••.. : .' : ,
'.. Sio. Is su,.'v«l by hor husl",,,d I
memo'y 10 Fold.,,'. Unll.d Chlll'Ch
lC&roly~) hiin,... Albo,LA. COO
J.ck: h<r Ion Robe. I 01 In~o".B. •
Collin•. TiU.OIIbur8. ~lro .' .~ynda ,. ' ~ '. , . ~ .
ond Iler dAughter. S •• dr. 01 sronl·1
: or 16 \he ellIlrily 0/ Y"" 'holce.
II, mer. London. ~I II: . Bob .'.' Froderlck ' ~'Unli.rr:-6$. II R. t. · lold . hlso'lIl'Ilylng Is h~r .randooo
. . CLAI'}\S .
(~Iarllynl Des /{O(h .. , I.ondon. bnd .' Ingersoll. died NO"(lnOor I~. 1!IaS.t Joltmy.
UW·" CI.rk.
I. 5..11.,01
Tom C.III ..... AIOorL'. AlSO SlIf'Iiy· ", ,11.xcnd,. lI",pi~'I.·
MrS. ~lcDo"t.\l i, .",yiVM by ,
": died Wedn •• doy.Novombtr 11, '!m
log M, her p>,rnl!. Bryce ond "
lie Is .urvi.c:d by hl& wilc. Lh' hrr ,iSIOs. Mrs Ruth POI,h,k .1 I
.1 hi. home. '
. Ag'"'' Colli ... 01 Ingono\); . "'" : rorn.er nulh Phillips;' by his....
Ing~"oll. MI!. nober! IDo,") \
He i. <vrvl.od hy hi ....H•• III¢ . gra\ld"'ol""r M,,- I... btlle Sodl",: . F',ed 01 \\'oodll«l< .. R • ..,ld 01
McKlllcn 01 I~K."oll. And by h<r 1
lonnor M&,)orie L",nby; by hi.
olllolo\Onl. ,"d h.r.~,.ndchlld .. n •. ' Cranlo". l.."ry. &1 ' ho"'e. Md
b'ollle, W.lInt< Grillin or Il.>mll· .
1on'D~1I ,od ~ .. .,il. Phylll, 01
J"""n, Meli"".nd Amonda"..,n · . : Jdlrey 01 I.genoll; and by hi'
Ni'B~r. F.II. ; by d.l/chle", Lir>d.,. (.n.
' •. ' .
. . . . .' dA"Khltrs. ~Irs . Dodd IJudy)
She ~'O' prM..".srd oy her :
::: and h.r h"'b>,,~ John (l1~ley 0/
;. , ,,: ':' 1I0bOln' 0' I\',o\\(on. Knthy roy 01 p'rtlll!. II'llIIo,n III 1971 ."d lA,
" n.R . 1. I"11('TSOII. And \<.,c" .nd· . Mrs. Colhns wll p.ed~..ued by ' . \Y<>od~lock. end M". G•• rgo (;rillin In 1961; by "cr shiN '
~ her hu$b>nd Gordon Undo"''OG<! of nrc brolh.r Jim In 19'18.
IDrendal !lIdol. 01 IngoTSolI. AI~ ~lnr~"Il..>ndiek I~ 19&4. her ,1.1« .
Sj\'''Ifon.Onll'dG Als.osorvlvJilg arc
r;\~lor O/\vt NOrtUk\ty'" (6". ' ,\uTv\vl"8ore U R,.ndchlldrtn, one , r;)ullne erW(n In 1m, an"" by I\.c'r
' hl\ G(~ndehlldrCIi . D)vid Aoo Koren
dutltd Ihe No\'elnbt" I~ luncr:al ..... IreJl·grf\IlUsDh, ''''.lid hi, br6lh« f • • Inl., riot r..Ou, MUI lAy.
Mu",\· Du~. ,. InB'"
'011. died .' WoodslOCK Ctneral
68, Jt.
~ ;!:'nk~/~r~,~~~~:~':, ~~df~~C~\~: ~~;;~e!tl ~~C~~~~~U~:~~!llll~~t: .• JO~~ O~~~~C<J~~n~~o,~o~ CrlCHn ~~ dU~~'~ Ic~::' N~:I;~:~~"~II"~~~~; ~
§ UndcrwOOO: .~d hi, ,i,lor ~Irs . P,flbearuJ w". 0>.".. Smith. COl\ducl.d I~ NOI·."'~r IS luno,.' •• 0"''«.' M,BeAlh fun".1 110m •. •
se/I/\cc" McOo.ol.lo FUneral tlom, . .
Inltrmenl In Jnge"oU nwol CcrrI<> .
(cry . . .
A menlori.l.e",l« "n held by
110. no~.l C.n.dlan U,io". Br4n<h
119. No •• mber 11.
~Ir. F"onn(,U ....·o! born In Slniu.
:. en&I~I\6. /-Ie " 'o,ked .. lI\ ,I",,!ri · .
, .t.llon lilt D~'3r quarr)' , •
H(' cnljJ!~d(n the T4'lI\.1c Corps In
, J,...,'-
~Ct\Jt-d wlUI :\outh hlbotA
'. Rcglrnrnl lJld th~ 29th nC'('OnllnU;,
s~n" Co'\\! III rt6~e.!. Ocl~illf!\.
II oil 0 owl and Corm.ny.
w.s •
priJoncr 01 WOlr In Dcrvn.rk. '~m
Mr~ ,
". :
•. ' . '
~ .,
I' l\by King. 49, Jf.T[ =7. Sirolhroy.
. dled.1 h15 homo Novtmbtr 17. I~.
: . lie I, .u, .. ;.ed by hi' wile. Ill.
, I""mer Shlricy £111011; by hi •• ""
. ."r.• in 01 IrtJI<J;S<l1l and doughlu
Mrs Johh (Julkl Verts .Eee,1 01
[ . )(ild'~ .. r; .nd by hi •• 1.p<~lldrC1\
J6hn pnd JALoI\ fit home, And Jodio
!, uf Landon.
IS ~.'S
born In
Tho Oa\l, Cr\nol\ Tom Griffin
Don..lt;'on!!! rn~)' be ~dc tn hi!.
• memory t<> Ihe CAn36iD.n
: Sot'<ly.
E'HSI S)l>nd. 58, C~" llon •
Onl.IMo. ~ied 01 Englell", ond
Dit.lriolliaspl1.11 friday. NOl/emborr
I~. \~~ .
II, I. ,..,.vi,·ed by ~I. wil •. th.
I.rmer 5JI.,0. King; III. <on AIl.n ...
,( ~orne •• nd by ""0111 broth.~
01'" li,lCr.i .
. AIso surYIYI~8 ' or. ~I. ,rond·
.C'OnduN.cd Ih~ No-·tmb<r 18Iun.,,1
I. (hlld" •• Sarah. ' Nichola, .nd . service 01 MeO.31~ l'un.,.llIo,n<.
ll"'"mcnt In tho f'j<ld 01 1I0nor.
I' S~I";a.···
i Mr. KlotK '" ,,,,,,Ived .y ' hI, ·.lngO"O(l nu,.1 C.. mctery.
tnblhu, El.s:lt- Kmg 01 Ltvcrpool,
A Royal C3(1:\-1IDn Legion
btul by hi! stflerl, CYlllhl ,\ lUng 01
n\("Jnorl.,,1 s(,I"Ilct 'tII' ,'1~ hel" NC\ltnl '
.. LlvNpool. And M,,: Hu.1 rrc<:" 01
iJ<o, nun!!'" U,. o"'l>ielo£ 01 1Irl .. ),
Jl9 .
, . The ntv. Po.l field condudcd
\'lhe Navtmbcr \Ii hlntra' un-i(( .'11
~lc\)eAtlI F"~er.1 lIome . lnlermenl
. In In~."oll nunt Cernelery.
J.. lloYlil COr)uSil'f\ l..C$;ion,
l Orlwro:h Uti mtmc>,ial IUvicc \oW"'!
' hold . . •
Mr. KlnR ".s born i" EnRbud . lI<
1;::l~I\~~:~rll' '~tell\ all"t
. IngCTSoIl . .
. ',
Oono((OtIS may b. m~de I" h.. .
• mtmory to UI6 C.n.dl~n Clour..
~ S«-Iely.· .:., .- .~ - . . ,- ... ,: , .1 1 . • /, :
\. FohJUarv to Mov )Oo\S. -= _.:. .' hl ".
I ,'."
Inltronent I~ I"go",oll Rur41 Ctm~ :
l.. y.
J>allbr>rtn " '<10 P.ul ~lc)(llitn. !
D""ny McKlIlen, I'rcd Wtllor •.
Il.,ndy Porcho%, John L>ndick 01\6
Dill Crill In.
Flow~o r btattu wele. Bo"nh~ :
!Vell,r. rloU, Ann McKilicn . Coln~
Hr)'n1ciw, Janice Dowling, CQrolhy ,
Tro"I.s, Msrgart\ L20dlck Bnd ~
D.iJ.fl(ruo" FO
Ale~andla ' Hospital in IngPor·
soil , Murmy S. Ma~on 01 f\ A
I Be;}ChVllle In hIS 5 151 ',leal
Jim and Linda 'Sharpe are thrllled
to announce the birth of their son,
James Blake, born November 21,
1985 at Alexandra Hospital, Inger·
~oll .
lslillgtOIl l\vclI lle Church. \o:(oh\·
coke. wns the sruillg Oil Otlo!)('!' 5,
I!)H~ (or' [he \\'cd([ini{ of C:llhel'illc
Fra~I'.I·. !lnughtcr of Mr. :\lId Mrs.
\I'illi;}11I F . Fr11SC)' of Mis~isS:lugn
' 311t1 UOI\~(d Gill, SOil
UI'. l\1l~ Mrs.
James Gill of Ingersoll, ftcv. H.
Trimble officiated for the dooh!c
ring ceremollY . 1\'1:>.trOIl of hOllo)'
was Carolyn Lewis . The grool\\'s
sisters, Knlh)' Smi( lind Bal'u:I1' u
Gill acted as bd<lcSHI;o.icls. Besl
1111111 W:\~ lIell\'\" V;o.n Asscidollilo
U.~h us \\'(\rc ,'Oilll Frase-r, hr'''t!>rr
(If (hc bride :\11(1 )):\\·c TOIllIlIl~oll IIf
Ingersoll. Af(l'r a h'lIIC),lllOCHI ill
J;tIlI;ricn.l\lr . "11(1 i\h"s . DOli GlIl "re
1101" residillg ill Mississall~:1.
T. {\J C",
55 Deaths
~NJ) E ~S~N - At Oxlo,d
Ursing Home . 10'
gelsoll. on Monday
Decembel 9 . 1985 Olove
(Tabbl Sanderson age 85 ,
10lmerly 01 7 C<lllage Ave ..
IngeisoU WIfe 01 Ihe lale
HallY Sande'son (1962) . lov '
inO motner 01 MIS Thomas
Brazier (Belyll: WiUowdale ,
Mrs Ch3t1eS Wnght (Ma/Y):
R A , 3 Inger sol), Also sUlviv·
od by her g ,artdchlldlen . Wal ·
len , Sh,,(on and Oonald
Brazier . CYllthla. 1 efty .
Sleven anLl Kevin WlIgltl. atld
9'e;}t '0' ondd~ughler M,chelle
B'Mier , Friends will be
receiveo al IIIe MeBeal"
Funelal Home , 2.-)6 Thilmes
51 S. IngeisoU Iro'n 2 00
4:30 and 7:00 . 9 .00 p.m ,
WedneSday where cornp1ele
selvice will be held on Thurs·
day Deceml)er I 2. 1985 al
3.00 p .m. with Rev . Paul
FIeld Ollicialing Inlermenl
Mailland CemelelY.
GOderich, Aemeolblances to
lhe Trinity Ulllled Church
Foundalion 01 ehilrity 01
choice may be ~/(ange(t 101 ill
the lunaral home.
At Wellesley
Hospit al in ToronlO all Mon·
day December 9. 1965 .
David A. I-lowe 01 555 Siler .
boulne Sireei. Toronlo. <lnd
IOlmetly 01 WoodsloCk . in his
2911> yeal. Dear son 01 flank
aM Mona Howo 01 Caledor.
Easl IIOimeily 01 Wilton Cres '
cenl. WoOdSlocl<)
b,olher of J~ne Howe. Silver
Willel . Manitounn Island, ""d
John, Howe (and hiS WIle
LOlli) . Ingelsoll A privale ser·
VICC was held al Ihe n 0 ,
Lon<)wolth Funeli\1 Home .
Riddell SII('('I ,
WoodslOCk al 3.00 p ,m on
WednesdilY, wilh Rev , Petsl
SCali ofliciating, Memori31
conll ibullons to Vicloria C<ll·
lege. U 01 T, may be illlang '
ed at Ille hrncull horne
~~\\)\\. ~.)\:"\-
R SCJ \.... L
~ :\:...
"'\ .'L 10'\ ~ ':::::,
(j~'-<e, ~\::;~.' \\
Beloveo husband 01 (he
lormel OorOlhy Cillfyn_ DeDI
falher of e,enOA. Ian snd
Sleven all al hOl\')e_ Dear son
or Helen Masson 01
WoodSlock , Dear blolher 01
Harold. A A
2 Ingersoll.
e'uce 01 Ingersoll (IIld Nor .
m.1n 01 WOOO$IOck Frienas
..,,11 be received ar Ihe R. 0
Longworlh Funeral Home.
134 Aiddell Slteel ,
Woodslock on lhulsday 110m
2 · 4 :30 and 7 · 9 p ,nt . where
Ille lunelal and commillal ser ·
vices will be held on F/iday al
1,30 p ,m, wilt1 Rev , Lorne
ll'llowel oltoclallng
Tern ·
por;'Iy enlombnlent III Ihe
Woodsrock Mausol eum .
Oo""ttons 10 Ille Onlalio
Hail,l and Slloke Fou/ldalian
0/ COlonary Cale Unit.
Woodslock Genel"t Hospilal
woulcl be gralelully
\S ~'5
UNDERWOOD - AI Atex;tn ·
dl" l""IosPlfal . Ingelsoll on
Thursday Decelllber 12 .
t 985 , Slchley Unrlerwood h,
his 90ln ',leal Oeloved hus· '
band 01 Nellie (Rowland)
Underwood 01 258 Hall
Sireel . Ingersoll Dear lathe(
01 Ernie and his w.le M~vis.
Ed and his wile Helen . Ctill
Bnd nis WIle Lorraine : Inge l '
soU . Deal blolher 01 ArlhuI :
Ric\Imond Hill Dear gland ·
lalhar 01 7 gl3ndCI,ildi en i.llld
11 gre 8\' grandchildr en ,
Plede~(!8sed by 2 sisll!Is.
florellCI') rloullp.dge nn(j H,ld a
Ing"~II\ , 1 blolher HJlold ,
File nos w,lI be lecc,ved al
McBealh Funelot Home. 24()
1 haOles St
S.. Inger soll
wllere COlllplele SCIV'Cto VliII
be held on SatuIIJay
Occan.bel t 4111. al \ 00
p .m . Rev. Paul F,cld 01·
hCI;rhrlO TempoI;}IY enlomh·
mellI, inlelment lalel In Inger ·
soli RUI'" Cemetery , Remem Di anceS 10 llinoly Un,led ·.
Chulch Founualioo o. ule '
CI\~liIV 01 youl choice m;ly be
.,,,atlged lor (II Ihe 11I"e,~1
''.~~::..- - .----.-- -
W I ~L I A M S A I hIS
resi ence , 58 McKe"no
Streel, Ingelsoll on ThVIsday
Oecenlber I 21h , 1985 .
Jose,)" Vlcloi Wilh;rlllS , oqe .
67 Lovillg huSb~nd 01 Ruth ' .
(Coces) WIIIo&mS. Dear lethel
01 led . Don , Nancy. nay"
",ond. LlncJ~ and n,l" Ocor
brolhel 01 Clareoce:
Beachvlllc. Earl: London ...
nose Nolan: London . Colin .
and A/chic : Montreal , F,iends .
WIll be leceived al McBei'lh
Funelal Home. 24G 1 h3mes .
51. S .. Ingelsoll, wl\Cle com ·
olete service will be held Oil
Saturday Decembel 141h al
I I 00 am , r"'lhcr A. Call '
w/.ghl ollicl<Jling lempola'y
enlomb,ncIII , IIII~Imenl laiN.
Sacred Heall Cemetery
Remembr~nces 10 the : '
Caocel Socrety may be al '
langed lor 31 the tuneral
'R. _\..\ 1. ~W
\.~ \
\S ~S
Mrs. Olive Sallderson, 85, formerly of 7 Colta~e Ave ., Ingersoll, died
at the Oxford l1egioflal NUrsing
HOllie, lugersoH, Monday. Decem ber 9, \985 .
She was predeceased by her
~lusband. lhe lale Harry Sanderson,
In 19(;2.
Surviving are her daughters ,
Mrs. Thomas (Beryl) Brazier of
Willowdale and Mrs . Charles
(Mary) Wright of R.H. 3, Ingersoll.
Also surviving are her grand children, Warren , Sharon and
Donald Brazier. Cynthia, Terry,
Steven and Kevin Wright, and her
grea l·gra ndda ughler,
The He\!. Paul Field conducted
the December 12 funeral service al .
McBeath Funeral Home. Int~rmenl
in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich.
Joseph Vida; Williams, 67, 58
McKeand St., Ingersoll , died at his
homeThursday, December 12, 1985.
He is survived by his wife, lhe
former Ruth Coles .
Also survi ving are his sons Ted
0011 and llaYlllond, and hi~
daughters. Nancy, Linda and Rila.
Mr. Williams is also survived by hIs
brothers Clarencc of BeachviJIe
Earl of Loudon, Colin of Montreai
a~,d Archie of Montreal, alld his
SIster, Hose Nolall of London.
,"' ather R Cartwright conducted
the funeral service at McBealh
Funeral Home. Interment in Sacred
Heart Cemetery.
Mr. Williams was born in Mon·
Donations may be made in his
memory to the Canadian Cancer
Society .
7 rances
SClnelliuk, 56. l1.n . 4" Th,Hllesrord
F'lemillg. B2, Ma ples
for Seniors, Tavistock died at hIs
residellce December 13, 1985 .
He is survived by his wife, lhe
former Clara May Ouehlaw, by hIs
sons Norman of Stratford Edward
of Slra lrord and Kennelh of London
and by his dauf:(hters. Mrs. Emmer:
son (Isaoel) Gregory of Stratford,
Mrs. Gordoll (Gerlrude) Lawson of
Woodslock, Mrs. Sylvia Hunt of
Stratford, Mrs. Daniel <Helen)
Shearon of R.R. 2. Ingersoll, Mrs .
Ronald (Marie) Archer of Woodslack, Mrs. Joan Wier of Stra(/ord
and Mrs. Hobcrt (Patricia) Cha~
man or London. Also surviving are
54. grandchildren, 76 great.grand·'
chIldren and his sisler. Mrs. Verdun
(Jean) 'ruer of Stralford.
. Mr. F'!cming was predeceased by
IllS son James in Septemoer 1985,
a nd by four brothers and four
The fiev. Lorenzo Ramirez conducted the December 16 funeral
service 'at McBeath Funeral Home.
Inlerment in the Harris Slreet
Cemetery. .
Mr. Fleming was born in Banner.
He worked as a carpenter and a
cabinel maker.
Donations may be made in his
memory to [he Canadian Heart and
Slroke Founda lion .
died December 9. 1985 at t"exal\dr~
}/o!:pilnl, [ngersol!.
She is survived by her husotlnd
lllll, her sons Bill of n.H. 'I,
Thamcs(ord, and John of Thamcsford. alld by her daughter.. Mrs ,
Paul mose Marie) White or
~lso surviving are three grandchtlUren. her brothers Peter of
R.n. . 2, Thorndale and Mike of
Weiland, cmd her sisters Mrs.
Eugene (Frances) Charchanki of
H.!l-. 2, Thorndale, and Mrs . Mary
Ohver of Elmira .
Mrs. Semeniuk is survived by her
mother. Mrs , Stella Chubak of R.n .
2, Thorndale. She was predeceased
by her father in 1965 .
The Rev. John Sloan co~duclcd
thc fUlleral service at Christ the
King Ukrainian Catholic Church in
London. FUllera I Clrrangcmcllls
were com plcted by Ihe CarrothersSetmer Funeral Home.
Interlllent in Sl. Peter's Cemetery, London .
Pallbearers were Joe Char·
chcllko, Eugene Charchenko, Peter
Chuhak. John Semeniuk Paul
White and Bill Semeniuk . '
Mrs . Semeniuk was boril in Sas ·
DOlla Lions lnay be made in her '
memory to the Canadian Cancer
Thomas Wallace Heron, 76, R.R .
4, Thamesford, died at Sl. Marys
Memorial Hospital, December l3,'
He is survived by his wile Betty,
his daughters and son-in-Iaws Mary
and Steve Ellah of Sweaburg, Ann
and Jim Estill of Guelph and
Heather and Rick DeroO 01 Wood·
stock, and by live grandchildren.
Also surviving is his sister Mrs.
Victor (Ruby) Woods of R.R. 4, SI.
Marys, and his brolher George of
He was predeceased by his
brolher Edwin in 1978.
Pastor Ross Hargreaves con·
ducted the December 16, 1985
at - the
Carrolhers.Bet7.TIer Funeral Home,
Interment in I<intore Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Reg Harris,
Bob Burgess, Bruce Henderson,
Jack Knight, Austin Alderson and
Lindsay Calder.
A Masonic service was held under
lhe auspices of Corinthian Lodge
No, 700 on Sunday eve.ning.
Mr. Heron was a rehred farmer.
He was born in Wesl Zorra Township and was a memb.er of
Cha Imers United Church, Klnlore.
He was a {orlner elder of the
church. past masler of Corin.thian
Lodge No. 700, AF anu AM, Kmlore
and a member 01 the Scoltish Rite,
Bose Croix, and a nnd degree
John Ross Elgie, 62, R.R. 4.
fhamesford, died at Park wood
Hospilal, London, December 15,
He is survived by hIs brother
Percy of Thamesford, hIs sister,
Mrs . William (Velma) Riddell of ,
Ranoch his sIsler Mrs. Gordon
(Jean) 'Murrell and his brother
Sluarl. bolh of R.R. 4, Thames~ord.
Also surviving are several nieces
and nephews,
He was predeceased by his sister,
Mrs . Steve (Mary) Lasuk. and by
his brother Ralph.
The Rev. Don Freeman con·
ducted Ihe funeral service al Ihe
Carrolhers-Belzner Funeral Home
December 16, 1985, Inlerment in
Vining Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Nelson ElIioLL,
Howard McCall, Denzil Paterson,
Harold McCall. Lloyd McCall and
Del Elgie. .
A Masonic memorial service was
held under the auspices of r.:t 0unl
Olivet Lodge No. 300 on Tuesday
evening .
Mr. Elgie was born in London.
II I 1'1' 1': l\S N
On Deccmer- , -985 in the
L:lngley Memori~1 Hospiltd.
Willi'lIlI W;lllrr HipJlrrSOIi. :lge 75
years , 1:11(1 of 5.'170·2()jru Sln~el,
Lilllglcv_ B.C. Memher 01 Oxloro
Hines -ill fi-oghsnll. OJlI<ldK ' Sui'vived uv his \\'ife Hos:I_ Ihree
oaughle(:s l\'liss Joan Hippersoll,
Ingcrsoll; Mrs . Nallcy ~nd fiClY
Lewis. Langley. !:I.C. ; Mrs , [lev nno
Lilrry BliSh, IVhllcrock. D.c.:,: two
sons. Lnrry :llId wile Meryl. Whilehorse: Gre/( alld (inllee I{elly. Vancouvrr: eighl gr[ln~thilorell, three
I!rcal .gr(lndchildrclI : livc brolhcrs
Hoarce. Florida: HOIl, Lloyd,
George and Gerry all o( Ollttlrio.
Numcrous nieces and nephews.
Funer,)! servicc was Sillurday,
Drcct\lher. 21'. 19115 ill 3 p.lII. Irom
lhe Ch"pcl 01 1It:II(\crso\\'s Lnngley
Fllnc!'al [Iollle wilh Mr. Paul
Shill'PC o(ficil1ling _ Cremation ,
k mu;;~Wp'0Jl.
Sidncy Undcrwoo( 89. 258 \-1all
Sirecl, lngcrsoll, <lied Thursday,
Decemher 12. 1985 nt AlexlIndra
lie is survivcu by his wife, Ihe
former Nellie Ho\l'\and. his sons
Ernie and his wile Mnvis. Ed ano
his wife Helen. lind elilf ilnd his
wife Lorr;iinc. all oIIJl/{t:l'sull, :-"olOg
wilh seven grlll\dchi)dl'~n dnd four
great-~ I' a odchi Illren.
Mr. Underwood is <))$0 slIrvivt::d
by his brothel' Arlhur 01 Itichmond
Hili ,
He was prcdecenscd by IIVO
sisters. Flnr(,ncc HOlllledge and
Hilda Ingham, lind by (HIC brother.
The nev. Palll Field cOll(luclCd
the December 14 fllneral service al
Mcl3ralh FUller<1ll1ome , Internlent
in Ingersoll Itural CCOIelery Mr , Underwood was born in
Keltering. EllgIfl)l{l, bul cnme (0
Canada at d young age. He founded
Underwood's Shoe Store in 1918
after returning (rom overseas service during World War I. He retired
from Ihe_ business in .1%5.
He played cornel In the band of
tlie 166th BaHalion during the war
a nd was also in the Signal Corps _
I'M , Underwood played in the
)ngcrsolltolVn band lor many years
ill Ihe Oxford ftilles Band, lor which
he received the long service medal.
lie played in all orchestra llial
pl:lycd dilliler music in Ihe former
B\~halll Restaurant.
lie was a member of Trinity
United ChurCh . where he and his
wife wel'e married 0)1 January I,
)920, AI that lime il was lhe
Mt'lhotlis( Church , He served as an
clucr ;llId on the church's music
cOlrollli{(ec ,
lIe was
member of Ingcrso}1
[or III any years, before
anti during World War II. He also
served 011 the lown's Parks Goard
;1110 l.ihrary Doard. He was on (he
Library Board lor 18 years, acting
as chClirman lor eight.
E:xlremcly interesled In horticul·
lure. Mr, \,Jllderwood was a director
o( the Ingersoll Horlicultura I
DOlla lioos may be made in his
memory to Trini(y Uniled' Church
{uund<llioll or the charity of your
tOWIl coullcil
B l pnB ~ Q ~
6 5 , In 1M
LanOIOY Mllmofial HOSPI\al
William Walle( Hlpoersoo ,
age 7 $ yeorS. laie 01 5470 ·
203 Sileo!. Langley B.C.
Momhe( 01 Oldo(o R'lIes in In·
gelsoll, ant olio . SUlliivied by
hIs wile Rosa, Illlee
' daughIO($ . Mt~S Jean Hlp'
pelson , Ingersoll. M(s , Nancy
(and Ray) LewiS . Langley ,
Mrs. Sev (and L8UY\ BUSh ,
Wtlltefock g ,C .. IViO sons .
Larry and wile Meryl,
Whilehorse , GIO!) and
liancee Kelly. Vancou~el ,
elgM 0'8ndchlldren. Ih(ee
or e al · 01al\dchil dl on. live .
brolhels HOlllce. Flolida.
ROIl. Lloyd , Goolge and
G~r'y . all ot Onl3rlo .
num&IOUS n i eces flod
nephews. Funetal service
SalVlday December 21 s('
\ 965. al J :00 p .m . 110m lhe
chapol 01 Hondelson Langley
Funeral Home with MI. Paul
Shalpo oHiclaling . Clemallon.
1 ,4'
~(\) II' (\~ ~\_
~~ \ J I
I 27 Kin 0 HII am
Slree!. Ing9lsoll. on Monday
Docenlber 23 . 1985. Wilnam
BUll . eoo
I . beloyed hus.
b~nd 01 Mildred (HaycOck)
GUll . 0931 /alhel 01 MIS . Don
ClenChnni.~g (Sealrice) . Ingel'
$011. MfS. Melle Harvey
~Olar.c)) . A n 2 Inge/soll. Edward. R R Sings/sou Also
survived by nine (lrand '
ch ildl en and loul greal'
gr andchlldl en . F,i end s wrll be
l ecelved al Ihe Mc8ealh
Funeral Home. 246 Thames
Slleal SOUl" . Ingersoll. Mon .
day' · 9 p.m , and TueSday 2
· 4 :30 p ,m , Where service will
be held on Thurdsday
Decem bel 26 ~I I ,00 P m ,
No visilal;OI1 ChnSlmas Day .
Rev. GeOige Wall olftciating.
Tempofary enlombmenl. In·
lermenl lal ef In Hal/Is $Ireel
CemelelY . RemembranceJ 10
'hO charily of your choice
may be arranged 10f al lhe
'unolal rlome .
ai 'his .,
..!l.l.l.!.L -
I QS'idc"i)c e.
£.O_LE.. -
Q 'G.0~ E..L0
55 Deaths
a.aE.\O(fB -
~ E A'T H A ELL -
oodslock General HOSpital
On Wednesday Oecembel
2 S , 1985. MYIII" (Lintal
Me~lhr ell. IO/merly 01 267
Welr.nglon Sireet. Inge(soll
W;le oj Ihe lale J N . (Nick)
Mealhrelllig 781 . Deal siSlet
01 Mrs C Anscombe INllla):
Denyer Colorado. Aunl of
Aooerl Gille. Misslssauga .
F Ilands w;! be received allhe
McBealh funeral Home. 246
TI\ames Sireel Souill . Ingel '
sail on Sunday Dec emt>&1
Z91h. 2 :00 . ~ :30 and 7.00 .
9 00 P m , where complele
se/vice w,11 De held on Mon .
day Oecembal 301n . al 1:30
p.rn .. Rey. John'Jennings 01 ·
IIc;allng , Tempor3/yenlomb .
. menl. inlelmenllaler in Ingo/.
soU AUlalCemelery .
S ~ C\J \' 1:. \\) i:: \_
~ ~ \J
1:. E.U)
AI Parkwood
on TuesdAy
December 24 . 1985 .
Kingsley POle. age 9 I ,
Formerly 01 3 I 6 WeUinglon
Stleel Ingerso~ Husband 01
Ihe lale Flolenco fAngood)
Pole (1976) . Dcal lalMI 01
Edward , I"gersoll. $Iuall
A R.2 O~s"wood Kennel"
Oorche<I CI . MIS
PhIllips (Edtlh) Ingersoll. Mrs .
JaM Bowman (Judllhl Gl alld
Also sur~lved Dy
e leven grandGh;ldren and
eighl O, eal grandchild/en
Veteran 01 Ihe I~sl and se·
cond WOlld W8IS , Flienos will
be r eceillcd .,1 Ihe McSealh
F une/~I Home . 246 lhames
$lfeel Soulh IlI{)el soli On
Thu/saay 2· 4 '30 and 7 ·9 pm
where complel~ Set " ice ~/li
be held 011 Ffld~y Decembel
27111 81 I I :00 am. Rev. Paul
Field 0lliCA3ling . Temporary
anlombm" nl inle"nenl lalel
;n EbeneZ8/ Cemelery .
Reme"'bra/l~es 10 Tr;nily
U"iled Church Memo1lal
Fund 01 c;halily 01 yOU(
choice may be atr3nged lor 31
lhe IUI\OIai home
'ROsiiit3I London
:s:. ~ 'r.:. L
\, c..~'S
MUTEAER - In Thunaerb.:ly
O n l allO On Mondoy
December 2,) . 190$. MISS
MMoarci Mulerer IOlmellv 01
Inge/soll O~uOhle/ 01 Ihe lale
Mr Md MIS John MulcrCf .
Predcaccoseu by Ihrce
sis1e's Jean (19A SI Jessie
)I !l77) and Marion 1\ 98J) ' ,
Md one b(olhe( 01 , Ale~ .
MulerOI ( 197 31 Vlsil ~ I'OI\ ;)1
Ihe MeScal h Func/ al Home .
246 Thames Slleel Soulh .
Inger~611 on Froday Decombel
21 Ih . Irom 7·9 pnl whcfe
complel o service ....,111 be held
on SalUlday Decerr'lbel 281"
al I I :00 am. Temporary en·
lombmenl. Inlelm"nl lalel ,n
Ingersoll Rural Cernelely.
$uddenly al !>Il r
,e stdence 174 liSllar Ave .
Tlltsonburl) , on Friday
Dc cemb@r 271h. 198 $ . Jean
(SIevenSon) elewel . Wile 01
Ihe lals James ell~wor
(19 70) Formerly 01 179 Eall
SI,eel.lngerOOIl Dear moll\e,
01 MIS AOborl DMley (Bal'
balalliUsonbVlg. MI S Wayne
Robinson (Belly) london.
Dea( grandmOlher 01 Sleph,n
Oarley . Guelph . wattne and
Shelley RObinson . london
Deal !IsICf 01 MIS Fred Em .
bUly (Vera) IIIgel SOIi . Mrs
SI"w311 8ell fHelen) Grand
Bend. Mrs Edward Albrough
(Ruby) llellion . Mrs Cllallos
W"ghl (Palncia) WOOdsIO(k
William Slevsnso,,'
WOOdstock. Pledece~sed by
o ne SOli F'edrilok I , 956). H~f
PM enlS William and JeSSi!)
SI.evonson. WoodSIOCk ,
F"enos w,1I be receIved allha
McBea.h Funeral Homa. 2<16
Thame s $lreOI Sou'h. Inoer.
5011 on Sunday Oecembet
291h Itom I 2 noO/\ . 4.30
MCI 7·9 pm . wh",e compiele
SOl vice w~1 be neld on Mon.
day Oe~ember 30th "I I 1:00
nln. C~"'on lorn O/ jllin 01 ,
IICialing. Temp%/y enlomLJ .
men!. Inlerm enllale, In Hams
SIIcel CemelolY
Aememba/ance~ 10 'h~
Memorial lund 01 51. J,1mes
Anglican ChUfcn 0/ '"~ cn.,I.
Iy 01 YOuI C'loice may be 8r .
r 3Ilged 101 81 Ihe tunersl
home .
~..,c..C\J\ ::t..%~,_ \...
Q:F- \J ':'" '?- W
l£lltl. OER eXL
AI Alexan·
d ra Hospital. Ingersoll on
Sund a y D e cember IS.
1985. WiKemloA (Van Reos)
lIan der Pyl aQe 75 . Wile 01
Ihe lale luak """ der Pyl
(\ 979) FOlmslly 01236 Hal.
ris SII&el. Ingersoll. Deal
mol her 01 M;,,,,ke and her
hllsband Ronald GIAnger : In·
gelS()lI. de81 grandmOlh&1 01
Chrisline DeB! s;s ler 01 Mrs.
1'om DeWaal (Aiekl: Calgary.
Mrs Glial Hor~lman , William
Van Aees and Elmt>erl Van
Rees all 01 Holand. Friends
will be r ecc,ved al Ihe
McBeaU\ Funeral Home. 2~6
Thames SI. S. '''gorso. on
TuosCSay Decembel 17th
Irom 2:00 . 4.30 and 7:00,
'9 '00 p.m. where complele
selV~e will bd held on
W"dnesday December 181h
~I II :00 am.. Rell. Paul
Field of/ie,aHIIQ. Temoorary
eniombment . inlermonl lalel
in Herris Sireet CametelY
RemcmblQnces 10 Trinlly
Uniled ChurCh Foundalion
may be 311"&nged lor 81 Ihe
Funeral home
.1II IIi r)(.' t-1;'Irie (julhrie, dnllghlcr of
1'''',I;,h nllo jI'lorris I!nr(JeU auo lhe Ilile
I / :lJnlnn (jllfhrie of Ingcrsoll, \\'<l~
" .11 rird 10 I)dl'id .'1eil Colt!hnl\\ , .~<.ol\ Or
illal Alire Colt!h(lm I,)f :17 Joseph
. I'i))solll>urg. on Aug . :11.
It n' Tom II iscock offici" H~d a I the
, ·r l',.. mUliV held al $1. JJau)' ~ lllliled
/ ·irlll'l'h.
ThL' hril\(- was given .ill In;lI'riilgc by
1\(',· _~I
Ih('r Morri!; lln rllc( L
The lrIrI~ \\'1\1'(' ; . ~(l'c('\·lcl\g(h /111'Ij\l(ll~e lillie lillrn sui t with a lacy hlollse
;,,,Ii ;I cOl's ngt.' of while CMl)aliOIlS \l'ilh
ir;rlw 's hrc nlh . The II)OIi<l of hOllor was
Ikllbh til Uarllell. who " 'ore ;1 .~Irecl·
1t')I~lh \l'hile linen suil ;11111 n cnrsi,se of
wllow roses :\nd hilDV 'S hrenth .
. The- besl Ol~n w~s' John Coloham of
T illsn\lhul'g ,
" r(,I'rplion \\"~s he lei at Ihe Copn
('ahi\lIOi Hesl aUI '')nl . in Woollslock _
(ilil'sis wC\,C prescn( from Till~onlJllI' g
;\1'\(1 Ingersoll. A dance \l'a$ hcitl nflcl' 01
lite Circle I( Ilal\('e hall ill Vniol\o:lIc.
Mlcr a \"ccltling Irill to FrankelllYlulh
and (he 'lortllel'll Unilctl Siales IIII' COIl)11(' ,,,"k lip rcsi(]~\lcc al 72 Norlh SI. W.
in Til""nhltl"~ _
(J ~c. ~\'" \:::~d~\­
1IJ1(j Brenl
nnl ted in Illarri?ge 011
SClllenlhcr 7, I!IllS (It Sa](ord Uniled
Churcli wilh He\, . Autlrcy \\'hilHey
offlcinling , Angel:! is I hr dallghter
} \'CI' C
of Hulh ;)11,1
is the Slin Of. /\II'. :lnd I\lrs. G eorge
l!o.\'Ic.~, :\11 of lllg('t'~oll. Calhi
, i\1~lIi:\ was ll1 a id or hOllor . lhi!le.~­
,maills wcre Lori Calhoun alld
, ShCl"r), Itcit!. Junior bl'idcsmaitl
\\'a~ JcnllifC1" Elllo(i . 1I1'~t lllnn \\'M
PCI(' I< nianl7.is lIutI 1I .~ h~rs were
Chuck I>nl'ies nlill Scoll lI~rnc~,
J UllinI' u~hcr wtlS Scnll P.llinll . The
reccplioll W;l~ ltC'ld nl Ih::n()crSOIl
Iiall. Tire rUllpic ~"e flOW rcsiding ill
LO'l(lo H .
"k . :IIlJ "Irs. Ilreltl It() ,rle.~
1) H
~ ,
G j!1
heln;:trsoll1'im .... \\'cd .. Doc.mbo, 4, 19M
KeeRing-SimmQn ~ VO'NS
ehosE< a floor length Hlin gown. 1'he
lilled bodice (e~lured f"r.~ch h;jnd
be.>ded lace appliqu~ comi,,& 10 ~
Clallering pOInt ~r()nl a~oj back
reafurtng 3 hIgh neckline wilh 3
sheer yo~e. The NOledr~ I Irain "'~S
edged with FrenCh G'Jipur~ 13ce. To
complele hcr ensemble. Ihc bride
chose a s~tin tap with p~rls and
scallo...,o edging. She carried an
arm bououet Qf while roses. blue
iriS. white Ires;". pink ,Is".lmen.
and baby·S·breath . .
St John'S A"gllc,1'I Church. TiU·
.onburg, was the selling On September 11. 1~a.S (or !he wedding o(
Carole Simmons, d~ ughter o{ R..>lph
and Donn. Simmons of nllsonburg
~nd Keyin Keeping. son of CJ:>~ley
.. nd Jeanne Kee ping o( ll\gersoll .
The Revorend H.D
R erring o(
I"or-.u'ch o((icialed before
~ s~lling
o( while CDndelobr~. lnd
ments o( hlue iris. daisies, white
(resi. :.nd p,nl( als!tamen3. Pew
mJrkers ""ere while bows tnmmed
with a blue iriS aM baby's·brealh.
:Steve Clover ' waS besl man .
Ushers were Brad Bid"'ell and
Doug SirnmoC\$ and Cary Simmons ,
. brOl h~rs ot the bride and TT'acy
: Keeping. l>rolhe~ o( Ihe groom.
CUl'Sl u;bles re~tured bl~e irises
anc baby·s·brealh .
Brode 's mother wore a slr",,1
len&lh aqu.1 dress. wiOl wnile
accessorres ~nd a cNs lgc o( pink
sweclheart roses. Groom's mother
wore a sl,ee) length duslY rose
drcss ,",'ill1 light grey acee.ssOrl",
and ~ 'ors.age of w~lle ros~ lipped
with p,nk.
Th. brlde'S g,rlS [0 her 311endanlS
were malchlng peorl neckJace and
earnn:: • . The groom's gIlts "'ere
pt"'le~ mu~s .
Kern V.SucK wos maid a! honor .
She wore a coc~~ rI lenglh dress 01
roval blue bro<:ade , The bodice
[ronl had soil plell Cr()",·over and
sharI pulled slee-·es . She ....·Ore 3
malching p~rl edged cap 10 com·
pl iment Ihe bride's. She canle-d
an arm bouqlJel or wh~le [res;a. blue
The or~anisl was Mrs. B'elty AlmaSI
and lhe soloist Doug Simmons .
bralher of Ihe bride. pb.yell gUJtar
~o..:.,;~~....~....::tSIR.--':"____-'::-_-'-_':""_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J and sa ng £,'ersreen , There is Love,
d no Walk H.nd in Hand .
. 'It. ad ~Ir<. Kevin I\t,plng
E.corled b!' her (alher. lJ'Ie bride
IPholo b" Ro,e L<: Sluoiio LId .)
iris, pink alsturneri. and daisies .
Cowned identic~lJy were bridesKim Prouse-O'1\ell, J,tle
Holland, Porn A",,~cll. and Jutie
Keeping. sislClr 1)( Ihe groom . Tiley
carri~d matching a rm bouquets 10
lhal o! Lhe maId or honor ,
Rec.plion u:as held at the Hun·
gariao Hall in Deihl. ~1aster o(
Ceremonie< was Fran!( Webber.
cousin o( tile brid~. Enlert..ainmenl
""as p,oviced by Sunrise.
. H"-'ld L..lble was decorated with a
. blue and ...:hile Oor.)1 .lrrJngcmenL ,
~Ir . znd ~lrs . Ke"ln Kcepln~ ~re
now res iding \II 1n~ersotL
Urcnda Leigh Sabourin, daughter of - ... Christine. deBruin, daughter of
WiU and Linda Sabourin of Ingersoll - ,- BaSi iBitn .ancl Hendrika cleUruin of
Woodstock. was married to Peter
was wed 10 Je [frey A I bert Seymour, SOIl
01 Aland Barbara Seymour of London. ; .-de Boer ·of Ingersoll. son or Jacobus
011 Aug. 24, 1985.
The wedding was officiated by Rev. :
Paul Field at the Trinity Uniled Church -:
in Ingersoll. The bride was given in
marriage by her parents.
The bride wore a full·length gown of _
taffeta and lace with a cathedral train.
She wore a matching hat and three- .
quarter length veit and carried a bou- ;
qu~t of red and white roses and baby's
breath. The maid of honor was Sally Voigt of
London, friend of the bride. She wore a
long burgundy dress with short puffy-"
sleeves and a malching hal. The
bridesmaids were Shelley Seymour o( :
Toronlo, siSler of Ihe groom,: Brenda'
McMahon 01 Ingersoll, Iriend of the
bride, and Tammy Bradfield of Inger-soil. friend of the bride. They wore long ,.
pink dresses with short puffy sleeves.'
and rna tchi ng ha LS, They a II carried ~
pmk and burgundy and white carna-'
liolls with baby·s breath.·
The groom wore a while tu)(edo wilh'·
a'while cummerbund and tie and a red:
rose boutonniere. The best man was·
Drew Seltzer of London, friend of the
g~oom. He wore a Silver grey tuxedo
With 3 burgundy cummerbund and tie.
The ushers were Steve Sabourin of In·
ger~oll. hrolher or the bride: Jerome'
lBulch> Voisin of Kitchener, cousin' of I
the groom, and John Sadler of London
friend of Ihe groom. They wore silve;
grey tuxedoes with pink cummerbunds
and ties and white boutonnieres.
The reception was held al the UAW
lia 11 in Woodstock. The master of
ceremOnies was Bob Whi te of Toronto.
(juests were present [rom London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Toronto.
I3rockville, Preseoll, Smith Falls,
Carleton Place, Winnipeg, Edmonton
and Iroquois,
The photographer was Nelson Simard
of Nelson's Photography in Woodstock,
,The touplc honeymooned in Niagara
r <J lis Thcy a re now residing in
and Margaret deBoer of RR 5,
Woodstock, 00 Oct. 12 at Hi-Way
. Pentecostal Church in Ingersoll,
Rev_ David Naocekivel! offidaled
at the ceremony_ The bride was
given in marriage by her father_
The bride wore a southern belle·
style white dress with beadwork and
a hat with a veil on [he back wilh
beadwork. She carried a cascade of
blue flowers.
Th~ maid of honor was Karen Cole
or Woodstock, The bridesmaids
were P<llricilJ deBruin of 13ramplon
and Elizabeth c1e8ruin. They wore
long dresses in medium blue and
carried round bouquets 01 blue
The best man was Steven deBoer
, of RR 5. Woodstock. The ushers
were Bob Clemence 01 Ingerson and
Lawrence Flameling 01 Stoney
A reception was held al John Knox
Christian School. Guests were pre·
sent from Woodstock, Ingersoll,
London, Toronto, Weiland, Trenton,
Sudbury, Cambridge and Waterloo.
After a wedding trip to Niagara
I-'a lis Ihe coupl e took up rcsi denee iI) .
At Guelph General Hospital on
NOl/ember 30, 1965, to Orian and
Jane Belore, a daughter, Crystal
Nicole. She weighed six pounds, 13
ounces. A granddaughter (or Floyd
aod Elsie Belore, Salford, Ilnd
Murray and Alice Hodgson of
At Alexandra Hospital on Friday,
November 22, 1965 to David and
Winona Neal/e, 295 Vic~ria Street,
Ingerso.ll, a son Shaun Dal/id .
Special thanks (0 the wonderful
slare at Alexandra Hospital, whose
special care \lias much appreciated.
Mr, and
rs. John WesLbere of
Ingersvll and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hooshley of Guelph are proud 10
announce the birth of their first
granddaughter Ann Wesl\)cre, born
November 17, 1985, weighing 7 Ibs. 6
02S . , at McMaster Unll/ersity ,
Hamilton. A beautiful daughter for
Peter a (ld Peggy (nce ; Hoosh ley) of
, .
r(\)c,E.,RSO ·I-..L
\) e c.. ~\'\'\'() ~,-
S ~"S
Cnlherillr. :wd (\I:lrg~rcl Cscllkc y '
anll r.,liehn cl I~~rl . ~ wcre
ulIilCl1 in III ~ rrinl{C on O('lo!>cr ) 2,
I!lR~ ;'II Trinily Unil('d · Church
Illgcrsolt, lI'ilh Hev. Pali) . f.'itlli
cHicinlillj{ . (':llhy is Ihe Ibllghler of
II II'. nile! 1111'S. I'lex Cscukey nllli
lIIille i.~ Iltc SOli 1)( I\lr. ;\11/1 i'll'S.
nuhcrl \\,i~~oll. ~II 01 IJI~r.rsoll .
Viclci Itichnl'tlscn \\'~s III ~i(1 of
1101I0i·., II ri <lcslll nlds wcre ~hirlc)'
1I0.rlc~ , 1'1I1IIilll: ('~CIIlrey :111(1 Jily
r{)ill~rnhcl'l::. Flowcr s::irl '\' ;'I~
Jcnui(rr l{lill~C'llhcrg . lIest 1lI:1J1
\\',15 IIri:l1l B~IIr.IIl:lrc ont! IIS)lel' S
\\'rrc 1\(i)I<' Sider ..Iohll Cs('ukry :'Illtl
.rcl'ry Hllllj!l'uhrq,:. Hil\~ hr :lrl'r
was J;lSIIlI I\en'. Thr. rrc("pl iOll \\';'\5
111'1 It ~I 1t1.'1I[terSI)n IInl!. I\lr . alld
1\11 ' S, I\lillc \\,i~SDI\ hOllcvlIloollrll ill
J:'IIll)lic:l . Th(',v ,~I'C liD\\" rtsirlillS:: III
5S Deaths
IA:I:.L.Q.a -
At Alexandra ospilal on October
17,198510 Tom and Cindy Bennett.
287 Wellington Street, Ingersoll, a
daughter Kimberly Lyn. A sister for
AI his residence
129 Mutual, Sireel Ingersoll,
on MOl1day November I I,
1985 Frank Taylor age 90.
Wayne and Grace (nee McDiarmid)
of Kingston, are pleased to
announce the birth' of Jason Clarke,
born October 30, 1985, weighing 8
Ibs. 1 oz. A wee brother for Christopher Edward. Fifth grandson for
Mrs. J.anet McDiarmid and fourth'
grandson for Mrs, Margaret Partridge. Also 50th grandchild of Mrs.
Dora Cheques of Winnipeg.
Husband 01 Ihe lale Ella (Gall)
(1973). Oear lalher 01 Mrs.
Ronald Grat'll (Oonsl; NictawI,
Nova Scolia. Mrs. Vang
Aobar; Nlclaux, NOva Scolia,
Harold: Ingelsoll, Pal; Inger·
soli. Aobie: Embro. Mrs.
Aobelt Jones (Elhel): 01·
tawa, Mrs. Donald Johnslon
(Madeline) also 01 NiciaUK
Nova Scotia. Also sut'Vived by
'3 grandchildren, 21 greal·
granclchildren, 1 great·greatgranddaughler. Predeceased
by One son Harry (\ 97 5).
Friends will be received al the
War len T. Roop Funeral
Horns, Mlddlelon Nova
Scotia. The luneral· will be
held al NictauK Baplisl
Church on Friday November
15th. Interment In Niclaux
- At hiS residence, R
Sallord, on Wednesday
November 13, 1965, LewiS
Clark, age 66. Beloved hus·
band 01 Matjorle (La2anby)
Clark. Dear lather o( Oell and
his wile Phyllis, Niagara Falls,
Linda and her husband John
Aldley, A A 2 Ingersoll, Karen
and her husband GOldon'
Underwood, Sharon Ontario.
Dear &on 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ar·
thur Clark. R R 1 Soltord.
Dear brother 01 Mr~. Floyd
Belore (Elsie), A R I Salford.
Deaf <;trand/alher 01 David and
Kalen Clark, Jackallne,
'Jer~rny aM Eva·Jean R,dley,
Daryl and Mallhew Under·
wood. Friends will be rllClllv·
ed al Ihe McBea/h Funeral
Home, 246 Thames Sireel
Soulh, Ingersoll alter 2:00
p.m. on ThurSday November
1 4, where the service will be
held on FIldey November I 5
al 1;30 p.m" Rev. Audrey
Whllnsy ol/Iclsling. Inlermanl
in Harris Sireel Cemetery.
Aemembrar"\ces 10 Parkwood
HOSPl161 Memorial Fund, or
Alexandra Hospilal Memorial
fOund or Ihe charity 01 your
chOIce may be arranged lor al
Ihe luneraJ home. Canadian
Order 01 Foreslers memorial
service 011 ThurSday at 7 :30
p.m. under Ihe auspicas 01
Zenda Courl Salem NO.340.
Mr. and Mrs. J tmes
Mrs. and Mrs. Stuart
r nrc
pleased to announce the ma rriage
of their childrell, Mary and Roger.
on October 19, 1985, at St. Paul's
Presbyterian Church.
S' A N ,-/,v~ L
v ,Ii vJ
c.Q!t.I.IN$ -
AI Alexandra
In 9 erso II on
Wednesday November , J,
1985 Marg3rel Isabelle Col·
I,ns 01 Ingersoll in her 50lh
year. 'Beloved daughler 01
Bryce and Agnes CollIns 01
Ingersoll. Dearly loved
mother 01 Mrs. Alvin (Nancy)
Thornlon and R'ck both olin'
gersoll. GrandmOlher 01
Jason, Melissa and Amanda
Thornion. Dear SISler 01 MIS.
John (Marion) Leonard oi In·
gersoll. Mrs. Paul (Louise)
Palry 01 LondM, 8,11 CollinS
of BrownsvIlle, Mrs. Dave
(CarOlyn) Miners 01 Alborra.
Sob Collins 01 T,lIsonburg.
Mrs. Lyoda Hamer of London.
Mrs. Bob (Mafllyn)
DesROChes 01 London and
Tom 01 Alberla. Also survived
by her grandmolhef, Mrs.
Isabelle Sadler 01 Beimoni
and many nieces, nllphews,
aunls. and uncles.
Predeceased by one brolher
Jim (1978). Fr,ends \\1111 be
received 31 Ihe McBealh
Funeral Home, 246 Thames
SI. Soulh, Ingersoll 7 :00 .
9.00 p m. Thursday, and
2'00· 4,30 and 7.00·9'00
p m. Friday whele service WIll
be held on Saturday
November (611"1 al 1.30 p.m.
wilh Paslor Oave NancekievI/f
of1,ciating. Inlermenl in Pul·
nam Cemelery. Remem·
brances to Ihe Canadian
Cancer Sociely may be ar·
ranged for a\ Ihe luneral
rro's'p'n al
f! f::v , c0
;J ., ".,.,..to '? r 1'1
I'") ·, ·S
~:"fngers;,i '~; " S~'~;: :
/loy Novemuer 2 . 1985. £I(,e
M . (Srn,lh) l.anolord. aoa 92 .
01 12' Canle,DlI'Y Slfeel . In·
gerso ll Wile 01 \he lale
George L9(1glord . Dear
moillel 01 Mrs H<lrotd Harkes
(Belly) , Ingersoll. Deal grand malMr 01 Lynn Holley. Lonoon . Carol Lec Langford .
w,'miflglO n Delaware. Mrs.
Ed Undcrculler IS,dn. l< .l.
Connecl,cuu . PredccellS ed
by her slepchildren , Burion
Ulnglord and Jeall Holley
F"ends w,lI be rece,ved alll>e
Mc.Bellll\ Funeral Home. 246
Tnames Siteel Soulh . Inger ·
soli where c.omplcle salViee
w,lI be held on Tuesday.
Novemoer 5 al 1,30 p.m .
Rev: George Wall olhcialinc;),
I,,(ermcnl Ingersol\ Rural
Camelely . Remembrances 10
1M c.haoly 01 yo.u r chO,ce
may be arr 31'1geo lor al Ihe
IUl'l6r 31 hOllle.
)J'J-.l __
L.z.. r
t I on October
\.l Alexandra HOS~I~indY Bennett,
,i, 198'5 It? Tg~:n ~~reel. Inr;crsoll, a
~61 WeI \0. b 1'1 ~yl\ Asisler {or
daughter KIm er
Johnny .
are very happY 0
b' th of their son,
~nounce the
, tl
t st Joseph s nOSStuart Ress a On~rio on Monday,
p oud grand.
pital. London,
october Z8, 1985 . rd Mrs R .
e Dr. an
parents ar d a W"alifornia and
l_ ' 5 pasS en ....
Wa t "In,
dette Warden,
J aek a nd Berna
DaVId an
d ~ ula 214 Midridge
Tom an
'Alberta are
Place, S.E .• Calgary, the birth of
pleased to an~oun~:ra Elyse, on
their firsl Child,
1985 Proud
Monday, October 28,
'd Mrs
grandpa ren ts
N Y and
Peter DWdye~'er~~~e~te ..va·rden,
Jack. an
't- E
J 'm and Mary-Ellen nee veldma~~
d to announce the sa
ar~. please
_ Nicole on Novc m arrIVal of K:~'~l. MaryS Memorial
ber 2, 196&,
She weigned 7
ilospital. St. MaryS . ' \I be a new
I 02
and Kevll. 1 .
playmate (or
e Joe and
Proud grandparents aIr
Dora Zegers, Ingers \ • ~n
and Mary'Veldman. Em ro o
Anne M.. ( 60xon ~ Butler, 4000
Yonge St., Toronlo, 'died at North
York Hospital, Toronto, November
1. 1965. She was predeceased by her
husband, the late James Buller in
She is surVived by her aunt. Mrs .
Ann Becker of Woodstock, and her
uncle George Barrow of rngersoll;
her brother-in-law Victor Thain of
Centralia, and her nephew Jim
Thain of Ingersoll.
. She was predeceased by her
SIsler, the late Pearl ThaIn, in 1975.
Mary Leard conducted the fun eral service at McBeath Funeral
Home November 4. Interment in
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
Mrs. Butler was born in Ingersoll.
She worked as & house wife ,
Donations may be made in her
memory to the charity of your
May Dykeman. 84, 248 Wonham
St reet, I ng ersoll. dIed Sunday
October 21, 1985 at Alexandra Hos~
pi 1.4 I.
She was ' predeceased by her
husband, the late Charles Dykeman
in September 1985.
~.1rs . Dykeman is survived by her
son Charles of London; her daugh Lers Mrs. Robed (Pauline) Miller of
Baltimore , Maryland, and Mrs.
John . (Dorothy) Holmes of Ingersoll; by 11 grandchildren and five
great-grandchildren. Also surviving are her broLhers. Ted Bowman
of Ingersoll and Tom Bowman of
The Rev . Canon Tom Grif(in
conducted Ihe October 30 funeral
service at st. James' Anglkan
Church, Ingersoll. ' Interment in
Oxford Memorial Park Cemetery .
Pallbearers were Wayne Walden
David Dykeman, Ken Miller, Joh~
Johnston. Wilfred Allen and Wilfred
Garratt .
Mrs . Dykeman was born in
Ipswilch, England. She was a memo
ber of Keystone Rebekah Lodge,
and ACW of Sl. James' Anglican
Scoll Hodgert. 30. 221 Oxford
Slreet, Ingersoll, died October 31,
19B5 as the result of an accident.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Susan Locke; by hIs daughter Ashley. at home, and by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hodgerl or London. Also surviving are
his brothers and sisters, Paul Hod·
gerl of Brockville, Mrs . Gary
(Susan) Long of Delaware. Mrs .
Bradley (Leslie) Duncan of London,
Kevin, O'Arcy and Barry, all of
Father Cartwright conducted the
funeral mass al Sacred Heart
Catholic Church November 4. Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Kevin Hodged
D' Arcy Hodgert, Paul Hodgert:
Barry Hodgert, Sleve Witlcveen
, and Ch"rlie Porten.
Mr. Hodgert was born in London.
He worked as a truck driver for
Cold Springs, Thameslord . He was
a member of the Catholic Church.
Donations may be made in his
memory to (he Multiple Sclerosis
SOCiety .
Effie M. Langford, 92, 12t Canterbury Street, Ingersoll. died November 2, 1985 at Alexandra Hospital.
She was predeceased by her
husband. the late George J . Langford .
Surviving is her daughter, Mrs.
Harold (Belly) Harkes of Ingersoll;
her grandchildren Lynn Holley of
London, Carol Lee Langford of
Wilmington, Delaware, and Mrs.
Ed (Sidni K.) Undercufler of
Conneclicut. Mrs. Langford is also
SUI'V i ved by her stepchi ldren,
Burton Langrord and Jean Holley.
Pastor George Wa It conducted
the November 5 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home. Interment
in Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
Donations may be made in her
memory to Ihe charity of your
choice .
Linda Lou Slright. daughler o( Laurie
<Jnd Joyce Slrighl o( Ingersoll and An·
· thOily J()S~J}h Singer . son of Joseph and
· Flora Singer of Woodstock. were mar·
· !"jed on Sept. 28 at Holy Cross Polish
Mission Church .
. Hev . JV\ucha officiated at lhe
ceremony. Janet Strighl. sisler of Ihe
.. bride . and Ann'le Singer, sister of Ihe
groom, reac! special scriptUres. The
· soloist was Lois Bradfield, friend of Ihe
The bride looked lovely in . southern
· belle slyle wedding gown featuring a
· high neckline with a sheer yoke etlged
with ruHlco lace and seed pearls, The
tiered skirt was caught in deep scallops
with <Jppliqued lace flowers. The two
· rows of lace ruffles beneath . lell
gracefully in the back Lo (orm a
c;t(hedral train Antique lace also
adorned (he deep cu(Ced bishop sleeves .
fI matching head piece wilh seed ptuls
ann a floor·length train compleled her
ensemble . She carried a bouquet of
burgundy roses with small ""ilite
· rosebuds, while carMI ions, whi Ie
s(ephanOliS, bally's breath and seed
pearls. II was adorned wilh seven small
· while doves.
The m<Jid of honor was Janet Strighl
of Ingersoll, sisler of the bride ..
Uridcsffiilids were Anne Slright, sisler
of the bride: Garb MeNull, friend 01 the
· bride; Annie Singer, sister of the groom
and Donna Singer, sister-in·law of the
groom. Their gowns were southern
beHc style in burgundy with dusly rose
(rim. They carried lace edged, heart·
shaped bouquels of dusty rose roses,
bUl'gnndy rosebuds, white carnations,
baby's brenln and seed pearls, They
were adorned wHh burgundy ribbons
and while lace.
The !lower girl was Tamyra Stright,
niece o( Ihe bride. Her gown was dusly
rose wilh h\\rgundy trim, identical to
the maid of honor and she carried a
baskel of (lowers ideo lica I to the
atlenda nI s.
The ringbearer was Derek Stright,
nephew of Ihe bride. He wore a tuxedo
matching Ihe ushers'.
The best man was SIeve Foster,
friend of the groom and the ushers were
Harvey Siright, brother of Ihe bride;
I.(!o Singer, brolher of the groom; Ed
Oczkowski, Irienti of the groom and Je((
Zulell. friend of the groom. The groom
wore midnight blue tails and the allen'
dants wore m'ldnight blue IUlCedoes with
dusty rose cummerbunds.
A reception was held al the Ingersoll
Dlslrict Memoria! Centre for approximately 200 guests . The masler 01 of
ceremonies was J)oug Stright, brother
of Ihe bride.
Gues(s nllended {rom Woodsto~k, In·
gel'soll <)Ild surrounding areAS as well
as S;tckvillc. N.H; Port Elgin, 1\.B.;
Calgary, AlIa, Carleton Place,
Goderich, TOI'Olllo, London, Hamilton
~Ild Drall([Orll. The spccial guest was
Ihe bride's grandmother from 1'-:.B.
Af(er & hon~Yllloon trip 10 the
POCUIlOS MOUnl<li,ls . Pennsylvania, the
couple look lip residence in Woodstock .
--~ ~'-~-
/2 ' oJ:tW
Florence ~mpson, 22M King
Street EasL, Ingersoll, died al her
home Monday, October 21. 1985.
She is survived by her husband,
the Rev . James Simpson ', by her
son Rob and his WIfe Caron of
Pickering; and by her daughters,
Donna and her husband Bill Burns
of Greensville, and Kathie Simpson
oC Mississauga .
Also surviving are her grandchildren Scoll, Lisa, Laura and
Krisla .
Mrs. Simpson was predeceased
by her granddaughter Valerie, in
1974, and by her brother, the late
~.g,t1lf J\g: -~ ITtl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gary
Smith were married at Sacred
Hearl Church, Ingersoll, Ont.
on Ailg. 10, 1985. Rev . Charl~s
Campbell officialed . The
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs . Gary Smith of Sk:ye Street
in Ingersoll and the bride, the
former Margaret (Peg) Ring
Alden Haw, in 1969,
The Rev. George Watl and the
Rev . Paul Burns conducted the
October 24 funeral service at First
B'aptisl Church . I!1termenl in Inger·
5011 Rural Cemetery .
Pallbearers were Max Heeney,
John Edwards, Lorne Simpson,
Donald Simpson, BUrton Johnson
and Park Cameron .
Born in Grey County, Mrs . Simpson was a member of First Baptist
Donations may be made In her
memory to the Canadian' ,Baptist
, 217 SI. G~rge Street, Toronto.
Boniface, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.
Boniface of fngersoll, Ont.
~\kJj 7, ,"{. l
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James 'Roy 'A nderson, 63, R.R. 2,
Thorndale, died at Memorial Hospilal, SL Mary'S, OntariO, October
22, 1985.
He was predeceased by his wife,
the late Hazel (Smith) Anderson, in
are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughLer Brend.a
Marion ~ll!.:i to Robert FrancIs
Michael art helmes. son of Muriel
Dllvies, ta mi. F orida , and the
late Cecil F. Barthelmes, The
rn3rriage took palce at Central
IJnit ed Church, Barrie, Ontario,
Ilr(ooer 12, 1985, Rev . Carmen
1(,lllJl'ough officiating. The couple
arc r~siding at Perk insfield,
Ontario ,
/ N 0 EJ
v t(
O Ck,l.,u 30
6 ~.
f) .f ';
Mr. Anderson is survived by his
sons Robert of RR. 2, Thorndale ,
and Jim of Cambridge : his grand·
children Ron, Deb, Sharon, Dan,
Jay, Abel and Mairi ; and his sister,
Mrs. Ella Hodder of l'hamesford,
The nev . Roger Rice conducted
the October 25 funeral service at the
Carrothers-Bet2ner Funeral Home,
Thamesford. Interment in Siloam
Pallbearers were Ron Johnson,
f;alvin Elliott, Orval Weir, Gerald
Johnson , Lorston Urquhart and
Jerry Kwiatkowsk i.
Mr. Anderson was born in London
Township. He worked as a farmer.
He was a member or Thorndale
United Church.
1M ..§
Margaret Barnes, 82, formerly of
218 Hall Street, Ingersoll, died at
Alexandra Hospital, Thursday,
October 24, 1985.
She is survived by her husband
Norman , and her daughters Mrs .
Malcolm (Jean) Campbell of
Newbury, England, Mrs . Norma
Nickason of Ingersoll, and Mrs ,
Judith Larocque of London . Also
surviving are her grandchildren,
Tara and Neil Campbell, Michael
Belcher, Paul Belcher , Cindy
Belcher, Adrienne Larocque and
Jennifer Nickason, plus two greaLgrandchildren.
Mrs. Barnes is survived by her
brothers George Quance of Toronto,
Fred Quance of TiJlsonburg, and
her sisler, Da isy Littler of
She was predeceased by her
daughter, Mrs . John (Dorothy)
Belcher , in t982, by her brothers
Richard, Frank and Tom , and by
her sister Belly.
The Rev. Paul Fjeld conducted
the October 28 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home. lnterment
in Delhi Cemetery ,
Mrs . Barnes was born in Delhi .
She was a member of Trini ly United
Church and the church's UCW. She
was also a member of the Shakesspeare ClUb .
Donations may be made in her
memory to Trinity United foundation or the charity of your choice.
. The inrant "Cll'ti'd'Or George and
Marlene Cartel', 177 North Town
Line, Ingersoll, died Wednesday,
Oclober 23, 1985 at SL. Joseph's
Hospilal, London.
He was the grandson of Warren
and Vera Clifford of Ingersoll, and
Donald and.Jean Carter of London .
A private family service was held
at McBeath Funeral Home, with·the
Rev . George Watt conducting lhe
service. Interment at the Harris
Street Cemetery,
~' .... r
J ()
17J' S

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