Grajske rokodelnice


Grajske rokodelnice
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Duo Center_dizajn_kvadrat.indd 1
31.3.2016 2:01:56
Grajske rokodelnice
v sodelovanju z Loškim muzejem Škofja Loka pripravljata Rokodelski
center DUO Škofja Loka in pletilska zadruga Breja preja.
Z novim sklopom delavnic vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu
želimo popularizirati staro rokodelsko znanje in veščine
ter jih v sodobni preobleki ponuditi predvsem odraslim.
Odvijale se bodo v prijetnih okoljih grajskega parka in
Škoparjeve hiše, ki sta kot nalašč za druženja ob ročnih
Z rokodelnicami vam želimo približati staro, zanimivo in
skoraj pozabljeno rokodelsko znanje, ki ima na Loškem
dolgo tradicijo. S tradicionalnimi postopki bomo ustvarjali
izdelke, ki bodo s svojo estetsko dovršenostjo in uporabnostjo popestrili vaše domove in oblačila.
Mojstri rokodelci vam bodo na rokodelnicah predali pozabljeno znanje, bogata lokalna dediščina pa bo z našim
skupnim ustvarjanjem dobila nov zagon. Z znanjem, ki
ga boste osvojili na rokodelnicah, bo ustvarjalno izročilo
živelo še naprej v podobi izdelkov, ki jih boste vi in vaši
bližnji z veseljem uporabljali.
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31.3.2016 2:01:57
Grajske rokodelnice so namenjene odraslim. Odvijale se
bodo v Škoparjevi hiši v muzeju na prostem, izjemoma
tudi na rezervni lokaciji v muzejskih prostorih. Otroci so
vabljeni na pripovedovanje pripovedk, kadar je to navedeno za vsako delavnico posebej.
Cena: 10,00 EUR, otroci brezplačno.
Cena vključuje vodenje delavnice, materiale, iz katerih
boste ustvarjali, in muzejsko vstopnico.
Število udeležencev je največ 12, obvezne so predhodne
prijave (vsaj tri dni pred delavnico) na telefonsko številko
04 517 04 04 ali na e-naslov [email protected].
V primeru premalo prijav si pridržujemo pravico do odpovedi.
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31.3.2016 2:01:57
Program 2016
10.00 - 12.00 Sorški kamni (polstenje mil z mojstrico rokodelko
Anjo Musek, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
Reka Sora je že od nekdaj pomembno vplivala na življenje
ljudi ob njej: s svojo vodno energijo in materiali, ki jih je
prinesla, je vplivala na razvoj obrti. Ob Sori, na njenem
produ, so ob pisanih kamnih nastajale zgodbe in nepozabne poletne dogodivščine. Izdelajte si polsteno milo v
obliki sorškega kamna v volnenem ovoju, ki ga boste lahko uporabljali za umivanje rok, obraza in telesa, saj zelo
učinkovito odstranjuje odmrle celice s kože.
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31.3.2016 2:01:57
10.00 - 12.00 Izdelovanje vezene broške (z Brejo Prejo)
Broška je zanimiv modni dodatek, s katerim lahko popestrite prav vsako oblačilo. Na delavnici boste s tehniko
vezenja s križci na blago izvezli tradicionalen ali sodoben
motiv po izbiri, nato pa izdelali lično broško. Ob delavnici,
ki je namenjena odraslim, bo otrokom pripovedovalka Petra Čičić pričarala zgodbe iz zakladnice ljudskih pravljic in
loških pripovedk.
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31.3.2016 2:01:57
10.00 - 12.00 Gumb za srečo in prstne igre (z mojstrom
rokodelcem Samom Gašperšičem, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
Les je naraven in obstojen material, iz katerega so ljudje
že od nekdaj izdelovali najrazličnejše rokodelske izdelke. Tudi igrače. Na rokodelski delavnici si boste izdelali
gumb na vrvici – staro ljudsko igračo, ki vam bo poleg veselja prinašala tudi srečo, kajti gumb v ljudskem izročilu
prinaša srečo. Rokodelnica je primerna za družine, saj se
boste naučili tudi prstnih iger.
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31.3.2016 2:01:59
10.00 - 12.00 Tkanje blazine za sedenje (z Brejo Prejo)
Tkalsko obrt, ki ima na Loškem dolgo tradicijo, povezujemo predvsem z izdelovanjem platna. Na prvi poletni
rokodelnici bomo združili tradicionalno znanje tkanja z
recikliranjem. Iz odpadnih bombažnih trakov si boste na
okroglih statvah stkali blazino za sedenje. Če delavnico
obiščete z otroki, jih čakajo zanimive ljudske pripovedke
iz ust Petre Čičić.
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31.3.2016 2:02:00
10.00 - 12.00 Dleta rezbarijo spomine (rezbarjenje z mojstrico
rokodelko Petro Plestenjak Podlogar, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
Mojstrica rezbarjenja modelov za mali loški kruhek Petra
Plestenjak Podlogar prenaša značilne motive še na druge
unikatne lesene izdelke. Tudi različne obeske, ki krasijo ključe naših domov ali nas same … Pod mentorstvom
mojstrice z dleti zarežite v hruškov les in si jih izdelajte
zase ali z njimi razveselite prijatelje.
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31.3.2016 2:02:01
10.00 - 12.00 Izdelovanje kvačkanih počivalnic (z Brejo Prejo)
V vročih poletnih dneh se radi zleknemo v visečo mrežo in
uživamo v dobri knjigi. Na delavnici boste izvedeli, kako s
kvačko in nitjo izdelate počivalnik/kokon, ki vam bo služil
kot odlično skrivališče v senci dreves in oaza miru v poletnem vrvežu. Ob delavnici bo pripovedovalka Petra Čičić
otrokom povedala ljudsko pravljico.
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31.3.2016 2:02:02
10.00 - 12.00 Ročno izdelaj papir (ročno izdelovanje papirja z
mojstrico rokodelko Lili Panjtar, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
Papir je eden od najpogosteje uporabljenih materialov
v našem vsakdanjem življenju. Način izdelave papirja so
iznašli na Kitajskem, v Evropo pa so to dragoceno tehniko
prenesli v srednjem veku. Osnovni način izdelave papirja
uporabljamo še danes, čeprav so se materiali in tehnologija precej spremenili. Žal pa je dandanes vse več tudi odpadnih materialov. Na delavnici bomo reciklirali star papir,
tekstilne ostanke, rastlinske dele in ročno izdelali papir z
osebno noto.
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31.3.2016 2:02:02
10.00 - 12.00 Tkanje zapestnic (z Brejo Prejo)
Tkanje je bilo že od samega začetka povezano z uporabo
naravnih materialov, največkrat lanu. Na preprostih statvah si boste stkali pisane zapestnice iz naravne slovenske
Prijazno vabljeni tudi otroci, v družbi pripovedovalke Petre Čičić boste doživeli čarobni svet ljudskih pripovedk.
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31.3.2016 2:02:04
10.00 - 12.00 Speč' ta mal kruhk (peka malega loškega kruhka z
mojstrico rokodelko Lili Panjtar, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
„Ta mal kruhk“ je kot okusno pecivo znan že od začetka 18. stoletja, ko so peko tega medenega peciva v Škofjo Loko prinesle
redovnice klarise, znanje in stare recepture pa živijo še danes.
Medeno testo, pripravljeno po starih receptih, boste odtisnili v
lesene modele, spekli in domov odnesli dišeči medeni kruhek.
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31.3.2016 2:02:05
10.00 - 12.00 Izvezi si blazino za sedenje (z Brejo Prejo)
V hladnih zimskih dneh so naše babice vezle, zlasti na posteljnino in prte. Na delavnici boste na novo odkrili čar te
skorajda pozabljene umetnosti in si olepšali izdelke, ki jih
uporabljamo vsak dan. Na krog iz volnenega filca boste izvezli tradicionalen ali sodoben motiv in si izdelali blazino
za sedenje. Med vezenjem bodo otroci poslušali ljudske
pripovedke iz ust Petre Čičić.
Duo Center_dizajn_kvadrat.indd 13
31.3.2016 2:02:07
The Castle Handicraft
in cooperation with Škofja Loka Museum are organised
by Art & Craft Centre DUO Škofja Loka and the knitting
cooperative Pletilska zadruga Breja Preja
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31.3.2016 2:02:08
in cooperation with Škofja Loka Museum are organised by Art
&Craft Centre DUO Škofja Loka and the knitting cooperative Pletilska zadruga Breja preja.
With the new series of workshops, which will be held every third Sunday of the month, we wish to popularize the
old crafting skills and offer them primarily to adults in a
contemporary guise. They will take place in the pleasant
setting of the castle park and the Škopar House, which
are perfectly suited for socializing accompanied by the
arts and crafts. It is our wish to bring the old, interesting and almost forgotten handicraft skills, which have a
long tradition in the Loka region, closer to the people. We
will use traditional methods to create products that will
brighten up your homes and clothing with their aesthetic
accomplishment and usefulness. Through the handicraft
workshops, master craftsmen and women will pass on the
forgotten knowledge to the people, whereas the rich local
heritage will gain a new momentum with this joint creative process. The creative tradition will continue to live with
the knowledge and skills gained in the handicraft workshops in the form of the products that you and your loved
ones will gladly use.
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31.3.2016 2:02:08
The Castle Handicraft Workshops are intended for adults.
They will take place in the Škopar House, in the museum and
outdoors, in special circumstances also at a reserve location
in the spaces of the museum.
Children are invited to listen to the tales, as indicated for
each workshop separately.
Cost: 10 EUR, children free.
The price includes a guided workshop, the materials of production and a ticket to the museum.
The maximum number of participants is 12, bookings
must be made (at least three days prior to the workshop) by calling +386 (0)4 517 04 04, or writing to
[email protected].
We reserve the right to cancel any workshop with insufficient
registered participants.
Duo Center_dizajn_kvadrat.indd 16
31.3.2016 2:02:08
Programme 2016
10.00 - 12.00 Sora Stones (felting soap with master of craft
Anja Musek, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
The Sora river has always had a significant impact on the
lives of the people close by: it has had an effect on the development of craft and trade with its hydropower and the
materials brought by the river. On the banks of the Sora,
on its pebbled shores alongside the colourful stones, stories and unforgettable adventures came to life over the
summers. Make yourself a felted soap in the form of a Sora
stone in a woollen wrap, which you will be able to use for
washing hands, face and body, since it is very effective for
removing dead cells from the skin.
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31.3.2016 2:02:08
10.00 - 12.00 Creating Embroidered Brooches (with Breja Preja)
Brooches are an attractive fashion accessory, which can be
used to spice up any outfit. At the workshop you will be
using the cross-stitch embroidery technique to sew a traditional or contemporary motif according to your choice,
and then make an elegant brooch. Alongside the workshop, which is aimed at adults, children will be kept busy
by storyteller Petra Čičić, who will conjure up some stories
from the treasury of Slovenian folk tales and tales from the
Loka region.
Duo Center_dizajn_kvadrat.indd 18
31.3.2016 2:02:11
10.00 - 12.00 Good Luck Button and Finger Games
(with master of craft Sam Gašperšič, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
Wood is a natural and durable material, which people have
always used for the manufacture of a wide range of hand
crafted products. This includes toys. At the handicraft
workshop you will make yourself a button on a string – an
old folk toy, which will, in addition to providing amusement, also make you lucky since buttons are the bearers
of good luck in the folk tradition. The handicraft workshop
is suitable for families, as finger games will also be taught.
Duo Center_dizajn_kvadrat.indd 19
31.3.2016 2:02:13
10.00 - 12.00 Weaving Cushions for Sitting (with Breja Preja)
The craft of weaving, which has a long tradition in the
Loka region, is primarily tied to the making of linen. At
the first workshop of summer we will bring together the
traditional knowledge of weaving and recycling. You will
weave cushions for sitting from waste cotton strips using
round looms.
If you come to the workshop with children, they will be
able to listen to some interesting folk tales told by storyteller Petra Čičić.
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31.3.2016 2:02:13
10.00 - 12.00 Chisels Carve Memories (carving with master of craft
Petra Plestenjak Podlogar, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
A master of carving the moulds for the small Loka bread,
Petra Plestenjak Podlogar also adorns other unique wooden products with characteristic motifs. This includes various pendants that adorn the keys to our homes or are
otherwise worn as accessories ... Under the guidance of the
master of the chisel herself, you will cut into pear wood
and create these for yourself or make something to brighten up the day of a friend.
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31.3.2016 2:02:13
10.00 - 12.00 Creating Crocheted Rest Nests (with Breja Preja)
There is nothing better that resting back into a hammock
and enjoying a good book on a hot summer day. At this
workshop you will learn how to use a crochet hook and thread to create a recliner/cocoon that will serve as a perfect
hideout in the shade of the trees and an oasis of calm in
the bustle of the summer.
Storyteller Petra Čičić will tell the children a folk tale during the workshop.
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31.3.2016 2:02:15
10.00 - 12.00 Make Your Own Hand-Made Paper (papermaking with
master crafter Lili Panjtar, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
Paper is one of the most widely used materials in our everyday life. The principle of making paper was invented in
China and this valuable knowledge was brought to Europe
in the Middle Ages. The basic papermaking method is used
to this very day, even though materials and technologies
have drastically changed over time. Unfortunately nowadays there are more and more waste materials. We will
recycle used paper, textile remnants and bits of plants at
the workshop, in order to produce hand-made paper with
a personal touch.
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31.3.2016 2:02:15
10.00 - 12.00 Weaving Bracelets (with Breja Preja)
Weaving was tied to using natural materials, mostly flax,
right from its onset. You will be able to weave colourful
bracelets from natural Slovenian wool using a simple loom.
Also warmly invited are children, who will be able to experience the magical world of folk tales in the company of
storyteller Petra Čičić.
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31.3.2016 2:02:18
10.00 - 12.00 Make That Small Bread (baking the small Loka
bread with master crafter Lili Panjtar, RC DUO Škofja Loka)
That small bread" is a tasty pastry known since the begin-
ning of the 18th century, when the baking of this honey
bread was brought to Škofja Loka by the nuns from the
Convent of St. Clare. This knowledge and the old recipes
live to this day. You will make the honey dough using the
old recipes in wooden moulds, bake it and take the sweet
smelling honey bread home with you.
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31.3.2016 2:02:18
10.00 - 12.00 Making Embroidered Cushions for Sitting
(with Breja Preja)
Our grandmothers used to embroider during the cold win-
ter evenings, especially using bedding and tablecloths to
do so. At the workshop you will rediscover the charms of
this almost forgotten art and decorate the products that
we use in our daily lives. You will embroider a traditional
or contemporary motif on a circle of woollen felt and create a cushion for sitting.
While embroidering, children will be able to listen to some
folk tales as presented by Petra Čičić.
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31.3.2016 2:02:18
Kontakti / Contacts
Zadruga Breja preja
Reteče 215a
4220 Škofja Loka
Tel.: 040 528 387
E-mail: [email protected]
FB: Breja Preja Cooperative
Rokodelski center DUO Škofja Loka / Razvojna agencija SORA
Mestni trg 34
4220 Škofja Loka
Tel.: 04 511 24 60
E-mail: [email protected]
FB: Rokodelski center DUO Škofja Loka
Loški muzej Škofja Loka
Grajska pot 13
4220 Škofja Loka
Tel.: 04 517 04 00
E-mail: [email protected]
FB: Loški muzej Škofja Loka
Zloženka Grajske rokodelnice / The Castle Handicraft Workshops leaflet
Izdal / Published by: Loški muzej Škofja Loka, Grajska pot 13, 4220 Škofja Loka
Zanj / On its behalf: Aleksandra Saša Nabergoj
Besedilo / Text: Nina Arnuš, Aleksandra Saša Nabergoj, Kati Sekirnik, Jana Fojkar
Fotografije / Photographs: Arhiv Breje preje, Karla B. Rihtaršič, Loški muzej Škofja Loka,
Vito Debelak in Sašo Kočevar
Lektoriranje / Language editing: Lidija Jurman
Prevod v angleščino / Slovene to English translation: Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi
Grafično oblikovanje / Graphic design: Mito Gegič
Tisk / Print:
Naklada / Edition: 1000 izvodov / copies
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31.3.2016 2:02:18
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31.3.2016 2:02:19