Auto Magazine Inventory


Auto Magazine Inventory
Alphabetical Order
(Red are those added after sending to ADM)
1 0-60
Fall 2008 is Vol. 2, No. 4.
2 1001 Custom & Rod
3 1001 Rod Ideas
Have seen Fall 1973
4 1001 Truck & Van
5 190 SL Group
10/76 is Vol. 2, No. 6.Changed (Argus)
names to Sport Trucking
around late 1978/early 1979.
8/83 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
6 2+2 Times
3/85 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Pontiac 2+2)
7 300 Star Letter
Startup unknown.
(M-B Gull Wings)
8 356 Registry
Startup unknown.
9 4 Drive
10/03 is #1.
10 4 Wheel Drive
11/84 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
11 4 Wheel & Off Road
4/78 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
12 4WD Action
13 4X4
8/85 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Changed (McMillen Pub)
to 4WD Sport Utility.
3/85 is #1.
14 4X4 Power
7/99 is Vol. 4, No. 7.
15 5.0 Mustang
6-94 is Vol. 1, No. 1.There was (Combined with Super Fords)
a special from Super Fords
with Spring 1992 being Vol. 1,
No. 1.
Startup unknown.
16 911 - The Porsche
17 911 & Porsche World
18 A-C-D Club
19 Action Era Vehicle
20 Air Cooled News
21 Air Brush Action
Startup unknown.
(Quarterly, Harris Pub)
(A quarterly from Argus Pub. I've seen Spring,
Mid-Summer & Summer of 1970, plus 1977 Jan
& Feb where it was then a monthly)
(Monthly, Petersen)
Summer, 1990 is #1.
8/70 is Vol. 18, No. 7 Startup
9-10/74 is Vol. 8, No. 3
Startup unknown.
3/97 is No. 129 Startup
Have seen Sept-Oct 2008.
22 Airflow Newsletter,
23 Alfa Owner
06/62 is Vol. 2, No. 3.
(Air Flow Club)
1-57 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly from Pfanner Catheron & Brown Pub)
24 Alfacionada
11/07 Startup unknown.
(Alfa Romeo)
25 All About Porsches
May 1978 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Coronado Pub)
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26 All American Chevy
27 All Chevy
28 Alternative Cars
29 Alternative Cars
30 AM Magazine
31 AMC Clubsport
Startup unknown. Have seen
May, 1991.
8/87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(A monthly from McMullen Pub)
Have seen Summer &
Autumn 1980.
1983 is #1.
(British, quarterly then bimonthly)
Summer 1991 is #111.Founded (The Official Magazine of the Aston Martin
in 1935.
Club, British)
Have seen July 2008 only.
(Australian Motorsport Club)
32 American
Startup unknown.
Austin/Bantam Club
33 American Car World 5/93 is #1.
34 American Cars & Parts Aug/Sept 1985 is #1.
35 American Driver
Startup unknown.
36 American Motoring
Jan-Feb, 1979 is Vol. 3, No. 1.
(American Motors)
37 American Motorist
(Monthly from AAA)
40 American Rodder
March 1922 is Vol. 14, No.
3.See below.
Appears to be the 2nd coming
of this name from AAA.
March 1941 is Vol. 14, No. 3.
9/64 was the first with 12/69
being the last.22 issues total.
10/87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
41 American Thunder
3-2004 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
42 America's Best
Annual, Modern Day
Periodicals.) 1983 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
1982 is Vol. 1, No, 1; Vol. 1 No. (Annual, Modern Day Periodicals)
2 was not until 1983 and Vol.
2, No. 1 was 1986.
1984 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Annual, Modern Day Periodicals)
38 American Motorist
39 American Rodding
43 America's Best Ford
44 America's Best Hot
Street Cars
45 America's Sports Car
46 Americar Australia
47 Antique & Classic
48 Antique Automobile
49 Antique Car Times
(Monthly, Official Publication of the AAA
(Quarterly from Popular Library)
(Monthly from Paisano Pub with 2/97 listed as
#92. Also states "Now Combined With Hot Rod
March/April 2012 is Vol. 2,
(Bimonthly, National Corvette Museum)
No. 21.
#1 is 01/89. Short-lived mags.
Startup unknown.
Winter 1954 is Vol. 18, No.
4.Est. 1937.
8/68 is Vol. 10, No. 9. Startup
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50 Antique Motor News 9/67 is Vol. 1, No. 7.
& Automotive Swap
51 Antique Parts and
, 1/61 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
52 Antique Studebaker
Startup unknown.
53 Arizona Bird Chatter
54 Arrow Driver--The
Startup unknown.
55 Arrow--The
Startup unknown.
56 Aston
The Journal of the Aston
Martin Heritage Trust.
Spring 2007 is #1.
57 Aston Martin
(Big Sever Restorers Club)
(Pierce Arrow)
58 Aston Martin Owners I have seen Autumn 1956.
Club I have seen
Autumn 1956.
59 Aston Martin Review 2008 is Vol. 5, No. 1.
60 Aston Martin
Have seen Winter 1999.
62 Auburn Cord
Duesenberg Club
63 Audi Magazine
Startup unknown.
64 Austin Healey
65 Australian Modern
66 Australian Monthly
Motor Manual
67 Australian Motor
68 Australian Motor
Startup unknown.
71 Auto & Design
June-July, 1999 is # 116.
72 Auto Aficiando
March/April 2005 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
(Station Wagons)
9-99 is No. 1.
Have seen June & August of
1964 only.
11/51 is #68.
7/46 is Vol. 1, #4.
Have seen 1982 issue #1, a
(Kenmure Press)
1971 Annual and a 1985-86
Annual that is listed as #15.
69 Australian Motor
Started off as just Australian
Sports & Automobiles Motor Sports. 10/54 is Vol. 9,
No. 10.
70 Auto
2/52 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
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73 Auto Age
2/53 was the first with 6
issues in '53.'54 had 4 issues
(2,5,7,10). '55 had 5 issues
(2,5,7,9,11). '56 had 7 issues
(1,2,3,4,5,6,8). 8/56 was the
last issue. 22 issues total.
74 Auto and Motor Sport May 1964 is listed as Vol. 1,
No. 7. Started in 1963.
75 Auto Classic
Startup unknown.
76 Auto Craftsman
(Mixed publishing dates from Lion Books)
(A monthly from Motor Sports Illustrated Pub)
77 Auto Driver
States "Formerly Motorsport”. (Bimonthly, H-K Pub)
Feb. 1957 is Vol. 8, No. 1,
whole #53.
See Automobile Topics.
78 Auto Events
July-Aug 2005 is Vol. 2, No. 4.
79 Auto Express
Sept. 23-29, 1988 is #1.
80 Auto Gallery
1/87 in #1. Did not last a
3/95 is #1.
81 Auto Italia, Britian's
Only Italian Car
82 Auto Mechanics
(British, weekly)
83 Auto Passion
Had been Home & Auto
(Monthly, Ziff-Davis Pub)
Mechanics with the last issue
being 7/56.Have seen 8/55 of
H.&A.M. April 1957 of A.M. is
Vol. 2, No. 9.
8/90 is #38.
84 Auto Performance
10/82 is #1.
85 Auto Racing
10/66 was the first issue.
(Bimonthly/monthly, Performance Pub./Lyle
Went through 4/69 as a
Kenyon Engle Pub)
bimonthly and monthly from
6/69 to 7/71. 42 issues total
plus two specials (4/66 Jim
Clark & 1/69 AJ Foyt).Vol. 1
was 1966 & only two issues
(Oct. & Dec.).Feb. 1967 is Vol.
2. No. 1.
86 Auto Racing Digest
7/73 was the first (bimonthly) (From Century Pub)
through '74 when a Spring
was added.'75 had only
1,6,9,11 & this ended the mag.
87 Auto Racing History 'The Journal of the National
Auto Racing Historical
Society." 7/79 is #1.
88 Auto Racing Memories Started in Fall 1981 as Auto
Racing Memories &
Memorabilia. Fall 1983 is Vol.
2, No. 5 of ARM&M. By Fall
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1985 is was just ARM.
Summer 1986 is Vol. 5, No. 4.
89 Auto Restorer
1/59 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
90 Auto Sounds &
6-94 is Vol. 5, No. 6.
(Monthly, McMullen & Yee)
91 Auto Speed and Sport 1-52 was Vol. 1, No. 1.With
(Monthly, Trend, Inc)
2/53 being the last.14 issues
total. Became Auto
92 Auto Sport Review
Printed in 1952-53 only for 9 (Bimfort, Inc)
issues. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7-8, 9, 10-11,
& 12.1953 was 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10-11, & 12.
93 Auto Sports, An
15 issues total. 1962 was 10,
International Racing 11, &12. 1963 was 1-2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11-12. 1964
was 1 & 2. Became US Auto
Sports with the 3-4, 1964 issue.
94 Auto Sportsman
Only 4 issues printed, 1953
(Trend, Inc, later Petersen Pub)
was 6, 7, 8 & 9.
95 Auto Tech
3/88 is #1.
96 Auto Topics
See Automobile Topics.
97 Auto Trade Journal
98 Auto World Weekly
Have seen March 1915 issue (Clinton Co)
that is Vol. 19, No. 9.May have
merged with Motor World.
3/27/01 is Vol. 2, No. 7.
99 Autos International
4-90 is #3.
100 Autobuff
2-86 is Vol. 5, No. 2. Startup
Spring 1962 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(See Collector's Car.)
Founded in 1895. Have seen
4/30/37. 3/11/49 is Vol. 94,
No. 2784.
Have seen 11/11/49.Started
around 1900.
Startup unknown.
101 Autocar--The
102 Autocar Magazine,
103 Autocar & Motor
104 Autograf
105 Autocult
106 Automobile - The
2011 seems to be the only
12/82 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
107 Automobile
4-86 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly from Floyd Clymer)
(British, weekly)
108 Automoble Electricity British, monthly.) Have seen
11/31 only.
109 Automobile Quarterly Spring 1962 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
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110 Automobile Sport
Have seen 11/82.
111 Automobile Trade
Started around 1896.Oct. 1919 (Chilton Pub)
is Vol. 24, No. 2.In 1933 the
cover stated "Including Motor
World Wholesale."
Automobile Topics
Started in 1900.Monthly
(a.k.a. Auto Topics. Floyd Clymer got this mag.
through 1966, went bimonthly in 1952)
in 1967 & 68.Also one
bimonthly in monthly string
was 9-10/53.Changed to Auto
Driver with the 2/69 issue,
still as a bimonthly. Died with
the 10/70 issue.
Have seen July 1922 and as
Magazine, The
late as 1970. 5/29 is Vol. 13,
No. 5.
Automotive Body
(ABRN) Dec. 2011 is Vol. 50,
Repair News
No. 12.
Automotive Business April 1962 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
116 Automotive Daily
117 Automotive Digest
118 Automotive
119 Automotive Fine Art
A newspaper, having seen
12/22/28 only.
Have seen May 1929. The
10/50 issue states "Serving the
Automotive Maintenance
Industries for 38 years."
Renamed Automotive Service
Digest in 1951. Have seen
nothing past 1960.
Earliest seen is Dec. 1970.
Had been SAE Journal. Have
seen SAE through 1965.
(See Quarterly of Automotive Fine Arts
120 Automotive History Summer 1997 is #31.
121 Automotive Industries Earliest seen was
(The Class Journal Co, later Chilton Pub)
9/22/34.1/3/18 is Vol. 38, No.
1 & the latest is 1963.
122 Automotive News
6/11/49 is Vol. 24, whole
(Weekly, The Newspaper of the Industry)
number 3193.
123 Automotive News,
6/26/96 is Vol. 2.
124 Automotive Service
Have seen 3/56 only.
125 Automotive &
Have seen only 3/15/46. By
Aviation Industries
1951 it was known only as
Automotive Industries.
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126 Autosport
127 Autosport
Have seen 1/17/85 listed as
Vol. 98, No. 3 and 12/31/87
listed as Vol. 109, No.13.
8/25/50 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British, weekly)
128 Autosport Britain's
Motor Sporting
129 Autotech Magazine
8-25-50 is Vol. 1, No.1.
3-88 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly from Automotive Technologies
Magazine, Inc)
130 Autostyle
10/96 is #1.
131 AutoWeek
Started as Competition Press
& Autoweek (3/21/64 to
4/10/64) then Autoweek &
Competition Press (1/5/74 to
12/28/74) before becoming
Autoweek. It was in a
newspaper format until the
start of the 1986 issues.
See Autoweek.
132 Autoweek &
Competition Press
133 Avanti Arrow
134 Avanti
Startup unknown.
135 Azimuth (Hummer)
Started as a newsletter before (Monthly to quarterly to twice a year, The
becoming a magazine.4/65 is Avanti Owners Association International, Inc)
Vol. 1, No. 1.Winter 1966 is #8,
Spring 1977 is #34 &
Spring/Summer 2005 is #130.
Startup unknown.
136 B-Body Review
Feb/March 1987 is #1.
(National B-Body Owner's Ass)
137 Badge Bar Journal, A
7/56 is No. 29.
(Sportscar racing from San Rafael California)
138 Bangers, The Crash
139 Banzai
March/April 1994 is #1.
Dec 1999/Jan 2000 is #1.
140 Beam - The
Startup unknown.
141 Beckett Racing &
9/94 is #1.
142 Bentley Driver's Club 9/57 is No. 46.
143 Best Hot Rods
(Annual from Mechanix Illustrated/Fawcett
144 Beetle Collection
145 Big E
(The Official Publication of the Bentley Driver's
Club, Ltd)
Four issues only: 1952, 1955,
1957 & 1969.
1993 is #1.A VW Motoring
Have seen first issue. It
appears to be late 1967/early
(Edsel Owners Club)
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146 Bimmer
April, 1998 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
147 Bird Nest - The
(Vintage T-Bird)
148 Bird-News (T-Bird)
Startup unknown.
149 Blue Bars (Vette)
Spring, 1987 is Vol. 22, No. 2.
Started in the mid-'60s.
Startup unknown.
(Lincoln Zephyr V-12s)
150 Blue Smoke
151 BMW Car, The
Independent BMW
152 BMW Magazine
7/94 is #1.
153 BMW Power
Have seen Winter 1998.
154 Boom Times
Startup unknown.
155 Bow Tie Bulletin
Startup unknown.
156 Bow Times
3-93 is Vol. 1, #7.12-94 is Vol. (Monthly, Bow Tie Chevy Association, Tri-5
3, #4. & 3-96 is Vol. 4, #6. See Chevys)
Chevy Times.
6-88 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(From CSK Pub. Issued four times a year in
June, Aug., Oct., & Dec. See Note #1)
157 Bracket Racing USA
Have seen 2/93.
158 Bric Line
Startup unknown.
159 British Car & Bike
A bimonthly, 1-78 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
Sometime between 4/88 &
(Bimonthly. Was British Car & Bike and later
12/89 this mag became British became Classic Motorsports)
Car. Sometime between JuneJuly 1991 & Nov. 2003 it
became Classic Motorsport.
The Times British Motoring
Survey. Have seen 10/54 to
Apr 1993 is No. 1.
(A bimonthly)
160 British Car
161 British Car Industry
162 British Cars
(British, Bricklin)
163 British Motoring
164 Brute Force
4/6 2004 is Vol. 34, No. 2.
(I have found a magazine named The Times
British Motoring Survey that was a yearly of
new models. The earliest I've seen is 1964. May
be the same magazine)
(Chrysler 300)
165 Bucket Sheets
8-97 is Vol. 30, No. 11.
(Corvette, Monthly, College Press)
166 Bugantics
1/37 is Vol. 6, No. 1.
167 Buick Bugle
1/68 is Vol. 2, No. 9.
168 BuickOldsPontiac
Collector's Guide
169 Bulb Horn - The
4-93 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly from MCG Pub)
From Bulletin with the 3/40
(Bimonthly magazine, Veteran Motor Car Club
of America)
170 Bulletin
A monthly newsletter from
(Veteran Motor Car Club of America)
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172 Bulletin, The
3/39 to 1/40 when it became
Bulb Horn.
Sept-Oct 1988 is Vol. 29, No. 6, (Bimonthly, Plymouth Owners Club)
whole number 178.
Nov/Dec 2002 is #478.
(Bimonthly, Alvis Owners Club)
173 Burnout Magazine
03/04 is #19.
174 Caddie Chronicle
Startup unknown.
171 Bulletin, The
175 Cadillac Connoisseur Startup unknown.
176 Cadillac Past
Startup unknown.
177 Camaro Now
Have seen only the 2010 issue. (The 5th-Gen only Magazine, Source Interlink
Have seen Summer, 2003.2/11 (by Super Chevy, started as a one-off, then
is Vol. 8, No. 2.
quarterly, then monthly)
178 Camaro Performers
179 Camaro World
10/01 is Vol. 2, No. 7.
180 CAR
181 Car, The
Had been Small CAR.1/65 is (British)
1984 was #1.
182 Car & Competitor
Startup unknown.
183 Car & Driver
184 Car Action
(Ziff-Davis Pub) Formally Sports Car
Illustrated. 4-61 is first C&D issue.
185 Car Buff Magazine
Have seen No. 2 for 1982 &
(Arden Communications)
No. 3 printed in 1984.Startup
The 12/70-1/71 issue is #1.
(Bimonthly, Car Buff Inc)
186 Car Choice
5/83 is #1.
187 Car Classics
3-92 is No. 1.
188 Car Classics
Consumed by Car Collector (Ames Pub)
on 2/79 to become Car
Collector and Car Classics on
2/79. 12-66 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Ames Pub.) Only 62 issues
printed plus 2 yearbooks from
1966 to 1979.See Note 9.
Took over Car Classics on
(Classic Pub)
2/79; Vol. 1, No. 1. See Note 9.
5-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1 as Honk! (Monthly, formally Honk)
The first seven issues were
Honk! with 12/53 (Vol. 1, No.
8.)being the first Car Craft.A
digest sized mag and
remained so until July 1959.
Took over KART in 1961. In
the early years the
volume/numbering system
189 Car Collector
190 Car Craft
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was really mixed up.They
repeated numbers and later
skipper some. This was
cleared up with the 1/67 issue
when it became Vol. 15, No.
1.Also, see Note 18.
191 Car Craft Performance #1 is dated 1983 and titled
"How To Build a Street
192 Car Collector News
Earliest I've seen is 1/88.
193 Car Culture Style &
194 Car Design
Sept. 2003 is issue 100.
Winter 1983 is #1.
195 Car Discoveries
5/90 is #1.
196 Car Exchange
Became Nostalgic Cars on Oct. (monthly, Krause Pub)
1987 as a bimonthly. From
Dobbs Pub. See Note 9.4-79 is
Vol. 1, No. 1.
1/64 is No. 22.
197 Car Graphic
198 Car History Magazine 12-65 is #78.
199 Car Investor &
200 Car Kulture DeLuxe
7/89 is #1.
201 Car Life
Feb 1954 is Vol. 1, No.
(Motor Pub, monthly)
1.Ended with Sept 1960.Bond
Pub bought the name & fired
it back up with the Feb. 1961
issue. This mag finally died
out with the Oct. 1970 issue. It
was incorporated into Motor
Trend with the Nov. 1970
4/58 is #1.
202 Car Mechanics
203 Car Magazine
204 Car Mechanics
#1 is Summer 2001.
Started as 'Small Car & mini (British, monthly, Bauer Automotive)
Owner' in 1962 and was
renamed 'Car' in 1965 and
later 'The Car' as a
weekly.Have seen 'The Car'
for 1985 being named Vol. 2,
No. 23.On 1/89 it was printed
"Incorporating Small CAR and
April 1958 Vol. 1, No. 1.Have (British)
seen to Dec. 2007.
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205 Car Nut
6-84 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
206 Car Parts & Accessory 11/99 is #1.
207 Car Speed and Style 12-57 is Vol. 1, No. 1.See Note (Ace Pub, small mag)
208 Car Topics
Jan. 1926 is Vol. 5, No. 55.
209 Car Toys Magazine
4-95 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
210 Car Test & Road
211 CARS
Winter 1992 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
212 Cars Australia
Have seen 10/88.
213 Cars and Car
214 Cars and Clubs
10-71 is Vol. 8. No. 10 & 5-72
is Vol. 9, No. 5.
5-58 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British, monthly)
215 Cars & Karts
10/60 is Vol. 1, No. 2.Have
seen none past 1962.
10-57 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
216 Cars & Parts
(Quarterly, Euro-Media pub)
3/53 is #1.
217 Cars By the Editors of 3-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Lasted
(Bimonthly, Fawcett Pub)
Mechanix Illustrated only 12 issues (1953=3, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, & 12.1954= 3, 4, 7.)
218 Cars
See Note 13.12-59 is Vol. 1,
(Royal Pub. Monthly)
No. 1.
219 Cars Illustrated
bimonthly.) 1986 is Vol. 4, No.
(Country Wide Pub
220 Cars Illustrated
9/59 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
221 Cascade Pacific
Startup unknown.
Plymouth Club
222 Cavallino, The Journal Sept/Oct 1978 is No. 1.
(British, bimonthly)
of Ferrari History
223 Celebrity Car
Have seen Summer 2004.
(DuPont Registry)
224 Champ Car
Feb/March 2000 is Vol. 1, No.
225 Championship Racing Have seen 3/99.7-00 is Vol. 17, (Formerly Indycar Racing Magazine)
No. 6.
226 Challenge, Goodyear 1975 was 1st year.
Motor Sports Club
227 Chassis
2-85 is Vol. 1, No. 8.
(Started as "Chevy Classics & Muscle
Machines." Primedia)
228 Check the Oil
229 Checker - The
.March-April, 1990 is Vol. 11, (International Petroliana Collectors Association)
No. 3.
4/03 is Vol. 45, No. 4.
(Official Publication of the Central Florida
Region SCCA)
230 Checkerboard News - Startup unknown.
(Checker Motors)
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231 Chequered Flag
(British, "The
Magazine of Road &
232 Chevelle Report
3/92 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
233 Chevrolet High
Later it became a bimonthly (Quarterly from Petersen as 'Hot Rod High
then monthly know as Chevy Performance Series')
High Performance with 1/90
issue. Vol. 1, No. 1 was dated
Spring 1975 is #1.
(Quarterly, Sunshine Pub)
234 Chevrolet Illustrated
4/82 is #1.
(National Chevelle Owner's Club)
235 Chevrolet Street
236 Chevroland Nues
Have seen Summer 1976.
10/76 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Jim Prather)
237 Chevrolet Street
1-75 is Vol. 4, No. 1.
(Monthly changed to quarterly in 5th year,
Challenger Pub/Rod Action)
238 Chevy Action!
Spring 1991 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly, Dobbs Pub)
239 Chevy Action
It died in 1977.Started in
1965.7/74 is Vol. 9, No. 4.
Startup unknown.
(A bimonthly from Popular Pub)
240 Chevy Bible
241 Chevy Camaro
242 Chevy Classics
243 Chevy Classics
244 Chevy Classics
245 Chevy Classics
(Have seen 1976-77 issue)
Started as a yearly, went
(From Car Craft Performance Series)
quarterly & either bimonthly
or monthly. Have seen 1979
issue. The 1980 issue is listed
as No. 2.A 1987 issue is listed
as Vol. 4, No. 4.Have seen
nothing past 1987.
1980 is # 1. 1981 is #2. Last
(By Hot Rod)
issue seen is 1984 Vol. 4, No. 4
& appears to have been taken
into the Car Craft
Performance Series.
I feel this was the old Hot Rod (By Car Craft)
Performance Series
continuation. The oldest issue
I've seen is 1985 Vol. 1, No. 1.
A quarterly then yearly by
Super Chevy.) Seen 2000
Summer and 2007 issues
The World's Best Resource for
Restoring & Upgrading Your
'55-72. (Monthly, Classic
Chevy International (Classic
Chevy Club International,
monthly.) 7-07 is Vol. 33, No.
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246 Classic Chevy World
247 Chevy Customs
Have seen 8/77, Vol. 3, No. 9 (Chevy Tri-Fives, monthly)
& as late as Dec, 2005.
Have seen Nov. 1982.
248 Chevy Enthusiast
Startup unknown.
249 Chevy Fever by Cars
1982 had #1 & #2 while 1983
is #3. Have seen none after
Summer 1990 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (Quarterly, Louisiana Golden Classics)
250 Chevy Golden Shop
251 Chevy High
Also see Chevrolet High
(Petersen Pub. bimonthly then monthly)
Performance. Spring 1986 is
Vol. 1, No. 1. Changed from
Chevrolet to Chevy at the start
of 1991.
252 Chevy Hi-Performance 1969 was Vol. 1, No. 1 and
(Argus, from Popular Hot Rodding)
was listed as a Chevy Hi
Performance Manual.1976 is
Vol. 7, No. 1.
253 Chevy High
(Yearly, Argus) This is the 2nd time for the CHP
Performance and
title. I've seen CHP&AG for 1975 to 1986)
Accessory Guide.
254 Chevy Mania
From Brazil. Have seen 11/92.
255 Chevy Power
258 Chevy World
April 1974 was listed as
(Quarterly then monthly, Countrywide
#57.Have seen 1/73 is Vol. 3, Communications/Engeldrum Publishing)
No. 1.
Aug/Sept, 2002 is Vol. 2, No. (Bimonthly, Buckaroo Comm)
Jan. 2000 is Vol. 1, No. 1.On
(Monthly, Late Great Chevrolet Association)
the cover it states this mag
was made from the combining
of Late Great Chevys, Bow Tie
Chevys & YesterYear Chevys.
Startup unknown.
(Have seen 1981 Annual)
259 Chilton's Motor Age
See Motor Age.
256 Chevy Rumble
257 Chevy Times
260 Christian Motorsports Have seen June 1997 to 2002
Illustrated, Chrysler only.
261 Christophorus
Started in 1952.
262 Chrysler Car
June, 1996 is No. 133.
Enthusiast Engines etc.
263 Chrysler Power and
Have seen Aug/Sept. 1985 is (The Best of .4/89 is Vol. 1, No. 1)
Performance Mopars regular issues.
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264 Circle Track
1/82 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
265 Circle Track and
266 Circuit Driver
April, 1971 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Petersen)
267 Citroenian
The Perfect Line (British)June,
2004 is #59.
Startup unknown.
268 Citroenthusiast
Startup unknown.
269 Class 1
An Autosport Magazine
special with 1995 being #1.
Have seen 3/99.
270 Classics
(British, Also known as Classic Monthly)
271 Classic & Custom
Started in 1980. 4/5-80 is Vol. (A bimonthly from Rogelio Cevallos)
1, No. 1.
272 Classic & Special
The first issue is Aug.
Interest Cars
1980Vol. 6, No. 4. Have seen
(Quarterly & monthly) from 1980 to 1983. The Fall
1985 issue of Hi-Performance
Kit Cars is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Within this issue it states this
magazine was "Formally
know as Classic & Special
Interest Cars."
273 Classic & Sportscar
6-82 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
274 Classic American
Driving the American Dream.
June/July 1991 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
BUT there is a 1988 issue
listed as No. 1. In 1992 it
incorporated VEE magazine
(A Harley-Davidson
275 Classic Auto Restorer 6/89 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Went
(From Fancy Pub, became Auto Restorer)
monthly on 10/94 & coverless
on 7/97.
276 Classic Automobile
7/8-97 was #2.
277 Classic Car - The
1-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
278 Classic Car
279 Classic Cars
10/73 is #1.Became
Thoroughbred & Classic Cars.
Have seen 2/96.
280 Classic Cars & Special
281 Classic Car Mart
11/93 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
282 Classic Car Weekly
(See Classic & Special Interest Cars)
283 Classic Cars For Sale
A newspaper? May 2, 1990 is
No. 1.
4/00 is #1.
284 Classic Chatter
Startup unknown.
(Vintage Chevys)
Page 14 of 62
285 Classic Chevy World
12-74 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, The Classic Chevy Club
International, only Tri-5 Chevys)
286 Classic & Special
Interest Cars
Spring 1984 is the 1st issue.It
had been Old Car Illustrated
and became Hi-Performance
Kit Cars.
4/82 is #1. Incorporated Old
Motor & Your Classic date
4/03 is Vol. 8, No. 8.
(Quarterly, Challenge Pub)
287 Classic & Sportscar
288 Classic & Vintage
289 Classic Ford
Have seen 6/98.Went monthly (British, bimonthly later monthly)
around 4/98.7/06 is #119.
290 Classic Ford Heritage April-May, 1996 is #14.
(British, monthly)
291 Classic Jaguar World
292 Classic Monthly
293 Classic Motorsports
Started in 1924.Jan. 2001 is
Vol. 12, No. 12.
See Classic.
(British, monthly)
294 Classic Olds Journal
The highest number of British (Bimonthly, Motorsport Marketing, had been
Car I could find was #91
British Car)
(June/July 2001) while the
lowest number for Classic
Motorsports is #105 (Nov.
2003.)The name change was
between these dates.
Startup unknown.
295 Classic Outlook, The
1981 was #3.
296 Classic Performance
297 Classic Porsche
1993 is No. 1.
298 Classic Replicas
299 Classic Sixties
300 Classic Trucks
301 Classic Truck Trends
Have only seen Nov/Dec.
The 1987 issue is #1.
Became Popular &
Performance Car Review on
May, 1984 and Muscle Car
Review on 9/87. See Note 2.
1-83 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
4-02 is Vol. 11, No. 4.
Have seen the 2001 Annual
302 Classic Van & Pickup 12/01 is Vol. 2, No. 2.
303 Classic VW's
304 Classics Magazine
(British, bimonthly)
(Annual, McMullen Argus Pub)
A VolksWorld Special. The
1993 issue is #1.
"Incorporating Retro and
(British monthly, Highbury-SLP)
Classics."8/97 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Also see Retro and Retro &
Page 15 of 62
305 Cloisonne Calendar
Startup unknown.
306 Club Elite
Startup unknown.
307 Club Lotus News
2000 is #1. This may mean the (British)
1sr issue for 2000 and not the
actual start-up date.
10-78 is Vol. 2, No. 2.
308 Coast Car Collector
309 Cobras
310 Coilbox Courier
This magazine is super rare.
Sold all issues except Spring
1993 (Vol. 1, No. 1.)
2-56 is Vol. 5, No. 2.
311 Collectible Automobile 5-84 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
312 Collector Car Market
313 Collector Car News
8/05 is #1.
(Bimonthly, VRM International)
3/86 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
314 Collector's Car-9/79 is No. 1.CC was taken
Incorporating Veteran over by Thoroughbred &
and Vintage
Classic Cars with the 10/81
issue of T&CC making the
9/81 CC issue its last. Veteran
& Vintage was left behind
with Lord Montagu and his
other magazine, Autocar.
315 Collectors Cars, Price A Classic Car
Guide & Action
publication.Spring 1989 is #1.
316 Company Car
1979 is #1.
(British monthly, IPC Consumer Industries
317 Competition Car
Aug 1973 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British, Competition Pub)
318 Competition Press &
319 Complete Kit Car
See Autoweek.
Have seen 3/10.
320 Complete Volkswagen
321 Component Car
11-12/88 is #1.
322 Concept Cars
Autumn 1992 is #1.
323 Continental
324 Convertible
(From Petersen)
326 Cormorant Flier
4th Qtr.-94 is #200.Fall 1977 is (Lincoln)
Have seen April 1990, Vol. 5,
No. 2.
Summer 1983 is the 'Premier (Dell)
Edition' Vol. 1, No. 1.
327 Corsa Communique
9-78 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
328 Corsa Quarterly
Summer 1975 is Vol. 4, No. 4. (Convairs, quarterly)
325 Convertibles
Page 16 of 62
329 Corvette Classics
Startup unknown.
330 Corvette Corner
May, 1978 is Vol. 3, No. 8.
331 Corvette Enthusiast
01/98 was Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Amos Press)
332 Corvette Fever
10-78 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Took over Keepin' Track of Vettes '92 &
merged with Vette on 10/10)
333 Corvette Magazine
9-02 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly then 8 times a year)
334 Corvette News
1971 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Later
(Made for GM)
became Corvette Quarterly in
Spring 1988 is #1.Had been
(Made for GM)
Corvette News.
Summer, 1978 is Vol. 5, No. 1. (From NCRS)
335 Corvette Quarterly
336 Corvette Restorer
337 Corvette World
7/89 is #1.
(Bimonthly, Harris Pub)
338 Corvettes Unlimited
7-76 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Became Keepin' Track of Corvettes after three
339 Cosworth Vega
340 Country Car
Startup unknown.
341 Country Life
342 Crank 'n' Throttle
'Motoring Numbers.'
(British.) Have seen 10/15/81.
Startup unknown.
(Willys Overland Knight)
343 Crash & Burn
Startup unknown.
344 Crest & Wings
Startup unknown.
345 Crosley Quarterly
Have seen March 1978.
Startup unknown.
Jan/Feb 1974 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (A bimonthly subtitled "The Official Publication
of the Montgomery Ward Auto Club.")
346 Crossroads
347 Cruisin' Style
348 Crusin' USA
9-10/95 is #1.
349 Custom Car
Earliest seen is Dec. 1999.
(Independently published monthly)
Startup unknown.
Part of the Hot Rod
(Quarterly, Petersen)
Automotive Series that came
out in May, July, Sept, Oct.
This 1986 issue is Vol. 4, No. 1.
3/70 is #1.
350 Custom Cars
9/57 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
351 Custom Car Gazette
Monthly, The
352 Custom Car Grilles
Have seen Sept. 1974.
1961 is #1.
353 Custom Classic Trucks Started as Custom & Classic (Bimonthly--later monthly, Primedia)
Trucks and changed names on
4/96.4/94 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
354 Custom Corvettes
Have seen the 1963 issue.
(By Hot Rod, Petersen's Spotlight Books, Inc)
Page 17 of 62
355 Custom Craft
11-59 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
356 Custom Illustrated
7-58 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
357 Custom Painting
A 1983 issue is listed as Vol.
1, No. 3.
Have Winter 1991.Startup
358 Custom Rodder
359 Custom Rodder
360 Custom Rodder
(A small bimonthly from Harle Pub. Went to 9a-year on May, 1963)
(Quarterly, Hot Rod/Petersen)
(Quarterly, McMullen & Yee Pub. This is the
3rd time around for this title. It is sub-titled
"The Trendsetter.")
Summer 1981 was Vol. 3, No. (Second time around for this title, this mag is
5!!!!) Startup unknown.
sub-titled "The Complete Street/Custom
Magazine." A quarterly from McMullen Pub)
361 Custom Trucking
5/57 is Vol. 1, No. 1.(This
(Small, bimonthly-monthly from Ace)
magazine name was used at
least two more times.) 7-57 is
Vol. 1, No. 2 & 11/57 is Vol.1,
No. 5.BUT, 10/59 states "Our
sixth issue of our seventh
year”. Go figure. It went
monthly in its second year.
The last issue is 1/65.The first
issue I've found of Rodder &
Supper Stock is 3/65.
1978 is #1.
362 Custom Vans
1/76 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Twentieth Century Pub)
363 Custom Vettes
Started in 1980.
(Quarterly from SJ Pub. Note: same articles
appeared in Vette Power)
364 Customizing Fins &
365 Customs Illustrated
1961 is #1.
366 Dagmar - The
"The Best Rods & Customs
Coast to Coast.) July 1958 is
Vol. 1, No. 1. In 1965 the mag
stated "Incorporating Rods
Startup unknown.
(Cadillac LaSalle Club)
367 Dashboard - The
7/8-76 is Vol. 24, No. 10.
368 De Soto Adventures
9/10-92 is Vol. 10, No. 4.
369 De Soto Days
Startup unknown.
370 DeFender
6-09 is Vol. 37, No. 2.
371 Delorean World
372 Destination
8/83 is No. 1.
373 Detroit Headliner The
(Quarterly, Delorean Owner's Association)
A BMW Factory magazine.)
Spring 1981 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
Startup unknown.
Page 18 of 62
374 Dick Berggren's
Started in 2000.
Speedway Illustrated
375 Diesel Builder
12-06 is Vol. 1, No. 3.
376 Diesel Car
377 Diesel Power
June 2004 is Issue 194.Have
seen 11/90.
Have seen 11/07.
378 Diesel Tech Magazine Have only seen 2011 issues.
379 Dipstick - The
Startup unknown.
380 Dirt Late Model
10/07 is Vol. 12, No. 10.
(Monthly, Three Wide Media)
381 Dirt Sports
3-08 is #39.
(Monthly, Advanstar Comm)
382 Dirt Track Racing
383 Dirt Wheels
Startup unknown.
384 Dispatcher
Startup unknown.
385 Distributor - The
Startup unknown.
(Model A Ford)
386 Dodge HighPerformance
387 Dodge Magazine
Started in 1984.
(Quarterly from Hot Rod)
388 Dodge Magazine
Started in 2002.
Have seen only 2/03.
Have seen Nov. 1959.
(From Meredith Pub. 2nd time for this name?)
389 Double Clutch
May-June 1980 is Vol. 10, No. (Antique Truck Club of America, Inc)
390 Drag News
Started in 1965. Have seen
11/3/56 Vol. 2, No. 14.
391 Drag Parts Illustrated 2/62 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Chappell Pub)
392 Drag Racer Magazine Jan. 1997 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
393 Drag Racing
(From Y-Visionary Pub)
June 1958 is Vol. 1, No. 3.
394 Drag Racing Magazine Subtitled "Complete Coverage (Monthly, Kimtex Corp)
of the Sport." Nov. 1964 is Vol.
1, No. 3 & May 1966 is Vol. 3,
No. 1.Have seen July 1964 &
May, 1966.
395 Drag Racing Action
9/02 is Vol. 1, No, 1.
396 Drag Racing in Action Have seen only 1967 issue.
("Popular Hot Rodding's Gold Trophy Series)
397 Drag Racing & Super
1/64 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Last issue (Bimonthly/monthly, KIMTEX Corp)
was 1/96 when it became
Drag Racing Monthly with the
2/96 issue.
398 Drag Racing Pictorial
(Yearly Special from Car Craft, Hot Rod & Rod
& Custom) Started in 1968 and have seen as late
as 1972. 1969 is #2.
399 Drag Racing U.S.A
10-64 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Have
seen as late a 9/72.
Page 19 of 62
400 Drag Sport
401 Drag Strip
402 Drag World
403 Dream Cars
404 Drip Pan
405 Drive!
406 Drive AA Motorists
407 Driven - Living The
408 Driver's Seat - The
Have seen Dec. 2003. Startup
5/66 is Vol. 3, No. 1.On this (Bimonthly, Rex Pub)
cover it states "Formerly
Modern Rod”. See Note 17.
Started in 1965. 6/4/65 is Vol.
1, No. 14.
Summer 1988 is #1.A
Specialist Sports Car special.
Startup unknown.
4-05 is Vol. 21, No. 4, whole
(Monthly, Drive! Media, British)
number 188.Startup unknown.
Printed from 1967 to 1985.
(Quarterly from AA Pub., British)
New Year 1971 issue is
#16.Have seen March, 1973
where it's named "Drive The
Motorists Magazine." New
Year 1974 is listed as No. 28.
In 1983 it became Drive &
Trail. Have seen 5/83 as D&T.
7-03 is #167.
(Shelby American)
Startup unknown.
409 Driveshaft - The
1/2-03 is Vol. 6, No. 1.
(Lambda Car Club)
410 DSport
Started in 2002.
("Import Performance + Tech Magazine.")
411 Du Pont Register
Appears to have started in
11/12-06 is #38.
412 DUB
413 Dune Buggies and Hot Started in 1968.Sometime
know as just Hot VWs.
(Quarterly/bimonthly/monthly, Wright Pub.
later Parkhurst Pub)
414 Durant Partner - The
5-84 is Vol. 9, No. 1.
415 Early Bird - The
1-63 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
416 Echo - The
Startup unknown.
(Small bimonthly; The Classic Thunderbird
Club Int)
417 E-Ford Lines
Startup unknown.
(European Fords)
418 EJag
Earliest seen was Oct.
(XKE, monthly by EJAG Pub)
1981.Started in 1974.
Elite Cars
Had been Superauto
Illustrated until 9/87.
Encyclopedia of Super 1992 is No. 91.
Engine Builder
Started in 1964.There is one on (Monthly, Babcox Pub)
the market now but I'm not
sure it's the same mag.
Engine Masters
Summer 2005 is Vol. 8, No. 2. (Quarterly, Primedia)
Page 20 of 62
423 Engine Professional
April-June/2010 is Vol. 3, No. (Quarterly, Automotive Engine Rebuilders
424 English Channel - The Startup unknown.
425 Enjoying MG
01/81 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British, monthly)
426 ESSES (Early 911
Startup unknown.
427 Euro Custom Compact Have seen Apr/May, 2002.
428 Euro Tuner
7-07 is Vol. 10, No. 7. Have
(Monthly, Primedia)
seen no mags before 2004.
429 Euro
I feel this became Euro Tuner.
Have seen Summer, 1999 & no
mags past 2003.
430 EuroSport Car
7/95 is Vol. 2, No. 4.
(Bimonthly, McMullen & Yee Pub)
431 European Car
1-69 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, McMullen Argus/Primedia)
432 Event Scene
2-95 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, Petersen)
433 EVO
(British, Dennis Pub)
434 Excellence
Autumn 1998 is #1. Started
from Performance Car.
10-94 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
435 Excitement (Pontiac)
Startup unknown.
436 Exotic Car Quarterly
Winter 1991 was Vol. 2, No. 4
& the last issue.
9-57 is Vol. 2, No. 9.
(Antique Automobile Club of America,
Southern California Region)
437 Exhaust Report
(Formally Porsche Magazine)
438 F1 Action
1998 is #1.
439 F1 Live
7/96 is #1.
440 F1 Magazine
3-01 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
441 F1 Racing
3/96 is #1.
442 F1 Racing Green
Spring 2007 is #1.An F1
Racing special.
443 F1 Sport International
444 Fabulous Corvettes
445 Fabulous Mustang
Annual. Have seen the 1971
Started in 1980.
446 Falcon Bulletin
See Note 14.
447 Falcon Key - The
Startup unknown.
448 Falcon News
See Note 14.
449 Famous Marques
1997 issue is #1 on Porsche.
Have seen only 5 issues.
Number 2 is Ferrari (!998), #3
(From Popular Hot Rodding. A yearly, went
bimonthly in 1984 under Fabulous Mustangs &
Exotic Fords & died in the '90s)
Page 21 of 62
is BMW (1998), # 4 is Chrysler
& #5 is Mercedes-Benz.
450 Fantastic Fords &
451 Fast Car Magazine
1982 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(From Hi-Performance Cars)
4/87 was the first13 issues a
(British, from ABC Consumer Press/Future
Pub./Security Pub)
452 Fast Cars and Rock & See Note 1.
453 Fast Ford
June 1985 is #1.
(Schneider Group/CSK Pub)
454 Fast Lane
(Monthly, British)
(British monthly, A&S Pub)
4-84 is #1.
455 Fast Road & Track Day 2/04 is #1.
456 Ferrari World
June/July 1989 is #1.
457 Ferrari
Startup unknown.
458 Fiero Focus
Startup unknown.
459 Finish Line
Sum-01 is Vol. 6, No. 1.
460 Fireball Flash - The
Startup unknown.
461 Flat 4
1-2/84 is #1.
462 Flathead - The
May-June 1979 Vol. 3, No. 1.
(Ford-Mercury Club of America, bimonthly)
463 Florida Motor-Sports
5-86 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
464 Flying Lady (Rolls
Royce, British,
465 FoMoCo Times
(Crown Victoria)
466 Foot Warmer - The
Have seen May-June, 1988.
Startup unknown.
467 Ford Builder
Aug. 2003 is Vol. 1, No. 3.
Startup unknown.
3/4-79 is Vol. 17, No. 2.
468 Ford Crest News
The Magazine for Ford
Salesmen. June 1968 is Vol. 5,
No. 6.
Ford Heritage, The
1995 is #9-#12, but 1996 is
World of Classic Fords #14-#17 & #4 is 1993.#18-#20
is 1997. #14 is Apr-May, 1996.
#18 is Dec-Jan. 1996-97. Go
Ford High
Feb. 1995 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(From Mustang Illustrated, had been Ford &
Ford High
Started in 1985.
(From Hot Rod)
Ford Script News
(Early Ford V-8s)
473 Ford Times
Aug. 1915 is Vol. 4, No. 1.
474 Ford Truckin'
Winter 1995 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
475 Foreign Car Guide
Fall 1956 is No. 1.
(Quarterly from Truckin' Magazine)
Page 22 of 62
476 Foreign Cars
Illustrated and Auto
477 Forever MX-5
Bimonthly, 2-58 is Vol. 1, No.
478 Fork & Blade - The
Startup unknown.
479 Formula
480 Formula 1
12-89 is Vol. 5, No. 10. Startup
2/92 is #1.
481 Forward
1999 is Vol. 1, No. 1
482 FORZA (Ferrari)
Spring 1997 is #5. Started in
3/94 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
483 Foundation News
(Ford V-8)
484 Four Wheeler
Spring 2006 is No. 1.
(Quarterly, American Heritage of
486 From The Corral
Have seen Sept. 1969. Startup
Have seen 8/3/51 which is
#38. Later became Car
History Magazine.
Startup unknown.
487 Front Wheel Drive
Startup unknown.
488 Full Throttle News
9/94 is Vol. 1, No. 6.
489 Full Throttle
490 Fun Buggies
7/07 is #4.
485 Franson's Weekly
Motor News
491 Furturliner News
(Olds Toronado)
March 1979 is listed as Vol. 1, (By Wayne Thoms)
No. 2.
Startup unknown.
492 Galaxie Gazette - The Startup unknown.
493 Garage Style Magazine A 2011 issue states it's their
3rd year anniversary.
494 Gaslite Gaze-atte - The Startup unknown.
495 Gasser Wars Magazine Started in late 1998/early
'99.March/April 2003 is #31.
496 Gearbox Chatter
Startup unknown.
497 Gearhead
498 Generator &
499 Gentleman's Express
500 GM Enthusiast
No. 1 was dated 1993. Spring
1995 is no. 3. Summer 1997 is
no. 5.
Have seen Aug. 1969, Vol. 8, (Vintage Chevrolet Club of America, monthly)
No. 8 and Oct. 2005.
Startup unknown.
(Twice a year, June & Dec. from CSK Pub)
501 GM High Tech
Startup unknown. See Note
1-94 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
502 Gmund
9/10-79 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(A bimonthly from Primedia)
Page 23 of 62
503 Go Mini
12/03-01/04 is #1.
504 Go Racing Magazine
2-15-97 Vol. 2. No. 2.
505 Goat Herd Redline
Times - The
506 Good Motoring
Startup unknown.
Have seen from March 1946
(Vol. 5, No. 8) to July-Aug.
7-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British, 'The Magazine of the company of
Veteran Motorists and the Association of Good
507 Goggles & Gauntlets
508 Goodguys Goodtimes Started in 1989 as a newspaper
before going to a magazine
format. Jan-Feb 1990 is Vol. 2,
No. 1 & still a newspaper.
509 Gran Turismo
4/84 is #1.
510 Grand National
511 Grand Prix
512 Grassroots
513 Grassroots
514 Gray Goose - The
Quarterly to bimonthly. May
1989 is Vol. 7, No. 3. See
NASCAR Illustrated.
8/28/81 is #41.
Sept-Oct 1999 is Vol. 16, No. 5. (8 times a year from Motorsport Marketing)
Started around 1983. Have
seen May 1985.
Feb. 2005 is Vol. 1, No.1.
Believe first issue was in 1921. (Wills Sainte Claire)
515 Great Lakes Archer
Startup unknown.
516 Green Car Journal,
Ron Cogan's
517 GS X-TRA
Have seen Summer, 2011.
518 GT Porsche 'The
Purely Porsche
Magazine' (British)
519 GTS
(Pierce Arrow)
5/6-90 is Vol. 9, No. 5. Startup (Buick GS & GSX)
12/01 is Vol. 1, No. 1. May see
it as GT Purely Porsche.
Have seen Sept-Oct 1984 &
(British, bimonthly)
Nov-Dec 1984.
520 Guide to Muscle Cars Started in 1982 as a bimonthly.
521 Hagerty
Started in 2006.
522 Harbor Lights
9-61 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(L.B. Model A Club)
523 Hard Water Times
Startup unknown.
524 Hawkeye Hexagon
Startup unknown.
525 HCI
Monthly, Buckaroo
(Hot Compacts & Imports)
Communications, 1/03 is Vol.
4, No. 1.
Startup unknown.
526 Healey Headlights
527 Healey Marque
Volume 40 is dated 2000.
Page 24 of 62
528 Healey Motor News
Dec. 1978 is Vol. 5, No. 8.
529 Heavy Hitters
Dec. 2012 is #25.
530 Helper - The
Sept. 10, 1961 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
(Monthly, Source Interlink Media)
531 Hemmings Classic Car 10-2004 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Had been Special Interest Auto)
532 Hemmings Motor
533 Hemmings Muscle
534 Hemmings Rods &
535 Hemmings Sports &
Exotic Car
536 Herald - The
2-61 is Vol. 8, No. 1.
(Gilmore Museum)
537 Hexagon (Packard)
Startup unknown.
538 Hexagon News
539 High Performance
540 High Performance
541 High Performance
Startup unknown.
10-2003 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Have seen June/July 2000 &
feel it's #1.
9-2005 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Sum-05 is Vol. 15, No. 2.
5/6-93 is Vol. 2, No. 3.
Started in 1979.
(Bimonthly, CSK Pub)
12-65 is Vol. 1, No. 1 & 3-66 is ("Your Guide to Speed." Monthly, Emjay Pub)
Vol. 1, No. 4.
High Road Magazine 1/69 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Ran for (British Leland Motors, monthly)
only 1969 & 1970.Was
replaced by Motoring.
Hi-Performance Cars First time for this name. See
Note 13.
Hi-Performance Cars-- Jan/Feb 1987 is Vol. 4, No. 1. (Bimonthly from Challenge Pub)
The Magazine for Kit,
Replica & Specialty
Car Enthusiasts
Hi-Performance Rods 1981 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
& Street Machines
Have seen Summer,
(Quarterly, Future Media)
2007.Startup unknown.
Hi-Performance Gas Have seen only a 1980 issue. (British?)
Hi-Performance Kit
Fall 1984 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Fall (Quarterly, from Rod Action/Challenge Pub;
1985 is Vol. 2, No. 3.
formerly Classic & Special Interest Cars)
549 Hi-Performance Rods Started in 1981.
and Customs
550 Highbeams
Have seen only the July &
Sept. issues for 2003.
551 High Performance
Had been Muscle Cars of the
'60s. Jan/Feb 1992 is Vol. 1,
Page 25 of 62
No. 1.
552 Historic Race & Rally July-Aug 1992 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (British)
553 Historic Racing
Aug-Sept, 1994 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (British)
554 Hometown Hot Rod
Aug-Sept 2008 is Vol. 2, No. 7.
555 Honda Tuning
557 Hood Release - The
Started as a quarterly before (A Sports Compact Car Special Issue)
going monthly. Earliest seen is
Fall 2001.
5-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.See Car
(Lasted to 10/53 then became Car Craft)
Craft nad Note 18..
Startup unknown.
558 Hoofprints
Startup unknown.
559 Hoosier Horn
Startup unknown.
560 Hoosier Ramblings
Startup unknown.
556 Honk!
561 Hop Up
The Annual for the
Traditional Hot Rod &
Custom. Third time for this
name. 2002 is the 3rd annual
revival of Hop Up magazine.
#4 is also listed as 2002.
The Performance Magazine.
(Harle Pub. Printed every 6
weeks.) Second time for this
name. Sometimes it was just
Hop Up & not Hop_Up. 9/63
is #22.
Hop Up Magazine
Changed to Hop-Up & Motor (Ace/Quinn Pub)
Life in 1953 & finally just
Motor Life with the 6/53
issue.8-51 is Vol. 1, No.
1.Became Honk! on 5/53 and
Car Craft on 12/53.
Hop-Up & Motor Life Had be Hop-Up until 6/53.
(Ace/Quinn Pub)
Hop-Up & Motor Life
changed to Motor Life on
Horseless Age
Jan. 15, 1913 is Vol. 31, No. 3. (Weekly)
Merged with Motor Age after
Horseless Carriage
Winter 1953 is Vol. 15, No. 4.
Hot Air
Startup unknown.
568 Hot Car "For the
4/68 is #1.By 1979 it was Hot (British)
Car Power & Custom. Became
Performance Car on 10/83.
Page 26 of 62
569 Hot Cars
Spring 1978 is #1. unknown.
570 Hot Cars & Racing
571 Hot Chevys
Have seen only 1962 issues.
572 Hot Compacts &
573 Hot Rod
Have seen Dec. 2001.
574 Hot Rod DeLuxe
Spring 2008 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
575 Hot Rod Honda
Oldest I've seen is a 1998
1-65 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
576 Hot Rod Industry
577 Hot Rod King
Startup unknown.
(Bimonthly, Countrywide
Communications/Engeldrum Pub)
(Have seen 1981-82 Annual)
1-48 is Vol. 1, No.1.See Not 18. (Monthly, Petersen Pub. Combined with Rod &
Custom on 7-71)
(Quarterly, from Super Street/Petersen Pub)
(Bimonthly, Petersen)
578 Hot Rod Mechanix,
Tex Smith's
This is a cartoon mag but still
way cool. 1952 is Vol. 1, No.
Sept. 1987 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
("The How-To Rodder Magazine," bimonthly
from CSK Pub)
579 Hot Rod & Custom
6/78 is #1.
580 Hot Rod Show World Started in 1952.
(Annual. From SEMA)
581 Hot Street & Strip Cars 4-88 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Modern Day Periodicals)
582 Hot Street Cars
583 Hot Truck
Published 3 issues a year. Fall (From Harris Pub)
1997 is #3.
10/90 is Vol. 1, No. 3.
584 Hot VW
(See Dune Buggies & Hot VWs)
585 Hotrod & Restoration Startup unknown.
586 Hotrod Parts
10/66 is Vol. 5, No. 9. Have
(Monthly, Chappell Pub)
only seen from Jan 1964 to
Oct. 1966.
587 Hot-Rodder's Manual I have seen annuals from the (Countrywide Communications/Engeldrum
for Street & Strip - The 70's & 80's. Startup unknown. Publishing)
588 How to Build a Street The 1976 issue is #1.
589 How To HOP-UP
Had been Soup-Up from 2/60 (Bimonthly, Ace Pub)
Your Engine
until new name on 8/60,
#4.BUT, I've seen a 12/59
How to Hop-Up Your Engine,
also by Ace.5/63 is #19. Have
seen nothing past 9/63, No.
590 How To Soup-Up
May 1956 is No. 62.
(Quarterly, Sealed Power Co)
Your Car
Page 27 of 62
591 Hub Cap - The
Startup unknown.
592 Hudson-Aire
Startup unknown.
(Hudson Essex Terraplane)
593 Hupp Herald
Spring 1999 is Vol. 27, No. 1.
594 IHRA Drag Racing
1/23/09 was No. 1.
595 Illustrated Speedway A weekly newspaper format
with 5/17/46 being Vol. 5,
No. 59.
596 Impalas Magazine
Have seen Vol. 2, No. 3.
(DRM, Weekly, IHRA)
597 Imperial Times
Startup unknown.
598 Import & Sports Car
Have seen Oct. 1978 only.
599 Import Car
Have seen Oct. 2011.
600 Import Performance
603 Import Tuner
Formally Import Racer.5/06 is (Bimonthly, Action Pursuit Group)
Vol. 7, No. 5.
4-01 is Vol. 5, No. 4. Startup ("Your High Performance and Custom Compact
Car Magazine," "From the publishers of Drag
1-2000 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Became (Monthly, Y-Visionary Pub)
Import Performance.
4/99 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
604 In Aller Welt
1979 is No. 5.
(British, from Mercedes Benz)
605 Indycar Racing
Have seen 6-17-91.
606 Indy Car
10-83 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
601 Import Racer!
602 Import Racer
(TechGroup Magazine, monthly)
607 Ingear Club
5/02 is #1.
Motorsport Magazine
608 Inside the Oval
Feb 1999 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
609 Inside Track
June 2006 is Vol. 10, No. 4.
(Official Magazine of Canadian Motorsports)
610 Italian Cars Sports &
611 International Auto
612 International Auto
613 International Car
614 IOLA
10-11/90 is #1.
Startup unknown.
I've never seen any other than (A Sports Car Illustrated Annual)
1956 copy.
2-54 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
From the Iola, Wisconsin car
show. Started in 1972.
Startup unknown.
615 Iowa Corvair
Connection - The
616 Italian Cars, Sports & 1992 is #9.
617 Jaguar
Have found a 2002 issue
numbered 102.
618 Jaguar Enthusiast
1/85 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Krause Pub)
(British, yearly?)
Page 28 of 62
619 Jaguar Heritage
Jan. 2004 is #1.
620 Jaguar Journal
Founded in 1955
621 Jaguar Quarterly
Autumn, 1988 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (British, became Jaguar World Monthly)
622 Jaguar racing
3-4/00 is #1.
623 Jaguar Tales
Startup unknown.
624 Jaguar World Monthly Have seen 9/02.Sept-Oct/92 is (British)
Vol. 5, No. 1.See Jaguar
625 Jalopy
5/92 is #1.
626 Japanese Nostalgia
Spring 2008 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
627 Japanese Performance Nov/Dec 2001 is #13.
628 Jeepster News
Startup unknown.
629 Jobber Journal, The
Fall 1957 is Vol. 6, No. 4.
630 Journal of Automotive Have seen 12/71.
631 Journey With Olds
Feb 1985 is the oldest I've
632 JP Magazine
The oldest I've seen is 11/99.
(Published for the Automotive Parts Industry)
633 Just World Cars
Became Just Cars around 2007. (Australian)
1/96 is No. 1.
634 Kaiser Frazer Owners Startup unknown.
Club International
635 Keepin' Track of
Started in 1976.
(Ex Corvettes Unlimited, renamed on May 1980
to Keepin' Track of Vettes. Consumed by
Corvette Fever on 1/92)
636 Keith Martin's
Corvette Market
637 Keith Martin's Sports
Car Market
638 Keystone Keynotes
Startup unknown.
639 Kit Car
3/97 is the 15th year
(Monthly/bimonthly, Petersen Pub)
anniversary issue. Started as
annuals & have seen a 1980
Annual & 1981 Annual.It went
bimonthly with the
Feb/March 1981. Subtitled
'The Specialty Car Magazine,'
it took this as the new name
for 3 issues (March, May &
July of 1993) before going
back to just Kit Car.
5/82 is #1.Had been Kit Cars (British)
& Specialist monthly. With the
640 Kit Car
Startup unknown.
(2-06 is Vol. 3, No. 6)
Startup unknown.
Page 29 of 62
5-6/84 issue it became Kitcars
& Specials.
641 Kit Car Builder
Started in 2002.
(Bimonthly, National Kit Car Club)
642 Kit Car Illustrated
(Bimonthly, McMullen & Yee Pub)
643 Kit Car Quarterly
either 1-84 or 2-83 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
Spring 1984 is Vol. 1, No. 4.
644 Kit Cars
Have seen 8/82.
645 Kit Cars International Have seen 02/91.
646 Kit Cars & Specials
647 Kit Car World
648 Kit & Specialist Cars
649 Kitcars & Specials
650 Kitcars International
651 Knight-Overland
Starter - The
(Kit Car Quarterly, Inc)
A quarterly, changed to
(British, Link House Pub)
bimonthly in 1981.Spring 1981
is #1.
12-84 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
(Annual, Modern Day Periodicals)
Have seen June 1999.
5-5/84 is #1.See Kit Cars plus (British)
Kit Cars & Specials.
9/89 is #1.
652 Kruse Report
Published on March, June,
(Quarterly, Willys-Knight-Overland Registry)
Sept. & Dec. Have seen JanMarch, 1967, No. 34.
Winter 1974-75 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (Seasonal)
653 La Grande Routiere
Startup unknown.
654 LaCad Magazine
Startup unknown.
655 Lanciana
Startup unknown.
656 Land Rover Enthusiast 11/00 is #1.
657 Land Rover Owner
7/87 is #1.
658 Land Rover World
Winter 1993 is #1.
659 Late Great Chevys
12/82 is Vol. 3, #2 and 7/84 is
Vol. 4, #9. Both point to 11/80
as being Vol. 1, #1. Combined
with Chevy Times in late 1999
or early 2000. (See Chevy
660 Late Model Illustrated 7/09 is Vol. 1, No. 8.
(Monthly, McLeod Media)
661 Le Cercle
Startup unknown.
662 Le Mans & Sportscar
663 Leasing Age
4/99 is #1.
11/81 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Serving the Automotive Leasing Industry)
664 Legend - The
8/94 is Vol. 11, No. 8.
665 Legendary Ford
Dec 2003 is #1.
(Monthly from the GTO Association of
666 LeMans & Sportscar
Have seen Apr. 1999.
Page 30 of 62
667 Light Car
668 Lincoln and
669 Lincoln Link, The
9/3/37 is No. 1291.Had been (British)
named Light Car & Cyclecar
in 1930. Founded in 1913.
Startup unknown.
Spring 2004 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
670 Linechaser
July 1999 is Vol. 24, No. 7.
671 Lotus Re Marque
Startup unknown.
672 Lotus World
Startup unknown.
673 Lowrider Magazine
674 Luxury Auto
4-99 is Vol. 21, No. 4.Startup
Startup unknown.
675 Luxury Car
Startup unknown.
676 M & M
Startup unknown.
677 Mad Fabricators
Society Magazine
2011 is no. 1.
679 Marmon News - The
Have seen July, 2004. Startup
Dec 1975/Jan 1976 is
#1.March/April 1979 was last
issue before becoming The
Shelby American.
5/93 is #1.1/11 was the last
issue. Through buy-outs, it
changed to Max Speed & then
Euro Tuner. Went from 1993
to 2000.
5/04 is #1.
680 Marque, The
681 Max Power
682 Max Powers
683 Max Speed
(Minnesota Street Rod Association)
(Monthly, Lowrider Publishing Group)
(Makes & Models)
May-June 1964 is Vol. 11, No. (Model A RestorersClub, became Model A
News with May/June-65 issue)
(Bimonthly, Official magazine of the Shelby
American Automobile Club)
(British, Future Pub)
See Max Speed.
684 MC2
Startup unknown.
(Mini Magazine)
685 Meccano Magazine
July 1930 is Vol. 15, No. 7.
686 Mercedes Enthusiast
Jan. 2002 is No. 3.
687 Mercedes Momentum Startup unknown.
688 Mercedes
Startup unknown.
689 Meshing Gears
Startup unknown.
690 MG Enthusiast
3/95 is Vol. 15, No. 6.
691 MG Magazine
Seems to be seasonal but I've (The Official Magazine for the MG Enthusiasts)
seen two seasons combined in
one issue. Spring 1980 is Vol.
(British monthly)
Page 31 of 62
2, No. 1.
692 MG World
693 MGA!
694 MGB Driver
695 MGN Muscle Car
696 MicroCar News
697 Mid-Atlantic
698 Midwest Rod &
699 Mile Post - The
10-11/97 is #1. It is a Car &
Car Conversions magazine.
Startup unknown.
March/April-92 is Vol. 2, No.
2. Startup unknown.
Have seen #7 printed in 2006.) (From TransMedia Group, Canada)
Startup unknown.
Started in 2007 with 6 issues (The Vintage Microcar Club)
per year.
Startup unknown.
1-81 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly from Remus & Urseth)
May-June-73 is Vol. 1, No. 6
700 Milestone Car - The
Summer 1973 is Vol. 1, No. 4.
701 Milestones Series
See Note 7.
702 Milkcow
Aug 2009 is no. 2.
703 Mini Magazine
6/96 is #1.
704 Mini Owner & Small
705 Mini Truckin'
Printed from 1962 to 1965
Spring 1988 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quaterly/bimonthly, McMullen Pub)
706 Mini World
Summer 1991 is No. 1.
(Cox Auto Trader)
707 Minutia
(Microcars and Minicars)
708 Mobilia
11-87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
709 Model A News
Jan. 2005 is Vol. 1, No. 1
710 Model T Times
2005 was the first year.
711 Modern Mini
Have seen July/Aug, 2011.
712 Modern Motor
3/57 is Vol. 3, No. 10.
713 Modern Motoring
Feb 1932 is Vol. 2, No. 10.
714 Modern Motorcar
5-50 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
715 Modern Motoring &
716 Modern Muscle Cars
Have seen 10/49 to 11/53.
717 Modern Rod
718 Modern Rod 'Hot
Rods & Dragsters'
719 Modified Luxury &
Have seen a 1988 issue, Vol. 4, (From Cars Illustrated)
No. 3.
Have seen Feb. 1966.
Feb. 1964 is #1. I have seen up
to 3/66. Changed name to
Drag Strip May 1966. See
Note 17.
Have seen May/June 2005.
Page 32 of 62
720 Modified Mag
Have seen Aug. 2003. Startup
721 Modified Mustangs & Oldest I've seen is Dec/05(Source Interlink Media)
722 Mopar Action
1-89 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
723 Mopar Collector's
724 Mopar Enthusiast
Aug. 1992 is Vol. 5, No. 6.
(Monthly, MCG Pub)
Started in 1987-88.
Vol. 1, No. 2 is Feb/Mar 2007. (Bimonthly, Amos Press)
725 Mopar Expressions
5-92 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
726 Mopar High
727 Mopar Magazine
Started in 1986.See note 4.
(McMullen-Argus (Primedia)
No volume numbers. Have
seen 2004 issues.
4-88 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Daimler-Chrysler Motors Co)
728 Mopar Muscle
729 MorPerformance
730 Morris Gazette
731 Motor, The
732 MoToR, The
(From Musclecar Review)
June/July 1988 is Vol. 5, No. 2. (A bimonthly, subtitled "For The Chrysler
Startup unknown.
The word "The" was dropped (British weekly, Temple Press)
from the title between 1960 &
1962.Sept. 24, 1958 issue is No.
2948 and it's in its 57th year.
Have seen Sept. 28, 1937.I
think I've seen a 1906 issue
with a subtitle "National
Magazine of Motoring."
Have seen 2/9/37.
(British, weekly)
733 Motor
Started in 1903.10-63 is Vol.
(Monthly, Hearst Corp,)
120, No. 4.& died in 1988.
734 Motor Age
Aug 26, 1915 is Vol. 27, No. 8. (Weekly/bimonthly, Chilton Co)
Changed to Chilton's Motor
Age at the start of 1950.Went
back to just Motor Age at the
start of 1960.Oct 1999 is the
100th Year Anniversary issue.
735 Motor Cars Illustrated Have seen 1/64.
(The Paperboy News)
736 Motor Exchange
11/92 is #1.
737 Motor Guide
8-56 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Motor Pub)
738 Motor Life
739 Motor Mouth - The
8-51 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Had been (Monthly, Quinn Pub)
Hop-Up & Motor Life until
6/53.See Note 18.
Startup unknown.
740 Motor Racing
8/85 is #1.
741 Motor Rally & Racing Dec, 1962 is Vol. 6, No.
6."Now incorporating Motor
Page 33 of 62
742 Motor Service
743 Motor Sport
The Journal for the
Professional Automotive
Repairmen. (Monthly, Hunter
6-47 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
744 Motor Sport
March 1937 is Vol. 13, No. 4.
745 Motor Sport & Speed
10/45 is Vol. 21, No. 10.
746 Motor Sport Illustrated Have seen only 12/63 & 1/64.
747 Motor Sports &
748 Motor Sports
749 Motor Sports World
1/62 is Vol. 17, No. 1.
March 1990 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
750 Motor Thrift
"The 1st Weekly Magazine". (US weekly)
Had been a newspaper until
1953.Have seen 1/16/53 and
nothing before 1951Between
the 1/30/53 & 2/13/53 issue
the Sports was dropped from
the name.
1957 is #1.
(Annual, Automotive Periodicals)
751 Motor Trend Classic
2005 is #1.
752 Motor Trend
9/49 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Took
over Car Life on 11/70. See
Note 18.
, 5/83 is #493.
753 Motor Manual
754 Motor Vehicle Review Aftermath of the Madison
Square Exhibition. The first
auto show at Madison Square
Garden dated 11/15/00.
755 Motor World
Feb. 27, 1953 is Vol. 4, No. 5. (Bi-weekly, R.M. Barsky)
756 Motor World, The
757 Motorcade
758 Motoring
759 Motoring Classics
760 Motoring
3/4/15 is Vol. 11, No.
529.6/3/14 is Vol. 39, No.
11.Dec, 1900 is Vol. 1, No.
11.May have merged with
Auto Trade Journal.
10-67 is Vol. 5, No. 5. Started
in 1962.
Replaced High Road.1/54 is
Vol. 30, No. 11.Have seen Jan.
Have seen Summer 2010.
(British, weekly)
(Monthly, Coronado Book Corp)
(British, Nuffield Organization, for the Riley
Motor Club & MG Car Club)
I found a 1933 issue listed as (British)
Part 27.The cover states "To be
completed in seven more
weekly parts". This appears to
have been fired up again with
Page 34 of 62
the below listed magazine.
Have also seen Parts 5, 9, 11,
12, 16, & 17.
761 Motoring
Encyclopedia, The
New, 'And Complete
Guide To British
762 Motoring News
1936 is No. 7 & 13 while No.
11 is 1936 & No. 15 is 1937.
763 Motoring Reporter
Printed from 1945 to 1968.
June 1962 is Vol. 39, No. 4.
Have seen April 1981.
764 Motoring Weekly
765 Motoring World
Have seen Sept. 24 to Oct 16
Nov. 1973 may be No. 1.
766 Motorman
Have seen a #2 for 1977 that is
Vol. 22, No. 2.
The 1953 issue is Vol. 13, No.
10-50 is Vol. 1, No. 1. June
1951 is Vol. 2, No. 6.
March 5-19, 2002 is #226.
767 Motorspeed
768 Motorsport
769 Motorsport News
770 Motorsports
771 Motorsport
772 Motorways
3-90 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
773 Mud Flap - The
Startup unknown.
774 Mud Life
Have seen 2/12 only.
No. 2 is dated 1992.
(New Zealand)
(Annual, Sports Review Pub)
(Monthly, Rockley Pub)
(British, quarterly)
Startup unknown.
775 Muscle Car Enthusiast 1-2001 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
776 Muscle Car Motion
Jan/Feb. 2002 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (From the American Muscle Car Association;
may have been Muscle Monthly)
777 Muscle Car Poster
1989 is #17.
(10 times a year from Action Wheels, Starlog
Communications International)
778 Muscle Car Power
Fall 2006 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, Action Pursuit Group)
779 Muscle Cars of the '60s The 1988 issue is Vol. 1 No.
1.See Note 8.
780 Muscle Monthly
I've seen only 1996 & 1997
issues. It may have changed
names to Muscle Car Motion.
781 Muscle Mustangs &
In 2008 MM&FF had their
Fast Fords
20th Anniversary. The first
issue was marked as Fall or
Oct. 1988. See Note 1.
(By Cars & Parts--Legend Series)
(Monthly from the National Muscle Car
(The earliest I have is Fall 1988 which is Vol. 4,
No. 2. This issue is listed as a Cars Illustrated
Special. The Dec. 1990 issue is Vol. 3, No. 4 &
the Cars Illustrated statements had been
Page 35 of 62
782 Musclecar Classics
783 Musclecar Power
784 Musclecar Review
Started as a one-off with
Petersen's Musclecar Classics
Collector's Issue in 1985.See
Note 5.
Vol. 1 is 1982.
(From Cars, Courtney Books)
Had been Popular &
Performance Cars. See Note 2.
785 Musclecars
(By the Schneider Group. A one-off that later
became 3-times-a-year; was a sister to Cars
Illustrated, each being printed bimonthly on
alternate months. In 1988 CI became Street &
Strip. Fall '83 is Vol. 1, No. 1 See Note 1. In Vol.
5, No. 5 of Musclecars, it states it will now be
printer bimonthly.
786 Mustang & Fords
(See Mustang by Hot Rod)
787 Mustang by Hot Rod
Started in 1980.
(Changed to Mustang & Fords in 1991)
788 Mustang Enthusiast
Jan 2003 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Amos Press)
789 Mustang Illustrated & Summer 1987 is Vol. 2, No.
(Bimonthly, McMullen Pub)
High Performance
2.Winter 1989 is Vol. 4, No.
1.2/93 is Vol. 7, No. 1.Went
from 1985 to 2001.Started as a
790 Mustang Magazine
Started in 2010.
(Monthly, Patterson Pub)
791 Mustang Monthly
2-78 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
792 Mustang News
Started in 1976.
(Lasted until 2/80 when taken over by Mustang
793 Mustang Performance Have seen Summer '08.
(Quarterly, Source Interlink/Primedia)
Startup unknown.
794 Mustang Projects
Have seen Spring 2009.
(Quarterly, Source Interlink/Primedia)
Startup unknown.
795 Mustang Times
1/84 is Vol. 8, No. 1 but I have
seen an Oct. 1971 issue.
796 My Ford
Have seen a Fall 2008 to
Winter 2012 issues.
797 NASCAR Illustrated As the name of the NASCAR
season changed, so did the
name of this mag. It started
off as Grand National
Illustrated from 1982 to 1990.
It then changed to Winston
Cup Illustrated from 1991 to
1997. NASCAR Illustrated
took over after 1997. 1/98 is
Vol. 17, No. 1.
Page 36 of 62
798 Nash Times - The
Startup unknown.
799 National Dragster
Started in 1960.4/22/60 is Vol. (Weekly, NHRA)
1, No. 6.
800 National Dragster
The earliest I've seen is 2007.
Had been just National
801 National Falcon News See Note 14.
802 National Motorsports
803 National Speed Sport
804 News Counselor, The
1981 is listed as the 15th
(From Popular Hot Rodding)
Anniversary Issue.
Weekly. 6-24-59 is Vol. 27, No.
Startup unknown.
805 News-Flite
Startup unknown.
806 Nissan Sport
Summer 2007 is #4. Had been
Sport Z Magazine.
Have seen July 1978 Vol. 8,
No. 11 to April 1987 Vol. 17,
No. 8.
June/July 2001 is Vol. 14, No. (Chevrolet Nomad Association, published
6. Startup unknown.
monthly except June/July & Nov/Dec)
807 Nomad News
808 Nomad Post
809 NOPI Street
Dec-03/Jan-04 is Vol.3, No. 1.
810 Norcal Classic
Overview - The
811 North American
Classic MG
812 Northern Lights
Startup unknown.
813 Northwest Rods
Spring 2004 is #1.
(Chrysler 300)
10-57 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
814 Nostalgic
Cars---'Dedicated to
the Post War Classics'
815 Nova Chevy's Little
816 Nova Times
10/87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Taken
over by Car Collector & Car
Classics on 8/88.See Note 9.
Have seen a 2005 Annual.
817 Nuova Lamborghini
Club Magazine
818 Nuts and Bolts - The
Startup unknown.
819 Octane (British)
7-2003 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
820 Off Road
8/03 is Vol. 37, No. 8.
(Monthly, Dobbs Pub, formally Car Exchange)
3/92 is Vol. 11, No. 3.
Startup unknown.
(Monthly, Primedia)
821 Official Indycar Fan
822 Oil Can Rag
(Yearly, AutoWeek) 1994 is Premier Issue.
Startup unknown.
823 Oily Rag
Startup unknown.
824 Ol' Skool Rodz
Dec/Jan 2003/04 is Vol. 1, No. (Bimonthly, Koolhouse Pub)
Page 37 of 62
825 Old Car
2/89 is Vol. 1, No. 4.
826 Old Car Illustrated
Started in 1974.
(From the Henry Ford Museum, published by
Challenge Pub. It is a quarterly with an
additional Fall issue)
827 Old Car Value Guide
828 Old Cars Illustrated
Started in 1967.
829 Old Crank - The
Became Classic & Special
(Quarterly/bimonthly, Challenge Pub)
Interest Cars on 8/80.Fall 1975
is Vol. 1, No. 1. Went
bimonthly with the July, 1977
Startup unknown.
1/63 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, British, Old Motor Magazine)
831 Old Motor
6/79 is #1.Taken over by
Classic & Sportscar with the
4/82 issue.
Nov. 1963 is Vol. 2, No. 5.
832 Old Motor and
Vintage Commercial
833 Olds Cars
834 On Call
835 On Four Wheels
836 On Solid Ground
837 On the Grid
Newspaper 10-71 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
Startup unknown.
'The Encyclopedia of
Motoring in Weekly Parts.'
1973 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Have
seen to No. 134. In 1976 a
Second Edition started as a
monthly under the same
Startup unknown.
('53-62 Vettes)
6/60 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Changed (Monthly, General Publishing)
to Today's Motor Sport with
the Feb. 1961 issue.
Started in 1978.
838 On The Road,
"Marshall Cavendish
Handbook in Weekly
839 On Track
Started in 1980.
840 Open Road
Startup unknown.
841 Open Wheel
1-80 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
842 Orlie's Lowriding
Startup unknown.
843 OverRev Magazine
844 Packard Cormorant -
(Bimonthly from Stock Car Racing--Lopez Pub)
(Subtitled "Sport Compact & Import Drag
Racing." Have seen Nov, 2005, Vol. 2, No. 9.
Startup unknown.
Page 38 of 62
845 Packard Digest
Startup unknown.
846 Packard International Startup unknown.
847 Packard News
Startup unknown.
848 Packard Portfolio 849 Packard Profiles
The 1st Quarter '99 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
Startup unknown.
850 Packard Restorer
2/3-64 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
851 Packard Today
Startup unknown.
852 Packardgram
Startup unknown.
853 Pass
854 PCN
The Journal of the British
School of Motoring. FebMarch 1950 is Vol. 1, No. 5.
Startup unknown.
855 Pegasus Pages
Startup unknown.
856 Pelican Papers - The
Startup unknown.
857 Penny Wise Motoring Have seen 5/16/74.
(British weekly, Vintage Transport Enthusiasts
Club Private)
858 Peregrine Press
Startup unknown.
(Ford Falcon)
859 Performance Auto &
860 Performance BMW
Apr/May-05 is Vol. 7, No. 1.
(9 issues a year)
6/98 is #1.
861 Performance Car
Australian from Wheels &
Sports Car World) 1976 is #1.
Started on 10/83 & had been (British)
Hot Car.
Second time for this title. 3/08 (British)
is #1.
5/83 is #1.
(British, monthly)
862 Performance Car
863 Performance Car
864 Performance Ford
865 Performance French
866 Performance
867 Performance Portfolio
Have seen 8/09.
868 Performance Racing
869 Performance Tuner
7/09 is Vol. 24, No. 7.
(Monthly, Laguna Coast Pub)
4/07 is #1.
870 Performance VW
The oldest I've seen is Jan.
8/07 is Vol. 19, No. 4.
(Printed 9 times a year, 1009678 Ontario Inc)
4/84 is #1.
871 PRN..Performance
Racing News
872 Peter Filby Kit &
Have seen Nov. 1994.Startup (Petersen)
1995 is #1.
Page 39 of 62
Component Car World
873 Petersen's Kit Car
3-82 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
874 PetrolHead
3/98 is #1.
875 Pickup n Panels
Have seen July 1989.
876 Pickup, Van & 4WD
1/77 is Vol. 5, No. 4.
877 Pickups & MiniTrucks
(Monthly, CBS Pub)
(Yearly, Petersen Pub) The first issue was 1982
as part of the Hot Rod Action Series.
878 Pilot Light - The
Startup unknown.
879 Pilota (Ferrari)
Startup unknown.
880 Pinstriping & Kustom March/April 2007 is no. 1.
Graphis Magazine
881 Pious Pelican - The
Startup unknown.
882 Piston Patter
Startup unknown.
883 Pit Talk
Startup unknown.
884 Plymouth Showcase
Startup unknown.
885 Pontiac Enthusiast
May/June '91 Is Vol. 4, No. 3.
Startup unknown.
Had been Nostalgia Cars &
became Musclecar Review.
See Note 2.
April/May 1928 is Vol. 3, No. (Monthly/bimonthly, Motor Institute of
12, April 1930 is Vol. 6, No. 4 America)
while Jan/Feb 1931 is Vol. 7,
No. 1.
1-78 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Combined with the 2nd Custom Rodder series
in '83 and Super Street Cars in '89?)
886 Popular &
Performance Cars
887 Popular Automotive
News, B.W. Cook's
888 Popular Cars
889 Popular Classics
9/89 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
890 Popular Customs
Spring 1963 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly, Argus Pub)
891 Popular Hot Rodding 1-62 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
892 Popular Imported Cars 10-64 is Vol. 1. No. 1.
(The first issue was 1-62, then came out on 7/62,
8/62, 9/62 and so on, once a month. 1/63 was
the 8th issue)
(Bimonthly, Pet Pub)
893 Popular Motoring
(British, monthly)
894 Porsche Magazine
895 Porsche Panorama
Have seen May 1963 to Sept.
1-87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Became Excellence)
897 Porthole
April 2001 is Vol. 46, No.
(Monthly from The Porsche Club of America)
4.Startup unknown.
Have seen Winter 1995. 1/09 (Porsche Club of Great Britain)
Startup unknown.
898 Post 55
Startup unknown.
896 Porsche Post
(Silver Cloud & Bentley S Society)
Page 40 of 62
899 Practical Classics
900 Practical Classics
5/80 is Vol. 1, No. 1.With the (British)
9/85 issue it became Practical
Classics & Car Restorer until
5/95 when it returned to just
Practical Classics. Practical
Classics & Popular Classics
both had a 7/96 issue.After
that Practical took over
10/04 is #1.
901 Practical Motorists
Winter 1939 is Vol. 12 No. 289 (British, quarterly/monthly)
AND 11/62 is Vol. 9, No.
99.Must be missing something
902 Practical Performance 5/04 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Car, 'PPC'
903 Prancing Horse - The Startup unknown.
904 Precision Engines
July-Aug 2007 is Vol. 6, No. 4. (Bimonthly, Bobit Business Media)
905 Prewar Auto Notes
5-2008 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
906 Prix Views
Startup unknown.
907 PRN
(Pontiac Oakland)
(see Performance Racing News)
908 Pro-Rally
5/90 is #1.
909 Pro Street Truckin'
Winter 1996 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
(Quarterly from Truckin' Magazine)
910 Professional Car - The Startup unknown.
911 Profile Publications
912 Project Car
In 1966 & 1967 they published
auto magazines. I have seen
#51 titled "Front Wheel Drive
Summer 2007 is No. 2.
(Quarterly, Primedia)
913 Prowler - The
Startup unknown.
914 Puget Sounds
Startup unknown.
(Ford V-8 Club)
915 Pulling Power
1/87 is Vol. 6, No. 1.
(Monthly, Lopez Pub)
916 Pur Sand
Startup unknown.
917 Quadrifoglio
Startup unknown.
(Alfa Romeo)
918 Quattroruote
Have seen Giugno (July) 1967 (Italian)
919 Quarterly of the
Automotive Fine Art
920 Quattro Quarterly
Winter 1988 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
921 Quicksilver
Audi magazines. Have seen
2010 issues.
Fall 2005 is Vol. 14, No. 4.
922 Race Car and Driver
Startup unknown.
Page 41 of 62
923 Race Cup
924 Race Pages
925 Race Tech
926 Race Tech
927 Racecar Engineering
928 Racecar
(Yearly, Auto Trader Classics) Have 2008.
Startup unknown.
Have seen Apr-06. March 2112 (Ford)
is Vol. 14, No. 2.
Driving Technology into Pole
Position1/12 is #135. 9/06 is
Vol. 12, No. 5, whole #71.
5-92 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly, Racecar Graphic Ltd)
11/11 is Vol. 21, No. 11.
930 Racer
Americ'a International
Autoracing Magazine. Have
seen 3/80.
Have seen 2/65.A 1981 issue (Australian)
is the 20th Anniversary issue.
5-92 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Racer Comm. Inc)
931 Racing Milestones
Fall of 1997 is #6.
932 Racing Pictorial
started in 1959.
933 Racing Wheels
10-50 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
934 Ragtops & Roadsters
Started in 2000.
(Bimonthly, MediaSource)
935 Rally SX
, Have seen Dec. 01/Jan. 02.
936 Ratrod Magazine
Feb-Mar, 2012 is No. 11.
937 Real Classics
8/97 is No. 1.
938 Rebel Rodz
Bimonthly, 8/07 is #1.
939 RedLine
4/97 is #1.
929 Racing Car News
(Quarterly to monthly, Trader Pub)
940 Redline
The Modified Car Bible.
(British.) 5/98 is No. 1.
941 Restoring Classic Cars May 1988 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British, monthly)
942 Restorer - The
May/June 1958 is Vol. 3, No.1. (Model A)
943 Retro
I have seen an issue dated
1996 listed as the 1st issue.
Have also seen
10/96.Changed names to
Retro Classics with the 1/97
issue. Changed names again
on 8/97 to just Classics.
7/03 is #1.
(British, monthly)
946 Revs
First issue by this name is
1/97.Had been just Retro.
7/96 is #1.
947 Review - The
Startup unknown.
The Illest Car Magazine Ever.
(Bimonthly, Harris Pub.) Fall
944 Retro Cars
945 Retro Classics
Page 42 of 62
2004 is #5, Dec/Jan 2006 is
949 Road & Track
950 Road Chatter
6-47 is Vol. 1, No. 1. See Note
Startup unknown.
(Ford V-8 Club)
951 Road Test
3-65 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
952 Road Test/Dune
953 Roadster & Replicar
Started in 1969.
(Monthly by Motor Sport Pub)
Winter 1983 is #1.
954 Rod & Kulture Deluxe 2001 is No. 2.
(Quarterly to bimonthly)
955 Rod Action & ReStyling
956 Rod Action
1-55 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly from M.M. Pub)
8/72 is #1. See Note 15.
(Monthly, Dell then Challenge Pub)
957 Rod & Custom
See Rods & Customs and Note
5-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Was a
(2nd issue changed to Rod & Custom)
digest size until 8/61.From the
editors of Hop-Up.See Note
At the end 1959 it changed
(Monthly, Great American Pub)
names to Rod Builder only.
Had been a small magazine.156 is Vol. 1, No. 1. A 1957
issue is No. 2.
Quarterly, Spring 2001 is #1.
958 Rods and Customs
959 Rod Builder &
960 Rod Kulture
961 Rod Power
962 Rodder and
963 Rodder
964 Rodder's Digest
6-76 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, Countrywide Pub)
This issue is listed as Vol. 14, (Bimonthly, the March 1965 issue states it was
No. 3 while March 1968 is Vol. formerly Custom Rodder)
17, No. 1.This vol. & no. are
counting the old Custom
Rodder.11/72 is whole
number 114.This works out
Have seen Winter 1990.
(Quarterly from Street Rodder)
Startup unknown.
Spring 1981 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, Target Pub)
965 Rodders Journal - The Startup unknown. Summer,
1998 is #9.
966 Rodding and Re4-54 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Small monthly, Universal Pub)
967 Rodding Guide
Number 1 is 4/58, "Engine
Hop-Up." Number 2 is 6/58,
"Customize Your Car."
Page 43 of 62
968 Rods Illustrated
969 Rolling Wheels
6-58 is Vol. 1, No. 1. On the
4/65 issue of Customs
Illustrated it states
"Incorporating Rods
Startup unknown.
(Small monthly, Universal Pub)
970 Rolls & Pleats
Nov-Dec/01 is #1.
971 Rosso Ferrari
972 Rotunda
Started in 1991 as a special
before going quarterly.
Startup unknown.
(Ford & Mercury)
973 Roundel
Believe 12/96 is #1.
(BMW Car Club of America)
974 Route 66 Magazine
975 Royal Goat Tales
Started in 1993. Fall 1996 is
Vol. 3, No. 4.
Startup unknown.
976 Rumble Seat - The
Startup unknown.
(Ford V-8 Club)
977 Runabouts to Rockets 6/96 is Vol. 15, No. 3.
978 Running Horse - The
Startup unknown.
979 S3 (Speed Style &
980 Saab Driver
Startup unknown.
981 Saab Soundings
986 Sand Addiction
Have seen 6/59. 4/62 is Vol.
6, No. 1.
printed from 1959 to
1968.1/62 is Vol. 4, No. 1.
Jan 1939 is Vol. 55, No. 11. I
believe it changed to
Automotive Engineering
around 1965 before going
back to SAE Journal again.
The Newsletter of the Society
of Automotive Historians.
Nov-Dec 1996 is No. 165.
12/05 is Vol. 3, No. 3.Startup (LaSalle)
10/07 is Vol. 5, No. 2.
(Bimonthly, Platinum Global)
987 Saturn 360
Startup unknown.
988 Scared Octagon
MG's.) March/April 1969 is
Vol. 5, No. 2. Have seen
nothing newer than 2001.
Startup unknown.
982 Safety Fast
983 SAE Journal
984 SAH Journal
985 Salee Speaks
989 Schoharie Valley
Have seen only 1985 & 86.
(British Monthly)
Summer/Fall 2008 is No. 13.
991 Secrets Magazine
See Note 19.
992 Self Starter
Have seen June 1993.
(Cadillac LeSalle Club)
Page 44 of 62
993 Sempre Ferrari
Startup unknown.
994 Shark Quarterly
Printed 22 issues from Spring (Quarterly, Wayne Ellwood of Canada)
1995 to Summer 2000.
995 Shelby American - The Dec 1975/Jan 1976 is Vol. 1,
(Bimonthly, Shelby American Automobile Club)
No. 1.Ran as The Marque until
March/April 1979.
996 Shop Tips
10/64 is Vol. 2, No. 8.
(From Ford Co)
997 Shorthorns
Startup unknown.
(Maverick-Comet Club)
998 Show Stoppers
Winter, 2006 is Vol. 44, No.
1.Have seen Feb. 1990.
Startup unknown.
(International Show Car Association)
999 Showcase
1000 Side Mount Mirror
1001 Sidelights
1002 Sidemounts
1003 Silver Streak News
1004 Skinned Knuckles
1005 Skyliner - The
1006 Small Car
Austin A30/A35 Owner's
Club. Summer 1995 was the
25th Anniversary. Have seen
a May 1960 issue.
Feb/March 1999 is Vol. 27,
No. 1.
1936 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
The Journal of Car
Restoration. Aug. 1976 is Vol.
1, No. 1.
Startup unknown.
1007 Small Car & Mini
1008 Small Car Parade
1/65 is #1. Became just CAR (British)
between 6/65 & 11/65.
9/62 is #1. Became Small Car (British)
with the 1/65 issue.
March 1958 is #1.
(Bimonthly, Harrel Periodicals)
1009 Small World
Winter 1962-63 is Vol. 1, No. 5. (For Volkswagen Owners in the United States)
1010 Smoke Signals
Started in 1973.
(Monthly from the Pontiac-Oakland Club
1011 Snarling Exhaust - The Startup unknown.
Startup unknown.
1013 Solenoid - The
Startup unknown.
1014 Soup-Up
Feb. 1960 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Have (Bimonthly, Harle Pub)
seen all 3 issues. With the
Aug. 1960 the name changed
to How To Hop-Up Your
Have seen Dec. 1999.5/05 is (A Pro-Motion Pub)
Vol. 6, No. 5.
Startup unknown.
1015 Southern Rodder
1016 Southern Wheels
Page 45 of 62
1017 Special Interest Auto
9-70 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Last issue was June 2004 when it became
Hemmings Classic Car)
1018 Specialist Car
5/89 is #1.
1019 Specialist Car Mart
4/87 is #1.
1020 Specialists Sports Car 8-9/84 is #1.
1021 Speed
11-54 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1022 Speed by Road &
1023 Speed
May/June 2004 is #1.
1024 Speed
1025 Speed & Custom
1026 Speed & Custom
1027 Speed & Supercar
1028 Speed Age
1029 Speed Age
1030 Speed Age
1031 Speed Mechanics
1032 Speed Shop
June 1936 is Vol. 1 No. 1. The (Monthly, British Racing Drivers Club)
first issue stated Land, Sea &
Air on the cover. This changed
to Cars, Boats & Planes.
Second time for this British
name.1979 was the 1st issue.
2-65 is Vol. 13, No. 3, Whole (Bimonthly, Magnum Pub)
#75. Est. in 1951 but have
found nothing before 1961.
See Note 12.
6/66 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Babcox Business Publishing)
Was Speed & Custom. First
(Bimonthly, Magnum Pub)
issue of S&S was Oct. 1966,
Vol. 15, No. 2.Have found
nothing past Dec. 1973 (Vol.
21, No. 6.)See Note 12.
"America's FIRST Motor
(Monthly from Speed Age Inc)
Racing Magazine."5-47 is Vol.
1, No. 1.It died with 12/59, is
Vol. 13, No. 3.See Note 17.
"For Every Motor Racing
(Monthly from Channel Island Harbor/Speed
Enthusiast". This is the 3rd
Age Inc.?)
coming of this title. Half the
1st issue is titled "The Classic
Years of Speed Age" with
vintage articles from the 1st
Speed Age. May 1987 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.I have seen May, July &
Sept. of 1987 only.
Formerly Drag Strip until
(Monthly, Rex Pub)
Nov. 1969 when it became just
Speed Age.I have been unable
to find either title after
1969.See Note 17.
1-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Have seen (Bimonthly, Ace)
nothing past 1965.
May 1972 is Vol. 2, No. 5 &
(Monthly, St. Regis Pub)
Jan. 1973 is Vol. 3, No. 1.
Page 46 of 62
1033 Speed Sport News
See National Speed Sport
1034 Speedway Illustrated See Dick Berggren's Speedway
1035 Speedways
Summer 1953 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1036 Spirit of Ecstasy
1037 Spoke & Word
Rolls Royce magazine. Startup
Startup unknown.
1038 Spoke 'n Points
Startup unknown.
1039 Spoke Wheels
1040 Spokes - The
Dedicated to the History of
the Automobile. (Star Cars.)
4/72 is the 7th year.
Startup unknown.
(Vintage Triumph)
1041 Spokes
Startup unknown.
1042 Spokesman - The
Startup unknown.
1043 Sport Auto
Startup unknown.
1044 Sport Buggies
7/68 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Have
seen nothing past 1970.
Started as a quarterly with
Sprint 1989 as Vol. 1, No. 1.
Have seen Apr/May, 2003.
9-91 is Vol. 4, No. 9.
(Petersen Pub,)
The oldest I've seen is 9/79.
Had been 1001 Truck & Van
(Argus Pub)
1050 Sports & Kit Car
1051 Sporting Cars
June 1983 is #1.
1052 Sports Car Classics
July 2003 is #1.
1053 Sporting Cars
1054 Sporting Motorist
British (See Note 10.)
1055 Sports & GT Market
"The Classic Sports Car
Magazine."3/80 is Vol. 1, No.
Started in 1942.
1045 Sport Compact Car
1046 Sport Compact
1047 Sport Truck
1048 Sport Trucking
(From Canada)
1049 S
1056 Sports Car
British (See Note 10.)
12/59 is Vol. 9, No. 45.
Page 47 of 62
1057 Sports Car Graphic
June 1959 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, Motor Trend)
Took over Motor Life on
1/62.The first two issues it
was spelled Sportscar. Not
until the start of 1960 was it
made Sports Car. It lasted
until late 1971.Motor Trend
brought out a yearly in 1978.It
fired up again from 1979 to
1981 as a quarterly with only 3
issues in '79. The last issue I've
seen is Spring 1981.It again
fired up 1983 with 4/83 being
Vol. 1, No. 1.On this, the 3rd
time around, I've seen nothing
past 10/84.Motor Trend
replaced it with Sports Cars of
the World, a quarterly starting
in 1987.
Sept. 1959 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1058 Sports Car Guide or
1059 Sports Car Illustrated Became Car & Driver on
4/61.7-55 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1060 Sports Car Illustrated 8-85 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(monthly from Ziff-Davis Pub)
1061 Sports Cars Illustrated August 1957 is #1.
(The 2nd time around for this title. A monthly
from Sportscar Illustrated, Inc)
1062 Sports Car
Earliest seen was March 1992; (Both bimonthly & monthly)
died on 11/08. 7/91 is Vol. 7,
No. 7.
1063 Sports Car Mechanics Dec. 1982 is #2 & 1982 is
#3.Have seen to April 1985.
1064 Sports Car Magazine Have seen Aug/Sept 1994.
1065 Sports Cars of the
1066 Sports Car Pictorial
Spring, 1987 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
See Sports Car Graphic.
Spring 1956 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1067 Sports Car World
Australia's Magazine of Road
& Track, Quarterly. 4/57 is
Vol. 1, No. 1.
10-53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1068 Sports Cars & Hot
1069 Sports Cars of the
World, Hot Rod
Action Series.)
1070 Sportscar
1071 Sportscar Graphic
(Quarterly, Motor Trend)
(Quarterly, Charlton Pub)
1983 issue is Vol. 2, No. 2.
June 2001 is #1.
Replaced Sportscar Quarterly. (By Motor Trend)
June 1959 is Vol. 1, No. 1. See
Sports Car Graphic.
Page 48 of 62
1072 Sportscar Quarterly
(By Motor Trend)
1073 Sportscar Mechanics
Spring 1958 is #1.After the
Spring 1959 issue it became
Sportscar Graphic.
Sept. 1981 is #1.
1074 Sportsman Drag
1075 SRP
10-03 is Vol. 1, No. 3.Startup
See Street Rodder Premium.
(From Pop. Hot Rod)
1076 Standard Triumph
1077 Star - The
From 1931 to 1969. 12/66 is
Vol. 28, No. 12.
Sept-Oct 1977 is Viol. 21, No. (The Mercedes Benz Club of America)
Startup unknown.
1078 Starter - The
1079 Steam Automobile
Bulletin - The
1080 Steering Wheel - The
Startup unknown.
1081 Stock Car and
1082 Stock Car Racing
1/88 is Vol. 2, No. 5. (I think 9- (Monthly, Medallion Pub)
86 is Vol. 1, No. 1.)
1-65 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (Have
(Monthly, Stock Car Racing Pub)
also seen 5/66 as the first
1990 is #22.
1083 Stovebolt News
1084 Straightpipe
Have seen 1/56.
(The Genuine Parts Co)
I have seen from May-June
1960 & '69 issues.
Winter 1994 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1085 Street & Custom
Rodding Illustrated
1086 Street & Strip Supercar 6-88 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1087 Street Cruisin'
1088 Street Freaks
1089 Street Machine
1090 Street Machine
(SCCA mag from D.C. area)
(Monthly, K.III Pub)
(Bimonthly, Harris Publications of NY, NY)
3/78 is Vol. 2, No. 5. But it
(Bimonthly by 110 Fillmore Corp)
states this is the 4th magazine.
1982 is #1.
(By Car Craft)
Was Australian Hot Rodding (Australian monthly)
Review and then Van Wheels.
AHRR died in 1976.Van
Wheels became Van Wheels &
Street Machine for the first
issue and then Street
Machine(British version.) Sept
1975 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Have
seen the May, 1984 issue of
Street Machine, Vol. 6, No. 1.
May 1979 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(British Version)
Page 49 of 62
1091 Street Machine
1092 Street Machine
Sept. 1975 is Vol. 1, No.
(Bimonthly, Challenge Pub)
1.Went monthly on 11/76.An
additional Spring issue was
added in 1979.The last issue
was Feb. 1980 with a Corvette
Special coming out as Spring
1980.They came BACK in Feb
1987 as Vol. 1, No. 1 (same
publisher & crew!!!!) as a
bimonthly. The last 2nd timearound issue I've seen is
Nov/Dec 1988--Vol. 2, No. 6.
2-87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Second time for this title, died with Vol. 2, No.
6 for Nov/Dec 1988)
1093 Street Power
June 1976 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1094 Street Power
1095 Street Racer
Have seen a 1996 Annual Vol.
1, No. 1.
1-78 is Vol. 3 No. 1.
(Bimonthly, DRIVE! Media)
1096 Street Rod
1-71 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1097 Street Rod Action
See Note 15.
1098 Street Rod & Machine March 1983 is #1.
1099 Street Rod Builder
1-99 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, Countrywide Communications)
(Monthly, PBM Pub)
(Monthly, SRB Buckardo Communications)
1100 Street Rod Builders
Startup unknown.
1101 Street Rod Quarterly
Spring 1984 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(From Hot Rod)
1102 Street Rod Quarterly
Have seen only 1971 issues.
(From Rod-n-Custom)
1103 Street Rod & Machine Have seen 11/83.
1104 Street Rodder
5-72 s Vol. 1, No. 1.
1105 Street Rodder
1106 Street Rodding
1107 Street Rodding
SRP (Yearly to quarterly.)
2010 is #1.
1-81 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Bimonthly, McMullen Pub)
Fall 1980 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly, McMullen Pub)
1108 Street Rods
Summer 1978 is #1.
1109 Street Scene
Have seen May 1975, Vol.5,
No. 2010.
1110 Street Thunder
Feb-Mar 2005 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (Bimonthly, The National Street Machine Club)
1111 Street Trucks
6/01 is Vol. 3, No. 6.
(Monthly, Action Pursuit Group)
1112 Street Xtreme
September 1996 is #1.
1113 Studebaker Engines
Startup unknown.
1114 Studebaker News
10-98 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly from NSRA, subtitled Street
Rodding's Only News Monthly)
Page 50 of 62
1115 Stutz News
Startup unknown.
1116 Style & Stamina
Startup unknown.
1117 Subie Sport
Startup unknown.
1118 Sun Visor - The
Startup unknown.
1119 Supercar
1983 is #4, 1984 is #8, 1985 is (Australian)
#15, 1986 is #19 & Oct/Nov
1990 is # 42. Supercar Classic
(British from Car
Magazine.)Autumn 1983 is
Vol. 1, No. 1.
1983 & 1984 are the only
(Argus Pub. May be a one-shot deal)
issues found.
1120 Super Cars-Performance for the
1121 Super Chevy Sunday
1122 Super Chevy
1984 is #1.
(Annual from Super Chevy)
Started in '72.
(From Pop Hot Rod, a quarterly, went monthly
in 1981)
1123 Super Customs & Hot 7/85 is Vol. 21, No. 1.Changed (Bimonthly, Publications International, N.Y.,
name to Super Hot Rods &
Customs in 1986.
1124 Super Ford Parts
1-75 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Later only Super Ford. See Note 6)
1125 Super Ford
Have seen Autumn 1988.
1126 Super Ford
1127 Super Hot Rods &
1128 Super Rod
(See Super Ford Parts Exchange)
The 2/86 issue states,
(Publications International, N.Y., N.Y)
"Formerly Super Customs &
Hot Rods."2-86 is Vol. 1, No. 4.
1-08 is Vol. 9, No. 1; Winter
("Hot Rodding's High-Performance
2001 is Vol. 2, No. 9.Startup
Alternative." Buckaroo Comm)
11-64 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, Eastern Pub)
1129 Super Stock & Drag
1130 Super Stock & Funny Had been Super Stock & FX
up through the 11/69 issue.
The last issue I've seen was
1131 Super Stock & FX
4/64 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Changed
to Super Stock & Funny Cars
after the 11/69 issue.
1132 Super Stock Cars
, Sept 1979 is Vol. 1, No.3.
(Subtitled "Dragsters & Rails" & "Track &
Street", bimonthly, Great American Magazines)
1133 Super Stockers in
1134 Super Street
1/64 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
9-97 is Vol. 1, No. 12.
("Today's Performance Car Magazine" monthly,
Page 51 of 62
1135 Super Street Cars
11/67 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Countrywide Communications/Engeldrum
1136 Super Street Machines 4-89 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Monthly, McMullen Pub. Later it states:
"Combined with Popular Cars.")
1137 Super Street Truck
11/93 is Vol. 4, No. 6.
(Bimonthly, Argus Pub)
1138 Super Touring
1139 Super VW Magazine
April 1995 is #1.
April 1987 is #1.
1140 SuperAuto Illustrated 7/85 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Changed
to Elite Cars with the 9/87
1141 Supercar & Classics
6-87 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1142 Supercar Classics
1143 Supercharger - The
1144 Superclassics
Autumn 1983 is #1.Initially a (British)
CAR special, later became a
Startup unknown.
(Graham Owner's Club)
1145 Superior Times - The
Spring 1995 is #1.Published
by Classic Car Magazine.
Startup unknown.
1146 Tailgate - The
Startup unknown.
(Station wagons)
1147 Technik
Nov/Dec 1995 is #1.
1148 The Encyclopaedia of 1991 was #1.
1149 The Motor
see MoToR
1150 The Road Back
Spring 1996 is No. 4.
1151 This Old Truck
July-Aug. 1997 is Vol. 5, No. 3. (Bimonthly)
1152 Thoroughbred &
Classic Cars
10-73 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Had
been Classic Car until the
10/74 issue. Also see
Collector's Car.
11/78 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1153 Thoroughbred Car
1154 Throttle
1155 Throttle Gals
1156 Thunderbird Scoop
(Bimonthly, SJ Pub)
Started in 1941 with 11 issues
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Indy Special, 6, 8,
9,10 & 11-12.)
Winter 2010 is vol. 1, no. 1.
May-June 1975 is Vol. 7, No. 3. (Bimonthly)
1157 Thunderbird Script
Startup unknown.
1158 Tiger News
Startup unknown.
1159 Tiger Tales
Startup unknown.
(Sunbeam Tiger)
1160 Time Machine - The
Startup unknown.
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1161 Timer - The
Startup unknown.
(Model T Club of SoCal)
1162 Tin Block Times
Startup unknown.
1163 Tin n Brass
3-68 is Vol. 4, No. 3. Startup
1164 TMRm'zine-Bimonthly, from Toy Machine
Racing M'zine) 2000 is listed
as Vol. 3, No. 16. Have seen 2
other issues--no dates, no Vol
#, NOTHING. Stupid mag.
1165 Today's Motor Sports Subtitled 'The Racing Picture (Monthly, General Pub)
Magazine.'Had been 'On the
Grid'. The 1st issue is Feb.
1961 but is Vol. 1, No. 9
because they counted the 8
issues of On the Grid. The
kicker is that Jan. 1963 is Vol.
3, No. 7 but listed as whole
number 131.Counting all of
On the Grid can't come up
with this number. Was On the
Grid another name before?
1166 Toot Side Draught Startup unknown.
(vintage Triumph)
1167 Top Car
11/90 is #1.
1168 Top Car
1170 Top End
Second time for this title.1/98 (British)
is #1.
Speed & Style(British.) 11/90
is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Startup unknown.
1171 Top Gear
10/93 was the first issue.
1172 Top Gear Turbo
1173 Top Marques
01/10 is #1.Sister magazine to (British)
Top Gear.
June 1994 is #1.
1174 Top Wheels
3/86 is #1.
1175 Torque
8/02 is #10.
(Aston Martin Works)
1176 Total 911
06/05 is No. 1.
(British, monthly)
1177 Total BMW
Have seen 1/01.
1178 Total Kit Car
1179 Toyota Today
aka TKC, (British.) Spring
2005 is Vol. 1, No. 4.
Oldest I've seen is 10/75.
1180 Toyota Topics
Winter 1974 is Vol. 8, No. 1.
1181 TPR
Tuner Performance Report,
bimonthly, Enthusiast Media.)
Dec/Jan 2006 is No. 13.
9/58 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Canadian Road & Track, monthly)
1169 Top Car
1182 Track & Traffic
(British monthly, BBC, Worldwide)
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1183 Track and Race Cars
Startup unknown.
1184 Traction
Startup unknown.
1185 Traditional Rod &
Kulture Illustrated
1186 Transport Efficiency
Quarterly, Fall 2005 is number
Oct-Nov 1948 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (British, from BMC for Morris Commercial)
1187 Triangle
Startup unknown.
1188 Triumph Tribune
Startup unknown.
1189 Triumph World
Apr/May 1995 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (British)
1190 Truck Builder
May-June 2007 is Vol. 7, No. 3. (Bimonthly, Buckaroo Comm)
1191 Truckin'
Summer 1975 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1192 True's Automobile
1193 Trumpet Horns
1952 is #1.
1194 TSOA Newsletter
Sept. 1960 is Vol. 6, No. 9.Oct- (Triumph Sports Owners Association, monthly
Dec. 1981, Vol. 27, No. 4 was to quarterly)
the last issue.
Startup unknown.
1195 Tucker Topics
(Essex & Terraplane)
(Annual, Fawcett Pub)
Startup unknown.
1196 Turbo & Hi-Tech
May 1987 is Vol. 3, No. 3.
Changed to Turbo and HighTech Performance in 1998.
1197 Turbo and High-Tech Bimonthly, Mag-Tec Prod.)
See Turbo and Hi-Tech.
1198 Turbo V4 News
Startup unknown.
1199 Turning Wheels
04/92 is Vol. 24, No. 4. Have
seen 10/96.
1200 Twin Port Mustang & Startup unknown.
Ford Times
1201 Ultra VW
09/03 is #1.
(The Studebaker Drivers Club)
1202 Unique Cars
#227 is 10/01/03.Have seen
Startup unknown.
(Australian, monthly then weekly)
May 1970 is Vol. 1, No. 1.May
have been USAC News.
Have only seen 1969 weekly
"The Racing Fan Magazine".
Also known as USAS. Had
been Auto Sports and took up
were this mag left off. Vol. 1,
No. 1 was March/April 1964.
Died with the 2/65 issue.
Have seen a 1967 to 1978
Index. Oldest I've seen is
Jan/Feb 1974, Vol. 11, No. 1.
(United States Auto Club)
1203 Universal Car - The
1204 USAC Magazine
1205 U.S.A.C. News
1206 U. S. Auto Sports
1207 V-8 Times
(British, monthly)
(United States Auto Club)
(From Larry Tomaras)
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1208 Valve-In-Head Review Startup unknown.
1209 Van Life & Family
1210 Van Pickup & OffRoad World
1211 Vans
1212 Vans & Pickups
1213 Vans & Trucks
June 1978 is Vol. 1, No. 3.
(A Trailer Life Publication)
7/79 is Vol. 7, No. 7.
A 1978 issue is listed as No.
(Bimonthly, Petersen Pub)
7.It states that on 4/78 it will
go monthly & be renamed
Vans & Pickups.
See Vans.4/78 is Vol. 1, No. 1. (Monthly, Petersen Pub)
1214 Vantage Point - The
Have seen July 1978 up to
Have seen Summer 2004.
(Aston-Martin Owners Club, bimonthly)
1215 Vauxhall Motorist
Have seen April 1939.
1216 Velocity
(Honda-Acura Club)
1217 Velocity
July/Aug. 1999 is Vol. 1, No.
Startup unknown.
1218 Veteran & Vintage
Magazine - The
1219 Vette Power
Aug 1956 is Vol. 1, No. 1.See
Collector's Car.
4/77 is Vol. 1, No.1.
1220 Vette Quarterly
Spring of '77 was Vol. 1, No. 4;
changed to just Vette in '78.
See Note 3. Started in 1976.
Startup unknown.
(Porsche Club Racing)
(Countrywide Communications/Engeldrum
Publishing. The same articles appeared in
Custom Vettes)
1221 Vette Vintage
1222 Vette Vues Magazine 5/75 is Vol. 3, No. 11.
1223 Vette
Startup unknown.
1224 Vette'n USA
June 1976 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1225 Via Volvo
Oldest I've seen is Fall 1981.
1226 Victory Lane
4-86 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Vintage racing)
1227 Vintage
Have seen an undated copy
that is Vol. 1, No. 2 around
Oct 1962 is Vol. 1, No. 2. Ran
from 9/62 to 3/63.9 issues
March-April 1988 is Vol. 1,
No. 1.
April 1966 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
April 1984 is No. 1.
1228 Vintage Commercial
1229 Vintage Ferrari
1230 Vintage Ford - The
1231 Vintage Kit & Car
1232 Vintage Motorsport
(See Vette Quarterly)
(British, North London Artists)
1-83 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
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1233 Vintage Motorsport
1234 Vintage Oval Racing
"The Journal of Motor Racing
History." A bimonthly with
Jan/Feb 1993 being #1. This is
deceptive because it really
means the first issue for 1993.
March-April 1988 #2 is Vol. 5,
No. 4. 1/83 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
Started in 1999.
1235 Vintage Racecar
9-98 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1236 Vintage Roadcar
4/12 is #1.
(Parabolica Pub)
1237 Vintage Roadscene
Dec. 1985 to Feb. 1986 is Vol.
2, No. 5.
2008 is no. 2.
1238 Vintage Torque
1239 Vintage Triumph - The May/June 1976 is #9. Startup
1240 Vintage Vehicles
May-June 1968 is Vol. 1, No. (Bimonthly, Vintage Vehicles Inc)
1.Last issue was Nov-Dec
1241 Vintage Voice - The
Startup unknown.
1242 Vintage &
Thoroughbred Car
1243 Viper Quarterly
Aug 1955 is Vol. 3, No. 31.
1244 Volks World
12/86 is #1.
(British, bimonthly)
1245 Volkswagen Classics
Spring 1983 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Quarterly, Petersen)
1246 Volkswagen Greats
See VW Greats.
1247 Volkswagen Safer
1/62 is Vol. 1, No. 1.Subtitled (British, monthly)
"It's the Independent
Magazine That Concentrates
in the VW Family". In 1979
Audi was added to subtitle. In
1964 Volkswagen was
replaced with VW.In 1973
Volkswagen replaced VW and
in 1984 the switched it again.
The last issue I've seen is Jan.
Have seen Spring 1986. Had
been Small World.
Startup unknown.
(Volvo Sports America)
1248 Volkswagen's World
1249 VSA
Winter 1995 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1250 VW & Porsche
Feb 1979 is the Premire Issue. (Started as a bimonthly then went quarterly,
It took over VW Greats.
Argus Pub)
1251 VW Action
8/84 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Daisy/Hi-Torque Pub)
1252 VW Camper & Bus
2005 is #1.A VolksWorld
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1253 VW Greats
See VW & Porsche. Summer
1970 is #1. Can be found as
Volkswagen Greats.
1254 VW High Performance 1971 is #1.
1255 VW Motoring
The May 1999 issue stated it (British)
was their 30th Anniversary
issue. Had been VW Safer
Motoring until 1985.
1256 VW Safer Motoring
1/62 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Changed (British Monthly)
name to VW Motoring in 1985.
1257 VW Trends
11/80 is Vol. 1, No. 1. 2005
(Monthly, McMullen)
was the last year.
1258 Way of the Zephyr V- Startup unknown.
12 - The
1259 What Car
Have seen Oct. 1980.
1260 What Diesel
1261 Wheel - The "A"
Have seen 2/85.Oct. 2008 is
(British, Monthly)
#250. Had been named What
Diesel Car until 2008.
Startup unknown.
(Ford Model A)
1262 Wheels
5/53 is #1.
1263 Wheels and Deals
Startup unknown.
1264 Wheels of Time
1265 Wheels
Started in 1980.July/Aug 1987 (American Truck Historical Society, bimonthly)
is Vol. 8, No. 4.
Startup unknown.
(Journal of Auto. Nat. Hist. Coll.--Detroit)
1266 Wheels-n-Waves
Startup unknown.
1267 Wheel World
1/69 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
(Australian monthly from ACP Magazines)
1268 White Triangle News - Nov/Dec 1964 is Vol. 26, No. (Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club, monthly)
1269 Wide Tracking
Startup unknown.
1270 Wild Mustangs &
Started in 1982.
(From Cars Magazine, it is "Published monthly
except May-June and November-December,
which are bi-monthly." I have #1 & #3)
1271 Willys World
Startup unknown.
1272 Wind Wing - The
Startup unknown.
1273 Windshield Post
Startup unknown.
1274 Winston Cup
1275 Which Kit?
Ran from 1991 to 1997. See
NASCAR Illustrated.
Spring 1986 is #1.
1276 Which Kit?
1277 Which Kit Car?
“Building a Future for British
Kits” Have seen 5/88.
Have seen 2/05.
1278 Which Motoring?
Have seen 1/64to 2/82.
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1279 White Triangle News 10/59 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1280 Wood Matters
2-98 is Vol. 2, No. 1.
1281 Woodie Times
3-74 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1282 Works Torque
Aug. 2002 is #10.
1283 World Sports Car
Have seen Nov/Dec, 1989.
(British, bimonthly)
1284 World's Fastest Sports Have seen 1965 and #7 that
covered 1967-68.
1285 World of Rods
Spring 2007 is the Premier
(Bimonthly, Action Pursuit Group)
1286 WPC News
"Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto,
(Chrysler Products Restorers Club)
Chrysler, Imperial, Chalmers,
Maxwell & Related Cars". This
magazine's editor was stuck
on stupid. See Note 16.
1287 XJR
1988 issue was #1.Published (British, International Jaguar Racing Review)
in conjunction with Jaguar
1288 YesterYear Chevys
(See Chevy Times)
1289 Your Car
10/53 is Vol. 1, No. 1.
1290 Your Classic
Sept. 1989 is #1.
1291 Z Car Magazine
Spring 1997 is Vol. 3, No.
(Quarterly--later bimonthly--from Seacoast
8.Oldest I've seen is MarchPublishing)
April 1995.This is about when
it started.
1) Cars Illustrated and Musclecars were Schneider Group magazines. Printer 6 times a years for 12 issues
total, they alternated months. Both of these mags changed names over and over. In later times, Cars
Illustrated came out with their Cars Illustrated Special Issues from CSK Publishing. This time it was GM
Enthusiast being printed June & December AND Bracket Racing USA being printed in Feb, May, Aug, &
Nov. In the 1990 Vol. 4, No. 3 issue of Bracket Racing USA it states "Car Illustrated Special Editions are
published six times a year (January, February, April, May, June and December) in 1990 as Muscle Mustangs
& Fast Fords, Bracket Racing USA and GM Enthusiast by CSK Publishing Co., Inc."
Checking my notes from Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords I discovered "History of Bracket Racing USA,
Muscle Mustang & Fast Fords, Musclecar Memories: These 3 magazines were published by Cars Illustrated
as Special Editions. Each was published 4 times a year. Bracket Racing USA was put out on June, Aug, Oct,
& Nov." In 2008 MM&FF had their 20th Anniversary. The first issue was marked as Fall or Oct. 1988.
"Seasonal Fall issues in this industry usually carry an October cover date, making our first issue as Oct. '88."
This came from the MM&FF website.
The earliest MM&FF I have is Fall 1988 which is Vol. 4, No. 2. This issue is listed as a "Cars Illustrated
Special." The Dec. 1990 issue is Vol. 3, No. 4 & the Cars Illustrated statements had been dropped. This issue
is listed as a quarterly and I tend to believe this actually started MM&FF. A lot of guess work here.
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Fast Cars and Rock & Roll 1989, Vol. 2, No. 1 states "Schneider Performance Series is published seven times
a year, Bi-monthly as MuscleCars, and annually as Fast Cars and Rock & Roll, by CSK Publishing."
2) Popular & Performance Car Review started with 4/84. It merged in Classic Sixties on 4/84. The 12/86
issue of P&PCR was renamed to Musclecar Review. It was monthly until 1993 when it came out on 1, 2, 3,
5, 7, 9, & 12. In 1994 it went bimonthly printed on even months. It continued this way through 1997. In
1998 it came out 2, 4, 6, 9, & 11. For 1999 it was still bimonthly but came out on odd number months. It
continued this way through 2001. 2003 to 2006 it became seasonal (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). 2002
started as a monthly before going quarterly again. In 2007 it became a monthly once more.
Classic Sixties came out on January 1983 (Vol. 1, No. 1); died with March 1984 (Vol. 2, No. 3) and was a
3) Vette Quarterly in 1976-'77. Renamed Vette, a bimonthly in 1978. Went monthly in 1989. Skipped the
March, 1981 issue and the next issue was April/May, 1981.
4) Mopar High Performance started as a yearly in 1986. It went quarterly in 1987. The last issue was Nov.
2001. It only printed issues of Jan, March, May, July, Sept, & Nov. of 2001.
5) From Petersen, it started as an annual in 1985 and went to a seasonal in 1986. Went to monthly (even
months) in 1987. Now here's the rub; Feb 1987 was listed as Vol. 2 No. 1, June 1987 was listed as Vol. 2, No.
3, Aug was Vol. 2 No. 4 & Dec 1987 was Vol. 2 No. 6. Cool so far.
But Aug 1988 was Vol. 2, No. 4 AGAIN with Aug 1989 was Vol. 3 No. 4!!!! Go figure. Dec. 1990 was Vol. 4,
No. 6.
In 1993 it changed names to Musclecar Restoration & Performance; still a bimonthly. The last issue was in
6) Super Ford started in 1975 as Super Ford Parts Exchange. Jan. 1981 was Vol. 6 No. 1. Vol. 7 No. 10/11
was Oct/Nov 1982. Vol. 8 No. 1/2 was Jan/Feb 1983. Dec 1984 was Vol. 9 No. 11 with no No. 12. Jan
1985 was Vol. 10 No. 1. Vol. 10 No. 8/9 was Sept/Oct 1985. 1986 started 10 issues a year. Vol. 11 No. 1
was Jan, No.2 was Spring, No.3 was April. All other issues for 1986 were undated. 1987 started off as
10 per year. No. 1 & 2 were undated. No. 3 was listed as June/July & updated to a monthly. No. 4
was Aug. and No. 8 was Dec. 1988 continued as Vol. 12, No. 8 being Jan. 1988. No. 12 was April.
May was Vol. 13 No. 1.
On Oct. 2000 it was taken over by 5.0 Mustang.
7) This magazine comes out randomly several times a year. Each issue is on one car (Corvette, Mopar,
Mustang, Camaro...) with a Muscle Car Milestone issue tossed in from time to time. Mustang Milestones &
Xtreme Mustang Milestones comes from Ford Trader. Corvette & Camaro Milestones come from Corvette
and Chevy Trader. Mopar Milestones and Street Rod Milestones comes from Old Car Trader. Muscle Car
Milestones comes from Classic Cars & Parts. The oldest issue I have seen is a 1993 Corvette Milestones.
8) Muscle Cars of the 60s was a yearly from Cars & Parts as part of their "Legend Series". In 1989 it went
quarterly and changed names to Muscle Cars of the 60s/70s. For 1990 they went bimonthly. All this
changed in 1992. The Jan/Feb issue was Vol. 5, No. 1 and still in their "Legend Series". This continued
through the May/June issue (Vol. 5, No. 3.) The magazine then became part of Cars & Parts "Collectible
Series" with the July/Aug. 1992 issue becoming Vol. 1, No. 3. (Third issue of the year & first "Collectible
Series." Sept/Oct is Vol. 1, No. 4 and the last issue is Nov/Dec 1992 (Vol. 1, No. 5.) The name then changed
to High Performance Cars.
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9) Started life as Car Classics on 12/66 and changed to Car Collector with the Feb. 1979 issue. There were
only 62 issues of Car Classics plus 1974 & 1975 yearbooks. The 62 are: 12/66, 6-8-10-12/67, 7-10/68, 1-3-5-79-11/69, 4-6-8/70, 8-10-12/71, 2-4-8-10-12/72, 2-4-6-8-10-12/73, 2-4-6-8-10-12/74, 2-4-6-8-10-12/75, 2-4-6-810-12/76, 2-4-6-8-10-12/77, 2-4-6-8-10-11-12/78, & 1/79. The cover date on 4/70 was marked 3/70. Car
Collector was a monthly but missed Jan/79. It took over Nostalgia Cars on Aug. 1988. Car Exchange came
out on 4/79 as a monthly. On 10/87 it was taken over by Nostalgic Cars.
Within the cover of Nostalgic Cars for 10/87, it states "Car Exchange Magazine is published monthly....If
you would like to see Car Exchange on your local newsstand..." There is nothing about Nostalgic Cars
anywhere. Not even on the cover states it took over Car Exchange. In the Editor's Notebook of the 10/87
issue, he states this IS the first issue of Nostalgic Cars. Nostalgic Cars was taken over from Dobbs
Publications to Classic Publishing & consumed by Car Collector & Classic Cars on August or September
1988. It was a monthly until Jan. 1988 when it went bimonthly.
10) This magazine is a little goofy. I have Vol. 1, No. 1 and it is Nov/Dec, 1981 of Sporting Cars. This name
continued as a bimonthly to Oct. 1983 or Vol. 1, No. 12. It stayed monthly from then on. With the Vol. 4,
No.2 or Dec. 1985 issue, the name was changed to Sporting Cars International. Now comes the strangeness.
March 1984 was marked Vol. 2, No. 4 when it is really Vol. 2, No. 5.
11) Car Speed & Style started with the Dec, 1957 issue. Generally it would have a volume number for the 1 st
six months and change to the next volume number for the last six months of the year. Therefore there were
two volume numbers per year. I found V1 #1 to be 12/57. 1/58 is V1 #2, 2/58 is V2 #1 (!!!!!), 3/58 is V1 #3,
4-5-6/58 are V1 # 6,7,&8. 7 to 12/58 are V2 #1 to #6. 1 to 6/59 are V3 #1 to #6. 7 to 12/59 are V4 #1 to #6.
7 to 12/59 are V4 #1 to #6. 1 to 6/60 are V5 #1 to #6. 7 to 12/60 are V6 #1 to #6. 1 to 3/61 are V7 #1 to #3.
This is the last issue I've seen.
12) Speed & Custom/Speed & Supercar. It appears that Speed & Custom started in late 1959. The oldest
issue I've seen is March 1961 but one issue stated the whole number. This magazine died with the Aug.
1966 issue. The next issue was renamed Speed & Supercar. From this issue, Oct. 1966 S&S (Vol. 15, No. 2) it
ran as a bimonthly until it died out. The last issue of this mag I've seen was Feb. 1974, Vol. 22, No. 1.
13) Cars/Hi-Performance Cars. (Subtitled: Hot Rods-Super Stocks-Customs; changed to Cars The
Automotive Magazine in 1960, then to Hi-Performance Cars in 1969, CARS The Hi-Performance Monthly in
late '77 and back to Hi-Performance Cars in late '78. It even had an issue in 1975 called Cars HiPerformance & Custom. 12/59 is Vol. 1, No. 1. Royal Pub. ran this mag until the 4/74 issue when the name
was sold to Popular Pub. Was a monthly with the following missing issues: 1960-2, 4, 12, 1961-2, 6, 8, 12,
1962-3, 6, 8, 1963-2, 5, 8, 1964-1, 5, 9, 1965-1, 5, 9, 1966-1, 1976-3, & 1978-2. Jan 1979 was the last issue by
Popular Pub. Courtney Books brought the name back and printed 10/79 and 1/80. I have seen Chevy
Fever as late as 1983 and on the cover it states it's from Cars Magazine.
14) Falcon News, National Falcon News & Falcon Bulletin: The Falcon Club of America ran this magazine.
It started off as Falcon News. The earliest issue I've seen is June of 1985, Vol. 6, No. 11. With the Oct. 1990
issue there was a name change to The Falcon Bulletin. A Note on the cover stated, "We launch with this
issue a new format for news and features for members of the Falcon Club of America.
"Following weeks of consultation, planning, and board approval, the new format will provide for a monthly
The Falcon Bulletin with a quarterly The Falcon News. This new format will provide 16 total issues per year
rather than the current 12......
"The Falcon Bulletin, the monthly, will contain calendar, chapter news, meet announcements,
basically a newsletter in purpose.
"The Falcon News, the quarterly, will be of magazine format, and will contain feature articles and pictures
(no advertising).
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"In addition, a directory of FCA members will be published annually."
This new Falcon Bulletin no longer posted a volume number but only a date. The last issue I've seen under
this name was Feb. 1994. The next issue I have seen is Nov. 2004. Now the magazine is named "The
National Falcon News." There is still no volume number but from reading inside it appears this new name
came about in 1997.
The Falcon News became Falcon Quarterly Newsletter in 1992.
15) Rod Action, Street Rod Action, Ray Brock's Rod Action. Started with Jan. 1972 as Ray Brock's Rod Action.
It changed to just Rod Action with 9/73 issue. With the 1/89 issue it became Street Rod Action. I've seen
nothing past 1998.
WPC News. These folks can't count or they were very sloppy. The publish dates along with volume
numbers are printed in large type on the covers. I'll show only 1977.
Feb. 1977 is Vol. 8, No. 6
May 1977 is Vol. 8, No. 9
June 1977 is Vol. 8, No. 10
July 1977 is Vol. 7, No. 9
Oct. 1977 is Vol. 9, No. 2
Nov. 1977 is Vol. 9, No. 3
Dec. 1977 is Vol. 9, No. 4. Go figure.
17) Modern Rod/Drag Strip/Speed Age. Modern Rod started on 2/64 and lasted until 5/66 when it
became Drag Strip. On the cover of the 3/69 Drag Strip it states "Incorporating Speed Age." This was
repeated on the next issue, 4/69. Then, on 5/59, the title was "Speed Age...Formerly Drag Strip." Rather
strange. Looks like it should be the other way around. But it gets even stranger. The title font used on this
second go-around for the name Speed Age is identical to the font used on the 1959 issues of the first Speed
Age!!! I can find nothing to connect the two. In the 1987 new Speed Age, it notes the first Speed Age died
in the 50's.
18) Car Craft, Honk!, Hop Up, Hot Rod, Motor Life, Motor Trend, Road & Track, Rod & Custom, and Rod
& Custom. These magazines evolved from a publishing war between Road & Track, Quinn Pub. & Petersen
Road & Track was started by two friends, Wilfred Brehaut & Joseph Fennessy in 1947 in Hempstead, N.Y.
Published only six times from 1947 to 1949, it struggled in its early years. By 1952, regular contributor and
editor John Bond had become the owner of the magazine, which then grew until its sale to CBS Publications
in 1972. In 1988, Hachette Filipacchi Media took ownership of the magazine. In October 2008, Matt
DeLorenzo became Editor-in-Chief, succeeding Thos L. Bryant, who had been in place for 20 years. Hearst
Magazine purchased the magazine in 2011.
Hop Up was on off shoot from Road & Track. It was printed first on 7/51 as a small test run. It quickly
sold out and was reprinted with the date of 8/51. Financial problems loomed in 1952. Bill Quinn, Road &
Track ad manager and minor shareholder, feared the worst, so he traded his shares in the company for the
rights to Hop Up.
Quinn's first issue was 7/52 and it remained a digest size magazine until 3/53. It became Hop Up & Motor
Life on 7/53 and just Motor Life on 4/54. Motor Life was later merged into Motor Trend in 1962.
Rods & Customs came out as a break away from Hop Up on 5/53. It was digest size magazine while Hop
Up remained a large magazine. The title changed to Rod & Custom after the first issue.
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Petersen Publishing, to counter Rods & Customs, brought out Honk! on 5/53. They already had Hot Rod
which started on 1/48 & Motor
Trend that started on 9/49. Honk! lasted until 10/53 when it became Car Craft on 12/53.
Petersen bought out Quinn in 1955. The first issue of Rod & Custom from Petersen was 7/55.
19) Secrets Magazine. A quarterly from The Secrets of Speed Society. It is "Dedicated to celebrating the
people, history, technology and equipment of high performance Model "A", "B" & "T" four cylinder Fords as
used around the world for daily driving, cross-country touring and racing. Secrets Magazine believes there
is a whole world of "Speed and Sport" to be shared on how vintage Fords were and are being used after the
assembly line."
This magazine started off as "Secrets--The Ford Speed & Sport Magazine" on July, 1991. By 07/04 it had
become "Vintage Ford Speed Secrets Magazine " and changed to "Vintage Ford Speed Secrets & Sport
Magazine" in 2005. In 2007 it changed again, this time to "Vintage Speed & Sport Secrets Magazine."
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