Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU To access the


Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU To access the
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
To access the FieldWise portal:
Go to:
Demo Account Login: user id: demoadmin
password: demoadmin
Once you’ve logged in, you are directed to your device list. The device list shows every device type linked to your account.
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
The new web interface uses the latest in technology making it easy to access devices, reports, settings and full map views. The FieldWise alert
system is unique in its industry, allowing customization and ability to control other devices when events occur. Our patented collision detection
puts you at ease when your quarters overlap.
Click on lines in
top left corner. It
expands to
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
Enjoy the full screen map view of your pivots, pumps or probes – giving you real time data that you can see. You can click on any device to access
details, send commands and change endgun, speed or stop pad settings.
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
You can access all of your settings from the full map view, by clicking on the specified pivot and either selecting Details | Speed | Endgun | Stops
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
Accessing individual devices: From your device list, click on the specific device and it will take you to the pivot details. This page is different from
the full map view. Just another way to access your pivot remotely.
Available Commands
Colored status indicators: in
this case, pivot is running wet
Easy access to settings
Red slash indicates active stop pad
Take notes: oil changes, flat tires
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
Can mark pivot location using
phone GPS (location enabled)
Easy pivot finder.
Make your
update your
settings specific
to your pivot.
Information Guide: User Interface with a Zempat RTU
Run reports any time of the year. Save as a pdf or excel. Manage your account on your own – you are in control. Set up users, alerts, schedule
events, manage your devices and fields, and access invoices.
FieldWise and
Moisture Probe Information Guide
Sub-Surface SID-12 Probe 40”
The Aquacheck sub-surface soil moisture probe offers capacitance based soil moisture measurements, offering up to six depths or sensors (soil
moisture and soil temperature) per probe. The probe is dependent on a FieldWise Telemetry unit to transmit data.
Setting up your probe:
Go to and login to access your probe.
If FieldWise installed your probe for you, the probe settings will be set up for you based on installation notes from the field.
If installed by a customer, please make sure you put in the appropriate settings online to ensure the most accurate data results. The coordinates
will also need to be put in for reference points.
Once you’ve logged in, find the probe you’d like to look at, click on it and it will take you to the details page. Scroll down to the bottom and click
on Device Settings to make changes to the probe’s profile.
Update device name
Update location
Gravimetric water content is the weight of soil
water per unit weight of dry soil.
Data shown in %
Volumetric water content is the volume of soil
water per unit of total volume. Data shown in in/ft.
Most people are familiar with this format.
See the last page, to read more about the
importance of selecting the correct soil type and
understanding the capacity of the soil to determine
appropriate agronomy settings.
Agronomy Settings: located at bottom of Probe details page
The Moisture Profile chart depends on the information entered in the Agronomy Settings for the probe. In those settings the agronomist can
enter in the date with the full/refill/root depth information. The root depth is just to let the system know which sensors it should use to
determine available moisture. Agronomists will not need to call FieldWise to disable sensors to get the profile desired. Sensors can be disabled
back on the details page by unchecking the sensor. (see next page)
The value units for the full and refill are going to be dependent on the probe used and the calibration equations entered. For instance, if
volumetric is used, it would be inch sum. If gravimetric is used it would be % sum. The only difference with gravimetric and volumetric is that
volumetric is the gravimetric multiplied by the bulk soil density.
Make sure you use the units that match the calibration equation you select. For volumetric it would be inch/foot per sensor (sensor per foot)
and for gravimetric it would be the %.
Full Level: Maximum amount of water needed in field for optimum plant health. Based on root depth and soil holding capacity.
Refill Level: Minimum amount of water needed in field for optimum plant health. Based on root depth, soil holding capacity and plant type.
Root Depth: Tells the portal how many sensors to use to determine available moisture.
Note: you can see agronomy settings in place back on details page. Area will be highlighted in green. You should be adding in agronomy settings
as your crop continues to grow and root depth changes.
Rain event
Irrigation event
Water run-off or used by plant
Total Moisture is the sum of all moisture sensors.
Green solid bar indicates
Agronomy settings in place
Displays the sum of the moisture sensors (Total Moisture) and the moisture sensors at or above the root depth (Available Moisture).
The sensor data shows your root depth. You will see a stairstep pattern at the lowest root depth.
Irrigation event: see a spike and will level off.
The leveling off is your max soil capacity.
Stair-step pattern.
Sensors 8” and 16” are picking up moisture readings (showing stairstep pattern @ 8 and minor stair-step @ 16. This would indicate that
your roots are somewhere between 8” and 16” deep.
Disabled sensors have “x” on them.
Enabled by checking it again
Choose how much data you want
Moisture Properties: (for installers) –
raw scaled frequency data from the
Temperature Readings: raw data in
Getting the most out of your probe: 4 Key Factors
1. Recognize whether it is installed correctly (for self-installers or dealers):
Spikes at multiple
sensors at same time
inappropriate install
2. Determine Root Depth: you will see a stair-step pattern at lowest root depth
Stair-step pattern.
Sensors 8” and 16” are picking up moisture readings (showing stairstep pattern @ 8 and minor stair-step @ 16. This would indicate that
your roots are somewhere between 8” and 16” deep.
3. Application Penetration: Tells how effective watering is and if penetrating into the soil.
Example: Watering too little – water may evaporate and not get to the plant
Example: Watering too much – have run-off or penetrate too deep, wipe away fertilizer and push nutrients below root depth
1. Can see it rained almost an inch on July 11, but then
on July 12 there was run-off.
2. Prior to July 8, you can see the typical stair-step pattern
indicating root depth is somewhere around 8”, maybe more.
3. Since we’ve determined the root depth, but can clearly
see the rain penetrated to ALL sensors, we can conclude that
the moisture at sensors 4-6 (24”-40”) wasn’t AVAILABLE to
the plant and if fertilizer was applied prior to this rain, it
would have pushed too deep, beyond the root depth and
not providing any nutrients.
4. Full and Refill Levels:
Full Level: Maximum amount of water needed in field for optimum plant health. Based on root depth and soil holding capacity.
Refill Level: Minimum amount of water needed in field for optimum plant health. Based on root depth, soil holding capacity and
plant type.
These levels should be updated based on the plant growth. Now that you can determine the root depth, you need to understand the soil holding
Full Level: After an irrigation/rain (a spike in the moisture chart), you will see it level off. That is your maximum amount of water your field
can hold at that depth. Keep in mind you never want your field at this level on a daily basis. This is your SATURATION level.
Refill Level: prevents your plant from wilting. Based on soil texture capacity and plant type. We do not provide data for crop water
Can see root depth is 8”. Maximum holding capacity for soil
is between 2.6”- 2.8”