2008 Annual Report


2008 Annual Report
2008 Annual Report
Serving Bay and
Arenac Counties
2008 Annual Report
Our Mission
The mission of the Bay Area Community Foundation is to fulfill a wide
array of donors’ charitable wishes throughout Bay and Arenac Counties
by building permanent endowment funds and serving as a leader for
community improvement through effective grantmaking and collaboration.
Our Vision
The Bay Area Community Foundation will be the Bay Area’s leading
philanthropic resource to improve the overall quality of life throughout
our community.
Board of Trustees
Gary Bosco Chair
Darbee, Bosco & Hammond
Jane Hagen
Tri-Star Trust Bank
Debra Lutz • Vice Chair
Delta College
Robert Hetzler
Community Volunteer
Michael Hanisko • Treasurer
Weinlander Fitzhugh
Michael Kelly
The Conservation Fund
Michael Stoner • Secretary
Bay Metro Transit
Linda Stevens
Dow Corning Corporation
William Bowen
Community Volunteer
Jeffrey Martin
The Dow Chemical Company
Kay Burks
Independent Bank
Robert Monroe
Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
Diane Demers
Heartland Home Healthcare
and Hospice
Abel Torres
Bay County Circuit Court
Mike Dewey
Bay-Arenac ISD
Beth Elliott
The F.P. Horak Company
Anne Trahan
Anne Trahan Photography
Carolyn Wierda
Bay City Public Schools
Karolyn Goslin
Community Volunteer
2009 Business Sponsors
Bay Regional Medical Center
Chemical Bank
Citizens Bank
–‑ Wealth Management
Dow Corning Corporation
Fabiano Brothers
Gregory Construction
Merrill Lynch –‑ The Iles Group
Michigan Sugar Company
Rowley Brothers, Inc.
SC Johnson
The Dow Chemical Company
Tri-Star Trust Bank
Weinlander Fitzhugh, P.C.
Gary Bosco
Kay Burks
Jane Hagen
Michael Hanisko
Bob Hetzler
Mary Hofmeister
Steve Kessler
Debra Lutz
Dom Monastiere
Jerome Yantz
Gary Bosco
Beth Elliott
Ruth Jaffe
Gary Labadie
Guy (Tim) Moulthrop
Scott Schropp
Linda Stevens
Jerome Yantz
William Bowen
Mike Kasperski
Rob Monroe
Pam Monastiere
Abel Torres
Jerome Yantz
Craig Aimar
Al Bryant
Mike Kasperski
Judi Hill
Jan Blecke
Mike Dewey
Gary Labadie
Alan Lafave
Pam Monastiere
Rob Monroe
Tom Niemann
Mary Rankey
Valerie Roof
Mike Stoner
Andreas Teich
Michelle Vannest
Carolyn Wierda
Jeff Yantz
Arenac County Fund
Mary Borushko
Donna Bouldin
Bobbe Burke
Carolyn Christie
Stephanie Cooper
Bridget Dunleavy
Jerry Golimbieski
Claude Inch
Marvin Ittner
Ken Kernstock
Sharon Leaman-Case
Diane Morley
Rick Rockwell
Karen Rockwell
Ronda Switek
Dale Wiess
Northern Bay Fund
Mike Bergeron
Richard Byrne
Tom Buechle
Ellen Charlebois
Dan Couveau
Mary Ellery
Gary Gorske
Andy Kowalczyk
Richard Kusterer
Marty Schultz
Mike Stoner
Ronda Switek
Michael Vieau
Student Representatives
Taylor Beck
Shannon McDougall
Charles Bauer
Bob Budinsky
Don Carlyon
Charley Curtiss
Jonathon Jarosz
Jeff Jatczak
Mike Kelly
Jim Lillo
Mark Lesinski
Terry Miller
Laura Ogar
Gary Putt
Walt Rathkamp
Valerie Roof
Judy Woodham
Bill Wright
Youth Advisory
Amber Ahrens
Kelsey Allen
Kayla Ambroziak
Claire A. Arndt
Alexandria Buchalski
Nichole Clayton
Aly Cozad
Natalie Cushway
Taylor Gerken
Athena Grills
Alex Grills
Jarod Grimmer
Rachel Lawrence
Glenn Madigan
Arsh Patel
Devyn Podsiadlik
Mallory Rivard
Emily Rousse
Katelyn Rousse
Julie Schmidt
Samantha Smith
Emily Spigile
Tanner Southern
Jordan Truax
Janelle Urban
Jenessa Urban
Jennifer Washabaugh
Julie Washabaugh
Amber Wolverton
Darwin Baranski
Dave Engelhardt
Diane Demers
Dirk Westbury
Gary Manthey
Jim Lillo
Jeff Martin
Jeff Mayes
Marty Schultz
Sita Compton
Terry Moultane
Terry Spegel
Cathy Washabaugh
Terry Watson
William Schubert
Bay Commitment
Peter Boyse
Don Carlyon
Mike Dewey
Mitzi Dimitroff
Tom Lane
Mark McKinley
Sue Murphy
Brian Thomas
Carolyn Wierda
Jerome Yantz
Civic League
Advisory Fund
Pam Binder
Kerry Brown
Mary Ann Coryell
Nancy Engelhardt
Debbie Gruber
Joyce Hetzler
Lucy Horak
Pam Kelly
Julie Kosinski
Susan Light
Diane Lyon
Elizabeth Martin
Nancy Quinn
Fran Santoro
Julie Tabor
Dee Dee Wacksman
How do you get “there” from here? What if getting where you’re going means you’re likely to encounter an
obstacle? How do you assure safe passage beyond whatever stands in your way? You build a bridge.
Some bridge builders use steel and rigging to create grand structures that span gaps and gorges. Some use
a few stones nearly submerged in a stream so as to step to the other side. Other bridge builders use what
they have on hand, perhaps a simple plank, to lay across uncertain footing. Whatever the difference in
approach, all bridge builders share the single-minded purpose of connecting the “from here” and the
“to there.” The bridge builders within our community are visionaries. They don’t often think of the bridge
itself. That’s because they take the long view and focus on the destination before them.
Through the stewardship of the Bay Area Community Foundation and with a steadfast vision of getting
from here to there, donors are building strong and enduring bridges for our community into the future.
The funds they establish, the scholarships they endow, and the programs their gifts support are relevant to
the times in which we live and the challenges we will face as a community tomorrow.
The Bay Area Community Foundation is here to make your philanthropic aspirations come to life and
dependably manage your gift, ensuring it remains a source of joy, opportunity, and support for
generations to come. Won’t you join in building a bridge?
2008 Annual Report
Letter from the
Chair & President
Dear BACF Friends,
Bridges provide crossings over rivers, highways, paths, trails, gaps, and barriers. Bridges provide connections between
different segments of communities. The Bay Area Community Foundation is our community’s bridge that connects
donors and their philanthropic wishes to improve Bay and Arenac Counties. Without the generous support of our
donors, we would not be able to fulfill our mission of serving as a leader for community improvement through
effective grantmaking.
In 2008, the Foundation moved into its new home at the restored Pere Marquette Depot, thereby creating a bridge
connecting the past to the future. The Depot stood empty and in disrepair for thirty-eight years before visionary
leaders took on the challenge of honoring the past by returning the structure to its original glory with a new purpose.
We made meaningful gains in several areas over the last year.
• Eight new endowed funds were established by donors who wanted to create a legacy, honor a loved one,
create a scholarship, or provide a designated fund in support of a local nonprofit agency.
• Through donor sponsored endowed funds, 162 scholarships totaling over $311,000 were awarded to
students pursuing a college education.
• The Bay Commitment Scholarship program completed the first phase of its pilot program when 100
graduating high school seniors each received $2,000 scholarships. These students went on to attend
Delta College or Saginaw Valley State University. The scholarship program was generously supported
by the Joseph Krantz Family and the Ron and Greta McGillivray Trust.
• Over $500,000 was distributed through grant awards to nonprofit human services, arts and culture,
recreation, education, youth, community development, environment, and health and wellness
• A new BACF website was implemented to provide easier access to Foundation information and
online scholarship applications. The www.bayfoundation.org website is now a resource to community
members, donors, and professional financial advisors.
In the year ahead, we will:
• Build awareness of the positive impact donor contributions make in our community through the Foundation.
• Concentrate on collaboration with nonprofit organizations to build agency and designated endowed
funds to support their organizations long into the future.
• Continue our focus on the rewards of the Bay Commitment Scholarship program by promoting an
education culture in our community.
• Evaluate and distribute grant funding to organizations that support the components of a thriving Bay Area. • Ensure we follow best practices by working with established investment advisors to obtain the highest
possible return at the lowest risk on funds entrusted to the Foundation.
Please visit our new home in the Pere Marquette Depot to learn firsthand how our combined efforts in philanthropy
can create a better tomorrow for our community. We are accountable to you, our donors. We strive to ensure your
gifts and legacy are managed as you intended.
Gary Bosco
Chair Eileen A. Curtis
President & CEO
Our Donors
Ace Hardware
Dr. & Mrs.Griffith Acker
Acting Charitable Teens
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Adams
Rodney W. Adams
Aesymmet Ricks Hair-Nail-Massage
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Aldrich
Kim Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Alegria
All Saints Athletic Club
Matthew Allison
Alpha Delta Kappa
Alter Ego Society
Bruce Alvesteffer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Alvesteffer
Shelley Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Anderson
Andrew F. & Mary H. Anderson
Charitable Foundation
Andrews Hooper & Pavlik P.L.C.
Barbara E. Appold
Michael & Cindy Appold
Gordon Arbuckle
Arc of Bay County
Arenac County Independent
David & Cindi Arneberg
Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Arnesen
Dr. George F. Ascherl Jr.
Dr. Stephanie Ash
Todd & Sarah Atkinds
George & Joann Ayotte
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ayotte
Mike Bacigalupo
William & Blanche Badour
Cori Baker
Jean L. Baker
Joy Baker
Dr. & Mrs. Scott A. Baker
Dr. Dariusz Balinski & Dr. Inez Balinska
Diana Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Ballor
Bangor Township Educational Support
Personnel Association
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baranek
Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. John Bateson
Bay Area Runners Club
Bay Arenac Education Association
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Parker
Bay City Central Booster Club
Bay City Civitan
Bay City Country Club
Bay City Education Association
Bay City Public Schools
The Bay City Times
Bay County Med Society Alliance
Bay Metro Transit Staff
Bay Pediatric Clinic
Bay Regional Medical Center
Bay Screen Printing & Graphics
BC Automotive Service Center
Charles & Natalie Beaudoen
Paul Begick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Belanger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Belleman
Mr. & Mrs. Lee H. Beller
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bergeron
Elizabeth Berner
Charles & Natalie Beyer
Lynette Bickel
Terry & Beth Bigelow
Brenda Biggs
Charles & Pam Binder
Thomas Birch Jr.
Keith & Ethel Birchler
Jill Birdsall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bishop
Vicki & Shawn Bishop
Loyal & Linda Bismack
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Black
Mr. David & Dr. Janalou Blecke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bloenk
Mr. & Mrs. David Bolander
Gary & Barbara Bosco
Mr. & Mrs. Vern S. Botts Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Bowker
John Bradburn
Jennifer Braden
Daniel & Natasha Brandt
Dwayne Brashaw
Kathryn Brashaw
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Bremer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Brennan
Mrs. JoAnn Brennan
Patricia Brighton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Britt
Mr. & Mrs. James Brown
Max Brown
Alan Bryant
Nancy Buchholz
Bernadine Budzinski
Terry & Penny Burger
Bobbe M. Burke
Jeremy & Nicole Buschlen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Bush
Nancy Buttrick
Judy Byerley
Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Campbell
Cardiac & Vascular Research Center
Mr. & Mrs. Don Carlyon
David & Sharon Case
James & Michelle Caspers
John Causgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cavanaugh
Jeff & Janel Caverly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chadwick II
Brad & Susan Champagne
Mr. & Mrs. George Charles
Timothy & Suzanne Christian
Church Women United of Bay County
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ciesla
City of Pinconning
Civil Engineering Consultants
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clabuesch
Kyle & Lisa Cleland
Bridgette Clements
Bonnie Clevenger
Jean D. Clukie
Mark & Shawn Collier
Mr. & Mrs. William Collier
Columbian Club of Fisherville
Elmie Compeau
Ronald & Laurie Comtois
Consumers Energy
Consumers Energy Foundation
The Cook Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Cook
Fred & Joyce Cook
Michael Coonan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Coryell Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Crane
Nicholas Csonka Jr.
CSX Transportation, Inc
Megan Cull
Charles & Jayne Curtis
H. Eric & Eileen Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Curtiss
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Cusick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Daniel
Noel & Kathleen Dansereau
Jane L. Davidson
Deborah J. Deboe
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Deford
Timothy & Susan Deford
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Demers
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Derck
Ron & Roslyn Derdowski
Deshano Community Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Bhaskar Devanagondi
Michael R. Dewey
David & Marian Dyarmond
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Deyoung
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dimitroff
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Dingman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dodick
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Doner
Linda Doner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Doner
Kellie A. Dora
Dr. & Mrs. Linneaus C. Dorman
The Dow Chemical Company Foundation
Sarah Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drummond
Patricia Drury
Dunlop Pontiac, Inc.
Cynthia Dutkiewicz
Carol Dwan
Mr. Matthew Eagles
Mary Ellery
Beth J. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Engelhardt
Sara Engelhardt
Edward & Helen Esler
Thomas & Janine Essenmacher
F.O.P. #103 Bay City
Debra Faccio
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Felske
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Fettig
Financial Edge Community Credit Union
Barbara S. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Fisk
Jonathan & Martha Fitzpatrick
Connie Follis
James & Dora Fouchea
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Fournier
Mr. & Mrs. Harald Friedeberg
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gabil
Mr. Adam Gardner
Gatza Builders
Leanne Gautier
Garrett & Ashley Geer
F.E. Gerace
Ghost of the State Theatre
Margaret Gill
Michael & Dorothy Gill & Family
Maryann Gillette
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gillman
Mr. & Mrs. Greg R. Gingerich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Girard
Jeremy & Michelle Goaley
Mark & Alison Goethe
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Golimbieski
Ray & Jessica Good
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Goodell
Mrs. Annabell Goodman
Tracey Goodnight
Mr. & Dr. Stephen R. Goodnow
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gottesmann
Gougeon Brothers Employees
Mr. & Mrs. Meade A. Gougeon
Jennifer Gradowski
Carl Graft
Jerry & C.E. Grant
Mr. & Mrs. David Greene
Mr. & Mrs. William Gregory
Jane Grein
Mr. & Mrs. Guy R. Greve
Steven Gribbell
James & Ann Griffiths
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Grills
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Grocholski
Robert Gruber & Laura Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gruszynski
Debra Gubbins
Charles A. Guidot & Kathleen Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Gulau
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gwizdala
Mr. & Mrs. F. Peter Haake
Richard & Wendy Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hagen
Mr. Timothy W. Hagley
Jennifer Hall
Richard & Patricia Hall
Anne Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanisko
Mr. William Hanson
Carol C. Hardy
Joseph & Ann Harrison
HCR Manor Care Foundation
Elizabeth C. Heath
Frederick & Linda Heckerthorn
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Heemstra
Ross & Reba Heinrich
Mark & Stephanie Hellebuyck
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Herbolsheimer
Mr. Dennis Herford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hetzler
Mr. Robert Hirschfield
Kenneth & Kathy Hoard
Steven & Beth Hofmann
James & Rose Ann Holka
Loretta Hollister
Mr. Paul Holyszko
Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Horak
Mr. Lowell Horneber
Mrs. Gloria Horner
Dinah Horning
Laura Howell
James & Susan Hoyle
Lester & Suzette Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hudson
Mildred Hugo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hugo
Robert & Diane Hurley
Betsy Hurn
Elizabeth J. Husband Trust
Ralph J. Isackson
Catherine Isola
2008 Annual Report
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position for the Years Ended December 31
Financial Summ ary
2008 Grant Awards
Per Grant Application Type • Totaling $1,232,438
Human Services
Environment 2% • $24,632 12% • $153,497
6.55% • $150,520
6% • $72,277
50% - $612,201
2% • $18,646
8% • $104,485
8% • $96,179
Consultants for
Portfolio Management:
Fund Evaluation Group
Detroit MI
J. David Wetzel CFP, AAMS
Senior Vice President
Audited financial statements and IRS Form 990 for the
Bay Area Community Foundation are available for
inspection at the Foundation’s offices, 1000 Adams Street,
Suite 200, Bay City, Michigan 48708, and online
at www.bayfoundation.org. Independent Auditors:
Rehmann Robson – Certified Public Accountants.
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Unconditional promises to give, net of allowance of
$3,750 in 2008 and $14,200 in 2007
Restricted to long-term purposes
Notes receivable
Cash surrender value of life insurance policies
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Furniture and equipment, net
Investment in properties
Investment in GLCF Holding, Inc.
Nature conservatory
Total Assets
$212,773 604,743 $236,103
560,095 3,392,230 19,927,638 27,012 13,038 30,881 1,701,724 1,000,100 279,900 $27,909,078
552,987 3,342,100 26,736,549 31,538 18,495 21,002 1,882,327
Accounts payable $22,133 Accrued liabilities 14,689 Capital lease payable 1,824 Grants payable 144,928 Obligations for agency endowments 590,742 Deferred revenue 1,000 Debt 735,316 Life-income payable 163,657 $6,049 10,688 4,529 57,384 699,737 1,000 1,008,020 186,654
Total Liabilities 1,674,289 Net Assets
Unrestricted 23,989,055 31,187,746 Temporarily restricted 1,965,834 727,264 Permanently restricted 279,900 279,900 Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 26,234,789 32,194,910
$27,909,078 $34,168,971
Consolidated Statements of Activities for the Years Ended December 31
$2,257,834 Investment income
582,186 Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)
on investment securities
Grant revenue
Grants - Federal
76,000 Other income
810,030 Rental income
72,766 Total Support and Revenue EXPENSES
Grants and scholarship awards
$1,224,393 $955,067
Program related expenses
Project expenses
142,822 189,102 Grantmaking
215,219 43,670 Supporting services
General and administrative
304,861 389,586 Fundraising
115,814 144,195 Investment services
70,434 72,445
Total Expenses Loss on disposal of furniture and equipment Impairment loss on investment in properties Total Expenses and Losses Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Net Assets at End of Year
2,073,543 Memorials/
Honoraria • 0.95%
32,194,910 $26,234,789 Pledges • 2.40%
General Endowed
Stock/Planned Gifts
Marvin Ittner
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Jablonski
Jack’s Fruit Markets
Earl & Patricia Jacobs
Eugene & Tami Jacobs
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Jaffe
Mrs. Barbara Jakubczak
Floyd Jankowski
Mr. & Mrs. Roy P. Jeffery
David & Suzann Jensen
Guy Greve
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Jessup
Bethany Jill
Mr. & Mrs. James Jocks
Joyce Johnson
Mrs. Marilyn Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Tyre K. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery T. Jozwiak
Elaine Kanaski
Kellie Kanicki
The Kantzler Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Karr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kasperski
Mr. Robert Kazmierski
Edward & Noreen Keating
Benjamin & Katie Keith
Paul & Kellie Kekel
Mary Jo Kellogg Bladecki
Michael & Barbara Kelly
Shari Kendziorski
Fr. Kevin N. Kerbawy
Ken & Kay Kernstock
Leo H. & Wilma Kessler
Keith & Tanya Keysor
David C. Kiley
Kimberly Kramer P.L.C.
Mickey & Amy Kimsel
Phyllis Kindinger
J. Patrick Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinney
Mr. Thomas M. Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt A. Kipfmiller
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kirchman
Kiwanis Club of Bay City
$1,960,844 552,519 1,518,656 1,000 628,912 214,479 74,330
721 180,603 2,254,867 Our Donors
3,156,675 29,038,235
Donor Sources for 2008
Stock/Planned Gifts
General Endowed
2008 Annual Report
Our Donors
Kiwanis Club of Standish
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klender
Amanda T. Klida
Mr. & Mrs. James Klida
Patsy Knoy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kobman
Karen Kochevar
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kociba
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kolb
James E. Korth
Gary & Katheryn Kosecki
Rosalie Kostus
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kotewa
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kozakiewicz
William Kozuch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Krantz
Joseph Kreft
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Krengielski
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Labadie
Joseph & Dawn Labelle
Lisa Lacourt
Ollie & Denise LaFray
Mr. & Mrs. William Lakie
Estelle Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lance
Lori Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Langenburg
Elizabeth LaPorte
Diana LaPrairie
Mr. & Mrs. Rande LaPrairie
Joshua Larose
Mr. & Mrs. D. Brian Law
Kathryn Law
Jan Lay
Ellen Learman
Jill Learman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Learman
Richard B. Learman
Richard & Amy Learman
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Leasure
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lee
James & Brenda Leland
Dr. Farrell Levasseur
Brian & Holly Lewis
Amy Licavoli
Kevin & Clare Light
The Bay Area Community Foundation promotes and strengthens philanthropy in our region. Existing charitable funds
are organized within the Foundation’s primary focus areas: Arts and Culture, Economic Development, Environment
and Recreation, Education, Health and Wellness, Human Services, and Youth. There are funding opportunities—
including your ability to develop new charitable funds—to fit all financial and philanthropic goals and to perfectly
mesh with your interests and passions.
Which Charitable Fund is Right for You?
Several types of charitable funds are available to support your giving. Choose one that matches your personal approach to
giving and your charitable intent. Our staff is pleased to discuss these options with you.
Donor Advised Funds
Donor advised funds are established by donors who wish to actively participate in the grantmaking process. They recommend
charitable projects or organizations they want to support. It is easy to give to multiple nonprofits through a donor advised fund.
Our Trustees are legally responsible for approving all grants.
Designated Funds
Donors wanting to support a specific agency or cause can establish a designated fund. If the original charity ceases to exist, becomes
obsolete, or is unable to perform its charitable purposes, our Trustees redirect the funds to an organization providing similar services,
without the cost of expensive legal action. Donors can create a new designated fund or contribute to an existing one.
Agency Funds
Many nonprofit organizations establish an endowment fund with us to grow assets to meet current and future needs. They look
to our Trustees for investment oversight and ask our staff to manage administrative details of the endowment. This can provide a
relatively constant source of annual income and help maintain their mission in perpetuity. It also frees the nonprofit to focus on
what it does best in the community.
Field of Interest Funds
Field of interest funds support particular interest areas, specific program initiatives, causes, or geographic areas. At the donor’s
request, fund use is restricted to a specified area of interest, but flexibility remains to meet changing situations.
Scholarship Funds
The creation of a scholarship fund named for a family member or in honor of a loved one can be structured to benefit students
at any education level or for a specific institution. Donors may stay involved through advisory relationships or name advisory
committees to assist in recipient selection. Our staff will handle the necessary paperwork and will ensure that scholarships are
distributed in an equitable manner.
Unrestricted Funds
Unrestricted funds are not specifically designated for use by a particular agency, cause, or area of interest. Our Trustees oversee how
these funds are used, setting priorities and determining how grants will be distributed to support the charitable needs of our community.
Unrestricted funds give us the ability to respond to pressing and often changing needs in the community.
2008 Annual Report
Charitable fund choices
Donor Advised Funds
Designated Funds
Eric James Blair Memorial Donor Advised Fund
D & J Blecke Donor Advised Fund
The Boutell Family Donor Advised Fund
Brennan Family Fund - NonEndowed
Scott & Nancy Carmona Donor Advised Fund
Civic League of Bay County
Advisory Endowment Fund
Dwan Family Donor Advised Fund
The Gougeon Family Fund
The Heritage Donor Advised Fund
The Herzog Family Donor Advised Fund
The Higgs Family Donor Advised Fund
Frederick Douglas & Natalia Ruth Horak
Donor Advised Endowment Fund
Joseph & Linda Krengielski Donor Advised Fund
Labadie Family Donor Advised Fund
Learman Family Donor Advised Endowment Fund
Helen and Robert Lee Donor Advised Fund
Oscar P. & Louise H. Osthelder Advisory Fund
Paul and Peggy Rowley Family
Donor Advised Endowment Fund
Hubert and Rita Smith Donor Advised Fund
Sustainable Community Initiative Fund (WIN)
Stephen and Dena Wirt Donor Advised Fund
American Red Cross Designated Fund
Animal Welfare Designated Fund
Bay Area Women’s Center Designated Fund
Bay Area Family Y Designated Fund
The Kate Carney Memorial Fund for
Bay Arenac Education Association
Bay City Public Schools Co-op of the Year Educ. Fund
Bay Arts Council Dance Scholarship Designated Fund
Bay Arts Council Designated Fund
Bay City Central Alumni and Friends Designated Fund
Bay City Players Designated Fund
Bay Music Foundation Designated Fund
BaySail Designated Endowment Fund
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Bay County Designated Fund
Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Bay County Designated Fund
Rowley Endowment Fund for Camp Trips
Carroll Park Designated Endowment Fund
James Clements Memorial Airport Fund
Disability Services Resource Center Endowment Fund
Do-All Designated Endowment Fund
Nate Doan Park Fund
The Henry Dora Hangar Renovation Fund
Historical Society of Bay County Designated Fund
Humane Society of Bay County Designated Fund
Imagination Library Designated Fund
Junior Achievement of Northeastern Michigan –
Bay County Designated Fund
Krantz Family Fund
Leadership Bay County Fund
Bay County Library Designated Fund
Walter R. Vaughn Memorial Library Designated Fund
Literacy Council of Bay County Designated Fund
Lutheran Child & Family Service Designated Fund
Donald C. Nichols Caddie Scholarship Fund
Robert & Mary Nimergood Memorial Arts Fund
Imagination Station Playscape Fund
Come Play by the Bay Playscape Fund
Rowing Endowment Fund
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy Fund
Saginaw Bay Community Sailing Association
Designated Fund
Skatepark Endowment Fund
S.P.E.E.D. Designated Fund (Speedskating Program)
Spray Park Designated Endowment Fund
Squires Grants Fund
State Theatre Bay City/Bay County Endowment Fund
Studio 23 Designated Endowment Fund
United Way of Bay County Designated Fund
George W. Romney Fund for VAC of Bay County
Veterans Monument Perpetual Care Fund
Bay County Vietnam Veterans Monument Fund
Weinlander Fitzhugh Memorial Fund
Westminster Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund
Agency Funds
American Red Cross Agency Fund
Bay Area Women’s Center Agency Fund
Bay Area Family Y Agency Fund
Bay Arts Council Agency Fund
Bay Arts Council Dance Scholarship Agency Fund
Bay City Players Agency Fund
Bay County 4-H Agency Endowment Fund
Bay Music Foundation Agency Fund
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Bay County Agency Fund
Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Bay County Agency Fund
Historical Society of Bay County Agency Fund
Humane Society of Bay County Agency Fund
Literacy Council of Bay County Agency Fund
Lutheran Child & Family Service
of Michigan Agency Fund
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy Agency Fund
S.P.E.E.D. Agency Fund (Speedskating Program, Equipment, Education & Development)
State Theatre Agency Fund
Studio 23 Agency Endowment Fund
United Way of Bay County Agency Fund
YWCA of Bay County Agency Fund
• Funds in green were established in 2008
Field of Interest Funds
Alzheimer’s Fund
Arenac County Fund
Bay County Civic Arena Endowment Fund
Beach Trail Fund
Beautification Fund
Carroll Park Project Fund
Vision for Education Fund
Elizabeth J. Husband Fund
Energy Endowment Fund
Watershed Restoration Fund
Environmental Endowment Fund
Health Initiative Endowment Fund - Arenac
Health Initiative Endowment Fund - Bay
Health Initiative NonEndowed Fund - Arenac
Health Initiative NonEndowed Fund - Bay
Historic Signs NonEndowed
Davison Slip Landscaping Fund
Marquette Sign Beautification Fund
Melvin Wood & Lee Wood Memorial Park Fund
Merritt Township Endowment Fund
Northern Bay Nature Trail Endowment Fund
Northern Bay County Fund
Bay City Parks Fund
Railtrail/Riverwalk Project Fund
Riverwalk Railtrail Endowment Fund
Ronald K. & Greta A. McGillivray
Saginaw River Improvement Fund
Skatepark Project Fund
Spray Park Project Fund
Western Bay County Enrichment Fund
Youth Initiative Endowment Fund
Scholarship Funds
Alpha Delta Kappa-Alpha Pi Chapter Fund
Brett N. Alvesteffer Memorial Educational Scholarship
Amy J. Brennan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Arenac County Scholarship Fund
Auburn Jaycees Educational Fund
Willard & Eleanor Ball Scholarship Fund
Jeffrey D. Ballance Memorial Fund
Bangor Township Schools Scholarship Fund
Bay City Civitan/Marcella Barber Scholarship
Bay Commitment Fund
Edmond H. Borgioli Educational Fund
Bay City Bowling Association/W. E. Matthew Educ. Fund
Bob & Ann Brobst Memorial Educational Fund
Peggy Brown Educational Scholarship Fund
Alan Bryant Leadership Award
Arthur H. Cansfield Educational Fund
Mary Kate Carney Scholarship Fund
Citizens Bank of Bay City Educational Fund
George R. Davidson Educational Fund
Bay County Dental Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
Doner Family Scholarship Fund
Dow Corning Employees Educational Fund
James T. Doyle Scholarship Fund
Mary Dupuis and Katherine Gustafson Education Fund
Jean J. Fischer Educational Fund
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #103
Benevolent Scholarship Fund
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #103 J. Sebald Educ. Fund
Josephine S. Gill Scholarship Fund
GM Powertrain – Bay City Educational Fund
Green Hut Charities “Leo Malecki” Educational Fund
Paul B. Grein Scholarship
Marie Guoan Scholarship Fund
Handy Intermediate Booster Club Scholarship Fund
Hugh G. Hanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth C. Heath Scholarship Fund
Art Hopp Leadership Award
Nathan R. Hugo Educational Scholarship Fund
Bradley J. Johnson Educational Fund
Virginia C. Johnston Scholarship Fund
Katy Bryant Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bay City Kiwanis Educational Fund
Shirley A. Klida Memorial Scholarship Fund
Raymond & Elaine Kraenzlein Scholarship Fund
Helen and Robert Lee Scholarship Fund
Karl K. Leibrand Educational Fund
Trevor D. Leser Memorial Scholarship Fund
Catherine Jean MacDonald Fine Arts Scholarship Fund
Daniel B. MacKenzie Scholarship Fund
Michael A. Majchrzak Memorial Educational Fund
Warren F. and Ruth P. Mandley
Memorial Educational Fund
Martin Family Educational Fund
Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund
Hazel E. McClure Commercial Art Educational Fund
Ronald K. & Greta A. McGillivray Scholarship Fund
Bay County Medical Society Auxiliary Merit Fund
Michigan Trucking Assoc. Equipment & Maintenance
Council Tri-City Chapter Scholarship Fund
Nelda Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Art & Helen (Miller) Nickless Scholarship Fund
Northern Bay-Arenac Retired School Personnel Scholarship
John & Marian (Munsch) Olfer Scholarship Fund
Oscar & Louise Osthelder Scholarship Fund - General
Oscar & Louise Osthelder Scholarship Fund
Patricia M. Scholarship Fund
Beth Pawlak Scholarship Fund
Jodi Peplinski Educational Fund
Velma Phillips Scholarship Fund
Dorothy I. Piering Scholarship Fund
Bay City Western High School Plant
Medical Scholarship Fund
Bay City Central High School Plant
Medical Scholarship Fund
Albert O. & Lillian Rathke Educational Fund
Ted and Alice (Karbowski) Rezmer Education Fund
Paul A. Rowley Delta Educational Fund
Ryan Family Scholarship Fund
Schairer Family Scholarship Fund
Richard A. Shockley Scholarship Fund
Lily Tarkowski Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter & Helen Thorsberg Scholarship Fund
Robert E. and Kathleen A. Vanderberg
Family Scholarship Fund
Clair & Hannah White Educational Fund
Peter A. White Scholarship Fund
Marion H. Whittaker Educational Fund
Stephen and Dena Wirt Scholarship Fund
John D. Wright Memorial Educational Fund
Chalmer A. Young Memorial Educational Fund
Jeanine Laura Zelnis Memorial Educational Fund
Zoe Educational Fund
Our Donors
Initiative Funds
Charles Shirley Avery Fund
Bay County Home Builders Association Fund
Boutell Family Fund
The Thomas A. Braley Family Fund
Carmona Family Fund
Fred C. & Joyce Cook Family Fund
Dobson Heavy Haul Fund
Terry & Jerry Drake Fund
Simon & Wilda Fisher Family Fund
Frederick & Elizabeth Fitzhugh Fund
Friends of the Foundation Fund
Dr. Donald & Carol Garvin Fund
Thomas & Elaine Gavin Family Fund
Community Initiative Fund
The Greve Family Fund
H. Hirschfield & Sons Co. Fund
Independent Bank Endowment Fund
Ralph & Shirley Isackson Family Fund
David and Suzann Jensen Family Fund
Raymond & Betty Johnson Fund
Dr. Tyre K. Jones Fund
Leonard & Esther Kessler Fund
Harold R. & Marilyn Kleinert Fund
Paul A. Kraft Family Fund
Lawyers & Judges Fund
Mae and Fred Lowe Family Fund
Dr. Thomas Markus Family Fund
John D. & Joan S. Morley Family Fund
Tom and Shari Niemann Family Fund
Marion Olfer Endowment Fund
Dr. Bernhardt & Suzie Pederson Family Fund
Theodore J. & Helen A. Putz Family Fund
Arthur & Erma Rowley Family Fund
James & Elizabeth Rowley Family Fund
Paul & Peggy Rowley Family Fund
Rudolph Family Fund
Henry & Patsy Schwartz Family Fund
Vernon F. and Ruth Short Family Fund
Hubert Stacy Jr. & Rita Smith Family Fund
Jerrold & Martha Smith Fund
Maynard L. Jr. & Donald M. Smith Fund
Bernard & Rosemarie Surath Fund
Margaret C. Thompson Family Fund
Willard & Mary Van Tuyle Family Fund
Walter G. & Carol A. Weinlander Fund
Mrs. Kathleen Linda
Charles & Marylyn Link
Elmer & Jeanine Link
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Livingston
Mr. Thomas P. Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Loehr
Elizabeth Loll
Mr. & Mrs. John Lore
Mr. & Mrs. John Lough
Inez C. Luce
Thomas & Casondra Luck Jr.
Frank J. Lukowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lupo
Mel & Grace Lupton
Johanne Luth
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lutz
Richard & Diane Lyon
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Machalak
Mr. & Mrs. Francis MacMillan
Daniel & Deborah Majchrzak
Terrance & Patricia Majchrzak
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Majerczyk
Dr. Robert Malecki
Jennifer Maltby
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Markstrom
Dr. Thomas Markus
Judy K. Marsh
Jonathan & Monica Martin
Keith & Cyndi Martin
Scott & Wendy Martin
Dr. & Mrs. David Massignan
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Matherly Jr.
Gary E. Mathews
Karen S. Matuzak
David & Patricia Maxim
Representative Jeff Mayes
Lynn Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. John McClelland
John and Nancy McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. James McCue
Kristin McDonell
Al & Joy McFadyen
Marie McFarland
Ronald and Greta McGillivray Trust
Stacy L. McIntyre
The McKay Cottage
2008 Annual Report
Our New Home
Bridging the Past and the Present
The Bay City Pere Marquette Depot, since its dedication in June 2008, has become a center for
community activities. The building houses the Bay Area Community Foundation and the Bay City
Convention and Visitors Bureau. Its grand, central waiting room is a resource center for tourists and
a meeting place for community groups.
When the original Bay City Pere Marquette Depot opened in 1904, it was a hub of comings and
goings, with passengers crowding its lobby and locally manufactured products shipping out on its
rails. After the Depot’s purchase by the Great Lakes Center Foundation in 2003 and with completion
of its historic renovation, this structure is a vital center of community activity once more.
Great Lakes Center Foundation Board
Charles Curtiss - President
Mitzi Dimitroff
Gary Labadie
Al McFadyen
Jerome Yantz
Kathy Pope*
*non-voting member
onthly in the
Committee meets m
y Area Community
board room of the Ba
Family Fund holders
Donor Advised and
e Depot
City Pere Marquett
gathered in the Bay
y Legacy ncheon
for the 2008 Holida
Our Donors
Robert McKinley
Barbara McLennan
Mr. & Mrs. Harlon P. McMillian
Lyle & Marlene McNally
Dr. & Mrs. Leo McSherry
Meadowbrook, Inc.
Means Industries, Inc.
Rev. Robert J. Meissner
Jerome & Judy Metz
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Meyers
Michigan Cat
Michigan Psychiatric & Behavioral Associates, P.C.
Midland Cogeneration Venture
Dave & Ruth Mikolajczak
Charles & Stacie Miller
Harold & Carla Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Miller
Angela Miller-Sagady
Richard & Carole Milster
Cheryl Misiak
MMB Partners, L.L.C.
Terry & Molly Molyneaux
Dominic & Pamela Monastiere
Robert & Debra Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Monville
James & Lynne Moore
Becky Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Morgan
Gary & Rebecca Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan M. Morley
Richard & Pamela Morse
Bradford & Marie Mossner
Mr. & Mrs. Guy T. Moulthrop
Moulthrop & Clift, Inc.
Kelly L. Moultine
Jon & Renee Mrozinski
Mrs. Grace Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Mulders Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mullins
David H. Murdoch
Mr. & Mrs. David Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Murray
Patrick & Kathleen Murtha
2008 Annual Report
Bay Commitment Scholarship
Bay Area visionaries are supporting a premise: If a community helps its young people
receive their education locally, the young people will likely stay in the community, put
down (stronger) roots, and continue the very cycle of reinvesting in that same community.
The Bay Commitment Scholarship is the result of such sensible forethought.
Now in its second year of a two-year pilot program, the program annually awards 100
graduating seniors from Bay City Public Schools with a $2,000 scholarship to attend
either Delta College or Saginaw Valley State University.
The Bay Area Community Foundation, in cooperation with the Kantzler Foundation, the
Russell and Maxine Smith Foundation, and the Osthelder Fund, provided the initial financial
support for Bay Commitment’s pilot program when it was launched in fall 2007.
Joseph Krantz, a retired businessman who years before had attended Bay City Junior College,
shares the enthusiasm for reinvesting in the community through its young people. Mr. Krantz
and his family supported the program with an inaugural gift. The first 100 scholarships
awarded in the program were funded by Mr. Krantz and his family; the remainder of the Krantz
Family Donation was placed in an endowment fund at the Bay Area Community Foundation
to provide future support for Bay Commitment Scholarships.
A community investor throughout his lifetime, Ronald McGillivray espoused the value of
higher education. In 2008, the Bay Area Community Foundation received a gift from the estate
of Ronald K. and Greta A. McGillivray to fund community development projects and college
scholarships. A portion of the McGillivray donation will support the Bay Commitment
Scholarship program—and underscore the McGillivrays’ desire to help young people succeed
through higher education while encouraging the long-term vitality of our community.
Building Bridges: Building Student Potential
Northern Bay-Arenac Retired
School Personnel Scholarship Fund
The nearly 200 current members of the Northern Bay-Arenac Retired School Personnel
believe in giving students the opportunity for college education. After all, they’ve devoted
their lives to educating youngsters, and they know that earning a college education means
young people have a better chance at succeeding in the workforce and becoming productive
assets in our community. They know, too, that with college costs continually increasing,
many students will need a little extra help to fulfill their dreams of a college degree—
and a professional job well beyond the minimum-wage-paying alternative.
This common motivation inspired the organization to move the money it had been setting
aside on its own and establish an endowment fund with the Bay Area Community Foundation.
More than half of its membership contributes to the fund.
Because these everyday philanthropists are busy in their retirement, with the endowment
capably managed by the Bay Area Community Foundation, they’re assured that if their
group can no longer participate in selecting a scholarship recipient, the Foundation can
complete that task on their behalf. They also trust in knowing that the scholarship money
is well taken care of. They feel fulfilled, knowing that there will always be scholarship
money available to help students from our area high schools.
Building Bridges:
Building Opportunities for Brighter Futures
ip Recipients, 2008
Bay Commitment Scholarsh
Our Donors
Do-All Designated Fund
Do-All Inc. programs and services touch 7,500 lives in our community annually.
The organization provides people with developmental disabilities training,
employment, social and personal guidance, and assistance (through familiar
programs like Coats for Kids, the school supplies drive, and the Material
Assistance Center, where household items and clothing are given to families
so that the families’ wages can pay for essentials like groceries and housing).
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Myles
Roger & Vickie Nagy
Patrick Neering
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Nelb
David & Barbara Nelson
Mary Nelson
Stephen & Darcy Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Niemann
Tom Niemann
Mr. & Mrs. Max Nobel
Dr. Anita North
Northern Bay-Arenac Retired School Personnel
Carl E. Nystrom
John & Karen Nystrom
Patricia O’Connor
Dorothea O’Laughlin
Ernest & Janet Ofori-Darko
Sang & Kyung Oh
Rebecca D. Owsley
Rodney & Linda Pasch
Hollis Paul
Daniel Pawlak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pawlak
Stella Pearson
Suzi Pederson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pelton
Estate of Leone Penrod
Durwood & Catherine Perrou
Helen R. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Peterson
Michael & Barbara Pettigrew
Steven & Felicia Pfund
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Phillips
Dr. Paul Phillips
Marcia Phillips-Mathews
Lauren Piering
Pinconning Metals
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Pinter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piquet
Plum - Harris Agency
Brent & Amy Pobanz
Garry & Karen Pogue
Do-All Inc. programs and services provide
people with developmental disabilities training,
employment, social and personal guidance, and
assistance. Creating a designated fund gives the
organization the confidence that funds will be
there tomorrow to assist the people who need help.
To do its important work and fulfill its mission, Do-All Inc. depends on
receiving funding from community agencies and individual donors. But in
tough economic times, competition for dollars from funding sources gets
tighter. In planning for a more secure future, Do-All Inc., with an initial
investment, established a designated fund in its name through the Bay Area
Community Foundation.
What does having a designated fund mean to Do-All Inc. and to donors who
support the cause? The organization now has confidence that funds will be
there tomorrow to assist the people who need help. And donors see a return
on their investment, assured that the organization will use contributions
wisely and that their gifts will continue to benefit the community for years.
Through the Bay Area Community Foundation, each gift made to the
Do-All Designated Fund ensures that our community is supported into
perpetuity. As a result of this investment, dollars given today will help
many more people tomorrow.
Building Bridges:
Building Human Capacity
LEFT: Fredrick Burkhart, Judith Burkhart, Nellie Kellogg,
and Annabell Goodman, like other members of Northern BayArenac Retired School Personnel, want to give young people
the opportunity for college education. The group established an
endowment fund with the Bay Area Community Foundation to
provide student scholarships into the future.
2008 Annual Report
2008 Grants
Agency Endowment Funds
American Red Cross
Bay Area Women’s Center
Bay City Players
Bay County Historical Society
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County
Disability Services Resource Center
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy
State Theatre of Bay City
Studio 23
Community Initiative Fund
American Red Cross
Bay-Arenac Intermediate School District
Bay Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Bay Arts Council
Do-All, Inc.
Great Lakes Center Foundation
Hidden Harvest
MSU Extension Bay County - Farmers Market
Nathan Weidner Children’s Advocacy Center
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy
Salvation Army
Vision Tri-County
YWCA of Bay County
Donor Advised Funds
ACLU of Michigan
Bangor Township Schools
Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Bay Area Community Foundation
Bay Area Family YMCA
Bay Area Women’s Center
Bay Arenac Community High
Bay Arts Council
Bay City Scottish Rite Bodies
– Children’s Learning Center
Bay County Emergency Food Pantry Network
Bay County Historical Society
Bay County Library System
Bay Medical Foundation
Bay Music Foundation
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County
Catholic Diocese of Saginaw - Catholic Schools
Delta College Broadcasting
Delta College Foundation
Do-All, Inc.
Elf Khurafeh Shrine Center
Good Samaritan Rescue Mission of Bay City
Hidden Harvest
2008 Legacy society
Hospice of Bay Area
Jr. Achievement of NE MI
Nathan Weidner Children’s Advocacy Center
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Salvation Army
State Theatre of Bay City
Studio 23
The Conservation Fund
United Way of Bay County
YWCA of Bay County
Designated Endowment Funds
American Red Cross
Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce
Bay Area Women’s Center
Bay City Players
Bay City Rowing Club
Bay County 4-H Horsemanship for Handicappers
Bay County Historical Society
Bay County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County
City of Bay City
Community Clothing Center
Do-All, Inc.
Friends of Bay City State Recreation Area
Lake Huron Area Council-Boy Scouts of America
Leadership of Bay County
Literacy Council of Bay County
New Dimensions
Pinconning Plays Inc.
Saginaw Bay Community Sailing Association
Special Olympics Michigan Area 9
State Theatre of Bay City
Studio 23
United Way of Bay County
Veterans Monument Perpetual Care Council
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Field of Interest Endowment Funds
All Saints Central High School
American Red Cross
Arenac County MSU-Extension
Arenac Eastern High School
Arenac Eastern School District
AuGres - Sims Elementary
AuGres-Sims High School
Bangor Township
Bay Arenac Community High
Bay-Arenac Intermediate School District
Bay City Central High School
Bay County Emergency Food Pantry Network
Bay County Habitat for Humanity
Bay County Toys for Tots
Bay Medical Foundation
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County
Central Michigan University
City of Bay City Electric Light & Power
Council of MI Foundations
Do-All, Inc.
Essexville-Hampton Public Schools
Friends of Bay City State Recreation Area
Garber High School
Garfield Township
Golden Horizons Adult Day Care Center
Good News Ministries Lutheran Church
Hampton Township
Hope College
Huron Central Little League
John Glenn High School
Kiwanis of Standish
Mayor’s Scholarship Fund
Michigan State University
Midland Section American Chemical Society
Nathan Weidner Children’s Advocacy Center
National Wild Turkey Federation
Northeast Michigan Arts Council
Northern Bay and Arenac County Rotary Club
Pinconning Area Emergency Food Pantry
Pinconning Area Schools
Pinconning Plays Inc.
Saginaw Art Museum
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy
Saginaw County Parks and Recreation Commission
Saginaw Valley State University
Santa House
Santa’s Cupboard
St. Mary’s of Michigan Standish Hospital
Standish Lions Club
Standish Sterling Central High School
State Theatre of Bay City
Sterling Area Health Center
Trinity-St. James Lutheran Church
United Way of Bay County
Venture Crew 7188, B.S.A.
Vision Tri-County
Wenona Center
Western High School
YWCA of Bay County
Scholarship Endowment Funds $512,291.47
2008 Grant Awards Totaling: $1,232,438.32
Nathalie Awrey
Thomas and Dorothy Buechle
John Duchaine
John Edmonds
Alan Flood
Charles & Morrow Ford
Fritz and Lucy Horak
Phyllis Kindinger
Joe & Linda Krengielski
George Shaw & Bonnie Marsh
Rob and Debra Monroe
Rosemary Pope
Lee & Karen Pratt
Paul & Peg Rowley
Roy & Beverly Schairer
Mark & Deborah Short
Walter & Carol Weinlander
2008 Honoraria
The Arenac County Fund Committee
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Crete
Bernice Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Doner
Linda Doner
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Engelhardt
Mitchell D. Fishman
Chris Girard
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Golimbieski
Mr. & Mrs. John Groya
Elizabeth C. Heath
Mr. & Mrs. Bud Richter
Karen Rockwell
Paul & Peggy Rowley
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schairer
Barbara Stewart
Arliene Stremming
Dale Wiess
2008 Memorials
Jackie Adams
Reuben Adelman
Brett Alvesteffer
Elsie Babij
Janis Bachleda
Doris Bedell
Virgil Beeckman
Katharine Bergevin
Robert G. Bess Sr.
Adolph Betzold
Louis Blair
Neil Braun
Elinor C. Bryant
Katy Bryant
Austin N. Buttrick
Lawrence “Buck” Gordon
Leo Cardinal
Mary Charlebois
Garnett J. Compeau
Autumn Daniel
Mark S. Dorien
Geraldine Eldridge
Joseph Favazza III
Helen Felske
James Fritz
Betty Fleming
Richard Gatza
Harry & Josephine Gill
Robert Gillman
Judy Weston
Norman Goulet Jr.
Sue “Sis” Haapala
Dick Hardy
Nellie Hedberg
David & Sharron Hetzel
Norman & Nellie Higgs
Shawn A. Hill
Roy W. Jeffery
Bradley Johnson
Sandy Kanary
Jack Karbowski
Stanley Klenk
Robert Kowalak
Kenneth B. Kuizenga
Ray Landis
Trevor D. Leser
Barbara Livingston
Robert R. Luce
Lily Madeline McAllister
Denice McGlaughlin
Willie Maie McLean
Bruce A. McNally
Elida G. Mendoza
Donna L. Metevia
Darlene Middleton
Alvin Miller
Lillian Miller
Robert W. Miller
Louis A. Mueller
Shari Niemann
Arthur Pearson
Edward Perlberg
Earl J. Perry
Martin Pett
Jean Wan
Mildred Reinhardt
Michael Resmer
Sandra Rigg
Charlene Rivard
Albert Rossen
David Sabedra
Marjorie Schafer
Wayne Scherzer
Peter Schilling Sr.
Irene Schmidt
Karl Sherbeck
Donald Shorkey
David M. Siebert
M.J. Smith
Hubert Stacy Smith
Francis Sullivan
Marguerite W. Sullivan
Thomas Taglauer
Patrick J. Trahan
Myron Trudell
Willard Van Tuyle
Phillis K. VanLaan
James Claude Greene
Burtis W. Warren
Louise Watson
Ken & Lila Weaver
Mary Weir
Judith Ann Ralph
Mary Ann Wiedyk
Thomas Wilcox
Margaret Young
Our Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Polega
Rosemary Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle J. Popp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Post
Carol Powell
Gary & Pamela Pozenel
Lee & Karen Pratt
Jean Preston
Stephen & Adrienne Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. David Quimby
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Reckinger Jr
Pamela Reed
Thomas R. Rehmus
Mr. & Mrs. James Reichard
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart J. Reid
Priscilla Reitler
Drs. Paul Revard & Frances Santoro
Guadalupe Reyez-Smith
Ted & Alice Rezmer
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Rezmer
Richard Barton Law Memorial Trust
Carol M. Richardson
Ronald Rinz
Robert J. Carrier Estate
David & Shirley Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Rick R. Rockwell
Christine Rogers
Lawrence & Verna Rosenberg
Bill Ross
Rotary Club of Bay City
Rowley Brothers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rowley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ruediger
Dr. Randall Ruff
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Rupp
Hildegard Rupp
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Rushman
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Rydman
Timothy Rys
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy
John Samborn
Florence E. Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Sandor
Robert D. Sarow
Matthew Sawicki
SC Johnson
Brian & Sandra Schafer
Lynn & Margaret Schafer
Mr. David Schairer & Mrs. Nina Nowak
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schairer
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Schell
Anne Marie Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schubert
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Schubert
Richard & Peggy Schweinsberg
Jody & Jodie Scott
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Scott
Carole See
Seward, Tally & Piggott, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. James Sharrard
Jeanne M. Shauger
Shaw Contracting
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shearer
Beverly Shelburg
Kristin Sherman
Richard Shook
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Shorkey
John W. Sivier
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Skillman
Kenneth & Andrea Skrocki
Smith & Brooker P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Smith
John Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith
The Russell H. & Maxine Smith
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Snyder
Michael & Julie Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sochacki
Pamela M. Sorokin
Danuta Spaven
Squires Foundation
Standish Lions Club
Stapish-Cederberg Funeral Homes
Kurt H. Starke
State Theatre of Bay City
Jeff & Michelle Staudacher
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Staudacher
Leo & Marge Staudacher
Mr. & Mrs. John Steve
Fritzi Stevenson
Michael R. Stoner
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Sujkowski
Margaret A. Sullivan
Jay & Becky Summer
Ronda Summers
Annette Sutorik
Robert & Lynda Sylvester
Thomas & Julie Tabor
Mary Beth Taglauer
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel A. Talaga
Melvin & Julie Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Leland E. Techlin
Rev. & Mrs. Andreas H. Teich
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Thatcher
The Skillman Foundation
Thelen Auto Group
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Loyd A. Thomas
Lynn Thompson
Thumb National Bank & Trust Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tilley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Tippman
Mr. & Mrs. Abel Torres
Anne Trahan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Trahan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Tremble
Tri City Chapter MTA
Tri City Cheese & Meats, Inc.
Tri-county Worship Center
Tami Trudell
Jeffrey & Michele Tuck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Turner
Nancy Tvardik
United Church of Christ
United Way of Midland
Joe & Jill Urban
Valentine & Associates
Dr. Colleen Vallad-Hix
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Akker
Clifford C. Van Dyke
Kimberly M. Vanalst
Dr. & Mrs. William Vandenbelt
Virginia Vanderpool
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey VanEvery
John R. VanLaan
Marilyn Wheaton & Paul Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. John Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. Jett Whitehead
Brian & Charlene Wieland
Daryle & Edie Wieland
Lee & Carolyn Wierda
Janis Wilcox
Lee & Tracy Wilford
Betty C. Wilkins
William L. Willard
Marsha Williams
Heidi Wilson
Mathew & Gwendolyn Winiate
Bob & Kay Winters
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Wisniewski
Arlene Wolicki
Wood Law Firm
Donald T. Wood
Mike Wooley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Woolhiser
Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay M. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Wright
Helen F. Wyneken
Jerome & Dianne Yantz
Levi & Kristen Zagorski
Zion Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Vansteenhouse
Christopher VanWagoner
Ellen Visser
Mr. & Mrs. Kip Wackerle
Wayne & Sandra Wackerle
Richard & Dee Dee Wacksman
Wade-Trim Group, Inc.
Elmer R. Wagner Trust
Karen M. Wahr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Francis F. Walraven
Wanigan Eatery
James & Mary Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Warren
Tom & Catherine Washabaugh
John & Imelda Way
Adam Webb
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Webb
Robert & Amy Webster
Erica Wedberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ted C. Wedepohl
W. Lynn & Sandra J. Weimer
Weinlander, Fitzhugh
& Schairer Foundation
Walter & Carol Weinlander
Lisa Welch
Mrs. Charles Wells
Kathryn Wenglikowski
Wenona Properties L.L.C.
Jack & Konnie Werner
David & Mary Wesolowski
Keith & Andrea Wetters
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Whaley
2008 Annual Report
1000 Adams Street, Suite 200
Bay City MI 48708
[email protected]
Foundation Staff
Eileen A. Curtis
Kathryn Pope, CPA
Ashley Geer
Renee Courier
Lisa Cleland
Kristen Bovid
President & CEO
Chief Financial Officer
Program Director
Program Officer
Communications Officer
Finance & Program Associate
2008 Annual Report
1000 Adams Street, Suite 200 • Bay City MI 48708 • 989.893.4438
[email protected] • www.bayfoundation.org
Confirmed in Compliance with
National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations