Welcome to - Athenee Importers


Welcome to - Athenee Importers
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A fully renovated distillery since early 1900s
Around the end of the 19th century, Ioannis Stoupakis, set out with a small copper still
from Tallaros of Kampos, Chios, to go to his hometown Dafnonas. There he would
occupy himself with agriculture, and the production of olive oil and ouzo.
His unique recipe along with Chian aniseed made Ioannis Stoupakis' ouzo particularly
popular in the area. In 1900, he managed to obtain an official license from the
authorities in order to establish a distillery in Dafnonas.
In 2008, the company’s shareholding structure was strengthened with new shareholders
and its label was changed to “Stoupakis Chios Distillery S.A.”. At the same time, a new
production unit was established, which modernized the entire production procedure,
maintaining the original distillation process of the ouzo.
The company today
Many things have changed since 1896, but not the way our ouzo is produced. It is still
produced with Ioannis Stoupakis’ famous recipe and distilled in traditional copper stills.
Through a series of investments, a new state-of-the-art distillery was created. The
installation of new machinery enabled larger production and better control in terms of
quality management and assurance. A modern research and development centre was
also established.
Stoupakis Distillery has obtained ISO 9001:2008 certification as well as HACCP
certification for implementing the system in the production, bottling and distribution of its
Ouzo “Kazanisto”
The water, alcohol, Chian
aniseed and various secret
ingredients give ouzo
“Kazanisto” Stoupakis its
discreet flavor. Even
nowadays, its distillation lasts
8 hours and is done in
traditional bronze stills.
Ouzo “Kazanisto” Stoupakis is
characterized by a pleasant
aggressiveness that
counterbalances the flood of
its aromas, stimulating the
senses and offering sweet
memories and joy of our life’s
unique moments.
Mastiha Liqueur
The traditional mastiha liqueur
“Homericon” from Chios is
produced by extracting
genuine mastiha into alcohol,
in the same traditional manner
that our grandfathers have
taught us.
This natural resin is extracted
from the trunks of the mastiha
trees, which are cultivated
exclusively in the
Mastihochoria (mastiha
villages) of our island.
It is distinguished thanks to its
unique aroma, its rich body
and the intense after-taste
which fills our palate.
A very brief description of the growing of the unique Chios mastiha
which we distil to produce the very special “Homericon” Mastiha Liqueur.
Company’s export policy and prosperity
Our dream is to see our excellent ouzo and liqueur win
international fame and be enjoyed by all, both in our country
and all over the world.