08 AUGUST 14 Light issue 422 - Peñasquitos Lutheran Church (PLC)


08 AUGUST 14 Light issue 422 - Peñasquitos Lutheran Church (PLC)
August 2014
Inside this issue
Helping Kids from Honduras:
Missions Month....................... 2
Addressing the Crisis at our Border
Rummage Sale ......................... 3
Life Connections ..................... 4
Congregational Life
Council News ........................... 6
Children’s Ministry ............. 10
Adult Spiritual
Formation ............................... 11
Men’s Ministry ...................... 12
Performing Arts
Country Fair ......................... 13
Workers in the
Vineyard .................................. 14
Youth News............................ 15
There has been much in the news recently
about unaccompanied children crossing
our southern borders. I recently had a
discussion with PLC’s Eric Schreffler who
is connected with our ongoing mission to
Honduras. After that discussion, I asked
him to write the following article for our
newsletter. — Pastor Sean
Over the past few weeks, the plight of unaccompanied minors from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador has been in the
spotlight. Over 50,000 minors have entered the US this year, the largest
proportion from Honduras. That
number is anticipated to reach 90,000
by year end. So here are two things you
need to know: avoid the blame game and
find ways to help!
The kids, sometimes with their mothers,
mostly without, are escaping extreme
poverty, unemployment, and gang
violence in Honduras. Parents are
sending their kids, unaccompanied, to
the US to be with their fathers, siblings,
aunts, grandparents, etc. (85% of these
kids have family here that they are trying
to reconnect with). This is easily one of
the most difficult things a mother could
do. They think that a dangerous trip
north is SAFER than living in Honduras
(PLC missionaries are kept safe by local
pastors and their ministries). One third
of all minor girls are molested and/or
beaten on the trip north. Most are robbed
on the way and have to raise thousands
to hire a "coyote" guide to help them
cross the border. Please do not blame the
parents; their actions are out of love and
by Eric Schreffler & Brooke Plowman
The government of Honduras is corrupt
and we witnessed the political coup five
years ago first hand; however, the first
lady of Honduras is a strong, evangelical
Christian and is working hard to help
at home—especially kids who are
being deported back to Honduras and
facing gang retribution. Do not blame
Honduras; they are caught at the crossroads of the cocaine trade from Colombia
to the US.
The US government is struggling to uphold a law that we intended to address
trafficking children. This law states that
unaccompanied minors will NOT be
deported and given due process for
asylum. The issue is that Customs and
Border Protection and Homeland Security
are absolutely overwhelmed by the sea
of children crossing the border (6,000 on
just one day last month). Towns and
churches in Texas are responding with
assistance, but the government there is
overwhelmed (hence the flights to San
Diego to processing centers in Murrieta
and El Centro). Please don't blame the
government; they are trying to uphold the
law. So if we can't blame anyone and the
crisis is still growing, what can we do?
The immediate response could be assistance to groups already assisting the kids
who are here and who are soon to arrive.
Talk show host Glenn Beck has set up a
special campaign as part of his Mercury
One charity called the Children and
Family Border Relief Fun
Continue on pg. 2
Continued from page 1 . . .
We can't help everyone,
but everyone can help someone.
Prayer is needed! As we have gotten to know the
Honduran people, especially kids in the public hospital
and in the cardboard villages, we have come to
appreciate the power of prayer. Pray for God's grace
and mercy in this terrible situation and in the lives of
those impacted.
In the long run, you can support PLC mission activities
in Honduras, aimed at helping children and their
families so that they will not have to leave. You'll hear
more about these opportunities during our August 31st
services. One of those opportunities includes Coffee 4
Kids, a program that supports a children's nutrition
program at the public hospital in San Pedro Sula,
Honduras. Purchase some of this delicious, quality coffee or donate to Coffee 4 Kids. Other ways to help include helping sew blankets and beanies, or going with
us on a future mission trip (usually March, July and
September). For more information, contact Shawn
Plowman ([email protected]).
Hands of Hope Rehabilitation Center, whose goal is to
reform men into better fathers, workers and
Christians, just opened on July 5th. Ten men will live on
-site for six months and undertake a Christ-centered
recovery program for alcohol and drugs called
Celebrate Recovery (out of Saddleback Church). We are
also raising funds to buy the land at the rehab center
and operate the program. You can donate to Hands of
Hope and Celebrate Recovery by contacting
Eric Schreffler ([email protected]). Donations to both
charities are tax deductible.
This month, all Sunday services will feature
PLC’s mission efforts in…
August 3
| South Africa
August 10 | United States
August 17 | Africa
August 24 | India
August 31 | Honduras/Mexico
Support PLC’s Missions
Drop Off:
August 7-13: Drop off small items
in the parking lot
Accepting gently used items,
except the following: No copiers,
used carpeting, water heaters, water beds,
mattresses, non-digital TVs, socks, underwear,
car seats or hazardous materials.
Large items can be dropped off
ONLY on Sunday after 4pm
Pick-ups can be arranged ahead of time by
contacting Jerry Miller at [email protected] or
by calling the church at 672-3466.
Move In:
Sunday, Aug. 10 @ 4pm
Lot’s of hands are needed! One hour or more!
Volunteers Wanted to Sort Aug. 10-16, 8am to 8pm
Any amount of time will be appreciated.
Preview sale on Thursday, August 14, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, August 15, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday, August 16, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Looking Ahead:
PLC Rummage Sale (see above details)
Aug. 3 & 10 Youth Beach Ministry | 1-5 pm
Aug. 12
Youth Slip ‘n’ Slide Afternoon
Aug. 17
High School Family Picnic | 3-5 pm
Sept. 2
Peñasquitos Christian Preschool begins
Sept. 5-7
Confirmation Camp
Men’s Retreat
Sept. 10
ALPHA, Financial Peace, Bible 101
Get Connected @ PLC!
Sept. 14
Sunday School begins
Sept. 27
Loft Home parking lot framing
Oct. 3-4
Loft Home Mexico building
Oct. 26
Rite of Confirmation
Life Connections
The Bible Course 101
The Alpha Course
Meeting Wednesdays beginning September 2014
from 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Meets Wednesdays starting September 2014
from 6:00-8:30 pm at PLC
Attended Alpha? Take the next step and get into God’s
Word! Join us for dinner and this 11-week class where
you can learn how the Bible fits together, improve
your Bible literacy, learn more about Jesus’ life and
ministry and how God’s Word applies to your own life
today. Bring your Bible.
Come enjoy a free dinner and see what the Alpha
Course is like at PLC’s Alpha Invitation evening.
Whether you’ve been a Christian all your life or aren’t
even sure if God exists, this class provides the opportunity to ask questions and seek answers in a friendly,
non-judgmental atmosphere. Gather with friends for
dinner, a talk, and small group discussion in this
FREE 11-week course on the basics of Christianity.
Bible 101 starts September 10, 2014
Cost: $25/person
Register online at
Free childcare is available on a first-come, first-serve
basis with class registration. For more information,
contact Jane Josephs at [email protected].
Alpha Course starts - September 10, 2014
Alpha Day Away - October 25, 2014
Register online at www.plc-church.org/alpha
Free Alpha Kidz course for 1st-5th grade children
of parents taking the Alpha Course
(limited availability).
Free childcare for ages 1-5 is also available on a
first come, first served basis for those registering
for Alpha.
Financial Peace University
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Starting September 10, 2014
Meeting Friday Nights starting
January 2015
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace
University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of
handling money. Through video teaching, class
discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU
presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you
are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan
will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your
money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
FPU classes meet for two hours each week for nine
Cost: $93.00/household.
Register online: www.plc-church.org/fpu
For more information, contact Denny Monroy or
go to www.daveramsey.com
The Marriage Preparation Course
The Marriage Course
The Parenting Children Course
The Parenting Teens Course
An ALPHA Story
By Dana Kloo
As we begin the next sermon series
on missions, I would like to put into
context why we have such an emphasis on Alpha at PLC. Why do we
intentionally seek people outside
our congregation who do not know
Christ and invite them to invest in a
deeper relationship with us and an
intimate relationship with God?
Why do we have a year ‘round focus on inviting our friends, neighbors and acquaintances to Alpha?
Why is attending Alpha a part of
our path to church membership
and baptism? The answer is:
It’s all about Jesus Christ and it’s
all about love.
Jesus gives us the Great
Commandment: “’Love the Lord
your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul and with all your
mind.’ This is the first and greatest
commandment. And the second is
like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-39
This commandment provides our
motivation. It is love; love for God
and love for each other. Love is
what got Jesus through his
humiliation, his torture, his murder,
and his separation from our Father.
Jesus ‘did hell’ for all people and
love is what gave him the strength
and determination to do it for us.
Jesus lives the kind of love the
Father has for us. You may have
heard of agape love. It comes from
the Greek word, agapao. It is the
kind of love that you totally give
yourself over to; totally commit to;
in street vernacular: a love in which
you are “no holds barred” and “all
in!” It is our Father’s desire that we
have this kind of love, (His kind of
love), for everyone. Jesus teaches us to
have this deep love even for our enemies. Remember what he petitioned his
Father while on the cross? “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what
they are doing.” Luke 23:34
Agapao is the kind of love that is behind the Great Commission that
Jesus gives each of us who know him:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you. And surely I am
with you always to the very end of the
age.” Matthew 28: 19-20
It is through agapao love for God that
we are motivated to live out the Great
Commandment and the Great Commission. Now that brings me back to the
question: Why do we run Alpha at
PLC? Take a moment to read through
our PLC Mission, Purpose, and Values
(see page 7). Throughout all of them
you can see the focus on reaching out
to others with the message of Christ.
Alpha is our tool of choice to help each
of us, on an individual level, live out
our shared mission, purpose, and values. It is a tool that empowers
everyone in our congregation, without
having to be an expert Biblical
Scholar, to invite the people we
encounter on a daily basis into that
agapao relationship with God and each
The focus is on relationships. When
you invite someone to Alpha, you are
inviting them into a relationship with
you. Through the relationship you
build with them on the Alpha course
and the talks that teach about Jesus,
you are also inviting them into a
relationship with God. You have the
easy part: the invitation. God takes
care of the rest.
Here are some more questions for
reflection: Have you taken the
commission Jesus has given you to
heart? Are you intentionally
sharing your faith with others? Are
you inviting the people you
encounter in your own mission field
to learn about Jesus? If you are not;
why are you not? I invite you to
spend some time pondering this.
Every time you invite someone to Alpha you are taking part in ushering in
the Kingdom of God. You are fighting
the evil in this world that separates
God’s people from Him. You are
actively on his team! So ask God to put
someone in your path this week who
you can invite to Alpha. Be praying for
them and invite them to Alpha this fall.
Better yet, invite them to come with
you! The next Alpha at PLC starts on
September 10, 2014. Sign up online.
Come experience the awe and joy of
seeing how God is at work in the lives
of those you invite into a relationship
with Him.
Dana Kloo
PLC Alpha Administrator
Congregational Life
Council News
Thank you Lord for the generosity of our congregants
and the answer to prayer. In the month of June we received some generous gifts and a steady offering that
helped reduce the shortfall of our giving target for the
fiscal year. Over the past month, we have reduced the
gap by over $40,000. As you will see in the numbers
below, we are now only $77,000 below the projected
giving year-to-date. While this is still a significant
amount of money, we are making strides in the right
direction and it is our church family that is making the
Among Ourselves
To Leanne May upon her marriage to Sung Yi
Prayers of Consolation upon the loss of:
Lou Amundson, Carol Amundson’s father
Continued prayers for healing:
Don Carlisle, Jill Wilkinson, Sally Buchwald
The church staff continues to be cost conscious and has
held overall spending below the budgeted year-to-date
expenses. We are currently $25,000 under budget for
expenses and project that we will finish the fiscal year
below the target (that is good news!).
Go Camping with PLC!
Burnt Rancheria Campground
September 5 - 7
Address: Burnt Rancheria Circle
Mt. Laguna, 91948
Directions: Located 50 miles east of San Diego.
From I-8 take the Sunrise exit. Go approximately
11 miles to Milepost 23. Stop at entrance for
campground information and site location.
The Rhodes family have site number TBA
Reservations: 1-877-444-6777 or online at
As I mentioned last month, the council requested that
the originally proposed budget for the coming fiscal
year be reviewed and adjusted down prior to approval.
The expense budget that was submitted after a thorough review was more than 6% lower than the original
proposal. The council approved the recommendation
of the revised budget which will be presented to the
congregation and voted on at the annual meeting.
Please continue to keep our church finances in your
prayers as we enter the new church fiscal year
(August 1st).
Blessed to serve,
Brent Smith
Council President
Giving and Expenses 2014
August 20, 2014
Bible Study 11:00 | Lunch @ Noon
Actual vs
$1,492,329 $1,568,834 $76,505
$1,529,006 $1,554,416 $25,410
Giving vs
Annual Meeting
August 24 | 12:15 pm
Members and attendees of PLC are invited to attend
our annual meeting where we will vote on the annual
budget, new council members, and more.
Our Mission:
As followers of Jesus, we joyfully teach and practice
loving God and loving others while inspiring all to
follow Jesus.
You shop. Amazon Gives.
Our Purpose:
United in Christ’s love, we exist to magnify God as
we joyfully worship Him, welcome people into
membership in His family, teach them the Holy
Scriptures so they may grow to maturity in Christ,
equip them to serve in the ministry of His church,
and send them out on God’s mission to the world.
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that
lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of
products, low prices, and convenient shopping features
as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when
customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile
Foundation will donates 0.5% of the price of eligible
purchases to the charitable organizations selected by
Our Values:
People: We affirm and uphold the God-given worth
of each individual, helping people discover their God
given potential through a relationship with Jesus.
Outreach: We seek to present the love of Christ in
relevant and engaging ways with those not yet
connected to Christ or the Church. Because lost
people matter to God, we will make them the
priority of our missions in our own community
and to the uttermost parts of the world.
100% of the donation amount generated from your
eligible purchase on AmazonSmile will be donated.
Support PLC by shopping at smile.amazon.com.
Innovative Excellence: We will do whatever it
takes within the context of the Gospel to be a church
that reaches new people and helps them grow in
their relationship with Christ.
Christian Service: We equip people to live a Christcentered life, help them discover their God-given
gifts and encourage them to use their gifts to serve
Christ and the community.
Integrity: We pursue honesty, openness, fairness
and grace in dealing with others and in managing
the mission of Peñasquitos Lutheran Church.
Prayer: We envelop all we are and do in prayer,
seeking to put God first in every aspect of our
Welcome Team:
8:00 am: Mr. & Mrs. Lingenhol
9:30 am: Cardenas Family
11:00 am: Tanya Negron
8:00 am: Volunteer needed
9:30 am: Tom McKinney
Volunteer needed
Flowers: Lois Spann
Welcome Team:
8:00 am: Kathi Richards
Denny Monroy
9:30 am: Ernie & Brenda Pyle
11:00 am: Volunteer needed
8:00 am: Bernie Schmitz
9:30 am: Steve Weir
11:00 am: Margie Holland
8:00 am: Kevin Pyle
9:30 am: Jesse/Kara York
Lora Fountain
Flowers: Susan Kirchner
8:00 am: Cheryl Schmitz
9:30 am: Betty King
11:00 am: Cliff Durgana
8:00 am: Volunteer needed
9:30 am: Kayla Murphy
Hallyn Hatfield
Flowers: Lois Spann
Communion Assistants:
8:00am: Bernie & Cheryl Schmitz
9:30 am: Joan Bonetti & Teagan Dolan
8:00 am: Nathan Schoppa
Kendall Smith
9:30 am: Emily Smolinsky
Tommy Smyth
11:00 am: Ethan Albertson
Altar Guild:
8:00 am: Mary Sweere
9:30 am: Maureen Kleinfelter
Kathy Hoeck
11:00 am: Jane & Sam Payne
Hymn Leader: Sarah Gibson
Altar Guild:
Carol Beard & Darles Wilde
11:00 am: Jonathan Cederquist
11:00 am: Cassandra Bergman
Hymn Leader: Hanns Lindberg
Altar Guild:
11:00 am: Julie Florkowski
Dianne Nohr
Hymn Leader: Marie Weir
11:00: John & Amy Romaker
Bill Tarmey & Mary
Anne Nicosia
11:00: Tom Clements, Larry &
Dorra Duensing, Joe
Welcome Team:
8:00 am: Dick Middlestead
Wells & Betsey Peck
9:30 am: Mary Escamilla
11:00 am: Volunteer needed
11:00: Ralph & Darles Wilde
8:00 am: Shari Larson
9:30 am: Frances Fadullon
11:00 am: Tina Rounsavell
9:30: Brons Larson
Gary & Lettie Cederquist
Stephen & Francine Fadullon
Carson Schmidt, Michelle Fisher
Kirsten Kelleher
9:30: Alan & Logan Douglas
John & Susan Fratamico
Jason & Elizabeth Keltner
Curt Wall
9:30: Eric Schreffler, John Smyth
Doug & Betty King
Jeff & Maureen Kleinfelter
August 15
8:00: Steve & Dianne Cowen
Dick & Shirley Dahlberg
Paul Andersen
Mary Escamilla
August 8
8:00: Dave Spann, Paul
Amberg, Janet Miller
Nancy Wood, Lynn
Jilka, David Krula
August 1
8:00: Robert & Linda Flewellen
Herman & Linda Muller
Manny & Angie Bagnas
Welcome Team:
8:00 am: Volunteer needed
9:30 am: The Stone Family
11:00 am: The Cardenas Family
Welcome Team:
8:00 am: Mr. & Mrs. Muller
9:30 am: Jim & Tracy Gordon
11:00 am: Volunteer needed
11:00 am: Kayla Cox
Altar Guild:
11:00 am: Bill Tarmey &
Mary Anne Nicosia
11:00 am: Lauren Degner
Altar Guild:
11:00 am: Ralph/Darles Wilde
Hymn Leader: Marie Weir
Flowers: Lois Spann
Flowers: Margie Holland
Hymn Leader: Dan Hooker
8:00 am: Volunteer needed
9:30 am: Nicolette Murphy
Volunteer needed
8:00 am: Elizabeth Kerrigan
9:30 am: Jennifer Buffington
Katherine Phillips
8:00 am: Don Larson
9:30 am: Joan Bonetti
11:00 am: Dan Lynch
11:00: John & Amy Romaker
Bill Tarmey & Mary
Anne Nicosia
11:00: Terry & Diane Franck
Karl & Christine Schwartz
8:00 am: Dave Sitler
9:30 am: Nick Ong
11:00 am: John Fratamico
9:30: Brons Larson
Gary & Lettie Cederquist
Stephen & Francine Fadullon
Carson Schmidt, Michelle
Fisher Kirsten Kelleher
August 29
8:00: Mr. & Mrs. Richardson
Jerry & Pam Mollner
Don & Kathy Paulsen
9:30: Nick Ong; Mark Corey
Keith Peters, Alan Kort,
Jeff Johnson; Mark &
Michael Cardenas
August 22
8:00: Vince & Carol Ruggiero
Steve & JoAnn Twenge
Dave Sitler
Saturday & Sunday Worship Assistants for August
Youth Sunrise Black
Mountain Hike
7:00p Prayer Ministry
7:00p Stephen Ministry
7:00a PCP Staff Training
7:00p Prayer Ministry
Worship at 8:00a, 9:30a,
11:00a & 6:00p
Nursery Care is available at
8:00 and 9:30 am.
12:15p Annual
Congregational Meeting
6:00p Alpha Kickoff
Prayer & Praise
7:00p Al Anon
Worship at 8:00a, 9:30a,
11:00a & 6:00p
Nursery Care is available at
8:00 and 9:30 am.
7:00p Al Anon
Worship at 8:00a, 9:30a,
11:00a & 6:00p
Nursery Care is available at
8:00 and 9:30 am.
2:00p Youth Parent’s
Picnic– Hilltop Park
7:00p Al Anon
20 PCP Retreat
7:00a PCP Staff Training
6:30a Women’s
6:30p Rower Bible study
Bible Study
6:30p Knitting/Crocheting
7:00a PCP Staff Training
6:30p Stephen Ministry
7:00p Identity
Youth Group
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
7:00p Missions Leadership
7:00p Boy Scout Troop 626
12:00p Quilters
6:30a Women’s
6:30p Rower Bible Study
Bible Study
7:00p Boy Scout Troop 626
11:00a OK Bible Study
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00p OK Club
7:00p Identity
Youth Group
9:00a Moms Small Bible Study
9:00a PCP Parent/Child
6:00p Community Care & Prayer
6:30p Alcoholics Anonymous
7:15p Overeaters Anonymous
9:00a Newsletter Mailing
9:00a Moms Small Bible Study
Prayer Food Dist.
6:30p Alcoholics Anonymous
6:30p Boy Scoutmasters
7:15p Overeaters Anonymous
21 PCP Retreat
8:00a Rummage Sale
9:00a Blanket making
for Honduras
9:00a Moms Small
Bible Study
7:00a PCP Staff Orientation 9:00a Blanket making
for Honduras
8:00a 8:00pRummage Sale 8:00a 12:00Rummage
9:00a Moms Small Bible Study
5:00p Rummage Sale Preview
6:30p Caregivers for
Aging Parents
6:30p Alcoholics Anonymous
7:00p David James Huddle
7:00p VFW
7:15p Overeaters Anonymous
8:00 a Rummage Sale
6:30a Women’s
drop off & sorting
Bible Study
6:30p Knitting/Crocheting
8:00 a Rummage Sale
6:30p Rower Bible Study
drop off & sorting
6:30p Boy Scout Troop 626
7:00p Identity
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
Youth Group
7:00p Church Council
8:00 a Rummage Sale
drop off & sorting
7:00p Prayer Ministry
Worship at 8:00a, 9:30a,
11:00a & 6:00p
Nursery Care is available at
8:00 and 9:30 am.
1:00p Youth Beach
4:00p Rummage Sale
7:00p Al Anon
9:00a VBS 2014
SonTreasure Island
8:00a Rummage Sale
8:00a Rummage Sale
9:00a Moms Small Bible Study 7:00p Youth Lock-in
12:00p Lunch Bunch Distribution
7:00p Youth Bible Study
7:15p Overeaters Anonymous
6:30a Women’s
Worship at 8:00a, 9:30a,
9:00a VBS 2014
9:00a VBS 2014
Bible Study (IHOP)
11:00a & 6:00p
SonTreasure Island
SonTreasure Island
9:00a VBS 2014
Nursery Care is available at 6:00p Refuge
7:00p Board of Trustees
SonTreasure Island
8:00 and 9:30 am.
7:00p Prayer Ministry
7:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
1:00p Youth Beach Ministry
August 2014
Children’s Ministry
9:30 am
Mark your calendar!
"Lunch Bunch"
7th and 8th grade
Confirmation Camp
PLC will host families in our
community who are on the
assisted food program during
the school year. We will serve
lunch, make crafts, play games,
sing, and enjoy a cool friendly environment every
Monday and Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.
Volunteers of all ages are welcome to help kick off
"Lunch Bunch".
Unable to volunteer? Then consider either
making a financial contribution or purchasing snack
donations like granola bars & fruit snacks. Drop off in
tub on the Fellowship Hall counter. Thanks!
For more information, email Roseanna
at [email protected]
For information contact Adriana Wilcox at
858-672-3466, MWF (10-2).
Adult Spiritual Formation
Out of the Grey Box... by Jane Josephs
A friend of mine from Maryland is coming to visit me the first week of September, and it’s just the motivation I need to clean out the guest room closet. The timing couldn’t be better since August is the month PLC holds
the yearly rummage sale, with proceeds going to missions. So, I’ve requested a couple of days off, and I’m already
collecting boxes. But I know already it’s not going to be easy to give up some of the treasures I’ve stored away in
that space. Know what I mean?
Why is it that acquiring stuff is easier and more fun than giving it away? I think it’s a deep heart issue, you
know? Some of the stuff I want to keep is sentimental—like the box of flatware that my mother always pulled out
when the house was overflowing with company. We didn’t use plastic ware in those days, so we had “the box.”
Maybe I could give it to my daughter for an art project with her children—what do you think? Of course, that
would cost me money to mail it to her. And then, she might not really want it, or want to take time away from
writing her blog (averystreetdesign.com) to think of an art project for the kids. So, perhaps I should keep it.
Then there’s the really large plastic storage box of notebooks. Each notebook represents one of my novels
in the works, and there’s some really good stuff in there! Most of it is material I gathered during visits to West
Virginia in the final years of my mother’s life. Just thinking about it makes me miss her. We had some fun times
seeing parts of the state where I was born and raised—but never got around to visiting the New River, home of
some wild whitewater rafting. I’ve got a whole novel in that box that I wrote about a guy who raced in the World
Whitewater Rafting Championships the year they were held in West Virginia. I was there for those races; they
were held within weeks of the events of 9/11 that traumatized the entire nation. I wrote a goodbye letter to each
of my children before that visit, just in case the plane I took to West Virginia went down. I’m pretty sure I can’t
give that box of stuff away, you know? There’s some good stuff in there, like I said.
Some people say there’s a packrat gene. I don’t think I have it, but I’m at the age when I have to evaluate
the possibility, you know? And there is this thought: if I don’t get rid of some stuff, my friend won’t have a bed to
sleep in, and she’s a really good friend, (not to mention the fact that the rummage sale benefits a good cause). So,
who wants to take the clean-out pledge with me? Say aloud three times, with attitude: I WILL give generously!
PLC’s School of Ministry—2014-15
PLC will once again host The School of Ministry. This year’s track will feature leadership development, discipleship, and the role of prophesy in the church. Students, high school age and older, will attend weekly sessions
featuring outstanding, passionate teaching from pastors and teachers certified by the Master’s Institute in
St. Paul, Minnesota. Course work will include learning experiences, a weekly meeting with a mentor, and integration nights where course material will be processed together. Look for more details in the September LIGHT.
Class sessions: Thursday evenings, beginning October 9; Room C201
For information about PLC’s Adult Discipleship Ministries,
contact Jane Josephs: [email protected] or call 858-672-3466 x221
Men’s Ministry
Join the men of PLC and guests as we gather for
a time of fellowship through recreation, relaxation, and renewal. This is a great opportunity to
meet new friends and deepen current relationships while growing spiritually.
Theme: War in the Wilderness
Jesus, our model for authentic manhood, faced
temptation just as we do today.
September 5-7
Depart: from PLC at 5 pm
Return: after lunch Sunday afternoon
Oakbridge Camp
Items to bring:
27224 Hwy 78
$150 for entire weekend
Bible, sleeping bags, towels, etc.
Ramona, CA 92065
6 meals & 2 nights lodging
(same as years past)
Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or online at www.plc-church.org/men
Contact David “DJ” James at [email protected]
Fall Loft Home Build
The Fall schedule starts with the PLC parking lot build
on the last weekend in September with the Mexico build
on the first weekend in October.
Come spend time in
fellowship with PLC
Men’s Ministry playing
“the other game of golf.”
Disc golf takes approximately 90 minutes to
finish a round. The Kit Carson course meanders
through a section with a creek, oaks, alders,
sycamores, and open grass. Discs are available to rent
or purchase at the on-site pro shop. Come and enjoy
coffee and donuts before the round.
The details are:
Material Cutting: Friday, September 26
Noon - 4:00 pm
Pre-Fab: Saturday , September 27
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
LH to Mexico:
Friday, October 3
Leave PLC at 7:30 am
Mexico Build:
Saturday, October 4
Leave PLC at 5:15 am
Returning ~ 7:00pm
First Annual
Disc Golf
The official sign-ups for these events will be on
Sunday, August 24th
Continue with your loft home prayers for the Mexican
families and our loft home outreach ministry at PLC.
Kit Carson Park at the north end of the park
near the amphitheater
Saturday, August 2, 8:00-10:00 am
Performing Arts
Calling all 2nd-6th graders!
Sign-ups begin in August at PLC and online
Coming in September:
Parents Info Meeting
Audition Workshop
Rehearsals begin
Performances: Dec. 4, 5 & 6, 2014
C-MENT is a ministry of Peñasquitos Lutheran Church.
Congregational Life
Workers in the Vineyards
Beyond Our Walls
Honduras Mission Update
Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center is an organization for which PLC provides support. We recently received an update from Camille Cassin and learned that
Turning Point is now a licensed medical facility with ultrasound capabilities and a nurse on staff. In addition,
they are awaiting approval on their mobile medical unit.
They would like to hire an RN for the mobile medical
unit, who would be trained in sonography. If you or anyone you know would be interested in the position or if
you would like to know more about the Center, please
visit mmpregnancy.com. As Camille puts it “even if we
only save one life, it is worth it.”
Beyond Our Borders
God continues to bless our missionary work in
Honduras. Shawn Plowman has worked with Medical
Assistance Program (MAP International) to obtain
medicines for the hospital in Honduras.
“Blessings to you. Today, God put in my path a beautiful
14 year old girl name Jeni Karolina and her mother in the
cancer ward of the hospital. Jeni suffers from milleo
leukemia — [it is] the worst kind and is fatal. After
speaking with the doctor, I was told that Jeni needed four
pints of platelets to help stop her bleeding out. This is
how the hand of God was manifested: to get the blood,
money had to be deposited in a bank, and the deposit slip
brought to the hospital, and then the platelets ordered.
Here, there is no blood bank at the hospital. I was able to
get the prescription from the doctor, send the information to Shawn, and she deposited the money in the
bank. Then, my friend Joel who is part of the ministry
here drove through San Pedro Sula to pick up the receipt
from the bank, bring it to the hospital in time for Jeni to
get platelets delivered tonight. She will have two more
pints tomorrow. Her last days will be more comfortable.”
The MAP organization, a non-profit Christian organization, collects medicines donated from large pharmaceutical companies and distributes them to missionary clinics
around the world. Though Shawn was told they would
be lucky to receive a 20 foot container this year, a 40 foot
container was delivered, containing $10 million worth
of medicine! As Shawn prepared for this next trip to
Honduras with four others, she was certain they would
be able to save many lives with this generous donation.
Praise God for his provision and for dedicated
missionaries like Shawn.
While Eleanor was typing this email, we found out that
Jeni lost her battle with leukemia. When I met Jeni today,
she was bleeding out of her toes, nose, and mouth. From
my experience, I know that means the end is near and
the prognosis is not good. We try to save all the kids, but
I know that we can’t. For the ones we cannot save, we try
to cover them in love and prayer and do what is possible
to make the child as comfortable as possible. Eleanor
spent most of the day with Jeni and her mom attending
to their every need; she did everything possible to let
Jeni and her mom know that she and Jesus loves them.
I hope we can save many lives this week, but please pray
that if we can’t, we minister to the families who need us
Baby with water bottle respirator
High School Youth News
Dress up as your favorite character from a Pixar movie!
Friday, August 8th | 7pm-7am!
High School Family Picnic | Hilltop Park
Sunday, August 17 | 3-5pm
This is a wonderful opportunity for our
high schoolers to show their families what we
do as a youth ministry, and why we do it!
There will be games, food, and music!
Slip ‘n’ Slide Afternoon! August 12th
Beach Ministry
August 3 & 10
Sundays, 1-5 pm
Meet at church!
Senior Pastor: Sean Kelly
Director of Adult Discipleship: Jane Josephs
Extension 222 | [email protected]
Extension 221 | [email protected]
Associate Pastor: Greg Hoffmann
Director of Congregational Life: Lois Spann
Extension 202 | [email protected]
Extension 217 | [email protected]
Associate Pastor: Rob Horne
Director of Youth Ministries: Danny Scarbrough
Extension 204 | [email protected]
Extension 206 | [email protected]
Director of Children’s Ministry: Roseanna Andersen
Associate in Children’s Ministry: Adriana Wilcox
Extension 207 | [email protected]
Extension 225 | [email protected]
Director of Performing Arts: Adele Buffington
Alpha Administrator: Dana Kloo
Extension 216 | [email protected]
Extension 244 | [email protected]
Director of PLC Preschool: Shannon Cary
Extension 209 | [email protected]
©2014 Peñasquitos Lutheran Church