Gama completa de equipos para análisis químicos de referencia


Gama completa de equipos para análisis químicos de referencia
Gama completa de equipos para
análisis químicos de referencia
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Preparación de la muestra
Para obtener unos buenos resultados es imprescindible preparar la muestra correctamente. La mayoría de los errores se
producen en el proceso de elaboración de la muestra, mientras que los fallos en los equipos son prácticamente inexistentes. Una preparación incorrecta de la muestra ocasiona graves errores en el análisis. No existe ninguna solución estándar
válida para todo tipo de muestras. La mayoría de los laboratorios precisan diferentes molinos trituradores dependiendo
de la muestra y el tipo de análisis. El molino triturador, a pesar de que muchas veces no se tiene en cuenta, es un elemento importante en el proceso analítico. FOSS lo considera imprescindible, por eso lo ha incluido como parte integral del
sistema analítico.
Cemotec™ 1090
El sistema Cemotec ™ Sample Mill es un molino triturador especialmente
diseñado para triturar el grano y las semillas de las muestras sin pérdida de
humedad. Es un triturador excelente para preparar todo tipo de muestras que no
requieran que el tamaño del grano sea muy fino y uniforme.
• Mantiene la humedad
• Aprobado por el Departamento Sueco de Agricultura
Disponibles repuestos del disco de corte (10003965) y vasos de muestras de
150 ml en cajas de 100 (10003923) o en cajas de 500 (10003924).
Cyclotec™ 1093
El sistema Cyclotec ™ Sample Mill es un molino triturador diseñado para
triturar de forma rápida y uniforme una gran variedad de alimentos, granos,
hojas... etc, además de productos químicos, farmacéuticos y similares. El sistema
Cyclotec ™ nos ofrece una solución rápida y práctica para preparar con precisión muestras para una gran variedad de técnicas de análisis como por ejemplo,
digestión, extracción, fibra y NIR.
• Gran velocidad- 4 g/s con granos
• Distribución del tamaño de la partícula poco dispersa
• Válido para la preparación NIR (AOAC 4.2.10 16th ed.)
Repuestos: Botellas de muestra de 125 ml (10003679) de 52 o 104 (1000893)
unidades por caja. Un lio dispositivo de entrada amplio (10002485) facilita el
proceso para triturar forraje, ensilaje, paja, hojas... etc. El ensamblaje de la botella (10009833) tiene una capacidad para una botella de 500 ml (10013478).
A variety of blades for
different applications.
Homogeneizador 2094 (monofásico, 1500 rpm) Homogeneizador
2096 (trifásico, 1500/3000 rpm)
Los Homogeneizadores 2094 y 2096 están diseñados para macerar y homogeneizar una gran variedad de muestras altas en grasas, fibra y humedad en unos 20-60
segundos. Ejemplos de aplicación: reducción del forraje, de la comida seca y
productos químicos; homogeneización de carne, pescado, fruta, verduras
y comida precocinada, incluyendo pizza, empanadas y comida congelada.
• Muestras desde 0,2 a 2,5 kg (3,5 kg con el Homogenizador 2096)
• El diseño de las cuchillas aseguran la homogenización vertical y
• Modo a pulsos para tratar las muestras congeladas.
Knifetec ™ 1095 ( 20.000 rpm, refrigerado)
El sistema Knifetec ™ 1095 Sample Mill es un molino triturador que ha siso
diseñado para preparar muestras con alto contenido en grasa, humedad y fibra
como por ejemplo: semillas y plantas oleaginosas, comida precocinada, cárnicos,
fruta, verduras, granos, semillas, piensos y comida de animales domésticos.
• Triturador de alta velocidad con cronómetro automático.
• 100 ml de muestra en 2,5 o 10 ciclos de segundos.
Selección del rotor de cuchillas para diferentes aplicaciones
estándar- 10005980 incluido, afilado- 10008651, pequeño- 10013135
y gránulos- 10013136) y bandeja de acero inoxidable ( 10008467).
Para más información sobre molinos trituradores consulte la hoja de datos 99990730.
El sistema de digestión Tecator ™ para Kjeldahl y otros procesos de mineralización o reflujo se compone de un digestor
con un control de precisión de la temperatura, hasta 440ºC, y soportes de 8 o 20 tubos de 100 ml o 250 ml . Para cumplir
la normativa BPL (Good Practice Laboratory) y Salud y Seguridad (H&S) recomendamos que los digestores se usen
junto con el colector del extractor de humos o el cabezal de reflujo, ambos situados en la cabina de gases. El soporte de
tubos, el extractor o el cabezal de reflujo se colocan encima del digestor sin ocupar un espacio adicional en el laboratorio.
Sistemas autoelevadores
Los sistemas autoelevadores facilitan los procesos automatizados y eliminan el
peso y el riesgo que conlleva el manejo de productos químicos calientes.
El soporte de 8 o 20 tubos se coloca en el elevador. La aplicación seleccionada
en el software controla por completo todo el proceso. El exhaust se acopla con el
soporte de tubos según desciende hasta el digestor pre-calentado y el Scrubber,
en caso de estar conectado, se pone en marcha. El software de comunicación del
digestor con el PC es bidireccional por medio del cable RS232 que se incluye
con el sistema. También se puede conectar con un módulo opcional Bluetooth.
Es posible registrar constantemente datos de tiempo, temperatura, aplicación que
se usa, operador, número de lote y número de identificación.
Sistemas de soportes “autorack”
Cuando se usa un sistema de soporte autorack en lugar de un sistema autoelevador se sigue el mismo procedimiento que en el sistema autoelevador, exceptuando que en el sistema autorack la colocación del exhaust en el digestor y su
separación se hace de forma manual al oír la señal. La aplicación seleccionada
controla todas las funciones al igual que en el sistema autoelevador.
Sistemas básicos
La temperatura y el tiempo para el proceso de digestión se seleccionan en el
panel principal. Todos los demás procedimientos, incluyendo la conexión de la
unidad de limpieza, son manuales.
Sistemas de extracción y contención de humos
Los sistemas de extracción de humos especialmente diseñados para cada Unidad
de Digestión facilitan la eliminación y contención de humos. Recomendamos su
uso en todos los procesos de digestión, evita el tener que reemplazar la cabina de
gases. Se recomienda el uso de los sistemas de digestión y extracción de humos
dentro de cabinas de gases. De esta forma cumple con la normativa BPL (Good
Practice Laboratory) y de Salud y Seguridad (H&S).
Unidad de Neutralización y Limpieza de humos (Scrubber)
La Unidad Scrubber de Tecator ™ es compacta, de succión independiente y por
tanto no se ve afectada por el flujo de agua. Durante la digestión los gases ácidos
se eliminan mediante la Unidad de Neutralización/Limpieza. Primero los vapores
se condensan y se diluyen en una amplia trampa para ácidos, después, se limpian
y se neutralizan antes de pasar por una segunda trampa para ácidos que protege
la bomba de vacio en caso de que los neutralizantes se agoten. Después el aire
limpio sale por la salida del tubo. Para cumplir con la normativa BPL (Good
Practice Laboratory) y de Salud y Seguridad (H&S) dicho tubo de ventilación
debería orientarse a la cabina de gases. Cuando el Scrubber se conecta a un sistema automático el programa controlará por completo toda la función incluyendo
los ajustes de mayor o menor aspiración.
Para más información sobre la gama de digestores consulte la hoja de datos 99990720.
Las sistemas Kjeltec han sido diseñados para conseguir la mayor precisión posible en los análisis Kjeldahl y otras destilaciones. Para cumplir con los diferentes requisitos analíticos, la gama Kjeltec incluye una gran variedad de equipos, desde
unidades simples de destilación hasta sistemas con automuestreador completamente automáticos. La prestación patentada SAFE (Steam Addition for Equilibration) reduce la capacidad de reacción entre los ácidos concentrados y el álcali.
Todos los equipos tienen un cabezal de expansión de polipropileno resistente al álcali y bombas de fuelle para dispensar
reactivos con precisión. Las aplicaciones químicas optimizadas le proporcionan un coste muy reducido en cada análisis
Kjeltec ™ 2100
Es una unidad económica y semiautomática para análisis Kjeldahl y otras destilaciones químicas como por ejemplo, dióxido de azufre, alcohol, fenoles, ácidos
volátiles...etc. La muestra digerida en el tubo se puede diluir manualmente,
en caso necesario, y luego se coloca en la unidad. El álcali (u otro reactivo) se
dispensa automáticamente iniciándose la destilación automática que se produce
durante el tiempo seleccionado. Una válvula de antiretorno evita que el destilado
retroceda al final del ciclo. La muestra destilada se valora manualmente o con un
valorador externo.
Para más información sobre Kjeltec ™ 2100 consulte la hoja de datos 99990217.
Kjeltec ™ 2200
Es una unidad versátil y completamente automática para el análisis Kjeldahl
y otras destilaciones . El tubo que contiene la muestra digerida se coloca en la
unidad y se cierra la puerta de seguridad. El sistema diluye automáticamente la
muestra, controla el agua de refrigeración, añade álcali (u otro reactivo), destila
la muestra en el periodo de tiempo seleccionado y vacía el vaso de reactivo al
final del ciclo. Se puede añadir solución receptora de forma automática con el kit
opcional (10000041). Una válvula de antiretorno evita que el destilado retroceda
al final del ciclo. La muestra destilada se valora manualmente o con un valorador
externo que se puede conectar con el kit opcional (10011403).
Para más información sobre Kjeltec 2200 consulte la hoja de datos 99990213.
Kjeltec ™ 2300
Es un analizador completamente automático para el análisis Kjeldahl y otros procesos similares..Incluye todas las prestaciones el Kjeltec ™ 2200 además de la
valoración automática on-line que se produce simultáneamente a la destilación,
ahorrando de este modo un tiempo valioso. Los resultados aparecen en pantalla
en las unidades deseadas. La impresora opcional (10007913) le proporciona una
copia impresa de los resultados. Permite descargar datos a un PC . Un test de
recuperación incorporado permite validar los resultados con patrones conocidos
para que de este modo genere datos fiables.
Para más información sobre Kjeltec 2300 consulte la hoja de datos 99990214
Kjeltec ™ 2400 con Autosampler (Automuestreador) automático de
60 muestras
Es un analizador completamente automático con automuestreador para el análisis
automático de las digestiones Kjeldahl y otros procesos similares. El analizador
Kjeltec ™ 2400, sin muestreador, tiene las mismas prestaciones que el analizador
Kjeltec ™ 2300 además de la posibilidad de añadir el muestreador y la conexión
a una balanza de precisión.
El Autosampler 2460 tiene capacidad para tres gradillas de veinte muestras. Se
pueden añadir gradillas nuevas en cualquier momento y analizar muestras urgentes independientes. Una vez que todas las muestras se han procesado el sistema
realiza de forma automática un ciclo de limpieza antes de apagarse.
Para más información sobre Kjeltec 2400/2460 consulte la hoja de datos 99990218
Equipos para extracción con disolvente e hidrólisis
La gama de equipos de extracción Soxtec ™ es muy amplia, desde el sistema básico Soxtec 2045- de dos posiciones manual, hasta el sistema totalmente automático Soxtec 2050 de seis posiciones. En todos los casos las muestras se manejan
por lotes para que el proceso de análisis sea lo más fácil y seguro posible. No importa el tipo de extracción que requiera
su sistema Soxhlet, siempre tenemos la solución adecuada que puede reemplazarlo consumiendo menos disolvente y
entre tres y cinco veces más rápido. No existe ningún otro extractor Soxhlet que gaste tan poco disolvente. Normalmente,
gracias a la recuperación de disolvente, se consumen solo unos 16 ml de disolvente por muestra, lo que reduce el coste
por prueba y la eliminación de disolvente. La seguridad siempre ha sido muy importante para nosotros, por tanto, la única
parte eléctrica de la unidad de Extracción, que es la placa caliente, está diseñada a prueba de chispas. Los sensores dobles
de seguridad evitan que, en ningún caso, se alcance la temperatura de ignición del disolvente..
Soxtec ™ 2045 – Sistema de extracción manual de 2 muestras
Incluye una unidad de extracción de 2 muestras y una unidad de control independiente. Emplea de 50 a 60 ml de disolvente por prueba (se recupera hasta el 80%).
El sistema estándar incluye: Vasos de extracción de aluminio (juego de 2)
Dedales de celulosa de 33 mm (65 ml) caja de 25
Vasos de extracción de cristal (juego de 2)
Dedales de celulosa de 45 mm (120 ml) caja de 25
Dedales de celulosa de 26 mm (30 ml) caja de 25
Para más información sobre Soxtec 2045 consulte la hoja de datos 99990310.
Soxtec ™ 2043 – Sistema de extracción manual de 6 muestras
Incluye una unidad de extracción de 6 muestras y una unidad de control independiente. Emplea de 40 a 50 ml de disolvente por prueba (se recupera hasta el 80%).
El sistema estándar incluye: Vasos de extracción de aluminio (juego de 6)
Dedales de celulosa de 26 mm (30 ml) (caja de 25)
Vasos de extracción de cristal (juego de 6)
Para más información sobre Soxtec 2043 consulte la hoja de datos 99990312
Soxtec ™ 2055 – Sistema de extracción semiautomática de muestras
Incluye una unidad de extracción de 6 muestras y una unidad de control independiente y programable. Emplea de 70 a 90 ml de disolvente por prueba (se recupera
hasta el 80%)
El sistema estándar incluye: Vasos de extracción de aluminio (3 juegos de 6)
Dedales de celulosa de 33 mm (65 ml) (caja de 25)
Vasos de extracción de cristal (juego de 6)
Dedales de celulosa de 26 mm (30 ml) (caja de 25)
Para más información sobre Soxtec 2055 consulte la hoja de datos 99990306.
Soxtec ™ 2050 – Sistema de extracción automática de 6 muestras
Incluye una unidad de extracción de 6 muestras, una unidad de control independiente y programable y una unidad de operación para facilitar el proceso automático. Emplea de 70 a 90 ml de disolvente por prueba (recuperación de hasta el 80%).
El sistema estándar incluye: Vasos de extracción de aluminio (3 juegos de 6)
Dedales de celulosa de 33 mm (65 ml) (caja de 25)
Para más información sobre Soxtec 2050 consulte la hoja de datos 99990306.
SoxCap ™ 2047 – Sistema manual de hidrólisis ácida de 6 muestras.
Análisis de grasa total.
El sistema SoxCap ™ 2047 forma parte de los sistemas Soxtec ™. Dicho sistema
permite determinar la grasa total siguiendo los métodos reconocidos. El sistema
SoxCap realiza la hidrólisis, filtración y lavado sin ninguna transferencia de muestra. Esta técnica patentada ofrece un alto rendimiento y evita, en la mayoría de los
casos, la manipulación manual usando herramientas para el manejo por lotes. El
sistema SoxCap es compatible con Soxtec 2045, 2050 y 2055.
Para más información sobre SoxCap 2047 consulte la hoja de datos 99990311.
Análisis de fibra cruda, detergente y alimentaria
Con los métodos tradicionales de análisis de fibra hay que realizar repetidos tratamientos de la muestra, transferir y filtrar,
así como manejar varios reactivos, en ocasiones calientes. Cada uno de estos procesos implica un margen alto de error y
un riesgo para el usuario. Los sistemas Fibertec ™ reducen el porcentaje de error y mejoran la seguridad. La muestra no
sufre ninguna transferencia durante todos los procesos lo que reduce la manipulación de reactivos y se asegura la filtración rápida y eficaz usando los sistemas integrados de vacio y presión.
Los sistemas de análisis de fibra cruda y detergente relacionados con la nutrición animal y la fibra dietética son la solución a sus necesidades.
Sistema Fibertec™ 2021/2023 Fibercap de 6 o 18 muestras
Los sistemas manuales de bajo coste se basan en el principio de una única cápsula de inmersión para determinar las fracciones de fibra cruda o detergente (NDF,
ADF Y ADL) siguiendo los procedimientos oficiales según lo indica la normativa
Para más información sobre Fibertec 2021/2023 consulte la hoja de datos 99990407.
Fibertec™ M6- Sistema manual de 6 muestras
Determina la cantidad de fibra según Weende, Van Soest, etc, incluyendo el
proceso de ebullición usando reactivos externos precalentados, el proceso de
aclarado y filtración en condiciones de reproducibilidad controladas.
Incluye las siguientes unidades:
Fibertec ™ 1020 Hot Extraction Unit – Sistema de extracción en caliente de
6 muestras para hidrólisis y extracción con sistemas integrados para calentar y
filtrar reduciendo el contacto con los reactivos.
Fibertec™ 1021 Cold Extraction Unit – Sistema de extracción en frío de 6
muestras para desengrasado y extracción a temperatura ambiente, por ejemplo,
determinación de lignina y desengrasado de residuos de fibras.
Para más información sobre Fibertec M6 consulte la hoja de datos 99990401.
Fibertec™ 2010 – Sistema automático de 6 muestras
El sistema Fibertec ™ 2010 se compone de los siguientes módulos básicos:
Fibertec ™ 2010 Hot Extraction Unit- Sistema de extracción en caliente para
los procesos de hidrólisis y filtración con precalentamiento automático y adición
de reactivos, ebullición y filtración. El sistema cumple los requisitos del inicio
del tiempo de ebullición para fibra cruda siguiendo la normativa ISO y EC. La
unidad controla de forma automática el agua de refrigeración.
Fibertec ™ 1021 Cold Extraction Unit- Sistema de extracción en frío de 6
muestras para desengrasado y extracción a temperatura ambiente, por ejemplo,
determinación de lignina y desengrasado de residuos de fibras.
Para más información sobre Fibertec 2010 consulte la hoja de datos 99990405.
Fibertec™ E
El sistema Fibertec ™ E ha sido diseñado para determinar de forma rápida
y práctica la cantidad total de fibra alimentaria soluble e insoluble según los
métodos enzimáticos establecidos, incluidos los aprobados por AOAC, AACC,
NMKL y Asp. También es un sistema práctico en la preparación de la muestra
para realizar estudios detallados de las fracciones de fibra, por ejemplo, mediante
técnicas colorimétricas o cromatográficas.
El sistema incluye: una Unidad de Filtración para filtrar varias fracciones
de forma rápida durante el análisis; la unidad Shaking Water Bath 1024, baño
de agua con agitación, empleado para los procesos incubación enzimática. Se
requiere también un sistema de baño maría ( no incluido).
Para más información sobre Fibertec E 1023 consulte la hoja de datos 99990403.
Análisis mediante sistemas de inyección de flujo (FIA)
La unidad FIAstar 5000 es un sistema totalmente automático para determinar la cantidad de amonio, nitrato/nitritos,
nitrógeno total, fosfatos, fósforo total y otros parámetros mediante métodos utilizados y aprobados por la normativa ISO.
Se pueden analizar hasta 3 parámetros de forma simultánea. Cada analizador lleva incorporado un detector digital de
doble longitud de onda para suprimir el efecto de índice de refracción y las burbujas de aire, un termostato, una válvula
de inyección y una bomba. Todo el sistema se controla mediante el software SoFIA ™ en Windows ®, incluyendo los
ajustes rutinarios según la normativa ISO 8466.
Sistema FIAstar™ – mono canal
Sistema básico para analizar un parámetro con presentación manual de la
muestra. Se pueden determinar diferentes parámetros intercambiando el
casete de método. Es necesario un PC para que funcione el software y el
Requisitos del PC
PC con Windows 98, 2000 o XP.
Al menos 32 Mb de memoria RAM y 40 mb de espacio disponible en el
disco duro, diskette de 1,44 mb o CD.
Puerto USB para cada módulo FIA que se conecte.
Puerto RS232 para conectar el Sampler 5027 (Muestreador 5027)
Puerto adicional RS 232 para transferir datos a LIMS.
Casetes de método “conectar y analizar”
Los casetes de método configurados previamente se insertan y/o se intercambian fácilmente en el modulo, la conexión y desconexión es simple y
rápida.. Tan solo se tarda unos minutos en iniciar y cerrar el sistema. Existe
un casete de método en blanco para configurar aplicaciones especiales.
Sistema FIAstar™ – 3 canales con Sampler (Muestreador)
Sistema completamente automático para analizar 3 parámetros simultáneamente en una única muestra. Gracias a la función stand-by se alarga la
duración de los tubos de la bomba y se ahorra una gran cantidad de reactivos (< 3 ml de reactivo/ 24 h), teniendo la posibilidad de realizar el análisis
automático y desatendido incluso durante toda la noche.
Autosampler 5027 (Automuestreador 5027)
Bandejas de muestras: para 64 o 120 muestras
Bandeja segmentada: 4 rejillas individuales
Tamaño de la muestra: 12,30 ml
Bandeja lateral: 10 posiciones para patrones y QC
Software SoFIA
Puntos de calibración: hasta 10 patrones
Ajuste de la curva de
calibración: lineal o de segundo orden según la normativa ISO
Rutinas de seguridad y
buen uso del laboratorio: comprobar las muestras, ejecutar muestras
múltiples y estándar, recalibración automáti
ca, advertencias de ausencia de reactivo, de
muestra y fuera de rango. Biblioteca de méto
dos predefinidos.
Para más información sobre FIAstar 5000 consulte la hoja de datos 99990912.
Consumibles, accesorios y piezas de repuesto
We consider consumables, accessories and original spare parts as an integral part of our support to our customers.
Everything is specially designed and manufactured to fit your systems and to ensure safe, accurate and simple laboratory work.
Amplia selección de catalizadores en forma de pastilla para los
procesos de digestión ácida.
Tubos de digestión y destilación para Kjeltec™
Los tubos para Kjeldahl y otros análisis se emplean en los sistemas de digestión Tecator ™ y Kjeltec . Capacidad disponible:
100,250 y 750 ml. Paredes rectas, aforados y juntas esféricas.
Dedales de celulosa para Soxtec™
Celulosa pura de grosor simple o doble. Disponible en 26 (30),
33 (65) y 45 (120) mm (ml). Versión de pureza extra para
aplicaciones medioambientales.
FiberCap™ para Fibertec 2021/2023
Cápsula de un solo uso para mayor seguridad , rapidez y
simplificar el análisis. Disponible en envases de 100 y 500.
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
Josep Tarradellas, 8-10
Tel. 934949940
Fax: 4052176
[email protected]
Catálogo de consumibles, accesorios y
piezas de repuesto
Para facilitarle la búsqueda
de nuestros productos y
resolver sus necesidades de
recambios y consumibles,
en este catálogo encontrará
los listados por grupos de
productos de los componentes para sus sistemas CA, incluyendo los
correspondientes a equipos
P/N 9999 0502, Issue 1 ES, Oct 2005
Crisoles para Fibertec™
Crisoles de cristal de varias porosidades para Fibertec™ M6,
2010 y 1023.
Software de gestión de datos
Software Compass para el registro rápido y fiable y trazabilidad de las muestras según las rutinas GLP, incluyendo la conexión sin problemas de
todos los periféricos, como balanza, impresora y PC, con independencia del fabricante El complemento perfecto para su nuevo KjeltecTM 8400.
•Registro de muestras, incluyendo identificación
•Instrumentos controlados desde PC
•Conforme a rutinas GLP
•Impresión de informes
•Exportación de datos, por ej. a Word, Excel,
•Importación/exportación LIMS
•Conectable en red, visión de resultados en varias
•Conexión simple a periféricos
El analizador Kjeltec™ 8400 tiene dos sistemas de
software distintos. Uno es el software incorporado
que controla el análisis y contiene todas las funciones
necesarias para manejar el sistema en el día a día. Este
sistema se instala en fábrica en el analizador.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
El otro es un sistema opcional, Compass (Composition Analysis Software System), una aplicación de
PC. Este software maneja el analizador Kjeltec 8400
y el muestreador, si existe, permitiendo el registro
rápido y fiable y el rastreo de muestras según las
rutinas GLP, incluyendo la conexión sin problemas
de todos los periféricos, como balanza, impresora y
PC, con independencia del fabricante .
Compass proporciona una comunicación bidireccional
con el analizador a través de Ethernet con comandos de usuario. Esta comunicación también facilita
la conexión a diversos paquetes LIMS (Sistema de
gestión de información de laboratorio, Laboratory
Information Management System) propietarios o
Las tareas realizadas con frecuencia se pueden realizar
rápidamente utilizando las nueve teclas de acceso
directo de la barra de herramientas de comandos. A
estos comandos se puede acceder también desde el
menú principal.
Aplicación Compass
• Windows® 2000 Service Pack 4/Windows® Server 2003
Service Pack 1/Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Windows®
Vista con SP 1
• Pentium III 600 MHz o superior (recomendado 1 GHz)
• 192 MB RAM (recomendado 512 MB)
• 1025 MB de espacio disponible en el disco duro
• Un puerto Ethernet para comunicación con el Analizador
Base de datos de Compass
• Windows® 2000 Service Pack 4/Windows® Server 2003
Service Pack 1/Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Windows®
Vista con SP 1
• .NET Framework 2.01)
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express
• Pentium III 600 MHz o superior (recomendado 1 GHz)
• 192 MB RAM (recomendado 512 MB)
• 1025 MB de espacio disponible en el disco duro
• Un puerto Ethernet para comunicación con la aplicación
Se puede descargar de la página web de Microsoft®. .NET Framework 2.0
debe instalarse antes que Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 Express
FOSS Analytical
Slangerupgade 69
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
Comunicación con la balanza:
El PC debe conectarse a la balanza mediante un cable serie
(RS-232) (no incluido) según las especificaciones del fabricante
de la balanza para la comunicación con el PC.
Los comandos enumerados son compatibles con los siguientes
modelos de balanzas:
Modelos Sartorius A120S, A200S, A210P
GetWeight: ESC P CR LF
GetStableWeight: ESC P CR LF
Modelos Sartorius CP, GC y GP
GetWeight: ESC P CR LF
GetStableWeight: ESC P CR LF
Modelos Mettler Toledo Excellence Plus XP (XP105DR,
XP205, XP205DR, XP204, XP504, XP504DR)
GetWeight: SI CR LF
GetStableWeight: S CR LF
Comunicaciones LIMS
Exportación de datos de resultados a archivos con formato *.txt,
*.xml o *.csv para lectura por LIMS
Importación de datos de muestras de archivos con formato
*.xml creados por LIMS
Cables necesarios, no suministrados en el paquete Compass:
• Cable serie – (RS-232) conexión a la balanza conforme a
las especificaciones del fabricante de la misma
• Cable de red – Instalación en red
• Cable cruzado – Conexión directa al Analizador
P/N 1026228, Edición 1 ES, Enero 2009
Número de pedido:
60031632 Compass Data Management Software
Requisitos de sistema del PC:
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los requisitos indicados a continuación son únicamente para la Aplicación/Base de datos
Compass y que los requisitos del sistema operativo del usuario
podrían ser superiores.
Tecator™ Digestion Systems
Tecator™ Digestion Unit Auto Lift 20 together with the Scrubber, for
fully unattended operation.
Features and benefits:
Tecator™ Digestion units, with integrated programmable controllers, can be combined with a range of accessories offering:
• fully automated digestion with user interface adapting to
actual product configuration
• convenient, safe and flexible operation
• GLP-support through two way PC communication
• economy of chemicals, energy, labour, space and time
• efficient fume containment through optional exhaust
• efficient fume removal through optional scrubber
The systems, with extensive application support, are compatible with Kjeltec™ Distilling Units.
General Description:
The products described in this brochure can be combined to
match individual needs, from units capable of handling just a
few samples a day up to fully automated systems for high sample throughput. Three configurations; Auto Lift, Auto Rack,
and Basic; are available for either 250 ml or 100 ml digestion
tubes; which must be specified when ordering; dependant on
the application required.
A Digestion System is based on a Digestion Unit and tube
rack with capacity for either eight or twenty tubes. For most
Kjeldahl digestions straight 250 ml tubes are recommended.
To comply with GLP and Health & Safety requirements we
recommend that all Digestion Units are used with an Exhaust
Manifold or Reflux Head, and are located in a fume cupboard.
An optional Scrubber Unit creates a fully integrated system.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Auto Lift versions, with exhaust docking facility, allow fully
automated unattended operation contributing to safety and convenience by eliminating handling of hot chemicals and saving
valuable bench space. Auto Rack versions allow automated
digestions but require manual placement of Tube Rack and
Exhaust Manifold which are stored above the Digestion Unit
in a similar position to the Auto Lift. All Auto models have an
integrated programmer which precisely controls temperature(s)
and timing together with connected components. The analysis
cycle is clearly monitored on the graphical display. Auto models can be connected to a PC for data logging and downloading
of standard, and user defined, applications. The programmer
has various password protected access levels to prevent unauthorised modification and comply with accreditation procedures. Basic versions have built in, user definable, temperature
and time control clearly viewed on the display.
Auto Rack versions can be upgraded to Auto Lift systems to
spread the investment across fiscal periods.
The Basic version can be fitted with a rack system at any
time to save valuable bench space.
Various accessories are available to make routine analysis
safe and simple. They include a range of test tubes, tube racks,
retainer plates for washing, fume removal systems, boiling
rods and catalyst tablets.
Digestion system products and accessories are described in
more detail on the following pages.
All Digestion Systems are based on one of the “four” Digestion Units for either 250 ml or 100 ml tubes*.
* Tube volume to be specified when ordering your digestion unit.
Digestion Units
The Digestion Units are insulated to minimise heat transfer to
the surroundings and allow fast, even heating, thus giving good
working conditions as well as saving energy. They are designed
for batches of either eight or twenty test tubes with three different levels of control.
The Auto versions have an integrated all activity controller,
that adapts to the actual product configuration and is programmable using the software supplied. When a Lift or Scrubber
Unit is connected they are controlled by the selected application
program, which is stored in the Digestion Unit memory, allowing
fully unattended operation.
The Basic versions have a built in, user definable, time and
temperature controller and display.
Software for Auto Lift and Auto Rack systems
There are two separate software systems in Auto versions. The
embedded software controls all necessary functions of the digestion system on a routine basis. The PC Application software,
delivered on CD, is system management software which enables
default values to be modified according to the needs of the authorised user. To process different type of samples a wide range
of Tecator™ applications can be downloaded from the database
included on the CD. Up to 254 Applications can be stored in the
digestion unit at any one time, of which half can be standard
Tecator™ format and half can be user defined. Each application
can control up to 23 steps including all Temperature; ramp and
time; Lift and Scrubber steps.
The software supports Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
routines and accreditation procedures. Data for date, time,
temperature, application used, operator, batch number, and ID
number are constantly logged. The 32 most recent Data Logs
can be stored in the Digestion Unit. All this information can be
transferred to a PC for archiving and generation of up to seven
different reports. Original Tecator™ Applications cannot be
changed. They can be adapted and saved as different files or the
user can design their own applications. To prevent unauthorised
changes, and comply with GLP routines, the software is password protected at different authority levels.
Audible alerts
Audible ‘’ready’’ or ‘’cycle over’’ alerts advise the user when the
digestion application is completed
Audible ‘’alarm’’ alerts advise the user when errors/interruptions occur within the running application program
Alerts can be adjusted High, Low or Off.
Power failure or interruption of power supply
In the event of power failure the digestion unit operation is automatically handled in the safest way. If the failure or interruption
occurs at any time up to or during preheating, before digestion
has started, the cycle will continue when power is restored. Following a power failure or interruption, after the digestion cycle
has started, the unit stops heating immediately and the Lift goes
to the cooling position with exhaust in place, upon restoration of
power. This complies with GLP and Health & Safety routines.
These interruptions will be recorded in the data logging function.
Communication with PC
The PC Application software has two way communication
with the Digestion Unit via the serial RS232 cable supplied as
standard. Alternatively communication can be achieved through
Bluetooth TDK blu2i modules, or equivalent, available from your
computer supplier.
Language versions
The software is available in the following languages:Chinese (simplified), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. Other
languages can be accommodated in co-operation with your local
Auto Lift Systems
Auto Lift systems facilitate highly automated procedures,
eliminating heavy and risky handling of hot chemicals. Valuable
bench space is saved, as the Tube Rack and Exhaust Manifold are
positioned above the Digestion Unit.
A Tube Rack with 8 or 20 tubes is placed in the Lift. The application selected then fully controls the entire process. The Exhaust Manifold docks automatically with the Tube Rack as they
move down into the preheated Digestion Unit; and the Scrubber
Unit, if connected, starts.
The scrubber capacity is automatically adjusted during the
cycle to contain fumes and minimise acid losses. When the
digestion is completed the combined Tube Rack and Exhaust
Manifold move to the cooling position with the Scrubber Unit
still running until no further fumes are evolved. An adjustable
audible signal in the Digestion Unit indicates “cycle over”.
To avoid any spillage a drip tray, supplied with the Exhaust
Manifold, is inserted underneath the Exhaust Manifold when it is
separated from the Tube Rack after cooling.
The Lift eliminates heavy handling.
The Rack System saves space.
Auto Rack Systems
When an Auto Rack system is used in place of an Auto Lift
system the typical procedure is as with the Auto Lift system with
the exception that the combining/separating of Tube Rack and
Exhaust Manifold and the movement to the cooling position is
performed manually when the signal is heard. The application
selected controls all other functions as with the Auto Lift system.
Basic Systems
The temperature and time for the digestion are selected on the
front panel. All other procedures, including operation of a connected scrubber, are then performed by the operator once the
digestion unit has reached the selected temperature.
Fume Removal and Containment Systems
Exhaust Manifolds
Many digestion applications, e.g. Kjeldahl, produce fumes that
are unpleasant and corrosive. Exhaust Manifolds designed for
each Digestion Unit facilitate fume removal and containment and
are strongly recommended for use with all digestion procedures.
The cost of replacement of a fume cupboard which has been
corroded by inefficient fume handling is very much greater than
the relatively low cost of an approved exhaust. Whilst many users
choose to operate integrated systems in the open laboratory, we
strongly recommend the use of both exhaust systems and fume
cupboards for these operations. This is simply Good Laboratory
Practice (GLP) and avoids conflict with local Health & Safety
(H&S) requirements.
The Exhaust Manifolds should be connected to the water aspirator supplied, or to a suitable Scrubber Unit.
Scrubber Unit
Where water is a scarce or expensive commodity, or simply when
a higher level of automation is desired, the water aspirator should
be replaced with an efficient Scrubber Unit. Exhaust Manifolds
and Scrubber Units which require an external water source are
subject to variation in vacuum efficiency due to fluctuations in
local water pressure.
The compact bench top Tecator™ Scrubber Unit is self contained and is therefore unaffected by water supply issues. During
digestion moist, acidic fumes from the connected exhaust are
drawn through the Scrubber Unit. Acid vapours are first condensed and diluted in a large acid trap. Any residual fumes are
collected, washed and neutralised before passing through a second small acid trap which protects the vacuum pump in the event
that the scrubbing agents are exhausted. The cleaned air is then
There is an Exhaust for each Digestion Unit.
The Scrubber neutralizes the corrosive fumes.
vented via a tubing outlet. In the interest of GLP and H&S this
venting tube should be directed into a fume cupboard. When the
Scrubber Unit is connected to an Auto Lift or Auto Rack system
the program will fully control the function including switching
from high to low aspiration settings.
Reflux Heads
When a digestion unit is used for reflux chemistries, such as
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), a Reflux Head connected to a
suitable cold water supply should be used in place of the Exhaust
Manifold. Tecator™ Reflux Heads are conveniently mounted in
handling racks which match the tube rack in the Digestion Unit.
The ball jointed condensers are designed for use with ball jointed
digestion tubes. The Reflux Heads are compatible with Auto Lift,
Auto Rack and Basic systems.
There are Reflux Heads for 250 ml Digestion Units.
Select the correct tube for your application.
Kjeltabs, salt and catalyst in tablet form.
Digestion Tubes
To suit different applications and manual/automatic handling
systems, tubes for the Digestion Units are available in two sizes
(250 ml and 100 ml) and three shapes. Straight sided tubes
are recommended for the majority of digestion applications.
Volumetric tubes with a constriction at the neck are recommended for applications where the digestate requires dilution to
a fixed volume before analyses such as FIA, SFA, and AA etc.
Ball jointed tubes, available in 250 ml size only, are required for
reflux chemistries using the reflux condenser heads. The larger
250 ml straight sided tubes are recommended for Kjeldahl, as
they can hold samples of widely varying sizes. Samples of heterogeneous material often need to be fairly large to ensure that
they are representative. There is no lower limit of sample size in
the 250 ml tubes; they simply allow greater flexibility for most
type of samples.
The 100 ml straight sided tubes can be used where the material
is homogeneous and small samples are fully representative or
where they are specified by the approved method.
A salt, to increase the boiling point, and a catalyst, to increase
the speed of reaction, are used for Kjeldahl digestions. As a convenient way to obtain the correct dosage, FOSS supplies Kjeltabs
– tablets containing Potassium Sulphate and a catalyst (Copper,
Selenium, or Copper/Titanium). Digestion time may depend on
the catalyst used. Historically Mercury has been used as the most
efficient catalyst. Today it has been replaced largely by Copper,
or other metals, due to safety and environmental considerations.
Kjeltabs are supplied in two sizes; 3.5 g and 1.5 g. One or more
tablets are combined with the acid to obtain an optimal salt/acid
ratio. The smaller 1.5 g size is designed for the 100 ml tubes.
Ordering information:*
Digestion Units:
All models are delivered with a Tube Rack with integrated
heat shields. They should always be combined with a matching
Exhaust Manifold or Reflux Head and Test Tubes – 100 or 250
ml volume.
For Kjeldahl digestions the 2501-001 Scrubber Unit should
always be considered for safe and efficient neutralisation of
corrosive gases. This replaces the water aspirator, supplied as
Auto Lift models, complete with 2515-001 Lift and integrated
controller for fully automatic control of digestion applications,
including the operation of the Lift and a 2501-001 Scrubber
Unit (optional extra). The digestion unit can be connected to
PC for application updates, traceability and logging purposes.
NOTE. An appropriate exhaust manifold or reflux head
MUST be added for an automatic system.
Auto Rack models, complete with 2515-011 Rack and
integrated controller for full control of digestion applications,
including the operation of a 2501-001 Scrubber (optional extra). The digestion unit can be connected to PC for application
updates, traceability and logging purposes.
Can be upgraded to an Auto Lift system by addition of the
2515-001 Lift.
NOTE. An appropriate exhaust manifold or reflux head
MUST be added for an automatic system.
Basic models, with built in electronics for control of temperature and time only.
Can not be upgraded to Auto models but are compatible with
2515-011 Rack.
Tecator™ Auto Digestion Units
Auto models with integrated all activity controller and graphical display.
Versions for 250 ml tubes
2508-001 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Lift system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-002 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2508-011 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Rack system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-012 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-001 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Lift system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2520-011 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Rack system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
Versions for 100 ml tubes
2508-006 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Lift system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-007 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2508-016 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Rack system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-017 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-006 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Lift system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2520-016 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Rack system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
Tecator™ Digestion Units
Basic models with built in electronics for control of temperature and time.
Versions for 250 ml tubes
2508-051 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Basic, 250 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-052 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-051 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Basic 250 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
Versions for 100 ml tubes
2508-056 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Basic, 100 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-057 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-056 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Basic 100 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
Fume Removal & Containment Systems
2508-020 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2508, if 250
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2508-021 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2508, if 100
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2520-020 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2520, if 250
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2520-021 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2520, if 100
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2501-001 Scrubber Unit 110/230 V 50-60 Hz.
For neutralization of fumes in acid digestions. It
can be combined with any of the Exhaust Mani
folds. Up to 100 samples without changing of
reagent. Fully automatic operation when connected
to an Auto Digestion Unit.
Lift & Rack Systems
2515-001 LIFT for the AUTO version of Digestion Unit
2508 and 2520.
The Application run in the Digestion Unit fully
controls the LIFT.
The Lift can only be connected to Auto version
Digestion Unit.
2515-011 RACK System for all versions of Digestion Unit
2508 and 2520 without LIFT.
Enables manual positioning of components in a
similar way as the Auto Lift.
Reflux condensers
2508-030 Reflux Head COD Digestion Unit 2508.
Water-cooled Condensers for 8x250 ml tubes.
2520-030 Reflux Head COD Digestion Unit 2520.
Water-cooled Condensers for 20x250 ml tubes.
10000254 Reflux Condenser, Air Cooled.
700 mm. With ground joint for 250 ml tubes.
Cont. Ordering information:*
Handling Systems
Digestion Units are delivered complete with one Tube Rack.
It may be found convenient to order extra so that all tubes
normally in use in the laboratory are placed in a rack.
All Tube Racks fit the Kjeltec 2460 Sampler.
10014245 Tube Rack for 8 Digestion Tubes 250 ml.
10014248 Tube Rack for 8 Digestion Tubes 100 ml.
10014240 Tube Rack for 20 Digestion Tubes 250 ml.
10014246 Tube Rack for 20 Digestion Tubes 100 ml.
10014006 Retainer Plate for Washing; Digestor 2520, 250 ml
10014007 Retainer Plate for Washing; Digestor 2520, 100 ml
10000460 Boiling Rod
To avoid bumping when digesting large volumes of water.
10000897 Handling Device for Digestion Tube
10007117 Dispenser 2-10 ml, 1000 ml Bottle
10007118 Dispenser 10-30 ml, 2000 ml Bottle
Test tubes
Straight model Test Tubes, often used for Kjeldahl determination.
10014311 Digestion Tubes Straight 100 ml 8/pkg
10014312 Digestion Tubes Straight 100 ml 20/pkg
10014278 Digestion Tubes Straight 250 ml 8/pkg
10000158 Digestion Tubes Straight 250 ml 20/pkg
With constriction and volume mark, used in applications where
the digest is diluted to volume and an aliquot is taken for
10014313 Digestion Tubes With Mark 100 ml 8/pkg
10014314 Digestion Tubes With Mark 100 ml 20/pkg
10014315 Digestion Tubes With Mark 250 ml 8/pkg
10000157 Digestion Tubes With Mark 250 ml 20/pkg With ground joint for air-cooled Reflux Condensers.
10014316 Digestion Tubes - Ground Joint 250 ml 8/pkg
10000159 Digestion Tubes - Ground Joint 250 ml 20/pkg
With ball joint for water-cooled Reflux Condensers.
10014317 Digestion Tubes - Ball Joint 250 ml 8/pkg
10000611 Digestion Tubes - Ball Joint 250 ml 20/pkg
Most types are delivered in boxes of 1000.
15270001 Selenium, Tablets with 1.5 g K2SO4 + 7.5 mg Se.
15270002 Selenium, Tablets with 5 g K2SO4 + 5 mg Se.
15270003 Selenium, Tablets with 3.5 g K2SO4 + 3.5 mg Se.
15270056 Selenium, Tablets with 1 g Na2SO4 + 0.05 g Se.
15270010 Copper/Titanium, Tablets with 5 g K2SO4 + 0.15 g
CuSO4.5H2O + 0.15 g TiO2 .
15270020 Copper/Titanium, Tablets with 3.5 g K2SO4 +
0.105 g CuSO4.5H2O + 0.105 g TiO2 .
15270018 Copper, Tablets with 3.5 g K2SO4 + 0.4 g
15270034 Copper, Tablets with 1.5 g K2SO4 + 0.15 g
15270057 Copper, Tablets with 4.5 g K2SO4 + 0.5 g
Other types are available upon request
Installation requirements:
Digestion Unit 2508 Auto
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V or 100 - 115 V,
50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
1100 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
10 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 500 × 697 mm (incl. Rack
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Lift or Racking
System is used
Digestion Unit 2508 Basic
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V or 100 - 115 V,
50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
1100 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
10 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 390 × 140 mm
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Racking Sys
tem is used
Digestion Unit 2520 Auto
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
2300 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
18 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 660 × 697 mm (incl. Rack
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Lift or Rack
System is used
Digestion Unit 2520 Basic
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
2300 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
18 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 550 × 140 mm
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Rack System is
Power Supply:
100 to 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz, Self
Power consumption:
50 W
Water supply:
19 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
335 × 485 × 395 mm
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Outlet tubing preferably into sink
in fume hood
Recommended bench space: 0.6 m
Exhaust 2508
Water supply:
3 - 5 l/min for 5 minutes, then
1 l/min
Exhaust 2520
Water supply:
10 - 12 l/min for 5 minutes, then
3 - 5 l/min
Power Supply:
None. Powered from the Diges
tion Unit Auto
Power consumption:
10 W
7 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 550 × 697 mm (Mounted
on Digestion Unit)
Ambient temperature:
max 40C
Ventilation requirement:
Recommended bench space: 0 m. Lift is mounted on the
Digestion Unit
Performance data:
2508 Auto
2508 Basic
2520 Auto
2520 Basic
Temperature range
Ambient - 440°C
100 - 440°C
Ambient - 440°C
100 - 440°C
Temperature setting
Temperature readout
Heater indication
Heater warning
Text in display
Text in display
Text in display
Text in display
Over temperature
Temperature stability at ± 2°C
± 5°C
± 2°C
± 5°C
Temperature stability at ± 1°C
± 2°C
± 1°C
± 2°C
Heating time 20 to
400°C at 230 V
~35 min
~35 min
~40 min
~40 min
Time setting per step
1 - 999 min
1 - 1199 min
1 - 999 min
1 - 1199 min
Ramp control (Rate of
Digestion applications
Up to 254
Up to 254
Digestion steps per
Up to 23
1, Manual control
Up to 23
1, Manual control
Lift connection
Yes, full control
Yes, full control
Yes, full control
Yes, man control
Yes, full control
Yes, man control
Tubes / batch
Tube size
250 ml
250 ml
250 ml
250 ml
Sample size* solids
up to 5 g
up to 5 g
up to 5 g
up to 5 g
Sample size* liquids
up to 15 ml
up to 15 ml
up to 15 ml
up to 15 ml
Tube size
100 ml
100 ml
100 ml
100 ml
Sample size* solids
up to 1 g
up to 1 g
up to 1 g
up to 1 g
Sample size* liquids
up to 3 ml
up to 3 ml
up to 3 ml
up to 3 ml
Typical sample capacity
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0720E, Issue 2 GB, August 2005
*Note: Larger samples require special procedures. Please see the relevant Application Notes or consult our Customer Service Laboratory.
Analizador 5000
Analizador FIAstar 5000. ”Conectar y Analizar”, la máxima sencillez en análisis químicos por vía húmeda.
Características y Beneficios
• Beneficioso inclusive con lotes pequeños de
muestras, debido a:
- Puesta en marcha y apagado rápido (10 min.).
- Resultados inmediatos (menos de 1 min.).
• Casetes de Método ”Conectar y Analizar” rápido
y sencillo.
• Software Windows 98/2000 incluyendo rutinas
de calibración según ISO 8466.
• Detector Digital de Doble Longitud de Onda
(DDW) para eliminar los efectos del índice de refracción y de las burbujas de aire.
• Rango dinámico amplio y bajos límites de detección.
• Función de stand-by (<3mL de reactivo/24 h)
permite la operación nocturna sin supervisión.
El módulo básico de FIAstar en
Descripción del sistema
El FIAstar 5000 es un sistema totalmente automatizado
para la determinación de Amonio, Nitrato / Nitrito, Nitrógeno Total, Fosfato, Fósforo Total y otros parámetros,
utilizando los últimos métodos aprobados por ISO.
Se pueden analizar hasta tres parámetros simultáneamente. Cada Módulo Analizador incluye un detector
DDW, termostato, válvula de inyección y bomba. Todo
el sistema se controla mediante el software SoFIA del sistema FIAstar 5000.
Casetes de Método
Los Casetes de Método pre-configurados se colocan y/o
intercambian en una sola operación y se conectan / desconectan automáticamente. La puesta en marcha y apagado
del sistema es una cuestión de minutos. Se dispone de un
Casete de Método en blanco para configurar aplicaciones
que no sean estándar.
Software SoFIA
Los métodos predefinidos y botones rápidos para funciones utilizadas frecuentemente permiten un procesamiento de muestras rápido y fácil.
Las rutinas de control de calidad (QC) y de GLP para
la detección de errores analíticos contribuyen a obtener
resultados exactos.
El programa también soporta un lector de código de
barras para el registro simplificado de muestras, importación de archivos de registro de muestras e incluye una interface LIMS para la exportación de resultados de
Analizador FIAstar 5000 para Nitritos / Nitratos, con 1 Módulo
Analizador FIAstar 5000, 1 software SoFIA, 1 casete NO2 / NO3,
1 Muestreador 5027 (120 posiciones).
Analizador FIAstar 5000 de Dos Canales para Nitrógeno en Suelos,
con 2 Módulos Analizadores FIAstar 5000, 1 software SoFIA, 1
hub USB, 1 casete NO2 /NO3, 1 casete NH4 y 1 Muestreador 5027
(120 posiciones).
5000-700 Sistema FIAstar 5000 de Tres Canales para Análisis
de Agua, con 3 módulos Analizadores FIAstar 5000,
1 software SoFIA, 1 hub USB, 1 casete NO2 / NO3,
1 casete NH4, 1 casete P y 1 muestreador 5027 (120
Accesorios y consumibles
Columnas de Cadmio pre-empaquetadas, caja de 3 unidades
Mezcla indicadora para Amonio
Membranas de Difusión de Gases para Amonio
Membranas de Difusión de Gases para TKN
Casete de Método en blanco para otras aplicaciones,
con tubos de la bomba y conjunto de bucles de mezcla.
Los filtros deben ser pedidos separadamente
Datos de Operación:
Analizador FIAstar® 5000
Principio de operación:
Volumen de muestras:
Casete de Método:
Análisis por Inyección en Flujo (FIA)
Inyector rotatorio de 6 vías, volumen variable
20 - 400 µl
Bomba peristáltica de 2 ´ 4 canales con
velocidad variable y función de alerta
Termostato incorporado, 30°C - 90°C ±
Consumo de reactivos 0.3 - 2 mL/
Fotómetro Digital de Doble Longitud de
Onda con corrección automática de fondo
Paso 10 mm; volumen 18 µL
400 - 1,000nm
Celda de Flujo:
Rango de Longitud de
Intervalo de Absorbancia: 0 - 2.5 UA
Requerimientos de Instalación
Analizador FIAstar 5000
Suministro eléctrico:
Consumo de energía:
Conexión a PC:
100 - 240 V CA, 50-60 Hz (26 V CC)
450 ´ 310 ´ 145 mm
(con soporte de reactivos 625 ´ 310 ´
8,7 kg
70 vatios
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
Software SoFIA
Puntos de Calibración:
Ajuste de curva de
Rutinas QC y GLP:
Principio de operación:
Bandejas de muestras:
División de la bandeja:
Tamaño de muestra:
Bandeja lateral:
Tel: +46 42 36 15 00
Fax: +46 42 34 03 49
e-mail [email protected]
Página web:
Representantes en 100 países
Lineal o segundo orden ISO 8466
Verificación de muestras; análisis estándar y muestras múltiples; recalibración
automática; alarmas de falta de reactivo,
falta de muestras y fuera de rango
Métodos pre-definidos
Para 64 o 120 muestras
4 gradillas individuales
12, 30 mL
10 posiciones para patrones y QC
Espacio disponible en disco duro 40 MB
Disquetera de 1.44 Mb o lector de CD
Una puerta USB para cada módulo FIA conectado
Una puerta RS 232 para comunicación con el muestreador 5027
Puerta RS 232 adicional para transferencia de datos a un sistema
Muestreador 5027
Suministro eléctrico:
Consumo de energía:
*Información de pedidos: Utilice los Números de Catálogo y texto correspondiente detallados arriba.
Foss Tecator AB
Box 70, SE-263 21 Höganäs, Suecia
Hasta 10 patrones
Muestreador 5027
Especificaciones del PC:
Ordenador en entorno Windows® 98 o 2000 instalado
Mínimo 32 Mb de memoria RAM
0.001 mUA
Mejor que 1% r.s.d.
In the interest of product development we reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Sistemas completos
100/115/130/200/240 V, 50-60 Hz
450 ´ 400 ´ 260 mm
(con bandeja separada 625 ´ 400 ´ 260)
14 kg
20 vatios
Part no 9999 0912ES / 0006 DOT Graphic AB, Malmö, Sweden
Información de Pedidos*:
5000-001 Módulo Analizador FIAstar 5000 (26 V DC), unidad
de análisis con válvula de inyección, bomba, soporte de
casete, termostato incorporado, detector DDW, conexión USB y adaptador de voltaje (100-240 V, 50-60
5000-010 Casete de Método Nitrato/Nitrito y Nitrógeno Total,
con filtros, tubos de la bomba, columnas de reducción,
botellas para reactivo / enjuague y soporte de casete.
5000-020 Casete de Método Amonio, con filtros, tubos de la
bomba, membranas de difusión de gas, mezcla indicadora, botellas para reactivo / enjuague y soporte de casete.
5000-030 Casete de Método Fosfato/Fósforo Total, con filtros,
tubos de la bomba, botellas para reactivo / enjuague y
soporte de casete.
5000-040 Casete de Método TKN (Nitrógeno Kjeldahl Total),
con filtros, tubos de la bomba, membranas de difusión
de gas, mezcla indicadora, botellas de reactivo / enjuague y porta casete.
5000-100 Programa SoFIA para FIAstar 5000 en entorno
5027-003 Muestreador 5027 para FIAstar con bandeja para 120
muestras, vasos de 12 mL y bandeja separada para patrones de calibración y de QC.
5027-004 Ídem, pero con bandeja para 64 muestras, 30 mL
FiberCap™ 2021/2023
Fibre Analysis System
A modular system for simple analysis of crude and detergent fiber.
Features and benefits
•18 & 6 position systems for crude fibre, NDF,
•Results in agreement with official procedures
•Low investment cost giving unique performance/
price ratio
•FiberCap™ capsule design ensures accurate
analysis and superior precision
•Batch handling with no sample transfer
•Rapid filtration for all sample types saves time
•Multiple systems are easily operated for high
•Small bench space needed
The FiberCap system is specifically designed to
provide a low cost, high capacity solution for fibre
determination in accordance with the Weende and
van Soest methods. Batch handling, with no sample
transfer, is used throughout the procedure. Defatting, boiling, rinsing and filtration are performed
under reproducible and controlled conditions.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The system offers substantial savings both in
manual handling and time as well as improved analytical precision compared to manual methods.
The capsule is a polypropylene container with a
simple snap on lid, once sealed, there is no sample
transfer. The different chemical properties of the
membranes used in the capsule and the lid ensure
free flow of reagent through the FiberCap during
analysis. This feature guarantees repeatable conditions for all sample types, even high starch samples
can easily be determined. Filtration or washing is
done in seconds for all sample types.
Two versions of capsules are available, having
different mesh size, offers the possibility to match
results either with the filter paper method (white
capsule) or the crucible method (green capsule).
The FiberCap is available in either 18 or 6 position systems and one operator can easily handle
several systems simultaneously giving a very high
throughput. For example, 4 batches with the 18 position system give 72 finished extractions in 1,5 h.
Batch transfer
System description
2021 0001 FiberCap 2021 (6 position) 230 V, 50 Hz.
Including all accessories necessary for analysis
whereof 100 pcs of capsules (white)
2021 0004 FiberCap 2021, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
2021 0011 FiberCap 2021 230 V, 50 Hz. Including all
accessories necessary for analysis whereof
100 pcs of capsules (green)
2021 0014 FiberCap 2021, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
2023 0001 FiberCap 2023 (18 position) 230 V, 50 Hz.
Including all accessories necessary for analysis
whereof 100 pcs of capsules (white)
2023 0003 FiberCap 2023, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
2023 0011 FiberCap 2023 230 V, 50 Hz. Including all
accessories necessary for analysis whereof
100 pcs of capsules (green)
2023 0013 FiberCap 2023, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
1524 0010 2022 Hot Plate 230 V, 50 Hz
1524 0011 2022 Hot Plate 115 V, 50 - 60 Hz
1001 0332 Boiling Stand
1001 0224 Capsule Tray, 6 position
1001 0334 Capsule Tray, 18 position
1001 0137 Extraction Beaker, 6 position
1001 0546 Extraction Beaker, 18 position
1001 0331 Drying Stand
1001 0347 FiberCap capsules, 100 pcs
1001 0346 FiberCap capsules, 500 pcs
1001 0262 Stopper, 6 position
1001 0335 Stopper, 18 position
Performance data:
Sample size:
Measuring range:
Capacity per batch:
Capacity per day: (6 batches)
0,5 - 3 g
0,1 - 100 %
6 samples or 18 samples simultane-
� � � � � � � �
Up to 216 analyses (Crude fibre)
using six Fibertec 2021 Systems in
parallell, 108 analyses (Crude fibre)
using one Fibertec 2023.
± 1 % relative at 5 - 30 % fibre level
Installation requirements:
Power supply
Power consumption
Dimensions Weight
Water supply
w× d×h
2022 Hot Plate
230 V, 50 Hz
500 W
20 × 30 × 35 cm
2,5 kg
0,4 l/min
115 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Note; the furnace used during the analysis must be well ventilated, due to the build up of smoke.
• Crude Fibre
• NDF (Neutral Detergent Fibre)
• ADF (Acid Detergent Fibre) & ADL (Acid Detergent Lignin)
The Fibertec™ 2021 and 2023 System are also suitable for use with almost any chemical.
Materials used are glass, PTFE; PEEK, PP, PET & PA.
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0407, Issue 2 GB, Nov 2007
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Fibertec™ M6
Fibre Analysis System
Extraction System for simple determination of Crude Fibre, Detergent Fibre, Cellulose,
Hemicelluloses, Lignin and related Parameters in plant materials, compound feed, food, etc.
• Six samples processed simultaneously.
• Accessories for batch handling.
• Integral extraction and filtration.
• No sample transfer and no loss of sample.
• Separate unit for solvent dehydration, lignin determination and defatting.
• Extensive application service.
• High reproducibility of conditions and results.
• Saves time, energy and laboratory space.
• Official approval: ISO 6865, 92/89 EEC and
AOAC 2002.04 (feed).
The Fibertec™ System M6 is dedicated for fibre
determinations according to Weende, van Soest,
etc. Single or sequential extractions including boiling, using externally preheated reagents, rinsing
and filtration are performed under reproducible and
controlled conditions.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The basic modules of a Fibertec M6 are:
• 1020 Hot Extraction Unit, for hot hydrolysis and
extraction with built-in systems for heating and
• 1021 Cold Extraction Unit, for defatting samples,
extraction at ambient temperature e.g. lignin determination, and for solvent dehydration of fibre
Both units are adapted to the same crucible
system that permits the sample, whenever required,
to be dried and weighed between extractions. In
the system the samples are handled in specially
designed filter crucibles, which are used both as an
integral part of an extraction assembly during extraction, rinsing and filtering, and as a sample vessel during the weighing, drying and ashing steps.
The Fibertec M6 permits handling of six samples
at a time by the use of accessory tools for batch
handling. Filtration problems are overcome by the
unique vacuum/reverse air flow system.
The Fibertec M6 offers a most time saving and
convenient solution for more reproducible fibre
System description:
Fibertec™ M6 (200-230V):
• Hot Extraction Unit comprising: Hot Extractor, Reflector,
Reagent Bottles, Hot Water Sprayer, Beaker, Funnel, Water
Suction Pump, Antifoaming Agent, Tubing, Holder for 6
crucibles, Stand for 6 crucibles, Crucibles (P2 standard, 2
sets of 6), Manual.
• Cold Extraction Unit comprising: Cold Extractor, Spray
Bottle, Tubing, T-tube, Spare Part Kit, Stand for 6 crucibles, Crucibles (P2 standard 40 - 100 µm, set of 6),
Antifoaming Agent (octanol), Celite, 1 l
Performance data:
Sample size:
Measuring range:
0.5 - 3 g (1 g normal)
0.1 - 100%
< 1% relative at 5 - 30 % fibre level
According to official methods
Installation requirements:
Power supply
1020 Hot Extraction Unit
200 - 230V ± 10%
50 - 60 Hz
1021 Cold Extraction Unit
Also choose from the following accessories:
1093 Cyclotec™ Sample Mill, cyclone mill
1090 Cemotec™ Sample Mill, moisture mill
2094 Homogenizer, blender type
2096 Homogenizer, blender type
1095 Knifetec™, water cooled sample mill
Hot plate 2022
Filter Crucibles:
Crucible, P1 (100 - 160 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P2 (40 - 100 µm), set of 6, standard
Crucible, P3 (16 - 40 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P0 (160 - 250 µm), set of 6
Crucible P2 US, (40 - 60 µm) set of 6
Capacity per batch:
Capacity per day:
6 samples simultaneously
Up to 36 analyses (Crude Fibre
method acc. to Weende) per day
1 000 kW
w× d×h
56 × 38 × 57
56 × 38 × 28
4 kg
28 kg
Water supply
Tap water for
condensors (appr. 2 l/min)
and water aspirator (during
Tap water for water aspira
tor (during filtration)
• Crude Fibre (acc. to Weende).
• Neutral Detergent Fibre.
• Acid Detergent Fibre.
• Acid Detergent Lignin.
In addition, most other chemical extraction methods except methods including acetic acid, trichloracetic acid and/or nitric acid,
may be employed. For specific method information, please ask for detailed FOSS Analytical Application Notes.
Fibertec™ Systems for any fibre determination needs:
Low fat samples
1093 Cyclotec™ Mill
Medium fat samples
1090 Cemotec™ Mill
High fat samples
2094/2096 Homogenizer
1095 Knifetec™
Fibertec™ E
High workloads
Fibertec™ 2010
Medium workloads
Fibertec™ M6
Drying Oven
Muffle furnance
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0401E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Fibertec™ E
Dietary Fibre Analysis System
Semi-automated incubation and separation system for quantitative determination of
dietary fibre in processed food, cereal products, fruits and vegetables, health food,
feedstuffs, plant materials, etc.
• Free choice of methods like AOAC, AACC,
NMKL and Asp.
• Determines total, soluble and insoluble dietary
• Rapid filtration of six samples simultaneously.
• Specially designed incubation flasks
• High incubation and separation capacity.
• Repeatable readings, S.D. < 0.5% absolute.
• Easy and convenient to use.
• Saves time, space and manual work.
The Fibertec™ E is designed for rapid and rational
determination of dietary fibre according to established enzymatic methods, including those approved by AOAC, AACC, NMKL and Asp.
The Fibertec E determines total dietary fibre as
well as the insoluble and soluble fibres separately.
It is also useful in sample preparation for detailed
studies of fibre fractions, e.g. by chromatographic
or colorimetric techniques.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The basic Fibertec E includes a Shaking Water
Bath and a Filtration Module. The Shaking Water Bath incubates 12 samples in each batch. The
temperature range is from ambient to 80°C and it is
possible to preset three temperatures. The shaking
frequency and amplitude are continously adjustable.
The Filtration Module filters and collects 6
sample solutions batchwise and includes a system
for rapid dehydration. The filtration step is speeded
up through built-in “Pressure Mode”. Reversed
pressure is applied to facilitate filtration by breaking up clogged filter residues during filtration.
Filtration time varies according to sample type, but
on average it is 2-4 minutes for 100 ml of digested
The reproducibility (standard deviation) of the
Fibertec E in determining total, insoluble and
soluble dietary fibre is < 0.5% absolute.
System description:
Fibertec™ E
• Filtration Module complete, comprising: Filtration Module, Incubation Flasks (4 sets of 6), Standard Crucibles
(P2, 2 sets of 6), Basket for Incubation Flasks, 2 Stands for
Crucibles, 2 Spray bottles, 2 Water aspiration pumps, Filter
aid, Tubing, Shaking Water Bath, complete, comprising: a
tray for 12 Incubation Flasks and a hinged inclined lid.
In addition, we recommend:
Incubation Flask (set of 6), at least 4 sets
Crucible, P2 (40 - 100 µm) set of 6, at least 2 sets
Basket for 12 Incubation Flasks, at least 1
Total Dietary Fibre Kit for 200 determinations
Termamyl 300 L, 100 ml Boiling Water Bath Pipette 100 µl
Muffle or incineratron furnace ~525°C
Performance data:
Filtration Module:
Filtration and dehydration capacity:
6 samples/batch
Filtration rate:
2-4 ml/100 ml of digested solution,
depending on sample type
S.D. < 0.5% absolute
Flask volume:
600 ml
Installation requirements:
Power supply
Alternative filter crucibles:
Crucible, P0 (160 - 250 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P1 (90 - 150 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P3 (15 - 40 µm), set of 6
Stand for 6 Crucibles
1093 Cyclotec™ Sample Mill
1090 Cemotec™ Sample Mill
1095 Knifetec™ Sample Mill for high fat, high fibre samples
For protein determination we recommend our Kjeltec analyzers.
Alternative flask trays for other applications, e.g. biochemical work:
Tray for E**-flasks, 50 ml
Tray for E**-flasks, 100 ml
Tray for E**-flasks, 250 ml
Tray for E**-flasks, 500 ml
** Erlenmeyer
Shaking Water Bath:
Temperature range:
Temperature accuracy:
Shaking frequency:
Stroke length:
Power consumption
12 flasks/batch
ambient to 80°C
± 0.1°C
0-150 strokes/minute
0-50 mm
1023 Filtration Module
100-120 V, 50-60 Hz
210-230 V, 50-60 Hz
w× d×h
770 × 280 × 500
1024 Shaking Water Bath
100-120 V, 50-60 Hz
210-230 V, 50-60 Hz
890 × 370 × 320
Weight, kg
A comple analytical scheme for dietary fibre determination consists of:
Samples with a low
fat content
1093 Cyclotec™ Mill
1090 Cemotec™ Mill
Samples with a high
fat content
2094 Homogenizers
1095 Knifetec™
Water Bath
Shaking Water
Bath 1024
Filtration Module
Drying Oven
Muffle furnance
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0403E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Fibertec™ 2010
Auto Fibre Analysis System
A semi-automated extraction system for simple determination of crude fibre, detergent
fibre and related parameters in plant materials, compound feeds, foodstuffs etc.
Features and benefits
• Automated heating of reagents in an integrated, closed
• Automated addition of preheated reagents
• Fulfils boiling start time requirements for crude fibre specified in ISO and EC standards
• Enhances precision thanks to integrated extraction and filtration, thus avoiding sample transfer
• Ensures same extraction condition in each analysis by means
of timer function
• Official approval: ISO 6865, 92/89 EEC and AOAC 2002.04
• Automatic water filling/topping up
• Batch handling devices for simple transfer of samples to
balance, furnace etc
• Water-saving device reduces consumption
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The Fibertec™ 2010 is specifically designed for fibre determination in accordance with the Weende, van Soest and other
recognized methods. Single or sequential extractions including boiling, use of internally preheated reagents, rinsing and
filtration are performed under reproducible and controlled
The Fibertec 2010 is available with the following basic
Fibertec 2010 Hot Extraction Unit, for hot hydrolysis and
extraction, featuring built-in systems for heating and filtration,
and for automatic preheating and addition of reagents
Fibertec 1021 Cold Extraction Unit, for de-fatting samples,
extraction at ambient temperatures (e.g. in lignin determination) and solvent dehydration of fibre residues
Both modules use the same crucible system, permitting samples to be dried and weighed between extractions if required.
Samples are handled in specially designed filter crucibles. Crucibles are used both as an integral part of the assembly during
extraction, rinsing and filtration and as sample vessels during
weighing, drying and ashing.
The Fibertec method is as described in the relevant ISO and
EC standards. It is thus the reference method and is a sound
choice for the future.
System description:
• Fibertec 2010, 240V, 50 Hz comprising; Hot Extraction Unit, Cold Extraction Unit, crucibles, crucible stand,
crucible holder, reflector, spray bottle, tubing, anti-foaming
agent and water supply tank, crucible seals
• Fibertec 2010, 240V, 60 Hz specifications. As above.
• Fibertec 2010, 240V, 60 Hz specifications
• Fibertec 2010 Hot Extraction Unit (240V, 50 Hz) same as
2010 but without Cold Extraction Unit
Crucible stand for 6 crucibles. At least two stands recommended.
Crucible holder for 6 crucibles
Water Aspirator Pump
Performance data:
Sample size:
Measuring range:
Capacity per batch:
Capacity per day:
2010 Hot Extraction Unit
Power supply
Optional accessories:
Crucibles, P0 (porosity 160-250 µm), set of 6
Crucibles, P1 (porosity 100-160 µm), set of 6
Crucibles, P2 standard (porosity 40-100 µm), set of 6
Crucibles, P3 (porosity 16-40 µm), set of 6
Sample preparation equipment:
1093 Cyclotec™, Sample mill
1090 Cemotec™, Sample mill
2094 Homogenizer, blender type
2096 Homogenizer, blender type
1095 Knifetec™, water cooled
±1 % relative at 5% - 30% fibre level
Reagent preheating
10-20 min
Heating-up time from
preheated temperature
to boiling:
5-7 min
0,5 - 3 g
0,1% - 100%
Up to 6 samples simultaneously
Up to 36 analyses (crude fibre
method). Up to 60 analyses using
modified procedure
Installation requirements:
Anti-foaming agent (octanol)
Filtering agent (celite 545), 1 l
consumption w × d × h
200 - 240V ± 10% 50 Hz or
200 - 240V ± 10% 60 Hz
2.3 kW
75 × 40 × 68
1021 Cold Extraction Unit
with water aspirator
58 × 38 × 28
* When Fibertec 2010 is in standby mode the tap water supply is closed down.
Water supply
65 kg
Tap water* appr. 2 l/min
14 kg
Tap water
• Crude Fibre (acc. to Weende).
• Neutral Detergent Fibre.
• Acid Detergent Fibre.
• Acid Detergent Lignin.
The Fibertec™ 2010 is also suitable for use with most other chemical extraction methods except those that involve the use
of acetic acid, trichloracetic acid and/or nitric acid. For specific method information, please ask for detailed FOSS Analytical
Application Notes.
Fibertec™ Systems for any fibre determination needs:
Low fat samples
1093 Cyclotec™ Mill
Medium fat samples
1090 Cemotec™ Mill
High fat samples
2094/2096 Homogenizer
1095 Knifetec™
Fibertec™ E
High workloads
Fibertec™ 2010
Medium workloads
Fibertec™ M6
Drying Oven
Muffle furnance
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0405E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Fibertec™ E
Dietary Fibre Analysis System
Semi-automated incubation and separation system for quantitative determination of
dietary fibre in processed food, cereal products, fruits and vegetables, health food,
feedstuffs, plant materials, etc.
• Free choice of methods like AOAC, AACC,
NMKL and Asp.
• Determines total, soluble and insoluble dietary
• Rapid filtration of six samples simultaneously.
• Specially designed incubation flasks
• High incubation and separation capacity.
• Repeatable readings, S.D. < 0.5% absolute.
• Easy and convenient to use.
• Saves time, space and manual work.
The Fibertec™ E is designed for rapid and rational
determination of dietary fibre according to established enzymatic methods, including those approved by AOAC, AACC, NMKL and Asp.
The Fibertec E determines total dietary fibre as
well as the insoluble and soluble fibres separately.
It is also useful in sample preparation for detailed
studies of fibre fractions, e.g. by chromatographic
or colorimetric techniques.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The basic Fibertec E includes a Shaking Water
Bath and a Filtration Module. The Shaking Water Bath incubates 12 samples in each batch. The
temperature range is from ambient to 80°C and it is
possible to preset three temperatures. The shaking
frequency and amplitude are continously adjustable.
The Filtration Module filters and collects 6
sample solutions batchwise and includes a system
for rapid dehydration. The filtration step is speeded
up through built-in “Pressure Mode”. Reversed
pressure is applied to facilitate filtration by breaking up clogged filter residues during filtration.
Filtration time varies according to sample type, but
on average it is 2-4 minutes for 100 ml of digested
The reproducibility (standard deviation) of the
Fibertec E in determining total, insoluble and
soluble dietary fibre is < 0.5% absolute.
System description:
Fibertec™ E
• Filtration Module complete, comprising: Filtration Module, Incubation Flasks (4 sets of 6), Standard Crucibles
(P2, 2 sets of 6), Basket for Incubation Flasks, 2 Stands for
Crucibles, 2 Spray bottles, 2 Water aspiration pumps, Filter
aid, Tubing, Shaking Water Bath, complete, comprising: a
tray for 12 Incubation Flasks and a hinged inclined lid.
In addition, we recommend:
Incubation Flask (set of 6), at least 4 sets
Crucible, P2 (40 - 100 µm) set of 6, at least 2 sets
Basket for 12 Incubation Flasks, at least 1
Total Dietary Fibre Kit for 200 determinations
Termamyl 300 L, 100 ml Boiling Water Bath Pipette 100 µl
Muffle or incineratron furnace ~525°C
Performance data:
Filtration Module:
Filtration and dehydration capacity:
6 samples/batch
Filtration rate:
2-4 ml/100 ml of digested solution,
depending on sample type
S.D. < 0.5% absolute
Flask volume:
600 ml
Installation requirements:
Power supply
Alternative filter crucibles:
Crucible, P0 (160 - 250 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P1 (90 - 150 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P3 (15 - 40 µm), set of 6
Stand for 6 Crucibles
1093 Cyclotec™ Sample Mill
1090 Cemotec™ Sample Mill
1095 Knifetec™ Sample Mill for high fat, high fibre samples
For protein determination we recommend our Kjeltec analyzers.
Alternative flask trays for other applications, e.g. biochemical work:
Tray for E**-flasks, 50 ml
Tray for E**-flasks, 100 ml
Tray for E**-flasks, 250 ml
Tray for E**-flasks, 500 ml
** Erlenmeyer
Shaking Water Bath:
Temperature range:
Temperature accuracy:
Shaking frequency:
Stroke length:
Power consumption
12 flasks/batch
ambient to 80°C
± 0.1°C
0-150 strokes/minute
0-50 mm
1023 Filtration Module
100-120 V, 50-60 Hz
210-230 V, 50-60 Hz
w× d×h
770 × 280 × 500
1024 Shaking Water Bath
100-120 V, 50-60 Hz
210-230 V, 50-60 Hz
890 × 370 × 320
Weight, kg
A comple analytical scheme for dietary fibre determination consists of:
Samples with a low
fat content
1093 Cyclotec™ Mill
1090 Cemotec™ Mill
Samples with a high
fat content
2094 Homogenizers
1095 Knifetec™
Water Bath
Shaking Water
Bath 1024
Filtration Module
Drying Oven
Muffle furnance
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0403E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Fibertec™ M6
Fibre Analysis System
Extraction System for simple determination of Crude Fibre, Detergent Fibre, Cellulose,
Hemicelluloses, Lignin and related Parameters in plant materials, compound feed, food, etc.
• Six samples processed simultaneously.
• Accessories for batch handling.
• Integral extraction and filtration.
• No sample transfer and no loss of sample.
• Separate unit for solvent dehydration, lignin determination and defatting.
• Extensive application service.
• High reproducibility of conditions and results.
• Saves time, energy and laboratory space.
• Official approval: ISO 6865, 92/89 EEC and
AOAC 2002.04 (feed).
The Fibertec™ System M6 is dedicated for fibre
determinations according to Weende, van Soest,
etc. Single or sequential extractions including boiling, using externally preheated reagents, rinsing
and filtration are performed under reproducible and
controlled conditions.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The basic modules of a Fibertec M6 are:
• 1020 Hot Extraction Unit, for hot hydrolysis and
extraction with built-in systems for heating and
• 1021 Cold Extraction Unit, for defatting samples,
extraction at ambient temperature e.g. lignin determination, and for solvent dehydration of fibre
Both units are adapted to the same crucible
system that permits the sample, whenever required,
to be dried and weighed between extractions. In
the system the samples are handled in specially
designed filter crucibles, which are used both as an
integral part of an extraction assembly during extraction, rinsing and filtering, and as a sample vessel during the weighing, drying and ashing steps.
The Fibertec M6 permits handling of six samples
at a time by the use of accessory tools for batch
handling. Filtration problems are overcome by the
unique vacuum/reverse air flow system.
The Fibertec M6 offers a most time saving and
convenient solution for more reproducible fibre
System description:
Fibertec™ M6 (200-230V):
• Hot Extraction Unit comprising: Hot Extractor, Reflector,
Reagent Bottles, Hot Water Sprayer, Beaker, Funnel, Water
Suction Pump, Antifoaming Agent, Tubing, Holder for 6
crucibles, Stand for 6 crucibles, Crucibles (P2 standard, 2
sets of 6), Manual.
• Cold Extraction Unit comprising: Cold Extractor, Spray
Bottle, Tubing, T-tube, Spare Part Kit, Stand for 6 crucibles, Crucibles (P2 standard 40 - 100 µm, set of 6),
Antifoaming Agent (octanol), Celite, 1 l
Performance data:
Sample size:
Measuring range:
0.5 - 3 g (1 g normal)
0.1 - 100%
< 1% relative at 5 - 30 % fibre level
According to official methods
Installation requirements:
Power supply
1020 Hot Extraction Unit
200 - 230V ± 10%
50 - 60 Hz
1021 Cold Extraction Unit
Also choose from the following accessories:
1093 Cyclotec™ Sample Mill, cyclone mill
1090 Cemotec™ Sample Mill, moisture mill
2094 Homogenizer, blender type
2096 Homogenizer, blender type
1095 Knifetec™, water cooled sample mill
Hot plate 2022
Filter Crucibles:
Crucible, P1 (100 - 160 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P2 (40 - 100 µm), set of 6, standard
Crucible, P3 (16 - 40 µm), set of 6
Crucible, P0 (160 - 250 µm), set of 6
Crucible P2 US, (40 - 60 µm) set of 6
Capacity per batch:
Capacity per day:
6 samples simultaneously
Up to 36 analyses (Crude Fibre
method acc. to Weende) per day
1 000 kW
w× d×h
56 × 38 × 57
56 × 38 × 28
4 kg
28 kg
Water supply
Tap water for
condensors (appr. 2 l/min)
and water aspirator (during
Tap water for water aspira
tor (during filtration)
• Crude Fibre (acc. to Weende).
• Neutral Detergent Fibre.
• Acid Detergent Fibre.
• Acid Detergent Lignin.
In addition, most other chemical extraction methods except methods including acetic acid, trichloracetic acid and/or nitric acid,
may be employed. For specific method information, please ask for detailed FOSS Analytical Application Notes.
Fibertec™ Systems for any fibre determination needs:
Low fat samples
1093 Cyclotec™ Mill
Medium fat samples
1090 Cemotec™ Mill
High fat samples
2094/2096 Homogenizer
1095 Knifetec™
Fibertec™ E
High workloads
Fibertec™ 2010
Medium workloads
Fibertec™ M6
Drying Oven
Muffle furnance
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0401E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Kjeltec™ – el estándar
para el análisis preciso,
seguro y fácil de la
Con el enfoque en la exactitud
Alcanzar la mayor exactitud posible es el objetivo de todo análisis. Ésta ha sido siempre la
pauta de FOSS en el desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos y sistemas.
Hoy, 30 años después de que se lanzara el
primer Kjeltec™, FOSS mantiene una posición
líder en el análisis de nitrógeno/proteína.
Nuestra meta fundamental es usar la tecnología
disponible para eliminar los factores humanos y
técnicos que causan errores en los resultados, o
que cambian el funcionamiento de los analizadores
con el tiempo.
Un Kjeltec de FOSS hace fácil y fiable el análisis de rutina.
La generación Serie Azul de Kjeltec esta diseñada
para lograr la mayor exactitud y precisión posible en
el análisis Kjeldahl de nitrógeno. Para corresponder
a todos los tipos de requisitos analíticos, la gama
cuenta con varios instrumentos, desde unidades de
destilación manual a sistemas totalmente automatizados, con auto-muestreo, para el funcionamiento
Una de las características que aseguran la más
alta exactitud es el software interactivo, que ayuda
al operario a evitar errores. El funcionamiento del
analizador puede verificarse fácilmente usando el
test de recuperación de rutina incorporado.
Otro ejemplo es la posibilidad de predefinir un
amplio número de procedimientos automatizados,
especialmente útil en laboratorios que usan varios
métodos de destilación.
El único con tritación colorimétrica incorporada proporciona una exactitud incomparable y es la
metodología recomendada por las recientes normas
AOAC, ISO/IDF y otras organizaciones de estandarización. Las bombas de fuelle miden el volumen
real de reactivo que se dosifica, lo que asegura la
exactitud constantemente. Las ventajas adicionales
son la estabilidad a largo plazo, el amplio rango de
trabajo, velocidad de respuesta, simplicidad y ninguna necesidad de calibraciones.
El método Kjeldahl es la técnica más versátil disponible para el análisis de nitrógeno. De hecho, éste es el único método
que puede ser usado para análisis tanto
de amonio como contenido de nitrógeno/
proteína en todo tipo de muestras
Las superiores prestaciones se basan en el uso de que una
precisa reacción ácido-base para la detección del punto
final de la valoración. Esta reacción será la misma día a día
y año a año. No está afectada por factores externos como el
tiempo, la deriva o el factor humano
La seguridad es una responsabilidad
La seguridad en su trabajo diario en el laboratorio
es su responsabilidad. Sin embargo, es nuestra responsabilidad desarrollar instrumentos que hagan su
tarea tan simple como sea posible para lograr sus
Cuanta más seguridad incorporemos en el instrumento, menos tendrá usted que preocuparse al manejarlo.
Un Kjeltec™ de FOSS hace el análisis rutinario
más seguro.
La gama de Kjeltec de FOSS cumple con las normas
de seguridad en el análisis de nitrógeno/proteína por
método Kjeldahl. Los instrumentos están equipados
con un conjunto de elementos de seguridad incorporados, tales como sensores que detectan si el tubo
está en su sitio o no, si la puerta y/o la tapa frontal
están abiertas, y si el nivel de reactivo es demasiado
alto o bajo. También están equipados con un rápido
y fiable sistema de vaciado de tubos, que sustituye
el manejo manual de reactivos calientes después de
la destilación. Cuando cualquiera de los sensores se
activa, el sistema se detiene y muestra en la pantalla
y/o imprime la razón de esta interrupción. El mensaje obtenido indica la acción correctiva necesaria.
El analizador Kjeltec™ contiene numerosos sensores para asegurar un manejo seguro. Cuando
los sensores del sistema indican un error, el
sistema se detiene y muestra la razón de la interrupción por pantalla y/o por listado.
Además, la nueva tecnología patentada SAfE
(Steam Addition for Equilibration) mejora la seguridad del analizador a través de un procedimiento
de mezclado de los reactivos especial que reduce la
reacción exotérmica cuando se añade el álcali a la
mezcla de digestión, y elimina la necesidad de
predilución manual de muestras.
Las pastas semisólidas de la mezcla sal/ácido restantes de la digestión, se disuelven con suavidad.
Si un instrumento puede
funcionar con sus puertas y
cubiertas abiertas, no garantiza la seguridad durante la
operación .
Si el instrumento continúa
con el análisis incluso si no
hay tubo en la posición, ese
instrumento es inseguro tenga
puertas o no.
La tecnología patentada SAfE (Steam Addition for
Equilibration) mejora la seguridad del analizador
a través de un procedimiento de mezclado de los
reactivos especial. Después de la adición del agua,
comienza el vapor, se mezclan los contenidos del
tubo, y las gradientes de concentración se reducen
al mínimo. Se agrega el álcali y se produce un cambio gradual de ácido a las condiciones alcalinas,
mientras la pasta de sal se disuelve. El procedimiento SAfE ahorra tiempo, mejora la seguridad y previene la pérdida potencial de nitrógeno.
Los gradientes de
reactivos permanecen
La mezcla de reactivos
minimiza el gradiente
... Esto es lo que obtiene
Un coste más bajo del análisis
Gracias a aplicaciones de rutina optimizadas los
costes de funcionamiento se mantienen bajos.
Eficacia más alta
El tiempo de inactividad y gastos de mantenimiento
se reducen al mínimo gracias al empleo de una cuidadosa selección de componentes de larga duración.
El equipo está construido de modo que las superficies expuestas a reactivos están fabricadas con
plásticos resistentes a materiales químicos y libres de
corrosión, etiquetados para el reciclaje. Naturalmente
todas las partes que son expuestas a las sustancias
químicas son fáciles para limpiar. Los programas de
mantenimiento rutinario se estipulan de acuerdo con
las rutinas GLP.
Rendimiento más alto
Las muestras se pueden manejar en lotes, lo que simplifica la carga y la capacidad de trazabilidad de las
En combinación con nuestro sistema de automuestreo, Kjeltec asegura el proceso de hasta 60
muestras, sin transferencia de la muestra. Simplemente cargue los porta-muestras directamente desde
el bloque de digestión y el Kjeltec realizará el análisis exacto y desatendido durante 4 horas. Hay que
mencionar de nuevo, que al ser el único equipo con
titración colorimétrica incorporada no requiere esfuerzos de calibración.
Conocimiento mejorado
Además, cuando usted escoge FOSS como su compañero en el laboratorio adquiere algo que puede
significar la diferencia entre éxito y fracaso. Adquiere acceso a toda la experiencia de una empresa de
análisis líder mundial dentro del campo de alimentos, piensos y análisis de agua. FOSS está representado en más de 100 países.
El Kjeltec de FOSS ofrece una relación calidadprecio sin igual y hace beneficioso el análisis rutinario.
Con un Analizador Kjeltec, el análisis rutinario se hace
muy sencillo. La documentación y el soporte técnico de
FOSS aseguran resultados exactos, disminuyen el tiempo
de inactividad y reducen gastos operacionales.
Simplemente cargue los porta-muestras directamente desde
el bloque de digestión y el Kjeltec realizará el análisis exacto y desatendido durante 4 horas. Se pueden cargar hasta
un máximo de 60 muestras.
Un 1% de Diferencia
La precisión es el criterio más importante para una
buena economía de por vida. El ejemplo está en la industria de la alimentación, donde el coste de materia
prima afecta a la rentabilidad del productor considerablemente.
Materia Prima
Costes Fijos
Costes Mano de Obra
(=20% aumento beneficio)
KJELTEC ™ 2200
KJELTEC ™ 2300
KJELTEC ™ 2400
KJELTEC ™ 2400/2460
1 programa
5 programas
10 programas
10 programas
5 programas
<4 Min
<3 Min 30 s
1 l/min
a 15°C
<3 Min 30 s
1 l/min
a 15°C
<3 Min 30 s
1 l/min
a 15°C
<3 Min 30 s
1 l/min
a 15°C
Seguridad de reinicio
1 l/min
a 15°C
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
FOSS Analytical AB
Box 70
SE-263 21 Höganäs, Sweden.
+46 42 36 15 00.
+46 42 34 03 49.
[email protected]
Representatives in 100 countries.
Laholms Tryckeri AB, Laholm, Sweden
KJELTEC ™ 2100
Generador automático de vapor
Sistema de ahorro de agua
Cabezal de expansion de polipropeno
Recipiente de vaciado de tubos de
Tiempo de destilación
Adición de agua de dilución
Adición de álcali
Adición de solución receptora
Bombas de fuelle para reactivos
Alarmas de reactivo
Bandeja de goteo removible
Seguridad en la puerta interactiva
Puerta de seguridad removible
Seguridad de “tubo de posición”
Sensor reemplazo de tubo
Vaciado de tubo / recogida residuos
Sistema de tritación colorimétrica
Conexión a valorador externo
Almacenaje datos crudos
Cálculo resultados
Interface para balanza
Interface para PC
Bureta intercambiable
Software de servicio
Bypass de la tritación
Sistema de automuestreo
Consumo de agua cuando sólo
Multilenguaje SW
Ajustes protegidos por clave
Part No. 99990222ES/0412
In the interest of product development we reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
La gama Kjeltec™ de FOSS
Kjeltec™ 8100
Unidad de destilación manual
Unidad de destilación sencilla de utilizar para el análisis Kjeldahl de nitrógeno/proteína, amonio-nitrógeno, TKN, Destilación directa (DD),
ácidos/bases volátiles, etc.(en la foto también se muestra; TecatorTM Digestor 20 Auto Elevador y el Lavador)
Funciones & Ventajas:
• Facilidad de uso con la dilución, adición de álcali, destilación y vaciado del tubo automáticos.
La Unidad de Destilación Kjeltec™ 8100 es una solución simple
y fiable de destilación segura y semiautomática.
• El generador variable del vapor de salida amplía el área de
aplicación a otros componentes volátiles.
La posibilidad de preprogramar los tiempos de la adición de
álcali y de la destilación ayuda a conseguir resultados precisos
con independencia del operador.
• Procedimientos oficiales y precisos (ISO, AOAC, EPA, DIN,
etc.) que simplifican la validación.
• Función SAfE* patentada para la destilación segura de
tubos con presencia de precipitados.
• Sistemas de seguridad incorporados para protección de
• El control con ajuste automático del agua de refrigeración
ahorra agua y reduce costes.
• Bombas de fuelle para la dispensación precisa de reactivos.
• Cabezal de expansión de plástico resistente al álcali para
larga vida útil.
Las bombas de fuelle de precisión proporcionan una estabilidad a largo plazo en la dispensación de reactivos. La unidad va
equipada de sensores para la puerta de seguridad, plataforma
del tubo y temperatura del destilado, así como sensores de nivel
y sobrepresión para el generador variable del vapor de salida.
La tecnología patentada SAfE* mejora la seguridad mediante un
procedimiento de mezclado, reduciendo la reacción exotérmica
entre el álcali y el ácido durante la destilación.
El usuario está totalmente protegido por la puerta de seguridad
de rotación única que debe estar cerrada con un tubo en su sitio
antes de que la unidad puede funcionar. La puerta de seguridad y
la bandeja de goteo pueden extraerse fácilmente para su limpieza.
El agua de refrigeración se utiliza únicamente durante el análisis
lo que permite ahorros adicionales mediante la función automática
de control de flujo.
El conjunto de aplicaciones optimizadas hace que los costes
de ejecución se reduzcan aún más. Mediante la utilización de
componentes seleccionados se minimizan los costes de parada y
mantenimiento. El programa de mantenimiento rutinario permite
incluir rutinas de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio (BPL).
* Adición de vapor para homogenización
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Accesorios opcionales:
Para instalar un sistema Kjeldahl completo, debe seleccionarse
un Digestor con los accesorios adecuados, como Aspirador,
Lavador, tubos de de muestra y pastillas catalizadoras. Los
detalles se pueden encontrar en la hoja de datos técnicos de los
sistemas Tecator™ Digestor.
60032042 Tanque 20 l (álcali/agua/residuos) sin sensores de
60032043 Kit de sensor de nivel para residuos
60032044 Kit de sensor de nivel para reactivos
1002-022 Unidad de valoración completa, 50 ml
60030343 Adaptador para tubos Büchi
10000089 Cesta para 20 matraces de receptor (250 ml)
10000164 Matraces de receptor, 250 ml (juego de 10)
10000897 Dispositivo para manejar tubos de digestión
Datos de funcionamiento a 230 V:
Tiempo de destilación: 3,5 min a 30 mg N
(6,5 min a 200 mg N)
Capacidad destilación: ~ 40 ml/min
Rango medición: 1 – 200 mg N
Reproducibilidad: 1% RSD (incluyendo paso de digestión)
Recuperación: > 99,5 % a niveles nitrógeno entre 1 - 200 mg N
Drenaje del tubo: 200 ml en menos de 10 s
Volúmenes bomba reactivos: 0 - 150 ml en intervalos de 10 ml
Retardo: 0 - 1800 s
SAfEPatented: 0 - 15 s
Requisitos de instalación:
Fuente de alimentación: 200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Consumo eléctrico: 2.200 W
Consumo de agua: 2 l/min a temperatura de agua de 30ºC
(sólo durante destilación) 1 l/min a temperatura de agua de 15ºC
Temperatura ambiente: máx. 40ºC
Humedad ambiente: máx. 80 % relativa
Peso neto: 30 kg
Dimensiones: A × P × Al = 480 × 580 × 690 mm
Drenaje: Sólo para agua de refrigeración
FOSS Analytical
Slangerupgade 69
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 1026210, Edición 1 ES, Enero 2009
Números de pedido:
81000001 Unidad de Destilación Manual, 200 – 240 V,
50 – 60 Hz que incluye:
Unidad de destilación controlada por microprocesador con drenaje de tubo y adición automática
de agua y álcali.
Generador de vapor incorporado para agua deionizada o agua corriente.
Completa con tanques de álcali/agua/residuos con
sensores de nivel, matraz de receptor, adaptador
combi para tubos de 100, 250, 400 & 750 ml y
tubos de digestión de 100 & 250 ml.
Kjeltec™ 8200
Unidad de Destilación Automática
Destilación automática para el análisis Kjeldahl de nitrógeno/proteína, amonio-nitrógeno, TKN, Destilación directa (DD), ácidos/bases
volátiles, etc. (En la foto tambien se muestra; TecatorTM Digestor 20 Auto Elevador y el Lavador)
Funciones & Ventajas:
• Facilidad de uso con la destilación automática totalmente
programable, que incluye la dilución de muestras, adición de
álcali & receptor, destilación y drenaje del tubo.
• El generador variable del vapor de salida amplía el área de
aplicación a otros componentes volátiles.
• Procedimientos oficiales y precisos (ISO, AOAC, EPA, DIN,
etc.) que simplifican la validación.
• Función SAfE* patentada para la destilación segura de tubos
con presencia de precipitados.
• Sistemas de seguridad incorporados para protección de
• El control con ajuste automático del agua de refrigeración
ahorra agua y reduce costes.
• El control de temperatura del destilado asegura la precisión
de los resultados.
• Bombas de fuelle para la dispensación precisa de reactivos.
• Cabezal de expansion de plástico/recipiente de drenaje de
tubos resistentes al álcali para una larga vida útil.
• Sistema del analizador y muestreador actualizables de forma
La unidad de Destilación Automática Kjeltec™ 8200 es la solución más avanzada de destilación automática y segura. Las
bombas de fuelle de precisión proporcionan una estabilidad a
largo plazo en la dispensación de reactivos. La unidad va equipada con sensores para la puerta de seguridad, plataforma del
tubo y temperatura del destilado, así como sensores de nivel
y sobrepresión para el generador variable del vapor de salida.
La tecnología patentada SAfE* mejora la seguridad mediante un
procedimiento de mezclado, reduciendo la reacción exotérmica
entre el álcali y el ácido durante la destilación y eliminando la
necesidad de predilución manual. Un sistema rápido de drenaje
de tubos elimina la necesidad de manipular reactivos calientes
tras la destilación.
El usuario está totalmente protegido por la puerta de seguridad
de rotación, única en el mercado, que debe estar cerrada con un
tubo en su sitio antes de que la unidad puede funcionar. La puerta
de seguridad y la bandeja de goteo pueden extraerse fácilmente
para su limpieza.
El agua de refrigeración se utiliza únicamente durante el análisis
lo que permite ahorros adicionales mediante la función automática
de control de flujo.
El Kjeltec 8200 ofrece la opción de actualizar la unidad a un
analizador Kjeltec 8400 completo cuando lo requiera su negocio.
También se puede añadir al analizador un cambiador de muestras
de 20 o 60 posiciones, lo que proporciona un funcionamiento
desatendido totalmente automático.
* Adición de vapor para homogenización
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Números de pedido:
82000001 Unidad de Destilación Automática, 200 – 240 V,
50 – 60 Hz que incluye:
Unidad de destilación controlada por microprocesador con drenaje de tubo y adición automática
de agua, álcali y solución receptora.
Generador de vapor incorporado para agua deionizada o agua corriente.
Completa con tanques de álcali/agua/receptor/residuos con sensores de nivel, matraz de receptor,
adaptador combi para tubos de 100, 250, 400 &
750 ml y tubos de digestión de 100 & 250 ml,
dispositivo de manejo de tubos de digestión.
60032041 Kit para by pass de la destilación
60032073 Cable para conexión de valorador externo
60032040 Kit para actualización de la unidad de Destilación
Kjeltec 8200 a la unidad Analizador Kjeltec 8400
Accesorios opcionales:
Para instalar un sistema Kjeldahl completo, debe seleccionarse
un Digestor con los accesorios adecuados, como Aspirador,
Lavador, tubos de muestra y pastillas catalizadoras. Los detalles
se pueden encontrar en la hoja de datos técnicos de los sistemas
Tecator™ Digestor.
Datos de funcionamiento a 230 V:
Tiempo de destilación: 3,5 min a 30 mg N
(6,5 min a 200 mg N)
Capacidad destilación: ~ 40 ml/min
Rango medición: 1 – 200 mg N
Reproducibilidad: 1% RSD (incluyendo paso de digestión)
Recuperación: > 99,5 % a niveles nitrógeno entre 1 - 200 mg N
Drenaje del tubo: 200 ml en menos de 10 s
Volúmenes bomba reactivos: 0 - 150 ml en intervalos de 10 ml
Retardo: 0 – 1800 segundos
SAfEPatented: 0 – 15 segundos
Requisitos de instalación:
Fuente de alimentación: 200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Consumo eléctrico: 2.200 W
Consumo de agua: 2 l/min a temperatura de agua de 30 ºC
(sólo durante destilación) 1 l/min a temperatura de agua de 15 ºC
Temperatura ambiente: máx. 40ºC
Humedad ambiente: máx. 80 % relativa
Peso neto: 30 kg
Dimensiones: A × P × Al = 480 × 580 × 690 mm
Drenaje: Sólo para agua de refrigeración
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 1026216, Edición 1 ES, Enero 2009
FOSS Analytical
Slangerupgade 69
DK-3400 Hilleroed
60032042 Tanque 20 l (álcali/agua/residuos) sin sensores de nivel
60032043 Kit de sensor de nivel para residuos
60032044 Kit de sensor de nivel para reactivos
1002-022 Unidad de valoración completa, 50 ml
60030343 Adaptador para tubos Büchi
10000089 Cesta para 20 matraces de receptor (250 ml)
10000164 Matraces de receptor, 250 ml (juego de 10)
10000897 Dispositivo para manejar tubos de digestión
Kjeltec™ 8400/8420/8460
Sistemas automáticos de muestreo
Análisis totalmente automático de nitrógeno/proteínas o TKN en digestiones Kjeldahl, nitrógeno de amoniaco, destilación directa (DD) etc.
(En la foto también se muestra: Tecator™ Digestor 20 Auto Elevador y el Lavador)
Funciones & Ventajas:
• Procesos totalmente automáticos de dilución, manejo de
reactivos, destilación, valoración, cálculo e informes
• El cambiador de muestras opcional de 20 o 60 posiciones
proporciona un funcionamiento totalmente desatendido
• Sistema de valoración colorimétrico acreditado oficialmente
(AOAC, EPA, DIN, ISO) que simplifica la validación.
• Sistemas de seguridad incorporados para protección de
• Función SAfE* patentada para la destilación segura de
muestras que forman precipitados.
• El control de temperatura del destilado asegura resultados
• El autoajuste del control de agua de enfriamiento ahorra
• Bombas de fuelle para la dispensación precisa de reactivos
• Cabezal de expansión de plástico/recipiente de drenaje de
tubos resistentes al álcali para una larga vida útil
• Bureta intercambiable para el cambio sencillo del valorante
• La conexión Ethernet elimina los problemas de comunicación con impresoras y balanzas
• Control completo del PC de todos los registros e informes a
través del software opcional de gestión de datos
Los sistemas Analizador Kjeltec™ 8400 y los Muestreadores
8420 o 8460 son las soluciones más avanzadas de automatización
en el laboratorio Kjeldahl con independencia de la producción
de muestras.
El desarrollo de rutinas de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio (BPL)
se realiza mediante rutinas de registro de muestras y pruebas de
rendimiento y la documentación completa de todos los eventos
realizados durante el análisis a través de la conexión Balanza/
Las bombas de fuelle y una bureta rellenable de gran precisión
proporcionan estabilidad a largo plazo en la dispensación de
reactivos. El flujo de agua de enfriamiento se controla automáticamente y un sensor de temperatura detiene la unidad si el destilado
está demasiado caliente. Dispone de sensores que monitorizan
que los tubos están en su sitio, puertas de seguridad, niveles de
reactivos, nivel de agua y sobrepresión en el generador de vapor,
proporcionando todo ello condiciones seguras para los usuarios.
La tecnología SAfE* reduce la reacción exotérmica entre el álcali
y el ácido, lo que elimina la necesidad de predilución manual de
las muestras. Un sistema rápido de drenaje de tubos elimina la
necesidad de manipular reactivos calientes.
Los sistemas de muestreador toman los tubos directamente en
sus bandejas de digestión original, lo que limita la manipulación
y los errores de transferencia de muestras.
* Steam Addition for Equilibration (Adición de vapor para homogenización)
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Números de pedido:
84000001 Unidad Analizador Kjeltec™ 8400, 200 – 240 V,
50 - 60 Hz que consta de:
Unidad automática de destilación / valoración con
drenaje de tubo y generador de vapor incorporado
para agua deionizada o agua corriente, completa
con tanques de álcali/agua/receptor/residuos con
sensores de nivel, adaptador combi de tubos de
100, 250, 400 y 750 ml para dispositivo de manejo
de 100 & 250 ml
84200001 Kjeltec 8400 / Muestreador Kjeltec 8420 200 –
240 V, 50 - 60 Hz que consta de:
Kjeltec 84000001 y 84200011 Muestreador
Kjeltec 8420 para 20 muestras
84600001 Kjeltec 8400 / Muestreador Kjeltec 8460 200 –
240 V, 50 - 60 Hz que consta de:
Kjeltec 84000001 y 84600011 Muestreador Kjeltec 8460 para 60 muestras
Accesorios opcionales:
Para instalar un sistema Kjeldahl completo, debe seleccionarse
un Digestor con los accesorios adecuados, como Aspirador,
Lavador, tubos de muestra y pastillas catalizadoras. Puede
encontrar información adicional en la hoja de datos técnicos
aparte de los sistemas Tecator™ Digestion.
60031631 Compass, software de PC para la unidad Analizador Kjeltec 8400
60028286 Tanque para valorante, completo con tubos
60032074 Dispositivo de Dosificación de Bureta para la
calibración de la bureta.
10011512 Sensor de nivel para tanque de residuos
10011513 Sensor de nivel para tanque de reactivos
60032042 Tanque 20 l (álcali/agua/residuos) sin sensores de
60032043 Kit de sensor de nivel para residuos
60032044 Kit de sensor de nivel para reactivos
60030343 Adaptador para tubos Büchi
10000897 Dispositivo para manejar tubos de digestión
84200011 Muestreador Kjeltec 8420 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz
con accesorios necesarios para conectarse y funcionar con Kjeltec 8400
Muestreador Kjeltec 8460 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz
con accesorios necesarios para conectarse y fun-
cionar con Kjeltec 8400
Con tanque de agua integrado
Datos de funcionamiento a 230 V:
Capacidad automuestreador: Muestreador Kjeltec 8420,
1 bandeja con 20 tubos Kjeldahl de 250 ml o 400 ml
Muestreador Kjeltec 8460, 3 bande-
jas con 20 tubos Kjeldahl de 250 ml o 400 ml
Capacidad almacenaje: 40 lotes (ilimitado con Compass)
Tiempo de análisis: 3,5 min a 30 mg N
(6,5 min a 200 mg N)
Capacidad destilación: ~ 40 ml/min
Rango medición: 1 – 200 mg N
Reproducibilidad: 1% RSD (incluyendo paso de digestión)
Recuperación: > 99,5 % a niveles nitrógeno entre 1 - 200 mg N
Drenaje del tubo: 200 ml en menos de 10 segundos
Volumen probeta: 35 ml
Resolución probeta: 2.4 μl/intervalo
Velocidad probeta: >0.5 ml/segundo
Retardo: 0 – 1800 segundos
SAfEPatented: 0 – 15 segundos
FOSS Analytical
Slangerupgade 69
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
Requisitos de instalación:
Fuente de alimentación: 200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Variación tolerable tensión: ± 10 %
Consumo eléctrico: 2.200 W
Consumo de agua: 2 l/min a temperatura de agua de 30ºC
(sólo durante destilación)
1 l/min a temperatura de agua de 15 ºC
Temperatura ambiente: máx. 40°C
Humedad ambiente: máx. 80 % relativa
Drenaje: Sólo para agua de refrigeración
Peso neto:
Kjeltec 8400
35 kg
Muestreador Kjeltec 842071 kg
Muestreador Kjeltec 846089 kg
Dimensiones (A x P x Al):
Kjeltec 8400 480 × 580 × 690 mm
Muestreador Kjeltec 8420645 × 840 × 900 mm
Muestreador Kjeltec 84601000 × 800 × 900 mm
P/N 1026222, Edición 1 ES, Enero 2009
84600011 Mill Collection
The Mill collection
Good results starts with sample preparation.
Errors caused by analytical instruments are
very small compared to the errors associated with
sample preparation. Badly prepared samples will
automatically result in large analytical errors.
The laboratory sample mill is an important but
often overlooked link in the chain of analysis; so
important that at FOSS Tecator we regard it as an
integral part of the analytical system.
We have therefore developed mills of our own to
assure the best analytical results. They are convenient and safe to use and they cover a broad range
of grinding applications, including preparation for
both traditional wet chemistry and NIR/NIT analyses, with assured high repeatability and reproducibility.
General description
This Mill collection folder presents high quality
products that can ensure reliability and reproducibility of the analysis.
The Cemotec™ is optimized for solid samples
with a high moisture content, and the Cyclotec™
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
for dry samples that require a uniform particle
size. The Knifetec™ is suitable for small (100 ml)
samples of dry, moist or wet materials, and the
robust Homogenizer for larger (0.2-2.5 kg) samples
with a high fat or oil content.
Various accessories and consumables are available to make routine sample preparation simple.
They include a range of sample bottles, grinding
rings, blades and impellers.
Sample preparation is an important step in all
analytical procedures. It is for example crucial to
grind properly to obtain the highest quality of the
analytical results.
Analytical errors are more easily reduced in the
sample preparation step than in any of the subsequent steps of the analysis.
All samples should be prepared under the same
On the following pages we show how our Mill
collection can crush, grind, mix and homogenize
dry samples to a consistency suitable for chemical
Cemotec™ 1090 Sample Mill
Sample grinding without moisture loss.
• Reliable classic working principle
• Adjustable particle size
• Low noise level
• No loss of moisture
• Officially approved by the Swedish National Board
of Agriculture for sample preparation prior to moisture analysis
• Low maintenance demand
Cemotec™ Mill
Cemotec™ Accessories
The Cemotec™ Sample Mill is specially designed to
grind grain and seed samples without losing any of the
moisture content. It is however an excellent mill for all
types of sample preparation where the requirements
for fineness and uniformity of particle size are moderate.
The Cemotec works on the tried-and-true principle
of grinding between two discs, one stationary and
one turning. The sample is introduced at the centre of
the stationary disc and is crushed between the discs.
The distance between the discs is easily adjusted by a
graduated knob to control the fineness of the grist.
The Cemotec works silently and effectively at relatively low speed. The rate of grinding is about 3 grams
per second. Low speed means low noise, and dust is
effectively contained by the seal between the outlet
and the sample container.
Cyclotec™ 1093 Sample Mill
Rapid sample preparation for general laboratory analysis.
• High grinding speed, 4 grams per second
• Adjustable particle size
• Low noise level (75 dBA)
• No thermal degradation of the sample
• Uniform particle size distribution
• Easy handling of samples
• High operator safety
• Low maintenance demand
• Recommended by the Canadian Grain Commission
prior to NIR analysis
• Approved by AOAC prior to NIR analysis (4.2.10
16th Ed.)
The Cyclotec™ Sample Mill is designed for rapid,
uniform grinding of a wide variety of feeds, grains,
leaves, etc. and also for grinding of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and similar products. Recovery of the
sample is complete.
Through its unique design the Cyclotec grinds
samples by a high speed action. This action rolls the
sample against the inner circumference of a durable
grinding surface and then passes it through a fine
mesh screen.
The high volume air flow provides self cleaning
action and minimum temperature rise; whole series of
samples can be ground with minimal cross contamination and without cleanout between samples. Thermal
degradation is minimized to provide more accurate
The Cyclotec offers a very rapid and convenient
solution to accurate sample preparation for a variety of
analytical techniques, e.g. Kjeldahl, Infrared Reflectance, Direct Distillation, Crude Fibre and Extraction.
Cyclotec™ Mill
Cyclotec™ filled with holder for 500 ml sample bottle
2094 and 2096 Homogenizers
Rapid maceration and homogenization of a variety of samples.
• Powerful cutting action at one or two speeds: 1500
or 1500/3000 rpm
• Sample size from 0.2 to 2.5 kg
• A variety of angled knives for different sample types
• Knives and bowl in stainless steel
• Safety switch
• Sample preparation of meat products according to
AOAC 983.18
• Rapid and reproducible homogenization
• Easy to clean
• Robust construction
The cutters
The 2094 and 2096 Homogenizers are designed for
macerating and homogenizing of a variety of highmoisture, high-fat and fibrous samples. Application
examples include: size reduction of forage and dry
food and chemical products; homogenization of meat,
fish, fruit, vegetables, prepared foods (such as pizza,
meat pies and frozen meals) and chemical and pharmaceutical formulations.
The Homogenizers allows frozen food samples to
be homogenized in a short period of time, providing
more accurate analyses of unstable constituents such
as vitamins.
A reproducible degree of homogenization is achieved
by the mixing action obtained by the angled knives.
Homogenization is accomplished through the high
speed combined with a powerful cutting action.
Angled knife blades produce a vertical flow within the
batch and facilitate rapid and thorough homogenization. Complete homogenization is normally achieved
in 20 to 60 seconds.
A magnetic safety switch prevents the 2094 and
2096 Homogenizers from being operated without the
transparent cover in the locked position.
The 2094 and 2096 Homogenizers comes with a
multipurpose micro-teeth cutter. For additional convenience extra stainless steel bowls and smooth blade
cutters are available for both Homogenizers. For the
2096 Homogenizer a scalloped cutter is also available.
1095 Knifetec™ Sample Mill
Rapid sample preparation of high-fat, high-moisture and fibrous samples.
• 20 000 rpm rotor blade for rapid grinding
• Timer controlled
• Sample size up to 100 ml initial volume
• Water cooled
• Safety switch stops rotor in less than 1 second
• Integral tilting system, fully removable lid and rotor
blade to facilitate cleaning
• Chamber cooling option reduces adhesion of sample
to the wall of the grinder
• No heat generated, making samples suitable for
moisture analysis
The 1095 Knifetec™ Sample Mill is designed for
the preparation of high fat, high moisture and fibrous
samples prior to analysis. Oilseeds, prepared foods,
meat products, fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds and feed
samples are examples of suitable sample types.
The high speed rotor blade and timer control ensure
very fast and reproducible sample preparation time
after time. The normal time to prepare samples is from
two to ten seconds.
A safety switch located in the lid prevents accidental operation of the mill with the lid removed.
The Knifetec is equipped with a grinding chamber
cooling feature which enables it to be connected to
a cold water tap or other laboratory chilling devices.
Samples containing high levels of fat have a tendency
to stick to the wall of the chamber as the fat softens
during grinding, preventing adequate homogenisation.
Fibrous samples may generate heat due to friction.
Utilizing the cooling option overcomes both these
problems, ensuring satisfactory sample preparation.
The fully removable lid, the stainless steel chamber
and the removable rotor blade of the Knifetec simplify sample removal and cleaning between samples.
This saves a considerable amount of time compared
to other techniques. An integral tilting system also
simplifies emptying and cleaning.
The design of the 1095 Knifetec ensures rapid,
reproducible and safe preparation.
The sample tray and rotor blades
Ordering information:
Cemotec™ 1090 Sample Mill:
1090-001 Cemotec 1090 Sample Mill complete with
hardened Grinding Discs, disposable Sample
Bottles (20), Allen Keys 4 and 5 mm, Hopper
with cover, Users’ Manual, 200-230 V, 50-60 Hz
1090-002 Same as above but for 115 V, 50-60 Hz
Homogenizer 2094
2094-001 Homogenizer complete with stainless steel bowl
(3.5 l), multipurpose cutter with microteeth
blades, transparent lid and User’s Manual,
1 500 rpm, 1 × 230 V, 50 Hz
2094-002 Same as above but for 1 × 115 V, 60 Hz
10003923 Disposable Sample Bottles (150 ml) of polypro
pylene with snap-on lid 100/pkg
10003924 Disposable Sample Bottles (150 ml) of polypro
pylene with snap-on lid 500/pkg
10003965 Grinding Discs (1 pair)
10003922 Seal for Sample Bottle
19000660 Stainless steel bowl. 3,5 l
19000662 Transparent lid
19000654 Cutter with smooth blades
19000659 Cutter with microteeth blades
19000634 Grindstone for blades
Cyclotec™ 1093 Sample Mill
1093-001 Cyclotec 1093 Sample Mill complete with
Sample Bottles (125 ml) with snap-on lid (2),
screens 0.5 and 1.0 mm, Allen Keys 4 and 6 mm,
Seal for Grinding Chamber, Paper Bag for Dust
Collection, Seal for Sample Bottle, Users’
Manual, 200-230 V, 50 Hz
1093-002 Same as above but for 115 V 60 Hz
1093-003 Same as above but for 200-230 V 60 Hz
1093-004 Same as above but for 115 V 50 Hz
10000893 Sample Bottles, dark glass for UV protection,
125 ml, case of 104
10003679 Sample Bottles, dark glass for UV protection,
125 ml, case of 52
15220023 Lid for Sample Bottles
10002485 Large Inlet/Forage Assembly Kit
10002488 Dust Collection with external connection
10002537 Paper Bags for Dust Collection, pack of 10
10002000 Dust Filter Pad
10014484 Screen 0.3 mm (use together with 1 or 2 mm
10000820 Screen 0.5 mm
10005864 Screen 0.8 mm
10001989 Screen 1.0 mm
10002715 Screen 2.0 mm
10001990 Seal for Sample Bottle
10001992 Seal for Grinding Chamber
10001993 Seal for Dust Filter Cover
10008180 Seal Kit
10001991 Impeller, Standard
10002666 Impeller, Nickel-plated for mineral analysis
10009833 Holder for 500 ml sample bottle
10013478 Sample bottle 500 ml with lid, 1 pcs
10004463 Grinding Ring, made of tungsten carbide Standard
10013810 Grinding Ring for Hard sample
10006680 Grinding Ring Heavy Metals 3/set
Homogenizer 2096
2096-001 Homogenizer complete with stainless steel bowl
(5.5 l), multipurpose cutter with microteeth
blades, transparent lid with integrated scraper and
Users’s Manual, 1 500 / 3 000 rpm, 3 × 400 V,
50 Hz
2096-002 Same as above but only 1 500 rpm for 1-phase,
115 V, 60 Hz
19000605 Stainless steel bowl. 5,5 l
19000655 Transparent lid with scraper
19000656 Cutter with smooth blades
19000657 Cutter with scalloped blades
19000658 Cutter with microteeth blades
19000634 Grindstone for blades
Knifetec™ 1095 Sample Mill
1095-001 Knifetec Sample Mill complete with rotor blade,
PVC tubing 4m, tubing clamp, Users’ Manual,
230 V, 50-60 Hz
1095-002 Same as above and also including Transformer
for 115 V operation, 50-60 Hz
10005980 Rotor blade standard, complete
10008651 Rotor blade with sharp knives complete
10013135 Rotor blade for small volume
10013136 Rotor blade for pellets
10005960 Distance for Rotor blade
10003923 Disposable Sample Bottles (150 ml) of polypro
pylene with snap-on lid 100/set
10003924 Disposable Sample Bottles (150 ml) of polypro
pylene with snap-on lid 500/set
10008467 Stainless steel tray
*Ordering information: Use the above specified Cat. Nos. together with the text.
Installation requirements:
Cemotec™ 1090 Sample Mill
Power supply:
200-230 V, 50-60 Hz
115 V, 50-60 Hz
Power consumption:
600 W
Net weight:18 kg
Dimensions, L × D × H:
220 × 400 × 400 mm
Rotor speed, grinding disc 3 000 rpm
Homogenizer 2096
Power supply:
Power consumption:
Net weight:
Rotor speed:
Dimensions, L × D × H:
Cyclotec™ 1093 Sample Mill
Power supply:
200-230 V 50 Hz
115 V 60 Hz
200-230 V 60 Hz
115 V 50 Hz
Power consumption:
600 W
Net weight:
18 kg
Dimensions, L × D × H:
220 × 300 × 400 mm
Rotor speed, impeller
10 000 rpm
Homogenizer 2094
Power supply:
Power consumption:
Net weight:
Rotor speed:
Dimensions, L × D × H:
230 V 50 Hz 1-phase
115 V 60 Hz 1-phase
500 W
15 kg
3,5 l bowl. Do not exceed
1,5 l liquid content
1 500 rpm
250 × 410 × 300 mm
400 V 50 Hz 3-phase
115 V 60 Hz 1-phase
750 W 1-phase /
1400 W 3-phase
25,5 kg
5,5 l bowl. Do not exceed
2,5 l liquid content
1 500 rpm (1-phase) /
1 500 & 3 000 rpm
270 × 460 × 400 mm
Knifetec™ 1095 Sample Mill
Power supply:
230 V 50-60 Hz
incl Transformer 115/230V
Power consumption:
120 W
Net weight:
7.5 kg
Dimensions, L × D × H:
190 × 290 × 250 mm
Rotor speed:
20 000 rpm
Water supply:
2 l/min, 8-10°C
Performance data:
Sample Type
Dry samples prior to
moisture analysis, up to
20 % moisture and/or
20% fat
Dry samples prior to
wet chemistry or IR
analysis, up to 15%
moisture and/or fat
content up to 20%
High-moisture, highfat and fibrous samples
High-moisture, highfat and fibrous samples
Grains, seeds, feed,
beans, dry granular
foods, fertilizer, tablets
Grains, seeds, cereals,
forage, feed, leaves,
tablets, tobacco, lime,
Forage, dry food, meat,
fish, vegetables, prepared foods, chemical
and pharmaceutical
Oilseeds, prepared
foods, meat products,
fruit, vegetables,
grains, seeds, and feed
Sample Size
Up to 14 mm ∅
Up to 10 mm, large
inlet up to 40 mm
0.2 - 2.5 kg
Maximum 100 ml (50
- 150 g)
Grinding Principle
Two discs, one rotating
one stationary
Turbine and sieve
Rotor knives
Rotor blade
Grinding Rate/Time
Appr. 3 g/s
Appr. 4 g/s
20 to 60 s
2 to 10 seconds
Grinding Speed
Grinding disc 3 000
Impeller 10 000 rpm
Blade 1 500 or 1 500 /
3 000 rpm
Blade 20 000 rpm
Particle Size
Coarse grist
Fine and uniform grist
with 0.5 mm screen:
max 0.45 mm with 1.0
mm screen: max 0.75
Depending on sample
Depending on sample
Magnetic switch
Low cross contamination
Low cross contamination
Application overview
Soya beans
Grains of wheat, oats,
barley, rye
Feed pellets
Meat products
Mixed food
Subsequent analysis
Fat low
Fat high
Fibre crude
Fibre dietary
Moisture low & low fat
Moisture low & high fat
Moisture high & low fat
Moisture hig & high fat
Reference methods
++ very good
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
+ good
P/N 9999 0730E, Issue 2 GB, Nov 2005
+++ excellent
Tecator™ Digestion Systems
Tecator™ Digestion Unit Auto Lift 20 together with the Scrubber, for
fully unattended operation.
Features and benefits:
Tecator™ Digestion units, with integrated programmable controllers, can be combined with a range of accessories offering:
• fully automated digestion with user interface adapting to
actual product configuration
• convenient, safe and flexible operation
• GLP-support through two way PC communication
• economy of chemicals, energy, labour, space and time
• efficient fume containment through optional exhaust
• efficient fume removal through optional scrubber
The systems, with extensive application support, are compatible with Kjeltec™ Distilling Units.
General Description:
The products described in this brochure can be combined to
match individual needs, from units capable of handling just a
few samples a day up to fully automated systems for high sample throughput. Three configurations; Auto Lift, Auto Rack,
and Basic; are available for either 250 ml or 100 ml digestion
tubes; which must be specified when ordering; dependant on
the application required.
A Digestion System is based on a Digestion Unit and tube
rack with capacity for either eight or twenty tubes. For most
Kjeldahl digestions straight 250 ml tubes are recommended.
To comply with GLP and Health & Safety requirements we
recommend that all Digestion Units are used with an Exhaust
Manifold or Reflux Head, and are located in a fume cupboard.
An optional Scrubber Unit creates a fully integrated system.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Auto Lift versions, with exhaust docking facility, allow fully
automated unattended operation contributing to safety and convenience by eliminating handling of hot chemicals and saving
valuable bench space. Auto Rack versions allow automated
digestions but require manual placement of Tube Rack and
Exhaust Manifold which are stored above the Digestion Unit
in a similar position to the Auto Lift. All Auto models have an
integrated programmer which precisely controls temperature(s)
and timing together with connected components. The analysis
cycle is clearly monitored on the graphical display. Auto models can be connected to a PC for data logging and downloading
of standard, and user defined, applications. The programmer
has various password protected access levels to prevent unauthorised modification and comply with accreditation procedures. Basic versions have built in, user definable, temperature
and time control clearly viewed on the display.
Auto Rack versions can be upgraded to Auto Lift systems to
spread the investment across fiscal periods.
The Basic version can be fitted with a rack system at any
time to save valuable bench space.
Various accessories are available to make routine analysis
safe and simple. They include a range of test tubes, tube racks,
retainer plates for washing, fume removal systems, boiling
rods and catalyst tablets.
Digestion system products and accessories are described in
more detail on the following pages.
All Digestion Systems are based on one of the “four” Digestion Units for either 250 ml or 100 ml tubes*.
* Tube volume to be specified when ordering your digestion unit.
Digestion Units
The Digestion Units are insulated to minimise heat transfer to
the surroundings and allow fast, even heating, thus giving good
working conditions as well as saving energy. They are designed
for batches of either eight or twenty test tubes with three different levels of control.
The Auto versions have an integrated all activity controller,
that adapts to the actual product configuration and is programmable using the software supplied. When a Lift or Scrubber
Unit is connected they are controlled by the selected application
program, which is stored in the Digestion Unit memory, allowing
fully unattended operation.
The Basic versions have a built in, user definable, time and
temperature controller and display.
Software for Auto Lift and Auto Rack systems
There are two separate software systems in Auto versions. The
embedded software controls all necessary functions of the digestion system on a routine basis. The PC Application software,
delivered on CD, is system management software which enables
default values to be modified according to the needs of the authorised user. To process different type of samples a wide range
of Tecator™ applications can be downloaded from the database
included on the CD. Up to 254 Applications can be stored in the
digestion unit at any one time, of which half can be standard
Tecator™ format and half can be user defined. Each application
can control up to 23 steps including all Temperature; ramp and
time; Lift and Scrubber steps.
The software supports Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
routines and accreditation procedures. Data for date, time,
temperature, application used, operator, batch number, and ID
number are constantly logged. The 32 most recent Data Logs
can be stored in the Digestion Unit. All this information can be
transferred to a PC for archiving and generation of up to seven
different reports. Original Tecator™ Applications cannot be
changed. They can be adapted and saved as different files or the
user can design their own applications. To prevent unauthorised
changes, and comply with GLP routines, the software is password protected at different authority levels.
Audible alerts
Audible ‘’ready’’ or ‘’cycle over’’ alerts advise the user when the
digestion application is completed
Audible ‘’alarm’’ alerts advise the user when errors/interruptions occur within the running application program
Alerts can be adjusted High, Low or Off.
Power failure or interruption of power supply
In the event of power failure the digestion unit operation is automatically handled in the safest way. If the failure or interruption
occurs at any time up to or during preheating, before digestion
has started, the cycle will continue when power is restored. Following a power failure or interruption, after the digestion cycle
has started, the unit stops heating immediately and the Lift goes
to the cooling position with exhaust in place, upon restoration of
power. This complies with GLP and Health & Safety routines.
These interruptions will be recorded in the data logging function.
Communication with PC
The PC Application software has two way communication
with the Digestion Unit via the serial RS232 cable supplied as
standard. Alternatively communication can be achieved through
Bluetooth TDK blu2i modules, or equivalent, available from your
computer supplier.
Language versions
The software is available in the following languages:Chinese (simplified), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. Other
languages can be accommodated in co-operation with your local
Auto Lift Systems
Auto Lift systems facilitate highly automated procedures,
eliminating heavy and risky handling of hot chemicals. Valuable
bench space is saved, as the Tube Rack and Exhaust Manifold are
positioned above the Digestion Unit.
A Tube Rack with 8 or 20 tubes is placed in the Lift. The application selected then fully controls the entire process. The Exhaust Manifold docks automatically with the Tube Rack as they
move down into the preheated Digestion Unit; and the Scrubber
Unit, if connected, starts.
The scrubber capacity is automatically adjusted during the
cycle to contain fumes and minimise acid losses. When the
digestion is completed the combined Tube Rack and Exhaust
Manifold move to the cooling position with the Scrubber Unit
still running until no further fumes are evolved. An adjustable
audible signal in the Digestion Unit indicates “cycle over”.
To avoid any spillage a drip tray, supplied with the Exhaust
Manifold, is inserted underneath the Exhaust Manifold when it is
separated from the Tube Rack after cooling.
The Lift eliminates heavy handling.
The Rack System saves space.
Auto Rack Systems
When an Auto Rack system is used in place of an Auto Lift
system the typical procedure is as with the Auto Lift system with
the exception that the combining/separating of Tube Rack and
Exhaust Manifold and the movement to the cooling position is
performed manually when the signal is heard. The application
selected controls all other functions as with the Auto Lift system.
Basic Systems
The temperature and time for the digestion are selected on the
front panel. All other procedures, including operation of a connected scrubber, are then performed by the operator once the
digestion unit has reached the selected temperature.
Fume Removal and Containment Systems
Exhaust Manifolds
Many digestion applications, e.g. Kjeldahl, produce fumes that
are unpleasant and corrosive. Exhaust Manifolds designed for
each Digestion Unit facilitate fume removal and containment and
are strongly recommended for use with all digestion procedures.
The cost of replacement of a fume cupboard which has been
corroded by inefficient fume handling is very much greater than
the relatively low cost of an approved exhaust. Whilst many users
choose to operate integrated systems in the open laboratory, we
strongly recommend the use of both exhaust systems and fume
cupboards for these operations. This is simply Good Laboratory
Practice (GLP) and avoids conflict with local Health & Safety
(H&S) requirements.
The Exhaust Manifolds should be connected to the water aspirator supplied, or to a suitable Scrubber Unit.
Scrubber Unit
Where water is a scarce or expensive commodity, or simply when
a higher level of automation is desired, the water aspirator should
be replaced with an efficient Scrubber Unit. Exhaust Manifolds
and Scrubber Units which require an external water source are
subject to variation in vacuum efficiency due to fluctuations in
local water pressure.
The compact bench top Tecator™ Scrubber Unit is self contained and is therefore unaffected by water supply issues. During
digestion moist, acidic fumes from the connected exhaust are
drawn through the Scrubber Unit. Acid vapours are first condensed and diluted in a large acid trap. Any residual fumes are
collected, washed and neutralised before passing through a second small acid trap which protects the vacuum pump in the event
that the scrubbing agents are exhausted. The cleaned air is then
There is an Exhaust for each Digestion Unit.
The Scrubber neutralizes the corrosive fumes.
vented via a tubing outlet. In the interest of GLP and H&S this
venting tube should be directed into a fume cupboard. When the
Scrubber Unit is connected to an Auto Lift or Auto Rack system
the program will fully control the function including switching
from high to low aspiration settings.
Reflux Heads
When a digestion unit is used for reflux chemistries, such as
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), a Reflux Head connected to a
suitable cold water supply should be used in place of the Exhaust
Manifold. Tecator™ Reflux Heads are conveniently mounted in
handling racks which match the tube rack in the Digestion Unit.
The ball jointed condensers are designed for use with ball jointed
digestion tubes. The Reflux Heads are compatible with Auto Lift,
Auto Rack and Basic systems.
There are Reflux Heads for 250 ml Digestion Units.
Select the correct tube for your application.
Kjeltabs, salt and catalyst in tablet form.
Digestion Tubes
To suit different applications and manual/automatic handling
systems, tubes for the Digestion Units are available in two sizes
(250 ml and 100 ml) and three shapes. Straight sided tubes
are recommended for the majority of digestion applications.
Volumetric tubes with a constriction at the neck are recommended for applications where the digestate requires dilution to
a fixed volume before analyses such as FIA, SFA, and AA etc.
Ball jointed tubes, available in 250 ml size only, are required for
reflux chemistries using the reflux condenser heads. The larger
250 ml straight sided tubes are recommended for Kjeldahl, as
they can hold samples of widely varying sizes. Samples of heterogeneous material often need to be fairly large to ensure that
they are representative. There is no lower limit of sample size in
the 250 ml tubes; they simply allow greater flexibility for most
type of samples.
The 100 ml straight sided tubes can be used where the material
is homogeneous and small samples are fully representative or
where they are specified by the approved method.
A salt, to increase the boiling point, and a catalyst, to increase
the speed of reaction, are used for Kjeldahl digestions. As a convenient way to obtain the correct dosage, FOSS supplies Kjeltabs
– tablets containing Potassium Sulphate and a catalyst (Copper,
Selenium, or Copper/Titanium). Digestion time may depend on
the catalyst used. Historically Mercury has been used as the most
efficient catalyst. Today it has been replaced largely by Copper,
or other metals, due to safety and environmental considerations.
Kjeltabs are supplied in two sizes; 3.5 g and 1.5 g. One or more
tablets are combined with the acid to obtain an optimal salt/acid
ratio. The smaller 1.5 g size is designed for the 100 ml tubes.
Ordering information:*
Digestion Units:
All models are delivered with a Tube Rack with integrated
heat shields. They should always be combined with a matching
Exhaust Manifold or Reflux Head and Test Tubes – 100 or 250
ml volume.
For Kjeldahl digestions the 2501-001 Scrubber Unit should
always be considered for safe and efficient neutralisation of
corrosive gases. This replaces the water aspirator, supplied as
Auto Lift models, complete with 2515-001 Lift and integrated
controller for fully automatic control of digestion applications,
including the operation of the Lift and a 2501-001 Scrubber
Unit (optional extra). The digestion unit can be connected to
PC for application updates, traceability and logging purposes.
NOTE. An appropriate exhaust manifold or reflux head
MUST be added for an automatic system.
Auto Rack models, complete with 2515-011 Rack and
integrated controller for full control of digestion applications,
including the operation of a 2501-001 Scrubber (optional extra). The digestion unit can be connected to PC for application
updates, traceability and logging purposes.
Can be upgraded to an Auto Lift system by addition of the
2515-001 Lift.
NOTE. An appropriate exhaust manifold or reflux head
MUST be added for an automatic system.
Basic models, with built in electronics for control of temperature and time only.
Can not be upgraded to Auto models but are compatible with
2515-011 Rack.
Tecator™ Auto Digestion Units
Auto models with integrated all activity controller and graphical display.
Versions for 250 ml tubes
2508-001 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Lift system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-002 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2508-011 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Rack system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-012 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-001 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Lift system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2520-011 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Rack system,
250 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
Versions for 100 ml tubes
2508-006 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Lift system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-007 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2508-016 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Auto Rack system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-017 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-006 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Lift system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
2520-016 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Auto Rack system,
100 ml tubes, 230 V 50-60 Hz
Tecator™ Digestion Units
Basic models with built in electronics for control of temperature and time.
Versions for 250 ml tubes
2508-051 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Basic, 250 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-052 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-051 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Basic 250 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
Versions for 100 ml tubes
2508-056 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 8 – Basic, 100 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
2508-057 Same as above but for 110 V 50-60 Hz
2520-056 Tecator™ Digestion Unit 20 – Basic 100 ml tubes,
230 V 50-60 Hz
Fume Removal & Containment Systems
2508-020 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2508, if 250
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2508-021 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2508, if 100
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2520-020 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2520, if 250
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2520-021 Exhaust Manifold for Digestion Units 2520, if 100
ml tubes are used.
Complete with Water Aspirator and Drip Tray.
2501-001 Scrubber Unit 110/230 V 50-60 Hz.
For neutralization of fumes in acid digestions. It
can be combined with any of the Exhaust Manifolds. Up to 100 samples without changing of
reagent. Fully automatic operation when connected
to an Auto Digestion Unit.
Lift & Rack Systems
2515-001 LIFT for the AUTO version of Digestion Unit
2508 and 2520.
The Application run in the Digestion Unit fully
controls the LIFT.
The Lift can only be connected to Auto version
Digestion Unit.
2515-011 RACK System for all versions of Digestion Unit
2508 and 2520 without LIFT.
Enables manual positioning of components in a
similar way as the Auto Lift.
Reflux condensers
2508-030 Reflux Head COD Digestion Unit 2508.
Water-cooled Condensers for 8x250 ml tubes.
2520-030 Reflux Head COD Digestion Unit 2520.
Water-cooled Condensers for 20x250 ml tubes.
10000254 Reflux Condenser, Air Cooled.
700 mm. With ground joint for 250 ml tubes.
Cont. Ordering information:*
Handling Systems
Digestion Units are delivered complete with one Tube Rack.
It may be found convenient to order extra so that all tubes
normally in use in the laboratory are placed in a rack.
All Tube Racks fit the Kjeltec 2460 Sampler.
10013896 Tube Rack for 8 Digestion Tubes 250 ml.
10013981 Tube Rack for 8 Digestion Tubes 100 ml.
10013895 Tube Rack for 20 Digestion Tubes 250 ml.
10013982 Tube Rack for 20 Digestion Tubes 100 ml.
10014006 Retainer Plate for Washing; Digestor 2520, 250 ml
10014007 Retainer Plate for Washing; Digestor 2520, 100 ml
10000460 Boiling Rod
To avoid bumping when digesting large volumes of water.
10000897 Handling Device for Digestion Tube
10007117 Dispenser 2-10 ml, 1000 ml Bottle
10007118 Dispenser 10-30 ml, 2000 ml Bottle
Test tubes
Straight model Test Tubes, often used for Kjeldahl determination.
10014311 Digestion Tubes Straight 100 ml 8/pkg
10014312 Digestion Tubes Straight 100 ml 20/pkg
10014278 Digestion Tubes Straight 250 ml 8/pkg
10000158 Digestion Tubes Straight 250 ml 20/pkg
With constriction and volume mark, used in applications where
the digest is diluted to volume and an aliquot is taken for
10014313 Digestion Tubes With Mark 100 ml 8/pkg
10014314 Digestion Tubes With Mark 100 ml 20/pkg
10014315 Digestion Tubes With Mark 250 ml 8/pkg
10000157 Digestion Tubes With Mark 250 ml 20/pkg
With ground joint for air-cooled Reflux Condensers.
10014316 Digestion Tubes - Ground Joint 250 ml 8/pkg
10000159 Digestion Tubes - Ground Joint 250 ml 20/pkg
With ball joint for water-cooled Reflux Condensers.
10014317 Digestion Tubes - Ball Joint 250 ml 8/pkg
10000611 Digestion Tubes - Ball Joint 250 ml 20/pkg
Most types are delivered in boxes of 1000.
15270001 Selenium, Tablets with 1.5 g K2SO4 + 7.5 mg Se.
15270002 Selenium, Tablets with 5 g K2SO4 + 5 mg Se.
15270003 Selenium, Tablets with 3.5 g K2SO4 + 3.5 mg Se.
15270056 Selenium, Tablets with 1 g Na2SO4 + 0.05 g Se.
15270010 Copper/Titanium, Tablets with 5 g K2SO4 + 0.15 g
CuSO4.5H2O + 0.15 g TiO2 .
15270020 Copper/Titanium, Tablets with 3.5 g K2SO4 +
0.105 g CuSO4.5H2O + 0.105 g TiO2 .
15270018 Copper, Tablets with 3.5 g K2SO4 + 0.4 g
15270034 Copper, Tablets with 1.5 g K2SO4 + 0.15 g
15270057 Copper, Tablets with 4.5 g K2SO4 + 0.5 g
Other types are available upon request
Installation requirements:
Digestion Unit 2508 Auto
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V or 100 - 115 V,
50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
1100 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
10 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 500 × 697 mm (incl. Rack
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Lift or Racking
System is used
Digestion Unit 2508 Basic
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V or 100 - 115 V,
50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
1100 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
10 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 390 × 140 mm
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Racking System is used
Digestion Unit 2520 Auto
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
2300 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
18 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 660 × 697 mm (incl. Rack
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Lift or Rack
System is used
Digestion Unit 2520 Basic
Power Supply:
200 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz
Power consumption:
2300 W
Water supply:
See Exhaust Manifolds. If
Scrubber connected - None
18 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 550 × 140 mm
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Exhaust system and Fume hood
Recommended bench space: 1 m, or 0.4 m if a Rack System is
Power Supply:
100 to 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz, Self
Power consumption:
50 W
Water supply:
19 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
335 × 485 × 395 mm
Ambient temperature:
max 40°C
Ventilation requirement:
Outlet tubing preferably into sink
in fume hood
Recommended bench space: 0.6 m
Exhaust 2508
Water supply:
Exhaust 2520
Water supply:
Power Supply:
3 - 5 l/min for 5 minutes, then
1 l/min
10 - 12 l/min for 5 minutes, then
3 - 5 l/min
None. Powered from the Digestion Unit Auto
Power consumption:
10 W
7 kg
Dimensions, W × D × H:
300 × 550 × 697 mm (Mounted
on Digestion Unit)
Ambient temperature:
max 40�C
Ventilation requirement:
Recommended bench space: 0 m. Lift is mounted on the
Digestion Unit
Performance data:
2508 Auto
2508 Basic
2520 Auto
2520 Basic
Temperature range
Ambient - 440°C
100 - 440°C
Ambient - 440°C
100 - 440°C
Temperature setting
Temperature readout
Heater indication
Heater warning
Text in display
Text in display
Text in display
Text in display
Over temperature
Temperature stability at ± 2°C
± 5°C
± 2°C
± 5°C
Temperature stability at ± 1°C
± 2°C
± 1°C
± 2°C
Heating time 20 to
400°C at 230 V
~35 min
~35 min
~40 min
~40 min
Time setting per step
1 - 999 min
1 - 1199 min
1 - 999 min
1 - 1199 min
Ramp control (Rate of
Digestion applications
Up to 254
Up to 254
Digestion steps per
Up to 23
1, Manual control
Up to 23
1, Manual control
Lift connection
Yes, full control
Yes, full control
Yes, full control
Yes, man control
Yes, full control
Yes, man control
Tubes / batch
Tube size
250 ml
250 ml
250 ml
250 ml
Sample size* solids
up to 5 g
up to 5 g
up to 5 g
up to 5 g
Sample size* liquids
up to 15 ml
up to 15 ml
up to 15 ml
up to 15 ml
Tube size
100 ml
100 ml
100 ml
100 ml
Sample size* solids
up to 1 g
up to 1 g
up to 1 g
up to 1 g
Sample size* liquids
up to 3 ml
up to 3 ml
up to 3 ml
up to 3 ml
Typical sample capacity
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0720E, Issue 1 GB, May 2005
*Note: Larger samples require special procedures. Please see the relevant Application Notes or consult our Customer Service Laboratory.
Shaking Water Bath 1024
High capacity laboratory Shaking Water Bath for precise and reproducible control of
chemical and biochemical reactions, e.g. incubations, fermentations, extractions, dialyses,
diffusions, etc.
• High incubation capacity
• Protection against overheating
• Digital read out of actual temperature
• Flexible shaking capacity
• Easy to combine with the FOSS Analytical 1023
Filtration Module
• Circulating water for temperature stability
The FOSS Analytical Shaking Water Bath is designed for accurate temperature control and continuous mixing of liquids and suspensions.
A series of exchangeable flask trays provide high
incubation capacity for a wide range of sample
The specially developed container system makes
the Shaking Water Bath particularly useful in combination with the FOSS Analytical 1023 Filtration
Module for rapid filtration of incubated solutions as
e.g. in dietary fibre determination.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The Shaking Water Bath is an electronically
controlled thermostatic bath with a mechanically
driven shaking trolley. It includes a transparent
lid to ensure temperature stability and minimize
evaporation loss. The water tank is designed to
minimize splashing.
A digital display gives the actual water temperature. A cut out device prevents overheating due
to low water level or thermostat malfunction. The
speed and stroke length of the shaking trolley are
continuously adjustable to ensure adequate mixing
in a broad range of applications.
The Shaking Water Bath has a constant flow of
circulating water. This ensures temperature stability
also when the shaking trolley is not in use.
System description:
The FOSS Analytical Shaking Water Bath comprises:
• Shaking Water Bath 1024, 230V, equipped with a shaking
trolley, facilities for manual and automatic temperature
setting, temperature control and a transparent hinged lid.
The interior of the water bath is made of polished stainless
steel. Flask tray are avilable as accessories (see below).
• Shaking Water Bath 1024, 115V. As above.
Choose from the following accessories:
Standard tray for Erlenmeyer flasks:
holds 33 × 50 ml flasks
holds 22 × 100 ml flasks
holds 12 × 250 ml flasks
holds 8 × 500 ml flasks
Special flaks tray, holds 12 × 600 ml 1000 2081 Incubation
Incubation Flasks (set of 6)
A special flask tray and a container system combines the
FOSS Analytical Shaking Water Bath with the FOSS Analytical 1023 Filtration Module for incubation followed by
filtration of suspensions, e.g. in dietary fibre determination.
Performance data:
Max. water volume:
Overall dimensions (L×W×D):
Power supply:
Power consumption:
Maximum flask immersion:
Temperature range:
Temperature stability:
Shaking speed:
Stroke length:
20 litres
89×37×32 cm
24 kg
115-230 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz
1500W/230 V (800W/115V)
65 mm
Ambient to 80ºC
10-150 strokes/minute
0-50 mm
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0704E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
SoxCap™ 2047
Hydrolysis Unit
The SoxCap™ 2047 is a simple solution for total fat analysis prior to solvent extraction
using the Soxtec™ Systems.
Features and benefits
• No sample transfer in combination with batch handling tools
improves measurement precision and speeds up analysis
• Low system investment cost
• For operator safety and convenience acid fumes are automatically removed
• Fast filtration and washing of samples thanks to SoxCap™
capsule* design
• Minimum use of Celite**
• No contact with hot acid during hydrolysis, filtration or
washing. The entire analysis takes place in a closed vessel
• Compact system requiring minimum bench space
System description
The SoxCap 2047 features a new technique combining superior performance with low investment. It offers a solution
for hydrolysis of food and feed samples, in accordance with
recognized methods, prior to solvent extraction.
The SoxCap system performs hydrolysis, filtration and
washing without any sample transfer, with minimum manual
handling using batch handling tools. The system does not
require to be placed in a fume hood, as it has a built in fume removal system. After hydrolysis, filtration and washing is done
inside the beaker within minutes, ensuring no contact with the
hot hydrolysis solution.
The sample is weighed into a SoxCap glass capsule fitted
with a disposable filter. After hydrolysis the glass capsule is
simply turned upside down, a cellulose thimble is fitted on top
and the capsule is placed in the Soxtec Avanti for the solvent
extraction step.
The patented technique is based on the SoxCap capsule’s
ability to hold the fat present in the sample during hydrolysis
and release it during solvent extraction.
* patent pending
** only with liquid samples and very fine particle size samples
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Hydrolysis in a SoxCap™ 2047
Microwave drying
System description:
• SoxCap™ 2047, 230 V, 50-60 Hz comprising:*
Ceramic Hot Plate 2022, Condenser holder with valve
plate, Condenser, Hydrolysis Beaker, Beaker, Boiling
Stand, Capsule Tray (set of 2), Drying Stand, Glass Capsules (2 sets of 6), Filters (set of 100), Thimbles (set of 25),
Adapters (set of 6), Cotton, Water Aspirator, User Manual
• SoxCap™ 2047, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
Solvent extraction
in a Soxtec™ System
Filters, set of 100
Cellulose Thimbles 28 × 22 mm, set of 25
Hydrolysis Beaker
Beaker, Low
Condenser Holder
Boiling Stand
Drying Stand
Capsule Tray
Adapters, set of 6
Glass Capsules, set of 6
Cotton, defatted
Performance data:
Sample size:
0,5 - 3 g
Hydrolysis time: 60 min
Measuring range: 0,1 - 100 % fat
Capacity per batch: 6 samples simultaneously
Capacity per day: Up to 36 analyses
Installation requirements:
Power supply
2022 Hot Plate
Power consumption
230 V, 50 - 60 Hz
115 V, 50 - 60 Hz
500 W
w× d×h
19 × 30 × 11 cm
Water supply
2,5 kg
2 taps needed: 0,4 l/min
Tap water for vacuum pump
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0311E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Soxtec™ 2043
Fat Extraction System
Solvent extraction system for fast, safe determination of soluble material in food, feed,
soil, polymers, textiles, paper, pulp, etc.
Features and benefits
• Only ~10 ml of solvent used per sample with the
recovery system
• Separate timer functions for each extraction step
make programming and procedure conveniently
• Accessories for batch handling improve laboratory efficiency
• Official approvals AOAC 991.36 (meat), AOAC
2003.05, 2003.06 (feed), SCAN-CM 49:93 (paper/pulp), EPA method 3541 (PAH in soil)
System description
The Soxtec™ 2043 is designed for rapid, safe and
economic extraction of solid and semisolid materials. This has been achieved by applying a patented
version of the Soxhlet extraction technique. It is
designed for maximum user convenience through
batch handling of six samples at a time.
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
The Soxtec 2043 is CE approved according to the
LVD and EMC Directives. It consists of an Extraction Unit and a Control Unit. The extraction unit
must be installed in a well ventilated fume hood
(air flow 0,5 m/s). The sample to be analyzed is
weighed into thimbles and inserted in the Extraction Unit. The cups are heated by the electrical
heating plate. The 3-step extraction procedure
consists of boiling, rinsing and recovery.
The system is flexible and suitable for a wide variety of applications in the food, feed, environmental and industrial segments. It is designed to work
with all common solvents used for solvent extraction (we do not recommend the use of Diethyl ether
due to the explosion risk when handling it.) Typical solvent recovery is 80%, only ~10 ml solvent
is used per sample. Sample preparation prior to
GC/HPLC work is also possible using a specially
designed seal. The repeatability is equal to traditional technique (1% rel. or better).
System description
Soxtec™ 2043 comprises:
• Soxtec 2043, 230 V
1 ea Soxtec 2043 Extraction Unit
1 ea Soxtec 2046 Control Unit
1 ea Food/Agri routine accessories kit comprising:
Extraction cups (1 set of 6), cup holder, thimbles (set of
25), thimble adaptors, thimble stand, seals in viton and
butyl, Manual and Application Note AN 301.
• Soxtec 2043, 115 V. As above.
In addition, we recommend:
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 26mm (set of 25)
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 26mm (set of 25) for sample preparation
Thimble handler
Thimble support
Holder for thimble support
Performance data:
Thimble size:
Solvent volume:
Extraction time:
Capacity per batch:
Capacity per day:
Measuring range:
Heating up time:
26 × 60 mm. Approx. 25 ml
40 ml
typically 40 to 60 min, depending on application
6 samples
30-36 samples
0.1-100% fat
According to official approvals
± 1% rel. or better at 5-100% fat
from 20°C to 280°C in 7-9 min (230 V)
Installation requirements:
Power supply Power consumption
Extraction Unit
Control Unit
Cup holder
Thimble stand
Extraction cups (set of 6), aluminium
Extraction cups (set of 6), glass
Seals for condensers, viton (set of 6)
Seals for condensers, butyl (set of 6)
1090 Cemotec™ sample mill (food, feed prior to moisture
1093 Cyclotec™ sample mill (food, feed general applications)
2094 Homogenizer™, blender type
1095 Knifetec (water cooled for high fat and high fibre)
w× d×h
57 × 35 × 58
230 V, 50-60 Hz
115 V, 50-60 Hz
1 250 W
28 × 23 × 19
Water supply
30 kg
2 l/min
3 kg
Fume hood min.
airflow 0,5 m/s
(inter locked)
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0312E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Soxtec™ 2045
Fat Extraction System
Solvent extraction system for fast, safe determination of soluble material in food, feed,
soil, polymers, textiles, paper, pulp, etc.
Features and benefits
• Only ~15 ml of solvent used per sample with the
recovery system
• Separate timer functions for each extraction step
make programming and procedure conveniently
• Accessories for batch handling improve laboratory efficiency
• Official approvals AOAC 991.36 (meat), AOAC
2003.05, 2003.06 (feed), SCAN- CM 49:93 (paper / pulp), EPA method 3541 (PAH in soil)
• Large thimble size, 65 ml, extends application
System description
The Soxtec™ 2045 is designed for rapid, safe and
economic extraction of solid and semisolid materials. This has been achieved by applying a patented
version of the Soxhlet extraction technique.
The Soxtec System 2045 is an electrically heated
solvent extraction system which is CE approved ac-
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
cording to the LVD and EMC Directives. It consists
of an Extraction Unit and a Control Unit where the
extraction unit must be installed in a well ventilated
fume hood (air flow 0,5 m/s). It is designed for user
convenience through handling of two samples at
a time. The sample to be analyzed is weighed into
thimbles and inserted in the Extraction Unit. After
the 3-step extraction procedure consisting of boiling, rinsing and recovery, the extractable matter is
collected in the cup.
The system is flexible and suitable for a wide variety of applications in the food, feed, environmental and industrial segments. It is designed to work
with all common solvents used for solvent extraction (we do not recommend the use of Diethyl ether
due to the explosion risk when handling it). Typical solvent recovery is 75%, only ~15 ml solvent
is used per sample. Sample preparation prior to
GC/HPLC work is also possible using a specially
designed seal. The repeatability is equal to traditional technique (1% rel. or better).
System description
Soxtec™ 2045 comprises:
• Soxtec 2045, 230 V complete with
1 ea 2045 Extraction Unit
1 ea 2046 Control Unit
1 ea Food/Agri routine accessories kit comprising:
Extraction cups (1 set of 2), cup holder, thimbles (set of
25), thimble adapters (1 set of 6), thimble stand, seals in
viton and butyl, Manual and Application Note AN 301.
• Soxtec 2045, 115 V. As above.
In addition, we recommend:
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 33mm (set of 25) single thickness
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 33mm (set of 25) double thickness
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 26mm (set of 25) double thickness
Thimble adapter, ∅ 33mm (set of 6)
Thimble adapter, ∅ 26mm (set of 6)
Cup holder
Thimble stand
Extraction cups (set of 2), aluminium
Extraction cups (set of 2), glass
Seals for condensers, viton (set of 2)
Seals for condensers, butyl (set of 2)
1090 Cemotec™ sample mill (food, feed prior to moisture
1093 Cyclotec™ sample mill (food, feed general applications)
2094 Homogenizer, blender type
1095 Knifetec™ (water cooled for high fat and high fibre)
For total fat determination, used in conjunction with Soxtec™ Extraction Systems we recommend:
SoxCap™ 2047 comprises:
• SoxCap 2047, 230 V, complete system for integrated boiling and filtration of samples and all accessories needed for acid
hydrolysis of food and feed samples
• SoxCap 2047, 115 V. As above.
Performance data:
Thimble size:
33 × 80 mm, 65 ml
0.5 to 15 g depending on sample
Solvent volume:
60 ml
Extraction time:
typically 40 to 60 min, depending on application
Capacity per batch:
2 samples
Capacity per day:
10-12 samples
Measuring range:
0.1-100% fat
According to official approvals
± 1% rel. or better at 5-100% fat
Heating up time:
from 20 to 285°C in 10 min (230V)
Installation requirements:
Power supply Power consumption
Extraction Unit
Control Unit
w× d×h
34 × 27 × 58
230 V, 50-60 Hz
115 V, 50-60 Hz
600 W
28 × 23 × 19
Weight Water supply
18 kg
1-2 l/min
3 kg
Fume hood min.
airflow 0,5 m/s
(inter locked).
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0310E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Soxtec™ 2050
Auto Fat Extraction System
Soxtec™ 2050 Auto Fat Extraction System - the fully automated solvent extraction
system for safe determination of soluble material in food, feed, soil, polymers, textiles,
paper pulp, etc.
Features and benefits
• Fully automatic for unattended operation
• Accessories for batch handling offer operator
• Closed solvent addition limits operator’s exposure to solvent
• Cooling water control reduces water costs
• Automatic shutdown enables overnight operation
• Official approvals; AOAC 991.36 (meat), AOAC
2003.05, 2003.06 (feed), SCAN-CM 49:93 (paper pulp), EPA No 3541 (soil)
System description
The Soxtec™ 2050 System represents the new
generation of automated Soxhlet extraction. It is
designed for maximum user convenience with full
automation for unattended operation and minimum
system handling.
This has been achieved by applying a new patented version of the Soxhlet extraction technique
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
combined with integral solvent handling. The
system consists of an Extraction Unit, a Control
Unit and a Drive Unit. The sample to be analysed is
weighed into thimbles and inserted into the extraction unit. Solvent is added to the extraction cups in
a closed system. The cups are heated by the electric
heating plate. The 4-step extraction consists of boiling, rinsing, solvent recovery and pre-drying.
The system is flexible and suitable for a broad
range of applications in the food, feed, environmental and industrial segments. It is designed to work
with all common solvents used for solvent extraction (we do not recommend the use of Diethyl ether
due to the explosion risk when handling it). Typical
solvent recovery is 80%, only 16 ml solvent is used
per sample. Sample preparation prior to GC/HPLC
work is also suitable; ask for our special accessories. The repeatability is equal to traditional technique.
System description:
Soxtec™ 2050 comprises:
• Soxtec 2050, 230V complete with
1 ea Soxtec 2050 Extraction Unit
1 ea Soxtec 2050 Control Unit
1 ea Soxtec 2050 Drive Unit
1 ea Food/Agri Routine Accessories kit comprising:
Extraction cups (3 sets of 6), Cup holder, Thimble support,
Thimble holder, Thimbles (set of 25), Thimble adaptors
(2 sets of 6), Thimble handler, Tong for extraction cups,
Thimble stand (2 sets of 6), Cup stand, seals of viton
and butyl, Solvent addition tube, Solvent emptying tube,
Manual and Application Note AN 301.
• Soxtec 2050, 115V. As above.
Extraction Cups (set of 6), aluminium
Extraction Cups (set of 6), glass
Seals for condensers, viton (set of 6)
Seals for condensers, butyl (set of 6)
Condenser sealing ring of teflon
Solvent dispenser
1090 Cemotec™ sample mill (food, feed prior to
moisture analysis)
1093 Cyclotec™ sample mill (food, feed general
2094 Homogenizer, blender type
2096 Homogenizer, blender type
1095 Knifetec™ (water cooled for high fat and high fibre)
In addition, we recommend:
Cellulose thimble, ∅ 33mm (set of 25)
Cellulose thimble, ∅ 33mm (set of 25) Single thickness
For total fat determination, used in conjunction with Soxtec™
Extraction Systems we recommend:
SoxCap™ 2047 comprises:
• SoxCap 2047, 230 V, complete system for integrated boiling and filtration
of samples and all accessories needed for acid hydrolysis of food and feed
• SoxCap 2047, 115 V. As above.
Performance data:
Thimble size:
33 × 80 mm, 65 ml
0.5 to 15 g depending on sample
Solvent volume:
70-90 ml
Extraction time:
typically 40 to 60 min, depending on application
Capacity per batch:
6 samples
Capacity per day:
42 samples
Measuring range:
0.1-100% fat
According to official approvals
± 1% rel. or better (5-100% fat)
Heating up time:
from 20 to 280°C in 7-9 min (230V)
Installation requirements:
Power supply Power consumption
Extraction Unit
Control Unit
Drive Unit
w× d×h
60 × 38 × 58
230V, 50-60 Hz
115V, 50-60 Hz
230V, 50-60 Hz
115V, 50-60 Hz
1550 W
40 W
Closed solvent addition limits operator’s
exposure to solvents.
Weight Water supply
30 kg
2 l/min.
31 × 24 × 16
3 kg
Fume hood min.
airflow 0,5 m/s
(inter locked)
40 × 28 × 12
8 kg
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0306E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
Soxtec™ 2055
Fat Extraction System
Soxtec™ 2055 Fat Extraction System - the new generation of manual solvent extraction
systems for safe determination of soluble material in food, feed, soil, polymers, textiles,
paper, pulp, etc.
Features and benefits
• Separate timer functions for each extraction step
make programming and procedure conveniently
• One handle moves all samples simultaneously
• Accessories for batch handling offer operator
• Closed solvent addition limits operator’s exposure to solvents
• Official approvals AOAC 991.36 (meat), AOAC
2003.05, 2003.06 (feed), SCAN-CM 49:93 (paper/
pulp), EPA method 3541 (PAH in soil)
System description
The Soxtec™ 2055 System represents the new
generation of manual Soxhlet extraction systems. It
is designed for maximum user convenience through
batch handling of six samples at a time, giving a
minimum of system handling.
This has been achieved by applying a new patented version of the Soxhlet extraction technique
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
combined with integral solvent handling. The
system consists of an Extraction Unit and a Control
Unit. The sample to be analyzed is weighed into
thimbles and inserted in the Extraction Unit. The
solvent is added in a closed system. The cups are
heated by the electrical heating plate. The 4-step
extraction procedure consists of boiling, rinsing,
recovery and pre-drying.
The system is flexible and suitable for a wide variety of applications in the food, feed, environmental and industrial segments. It is designed to work
with all common solvents used for solvent extraction (we do not recommend the use of Diethyl ether
due to the explosion risk when handling it). Typical
solvent recovery is 80%, only 16 ml solvent is used
per sample. Sample preparation prior to GC/HPLC
work is also possible using a specially designed
seal. The repeatability is equal to traditional technique (1% rel. or better).
System description
Soxtec™ 2055 comprises:
• Soxtec 2055, 230V Complete with
1 ea Soxtec 2055 Extraction Unit
1 ea Soxtec 2055 Control Unit
1 ea Food/Agri routine accessories kit comprising:
Extraction cups (3 sets of 6), cup holder, thimble support,
thimble holder, thimbles (set of 25), thimble adaptors,
thimble handler, tongs for extraction cups, thimble stand,
cup stand, seals in viton and butyl, solvent addition tube,
solvent emptying tube, Manual and Application Notes.
• Soxtec 2055, 115V. As above.
Extraction cups (set of 6), aluminium
Extraction cups (set of 6), glass
Seals for condensers, viton (set of 6)
Seals for condensers, butyl (set of 6)
Seals for condensers, RESEL (set of 6)
1090 Cemotec™ sample mill (food, feed prior to moisture
1093 Cyclotec™ sample mill (food, feed general applications)
2094 Homogenizer, blender type
1095 Knifetec™ (water cooled for high fat and high fibre)
In addition, we recommend:
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 33mm (set of 25)
Cellulose thimbles, ∅ 33mm (set of 25) single thickness
For total fat determination, used in conjunction with Soxtec™
Extraction Systems we recommend:
SoxCap™ 2047 comprises:
• SoxCap 2047, 230 V, complete system for integrated boiling and filtration
of samples and all accessories needed for acid hydrolysis of food and feed
• SoxCap 2047, 115 V. As above.
Performance data:
Thimble size:
33 × 80 mm, 65 ml
0.5 to 15 g depending on sample
Solvent volume:
70-90 ml
Extraction time:
typically 40 to 60 min, depending on application
Capacity per batch:
6 samples
Capacity per day:
36 samples
Measuring range:
0.1-100% fat
According to official approvals
± 1% rel. or better (5-100% fat)
Heating up time:
from 20 to 280°C in 7-9 min (230V)
Installation requirements:
Power supply Power consumption
Extraction Unit
Control Unit
w× d×h
60 × 38 × 58
230V, 50-60 Hz
115V, 50-60 Hz
1550 W
31 × 24 × 16
Closed solvent addition limits operator’s
exposure to solvents.
Weight Water supply
30 kg
2 l/min.
3 kg
Fume hood min.
airflow 0,5 m/s
(inter locked)
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0308E, Issue 1 GB, Dec 2004
* Ordering information: See separate price-list
A Soxtec™ for every need
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Just load, start and walk away
For 30 years, FOSS has de­veloped and sup­plied instru­ments with
a mission: to always make routine analysis simpler.
A great step forward
As early as 1975, we revolutionised solvent extrac­tion
by introducing Edward Randall’s patented two-stage
technique for boiling and rinsing. Six years later, FOSS
launch­ed an improved system, Soxtec™, based on Tecator™
techno­logy, that also hand­led solvent recovery.
Soxtec 2050 is the next great step forward in solvent
extraction. A solvent extractor that needs practically no
handling by lab person­nel. A fully automatic Soxhlet
analyzer that is the fastest on the mar­ket, using less
solvent and less water.
Four automatic steps
Rapid solubilisation in
boiling solvent.
Efficient removal of
remaining soluble matter.
Fully automated, unattended operation
The Soxtec 2050 utilizes a new, patented four-step solvent extraction tech­ni­que. It per­forms boiling, rinsing
and solvent recovery.
In its fourth step, the sample cup lifts off the hot plate,
utilizing residual heat to pre-dry while eliminating
boil-dry risk. The entire process is a fully auto­matic,
unat­ten­ded operation.
You just load, start and walk away. Soxtec 2050 will
even shut down automatically when finished.
Because it frees operators from routine tasks, Soxtec
2050 helps to improve the laboratory’s productivity.
And it’s very quiet – an additional bonus for the laboratory working environment.
Automatic collection of
distilled solvent for re-use.
Elimination of boil-dry
Application flexibility
Soxtec systems are developed for maximum application flexibility.
Users can easily design and optimise their own applications for accurate, safe determination of soluble matter within the food, feed, environ­mental and
industrial sectors.
Soxtec can handle larger sample volumes (a standard
33×80 mm thimble), and its higher temperature range
even enables effective use of high-boiling point solvents, such as toluene and xylene.
Furthermore, the glass/Teflon solvent interface makes
it possible to run metal-sensitive applications.
Built for the purpose
Safety is important
Minimal manual handling assures safety in the process.
When the sample has been loaded, the solvent is added
in a closed, secure system. The solvent dispen­ser, automatic solvent recovery and built-in fume hood limit
solvent vapour to a minimum, thus ensuring a safe
working environment.
Safety has always been important to us, the only electrical part in the Extraction unit, the hot plate, is spark
proof. The double temperature sensors ensure that the
set temperature is kept and that the ignition point is
never reach for any solvent.
Soxtec™ 2050 guarantees a safe work­ing environment – the entire ana­lysis takes place in a closed,
secure system. It is designed and built to surpass
strict European safety standards.
There is simply no safer solvent extraction system
Operating convenience
Soxtec 2050’s automation improves efficiency.
Overall laboratory efficiency is further improved by the
purpose-developed handling tools delivered with the
Soxtec system. The tools for simple batch-wise sample
handling save time, simplify usage and minimize risk of
operator error. There is no longer any need for manual
handling of thimbles or hot extraction cups.
Soxtec™ 2050 and 2055 are operated through the Control Unit,
with simple logic commands and a full graphical interface.
The fastest on the market
Typically five times faster than the classical Soxhlet technique, Soxtec Systems are the fastest
Soxhlet extractors on the market. With Soxtec 2050 you can extract as many as seven batches per
day, with absolutely no loss in precision or accuracy. The Soxtec systems follow officially approved methods for fat in feed (AOAC), meat (AOAC), PCB (EPA) and paper pulp (SCAN).
Dramatically reduced extraction times
Fat in feed
Fat in food (eg. meat, cereals)
PCB, PAH & Pesticides in soil
Oil & Grease in water
Extractable Matter in polymers & rubber
Extractable Matter in paper & pulp
Extractable Matter in explosives & propellants
Hydrocarbons in petroleum rock
Finishing Oil on textile & synthetic fibres
Anti-Caking Coating on fertilisers
Detergent in detergent powder
Fat in leather
Extraction time
Extraction time
2 h to 16 h
2 h to 16 h
17 h
4 h
2 h to 48 h
2 h to 48 h
16 h
24 h
2 h
3 h to 4 h
5 h
5 h
45 min
1 h to 5 h
1 h to 5 h
30 min
A profitable solution
Soxtec™ extractors range in capa­city and function from the
small Soxtec 2045 to the fully automatic Soxtec 2050.
All Soxtec models fully utilise our batch handling concept to
make sample processing as easy and safe as possible.
Whatever your Soxhlet extrac­tion need is, we can offer you
the right solution.
Total fat analysis
The SoxCap™ 2047 is an integral part of the Soxtec
systems. It offers total fat analysis in accordance with
recognized methods. The SoxCap system performs
hydrolysis, filtration and washing without any sample
transfer. This patented technique offers high throughput
together with minimum manual handling using batch
handling tools.
Save time and money
Soxtec 2050 shortens the analysis time, increasing
throughput to up to seven extractions per day. Furthermore, the automatic shutdown function enables
overnight operation*. Its automatic operation frees
operators from time-consuming routine tasks, thereby
increasing laboratory efficiency.
Most users prefer aluminium extraction cups –only environmental applications require glass cups. Aluminium
cups are unbreakable, and they offer rapid heat transfer,
which in turn shortens heating and drying times. The
low weight of the aluminium cups also makes it possible to use a standard 120 g capacity balance.
Soxtec systems utilizes environmentally sound tech­­no­
logy. Compared to classical Soxhlet, the Soxtec systems
uses a significantly lower solvent volume.
No other Soxhlet extractor uses solvents so efficiently. Typically, thanks to solvent recovery,
16 ml of solvent is used per sample – so costs for
solvent purchase and disposal can be kept to a
minimum. Built-in water control minimizes water
*Subject to local regulation
With Soxtec™ 2050, you make the most
of your laboratory – day and night!
Soxtec™ Systems
Soxtec™ Soxtec™ SoxCap™
Sample Positions
samples per day
50–70 ml
40-50 ml
70–90 ml
70–90 ml
80%, automatic
Closed Solvent Addition
Solvent Volume per sample
Solvent Recovery
Fully Automated
Overnight Operation
Batch Handling
Extraction Cups
Glass & Aluminium
Glass & Aluminium
Glass & Aluminium
Glass & Aluminium
Cellulose, Glass
Cellulose, Glass
Cellulose, Glass
Cellulose, Glass
26, 33, 45
26, 33
26, 33
120 ml
30 ml
65 ml
65 ml
50 ml
Remotely controlled electric
controlled electric
Remotely controlled electric
controlled electric
Thimble Diameter
Thimble Volume
Temperature Range
Overtemperature 145, 210 & 330ºC
145, 210 & 330ºC
145, 210 & 330ºC
145, 210 & 330ºC
Power Consumption
1500 W
1500 W
1550 W
1590 W
500 W
Water Consumption
2 l/min
2 l/min
2 l/min
2 l/min
0,4 l/min
Water Saving System
+/- 1% relative
+/- 1% relative
+/- 1% relative
+/- 1% relative
+/- 1% relative
Dimensions, cm
In the interest of product development we reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Solvent extraction systems for safe determination of soluble matter in food, feed, soil, polymers, textiles,
paper pulp, and more. Whatever your Soxhlet extraction needs, we can offer the right solution.
About FOSS
FOSS provides dedicated analytical solutions that
ensure optimal production of food, agricultural, pharmaceutical and chemical products. FOSS solutions
analyse and control your products during production
– helping you to optimise both quality and profit.
FOSS is unique in offering a range of dedicated solutions based on both indirect and reference methods.
FOSS solutions provide analysis and control throughout
the production process, from raw material to finished
product and from routine analysis to at-line and in-line
process control.
FOSS is a privately-owned company employing over
1100 worldwide. FOSS has manufacturing and research
and development facilities in Denmark, Sweden and
the USA.
Solutions are sold and supported through FOSS sales
and service companies in 21 countries and by more
than 75 dedicated distributors.
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 99990307, Issue 2 GB, April 2006
Please visit
SoxCap™ 2047
Hydrolysis Unit
The SoxCap™ 2047 is a simple solution for total fat analysis prior to solvent extraction
using the Soxtec™ Systems.
Features and benefits
• No sample transfer in combination with batch handling tools
improves measurement precision and speeds up analysis
• Low system investment cost
• For operator safety and convenience acid fumes are automatically removed
• Fast filtration and washing of samples thanks to SoxCap™
capsule* design
• Minimum use of Celite**
• No contact with hot acid during hydrolysis, filtration or
washing. The entire analysis takes place in a closed vessel
• Compact system requiring minimum bench space
System description
The SoxCap 2047 features a new technique combining superior performance with low investment. It offers a solution
for hydrolysis of food and feed samples, in accordance with
recognized methods, prior to solvent extraction.
The SoxCap system performs hydrolysis, filtration and
washing without any sample transfer, with minimum manual
handling using batch handling tools. The system does not
require to be placed in a fume hood, as it has a built in fume removal system. After hydrolysis, filtration and washing is done
inside the beaker within minutes, ensuring no contact with the
hot hydrolysis solution.
The sample is weighed into a SoxCap glass capsule fitted
with a disposable filter. After hydrolysis the glass capsule is
simply turned upside down, a cellulose thimble is fitted on top
and the capsule is placed in the Soxtec for the solvent extraction step.
The patented technique is based on the SoxCap capsule’s
ability to hold the fat present in the sample during hydrolysis
and release it during solvent extraction.
* patent pending
** only with liquid samples and very fine particle size samples
Dedicated Analytical Solutions
Hydrolysis in a SoxCap™ 2047
Microwave drying
System description:
20470001 SoxCap™ 2047, 230 V, 50-60 Hz comprising:*
Ceramic Hot Plate 2022, Condenser holder with
valve plate, Condenser, Hydrolysis Beaker,
Beaker, Boiling Stand, Capsule Tray (set of 2),
Drying Stand, Glass Capsules (2 sets of 6),
Filters (set of 100), Thimbles (set of 25),
Adapters (set of 6), Cotton, Water Aspirator,
User Manual
20470002 SoxCap™ 2047, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
SoxCap™ 2047mini, 230 V, 50-60 Hz comprising:*
Ceramic Hot Plate 2022, Condenser holder with
valve plate, Condenser, Hydrolysis Beaker,
Beaker, Boiling Stand, Capsule Tray (set of 2),
Drying Stand, Glass Capsulesmini (2 sets of 6),
Filters (set of 100), Thimbles (set of 25),
Adapters (set of 6), Cotton, Water Aspirator,
User Manual
SoxCap™ 2047mini, 115 V, 50-60 Hz. As above.
Solvent extraction
in a Soxtec™ System
10012381 Filters, set of 100
15220053 Cellulose Thimbles 28 × 22 mm, set of 25
10012233 Hydrolysis Beaker
10011595 Beaker, Low
10013849 Condenser
10013840 Condenser with drip tray assembly
10012227 Boiling Stand
10012229 Drying Stand
10012230 Capsule Tray
10012379 Adapters, set of 6
10012378 Glass Capsules, set of 6
15290009 Cotton, defatted
60022802 Glass Capsulesmini, set of 6
Performance data:
Sample size:
0,5 - 3 g
Hydrolysis time: 60 min
Measuring range: 0,1 - 100 % fat
Capacity per batch:6 samples simultaneously
Capacity per day: Up to 30 analyses
Installation requirements:
Power supply Power consumption
w × d × h
2022 Hot Plate 230 V, 50 - 60 Hz
500 W
19 × 30 × 11 cm
2,5 kg
115 V, 50 - 60 Hz Water supply
2 taps needed: 0,4 l/min
Tap water for vacuum pump
FOSS Analytical
69, Slangerupgade
DK-3400 Hilleroed
Tel.: +45 7010 3370
Fax: +45 7010 3371
[email protected]
P/N 9999 0311, Issue 2 GB, Feb 2007
*Ordering information: Use the above specified Cat. Nos. together with the text.