

SCALE 1:50 000
Digerberget – Mogetorp 17 km
Walk time
The walk time is based on
an average speed of about
3.5 km/hour. This allows
time for rest stops. Stage
17, Tivedstorp – Stenkällegården, takes about 6
Digerberget Checkpoint
To get to Digerberget, you exit Örebro–
Hällefors county road 244 at the turnoff
towards Nora and follow the road towards
Pershyttan. Along the road there is a sign
that points to Digerberget. A clubhouse here
has a tap on the exterior. Parking places, tent
pitch and shelter.
Mogetorp Checkpoint
Mogetorps Wärdshus, a roadside restaurant,
is located next to main road 50, with good
bus connections. The restaurant seves coffe,
sandwiches and traditional Swedish dishes.
Packed linches for walkers are available.
Access to fresh water next to the hostel.
Parking is available. Ring 019-28 20 71
or 073-636 87 76 for information. www. The 9 km Amboberget
circular walk starts from Mogetorp.
Kvarndammen Rest Area
There is a rest area with shelter, fire ring and
toilet about midway on the stage just northwest of Ramshyttan. Take your rubbish with
you when you leave the rest area.
Digerberget Loop Trail
The loop trail offers a 9 km hike, starting at
Digerberget. It is identified by blue markings
on trees and poles, except for sections that
follow the Bergslag Trail. Parts of the bluemarked stretch are a mountain bike trail.
Mountain Bike Trails
Stage 7 between Digerberget and Stormossen
is also designated as a mountain bike trail.
Nora municipality is responsible for the
mountain bike trails, and the landowner is
The Bergslag Trail
Loop trail
Other marked trail or path
Stage start/finish
Distance from Digerberget
Rest area with shelter
Fresh water
Golf links
Nature reserve
What to See Along the Way
Digerberget is the northernmost part of Kilsbergen. It offers a terrific view of Nora from
the mountaintop, which is more than 100
meters above the surrounding area.
Several of the trails are lit up during the
winter. The Kilsbergspåret ski track starts
at Digerberget and proceeds south for 27
kilometers to Ånnaboda.
2. Pershyttan
One of the county’s best-preserved mining
villages, Pershyttan is also among the oldest,
dating back to the 14th century. Smelting
operations ended in 1953 and the mine
closed in 1967.
The trail features Sweden’s only waterwheel with a functioning wooden shaft
pumping system. The 200-meter system of
wooden poles starts at the restored waterwheel. Power generated by the waterwheel
was used to pump water from the mines.
Demonstrations are offered during the summer.
The path passes a well-preserved smelting
house, along with an 18th and 19th-century
miner’s estate with working quarters, a forge
and a coalhouse.
The Nora Bergslag Veteran Railroad owns
Pershyttan. There are now tracks all the way
to the smelting house, so passengers can
travel from Nora to Pershyttan.
The Bergslag Trail in Pershyttan crosses
a marked, 6-kilometer path that passes by
many of the town’s historical monuments.
3. Dammsjön
Lake Dammsjön long played an important
role as a reservoir for the water that powered
the waterwheels for mining in Pershyttan. A
small swimming area at the northern end of
the lake is just 200 meters west of the trail.
4. The canal
South of Lake Dammsjön, the trail follows
Facts about the Bergslag Trail
The Bergslag Trail (Bergslagsleden) is a 280 km
hiking trail traversing all of Örebro county. It
is divided into 17 stages. Region Örebro län is
responsible for the trail. The Bergslag Trail is
identified by orange markings on trees or posts.
At road crossings or branches in the trail, directional arrows with the Bergslag Trail’s symbol
are used.
Bus Connections
Mogetorp and the Örebro-Nora line have frequent bus service. For other bus connections,
see Bus stops are listed
under ”sök resa” (search trip) and ”detaljerad
a hand-dug canal. More than one kilometer
long, the canal was built in the 1800s to
divert water from the Lerkesån stream to
Lake Dammsjön. As a result, the pressure
that powered the waterwheel in Pershyttan
increased. This was yet another example of
the importance of water power when the
Bergslagen iron industry was at its peak.
5. Wagon trail
South of the canal, the trail follows the old
riding and wagon path on which ore from
Pershyttan and other mines was transported
by horse and carriage to Ramshyttan and
other smelting houses to the south. You can
tell that the road was heavily trafficked by the
deep depression in which the current path
6. Ramshyttan
Ramshyttan was once home to a thriving
iron industry. The trail passes the brook
through the village at the place where the
forge was located. There is a swimming area
at Lake Ramsjön about 600 metres west of
Ramshyttan. The Ramshytte Ängar (Ramshytte Meadows) nature reserve is a place of outstanding natural beauty and cultural heritage
formed through human stewardship over the
7. Sågställningsbottnarna
Just after the trail parts ways with the forest
road north of Mt. Amboberget, it passes
some noteworthy shingle banks. This area
is called Sågställningsbottnarna. The banks
were formed about 10,000 years ago from
the splashing of waves during the early stages
of the Baltic Sea when the land was still
depressed from melted inland ice.
8. Amboberget viewpoint
A marked trail goes from stage 7 of the
Bergslag Trail to Mt. Amboberget. You can
continue south to stage 8 if you like.
resa” (detailed trip). Transit information
+46 (0)771-22 40 00.
For more information
Nora tourist office, +46 (0)587-81120 or
Örebrokompaniet, +46 (0)19-21 21 21,
[email protected].
Nature reserve information:
Outdoor life website and app
All the information tou need before walking
the rail is available at www.bergslagsleden.
se. Accommodation, airport transports, equip-
9. Skärmarbodabergen
Skärmarbodabergen contains a marvelous assortment of Ice Age remnants not
found anywhere else in Örebro County.
There are steep, ice-carved mountain ledges,
dramatically located boulders and blocks,
stones cracked by ice and water, sharp
drop-offs, rock accumulations and caves.
The 400-year-old pine forest is among the
most protected ones in the county. There
are many hiking trails in the area that are
suitable for the entire family. The point of
departure for an outing to Skärmarbodabergen is just to the west of Highway 50, past
the Nora exit. Additional information about
the area is available at the Bergslagsporten
rest area north of Mogetorp.
Important to know
Make fires only where designated fire
rings/circles are present.
l Make sure that your fire is completely out before you continue hiking.
l Refrain from starting fires during the
dry periods of summer when risk of
forest fire is high.
l Do not break off limbs or branches
from living trees.
l You may pitch tents along the trail,
but preferably near the rest areas and
not more that one night in the same
l Do not stray from the trail when near
built-up areas, cultivated fields or
planted forests.
l Do not litter.
l If hiking with a dog, be aware that you
must always have the dog on a lead/
leash in the forests/fields during the
period from March 1 - August 20.
l So as to avoid conflicting with moose
hunting season, you shouldn’t use the
trail during the most intensive hunting
period - the second week in October
and several weeks forward.
ment, trail stage info sheets, activities and
sights. There is also an interactive web map on
the site.
Bergslagsleden (The Bergslag Trail also has its
own app that you can download to your IPhone
or Android phone. Search for ”Bergslagsled”.
The app has a sat-nav function shows your position when you are out walking the trail.
All information about outdoor life in the Örebro Region is gathered in one place at www. You will
find lots to read about the Bergslagsleden, canoe
trails, fishing, bicycling and more.
Rev. juni 2016
1. Digerberget