PowerPoint Template - Forms (CDE Intranet)


PowerPoint Template - Forms (CDE Intranet)
The 2014 CA ELA/ELD Framework:
Integrated and Designated ELD
Pam Spycher, CA CC at WestEd
Kristen Cruz-Allen, CDE
Cynthia Gunderson, CDE
Let’s Talk …
Step 1: Get into triads, and introduce yourselves.
Then share one thing about the ELA/ELD
Framework you’re excited about and why.
Step 2: Now share one big question you still have
related to implementing the principles and
practices in the ELA/ELD Framework.
the CA CCSS for
Integrated & Designated ELD:
Working in Tandem
ELA, science, social studies,
math, and other content areas.
Integrated ELD:
All teachers with ELs in
their classrooms use
the CA ELD Standards in
tandem with the CA
CCSS for ELA/Literacy
and other content
Designated TIME: Can build
into/from ELA, science, social
studies, math, or other content
Designated ELD:
Teachers use the CA
ELD Standards as the
focal standards in
ways that build into
and from content
Grade Span Chapters: 3-7
Ch. 3: Grades TK-1
Ch. 4: Grades 2-3
Ch. 5: Grades 4-5
Ch. 6: Grades 6-8
Ch. 7: Grades 9-12
Grade Span Overview (TK12)
Grade Level Specific
Sections (TK-8)
Grade Span Sections for
HS (9-10 and 11-12)
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action in Ch. 3-7:
Two Vignettes in Every Grade Level
Digging Deeper:
ELA/Literacy (with Integrated ELD)
grade level examples
The ELA/Literacy Vignettes:
Let’s Dive In!
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Close Reading
 Read the ELA/Literacy vignette.
 Mark up your text (highlight, underline, write
notes in the margin, etc.)
 Take notes in the ELA/Literacy Vignette Note
Taking Guide.
 Be prepared to share your notes with others.
Take 20 min.
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Collaborative Conversation
 Discuss your notes with a small group.
 Be sure to discuss each point, using textual
evidence from the vignette.
Take 10 min.
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Synthesis & Re-Presentation
 Create a poster to represent each concept
identified on the “poster requirements” handout.
 Bonus points for creativity.
 Be ready to present your poster to the whole
Take 20 min.
ELA & ELD in Action:
Oral Presentations
 Presenters: Present your poster in a clear,
concise, and compelling way.
 Listeners: Take notes, and if something is
unclear (or any of the poster requirements
were not included), ask a question
Take 5 min. each
Digging Deeper:
Designated ELD
grade level examples
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Close Reading
 Now read the designated ELD vignette.
 Mark up your text (highlight, underline, write
notes in the margin, etc.)
 Take notes in the designated ELD Vignette Note
Taking Guide.
 Be prepared to share your notes with others.
Take 15 min.
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Collaborative Conversation and Synthesis
 Discuss your notes with a small group.
 Be sure to discuss each point, using textual
evidence from the vignette.
Take 10 min.
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Collaborative Conversation and Synthesis
 Create a poster to represent each concept
identified on the “poster requirements” handout.
 Bonus points for creativity.
 Be ready to present your poster to the whole
Take 15 min.
ELA/Literacy & ELD in Action:
Oral Presentations
 Presenters: Present your poster in a clear,
concise, and compelling way.
 Listeners: Take notes, and if something is
unclear (or any of the poster requirements
were not included), ask a question
Take 5 min. each
Let’s Process!
• At your table, please discuss …
– How have you been or are you thinking about
using the vignettes to support educators to
implement the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and the CA
ELD Standards?
– What are some benefits to using the vignettes?
– What are some challenges?
Chapter 11
Professional Learning, Leadership, and Program Supports
• Working within a collaborative
• Professional learning ideas,
including sources, research,
and critical content
• Leadership and professional
• Collaborating with libraries,
extended learning programs,
parents and families
Before you go …
Please jot down ...
3 things you learned today
2 things you still have questions
about/want to learn more about
1 action you will take in the next
week as a result of today’s
Hmm … How
will I put this
all together?
Online Resources!
• ELA/ELD Framework: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/rl/cf/
• ELA/ELD Framework Overview with the Writers:
• CA ELD Standards Online Professional Learning Modules
(with videos and information on/materials from the
ELA/ELD Framework):
– Getting Started:
– A Deeper
Thank You
Books can
capture injustices
in a way that stays
with you and
makes you want
to do something
about them. That’s
why they are so
-Malala Yousafzai