RSU Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 10.2.14


RSU Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 10.2.14
Directors Jay Brown, Leanne Burnham, Shawna Corbett, Jonathan Hamann, Cory
Munsey, Mike Terrell and Lori Umberhind
Chair Dawn Gallagher, Vice-Chair Bill Matthews, Jim Grandahl, Jon
Lambert and Linda Leet
Superintendent Virgel Hammonds, Mary Helen Williams, Steve Lavoie, Matt
Shea, Ryan Keith, Vicki Raymond, Gordon Murray and Katie Spear
8 Members of the Public
Janet Smith, Richmond Town Manager
Angela Hardy, NESSC NextGen Personalized Learning Project Co-Director
Students Cameron Emmons and Michaela Carney
Lori Libby
With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Director Shawna Corbett nominated Jonathan Hamann to conduct the meeting in the absence of
the Chair. Director Leanne Burnham seconded the nomination, voted in favor unanimously.
Director Jay Brown motioned to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2014 Regular Board
meeting. Director Shawna Corbett seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Add Item 6.9 – Monmouth Academy Trip to Peru in June 2014
Add Item 6.10 – Monmouth Academy Outing Club trip to West Forks, Maine
Add to Item 8.1
Add to Item 8.2
Add to Item 8.4
Public Comment
Janet Smith, Richmond Town Manager
Ms. Smith expressed her support for collaboration between Richmond and the
Angela Hardy, NESSC NextGen Personalized Learning Project Co-Director
Ms. Hardy provided the board with information (below) about the NextGen grant
and her role as coach serving the needs of Hall-Dale High School, Monmouth
Academy and Richmond High School.
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Richmond Principals’ Reports
Richmond and Dresden Asst. Principal Ryan Keith’s report to the Board follows.
Assistant Principal's Schedule:
• Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, full days at Richmond HS/MS.
• Wednesday at Marcia Buker Elementary School, full day.
• Friday at Dresden ES from 7:30am-12: 30pm, at Richmond HS/MS from
MBES Update:
1. MBES faculty and students are working collaboratively in order to use grant
awarded money to construct and maintain a school “Butterfly Garden”. Students
have helped to plan the garden and will help in its construction and maintenance
to make this truly a collaborative effort. On Wednesday, students worked with
Mr. Tompkins as a whole 4th grade to learn math and measurement to help build
the raised beds. This project is incorporating MTs into a hands-on project for the
whole school.
2. MBES and Kolleen Cass, has been awarded and working on a Fuel up to Play 60
grant which has awarded the school $1600 to help make the school more healthy.
Students are working with staff to improve healthy eating within school and to
increase exercise. Students have proposed some new healthy eating option. The
group is also looking at obtaining pedometers to become part of the 100 Mile
3. October is Bullying Awareness month. Students will work within their classes
and via guidance lessons to help promote healthy peer interactions and to help
prevent bullying at MBES.
RHS/MS Update:
1. New RHS/RMS schedule has been completed and is working well. This new
schedule has provided students with increased access to classes (CATC students
have double the number of possible classes). Students have access to more
teachers. Interventions in Math, English, Social Studies, and science have been
helping students make progress on MTs. In addition increased math and foreign
language in the middle school has been met with overwhelming positive
2. On 9/29 seniors and juniors will travel to Kents Hill School to take part in a
regional college fair. Students will have access to hundreds of post secondary
schools in this exciting experience.
3. All sophomores and juniors will be taking part in October PSATs. While Maine
is switching to Smarter Balanced as the required standardized test. We feel that it
is important to provide students with a quality experience to both prepare them
for SATs and to help make student eligible for National Merit Scholarships.
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4. School culture has improved markedly. The number of behavioral referral,
detentions, and suspensions are down compared to school years 12-13 and 13-14.
In addition informal feedback from teachers, parents, and students, has been
overwhelmingly positive.
5. RHS/RMS is now working on improving the transition of new students into the
school. In RSU #2 we are innovative in our approach to learning. Many students
and families have expressed many questions when they enter our schools. In an
effort to help this transition an easier one, we are compiling resources and
conducting occasional new family introductions.
6. RHS/RMS faculty continues to work in PLGs in order to make progress on
community resources, use of data, and professional development. This
organically developed work has married nicely to our NextGen grant work on
developing Personalized Learning Plans. We view this work as instrumental to
helping students develop the skills, resources, and structures to develop
personalized plans and true multiple pathways to make their learning engaging
and relevant.
7. Cameron Emmons and Michaela Carney presented the Board with information
about their internship opportunities outside of school. Cameron is interning with
a dentist four to eight hours per week. Michaela is interning with a third grade
teacher one day per week. Both are addressing measurement topics and learning
targets from courses they are currently enrolled in while exploring careers they
are passionate about.
MBES Principal Mary Helen Williams’ report to the Board follows.
Marcia Buker has gotten off to a strong start, with some new staff members and a student
count of 215. We’ve welcomed our new special education teacher Kelly Hayes;
educational technician Tymbre Dore, fifth grade teacher Lori Libby, and our long-term
nurse substitute Hannah Goss. Also new this year is foreign language teacher Jonna
We have a new master schedule this year, one that allows more time for teachers to meet
during the day to discuss student progress with built-in target times as well—these are
periods during the week when we can group and re-group students according to their
proficiencies on learning targets. One big change in this new schedule was the
elimination of the midmorning recess; students have opportunities for movement breaks
and snack throughout the morning, but are no longer going outside for a 9:30 a.m. recess.
We’ve gained instructional time, including grade level and target times as mentioned.
Thanks to our parent/teacher group and the local youth sports group, we now have a
subscription to Adventure to Fitness, a program that gives our learners multiple ways to
move and learn in the classroom.
The impetus for the revised master schedule is our designation as a Focus School, as you
know, and we are taking advantage of the opportunity to look at and improve
instructional strategies. We had a wonderful compliment from our Focus School coach at
this week’s meeting. In year two of Focus School work the emphasis is on closing the
gap between the identified student groups. Our coach was impressed with the work our
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primary and intermediate grade levels teams are doing on looking at data and making
plans to help students improve.
Other news includes our upcoming Open House on Thursday, October 9 from 6 to 7, and
some of the creative hands-on learning that’s been mentioned in other reports this
evening. Also, in a nice example of community sharing, I wanted you to know that our
school was the recent recipient of a donation of school supplies by the Share Center,
which we’re distributing to classrooms and students.
In a closing note, I want to say how helpful our new social worker and behavior liaison
have been to both Dresden and Marcia Buker. Cathy Foyt has been right on target with
supporting students on attendance issues, and Kim Lord is advising on us on behavioral
strategies. Thank you for adding these key positions to our district staff.
Richmond MS/HS Principal Steve Lavoie’s report to the Board follows.
Opening of School: New schedule needed some adjustments but no more than the past.
Our goal is to be able to hand initial schedules to all students prior to the end of school in
June. Other than those adjustments, it was a smooth an opening as we have had in recent
Civil rights Team Project: Teams will be established at both the middle and high schools.
Faculty received initial training during the August retreat. Advisors (5: 2 MS, 2 HS plus
guidance) received trainings on 9/23. An assembly for all students was held on 9/29 with
Brandon Baldwin, Asst. State Attorney General in charge of the project. Student trainings
will occur on 11/4 in Augusta.
Student Athlete Leadership Team (SALT): With MPA support, we sent 5 high school
students and the current AD to a leadership conference held at Stonehill College in July,
with the expectation to form the team and address a multitude of issues. After an initial
meeting, topics to be addressed by the team include: maintaining numbers in sub varsity
teams, protocols for identifying team leadership and sportsmanship (both athlete and
School Newspaper: In the high school journalism class, students are producing an on line
newspaper. Upon its completion, the URL will be posted on our website for viewing.
MS/HS Sports teams are up and running and competing at a high level. Participation
numbers are up in the middle school.
Support of New Faculty: With 11 new staff members, support is critical. Meetings are
held every other Wednesday with a split agenda...issues that administration feels the need
to address and issues that new staff members feel the need for support. Well received.
Parent/teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 16 from 2:30 – 4:30 & 5:00 – 7:30.
Communications: Posting more and more information on the website. Establishing a list
of topics for regularly scheduled parent meetings. We are starting with a list generated by
a group of parents and will add to it by soliciting input at Parent/Teacher Conferences.
First meeting will be scheduled for early November after a list of topics is generated.
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Junior/Senior /Parent Night is scheduled for October 20. The topic is the college
application process. Additional sessions will be scheduled to address other issues such as
the financial aid process.
Second Reading and Approval of Policies
Director Cory Munsey motioned to approve the Policy and Personnel Committees
recommendations for the second reading and adoption of the following policies.
ADC – Tobacco Use and Possession
ADC-R – Tobacco Use and Possession Administrative Procedure
IKA – RSU #2 Performance Reporting System
IKE – Learner Progress through Learning System
IKF – Graduation Requirements / Proficiency Diploma
Director Shawna Corbett seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Approval of Resignation(s) / Retirement(s)
Director Shawna Corbett motioned to approve the following resignations.
Tom Toner, RSU Information System Support Specialist of IT
Melanie DiLorenzo, RHS Science
Director Mike Terrell seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Approval of Nominated Personnel
Director Shawna Corbett motioned to approve the Superintendent’s recommendations
for the following nominated personnel.
Amy Bongard, Hall-Dale Asst. Principal
Rachael Calder, Monmouth 7-12, French Teacher
Director Michael Terrell seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Approval of MBES’s Grade 5 trip to Boston
Director Jay Brown motioned to approve the Marcia Buker ES Grade 5 trip to Boston.
Director Lori Umberhind seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Director Cory Munsey asked teacher Lori Libby about the locations in Boston to be
visited. Ms. Libby explained they will use the trip to teach the personal finance MTs /
LTs outlined in grade 5 in preparation for their visits to Boston locations (Freedom Trail,
Museum of Science, etc.)
Ms. Libby announced a 5K road race will occur on 10/25 to raise money for the trip.
Approval to sell the 1996 Suburban
Director Shawna Corbett motioned to approve the sale of the 1996 Suburban. Director
Jay Brown seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Appointment of a School Board Representative to the Delegate Assembly of the Maine
School Board Association
Director Shawna Corbett nominated Director Bill Matthews as the School Board’s
Representative to the Delegate Assembly of the Maine School Board Association.
Director Lori Umberhind seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
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Approval of First Reading of Policies
Director Cory Munsey motioned to approve the Policy and Personnel Committee’s
recommendations for first reading of the following policies.
- EHB – Records Retention
- EHB-R – Records Retention Schedule
- EHB-R1 – General Disposition Schedule of Local Government Records
- EHB-R2 – General Disposition Schedule of School Records
Director Leanne Burnham seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Approval of RSU / Town Study by Planning Decisions
Director Jay Brown motioned to approve the engagement of Planning Decisions to
conduct a town study for the RSU. Director Shawna Corbett seconded the motion, voted
in favor unanimously.
Director Shawna Corbett commented that the self study will help us to better understand
our needs for the future.
Director Jonathan Hamann asked Superintendent Hammonds to update the Board, after
October 1st enrollment count, on a comparison of the self study with kids now enrolled.
Establishment of Monmouth Project Committee
Nominations included Directors Jay Brown, Dawn Gallagher, Jon Lambert, Mike Terrell
and all Monmouth Board Members Leanne Burnham, Jim Grandahl and Jonathan
Hamann. Director Leanne Burnham seconded the nominations, voted in favor
Director Cory Munsey asked if 7 members on the committee create a quorum and thus
creating a Board meeting.
Superintendent Hammonds will need to investigate.
Director Shawna Corbett asked if a policy can be established that would establish
Director Hammonds will need to investigate.
Monmouth Academy Trip to Peru in June 2014
Director Jay Brown motioned to approve Monmouth Academy’s trip to Peru in June
2014. Director Shawna Corbett seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Director Lori Umberhind asked if these trips are available to all RSU 2 high school
students. Superintendent Hammonds informed the Board that all trips are open to all RSU
2 high school students.
Monmouth Academy Outing Club trip to West Forks, Maine
Director Mike Terrell motioned to approve the Monmouth Academy Outing Club’s
white water rafting trip in West Forks, Maine. Director Jay Brown seconded the motion,
voted in favor unanimously.
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Facilities Committee
September 10, 2014 6:00 p.m.
Hall-Dale Elementary School
Committee Members Present:
Directors Jay Brown, Jim Grandahl and Jonathan
Committee Members Absent: Directors Jon Lambert and Mike Terrell
RSU 2 Staff: Superintendent Virgel Hammonds, Director of Buildings and Grounds
Gordon Murray, Asst. Director of Buildings and Grounds Frank Farias and
Business Mgr. Vicki Raymond
Nomination for Chair
Director Jim Grandahl nominated Jonathan Hamann as Chair of the Facilities
Director Jay Brown seconded the nomination, voted in favor
Facilities Director Report
Director of Buildings and Grounds Gordon Murray presented the
following report.
It has been a productive summer at RSU #2. Asst. Director of B&G
Frank and I and the entire custodial staff have worked hard to get the
maintenance done, to clean all of the buildings as well as cover special
projects in three of our schools. The challenges included summer
programs and teaching staff in our buildings. We strive to work safely
and efficiently and have had a record amount of room changes this past
summer. We are just a few days to operating with natural gas at HDMHS,
probably a few weeks at HDES. We will as a district save money in
2014/2015 with the cost of fuel, maintenance and increased efficiency
with these upgrades. We are moving forward.
Most of the work is finished on the modular project. Three new exterior
doors were installed just yesterday. The newly renovated art room is
functional and much more user friendly. The new sinks and layout of the
room work much better and have enhanced the program greatly.
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The Library is new and improved is now in use. It has a reading nook, more open floor
space and new book shelves including some that can be moved for meetings or other
classes that may take place in that room. Some of the work was performed by outside
contractors and some by RSU staff. I want to take the opportunity to express my
appreciation to Norm Balchelder (day Custodian) who built the new shelving. It is much
more functional and looks far less institutional than the old metal shelving. The IT
department will install a smart board in the near future. We are still doing some repairs to
the entrance ramp and will be painting that in the next few weeks. The changes have been
both functional and aesthetic. We are grateful to Mary Walsh and her work with the
Kenyon fund. There is a reception planned in October for the Kenyon family to express
our appreciation for this large grant for this project.
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The Hallowell Water District’s request for a 20% rate hike has been approved. The KJ
reports the reason for the increase is the need for increased staff required keep up with all
of the natural gas work taking place. This will increase this line item by approximately
Flashing School Zone sign - The HDES sign along with the associated solar panel was
damaged by a subcontractor who worked for Summit Gas. They tipped over the sign and
will be paying for all the damages. I am in frequent communication with AD Electric
regarding the status of the repair and their issue is that they do all streetlight repairs in the
state and are always very busy.
Irrigation - We have had some irrigation system failures at HDHS this summer. There
have been two major pipe leaks and some minor pump repairs.
Cameras and lighting - We are in the process of installing additional lighting and cameras
at the bus garage because of the recent vandalism of a few of the busses.
Mechanical contractors - Monmouth now has the same mechanical contractor as the rest
of the RSU. Specialty Services will be doing annual boiler cleanings and emergency
repairs at all Monmouth Schools. They have a technician who lives very close to the
schools so this too will be a benefit when it comes to response time. Head Custodian Bill
Ebert will continue to perform the necessary repairs that do not require specific trade
licenses as he has in the past.
ADA complaint - A parent of a child who participates in Richmond Recreation program
has lodged a complaint with the towns Code Enforcement Officer stating that the fields at
RMS/HS are not ADA compliant. This will promote a review of our fields that has not
yet been scheduled. Proposed work on that field is part of a larger project that includes
drainage and a town plan for Safe Routes project.
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RSU wide:
Surplus disposal of a truck - I am requesting permission to sell the 1996 Suburban that
has been replaced and is well past its useful life. The vehicle has had high maintenance
cost for the past five years. It has 164,000 miles on it and it. Like other vehicles we have
sold by public bid, it will not bring in much money but we will not have to pay to dispose
of it.
Bond project progress - The gas line has just been completed and ready for use at
HDMS/HS. There is a little more work to be done in the boiler room and we plan to light
the new boilers in the next week. The gas line has been completed across the HDES
property but not yet ready for gas. Specialty Services has begun their piping at that
facility and we expect to be ready when the gas becomes available. Oak Point Associates
has been doing additional roof evaluations in Monmouth to prepare for roof bid
specifications. They continue to work on the necessary feasibility and assessment of the
Central Office/Alternate Education facility at the Reed Street. Boiler feasibility work will
be done over the winter so we can choose the best available systems for Monmouth and
Monmouth Construction – Superintendent Virgel Hammonds and I have had one meeting
with Scott Brown at DOE as part of a series of meetings that will take place to ensure the
project moves forward in a reasonable manner. These are initial meetings and I will
provide a progress calendar that details the process.
Sale of 1996 Suburban
Director Jim Grandahl motioned to send the approval of the sale of the 1996
Suburban to the October Board of Directors meeting. Director Jay Brown
seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Director Jim Grandahl requested a priority list of school improvement projects
including an update on the 10 year capital plan, feasibility studies, that will
support capital improvements in the future.
School Construction Process
Explanation of the 21 step process and the multiple steps under each
approval process
Assignment of new architect
Questions for DOE
What committees do we need to form and when for the whole
Ideas from the Facilities Committee
Question previous HD building committee on lessons learned
How do we engage our educators in helping form the learning
Following is information that was distributed to the committee.
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Respectfully Submitted,
Virgel Hammonds
Superintendent of Schools
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Policy and Personnel Committee
Hall-Dale Elementary School, September 17, 2014 5:00 p.m.
Committee Members Present: Directors Leanne Burnham, Shawna Corbett and Bill
Other Board Members Present: Director Lori Umberhind
Board Members Absent:
Directors Dawn Gallagher and Cory Munsey
RSU Staff:
Superintendent Virgel Hammonds, Director of Student Achievement
Matt Shea and Director of IT John Armentrout
Election of Committee Chair – tabled at this time.
Second Reading of Tobacco Use Policies
Policy ADC – Tobacco Use and Possession was approved to move to
School Board for approval of minor edits.
Policy ADC-R – Tobacco Use and Possession Administrative Procedure
was approved to move to School Board for approval of revision to first
reading, adding “vapor” to definitions section.
First Reading of Record Retention Policy and Schedules
The following policies were approved to move to School Board for approval of
first reading.
EHB – Records Retention
Edits include: “information” to end of sentence 1 in Records Storage and
add “and or a digital cabinet” to second sentence.
EHB-E – Record Retention Schedule
EHB-R1 – General Disposition Schedule for Local Government Records
EHB-R2 – General Disposition Schedule for School Records
Second Reading of Performance Reporting System, Learner Progress and
Graduation Requirement Policies
The following policies were approved to move to School Board for second
IKA – RSU #2 Performance Reporting System
IKE – Learner Progress through Learning System
Edits include: Make the following sentence of paragraph 1, “Pre and post
level assessments and extended learning opportunities (evidence of
learning knowledge / skills outside of school) will be provided to foster
acceleration through the learning continuum as well as confirmation of
proficiency scores.”
IKF – Graduation Requirements / Proficiency Diploma (IKF) – to be
finalized by Curriculum
Edits include: Inclusion of the Habits of Mind / Guiding Principles.
Language will read, “Students will graduate with skills and habits of
mind to ensure college and career readiness.”
Respectfully Submitted,
Virgel A. Hammonds
Superintendent of Schools
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Curriculum Committee
Hall-Dale Elementary School
September 17, 2014 6:00 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Directors Leanne Burnham, Shawna Corbett, Bill
Matthews and Lori Umberhind
Committee Members Absent: Director Cory Munsey
RSU Staff Present:
Superintendent Virgel Hammonds, Director of Student
Achievement Matt Shea and Director of IT John Armentrout
Election of Committee Chair
Lori Umberhind was nominated as Chair of the committee and accepted the
nomination. The motion was approved.
Review of Community and School Feedback on Proficiency Diploma
Final proficiency levels for all content areas were approved for final confirmation
by our local stakeholders. Principals will present approved levels and
requirements to stakeholders for final feedback.
Maine Department of Education (DOE) reports
Per the State’s guidelines, RSU 2 will need to confirm a process for instructing
and validating Habits of Mind / the State’s Guiding Principles. These processes
will be vetted this year and submitted with the State’s Confirmation of Readiness
Respectfully Submitted,
Virgel A. Hammonds
Superintendent of Schools
Newly Hired, Newly Appointed Personnel
The Superintendent reported on the following new hires and newly appointed personnel.
John Wise, HDHS Special Ed Tech III
Angela Driscoll, HDHS Special Ed Tech III
Tymbre Dore, MBES Special Ed Tech III
Anne Beaulieu, RMS/HS Special Ed Tech II
Dennis Donaghy, Richmond Bus Driver
Karen Allen, HDMS/HS Accompanist
Christie Hunt, MMS (grades 4&5) Accompanist
Amanda Chick MMS (6-8) and MA Accompanist
Rebecca Caron, RHS/MS Accompanist
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Curriculum Leaders:
- Kari Biggs, Pre-K
- Marie Frizzell, Kindergarten
- Heather Gallant, Grade 1
- Meghan Skelton, Grade 2
- Carolyn Nott, Grade 3
- Ashley Lawrence, Grade 4
- Melinda Thibeault, Grade 5
- Kimarie Soule, 6-12 Math
- Brandon Terrill, 6-12 ELA
- John Libby, 6-12 Science
- Karen Doughty, 6-12 Social Studies
- Virgil Bozeman, K-12 Performing Arts
- Christine Edgecomb-Mudgett, K-12 Visual Arts
- Jane Brogan, K-12 World Languages
- Lauri-Beth Rankin, K-12 Health/PE
- Lorraine Ravis, Title One
- Rebecca Cassidy, Special Ed. (Richmond/Dresden)
- Eric Palleschi, Special Ed. (Monmouth)
- Dewey Hernandez, Special Ed. (Hall-Dale)
Jack Leet, HDHS JV Boys Soccer Coach
Gary Trafton, MA Varsity Girls Soccer Coach
Joe Fletcher, MA Varsity Boys Soccer Coach
Tom Menendez, MA Varsity Cross Country Coach
Dickson McCannell, MA Asst. Cross Country Coach
Russ Neal, MMS Boys Soccer Coach
Tom Beckwith, MMS Cross Country Co-Coach
Julie Wright, MMS Cross Country Co-Coach
Nancy Stover, DES Teacher Leader
Haley Bezon, HDES Part-time Teacher Leader
Mary Fortier, HDES Part-time Teacher Leader
Marie Gordon, HDES Part-time Teacher Leader
Sara Frautten, HDES Part-time Teacher Leader
Michelle Wheelock, HDES Part-time Teacher Leader
Lorraine Ravis, HCES Teacher Co-Leader
Karla Seymour, HCES Teacher Co-Leader
Marie Frizzell, HCES Teacher Leader
Michelle Dorman, MBES Teacher Leader
Shannon Heath, MBES Teacher Leader
Brandon Terrill, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Tom McKee, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Brenda Dalbeck, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Andrea Freed, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Libby Ladner, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Dan Crocker, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Tara Glasberg, HDHS/HDMS Part-time Teacher Leader
Meagan Soule, RHS Teacher Leader
Kimarie Soule, RMS Teacher Leader
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Truax McFarland, HDHS Academic Decathlon Advisor
Deb Large, HDHS Jazz Band
Deb Large, HDHS Jazz Choir
Deb Large, HDHS Music Festival
Brenda Dalbeck, HDHS One Act Play Advisor
Abby Crocker, HDHS Three Act Play Advisor
Tom McKee, HDHS Math Team Advisor
Tara Glasberg, HDHS National Honor Society Advisor
Jean Ambrose, HDHS Student Council Advisor
Kendra Guiou, HDHS Yearbook Advisor
Dan Crocker, HDMS Math Team Advisor
Tim Soule, HDMS Student Council Advisor
Jeromy Jamison, HDMS Yearbook Advisor
Cathy Foyt, MA Academic Decathlon Co-Advisor
Scott Foyt, MA Academic Decathlon Co-Advisor
John Reeves, MA Music Festival Advisor
Dennis Price, MA One Act Play Advisor
Dennis Price, MA Three Act Play Advisor
Susan Small, MA Math Team Advisor
Scott Wing, MA National Honor Society Advisor
Lucas, MA Student Council Co-Advisor
Brett Witherell, MA Student Council Co-Advisor
Elizabeth Ross, MA Yearbook Co-Advisor
Kristy Vickerson, MA Yearbook Co-Advisor
Shawn Schultz, MA MOBY Advisor
Elizabeth Ross, MMS Math Team Advisor
Virgil Bozeman, RHS Music Festival
Abby Drew (Bozeman), RHS Three Act Play
Caroline Arline, RHS Math Team Advisor
Paige Doble, RHS National Honor Society Advisor
Kerstin Kenney, RHS Yearbook Advisor
Charlie Urquhart, RHS Student Council Advisor
Erin Hartill, RHS Part-time Senior Advisor
Rachel Joiner, RHS Part-time Senior Advisor
Charlie Urquhart, RHS Part-time Senior Advisor
Kimarie Soule, RMS Math Team Advisor
Gary Carter, RMS Student Council Co-Advisor
Kit Canning, RMS Student Council Co-Advisor
Michelle Snowden, RMS Yearbook Advisor
Abby Drew (Bozeman), RMS Drama Advisor
- Jean Ambrose for Brant Miller
- Allison Myers for Zoe Eiber
- Kendra Guiou for Megan Samson
- Tim Soule for Jared Richmond
- Angela Moody for Kristy McLaughlin
- Dan Crocker for Liz Johnson
- John Libby for Erin Hartill
- Meagan Soule for Stephanie Millette
- Jennifer Merrill for Kelly Hayes
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Carolyn Arline for Rachel Joiner
Kimarie Soule for Jessica Viselli
Michael Garriepy for Jennifer Waterman
Christine Arsenault for Marisa Carson
Christine Arsenault for Ben Maynard
Debra Duplisea for Rachel Calder
Nancy Stover for Heather Jones
Melinda Thibeau for Erin Burns
Carolyn Nott and Scott Hunt for Jill Ouellette
The Superintendent reported on the following resignations
- Bonnie Goyette, HCES Special Ed Tech II
- Brittni Carver, RMS Special Ed Tech III
- Julie Hambleton, HDES Special Ed Tech III
School Field Trips [In-state / School Day]
The Superintendent reported on the following in-state, school-day field trips
- Dresden ES Pre-K – Grade 2 to Biscay Orchards in Damariscotta – 9/22/14
- Hall-Dale ES Kindergarten – Baileys Orchard in Whitefield – 9/17/14
- Hall-Dale ES Grade 1 – Wolfe Neck in Freeport – 10/17/14
- Hall-Dale ES Grade 3 – Fort Western in Augusta – 10/9/14
- Hall-Dale ES Grade 5 – Maine State Museum – 10/15/14
- Hall-Dale HS Art Classes – Colby Museum of Art in Waterville – 9/18/14
- Hall-Dale HS Trip to Thomas College – 10/17/14
- Monmouth MS Grades 7&8 – Common Ground Fair in Unity – 9/19/14
- MA English Classes – UMA visit – 11/4/14
- MA English Grades 11&12 – Theater at Monmouth – 10/17/14
- MA Grades 11&12 – College Fair at Kents Hill School – 9/29/14
- MA Grades 10-12 – Day of Caring in Monmouth, Leeds, Winthrop – 9/26/14
- MBES Pre-K – Bond’s Orchard in Richmond – 9/19/14
- MBES Gr. 2 Art Class – Bowdoin College Museum of Art in Brunswick – 11/5/14
- MBES Gr. 4 Art – Bridge of Opportunity at Richmond-Dresden Bridge – 10/14/14
- MBES Gr. 5 Art Class – Bowdoin College Museum of Art in Brunswick – 11/21/14
- MBES Gr. 5 Walking Trip to Richmond – 10/1/14
- RHS Grades 11&12 – College Fair at Kents Hill School – 9/29/14
Instructional Data Report from Coordinator of Student Achievement Matthew Shea
Coordinator of Student Achievement Matthew Shea presented the following report.
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Update on the Reed Center Discussions with the State of Maine
The State of Maine Bureau of General Services has issued a preliminary deed for our
review. That deed is being worked through with the State. Once the conditions are
approved, the Reed Center Complex will be purchased by the RSU from the State of
Maine for $1.
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October Board & School Events Calendar
Added to the Board calendar:
October 6, 6:00 p.m. – New Monmouth School at MMS
October 30, 5:00 p.m. – Finance Committee Meeting at MMS
October 30, 6:00 p.m. – New Monmouth School at MMS
Set Board Sub Committee Meeting Dates
Later school start times
Director Shawna Corbett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Director Lori Umberhind
seconded the motion, voted in favor unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Virgel Hammonds
Superintendent of Schools
RSU Brd Minutes 2014-2015: RSU Brd of Directors Minutes 10.2.14
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