Subjects - shaikha hessa girls` school


Subjects - shaikha hessa girls` school
Course: English Grade 6
Middle and High School
Credit: 1
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: 4.0
Pre-requisite: Grade 5
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
The students will cover many aspects of literature and language to enhance and improve
skills that they have learnt in previous years. Fictional as well as non-fictional texts are
explored in preparation for IGCSE. Language skills are taught alongside literature in
order for students to improve these skills.
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate control of wide variety of sentence types used for intended purpose
and desired effect.
Analyze and respond to the range of ideas and differing viewpoints, purposes
and themes in a variety of related texts.
Develop an understanding of how ideas, experiences and values are portrayed in
texts from different cultures and traditions.
Use speaking and listening to build up increasingly personal confidence,
managing and manipulating the content of their presentation
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment
 Literary works: The Breadwinner and The Tempest (Shakespeare).
 Poetry
 Media and Non-Fiction Texts
Course: Grade 6 Art
Middle and High School
Credit: 0
Year: 2013/2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
National Curriculum
Course Description:
Students will further develop knowledge, skills and understanding this year. Critical
thinking will be encouraged through exploring and responding to a number of topics
including Designing, Landscape, Van Gogh and Islamic Art. The students will develop
their technical skills through the use of a variety of materials and techniques throughout
the year. They will develop and explore ideas both independently and in groups and
will learn to develop these ideas into well presented work. Many life skills will be
enhanced through the year including: communication, problem solving, organization
and time management skills.
Learning Objectives:
Record from first-hand observation and explore ideas.
Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their
Investigate and experiment with a range of materials and processes
Try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes, including
Represent observations, ideas and feelings, and design and make images and artifacts.
Review what they/others have done and say what they think and feel about it.
Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in the future.
Use visual and tactile elements, including colour, texture, line, value, shape, form and
Identify differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in
different times and cultures.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Class Contribution
‫_____‪Course: _____8/7/6‬‬
‫‪Middle and High School‬‬
‫____اللغة العربية‬
‫________ ‪Pre-requisite:‬‬
‫______________ ‪GPA Weighting:‬‬
‫‪Int’l Curriculum‬‬
‫‪This course is based on:‬‬
‫‪Course Description:‬‬
‫توصيف مادة اللغة العربيّة ‪:‬‬
‫متّ تبويب منهج اللغة العربية للمرحلة اإلعدادية وفق نظام الوحدات وقد اعتمدنا فيه أساسا نظام األمناط قياسا على متطلبات منهج ‪IGCSE‬وقد عملنا على‬
‫متدرجا يف‬
‫متنوعة املصادرو الكتّاب واحلقب الزمنية أما القواعد النحوية والصرفية والبالغية و اإلمالء فإننا عملنا على توزيعها توزيعا متوازنا و ّ‬
‫أن تكون النّصوص ّ‬
‫كل املهارات‪.‬‬
‫هذه املرحلة الدراسية‪ .‬مع العلم أننا حاولنا تطويع املنهج املتوفّر ملتطلبات منهج كامربدج للمرحلة اإلعدادية ّ‬
‫خاصة يف ّ‬
‫كل وحدة املهارات التالية‪:‬‬
‫وتغطي ّ‬
‫هام من‬
‫‪ 1‬ـ مهارة القراءة وتتم ّكن الطالبة منها من خالل نصوص متنوعة املصادر والكتّاب واحلقب الزمنية واألمناط والفنون و املقاصد‪ّ .‬أما املطالعة‪ ،‬وهي فرع ّ‬
‫خصصنا هلا حصصا أسبوعيّة ثابتة و راعينا يف اختيار اآلثار األدبيّة ما ورد من توصيات يف منهج كامربدج وحرصنا على أن تكون مالئمة هلا‪.‬‬
‫فروع القراءة فقد ّ‬
‫كل منط درسته يف الوحدة‪ ،‬فتتهيأ برصيد معريف ميكنها من إتقان الكتابة يف كل الفنون كالرسالة والقصة ‪..‬‬
‫‪ 2‬ـ مهارة الكتابة فيها ّ‬
‫تدرب الطالبة على إتقان كتابة ّ‬
‫درب عليها من خالل املناقشات الصفية والعروض واإللقاء‪.‬‬
‫‪ 3‬ـ مهارة التحدث‪ :‬و تُ ّ‬
‫كل وحدة‪.‬‬
‫خصصت هلا ّ‬
‫‪ 4‬ـ مهارة االستماع ‪ّ .:‬‬
‫حصة ّ‬
‫قارة يف ّ‬
‫مادة اللغة العربيّة وقد خصصت هلا حصص موازية من حيث العدد حلصص القراءة و‬
‫هام من فروع ّ‬
‫‪ 5‬ـ القواعد النّحوية والصرفية والبالغية و اإلمالء ‪ :‬هي فرع ّ‬
‫الصف التاسع‪.‬‬
‫تدرس يف منهج‬
‫جتدر اإلشارة إىل أنّه متّ إدراج دروس البالغة يف منهج الصف الثامن بعدما كانت ّ‬
‫وسيظل باب التعديل مفتوحا‬
‫وختاما نرجو أن حي ّقق هذا املنهج ما رصدناه من أهداف وما رمسناه من آمال لالرتقاء مبستوى طالباتنا وطموحات مدرستنا‪...‬‬
‫لكل ما من شأنه ضمان الفائدة ‪...‬‬
‫مع حتيات قسم املواد العربيّة‬
‫‪Learning Objectives:‬‬
‫أهداف التعلم ‪:‬‬
‫‪.1 ‬استعمال أنماط نحوية وأسلوبية في الكتابة‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2 ‬جمع واستعمال معلومات لغرض إعداد البحوث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3 ‬استعمال المهارات العامة واستراتيجيات القراءة‪.‬‬
‫‪.4 ‬استعمال استراتيجيات لفهم النصوص وتحليلها‪.‬‬
‫‪.5 ‬استعمال مهارات القراءة لفهم نصوص معلوماتية وتفسيرها ‪.‬‬
‫‪.6 ‬استعمال استراتيجيات االستماع والتحدث ألغراض مختلفة ‪.‬‬
‫‪.7 ‬استعمال المهارات المرئية لفهم وتفسير الوسائل المعروضة‪.‬‬
‫‪Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution‬‬
‫تدربت عليها ‪.‬‬
‫كل المهارات التي ّ‬
‫يتم تقييم الطالبات تقييما مستمرا على مدار العام الدراسي باختبارات ّ‬
‫متنوعة شاملة ل ّ‬
‫متنوعة كالكتاب المدرسي المعتمد وكتب أخرى من مناهج عربيّة ‪ /‬الشبكة العالمية للمعلومات ‪ /‬المكتبة ‪ /‬الصحافة‪ /‬الروايات‪....‬‬
‫المصادر‪ :‬وهي ّ‬
‫‪Course: Arabic SS‬‬
‫‪Middle and High School‬‬
‫‪Year: 2013/2014‬‬
‫_____________________ ‪Credit:‬‬
‫________ ‪Pre-requisite:‬‬
‫______________ ‪GPA Weighting:‬‬
‫‪Int’l Curriculum‬‬
‫‪This course is based on:‬‬
‫‪Course Description:‬‬
‫مادة االجتماعيات والمواطنة للصفوف من السادس حتى العاشر ‪.‬‬
‫أهم الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها هي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬جغرافية الوطن العربي‬
‫‪ -2‬جغرافية دول مجلس التعاون‬
‫‪ -3‬جغرافية البحرين‬
‫‪ -4‬تاريخ حضارات العالم القديم وحضارة دلمون‬
‫‪ -5‬التاريخ االسالمي‬
‫‪ -6‬موضوعات متنوعة في مادة المواطنة تختلف باختالف الصفوف‬
‫‪Learning Objectives:‬‬
‫ ترسيخ المفاهيم والمعارف الواردة في كتاب الطالبة‪.‬‬‫تنمية مهارات التعامل مع الخرائط والجداول والرسوم البيانية وقراءة النصوص وتحليلها‪.‬‬‫تنمية مهارات التفكير العلمي كالربط بين األحداث والتمييز ودقة المالحظة‪.‬‬‫تدريب الطالبة على البحث وتعزيز قدراتها على التعلم الذتي‬‫تعزبز قيم االنتماء والوالء والحوار والتسامح كأسس للوحدة الوطنية ‪.‬‬‫ تقدير التراث البحريني وضرورة المحافظة على التراث والوسط البيئي ودعم التضامن والتعاون‬‫ التعريف بحقوق الطفل والمرأة وحقوق المولطن البحريني وواجباته ‪.‬‬‫)‪Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution‬‬
‫اختبارات قبلية‬
‫اختبارات قصيرة‬
‫اختبارات شهرية‬
‫اختبارات تجميعية‬
‫‪ -1‬الكتاب المدرسي ودفتر األنشطة ومصادر أخرى متن ّوعة كاالنترنت ‪.‬‬
Middle and High School
Course: French
Credit: _____________________
Year: 2013/2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Course Description:
In Shaikha Hessa Girl's School French has a statute of foreign language (third
language). Students are required to take two 40-minutes periods per week of French in
grades 4-8 and four 40-minutes periods per week of French in grades 9-10 as an
elective subject. French is not taught in grade 11 and 12 but the school is planning to
offer IB French language B. All students are required to take both a mid-term and a
final exam which each count for 20% of the semester average.
In French class we use a communicative approach and the emphasis is on oral
proficiency, comprehension and expression. Reading and writing skills are also
developed. Through extensive practice in class, students acquire the basic vocabulary
and constructions of French, providing a sound basis for further studies.
French is an elective subject for Grade 9 and 10, students have GCSE program for two
years. It offers positive and appropriate assessment for modern language learners. It
promotes the development of different language skills and provides opportunities to
apply these across a range of relevant contexts.
The French teacher has also an objective to prepare students to pass the Delf exam.
DELF " (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) is official qualification awarded by
the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside
France in the French language. DELF is composed of 6 independent diplomas that
correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFRL)".
Students who want to set this exam, they can do it in “The Alliance Française” in the
end of the year.
Shaikha Hessa Girls' School, for two years won a trophy because of the number of the
students who sat and pass the DELF exam.
Learning Objectives:
Grade 4 & 5
Can recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate
concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.
Can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or
in catalogs.
Spoken Interaction
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a
slower rate of speech and help me formulate what I’m trying to say.
Can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken Production
Can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and people I know.
Can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holiday greetings.
Can fill in forms with personal details, for example entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel
registration form.
Grade 6 & 7
Can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate
personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment).
Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
Can read very short, simple texts.
Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements,
menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters.
Spoken Interaction
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on
familiar topics and activities.
Can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can’t usually understand enough to keep the
conversation going myself.
Spoken Production
Can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living
conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job.
Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs.
Can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Drop Quiz
Project & presentation
Listening and reading comprehension / Writing and speaking production
Grade 4: Vitamine 1
Grade 5: Vitamine 2
Grade 6 : Pourquoi pas 1!
Grade 7: Pourquoi pas 2!
Grade 8 : Pourquoi pas 3!
Grade 9 & 10: French Edexcel
Classwork is supplemented by handouts, audio recordings and cultural readings.
Course: Mathematics, Grade 6
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
x Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Cambridge International Secondary 1 Mathematics curriculum provides a
comprehensive set of learning objectives for mathematics. The objectives detail
what the learner should know or what they should be able to do in each year of
secondary education.
Learning Objectives:
The Cambridge International secondary 1 mathematics is presented in six
curriculum areas: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measure, Handling Data and
Problem solving. The learning objective provides a structure for teaching and
learning and a reference against which learners’ ability and understanding can be
checked. The curriculum is dedicated to developing learners who are confident,
responsible, innovative and engaged.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Summative Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
- Quiz
- Drop Quiz
Projects / Presentations /
Other MEP resources
1 per quarter
1-2 per quarter
3-5 per quarter
1 per unit
Course: ICT Grades 6 & 7
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Pupils will use a wider range of ICT tools and information sources; they have to consider
the needs of the audience by thinking carefully about the content and quality. Pupils have:
to explore spreadsheet models to investigate the effect of changing values and identify
patterns; investigate information on the Internet and consider its reliability and accuracy;
combine text, images and sound to produce a presentation; create a 1- or 2-fold colour
information leaflet. Apart from the practical skills, computer literacy theory helps the
pupils to know the ICT systems they work with.
Learning Objectives:
Students will learn how to:
Present Information - further develop skills using desk top publishing, word
processing and multimedia slide presentations.
Format Spreadsheets - further develop spreadsheet skills to sort data (format and
formulae) and solve problems with the assistance of charts and graphs.
Arrange Information – further develop database skills to set the field properties,
sort records and query the database.
Refine Online Searches - use the Internet to explore reliability, validity and bias
on the Internet and employ a range of strategies to refine a search using a variety of
online ‘search engines’, bookmarking sites and copyright.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Most units have an assessment at the end, and some work is assessed by outcome. Pupils
are told at the beginning of each unit which of these apply and are referred to objectives
along the way.
35% Quiz/Drop quiz/Assignments
2 per quarter (total 8)
35% end of Unit Assessment
1 per quarter (total 4)
1 per quarter (total 4)
Computer Lab, Handouts, Projector, Scanner, Colour Printer, Digital Camera, Video
Camera and Reference Books.
‫مدرسة الشيخة حصة للبنات‬
‫مادة التربية اإلسالمية ‪ /‬الصفوف من ‪21 : 6‬‬
‫مدَّرســــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المادة ‪ /‬فتحية علي حسن‬
‫وصف المادة ‪:‬‬
‫* قرآن كريم‬
‫* أحاديث شريفة‬
‫* سيرة نبوية‬
‫* فقه‬
‫* عبادات‬
‫* شخصيات‬
‫أهداف التعلم ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .2‬بناء العقيدة اإلسالمية على أساس من الفهم واالقتناع ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ترسيخ الوالء هلل واالنتماء لألمة اإلسالمية واالعتزاز باإلسالم عقيدة ونظام حياة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬تقدير أهمية األخالق السامية في حياة الفرد والمجتمع ‪ ،‬وااللتزام بها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬اكتساب مهارات البحث العلمي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬التأكيد على صالحية اإلسالم لكل زمان ومكان ‪.‬‬
‫معايير التقييم ‪:‬‬
‫اختبارات قصيرة وطويلة ‪ /‬أوراق عمل ‪ /‬مناقشات شفهية ‪ /‬مسابقات ‪.‬‬
‫الموارد و المصادر‪:‬‬
‫كتب وزارة التربية والتعليم ‪ /‬أحاديث شريفة ‪ /‬مؤلفات لشخصيات إسالمية ‪ /‬االنترنت‬
‫أفالم وثائقية‪.‬‬
Instructor: Olena Ponomarenko
This course is based on: UK Natl: Secondary: Music
Attainment Target and Level Descriptions for Music G 6-8
At Key Stage 3, pupils should be encouraged to develop their musicianship and self-confidence
through a wide range of individual and group music-making activities. They should be
encouraged to listen to unfamiliar music with open and enquiring minds.
The making and responding to music requirements are carried out within the context of the
following composing, performing and listening activities. While one or more of these activities
may provide the main focus for a lesson, or part of a lesson, the three are interdependent. Pupils
should be encouraged to perceive their inter-relatedness.
Improvising and Composing
Pupils should have opportunities to:
create arrangements of familiar music and accompaniments to songs;
improvise within a rhythmic/harmonic framework and from a given stimulus;
explore the structural, expressive and stylistic potential of the elements of music,
compose music which expresses their ideas and feelings in relation to a given
present compositions and arrangements in a finished form and with appropriate
Interpreting and Performing
Pupils should have opportunities to:
perform a variety of music by ear, from memory and from notations;
perform music which increases technical control and expressive capability;
perform a variety of music which requires independent part-playing or singing;
develop skills in ensemble playing;
develop the ability to communicate with an audience when performing;
take responsibility for rehearsing and directing group performances.
Listening and Appraising
Pupils should have opportunities to:
identify and evaluate their own contribution to group compositions and
modify and refine their improvisations and compositions;
listen to a wide variety of music from different periods, styles, cultures and
contexts and discuss how the elements of music are used for structural and
expressive purposes;
listen to and discuss a wide variety of music which relates to, or will inform, the
music they compose and perform;
listen to and appraise their own music and that of others.
Attainment target
Music has one attainment target entitled: Making and Responding to Music. The level
descriptions, set out within Levels 1 to 8, therefore, cover the subject as a whole. The
relationships between the attainment target and the program of study is set out below.
The program of study at Key Stage 3 covers up to Level 8 of the attainment target. It is expected
that the majority of pupils will be working at either Level 5 or 6 at the end of the Key Stage. It
should be noted that level descriptions build successively on the knowledge, understanding and
skills of lower levels which are, therefore, subsumed within them.
Level 3
Pupils recognize and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively. They sing
in tune with expression and perform rhythmically simple parts that use a limited range of notes.
They improvise repeated patterns and combine several layers of sound with awareness of the
combined effect. They recognize how the different musical elements are combined and used
expressively and make improvements to their own work, commenting on the intended effect.
Level 4
Pupils identify and explore the relationship between sounds and how music reflects different
intentions. While performing by ear and from simple notations they maintain their own part with
awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect. They
improvise melodic and rhythmic phrases as part of a group performance and compose by
developing ideas within musical structures. They describe, compare and evaluate different kinds
of music using an appropriate musical vocabulary. They suggest improvements to their own and
others' work, commenting on how intentions have been achieved.
Level 5
Pupils identify and explore musical devices and how music reflects time and place. They
perform significant parts from memory and from notations with awareness of their own
contribution such as leading others, taking a solo part and/or providing rhythmic support. They
improvise melodic and rhythmic material within given structures, use a variety of notations and
compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical devices such as melody,
rhythms, chords and structures. They analyze and compare musical features. They evaluate how
venue, occasion and purpose affects the way music is created, performed and heard. They refine
and improve their work.
Level 6
Pupils identify and explore the different processes and contexts of selected musical genres and
styles. They select and make expressive use of tempo, dynamics, phrasing and timbre. They
make subtle adjustments to fit their own part within a group performance. They improvise and
compose in different genres and styles, using harmonic and non-harmonic devices where
relevant, sustaining and developing musical ideas and achieving different intended effects. They
use relevant notations to plan, revise and refine material. They analyze, compare and evaluate
how music reflects the contexts in which it is created, performed and heard. They make
improvements to their own and others' work in the light of the chosen style.
Level 7
Pupils discriminate and explore musical conventions in, and influences on, selected genres,
styles and traditions. They perform in different styles, making significant contributions to the
ensemble and using relevant notations. They create coherent compositions drawing on
internalized sounds and adapt, improvise, develop, extend and discard musical ideas within given
and chosen musical structures, genres, styles and traditions. They evaluate, and make critical
judgments about, the use of musical conventions and other characteristics and how different
contexts are reflected in their own and others' work.
Level 8
Pupils discriminate and exploit the characteristics and expressive potential of selected musical
resources, genres, styles and traditions. They perform, improvise and compose extended
compositions with a sense of direction and shape, both within melodic and rhythmic phrases and
overall form. They explore different styles, genres and traditions, working by ear and by making
accurate use of appropriate notations and both following and challenging conventions. They
discriminate between musical styles, genres and traditions, commenting on the relationship
between the music and its cultural context, making and justifying their own judgments.
Exceptional performance
Pupils discriminate and develop different interpretations. They express their own ideas and
feelings in a developing personal style exploiting instrumental and/or vocal possibilities. They
give convincing performances and demonstrate empathy with other performers. They produce
compositions that demonstrate a coherent development of musical ideas, consistency of style and
a degree of individuality. They discriminate and comment on how and why changes occur within
selected traditions including the particular contribution of significant performers and composers.
Grades Distribution:
Musical skills: the development of performing, composing and appraising
Musical elements: the understanding of pitch, duration, dynamics, etc
Personal Communication/ Class work
Musical understanding: (the conventions of styles, genres and musical thinking.
Course: International Curriculum
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Grade: 6
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
The program of study for this year will include the following:
Fitness program
Invasion games such as Football and Basketball.
Gymnastic activities.
Athletic activities.
Swimming activities.
Training and exercise.
Net and wall games.
Learning Objectives:
1. Respect everybody and appreciate the importance of sports on your daily
2. Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and
3. Develop your ideas in a creative way; set targets for themselves and compete
against others individually and as team members.
4. Take the initiative, lead activity and focus on improving aspects of their own
5. Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Make sure to wear proper PE Uniform (sweat-pants-t-shirt), running or football shoes.
Shoes or flats like Vans,Toms,Tods and converse aren’t considered sports shoes.
Course: Science Grade 6
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Science is the integral part of modern culture. With the knowledge of science , students feel
comfortable in this ever expanding technological world. The grade 6 science curriculum is an
activity based “hands-on , minds-on” approach to the study of science. Students are actively
involved in the learning of science concepts in the areas of life, earth and physical sciences.
Every unit of the course will have practical experiences and activities in the class and
laboratory for students to understand and use scientific concepts.
Learning Objectives:
The Aims of the teaching and study of sciences are to encourage and enable students to:
 develop curiosity, interest and enjoyment towards science and its methods of inquiry
 acquire scientific knowledge and understanding
 communicate scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences effectively in a
variety of ways
 develop experimental and investigative skills to design and carry out scientific
investigations and to evaluate evidence to draw a conclusion
 develop critical, creative and inquiring minds that pose questions, solve problems,
construct explanations, judge arguments and make informed decisions in scientific and
other contexts
 appreciate the relationship between science and technology and their role in society
 observe safety rules and practices to ensure a safe working environment during
scientific activities
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Students will earn grades based on the following criteria:
Assessment- Level Assessed Tasks/
Tests/Quizzes/Drop Quizzes
Inquiry skills- Projects/ Laboratory
Go Science Book 1-Heinemann; Teacher references and personal library of materials.
Additional resources
Course: Grade 6 Social Studies
Middle and High School
Year 2013 -2014
Credit: 1
GPA Weighting: 4.0
This course is based on:
Pre-requisite: Gr 5 Social
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description
This is a combination of history and geography.
The first 2 quarters will be spent on Islamic achievements from 600 to 1750. We shall
discover what Islam brought to the rest of the world. We shall then move onto Medieval
Quarter 3 and 4 will be on earthquakes, volcanoes and population growth. We shall also
cover flood disaster and world sport.
Learning Objective
 To examine Islamic achievements in history, scientific discoveries,
mathematics, astronomy and philosophy.
To discover how far Islam spread across the world.
To examine British history from the Norman Conquest to The War of the Roses
To learn skill needed for study of maps.
To examine human settlements
To learn the water cycle, the landforms formed by water and the possible
hazards accompanied by too much or shortage of water.
To learn the forces of nature from within the Earth and the dangers and hazards
associated with it.
Assessment Criteria: (Grade distribution)
40% Summative Assessment
20% Formative Summative
40% Projects/ Presentations
Course: English Grade 7
Credit: 1
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: 4.0
Pre-requisite: Grade 6
This course is based on:
Middle and High School
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
The students will cover many aspects of literature and language to enhance and improve
skills that they have learnt in previous years. Fictional as well as non-fictional texts are
explored in preparation for IGCSE. Language skills are taught alongside literature in
order for students to improve these skills.
Learning Objectives:
 Demonstrate control of wide variety of sentence types used for intended purpose
and desired effect.
 Analyze and respond to the range of ideas and differing viewpoints, purposes
and themes in a variety of related texts.
 Develop an understanding of how ideas, experiences and values are portrayed in
texts from different cultures and traditions.
 Use speaking and listening to build up increasingly personal confidence,
managing and manipulating the content of their presentation
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment
 Literary works: Holes and Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare).
 Poetry
 Media and Non-Fiction Texts
Course: Grade 7 Art
Middle and High School
Credit: 0
Year: 2013/2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
National Curriculum
Course Description:
Students will further develop knowledge, skills and understanding this year. Critical
thinking will be encouraged through exploring and responding to a number of topics
including Pop Art, Islamic Art, Figures and Aboriginal Art. The students will develop
their technical skills through the use of a variety of materials and techniques throughout
the year. They will develop and explore ideas independently and learn to develop these
ideas into well presented work. Many life skills will be enhanced through the year
including: communication, problem solving, organization and time management skills.
Learning Objectives:
Record from first-hand observation and explore ideas.
Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their
Investigate and experiment with a range of materials and processes
Try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes, including
Represent observations, ideas and feelings, and design and make images and artifacts.
Review what they/others have done and say what they think and feel about it.
Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in the future.
Use visual and tactile elements, including colour, texture, line, value, shape, form and
Identify differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in
different times and cultures.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Class Contribution
‫_____‪Course: _____8/7/6‬‬
‫‪Middle and High School‬‬
‫____اللغة العربية‬
‫________ ‪Pre-requisite:‬‬
‫______________ ‪GPA Weighting:‬‬
‫‪Int’l Curriculum‬‬
‫‪This course is based on:‬‬
‫‪Course Description:‬‬
‫توصيف مادة اللغة العربيّة ‪:‬‬
‫متّ تبويب منهج اللغة العربية للمرحلة اإلعدادية وفق نظام الوحدات وقد اعتمدنا فيه أساسا نظام األمناط قياسا على متطلبات منهج ‪IGCSE‬وقد عملنا على‬
‫متدرجا يف‬
‫متنوعة املصادرو الكتّاب واحلقب الزمنية أما القواعد النحوية والصرفية والبالغية و اإلمالء فإننا عملنا على توزيعها توزيعا متوازنا و ّ‬
‫أن تكون النّصوص ّ‬
‫كل املهارات‪.‬‬
‫هذه املرحلة الدراسية‪ .‬مع العلم أننا حاولنا تطويع املنهج املتوفّر ملتطلبات منهج كامربدج للمرحلة اإلعدادية ّ‬
‫خاصة يف ّ‬
‫كل وحدة املهارات التالية‪:‬‬
‫وتغطي ّ‬
‫هام من‬
‫‪ 1‬ـ مهارة القراءة وتتم ّكن الطالبة منها من خالل نصوص متنوعة املصادر والكتّاب واحلقب الزمنية واألمناط والفنون و املقاصد‪ّ .‬أما املطالعة‪ ،‬وهي فرع ّ‬
‫خصصنا هلا حصصا أسبوعيّة ثابتة و راعينا يف اختيار اآلثار األدبيّة ما ورد من توصيات يف منهج كامربدج وحرصنا على أن تكون مالئمة هلا‪.‬‬
‫فروع القراءة فقد ّ‬
‫كل منط درسته يف الوحدة‪ ،‬فتتهيأ برصيد معريف ميكنها من إتقان الكتابة يف كل الفنون كالرسالة والقصة ‪..‬‬
‫‪ 2‬ـ مهارة الكتابة فيها ّ‬
‫تدرب الطالبة على إتقان كتابة ّ‬
‫درب عليها من خالل املناقشات الصفية والعروض واإللقاء‪.‬‬
‫‪ 3‬ـ مهارة التحدث‪ :‬و تُ ّ‬
‫كل وحدة‪.‬‬
‫خصصت هلا ّ‬
‫‪ 4‬ـ مهارة االستماع ‪ّ .:‬‬
‫حصة ّ‬
‫قارة يف ّ‬
‫مادة اللغة العربيّة وقد خصصت هلا حصص موازية من حيث العدد حلصص القراءة و‬
‫هام من فروع ّ‬
‫‪ 5‬ـ القواعد النّحوية والصرفية والبالغية و اإلمالء ‪ :‬هي فرع ّ‬
‫الصف التاسع‪.‬‬
‫تدرس يف منهج‬
‫جتدر اإلشارة إىل أنّه متّ إدراج دروس البالغة يف منهج الصف الثامن بعدما كانت ّ‬
‫وسيظل باب التعديل مفتوحا‬
‫وختاما نرجو أن حي ّقق هذا املنهج ما رصدناه من أهداف وما رمسناه من آمال لالرتقاء مبستوى طالباتنا وطموحات مدرستنا‪...‬‬
‫لكل ما من شأنه ضمان الفائدة ‪...‬‬
‫مع حتيات قسم املواد العربيّة‬
‫‪Learning Objectives:‬‬
‫أهداف التعلم ‪:‬‬
‫‪.1 ‬استعمال أنماط نحوية وأسلوبية في الكتابة‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2 ‬جمع واستعمال معلومات لغرض إعداد البحوث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3 ‬استعمال المهارات العامة واستراتيجيات القراءة‪.‬‬
‫‪.4 ‬استعمال استراتيجيات لفهم النصوص وتحليلها‪.‬‬
‫‪.5 ‬استعمال مهارات القراءة لفهم نصوص معلوماتية وتفسيرها ‪.‬‬
‫‪.6 ‬استعمال استراتيجيات االستماع والتحدث ألغراض مختلفة ‪.‬‬
‫‪.7 ‬استعمال المهارات المرئية لفهم وتفسير الوسائل المعروضة‪.‬‬
‫‪Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution‬‬
‫تدربت عليها ‪.‬‬
‫كل المهارات التي ّ‬
‫يتم تقييم الطالبات تقييما مستمرا على مدار العام الدراسي باختبارات ّ‬
‫متنوعة شاملة ل ّ‬
‫متنوعة كالكتاب المدرسي المعتمد وكتب أخرى من مناهج عربيّة ‪ /‬الشبكة العالمية للمعلومات ‪ /‬المكتبة ‪ /‬الصحافة‪ /‬الروايات‪....‬‬
‫المصادر‪ :‬وهي ّ‬
‫‪Course: Arabic SS‬‬
‫‪Middle and High School‬‬
‫‪Year: 2013/2014‬‬
‫_____________________ ‪Credit:‬‬
‫________ ‪Pre-requisite:‬‬
‫______________ ‪GPA Weighting:‬‬
‫‪Int’l Curriculum‬‬
‫‪This course is based on:‬‬
‫‪Course Description:‬‬
‫مادة االجتماعيات والمواطنة للصفوف من السادس حتى العاشر ‪.‬‬
‫أهم الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها هي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬جغرافية الوطن العربي‬
‫‪ -2‬جغرافية دول مجلس التعاون‬
‫‪ -3‬جغرافية البحرين‬
‫‪ -4‬تاريخ حضارات العالم القديم وحضارة دلمون‬
‫‪ -5‬التاريخ االسالمي‬
‫‪ -6‬موضوعات متنوعة في مادة المواطنة تختلف باختالف الصفوف‬
‫‪Learning Objectives:‬‬
‫ ترسيخ المفاهيم والمعارف الواردة في كتاب الطالبة‪.‬‬‫تنمية مهارات التعامل مع الخرائط والجداول والرسوم البيانية وقراءة النصوص وتحليلها‪.‬‬‫تنمية مهارات التفكير العلمي كالربط بين األحداث والتمييز ودقة المالحظة‪.‬‬‫تدريب الطالبة على البحث وتعزيز قدراتها على التعلم الذتي‬‫تعزبز قيم االنتماء والوالء والحوار والتسامح كأسس للوحدة الوطنية ‪.‬‬‫ تقدير التراث البحريني وضرورة المحافظة على التراث والوسط البيئي ودعم التضامن والتعاون‬‫ التعريف بحقوق الطفل والمرأة وحقوق المولطن البحريني وواجباته ‪.‬‬‫)‪Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution‬‬
‫اختبارات قبلية‬
‫اختبارات قصيرة‬
‫اختبارات شهرية‬
‫اختبارات تجميعية‬
‫‪ -1‬الكتاب المدرسي ودفتر األنشطة ومصادر أخرى متن ّوعة كاالنترنت ‪.‬‬
Middle and High School
Course: French
Credit: _____________________
Year: 2013/2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Course Description:
In Shaikha Hessa Girl's School French has a statute of foreign language (third
language). Students are required to take two 40-minutes periods per week of French in
grades 4-8 and four 40-minutes periods per week of French in grades 9-10 as an
elective subject. French is not taught in grade 11 and 12 but the school is planning to
offer IB French language B. All students are required to take both a mid-term and a
final exam which each count for 20% of the semester average.
In French class we use a communicative approach and the emphasis is on oral
proficiency, comprehension and expression. Reading and writing skills are also
developed. Through extensive practice in class, students acquire the basic vocabulary
and constructions of French, providing a sound basis for further studies.
French is an elective subject for Grade 9 and 10, students have GCSE program for two
years. It offers positive and appropriate assessment for modern language learners. It
promotes the development of different language skills and provides opportunities to
apply these across a range of relevant contexts.
The French teacher has also an objective to prepare students to pass the Delf exam.
DELF " (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) is official qualification awarded by
the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside
France in the French language. DELF is composed of 6 independent diplomas that
correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFRL)".
Students who want to set this exam, they can do it in “The Alliance Française” in the
end of the year.
Shaikha Hessa Girls' School, for two years won a trophy because of the number of the
students who sat and pass the DELF exam.
Learning Objectives:
Grade 4 & 5
Can recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate
concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.
Can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or
in catalogs.
Spoken Interaction
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a
slower rate of speech and help me formulate what I’m trying to say.
Can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken Production
Can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and people I know.
Can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holiday greetings.
Can fill in forms with personal details, for example entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel
registration form.
Grade 6 & 7
Can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate
personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment).
Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
Can read very short, simple texts.
Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements,
menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters.
Spoken Interaction
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on
familiar topics and activities.
Can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can’t usually understand enough to keep the
conversation going myself.
Spoken Production
Can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living
conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job.
Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs.
Can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Drop Quiz
Project & presentation
Listening and reading comprehension / Writing and speaking production
Grade 4: Vitamine 1
Grade 5: Vitamine 2
Grade 6 : Pourquoi pas 1!
Grade 7: Pourquoi pas 2!
Grade 8 : Pourquoi pas 3!
Grade 9 & 10: French Edexcel
Classwork is supplemented by handouts, audio recordings and cultural readings.
Course: Mathematics
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Year: 7
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
x Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Cambridge International Secondary 1 Mathematics curriculum provides a
comprehensive set of learning objectives for mathematics. The objectives detail
what the learner should know or what they should be able to do in each year of
secondary education.
Learning Objectives:
The Cambridge International secondary 1 mathematics is presented in six
curriculum areas: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measure, Handling Data and
Problem solving. The learning objective provides a structure for teaching and
learning and a reference against which learners’ ability and understanding can be
checked. The curriculum is dedicated to developing learners who are confident,
responsible, innovative and engaged.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Summative Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
- Quiz
- Drop Quiz
Projects / Presentations /
Other MEP resources
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
1 per quarter
1-2 per quarter
3-5 per quarter
1 per unit
Course: ICT Grades 6 & 7
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Pupils will use a wider range of ICT tools and information sources; they have to consider
the needs of the audience by thinking carefully about the content and quality. Pupils have:
to explore spreadsheet models to investigate the effect of changing values and identify
patterns; investigate information on the Internet and consider its reliability and accuracy;
combine text, images and sound to produce a presentation; create a 1- or 2-fold colour
information leaflet. Apart from the practical skills, computer literacy theory helps the
pupils to know the ICT systems they work with.
Learning Objectives:
Students will learn how to:
Present Information - further develop skills using desk top publishing, word
processing and multimedia slide presentations.
Format Spreadsheets - further develop spreadsheet skills to sort data (format and
formulae) and solve problems with the assistance of charts and graphs.
Arrange Information – further develop database skills to set the field properties,
sort records and query the database.
Refine Online Searches - use the Internet to explore reliability, validity and bias
on the Internet and employ a range of strategies to refine a search using a variety of
online ‘search engines’, bookmarking sites and copyright.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Most units have an assessment at the end, and some work is assessed by outcome. Pupils
are told at the beginning of each unit which of these apply and are referred to objectives
along the way.
35% Quiz/Drop quiz/Assignments
2 per quarter (total 8)
35% end of Unit Assessment
1 per quarter (total 4)
1 per quarter (total 4)
Computer Lab, Handouts, Projector, Scanner, Colour Printer, Digital Camera, Video
Camera and Reference Books.
‫مدرسة الشيخة حصة للبنات‬
‫مادة التربية اإلسالمية ‪ /‬الصفوف من ‪21 : 6‬‬
‫مدَّرســــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المادة ‪ /‬فتحية علي حسن‬
‫وصف المادة ‪:‬‬
‫* قرآن كريم‬
‫* أحاديث شريفة‬
‫* سيرة نبوية‬
‫* فقه‬
‫* عبادات‬
‫* شخصيات‬
‫أهداف التعلم ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .2‬بناء العقيدة اإلسالمية على أساس من الفهم واالقتناع ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ترسيخ الوالء هلل واالنتماء لألمة اإلسالمية واالعتزاز باإلسالم عقيدة ونظام حياة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬تقدير أهمية األخالق السامية في حياة الفرد والمجتمع ‪ ،‬وااللتزام بها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬اكتساب مهارات البحث العلمي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬التأكيد على صالحية اإلسالم لكل زمان ومكان ‪.‬‬
‫معايير التقييم ‪:‬‬
‫اختبارات قصيرة وطويلة ‪ /‬أوراق عمل ‪ /‬مناقشات شفهية ‪ /‬مسابقات ‪.‬‬
‫الموارد و المصادر‪:‬‬
‫كتب وزارة التربية والتعليم ‪ /‬أحاديث شريفة ‪ /‬مؤلفات لشخصيات إسالمية ‪ /‬االنترنت‬
‫أفالم وثائقية‪.‬‬
Instructor: Olena Ponomarenko
This course is based on: UK Natl: Secondary: Music
Attainment Target and Level Descriptions for Music G 6-8
At Key Stage 3, pupils should be encouraged to develop their musicianship and self-confidence
through a wide range of individual and group music-making activities. They should be
encouraged to listen to unfamiliar music with open and enquiring minds.
The making and responding to music requirements are carried out within the context of the
following composing, performing and listening activities. While one or more of these activities
may provide the main focus for a lesson, or part of a lesson, the three are interdependent. Pupils
should be encouraged to perceive their inter-relatedness.
Improvising and Composing
Pupils should have opportunities to:
create arrangements of familiar music and accompaniments to songs;
improvise within a rhythmic/harmonic framework and from a given stimulus;
explore the structural, expressive and stylistic potential of the elements of music,
compose music which expresses their ideas and feelings in relation to a given
present compositions and arrangements in a finished form and with appropriate
Interpreting and Performing
Pupils should have opportunities to:
perform a variety of music by ear, from memory and from notations;
perform music which increases technical control and expressive capability;
perform a variety of music which requires independent part-playing or singing;
develop skills in ensemble playing;
develop the ability to communicate with an audience when performing;
take responsibility for rehearsing and directing group performances.
Listening and Appraising
Pupils should have opportunities to:
identify and evaluate their own contribution to group compositions and
modify and refine their improvisations and compositions;
listen to a wide variety of music from different periods, styles, cultures and
contexts and discuss how the elements of music are used for structural and
expressive purposes;
listen to and discuss a wide variety of music which relates to, or will inform, the
music they compose and perform;
listen to and appraise their own music and that of others.
Attainment target
Music has one attainment target entitled: Making and Responding to Music. The level
descriptions, set out within Levels 1 to 8, therefore, cover the subject as a whole. The
relationships between the attainment target and the program of study is set out below.
The program of study at Key Stage 3 covers up to Level 8 of the attainment target. It is expected
that the majority of pupils will be working at either Level 5 or 6 at the end of the Key Stage. It
should be noted that level descriptions build successively on the knowledge, understanding and
skills of lower levels which are, therefore, subsumed within them.
Level 3
Pupils recognize and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively. They sing
in tune with expression and perform rhythmically simple parts that use a limited range of notes.
They improvise repeated patterns and combine several layers of sound with awareness of the
combined effect. They recognize how the different musical elements are combined and used
expressively and make improvements to their own work, commenting on the intended effect.
Level 4
Pupils identify and explore the relationship between sounds and how music reflects different
intentions. While performing by ear and from simple notations they maintain their own part with
awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect. They
improvise melodic and rhythmic phrases as part of a group performance and compose by
developing ideas within musical structures. They describe, compare and evaluate different kinds
of music using an appropriate musical vocabulary. They suggest improvements to their own and
others' work, commenting on how intentions have been achieved.
Level 5
Pupils identify and explore musical devices and how music reflects time and place. They
perform significant parts from memory and from notations with awareness of their own
contribution such as leading others, taking a solo part and/or providing rhythmic support. They
improvise melodic and rhythmic material within given structures, use a variety of notations and
compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical devices such as melody,
rhythms, chords and structures. They analyze and compare musical features. They evaluate how
venue, occasion and purpose affects the way music is created, performed and heard. They refine
and improve their work.
Level 6
Pupils identify and explore the different processes and contexts of selected musical genres and
styles. They select and make expressive use of tempo, dynamics, phrasing and timbre. They
make subtle adjustments to fit their own part within a group performance. They improvise and
compose in different genres and styles, using harmonic and non-harmonic devices where
relevant, sustaining and developing musical ideas and achieving different intended effects. They
use relevant notations to plan, revise and refine material. They analyze, compare and evaluate
how music reflects the contexts in which it is created, performed and heard. They make
improvements to their own and others' work in the light of the chosen style.
Level 7
Pupils discriminate and explore musical conventions in, and influences on, selected genres,
styles and traditions. They perform in different styles, making significant contributions to the
ensemble and using relevant notations. They create coherent compositions drawing on
internalized sounds and adapt, improvise, develop, extend and discard musical ideas within given
and chosen musical structures, genres, styles and traditions. They evaluate, and make critical
judgments about, the use of musical conventions and other characteristics and how different
contexts are reflected in their own and others' work.
Level 8
Pupils discriminate and exploit the characteristics and expressive potential of selected musical
resources, genres, styles and traditions. They perform, improvise and compose extended
compositions with a sense of direction and shape, both within melodic and rhythmic phrases and
overall form. They explore different styles, genres and traditions, working by ear and by making
accurate use of appropriate notations and both following and challenging conventions. They
discriminate between musical styles, genres and traditions, commenting on the relationship
between the music and its cultural context, making and justifying their own judgments.
Exceptional performance
Pupils discriminate and develop different interpretations. They express their own ideas and
feelings in a developing personal style exploiting instrumental and/or vocal possibilities. They
give convincing performances and demonstrate empathy with other performers. They produce
compositions that demonstrate a coherent development of musical ideas, consistency of style and
a degree of individuality. They discriminate and comment on how and why changes occur within
selected traditions including the particular contribution of significant performers and composers.
Grades Distribution:
Musical skills: the development of performing, composing and appraising
Musical elements: the understanding of pitch, duration, dynamics, etc
Personal Communication/ Class work
Musical understanding: (the conventions of styles, genres and musical thinking.
Course: International Curriculum
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Grade: 7
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
The program of study for this year will include the following:
Fitness program
Invasion games such as Football, Basketball and Hockey.
Gymnastic activities.
Athletic activities.
Swimming activities.
Net and wall games.
Training and exercise.
Learning Objectives:
1. Respect everybody and appreciate the importance of sports on your daily
2. Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and
3. Develop your ideas in a creative way; set targets for themselves and compete
against others individually and as team members.
4. Take the initiative, lead activity and focus on improving aspects of their own
5. Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.
6. Learn the basic skills and technique in each sport given and develop their
abilities to obtain success.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Make sure to wear proper PE Uniform (sweat-pants-t-shirt), running or football shoes.
Shoes or flats like Vans,Toms,Tods and converse aren’t considered sports shoes.
Course: Science, Grade 7
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Science is the integral part of modern culture. With the knowledge of science , students feel
comfortable in this ever expanding technological world. The grade 7 science curriculum is an
activity based “hands-on , minds-on” approach to the study of science. Students are actively
involved in the learning of science concepts in the areas of life, earth and physical sciences.
Every unit of the course will have practical experiences and activities in the class and
laboratory for students to understand and use scientific concepts.
Learning Objectives:
The Aims of the teaching and study of sciences are to encourage and enable students to:
 develop curiosity, interest and enjoyment towards science and its methods of inquiry
 acquire scientific knowledge and understanding
 communicate scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences effectively in a
variety of ways
 develop experimental and investigative skills to design and carry out scientific
investigations and to evaluate evidence to draw a conclusion
 develop critical, creative and inquiring minds that pose questions, solve problems,
construct explanations, judge arguments and make informed decisions in scientific and
other contexts
 appreciate the relationship between science and technology and their role in society
 observe safety rules and practices to ensure a safe working environment during
scientific activities
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Students will earn grades based on the following criteria:
Assessment- Level Assessed Tasks/
Tests/Quizzes/Drop Quizzes
Inquiry skills- Projects/ Laboratory
Go Science Book 2 - Heinemann ; Teacher references and personal library of materials.
Additional resources
Course: Social Studies Grade 7
Credit: 1
GPA Weighting: 4.0
This course is based on:
Middle and High School
Year: 2013-2014
Pre-requisite: Gr 6 Social
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
We shall be teaching both history and geography throughout the year. We begin with
the French Revolution, Industrial Changes, the Mughal Empire in India and ending with
the British Empire.
We shall then move onto Rivers, Coastal Environments, Brazil and the world
Learning Objectives:
To discover how the French Revolution came about.
To examine how the Industrial Revolution affected Britain.
To study coastal processes and landforms
To learn the different weather- and climatic processes and their effect on the
environment and people, including global warming.
To learn the importance of preserving ecosystems.
To study the use of different energy resources and how they affect the earths’
Case study of the change in a settlement: Brazil as example
Assessment Criteria: (Grade distribution)
40% Summative Assessment
20% Formative Summative
40% Projects/ Presentations
Geog.2 Geography for Key Stage 3 (Oxford)
Citizens’ Minds, The French Revolution (Pearson Longman)
Changing Minds, Britain 1500 – 1750 (Longman)
Course: English – Grade 8
Credit: 1
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: 4.0
Pre-requisite: Grade 7
This course is based on:
Middle and High School
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
In Grade 8, students continue to develop thinking skill and intellectual engagement
through the study of the English language and literature. “This curriculum encourages
learners who are confident, creative and intellectually engaged, capable of applying
their skills to respond to a range of information, media and texts with enjoyment and
understanding.”- Cambridge Secondary 1 English curriculum framework
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate control of wide variety of sentence types used for intended purpose
and desired effect.
Analyze and respond to the range of ideas and differing viewpoints, purposes
and themes in a variety of related texts.
Develop an understanding of how ideas, experiences and values are portrayed in
texts from different cultures and traditions.
Use speaking and listening to build up increasingly personal confidence,
managing and manipulating the content of their presentation
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Nothing But the Truth (Avi)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare)
Selected Poetry
Non-Fiction Texts
Additional resources as appropriate
Course: Grade 8 Art
Middle and High School
Credit: ___________________
Year: 2013/2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
National Curriculum
Course Description:
This year will focus on developing technical skill and critical knowledge that will
prepare the students for the IGCSE Art course if they choose to elect it. The students
will explore and respond to a range of topics that will introduce different artists and
cultures. They will develop and modify their ideas appropriately, through constant
evaluation of their work and the work of others. When experimenting and presenting
their ideas they will learn how to handle materials with confidence and control, to use
all the elements of art competently and learn new techniques and processes. Many life
skills will be enhanced through the year including: communication, problem solving,
organization and time management skills.
Learning Objectives:
Record from first-hand observation and explore ideas.
Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their
Investigate and experiment with a range of materials and processes
Try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes, including
Represent observations, ideas and feelings, and design and make images and artifacts.
Review what they/others have done and say what they think and feel about it.
Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in the future.
Use visual and tactile elements, including colour, texture, line, value, shape, form and
Identify differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in
different times and cultures.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Class Contribution
‫_____‪Course: _____8/7/6‬‬
‫‪Middle and High School‬‬
‫____اللغة العربية‬
‫________ ‪Pre-requisite:‬‬
‫______________ ‪GPA Weighting:‬‬
‫‪Int’l Curriculum‬‬
‫‪This course is based on:‬‬
‫‪Course Description:‬‬
‫توصيف مادة اللغة العربيّة ‪:‬‬
‫متّ تبويب منهج اللغة العربية للمرحلة اإلعدادية وفق نظام الوحدات وقد اعتمدنا فيه أساسا نظام األمناط قياسا على متطلبات منهج ‪IGCSE‬وقد عملنا على‬
‫متدرجا يف‬
‫متنوعة املصادرو الكتّاب واحلقب الزمنية أما القواعد النحوية والصرفية والبالغية و اإلمالء فإننا عملنا على توزيعها توزيعا متوازنا و ّ‬
‫أن تكون النّصوص ّ‬
‫كل املهارات‪.‬‬
‫هذه املرحلة الدراسية‪ .‬مع العلم أننا حاولنا تطويع املنهج املتوفّر ملتطلبات منهج كامربدج للمرحلة اإلعدادية ّ‬
‫خاصة يف ّ‬
‫كل وحدة املهارات التالية‪:‬‬
‫وتغطي ّ‬
‫هام من‬
‫‪ 1‬ـ مهارة القراءة وتتم ّكن الطالبة منها من خالل نصوص متنوعة املصادر والكتّاب واحلقب الزمنية واألمناط والفنون و املقاصد‪ّ .‬أما املطالعة‪ ،‬وهي فرع ّ‬
‫خصصنا هلا حصصا أسبوعيّة ثابتة و راعينا يف اختيار اآلثار األدبيّة ما ورد من توصيات يف منهج كامربدج وحرصنا على أن تكون مالئمة هلا‪.‬‬
‫فروع القراءة فقد ّ‬
‫كل منط درسته يف الوحدة‪ ،‬فتتهيأ برصيد معريف ميكنها من إتقان الكتابة يف كل الفنون كالرسالة والقصة ‪..‬‬
‫‪ 2‬ـ مهارة الكتابة فيها ّ‬
‫تدرب الطالبة على إتقان كتابة ّ‬
‫درب عليها من خالل املناقشات الصفية والعروض واإللقاء‪.‬‬
‫‪ 3‬ـ مهارة التحدث‪ :‬و تُ ّ‬
‫كل وحدة‪.‬‬
‫خصصت هلا ّ‬
‫‪ 4‬ـ مهارة االستماع ‪ّ .:‬‬
‫حصة ّ‬
‫قارة يف ّ‬
‫مادة اللغة العربيّة وقد خصصت هلا حصص موازية من حيث العدد حلصص القراءة و‬
‫هام من فروع ّ‬
‫‪ 5‬ـ القواعد النّحوية والصرفية والبالغية و اإلمالء ‪ :‬هي فرع ّ‬
‫الصف التاسع‪.‬‬
‫تدرس يف منهج‬
‫جتدر اإلشارة إىل أنّه متّ إدراج دروس البالغة يف منهج الصف الثامن بعدما كانت ّ‬
‫وسيظل باب التعديل مفتوحا‬
‫وختاما نرجو أن حي ّقق هذا املنهج ما رصدناه من أهداف وما رمسناه من آمال لالرتقاء مبستوى طالباتنا وطموحات مدرستنا‪...‬‬
‫لكل ما من شأنه ضمان الفائدة ‪...‬‬
‫مع حتيات قسم املواد العربيّة‬
‫‪Learning Objectives:‬‬
‫أهداف التعلم ‪:‬‬
‫‪.1 ‬استعمال أنماط نحوية وأسلوبية في الكتابة‪.‬‬
‫‪ 2 ‬جمع واستعمال معلومات لغرض إعداد البحوث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3 ‬استعمال المهارات العامة واستراتيجيات القراءة‪.‬‬
‫‪.4 ‬استعمال استراتيجيات لفهم النصوص وتحليلها‪.‬‬
‫‪.5 ‬استعمال مهارات القراءة لفهم نصوص معلوماتية وتفسيرها ‪.‬‬
‫‪.6 ‬استعمال استراتيجيات االستماع والتحدث ألغراض مختلفة ‪.‬‬
‫‪.7 ‬استعمال المهارات المرئية لفهم وتفسير الوسائل المعروضة‪.‬‬
‫‪Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution‬‬
‫تدربت عليها ‪.‬‬
‫كل المهارات التي ّ‬
‫يتم تقييم الطالبات تقييما مستمرا على مدار العام الدراسي باختبارات ّ‬
‫متنوعة شاملة ل ّ‬
‫متنوعة كالكتاب المدرسي المعتمد وكتب أخرى من مناهج عربيّة ‪ /‬الشبكة العالمية للمعلومات ‪ /‬المكتبة ‪ /‬الصحافة‪ /‬الروايات‪....‬‬
‫المصادر‪ :‬وهي ّ‬
‫‪Course: Arabic SS‬‬
‫‪Middle and High School‬‬
‫‪Year: 2013/2014‬‬
‫_____________________ ‪Credit:‬‬
‫________ ‪Pre-requisite:‬‬
‫______________ ‪GPA Weighting:‬‬
‫‪Int’l Curriculum‬‬
‫‪This course is based on:‬‬
‫‪Course Description:‬‬
‫مادة االجتماعيات والمواطنة للصفوف من السادس حتى العاشر ‪.‬‬
‫أهم الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها هي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬جغرافية الوطن العربي‬
‫‪ -2‬جغرافية دول مجلس التعاون‬
‫‪ -3‬جغرافية البحرين‬
‫‪ -4‬تاريخ حضارات العالم القديم وحضارة دلمون‬
‫‪ -5‬التاريخ االسالمي‬
‫‪ -6‬موضوعات متنوعة في مادة المواطنة تختلف باختالف الصفوف‬
‫‪Learning Objectives:‬‬
‫ ترسيخ المفاهيم والمعارف الواردة في كتاب الطالبة‪.‬‬‫تنمية مهارات التعامل مع الخرائط والجداول والرسوم البيانية وقراءة النصوص وتحليلها‪.‬‬‫تنمية مهارات التفكير العلمي كالربط بين األحداث والتمييز ودقة المالحظة‪.‬‬‫تدريب الطالبة على البحث وتعزيز قدراتها على التعلم الذتي‬‫تعزبز قيم االنتماء والوالء والحوار والتسامح كأسس للوحدة الوطنية ‪.‬‬‫ تقدير التراث البحريني وضرورة المحافظة على التراث والوسط البيئي ودعم التضامن والتعاون‬‫ التعريف بحقوق الطفل والمرأة وحقوق المولطن البحريني وواجباته ‪.‬‬‫)‪Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution‬‬
‫اختبارات قبلية‬
‫اختبارات قصيرة‬
‫اختبارات شهرية‬
‫اختبارات تجميعية‬
‫‪ -1‬الكتاب المدرسي ودفتر األنشطة ومصادر أخرى متن ّوعة كاالنترنت ‪.‬‬
Middle and High School
Course: French
Credit: _____________________
Year: 2013/2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Course Description:
In Shaikha Hessa Girl's School French has a statute of foreign language (third
language). Students are required to take two 40-minutes periods per week of French in
grades 4-8 and four 40-minutes periods per week of French in grades 9-10 as an
elective subject. French is not taught in grade 11 and 12 but the school is planning to
offer IB French language B. All students are required to take both a mid-term and a
final exam which each count for 20% of the semester average.
In French class we use a communicative approach and the emphasis is on oral
proficiency, comprehension and expression. Reading and writing skills are also
developed. Through extensive practice in class, students acquire the basic vocabulary
and constructions of French, providing a sound basis for further studies.
French is an elective subject for Grade 9 and 10, students have GCSE program for two
years. It offers positive and appropriate assessment for modern language learners. It
promotes the development of different language skills and provides opportunities to
apply these across a range of relevant contexts.
The French teacher has also an objective to prepare students to pass the Delf exam.
DELF " (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) is official qualification awarded by
the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside
France in the French language. DELF is composed of 6 independent diplomas that
correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFRL)".
Students who want to set this exam, they can do it in “The Alliance Française” in the
end of the year.
Shaikha Hessa Girls' School, for two years won a trophy because of the number of the
students who sat and pass the DELF exam.
Learning Objectives:
Grade 4 & 5
Can recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate
concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.
Can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or
in catalogs.
Spoken Interaction
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a
slower rate of speech and help me formulate what I’m trying to say.
Can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken Production
Can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and people I know.
Can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holiday greetings.
Can fill in forms with personal details, for example entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel
registration form.
Grade 6 & 7
Can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate
personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment).
Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
Can read very short, simple texts.
Can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements,
menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters.
Spoken Interaction
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on
familiar topics and activities.
Can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can’t usually understand enough to keep the
conversation going myself.
Spoken Production
Can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living
conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job.
Can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs.
Can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Drop Quiz
Project & presentation
Listening and reading comprehension / Writing and speaking production
Grade 4: Vitamine 1
Grade 5: Vitamine 2
Grade 6 : Pourquoi pas 1!
Grade 7: Pourquoi pas 2!
Grade 8 : Pourquoi pas 3!
Grade 9 & 10: French Edexcel
Classwork is supplemented by handouts, audio recordings and cultural readings.
Course: Mathematics
Middle and High School
Credit: ___________________
Year: 8
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: Grade 7
This course is based on:
x Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Cambridge International Secondary 1 Mathematics curriculum provides a
comprehensive set of learning objectives for mathematics. The objectives detail
what the learner should know or what they should be able to do in each year of
secondary education.
Learning Objectives:
The Cambridge International secondary 1 mathematics is presented in six
curriculum areas: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measure, Handling Data and
Problem solving. The learning objective provides a structure for teaching and
learning and a reference against which learners’ ability and understanding can be
checked. The curriculum is dedicated to developing learners who are confident,
responsible, innovative and engaged.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Summative Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
- Quiz
- Drop Quiz
Projects / Presentations /
Other MEP resources
1 per quarter
1-2 per quarter
3-5 per quarter
1 per unit
Course: ICT Grade 8
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Pupils learn about the ICT systems and how technology can be used to manage and
process information. They will use a wider range of ICT tools and information sources;
they have to consider the needs of the audience by thinking carefully about the content and
quality. Pupils have to explore spreadsheet models to investigate the effect of changing
values and identify patterns. They learn how to create graphs and use formulae on
spreadsheets, manage the databases, investigate information on the Internet and consider
its reliability and accuracy, create simple web pages; combine text, images and sound to
produce a presentation and create a 1- or 2-fold colour information leaflet.
Learning Objectives:
Students will learn how to:
 Present Information - further develop skills using desk top publishing, word
processing and multimedia slide presentations.
Format Spreadsheets - further develop spreadsheet skills to sort data (format
and formulae) and solve problems with the assistance of charts and graphs.
Arrange Information – further develop database skills to set the field
properties, sort records and query the database.
Refine Online Searches - use the Internet to explore reliability, validity and
bias on the Internet and employ a range of strategies to refine a search using a
variety of online ‘search engines’.
Create web pages – develop skills to design the layout, content and hyperlink
the pages.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Most units have an assessment at the end, and some work is assessed by outcome. Pupils
are told at the beginning of each unit which of these apply and are referred to objectives
along the way.
35% Quiz/Drop Quiz/Assignments
2 per quarter (Total 8)
35% end of Unit Test
1 per quarter (Total 4)
1 per quarter (Total 4)
Computer Lab, Handouts, Projector, Scanner, Colour Printer, Digital Camera, Video
Camera and Reference Books.
‫مدرسة الشيخة حصة للبنات‬
‫مادة التربية اإلسالمية ‪ /‬الصفوف من ‪21 : 6‬‬
‫مدَّرســــــــــــــــــــــــــــة المادة ‪ /‬فتحية علي حسن‬
‫وصف المادة ‪:‬‬
‫* قرآن كريم‬
‫* أحاديث شريفة‬
‫* سيرة نبوية‬
‫* فقه‬
‫* عبادات‬
‫* شخصيات‬
‫أهداف التعلم ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .2‬بناء العقيدة اإلسالمية على أساس من الفهم واالقتناع ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬ترسيخ الوالء هلل واالنتماء لألمة اإلسالمية واالعتزاز باإلسالم عقيدة ونظام حياة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬تقدير أهمية األخالق السامية في حياة الفرد والمجتمع ‪ ،‬وااللتزام بها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬اكتساب مهارات البحث العلمي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬التأكيد على صالحية اإلسالم لكل زمان ومكان ‪.‬‬
‫معايير التقييم ‪:‬‬
‫اختبارات قصيرة وطويلة ‪ /‬أوراق عمل ‪ /‬مناقشات شفهية ‪ /‬مسابقات ‪.‬‬
‫الموارد و المصادر‪:‬‬
‫كتب وزارة التربية والتعليم ‪ /‬أحاديث شريفة ‪ /‬مؤلفات لشخصيات إسالمية ‪ /‬االنترنت‬
‫أفالم وثائقية‪.‬‬
Instructor: Olena Ponomarenko
This course is based on: UK Natl: Secondary: Music
Attainment Target and Level Descriptions for Music G 6-8
At Key Stage 3, pupils should be encouraged to develop their musicianship and self-confidence
through a wide range of individual and group music-making activities. They should be
encouraged to listen to unfamiliar music with open and enquiring minds.
The making and responding to music requirements are carried out within the context of the
following composing, performing and listening activities. While one or more of these activities
may provide the main focus for a lesson, or part of a lesson, the three are interdependent. Pupils
should be encouraged to perceive their inter-relatedness.
Improvising and Composing
Pupils should have opportunities to:
create arrangements of familiar music and accompaniments to songs;
improvise within a rhythmic/harmonic framework and from a given stimulus;
explore the structural, expressive and stylistic potential of the elements of music,
compose music which expresses their ideas and feelings in relation to a given
present compositions and arrangements in a finished form and with appropriate
Interpreting and Performing
Pupils should have opportunities to:
perform a variety of music by ear, from memory and from notations;
perform music which increases technical control and expressive capability;
perform a variety of music which requires independent part-playing or singing;
develop skills in ensemble playing;
develop the ability to communicate with an audience when performing;
take responsibility for rehearsing and directing group performances.
Listening and Appraising
Pupils should have opportunities to:
identify and evaluate their own contribution to group compositions and
modify and refine their improvisations and compositions;
listen to a wide variety of music from different periods, styles, cultures and
contexts and discuss how the elements of music are used for structural and
expressive purposes;
listen to and discuss a wide variety of music which relates to, or will inform, the
music they compose and perform;
listen to and appraise their own music and that of others.
Attainment target
Music has one attainment target entitled: Making and Responding to Music. The level
descriptions, set out within Levels 1 to 8, therefore, cover the subject as a whole. The
relationships between the attainment target and the program of study is set out below.
The program of study at Key Stage 3 covers up to Level 8 of the attainment target. It is expected
that the majority of pupils will be working at either Level 5 or 6 at the end of the Key Stage. It
should be noted that level descriptions build successively on the knowledge, understanding and
skills of lower levels which are, therefore, subsumed within them.
Level 3
Pupils recognize and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively. They sing
in tune with expression and perform rhythmically simple parts that use a limited range of notes.
They improvise repeated patterns and combine several layers of sound with awareness of the
combined effect. They recognize how the different musical elements are combined and used
expressively and make improvements to their own work, commenting on the intended effect.
Level 4
Pupils identify and explore the relationship between sounds and how music reflects different
intentions. While performing by ear and from simple notations they maintain their own part with
awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect. They
improvise melodic and rhythmic phrases as part of a group performance and compose by
developing ideas within musical structures. They describe, compare and evaluate different kinds
of music using an appropriate musical vocabulary. They suggest improvements to their own and
others' work, commenting on how intentions have been achieved.
Level 5
Pupils identify and explore musical devices and how music reflects time and place. They
perform significant parts from memory and from notations with awareness of their own
contribution such as leading others, taking a solo part and/or providing rhythmic support. They
improvise melodic and rhythmic material within given structures, use a variety of notations and
compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical devices such as melody,
rhythms, chords and structures. They analyze and compare musical features. They evaluate how
venue, occasion and purpose affects the way music is created, performed and heard. They refine
and improve their work.
Level 6
Pupils identify and explore the different processes and contexts of selected musical genres and
styles. They select and make expressive use of tempo, dynamics, phrasing and timbre. They
make subtle adjustments to fit their own part within a group performance. They improvise and
compose in different genres and styles, using harmonic and non-harmonic devices where
relevant, sustaining and developing musical ideas and achieving different intended effects. They
use relevant notations to plan, revise and refine material. They analyze, compare and evaluate
how music reflects the contexts in which it is created, performed and heard. They make
improvements to their own and others' work in the light of the chosen style.
Level 7
Pupils discriminate and explore musical conventions in, and influences on, selected genres,
styles and traditions. They perform in different styles, making significant contributions to the
ensemble and using relevant notations. They create coherent compositions drawing on
internalized sounds and adapt, improvise, develop, extend and discard musical ideas within given
and chosen musical structures, genres, styles and traditions. They evaluate, and make critical
judgments about, the use of musical conventions and other characteristics and how different
contexts are reflected in their own and others' work.
Level 8
Pupils discriminate and exploit the characteristics and expressive potential of selected musical
resources, genres, styles and traditions. They perform, improvise and compose extended
compositions with a sense of direction and shape, both within melodic and rhythmic phrases and
overall form. They explore different styles, genres and traditions, working by ear and by making
accurate use of appropriate notations and both following and challenging conventions. They
discriminate between musical styles, genres and traditions, commenting on the relationship
between the music and its cultural context, making and justifying their own judgments.
Exceptional performance
Pupils discriminate and develop different interpretations. They express their own ideas and
feelings in a developing personal style exploiting instrumental and/or vocal possibilities. They
give convincing performances and demonstrate empathy with other performers. They produce
compositions that demonstrate a coherent development of musical ideas, consistency of style and
a degree of individuality. They discriminate and comment on how and why changes occur within
selected traditions including the particular contribution of significant performers and composers.
Grades Distribution:
Musical skills: the development of performing, composing and appraising
Musical elements: the understanding of pitch, duration, dynamics, etc
Personal Communication/ Class work
Musical understanding: (the conventions of styles, genres and musical thinking.
Course: International Curriculum
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
Grade: 8
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
The program of study for this year will include the following:
Fitness program
Invasion games such as Football, Basketball and Hockey.
Gymnastic activities.
Athletic activities.
Swimming activities.
Net and wall games.
Training and exercise.
Learning Objectives:
1. Respect everybody and appreciate the importance of sports on your daily
2. Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and
3. Develop your ideas in a creative way; set targets for themselves and compete
against others individually and as team members.
4. Take the initiative, lead activity and focus on improving aspects of their own
5. Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity.
6. Learn the basic skills and technique in each sport given and develop their
abilities to obtain success.
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Make sure to wear proper PE Uniform (sweat-pants-t-shirt), running or football shoes.
Shoes or flats like Vans,Toms,Tods and converse aren’t considered sports shoes.
Course: Science, Grade 8
Middle and High School
Credit: _____________________
GPA Weighting: ______________
Pre-requisite: ________
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
Science is the integral part of modern culture. With the knowledge of science , students feel
comfortable in this ever expanding technological world. The grade 8 science curriculum is an
activity based “hands-on , minds-on” approach to the study of science. Students are actively
involved in the learning of science concepts in the areas of life, earth and physical sciences.
Every unit of the course will have practical experiences and activities in the class and
laboratory for students to understand and use scientific concepts.
Learning Objectives:
The Aims of the teaching and study of sciences are to encourage and enable students to:
 develop curiosity, interest and enjoyment towards science and its methods of inquiry
 acquire scientific knowledge and understanding
 communicate scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences effectively in a
variety of ways
 develop experimental and investigative skills to design and carry out scientific
investigations and to evaluate evidence to draw a conclusion
 develop critical, creative and inquiring minds that pose questions, solve problems,
construct explanations, judge arguments and make informed decisions in scientific and
other contexts
 appreciate the relationship between science and technology and their role in society
 observe safety rules and practices to ensure a safe working environment during
scientific activities
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
Students will earn grades based on the following criteria:
Assessment- Level Assessed Tasks/
Tests/Quizzes/Drop Quizzes
Inquiry skills- Projects/ Laboratory
Go Science Book 3-Heinemann ; Teacher references and personal library of materials.
Additional resources
Course: G8 English Social Studies
Middle and High School
Credit: 1
Year: 2013-2014
GPA Weighting: 4.0
Pre-requisite:G7 Social Studies
This course is based on:
Int’l Curriculum
Course Description:
The 1st semester students will be studying from the book Modern Minds (20th Century).
The 1st quarter starts with Black peoples of America: from slavery to equality, Hot war,
cold war: why did the major twentieth-century conflicts affect so many people?
Twentieth- century medicine: how has it changed the lives of people? From Aristotle to
the atom: scientific discoveries that changed the world
In the 2nd semester students will continue with geographical investigations studying,
what is development? The changing economic geography of China; The global fashion
industry, Tourism – good or bad? Virtual volcanoes and internet
Learning Objectives:
Major conflicts of the twentieth century that have had long-term and short-term
Understanding that different nations had differing attitudes to the prospect of
To identify similar factors leading to the outbreak of major world conflicts
To consolidate understanding of geographical vocabulary
To use an atlas to locate places studied
To identify geographical questions and issues (globalization, immigration,
To study the ocean and its importance to the environment and weather processes
Assessment Criteria: (Grades distribution)
40% Summative Assessment
20% Formative Summative
40% Projects/ Presentations
Power point presentations, videos and documentary on slavery in Africa, work sheets,
Modern Minds
Geog.3 (Oxford)