the promise - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church


the promise - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
the promise
Wait for the promise of the Father
April 2009
Volume 33, Issue 3
Holy Pascha
The Day of Renewed Life
“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and
conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom
we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins.” [Colossians 1:13-14]
the earth in order for the Day of Renewed Life to spring
forth from the tomb and become a gift to all. Through the
Resurrection we are filled with hope in expectation of God’s
heavenly kingdom which has arrived.
Easter morning is a day like no other day of the entire
year. It is a special day holding within it the seeds of a new
beginning. For on this day our Saviour, Who is Christ our
God, overcame the gloom of darkness by displaying the joys
of His Resurrection to the entire world. Thus, through this
glorious act we are granted renewed life in Jesus Christ.
What a great day Pascha is, for Life defeated death and we are
granted the gift of renewed life! The master of this world has
been defeated by the Master of all. Satan has been destroyed
and his kingdom lays in utter ruin. All of creation sings
songs of victory as it witnesses the unprecedented change of
kingdoms. The dominion of darkness that ruled this world
since the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise has been
obliterated by the New Adam Who establishes the Kingdom
of Heaven here and now. The Gates of Paradise are swung
open! Let us then enter once again so that we may live with
Christ unto all eternity. By allowing God to establish His
Kingdom within our souls we enthrone Him in our hearts
and walk together with Him once again in Paradise!
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be
glad in it” says one of the Paschal hymns. Indeed, this day
of renewal is a joyous celebration, for darkness and death
have been annihilated by the blossoming forth of Christ’s
love from the sealed tomb. The chains of bitter slavery that
sought to bind us under the serpent’s guile have, like wax,
been melted away by the radiant warmth of the Blessed
Spring is the season where the barren frosty landscape of
winter is replaced with new life. It fills the world with hope
in expectation of that which is to come. In similar manner, the
Blessed Springtime, Christ God, has filled all with hope and
authentic life by cultivating the seeds of the Resurrection.
His death sowed the seeds of the Resurrection deep into
My dear friends, the power of the Resurrection is found in
the power of Christ. And it is in Jesus Christ that the power of
renewed life grows. Let us all joyously receive Jesus Christ
into our lives so that we may be participants of renewed life.
I wish all a blessed Pascha. To Christ be all glory, honor and
worship, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
– Fr. Peter
dates in the life of our church
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
A parish of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
and the Metropolis of New Jersey
250 Gallows Hill Road, Westfield, NJ 07090-1109
Tel (908) 233-8533 Fax (908) 233-0623
Visit our Website at
Fr. Peter’s email: [email protected]
Rev. Fr. Peter Delvizis, Presiding Priest
Rev. Fr. Alexander G. Leondis, Priest
Office Staff
Irene Panagakos, Parish Administrator
Jean O’Dowd, Accounting Manager
Ocione Nunes, Caretaker
Pascalis Kuvalakis, Psaltis
Kathryn Athanasoulas, Adult/Angel Choir Dir.
Phyllis Verenes, Organist
Michael Wolff, Head Acolyte
Parish Council............................................... Peter T. Arbes
Philoptochos.................................................. Mary Demiris
Religious Education...........Louis Martin, Eleftheria Wolff
Greek School.................................................. Rita Fitanidis
Trinity Circle................................................ Athena Manos
TAG.......................................................... George Skorinko
Youth (GOYA)............................................ Panos Chantzis
JOY/HOPE....................Kathy Maglaras, Yiana Leichtling,
................................................................Sandy Boutsikaris
TOTS............................................................... Joanne Paras
Bookstore.............................................Sandy Mouratoglou
Cultural....................................................... Barbara Manos
Greek School PTO............................................Jenny Basis
Outreach...................................................... Robert LoAlbo
Fall, Winter and Spring Schedule
Sundays: Orthros, 8:45am Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
Weekdays: Orthros, 8:30am Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Volume 33 Issue 3
10 issues published annually
No Subscription Fee
(article deadlines - 10th of the preceding month)
Wednesday, April 1, Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00PM
followed by a Lenten meal and Theosis at 8:20PM
Thursday, April 2, Greek School, 4-6:00PM; Choir practice,
Friday, April 3, Set up for Quilt-a-thon; last Salutations
[Akathist Hymn], 7:00PM
Saturday, April 4, Quilt-a-thon, 9:30AM – 4:30PM; Baptism,
Sunday, April 5, 5th Sunday in Lent; Orthros, 8:45AM;
Divine Liturgy, 10:00AM; Blessing of the Quilts
after the Divine Liturgy
Monday, April 6, Lenten Concert rehearsal, 7:00PM
Tuesday, April 7, Greek School, 4-6:00PM; Philoptochos
Board meeting, 7:00PM; Parish Council, 7:30PM;
Northern New Jersey Youth Commission Jr.
Olympics meeting, 7PM; Districts 1 and 2, 7:30PM;
all churches together, 7:30PM in the Bouras Center
7:00PM followed by a Lenten meal and
Theosis at 8:20PM
Thursday, April 9, Greek School, 4:00-6:00PM; Choir
practice, 7:30PM
Friday, April 10, cleaning and stripping the palms, 9:00AM;
Lenten Concert at St. Nicholas, Wyckoff
Saturday, April 11, Saturday of Lazarus, Orthros,
8:45AM; Divine Liturgy, 9:30AM followed by
the palm cross making in the Bouras Center; JOY/
HOPE members to participate
Sunday, April 12, Palm Sunday, Orthros, 8:45AM;
Hierarchal Liturgy, 10:00AM; The Bridegroom
Service, 7:00PM
Holy Monday, April 13, The Bridegroom Service,
Holy Tuesday, Tuesday, April 14, Presanctified Liturgy,
9:30AM; The Bridegroom Service and the Hymn
of Kassiani
Holy Wednesday, April 15, Sacrament of Holy Unction,
3PM and 7PM; choir practice after the service
Holy Thursday, April 16, Divine Liturgy of the Mystical
Supper, 9:30AM; The Holy Passion of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the Twelve Gospels and the
Crucifixion, 7:00PM
Great and Holy Friday, April 17, Church open for
Venerating the Cross, 9:00AM-3:00PM; Royal
9:30AM; Apokathelosis Vespers,
Descent from the Cross and Burial of Christ,
3:00PM; Lamentations, 7:00PM
Holy Saturday, April 18, Holy Saturday, Vesperal Divine
Liturgy, 9:30AM; Resurrection Vigil and Divine
Liturgy, 11:00PM
The Great and Holy Pascha, April 19; Agape Vespers,
Monday, April 20, the Church Office is closed
Monday, April 20 – Saturday, April 25, Bright week and a
fast-free week
Tuesday, April 21, Greek School, 4-6:00PM
Wednesday, April 22, Great Vespers for St. George at the
Clifton, Piscataway and Trenton churches, TOTS,
Thursday, April 23, Feast day of St. George the Great
Martyr, Orthros, 8:30AM; Divine Liturgy,
9:30AM; Greek School, 4:-6:00PM; choir practice,
7:30PM; Greek dancing, 7:30PM
Friday, April 24, Life-giving Spring [Zoodochos Pehge],
Orthros, 8:30AM; Divine Liturgy, 9:30AM; set
up for the Vocal Master Class;
Saturday, April 25, Vocal Master Class 9:00AM-4:30PM;
District Oratorical Festival, St. Nicholas, Wyckoff
Sunday, April 26, Orthros, 8:45AM; Divine Liturgy,
10:00AM; Wedding, 1:30PM; Greek Independence
Day parade in NYC
Tuesday, April 28, Greek School, 4-6:00PM
Wednesday, April 29, Trinity Circle trip to Hunterdon
Playhouse; bus leaves church parking lot at 10AM
Thursday, April 30, Greek School, 4-6:00PM; choir practice,
7:30PM; Greek dancing, 7:30PM
Father Alexander G. Leondis
Holy Week is set apart in the Ecclesiastical Year, so that
we might slow down our customary pace and evaluate our
spiritual life, our life before God. This sacred week’s goal
is to have us relive the last week in our Lord’s life, which
opened to us once again the Garden of Eden, Doors of
Paradise. The events are presented as a drama and we are
eye-witnesses of all the events. By unveiling its mysteries
to us, the drama becomes a personal experience by which
we identify and it elevates us to an all embracing movement
upward to God.
This day is the beginning of the end, for by raising Lazarus
from the dead, Christ proves that He is truly God. This caused
many to believe in Him as the long awaited Messiah. The
Hebrew religious leaders, however, feared their positions
would be lost and conspired to find a way to do away with
We stand at Lazarus’ grave and behold this miracle of the
restoration of life to a dead man by the Giver of Life. We
acknowledge Him as our true God who became man to save
our souls from eternal damnation and open for us the doors
of His Kingdom.
The scenes take place in Jerusalem. The players are real. The
events are historical. The faithful parishioner does not only
look and hear, but is involved, is present and participates.
The admission fee is faith. Commemorative worship,
through faith, takes us back to these events and causes us to
relive them.
Without reliving this sacred annual drama, we can not
receive its benefits. If we allow this Holy Week to pass
without changing or transforming us into better Christians,
the element of growth in Christ is lost.
Let us this Holy Week and Easter attend all the Church
Services faithfully and thus be spiritually present in Jerusalem
with the Lord. Let us enter the Church as if we were actually
entering God’s Kingdom with a heart filled with faith, a mind
open to revelation and a desire for spiritual ascent.
The pious Hebrew people in recognition of Christ’s divinity
Page 3
raise palms and proclaim Him King of the Jews. On this
day His Kingdom on earth begins. As the believers honor
Him and exalt Him, the unbelievers seek more intensely to
conspire against Him. Palm Sunday is a day of decision,
whether to accept Christ as our King or to renounce Him.
We proclaim Him King and Master of our lives, and receive
palms as a token of this experience. We pray to God to help
us make a meaningful ascetical effort for the entire week,
for by having acknowledged Him as King, we might truly
become members of His Kingdom.
The last Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is
performed. This Liturgy leads us to repentance. The Lenten
Prayer of St. Ephraim, which is prayed throughout Lent is
recited for the last time. During Great Lent we should have
repented for our sins and cleansed our souls. Our preparation
begins for the unfolding of the Sacrament of Sacraments,
the Mystery of Mysteries, the Holy Eucharist which will be
instituted on Holy Thursday.
We pray for remission of our sins, repent for our former life
and seek a new life in Christ our Lord.
The Sacrament of Holy Unction is performed. This Sacrament
grants us spiritual and physical strength through the prayers
and the blessing of the Holy Oil or Unction. Before receiving
Holy Communion on Thursday, the day of its institution,
we are anointed with Holy Unction to make us worthy, to
partake of our Lord’s Precious Body and Blood.
We pray that we might be worthy to stand before the Table
of the Last Supper together with Christ’s disciples to receive
the food of the Kingdom, which sustains our lives as citizens
of Heaven.
During Holy Week the Orthros Service of the forthcoming
day is celebrated on the evening before. For example, on
Palm Sunday evening we perform the Orthros of Monday
morning and thus relive the events of Monday.
The evenings of Palm Sunday, Holy Monday and Tuesday
share a common theme. The unbelievers discuss schemes to
find fault in Jesus and a legal way to do away with Him,
for He was threatening their power. The scriptural readings
and hymns emphasize the approaching end of Christ’s life
on earth. Repentance is encouraged, for evil is precisely
moving the enemies of God against Him.
On these days we seek to rid ourselves of all sin within us,
so that we will not plot against the Lord like Judas and the
Hebrew clergy. Every time we perform evil acts, we imitate
them and perpetuate the sin of betrayal.
The Divine Liturgy is celebrated on this day of institution,
so that all the faithful might truly be joined to the Mystical
Body of Christ and thus receive the saving benefits of His
life and live as citizens of the Kingdom. On this day the
Reserved Holy Communion is prepared and placed in the
Tabernacle found on the Altar and is used for communing
the sick for the entire year. The Body and Blood of Christ
in the Tabernacle represents the actual presence of Christ at
Holy Trinity as He rests on the altar.
Page 4
We seek union with the Mystical Body of Christ and pray that
through Holy Communion He might be present in us all the
days of our life.
No Divine Liturgy is performed, for the Liturgy presupposed
Christ’s presence in the world. On this day of evil, Christ
is not present in the world, but lies dead in the Tomb. The
services of the Hours are performed, commemorating the
events of Good Friday.
We pray that our sins might never keep God from us and we
praise Him for accepting death for our salvation.
We return to Jerusalem to relive the events of our Lord’s
betrayal, seizure and the trials before the Sanhedrin and
Pontius Pilate. We follow Him on the Way of the Cross and
are crucified to our sinful ways with Him on the Cross, with
the hope that we might resurrect with Him to new life. The
twelve Gospel Lessons narrate these events. The Cross is
carried around the Church, commemorating the Way of the
Cross, and it is placed on the Solea, which represents His
Crucifixion at Golgotha. Unless we attend this service, we
do not truly participate in the events of Holy Week. Without
the Crucifixion there is no Resurrection.
We behold Christ on the Cross and contemplate upon the
force evil has in the world, as evil nails Christ to the Cross.
We pray earnestly that we might not recrucify Him by
betraying Him like Judas and the Jewish religious leaders
who chose evil over righteousness.
The Unnailing Service of our Lord is reenacted
(“Apokathelosis” in Greek). The Body of Christ is solemnly
removed from the Crucifix on the Solea, wrapped in a burial
shroud and placed in the Sanctuary. The Epitaphios, the
embroidered cloth bearing the Body of our Lord, is carried
in a solemn funeral procession around the Church and placed
in the Tomb (Kouvouklion) adorned with flowers.
As we behold Jesus lying in the darkness of the Tomb, we
pray that our passions, sins and pride might be put to death
within us, so that we might not live in the darkness of evil
which caused His death.
Page 5
us another Lenten period and Holy Week and by it, another
opportunity to delve into the depth of the mystery of our
On Easter morning we celebrate the Agape Vespers and
proclaim the resurrection of our Lord in various languages.
This symbolizes that the good news of our Lord’s resurrection
is for the entire world, for all people and all generations.
We acknowledge the fact that Christ is Lord of the Universe
and as an apostolic Church, Orthodoxy preaches Christ
crucified and resurrected to all people.
The moving Burial Lamentations are sung before Christ’s
Tomb which is decorated with flowers. The atmosphere
begins to become theologically more joyous, for hymns
with a resurrectional tone are heard and finally the Great
Doxology, which is sung only on joyous occasions. The
Procession of the Tomb with the embroidered Epitaphios, the
dead Body of our Lord, is carried around the Church. This
does not represent a funeral procession, but Christ’s descent
into Hades, where He preached His Gospel to its captives
and resurrected all who accepted His lordship. Flowers are
distributed as a token of our participation in His Funeral and
His raising the just and holy in Hades. We take the flowers
home as a reminder of our participation in these events.
We pray that having faithfully followed Christ to His Tomb
and mourned for our sins, which placed Him there. We pray
that we might be worthy to ascend our present way of life
and rise to a new life through His resurrection.
The faithful gather in the Church to participate in the Feast
of Feasts, Pascha, Easter, the Resurrection of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. The Church is dark, symbolizing the
darkness of the world without Christ. The Priests offer the
Easter light symbolizing the light of Christ to the world. The
designated Gospel is read, the Resurrection is proclaimed at
midnight, the morn of the new day. The Divine Liturgy is
celebrated and the climax of the fifty day preparation period
is fulfilled. Having faithfully followed the movements
leading to the end, the Christian feels reborn through the joy
over the Lord’s Resurrection.
We pray that the light of the Resurrection, which destroyed
death and darkness, might illumine our way to God and
make us citizens of Paradise. We thank the Lord for granting
Mary Demiris, President
On Monday, February 16th we held our first General Meeting
of the new year with guest speaker Dina Mercier, M.S. Ed.
Autism Specialist and Private Consultant who spoke to us
on Autism Spectrum Disorder. She gave a very informative
presentation which was followed by a great question and
answer portion of the meeting. I am sure all of us know
someone who has been touched by Autism and this general
meeting was very meaningful to those who attended.
Autism is one of the foundations that National Philoptochos
voted to make a national obligation last year at the Biennial
Page 6
On Tuesday, May 19th we will hold our last General Meeting
before the summer which will include elections for a new
Philoptochos Board. I encourage all Philoptochos members
to consider running for a board position. Formal letters
were sent out to the current Philoptochos members with key
information relative to the elections process. If you have
any questions please contact Cynthia Ladas on 908-2320646 or Mary Demiris at 908-766-6938. We look forward
to seeing you on May 19th at 7:00 pm in the Bouras Center.
Refreshments will be served.
Even though the “formal” membership drive ended on
March 31st, we still would like to encourage all the women
in our Holy Trinity community to become members of
Philoptochos. The work we do in Christ’s name goes to
support numerous charitable organizations, needy families,
various research foundations, in addition to the many
requests we receive throughout the year. As many of you
know, Philoptochos is the philanthropic arm of our Church
and the second largest philanthropic women’s organization
in the United States. I think it is important for every woman
in our community to join. This year our goal is to increase
our membership. Ellen Manos Athenson and Olga Emanuel
are the Membership Committee Chairs and you can stop by
the Philoptochos Table during Fellowship Hour to sign up
and ask any questions you may have.
the Philoptochos table during Fellowship Hour to drop off
donations or speak to someone if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you all on May 6th.
3rd ANNUAL ART SHOW representing Greek-American
Artists will be held May 29-31, 2009 in the Bouras Center.
Maria Halkias will again Chair this fundraiser. The Art
Show will be kicked off with a Wine and Cheese Reception
on Friday night, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The hours on
Saturday will be 11:00 am to 4:00 pm and Sunday 12:30
pm to 4:00 pm. Please plan on attending and bring your
Annual Rummage Sale - We plan on having another
Rummage Sale June 25th and 26th in the Bouras Center.
Please start saving your items for this event. We will be
collecting new or slightly used household items, small
appliances, books, children’s toys and games, small furniture,
classy collectibles, china, glass, silverware, lamps, purses,
etc. Please No Clothing will be accepted. Also make sure
your donations are clean and in good condition. Donations
will be accepted on Sunday June 21st thru Wednesday the
24th. Volunteers are needed for this event. You can sign up
at the Philoptochos table during Fellowship Hour.
The AIDS Quilt-a-Thon will be held on Saturday, April 4,
2009 beginning at 9 am in the Bouras Center. Connie Wygera
will again Chair this event. This is truly a “community” event
with entire families participating in all aspects of making the
quilts. This program is very fulfilling as it demonstrates true
Christianity, unity and philanthropic outreach. It is focused
on making the precious lives of children and adults touched
by the AIDS virus a little better by demonstrating that people
care. Not only the Holy Trinity Community, but people and
organizations outside our Parish participate in the annual
event – so please make a point to join us even if it is for a
few hours.
will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at the Chanticler,
Short Hills, NJ. Avi Kiriakatis is the Chairperson this
fundraiser, and we are truly blessed because she does
an outstanding job. Letters have been mailed out to all
parishioners regarding donations for the gift raffles, either
monetary donations or gift items will be accepted. We will
also be taking ads for our program book which will include
Mother’s Day Tributes. This is our biggest fundraiser and
the proceeds go to support all the foundations and charities
we assist throughout the year, so please help us in any
way you can. We know these are difficult times, but any
donation would be greatly appreciated. You can stop by
Barbara Manos, Chairperson
We thank all who came out on the evening of February 27
and filled to overflowing the Bouras Center for the screening
of the documentary THE JOURNEY: the Greek-American
Dream. During the 87-minute movie, it was comforting and
moving to be in the company of so many and whose families
shared very similar experiences. It was gratifying to see many
young people in attendance – 2nd, 3rd and maybe even 4th
generation Greek American, who in all probability had never
Page 7
heard any stories about the struggles of their grandparents
and great grandparents immigrating to America. Clearly it
was an evening of remembrance.
We were happy to welcome another large crowd as we did
exactly 25 years ago when we were the first community to
host Nicholas Gage after the publication of his book Eleni,
and we celebrated our 25th anniversary by again being the first
community to present this highly acclaimed documentary and
to have with us the filmmaker, Ms. Maria Iliou, who wrote,
directed and produced it as well as George Tselos, Supervisor
and Archivist of Ellis Island (whom we had hosted in 2003).
Professor Kitroeff of Haverford College was an historical
consultant, as well as other collaborators from both sides of
the Atlantic Ocean. After the screening both Ms. Iliou and
Mr. Tselos spoke and answered questions
This fascinating history of the Greek immigration from
1890 to 1980 came about when Ms. Iliou, came here
from Greece on a Fulbright Grant for another project, but
by chance she came upon this trove of previously unseen
archival photographic and film footage from 50 and public
and private collections which changed her direction. Since
its release the documentary has received numerous awards.
We were in good company since it has been shown at the
Benaki Museum in Athens and the Metropolitan Museum in
New York.
Presently Miss Iliou is involved in several projects, but
we don’t think any will have the impact for us as did THE
JOURNEY. We wish her many successes.
DVD’s are available for sale at the Church Bookstore on
Sundays or by calling the office.
return to give a Vocal Master Class in the morning session
and Marina Alexander will be the clinician in the afternoon
emphasizing conducting in collaboration with Chrissellene.
Flyers will be displayed. This will be open to the public.
The Spirit of Lent Concert
The annual Lenten Concert will be hosted by St. Nicholas,
Wyckoff on Friday, April 10, 2009 at 8:00 Members of our
Angel, Byzan “teen” and Adult choir will join forces with
other church choirs. Save the date for this beautiful concert.
Flyers are available soon.
The Book Store’s April Feature is
by Sandy Mouratoglou Oltmann, Dana Banu, and Andrea Blasi
Never in a million years might one expect a “regular”
cookbook to be so special!
Such is the case for POPULAR GREEK RECIPES by the
Ladies Philoptochos Society of the Greek Orthodox Church
of the Holy Trinity, Charleston, South Carolina. It boasts
of chapters on: various recipes, equivalents and metric
charts, a Greek-English glossary, and an index. Simple yet
magnificent drawings are sprinkled throughout like savory
spices. Occasional blue boxes give hints, such as how to:
make brine for feta (p. 47), pit olives (p. 81), enhance the
flavor of chopped onions (p. 143), bake a quick substitute
for koulourakia (p. 157); as well as an explanation of the
symbolism of the five Artoclasia loaves (p. 223). The
chapter introductions can inspire a cook on the most “hohum” day. Many purchasers of this book have returned to
say how much they like it.
Kathryn Athanasoulas
The Gold Coin
The choir is very grateful that they were blessed to get the
gold coin at the Vasilopita luncheon. It seems that the promise
of good luck has started to take effect. Yes, a little slow but
that is fine. You will see a couple of men singing in the choir
and that is good. We pray for more. In the meantime we
are very grateful for having the Angels and Byzan “teens”
joining us every Sunday. Keep them coming.
The mouth-watering recipes in the chapter entitled “Greek
Lenten Foods” (p. 237), the complete, yet simple, one-page
instructions in the chapter entitled “Fasting in the Greek
Orthodox Church” (p. 262), the thoughtfully prepared
chapter entitled “Menu Suggestions for Lenten Menus” (p.
263), and the sections entitled “Prayers Before Meals, For
Saturday Evening, and For Sunday”.
A Church Music Institute
The love and reverence with which this cookbook has been
prepared is evident in this quotation from the section entitled
“Mealtime Prayers” (p. 271):
On April 25, 2009 Holy Trinity will be hosting a Church
Music Institute from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the Bouras
Center. By popular demand, Chrissellene Petropolous will
“Each meal is an image of the Eucharist, a thanksgiving for
all of God’s blessings. We thank God for our daily bread and
pray for the heavenly bread of His grace.”
Page 8
Twelve year old, Alexandra Papalitskas, spends a great deal
of time sketching and painting. Recently, her talent was
rewarded when her cover design was used by Kids’ Guide,
a booklet that features upcoming social events plus many
services for children including museums, art events, health
services, shopping guide, and more. Alexandra was awarded
a $75.00 savings bond. Congratulations, Alexandra. Along
with the Holy Trinity Family and your parents, Stacey and
Bill and brother, John William, we are all very proud of you
and your accomplishments.
We are happy and pleased to announce that, once again this
year, scholarships will be made available for graduating high
school seniors from Holy Trinity.
The Thomas Jefferson chapter of AHEPA and the AHEPA
District, will grant several scholarships. Applications are
available at church under the Icon Display Cabinet. For more
information, please contact Dean Constantine, 908/518-0870
or Dino Genakos, 908/964-8567.
The Ladies Philoptochos will also grant several scholarships.
Seniors who will be attending college in the fall should pick
up an application from church under the Icon Display Cabinet
or from the 12th grade Religious Education teachers. For
more information, please contact Barbara Manos, 908/2339520.
Seniors are encouraged to participate in this scholarship
program open to GOYA members who will be attending
college in the fall. Please see a Youth Advisor for more
The “Come and See” Scholarship offers 80% tuition for
Hellenic College in Brookline, Massachusetts. To apply,
please see Fr. Peter. Helen College is the only fully accredited
Orthodox Christian, liberal arts, undergraduate institution in
North America. Bachelor degrees are offered in Elementary
Education, Management Leadership, Human Development,
Classics/Greek studies, Religious studies, History and
Literature. For more information, go to
Trinity Orthodox
Toddler Social
“Let the little children come unto me”
Matthew 19:13
In March the T.O.T.S prepared for the Holy season of
Lent. The children made crosses and decorated them with
beautiful colored stones. Later, the children finger-painted
cross shapes. Miss Joanne made play dough for the children
and they all loved rolling it into their own unique creations.
The T.O.T.S. enjoyed hearing Easter stories about Jesus and
said very special prayers in the church for Lent.
Please Join Us:
T.O.T.S. is open to all Holy Trinity families with children 18
months to four years of age with a mom, dad, grandparent
or other caregiver. T.O.T.S meets the second and fourth
Wednesdays of the month in the preschool room at 10AM
–11:30AM. Please dress for play and bring your own drinks.
Snacks will be provided. We always enjoy meeting new
TOTS (and their Moms!).
Upcoming Dates:
March 11, 25
April 22
May 13, 27
June 10
Youth Update
Panos Chantzis
“Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any
man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you,
so also do ye.” Colossians 3:13
As we prepare for the great Resurrection, we are reminded
that our Lord, Jesus Christ showed us the way of forgiveness
through his sacrifice.
At this time as we write this article, it is just a short time until
the day of Sights & Sounds. We hope to have good news to
share with you in the next edition of The Promise.
Outreach by Vasilis Chantzis
On Saturday, March 7, 2009, members of our youth group
participated in a charity volleyball game at Rahway High
School. The money collected went to “Healing the Children”
– an organization which sponsors doctors to perform surgeries
Page 9
on children in countries where they would not normally have
this opportunity. After the game our group enjoyed dinner
and fellowship at the Rustic Mill.
Thanks to our participants (both on and off the court):
David Athenson, Panos Chantzis, Vasilis Chantzis, Stephanie
John, Diana Kallinosis, Alexandra Panagakos, Niko Sakellis,
Katie Sofianopoulos, George Stevens, Vickie Zourzoukis
Registration papers and money due Sunday, March 29th
Sunday, March 15, Aristotelis [Soterios] and Zoe, the twins
of Sara and Spyridon Kremmidas
Saturday, April 4, Theo Augustus, the son of Carol and
Charles Tombros
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
Church New Members
Mr. Charles Tombros
61 Maple Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-1322
Practices for Olympics have begun:
Soccer – coach Stathi Afendoulis
Track & field – coaches Ellen Conti & Van Grafas
Volleyball – coaches Ellen Conti & Aggie Zourzoukis
Saturday, May 2nd – Soccer
Saturday, May 9th – Indoor Olympics: Chess, checkers,
backgammon, table tennis, electronic games
Saturday/Sunday, May 23 & 24 Memorial Day weekend
From the Advisors:
At the state meeting, the issue of sustaining the New Jersey
Northern Youth Commission Scholarship Fund has evolved
to the announcement of a 2009 GOYA yearbook.
The advisors, along with Father Peter, are making the
following request. Please support this cause. All of our
children are candidates for these scholarships as High
School seniors. Even if it seems a long way off, if we do not
participate with contributions, there will be no scholarships in
the future. This is what we are asking from every family:
A minimum $25 donation: in return you will receive a
Yearbook and your family name will be part of our Youth
Journal ad. For those of you who would like to purchase a
separate ad, the fees are as follows:
Full page - $100
Half page - $50
Quarter page - $25
Deadline: Sunday, April 5th
Thank you for supporting the Preview Show… more in
the next edition of The Promise
Thank you for helping with Sights and Sounds…
Mark your calendars:
Saturday, April 25th – Youth/Parent get together at Snuffy’s
Ms. Christen Heiden
4 Running Brook Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807-1412
(917) 414-4692
Mr./Mrs. Charles & Kali Cannizzaro
21 Coolidge Drive
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-2003
(908) 665-0321
Mr./Mrs. George & Christine Lysicatos
427 Denman Road
Cranford, NJ 07016-2743
(908) 272-0581
Holy Trinity would like to thank the following individuals
who have submitted a pledge for the year 2009. With this
commitment of time, talent, and treasure, the vital ministries
which convey the message of Christ into the world continue
with zeal and love. Yours is a Stewardship to God. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Toula Adams
Mr./Mrs. Peter Adams
Mr./Mrs. Stathis Afendoulis
Dr./Dr. Mario Agaliotis
Ms. Angelica Agaliotis
Mr./Mrs. Nikolas Agathis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Agathis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Ahern
Mr./Mrs. Joseph Alamo
Mr./Mrs. Ioannis Alexiou
Mrs. Andoneia Alexis
Mr./Mrs. Vincent Algeri
Mr./Mrs. Steven Aloupis
Page 10
Mr. Anthony Alvanos
Ms. Paula Amore
Mrs. Frieda Anast
Ms. Pennie Anast
Mr./Mrs. Andrew Anastasiou
Mr./Mrs. Charles Anastasiou
Dr./Mrs. Alexander Anastasiou
Mr./Mrs. Louis Anderson
Mr./Mrs. Darrick Anderson
Ms. Theodora Andrews
Mr./Mrs. Jim Andrews
Mr./Mrs. George Andrianos
Mr./Mrs. Panagiotis Andriopoulos
Mr./Mrs. James Angelides
Mr./Mrs. Dimitrios Angelis
Mrs. Lily Angleton
Mr./Mrs. Panagis Antippas
Mr./Mrs. Mark Anton II
Dr./Dr. Alexios Apazidis
Mr./Mrs. John Apostolos
Mr./Mrs. Apostolos Apostolou
Mr./Mrs. John Apruzzese
Mr./Mrs. Peter T. Arbes
Mr./Mrs. Alexander Archimedes
Mr. Robert B. Ardis
Ms. Celia Argiriou
Dr./Mrs. Kenneth Arida
Mr./Mrs. Anastasios H. Aslidis
Mrs. Angela Aspromatis
Ms. Sophia Aspromatis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Assad
Mrs. Kathryn Athanasoulas
Mr./Mrs. Peter Athenson
Mr./Mrs. Gabriel Athenson
Mrs. Constance Baboukis
Mr./Mrs. Richard Bagala
Dr. Nelson Bailey
Mr./Mrs. Suhrid Balakrishnan
Mr./Mrs. Leo Balatsos
Mr./Mrs. Thomas T. Bales
Mr./Mrs. Peter Basis
Mr. Cristopher Basso
Mrs. Frosso Batlas
Mr./Mrs. Daniel J. Baurkot
Mr. George Bavas
Mr./Mrs. Jeffrey Beacham
Mrs. Lisa Bennett
Mr./Mrs. Joseph Berwind
Mr./Mrs. Michael Bielen
Mr./Mrs. Theodore Biniaris
Mrs. Judith Biniaris
Mr. James A. Biniaris
Mrs. Vasileki Birrell
Mr./Mrs. Matthew Bistis
Mr./Mrs. George Bistis
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Blasi
Mr. Andrew Bogeatzes
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Borg
Mr./Mrs. Christopher Boscia
Mr./Mrs. Antony Bosco
Ms. Stephanie Bosco
Ms. Anna Bosco
Mr. Nicholas J. Bouras
Mr./Mrs. Peter Boutsikaris
Mr./Mrs. B.Theodore Bozonelis
Mr./Mrs. Mark Bruno
Mr./Mrs. Derek Burke
Ms. Photiny Caldes
Mr./Mrs. Daymian Campbell
Mr./Mrs. Charles Cannizzaro
Mr./Mrs. Gust Capatides
Mr./Mrs. George Carnevale
Mr./Mrs. Michael Carousis
Mr./Mrs. Fred Carpene
Mr./Mrs. Arthur Carpousis
Ms. Anastasia Carumpalos
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Castorina
Mr./Mrs. Albert Cavallaro
Mr./Mrs. Ronald Cerini
Mr. Chris Chaggaris
Ms. Marigo Chantzis
Mr./Mrs. Daniel Chavanne
Mr./Mrs. Louis Chergotis
Mr./Mrs. Peter Chergotis
Mrs. Jean Chirgotis
Mr./Mrs. George Christou
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Christou
Mr. Stanley Chrysohos
Ms. Marguerite Cicchetti
Mr./Mrs. Craig Cohen
Mr./Mrs. George Colonias
Mr./Mrs. James Colonias
Mr./Mrs. A.J. Combias
Mr./Mrs. John Combias
Mr./Mrs. James Connolly
Mr./Mrs. Richard Connor
Mr./Mrs. Dean Constantine
Mrs. Merope Constantine
Mr./Mrs. Anastasis Constantinou
Mr./Mrs. Charles Constas
Mr./Mrs. Joseph Conti
Mr./Mrs. Emanuele Conti
Mr./Mrs. James Corbett
Ms. Elaine Coukos
Mrs. Hrisa Coukos
Mr./Mrs. Peter Coulis
Mrs. Mary Coutros
Mr./Mrs. Craig Coutros
Mr./Mrs. John Coutros
Mr./Mrs. George Coutros
Mr./Mrs. Dean Criares
Mrs. Theona Culhane (Petkanas)
Mr./Mrs. William C. Dackis
Mr./Dr. Christopher Daifotis
Ms. E. Joy Daniledes
Mr./Mrs. Robert Dannevig
Mrs. Athina Daskalopoulos
Mr./Mrs. Andonis Decavalles
Ms. Panagiota Delfinopoulos
Mr. Stefanos Delfinopoulos
Rev./Presv. Peter Delvizis
Mr./Mrs. Harry J. Demas
Page 11
Mr./Mrs. Nickolas Demas
Mr./Mrs. Leonidas Demas
Mr. Theodore Demetriou
Mr./Mrs. Eleftherios Demiris
Mrs. Kathryn N. Demos
Mr./Mrs. Felix DeVincentis
Mr./Mrs. Stelianos Diamandas
Ms. Victoria DiFrancesco
Mr./Mrs. Emilio DiIorio
Mr./Mrs. Chris Dombalis
Mr./Mrs. Paul Donnelly
Mr./Mrs. Tiberiu Dragoiu-Luca
Mr./Mrs. John Draikiwicz
Mr./Mrs. Chris Economides
Mrs. Alice Economou
Dr./Mrs. Philip Efthimion
Mrs. Olga Emanuel
Mr. Paul Emanuel
Mr./Mrs. Ted Exarhakos
Mr./Mrs. Jack Fairweather
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Fasolas
Mr./Mrs. Jorge Ferreira
Mr./Mrs. Robert Ferrer
Mr./Mrs. Greg Flood
Mr./Mrs. James C. Fountas
Mr./Mrs. Steven Frankos
Ms. Stephanie Frankos
Mr./Mrs. Donald Freier
Mr./Mrs. Richard Frigerio
Mr./Mrs. Jason Frigerio
Mr./Mrs. Frank Galdi
Mr./Mrs. Bill Gale
Mrs. Mary Galinis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Gallagher
Mr./Mrs. Gregory Ganifas
Mr./Mrs. Ernesto Garcia
Mr./Mrs. Anastis Garo
Mr./Mrs. Peter Gavalakis
Mrs. Katherine Gelles
Mr./Mrs. Dino Genakos
Mr./Mrs. Antonius Genakos
Mr./Mrs. Peter Genakos
Mr. Joseph C. Generalis
Mr./Mrs. Eugene Gentile
Mr./Mrs. George Georgiou
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Geotakes
Mrs. Mimi Gianacakes
Mrs. Eupraxia Gianakis
Mrs. Agnes Gianakis
Mr. James P. Gianakis
Mr./Mrs. Gary Gianakis
Mrs. Loula Gianas
Dr./Mrs. John T. Gianis
Mr. William Gitoneas
Mr. John T. Glynos
Mr./Mrs. Stavros T. Glynos
Mr./Mrs. Triston Glynos
Mr./Mrs. Matthew Gominiak
Mr./Mrs. George Grafanakis
Mrs. Maria Grafas
Mrs. Stella Grafas
Mr./Mrs. Van Grafas
Mrs. Dorothy Greberis
Mrs. Fotini Greberis
Mrs. Sophia Gregory
Mrs. Chrysanthy Grieco
Mr./Mrs. Vincent R. Guarino
Mr. Stephen Gussis
Mr./Mrs. John Hadzitheodorou
Mr./Mrs. Frederic Haeussler
Dr./Mrs. William Halkias
Mr./Mrs. Elias Halkias
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas A. Halvas
Mr./Mrs. James Hamilton
Mr./Mrs. George Hantzios
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Haralampoudis
Mr./Mrs. Greg Haralampoudis
Mr./Mrs. Brent Hatzis-Schoch
Mrs. Frances Hayes
Mr./Mrs. Michael Hecht
Mr./Mrs. Robert Hedinger
Ms. Christen Heiden
Mr./Mrs. James Hickman
Ms. Christina Hidalgo
Mrs. Mary Hiotakis
Mrs. Helen Hiotis
Mr./Mrs. Mark Hoehn
Mr./Mrs. Charles A. Honecker
Ms. Diane Honecker
Mr./Mrs. William Hooper
Mr./Mrs. Robert W. Hyde Jr.
Mr./Mrs. Daniel R. Jayson
Mr./Mrs. Jerry Jennings
Mr./Mrs. John Johnnidis
Mr./Mrs. Scott Johnson
Mr./Mrs. Gordon Jolly
Mr./Mrs. Dimitrios Kakaletris
Mr./Mrs. Sava J. Kalafatides
Dr./Mrs. Peter Kalellis
Mr./Mrs. Leonidas Kallerges
Mr./Mrs. Dimitrios Kallinosis
Mr./Mrs. George Kalousis
Mr./Mrs. Stergios Kamberogiannis
Mr./Mrs. John Kanaras
Dr./Mrs. Peter Kapsimalis
Mr./Mrs. Peter Kapsimalis Jr.
Ms. Celia Kapsomera
Mrs. Mary Karagannis
Mr./Mrs. Anthony J. Karanikolas
Mr./Mrs. James Karas
Ms. Susan Karcanes
Dr./Mrs. Alexander Karfopoulos
Mr./Mrs. John Karis
Mrs. Vicki Karolis
Dr./Mrs. Stamatis Kartalopoulos
Mr./Mrs. Edward Kassel
Mr./Mrs. Ioannis Kastanos
Mrs. Artemis Katsenos
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Katsingris
Mrs. Mary Kavalieros
Mrs. Stacy Kefalas
Mr./Mrs. Dennis Kernoski
Mr./Mrs. William Kiamie
Mr./Mrs. Henry Kiel
Mr./Mrs. Dimitrios P. Kikidakis
Mr./Mrs. Christos Kiriakatis
Mr./Mrs. Constantine Kiriakatis
Mr. John C. Kiriakatis
Dr. John Kiriakatis
Mr./Mrs. Chris Kiriakatis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Kitsopoulos
Mr./Mrs. Peter Koniaris
Mr./Mrs. John Konstantinides
Mrs. Kathy Kosar
Mr. Louis C. Kotsinis
Mr./Mrs. Notis Kotsolios
Dr./Dr. John Kotsonis
Mr./Mrs. Sotirios Koultukis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Kounalakis
Mr. George Kounis
Mr./Mrs. Leon Koutroumbis
Mr./Mrs. George Koutsaftes
Mr./Mrs. Charles Krebner
Mr./Mrs. Spiro Kremmidas
Mr./Mrs. Pascal Kuvalakis
Mr./Mrs. George Kyreakakis
Mr./Mrs. Agapios Kyritsis
Mr./Mrs. Socrates Kyritsis
Mr./Mrs. Andreas Lachanaris
Mr./Mrs. Rob Lachenauer
Mr./Mrs. Ernest P. Ladas
Mr./Mrs. Peter Ladas
Mr./Mrs. Stephen A. Ladas
Ms. Mary Lafakis
Mr./Mrs. Constantine C. Laganas
Mr./Mrs. Louis Lagios
Mr. Harry and Dr. Denise Lagos
Mrs. Mary Lake
Mr./Mrs. Peter Lambrianakos
Mrs. Sapho Lambrinides
Mr./Mrs. Louis Langas
Ms. Athena Lazos
Mr. James Lazos
Mr./Mrs. Gary Leichtling
Rev./Presv. Alexander G. Leondis
Ms. Lia Lewis
Dr./Mrs. Nicholas Liakas
Mr./Mrs. Michael Lialios
Mr./Mrs. Angelo Limberatos
Mr./Mrs. Harry Linardakis
Mrs. Linda Livolsi
Mr./Mrs. Robert V. LoAlbo
Mr./Mrs. Emanuel Logothetis
Mr. Nick M. Logothetis
Ms. Julie Logothetis
Mr./Mrs. John Logus
Mr./Mrs. Gregory Lordi
Mr. George Lymperopoulos
Mr. Konstantine Lymperopoulos
Mr./Mrs. George Lysicatos
Dr./Mrs. Nicholas C. Maglaras
Mrs. Irene Malamis
Mr./Mrs. Paul Malandrakis
Page 12
Mr./Mrs. Alex Manolakis
Mr./Mrs. George J. Manos
Mr./Mrs. Steven Manos
Mrs. Athena Manos
Mr./Mrs. Michael Manousos
Mr./Mrs. Steven Marcotrigiano
Mr./Mrs. Nikolaos Maris
Mr./Mrs. Anastasios Markos
Mr./Mrs. George Markos
Mr./Mrs. Peter S. Markos
Mr. Brian Maroldi
Mr./Mrs. Ross Marshall
Mr./Mrs. Stephen Martin
Dr./Mrs. Louis Martin
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Mastakas
Ms. Marie Mastorakis
Mr. Gary P. Matson
Mrs. Adeline Matson
Mr./Mrs. James Matthews
Mr./Mrs. James McAvoy
Mr./Mrs. Daniel McCaffery
Mr./Mrs. Steven McFarland
Mr./Mrs. Thomas McKinlay
Mr./Mrs. George Mechalakos
Mr./Mrs. Spiro Megaloudis
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Mellitas
Mr./Mrs. George Menakis
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Mestanas
Mr./Mrs. Daniel N. Metropoulas
Mr./Mrs. Neil J. Micchelli
Mr./Mrs. Michael Micek
Dr./Mrs. Edward Michaelson
Mr./Mrs. Matthew Michalopoulos
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Miehe
Mr./Mrs. James Miller
Mr./Mrs. Gus Minaides
Mrs. Anna Minas
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas J. Minas
Mrs. Carolyn Mitilenes
Mr. Ioan Moldavan
Mr./Mrs. Sean Moloney
Mr./Mrs. Frank Monfalcone
Mr./Mrs Nikolaos D. Monoyios
Mr./Mrs. William Moretti
Mr./Mrs. Socrates Mose
Mr./Mrs. Petros Mouchtaris
Mrs. Angelica Mouras
Mr. George Moutis
Ms. Tessie Mouyios
Mr./Mrs. Ramzi Musallam
Mr./Mrs. Nick Nadgauda
Mrs. Diane Narvaez
Mrs. Fotini Nicholas
Mr./Mrs George Nicholas
Mr./Mrs. Vincent J. Nicolaro,III
Mrs. Lillian Nikas
Mr./Mrs. Peter Nyktas
Mr./Mrs. Joseph O’Sullivan
Ms. Tina Orellana
Mrs. Mary Osterman
Mr/Mrs. James R. Ottobre
Mr./Mrs. Steve Pafiakis
Mr./Mrs. James Pagos
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Pagoulatos
Mr./Mrs. Peter Pagoulatos
Ms. Christina Pagoulatos
Ms. Elaine Palmisano
Dr./Mrs. Fotinos Panagakos
Mr./Mrs. Sarantos Panagakos
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Panagakos
Mr./Mrs. Harry A. Panagos
Mr./Mrs. Michael Panayi
Mr./Mrs. Rommel Pangan
Mr./Mrs. Louis Panos
Ms. Katherine Pantages
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas Papadeas
Mr./Mrs. William Papalitskas
Mr./Mrs Stefan Papoutsoglou
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas J. Pappas
Mr./Mrs. Gus Pappas
Mr./Mrs. Nicholas S. Pappas
Mr./Mrs. Chris Pappas
Mr./Mrs Scott Pappas
Mr./Mrs. Peter Pappas
Mr./Mrs. Christopher Pappas
Mr./Mrs. Dean Paranicas
Ms. Anastasia Paranicas
Mr./Mrs. George Paras
Mr./Mrs. George Parsells
Mr./Mrs. Charles Pavlounis
Mr./Mrs. Peter J. Pefanis
Mr. James Pefanis
Mr./Mrs. Tsambikos Pelardis
Mr. James A. Petine
Mr./Mrs. Arthur G. Petridis
Mr./Mrs. Dimitri Petridis
Mr./Mrs. John Petris
Mr./Mrs. Harris Philippou
Mr./Mrs. Anthony J. Piniat
Mr./Mrs. Michael Pisack
Mr./Mrs. William Polihrom
Mr. Aristedes Polychronopoulos
Mr./Mrs. Gregory Polyviou
Mr./Mrs. Gabriel Popa
Ms. Marguerite Porfiris
Mr./Mrs. John Poznanski
Mrs. Julia N. Poznanski
Mr./Mrs. John Priovolos
Mr./Mrs. Christopher Provel
Mr./Mrs. Milton Provel
Mr./Mrs. Garfield Provel
Ms. Elizabeth Psichos
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Psomas
Mr./Mrs. Gregory Psomas
Mr./Mrs. Michael Pyrros
Mr./Mrs. Richard Reffler
Mr./Mrs. Matt Reigle
Mrs. Anna Renga
Mrs. Sandy Rentas
Ms. Cari Rentas
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Renzo
Mr./Mrs. Dimitrios Repousis
Mr./Mrs. Kimon Repousis
Ms./Ms. Patricia Retsinas
Mr./Mrs. Louis Riginos
Mr./Mrs. Augustine Riginos
Ms. Cassandra Ritucci
Mr./Mrs. Elias Rogakos
Mrs. Kassandra Romas
Mr./Mrs. John Roros
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Rosahl
Mr./Mrs. Louis Rossi
Dr./Mrs. John Sacalis
Mr./Mrs. George Sakellis
Mrs. Panayiota Sales
Mr./Mrs. William Sallas
Mr./Mrs. James Sallas
Dr./Mrs. Louis Sanfilippo
Dr. S. Randy Sarantos
Mr./Mrs. Joe Sauma
Mr./Mrs. Jerry Savnik
Mr./Mrs. Michael Savorgiannakis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Savva
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Sbaratta
Mr./Mrs. Basil Scaperdas
Mr. Marcus E. Scarkos
Mrs. Susan Scheppe
Mrs. Lubove Schnable
Mrs. Mary Scordo
Mrs. Doris Seikaly
Mr./Mrs. Dennis Shikar
Mrs. Helen Silverman
Mrs. Hope Skaperdas
Mrs. Nora Skeados
Mrs. Mary Skiadas
Mr./Mrs. Anthony Skiadas
Mr./Mrs. Arthur Skopinsky
Mr./Mrs. George Skorinko
Mr. Ivan Skorinko
Mr./Mrs. Nick Sofianopoulos
Mrs. Evelyn Somkopoulos
Mr./Mrs. Christopher Southworth
Mr./Mrs. D. Andrew Spathakis
Mrs. Basilia Spiridon
Ms. Irene Stampoulos
Mr./Mrs. Theodore Stampoulos
Mr. Paul Stappas
Mr. Thomas Stappas
Mrs. Alice Stefanou
Mr./Mrs. Victor Stellakis
Mr./Mrs. Michael Steloos
Mr./Mrs. Tom Stergiopoulos
Mrs. Maria Stevens
Mr./Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mrs. Julia Stoumbos
Mr./Mrs. Brian Stratton
Mr. G. John Svolos
Mr./Mrs. Peter Tarhanidis
Mr./Mrs. George Tauber
Mr./Mrs. Walter Tencza Jr.
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Terpos
Mr. William Theofanous
Mr./Mrs Paul Theofanous
Page 13
Ms. Helene Theofanous
Mr./Mrs. George Thomas
Mr./Mrs. Clement Thomas
Mr./Mrs. Cesar Ticas
Mr. Stavros Tingirides
Ms. Adina Toescu-Enculescu
Mr. Charles Tombros
Mrs. Penny Trezoglou
Mr./Mrs. John Tsaptsinos
Mr./Mrs. Gregory Tsarsi
Mr./Mrs. Demetri Tsavekou
Mr./Mrs. Charles Tsetsekas
Mr./Mrs. Peter Tsirigotis
Ms. Maria Tsitsiragos
Mr./Mrs. Neocle Tsouhnikas
Mr./Mrs. Nick J. Tzanetos
Ms. Irene Vagelos
Dr./Mrs. P. Roy Vagelos
Mr./Mrs. Ted Vagelos
Mr. Andrew Vagelos
Ms. Demi Vanechanos
Mr./Mrs. Alexander Vasiliadis
Ms. Christine Vasilow
Mrs. Mary Vasilow
Mr./Mrs. Dean Vassil
Dr./Mrs. John Verdaris
Mr./Mrs. Peter Verenes
Mrs. Katherine Verenes
Mr./Mrs. Herbert Vinnicombe
Mr./Mrs. Peter Vlahakes
Mr./Mrs. Thomas Vlahakis
Dr./Mrs. Isidoros Vlattas
Mr./Mrs. Emil Wacker
Mr./Mrs. Robert Weiss
Mr./Mrs. Leo White
Mr./Mrs. Ryan Woodring
Mr./Mrs. Walter Wygera
Mr./Mrs. Gus Xarhoulakos
Mr./Mrs. Steven Xenakis
Dr./Mrs. Nicholas Yatrakis
Ms. Catherine Yatrakis
Mr./Mrs. Stephen Youlios
Mr./Mrs. George Youlios
Mr./Mrs. James Youlios
Ms. Cathy Youlios
Mr. Constantine Zades
Mr./Mrs. Dimitrios Zafiriou
Ms. Eleni Zafiriou
Mr./Mrs. Haris Zavolas
Ms. Evy Zavolas
Mr. William Zervakos
Mr./Mrs. Mark Ziegler
Mr./Mrs. Andrew Zotos
Mr./Mrs. George Zourzoukis
Mr./Mrs. Peter Zourzoukis
April 2009
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
10:00 AM TOTS