KAPADOCJA - "kraina pięknych koni" Kapadocja do średniowiecza


KAPADOCJA - "kraina pięknych koni" Kapadocja do średniowiecza
KAPADOCJA - "kraina pięknych koni"
Kapadocja do średniowiecza była silnym ośrodkiem chrześcijaństwa oraz miejscem narodzin idei życia klasztornego. W baśniowym skalnym krajobrazie cud natury łączy się z dziełem
człowieka - w miękkich skałach od wieków drążono klasztory, kościoły, domostwa, a nawet
podziemne miasta. Nie ma na świecie drugiego takiego miejsca.
Kapadocja leży we wschodniej części Azji Mniejszej, na Wyżynie Anatolijskiej, między miastami: Kayseri, Nevşehir i Nigde na terenie Parku Narodowego Göreme. Miliony lat temu gwałtowna erupcja wulkanów Mt.Erciyes (starożytny Argeus, 3917 m n.p.m.), Mt.Hasan (3263 m
n.p.m.) i Mt. Gölü pokryła obszar płaskowyżu w okolicy Nevşehir tufem, lawą i popiołem. Wiatr
i deszcz spowodowały erupcję kruchych skał tworząc spektakularne, surrealistyczne krajobrazy
skalnych stożków, pinakli, "grzybów", wąwozów, grot i kanionów. Miejscowi nazywają te fascynujące formy czarodziejskimi kominami.
Początkowo tereny Kapadocji zamieszkiwali azjaci. Potem (od ok. 1800 p.n.e.) zaczęły przenikać ludy tworzące państwo Hetytów. W połowie VI w. p.n.e. Kapadocję opanował Krezus. W
546 r. p.n.e. dołączyła do monarchii perskiej a w 333 p.n.e. została zajęta przez wojska Aleksandra Wielkiego. Kolejnymi władcami byli Seleucydzi. Następnie usamodzielniony w wyniku
walk wewnętrznych region, ulegał wpływom greckim. W 17 r. n.e. Tyberiusz przekształcił Kapadocję w prowincję rzymską. Były to lata burzliwego rozwoju. Już w I w. na jej terenie powstawały pierwsze gminy chrześcijańskie (IV w. św. Bazyli Wielki - eremy pustelnicze). Liczne
wspólnoty zakonne wykuwały w skałach kościoły i klasztory. VI w.to najazdy Arabów. W XII
w. Kapadocję opanowali Turcy seldżuccy, a później Turcy otomańscy.
Najważniejsze atrakcje, które warto zobaczyć będąc w Kapadocji to: skalne kościoły w Goreme, skalne miasto Uchisar, podziemne miasta, liczne doliny a w nich smukłe, tufowe grzyby,
kolumny czy kominy.Kapadocja to także kraina balonów. Na niebie ich pełno, szczególnie o
wschodzie słońca. W porannym blasku światła można się unieść nad ziemią i zobaczyć z góry
niezwykłą księżycową panoramę.
Cappadocia which is unique in the world and is a miraculous nature wonder is the common name of the field covered by the provinces of Aksaray, Nevsehir, Nigde, Kayseri and Kirsehir in the Central Anatolian region.
In the upper Myosen period in the Cappadocia region as a result of the vulcanic eruptions
occurred in Erciyes, Hasandag and Gulludag, in the region was formed a large tableland from
the vulcanic tufas and together with the erosion of the Kizilirmak river and wind over ten
thausands of years there appeared the chimney rocks which are a wonder of the nature. In the
old Bronze Age the Cappadocia which was the population zone of the Assyrian civilization later
has hosted the Hittite, Frig, Pers, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations. The first Christians escaped from the persecution of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century B.C. came to the Cappadocia over the Antakya and Kayseri and they have settled here. The first Christians finding
the underground cities from Cappadocia have been hidden in these underground cities which
gates were made in such way in which they couldn't be easily observed and they have escaped
from the persecution of the Roman soldiers. Due that they had live in the underground cities for
long duration without being able to go out they have developed these underground cities by
making provisions rooms, ventilation chimneys, wine production places, churches, abbeys,
water wells, toilets and meeting rooms.
In the prehistoric periods the first human settlements have begun and the humans have
constructed the underground cities in the volcanic rocks in form of tufa due to protect themselves from the wild animals and they lived for long times in these underground cities. There are
so many underground cities on the Cappadocia area of Turkey but the biggest is Derinkuyu Underground City.
In these cities made in form of rooms connected to each others some of the rooms were connected to each other only with the tunnels tight and permitting passing of just a person. At the
access gates of these tunnels there were huge stone rollers used for closing the tunnels for security reasons.
The first populations of the region of Cappadocia were Hatties, Luvies and Hittites. In the
3000-2000 years B.C. the Assyrians have established trade colonies in this region. The Cappaddocian tables with cuneiform in Assyrian language founded at Kanes which are lighting the social
and politic life of the period and were in the same time the trade and economical agreements are
the firs written tablets of Anatolia. According to these documents in that period in Anatolia were
founded small local kingdoms non-depending from a central authority. These had in generally
in their hands a little area and were living in peace. The region creating the core of the Hittite
Empire later has go under the domination of Phrigia and Pers. The Pers civilization has called
this region Katpatuka and its center was Mazaka. When Datames the Satrab (Starab: little district
administrator at Pers) of Cappadocia has bear arms against the biggest king of Pers, the other
Anatolian Satrabs have been supported him but the revolt has been raided. In 33 b.c. the Big Alexander has captured a big part of Cappadocia. In 188 B.C. The Cappadocia which entered under the Roman domination has been captured in 100 B.C. by the Mithridatesd the king of Pontus
but in 63 B.C. Pompeius has defeated Mithridates and took again the Cappadocia under the
domination of Rome. In the period of Tiberius the Cappadocia gainded the status of Roman district.
Cappadocia was one of the most important places in the spreading periods of the Christian
religion. The first christians trying to escape from the Roman soldiers who wanted to avoid the
spreading of the Christian religion have settled in the region of Cappadocia which was so suitable for hiding and so they were able to continue their natures and to spread their religions.
Saint Basileious from Kaisera and Saint Gregorios from Nyssa had settled in Cappadocia. In 647
A.C. together with occupation of Kayseri by Muaviye Cappadocia has met with the Arabian invasions. Cappadocia which went under the domination of the Seljuks in 1072 has been added to
the lands of Ottoman Empire in 1399 by the Ottoman Sultan Yildirim Beyazit.
Cappadocia which is in our days one of the most important tourism centers of Turkey is
visited every year by hundred thousands of tourists coming from every part of the world.
The main attractions are: Goreme Open Air Museums,Ihlara valley,castle of Uchisar,underground cities and extraordinary cappadocia balloon tour which begins every day at sunrise.